2014 - Lasco Jamaica Limited
2014 - Lasco Jamaica Limited
2014 Annual Report LASCO Distributors Limited 1 Vision & Mission VISION To become a global corporate leader, through innovation and entrepreneurship. Driven by a passion for excellence and compassion for our fellow man, we will make LASCO a world name, synonymous with integrity, value and service. MISSION Our mission is to provide quality products and services to employee development. our customers, ensure profitability and promote Being the best...Always. 2014 Annual Report LASCO Distributors Limited 2014 Annual Report LASCO Distributors Limited 2 3 Contents COMPANY INFORMATION 3 Notice of Annual General Meeting To adopt, receive and consider resolutions 5 Corporate Data LASCO divisions and their locations 6 Shareholders' Profile A report on the volume & percentage shareholdings in the Company STATEMENTS 7 Five Year Financial Review 8 10 Chairman's Statement 13 Corporate Governance An outline of the responsibilities of the committees 15 Directors' Report 16 Managing Director’s Report 20 Executive Management Team 22 Management Discussion & Analysis Company Overview Business Review Analysis by Division FEATURES 34 Corporate Social Responsibility Marketing, Advertising & Promotions FINANCIAL REPORT 44 Financial Statements OTHER INFORMATION 80 2014 Annual Report NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual General Meeting of LASCO DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED will be held at the Knutsford Court Hotel on September 30, 2014 at 11:30 am. The proposed resolutions are as follows: ORDINARY BUSINESS Ordinary Resolutions 1. Audited Accounts To consider and if thought fit, pass the following resolution: “THAT the Audited Accounts for the year ended March 31, 2014 and the Reports of the Directors and Auditors, circulated with notice convening the meeting, be and are hereby adopted.” 2. Election of Directors Article 97 of the Company’s Articles of Incorporation provides that one-third of the Directors, if their number is not three (3) or a multiple of three (3), the number nearest one-third (1/3), shall retire from office at each Annual General Meeting and Article 98 of the Company’s Articles of Incorporation provides that the Directors to retire in every year shall be those who have been longest in office since their last election. The Directors retiring under these Articles are Dr. Eileen Chin and J. A. Lester Spaulding and being eligible, offer themselves for re-election. The proposed resolutions are as follows: To consider and if thought fit pass the following resolution: (i) “THAT Director, Dr. Eileen Chin, retiring pursuant to Articles 97 and 98 of the Articles of Incorporation be and is hereby re-elected.” To consider and if thought fit pass the following resolution: Directors' Profile REPORTS 29 Notice of Annual General MEETinG Proxy Form (ii)“THAT Director, J. A. Lester Spaulding, retiring pursuant to Articles 97 and 98 of the Articles of Incorporation be and is hereby re-elected.” 3. Election of New Directors 3.1 THAT Gary Peart was, on the 28th day of October, 2013 appointed as Non-Executive Director of the Company until the next Annual General Meeting. Mr. Gary Peart being eligible offered himself for election as a Director of the Company. The proposed resolution is therefore as follows: To consider and if thought fit pass the following resolution: “THAT Gary Peart be and is hereby elected a Director of the Company.” 3.2 THAT Jacinth Hall-Tracey was, on the 28th day of October, 2013 appointed as Non-Executive Director of the Company until the next Annual General Meeting. Mrs. Jacinth Hall-Tracey being eligible offered herself for election as a Director of the Company. The proposed resolution is therefore as follows: To consider and if thought fit pass the following resolution: “THAT Jacinth Hall-Tracey be and is hereby elected a Director of the Company.” 2014 Annual Report LASCO Distributors Limited 2014 Annual Report LASCO Distributors Limited 4 5 4. Directors’ Remuneration To consider and if thought fit, pass the following resolution: “THAT, the Directors’ remuneration shall be such amount as the Board of Directors, or any appropriate Committee of the Board of Directors, may determine, pursuant to Article 77 of the Company’s Articles of Incorporation.” 5. Appointment of Auditors and their Remuneration To consider and if thought fit, pass the following resolution: “THAT Messrs BDO, having signified their willingness to serve, continue in office as Auditors of the Company until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting at remuneration to be agreed with the Directors.” Dated this 30th day of June 2014 BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Vincent A. Chen COMPANY SECRETARY Corporate Data REGISTERED OFFICE LASCO Distributors Limited 27 Red Hills Road Kingston 10 Jamaica, W.I. Tel: (876) 749-5272 Fax: (876) 749-2966 Website: www.lascojamaica.com SEGMENT LOCATION LASCO Pharmaceutical Division 27 Red Hills Road Kingston 10 Jamaica, W.I. Tel: (876) 968-3456-65; (876) 929-7633 Fax: (876) 929-7622 LASCO Consumer Division White Marl St. Catherine Jamaica, W.I. Tel: (876) 749-2967-9; (876) 749-5272 Fax: (876) 749-2966 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Executive Directors Hon. Lascelles Chin, O.J., C.D. Chairman Mr. Peter Chin Managing Director Non-Executive Directors J. A. Lester Spaulding, C.D., J.P. Dr. Eileen Chin, MBA Mr. Anthony Chang Sir Kenneth Hall, O.N., G.C.M.G., O.J. Mrs. Jacinth Hall-Tracey, MBA Mr. Gary Peart, MBA NOTE: A Member of the Company entitled to attend and vote at this meeting is entitled to appoint another person as his/her Proxy to attend and vote in his/her stead, and a Proxy need not be a Member. A Form of Proxy is enclosed for your convenience. 2014 Annual Report List of Senior Officers Hon. Lascelles Chin, O.J., C.D. Chairman Mr. Peter Chin Managing Director Mrs. Cecilia Lewis Financial Controller Mr. Vincent Chen Company Secretary Attorneys-At-Law Chen, Green & Company 6 Haining Road Kingston 5 Jamaica W.I. Bankers CIBC First Caribbean International Bank Jamaica Limited 23-27 Knutsford Boulevard Kingston 5 Jamaica W.I. Bank of Nova Scotia Jamaica Limited Cnr. Duke & Port Royal Streets Kingston Jamaica W.I. National Commercial Bank Jamaica Limited 94 Half Way Tree Road Kingston 10 Jamaica W.I. Auditors BDO 26 Beechwood Avenue Kingston 5 Jamaica W.I. Registrar and Transfer Agents Jamaica Central Securities Depository 40 Harbour Street Kingston Jamaica W.I. 2014 Annual Report LASCO Distributors Limited 2014 Annual Report LASCO Distributors Limited 6 Shareholders' Profile Five Year Financial Review TOP TEN SHAREHOLDERS as at March 31, 2014 FIRST CALENDAR YEAR OF DATA 2010 NUMBER OF YEARS OF DATA 5 REPORTING VALUES $’000 NAME Joint Holders Lascelles A. Chin *East West (St. Lucia) Limited Mayberry West Indies Limited Huixiong Liao Mayberry Managed Clients Account Catherine Adella Peart JCSD Trustee Services Limited - Sigma Venture Wayne M. Chin * Hilda Gonzalez-Rosales Joel Izquierrdo Gonzalez * Liudmila Gonzalez Diaz Hilda Gonzalez Rosales Eileen Chin VOLUME PERCENTAGE 1,019,337,780 1,649,551,260 2,668,889,040 81,230,529 33,280,300 23,066,067 23,000,000 21,537,000 30.28 49.00 79.28 2.39 0.98 0.69 0.68 0.64 21,054,360 2,833,000 23,887,360 20,000,000 0.63 0.08 0.71 0.59 0.00 0.59 0.51 0.39 3,000 20,003,000 17,118,600 13,204,100 2014 Number of Shares Issued Stock Holders Equity ($’000) Percentage increase over prior year Market Capitalisation Total Borrowings J. A. Lester Spaulding Anthony Chang Peter Chin Lascelles Chin Kenneth Hall Eileen Chin Jacinth Hall-Tracey Gary Peart Position * Connected Party * Kamla Chin * East West (St. Lucia) Limited * Rheima C. Holding Hall * Hilda Gonzalez Rosales VOLUME 1,503,000 913,000 2,000,000 1,019,337,780 1,649,551,260 2,668,889,040 753,000 13,204,100 Nil Nil Shareholdings of Senior Officers and Connected Parties as at March 31, 2014 Name Primary Holder Cecilia Lewis Position * JOINT HOLDER Financial Controller UNITS 203,000 PERCENTAGE 0.006 *Connected Party 2014 Annual Report 2010 3,366,431 3,366,431 336,643 74,072 $2,397,137 $1,887,101 $1,464,428 $961,174 $509,657 27.0% 28.9% 52.4% 88.6% 31.2% $5,049,646,725 $3,534,752,708 $4,046,450,242 $1,077,257,968 $0 $45,778 $0 $2,812 2010 Turnover ($’000) $9,464,744 $8,255,354 $7,460,509 $6,756,555 $5,842,917 14.64% 10.65% 10.42% 15.64% 15.00% $587,464 $506,833 $570,711 $406,250 $142,577 15.9% -11.2% 40.5% 184.9% 6.8% $587,464 $506,833 $550,377 $306,398 $97,721 15.9% -7.9% 79.6% 213.5% 23.9% $587,464 $506,833 $550,377 $306,398 $98,073 15.9% -7.9% 79.6% 212.4% 23.9% 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.57 24.51% 26.86% 37.58% 31.88% 19.24% 6.2% 6.1% 7.6% 6.0% 2.4% 14.22% 16.63% 23.80% 16.55% 4.45% Quick Ratio 1.49 1.22 1.45 1.15 0.95 Current Ratio 2.23 2.33 2.33 1.86 1.39 6.2% 6.1% 7.4% 4.5% 1.7% 0.71 0.56 0.44 2.86 6.88 Earning per Stock Unit-basic-JA$ $0.17 $0.15 $0.16 $1.02 $0.36 Closing Stock Price-JSE: JA$ $1.50 $1.05 $1.20 $3.20 8.60 6.97 7.35 3.14 Percentage increase over prior year Profit before Taxation ($’000) Percentage increase over prior year IMPORTANT RATIOS Debt to Equity Ratio Return on Equity Profit before Taxation/Sales Return on Asset Ratio Return on Sales Shareholders’ Equity per Stock Unit-JA$ Price Earning Ratio 2013 $288,402 2011 Percentage increase over prior year 0.04 0.03 0.06 30.28 49.00 79.28 0.02 0.39 Nil Nil 2011 2012 Net Profit Attributable to Stockholders ($’000) PERCENTAGE 2012 3,366,431 2014 Percentage increase over prior year Name Primary Holder 2013 INCOME STATEMENT Profit before Taxation ($’000) Shareholdings of Directors and Connected Parties as at March 31, 2014 7 2014 Annual Report LASCO Distributors Limited 2014 Annual Report LASCO Distributors Limited 8 9 Chairman's STATEMENT The Board of Directors is pleased with the performance of LASCO Distributors Limited in achieving revenue growth and improved profit performance over last year. For the financial year ended March 31, 2014, revenue growth was 14.6% totaling $9.46B in sales, with a 15.9% increase in net profit, ending the year at $587.5M. This performance is indeed commendable, given the difficult economic conditions wherein businesses are experiencing significant challenges. We applaud management and staff for implementing and executing successful strategies resulting in the Company’s positive performance. The Board will continue to support and guide the management team in their efforts to achieve the overall objectives. There is confidence that the management team will continue to lead and motivate personnel, be innovative and improve business operations, in order to navigate through the current dynamic economic environment. The goal of the Company is to be a powerhouse in the distribution business with representation of international brands, as well as expanding our own brands. LASCO has already experienced significant achievements with improved presence for the brands represented, supported by continued collaboration with our valuable Principals to ensure focus. For our LASCO brands, we continue to have success with new product introductions and line extensions, as there is a rich pipeline of products still to come to market. The economy experiences cycles and goes through periods of expansion and recession. Despite the reality of operating in an economic downturn, LASCO’s philosophy of giving back continues through various corporate initiatives in support of 2014 Annual Report our vision statement “compassion for our fellow man”. This is truly our passion and we will continue our contributions to our many outstanding Jamaicans and the wider nation. We congratulate and welcome the newly appointed Directors to the Board, Mrs. Jacinth Hall-Tracey and Mr. Gary Peart. We look forward to their expertise, contribution and support as we journey together into another year and an exciting future. The future is indeed promising as we continue to develop the business and build out our vision in providing value and service to our valuable consumers. Hon. Lascelles A. Chin O.J., C.D. Executive Chairman The Hon. Lascelles Chin, O.J., C.D. EXEcutive Chairman 2014 Annual Report LASCO Distributors Limited 2014 Annual Report LASCO Distributors Limited 10 11 DirectorS' Profiles Mr. Spaulding is a Non-Executive Director of the Company and its mentor for the purposes of the Rules of the Jamaica Stock Exchange Junior Market. As mentor, he is responsible for advising the Board on the implementation of adequate procedures, systems and controls, corporate governance, financial reporting and the release of timely information to the market. Recipient of the Order of Jamaica for his philanthropy and contribution to the development of commerce and business, Lascelles Chin is the Chairman and Founder of the LASCO Affiliated Companies. This Jamaican born entrepreneur who ventured into the field of business and commerce in 1956, found opportunities in a variety of sectors: the import of spices and teas, sales of adhesives through his partnership with Henkel, furniture manufacturing, data processing, car rentals, horticulture, insurance brokerage, hair products, soya oil refining and chicken processing. As a result of his wealth of knowledge, business experience and being always mindful of his humble beginnings, the Chairman has constantly sought to develop and distribute affordable products. Hon. Lascelles Chin, O.J., C.D. Executive Chairman Mr. Chin shares his ideas and energy with his business colleagues and has contributed greatly to prominent Jamaican organizations such as the Jamaica Industrial Development Corporation, the Jamaica Exporters’ Association and the Jamaica Promotions Corporation (JAMPRO). He is a current Director of the Bureau of Standards’ Standards Council, The University of the West Indies’ School of Nursing Advisory Board and the King’s House Foundation. He is also the Executive Chairman of LASCO Manufacturing Limited and LASCO Financial Services Limited. Mr. Spaulding is the Chairman of the Board’s Audit and Compliance Committee and a member of the Compensation Committee. These committees are required by the Junior Market Rules for the purposes of good governance. Mr. J. A. Lester Spaulding, C.D., J.P. Non-Executive Director and Mentor of the Board Dr. Eileen Chin is the Managing Director serving as an Executive Director on the Board of LASCO Manufacturing Limited. Born in Havana City, Cuba, Dr. Chin holds a post graduate degree in Medicine from the Havana University School of Medicine. She specialized and taught histology from 1993 to 1998 at the Giron School of Medicine, and migrated to Jamaica in 1998. The Chairman has also been listed among the top 10 personalities in Jamaica published by the Jamaica Observer on several occasions. In 2011, he was inducted into the Private Sector Organization of Jamaica (PSOJ) Hall of Fame. Mr. Peter Chin has been Managing Director of LASCO Distributors Limited since November, 2011. Mr. Chin has over 15 years experience in the distribution industry and has held several senior management positions at LASCO Distributors Limited. Some of the positions held include Logistics Manager with responsibility for distribution and procurement, Marketing Manager and General Manager for the Consumer Division. Dr. Chin joined the LASCO Group of Companies in 1999 serving in several positions including marketing, product and label development and international business development for Central and South American markets. She was appointed General Manager of LASCO Foods (Successors) Limited in 2008 and in 2010 Managing Director prior to the name change to LASCO Manufacturing Limited. Dr. Chin holds an MBA in Global Management and has received knowledge and skills development training in Advanced Negotiation, Risk Management and Lean Six Sigma. Dr. Eileen Chin, MBA Non-Executive Director She is also an active member of the Board of Directors of LASCO Financial Services Limited, LASCO Distributors Limited and the Portia Simpson Miller Foundation. Mrs. Hall-Tracey is a Non-Executive Director of the Company. She holds an MBA from Edinburgh Business School, a Bachelor of Arts Degree (Hons.) from The University of the West Indies, Corporate Treasury and Cash Management Certificate from the Association of Financial Professionals which grants the CTP (Corporate Treasury Professional) designation and several other professional courses in Marketing, Securities and Anti-Money Laundering procedures. Mr. Chin has gained a wealth of experience in the functional areas of logistics, procurement, sales, marketing, operations and new product development. Over the years, he has developed a reputation for strong people-management skills and sound leadership. Mr. Chin’s performance in these key areas of the business prepared him for the top managerial position which he now holds. Mr. Peter Chin Managing Director Mr. Spaulding is currently the Non-Executive Chairman of the Board of Directors of the RJR Communication Group. He started his 42 year career in business as an Accountant, rising to the position of Managing Director. Mr. Spaulding was responsible for guiding the Company operationally as its CEO for 30 years up to 2008. This includes listing the parent Company Radio Jamaica Limited on the Jamaica Stock Exchange after a successful IPO in September 1991. He also serves on the Boards of other commercial institutions including JN Money Services Limited, Guardsman Communications Limited and LASCO Manufacturing Limited. He currently serves as Director in community service organizations, Peace and Love in Schools (PALS) and the Caribbean Community of Retired Persons (CCRP). He is also an Honorary Rotarian of the Kingston Rotary Club. At LASCO, Mr. Chin has managed the oversight of several mission-critical projects, leading the modernization of the distribution center infrastructure and heading the steering committee that implemented the Company’s systemwide ERP network software. Mr. Chin currently sits on the Board of Directors for LASCO Financial Services Limited and LASCO Manufacturing Limited. In 2009 Mrs. Hall-Tracey was appointed Managing Director of LASCO Financial Services Limited. She began as General Manager and Compliance Officer of the Company in 2004. She was appointed as Non-Executive Director of LASCO Manufacturing Limited in 2013. In March 2014, Mrs. Hall-Tracey was appointed National Mentor by the Governor General of Jamaica and mentors at her Alma Mater – Merl Grove High School. She is a member of the Cambio Association of Jamaica and the Jamaica Money Remitters Association. Mrs. Jacinth Hall-Tracey, MBA Non-Executive Director 14 2014 Annual Report 15 2014 Annual Report LASCO Distributors Limited 2014 Annual Report LASCO Distributors Limited 12 13 Gary Peart joined Mayberry Investments Limited in May 2005 as Chief Executive Officer after developing his management techniques throughout the financial industry over the course of 15 years. During this time, he gained experience in almost every business line, including Corporate Finance, Equity, Fixed Income and Treasury Management, all of which prepared him for his current role as CEO and Board member of several well-known Jamaican entities. Mr. Peart also sits on the Boards of LASCO Financial Services, Access Financial Services and Port Authority of Jamaica. He is Chairman of the Board – Jamaica Bauxite Institute and Betting Gaming and Lotteries Commission. He is also an alternate Board Member of the Jamaica Stock Exchange and Vice President of the Jamaica Securities Dealers Association. Mr. Gary Peart, MBA Non-Executive Director Corporate Governance As at March 31, 2014 The Board of Directors of LASCO Distributors Limited is responsible for good Corporate Governance. To this end, the Board is directly responsible for ensuring accountability, objectivity and transparency in the Company’s activities, all of which are essential to the success of achieving increased shareholder confidence and maximization of shareholder value. In fulfilling its responsibility, the Board ensures compliance with the Company’s policies and procedures; the rules of the Jamaica Stock Exchange Junior Market and most importantly, the laws and regulations of the land. Additionally, the Board fosters and encourages a culture of good ethical practices throughout the Company. Beyond the business world, Mr. Peart provides support to the Mona School of Business as a member of the Investment Committee and a member of the Rotary Club of St. Andrew North. The Most Honourable Professor Kenneth Hall holds a Doctorate of Philosophy Degree in history from Queen’s University, Ontario, Canada. He served as Governor General of Jamaica from 2006 – 2009. Prior to serving as Governor General, he was Pro Vice-Chancellor and Principal of The University of the West Indies, Mona Campus. In 2009, he was appointed an Honorary Distinguished Fellow of the Mona School of Business. The Most Hon. Professor. Sir Kenneth Hall, O.N. G.C.M.G., O.J.. Non-Executive Director Mr. Anthony Chang Non-Executive Director 2014 Annual Report The Most Honourable Professor Kenneth Hall worked to advance regional integration during his tenure at the CARICOM Secretariat from 1975 to 1977 and 1994 to 1996. He is a prolific writer and has published several books, articles and reviews. In 2004, he was awarded the Order of Jamaica for his contribution to education and regional development. Board Composition As at March 31, 2014, a total of eight members comprised the Company’s Board: two Executive and six Non-Executive Directors. The members are experienced and qualified individuals with diverse skills and knowledge from varying professions. The expertise of the Board Members ensures that decisions are made in the best interest of the Company, resulting in improved Shareholders’ Equity. Mr. Chang is a Non-Executive Director of the Company. He is a graduate of the University of the Western Ontario, Canada, Richard Ivey School of Business (Bachelor of Arts (Hons)). He has also completed many professional courses and was awarded a Hubert Humphrey Fellowship by the American University of Washington, D.C. (1996). Mr. Chang was the Managing Director of T. Geddes Grant Limited prior to joining the LASCO Affiliated entities. Board Sub-committees There are two Sub-Committees: the Audit and Compliance Committee and the Compensation Committee. The Members were appointed by the full Board of Directors and any Board Member may by invitation attend sub-committee meetings. Mr. Chang is a Board Member of various local institutions and companies including Scotia Group Limited, Scotia DBG Investments Limited and Digicel Jamaica Limited. He was President of the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce, Chairman of Legislation and Regulation (a USAID and Government of Jamaica private sector project which, amongst other things, funded the reorganization of the local Taxpayer Audit and Administration Department’s audit programmes and created the Caribbean’s first Developmental Approval Centre at NEPA). Mr. J. A. Lester Spaulding, C.D., J.P. Chairman Audit & Compliance Committee The Audit and Compliance Committee This Committee, chaired by Mr. J. A. Lester Spaulding, has direct responsibility to assist the Board by overseeing the financial reporting and auditing process of the Company’s activities. The Committee meets quarterly and continues to be guided by its established terms of reference to ensure: - good fiscal discipline - open and accurate financial reporting and - timely disclosures For the financial period under review, the Committee appointed Mayo Holdings Limited to function on a co-sourcing basis to provide internal audit services. At the beginning of the year, the Committee reviewed and approved the audit plan for the financial year. In an effort to maintain and improve organizational procedures and controls for safeguarding the Company’s assets, the Internal Audit Department, through the appointed Internal Auditor, reports to the Committee at its quarterly meetings. During the periodic meetings, the members of the Committee also analyze the quarterly interim financial statements and the annual audited financial statements in accordance with the rules of the Jamaica Stock Exchange Junior Market and International Financial Reporting Standards, and makes recommendations to the full Board of Directors for publication. The Compensation Committee This Committee has responsibility to advise the Board on all matters relating to the compensation of the Executive Chairman, the Managing Director and the Non-Executive members of the Board. The Committee is chaired by the Hon. Professor Sir Kenneth Hall and its terms of reference require that the Committee meets at least once per year to evaluate the performance of the Executive Chairman and the Managing Director. For the financial year under review, the Committee met as mandated and made its recommendation to the full Board of Directors. 2014 Annual Report LASCO Distributors Limited 2014 Annual Report LASCO Distributors Limited 14 Directors' Report As at March 31, 2014 Below is a summary of the register in respect of the meetings for the financial year ended March 31, 2014. MeetingsAGM BOD No. of Meetings 1 4 Lascelles Chin 1 4 Peter Chin 1 4 Eileen Chin 1 4 Anthony Chang - 4 J. A. Lester Spaulding 1 2 Sir Kenneth Hall 1 4 Jacinth Hall-Tracey * - 1 Gary Peart * - 2 Compensation Audit CommitteeCommittee 1 4 1 3 - 4 - - - 3 1 3 - - - * Appointed November 2013 The following table outlines the composition of each Committee. Meetings Lascelles Chin Peter Chin Eileen Chin Anthony Chang J. A. Lester Spaulding Sir Kenneth Hall Jacinth Hall-Tracey Gary Peart Compensation Committee √ - - - √ √ - - Audit Committee √ √ √ - The Directors of LASCO Distributors Limited (the Company) are pleased to present their report for the financial year ended March 31, 2014. FINANCIAL RESULTS The Statement of Comprehensive Income shows total Comprehensive Income of Five Hundred Eighty Seven Million, Four Hundred Sixty Four Thousand Dollars (J$587,464,000). The Company listed its shares on the Junior Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange on October 12, 2010 and for this reason is entitled to a remission of Corporate Income Tax for a period of ten years from the date of listing as follows: Years 1 – 5 Years 6 – 10 100% 50% DIRECTORS The Directors of the Company as at March 31, 2014 are: Lascelles Chin (Executive Chairman), Peter Chin (Managing Director), Eileen Chin (Non-Executive), J. A. Lester Spaulding (Non-Executive), Kenneth Hall (Non-Executive), Anthony Chang (Non-Executive), Gary Peart (Non-Executive) and Jacinth Hall-Tracey (Non-Executive). In accordance with the Articles of Incorporation of the Company, Dr. Eileen Chin and J. A. Lester Spaulding shall retire by rotation and being eligible, will offer themselves for re-election. AUDITORS The Auditors of the Company, BDO, of 26-28 Beechwood Avenue, Kingston 10, Jamaica, have expressed their willingness to continue in office as Auditors of the Company until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting. DIVIDEND An interim dividend of two cents (0.023) per share was paid on December 10, 2013 to shareholders on record as at November 26, 2013. This dividend was declared final and that no further dividend be paid in respect of the year under review. NEW APPOINTMENTS Mrs. Jacinth Hall-Tracey and Mr. Gary Peart were on the 28th day of October, 2013 appointed by the Directors as Non-Executive Directors of the Company until the holding of the Annual General Meeting. Mrs. Jacinth Hall-Tracey and Mr. Gary Peart being eligible offered themselves for election as Directors of the Company. The Directors wish to extend special thanks to our shareholders for the confidence that they have placed in LASCO Distributors Limited. We look forward to a continued rewarding relationship for the coming year and beyond. We acknowledge and extend our appreciation to the committed efforts and hard work of the members of staff. Thanks to our consumers, customers, suppliers and other stakeholders for your continued support. Dated this 30th day of June 2014 FOR AND ON BEHALF THE BOARD Vincent A. Chen Company Secretary 2014 Annual Report 15 2014 Annual Report LASCO Distributors Limited 16 17 MANAGING DIRECTOR’S REPORT The last financial year was a successful one for LASCO Distributors Limited as the Company achieved an increase in revenue and improved net profit. Peter M. Chin MANAGING DIRECTOR For the financial year ended March 31, 2014, turnover was $9.46B which was an increase of 14.6% or $1.21B over the prior year of $8.26B. Total comprehensive income was $587.5M, an increase of 15.9% or $80.6M over the previous year. The strong performance was however not immune to the tight economic conditions, and it was indeed challenging for businesses in general to do well. The business environment was difficult with the continuing devaluation of the Jamaican dollar, rising costs and low consumer spending power. The company however continued to have strong demand for key products. The positive results were driven by robust commercial activities in the trade, focus on service delivery and key marketing activities. In keeping with the growth strategy, several new products were introduced to market during the year. The categories ranged from oral care, infant, beverage, breakfast and introduction of several pharmaceutical products. In January 2014, the Company signed an exclusive distribution agreement for the local market with Salada Foods Jamaica Limited for its full range of products. The expectation is for a high level of collaboration and effort to grow the brands of this esteemed range of coffees and teas. There were also several successful entries to market for Principal brands as the Company pushes to broaden the portfolio of products marketed and in distribution. There were changes in infrastructure and staffing to prepare the Company for growth as well as improve effectiveness. Critical operations were reviewed and programmes initiated to introduce energy saving methods, use innovation and improve processes. These measures will be implemented on a phased basis, but have already started producing immediate results, as we look towards more significant long-term benefits. It has been a philosophy of LASCO to give back. Through its corporate initiatives, the Company continues to support and recognize many unsung Jamaican heroes in the field of health care, education, security, community development and environmental awareness. LASCO’s Nurse of the Year (NOY), Teacher/Principal of the Year (TOY/PrOY), Police of the Year (POY) and Re-Leaf Environmental Awareness Program (REAP) are calendar events. It was indeed another outstanding year where we celebrated and acknowledged men, women and students who are standard bearers and future nation builders. In the coming year, the Company will enter into new categories and launch several new brands to market in both Pharmaceutical and Consumer Divisions. This means an increase in the product portfolio and brand representation for Principals. We will continue to seek new business partners and expand our own brands and further develop the channels we service. To facilitate the growth path, preparatory works have been done for the expansion of the existing distribution centres by an additional 90,000 sq. ft. The facilities will be fitted with the latest energy efficient equipment and inventory management technology to ensure maximum efficiency. We are appreciative of the continued collaboration and support of our customers. Even more so, the continued patronage of consumers who continue to purchase LASCO products, especially at a time when spending power is diminishing and consumers have to make conscious choices about the products they purchase. I would like to extend special commendations to the Management and staff for the creditable efforts displayed over the period to achieve the Company’s objectives. I would also like to thank the Directors for their stewardship over the period. Thank you to our shareholders for your continued support and confidence in us. We remain committed to achieving growth and profitability. Peter M. Chin Managing Director 2014 Annual Report 2014 Annual Report LASCO Distributors Limited 2014 Annual Report LASCO Distributors Limited 18 19 The LASCO Story 2014 Annual Report Chronological Highlights 2014 Annual Report LASCO Distributors Limited 2014 Annual Report LASCO Distributors Limited 20 Executive Management Team Sales, Marketing and Operations Consumer Division 2014 Annual Report 21 Pharmaceutical Division Support Services 2014 Annual Report LASCO Distributors Limited 2014 Annual Report LASCO Distributors Limited 22 23 Management Discussion & Analysis Management Discussion and Analysis Company Overview LASCO Distributors Limited is a leading distribution company in Jamaica. The business was established by the Honourable Lascelles Chin in September 1988 and in a relatively short time, the Company rapidly increased its market presence by offering quality products to the market at competitive prices. This market positioning and the focus on satisfying consumer needs have led to LASCO being market leaders in several major categories in the industry. The Company was listed on the Jamaica Stock Exchange in October 2010. The Company is comprised of two divisions the Consumer Division and the Pharmaceutical Division. The segmentation is based on product specialization and allows for greater focus to meet customer demand. The product distribution spans a wide range of fast moving consumer goods from the Consumer Division which distributes food, beverage, personal care, baby care, adult incontinent and home care products. The supply network also includes the distribution of ethical and over the counter (OTC) pharmaceutical products, animal health, and equipment for major international brands, as well as its own private brands from both divisions. The distribution channels include supermarkets, chain stores, wholesalers, small format stores, schools, pharmacies, government institutions and health care facilities. The product distribution reach is over several hundred locations and comprises over 3,000 individual product units. Business Review For the past year, the competitive activity was intense and dynamic as the continuing devaluation of the Jamaican dollar pushed businesses to increase prices in trade, coupled with the fact that consumers have limited funds to spend and are forced to make conscious choices. The Company’s market positioning is to provide good value to consumers; therefore the pricing mechanism is even more intricate in such an environment. There had to be stringent controls in managing the supply chain, robust in-trade activities and creative marketing efforts to drive demand for our products. In a very volatile market and tight economic conditions our customers have been challenged to engage customers and drive traffic to their stores. The in-store presence was strengthened and adjustments were made to other in-market teams for better coverage and service delivery. There were also steps put in place to improve our sales force applications enabling the teams to have stronger capabilities and access to newer technology. The focus is to continue to increase the product portfolio of Principal brands as well as owned brands. For the year, this was achieved with product line extensions, new entries to market and distribution agreements. Based on the Company’s objectives and projections, several changes were made to improve and expand the distribution centeres. This is in conjunction with the roll-out of newer equipment and improved technology. With respect to improvements in efficiencies there have been several audits and reviews of the Company’s operations. In particular, energy savings, deployment of technology and process improvements are some of the key areas which were addressed. The process was initiated and the expectation is to have these measures implemented over time. Several changes were made in the day-to-day operations to reduce costs and efforts are being made to sensitize personnel to ensure continuous review and encourage this discipline. 2014 Annual Report Financial Performance Total Revenue for the Company for the financial year ended March 31, 2014 was $9.46B, an increase of 14.6% or $1.21B over the previous year of $8.26B. Revenue growth was boosted by strong growth performance primarily from the Consumer Division. There was market share growth for key products, excellent offtake and trade rotation for newly introduced LASCO branded products and increased revenues from products added from new representation of Principal brands. Gross Profit was $1.83B, which is 11.8% growth over the previous year, while Gross Profit Margin was 19.4%, a reduction from 19.9%. The Pross Profit Margin change was due to changes in the business structure where there were increases in volumes to institutions at lower margins. Margins were also impacted as the Company continues to be aggressive in trade and still remain competitive. The Company operates in an environment where there is continued devaluation of the Jamaican dollar and increased competitive activity. Total Comprehensive Income Other Income Total Comprehensive Income was $587.5M, an increase of 15.9% or $80.6M compared to the previous year. Other Income grew by 48.5% to $50.7M. This is for income earned from interest and commission from sales of diagnostic and critical care products to key institutions. FINANCIAL SUMMARY 2014 vs. 2013 Revenue Gross Profit Gross Profit % Operating Expenses Op/Ex to Sales Profit from Operations Non-Operating Expense Profit Before Taxation Taxation Net Profit Per Year Earnings Per Share 2013/14 2012/13 Change $’000 $’000 $’000 9,464,744 1,834,307 19.4% 1,295,518 13.7% 589,508 2,044 587,464 587,464 $0.17 8,255,354 1,641,263 19.9% 1,162,371 14.1% 513,050 6,217 506,833 506,833 $0.15 1,209,390 193,044 -0.5% 133,147 -0.4% 76,458 (4,173) 80,631 80,631 $0.02 %Change 14.6% 11.8% 11.5% 14.9% -67.1% 15.9% 0.0% 15.9% 13.3% 2014 Annual Report LASCO Distributors Limited 2014 Annual Report LASCO Distributors Limited 24 Management Discussion & Analysis 25 Management Discussion & Analysis Administrative, Selling & Promotional Expenses The Company’s Total Operating Expenses was $1,295.5M, an increase of $133.1M or 11.5% over the previous year. Staff Costs increased by $91.5M, as the Company strengthened the in-market presence and deployed additional staff to support new products in-trade. Management & Consultancy Fees increased by $18.7M. This was due to increases in professional and legal fees. Donations & Subscriptions increased by $15.9M. This was due to renewal and licensing fees for software upgrades and activities for the corporate programme. With the increases in Operating Expenses there was containment, as the Ratio to Sales was 13.7%, a reduction from 14.1% of the previous year. ADMINISTRATIVE, SELLING & OTHER EXPENSES Staff Costs (note 10) Directors' Fees Property Expenses Transportation & Comms. Advertising & Promotion Mgmt & Consultancy Fees Insurance Stationery Utilities & Postage Security Donations & Subscriptions Bank Charges Auditors' Remuneration Foreign Exchange Loss Depreciation Other Administrative Exp. Total Administrative, Selling & Other Expenses 2014 2013 Var Var $’000 $’000 $’000 % 770,645 3,657 29,601 46,590 163,487 41,903 28,425 11,157 50,252 43,741 42,481 17,438 4,600 7,220 22,477 11,844 1,295,518 679,185 2,880 28,640 39,217 171,510 23,156 23,513 10,023 50,580 36,815 26,545 18,329 4,200 18,277 18,419 11,082 1,162,371 91,460 777 961 7,373 (8,023) 18,747 4,912 1,134 (328) 6,926 15,936 (891) 400 (11,057) 4,058 762 133,147 13.5% 27.0% 3.4% 18.8% -4.7% 81.0% 20.9% 11.3% -0.6% 18.8% 60.0% -4.9% 9.5% -60.5% 22.0% 6.9% 11.5% Profit from Operations Profit from Operations was $589.5M compared to $513.1M the previous year, an increase of 14.9% or $76.4M. As a ratio of net sales, profit from operations was 6.2% similar to last year. 14.9% 2014 Annual Report There was also a reduction in Finance Costs of 67.1% as management was better able to meet the operational requirements. 2014 Annual Report LASCO Distributors Limited 2014 Annual Report LASCO Distributors Limited 26 Financial Position At the end of the financial year ended March 31, 2014, total assets increased by 36.6% to $4.16B compared to $3.05B same period last year. Property, plant and equipment grew by 37.3% to $272.2M. The increase in Property, Plant and Equipment was due to several improvements made in the Company’s operational capability and infrastructure changes primarily at the distribution centres. Current Assets increased by 44.1% over the corresponding period, ending the financial year at $3,891.1M. Short-term Investments increased by $562.6M to $583.4M. Cash and Bank balances increased to $305.1M from $219.0M last year, as the Company made efforts to improve its cash position. Trade and Other Receivables was $1.67B, an increase of $ 506.4M over the prior year. This increase was primarily due to growth in revenue and extended credit terms to key institutions. There continues to be stringent controls implemented by the Company and the Management on receivables for non-institutional accounts which continues to be within industry standards. There was also a corresponding increase in Trade and Other Payables to $1.77B, an increase of $604.9M. 27 Consumer Division Pharmaceutical Division Analysis by Division Consumer Division For the financial year ended March 31, 2014, revenues for the Consumer Division grew by 18.2% ending the year at $7.6B and Net Profit before tax was $542.3M or a $125.2M increase over the previous year. For the Consumer Division there was strong demand for key products, expansion in market share and improved market position in several categories. This success was due to focus on in-trade tactics, deployment of additional resources and marketing activations. There will be continued improvements in distribution within current channels and development in other untapped areas especially with the imminent launch into new product categories. Pharmaceutical Division Revenues for the Pharmaceutical Division were relatively flat ending the period at $1.83B compared to $1.80B the previous year. Net profit before tax was $45.2M or a decrease of 49.7% compared to the previous year. The Division’s performance was impacted by changes made in business structure with some of our Principals. The transition process resulted in operational adjustments and temporary disruptions in the supply chain for some key products which negatively impacted the Division’s revenue and profit performance. There were introductions to the market of products for therapies such as stroke prevention, hyperuricemia and gout. The launch of this range of products helped to broaden and diversify the current portfolio. The Division’s marketing capability and technical team were strengthened providing greater coverage. Operational adjustments were also made to reduce expenses, improve territory and key accounts management to maximize revenues. Given the increase in the number of generic competitors, changes in the business structure and increased competitive activity, it is clear there is a paradigm shift in the Pharmaceutical Industry. The Division continues to reinvent itself to remain competitive and have sustained growth. 2014 Annual Report Pharmaceutical Principals Represented 2014 Annual Report Annual Report | 2014LASCO LASCODistributors DistributorsLimited Limited 2014 Annual Report LASCO Distributors Limited 28 29 Risk Management The Senior Management of LASCO Distributors Limited is conscious that continued business success will require heightened awareness and focus. Senior Management has responsibility for monitoring the Company’s risk management policies and reports to the Board of Directors. Risk management issues are reviewed on a continuous basis to ensure risk exposure remains minimal in response to changing market conditions, industry-specific issues and the overall business environment. The strengthening of our internal controls has resulted in more effective management of risk with improved data management, consistent reporting and timely response. Throughout the year we embarked on a process reengineering project with the aim of achieving an entirely technology driven process. Risk Management is an integral part of our business strategy and as we continue to grow and expand, we remain committed in our efforts to effectively improve overall efficiency while continuing to manage our risks. Significant events subsequent to the year end In July 2014, LASCO Distributors Limited was successful in the appeal to the Privy Council by Pfizer Limited against the ruling of the Jamaican Court of Appeal. The Privy Council dismissed the appeal brought by and affirmed the decision of the Jamaican Court of Appeal. The Company is now free to have the damages caused by the injunction which restrained it from trading in LAS Amlodipine assessed by the Court. Our attorneys will now take steps to proceed with the assessment by the Court as soon as the Court calendar allows. • Astra Zeneca • Bayer Schering Pharma • BSN Medical • Cipla • Cipla Veterinary • Community Drug Centre • CSL Behring AG • Fresenius Kabi • LatMedical • LASCO Vitamins 2014 Annual Report • LASMED • MSN • Neon • Novartis Pharma • Pharmascience • Roche Diabetes Care • Roche Diagnostics • Roche Servicios S.A. • Sirmaxo • Ziotis Corporate Social Responsibility LASCO demonstrates its continued commitment to Jamaica through its sustained support of critical developmental areas such as education, health, security, sports and the environment. LASCO’s flagship Corporate Programmes consist of partnerships with public sector bodies to recognize the best of Jamaica’s public servants, which includes the Nation’s educators, police and nurses. In recognition of LASCO’s commitment to the Nation, the American Chamber of Commerce Jamaica (AMCHAM) selected the company as the 2013 AMCHAM Corporate Social Responsibility Awardee in the Large Organisation Category. LASCO is also integrally involved in its surrounding communities of Central Village and Red Hills Road, mainly through its adoption of the Gwen Neil and Collins Close Basic Schools. 2014 Annual Report LASCO Distributors Limited 2014 Annual Report LASCO Distributors Limited 30 31 Health Education LASCO/NAJ Nurse of the Year Principal and Teacher of the Year For the past 15 years, LASCO has been committed to advancing health and wellness initiatives, towards the goal of building a healthy Nation. One of the groups pivotal to the advancement of the Nation’s Health Sector are the nurses. LASCO is continuously committed to empowering the stakeholders in the Health Sector, and is consequently very proud of its partnership with the Nurses Association of Jamaica (NAJ). Miss Shailee Neish, 2013/14 LASCO/NAJ Nurse of the Year (NOY) with Mrs. Tanya Davis-Picknight, 1st runner up NOY (right), Mrs. Julieth Forrester-Nugent, 2nd runner up NOY (left) and Mr. Peter Chin, Managing Director of LASCO Distributors Limited at the Awards Ceremony held at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel. The LASCO/NAJ Nurse of the Year was awarded $150,000, the 1st runner up received $100,000, while the 2nd runner up received a cheque of $50,000 among other prizes. Oral Health Month LASCO partnered with the Jamaica Dental Association (JDA) for the fourth hosting of health fairs to commemorate Oral Health Month, observed annually in October. LASCO’s participation included a booth set up at the JDA’s Dental Symposium, where approximately 600 adults and children benefited from the partnership. Health fairs were hosted at the Dental Clinic in Port Maria and Kingston, offering dental evaluation, cleaning and other services. LASCO/NAJ Nurse of the Year 2013/14 Shailee Neish (left) administers a pressure test to a patron at the Dental Association of Jamaica Health Expo held at the Girls Guide Association in Kingston, during Oral Health Month. LASCO views education as one of the central pillars of advancement for the Nation, and is proud to support educational initiatives. Since 1997, LASCO and the Ministry of Education (MoE) have collaborated to recognise some of Jamaica’s most outstanding teachers, with the category of LASCO/MoE principal added in 2006. Mrs. Janet Walters, LASCO/MoE Teacher of the Year (right), recieves an award from Mr. Peter Chin, Managing Director of LASCO Distributors Limited (left), at the 2013/14 Awards Ceremony held at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel. Mrs. Walters is a Master Teacher in Primary Education at the John Rollins Success Primary in St. James Read Across Jamaica LASCO staff members and its education corporate ambassadors participated in the annual Ministry of Education (MoE) Read Across Jamaica Day, observed during Education Week in May. Dr. Margaret Bailey, 2012/13 LASCO/ MoE Principal of the Year read to students at Spanish Town Primary and Collins Close Basic Schools. Dr. Margaret Bailey (right), LASCO/MoE Principal of the Year 2012/13 addresses Grade 5 students of Spanish Town Primary, during a visit to the school on May 7, in observance of Read Across Jamaica Day. Gleaner Children’s Own Spelling Bee In its continued support of academic competitions amongst our Nation’s youth, LASCO has been an ongoing sponsor of the Gleaner Children’s Own National Spelling Bee. As part sponsor of the Spelling Bee, LASCO awarded product-filled gift baskets to the finalists, chaperones, and coaches taking part to care for their nutrition during the competition. One of the hardworking coaches of the Gleaner Children’s Own Spelling Bee was presented with a LASCO gift basket by Brand Representative Sherianne Thompson (left). 2014 Annual Report 2014 Annual Report LASCO Distributors Limited 2014 Annual Report LASCO Distributors Limited 32 Environment National Security LASCO Re-leaf Environmental Awareness Programme (REAP) LASCO encourages environmental stewardship through the LASCO Re-leaf Environmental Awareness Programme (REAP), an environmental programme in primary level schools. The programme seeks to embark upon environmental awareness building among children, encouraging them to become more deeply involved in the care of the environment, emphasizing recycling, and conservation. The programme has directly reached over 4,000 students, in over 80 schools, collecting in excess of 20,000 plastic bottles and planting over 2,500 trees island-wide. LASCO/JCF Police of the Year LASCO has partnered with the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) since 2000, to recognise some of the Nation’s exceptional law enforcement officers. Corporal Hodel Harris of the St. Mary Division won the coveted LASCO/JCF Police of the Year Award, recieving a cash prize of $250,000, LASCO gift baskets, among other prizes. The 10 finalists of the 2014/15 LASCO/JCF Police of the Year Awards present Hon. Lascelles Chin, Chairman of LASCO Affiliated Companies with a plaque, as a symbol of their appreciation for his support of the JCF over the past 13 years. LASCO/JCF Police of the Year annual Clean up Project As a part of the LASCO/JCF Police of the Year programme, the finalists select and execute a community outreach activity. This year, the finalists opted to paint the Morant Bay Primary School library, as well as give motivational talks to the students. Jeanette Holness, LASCO Sales Representative plants a tree, while looking on are Kelia-Gaye Dunbar, Marketing Manager for LASCO Distributors (middle row), Julieth Forrester-Nugent, 2nd runner up, LASCO/NAJ Nurse of the Year, entertainer, Half Pint (back row) and students of the Denham Town Primary School. Sports Social Development Commission (SDC) National Twenty/20 Community Cricket Sport plays an important role in nurturing community development and cohesion. To signify its belief in contributing to building the Nation, one community at a time, LASCO has supported the SDC National Twenty/20 Community Cricket competition for two consecutive years. The competition has proven to be integral to preserving a slice of Caribbean cricket culture and has united many communities in the spirit of healthy competition. A member of the Junction/Bull Savannah (red gear) plays a sweep shot to assist in securing his team’s victory over Richmond Park in the 2013 SDC cricket finals. LASCO in the Community Inspector Mark Goffe (left), representing the St. Catherine South Division, speaks to a student during a motivational session at the Morant Bay Primary School. Corporal Dhaima Campbell of the Services Branch, assists in painting the library at the Morant Bay Primary School. LASCO is integrally involved in the community as a cofounder and steering committee member of the White Marl/Central Village Business and Community Committee. The Company also provides support to a number of basic schools in the surrounding areas of Red Hills Road and White Marl, where the Company’s offices are located. In the last 10 years, LASCO has adopted the Collins Close and Glen Neil Basic Schools, providing breakfast programmes, as well as support to the schools’ Christmas treats. This little one gave the sign of approval to the LASCO team, as she and her friends enjoyed the company of Brand Representative, Renee Rose at the Collins Close Basic School Christmas treat. 2014 Annual Report 33 2014 Annual Report LASCO LASCODistributors DistributorsLimited Limited 2014 Annual Report LASCO Distributors Limited 34 35 Consumer Promotions Marketing, Advertising & Promotions Win with Curves LASCO launched its consumer promotion “Win with Curves” in April 2013 which gave consumers the opportunity to win great prizes including spa gift certificates, gift vouchers and personal care gift baskets. Following the Grand Draw, 1st place winners Latoya Johnson, Denise Morris and Mae Foster each received US$1500 while the 2nd place winner, Deone Reid received a weekend for herself and two friends at Gran Bahia Principe Jamaica Hotel and 2nd runner up Karlene Wallace won a Samsung Galaxy S3. Latoya Johnson collects a US$1500 cheque from Renee Rose, LASCO Brand Representative, at the Company’s White Marl, St. Catherine offices. $1M Reasons to Smile The “$1 Million Reasons to Smile” consumer promotion was launched in August 2013. Mr. Bertram Andrade emerged the lucky winner of $1M at the grand draw held in November while monthly prize winners for September and October, Kemoy Bailey and Deanne McKenzie-Webb each won a 32” Samsung LED TV. Bertram Andrade is all smiles as he collects his Grand Prize of $1 Million from Kelia-Gaye Dunbar, Marketing Manager for LASCO Distributors Limited. LASCO Food Drink Mix & Win The LASCO Food Drink Mix & Win promotion gave consumers a chance to win exciting cash prizes, including one of five fortnightly prizes of $15,000 for a total of four draws. In addition, consumers were also entered to win exciting grand prizes of 1st place $1.5M, 2nd place $500,000 and 3rd place $250,000. The Mix & Win promotion came to a close in May 2013 with Tasshawn Ward, Veronia Swaby and Walter Jackson taking first second and third place respectively. The lucky winners in the LASCO Food Drink Mix and Win promotion in a photo opportunity with LASCO team members, at the handover ceremony held at the LASCO offices in White Marl. 2014 Annual Report 2014 Annual Report LASCO Distributors Limited 36 37 36 2014 Annual Report 2014 Annual Report LASCO Distributors Limited 2014 Annual Report LASCO Distributors Limited 38 39 New Products Within the financial year the Consumer Division further strengthened its product portfolio and expanded its categories. In January 2014, this included representation and distribution of the full complement of the Salada portfolio products, inclusive of fine coffee and hot beverages. Positive feedback from our consumers allowed us to offer variants within some of our existing categories, while LASCO’s aim of offering affordable quality products were fulfilled through the launch of new products. c. LASCO Sensitive Enamel Care has Potassium Nitrate which reduces pain and sensitivity in teeth due to cold, heat, acid or sweet. Sensitive Enamel Care is an affordable product, costing up to 50% less than other brands. This product came to market in November 2013. d. An easy to mix traditional Jamaican Cocoa. LASCO Cocoa was launched in October 2013. e. LASCO French Vanilla Instant Chocolate Mix provides a rich creamy French Vanilla flavour. The new variant was launched in February 2014. a. The Salada portfolio consists of coffee and hot beverages including Salada Tea, known for its exotic flavour and aroma, Jamaica Ginger Instant Tea, made with natural Jamaican ginger root and the renowned Jamaica Mountain Peak coffee. f. b. LASCO Low Sodium Vegetables and Sweet Corn are alternatives offering 70% and 60% lower sodium levels respectively as oposed to their original variants. Low Sodium Vegetables and Sweet Corn were launched in November 2013. Tropifrut Juice Drink with a juice content of 12 – 15% in four refreshing flavours: Peach Iced Tea, Guava, Apple and Grape in an attractive, easy grip bottle was launched in September 2013. g. LASCO Baby Yum Wheat and Honey Cereal offers a new and popular addition to the LASCO Baby Yum line. Baby Yum Wheat and Honey Cereal was launched in January 2014 h. Jack and Jill Baby Bulk Diapers offer affordable, quality diapers in a convenient bulk pack. The product came to market in February 2014. 2014 Annual Report 2014 Annual Report LASCO Distributors Limited 2014 Annual Report LASCO Distributors Limited 40 41 PHARMACEUTICAL DIVISION Medical Association of Jamaica Annual Symposium Kerry-Ann O’Sullivan, Representative, Raymond Campbell, former PMS Representative, Damian Wright, Medical Representative, Melissa Hutchinson Sales Promoter, Marshella Miller, Sales Promoter at the Medical Association of Jamaica Annual Symposium, held in June 2013. Pharmaceutical Society of Jamaica Annual Retreat (L-R) Marshella Miller, Pharmaceutical Division Sales Promoter, Cora Baker, Roche Diabetes Care Representative, Hortense Edwards (far right), General Manager of the Pharmaceutical Division interact with Pharmacists. 2014 Annual Report Cipla Product Launch LASCO Distributors Limited Pharmaceutical Division formalized its 13 years of partnership with Cipla Limited, at the launch held on September 25, 2013. Dr. Mansingh (standing), shares a light moment with Governor General, His Excellency the Most Hon. Sir Patrick Linton Allen (left), who was the guest speaker at the event. Sharing in the moment is Hon. Lascelles Chin, Chairman of LASCO Affiliated Companies and Shri Pratap Singh, High Commissioner of India. MSN Product Launch (Febuday) Medical Association of Jamaica in collaboration with MSN Labs and LASCO Distributors Limited Pharmaceutical Division hosted the launch of Febuday in February 2013. Dr. Terry Baker, Consultant Pulmonologist/ SMO at the National Chest Hospital, poses a question during a discussion at the launch. 2014 Annual Report LASCO Distributors Limited 42 2014 Annual Report LASCO Distributors Limited 43 HUMAN RESOURCEs A strong and dedicated workforce is one of the pillars of success for LASCO Distributors Limited. LASCO recruits, develops and retains a highly talented work force that supports our dynamic and growth oriented organization. The company currently has a strong permanent staff complement of 371 across the Pharmaceutical and Consumer Divisions. LASCO further demonstrates its commitment to nation building through the provision of employment to many other categories of employees. A tradition of excellence, team work, warm customer service and accountability continues to be the hallmark of our staff, who are guided by the company’s mission to be the best... always. In keeping with our Mission, LASCO believes in employee development and therefore develops and engages our employees with training and a competitive staff benefits programme. Staff participate in a number of seminars and conferences which cover critical areas such as leadership, food science, customer service, management and supervisory skills development. With a holistic approach to staff development, the Human Resource Department co-ordinates special activities on days such as Valentine’s Day, Father’s Day, Mother’s Day and Administrative Professional Day, among others. As LASCO Distributors Limited closes the curtains on its 25th Anniversary, the Company is confident in its highly competent workforce, poised to take the Company to new levels and growth. 2014 Annual Report 45 Independent Auditors' Report to the Members 45 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Statement of Comprehensive Income 47 Statement of Financial Position 48 Statement of Changes in Shareholders' Equity 49 Statement of Cash Flows 50 Notes to the Financial Statements 51 LASCO Distributors Limited Financial Statements BU RI SC 47 to 79, LA 20 14 FIN O DI ST ANCI TO RS AL LI M IT ED ST ATE M ENTS Annual 2014 Report LASCO DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED Annual 2014 Report LASCO DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED 46 47 LASCO DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME LASCO Distributors Limited Financial Statements LASCO Distributors Limited Financial Statements YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2014 Annual 2014 Report LASCO DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED 48 LASCO DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED LASCO DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2014 YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2014 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY LASCO Distributors Limited Financial Statements LASCO Distributors Limited Financial Statements STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION 49 Annual 2014 Report LASCO DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED 50 LASCO DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED LASCO DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2014 YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2014 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS LASCO Distributors Limited Financial Statements LASCO Distributors Limited Financial Statements STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS 51 Annual 2014 Report LASCO DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED 52 LASCO DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED LASCO DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2014 YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2014 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS LASCO Distributors Limited Financial Statements LASCO Distributors Limited Financial Statements NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 53 Annual 2014 Report LASCO DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED 54 LASCO DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED LASCO DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2014 YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2014 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS LASCO Distributors Limited Financial Statements LASCO Distributors Limited Financial Statements NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 55 Annual 2014 Report LASCO DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED 56 LASCO DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED LASCO DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2014 YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2014 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS LASCO Distributors Limited Financial Statements LASCO Distributors Limited Financial Statements NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 57 Annual 2014 Report LASCO DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED 58 LASCO DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED LASCO DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2014 YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2014 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS LASCO Distributors Limited Financial Statements LASCO Distributors Limited Financial Statements NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 59 Annual 2014 Report LASCO DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED 60 LASCO DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED LASCO DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2014 YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2014 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL 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Limited Financial Statements NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 73 Annual 2014 Report LASCO DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED 74 LASCO DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED LASCO DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2014 YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2014 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS LASCO Distributors Limited Financial Statements LASCO Distributors Limited Financial Statements NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 75 76 Annual 2014 Report LASCO DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED Annual 2014 Report LASCO DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED LASCO DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED LASCO DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2014 YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2014 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 77 Annual 2014 Report LASCO DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED 78 LASCO DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED LASCO DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2014 YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2014 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS LASCO Distributors Limited Financial Statements NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 79 NOTES NOTES LASCO Distributors Limited Financial Statements 80 81 82 NOTES LASCO DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Postage Stamp Proxy Form I/We of being a Member/Members of the above-named Company, hereby appoint of or failing him/her, of as my/our proxy to vote for me/us on my/our behalf at the Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held at the Knutsford Court Hotel, Kingston 5 on September 30, 2014 at 11:30am and at any adjournment thereof. I desire this form to be used for/against the resolutions. Signed this day of 2014 Signature: Unless otherwise directed the proxy will vote as he thinks fit. NOTES: 1. When completed, this form must be received by the Registrar of the Company at the address given below, not less than forty-eight (48) hours before the time for holding the meeting. 2. The Proxy Form should bear stamp duty of $100.00 which may beadhesive and duly cancelled by the person signing the proxy form. 3. If the appointer is a Corporation, this Form of Proxy must be executed under its common seal or under the hand of an officer or attorney duly authorized in writing. Send to: The Registrar and Transfer Agent Jamaica Central Securities Depository 40 Harbour Street Kingston Distributors Limited 27 Red Hills Road, Kingston 10 Jamaica, W.I. www.lascojamaica.com
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