Hello June! - Saskatoon Public Schools
Hello June! - Saskatoon Public Schools
Aden Bowman Newsletter-June 2016 ADEN BOWMAN COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE 1904 CLARENCE AVENUE SOUTH SASKATOON, SASKATCHEWAN S7J 1L3 T: 306-683-7600 F: 306-657-3944 E: [email protected] With the end of the school year just around the corner things are happening with a flourish here at Bowman!!! There are the many year-end functions that always conclude a school year like: Color Day, the Outdoor Ed. trip and Bowmanpalooza but learning continues to be the focus as we prepare our students for their final assessments at month end. Please see the attached calendar for all of the important dates connected to our end of year activities. PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE The month of June is also the time when we say goodbye to departing staff members. I am pleased to say that all of our current staff are returning for next year but I do share, with regret, that both Mr. Fisher (vice-principal) and myself were given news recently that we are moving on to new schools next school year. Mr. Fisher will be the vice-principal at Nutana Collegiate and I will become the principal at Centennial Collegiate. Mr. Paul Humbert, currently the principal of Evan Hardy, has been announced as the new principal and Mrs. Lisa Gurski-Risling, currently our counsellor, has been named as the acting vice-principal. I have made What's in this Issue: mention in previous newsletters about the continued Page 1-2 Principal’s Message growth in our school population and because of this growth I am happy to introduce six new staff memPage 3 Study Hall, Text Book Return bers to Aden Bowman next fall; Barclay Patterson & New Student Registration (Social Sciences), Sharon Harvey (Math), Kerry Alcorn Page 4 Finals Schedule Continued on Page 2. Page 5 Visual Arts Page 6 Japan Exchange, Grade 9 Orientation Page 7 Music Program, SYMT Summer Camp Page 8 Athletic Banquet, SRC Page 9 Graduation Notices, CHEM-FREE Grad Page 10 Robotics Club, Postsecondary Transcripts Page 11 Schulich Leadership Scholarship Page 12 Highlights from the Board Meeting Pate 13 2016-2017 School Calendar Page 14 June 2016 Calendar Hello June! Aden Bowman Newsletter-June 2016 2 PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE Continued... Mr. C. Hanke PRINCIPAL Mr. D. Fisher VICE PRINCIPAL Ms. C. Scrimshaw SUPERINTENDENT [email protected] Mr. Darrell Utley TRUSTEE [email protected] Main Office 306-683-7600 Attendance Office 306-683-7605 Student Services 306-683-7606 (Social Sciences), Shauna Pierce (Phys-ed/Science), Stacey Harvey (Science/Math) and Mike Cawood (English). I know all of these staff are welcomed additions to Aden Bowman. Just a brief update about the push for a crosswalk across Clarence Ave to the mall that was mentioned in a previous newsletter. The City of Saskatoon Transportation Dept. has provided a detailed review of the issue (feel free to contact me should you wish a copy of the review) and has denied our request for a crosswalk and suggested instead that a concrete/wire fence be installed down the middle of Clarence Ave to prevent jaywalking to the mall. Your School Community Council has been informed of these conversations and have requested a meeting with City Councillor Loewen to explore alternatives to keep our students safe. Feel free to join us at this meeting on Monday, June 12th at 7 p.m. in the library. In closing, I would like to let you know how much I have enjoyed my time at Aden Bowman. Though my stint here was short, I will fondly remember the unmitigated support for the school that exists in this community. Wishing you all the best. WEBSITE: HTTPS://WWW.SPSD.SK.CA/SCHOOLS/ ABC PORTAL: HTTPS://PORTAL.SPSD.SK.CA/SCHOOL/ABC Cody Hanke Principal … Home of the Bears This year report cards will be mailed out on June 30th. Aden Bowman Newsletter-June 2016 3 UPCOMING EVENTS Fine Arts Night THURSDAY, JUNE 2—6:30-8:30 PM Canoe Trip JUNE 5-7 Dance Showcase THURSDAY, JUNE 9—7:00 PM Colour Day—Bowmapalooza FRIDAY, JUNE 10 Athletic Banquet WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15 YEAR-END Study Hall Thursday, June 16TH 2:30 - 4:00 PM This will be a supervised study session where students can prepare for final exams. Teachers will be on hand in the library to support students in their efforts, and to provide clarification and assistance. This is intended to be a serious and productive study opportunity. Anyone who is disruptive will be asked to leave. Study Hall THURSDAY, JUNE 16—2:30-4:00 PM Art 10—Comic Book Launch THURSDAY, JUNE 16—5:00-7:00 PM Final Exam Week JUNE 20 - 27 Turnaround Day—No School TUESDAY, JUNE 28 Grad Ceremony & Banquet WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29 Grade 9 Orientation THURSDAY, JUNE 30 Textbook & Book Return Textbook returns will take place from Tuesday, June 21st to Monday, June 27th , between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM in the library. Library books should be returned to the library by Friday, June 10th. Students with textbooks or library books that have not been returned (or paid for, if the book is lost) will not be able to receive books in the fall. New Student Registration The Alternate day will be switched to Friday, June 10th and Thursday, June 9th will be a regular day. This is to accommodate our Color Day Activities as well as Bowmapalooza. Any students new to Saskatoon or the area are invited to contact the school at any time during the summer months to receive information, ask questions and make arrangements to pre-register for the fall. Counselors will begin seeing new students on Wednesday, August 24th. For an appointment please phone 306-683-7606. Early preregistration results in a better likelihood of getting desired classes and saves time and inconvenience later. Aden Bowman Newsletter-June 2016 4 SEMESTER TWO Final Assessment Week June 20 Monday June 21 Tuesday June 22 Wednesday June 23 Thursday June 24 Friday June 27 Monday Period 5 Final Assessment - Grade 12’s ONLY Monday, June 20 9 AM—12 PM Last Day of Classes for Grade 9-11. Period 1 Final Assessment Tuesday, June 21 9 AM—12 PM Period 2 Final Assessment Wednesday, June 22 9 AM—12 PM Period 3 Final Assessment Thursday, June 23 9 AM—12 PM Period 4 Final Assessment Friday, June 24 9 AM—12 PM Period 5 Final Assessment - Grade 9-11 ONLY Monday, June 27 9 AM—12 PM Please note that any absences during Final Assessment week must be supported by a medical note. Please call the attendance line at 306-683-7605. Have a great summer Bears! Classes resume Thursday, September 1st at 8:45 a.m. Aden Bowman Newsletter-June 2016 5 ART 10 - COMIC BOOK LAUNCH JUNE 16th, 5:00 - 7:00 PM UNREAL CITY Come see the finished product of our semester-long Comics Project led by Professional Comic Artist, Nathen Wahl. On June 16th, Art 10 students will be holding an opening event at Unreal City, a downtown comic book store, to celebrate the launch of the graphic novel that they have been creating this semester. This comic will be professionally printed and will be sold in local comic shops! If you want your own copy you can contact Ms. Rusnak at [email protected]. This project has been possible thanks to generous funding from the Saskatchewan Arts Board though their Arts Smarts Grant. Find us on Instagram @abciart Keep up to date with this project (and others in the ABCI Art Room) you can follow us on Instagram. Here is Dakota L showing off the Moose Mural the IB Art Students made. It is somewhere in an alley near the Farmer’s Market. Earlier this year the IB Visual Arts Students had the opportunity to collaborate with the artist Jeff Nachtigall to create a mural that would become part of Riversdale’s “Museum of Temporary Art” (aka MOTA). You can find more information about MOTA and a map of all temporary artworks at this website: https://motaart.wordpress.com/ Fine Arts Night is Coming up Soon! Fine Arts Night will take place Thursday June 2nd. Come and see art work, woodwork, applied arts projects, listen to musical and spoken word performances and more! Celebrate the achievements of the Fine Arts award winners for this school year. THURSDAY, JUNE 2nd Art Viewing and Performances 6:30 to 7:30 PM Awards and Performances 7:30 to 8:30 PM Aden Bowman Newsletter-June 2016 6 This Easter, the Japan Exchange Program 2016 successfully completed their visit to Kitahiroshima and Takaoka in Japan. The 20 students selected from the city and supervising teachers were required to take a short Japanese language and culture course on the weekends. On the trip, they had a chance to practice their skills and expand their knowledge through this unforgettable experience. The group will visit Takaoka and Hitachi, Japan around Easter 2017 for two weeks. The students will also have a cultural tour around the Tokyo and Kyoto area. The estimated cost for the exchange is approximately $3,800 if there are 20 students. This includes transportation, cancellation, and out-of-country medical and accident insurance, chaperone share, and teacher substitute cost. Not included in this fee are personal expenses such as spending money, passports, etc. The application form and information package will be ready to pick up from the contact teacher in each collegiate starting the second week of September. Application forms are being accepted for the Japan Exchange 2017 Deadline is Friday, October 14. Welcome to All Incoming Grade 9 Students Thursday, June 30th, incoming Grade 9 Aden Bowman students are invited to an orientation in preparation for the fall school year. Students will arrive before 9:30 AM and meet in Castle Theatre. After some brief instructions and welcome, students will have an opportunity to follow their semester one timetable to meet their teachers and classmates. Following the minitimetable, the SRC will provide refreshments 11:00 AM. and activities in order for new grade nine stuWe look forward to meeting you! dents to get a taste of what they will experience in the fall. Students will complete this activity by Aden Bowman Newsletter-June 2016 7 Aden Bowman Music Program It has been a busy second semester for the Aden Bowman music program. The grade 9 band travelled to Edmonton for the Alberta International Band Festival in March, the senior band and choir travelled to Winnipeg for a concert and workshop tour in April and the grade 10 band travelled to Calgary for a concert tour in May. We were fortunate to have Ms. Watt from the University of Saskatchewan working with our choir and bands for three weeks during her student practicum. In May, Aden Bowman hosted the National Youth Band concert. This group was made up of auditioned musicians from the ages of 16 to 23 from across Canada and we were very proud to have one of our own, Sam B., performing on percussion. In attendance were just over 500 elementary and high school students, parents and friends. It was a truly outstanding concert enjoyed by all. All of our groups performed at the Saskatoon Music Festival in April. Congratulations to the junior jazz band, grade 9 concert band, grade 10 concert band, and the senior concert band for receiving second place in their respective classes. Congratulations to the choir, and senior jazz band for receiving first place in their classes, and overall first place for senior jazz in the Stage Band Grade B category. The final performance of the year was held on Tuesday, May 31. Congratulations to all of our graduating music students! Fine arts night is on Thursday, June 2. several band camps throughout Saskatchewan. Please find all of the required information at http://saskband.org/2016saskatchewan-summer-bandcamp-program/ Thank you all for an excellent year! For our grade 9 to 11 students, we will see you in the fall and to our grade 12's we wish you all the best in the future. Sincerely, Lindsay Sandbeck & Brent Pittman SYMT Summer Camp Saskatoon Youth Music Theatre Summer Camp is currently accepting registrations for ages 13 - 18 into the Entracte level. The camp will be held July 2 – 13th, 2016 with sessions for all participants from 9 AM to 4 PM each day at La Danse School of Dance Arts. 14-318, 105th Street, in Sutherland. SYMT is a two week day camp that involves students in singing, drama, and dancing. This year’s feature production is the musical revue History in Harmony – celebrating 20 years! All students will participate in the production, which will be presented on stage on the final evening of the camp. An exciting opportunity for students of all levels of experience! For registration information call Diane at 931-3493, email [email protected], visit our website www.symt.ca or visit us Saskatchewan Band association offers on Facebook! Aden Bowman Newsletter-June 2016 8 ABCI ATHLETIC BANQUET 2015-2016 SRC Wednesday, June 15th, 5:30 PM Castle Theatre Please join us to celebrate the achievements of our fine student athletes! Pizza, chocolate milk and ice cream treats to follow in the social centre. Athletes purchased their tickets from their first season coach. If parents would like to dine, they can purchase tickets at the door. Please direct all questions to Mr. Pearson. Please Return your ABCI Uniforms! Aden Bowman Athletes—Please check your gym bags, bedrooms, laundry rooms and vehicles for school sports uniforms and return them to the school before June 30th. This year 52 students and 5 adults will be heading to Meadow Lake Provincial Park to paddle the Waterhen River. The water levels are low but we will try to avoid the rocks. Our group has been meeting once a week to prepare for the trip as well as canoe practice sessions on Stonebridge pond and a mini trip from Beaver creek to Saskatoon. As always, sun and good weather will help make this a memorable trip for all involved. Congratulations goes out to the 2016/2017 members of your SRC! Treyton Z. and Alyssa C., your new senior ring and pin, are looking forward to working with their new team next year. The new and old SRC will be meeting on June 1 for their annual year end retreat to finalize plans for the rest of the school year and come up with new ideas for next year. Over the past few months, the SRC has held the following spirit days: Formal Friday and Twin Day. They have also been holding random acts of kindness every month in which the SRC chooses random classes that will receive treats and each student receives a note to lift students’ spirits. Recent events included: Denim on Denim Spirit Day on Thursday, May 26th, Multicultural day on May 30th at lunch in the gym and the Fort Mac Fundraiser. Our final event of the year is Bomapalooza which is happening on Friday, June 10th. There are student fees outstanding for the 2015-16 school year. If your son/ daughter’s fees are unpaid, we would welcome payment at your earliest convenience. Post-dated cheques are also welcome. Grade twelve students must have all fees paid in full before graduating. Please contact the school at 306-683-7606 to confirm that all contact information is correct. It is very important for us to be able to contact parents and guardians, so please ensure we have the correct home phone numbers, work numbers, cell numbers and email addresses. Aden Bowman Newsletter-June 2016 9 Graduation Notices GRADUATION REHEARSAL Thursday June 16th, 10:30 AM Castle Theatre All grade 12 students are expected to attend. Grad Banquet and Dance tickets can be purchased through the main office until Friday, June 10 from 8:00 AM—12 Noon, 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM. ABCI Award Winners will be listed on our website JUNE 30th. GRADUATION CEREMONY Wednesday, June 29, 3:00 PM Prairieland Park - 503 Ruth Street No Tickets Required, Rush Seating All Graduates should be at Prairieland Park at 2:00 PM GRADUATION BANQUET AND DANCE Wednesday, June 29 4:30 PM Doors Open 5:00 PM Banquet Begins 7:00 PM Dance begins AFTER GRAD After Grad takes place at Prairieland and begins at 10:00 PM (right after the dance). Please make sure to bring a change of clothes. Parents will sign in the students and a parent MUST COME IN and sign the students out when they leave. They can leave at any time, but the end of the party will be 3:15 AM. Parents must come to pick up the student and sign them out. A big thank you to all the parents who have helped with all the planning and organizing of this night and to all that will be there chaperoning the night of grad! If you would still like to purchase tickets for after grad, please contact: Joanna Baker [email protected] Sarah Woo [email protected] The After Grad Committee wants each grade 12 student to come to the After Grad Celebration. If you need financial assistance for the ticket just let the front office know and we will be happy to help! AFTER GRAD Wednesday, June 29 10:00 PM - 3:15 AM Prairieland Park Aden Bowman Newsletter-June 2016 10 Robotics Club Transcripts This year was the first year for Robot Club at Aden Bowman, and an energetic group of students took to learning the basics of electronic circuits, servos, and programming to build some mini-sumo robots to enter in the annual Robot Rumble at Sask Polytechnic. Despite only having a little over a month to prepare for the competition, our three robots did surprisingly well, with two placing in the top 35 of 120 robots. We left the competition with several ideas of how to improve our designs for next year’s competition, and hope to place in the top ten next year. We’ll begin our meetings again in the fall; any students who are interested in participating are welcome to join! for Postsecondary Admission Grade 12 students who have applied and have been conditionally accepted to postsecondary education must make a request to the Ministry of Education to submit the final transcript to the receiving institution. High schools are not responsible for submitting a graduate’s July transcript to postsecondary schools. The final transcript is the official diploma that confers graduation standing. You can request a final transcript be sent to your chosen postsecondary school by mailing, faxing, or applying online to the Ministry of Education using the request for transcript form available on the government website: www.education.gov.sk.ca/transcripts This website is also on our learning Portal under “Helpful Links”. This form can be sent at any time before graduation. Check the box that indicates to send the transcript. This year Summer School is located at Marion Graham Collegiate 602 Lenore Drive, Saskatoon 306-683-7750 Please call 306-683-8236 or fax 306-683-3966. Enrollment is limited. Aden Bowman Newsletter-June 2016 11 A lana K., Grade 12, has been recently named as one of the recipients of the Schulich Leader Scholarship. The Schulich is a prestigious entrance scholarship awarded to high school graduates enrolling in a Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics (STEM) undergraduate program at participating universities in Canada and Israel. Recognizing the increasing importance and impact that STEM disciplines will have on the prosperity of future generations, businessman and philanthropist Seymour Schulich established this $100 million scholarship fund in 2012 to encourage our best and brightest students to become the next pioneers of global scientific research and innovation. T his program awards 100 scholarships annually, valued at more than $5million. High schools across the country put forth 1,500 Schulich Leader Nominees who were vying for 50 Canadian scholarships. Schulich Leaders can devote their full time and attention to their studies, as all of their financial needs are covered over the course of their degree. Canada’s highest potential students are winning these scholarships and will make remarkable contributions to society. Bowman at a Glance A world wind end to the school year has seen us wrap up many activities and events. Our last music program of the year occurred on May 31. It was the perfect way to cap an extremely successful year. Fine Arts Night on June 2nd gave our students an opportunity to show off the time and effort that they have invested into their Fine Arts Classes. A big thank you to Mrs. Rusnak for coordinating the evening. One of our most successful Track seasons in the last few years occurred at this year’s City Champi- onships. Bowman sent 33 athletes to the meet of which 10 got to move on to the Provincial Championships in Regina on June 3rd and 4th. Thanks to Coach Loshack and his coaching staff for a fine season. Our Outdoor Ed Club has been diligently learning the correct paddling technique as they set off on a voyage along the Waterhen River starting on June 5th. Mr. EnsFunk and his team of staff advisors are looking forward to sharing nature and all that it brings with the students in the Club. Ms. Syrnick and her Dance 10 class will be hosting their semester end dance showcase on June 9th in Castle Theater. To wrap up our athletic season the P.E Dept. is coordinating our Athletic Banquet on June 15th. Just before our Final Assessment schedule kicks in Bowman staff are hosting a Study Hall on Thurs. June 16th in the library. The Study Hall runs from 2:30-4:00 and provides students with an opportunity to get any last minute questions answered by staff members. Aden Bowman Newsletter-June 2016 12 FROM THE BOARD TABLE Highlights from the May 10, 2016, meeting of the Board of Education: The meeting’s Celebrating Excellence item recognized the 36 Saskatoon Public Schools’ collegiate students who attended the provincial Skills Canada competition, including the nine gold medal winners. The gold medal recipients have earned the right to participate in the national competition during the second week of June in Moncton, N.B. Trustees received an update on the board’s Collegiate Renewal core strategy and the ways in which all Saskatoon Public Schools’ collegiates have implemented systems for identifying and tracking students’ learning and providing intervention and support when needed. The administrative team from Centennial Collegiate described the process used at their school to identify and address the needs of their students and shared some evidence of the impact their Collegiate Renewal efforts have had on student achievement. A report presented by the division’s Information Services department shows continued growth in the use of technology and data. There are more than 11,000 division-owned devices, including approximately 6,500 computers for student use as well as just over 2,000 tablets. In addition, more than 10,000 non-SPS devices are connected to the network on a daily basis. The division’s user community includes more than 23,000 student accounts along with more than 3,500 staff and nearly 13,000 parent accounts. The board received the resignation of Ward 7 trustee Bronwyn Eyre, who was elected to the Saskatchewan Legislature during the recent provincial election. A by-election to fill the position will not be held as regularly scheduled school board elections will take place in October. Reports and information presented at board meetings can be found at www.saskatoonpublicschools.ca. Next Meeting Board of Education Tuesday, June 7, 7 PM The public is welcome to attend. With the resignation of Ward 7 Trustee Bronwyn Eyre, Trustee Darrell Utley has welcomed the opportunity to represent your school until the next civic election in October 2016. Aden Bowman Collegiate Trustee Representative: Darrell Utley [email protected] 306.683.8468 Aden Bowman Newsletter-June 2016 13 Aden Bowman Newsletter-June 2016 14 Tuesday 7 Monday 6 Canoe Trip Sunday 5 Canoe Trip Wednesday 1 Thursday 2 Fine Arts Night 6:30-8:30 PM 9 Friday 4 Saturday 3 11 15 Study Hall 2:30—4:00 Comic Book Launch 5:00-7:00 PM 16 24 Last day of classes Grade 12’s ONLY 17 Grade 12 Period 5 Exam Last day of classes Grade 9-11 25 18 10 Athletic Banquet 23 Period 4 Exam 8 22 Period 3 Exam Alternate Day Color Day Bowmapalooza 21 Period 2 Exam 30 Regular Day Dance Showcase Period 1 Exam 29 14 28 3:00 pm Grad Ceremony 20 27 Turnaround Day 13 Canoe Trip 12 19 26 Period 5 Exam 5:00 pm Banquet 9:00—11:00 a.m. Grade 9 Orientation No School June 2016 Aden Bowman Newsletter-June 2016 15 Sunday Monday 5 Wednesday Thursday 1 Classes Begin Friday 2 10 3 Saturday 9 16 24 17 8 15 23 Tuesday 7 14 22 30 6 13 21 29 4 12 20 28 Student Photos 11 19 27 HOLDIAY 18 26 Grade 9 Parent Night Castle Theatre 7 PM 25 September 2016
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