student handbook - Southern Connecticut State University


student handbook - Southern Connecticut State University
This handbook is provided to students and applicants for their general information and guidance only. It does
not constitute a contract, either express or implied, and is subject to revision at the University’s discretion.
Introduction 4
Academic Information 8
Discrimination, Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault Policies 22
Financial Aid and Business Office Policies 28
Academic and Traditional Support Programs 38
Health, Wellness and Safety 42
Information Technology Policies 58
Student Activities 62
Student Records 82
Student Services 88
Student-University Relations 102
Student Code of Conduct 108
Directory 110
Index 114
Building Abbreviations 120
Mary A. Papazian
Bette Bergeron
Mark Rozewski
Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration
Tracy M. Tyree
Vice President for Student Affairs
Robert L. Stamp
Vice President for Institutional Advancement
Robert J. Rennie
Chief Information Officer
Terricita Sass
Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management
Robert G. Sheeley
Associate Vice President for Capitial Budgeting and Facilities Operations
Christopher Catching
Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs
Jules Tetreault
Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Student Affairs
Steven Breese
Dean, School of Arts and Sciences
Stephen J. Hegedus
Dean, School of Education
Ellen D. Durnin
Dean, School of Business
Sandra Bulmer
Interim Dean, School of Health and Human Services
Gregory J. Paveza
Dean, School of Graduate Studies
elcome to Southern Connecticut State University. As the great
American poet Mark Strand wrote, “The future is always beginning
now,” and indeed your college career represents a big step towards
your future. We — the administration, faculty and staff of Southern— will
provide you with the support, the guidance and the inspiration to nourish
your beginning and help launch you into your future beyond this campus.
The university itself is also looking to the future, as extensive physical
changes continue to take place on our campus. Our science programs will
be greatly enhanced with the opening this summer of our new Academic
and Laboratory Science Building, which will provide new opportunities
for student research and experiential learning in the STEM disciplines—
science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Meanwhile, the newly
renovated Buley Library has become an academic and social hub for the university community—the heart
of the university, as a library should be.
But while the physical developments on campus are indeed exciting, the learning environment here is the
cornerstone of a Southern education. At Southern, you have opportunities to meet students and faculty from
across the nation and around the world. Beyond the classroom, you can broaden your perspective with
lectures, plays, concerts, workshops and more. Off campus, discover New Haven, the cultural capital of the
region, offering you the chance to take in the performing and visual arts, athletics, and, of course, the most
celebrated pizza in the state!
Make the most of the time you spend here with us at Southern. Pursue your dreams, and explore the myriad
intellectual, social and creative opportunities before you. We are here to help you.
I wish you the very best for this new academic year and for those that lie ahead.
Mary A. Papazian, Ph.D.
n behalf of the faculty and staff of Southern Connecticut State
University, I would like to welcome you to a new academic year.
If you are a new student enrolling in your first semester, we are
thrilled to have you as a member of the Owl family! If this is not your
first semester, welcome back!
The Student Handbook is your guide to critical information at Southern!
It includes great resources and information to help you have the best
possible experience as a student. Whether you are a first-year student or
in your last semester, you will benefit from becoming familiar with the many
services and programs that can enhance your college experience. Southern
maintains a strong commitment to principles of pluralism, mutual respect,
and civility that support our ability to learn and grow together. The policies
outlined in this handbook are designed to promote a supportive community in which everyone’s rights are
respected and everyone’s educational goals can be achieved.
College can be among the most impactful and memorable experiences you will ever have. Take the time to find
your special niche. There is really no other time in your life when you can have access to so many programs,
activities, and experiences to expand your interests, skills and expertise! Involvement in the life of the campus
will provide you with opportunities to learn from people of varied backgrounds, to examine new philosophies
and world views, to develop new intellectual interest and technological skills, and to prepare yourself for active,
creative participation in the rapidly emerging global society.
I wish you the best for great success at Southern! Let us know how we can help you realize your goals and
make the most of your time here.
Go Owls!
Tracy M. Tyree, Ph.D.
Vice President for Student Affairs
Welcome to Southern Connecticut State University,
a flourishing community of almost 11,000 students
located less than three miles from downtown New
Haven, near the artsy and historic Westville Village
section of the city.
This Student Handbook, which complements the
University Catalog, contains information about
campus life. The handbook is provided to students
and applicants for their general information and
guidance only. It does not constitute a contract, either
express or implied, and is subject to revision at the
university’s discretion.
It is prepared and published by the Office of
Student Affairs in cooperation with the Office of
Public Affairs. Southern Connecticut State University
reserves the right to change announcements,
procedures, and regulations whenever necessary.
The Student Handbook can also be found online
SCSU History
Life began for Southern Connecticut State
University on September 11, 1893, when three
teachers and 84 students met at the old Skinner
School in New Haven to create a two-year teacher
training school, New Haven State Normal School.
By 1937, Southern had grown into a four-year
college with the power to grant bachelor’s degrees.
Ten years later, Southern teamed up with Yale
University's Department of Education to offer a
master of science degree. In 1954, the State Board of
Education authorized the institution — then known
as New Haven State Teachers College — to assume
complete responsibility for this graduate program.
In 1959, six years after the institution had moved
to its present location on Crescent Street, state legislation expanded Southern’s offerings to include liberal
arts programs leading to bachelor’s degrees in the
arts and sciences. At the same time, New Haven State
Teachers College became Southern Connecticut State
For the next 24 years, Southern grew, modernized,
and diversified, expanding its undergraduate and
graduate programs and opening up entirely new
fields of study and research. But March 1983 brought
even greater changes: Southern Connecticut State
College was rechristened Southern Connecticut State
University, and made part of the Connecticut State
University System (ConnSCU), along with Central
Connecticut State University in New Britain, Eastern
Connecticut State University in Willimantic, and
Western Connecticut State University in Danbury.
Southern Today
Today’s Southern is a vibrant, culturally rich and
ethnically diverse environment. In addition to its
extensive academic offerings, Southern hosts
lectures, workshops in literature and dance, art
exhibits, performances by professional and student
artists, conferences, and institutes on a variety of
topics that enrich, instruct, and delight.
Through offering courses on part-time, day and
evening bases, Southern has been innovative in
providing access to a high quality education to a wide
range of students. The campus clinics provide diagnosis and treatment of learning disabilities and speech,
hearing, and reading problems.
As a busy university with a strong identity and a
rich history, Southern looks ahead to a future as varied, dynamic, responsive, and responsible as its past.
Fast Facts about Southern
439 full-time faculty
85 – percentage of full-time faculty with the
Ph.D.or other terminal degree
566 part-time faculty
14:1 – ratio of students to faculty
11 National NCAA Division II team titles
10,825 students at Southern
8,133 undergraduate students
2,692 graduate students
2,567 students live on campus
Building for the New Century
The university recently opened a new home for the
School of Business, has completed a renovation and
expansion of Buley Library that has doubled the size
of the existing building and is nearing completion of a
98,000-square-foot, four-level academic and laboratory science building. Sited adjacent to Jennings Hall,
the current home for the sciences, the new building
will enhance the university’s capacity to educate more
students in cutting-edge fields such as nanotechnology,
biochemistry, and marine science when it opens in
summer, 2015. Other forthcoming projects include a
recreation center, a fine arts center, and a new home
for the School of Health and Human Services.
Top: The library and reading room at Southern’s original campus on Howe Street in New Haven, circa 1923.
Bottom: A study area in the renovated Buley library.
Top: Founder’s Gate, next to the Lyman Center, displays the letters of the former New Haven State Teacher’s
College. Bottom: The Michael J. Adanti Student Center, at the center of the Southern campus.
All students are expected to know and understand
the University’s academic policies and procedures,
including academic standards and requirements
governing students’ academic work both in their
major and as part of their degree requirements.
Information contained in this section of the Student
Handbook is listed alphabetically. For a detailed
description of all academic programs and courses of
study, please consult the University undergraduate
catalog at
Academic Standing Policy
All students shall demonstrate their ability to do
college level work. The University requires a minimum
cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0 to be
eligible for a bachelor’s degree. Any student with a
cumulative GPA of 2.0 shall be considered in Good
Standing by the university (some programs may have
additional GPA requirements). Students who fall
below the required 2.0 shall be placed on academic
discipline. The three categories of academic discipline
Academic Warning: Students shall be placed on
Academic Warning the first semester in which their
cumulative GPA falls below 2.0. Students on
Academic Warning shall be allowed to register for a
maximum of 15 credits and shall register prior to the
first day of the semester.
Academic Probation: Students who are on
Academic Warning and fail to raise their cumulative
GPA to a minimum 2.0 in the following semester shall
be placed on Academic Probation. Students on
probation shall be allowed to register for a maximum
of 14 credits and shall register prior to the first day of
the semester.
Students on Academic Probation shall be allowed
to continue at the University, but shall remain on
probation provided their semester GPA is at least a
2.3. Once the cumulative GPA reaches a 2.0, the
student shall be removed from Academic Probation
and shall be placed in Good Standing. Students shall
have three (3) semesters to raise their cumulative GPA
to 2.0. If the cumulative GPA is below 2.0 after the
third semester of probation, the student shall be
academically dismissed.
Academic Dismissal: Students on Academic
Probation shall be Academically Dismissed if (1) their
semester GPA is below a 2.3 and cumulative GPA
is below a 2.0, or (2) their cumulative GPA remains
below 2.0 after the third semester of probation.
Students who are Academically Dismissed from
Southern Connecticut State University shall not be
allowed to register for the subsequent semester.
If students choose to appeal for reinstatement, they
may do so during or subsequent to the semester in
which they are off. All appeals shall be made to the
Academic Standing Committee. Students shall be
permitted to appeal for reinstatement only once.
Application for Readmission
See Readmission to the University, Page 17
Change of Address
Students must have a current address on file in
the Registrar’s Office. Any change of address must
be made on-line through the student’s BannerWeb
Students shall be responsible for any university
communication sent to the address last given to the
Registrar’s Office, and may not claim indulgence on
the basis of having moved and, therefore, not having
received the communication.
Class Absences
Faculty outline the class attendance policy in
each course syllabus, and, typically also inform
students of the portion of the final course grade
that will be determined by class attendance/
participation. In an instance where the student
knows in advance of a critical need to miss class,
the student should, in advance of the absence,
discuss the upcoming absence with the faculty member
and explore arrangements that need to be made to
make up missed work.
Students who miss class because of unforeseeable
circumstances should contact the faculty member(s)
as soon as feasible after the missed class, to inform
the faculty member and, if deemed appropriate by the
faculty member, to learn what the student might be
able to do to make up for the missed work.
Students who are absent from class(es) for an
extended period (3 class sessions or more) for
physical or mental health reasons are advised to
consult with the Dean of Students office. In these
instances, the student must present documentation
from the off-campus treating physician or off-campus
mental health provider. In the case of physical health
issues, the documentation must be provided to the
Health Services; in the case of mental health issues,
the documentation must be provided to the Counseling
Center. Each request is reviewed on a case-by-case
basis. The directors of health services and counseling
center provide verification of the illness to each
faculty member, who may, if the facts merit it, make
adjustments to course requirements. In cases where
a significant portion of coursework has been missed
and it may be difficult to make up all the coursework,
students should confer with the Dean of Students
Affairs or designee or a representative in the
Registrar’s Office to consider their various options.
Class Attendance
Students are expected to attend class regularly.
Freshmen, in particular, should attend all class
sessions to develop proper study habits as they begin
their college education.
Instructors may set mandatory class attendance
as a course requirement. When attendance is
mandatory, the instructor will announce in writing
during the first week of the semester the effect that
absences will have on the student’s evaluation.
Students are responsible for material presented in the
class whether they are present or not. Unless there are
extenuating circumstances such as illness, students
should not expect to use future class time or private
tutoring by their instructors to make up work missed
during their absences.
Instructors will announce in writing their policy for
exams during the first week of the semester. Policies
include any penalty for missed exams or
arrangements for make-up exams. In all courses,
students must take announced exams at the time they
are given. Students should expect to be penalized for
missing announced exams unless there is an
acceptable reason for the absence.
Class Cancellation Advisory
Students should be aware that courses may be
canceled due to low enrollments and other reasons.
Students will receive notification from the appropriate
department if a course is canceled; however, it is a
good idea for students to check their schedules prior
to the start of classes to ensure that all registered
courses will be offered. Students should check the
Web for up-to-date course information.
The following policy statement was formulated in
conjunction with the academic deans and serves to
guide the university's decision-making with respect to
class cancellations during the regular academic
semesters and during the summer and winter sessions:
Fall and Spring Semesters: Under normal
circumstances, after consultation with department
chairs, academic deans will cancel classes for low
enrollment, 10 days before the first day of classes.
Summer and Intersession: Under normal
circumstances, after consultation with department
chairs, academic deans will cancel classes for low
enrollment, 10 days before the first day of classes.
Dean’s Discretion: In all sessions, the dean may
take into consideration the discipline, the rotation of
courses within the degree program, the needs of
students to graduate on time, etc., and may choose to
run sections of classes with enrollments less than those
stated above.
00–29 credits — Freshman Class
30–59 credits — Sophomore Class
60–89 credits — Junior Class
90 or more credits — Senior Class
Course Audit
Audit status is a reasonable alternative for a
student who wants to take a particular course, but
does not have the proper background. Students who
audit a course pay the same tuition and fees they
would if they opted for a grade. However, they receive
no academic grade or grade points, and the course
may not be included in the 12 credits needed for fulltime status. Although no final grade is submitted,
students do have the right to take exams, write
papers, and have them evaluated. Students may
register as auditors, or change from credit to audit,
anytime before the end of the third week of classes.
However, the deadline for changing back to a
traditional grade is the end of the period for adding
or dropping courses. Prior to auditing, students must
discuss with the instructor the criteria for a successful
audit and receive the written approval of the
instructor. Forms for this purpose are available in the
Registrar’s Office or at, and
must be returned to the Registrar’s Office by the
Dean’s List
Students are recognized for their high academic
achievement by being placed on the Dean’s List of
their respective schools. In order for the
undergraduate students to qualify for the Dean’s List,
students must complete 12.0 or more credits in Fall or
Spring and earn a semester GPA of 3.5 or better.
These requirements apply to all undergraduate
students, regardless of their academic class (i.e.
freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior.)
Degree Application
Class Designation
Students are assigned to a class according to the
number of their earned credits thus far.
Degrees are conferred three times a year, in
January, May, and August (fall, spring, summer).
Degree applications are available at Undergraduate students
should click on the Undergraduate Students link, and
graduate students should click on the Graduate
Students link to apply. Students eligible for graduation
must complete an application by the appropriate
deadline. Deadlines are at
Students who do not meet the published deadlines
must follow the directions for missed deadline on
the Registrar’s website. Students seeking certification
must also obtain and submit an Application for
Degree Requirements
Students are responsible for fulfilling the
requirements for their degree programs. They should
be acquainted with the Degree Program section
of the Undergraduate Catalog, and with the
requirements for their choice of major in the Programs
and Courses section of the Undergraduate Catalog.
They should also be aware of any official changes in
degree requirements or major requirements.
If there is any doubt or question concerning
degree requirements, the student should contact their
First-Year Experience
First-Year Academic Program
The First-Year Experience Program (FYE)
introduces first-year students to the demands of
academic and social development by fostering
intellectual inquiry, encouraging community
involvement, and instilling in them a passion for
lifelong learning.
At the heart of the FYE is the notion of Learning
Communities. All first-year students take part in one of
two learning communities during their first year at the
University: Inquiry, or for selected students, the Honors
College Learning Community.
Inquiry Learning Community
First-year students are brought together in a
critical thinking course and a 3-credit first-year
seminar course (INQ 101), designed to assist small
groups of students in becoming academically
engaged members of the University. All sections
meet in a series of common objectives. For more
information, contact Jan Jones in the FYE office at
(203) 392-6671 or visit
Honors College
The Honors College is a four-year program
designed for exceptionally well-prepared students.
Incoming first-year students interested in joining
this learning community must apply to the University
and complete the Honors College application
process by the deadlines indicated on the Honors
College website. Transfer students and already
matriculated students with fewer than 30 credits
and a demonstrated record of strong academic
performance may apply to the program by scheduling
an appointment with the Honors College Director.
More information about the program and application
process is available at
Fresh Start Option
The purpose of the Fresh Start Option is to retain
and offer support to students who experience a poor
start and were dropped from matriculated status or
withdrew from the University. (However, this option is
not available to education majors.) This option allows
them to be readmitted to the University and to
disregard their previous record in calculating their
Grade Point Average. All courses and grades will
remain on the students permanent record and the date
the Fresh Start Option was invoked will also be
entered on the student’s permanent record. The student
will receive credit for courses taken before that date in
which he or she received a grade of “A”, “B”, or “C.”
(This does not include C- grades). The GPA will be
calculated solely on the basis of courses taken after
that date. The option is available only once, only to
students who are not education majors, and only to
students who have completed the following conditions.
• had a GPA below 2.0 and status changed
to non-matriculated;
• have been non-matriculated for at least
one year;
• since being made non-matriculated, have
completed 9 –12 credits and earned a 2.75
GPA (If credits are from another university
or college, please have official transcript sent
to Southern Connecticut State University
Office of Admissions;
• have not reached junior status (60) credits at
Southern,including the 9–12 credits referred
to above;
• not an education major. (The School of
Education does not endorse the Fresh Start
Questions regarding the Fresh Start Option may
be directed to the Registrar’s Office, Wintergreen
Grade Appeal Procedures
I. Assumptions
A. The awarding of grades1 is the responsibility of
the instructor of the course.
B. A grade shall be changed only with the consent
of the instructor of the course and with the
approval of the provost or appropriate dean,
except for cases that are specified in this
C. In order to protect academic freedom, promote
academic integrity, and to avoid possible
negative implications for faculty evaluations, all
grade appeals must be based on a claim of
palpable injustice. A palpable injustice occurs
when a faculty member has been demonstrably
inconsistent and unfair to the student. Palpable
injustice represents a clear and blatant violation
of a reasonable evaluation procedure,
regardless of whether that procedure is stated
or implied. Palpable injustice is NOT warranted
when other faculty members simply disagree
with the grade, would have graded differently,
would have rounded off to the next highest
grade, or would have preferred a different
evaluation procedure. For example, the
Department Grade Appeal Committee or
University Grade Appeal Committee is not
justified in changing a “WF” to a “WP” by
considering the circumstances for the
withdrawal. The issue is whether the faculty
member applied the
policy appropriately.
D. These procedures apply only to the change of a
grade under conditions specified in section of the Collective Bargaining
Agreement. They may be implemented after a
final grade has been submitted or after a
request for a late withdrawal has been denied
by the instructor, and any change may be
upward or downward.
E. These procedures may be implemented at any
time during the academic year subject to II A
F. The week of Spring Break shall not be counted
when determining how long the grade appeal
has been in process.
II. Procedures
A. Grade appeals must be initiated on an
individual basis. A student must submit a
written and signed rationale to the instructor
(no electronic submissions permitted) stating the
reason for the grade appeal and the grade
s/he feels should have been received anytime
after receipt of the grade until the end of 3rd
week of the semester2 (called hereinafter the
appeal semester) following the date on which a
grade was awarded. Grade appeals for work
during summer, winter and spring break sessions
must be made according to the schedule for the
next full semester. See the section on deadlines
below. The student and the instructor shall then
attempt to settle the matter in good faith.
B. If it is impossible for the student to contact the
instructor (with the help of the instructor’s chair
if needed), or if the student and instructor
cannot reach an agreement, the student must
report this to the instructor’s chair or the
program director (in the case of courses in
interdisciplinary programs) by the end of the
5th week of the appeal semester.
C. If the instructor can be contacted, and the
student and instructor disagree, the following
shall take place:
1. Working in good faith, thechair/director,
the instructor, and student shall attempt
to settle the matter.
2. If the student, the chair/director and
instructor are unable to reach an
agreement, then the chair/director has
until the end of the 7th week of the
appeal semester to do one of the
A. Convene a committee3 elected by the
department (hereinafter called the
Department Grade Appeal Committee or
DGAC) which shall, in consultation with the
instructor and student, decide whether a
palpable injustice has occurred. The DGAC
must reach its decision by the 10th week
of the appeal semester, or the appeal goes
directly to the University Grade Appeal
Committee (UGAC). The student or the faculty
member has the right of appeal to the
(UGAC). In such instances, the UGAC
must reach its decision by the last day of the
finals’ week of the appeal semester.
B. Refer the matter to the UGAC, which shall,
in consultation with the instructor and
student, decide whether a palpable injustice
has occurred.
C. Decide not to convene a DGAC or to refer the
matter to the UGAC, only if the chair/director
determines that the grade appeal has no
3. If the chair/director decides not to
convene a DGAC nor refer the matter
to the UGAC,the student may refer the
matter to the UGAC, but must do so
by the end of the 9th week of the
appeal semester.
4. The DGAC or the UGAC shall make a
decision with reference to the grade
appeal following consultation with the
By grade refers to any of the grades specified in the university Undergraduate or Graduate Catalogs.
Semester means the January to May or the September to December sessions of classes.
The composition of this committee and its election procedures shall be determined by each department,
subject to ll F.
Revised 2008
instructor, student, and others whom it
deems appropriate. The meetings of
the DGAC or UGAC shall consist of
the respective committee members,
and others,only if invited by the
DGAC or the UGAC. A grade change
may take place when the DGAC or
the UGAC decides that a palpable
injustice has occurred, and the new
grade will be based on the evidence
presented. The DGAC or the UGAC
shall treat each student as a separate
case. The DGAC’s or UGAC’s decision
shall include a written rationale for
each decision signed by the committee
members. The student, the instructor,
the department chair/director, and the
chair of the DGAC (when applicable)
shall be notified in writing of the
committee’s decision. If a grade
change has been made, the registrar
shall also be notified in writing.
5. If a student or instructor appeals a
DGAC decision, the appellant takes the
matter directly to the UGAC by the end
of the 12th week of the appeal
semester. The UGAC will entertain an
appeal on the basis of a palpable
injustice that should or should not have
been determined by the DGAG, or if
the student, instructor, chair/director, or
DGAC did not follow correct
D. If it is impossible to contact the instructor,
or the instructor refuses to participate, the
procedure in II C is followed without the
presence or involvement of the instructor.
E. Deadlines and deadline extensions.
1.“By the 3rd week” means 3 weeks
(21 calendar days) into the semester,
starting with the 1st day of classes.
Other deadlines are to be interpreted
2. A dean of the appropriate school
may extend any grade appeal
deadline only at the appellant’s
request and only if the appellant
provides written evidence that
physical or mental incapacitationled to
the missed deadline. The request must
be made, in writing, no later than the
end of the first week of classes
following the original grade appeal
F. Structure of the Grade Appeal Committee.
The GAC shall consist of three department or
program members, excluding the instructor, the
chair, non-tenured faculty and those on leave.
In cases of hardship (when too few
department/program members are available),
the chair will follow the same procedures as
those for convening a hardship DEC.
G. Structure of the University Grade Appeal
Committee. The UGAC shall consist of seven
members, including six university-wide elected
members who serve a term of three years
each, plus one member of the affected
department/program, and one university-wide
elected alternate who fills in as needed. Two
elected members will be from the school
of Arts and Sciences; the other four schools
shall have one member each. No more than
one elected member per department is
permitted. Any grade appeal decision shall
not be made by fewer than three UGAC
members. The instructor whose grade is being
appealed cannot serve on UGAC for that
III. Amendments
A. This document may be amended by two-thirds
vote of the Faculty Senate with the
concurrence of the university President.
IV. Interpretation
A. This section may not be invoked with respect to
the interpretation of any item of the Collective
Bargaining Agreement. If an issue develops
concerning interpretation of this document,
whether initiated by the senate, a faculty
member, or any member of the administration,
a binding decision on such an
issue shall be made:
1. by agreement between the President of
the University and a majority of the
Executive Committee of the Faculty
Senate or, failing to obtain agreement
on an issue by this method,
2. by a committee consisting of one
member selected by the Senate
Executive Committee, one selected by
the President of the University, and one
selected by the first two committee
members, who, by a two-thirds vote
shall decide such an issue.
V. Implementation
A. This document shall take effect upon approval
by a two-thirds vote of the Faculty Senate with
the concurrence of the President of the
Grading System
The following grades are used on academic
Grade Point Average
To determine a student’s grade point average
(GPA), also referred to as Quality Point Ratio (QPR),
letter grades are assigned grade points as follows:
A+ = 4.0
A = 4.0
A- = 3.7
B+ = 3.3
B = 3.0
B- = 2.7
C+ = 2.3
C = 2.0
C- = 1.7
D+ = 1.3
D = 1.0
D- = 0.7
The numerical weight given each grade is then
multiplied by the number of credits (semester hours)
assigned to each course. Thus, a grade of C in a
three-credit course merits six quality points (2 x 3).
The grades of “I,” “P,” “S,” “W,” “W/F,” “W/P,”
and “Z” carry no quality points, and the credits for
those courses are not considered in the total credits
attempted, so they have no effect on the GPA.
A student’s GPA is determined by dividing the total
number of quality points by the number of credits
• Exceptional – A+, A, A• Superior – B+, B, B• Average – C+, C
• Passing – C-, D+, D, D• Failure – F
• Incomplete – I
• P = Pass in a course where all students receive
P or F
• S = Pass in a course taken for Pass-Fail Option
• Z = Satisfactory Audit of classes
Certain codes are used to indicate unusual
• N = Student never attended
• R = No grade reported by instructor
• W = Officially withdrawn
• W/F or W/P = Late withdrawal:
withdrawn failing
or withdrawn passing
If a course is repeated, both grades will appear on
the permanent record and will be used in determining
the cumulative GPA. Credits for both attempts will be
counted toward credits attempted, but the credits will
be earned just once.
The GPA of a transfer student is based solely on
courses taken at SCSU.
Undergraduate students who have maintained
a 3.5-3.69 GPA are graduated cum laude;
3.7-3.89 magna cum laude; 3.9-4.0 summa cum
laude. The GPA is computed from the student’s
entire collegiate record. Transfer students who have
taken at least 60 credit hours at SCSU and have
attained a 3.5 GPA or higher in these courses will be
eligible for academic honors. Only earned grades
at Southern will be tabulated when determining
academic honors.
Honors Thesis
Juniors and seniors with exceptional motivation
and potential in their chosen disciplines may choose
to pursue a rigorous path to graduation with
departmental honors. Students wishing to participate
should contact the chairperson of the University
Honors Committee. The production of a high-quality
thesis or performance completes the requirement for
departmental honors.
Incomplete Courses
A temporary grade of “Incomplete” (I) is recorded
when a student has a valid reason as determined by
the instructor for not meeting a partial requirement in
a course prior to the termination of the semester. The
student requests Incomplete status from their instructor.
If granted, the Incomplete must be removed not
more than 30 days after the next semester begins. If
the student fails in his responsibility to complete the
work, the grade automatically becomes a failure, “F”.
If the instructor is giving the student longer than the
30-day period to complete coursework, then the
instructor must file an Incomplete Extension Form with
the Registrar’s Office. Students should be aware that a
grade of incomplete may impact financial aid.
Independent Study
Students who wish to pursue special research or
other projects may request independent study in any
department in the university. Forms for application for
independent study are available in the offices of the
academic deans.
Information Requests
The Registrar’s Office does not release academic
information about any student unless the student
makes a request in writing.
The University provides a diverse internship
program to give students the chance to get on-the-job
professional training while earning college credit.
Students can serve semester-long or academic-year
internships in federal, state, and local government
agencies, departments, and offices, or with private
firms. Interested students should contact their
departmental chairperson or dean.
Midterm Grades
As part of the course evaluation process, students
will receive a midterm grade for most
courses directly from their instructors. The midterm
grade will be given to the student either online or in
writing during the eighth week of classes for full
semester courses, and by the end of the fourth week
for eight-week courses. A student who has not
received a midterm grade by these times should
confer with the instructor. If this meeting does not result
in the student’s receiving a midterm grade, the student
should contact the chairperson of the department in
which the course is offered. For additional information
the student is advised to consult with the appropriate
academic dean. Any student, especially a freshman
who is doing unsatisfactory work (“D” or “F”) at the
time of midterm grade reporting, is encouraged to
initiate conferences with their instructor and academic
Minimal Standards
Students dropping below a cumulative 2.0 GPA at
the end of a semester are, depending on accumulated
credit hours, subject to either academic probation or
removal from full-time status. Students who have all
the coursework for their degree, but do not have a
cumulative 2.0 GPA will be ineligible to graduate.
New England Regional Student Program
Southern Connecticut State University is a
participant in the New England Higher Education
Compact. This offers residents of other New England
states the opportunity to enroll at SCSU for academic
programs not available at public institutions in their
home state, at the Connecticut resident tuition rate plus
50 percent. Other fees are also required. Similarly,
Connecticut residents can avail themselves of
programs offered by public schools in the other New
England states that are not available in Connecticut
public institutions.
For more information about the New England
Regional Student Program, contact the New England
Board of Higher Education, 45 Temple Place, Boston,
MA 02111; Phone: (617) 357-9620; online at; or contact the Registrar’s Office of Southern
Connecticut State University at (203) 392-5301.
Proficiency Policy
Any entering student who places into the noncredit bearing course, MAT 095 — Elementary
Algebra, must complete it within the first 24 load
credits of university work. If a student fails to complete
this course within 24 attempted credits of course work,
he or she will not be allowed to register for courses at
any Connecticut State University System institition. This
policy reflects a resolution passed by the Board of
Trustees for the Connecticut State University System on
July 16, 2003.
Readmission to the University
A student who leaves the university in Good
Standing and does not attend another institution
can apply for readmission through the Office of the
Registrar, Wintergreen Building. Once readmitted
students are held to the academic requirements in
effect at the time of their readmission. These
requirements are outlined in the Undergraduate
Any student who has been dismissed from the
University must take a minimum of one semester off
and appeal for reinstatement through the Academic
Standing Committee. Reinstatement is not guaranteed.
Readmission for the fall semester begins March 1
and continues through the Friday prior to the first day
of classes. Readmission for the spring semester begins
October 1 and continues through the Friday prior to
the first day of classes.
Registration occurs during November and
December for the following spring semester and April
and May for the following fall semester. The full
schedule of courses, as well as up-to-date information
regarding course openings and closings, can be
accessed at All undergraduate
matriculated students are required to meet with their
advisers prior to making course selections for the
upcoming semester.
Petition for Irregular Schedule
A petition for irregular schedule is defined as a
schedule in which a student is requesting to enroll in
greater than 18 undergraduate (UG)/15 graduate
(GR), or registering for a graduate course as an
undergraduate student for either graduate or
undergraduate credit. Students requesting to enroll in
more than 18 UG/15 GR credits must have a GPA
greater than or equal to 3.00 and be prepared to pay
additional monies.
The form is available on the Registrar’s Office
website and must be signed by the student’s adviser
and appropriate dean prior to being submitted to the
Registrar’s Office.
Pass-Fail Option
The Pass-Fail option is open to students who have
completed 45 or more credits. The courses for which
the Pass-Fail option is used may not be applied to the
Liberal Education Program or to the requirements of
a major or minor. Students may take a total of only
five courses on a Pass-Fail option, with only one taken
in any given semester. Students have three weeks into
the semester to change their option either back to a
grade or from a grade to a Pass-Fail. The
Pass-Fail option is “blind” in that the instructor is not
aware of the student’s use of the Pass-Fail option until
after the grades are submitted. An “S” grade is
recorded on the student’s transcript for passing a
course taken on a Pass-Fail option. Special Pass-Fail
option forms, which must be signed by the student’s
adviser, are available during the registration period
and up to three weeks into the semester at the
Registrar’s Office in the Wintergreen Building.
Semester Credit Load
A normal undergraduate course load is 15 to
18 credits per semester. A student must carry a
minimum of 12 credits to be considered a full-time
Registration Procedures
Continuing Students must register through Banner
Web Services (MySCSU). Students will receive
Registration information through their Southern
e-mail in March for fall registration and October for
spring registration. Matriculated undergraduate
students must meet with their adviser and obtain an
alternate pin number prior to registering.
Add/Drops/Course Withdrawals
Students may add/drop courses through the first
week of the semester via the Web. Full-time
undergraduate students should not drop below 12
credits and full-time graduate students should not drop
below 9 credits.
Full-time and part-time students may withdraw
from a full semester course prior to the tenth week of
classes; for an eight-week course prior to the sixth
Debts, Fines and Obligations
Students who have outstanding debts in the
Business Office, unpaid library fines, outstanding
parking fines, unpaid housing fees, violations of
Financial Aid Office rules, or have not submitted
required forms to Health Services shall have a block
placed against their registrations. Students will not be
permitted to register until they clear these obligations
with the appropriate offices.
Replacement Grade Option
week of classes. Such a withdrawal is recorded as a
W on the transcript. Each faculty member should
provide some kind of formal evaluation so that each
student will know their class standing prior to the end
of the period for course withdrawals. A student can
withdraw from a course through Banner Web Services
(MySCSU) prior to the end of the withdrawal period. It
is understood that every student should confer with his
or her instructor and academic adviser in order to
ensure proper faculty advisement before withdrawing
from a course. The deadline for students to change
their status to part-time is at the end of the period for
adding and dropping courses as listed in the Schedule
of Classes. Withdrawals after the ten-week period (or
after five weeks for eight-week courses) must be done
with the consent of the instructor. Late course
withdrawals are to be viewed as exceptions to the
general policy. In a case where the instructor feels a
late withdrawal is justified, the instructor should obtain
and fill out a Late Course Withdrawal Form available
in the Registrar’s Office. At this time the instructor will
assign a grade of either “WP” (Withdrawn Passing)
or “WF” (Withdrawn Failing). The Late Course
Withdrawal Form must be approved and signed by
both the instructor and the department chairperson. In
the event that the instructor teaching the course is the
department chairperson, then the dean must also sign
the original form. The entire form is then submitted to
the Registrar’s Office.
No late course withdrawals will be allowed after
the last scheduled class. No late course withdrawals
will be allowed during the final exam period.
A student may retake a course for a different
grade by registering for the course again. Although
both grades will appear on the student’s transcript, the
higher of the two course grades will be used to
calculate the student’s University GPA. The student
shall receive credit for the course only once. Students
are strongly advised to meet with their academic
advisors before pursuing a replacement grade. The
“Replacement” option may be pursued only once per
course, and only for a total of five courses. If a course
taken as a writing intensive “W” course is retaken
without a “W” designation, the higher of the two
course grades will be used to calculate the student’s
University GPA. The original “W” may still be used to
fulfill a “W” requirement, as long as the student
received a passing grade for the “W” course. Once
awarded a degree, a student may not go back and
replace individual courses within that degree. Note
that some SCSU programs may require that all grades
be used to calculate the student’s University GPA.
These conditions are indicated in the Undergraduate
Catalogue information for such programs.
ROTC (Reserve Officer Training Candidate)
Students may earn a commission in the United
States Army through the ROTC program at the
University of Connecticut, Storrs, or Air Force through
the ROTC program at Yale. A two- or four-year
sequence of courses may be selected. Interested
students should inquire about the ROTC Scholarship
Program. For Army ROTC call (860) 486-4538; for
Air Force ROTC call (860) 486-2224.
Selection of a Degree Program
A matriculated student can select a degree
program by filling out a Selection of Degree Form,
which can be found online at
registrar. Print and complete form, have it signed by
the chair and an adviser in the department selected,
and then submit the signed form to the Registrar’s
Application to a Department
Students who wish to pursue a major in
professional fields where certification is required must
apply to a department during the first half of their
fourth semester at the university. Students who seek a
BA degree in the arts and sciences should also apply
to the department of their intended major.
Assignment to an Academic Adviser
Course advisement begins at the time of the first
registration period and continues throughout the
student’s academic career at Southern. Every student
must be assigned an academic adviser. Students who
elect a major will be assigned an adviser by their
department. Students who are not ready to elect a
major will be assigned to the Academic Advisement
Center located in the Wintergreen Building.
An academic adviser is a faculty or staff member
who discusses, advises, and guides a student in
planning and/or selecting a program to obtain a
degree in a particular subject area. Students are
reminded, however, that having an adviser does not
exempt them from the responsibility of carefully
reading the Undergraduate Catalog and other
advisement publications in order to understand the
requirements of their programs.
Problems or Questions
Because academic advisers are teaching
professors, they are available to students only during
posted office hours. Students who have schedules
incompatible with their advisers should report to the
department office to be assigned a new adviser (if
they have elected a major) or to the Academic
Advisement Center (if they have not elected a major).
Students should plan to see their adviser regularly
during the academic year. They should also make an
appointment with their academic adviser to discuss
their selection of courses as soon as they receive
registration information.
Taking Courses at Other Institutions
Matriculated students in good standing (2.0
GPA or higher) who plan to take courses at other
institutions must obtain prior approval from the
Registrar’s Office in order to apply this course work
toward the degree requirements of the University.
The approval forms are available at
Current students must request official University
transcripts for graduate schools, prospective
employers, and other institutions using Banner Web
Services. On-line requests submitted through Banner
Web Services are printed and mailed on the same
day that they are requested. Instructions can be found
Transcripts – Emergency
You may request an Emergency Transcript at the
Registrar’s Office in the Wintergreen Building Monday
through Friday from 8 a.m.–3 p.m. Emergency
Transcripts are $15 each and only one emergency
transcript may be requested per day. Emergency
Transcripts must be requested in person, by the student
with a valid picture ID. Transcripts are issued to the
student only.
Transfer Students
The Admissions Office mails transfer students an
official evaluation of courses and credits accepted for
transfer after students have been admitted to the
university and upon receipt of their official transcripts
from the colleges they previously attended. When
applying to a department, transfer students should
have the official evaluation form with them to aid their
advisers in planning a program. If questions or
problems arise after they arrive on campus, transfer
students should contact the transfer admissions
coordinator in the Admissions Office or the Academic
Advisement Center.
Waiver Examinations
Waiver examinations are available to students
who, as the result of previous experience, already
have proficiency in subject areas. Examinations are
given in all basic freshman and sophomore subjects
required for graduation or as prerequisites to
advanced courses in certain disciplines. A mark of A
or B waives the course and earns three credits; a “C”
earns a waiver without credit. A lower grade usually
indicates the need to take the course. Waiver credits
are not considered when tabulating a student’s GPA.
Waiver examinations are given in the fall and
spring of each year. Students who want to take these
two-hour examinations must make arrangements with
the appropriate department.
Withdrawal Policy
A student who wants to withdraw officially from the
university should consult with a representative from the
Registar’s Office in the Wintergreen Building. This
representative will discuss the withdrawal with the
student and will also make a preliminary evaluation of
readmission possibilities. The student then completes an
official withdrawal form. Students who are withdrawing
should carefully note the following:
• Readmission at a later date is not automatic.
Application for readmission may be made in the
Registrar’s Office in the WintergreenBuilding.
• Students readmitted to the university are held to
the academic requirements in effect in the catalog
at the time of their readmission.
• For students who withdraw from the university
before the last scheduled class, a grade of “W”
will be assigned for all courses taken that
• Students who do not officially withdraw but cease
to attend classes will be considered enrolled and
will receive failing grades.
• Students who plan to complete the semester but
do not intend to return the following semester
should complete their withdrawal forms prior to
the their last final examination, dated effective
after the end of the semester.
• A leave of absence may be discussed with a
representative from the Registrar’s Office. A leave
of absence is designed for students who have a
specific time frame in which they plan to return to
• The refund policy, if applicable, may be found in
the Fees and Expenses section of the
Undergraduate Catalog.
Reminder: Failure to withdraw officially from the
university may result in failing grades being recorded
on your transcript. It may also lead to problems with
debt to the university and affect future financial aid
Continuing Notice of Nondiscrimination
Southern Connecticut State University does not
discriminate on the basis of race, color, religious
creed, age, gender, gender identity or expression,
national origin, marital status, ancestry, present or
past history of mental disorder, learning disability or
physical disability, veteran status, sexual orientation,
genetic information or criminal record. The following
person has been designated to handle inquiries
regarding the non-discrimination policies:
Jules Tetreault, Ed.D., 501 Crescent Street, EN A 106,
New Haven, CT 06515, (203) 392-5556,
[email protected].
Discrimination and Sexual Harassment
Prevention Policy Statement
It is the policy of Southern Connecticut State
University to prohibit discrimination based on all
protected classes including, but not limited to, race,
color, religious creed, age, gender, gender identity or
expression, marital status, national origin, ancestry,
present or past history of mental disorder, learning
disability or physical disability, veteran status, sexual
orientation, genetic information or criminal record.,
sexual identity, and sexual orientation. Discrimination
includes harassment on any basis mentioned above,
and sexual harassment as defined in the Connecticut
General Statutes, U.S. EEOC Guidelines of Sexual
Harassment, and in Title IX of the Higher Education
Amendments of 1972. Discrimination or harassment
will not be tolerated at Southern Connecticut State
University, whether by faculty, students or staff, or by
others while on property owned by or under the
control of the University.
The purpose of this policy is to help prevent acts of
discrimination/harassment and to offer students and
employees who believe they have experienced
discrimination or harassment a means to promptly
redress any such claim. The University's goal is to end
the discrimination or harassment and promote a
learning and working environment free of
discrimination and harassment.
Any employee, student, or applicant for
employment or admission to the University, who
believes that he or she has been discriminated against
or harassed as defined by this policy may file a
complaint by following the Procedures for
Discrimination and Harassment Complaints available
Inquiries regarding the university’s compliance
with state and federal laws regarding discrimination
may be directed to the Title IX Coordinator in the
Office of Diversity and Equity Programs at (203) 3925492 or (203) 392-5491 at Southern Connecticut
State University; the Commission of Human Rights and
Opportunities, West Central Region Office, 55 West
Main St., Suite 210, Waterbury, CT 07602 (203)
803-6530; or the Office of Civil Rights, United States
Department of Education, 8th Floor, 5 Post Office
Square, Boston, MA 02109-3921, (617) 289-0111,
[email protected].
Pluralism Policy Statement
Southern Connecticut State University’s policy
statement on pluralism forbids acts of violence or
harassment reflecting bias or intolerance based on an
individual’s race, religious creed, gender, sexual
identity, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity or
cultural origin. The university has procedures for
investigating complaints of acts of intolerance brought
by students and staff.
Southern Connecticut State University endorses the
Connecticut State University Policy regarding Racism
and Acts of Intolerance. That Policy is as follows:
The Connecticut State University declares:
Institutions within the Connecticut State
University have a duty to foster tolerance;
The promotion of racial, religious creed and
ethnic pluralism within the university is the
responsibility of all individuals within the
university community:
Every person within the university community
should be treated with dignity and assured
security and equality;
Individuals may not exercise personal freedom
in ways that invade or violate the rights of
Acts of violence and harassment reflecting bias
or intolerance of race, religious creed, gender,
sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity or cultural
origins are unacceptable: and
The university shall take appropriate corrective
action if such acts of violence or harassment
Anyone who has a complaint alleging an act
of violence or harassment based on race,
religious creed, gender, sexual orientation,
disability, ethnicity or cultural origin should
contact the Office of Diversity and Equity
Programs at (203) 392-5491.
A complaint against a university employee
alleging a violation of this policy should be
filed in either the Office of Diversity and Equity
(Buley Library 207) or the University Police
Department, Granoff Hall. Any complaint filed
against a university employee must be filed
within 60 days of the alleged violation.
Sexual Misconduct and Stalking
We are concerned about the safety of all university
community members. Sexual misconduct (sexual
harassment, sexual assault and sexual exploitation),
intimate partner violence (dating violence and
domestic violence) and stalking are not acceptable
behaviors in our community and are a violation of the
law and the University’s Student Code of Conduct
(visit The university is
committed to providing prevention and awareness
education and advocacy/support services to survivors
while holding perpetrators accountable.
Reporting Procedures
Reporting incidents of sexual misconduct (sexual
harassment, sexual assault and sexual exploitation),
interpersonal violence (dating violence and domestic
violence) and stalking is always the survivor’s choice.
Every survivor’s experience and life circumstances are
different and so the choice to report is theirs.
If a survivor chooses to report they can file criminal
charges and/or file charges with the University Police
or the Office of Judicial Affairs if the perpetrator was
a student or with the Office of Diversity and Equity if
the perpetrator was a Southern employee.
Assistance/Advocacy (see next page) is provided for
all survivors including those who choose to file
criminal charges and/or charges with the university.
Confidential reporting, meaning you can disclose in
complete confidence, can be made to on and off
campus support centers including SCSU Counseling
Services, SCSU Health Services, 24 hour hotline staff
members and clergy.
Filing Criminal Charges
1. If you wish to press criminal charges, notify the
police. For an incident that occurred on campus, call
the University Police at (203) 392-5375 to report an
employee or student perpetrator or 911 if you are in
immediate danger. If the perpetrator is an SCSU
employee, you may also file a complaint with the
university by contacting the Office of Diversity &
Equity at (203) 392-5491.
2. If the incident occurred off campus, call the
local police where the incident occurred. The police
will investigate the crime and determine the criminal
charges. The State’s Attorney will then decide whether
or not there is enough evidence to prosecute. This can
result in a trial or plea bargain.
The Women & Families Center: Sexual Assault
Crisis Services, (203) 624-4576, and the Umbrella
Center for Domestic Violence Services, (203) 7898104, have court victim advocates that are available
to support you during this process. The University
Police and the University Victim Advocate will assist
the student in these cases, if requested, and able
according to University Policy and state law.
Silent Witness Program – Anonymous Reporting
This program is designed so that students, faculty
and staff can report suspicious activity and crimes via
the Internet while remaining anonymous. If you have
witnessed a crime, or if you know of a crime that was
committed or will be committed, visit to fill out and submit
the form. A member of the SCSU Police Department
will investigate the information provided. You will not
be contacted unless you provide your contact
information. All tips remain anonymous.
Please keep in mind this program is intended to
assist the SCSU Police Department and is not intended
for crimes in progress or for emergencies. Call (203)
392-5375 or 911 in those instances.
Filing Charges with the University
The SCSU Office of Judicial Affairs is responsible
for ensuring a fair, just and impartial judicial process
for students charged with conduct that violates
the provisions of the Student Code of Conduct.
The office also provides education and resources
to foster respect and civility among all members
of the university community.
University Disciplinary Procedures
Regarding Sexual Misconduct and Stalking
sexual harassment, sexual assault and sexual
exploitation, intimate partner violence (dating
violence and domestic violence)
In cases of an alleged sexual misconduct offense,
when the accused is a student, both the complainant
and the accused are entitled to have others present
throughout all phases of the process. You may:
1. Be accompanied to any meeting or proceeding
by an advisor and support person of your choice.
2. Present evidence and witnesses on their behalf
3. Be informed in writing of the results of the
disciplinary proceeding no later than one business
day after it concludes and retain the right to appeal
the decision in accordance with disciplinary
4. Have their identities kept confidential, except as
necessary to carry out a disciplinary proceeding or as
permitted by state or federal law.
Students have the right to request that disciplinary
proceedings begin promptly and know that the
proceeding must be conducted by an official trained
in issues relating to sexual assault and intimate partner
violence. The judicial process will use the “preponderance
of evidence standard” (i.e., whether it is more likely
than not that the alleged incident occurred).
For information on filing an application visit
Assistance/Advocacy for Survivors
Following a final determination of responsibility
when the allegation involves a sexual misconduct
offense, the hearing body may impose any sanction
or combination of sanctions, including expulsion.
Disciplinary proceedings under this code may be
carried out before, during or after civil or criminal
court proceedings against the accused student.
Restraining Orders and Protective Orders
Restraining orders differ from protective orders
in that restraining orders are civil and can be issued
without the accused person being arrested. Protective
orders in a family violence situation are criminal and
are issued after the accused has been arrested for
committing a family violence crime. Both types of
orders must be issued by the court.
The University Police Department will keep
protective and restraining orders on file in accordance
with State regulations. Any victim/survivor of a sexual
assault or domestic violence is strongly encouraged
to contact the University Police to verify that they have
received from the court a copy of any protective or
restraining order filed on their behalf. The University
Police Department will accept copies of any
protective/restraining orders that can be properly
Victims are strongly advised to report any
violations of these orders to the University Police at
(203) 392-5375. If the violation of a court order is
an emergency situation, CALL 911 IMMEDIATELY.
The SCSU Sexual Assault Resource Team (S.A.R.T.)
provides a collaborative victim-centered team
response to sexual misconduct (sexual harassment,
sexual assault and sexual exploitation), interpersonal
violence (dating violence and domestic violence)
and stalking that ensures a transition from victim to
survivor for every individual whose life is affected
by sexual violence.
S.A.R.T. team members represent the Division of
Student Affairs, Office of Diversity and Equity,
Women’s Center, Office of Judicial Affairs, Counseling
Center, Health Services Department, University Police,
Athletics, Office of Residence Life, Office of Student
Affairs, Office of Student Life, Multicultural Center,
Public Health Department, Women’s Studies Program,
Sociology Department, Academic Advising, Accounts
Payable, the Women and Families Center of Greater
New Haven (24 hour hotline: 203-235-4444), and
the Umbrella Center for Domestic Violence Services
(24 hour hotline: 203-789-8104) and can provide a
survivor with many supportive options. These include:
counseling, medical attention, judicial services,
advocacy, referrals and general information
regarding sexual misconduct (sexual harassment,
sexual assault and sexual exploitation), interpersonal
violence (dating violence and domestic violence) and
If a survivor chooses to file a police report, the
University Police Department and the University Victim
Advocate will assist that person with the reporting
process, empowering the survivor to make their own
decisions by providing on- and off-campus resources
and offering support as needed. The S.A.R.T.
members can assist you in obtaining an order of
protection, applying for a temporary restraining
order, or seeking enforcement of an existing order.
Southern Connecticut State University shall not
disclose the identity of the complainant or the accused,
except as necessary or as permitted under state or
federal law. Assistance with on-campus living
arrangements, classes, work schedule and other
accommodations following an incident will be
provided to whatever extent possible and reasonable.
For more information, visit
Sexual Violence Prevention and
Awareness Education
Beginning with New Student Orientation, Southern
Connecticut State University takes an active continuous
role in raising awareness through offering ongoing
educational programs and by creating a safe space
for open dialogue and action. The programs offered
are designed to define sexual misconduct (sexual
harassment, sexual assault and sexual exploitation),
intimate partner violence (dating violence and
domestic violence) and stalking, explain university
procedures and reporting options, define consent,
provide risk reduction tips and bystander intervention
The SCSU Women’s Center provides information,
educational programming, referrals, victim advocacy
and services on issues related to violence against
women. Acting as the University victim advocate, the
coordinator of the center offers support and advocacy
for survivors of sexual violence, and is responsible
for the coordination of the University Sexual Assault
Response Team (S.A.R.T.). The Center also maintains
a resource room with information on sexual
assault, stalking, domestic violence, dating violence,
sexual harassment, women’s health, body image,
eating disorders and drugs known to be used in
facilitating assaults. The Women’s Center is located
in Schwartz Hall.
The Financial Aid Statement of Rights and
Responsibilities and the policies governing financial
obligations, financial aid and scholarships are
outlined for students in this section of the Student
Handbook. Also included is information about the
SCSU Bursar’s Office which is responsible for student
billing and revenue collection.
Bursar’s Office
The Bursar’s Office, located in the Wintergreen
building, is responsible for the billing and collection of
tuition and fees. In addition to collecting and posting
payments on student’s accounts, the Bursar’s Office
also processes:
• Bill Statements
• Payment Plans
• 1098-T Tuition Statements
• Student Refunds
• Perkins & Nurse Faculty Loan Repayment
• Student Health Insurance Waivers
• Veterans Benefits
For more information on any of the topics in this
handbook, please visit our website at
The hours of operation are Monday– Friday
8:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m., with extended in person office
hours on Monday’s until 6:00 p.m.
Your may also email [email protected]
or call 203-392-6140 for a quick response during
business hours.
Add Authorized Users (Parents)
Generally, the University must have written
permission from the student in order to release any
information from a student’s record. Parents or other
third parties who wish to access billing and payment
information must be approved by the student (become
an authorized user) or complete a written release in
person with the Registrar’s Office.
Health Insurance for Students
SCSU requires that all full-time students maintain
health insurance coverage. Therefore, all full-time
students will initially be eligible for enrollment and
billed under the University sponsored plan. Students
who satisfy the insurance requirements through
another comparable plan may opt to waive the
sickness portion of the insurance coverage and
receive credit on their bill statement. The accident
portion of the insurance may not be waived and is
built into the University General Fee. For more
information or to waive the health insurance by the
deadline please click here.
Financial Obligations
SCSU has adopted the Electronic Mail Student
Notification Policy, which outlines email as an official
means of communication to students; therefore, paper
bill statements are no longer sent out.
The eBill + Payment Suite allows students and
authorized users to view current and previous account
statements. The following provides and outline of the
information within your eBill statement: Understanding
Your eBill Statement.
IMPORTANT DEADLINES: Fall and spring semester
bills are due dates are approximately 4–6 weeks prior
to the first day of university-wide classes, or upon
registration if the due date has passed. Payment for
winter, spring break, and summer session is due upon
registration. Please visit Important Dates for more
PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS: To establish proper
payment arrangements by the bill deadline, the
Bursar’s Office must receive one or a combination of
the following to cover the balance in full:
• Accepted financial aid award, including
scholarships, posted to the student’s account
• Personal or third party payment on account
• Signed payment plan agreement w/down
eBill + Payment Suite
The eBill + Payment Suite is Southern’s official
method for sending student account statements and
receiving payments.
• Make Payments – using a checking account,
debit card, or credit card
• Set Up a Payment Plan – interest-free monthly
• View eBill Statements – an email notification is
sent when new statements are available online
• Admission/Housing Deposits – pay online with
a checking account, debit card, or credit card
• Authorize Users – add parents/other third parties
who wish to access billing and payment info
Students log into eBill + Payment Suite
bursar/). Authorized Users log into eBill + Payment
Suite (
Payment Methods
eCHECK online is the easiest way to pay, it’s fast
and free—no wait time!
Log in to eBill & Payment Suite and enter your
checking account under My Profile–Payment
Method. Enter the bank’s routing number and
checking account number (not your debit card #)
as shown below.
CHECKS are also accepted by mail, telephone,
or in-person at the Bursar’s Office, made payable to
Southern Connecticut State University (use Express
Drop Box at Bursar’s Office after hours). Cashier’s
checks and money orders are also accepted. Please
always include student ID and name. Checks returned
as uncollectible will be assessed a $20.00 fee, and
after 2 occurrences, payments by check will no longer
be accepted on the account.
CASH is accepted in person at the Bursar’s Office.
DEBIT CARDS are accepted as PIN transactions at
the Bursar’s Office. Debit cards are accepted online if
your bank participates in online PIN-Less debit
CREDIT CARDS American Express, Discover,
MasterCard, and Visa are accepted online only.
Credit card payments are assessed an additional
2.5% non-refundable convenience fee, as part of the
PayPath tuition payment service thru eBill + Payment
HOOT LOOT is accepted to pay non-institutional
charges. Hoot Loot may not be used to pay tuition,
housing charges, or registration/course fees. For
more information please visit the University Card
Office website.
WIRE TRANSFERS both domestic and international
are accepted for payment of tuition and fees. Please
contact the Bursar’s Office by telephone to obtain wire
transfer instructions.
all payments in United States currency and does not
assume any liability for losses that may result from
foreign exchange rate differences.
Payment Plans
SCSU offers interest free payment plans for fall,
spring, and summer!
1. Log in to eBill + Payment Suite (
offices/finance-administration/bursar/) to view
current charges/credits/financial aid.
2. Go to Payment Plans, select term, and review
the payment schedule.
3. Choose the plan that’s right for you —the longer
you wait to enroll the fewer months you will
have to pay.
4. Click Display Payment Schedule to view your
due dates — the first payment plus the $45.00
plan enrollment fee is due at time of enrollment.
5. Next, select if you would like your payments
to occur automatically: If “Yes” please set
up a checking account profile first under
My Profile — Payment Methods.
Plans will automatically recalculate due to account
adjustments, which may include additional charges,
unanticipated payments, or a change in financial aid
credits to your account.
Students and authorized users will be notified of
any adjustments to the student’s monthly payment plan
Penalty for Late & Non-Payment
If you do not pay the amount due by the due date,
a hold will be placed on your account restricting
course registration, access to grades, and transcript
requests. Past due accounts are also subject to a $50
late fee after a ten (10) day grace period, and if
applicable, your housing assignment and class
schedule may be cancelled.
The Bursar’s Office issues student refunds within
14 calendar days from when a credit balance occurs.
A variety of reasons can create a credit balance, but
the most common are as follows:
• Over borrowing on loans creates an
overpayment on the balance due, please contact
the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships if
you wish to reduce your loan obligation and
avoid a refund payment.
• A cancellation/change to housing assignment
or meal plan, please contact Residence Life
(or the University Card Office for commuter
meal plans), for questions about these
• Course withdrawal(s) reducing the balance due,
according to course withdrawal refund
deadlines. Students receiving Federal aid should
consult with the Office of Financial Aid &
Scholarships prior to withdrawal in order to
determine the financial impact that the return of
“unearned” Title IV funds will have upon the
students account.
For more information about withdrawal deadlines
impacting refunds, or to learn more about selecting
your refund delivery preference click here.
Financial Aid and Literacy Office
The Office of Financial Aid and Literacy helps
students and families by promoting the financial
planning process. The coordinator works
collaboratively with various cross-divisional staffs to
design, implement, and assess financial literacy
programs and financial planning services for
prospective and current students. Through advising,
outreach and on-campus programming, the
coordinator raises awareness about financial literacy,
student aid programs, scholarships, career paths, and
financial obligations. The office is located in
Wintergreen Building, Room 138. For more
information, contact (203) 392-8862 and see
Financial Aid
The university awards a limited amount of
financial aid to matriculated students who can
demonstrate financial need. The priority date for the
submission of the Free Application for Federal Student
Aid (FAFSA) is March 15. The basic premise for
financial assistance is to assist a student in meeting
their university charges. Please note that an
application for financial aid (FAFSA) does not
guarantee that the student will receive enough aid
to cover all university costs. It is the student’s
responsibility to ensure that all semester charges are
paid by university deadlines. Applicants who file their
FAFSA after the priority date decrease their chances
of receiving gift aid (state/federal grants). Incomplete
applications will not be considered for financial aid.
All students who want to be considered for
financial aid for the upcoming academic
year should complete the Free Application for Federal
Student Aid (FAFSA) via the Web at This
application will serve as the university application for
financial aid. If the FAFSA is selected for verification
by the federal processor, students will be asked, via
their SCSU email account, to submit any requested
Private Scholarships
Students receiving outside scholarships must
submit a copy of their scholarship notification
as soon as possible to the Office of Financial Aid
and Scholarships, which is located in the Wintergreen
Veterans’ Benefits
Veterans should contact the Coordinator of
Veterans’ Affairs in Engleman Hall, Room B018,
(203) 392-6822, to determine if they are eligible
for educational veterans’ benefits.
Financial Aid Statement
of Rights and Responsibilities
A. Student Rights Regarding Financial Aid
1. The student has the right to know what financial
aid programs are available at the university.
2. The student has the right to know the deadlines
for submitting applications for each of the
financial aid programs available.
3. The student has the right to know how their
financial need was determined. This includes
how costs of tuition and fees, room and board,
travel, books and supplies, personal and
miscellaneous expenses, etc., are considered in
his/her budget. (
4. The student has the right to know what
resources (such as parental contribution,
other financial aid, assets, etc.) were considered
in the calculation of his/her need.
5. The student has the right to know how much
of their financial need as determined by the
institution has been met.
6. The student has the right to know
the university’s refund policy.
7. The student has the right to know what portion
of the financial aid s/he was awarded
must be repaid and what portion is gift aid.
If the aid is a loan, the student has the right to
know what the interest rate is, the total amount
that must be repaid, the repayment procedures,
the length of time the student has to repay the
loan and when repayment is to begin.
8. The student has the right to know how the
school determines whether s/he is making
satisfactory academic progress (SAP) and
what happens if s/he is not making SAP.
B. Student Responsibilities Regarding Financial Aid
1. The student must complete the FAFSA accurately
and it is recommended to submit it to the
federal processor prior to the Office of Financial
Aid and Scholarships (OFAS) priority date to
be considered for financial aid before bills are
2. The student must provide correct information to
the federal processor. The student must inform the
Office of the Registrar of any change in name or
address. In most instances, mis-reporting
information on the federal application is a
violation of law and may be considered a
criminal offense, which could result in indictment
under the U.S. Criminal code.
3. The student must return all additional
documentation, verification, corrections,
and/or new information requested by
OFAS within 10 business days.
4. The student is responsible for reading and
understanding all the forms that is asked to sign
and for keeping copies of them.
5. The student must accept responsibility for all
agreements that they sign.
6. The student must perform the work that is
agreed upon in accepting a Federal Work
Study award.
7. The student must be aware of the university’s
refund procedures.
8. First-time borrowers must complete an entrance
interview session required by federal regulation
when requesting a Federal Direct Student Loan.
The entrance interview emphasizes the
seriousness and importance of repayment
obligations the borrower is assuming.
9. The student must complete an exit interview
required by federal regulations for each
Federal Direct Loan they have received. The
exit interview emphasizes the seriousness
and importance of repayment obligations the
borrower is assuming when they graduate,
withdraw from the university, or drop below
half-time status.
Financial Aid Withdrawal Policy
What is a withdrawal?
• Official Withdrawal — student who notifies the
university registrar’s office that s/he will not be
attending the university for a term. The student
needs to submit a withdrawal form to the
registrar’s office.
• Unofficial Withdrawal — student who withdraws
from all of their courses online or stops attending
all of their courses resulting in a zero grade
point average for a term.
Title IV Withdrawal Policy
The law specifies how Southern Connecticut
State University (SCSU) must determine the amount
of Title IV program assistance that a student earned
if s/he withdraws from school. The Title IV programs
that are covered by this law are: Federal Pell
Grants, Iraq Afghanistan Service Grants, Academic
Competitiveness Grants, National SMART grants,
TEACH Grants, Direct Loans, PLUS Loans, Federal
Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants
(FSEOGs), and Federal Perkins Loans.
When the student withdraws during a payment
period or period of enrollment, the school is required
to perform a withdrawal calculation which determines
the amount of financial aid the student has earned.
If the student received (or SCSU or parent received
on your behalf) less assistance than the amount that
was earned, the student may be able to receive
those additional funds. If the student received more
assistance than s/he earned, the excess funds must
be returned by SCSU and/or the student to the
appropriate Title IV financial aid.
The amount of assistance that a student earns is
determined on a prorata basis. For example, if the
student completed 30% of the payment period or
period of enrollment, the student earned 30% of the
assistance that was originally scheduled to receive.
Once the student completed more than 60% of the
payment period or period of enrollment, the student
has earned all the assistance that was originally
scheduled to receive for that period.
If the student did not receive all of the funds that
s/he earned, the student may be due a Postwithdrawal disbursement. If the Post-withdrawal
disbursement includes loan funds, SCSU must get the
student’s permission before it can disburse them. The
student may choose to decline some or all of the loan
funds so that s/he don’t incur additional debt. SCSU
may automatically use all or a portion of the Postwithdrawal disbursement of grant funds for tuition,
fees, and room and board charges (as contracted with
the school). SCSU needs the student permission to use
the Post-withdrawal grant disbursement for all other
school charges. If s/he does not give permission, the
student will be offered the funds. However, it may be
in the best interest to allow SCSU to keep the funds to
reduce the debt at the school.
There are some Title IV funds that the student was
scheduled to receive that cannot be disbursed to the
student once s/he withdraw because of other
eligibility requirements. For example, if the student is a
first-time, first-year undergraduate student and have
not completed the first 30 days of the program before
s/he withdraw, the student will not receive any FFEL or
Direct Loan funds that s/he would have received had
the student remained enrolled past the 30th day.
If the student receives (or SCSU or parent receives
on the student’s behalf) excess Title IV program funds
that must be returned, SCSU must return a portion of
the excess equal to the lesser of:
1. the student’s institutional charges multiplied by
the unearned percentage of your funds, or
2. the entire amount of excess funds.
SCSU must return this amount even if it didn’t keep
this amount of the Title IV program funds.
If SCSU is not required to return all of the excess
funds, the student must return the remaining amount.
Any loan funds that must be returned, the student (or
the student’s parent for a PLUS Loan) must repay in
accordance with the terms of the promissory note.
Any amount of unearned grant funds that the
student must return is called an overpayment. The
maximum amount of grant overpayment that the
student must repay is half of the grant funds s/he
received or was scheduled to receive. The student
does not have to repay a grant overpayment if the
original amount of the overpayment is $50 or less.
The student must make arrangements with SCSU or
the Department of Education to return the unearned
grant funds.
The requirements for Title IV program funds when
the student withdraws are separate from any refund
policy that SCSU may have. Therefore, the student
may still owe funds to SCSU to cover unpaid
institutional charges. SCSU may also charge the
student for any Title IV program funds that the school
was required to return. If the student does not already
know what the school’s refund policy is, s/he can ask
the Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships for a copy.
SCSU registrar’s office can also provide the student
with the requirements and procedures for officially
withdrawing from school.
For more information about the Title IV program
funds, call the Federal Student Aid Information Center
at 1-800-4-FED-AID (1-800-433-3243).
TTY users may call 1-800-730-8913. Information is
also available on Student Aid on the Web at
Withdrawal Policy for State, Institutional,
and other financial aid
After the excess funds have been returned for the
Title IV funds, the non-Title IV funds grants will be
calculated, if applicable, these include:
• Connecticut Aid to Public Schools Grant
(CAPS)/Governor’s Scholarship –Need Based
• Connecticut State University Grant (CSUG)
• Individual State Grants, such as Vermont Student
Assistance, etc
For more information, see
Residence Status
Any student classified as an out-of-state resident
who feels that they qualifiy as a bona fide resident of
Connecticut may request a change of classification.
However, the student should be aware that the law is
very clear in stating the following:
• The domicile of any unemancipated person is
that of their parent;
• The establishment of a new domicile in the state
by an emancipated person has not occurred
until they have resided in this state for a period
of not less than a year;
• No emancipated person shall be deemed to
have gained residence while attending college
in this state as a full-time student in the absence
of a clear demonstration that they have
established domicile in the state (domicile:
denotes a person’s true, fixed, and permanent
home and place of habitation. It is the place
where they intend to remain and to which they
expect to return when they leave without
intending to establish a new domicile
• The domicile of any emancipated person
receiving regular financial assistance from their
parent, or whose parents’ income was taken
into account by any private or governmental
agency furnishing financial educational
assistance to such person, including
scholarships, loans, or otherwise, is that of
their parent;
• The spouse of any person who is classified as
an in-state student shall likewise be entitled to
classification as an in-state student;
• Foreign students in temporary United States
government status (visa-holders) cannot
establish permanent domicile in Connecticut.
In consequence of these provisions of the law,
before reclassification can take place, the
registrar will require the following:
• A notarized statement from the student’s parent
stating that the student has attained the age of
18 and that the parent has “entirely surrendered
the right to care, custody, and earnings of such
person and is no longer under an legal
obligation to support or maintain such student.”
In the absence of any of these, the student shall
be considered “unemancipated.”
• Clear demonstration of the establishment of a
permanent domicile in this state. A one-year
lease on an apartment is acceptable; a school
year (September to May) lease or what is clearly
“off campus housing” is not.
• Verification by the Financial Aid Office that no
form of financial aid or loan is dependent either
on the income of the parent or on out-of-state
Students who feel that they can meet these criteria
are welcome to apply for change of classification.
The CSU System Residency Reclassification Affidavit
is available at, or in the
Registrar’s Office, Wintergreen Building.
Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy at
Southern Connecticut State University (SCSU)
The Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy is
based on federal guidelines that require each college
and university to ensure that student aid applicants
are progressing through their academic programs at
an acceptable pace while maintaining an acceptable
cumulative grade point average. The policy is
separate and apart from other academic policies at
the university.
Students failing one or more of the SAP standards
are ineligible to receive financial aid from the
programs managed by the Office of Financial Aid &
Scholarships for the entire academic year (i.e.,
summer, fall and spring semesters).
The SAP policy affects student eligibility for the
following federal and state financial aid programs:
• Federal Pell Grant
• Federal Supplemental Educational
Opportunity Grant
• Federal Perkins Loan
• Federal Direct Stafford Loan
(subsidized and unsubsidized)
• Federal Direct PLUS Loan
• Federal Direct Graduate PLUS Loan
• Federal Work Study
• Connecticut Aid to Public Schools Grant
• Connecticut Assistance for Public Colleges
for Work Program
• Connecticut State University Grant
• State Scholarship and Grant Programs
• Other
Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards
• Grade Point Average (Qualitative): Undergraduate
students are expected to maintain a cumulative grade
point average of at least 2.0 at SCSU and graduate
students are expected to maintain a cumulative grade
point average of at least 3.0.
• Credit Completion Rate (Quantitative): Undergraduate and graduate students are expected to successfully complete at least 67% of the credits attempted at
SCSU. Incompletes (I), withdrawals (W, WF, and
WP), course repetitions, non-credit remedial courses
and grades not reported by a professor (R) will
be included in this assessment. Transfer credits will
be counted as attempted and earned credits in the
calculation for determining SAP. See Sample:
Summer 2011
Fall 2011
Fall 2011
Spring 2011
3 credits
15 transfer credits
15 credits
15 credits
The student transferred and registered for a total
of 48 credits during summer, fall and spring. Based
on 48 credits, the student needs to pass a minimum of
32 credits (48 attempted credits multiply by 67% = 32
credits) to successfully complete the credit completion
• Maximum Credit Hours: A student may receive
financial aid for attempted credits in their program of
study; however, the number of attempted credits
cannot exceed 150% of the university’s published
credit hours for the educational program in which the
student is enrolled. This includes transfer credits.
For example: Student needs 122 credits to
complete the undergraduate degree. If the student is
unable to complete the degree in 122 credits then the
student has up to 150% maximum time frame to
complete the degree (122 multiply by 150%) which is
183 credits. A student who transfers 90 credits to
SCSU and completes 95 credits at SCSU will not be
eligible for financial aid (90 transfer credits plus 95
registered credits = 185 credits) because the student
exceeded the 150% maximum time frame of 183
After grades are posted in June, students who
have not met the SAP standards will be notified in
writing of their ineligibility to receive financial aid at
If extenuating circumstances exist which caused the
student to fail one of the SAP standards, the student
can submit an appeal for reinstatement of his/her
financial aid as determined by SCSU. SAP appeals
may be based on factors such as: (1) the death of
a relative; (2) an injury to or illness of the student;
or (3) other special circumstances.
To file an appeal, the student must complete the
SAP Appeal Form and attach a written statement that
addresses why he/she failed to make SAP and what
has changed that will allow him/her to meet the SAP
standards during the next academic year. The SAP
Appeal Form, written statement and supporting
documentation must be submitted to the Office of the
Dean of Student Affairs in Engleman Hall, Room
A106 for review and resolution. The SAP Appeal
Form is available online at
The Dean of Student Affairs office will review each
appeal and determine the following:
• The student’s appeal may be denied thus
making him/her ineligible for any Title IV
funding and most other financial assistance
for the next academic year. In this case, the
student must regain eligibility without financial
aid before consideration of a second appeal; or
• The student’s appeal may be approved. This will
allow the student to receive financial aid
contingent upon the successful completion of the
requirements set forth in the SAP contract. The
student will be placed on financial aid
probation. Financial aid probation is a status a
school assigns to a student who is failing to
make SAP and successfully appeals. Eligibility
for aid may be reinstated for one semester.
Southern provides its students with an intentional
blend of support programs, opportunities and services
designed to help them successfully become acclimated
to college and maximize their personal development
and long-term success. These departments include
the Academic Success Center, Disability Resource
Center, New Student and Sophomore Programs,
University Access Programs and Veterans and
Military Programs. For more information about
the university’s academic and transitional support
programs, please contact Dr. Christopher Catching,
Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs at
203-392-5556; [email protected].
course material, and assist them in developing and
applying effective study strategies. The Academic
Success Center serves the entire student body by
helping students prepare, advance, and excel. This
is a free service to all students. Support is provided
in the following areas: peer tutoring, group tutoring,
reading/writing support in the Reading/Writing
Studio, math support in the Math Lab, personalized
assistance with academic success coaches, academic
workshops, and peer academic assistance. Please
contact Dr. Katie De Oliveira at 203-392-5186;
[email protected].
Disability Resource Center
Academic Success Center
Located on the 3rd floor of Buley Library, the
Academic Success Center provides services to help
students gain scholastic independence and achieve
academic success. The Academic Success Center’s
aim is to help students become more independent
and self-motivated learners and help them master
Located in Engleman Hall C 105, the Disability
Resource Center (DRC) works to fulfill Southern’s
longstanding commitment to the full inclusion and
equal educational opportunity for all persons with
disabilities. The DRC provides services and support
that promote educational equity for students
with disabilities. Assistance includes arranging
accommodations and auxiliary aids necessary for
students with disabilities to pursue their academic
careers, both in and outside of the classroom.
The DRC serves all students with documented
disabilities that substantially impact them in
educational settings. Students with documented
disabilities, visible or hidden, qualify for services.
Categories of disability include, but are not limited to
the following: mobility/orthopedic disabilities,
learning disabilities, attention deficit disorders, vision,
deafness and hard of hearing, acquired head injuries,
psychological disabilities, autism spectrum disorders,
and chronic health-related disabilities.
DRC services include arranging course and testing
accommodations; providing accessibility information;
arranging for sign language interpreters, readers,
and note-takers; providing help with recruitment of
personal assistants; assisting with the development
of compensatory skills, such as time management,
organization, and study skills. The DRC provides
access to assistive technology through the CAT lab,
and alternate formats for texts.
Students interested in obtaining more information
should contact the DRC, located in Engleman C 105,
by calling (203) 392-6828, 392-6131 TTY, (203)
392-6829 FAX or by visiting
Note: Only one classroom on campus is
inaccessible to persons with mobility limitations. If a
course is scheduled in Davis 102, students are urged
to inform the DRC as soon as possible to ensure
relocation of the class to an accessible location by the
start of the semester.
sophomores and transfer students in pursuing
academic, personal and professional success. For
more information, please visit
New Student Orientation: Southern’s orientation
programs offers new students (first-year students and
transfer students) the knowledge they will need to
have a successful transition to Southern. Each session
provides information critical to academic success,
allows new students to network with professional
faculty and staff, socialize with their peers and
to finalize registration for their courses. In addition,
students experience the history and culture of the
university and have an opportunity to learn from
our Orientation Ambassadors who are extensively
trained student leaders. All students are required
to participate in an orientation program prior to
entering the university. For more information, visit
For Students beginning in the fall semester: Firsttime college students and transfer students who have
earned 15 credits or less must attend a two-day
New Student and Sophomore Programs
The Office of New Student and Sophomore
Programs provides support to first-year students,
transfer students and sophomores at Southern
Connecticut State University through a wide range
of programs. These initiatives focus on fostering
the transition and engagement of students in the Owl
community. Located in Engelman Hall, A220 with
the First Year Experience Program and the Academic
and Career Adviser for first-year students and
sophomores, we support first-year students,
orientation session scheduled during the summer.
Transfer students who have earned 16 credits or more
are required to a one-day program offered in late
spring and throughout the summer.
For Students beginning in the spring semester:
All students entering Southern in the spring semester
will be required to attend a one-day orientation
with sessions scheduled from late fall through the
week prior to classes beginning.
University Access Programs
Educational Opportunity Program (EOP)
(for admitted students)
The Educational Opportunity Program (EOP)
improves the access, retention, and graduation of
students who are economically and/or educationally
disadvantaged. The EOP helps ease the transition to
Southern by providing comprehensive academic
support services in admissions, financial assistance,
orientation, as well as academic and personal
advising during the academic year. For more
information, contact Dawn Stanton-Holmes
in Engelman B018 at (203) 392-6812 or
[email protected].
Summer Educational Opportunity Program (SEOP)
(for admitted students)
The Summer Educational Opportunity Program
(SEOP) serves students who may not have access to
higher education. Students participate in the SEOP
Summer Academy prior to the start of their first year
at Southern. The target population is geographically,
ethnically, and socio-economically diverse. Each
candidate has experienced difficulty in one or more
academic areas in high school. Students chosen for
this program show promise for success in college. For
additional information, contact Dawn Stanton-Holmes
at (203) 392-6812 or [email protected].
Southern Academy (for middle school students)
Southern is committed to improving educational
standards and opportunities to bridge the
achievement gap, and help young students realize
that college is an attainable dream. Students attend an
intensive 4-week summer reading program and
receive tutoring and mentoring during the school year.
For more information, contact Aaron Washington at
(203) 392-5885 or [email protected].
Veterans and Military Programs
Located in Engleman Hall, Room B 018, this
office provides veterans with academic and career
advisement, assistance with GI Bill and Tuition
Waiver certifications, and liaisons with other campus
resources and local, state and federal agencies.
The center features a Veterans Drop-In Center with
computers, furniture, microwave, TV and refrigerator.
It’s a great place to meet other veterans, network a
nd socialize. Our campus Veterans Association
meets here. For more information, call Jack Mordente
at (203) 392-6822 or e-mail mordenteg1@
Southern Connecticut State University is committed
to the health, wellness and safety of all members of
the university community. The following pages provide
detailed information on the policies, regulations and
procedures designed to provide a safe and healthy
environment conducive to academic and personal
growth. This section includes descriptions of the
university offices that address all campus health,
wellness and safety issues.
Good Samaritan Medical Amnesty Statement
Southern Connecticut State University encourages
living and learning environments that promote the
health and safety of all members of the SCSU
community. The misuse of alcohol and other drugs
poses a serious threat to the physical and mental
health of the individual and places the entire campus
community at risk.
The University expects students to abide by state
and federal laws, as well as University policies,
regarding alcohol and drug possession and
consumption. However, the University recognizes that
there may be times when students face medical
emergencies involving excessive drinking and/or drug
use. This Good Samaritan Statement seeks to diminish
fear of disciplinary and conduct sanctions in such
situations and to encourage individuals and
organizations to seek needed medical attention for
students in distress as a result of excessive alcohol
and/or other drug abuse.
In an effort to foster responsible student behavior
and to respect the health and welfare of all members
of the SCSU community, if an individual or
organization reaches out to a campus official seeking
medical attention for him/herself or for another, the
student or organization requesting assistance and the
student requiring assistance may not be subject to the
typical disciplinary sanctions for a violation of campus
alcohol and drug policies, as long as the individuals
or organizations comply with all assessments and
follow-up required by the Office of the Dean of
Student Affairs.
This Good Samaritan Statement applies only to
cases where there is a legitimate concern for a
person’s wellbeing as a result of excessive alcohol
or drug use. Additional infractions occurring
simultaneous to the alcohol or drug use (i.e., acts of
vandalism, physical assault, disorderly conduct) will
be adjudicated separately. If the student is involved in
any subsequent or repeat incidents involving misuse
of alcohol and other drugs, the situation will be
evaluated by the Dean of Students Office to determine
if the Good Samaritan Statement applies. Further, this
statement applies only to campus disciplinary
procedures and does not apply to local, state, and
federal processes.
Alcohol And Drug Policies
As a condition of receiving Federal funds, the
Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989
requires Southern Connecticut State University and
other institutions of higher education throughout the
country to adopt and implement a drug and alcohol
prevention program. This notice is published pursuant
to the requirement of the act.
The university recognizes that the misuse of alcohol
or the use of illegal drugs represents a serious threat
to the physical and mental well-being of its students
and the entire community. Our common goal is to
foster a university community where the intellectual
development of students is free from the harmful
effects of alcohol and drugs. Each person has a
responsibility to help safeguard the community health
by respecting university policy and intervening in
situations of abuse. Addressing the drug and alcohol
problem in our society and community requires
caring, cooperation and support of every member of
the university community.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act:
Parental Notification
The university reserves the right as permitted by
the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
to notify parents/guardians if their son or daughter,
under 21 years of age, has been determined to have
violated the university’s Alcohol and Drug Policy.
Program Review
The university will conduct a biennial review of
these programs and policies to determine their
effectiveness, make changes where necessary and
ensure that sanctions and interventions are
consistently enforced.
The following is intended to provide clear
guidelines for members of the university community:
• Campus policy permits the possession and
consumption of alcoholic beverages at Southern
Connecticut State University under controlled
conditions at registered special events.
• All students of the university shall observe the
laws of the State of Connecticut concerning
alcoholic beverages.
• As adults, all students of the university are
expected to take personal responsibility for their
own conduct.
• The possession and consumption of alcoholic
beverages shall be restricted to those persons
who have reached the legal drinking age. The
university reserves the right to request proper
proof of age or identification from any person.
Those attending a function must be members
of the Southern Connecticut State University
community or their escorted guests.
• Students are expected to consider the rights
of others and use mature and responsible
judgment concerning the use of alcoholic
• Alcoholic beverages may not be served at
any time without the prior approval of the
appropriate designated agent.
• Student clubs and organizations are not
permitted to sponsor an event, on-or off-campus,
where alcoholic beverages are served or
provided unless the event is registered and
approved by the Dean of Student Affairs.
• University-recognized student organizations are
prohibited from sponsoring “bring your own”
events (on or off campus) at which individuals
carry their own alcoholic beverages
into the facility. An exception may be made
for Parents Day/Homecoming, which is the
major university-sponsored event involving
alumni, parents and students.
• The possession and consumption of alcoholic
beverages is prohibited in academic buildings,
out-of-doors on any part of the campus and at
any intercollegiate or intramural athletic activity
unless the event is registered and approved by
the Dean of Student Affairs.
• State law prohibits the unlicensed sale of
alcoholic beverages on the campus. Therefore,
no financial arrangements between the sponsor
of an event and guests are permitted whenever
alcohol is to be served, (i.e., no admission
fees can be charged, donations accepted or
tickets sold.)
• Food and non-alcoholic beverages must be
available at all times during an approved
special event involving the consumption of
alcoholic beverages.
• Any person or organization violating state law
or these regulations will be subject to
disciplinary action by the university and/or
referral to the appropriate civil authorities.
• The possession, distribution and consumption of
illicit drugs and the abuse of prescription and
over-the-counter drugs and anabolic steroids are
• The university recognizes that drug problems are
complex, and it will make every effort to assist
students who have a problem. However, students
must understand that, apart from the
professional resources of the university, drug
problems revealed or uncovered in the normal
course of administrative operations will be
treated as disciplinary matters in accordance
with the Student Code of Conduct.
• Students found guilty of violations of this policy
shall be subject to university disciplinary action
that may include suspension or expulsion. In
addition to the penalties that may be imposed by
campus authorities, criminal prosecution may
also be initiated.
Alcohol and Drug Education And Prevention
Individual Counseling and Referral
Students can talk to a licensed professional about
personal issues concerning their own use of alcohol
or other drugs or that of a friend or loved one. All
services are confidential and free of charge to
registered students. Please contact the Drug and
Alcohol Resource Center at (203) 392-5087 to set
up an appointment.
Drug and Alcohol Resource Center (DARC)
The Drug and Alcohol Resource Center (DARC)
staff provides free and confidential screening,
evaluation and counseling to those concerned about
their own substance use and those in violation of
the university alcohol and drug policies. In addition,
the DARC office serves as a storehouse of information on alcohol, tobacco and other drugs with
pamphlets, books, journal articles and other materials
available to students, faculty and staff. For more
information, visit the office in Schwartz Hall or call
(203) 392-5087.
Southern Task Force On Prevention (STOP)
This is a committee made up of students, faculty,
staff and members of the New Haven community
who are committed to reducing high-risk drinking and
other drug abuse. STOP develops and coordinates
prevention, education, intervention and treatment
services for the campus community. STOP also
promotes healthy and safe lifestyles and encourages
personal responsibility. STOP is always looking for
student representatives to serve on the committee or
volunteer for projects. Please call (203) 392-5087
if you are interested in getting involved.
Anti-Drinking and Driving
There are a number of opportunities for students to
get involved in anti-drinking and driving educational
programs and prevention activities. Please call (203)
392-5087 for more information or to get involved.
Self-Help Groups
For more information about Alcoholics
Anonymous, Al-Anon, and Narcotics Anonymous,
please contact the Drug and Alcohol Resource Center
at (203) 392-5087.
Alcohol and Drug Health Risks
Although most students don’t engage in high-risk
drinking (drinking to high blood alcohol levels,
drinking to the point of blacking out, etc.) and illicit
drug use, alcohol and drug abuse does have
profound effects on the body. Such use may result in
impaired judgment and coordination; physical and
psychological dependence; damage to vital organs
such as the heart, stomach, liver and brain; inability to
learn and remember information; psychosis and
severe anxiety; injury and death. (Thirty-eight to 50
percent of all fatal accidents involve alcohol.)
Because judgment, reasoning, communication and
perception are all affected by alcohol and other
drugs, one’s substance choices may lead to such
things as sexual exploitation, unwise choice of
partners, unwanted pregnancies and the increased
risk of sexually transmitted diseases, including AIDS.
Drinking and Driving
In Connecticut, a person is legally intoxicated
when their blood alcohol content (BAC) reaches 0.08
percent. If you are arrested for operating a motor
vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs, your
license will be suspended for 90 days.
Drivers between 16 and 24 have twice as many
fatal crashes per mile as older motorists. When
alcohol is involved, younger drivers are much less
likely to use seatbelts, and their fatal crash rate is
almost three times greater than older drivers.
Alcohol and Drug Legal Sanctions
The university campus is subject to State and
Federal laws concerning use and possession
of alcohol and drugs. Individuals must be aware of
and abide by these laws or face legal prosecution.
Alcohol: Section 30- 89(a) of the Connecticut General
Statutes states that it is unlawful for a minor (under the
age of 21) to purchase or attempt to purchase or to
make a false statement in connection with the attempted purchase of alcohol. The 1st offense is a
$136.00 infraction and the 2nd & subsequent
offenses result in fines ranging between $200.00 and
$500.00. Section 30- 89(b) states that possession of
alcohol by a minor on a street, highway or public
place is illegal. The 1st offense is a $136.00 infraction
and a 30-day suspension of an individual’s driving
license. The 2nd and subsequent offenses result in
fines ranging between $200.00 and $500.00
and may result in the suspension of an individual’s
driver’s license.
Drugs: The Connecticut General Statutes cover a wide
range of drug offenses, including the offer, the sale,
the possession with intent to sell, the gift and the mere
possession of various drugs. [21a CONN. GEN.
STAT. Section 277, 278, 279 (1988)] Among other
provisions, the state laws create the following
mandatory minimum prison sentences for first-time
offenders who are not “drug-dependent” persons:
• Five years for the manufacture or sale or
possession with intent to sell of one ounce or
more of heroin, methadone or cocaine or
one-half gram or more of cocaine in a freebase
form or five milligrams or more of LSD;
• Five years for the manufacture or sale or
possession with intent to sell of any narcotic,
hallucinogenic or amphetamine-type substance
or one kilogram or more of a cannabis-type
substance, including marijuana;
• Five years for the offer or gift of any of the
above drugs in the respective amounts.
Conviction for the possession of drugs carries no
mandatory minimum sentence but the following
maximum sentences do exist for first-time offenders:
• Seven years or $50,000.00 or both for
possession of any quantity of a narcotic,
including cocaine and “crack,” morphine or
• Five years or $2,000.00 or both for possession
of any quantity of a hallucinogen (such as LSD
or peyote) or four ounces or more of a
cannabis-type substance (which includes
• One year or $1,000.00 or both for possession
of less than four ounces of a cannabis-type
substance or any quantity of a controlled drug,
such as amphetamines or barbiturates.
Actual sentences depend on the severity and the
circumstances of the offense and the character and
background of the offender.
Federal law also penalizes the manufacture,
distribution, possession with intent to manufacture or
distribute and simple possession of drugs (“controlled
substances”) Controlled Substances Act 21 U.S.C.
Section 841, 843[b], 844, 845, 846 (1988). The law
sets the following sentences for first-time offenders:
• A minimum of ten years and a maximum of life
imprisonment or $4,000,000.00 or both
for the knowing or intentional manufacture, sale
or possession with intent to sell, of large amounts
of any narcotic, including heroin, morphine or
cocaine (including “crack”)
or of phencyclidine (PCP) or of LSD or of
marijuana (1,000 kilograms or more);
• A minimum of five years and maximum of 40
years or $2,000,000.00 or both for similar
actions involving smaller amounts of any
narcotic, including heroin, morphine or cocaine
(which includes “crack”) or phencyclidine (PCP)
or of LSD or of marijuana (100 kilograms
or more);
• A maximum of five years or $250,000.00 or
both for similar actions involving smaller
amounts of marijuana (less than 50 kilograms),
hashish, hashish oil, PCP or LSD or any amounts
of amphetamines, barbiturates and other
controlled stimulants and depressives;
• Four years or $30,000.00 or both for using the
mail, telephone, radio or any other public or
private means of communication to commit acts
that violate the laws against the manufacture,
sale and possession of drugs;
• One year or $1,000.00 or both for possession
of any controlled substance (the gift of a
“small amount” of marijuana is subject to the
penalties for simple possession).
Penalties may be doubled, however, when a
person at least 18 years old [1] distributes a
controlled substance to a person under 21 years of
age and (a term of imprisonment for this offense shall
not be less than one year) or [2] distributes, possesses
with intent to distribute or manufactures a controlled
substance in or on or within 1,000 feet of, the real
property comprising a public or private elementary,
vocational or secondary school or a public or private
college. Any attempt or conspiracy to commit one of
the above federal offenses, even if unsuccessful, is
punishable by the same sentence proscribed for that
offense. A first-time offender may receive only
probation and later have the charge dismissed.
Although in some cases the federal penalties seem
somewhat lighter, it is not possible to “trade” a state
charge for a federal one.
State and Federal law thus make crimes of many
different activities involving drugs. Simple possession,
giving or merely offering drugs is illegal, as are such
offenses as the manufacture or sale of drugs.
Bicycles, Rollerblading, and Skateboarding
In the interest of public safety, bicycles should be
securely chained and locked in the bicycle racks
available on campus. Bicycles are prohibited from
being secured to light poles, railings, benches, etc.
Bicycles are prohibited from being parked or stored in
university buildings, residence halls, on sidewalks and
driveways, or in motor vehicle parking spaces. They
must be parked so as not to obstruct free passage of
vehicles and pedestrians. The University Police reserve
the right to remove bicycles in violation of this policy
and should such removal be required, the university
shall not be held liable by the student for damage to the
bicycle or the device used to secure it. Roller-blading
and skateboarding are prohibited on all parking areas.
Counseling Services
University Counseling Services, located in
Engleman B 219, provides free, confidential shortterm counseling for enrolled undergraduate students.
Its primary goal is to provide psychological and
emotional support as students pursue their academic,
social, and personal goals and work to enhance the
quality of their experience at SCSU. The office is
staffed by an interdisciplinary team, including
professional counselors, a social worker, a psychiatric
nurse practitioner, a psychologist, and advanced
graduate student interns. Staff are trained to help
college students address barriers to success and
happiness and to build their skills in negotiating and
preparing for life.
Because SCSU is a brief treatment center, students
who would benefit from ongoing or specialized care
may be referred to outside providers. Students
currently in ongoing treatment are strongly
encouraged to stay under the care of their existing
treatment team and discouraged from discontinuing
any form of medication or treatment without direct
consultation with their current mental health providers.
Individual meetings with counselors are by
appointment; however, an on-call counselor is
available 8:30 am–4 pm to address emergency
situations or to provide guidance to faculty, staff,
or students about how to help a distressed student.
Many students choose to address their concerns
by joining the Center’s support and psychotherapy
groups, skill-building workshops, and educational
programming on wellness, stress-management,
and mindfulness. These programs provide interactive opportunities to develop self-awareness,
communication skills, emotional intelligence,
self-motivation, and other life-enhancing skills.
More information and announcements about
current groups and programs can be found at
The SCSU community is committed to wellness and
suicide prevention. If a student knows of another
student who has expressed suicidal thoughts,
intentions, or plans, he or she should contact a
counselor, faculty member, or professional staff
member immediately. The Counseling Center can be
reached at (203) 392-5475 from 8:30–4:30 pm, and
University Police are available at x911 to provide
emergency assistance after business hours.
Emergency Medical Assistance
Emergency medical assistance is initiated with a
call to 911. Emergency personnel will obtain a brief
description of the emergency and send an officer to
the scene. In case of a life-threatening situation (e.g.
apparent heart attack, breathing difficulty, state of
unconsciousness, etc.), emergency personnel will call
simultaneously for an ambulance and arrange for an
escort for the ambulance to the exact campus location.
In all cases, Health Services will be notified of the
action taken.
Fire Evacuation Procedures
To ensure the safety and welfare of the university
community, all persons must evacuate a building
when the fire alarm sounds. When an emergency
evacuation of a building is required, the following
procedures must be followed:
• All persons must evacuate the building to a safe
distance, approximately 300 feet. Those persons
unable to vacate the building for any reason
shall do the following:
1. Notify someone who is leaving the
building or call University Police with their
specific location. Anyone receiving this
information shall ensure that it is passed to
the University Police or responding New
Haven Fire Department and/or Hamden
Fire Department Units, to facilitate search
and rescue, if required.
2. Protect themselves as well as possible. For
example, they should close the door to the
room they are located in, place a coat or
similar material under the door to restrict
the passage of smoke, seek refuge in stair
towers (while not blocking the stairs) or
seek refuge inside another room.
• Persons noticing any dangerous conditions or
problems during evacuation (i.e. persons unable
to evacuate, fire or smoke) must report this
information to responding emergency personnel
or to the University Police Department by means
of an office or interior emergency telephone.
• Faculty, staff and students shall not re-enter the
building until directed to do so by University
Police or Fire Department personnel. The alarms
may be silenced to facilitate communications
with emergency personnel once the building is
essentially evacuated. This is not the signal to
re-enter. Police and Fire Department personnel
will announce when it is safe to re-enter a
Health and Wellness Center
Granoff Student Health and Wellness Center is
located in Granoff Hall on Wintergreen Avenue. The
Center is staffed by a physician, nurse practitioners,
a registered nurse, health educators and support
personnel. The Center provides ambulatory care
services to students by appointment; urgent care is
available on a walk-in basis. With two campuses of
Yale New Haven Hospital in close proximity, referrals
in emergency situations can be done expeditiously.
The Center maintains resources on many topics,
including stress management, life balance, sexual
responsibility, healthy eating and physical activity.
Students desiring guidance in any health problem
should feel free to consult the Health & Wellness staff.
The following services (based on availability) are
provided by the Health & Wellness Center for an
additional fee, and are subject to change without
● Annual Flu shots: $15.00
● Hepatitis B antibody testing: $22.00
● Hepatitis B vaccination: $35.00
● MMR, Meningitis, Tdap, Varicella: $20.00
● Measles antibody testing: $20.00
● Monospot: $5.00
● Mumps antibody testing: $22.00
● Emergency Contraception: $20.00
● Rapid Strep: $10.00
● Rubella antibody testing: $22.00
● Tuberculin skin testing (PPD): $10.00
● Urine pregnancy testing: $5.00
● Varicella antibody testing: $30.00
The Health Center telephone number is
(203) 392-6300. If you are unable to reach a staff
member at this number, please call University Police
at (203) 392-5375 or call 911 in an emergency.
For more information about the Health Center visit
The Wellness Center is a non-judgmental and
confidential place for the Southern community to come
for information, conversation and referrals on topics
related to health and wellness. The Wellness Center
collaborates with other departments on campus and in
the community to provide comprehensive programs
and services for students, faculty and staff. The
Wellness Center maintains resources on many topics,
including stress management, life balance, sexuality,
healthy eating and physical activity.
The Wellness Center is located in Granoff Hall.
For more information call (203) 392-6526, e-mail
[email protected], or visit
Health Immunization Requirements
All full-time undergraduate and matriculated
part-time undergraduate and graduate students
must have properly completed health forms on file
at the Granoff Student Health & Wellness Center
prior to registration.
Connecticut State Statutes require each full-time
student as well as matriculating students to provide
proof of 2 doses of MMR (measles, mumps and
rubella) vaccine. The doses should be separated by at
least 28 days with dose number one given on or after
the first birthday. All incoming freshmen will also be
required to show proof of 2 doses of Varicella
(chicken pox) vaccine. The doses should be separated
by at least 28 days with dose number one given on or
after the first birthday. The only exceptions are the
• Those born before January 1, 1957 for MMR,
and those born in the United State before
January 1, 1980 for Varicella.
• Those with a valid medical exemption signed
by their healthcare provider.
• Those who provide documented laboratory
proof of immunity to Measles, Mumps, Rubella
and Varicella.
• Those who provide a written statement that
immunization is contrary to their
religious beliefs.
• Those with documentation from a physician or
director of health that the student has had a
confirmed case of such disease.
• Students who graduated from a Connecticut
high school in 1999 or later and were not
exempt from MMR vaccinations (does not apply
to varicella requirement).
• Those enrolled in on-line courses only.
Adequate immunization
Measles (Rubeola): one injection at 12 months of
age or older and on or after January 1, 1969, and a
second injection after January 1, 1980. Mumps: one
injection after 12 months of age or older and on or
after January 1, 1969, and a second injection after
January 1, 1980. German Measles (Rubellla): one
injection after 12 months of age. Chicken Pox
(Varicella): proof of two injections: dose number one
on or after 12 months of age and the second dose at
least four weeks apart. Individuals born prior to
January 1, 1980 are exempt from this requirement.
Additional Requirements for On-Campus
Residence Students
Connecticut State Statutes also require all students
living in on-campus housing to be vaccinated against
Meningococcal Meningitis with meningococcal
conjugate vaccine. NEW REQUIREMENT: Students
entering school as of the 2014/2015 academic year,
must have received their Meningitis vaccination
within five years of entering SCSU. The only
exceptions are the following:
• Those with a valid medical exemption signed
by their healthcare provider.
• Those who provide a statement that
immunization is contrary to their religious
Documentation must be submitted to the University
Health Service prior to moving into campus residence
facilities. The university reserves the right to deny
registration and campus housing to any student not in
compliance with the above health requirements.
Questions may be directed to:
Granoff Student Health & Wellness Center
Southern CT State University
Phone: (203) 392-6300; Fax (203) 392-6301
[email protected]
Health Assistance Off-Campus
The Health Center web site maintains a list of
after-hours providers and various off-campus
agencies that are accessible to students by referral.
If any student has a question about a service that
cannot be provided on campus, they are encouraged
to contact a member of the health center staff.
Health and Accident Insurance
Accident insurance is part of the General Fee paid
by all full-time students. Besides accident coverage,
the university also requires a sickness insurance plan
to cover surgical expenses and hospitalization costs.
All full-time students will be automatically enrolled in
and billed for the sickness insurance plan unless they
file a waiver at indicating
equivalent coverage.
Part-time matriculated students taking a minimum
of six credits are also eligible to purchase the
university policy and must do so to participate in
campus clubs/organizations.
Parental Notification Guidelines
Southern Connecticut State University adopted
these parental notification guidelines for
student misconduct in 2000.
• Whereas excessive, abusive, illegal and/or
repetitive use of alcohol and/or drugs is
inconsistent with the educational mission of the
• Whereas unauthorized use and/or possession
of alcohol or drugs generally represent
violations of law for persons under the age
of 21;
• Whereas excessive, abusive, illegal and/or
repetitive use or possession of alcohol and/or
drugs threatens the well-being of persons and
property and tends to diminish students’
prospects for personal and intellectual
development and academic success;
• Whereas student’s parents or guardians are
respected for their roles as partners with
the university in supporting the students’
personal and intellectual development and
academic success;
The Dean of Student Affairs or his designee has
the authority to determine when and by what means
to notify parents or guardians when students under the
age of 21 are found to have committed serious or
repeated violations of university policies related to the
possession, use or distribution of alcohol or drugs.
Notification of parents is indicated when the
following conditions occur:
1. The violation involved harm or threat of harm
to persons or property.
2. The violation involved an arrest in which
the student was taken into custody.
3. The violation resulted in or could result in the
student being suspended from the university
and/or dismissed from the residence halls.
4. The student has shown a pattern of violations,
even if the student is not a minor. Two or more
violations associated with drug or alcohol use
would be reasonable cause for notice.
5. The student who committed the violation
became physically ill and/or required medical
intervention as a result of consumption of
alcohol or drugs.
Furthermore, Nothing in these guidelines shall
prevent university officials from notifying parents or
guardians of health or safety emergencies, regardless
of the judicial status of the student.
Nothing in these guidelines should preclude the
university from notifying parents or guardians when
students under the age of 21 are involved in a group
activity off campus in which the student’s organization
is found to have violated university policy with respect
to the use and/or consumption of alcohol or drugs.
The Dean of Student Affairs may delegate the
notification of parents to other officials under the
Dean’s supervision.
Whenever possible, students will be informed that
parental notification will take place prior to their
parents’ receiving notice.
Safety Procedures For Students With Severe
Medical/Emotional Problems
If, due to severe medical or emotional problems, a
student: engages or threatens to engage in behavior
that poses a danger of causing physical harm to
others, then the following procedures will
be implemented:
1. University Police are to be contacted
immediately. An officer will be dispatched
immediately to the scene. If the officer
determines that further action is needed,
University Police will contact the ambulance
service and the student will be transported to
the hospital by ambulance to be evaluated.
2. The Dean of Student Affairs or their designee
shall notify the parent(s) of students, the spouse
or other close relative. The Dean will inform the
appropriate party that they must take custody of
the student and will describe the procedure
needed to gain re-entry into the university
and/or university housing.
3. If the Dean of Student Affairs determines that
the student poses a threat to others, an interim
administrative withdrawal will be imposed.
A student subject to an interim withdrawal will
be notified and will not be permitted to return to
the university without a written evaluation by a
4. Based on this written evaluation, the Dean will,
in consultation with appropriate staff, determine
whether the student may:
a. return to the university and/or
university housing;
b. return to the university and/or
university housing under certain
prescribed conditions;
c. be withdrawn from the university
and/or university housing.
Indoor Safety
The university is committed to providing a safe
learning and working environment. Ball playing and
the use of skateboards, roller skates, roller blades,
bicycles and other recreational items are prohibited
inside all buildings. Individuals using wheelchairs or
similar mechanical devices must be mindful of the
speed at which they travel through hallways.
Pets On Campus
For reasons of health, sanitation and pest control,
no companion animals or other animals are permitted
on campus. The only exception to this policy will be
assistance animals with prior approval, and therapy
pets with the approval of the Dean of Students office.
Fish and limited aquatic animals are permitted with
an aquarium agreement on file in advance.
Search And Seizure Policy
Southern Connecticut State University, as a state
institution of higher education, recognizes
a need for balance between its right to maintain an
orderly educational environment and its students’
constitutional right to privacy.
The Search and Seizure Policy is designed to
reflect the principle of due process and fairness found
in the Constitution of the United States and criminal
law; it complements the university’s health and safety
searches provided for in the Guide to On-Campus
Housing, and it reflects the university’s concern for
protection of the rights of all members of the
academic community.
The following procedure will be followed:
A. All residence hall room searches, except those
conducted by law enforcement officers, must be
authorized by the President. If such a search is
deemed necessary by the Dean of Student
Affairs, they will request authorization from the
President. This written request must specify the
applicant(s) requesting the search, date, the
reason for the search; the material to be seized;
the room(s) to be searched; the name(s) of the
occupant(s) and the names of the person(s)
other than the occupant(s) of the room who will
be present during the search.
B. A room may be searched only if there is
probable cause to believe that a student is using
their room in violation of federal, state or local
laws or university regulations. Probable cause
is defined as facts and/or circumstances
sufficiently strong to warrant a prudent person
to believe beyond mere suspicion that the
room is being used for such a purpose.
C. If the President thinks such probable cause
exists, they will authorize in writing an
administrative search warrant specifying the
room(s) to be searched, its occupant(s), and
the material to be seized and those authorized
to conduct the search.
D. In conducting a search, every reasonable effort
shall be made to have the occupant(s) of the
room present. If present, the occupant(s) shall
1. given the reason for the search and the
material to be seized;
2. presented a copy of the administrative
search warrant; and
3. informed that any material found may be
used both in a university judicial hearing
and in a court of law.
If the occupant(s) is not present, the search
may be conducted and the occupant(s) shall be
notified of the search and the outcome.
E. All room searches will be conducted by a
professional member of the Student Affairs staff
who will serve as a witness of the procedures
followed and will make a record of the items
located and confiscated during the search.
F. The search will be conducted, when possible,
in the presence of:
1. the Residence Hall Director;
2. the Student Government Association
President or, in their absence, any officer
of the executive board;
3. the Resident Advisor of the floor,
if available, or any other Resident
Advisor of the hall.
G. Should the search for specified material
uncover other material indicating illegal activity
or violation of university regulations, it also will
be seized. All illegal items obtained during the
search will be turned over immediately to the
University Police.
H. Search and seizure for purposes related to
suspected violation of civil or criminal law of
the state may be deferred to the University
Police or to the civil authorities. Such authorities
have the right to search the premises and
possessions of any student by following the
ordinary procedures and requirements for
lawful search. Any information discovered
through such a search may be used as evidence
in any civil or criminal proceedings and by
university officials when violations of the
Student Code of Conduct occur.
Smoking Policy: SCSU Tobacco-Free Campus
Effective August 25, 2015 smoking and tobacco
use are prohibited in all facilities and areas of the
Southern Connecticut State University campus with no
exception. This includes, but is not limited to all indoor
and outdoor areas and properties. Indoor areas and
properties include, but are not limited to: all common
areas, classrooms, residence halls, elevators, hallways,
university-owned or -leased vehicles, garages, restrooms,
dining areas, employee lounges, conference and
meeting rooms, and all other enclosed areas on the
campus. Outdoor areas include, but are not limited to:
parking lots, grounds, courtyards, entrance and exit
ways, and any other areas of the university campus.
This policy applies to any individual on campus
property, including but not limited to: students, faculty,
staff, other employees, contractors, subcontractors,
volunteers, visitors, and members of the public, and is
applicable twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days
a week. The entire Tobacco-Free Policy Statement can be
located at
Student Center Regulations
Willful or careless damage to the Michael J.
Adanti Student Center property or equipment shall
necessitate replacement by the responsible group or
individual. Furniture and equipment are not to be
removed from the building or from room to room
without prior approval in writing from the Student
Center Office. Lounge furniture is not to be removed,
rearranged or defaced. Meetings held in the center
are to adjourn at least 15 minutes before the
scheduled building closing time, unless approval for
extended hours has been secured in advance from
the Director of the Student Center.
Health and Sanitation
Everyone must wear shirts and shoes in the Student
Center. No animals are permitted in the Student Center.
Student Dress
Students are expected to dress in good taste and
in appropriate attire for classroom and campus
activities. Bare feet are not acceptable in academic or
food service buildings on campus
Shuttle Bus Service
The university provides shuttle bus service
contracted by First Transit Group Sunday through
Thursday 7:30 a.m. until 11:00 p.m. and Fridays
7:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. All shuttles are fully airconditioned and will pick up and drop off passengers
at the designated bus shelters located in lot # 1 near
Davis Hall, the Main Faculty and Staff lot at Morrill
Hall, at the Adanti Student Center, at lots #8 and 9 on
Farnham Avenue, at North Campus and in front of
Hickerson Hall. All the shuttles are handicapped
accessible and equipped with a lift gate and tie downs
to accommodate wheelchairs and motor scooters.
Students who require this service must register through
Disability Resource Center and must provide a valid
doctor’s note to use this service. Once registered,
students requiring this service should call First Transit
at (203) 281-5470 at least 20 minutes prior to
Weekday shuttle services to and from New
Haven’s Union Station run Monday through Thursday
from 7:15 a.m. until 9:00 p.m., and Fridays from
7:15 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. After 11:00 p.m. on
Sunday through Thursday, a student may utilize the
Late Night Owl Service, which provides walking
escorts to students and staff. The number to call for
the Late Night Owl Service is (203) 392-6367.
There is also weekend shuttle bus service for
residential students. There are two routes, one to
Hamden Plaza, downtown New Haven and Union
Station and the other route to Westfield Mall in
Milford, CT. The pick-up location is at the shuttle bus
stop outside of Hickerson Hall. This service is from
1:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday, with
the route being repeated every hour on the hour with
the last departure from Hickerson Hall at 8:00 p.m.
First Transit also provides shuttle dispatcher
services from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Monday –
Thursday, and Friday, from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Students should call (203) 281-5470 for shuttle
questions or concerns during these times.
For the shuttle schedule please visit
Traffic and Parking Regulations
Providing adequate parking facilities and the
proper supervision of campus traffic is a major
problem on university campuses throughout the United
States. This is especially true at institutions like
Southern Connecticut State University, where a large
part of the student body commutes daily.
To protect students and visitors to the university
from automobile accidents, as well as
to provide security for motor vehicles parked on
campus, the following rules and regulations must be
observed. Failure to comply may lead to the issuance
of a university parking ticket and/or a State motor
vehicle infraction, the towing of the vehicle at the
owner’s expense and when warranted, disciplinary
action by the university.
The university reserves the right to tow or impound
any vehicle that is illegally parked or parked in a way
that constitutes a serious hazard, impedes vehicle or
pedestrian movements, or impairs the operation of
emergency equipment and/or the making of repairs.
Owners will be required to pay all costs involved in
removing and impounding vehicles.
In a spirit of cooperation with the New Haven and
Hamden communities, students are asked not to park
their vehicles on city streets in residential areas
adjacent to the campus.
Vehicle Registration
1. All vehicles operated or parked on campus at any
time must be properly registered by the Department of Motor Vehicles in the state in which the license plate is issued. All vehicles operated or
parked on campus at any time must properly display a Southern parking decal. Vehicle owners and
operators must register their vehicles at the University Police Department. Only one decal per person
will be issued.
2. Persons seeking a decal must present, at the
time of application, a current, valid student I.D.
and operator’s license, and a current, valid
vehicle registration. Students must also present
their class schedule as proof of their registration.
3. Any false or incorrect information given at the
time of registration will automatically render the
decal void.
4. The registration for student vehicles is complete
only after the decal is permanently affixed
inside the driver’s side of the front windshield.
5. A parking decal is no guarantee of a parking
space. Each vehicle operator is responsible for
finding a legal parking space. Lack of space is
not a valid excuse for violating any parking
6. Decals must be removed from vehicles that are
being sold or no longer used on the campus.
Outdated parking decals should be removed
when a new decal is issued. A remover tool is
available at the University Police Department.
Any transfer, exchange, sale, misuse, or
reproduction of a decal is unauthorized. All
violators will have their decals removed and
their vehicles towed at their own expense.
7. A special parking permit for students who have
temporary disabilities is available from the
University Police Department. The applicant
must first provide a written verification of
disability status to the university physician in the
Student Health Center, who will determine the
extent of the disability and the expected period
of disability. Faculty and staff who have a
temporary disability must notify Human
Resources, and parking will be arranged as
8. If you drive a vehicle without a decal you must
obtain a day pass at University Police before
attempting to enter a restricted area.
1. Residence hall and commuter students
must park their vehicles only in designated
lots. All student-parking areas are designated for specific groups indicated below.
Only vehicles with appropriate decals are
permitted in these areas.
a. Residence Hall Students: Lots #4, #4A, #6,
and the resident garage. Lots #10 and
#11 are available to Schwartz Hall
residents. North Campus parking is
located at 180 Pine Rock Avenue and can
accommodate vehicles with North Campus
decals on a first-come first-served basis.
All resident overflow parking is allowed in
the West Campus Garage and the
Wintergreen Avenue Garage. All parking
decals are issued on a first-come firstserve basis. All visitors must have a visitor
or overnight parking pass. All visitors with
an overnight parking pass must park in
the dogleg area of Lot #9 or Wintergreen
Avenue Garage.
b. Commuter Students: Lots #3, 8 and 9 on
Farnham Avenue, and the second, third
and fourth floors of the Fitch Street
Garage, and all levels of the Wintergreen
Avenue Garage and the West Campus
Garage. The University Police Department
issues decals to all commuting students.
Decals must be affixed to the windshield
on the driver’s side. The first floor of the
Fitch Street Garage located on Lot #1
will be reserved for faculty, staff and
handicapped parking. No vans will
be permitted above the first level. The
remaining upper levels will be accessible
to all students on a first-come basis.
2. No students will be allowed to park in
faculty/staff areas.
3. Faculty, staff and special decal holders must
park their vehicles in Lots #1, the main
faculty/staff lot (EN), #5 or #12.
4. Graduate students may park in Lot #5 and #12
between 4:30 p.m. and 11:00 p.m.
Graduate students may park in the upper levels
of the Fitch Street Parking Garage and
lot # 1 the surface lot in front of Davis Hall
all day. The Wintergreen Garage is also
available all day for graduate students.
Graduate students are prohibited from using
parking facilities behind Davis Hall (lower
5. A speed limit of 10 miles per hour will be
enforced on all campus roadways, parking lots
and garages.
6. Pedestrians must use crosswalks and
sidewalks at all times. Pedestrians should not
walk in parking lots unless they are going to
their vehicles.
a. Vehicles must yield to pedestrians in all
7. The approved areas for picking up or
discharging passengers are the roadway and
turnaround area leading to Engleman Hall off
Crescent Street and the Main Lot on Fitch
Street by the Guard Booth. When picking up
passengers drivers must remain with their
8. Drivers who need to pick up or deliver heavy
educational materials at Earl Hall may park
at the rear of the building for a maximum of
15 minutes.
9. Motorcycles must be parked in parking areas
designated “Motorcycle Parking.”
10. Students are responsible for informing their
guests of university parking regulations.
11. The university reserves the right to close
temporarily a parking area for repairs or for
special events.
12. No vehicles are to be parked on the campus
between the hours of 11:00 pm and 7:00 am
unless prior arrangements are made with the
University Police Department or have an
overnight parking pass issued by the
Residence Life staff. Faculty, staff and nonresidence hall students who wish to leave their
vehicles on campus overnight while they
attend a conference or participate in a
university-sponsored trip must park their
vehicles in the Fitch Street and Wintergreen
Avenue garages and also give their license
plate number to university police.
13. Neither the university nor any of its employees
assumes responsibility or liability for loss from
theft or damage to cars parked in university
parking lots.
14. Vehicles violating the following regulations will
be issued a university parking ticket
and/or a State motor vehicle infraction and
towed at the owners’ expense:
• Parking in a designated handicapped
parking space without displaying a valid
Department of Motor Vehicle
(Handicapped) permit
• Parking within 10 feet of a hydrant
• Disobeying a University Police Officer’s
• Connecticut Motor Vehicle Laws
Fines are as follows for parking in:
• Faculty/Staff space: $25.00
• Reserved space: $25.00
• Restricted space: $25.00
• Grassed Areas: $25.00
• Fire Lane: $50.00
• Handicapped space: $100.00
• Driveway: $25.00
• Sidewalk: $25.00
• Failure to Display Current Decal: $15.00
• Impeding Maintenance Operations:
• Outside of Stall Lines: $25.00
• Snow Ban: $25.00
1. Southern Police will monitor the parking areas
and enforce the above regulations.
University fines for traffic and parking
violations are $25 and fines for parking in
fire lanes $50 and in areas designated by
the state of Connecticut for people with
disabilities are $100 for each infraction.
Failure to display current decal is $15.
2. Fines must be paid at the Bursar’s Office in the
Wintergreen Building within 14 days of the
date the ticket was issued. Checks must be
made payable to Southern Connecticut State
University. Failure to make payment within the
required time will result in the doubling of
the fine. Also, a hold will be placed on a
student’s record who fails to pay the
amount owed.
3. A portion of the fines collected for the violation
of campus parking and traffic regulations
are placed in a scholarship fund to assist
students at the university and for traffic
enforcement supplies and equipment.
Traffic And Parking Appeals Committee
The Traffic and Parking Appeals Committee hears
appeals of penalties assessed for parking or traffic
violations. Anyone may appeal a university parking
ticket within 14 calendar days of the date of issuance
by completing an appeal form. Filing the appeal form
will suspend the penalty until disposition of the appeal
is made by the committee. Following its decision, the
committee will notify both the appellant and the
University Police Department in writing of its decision.
The appeal form is available at the University
Police Department or on-line at
University Police
• Routine on-campus: x25375
• Routine off-campus: (203) 392-5375
• Emergency, on-campus: 911
The University Police Department, open 24 hours a
day, is located in Granoff Hall. Police officers are
responsible for the safety and protection of the
campus and its personnel, as well as for enforcing
parking regulations and conducting investigations.
Students should promptly report thefts or other
incidents on campus directly to the University Police
Department. The department provides lost and found
services for the entire campus.
All University Police officers are state certified. All
officers are trained and have the same authority as
members of a municipal police department. The
department also has male and female officers trained
to handle cases of sexual assault.
Blue emergency lights are strategically located
throughout the university parking lots and mounted on
buildings. By pressing the button, you will automatically
dial University Police. Silver wall-mounted telephones
are strategically located inside buildings. Picking up
the receiver connects you automatically to University
Police. If the telephone is not a direct dial telephone,
University Police can be contacted at x25375.
The University Police Department offers many
programs on crime prevention throughout the year.
Students are invited to stop by the department or call
(203) 392-5375 for more information.
Walking Escort Service
The University Police Department provides 24-hour
walking escort service to accompany students, faculty
and staff to parking lots, residence halls, and other
on-campus locations. Call (203) 392-5375 from any
telephone or x25375 from telephones on campus.
After 11:00 p.m. on Sunday through Thursday, a
student may utilize the Late Night Owl Service, which
provides walking escorts to students and staff. The
number to call for the Late Night Owl Service is (203)
Weather-Related Closing Of The University
On days when snow and ice are threatening, the
best way to check if there will be a delayed opening,
if classes will be canceled or if the university will be
closed is to check your Southern email or the
university Home Page –
Announcements are also posted on the University’s
Facebook page; on the WeatherChek line (203) 392SNOW (7669) and via email or text message through
the SouthernAlert emergency communication system.
(To sign up for SouthernAlert, visit
student-life/safety/southernalert.html. Weatherrelated delays or closings will be normally be made
by the following times:
• Morning classes by 6 a.m.
• Early Afternoon classes by 10 a.m.
• Late Afternoon and Evening classes by 2 p.m.
Wellness Center
See Health and Wellness Center, Page 48
Women’s Center
The Women’s Center is a place for women and
men to gather together to explore and celebrate the
richness and diversity of their lives. The center
provides information, educational programming,
training, referrals, advocacy, and services to foster
education, safety, and equity on issues related to
feminism, women, men, and gender.
The center organizes events of interest to women
and men such as discussion groups, a speaker series,
workshops, conferences, festivals, and films. The
center also maintains a resource room with
information on sexual assault, dating violence,
domestic violence, healthy relationships, sexual
harassment, stalking, body image, eating disorders,
and women’s health. The Coordinator of the Women’s
Center is the University’s Sexual Assault Response
Team (S.A.R.T.) Coordinator and also provides
advocacy for victims in cases of sexual misconduct.
The Women’s Center is located in Schwartz Hall.
For more information, call (203) 392-6946 or visit
Please note: Although the university also uses
radio stations and television to issue weather-closing
announcements, there is sometimes a delay before
these reports are aired.
Important information regarding computers
and computer usage at Southern Connecticut State
University is outlined in this section of the Student
Handbook, including policies governing the student
use of university computers, systems, and networks.
Information Technology – Support Services (IT)
The Information Technology Department (IT)
supports all computing related to Southern
coursework. The administrative offices are located in
Office Building 1 with the primary computer labs
operating in both Buley Library, and Jennings Hall.
The equipment consists of up-to-date PC and
Macintosh computers loaded with current versions of
popular software, as well as software required for
coursework. A Hoot Loot card is required for printing
in any of the labs. Black-and-white and color printing
is available for a fee., with payment via Hoot Loot
card only. Students will need their network ID
username and password to access this equipment,
university e-mail, and campus portal services. If you
do not know your ID and password, or they need to
be changed, please bring your student ID to the Help
Desk in either Buley Library or Office Building # 1 or
contact the Help Desk at (203) 392-5123. The staffed
hours of operation during the regular semester for
Buley Library are Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m.
to 9 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.; and Saturday,
9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The labs are open additional hours
without staff. For more information, please contact
Director John Young at (203) 392-6279.
Student Software Ownership
and Software Developments
It is the policy of the state system of higher
education that the end product of any work done by
a student from any of the state’s public colleges or
universities to convert, modify, or update state-owned
software shall be owned by the state. If a student
from any college or university receives monetary
remuneration from the state for creating software,
including source code and/or documentation, it shall
belong to the state. Software belongs to the student
but shall be licensed gratis to the state for use/or
modification under the following conditions: (a) the
state, at the inception of the project, informs the
student in writing of the state’s intention to sue the
software; and/or (b) the student uses state computer
resources to create software. The state shall not have
any other rights to such software. Any software
developed by a student, unless it is 1.) covered under
policy statements above or 2.) produced under the
provisions of a grant or an agreement with an outside
funding agent, is owned by the student.
Student Use of Computer Systems
and Networks
A. Policy Statement
University computer systems and networks are
provided for student use as a part of the university
academic program. Students are encouraged to
become proficient in the use of computers as a means
of enhancing their educational experience. However,
widespread student use also necessitates certain rules
of computer conduct. Computer misconduct can result
in restrictions on a revocation of computer access
University computer systems and networks
constitute an expensive and valuable resource. The
capacity of this resource to fulfill all the legitimate
academic and administrative needs of students, faculty
and staff is limited. Student users have a responsibility
to use university computer resources in an efficient,
ethical and lawful manner.
The university has a right and a duty to protect
computer resources and to restrict student access to
uses that are related to the students’ academic
programs as well as reasonably limited in time. The
university reserves the right to define unauthorized
student uses.
The Chief Information Officer or their designee(s)
at each university in the Connecticut State University
System and at the System Office may monitor student
user accounts, files and/or login sessions for
appropriate management purposes. Such purposes
include, but are not limited to, performing archival
and recovery procedures, evaluating system
performance, and ensuring system integrity and
Upon identifying a violation of this policy that
constitutes an immediate, clear danger to the
university’s computer systems or networks, the
university or the System Office may immediately limit
or suspend a student’s access to university computer
resources with immediate notification of charges and
actions to the appropriate Chief Student Affairs
Administrator of their designee(s). This emergency
suspension of computer use will then follow the student
judicial procedures for “Interim Suspension”, as
provided in the Student Code of Conduct.
Violations of university computer policy that do not
constitute an immediate, clear danger to the university
computer systems or networks will be referred to the
regular student disciplinary process.
B. Student Offenses
The following offenses are included in the Student
Code of Conduct found in the Connecticut State
University Student Rights and Responsibilities and
Judicial Procedures Document:
The unauthorized use of university computers
and/or peripheral systems and networks;
unauthorized access to university computer programs
or files; unauthorized alteration or duplication of
university computer programs or files; any deliberate
action to disrupt the operation of university computer
systems that serve other members of the university
community, including all networks to which university
computers are connected; use of university computer
systems and networks for committing crimes, violating
civil laws or violating university rules.
The following are uses of university computer
systems and networks that are not authorized. This list
includes but is not limited to the following:
1. Computer games that are not assigned
course work.
2. Development or transmitting of chain letters.
3. Sharing one’s own computer account with
others or using another person’s accounts.
4. The entering or transmitting of obscene
5. The entering or transmitting of commercial
advertisements or solicitations.
6. The entering or transmitting of political
campaign material relating to elections to be
held outside the university.
7. Sexual harassment or other forms of
harassment aimed at others or otherwise
threatening others.
8. Violation of copyright laws or using copying
software in ways that violate the terms of the
9. Entering or transmitting computer viruses or
any form of intentionally destructive programs.
10. Intentional disruption of network services.
11. Connecting any device to the network without
12. Copying, modifying, replacing or deleting any
other user’s account or any software used for
system management.
13. Harming university computer equipment.
14. Uses that violate rules developed at each
university that are necessitated by facilities
limitations or other circumstances unique to
each university.
Students are encouraged to become engaged in
campus life, both inside and outside the classroom,
to make the most of their college experience. The
University offers many opportunities for students to
become actively involved in the life of the campus.
Look here for information on the polices, regulations
and procedures that govern student clubs and
organizations, events that take place on campus and
official university sponsored events at off-campus
locations. The university’s student clubs and
organizations and the student councils and governing
organizations are described here, as well.
Academic Clubs
Many organizations have grown from the natural
interest of students majoring in a variety of disciplines.
Although these students have given the groups
impetus, the clubs are open to all interested
undergraduate students. Depending on the nature of
the organization, the activities often extend beyond
the classroom to include films, field trips, workshops
and speakers.
The following subject-oriented organizations are
currently available to students interested in specialized
academic areas:
• Accounting Society
• American Marketing Association (SC-AMA)
• Anthropology Club
• Biology Club
• Bio-Technology Club
• Bookmarks English Club
• Botany Club
• Chemistry Club
• Computer Club
• Earth Science Club
• Exercise Physiology Club
• Financial Management Association
• Forensic Society
• French Club
• Geography Club
• History Club
• Mathematics Club
• Media Studies Club
• National Student Nurses Association
• Philosophy Club
• Physical Education Club
• Physics Club
• Pre-Health Professional Society
• Pre-Law Society
• Psychology Club
• Public Health Society
• Recreation and Leisure Club
• Social Welfare Organization
• Society of Professional Journalists
• Sociology Club
• Southern Future Teacher’s Organization
• Spanish Club
• Sports Medicine Club
• Student Arts League
For more information about any of these
organizations, contact the Office of Student Life,
Adanti Student Center, Room 212.
Accessibility To Campus Sponsored Events
Consistent with the requirements of Section 504 of
the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with
Disabilities Act, Southern Connecticut State University
is firmly committed to ensuring that persons with
disabilities, including students, faculty, staff and the
general public, have access to university-sponsored
meetings, seminars, workshops, conferences,
programs and activities on-or-off campus. All
registration materials and flyers announcing events
should state that the event is accessible to people with
disabilities. It is suggested that you ask participants
to request accommodations or to identify their needs
well in advance of the event so that you can arrange
for services to meet their needs. If no request has been
made, you are not required to provide disabilityrelated accommodations. (For example, if no advance
request is received for accessible transportation or a
sign-language interpreter, you do not have to provide
this service.) You must, however, provide physical
access to your event or activity, ensuring that
individuals with mobility impairments can attend.
The authorized representative of the sponsoring
organization or department shall be responsible for
implementing this policy and arranging for other
requested accommodations.
The Disability Resource Center will coordinate the
provision of sign language interpreters. To ensure the
availability of interpreters, you must contact the DRC
at (203) 392-6828 no less than two weeks in advance
of your event. All registration materials and program
notices shall provide space for registrants to indicate
whether they have disability-related needs and require
reasonable accommodations, as well as the name
and phone number of the contact person for your
Sample of the kind of notice that should be placed
on every flyer:
A sponsored event: This event is wheelchair
accessible. Individuals needing sign-language
interpreters, large print or Braille material or any
other accommodation should contact (the contact
person for your organization and phone number)
as early as possible.
A sponsored trip: To arrange for accessible
transportation, please contact (the contact person for
your organization and phone number) as early as
Questions concerning the university’s policy should
be directed to:
Office of Diversity and Equity Programs
(203) 392-5899 (TDD service available)
A member of the National Collegiate Athletic
Association’s Division II, Southern recognizes
the value of competition in individual and team
sports and maintains a comprehensive program
of intercollegiate athletics for men and women.
Intercollegiate teams for men include football,
soccer, cross country, basketball, swimming and
diving, baseball and track and field. Women’s
intercollegiate athletic teams include field hockey,
volleyball, cross country, basketball, gymnastics,
swimming and diving, softball, track and field,
soccer and lacrosse.
An incoming first-year student with no previous
college attendance must be certified as eligible to
compete by the NCAA Eligibility Center. Once
accepted, a student-athlete must be enrolled full-time
in a minimum of 12 semester hours to be eligible to
practice and compete during that semester. Each fall
after the initial year of enrollment, the student must
maintain satisfactory academic progress toward a
degree. This includes, but is not limited to, satisfactory
completion of 24 semester hours of acceptable degree
credits since the previous fall or an average of 12
credits for each semester of full-time enrollment, and
the maintaining of good academic standing, with a
corresponding GPA.
Club Sports
Club sports operate through Campus Recreation,
ASC Room 231. Club sports allow students to
participate in intercollegiate competition without the
demands of playing on the varsity level. Clubs
compete with other schools, and many are part of a
collegiate league of play. Each club was created in
response to student interest and is run by students.
Southern offers the following club sports:
• Cheerleading Team
• Colorguard
• Dance Team
• Drumline Drill Team
• Golf Club
• Ice Hockey Club
• Karate Club
• Men’s Lacrosse Team
• Men’s Rugby Club
• Steppin’ Up Drill Team
• Symphonic Pulse Dance Company
• Taekwondo
• Ultimate Frisbee Club
• Volleyball Club
• Women’s Rugby Club
You must be a full-time student to participate
in club sports.
Councils And Governing Organizations
Student Government Association
The Student Government Association (SGA) is
the primary organization of student governance on
Southern’s campus. Voting membership is comprised
of 25 full-time students who are elected by the student
body. Student Government serves as the voice of the
student body. SGA also lobbies and advocates on
behalf of the students, ensuring that their experience
is preserved and protected.
Members of the SGA play vital roles on numerous
campus committees and have representation on
search committees for executive level administrative
positions within the university. In addition, SGA
provides support and structure for five major campus
commissions: service, commuters, leadership, spirit,
and programming.
For more information on how to get involved or
to speak to someone about your interests or concerns,
or for a copy of the Student Government Association
Constitution, please contact SGA, located in the
Adanti Student Center, Room 218 at (203) 392-6937
or via e-mail at [email protected].
Residence Hall Association
The Residence Hall Association (RHA) is comprised
of representatives from each of the nine residential
communities who meet weekly to discuss funding,
programming, and hall governance. RHA also
supports the University’s social and educational
programming initiatives for residential students.
Hall Councils are established in each respective
hall community to approve funding from social fees, to
plan programs for their community, and to address
student concerns. All students residing in a particular
community are a part of that hall council.
Programs Council
Programs Council (ProCon) is responsible for
student programming initiatives. ProCon coordinates
and schedules concerts, films, lectures, coffee houses,
exhibits, special events and late night programs.
Committee membership is open to any student who
student organizations. Failure of a student organization to adhere to these policies shall result in the
cancellation and/or limitation of the event. The Vice
President for Student and University Affairs must
approve any exception to these policies in writing no
less than two weeks before the event.
wants to become involved in co-curricular program
Greek Life Council
The Greek Life Council, composed of two members
from each fraternity and sorority, is the governing
body for all social Greek-lettered fraternities and
sororities on campus. The council recommends
policies to the university, coordinates university and
community service projects and sponsors campuswide Greek events such as Recruitment and Greek
Class Governments
Each class elects its own leadership, consisting of
the president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and
five class representatives. Class committees, appointed
by the officers, coordinate social and programming
activities for their respective class.
Events By Recognized Student Organizations
The purpose of this policy is to reaffirm and
establish procedures related to events sponsored
either on-or-off campus by officially recognized
I. Contracts for Services
A. A contract is defined as any oral or written
agreement between two or more parties where
payment or goods are made for services
B. Students and/or advisers are not permitted to
sign or agree to contracts for any services or
C. Any officially recognized student organization
that wishes to sponsor an off-campus event
must obtain a written contract from the
management of the facility. The contract, which
shall be reviewed and signed by the Vice
President of Student Affairs, must stipulate all of
the conditions under which the facility will be
used (e.g., liability, beginning and ending time
of the event, security and control, exclusivity of
usage, maximum occupancy, controlled access
to alcoholic beverages, cancellation and
penalties, billing arrangements, etc.).
D. The university will not be liable for any contract
signed by a student(s), adviser, or any other
person besides the Vice President of Student
Affairs and/or their designee.
II. Reservation Procedures for On-Campus Facilities
A request for use of University facilities must be
made through the Facility Administrator:
• Connecticut Hall or Adanti Student Center
– Eric Simms, Associate Director of the Adanti
Student Center, [email protected],
25503, ASC 325 D
– Janet Klicsu, Assistant Director of the Adanti
Student Center, [email protected],
25513, ASC 325 C
• Lyman Center for the Performing Arts
– David Starkey, Associate Director of Lyman
Center, [email protected],
26163, LY 121
• Moore Fieldhouse, Pelz Gymnasium, Athletic
Fields, Jess Dow Stadium and Tennis Courts
– Anthony Aceto, Coordinator of Athletic
Facilities, [email protected],
26003, MFH 211
• University Residence Halls and the Residence Hall
– Robert De Mezzo, Director of Housing and
Residence Life Services
[email protected],
25886, SZ 100 C
• All Other Facilities and Campus Grounds
– Janet Klicsu, [email protected],
25513, ASC 325 C
• All Academic Buildings
– Arlene Lucibello,
Lyman Center Scheduling Office
[email protected], 26165, LY 116
Room requests can also be made by
downloading the form at
Search “Facilities Usage Form.”
III. Planning Off-Campus Events
A. Student organizations that intend to sponsor an
off-campus event must complete a Facilities
Usage Form and may have to complete a Travel
Authorization Form. These forms can be
obtained in the Office of Student Life, Adanti
Student Center, Room 212. Forms must be
signed by the faculty adviser, organization
president, and all appropriate authorities,
including the adviser’s immediate supervisor if
needed, and returned
to the Office of Student Life, together with the
proposed contract and, if applicable, an
Alcohol Policy Addendum for review and
B. If a student organization wishes to use Student
Affairs’ vans, a Van Reservation Request must
be filed electronically. Southern faculty, staff,
graduate interns or students who have
completed the Driver Safety Program and
are cleared by DAS may serve as drivers.
Maximum occupancy for each van is
10 passengers.
IV. General Policies for Events
A. Attendance shall be limited to the capacity of
the facility.
B. For events held both on-and-off campus, the
faculty adviser shall ensure that student ID cards
are checked prior to admission. For events open
to guests of SCSU students, all escorted guests
(non-Southern students) may be required to
present identification and list their names and
addresses together with the names of their
hosts, prior to admission. Students and guests
may be required to have their hands stamped
or wear plastic wrist bracelets. The university
reserves the right to limit the number of escorted
guests. Consistent with university policy,
university students are responsible for the
actions of their guests.
C. The faculty adviser is responsible for being
in attendance from the start of the event to
its conclusion as deemed by the Office of
Student Life.
D. The admission and readmission cut-off time is
normally 11:00 p.m. for any evening campus
event. Exceptions to this policy must be
approved by the Office of Student Life and
published prior to the start of the event.
E. Individuals who have been denied admission or
readmission will not be permitted to congregate
outside a campus event.
F. The University Police shall have the authority
to monitor and to terminate an event in the
interest of personal safety and the protection of
university property. It shall be the duty of those
responsible for the event to cooperate with
and assist the University Police and/or other
university officials if the event has to be closed.
Similarly, the faculty adviser has the authority
and responsibility to terminate any off-campus
event for reasons of safety or where, in their
judgment, the management of the facility has
failed to fulfill the conditions of the contract.
G. Events held both on-and-off campus shall
not go beyond 1:00 a.m. The faculty advisor
and the officers of the student organization
are responsible for ensuring that all persons
leave the contracted facility at the conclusion
of the event.
H. If the student organization wishes to have
alcoholic beverages available at an event, the
Alcohol Policy Addendum should be attached to
the Facilities Usage Form.
I. The Facilities Usage Form becomes official when
the signed copy of the form is received by the
faculty advisor.
J. Any event involving the raising of funds by
a student organization must receive prior
approval in writing from the Office of Student
Life, ASC, Room 212. Fund raising forms must
be filed online. (See Fund-Raising Activities.)
K. Student organizations shall be responsible for
the cost of repairing any damage to a facility
incurred during an event and repairing or
replacing any equipment damaged during
an event.
L. Within three class days following the event, the
student organization is responsible for providing
the Office of Student Life with an accounting of
money collected and the number of tickets
sold/unsold. All money must be deposited in the
organization’s account within 24 hours (one
business day) after the collection of the funds.
The organization must also ensure that prompt
payment of all costs related to the event occurs.
M. All security arrangements will be made through
the Facilities Usage Committee and University
Fundraising Activities
All activities involving the collection of money by
recognized organizations are defined as fundraising
activities. Fundraising activities include the selling of
printed materials, political materials, student-produced
goods, and student-provided services; the selling of
tickets and/or the charging of admission to public
activities or events; the soliciting of voluntary
contributions; the collection of dues and the selling
of other goods and services. Recognized student
organizations wishing to conduct a fundraising
activity must file an online application for approval
by the Office of Student Life.
The following procedures and policies apply to
all fundraising activities:
A. Procedures
1. Application forms for approval to conduct
fundraising activities are available online at and must be filled out
in their entirety, at least 15 days prior to the
proposed fund raising activity.
2. To reserve space or to register an off-campus
activity, the appropriate facility usage form or
Student Center Online Reservation form must
be filled out and submitted.
3. Organizations are not encouraged to accept
personal checks as payment for goods and
services. The sponsoring organizations will
assume full responsibility if a loss is incurred
due to checks being returned to the university
for insufficient funds. Checks must be made
out to SCSU.
4. No expenditures are to be made from cash
collected. All money collected through the
fund-raising activity must be deposited in the
organization’s account, located in the Bursar’s
office, by the next business day.
5. A completed financial report and a copy of the
deposit receipt must be filed with the Office of
Student Life within three class days following the
fundraising activity, indicating the amount of
money collected and deposited and the number
of tickets sold/unsold. Financial reports can be
found at
6. Organizations planning fundraising activities
off-campus should research pertinent local,
state, and federal laws.
B. Criteria used for Consideration
of a Fundraising Request
1. The fundraising activity shall be consistent
with the educational mission and public
responsibilities of the university.
2. The fundraising activity must not interfere with
existing university contracts and must not violate
related local and state laws.
3. The fundraising activity must be sponsored by a
recognized organization of the university.
4. The fundraising activity will be considered on
the basis of the purpose(s) stated by the
5. The fundraising activity will be given
consideration based on the anticipated benefits
to the sponsors as well as the anticipated
benefits to the general student body and the
C. General Policies for Fundraising
1. Use of university facilities for fundraising
activities is limited to prevent exploitation of the
members of the university community and to
avoid overcrowding and interference with those
using an area for other purposes.
2. In general, fundraising activities will not be
permitted for the personal benefit of an
individual or for commercial enterprises.
3. The use of the campus e-mail for purposes of
fundraising is prohibited.
4. Student organizations sponsoring a
fundraising activity will be required to pay
out of their proceeds all expenses, including
any special services fees (e.g., custodial,
security), that might be incurred in conducting
the fund-raising activity.
5. The establishment of booths and/or tables for
the sale of permitted goods, and services and
for the solicitation of voluntary contributions will
be approved by the university subject to
necessary regulations of the use of limited
available space.
6. At all locations, solicitors must be members of
the organization conducting the fundraising
7. Fundraising activities may be conducted
outside of campus buildings, provided they
do not interfere with the use of streets,
sidewalks, building entrances, classes, or other
educational activities. The group is
required fo file a facilities usage form to
secure approval of space.
8. No room-to-room soliciting will be permitted at
any time in classes or residence halls.
Solicitation of faculty or staff members in their
offices will not be permitted.
9. Commercial enterprises will not be permitted to
solicit business on university grounds or within
campus buildings. Exceptions may be made if
the activity is conducted by a recognized
student organization, academic unit, or
administrative unit of the university; if
comparable goods or services are unavailable
at the university; if the financial reliability of the
applicant can be verified; and if there is a
benefit to the student body or university
10. An explicit statement clearly identifying the
sponsor of the fundraising activity and the
organization or cause that will benefit from
the activity must be displayed and visible to
11. Organizations selling printed or political
material deemed contrary to local, state, or
federal law do so on their own responsibility
and may subject themselves to arrest and
prosecution by public authorities.
12. Organizations may not harass, embarrass, or
intimidate the person or persons being
13. Revocation of fundraising privileges or
freezing an organization’s assets for up to one
calendar year will be used as a penalty for
willful violation of stated procedures and
Hazing Policy Statement
Although hazing practices are normally associated
with social fraternities and sororities, the University’s
Hazing Policy Statement shall apply to all
organizations, groups and individuals.
As a condition of recognition by the University,
all organizations, groups, clubs, sports teams,
fraternities and sororities must understand that hazing
in any form is prohibited. Members will not engage
in any action or situation that produces mental or
physical discomfort or endangers the safety of an
individual for the purpose of initiation or admission
into, or affiliation with, their organizations. In
addition, they must agree that they and their members
will not engage in any action or situation that causes
an individual to suffer indignity, embarrassment,
humiliation or ridicule at the hands of others.
Organizations that are accused of violating the
Hazing Policy Statement will cease all activity and
individuals within an organization acused of hazing
may be interim suspended while the Office of Judicial
Affairs investigates the allegations. Organizations
found responsible for hazing will be sanctioned and
individuals who are responsible for hazing may be
subject to suspension or expulsion from the University.
Honor Societies
Students who excel academically may be
invited to join one or more of the following honors
• Alpha Kappa Delta
National Honor Society for Sociology majors
• Delta Mu Delta
National Honor Society for Business
Administration majors
• Gamma Theta Upsilon
International Honor Society for
Geography majors
• Golden Key National Honor Society
National Honor Society for juniors and seniors
in the top 15 percent of their class
• Iota Iota Iota (Triota)
National Honor Society for Women Studies
undergraduate and graduate students
• Kappa Delta Pi
National Honor Society for Education majors
• Lambda Pi Eta
National Honor Society for Communication
• Phi Alpha Theta
National Honor Society for History majors
• Pi Sigma Alpha
National Honor Society for Political Science
• Psi Chi
National Honor Society for Psychology majors
• Sigma Tau Delta
National Honor Society for English majors
• Zeta Delta Epsilon
Honorary Service Organization
Intramural Sports
Intramural sports provide all students with an
opportunity to stay active on campus at a competitive
and recreational level. A variety of sports and
activities are offered and participants of all skill levels
are welcome. There is no fee for all undergraduate
students to participate.
In the fall semester, the outdoor season runs from
September to October and includes flag football and
softball. The indoor season is from November to
December and includes indoor soccer, dodgeball and
3-on-3 basketball.
The spring semester features an indoor season
from February to March, followed by an outdoor
season from March to May. The indoor season
consist of 5-on-5 basketball, volleyball and floor
hockey while the outdoor season includes softball
and outdoor soccer.
In addition to intramural sports leagues, there
are also a variety of intramural tournaments held
throughout the year.
Intramural sports are coordinated by Campus
Recreation, located in the Adanti Student Center
Room 231.
You must be a full-time student to participate in
International/Multicultural Groups
Fostering an understanding and appreciation
of other cultures, their people, and customs is the goal
of these organizations:
• African Student Association
• Anime Society
• Black Student Union
• Chinese Student Association
• Italianissimi
• Organization of Latin American Students
• West Indian Society
Media Board
The student media are recognized as valuable
aids in establishing and maintaining an atmosphere
of free and responsible discussion and of intellectual
exploration on campus. They are the means of
bringing student concerns to the attention of the
faculty and institutional authorities, formulating
student opinion on various campus and world issues
and informing the student body of events on the
campus and around the world.
Institutional authorities, in consultation with
students and faculty, have a responsibility to provide
written clarification of the role of the student media,
the standards to be used in their evaluation and the
limitations on external control of their operation.
Policies shall provide sufficient editorial freedom
for the student media to maintain their integrity
of purpose as vehicles for free inquiry and free
expression in an academic community. At the same
time, freedom from censorship and editorial freedom
entail corollary responsibilities to be governed by
the canons of responsible journalism, such as the
avoidance of libel (according to current legal
definitions), obscenity (according to current legal
definitions), undocumented allegations, invasion
of privacy, attacks on personal integrity and the
techniques of harassment and innuendo. In addition,
the student media should avoid expression that creates
a material interference and substantial physical
disruption of educational activities.
The student media should reflect standards of
professional and educational conduct and scholarship
that help to maintain a climate suitable to an
academic community.
The student media shall be free of censorship
and advance approval of copy. Editors and general
managers of the student media shall be free to
develop their own editorial policies and news
coverage. They shall be responsible for the form,
content and staff of their respective student media.
Editors and general managers of the student
media shall be protected from arbitrary suspension
and removal because of student, faculty, and
administrative or public disapproval of editorial policy
or content. Only for proper and stated causes
(misfeasance, malfeasance or nonfeasance) shall
editors and general managers be subject to removal,
and then only by orderly and prescribed procedures
that guarantee all the protections of due process.
The Student Media Board shall be a standing
committee that shall decide and act upon all policies
and procedures concerning the student media on the
campus of Southern Connecticut State University. All
student media shall operate in accordance with
standards approved by this board. The Student Media
Board shall be responsible through the Office of
Student Life to the President of the university. Any
action of the Student Media Board may be appealed
to the Office of Student Life.
The Student Media Board shall be composed of
one student appointed by the Student Government
Association, one student appointed by the chairperson
of the English Department, one student
appointed by the chairperson of the Journalism
Department, one student appointed by the
chairperson of the Communication Department, the
editor or general manager of each student medium,
the adviser(s) of each student medium, two
representatives from the community selected by the
members of the Student Media Board and one
administrator appointed by the Dean of Student
Affairs. The students appointed by the Student
Government Association and the chairpersons of the
English, Journalism and Communication departments
may not be members of a student medium. The terms
of office are Sept. 1 to June 30. Members may serve
more than one term.
The Student Media Board shall meet at least once
a month during the academic year. It shall establish its
own parliamentary procedures. A simple majority of
the Student Media Board shall constitute a quorum for
the transaction of business. All members of the board
shall be voting members. The chairperson of the
board shall be elected each year by the majority vote
of the members.
The Student Media Board shall have the following
• Review and recommend general policies and
procedures related to the student media that are
funded and/or recognized by the University.
• Promote/support activities in connection with the
presentation, publication and maintenance of
student media.
• Ascertain that each student medium is complying
with its own general statement of policy and
operating procedures.
• Recommend policies regarding the publication
of special editions or supplements.
• Encourage wide student participation and
faculty support of the student media.
• Recommend the approval of new student media
to the Student Government Association and
Office of Student Life.
• Recommend to the Office of Student Life the
termination of a student medium that no longer
serves the student body and the university.
• Meet with editors, general managers and
advisers to review their annual evaluation of
their media. Editors, general managers and
advisers, in consultation with the Student Media
Board, shall establish written guidelines for these
• Each spring, select an editor or general
manager for each student medium. Each
medium shall establish written procedures and
criteria in consultation with the Student Media
Board that shall be used in the selection of an
editor or general manager. These written
procedures and criteria shall be made available
to any member of the academic community.
• Meet with editors, general managers and
advisers for a semi-annual review of the
performance of the editors and general
managers on the basis of written evaluation
criteria established by the editors, general
managers and advisers for their media.
• Establish an orderly procedure for hearings to
consider written charges of substance and
severity against an editor, general manager or
member of a student medium and conduct
hearings when the charges merit this action.
Such procedures and hearing shall provide for
all the protections of due process.
• Upon request, review publications and/or
printed material distributed on campus and
recommend action, when warranted, to be taken
by the university.
• Select recipients of student media awards based
on written procedures and criteria.
This document may be amended by a two-thirds
vote of the total membership of the Student Media
Board and approved by the Office of Student Life.
Media Groups
Students may gain experience in publishing or
broadcasting by joining Folio, Southern News,
Southern TV, or WSIN Radio. No previous experience
is necessary.
• Folio is the campus literary magazine. The staff
accepts poetry, fiction, essays, photography,
and art from students. Folio is a great place to
get your creative work published.
• Southern News is the weekly campus
newspaper, publishing stories about campus
news, sports, and entertainment. Students can
write, edit, shoot photos, do layouts,
or sell advertising.
• Southern TV, the campus television station,
gives students the opportunity to take part
in live broadcasts, go behind the scenes, and
learn about production.
• WSIN Radio broadcasts to the campus at
1590 AM and online at Be a
disc jockey, news reporter, talk show host, music
director, or produce and sell commercials.
Performing/Creative Arts Groups
Students interested in theater may join the
Crescent Players, a group that stages performances in
The Lyman Center and the Robert Kendall Drama
Laboratory. Scripts are selected to provide the widest
experiences in acting, costumes, scenery and
The Arts League sponsors frequent workshops and
demonstrations on enameling, sketching, ceramics,
sculpture and other media. Such events provide
experiences that broaden cultural horizons and
provide an outlet for self-expression.
Performing and creative arts clubs:
• Crescent Players
• Digital Productions Club
• Fearless Lovers of Word (F.L.O.W.) Poetry Club
• Fortissibros
• SCSU Drumline
• Southern Harmony
• Student Arts League
Political Action/Advocacy Groups
These clubs and organizations represent political
parties, advocate for minority and special interest
groups and/or lobby and debate for the rights and
beliefs of their respective constituencies:
• Active Minds
• College Democrats
• College Republicans
• Men About Business
• Operation Smile
• Outreach Unlimited
• Peer Mentors United
• Veterans Association
Posting Policy
The purpose of this policy is to set forth university
guidelines for the general posting of announcements
and publicity materials. Publicizing organization’s
events and programs is a necessary part of ensuring
their success. It is expected that all such materials meet
the accepted standards of free speech, adhere to the
university policy on pluralism and not be libelous,
obscene (as defined under Connecticut General Statute
53a-193), or incite imminent lawless action.
Commercial advertising by private business is
permitted only on designated bulletin boards in the
University Student Center and on the general purpose
kiosks located around campus. Such advertising is
also allowed in the student newspaper and on the
broadcasts of the campus radio station.
Posting areas are defined below. Please note:
Material may not be attached to windows, doors,
walls, sidewalks, trees, bus shelters, mirrors, light
fixtures, building exteriors, stairwells, trash
receptacles, doorknobs, automobiles, furniture or to
any other structure or part of the university campus.
Bulletin Boards and Showcases
Certain bulletin boards and showcases are
maintained by academic or administrative units and
are so designated. Unauthorized material will be
Certain student and university organization bulletin
boards and showcases are maintained by those
organizations and are so designated. Use of these
areas is limited to recognized student and university
organizations and material must indicate the
sponsoring organization. Unauthorized material will
be removed.
General Purpose Kiosks
Outdoor informational kiosks are available for
general posting. As with the general public,
recognized student and university organizations may
use the outdoor kiosks to advertise their events and
Table Tents
Table tents may be placed on tables in food
service areas. Contact the Director of Residence Life
for use of Connecticut Hall tables or the Director of the
Adanti Student Center for use of the Student Center
Residence Life
To post in Residence Life areas, drop off material
in the Department of Housing and Residence Life,
Schwartz Hall 100. Members of the Office of
Residence Life staff will hang materials.
Religious Services Policy
The holding of religious services on campus is
permitted provided they are voluntarily requested and
sponsored by student organizations recognized by the
university, are extracurricular, are voluntary as to
attendance and to time and mode of worship, are
scheduled in accordance with available space and are
in conformance with institutional rules and regulations
applicable to all student organizations and activities.
Recognition Of New Student Organizations
Students bring to the university a variety of
interests previously acquired and develop many new
interests as members of the academic community.
Student organizations must be established for
purposes that are legal and consistent with the broad
educational mission of the university. Organizations
wishing to be recognized by the university must form
and operate in compliance with university policies and
procedures. Organizations that are recognized by the
university are required to abide by all applicable
local, state and federal laws, including Title IX and
university policies, rules and regulations.
The recognition of a student organization by the
university does not constitute an endorsement of the
objectives, policies or practices of that organization,
nor does the university assume sponsorship of or
responsibility for any of the programs or activities of
that organization. As adults, all students of the
university are expected to take personal responsibility
for their own conduct, including participation in
extracurricular activities.
The recognition procedures that follow were
established by the university to ensure that all student
organizations can, on an equitable basis, obtain those
rights and privileges that are normally associated with
formal recognition.
Students interested in forming a new student
organization should contact the Office of Student Life,
Adanti Student Center, to discuss the type of
organization desired and the procedures that must be
I. Recognition Procedures
A. A student club or organization seeking
university recognition must be composed of
full-time undergraduate students currently
registered at the university.
B. A university organization seeking university
recognition may be composed of
undergraduate and graduate students currently
registered at the university and may extend
membership to teaching faculty, administrators
and staff members.
C. A student group interested in organizing and
applying for recognition may use campus
facilities for the purpose of completing required
procedures and for recruiting interested
members with the support of the Office of
Student Life. It will not be allowed to sponsor
speakers, programs or events; sponsor fundraising activities; or use the name of the
university until it has been formally recognized.
1. Students looking to start a student
organization must first meet with the
assistant director of Student Life.
2. A student organization is required to have
a faculty adviser who is a member of the
teaching faculty, administration or staff.
Faculty members may be recommended
by the organization, and are appointed
by and serve at the discretion of the
a. A copy of the proposed constitution.
b. An organization desiring university
recognition must submit a constitution.
Organizations affiliated with a state
and/or national organization must
submit a copy of the state and/or
national constitution and bylaws.
These shall be reviewed as part of the
recognition process.
3. Student Government Association Board of
Constitutional Review will review the
proposal and work with the Office of
Student Life in issuing recognition.
D. An organization will be granted provisional
status for two full semesters. After two full
semesters of provisional status, the organization
may apply for full recognition. The Board of
Constitutional Review will review the
organization’s status and make
recommendations to the SGA that full
recognition be approved or denied. During the
provisionary period, the Board of Constitutional
Review, in consultation with the Office of
Student Life, may terminate a club that does not
comply with university policies or regulations or
with applicable local, state or federal laws or
violates the rules and procedures governing the
use of Student Activity Funds.
E. Student groups wishing to benefit from the
advantages of recognition for a limited period
of time without the intent of becoming a
permanent student organization should meet
with the Director of Student Life to discuss
specific group plans and objectives.
II. Rights and Privileges of Recognized
A. Use of certain university facilities, equipment
and services.
B. Right to schedule meetings and programs
in campus facilities.
C. Right to publicize group meetings and other
events on campus.
D. Right to disseminate information and literature
on campus.
E. Eligible to establish financial accounts, with the
exception of a few national organizations,
student organizations must maintain their
financial accounts with SCSU.
F. Right to raise funds or make other permissible
solicitations on university property in
accordance with written university policies.
G. Right to invite membership.
H. Opportunities to participate as a group in
university events and other activities.
I. Right to invite speakers to campus.
J. Right to receive assistance from a faculty
K. May be granted permission to use the name of
the university in connection with its approved
programs and activities. No organization,
however, shall advertise or promote its
programs or activities in a manner that suggests
that the university sponsors the function.
III. Funding of Undergraduate Student
There are two student committees that work in
conjunction with the Director of Student Life that are
responsible for the allocation of Student Activity Fees
used to support the social, cultural, recreational and
educational activities.
The Student Government Association Board of
Finance is responsible for allocating annual budgets to
clubs and organizations that meet the criteria for
funding. Additionally, the Board of Finance reviews
and allocates funds to clubs and organizations
proposing to travel to regional and national
conferences and to other venues that support their
clubs mission.
The Student Activity Fee Allocation Committee
(SAFAC) is responsible for allocating Student Activity
funds to programming initiatives proposed by clubs,
organizations, departments and offices on campus.
IV. Withdrawal of Recognition
A. All recognized organizations must register with
the Office of Student Life each semester. Should
any organization fail to register within the
prescribed period, it shall automatically lose its
recognition and all the rights and privileges
associated with formal recognition. It is the
organization’s responsibility to keep this
information accurate and up-to-date.
B. Any organization that fails to comply with its
own constitution; fails to abide by all applicable
local, state and federal laws and university
policies, rules and regulations; engages in
unlawful activities; or violates the rules and
procedures governing the use of Student Activity
Funds is subject to disciplinary action including,
but not limited to, probation, suspension or
withdrawal of university recognition by the
Office of Student Life, and/or the Student
Government Association.
C. Disciplinary action may be initiated by the
Student Government Association and/or the
Office of Student Life. A recognized
organization subject to disciplinary action that
may result in the termination or suspension of
recognition shall be guaranteed the right to a
hearing and all the protections of due process.
D. An organization whose recognition was
terminated or suspended may petition the Dean
of Student Affairs or their designee for
reinstatement. The Dean of Student Affairs may
set terms, conditions and/or restrictions that the
organization must adhere to before and after its
recognition is reinstated by the university.
E. Disciplinary action involving suspension or
withdrawal of university recognition may be
appealed to the Vice President of Student
Affairs. The decision of the Vice President will
be final and binding.
V. Responsibilities of Student Organizations
In addition to the rights and privileges that formal
recognition carries, responsibility is placed on each
organization, including its officers and individual
members, to conduct its affairs within the framework
of university policies, rules and regulations and the
provisions stated in the constitution of the
A. Organizations have the responsibility to take
reasonable steps to ensure that all programs
and activities sponsored by the organization
comply with all applicable local, state and
federal laws and with university policies,
procedures, rules and regulations.
B. Officers of an organization shall be held
accountable and responsible for the programs
and activities sponsored by the organization in
the event that the organization and/or its
members violate established university policies,
procedures, rules or regulations.
C. An organization shall be responsible for its
members’ behavior when they are acting as
members of the organization (with or without
official approval) rather than as individual
students; when an event is held (officially or
unofficially) in the name of the organization;
and when the actions or activities of individual
students draw attention to the organization
rather than to themselves as individuals.
D. An organization shall have an up-to-date copy of
its constitution, a Directory Information form,
beneficiary form and equipment and supply
inventory forms on file with the Office of Student
Life, Adanti Student Center, Room 212.
E. Organizations have the responsibility to ensure
that all students within the university community,
including those with disabilities, are able to
participate in and benefit from all programs
and activities sponsored by the organization.
All publicity for approved trips must include
information on accessibility needs.
F. Organizations have the responsibility to
supervise their events and ensure the safe
operation of their programs and activities.
G. Organizations accept responsibility for any
destruction of or damage to university property,
equipment or facilities and any costs related to
the use of university property, equipment or
H. Organizations accept responsibility for assuring
that facilities are used for the purpose for which
they were scheduled.
I. An organization accepts responsibility for any of
its programs and activities that interfere with the
rights of any member of the university
community, with another student organization
and/or its guests or with the normal operation of
the university.
J. Organizations have the responsibility to ensure
that all funds, including Student Activity Funds
and money raised through fund-raising are
maintained and expended according to the rules
and procedures established by the Student
Board of Finance.
K. Organizations must register with the Office of
Student Life each semester by the advertised
deadline, in order to maintain their recognition
L. Organizations take responsibility for
maintaining contact with their approved faculty
adviser and meeting their responsibilities to their
faculty adviser as described in section VII of this
VI. Adviser’s Responsibilities
The faculty adviser has the following
responsibilities to an organization:
A. To be knowledgeable about the purpose and
program of the organization. To help the
organization pursue its goals. To encourage
students to take an active role within the
organization. To assist in identifying roles and
responsibilities for the club/organization’s
members and officers.
B. To assist the officers and members of the
organization in becoming familiar with
University and Student Life policies, rules, and
procedures. To encourage officers and
members to attend workshops and training
sessions regarding policies, procedures,
and rules.
C. To help ensure the organization completes all
necessary paperwork required by the Office
of Student Life and Student Government
Association to remain active each semester.
D. To make time available for club/organization
members to discuss club/organization
matters, assist with administrative matters, and
to guide students in achieving their goals.
E. To attend regularly scheduled and special
meetings at the request of the club/
organization and attend a minimum of two
regularly scheduled meetings each semester to
provide guidance and advice on meeting
decorum, group facilitation, and general
F. To assist the organization in electing officers
and organizational leadership according to
the procedures stated in the organization’s
G. To have a general understanding of the rules
and procedures governing student activity
fee expenditures and fund-raising policies
established by the Student Government
Association Board of Finance, Office of
Student Life, Southern Connecticut State
University and the state of Connecticut.
H. To be actively involved in the management of
club/organization finances by guiding,
advising, and assisting students in maintaining
active records and abiding by university and
state policies.
I. To require the club/organization to process all
purchase order requests, and financial requests
through the advisor.
J. To actively participate in the planning of onand off-campus events as well as advising the
club/organization regarding potential risks
and policies.
K. To attend and supervise all activities, programs
and events sponsored by the organization onand off-campus, as deemed by the Office of
Student Life. These events include but are not
limited to large events open to the general
public, all out-of-state and/or overnight trips,
and events which garner a higher level of risk.
The advisor is expected to be in attendance from
the start of an event to its conclusion.
L. To assist the organization in transitioning
leadership at the end of each semester and the
end of each year.
M. To immediately inform the Office of Student Life
when the organization is disbanded or becomes
VII. The Organization’s Responsibilities
to the Adviser
The organization has the following responsibilities
to its adviser:
A. To meet with the adviser on a regular basis and
to keep the adviser informed of the overall
program and activities of the organization;
B. To inform the adviser well in advance of the
schedule (date, time and location) of all
meetings, activities, programs and events
sponsored by the organization;
C. To process requests for university services or
appeals of administrative decisions through the
faculty adviser;
D. To give the adviser an opportunity to express
an opinion on issues that affect the welfare of
the organization and the interest of the
Recreational/Social Clubs
• Gamers Club
• Sci-Fi Club
Religious Organizations
There are five recognized religious organizations
on campus:
• Campus Crusade for Christ
• Hillel Jewish Student Organization
• Intervarsity Christian Fellowship
• Muslim Student Association
• Newman Society
Student Petitions And Referendums
A. Petition Procedures
1. Recognized student organizations wishing to
petition must file a written request with the
Office of Student Life, ASC 212.
2. Each petition must have the desired referendum
question printed in full at the top of each
signature page.
3. The referendum question and the petition form
must clearly indicate which portion of the
student population would be affected by the
referendum question.
4. Petition forms must be dated when received.
Those sponsoring a petition for a referendum
will have 10 consecutive class days to obtain
sufficient signatures, defined as 15 percent of
the population, that would be affected by the
referendum. Example: If a referendum would
affect full-time undergraduates and there are
7,000 full-time undergraduates, the petition for
a referendum would have to consist of the
signatures of 1,050 full-time undergraduates.
5. Petition sponsors will be granted tables in the
University Student Center, the Engleman Hall
Rotunda and the Connecticut Hall Lobby during
class hours for the 10 consecutive class days
authorized for the petitions. Approval for
additional locations may be requested from the
Dean of Student Affairs. The Dean must
approve at least one additional location and
may approve two or more additional locations,
as appropriate. Petition activities are limited to
sponsors seated at tables in these locations.
Posters, fliers, radio and/or newspaper
advertising on petition issues are permitted.
Opposing viewpoints may be permitted utilizing
the same methods.
6. Petition activities (at appointed tables) must be
carried out by members of the sponsoring
organization who are also members of the
SCSU student population.
7. All petition forms must be submitted to the
Office of Student Life by 4:30 pm on the tenth
day of the allotted petition time.
8. Signatures will be verified by the Office of
Student Life in conjunction with the Student
Government Association, who shall certify the
signatures as valid. Certification must occur
within two weeks of the presentation of
9. If the sponsoring organization has submitted
petitions with 15 percent or more of the
verified signatures of the target population, the
Student Government Association shall conduct a
referendum under the established
referendum procedures.
B. Referendum Procedures
1. The referendum vote must occur within one
month of the date of certification.
2. Notification concerning the referendum must be
disseminated through student media and print
prior to student balloting. The exact wording of
the referendum question shall be provided,
together with a list of the dates, times, locations
and conditions of balloting.
3. Students shall submit their ballots electronically.
4. The ballot shall consist of the referendum
statement and a space for their vote to be
5. Lobbying activities shall not be permitted
within 100 feet of any Southern Connecticut
State University computer lab which, for the
purpose of a referendum, shall be considered
official balloting locations.
6. The results of the referendum shall be
presented to the Vice President of Student
7. Once a referendum question has been
submitted for balloting, it may not be
resubmitted until a 12-month period has
Social Fraternities and Sororities
college experience, as well as prepare them for career
challenges after college.
Throughout the academic year, fraternities and
sororities sponsor a variety of educational programs,
attend national and regional workshops and
conferences, participate in fundraising activities on
behalf of charitable organizations, and provide
volunteer service to community outreach programs.
Membership is open by invitation to those
undergraduate students meeting the necessary
qualifications. Southern supports the Greek new
member process by holding workshops exploring the
university’s zero-tolerance policy on hazing.
The Greek system at the university is currently
composed of the following national fraternities and
• Alpha Phi Delta Fraternity
• Alpha Sigma Alpha Sorority
• Delta Phi Epsilon Sorority
• Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity
• Lambda Alpha Upsilon Fraternity
• Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority
• Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity
• Zeta Phi Beta Sorority
Fraternities and sororities provide a supportive
group of friends during college and beyond.
Opportunities for academic excellence, leadership
training, and the development of interpersonal skills
are readily available through fraternities and
sororities. These opportunities enrich an individual’s
In addition to national Greek organizations,
Southern also offers the following local fraternities and
• Beta Mu Sigma Fraternity
• Omega Zeta Pi Sorority
Service Organizations
The following organizations are dedicated
to serving both the university community and
surrounding communities:
• Best Buddies
• Colleges Against Cancer
• Council for Exceptional Children
• Habitat for Humanity
• Service Team
• Zeta Delta Epsilon
Southern Connecticut State University follows
established policies for maintaining student records
that support the University’s educational mission. The
types of records maintained, the policies governing
their maintenance, and the offices that maintain them
are described in this section of the Student Handbook.
Student records are necessary if both faculty and
administrative staff are to understand better the
individual student and assist him/her in achieving
their educational, vocational, and life goals. The
university further acknowledges that the development
of each student’s full potential is better served when
confidential information about the student is not made
available to persons other than those who have a
legitimate responsibility for the student’s personal
welfare. In accordance with these principles and with
state and federal laws, the policy of Southern
Connecticut State University with respect to student
records is set forth in the following paragraphs:
I. Definition of Student Records
A. Student — As used in this policy, a “student”
hereafter refers to any person who is enrolled or
was formerly enrolled at Southern Connecticut State
University. It does not, however, include a person
who has applied for admission to the university but
has not been accepted.
B. Student Records — The term “student records”
means those educational records, files, documents,
and other materials maintained by the university in
any medium that contains information directly
related to a student. The term does not include
records made by faculty and administrators for their
own use and are not accessible to others.
II. Types of Student Records Maintained
A. Admissions Records
1. Records compiled and evaluated by the
Admissions Office include the following:
student’s application, test scores, high school
transcript(s), college transcript(s) and, in some
instances, although they are not requested,
letters of recommendation. The admission
records of students accepted to the university
are transferred to the Registrar’s Office upon
B. Academic Records
1. The Registrar’s Office compiles and maintains
the official academic record of each student.
A record containing dates of attendance,
courses completed, grades earned, and the
date of withdrawal or graduation from the
university is kept on every student currently
enrolled or formerly enrolled at the university.
For those students who have matriculated
(i.e. been accepted into a degree program),
a permanent folder is maintained. This folder
contains the admissions application, test
scores, letters of recommendation for
admission, official communications, course
withdrawal forms and student teaching
evaluations and, where applicable, forms for
Social Security benefits.
2. The academic record of a student is retained
indefinitely; however, at the time of
graduation, the permanent folder is kept
intact for five years.
3. Transcripts are released to persons and
agencies outside of the university only at
the written request of the student or upon
court order.
4. If a student has any outstanding obligations to
the university, a notice is placed on the student’s
academic record until the obligation is met.
In such cases, the student will not be eligible to
register or receive a transcript.
C. Disciplinary Records
A student’s disciplinary record shall be maintained
separately from any other academic or official file
maintained by the university. Disciplinary records
will be maintained for a period of five (5) years
from the date of the incident, except that the
sanction of expulsion shall be noted permanently.
Information contained in the disciplinary record
will be released only in accordance with
applicable federal and state laws and regulations.
D. Financial Records
Current student financial aid applications, the Free
Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), and
all other supporting documentation are processed
in the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships
(OFAS). The financial aid records of students who
are recipients of aid are retained by OFAS per
State of Connecticut record retention requirements
for five years from the end of the period for which
the financial aid was awarded. Once the five-year
term expires, files are shredded annually per
university approval and oversight.
E. Health Records
Health records for all full-time students and
matriculated undergraduate and graduate
students are maintained in the Health &
Wellness Center. These records include the
pre-entrance health form, notes on any followup visits to the health center, and the results of
laboratory tests.
A copy of the medical record is released
upon the written request of a student. When a
student withdraws or graduates from the university,
the medical record is stored in an electronic file. If
there are records other than the pre-entrance
health form, they are maintained in the Health &
Wellness Center for seven years.
F. Counseling Records
In accordance with the State of Connecticut Public
Health Law, Southern’s Counseling Center
maintains records with regard to the following
state statute: Department of Public Health - Public
Health Code 19a-4-40 Medical records, definition,
19a-14-42. Retention Schedule: Unless
specified otherwise herein, all parts of a medical
record shall be retained for a period of seven
years from the last date of treatment, or, upon the
death of the patient, for three years. Accordingly,
Southern’s Counseling Center shall:
1. Maintain a full record for seven years
after the last user contact or the completion
of services, whichever is later.
2. See that all records shall be shredded after
seven years.
G. Residence Hall Records
Various kinds of information are maintained
by Residence Life. These records include the
Housing Records: The electronic housing
record is kept in a secure database. Housing
paper records are maintained in the hall office in
which the student resides. When the student leaves
university housing, the housing record is
transferred to the Office of Residence Life. Housing
records and copies of the database from previous
semesters are maintained by the Office of
Residence Life in a secured location for a period
of one year.
Student Incident Records (non judicial):
Pertinent original student incident records are
maintained by the Office of Residence Life in a
secure database. Previous year’s incident records
are maintained by the Office of Residence Life
in a secured location for a period of one year.
Student Incident Records (judicial):
Disciplinary records are maintained in a secure
database. Incidents originating in university
housing are forwarded to the Office of Judicial
Affairs. A copy of the disciplinary record may be
kept in a secured location in the hall in which the
student resides. The copy of the disciplinary record
maintained by the Residence Life office is
destroyed when the student leaves housing.
Previous year’s incident records are maintained by
the Office of Judicial Affairs.
Student Employment and Candidate Records:
Original student employment and candidate
information is maintained in the Office of
Residence Life. Copies of a student’s employment
record are maintained by the supervisor while the
student is employed. Copies of student
employment records are destroyed at the end of
the student’s employment. Database and paper
employment and candidate records are
maintained in a secured location for a period of
three years after application or end of
H. Computer Center Records/
Student Information System
The University maintains an electronic record on
each student enrolled at the university. This record
contains personal data, academic information,
billing and fee payment, demographic information
and biographic information. The records are
stored securely in the student information system
and are accessible to students via their password
protected MySCSU account. It is recommended
that students periodically review their record for
accuracy. In addition, various required reports are
statistical and archival purposes are generated
from the computer databases. Throughout any
procedures, measures are strictly followed to
maintain confidentiality and security of all student
III. General Policies
A. No record shall be made or retained unless
there is a demonstrable need in relation
to the basic educational aim of Southern
Connecticut State University.
B. All policies and practices dealing with
acquiring, maintaining, or processing
information about students shall be formulated
with due regard to the student’s right to
C. Evaluations and/or information contributed
to student record systems at Southern
Connecticut State University shall be prepared
only by qualified professional staff or
D. A student shall be permitted to include
confidential letters, statements or
recommendations in their records after
submitting a statement waiving right of access.
E. Persons within the university having a
legitimate need for information concerning
students as a result of their duties at the
university shall be permitted access only to
those records directly related to their duties
and functions.
F. With the exception of any financial
information furnished by parents, a student
shall have the right to inspect and review their
records in the presence of a professional staff
member of the university, who will assist in
interpreting their contents. While the academic
transcript of grades earned at Southern
Connecticut State University may be viewed in
the Registrar’s Office, a student interested in
inspecting any other record to which they have
access must contact the particular office
where the record is maintained for an
appointment with a professional staff member.
All requests, which must be made through
presentation of a university ID card, will be
met as expeditiously as possible.
G. If a student feels that information contained in
their record is misleading, inaccurate,
inappropriate, or in violation of their privacy
or other rights, they shall be afforded an
opportunity with the appropriate university
official to challenge its content.
(Note: A student may not challenge the
accuracy of the recording of the grade.)
If after hearing, it is determined that the
information in the record is not inaccurate and
thus will not be changed, then the university
shall notify the student of their right to insert
explanatory comments into the record.
H. Personal information about a student obtained
by members of the professional staff of
the university in the discharge of their
respective responsibilities will be treated in the
confidential manner proscribed by
professional ethics.
I. The university will not record or retain records
of a student’s religious or political beliefs
or membership in any organizations other
than honorary organizations without their
knowledge or consent.
J. Personally identifiable information other than
that listed below will not be released to
any person or agency outside the university for
any purpose without the written consent
of the student.
1. Name
2. Sex
3. Dates of attendance, including full-or
part-time status
4. Major field of study
5. Date of graduation
6. Participation in officially recognized
activities and intercollegiate sports
7. Members of athletic teams: ages, class
status, weight, height, high school, and
8. Honors, degrees, and awards received
9. Previous school most recently attended,
and a photograph
A student, however, shall be allowed to
request in writing that any or all of the
above information not be released without
their prior consent. Such request must
be filed with the custodian of the record
during the first two weeks of each
academic semester.
K. Access to or the release of a record or
personally identifiable information without
the student’s written consent shall be limited
to the following:
1. Faculty and staff members at the university
who can demonstrate a legitimate
educational interest.
2. Other educational institutions in which the
student intends to enroll.
(Note: In all such cases, the student shall
be notified of the transfer of
information, receive a copy of the
records, if desired, and have an
opportunity to challenge the contents of
the record.)
3. Government officials such as authorized
representatives of the United States
General Accounting Office, the
Department of Education, and the
Department of Health and Human
4. In connection with the student’s application
for, or receipt of, financial aid.
5. State and local officials or authorities
where required by state law.
6. Organizations conducting studies for, or
on behalf of, educational agencies or the
university for the purpose of developing,
validating or administering predictive tests,
administering student aid programs, and
improving instruction, provided these
studies are conducted in a manner that
will not permit the personal identification
of students by persons other than
representatives of such organizations.
Such information must be destroyed when
no longer needed for the purpose for
which it is obtained.
7. Accrediting organizations in order to
carry out their accrediting functions.
8. Parents of a student who is dependent
upon such information for federal income
tax purposes.
9. In compliance with judicial order or
pursuant to any lawfully issued subpoena,
provided the university makes reasonable
effort to notify the student of the order or
subpoena in advance
of its compliance.
10. To appropriate persons in connection
with an emergency, if the knowledge of
certain information is necessary to
protect the health or safety of a student
or the other persons or property.
L. With the exception of its own authorized
personnel, the university shall maintain
records of all individuals and organizations
that have either requested or obtained access
to the student’s records. This record of access,
which shall include a statement identifying
specific records to be released, the reasons for
such release, and to whom was given, shall
remain permanently with a student’s record.
Where the consent of a student is required for
the release of records, a copy of these records
shall be provided to the student upon written
M. The university shall not release personal
information about a student except on the
condition that the party to whom the
information is being sent will not permit any
other party access without the written consent
of the student.
The University offers a full range of programs
and services for students through the Office of the
Dean of Student Affairs, Disability Resource Office,
Multicultural Center, Office for International Students,
Women’s Center, and many more. An introduction
to the University offices that support student learning
and development is included here. For a more
detailed description of offices, programs, and
services, visit or specific offices
around the campus.
Academic and Career Advising Center
The Center, located in the Wintergreen Building, supports students in the transition to Southern Connecticut State University from recruitment
through graduation. Advisors assist the clarification of academic focus and major and in the successful translation of their academic credentials
as preparation for life after the college experience.
Academic Advising
Academic Advising is staffed by a group of
experienced advisers, helping students choose
both required and elective courses. The primary
objective of the area is to assist new students,
incoming transfer students, and undeclared
majors in choosing courses required by SCSU
general education and core curriculum.
Individualized one-on-one advisement
sessions allow students to carefully select their
courses, as well as assist with other important
decisions regarding a choice of major,
changing majors, change in academic policies,
and other academic matters.
For more information, please call Academic
Advising at (203) 392-5367, stop by
Wintergreen 171 or visit
Career Advising
Audio Visual/Multi-Media Services
Career Advising offers comprehensive career
resources for all students. A range of programs
enables students to explore, define, prepare for,
and realize their career objectives.
• Cooperative Education integrates study
with related professional experience. Undergraduate students have the opportunity to earn
money and up to 12 academic credits while
gaining valuable career-related experience.
• Career Development Programs include
career counseling, individual consultation
regarding career options, resume writing, cover
letters and job search strategies with professional
staff; and speakers from various businesses
and organizations discussing their career fields,
occupations, industries, and career opportunities. FOCUS is a web-based assessment tool that
can help students find out more about majors
and careers that suit their interests and skills.
• Majors Expo, held in the fall semester,
gives students the opportunity to explore majors
and minors, while providing information about
related career opportunities.
• A Career Fair is held in the spring
semester and attracts more than 90 employers,
representing many fields, seeking students
and graduates for full-time, part-time, and
cooperative education positions.
• Career Resource Computer Lab offers
comprehensive technical resources to all
students for resume creation, career exploration,
company information, and job searches.
For more information, please call
Career Advising at (203) 392-6536,
stop by Wintergreen 119 or visit
Located in EN B017C, the AV/High Tech
Classroom Dept provides instructional equipment to
the entire campus community. Some equipment is
delivered by designated staff from AV. Portable
equipment must be picked up and returned by
faculty/staff only. Only faculty/staff can make
equipment request for delivery to classrooms and
other campus dept. The AV/High Tech Classroom
department requires two business days to reserve
or pickup of any equipment. For off-campus or
overnight use, permission must be obtained from the
coordinator of AV/High Tech department. Each
person is responsible for the care, handling, use and
prompt return of all equipment. Faculty/Staff who
needs instructions for the proper use of the equipment
should contact the AV/High Tech Department at
(203) 392-5400 or instructions can be provided
upon pickup.
Academic Computer Center
See Information Technology, Page 58
Southern’s Barnes and Noble Bookstore is located
on the ground floor of the Michael J. Adanti Student
Center. The bookstore provides new textbooks,
used textbooks (at 25% off new) as well as textbook
rentals and digital titles that can save 50% off the new
textbook price. Along with a wide range of school
supplies, electronics, recycled notebooks, dorm room
accessories and greeting cards are also available.
Students can view and order course books by
accessing the bookstore’s website at Southern-CT. The Bookstore conducts book buybacks
everyday to recycle textbooks on campus. Up to 50%
of the selling price is paid for textbooks needed for
the upcoming semester.
The bookstore also carries general and reference
books, discounted campus bestsellers, bargain
books, computer supplies as well as laptops to
purchase, Southern clothing and gifts, backpacks,
greeting cards, magazines, health and beauty
aids and convenience snacks and beverages.
The Bookstore’s fall and spring semester hours are
Monday through Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.,
Friday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and Saturday
11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. These hours are extended at
the beginning of each semester. The summer hours are
Monday through Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.,
and Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
The Bookstore accepts cash, personal checks (with
picture ID), MasterCard, Visa, Discover, American
Express, the SCSU Hoot Loot Card and Barnes &
Noble gift cards. Textbooks may be returned for a
refund with a sales receipt within the first week of
classes (two days from start of class during the
summer session).
Openings for part-time employment are available
at the Bookstore. Applications are preferred a month
before the semester starts, but are welcome at all
To contact the Bookstore, call (203) 392-5270;
fax (203) 392-5278, visit Southern-CT.bkstore.
com, or email [email protected].
Bus Service
Bus service to New Haven and the vicinity is
provided by Connecticut Transit, which makes
regularly scheduled stops on Fitch Street near the
Alumni Bridge. For more information, visit
Center For Adaptive Technology
Through the use of adaptive applications, as well
as reading and writing aids, the Center for Adaptive
Technology (CAT) helps students with visual, physical,
and learning disabilities to become independent
computer users. The CAT’s professional staff provides
computer access evaluations and training in a
supportive, accessible environment. During open lab
hours students may use adaptive technology to
complete coursework, access emails, print documents,
and utilize the internet. Adaptive technology is also
provided in other campus locations, including the
library and some of the general computer labs.
Call (203) 392-5799 or visit
for the latest information and schedules.
Childcare Reimbursement Program
The Division of Student and University Affairs
sponsors a childcare reimbursement program for a
limited number of both undergraduate and graduate
student parents. The program offers a modest
reimbursement of up to $500 per family per semester
to help student parents cover childcare expenses,
whether the services are provided through a licensed
daycare center or through babysitting services. The
reimbursements are awarded to those students who
meet all of the eligibility requirements with priority
based upon financial need. All applications will be
reviewed by the Child Care Reimbursement Program
Committee. For more information, call (203) 3926946, or visit and
click on Work-Life Balance.
The Early Learning Center, a licensed day care at
Gateway Community-Technical College, 20 Church
Street, New Haven, provides year-round care for
children ages 3–5. Sliding scale tuition is available
for New Haven residents through the School
Readiness Program. For information about the
program and rates, call (203) 285-2131.
For daycare services for children under three
years of age, call the Connecticut Care Infoline at
1-800-203-1234 to receive referrals for state-licensed
infant care centers throughout Connecticut.
Community Hour
To strengthen a sense of campus community and to
allow participation in campus events, the university
has set aside two-and-a-half hours each week, from
1:05 to 1:55 p.m. on Monday, Wednesday and
Friday, as Academic Community Hours. During these
times, student organizations, academic departments
and administrative units of the university are
encouraged to sponsor programs and activities.
Commuter Student Services
The university is committed to meeting the unique
needs of commuter students by providing information,
resources, programs, outreach and advocacy.
The university encourages students to become active
members of the Southern community through
involvement in one or more student clubs or
organizations. Student involvement and the education
gained outside the classroom are fundamental to
student success.
Commuter students are encouraged to visit the
Student Center daily to relax, connect, study and eat.
The university strives to make the Adanti Student
Center a safe and comfortable environment, realizing
that it is a home away from home during a student’s
time on campus. The following are some of the
services that are provided at the student center:
campus information center, food court, game room,
computer lab, fitness center, lockers, Tyco Copy
Center, Barnes & Noble Bookstore, televisions, lounge,
and Wepawaug Federal Credit Union banking
services. For more information stop by Student Life,
ASC 212, or call (203) 392-5782.
Dining Services
Hours of service in each of the following venues
are subject to change.For up-to-date information on
all dining services, visit
Adanti Student Center Food Court
The Food Court of the Adanti Student Center,
which officially opened in the fall of 2006, provides a
comfortable environment for commuters, residential
students, faculty and staff to grab a bite to eat or to
meet with friends between classes. It features Dunkin’
Donuts, 2Mato, Mondo Subs, Nathan’s, Sono, and
soup. Hours of the Food Court vary throughout the
year, based on the academic calendar and are posted
at the location and at
Purchases can be made with cash, debit card,
credit card, Food Loot, and Hoot Loot.
Connecticut Hall
Connecticut Hall is the main resident dining facility
on campus, featuring full hot vegetarian, vegan and
non-vegetarian entrees, daily specialty salads, salad
bar, deli bar, soups, pizzas, pasta, made to order
omelets, beverages and desserts. A student organized
Food Service Advisory Committee works closely with
the dining services management team to assure that
the dining program is meeting the dining needs of
Connecticut Hall is open Monday–Thursday from
7:00 a.m.–8:00 p.m., Friday from 7:00 a.m.–2:30
p.m., Saturday closed and Sunday from 10:30
a.m.–12:00 midnight. There are three full meal plans
offered – Platinum Meal Plan, Gold Meal Plan, and
Silver Meal Plan. The program is the Pulse On Dining
Program. The meal plans are based on unlimited
access to all–you–care–to–eat, with the addition of
Anywhere Meals, Guest Meals, and Food Loot dollars.
Residential students who live in non-kitchen units are
required to be on one of the three full meal plans.
Commuter students can also purchase any of the full
meal plans. In addition, there are three different
Commuter Block Plans offered for students that
Special Note: A valid Hoot Loot ID Card must
be presented to gain access to the dining room. This
card is not transferable and is for the exclusive use
of the purchaser. Violations of this policy will result in
confiscation of the card and referral to the University
Judicial Officer for disciplinary action.
The Bagel Wagon, located in Engleman B wing,
is a convenient place to pick up light snack food,
beverages and pre-made sandwiches and to hang
out in comfortable surroundings between classes.
Hours vary throughout the year, based on the
academic calendar, and are always posted at the
location and at the food service website. During
the fall and spring semesters the hours are:
Monday–Thursday: 7:30 a.m.–8 p.m.
Friday: 7:30 a.m.–2 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday: Closed
The Davis Hall Kiosk offers a wide variety of marketfresh deli sandwiches, wraps, and gourmet salads for
your enjoyment. Hours are Monday–Thursday from
8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday closed.
The North Campus Market is located on the first floor
of North Campus Residence Complex. Available Items
are “grab-and-go” favorites, including our famous
warm cookies. Hours are Sunday-Thursday from 3 p.m.
to 10 p.m. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday closed.
Dean Of Student Affairs
The Office of Student Affairs empowers students to
reach their full potential by providing programs and
services that nurture the intellectual, psychological,
physical, cultural, and social development of students,
and by promoting initiatives that encourage students
to become engaged and effective leaders in the
community and the region. It also sponsors universitywide events that foster an appreciation of cultural,
ethnic, and individual differences and promote a lifelong commitment to wellness, learning, and
community service.
The Assistant Vice President and Dean of Student
Affairs oversees key areas of student services and
assists the Vice President for Student Affairs with
projects and initiatives designed to enhance student
success. He serves as a sounding board for student
ideas, needs, and issues and refers students to
appropriate university offices.
The dean is available to help solve student
dilemmas. If you have questions, ideas, or concerns,
stop by the Student Affairs Office, which is located in
Engleman Hall A106.
The Disability Resource Center
Located in Engleman Hall C 105, the Disability
Resource Center (DRC) works to fulfill Southern’s
longstanding commitment to the full inclusion and
equal educational opportunity for all persons with
disabilities. The DRC provides services and support
that promote educational equity for students with
disabilities. Assistance includes arranging
accommodations and auxiliary aids necessary for
students with disabilities to pursue their academic
careers, both in and outside of the classroom.
The DRC serves all students with documented
disabilities that substantially impact them in
educational settings. Students with documented
disabilities, visible or hidden, qualify for services.
Categories of disability include, but are not limited to
the following: mobility/orthopedic disabilities,
learning disabilities, attention deficit disorders, vision,
deafness and hard of hearing, acquired head injuries,
psychological disabilities, autism spectrum disorders,
and chronic health-related disabilities.
DRC services include arranging course and testing
accommodations; providing accessibility information;
arranging for sign language interpreters, readers,
and note-takers; providing help with recruitment
of personal assistants; assisting with the development
of compensatory skills, such as time management,
organization, and study skills. The DRC provides
access to assistive technology through the CAT lab,
and alternate formats for texts.
Students interested in obtaining more information
should contact the DRC, located in Engleman C 105,
by calling (203) 392-6828, 392-6131 TTY, (203)
392-6829 FAX or by visiting
NOTE: Only one classroom on campus is
inaccessible to persons with mobility limitations. If a
course is scheduled in Davis 102, students are urged
to inform the DRC as soon as possible to ensure
relocation of the class to an accessible location by
the start of the semester.
The Southern Hoot Loot ID Card can also act as
an optional campus debit card, allowing students
additional privileges and services at Southern. With
use of this campus debit account, students can deposit
money into their Hoot Loot account to make purchases
at various locations on and off campus. If they choose
to do so, they can enjoy the convenience of
purchasing from the following:
• Southern Barnes & Noble Bookstore
• On-campus snack and soda machines
• Laundry services (for residents)
• Bus trips and other campus activities
• Participating local stores and restaurants
Students who have questions about Hoot Loot or
who would like to add money to their Hoot Loot
accounts over the phone, should call (203) 392-7077.
For additional information about Hoot Loot or to add
money to the Hoot Loot Card from a secure website,
Report lost or stolen cards to the University Card
Office during normal business hours by calling (203)
392-7077. After business hours, report lost or stolen
cards to the University Police at (203) 392-5375.
There will be a $10 fee for the first replacement card
and a $20 fee for each additional card thereafter.
Inter-Faith Office
Identification Card: Hoot Loot Card
The Southern Hoot Loot ID Card is the primary
university identification card, mandatory for all
students. In addition, the card provides access to
residence halls, meal plans and computer labs
and functions as your library card. The card also
contains your unique eight-digit university
identification number.
Students currently registered (or paying the
continuous enrollment fee) may obtain the Southern
Hoot Loot ID Card by visiting the University Card
Office, located in the Wintergreen Building. Students
should bring proof of registration or enrollment (a
current bill printout) and another form of photo ID for
verification. Normal hours of operation are Monday,
8 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Tuesday through Thursday, 8 a.m.
to 4:30 p.m.; and Friday, 8 a.m.–4 p.m.
The Inter-Faith Office considers spiritual growth an
important part of personal development. Several
chaplains are active on campus, enabling students to
make appointments. Students may also stop by the
Inter-Faith Office, Adanti Student Center Room 227,
for assistance.
International Students
The Office of International Education (OIE) is a
hub for students and faculty members — domestic and
international alike — who seek to integrate
international study, research, or teaching into their
academic programs. In addition, the OIE works with
degree-seeking international students, exchange
students, and visiting scholars on matters related to
visas, employment, immigration, and more; the office
works with domestic students interested in studying
abroad either on an SCSU faculty-led program,
through one of the University’s reciprocal exchange
partner universities abroad, or through an approved
study abroad organization (semester or full year); and
finally, the OIE offers Fulbright Program assistance for
both students and faculty. Perhaps most importantly,
the OIE is a place where SCSU’s international students
and faculty can come to discuss matters related to
their studies and American academic culture, as
well as everyday life, social interaction, and
communication in the United States. The OIE has two
offices located on the first floor of Engleman Hall.
OIE’s “A” office (Outbound: Study Abroad and
Fulbright) is located in EN B 129. OIE’s “B” office
(Inbound: F-1 visas, exchange, J-1 visas, and H-1B
visas) is located in EN B 116. For more information,
please call (203) 392-6756 for the A office and
(203) 392-6947 for the B office.
Access Service, Reference and Information
Technology. The Upper Floors house Library
Administration Offices, IT staff and helpdesks, Library
Science faculty, classrooms and other student and
faculty supportive services. The Ground Floor includes
Library Technical Services, Special Collections, a
Media Center, a Microform Room and a University
Art Gallery. There are numerous Group Study rooms
throughout the library.
Library patrons, who are currently enrolled or
conducting research for a thesis or course completion,
can check out material using their Hoot Loot card.
The loan period is normally four weeks, with two
renewals. Material can be renewed by telephone
(203) 392-5756 or at Enter
your network campus username and password to
access the online patron record.
Lactation Room
To help students balance the demands of their
studies and parenthood, the university now provides a
Lactation Room. The Lactation Room is located in the
Women’s Lounge in Connecticut Hall on the first floor.
This private room contains a rocker and a wash area.
Students who need a quiet, welcoming space in which
to pump breast milk may use the Lactation Room.
Students interested in using the Lactation Room should
call Catherine Christy, Women’s Center, at (203) 3926946, or e-mail [email protected], for room
registration details.
Fines and Overdue Materials
Students should be aware of the return date for
each item they check out. Policies on fines and lost
material are available on the library’s website.
Borrowers who lose an item should report its loss
immediately and are responsible for its replacement,
including a non-refundable processing fee. All library
charges for lost or overdue books must be paid as
they occur or a block will be placed, preventing a
student’s future registration privileges and requests
for transcripts.
Interlibrary Loan
Students may request material from any of the
other CSUS libraries through our online CONSULS
catalog. These inter-campus loans can usually be
picked up at the Circulation Desk within 3 to 5 days.
The library also participates in an interlibrary loan
network that borrows most material not available in
the CSUS libraries through an international database
(ILLiad). Students need to create a personal profile
online at and
will then have access to the ILL forms. Allow sufficient
time for locating and receiving material.
The completely renovated Hilton C. Buley Library
opened its doors in March, 2015. Buley Library is the
academic hub on the campus. The library holds more
than 500,000 volumes including monographs,
periodicals, non-print media and items in microformat; and provides access to over 179 databases
— most of which link to full-text articles—thousands
of digital books, and over 50,000 full-text electronic
journal titles. The Main Floor of Buley offers a
“learning commons” design with open seating,
numerous workstations and service desks addressing
Library Hours
During the fall and spring semesters, the library is
open Mondays through Thursdays, 8 a.m.–11 p.m.;
Fridays, 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m.; Saturdays, 9 a.m.–5:00
p.m.; Sundays, 1 p.m.–11 p.m. Hours during the
summer, holiday and intercession periods vary and
are posted on the library home page. A 24 hour study
area will be offered beginning fall semester 2015.
Library Instruction
Librarians teach classes and workshops to aid
students in conducting research. Presentations are
offered on search strategies and selection of
appropriate research information using both print and
online resources. Formal presentations in specific
subject areas are arranged by teaching faculty for
individual classes. General orientation tours of Buley
Library are offered as requested.
Current issues of print subscriptions are shelved
around the perimeter of the Ground Floor Periodicals
Reading Room. Back issue content is available either
in bound volumes, microfilm/microfiche format or
digitally, as noted in the Connecticut State University
System online catalog, CONSULS. Microform
scanners are available for using micro-format
materials, including journals, thesis and historic
literature, and newspaper collections. The scanners
are located just outside the Microforms Room on
the ground floor.
Photocopiers/Book Scan Machines
The photocopiers have been replaced with book
scanning machines on the ground and first floors,
where you can scan, email, or download to your
flash drive.
Reference and Information Services
The Main Floor of Buley Library features a
professionally staffed Reference Desk where librarians
provide research assistance in utilizing CONSULS
(the Connecticut State University Library System online
catalog), more than 179 research databases, the
Internet, and the reference collection. The Reference
Desk is located in the Learning Commons area on
the main floor.
Reserve Materials
Reserve materials are available in both print and
electronic formats. Most print reserve materials
circulate for an hour at a time and may be requested
at the Circulation Desk. Some reserve materials can
be checked out overnight and should be returned by
9 a.m. the next day. Electronic reserves are available
at and can
be accessed 24/7 from on or off-campus. Enter your
network username and password to access electronic
reserve materials.
Lockers in the Adanti Student Center are available
for commuter students on a first-come, first-served
basis. Students must provide their own locks.
Commuter students can reserve a locker through the
Adanti Student Center room 325 at the start of the
semester. For more information, call the ASC Main
Desk at (203) 392-5500.
Lost and Found
The university is not responsible for the loss of
personal property. The lost and found service is
located in the University Police Department. Such
articles should be turned in or claimed at this office.
John Lyman Center for the Performing Arts
The Lyman Center is a 1500 seat theatre that
presents events for the University and public. The
venue is also available for use by recognized SCSU
student organizations. Please contact the Lyman
Scheduling Office at (203) 392-6165 to inquire about
scheduling an event and the associated costs of
holding this activity in the Lyman Center. For
upcoming performances information offered at the
Lyman Center please contact the box office at (203)
392-6154 or visit
Office of Sustainability
Both campus and out-going mail can be left at
the Mail Services Department in the Wintergreen
Building. Messages for faculty members can be left in
their mailboxes located in each department office.
Only residence hall students are assigned mailboxes.
Stamps can be purchased at the book store in the
Adanti Student Center.
Multi-Cultural Center
The Multi-Cultural Center serves as a resource for
the university and the community, promoting an
awareness and appreciation of cultural diversity. It
sponsors outreach programs with area schools and
conducts art exhibitions, film programs, lectures and
conferences. In addition, the center houses an
extensive book and video library. The Multi-Cultural
Center, located in the Adanti Student Center, is open
Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Notary Public
A notary public is available to students in the
Adanti Student Center Main Office, room 325.
Please call (203) 392-5500 for hours.
The Office of Sustainability at SCSU connects
students, faculty, and staff with the information,
people, and tools they need to make our campus
more sustainable. We encourage and welcome ideas
and participation by the entire campus community.
We provide a wide range of opportunities for
campus community engagement, including Campus
Conservation Nationals, Recyclemania, the
Campus Community Garden, Plant It Forward,
presentations by guest speakers, and much more.
The Office of Sustainability also tracks progress
toward meeting greenhouse gas and waste reduction
goals of the Presidents Climate Commitment. For
more information, call (203) 392-7135 or visit
Records/Registrar’s Office
The Registrar’s Office, located in the Wintergreen
Building, is responsible for registration add/drops,
withdrawals, and the maintenance of official
academic records. The office also compiles the Dean’s
List, processes transcripts and certification for
teachers, and handles Social Security and other
government forms. Forms for change of address,
certification, transcripts, and applications for a degree
are available in the office and on the Web.
Recreational Facilities
Recreational facilities available to university
students include the Adanti Student Center, Pelz
Gymnasium, Moore Fieldhouse, and various athletic
fields. Information and brochures describing
recreation activities, intramural offerings, and club
sports may be obtained in the Student Life Office,
room 212, Adanti Student Center or the Office of
Campus Recreation, room 231, Adanti Student
See Student Center section, page 96, for details
on joining the Southern Fitness Center located on the
second floor of the Adanti Student Center.
Southern Connecticut State University is committed
to being a good citizen, and part of being a good
citizen is environmental stewardship. Look for the
“Give a Hoot, Please Recycle” logo on recycling
containers throughout the Southern Campus. Make a
commitment to do your part to separate recyclables
from non-recyclable materials. For information
regarding the recycling program, visit or contact Heather Stearns,
Recycling Coordinator, at (203) 392-6931.
Residence Life
The purpose of the residential program at
Southern is to provide a comfortable and safe living
environment for full-time students which supports their
academic and personal pursuits. To aid in this
purpose, residents are encouraged to become
involved in hall and campus activities; develop
friendships; and participate in a multitude of
programs and experiential learning opportunities to
connect classroom learning and real-life application.
Residence halls at Southern are staffed by full-time
professional Hall Directors who supervise a staff of
trained Resident Advisors who live on each floor and
Desk Attendants who manage the 24-hour Welcome
Desk. Residence Life staff members provide support in
the residence halls in a number of ways, including:
referrals to campus resources, developing community
among the residents, responding to emergencies, and
providing social and educational programming.
Southern offers several styles of living, including
traditional double and triple rooms; suites; and
apartments. West Campus, Neff, Hickerson, Farnham,
Chase, and Wilkinson Halls offer double and triple
rooms with community bathrooms and lounges for first
and second year students. Alcohol is prohibited in
these communities
West Campus and Brownell offer suite-style rooms
with bathrooms. Residents living in any of these
communities are required to purchase a meal plan
which can be used at Connecticut Hall (main
cafeteria-style facility), the Adanti Student Center, and
convenience stores located around campus. Alcohol is
prohibited in the West Campus Residence Complex.
Schwartz Hall and the North Campus Midrise and
Townhouses offer two, four or six person apartments
with private bathrooms and full kitchens. Students
living in these communities are required to purchase a
$300 declining balance.
Residence hall amenities include: fully furnished
rooms, internet access, digital cable, microfridge units
in rooms and suites; and refrigerators, stoves, and
microwaves in the apartments. Selected locations offer
common area lounges, computer labs, and air
Students who decide to live on campus are
expected to abide by the terms of the Residential
Student Rights and Responsibilities, the Residence Hall
Contract, and the University Code of Conduct.
Students may request on-campus residence by
contacting the Office of Residence Life located in
Schwartz Hall 100, by email at reslife@SouthernCT.
edu, by phone at (203) 392.5869, or visit
R.I.D.E.S: Reducing Individual Dangers
and Encouraging Safety
R.I.D.E.S. is a safe rides program designed to
offer students a responsible mode of transportation
when needed. R.I.D.E.S. is available 24 hours a day
and can be used for any reason, no questions asked.
It is especially designed for circumstances when a
student might lack cash, but need to get out of an
unsafe or uncomfortable situation. For more
information on the program, contact the DARC office
at (203) 392-5087.
Sexuality and Gender Equality (SAGE) Center
The Sexuality and Gender Equality Center (SAGE)
— Southern’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender,
intersex, queer, questioning and allies (LGBTIQQA)
center — provides positive academic and cultural
support for all persons of sexual diversity including
students, faculty, staff, alumni/ae and university
guests. To achieve that goal, the center provides a safe
communal space, personal support, resource
information, relevant programming and positive
acknowledgement of the LGBTIQQA community and
its equality in the world today. The SAGE Center
works to create a campus atmosphere of tolerance
and understanding that is open and accepting — and
free from the oppressive forces of homophobia,
heterosexism and gender bias. Programming events
include lectures, discussions, social events, films and
other presentations throughout the academic year.
For more information, call (203) 392-8989.
Scheduling Office for Non-Class Programs
and Events
The Scheduling Office coordinates scheduling and
support services for classroom space and outdoor
areas for non-class programs and events. The staff is
available to meet with prospective users to discuss
support services and/or fees associated with any of
the available facilities. The office is located in John
Lyman Center for the Performing Arts, room 116.
For information, call (203) 392-6165.
Scholarships, Alumni Association
There are more than 180 Southern scholarships
that cover a variety of majors, extracurricular
interests, community activities and financial need.
Contact the Alumni Relations Office at (203) 3926500 with questions or visit
Speech/Hearing Clinic
The Center for Communication Disorders
assists students who need help with a speech, voice,
language or hearing problem or who want to
improve proficiency in spoken English. Located in
DA 012, the Center is open from Monday through
Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m., and Friday,
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The Center is staffed by
licensed, certified speech-language pathologists and
audiologists and by graduate student clinicians
from the Department of Communication Disorders.
Appointments can be made in person or by calling
(203) 392-5955.
Student Center
The Michael J. Adanti Student Center is a modern,
125,000-square-foot, multi-purpose facility located
on the corner of Crescent and Fitch Streets, easily
accessible from the Alumni Footbridge. With fantastic
views of West rock and the campus, large sun-filled
atriums and outdoor patios, the four-story building is
the hearth and home of campus life, a place where
students, faculty and staff can meet on common
ground. The Adanti Student Center provides
educational, cultural, social and recreational
programs that compliment education outside the
classroom. Equally exciting, the Student Center
provides an opportunity to strengthen ties to
off-campus entities such as corporations, art
organizations and civic and professional groups
through conferences, exhibitions and similar
collaborative events.
The Adanti Student Center is the home of a stateof-the-art fitness center, fireplace lounge, quiet study
lounge, grand ballroom, 200-seat movie theatre,
bookstore, computer lab, game room, Dunkin Donuts
and four dining establishments: 2Mato, Nathan’s,
Sono, and Mondo Subs. The Student Center has
multiple lounges and meeting rooms, the WepawaugFlagg Credit Union banking service and a satellite
station for campus police, as well as office space for
clubs and organizations. In addition, the Student
Center offers an Information Center, access to e-mail
terminals, wireless services, and a hydration station.
The Adanti Student Center offers meeting rooms to
suit every need, whether the occasion is a casual,
small-group gathering or a formal dinner and
reception. The Student Center also accommodates
large conferences as well as break-out sessions. All
rooms feature upscale furnishings, state-of-the-art
audio-visual components and wireless/computer
accessibility. The ballroom is 7,000 square feet of
space that provides an elegant yet versatile venue for
signature events such as academic and business
conferences, formal dances or dinners. It is also the
perfect setting for activities that attract a large
gathering, from career fairs and open houses to
religious services.
To make a reservation, contact the Michael J.
Adanti Student Center at (203) 392-5500 or visit
All clubs and organizations must reserve their
space early. The Student Center asks that users plan
their scheduled meetings one semester in advance.
Reservations will be available in September for the
following spring semester and in February for the fall
Student Center Hours of Operation
Monday –Thursday, 7 a.m.–12 p.m.
Friday, 7 a.m.–10 p.m.
Saturday, 7 a.m.–10 p.m.
Sunday, 2 p.m.–10 p.m.
Fitness Center
The Southern Fitness Center is a 7,500-squarefoot facility located on the second floor of the Michael
J. Adanti Student Center. It is designed to provide a
positive environment for members to engage in
moderate exercise and improve or maintain their
desired level of personal fitness. Use of the facility
is limited to current members.
Facility includes:
• Variety of cardiovascular equipment and
weight machines.
• Plate-loaded machines and free weights
ranging from two to 100 pounds.
• Accessory equipment including stability balls,
jump ropes, resistance bands, TRX, etc.,
are also available.
• A stretching/abs space as well as a cycling
room and a group exercise room allow for a
complete workout for members.
• Locker rooms with day lockers and showers.
All current Southern students, faculty, and staff are
eligible to purchase a membership for the Fitness
Center. Memberships include unlimited use of the
Fitness Center during operational hours, a fitness
orientation, and access to group exercise classes as
well as incentive programs. Other services may be
available at an additional cost. For the most up-todate information on cost of membership, hours of
operation, policies, and procedures, and how to join,
Student Membership on University Committees
Students in good academic standing are eligible to
serve as representatives on student-faculty committees.
These joint membership committees focus on
significant areas of university community life and
share in policy development.
Interested students should consult with the Student
Government Association, Adanti Student Center,
Room 218, or with the Office of Student Life, Adanti
Student Center, Room 212, for information regarding
membership on a committee.
Telephones/Public Phones/Courtesy Phones
Southern provides five public phones on campus
from which local calls can be made by members of the
university community and the general public for FREE.
They are located at the following campus sites: John
Lyman Center for the Performing Arts (one courtesy
phone is located in the main lobby near the box office
sales window, and another is located in the back
hallway outside of the Kendall Drama Lab); the
Connecticut Hall lobby; the Adanti Student Center
street level, near lockers, and the Schwartz Hall lobby.
Voter Registration for Students
Southern Connecticut State University is committed
to encouraging students to be civically engaged. As
such, all students are urged to exercise their rights and
duties as citizens by becoming registered voters and
actively participating in the election process.
Information regarding voter registration can be
found at Voter registration assistance is
available on campus in the Office of Judicial Affairs
located in Engleman B222.
Students are granted many rights and
responsibilities through the University’s Academic
Honesty Policy and the Student Bill of Rights. Students
should know their rights and responsibilities, as well
as the procedure for filing grievances when a violation
Academic Honesty
Academic honesty is the cornerstone of higher
education. An honest approach to one’s work is the
only approach—in the laboratory, in research or in
examinations. Cheating of any kind is, and must be,
condemned by all members of a college community.
Behavior that falls under the heading of academic
dishonesty includes the following:
A. The use of illicit aids during examination
B. The giving and/or receiving of aid on any
C. Copying from another student’s examination,
term paper, laboratory report, etc.;
D. The falsification of work or records;
E. The theft of course materials;
F. Plagiarism: Plagiarism is using the words or
ideas of another writer and presenting them as
your own. It is a kind of academic theft and is
therefore dishonest. Once your name appears
on an essay or term paper, you are stating that
the ideas and language in the paper that are not
attributed to another are entirely your own and
that the reader assumes that these are your
work. An obvious form of plagiarism is copying
the exact words from your source without
providing quotation marks and without giving
credit to the source, usually in a footnote. A less
obvious but equally dishonest form of plagiarism
is the changing of a few words (paraphrasing)
or using of an author’s original idea without
properly introducing and documenting that
change or usage. The ideas, interpretations and
words of an author belong to the author. They
are the author’s property. They are protected by
law, and they must be acknowledged whenever
you borrow them. Alleged violations of
academic misconduct are handled through
processes outlined in the Student Code of
Student Bill Of Rights
Southern Connecticut State University exists to
communicate knowledge, to encourage scholarship, to
develop responsible students, to contribute to the
worth and dignity of humankind, to add to the
general well-being of society and, ultimately, to
advance the pursuit of truth.
To accomplish these goals, Southern has created an
atmosphere in which education extends beyond the
formal classroom situation—an atmosphere that
encourages individual development within a strong
but flexible structure. With this structure as their
common base, the student and the university work
together to educate and develop the student to their
fullest capacity.
As citizens, students enjoy the freedoms
guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States
and the Constitution of the State of Connecticut and
have the same duties and responsibilities as other
Academic Evaluation and Instruction
Each student has the right to be evaluated entirely
on the basis of their academic performance and to
have this right guaranteed by orderly, clearly defined
procedures. Students have the right of access to the
evaluation of their performance so they can know
their strengths and weaknesses. It is the student’s
responsibility to maintain academic standards, to
understand the procedures for evaluation and to
function accordingly.
Each student has the right to expect a professor to
present course content that is relevant to their
academic discipline. Moreover, each student has the
right to expect a professor to be adequately prepared
for class and to be accessible for individual
conference. It is the responsibility of the student to
seek individual help when needed and to keep up
with their studies in order to understand fully the
nature of the material presented. There shall be a
means established for student evaluation of course
and instruction.
Amendments to this Bill of Rights must be ratified
by the Student Government, the Faculty Senate and
the Administration.
Students bring to the campus a variety of interests
and, as members of the academic community, they
shall be free to develop new interests. They shall be
free to organize and to join associations in
accordance with university policies to promote their
common interests.
1. The membership, policies and actions of a
student organization shall be determined by
vote of only those members who are currently
registered at the university.
2. Student organizations that have acquired
institutional recognition shall be free to affiliate
with any university and non-university
organization with which the student
organization shares common interests and
goals, providing that such organizations do not
contradict the Student Bill of Rights and abide
by the rules and regulations of the university.
3. Each student organization shall be free to
recommend a faculty adviser. Faculty advisers
shall be members of the university and shall
advise organizations in the exercise of their
responsibilities as they function in line with their
purposes, but they shall not have the authority
to control the policy of such organizations.
4. Student organizations organized in accordance
with university policies shall be required to
submit for approval a statement of purpose,
criteria for membership, rules of procedure, a
current list of officers and members to the Office
of Student Life, ASC 212.
Each student is free to take reasoned and
reasonable exception, without interference to data
and views presented in any course and to reserve
judgment in matters of opinion. The learning process
involves more than mastering course content; it should
also involve development of motivation to learn and
guidance in independent study while encouraging
students to develop to their fullest potential. The
student’s concurrent responsibility is to exercise their
freedom of expression in an orderly manner that
reflects thought, scholarly analysis, courtesy and
knowledge of the course material.
Curriculum Revision and Evaluation
All members of the university (faculty, students and
administrators) shall be free to present proposals for
curricular revisions and evaluation. Each of the above
three must recognize that curricular revision and
evaluation entails perceiving the scope of the entire
university. The Undergraduate Curriculum
Committee—composed of students, faculty and
administrators—shall channel proposals to the
appropriate office or department.
All students shall be assured that university rules,
regulations and policies (including classes, athletics,
facilities, student housing and student organizations)
will be in full compliance with state and federal
legislation granting equal protection of the law
regardless of religious creed, race, color, ancestry,
national origin, gender, age, sexual orientation or
Students may serve on various official university
boards and committees. Through this participation,
students perform the invaluable function of improving
communications between the student body and the
university faculty and administration. These student
representatives bring the opinions and concerns of the
entire student community into focus on particular
areas of committee responsibilities, so as to define
and achieve the goals of the university as a whole and
enrich the individual lives of all its members.
Each student has the right to privacy, and this right
shall not be violated by other occupants, employees or
administrative personnel. Although it is recognized
that administrative personnel may supervise and
inspect for cleanliness, health, safety and
maintenance, they shall not engage in any search of
personal possessions of students. If such a search is
deemed necessary by the Dean of Student Affairs, it
shall first be authorized by the university President.
Prior to any such search, every effort shall be made to
notify the student concerned. If it is not possible to
inform the student of the search and/or if they are not
available to be present, the student should be
immediately informed of its outcome.
Southern students and student organizations shall
have the right to examine and discuss all questions of
interest to them, to express opinion publicly and
privately and to support causes by orderly means.
They may organize public demonstrations and protest
gatherings and utilize the right to petition. Students do
not have the right to deprive others of the opportunity
to speak or be heard, to damage the property of
others, to invade the privacy of others, to disrupt the
regular and essential operation of the university or to
interfere with the rights of others.
Policy Resolution on Campus Freedom
and Order by the Board of Trustees for the
Connecticut State University
Be It Resolved That the Board of Trustees:
• Affirms and supports for the university the
concepts of freedom of thought, inquiry, speech
and lawful assembly;
• Affirms the right of individuals and groups in the
university to assemble, to dissent, to picket and
to demonstrate on the university campuses within
the limits of administrative guidelines or
regulations; and
• Affirms the right of all individuals and groups at
all times to pursue their normal activities within
the university and to be protected from physical
injury or property damage.
Be It Further Resolved: That the Board of Trustees
for the Connecticut State Universities hereby declares
that the following are forms of conduct contrary to the
purposes and well-being of the Connecticut State
Universities and are prohibited. Such conduct
provides grounds for disciplinary proceedings leading
to probation, suspension or expulsion and to resort to
enforcement agencies when necessary.
1. Interfering with the freedom of any person to
express their views, including invited speakers;
2. Disrupting the orderly conduct of instruction,
research, administration, disciplinary
proceedings or other university activities;
3. Interfering, in any manner whatsoever, with the
access to or exit from any university campus or
the buildings, classrooms, libraries, meeting
rooms, offices or other premises that are duly
open to members of the campus community or
to other persons;
4. Occupying or utilizing without authorization
any building or facility or portion thereof;
5. Damaging or destroying property or removing
or using such property without authorization;
6. Possessing of firearms or detaining any person
or removing such person from any place where
they are authorized personnel;
7. Physically restraining or detaining any person
or removing such person from any place where
they are authorized or otherwise free to remain
8. Failing to comply with direction of Southern
officials acting in performance of their duties.
The News Media
Student publications and other news media are
recognized as a valuable aid in establishing and
maintaining an atmosphere of free and responsible
discussion and of intellectual exploration on the
campus. It is a further recognized function of such
publications and other news media to serve as a
vehicle for exposition of opinions of the university
community. Students have the right to express
opinions in campus publications and via other news
media without fear of reprisal.
1. The amount of financial support given each
publication and other news media shall be
recommended by the Student Media Board
and approved by the Dean of Student Affairs.
2. Having cognizance of the requirement for truth
and accuracy in whatever is published or
reported, the student news media shall be free
of censorship. The right to freedom of
expression must be governed by the rules of
responsible journalism and reporting and shall
be recognized as a requirement for each
publication or other news media. Included in
this basic tenet of journalism are: (1) the
obligation to present accurate and correct
information; (2) the opportunity for expression
by all members of the university; (3) the right
of “equal time” for all sides of an issue.
Speakers and Topics
Student organizations shall be allowed to invite
and to hear any person of their own choosing. The
university’s control of campus facilities and the
allocation of funds for guest speakers shall not be
used as a device of censorship. Any routine
procedures required before a guest speaker is invited
to appear shall be designed only to ensure that there
are no conflicts in the scheduling of speakers or
facilities, that proper facilities are used, that there is
adequate preparation for the event and that the
occasion is conducted in a manner appropriate to an
academic community. It shall be made clear to the
academic and larger community that
sponsorship of guest speakers does not necessarily
imply approval or endorsement of the views
expressed, either by the sponsoring group or by
Southern Connecticut State University.
Student Records and Disclosure
Southern Connecticut State University shall have
a carefully considered policy as to the information
that shall be a part of a student’s permanent
educational record and as to the conditions of its
disclosure. To minimize the risk of improper
disclosure, academic and disciplinary records shall be
separate and the conditions of access to each shall be
set forth in an explicit policy statement. Data from
disciplinary and counseling files shall not be available
to unauthorized persons on campus or to any
unauthorized persons off campus without the express
consent of the student involved, except under lawful
compulsion or in cases where the safety of persons or
property is involved.
1. Academic records are permanently on file at
Southern Connecticut State University. No
records shall be kept that reflect the political
activities or political beliefs of students. Provision shall also be made for routine destruction
of disciplinary records at a specific time after
graduation. Administrative staff, student
personnel officers and non-professional staff
shall respect the confidential information about
students that they acquire in the course of
their work.
2. Students shall be aware that persons given for
personal reference or recommendations are
legally free to give any relevant information
required by the reference.
3. Personal and disciplinary records of students
who leave the university without graduating
may be saved for reference in the event a
student applies for re-admission to Southern
Connecticut State University.
Student Grievances
Definition of Grievance
A student grievance shall be defined as a violation
of a student’s rights as set forth in the Student Bill of
Rights contained in this handbook. It is further defined
as a difference, complaint or dispute resulting from
alleged administrative or academic injustice or
regarding the interpretation and application of
university policy and/or procedures. Academic
injustice is not to be construed to include the change
of a student’s grade. Procedures for grade appeals
are outlined on pages 14–17.
The Student Code of Conduct presents a clear statement of students’ rights and
responsibilities established by the Connecticut Board of Regents for Higher Education.
It defines prohibited conduct, the disciplinary process for violations, and potential
consequences for violations. To view the Student Code of Conduct, visit
Absences, Class
Your instructor
Absences, Extended Medical
Counseling Office/B 219 • 25475
Dean of Students Office/EN A106 • 25556
Academic Advisement
Frank Ladore/WT 154 • 28888
[email protected]
Academic Success Center
Katie DeOliveira • 25186
[email protected]
Academic and Career Counseling
WT 171 • 25367
Bursar’s Office/WT • 26140
Barnes & Noble Bookstore
ASC Bookstore • 25270
[email protected]
Billing; Business Office
Bursar’s Office/WT • 26140
[email protected]
Career Services
WT • 26536
Catering Services
Change Of Name Or Address
Registrar’s Office/WT • 25301
Closing University
Weather Check (203) 392-SNOW(2-7669)
(203) 392-5520
Clubs And Organizations
Emergency 911
Daphney J. Alston/ASC 217F • 27297
University Police/GR • 25375
[email protected]
Health Services/GR • 26300
Accounts Payable
WT • 27244
Adaptive Technology
Club Sports
Eric LaCharity/ASC • 25792
[email protected]
CLEP Exams
Bogdan Zamfir/ENB017A • 25799
Monica Raffone/WT • 26194
[email protected]
[email protected]
Adding Courses
Registrar/WT • 25301
Alumni Relations
Michelle Johnston/WT 108 • 26500
[email protected]
Athletics, Intercollegiate
MFH 201 • 26047 •
Audio/Visual Equipment
EN B 17 C • 25400
Auditing Course
Registrar’s Office/WT • 25301
Commencement Information
Patrick Dilger/WT • 26588
[email protected]
Communication Disorder Center
Patricia McMahon/DA 12 • 25954
[email protected]
Kevin McNamara/DA 12A • 25982
[email protected]
Counseling Services
EN B 219 • 25475
Credits Transferred
Registrar’s Office/WT • 25301
Dean’s List
Academic Affairs/EN A 210 • 25350
Degree Requirements
Registrar’s Office/WT • 25301
Dining Services
Directory Information
Directory Assistance • 25200 or 392-5201
Disability Resource Center
Financial Aid
WT • 25222
Financial Literacy and Advising
Lewis DeLuca, Jr./WT 138 • 28862
[email protected]
Fitness Center
Jessica Scibek/ASC 264 • 28971
[email protected]
Food Service Operations
Goldie Adele/EN C105 • 26828
Brad Crerar/ASC • 25505
[email protected]
[email protected]
Discipline, Student
Fund Raising, Clubs
Chris Piscitelli/EN B 222 • 26188
Denise Bentley-Drobish/ASC • 25782
[email protected]
[email protected]
Diversity And Equity Programs
Grade Change
Brenda C. Harris • 25899
Your Instructor
[email protected]
Grades, Problem with
Dropping Courses
Registrar/WT • 25301
Discrimination Issues
Jules Tetreault/EN A 106 • 25556
[email protected]
Emergencies: Police, Fire, Medical
Telephone 911
Public Telephone 392-5375
Employment, Off-Campus
Registrar’s Office/WT • 25301
Graduate Student Affairs Committee
Arlene Lucibello/LY 116 • 26165
[email protected]
Graduation, Application For
Records Office/WT • 25301
Health Services GR • 26300
Hearing Evaluations
Career Services/WT 119 • 26536
James Dempsey/DA 12G • 25955
[email protected]
Employment, On-Campus
Career Services/WT 119 • 26536
Facilities, Use Of
Athletic Facilities: MFH 211 • 26003
Honors College
Terese Gemme/EN B 225A • 25499
[email protected]
Housing, On-Campus
Classrooms: LY 116 • 26165
Robert DeMezzo/SZ 100 • 25886
Connecticut Hall: Eric Simms/ASC • 25503
[email protected]
[email protected]
Lyman Center: Dave Starkey/LY 105 • 26163
[email protected]
Student Center: Eric Simms/ASC • 25503
Identification (ID) Cards (Hoot Loot)
WT • 27077
Independent Study
Academic Dean
[email protected]
Insurance, Student
Bursar’s Office/WT • 26140
[email protected]
International Students
Erin Heidkamp/EN B 116 • 26975
[email protected]
Intramural Sports
Eric LaCharity/ASC 227 • 25792
[email protected]
Learning Resource Center
BU 313 • 25713
Loans, Student
Lost And Found
University Police/GR • 25375
WT 143 • 25268
Medical Claim Forms
Health Services/GR • 26300
Multicultural Affairs
Dian Brown-Albert/ASC 209 • 25879
[email protected]
Musical Activities
EA 120A • 26625
New England Regional Program
Registrar’s Office/WT • 25301
New Student Orientation
Sal Rizza/EN A 220 • 25168
[email protected]
Notary Public
Janet Schneider/ASC 308 • 25500
[email protected]
Jan Pettie/EN B 213 • 27068
[email protected]
Parking Permits (Off-Campus Students)
University Police/GR • 25375
Personal Problems
Counseling Office/EN B 219A • 25475
Police Walking Escort Services
University Police/GR • 25375
Programs Council
Eric LaCharity/ASC 213 B • 25792
[email protected]
Recreation Activities
Eric LaCharity/ASC 213 B • 25792
[email protected]
Bursar’s Office/WT • 25328
Registrar’s Office/WT • 25301
Religious Services
Interfaith Office/ASC 227 • 25331
Residency Status
Registrar’s Office/WT • 25301
SAGE Center
ASC 238 • 28989
[email protected]
Scholarships, Alumni Relations
Doreen Gilhuly/WT • 26500
Sexual Assault
University Police/GR • 25375/911
Women’s Center • 26946
Sexual Harassment
Brenda C. Harris • 25899
[email protected]
Sexual Misconduct Title IX
Jules Tetreault/EN A 106 • 25556
[email protected]
Shuttle Bus Service
University Police/GR • 25375
Southern News
ASC 225 • 26928
Sports Information/Publications
MFH 210 • 26005
Student Government
SGA Office/ASC 222 • 26937
Student Media Board
Wellness Office
Jeff Mock/EN D241 • 25527
GR 47 • 26526
[email protected]
Study Abroad
Erin Heidkamp/EN B 116 • 26975
[email protected]
Teacher Certification
DA 103 • 25906
University Police/GR • 25375
Tuition And Fees
Business Office/WT • 26140
Tutorial Center
Tom Ferrucci/EN A014 • 26814
[email protected]
Tyco Copy Center
ASC 25549
University Access Services
Aaron Washington/EN A 106 • 25885
Withdrawal, Courses
Registrar’s Office/WT
Withdrawal, From University
Monica Raffone/WT • 26194
[email protected]
Women’s Center
Catherine Christy/SZ • 26946
[email protected]
Work-Study Program
John Giordano/WT • 25222
[email protected]
WSIN Radio Station
WSIN Office/ASC 253 • 26930
Writing Center
EN A012 • 26824
[email protected]
University Police
Joe Dooley/GR • 25375
[email protected]
Vending Machines, Food
Brad Crerar/ASC • 25505
[email protected]
Verification Of Enrollment
Registrar’s Office/WT • 25312
Veterans Services
Jack Mordente/EN B018 • 26822
[email protected]
Waiver Examinations
Christine Barrett • 26195
[email protected]
Weather Emergency
Weather Chek (203) 392-5520
(203) 392-SNOW
Absences From Class 9
Academic and Career Advising Center 88
Academic Adviser:
Assignment to an Academic Adviser 20
Academic Advising 88
Academic Clubs 62
Academic Computer Center:
See Information Technology –
Support Services (OIT-SS) 58
Academic Dismissal 9
Academic Evaluation:
See Grading System 15
Academic Clubs 58
Academic Honesty 102
Violations 102
Academic Probation 8
Academic Success Center 38
Accessibility to Campus Sponsored Events 63
Adanti Student Center Food Court 91
Adaptive Technology:
See Center for Adaptive Technology 90
Adding/Dropping Courses:
See Registration Procedures: Add/Drops 18
Administration 1
See Fresh Start Option 11
See New England Regional
Student Program 17
See Readmission to the University 17
Adviser’s Responsibilities 78
Alcohol/Drug Education & Prevention Programs 44
Individual Counseling and Referral 44
Drug and Alcohol Resource Center (DARC) 44
Southern Task Force on Prevention (STOP) 44
Anti-Drinking and Driving 44
Self-Help Groups 45
Alcohol and Drug Health Risks 45
Alcohol and Drug Policies 43
Alcohol 43
Drugs 44
Family Educational Rights and
Privacy Act — Parental Notification 43
Legal Sanctions 45
Appeals Committee for Traffic and Parking 56
See Grade Appeal Procedures 12
Application, Readmission 19
Application to a Department 20
Athletics 63
Attendance in Class 9
Audio Visual/Television/
Multi-Media Services 89
Auditing Courses:
See Course Audit 10
Bagel Wagon 91
Bicycles, Rollerblading and Skateboarding 46
Bill of Rights, Students 99
Block Placed Against Registration:
See Debts, Fines and Obligations 19
Bookstore 89
Book Scan Machines 95
Bursar’s Office 28
Authorized Users (Parents) 28
Health Insurance for Students 29
Financial Obligations 29
Payment Methods 29
Business Office: See Bursar’s Office 28
Bus Service 90
Bus Service (Shuttle) 53
Campus Freedom and Order, Policy 104
Campus Parking and Traffic Regulations 54
Enforcement 56
Traffic And Parking Appeals Committee 56
Traffic And Parking Regulations 54
Vehicle Registration 54
Car Registration. See Vehicle Registration 54
Career Advising 89
Career Development Programs 89
Career Fairs 89
Career Resource Computer Lab 89
Cooperative Education 89
Center for Adaptive Technology 90
Change of Address 9
Childcare Reimbursement Program 90
Class Cancellation Advisory 10
Class Designation 10
Class Government:
See Councils and Governing Organizations:
Class Governments 64
Closing of the University 57
Club Sports 64
Community Hour 90
Commuter Student Services 90
Computer Systems Use:
See Student Use of Computer Systems 59
Connecticut Hall 91
Contracts for Services 65
Cooperative Education:
See Career Services:
Cooperative Education 89
Councils and Governing Organizations 64
Class Governments 65
Greek Life Council 65
Programs Council 64
Student Government Association 64
Residence Hall Association 64
Counseling Services 47
Course Audit 10
Courses at Other Institutions, Taking 20
Course Withdrawals:
See Add/Drops and Course Withdrawals 18
Debts, Fines, and Obligations 19
Credit Load:
See Semester Credit Load 18
Criteria used for Consideration of a Fund-Raising
Request 68
Crosswalks, Regulations #6 55
Dating Violence 23
Davis Hall Kiosk 91
Day Care Service:
See Childcare Reimbursement Program 90
Dean’s List 10
Dean of Student Affairs 92
Debts, Fines, and Obligations 19
Degree Application 10
Degree Program:
See Selection of a Degree Program 20
Degree Requirements 11
Dining Services 91
Disability Resource Center 38
Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Policy 22
Domestic Violence 23
Dropping a Course:
See Add/Drops/Withdrawals 18
Drug/Alcohol Education & Prevention Programs 43
Anti-Drinking and Driving 44
Drug & Alcohol Resource Center (DARC) 44
Individual Counseling and Referral 44
Self-Help Groups 45
Southern Task Force On Prevention (STOP) 44
Educational Opportunity Program:
See University Access Programs: EOP 40
Electronic Cigarettes 52
Emergency Medical Assistance 47
Escort Service: See Walking Escort Service 57
Events by Recognized Student Organizations 65
Events, General Policies 67
F.E.R.P.A. (Family Educational Rights
and Privacy Act) 43
Financial Aid and Literacy Office 31
Financial Aid 31
Private Scholarships 31
Veterans’ Benefits 32
Financial Aid Withdrawal Policy 33
Financial Aid Statement of Rights
and Responsibilities 32
Financial Obligations:
See Bursar’s Office 28
See Debts, Fines and Obligations 19
Fire Evacuation Procedures 47
First Year Experience 11
Fitness Center 100
Food and Beverages 91
Food Services/Connecticut Hall 91
Fraternities and Sororities, Social 81
Fresh Start Option 11
Fundraising Activities 67
Criteria used for Consideration
of a Fundraising Request 68
General Policies for Fundraising 68
Procedures 68
Funding of Undergraduate Student
Organizations 76
Good Samaritan Medical Amnesty Statement 42
Grade Changes:
See Grade Appeal Procedures 12
Grade Point Average 15
Grading System 15
Greek Life Council 65
Grievances, Student 107
Hazing Policy Statement 69
Health and Sanitation 53
Health and Accident Insurance 50
Health and Wellness Center 48
Additional Requirement for On-Campus
Residence Students 49
Health and Accident Insurance 50
Health Assistance Off Campus 49
Health Immunization Requirements 49
History of the University:
See Introduction 4
Honor Societies 69
Honors 16
Honors College 11
Honors Thesis 16
Hoot Loot (Identification Card) 93
See Residence Life 98
Identification Card (Hoot Loot) 93
See Health Immunization Requirements 49
Incomplete Courses 16
Independent Study 16
Indoor Safety 51
Information Requests 16
Information Technology Support Services 58
Inquiry 101 11
Insurance 29
Also see Health Center:
Health and Accident Insurance 50
Insurance Waiver:
See Bursar’s Office 28
Inter-Faith Office 93
International and Multicultural Groups 70
International Students 93
Internships 16
Intramural Sports 70
Irregular Schedule, Petition for:
See Registration:
Petition for Irregular Schedule 18
Job Opportunities:
See Career Advising 89
John Lyman Center 97
Lactation Room 94
Legal Sanctions 45
Letter of Welcome, President 2
Letter of Welcome, Interim Vice President
for Student and University Affairs 3
Library 94
Circulation 94
Fines & Overdue Materials 94
Interlibrary Loan 94
Library Hours 95
Library Instruction 95
Periodicals 95
Photocopiers 95
Reference and Information Services 95
Reserve Materials 95
Lockers 96
Lost and Found 97
Lyman Center 97
Mail 97
Majors Expo 89
Media Board 70
Media Groups 73
Medical/Emotional Problems:
See Safety Procedures for Students with
Severe Medical/Emotional Problems 50
Midterm Grades 17
Minimal GPA Standards 17
Multi-Cultural Center 97
Multi-Cultural/International Groups 70
New England Regional Student Program 17
New Student and Sophomore Programs 39
New Student Organizations:
See Recognition of New Student
Organizations 74
News Media 105
New Student Orientation 39
Non-Discrimination Policy:
See Discrimination and Sexual
Harassment Prevention Policy 22
Notary Public 97
Off-Campus Events:
See Planning Off-Campus Events 66
On-Campus Events:
See Reservation Procedures for
On-Campus Events 65
See Recognition
of New Student Organizations 74
Parental Notification:
See Family Educational Rights and
Privacy Act 43
Parental Notification Guidelines 50
Parking and Traffic Regulations 54
Parking Appeals Committee 56
Pass-Fail Option 20
Penalty for late and non-payment 30
Performing and Creative Arts Groups 73
Personal Information:
See Information Requests 16
Petitions and Referendums, Student 80
Petition Procedures 80
Referendum Procedures 81
Pets on Campus 51
Planning of On-Campus or Off-Campus Events:
See Events by Recognized Student
Organizations 66
Contracts for Services 65
General Policies for Events 67
Planning Off-Campus Events 66
Reservation Procedures for
On-Campus Facilities 65
Pluralism (Statement On) 23
Police. See University Police 56
Political Action and Advocacy Groups 73
Posting Policy 74
Bulletin Boards and Showcases 74
General Purpose Kiosks 74
Residence Life 74
Table Tents 74
Private Scholarships 31
Probation, Academic 8
Proficiency Policy 17
Programs Council 64
Quality Points:
See Grade Point Average 15
Readmission to the University 17
Recognition of New Student Organizations 74
Adviser’s Responsibilities 78
Funding of Undergraduate Student
Organizations 76
Recognition Procedures 75
Responsibilities of Student Organizations 77
Rights and Privileges of Recognized
Organizations 75
The Organization’s Responsibilities
to the Adviser 79
Withdrawal of Recognition 77
See Student Records 82
Recreational Facilities 98
Recreational/Social Clubs 79
Recycling 98
Refunds 30
Registrar’s Office 97
Registration 17
Petition for Irregular Schedule 18
Pass-Fail Option 18
Semester Credit Load 18
Registration Procedures 18
Add/Drops 18
Debts, Fines and Obligations 19
Religious Organizations 80
Religious Services Policy 74
Replacement Grade Option 19
Reservation Procedures:
See Planning of On-Campus or Off-Campus
Events by Recognized Student Organizations
Reservation Procedures for On-Campus Facilities 65
Planning Off-Campus Events 66
Residence Hall Association 64
Residence Life 98
Residence Status 35
Responsiblities of Student Organizations 77
R.I.D.E.S. 99
Rights and Privileges of Recognized Organizations 75
Rollerblading 46
ROTC (Reserve Officer Training Candidate) 19
Safety: See Indoor Safety 51
Safety Procedures for Students with Severe
Medical/Emotional Problems 50
SAGE Center 99
Satisfactory Academic Progress to Maintain
Financial Aid Eligibility 36
Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards 36
Scheduling Office for Non-Class Programs
and Events 99
Scholarships, Alumni Association 99
Scholarships, Private 31
Search and Seizure Policy 51
Selection of a Degree Program 20
Self-Help Groups 45
Semester Credit Load 18
Service Contracts:
See Events by Recognized Student
Organizations: Contracts for Services 65
Service Organizations 81
Sexual Assault
See Sexual Misconduct 23
Sexual Harassment Policy And Procedure:
See Discrimination and Sexual Harassment
Prevention Policy 22
Sexual Misconduct 23
Sexual Harassment 23
Sexual Assault 23
Sexual Exploitation 23
Dating Violence 23
Domestic Violence 23
Stalking 23
Reporting Procedures 24
Filing Criminal Charges 24
Silent Witness Programs–
Anonymous Reporting 24
Filing Charges with the University 24
University Disciplinary Procedures Regarding
Sexual Misconduct 25
Restraining Orders and Protective Orders 26
Assistance/Advocacy for Survivors/SART 26
Sexual Violence Prevention and
Awareness Education 27
Sexuality and Gender Equality (SAGE) Center 99
Shuttle Bus Service 53
Skateboarding 46
Smoking Policy 52
Social/Recreational Clubs 79
Software Ownership and Developments 58
Sororities and Fraternities 77
Southern Academy (for middle school students):
See University Access Programs 40
Speakers and Topics 106
Speech/Hearing Clinic 99
Sports: See Athletics 63
Stalking 23
Student Account Billing Policy:
See eBill and Payment Suite 29
Student Bill of Rights 103
Academic Evaluation and Instruction 103
Amendments 103
Association 103
Classroom 104
Curriculum Revision and Evaluation 104
Discrimination 104
Governance 104
News Media 105
Privacy 104
Protest 104
Speakers and Topics 106
Student Records and Disclosure 106
Student Center 99
Student Center Food Court 91
Student Center Regulations 52
Health and Sanitation 53
Student Code of Contact 108
Student Dress 53
Student Government Association 64
Student Grievances 107
Student Information Requests 16
Student Membership on University Committees 100
Student Offenses for Misuse of University Computers 59
Student Organizations 62
Student Petitions and Referendums 80
Student Records 82
Definition of Student Records 82
Disclosure 106
General Policies 84
Types of Student Records Maintained 82
Student Software Ownership and
Software Developments 58
Student-University Relations 102
Student Use of Computer Systems and Networks
Policy Statement 59
Sustainability 97
Taking Courses at Other Institutions 20
Telephones/Public Phones/
Courtesy Phones 101
Title IV Withdrawal Policy 33
Traffic and Parking Appeals Committee 56
Traffic and Parking Regulations 54
Traffic and Parking Violations and Fines:
See Enforcement 56
Transcripts 20
Transfer Courses:
See Taking Courses at Other Institutions 20
Transfer Students 20,
See also New Student Orientation 39
University Access Programs 40
University Police 56
University Student Center Regulations
Health and Sanitation 53
Use of Computer Systems and Networks 59
See Health and Wellness Center 48
Vehicle Registration 54
Veterans Benefits 32
Veterans and Military Programs 40
Voter Registration 101
Waiver Examinations 21
Walking Escort Service 57
Weather Related Closing of the University 57
Welcome from the Vice President for Student Affairs 3
Welcome from the President 2
Wellness Center:
See Health and Wellness Center: 48
Withdrawal of Recognition:
See Recognition of New Student Organizations:
Withdrawal of Recognition 77
Withdrawal Policy 21
Withdrawal from a Course:
See Course Withdrawal 18
Withdrawal from the University:
See Withdrawal Policy 21
Women’s Center 57
Academic and Laboratory Science Building
Admissions House
Moore Fieldhouse
Adanti Student Center
Morrill Hall
Brownell Hall
Neff Hall
Buley Library
North Campus Residence Complex
Chase Hall
Orlando Health Sciences House
Connecticut Hall
Old Student Center
Davis Hall
Pelz Gym
Earl Hall
Power Plant
Engleman Hall
School of Business
Farnham Hall
Schwartz Hall
Granoff Student Health Services
Temporary Buildings
Hickerson Hall
West Campus
Jennings Hall
Wilkinson Hall
Lang Social Work House
Wintergreen Building
Lyman Center