View issue #10 here.


View issue #10 here.
Discover which
nutrient reverses
dry eyes.
Learn why fish and
flax seed oil may be
making your eczema
and/or psoriasis worse.
Halt hot flashes and
night sweats without
the side effects of HRT.
The most common reason for hair
loss is low iron—and you do not have to
be anemic to lose your hair. LOW normal
iron will cause severe hair loss. We see
hair loss in women after childbirth and
during the peri-menopausal years when
heavy periods may occur. Hemoglobin
and ferritin need to be tested, and if the
results are low-normal you will need
to supplement with iron to stop balding.
Iron and Hair Loss?
Eliminate period
problems in 60 days
Reverse abnormal PAP
tests and reduce your
risk of cervical cancer
without vaccines.
Losing your
What do
Did you know that
anti-depressants cause
weight gain? Find out
how to reduce anxiety,
depression and panic
Find out how to get
rid of varicose veins by
Hair follicles contain ferritin. When ferritin
stores decline in the hair follicle hair
falls out, is dry, fragile and goes grey.
Low ferritin affects the ability of the hair
to grow and, instead, non-pigmented
fine hairs develop. These hairs are often
mistaken for androgenic alopecia. If you
have been diagnosed with androgenic
& stop
If weight loss were as simple as
reducing calories and exercising we
would all be slim. Many factors contribute
to our expanding waist line and that is
why diets generally don’t work. Most
dieters gain all the weight they have
lost and more within 60 days of halting
a calorie-reduced diet. But the good
news….weight loss can be effortless
when we adopt a healthy diet and add
a couple of research-backed nutritional
supplements to boost success.
Food that Fights Fat
Eat protein at every meal and eat only
protein for breakfast—an egg, a chicken
breast, a protein shake, protein powder in
yogurt for example. Stop eating all white
foods—white bread, white pasta, white
sugar, white flour, white potatoes.
what’s inside
women helping women
alopecia, supplement with iron to see if
it improves as you may simply have low
ferritin. For thick hair ferritin should be
around 70 ug/L.
continued on page 3
Get a large Ziplock freezer bag
and fill it every morning with
vegetables: broccoli, celery sticks,
carrots and more. Eat vegetables
throughout the day—your blood
sugar will be balanced and you
will never feel hungry.
There are only a few nutritional
supplements licensed by Health
Canada for weight loss and
balanced blood sugar. Clinical
research is the only way to be sure
that supplements work and my
favorite weight loss supplements
are as follows:
PROTEINsmart with
CLA Melts Fat
Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a fatty
acid supplement that literally melts fat.
In a 90-day, double-blind, randomized,
placebo-controlled study published in
2000 in the Journal of Nutrition, CLA
users experienced fat loss with an average
weight reduction of seven pounds with a
20 percent decrease in body fat. CLA also
stops fat from coming back once dieting
continued on page 2
Dry eye occurs when the eye does not produce tears
properly, or when the tears are not the correct consistency
and evaporate too quickly. Not only are dry eyes irritating,
but if left untreated, they can lead to pain, ulcers, or scars
on the cornea, and are a predictor for age-related macular
degeneration the leading reason for vision loss. Symptoms
of dry eyes include:
The best treatment for dry eyes is CALA-Q Plus which contains
a combination of calamari oil a special omega 3 and coenzyme
Q10. Unlike other omega 3 supplements CALA-Q Plus does not
cause ‘fishy burps’. CALA-Q Plus nourishes the photoreceptors
and corneal sensory nerves in the eye thereby rapidly relieving
dry eyes. ª
Tommaso Tagliaferri/iStock/Thinkstock
I am 48 years old and I started
getting hot flashes so intensely
this past summer that it was
really disrupting my life! …
Finally I tried a combination of
MENOsmart Plus and 200mg of
SMILE and ADRENAsmart for my
adrenals. Within 3 weeks to a
month I was not having hot
flashes any more....nothing.
They have totally diminished!
I now have my life back.
The Woman’s Word
I have a hard time
handling everyday
stressors and it
seems as I get older,
my ability to handle
stress is lessening
to the point where
even small things
get me wound up.
What can I do?
Our busy lifestyles are contributing to the overall
stress we are feeling. When we’re under stress,
our adrenal glands secrete stress hormones to help us deal
with the stressful situation. But these hormones are meant
as a short-term response to mobilize the body to ‘fight or
flee’. When you are under continual stress these hormones
are secreted every day, all day and when that happens,
our adrenal glands get tired and eventually burn-out. The
symptoms of adrenal exhaustion include: not being able
to handle stress; sugar, caffeine and salt cravings; fatigue,
insomnia (where you fall asleep easily but wake up in the
middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep); dizziness;
alcohol intolerance; abdominal weight gain; no sex drive
and hormone imbalances like severe PMS.
It’s extremely important to address adrenal gland burnout early because the adrenal glands are also our back-up
hormone system. In menopause our adrenals make estrogen,
progesterone, testosterone, DHEA and more. Tired adrenals
cause severe menopause symptoms. In younger women
adrenal exhaustion can cause hormone havoc.
I recommend ADRENAsmart which contains herbs that bring
our stress hormones back into the normal range supporting
the adrenals to deal with stress effectively. ADRENAsmart
works fast to eliminate nighttime waking, calm anxiety, soothe
nervousness and generally provide a sense of wellbeing. ª
Incredibly, CLA has also been found to help with weight
loss even if people don’t change their diet. In June 2009, the
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported on 45 post
menopausal women (the group that has the biggest challenge
losing weight). For 16 weeks they took 5,000mg of CLA per day.
The women were told not to diet or exercise any differently.
CLA significantly reduced the women’s body fat and they lost
weight. Just think if they would have eaten for fat loss too!
To speed up weight loss, eat a delicious PROTEINsmart with
CLA shake for breakfast containing 20 grams of protein and
2500mg of CLA. Add another PROTEINsmart with CLA shake
mid afternoon for optimal fat burning results. When you eat
PROTEINsmart with CLA for breakfast the fat burning effect
lasts 4 to 6 hours.
Drink Your Way to Weight Loss
For fast weight loss you must drink water but water is, as we
know, boring. SHAPEsmart containing SVETOL is a clinically
researched, water enhancer that has 9 clinical studies proving
its ability to enhance weight loss, reduce sugar absorption,
mobilize fat to drain out of fat cells, and improve cardiovascular
health. It is one of the few supplements that is licensed by
Health Canada for weight management and that is because
SHAPEsmart works quickly. Studies have shown an average
10 pound weight loss in 12 weeks. A randomized, placebocontrolled, double-blind study over 12 weeks, with 40
continued from page 1
volunteers, found SHAPEsmart reduced the absorption of sugar
in the gut. Participants lost over 10 pounds vs the placebo
group that lost 2.4 pounds. SHAPEsmart contains no caffeine
or sugar and comes in individual packets that can be added to
cold or hot water.
Bust Belly Fat with GLUCOsmart
Now for belly fat, the most stubborn problem. No end of sit-ups
and crunches make it disappear. You have probably figured out
there is a connection between belly fat and your hormones—
and that hormone is insulin.
Elevated insulin promotes weight gain, diabetes and excess
belly fat. Thankfully, busting belly fat and balancing blood
sugar and insulin just got easier. The nutrient Chirositol found
in GLUCOsmart has been researched in over 30 studies at
the Virginia Medical School where it was shown to manage
blood sugar. GLUCOsmart also enhances our happy hormone
serotonin which halts sugar cravings and controls appetite. But
where GLUCOsmart really shines is in busting belly fat in both
men and women.
Combine the healthy eating plan and add two scoops of
PROTEINsmart with CLA, add SHAPEsmart to your water bottle
and take GLUCOsmart and weight loss will be effortless. ª
When you purchase GLUCOsmart you receive A Smart Woman’s
Guide to Weight Loss book free ($24.95 value).
Zoonar RF/Thinkstock
• stinging or burning of the eye
• pain and redness of the eye
• episodes of blurred vision
• uncomfortable contact lenses
• a sandy or gritty feeling as if something is in the eye
• decreased tolerance of reading, working on the computer
LOSING YOUR HAIR continued from page 1
Low iron status is common—and often
f you have eczema,
overlooked. Symptoms of low iron include fatigue, dark
under eye circles, peeling fingernails, hair loss, brain
fog, restless legs, and poor memory and cognition.
Doctors rarely test women over 50 who often suffer
hair loss. A ferritin test will tell you how much iron is
stored in your body and ferritin is a good indicator of
whether you are low in iron or suffering a deficiency.
A blood test that checks hemoglobin levels will only
catch the problem once your iron stores are depleted.
dermatitis, psoriasis, rosacea
or dry, wrinkled skin you need
a very special skin fatty acid
called Gamma Linolenic Acid
(GLA). Getting enough GLA
can be challenging because the
only human food to contain
GLA is breast milk and after we
Hemoglobin: The test range is 117-160 g/L for women
and 131-180 g/L for men. For women 140 g/L is best.
are weaned we have to make
GLA from the food we eat.
Cradle cap in babies is one of
Ferritin: The test is 15-160 ug/L for women and
15-410 ug/L for men. Ferritin in women should be 70 ug/L.
Best Iron Supplement
the earliest warning signs of
GLA deficiency. People with
hair loss
no energy
peeling fingernails
dark under-eye circles
Not all iron supplements
are the same. High dose
doctor prescribed iron causes
constipation and it can take a
year of daily use before ferritin
goes up. Liquids are easier to
digest and absorb than solids
due to their larger surface
area—and liquid iron is no
exception. The body must work
harder to access iron in tablets
that are coated with shellac and contain binders and fillers.
standard doctor prescribed iron in the form of ferrous fumerate.
When iron is not well absorbed, any leftover iron destined
After 12 hours, the absorption of IRONsmart was far higher
for eventual elimination can irritate the intestinal walls and
than other forms of iron. 300mg of doctor prescribed ferrous
cause pain, cramping, diarrhea, constipation and black stools.
fumerate is equivalent to 30mg of IRONsmart. ª
As any pregnant woman knows, constipation during this time
can be debilitating. It is important to choose
a supplement like IRONsmart with its unique
delivery system that enhances absorption.
IRONsmart is delicious. It tastes like caramel
• 10 drops of Collagen Plus in juice
candy and it does not cause constipation.
per day
IRONsmart delivers iron in a liposomal
complex (picture the iron in a protective
• ½ packet or 3 capsules of Multismart
bubble). IRONsmart liposomal iron travels
per day with food
unaltered through the high-acid stomach to
the receptors for iron. Once the liposomal iron
• Take 2 tsp of IRONsmart liquid or
reaches its intended destination, the liposome
2 capsules.
is easily moved through the cell’s membrane
for optimal absorption of the iron.
• If thyroid TSH blood test is above
IRONsmart is a vegetarian iron that raises
2.0 add 2 capsules of THYROsmart
hemoglobin and ferritin quickly. Results from
per day with breakfast
a recent study showed that absorption of
IRONsmart is five times greater than using the
Stockbyte, George Doyle/Stockbyte/Thinkstock
IRONsmart is for children, athletes, the elderly, men, women—everyone!
skin disorders and women who
have gone through menopause
can not make GLA from the
food they eat. And this inability
to make GLA is the reason
post menopausal women have
dry, wrinkled skin lacking that
youthful glow.
GLA deficiency is at the root
of most skin disorders. GLA is
not found in fish or flax seed
oil and the highest source of
GLA is found in borage oil.
Look for GLA SKIN Oil a
liquid borage oil supplement.
If you want to change the look
of your skin quickly take the
GLA Skin Challenge and eat
2 tablespoons of GLA per day
and apply a small amount to
the wrinkles on your face at
bedtime. Your friends will be
asking if you had “work done”.
When you purchase
GLA SKIN Oil you
will receive my book
Beautiful Skin Begins
Within FREE
(16.95 value). ª
The Woman’s Word
When the ovaries take a much needed rest the
adrenal glands are supposed to kick in and make
DHEA, testosterone, estrogen and other hormones.
If you have been under chronic stress your adrenals
may be too tired to take on this transitional role.
Symptoms of exhausted adrenals include insomnia
where you fall a sleep fine and wake up several
hours later but can’t get back to sleep, salt and
stimulant cravings and difficulty handling stress.
Treating menopause symptoms involves a two
prong approach—one we support the adrenal
glands to help us deal with stress and enhance
hormone function using ADRENAsmart to
support healthy adrenal function. And two
take MENOsmart Plus to stop hot flashes, night
sweats and mood swings quickly. MENOsmart
Plus is a fast-acting, comprehensive formula that
contains several tried and true herbs that raise
progesterone naturally and control night sweats,
balance moods and aid vaginal dryness. Licensed
by Health Canada MENOsmart Plus works fast to
alleviate the symptoms of menopause. ª
Women who
sail through
have great
The Woman’s Word
A normal menstrual cycle involves
complex hormonal interactions that stimulate
the ovaries to produce and release estrogen,
progesterone and eggs. Day one is the first day of
bleeding in a menstrual cycle. In the first half of
the cycle estrogen rises to make the uterine lining
thicker. Around day 10-15 ovulation occurs whereby
an egg is secreted. In the second half of the cycle
progesterone rises and its job is to keep you
pregnant. If pregnancy does not occur, progesterone
declines signaling the uterine lining to pull away,
tearing capillaries and causing bleeding. Cycles
continue until an average age of 52 years and would
normally only be interrupted by pregnancy and
breastfeeding. Hormone imbalances can occur due
to man-made, environmental estrogens in our food,
water and cosmetics. Stress also causes estrogen
levels to increase which can interfere with normal
cycles. Problems with menstruation include absent,
heavy, clotting, long, painful or irregular periods.
Whether you are experiencing heavy periods,
painful periods or no periods you should ask for
an ultrasound to help rule out cancer. Abnormal
bleeding, pelvic pain or abdominal fullness should
not be ignored.
Thankfully, period problems can be resolved
within two full menstrual cycles. Start by ensuring
you avoid hormone-containing foods such as
commercially produced dairy and animal products
that contain estrogens and testosterone. Reduce
the intake of these foods or eat only organic.
Reduce stress. The stress hormone cortisol causes
a corresponding increase in the hormone estrogen.
Heavy, clotting periods are caused by too much
estrogen. Estrogen is a powerful hormone that
makes the uterine lining thicker. Ensure the
cosmetics you use are free of parabens as parabens
are highly estrogenic.
I developed ESTROsmart to make periods
effortless. ESTROsmart brings your estrogen to
progesterone ratio back into balance. ESTROsmart
also stops your healthy estrogen from converting
into harmful estrogens. ESTROsmart keeps your
uterine lining from getting too thick. Within two
full menstrual cycles ESTROsmart will resolve most
menstrual problems. All young women from the day
they start menstruating should take ESTROsmart
every day. If you also have painful periods add
GLA from borage oil either two teaspoons per day
or four capsules. Doctors offer the birth control
pill as a solution for period problems. But the low
dose estrogen birth control pill contains seven
times the amount of estrogen that is given to
post menopausal women. And if you had period
problems before you went on the birth control pill
you will still have them when you come off and
sometimes they are far worse after using the pill
due to the excessive exposure to the estrogens
in the pill. ESTROsmart is a girl’s best friend
eliminating period problems fast. ª
Ron Chapple Studios, FlairImages/iStock/Thinkstock
his is the first time in history that we have
more women over the age of 50 than under.
And these don’t have time for menopause
symptoms. Menopause means one year with no
menstrual periods. The average age of menopause
is 52 years. At menopause the ovaries take a much
needed rest and no longer secrete eggs. I am often
asked ‘what makes the difference between the
woman who has no symptoms at menopause and
the woman who suffers with endless hot flashes,
night sweats, angry outbursts, insomnia and
brain fog? The answer is those that sail through
menopause have great functioning adrenal glands.
help for
Acne, oily hair, infertility, pelvic pain, male facial hair growth in women (above
the lip or under the chin), belly fat, weight gain, period problems, anxiety or
depression and skin tags are all associated with polycystic ovarian syndrome
(PCOS). PCOS is a pre-diabetic condition that affects 1 in 20 North American
Four out of five women who die of cervical cancer
had not had a PAP test in the previous five years. According
to Health Canada the highest incidence and death rates from
cervical cancer occur in women over the age of 65, a group
that often stops having annual PAP tests. PAP tests save lives
by discovering abnormal cells, called cervical dysplasia, early
enough to reverse the cells and prevent cervical cancer. All adult
women from the age of 18 should have an annual PAP test to
ensure their cervix is healthy. But what can be done when the
test comes back abnormal?
women of childbearing age. PCOS is diagnosed when a women has elevated
blood sugar, insulin, DHEA and testosterone along with several of the symptoms
mentioned above. They called the disease PCOS before they realized half the
women with the condition do not have cysts in the ovaries which can lead to
misdiagnosis or a lack of diagnosing the condition.
GLUCOsmart containing chirositol is the only supplement licensed by Health
nutrient can balance blood sugar and insulin, normalize testosterone and DHEA,
regulate ovulation, stop male facial hair growth and improve fertility. GLUCOsmart
is the best news for PCOS sufferers. ª
I am 27 years old with PCOS since 2002. I ballooned from a svelte 160 at 5’9 to a
whopping 300lbs. I saw an advertisement about your GLUCOsmart, and was excited to try
it. Since 2002 I have been on Metformin, and Progesterone to induce my monthly cycles,
but the medications themselves were wreaking havoc on my physical well being, as well
as mental (I tried to lose weight many times, but with the Progesterone, I found it nearly
impossible, and with Metformin, I felt like fainting).
Two weeks ago, I was told by my endocrinologist that, whether I wanted to or not, I
had to take progesterone this month. Well, my mom and I marched into the health food
store, and purchased your GLUCOsmart, went grocery shopping with your Smart Woman’s
Guide to Hormones book in my hands, and started immediately. Lorna, it has been two
weeks to the day today, and my monthly cycle started on its OWN yesterday. WITH NO
HORMONE INDUCING PILLS!! This will be the first time my body has naturally regulated
itself since March 2002. I know your book said to NOT weigh yourself for the six weeks,
but I just had to!! I wanted to see for myself. I’ve lost 15 pounds so far! And yes, I had
my husband hide the scale so I will not weigh again until the 6 weeks are done. I can’t
wait to see how much I’ve lost!
Again, thank you with all my heart. —RM
We know that infection with the Human Papilloma Virus
(HPV is a common virus that also causes warts), smoking, oral
contraceptive use and nutritional deficiencies of folic acid, vitamin
A and vitamin C increase the risk of abnormal cervical cells.
Excellent research has shown that a nutrient called Indole3-carbinol (I3C) can reverse abnormal cervical lesions before
they have a chance to develop into cancer. In one study 30
women with stage II and stage III cervical lesions took 200
mg of I3C daily. Over fifty per cent of women in the treatment
group had completely normal cervical cells and PAP tests. None
of the group getting fake pills had reversal of the abnormal
cells. ESTROsmart contains I3C along with other powerful plant
nutrients to reverse abnormal cervical cells. ESTROsmart keeps
our estrogens from converting to cancer-causing estrogens
while balancing hormones. ESTROsmart protects your breasts
and cervix, makes periods effortless, controls fibroids and
endometriosis, eliminates hormonal acne and protects you from
environmental estrogens. Cervical dysplasia and cervical cancer
can be prevented. Have your annual PAP test and make sure
your Mom has hers as well. Too many women over 50 are not
having annual tests. PAP tests save lives! ª
CandyBox Images/iStock/Thinkstock
Creatas Images/Thinkstock
Canada for the treatment of PCOS. Nine clinical studies have proven this super-star
Do not ignore abnormal
PAP tests. Too many
women are advised they
have an abnormal test
result, told to come back
in 6 months for another
test and are not given
any suggestions how to
get their cervical cells
to return to normal in
the meantime.
Take ESTROsmart everyday to prevent
and reverse abnormal cervical cells.
The Woman’s Word
ver 26% of the population have
low thyroid and are currently
taking thyroid medication. Another
30% of people are walking around
with low thyroid that have yet to be
diagnosed due to our inadequate
blood test.
Symptoms of low thyroid include:
• hair loss
• low mood
• weight gain
• dry skin
• stubborn • constipation weight loss
• no energy
• no sex drive
• feeling cold
• heavy periods
• recurring miscarriage
• and in menopausal women
never-ending, severe symptoms
Getting a proper diagnosis of low
thyroid can be a challenge. Our
TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone)
test range of normal is 0.5 to 5.5.
To be diagnosed and treated for
low thyroid you would have to be
over 5.5.—the higher the number
on the test the lower your thyroid.
But research has shown that a TSH
above 2.0 can cause the symptoms of
low thyroid. Your doctor won’t give
you thyroid medication until your
TSH is over 5.5. You have to ask for
your TSH number and if it is above
2.0 you need to take thyroid support
nutrients in THYROsmart.
Jana Blašková/iStock/Thinkstock
THYROsmart Supports Optimal
Thyroid Health
THYROsmart enhances T4 thyroid
hormone and improves the
conversion of T4 to the more potent
T3 hormone. Ninety-five percent of
all cases of low thyroid are due to
impaired conversion of T4 into T3
in the tissues of the thyroid gland.
THYROsmart supports healthy
thyroid hormone levels. THYROsmart
which is licensed by Health Canada
for the support of thyroid health. ª
The Woman’s Word
Babies skin is abundant in collagen
making it soft and smooth. But by
our early 20s collagen production
declines. Women in menopause are
especially susceptible to collagen
decline where they can lose as much
as 30 percent of their skin collagen in
the five years following menopause.
Some menopausal women lose 30
percent in the first year, which is the
reason that we see dramatic changes
in the skin with increased wrinkling
during this transition. And as if that
is not bad enough, skin elasticity
declines dramatically every year after
menopause causing sagging skin. The
effects of slowed collagen production
are visibly obvious when skin loses its
structure, sags and wrinkles. Look at
the nasolabial folds at the sides of your
nose to your mouth which are often
the first area to see a loss of collagen.
A second yet equally important
component of skin is called elastin.
Elastin fibers form a matrix with
collagen; together they allow the
skin to flex and move. When we are
young, the skin naturally renews its
collagen and elastin. But with age and
sun damage this renewal rate slows
down. The good news—we can build
collagen in the skin quickly.
Naturally Enhance Collagen
Forty-three women, ages 40 to 55 with
deep crow’s feet wrinkles, were given
either Active Collagen containing
hydrolyzed marine collagen and
elastin polypeptides or a placebo.
Subjects’ forearm and face skin were
measured at day 0, day 28 and day 84.
Day 28 through 84 were during winter
months to simulate harsh winter
conditions. After 28 days, the group
taking Active Collagen showed up to
a 20 percent decrease in the depth of
the number of deep wrinkles in over
80 percent of the subjects.
Active Collagen was found to have
a powerful moisturizing effect on the
skin whereas the placebo group had
an increase in dryness. Women report
that the skin in the vagina improved
as well and crepey skin was softer
and smoother. There are many types
of collagen sold in the market place
today for beautiful skin; some are from
slaughter house waste or from farmed
tilapia and have no clinical research
to confirm they work. Active Collagen
is a 99% pure hydrolyzed marine
collagen and elastin polypeptide
complex with excellent research to
back its ability to reduce the depth of
deep wrinkles. ª
6 Weeks to Thicker Hair and Stronger Nails
Thick, shiny hair and strong nails have one
thing in common and that is collagen. Silicon and biotin
are the building blocks used by the body to manufacture
collagen for hair and nails. The outer shaft of the hair is rich
in silicon and it is one of the minerals required for strong,
nails. Although silicon is an abundant mineral it is not that
easy to absorb. Silicon has to be converted in the gut into
silicic acid in order to be made available to the body for
collagen manufacture. Collagen Plus is a unique supplement
that contains both silicic acid and biotin. Within 6 weeks of
starting Collagen Plus you will notice your hair is growing
thicker and stronger and has increased shine and volume
and your nails will also be stronger and have less breakage.
Like silicic acid, biotin is important for healthy hair and
nails. Food sources of biotin include nuts, egg yolk, wheat
bran, oat, barley, liver and brewer’s yeast. However, the
therapeutic amount of biotin required for healthy hair
and nails exceeds that found in the typical diet. Topical
biotin, often added to hair care products, is not effective
at building stronger, thicker hair either. Biotin increases
nail thickness and reduces splitting. Collagen Plus contains
an effective dose of biotin in each drop. Add 10 drops of
Collagen Plus to a smoothie or juice and watch your hair
and nails transform. ª
and Anxiety
Antidepressants can cause up to a 60 pound weight gain
Jose Luis Pelaez Inc/Blend Images/Thinkstock
5-HTP Improves Mood and Sleep
5-HTP has been extensively researched for the treatment
of mood enhancement. 5-HTP has been compared to SSRI
antidepressant medications and found to work as well for mild
to moderate depression, mood swings, angry outbursts, anxiety
and panic attacks. 5-HTP makes you feel calm and relaxed and
basically ‘happy.’ It also relieves insomnia. 5-HTP allows for
natural sleep without the drugged feeling in the morning that
can occur in those taking sedatives. Take 200 mg at bedtime for
restful sleep.
Alleviate Fibromyalgia Pain
The body’s serotonin pathway does not work well in people
with fibromyalgia. 5-HTP has been shown to stop the pain
of fibromyalgia while enhancing mood. In a double-blind,
placebo-controlled, 90-day study involving 50 patients with
fibromyalgia, 5-HTP was found to significantly improve anxiety,
pain intensity, quality of sleep and fatigue.
Look for SMILE, a vegetarian, 99% pure, enteric-coated 5-HTP.
5-HTP must be enteric-coated to get to the small intestine as
stomach acid destroys it. 5-HTP that is not enteric-coated causes
nausea when taken in optimal doses. SMILE works quickly
to reduce anxiety, mild depression, mood swings and panic
attacks. SMILE is safe and non-addictive. If you are taking antidepressants and want to come off visit and
listen to our audio program on how to get off antidepressants. ª
I am a teacher and I suffer with recurring
colds and flu. What can I do?
You can’t open up a newspaper without reading about
an infectious disease outbreak. So what makes the
difference in those that are able to ward off bacterial and viral
infections?—they have a strong, vigilant immune system. The
body’s ability to protect itself from the onslaught of offending
viruses, bacteria, fungi and cancer can be enhanced or
weakened by a number of factors. We have each experienced
the cold that sets in after an extraordinarily stressful event; too
many days of celebration and/or unrelenting stress. A diet high
in sugar, inadequate nutrients, continual stress, long work hours,
not enough rest all contribute to the inability of our immune
system to properly defend us from infections.
SMILE works
quickly to
reduce anxiety,
mild depression,
mood swings and
panic attacks.
To help prevent colds and flu reduce sugar consumption—
one teaspoon of white sugar shuts off the virus fighting cells
of the immune system for up to 6 hours. The average person
eats 150 pounds of sugar per year. Drink at least 6 glasses of
water per day. Do not touch your fingers to your eyes, nose
and mouth as this introduces invaders into your body. Wash
your hands with soap and water often throughout the day.
Don’t use antibacterial soaps as they only work on bacteria
not viruses. Start taking IMMUNOsmart daily now and
throughout the winter to support a strong immune system.
IMMUNOsmart prevents colds and flu and has been shown to
reduce the duration of colds and flu in those already infected.
IMMUNOsmart helps your immune system seek, recognize
and destroy viruses, bacteria and other dangerous invaders.
IMMUNOsmart is also the strongest anti-allergy supplement on
the market. Start IMMUNOsmart today and protect yourself. ª
The Woman’s Word
in a matter of weeks so only those with moderate to severe
depression should be taking them. Too many women are
being prescribed anti-depressants to deal with everything from
menopause to fibromyalgia and arthritis. Doctors should be
recommending 5-HTP as a first line defense against anxiety, mild
depression and mood swings. This very special nutrient can
elevate mood without the side effects experienced with antidepressants and/or anti-anxiety medications. 5-HTP is converted
into serotonin. Serotonin is our happy hormone making us feel
calm and relaxed. Serotonin deficiency contributes to weight
gain, anxiety, depression, sleeplessness and panic attacks. Low
serotonin levels also lead to sugar cravings and overeating.
5-HTP enhances serotonin thereby reducing appetite and sugar
cravings and much more.
Do you avoid wearing shorts due to the
unsightly veins on your legs? Varicose veins are
enlarged veins commonly found in the legs. The
veins often appear dark purple or blue and twisted
and bulging above the skin’s surface. Varicose veins,
90 days
you will see
a dramatic
in your
called hemorrhoids, can form
in the vagina or around the
Leg veins have the
toughest job. The task of
carrying blood from the bottom of the body up
to the heart makes the legs a prime location for
varicose, spider and hemorrhoid veins. Hormonal
changes that occur during puberty, pregnancy, and
menopause, as well as taking birth control pills or
Lorna Vanderhaeghe is the author of
12 books. Visit
for more information and to read some
of her
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Health Solutions
a division of Jamieson Laboratories Ltd.
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HRT containing estrogen and progesterone, also
increase the risk of varicose or spider veins. Obesity
and constipation can make vein problems worse.
Diosmin, horse chestnut, Butcher’s broom and
hesperidin, found in VEINsmart will quickly deal
with swollen legs and ankles, hemorrhoids, varicose
veins, chronic venous insufficiency and eventually
spider veins. VEINsmart improves vein tone,
increases lymphatic drainage, inhibits inflammation,
strengthens capillaries, promotes healing of varicose
ulcers and has been shown in clinical studies to
eliminate acute and chronic hemorrhoids.
VEINsmart also reduces pain and heaviness in
the legs, night-time cramps in the calves, itchy and
swollen legs, hemorrhoids and varicose veins. No
longer will you have to wear those constricting
support hose, use nasty suppositories or creams and
hide your legs under clothing. VEINsmart comes to
the rescue. Take photos of your veins because the
uglier the varicose veins are, the faster VEINsmart
works. Within 90 days you will see a dramatic
difference in your veins. ª