the heavens revealed - Chapin Library
the heavens revealed - Chapin Library
the heavens revealed Classics of Astronomy from Ptolemy to Copernicus to Einstein from the Collection of Professor Jay M. Pasachoff CHAPIN LIBRARY · WILLIAMS COLLEGE MAY- SEPTEMBER 2003 Jay M. Pasachoff has taught astronomy and astrophysics at Williams College since . His special research interests are the study of the sun at total solar eclipses, cosmic deuterium and its relation to cosmology, and the atmosphere of Pluto, as well as the history and art of his discipline. He has written many books and articles, including A Field Guide to the Stars and Planets for the Peterson Field Guide Series; Astronomy: From the Earth to the Universe; Fire in the Sky: Comets and Meteors, the Decisive Centuries in British Art and Science (with Roberta J.M. Olson); and The Cosmos: Astronomy in the New Millennium (with Alexei Filippenko). The star maps shown in the hall display case were drawn by Wil Tirion for A Field Guide to the Stars and Planets. The painting of the constellation Taurus on display in the Library gallery is by local artist Robin Brickman. Professor Pasachoff ’s important personal collection of rare books related to astronomy and astrophysics is on deposit in the Chapin Library, where it is used in concert with the Library’s esteemed History of Science collection to further the educational program at Williams. Woodcut initial P from Ptolemy, Almagest, 1515 (Collection of Jay M. Pasachoff) Bible. Latin. Mainz: Johann Gutenberg, [ca. ] Collection of Jay M. Pasachoff of the universe, and the sun, moon, planets, and stars revolve around it in circular paths on concentric spheres – as shown in the exhibition by a woodcut in Peter Apian’s introduction to cosmography. The so-called Alfonsine Tables, of which a copy of the first printed edition is in the Pasachoff collection, were compiled at Toledo in Spain at the request of Alfonso X “the Wise” of Leon and Castile. Their starting point is May , the eve of the king’s coronation. Based on Ptolemy’s nd-century Almagest with certain mathematical refinements, and following the general format of tables by the th-century Cordoban astronomer al-Zarqali, the Alfonsine Tables permitted the user to determine the position of the sun, moon, planets, and stars at any given time or place, and to predict eclipses and conjunctions. Such ephemerides were used primarily by astrologers, but were also an aid to navigation. It is only fitting, in an exhibition which celebrates the study of the heavens and earth in rare printings, also to display part of the holy word of the Creator from the earliest printed Bible. This leaf from Gutenberg’s famous -line Bible contains part of the text of Chronicles from : to :, which describes the building of the Temple of Solomon. Jakob Pflaum, ca. – Calendarium Ulm: Johannes Zainer, Collection of Jay M. Pasachoff Regiomontanus, – Calendarium Venice: Bernhard Maler (Pictor), Erhard Ratdolt, Peter Löslein, Gift of Alfred C. Chapin, Class of Pflaum’s Calendarium is one of the earliest calendars published in book form, providing essential astronomical tables valid from to , and lists of predicted solar and lunar eclipses from to . It is displayed next to an illustrious predecessor, the Calendarium by Regiomontanus published at Ulm in . Peter Apian, – Cosmographicus Liber Landshut: Johann Weyssenburger, Gift of Alfred C. Chapin, Class of Hartman Schedel, – Leaf from Liber Chronicarum Nuremberg: Anton Koberger, Collection of Jay M. Pasachoff Alfonso X, “el Sabio”, King of Castile and Leon, – Tabulae Astronomicae Alfontii Regis Castellae Venice: Erhard Ratdolt, Collection of Jay M. Pasachoff The Nuremberg Chronicle is a history of the world from Creation to the year of the book’s publication. Produced as a monument to the greatness of Nuremberg, it is one of the most thoroughly designed and lavishly illustrated books of the th century. Both Latin and German editions were published in . In addition to its importance in trade and printing, Nuremberg was a center of mathematical and astronomical studies, and for the production of celestial The nd-century Alexandrian astronomer Claudius Ptolemy described what came to be known as the Ptolemaic system, in which the earth is at the center Claudius Ptolemy, nd Century Almagestum Cl. Ptolemei Venice: Petrus Liechtenstein, January and terrestrial globes. It is fitting, therefore, that several astronomical instruments, and a portrait of the astronomer Regiomontanus, appear in the Chronicle. The book also notes, with pictures, thirteen appearances of comets from to . : Georg Peurbach, – Tabulae Eclypsium Magistri Georgii Peurbachii Regiomontanus, – Epytoma in Almagestum Ptolemaei Venice: Johannes Hamman, August Gift of Alfred C. Chapin, Class of Johannes Regiomontanus, – Tabula Primi Mobilis Joannes de Monte Regio Edited by Georg Tanstetter Vienna: Johannes Winterburger, Ptolemy’s explanation of how the universe works held sway for some fourteen hundred years. It was based on the common-sense view that the sun, planets, and stars, as well as the moon, revolve around the earth, as they appear to do as one sees them in the sky, and it proclaimed the perfection of the heavens by describing motion in circular paths and on concentric spheres. To account for the movement of the planets, however, which sometimes appear to double back in their courses, Ptolemy had to suppose (to put it simply) that each followed a smaller circle (epicycle) while also moving on a larger circle (deferent) and turning with the associated sphere. Although a complicated system, it allowed for astronomical and astrological predictions, as shown by the Alfonsine Tables. The Islamic world, with its penchant for measurement, gladly received and preserved Ptolemy’s mathematical analysis of celestial motion, which came to be known as the Almagest or “greatest work”. Its first appearance in print was as the Epitome begun by the Austrian astronomer Georg Peurbach and completed by his pupil Johannes Müller of Regensburg, called Regiomontanus. It is not merely an abridgment of Ptolemy but includes later observations, revised computations, and critical reflections. (By this time, in fact, its deficiencies were known to scholars such as Peurbach and Regiomontanus, who held to higher standards of accuracy in celestial computation.) Its frontispiece shows Regiomontanus sitting next to a crowned Ptolemy beneath an armillary sphere. Collection of Jay M. Pasachoff In Professor Pasachoff’s collection is a copy of the first printed edition of the complete Almagest, translated into Latin by Gerard of Cremona in the th century from a translation into Arabic, made in turn from the original Greek. In addition to its explanation of celestial movement, it includes a star catalogue based on Hipparchus and descriptions of instruments for use in astronomical observations. The Pasachoff copy is in a contemporary stamped pigskin binding with original clasps. Here Ptolemy’s work is bound with the first printing of the Tabulae Eclypsium or tables of solar and lunar eclipses by Peurbach, completed probably in , based on the Alfonsine Tables but expanded, rearranged, and altogether improved; and the Tabula Primi Mobilis (“Table of the First Movable Sphere”) by Regiomontanus, which describes the apparent daily rotation of the heavens. Nicolaus Copernicus, – De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium Nuremberg: Johannes Petreius, Two copies shown: Collection of Jay M. Pasachoff; Gift of Alfred C. Chapin, Class of Copernicus, a canon of Frombork in Poland, pursued an interest in astronomy which was ultimately to overthrow the dominance of the Ptolemaic system. He was drawn to ideas of the sun and stars as nobler bodies than the earth, and of the earth’s daily rotation and annual revolution. By May he wrote a small tract presenting a theory of celestial motion which included a central sun and a moving earth. He circulated a draft of this heliocentric theory among trusted friends, but evidently concluded, upon the publication of Ptolemy’s complete Almagest in , that a more extensive mathematical treatment was required to support his own conclusions. Leonard Digges, ca. –? A Prognostication Everlasting of Ryght Good Effecte The seconde impression augmented by the author London: Thomas Gemini, Collection of Jay M. Pasachoff His De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium (“On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres”) was published at last in . Some copies were printed; one was presented to Copernicus on his deathbed. The work was widely admired as a sophisticated treatise, even by many readers who rejected a suncentered system out of hand; within a hundred years its central thesis was generally accepted. Meanwhile, it led to the more advanced work of Tycho Brahe, Johannes Kepler, and Galileo Galilei. Its diagram of a heliocentric system is perhaps the most famous scientific illustration in history. Christoph Clavius, – In Sphaeram Ioannas de Sacro Bosco Commentarius Venice: Bernard Basam, Collection of Jay M. Pasachoff Digges is concerned here with practical astronomical and astrological rules connecting the heavens (on the Ptolemaic model), the weather, the tides, and the human body. Thus (for example) “the conjunction, quadrature, or opposition of Iuppiter with the Sunne [signifies] great and moste vehement wyndes”; “cometes signifie corruption of the ayre”; and “these Signes are moste daungerous for bloud letting, the Moone beyng in them: Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Virgo and Capricornus, with the last halfe of Libra, and Scorpius.” Some of his tables, such as that of the altitude of the sun, are said to have been helpful to sailors. In the author’s son, astronomer Thomas Digges, published a new edition of the Prognostication which included a version of the Copernican arrangement of planets, for the first time within a universe of stars said to be at varying distances rather than on a fixed concentric sphere. Clavius entered the Jesuit order in , and for most of his life was a professor of mathematics at the Collegio Romano in Rome. His treatise on the Sphaera Mundi of Joannes de Sacro Bosco (John of Holywood, fl. ), for centuries the most esteemed text on spherical astronomy, was originally published in Rome in and later often reprinted. For more than forty years it was used as an introductory textbook in many schools. Clavius was a strong supporter of the Ptolemaic system and an opponent of Copernicus, whom he accuses near the end of this work of a false, indeed an absurd doctrine. Tycho Brahe, – Astronomiae Instauratae Mechanica Nuremberg: Levinus Hulsius, Gift of Alfred C. Chapin, Class of Johannes Kepler, – Prodromus Dissertationum Cosmographicarum, continens Mysterium Cosmographicum Tübingen: Georg Gruppenbach, Collection of Jay M. Pasachoff Tycho Brahe, – Astronomiae Instauratae Progymnasmata Prague: [Heirs of Tycho Brahe], Collection of Jay M. Pasachoff Johannes Kepler spent much of his life attempting to discover the true mechanism of the universe and its driving force. In , concerned to explain the number of the known planets, their relative positions, and their motions, he conceived the idea that the orbits of the six known planets (assumed to be circular paths) were related in proportion to the five regular geometric solids. In his first book, briefly called the Mysterium Cosmographicum (“The Cosmographical Secret”), he dramatically presented the planetary orbits as nested spheres, in which were inscribed an octahedron (eight faces, between the orbits of Mercury and Venus), an icosahedron (twenty faces, between Venus and Earth), a dodecahedron (twelve faces, between Earth and Mars), a tetrahedron (pyramid, between Mars and Jupiter), and a cube (between Jupiter and Saturn). That this scheme worked with fair accuracy was sheer coincidence. Its real importance lies in its advance of the Copernican system, and by stressing a central sun as the force by which the planets were kept in motion. Astronomiae Instauratae Progymnasmata Frankfurt: Godfried Tambach, Collection of Jay M. Pasachoff For more than twenty years beginning in , Tycho Brahe made significant observations of the heavens from the Danish island of Hven. His observatory, Uraniborg, was then the finest in Europe. Recognizing that the improvement (or “reform”) of astronomy relied on accurate observations, he designed and built new instruments, and with his assistants plotted the course of celestial bodies more fully and more precisely than his predecessors. His instruments and observatory are displayed for posterity in his Astronomiae Instauratae Mechanica (“Instruments for the Reform of Astronomy”). The Astronomiae Instauratae Progymnasmata (“Exercises in the Reform of Astronomy”), shown in the first edition of and a second issue of , is Tycho’s principal work. It was published after his death in Prague, where he had been named imperial mathematician by Emperor Rudolf II. It contains his theory of lunar and solar motion, part of his important catalogue of stars, and a more detailed analysis of the nova of in Cassiopeia than he had published in a small book on the subject in . Shown is a diagram of his own view of the universe: although he did not fully accept the Ptolemaic system, Tycho held to his belief in a stationary earth, in part because of the dictates of Scripture. Therefore in the so-called Tychonic system the sun revolves around the earth, but the other planets orbit the sun. Johannes Kepler, – Ad Vitellionem Paralipomena, quibus Astronomiae Pars Optica Traditur Frankfurt: Claudius Marnius and the heirs of Jean Aubry, Gift of Alfred C. Chapin, Class of Johannes Kepler, – Astronomia Nova seu Physica Coelestis, Tradita Commentariis de Motibus Stellae Martis, ex Observationibus G.V. Tychonis Brahe Prague, Collection of Jay M. Pasachoff On July Kepler observed a partial solar eclipse. After this event he conducted research in optics, and as in everything else made significant advances. Although he intended at first to publish simply an appendix to Witelo, a th-century scholar who had written about optics, Kepler expanded his program to include discussion of parallax, refraction, eclipses, and the solar image. In the early th century Kepler worked diligently to find a unified, physically acceptable mathematical model of planetary motion, in particular as it applied to the notably eccentric orbit of Mars. At length he realized that Mars’ orbit could not be circular: only an ellipse would satisfy Tycho’s data. From this, extrapolating from Mars to the other planets, he formulated what came to be called his First Law: that the planets orbit in ellipses, with the sun at one focus. He also found that a planet moves in such a way that a line drawn from it to the sun sweeps out equal areas of its orbit in equal times – that is, the closer a planet is to the sun, the faster it moves. This came to be known as Kepler’s Second Law. Kepler explained these revolutionary discoveries in a book he called, with some justification, “The New Astronomy, or Celestial Physics, Treated by Means of Commentaries on the Motion of the Star Mars.” Johannes Kepler, – De Stella Nova in Pede Serpentarii, et . . . Trigono Igneo Pragae: Paulus Sessius [etc.], Collection of Jay M. Pasachoff In Kepler became an assistant to Tycho Brahe in Prague, albeit limited by his employer to a study of the orbit of Mars. On Tycho’s death in Kepler was made his successor as imperial mathematician and was able to use Tycho’s wealth of astronomical data to advance his own ideas on planetary motion. In he published a collection of observations and opinions, De Stella Nova, the principal concern of which is the “new star” or nova that appeared at the same time and in the same vicinity as a series of planetary conjunctions in the three “fiery” signs of the zodiac, Sagittarius, Leo, and Aries. He relates the nova to the Star of Bethlehem, which he dates to ... An engraved plate illustrates the nova, marked “N”, in the heel of the serpent-bearer, Ophiuchus, near a conjunction of Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. The figure is evidently based on that in the map of “Serpentaria” in Bayer’s famed star atlas Uranometria (, also in this exhibition), but turned to face the viewer. Johannes Kepler, – Harmonices Mundi Linz: Published by Godfried Tambach, printed by Johann Planck, Collection of Jay M. Pasachoff Despite the advances he made in his Astronomia Nova, Kepler was still short of a greater goal, of making manifest the harmony of the universe as it pertained to the individual. In the first two parts of his “Harmony of the World” he examines polygons and polyhedrons, in search of a geometrical basis for the archetypal principles of the universe. In the third part he discusses musical harmony relative to geometrical ratios. In the fourth he expresses his views on astrology: although Kepler largely dismissed the practice as foolish, he believed in the harmonic significance of the configuration of the heavens. Galileo Galilei, – Sidereus Nuncius Venice: Apud Thomam Baglionum, Collection of Jay M. Pasachoff Finally in the fifth part of his book, looking back to his Mysterium Cosmographicum of , Kepler returned to the idea of the spacing of the planets based on the regular solids. He now recognized that his earlier data had been only approximate, and in searching for a better explanation found a supposed harmonic relationship, which at length he developed into what is now called his Third Law: that the squares of the periods of the planets are to each other as the cubes of their mean distances from the sun. In the summer of the Italian Galileo Galilei learned of an optical device for making distant objects seem close, and soon constructed a “perspicillum” (telescope) of his own. He documented his first observations in the Sidereus Nuncius or “Starry Messenger [or Message],” one of the most important works in the history of astronomy. There he discusses the moon with mountains, seas, and shadows (not, as others had supposed, as a crystalline sphere); a multitude of stars not visible with the naked eye; and most importantly, four satellites of Jupiter, depicted simply with asterisks for the moons and a large letter O for the planet. Johannes Kepler, – Tabulae Rudolphinae [Ulm]: Johann Saur, Collection of Jay M. Pasachoff Kepler’s “Rudolphine Tables” (named after the late emperor Rudolf II) set a new standard for precision in astronomical tables, far in advance of their predecessors. With these one can calculate, if by a complicated process, the position of a planet for any date or time in the past or future. As their superiority was proved in use, the tables also demonstrated the truth of the Copernican system on which they were based. They remained the standard astronomical tables for the next hundred years. The work is preceded by an allegorical frontispiece, designed by Kepler, sketched by his Tübingen friend Wilhelm Schickard, and engraved by Georg Celer of Nuremberg. It depicts the Temple of Urania, muse of astronomy, modeled after the foyer of Tycho’s observatory on Hven. The columns represent advances in science, ending with an elegant Corinthian column associated with Tycho. The Tychonic system is shown on the ceiling of the temple; below, Tycho points it out to Copernicus. They are accompanied by the figures of Hipparchus and Ptolemy. On the temple dome are six goddesses of science, and hovering above them is the imperial eagle, dropping largesse for the support of astronomy. Kepler himself is pictured, humbly working by candlelight, in one of the bottom panels, where (pointedly) only a few of the imperial coins come to rest. Galileo’s discovery of these four “new planets” partially justified Copernicanism by demonstrating that it was not only the earth around which heavenly bodies revolved. In the Pasachoff copy, the Sidereus Nuncius is bound with three other astronomical works: Dianoia Astronomica, Optica, Physica, qua Syderei Nuncij Rumor de Quatuor Planetis à Galilaeo Galilaeo by Franciscus Sitius (Venice, ); De Radiis Visus et Lucis in Vitris Perspectivis et Iride by Marco Antonio de Dominis (Venice, ), and Breve Instruttione sopra l’apparenze et mirabili effetti dello specchio concavo sferico by Giovanni Antonio Magini (Bologna, ). Galileo Galilei, – Istoria e dimostrazioni intorno alle macchie solari e loro accidenti: comprese in tre lettere scritte all’illustrissimo Signor Marco Velseri . . . Rome: Giacomo Mascardi, Collection of Jay M. Pasachoff Although the Dialogo does, indeed, consider both systems of celestial motion, it was hardly impartial: naive Simplicio is made to put up ineffectual arguments for Salviati to counter, while Sagredo is generally persuaded by Salviati. It is a masterly argument, which served more than any other work to make the Copernican system a commonplace. But it led to Galileo being condemned by the Inquisition to permanent house arrest and forced to abjure all that the Dialogo professed. Copies, however, went into circulation before the censure. Preceding the title-page of the first edition is a famous added engraved title-leaf by Stefano della Bella, depicting Aristotle, Ptolemy, and Copernicus in discussion. In , three years after he built his “perspicillum,” Galileo observed sunspots by projecting the sun’s image onto a piece of paper, adjusted so that the diameter of the sun was equal to that of an inscribed circle. For each observation he used a fresh sheet of paper, and within the circle marked the projected sunspots in ink. Thus he recorded a series of images, thirty-eight of which were made into etchings and reproduced in his “History and Demonstrations Concerning Sunspots and Their Properties.” Major spots are labeled with letters for easier tracking from observation to observation. The successive images clearly show the movement of particular spots across the sun’s surface, caused by the sun’s rotation on its axis. In his text Galileo states for the first time that he believed his telescopic discoveries to be in harmony with the “great Copernican system”. Galileo Galilei, – Dialogo di Galileo Galilei . . . sopra i due massimi sistemi del mondo Tolemaico, e Copernicano Florence: Giovanni Battista Landini, Collection of Jay M. Pasachoff Simon Marius, – Mundus Iovialis Anno M DC IX Detectus Ope Perspicill Belgici: Hoc est, Quatuor Jovialium Planetarum, cum Theoria, tum Tabulae, Propriis Observationibus Maxime Fundatae Nuremburg: Johann Laur, Collection of Jay M. Pasachoff The Congregation of the Index having issued in a general decree against defending the Copernican system in print, for a while Galileo avoided the issue. Then in he received from the Pope Urban VIII permission to discuss Copernicanism in a book provided that the Ptolemaic-Aristotelian view also received equal and impartial consideration. The result was Galileo’s “Dialogue on the Two Great World Systems,” set in the form of an open discussion between three friends: Simplicio, who takes the orthodox view; Sagredo, an intelligent layman; and Salviati, who speaks for Galileo. Like Galileo Galilei, the German mathematician Simon Marius learned of the telescope, constructed one, and used it to make astronomical observations. That he too observed the moons of Jupiter by the end of December is without doubt; but in his Mundus Iovialis, the full title of which translates as “The Jovian World, Discovered in by Means of the Dutch Telescope,” he claimed to have done so even earlier, in advance of Galileo (as documented in his Sidereus Nuncius of ). Galileo took offense and issued a blistering reply, accusing Marius of theft and usurpation. Regardless of which observer has priority, Marius was the first to publish tables of the motions of the Jovian satellites, and – as announced in Mundus Iovialis – the first as well to observe the Andromeda nebula. His first important publication was the Selenographia, a book of notable substance and beauty. After describing the manufacture of lenses and telescopes, Hevelius delineates the markings on the moon and discusses its libration. Many of the names he gave to lunar mountains, craters, and other formations are still used. He provides spectacular lunar maps, and engravings of the moon throughout its phases. His detailed observations of the sun, more accurate than those of his predecessors, and on the moons of Jupiter, are recounted in an appendix. Johannes Hevelius, – Selenographia Gdansk: Published by the author, printed by Andreas Hünefeld, Collection of Jay M. Pasachoff Isaac Newton, – Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica London: Joseph Streater, for Sam. Smith, Collection of Jay M. Pasachoff Johannes Hevelius of Gdansk studied law but in devoted himself to astronomy. Wealth from his family’s brewing business, as well as a royal pension, allowed him to construct a series of private observatories at his home. He also built his own precision measuring instruments and telescopes, with which he made numerous observations. In order to publish his findings he established his own press and became a skilled engraver. Although it could be deduced from Kepler that the force attracting a planet to the sun is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the two bodies, mathematical proof of this was elusive. Encouraged by his friend Edmond Halley, the brilliant mathematician Isaac Newton addressed the problem and produced the first successful scientific model of the mechanisms of the universe. In his “Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy” (i.e., Physics) Newton modifies and expands not only Kepler’s laws, but findings by Galileo on the nature of falling bodies and the motion of projectiles. The result is a “divine treatise” (in Halley’s words) in which Newton puts forth his own three laws of motion, as well as a law of universal gravitation which showed that all bodies exert a force of mutual attraction, greater or lesser according to their mass and the distance between them. The Principia Mathematica powerfully explained all of the motions of the heavenly bodies as they were then known. It was the culmination of the scientific revolution that began with Copernicus, and ushered in the Age of Reason. Isaac Newton, – A Treatise of the System of the World London: Printed for F. Fayram, Collection of Jay M. Pasachoff Joseph von Fraunhofer, – Bestimmung des Brechungs- und FarbenzerstreuungsVermögens verschiedener Glasarten Munich: Gedruckt mit Lentner’schen Schriften, [] Collection of Jay M. Pasachoff Newton’s Principia Mathematica was preceded in its development by a shorter work in two parts, De Motu Corporum (). The second of these, written in a more “popular” style than the Principia, was later published in Latin as De Mundi Systemate, and in English (translated probably by Andrew Motte) as The System of the World. Here, with greater exposition and less mathematics, Newton writes of fluid space through which planets and comets are propelled and the forces that govern their motion. In the course of determining the optical constants of glass, Fraunhofer compared the effect on the refracting medium of light from flames and light from the sun, and found the solar spectrum crossed with hundreds of fine dark lines. Moreover, he noted that while the spectra observed for the sun and planets were identical, those for other bright stars were different, and differed from one another. Later the dark “Fraunhofer lines,” which mark the presence of different elements in the source, provided a means of demonstrating that stars are made of matter like terrestrial substances, rather than some exotic material. In Sir William Huggins determined that older stars have more complex spectra, i.e., a greater number of Fraunhofer lines. Fraunhofer’s “Definition of the Capacity of Refraction and Colour-diffusion of Various Kinds of Glass” is considered one of the fundamental papers of astrophysics. Edmond Halley, ?– Tabulae Astronomicae: Accedunt de Usu Tabularum Praecepta London: William Innys, Collection of Jay M. Pasachoff The most famous achievement of the English polymath Edmond Halley was his scheme for computing the position of comets and establishing their periodicity. When the comet of reappeared as Halley predicted in , fifteen years after his death, it was given his name. He also made notable advances in determining the distance of the sun from the earth, in positional and navigational astronomy, and in planetary and stellar observations. As an established figure of some means he lent support to others, such as Isaac Newton. Part of his Tabulae Astronomicae, published posthumously, concerns the “long inequality” of the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn, which had made previous planetary tables inaccurate. Halley suggests that the phenomenon might be due to a gravitational attraction between the two planets. Albert Einstein, – et al. Annalen der Physik th series, Band Leipzig: Verlag von Johann Ambrosius Barth, Collection of Jay M. Pasachoff This volume includes three of five papers published by Einstein in the year that has been called his annus mirabilis: “Über einen die Erzeugung und Verwandlung des Lichtes betreffenden heuristischen Gesichtspunkt” (“On a Heuristic View Concerning the Production and Transformation of Light”); “Über die von der molekularkinetischen Theorie der Wärme geforderte Bewegung von in ruhenden Flüssigkeiten suspendierten Teilchen” (“On the Motion of Small Particles Suspended in a Stationary Liquid According to the Molecular Kinetic Theory of Heat”); and “Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter Körper” (“On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies”). Richard P. Feynman QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, Collection of Jay M. Pasachoff Of these the most significant is the last, which outlines the Special Theory of Relativity – “special” because it applies only to bodies moving in the absence of a gravitational field, “relativity” because it held that all motion is relative. Einstein postulated that if the speed of light were the same for all observers, and that all observers moving at constant speed observed the same physical laws, then time intervals change according to the speed of the system relative to the observer’s frame of reference. The effect becomes noticeable, however, only at very high velocities, approaching light speed. In this book California Institute of Technology professor Richard P. Feynman explains the theory of quantum electrodynamics – the interaction of light and electrons – for a general if well-educated audience. The Pasachoff copy contains the author’s signature and an original “Feynman diagram” – a graphic method of representing the interactions of elementary particles. Albert Einstein, – Die Grundlage der allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie Leipzig: Verlag von Johann Ambrosius Barth, Collection of Jay M. Pasachoff In his theory of Special Relativity () Einstein was concerned with bodies in uniform motion and in the absence of gravity. Later he extended this to apply more generally, hence the theory of General Relativity. In Newtonian physics, the space in which physical phenomena occur is a three-dimensional continuum; but under General Relativity, space and time are considered as a single entity, space-time, within which any mass exerts a gravitational field which warps space-time around it and affects even electromagnetic radiation passing through the field. The sun’s gravity, for instance, attracts, bending slightly, a ray of light from a distant star; and light radiated from the sun interacts with the sun’s mass, resulting in a shift in the spectrum of the light toward the infrared. The consequences of this theory have been enormous, not least in its revision of the concept of gravity that had long been held since Newton wrote his Principia Mathematica (). STAR ATLASES The Pasachoff collection of rare astronomy books includes most of the great and important star atlases. These are among the most beautiful scientific books ever published – art in the service of science, but works of science first. De le stelle fisse by Piccolomini () could be called the first star atlas, while Bayer’s Uranometria () set the standard of comparison for all that came later. The period of the great star atlases culminated with that of Bode in , the most monumental of all in size and number of stars. After Bode it was no longer feasible to depict all of the known heavens, overlaid with the figures of constellations. Alessandro Piccolomini, – De le sfera del mondo . . . [with] De le stelle fisse Venice: Al Segno del Pozzo, Collection of Jay M. Pasachoff Piccolomini, Archbishop of Patrasso and from assistant to the Archbishop of Siena, translated Classical authors and himself wrote poetry and plays. His most popular work, however, was De la sfera del mondo (“On the Globe of the World”). This begins with a discussion of cosmography as it was known at the time, then in De le stelle fisse (“On the Fixed Stars”) Piccolomini documents with tables and charts all but one of the constellations known to Ptolemy, as well as that of the Southern Cross. In his charts the stars are placed with care, without overlaid pictorial figures. Four levels of magnitude are represented, and a system of letters (later modified by Bayer) is used to mark the most notable stars in each constellation. Johannes Bayer, – Uranometria Augsburg: Christophorus Mangus, Collection of Jay M. Pasachoff Johannes Hevelius, – Firmamentum Sobiescianum sive Uranographia Joh. Hevelii Gdansk: Johann Zacharias Stolle, [i.e., ] Collection of Jay M. Pasachoff Detail illustrated above Bayer’s Uranometria is the most illustrious and historically important of all star atlases. It includes fifty-one bifolium charts, engraved by Alexander Mair (ca. –), each with perimeter grids so that star positions can be read to fractions of a degree. In the first edition only, as here, text is printed on the backs of the plates. Bayer, a lawyer who was also an amateur astronomer, addressed the problem of a standard nomenclature in referring to individual stars, modifying the system of notation employed by Piccolomini in . Bayer assigns to each star (visible to the naked eye) in a given constellation a Greek letter, or for those constellations with more than twenty-four stars, a roman letter, generally in order of magnitude. The main authorities for the positions of the stars shown in Bayer’s plates were the then-recent northern observations of Tycho Brahe and the southern observations of the Dutch navigator Pieter Dirckszoon Keyzer. Hevelius also compiled a new star catalogue from his own observations. From this, together with Edmond Halley’s catalogue of the southern stars, he produced an atlas to rival Bayer’s in accuracy and innovation. Each chart is presented unusually as it would be on a globe, from a point of view outside of the constellations rather than as seen from the earth; thus the direction of the constellations is reversed from more familiar pictures. Of eleven new constellations introduced in the Uranographia, four were subsumed into other figures, but seven are still recognized today. Johann Gabriel Doppelmayr, – Atlas Coelestis Nuremberg: Heirs of Johann Homann, Collection of Jay M. Pasachoff conical projection in which all parallels of declination are equidistant straight lines. In the French globe maker Fortin produced the first revision of Flamsteed’s atlas, increasing the original twenty-six plates to twenty-seven by dividing that for Hydra in two. The aesthetic appeal of Flamsteed’s original figures was also much improved in the process. Further additions and alterations to Flamsteed’s atlas led ultimately to Bode’s Uranographia of . Doppelmayr was a scholar of high repute, professor of mathematics at Nuremberg for nearly fifty years. He wrote widely on astronomy, geography, and allied subjects, and often worked with the influential cartographic publisher Johann Baptista Homann or his heirs. The “Celestial Atlas” is his major work, intended as an introduction to the fundamentals of astronomy. It contains a wealth of star maps, charts, and other guides to the heavens and their study, presented with style and packed with detail. Most of its plates had appeared in atlases published by Homann as early ; the plate shown, concerned with eclipses and transits of the sun, dates between and . The central picture shows the path of the solar eclipse of May across Europe and northern Asia. Although the present copy is lacking its added engraved title-leaf, Professor Pasachoff was able to purchase a separate example on larger paper. Drawn by Johann Justin Preisler and engraved by Johann Christoph von Reinsperger, it depicts four of Doppelmayr’s illustrious predecessors – Ptolemy, Copernicus, Kepler, and Brahe – beneath a diagram of the solar system and the outer heavens. A comet is seen to describe a parabolic path around the sun. John Bevis, – Uranographia Britannica (or Atlas Celeste) [London]: Printed –, published Collection of Jay M. Pasachoff John Bevis was a physician and amateur astronomer, the original discoverer of the Crab Nebula (M) in and one of only two persons in Britain known to have observed Halley’s comet on its first predicted return in . Around Bevis entered into an undertaking with a London instrument maker, John Neale, to prepare a new star atlas which in accuracy and beauty would surpass those of Bayer and Flamsteed, on which it would be based along with the star catalogues of Halley and Hevelius. Plates were made stylistically following Bayer, but showing peripheral as well as primary constellations. These depict six hundred more stars than Flamsteed’s atlas of , altogether more than ,, according to their zodiacal positions. John Flamsteed, – Atlas céleste Seconde édition, par M.J. Fortin Paris: Chez F.G. Deschamps; chez l’Auteur, Collection of Jay M. Pasachoff As Astronomer Royal at Greenwich, Flamsteed compiled the first telescopic catalogue of the positions and magnitudes of the northern stars, and prepared an accompanying set of maps. These were first published in by Flamsteed’s friends after his death. They are drawn on what has come to be known as the Sanson-Flamsteed sinusoidal projection, a modified The image shown in the exhibition, featuring the constellation Taurus (see detail on p. ), also shows not only the Crab Nebula but also the planet Uranus, observed as a “star” by Flamsteed in . Each plate includes the name of one of the book’s proposed sponsors. At least a few impressions were made of the charts by autumn ; but then Neale went bankrupt, and the copperplates were seized by the court. In , however, bound sets of Bevis’s star charts were offered for sale under the title Atlas Celeste. Twenty-three copies are known to survive, in varying degrees of completeness. The Pasachoff copy contains the rare index of plates, but not the broadsheet title-leaf. Joannis Elerti Bode, – Uranographia Berlin: Apud Autorem, Collection of Jay M. Pasachoff Bode was the director of the observatory of the Berlin Academy of Science for forty years. This, his final celestial atlas and the largest ever published, includes two hemisphere maps and eighteen maps of ninetynine constellations, centered on the vernal and autumnal equinoxes. It surpassed all of its predecessors by recording , stars (compared with , in Bayer some two hundred years earlier), and by containing for the first time the nebulae, star clusters, and double stars catalogued by William Herschel. Nearly every constellation ever invented is present, as well as five new ones, some fancifully depicted but now lost to history. Bode’s Uranographia was also the last great star atlas, after which it was not feasible to include in a single large work all of the features known to be in the heavens. Popular charts concentrated only on stars visible to the naked eye, while those prepared for astronomers reduced or eliminated the traditional constellation figures. Thomas Jefferys, d. The Geography of the Great Solar Eclipse of July MDCCXLVIII []: Exhibiting an Accurate Map of All Parts of the Earth in Which It Will Be Visible, with the North Pole, According to the Latest Discoveries by G. Smith Esqr. London: E. Cave, Collection of Jay M. Pasachoff This plate, engraved by Thomas Jefferys, was issued originally in A Dissertation on the General Properties of Eclipses by George Smith (London, ). * Handlist text and design by Wayne G. Hammond, Assistant Librarian, Chapin Library. The cover art is taken from one of twenty-five late th- to early thcentury astronomical plates, partly from an unknown edition of James Ferguson’s Astronomy Explained upon Sir Isaac Newton’s Principles, first published in (Collection of Jay M. Pasachoff ). Detail from portrait in Simon Marius, Mundus Iovialis, 1614, the first illustration of a telescope or perspicillum (Collection of Jay M. Pasachoff)