Lecture on Popular Science Writing
Lecture on Popular Science Writing
Popular science writing Susanne Pelger Faculty of Science Why? What? How? Faculty of Science Why popular science? • Be able to write different kinds of texts in working life. • Be able to communicate with colleagues with a different background. • Spread knowledge to the society. • Researchers who write popular science are more frequently cited. (Phillips, D.P., Kanter, E.J., Bednarczyk, B. & Tastad, P.L., 1991: Importance of the lay press in the transmission of medical knowledge to the scientific community. The New England Journal of Medicine 16: 1180-1183.). • Popular science communication supports learning. Faculty of Science What does the reader want to know? Faculty of Science ! Faculty of Science So what? Faculty of Science What makes this research interesting? Which are the benefits for society? Questions to be answered What´s in it for me? Faculty of Science How can it be part of a larger context? Whole Details Faculty of Science Whole Details Faculty of Science Faculty of Science How should I write? Faculty of Science The canons of rhetoric • Analysis – adapting to rhetorical situation and audience • Invention – choosing contents, message, level of abstraction, perspective • Arrangement – choosing structure, highlighting structure (with paragraphs, headings, metatexts) introduction, conclusion • Style – words, expressions, composition Faculty of Science Popular science Analysis Adapting to rhetorical situation and audience. Who is the reader? When does he/she read the text? Where? Why? Faculty of Science Popular science Invention Choosing contents, message, level of abstraction, perspective. What content may interest the reader? (Or not) Which perspectives? Application? Faculty of Science Popular science Arrangement Choosing structure, highlighting structure (with paragraphs, headings, metatexts) introduction, conclusion. Introduction – create interest and curiosity. Background – brief and objective, ”zoom out”. Message – clear and distinct. Main part of the text – explicate and motivate the message. Ending – conclusion, e.g. application, call, future. Faculty of Science Popular science Style Words, expressions, composition. What words and expressions should I choose? Technical terms, everyday language? Sentence structure? Stylistic devices? Illustrations? Faculty of Science The title should … • start from something familiar and ordinary • highlight the key message • catch the reader Faculty of Science Catchy titles Guilt-free fossil fuels First coal plants that clean up as they burn (New Scientist 8 March 2014) Higgs thunder Listening in on the birth pangs of universe (New Scientist 22 February 2014) What’s inside a black hole? Fuzzball, ice wall or unexploded bomb (New Scientist 8 February 2014) Faculty of Science The introduction should … • connect to the title • put your own work into a larger context • and ... make the reader go on. Faculty of Science The end should ... • reflect the introduction • have a clear conclusion, e.g.: - speculate on the implications of your results - tell what issues remain to be answered • wind up nicely with a punch line. Faculty of Science Stylistic devices Concrete example Let an example explain the general phenomenon Snow flakes – fractals Poker game – probability theory Metaphor or analogy Relates to something familiar The Earth is a huge magnet. The flow of electric current is like water in a garden hose. Higgs thunder Faculty of Science Personification Abstract phenomena acquire human traits ... ”rogue" planets kicked out of our solar system eons ago. (New Scientist 26 March 2014) Thought experiment Different premises Imagine there is no oxygen in the atmosphere … If we could travel through time … Faculty of Science Rhyme and alliteration Sound techniques that create emphasis Fuzzball, ice wall or unexploded bomb Big bang birthday: Six mysteries of a cosmic bombshell. (New Scientist 22 February 2014) Metatext Comments on your own text As I mentioned before … Here will follow three examples ... Faculty of Science On popular science writing http://awelu.srv.lu.se/genres-and-text-types/ writing-in-academic-genres/popular-sciencewriting/ Faculty of Science Did the popular science writing contribute to your understanding of the project or topic? — The popular science writing gave me the chance to see the contents of my project in a different light, like making a mind map. I got a clearer picture of the subject. — Yes, it made me think about the aim of my project (why my project is important), something that I didn’t think about before. — It made me ask myself how my results may come to use in the future. — At the end of your education you may have forgotten how much you have actually learned. When writing for "ordinary" people you get a pleasant reminder of what you actually know about your own subject. Pelger, S. & Nilsson, P. (2015). Popular science writing to support students’ learning of science and scientific literacy. Research in Science Education, DOI: 10.1007/s11165-015-9465-y. Faculty of Science How did the experience of the popular science writing come into use when you wrote your scientific report? — It helped me to see the wider perspective. It is very good to think it through what makes your project interesting to the society. — A lot, I wrote it before I finished my work since I couldn’t easily see how to tie my subject together. The popular science writing helped me to find a structure. — It seemed particularly relevant to highlight the bigger picture, also in the scientific report. It's easy to just reel off results without emphasizing their importance. It may be important to guide the reader through the scientific report as well. — It is good to write a popular article because you have to think through your results and what they mean before you can start simplifying the text. The writing makes it easier to interpret your own results and understand what they mean. Faculty of Science What makes a text well-written ? Traits in the genre of scientific writing: • Arguments that connect details and the whole, the specific and the general. • Coherence – how the parts of the text are tied together. • How concepts are introduced and recur through the text. (Kelly, G.J. & Takao, A. (2002): Epistemic levels in argument: An analysis of university oceanography students’ use of evidence in writing. Science education 86: 314–342.) • The same goes for the popular science genre! Faculty of Science Whole Details Faculty of Science Which are the writer’s benefits? Popular science writing can help us ... § change and add perspectives § see the relevance of our project – to society and the individual § develop our ability to critically reflect and bring forward arguments § become aware of our own competence § develop our scientific writing skills as well. Faculty of Science
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