Every Child Ready to Read - Multnomah County Library
Every Child Ready to Read - Multnomah County Library
M U LT N O M A H C O U N T Y L I B R A RY Every Child Ready to Read Every Child poster 54” X 11 1/8” These five playful interactions lay the foundation for learning to read. Rhyme books 4” X 4” (Chinese book: 4” x 4 1/2”) Rhyming leads to reading. The Eensy Weensy Rhyme Book has 19 fun and familiar rhymes to help children learn the sounds that make up words. Printed on paper sturdy enough to lie open; so inexpensive you can give them away. Our Spanish rhyme book features 17 rhymes on sturdy pages. El Pequeno Libro de Rimas is not a Spanish translation of our Eensy Weensy Rhyme Book, but a collection of traditional poems, rhymes and songs in Spanish. Order online: multcolib.org/everychildorder The Little Song Book: Singing and rhyming are fun and effective ways to help children learn new words. This little book is a collection of 23 fun and familiar songs and rhymes in both Mandarin and Cantonese that will bring joy to little children and also enrich their imagination. Singing and rhyming are fun and effective ways for children to build early literacy skills. This little Russian rhyme book is a collection of traditional songs and familiar rhymes that will bring joy to little children and also enrich their imagination. Children build their early literacy skills while having fun with songs and chants. Our Vietnamese rhyme book, Bài Hát Thiếu Nhi, is not a translation of our English rhyme book, but instead features 22 traditional and translated rhymes/chants to sing together. ORDER FORM Order online: multcolib.org/everychildorder QuantityTotal Every Child poster English ______ x $20 = $ _______ Spanish ______ x $20 = $ _______ Rhyme books English ______ x $2.50 = $ _______ Spanish ______ x $2.50 = $ _______ Chinese ______ x $2.50 = $ _______ Russian ______ x $2.50 = $ _______ Vietnamese ______ x $2.50 = $ _______ (Book orders* of 100 +)* ______ x $2 = $ _______ *Please specify English, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, Vietnamese or combination. Six Early Literacy Skills poster 24” x 36” English ______ x $5 = $ _______ Spanish ______ x $5 = $ _______ Chinese ______ x $5 = $ _______ Six Early Literacy Skills mini posters 8 1/2” x 11” packaged (50) English ______ x $5 = $ _______ Spanish ______ x $5 = $ _______ Six Early Literacy Skills folder & activity sheets 9” x 12” packaged (10) English ______ x $5 = $ _______ Spanish ______ x $5 = $ _______ Order total $ _______ Orders over 10 lb. or sent outside the U.S. will be charged shipping. Call for details: 503.988.6312. Agency:_____________________________________________________________________ Contact and title:_____________________________________________________________ Mailing address:______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Phone:_______________________________Email:_________________________________ Send check or purchase order number and completed order form to: Every Child, Multnomah County Library, 205 NE Russell St., Portland, OR 97212 ( P.O.#_______________________) Payments accepted in U.S. dollars only. Please make check payable to Multnomah County Library. Questions/Visa® or Mastercard® purchases: 503.988.6312 Fax: 503.988.5441 (Duplicate this form for your records.)
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