Fortunes Saved! - Alexander Proudfoot
Fortunes Saved! - Alexander Proudfoot
project snapshot Fortunes Saved! Eight month turnaround delivers global chemical company €9 million in savings PROJECT AT A GLANCE Costs reduced by €9 million Able to run the business with 130 people less Substantial ROI achieved Managers and supervisors trained in active supervision Project duration: 34 weeks Improved business processes and systems, better adapted to business needs Modern and effective management practices introduced and adopted by the team project snapshot: fortunes saved Enter Proudfoot location in Germany was assigned to Alexander Proudfoot had already worked work full time with Proudfoot as part with the company , so the CEO asked the internal “Task Force”. In those ten them to assess the situation. After a months, the CEO says that hardly a single two-week business review across four employee was left untouched by the locations, Proudfoot determined that the company’s restructuring, and Proudfoot company could make significant savings implemented dozens of changes in an by eliminating duplicate functions and extremely short time. The biggest change employing more appropriate management was a restructuring of functions into three tools, amongst other changes. smaller Regional Business Units which The CEO checked a few references on Proudfoot and then satisfied with the One of the world’s leading suppliers of fluorine compounds and chemicals, decided on and implemented a drastic change of course last year. What could have been a simple cost-cutting project became a total reorganisation of the potential for operational improvements Proudfoot identified, gave the team the green light. The Proudfoot team immediately began defining what now report to a single Strategic Business Unit.. Proudfoot introduced Portfolio Management to help the company set priorities for projects and tools for more effective project management of R&D, called Funnel and Gate management. needed to change. In the process, it “We reorganised the entire company became clear that the scope of the structure and the majority of our company’s structure, securing its position as a top industry player. Given the company’s long-standing leadership in the market, it came as a surprise when the part of the business producing fluorine compounds swung from a profit to a potential loss in a We ensure that every member of an organisation undergoing a change programme feels a personal connection with the process and by extension feels more closely aligned with the performance of the company itself. startlingly quick nine month period. In the few years prior to this, the European chemical industry had been project should go beyond cutting €7.3 management processes and systems,” under increasing pressure from low- million in costs in a socially friendly said the General Manager of the cost Chinese imports. Some European way – i.e. through early retirements Chemicals Sector and Member of the companies responded by dropping their and transfers rather than layoffs. Executive Committee. prices to Chinese levels, putting the entire In close partnership with the CEO, industry under extreme price pressure. Proudfoot defined a new company At the same time, labour and production structure, discussed this with the costs rose in Europe, the weakened dollar management team and finally secured hit the bottom line and environmental approval from the board. , It was also regulations got tougher. agreed to streamline the company’s two The worsening situation led the chief plants and its headquarters in Germany. New Organisation: A Global SBU and Three RBU’s Many companies within the larger global group were already operating with Strategic Business Units (SBUs) and Regional Business Units (RBUs), but within the German operations managers executive officer to call an extraordinary The project was completed in record time often had responsibilities that fell into meeting of his top managers to discuss and within ten months, the company’s multiple categories across different potential routes to avoid bankruptcy. future was secured. One person at each functions and geographic regions. The team came up with several ways to cut costs and improve sales. However, the CEO quickly saw that his company could not go it alone: “We had too much going on internally already. And we didn’t have a manager who could lead the project without risking his career – without getting burned.” The lifetime of products are short. The more time you take to make them, the less time you have to sell them. “At our company, SBU functions and RBU Who is Accountable? Who is functions were mixed. It was a mix of SBU Informed and who is Consulted? and RBU functions, a mix of operational business and management,” said the Portfolio Management CEO, adding, “It was crucial that the New tools were introduced to make the functions be separated.” work of the SBU and RBU organisation more efficient and effective. €9 million The joint Proudfoot and client team redesigned the company structure, Proudfoot brought in the concept of creating one SBU focused on global Portfolio Management, or the constant functions and a model RBU for Europe monitoring of the “mix” of portfolio that the company rolled out to Asia components. Portfolio management and the NAFTA countries as well. was used to examine the portfolio of One of the areas of focus for the SBU existing and new products and thereby processes faster and more effectively by was completely new for the company: re-examine which products best fitted approaching them in a highly structured Innovation Management. The position the company’s strategic aims from a way. In Funnel Management, ideas commercial, technical and regulatory enter a filtering system at the top of the perspective. The Proudfoot/client team funnel; as they pass or fail to pass certain applied Portfolio Management to many milestones and tests, the ideas are either areas of the company, including projects, rejected or move on to become full-blown was created such that the manager of this global function would be responsible for developing and implementing the company’s innovation strategy plus applying and coordinating Funnel and Gate Management for more commercially Total saving delivered to client in 34 weeks products, markets and production sites. projects. Each milestone or test is based An immediate success, it is now helping on pre-set criteria (such as economic the company focus on its strategic feasibility or likeliness to pass regulatory priorities and undertake the right projects hurdles) and takes place at a “gate,” to optimize return on investment. hence the name Gate Management. The Proudfoot/client team applied Funnel and responsibilities of all SBU and Funnel and Gate Management RBU functions. RACI methodology is a Once portfolios were aligned strategically, weed out unprofitable projects. Before tool to assist in the definition of inter- other tools came into play. Proudfoot Proudfoot came on board, people related roles based on the following implemented Funnel and Gate scattered across the company were questions: Who is Responsible? Management, systems for managing working on more than 100 research oriented R&D project management. Once the new structures were in place, Proudfoot used RACI methodology to define with complete clarity the roles and Gate Management to R&D to simultaneously, the CEO said. “If a request came from the market, people would begin a project without analysing the short and long-term impact on the entire company,” he continued. Now, his company uses the steps prescribed in Funnel and Gate Management to better assess the manager and a project with clearly- training for managers and supervisors defined milestones that must be reached.” to support workers who were at first He added: “The lifetime of products are sceptical that they could accomplish more short. The more time you take to make tasks with fewer people. them, the less time you have to sell them.” After the concept of Funnel Management partners expect the company to save was introduced, the company’s in excess of €9 million as a result of employees were trained in the system the more efficient processes and the and its software tools and coached lower head count, achieved through through initial implementations. early retirements and job transfers. It project’s potential. It examined all ongoing was important for the CEO to undertake R&D projects and selected five or six “Our employees were skeptical at first, high-priority projects to focus on. but now they’re happy about Funnel This new system of Funnel and Gate Management showed immediate results: During the course of the ten month Tallied up in the end, the project this in a socially positive way and avoid forced redundancies. The CEO Management. They now know exactly rounded up the project by saying : “We what they have to do,” said the CEO. now have a healthy basis to further develop our company. I would like to project, an R&D project regarding Major Changes in Record Time solvents for lithium batteries sped through Throughout the project, Proudfoot held the funnel in record time, allowing the strategic discussions with executives and company to make an investment decision managers to solidify their commitment to on it. The CEO was delighted with the change in a variety of project alignment impact the new ways of working were workshops ranging from three hours For more information: having on the R&D team: “This was a to two days. With the full backing of great success for me. Many people had management, Proudfoot implemented the Alexander Proudfoot 10 Fleet Place, London EC4M 7RB, UK Tel: +44 20 7710 5100 Fax: +44 20 7710 5101 have more such profitable projects.” been working on this R&D project with new tools and more: It developed and set very little preparation and direction. This up management operating systems in all is all different now. Now we have a project project areas and provided necessary PROJECT AT A GLANCE CEO KEY LEARNING POINTS Costs reduced by €9 million Approach all projects with a commitment to change Substantial ROI achieved Assign a full-time senior task force to the job using quality people Project duration: 34 weeks Give change projects the highest priority Improved business processes and systems, better adapted to business needs Operate with an open-door policy, giving people the chance to discuss critical aspects of the project at any time as to avoid losing momentum and focus Able to run the business with 130 people less CEO should be a part of the project management team Modern and effective management practices introduced and adopted by the team Managers and supervisors trained in active supervision Hold regular formal and informal project review meetings Constantly review project process from a critical point of view Where difficult situations arise confront them head on with a constructive joint problem solving approach Copyright © 2009 Alexander Proudfoot. All rights reserved. 30175 UK PS 0110