RMHC SLC 2006 annual report


RMHC SLC 2006 annual report
Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Intermountain Area, Inc.
Annual Report 2006
Nevada residents Arturo and Veronica had
a beautiful baby daughter, Camila. Veronica
recalls, "I was to go home with my baby and
then they told me that my baby was in intensive
care. They didn't know why. They kept doing
tests. She got sicker and sicker. We flew in an
airplane to Salt Lake City. Our baby was very
sick. Her liver shut down. We sat with her for
a month."
Even though Camila received a transplant and
improved briefly, she died.
Arturo says, "People get sick; people die. What
Sometimes it doesn't matter how tightly you hold on to them.
we do in life goes to eternity. We are here to
That's why we are here.
help one another. Ronald McDonald House has
good, good, good people. They help everyone.
When hardships befall regular, loving families, Ronald McDonald House
Guardian angels. This was the most difficult
Charities is here to take the family under its wings.
time in my life."
Angela Alvarez
Avery Tiddens
Sophie Graham
Eloisa Perez Quiroz
Joshua Lester
Samantha Labbee
Niedo Twins
Camila Bolivar
Alexander Luff
Bricella "Breezy" Za mora
Alistair Griffis
Caiden Keating
Simon Jensen
Molly Smith
Clyde Stoddard
Jonah Abelhouzen
Cou rtney Sa Iyer
Gavi n Easter
Brock Wi Ison
Shawnna Lynn Coville
John Waldner
Bayarbileg Batbayer
Juli Blanch, Board President
To our dear friends
of Ronald McDonald
House Charities
of the
We are honored to have such a broad and diverse
Considering that our exceptional area hospitals
range of support from the community You have
draw patients from allover the world, it is not
all come to Ronald McDonald House Charities in
surprising that House I quickly filled to capacity. The
different ways and for different reasons. Some of
Charity responded to the problem by purchasing
you own and operate a Ronald McDonald restaurant
an apartment complex in 2000 to provide housing
and wish to perpetuate the work of McDonald's
for long-term stay families. House II provides the
founder Ray Kroc, who believed in giving back to
closest thing to a home we can give to families
the communities that made him successful. Some
uprooted from their towns, friends and jobs to
of you have had the devastating experience of
move temporarily to Salt Lake to focus on getting
living through a life-threatening illness with your
child and want to do what you can to help other
their child better. In 2004, we purchased House III,
the former Brigham Street Inn on South Temple,
parents who are suffering what you have suffered.
for parents who need quiet and privacy as they
Some of you have had the good fortune to raise
healthy children and are so thankful for this that
make delicate decisions about their child's life.
you want to show your gratitude. Others, like me,
With all that has been done to assist these children
may not have children, but you understand how
and their families, we never forget that there will
vital their well-being is to our current happiness
be thousands more families to help in the future.
and our future stability We are supporters of the
We are preparing for the future based upon well­
Ronald McDonald House because we realize we are
informed forecasts of hospital growth and the
changing desires and needs of our fami ies. In just
a few years we will be able to build on property
directly to the west of House I that we purchased
in 2005. The project wil ikely enta·1 building an
addition and renovating parts of House I, whic
is in serious need of attention after almost twenty
years of constant use. Understanding the prudence
of planning ahead, the board has formed aStrategic
Planning Committee that will make recornfTle"
part of a community, and the community cannot
Intermountain Area
function if there are not members willing to offer
compassion and humanity to those who need it
The board, staff and volunteers of the Ronald
McDonald House have always worked tirelessly
to ensure that the Charity is serving sick children
and their families to the utmost The local Charity
built the first House on South Temple in 1988.
'onal area hospitals
the world, it is not
illed to capacity. The
Iblem by purchasing
) to provide housing
louse II provides the
can g ve to families
friends and jobs to
to focus on getting
purchased House III,
In on South Temple,
and privacy as they
their child's life.
assist these crildren
orget that there will
o help in the future.
Ire based upon we'l­
tal growth and the
'our fami ies. In just
o build on property
I that we purchased
Jy entail building an
:s of House I, which
lafter almost twenty
anding the prudence
~s formed aStrategic
I make recommen­
dations about the highest and best use of the property, as
well as of House II and House III. As you may well expect,
we will launch a capital campaign once we know how much
money is needed to achieve the addition and renovation.
The families we serve deserve our careful attention and
dedication as we accommodate their future needs, and that
is what they will get.
purpose is to help children and their families. We recognize
that a charity cannot exist in isolation. The beneficiaries
of a charity are best served when that charity works in
conjunction with others to achieve common objectives.
We have a dedicated committee that works to identify
those organizations that exist to improve the well-being of
children, that articulate a particular and worthwhile use for
the grant, and that are well-managed. As we assist other
organizations in their laudable efforts, we walk that much
closer towards our own goal of lifting children and their
families to a brighter tomorrow.
You most likely associate the Charity with the Ronald
McDonald Houses, but we are able to do much more to aid
children and teenagers in this community through your
support. The Ronald McDonald Scholarship Program has
achieved great success since its inception in 2003. Over one
hundred high school students apply each year to receive a
full or half tuition scholarship to a Utah college. The program
focuses on students with high grade point averages who
will be first-generation college students and for whom the
scholarship may mean the difference between attending
depended upon the Ronald McDonald House for shelter,
sustenance and comfort. The Ronald McDonald House is
made up of talented and dedicated staff, board members
and volunteers who take their mission seriously. We know
how critical your support is and we thank you.
college or forgoing higher education. Many of them express
a desire to major in health-related fields and could be
future doctors or nurses helping the families who stay at
our Houses. We have enjoyed getting to know these bright
young people and appreciate their enthusiasm in serving as
volunteers at the Houses. To date, our scholarship program
has allowed 48 students to start achieving their dreams.
Through our allocations program, we distribute thousands
of dollars in grants each year to other organizations whose
It is a privilege to serve the thousands of families who have
Amber Reynolds Smith grew up in Boise, often driving past the Ronald McDonald
House there. "I kind of knew what it was," she says. "I didn't understand it completely
until my husband, Clinton, and I were in Salt Lake last summer. We were faced with
a totally unplanned situation and we didn't know what to do or where to stay."
The unplanned situation was the birth, 12 weeks
early, of their first child, Hope; who weighed in at
1.5 pounds. Baby Hope was due October 14, but she
arrived on July 22. Doctors recommended that Hope
stay hospitalized until mid-October.
Amber says, "We stayed at the adults-only House; it
was really comforting, quiet, and mellow. We were
able to come and go. It was so nice knowing we had
a place to be at the end of the day."
The House provided more than lodging, though.
Amber says, "The first moment I walked in the door
- I had all the post-pregnancy hormone crying
things - the staff became good friends. They were
there to talk to and as the baby grew it was fun
to have someone to share the great moments, like
when Hope started breathing on her own. They
always wanted to see when we took pictures."
Hope is doing just great now. She's rolling over and
eating solid food. She's getting more mobile. Her
mother says, "She's a redhead so she's determined
and has a very strong spirit. She's very happy; she
smiles a lot and she's starting to laugh. She's really
so much fun."
Our Board ofTrustees watches over this organization
with care and attention. They help to implement
programs, ensure our financial stability, and create
awareness for the mission. Our Trustees have a broad
spectrum of experience, and together they lend
expert leadership and careful long-term planning
for our growth. They safeguard the mission and
keep this organization under their wings.
Bruce Alder
Joseph Sargetakis
Past Preslde,.t
Juli Blanch
Preside"t [Iect ard Legal Counse
Victor Rickman
Frank Corbett
VP Finance
Dave Jones
VP Develop"nert
lynne Kerr, MD
Carol Kroesche
Co cra r AI Dcation
Shari Troester
Co-cl'a r, A locatio
C. Frances Gillmor
embers at large
Rrh Baute
May Bradley
Beth Chardack
Cathy C'hee
Dale F. [vans
Dee Gardne
Samuel Go:d'ite
Peggy Grlsley
argaret Hunt
n Kestle
L Scott K mbe
Diana KIrk
Lana Martl"'o
Kathleell Murpl->y
LlTldcl OTon nor
Te'l Rohovit
Shae Sear
Howard Snarp'e
Rob Sparre
Rrhard Vazquez
Yoanda Versteeg
Marl< Young
Community Advisory Board
PaMela Atk'nson
Robert M Grana
Jul.~ A Barrett
Richard S. lemons, MD
omas D, Dee III
J. M;thael Matts
Colin Gardne
Our deepest gratitude is extended to the 2006 Grand Givers. Grand Giver
membership remains crucial to the Ronald McDonald House Charities keeping pace
with the ever-increasing number of children and families who travel to our city
to take advantage of cutting-edge medical technologies and treatments offered
at our renowned pediatric facilities. Your positive reception and participation is
deeply appreciated.
54 Grand Givers
Bruce and Coralie Alder
Charla and Don Harris
Margaret and James Avent
Margaret Hunt
Terri and Kip Paul
Melissa Phillips
Leah and Matthew Barrington
Patty Joh nson
Victor Rickman
Karen and Barney Bettilyon
Lynne Kerr and Hunter Jackson
Tina and Jonathan Ruga
Karen and Gary Black
John and Lynn Kestle
Joseph and Paula
Juli and James Blanch
Diana and Mark Kirk
May Bradley and Tom Gerke
Carol and Guy Kroesche
Jeff Broman, DDS
. Shauna and Thomas Mabey
Shae and Alexander Searl
Jennifer Speers
Elizabeth and Michael Chardack
Doug Johnson
Staci and Tony Arnone
Frank and Leslie Corbett
Clark Stringham
Kristin and Tom Stockham
Suzanne Day
Fran and Rudy Madlang
Leslie and Hal Stone
Candace and Thomas D. Dee
Kathie and Mark Miller
Paula Swaner, PH.D
Dale Evans
Lana and Robert Martino
Janet and Richard Thompson
Gayle and Chip Everest
Linda McMahan
James Thurman and Wanda
Carol and John Firmage
Cari and Dave Meabon
Dee and Colin Gardner
Jackie and Greg Morelli
C. Frances Gillmor and
Kathleen Murray and Ronald
Robert Avery
Sam and Janet Goldstein
Linda and Kevin O'Connor
Tamra and James Hall
Dave and Cindy Jones
Shari and Darrell Troester
Beatrix Versteeg
Yolanda Versteeg and Craig
Our House is not a temporary place to stay that offers only four walls and a bed, but
truly is a home-away-from-home. Here, families find a haven away from the tensions
of the hospital. Staff members show they care by offering a listening ear.
"These houses are amazing. The staff is so caring and attentive. They make sure that
you have everything you need and make you as comfortable as possible while being
away from home." -- Rick and Cami, Wyoming
Executive Director
C. Frances Gillmor
Development Director
Lisa Burbidge
Special Events Director
Leslie Cunningham
House Operations
Bonnie Billings
Assistant House
Karin Lanning
Volunteer Coordinator
Lydiabeth Eshelman
Scholarship Coordinator
Casee Stone
Sharon Bell
Verna Eaton
Shari a Thompson
Ana and Alejandro
Guest Services
Margaret Besso
Jackie Fuhrman
Guest Services Assistants
Skylee Neff
Karina Palestina
Resident Managers
Christine Benson
Islay and Spencer Brown
Sarah and Jon Buchanan
Weekend Managers
Heather Theobald
Sara Wilson
Bethany Zuroff
Joel Arvizo
Volunteers seem to help us all.through troubled times and we are
constantly in their debt. The work of a volunteer can be described
as guarding, caring for, or looking after with great care. To the
corporations who lent us their employees and to the individuals
who made our House a safe, clean, and loving environment, we
thank you for your time and energy as it has provided much needed
shelter for families.
House Volunteers
Jacqie Buckminster
Shirley Christensen
Megan Clark
Marjorie Coleman
Annastasia Copeland-Rynders
Paul Darlington
Cara Drury
Jody Edwards
Sherie Fisher
Heidi Hanzon
Jennifer Hardenbrook
Steven Harmon
Helida Heise
Sally Hodges
Seth Kitt
Aly Leavitt
Rebecca Loftin
Linda McMahan
Kay Mickelson
Pat Mize
Blair Murdock
Lisa Nelson
Marianne O'Brien
Linda O'Connor
Sandi Olson
Ann Owens
Nancy Paga'n
Kristol Pett
Spencer Pett
Bettie Richtel
Grant Ricks
Leslie Robinson
Anthony Rodriguez
Beverly Rutherford
Nora Ann Sooklaris
Chelsea Stephenson
Teri Swaner
Christie Tawzer
Cindy Van Klaveren
Ci ndy Voorhees
Chris Wilde
Gill Winters
Charles Newell
7,674 hours
of volunteer
Tom and Jill Arlt
Cindy and Greg Bailey
Jeri and Rich Collings
Alice and John Finley
Jill and Tom Goodman
Janet and Dennis Hall
Judy and Steve Heaton
Conny Kramer
Chris Beck-McKay and Mark McKay
Jane McKenzie and Greg Gruber
Judy and Dave Parrish
Angie and Bill Peterson
Char and Bob Roetzel
Doug Johnson
Jan and Chuck Sparrer
Shari and Darrell Troester
Nancy and Rob Sparrer
Penny and Allen Watson
Chris Sparrer-Baer and Mark Baer Sue and Mark Young
Barbara and Clark Stringham
Product Sales: $33,600
Hand Sales: $31,114
Owner/Operators continue to play an integral role in sustaining our House.
Event sponsorships and special in-store promotions also contribute greatly
to House operations, allocations, and scholarships. Canister donations and
a percentage of newspapers sold in the McDonald restaurants provide
much of the funds needed to support our RMHC Scholarship program and
our Allocation program.
During November, McDonald's and its Utah Owner/Operators celebrate
World Children's Day, a worldwide fundraiser for Ronald McDonald House
Charities and other children's causes. Each restaurant donates a portion of
sales from menu items and sells paper "Give A Hands" for one dollar.
2006 Corporate Sponsor
Zions Bank
Eagle Sponsors
Intermountain McDonald's
Lithoflexo Grafics, Inc.
MB Food Service
McDonald's Rocky Mtn. Region
McDonald's of Wendover, NV
Morgan Stanley
Otto and Sons
Packaging Corporation
of America
Joe and Paula Sargetakis
Sparrer Family Organization
Ladies, YOU look good
Stampin' Up!
Tyson Foods, Inc.
Watson Management
Wells Fargo Bank
Workers Compensation
Birdie Sponsors
Cream 0' Weber
DST Enterprises
Dr. Pepper
LongView Fibre Co.
Mac Management
Otto and Sons
Greg Kingdon/Trustca, Inc.
Cart Sponsor
East Bait Bakery and
Mile Hi
Lunch Sponsor
Discover Card Financial
Photo Sponsor
Hospitality Sponsor
The Homestead Resort
Shirt Sponsors
The Martin-Brower
Condies Foods, Inc.
Major Sponsors
Candies Foods, Inc.
The Martin-Brower Co.
Annual Golf Tournament
September 11,2006
Chairperson: Karen Black
Raised - $62,197
Ronald McDonald, along with many other golfers,
enjoyed the beautiful mountain town of Midway,
Utah for a spectacular day of fun at the annual
Golf Classic. Everyone was encouraged to "clown"
around, not only for great golf and good times,
but to support a very special organization.
BreAnn is a ten-year-old who has been through too much. Her mom died when
she was four, then her dad died three years later. At nine, BreAnn needed to leave
her grandparents' home in Colorado and come to Salt Lake City for a scary and
terribly painful surgery.
BreAnn's grandma, Lillian, who BreAnn now calls mom, says, "BreAnn has been in a
body brace or a cast since she was a baby. We are her parents now. She would not
have come through the surgery well without us there. We heard through Shriners
Hospital that a lot of their parents stay at the Ronald McDonald House and that it
is really nice. We were happy to get to go there instead of to a motel, which gets
so expensive. We were so sleep deprived because she went through a lot - it was
very painful for her. We stayed at the House for several weeks. I liked it because
there are other people around who understand emotionally what you are going
through. All the people are so nice. There's this awesome kitchen - there are
meals there every night. You don't have to have the expense of always getting
meals out. Also, it was much more of a family thing, not like a motel room,
which is so depressing. The House is so much better."
BreAnn is doing well now, enjoying life with her sister, Jordan. They put on skits
and plays, swing on the swings, play, and have fun. But BreAnn has to come back
for a follow-up surgery; she'll need them periodically as she grows. Looking
ahead to the next surgery in just two weeks, Lillian says, "We're hoping to stay at
the House again. If the House wasn't available it would be pretty devastating"
"Ronald McDonald House Charities gave me a scholarship - full
tuition plus housing," states Shontol Torres Burkhalter. "I'm from the
Four Corners area so college isn't a real possibility. I had an amazing
counselor who made me sit down and apply. I wanted to go to college
but neither of my parents had gone, so we didn't know how to do it."
RMHC scholarships, designed for students who face limited access
to education, have traditionally been for one year, the freshman year.
Shontol says, "It gave me an opportunity to make a different life for
myself. I'm ajunior this year, again on scholarship - Ronald McDonald
House recently became able to help continuing students, too!" As a
rare double-recipient of RMHC support, Shontol is doubly grateful.
She volunteers at the House as much as she can, sometimes filling
in for the resident manager. "I think the whole mission of the House
supporting families in crisis is really amazing. They're a great
organization and they serve the community in so many ways."
Already planning on graduate school after graduation next spring,
Shontol envisions being a physical therapist. She says, "Ronald
McDonald House has given me perspective about families who have
to travel for medical care. It's given me compassion for people like
those I will hopefully treat one day as a physical therapist."
Fra~c; Gli:mor. Bruce Alder, Ronald McDorald
scholarship recipients
Yauling Auduong
Shu-Yu (Vickie) Chen
Patom Lerslerphant
Miriam Lopez
Anh Luong
Lam Nguyen
Thuy Nguyen
Ngoc Nguyen
a~d Coli~
Gardner congratulate 2006-2007
Tuyet Nguyen
Deanna Schroeder
Eliza Valerio
Michael Vongsengkeo
Continuing RMHC Scholars
Shontol Burkhalter
Juana Gallardo
Steven Ly
Andrea Medina
Tenzin Norgyal
Linda Rico
Afton Romero
$81,799 was awarded in grants for tangible items and direct services
to non-profit organizations serving children. Intermountain Area
McDonald's Owner/Operator canister monies and other National
and local McDonald's promotional funds helped to fund programs
which improve the "quality of life" of all children and their families
with an emphasis on the delivery of preventative healthcare.
Box Elder Family Support Center
Rubber balls, soccer balls, bubbles, and children; sometimes
everything is bouncing at once at the Box Elder Family Support
Center in Brigham City. The center hosts children who may stay for
a few hours or live there for up to two weeks when parents need a
break or are in transition. The center also teaches parenting skills
classes, provides therapy, and runs a parent advocacy program. On
site, they can serve eight kids at one time and they serve up to 24
kids per day. All their services are free.
Late last year, Ronald McDonald House Charities gave the Brigham
City Family Support Center a grant for $5,000. Director Katy Bonds
explains, "We bought two big things with the grant - a plastic tree
house by Little Tykes for infants and toddlers, and a climber with a
tunnel and a slide for preschoolers ages about three to five." Now
that winter has passed, Katy is ready to spread some wood chips
for soft landings and install the equipment. She says, "With the
grant we also enhanced our collection of outdoor equipment, like
balls and cones for games." Katy concludes, "I think [RMHC] is a very
gracious group. They're a charity themselves and yet they go out
into the community and offer help - it's a nice example for other
charities to follow."
Assistance League
of Salt Lake City
Bad Dog Rediscovers America
Box Elder Family
Support Center
South Main Clinic
City Academy
Community Nursing Services
Fourth Street Clinic
Guadalupe Schools
Horizonte Instruction
and Training Center
International Volunteers
in Urology
Jordan School District
Resource Center
Kostopulos Dream Foundation
MedHome Portal
Navajo Santa
Odyssey House
Planned Parenthood
Association of Utah
South Valley Sanctuary
Spy Hop Productions
The Hope Alliance
University Hospital Foundation
Your Community in Unity
Annual Corporate Sp
Zions Bank
"Oriental Odyssey" Annual Gala
April 22, 2006
Chairperson, May Bradley
Co-Chair, Linda O'Connor
Raised: $316,206
The Oriental Odyssey Annual Gala was filled
with the mystery of the Far East, exotic Asian
cui,sine, a'nd countless treasUres that found their
way alo[1g the ancient Asian trade routes to our
live and silent auctions. Our sincere thanks to
corporate sponsors, individuals and volunteers
who provided financial support, attended our
events, and worked hard behind the scenes.
May you live long and prosper!
Oriental Odyssey
Linda McMahan
Silent Auction
AI Forde
Angela Soper
Annette Brooks
Beth Chardack
Candy Revels
Carol Kroesche
Cindy Stalsberg
Cindy Skedros
Jeanne McJoynt
Joey White
Lana Martino
Lisa Hodges
Lynn Kestle
Marcia Scott
Margo Simmons
Michelle Mellor
Peggy DeAzevedo
Shae Searl
Susan Dahlstrom
Susan Anderson
Tina Metos
Vicki Freedman
Wanda Hatton
Crown Sponsors
Alder Construction
The McDonald's O""ne
of the Intermountai
Regence Blue Cross B
Southwest Airlines
University of Utah Ho!
Tiara Sponsors
American Air! nes
American Express
Discover Financial Serl
East Bait Bakery of De
Intermountain Health(
LithoFlexo Grafics, Inc.
Martin-Brower Campa
NPS Pharmaceutical
Wells Fargo
Scepter Sponsors
Beth and Michael Cha
Chase Commercial BatI
Community Nursing S
Hea th and Hospice
Condies Foods, nco
Firmco Financial Inc.
Samuel and Janet GOII
Peggy and Peter Gris,e
Kennecott Minerals Cc
Annual Corporate Sponsor
Zions Bank
Oriental Odyssey
Linda McMahan
Silent Auction
AI Forde
Angela Soper
Annette Brooks
Beth Chardack
Candy Revels
Carol Kroesche
Cindy Stalsberg
Cindy Skedros
Jeanne McJoynt
Joey White
Lana Martino
Lisa Hodges
Lynn Kestle
Marcia Scott
Margo Simmons
Michelle Mellor
Peggy DeAzevedo
Shae Searl
Susan Dahlstrom
Susan Anderson
Tna Metos
Vicki Freedman
Wanda Hatton
Lynne Kerr and Hunter Jackson
KUTV Channel 2
Little America Hotel
Lana and Robert Martino
Molly and Jay Mason
McDonald's Corporation of the
Rocky Mountain Region
McDonald's Ogden-Shari and Darrell Troester
McDonald's Salt LakeMark and Chris Beck-McKay
McDonald's Sandy- Doug Johnson/Clark Stringham
McDonald's-Sparrer Family Organization
McDonald's Rock Springs-Cindy and Greg Bailey
Mission Support
Linda and Kevin O'Connor
Pathway and Associates, LLC
PCMC Hematology/Oncology
Crown Sponsors
Alder Construction
The McDonald's Owner / Operators
of the Intermountain Area
Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield of Utah
Southwest Airlines
University of Utah Hospitals and Clinics
Tiara Sponsors
American Airlines
American Express
Discover Financial Services
East Bait Bakery of Denver
Intermountain Healthcare
LithoFlexo Grafics, Inc.
Martin-Brower Company
NPS Pharmaceutical
Wells Fargo
Scepter Sponsors
Beth and Michael Chardack
Chase Commercial Banking
Community Nursing Services Home
Health and Hospice
Condies Foods, Inc.
EnergySol utions
Firmco Financial Inc.
Samuel and Janet Goldstein
Peggy and Peter Grisley
Kennecott Minerals Company
Oriental Odyssey
Annual Gala
Suzanne B. Allred
Trell Rohovit and Jenny Wilson
Joseph and Paula Swaner-Sargetakis
Smith Barney
Snow, Christensen and Martineau
Stampin' Up!
Guy Kroesche / Stoel Rives LLP
UUMC Bone Marrow Transplant Program
UUMC Pediatric Cardiology
Working RX
Share A Night Donors
Friends of the House
Bakery Chef
Frank and Leslie Corbett
Jennifer Speers
Joseph and Paula Swaner-Sargetakis
Wells Fargo
Rebecca was sleeping soundly, when she was awakened by her husband David,
saying he and the baby needed to fly to Salt Lake City right away. Little Keira had
her first plane ride and her first surgery before she was 24 hours old.
David says, "It was 5 in the morning and I had no idea how
long we were going to be there, what was going to happen,
or anything. Ronald McDonald House helped me get my
bearings and get situated."
As soon as she could, Rebecca left her Montana hospital bed
and joined David and Keira. Then David had to return to his
job. He says, "I felt better leaving Rebecca with the people
at the House. They were really nice to her. She was still sore
and weak and nervous and they helped her be comfortable. I
felt a lot better knowing that she was at the House."
Rebecca adds, "The personal contact with people who really
could understand what I was going through was pretty
important. The gals there checked on me every day and
checked to see if I was doing OK."
Now Keira and her parents are at home together. David and
Rebecca are learning everything they can about cystic fibrosis
so they can help their daughter get the care she will continue
to need. Rebecca says, "Keira's a pretty happy baby; she's on
the lower end of her growth chart, but she's doing well."
RC Willey brings XBox
Wha, a great gl i to the families who would like a little resl
and relaxation. Thank you for the XBox!
Stuffed with Hugs
It was wondertu to see all the smiles when Build-A-Bear
employees from the Fashion Place store and mascot
Bearamy, delivered 150 bears to the House. A teddy bear
hug can often be the best medicine for a child who IS III.
Spencer Copen with Ronald McDonald and Bearamy.
Christmas Joy for Little Ones The Elenz baby SitS with Mrs. Claus and Santa
Santa brings joy to the itlle ones each holiday season.
Salt lake Credit Union For the fifth year, Salt Lake Credit Union donated
funds raised from 'ts "Skip-A-Payment" promotion. This year the promotion
raised $11 ,545 '
Extreme Makeover
Junior League 01 Salt Lake's
Mini Project committee pairted
and decorated a room needing
brightening up This happy room
will brighten the spirits of fami'ies,
just see the change.
The community raised $6,212 in 2006 - from pop tabs alone!
Sally Hodges finds
a ittle helper.
Who knew that pulling tabs off aluminum cans could matter so much?
Nathan Foster and
his grandmother
Carol Fost~r make
a lunch date out of
delivering pop tabs
to our House on a
regular basis.
They add up I Every tab helps raise money for Ronald McDonald House
as we recycle thousands of pounds each year. Every bit counts!
Utah Good Sams Chapt~rs, Deer Sams and Trail Dusters have adopted our House as
one of their favorite chanties.
Pop Tabs
a great rug
Stephen Harmon
sorts tabs.
386 meals prepared for families.
The last thing a parent needs to worry about is "What is for dinner?" especially if
they have spent a long day at the hospital, or have driven miles to get to Salt Lake
City. Too tired to cook, or worried about the cost of eating out, our guests cite
homemade meals as one of the best things that happens to them each day We are
grateful to businesses, families, churches and civic groups who make a difference
with hot meals and great food!
Board Member, Victor
Rickman hams it Upl (right)
LDS Singles Ward stirs up
dinner for our guests.
27th Ward Young Women
75th Services Division Hill Air Force Base
A Group of Friends
Abby Ostler
Adrian Alvarado and Mike BulloCk
Employees of Victoria's Secret
Employer Solutions Group
Ensign 1st and 8th Ward Young Women
ESG Service Group
Family Commun;ty Care Leaders of America
Lloyd Laycock Family
Lone Peak High School Students
Lone Peak Singles Ward
Femi Book Club
Fontaine Claire Relief Society
Foothill Ward Young Women
Margaret Besso
Margaret Besso and Marianne O'Brien
Mathew Lampros
Mettz Family
Fruit Height's Ward Young Women
Girl Scouts of Utah Troop # 1136
Girl Scouts of Utah Troop # 164
Monument Park 2nd Ward Young Single Adults
National Abilities Center
National Charity League
Army Reserve .Warrant Officers
Atwater Family
Becky Clapsaddle
Bennion 12th Ward Young Women
Girl Scouts of Utah Troop # 538
Grace Lutheran Church
Granite 9th Ward Relief Society
Granite Construction
Hancey Family
National TRIO Upward Bound Program
Olympus 4th Ward and Brandon Warner
Osborn Family
Park Point Ward
Boy Scout Troop If 1660
Brighton 12th Ward Relief Society
Burton and Lee Families
Harley Marshall Family
Hatch Family
Hayner Group
Canon 4th Ward Relief Society
Cardon Healthcare
Carrie Strain Group
Height Young Women
Herriman 4th Ward Relief Society
Hill Air Force Base Airman's Council
Chinese Ward
Choffin Family
Church Society Comm;ttee Christ United
Holladay Ward Young Women
Jensen Family
Jet Blu
Methodist Church
Circle K Club
Columbia Height's Ward Young Women
Joanna and Friends
Jonathan Harper
Jones Family
Katie Black
Alpha Lambda Chapter
Alpha Lambda Chapter of ESA
Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity
AMA at University of Utah
America 1st Credit Union
American Society of Civil Engineers
Community Volunteers of Utah
Congregation Kol Ami
Crescent Ridge 5th Ward Young Women
Cub Scouts Pack If 3602
Discover Card
Draper 16th Ward Relief Society
Draper 5th Ward Young Women
Driscoll, Kreteand, Masterson Families
Kid's Cafe
Kunz and Soter Familtes
LOS Business College Students
LOS Young Adults
Leavitt Family
Lehl 36th Ward Young Men and Women
Lincoln Height's Ward Young Women
Little America Hotel
Parley's 6th Ward Young Men and Women
Peterson and Siock families
Phi Theta Kappa
Phyllis Pingree
Pre-profressional Health Organization
Proctor Family
Rachel Robinson
Reese and Jones Families
Rickman Family
Riverton South Stake Young Single Adults
Robinson and Hanson Fam'iles
Romero Family
Roosevelt Singles Ward
Roots and Shoots Program, Oakridge Elementary
Rotary Youth Child CriSIS Committee
Rowland Hall-51. Mark's School Community
Service Organization
Rowland Hall-51. Mark's School National
Honor Society
Salt Lake City Fire Station If 6
Salt Lake Coldwell Banker
Salt Lake Community Co, lege Thayne Center Peers
Sarah Jackman and Friends
Securitas Security Systems
Select Comfort
Shipp Family
Sigma Gamma
m,th Barney
Snow, Christensen and Martineau
Sohm Family
Soter Family
South Mountain 4th Ward Young Singles
South Valley Community Church
South Valley Mom's Club
Southwest Airlines
Spencer and Friends
Star Crest Ward Young Women
Sudbury Family
Troesters Ogden Area McDonald's
Union Fort 9th Ward
UniverSity 18th Ward
University of Utah Tennis Team
Unleashed- Calvary Chapel of Salt Lake City
Upper Elementary United Methodist Youth
Ver;tas- Calvary Chapel of Salt Lake City
Viewmont High School Communications Group
Wasatch Academy
Wasatch Pizza
Wasatch Presbyterian
West High School National Honor Society
Westminster College PUS
Woodbnar Ward
Where Our Families
Come From
1% Other Countries
3% Arizona
1% California
6% Colorado
2% Other States
Statement of Financial Position
2006 Income
for the years ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
Cash and Marketable Securities 2,045,979
Fixed Assets
Liabilities and Net Assets
Notes Payable
7% Montana
Net Assets
2% LOS
0% Other Hospitals
19% University
1% Moran Eye Center
for the years ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
House Operations
Total Expenses
Fund Raising Expenses
Increase in Net Assets
Statement of Activities
2006 Expenses
Hospitals Served
$50 and Up 2006
A1 Rental and Sales, Inc
judith and Bjorn Ablad
Guillermina and Humberto
Action Donation Services
Adams Motor Company
Aim Administration
Albion Financial Group
Bruce and Coralie Alder
Alder Construction Company
Kathenne and Jack Aide
Susan Alder
Sophia Allcott
Alliance Hie and Escrow Corp
Suzanne and Daniel Allred
Karen and Craig Aman
America's Charities
Amencan Assoc. of Health
Care Admlnistrati','e
Management Mountain
West Chapter
Amencan Express
American Express Foundation
American Express-Gift
Matcr,ng Program
Janis and Peter Andersen
Susan and Jim Andersen
Charell Anderson
Dorothy Anderson
Anderson Family Foundation
Judy and Eric Anderson
Shelley and Doug Anderson
Suzanne Anderson
Kathleen Andreason
Leilani Andrews
Aphrodite and Nicholas
Anonymous Donors
Ann and Arnold Antel
Tammy and John Anton
Christie and Mark Archibald
Kim Arnold
Nancy Arnold
Linda Artman
Ashton Family FoundatJon
Katherine and Edward Ashton
Kathenne Astin
Lois L Aston
Pamela Atkinson
Margaret and James Avent
Robert K. Avery
Badlands Fab and Machine Inc.
Cindy and Greg Bailey
Ryan Ba;ley
Margaret and Dale Ba,n
Thelma and Robert Baker
Bakery Chef LLC
Balance Rock Credit Union
Susan and Nick BaldWin
John Ballard
Ballard Medical Products
Holly and Matthew Balogh
Barna Companies
Gayle and Jacob Banyai
Julie and William Barrett
Leah and Matthew Barrington
Roxanne Bartel and
Douglas Nelson
Basic Research, LLC
Rich and Kristin Bauter
Joan Baxte
Chris and Mark Beck-McKay
Beehive Roamers
Abbie and James Bel:
Monica and Kenneth Bell
Missy and Alfredo Beltran
Esther Benson
JoAnn and Don Benso
Debbie and Dan Bentley
Helen Bero and Richard
Kate Besso
Margaret Besso
Beth L Daryl DaVIS Charitable
Bethlehem Srrine 1
Karen and Barney Bettilyon
Charlene and Ron Bigelow
Bonnie and Rick Billings
Karen and Gary Black
Jay and Cindy Blackman
Lillian and Victor
Gene Blackman
Juli and James Blanch
Jeffrey and Athena Metos B:and
Diane and Douglas Bledsoe
Lmda Blonsiey
Boardwalk Construction
Evelyn Bobbermin
Boeing Company ECF
LaDawn and Thayne Bolander
Veron ica and Arturo Bolivar
Monique Bondeux
DaVid Bondi
Elaine and William Bowman
Ellyn Boydstun Godfrey
Susan Boyette
Nancy and John Boyle
KurtiS Boyter
May Bradley and Tom Gerke
Jennifer and Kelly Brandt
Beverly Breen
Brenda and Jeff Brewer
Karen and Jack Brittain
Dorothy and Gary Brockbank
Jeff Broman, DDS
Annette and Randy Brooks
Kathleen and Mike Brown
Laune and Frank Brown
Margaret Brown
Pamela and Jerry Brown
Nicole and Jeff Bruderer
Cathy and Stephen Brunken
Anita and Scott Bruno
Desiree and Anthony Buck
Lisa and Steve Bullock
Lisa and L DaVid Burbidge
Lori and James Burke
Joanne Burnett
James and Mane Burton
Bush Sales and MFG, Inc
MarCie and Kenneth Bushllng
Angi and Jeff Butler
Cand RManagement
Barbara and Douglas Campbel
Brent Campbel
Janice Campbel
Corinne and George Cannon
Capital church in the city
Carbon Dinosaur Lodge 757
Bonnie and Jeff Carre
Kristen Carrol: and Steve Bott
Gloria Carruth
Linda Carruthers
Glenda and Merrill Carson
Paula and John Carstensen
Janelle and C'ark Carte
Castle Country Hydraulic
and Supply
Castle FoundatJon
Will Chamberlain, M.D.
Vickie and Mike Chaney
Kristi Chapman
Alicia Chappell
Elizabeth and Michael Chardack
Charlotte and William Charles
Chase Bank
Judy and Thurston ChaVIS
Cathy Chee and Jarrett Lake
Eileen Chee
Sueh Lin Cheng
Chi-Bin Chien
Kelley and Frank Chilcutt
Patricia Chnstensen
Shonie and Dallas Christensen
ami and Curt Chnstensen
Michele and Erik Christiansen
Sylvia and Kenneth Chrysler
Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints Foundation
Bene~clal Financial Group
Bonneville International
Corporation - KSL
Deseret Book Company
Deseret Management
Deseret News Publishing
The Joseph Sm.~h Memorial
Building Restaurants
and Catenng
Hawaii Reserves, Inc.
The Lion House
Zions Securities Corporation
Cltigroup Community
Investment Committee
Beverly and Harlow Clark
Elizabeth and Sam Clark
Sandra and Michael Clark
Gretl and Corey Class
Pamela and Ronald Clem
Clements Fam,ly Trust
Coca Cola CO!!lpany-Denve
Amanda and Chr,stophe r COle
Kourtine and Ken Coleman
Anthony Coles
Jeri and Rich Collings
Karlene and Richard Combs
Community Nursing Services
Condies Foods Inc
Melissa and William Connelly
Vernon Osmond Cook
Frank and Leslie Corbett
Chns and Charles Cordaro
Dean and PatriCia Cottle
Stanna and Clrford Coury
Carne Cox
Cream 0' Weber
Herb Crittenden
Geneve and Mark Cromar
Janel and Gerold Croo
Crowe-Jones Enterprises, Inc.
Eileen Csontos
Culligan Bottled Water
Lanore and David Cunning ram
Shauna Curb
Jacques D'Astous
DJ. Management, In
Nicola and Stephen Dahl
Dale Barton Agency
Diane and John Dalla Mura
Doris Dalton
Jessica and Bryan Damo
Danaher Oil Co
Jane and Harmel Dawson
Peggy De Azevedo
Patrick de Freitas
Connie and Roger Dean
Linda and Nathan Dean
Nedra Debaritault
Candace and Thomas D. Dee
Alexander Dehaydu
Margaret and Craig Denton
Rosemarie and Kevin Deppe
Valory and Mike DeVico
Catherine deVries
Kris!y DeVries
Valerie Ann and Nicholas D'fl1a
Discover Card
Susan and Raymond Donnel
Nancy and Paul Donoho
Doris J. Ocker Ttee and Doris
OCk'er Survivors
Susan and CurtiS Dowd
Dr. Pepper/Seven Up, Inc.
Sandra Drake
Julie and Martin Drayton
DRH Enterprises
DST Enterprises, Inc
Dons and Arthur Du Lac
Becky and Frederick Duberow
Karen F. and Tom Duncan
Valli G. and Stephen Durham
East Bait Bakery of Denver
Eastern Utah Broadcasting Co.
Kim Eichers
Eighorn Ranch
Brenda and Bill Eisel
Electric Rayzz Inc.
Emma Eccles Jones FoundaliO
Laura and Hal Empey
Nancy Jo English
Enhanced Telecommunlcatsion
Enlisted Association of the
National Guard of the
United States Auxiliary
Enrietto and Kallas Foundati:'
Nanette and William Epste,n
Rebecca Keene
Glenn Gazdi
Susan and Brian Gazewood
Marie George
Patricia and David George
Reva and Revell George
George S. and Dolores Dore
Eccles Foundation
Pearl Gibson
Mareen Giggey and Mark
Ronald Gilbert
C. Frances Gillmor
Derek Gingrich
Glasmann Dudley Foundation
Delores and Richard Godin
Constance and David Goldgar
Sam and Janet Goldstein
Good Sam's Utah Trail Blazers
C. Lynn Goodale
Arley Ann Goris
Lenore and Joseph Gosselin
Joyce and Robert Graham
Marilyn and Joe Graham
Molli and Brandon Graham
Granite Construction
Carol and Wi iam
Sherilynn and Craig Green
Patricia and Ross Greenlee
Mary Griffiths
Marylane and James Grlsley
Peggy and Peter Grisley
Karen and Michael Groesbeck
Margaret and Robert Grogan
Richard Guthrie
David Gutierrez
Jane and Andrew Gutman
Virginia and Michael Hackett
Kris and Scott Hale
Tamra Hall
Hallstrom Foundation, Inc.
Marie and Kenneth Hamilto
Cathy Hammond
Dona Hancock
Laune and Dave Hanks
Amy Hansen
Hansen Construction, Inc
Mane and Phil Hansen
Tracy Hanse
Carol and John HanShaw
Jennifer Harbottle and Jorda
Jamie and Chlls Harding
Kim Hardy
Kelley and George Harmond
AI and Faith Harris
Charla and Don Hams
Deborah and Dennis Haslam
Wendy and Scott Haupt
Heaton Enterprises
Gary and Tina Hebert
Frederick Heinecke
Kim and Anthony Heldret
Help Advocates, Inc.
Patrice and Hank Hemingway
Henry W. and Leslie M
Eskuche Foundation
Herbert I. and Elsa B. Michae
Elizabeth and Daniel Herron
Jill Herzog Glennon
Jody Hexlmer and Tracy Karp
Denese Heyborne
Lin Heyborne
Edward Higbee
Mindy and Myke Higgins
Duane Hill
·Dr. Larry Hill and
Dr. Bernadine Craft
Lisa and Deno Himonas
Alene and Douglas Hix
Rebecca Hoberg
Sally Hodges
Laurie Hofmann
Yvonne and Chris Hogle
Holliday Financia
Emma and Leroy Hoi
Malllyn and John Holt
Jerald and Anne Holyoa
Michael Hopkins
Horizon Laboratories
Larry Horto
John HouchinS
Kathryn and David House
Carol Howard
Genelle Howe
Kathanne Howells
Debra and Mark Hoyt
Hub One Logistics
Carol and John Huffman
Janice and Michael Hughes
Verna and Tom HUiskamp
Deanne and Jerry Humpherys
Elizabeth Hunt
Margaret Hunt
Dale and Roger Hunter
Immigrant Enterprises Inc.
Manan Ingham
Intermountain Healthcare
Intermountain Mortgage
Annette and Steve Israelse
J.L McKenZie, Inc.
lM. Gllsley Machine Tools, Inc.
Jessica Jacques
James Banasky Insurance L.C.
Monique and Jaren Janke
Emily and Michael Jayme
Tiffany and Tyler Jeffs
Lon Jenkins
Diane Jennings
Clyde Jensen
Linda H. Jensef'
JEPS Foundation
Jeranbi, Inc.
Diane and Enc Jergensen
Jim Ure Company
JMN Enterprises
Craig Johns
Cali Johnson and Dave Carlen
Dan Johnson
Dorothy and Burley Johnso
Jef'ifer and Ken Johnson
Kandie Johnson
Mary and Ryan JOhnso
Phyllis and Ronald Johnso
Retta Johnso
Robin and Eric Johf'son
Sue and Doug Johnson
Jamie and Brad Johnston
Barry Jones
David and Cindy Jones
Debbie and John Jones
Lisa and Jeff Jones
Luwenn and Alan Jones
Robert Jones
Stan Jones
Jones, Waldo, Holbrook and
Denise Jost
Pamela Jowett
Mary Lynn and Gary Juhlt
Justin MacDonald
Memorial Fund
Wendi and Rich Jutklns
Crystal Kadleck
Tara and Gust Kalatzes
Casey Katzenmeyer
David J. Keahey
Kearns-Sain Ann School
Keller Conslructlo
Lindsey and Rocert Keller
Safia and Lester Kel!er
Brenna and James Ke
Mary Ann and David Kelly
Tom and Kathy Kelly
Kenf'ecott Minerals Company
Kennecott Utah Copper
Kenf'eth and Joanne Mayne
Lynne Kerr and Hunter JaCkso
James Kesler
John and Lynn Kestle
Key Bank
Kristina and Angelo Kiahtipes
Andrea Kimba
Rodney Kirby
Af'drei Kirilef'ko and Marina
Diana and Mark Kirk
Randal Klein
Patricia Klettke
Steven Knudson
Jill and Lance Kocherhans
Karen and Gerald Kolschows
Susan Kolthof'
Kathleen Koprowsk
Kathryn and Ronald Kreldel
Terl and Ron Kresse
Carol and Guy Kroesche
Linda Kruse
Marget and Neldon Kunz
KUTV - Channel 2
Ladies Auxiliary to the
VFW Post 1409
Jacque laCrOIx
Lamb Weston, Inc.
Joy Lambert
Marijane and Glen Lambert
Jenlfer and Mark Lander
Nancy Lang
Julie Langeland Mackie
Karin and Jon Lanning
Pamela and Anthony Lapine
Elaine and Tim Larso
Suzanne Larson
Martha Latzen
Lawrence T. and Janet T. Dee
Shawna Laws
Lazy SStorage
Merline Leaming
Toni Lehtinen
Susan and Frank Leichllte
Richard Lemons and
Diana Banks
Sharon Lems
Marvell and George Lensch
Natty Leo
Les Schwab Tire Center
Mandy and Tyrrell Lester
LHM Charities
Teina and Ron Llchtwardt
Undon Precision Co.
Heather and John Lindquist
Elena Llrdsa
LithoRexo Grafics, Inc.
Jill and Jeff Little
Marlo Llewellyn
LongView Fibre Company
Jacqueli:!e Leo
Trudy and John Lopez
Norma and Gordon Loveless
Lynn and Larry Love
Lynda and Robert Lum
Aaron Lyman
Ryan lynch
Shauna and Thoma~ Mabey
Mac Managemel't, Inc.
Robin and Ken Macey
Jeff MacFarlane
Elizabeth and Bruce
Mad Man Bas~o Auto Sale~
Michelle Madde
Fran and Rudy Madlal'g
Judy Magid
Magnet Ban
Margaret Malr and Patrick
Sue and Mike Malone
Colleen Malouf
Patricia Mangum
Diane and Dennl~ Mansfield
Shirley and Don Manwaring
Kri~ty Maple
Valorie and Jason Marietti
Marion D. and MaxlI'e C Hank~
Foundation, Inc
Mark ard Katt)re Miller
MarrlOer S Eccl~ Foundat'o
Michael and Kimberly Marron
Marlin Brower Co
Johl' Marlin
Kathallne and Chad Mart;
Virginia Marti
Allister Martinelli
David Martinez
Merlene and Fred Martinez
Lana and Robert Martino
Vernon Mashbu
Betsy Maso
Joan Mason
Leanne ard Robert Mason
MOl y and Jav Mason
Arli:'1e and E. W. Otto
Marie Otto
PaCkaging CorporatJo
of Ar>e'lca
DavId Page
AngelJ ard Russeli Palme
r<ay Papulak
!(ate and Tromas Patter
John Patto
Terr; and Kip Pau
Laurie and Corey Payne
PCMC Hematology/Oncology
Kathy and Don Pedersen
Julie and Darren Penma
Sonja Pentt;la and LewIs
Phyllis and Ray Perkins
Jan and Robert Perry
Darwin Peterse
Peterson Chemical and
JanitOrial, Inc
Lauren and Rick Peterson
Melissa PhillIps
Pierce Oil Company. Inc.
Ranae Pierce
Caroline Pinney
Pixxures, Inc
Tracy and Gregory Poduska
Barbara Polich and Val Antczak
Gena Politano and Scott
Susan and Jeff Polychronl~
Cheryl and Stanley Preston
Jodyand Larry Prettyman
Cheryl and Charles Pribble
Price Meta
Price Travel
Karen and Charlie Primlch
Prince, Yeates and Geldzahler
Professional rile Servlce~
Pam and Mike Puchalski
Nora Puckett
Mary and Gary Purk
QuZ.lty BUilding and
RenovatIOn, Il'c.
Que~tar Corporatio
Anne and B. Michael Radcllne
Jill and Michael Raerniscr
Raincheck Corporation
Carolyn and Larry Randal:
Dave Ranelle
Jan and Richard Rasm",sse'l
Alice and Mike Rasa
Shauna and Michae' Rasa
Rastar Dig:tal Marketing
Reagan Outdoor
Kay and Carl Redlin
Regence Blue Cro~~
and Blue Shield
Stephanie and Alex Rendon
Candace Revel~
Richard and Leola Hagman
Juanita Richard
Evelyn and Ben Richards
Bettie R,chtel
Victor Rd.rnan
Julie and Richard Rider
Nicky and Bob Riehl
Kay and Jim Rivenes
ChriSty and Louis Rivera
James and Elizabeth Roach
LOUIse and William Roberson
Robert J. Debry and Associates
Sue and Greg Robinson
Brenda Rodgers
Char and Bob Roetze
Roger Smith Solid Surfaces
Leone Rogers
Marah and David Rohovlt
TreH Rohovlt and Jenny Wilso
Stacie Romero
Ronald McDonald House
Chafilies Global
Judy and Keith Ross
Marlene and John Rouleau
Ar ine Rub
Kennet" Rucker
Helen and Arvin Rudd
Janice and Brian Ruggl~
Ruth E. and John E. Bamberger
Memorial Foundation
Connie Saccomanno and
Gina Ferguson
Susan and Jeff-ey Sa"'e
Unda and Bir Sailer
VeRita and Marvin Sa10ga
Salt Lake Ctty Credit Union
Salt Lake Monument
Shelley and Timothy Sanda
Patricia and Buz Sandberg
Gail and Robert Sanders
Mary Sanderson and
Carl Accettura
Malia Sandoval
Jane and Stephen Santora
Joseph and Paula
Swaner Sargetaki~
Marjone saunders
Christine and Gary Savas
Deborah and Christopher S
Carla Schain
Joan and Harold Scheider
Donna and David SchUl tz
Lori and Chris Schu
Scott W. and Betsy Thornto
Family Foundatio
Ruth Scowcroft
Madalyn and James Seamz
Shae and Alexander Sear'
Select COf""ort
Susan Seppie
Howard and Tract Sharpley
Shaw and Co., P.C.
Kimble and Dorian Shaw
Angela and Robert J. She
Janice Shields
Michelle and Vince Shrade
Shllner's Ho~pltal
Sign Edge
Signal EqUity Part~ers
Signs to Succeed
Charlane and Malco
Fred Silvester
Jane Siml"'ons
Margo Simmons
Robert Si!T'mons
Roberta and T. Reid Simmons
Barbara and Jerry Simpson
Robert Skelto
Audra and Troy Slaugh
Barbara Siaymake
Sam Sieiman
Vickie and Sarr> Sle,ma
Susan and Ralph Smart
Barbara and Sherman Smith
EmilY and Daniel Srr>ith
Glenda Jean Smith
Helen and Da~ey Smith
Helen O. Sll'ith
Kathy and Kevin Sm:th
Patricia and Homer Sm:t
Susan and DaVid Smit
Smitn-Layton Associates
Margaret and Richard Smolka
Heather Smu
Snow, Christensen and
Martineau Foundation
RObin and Wayne Solberg
Kim Soper
Kathleen and Josepn Sorenson
aVid Sass
Hector S0tO
Southeast Paint Wallcoverings
Southern Colorado Teleco",
Southland Metals
ChUCK and Jan Sparrer
Rob and Nancy Sparrer
Chris Sparrer-Baer and
Mark Baer
Susan and John Speer
Jenntfer Speers
St. Marguerite's Schoo
Stac: Arnone, Inc
Stampin' Up!
Amanda and Ryan Stansfield
Star Point Enterprises, Inc.
Stephen G. and Susan E.
Denkers Familv Foundatlo
Mike Steuer
Jar,e Stewart
Laura and Antl>ony Stire'11an
Martha StOCkham
Stoel Rives LLP
Mirram and Randy Stolle
Casee Stone
Leslie and Hal Stone
Strong and Hann
Mart'la Sudweeks
Jonnette and Donald SUIII~an
Rebecca and Jon Sundin
Sunnyside Cogeneration
Supreme Mu'fler and Brake
Paula Swaner, PH.D.
Sumner and Carol Swane
Teri Swane
Andrea and Jeff Sweeney
Swenson Bros. Construction
Adam and Alison
Looney SwUinger
Rachel and Joel Swogger
Jamie Tabish and Sam Gill
Catry Tafoya and Ken Israel
Yvette and lloyd Tani
Tatton Insurance Agency, Inc.
Beverly and Joseph Taylor
Catherine Taylor
Cindy B. Taylor
Mary and Steve Taylor
James TeMple
Veronica Tenone
Scott Terry
Elaine and Gus Teseros
Elizabeth and Robert Thaye
The FHC Foundation
The Great Salt Lake Yacht Club
The Middleburgh
Telephone Company
The PI Foundation, Inc
The Roberts- Emmitt
Agency, LLC.
The Summ:t Group
Eden and Douglas Thompsor
Heather Thompson
Janet ard Richard Trompsor
Jan and Gregory Thorpe
David Thorup
Kimberly and Charles Thro~so
James Thurman and
Wanda Hatlo
Brook and Troy Tiddens
Pat and Robert T,emens
Brandy and Bradley Ti:t
Carol and AI Tirre
Lana Tolma
Tombros Foundation
Top Line Computers
Cameo Torres
Totah CommunicatIOns, Inc.
Usa and Steve Towner
Jenna and Trent Tracy
JOSiah Trage
Travel Media Distributors
Susan Trinkle
Darrell and Shari Troester
Melissa Trotte
Truline, Inc,
Tucumcari Transfer,lnc.
Turner Prrce Enterprises
Talese and Walter Turner
Tyson Foods
U of U BMT
Underground Services and
Hydraulics, Inc
Karen Unger
United Way of Davis County
UMed Way of Northern Uta
United Way of Salt Lake
United Way of the Great BaSin
University Hospital and Clinics
Sukl and Clint Unruh
Elizabeth and Monty Unswort
Utah Combined Federal
Utah Families Foundation
Utah Farm Bureau
Utah rt'l Auto ExpO, c/o
Liberty Prod. Inc
Utah State Employees'
Charitable Fund
Utah Trail Dusters
UUMC Pediatrrc CardiOlogy
<1m Lentz
In Kind 2006
1-800 Cn acts
15th Street Gallery
24 Hour Fitness
75 and Services Divlslo
of H,I: AFB
Blake Barlocker
Ali Bar'le>
Bath and Body Works
Ricl'> and Kristin Baute
Beaded Puma
Bed, Bath, ard Beyond
Beer Nut Inc
Beets N Srlps
Benjamin Moore and Company
Jamie Besso
Kate Be>so
Margaret Besso
Best WesterI' Garden I'll'
Be>t Western Ruby's Inn
Beta Sigma Phi
Gayle Beukne
Kathy and Don Bielenberg
Bikram Yoga
Bonnie and Rick Bil[lngs
Birch Brothers Woodworking
Black Diamond
B[ack Diamond MUSIC
Katie Blac
Black ~arlluxury SerVIces
Black Sheep Wool Co.
Juli and Jarres B[anc"
Blue Iguana
Bnai Brith G\ds
Bob Dog's Self Service Dog
Body and Mind StudiO
Bob Bondi
Bonneville Promotions
Boston De
Bountiful Ridge Gol
Boy Scout Troop 3039
May Bradley and Tom Gerke
Brick House Retreat
Casey Bright
BrightQn Collectibles
Brtghton Ski ResQrt
Jan ard Jill Broadbent
Broadway In Uta
The Broman Clinic
Je~ Broman, DDS
Lena Bromley
Alma and Kristen Brown
larry Brown
laura and MQrgan Brown
Buca di Beppo
Build-A-Bear Workshop
Michael Bullock
Lisa and L DaVid Burbidge
WMeney Burbidge
Kalin Burr
Regtna BurtQ
Busath PhotQgraphy
BYU Women's Conference
Cactus and Tropicals
Cafe Molise
Calif Wolf, Etcetera Consultant
California Pizza Kitchen
Calvary Chapel of Salt lake City
CameQ College of
Essential Beauty
Janelle Cammack
Cammie Moran Designs
Nancy Cantor
Carl Sandburg Elementa
Car· and Dave Carlen
Edna Carte
Janet Carter
Casa Bella
Steve Case
Celestial Flowers
Center for Facial Appearance
Centered City Yoga
CG Sparks
Chan Family
Diana Chapma
David Chardac
Elizabet." and Michael Chardack
TL Chavis Jr.
Judy and ThurstQn ChaVIS
Chl-Bir Ct>ien
Todd Chikaraishi, DDS
Children's Dance Theatre
Children's Museum of Utah
Chrtst United Methodist Church
- Clalfe Circle Group
Ch"stmas DEcor
Virginia Christy
Church and Dwight Company
Mary Ciminel
The Cineg,;1
Clfcle-K Qf Westminster College
City ~t Club
City Wide Vacuu
Clark Executive Detailing
Lor' Clark
Coca Cola Company-Derwe
laura Coldwe
MarjQrie and Don Coleman
lauren CQlliver
Color Me Mine
Congregation KQI Am
Congressman Jim Matheson
Cookies for Giving
Annastsia Copelard-Rvnders
William Corry
K"s Cotto
Country Inn and Suites
Mind! Cox
Carrie Crawford
Becky and Jason Cre>to
Cricket CommunicatiQns
CQmpar.ion Tec
Helen CrQckett
Lorraine and Dave Crockett
Benjamin CrOSland
Crystal Inn
Cummings A Studio Chocolates
D. Grant Ltd
Erica Da
Tamela Daley
Dancing Crane Photograpi'y
Craig Dangerfield
Ruth DanZig
Daughters of Utah Pioneers
David Whitten Gallery
RQbyn and Craig Davis
Scott Davis
Dayne> Music
Alexander De Haydu
Natalie de Montreux
Deer Valley Lodge
Deer Valley Ski Resort
Del So
Delta At( Lmes, Inc.
Delta Omega ESA
Desert Star
Designing Beads
Shauna Devenport
Dickson Family
Karen Diehl
Dig It - The Fossil Workshop
Discover Card
Discover Marketing Services
Discovery Toys
Doggy Kisses
Doncaster De>igner Fashions
Doug's Spaghetti House
Dr. ~pper
Dr. ~pperlSever Up, Inc.
DrtsCQII Fam
Alana Drown
DST Enterprises. Inc
Evetyn Dunn
DuPort Surfaces
The ECente
East Bait Bakery of Denver
R Eden
The Edgewater
Karen Edgley
Jody Edwards
Egyptian Theatre CQmpany
Electrtc Rayzz Inc.
Vanessa Elias
Employer Solutiors Group
Bel' Erickson
Lydlabt'th Eshelma
Eta Sigma Gamma
Shero and Glenn Euock
Euro Treasures
Dale Evans
Gayle and Chip Everest
Evergreen Framing and Gallery
Evergreen Massage
Every BIQoming Thing
Fastkart Indoor Speedway
Fauntelle Young
Peter FaZiO
Paul Felt
Kim Ferguso
Aimee and Matthew Ferre
Mary Ann Fetze
MeliSsa Finau
Fired Up Glass
First Presbyterian Church
Elaine Fisher
TJaden Fish~r
Rebekah and John Fitch
The Fitness Club @ Foothill
Five Star Restaurant
Flemings Prime Steak HQuse
and Wine Bar
LJCY Lee Florez
Becky Follwe'te
Autumn Foot
Destiney Foot and Family
Foothl:1 Oriental Rugs
Foothills Elementary
GeorgAnne Fore
FQrever Young Foundation
Forsey's Furniture
Four and Twenty Sailors
Francis Family
Jill Frasie
Daryl Friant
Fnends For Sigt-t
Jackie and DaVId Fuhrma
Fur RWe
Galloway's Art and Gifts
The Garden Store
Colrn ard Dee Gardre
Karna Garre~
Claire Gaylord
Pam Genoves
Georgia Pacific DiviSion
Tanya Gibson
Charlie Gilbert
Karen Giles
Lily-Marie G,lImor
Jill Gilmore
Lori Carter
Margie Gilstrap
Girl SCQuts of Utah
Girl Scout Troop 326
Girl Scout Troop 422
Girl Scout Troop 538
G"I SCQut Troop 540
Glenmoor 5tk
GQdfather's PiZZ
Sam and Janet Goldsteir
Golf in the Round
Shayna and DaVid GQuger
Grace Lutheran Churcb.
Grace Lutheran Churc"
Human Care Comm!ttee
Grand Amenca Hote
Grand Targhee Reso
Grand Theatre
Granite CQnstfuclio
Granite School Distr'c
Suzette Grart
Gray C:,ff LQdge
Great Harvest Bread Co
Bonnie Grippe
Barb Guy
Gygl Culinary Instltue
Hager ChirQpractlC
Hairspray - las Vegas
Hale Certer Tt>eater
Debbie Hale
Heidi Ha
Ann Hatverso
Hampton I
Hancock Jewelers
Kar; Harsen
Mardv Hars(
O.C TanO(r Re
O'Driscoll Fam
Oakridge Roots and Shoots
Oborn Fi~e Art Stud:o
Off Broadway Theatre
~eh~et Okur
The Old Spaghetti Factory
LeeA~n Ollve~sue
Cami Ie Olson
Mary Kay Olson
Suzi Olson
Orbit Cafe
Trlsh Orlando
Kel:sha Osborne
Abby Ostltr
Otto and Sons
Out to Nail Ya!
Ovtrton Benefits, Inc
Paramount Pictures
Park City Arts and MuSiC
Park City High School FCCLA
Park City Jazz Foundation
Park City Mountain Resort
Park City Performing Arts
San Juan Quilte~s
Kate Patterson
Barbara Patton
Payne Anthony Custom
Kathy and Dot' Pedersen
Kimberly Pel!1e
Maureen PerkinS
Permanent Cosmetics by Karen
Petersen Art Cente
Carr'e Peterso
IJsa Peterson
Anne Petrie
Phi Theta Kappa
Philadelphia 76ers
Photography By laurie
Pioreer Theatre Company
Kathy Pitt
Porcupine Pub alld Gn::e
d AsSOCiates
Deron WI..I<::!"s
W,I:,3rr-s Jewe'ers
lou,ean Willson
Wlnegars Super'larkets
Wodel;, litiS, Sherman
Woods Cross Elemertary
WoodstoCk Elementary
Workmg RX
The Works noral
Mlcheal Worsham
Wr ~e In Your Ear Productions
Anna ~nd Wal:er Wurz
Xer'scape Design
Krista Vates
Ci'ldy and Kef' Yeager
Jen:,.fer Yim
Mary Kay York
Enc Young
Bricks engraved
In Memory of
Clayton Don Bolander
laDawn and lhayre Bolarde
Camila Olli Bolivar
Verorlca and Art>Jro Bolivar
Theresa Smith Brown
Mark and ChriS Sparrer-Baer
Austin Burke
lon and James Burke
Trevor Kent Butler
Angl and Jeff ButJe
Kevin Roger Coe
Packaging Corporation
of America
Clifford M. Collings
Jen and Ric~ Collings
lucille E. Collings
Jen and Rich Co
R. Leon Dean
Becky and Fredenck Dube'ow
Mark Devries 1997-2006
Kristy DeWes
Ashley Du Lac
Doris ard Arthur Du Lac
Jimmy Everest
Gayle and O"p Everest
Ron Fawson
Madelyr Jackson and Fa
Dan D. Firmage
Joan and John Frmage
Sophie Dawn Graham
Moili and Brandon Gra~am
Kelden Hansen
NI "a Debar!ta~!!
Clifford C. Hedges
Pac, aging Corporatlo
01 Ament
Kyle Herzog Loving Child
Jill He'zog Glennon
Papa Hose
MarJone Yorgenstr
Wendy Howells
Kay Howells
Mark E. lambert
JOY Lambert
Nola Lang A. and L Garrett
linda and Alvah Garrett
Rosie Leonell
St Marguerite's Pre-Schoo
Joshua T. lester
Mandy and Tyrrell ..cste
Kael Spencer Llewellyn
Marlo llewellyn
Alexis Jade McKenna
Christy and Henry McKenn
Linda Ostler
Rick Ostler
Judy Neff
Albert",o' s
Jeremy Nicolls 1990-2004
Rodge N' ~IIS
TA Peterson
Jack.e and DaVId F
Steven J. Poulos
Karm and Jon Lanmcg
Pat Schafer The Best Doc
Eileen (sontos
Baby Jessica Shrader
Baby Michael Shrader
Baby Nicholas Shrader
Baby Nicole Shrader
Baby Thomas Shrader
Michelle ard Vince Sh:ade
Sancia D. Slattery
Jet and Rict' Col: ngs
Charlene Smalley
Ruth Scowcroft
Elen! Sophis
Aphrodite and NichOlas
Avery louise Tiddens 2006
Be Strong Little One
Brook and Troy rddens
Madison Marie Wall
Brenda ard Sara Wa
Brock Riley Wilson
Kat': Rae W
Grandpa Yorgy
MarJone Yorgense'l
Hailee Kaye Young
J~mle Fralia and Joey Young
Bricks engraved
In Honor of
Dam Besso Family
Margaret Besso
Caitlyn B. Bettilyon
Megan A. Bettilyon
Sandy and Tracy Bettilyon
Zachary A. Bettilyon
Alfred Bsharah
Kare'l and Barrey Bettityor
Angilla Butler
Mg' and Jeff Butler
Tierra Carter
Janelle and C'ark Carter
Corey Choffin
Dorott-y and Bu:ley Joh:lso
Maya Drayton and Kit Vanner
Julie and Marlin Draytor
Car,a and Ronan Vanne
Skylar Enger
Phyllis and Rorald Joh~so
Friends Forever
ulie and Marti:! Dravtor
Breaunna Gerlock
Stan Jares
Kalee and Jill Glennon
JiI: Herzog Glennor
Sophie Dawn Graham
Molli and Brardon GrahalT'
G.S.A.H.A. Brad Newman
Golder State Appaloosa
Horse Assn
Kayden M. G.
Karen and Michael Groesbeck
Edward A. Hakanson
Packaging Corporat.o
of Amer,ca
Andrea and K.C. Kay
Kateylyn Vogt Kay
Masey Alyna Kay
Karer and Barney Bettilyor
Avery Keeling
Robert K. Avery
Cole James Kelly
Brenna and Ji~ Ke
Therese Kelly and Sons
Karer <::"d B~:ney Bettl.yo
Dr. Richard Lemons
Diana BankS
lorretta Lichtwardt
Teina and Rorald Uchtwardt
Peggy Mair The Best Mom
EIleen Csontos
Macey Faye Miller
Terra and Matthew Miller
Lauren Newman
Gayle and C~,ip Everest
Hayden J. Poduska
Tracy 311d Gregory PodusKa
Brittani Pope
Angl and Jeff Butler
Lyndsi Pope
Ang' and Jeff But.e'
Traci Sisson Triplets
Kay and Jim R'venes
Erin Smolka
Margaret <:!ld Rict>~~d Smolka
Teresa A. Sorensen
Packaging Corporatior
c' Amenca
Esperanza Soto
MOnica ard Hector Soto
Mikayla Anne Stolle
Minam t~d Randy Stolle
Randy Scott Stolle
Mlfiam t~d Randy StOlle
Conner Sweeney 2206
Andrea ard Jeff Sweeney
Hannah Mae Tolbert
G,e'lda and Merrill Carso
Alexis Wales
Braydon Wales
Makayla Wales
Nancy and Loyd Wales
Delaney Walters
Lori and Chns Sctut
Cole Yoklavich
He'di ard Joe Yoklavicr
Bricks Engraved
Name Only
Anthony and Isaac Acevedo
GlJlllermina a"d Humberto
Pamela J. Atkinson
Po::'1eJa Atk;~son
Rich and Kristin Bauter
Ric'" and Knst,n Bauter
William J. Beck
Mark and O1ris Beck-McKa
Beltran Family
M,SSY ~~d A1f'edo Beltra
Barney Bettilyon
Karen L. Bettilyon
Karel' aM Barrey Betti
R.M. Boydstun Family
El:yn B. Godfrey
Noah Brandt God Bless RM
Je"nife~ ard Kelly Brand
Mike and Vickie Chaney
Mike and Vickie Craney
The Chappell's
Alicia C"appell
Our Miracle Logan Class
Grell and Corey Class
Catherine F. Crimmins
Catherine Taylo
Thomas D. Dee Family
Candace and ll1oll'as D. Dee
Deseret Morning News
Newspaper Agency Company, LLC
Marshall Erb Family
Dctlora and Marshal: Erb
Brooklyn L Fisher
Melissa and Jonathan Fisher
Sand S Gardner
SheJli and Ster".ing Gardne
Good Sam's Trail Blazers
Good SaM'S Utah Trat: Blazers
Phil and Sharon Hardy
Sharon and Philip Hard
Douglas and Alene Hix
Alene and Douglas Hrx
Leroy MaeLea Holm Family
Emma and leroy HOlm
Jayme Family
Emily and Michael Jayme
Joan Jolley
Joan Mason
The Jungers Family
Amy and Doug Junge's
Ladies Aux. VFW Post 409
Ladles Aux to VFW Post 409
Marijane lambert
Gle'l Lambert
lems Family We Carel
Sharon Lel"'1s
Ken and Robin Macey
Ken Macey
Joan McKay
Mark and ChriS BeCk-McKay
Alex Kristy Alan Merrell
Alan Me·re
Mile Hi Frozen Foods Co.
Mile HI Frozen Foods Co.
Larry Murray
Murray Motor and
Investment Corp
Newspaper Agency Company, lLC
Nempaper Agency CorpocY, LLC
A Smile From Cece Otto
A Smile From Gracie Otto
Mane Otto
The Whitnee Palmer Family
Angela and Russell Palmer
Anna Scott Patten
Carter Worth Patten
Kan.ryn and Thomas Pamn
Questar Volunteers
Questar Volunteer Team
Carol Rees VFW 409 Aux.
LJdies Aux to VFW Post 409
Thank You RMH For Caring
Veronica and Arturo Bolivar
Rouleau and Pauroso Fam
Marlene and Jol1l" Rouleau
Sam Rucker
Kenneth Rucker
The Salt Lake Tribune
Newspaper Agency Company, L.C
Santora Family
Jane and Stephen Santora
Schain Family
Car,a Schain
Shaw Mumford and Co.
Shaw Mumford and C, PC.
Jasmine Rae Slaugh
Sharon and Philip Hardy
Carol Faynich Ols-Swaner
Sumner M. Swaner
Carol and Sumner Swaner
Vox Printing
Vox Prmting, Inc.
Robert and Barbara Ward
Barbara and Bob Ward
The Weir Triplets
Jason Weir
Courtyard of
Caring Donors
Flrt rgr .ers Cllarrlable Foundatlor'
Mar Iy" and John Holt
Brittany and Jeff Jones
LHM Chanties
Robert Skelton
Monica and flector Soto
MarolVn and Joh'l Wormda
In Honor of
Kati Abegglen
Joanne Abeggle
Barbara and Keith Albano
Sharor' and JI"' Voegele
Adreane and Jay Aldous
Donan ar'd Kimble Shaw
Pam and Dennis Alexander
RI"I rer r Avery and C. Frances G,llmor
Lauralee Andersen
Susan and Lawrence Andersen
Carol and Jim Anderson
Robert Avery and C. Frances Gil'mo
Shauna and Jeff Appel
Lady of the Rake Fine Gardenmg
Val Antczak
Hunter Jackso
Dallin Argyle
Caml and TraviS Argvte
Arnell-West, Inc.
Western Benefit Planners
Atkinson Electronics, Inc.
Western Br·ne Planners
Insurance SerVices
Cindy and Greg Bailey
N,cky and Bob Riel'l
Hugh King Baldwin
Susan and Nick Baldwi
Shirley Belleville and Brian Bush
Lady of the Rake Rne Gard~'llrg
Chris Benson
JoAnn ard Don Benson
Bernard Typesetting
Bestway Products Company
Western Benefit Planners
Insurance Services
Bethlehem Shrine N1
Bethlehem Shllne '1
Brenn Blackmen
Nina Millett
Dr. G. Marsden Blanch
Megadyne Employees
Bod~1I Construction Company
Westerr' Benefit Planners
Irsurance Services
John R. Bonema
MJC~aer Bonema
Morgan Brown
Hur,ter JackSor
Leslie and Colin Buck
Ray Buck
DeSiree alld Anth my Buck
Julie and Jonathan Bullen
lddyor (he Ral:e Fine Gardening
BullFrog Spas
Western Benefit Planners
Insurance Services
Cameron Bullock
lisa and Steve Bullock
Daniel James Burton
Marie and James Burto
Nanette and Allen Cain
Lewis Boynton and Soria Penttila
Coaching Institute
Western Benefit Planners
Insurance Services
Debra and Peter Cole
Lady of tne Rake Fine Gardening
Tony Coles
Hunter Jackso
Comfort Level
Construction Testing and Engineering
Control Equipment Company
W~ster'1 Benefit Planners
Insurance Services
Stanna and Cliff Coury
ldcy of the Rake Fine Gardening
Credit Union Data Processing
Wester'! Benefit Planners
Insurance Services
Tyler Critchfield
Heidi and Brandon Critchfield
Brian Crockett Family
Bonr Ie and Garth Ora,"
Kristen Dalzen and Stephanie Pappas
lddy 01 the Rake Fine Gardening
Davis Vision Center
W~Slt'n Benet't Planners
Insurance S~'Vices
Meg and Craig Denton
Robert Avery and C. Frances G,.lmor
Carson Donaldson
Shaniel and David Donaldson Kiernan
Dawn and W'lIiam Dowellgnm
Susan Lynne Duquette
Gary Clayton
Enman Construction
Executive Women International
Factual Data
Western Benefit Planners
Insurance Services
Tavia Fairclough
Carol and Orvl Ie Fossum
Jaymi Farley
Jeffrey Farley
Mrs. Jane Farnum
Kay and Carl Redlin
Elsa Ferre
Aimee and Matthew Ferre
Vikki Lynn Feulner
Bush Sales and MIg, Inc.
First Utah Bank
Western Benefit Planners
Insurance Services
Irene Fisher and Craig Hansen
Robert Avery and C. Frances Gillmor
FluidX Equipment
Western Benefit Planners
Insurance Services
Gretta Foulger
Amy and Jon Foulger
Elyssa Fuller
Rhonda McLaughl>n
G and A Enterprises
Lady of :he Rake Fine Gardening
Lauri Gardner
Kay and Ear Jackson
C. Frances Gillmor
Rober '" Avery
Toni Leh(lne
Kalee Glennon
Karlene and Rrchard Combs
Glover Nursery
Western Benefit Planners
Insurance Services
Sam Goldstein
Fred Silvester
Ian Gorrell-Brown
Kathleen and Mike Brown
Holly and James Dean
Anita and Daniel Klebba
Lori and Mark Markham
Patricia and Paul Shiramizu
Alice Graden
Irene and Charles Graden
Kyle Green
Vicki and Jerry Green
Parker Hagen
Robin and Loren Filkowski
Harry Haines
Robert Avery and C. Frances Gillmor
Matthew Hall
Stacey Hall
Diane Hamilton and Michael
Lady of the Rake Fine Gardening
Charlotte Elizabeth Harding
Jamie and Chris Harding
Tom Heath
Hunter Jackson
Katie Heldreth
Patrick Heldreth
Kim and Anthony Heldreth
Jesse Tyler Henderson
Brenda and Darryl Cadwallader
Colette Herrick and Allan Ainsworth
Lady of the Rake Fine Gardening
Rob Heyborne
Denese Heyborne
Sharon and Clifford Holley
Marilyn and Joe Graham
Dawee Howell
Dondie Gould and Henry Howel:
Nate Christopher Jensen
Robin and Wayne Solberg
Kent N. Johnson and Geri R. Hut
Margaret Brown
Doug Johnson
Paula McKee
Anne and Paul McKinley
Taylor Johnson
Mary and Ryan Johnson
Barbara and William Jones
Heidi Jones
Marcia and Jaime Jones
Lewis Boynton and Sonja Penttila
Western Benefit Planners
Insurance Services
Cole Karren
Melissa Karren
Gary R. Kehl
Megadyne Employee
Lynne Kerr and Hunter Jackson
Lady of the Rake Fine Gardening
Casey Kreidel
Kathryn and Ronald Kreide
Carol and Guy Kroesche
Lady of the Rake Fine Gardening
LACO Technologies
Western Benefit Planners
Insurance Services
Rachael Langston
Condie's Foods
Elaine and Tim Larson
Robert Avery and C. Frances Gillmor
Blane Leach
Doris and Obed Cramer
Polly and Jim Light
Dorian and Kimble Shaw
Mark Lipine
Condie's Foods
Ryan Locati
Judy and Stu Cvrk
Lois Long
F·iends at Questar
Maria Lum
Lynda and Robert Lum
Shalese Hope Martin
Katharine and Chad Martin
Lana and Robert Martino
Lady of the Rake Fine Gardening
Jan and Thom McCain
Robert Avery and C. Frances Gillmor
Jace C. McKinnon
Kris and Kevin Mele
Glenn Melrose
Gerry Michel
Hunter Jackson
Lisa and Scott Mietchen
Margaret and John Morris
Lady of the Rake Fine Gardening
Alan Mueller
Hurter Jackson
Kathy Murray and Ron Apfelbaum
Lady of :he Rake Fine Gardening
NACM Intermountain
Western Benefit Planners
Insurance Services
Valerie and Rick Neff
Kersten and Maryellen
Ed Nemeth
Hurter Jackson
Tanner Nielsen
Emily and Daniel Smith
Joe O'Reilly
Michael O'Reilly
Sean O'Reilly
Kelly and Joseph Ray O'Reilly
Lauri Orezybal
Kay and Earl Jackson
Steve Parrish
Hunter Jackso
Steven Patey
Danaher Oil Co
Abby Pectol
Anna and Je'frey Pectol
Jenny Penttila
Kamala and Hugh Penttila
Suzanne and Henning Penttila
LewIs Boynton and Son,a Penttlla
Marlene and Glenn Peterson
Dona Hancock
Billie Poulos
Norma and Gordon Loveless
Steve and Billie Poulos
Rober{ K. Avery
Bob Poulsen
Weslern Benefit Planners
Insurance Services
Alan Rauch
Hunter JackSon
Mary and Glen Ricard
Karen and R,cl,ard Pinney
Bettie Richtel
Mallon Sher
Victor Rickman
Lady 01 the Rake Fine Gardening
Rio Grande Cafe
Weslern Bene' Planners
Insurance Services
Jayci Robb
Nancy and Paul Donoho
Jacob Roedel
Chelle and Mike Roede
Arlene Ross and Herman Penttila
Lewis Boynton and Sonja Pen,tila
Ronald McDonald House Charities
Dale Rowse and Kenneth Smith
Lady of :he Rake Fine Gardening
Matt R. Sansom
Megadyne Employees
Tawny and Marcus Sherman
Suzanne Larson
Yonisio Shipp
Mil,e Shipp
Char and Malcolm Sillars
Robert Avery and C. Frances Gillmor
Amanda Singletary
Peggy and Roy Moore
Victoria and Sam Souvall
Lady of the Rake Fine Gardening
Alan Stavitsky
Robert Avery and C. Frances Gillmor
Richard Stewart
Pam and Garn McMullin
Clark Stringham
Paula McKee
Anne and Pau McKinley
Shondee Sullivan
L Ida and David Michael Gouger
Mike Taylor
Mi,e Steuer
The Beecher Family
The Boodram Family
The Delis Family
The Dunham Family
The Geibel Family
The Jacobson Family
The Medley Family
The Smart Family
The Snyder Family
The Timmons Family
The Trimble Family
The White Family
The lisa and Je~' Jones Family
Ciara ·CC· Thomas
Mary Pigg
Pat and Bob Tiemens
Robert Avery and C. Frances GiJrnor
Carol Ann Todd
Carol and Arvin Gibso
Jacob Tolman
Earlene and Roger Porter
Yvette Tripp
LewIs Boynton and Sonia Penttila
Carolyn Turkanis
Lady of the Rake Fine Gardening
Tour West
Western Benefit Planners
Insurance Services
Utah Jan
Susan and Raymond Donnelly
Valley Paint Manufacturing
Western Benefit Planners
Insurance Services
Forrest Welch
Holly and Daron Welch
Herman Everett Wendel
Joyce Fowles
West Jordan Family Dentistry
Western Benefi Planners
Insurance Services
White Shrine of Jerusalem
Bett'lehem Shrine' 1
Bruce and Maria Whitehead
Mary Lou and Bob Carlstead
Nina and Ted Wiley
Evelyn and Ben Richards
Greg Williams
Hunter Jackson
Sara Wilson
Linda Hudge
Janell (Puccinelli) Winkel
Ru·hann Puccinelli
Ashley Winn
Kenna BeC and Paula Keitl
Delaney Lynn Young
Laura and David Young
Western Benefit Planners
Insurance Services
In Memory of
Tahlla Andrews
Leilani Andrews
Helen S. Anton
Tammy and John Anton
Ida Ball Gray
Joyce Fowles
Jane Barrett
Melissa Phillips
Richard W. Bauter II
Jane W. Bauter
Dom Besso
Elizabeth and Larry Miles
Dominick and Marie Besso
Kate Besso
Julie and Trina Black
Flossie Black
Joyce Blackman
Lillian and Victor Gene Blackman
Ken Bradbury
Jacqueline and Neuman Matson
Sara Bradley
Charles and Chns Cordaro
Andrea Brewer
Brenda and Je l Brewer
McKenzie Bushling
Martie and Kenneth Bushling
Harry L Butcher
Cleo and Harry Butcher
Trevor Butler
Angl and Jeff Butler
Alfonso G. Caudillo
Diane and Dennis Mans~eld
Lucille Christensen
Barry Jones
Sara Christensen
Darline and Ricky Christensen
John Thomas Clark
Sandra and Michael Clark
Kayezlee Faith Cole
Garrett Wertl
Georgia Crittenden
Charel Anderson
Jacquelyn and Vernon
Herb Cnttende
Dawn and Roger Fitzpatrick
Lisa McComb
Charles E. Hirth, D.
Mildred Dubo
Tahlia Davis
Nancy Jo English
Peter Dimas
Valene Ann and Nicholas
Carson Donaldson
Shaniel and David Donaldso
Dr. Edward Dorazic
Kay and Carl Redlin
Bobbie Jo Dorn
OSllndustries, Inc.
Bobbie and Pete Dorn
Karen and Gerald Kolschowsky
Triston Douglass
Sharon and BI Douglass
Jacob Conner Ehlert
Lauren and Rick Peterson
George Elias
Broo.e and Brandon Hargett
Laura and Anthony Stireman
Debra Fauvell
Thelma and Robert Ba.er
Joe Fetterhoff
Marve and George Lensc
Julia Finley
Kathleen Thomas
Connie Ghormley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ghormley
Charles F. Gillmor, Jr.
e. Frances Gillmor
James D. Green
She61ynn and Craig Green
Beverly Darlene Gressman Allen
Debra and Michael Babb
Kathleen and Melvin
Gayle and M Gerald Young
Lynn and Theresa Young
Sheldon and Maylee Griffiths
Carol and AI Tirre
G. Harvey Hamilton
Evelyn and Ben Ric'lard
Spencer K. Hill
Lynda Bowns
Jack Hilton
Evelyn and Ben Richards
John Howard
Jean M. Eickmeye
Theresa Isenhart
Cand RManagement
Jeramy Israelsen
The Annette and Steve
Israelsen Family
Adam Joseph Iverson
Ki.., and Vern Iverson
Parry Young Jackson
Edna Weigh
James Jacobsen
Margare, Brow
Arvil A. Jennings
Diane Jennings
Dustin Robert Johnson
Kay and Michael Cooper
Lander James Johnston
Jamie and Brad Johnston
Margrett Olsen Killpack
Karen and Craig Aman
Thora Be
Debbie and Dan Bentley
Pamela Boyles
Carne Cox
Cheryl and Russe!: Crook
Patnck Eudy
e. Frances G,llmor
Robert Jones
Connie and Richard Larrabee
Lynn and Larry Love
Magnet Bank
Janet Miller
Pixxures, Inc.
Sand A Telephone Company
Signal Equity Partners
Barbara Slaymaker
Southern Colorado Telecom
Southland Metals
The Middleburgh Telephone
Heather Thompson
Totah Communications, Inc,
Glenn Kirk
Roy Kirk
Imogene Vanc
Sharon Lang
Nancy Lang
Justin MacDonald
Donna and Brad DeKrey
Cherish Zion Manwaring
Donna Aase
Karen and Russel; Gruob
Shirley and Don Manwaring
Nicole and Rob Wallace
Peggy Willford
Patricia J. Martensen
Bev and Jim Dicken
Ermadee Mashburn
Vernon Masnburn
Pam and David Masolo
Gay Ann and Robert Masolo
Michael J. Mastronardo
Rose Marie Ragone
Joan Schwatka McKnight
Cany and Andrew Bogdan
Joyce Fowles
Gayle Gale
Judy Hardy
Vicki and Uyod Keele
Marget and Neldon Kunz
Louise and Bob McKnight
Rita Walker
Meagan Morrill
Sherry Morrill
Harold Wilson Morse
Jan and John Wood
Zachary Morse
PatriCia and David George
Hayley Moulton
Jolene and Robert Moulton
Megan Elizabeth Nelson
Brenda and Bi Eisel
Linda Ostler
Rick Ostler
Curtis Petersen
Mary Ann and DaVid Kelly
Cliff Peterson
Joyce FOWles
Steven J. Poulos
Aim AdministratIOn
Aphrodite and Nicholas
Juli and Bill Bertagnole
Margaret Besso
Karen and Barney Bettilyon
Bonnie and Rick Billings
Karen and Gary Black
Kathleen and James Bolan
Angie Bolic
Floyd Brown
Cand R Management
First Utah Bank
Fratto and Sons
Girls at Nail Jazz
C. Frances Gillmor
Richard Guthrie
Carol Hagan
Tia and Sam Korologos
Karin and Jon Lanning
Jill and Jeff Little
Norma and Joe Mannos
Kathie and Mark Miller
Amy and Jed Naisbitt
Freddie and Mark Nebeker
RaNae and Ken Olsen
Melissa Ph,::ips
Bettie Richte
Casee Stone
Barbara Streadbeck
Elizabeth and Robert Thaye
Linda Wheeler
Chns and Michael Wilde
WKB Enterprises, LLC
Verla Rae
Jane and Joseph Kerscher
Sandra Rickman
C Frances Gillmor
Cathy Tafoya and Ken Israel
Terri and James Yeckley
Ruth Sanchez
Maria Sandoval
Patrick Schafer
Margaret Mair and Children
June Carrel Solberg
Bonnie and Jeff Carrel
Michelle Staeb
Sharon and Rod S{aeb
). Victor and Maria
Vicki and Bi Mitchell
Meghan Strahn
Pnicia and Robert Paynlch
Margaret Taul
Fern and Mi.e Cloward
Art Taylor
Margarel: Brown
Howell Ujifusa
Jane Simmons
Cyntnia and Leo Sotino
Rocco D'Angelo Vacca
Marie and Kenneth Hamilton
Linda and George Kraft
Amy Vernon
Barry Vernon
Dexter Scott Wattles
Heather and John lindqUist
Marty Wiker
Jessica Jacques
Sandra Young
Della Rae and Neldor Peterson
In Memory of Margrett Olsen Killpack
Margrett had an artist's eye and a loving heart. She volunteered at the Ronald McDonald
House for many years because she felt strongly that people should have somewhere nice to
be when they're coping with hard times. Her daughter, Apryll Killpack, recalls, "Mom loved the
house and the guests. She got caught up in the enthusiasm of the staff and volunteers. She
had so much love for the whole House." When Margrett died, Apryll asked friends and family
to make memorial gifts to Ronald McDonald House Charities because she felt it was the very
best way to honor her mom.
In Memory of Steven Poulos
Billie Poulos was the house manager at Ronald McDonald House for ten years. Now retired,
she states that "Ronald McDonald House is our charity of choice; it always has been and
always will be, because of their mission of taking care of families, not only in our local area
but around the world." Billie chose Ronald McDonald House to be the recipient of memorial
donations when her husband died unexpectedly last year.
It was the perfect way to honor her good-hearted husband, Steven Poulos, a decorated war
hero, successful businessman, and enthusiastic Shriner who sponsored many children for free
medical care. "It has been a very, very difficult year for my children," says Billie. "He left us
prematurely. We're moving on; we've made it through the first year."
Billie still keeps a close eye on the House. She says, "My successor is wonderful. I've traveled
all around the U.s. visiting other Houses and this is one of the finest Houses I've ever seen. The
people have compassion and commitment; that's what I looked for when I hired for Ronald
McDonald House, compassion and commitment."