July 7 - Dorchester Reporter
July 7 - Dorchester Reporter
Dorchester Reporter Volume 34 Issue 27 Thursday, July 7, 2016 Big bank services without big bank fees. Mobile Banking Online Banking Bill Pay Remote Deposit eStatements Full range of deposit and lending products 50¢ edward m. KENNEDY institute Become a Senator for a day. Free for MA kids under 17! COLUMBIA POINT • BOSTON WWW.EMKINSTITUTE.ORG • 617.740.7000 UPCOMING CIVIC ASSOCIATION MEETINGS • FULL LISTINGS ON PAGE 10 ÀiÊ/ >Ê ÞÌ }°°° 7i½ÀiÊiÀiÊ /Êi«° ÀÌ}>}ià ÊÜÊÌiÀiÃÌÊ,>Ìià Ê>ÃÞÊ,iw>V} 7 >ÌÊ*i«iÊ ÀiÊ->Þ}Ê LÕÌÊ iLiÀÃÊ*Õà ºÞÊ`>`Ê>`ÊÊ>ÀiÊÛiÀÞÊ«i>Ãi`ÊÜÌ ÊÌ iÊÜ>ÞÊ Ì iÞÊÜÀi`ÊÜÌ ÊiÊÊÞÊ>°Ê* 1Ê >ÃÊ>Ê }Ài>ÌÊÌi>ÊÌ >ÌÊÃÊiëiV>ÞÊ i«vÕÊÊ}Õ`}ÊiÃÃÊ iÝ«iÀiVi`ÊLÕÞiÀÃÊÌ ÀÕ} ÊÌ iÊ>««ÀÛ>Ê«ÀViÃð» qÊ >ÀÌÌiÊ*°]ÊiÜÊiLiÀ ÊviÌiÊ-iÀÛV} ÀÜ`Ê £££ÊiÝÊ-ÌÀiiÌÊÊ > >Ì>Ê*>Vi®Ê Ê iLiÀëÕÃVÕ°À}ÊÊÊÊÈ£ÇÓÈxÈÈÇ i`vÀ`Ê-µÕ>ÀiÊ ÓÊ} Ê-ÌÀiiÌÊ "`Êi`vÀ`Ê->Û}ÃÊ >ÊÕ`}®Ê ÀV iÃÌiÀÊ {{Ê>Û>ÊÕiÛ>À`Ê `>ÃÊ6>}i®Ê ÊÊ " Congratulations to the Class of 2016 Arts & Entertainment Get A Bigger BANG For Your Buck! EBSB Money Market Special! 1.08% * 0.25% * APY Balances $10,000 to less than $2 million APY Balances $10 to less than $10,000 $2,500 minimum deposit to open. 800.657.3272 EBSB.com *Annual Percentage Yield (APY) as of 05/21/16. No interest will be paid on balances less than $10.00 and .58% APY on balances greater than $2 million. Rate subject to change without notice. $2,500 minimum to open account. Personal accounts only. New money only. Offer may be withdrawn without notice at anytime. Member FDIC Member DIF People News about people in & around our Neighborhoods The Reporter “The News & Values Around the Neighborhood” Reporter’s Neighborhood Notables civic associations • clubs • arts & entertainment • churches • upcoming events UMASS BOSTON TO HOST PUBLIC MEETING MAYOR HOSTS TOWN HALL AT MURPHY SCHOOL RENEW BOSTON WORKSHOPS SET FOR GROVE HALL, DUDLEY SQUARE DON BOSCO REUNION AND GOLF TOURNEY FREE CREATIVE FAMILY CLASSES IN JP FREE U2 TRIBUTE CONCERT AT GARVEY FIRST TEE GOLF PROGRAM AT FRANKLIN PARK ADAMS STREET LIBRARY HOSTS CHRONIC DISEASE WORKSHOPS FRANKLIN PARK COALITION EVENTS MATTAPAN FARMERS’ MARKET OPENS JULY 9 MAYOR’S GARDEN CONTEST DEADLINE LOOMS MAYOR’S CUP TENNIS TOURNEY AT SPORTSMEN’S GOLF LESSONS AT FRANKLIN PARK MATTAPAN-DORCHESTER COMMUNITY MEETINGS ALMONT PARK TO HOST ARTISTS IN RESIDENCE DOTBIKE RIDE SERIES STARTS JULY 9 FREE WORKSHOPS FOR PARENTS IN JP MOVIE NIGHTS SET FOR ALMONT, HARAMBEE BREEZE INTO FALL QUINCYCOLLEGE.EDU/SUMMER QUINCY CAMPUS | 1250 HANCOCK STREET, QUINCY, MA | 800-698-1700 GET A PHYSICAL WITHIN 24 HOURS. Cambridge College is a proud Institute Partner for the 2016 Mandela Washington Fellows THE NEW CENTER FOR PRIMARY CARE AND FAMILY MEDICINE AT CARNEY HOSPITAL, OFFERING: • Convenient world-class care • Appointments within 24 hours • Expert physicians and staff • Multilingual PCPs • Free parking MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TODAY. 617-506-4970 carneyhospital.org/pcp The Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders is a program of the U.S. government and is supported in its implementation by IREX. Cambridge College is a sub-grantee of IREX and is supporting the U.S.-based academic program of the Fellowship. 617-288-2680 617-288-2681 WILLIAM LEE, D.D.S. FAMILY DENTISTRY OFFICE HOURS BY APPOINTMENT EVENING HOURS AVAILABLE 383 NEPONSET AVE. DORCHESTER, MA 02122 DORCHESTER NEPONSET PRESCHOOL NEW TODDLER ROOM $55/day - 7:30-5:30 281A Neponset Avenue, Dorchester www.neponsetpreschool.com Lic. #291031 617-265-2665 CUMMINS VALLEY ASSOC. CITY HALL CONCERTS ON WEDNESDAYS POPE’S HILL NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOC. EASTMAN-ELDER ASSOC. PORT NORFOLK CIVIC ASSOC. FIELDS CORNER CIVIC ASSOC. MATTAPAN BIKE AND FITNESS EVENTS ST. MARK’S AREA CIVIC ASSOC. FREEPORT-ADAMS ASSOC. WEST SELDEN ST. & VICINITY ASSOC. POLICE DISTRICT C-11 POLICE DISTRICT B-3 NEWS GROOM/HUMPHREYS NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOC. RONAN PARK HANCOCK STREET CIVIC KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS MFFC MONTHLY MEETING ASHMONT-ADAMS ASSOC. CARNEY HOSPITAL’S PROGRAMS HECLA/LYON/EAST STREETS WATCH ASHMONT HILL ASSOC. ASHMONT VALLEY NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOC. LINDEN/ELLSWORTH/LEEDSVILLE WATCH LOWER MILLS CIVIC ASSOC. BASE OFFERS SOFTBALL FOR GIRLS CEDAR GROVE CIVIC ASSOC. MCCORMACK CIVIC ASSOCIATION CLAM POINT CIVIC ASSOC. ADAMS ST. LIBRARY MEETINGHOUSE HILL CIVIC ASSOC. CODMAN SQUARE NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL MELVILLE PARK ASSOC. BOWDOIN ST. HEALTH CENTER PEABODY SLOPE ASSOC. FIELDS CORNER MAIN STREET COLUMBIA-SAVIN HILL CIVIC ASSOC. DRIVEWAYS VINH’S TV (617)-282-7189 (617) 436-8828 DAYS (617) 282-3469 DUFFY ROOFING CO., INC. ASPHALT SHINGLES • RUBBER ROOFING • COPPER WORK • SLATE • GUTTERS • CHIMNEYS Fully Insured Free Estimates 617-296-0300 duffyroofing.com COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE State Reg. #100253 State Inspection Center AUTO BODY REPAIRS (617) 825-1760 (617) 825-2594 FAX (617) 825-7937 Eastern Harbor Office Park 50 Redfield Street, Neponset Circle Dorchester, Massachusetts 02122 auto/motorcycle accidents, construction accidents, workplace injuries, slip and fall accidents, defective products, medical malpractice, head and burn injuries, liquor liability and premises liability HOME TO THE BEST SCHOOLS AND THE BEST EDUCATION LOANS At CBCU, we believe paying for college shouldn’t be as hard as going to college. So, we’re making it easier with a range of local education financing options designed to meet the needs of students and parents. Options are also available for private and parochial school tuitions. Visit cityofbostoncu.com or call 617-635-4545 to learn more or to apply. Membership open to anyone in Suffolk or Norfolk counties. *All loans subject to credit approval. Must become a member of City of Boston Credit Union to apply. PUBLIC NOTICE OF INFORMATIONAL MEETING The University of Massachusetts Boston Residence Hall 1 and Parking Lot West Joint Project Commencement Notice and Chapter 91 License Application EEA#14623 & Waterways Application #w11-3467N Wednesday, July 13, 2016, 5:30–7 p.m. Integrated Sciences Complex, Room 3300 University of Massachusetts Boston 100 Morrissey Boulevard, Boston, MA 02125 16.810sw Due to improvement-related construction on campus, we encourage guests to park at the Bayside Lot (200 Mount Vernon Street) and take the free shuttle to campus. Anyone requiring disability-related accommodations, including dietary accommodations, should visit www.ada.umb.edu. DIVINE MERCY FIRST PARISH CHURCH ST. BRENDAN CHURCH ONE WORSHIP PLACE ST. CHRISTOPHER PARISH ST. AMBROSE CHURCH ST. GREGORY PARISH ST. ANN CHURCH ST. MARK PARISH Attorneys at Law ST. MATTHEW PARISH KIT CLARK SENIOR SERVICES PROBATE COURT COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS SUFFOLK, ss. Docket No. 16E0089PP To John J. Geswell of 43 Pilgrim Road, Mansfield, MA, Darren Geswell, 6 Victoria Street, Dorchester, MA & Janine M. Geswell a.k.a. Janine Jacquard, 2780 Melbourne Road, #1, Arcadia Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia BOW-180B, CANADA and any other interested parties. A petition has been presented to said Court by Darren and John Geswell asking the court to issue an order to allow the said petitioners to hold the property located at 6 Victoria Street, Dorchester, MA in Severalty. A certain parcel of land with the buildings thereon situated in that part of said Boston, called Dorchester, and being shown as lot numbered TWO (2) on a plan recorded with Suffolk Deeds, Book 1838, Page 640, and bounded as follows: NORTHERLY: by Victoria Street, fifty-five feet; EASTERLY: by Lot Three on said plan, one hundred one and 99/100 feet; SOUTHERLY: by land now on late of Tasker and of Healey, fifty-five (55) feet; WESTERLY: by lot One on said plan, one hundred one and 73/100 feet. Containing, according to said plan, 5602.03 square feet of land. Being the same premises conveyed by deed dated June 30, 1988, recorded with Suffolk Deeds, Book 14828, Page 174. The common title to the land is derived: from Quitclaim Deed of Beatrice V. Lynch Executrix of Estate of Anna Mae Geswell, to Petitioners in Book 14828, Page 174 filed with the Suffolk County Registry of Deeds and your Petitioners further represent that the names and residence of all tenant in common and their respective shares and proportions and the nature thereof, are as follows: If you desire to object thereto you or your attorney should file a written appearance in said Court at Boston before ten o’clock in the forenoon on the 28th day of July, 2016, the return day of this citation. Witness, JOAN P. ARMSTRONG, ESQUIRE, First Judge of said Court, this 22nd day of June, 2016. Felix D. Arroyo Register of Probate ST. GREGORY’S BOY SCOUTS ST. GREGORY’S 60 & OVER CLUB K CLUB UPHAM’S CORNER MAIN STREET FIELD’S CORNER MAIN STREET FOUR CORNERS MAIN STREET DORCHESTER PARK
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