Positive Mind. Positive Vibes. Positive life. Have a positively


Positive Mind. Positive Vibes. Positive life. Have a positively
1 July  Week 10 Term 2  2016
St Matthew’s Primary
School is a school of
the Archdiocese of
Canberra Goulburn
Notes sent home this
Grades 3-6 Team
Notifications for CPS
Netball Carnival
Kinder parents holiday play dates
Boorowa Touch &
Netball Competition
Information &
Registration form
Parent Teacher
Interview Term 3
Positive life.
Have a
Dear Parents and Friends,
Movers and groovers, it was lovely to see you at the disco last Wednesday night! We had a great turnout
from the children and also from the huge crew of parents who came along to help. These events cannot
run without parental involvement so the Community Council thanks you most sincerely for your support.
Huge thanks to our Disco Coordinator, Natasha Greagg for organising this event.
On Wednesday we began our NAIDOC week celebrations with an
entertaining and dynamic performance by Sean's Choolburra. Sean
blended a combination of pop culture, dance, comedy and hip hop
in a high energy, feel good show. Sean spoke to the students about
his Aboriginal and Australian identity sharing yarns and a variety of
interesting information.
Today Mrs Veronica Ellis will be working with a group of students in
activities that will combine the Creative Arts and Aboriginal
Education. This will be an opportunity for students to research and
share their knowledge of Aboriginal language through the creation of
a creative presentation of their own design.
After the holidays, on Friday 22 July, our Aboriginal students have
been invited to attend the diocesan NAIDOC Mass at St
Christopher’s. Also on Friday 22 July Year 6 will be presenting our
whole school NAIDOC Celebration at 12.30 pm. You are all most
welcome to attend.
A huge thanks to the Foster family (Imogen, Year 1) who are going to be looking after
our feathery friends over the July holidays. It is greatly appreciated.
Thank you to everyone who has returned their Parent Teacher Interview notes. You will receive
notification of your Parent Teacher Interview time during the first week back next term. If you have not yet
requested an interview time, please phone the front office to organise a time.
The Election Day BBQ and Cake Stall is a fantastic fundraising opportunity for St Matthew’s. It would be
wonderful and greatly appreciated if each family could assist us by donating a baked item for the cake
stall …. eg. cakes / muffins / cupcakes / slice / confectionary on a disposable plate or wrapped in plastic
or cello. All donations can be dropped off at the front office (Boardroom) on Friday 1 July or early on
Saturday morning.
Continued on pg. 2
I ask you to keep the Sly family, Adam,
Nevenka, Jessica (Year 6), Benjamin and
Lachlan (Year 3), in your prayers after the
passing of Adam’s brother Paul
 Eternal rest, grant unto him, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon him.
May he rest in peace.
Amen. 
P +61 2 6254 2653
F +61 2 6254 9009
I ask you to keep Ms Kerrie Buckler (Year 4M), and
her family in your prayers after the
passing of Kerrie’s grandmother.
 Eternal rest, grant unto her, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon her.
May she rest in peace.
Amen. 
E [email protected]
In Truth and Love we Listen Learn Lead
Matty’s Matters - Page 2
Catholic schools along with government and Independent schools across Australia will again be participating in the Nationally
Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD). Our involvement in this process is crucial as it will provide
valuable information about supports required for a broad group of students in our schools. The NCCD will enable National and State
governments to better target support and resources in schools, this in turn will help Catholic Schools access the support for all students
with additional needs.
The NCCD is not limited to students with diagnosed disabilities. It uses a very broad definition of disability, taken from the Disability
Discrimination Act 1992 and the Disability Standards for Education 2005, which includes a range of health issues and learning difficulties
where schools implement strategies to support students in participating effectively in their learning.
The Data Collection will take place in August. No personal or identifying information about any student will be included, however, if you
decide you do not wish information about your child to be included in the NCCD, you are asked to contact Ms Foley or Ms Talbot to
discuss your concerns. More information about the NCCD is available at: http://www.schooldisabilitydatapl.edu.au/
As another term draws to a (rather chilly!) close I thank you all; students, parents and staff for your all your
hard work help and support. We are very blessed at St Matthew’s to have a wonderful school community. I
pray you have a wonderful rest from the busy-ness of school, and are able to take some time to enjoy being
with your children on holidays.
Take care over the holiday break.
We look forward to seeing you all next term.
Cathy Talbot
Assistant Principal
Matty’s Matters - Page 3
First Holy Communion
Just a reminder that the First Holy Communion Parent Meeting will be held on Wednesday 20 July at
6pm in the church. This is the only parent meeting and planning session in preparation for this
sacrament. All parents will need to attend if their child is enrolled in the program. If you cannot attend
this meeting please contact a member of the team to arrange another meeting time.
Father Michael Mullen- Parish Priest: [email protected]
Shahenie Burns- St Matthew’s Parish Sacramental
Coordinator [email protected]
Parents are a child's first teacher
“Parents are the principal and first educators of their children. The role of parents in
education is of such importance that it is almost impossible to provide an adequate
substitute. Parents have the first responsibility for the education of their children.”
Parents are the most important spiritual teachers
that children will ever have.
Parents teach in their action.
Parents teach with words.
Parents teach through their association with other adults.
In Truth and Love,
Sylvia Campbell
[email protected]
Matty’s Matters - Page 4
Matty’s Matters - Page 5
Thank you,
We couldn't do
without you!
Fathers Day Stall
Happy birthday wishes to
Ewan McCarthy, Amelia Hodgson, Simon Krupka, Molly White,
Aidan Wilson, Bonnie Tongs, Connor Hanley, Jack Toomey,
Isabella Massey, An Hue Pindral, Owen Rymill, Lilly Stocks,
Hannah Williams, Oliver Hall, Patrick Hall, Vanessa Demberere,
Joshua Stakelum-Sibley, Xanthe Lyras, Lola Reardon and
Mrs Evans and Sensai Hodgkin
who celebrated birthdays recently
and the following children who will celebrate their birthdays
during the first week of the holidays
Harrison McDermott, Georgia Ryman, Marianna Rositano,
Heather Brady, Bryce Ogilvie, Ruby Sciacca and Arok Ajang
To be held on Friday 2nd September
More information to come in Term 3
Fete – Pick of the Pantry stall
We are collecting glass jars, bottles and fresh produce
(eg citrus fruit, dried fruit, tomatoes, herbs) to make delicious
jams, chutneys and sauces.
Donations to the Front Office
or contact Emma Morrison on 0431 880 718
to arrange collection.
fete drop off
So go through your cardboard boxes, toy boxes, book cases and kitchen these holidays.
Saturday 16th July 12pm - 1pm
If you have a spare hour to assist cleaning out the container, and possibly a trailer
please contact
Belinda Fowley [email protected]
Entries due Friday 1st July
$10 Payment
Or cash to the office
Matty’s Matters - Page 6
Product selection screen
This screen will now be more efficiently used to make
scrolling through a large list of products easier.
A Qkr! Update ...
The user design experts at MasterCard have come up with a new
design and parent experience within the Qkr app. All users will
see this with the update from Apple’s App Store or the Google
Play store on or soon after 16 June, 2016.
Your username and password will remain the same, as will any
credit or debit cards already stored within Qkr, as well as your
profile settings and those of your children.
What will change significantly is the look and feel of the app, and
the screens you will see in the process of using Qkr.
Below are some of the current Qkr screens on left (as seen on an
iPad today), and how they will appear with the app refresh.
Home screen
The calendar display for canteen orders has the same
functionality, just a different layout. For busy parents you
can copy all of last week’s food orders to next week with the
click of one button. This is made more visible in the new app
with the words “Repeat Order”.
Our school will appear at the top of the home screen for currently
registered users, but note some new terms like “Discover” and
“Activity” as Qkr is being used increasingly by non- school merchants around the world, so the design has been modified to cater
for users in a wide range of industry sectors.
These will in future be stored under the “Activity” tab. Your old
receipts will still be accessible from this area.
Matty’s Matters - Page 7
Class communiqué for families
Kinder Blue
Parent Reps: Sally Alexander/Lisa Fairlamb
[email protected]/[email protected]
Kinder Maroon
Parent Rep: Natalee Withers
Contact: 0452221929/ [email protected]
Facebook group: St Matthews Primary school - class of
Facebook group: St Matthews Primary school - class of
****School Holiday Playdates*****
Monday, July 4th Monkey Mania
Saturday, July 9th Old Parliament House
Friday, July 15th meet Ronald MacDonald, have lunch
and play
*See Lisa/Sally/Natalee for times and more info
1 Blue
Parent Rep: Alissa Pearson
Contact: 0411589900/ [email protected]
****School Holiday Playdates*****
Monday, July 4th Monkey Mania
Saturday, July 9th Old Parliament House
Friday, July 15th meet Ronald MacDonald, have lunch
and play
*See Lisa/Sally/Natalee for times and more info
1 Maroon
Parent Rep: Jenny Davenport
Contact: [email protected]
Facebook group: ‘St Matthews Class of 2021’
Facebook group: ‘St Matthews Class of 2021’
2 Blue
Parent Rep: Stephanie Vizzari
Contact: [email protected]
2 Maroon
Parent Rep: Kylie McNamara
Contact: 0425235177/ [email protected]
Facebook group: ‘St Matts - Graduating Class of 2020’
Facebook group: ‘St Matts - Graduating Class of 2020’
3 Blue
Parent Rep: Alison Dyer
Contact: 0432534375/[email protected]
3 Maroon
Parent Rep: Kym Wilkinson
Contact: [email protected]
Facebook group: ‘St Matthews year 6 – 2019’
Facebook group: St Matthews year 6 – 2019’
4 Blue
Parent Rep: Gillian Logan
Contact: 0408 555 014/[email protected]
4 Maroon
Parent Rep: Jade Nguyen
Contact: 0402781680\[email protected]
Facebook group:
Facebook group:
5 Blue
Parent Rep: New rep needed!!
5 Maroon
Parent Rep: Leanne Sutherland
Contact: 0423770111/ [email protected]
Facebook group: St Matthews Primary School – Class of
Facebook group: St Matthews Primary School – Class of
6 Blue
Parent Rep: Kate Hayne
Contact: 0400272107/ [email protected]
6 Maroon
Parent Rep: Stephanie Vizzari/Sarah Kelly
Contact: 0412 963 124
[email protected] or
Facebook group:
##Year 6 Parents Night out – Saturday 30th July!! See
Stephanie, Sarah or Kate for more info##
Facebook group:
###Year 6 Parents Night out – Saturday 30th July!! See
Stephanie, Sarah or Kate for more info##
Matty’s Matters - Page 8
Matty’s Matters - Page 9
Matty’s Matters - Page 10
Matty’s Matters - Page 11
Dear Parents,
Book Fair is coming in Week 2 of Term 3.,!!!!
Book Fair hours are:
Monday 25th July
3:00-5:30pm –
Parent/teacher interviews
Tuesday 26th July
3:00-5:30pm –
Parent/teacher interviews
Please visit the Scholastic Book Fair held in the school library when you drop off and pick
up your children after you attend your parent/teacher interview.
When you visit please consider donating a book to your child’s library. Such books will
enrich the education of children for years to come. Our librarian Kell Hathaway has
selected books so you’ll know which books he thinks will add to the students’ knowledge
and imagination.
Books you give will become a permanent part of the library. Every gift will be recognised
with a bookplate identifying your family or child as the donor.
Please look for the library wish list display at the Book Fair. Your generosity can make
the library more exciting and stimulating to young minds.
See you at the Book Fair!
Nicole Mitchell
Book Fair Organiser
P.S. Our Book Fair accepts credit cards! Visa & MasterCard are welcome.