2003 - 2014 Activity Report - Museo Marítimo Ría de Bilbao


2003 - 2014 Activity Report - Museo Marítimo Ría de Bilbao
Introduction: Jon Ruigómez Matxin.............................. 4
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum ................................... 6
Permanent Exhibition............................................................ 8
Temporary Exhibitions ...................................................... 18
Tall ships Programme......................................................... 55
Educational Activities ........................................................75
Publications............................................................................. 93
Events Organization .......................................................... 97
Evolution of number of visitors ...................................114
10 Governing Body......................................................................116
The ría, your museum
Jon Ruigómez Matxin
Museo Marítimo Ría de Bilbao.
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
Bilbao isn’t the light rain falling on your car’s windshield. Bilbao isn’t
the cranes on the docks. It isn’t the ship being built or the port filled
with merchant vessels. Bilbao isn’t its “Athletic” soccer team, or the
ilbao is the drive of its citizens,
as seen in the port, in the historic
quarter shops, and in its foreign
trade; its steel working and industry;
in its upbeat and entrepreneurial attitude; in
its distinct and open identity, in the estuary
that we carry within us and that opens us up
to the world.
“You are Nervión, the
town’s history. You, its past
and its future”
Unamuno, from Begoña, 1907.
The estuary permitted the building of the port
in Bilbao even before there was a founding
charter. Around it, commerce, an aperture to
the world through the sea and industry, has
forged the character of constant progress
throughout Biscay.
This cultural heritage has been safeguarded
for 10 years now, thanks to a group of sea
and estuary lovers who accomplished their
dream: to convert the antique Euskalduna
shipyards into the Ría de Bilbao Maritime
Museum. We are obliged to offer tribute
and thanks to these men and women from
all over Biscay, as well as to the companies
and institutions that have supported them,
struggling to finally inaugurate the Museum
on November 20th of 2003.
In ten years, the Museum has become a
cultural institution of reference in all that
relates to the sea, the estuary, and our
commercial, port, industrial and maritime
heritage. In these moments of economic
crisis, when industry has been revealed as
the sole producer of wealth and employment,
it is even more necessary to transmit to
younger generations that have only known
the shine of the titanium, that our greatness
comes directly from wool (and its commercial
routes), from iron, (metalworking), and from
the sea (shipbuilding), all of which are values
that will establish future development.
Since its inauguration, a consistent effort
has been made to improve the permanent
exhibition, receiving the generous support
of numerous donations. Over 40 temporary
attracting hundreds of boats in our docks, as
well as thousands of schoolchildren through
our educational program, to whom we have
instilled a passion for the sea, boats, the
estuary and its culture. The Museum has
strategically built collaborations, through
diverse cultural and maritime networks.
We now enter into a new decade with a solid
project ahead of us, filled with illusion, and
with the estuary ever-present, supporting
the future growth of a great city, one in
which knowledge and culture are the new
The ría is our Museum; the past and the
present of our identity.
Jon Ruigómez Matxin
Ría de Bilbao Maritim Museum.
activities report 2003-2014
Location of the Ría de Bilbao
Maritime Museum
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
he Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
is the culmination of efforts made
by the private Foundation and nonprofit organization of the same name,
established in 1996. The organization grew
out of efforts made by a group of individuals
linked to the sea and to the Bilbao estuary.
With the incorporation of the Foundation and
the future museum, they aimed to promote
research, conservation and diffusion of
the cultural heritage created thanks to the
maritime activity of the estuary, the Port of
Bilbao and Biscay over history.
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
One year later, in 1997, the Board of Trustees
was incorporated, the maximum governing
body, formed by representatives of the
principle public and private sectors of Bilbao
and its surroundings. In 1998, the Foundation
offered the exposition “La Ría, una razón de
ser” (The Estuary, a reason for being). The
overwhelming number of visitors indeed
confirmed the Foundation’s “reason for
being”; this interest shown by the citizens
is a sign that the correct course was taken.
Over 1999, the Museum Sponsor and
Patronage Programme was put into place,
with the companies and institutions of the
Foundation Patronage already incorporated.
At this time, the museum was already
collaborating with all of the companies and
institutions represented by the Board of
Trustees and continuing to add others.
After years of work, effort and great illusion,
the Maritime Museum finally opened its
doors to the public on November 20th of
Since then, countless activities and initiatives
have been put into place by the Museum,
receiving great public response.
Located in an emblematic spot, the ancient
docks of the Euskalduna shipyards, amidst
the Bilbao estuary and in the Paseo de
Abandoibarra, together with the Guggenheim
Museum and the Euskalduna Congressional
Palace, the museum has a unique and oneof-a-kind atmosphere, with great symbolic
and patrimonial value.
The Maritime Museum has a surface area
of approximately 27,000m2. The building
measures some 7,000m2 distributed in two
levels and an outdoors area of approximately
20,000m2. The outside area, with 3 docks,
moored vessels, the Carola Crane and the
building housing the Pump Room, make
this cultural facility a truly open-to-the-sea
museum. Exhibition spaces are distributed
throughout the inside and outside areas.
The museum building has an odd structure
which is a prime example of adapting to the
environment. Taking advantage of the existing
space under the roundabout of the Plaza del
Sagrado Corazón and the Euskalduna Bridge,
an entrance was built and the inside space
was turned into the Museum headquarters.
In fact, the pillars that may be seen across
the exhibition zone are in fact columns that
supported the road and the bridge joining the
two shores of the estuary, where every day,
thousands of vehicles circulate.
The outside area makes
this cultural facility a truly
open-to-the-sea museum.
activities report 2003-2014
Permanent exhibition
he permanent indoor exhibition of
the Museum is based upon a trilogy
consisting of the territory, the human
group living in this territory and
the natural and cultural heritage that has
accumulated across history. Territory, identity
or culture and social memory underlying the
concept of cultural and natural patrimony,
fulfilling the Museum’s mission to recover,
research and disseminate said legacy.
These elements have been developed
throughout the exhibition, organized into
three main topic areas. In addition, each of
these three areas is divided into monographic
blocks, held in spaces that are shaped like
ship’s hulls and which we refer to as NAVES.
Localización del Museo
Marítimo Ría de Bilbao
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
Area I. The Estuary, a seaport.
area II. The Estuary, market and
The Bilbao Estuary has been the scene of
numerous important events. Across the
estuary travelled the iron from foundries, wool
from Castilla, goods from Northern Europe,
19th century ore and products needed for
the subsistence of the local towns. To make
this possible, numerous renovation works
were carried out, since despite its natural
characteristics, the estuary was filled with
Since the Middle Ages, Biscayan commercial
activities were conducted through its
maritime ports. Beginning in the 16th
Century, the estuary became the channelling
route of a wide variety of goods that
travelled to and from peninsula’s interior to
different international ports. This area was
the birthplace of the first privileges and
tax exemptions, converting the Bilbao and
Portugalete marketplaces into Biscayan
Cable car system donated by the
Salvamento de Arriluze Station, Getxo.
Progress in shipping and the Estuary’s
renovation allowed for the development of
more modern ships. Specialization of trades
also contributed to increased seaworthiness:
pilots, machinists, experts, moorers, captains,
sailors, rope makers, fishermen, dockers,
divers and even pirates, all of these were
protagonists in its history.
Specialization of trades also
contributed to increased
Recreation of the Arenal docks
trade monopolies. They regulated the goods
that entered and exited these marketplaces,
both by land and by sea.
The goods acquired over various centuries
of intense trade activity permitted a
diversification of investment in other sectors
which also formed an essential part of the
Estuary. These areas included: mining; the
steel industry; and of course, sea transport.
Exploitation of the rich iron resources required
appropriate port and ship infrastructures. The
budding steel industry required carbon which
was transported by the shipping companies,
particularly, those from England. The goods
and profits acquired by the ship owners of
the Bilbao Estuary definitively contributed to
the economic and industrial development of
Bilbao and all of Biscay.
activities report 2003-2014
AREA III. The Estuary, a shipyard.
Of all of the industrial activities carried out
in the Bilbao Estuary, those of the shipyard
deserve specific mention due to their importance. The early ships built in sheds, were
made of wood, and that is precisely what we
try to display here.
Biscay’s natural resources, as well as its geographical location, have permitted the creation of an artisanal space for wooden naval
constructions. Since the 13th Century, the
borders of the Estuary have been a site for
shipyards. These sites include the creation
of ships, their maintenance, the manufacturing of tools and the outfitting of hulls. In 1615,
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
upon request of the gentry, the Royal family
established a Royal Shipyard in Zorroza, taking over the construction of war ships, galleons, post and shipments to the Indias. By
the 18th Century, it consisted of a group of
buildings designed for diverse activities.
The great change from traditional to more
modern shipbuilding occurred over the second half of the 19th Century when steam replaced the sail; and iron, followed by steel,
replaced wood. This was caused by a need
for more stable and faster ships that could
be steered with greater precision and that
had a greater storage capacity for dangerous materials; in addition, the development
of navigation and geographical localization
systems served as increasing incentives for
applied and technological research in modern shipbuilding.
The Museum’s permanent exhibition is
completed with an outdoor exhibition of
ships. This area, having 20,000m2, holds the
antique ships of the Euskalduna shipyard
docks, storage site for the vessels, the Pump
House and the unique Carola Crane.
The Museum’s permanent
exhibition is completed
with an outdoor exhibition
of ships.
activities report 2003-2014
The Euskalduna shipyard was built in March
of 1900, developed by Ramón de la Sota and
Llano and Eduardo Aznar de la Sota. Previously, in order to perform repair work and
prepare Lloyd’s Register inspections, ships
had to be transferred to British shipyards, implying a huge cost for the companies. A solution to this came with the creation of the new
shipyard, for which the Bilbao Society of Dry
Docks was acquired, founded in 1868. Having assembled and fully-functioning facilities
allowed for Euskalduna to begin business
activities immediately. Therefore, the repairs
undertaken, on the 1st of April of 1900, of the
private yacht of Sir Ramón de la Sota, Goizeko
Izarra, marked the beginning of Euskalduna
The initials work at Euskalduna focused on
the reform of the ancient docks, the 1 and the
2, remodelling and expanding them. Dock 1,
built in 1868 and named Dry Docks (together with dock number 2), was used for shipbuilding and extended some 100.75m in
length and 16.45m in width. Dock 2 was used
for in-depth ship repairs, having a length of
103.95m and a width of 28m.
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
In 1902, a new dock was built, Dock 3, along
with a building to house the drainage pumps
of the docks. Dock 3 made work on very large
ships possible, thus overcoming the difficulties of the earlier facilities. It had 2 caissons,
or doors: one for entry and another to divide
the dock into two independent parts.
The construction of 2 slips was another great
advance for the shipyard. While the boats
were repaired on the docks, the slips were
used for shipbuilding, allowing for the creation of larger ships.
The docks today:
In 2002, the Museum undertook the great
task of drying and restoring docks 1 and 2,
while respecting their original form to the
greatest possible extent. Thus we have an
exhibition space of great national heritage,
considering that Dock 1 is the oldest civil
shipbuilding dock in Spain. These docks are
living testimony of the shipyard’s activities, a
reflection of society’s way of life.
The CAROLA Crane
to cross the estuary as usual.
The Carola Crane was used in shipbuilding at
the Euskalduna Shipyards. Having a height
of 60 metres, this 30-ton winch crane was
created in Talleres de Erandio, S.A. in 1957.
At the time, it was the most powerful crane in
Spain, and the first installed in Bilbao for use
in prefabrication works and the assembly of
blocks in steps.
The Pump House
It was originally situated in construction slip
no. 1, and is currently a landmark located near
the Pump House. The Carola, active until
the closing of the Euskalduna Shipyards, is
the only crane remaining in Bilbao used for
The Pump House is the last building of the
old Euskalduna shipyard to remain standing.
It was built by architects Ribera and Uhagón
in 1903. It was a pioneer building of its time,
using reinforced concrete beams allowing
it to have ample interior space without any
columns in the middle. Its function was to
house the dewatering pumps used to drain
water and keep the docks dry. Initially, these
pumps powered by steam but later, they
used electric motors.
Its name comes from a woman who lived in
Deusto, and who crossed the estuary every
day to go to work. Apparently, she was so
beautiful that workers came to a halt whenever
she passed. Due to the commotion and delays
caused, the shipyard director offered her a car
to go to work but she refused and continued
activities report 2003-2014
Other ships on display in the docks:
`AUNTZ´ Tugboat
Built in 1928 in the Euskalduna Shipyards, under the name Auntz Mendi, it was used to tow
and supply water to ships in the Port of Bilbao.
This tugboat performed essential services for
the entire port since it was also equipped with
a cistern to supply fresh or drinking water to
the ships, a necessary resource for operating
steam engines. During the years of the Spanish Civil War, it was used as a patrol boat, aiding in the evacuation of the civilian population.
After the war, the Auntz-Mendi went on to
become simply the Auntz. In the late 1960s, it
was used solely as a cistern. For this, it had 5
water tanks, with a total capacity of 100 tons.
A hopper is a special type of boat generally used in ports for collecting waste. They
have a large central tank with walls that are
isolated from the rest of the hull. At the bottom of the vessel there is a door or hatch
that may be opened from the deck. Thus,
once the tank has been filled with refuse or
slag, the hopper may leave the estuary to
empty its tank by opening the hatch.
The Portu was the first boat constructed in
the Euskalduna Shipyards, in 1902, for the
Biscayan company Altos Hornos. Since
then, Euskalduna became an important
shipyard of the Bilbao Estuary, considered
a reference in shipbuilding and receiving
great international recognition for its production.
It remained active for 65 years until being
sold to the Naviera Peninsular Company in
1968. After this sale, it was renamed Julio
and continued its tasks for a few additional
Currently, the boat is being restored,
thanks to the collaboration between the
school-workshop of the Fundación Peñascal.
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
In the port of Bermeo, this rescue vessel
worked full time. It was built in the Celaya Shipyards in the late 1970s, as part
of a series of 10 ships for the Spanish
coasts. It was used for both rescues at
high sea and along the coasts, since it
could withstand adverse sea and weather conditions. The Pierre Loti model was
self-righting, unsinkable and manned by
an experienced skipper and his three assistants. These are rigid boats with cabins,
having a good acceleration response and
excellent handling.
The Nuevo Antxustegui, built in the Arriola Shipyards in 1958, was the prototypical
coastal fishing boat. This type of boat is
used for catching surface species, mostly
migratory, which move seasonally in large
schools, as is the case with anchovies,
sardines and tuna fish. The system used
to catch anchovies is known as seine fishing. For this, nets are used to encircle the
schools of fish. They are surrounded on the
sides and underneath in order to prevent
the fish from escaping by submerging to a
greater depth. Once caught, they are deposited in hatcheries. Tuna are caught with the
live bait method. This requires the incorporation of hatcheries on the vessels, initially
located in the interior of the hull, typically
fore and aft the engine room. Once collected, they are processed on deck and placed
in holds in wooden boxes or left loose. The
fish are preserved in the holds on crushed
ice or through a refrigeration system.
activities report 2003-2014
`Pilot boat´
`bbk Euskadi Europa´
This boat was built in 1968, by the Astondoa Shipyards of Portugalete. Its hull is
made out of wood and the bridge is made
of fibre-covered panels. It has a diesel engine and its function was to transport pilots
to the vessels that were going to enter the
port, or vice-versa.
In this sailboat, sailor José Luis Ugarte participated in the 1993 Vendee Globe regatta.
This is a solitary regatta travelling around
the world and without stops. The race began
on the 22nd of November of 1993 in Les Sables d´Olonnes, France and crossed the Atlantic until reaching the Cape of Good Hope.
After bypassing the Antarctic, it returned by
way of Cape Horn, the southernmost point
of America, then returning to the Atlantic
before once again arriving at Les Sables
d´Olonnes. Some 27,000 nautical miles
were covered in 4 months. It finished the
race on the afternoon of April 6th of 1994,
after sailing the seas and confronting the giant waves of the Antarctic.
Pilotage boats require specific features for a
very specific activity. They need a reinforced
hull and a high degree of manoeuvrability,
in order to approach the ships particularly
in ports with rough seas, such as the Port of
Bilbao. Pilots must have expert knowledge
of the port and must also be fully informed
about the vessel, the cargo and the pier
where it is to berth.
The BBK Euskadi Europa is a competitive
sailboat designed by Jean Marie Finot. It is a
single-hulled, 60 foot Open class boat, prepared to be navigated by one individual.
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
The permanent exhibition of the Museum has been expanded
thanks to the incorporation of new elements, donated or
lent primarily by individuals or institutions. In addition to the
permanent exhibition, the Maritime Museum completes its
exhibition offerings periodically with temporary exhibitions that
broaden its scope of activities to maritime culture.
activities report 2003-2014
Temporary Exhibition Hall
Temporary exhibitions
long with the permanent exhibition, the Ría de Bilbao Maritime
Museum has an extensive offering of temporary exhibitions that
are periodically updated. Through these exhibitions, the Museum aims to extend its offerings of the diverse and extensive maritime
universe, in regards to both the geographical
area as well as its content.
The economic and human effort required in
order to present a temporary exhibition has
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
led to the establishment by the Museum of
collaborations with other institutions for the
lending of some of their exhibitions; other
exhibitions, however, have been produced
by the very Museum.
Ever since the Museum opened its doors
some ten years ago, over forty temporary
exhibitions have been included in its programming, offering dynamism and diversity.
These are described briefly below.
April 8 - May 9
an emblematic ship
Taking advantage of the Museum visit made
by the French school Belem, an interesting photographic exhibition was created in
honour of this emblematic ship. The photographs displayed are the work of one of the
most important photographers specializing
in maritime subjects: Philip Plisson.
July 20 – November 15
(The scientific expedition of
the Pacific, 1862 – 1865)
Organized by the Sub-Office of Promoting of
the Fine Arts of the Ministry of Culture and the
Museum of America, this exhibition was inaugurated earlier in said museum.
Based on an extensive research study, this exhibition attempts to re-evaluate history and the
achievements of the last government-spon-
August 9 – 30
sored scientific expedition sent to the Americas during the second half of the 19th century.
It shows the expedition members (including, for
the first time, an anthropologist and the collaboration of Marcos Jiménez de la Espada, who
would go on to become a great 19th century
Americanist), the great ethnographic collections
having a great on their era. The pieces on display
were held primarily in the Museum of America,
although some also came from the Museum of
Anthropology and the Museum of Natural Sciences.
Forgotten History recovered one of the most interesting episodes of 19th century Spanish science. This overseas scientific work included the
participation of naturalists, zoologists, a botanist,
a geologist and an anthropologist, as well as the
assistance of a taxidermist and a photographic
artist. It was, in fact, the first scientific expedition
in history to be photographed.
Artists from the end of the
world: `ICE LADY´
Based on the travels of the ice-breaker, the
Ice Lady Patagonia, the Museum organized
a photographic display, thanks to various
contemporary Argentinian artists, showing
us their views of the past, present and future of this land through its unique geography and natural resources.
activities report 2003-2014
August 31 – Sept. 15
land of cod
This exhibition, organized by the Commission
of Portuguese Discoveries, on the 500 years
since the European discovery of Newfoundland-- the land of cod, was lent to the Museum by the Town Hall of Ilhavo, in Portugal.
Through photographs and other objects, the
exhibition shows us traditional cod fishing as
it is practiced by the Portuguese in Newfoundland, on the small boats called “doris”.
Sept. 20 – Nov. 20
a visual memory
This photographic display consisting of
33 photographs from the archives of the
Autonomous Port of Bilbao, brings us the 125
years of transformations of the city and its
port, revealing a close relationship. Although
the physical presence of the Port of Bilbao is
constantly decreasing, its mark remains and it
has positively impacted the history of the city.
This exhibition uses images to recover part of
the history of the Port of Bilbao and thus, part
of the history of Bilbao where this port has
been and continues to be a major presence.
The exhibition was lent to the museum by the
Port Authority of Bilbao.
December 1 – March 15 ‘05
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
Past and Present
This exhibition shows us the transformation
of the Port of Bilbao, through a photographic
collection created by artist José Luis Ramírez.
The display consists of a comparative of 61
black and white photographs, selected from
the photographic archives of the Port Authority
of Bilbao, taken between 1867 and 1970, with
current photos taken by Ramírez in 2004. The
current photographs aim to replicate the originals
as the photographer attempted to maintain the
same perspective, framing and meteorological
conditions. Some of the compared photos have
a difference of between 75 and 125 years.
April 15 – September 18
This travelling exhibition organized by the
Titanic Centenary 2012 company provides
an introduction to the legendary scenario, telling the history of the most mythical
transatlantic ships of all time: the Titanic,
October 3 – November 23
through official survivor declarations and
technical and scientific information obtained
from the 1985 discovery of its remains. Over
a hundred objects, original documents and
reproductions with illumination and sound
accompaniment, help to reveal the true story
of the mythical transatlantic, sunk on its 1912
inaugural voyage. The largest and most luxurious ship of its time, it was unable to complete this trip. On April 15th of 1912, it sunk in
the frozen waters of the Atlantic, upon colliding with an iceberg. The exhibition renews
the greatness of the Titanic, and the tragedy
of its more than 2,200 passengers.
This exhibition was organized by the Delegation of the Basque-Navarre Architects Association Acts created for the 75th Anniversary
of its foundation. It shows the Estuary’s evolution over time, the engine of Biscayan industrial and commercial life. Through suggestive
reproductions, the exhibition demonstrates
how the estuary has served as the primary
economic resource of Bilbao, a fact remaining
true today. The channel continues to function
as a tourist route, offering fond memories.
activities report 2003-2014
February 27 – December 15 ‘08
This boat wreckage, discovered in the Urdaibai estuary of Gernika in the summer
of 1998, is a valuable archaeological piece
excavated and recovered by the Regional
Government of Biscay and initially exhibited
to the public in the Ría de Bilbao Maritime
Museum. It is the oldest Cantabrian vessel
(15th century), uniquely offering a direct,
detailed and precise look at shipbuilding in
May 10 - October 1
the Basque Country and in Atlantic Europe,
from the late Middle Ages to the dawning of
the new age: the age of discoveries.
The recovery process of the Shipwreck of
Urbieta, from the beginning, was a risky adventure for the Provincial Government of
Biscay, as they had yet to take on such an
ambitious task. It was a project in which the
very extraction process of the ancient boat
resulted to be extremely unique and therefore, of great difficulty, given that it was the
first time that an intervention of this type
was carried out in Europe, removing the
boat from the mud without dismantling a
single piece.
The Shipwreck of Urbieta was temporarily
situated in the Museum until the opening
of the new archaeological museum, The Archaeological Museum of Bilbao.
The Museum organized this display in
collaboration with the Bilbao Fire Department
as a small homage to this body and its link to
the maritime world. The relationship between
these two creates an unbreakable image in
our memory: an estuary filled with ships and
barges, which like other elements, suffered
from spectacular fires in which fire fighters
hurried to the rescue. Through different
original materials lent by the Fire Department,
the display brings us closer to its history.
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
October 9 – January 15 ‘07
Considered by many to be predatory, aggressive animals, sharks awaken a curiosity in
many due to their fierce appearance and the
great legends surrounding them. With the ex-
hibition “Sharks”, the Museum attempts to demystify this image of the animal and analyse
in detail its physiological and sensory characteristics.
With many life-sized replicas of sharks and
rays, among other elements, to offer visitor
all of the details regarding the physiology of
these predators, their behaviours, habitat, reproductive and feeding information, and relationship with humans.
Mainly didactic and informative in nature, the
exhibition explains that, of the 350 existing
shark species, only twelve are potentially dangerous to humans. It also stresses the importance of these animals in maintaining the balance of the marine ecosystem.
March 20 – May 15
This display created by Bilbao artist Jesús R.
Jáuregui offers a new vision of the everyday
life in the Estuary. Consisting of 47 images and
details of the Bilbao Estuary, the artist’s primary
goal was to use intense images to express a
reality that is currently neglected.
This creation of Jesús R. Jáuregui consists
of large photographs, treated with analogue
technology. Printing was carried out on cotton paper with pure carbon pigments. It is a
type of fine printing carried out with the most
advanced printing technologies. This carbon
technique only allows for black and white printing, offering a surprising scale of greys and a
completely matte dark black finish, an innovation in the world of photography.
activities report 2003-2014
May 22 – July 15
a century of town building
Photographic and documentary display of
the life of women in Santurtzi over the past
century. It offers a look across history, highlighting the notable contributions of these
women who were gradually incorporated in
the social and professional world.
The display presents the famous sardineras
(fish sellers), as well as other women holding
a variety of positions in numerous professional and cultural areas. This photographic exhibit was organized by the Service for
Women of the Santurtzi Town Hall.
July 17– November 12
An intense research study organized by the
Ministry of Development and carried out by
the Centre for Public Works Studies and Experimentation (CEDEX) and their Centre for
Historical Studies of Civil Works and Urban
Planning (CEHOPU), resulted in this exhibition. The display, with five areas formed by
panels of texts, images, models and objects,
offers us a comprehensive view of the history of Spanish ports from Ancient times to
the late 19th century, looking at the different manners in which these infrastructures
have been built and maintained, the necessary techniques for port life and the current
and past configuration of the Spanish ports.
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
Nov. 24 – March 25 ‘08
PIRATES: thieves of the sea
This exhibition offers a look across history at pirates, from the Classic world, in the
Mediterranean, to current times, in the Indian Ocean, taking an overall look at Viking pirates, Barbary Pirates (North Africa), pirates
of the Caribbean, the Indian Ocean, etc.,
from ancient sailing times to the present.
This display presents visitors with a selection of original objects: weapons, coins,
on-board utensils, etc. The exhibition is
completed with a series of replications and
models of sailing vessels, small and large
calibre weapons, and life-sized human figures, outfitted from their era (16th, 17th and
18th centuries).
The term “pirate” refers to a sea thief, cruel
and ruthless individuals showing no respect
for others. Other terms have been used to
describe these individuals. Though the precise definitions differ, the ultimate meaning
is the same, and historically, they have been
used as synonyms. The exhibition offers a
detailed analysis of this aspect– through
explanatory panels and three-dimensional
figures-, describing different terms such as
pirate, corsair, buccaneer, filibuster, etc.
However, today’s pirate is not the evil storybook character of the past. Pirates continue
their pilgrimages across the seas, leaving in
their wake a series of crimes. These are no
longer romantic raids; simply violent crimes.
activities report 2003-2014
June 6 – September 15
Organized by the Idi Ezkerra Foundation,
this display pays homage to the 33,000
children evacuated by the Basque government in 1937. The Port of Bilbao was the departure point for a journey with no return for
many of these children. Aboard ships such
as the Habana or the Goizeko Izarra, thousands of youngsters took a journey far from
their homes and families. Materials lent by
the very protagonists and a photographic
collection make up the historical exhibition
of this exile.
Complementary activities
The Maritime Museum Auditorium contained numerous activities based on this
homage programme: a film series including various documentaries and a round table. The film series brought together many
“Children of the War” and their families, who
could relive their experience through the
movies and the talks held after each showing:
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
Film series:
Los niños de Morelia (The Children of
Morelia) (Mexico, 2004). Director: Juan
Pablo Villaseñor.
• Los niños de Rusia (The children of
Russia) (Spain, 2001). Director: Jaime
• Los niños de Gernika (The children of
Gernika) (United Kingdom, 2007). Director: Steve Bowles.
Round table discussion:
• “70 años de niños” (70 years of children) Moderator: Mariano Ferrer.
Dec. 6 – Feb. 28 ‘09
the popular children’s Playmobil dolls. Young
visitors will enjoy recreations of hundreds of
boats, Roman galeras, Viking ships, pirate’s
pinnaces, Esquimalt kayaks, Indian canoes,
merchant ships, fishing boats, any numerous
other types of boats, not to forget the Athletic’s team barge. The exhibition included 6
large size dioramas representing, in extensive
detail, various sea environments.
The exhibition was the work of Luis Fernández, one of the greatest collectors of Playmobil figures in Spain and responsible for various
exhibitions using these well-known figures as
Taking advantage of the upcoming Christmas
holidays, the Museum organized this exhibition for the enjoyment of its youngest visitors,
recreating different sea environments using
March 05 - 31
15th Anniversary of Maritime
In celebration of the 15th anniversary of
Maritime Rescue, this exhibition was held in
the Maritime Museum of Bilbao, after visiting
several other important Spanish port cities.
Organized by the Ministry of Development
and in collaboration with the Spanish Red
Cross, the display paid homage to the work
conducted by members of the Maritime
Salvage and Safety Society.
The exhibit describes the evolution of the
Associations responsible for safeguarding
human life at sea across history, from the
earliest organizations like the Spanish Ship
Rescue Agency (created in the 19th century),
to those which currently carry out such
labours, such as the Spanish Red Cross and
the Maritime Rescue.
All of this, accompanied by photographs and
materials currently used: skimmers, uniforms,
unit models, as well as the necessary tools
used when undertaking these rescue tasks
and in the fight against sea contamination.
activities report 2003-2014
April 8 – July 15
expedition, innovative media forms are used
to demonstrate the extraordinary characteristics of the lands, ices and seas of Antarctica,
the difficulties in living and moving in its tough
environmental conditions, the importance of
the research studies conducted there for our
planet, and how, thanks to the Antarctic Treaty,
this land has become a symbol of international
cooperation and environmental protection.
Programme of activities
This exhibition was accompanied by an extensive series of activities. Thanks to various experts, it was possible to get to know different
aspects of the Shackleton expedition and its
Shackleton’s legendary expedition to Antarctica
This exhibition is a co-production of the Social
Work of the Caixa Catalunya and the American
Museum of Natural History in New York.
It documents one of the most impressive
survival stories in the history of expeditions,
through photographic and cinematographic
materials (167 images) taken by Australian photographer Frank Hurley during Shackleton’s trip
to Antarctica in 1914. These materials were provided by the Royal Geographical Society and
the Scott Polar Research Institute.
Ernest Shackleton’s expedition headed South
in August of 1914, a few days prior to the onset
of World War I, with the bold goal of becoming the first expedition to Antarctica on foot.
It was the last of the expeditions of the heroic
age of polar explorations. At only 160 kilometres from his destination, Shackleton’s ship, the
Endurance, got stuck in the ice and capsized,
destroyed by the pressure.
In addition to the photographic collection, an
additional series of content on Antarctica is
included, such as didactic materials, explaining
and putting the adventure of the Endurance
into context, exploring historical, geographical
and scientific aspects from a current perspective. Along with the images of Shackleton’s
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
Global warming. What’s happening in the
poles? Guided visit with Jerónimo López,
expedition leader.
• The voyage of James Caird: a heroic feat
in sailing. Guided visit with Unai Basurko,
ocean navigator.
•Challenge in Antarctica: “No lives lost
and we have journeyed through hell”.
Guided visit with mountain climber José
Carlos Tamayo.
•Leadership: past, present and future.
Conference with Roberto Quiroga, PhD
in Psychology, Professor at the Institute
of Public Management, ESADE, Barcelona.
Documentary series:
• Atrapados en el hielo (Trapped in ice)
(2001). Director and producer: George
Butler. Script: Caroline Alexander.
• Antártida: una aventura de naturaleza diferente (Antarctica: a different kind
of adventure) (1999). Director and writer:
John Weiley.
•South (1919). Original filming of the
Shackleton expedition. Frank Hurley.
British Film Institute.
• Encuentros en el fin del mundo (Encounters at the end of the world) (2007).
Director and writer: Werner Herzog.
Production: Henry Kaiser. Worldwide
July 28 – July 25 ‘10
such as Leandro Blanco and the couple Rafa
González and Mayte Sánchez-Girón.
Programme of activities
The conference series included the following:
This display gathers seventy spectacular images taken by Carlos Villoch, one of the most
prestigious underwater photographers in the
The Blues exhibition is a window into the
beauty and reality of the marine world. Its title makes reference to both the colours of the
different oceans as well as the mood resulting
from the current destruction of these seas.
From Antarctica to the southern seas, the
blues of the oceans and the melancholy cry of
its inhabitants is registered in Villoch’s photographs. There is a clear message in all of these
beautiful images: from the great cetaceans to
the minute coral polyps, all of these creatures
need our help. It is our responsibility to preserve these marvels of the underwater world
for future generations. Villoch, through these
spectacular photographs, also sends out a
warning message, showing some of the problems faced by the oceans.
“Hochheimer, Nazi wreckage in Matxitxako”, with Unai Artaloitia, Jabi Atutxa and
José Manuel Silva. Conference regarding
the recent discovery of the German ship
found submerged in the Bermeo coasts of
Cape Matxitxako.
“Adventures of a diving pioneer”, with Eduardo Admetlla, one of the leaders of exploration and underwater photography in
“Around the world in underwater images”
with Carlos Villoch. Showing us the submerged beauty and peculiarities at the
base of the sea across the six continents,
from Cantabria to the southern seas.
The Museum Auditorium also held a series
of projections of underwater films, with four
movies selected among those recently shown
in the San Sebastian Underwater Film Series:
• “Lo mejor de Cocos Island” (The best of
Cocos Island).
• “La migración de la sardine” (Sardine migration).
• “La chica del océano” (The ocean girl).
• “Cazadores de rayas” (Ray hunter).
The exhibit also includes a sample of submarine cameras, demonstrating the historical
evolution of this instrument. In addition, it is
also possible to see international award-winning films made by submarine video artists,
activities report 2003-2014
Nov. 17 – May 23 ‘10
Etchings of
This exhibition displays the works of Belgian
artist Rodolphe Schönberg. It includes 43
pieces which using the etching technique, reflect the rivers of Zeeland, in the Netherlands,
and the small surrounding ports. This fishing
environment awakened a love of the sea, water and boats in Schönberg and these are the
themes that inspired the majority of his works.
This exhibition also includes other marine
stamps inspired by the Belgian artist’s trips to
England, Denmark and Central America.
These works were lent by the Museum of
Engravings and Digital Prints of Ribeira (A
April 29 - October 9 ‘10
Shipyard Activities
This exhibit consists of 3D images, created by
photographer Javier Renobales. The photos
were taken in different Basque shipyards,
reflecting the shipbuilding activity. In order to
correctly view these images, the use of special
3D glasses is needed, offering a surprising
depth of view.
The display organized by the Basque
Maritime Forum, accompanied the European
LeaderSHIP Conference, bringing together
the European shipbuilding industry.
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
July 1 - December 31
Since ancient times, due to the Estuary’s conditions, local seafarers offered their txalupas
to provide pilotage services and towing of
boats arriving to Bilbao. Gradually, these ancient systems were taken over by the introduction of steam navigation for tugboats.
Currently, applied technological advances
have offered an increased handling ability,
power, safety and convenience of the tugboats. Highlighted are the Voith Water Tractor
tugboats, also prepared for fire fighting, anti-contamination and rescue services.
This display is the result of the work of the
Model Maker’s Association of the Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum. More than twenty
model tugboats (some of which were constructed in Museum workshops), dioramas
and an extensive photographic collection
form the basis of this exhibition, which takes
visitors on a trip across the history of the Port
of Bilbao, on board its tugboats.
Sept. 1 – Nov. 28
highlighting the importance of this precious
commodity. It suggests various traditional methods to save water and highlights the
importance of citizen collaboration so that all
people on this earth may enjoy this precious
The display is divided into 4 thematic blocks
that may be identified with four distinct tones
of blue: Blue water, Green water, Grey water
and Almost transparent.
Programme of activities
This exhibition, commissioned by Joaquín
Araujo, National Environmental Prize in 1997
and Global Award from the UN, sponsored by
the Social Works of the Caja Madrid.
Conference with Joaquín Araujo: a plunge into
the amazing properties of water, its illnesses
and above all, paths to follow in order to ensure that this precious liquid continues to renew life.
The exhibition aims to offer unknown information about water to the general public,
activities report 2003-2014
Sept. 18 – Dic. 18
Within the framework of the Surfilm
Festival project, the Museum organized this
exhibition consisting of 30 sculptures and
installations created by the artistic group
Skeleton Sea, from waste materials found
along beaches and coasts across the world.
The artistic group Skeleton Sea consists
of three artists, surfers, lovers of the sea
and protectors of the environment, with
the magical ability to give life to their
world vision through some incredible and
poetic structures. Unique works of art,
environmental statements, and cries to the
collective conscience, these pieces manage
to combine all of these characteristics.
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
January 24th – May 29th, 11
This exhibition, commissioned by José Luis
Merino, Head of the Department of Conservation and Restoration of the Museum of
Fine Arts of Bilbao, is the result of collaborations between the Ría de Bilbao Maritime
Museum and the Museum of Fine Arts of
century. In being selected for the display, ethnographic aspects rooted in the culture were
considered, such as coastal views, typical individuals and products of the sea, as well as
our historical memory, including images that
are of importance to Bilbao as a port city and
its evolution to the present day.
The selected works have been created by 44
artists over the final years of the 19th century
and the 20th century. It consists mainly of
Basque artists, with representation by those
forming a part of or serving as founders of
the Basque Artist’s Association, which over
the first half of the 20th century, stirred up
the post-modern Basque cultural panorama.
Some artists of special interest are: Carlos
de Haes, Anselmo Guinea, Francisco Iturrino, Joaquim Sunyer, Aurelio Arteta, Valentín
de Zubiaurre, Julián de Tellaeche, Antonio
de Guezala, José María de Ucelay, Alberto
Schommer, Menchu Gal, Mari Puri Herrero,
Agustín Ibarrola, Marta Cárdenas, Guillermo
Pérez, etc.
Programme of Activities
It offers a selection of 90 works inspired by
the sea, all of which are held in the Museum
of Fine Arts of Bilbao. The works illustrate different artistic focuses applied over the 20th
June 8 – July 17 ‘11
Every Sunday, free guided visits are organized
for Museum visitors.
This exhibition forms a part of an awareness
campaign for threatened marine biodiversity, directed to the general public, to spread
awareness of the threats to marine life and
display some of the conservation projects
that have been created to protect and conserve it, both by governmental and nongovernmental organizations.
Programme of Activities
Free guided tours under reservation.
Produced by CRAM – Foundation for the
Conservation and Recovery of Marine Animals, with the collaboration of the Biodiversity Foundation.
activities report 2003-2014
June 6– December 15
This exhibition serves as an introduction to
the research study carried out by the marine
research team led by Alberto Santolaria,
professor of the UPV. The work is presented in documentary format, showing us the
fauna and flora existing in the depths of the
Port of Bilbao, from Santurtzi to Punta Lucero.
Under the port waters lie a great quantity
of animal and plant species found in submerged structures in the sea, a new home in
which they feed and reproduce. The waters
of the Port of Bilbao are a clear example of
how life manages to cover the earth’s surfaces, offering a multi-coloured show that
never ceases to surprise us. The documentary aims to show the diversity of species
hiding in the depths of the sea, of vital importance for the development of life on the
June 14 – September 11
This photographic exhibition is the fruit of
the study conducted by Alberto T. Estévez
regarding genetic application to architecture. It consists of a series of “altered” photographs of natural structures at their most
basic and primordial
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
July 29 – Presently on exhibit
Sculpture designed for the exhibition space
of Bilbao in the Shanghai Universal Exhibition
of 2010, in which the Biscayan capital
participated in the area of Best Urban Practices.
Designed by the Fundación Metrópoli and
artist Esther Pizarro, it is a living and dynamic
interpretation of the city, demonstrating its
evolution. It is a large sculpture with LED
September 15 – 30
lighting, forming a work of 12.9m x 7.5m, made
of wax, methacrylate, lead and aluminium,
representing the urban structure of Bilbao.
It presents the city as a living organism and
allows visitors to read about its urban and
architectonic past and to view its coming
future. Topography is recreated through the
openings and absence of light, in comparison
to the lit urban sections. Together with this
structure are projected images of the sea
and the mountains, key elements in the city’s
It is a representation of the transformation
taking place in the city over a period of 25
years. It shows how, in a deteriorated urban
environment with its productive industrial
system in crisis, it went on to become one of
the most attractive cities of all of Europe.
Organized by the Basque Government’s
Department of Fishing. Among the goals
of this exhibition is to bring fishing to the
awareness of all citizens, increasing their
knowledge of this sector and coming to
understand the fishing world in a special
and entertaining way.
The importance of the work carried out by
individuals working in this large industry is
revealed through their testimonials.
activities report 2003-2014
Sep. 27 – March 12 ‘12
Produced by the Ría de Bilbao Maritime
Museum and sponsored by Seguros Bilbao
and the Biscayan local government, this exhibit displays the history and evolution of
Basque (specifically Biscayan) rowing, from
its origins in the seafaring jobs to the present, now a federated sport.
Travelling across the sea in rowboats in
search of daily sustenance has long been a
universal practice. Basques have converted
this into a competitive sporting event. Tough
competition between the fishing boats
gave way to the first competitions between
teams from different towns. These, in large
part, were demonstrations of force resulting from challenges to resolve differences,
jealousies or disputes arising over the work
days at sea. Based on the success of these
challenges, and the great public that came
to witness them, they began being included
in local holiday celebrations or official acts.
During the decade of 1910, the fishing boat
regattas became official and were regulated
as practiced sporting events. Today, rowing
is a federal sport, with professionals competing in various leagues and competitions.
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
Oct. 29 – January 9 ‘12
The Estuary and you
This display consists of the finalist’s photographs from the I Contest of Humorous
Photography, “Ríe con la Ría- La Ría y tú”
(Laugh with the Estuary- The Estuary and
You) organized by the Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
Nov. 11 - January 8 ‘12
This display forms a part of the triple exhibition programmed for the Sala Ondare of the
local government of Biscay and the Euskal
Museoa of Bilbao, for the Five Hundredth
Anniversary of the Bilbao Consulate and the
125th Anniversary of the Chamber of Commerce.
The Bilbao Estuary, an arm of the sea and pillar of the Bilbao Consulate is the focus of this
exhibition, which aims to display the most
significant pieces of the Maritime Museum,
enriched by a careful selection of documents
and works of art to help understand the importance of the Estuary – through the work
of the Consulate as well as the Chamber of
Commerce – and by extension, to the history
of Bilbao
Programme of Activities
I Contest of humorous photography
“Laugh with the Estuary– The Estuary and
Exhibition “Laugh with the Estuary– The
Estuary and You”.
Round table discussion “500th Anniversary of the BilbaoConsulate”, with José
María Arriola, Natividad de la Puerta, Javier
Viar, Jesús Ortiz.
Monologue of Txemi del Olmo.
activities report 2003-2014
Dec. 1 – March 11 ‘12
Organized and produced by the Consulate
of Norway and MMRB. Created for the hundredth anniversary of the arrival of Norwegian
explorer Roald Amundsen to the South Pole,
the Norwegian Embassy presents this exhibition in the Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum,
based on photographs and diaries kept by the
explorer Amundsen, who on the 14th of December of 1911 won the race to conquer the
South Pole, in an expedition with the FRAM
boat. In addition, photographs and portraits
of Amundsen from expeditions to the North
Pole in the boat, the Nandsen are also shown.
Dec. 1 – March 8 ‘12
Shows the Playmobil dolls created by the
MMRB. Taking advantage of the Christmas
holidays, the Museum organized this display for children, consisting of dioramas
made with Playmobil dolls. In them, different histories and tales relating to the sea are
presented: Moby Dick, The Little Mermaid,
Shackleton’s Adventure, Gulliver’s Travels,
The Bounty, Titanic, etc.
January 10 – April 1 ‘12
Exhibition by AZTI based on some magnificent photographs taken by Alex Iturrate, reflecting the passionate world of the Basque
coast. The display shows us its great biological activity and surprising biodiversity existing in the intertidal area- a stretch of land
between the low tide and high tide- of the
Basque coast.
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
April 3 – June 10
Programme of Activities
Workshops and training discussions: series
of conferences directed towards assisting
individuals seeking employment:
This exhibition was produced in collaboration
with Bajoelagua Factory. It is a travelling
exhibition created as a result of the
increased unemployment rate of young
workers, dedicated to the need to cover the
growing demand of professionals in the
new job opportunities offered by the marine
environment. The exhibition has the goal of
displaying the sea as a place of increasing
opportunities as an economic engine and a
creator of employment, taking into account
the need to maintain its good ecological state.
“Employment offered by the sea. Introduction to the maritime industry and training”,
Nautical Studies and Nautical Machines of
the University of the Basque Country.
“Job options in the energy sector”, ENEGAS.
“The sea, science and technology, an opportunity in your career path”, AZTI-Tecnalia.
“Entrepreneurs of the sea. Making your
passion your profession”, Navegalia, Zeniteh, Submarine Laboratory of Aging of
Drinks, students of the Entrepreneurial
Leadership and Innovation degree of the
Mondragón Unibertsitatea, Fundación Novia Salcedo.
“Work opportunities in maritime security”,
Rescue at high sea Unit of the Ertzaintza,
Coordinator of Maritime Rescue.
“Future professions in the maritime tourism–fishing sector”, Gorka Ocio (expert
in whale sighting in the Cantabrian Sea),
Conservera Arroyarbe, Organización Internacional MSC.
activities report 2003-2014
April 3 - June 10
With this exhibition, Basque artist Alfredo Bikondoa offers his artistic interpretation of the poem
“The Graveyard by the Sea” by French artist Paul
Valery. It is a personal interpretation by Bikondoa of images resulting from his close and
passionate reading of the poem. The display
combines paintings, sculptures, photographs,
oil paintings, marble dust, metals, wood -treated
with different combined techniques- substituting the direct expression of the poem’s images
for the expression of a more essential and profound reality.
The works created by Alfredo Bikondoa for this
exhibition, multidisciplinary in techniques and
materials, are artistic translations of the poetic
essence that he “read” into the verses and metaphors of the literary work of inspiration.
April 16 – January 13 ‘13
For the hundredth anniversary of the sinking
of the TITANIC, the Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum, together with the School of Maritime
Administration of the Basque Government,
has organized this display, in which the real
reasons for the sinking are revealed, as well
as lessons learned from the tragedy: the SOLAS Convention (International Convention
for the Safety of Life at Sea), adopted on the
20th of January of 1914. This exhibit brings together the photographic collections from the
National Museums Northern Ireland, in Belfast, Ireland, as well as some documents belonging to shipbuilding company Harland and
Wolff, builders of the Titanic, on public display
for the first time and illustrating the building
process of this ship.
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
June 14 – Sep. 30
This exhibition presents sculptures of whales
and sharks created by ceramic artist Cristina
Ortiz, along with a series of photographs of
the displayed pieces, work of Russian photographer Masha Ru, and the sounds of whale
songs. The work reflects the inseparable link
existing between humans and cetaceans, immersing us into the natural drama of this ever
changing relationship. The objective of the
display is to examine some forms of marine
life and to stimulate greater reflection on the
link existing between mankind and nature, as
well as to become aware of the misguided
acts that cause such immense damage.
June 21 – April 7 ‘13
SURF X 100
This exhibition invites us on a journey across
history into the world of surfing in the north
of the peninsula, from its early beginnings to
present day. The trip takes us back to 1912,
when a surf board first reached Vitoria from
the Hawaiian Islands. Over these 100 years,
surfing has gone from being something
completely unknown to form a part of
everyday life on our coast. It has been a long
and challenging journey: from body surfing
the waves in the Basque and Cantabrian
seas in the 1950s, to the pioneers in Asturias,
Cantabria and the Basque Country who
crafted their own boards with only the help
of an album cover or a magazine article. Then
came the contests, the discovery of new
waves, the emergence of locations such as
Tapia de Casariego, Pantín, Mundaka, Zarautz
or Rodiles; the birth of an industry with
manufacturers of wetsuits, boards, surfing
schools, the media and the arrival of such
worldwide surfing elite as Aritz Aranburu,
Ibon Amatriain or Axi Muniain.
This exhibition presents us with historical
surfboards and others that have been used
by our champions in winning their greatest
victories in some of the most prestigious
international surfing championships and
contests. In addition to the objects, there is a
great collection of documentation, recovering
a large number of photographs, some of
which were unedited until now. Audiovisual
materials have been expressly created for the
occasion, including interviews with pioneers
of this great sport that has become a way of
life for many.
activities report 2003-2014
Oct. 4 – February 10 ‘13
This exhibition offers a collection of 23 “al
gouache” paintings by artist J.R. de la Rica
(1919 – 2011), upon request of the School of
Maritime Administration, in commemoration
of their 30th anniversary. They are portraits
of ships of the Basque shipping lines. José
Ramón de la Rica de la Sota (1919 – 2011),
an artist from Bilbao, was a lover of art in its
different forms and of painting in particular,
easily working with different techniques and
specializing in drawing. With great ties to
the cultural life of Bilbao, he was the social
founder of the Sala Studio from 1948 – 1952,
recognized by the Museum of Fine Arts of
Bilbao with a monographic exhibition in
Nov. 27 – January 31 ‘13
This exhibition was developed in conjunction with the Bilbao Museum of Artistic Reproductions, the Basque Museum, Historic
Bilbao, The Engineering School of the UPVEHU and the Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum. The exhibit displays winning projects
from the Bridge Mock-up Contest organized
by the Bilbao School of Engineering.
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
Feb. 18 – June 30
The multimedia exhibition, Itsasturiak: People from the Sea, produced by the EKE,
Basque Cultural Institute, offers us a new
view of life as lived by the sailors of San
Juan de Luz - Ciboure.
This exhibition invites us on a trip across
the history of fishing and the Port of San
Juan de Luz/Ciboure, presenting its evolution since the early 20th century until the
present day. It is not only a historical presentation: current realities of fishing life and
its challenges are shown, revealing the men
and women who have crafted its history.
Distributed amongst six thematic modules, the
display collects the testimonies of arrantzales
(fishermen), their wives, saregiles, fish mongers,
etc., in diverse audio-visual displays, documentary collections from numerous archives and
photographs lent by the very protagonists.
Programme of Activities
Mikel EPALTZA, Ipar Euskal Herriko arrantza, lehen eta orain
Jean-François LARRALDE, Representing the
sea in Iparralde art
Pantxoa ETCHEGOIN, Iparraldean, zertan
dira euskara eta euskal kultura?.
activities report 2003-2014
February 4 – Sep. 29
Inaugurated in 1887, the Iron Pier is the work
of engineer and first director of the Public
Works Board of the Port, Evaristo Churruca.
Its construction placed an end to the Portugalete rail and its moving banks of sand,
allowing for the creation of a permanent
and adequate channel that was clean and
well defined. This permitted uninterrupted
access of larger ships to the Estuary. It was
the first transformation work of the Port of
Bilbao in a modern installation.
In 2011, it was declared Property of Cultural
Interest by the Ministry of Culture.
Programme of Activities
Conference presented by Manuel Torres,
“Ship wrecks and rescues in the Bilbao Abra:
cemetery of ships at safe harbour”.
This exhibition was organized by the Portugalete City Hall, for the 125 year celebration
of the construction of the Iron Pier.
April 11 – May 12
OSEDAX: Biopus Project
A huge sculpture suspended from the air representing a whale’s skeleton and serving as
the habitat for miniscule living beings. Around
it, on the ground are other smaller sculptures
representing other marine life, with which the
public may interact, bringing these sculptures
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
closer to the skeleton. Thus the virtual organisms travel between the different exhibit
pieces, moving the ecosystem in its whole
and creating musical and light patterns in response to these changes.
The exhibit, based on a system of movement
detection and interactive mapping, recreates
the constant transmutation of life. The title of
the exhibit comes from the Osedax worms, a
new invertebrate species having coloured extensions similar to feathers and green roots,
and that feed off of the bones of dead whales
deposited in the sea bed.
In addition to this display, the temporary
exhibitions projection room will present a
multi-media work by Bret Battey: Clonal Colonies.
May 16 – September 29
Collective exhibition consisting of 37 works
created by 9 local artists, primarily pictorial,
although also including some sculptures,
representing the Estuary, its reflections,
boats, bridges and cranes, offering graphical testimony of its transformation. Each
artist, within the wide range of styles, from
the most abstract to the hyper-realist, offers
their view of the Estuary, heart of the city
throughout history.
The artists participating in this collective dis-
play are: Jon Alberdi, Martín Ballesteros, Julio Ortún, Aitor Renteria, Richard Pérez, Justo
San Felices, Iñigo Sarria, Roberto Zalbidea
and Evencio Cortina. It is the history of the
flowing waters that act as a magnet for all
that travel across it. With different styles and
formats, the artists pay homage to the city
and the Estuary, engine of economic and
cultural development.
With the arrival of industrialization in the
19th and early 20th centuries, a series of
changes occurred in the appearance of the
Estuary and its coasts, still seen today. Infrastructures were built to accommodate the
new industries and rail networks that connected the estuary with mining areas on the
left bank. Of the industrial Bilbao existing
during these years, and continuing into the
early 20th century, some vestiges remain
today in the estuary’s shores, a reminder of
what Bilbao was and what these artists hope
to preserve in our memories. To accomplish
this, their works are filled with the essence
of this industrial Bilbao, of an estuary filled
with smoke and dirt, as well as life and work.
And the result of this hard work is the city in
which we live today.
activities report 2003-2014
June 20 –December 31
This display of three monumental sculptures in the outside of the Museum, in the
docks, an open air museum, an extension of
the Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum.
In response to an initiative of the Maritime
Museum which includes the collaboration
and support of the Bilbao City Hall, the Alfa
Arte Company and artist Jesús Lizaso, this
joining of efforts brought these pieces to
the city, contributing to the beauty of the
ancient docks of the Euskalduna shipyards.
The display consists of 3 sculptures, two by
Jesús Lizaso: Remeros (Rowers) and Tuercebarras and the third: Ulysses, by Pedro
Ulises by TXILLIDA. 4,00 x 2,40 m
Remeros by Lizaso. Tuercebarras by Lizaso. 2,00 x 2,00 m
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
1,70 x 3,5 m
July 10 – September 29
AMERICA’S CUP: models by
Collection of mock-ups created by master
model maker, José Luis González. They represent various boats competing in the prestigious regatta, the America’s Cup in its earliest
The America’s Cup was the first sporting competition of all times. It was first held in 1851 and
in the 33 editions that have been held since,
only four countries have won the prized trophy:
The US, Australia, New Zealand and Switzerland. The competition is divided into two parts:
selection of the defending and the challenging
teams; and the challenge for the trophy between the two winning teams.
The yachts of the America’s Cup are the maximum representation of nautical technology, designed and equipped with the latest in
technological advances, resulting in increased
speed and manoeuvrability, and they are sailed
by the best crews in this specialty.
October 3 – 27
at both sides of the Estuary
Photography exhibition from the Cáritas Bizkaia Children programme and the Voemy Factory photographic studio. These photographs
were taken by children in this programme
which use group work to teach students about
the cultural diversity of children in our city.
The challenge of this exhibition is to create
an interactive attraction where visitors can be
hands-on, make decisions, ask questions and
find answers. In other words, an attraction that
means the visitors themselves are involved in
the exhibition’s communication process. Specifically, the challenge when creating it was not
to exceed one hundred written words, leaving
the rest to suggestion, approaching information from the five senses.
activities report 2003-2014
Oct. 31 – Nov. 8
This sample covers the 50 years of existence
ORCHESTRA, a reference in European accordion music, and the most ancient in existence in the country. Its primary characteristic include interpreting music of the great
composers both on a national and international level along with their own exclusive arrangements, as well as their work as cultural
ambassadors of Bilbao, both in the Basque
Country and across Spain, Portugal, France,
Germany, Poland and Colombia.
This exhibition is completed by a selection
of accordions, displaying models from the
19th century, when the instruments were first
manufactured, up to the present day, and
their relationship with ports and the nautical
world, transmitting the music of these instruments music across the world
Nov. 6 - April 8 ‘14
The common thread of this exhibition is a
dish of pil-pil. That is to say, the exhibition
deals with the issue of cod from a gastronomic perspective, through the senses, emotion and surprise, making each visit a personal and non-transferable experience.
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
The challenge of this exhibition is to create
an interactive attraction where visitors can
be hands-on, make decisions, ask questions
and find answers. In other words, an attraction that means the visitors themselves are
involved in the exhibition’s communication
process. Specifically, the challenge when
creating it was not to exceed one hundred
written words, leaving the rest to suggestion,
approaching information from the five senses.
This exhibition was created by the joint work
of: Ria de Bilbao Maritime Museum, Azti-Tecnalia, Josean Alija and Natividad de la Puerta,
and with the collaboration of the Norwegian
Embassy, Giraldo Bacalao, the Bizkaia Regional Government and Bilbao City Council.
Dic. 20 - Oct. 12 ‘14
As a result of the new location of the Gabarra Athletic, the Ría de Bilbao Maritime
Museum, in collaboration with the Athletic
Club Museum, has produced a temporary
exhibition focussed on this boat. With the
exhibition the museum documents the two
glorious episodes of the barge on the Estuary of Bilbao and explains why it forms a
part of collective memory for the citizens
of Bilbao and Bizkaia, as well as all Athletic
Bilbao fans.
The exhibition includes objects loaned to it
by the Athletic Club Museum, such as trophies, the T-shirts of players who played in
finals, Manolo Sarabia and Argote’s boots
and the ball that was used to win their 8th
league title. Furthermore, there is an audiovisual section that gathers images of
matches from those two seasons and from
the Gabarra Athletic’s historic moments.
This exhibition is further complemented
with a visit to the Gabarra Athletic, which is
located at the museum’s own docks.
activities report 2003-2014
March 12 - June 15
This exhibition is comprised of 33 oil
paintings made by the Bilbao artist Ignacio Ipiña (1932-2010) in the decades between the 50s and the 90s. The paintings
form a pictorial series that aims to refresh
the visitor’s memory with the emotional
marks of the mining districts, known as
the Barrios Altos. Ipiña, through his work,
wanted to capture a moment in recent
history to ensure it is not lost in time and
to ensure people always remember that
Bilbao was once a mining town. Ipiña has
been one of the best artists in this regard,
successfully capturing the mining reality
of Bilbao and its mining districts in the
second half of the 20th century.
The works reflect the pictorial evolution
of the artist as well as the urban transformation of the districts of San Francisco,
Zabala and Bilbao La Vieja.
March 12 - June 15
The addition of three monument sculptures
in the docks area and the placing of the ALL
IRON work in 2014 have resulted in the outdoor area of the museum becoming an openair museum in an extension to the Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum.
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
This is the award-winning work of the “II Operation on the Maritime Museum Esplanade”,
promoted by the company Aurtenetxea y
Zabala Arquitectos, the Faculty of Fine Arts,
Bilbao Maritime Museum and Bilbao’s Local
The work consists of four containers, on which
the words “ALL IRON” are painted with the intention of remembering the feeling of euphoria and celebration these two words sparked
among workers. They would earn double time
whenever they found “quality iron”, so they
would shout “all iron” when they discovered
some. On the other hand, the work aims to establish dialogue with the past and present of
Bilbao’s port history.
June 5 - December 31
Through miniatures and graphic material, the
exhibition takes us on a journey, visiting the
historic and current bridges of the Estuary
of Bilbao. The exhibition aims to go into detail about the history of these bridges and, in
addition to presenting them as unique architectural pieces of their era, it also gives value
to them as fundamental links in the growth of
the town.
Today, the estuary is no longer a port. Water
traffic has moved to the Bilbao Abra Bay. The
bridges, which were once drawbridges, have
remained shut. New bridges have risen over
the Estuary and future urban planning foresees the construction of others. In 1995, the
Bilbao Metro was opened and became an underground bridge that unites both sides of the
The miniatures are the work of the Bilbao artist Jaime Laita del Barco.
June 18 - November 17
WC. Different realities
This exhibition, inspired by the Basque Agency for Water (La Agencia vasca del Agua),
URA and UNESCO Etxea, demonstrates the
sanitation situations in the world through images of different waste disposal systems. It
is a photographic series by Asier Reino, who
looks to raise awareness of the lack of access
to decent sanitation. The simple but profound
images are metaphors of health, development and solidarity that check the pulse of
the human rights situation across the world.
With the aim of showing the huge differences on our planet and the intention of stirring
our consciences, the journalist, publicist and
photographer, Asier Reino, has combined an
exhibition that captures the social differences
in WCs and their use.
activities report 2003-2014
August 7 -31
SURFBOARD Master Pieces
The Surfboard Master Pieces exhibition is
an initiative of the NGO Kind Surf. It includes
boards donated by different national and international surfers, such as Eneko Acero and
Kelly Slater, which have then been “tuned” by
internationally renowned artists like Chidy
Wayne and Agustín Ibarrola.
The NGO King Surf is a social and environmental project that has surfing as its central thread. Its aim is to teach this sport to
all young people who, due to a disability or
lack of means, cannot access it. Therefore, it
addresses the sport from the perspective of
overcoming obstacles and with an environmental vision.
6 nov. – 30 sept. 15
in search of freedom
The exhibition narrates an epic tale from the
50s through the capturing of front covers of
Mexican newspapers. Nine Basques reached
Veracruz Port after a desperate attempt to
flee Franco’s dictatorship, which involved
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
several months sailing the Atlantic on board
a sailing boat.
On 16 July 1950, the nine Basques embarked
on a small sloop named Montserrat at Santurtzi Port, despite the risks and difficulties this
entailed in Franco’s Spain. The fugitives took
advantage of a sailor’s procession on the day
of the Virgen del Carmen Festival and set sail
on the Montserrat, evading both land and sea
police controls. It was a small sloop that was
constructed in secret by these nine individuals in the Alsa shipyard in Erandio, which was
the property of one of them.
In addition to historic images, official documents and
audiovisual elements, the exhibition has enjoyed the collaboration of the illustrator Rober
Garay. His chalk drawing complete the exhibition’s content.
Dec. 4 - March 1 ‘15
PIRATES: thieves of the seas
Pirates, corsairs, buccaneers, freebooters…
Who were they? What differences were there
between them? To say they were thieves who
stole at sea and cruel and heartless individuals who didn’t sympathise with the work of
others would be an extremely simple definition. Piracy was a social phenomenon that expressed a way of life that began its course at
the dawn of civilisation.
The three most symbolic stages in the history of piracy are expressed in the exhibition
through 26 panels: the beginnings of trade
until the 14th century, the Golden Age marked
between the 15th and 18th centuries, and the
final stage between the 19th century and the
present day.
The exhibition is comprised of a series of original objects that have been found as a result
of underwater excavations and loaned to this
exhibition, as well as replicas and reproductions that will enable visitors to find out more
about the fascinating world of piracy.
activities report 2003-2014
List of exhibitions
BELEM: an emblematic ship
FORGOTTEN HISTORY. The scientific expedition of the Pacific, 1862-1865
Artists from the end of the world: ICE LADY
NEWFOUNDLAND, land of cod
PORT OF BILBAO: a visual memory
PORT OF BILBAO: Past and Present
SANTURZANA WOMEN: a century of town building
TRAPPED IN THE ICE: Shackleton´s legendary expedition to Antarctica
BOGA! The challenge of the sea
LAUGH WITH THE ESTUARY. The Estuary and you
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
AMUNDSEN: frozen memory
YOU AND THE SEA. An ocean of opportunities
The graveyard by the sea. Homage to Paul Valery. ALFREDO BIKONDOA
RMS TITANIC. How it was built and why it sunk
MEMORIES OF JOSÉ RAMÓN DE LA RICA: Basque shipping vessels
ZUBIZ ZUBI. Bilbao from its bridges
ITSASTURIAK: people from the sea
OSEDAX: Biopus project
AMERICA’S CUP: models by José Luis González
QUICK LONG GLANCES at both sides of the Estuary
WC. Different realities
SURFBOARD Master Pieces
MONTSERRAT: in search of freedom
PIRATES: thieves of the seas
activities report 2003-2014
Tall ship Programme
he Tall ship Programme of the Maritime Museum is a pioneer programme, whereby the Museum
displays school ships and large sailboats from a variety of eras and typologies,
thus bringing maritime culture ever closer
to Bilbao. It is a didactic, recreational and
dynamic programme directed at all publics.
Created in June of 2000 with the visit of
Portuguese school ship, Sagres, numerous
emblematic boats have since visited the Museum opening themselves up for the enjoyment of our Museum visitors.
Tall ships that have visited the Maritime Museum:
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
September 21 – 25
School ship of the Portuguese navy. Constructed in 1937 in Hamburg, it was acquired
by Portugal in 1962. In addition to representative missions, Sagres offers wide and extensive contact with sea life to successive
generations of Navy officials, through instructional voyages taken.
Technical characteristics:
Type: barque with three masts.
Length: 89,5 m.
12 m.
Draught: 5,5 m.
August 20 - 24
The Danmark school ship, built in 1933, is
the flagship of the Danish navy. It is a threemasted frigate equipped with auxiliary propulsion machinery and its function is to help
train young aspirants seeking careers as
merchant ship sailors or ship officers.
Technical characteristics:
Type: three-masted frigate.
Year constructed: 1933.
Length: 60 m.
Beam: 10 m.
5,2 m.
activities report 2003-2014
Nov. 19 – Dec. 5
The inauguration of the Maritime Museum
came with a luxurious invitation: the Oosterschelde, representative of a great fleet
of schooners sailing under the flag of Holland in the early 20th Century. Considered
a monument to Holland’s shipbuilding and
sailing navigation, it was built in 1918 in the
Technical characteristics:
Type: Three-masted schooner.
Year constructed: 1918.
December 5 - 9
Restoration: 1990-1992.
Port: Veerhaven, Rotterdam.
Total length:
50 m.
7,50 m.
Draught: 3,00 m.
This is a replica of the Endeavour, the boat in
which Cook travelled to the South Pacific, was
built in Australia (1988–1994).
Captain Cook, English sailor and explorer, was
a true pioneer in the social, geographical and
cultural senses of the word. In addition to being a prolific sailor, he was a great scientist,
cartographer and topographer and helped to
forge the new era of scientific navigation.
Technical characteristics:
Type: Barca de tres palos.
Year constructed: 1988-1994.
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
Total length: 33,3 m.
Beam: 8,89 m.
Draught: 3,6 m.
April 16 - 19
Technical characteristics:
Type: three-stemmed boat.
Year constructed: 1896.
Port: Nantes.
Total length:
58 m.
8,8 m.
Draught: 3,60 m.
July 19 - August 8
Built in Nantes in 1896, for the transport of
goods. Its function was to transport goods
from Nantes to Brazil and the Indias, where
cocoa and sugar was imported for Parisian
chocolate maker, Menier. Thanks to a common project of las Caisses d’Epargne of
France and the National Marina, in 1980, the
Belem Foundation was created. Following a
restoration project, the Belem was adapted
to a new era and given a new mission: that
of school ship.
Actitvity Programme
Video projection: The history of the Belem.
Conference presented by Pierre Boin,
Captain of the Belem.
Photographic exposition: “Belem, an emblematic boat”.
`Kathleen & May´
Schooner with three masts built in the North
of Wales in 1900. It is the last boat with sails
from the British Isles built out of wood.
Actitvity Programme
Technical characteristics:
Type: Schooner with 3 masts
Year constructed: 1900, Norte de Gales.
Total length: 30 m.
Beam: 7,07 m.
Draught: 3,07 m.
Sailing on board the Kathleen & May
across the Abra, with Friends of the Museum.
Family workshops: sailor knots, raising
sails, etc.
•The history of the Kathleen & May and
its Restoration, with David C. May, ship’s
and evolution of the coastal
areas: from sail to motor, Aingeru Zabala,
Director of the Historical Archives of the
Biscayan Council.
activities report 2003-2014
August 8 - 31
`Ice Lady Patagonia´
This traveling icebreaker and museum ship
belongs to the Maritime Museum of Ushuaia
(Argentina). It was built in 1959 in Finland for
the Norwegian navy. Currently, its mission
is to support research and the diffusion of
history, geography, fauna and flora of Patagonia, Tierra del Fuego and Antarctica.
Actitvity Programme
Aug. 31 – Sep. 5
Conference with Carlos Pedro Vairo. Director
of the Maritime Museum of Ushuaia, titled:
“Subaquatic explorations in Antarctica and
Cape Horn”.
This schooner with four masts, made of
steel and wood, was built in Lisbon in 1937.
Dedicated to cod fishing, it conducted 37
campaigns, from 1937 to 1973. Currently, it
is a military and civil school ship, training
young cadets and civilians, offering them
the opportunity to experiment the adventure of sailing.
Actitvity Programme
Technical characteristics:
Type: schooner with 4 masts
Year constructed: 1937.
Length: 67,4 m.
Beam: 9,9 m.
Draught: 4,7 m.
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
Conference: cod fishing, past, present and
Cod fair in the Museum docks.
Exhibition: “Newfoundland, land of cod”.
September 15 - 21
`Le Emer´
Patrol ship of the Irish navy, launched in
1977 and in service since 1978. LE Emer is
the oldest ship in the Irish navy. Constructed
in the Verolme shipyards of Cork, it was the
second of four similar patrol ships built for
the Irish navy.
Actitvity Programme
In collaboration with the Basque - Irish
Association, the following programme was
Gaelic football match.
Session of Irish and Basque music in the
Museum dock area.
•Gorka Palazio: “On anthropological
relationships between the Basque and
the Irish”.
•Amaia Bilbao: “The Basque and the Irish,
two communities joined by the sea”.
Technical information:
Sep. 23 - Oct. 4
patrol ship.
Length: 65,2 m.
10,5 m.
Draught: 4,2 m.
Presented as the boldest project of the Fura
dels Baus, the Naumon is a merchant vessel
housing different artistic, educational and
cultural programs. In addition to the shows
that accompany the boat, there is a large
exhibition inside regarding the 25 years of
history of the Catalan group.
Aboard the Naumón, La Fura dels Baus presented a variety of shows, in addition to the
exhibition on the 25 years of the company’s
activities report 2003-2014
October 17 - 27
This schooner re-visited the Ría de Bilbao
Maritime Museum. This time, the Museum
offered the opportunity for visitors to come
aboard the Oosterschelde and travel from
Rotterdam to Bilbao. A group of 17 individuals
made the trip from Rotterdam to Bilbao,
experiencing what it is like to sail aboard a
great sailboat.
November 24 - 26
It is the ship of the ecological organization
Greenpeace. After its campaign in the North
Atlantic, the ship docked at the Museum to
present its campaign regarding the protection of the seas.
September 14 - 20
LE Orla is a patrol ship whose function is to
patrol the Irish coasts. Like all Irish war ships,
its principle function is to protect fishing although it also frequently participates in missions of search and rescue, drug interception
and contamination control. It has serviced the
Irish navy since the 21st of November of 1988.
Technical characteristics:
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
Length: 62,6 m.
Beam: 10 m.
3 m.
October 4 - 10
The Tenacious is a great sailboat, unique in
its technological design, offering possibilities
for individuals with a variety of handicaps to
participate in all sailing tasks, thus increasing
their integration. For this, the boat has wide,
level docks and powerful elevators, a speaking compass for blind crew members and radars for those having partial vision. Similarly,
it has special alarms for the hearing impaired,
as well as cabins, bathrooms and showers
that have been specially prepared for individuals with reduced mobility.
Technical characteristics:
Year constructed: 1996.
65 m.
10,60 m.
Draught: 4,60 m.
Nov. 1 - March 31 ‘06
The visit of the Tenacious came about thanks
to contacts established with La Jubilee Sailing Trust (JST). The JST is a non-profit organization created to promote integration
between people with reduced mobility and
other citizens, through navigation aboard its
large sailboats, the Lord Nelson and the Tenacious. The JST is the only organism in the
world to offer navigation in large sailboats to
individuals with limited physical capacities.
This Dutch sailboat is the most modern of
the large sailboats in the world. Launched in
Holland in April of 2005, from a 1948 fishing
trawler, it is a brigantine vessel. This type of
ship, used today for events, receptions, regattas and maritime events, though in ancient
times they were used for marine transport,
transporting cargo from one port to the other.
Technical characteristics:
Length: 50 m.
Beam: 7,60 m.
Draught: 3,50 m.
activities report 2003-2014
November 15 - 19
`Alexander von
Humboldt ´
This boat began its career in the German
coast on the North Sea as a lightship in
1906. During this period as a lightship, it had
various names depending on the site where
it was located, being very well known by
Basque sailors who crossed the Kiel Canal
during the 1970s, upon entering the Baltic
Once lightships were substituted by more
modern systems of navigation assistance, it
was purchased by the Sail Training Association of Germany (STAG), who converted it
into what it is today: a three mast sailboat
dedicated to traditional sailing.
Technical characteristics
3 masts.
Year constructed: 1906.
Bremen, Alemania.
63 m.
March 28 - April 15
The von Humboldt was remodelled and
equipped with the most modern of navigation instruments and communication devices. Its distinctive feature is a green sail,
unprecedented in other boats of its characteristics which tend to opt for more neutral
tones such as white or ivory. The sails were
donated by one of their sponsors.
Another visit by this Dutch sailboat.
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
May 4-8
The M915 Aster belongs to a group of 10
minehunters constructed during the 1980s
by the Polyship Consortium. The A963
Stern patrol boat was an ancient Swiss
coast guard ship launched in 1979
Technical characteristics
M915 Aster minehunter. Belgian flag.
49,90 m.
8,52 m.
Draught: 2,85 m.
Características técnicas
Patrullero A963 Stern. Belgian flag.
July 19 - 23
51,50 m.
10 m.
Draught: 3,87 m.
In 1988, the Irish navy acquired the HMS
Swallow, the boat that patrolled the waters
of Hong Kong, later to be named Le Ciara.
It has a displacement of 712 tons, measuring 62.6 metres in length, with a beam of 10
metres, a draught of 2.7 metros and a speed
of 25 knots.
All of the Irish patrol boats are given names
of female characters from Irish history or
mythology. Ciara was the daughter of a
rich Christian family from the 7th Century.
Known for her intense devotion, at twenty
she joined a convent and later founded others, of great fame and recognition.
activities report 2003-2014
August 25 - 30
The Cuauhtémoc school ship was constructed in Bilbao, in the Celaya shipyards, where
it lowered its keel on the 24th of July of 1981.
Its construction was completed in the Euskalduna shipyards, on the 29th of July of
1982, in the space that is the current site of
the Maritime Museum.
The ship was acquired by the Mexican navy
in order to instruct Captains, Officials, Cadets, Classes and Marines in the art of sailing. Also, part of its mission is to carry the
message of friendship on behalf of the Mexican people to the rest of the world.
Technical characteristics
Nov. 8 - March 5 ‘08
Total length:
90,5 m.
12 m.
5,4 m.
74 m.
274 persons.
Originally, the Atlantis was a lightship named
Burgermeister Bartels, although it was better
known as ELBE 2. Built in Hamburg in 1905,
it held the position of lightship on the right
shore of the Elba River.
Technical characteristics
Port base:
brigantine schooner.
Total length:
57 m.
7,45 m.
5,00 m.
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
After being active for 70 years, in 1985 it was
acquired by Dutch shipbuilders who decided
to convert it into a sailing school ship, to train
nautical students from their country. Undergoing a profound transformation, it returned
to the seas in February of 1986 with the new
name Atlantis, with the appearance of a brigantine schooner. In 1997, it was acquired by
the Tallship Company to carry out journeys
combining pleasure with the acquisition of
knowledge of the nautical world.
July 5 - 21
Sponsored by the Social Works of the Caja de
Ahorros del Mediterráneo (CAM), La Morena
arrived at the Museum after guiding through
the country’s ports.
This schooner with two masts was built in
Germany in 1951 for fishing purposes. Years
later, it was reformed so as to be converted
into the boat that it is today, dedicated to educational, environmental and social integration activities since 2001.
Technical characteristics
October 25 – 27
Total length:
31 m.
6,75 m.
Draught: 2,8 m.
Aboard La Morena, the educational children’s
programme: “Ideas for a better world” was
held. Through this initiative, it was possible to
discover the initiatives of the Caja Mediterráneo in areas such as solidarity, the environment and culture.
Built in 1989, this Dutch schooner with three
masts, measuring 60 metres in height,
maintains the same spirit of its construction
through values such as team work, effort,
perseverance, discipline, etc. The Eendracht
sails year round. In the spring and fall, it sails
through Dutch ports; in the summer, through
the North Sea, the Baltic, etc., to different
countries; and in the winter, it sails to warmer
places such as the Canary Islands, the Mediterranean, the Azores or the Caribbean.
In its travels, it stopped at the docks of the
Museum for a change of crew and passengers. It was open to Museum visitors so that
they could get to know this marvellous vessel.
activities report 2003-2014
Nov. 15 - March 1 ‘09
The Thalassa is a brigantine schooner
based in a port in Harlingen, Holland. This
boat, built in 1980, was originally a fishing
boat named Relinquenda. It fished in the
North Sea and along the English coasts.
After colliding with a wreck, the boat was
rendered out of service. When its new owners took over the boat they decided to convert it into the sailboat that we know today,
renaming it after the Greek goddess of the
seas Thalassa. Today, it sails across the
seas introducing people to the adventure of
Technical characteristics
Port base:
brigantine schooner.
Total length:
47 m.
8 m.
4,00 m.
March 18 - 21
This schooner with three masts revisited the
Museum in 2009.
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
March 19 - 21
`Alexander von
This boat with three masts and a German
flag, dedicated to traditional sailing, revisited the Museum.
April 20 - 25
`Juan de la Cosa´
This hospital ship entered into service in
July of 2006. Based in Santander, it is chartered by the Marine Social Institute. The ship
primarily attends to the fleet operating between the 30th and 50th parallels and from
the 3rd to 45th meridian. It offers primarily
medical services although it also provides
logistical assistance. The potential fleet to
be attended to may ascend to approximately 960 ships of varying gross tonnage, with
some 10,200 workers on board.
May 21 - 24
`Rainbow Warrior´
The first RW, built in Aberdeen in 1955, it was
acquired by Greenpeace in 1978, after having been used as a research ship and then
a fishing boat. It was sunk by the French
Secret Service in 1985 to avoid an incursion
into their territorial waters in protest of nuclear tests being conducted in the Mururoa
The current Rainbow Warrior (1989), before
being acquired by Greenpeace, was used as
a trawler in the North Sea, under the name
of Grampian Fame.
activities report 2003-2014
September 16 - 22
Nao `Victoria´
The nao Victoria was the only one of the five
ships in Magellan’s expedition to complete
the trip around the world. Of the 234 sailors
who began the journey, only 18 completed
it. The very Magellan died in the Philippines,
leaving Elcano in charge of the feat of journeying around the world. Later, the ship
disappeared at high sea, on a return trip to
Spain from Santo Domingo.
The replica was built in 1992 for the Expo ’92
Seville. In 2004, it was renovated to travel
across the world; a trip that was successfully
completed in 2006.
This past July, the Victoria made a stop in
Getaria (Elcano’s birthplace), in order to participate in the recreation of the disembarkation made by this sailor in Sanlúcar de Barrameda, upon finishing history’s first journey
around the world.
Later, it made stops in several Basque ports
and the Maritime Museum of Bilbao was the
last opportunity for visitors to visit this boat
before it headed to its base in the Port of
Santa María (Cádiz).
Nov. 11 - March 19 ‘10
The Thalassa revisits the Museum.
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
June 9 - 12
The Mater formed a part of the ITSASALDI
FESTIVAL - I Basque Maritime Tourism Fair.
It is an ancient trawler converted into a floating museum with its base in the Bay of Pasaia where it is the site of numerous cultural,
recreational and educational activities.
June 6 - July 17
`Vell- Marí´
The Vell Marí sailboat returned to the Museum, this time as a part of the project “For
the Sharks, a Sea of Hope”. It is dedicated
to marine exploration and funded by the social work of La Caixa. Aboard the Vell Mari,
a programme of activities is carried out with
the purpose of bringing awareness to youth
and school children, thus contributing to an
education in values that respect our marine
resources both at an ecological and socioeconomic level.
September 7 - 17
`La Pepa´ galleon
La Pepa is a replica of the 16th and 17th century galleons. Built by the Andalusian government and the Nao Victoria Foundation
for the Universal Exposition in Shanghai of
2010, in 2011, it began its route across the
Spanish, Portuguese, and Hispano-American ports, becoming an interpretation centre
of the 1812 Constitution.
activities report 2003-2014
Oct. 22 - March 22 ‘13
Once again, this brigantine sailboat from
Holland, the Mercedes visits the Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum open to visits from
school children and the general public.
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
May 15 - 18
`Artic sunrise´
The Greenpeace ship stopped in Bilbao and
remained open to the public, offering guided tours where people could learn about
their European campaign in support of sustainable fishing, with the slogan “sustainable fishing is the future”.
The ecological ship set sail from Romania in
March, visiting various European countries
in the Mediterranean (Romania, Bulgaria,
Greece, Croatia and Italy) along its way to
demand reforms to the Common Fishing
Policy that would put sustainable fishing
and oceans at the centre of its focus, which
Greenpeace advocates.
November 1 - 24
This is the replica of the frigate that was
constructed under the orders of the Tsar
Peter the Great in 1703. Nowadays, the aim
of the Shtandart is to teach young people,
through traditional sailing and naval construction methods, to work together and to
be capable of promoting a better future for
their country and the world.
Technical characteristics
Year of construction:
Construction of the replica: 1994 - 1999.
Total length:
34,5 m.
6,9 m.
Height of the tallest mast:
31 m.
Draught: 3,3 m.
Total sail surface area:
620 m2.
activities report 2003-2014
December 13 - 15
This ship made a stop in Bilbao in order to raise
awareness of the ecological work of Sea Shepherd on its international campaign, as well as
to make the public aware of the conservation
and necessary protection of the oceans, their
habitats and their wildlife.
The organisation Sea Shepherd (Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, SSCS) was founded in 1977. It aims to protect and preserve the
ecosystem and species in the world’s oceans.
The Brigitte Bardot is a stabilised monohull/
trimaran capable of reaching a speed of 24
knots. 74
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
List of tall ships
La Morena
Kathleen & May
Ice Lady Patagonia
La pepa
Vell Mari
Le Emer
LE Orla
Brigitte Bardot
Alexander von Humboldt
Vell Mari
Le Ciara
Alexander von Humboldt
Juan de la Cosa
Nao Victoria
Rainbow Warrior
activities report 2003-2014
Educational activities
he Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum is
a dynamic and contemporary cultural centre that is open to participation. It attempts to respond to society’s expectations in the areas in which it
With the objective of becoming a museum
by all and for all, since its beginnings it has
aimed to serve as a community educational institution, providing diverse offerings to
visitors of all ages, characteristics and educational levels. In this way, the Maritime Museum offers educational centres with a wide
variety of activities for all educational levels.
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
The goal of the Museum is to bring maritime
culture to children and youth in a recreational
way. This includes acquiring cognitive, technical and social skills through workshops
which encourage and promote values such
as creativity, team work, solidarity, etc. The
Museum aims to continually advance and
improve these programmes and therefore,
it collects comments and suggestions from
activity participants.
The Museum has a space designed
especially for students, where it holds the
didactic programmes which will be described
later. Having some 100m², the didactic room
is of great importance in the activity of
the Maritime Museum, with its mission of
spreading maritime culture.
Educational activities developed in the
Maritime Museum:
Ever since the Ría de Bilbao Maritime
Museum opened its doors to the public in late
November of 2003, numerous educational
activities have been carried out here. The
educational programmes developed include
a large offering of workshops directed
especially at public school children and
youth, with the goal of bringing them closer
to the maritime heritage and culture in a
recreational and participatory way. These
workshops are completed with guided visits
of the Museum exhibitions.
Thousands of students have participated in
our activities, with this number increasing
every year.
Within the didactic programmes there are
activities that are regularly carried out in the
Museum and others that, depending on the
temporary exhibition programming and other
activities, which may be held in the historic
boats, docks, etc.
The didactic room is of great
importance in the activity of
the Maritime Museum, with
its mission of spreading
maritime culture.
Collaborations between the Maritime
Museum and other institutions, has resulted
in other educational activities, such as:
Collaboration with the La Caixa
Foundation: “Planetary Traveller”. With
a projection of the cellar sky in the
planetarium, children may enter the world
of astronomy, like the ancient sailors who
sailed the seas with the guidance of the
Collaboration with the Confederation
of the Ikastolas of Euskal Herria:
“Ikasarrauna”. The goal of this initiative is
the diffusion of rowing among youngsters
through the travelling rowing school
(located in this case, in the Museum).
Regional Council of Biscaya: the “Bizkaitik
Bizkaira” programme. Supported by the
Department of Culture of the Council,
this is a multidisciplinary educational
programme, with different itineraries,
having the goal of bringing youth closer
to Biscayan cultural heritage. The Ría de
Bilbao Maritime Museum is included in
these itineraries.
Regional Council of Biscaya: the “Museoak
Barrutik” programme. The Department
of Social Action of the Council, based
on its policy of promoting cultural and
recreational activities between the
associations for the elderly and for
women, has been offering guided visits
to various museums for several years,
including the Ría de Bilbao Maritime
activities report 2003-2014
Below we offer a description of some of the
activities that are currently offered through
the Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum.
• “Learn to navigate like a great pirate”
• “Port worker for a day”
• “Sailor knots”
• “Ship Modelling”
• “Sailing a large sailboat ”
These activities are complemented with a
visit to the Museum’s permanent exhibition
with a game of clues, in which the youngsters
are brought ever closer to the Museum contents.
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
“Learn to navigate like
a great pirate”
The world of pirates is an attractive resource
for awakening the interest of children. Without resorting to the typical topics or pure
fantasy, the Maritime Museum, through this
workshop, offers its smallest visitors their
first lessons on boats and sailing. Through a
series of games, with the awarding of small
prizes upon their completion, the children
acquire the basic aspects necessary for any
good sailor before going to sea: maritime
rescue, parts of a boat, the crew, docking and
undocking operations, communications, etc.
The idea offered to the children is that all
good pirates need to know the information
that they are about to learn. The history of the
Basque pirate Pellot serves to maintain their
interest and curiosity throughout the activity.
This activity, directed to the Primary Education Cycle (6-8 years), aims to introduce the
youngest visitors to the passionate adventure that is the sea. With play, children discover different aspects related to boats and
sailing, while also learning about the history of pirates, Basque pirates in particular.
Description of the activity
The workshop is divided into different dynamic sections. Upon completing each section, the child is given one of the elements included in the pirate’s outfit. Upon completing
the workshop, in addition to having learned
the basic concepts, the children are converted into pirates, ready to go off and search for
the most precious of treasures.
activities report 2003-2014
“Port worker for a day”
maintain this legacy alive and to demonstrate
to children and youth the importance of the
Port of Bilbao and the activities carried out
there on a daily basis. This goal has been developed in a children’s activity, entitled “Port
Worker for a Day”.
This activity, directed especially at children between the ages of 8 and 12, aims to
strengthen teambuilding and to build their
knowledge of the social environment through
the presentation of the different port vessels
and the jobs resulting from the arrival of a
boat the port.
The Ría de Bilbao landscape has suffered
from a great transformation since its industrial boom over the first decades of the 20th
Century. Boats travelling up and down the
Bilbao Estuary formed a daily image for our
parents and grandparents. Tugboats pulling
merchant vessels transporting carbon, dredgers absorbing sediment from the bottom of
the Estuary, men waiting in the docks to moor
the boats or to unload goods, etc. all have
marked the identity and economic and social
development of Bilbao and its surroundings.
The facilities and activities carried out in the
Port of Bilbao form a part of the daily routine
of Bilbao and its surrounding towns.
Today it is impossible to make the same
references. The needs marked by the newly
established global economic order and the
search for improved conditions for citizen’s
lives have led to the transfer of port facilities
to outside of the Bilbao Estuary, with the majority of the boats and different port activities
outside of the reach and visit of most citizens.
The Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum aims to
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
Description of the activity
The activity is divided into various phases,
through the use of different didactic resources and materials with which the children learn
some of the activities and jobs held in the
ports, particularly, in the Port of Bilbao. These
materials are adapted to the educational level
of the children to which it is directed.
“Sailor knots”
Sailor knots and lines form an essential part
of any sailboat, as well as motor boat. Different types of knots allow for different activities and operations that are very typical in
boats, such as securing it to the dock, lashing aboard different objects to avoid their
getting lost, etc. In sailboats, the use of knots
and lines is even more important. Therefore,
the knowledge of knots is an activity that
sailors must learn very well before going to
sea. A greater knowledge of the same offers
sailors a very interesting resource for many
moments in which they face unexpected
and often adverse situations, on their own.
This workshop is intended to teach children
and youth to tie the most commonly used
sailor’s knots, and to learn about their origins and uses: an eight, reef knot, brake lines,
bowline knots, etc. If they are able to understand these simple knots, it will be easier to
advance to more specialized knots.
Description of the activity
The workshop consists of learning three basic knots: the bowline knot, the figure-of-eight
knot and the reef knot. Furthermore, their origins and uses will be explained.
activities report 2003-2014
“Ship modelling”
The art of ship modelling has many followers
across the world. There are many enthusiasts
who dedicate themselves to the assembly
and construction of miniature boats. There
are many modes, assembly kits, forms of
modelling based on construction plans, paper boats, and models within a bottle. Each
of these forms requires specific techniques
and tools. To make the models, first some
documentation and research must be done.
It may be a great help to know about the
boat: where it was constructed, characteristics, measurements, etc. After building the
parts, next comes the gluing and assembly
of the same and later, its painting. All of this
requires considerable manual skill and much
patience, since the pieces are very small and
in many cases, the ship model builders must
be true artists.
This activity allows youngsters to learn about
the world of ship modelling. Using specific
tools, they acquire the basic knowledge of
the methods and techniques used to construct ship models.
Description of the activity
The workshop consists of the assembly and
painting of a small model of the Auntz tugboat. By assembling the parts, the youngsters learn the specific vocabulary of the different parts of the boats, as well as some of
the basic tools used by ship modellers, while
learning the skill.
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
“The boat”
The visit of children to the Maritime Museum is aimed to awaken their interest in the
sea through boats. Understanding the importance of means of transportation in daily life and particularly, that of boats, serves
as a basis for children discovering more
about their environment and widening their
knowledge of the world in which they live.
The evolution of boats reveals the changes
in needs and development of societies.
Objectives Objectives
Directed at Pre-primary education level children (3-5 years), the activity aims to show
the smallest of visitors about their environment, bringing them closer to the maritime
world. They are converted into sailors, having to solve a hidden mystery while learning
about the treasures hidden in the Museum.
Description of the activity
Through different activities, children learn
the different aspect of boats: different
ways of propulsion, basic elements for
sailing, crew functions and members, while
acquiring a small initial vocabulary of boats
and sailors.
activities report 2003-2014
“Sailing a large sailboat”
Within the Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum’s
exhibition programme, the visit to the large
sailboats and emblematic boats is one of the
most special parts. The large sailboats are a
living testimony of the boats that previously
filled our docks and coasts. Among their
sails and ropes worked numerous Basques
sailors, merchants and fishermen. Later,
technological progress and advances
led to these sailboats being replaced by
machines and engines. Larger ships with
greater load capacities replaced the large
sailboats, using machines and engines. And
the large masts that used to populate the
Bilbao Estuary were replaced by boats with
smoke-blowing chimneys. Although these
large sailboats have disappeared from our
waters, in Northern European countries
they have been preserved, truly floating
jewels. The Museum invites these sailboats
to visit its docks periodically, so that visitors
may admire them. Taking advantage of their
stays, the Museum has put a new activity
into place, entitled “Sailing a large sailboat”.
This workshop has the goal of presenting the
large sailboats to youngsters and teaching
them about life on board, transporting them
to another era, when sailing depended on
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
the wind and the skill of the sailors. But
these boats have more modern navigational
elements, helping to bring them closer to
present day sailing as well.
Description of the activity
Accompanied by Museum monitors,
children visit the boat’s different areas,
learning about the sailor’s life and
Playmobil dioramas
During Christmas of 2008, the Maritime Museum presented the exhibition “The Playmobil boats” in which the history of sailing was
told through the Playmobil dioramas including figures, boats and complements. The exhibition received many visitors, especially
families. Based on this positive experience,
the Museum has included a permanent Playmobil diorama ha exhibition, as en element
that helps and attracts visitors to ease their
understanding during the lecture portion of
the permanent exhibition.
The aim is to bring the content of the Ría de
Bilbao Maritime Museum closer to the younger visitors through the use of six dioramas
made with Playmobil figures:
Maritime rescue, the cable car (19th-20th
Commerce, the Consulate’s felucca (18th
Commerce, pirate attack on the town of
Portugalete (18th cent.).
Wooden shipbuilding, the Arsenal of Zorroza (18th cent.).
Steel ship building, launchings in Euskalduna (1935).
The advantages of the use of these dioramas
• That due to their size they may recreate
complete scenes, portraying the elements that are preserved and displayed
in their actual size in the Museum.
• They are easy to understand and only an
introductory poster, in two languages, is
schools to return to the Museum with
their families.
Guide for parents and educators
In the Museum ticket office, adults accompanying the children have a guide available
in order to develop upon the content of the
dioramas, explaining the scenes and important characters appearing in them. In addition,
this guide includes various games that may
be used to help with comprehension of the
To bring the Museum closer to its young
• To encourage children visiting with their
In the Museum ticket office, adults accompanying the children have a guide available in order to develop upon the content
of the dioramas, explaining the scenes
and important characters appearing in
them. In addition, this guide includes various games that may be used to help with
comprehension of the content.
Game of errors: each diorama includes
an element that does not belong, which
children are encouraged to discover.
• Drawings of the dioramas to be coloured.
activities report 2003-2014
Recreated scenes
1. Maritime rescue, the cable car (19th-20th cent.)
The Maritime Museum, thanks to the Red
Cross of Mar de Arriluze, has been lent a
ship wreck rescue equipment, carried out
from the coast by means of a cable car. This
equipment was in service for over a hundred
years until the helicopter was introduced for
this type of rescues.
The marine rescue diorama recreates a ship
wreck in the Galea and the use of a cable car
to rescue the sailors from the cliff. It also includes work carried out in the sea waters of
Santurtzi which marked the transformation
of the Port of Bilbao into a safe port.
It includes:
The dangers of the entrance rail of the
Bilbao Estuary.
• The role of Evaristo Churruca in making
the Estuary sailable.
• The quantity of sea wrecks suffered in
the entrance to the Port of Bilbao and
how this translates into human and economic loss.
2. Commerce, the Consulate’s felucca (18th cent.)
In one of the halls of the Maritime Museum it
is possible to visit the life-size replica of the
Bilbao Consulate’s Felucca. In this area, an in
order to demonstrate the importance of this
institution in the regulation of commerce and
navigation in the Bilbao Estuary, a diorama
has been included to represent the annual
visit made by the Consulate to the “Bolisa”
of Portugalete on Corpus Christi day. On
this day, the Consul and his entourage visit
a beacon that was anchored in Portugalete.
This ceremony, like that of the Magdalena’s
tile in Bermeo, represented the authority held
by the Bilbao Consulate, especially over the
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
Estuary. Trials were constantly held in the
town of Portugalete, which refused to accept
the consulate’s authority over its waters. This
diorama includes the Consul figure, the boat,
the procession, the Portugalete town complaining, etc.
3. Commerce, pirate’s attack on the town of Portugalete (18th cent.)
This diorama represents one of the numerous
attacks suffered by the town of Portugalete
from pirates and corsairs, emphasizing the influence of this activity on commerce. The use
of a theme as inviting as piracy allows for discussion of the goods that left Bilbao and were
the objects of robbery: iron, wool, wines, etc.
4. Wooden shipbuilding, the Arsenal of Zorroza, (17th cent.)
One of the lesser known bits of shipbuilding history in the Bilbao Estuary is the existence in the 17th century, of a Royal Arsenal
of Zorroza. In the royal arsenals, war ships
were built for the Navy. This activity was
developed in work centres that included all
necessary jobs for the construction of these
boats, designers, ship’s carpenters, sail makers, rope makers, etc.
The diorama represents those elements that
were present in this type of shipyard, like the
slipway, cordage machines, docks, etc. describing the different jobs that were held in
the shipyards.
5. Steel shipbuilding, launchings in Euskalduna (1935)
The Bilbao Estuary became an important centre of shipbuilding in the early 20th century.
Therefore, in addition to the numerous small
shipyards, some major yards were created in
very few years, destined to be the primary centres of this activity for the entire century. The
creation of the La naval and the Euskalduna
Shipyards were two large accomplishments
in this sector. The most important moment in
the shipyard activities came with launching
day, and that is precisely what this diorama
represents: the moment of the boat launching
off the Euskalduna slipway including the boat,
the sponsor, the ship owners, workers, and the
immense public attending this launching ceremony.
activities report 2003-2014
During the Christmas and Easter school vacations, the Museum organizes children’s
camps for youth between the ages of 4 and
10 years. In groups of 20, the children stay at
the Museum all morning, participating in programmes, games, workshops and activities to
bring them closer to the passionate maritime
Some of the developed activities:
“Little fish, no thank you!!”
Using different resources and materials: fishing tackle, boats, audio-visual materials and
fishing games the activity has the goal of
awakening the environmental awareness and
respect in the children, promoting responsible consumption. The youngest of visitors
learn all types of fishing that can be practiced
and their issues, such as the different types
of marine species and above all, respect of
the minimum size regulations when fishing.
“Discovering the submarine world”
Manual skills of boys and girls are put to the
test through the preparation of the coloured
fish to be later taken home to decorate their
houses. In the meanwhile, they learn the secrets hidden in the bottom of the sea such
as the morphology and habitat of fish: their
physical characteristics and ways of life, their
ecology, different types, etc.
“Do you dare to meet Moby-Dick?”
By recreating the story of Moby-Dick, our
youngest visitors will learn about the history
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
of whale hunting on our coast. Using a game
in which they transform themselves into fishermen, they attempt to catch the different fish
that have been spread throughout the museum, while respecting minimum sizes and the
protected and non-commercial species.
“Sailing through the world’s seas and oceans”
Through this activity, the children sail the
seas to arrive at new continents and meet the
people living there, the landscape, new plants
and animals, etc. They use a game of clues
to recreate the journey and adventures of
Cristobak Colón, in his curious journey to the
Indias. The workshop covers travelling across
oceans, constructing nautical maps.
“If you don’t learn to sail... will you sink like
the Titanic?”
Using the most diverse materials to be handled to create different shapes, the principle
of floatability is discovered: sink or float?
What happened to the Titanic? The children
will build boats from walnut shells, placing
candles inside of them. Then comes race
time: A type of Goose game, adapted to sailing, with questions and answers, as they attempt to sail to reach their destination. Those
that don’t know how to sail will sink and will
have to get a new boat to try to arrive at their
final destination.
Pirate Gymkhana
The pirate world is an attractive resource
for awakening the interest of school children. The Museum presents the game Pirate Gymkhana, an activity for the whole
It consists of 6 thematic islets, spread out
across the Museum’s two floors. These are
areas where the smallest visitors interact
using the activities and tests that are provided. Upon finishing each test, the children complete a pirate map, and when that
is finished they will receive a Pirate’s diploma. The pirate islets presented are:
All aboard!
Fish sighted!
Sailor knots
Guided tours
The Museum organizes guided tours of the
permanent and temporary exhibitions with
school groups, cultural associations, elderly
groups, the handicapped, etc.
activities report 2003-2014
Lectures at the
Ria de Bilbao Maritime Museum
Nautical Tuesdays
The Museum has devised an extensive programme of lectures on various subjects, all of
which have one common denominator: the
SEA. These are free lectures, aimed at the
general public. Various professionals, including athletes, sailors, historians, marine ar-
chaeologists, adventurers, etc., regale us with
accounts of their investigations, projects or
experiences in a relaxed atmosphere which
promotes dialogue between the audience
and the speakers.
November 10th Practical meteorology applied to navigation. Routing a class 40 in the
Route du Rhum regatta Speaker: Iñigo Ortiz de Urbina, meteorologist.
December 14th The Saltillo restoration and its use as a training vessel. Ponente:
Fernando Cayuela, Director of the School of Marine and Naval
Engineering (EHU – UPV).
March 11th
Screening of the documentary “Apaizac obeto, azken balea txaluparen
kondaira” (Basque Whalers: The Tale of the Last Whaleboat). Speaker:
Xabier Agote, ALBAOLA, Basque Maritime Heritage Foundation.
February 15th
Introduction to tuna sport fishing. Speaker: Iñigo Onandía, researcher at
AZTI – Tecnalia.
March 15th
The restoration of the Basque Country’s maritime heritage. Speaker:
Juan Antonio Apraiz, maritime heritage expert.
March 29th
Ragaine II 2008 – 2009. Sailing around the world. Speaker. Egoi Urkiza
and Rasa Varnaite, sailors.
April 12th
Sail design and materials. Speaker: Miguel Lejarza, ADN – Náutica.
May 17th
Kaiku, a new style of rowing club management Speaker: José Manuel
Monje, President S.D.R. Kaiku.
June 14th
Our offshore sailors. The Atlantic adventure. Speaker: Itsasamezten
Association, Basque Association of Yacht Captains and Skippers.
June 20th
Enjoy yourself at the Estuary. Humorous monologue about the
Consulate of Bilbao and the Estuary. Speaker: Txemi del Olmo.
June 23rd
Metamorphosis of Bilbao’s river port area. Speaker: Iñaki Uriarte,
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
February 2nd
Barcelona World Race. Speaker: Anna Corbelló, sailor.
February 9th
Barcelona World Race. Speaker: Jaume Mumbrú, sailor.
March 6th
The wreck of the Bekio; restoring the remains of a 17th century English
ship. Speaker: José Manuel Luque, underwater archaeologist.
March 27th
Engineers – Deusto regatta. History and 23rd edition. Speaker: José
María Gorostiaga, Regatta Organising Committee.
April 17th
Sail-making workshop: Repairs on board. Speaker: Miguel Lejarza, ADN
– Náutica.
May 8th
The diesel engine, emergency repairs. Speaker: Txomin Olabarri,
Itsasamezten Association, Basque Association of Yacht Captains and
May 14th
The Basque language’s roots in sailing. Speaker: Javier Goitia Blanco,
engineer - geographer.
May 17th
Working at sea. Introduction to the maritime sector and training. You
and the Sea season. School of Marine and Naval Engineering of the
University of the Basque Country.
May 24th
Employment options in the energy sector. You and the Sea season.
May 24th
The sea, science and technology; an opportunity in your working life.
You and the Sea season. AZTI - Tecnalia.
May 31st
Maritime entrepreneurs. Make your passion your profession. You
and the Sea season. Navegalia, Zeniteh, Underwater Drinks Aging
Laboratory, Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Studies
students from Mondragón University, Novia Salcedo Foundation.
June 5th
Sailing adapted for the blind. First experiences in the Basque Country.
Speaker: Ania Minner, blind sailor.
June 7th
Job opportunities in maritime security. You and the Sea season.
Ertzaintza Offshore Rescue Unit, Maritime Rescue Captain.
activities report 2003-2014
January 10th
Titanic, one hundred years on from the tragedy. Speaker: José Antonio
February 7th
Symmetrical and asymmetrical: their adjustment. Speaker: Toni Tió and
Luís Doreste.
February 28th Fishing in the Northern Basque Country, yesterday and today. Speaker:
Mikel Epaltza
March 6
Training vessels of the Bilbao Estuary. Speaker: Juan José Alonso.
March 14th
The representation of the sea in Northern Basque art. Speaker: Jean
Francoise Larralde.
April 4th
The situation of the Basque language and Northern Basque culture.
Speaker: Pantxoa Etchegoin
April 18th
Shipwrecks and rescues in the Bilbao Abra. From ship cemetery to safe
port. Speaker: Manuel Torres Goiri.
May 8th
Restoring a used boat. Speaker: Enric Roselló.
May 29th
The study of gales in the Bay of Biscay. Speaker: Isabel Lete.
June 5th
Thalassocracies. Speaker: Iñigo Bolinaga.
June 19th
Votive offerings of Bizkaia. Speaker: Xabier Armendariz.
November 21st Anthropology Days. Speakers: various
Characters of the Estuary
Through this season of lectures, the Maritime
Museum remembers several characters, entrepreneurs and businessmen who carried out projects that contributed to the enhancement of the
City, Bizkaia and the Basque Country during the
twentieth century. The aim of the lectures is twofold; on the one hand, they aim to present these
characters and their work from a historical, economic, social and political perspective, with the
assistance of experts who have researched and
written about them; and secondly, they intend
to provide a more human perspective of these
characters by working closely with their families.
As they are each prolific and multifaceted people, the focus has been placed on a particular aspect of each of their biographies, with a particular
emphasis on those works most directly related
to the Estuary and its progress. The characters
chosen for this first edition were: Ramón de la
Sota, Evaristo Churruca y Brunet, Francisco Alde-
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
coa, José Martínez Rivas, Eduardo Aznar, Alberto
Palacios, Horacio Echevarrieta, Manuel Sendagorta, Vicinay, Goyoaga and Vda de Epalza. The
season of lectures dedicated to characters of the
Estuary will continue during 2015.
The conferences consisted of two parts: the first,
led by the biographer, focused on the character
and their seminal work, while the second involved one of the character’s family giving their
testimony, tracing a human profile of the character. All the lectures, held on a monthly basis,
took place in the auditorium of the Museum,
with free access for all citizens.
Alongside the lectures, some totems have been
created in order to present the characters along
with their most emblematic work. After the lectures have finished, these totems will become
part of the permanent exhibition.
September 25th
Ramón de la Sota
Eugenio Torres
October 23rd
Familia Aznar
Jesús María Valdaliso
November 20th
Evaristo de Churruca
Manuel Santos
December 16th
Francisco Aldecoa
Manuel Torres Goiri
January 22nd
Alberto Palacios
Alberto Santana
March 3rd
Vicinay familia
Borja Vicinay
March 26th
José María Martínez Rivas
Imanol Villa
April 23rd
Horacio Echevarrieta
Pablo Díaz Morlán
May 28th
José Manuel de Sendagorta
Andrés Sendagorta
activities report 2003-2014
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
Publications of the
Ria de Bilbao Maritime Museum
THE ESTUARY: a reason for
Catalogue of the exhibition “The Estuary: a
reason for being”, which took place in the Exhibition Hall of Banco de Bilbao Vizcaya, in
October 1998. Direction and editing: Alfonso Carlos Saiz
This book contains articles by various authors:
• Patricio de la Sota: introduction.
• Jesús del Río Sainz: “Hymn to the Estuary”
• Gregorio San Juan: “The Nervion estuary, a
metaphor for progress”.
• Manuel Montero: “The Estuary and its men”.
• Manuel Mª Santos Sabras: “More than a
century of struggle against the sea”.
• Natividad de la Puerta: “Merchants before
• Emiliano Fernández de Pinedo y Fernández:
“Industry on the banks of the Nervión, from
the late nineteenth century to today”.
• Rafael Ossa Echaburu: “Boats and shipyards in 98... and Euskalduna”.
The sea in art, art in the sea
Catalogue of the exhibition “The sea in art,
art in the sea”, which took place at the Ria
de Bilbao Maritime Museum in January
Texts by José Luis Merino, with an introduction by Jon Ruigómez Matxin and a foreword by Javier Viar Olloqui.
From the dawn of time, the attraction to the
sea, origin of life, motivated by the desire of
humans to conquer it, has led to the most
exciting journeys and adventures, which
are only comparable to the conquest of
outer space.
activities report 2003-2014
This exhibition displays 90 works inspired
by the sea, which illustrate different artistic approaches employed during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries to address
this issue.
The catalogue contains reproductions of all
the works that could be seen in the exhibition, divided into themed environments:
Seascapes, Characters of the Sea, Still
Lives (Seafood), The Sea Imagined, Working
at Sea, Leisure by the Sea, Fear of the Sea,
Nostalgia and Progress.
A comprehensive and educational essay by
José Luis Merino analyses each and every
one of the paintings on display.
As an epilogue, a chapter of “Biographies”
includes brief profiles of the 43 artists
whose works gave rise to this exhibition:
Carlos de Andrés, Juan de Aranoa, Alber-
2007, 2010, 2011
to Arrúe, Aurelio Arteta, Inocencio Asarta,
Juan de Barroeta, Georg Baselitz, Gabriele
Basilico, José Benito Bikandi, Tomás Campuzano, Marta Cárdenas, Juan de Echevarría, Enrique Epalza, Menchu Gal, Emile
Godchaux, Antonio Guezala, Anselmo
Guinea, Carlos de Haes, Mari Puri Herrero,
Agustín Ibarrola, Francisco Iturrino, Genaro
Lahuerta, Antonio Largacha, Robert Llimós,
Gustavo de Maeztu, Juan Tomás Martínez
Abades, Cirilo Martínez Novillo, Silvio Merlino, Jaime Morera, Oswald Oberhuber, Jesús
Olasagasti, Lucio Ortiz de Urbina, Benjamin Palencia, Ernesto Pérez Orúe, Guillermo Pérez Villalta, Pablo Picasso, José Salís,
Alberto Schommer, Joaquín Sunyer, Julián
de Tellaeche, José María de Ucelay, Manolo
Valdés and Valentín de Zubiaurre.
A century of the merchant
A century of the merchant navy, 1895 – 1995:
volume I, volume II and volume III.
Author: Luis María del Busto y Mandalúniz,
Merchant Navy Captain.
Publication: Biscay Association of Merchant
Navy Captains.
In this reference work, divided into three volumes, Del Busto provides a compendium
of the history of the Merchant Navy in the
Basque Country and Spain, presenting the
history of more than 3,000 vessels belonging to 655 Basque and Spanish shipping
companies throughout the twentieth century.
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
Anthropology and the Maritime Dimension: patrimonial
frameworks and constructs in
the Bilbao Abra and Estuary.
This is the first issue of Maritime Collections,
a collection specialising in maritime studies,
promoted by the Ria de Bilbao Maritime Museum.
The author analyses the “new maritime
dimension” with its new practices and types of
relationships that lead to different parameters for
the investigation of heritage.
Focusing on a geographical area such as
the Bilbao Estuary and the Abra, and more
specifically on the reality of a coastal fishing
town, such as Santurtzi, the author identifies
and analyses maritime realities and their
continuous transformation over the last 15
years. As an example, he considers the case of
sardines as part of the fish production process,
which over the years has come into conflict and
transformation with new forms of production and
the modernising dynamics of life itself.
Author: Juan Antonio Rubio – Ardanaz.
Anthropologist specialising in maritime culture
and societies.
In addition to these publications, the Ria de
Bilbao Maritime Museum has participated in
many other publications, donating historical
photographs and objects from its collection.
Among others, we have been involved in:
-Altos Hornos de Vizcaya S.A. History of its
fleet. The milestone of a steelworks, 1895–
1988. Marcos Merino Martínez.
-The Aznar family and their business: 1830–
1983, Jesús María Valdivielso. Marcial
Pons: Madrid, 2006.
-The Nervión Maritime Company: the men,
the company and the boats (1899 – 1986),
Manuel Torres Goiri, Eugenio Torres Villanueva and Jesús María Valdivielso. Department of Transportation and Public
Works of the Basque Government. Vitoria–Gasteiz, 2008.
activities report 2003-2014
Events organization
he cultural programming of the Museum is completed with the organization of diverse acts which companies, organizations and individuals
celebrate in the Museum. With a total surface
area of 27,000 m2, the Museum is unique
site that combines culture and tradition with
cutting edge aesthetics.
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
The Museum’s team and their collaborators
advise the clients, accompanying them in the
event’s organization, from its initial design to
its finalization, taking care of every last detail
and offering for excellent service.
Facilities and
All of the spaces of the Museum have special characteristics for the celebration of different types of events: congresses, social
acts, commercial presentations, etc.
With a surface area of 157m2, it is equipped
with a megaphone system, screen and all
that is necessary for the celebration of congresses, conferences, etc. Similarly, it has an
amphitheatre area measuring some 41m2.
Chairs are not fixed; therefore it is possible
to organize any type of act.
190 per.
School: 90 per.
Cocktail: 200 per.
Banquet: 120 per.
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
activities report 2003-2014
Viewing Lounge
Its original configuration allows for its use for
both meetings, courses and press conferences, as well as to enjoy a Cocktail or gala
meal, enjoying spectacular views of the Bilbao Estuary. With 89m2, it is the ideal space
for temporary exhibitions. In addition, it is
connected to another hall measuring some
117 m2.
Theatre: 45 per.
Cocktail: 70 per.
Banquet: 50 per.
Exhibition Hall
Open space of 325 m2 and 3.36 m. in height.
It may be used as an area for exhibitions, for
product presentations, etc.
• Priority programming of the Museum.
With a maximum capacity of 25 people, this
is the adequate space for the celebration of
meetings, working breakfasts, workshops,
Cóctel: 300 pax.
Banquete: 150 pax.
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
Event in Hall of Windows
Hall of Windows
Located in the permanent exposition of the
Museum, this is the most ideal space to
celebrate exclusive cocktails, gala dinners,
awards ceremonies, etc.
Cocktail: 300 per.
Banquet: 150 per.
Es el espacio central del edificio, desde el
cual se accede a todas las salas. Con una superficie de 305 m2, es idóneo para celebrar el
cóctel o coffee-break de un acto organizado
en el Auditorio.
activities report 2003-2014
The docks of the Maritime Museum have an
unbeatable location, next to the Estuary and
in the centre of Bilbao. In its 20,000 m2 the
most diverse types of events may be celebrated: fairs, road shows, concerts, product
presentations, etc.
Ideal for celebrating private parties and
events of up to 80 people, it offers views of
the docks and the Bilbao Estuary.
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
Below, some of the most interesting events held in
the Maritime Museum are described, held in both the
interior facilities and the outdoor dock area:
activities report 2003-2014
EITB Awards Celebration.
Garbikide awards ceremony. Biscaya Provincial Government.
Touristic Promotion Presentation Campaign 2004. Basque Government.
BILBAR Regatta: around the Iberian peninsula from Bilbao to Barcelona,
with the collaboration of the Barcelona Maritime Museum.
25th Anniversary of the Euskadi Radio Programme “Raising Anchors” with
Roge Blasco.
Euskadi canoeing school games. Basque Government.
I Outdoor Children’s Painting Contest “Bilbao for Peace and Tolerance”.
Classical Cars Assembly. Association of Friends of the 600.
Outdoor presentation of The Vikings in the Iberian Peninsula. Reina Isabel
of Denmark Foundation.
Inaugural Act of the European Week of Quality. Euskalit.
Homage to writer Vázquez Montalbán. Idi Ezkerra Foundation.
SARENET Company Technology Day.
Organization and Headquarters of the Week of Andalusia in Bilbao.
Musical Group JARABE DE PALO Concert in the docks of the Museum.
Bilbao 700.
OSAKIDETZA Training Day, Comarca Bilbao
Bilbao Urban Circuit, in the Museum docks.
Organization of the NOVIA SALCEDO FOUNDATION Event.
“Passive Protection from Fires” Day of the Fire Fighter’s Association.
“European Quality Week” Celebration of EUSKALIT.
I Congress of the Federation of Euskadi Teaching Cooperatives.
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
Vigilante Training Day. EULEN.
“Support Techniques for Dependence” Day: Robotiker.
National Auditing Congress. LANKOR.
LA CAIXA Directors Meeting.Medical Days. PROMEDIC FERRER Laboratories. X Congress of the Euskadi Endocrinology and Nutrition Society. Osakidetza. Transport Safety Celebration: MAPFRE. Training Series.
EROSKI.Homage to Mª José Urruzola. EMAKUNDE. Port Practices Congress. OSAKIDETZA Training Days, Comarca Bilbao.
GARBIKIDE Awards. Environmental Department. Bizkaya Provincial Government.
Neck & Neck. Creation of photographic catalogue.Day of Italian Culture.
In collaboration with the Italian Consulate.
Urology Congress. Urology Clinic.
NAIDER Awards Presentation.
Presentation of the Seafood Fair of Zierbena.
GARBIKIDE Awards. Environmental Department. Biscaya Provincial Government.
Painting Contest of the IPARBIDE Cultural Association.
Basque Council of European Movement Day. EUROBASK.
Opening Day of the Cardiology Congress. Gala dinner.
activities report 2003-2014
Presentation of Skrei (Norwegian cod).
Presentation of book Un siglo de la Marina Mercante (A century of the
Merchant Marine), by Luis Mª del Busto. Unesco Etxea.
European Shipbuilding Week. ADIMDE.
Andalusia Fair. Andalusian Government Tourism Council.
Presentation and exposition of the model of the new medical centre.
GARBIKIDE Awards. Environmental Department. Biscaya Provincial Government.
Concert by Diana Navarro. Bilbao 700.
Presentation Bermeo Cod Campaign.
The Top 40 Area. Cadena Ser Party.
Aste Nagusia. Gastronomic and Musical Offerings.
Hundredth Anniversary Celebration of the Hospital Basurto.
Sotheby’s. Exhibit of Spanish paintings of the XIX and XX centuries.
Creaktiva Bizkaia Congress of CREATIVITY ZENTRUM.
Latest pill presentation. BAYER Laboratories.
Official Inauguration of GURE IZAR, boat adapted for handicapped
Mental Health Day. AVIFES.
Presentation of a new oven by German company PISEN.
Press Conference of the TAX AGENCY.
Aste Nagusia. Gastronomic and Musical Offerings.
Promotion of PULLMANTUR cruises, with a tent-cruise ship in the docks.
GARBIKIDE Awards. Environmental Department. Biscaya Provincial
Ecclesiastic Archives of Biscaya. Presentation of the Ícaro Centre.
IBM Product Presentation Day.
Maritime Law Day. UPV.
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
Gastronomic Seafood Fair of Galicia. Xacobeo 2010
I Surfilm Festival Bilbao
Road Show Toyota
Sailor’s Day. 7th Anniversary
Jetlag Fest. 10
Bizkaia Craktiva 2010. II International Forum on the Creativity Industries
Edurne Pasaban Conference. PRISMA GLOBAL.
Dinner of the Association of Biscaya Advertising Agencies. EKAI.
Presentation of the Seguros Bilbao Cycling Team.
Presentation of the book Osalan. MBN.
Presentation of the KRESALA program. EITB.
PP political act.
Basque Maritime Forum Day.
“Current state of maritime logistics”. Aquitaine – Euskadi platform.
V. Anniversary of the IKEA opening in Barakaldo.
Bilbao LeaderSHIP Conference Congress. Basque Maritime Forum.
Update in Respiratory Pathology Day. MERCK Laboratories.
Emergencies of OSAKIDETZA Training Day.
Itsasmendikoi Press Conference.
activities report 2003-2014
Sinaval – Eurofishing 2011
Itsasaldi- Festival of Basque seas
Bizkaia Creaktiva Forum
Deusto Engineers Regatta
Burdeos – Bilbao Regatta, 2nd edition
Teink Trophy Bilbao Regatta – San Juan de Luz
8th Anniversary of the Museum
Opening of the Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum online store
Museum Days. Day of Open ports and free guided visits
Presentation of the book Sociedad de Clasificación de Buques (Boat Classification Society). Author: J.A. Reyero
Conference. Basque Country College of Engineers “Civil professional responsibility and our institutions”.
Euskadi canoeing championship. Presentation press conference.
Presentation of the 1st Edition of the Bilbao Triathlon. Press conference.
Presentation of “Bisigu Eguna” by Orio. Press Conference.
Saltillo: Camino de Santiago by sea. Departure of the 2nd stage of the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela by sea, from Bilbao to Santoña.
Commemorative Act of the Hundredth Anniversary of the arrival of Roald
Amundsen to the South Pole.
35th IPAR Painting Contest. Directed at youth between 8 and 16 years of
age and adults.
Garbikides Award Ceremony. Garbibide program in the Environmental
Area of the Provincial Government of Biscaya.
White Night. Concert by Goram Bregovic.
Presentation of the book Orígenes históricas del clúster de la industria
marítima en el País Vasco y su legado para el presente (Historic origins
of maritime industry cluster in the Basque country and its legacy for the
present. Basque Maritime Forum.
Mobility Week, in collaboration with the Environmental Department of the
Bilbao City Hall.
Presentation of underwater wine and the Robinson Crusoe Treasure Club.
Under the Water Factory.
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
Pakea Bizkaia. Conference by Anna Corbella and Jaume Mumbrú: “BWR
Around the World”.
Alberto Iñurrategi, Juan Vallejo and Mikel Zabalza upon their return from
Bizgarri Association of Social Intervention. “Graphic communication forms:
minors and adolescents”. Meeting of Euskadiko Blogarien Elkartea, BLOGEU –Basque Blogger’s Association.
7th Congress on International Migration in Spain, in collaboration with the
Social Works of the bbk.
Presentation of the book “RMS Titanic: las verdaderas razones de su hundimiento” (RMS Titanic: the true causes of its sinking). Author: José Antonio
OSALAN. RCP Courses, cardio-pulmonary resuscitation
La Caixa. Awards presentation for the Best Canvassing Team of 2012.
Round table discussions for the Association of Friends of the Business
School Institute.
IPAR Outdoor Painting contest, for children between 8 and 16 years and
Presentation of the book “Legado de Mar (Sea Legacy)”, for the celebration
of the 30 years of the Maritime Administration School. Author: Manuel
Week of Humanistic Activities “Health and the Sea”
Technical Forum for energy efficiency
12th Congress on Techniques of the Ministry of Finance
Germany, tourist destination
39th Congress of the Spanish Fracture Group
HYDRA 2012 Congress
White Night
Gaztearte 25th Anniversary of the Gazte Txartela
activities report 2003-2014
Gala dinner of General Electric. 24/01/13
ASAKEN. First Technical Celebration of Works at Heights. 24/01/13
Business Institute: IE venture network. 24/01/13
@Egers Bilbao. Officail presentation of the cycling group of Seguros
Bilbao. 19/02/13
Hartmann Laboratories: Presentation of new products of the training and
primary care divisions. 26/02/13
GAES. Presentation of new hearing aids. 27/02/13
FEDER. 2nd Rare diseases of Euskadi day. 02/03/13
V International forum of the creative industry. Creativity Meeting Point. 1921/03/13
Engineers regatta- Deusto. 28/03/13
SINAVAL Eurofishing. 16/04/13
Novia Salcedo. Training workshop. 26/04/13
Bilbao Art District. 03-04/05/13
DEMA. Awards presentation of the Entrepreneurial Programme. 07/05/13
ORBEA. Presentation of the ORCA line. 15/05/13
OSAKIDETZA. Awards presentations. 17/05/13
International Museum Day. 18/05/13
Europa Active Club. Presentation of Pfizer laboratory products. 28/05/13
EPD Energy. Estate Managers Day. 30/05/13
Iberdrola. Workshops. 07/06 y 08/06/13.
La Caixa. Presentation of financial products of the shipping sector. 12/06/13
Provincial Government of Biscaya. Employment workshop of the Talentia
programme presentation. 14/06/13
White Night. 15/06/13
Schindler. Presentation of new elevators. 19/06/13
Basque Coast Museum Day. 21-23/06/13
Orbea week. 24/06 to 01/07/13.
II Edition –Three Estuaries Regatta. 12/07/13
Bilbao Mini-Maker Faire. 13 – 14/07/13
Dibertigarria. 20-22/09/13
Celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the Museum. 23/11/13
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
Eusko Jaurlaritza. Book presentation: Vascos en Buenos Aires.
EISAI / Banks-Sadler Meeting.
Apple Conference.
Seguros Bilbao. Training day.
Pierre Fabre Laboratories. Product launch.
Dental implantology conference. Medical 3.
OSALAN. Training day.
Roadshow of the Spanish Basketball Federation. Bilbao, host of the World Cup 2014.
Sunday Market: last Sunday of every month.
Finanzauto. Product launch.
DEMA. Regional Council of Bizkaia. Awards ceremony.
Eventia. Gala dinner.
Resuscitation Council. 16 May.
Uruguay Tourism Bus Promotion.
Norbega Coca-Cola. Awards ceremony for “Short story in Basque”.
Osakidetza. Internal Medicine Conference.
Eusko Jaurlaritza. Tourism Management . Presentation of the Basque Flag – Liga ACT
IVAP. Presentation day for the Draft Bill of the Basque Public Administration Law.
Tecnalia. Papirus Market Event in Bilbao.
Estropatada WOP.
URA, Basque Water Agency. Presentation of the World Water Report.
Unesko Etxea. Sustainability Day.
Ekirauto. MAZDA Roadshow.
AZTI – Tecnalia. Marine Investigation Unit Day. 25 June.
EAPN Euskadi. First Participation Meeting for Persons in Situations of Poverty and
Social Exclusion.
Degrémont 60th Anniversary.
BBVA Ruta Quetzal.
Sail in Festival. Sailing culture festival.
Mercedes. Launch of new Vito.
activities report 2003-2014
Dibertigarria. Sea Fair.
People of the World Festival.
Ecobeach Conference. Ategrus.
Telefónica. Product launch.
FIAT. Launch of Cinquecento.
“Undertaking, innovation and Basque tractor companies”. Deia and
Maersk Line Iberia. Client day.
Euskal Kostaldea Networking. Basquetour.
Eusko Jaurlaritza. Lehendakaritza.
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
Based on the fundamental objective of
being an open cultural centre for all citizens
and society in general, in the first ten years
of the Museum’s existence, collaboration
agreements have been established with diverse institutions, companies and solidarity
Collaboration with the Basque Museum of the Old Quarter, offering discounts to our friends
of the Museum for their visits.
Lending of a model to the MUSEUM CEMENTOS REZOLA for a temporary exhibition.
Lending of various elements of the Museum’s collection such as positioning and masthead
Collaboration with the PEÑASCAL FOUNDATION for building bases and structures to expand
the permanent exhibition.
UNIVERSITY OF DEUSTO, through the assistance of a secretarial intern, attending to basic
Museum tasks.
GAZTETXO ESKOLA, to carry out sessions of the course on sociocultural dynamics of
volunteering, whereby 3 individuals participated in the creation of the educational activities.
Collaboration with the CONFEDERATION OF IKASTOLAS OF EUSKAL HERRIA, through the
IKASARRAUNA program, a travelling school for the diffusion of rowing in school children.
Bilbobentura: Service of canoe rentals in the Estuary: the Museum offers a space for the
location of an information booth as well as storage of the necessary materials, in order to
develop the Bilbobentura activities.
Teink Regatta. Rowing regatta in battelekus (traditional boat of the Basque coast) between
Bilbao – Saint Jean de Luz. Organized by the Ur–Ikara Association.
Itsas Begia – Iron Route Regatta. Travelling between Bilbao – Donibane Lohizune –Urdazubi,
commemorating the ancient route of the European mineral foundries of the Encartaciones
region. The race begins in the Museum docks.
Agiantza Elkartea Association, working for people in social exclusion situations. Lending of
space in the dry dock for the restoration of the Grey Ghost sailboat.
Ur-Garbi: lending of space in the Museum’s dry dock for the mooring of a vessel to collect
waste from the Estuary.
Docking in the Port of Bilbao: lending of Museum dock space for mooring of the Txinbito.
Lending of Museum dock space for the mooring of the BILBOATS boat.
activities report 2003-2014
AModellist Association: lending of space in the Museum workshops and restoration of
the Museum’s collection of models.
School of Vertical Work – ALTEGI: resulting from collaboration with the vertical works
company ASAKEN, the Carola crane is the centre for training and instruction on techniques
in vertical works or rope access techniques.
BWaters –Museum docks: stand-up paddle surf board rental in the Bilbao Estuary.
Environmental Area of the Bilbao City Hall– Museum docks: workshops for learning,
perfecting bicycle skills.
Centre for Euskadi Biodiversity, Madariaga Dorretxea
Pakea Bizkaia
Creation of the Museum Network of the Basque Coast.
Other collaborations:
Reading Club / Subscribers.
Hirukide. Euskadi Federation of
Large Families.
• Symphonic Orchestra.
• Fundazioa Athletic Club Foundation.
• BBK26 (up to 26 years).
• Gazte Txartela (up to 26 years).
• Betizu (4-12 years).
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
Garbikide. Diputación Foral de
• Childrens Lab.
• Suspergintza.
• Bilbao Council.
• University of the Basque Country.
Teachers Training School.
• University of Deusto.
Evolution in the number
activities report 2003-2014
he number of Ría de Bilbao
Maritime Museum visitors has been
established over the course of these
10 years, having become the third
most visited museum in Biscaya.
*The Museum was opened on November 20th of 2003.
NO. of educational –
children’s ACTIVITIES
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
Governing body
activities report 2003-2014
Board of Trustees of the Ría de Bilbao
Maritime Museum Foundation
The Board of Trustees of the Foundation,
governing body of the Ría de Bilbao Maritime
Museum, is made up of Institutions and private
companies. In addition, the Museum receives
the support of private sponsors and special
Patronos Natos:
1. Bilbao City Hall (Mayor)
2. Provincial Government of Biscay (General
Deputy of Biscay)
3. Chamber of Commerce, Industry and
Navigation (President)
4. Bilbao Port Authority (President)
Elective Trustees:
Bergé Infraestructuras y Servicios
Logísticos, S.L.
2. Compañía de Remolcadores Ibaizabal, S.A.
3. Petróleos del Norte, S.A.
Ría de Bilbao Maritime Museum
Muelle Ramón de la Sota 1
48013 Bilbao
Telf. 94 608 55 00
[email protected]