Grand Opening Celebration of Lanark Pool


Grand Opening Celebration of Lanark Pool
No. 08-01
July 3, 2007
Grand Opening Celebration of Lanark Pool
Without a Pool for 5 Years, Community Welcomes New Facility
In July 2006, Councilmember Dennis Zine
spearheaded the groundbreaking ceremony
at Lanark Park Pool facility. He promised the
community that in the following year, he
would jump into the pool to enjoy swimming
under the hot San Fernando Valley sun. The
promise was kept, so on June 21, 2007, Mr.
Zine, fully-clothed, jumped into the newly
constructed swimming pool under the loud
cheers and applause from the excited kids
and community members.
Before the dive, Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa spoke to the public and the media, and
presented a certificate of appreciation to
Kaiser Permanente for their commitment to
the “Operation Splash” Program.
The ribbon cutting for the grand opening
of the Lanark Pool marked the reopening
of the facility after 5 years of closure. The
existing pool originally built in 1959, located
at 21827 Strathern Street, Canoga Park, was
reconstructed to the highest expectations.
Some of the design elements of the pool are
racing lanes, a diving board, and a lift for the
disabled. The bathhouse was also renovated
to comply with the Americans with Disability Act requirements.
The event also marked the season start
of “Operation Splash,”
a public/private partnership between Kaiser
Permanente and the City
of Los Angeles Department of Recreation and
Parks Aquatic Division,
supporting aquatic facilities and swim programs
that will help improve
access to swim lessons
and pool activities in
low-income areas.
The A/E Consulting
Services, led by Deputy
City Engineer Deborah
Weintraub, provided
project and construction
management services. Children happily swimming in the new Lanark Pool.
This project was manThe Bureau of Engineering, Architectural
aged under the Municipal Facilities ProDivision
and Sparano and Mooney Archigram, directed by Mahmood Karimzadeh,
consultant performed the design
AIA, Program Manager, Reza Bagherzadeh,
Senior Sanitary Engineer, and Fred David, and took extra care to develop and upgrade
Project Manager. The project construction the facility’s existing form to integrate well
was managed by Construction Management with the residential neighborhood. The
Division directed by Jim Treadaway and combination of light and warm color palette
continued on page 2
Juan Izaguirre as construction manager.
l to r: Construction Manager Juan Izaguirre, Project Manager Fred David, City Engineer Gary Councilmember Dennis Zine makes good on his
Lee Moore, Assistant Director of Contract Administration Walter Bradley, Director of Contract promise to jump into the new Lanark Pool, with help
from Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and children.
Administration John Reamer, BCA Inspector Scott Wood, Chief Inspector Russ Strazzella.
Lanark Pool - continued from page 1
on the exterior façade allowed the facility to
be welcoming as well as consistent.
The main attraction and outstanding
feature of this facility is the pool. It is 60 feet
wide by 120 feet long with a depth ranging
from the shallowest point of 3 feet 6 inches
to the deepest point of 12 feet. Swimmers
can enjoy aquatic programs such as team
sports including inner-tube water polo,
swimming, synchronized swimming and
junior lifeguard training.
This project was a great success as a
result of the joint efforts of the Department
of Recreation and Parks and the Bureau of
Engineering. The design and construction of
the project was unprecedentedly completed
in 9 months and in less than a year respectively. It is pleasing to see residents from the
community enthusiastic about the outcome,
and ready to enjoy the premises for many
years to come.
Westlake Area Traffic Impacted by Rampart Police
Station Construction
Public Works Public Affairs Office press release:
LOS ANGELES (June 29, 2007) - Construction work on the new Rampart Area Police
Station on 1401 W. 6th Street in the Westlake
area will involve lane closures on 6th Street
between Columbia Avenue and Loma Drive
for at least 60 calendar days beginning July
6, 2007.
Two lanes on each direction will remain
open during work, but one lane on each
side of the street will be closed to accommodate sidewalk widening and handicap
access improvements, storm drain upgrades,
and trenching for sewer line connections.
Through early September, crews will be onsite from 7:00 a.m. through 4:00 p.m., usually
from Monday through Saturday. Motorists
should anticipate traffic delays.
SMARTS© Team Recognized at Management Team Mtg
At the June 21, 2007 Management Team
Meeting, the SMARTS© (Sewer Management
Automated Renewal Tracking System) team
members were presented with individual
certificates from the Quality & Productivity
Commission for their project having been
recognized as a City Productivity Award
SMARTS© is a customized desktop application utilizing the Bureau of Engineering’s
Geographic Information System (GIS) database. The application enables the design
engineers to do research, sewer condition
assessment, calculations, and to record
engineering decisions all in one place, saving considerable time and reducing human
Using this tool, an estimated 50% savings
of design time with comparable projects is
expected to be achieved.
A full article about this award winning
project appeared in the June 6, 2007 Engineering Newsletter.
SMARTS© Team, l to r: Gary Lee Moore, Randy Price, Mina Azarnia, Richard Carbajal, Harshad
Shah, Wayne Lawson, Patricia Cheng, Tim Haug.
Page 2
Annual Performance
The Bureau of Engineering continues to
evaluate performance annually. This is a
reminder to supervisors that the rating period covers the period July 1, 2006 through
June 30, 2007 and are due to the Personnel
Section, Administrative Services Division, by
September 30, 2007. The Performance Appraisal Form is available on the BOE intranet under Distributed
Info, click on Forms Library Application, click
on Personnel, then click on Performance Appraisal Form 2007.
Mid-City Traffic Impacted
by Construction of 20th
Area Police Station
Public Works Public Affairs Office press release:
LOS ANGELES (June 19, 2007) - The City of
Los Angeles, Bureau of Engineering reports
that work on the new 20th Area Police
Station on 1130 Vermont Avenue between
Olympic and Pico Boulevards will involve
lane closures, loss of street parking and
traffic delays beginning June 22, 2007. The
work, estimated to last for at least 40 days,
is necessary to widen the street and connect
sewer lines for the new facility. Motorists
should expect delays.
From June 22 through early August, up to
four lanes in the six-lane street may be closed
to traffic, allowing at least one lane in each
direction open. During this time, crews will
usually work from 7:00 a.m. through 7:00
p.m. Trenching to connect new sewer pipes
will occur. The street will also be ground,
repaved and widened to relieve traffic on
the intersection of Olympic Boulevard and
Vermont Avenue. The Department of Transportation deemed the junction as one of the
ten most congested in the city.
“The Department of Public Works is
committed to building and maintaining our
public infrastructure to improve the quality
of life of Angelenos,” said Cynthia M. Ruiz,
president, Board of Public Works. “In order
for us to complete our work safely and up
to the highest standards of quality, we need
the cooperation and patience of the residents.
Rest assured that we are doing our best to
minimize impacts and complete the work as
quickly as possible.”
Construction on the new 54,000 squarefoot 20th Area Police Station began in 2005
and will be completed in 2008. The Public
Safety Bond or Prop Q approved by voters in
2002 funds the nearly $35 million project.
For more information about the 20th Area
Police Station construction, please visit www. or call project manager Nassef
Eskander at (213) 761-9270. For questions
about the Department of Public Works,
please contact the Public Affairs Office at
(213) 978-0333, e-mail [email protected] or visit
Engineering Newsletter - 7/3/07
Profiles in Engineering
Fadi Abboud
Fadi Abboud is the newest
member of the Wastewater Program. He will be
working for the Wastewater
Conveyance Engineering
Division (WCED) as a Civil
Engineering Associate I and
will be located in the Public Works Building on the sixth floor. He will be handling
design assignments.
Fadi was born in Bangkok, Thailand,
and currently lives in La Crescenta, CA.
He earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in
Civil Engineering from the University of
California at Irvine in June of 2007.
Fadi comes from a well educated family.
His father George has a degree in Civil Engineering from Louisiana State University
and his mother Jariya has a degree in Accounting from LSU. His father is Lebanese
and his mother is Thai. They are the owners/managers of a Thai BBQ Restaurant in
Glendale named Chinda. In addition, Fadi’s
older brother Hani has a degree in Industrial
Engineering from California Polytechnic
State University at San Luis Obispo.
In previous employment, he has worked
as a waiter/cashier at his parent’s restaurant,
as a sales associate who sold toys and food
at Universal Studios, and as a computer
salesman and computer trouble shooter at
Best Buy. In addition, he maintained servers at Jim Henson Productions where he
also helped animators in the creation of a
new children’s television show called “The
Skrumps” about alien creatures that play
musical instruments.
Fadi’s hobbies include basketball and
building computers.
Eduardo Hermoso
EED welcomes Eduardo
Hermoso as a new Civil
Engineering Associate. His
office is located at the Hyperion Treatment Plant in
the Pregerson Building.
Eduardo will start out on the
rotation program performing project management duties at EED.
Eduardo was born in Los Angeles and
currently lives in Whittier. He earned a Masters of Science Degree in Civil Engineering
from California State University at Fullerton
in December of 2006.
His previous employment includes working for the Los Angeles County Department
of Public Works in the Traffic and Lighting
Division as a Civil Engineering Student
Worker and in the Construction Division as
a Civil Engineering Assistant.
His areas of accomplishments include:
Assisting with the design of a concrete canoe
at the Pacific South West Regional ConferEngineering Newsletter - 7/3/07
ence competition where he was awarded
second place, and setting up an Information Exchange Network for L.A. County’s
Traffic Management Center, which is a GIS
based application that monitors real time
traffic conditions for arterials throughout
the County.
Eduardo enjoys taking small trips and
playing softball in his spare time.
Maria Martin
Maria Martin has been
recently promoted to Environmental Supervisor
I in support of Prop O
projects. Maria has been
with the Environmental
Management Group for
over 7 years. She has successfully managed
the completion of many complex environmental documents.
Maria received her Bachelors in Biology
(Environmental) from Cal State University
at Northridge. Before working for the City,
Maria worked as a teacher for five years
and for a private company, Rust E&I, as an
environmental specialist for three years. In
addition to her work, her husband, her two
children, and her activities at the Toastmasters, she always has time to help her
friends and colleagues. In her spare time,
Maria enjoys reading and coin collecting.
Her office is located in the Environmental
Management Group on the 6th floor of the
Public Works Building.
Sue Commended
This letter was sent to Lem Paco and Gregg
Vandergriff of Central District:
June 25, 2007
Re: Daniel Sue
I wanted to take this opportunity to write a letter on behalf of your employee, Daniel Sue. I am
working as the Project Manager of the Beaudry
(BD-002189), Wilshire court (BD-001789) and
12th and Crocker (BD-002282) in Los Angeles
We are representing the interest of the
Owner(s), OPUS west for the Beaudry Project,
White Residential for the Wilshire Court Project
and ZDX for the 12th and Crocker project. I am
grateful for the help Daniel has provided as the
plan checker for all three of these projects. Certain
issues have risen and with Daniel’s help we were
able to solve each problem. Daniel was always able
to meet with us when necessary.
In closing, we feel Daniel has been extremely
helpful and we are satisfied with the service he
John Nowshiravani
Project Manager
On-Call Demolition
On March 14, 2007, the Board of Public
Works approved the contracts for the Bureau
of Engineering’s (BOE) On-Call Demolition
Contractors List. Starting March 15, 2007,
these contracts will be active for a period of
five years. These contracts form an on-call
list of 11 contractors to perform demolition
work for BOE projects with estimated values
between $50,000 and $3,000,000.
The On-Call Demolition Contractor List
consists of 11 contractors who submitted
Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) in
response to the BOE Request for Qualifications (RFQ). The SOQs were reviewed and
evaluated by City staff. Seven of these 11
demolition contractors who passed the Good
Faith Effort (GFE) review for compliance
with the City’s Minority, Women and Other
Business Enterprise (MBE/WBE/OBE) Outreach Program may bid on projects greater
than $100,000. All 11 demolition contractors,
including those who did not meet the GFE
requirements but complied with all of the
other requirements of the RFQ, may bid on
demolition projects less than $100,000. For
projects greater than $100,000, the demolition contractors must use their pre-approved
list of subcontractors for any subcontractor
work; this requirement streamlines and
shortens the bid and award period of the
on-call demolition projects.
An enrollment period may be opened at
the discretion of the City Engineer during
the life of this contract if the City Engineer
determines that additional demolition contractors are needed for this program.
To initiate the bid and award process for
the on-call demolition projects, the Project
Manager will need to submit the following
information to the Project Award and Control Division (PACD):
1. Completed Ready-to-Advertise Checklist
2. Hazardous Materials Report
3. City Engineer’s Estimate
4. Demolition Plans
After PACD receives all information from the
Project Manager, a demolition contract typically takes about four to six weeks to award.
Under the terms of this contract, the Project
Manager will submit a Contractor Performance Evaluation Report to the Bureau of
Contract Administration’s Special Research
Investigation Section after each demolition
project task order is completed.
For additional information regarding the
on-call demolition contract, contact Ralph
Shovlin, PACD’s Bid Processing Group, at
6+847-0621 (x70621).
Page 3
Bureau of Engineering
Over the next several weeks we look forward
to sharing the recent photos taken of the
different groups/divisions in the Bureau of
Engineering. Thanks go to Serge Haddad for
leading this project, Sam Wong for volunteering to take the photos and to all the division
coordinators who assisted in this effort.
Executive Team (at right)
Provides the overall management of the
Bureau through the City Engineer and
Deputy City Engineers. The Council
and Board Liaison group represents the
Bureau at meetings of the City Council,
Council committees, and meetings of
the Board of Public Works. The group
coordinates the involvement of other
Bureau offices as needed.
1st Row (l to r): Candice Arnold, Deborah Weintraub, Gary Lee Moore, Anita Moore, Bradley
Smith, Karen Dacres. 2nd Row: Tim Haug, Terri Winfield, Allison Linehan, Clark Robins, Serge
Administrative Services Division
This division prepares the budget, updates fees and charges; manages revenues and work orders; and oversees financial
systems; Purchases materials, equipment and services; provides a variety of support services to the Bureau; Processes Board
Reports, tracks correspondence, and provides volume duplication services; Provides a full range of recruitment, position
control and operating personnel services; Provides a full training program; Coordinates timekeeping and disburses payroll;
Processes plans, maintains official records and archives; Operates public counter for access to records; Microfilms records
and distributes copies; Reproduces plans for internal and construction bids; Provides specialty photographic services.
1st Row (l to r): Mary Imai, Quyen Doan, Janice Wady, Mary Orcutt, Nga Nguyen, Mildred Owens, Winifred Harano, Salvador Martinez, Richard
Chung, Fatima Robinson, Shelly Stallworth, Eli Tumbucon (Consultant), Cam Leung, Gina Caguiat. 2nd Row: Sunnie Garcia, Priya Khurana, Delia
Velasquez, Dixie Minor, Yesenia Santana, Lynne Holbrook, Gloria Romo, Helen Lopez, Lynda Ta, Andrea Poma, Flor Coreno, Anna Sanchez, Cynthia
Silva, Ed Villanueva. 3rd Row: Michael Sloss, Ron Daigle, Lois Baltazar, Jerome Anderson, Jeannie Park, Ivory Hudson, Laura Dorsey, George Adea,
Paula Carbo, Louise McCrory Bickham, Bettye Blevins, Beena Modi, Doris Mclauren, Raymond Zabala, Eleanor Villanueva, Joy Huang, Martin
Rothman, Jerry Diego, Pio Paraiso, Chuck Brogan (Consultant), Roberta Martinez, Karen Cundiff, Calvin Toy. 4th Row: Rolf Clever, Harry Tso,
Laurence Tillett, Roger Rivera, Lissa Anderson, Jerry Pointer, Michael Rodriguez, Terrie Reed, Javlin Wells, Kenneth Montgomery, Olga Houston,
Susana Trujillo, Mia Jones, Stuart Erwin. Not in Photo: Teresa Aguilar, Myrna Braithwaite, Angelia Brown, Ryan Coleman (Student), Tia Davis,
Carlos De La Cruz, Joan Diamond, Vicki Estelle, Fannie Hayes, Sandrina Hu (Accounting), Nancy Mackey, Keith McClure, Chris Mihiar, Sheryl
Moore, Sally Moribe, Irma Pitt, Sherry Townsend, Sondra White.
Page 4
Engineering Newsletter - 7/3/07
BOE Photos - continued
Animal Facilities Bond
Program Group (at right)
This group is responsible for five new
Animal Service Centers as well as the
renovation and expansion of three
existing Animal Service Centers per
requirements of the Proposition F Bond
Measure of November 2000. The Bond
provided for more than $160 million for
land acquisition, design and construction of these facilities.
1st Row (l to r): Kiran Vohra, Nancy Giron, Laura Villanueva. 2nd Row: Duc Tran, Alan Espiritu, Mike Malek.
Architectural Division
This division manages the Municipal Facilities Program by providing design and project management services for the
construction of public projects. Prepares contract documents (plans, specifications, and estimates) for the construction of
new municipal facilities as well as the alteration and retrofitting of existing facilities. It performs these services using staff
or by managing consultant contracts. The California Board of Architectural Examiners accredits the Division as an Intern
Development Program agency recognized to train staff in preparation of their State architectural licensing examination. The
Division also manages the Citywide Sustainable Design Implementation Program.
1st Row (left to right): Yvonne Upton, Cynthia Shaw, Paul Tseng, Bill Lee, Antoinette Barrios, Mahmood Karimzadeh, William Ghattas, Mark
Nakata, Ingrid Reyes, Zohra Akhter, Carla Michel, Hsiao-Ling Ting. 2nd Row: Ajit Syan, Erick Chang, Jaime Contreras, Ada Fernandez-DelaRosa,
Joan Kaplan, Marnelli Tabbada, Bernadette Hernandez, Verdy Gabriel, Renee Ellis, Jane Adrian, Tri Nguyen, Anh Lee. 3rd Row: Karl Horst, Raymond DeGuzman, Richard Fisher, Shawn Farzan, Jose Ortiz, Renato Aficial, Tony Lee, Steve Davis, Dominador Bacani. 4th Row: Raymond Huang,
Ben Gaetos, Steve Murata, Nasser Razepoor, Houshang Shahidi, Jensen Wu, Armando Romero, Nishith Dhandha, Ved Arora, Saro Dersaroian, John
McNeil. 5th Row: Jake Martinez, Asutur Keymetlyan, Eli Zapata, Ohaji Abdallah, Pradeep Ranade, Vinh Ha, Vicente Lumagui, Sharat Batra, Jack
Bornoff, Richard Deight, Celso Del Poso, Charles Chu. Not in Photo: Guillermo Barragan, Maggie Nava, Reza Bagherzadeh, Paul Young, Fred David,
Herbert Guevara, Marina Quinonez.
Engineering Newsletter - 7/3/07
Page 5
New Notices
Notice No. 015
Notice No. 015 dated June 18, 2007 Approved
Pipe and Sanitary Products List (Online)
states that the approved pipe and sanitary
products list has been updated. It has incorporated various approved material lists as
indicated in the references included in the
Notice and updated information including
the revised material properties for the curedin-place pipe. This updated list has been
posted to the Technical Document Center
section of the Bureau’s web site (http:// and will now be the single
reference for approved pipe and sanitary
sewer products. The list will continuously
be updated after a new product is approved.
Since the approved material list is referred
to in the Brown Book, it will take precedence
over the Green Book.
Notice No. 016
Notice No. 016 dated June 19, 2007 Standard
Plan S-442-3 Curb Ramps states that effective immediately Standard Plan S-442-3
(attachment) replaces the previous Standard
Plan S-442-2M. Standard Plan S-442-3 now
includes revised details of the Detectable
Warning Surfaces (DWS) with the Raised
Truncated Domes and their applicable locations. Standard Plan S-442-3 also provides
for the revision of the Ramp Case Numbers
and the details for a 0 inch curb face at the
curb ramps. These changes are necessary in
order to comply with the Americans with
Disabilities Act (ADA). Standard Plan S442-3 is currently posted on the Bureau of
Engineering website under “Technical Info.
- Standard Plans - S-Series - S-400 Streets,”
and can be viewed and downloaded.
The Standard Plan S-442-3 and its requirements shall be incorporated in all applicable
City projects and permit work. The Project
Manager and/or Project Engineer shall
include the new standard plan for ADA
compliant curb ramps within their project
scope of work. For the on-going projects that
already include the construction of the curb
ramps, the Project Manager and/or Project
Engineer shall issue a change order to implement the new changes.
Notice No. 017
Notice No. 017, dated June 18, 2007 Update
of General Requirements (GR’s) Section
1292 - Partial Payments states that Option
2 (MF-Municipal Facilities), of Master GR’s
Section 01292 - PARTIAL PAYMENTS, of
the Bureau’s Technical Document Center
website, Article 1.1 B has been updated to
accommodate the Bureau of Contract Administration’s request to clarify the responsibilities with respect to the Payment Request
process for Municipal Facilities projects, and
to remove potentially conflicting contractual
language from the requirements.
The revision is to remove the Engineer’s
review and approval of the “Inspector’s
Page 6
estimate” of the completed Work from the requirements. The revision now indicates that
upon approval of the Contractor’s Payment
Requests by the Inspector, the City will make
the progress payments. The revision also
indicates that the reduction of the amount
of retention will be made at the “discretion
of the Inspector.”
It is imperative that the Project Manager, Project Engineer, and/or Construction
Manager continue to provide construction
cost control, including verification of funding sources in order to provide progress
payments for the project as specified in
Chapter 19 of the Bureau’s Project Delivery
Project Manager and/or Project Engineer
are required to visit the Technical Document
Center website and obtain the latest General
Conditions and GR’s including the GR Section 01292, for their project specifications.
Moore & Dugas Commended
This letter was received from the Police
December 1, 2006
To: Dr. Ara Kasparian, Group Manager
Environmental Management Group
Enclosed you will find certificates of commendation for two of your employees, Ms. Linda L.
Moore and Ms. Lisa Dugas. I would greatly appreciate it if you would present these certificates
on behalf of the Los Angeles Police Department’s
Facilities Management Division. I would also like
to take this opportunity to thank you for providing a working environment that encourages your
subordinates to provide the service and support
at the level which Ms. Moore and Ms. Dugas
continually provides.
Sergeant II
Officer-In-Charge, Planning Section
Facilities Management Division
Police Department
The certificate reads
Certificate of Commendation is hereby presented
to Environmental Supervisor II Linda L. Moore,
R.E.A. and Environmental Specialist II Lisa
Dugas, in recognition of your sustained and
outstanding service to the City of Los Angeles
and in particular, the Los Angeles Police Department. I join with the officers and staff of Facilities
Management Division and the tenants of the
Los Angeles Police Department Facilities in
commending your professionalism, dedication,
commitment and outstanding service. We applaud your sustained efforts which have repeatedly resulted in a successful outcome to the joint
projects in which you have assisted the Facilities
Management Division. Your efforts have truly
helped to make our jobs easier and our facilities
safer and more comfortable places in which to
work. Congratulations on a job well done!
Head Protection
Employees working in locations where there
is a risk of receiving a head injury from flying
debris, falling objects, obstructions and/or
electrical shock or burns shall be safeguarded by means of approved head protection.
Where head protection is required, American
National Standards Institute (ANSI) approved equipment resistant to impact and
electrical hazards shall be selected and used
(Title 8, GISO, Section 3381).
Protective helmets placed in service after
October 30, 2004 shall comply with ANSI
Z89.1-1997 Industrial Head Protection and
Title 8, Section 3381 (b)(1) (A-C). Protective helmets placed in service on or before
October 30, 2004 shall comply with ANSI
Z89.1-1969 Safety Requirements for Industrial Head Protection and Title 8, Section
3381 (b)(2)(A-C).
Each approved protective helmet shall
bear the manufacturers name, designated
standard number and date, and designated
class helmet.
This protective device shall be used and
inspected in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and not be altered, painted or covered to hide equipment defects.
Head protection that does not meet these
standards shall be discarded and replaced
with ANSI approved equipment. Locations
where head protection may be required:
• Construction sites
• Overhead operations
• Activities involving impacting, moving,
flying objects or debris
• Buildings and work areas where protruding or low hanging objects exist
• Areas containing hazardous chemicals or
• Activities near electrical line and equipment that may result in electrical shocks
and burns
This policy does not prevent Divisions or
work locations from implementing a more
comprehensive policy. Supervisors shall
ensure all employees comply with this State
and City requirement.
Get Your Dream Home
LAFCU press release:
From July through September, Los Angeles
Federal Credit Union (LAFCU) members
who buy or refinance their home with
LAFCU will receive a “dream deal on financing.” When compared to the average bank,
LAFCU members save with low rates and
fees on home loans. We waive many fees
including prepayment penalties, offer a free
45-day rate lock program and can refer members to a real estate agent that will rebate 25%
of his/her commission from the home sale.”
LAFCU Members who buy or refinance their
home with LAFCU during July and September will also receive a free $50 Home Depot
Gift Card (while supplies last).
Engineering Newsletter - 7/3/07
UPRS Training
If you are interested in getting hands-on
experience with the latest developments in
the Bureau of Engineering’s Uniform Project
Reporting System (UPRS), you can sign up
for one of the following training classes
given by Ray Jadali of PACD group:
July 11
9:00 am - 10:00 am
July 19
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
July 25
9:00 am -10:00 am
For class availability and to schedule please
contact Carlos Villegas at 6+847-0602
CMAA Seminar
The Construction Management Association
of America, Southern California Chapter has
announced the following seminars:
Construction Claims on Thursday, July
26, 8:00 - 10:30 am, at The Grand, Long
Beach. Learn about: Default By Contractor;
Default By Agency; Substantial completion;
Liquidated Damages; No Damages For
Delay; Compensable delay damages; Damages; Remedies; Changes; Cardinal change;
Magnitude of changes; Total cost claims
- analysis and defense; Abandonment; Delay,
acceleration, inefficiency; Misrepresentation;
Home office overhead; Eichleay formula.
Guest Speakers: Bryan Payne, P.E., Esq.,
Southern California Regional Claims Manager Carter & Burgess, Inc. and Robert Shaffer, Jr., Esq., Zetlin & De Chiara LLP.
Time Management and Cost Management
on Thursday, August 9, 2007 at The Grand,
Long Beach, 8:00 - 8:30 am Registration &
Continental Breakfast (included with morning session registration); 8:30 am - 11:30 am
Time Management Lecture & Lab; 11:30 am
- 12:30 pm Luncheon (included with afternoon session registration); 12:30 - 3:30 pm
Cost Management Lecture & Lab.
If you are interested in taking the CCM
Exam or just want to upgrade your skills,
consider attending this CM Practices Review
Course. Both sessions include hands-on
problem solving lab.
Time Management; History of CPM;
Scheduling in Project Phases; Pre-Design;
Design; Procurement; Construction; Post
Construction; CPM Basics; Time Impact
Analysis; Lab (exercises); Cost Management; Project & Construction Budget; Cost
Management Systems; Cost Estimating; Cost
Compliance Monitoring; Cost Management;
Design Phase; Bid/Award; Construction;
Close-Out; and Lab (exercises).
Each session will qualify for 3 PDH/3
Instructors: Mehdi Heydari, PE, CCM,
Vice President/Project Director, Vanir
Construction Management. Brett Barnett,
PE, CCM, Senior Project Manager, Harris &
Flier and registration form available at - Event Calendar.
Engineering Newsletter - 7/3/07
PWB Brown Bag Seminar
Dr. Joseph Dadourian returns to the Bureau’s
Brown Bag Luncheon Series with a discussion on Assertiveness Training. Dr. Dadourian’s interactive lecture will take place on
Tuesday, July 17, 2007 in the Training Room,
SB 34 at 12:00 noon.
Previously scheduled to speak on the issue, Dr. Dadourian had been called away to
assist with the counseling of United States
hostages, and, unfortunately, our lecture,
here at the Department of Public Work Building, was cancelled.
After his most recent speech on Effective
Communication in the Work Place last week on
June 19, Dr. Dadourian now is able to return
to discuss how we can be assertive, rather
than aggressive or nonassertive and how this
will deal with problems in the workplace.
Participants in this noon time lecture
will learn that assertiveness is the ability to
express our feelings, preferences, opinions,
beliefs and needs directly, openly, and honestly, in a manner that is neither threatening
nor punishing toward another person.
Based on the success of Dr. Dadourian’s
previous EAP ValueOptions Seminars, employees should expect yet another informative lecture that will develop communication
skills, increase self-confidence, and improve
decision making ability.
Any questions regarding the next BrownBag Luncheon Seminar, should be sent to
Stuart Erwin at 6+485-5117 (x55117).
CHS Brown Bag Seminars
Bring your lunch and enjoy a free Thursday lunchtime seminars sponsored by the
Personnel Department. Seating is on a first
come basis. All sessions are held at City Hall
South, 111 E. 1st St., Room 103, from 11:30 am
- 12:30 pm. You can visit
NewsLetter/brownbag2007.pdf to download a
copy of the Brown Bag schedule.
July 5 - Retirement Planning (LACERS)
July 19 - Estate Planning, Wills and Trust
(CLC Inc. and Value Options)
August 2 - Identity Theft (LAPD)
August 16 - Stress Management (Value
September 6 - Foreclosure Prevention
September 20 - Understanding Wall Street
(Value Options)
October 4 - Ergonomic Training (Personnel
October 18 - Managing Stress for Life (Value
November 1 - Managing Multiple Priorities
at Work (Value Options)
November 15 - Home Buying (Housing
December 6 - Beating the Holiday Blues
All Brown Bag seminars are free of charge
to all City employees.
Associate IV’s Lead Technical Training
On July 23, 2007, 1:00-3:00 pm, Akio Takasue will speak on the City of L. A. Bid and
Award Process in Sub-Basement Room 30.
Please review the Project Delivery ManualChapter 14 - “Awarding the Construction
Contract” prior to the class.
Please be on time, as the class will start
promptly at the designated time. If you are
interested in attending either of these sessions, please fill out a class confirmation
form and get your supervisor’s approval
and fax it to Vicki Estelle, Training Section,
Administrative Services Division, at (213)
485-5177. You may contact her if you have
any questions concerning this class at (213)
WPRR Computer Training
Administrative Services Division will conduct hands-on computer training classes on
the preparation of the Work Program Resource
Requirements (WPRR) forms. The forms will
be generated utilizing Microsoft Excel. There
will be five classes:
Wednesday, July 11 10:15 am - 11:45 am
Monday, July 16
9:00 am - 10:30 am
Wednesday, July 18 1 :30 pm - 3:00 pm
Thursday, July 19
2:30 pm - 4:00 pm
Wednesday, July 25 10:15 am - 11:45 am
Please note that the July 11, July 19, and July
25 class sessions will be restricted to those
preparing the WPRR in the Stormwater,
Wastewater, Street Improvement, Municipal
Facilities and the Bond funded (Library, Fire,
Animal, Seismic, Zoo, Prop K, Prop Q, etc.)
Programs. The Capital Improvement Projects
and Bond funded projects must utilize the
Uniform Project Reporting System (UPRS)
to prepare that portion of the WPRR. UPRS
staff will be available to instruct this portion
of the training.
The July 16 and July 18 sessions will be
open to all programs. You are encouraged to
sign up for the July 18 session since the July
16 session is only intended for those who
cannot attend any other sessions.
Space is limited to 20 persons per class,
therefore, Program Managers are asked to
send only those staff that will actually be
inputting your WPRR data into the forms.
All classes will be held in the 7th floor
BOE computer training center at 1149 S.
The WPRR instructions will be sent under
a separate cover letter. Please contact Eleanor
Villanueva, Budget Section, Administrative
Services Division, at 6+485-5113 (x55113)
or e-mail her at [email protected]
by Monday, July 9, 2007, to reserve a spot
in a class.
Please be sure to state if you are working
in the Capital or Bond programs.
Page 7
Transfer Opportunities
The following transfer opportunities are
available. If you are interested, contact the
office below by Tuesday, July 10, 2007:
Civil Engineer
Central - Eda Meredith (213) 482-7057
Civil Engineering Associate II
WLA - Juliet Ward
(310) 575-8640
Civil Engineering Associate III
EED - Ivy Cook
(310) 648-6123
Prop O - Monique Parker
Prop Q - Sharon Lee
(213) 482-7370
Civil Engineering Drafting Tech
Harbor - Pablo Vasquez (310) 732-4694
SID - Edeliza Fang
Clerk Typist
WCC - Brian Stoker
Electrical Engineering Associate III
EED - Ivy Cook
(310) 648-6123
Landscape Architect
Prop K - Ruben Vasquez
Management Analyst I
WCC - Brian Stoker
Prop O - Monique Parker
Mechanical Construction Estimator
EED - Ivy Cook
(310) 648-6123
Office Engineering Technician I
Valley - Mati Laan
(818) 374-5086
Principal Clerk
WCC - Brian Stoker
EED - Ivy Cook
(310) 648-6123
Senior Civil Eng Drafting Technician
Central - Eda Meredith (213) 482-7057
EED - Ivy Cook
(310) 648-6123
WCE - Brian Stoker
Senior Clerk Typist
EED - Ivy Cook
(310) 648-6123
Structural Engineer
EED - Ivy Cook
(310) 648-6123
Structural Engineering Associate III
SED - Guen Davis
Fadi Abboud, CE Associate I, WCE; Shahzad
Mohammadi, CE Associate I, SMG; Manuel
Perez, CE Associate I, SED; Daphne Elby,
Clerk Typist , EED; Vernetta Burnaugh,
Senior Clerk Typist, EED.
Mohamad Fakih, CE Associate II, transfer
to DWP, WCC; Sue Seminario, Survey Party
Chief II, resigned, Survey; Joe Garcia, Field
Engineering Aide, resigned, Survey; Trina
Kiyasu, Management Analyst II, transfer to
DWP, PAC; Jake Martinez, Student Architect
III, resigned, Architectural.
Alan Lee, Civil Engineer, Land Development; John Sosa, Office Engr Tech III, PAC;
Albert Servin, CE Associate I, Central;
Henry Sisomvang, CE Associate I, SIG.
Civic Center Carpool &
Mileage Parking Renewal
Employees who have carpool and/or mileage permits in the civic center area are reminded that current permits will expire as
of July 31, 2007. Employees are required to
renew the permits in person at the Commute
Options and Parking Section (COPS) office
located in Room 867, City Hall. Employees
must bring their City ID and other documentation as described below with them.
Beginning this week, COPS will accept
renewals Monday through Friday from 8:00
am to 4:00 pm. All carpool and mileage parking permit holders must renew their permits,
otherwise the permit will be cancelled and
the keycard will be deactivated. No new permits will be issued during renewal period.
Carpool Renewal Instructions:
Employees must bring the following items
to the permit office:
• A current permit/keycard unless they
park at a City-leased lot and are issued
a monthly permit.
• California Driver ’s License (CDL) as
proof of residence. The address on the
CDL must correspond to the address on
the submitted carpool permit. If it does
not correspond, one proof of residence
is required. Any changes to the home
address or carpool membership must be
reported to COPS (213) 978-1655 prior to
coming to the office.
• Carpool members who qualify for
disabled parking must present a valid
DMV Disabled Person Placard Customer
Receipt Copy.
All members must be present in order to
renew the permit.
Mileage Parking Permit Renewal Instructions:
Employees must bring the current permit
and a new Mileage Parking Permit Justification
Form signed by their supervisor to Helen
Lopez, Adminisrative Services Division,
who will verify that they meet the minimum
requirement of driving 200 miles per month.
If so, the form will be signed by Winifred
Harano. The Mileage form is available online at
License numbers must be provided for all
vehicles used by the employee.
Questions regarding the permit renewal
process may be directed to the Personnel
Department’s Commute Options and Parking Section (COPS) at (213) 978-1655, Room
867, City Hall, Mail Stop 621. Helen Lopez
is the Mileage Coordinator for the Bureau of
Engineering. She may be reached at 6+4855087; or e-mail [email protected]
New PW Commissioner
Mayor Villaraigosa has named Julie Gutman, as a new commissioner on the Board
of Public Works. “Julie Gutman brings a
breadth of professional experience in labor
management issues, economic development
and community redevelopment,” Villaraigosa said. “Her skills and expertise will be
a great asset to the Board of Public Works
Gutman brings more than 15 years of experience as an attorney. She currently serves
as a senior trial attorney for the National
Labor Relations Board, Region 21, in Los
Angeles. She would replace David Sickler,
who left recently to join the Department
of Water & Power as an Assistant General
Manager. Her appointment is subject to City
Council confirmation.
FS 81 Opening
On Saturday, July 14, 2007 from 10:00 am
to 2:00 pm everyone’s welcome to come to
a celebration for the opening of Panorama
City Fire Station No. 81 and Recruit Training
Center at 14355 Arminta St., Panorama City,
CA 91402. There will be tours of the new fire
station, live burn demos, a helicopter flyover,
fire house chili and other refreshments, live
music and fun activities for the kids.
This project is managed by the Fire Facilities Bond Group and funded by Proposition
F General Obligation Bonds.
July 4th Holiday
Tomorrow Wednesday,
July 4, 2007, is a City holiday. Remember to mark
your timesheet for that day
as HO 8.0. Since the holiday
is only for eight hours, those of you on the
9/80 or 4/10 schedule must adjust your
hours accordingly within the same pay
period. (Non-FLSA exempt employees can
only adjust their hours within their defined
work week.) Check with your division timekeeper if you have any questions.
We’d Like to Hear from You
If you have any articles for the Newsletter,
please e-mail them to Winifred Harano
([email protected]) and Teresa Aguilar
([email protected]) Administrative Services Division, Stop 311 or Fax to 6+485-4965
(x54965). The deadline for the next issue is
Thursday, July 12, 2007.
Los Angeles City Department of Public Works
Bureau of Engineering
1149 South Broadway, Suite 700
Los Angeles, CA 90015
The Engineering Newsletter is published biweekly by
the Administrative Services Division for employees of
the Bureau of Engineering.
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