HERE - Manasota Track Club


HERE - Manasota Track Club
X X V I I I , N U M B E R 5
M A Y , 2 0 1 0
Look for Race Results
& Event Photos
on the MTC Website,
Don Marshall, Webmaster
Check the
On the MTC Website
For photos to I.D.
And more information
On the
See Page 9 for basics
Webmasters – Don Marshall – [email protected];—Patti Sarno—[email protected]
Fit to Run
8123 Cooper Creek Blvd.
University Park,FL 34201
Parks Robinson
New Balance Sarasota
1872 Stickney Point Rd
Sarasota 921-3696
New Balance
University Park
8204 Tourist Center Dr
off University Pkwy
Foot Solutions
5519 Palmer Crossing Circle
(Clark & Honore)
Tom Flanagan—922-2639 –[email protected]
Vice President
Rick Czerniak-266-0754
[email protected]
Kathy Dubro—923-4404—[email protected]
Tom Treend—412-9367—[email protected]
Board Members
Dan Pollock—376-1495— [email protected]
Paul Wilson – 809-0808 – [email protected]
Guy Ealey - 270-0615 cell- [email protected]
Felicia White –706-5301— [email protected]
Patti Brustad –[email protected]
Jen Robertson –915-0826 cell– [email protected]
Patti Sarno—780-4913—[email protected]
Lindsay [email protected]
Maria [email protected]
John Cox—544-3940—[email protected]
Membership Renewals/Address Changes
Kathy [email protected]
Jan Mc [email protected]
Newsletter Advertisements / Newsletter Editor
Guy Ealey – [email protected]
[email protected]
Don Marshall – [email protected]
Patti Sarno—780-4913—[email protected]
Phyllis Siskel -922-8747 – [email protected]
Calista Rutledge —524-0633—[email protected]
Out of Town Race Results
Tom Chambers – 921-0808 – [email protected]
Race series coordinator
Regina Koda—966-7984—[email protected]
Andy Berster—544-4331—[email protected]
Scholarship Committee Chair
Steve Crane—379-6790—[email protected]
Bill’s Beer Run Race Director
Patti Brustad—650-6828—[email protected]
On A Shoestring
3633 Cortez Rd W.
Bradenton, Unit A4
Steve Litschauer
Fleet Feet Sports
1830 S. Osprey Ave.
Pat Jones
Newsletter Contributions - All items to be included in the
newsletter (articles, comments, race results, photos, etc.) should be
submitted to the editor by the 15th of the month for inclusion in the
next newsletter. Email submissions are appreciated. Please keep
articles to one page – due to the high cost of printing. Longer articles will be posted on the track club website.
Race Flyers – All race flyers must be approved (Contact Vice
Pres.) and prepaid (mail $50 fee to MTC @ P.O. Box 5696, Sarasota, FL 34277). After approval, deliver 350 copies to American
Quick Print, 5708 Swift Road, Sarasota by the 15th
of the month for inclusion in the next newsletter. Please make flyers 8.5” X 11”.
Newsletter Assembly - Newsletters are assembled each month at
the Waldemere Fire Station at 6:00 P.M. on the
FIRST WEDNESDAY of each month.
Contact Candace Yelton – 485-2161 for details.
Newsletter Advertising - Cards or inserts must be “camera ready”
and must reach the editor by the 15th of the month for
inclusion in the next newsletter. Continuing ads will be
inserted monthly. To place or update an ad, please contact
Guy Ealey at 270-0615 or [email protected] .
Fees to:
MTC @ P.O. Box 5696, Sarasota, FL 34277
Bus. Card
¼ Page
½ Page
Full Page
Race Flyer
P.O. Box 5696
Sarasota, FL 34277
Tom Flanagan - President’s Perspective - MAY 2010
This is always one of my favorite times of the year as an
officer of the MTC. It is when we get to tally up the
finances from the previous year and also start fresh with a new
projected budget for ourselves. Kind of like the
first day of school for me, if you know what I mean. Nancy
Flanagan thinks I am nuts to actually enjoy this task, but what
can I say? You are either a numbers person, or you are not. It is
with great pleasure that I ask everyone to take a look at the
MTC Financial Report that is posted elsewhere in this newsletter. We as a club are as strong financially as we have ever been
in our 35 year existence. There is money in the checking account
to pay our bills and our income stream is projected to be strong
going forward into the new fiscal year. Our Scholarship and
reserve Accounts are also both well funded at the moment. There are no scheduled rate increases being planned for the
MTC in the upcoming year. Our membership dues will remain at $20 and $25. These were last increased back in January
of 2005. The cost of an ad or a flier in our newsletter will also remain the same as they have been since October of 2003.
I am not sure when the club set the rate of $350 for our race management fees, but once again this rate will remain frozen again for another year. Hopefully, this will put a little smile on everyone’s face. The MTC has always been about cost
control and attempting to hold down the cost of our sport for our members.
Financially our club has been on a positive roll for the past several years. However, it hasn’t always been like this. I
had the pleasure this past February to meet Jerry Scott who was the MTC President back in 1986. He asked me
if I was enjoying my MTC leadership experience and I responded that I was. I told Jerry that I like the
people in the MTC and I totally endorse the healthy, active lifestyle that the club promotes. I in turned asked
him if he enjoyed being the MTC President back in his day and he responded that he did. However, he added that, in his
opinion, it is way easier to run the MTC now because the club is so much stronger financially. He told me
that some months he would have to decide what MTC bills to pay and what bills to ignore because there were never enough
funds in the checking account to cover everything. The club was struggling to stay a float month-to-month.
It is about this time that the concept of the Bill’s Beer Run was developed to benefit and strengthen the MTC.
Wow, what a great financial decision at that time for the MTC! In its current format our annual BBR event brings in almost half of our revenue for the year. It is because of the BBR the MTC can exist and give back so much to our community. Thank you to all the former leaders of the MTC; you indeed have made life much easier for the current board members.
Three years ago Kent Wiley once gave me a compliment. It was after the 2007 BBR event as we were cleaning up. He
said we did a nice job with it, but cautioned me not to get comfortable with the positive financial numbers.
In his opinion, as a former club President, he felt the BBR financials were not sustainable and the board should not expect
those kind of numbers going forward each year. There is some validity to Kent’s warning, but after 21
successful years, sooner or later we have to accept the incredible comfort level the BBR event provides the MTC.
I am not suggesting that the success of the BBR is a slam dunk. There is a proven formula for the BBR that has
been tested the past 21 years. In my opinion, if the leadership of the MTC executes the BBR formula correctly
then the club will flourish again for another year. It is a simple as that.
As a result of our strong financials the board has chosen to do its part to help bring Boston Bill Rodgers into
Sarasota at the end of May. Bill will speak to our school age runners at an event to be held at Riverview HS.
The next day, Bill will address the membership of the MTC with a Q&A session being planned at the Oak Park
School, in conjunction with the Sammy’s Run 5K. At one point in time, Bill was a Special Education teacher in the Boston
area. FYI – Bill Rodgers is quite arguably the best marathon runner the USA has ever produced. He has completed over
59 marathons, with 22 coming under the 2:15 mark. For those of you who are not strong with numbers, this is an average
pace of 5:10 per mile for all 26.2 miles. Pretty impressive, wouldn’t you say? Bill is still running, but was in his prime about
the time that the MTC was founded here in Sarasota 35 years ago. He is a living history of road running in the United
States. What a great opportunity for MTC members the hear from this “legend” of our chosen sport.
Hope to see you at this unique event on Friday evening, May 29th.
Minutes of the Manasota Track Club
April 7, 2010
Present: Tom Flanagan, Guy Ealey, Kathy Dubro, Felicia White, Dan Pollock, John Cox, Maria Sweeney, Lindsay Groover,
Jen Robertson,Rick Czerniak, Patti Brustad, Patti Sarno, Tom Treend
Absent: Paul Wilson
Meeting called to order at 6:03pm. March minutes were approved.
Event Schedule: Rick Czerniak reported that the SRQ Half Marathon had 1,763 finishers; the 5K had 220. Guy Ealey mentioned the 5K was a short course as his GPS recorded only 2.86 miles. Rick stated that this event is now owned by a “for
profit” corporation thus the monies made will not go back into the community. Tom Flanagan didn’t think they would pull that
many runners. Felicia White felt the local runners are not aware that the dollars don’t go back into the community or that this
event is run by a “for profit” company. Tom Flanagan expressed his concern that this outside group did not coordinate their
event with any concern for our local community. They never contacted the MTC about our existing running events. Case in
point, the Springfest event suffered lower numbers since the Shamrock 8K had to change their date due to the Sarasota Half
taking their weekend. Rick read Springfest Race Director Hal Hedley’s article in April’s newsletter to the board. Hal will be
stepping aside as Race Director for this event. Tom Flanagan noted that Springfest was also hurt due to being removed from
the racing series.
Turtle Run: Rick’s comment “Wow!” over 1,000 participants including walkers. The Mental Health Awareness 5K had 105
runners last year, they are hoping for better numbers this year since it was moved forward a week. Tom Flanagan reported that
the Girls on the Run 5K has been moved to Siesta Key Beach as they couldn’t have it at Rothenbach Park. Tom also mentioned that the 2011 Bridge Run will have more YMCA participation and Jim Purdy will be the Race Director. Jim was the
first Race Director when this event originated.
MTC 35th Anniversary Picnic: Patti Brustad reported that everything is in place for this family event. The MTC car magnet
will have a triangular shape as our logo. Tom Flanagan can get the “tug-of-war” rope from Sarasota High School. It was determined that the softball games will be organized that day.
Summer Beach Runs: Tom Flanagan stated he is still looking for a volunteer to pick up the beer keg from the Daiquiri Deck.
MTC Volunteer Program: Jen Robertson reported that 30 plus club members have not picked up their volunteer shirts from
Fleet Feet. Jen along with Carol Greening and Tom Flanagan, are working on revising the volunteer point system: 15 points
for Officer/Board Member; 10 points for major leadership; 5 points for major committee chair; 5 points for club duties that
span over an extended period of time; 1 point for a single event.
It was noted that Carol Greening tracked points for 150 volunteers last year.
Treasurer Report: Tom Treend distributed the March report and a revised February report. Tom stated that March 31st is the
end of the club’s fiscal year. Starting in April he will be using QuickBooks. This new software will give us a cleaner Treasurer Report plus provide better financial tracking for BBR and other MTC events.
March 31 Fiscal Year End Report: Tom Flanagan stated that MTC had an incredible fiscal year with $6,300 surplus income
exceeding expenses. A discussion followed as how to distribute this surplus. Rick Czerniak suggested that the $1,000 budgeted for the Future Reserve Fund should instead be added to the Scholarship Fund. The board voted and unanimously approved
increasing the Scholarship Fund from $2,000 to $3,000. Tom proposed spending $1,000 to have Bill Rodger’s come speak to
the MTC. This would be at Oak Park School and would be free to all MTC members. A discussion followed and then put to a
vote; 8 approved, 5 opposed. Patti Brustad proposed spending approx. $1,000 to purchase 1,000 MTC car magnets for the 35th
Anniversary Picnic give-away. It was determined that these would be free to those attending the picnic and the remainder
would be available for purchase by members at the summer beach runs. The board voted and this was approved unanimously.
The balance of the surplus revenue $1,300 will remain in the checking account for now.
Tom Flanagan distributed a copy of his proposed 2010/2011 budget. Tom said the income figures were based on the last couple of years and again he took a conservative approach in determining expenses. A discussion followed and the board voted
unanimously, to approve the proposed budget for 2010/2011.
Meeting adjourned at 7:38pm
Submitted by Kathy Dubro
Prepared by Tom
Treend 3-31-10
March 2010 Treasurer's Report
Beginning Checking Acct. Balance
Membership - February $390 renewal $375 new
Membership - March $850 renewal $215 new
Scholarship Donations
From Membership $55
MTC Apparel Program 39.30 ram $39.30
General Donations
(from membership)
Newletter inserts
Dirty Duo $50 S. County Y $100
Newsletter Advertising (On a Shoestring)
Race Management Fees (2011 Dirty Duo)
Auto Insurance Return Premium
Total Income
American Quick Print
March Newsletter
Printing - $396
Other - $110.50
USPS Bulk Mail Account
USPS Annual Fee for Bulk Mail Account
VIP Awards (trophies)
Postage - March membership letters
Donation of 2008 Ultra Profits (Special Olympics)
Replace #ck 1855
Bank fees - order past statements
Total Expenses
Ending Checking Acct. Balance
MTC Scholarship Account
MTC Reserve Account
Total Assets
4 CD's
Mondays & Thursdays 6:00 PM
Start at Fleet Feet on 1830 S. Osprey Ave. Routes of 1-7 miles, for all abilities. Call 894-3338 for info.
Tuesdays 5:30 am
This group meets at the parking lot in front of the Granary at Stickney Point Rd. near the intersection of US 41 in
Sarasota. the course goes to the Pavilion at Siesta Key Beach and back (approx. 5 miles) Info, call Linda at 374-2920
Tuesdays 6:00 pm
A great evening gathering for runners of all abilities. The group meets at Siesta Key Beach in the South parking lot.
The long course is out to Turtle Beach and back (approx. 8 miles) but many run shorter distances.
Info call Janet at 374-1002
* * Tuesdays 5:30 pm (Beginning September 9th, 2008)
Brookside Middle School speed workouts led by Coach Paul Wilson, certified level 2 coach. Workouts coordinated
with local area race schedule and individual abilities and goals.
Contact coach Paul Wilson , [email protected] or phone 809-0808.
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 6:00 am
Downtown Venice. This group meets at Centennial Park near the public restrooms and Gazebo. Runners of all ages
and abilities are welcome. Runs are over by 7:00 am. Distances and running pace vary based on one's ability.
For more info call Tuula at 488-5688
Wednesdays 6:00 P.M.
This group meets at the New Balance Store 1872 Stickney Point Rd. A cooler with water will be provided
For all runners. Call New Balance Sarasota at 941-921-3696 for more information
Wednesdays, 6:00 P.M.
“Wednesday Night Runs @ The Rover” Meet at the Irish Rover Pub of Sarasota, 6518 Gateway Ave (Off Gulf Gate Dr.)
Info, call Charlie at 953-8218 *Group Run followed by cold beer, great food, and live Irish entertainment
Thursdays, 6:00 P.M.
Fit2Run Running Group. We meet at our University Park Store on Cooper Creek Blvd. At 6 PM for a group run for
any level and speed. Mileage ils based on you; we go any distance. We have a wide variety of routes coming from
the store. We provide water and smoothies after runs.
For more information contact [email protected] or call 941-358-5100.
Thursdays 5:30 am
This group meets at the parking lot on the north side of Publix at the Landings. Run from 5 - 8 miles...and plan
laugh a bit too. This group has been known to visit Einstein Bagels afterwards. Info, call Linda at 374-2920
Thursdays 6:00 P.M.
Boot Camp, meets on the greens at Hart’s Landing under the Ringling Bridge. We get together to exercise,
situps, Pushups, lunges, and stuff (even Dirty Dogs) for 45 minutes or so. Bring a towel or mat, and
Two 5# weights. Exercise for all levels. No fees, no formal sessions. INFO: Jerold Saef 941-518-7638
Thursdays 6:30 pm
Meets at the parking lot at Island Park (south of Marina Jack's). Run to Lido Beach or do Bridge repeats.
Contact Dave Burke for more info: 379-6506
Fridays 7:30 am (walkers)
The walkers group: For information, contact Ruth and Charlie Finocchiaro at 923-9192
Saturdays 5:30 - 6:00 am
Saturday is a big training/long run day in Sarasota. Groups meet between 5:30-6:00 am at three basic starting points:
The "Clock" building at 2900 S. Tamiami Tr., Southside School on Osprey The parking lot near Marina
Jack’s downtown. You can find someone running just about any pace/distance at one of these spots. Afterwards,
many Saturday runners join together for a "recovery" breakfast . Call Sharon at 321-1218
Saturdays 7:30 am
Sleep in Saturday Run! Meets in the parking lot at Island Park, South of Marina Jack’s. A variety of distances.
Anyone, all paces welcome. Run/walkers and walkers welcome. Sharon 941-321-1218 or Jim 651-621-5730
(This group on hold until November 6, 2010)
Next MTC Board meeting will be held at the Fire Station,
located one block east of US 41 on Waldemere Street
(east of Sarasota Memorial Hospital).
The Meeting will begin at 6:00 P.M.
Newsletter assembly occurs at the same location and time
on Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Christina Holmes & Family
Ginny East
Pamela Herrick
Deb & Randy St. James
Wayne Hernandez & Family
Photo Identification Contest ….Check the MTC Website each month for the Photo Carousel
How well do you know our club members? Willing to try for an entry into Bill’s Beer Run, 2010?
Each month, photos will be scattered into our photo carousel on the MTC Home page. Each
“contest” photo will be marked with a 2-digit number in the bottom right corner. Each month,
email the photo numbers and names to [email protected]. The person with the most
correct names wins! That’s all there is to it – easy, right? So, how well do you know our
members? The photos will be changed monthly, so keep track to ensure the most possible
entries. The final photos will be posted in August. The winner will be announced in September.
Now, get ready to enjoy Bill’s Beer Run, compliments of MTC. The first photos will be posted by
March 1. It’s time to start introducing yourself to everyone at our next MTC event.
See Page 15 for Maria
Sweeney’s article about
Sammy’s Run 5k.
See Page 14 for Mary Nessel’s
article about how Rich Lomas
generated broad community
support for bringing
Sammy’s Run and other
community activities!!!
May 1st
35th Anniversay of MTC - Picnic
Patti Brustad, Tom Flanagan
May 7th
Girls on the Run 5K
Tom Flanagan
May 23rd
Dirty Duo
Don Bickel
May 29th
Sammy's Run 5K
Ricardo Lomas, Nancy Flanagan
June 8th
Wall Run - 3.77 miles
Tom Flanagan
June 15th
Skirt Chaser - 5K
Lindsay Groover & Patti Brustad
June 22nd
2 Mile Dash
Rick Czerniak
June 29th
Don Bickel's Adventure Run
Kathy Dubro
July 6th
Jim Fixx - 5K
Felicia White
July 13th
Wall Run Skirt Chaser - 3.77 miles
John Cox
July 20th
North and South - 4 miles
Maria Sweeney
July 27th
Run and Swim Duathlon
Jen Robertson
Aug 3rd
Pace and Race - 2 miles
Tom Treend
Aug 10th
Beauty & Beast 2+2 - 4 miles
Guy Ealey
Oct 2nd
Manatee Trail Run 5K & 10K
Sheri Weinstein, Rob Kohnen
Oct 9th
MTC HS X-Country Invite
Jason Means
Oct 16th
Phillippi Shores 7K Run
Sean Koscho, Val Ealey
Oct 31st
22nd Annual Bill's Beer Run
Patti Brustad
Nov 14th
Special Olympics 5K Classic
Linda Driggs, Dave Burke
Nov 25th
MTC Toy Run
Dave Siegwald, Bob Parnes
Nov 28th
PAL Half Marathon - Palmer Ranch
John Cox , Felicia White
Dec 4th
Jingle & Jog
Marla Doss, Dave Burke
Dec 11th
Sandy Claws
Steve Yeskulsky, Dan Pollock
Start of the New Year - 2011
Jan 1st
MTC - New Year's Day - Wall Run
Tom Flanagan
Jan 22nd
Ringling Bridge Run
Jim Purdy - YMCA
Jan 29th
MTC Awards Banquet
Felicia White, Harriet van Elburg
Come Join Us At “SAMMY’S RUN”
May 29 …… you will not want to miss it! The second annual “Sammy’s Run” is taking place. The Oak Park
community together with the Phelan-McDermid Syndrome Foundation and the Manasota Track Club are hosting a
fun-filled, challenging morning of running, walking and ability-based races. The focus of the event is to raise
support and community awareness for Oak Park School and the Phelan-McDermid Syndrome Foundation.
This race is named for “Sammy,” an Oak Park student born with Phelan-Mcdermid Syndrome. His parents have
dedicated their lives to bringing about awareness of Sammy’s syndrome as well as educating people about disabilities. They have combined their gifts with others in the community to further their goal to raise awareness. Most of us
know or have heard of his dad, Rich Lomas, because of his accomplishments on the running circuit. Although
quieter, Sue Lomas, an accomplished business woman is a power-house and the president of the Phelan-McDermid
Sammy attends Oak Park School, which is a public school for students with physical, intellectual and emotional
challenges. The caring school staff provides personalized learning opportunities not only within the classroom but
also through community-based outings, therapeutic horseback riding, aquatic therapy and assistive technology.
Similar to other schools, our students attend “specials” including art, physical education, music, media, science lab,
and practical arts. Therapies are also available to help students gain access to their educational environment. It is a
school of happenings and our students enrich our lives. Each student with their uniqueness is a special gift. We are
encouraging our students and all in the community with special needs to walk, run or roll in races adapted to their
ability levels and interests. All should be able to experience the excitement of the event, the feeling of accomplishment for their participation and the joy of being surrounded by family and friends sharing in the moment.
The big event on May 29th will be filled with competition, awards, raffles, music, food and wonderful company. It
all starts at 7:15 am with the one mile “fun run” with participants walking, jogging, or possibly pushing wheelchairs/
strollers. For those runners that love to compete there is a 5 K race starting at 7:45 am through the beautiful Bent
Tree neighborhood. A final race will consist of short “dashes” with the distance set according to ability level.
Come join us on May 29th. Start planning and training now to make this golden opportunity a fantastic family affair.
You will be glad you came out to “experience the difference” at Sammy’s Run!
Manasota Track Club - Financial Report – May 2010
submitted by: Tom Flanagan
It is with great pleasure that I can report that the MTC has just completed another incredibly solid fiscal
year (view chart on opposite page). This now makes it three years in a row that the MTC has posted up really positive
financial numbers. It is quite rare, in the non-profit world, for a small organization such as the MTC to continue to report such strong financials. I guess that is how we, as a club, have made it to this our 35th year
of existence. This past year, actual income exceeded projected income by $8671. This allowed our Board of Directors
to fund several special projects at our meeting held on April 7th.
As you can see on the financial chart, the Actual Income of $58,671 was achieved by the special efforts of numerous
club members. At the top of the income list is the BBR race entry fees ($13,815) collected by
BBR Directors Patti Brustad and Jen Robertson. Next up, $12,370 in membership dues was collected by our
Membership Chair, Kathy Dubro. The $12,510 in BBR Sponsorship was a huge vote of confidence from the 68
club members who generously gave to our 21st annual BBR campaign last fall. Our awards banquet chairs, Felicia White,
Harriet van Elburg and Nancy Downs pulled in $7,022 in banquet registrations. MTC Vice-President,
Rick Czerniak, was responsible for processing the $4,500 in race management fees that were paid to the club for services and support. Dave Siegwald and Bob Parnes brought in $3429 with the MTC Ultra. Guy Ealey and Carol Greening
tracked just over $3000 in newsletter advertising and insert revenue. All of these actual income
amounts exceeded projected income estimates because of the very conservative proposed budget that the
board of the MTC approved for itself, given the uncertain financial conditions of last year.
The club covered all of its expenses and then some during the past fiscal year. Most of our projected expenses came
in as expected. For the most part there were no surprises for our past Treasurer Felicia White to deal with.
At $12,204 the Awards Banquet was our biggest expense. Next up the $10,481 that we spent to put on the BBR, was a
bargain, considering the over $26,000 in revenue that this event generated for the club. Although we still spent over
$6,300 printing and mailing out the hardcopy newsletter, this number is way down from the previous years and will continue to float lower in the coming year. Thanks to former club member Kim Lemonde, over 60%
of our membership has opted out of the hard copy newsletter. The board unanimously voted to put $7,000
into the MTC Scholarship program. Instead of spending $2,000 that was budgeted for the design of a new website last
summer, the club purchased two new timing clocks this past January. As part of our 35th Anniversary celebration the
board approved for Patti Brustad to purchase 1000 MTC car magnets. The MTC will also help out financially to bring
Boston Bill Rodgers into Sarasota this month to speak to our high school runners on May 27th. Additionally, on Friday
evening, May 28th, Bill Rodgers will address the membership of the MTC in a Q&A session
at the Oak Park School. There is $1638. in excess income being carried forward into the new fiscal year.
At our board meeting on April 7th, we accepted a new proposed budget of $52,000 for the new fiscal year.
Once again the MTC Board is taking a very conservative approach in its estimated projections. Better to error
on the conservative side than to run up expenses that cannot be paid for without dipping into our reserves.
At this time, the MTC van and all of our race day equipment is in excellent condition as a result of the meticulous care
given by Dan Pollock, our equipment manager. No major equipment expenditures are being planned for the
next fiscal year. All known van insurance, liability insurance, printing and postage rates will pretty much remain the
same. Currently, there is a balance of $8,884 in the our Scholarship Fund and also $12,520 in the Future
Reserve Account, both held at the Bank of Commerce.
In my opinion, as an officer of the club, I am proud to be able to announce such a strong financial report
to the membership. If you have any questions at all about how the MTC handles the revenue you have entrusted
to us, please contact me with your thoughts or comments. Tom Flanagan - 922-2639 or [email protected].
BBR Race Entry Fees
Membership Dues
BBR Sponsors/Donations
Awards Banquet Registrations
Race Management Fees
Ultra Entry Fees
Newsletter Advertising
Newsletter Inserts
Summer Beach Run Income
Scholarship Fund Donations
Miscellaneous Donations
Awards Banquet Expenses
Bill's Beer Run
Newsletter Printing
09 - Scholarship Program
MTC Ultra Expenses
RRCA Dues and Insurance
Van Insurance & Taxes
Equipment Repairs & Supplies
Family Picnic
Postage Costs
MTC Board Expenses
Other Community Donations
Other Printing Costs
Van Fuel & Maintenance
Future Reserve Fund
Storage Space Rental
Summer Beach Runs
Volunteer & VIP Awards
Membership Expenses
New Timing Clocks
Bill Rodgers program
MTC Car Magnets
Website Design -
Faces In The Crowd – Carol and Gary Dixon
By Val Ealey
When I heard that two of our MTC members competed in the World Masters Indoor Track & Field Championships, I was intrigued. Carol and Gary Dixon agreed to share a bit about themselves and their athletic pursuits
for our readers.
Can you tell us about this World Masters Championship and the athletic events in which you participated? The
World Masters Athletics sponsors the indoor and outdoor track and field champions on alternating years. This year was
the year for the indoor championships in Kamloops, BC Canada. Next year they will hold the outdoor championships in
Sacramento, California. For us, Kamloops, in the Canadian Rockies, was our first International meet. We could not have
been more impressed with the organization of the meet and the spirit and camaraderie that was all around. It was
thrilling to see so many (64 ) different countries being represented as well as former Olympians. The event also rode on
the coat tails of the Vancouver Olympics which for me made it that much more special.
I participated in the women’s 45 to 49 year old discus. My husband, Gary, competed in the men’s 50-55 year old
pentathlon and the discus.
What athletic accomplishments are you most
proud of?
Carol: Ha! I’m just
starting out. I’ll let you
know when something
good takes.
Gary: Since resuming my
track and field career
when I turned 50, it
would have to definitely
be competing on the USA
team, wearing our country’s uniform and being
on the podium for placing
third in the discus, and
earning All-American
honors in the pentathlon.
What are your favorite events?
Carol: Personally, I am just focusing on the discus for now. I have a lot of technique to learn. As a spectator, I love
watching high and long jump, pole vaulting and javelin, as well as track events.
Gary: When I decided to make a go at track again at the age of 50, I immediately went to my favorite event from my
college decathlon days; the javelin. But as I got back into training, I went back to the multi-events (indoor and outdoor
pentathlon) and the throws. The throws are the most fun, but the challenge of the multi-events is awesome.
Do you workout together or do you have other training partners? Gary has been my training partner for the discus.
I have only been training since Christmas of 2009. We work on technique mostly-I have a long way to go. Gary mixes his
training up between distance, speed work, technique work for the throws and weight training at Lifestyles. He also
works on his hurdle technique with Sarasota resident and multiple world and national champion hurdler, Jim Broun at
Booker High’s track. We enjoy going to meets at the National Training Center in Clermont, FL where British team
coach, Andy Vince gives us technique and training advice.
Carol is a staff member at Oak Park School and is a committee member for Sammy’s Run. What is your job at
the school, Carol? I am an assistant in the Speech Department and fortunate to work with four amazing speech pathologists. I enjoy my work. Oak Park’s special needs population has a way of helping me see what is important and being very aware of what I have been given. I also am the Volunteer and Business Coordinator for our school. I would like
to personally invite anyone to come out and take a tour of our campus and meet some of our very special students. I can
guarantee you will be impressed, amazed and emotionally filled up, and will most likely walk away changed in some way.
For those who may be unfamiliar with Sammy’s Run, could you tell a bit about it? What has it been like to put
this event together? Sammy’s Run is a 5K Fundraiser to benefit and bring about awareness to the Phelan McDermid
Syndrome as well as every one of our students at Oak Park School. Phelan Mcdermid Syndrome is a rarely diagnosed
genetic disorder that “Sammy “ Lomas was born with. Sammy is also a student at Oak Park which is Sarasota County’s
Center School for students with special needs. This is our 2nd Sammy’s Run and we are thrilled to have this opportunity
again to bring about more awareness and raise money for our very special student population. As you can imagine, our
students are unable to do fundraising as traditional schools can so “Sammy’s Run” means a lot to us.
Gary, what do you do for a living? I am a special education teacher at Brookside Middle and the throws coach for
the track team.
Do you have any other hobbies/interests you’d like to share? We live on a little farm with pygmy goats that Gary
has bred, raised and shown as a hobby for over 20 years. He was very involved- until Masters track came into play
We don’t show as much now but still love the breed. We also have 3 five month old dairy bull calves that we bottle fed
from day one, as well as four miniature zebus. It keeps us busy in a nice way.
Why did you join the MTC? To be active.
Do you have any advice or words of wisdom for fellow runners and
the MTC?
Gary: Get involved with track events! More MTC’ers need to experience the thrills of track and field meets. You would be surprised how
you match up with others in you age group around the country and
around the world. The outdoor world meet will be in Sacramento in
2011. It would be great if more members of the Manasota Track Club
were there with us. It’s a good time.
Dan Gould’s Drake Relays Report
The road to the Drake Relays started on Thursday morning with breakfast at Blue’s Café, one of those neighborhood places
where gray hair is the rule and the list of pies includes butterscotch. Chuck and son Drew picked me up and we met Ken there.
Ken’s arrival and our departure was delayed by the unexpected death of Ken’s cat. He and his wife came home Wednesday
evening to find their 17-year-old cat dead. Ken was thinking burial in the dumpster, but his wife insisted the body be taken to
the vet’s for proper disposal. I presume she would not have been interested in my recipe for braised cat which would have
saved them the vet’s “proper disposal” fee of $50.
We took two cars as Chuck’s AADD would not allow him to stay for Saturday’s events beyond the 8K. Chuck, 61, is a retired
school psychologist, triathlete, and chef extraordinaire. Drew, 26, passed the bar last year and recently secured a job in the
public defender’s office. Even lawyers are struggling to find jobs in this economy.
I rode with Ken, 61, a teacher-coach at our Catholic high school. Ken has two master’s degrees, one in science education and
one in exercise physiology. He teaches honor’s biology and coaches the track and cross country teams. He has one son who is
an electrical engineer and one who is disabled with autism. His autistic son, about 29, lives at home.
Dan Gould, Drew, Chuck and Ken
The drive to Des Moines is about 5.5 hours and Ken can carry the
conversation. The guys often joke that, on a 10 mile run, you ask
Ken a question at the beginning and he will pause about 5 miles
into the run. You then say something like “but don’t you
think...?” and he’ll carry the conversation for the next 5 miles.
The good news is that he is very intelligent and interesting.
Conversation of particular interest to me was a community service program on arthritis sponsored by one of our hospitals that
Ken had attended with his wife. Someone in the audience had asked about the symptoms of arthritis in the hip. The doctor
presenting the program explained them and made reference to trochanter bursitis, another hip ailment. That may be my hip
problem and the cure, according to the
doctor, is a shot of cortisone.
We arrived at the Holiday Inn Express on the south side of the Drake University campus shortly before 2:30 PM and Ken was
quickly off to the stadium. His passion for track and field is unabated after a lifetime immersed in it. This was his 41st Drake
Relays, having first come in 1969 representing Eastern Illinois U. in the 4 x 1 mile. I waited for Chuck and Drew to arrive and
then followed Ken.
Thursday afternoon at the Relays is distance events on the track - 5K, 10K, 3,000 meters, among others. There is a University /
College Division and a high school division for Iowa high schools. While the University / College division athletes run faster
and jump higher, I find the successes of the high school athletes the most touching. Four years ago I saw Katie Flood, a petite
freshman, win the HS 3,000 in a record Drake time. She won it again as a sophomore, junior, and this year as a senior, breaking the time she set as a freshman. She also won the 1500 meters and was on two winning teams. Just thrilling!
We dined at the Drake Diner which is next to our motel. A beautiful evening, we sat on the screened in porch enjoying the
fragrance of the flowering trees. “Dined” may be a strong term for hamburgers, but Chuck and I did split a bottle of wine.
Friday, as forecast, was a rain day and I loitered at the motel while Chuck shopped for a Drake Relays sweatshirt for his wife.
He, Drew and I then headed for a mall in West Des Moines where we killed the rest of the morning. Ken, of course, put on the
rain gear and went to the Relays.
We did get a break in the rain Friday afternoon and I spent a little over an hour at the Relays before Ken was ready to call it a
day. We migrated to Peggy’s, a hole in wall campus bar that puts a tent over the parking lot and does a land office business
during the Relays. A beer at Peggy’s is tradition and we had a beer. Friday dinner was a little upscale at the Cosi Cucina Italina Grill, one of my favorite places. My prime rib was excellent!
Satuday morning was the Drake-on-the-Roads 8K and Half Marathon. I hadn’t registered this year because of the uncertainty
of my hip issue and, in prior years, the age groups just went to 60+. I don’t recall being a race “bandit,” but I was on Saturday.
I observed the “rules of banditry,” not taking water on the course, not crossing the finish line, and not taking post-race refreshments. Had I know that my hip wasn’t going to be an issue and that they had added a couple age groups, I would have registered. My finishing time would have been about 40:00 flat and I would have been third out of nine in the age group.
We had 60's, sunshine and the humidity of the night’s rain. Considering my lack of training, I was very happy with my time.
Ken finished second in the 60-64 age group and received a nice tech shirt for his efforts.
Chuck and Drew showered and were quickly on the road home. They were so quick that they left three jackets hanging in their
room. Ken came out of the shower and asked, “Are they gone?” He spotted the jackets. If we hadn’t had connecting rooms, I
don’t know that Chuck and Drew would have those jackets today.
We had good weather for Saturday’s events, the morning sun giving way to an overcast that kept us very comfortable. Our
Drake contact had gotten us passes to the Drake VIP tent (free food) and that added to the fun of the day. I met Laura Palmer, a
Drake alumni relations officer, whose parents were born in Kankakee and whose uncle is still here.
Ken was ready to leave at 5:00 PM and I took the first shift behind the wheel. Ugh! Ten miles east of Des Moines the rain
began and hung in there for three hours until we stopped to eat. Three or four times it was so blinding that I slowed to 40 MPH
while some cars waited on the shoulder for it to pass. Ken’s shift wasn’t as bad, but it was still raining when he dropped me
off a little after 10:30.
I Run for your life!
Drake Stadium is where the collegiate and high school action takes
place, but the Drake Relays Half Marathon and the 8k take place
on the roads. The Half Marathon course is challenging, especially
for those of us who must use the Ringling Bridge for hill training!
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Rate the Races By ~ Terry Deshaies
I rate the races based on 4 criteria: organization, the course, the awards and most importantly post race party. Anyone
who would like to comment about a race can email me directly at [email protected].
Sharkey’s YMCA St. Patty’s Day 8k: The organization was excellent. There was plenty of parking in
Sharkey’s parking lot. Packet pick-up was quick and easy and the T-shirts were most excellent, green with a runner
and a four leaf clover on them...St Patrick would have been proud
The 8k course started in front of Sharkey’s, headed out around the airport, then right along the intercoastal waterway down to Caspersan Beach, then back up the road to Sharkey’s. This year however, instead of the finish being as
soon as you turned into the parking lot, you had to run all around the parking lot to get to the finish line. (Holy zigzag,
Batman!) A very nice improvement as the course was a little short last year and this year the distance was 4.95miles
according to my Garmin.
The awards were once again some of the best in the area. Big shamrock medals for the overall winners; smaller
shamrock medals for 1st thru 3rd and 4th thru 6th got ribbons with the event name and shamrocks on them.
The post race party was the best of the year so far, and that is saying a lot to be able to beat “The Run for The Lions”. First off, they had plenty of seating and tables, with a fantastic view of the beach. Secondly, they utilized my
idea of using both sides of the table for the serving line, so you could get your food with no waiting. They had scrambled eggs with mushrooms and spinach, also some kind of Irish potato dish, biscuits and cinnamon rolls, once again
not a bagel or banana in sight…yeah!! They also had plenty of green beer. There was no running out this year and
trust me, I tried
I give the Sharkey’s St. Patty’s Day 8k a rating of 9.95 out of 10, my highest rating to date. The only thing wrong
was the sound system was very hard to hear and we were only about 20 feet away. Plus, out on the course, there was
one spot, in the beach parking lot, where they could have used a person to direct the runners…other than that ~ it was
a perfect race and kudos to Ricardo for giving the kid a chance after he took a wrong turn in the parking lot!
Robinson Preserve 5k: The organization was way better than last year and the day before packet pick-up was a
very good idea. The only thing you had to do was get your chip. If you didn’t pre-register then the lines were pretty
long. This was the largest sanction race ever in Bradenton with over 800 participants. The PA system was way better
this year over last year. You could definitely hear Tom Orehowsky belt out the National Anthem. They could have
used some more Jiffy Johns, but then again I don’t think they were anticipating this size of a crowd. The race started
about 10 minutes late, to accommodate the large number of late arrivals!
The course was an awesome run through the Robinson Preserve (duh) and is about as scenic as it gets. You also
got to run on a variety of surfaces, everything from asphalt to wooden bridges and, just to make it interesting, the terrain is always changing with more hills than this flatlander is used too. The night time 6:40pm start made for nice
comfortable temperatures. The course measured 3.11 according to my Garmin.
The awards were tiles for all the winners. Larger tiles mounted on plaques for the overall and age group winners
and 1st thru 3rd got smaller tiles. Once again, the Bradenton races need to go 6 deep, even if it’s just ribbons for 4th thru
6th. Plus with all the kids in the race they need to breakdown the categories more 0-9, 10-12, 13-15 instead of 0-14!
The post race party was excellent, except for the cut in half bananas that were so black even Magilla Gorilla wouldn’t have eaten them. They had pasta, salad, mini éclairs, cookies and beer from World of Beers. My ideas from last
year were once again utilized as they had 3 food lines and you could use both sides of each table…in other words no
waiting for food. The beer was another story, but I am not going to complain about the beer line…at least they had it
and the price was right. They also had plenty of seating and tables to enjoy your post race goodies. There was a
silent auction, with many nice items to bid on…shhhhh
I give the Robinson Preserve 5k a rating of 9.75 out of 10. Great run, great course, awesome post race party, need
to go deeper in the age categories and more age categories for the kids, plus there was some minor mix ups with the
timing chip system…film at eleven
Mr. Beery’s Beer Mile: This race took place at Mr. Beery’s Bar in Gulf Gate. Now, the premise sounds easy, but
you quickly learn that it is not as easy as it sounds. As this was my first beer mile I had to learn the rules…yah, really
~ there are rules. First off the beer has to be at least 5% alcohol and you have to drink it out of a can. The beer of
choice was Budweiser. Secondly, there is no shooting the beer or pouring it all over yourself (this gets more and more
tempting as the race goes on). Thirdly there is no opening your first beer until the horn goes off. The fourth and most
important rule, is that if, shall we say, can’t hold your beer down, you have to do a penalty lap
So, how does this all work? The horn goes off and you pop the top and chug your first beer, then you head out
down the road for your first quarter mile. When you get back, they mark your arm band and tell you to “go have a
beer!” You then proceed to chug your second beer (noticeably slower than your first). When you are done you head
out on your second quarter mile. When you get back, they mark your arm band and tell you to “go have a beer!!”
You then go to chug your third beer. Now your chug has turned into a slug and you spend a great deal of time rooting on other competitors. When you finally finish that, it’s time for the third quarter mile. When you get back they
mark your arm band and tell you to “go have a beer!!!” You try to chug your last beer, but instead you find yourself
having conversations like…if monkeys really had wings how many would it take to lift the Tin Man off the
ground?? You then head out for your fourth and final quarter mile and stumble to the finish. A good time was had
by all and everyone was a winner ~ even the ones that spewed J…I’ve got to go practice for my next one!!
Run For The Turtles 5k:
The organization was very good. I do like the sign up, get your t-shirt, no hassles and you are ready to run. The
DJ was playing good tunes to get everyone pumped up for the race. Now I don’t want to sound like a fuddy duddy,
but the pre race music being loud is great, but after the race (when we are all talking about how much better we
could have done) was way too loud for casual conversations. I felt like I was at Joyland on a Saturday night, but I
digress, the race started on time and according to my Garmin was measured right on.
Siesta Beach can be a very challenging place to have a race and this year was no exception. The high tide had us
starting in the finishing shoot. The weather was near perfect and that was way better than the condition of the beach.
I thought they dragged the beach everyday and especially thought they would before a big race. Those weren’t potholes out there; those were craters, like you see on the moon!! Between the high tide and the divots maneuvering
was pretty difficult. Having a water stop at the turn around was great, because all summer long we are on our own
out there.
The awards were Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals for the first 3 places. They really out did themselves with the
medals…good job. They had ribbons for 4th thru 6th with the event name on the ribbons. The results were a little
hard to hear, but they did announce the race times and as runners we are all about the stats.
The post race party was not as good as last years. They had bagels, bananas, juice, oranges, but this year, in
heaven there was no beer!! I give the Turtle Run 5K a rating of 8.5 out of 10. The awards were awesome, but
someone really needs to check on the condition of the beach before the start of the race. Also, with the size of this
race, they should have better post race goodies…show the racers some loveJ
Heritage Harbour 10k: The organization was very good. Packet pick up went very smoothly and the nice T-shirts
were the same as last year, except for the date.J The race started just about on time. I was disappointed that Tom
Orehowsky didn’t sing the National Anthem.
The Course is scenic run through the Heritage Harbor (duh, once again) subdivision. The last 1.4 miles is
around Lake Slacker as you try to pick the pace for the end of the race. The view alone is worth the price of admission. The course measured right on 6.2 on my Garmin and they had plenty of water and volunteers along the way.
The awards were very nice plaques for the overall winners and Gold, Silver and Bronze medals for 1st thru 3rd.
Now, I know I’m starting to sound like a broken record, but the Bradenton races really need to go 6 deep. Okay, I
promise this is the last time I’m going to bring this up…really!!J
The Post race party was not as good as in years past. They had lots of pastries, fruit bowl, cheese platter, lots of
bread, bagels, and muffins. It sounds like a lot, but it was now where near enough food for all the people. They use
to have pizza at this race…what happened?
I give the Heritage Harbour 10k a 9.3 out of 10, still one of the best 10k’s in the area, very scenic and great
awards, just needs to work on the post race goodies.
Coach Paul’s Speed Training ( I call it “Tough Love”): If you want to improve your racing times, then you
need to be at Brookside Middle School on Tuesday afternoons. Coach Paul Wilson will guide you through a structured running workout that will improve your racing times. It’s working for me and several of my racing buddies
who attend regularly. I’ve taken almost a minute off my 5k times!! It only cost $3 and you will get faster!
The quick 1,2,3 on upcoming races:
MTC Annual Picnic: Two Words: Be There!! But definitely bring a glove, trust me on this oneJ right Susan!!
Island Run 5k: Takes place on Anna Maria Island, nice old Florida run, nice awards and good post race party…
hotdogs, yeah babyJ
Arthritis Run 5k: New race to me, starts at 6:55pm and if it’s like the one in winter should be a good time.
Dirty Duo: Totally fun race, prepare to get down and dirty, “into the mud scum queen”
Sammy’s Run 5k: 2nd year for this one, excellent race last year, scenic course, excellent awards and tons of good
food, gotta love it J
See you at the races!!
The race, run under near perfect weather conditions, drew 118 participants and strong finishes. Check the MTC
website for full results. Zvonko Smlatic was overall winner, and many participants benefitted from the drawing
for donated prizes.
Zvonko Smlatic takes the
Gerry Repple and Charlie
Finnocciaro took home
things that will make life
better at home!
Out of Town Race Results
To see your personal race results on this page, call Tom and Rachel Chambers at 921-0808,
Or email to [email protected].
5th OA Female 1st AG
3-26-10 Bradenton, FL
Robinson Preserve 5k
Rae Ann Darling Reed
4-3-10 Brooksville, FL
Croom 50k
Matt Bertrand
4-10-10 Venice, FL
Sharks Tooth 10k
Full Results available at
Rich Lomas
Heather Butcher
Toby Holland
Ginger Farrell
Rich Golden
Guy Ealey
Rachel Chambers
Amy Gladdue
Jen Robertson
Patti Brustad
Linda Moody
Jacqueline Fortin
Deb Litz
Carol Westerman
4-11-10 Bradenton, Fl
Heritage Harbour K-Swiss 10k
Full Results available at
Rich Lomas
Josephine Nicolosi
Carol Westerman
Guy Ealey
Rae Ann Darling Reed
Shana Bickel
Don Peachey
Stephen Crane
Terry Deshaies
Betsie Van Viven
Lynne Barrett
Tuula Pakula
Sherry Storms
Joe Siever
Jonas Stankus
Esther Van Duzee
Frank Nicolosi
Dave Pierce
Chuck Van Duzee
Doug Schiller
Chuck Jambe
34:25.62 1st Masters Male
56:11.62 Sr.Gr. Masters Female
1:19:24.5 V. Gr Masters Female
51:20.27 V. Gr. Masters Male
2nd OA Female 1st AG
42:47.8 3rd AG
42:39.55 2nd AG
42:51.68 3rd AG
47:25.9 5th AG
1:01:48 6th AG
52:13.08 1st AG
1:00:07 2nd AG
1:02:38 3rd AG
49:00.87 3rd AG
1:01:50 6th AG
1:08:08 2nd AG
49:09.96 1st AG
1:02:02 6th AG
53:41.24 2nd AG
1:18:07 7th AG
57:20.13 1st AG
4-19-10 Boston, MA
Boston Marathon
Nate Krah
Rob Villetto
Adam Bright
2:25:04 36th OA
4-24-10 Bradenton, FL
De Soto 5k
Rae Ann Darling Reed
20:00:84 1st AG 3rd OA Female
4-25-10 St. Augustine, FL
Race to the Taste 5k
Peter Gold
21:50 1st AG
3-27-10 Boston, MA
Kim Sheffield
National Masters Indoor Champ
1st OA
1st OA Male
1st OA Female
1st Masters Female
1st Gr. Masters Female
1st Gr. Masters Male
1st Sr. Gr. Masters Male
1st AG
2nd AG
4th AG
5th AG
1st AG
2nd AG
3rd AG
1st AG
5:11:93 Indoor Mile Masters
Manasota Track Club Membership Application
Male_____ Female_____
Address____________________________ City___________________ State______ Zip___________
Phone (home) ____________________ (cell) _________________
DOB ___/___/___
Email Address________________________________________
(Please print clearly)
I will read the monthly newsletter on line, no need to snail mail me a hard copy (circle choice)
Annual Membership expires one year from the month of enrollment.
_____New Member
_____ Renewal
______Through high school $15
______Individual $20
______Family $25
______General Club Donation $___________
______Scholarship Fund $_________________
General club donations are used to support club activities. Scholarship fund aids student athletes.
For Family Memberships:
Male ______
Female _______
Male ______
Female _______
Male ______
Female _______
Manasota Track Club Membership Waiver: I know that running and volunteering to work in club races are potentially hazardous activities. I should not
enter and run in club activities unless I am medically able and properly trained. I agree to abide by any decision of a race official relative to my ability to
safely complete a run. I assume all risks associated with running and volunteering to work in club races including, but not limited to: falls, contact with
other participants, the effects of weather, including high heat and/or humidity, the conditions of the road and traffic on the course, all such risks being
known to me and appreciated by me. Having read this waiver and knowing these facts, and in consideration of your acceptance of my application for
membership, I, for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, waive and release the Manasota Track Club and all sponsors, their representatives
and successors from all claims or liabilities of any kind arising out of my participation in these club activities even thought that liability may arise out of
negligence or carelessness on the part of the persons named in this waiver. I grant permission to all the foregoing to use any photographs, motion
pictures, recordings or any other record of an event for any legitimate purpose.
Signature________________________________________________________________ Date___________________
Parent’s Signature__________________________________________________________ (if under 18)
Send the signed form with check payable to: Manasota Track Club in the enclosed envelope to the membership secretary:
Kathy Dubro, 6294 Sturbridge Ct., Sarasota, FL 34238
Form and Waiver must be complete for membership to be valid.
P.O. BOX 5696

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