February 2016 - Calgary Snowmobile Club
February 2016 - Calgary Snowmobile Club
CALGARY SNOWMOBILE CLUB Snow Trails & Tales February 2016 Membership’s Report Welcome to February all. Just taking a step back to our rides in January. Cataract Creek to start, I would like to thank the Trail committee and all involved for what they did to prepare for this Club ride. The trails where in fantastic shape. Thank you. As for the cold - overnight Temperatures dipping in to low20’s brought on some challenges like frozen propane tanks or I my case the generator ran out of fuel overnight. Bad timing on my part I guess I should have stayed up longer. The funny thing was trying to start that thing in the morning you know it’s cold when you can pick up a generator by the pull rope. Anyway it all worked out for the 8 units that camped out that week end. I also think everyone had a good time out riding the trails and sharing stories in the cook shack in the evenings. I keep getting it… that our Club and its Members are just a great bunch to be around. NEXT CLUB MEETING – TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2016 – 7:30 PM EAST CALGARY TWIN ARENAS (299 ERINWOODS DRIVE SE) 1. For up-to-date information on Club events, meetings, photos and news, check out our website at: www.calgarysnowmobileclub.net The Calgary Snowmobile Club • PO Box 6982, Stn D, Calgary, AB T2P 2G2 Calgary Snowmobile Club – February 2016 Newsletter 1 Membership’s Report continued … The STARS Ride our Club Ride in the Pass. WOW what can I say? The host club Crow Snow Riders, did it again and put on a great event. Both the Poker run and the get together at Pure Country Bar and Grill (Frank, AB) were fantastic, the dinner was amazing. Thank you neighbors to the south. I was unable to take part in our STARS Club Ride the next day, however I have been told they had a good time and a long day’s ride. Club Membership Update. Our membership numbers are as follows: We have 110 Family Memberships 38 of them are new to the Club. We have 12 Corporate Members on board, one of them new to the Club. As a Club we have sold 152 ASA Trail Passes, plus another 17 directed to our Club from the ASA. Which brings me to this point: join a Club help keep sledding alive and well. Clubs do wonderful work on this level, get involved. That’s it from the Membership side, sled safe and make every trip a round trip to talk about. Jorg Rippe CSC Membership Social Convener’s Report Tickets, Tickets, Tickets !!! Where do I get my Tickets? Well, it is still early but please mark calendars. This is a fun event and an awesome way to wrap up the Season of Sledding. Tickets are available at our monthly general meetings. If you are unable to attend our monthly general meeting please call your Social Convener for Tickets - Alice Hill @ 403-236-8155. Calgary Snowmobile Club Wind-up Party When: Saturday, May 7, 2016 Cocktails: 5:30 pm Dinner: 6:30 pm Dance: 8:00 pm – 1:00 am Where: Royal Canadian Legion Branch #275 755-40 Street SE Cost: $40 per person / $80 for two Everyone cordially invited to this fun social event!!!! Social Convener, Alice Hill Calgary Snowmobile Club – February 2016 Newsletter 2 Safety, Search and Rescue’s Report STARS Air Ambulance Education Seminar And Facility Tour Date: Tuesday March 22nd Time: 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Place: STARS Calgary Base - Head Office 1441 Aviation Park NE, Calgary The seminar and facility tour will include the following: Education and training on picking and preparing a safe landing zone site. A look and presentation on the inside of the helicopter. A tour of the dispatch services center. Club Group photo (please wear your club logo clothing). Any members or sponsors interested in attending this events must RSVP Darren Kelm [email protected] by February 23rd to reserve a spot as space is limited. STARS Snowmobiling Safety Media Event Hello fellow sledders, This month’s Stars ride appears to have been a huge success for raising funds in support of Stars Air Ambulance. On December 8th our club was part of the STARS snowmobiling safety media event. We had representation by our club VP, Darren Whitney and me Safety Search and Rescue, Darren Kelm. Joel Wasnidge from our club joined us as he represented the ASA in promoting our overall message of being prepared. Here are some images from the event including an “Action” shot of a simulated incident. Thanks to the STARS organization for the invitation to this event and to the ASA for their collaboration and support with our core value of safety within our sport. Calgary Snowmobile Club – February 2016 Newsletter 3 Safety, Search and Rescue’s Report continued … Safety Links: Transceiver interference http://www.avalanche.ca/news/Vow8-R8AAFDJUq1b/transceiver-interference Pocket Guide to Snowmobile Safety http://www.saferoads.com/pdf/Pocket-Guide-to-Snowmobile-Safety.pdf Avalanche Safety Courses https://www.avalanchesafety.ca/avalanchecourses/snowmobile Avalanche Canada - Calgary Fundraiser http://www.avalanche.ca/events/VK8DjSMAACUANEm1/benefit-2016 Avalanche Safety in Recent News: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/snowmobiles-and-avalanche-safety-focus1.3427421 http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/avalanche-analysis-mcbride-risk-data-studies1.3428071 Throttle up and sled on! Darren Kelm, CSC Safety Search & Rescue Treasurer’s Report Not much to report in the Treasures report except that money comes in and goes out as normal each month. However, it has been brought to my attention that some people may be wondering what money has been deposited into the CSC account and what the expenditures we have had each month. So, I will continue to give everyone the balances each month at the meetings, but from now on I will also have a breakdown available at each meeting for review if anyone wants to check it out. Everyone is more than welcome to come and look at it after each meeting. Doris Donnelly CSC Treasurer Calgary Snowmobile Club – February 2016 Newsletter 4 Vice President’s Report Hi everyone, I have three items to report on this month. Shaw community television opportunity Firstly, our commitment from volunteers to do the Shaw community television was very low and we had to decline the offer to produce a series at this time. I wish that we could have proceeded with this but I it had to be something that had solid support to ensure it was worthwhile for us and for the expense that Shaw was going to incur. As the community program requirements are a mandated item from the CRTC I know that all local broadcasters need to come up with content on the regular basis so if the membership desires to pursue this at a later time I think we would be able to approach Shaw or Telus and have a good chance at getting something done. 2016 STARS Fundraising Secondly, our STARS fund raising effort this year had a major boost as a result of the Crow Snow Riders hosting a parallel poker run that included a wind up at the Pure Country Bar & Grill in Frank. The 2 days of fund raising prior to the event and that evening’s festivities produced over $3000.00 in donations. Major contributions to this total are: Crow Snow Riders Poker run proceeds - $490.00 A donation from Pure Country Bar and Grill - $500.00 Many other generous donations from companies and individuals. Added to this the very well prepared trails and the hot lunch provided at the shelter by the Crow Snow Riders making for an very enjoyable day as a participant makes me feel extremely fortunate that we have a club of this caliber joining us in this worthy cause. Thank you very much Crow Snow Riders. Just a reminder to everyone with outstanding pledge forms to please return them to me at the next general meeting on February 16th. The total amounts will be tallied at that time. New Club Logo Wear Third and last item for update is our logo wear. I am happy to report that the old stock is flying off the shelves at its liquidated price point. We will have very little left overs to carry over into the next year which is fantastic. For new items we are around 10 for commitments on a hoodie or jacket. Please review the logo wear images on the next pages to see if you are interested in purchasing one of these new items. I would like to order ASAP to so that we have our new items for this year’s donation to STARS at their hanger but we really need a commitment of closer to 20 items for us to maintain the pricing. If you have any questions please reach out to me via email or in person at the meeting. For everyone submitting an order can you please bring a $20.00 deposit to the next General meeting (Tues Feb 16). Calgary Snowmobile Club – February 2016 Newsletter 5 Vice President’s Report continued … New Club Logo Wear continued … Rivet Jackets Combination of Black/Charcoal and Black Red available. Women’s and Men’s styles available. Cost Base $138 sizes s-xl. Plus shipping, tax and embroidery fees. Suggested Purchase price $160. Fruit of the Loom heavy Hoodie Pull Over Various colors Cost Base $34 sizes s-xl. Plus shipping, tax and embroidery fees. $45. Zip model of above add $7.25 = $52.25 For sizes over xl, $3.00 additional costs. Calgary Snowmobile Club – February 2016 Newsletter 6 Vice President’s Report continued … New Club Logo Wear continued … ATC Pro Fleece Hooded Sweatshirt F200 model Various colours Cost $46 Base sizes s-xl. Plus shipping, tax and embroidery fees. $58. Zip model of above add $7.25 = $52.25 For sizes over xl $3.00 additional costs. Darren Whitney VP Calgary Snowmobile Club Calgary Snowmobile Club – February 2016 Newsletter 7 Public Relations’ Report From the PR Desk, I have two events to touch on in this newsletter. First I would like to express my appreciation to all who came out to support our second annual Poker Run back in January. It was a great time with sunny skies and smooth trails. From the comments I heard, everyone had a real good ride with lots of comradery amongst the riders. Many people rode with new riders in their group which is an awesome way to show the area to newbies and to really highlight what the club is all about – people getting together with likeminded people to grow the sport we love. Great showing people!!! We had just about 100 riders out on the trail that day and everyone really showed their appreciation for the event we put on. With that many hands being sold made for a really good payout for the top three hands of the day. $975 to be exact. We had two 4 of a kind hands and a three of a kind to split the pot. Michael Hayward was the winner with four 8’s with a 9. He took home $480. Al Cooper came second with four 8’s with an 8. He received $340. (This was POKER, not YATZEE, there is no five of a kind in poker) Chris Smith came third with three Jack’s. She took home $155. The youngest rider was 4 year old Marshall and the oldest sled was a 1971 Ski-Doo Olympic. One last shout out to those who helped make the day the success it was. There were many people involved with the grooming of the trails (some were not even club members). Glen and his crew really made a difference out there. The folks that helped organize in the parking lot and the registration table, many thanks. And to the lunch ladies (they may have been men), thanks Darryl and Scott for the dogs and hot chocolate. All in all, I believe we all had a fun time and I look forward to doing it again next year! Calgary Snowmobile Club – February 2016 Newsletter 8 Public Relations’ Report continued … Calgary Boat & Sportsman Show Secondly, we just wrapped up another year at the Calgary Boat & Sportsman Show this past weekend. We were given a larger booth this year and thanks to Ralph’s Motorsports we were able to fill it with some of their Arctic Cats. They gave us a 2016 M8, a new 120 and a 1994 Kitty Kat. Special thanks to Rick Wilson for loaning us his awesome 1971 Arctic Cat Puma 440. Having that vintage ride there beside the brand new one sure showed the progress the sport has made. The two small sleds were a big hit with the kids and the ’71 sure started a lot of conversations about the “good old days”. One thing I noticed from my time in the booth was the amount of people wanting to know about the club and about Cataract Creek. It was a great opportunity to showcase the club and what we are doing in the community to promote the safety and preservation of what we love to do. Of course, we wouldn’t have been able to be at the show if it wasn’t for a great group of volunteers to work the booth. A big thank you to Glen, Tom, Roman, Scott, Garth, Murray, Jim & Celsey, Jeremy & Kayla, and Darren for taking time to come out and help. Much appreciated!!!! One last thing before I sign off. We will be organizing the fall snowmobile show in Calgary. We have a committee to plan this event and have a couple of openings on it. If you are able to lend some time and ideas to the committee, come and see me at the next general meeting. That’s all for me. Play safe out there. Dan Clifford CSC Public Relations Calgary Snowmobile Club – February 2016 Newsletter 9 January 2016 Newsletter Correction Club Pin & Plaque Night In the January 2016 Newsletter, section titled: “Club Pin & Plaque Night & Misc. Presentations”, Darren Kelm was incorrectly identified in a photo as receiving his 5 year pin. In fact, it was current Club President Randall Callan who was receiving his 15 year pin from Darren. My apologies to both for the mistake. Randall has been and continues to be a very active member of the Club and has served in a number of Executive positions including Club President. Murray Mowchenko CSC Club Reporter Calgary Snowmobile Club – February 2016 Newsletter 10 Cataract Cr Poker Run Photos (Jan 16, 2016) Calgary Snowmobile Club – February 2016 Newsletter 11 Cataract Cr Poker Run Photos (Jan 16, 2016) cont’d … Calgary Snowmobile Club – February 2016 Newsletter 12 Cataract Cr Poker Run Photos (Jan 16, 2016) cont’d … Calgary Snowmobile Club – February 2016 Newsletter 13 Cataract Cr Poker Run Photos (Jan 16, 2016) cont’d … Calgary Snowmobile Club – February 2016 Newsletter 14 Cataract Cr Poker Run Photos (Jan 16, 2016) cont’d … Calgary Snowmobile Club – February 2016 Newsletter 15 York Cr STARS Ride Photos (Jan 30-31, 2016) Calgary Snowmobile Club – February 2016 Newsletter 16 York Cr STARS Ride Photos (Jan 30-31, 2016) cont’d … Calgary Snowmobile Club – February 2016 Newsletter 17 York Cr STARS Ride Photos (Jan 30-31, 2016) cont’d … Calgary Snowmobile Club – February 2016 Newsletter 18 Calgary Snowmobile Club – February 2016 Newsletter 19 Club Membership vs ASA Membership Around this time of year, ASA Membership renewals start to arrive via Canada Post. Please note than an ASA Membership does not include a Club Membership. A Club Membership, however, does include the ASA Membership plus additional benefits specific to Club Members. The Club membership entitles the member to: Attend Club Rides Attend Club general meetings and functions (Horseshoe Tournament, Windup Party, etc.) Receive Club newsletters, Ride Notices, Trail Maintenance events, etc. by email Receive notice of dealer / sponsor discounts for Club Members (show your Club Membership Card) Vote on Club initiatives and the annual Club Executive elections. A Calgary Snowmobile Club Membership (2016) costs ($100), which includes: ASA Membership - Trail Pass ($80) Club membership dues ($20). The Club membership dues go directly to the Club and help cover Club-specific expenses such as: renting facilities for our monthly general meetings and executive meetings banking fees mailing costs web-site expenses/changes etc. To ensure that you purchase a Club Membership and not just an ASA Trail Pass, please purchase your Club Membership through any of the following options: A Club general meeting From an Executive member Mail-in form at the end of each newsletter Club’s PayPal link on our website Mail-in form download on our website’s membership page: o http://www.calgarysnowmobileclub.net/calgary_snow_mobile_club_join.html Thank-you for your support. Calgary Snowmobile Club – February 2016 Newsletter 20 Upcoming Events: http://zacstracs.com/ Box 903, Black Diamond, AB T0L 0H0 Canada. Ph: (403) 850-3042 Fax: (403) 770-8200 Calgary Snowmobile Club – February 2016 Newsletter 21 Club Sponsors Calgary Snowmobile Club – February 2016 Newsletter 22 Club Sponsors (continued …) Calgary Snowmobile Club – February 2016 Newsletter 23 Club Sponsors (continued …) Calgary Snowmobile Club – February 2016 Newsletter 24 Short list of RCMP Detachments in BC The Calgary Snowmobile Club is not responsible for the accuracy of this information. Please confirm the numbers before your trip! http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/detach/en/find/BC Chetwynd (250) 788-9221 New Denver (250) 358-2222 Columbia Valley (250) 342-9292 Pemberton (604) 894-6634 Cranbrook (250) 489-3471 Penticton (250) 492-4300 Dawson Creek (250) 784-3700 Prince George (250) 561-3300 Elkford (250) 423-4404 Quesnel (250) 992-9211 Enderby (250) 546-3028 Radium (250) 342-9292 Fernie (250) 423-4404 Revelstoke (250) 837-5255 Fort St. John (250) 787-8140 Salmon Arm (250) 832-6044 Fort Nelson (250) 774-2700 Sicamous (250) 836-2878 Golden/Field (250) 344-2221 Smithers (250) 847-3233 Grand Forks (250) 442-8288 Sparwood (250) 423-4404 Kamloops (250) 828-3000 Terrace (250) 638-7400 Kelowna (250) 762-3300 Tumbler Ridge (250) 242-5252 Kimberley (250) 489-3471 Valemount (250) 566-4466 McBride (250) 569-2255 Vernon (250) 545-7171 Nakusp (250) 265-3677 Calgary Snowmobile Club – February 2016 Newsletter 25 Sledder’s Backcountry Checklist: From ZacsTracs Sledder's Backcounty Checklist: http://zacstracs.com/faq/?c=rescue-resources Check the following reports when panning your trip, and again before you leave. Daily Avalanche Report: www.avalanche.ca Canadian Avalanche Centre 1 – 800 – 667 – 1105 Weather Forecast: www.weatheroffice.gc.ca BC Road Report 1 – 800 – 550 – 4997 Or www.drivebc.ca Calgary Snowmobile Club – February 2016 Newsletter 26 Sledder’s Backcountry Checklist continued … From ZacsTracs Sledder's Backcounty Checklist: http://zacstracs.com/faq/?c=rescue-resources Carry your trip plan with you in the field. Make sure all members of your party have a copy and know what to do in case of emergency. Leave a copy of your trip plan with someone at home. The person with whom you leave your emergency plan will play a critical role if something goes wrong and you are overdue. Make sure the person you choose knows what to do and when to do it. Pick the right person for this task, you need someone who will take this role seriously and act responsibly when necessary. Calgary Snowmobile Club – February 2016 Newsletter 27 CSC FUN RUNS 2015-2016 Club rides for 2015-2016 will each be 2-day weekend events. This way people can come for the full weekend of riding, or have the option of just a Saturday or Sunday ride with the Club. Note that the March 25-26 ride (Easter Feast) in Parsons, BC, is a Friday and Saturday ride. Dec 12-13, 2015 Golden, BC (Quartz Creek) Jan 16-17, 2016 Cataract Creek, AB (Saturday Poker Run) Jan 30-31, 2016 York Creek, AB (STARS Ride) Feb 13-14, 2016 Elkford, BC Feb 27-28, 2016 Radium, BC (Forester Creek) March 12-13, 2016 Fernie, BC (Coal Creek) March 25-26, 2016 Parsons, BC (Easter Feast) April 9-10, 2016 West Castle, AB May 7, 2016 Windup Party The Weekend Rides and Locations may change Doo to Snow conditions For more information on the CSC rides and snow conditions, contact the Destination Coordinator Doug Donnelly @ 403-540-3286 or email: [email protected] Calgary Snowmobile Club – February 2016 Newsletter 28 Club Directors (2015 – 2016 season) Executive Position Name Phone Number Email President Randall Callan 403-829-2886 [email protected] Vice President Darren Whitney 403-829-3885 [email protected] Secretary Ron Siddon Treasurer Doris Donnelly Club Reporter Murray Mowchenko Club Public Relations Dan Clifford 587-888-7843 [email protected] Membership Jorg Rippe 403-236-8155 [email protected] Destination Coordinator Doug Donnelly 403-540-3286 [email protected] Social Convener Alice Hill 403-404-9927 [email protected] Safety, Search & Rescue Darren Kelm 403-700-2375 [email protected] ASA Representative Scott Kjarsgaard 403-560-6652 [email protected] [email protected] 403-235-0304 [email protected] [email protected] Other Contacts CSC Trails Committee: [email protected] Calgary Snowmobile Club – February 2016 Newsletter 29 Club Membership Application Form The Calgary Snowmobile Club PO Box 6982, Stn D, Calgary AB T2P 2G2 Membership Application: New_________ Renewal_________ Name:______________________________________________________________________________ Address:_____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Postal Code:___________________________ Phone:_________________________________ Email:_________________________________________________________________ For timely notification of rides, events, etc. List Family Members included in Family Membership:_ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ If you DO NOT wish to have your contact information appear in the Club Roster, please check here: Only members who have not opted out will be sent a Club Roster. 1st Sled and Trail Pass – $90.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _____________________ Each Additional Sled and Trail Pass – $70.00. . . . . . . . . . . . . . _____________________ Corporate Membership (includes 1 Trail Pass) – $150.00. . . . . _____________________ After January 1st (ASA late fee) – $10.00 each extra. . . . . . . _____________________ Trail Fund Donation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _____________________ Total Due. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _____________________ Please forward with cheque to the address above. Thank you for your interest in our Club. Calgary Snowmobile Club – February 2016 Newsletter 30