Snowdrifters brochure
Snowdrifters brochure
TYPICAL CLUB EVENTS INCLUDE: SEASON KICKOFF (SEPTEMBER) Arthur Roux 2629 Greenwood Ave. Waukegan, IL 60085 BON FIRE AND HOTDOG COOKOUT CHRISTMAS PARTY SNOWMOBILE CLUB MEMBER CLUB TRIPS BOWLING PARTY BRUNCH RIDE SUMMER PICNIC SUMMER CAMPOUT Northeastern Illinois Association of Snowmobile Clubs Illinois Association of Snowmobile Clubs Welcome to the club Meetings: MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Snowdrifters snowmobile club has been In existence since 1970. It is a non-forprofit organization whose main goal is to provide marked and maintained snowmobile trails in the Northeast Lake County area. We are members of both the Illinois Association of Snowmobile Clubs and the Northeast Illinois Association of Snowmobile Clubs. We are an active year around club that is seeking individuals and families interested in meeting other snowmobilers and who are willing to share the responsibilities that come with being a club member. nd Our meetings are held on the 2 Monday of each month from September through May at: Fatman Inn (Route 21 and Route 41) Gurnee, Illinois 7:00 P.M. Membership: NEW FAMILY MEMBERSHIP $30.00 FAMILY FEE 2nd YEAR $25.00 NEW MEMBERS WILL PAY DUES AT THE TIME OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE CLUB For more information call or write: Arthur Roux (charter member) 2629 Greenwood Ave. Waukegan, IL. 60085 (847) 244-2577 John Jastrom (President) 1940 Kellogg Ave. Waukegan, IL. 60087 (847) 662-0029 Each year all members are required to pay dues and show proof of liability insurance for each machine. Most importantly, we ask for member participation with trail work and committee activities. PARTICIPATION IS WHAT MAKES A CLUB ! Name _________________________________ Spouses name __________________________ Address_______________________________ City ________________State ___Zip________ Phone_________________________________ E mail_________________________________ Children’s names: ____________Age____ ___________Age____ ____________Age____ ___________Age____ Type of trailer__________________________ No. Of snowmobiles ______ Illinois registration No. of each snowmobile IL No. ____________ IL No.______________ IL No. ____________ IL No.______________ IL No. ____________ IL No.______________ Liability & property damage Insurance required Company name_________________________ Policy No. ______________Exp. Date_______ As a member, I agree to abide by the rule regulations and by-laws of the Snowdrifters snowmobile club ______________________________________ Applicant’s signature ______________________________________ Membership chairperson’s signature Dues Paid: ( ) yes ( ) No