September 18, 2016 - St. Matthew Church
September 18, 2016 - St. Matthew Church
216 Scribner Avenue Norwalk, Connecticut 06854 Rev. Msgr. Walter C. Orlowski, KCHS, Pastor September 18, 2016 Twenty-Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time Catechetical Sunday, September 18 "Prayer: The Faith Prayed" Faith Formation Michele Scholl – Coordinator Liz Reid – Confirmation Coordinator Lori Paladino – Assistant Mariko Dahl – Youth Group (Crew) Coordinator Filomena Giannico – Youth Group (Crew) Assistant Faith Formation Catechists Grades 1-8 Margee Aldrich Frank Billowitz Carmel Bowron Michelle Costabile Frank Doherty Melissa Dropick Mary Dwyer Rachel Dwyer JoAnn Esposito Amanda Fekete Lisa Forbes Faith Forlenzo Flora Generoso Dana Holgerson Marie Horne Cathy Lesko Charlotte Lundberg Erma Moore Sonia Morales Nancy Novoa Bonnie Pils Heather Ribellino Maria Riccardelli Nona Rudd Tom Salta Terri Sargent Patty Schlegel Judy Sgammato Sara Socci Orlyna Starr Jacquie Tessier Joan Walsh Jackie Zerrusen Confirmation Catechists John Bazzano Kathleen Coulter Kathy Delfino Jennifer Herford Jane Major Nancy Mola Liz Reid Children Homilists Joanne Obst - Coordinator Filomena Giannico Beth Ann Mazzotta-Murray Nancy Mola Liz Reid Steve Russo Preschool Liturgy of the Word Carmel Bowron - Coordinator Teresa Alasio Faith Forlenzo Bible Camp Joanne Obst - Coordinator Clare Gutowski Janet Mitchell Emmaus Jimmy Booth - Coordinator Chip Lake Bible Study Jennifer Gilchrist - Coordinator Doug Reid RCIA Norm Roberts - Coordinator Maryann Roberts Michael Gutowski Thank you to all of the dedicated Catechists for volunteering their time to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to the parishioners of St. Matthew Parish. September 18, 2016 -2- Twenty-Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time THE CELEBRATION OF THE CATHOLIC MASS Parts and Prayers of the Catholic Mass Spiritual Preparation Prior to Mass Church is a sacred place. Vestments Introductory Rite In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Penitential Service Gloria The “Collect” Liturgy of the Word Three Readings on Sundays The First Reading is taken from the Old Testament. The Second Reading is usually taken from Acts and Letters and Revelation. The Third Reading is taken from one of the Gospels. Homily Nicene Creed Prayer of the Faithful Collection Explanation and what you need to do so that your gratitude for the Eucharist and your worship become more spiritually meaningful. - Review the Mass Readings. - While driving to Church, say the Act of Contrition and a decade of the Rosary. - Arrive at least 10 minutes before the Mass. - St. Thomas Aquinas said, “One hour before Mass the angels gather above the altar in anticipation for the Holy Sacrifice.” Worship Him in silence. -The priest wears different colors according to the liturgical season: Green for Ordinary Time; Purple for Advent & Lent; White for Christmas & Easter - The priest wears a white Alb signifying his Baptism. The Stoll he wears signifies his priestly authority. The Chasuble he wears signifies his charity and acting in persona Christi. - We surrender our intellect, strength and will to the Trinitarian God. - Our sins are offered to the Lord. We ask pardon from Him and from the people around us. - This is the song that the angels sang at the birth of Christ. It is sung now because the Lord is going to be born again, here at the altar. - The Priest, as the president of the congregation, brings the prayers of the people to God. - God is speaking directly to you. Listen – don’t just hear. There will be an answer to your prayers in these Readings. - The Lord speaks to the priest and the priest addresses the community, breaking down the Word of the Lord. - The Creed is the Profession of Faith, originating in the fourth century. It is what all Catholics believe in. There are 12 Articles of Faith in the Creed. - Offer your intentions here. - Scripture asks us to return to the Lord 10 percent of what we have already been given. What you give is used to spread the Good News. September 18, 2016 -3- Twenty-Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time THE PROPHETS: MESSENGERS OF GOD’S MERCY A 10 WEEK PROGRAM The Prophets afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted, calling us to return to our covenant relationship with God. They urge us to repentance, warn us of the dangers of sin, and announce the blessings of faithfulness. Their prophetic words speak to us even today, as they draw us closer to our heavenly Bridegroom, and show us how to share him with others. We will meet on the following dates: Sept 21, 28, Oct 5,19, 26, Nov 2, 16, 30, Dec 7, 14 at 10:00am OR 7:00pm. TO REGISTER, FILL IN THE FORM BELOW & RETURN TO THE PARISH OFFICE Bible Study Registration Name: _____________________________________________ Phone Number : ________________________ E-mail address:______________________________________________________________ $30 Fee Cash $ ______Check_________ Check No.:________ Make check payable to St. Matthew I will be attending the 10:00am OR There will be a special Mass on Sunday, October 16, at 10:30am to celebrate all of the children who were Baptized this year along with their families. After the Mass and Blessing, we’ll gather in the Great Room for coffee and fellowship and a chance to get to know one another a little better! All Godparents, Grandparents and any other guests that you would like to invite are welcome. the 7:00pm class. (Check one) Wedding Anniversary Celebration on the last Sunday of Every Month at the 10:30am Mass Please join us on Sunday, September 25th at the 10:30am Mass as we celebrate your September wedding anniversary. Anyone who is celebrating their wedding anniversary (first, second, third…. or 65th)) in the month Please respond to Lorraine DeRosa at of September, please contact Lorraine DeRosa at [email protected] to let us know if you [email protected] so that you will be are able to celebrate with us and the number of acknowledged and prayed for at the 10:30am guests that will be attending. Mass on September 25. Register for Financial Peace University (FPU) 9 week program on Wednesdays Starting September 21st through November 16th 7:00pm - 9:00pm Class membership fee is $49.00 per family. Financial Peace University Name: _____________________________________________ Phone Number : ________________________ E-mail address:______________________________________________________________ $49 Fee Cash $ ______Check_________ Check No.:________ Make check payable to St. Matthew September 18, 2016 Mass Intentions Monday, September 19 12:10pm Louise Sabia 6:30pm Special Intention Tuesday, September 20 12:10pm Yolanda DeRosa Wednesday, September 21 12:10pm Lawrence LeClerc Thursday, September 22 12:10pm Linda Romano Friday, September 23 12:10pm Emilio Tomas Saturday, September 24 4:00pm Alfonso Surace & Emilio Tomas Arnaldo Fraccaroli Michael Paladino Vincent & Gary Lupinacci Living Intention for Sonia Morales Anna D’Attilio Tom Lanza Marie Saymon Wesley Lent Inez Martinelli William Takacs Living Intention for Joan Scribner Walter & Emily Dziodzio Umberto DiRenzo Sunday, September 25 7:30am Pat Correnty 9:00am Peter Pia 10:30am Bruno Pelle 12:00pm Carol Jean Klimek 5:00pm Frank & Rosalie Lato Edward T. McGettigan, Jr. Inez Martinelli Bruno Pelle Patricia Hadden - 4- Twenty-Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time SACRIFICIAL GIVING Offertory, 09/11/16: $16,021.00 On-Line Giving: $ 1,225.00 Average Gift, 09/11/16 $ 25.04 Offertory, Same Week, 2015 $15,230.00 Capital Improvements: $ 4,739.50 Candle Stands: $ 362.00 Great Collection! Many thanks for your continued support!! God Bless! Msgr. Walter ELECTRONIC GIVING is available through our parish website. Eternal Rest Grant Unto Them, O Lord: Let Perpetual Light Shine Upon Them Please remember in your prayers: Umberto DiRenzo Frank Macri John Salvato Elodya Jordan We extend our sympathy to their family & friends. BANNS OF MARRIAGE III Agata Tracz and John Benedict II Kristin Ryan and Christopher Beirne I Alison Barbour and Ernest Perno Advertiser of the Week All weekday Masses are celebrated in the Chapel. Confessions in the Church Every Saturday 3:15pm - 4:00pm Every Tuesday 7:00pm - 8:30pm Email prayer requests to: [email protected] Goodwives Shopping Center Darien (203) 662-1213 Jose and Meena Pullopilly, Proprietors/Parishioners September 11, 2016 - 5- PARISH OFFICE Phone: (203) 838-3788 Monday - Thursday: 8:00am - 4:00pm Friday: 8:00am - 1:00pm Sunday: 8:00am - 1:15pm The Office closes daily during the 12:10pm Mass Email: [email protected] Website: Twitter: @StMatthewNorwlk Facebook: InstaGram: stmatthewchurchnorwalk St. Matthew Parish Annual Report On September 10th & 11th, Msgr. Walter spoke at all the masses about the annual report for fiscal year July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 and handed out the report to all. Copies of the report are available in the Parish Office. WE WELCOME THE NEWLY BAPTIZED! William Barrett Beine Christian Moncayo Wyatt Eichholtz Congratulations to their parents, families, & friends! Rosary Sign Ups at All Doors of the Church next weekend. Blessing of the Animals Sunday, Oct. 2nd 3:00pm Rain or Shine Twenty-Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time CLASSES FOR GRADES 1-6 BEGIN THE WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 19 GRADES 7 & 8 BEGIN THE WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 25 Any questions, please contact the Faith Formation office at 203-838-3788 ext.107 or by email at [email protected]. Confirmation Candidates and their parents will be meeting on Sunday, September 25th following the 5pm mass in the church. YOUTH MINISTRY & ALTAR SERVER TRAINING SCHEDULE Below are the dates for Youth Ministry Training to take place in the church. Open to all Youth Grade 4 and up to Lector and Usher and Confirmed Youth interested in participating as an Eucharistic Minister. You only need attend one training session. Lector, Usher, Eucharistic Minister Training Monday, September 26th 6pm-7pm Tuesday, October 4th 5pm-6pm Tuesday, October 11th 5pm-6pm Wednesday, October 12th 5pm-6pm Any questions regarding Youth Lectors, Ushers, and Eucharistic Ministers, please contact Louie Durango at [email protected]. Below are the dates for Youth Altar Server Training to take place in the church. Open to All Youth Grade 3 and up. You only need attend one training session. Altar Server Training Tuesday, September 27th 6pm-7pm Tuesday, October 4th 6pm-7pm Tuesday, October 11th 6pm-7pm Wednesday, October 12th 6pm-7pm Any questions, contact Lynn Burke at [email protected] September 11, 2016 -6- Twenty-Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time MARK YOUR CALENDARS!! BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY A process of grieving our loved Ones. We will meet for 8 weeks starting on Thursday, September 22, from 3:00pm to 4:30pm. For more information, please contact Sr. Sally at 203-838-3788 ext. 118. UPCOMING MINISTRY MEETINGS Meeting for all new & existing ministry participants. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22: St. Martha Ministry: 6:00pm Great Room Support Group for the Elderly & Caregivers: 6:30pm Mary & Joseph Room Support Group for Single Parents: 7:00pm Great Room Manna House Ministry: 7:30pm Mary & Joseph Room Tool Belt Brigade: 8:00pm Great Room Any questions, please contact your coordinator. We’re “ON THE MOVE “ ON-LINE BIBLE ENRICHMENT PROGRAM To receive 4 easy questions and answers about the Bible, please send an email To [email protected] MEETING FOR ALL NEW & CURRENT ADULT MASS MINISTRY PARTICIPANTS in the Church on: Tuesday, September 20th at 10:30am OR 7:00pm OR Wednesday, September 21st at 10:30am OR 6:00pm MARRIAGE, DIVORCE AND ANNULMENT SEMINAR THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17TH 10:00AM - 12:00PM OR 7:00PM - 9:00PM For more information, please contact Beth Ann Murray at [email protected] or (203) 410-8977 VISITATION COMMITTEE MEETING September 29th at 7:00pm there will be a brief meeting for all who signed up to visit the Homebound. If you are unable to attend, and are still interested in helping out, please call Sr. Sally at 203-838-3788 ext118. The Youth Financial Management Program will meet on the following Wednesdays: November 30th, December 7th, and December 14th. For more information, please contact Kim Oeding at [email protected] or 917-796-5417. September 4, 2016 -7- RCIA OPEN HOUSE St. Matthew Food Pantry is open every Wednesday from 9:00am-12:00noonn This Sunday, September 18th Following the 10:30am Mass The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is open to any adult who wants to explore the possibility of becoming a full member of the Catholic Church or if you are 18 or older and interested in Adult Confirmation. Please join us in Classroom #1 this Sunday immediately following the 10:30am Mass. We are still in need of the following items: Peanut Butter Rice (not instant) Dried Beans Pasta Sauce Spaghetti Cereal School Snacks Crackers Laundry detergent Toilet Paper Coffee (decaf & regular) Paper Towels Msgr. Walter’s Wish List Canned Tuna Any non-perishable items are greatly Appreciated. The Food Pantry Ministry would like to thank everyone for your generous support . lp e ’s t H I d ? e t e N ig h e ! W y g d n d i u B Los a h t Wi 100E%E y s a FR in! E jo to a weight loss buddy will… • support you 24/7 • applaud your success • restore your sense of worth • hold you accountable • help you become the person you want to be! Twenty-Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time WiFi in Church & Parish Center $6,500.00 Carpet Cleaning in Church & Parish Center $3,850.00 New Phone System $9,300.00 Please let Msgr. Walter know if you are able to help with any of these items. Dr. Edward Paul DDS, MS, FAGD Evening & Saturday Hours Available 10 Mott Avenue NOW OFFERING Norwalk 203.838.3938 Please call for details NOTRE DAME CONVALESCENT HOME, INC. Operated by Sisters Of St. Thomas Of Villanova 76 WEST ROCKS ROAD, NORWALK, CT 203-847-5893 BOOTH FINANCIAL ASSOCIATES Have a Blessed Day! James H. Booth, RFC, AIF 800-622-6684 FINANCIAL PLANNER 200 Connecticut Ave., Norwalk St. Matthew Parishioner & Emmaus Ministry Member Join our over 150,000 members today! Registered Representative of INVEST Financial Corporation, member FINRA/SIPC. INVEST and its affiliated insurance agencies offer securities, advisory services and certain insurance products and are not affiliated with Booth Financial Associates. Following Jesus Every Day: Full Range of Family Dental Services Serving the Norwalk Community for Over 23 Years JOHN HENDERSON (203) 853-4936 Owner/Parishioner CT Bus. Reg. #B-0747 Cathy Lauder GUITAR LESSONS GOSPEL MEDITATIONS FOR DAILY LIVING AVON Ninety days’ worth of Gospel verses and reflections including a meditation, a prayer, a simple activity for the day and a related verse from the Old Testament. Ideal for Lent and Eastertime, or for any time of year! Independent Sales Agent By Michael Gallello @Guitar Instruction Center 16 Isaac St. Parishioner 866-7427 203-216-4133 Complete Automotive Service 800-566-6150 • 911080 St Matthew Church (B) Norwalk, CT (203) 750-0782 THE MAGNER FAMILY 72 Connecticut Ave. Norwalk, CT 838-3716 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263 LUKE’S AUTO BODY, INC. Body & Fender Repairs Foreign & Domestic 24 Hour Towing By Fr. Audette, M.S., M.H. 203-520-7886 [email protected] Brian or Sally, coordinators Classroom and Behind the Wheel Instruction 28 Cross St., New Canaan 203-972-0242 M-F 8:30 AM-6 PM SAT 9:00 AM-3 PM 853-2418 Mental Health & Spiritual Psychotherapy SCHOOL OF DRIVING GREG & LOUISE BRYSON 304 MAIN AVE. NORWALK TEL: 203-847-6166 104 West Cedar St., So. Norwalk NEW CANAAN AVE SERVICE LEWIS The UPS Store BRUCE’S FLOWERS 203-846-0777 ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers Magner Funeral Home Family Owned & Operated Since 1912 454 Main Ave., Norwalk • (203) 846-1664 • If You Live Alone You Need LIFEWatch! 24 Hour Protection at HOME and AWAY! ✔Ambulance Solutions as Low as CST 2117990-70 ✔Police ✔Fire FREE Shipping ✔Friends/Family FREE Activation 860.399.1785 87 NEW CANAAN AVE. 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STATE OF THE ART DRY CLEANERS 212 Magee Avenue Stamford, CT 06902 Since 1966 LAUNDRY • WEDDING GOWN 120 NEW CANAAN AVE. #7 TOWER PLAZA J. George Uzwiak, Parishioner 203-866-4891 846-4237 Member K of C SANTO A. DELALLO D.M.D. Family Dentist Dominic Franchella Barry Pasqualini Owner / Principal / Parishioner Sales Dept./ Parishioner KATHRYN M. DELALLO R.D.H. 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