Prince William County People, 1701-1800 pdf
Prince William County People 1701–1800 A Name Index to Landowners, Soldiers, Voters, Tithables, Petitioners, Laborers, and Slaves of Colonial Prince William County, Virginia (Also includes a list of abbreviations, contractions, and definition of terms commonly found in these records.) Index compiled by Greg Mason RELIC Volunteer, Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, Virginia Current as of December 30, 2012 Introduction This database is an index containing more than 17,000 entries, (not unique individuals) assembled from a variety of official documents. Therefore, multiple entries for the same name could refer to two or more discrete individuals (with the same name) who appear on the same page of the original document, or the same individual who appears in multiple entries. The user of this information is responsible for determining the specific identity for any individual entry. Multiple page references for an individual in a single document indicate that the individual’s name is located in multiple places within that document. Supplemental information from the original source document (e.g. suffix, title, honorific, remarks, location, marital status, relationships, free black, etc.) that may help in the identification of the individual, is displayed following the person’s name. The names are shown in the index as they are spelled in the original documents. Hence, some names have errors in spelling or may be spelled using an alternative spelling (e.g. Payton / Peyton). The researcher is advised to check all possible phonetic spellings in this index to insure completeness of research. The transcriber and/or the indexer has inserted [bracketed data] in this index for clarification or possible correction of the original data. Missing or illegible surnames and illegible Negro given names are indexed at the end of their respective lists. Organization of Data: Presently this database has three reports that can be accessed by the researcher. • Index of Prince William County people. • Index of Negroes (slaves) • Index of slave owners with their slaves. Each report provides the source of the original information using the following source codes and years. Source Code & Years: BT = Brent Town Survey: 1737 LL = Landholder List: 1746, 1762 LP = Legislative Petitions: 1776, 1778, 1779, 1780, 1781, 1782, 1783, 1785, 1786, 1787, 1788, 1789, 1790, 1791, 1792, 1793, 1794, 1795, 1796, 1797, 1798, 1799 LT = Land Tax: 1782 MR = Colonial Muster Roll: Stafford 1701 PP = Personal Property Tax: 1782, 1783, 1800 RR = Rent Roll: Stafford 1723, 1729. Prince William 1735/36, 1738/39, 1751/52, 1753, 1754, 1758, 1760, 1761/62, 1767 A & B, 1773, 1777, 1779 SC = Short Census: 1779 TL = Tithable List: 1747, 1765 (3 lists) TP = Taxpayer List: 1751-1755 Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer, Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Nov 2012 ii TT = Tobacco Tenders, Stafford: 1724 VP = Voter Poll List: 1741, 1761 Source Data: Except as specified below, the source number in the index refers to the page of the original document (or the transcription) wherein the named individual is found. All of these source documents (or copies thereof) are available for use by researchers at RELIC. Additionally, some of the sources are available in other repositories or through various on-line archives. Source Citations, Exceptions & Notes: Although this is an index of Prince William County people, portions of present Prince William County were part of Stafford County prior to 1731. Therefore, the 1701 Muster Roll, the 1723 & 1729 Rent Rolls, and the 1724 Tobacco Tender list, all from Stafford County, are included in this index to provide continuity of PWC people prior to the establishment of PWC. Documents indexed: MR 1701 (Colonial Muster Roll) Source numbers shown refer to page numbers in: Eric G. Grundset, “Virginia Enters the Eighteenth Century,” Magazine of Virginia Genealogy, Volume 50, Number 1. (February 2012) RR 1723 (Rent Roll, Stafford County) Source numbers refer to transcript page numbers of original from Stafford County manuscripts in the Huntington Library, San Marino CA; Library of Virginia, Misc. Microfilm, Brock Collection, Accession 41008, Misc. Reel 4623, BR 297, Item (1) TT 1724 (Tobacco Tender list, Stafford County) Source numbers refer to transcript page numbers of original from “Virginia Colonial Papers, Folder 52” Library of Virginia, 1 microfilm reel, Miscellaneous Reel 612. (Richmond VA) This document consists of two parts: the area of the county south of Potomack Creek to the lower end of Overwarton Parish, (pp. 1-6) and the area of Stafford County between Aquia and Quantico, (pp. 7-10). The document names white males and slaves over age 10. Previous abstracts omitted the slave names. RR 1729 (Rent Roll, Stafford County) Source numbers refer to pages in: Vogt, John and T. William Kethley, Jr., Comps. Stafford County, Virginia Tithables, Quit Rents, Personal Property Taxes and related lists and petitions, 1723-1790, Athens: Iberian Pub Co., (1990) RR 1735 – 1736: (Rent Roll) The source number refers to the column number of the original document: “Rent Roll, Pce Willm Coty Hamilton Parish.” Transcribed by Donald L. Wilson, published in Newsletter of the Prince William County Genealogical Society, (Feb 1987). BT 1737: (Brent Town Survey) Individual tenants are indexed by the name of the Water Course along which their land was located: T = Town Run; W = White Oak Branch; C = Cedar Run; S = Slaty Run; K = Kettle Run; and B = Broad Run. “The Brent Town Survey of 1737,” by Donald L. Wilson, (RELIC, Bull Run Regional Library), created from hand-colored map of the survey, University of Virginia Library, Manuscripts Division (ac. No. 5200) Charlottesville, VA Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer, Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Nov 2012 iii RR 1738 – 1739: (Rent Roll) Individuals are indexed by the page numbers of the transcription. Pages 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, & 11 of the original document were damaged, resulting in approximately 91 entries missing a name or portion thereof. Transcribers have made an effort to reconstruct the missing names by comparing surviving data with comparable information in other Rent Rolls. The reconstructed names are shown in [brackets]. “Rent Roll from Michaelmass 1738 to Michaelmass 1739” Prince William County, Virginia, manuscripts in the Huntington Library, 1 microfilm reel (366 frames); RELIC Microfilm 975.527 Pri. VP 1741: (Voter Poll) Individuals are indexed by the initial of the candidate for whom they voted: F = Wm Fairfax, C = Col Jno Colville, B = Maj Blackburn, P = Val Peyton, and H = Thos Harrison. “Poll for the Election of Burgesses for the County of Prince William in 1741” as found in: Gleanings of Virginia History, Wm. F. Boogher, pp. 116-120. LL 1746: (PWC and FFX Landholder List of Persons living elsewhere.) Individuals indexed by their residence location. KG = King George; L = Lancaster; N = Northumberland; R = Richmond; S = Stafford; Wc = Westmoreland, Cople Parish; Ww = Westmoreland, Washington Parish. “Sundry Persons holding Lands et al”; Prince William County, Virginia, manuscripts in the Huntington Library, 1 microfilm reel (366 frames); RELIC Microfilm 975.527 Pri. TL 1747: (Tithable List, Western Dettingen Parish) The source numbers refer to the column number in the original document wherein the named individual is found. Transcribed by Donald L. Wilson, RELIC Library, from microfilm copy of original from Virginia State Library produced Nov 1947. TP 1751-1755: (Taxpayer List, Hamilton Parish) Original document has been lost. The source numbers refer to the page of Newsletter of the Prince William County Genealogical Society, December 1991, where the original data was last published. Originally published: “ List of Taxpayers, Elk Run and Vicinity, 1751.” Bulletin of the Fauquier Historical Society, June 1923, pp. 239-242. RR 1751-1752: (Rent Roll) Individuals are indexed by the page numbers of the transcription. “A Rental for Prince William County from Michalmas 1751 to Ditto 1752”; Prince William County, Virginia, manuscripts in the Huntington Library, 1 microfilm reel (366 frames); RELIC Microfilm 975.527 Pri. RR 1753: (Rent Roll) Individuals are indexed by the page numbers of the original document. This document, transcribed by Louis A. Daniels, was published in the Newsletter of the Prince William County Genealogical Society, December 1992 – August 1993. “A Rental for Prince William County for the Year 1753”; Prince William County, Virginia, manuscripts in the Huntington Library, 1 microfilm reel (366 frames); RELIC Microfilm 975.527 Pri. RR 1754: (Rent Roll) Individuals are indexed by the page numbers of the original document. “A Rental for Prince William County for the Year 1754”; Prince William County, Virginia, manuscripts in the Huntington Library, 1 microfilm reel (366 frames); RELIC Microfilm 975.527 Pri. RR 1758: (Rent Roll) Individuals are indexed by the page numbers of the original document. “Memorandum of persons names yt paid their Quit rents In 1758”; Prince William County, Virginia, manuscripts in the Huntington Library, 1 microfilm reel (366 frames); RELIC Microfilm 975.527 Pri. Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer, Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Nov 2012 iv RR 1760: (Rent Roll) Individuals are indexed by the page numbers of the original document. “A Rentall for the County of Prince William for the Year 1760”; Prince William County, Virginia, manuscripts in the Huntington Library, 1 microfilm reel (366 frames); RELIC Microfilm 975.527 Pri. VP 1761: (Voter Poll) Individuals are indexed by the initial of the candidate for whom they voted: B = Col John Baylis; C = Mr. Landon Carter Junr; CA = Capt Wm Carr; E = Mr. Wm Ellzey; L = Col Henry Lee; M = Mr. Thomas Machen; P = Col Henry Peyton; T = Majr Foushee Tebbs. Original data abstracted from the Prince William County Deed Book, 1761-1764 by Ruth & Sam Sparacio, 1989. LL 1762: (Landholders List) Individuals are indexed by the page numbers of the transcription, “A True List of the Landholders in Prince William 1762”; Source: “Virginia Proprietors Office. List of Landholders 1762” Prince William County, Virginia, manuscripts in the Huntington Library, 1 microfilm reel (366 frames); RELIC Microfilm 975.527 Pri. RR 1761-1762: (Rent Roll) Individuals are indexed by the pages of the original document. “A Rentall for the County of Prince William for the Year 1761 by Majr Foushee Tebbs”; Prince William County, Virginia, manuscripts in the Huntington Library, 1 microfilm reel (366 frames); RELIC Microfilm 975.527 Pri. TL 1765: (Tithable Lists) This index includes three separate lists. Source numbers refer to the compiler of each list (P=Payton, R=Reno, and T=Tebbs) and the column number of the original document. Peyton’s and Tebb’s lists identify every Tithable, including slaves; Reno’s list does not. (Reno only identifies the landowners.) Additionally, in most cases, landowners are identified with acreage. “Prince William Tithables, 1765”; RG 35, Lost Local Ties, Library of Virginia, BC 1147493, Box 17. A somewhat deficient abstract of this list was published in Magazine of Virginia Genealogy, May-August 1992. RR 1767 A & B: (Rent Roll) These two lists are indexed by the page number of the original document. “A Rentall for the County of Prince William for 1767; Prince William County, Virginia, manuscripts in the Huntington Library, San Marino, California. 1 microfilm reel available at The Library of Virginia. Misc. Microfilm, Brock Collection, Accession 41008, Misc. Reel 4623, BR 294 Items (8a) & (8b). RR 1773: (Rent Roll) This list is indexed by page number of the original document. “A Rentall for the County of Prince William for 1773; Prince William County, Virginia, manuscripts in the Huntington Library, San Marino, California. 1 microfilm reel available at The Library of Virginia. Misc. Microfilm, Brock Collection, Accession 41008, Misc. Reel 4623, BR 294 Item (9). Also published in Northern Virginia Genealogy, vol. 3, no. 1 (1998), pp. 24-28. RR 1777: (Rent Roll) This list is indexed by the page number of the original document. “A Rentall for the County of Prince William for the Year 1777; Prince William County, Virginia, manuscripts in the Huntington Library, 1 microfilm reel (366 frames); RELIC Microfilm 975.527 Pri. RR 1779: (Rent Roll) Page numbers shown refer to page numbers in Magazine of Virginia Genealogy, Volume 33, Number 3. August 1994, wherein the original data was published. (Available at RELIC and Also published as Dennis Hudgins, “Prince William County Rentals, 1779,” Magazine of Virginia Genealogy, vol. 32, no. 3 (August 1994), pp. 192-200. Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer, Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Nov 2012 v SC 1779: (Short Census) PWC people (list of citizens who turned in bank notes to the continental loan office) abstracted from “A Short Census of Virginia –1779” by William H. Dumont, National Genealogical Society Quarterly, Vol. 46, No 4 (December 1958), pp. 163-211. Abstracted information republished in Prince William Reliquary, Vol. 4, No 1 (January 2005), p. 24. PP 1782: (Personal Property Tax) Page numbers refer to the pages in Joan Peter’s 1996 transcription of the original document, as updated and revised by the RELIC staff. Numbering system includes 6 lists produced by 5 compilers: 1B=Alexander Brown’s list vs.1; 1T=John Tyler’s list; E = James Well Jar’s list; 2B = Alexander Brown’s list vs.2; 2T = William Tebb’s list and H = Burr Harrison’s list. (Note: Alexander Brown’s version 2 list is an abbreviated summary of his version 1 list, containing only property owners names, with minor differences in name spelling and contains only three names which are not included in version 1.) LT 1782: (Land Tax) Source number correspond to the page number of Charlotte Cain’s 2007 transcription of the original document, which has been updated and revised by RELIC staff. “Land Tax in Prince William 1782”; Prince William County, Virginia, manuscripts in the Huntington Library, 1 microfilm reel (366 frames); RELIC Microfilm 975.527 Pri. (Note: This record also has a two page “Part B” that does not add any additional information; hence, it is not included in this index.) PP 1783: (Personal Property Tax) Page numbers refer to the pages of Prince William: The Story of Its People and Its Places, (Appendix A), WPA in Virginia, 1941, wherein the manuscript was originally published. (Expanded Ed 1988, Bethlehem Club, Manassas, Va.) Original manuscript deposited in the Division of Archives, Virginia State Library, Richmond. (Available at RELIC and PP 1800: (Personal Property Tax) Page numbers refer to the transcript published in The Virginia Genealogist, John Frederick Dorman, ed; Vol. 50, No 2 (Apr-Jun 2006) pp. 95-103, and Vol. 50, No. 3 (JulSep 2006) pp. 190-200. (Available at RELIC and LP Legislative Petitions are grouped together by the year of the petitions. Individuals are indexed by the letter corresponding to the petitions listed for the date shown below. Source numbers refer to the volume and page number in Magazine of Virginia Genealogy. Jean Pickett Hall, “Legislative Petitions from Virginia Counties with Significant Record Losses.” (Available at RELIC and ) 1776: A. B. C. D. E. F. May 19th (Petitions of Baptists of Prince William County) [MVG 35: 102] Oct 12th (Petitions of Baptists at Occoquan) [MVG 30: 176] Oct 17th (Petition of Militia) [MVG 30: 176-177] Nov 2, (Freeholders and others Petition about rents) [MVG 30: 177-178] Nov 5, (Blackburne petition for arms, supplies, & training) [MVG 30: 176] Nov 18 (H. Fields petitions for restitution of uncollectible rents) [MVG 30: 178] 1777: May 30, 1777 (Thomas Collis petitions for war restitutions) [MVG 30: 178] 1778: A. Nov 14, (Electors petition to change wages of Gen Assembly) [ MVG 30:178-179] Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer, Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Nov 2012 vi B. Nov 21, (James Scott petitions Gen Assembly for land) [MVG 30: 179] 1779: A. May 21, (William Grayson petitions the Gen Assembly to enclose his lots for pasture) [MVG 30:179-180] B. Oct 14, (Inhabitants of Prince William County petition to move the county court from Dumfries to the center of the county) [MVG 30:180-182] C. Oct 14, (Relief of penalties and taxes for citizens omitted in the oath of fidelity to the state.) [MVG 30:182] 1780: A. May 10, (Warehouse inspectors petition for salary increase due to depreciation of paper money.) [MVG 30:182] B. May 16, (PWC inhabitants petition House of Del to leave the court house at Dumfries.) [MVG 30: 182-184] 3 petitions C. May 25, (PWC inhabitants petition to inquire into the conduct of Meriwether Smith.) [MVG 30: 184-185] 1781: A. June 7, (Petition by Mann Page for Legislature to grant a hearing on behalf of John Tayloe’s slave Billy, condemned to die for treason by PWC Court.) [MVG 30: 185] B. Dec 14, (Petition by John McMillian for compensation for the loss of horses stolen while used by PWC militia during the war.) [MVG 30: 185] 1782: May 27, (Petition by Freeholders and inhabitants of PWC to establish Circuit Courts in Virginia, et al.) [MVG 30: 186-187] 1783: June 18, (Petition by Elizabeth Whiting to sell part of Beverly Whiting’s land in PWC. No other names are listed in this source. [MVG 30: 187] 1785: A. December 9, (Petition to determine and fund the most convenient and direct road from the upper line of Fauquier County to Dumfries.) [MVG 30: 187] B. December 9, (Petition by PWC Freeholders to repeal House of Delegates foreign vessel restriction act of May 1784 for economic reasons.) [MVG 30: 187-188] C. December 9, (Same as B. above.) [MVG 30: 188] 1786: A. November 21, (Petition to augment the number of trustees of the Town of Dumfries with persons living in the town.) [MVG 30: 188] B. December 6, (PWC Freeholders again petition to repeal the 1784 act restricting foreign vessels to certain ports.) [MVG 30: 188-189] 1787: Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer, Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Nov 2012 vii A. October 27, (Petition to establish a town on Cuthbert Bullitt’s land at the confluence of Quantico Creek and the Potomac River.) [MVG 30: 189] B. November 19, (Inhabitants of the town of Dumfries petition to establish ordinances in the Town of Dumfries for the regulation and enforcement of good order and economic life.) [MVG 30: 189-191] 1788: A. November 1, (PWC Freeholders petitioned to establish an additional tobacco inspection station and storage facilities in or near Dumfries.) [MVG 30: 324-326.] Two petitions. B. November 3, (PWC Freeholders petitioned to establish an additional tobacco inspection station and storage facilities in or near Dumfries.) [MVG 30: 326-329.] Two petitions. C. November 7, (Willoughby Tebbs petitions House of Delegates to establish a town on land he owns at the mouth of Quantico Creek.) [MVG 30: 329] D. November 21, (Merchants and Freeholders of Dumfries and PWC petition to establish a tobacco inspection warehouse on lands of Cuthbert Bullitt near the town of Newport.) [MVG 30: 329331.] Three petitions. 1789: A. November 12, (Ann Dantignae petitioned the General Assembly requesting a divorce from her husband John Dantignae.) [MVG 30: 331-332] B. November 16, (Augustine Seaton petitioned the General Assembly for reimbursement of money he paid for the purchase of horses for public use.) [MVG 30: 332] 1790: A. November 6, (John McMillian petitioned the House of Delegates for relief of damages from judgement against him for his work as sheriff of PWC.) [MVG 30:332] B. (List of PWC residents who are in arrears in taxes prior to the year 1790.) List was filed with PWC Court on September 5, 1791. Copy of list included with the Legislative Petition listed above. Microfilm of original list: “Virginia General Assembly, Legislative Petitions;” Prince William county 1776-1819. Library of Virginia, Reel 164, Acc # 36121. [MVG 30: 332-335] C. November 6, (Ja Ewell, late sheriff of PWC, petitioned House of Delegates to remit uncollected interest and damages due on taxes in 1786 and 1787 due to unfavorable farming conditions.) Petition also includes certification by 14 citizens attesting to acquaintance and concurrence with Ja Ewell. [MVG 30: 335] 1791: A. October 26, (John Crittendon & Luke Cannon petitioned for reimbursement of a legal judgement related to military service in the Revolutionary War.) [MVG 30: 335] B. November 12, (John McMillian petitions for remission of interest and damages on delinquent taxes that he was responsible for collecting.) [MVG 30: 336] 1792: A. October 4, (John Crittendon and Luke Cannon again petitioned for reimbursement of a legal judgement related to military service in the Revolutionary War.) [MVG 30: 336] Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer, Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Nov 2012 viii B. October 6, (Some PWC freeholders and inhabitants petitioned the General Assembly to review procedures for collecting debts.) [MVG 30: 336] 1793: A: October 24, (Alexander Brown petitioned the General Assembly for relief as appropriate from damages against him for taxes he was unable to collect as PWC high sheriff.) [MVG 30: 336] B: November 4, (Jesse Ewell petitions the General Assembly to reduce the number of tobacco inspections to one per warehouse.) [MVG 30: 336] 1794: November 26, (William Jacob petitioned the General Assembly for reimbursement of a valuable gun which was taken from him for use by the militia during the war. [MVG 30: 336337] 1795: A: November 11, (PWC Citizens petitioned the General Assembly for a bond issuance to clean up Quantico Creek shipping channel and to back the bond with a toll on all produce being so shipped.) [MVG 30: 337-338] B: November 14, (Jacob Egborn petitioned the House of Delegates for a divorce from his wife Delilah. A certificate signed by inhabitants of Dumfries is included in support of Mr. Egborn.) [MVG 30: 338] C: November 21, (Some citizens of PWC petitioned the General Assembly to augment the capital of the Bank of Alexandria with $350,000.) [MVG 30: 339] D: November 23, (Nathaniel Ellicott and Isaac Mcpherson petitioned the House of Delegates for permission and money to build a toll bridge over the Occoquan River near Occoquan Mills.) [Petition signatures include citizens of Prince William, Fairfax, and Loudon Counties. MVG 30: 339-340] 1796: A: November 11, ( William Linton and William Carter petitioned the legislature for compensation for additional work they performed inspecting tobacco in the state warehouses.) [MVG 30: 340341] B: November 12, (Thomas Harrison petitioned the General Assembly to authorize his commission of two and one half percent on taxes he collected.) [MVG 30: 341] C: November 19, ( Inhabitants of Dumfries and proprietors of Quantico Creek Company petitioned the House of Delegates for approval to collect tolls on commerce on Quantico Creek to be used to improve the navigation of said creek by constructing a canal. [MVG 30: 341-342] 1797: Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer, Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Nov 2012 ix A: December 7, (Various citizens of PWC petitioned the Legislature to establish the town of Buckland on lands belonging to John Love on the Broad Run near Love’s Mill.) MVG 30: 342344] Two petitions. B: December 9, ( William Linton and William Carter again petition the Legislature to approve compensation for them for extra work they performed following the closure of the Dumfries Inspection Warehouse in 1794.) [MVG 30: 344] 1798: December 10, (William Skinker petitions the House of Representatives to establish a town on his property where two major roads intersect.) Two lists: trustees and petitioners. [MVG 30: 344-345] 1799: A: December 16, (The owners of two contiguous mills on the River Occoquan petition the General Assembly to grant them a flour inspector at a salary of 2 cents per barrel.) [MVG 30: 345] B: December 16, (Sundry freeholders and farmers petition the General Assembly to extend the charter of the Bank of Alexandria for a term of twenty years.) [MVG 30: 346] C: December17, (Freeholders and other inhabitants of PWC petitioned the House of Delegates to sell Dittengen Parish Glebe, invest the proceeds, and use income from same to educate poor children.) [MVG 30: 346-348] Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer, Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Nov 2012 x Abbreviations, Contractions, and Terms: A variety of abbreviations, contractions, and terms were used by the various record compilers throughout the collection of documents contained in the RELIC Collection of Prince William County People. The purpose of this finding aid is to assist the researcher by describing/defining these terms in 21st Century English. In some instances, a particular term may have more than one use and corresponding meaning, in which case the index compiler has attempted to include all variations that applied during the 18th Century. A Absolm Abr Abrm Acs aka Alexr , Alexandr Anto , Anty Arrs Absolum Abner Abraham acres of land also known as Alexander Anthony arrears; behind in payment B Ballnce ; Balce Benja Bot Balance Benjamin bought C Call’d Capt Carrd CC, Cl Chargd Childn Chrisr Chas;Chs Csh Colo, Colo, Coll comn Compa of foot Corpll Corrontt Cot. Coy; Cty , Co.ty Cudbt called; named Captain (military rank) Carried (carrd over) County Clerk, Clerk of the Court Charged; assessed to Children Christopher Charles cash Colonel (senior military rank) commission (payment based on value) company of soldiers (infantry) Corporal (enlisted military rank) Coronet: Junior officer, now 2d Lieutenant. court county Cudbert D Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer, Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Nov 2012 xi Danl, Danl Decd, decd Do, Do Dr, Dor Dragoon Drumor Du Daniel deceased Ditto, (repeating the immediately preceding information.) Medical Doctor Mounted infantry; cavalry soldiers Drummer due E Edw, Edwd Elder Ensign Eph; Ephr Esqr Este ; Est Ex, Exrs, exers exd &c Edward Eldest of more than one person with the same name Junior officer military rank Ephraim Esquire, lawyer estate executor of an estate examined et cetera F Fauqr Foot, of Fra, Fras Fredk From whom Fauquier County Infantry unit Francis Frederick (County) from whom owner obtained the land G Gabl Genl Gabriel General (military rank) Geo, Geoe , Go George H Hen, Hy Honble ; Honle Horse, of Hows Hrs, hrs Henry Honorable Mounted soldiers Howson heirs of the deceased owner I Idem the same; previously cited, mentioned or referred to. Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer, Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Nov 2012 xii Igns Inqr Ignatius Inquiry J Jas, Jas Jhn, Jno Jono , Jona Jos, Jos Junr, jur, Jnr James John Jonathan Joseph Junior (see also younger) K KGC , K.G. King George County L Lancr Ld Lenrd Lieutt , Ltt Lancaster County land Leonard Lieutenant, (Officer military rank) M Majr ; Major Margt Mercht ; Marcht Michal Michalmas; Michaelmass Major (military rank) Margaret merchant Michael Michaelmas, 29 September, the day of St.Michael Money: £ S,s D,d Pound = 20 shillings (approximately) Shilling = 12 pence (approximately) Pence Mr Mrs Mw Mister, honorific for gentleman Mistress, honorific for married gentlewoman Matthew N Nata Nathal nee Nehemh Northumbd , North.d N, No, Ns, Nego, Negs Nathanial maiden name Nehemiah Northumberland County Negro(es) O ordinary license Orps, orphs Oversr, Ovr , Overr, overseer Licensed to sell alcoholic drinks from their property orphans One who supervises the work of others. Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer, Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Nov 2012 xiii Over P p ; per ; of pd Patroller, patrolr Patt, pat Pohick Pr Ct ; pr Cent PWm Q Qtr, qr quarter, Qt master Que Quitrent Current owner claims more land than the proprietor has recorded. according to--paid Person authorized to patrol for security and escaped slaves. Patent; Grant of land made by the Sovereign. Pohick per cent Prince William County One who owns tenant farmer/ slave quarters. Quartermaster (provides supplies to the military) indicates a question or query Effectively a land tax precluding the occupier from having to perform other services for the owner. R Rachl Raw: Recd Rect ; Rt Regl Rem Rentl Revd Richd , Rd Richm.d Robt, Rt Rachael Rawleigh, Rawley received receipt Reginald removed; owner left the county rental Reverend Richard Richmond County Robert S Saml; Samll Sart, Sarjant Scarl’t Sr Sterg Samuel Sergeant (senior enlisted military rank) Scarlett (male name) Senior (see also elder) sterling T Tobacco Tender by Colonial Statute) Tobo; tobo A laboring person tending tobacco plants ( limit defined Tobacco, often a form of payment for land rent or tax Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer, Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Nov 2012 xiv Thos Thomas U V Valn WXYZ Want’g possessed) W.d. , Westmd , West.d Whence Widdo wido Wm, Willm Valentine lacking (owner no longer claims lands he has Westmoreland County see “from whom” above. widow William Xtopher Christopher ye the younger yrs youngest of three or more persons with the same name years Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer, Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Nov 2012 xv Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source 1738 - 1739 1 Adams, Gavan MR 1701 7 Adams, Gavin RR 1735 - 1736 1 Adams, Gawen RR 1738 - 1739 1 Adams, Geo PP 1800 190 PP 1800 190 LP 1780 B 183 TL LP 1765 1785 R2 C 188 VP 1741 C,H LP 1788 B 328 PP LP 1782 1785 H2 A 187 TL 1765 T9 Adams, John LP 1788 A 326 Adams, R'd PP 1800 95 Adams, Richard PP 1782 1B6 1778 A 179 LP 1799 C 347 PP 1800 190 PP 1782 E1 TT RR BT 1724 1735 - 1736 1737 LP PP 1790 1800 B 333 190 PP 1783 203 PP LP PP 1783 1790 1800 203 B 333 190 Senr RR RR BT TP 1723 1735 - 1736 1737 1751 - 1755 Senr TT 1724 8 RR 1735 - 1736 1 TL TL 1747 1747 8 8 RR 1758 1 TT TP 1724 1751 - 1755 8 43 RR 1751 - 1752 1 Adams, Sarah RR 1754 1 Adams, Thomas TL 1765 R5 LT 1782 5 Adams, Valentine PP 1800 190 LP PP LP LP PP 1778 1783 1787 1790 1800 A 178 203 B 191 B 332 190 Adams, Velentine PP 1800 190 LP 1799 C 347 LP LP LT PP PP 1776 1778 1782 1782 1783 D 177 A 178 13 1B1 203 LT PP LP 1782 1782 1786 9 2T3 B 189 TT 1724 8 TT RR BT 1724 1735 - 1736 1737 Abbitt, Roger Abbot, Roger Abbott, Roger Abel, James Abel, William 8 1 B Adams, Henry Abell, Jame Abell, James Adams, Jacob Adams, James Abell, Richd Abillean, George Adams, Jno Able, James Ables, James Abot, John Acins, Robert Acors, Jas Junr Acres , Thomas Heirs Acres, Thomas Airs Heirs Acres, Thos Heirs Adams, Ben Source Info LP A[---------], [Tho]mas RR Date(s) 2 1 B 43 Adams, Richd Adams, Charles Adams, Walter Adams, Chas Adams, Wm Adams, Danl Adams, Fras Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 1 8 1 K Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info TP 1751 - 1755 LP 1779 B 180 TL 1747 3 LP 1779 B 181 Source 43 Alexander, Jarrard Junr. Alexander, Jno Addams, Abednigo Addams, Abraham Addams, Gaven Date(s) Source Info PP 1800 95 VP TL 1741 1765 C,F R6 LL LT 1746 1782 S 17 MR LL 1701 1746 7,9 S LP PP 1798 1800 345 95 MR RR LP PP 1701 1723 1795 1800 16 2 B 338 190 PP 1782 E5 TL LP LP PP LP PP 1765 1776 1779 1783 1786 1800 R5 C 176 B 181 203 B 189 95 RR RR RR LT PP LP LP 1773 1777 1779 1782 1782 1790 1790 3 3 192 17 E6 A 332 C 335 PP 1782 1T8 RR 1754 1 RR RR 1751 - 1752 1753 1 2 PP 1800 190 PP 1800 190 PP 1800 190 LP PP 1790 1800 B 333 190 Alexander, John Addams, Jacob Est. LP 1788 B 329 LP 1779 B 181 PP [*] admans, [No First Name] Orphans RR Adrinton, Winiford PP Aeres, Thomas Heirs RR [?]agg, Joel LP Ailiff, Thomas PP Ailiff, William PP Akbrey, Francis RR Aldrige, Nathanial LP Aleson, Rob LP [?], Alexander LP Alexander, [No First Name] Capt TL Capt; Quarter TL Alexander, Garrot VP Alexander, Gerard Jr. LP Alexander, Gerd VP Alexander, Hecter LP Alexander, Hector LP LP LP Alexander, Huton LP Alexander, Huton LP Alexander, Jarrard Senr. PP 1800 190 1723 3 1783 203 1753 2 1785 B 188 Alexander, Phillip Capn of Foote Addams, Walter Adie, William Alexander, Richard Alexander, Robert Alexander, Thornton Alexander, William 1783 203 Lieut and Coll 1783 203 1723 2 1788 A 325 1795 D 340 1788 B 329 1747 1747 4 4 1741 F Aliff, Thos A 337 Allen, Archd C Allen, Archebald 1795 1741 1785 A 187 1786 1796 1799 B 189 C 342 B 346 Alexander, Wm Colo Allen, Catharine Allen, Charles Allen, Ignatius 1787 ? B 191 Allen, Jesse 1786 A 188 1800 95 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Allen, Jno 12/30/2012 Page 2 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Capt Capt Fredericksburg Capt Allen, John Capt Date(s) Source Info RR RR VP RR RR RR 1723 1735 - 1736 1741 1751 - 1752 1751 - 1752 1754 2,3 1 F 1 1 1 RR VP RR 1738 - 1739 1741 1753 1 B 2 Source Ames [?], John Corporall Amis, Wm Date(s) Source Info VP RR RR RR 1741 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 H,P 1 2 1 MR 1701 16 LT 1782 5 TT 1724 7 RR RR RR 1767 A&B 1773 1779 10,9 12 197 PP PP 1783 1800 203 95 RR 1761 - 1762 3 RR 1760 1 LP 1788 B 327 MR 1701 11,12 PP 1800 190 PP 1800 190 PP PP LP LP PP 1782 1783 1788 1797 1800 E1 203 A 326 A 344 95 LP 1780 B 183 LP 1795 B 338 LP PP PP LP LP LP LP LP PP 1780 1782 1783 1786 1788 1788 1790 1797 1800 B 183 2T3 203 B 189 A 326 B 327 B 332 A 344 95 PP 1800 95 TL 1765 T2 Anderes, Scott Anderson, [no first name] Allen, Joshua PP 1800 190 PP 1800 190 LP 1779 B 181 PP 1800 190 Anderson, Elizabeth PP 1783 203 Anderson, Elizth RR 1723 2 Anderson, Garrad PP 1800 190 RR RR 1723 1735 - 1736 Anderson, Geo. Capt-Trp of Horse Anderson, Gerard Allen, Richard (from Allan McCrae) Anderson, David Allen, Robert Allen, Samuel Allen, Thornton Allen, Wllm Allen, Zachariah Allerton, Isaac Colo Colo 2 1 Anderson, Hedgman Allin, Joh MR 1701 9 Anderson, James Allison, Thos L LP 1797 A 344 LP 1782 A 186 PP 1783 203 PP 1782 H3 Allison, Thos S. Allison, William Allison, Wm Anderson, Jarad Allson, Gilbert Anderson, Jno MR 1701 15 Ally, Wm Anderson, John PP 1782 H5 PP 1782 H2 MR 1701 12 RR 1738 - 1739 6 MR 1701 6 MR 1701 11 RR 1758 1 Alney, Rt Alten, Wm Alton, [No First Name] Capt Alton, John (Ocquan) Anderson, John (son of James) Anderson, John Baptis Ambras, Tho Ambros, [No First Name] Wido Ambross, John Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 3 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Anderson, John Baptist Source Info Annis, Tomkins TL 1765 R2,T2 Anderson, Joseph PP 1800 190 Senr. PP 1800 190 Junr. PP 1800 190 TL LP 1765 1779 R3 B 181 RR 1751 - 1752 LP 1788 B 327 PP LP 1783 1790 203 B 332 LP PP 1799 1800 C 347 190 TL 1747 7 MR 1701 16 LP Armistead Jr., [No first name] Mrs. TL Armistead, [No first name] Mrs.; Quarter TL Mrs. TL Armistead, J B LP Armistead, John LP Armistead, William PP Armstead, A B LP Armstead, John Est. LT PP PP Armstead, Robt. TP Armstrong, William Occoquan Mills PP Arnall, Charles LP Arnell, Wm LP Arnold, Charles PP LP PP 1788 B 327 1765 P3 1765 1765 P3,P5,R7 P5 1795 A 338 1779 B 181 1800 95 1795 A 338 1782 1782 1783 20 1T4 203 Annis, William LP 1779 B 181 Anderson, Neal Annis, William LP 1788 B 328 Anderson, Nich Anniss, Wm VP 1741 B,F LP LP 1776 1776 A 102 B 176 Anderson, Nicholas Anvell, Thomas Anderson, Patrick 1 Aplebey, George MR 1701 11 Anderson, Presley Appleby, George LP 1786 B 189 LP PP 1790 1800 B 333 190 Appleby, Robert PP LP 1782 1788 H4 B 327 Arcer [Sircen ?], Andrew Anderson, Spence Anderson, Spencer Anderson, Thomas Aree [?], Mr. TL PP LP LP LP PP 1765 1783 1788 1790 1797 1800 R1,T8 203 A 326 B 332 A 344 95 PP LP 1782 1788 H3 B 328 Arells, Rhodham Anderson, Thos Anderson, Thos. TL 1765 T8 Anderson, Will Maust Anderson, William Maust Date(s) LP 1776 D 177 TT TL PP LP LP PP 1724 1765 1783 1788 1797 1800 8 R1,T8 203 D 330 A 344 190 LP LP 1788 1790 B 327 B 332 LP 1788 B 327 TL 1765 T2 TL 1765 T2 RR 1735 - 1736 Anderson, Wm Aniss, Wm Annes, Willm Annis , Willm Annis , Wm 1 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 4 1751 - 1755 44 1800 190 1799 C 347 1799 C 347 1783 1788 1800 203 A 325 190 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Arnold, Jno RR 1751 - 1752 PP LP LP 1783 1788 1790 203 A 325 B 332 PP 1800 190 PP 1800 190 PP 1800 190 LP 1788 A 325 RR 1761 - 1762 LP PP 1790 1800 VP RR RR VP LL RR RR RR PP 1741 1751 - 1752 1753 1761 1762 1761 - 1762 1767 A&B 1773 1800 F,H 1 2,25 L,P 1 3 1,1 3 190 RR RR RR RR 1754 1760 1777 1779 1 1 3 192 Source Info RR LL RR TL RR RR RR RR 1760 1762 1761 - 1762 1765 1767 A&B 1773 1777 1779 1 1 3 R2 1,1 3 3 192 RR RR RR LT 1760 1761 - 1762 1761 - 1762 1782 1 3 3 9 LL TL TL RR RR RR RR 1762 1765 1765 1767 A&B 1773 1777 1779 TL 1765 T1 LP 1788 B 327 LL 1746 Wc RR RR 1751 - 1752 1753 PP 1782 H5 BT 1737 T RR 1761 - 1762 TT 1724 9 TT 1724 9 PP 1783 203 LT PP 1782 1782 5 H4 VP 1741 F VP 1741 C,F VP Ashmore, [No First Name] Widow RR 1741 C,H 1 Arnold, John Arnold, Lettice Arnold, William Date(s) Ash, Geo Arnold, William ? Arnold, Wm Ash, George Arrington, [No first name] 3 Arrington, Richard B 333 190 Arrington, Thomas Ash, Zach Ashbey, William Ashbury, Ann Ashby, Benjamin Arrington, Thos Ashby, Jno Ashby, Nimrod PP 1800 190 Arrington, Wansf [ord] 23 Ashby, Robt RR 1735 - 1736 1 Arrington, Wansford Ashby, Tho RR RR LT 1723 1738 - 1739 1782 2 1 9 Ashby, William Arrington, Wantsford Ash, Franc of Powell Run Ash, Francis 1 2 Ashby, Elias Arrington, Wandsford Orpn 1 R2,T1 T1 1,1 3 3 192 Ashby, Wm LP 1790 B 333 RR 1761 - 1762 26 Ashford, Jno RR RR VP RR RR RR 1735 - 1736 1738 - 1739 1741 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 1 1 H,P 1 2 1 Ashford, Michl Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Ashford, Wm 12/30/2012 Page 5 1738 - 1739 1 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Widow Widdow Widow Major RR RR RR RR PP Date(s) Source Info 1751 - 1752 1753 1753 1754 1800 Source 1 20 2 1 196 Date(s) Source Info Askins, Wm LT PP 1782 1782 5 H2 LP 1788 A 325 PP LP 1783 1790 203 B 333 LP 1779 B 182 PP 1800 95 LP PP 1779 1783 B 181 203 PP 1782 1T5 PP 1782 1T5 PP 1782 1T5 PP 1782 1T5 RR 1761 - 1762 PP 1800 190 PP 1800 190 PP 1800 190 PP 1800 190 PP 1800 190 LP 1788 D 330 PP 1782 1B7 RR TL PP LP 1753 1765 1783 1799 2 R1,T8 203 B 346 RR RR LL RR RR RR RR LP 1754 1760 1762 1767 A&B 1773 1773 1773 1776 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 C 176 Athey, Ebineezer Athey, Elijah Ashmore, Jno RR 1735 - 1736 1 Jur. Ashmore, Walter LP 1788 D 330 Athey, Jn LP 1786 B 189 Athey, Robert RR VP LL RR RR RR LP PP LP PP 1760 1761 1762 1761 - 1762 1767 A&B 1777 1778 1783 1788 1800 1, 13 C,P 1 3,26 1,1 3 A 179 203 B 328 190 Athey, Thomas Ashmore, Walter E Ashmore, William Athie, Jn Athie, Tho Athie, Thomas Athie, Thos Ashmore, Wm RR RR LT PP 1773 1779 1782 1782 3 192 5 H4 PP 1800 190 VP 1741 C LP 1790 B 334 RR 1751 - 1752 1 TT RR RR RR RR LL RR RR RR 1724 1738 - 1739 1753 1754 1760 1762 1761 - 1762 1767 A&B 1777 9 1 2 1 1 1 3 1,1 3 RR 1773 3 RR 1760 1 RR RR PP 1777 1779 1783 3 192 203 Athim, [No first name] ? Athy, Ebenezer Athy, Elijah Askew, John Senr. Athy, Elijah Askford, Jno Athy, John Askin, William Athy, Jonas Askings, Edward Atkinson, John Askins, Edward Attwell, [No first name] Colo Attwell, Thomas Attwell, Thos Askins, Edwd Askins, Philip Askins, William Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 3 of Bigbie Est of Tyler Captain 12/30/2012 Page 6 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source [signature] Coll Colo Colo RR RR LP LP LT LT LT PP PP LP Date(s) Source Info 1777 1779 1780 1782 1782 1782 1782 1782 1782 1786 Source 3 192 C 184, 185 A 186 13 17 1 1B6/7 1B6 B 189 Jun 1788 B 328 3 PP 1800 95 Baily, Andrew 7 7 T8 Baker, Charles B,P -,1 D 177 A 178 A 180 B 327 Baker, John Atwell, Ann Atwell, Thomas 1800 1783 203 B 184 2T2 LP 1788 B 329 RR 1729 45 TL 1765 R2,T1 LL 1746 Wc MR 1701 17 LP 1779 B 180 RR 1753 3 RR 1753 10 Majr 1741 F,H RR RR RR 1773 1777 1779 5 4 193 TT 1724 4 RR 1738 - 1739 2 PP 1782 H3 RR RR 1723 1753 3 25 LP 1788 A 326 LP 1788 A 326 LL 1746 L LL 1746 L LL 1746 L LP 1779 B 182 SC 1779 1 PP 1800 95 LP 1788 B 326 RR 1760 10,13 RR 1751 - 1752 3 RR RR 1753 1754 3 2 TP 1751 - 1755 VP 1741 Baley, James Balinger, Jeremiah Aylett, William Balis, [No first name] Colo Ball, Edward Heirs Ball, Edward H. Heirs Ayliffe, Richard [?]aylse, Elijah Bagley, James Bagley, Wm Ball, Edwd Bagly, Pierce 43 Ball, Geo D 340 Bailes, Samuel Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List VP 43 Bales, William Axwell, Thomas 1795 1751 - 1755 Bale, Wm Awbrey, Frans LP TP Bale, Jesse Auston, Samuel Capn B 338 Bale, James Austin, Wm 1780 1782 1795 Bale, J 190 LP PP LP Baldrige, Mathew Austin, William PP B 328 A 337 96 Baker, Samuel Austin, Samuel PP 1788 1795 1800 Baker, Go Atwell, Thos 1741 1767 A&B 1776 1778 1779 1788 LP LP PP Bails, Wm LP VP RR LP LP LP LP 203 Bailiss, Wm 1761 - 1762 1747 1747 1765 1783 Bailey, Jas RR TL TL TL PP Bailey, James Atwell (?), Charles Major/ Colo Source Info Bailey, Carr Atwell Mrs. Date(s) C,H Ball, James 12/30/2012 Page 7 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Collo Date(s) Source Info RR TP 1751 - 1752 1751 - 1755 6 43 RR 1735 - 1736 2 MR RR 1701 1751 - 1752 10 2 RR VP 1723 1741 Source Source Info LP 1779 B 181 LP LP 1786 1786 A 188 B 189 MR 1701 15 MR 1701 12 TL 1765 R2 LP 1798 345 RR TT 1723 1724 3 4(5) RR 1753 25 LP LP LP LP LP 1778 1780 1782 1786 1788 A 178 B 183 A 186 B 189 B 328 LP 1787 B 191 RR RR 1751 - 1752 1753 1 2 RR 1754 1 PP 1800 96 RR RR 1729 1735 - 1736 45 2 TP 1751 - 1755 45 PP 1783 203 PP LP 1783 1790 203 B 334 LT 1782 5 PP 1783 203 PP 1800 191 PP 1800 191 TL PP 1765 1782 R5 2T2 Balmain, Andw Ball, Jas Capt Date(s) Ball, Jno Baltrop, William Reverd; Heirs Ball, John Banks, Gar:t 3 C,H Bannister, William Bannon, Joseph O Ball, Moses VP 1741 C,H Barbee/Barby, Thos Ball, Spencer PP 1800 96 TP 1751 - 1755 43 PP 1800 191 PP 1783 203 LP 1790 B 333 LP 1787 B 191 Barber, Jamy VP 1761 P Barber, Jno PP 1800 95 PP 1800 95 Ball, Thos Barber, [No First Name] Capt Barber, James Ball, Walter Ballandine, Fanny Miss Ballendine, Fannie Miss Ballendine, Frans Ballendine, John Ballenger, Anne Mrs. Ballenger, James Barber, John Ballenger, Jere Barber, Samuel PP 1782 E4 Ballenger, Jeremiah Barber, Thos LP PP 1779 1800 B 180 96 PP 1783 203 Cap. Ballenger, Jerry Barber, Wm Ballenger, John Barker, Burr PP 1782 E4 Ballenger, Joseph Barker, George PP 1783 203 PP 1782 E4 Barker, Go PP 1783 203 Barker, James PP 1782 E4 Barker, James TL LP LP 1765 1776 1779 R5 D 178 B 181 Barker, Jean LP 1779 B 181 Ballenger, Sam Ballenger, Samuel Ballenger, Susanna Ballinger, Joseph Mrs. Barker, John Ballinger, Samll Ballinger, William Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 8 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source (Brother Geo) Barker, John son of John Barker Barker, Joseph PP LP LP LP PP Date(s) Source Info 1783 1785 1788 1790 1800 Source 203 B 188 B 327 B 333 191 Source Info LP 1779 B 181 RR 1779 193 RR 1761 - 1762 5,26 RR VP LL TL RR 1760 1761 1762 1765 1767 A&B 2 L,P 1 R5 1,1 RR RR RR LT 1773 1777 1779 1782 4 4 193 14 TT 1724 7 PP 1800 191 RR 1758 1 LP 1799 B 346 PP 1800 96 LP 1799 C 347 LP PP 1799 1800 B 346 96 PP 1800 95 LP 1790 B 333 PP 1800 200 VP 1741 C,F RR 1738 - 1739 10 TP 1751 - 1755 Barton , [No First Name] Widow RR 1751 - 1752 Widdow RR 1753 Widdow RR 1754 Widow RR 1760 Barton [Barlor ?], [No First Name] Widow TL 1747 Barton, Wido RR 1761 - 1762 Barton, Bur 45 Barr, Elizth Newton &c Barr, Will Barr, William PP 1800 191 PP PP PP LP 1782 1782 1783 1788 1B4 2T2 203 A 326 LP LP PP PP 1780 1782 1782 1783 B 183 A 186 H2 203 Barraway, Patrick LP 1787 B 190 Barrett, Thomas B 189 Barriman, Maximilon Barr, Wm Barker, Joshua Est Barker, Jousha Barker, Joushua LP 1786 RR RR VP 1735 - 1736 1738 - 1739 1741 1 1 F,H Barron, H PP 1783 203 Barron, Henry A 326 Barron, Jesse Barker, Leond Barron, Henley Barker, Mary Barker, Mossey LP 1788 Barker, William PP 1800 191 VP 1741 F,P Barron, John Barker, Wm Barkley, [No first name] Coll Barlie, William Date(s) Barrott, Henry PP 1783 203 Barrott, Thos. LP 1790 B 333 Barry, Edw Barnes, William PP 1800 191 Barry, Edwd Barnes, Wm LP LP LP 1787 1795 1799 B 190 B 338 B 346 LP LP 1776 1776 A 102 B 176 TP 1751 - 1755 LP 1798 345 PP 1800 95 Bartlett, Thos Barnet, Daniel Barnet, Rchd 43 Barnett, Charles Barnett, John Barney, Wm Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 9 2 2 14 1 6 4 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source TT Date(s) Source Info 1724 Source 8 Barton, Burr Date(s) Source Info VP 1761 B,L TT 1724 1 PP 1800 95 VP 1741 C,H PP 1782 E7 MR 1701 6 TP 1751 - 1755 43 TT 1724 10 VP 1741 C RR 1773 4 LL RR TL RR RR RR 1762 1761 - 1762 1765 1767 A&B 1777 1779 2 20 T7 2,2 4 193 LL RR 1762 1767 A&B 2 2,2 RR RR RR RR 1761 - 1762 1773 1777 1779 20 4 4 193 MR 1701 9 RR 1758 1 RR 1758 2 RR RR 1753 1754 25 2 LP 1788 B 329 TL 1765 P2 RR LP 1738 - 1739 1795 1 D 339 RR 1735 - 1736 2 Bates, James RR RR RR RR RR RR RR 1735 - 1736 1738 - 1739 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 1760 1761 - 1762 1 1 3 3 2 1 4 Bates, Nehemiah Bates, Robert Bates, Wm Battey, Bryan Barton, Charles RR RR RR RR RR 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 1760 1761 - 1762 3, 10 3 2 2 4 TT 1724 8 RR RR RR RR RR 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 1760 1761 - 1762 3 3 2 2 5 MR 1701 RR 1735 - 1736 2 Baxter, Thomas Ben Striblings land TT TT RR 1724 1724 1738 - 1739 8 9 2 Baxter, Thos RR 1723 2 TT 1724 8 RR BT 1735 - 1736 1737 1 B Batts, Thos Battue, Peter Baugess, Robt Barton, Jas 13 yrs old Baxter, Jno Barton, Mary [2 entries] Baxter, John Ben Striblings land Barton, Tho [2 entries] 13 Barton, Tho: Barton, Thomas Junr [2 entries] [2 entries] Barton, Thos Barton, Valentine Baxtoe, Tho Sarjant Bay, Jeams [James] Barton, Valn Bayles, [No first name] Colo Bayley, James Bartons, Bur. BT Baseters, [No First Name] Orphs LL Basey, C Jno RR Basey, Edmond RR RR Basey, Jno RR TP Basey, John RR Basnett, Isaac 1737 C 1746 S 1751 - 1752 3 Bayley, Jas 25,26 1 Bayley, John 1753 1758 Oversr Bayley, William 1753 1751 - 1755 3 43 Bayley, Wm 1754 2 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Baylie, Wm 12/30/2012 Page 10 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source RR Baylis, [No first name] Colo Baylis, J. Date(s) Source Info 1754 Source 2 1761 - 1762 PP 1800 95 LP PP 1797 1800 A 344 95 PP 1782 E7 RR RR RR 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 2 2 1 RR RR VP 1735 - 1736 1738 - 1739 1741 1 1 C,F MR 1701 6 MR 1701 12 RR RR 1735 - 1736 1738 - 1739 1 1 RR 1751 - 1752 3 Junr LP PP 1795 1800 D 339 191 Jr LP 1799 B 346 TL 1747 4,7 RR 1723 2 LP 1788 D 330 TP 1751 - 1755 43 RR 1735 - 1736 1 TL 1765 R3,T2 PP 1782 2T3 PP 1800 191 LP 1788 B 328 MR 1701 5 TP 1751 - 1755 LP PP 1788 1800 22 RR 1760 7 Baytes, Elijah LP 1788 D 330 Beach, Alexander Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. RR RR RR 1773 1777 1779 5 4 193 Exr RR 1773 4 RR VP LL RR TL TL RR RR RR 1753 1761 1762 1761 - 1762 1765 1765 1767 A&B 1777 1779 Baylis, James Baylis, Jane Beach, Alexr Baylis, Jno Baylis, John 26 L,T 1 5,22,31 R2,T2 T2 2,1 4 193 Beach, Danll Beach, Peter Beach, Thos Beach, Will Beale, William LT PP 1782 1782 20 1T3 RR RR LP RR 1773 1777 1779 1779 4 4 B 182 193 Beale, Wm Baylis, Saml Bear, William Bearch, Alexander Baylis, Samuel VP LL TL RR PP 1761 1762 1765 1767 A&B 1783 Beard, Charles B,L 2 P1 2,2 203 Beard, Geo Beavan/s, Maurce Baylis, Samuel TL 1765 Beaver, Benjamin P1,R6 Baylis, William RR VP LL 1738 - 1739 1761 1762 Beavers, Ben: 4 B,L 1 Beavers, John Baylis, Wm Exrs Exrs Exrs Exrs Undr 21 Bayliss, Dudley Source Info Bayliss, William RR Colo Colo; Exrs Col Exrs Exrs Exrs Baylis, Sam Date(s) RR RR RR RR PP 1767 A&B 1773 1777 1779 1782 Beavers, Sam 2,2 4 4 193 1T3 Bebrings, John Corpll Beck, Peter 43 Beckley, William LP 1797 A 344 LP 1797 A 344 Bayliss, John Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List B 327 191 Beckwith, M B 12/30/2012 Page 11 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info LP 1795 TP Source D 340 Bennet , William 1751 - 1755 43 Bennet , Willm RR 1751 - 1752 3 Bennet, [Wil]liam VP 1741 C Bennet, Jno TP 1751 - 1755 43 Bennet, Mason LP 1779 RR 1738 - 1739 2 Bennet, William RR 1735 - 1736 2 LP 1788 B 327 Bennet, Wm Junr; 11 yrs Bennett PP LP 1783 1797 203 A 344 RR RR RR TP 1735 - 1736 1753 1754 1751 - 1755 2 3 2 43 RR LP LP 1738 - 1739 1788 1788 1 B 326 D 330 LP 1797 A 344 RR 1738 - 1739 PP 1782 1T4 LP PP 1790 1800 B 333 191 Bennett, Thos PP 1800 191 Bennett, Will LP 1788 B 327 Bennett, William LP 1798 345 Bennett, Wm MR 1701 6 RR 1723 3 LP 1788 B 327 MR 1701 8 LT 1782 5 Beech, Wm Capt. Begby, George Bekley, Wm Belfast, Jno 13 yrs Bell , James B 181 Bell, Alexander Doctr Bell, Alexr Bell, George Bell, James Bennett, [No first name] ? Mrs. Bennett, Chas Bell, Jno Rd Resd; Heirs Revd; heirs Source Info RR 1760 2 RR 1751 - 1752 2 TT 1724 RR 1751 - 1752 1 TT RR RR 1724 1760 1761 - 1762 10 1 4 RR 1735 - 1736 1 TT 1724 10 TP 1751 - 1755 43 PP PP 1782 1782 H6 H6 LP 1795 D 340 VP LL TL TL RR 1761 1762 1765 1765 1767 A&B L,P 1 R2,T1 T1 1,1 RR VP TL RR RR RR RR 1753 1761 1765 1767 A&B 1773 1777 1779 2 B,P R4,T10 2,2 4 4 193 PP 1782 1B5 RR 1761 - 1762 5,14 VP 1761 MR RR TL TL RR RR RR RR 1701 1738 - 1739 1765 1765 1767 A&B 1773 1777 1779 10 Bennett, Edward Bell, John decd Date(s) Bell, John G. Bennett, Mason Bell, Parson 2 Bell, Sam [Jam?] Bell, Thomas Bell, Thomas B. Bell, Thos Bell, William Bell, Wm Sarjant Bemitt, Willm Capt Benett, Brook Capt. Benfield, John Bennell, Wm Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List B,L 13 1 R1,T8 T8 2,1 4,5 4 193 Bennicks[?], Jo 12/30/2012 Page 12 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source [Bannister ?] Bennicks[?], William [Bannister ?] Bennit [?], William TL Date(s) Source Info 1765 Source T1 Heirs Date(s) Source Info RR 1754 2 RR RR 1723 1738 - 1739 TL TL 1747 1765 8 R3,T2 TL 1765 T2 Berry, Thos TL 1765 T1 TL 1747 6 VP 1741 F,H VP 1741 F,H 11 2 Berry, William Bennit, Jno Bennit, Mason Berry, Willm Bennit, William Berryman, John VP 1741 F,H RR 1754 1 RR 1753 2 RR LL 1754 1762 1 1 RR RR LL 1753 1754 1762 4 2 1 RR 1751 - 1752 1 LP LP LP 1788 1795 1795 A 325 A 337 B 338 LP 1788 B 328 LP 1788 B 329 LP 1788 B 328 LP 1790 B 333 LP 1787 B 190 LP 1779 B 181 LT 1782 20 VP 1741 F TT TL TL 1724 1747 1747 10 2 2 TP 1751 - 1755 43 RR RR 1751 - 1752 1753 3 3 orphs RR 1723 LT 1782 Bertiley & Fontaines, [No First Name] PP 1782 Bertiley, [No First Name] Mr. PP 1782 Bery, William LP 1788 Bethell, [unreadable] 10 yrs old TT 1724 Bethell, Edward 14 yrs old TT 1724 Bethell, Edwd PP 1782 Bethell, William TT 1724 Beuhanan, John RR 1760 Beurings [?], John MR 1701 Bevans, Morrice TT 1724 Beven, Thomas TL 1747 Bevens, Morris TL 1747 Bever, John LP 1788 Bevin, Maurice RR 1754 Bevins, Maurice RR 1753 Bevins, Morriss RR 1751 - 1752 Bibb, Benj TP 1751 - 1755 Biddle, Benjamin LP 1780 Bigbay, Estate RR 1767 A&B Bigbay, George Deced LL 1762 TL 1765 Bigbee, Elijah Bennitt, Jno Bennitt, John Bennitt, Mason Bennitt, William Bennt, Mason Benson, Charles Benson, James Benson, Z Benson, Zachariha Benson, Zacheriah Benson, Zackariah Bentley, Edmond Berkley, [No first name] Col. Berkley, Wm Berry, Edward Quarter Berry, Enoch Berry, Henry Heirs Heirs Berry, Heny Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 13 3 5 1T1 1T1 B 329 8 8 2T4 8 2 14 8 7 7 A 325 2 3 3 43 B 183 2,1 1 T4 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source LP 1780 B 183 for Bird's Est LP 1776 D 177 TL 1765 T9 Bird, Will RR RR 1760 1761 - 1762 2 26 Bird, William RR RR 1753 1761 - 1762 3 5 RR 1773 3 LP 1786 B 189 PP PP LP 1782 1783 1787 2T2 203 B 191 TL 1765 R1,T9 RR 1754 2 LT PP PP 1782 1782 1783 13 1B1 203 LP 1780 B 183 RR 1738 - 1739 LP 1788 B 327 TT 1724 7 PP 1783 203 LP 1786 B 189 TL 1765 R2,T2 LP LP 1776 1776 A 102 B 176 PP 1782 1B4 TL PP PP PP 1765 1782 1783 1800 R6 1B4 203 95 LP 1782 A 186 1782 1782 1782 1782 RR 1751 - 1752 TL RR TL RR RR RR RR PP PP 1747 1753 1765 1767 A&B 1773 1777 1779 1783 1800 RR 1754 2 LP LP PP LP LP 1776 1776 1782 1795 1799 A 102 B 176 1B4 D 340 C 347 LP 1790 B 333 PP 1782 1B9 TL 1747 1,6 LP 1788 A 326 RR 1723 3 VP 1741 Blackburn Estate, [No first name] of Powile RR 1761 - 1762 Blackburn, [No first name] Colonel; Quarter TL 1747 Mr. RR 1760 Estate LL 1762 Exrs RR 1767 A&B Blackburn, Col TL 1747 PP 1782 Blackburn, E RR 1760 Blackburn, Jno TP 1751 - 1755 Blackburn, Mary TL 1765 Mrs TL 1765 C Bigbey, Ann Bigbey, Geo Bigbey, George Bigbie, Elijah 13 14 1B4 1T7 3 6 3 R6 1,1 3 3 192 203 191 Bird, Willm Bird, Wm Bigby, Ann Bigby, George Biggs, John Birdwell, Isaac Birk, Jas Biglie, Rhodham Birt [Bird?], William Billings, Jasper 2 Bishop, William Billingsey, James Biven, [M]aurice Bingam, Xtopher Blachwell, Wm Birch, John Bird, Chas Bird, John Bird, Robert Bird, Tho Bird, Thomas Bird, Thos Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info LT LT PP PP Bigbee, George Bigbie, [No first name] Estate Bigbie, Eligh Date(s) 12/30/2012 Page 14 26 7 2, 3, 5,6, 7,8,13 2 -,2 7 1B5 6,11 43 T6 T6 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Mrs. TL Date(s) Source Info 1765 Source T6 Blackburn, Rd Colonel Blackburn, Richd Majr Colo Colo Colo RR 1751 - 1752 2 RR VP RR RR RR RR 1738 - 1739 1741 1753 1754 1760 1761 - 1762 1,7,10 C,F 3,26 2 1 4 Date(s) Source Info PP 1783 203 LP PP LP LP LP PP 1779 1782 1785 1788 1797 1800 B 180 1T10 A 187 A 325 A 344 96 VP 1741 C RR VP RR RR RR TP RR 1738 - 1739 1741 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 1751 - 1755 1758 LP 1797 Capt RR VP RR 1735 - 1736 1741 1753 2 H 3 Capt Capt RR RR 1751 - 1752 1754 2 1 Capt RR TP RR 1738 - 1739 1751 - 1755 1758 1 43 1 LT 1782 20 LP 1795 B 338 LP 1795 B 338 PP 1782 1B3 MR 1701 10 PP 1782 1B3 TL LP PP PP 1765 1779 1783 1800 R4 B 181 203 95 LT 1782 13 LP 1779 B 180 Blackwell, David [Two entries] Blackwell, Jno Blackburn, T Blackwell, Joseph LP 1782 A 186 LP LP 1778 1799 A 179 B 346 TL RR RR PP PP 1765 1767 A&B 1777 1783 1800 TT RR RR LT LT LT PP PP PP 1724 1773 1779 1782 1782 1782 1782 1782 1782 Blackburn, T. Blackburn, Thomas Colo T6 2,4 203 191 Blackwell, Lewis A 344 Blackwell, William Blackburn, Thos Col Colo Colo Col Col (Piney Branch) Col Colo Col Colo Blackburne, Rd 1 H 2 3 2 43 1 Capt 4 193 13 13 5 1B5 1B5 2T4 Blackwell, Willm Blackwell, Wm Blackwells, David RR 1735 - 1736 2 Blair, David Blackburne, T LP 1790 C 335 Blair, James Blackburne, T. LP LP LP LP 1776 1776 1780 1790 D 177 E 176 C 184 A 332 TL TL 1765 1765 P1 P1,R6 Blake, John Blake, Robt Blackerby, Joseph Blake, Thos not 21 Blake, William Blackley, Jno RR RR 1735 - 1736 1738 - 1739 2,4 12 RR 1738 - 1739 1 Blackley, Robert Blake, Wm Blackley, Robt RR 1735 - 1736 2 Blancet, Rhooham Blackman, Danl TT 1724 9 Blancett, [No first name] Blackwell, Daniel Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 15 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Mrs. Date(s) Source Info Source PP 1783 203 Jun PP 1783 203 Jur PP 1783 203 [Junior ?] LP 1799 C 347 Bland, Jas Born LT 1782 1 Bland, Jesse LP 1788 D 330 Bland, Jno LP 1790 B 334 TL 1765 R6 RR RR RR 1723 1735 - 1736 1738 - 1739 LP 1776 A 102 LP 1785 B 188 LP 1780 B 184 PP 1800 191 VP RR 1761 1761 - 1762 L,P 4 VP LL RR TL TL RR RR RR 1761 1762 1761 - 1762 1765 1765 1767 A&B 1777 1779 B,L 1 4,5 R2,T9 T9 1,1 4 193 RR 1773 Blancett, John Blancett, Rhodam Blancett, Rhodham Blancett, Rhody Blancett, Rodam Blancett, Rodham Bland , John Junr Bland, [No First Name] Widow Widow 3 1 1 Bland, [OsBorn] Date(s) Source Info RR RR RR RR RR RR 1753 1754 1754 1760 1760 1761 - 1762 2 1 1 1, 13 1 4 LP 1776 B 176 LP 1779 B 181 RR RR VP RR RR TL RR RR RR 1723 1738 - 1739 1741 1751 - 1752 1754 1765 1767 A&B 1773 1779 2 2 F,P 2 2 R5 1,4 193 RR RR VP LL RR RR LP LP LT 1753 1760 1761 1762 1761 - 1762 1777 1779 1780 1782 3 1 B,P 1 4,26 4 B 182 B 183 13 RR RR RR RR 1767 A&B 1773 1777 1779 VP 1741 F VP TL 1741 1747 P 5 RR 1735 - 1736 1 LT PP 1782 1782 4 1B2 PP 1783 203 RR RR RR LL TL 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 1762 1765 Bland, John Bland, Alen Bland, Allen Bland, Allin Bland, Arthur Bland, Benjamin Bland, Mary Exrs Exrs Exrs Exrs 2,2 4 4 193 Bland, Richd Bland, Robert Bland, Benjn 4 Bland, Robt Bland, Daniel LP 1779 B 181 Bland, Sam Bland, David LP 1782 RR RR RR VP RR RR RR 1723 1735 - 1736 1738 - 1739 1741 1751 - 1752 1751 - 1752 1753 A 186 Bland, James Junior Bland, Samuel 2 1 1 F,P 1 2 2 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Bland, Thomas 12/30/2012 Page 16 2 2 1 1 R4 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Decd RR RR PP LP Date(s) Source Info 1767 A&B 1777 1783 1790 Source 2,1 4 203 B 334 Date(s) Source Info Boage, James LP 1788 A 326 LP 1788 B 327 TP 1751 - 1755 43 PP 1800 96 LP LT PP 1780 1782 1782 B 183 13 1B1 LP 1788 B 327 LP PP 1788 1800 D 330 96 LP PP 1795 1800 D 340 96 PP 1782 1B1 PP LP LP LP 1783 1785 1788 1790 203 A 187 B 327 B 333 LT PP 1782 1782 13 1B1 LP LP 1782 1788 A 186 A 326 LT 1782 17 VP TL TL 1761 1765 1765 B,L R2,T9 T9 LP 1795 D 340 LP 1788 B 327 LP 1788 A 325 LP 1790 B 333 VP 1741 F PP 1783 203 MR 1701 10 Boain, Thomas Boatman, Jno Bland, Thos of Powell RR RR RR RR LP LP RR LT LT PP 1760 1761 - 1762 1761 - 1762 1773 1776 1776 1779 1782 1782 1782 1 26 4 4 A 102 B 176 193 5 9 H5 RR 1761 - 1762 4 VP TL RR RR RR RR RR RR RR 1741 1747 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 1754 1760 1760 1761 - 1762 F,P 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 4 RR RR 1751 - 1752 1753 2 2 RR 1738 - 1739 1 LP LP 1795 1795 A 338 B 338 LP 1788 B 327 LT 1782 1 LT LT 1782 1782 15 9 Bobo, Elizabeth Bobo, Gabriel [his mark] Bobo, Henry Bobo, Jesse Bland, Will Jur Bobo, Joseph Bland, William Junior Jr Junior Bobo, Rd Bobo, Thomas Bobo, Thos Bland, Willm Junior Junior Bobo, William Bland, Wm Blansett, Asa Bobo, Wm Boggess, Thomas Blansett, Horatie Blansett, R. Capt Blansett, Rhody Hughe's land Boggs, Rob Bohanan, William Blee or Klee [?], John MR 1701 Bohanhan, George 8 Blisford, Charles TT 1724 Bohannon, Wm 4 Blowers, Jno RR RR RR 1735 - 1736 1738 - 1739 1751 - 1752 Boilston, Wm 1 1 2 Boin, Thomas Boag, James LP LP 1786 1787 Boke, John B 189 B 191 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 17 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Bond, Laurence PP 1800 190 LP 1799 C 347 Bonds, Lawrance Date(s) Source Info LP LP 1776 1779 D 177 B 180 LP 1795 D 340 LP PP 1780 1800 B 184 191 PP LP 1782 1795 2T2 D 340 RR 1723 3 LP 1782 A 186 PP 1800 191 PP 1783 203 PP 1782 H1 TT 1724 3 LP 1782 A 186 LT LP 1782 1790 5 B 334 TT LP LP LP PP 1724 1786 1788 1799 1800 3 B 189 A 326 C 347 191 TT LP 1724 1785 3 A 187 TT 1724 3 LP 1785 C 188 LT 1782 5 PP 1800 191 PP 1800 191 PP 1800 190 VP 1761 L,P RR 1723 2 Boswell, Walter Bonner, Thomas PP 1800 191 PP 1800 191 RR RR RR RR 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 1761 - 1762 MR Boswell, William [his mark] Junr. Boswell, Wm Bonwell, William Booth, James 3 3 2 5 Botts, [T]hos 1701 13 Botts, Benjamin RR 1760 2,7 Botts, Frances MR 1701 16 Botts, Francis TT 1724 2 PP 1800 191 Botts, John betwn 10 & 16 Botts, Joseph PP 1800 191 Botts, Joshua VP 1741 F,H LP 1788 B 328 RR 1738 - 1739 LP 1790 B 333 LP PP 1779 1783 B 181 203 PP 1800 96 Botts, Aaron Booth, Peter Boothe, James Borelin, Robert Mrs. Boring, John Boroughs, Benjamin Boroughs, John Bosman, Thos Est Bossill, Edward Botts, Seth betwn 10 & 16 Boston, Jno 8 Boswell, Charles Boswell, Edward Botts, Tho betwn 10 & 16 Boswell, Edward (W.) Botts, Thomas Boswell, Edwd Botts, W. PP LP 1782 1795 E3 D 340 PP LP PP 1783 1785 1800 203 A 187 191 Boughannan, Ann PP 1782 2T2 Boughannon, William LP 1795 D 340 Boulding, William PP 1800 191 Bourn, Danl LP 1797 A 344 Bouse [?], Richard Botts, Wm Boswell, George Mrs. Boughannan, George Boswell, Go Boswell, Hezekiah Boswell, James Boswell, John Boswell, Thos Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 18 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source TL 1747 6 Bradford, Daniel MR 1701 11 Bradford, Danl PP 1800 191 LP 1780 B 183 PP 1782 2T2 LP 1779 B 181 Bradford, Zacheriah LP PP 1799 1800 B 346 191, 200 Brading, Bryan VP 1741 C Brady, Hezekiah LT 1782 1 Brady, Jos PP 1782 1T7 Brady, Joseph TP 1751 - 1755 LP LP 1786 1788 B 189 B 328 Brady, Thomas PP 1800 96 Bragg, Tarpley PP PP 1800 1800 96 96 Bragg, Tarply Source Info RR 1753 RR TP RR 1754 1751 - 1755 1758 2 43 1 RR RR VP 1735 - 1736 1738 - 1739 1741 2 1 F,H TL 1747 6 RR RR 1735 - 1736 1738 - 1739 2 1 PP 1783 203 PP 1782 E3 LP PP 1799 1800 C 347 191 PP 1800 96 PP 1800 95 PP 1782 1T10 PP 1783 203 LP Brahine, [*] es [torn page] Clk RR Bramblet, Henry RR Brambley, Henry RR RR Brammell, Zephaniah PP Branagan, Reubin PP Branaugh, Ferd VP Brand, Murphy TT Brander, Jno LP Branigan, Abiather living near Capt. Keyes PP Brannan, John LP Branner, William 1779 B 180 1723 3 1751 - 1752 3 1753 1754 4 2 1800 191 1800 191 1741 F,P 1724 10 1795 A 337 1800 191 1788 A 326 Bouther, Jos: Bowen, Thomas Bower, Chrian [his mark] Bowers, Christian Date(s) 4 Bradford, Jno Boyd, Saml Boyle, David Boyleston, Wm Br[u]ce, Alexr Bracken, Mr Bradburn, Jno Basey 45 Bradey, Joseph Brady, Patrick Junr Bradfeild , Daniel Bradfeild , Zacchariah (Junr.) (Senr.) Bradfield, Daniel Bragg, Thom LP 1788 B 327 LP LP LP PP 1788 1788 1799 1800 B 327 B 328 C 347 191 PP 1782 1B1 PP LP 1783 1788 203 B 327 PP 1782 1B1 LT 1782 13 LP 1788 B 327 PP 1783 203 PP 1782 1B1 RR 1723 3 Bradfield, Joseph Bradfield, Leon Bradfield, Leonard Bradfield, Zach [Jr?] Bradfield, Zacha Bradfield, Zachariah Bradfield, Zachariah Bradfield, Zachr Bradford, [*]aca Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 19 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info LP 1782 A 187 PP 1800 95 1800 95 Source Source Info Brent, Geo RR VP 1735 - 1736 1741 2 C,F VP 1761 B,L TL TL RR LP RR LP LP RR LT PP PP LP LP 1765 1765 1773 1776 1777 1778 1779 1779 1782 1782 1783 1785 1785 P5,R7 P5 5 C 177 4,8,11 A 179 B 182 193 17 E6 203 A 187 C 188 RR 1723 2 LP LP LP PP 1776 1776 1776 1783 A 102 B 176 D 177 203 LP 1795 D 340 LP PP 1788 1800 A 326 191 RR 1735 - 1736 1,7 MR 1701 12 PP 1800 96 LP LP 1795 1795 A 338 D 339 Orpha RR 1723 2 Mrs TT TT 1724 1724 8 8 LP LP PP 1776 1781 1783 C 177 A 185 203 MR RR LL 1701 1723 1746 12 2 S Brashares, Jeremiah Brashares, John PP Brassfeild [Brassfield], Leonard PP Brawner, Balick LP Brawner, Basil PP Brawner, John PP Brawner, Meredith PP Brawner, William PP Bredwell, Enoch LP Bredwell, John of Isaac LP Breeding, Bryan VP RR RR Breeding, Bryant RR Breeding, Jno RR Breeding, John RR RR Breehen ?, James Clerk RR Brenaugh, Jere RR Brenen, George RR Brent, [no first name] RR Brent, Ann widdo RR Brent, Cha RR RR Brent, Dan: Carroll LT LT Brent, Daniel PP Brent, Daniel C Esqr LP Brent, Daniel C. PP Date(s) Brent, George Brent, Hugh 1800 95 Mr. 1788 B 327 1800 95 1800 95 1800 95 1800 191 1788 B 329 1799 B 346 1741 1751 - 1752 1754 widdo Brent, John C,H 2 1 1753 3 1751 - 1752 3 1753 1754 3 1 1729 45 1735 - 1736 Brent, Jane Brent, Lemuel Brent, Newton Brent, Nic Acquia Brent, Nicho 2 1753 15 1761 - 1762 23 Brent, Richard Brent, Richd 2 Brent, Robt 1729 1735 - 1736 46 2 Brent, Susanna 1782 1782 1 17 Brent, William 1782 E6 1723 Brent, Wm 1790 1783 B 334 Capn; Heirs Capn; Heirs 203 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 20 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source (insp at Quantico) Capt LP LP LP LP LP LT Date(s) Source Info 1778 1779 1779 1780 1780 1782 Source A 179 A 179 B 182 A 182 C 184 1 Date(s) Source Info LP 1788 B 328 PP PP 1800 1800 96 96 PP 1800 96 RR RR 1773 1777 4 4 RR 1773 3 RR 1779 193 PP 1800 191 PP 1782 1B7 RR 1761 - 1762 TL LP 1747 1780 TL RR RR VP LL TL PP PP 1747 1751 - 1752 1760 1761 1762 1765 1783 1800 RR 1753 RR RR RR 1754 1767 A&B 1777 TL TL LP 1747 1765 1779 4 R4 B 181 TL 1765 R5 TL 1765 R5 TT 1724 10 PP 1800 191 LP 1788 B 328 PP 1800 191 Briant, Daniel (Junr.) (Senr.) Briant, William Bridgar, Haynie Brenton, William PP 1800 191 RR 1751 - 1752 1 Bridge, Benjn RR RR VP RR 1754 1760 1761 1761 - 1762 1 1 B 4 Bridger, Haynie Bret, George Brett, George Bridges, Aaron Bridges, Ben Brett, Jno Capt RR LT 1773 1782 3 13 Bridges, Benj Brett, John Occoquan Brett, Robert LL RR TL RR RR LP LP RR LP PP LP 1762 1761 - 1762 1765 1767 A&B 1777 1778 1779 1779 1780 1782 1790 VP 1761 1 4 R4 1,1 3 A 178 B 180 192 B 183 1B7 B 333 Bridges, Benja P Bridges, Benjm Bridges, Benjn PP 1783 203 TL 1747 6 PP 1800 95 PP 1782 E8 TL LP PP PP PP 1765 1779 1783 1800 1800 R2,T1 B 181 203 95 96 Bridges, John 1B5 Bridwell, Benjamin T1 Bridwell, Benson B 333 Bridwell, Daniel Brewer, Henry Brewer, John Brewer, Thomas Pattroler Bridges, Moses Brewer, Tomas TL 1765 Briah, James LP 1790 Brian, James Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 4 2 1,1 3 Bridwell, Abraham Brewer, Thos 1782 9 3,14 2 B,L 1 R6 203 95 Bridges, James Brewer, Sarah PP 9 B 183 Bridges, Benjamin Brewer, Harry (Junr.) (Senr.) 5 12/30/2012 Page 21 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Bridwell, Henry LP 1788 A 326 Bristow, Rt LP 1788 A 325 Bristow, Thos TT 1724 10 Britt, Geo PP PP 1782 1800 H3 191 Britt, Richd Bridwell, Isaac Esqr. Bridwell, Jno 13 yrs Bridwell, John now John Bridwell, Lewis Source Info TL 1765 R2,T2 LT 1782 17 PP 1782 1T4 RR 1761 - 1762 26 RR 1735 - 1736 2 LP 1797 A 344 PP 1800 95 MR 1701 17 RR VP 1723 1741 3 C,F PP 1800 96 VP 1741 F,H RR 1738 - 1739 1 RR 1738 - 1739 1 VP 1741 P PP 1800 191 LT 1782 13 VP 1741 C,F TP 1751 - 1755 LP 1798 345 PP 1800 95 RR LP 1758 1798 1 345 RR RR 1773 1779 12 197 LP 1795 D 340 PP 1800 191 PP 1783 203 MR 1701 12 Brittan, George LP 1788 B 328 Bridwell, Samuel Britton, George LP 1788 B 328 Bridwell, William Broad, Richard TT PP 1724 1800 10 191 LP 1778 A 179 TL RR RR RR RR 1765 1767 A&B 1773 1777 1779 Broadwater, Guy Briges, Benjamine Briggs, Wm. Brockley, Nehemiah T5 1,4 4 193 Bromlet, Henry Bronaugh, Jeremiah Bronaugh, Jerh Brimlett, Henry RR Briscoe, [No First Name] Capt Capt Bristoe, Thomas Date(s) 1738 - 1739 Capt 2 Bronaugh, Jno RR RR PP PP 1723 1735 - 1736 1783 1800 2 1 Bronaugh, John Docr Bronaugh, Marianne 203 96 Bronough, Ferd Bristoe, Thos LP 1788 A 326 Bronson, Jos Bristol Company, RR RR RR RR RR 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 1760 1761 - 1762 2 2 1 1 4 TL 1747 2 TL 1747 2 Brooke, [no first name] (from Allan McCrae) Brooke, James Brook, Edmund Brook, William Bristor [Bristow?], Benja Bristor [Bristow?], John Bristor [Bristow?], Thomas TL 1747 2 TL 1765 R5 Bristow, Benja Brooke, Samuel Occ. Mills Brooke, William Bristow, John TL LP PP 1765 1776 1782 P4,R7 D 178 1T7 Brooks , Thomas Corpll Bristow, Robert Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 43 Brook, Edmond 12/30/2012 Page 22 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info RR 1738 - 1739 RR 1723 RR 1767 A&B 10,9 PP 1782 2B2 Source 2, 9 Brown, Bond Vant 10 Brown, Bond Veal Brooks , Thos: Corpll Brooks, [no first name] Brooks, J Date(s) Source Info LP 1779 B 180 PP PP 1782 1783 E3 203 PP 1783 203 PP 1782 E1 LP 1788 A 326 PP 1800 95 RR RR 1760 1761 - 1762 LT 1782 13 RR RR 1773 1777 4 4 RR RR PP 1753 1754 1800 4 2 95 TL 1765 T6 PP 1800 96 LP 1776 D 178 PP 1783 203 RR 1779 193 PP 1782 1B1 LP 1788 A 325 TL LP LP LT PP LP LP PP 1765 1776 1779 1782 1783 1788 1790 1800 R5 D 177 B 182 7 203 B 327 B 333 95 PP PP PP PP 1782 1782 1782 1782 1T5 1T5 E1 H2 Brown, Charles Brooks, John Brown, Chas PP 1782 1B6 Brooks, Samuel Brown, Duncan LP 1788 A 326 Brooks, Wiliam Brown, Francis RR 1738 - 1739 1 Brooks, William Brown, Geo RR PP 1753 1800 3 95 RR RR RR 1735 - 1736 1751 - 1752 1754 VP LT 1741 1782 C,H 9 Brown, George LP 1787 B 191 (Rector Town) Brown, George Las LT 1782 13 Brooks, Willm 2 5 Brown, Geo New 2 2 2 Brown, Geo Newman Brooks, Wm Broom, Benjamine Brow[en], Thos Brown , Chas Brown, George (N.) TP Brown, [No First Name] Mr Brown, Alex [signature] 1751 - 1755 43 Brown, George N RR 1738 - 1739 10 Brown, George N. LP LP LP 1780 1790 1790 C 184, 185 A 332 C 335 Brown, George Newman Brown, Go New Brown, Alexander PWC high sheriff Brown, Alexr PP LP 1783 1793 203 A2 336 LP LT PP 1779 1782 1782 B 182 23 1T7 TL 1765 T5 RR 1761 - 1762 4 VP RR RR 1741 1751 - 1752 1753 H,P 3 3 Brown, Henry Brown, James Brown, Andw. Est. Brown, Benj Hrs Brown, Benjamin ordinary license Brown, Jas Brown, Benjn (Overseer) Heirs Heirs RR RR 1754 1760 2 1 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 23 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Brown, Jeramiah LP 1788 D 330 RR TT RR RR VP RR RR PP 1723 1724 1735 - 1736 1738 - 1739 1741 1751 - 1752 1758 1782 3 4 1 1 C,F,H 2 1 H5 VP RR RR LP LP PP PP PP LP LP PP PP 1741 1753 1754 1779 1780 1782 1782 1783 1795 1797 1800 1800 Brown, Jno (son of G.N.) Brown, John (B Church) Brown, Jos (Distiller) (son of G.N.) Brown, Wm F,H,P 3 1 B 180, 181 B 183 1B2 E3 203 D 339 A 344 190, 200 95 PP 1800 95 LP 1788 D 331 VP LP PP PP PP 1761 1780 1783 1800 1800 B,L B 184 203 191 96 Capt. ordinary license Brown, Rd 1747 1761 1783 1788 1800 7 C,P 203 B 328 191 PP PP PP 1800 1800 1800 95 95 95 MR RR TL RR RR LP RR LT LT PP 1701 1735 - 1736 1765 1773 1777 1778 1779 1782 1782 1782 8 1 R4 4 4 A 178 193 13 9 1B7 LP 1797 A 344 LP 1780 B 184 RR 1751 - 1752 LP PP LP LP PP 1782 1783 1786 1787 1800 A 186 203 B 188 B 191 95 MR 1701 17 MR 1701 17 LP 1799 C 347 LP 1787 B 191 PP 1800 191, 200 LP LP LP 1792 1795 1799 B1 336 A 337 B 346 LP 1786 B 188 LP 1786 A 188 MR 1701 14 Browntree, William Bruce, [No first name] Mr. Bruce, Alexander 14 Brunbury, John Brunbury, William LT 1782 Mr. 14 Brundege, Timthy Brown, Richd levy free Brown, Robert TL VP PP LP PP Browne, Wm Brown, Joseph [his mark] Source Info Brown, William Brown, John [Three entries] Date(s) VP TL LP PP 1741 1765 1780 1783 C,F R5 Brundege, Timy Brundidge, Timothy B 183 203 Brundige, Timothy Brown, Robt LP PP 1779 1782 B 182 1B8 TL LP PP 1765 1779 1783 R3,T2 B 181 203 Brundige, Tm T5,T10 1B7 Brunett, Abraham Brown, Thomas Brundige, Tm. Brown, Thos TL PP 1765 1782 Brunton, William Brown, William Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 24 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source LP Date(s) Source Info 1788 Source A 326 Bryan, Baruch Date(s) Source Info TL 1765 R5 RR 1738 - 1739 2 RR 1751 - 1752 2 RR RR 1753 1767 A&B RR 1754 2 1747 1 1754 2 Buckhanan, Jos PP 1783 203 decd Bryan, Charles Buckhannan, Jas RR 1751 - 1752 3 Bryan, Chas Buckhannan, Joseph TP 1751 - 1755 45 TL 1765 T2 Buckhannon, Joseph PP 1800 191 Buckley, James RR 1723 2 LP 1779 B 181 LP PP 1776 1782 D 177 E2 PP 1783 203 TL 1765 R3,T3 LP 1788 B 328 TL 1765 T7 Hrs RR 1761 - 1762 Mrs. TL 1765 T5 PP 1800 191 LL 1746 L RR RR 1777 1779 4 193 RR 1773 4 TL VP LL RR 1747 1761 1762 1761 - 1762 TL 1747 5 TL PP 1747 1782 5 1B9 TL 1747 3 RR 1767 A&B Bryan, John Bryan, Mary Bryan, Richd TL Buckner & Willis, [No first name] RR Buckner, [No first name] RR RR Buckner, Anthony TL LP PP Buckner, Anty PP Buckner, Peyton Dece RR Buckner, Richard RR RR RR Buckner, Richd RR RR Buckner, Willis RR RR RR RR Buckner, Wm Majr MR Majr RR [Bul]lock, Richard RR Bullet, Benjamin Cap RR Capt RR Bullet, Benjn Capt RR Junr RR Bullet, Joseph RR RR Bullet, Thos RR Bryant, Danl Bryant, Jesse Bryant, Jessie Bryant, William Bryce, Robert Bryce, Wm Bryn, George 4 Bryne, Lydia Bryson, Robert Buagefs, [No First Name] Estate Buchan, John Buchanan, Jno Buchanan, John 5 B,L 1 5 Buchanan, John Buchanan, Joseph Buchanan, Nevel Buchannon, John 1,1 1753 1767 A&B 3 2,2 8 8,- 1765 1779 1783 R2,T1 B 181 203 1782 1B8 1760 13 1738 - 1739 1751 - 1752 1753 2 2 3 1760 1761 - 1762 1 4 1751 - 1752 1753 1760 1761 - 1762 2 3 1 4 1701 1723 17 2 1738 - 1739 1 1751 - 1752 1753 2 3 1754 1754 2 2 1753 1754 3 2 1754 2 Buckhanan, John Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 25 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Bullett, Benja Date(s) Source Info Burcher, Daniel TT 1724 10 Bullett, Benjn PP 1783 203 RR 1758 1 TP 1751 - 1755 45 TL 1765 P2 TL 1765 R7 RR 1735 - 1736 TL LP PP 1765 1779 1783 R5 B 181 203 PP 1782 1B3 LT PP 1782 1782 13 1B3 PP 1783 203 LP 1788 A 326 TT 1724 7 TT VP 1724 1741 8 C,F RR LL RR RR RR 1760 1762 1767 A&B 1777 1779 2 1 1,1 4 193 RR 1773 4 TL 1747 7 LP 1790 B 333 LP PP PP 1779 1783 1800 B 181 203 95 LP 1790 B 333 TT 1724 10 RR 1753 2 Burdet, Fredrick BT 1737 C Bullett, Cuth Burdett, Jno TL 1765 T3 Bullett, Cutht Burdett, John TL 1765 T3 Bullett, John Burditt, John LP 1788 A 326 Bullett, Nance Burgess, Chas LP 1787 B 191 Exrs Bulley, Benj 2 Burgess, Edward Bullitt, [No First Name] Comm Atny Bullitt, Benj Capt VP 1741 F LP 1776 E 176 VP TP 1741 1751 - 1755 RR LP LP LP LP 1767 A&B 1779 1780 1790 1790 Burgess, Edward/Edwd H 45 Burgess, Edwd Bullitt, Cuth Of Britt [signature] 1,C 182 C 184, 185 A 332 C 335 Burk, James Burke, James Burke, Tho Bullitt, Cuthb Esq LT 1782 1 Burn, Geo Bullitt, Cuthbert of B Smith Comm Atny TL RR RR RR LP PP PP LP LP 1765 1773 1777 1779 1781 1782 1783 1787 1788 15 yrs old R3 3 3,5 192 A 185 2T4 203 A 189 D 329 Burn, James Burn, Jas Bullock, Mr. RR 1735 - 1736 2 Burn, John RR RR RR 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 3 3 2 Burn, Peyton Bullock, Sarah Burn, Uriah Bullock, William PP 1800 191 LP 1796 C 342 Burn, William Bundige, T. Bunn, William LP PP LP 1780 1783 1786 B 183 203 B 189 Burne, [Ja]mes TL 1765 P3 Burnet, John Burnell, John Chapman Burbwell, Robt Esq. Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 26 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source LP Date(s) Source Info 1798 Source 345 Burnett, William Date(s) Source Info RR 1758 1 RR RR 1760 1761 - 1762 2 5 LL 1762 2 LP 1788 B 328 LP PP 1788 1800 A 326 191 PP 1782 H1 RR 1761 - 1762 26 MR 1701 12 PP 1800 191 RR 1751 - 1752 RR RR RR LP PP 1753 1754 1758 1780 1782 RR RR RR RR RR PP PP 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 1760 1761 - 1762 1782 1800 LP 1780 B 183 PP 1782 H1 LP 1790 B 333 RR 1735 - 1736 LP 1790 RR 1751 - 1752 3 Deced RR 1751 - 1752 2 RR RR RR 1753 1753 1754 2 4 1 Butler, Ann Aple PP 1800 96 LP 1799 C 347 Butler, Ann Apple PP 1782 H1 Butler, Caleb PP 1782 H5 Butler, Charles PP 1800 95 LP 1788 A 325 Buroughs, Benjamin Burris, Bazil Burris, Mary Burriss, Jesse Burroughes, Benjamine Butler, Chas Burroughs, Benjamin Butler, J LP 1790 B 333 now B Bland Burroughs, Mary Butler, Ja PP 1783 203 Burton, Samll Butler, James Lieut MR 1701 5 Burton, Wm Butler, Jno MR 1701 12 Burwell , Nathl 3 Butler, John LT 1782 23 Esqr TL 1765 P4,R8 Mrs. LT PP PP 1782 1782 1783 20 1T8 203 PP 1783 203 Esqr PP 1782 1T5 Esqr TL 1765 R3,T3 TP 1751 - 1755 Burwell, Lewis Burwell, Mary Butler, Joseph Burwell, Nathaniel Burwell, Nathl Burwell, Robert Burwell, Robt 1782 Butler, Lawrence A 186 Bush, John RR VP RR RR TP LP 1738 - 1739 1741 1753 1754 1751 - 1755 1788 PP PP 1783 1800 Butler, Mary Ann 2 B,H 4 2 45 A 326 Butler, Petr 8 Butler, Richard B 333 Butler, Will Bussell, George Senr. 3 4 2 2 5 H1 96 Butler, Larance 43 Bush, George LP 3 2 1 B 183 2T4 203 95 Butler, Wille Bussell, William Butler, William PP 1800 95 Deced LP 1795 D 340 Deced Butcher, John Buten, Harmon Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 27 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info RR RR PP 1760 1761 - 1762 1800 RR 1754 RR RR VP 1735 - 1736 1738 - 1739 1741 PP PP Source 2 5 191 Byrn, Sam 2 Byrn, Uriah 1 1 F,H Byrn, Wm 1800 95 Byrne, Geo 1800 95 Byrne, George 43 Byrne, James Date(s) Source Info LT PP 1782 1782 13 1B3 LT 1782 9 PP 1782 1B3 PP 1782 H3 TL 1765 T5 Exrt RR 1754 1 Heirs RR 1753 2 VP 1761 B TL 1765 T5 LP LP 1778 1780 A 179 B 183 TL PP 1765 1783 R5 203 RR 1773 4 RR 1753 25 LP 1788 D 330 RR 1735 - 1736 PP PP 1783 1800 203 192 PP 1800 192 LP 1780 B 183 TT 1724 9 RR 1738 - 1739 2 RR VP 1738 - 1739 1761 2 B,L VP TL LP 1761 1765 1778 B,L R2 A 178 VP 1741 B,F MR 1701 14 Butler, Willm Butler, Wm Byrne, Chs Butt, John Butt, Richard Buttery, Thos TP 1751 - 1755 RR 1723 2,4,10 Byrne, Lydia PP 1783 203 Byrne, Saml PP 1783 203 RR 1723 2 PP 1783 203 Byrns, G TP 1751 - 1755 43 Byron, James PP 1800 95 Byrum, Nimrod RR 1723 3 C[oo]per, Rd RR RR LL RR 1723 1760 1762 1761 - 1762 2 1 4 RR RR RR 1735 - 1736 1738 - 1739 1760 1 1 1 Cake, Henry 2 2 2,2 Calfey, John Buttler, James Mrs. Buttler, John Buttler, Joshua Byrne, Samuel Buttler, Joshus Buttler, Lawrence Exor Buttons, Danl Butts, William Byram, Peter Byrd, William Cahoe, William Byrn, Geo heirs Byrn, George Exrt, heirs Deced Exrt Byrn, James RR LL RR 1751 - 1752 1762 1767 A&B 2 Cahoe, John VP RR TL 1761 1761 - 1762 1765 P 5,26 R4 PP 1782 1B3 LP 1779 B 181 Calamees, Marquiss Calk, James Calk, William Byrn, James / Jams Callahan, Darby Byrn, Jams Calmees, Mathis Byrn, Jas Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 28 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Calmeus, Marquis RR 1723 4 RR 1735 - 1736 3 RR 1751 - 1752 4 RR RR 1753 1754 5 3 RR 1723 3 RR 1723 3 LP 1788 D 330 LP 1788 D 330 VP 1761 B,P PP 1782 E1 LP 1782 A 186 LP LP PP 1779 1780 1783 B 181 B 183 203 Date(s) Source Info LP 1788 D 330 LT PP PP 1782 1783 1800 10 203 191 VP LP 1761 1799 B,L C 347 LP LP 1790 1790 B 333 B 333 VP TL TL LP PP 1761 1765 1765 1780 1800 B,P R2,T1 T1 B 183 192 LP LP RR LP RR LT PP 1776 1776 1777 1778 1779 1782 1800 A 102 B 176 5 A 179 194 9 192 PP 1783 203 LP 1788 D 330 LT 1782 10 RR VP LL RR TL RR RR LP LP RR LP LP RR LT PP PP PP LP PP PP 1760 1761 1762 1761 - 1762 1765 1767 A&B 1773 1776 1776 1777 1779 1779 1779 1782 1782 1782 1783 1788 1800 1800 Calvert, Humphrey Calmeze, Marquis Calsey, Jno Calvert, Humphry Calsey, John Calvert, Humphy Calvart, Geo Junr Senr Calvart, John Calvert, Jacob Calvart, William Calvert, [?] Calvert, Burr Calvert, Jesse Calvert, Elijah Calvert, Ezl. Calvert, Francis Calvert, Jessie Calvert, Geo Junr son senr of Powell elder Junr Sr RR VP RR RR RR RR RR TL TL TL TL RR 1738 - 1739 1741 1753 1754 1760 1761 - 1762 1761 - 1762 1765 1765 1765 1765 1773 2 H,P 4 3 2 26 6 T6 T6 T6 T6 5 RR VP VP LL RR PP LP PP PP 1738 - 1739 1761 1761 1762 1767 A&B 1783 1790 1800 1800 2 B,P B,P 2 3,3 203 B 333 192 192 PP 1800 Calvert, Jessy Calvert, Jo [?] Calvert, John Calvert, George Junr younger Senr Junr. son of Humphrey Calvert, George Senr. Calvert, Gorge Junr Junr Jr. 192 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List son of Humphrey 12/30/2012 Page 29 2 B,P 2 6,26 T6 3,2 5 D 178 D 178 5 B 181 B 181 193 10 E2 E4 203 A 325 191 193 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Calvert, Levi Date(s) Source Info Calvert, Ruben LP LP LP PP 1776 1779 1780 1782 D 177 B 181 B 183 1B6 PP 1782 E2 RR 1779 193 TL 1765 T7 Senr. RR RR RR VP RR TL RR LP LP LP LP RR LP RR LT LT LT PP PP LP LP PP 1753 1754 1760 1761 1761 - 1762 1765 1773 1776 1776 1776 1776 1777 1778 1779 1782 1782 1782 1783 1783 1788 1799 1800 Junr. PP 1800 192 Jun. RR 1777 5 TL 1765 T7 LL RR 1762 1767 A&B 2 3,2 Calvert, Zeily PP 1782 H4 Calvert[?], Fras LP LP LP LP 1780 1786 1788 1790 B 183 B 189 B 327 B 333 Calvertt, John LP 1799 C 347 PP 1800 192 RR RR RR RR RR LT PP LP 1738 - 1739 1753 1754 1760 1761 - 1762 1782 1782 1790 2 4 3 2 6 10 H4 B 334 LP LP LP 1785 1788 1790 B 188 D 330 B 333 LT LP 1782 1788 10 B 327 PP 1800 192 Oaqn VP LL RR LP LP PP PP PP 1761 1762 1761 - 1762 1776 1780 1783 1800 1800 B,L 2 6 A 102 B 183 203 192 192 Junr RR TL RR RR LP LP RR RR LP LP 1760 1765 1767 A&B 1773 1776 1776 1777 1779 1788 1790 2 T5 3,2 5 B 176 D 177 5 193 D 330 B 333 PP 1783 203 PP 1782 H4 LP 1799 C 347 LP 1788 D 330 LP 1782 A 187 Calvert, Rubin Calvert, Sarah Calvert, Lydia Calvert, Obadiah Jun; of Obed Calvert, Obd Jun. Calvert, Obed of Geo Calvert Junr. Senr. Junr Senr [2 entries] Jun. Jr. Jr. No land 6 3 2 B,L 6,26 R1,T7 5 A 102 A 102 B 176 B 176 5 A 179 193 10 9 9 203 203 D 330 C 347 192 Calvert, Spencer Calvert, Thos Calvert, Vincent Calvert, William Calvert, Wm Calvert, Obed Calvert, Obediah Calvert, Obia Calvert, Obid Calvert, Rd Calvert, Richard Calvort, Rolly Cambell, Colin Calvert, Rolley LP LP 1776 1776 A 102 B 176 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Cambell, Gusts 12/30/2012 Page 30 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source LP Cammell [Campbell], Robert TL Campbell , Isaac ? RR Revd RR Revd RR Revd PP Campbell, Alexander PP Campbell, Alexr RR RR RR LT PP Campbell, Colin PP PP PP LP LP LP Sheriff LP PP Campbell, Collin PP Campbell, Gust B LP Campbell, Gustavious B LP Campbell, Gustavius B. LP Campbell, Gusts B. LP Campbell, Isaac Revd. LT Revd PP Estate PP LP Campbell, James LP PP Campbell, John LP LP PP Campbell, Patrick RR Campble, Geo: PP Camper, Jno VP Date(s) Source Info 1786 Source B 189 Date(s) Source Info TP 1751 - 1755 43 VP 1741 C,H PP 1800 96 PP 1800 96 LP 1785 C 188 LT 1782 1 VP 1761 B,P LP PP LP PP 1782 1783 1786 1800 A 186 203 B 189 192 LP LT PP PP LP LP LP PP PP 1776 1782 1782 1783 1785 1788 1790 1800 1800 D 177 14 1B2 203 A 187 B 328 B 333 192 96 RR VP RR RR RR LP LP LP LP LP LP PP 1738 - 1739 1741 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 1786 1790 1791 1792 1795 1799 1800 LP 1788 B 327 VP 1741 H RR 1738 - 1739 3 VP RR RR 1741 1751 - 1752 1754 F 4 3 RR 1753 5 Camper, Peter 1747 3 Camron, Elijah 1773 1777 1779 1782 5 5 193 1T6 1783 203 Cannon, [Luke] 1773 1777 1779 1782 1782 5 5 193 20 1T3 Cannon, Barnaby 1782 1782 1783 1785 1786 1788 1790 1800 1T3 2T1 203 B 187 A 188 B 329 B 332 192 1800 96 1787 B 191 1799 C 347 1790 B 333 1785 A 187 1782 1782 1783 1797 20 1T6 203 A 344 Officer of the 15th Regt 1799 1800 A 345 96 Cannon, Philip Camron, Jonathan Canier, James Cannon, Francis Cannon, John Cannon, Luke Deceased Deceased 3 F,H 4 5 9 B 189 B 333 A 335 A1 336 A 338 C 347 192 Canterberry, Jno 1786 1795 1800 B 189 B 338 96 Canterberry, John Canterbury, Jno 1735 - 1736 8 Deceased 1782 1T3 1741 C,H Canterbury, John Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 31 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info RR 1760 4 RR RR 1773 1777 5 5 RR 1779 193 LP 1795 D 340 VP 1741 B,F LP 1788 B 327 LP 1779 B 181 Source ElkRun Quantico Carey, Jno ElkRun Quantico Exrs Exrs Carey, Joseph Carfey, Jno Carick, James Carmon, Francis 1782 F 1795 2T2 A 337 1800 192 LP PP 1799 1800 C 347 192 LP 1788 A 326 LP PP 1799 1800 C 347 192 TL 1765 T9 MR 1701 10 Mrs. Capt (of Wm Bennett) Carney, John Carney, Silas Carny, Thos Carpender, Ric:h gentm Carpender, Sarah 1783 203 VP 1741 C,H LP 1790 B 333 RR 1723 4 PP 1800 192 VP 1741 H,P PP 1800 191, 200 RR RR VP RR RR 1735 - 1736 1738 - 1739 1741 1751 - 1752 1751 - 1752 Carpenter, Richd Carpenter, Sarah Carpenter, Thos Carr, Abner Carr, Daniel Capt Carr, Jno ElkRun Quantico 3 3 C,H,P 4 4 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List PP 1800 192 MR 1701 11 LP 1795 A 338 PP 1800 192 VP LL TL RR RR RR LP LP SC LP LP LP LT PP LP LP LP LP LP LP LP 1761 1762 1765 1767 A&B 1773 1777 1778 1779 1779 1780 1781 1782 1782 1783 1786 1787 1788 1790 1790 1795 1796 RR TL RR LT LT PP 1761 - 1762 1765 1779 1782 1782 1782 RR 1723 2 H 5 5 3 6 D 330 B 333 192 B,L 2 T4 3,2 5 5 A 179 A 180 1 C 184 A 185 A 186 24 203 B 188 B 190 D 330 A 332 C 335 A 338 C 342 Carr, Wm Carr, C W Quanticoe 1738 - 1739 1741 1753 1753 1760 1761 - 1762 1788 1790 1800 Carr, William Carney, George PP RR VP RR RR RR RR LP LP PP Carr, Peggy Carney, Benjamin PP 3 3 Carr, Nath S Carney, Benja LP 1754 1754 Carr, Jos Carnes, Thos PP RR RR Carr, John Carnel, Simon 1741 Source Info Carr, John Carey, John VP Date(s) 6 T4 193 1 5 2T1 Carrells, Nicho 8 Carrico, William 12/30/2012 Page 32 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source PP 1800 96 Carter, Landen TT 1724 5 Carter, Landon 1800 192 1773 8,10, 12-17 LL 1746 R Junr Jr. Junr / Esq Junr TL TL RR RR LP RR LT PP PP PP LP LP PP 1765 1765 1773 1777 1779 1779 1782 1782 1782 1783 1790 1790 1800 P6,R8 P6 5 6 B 182 193 20 1T2 1T2 203 A 332 C 335 97 RR 1735 - 1736 PP 1800 96 [Caster?] PP 1782 1B3 Esqr. LT 1782 14 Esqr LT PP LP LP PP 1782 1783 1795 1799 1800 6 203 A 338 C 347 192 Esqr Esqr RR TL 1723 1765 6 R4 MR RR PP LP 1701 1735 - 1736 1782 1799 PP 1800 97 LP LP PP 1785 1790 1800 B 188 B 333 192 RR 1779 194 RR 1777 6 VP 1741 H VP TL 1761 1765 B,L R2,T1 1735 - 1736 1738 - 1739 3 5 Junr Esqr. 1741 F Jr. 1746 1765 1765 1765 1765 1783 KG P5,R8 P5 P6,R8 P6 203 1741 1751 - 1755 1773 Source Info Colo Carson, Alexr Cartenhour, John Occoquan Mills PP Carter Estate, [No First Name] RR Carter, [No First Name] RR Col RR Carter, Alex Col VP Carter, Charles Col, LL Qr; Esq; Decd TL Esq, Decd. Qr TL Esqr, (Corotoman) TL (Coro); Esq TL PP Carter, Chas Col VP TP estate RR Carter, Daniel LP LP Carter, David LP LP LP Carter, Edward LP LP PP Carter, George TL Carter, Giles TL LP LT PP ? PP PP Carter, Jno Esq TP Carter, Job VP Carter, John Esqr. LT Under 21 PP PP Carter, Joseph TL Date(s) Carter, Moses 2 Carter, Nathaniel C 43 5 Carter, Nathl 1788 1790 B 327 B 333 Carter, Robert 1780 1788 1790 B 183 B 327 B 333 1795 1798 1800 A 338 345 96 1765 R6 1765 1780 1782 1782 1782 1783 T5 B 183 6 H6 H6 203 Carter, Rd Carter, Robert C Carter, Robt Esqr 1751 - 1755 Carter, Robt. Carter, Samuel 45 Carter, Silas 1741 P Carter, Sylis 1782 1782 1800 20 1T2 192 Carter, Tobe 1765 T3 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 17 3,4 1B5 B 346 Carter, William 12/30/2012 Page 33 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Junr Jnr Junr Inspector Inspector Carter, William Inspector Carter, Wm Date(s) Source Info Source LP PP LP LP LP LP LP PP PP 1780 1783 1786 1787 1788 1790 1797 1800 1800 B 183 203 B 188 B 191 A 326 B 333 B 344 192 193 Coprl LP 1796 A 340 PP LP 1782 1795 H1 A 338 Junr LP 1790 A 332 Fauquier County PP LP 1783 1790 203 C 335 Catlet, Robert PP 1800 97 Catlett, Jno PP 1782 1B5 Catlett, John RR RR 1760 1761 - 1762 3 7 TT 1724 2 TL 1765 P5 LL RR LP 1762 1767 A&B 1788 TL 1765 1765 R3 RR RR 1751 - 1752 1767 A&B 5 3,2 RR VP RR 1735 - 1736 1741 1751 - 1752 2 F 4 TT TT RR LL RR RR 1724 1724 1760 1762 1761 - 1762 1767 A&B 9 9 2 2 6 3,3 RR RR 1760 1761 - 1762 3 7 RR 1754 3 VP RR 1741 1761 - 1762 H 26 RR LL RR 1753 1762 1761 - 1762 6 2 26 RR RR RR RR 1754 1773 1777 1779 4 5 5 193 MR 1701 6 PP 1800 96 RR RR 1723 1738 - 1739 4 2 RR 1753 4 RR 1753 5 TP 1751 - 1755 45 RR RR RR RR RR 1735 - 1736 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 1760 4 3 4 3 2 Catlett, Robt 2 3,2 B 328 Cash [?], James Catley, Wm R4 Cash, Archd Caton, Aaron RR RR RR RR 1767 A&B 1773 1777 1779 TL 1765 3,3 5 5 193 Cattlet, John Cash, Archdell Cattlett, John R5 Cash, Charity Catton, John TL 1765 R5 Cash, Jas (Westend) Cash, Joseph Quantico Neck Cash, Peter TL Catlett, Robert Cary, John Jun 10 Catlet, John Carterr, Robt of Bland 1701 Catlet, Jno Carter, Wornley Carty, Timothy Btwn 10 & 16 Carver, Thomas MR Catlet , Robert Carter, Wormley Cartney, John Kgco [King Geo] Source Info Caster, Joseph Carter, Wormeley Esqr Date(s) Caul, Wm LT 1782 10 Caulk, James PP 1800 192 LP LP 1776 1779 D 177 B 180 Cass, Jos: Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 34 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source LL RR TL RR RR Date(s) Source Info 1762 1761 - 1762 1765 1767 A&B 1779 Source 2 6,26 R2,T2 3,2 193 Caywood, William 5 5 Ceck, John 1773 1777 RR LL RR TL RR 1760 1762 1761 - 1762 1765 1767 A&B 2,3 2 7,26 T2 3,3 96 LP 1788 B 329 PP 1783 203 PP 1783 203 TT 1724 7 TT 1724 8 TT 1724 7 RR RR RR 1773 1777 1779 5 5 193 TT 1724 1 TT 1724 1 TT 1724 4 MR RR TT TT 1701 1723 1724 1724 6 3 1 1 LP PP 1790 1800 B 333 191, 200 LP LP LP LP LP 1787 1795 1796 1799 1799 B 191 B 338 C 342 B 346 C 347 1724 1 1724 1 1735 - 1736 3 LP 1786 B 189 1753 5 PP 1800 192 1754 3 TT TT 1724 1724 2;5 5 1751 - 1752 4 LP 1780 B 183 PP LP 1783 1795 203 A 338 PP 1783 203 PP PP 1782 1782 1B3 1B3 PP 1800 97 PP 1800 96 PP PP 1800 1800 96 96 Chadburn, John Chadburn, William Chadwell, George Chadwell, James Chadwell, John Cauzy, John Cave, Thomas Junr Chadwell, Joseph Btwn 10-16 TT Chadwell, William Btwn 10-16 TT Chalmers, [No First Name] Dr. Exts RR Chalmers, Daniel RR Chalmers, Danl RR Chalmors, Daniel RR Chamberlain, Henry PP Chamberlain, John PP Chambers, John TL Chambers, Jos/Joseph RR Chambers, Joseph TT RR Chamblin, Aaron VP Chamlin, Aron RR RR RR Chamlin, Bryan TT Cave, Ths Cave, Wiliam Cave, William Caves, Abraham Caves, Thomas Cawood, Thomas Cawood, Thos Caywood, Samuel Caywood, Thomas (Junr.) (Senr.) 1800 Chadburn, Amoss Caulk, Wm not 21 [Jr?] Caywood, Joseph PP Cecia, John Caulk, William ordinary license Cave, Thos Source Info Ceasy, John Caulk, Jas RR RR Date(s) Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 35 1800 96 1800 96 1765 T7 1735 - 1736 3,6 1724 1738 - 1739 2 2 1761 1753 1760 1761 - 1762 1724 B,L 25 3 6 8 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Junr; 14 yrs Chamlin, Bryant Decd Chamlin, William TT Date(s) Source Info 1724 Source 8 Date(s) Source Info LP 1787 B 191 PP 1782 H5 LP 1788 B 327 LP LP LP LP PP 1786 1788 1799 1799 1800 B 189 A 326 C 347 C 347 192 MR TT 1701 1724 6 4 LP 1790 B 333 PP 1782 H5 PP 1800 96 RR RR 1753 1754 6 4 RR 1735 - 1736 2 LP 1779 B 180 PP 1782 E3 RR RR 1723 1738 - 1739 4 2 TT RR RR RR RR RR 1724 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 1760 1761 - 1762 10 4 4 3 2 6 RR 1735 - 1736 2 PP 1783 203 LT 1782 14 PP 1800 96 MR 1701 15 LP 1796 C 342 MR 1701 14 Chancellor[?], Stephen RR TT Chamlin/Chamblin, Aaron 12 yrs old TT Champ, [No First Name] Majr /Quarter TL Champ, Jno MR RR RR Champ, John TL RR No Land RR Champ, Majr TL Champ, William MR Champe, [No First Name] Majr LL Champe, Jane Mrs TL Champe, Jno RR Majr RR RR Champe, John RR Majr RR RR TL Champe, William RR Champe, Wm RR LT Champneys, Wm VP Champnys, Wm VP Chancellor, Andrew M LP Chancellor, Jno PP [Jr. ?] PP LP Chancellor, John (insp at Dumfries) LP LP PP 1753 25 Chancelor, John 1724 8 Chandler, Henry 1724 8 1747 6 Junr Senr 1701 1723 1751 - 1752 13 4 4 1747 1760 1761 - 1762 8 2 6 Chandler, Wm 1747 6 Chapman, Anne 1701 13 Mrs. Chapman, Elizabeth 1746 KG 1765 R5 Chandler, John Channdller, Cooper Chapman, Fr[?] Chapman, Jno 1735 - 1736 1735 - 1736 1754 2 3,8 3 Chapman, John Chapman, Jos 1738 - 1739 1738 - 1739 1753 1765 2 2 5 R5 1738 - 1739 3 1735 - 1736 1782 2 14 Heirs Chapman, Joseph Heirs Heirs Exrs Heirs Hrs Chapman, Josh 1741 C Chapman, Pearson 1741 F Chapman, Person 1788 B 328 Chapman, Phillip 1782 1782 1786 H5 H5 B 189 Chapman, Richard Chapman, T. 1780 1782 1783 A 182 A 187 203 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Jr. Chapman, Thomas 12/30/2012 Page 36 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Jr. Date(s) Source Info Source RR VP TL LP LP LP LP LP PP LP LP PP 1723 1761 1765 1778 1779 1780 1780 1782 1783 1785 1795 1800 3 B,L T4 A 179 A 180 B 183 C 184 A 186 203 B 188 A 337 192, 200 Chequere, B RR RR LT PP PP LP LP 1777 1779 1782 1782 1782 1788 1799 3,7,17 194 5 2T1 E3 B 329 C 347 Cheshire, Seth 8 TL 1747 3 TL PP 1765 1783 R3 203 PP 1783 203 TL 1765 T3 MR 1701 6 Est Chilton, [No First Name] Widow Chilton, Charles D 330 PP 1800 193 PP 1800 192 PP 1800 192 TL TL 1765 1765 P4 P4,R7 LP 1788 A 325 TL PP PP 1765 1782 1783 R3 E1 203 PP LP 1783 1790 203 B 333 PP 1783 203 LP 1776 B 176 LP 1776 A 102 LP 1788 B 327 LP 1790 B 333 RR 1729 45 TL 1765 P1, R5 LP 1790 B 333 RR RR 1723 1729 12 45 LP 1797 A 344 RR RR LL TL 1735 - 1736 1738 - 1739 1746 1765 3 2 Wc P4,R7 TT LP 1724 1795 3 A 337 RR 1760 2 RR 1767 A&B RR RR 1753 1761 - 1762 4 6 RR 1754 3 RR 1751 - 1752 Chilton, Saml Chilton, Thos Capt Capt / Gent B 333 96 Chatin, Thos Chilton, William 3 Cheaton, William Chin, Chichester Chebot, Joseph Hrs Chinn, [no first name] Cheek, Ann Chinn, Chichester Heirs Hrs Chinn, Chichsr Orphans Chinn, Chrisr Orphs Chinn, Joseph Cheek, Charles Chelton, Charles Chelton, George Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List A 325 Chilton, John 8 1788 1788 Chilton, James Chatham, William LP LP Chicks, John Charles, Thomas 1735 - 1736 A 325 Chessher, James Charles, Tho RR 1788 Chesser, John Chapple, John 1790 1800 LP Chesser , John Chappell, William LP PP D 340 Cheshire, James Chappell, John 1701 1795 Cheshire, Baptist Chapmon, Joseph MR LP Cheseldine, Seneca Chapmon, John 1747 Source Info Cheseldine, Coles Chapman, Thos TL Date(s) 12/30/2012 Page 37 9,8 3,12 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source LL Date(s) Source Info 1746 Source L Chinn, Rawley Date(s) Source Info PP 1800 191 PP 1783 203 MR 1701 7 PP 1782 E2 LT PP 1782 1782 14 1B8 MR 1701 5 MR 1701 7 PP 1800 192 RR 1735 - 1736 2 RR 1738 - 1739 2 VP 1741 F,H TT 1724 7 PP 1800 193 PP 1783 203 LP PP 1779 1783 B 182 203 PP 1782 1B7 TL 1765 R6 LP 1798 345 LP 1779 B 181 LP 1779 B 182 LP 1788 B 328 PP 1800 96 PP 1782 1B3 PP 1783 203 PP 1800 96 PP 1800 96 Clarke, Eleanor LL 1746 L Chinn, Rawlugh Clarke, Geo: LL 1746 L Chinn, Thos Clarke, Jas Fauquier LL RR 1746 1761 - 1762 L 6 TP 1751 - 1755 43 LP 1790 Clarke, John Chinn, Wm Chiseldine, Seneca Clarke, Morris B 333 Corpll Chisshire, Baphis Clarkwell, Richd TL 1765 T10 Chitten, James Clayton, John PP 1783 203 Chrismas, Charls Clement, Alex MR 1701 14 Christopher, Jesse Clement, Alexander PP 1800 96 Church, Rob Clements, Alex RR 1735 - 1736 2 Churchill, Armstead Colo Clemmons, George RR RR 1753 1754 6 4 Clemons, Samuel TP 1751 - 1755 43 Clerk, James LP 1797 A 344 Cleveland, Alexander TL 1747 2 LP 1780 B 184 Churchill, Chas Churchill, John Cilley, John Clancett, Rhodham Cleveland, Alexr Clancett, Rodham Cleveland, Eli LP 1785 B 188 Claniger, Valentine Cleveland, Elij TL 1765 R3 Clapham, Josiah/Jos Cleveland, Oliver VP 1741 C,F Clark, George Cleveland, William TT 1724 3;5 Clark, James Clark, John btwn 10 & 16 Clevland, Alexander TL PP 1747 1800 1 96 TT PP PP PP 1724 1783 1800 1800 5 203 191 192 Clinkscale, William Clod [?], Jno not a tithe Clodd, Robert Cloe, David Clark, Thomas PP 1800 192 Cloe, John Clark, Thos LP 1792 B1 336 Clonenger, Vallentine Clark, William Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 38 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source TL 1765 T10 Cockrill, Peter TT 1724 7 Cocks, Presly PP 1783 203 Coe, Edward RR 1754 3 Coe, Walter RR RR RR RR 1767 A&B 1773 1777 1779 LP 1788 Coale, Charles Coale, Jane Cocherill, Willm Cock, [No first name] Colo Colo Colo Colo Cock, William 3,2 5 5 193 Date(s) Source Info VP 1761 L VP 1761 L LP 1788 A 325 LP LP LP LP PP 1776 1788 1790 1795 1800 D 178 B 328 B 334 D 340 96 VP 1741 H VP 1741 F,H VP 1761 B,L PP 1800 192 LP 1795 D 339 RR 1723 3 PP 1800 96 LP 1785 A 187 LP 1788 A 326 RR 1751 - 1752 LP 1788 A 325 RR 1723 3 LP 1788 A 325 PP 1783 203 RR 1761 - 1762 7 RR 1754 3 RR 1753 6 PP 1800 192 PP 1800 193 PP 1782 H2 PP 1783 203 Cofer, Fr A 326 Cocke, [No first name] Cofer, John RR 1773 7 Cocke, Adam Coffe, John PP 1800 200 Cocke, Catesby Coffer, Douglass Mr RR 1738 - 1739 10 Cocke, Cotsbay Coffer, Francis Colo LL 1762 2 Cocke, Steph Cofoer, Francis LP 1795 D 340 Cocke, William Cogan, Edward PP 1800 193 Cocke, Wm Loudoun Cockerell, Peter Cognier, James LT 1782 14 Cohoon, Walter PP 1783 203 Cockerill, John Cokley, Robert LT 1782 9 Cockerill, William 5 Colbert, Humphrey RR 1753 6 Cockerill, Wm Colbert, Sarah TP 1751 - 1755 43 Cockrall, George Colbert, William LP 1799 C 347 Cockrell, Elijah Colburn, John PP 1800 192 Cockrell, George Colchough, Will LP PP 1795 1800 B 338 191, 200 LP PP 1788 1800 D 330 191 Colchough, Willm Cockrell, John Coldough, William Cole, Benjamin Cockrell, Moses LP LP 1788 1788 B 327 D 330 LP PP 1780 1800 B 183 192 Cole, Catharine Cockrell, Peter Cole, Dan: Cole, Daniel Cockrill, Patrick VP 1761 B Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 39 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Jr. PP LP LP Date(s) Source Info 1783 1788 1790 Source 203 B 327 B 333 PP 1800 193 LP 1790 B 333 Coleman, Richd LP 1788 A 326 Colerin [?], Simon LP LP LP PP PP 1788 1790 1799 1800 1800 B 327 B 333 C 347 191 192 Coleson, Thos Cole, David Cole, Ezekiel Cole, Ezekiha Cole, James H3 PP 1782 H3 RR 1723 3 RR 1760 3 LP 1790 B 333 LL 1746 Wc TL 1747 5 VP 1741 B LP 1790 B 333 TL TL 1765 1765 R8 R8 RR 1751 - 1752 4 BT 1737 C TL 1765 R6 LP 1797 A 344 LP 1797 A 344 LP 1797 A 344 LP 1797 A 344 LP PP LP 1777 1783 1797 178 203 A 344 PP 1782 1T8 PP 1800 96 PP 1800 96 PP 1800 96 PP 1800 96 PP 1800 96 MR 1701 16 PP 1782 1T10 PP 1800 192 Colguhorn, James W. Collett, John Cole, Jane 1782 Source Info Coleclough, Benja Coleclough, Wm of Newton Coleman, Patrick PP Date(s) Junr Collhaugh, Willm Cole, Jno Collins, [No First Name] Cole, John TL LP LP PP 1765 1780 1788 1800 T6 B 183 B 327 192 Collins, Joseph Collis, George Cole, Joseph LP 1788 A 326 Collis, Hezekiah B 346 Collis, Jno Collis, Johnson Cole, R LP 1799 Cole, Richard LP LP PP 1790 1799 1800 B 333 C 347 192 LP 1788 B 327 LP PP 1788 1800 B 327 192 LP 1780 B 183 PP 1800 192 PP 1800 192 LP 1788 A 326 PP 1800 191 LP 1788 B 327 RR Coleclaugh, Benjamin / Benja Lieut MR 1723 2 1701 16,17 Collis, Thomas Cole, Richd Cole, Robert Collis, Thos Colliss, George Cole, Robt Colliss, Hezekiah Cole, Sarah Colliss, John Cole, Thomas black Colliss, Johnson Cole, Thos Colliss, Thomas Cole, William Collyer, John Cole, Wm Colman, John Coleclaugh, Benja Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Colquhoun, Walter constable Colson, Thos 12/30/2012 Page 40 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source VP 1741 F RR 1751 - 1752 4 Commings, Malachia RR TL 1735 - 1736 1747 2 8 Commings, Simon Colston, Thomas Colvert, Geo J[r] Colvert, George Date(s) Source Info TT LP 1724 1788 7 D 330 RR 1751 - 1752 4 RR 1751 - 1752 3 PP 1800 192 LP 1788 B 329 RR RR 1735 - 1736 1751 - 1752 3 4 RR RR RR RR RR 1738 - 1739 1753 1754 1760 1761 - 1762 2 5 3 3 6 RR 1735 - 1736 3 TL 1747 4 TT TL 1724 1747 10 7 MR 1701 10 TT 1724 10 LP 1799 C 347 LP 1790 B 333 VP 1741 C,F LP LP 1776 1776 A 102 B 176 TP 1751 - 1755 43 RR RR RR 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 3 4 3 MR 1701 11 PP 1782 H3 PP 1783 203 TT 1724 5 Compton, Alexander Junr RR RR LP LP 1735 - 1736 1751 - 1752 1790 1795 2 4 B 333 D 339 LP 1788 B 327 LP 1788 D 330 LP LP LP 1788 1788 1788 B 327 B 328 D 329 Compton, Alexr Compton, Will Colvert, Jacob Compton, William Colvert, James Colvert, John No Land Colvert, Landon Cones, Jos LP 1788 D 329 Colvert, Obed Congreve [?], Moses RR 1751 - 1752 5 Colvert, Rolly Congrove, Moses LP 1790 B 333 LP 1788 D 330 Conill, James RR 1751 - 1752 4 Conly, John LP 1790 B 333 Connear, Tennell RR 1735 - 1736 3 Conner, Philip RR 1738 - 1739 2 Conner, Saml LP LP 1782 1788 A 186 D 330 Conner, Sammuel LP 1788 D 331 Conner, Thos LP 1788 D 331 Conners, Dennis RR LP 1751 - 1752 1782 4 A 186 RR RR RR 1753 1754 1758 Colvert, Samuel Colvert, Sarah Corpl Colvert, Zealy Combe, Emanl Combe, Emmanuel Combs, Cuth Combs, Ennis Combs, Fielding Combs, Jno Combs, John Connil, Simon 6 3 1 Connor, Phill Combs, Jos Connor, Phillip RR TT 1723 1724 4 7 Connty, George Combs, Joseph Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 41 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Connyer, Denis Date(s) Source Info Cooksey, Warren RR 1738 - 1739 2 Connyer, Dens PP 1800 192 LP 1795 D 340 MR 1701 11 TP 1751 - 1755 43 TP 1751 - 1755 43 LP 1788 A 325 LP 1788 A 325 PP 1800 192 PP 1800 192 TP 1751 - 1755 43 TL LT 1765 1782 T5 10 PP LP PP PP 1783 1788 1800 1800 203 D 330 192 96 RR RR 1777 1779 15 194 LP 1788 A 325 PP 1800 192 LP 1788 A 326 TL TL 1747 1765 7 T5 PP 1800 192 LP 1788 A 326 TT RR 1724 1751 - 1752 2 4 RR RR RR RR 1753 1754 1760 1761 - 1762 5 3 3 7 Cooksy, Warren RR 1735 - 1736 2 Conway, Sarah Cooll, Richard RR 1723 4 Conway, Thomas Coombs, Jno RR RR 1753 1754 VP RR TP 1741 1751 - 1752 1751 - 1755 LP 1788 TP 1751 - 1755 RR 1723 5 3 Coombs, Jos Conway, Thos H,P 4 44 Coon, George D 330 Coone, George 43 Coone, Michael 3 Coopage, Jas Cooper, Ben Coon, John Conwell, James Conyers, Danl Conyers, Dens Conyers, Henry Capt RR 1723 3 PP 1782 1B6 LT PP 1782 1783 10 203 LP 1795 D 339 LP 1799 C 347 TT 1724 7 Cooper, Charles LP LP 1795 1796 A 337 C 342 Cooper, David Cood, Wm Cooper, Benjamin Cooe, Walter Cook, Charles Cook, John Cooke, [No First Name] Mr. Cooke, Adam Cooper, Benjn. Cooke, Hen: Cooper, Fielding MR 1701 6 Cooke, John Cooper, Henry LP PP 1799 1800 B 346 191, 200 TT 1724 7 Cooke, Mr. Cooper, James Cooke, William Cooper, Jesey LP 1790 B 334 Cooksey, John Cooper, Jno LP 1788 D 330 PP 1783 203 LP PP 1799 1800 C 347 192 LP LP 1776 1776 A 102 B 176 Cooksey, Ledston Cooper, John Cooksey, Obed Cooksey, Vincen Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Cooper, Richard 12/30/2012 Page 42 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source MR LP 1701 1788 11 B 327 Corder, Jno PP 1783 203 Cordoner, James PP 1800 192 Coreham, Wm LP 1788 B 328 Cork, Jas LP 1780 B 183 1738 - 1739 2 TP 1751 - 1755 43 RR 1723 4 VP 1741 H TT VP 1724 1741 7 F,H LT 1782 6 TL 1765 P6 PP 1782 H3 TL 1765 R6 PP 1782 H4 PP 1782 H3 LP 1788 A 325 RR RR 1735 - 1736 1773 RR 1779 193 PP 1782 H2 PP 1782 H2 RR 1738 - 1739 2 RR 1777 5 RR 1723 4 RR 1738 - 1739 LP LP 1778 1779 A 179 B 180 LP 1780 B 183 Jur RR 1761 - 1762 Jun Jur Jur Jur, younger Junr RR RR LL TL RR PP PP LP 1753 1760 1762 1765 1767 A&B 1783 1783 1790 Cooper, Thomas Copein, William Copen, William Copen, Wm Cornelius, Absolem Overseer Corngrove, Moses Copin, Jno Copin, William PP PP 1800 1800 191 192 Cornhill, John exempted Cornhill, Noah PP 1782 H3 Cornhill, Raba TP 1751 - 1755 45 Cornwall , Cha Heirs RR RR 1751 - 1752 1754 4 3 Cornwall , Chas Heirs RR 1753 5 Cornwall, [Ez]ekial RR 1735 - 1736 3 Cornwall, [Fr]as RR 1729 46 Cornwall, Charles LP 1788 B 327 Cornwall, Chas LP 1788 A 324 Cornwall, John LP 1782 A 186 Cornwall, Peter PP PP 1783 1783 203 204 Cornwall, William RR 1754 3 Cornwell , Wm RR 1735 - 1736 2 Cornwell, Cha RR 1751 - 1752 4 Cornwell, Charles RR RR RR RR 1738 - 1739 1753 1760 1761 - 1762 2 5 2 6 RR 1723 4 RR 1735 - 1736 3 Senr. Junr. Copin, Wm Coppage, Isaac Coppage, Jno Coppage, John Coppedge, Jno Coppedge, John Coppen, William Coppin, George Coppin, John Coppin, William Jr. Coram , Willm Coram , Wm Coram, Wil Coram, William No Land Corbin, Char Jr. Senr Corbin, Jno Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 43 Source Info RR Cooper, Sarah Junr Date(s) 3 5 3,5 7 18 3 2 T5 3,3 204 204 B 333 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info PP 1800 193 VP LT 1741 1782 H 10 TL 1765 T5 PP 1800 96 TL PP LP PP 1765 1783 1799 1800 T5 204 C 347 192 Source Date(s) Source Info Cornwell, William Cornwell, Chas Cornwell, Chs Cornwell, Elijah Cedar run Cornwell, Wm Cornwell, Ezekiel TL PP LP LP PP PP 1747 1783 1788 1799 1800 1800 8 204 A 325 C 347 191 192 VP LP LP 1741 1795 1799 F D 340 C 347 TL 1747 3 Cornwelll, Peter Cornwell, Francis Cornwels, Chs TL PP LP LP PP 1765 1783 1788 1799 1800 T5 204 D 330 C 347 192 PP 1800 192 LT 1782 5 PP PP 1800 1800 192 97 Junor RR Cornwill, [Unreadable first name] LP Cornwill, Ezekiha LP Cornwill, John LP Cornwill, Willis LP Cors, E W VP Cortney, Jno RR Cortney, John RR RR Corum, John TL Corum, Robert TL Coryell, Geo LP Cosley, John RR No Land RR Cosson, Wm PP Coteney, William PP Cotnel, Peter LP Cotral, Thomas RR Cotral, Thos RR RR No Land RR Cotrel, Peter LP Cornwell, Francis Jr. Cornwell, Fras Cornwell, Jesse ordinary license Cornwell, Jessie PP 1783 204 TL LP LP PP PP 1765 1788 1799 1800 1800 T5 A 325 C 347 191 192 PP PP 1782 1783 H2 204 Cornwell, John Cornwell, Mary Cornwell, Noah LP 1790 B 333 LP 1790 B 333 VP RR RR RR LP PP 1741 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 1799 1800 B,P 4 5 3 C 347 191 LP PP 1790 1800 B 333 192 PP 1800 192 Cornwell, Ozias Cornwell, Peter Cornwell, Rabby Cornwell, Samuel Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 44 1761 - 1762 19 1788 B 327 1788 B 327 1788 B 327 1788 B 328 1741 C 1751 - 1752 4 1753 1754 5 3 1765 R5 1765 R5 1795 D 340 1760 1761 - 1762 3 6 1782 H2 1800 192 1776 B 176 1753 5 1754 1760 1761 - 1762 1776 3,14 3 6 A 102 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Cotrill , Peter LP 1778 A 179 Cox, Moses TT 1724 10 Cox, Thomas TL 1765 P6,R8 Cox, William RR TT 1723 1724 4 10 RR RR 1751 - 1752 1773 Cotten, James 13 yrs Cotten, John Cotten, Ralph Source Info LP 1788 B 329 PP 1800 96 LP 1795 A 338 PP LP 1783 1790 204 B 333 LP 1788 D 330 PP 1800 96 LP 1795 D 340 VP 1741 H RR 1723 3 MR 1701 15 LP 1799 C 347 MR 1701 8 TL 1765 P3 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1B6 TT 1724 7 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 1T3 LP 1779 B 181 PP LP PP 1783 1798 1800 204 345 96 LP 1799 C 347 RR RR 1735 - 1736 1773 2 6 RR RR LL RR RR 1723 1758 1762 1761 - 1762 1767 A&B 4 1 2 6 3,3 Cox, Wm Cotton, Jno 4 5 Craft, George Cotton, John Craig, Saml RR RR LL RR RR 1754 1760 1762 1761 - 1762 1777 3 3 2 7 5 Crammel, Wm Crawford, [No First Name] Crawford, John Cottoral, Thos RR 1751 - 1752 4 Crawford, Reubin Cottorell, Thos RR 1738 - 1739 2 Crawford, Robert Cottrill, Peter TL Coty, Hezekiah overseer Counel, Simon Date(s) 1765 R5 Creal , George PP 1800 192 Creal, Geo: VP 1741 P Cred, Adm [Adam?] Couniers, Dennis VP 1741 H,P Creed, James Courtney, John TT 1724 3 Creel, David Courtney, William Under 21 LP LP 1785 1785 A 187 C 188 Creel, Geo MR 1701 6 Creel, Georg Creel, George Cowell, Phill Cowles, James LP LP 1786 1788 B 189 B 328 MR 1701 11 VP 1761 B Cowther, Wm Creel, Gere Cox [Cocks ?], Presly Creel, Jno Cox, Jacob LP 1795 D 340 PP PP 1800 1800 192 96 LP PP LP 1779 1782 1787 B 181 1B2 B 190 Cox, John Creel, John Cox, Morris Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 45 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info RR RR 1777 1779 RR RR RR TL LP PP 1753 1760 1761 - 1762 1765 1779 1783 4 2 6 P4 B 181 204 RR RR 1751 - 1752 1754 3 3 Source 6 194 Date(s) Source Info TP 1751 - 1755 43 VP RR RR RR 1741 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 H,P 5 6 3 RR RR RR 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 4 5 3 PP 1800 192 PP 1782 1B2 PP 1800 96 PP 1800 96 PP 1800 96 RR RR 1760 1761 - 1762 3 7 TP 1751 - 1755 45 PP 1800 193 TL TL PP PP 1747 1765 1782 1783 2 R1,T8 H4 204 TL TL 1747 1765 7 P6 TL PP PP LP 1765 1782 1783 1790 T5 H3 204 B 333 TL 1747 2 RR RR TL 1735 - 1736 1738 - 1739 1765 2 2 R6 MR 1701 14 RR 1761 - 1762 31 RR 1753 Crosby, George Creel, William Crosby, James Heirs Heirs Creel, Willm Crosen, Seth Croson, Hanson Creel, Wm TL PP 1765 1782 R7 1T6 Croson, Richard PP 1800 191 Croson, Thomas A 335 A1 336 Croson, William Crisman, John Crittendon, John Officer of the 15th Regt LP LP 1791 1792 Crossbey, James Crofford, Charles LP 1788 D 330 PP 1800 193 Crosswell, Gilbert LP 1790 B 333 Crouch, Francis Crouch, Jacob Crofford, Reubin Croft, John Crook, Absalom LP 1778 A 179 PP 1783 204 LP PP LP LP 1778 1782 1788 1790 A 179 1B6 B 328 B 333 RR 1777 17 PP 1783 204 TL PP LP 1765 1782 1788 R4 1B1 B 328 PP 1783 204 RR 1779 194 Croutch, John LP LP 1785 1785 A 187 C 188 Crum, John Crook, Ephraim Crook, Ephriam Crouch, John Crouch, Joseph Crook, Jepheniah Crook, Jerry Crook, John levy free Crouch, William Junr Crouch, Wm Crook, Ozias Crook, Zephaniah Crooke, John Crosby, [No First Name] Senr Crosby, Geo RR 1723 Crump, [No first name] Capt Crump, Benjamin 3 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 46 2 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source RR RR 1753 1758 5 1 RR TP 1754 1751 - 1755 3 43 Cullus, Jas TP 1751 - 1755 43 Cumberford, Edward RR RR RR 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 4 5 3 Cuming, James RR VP RR RR RR TP 1735 - 1736 1741 1751 - 1752 1751 - 1752 1754 1751 - 1755 3 C,H 4 4 3 43,45 Cumming, Malacha Crump, Geo Crump, George PP 1782 1T9 PP PP 1782 1783 1T9 204 TP 1751 - 1755 45 TT 1724 10 TL 1747 5 RR 1735 - 1736 2 RR 1753 4 RR 1753 4 RR 1723 4 RR 1754 3 RR 1738 - 1739 2 RR 1754 3 LP 1788 B 328 LP 1788 D 330 VP 1741 C,H TP 1751 - 1755 43 TP 1751 - 1755 43 PP 1800 96 TL 1765 P1 TP 1751 - 1755 43 PP PP PP PP 1782 1782 1783 1800 TP 1751 - 1755 45 TP 1751 - 1755 43 PP 1800 97 PP LP 1782 1788 1T6 B 328 Cummin , Alex Crump, Jno Capt Exrs Capt Capt Source Info Cullins, Sarah Crump, Benjn Capt. Date(s) Cumming, Simon Cummings, Alexr Cummings, Malacha Crump, John Capt RR RR RR 1738 - 1739 1753 1761 - 1762 RR RR 1753 1754 2 5,25 31 Cummings, Malachi 6 3 Cummings, Williss Cummings, Simon Crump, Joseph decd decd Crumptil, [No first name] RR 1760 Cummings, Zachariah 11 Crupper, John TL 1765 Cummins, Mal T1 Crupper, Richard RR 1753 Cummins, Moss 4 Crupper, Richd RR VP RR RR RR 1738 - 1739 1741 1751 - 1752 1754 1760 Cummins, Sina 2 F,P 3 3 2 Cumpton, Alexander Cundif , John Ovr Cruppier, Richard RR 1761 - 1762 Cundiff, Isaac 6 [Cruppier?], Noland RR 1761 - 1762 VP 1741 C,F VP 1741 F VP 1741 H TL TL LP PP 1765 1765 1776 1783 P3 P3,R7 D 177 204 Cundiff, John 6 Crutcher, Chattin/Chatwin Cullems, James Cundiff, Rchd Cullens, James Cundiff, Redhd Cullins, James Cundiff, William Cundiff, Wm Cullins, Jas Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 1T4/6 1T6 204 97 12/30/2012 Page 47 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Cunitt, Montigue Date(s) Source Info Dade, T. MR 1701 8 Cunninggame, Benjamin LP 1796 C 342 VP 1741 P LL LP 1746 1788 S B 328 LT PP LP PP 1782 1782 1790 1800 6 H2 B 333 193 LP 1791 B 336 VP RR 1741 1751 - 1752 F 5 RR RR RR RR 1753 1754 1760 1761 - 1762 6 4 3 7 VP LL RR 1761 1762 1761 - 1762 B,L 3 7 LP 1785 A 187 TT 1724 1 TL 1765 P2 LP 1788 B 329 LP LT 1779 1782 B 181 14 TL 1765 R7 VP RR RR 1741 1753 1754 H,P 6 4 LP PP PP LP LP 1780 1782 1783 1788 1790 B 183 H4 204 B 327 B 333 RR 1738 - 1739 4 RR 1753 7 Dade, Townsd PP 1800 96 Cuppin, William Dade, Townsend Jr. LP 1790 B 333 PP 1800 96 PP 1800 96 VP 1761 P,L LP LP 1780 1788 B 183 D 330 VP 1741 C RR PP PP LP 1761 - 1762 1782 1783 1790 4 2T2 204 B 335 LP 1780 B 183 LT 1782 20 PP 1783 204 Junr Curby, John Dade, Townshend Curliss, Charles Curray, John Currie, John Dade, William Comm of Tax Dagg, Jno Curry, James Curry, John Dagg, John Curtis, Chichester Dagg, Thomas Curtis, Chichr Curtis, Chitty Daggett, Joel Curtis, Chr Daily, Owen LP 1776 D 177 Curtis, Christr Dallas , Marmaduke PP 1782 1T9 Curtis, Listor Dallis, Alexander RR 1777 16 Curtis, Xr Dallis, Alexr RR 1779 194 LP 1790 B 333 Dallis, Marmaduke LP 1797 A 344 Dalton, Andrew TT 1724 4 LT 1782 6 PP 1783 204 LP LP LP LP PP 1786 1790 1791 1799 1800 B 189 B 333 B 336 C 347 193 MR 1701 15,16 Cussinberry, Mary D[?], Willm Dabiel, James Dade, [No first name] Mrs. (wido[w]) Dade, Langhorn Dalton, James Dade, Langhorne Dade, Robert Quarter Master Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Dalton, Jno Dalton, John 12/30/2012 Page 48 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source P;w WC P:w WC RR RR VP RR RR RR Date(s) Source Info 1754 1760 1761 1761 - 1762 1773 1777 Source 4 3 B,L 8 6 6 Orps RR 1738 - 1739 3 Prp RR 1735 - 1736 3 VP 1741 H VP 1741 H VP 1741 H VP 1741 H VP 1741 H VP 1741 P VP 1761 L,P VP 1741 P PP 1783 204 VP 1741 C VP 1741 C,F LP 1788 A 326 VP 1741 C VP 1741 C VP 1741 H RR 1723 4 VP 1741 H VP 1741 H VP 1741 H LP 1776 A 102 PP 1800 193 PP 1800 97 PP 1800 97 RR 1760 3 RR 1751 - 1752 6 Darnel, David Darnel, Ferd LP 1799 C 347 Darnel, John PP 1782 H4 Darnel, Morgan PP 1783 204 Darnel, Waug' 15 Darnell, David Dalton, Rachael Dalton, Rachell Dalton, Robert 1760 Daniel, Samuel PP 1800 193 Darnell, Francis LP 1788 B 327 Darnell, Morgan LP 1789 A 331 Darnell, Samuel A 331 Darnell, Waug' 7 12 43 Darnes, Thos 4 Darnold, J 45 Darnold, Jno 6 7 5 Darper, George 5 6 4 Darrison, Burr Daniel, Wm M. Dantignae, Ann nee: Ann Downman Dantignae, John LP 1789 Dargen, Timothy RR RR TP 1753 1754 1751 - 1755 RR 1754 Darnill, Samuel Darnal, Morgan Darnal, Waugh RR 1729 Darnall, David RR RR RR 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 Darrell, Willm orps Darnall, Jeremiah RR RR RR 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 Darrison, Thos Darnall, Jno RR TP 1751 - 1752 1751 - 1755 RR RR 1753 1754 Dartley, Jno 5 43 Darvel, Wm Darnall, John 6 4 Daugherty, Daniel Darnall, Morgan Orp Orps RR RR RR RR TP 1735 - 1736 1738 - 1739 1751 - 1752 1753 1751 - 1755 Source Info Darnall, Waug' Dalton, Moses RR Date(s) Daughtery, Bryan 3 3 5 6 43 Daughtery, Patrick Daukins, Geo: Darnall, Thomas Daulson, Jno RR 1753 7 Darnall, Warghs Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Daulton, Andrew 12/30/2012 Page 49 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source RR Date(s) Source Info 1751 - 1752 Source 5 Daulton, James PP 1800 193 RR TL RR 1761 - 1762 1765 1767 A&B 26 T5 4,3 Commissioner LP PP PP 1788 1800 1800 B 327 190 193 Dautton, John [Daulton?] Davey, John LL 1762 3 LP PP 1788 1800 A 326 97 VP 1741 H RR 1754 4 LP 1788 C 329 Occoquan Mill Davis, Hugh Daulton, John ordinary license Davis, Isaac Daulton, Moses Davey, Wm Date(s) Source Info LP PP 1795 1800 D 340 193 PP PP LP PP 1782 1783 1799 1800 1B6 204 C 347 193 VP LL TL RR RR RR RR PP 1761 1762 1765 1767 A&B 1773 1777 1779 1800 RR RR RR 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 LP 1788 B 329 PP 1783 204 PP PP 1782 1782 E4 H2 LP PP 1782 1782 A 186 1B9 PP 1783 204 MR 1701 10 LT 1782 10 RR 1735 - 1736 TL LP PP PP PP PP 1765 1779 1782 1782 1782 1783 T5 B 180 1B4 E2 H6 204 LP 1799 C 347 VP 1741 F,P VP LP 1761 1788 B,L A 326 B,L 3 T5 3,3 6 6 194 193 Davis, Jacob Orphans Orphans Orphans David, Davis Davis, Augustine Davis, Jam Davis, Benion PP 1800 Davis, James 193 Davis, Charles Davis, Jas LP 1790 B 333 VP RR RR RR VP LL RR RR RR RR RR PP 1741 1751 - 1752 1753 1760 1761 1762 1761 - 1762 1767 A&B 1773 1777 1779 1800 PP 1782 E3 LP PP 1799 1800 C 347 193 PP 1783 204 Davis, John F TL LP PP 1765 1790 1800 R3,T10 B 333 193 Davis, Jos MR 1701 8 Davis, David C,H 6 7 3 L,P 3 8 4,3 6 6 194 193 Davis, Jesse Davis, Jessie Davis, Jno Davis, Jnofos Davis, Job Orphans 3 Davis, John Davis, Eleazer Davis, Elias Davis, Elusos Davis, Francis Davis, Joseph Davis, Giles Davis, Henry Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 5 7 4 Davis, Joshua 12/30/2012 Page 50 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source counter Date(s) Source Info Source TT 1724 5&6 Jr. Jr., son of Thos Junr Senr son of Sarah LP 1799 C 347 PP 1783 204 LT 1782 10 Davis, Thompn BT 1737 B Davis, Thos MR LP PP LP PP 1701 1779 1783 1799 1800 13 B 181 204 C 347 193 RR TT 1723 1724 4 10 RR 1761 - 1762 8 RR RR 1754 1760 4 3 RR RR PP 1751 - 1752 1753 1800 LT PP PP LP 1782 1782 1783 1790 6 H2 204 B 333 LP PP PP 1779 1782 1783 B 180 1B3 204 Davis, Mathew Davis, Moses Davis, Rd Davis, Rich Jr Davis, Richard Surveyor Jr Quantico Quantico Quantico Quantico Jr Quantico Occuquan Quantico Occoquan Quantico Occoquan Quantico (Occaquan) (Quantico) Davis, Richd Davis, Sam Davis, Saml Heirs Davis, Samuel Heirs; Westmoreland ordinary license Davis, Sarah 5 6,25 193 Jr. Junr Davis, Simon [2d entry] Davis, Thomas Jr Quantico Surveyor Junr Jr Quan: 1701 1724 1795 1795 11 10 D 340 D 340 TL RR RR RR VP LL LL RR LP LP PP 1747 1753 1753 1753 1761 1762 1762 1761 - 1762 1778 1779 1783 3 7 7 7 B,L 3 3 8 A 179 B 181 204 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info PP LP LP LP LP PP 1783 1790 1790 1790 1790 1800 204 B 333 B 333 B 333 B 333 193 RR 1754 4 RR RR VP TL RR RR RR RR RR RR TL TL TL RR RR RR RR RR RR RR LT LT LP LP LP 1735 - 1736 1738 - 1739 1741 1747 1751 - 1752 1751 - 1752 1751 - 1752 1754 1754 1760 1765 1765 1765 1767 A&B 1773 1773 1777 1777 1779 1779 1782 1782 1788 1788 1799 3 3 B,C,F 3 5 6 6 4 5 3 T5 T5 T6 4,3 6 6 6 6 194 194 10 10 B 326 B 327 C 347 RR VP RR 1735 - 1736 1741 1751 - 1752 3 F 6 RR RR RR RR LL RR RR RR LP LP PP PP LP 1753 1754 1760 1760 1762 1761 - 1762 1761 - 1762 1767 A&B 1776 1779 1783 1783 1788 7 4 3 3 3 26 8 -,3 D 177 B 181 204 204 A 325 Davis, Will Davis, Tho MR TT LP LP Date(s) Davis, William Hrs Jr. 12/30/2012 Page 51 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source son of Thos LP LP LP LP LP PP Date(s) Source Info 1788 1788 1790 1795 1799 1800 Source B 327 B 329 B 333 A 338 C 347 193 Dawkins, [No First Name] Widow Dawkins, Geo PP 1800 193 RR 1754 5 MR VP VP RR TL RR LP PP PP PP LP 1701 1741 1741 1751 - 1752 1765 1767 A&B 1780 1782 1782 1782 1799 Davis, Wm 14 B F 5 R6 -,7 B 183 1B6 2T3 H2 C 347 1701 8 TL 1747 4 RR 1761 - 1762 8 RR RR RR RR VP 1735 - 1736 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 1761 3 5 7 4 C,P RR RR VP RR RR RR 1735 - 1736 1738 - 1739 1741 1751 - 1752 1754 1760 3 3 C,F 5 4 3 RR VP RR TL PP PP PP 1753 1761 1761 - 1762 1765 1782 1783 1800 7 B,P 7 R6 1T1 204 97 RR RR RR RR RR 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 1760 1761 - 1762 5 7 4 3 8 VP TL TL 1761 1765 1765 C,P P1 P1,R6 TL 1747 4 VP LL RR 1761 1762 1767 A&B C,P 3 4,3 PP 1783 204 PP 1800 193 LP 1780 B 183 PP 1800 97 LP 1780 B 183 Dawkins, Jno Exrs Exrs heirs Dawkins, John Exrs Exrs Davis, Zacharea LP 1788 A 325 PP 1800 97 PP 1800 97 PP 1800 97 PP 1800 97 PP 1800 97 PP 1800 97 PP 1800 97 Dawkins, Widow VP 1741 C Dawkins, William MR 1701 6 PP 1783 204 Dawnton, Richard LP PP LP PP 1782 1782 1795 1800 A 186 2T4 A 337 193 Dawsey, Richard Daviss, Charles Dawkins, Peter Daviss, Moses Daviss, William (son of Jno) Davy, William MR Dawkins, George Davis, Willm Daviss, Selene % Charles Daviss Daviss, Simon Source Info Dawes, John Davis, William Daviss, John (son of Simon) Daviss, Joseph Date(s) Dawkins, Thomas Dawber, Wm Dawdall, Thomas Dawe, Philip Dawson [?], John Dawe, Phillip Dawson, Benjamin PP LP LP 1783 1786 1787 204 B 189 B 191 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Dawson, David 12/30/2012 Page 52 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Dawson, John Occoquan Mill Dawson, William Date(s) Source Info Source PP 1800 193 Delaforce PP 1800 97 Delane, Abraham TT 1724 9 Delaney, Joseph LP 1787 B 191 LP 1790 B 333 LP 1795 D 339 Day, Roger De Bernoux, Galvan Deacons, John Deake, James Date(s) Source Info TL 1765 R7 PP 1782 1B1 MR 1701 8 RR RR RR RR 1735 - 1736 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 3 5 7 4 LT 1782 19 LP 1788 A 326 LT 1782 13 PP 1800 97 PP 1783 204 PP 1800 97 PP PP PP 1782 1783 1800 1B6 204 97 PP 1782 1B6 TL PP PP PP 1747 1782 1782 1800 4 1B6 1B6 97 RR 1723 4 LP 1796 C 342 LP 1795 C 339 LP PP 1796 1800 C 342 193 PP 1783 204 LP 1790 B 333 TP 1751 - 1755 LP 1782 A 187 LP 1788 A 326 Delany, Ben Deakins, Ellizabeth (Est.) Deakins, John Delarue, Augustus PP 1800 193 Delatorce, Jos LP PP LP 1780 1783 1788 B 183 204 B 327 Delgarn, Charles Deal [?], John Delgarn, Francis TL 1747 5 Deal, Charles Delgarn, George LP 1790 B 333 Deale, Jacob Delgarn, James PP 1800 97 TL 1747 4 TT TT 1724 1724 9 9 TP 1751 - 1755 45 PP 1800 97 PP 1800 97 Dean, John Dearman, Michael Junr; 13 yrs Dearmont, Mitch Delgarn, Jno not 21. not tiths Delgarn, John Dearmore, John (levy free) Debell, John Demovell, Saml DeBernoux, Galvan Deneale, D LP LP LP LP LP LP 1786 1786 1790 1795 1795 1796 A 188 B 189 B 333 A 337 C 339 C 342 RR 1758 4 Deneale, Edward Deneale, James Debuts, [No first name] Denisson, William Debuts, Laww Dennington, John Revd RR 1760 3 Debutts, Lawce Rev; Exrs Debutts, Lawrance Revd Debutts, Laws Revd Dedion, Joshua Dennis, Wm RR RR 1735 - 1736 1754 RR 1753 RR 1751 - 1752 3 4 Dennison, William 7,25 Dent, Aurthur 5 Dent, Geo Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 53 43 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source LT 1782 6 Digges, Edward PP 1782 1T6 Digges, Thomas VP 1741 F,H Diggins, Richd TL 1765 T1 Digs, Val LP 1788 B 328 Dilley, Benjamin LP 1788 A 326 Dineale, James LP 1788 B 328 Dishman, Sam VP 1741 P Diskin, Daniel RR 1735 - 1736 3 Diskin, Jno TT 1724 10 Diskin, John TP 1751 - 1755 43 RR 1723 12 RR RR 1738 - 1739 1753 3 6 RR 1723 4 RR 1754 4 RR 1751 - 1752 5 Ditter, John RR 1723 4 Ditto, John MR 1701 15 Dixon, [?] PP 1782 H5 Dixon, Edwd RR RR 1760 1761 - 1762 3, 11 7 Dixon, Eve Dent, Shdk Dent, Thos Derham, John Derington, Henly Derington, Jessey Derington, John Dermond, Mich Dermot, Mich Dermot, Philomon Dermot, Ritch Dermott, [No first name] Exrs Dermott, Michael Source Info LP 1797 A 344 LP 1797 A 344 VP 1741 F VP 1741 P PP 1800 97 LP 1795 A 337 RR 1729 45 TL 1747 6 RR 1751 - 1752 5 VP TL TL LL 1741 1747 1747 1762 F,H 6 6 3 RR TL 1753 1765 21 R6 RR RR VP RR 1753 1754 1761 1767 A&B 6 4 B -,3 TL 1765 P2,R7 VP 1761 B,P LP 1788 D 331 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 E1 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T6 VP 1741 C,F PP 1800 193 LP 1785 A 187 TL 1765 T9 Diskins, [No first name] Exrs Dermott, Michal Diskins, John Dermott, Michl Dermut, Michael Derrick, Mattix Derrick, Thmas Derrington, Jno Deskin, John Deskins, John Dixon, Jno RR 1767 A&B 3,- Dial, Charles Dixon, John PP 1783 204 Dickens, Jno Dixson, Jos RR RR 1735 - 1736 1738 - 1739 3 3 Dizney, Jean PP 1800 193 Do [Botts]?, Stephen PP 1800 193 Dobbie, Wm. PP 1800 193 Dobrett, Dickerson, Edward Dickerson, Hannah Mrs. Dickerson, Lewis Date(s) Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 54 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Heirs LT Date(s) Source Info 1782 Source 10 Dockett, Saml Date(s) Source Info PP 1800 97 RR 1751 - 1752 6 TT 1724 4 RR 1753 26 RR 1758 1 LP LP 1785 1785 A 187 C 188 LP 1785 C 188 PP 1782 H1 LP 1790 B 333 PP 1782 H4 LP 1790 B 333 PP LP 1782 1790 H4 B 333 PP 1782 H6 LP 1790 B 333 LP PP 1780 1800 B 183 193 PP 1800 193 PP 1800 193 LP 1780 B 183 LP LP 1782 1799 A 187 C 347 TT 1724 9 LP 1785 A 187 VP 1761 L,P MR 1701 17 RR 1723 5 LP 1786 B 188 Doged, Bushrod RR 1767 A&B -,3 Dodd, Nathaniel RR RR 1751 - 1752 1753 5 6 Dogen, John btwn 10 & 16 Doggedd, Bushrod RR 1754 4 Dogget, Bushrod TL 1765 P2 Doggett, George TP 1751 - 1755 45 LP LT PP PP LP 1779 1782 1782 1783 1790 Dodd, Nathel Dodson, Charles Dodson, Elias Dodson, Enoch Doggett, Joel B 182 20 1T4 204 B 334 Doin, Bennett Doin, Bennitt Doin, Daniel Dodson, Josh. TP 1751 - 1755 43 Doin, Jesse Dodson, Joshia RR 1767 A&B 4,3 Doin, John Dodson, Joshua LL TL RR RR 1762 1765 1773 1777 3 P2 6 6 Doin, T. Doin, Thomas Dodson, Laz. TP 1751 - 1755 43 Doing, Bennett Dodson, Rawleigh VP 1761 B,P RR RR 1753 1754 7 4 Dodson, Thomas 650 Doing, Jesse Doing, John Dodson, Thos RR RR RR RR 1751 - 1752 1773 1777 1779 6 6 6 194 RR 1751 - 1752 6 Doing, Tho Doing, Thos Dodson, Will Dolehy, Will Dodson, William Heirs Hrs RR RR 1753 1761 - 1762 7 8 15 yrs old Dolgarn, John 5 4 3 Doling, Charles Dodson, Willm Heirs Heirs RR RR RR 1751 - 1752 1754 1760 Doniphan, Alexr: Doe, John VP 1741 Doniphan, Matt C,F Doeing, John PP 1783 Donnell, James 204 Dogan, Henry Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Donnell, John 12/30/2012 Page 55 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source LP LP LP Date(s) Source Info 1786 1786 1787 Source A 188 B 188 B 191 Date(s) Source Info RR 1767 A&B 4,3 PP 1783 204 LP LP LP LP PP 1776 1776 1788 1799 1800 A 102 B 176 D 330 C 348 193 RR LT 1773 1782 6 10 RR VP LL RR RR LP RR LP RR LP 1760 1761 1762 1761 - 1762 1767 A&B 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 3 B,P 3 8 4,3 B 176 6 A 179 194 B 183 LP 1795 D 340 RR 1761 - 1762 7 RR 1760 1 LL TL RR RR RR LP RR LP PP 1762 1765 1767 A&B 1773 1777 1778 1779 1782 1783 RR 1761 - 1762 RR VP LL PP 1754 1761 1762 1783 VP RR RR RR LP LP 1741 1751 - 1752 1760 1761 - 1762 1776 1778 Dowell, Isaac Dowell, Jeremiah Door, Sam G LP 1787 B 191 RR RR 1735 - 1736 1738 - 1739 3 3 RR 1761 - 1762 7 RR 1760 3 LT LP 1782 1795 20 D 340 PP 1782 1T1 LP 1785 B 188 PP 1800 97 Mrs PP 1782 E7 Est. Douglass, Benjamin LT 1782 17 Dorgan, Tim Dormot, Michael Dowell, Jno Dormot, Michl Est Dougherty, Bryan Dowell, John Dougherty, Bryant Dougherty, John Doughlass, Catherine Douglas, Cate Douglass, TL 1765 Dowell, John C Dowell, Neamiah R6 Douglass, James VP TL TL 1761 1765 1765 B,L R1,T7 T7 TL PP 1765 1783 T7 204 LP 1786 B 189 PP 1800 193 LP 1776 A 102 Dowell, Nehemh Dowell, Nehemiah Douglass, John Estate Dowdall, Thos Dowdle, Elizabeth Dowel, John 3 T6 3,3 6 6 A 179 194 A 186 204 Dowell, Nihemeah Dowel, Thomas LP 1788 D 330 26 Dowell, Thomas Dowel, Thos LP 1776 A 102 LP 1776 B 176 LT 1782 10 Dowel, Wm Dowell, [Jr]sham Dowell, Thos Dowell, Charles LP 1788 A 325 LP 1790 B 333 TL 1765 T6 Dowell, Charles Dowell, George Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 4 B,L 3 204 12/30/2012 Page 56 P 6 3 8,26 B 176 A 179 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Dowell, William PP 1783 204 LP 1788 B 327 Dowin, Bekitt Date(s) Source Info LP LP 1788 1788 A 325 A 326 PP 1782 H2 LP LP 1786 1788 B 189 B 328 LP 1782 A 186 PP 1800 196 PP 1783 204 LP LT PP 1778 1782 1782 A 179 2 2T1 PP 1800 193 LP 1795 C 339 LP 1782 A 186 TL LP 1765 1779 R4 B 180 RR 1767 A&B 4,3 PP 1800 97 PP 1783 204 TT 1724 9 TT 1724 9 TT 1724 9 TL 1765 T4 RR TL 1760 1765 3 T4 RR 1753 25 TL 1765 T4 RR 1761 - 1762 LP 1788 B 328 LP PP 1779 1782 B 182 1B8 Downton, Richard Dowin, Jessy Downton, Richd LP 1788 B 327 LP 1780 B 183 Downton, Richd. LP 1788 B 328 LP 1788 B 327 Doyle, [No first name] Mrs. Doyle, Alexander RR 1761 - 1762 27 Doyle, Alexr RR 1735 - 1736 3 MR TT 1701 1724 Dowing, Dennys Dowing, John Dowing, Thos Dowmon, Jabilz Downham, Traverse Downing, George 17 4 Doyle, Elizabeth Downing, William Doyle, Patrick TT 1724 10 Downman, Ann Doyler, Alex Mrs. Mrs. RR LT PP PP 1779 1782 1782 1783 RR 1767 A&B 194 2 2T1 204 Dozier, James Ingoe Downman, Jabeiz Dozier, James Jngo 4,3 Downman, Jabelz Draper, William RR 1761 - 1762 12 Downman, Jaber Drougherty, Bryan TL 1765 R3 Downman, Jabez Drummon, James 12 yrs Drummon, Saml TL RR RR RR 1765 1773 1777 1779 T3 6 6 194 LL 1762 3 Drummond, Ben TP 1751 - 1755 43 Drummond, Benja PP 1800 193 LP 1789 A 331 Drummon, Tho Downman, Jebiz Downman, Ran. Downman, Rawleigh Downman, Tabiz Gent. Downman, Travers Drummond, Benjamin Drummond, Danl. RR 1729 45 Downman, Traverse Drumond, Benja RR RR RR 1773 1777 1779 6 6 194 8 Drury, Alexr Drury, Joseph Downman, William PP 1800 193 Downton, David Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 57 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source PP Date(s) Source Info 1783 Source 204 Drury, Ralph Date(s) Source Info TP 1751 - 1755 43 RR RR RR RR 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 1758 6 7 5 1 TP 1751 - 1755 43 TP 1751 - 1755 43 VP RR TP 1741 1751 - 1752 1751 - 1755 H 5 43 RR RR 1753 1754 6 4 VP RR 1741 1751 - 1752 H 5 VP 1741 TP 1751 - 1755 43 RR RR 1751 - 1752 1753 6 7 RR 1754 5 MR RR RR RR 1701 1735 - 1736 1753 1754 15 3 7 4 RR RR RR 1735 - 1736 1738 - 1739 1751 - 1752 3 3 5 RR VP 1735 - 1736 1741 8 P VP 1741 C RR 1723 4 LP 1795 D 340 TL 1747 5 MR 1701 15 LP 1795 D 340 Duncan, Charles PP 1800 193 LP 1788 B 328 LP PP LP LP 1780 1783 1788 1790 B 182 204 B 328 B 333 Drury, Raphael Drury, William [his mark] Duncan, Chas Duncan, Jas Drury, Wm Duncan, Jno PP 1782 2T2 PP 1800 193 RR 1735 - 1736 PP 1782 1B5 RR 1753 7 RR 1754 5 Dryman, James Duchiminis, Saml Duncan, John 3 Dudley, John overr Duncan, Joseph Duelling, William Duelling, Willm Duncan, Marshall Duff, John B,F Duncan, Morgan PP 1800 97 Duff, Willm Duncan, Rice LL 1746 Ww LP 1797 A 344 Duncan, Richd LP 1787 B 191 Duncan, Robert TT 1724 2 TP 1751 - 1755 RR 1758 1 PP LP 1783 1790 204 B 333 VP 1741 H RR 1758 1 Duffey, Benard Dugan, Wm Gray Duggins, Richard Dulaney, Chas Mr. 44 Dulany, Charles Duncan, Robt Jur Dulany, John Jur Duncan, Thos Dulany, Jos Dulany, Joseph Duncomb, Jno Dulgarn, Geo LP 1788 Duncomb, Robt B 327 Dulgarn, James LP 1776 Dundas, John D 178 Dullehunt, James LP 1779 Dunehue, Dennes B 182 Dunaway, Ezekiel LP 1779 Dunkham, Thomas B 180 Duncan, [No first name] RR 1738 - 1739 Dunlap, John 3 Duncan, Benj Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 58 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Dunnington, Israel 1800 97 PP 1800 97 PP 1800 97 PP 1783 204 PP 1782 1B3 LP 1779 B 181 PP 1800 193 VP 1741 C,H PP 1800 193 LT 1782 1 PP 1782 H5 PP 1782 H1 Majr RR 1754 5 Majr RR 1751 - 1752 Majr RR 1760 RR 1735 - 1736 4,5 RR RR 1738 - 1739 1753 3,5 6,8 VP TL 1761 1765 L T5 LP 1790 B 333 TL LT 1765 1782 R2,T1 6 VP PP LP 1761 1783 1788 P 204 A 326 TP 1751 - 1755 45 RR 1753 3,8 RR 1754 5 PP 1783 204 1800 97 Dye, Samuel LP 1799 B 346 Dye, Thomas Capt RR 1754 4 Dye, Venson Orph RR 1753 7 Dye, Vincent RR 1751 - 1752 5 Dyer, John RR 1723 4 TP 1751 - 1755 45 Dyer, Joseph Occoquan Mill Dyer, Peter PP 1783 204 Dyson, Jerry RR 1753 25 [E]dminson, Charles Orph RR 1761 - 1762 7 Earl, Go Orph Orph RR RR 1751 - 1752 1760 6 3 Earl, John Dunnington, W. W. Durach, Edward Durack, Edward Durgan, Timothy Durham, Saml Durinton, John Durnam, William Durriuk, Edwd Durruck, Edward Duval, Lennie Source Info PP PP Durham, Wm Date(s) Earl, Saml PP 1783 204 Duvall, [?] Earl, Samuel LP 1788 D 330 Duvall, John 6,17 Earle, Saml PP 1800 193 Duvall, Susannah 4 Earle, Saml J. Mrs. PP 1800 193 Duvall, William Earle, Samuel PP 1800 193 Dye, Amos Majr PP 1800 97 LP PP PP 1779 1782 1783 B 181 1B3 204 Earles, John Dye, Brown Earls, Elizabeth Dye, Daniel Earls, George PP 1800 97 PP 1782 1B3 LP 1779 B 181 PP PP 1783 1800 204 97 Dye, David not 21 Earls, John Dye, Dennis Dye, John (Junr.) Early, Gamaliel Dye, John Eaustice, William (Lame) (Senr.) PP PP 1800 1800 97 97 Eaustice, Willm PP 1800 97 Eaves, Abraham Dye, Joseph Dye, Mary Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 59 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Eaves, Thos Source Info Edwards, Alexr RR RR TP 1723 1751 - 1752 1751 - 1755 TL PP 1765 1783 4 6 45 Eaves, William R2,T1 204 RR RR RR RR 1761 - 1762 1767 A&B 1777 1779 9 4,4 7 194 LP 1790 B 333 PP 1800 97 LP PP 1795 1800 D 339 97 RR RR RR TL 1753 1754 1761 - 1762 1765 8,25 5 27 T8 RR LT 1751 - 1752 1782 19 6 RR 1760 4 RR 1761 - 1762 9 TL RR 1765 1767 A&B VP RR RR RR 1761 1773 1777 1779 B,P 6 6 194 TL LP LP 1765 1778 1799 T8 A 178 B 346 TP 1751 - 1755 PP 1783 204 LL LP 1746 1786 L B 189 LP 1786 B 189 LP 1795 D 340 RR 1735 - 1736 4,7 RR 1738 - 1739 3 RR 1760 Edwards, Ann Ebbs, James Edwards, Anne PP 1783 204 Mrs. Ederington, Thos Edwards, Gilbert LP 1788 D 330 MR 1701 13 RR 1723 4 RR RR RR LP 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 1797 TL 1765 Edge, Tho Edwards, Haden Edge, Thos Edmonds, Elias Senr Edmondson, John Date(s) 6 8 5 A 344 Edwards, Hadon Edwards, Harden T5 Edringrton, John Edwards, Hardin LP 1788 A 325 Edrington, James Edwards, Hayden LP 1788 A 325 LT PP 1782 1782 6 H3 Edrington, Jno Edwards, Haydon Edrington, John of Wells; of Thorn PP PP 1783 1800 204 193 TT 1724 10 RR 1751 - 1752 LP 1788 R1,T8 4,4 Edward, [No First Name] Edwards, John Edward, Alexander 6 Edward, David Edwards, Saml B 328 Edward, Haden 43 Edwards, Thomas LL 1762 3 Edward, Haydon Edwards, Thos RR 1751 - 1752 6,19 RR RR RR 1751 - 1752 1760 1761 - 1762 6 4 9 Edwards, William RR RR RR LL RR RR 1753 1754 1760 1762 1761 - 1762 1773 8 5 4 3 27 7 Edy, Jno Gent Edwards, [No First Name] Edwards, Wm Edwards, Alexander Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Edy, John Egan, Barnaba Lives in Maryland 12/30/2012 Page 60 3,4 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Egborn, Delilah [aka Dilley] [nee: Williams] LP Egborn, Jacob LP Eidson, Boyce VP Elgin, James LP Elgin, Jas PP Elkey, John RR Elkey, Thos RR Elkin, John MR Elkin, Richard MR Ellezey, William Capt LL Ellgin, Robt PP Ellicott, Nathaniel LP Elliff, Thomas PP Elliff, William PP Elliot, Reuben Patroler TL Elliot, Thos RR No Land RR Elliott, John Major LL TL PP Elliott, Nathaniel PP Elliott, Reubin TL Elliott, Wm. TL Ellis, Charles Capt (Troope of Horse) MR Ellis, John LP LP Ellis, Rhodam LP Ellis, Rhodham LP Ellis, Thomas MR Date(s) Source Info Source Date(s) Source Info Elliss, John 1795 B 338 PP 1800 97 PP 1800 97 RR 1723 4 RR 1723 4 RR 1767 A&B 4,4 TL 1765 R6 ? TL RR 1765 1773 R2,T2 7 Esqr Esqr RR TL RR RR 1761 - 1762 1765 1777 1779 TL 1747 4 PP 1783 204 LT 1782 1 MR 1701 12 TT 1724 3 TT TT RR VP 1724 1724 1729 1741 2 2 46 C,F Capt RR 1761 - 1762 9 of Cocke RR 1761 - 1762 9 Capt RR 1760 4 TP 1751 - 1755 44 MR 1701 10 LP PP 1790 1800 B 333 193 PP 1800 193 LL 1762 4 RR 1754 5 Elliss, William 1795 B 338 Ellkins, Nathal 1761 B,P Ellkins, Richd 1776 D 177 Ellsey, William 1782 E7 Capt Ellsmore, Edward 1723 4 Ellzey, William 1723 4 1701 9 1701 15 1762 4 1782 E7 Ellzey, Wm 18 T2 7 194 Elmer, George Elmore, Benjamin 1795 D 339 Elod [Clod], Robt 1800 97 Elsey, Tho 1800 97 Elzey, John 1765 P2 Elzey, Lewis 1760 1761 - 1762 1746 1765 1782 4 9 Quarter Ww T5 H3 Elzey, William Elzy, Will 1800 193 Elzy, William 1765 R7 Embry, Robt 1765 T10 Emerson, Henry 1701 16,17 Emmerson, George 1786 1787 B 189 B 191 1790 B 333 1795 A 337 1701 17 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Emmerson, William Occoquan Mills Emms, [No first name] Mrs Emms, Edward 12/30/2012 Page 61 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Hrs RR Date(s) Source Info 1761 - 1762 Source 9 Emms, Edwd Date(s) Source Info TL 1765 T10 LT 1782 2 PP 1800 193 LP LP PP 1788 1790 1800 A 326 B 333 193 PP 1800 97 PP 1800 194 TT 1724 7 TL LP LP 1765 1788 1790 R4 B 328 B 333 LP PP 1799 1800 B 346 193 PP 1800 193 LP 1799 C 347 PP PP 1783 1800 204 193 PP 1800 193 PP LP 1783 1790 204 B 333 PP 1782 2T3 LP PP PP 1776 1782 1783 E 176 2T1 204 MR 1701 6 TL 1765 R3,T10 TP 1751 - 1755 PP 1783 TP RR RR LP 1751 - 1755 1760 1761 - 1762 1779 Evans, [Robt] RR RR 1738 - 1739 1760 10 4 RR 1761 - 1762 9 Mrs Mrs TL RR 1765 1767 A&B R6 4,4 Mrs RR RR RR 1773 1777 1779 7 7 194 Hrs Capt Evans, Arrington Constable Evans, Edward Emms, Eliz Emms, Elizabeth Emms, Elizth Evans, Elijah Evans, Francis Evans, Hugh Emmu, Edward RR 1753 8,9 Evans, James Ems, Edward RR 1751 - 1752 6 MR 1701 16 MR MR 1701 1701 13 13 LP 1788 A 325 England, John English, Geo: Evans, Jesse Corpll Sarjant English, John Evans, Jesse English, Noah Evans, Jessey PP 1800 97 Ennis, Enoch Evans, John RR 1735 - 1736 4 PP 1783 204 Evans, John PP 1800 97 Evans, Michael PP LP 1783 1788 204 B 327 Evans, Michael LP 1780 B 184 Evans, Peter PP 1782 1T3 LP 1788 A 326 Evans, Phill PP 1800 193 Evans, Robert RR 1723 4 Evans, Saml. PP 1800 97 Evans, Thomas RR 1729 45 Evans, Thos LP 1788 B 328 RR 1751 - 1752 Ennis, William Enniss, William Ensey, William Ensley, William [his mark] Epperson, [Little?] Berry Esfrey, Jar Eskew, John Eskridge, Geoe Eskridge, Hector Eskrige, Geo Maj Etters, Jacob Eustice, Will 6 43 204 43 4 9 B 180 Evan, Robt Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 62 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source LT PP 1782 1782 21 1T10 Ewell, Charles Majr Decd Hrs Estate Hrs TL LP 1747 1788 2 B 329 TL 1765 R1,T9 RR 1753 8 RR TL TL LP 1754 1765 1765 1788 5 T3 T3 A 326 LP 1788 D 330 RR RR RR LP LP 1760 1760 1761 - 1762 1776 1782 4, 13 4 9 E 176 A 187 Capt RR 1751 - 1752 6 Ewell, Hannah Mifs[Miss] Ewell, J A Colo TL 1765 T3 Ewell, Ja Colo Colo RR RR 1760 1779 4 194 PP 1800 194 RR TP VP LL RR RR RR RR RR LP PP PP LP LP LP 1753 1751 - 1755 1761 1762 1761 - 1762 1761 - 1762 1767 A&B 1773 1777 1779 1782 1783 1785 1786 1788 8 43 L,P 3 9 9 4,4 6 7 A 180 2T2 204 B 188 B 189 B 329 Maj. TP 1751 - 1755 44 Major RR 1754 5 LP 1796 C 342 Evens, John Eventon, Mardun Van Eves, Thomas Eves, Thos Date(s) Source Info RR RR LL RR PP LP LP PP 1753 1760 1762 1761 - 1762 1783 1790 1795 1800 8 4 3 9 204 B 333 D 340 97 VP RR RR LT LP 1741 1751 - 1752 1754 1782 1788 F 6 5 6 B 328 LP PP LP LP LP 1780 1782 1786 1786 1795 B 184 2T3 A 188 B 189 A 337 LT 1782 2 LP 1776 D 177 LP LP LP 1778 1790 1799 A 178 C 335 B 346 LP PP LP LP PP 1776 1783 1790 1799 1800 C 176 204 C 335 C 347 97 LT LT PP 1782 1782 1782 10 18 E5 LT 1782 2 TL LP LP LP LP LT PP LP LP LP 1765 1776 1779 1780 1782 1782 1782 1786 1790 1790 R3,T10 D 177 A 180 C 184, 185 A 186 10 E5 B 189 A 332 C 335 Ewell, Chas Junr Majr Ded Majr Decd Evins, William Ewell, [No First Name] Colo ? Colo Colo Ewell, Chs Ewell, Balren Ewell, Bart. Ewell, Bartrand sheriff Ewell, Battrand Ewell, James Ewell, Bertrand Major of Cocke Colo of Graham Col; sheriff Senr Ewell, Jas Majr Majr Ewell, Jefse [Jesse] Coll Ewell, Jesse [signature] Ewell, Birkand Col Ewell, Burhard Ewell, Ch Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 63 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Senr Senr. Date(s) Source Info LP LP LP LP LP PP 1791 1793 1795 1796 1799 1800 B 336 B2 336 A 337 C 342 B 346 193 PP 1783 204 Source Date(s) Source Info Fair, Thomas PP 1800 98 LP 1790 B 333 RR 1753 26 LP 1788 D 330 PP 1800 194 RR RR RR 1773 1777 1779 18,20 18 200 PP 1800 194 LP 1776 F 178 LP LP PP Faished [?], [No First Name] Mr; Quarter TL Faished, Mr. TL Falkner, Thomas RR VP Falkner, Thos RR RR RR RR Falkour, Thos RR land taken away RR Fallen, Will Northumberland RR Fallen, William RR Fallen, Willm RR Fallon, William RR Faloppens, Jno RR Farguson, Isaac TL Farguson, Jacob TL Farguson, John LP Farguson, Nimrod 1788 1790 1800 D 330 B 333 194 1747 6 1747 6 1753 1761 9 B,L 1760 1760 1773 1777 4 5 7 7 Fairfax, Ezekiah Fairfax, George Wm Esq Fairfax, Hez Ewell, Jessie Fairfax, Hezekiah Ewell, Solomon LT PP PP LP PP 1782 1782 1783 1788 1800 2 2T2 204 A 325 97 PP 1783 204 TL LT 1765 1782 T3 2 LP 1776 D 177 LP LP 1780 1780 B 183 C 184 RR RR RR RR 1767 A&B 1773 1777 1779 TL 1765 T10 TL LP 1765 1779 P1 B 181 TP TL 1751 - 1755 1765 43 P1,R7 TL 1765 P1 TP 1751 - 1755 43 TP 1751 - 1755 43 LP 1779 B 181 TL 1765 P1 LP 1779 B 180 PP 1800 194 PP 1800 98 Fairfax, Lord Rt Hon Rt Hon Rt Honble Fairfax, Sarah Mrs. Fairfax, Thomas Lord Honorable Fairfax, William Ewell, Thomas Ewell, Thos Capt Ewell, Thos M Ewell, Thos W Ewells, [No first name] Estate Estate Estate Estate Ewells, Jessy 4,4 6,10,15 7 194 Fagan, Edward Fagan, Edwd Fagan, Francis Fagan, Frank Fagan, Henry Fagan, William Fagen, Francis Fagg, John Fair, Edmund Fair, Mary Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 64 1761 - 1762 1761 - 1762 10 10 1751 - 1752 7 1753 9 1754 6 1760 4 1735 - 1736 6 1747 8 1747 8 1788 B 328 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source TL Date(s) Source Info 1747 Source 8 Farlor, Mitchell MR 1701 14 RR 1779 194 MR 1701 6 PP 1800 194 LP 1788 B 328 1754 1765 1765 1767 A&B 1773 1777 1779 1782 1782 1782 1790 1800 1800 LL 1746 N TP 1751 - 1755 LT 1782 Orps TT RR TL 1724 1735 - 1736 1765 10 4 R6 Orps RR PP PP PP 1738 - 1739 1782 1782 1783 4 E1 H1 204 RR 1735 - 1736 4 RR 1751 - 1752 7 TT RR RR LP LP PP LP LP LP LP PP 1724 1738 - 1739 1753 1776 1782 1783 1786 1787 1788 1790 1800 10 4 8 D 177 A 186 204 B 189 B 191 B 327 B 333 194 RR 1754 RR VP RR RR LT PP LP 1735 - 1736 1741 1777 1779 1782 1782 1799 RR 1767 A&B of Tackett Farmer, Hen Farn, William Farnandis, Porter Farned, James Farnesley, Jas 6 Farrow, Jno LP 1788 B 328 LP LP 1779 1788 B 180 A 326 TT 1724 1 LP 1788 B 329 LT 1782 10 Farrow, Margt 204 B 333 Farrow, Will Farrel, Michael Farrow, John Farrell, Garret Farrell, John Farrell, Mich Farrell, Michael 1783 1790 5 R1,T7 T7 5,5 7,18 3,8 200 A 186 10 H2 B 333 194 97 Farrow, Issac 43 Faron, C. F. PP LP Source Info RR TL TL RR RR RR RR LP LT PP LP PP PP pateroler Farlow, Isaac Date(s) Farrow, William Farrer, Abraham MR 1701 14 MR 1701 17 TT 1724 10 TT TT 1724 1724 10 10 RR RR 1753 1754 8 5 RR RR RR 1723 1735 - 1736 1751 - 1752 5 4 7 TL TL 1765 1765 R3,T10 T10 PP 1800 97 RR RR 1751 - 1752 1753 Farrlow, Ambres Farrow, Abra Farrow, Abra [Abraham] Mr. Farrow, Abraham Farrow, Abram Farrow, Willm Farrow, Ann Mrs Farrow, Elizabeth Farrow, Isaac 7 8 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 5 Farrow, Wm Faugason, Jno of Diskins 12/30/2012 Page 65 4 F,H 12 195 6 H6 C 347 5,5 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Faulkner, Rd Date(s) Source Info Fegan, Edward RR 1735 - 1736 2,4 Faulkner, Thomas PP 1783 204 PP PP 1783 1783 204 204 VP 1741 H TT 1724 7 LP 1785 A 187 VP 1741 H,P PP 1800 98 VP TL RR RR LT PP PP PP 1741 1765 1773 1777 1782 1782 1783 1800 F,P R6 7 8 14 1B5 204 97 LP 1790 B 333 LP 1790 B 334 PP 1782 1T9 RR 1779 195 PP 1800 98 LP 1797 A 344 PP 1782 H1 PP 1783 204 PP 1782 E1 LP 1788 B 327 RR 1738 - 1739 4 RR 1735 - 1736 4 RR 1723 5 RR RR 1777 1779 18 192/200 Fegan, William LL TL 1762 1765 4 R4 RR RR 1761 - 1762 1767 A&B 27 5,4 Fenwick, William RR 1751 - 1752 7 Ferguson, Hugh VP 1741 F,H Ferguson, Isaac PP 1782 1T6 Ferguson, James RR 1779 195 Ferguson, John PP 1782 1T6 LP LT PP 1779 1782 1782 B 181 21 1T6 not 21 PP 1782 1T6 Jr. PP PP 1782 1782 E1 E2 Fernandies, Peter BT 1737 W Fernandon, Adam TT VP 1724 1761 9 C,P Ferrel, Michael Jr. Faulkner, Thos Fent, Geo Feagan, Daniel Feagan, Edwd Feagan, F [rancis] Jr; not 21 Feagan, Francis Feagan, Frans Sr Feagan, Fras Feagan, Jas Feagan, Wm Fernandies, Elender Feagans, Edwd Feagin, Edward Feagin, Francis Ferrill, Thomas TL RR 1765 1777 R6 6 Ferris, Robt PP 1800 97 Fewell, Go PP 1800 97 Fewell, William TL PP 1765 1800 R5 97 Fewell, Wm Feagin, George Feagin, Lathrain Feagin, William (Senr.) Feagin, William Ficklin, Fielding (Junr.) Feagine, Edward PP 1800 97 Ficklin, William LP 1788 A 325 Fearnsby, Willm Fickling, Wm TT 1724 8 February, John Field, [D]anl MR 1701 8 Fegaen, Danl Field, Henry Heirs RR 1754 6 Heirs RR 1753 9 Junr; Dr Junr Fegan, Daniel Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Field, William 12/30/2012 Page 66 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source LP 1776 D 177 PP 1800 194 Fitzhugh, Geo SC PP 1779 1783 1 204 Fitzhugh, George Fielder, Samuel Fielder, William Fielder, Wm Date(s) Source Info Col Collo VP RR 1741 1751 - 1752 C,F 4 Heirs LL 1746 S PP 1783 204 TT TT RR LL LL 1724 1724 1729 1746 1746 3 3 45 S S TT LT 1724 1782 7 18 TT TL LT PP PP PP LP PP 1724 1765 1782 1782 1782 1783 1788 1800 7 P5 18 E5 E7 204 B 328 98 PP 1800 98 PP PP PP 1783 1800 1800 204 97 98 TL TL LT PP LP 1765 1765 1782 1782 1797 P5,R8 P5 18 E8 A 344 TL LP PP 1765 1788 1800 R3,T10 B 328 194 MR 1701 7,9,12, 16, 17 RR 1723 5 Esqr LT 1782 10 Qr TL 1765 P5 Qr. TL 1765 R8 MR 1701 8 Fitzhugh, Henry LP 1788 B 327 Fields, Henry Junr LP 1776 F 178 MR 1701 14 RR TT RR 1723 1724 1735 - 1736 5,9 10 4 RR 1753 8 RR 1754 5 MR 1701 10 TL 1765 T6 TP 1751 - 1755 Fishback & Holtzclaw, [No First Name] RR 1735 - 1736 RR 1738 - 1739 Fishback, Frederick RR 1751 - 1752 RR 1753 RR 1761 - 1762 Fishback, Frederk RR 1754 Fishback, Fredk RR 1760 Fishback, Harmn RR 1754 Fishback, Harmon TP 1751 - 1755 Fishback, Herman RR 1751 - 1752 RR 1753 Fishback, John LP 1788 Fisher, John LP 1795 Fishlon, Richard RR 1751 - 1752 Fitzhugh, [No First Name] RR 1723 Collo RR 1735 - 1736 43 Capn /quarter Colo Capn Colo Heirs Fitzhugh, Jno Fields, William Filkins, Henry (Staffd) Fitzhugh, John Filslom, Richard quartr Qr Filslon, Richd Filton, Henry Finare, Dick (Stafford) Fitzhugh, John (T) Finney, Jno Fitzhugh, Thomas 4 4 (of Boscobel) 7 8 10 Fitzhugh, Thos Qr Qr 5 4 Fitzhugh, William 5 43 7 8 Fitzhugh, William/ Wm [signature ] Fitzhugh, Willm A 325 Fitzhugh, Wm D 340 FitzhughJr, John 7 Fitzhughs, John 5 1 Flagg, Henry Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Flaharte, John 12/30/2012 Page 67 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info LP 1788 B 328 LP 1795 D 340 PP 1783 204 LP 1782 A 186 MR Fletcher , [No First Name] [sic] TP Fletcher, Aaron 14 yrs old TT VP TL RR RR Fletcher, James btwn 10 & 16 TT Fletcher, Jas MR RR TT VP Fletcher, Joseph TL Fletcher, Moses TT Fletcher, Thomas TT Fletcher, Wm TT VP TL Fletchers, [No First Name] BT Flint, David TL Floid, Francis LP Florance, George pateroler (levy free) RR LP Florance, Jno RR Florance, John RR Florance, Joseph LL RR Florance, William RR RR 1701 14 Source Flanery, M Florence, Geo: (levy free) Florence, George pateroler Flattery, Hugh Flattery, Jno Flectcher, James Jr. Date(s) Source Info LL RR 1762 1761 - 1762 4 27 PP 1782 1B6 TL TL PP PP 1747 1765 1783 1783 6 R6 204 204 PP PP 1800 1800 98 98 LT PP PP PP 1782 1782 1782 1782 15 1B6 1B7 1B7 PP PP 1783 1800 204 98 VP 1741 H RR VP TL RR RR RR RR LT PP PP LP 1760 1761 1765 1767 A&B 1773 1777 1779 1782 1782 1783 1788 PP 1800 98 RR 1773 7 LP PP 1788 1800 A 326 98 RR 1767 A&B VP RR RR RR 1741 1760 1777 1779 F 13 7 194 LP 1779 B 180 RR TL 1761 - 1762 1765 Florence, George 1751 - 1755 43 1724 1741 1765 1773 1779 7 F,H T4 8 195 1724 4 1701 1723 1724 1741 6 5 7 F,H 1765 T4 1724 7 1724 4 1724 1741 1765 7 F,H T4 1737 C 1765 B 180 1753 1788 9 B 328 1754 5 1753 9 1753 1753 (french service) Florence, James Florence, Jno Florence, Joseph Florence, Will Florence, William Florence, Willm -,4 Florence, Wm 4 27 Flourence, George Flourence, Joseph 25 9 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 4 B,P R8 5,4 7 7 194 15 1B7 204 B 328 Florence, Mary R6 1779 1762 1761 - 1762 (son of Joseph) Florence, Go Senr Junr 12/30/2012 Page 68 10 P6 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Flourence, Will RR 1761 - 1762 10 TL 1765 R5 PP 1800 98 TP 1751 - 1755 45 RR 1751 - 1752 7 RR 1751 - 1752 7 RR 1751 - 1752 7 VP 1741 C,F PP 1782 1B2 RR VP RR RR RR RR RR RR RR RR TL TL TL RR RR RR RR RR RR RR RR 1738 - 1739 1741 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 1760 1760 1761 - 1762 1761 - 1762 1761 - 1762 1765 1765 1765 1767 A&B 1767 A&B 1773 1773 1777 1777 1779 1779 4 H,P 7 8 5 4 4 10 10 27 R2,T1 R2,T1 T1 5,5 5,5 7 7 7 7 194 194 Decd RR RR RR 1760 1761 - 1762 1767 A&B 13 10 5,- Jur LL 1762 4 PP 1782 1B1 MR 1701 12 TT 1724 4 1765 TT BT RR RR VP LL RR TL TL RR RR PP LP LP PP 1724 1737 1751 - 1752 1754 1761 1762 1761 - 1762 1765 1765 1767 A&B 1779 1783 1788 1790 1800 RR RR LT 1773 1777 1782 7 7 10 RR 1758 1 deced deced RR RR 1773 1777 7 8 btwn 10 & 16 deced TT TT RR LP 1724 1724 1779 1788 4 4 194 D 330 TT 1724 4 TL 1765 T3 TL 1765 R3 LP LP 1795 1795 D 339 D 339 RR RR 1751 - 1752 1754 7 6 TL TL 1747 1747 5 5 VP TL 1761 1765 B,M T5 1782 1T1 Flowers, David Flowers, Wm Flowrence, George Stafford Flowrence, Jno Flowrence, Will Floyd, Eben Floyd, Fras ordinary license Foley, Jas Floyd, Henry Ser Jur Ser Junor Senr Senr Jur Ser Jur Ser Jur Jur Jur Source Info TL Foley, James btwn 10 & 16 Flourence, Wm Date(s) T5 4 T 7 6 B,L 4 10 R3,T3 T3 5,4 194 204 D 330 B 333 194, 198 Foley, Jeams [James] Foley, Jno Foley, John Foley, Richard Foley, Rosamond Foley, Rosanna Folio, James Jun Senr Floyd, John Folkner, Thos Decd Folkners, [No first Name] Mr. Mr.; Quarter Folsom, Israel Floyed, Henry Fogg, John Foley, Bryan Foley, Henry btwn 10 & 16 Foley, Jacob Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Fontaines, [No First Name] ? PP Fooks, Gerrard RR 12/30/2012 Page 69 1761 - 1762 31 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Mr Date(s) Source Info RR 1761 - 1762 SC 1779 TP 1751 - 1755 SC Source 31 Foot, Eliza 1 Ford, Steven 43 Ford, Thomas 1779 1 LT PP 1782 1782 18 E5 TL PP 1765 1783 P5 204 Forge Company, Occoquan Furn Occoquan Furn Occoquan Furn Occoquan Furn Occoquan Furn Occoquan Furn Forgey, Daniel VP 1741 F,H Foot, Geo Foot, Margt Foot, Rd Est estate, decd Foot, Richard Jr. Estate Foote , Geo Foote, George Date(s) Source Info LP LP 1785 1790 C 188 B 333 LP 1788 B 328 VP 1741 H,P RR RR RR RR RR RR 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 1760 1761 - 1762 1761 - 1762 PP 1800 194 VP 1761 CA,L LP PP LP LP 1782 1783 1795 1799 A 187 204 A 338 C 347 LP 1787 B 191 PP 1783 204 LT 1782 2 RR 1767 A&B VP 1761 B,L LP 1788 B 328 PP 1800 98 MR 1701 16 RR 1753 9 RR 1777 8 PP 1800 98 LP PP 1799 1800 C 347 194 PP LP 1782 1788 1T5 B 329 VP TL 1741 1747 F,P 1 7 9 6 4 10 27 Forgey, Robert VP 1761 P Foote, Gibson Forgie, Daniel VP 1761 B,L MR RR TL PP 1701 1723 1765 1800 17 5 P5,R8 98 Foote, Richard Mr. Mr. Forgie, Danl Foote, Richd Forgie, Robert VP 1741 F,H Foote, William Forgy, Robt PP 1800 98 Foote, Wm Forime, William LP 1788 B 329 Forbes, David 5,- Forsythe, Absolom Dor LP LT LT PP LP LP LP 1780 1782 1782 1782 1786 1786 1787 C 184 2 6 2T3 A 188 B 189 B 190 PP 1783 204 LP 1788 B 329 LP 1795 D 340 Forsythe, Thomas Fortune, Garner Fosaker, Richd [signature] Fose, John Fredericksburg Fosh, Frderk [Frederick Foushee] Foster, Aaron Forbes, Davis Forbes, Hugh Ford, J. E. Foster, Andrew Ford, James LP 1788 D 330 LP LP 1788 1790 A 325 B 333 Foster, Asa LP PP LP 1779 1782 1785 B 181 H3 A 187 Foster, George Ford, John Ford, Stephen Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 70 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Hrs. Heirs Hrs. VP TL RR RR LP PP Date(s) Source Info 1761 1765 1777 1779 1788 1800 Source B R4 7 194 B 328 98 Date(s) Source Info Foster, Matthew PP 1800 97 PP 1782 1T5 LP 1788 B 329 LP LP 1779 1788 B 181 B 328 TP 1751 - 1755 43 TL TL RR RR RR VP LL RR TL TL RR LP 1747 1747 1751 - 1752 1753 1760 1761 1762 1761 - 1762 1765 1765 1767 A&B 1779 4 7 7 8 4 B,P 4 10,27 P2,R7 R4 5,4 B 180 RR 1754 5 TL RR RR 1765 1773 1777 P2 8 8 RR 1779 195 RR VP RR RR RR 1735 - 1736 1741 1751 - 1752 1751 - 1752 1767 A&B 4 H,P 7 7 5,4 RR TL TL RR RR VP LL LL RR TL TL RR RR LP 1738 - 1739 1747 1747 1753 1760 1761 1762 1762 1761 - 1762 1765 1765 1767 A&B 1773 1776 4 1 7 8 4 C,P 4 4 10 R4 R4 -,4 7 D 178 Foster, Nat Foster, Nathaniel Foster, Nimrod Foster, Isaac Jun TL RR RR RR LL RR TL LP LP LT PP 1747 1751 - 1752 1754 1760 1762 1761 - 1762 1765 1779 1779 1782 1782 LP 1795 7 7 5 4 4 10 P2,R7 B 180, 182 B 180 21 1T3 Foster, Richd Foster, Robert overseer Foster, Isacc D 339 Junr Foster, James of Robt RR RR PP PP LP LP PP 1773 1779 1782 1783 1788 1795 1800 7 194 1B1 204 B 327 D 340 97 Foster, Robt RR LT 1777 1782 7 14 Foster, Thos Foster, Thomas of Carters Est Foster, Jas Foster, Jerema LT PP 1782 1782 23 1T5 LP RR LP RR PP 1776 1777 1779 1779 1783 C 177 6 B 182 195 204 LP LP 1788 1795 A 325 D 340 LP PP 1779 1782 B 181 1T3 PP 1783 204 LT PP 1782 1782 14 1B1 LP 1795 D 340 Foster, Will Foster, Jeremiah Junior Junior Foster, William Senr Foster, John Foster, Joshua Junior Junr Senr Foster, Margaret Junr Levy free Senr Senr Foster, Margt Foster, Mathias Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 71 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source LP LP PP LP Date(s) Source Info 1779 1782 1783 1788 Source B 180 1B1 204 A 326 Fredks:burg Date(s) Source Info RR RR 1760 1761 - 1762 5 10 LP 1790 B 333 PP 1800 98 PP 1782 H2 VP LL TL RR RR RR LP PP PP LP LP LP PP 1761 1762 1765 1767 A&B 1773 1777 1778 1783 1783 1788 1788 1790 1800 PP 1800 194 PP LP LP 1783 1788 1788 204 B 327 D 330 PP 1783 204 MR 1701 10 LP 1786 B 188 LP 1788 D 330 PP 1782 1B3 PP 1782 1B3 MR 1701 8 LT LP 1782 1788 14 A 326 LP 1788 B 328 PP PP 1782 1783 2T1 204 TL 1747 1 Fox, Thomas Foxworthy, James Foster, William (Junr.) (Senr.) PP PP 1800 1800 98 98 RR LP 1754 1795 5 D 340 RR RR RR RR RR RR RR LT PP PP PP LP 1773 1773 1777 1777 1777 1779 1779 1782 1782 1782 1782 1799 7 7 7 7 7 194 194 14 1B1 1T1 E1 C 347 Foxworthy, Thomas LL 1762 4 Foxworthy, William Foxworthy, Jno Foster, Willm Foxworthy, John Foster, Wm Junior Younr Junr Senr Younger Junior Younger Junr Jr. Senr Fouchee, James Fountain[e], [No first name] Mr. LT Foushee, Fredk RR Foushee, James RR RR RR RR Foushee, John LP Fowkes, [No first name] RR Fowkes, Gerrard RR Fowler, Fredrick LP Fowlke, Chandler TT Capt TT Fox, [No First Name] Widow TP Fox, Anty PP Fox, Jno Fredericksburg RR RR Fox, John 1782 21 1779 194 Foyers, Thomas 1767 A&B 1773 1777 1779 5,5 7 8 194 Fra [?] eake, Jno B,L 4 R1,T8 5,5 7 7 A 179 204 204 A 325 B 328 B 333 194 Francis, Peter Junr Frank, James 1776 D 177 Frank, Jeffrey 1760 10 Frank, Jeffry 1723 5 Frankham, Henry 1779 B 181 Franklin, John 1724 1724 2 2 Franklin, Joseph 1751 - 1755 43 Franklin, Susannah 1782 1751 - 1752 1754 1B6/7 Fraser [Traser?], William 7 6 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Frazier, James 12/30/2012 Page 72 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source PP Date(s) Source Info 1800 Source 98 Source Info Frogg , Jno Mar Major VP RR RR 1741 1751 - 1752 1754 Majr RR 1753 9 PP 1782 1B4 PP 1782 1B4 PP 1800 97 (Senr.) PP PP 1783 1800 204 97 (Junr.) PP 1800 97 PP 1800 98 TL PP 1765 1800 P2 97 PP 1800 194 RR 1723 5 RR 1723 4,5,6 RR RR RR 1773 1777 1779 8 8 195 LP 1795 D 339 MR 1701 7 RR RR RR 1751 - 1752 1760 1761 - 1762 RR 1753 9 RR 1754 6 VP 1741 H,P RR VP 1738 - 1739 1741 4 H,P VP 1741 H,P RR 1760 5 Freman, Robt PP 1782 French & Ballendine, [No first name] Mrff [Misters] LT 1782 French, Aaron RR 1777 French, Danl RR 1723 VP 1741 TL 1765 French, George LP 1788 French, James RR 1738 - 1739 LP 1779 French, Jas RR 1723 TT 1724 RR 1735 - 1736 LT 1782 PP 1782 French, Lewis PP 1800 French, Stephen LP 1799 LP 1799 French, Will RR 1751 - 1752 French, Wm P. [patroller] TL 1765 RR 1767 A&B RR 1773 RR 1777 LP 1778 RR 1779 LP 1780 Frister, Richard TT 1724 Frister, Richd Junr; 10 yrs TT 1724 Fristoe, John LP 1782 Fristoe, Richard VP 1761 Fristoe, Richd RR 1773 RR 1777 RR 1779 Fristow, Richard VP 1761 Frogg , [No first name] Major TP 1751 - 1755 Date(s) 1B5 1 Frogg , John 8 Fryar, John 5 C,F P6,R8 Fryar, Tabez A 325 Fryer, John F,H 7 6 Fryer, Elijah 4,10 B 181 Fryer, John 5 9 4 14 1B4 Fryer, Tarpley Fryer, William Fugett, Gerard 98 Fulk, [J]ames B 346 C 346 Fuller, Stephen 7 Fulsom, Israel T5 5,7 8 A 179 194 B 183 Furgeson, [?] Furman, [?] [signature] Furnat, James 10 10 Furnatt, James A 186 Furnatts, James C Furr, Jos 8 8 195 Furr, Thos 7 4 10 Furr, Wm P Fushee, James 43 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 73 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source RR Fustow, Richard Stafford Fustow, Richd Date(s) Source Info 1761 - 1762 Source 10 Source Info RR 1773 8 RR RR 1777 1779 9 195 LL RR TL TL TL RR RR RR RR 1762 1761 - 1762 1765 1765 1765 1767 A&B 1773 1777 1779 PP 1782 H5 RR 1761 - 1762 12 TL 1765 T2 PP 1783 204 RR 1760 13 PP 1800 194 LP LP LP PP 1788 1795 1799 1800 A 326 A 337 C 347 194 LP PP 1788 1800 D 330 98 PP 1800 98 LP 1788 D 330 PP 1783 204 LP 1790 B 333 RR 1751 - 1752 8 RR 1754 6 RR 1754 6 LP 1788 B 327 LP 1799 C 347 Gallahue, Derby RR 1760 4 RR 1761 - 1762 10 MR 1701 12 TT 1724 9 LP 1787 B 191 TP 1751 - 1755 43 PP 1800 98 PP LP PP 1782 1790 1800 1B2 B 333 98 PP 1800 98 Gallichew, Charlotte LT 1782 15 Gallohue, Darby LP 1788 B 327 Galloway, Bernard LP 1788 B 327 Galloway, John LP PP LP 1779 1783 1788 B 181 204 A 325 LP PP 1782 1782 A 186 1B2 LP LP 1786 1795 B 189 A 337 LP LP LP PP 1787 1792 1799 1800 B 191 B1 336 B 346 200 Gallahue, John Gage, Tho: qt master Gainer, James Date(s) Junr Gaines Junr Gaines, Chas Gaines, James Gallahue, Rachl Gaines, Rowland Gallahugh, Derby Galleher, Jeremiah Gaines, William Gaines, Wm Gains, Daniel Gains, Rowland Gains, William Gains, Wm Gambrel, Edward Gallagher, Benard Gambrel, William Gambriel, Walter Gallagher, Bernard Gambriel, William Gambrill, William Gallahue, Cha LP 1776 D 178 LP 1776 C 176 PP 1782 H5 5 5 R3,T3 T10 T3 6,6 8 8 195 Gann, James Surveyr; Heirs Gann, Jas Deced Gant, George Gallahue, Charles Gallahue, Charlotte Gallahue, Darbey Garberry, Richd TL 1765 T2 Gallahue, Darby Gardenhien, Adam VP TL 1761 1765 B,P R3, T2 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Gardenhire, Adam 12/30/2012 Page 74 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info PP PP 1783 1800 204 194 PP 1783 204 LP 1795 A 338 LP LP 1792 1795 B1 336 D 339 PP 1782 2T3 MR 1701 6 RR RR 1753 1754 10 6 Source Gardenhire, Jacob Date(s) Source Info VP RR 1741 1751 - 1752 H,P 8 LP PP 1798 1800 345 98 RR RR 1738 - 1739 1753 Garner, Thomas (S) ordinary license Garner, Thos PP 1800 SW Branch of Occoquan RR RR RR 1723 1735 - 1736 1751 - 1752 LP 1798 RR VP RR RR 1738 - 1739 1741 1751 - 1752 1753 4 P 8 9 RR 1758 1 PP 1800 194 PP 1783 204 LP 1788 A 325 PP 1782 H1 LT 1782 6 PP 1782 H1 PP 1783 204 TL LP 1765 1788 T4 A 325 LP LP 1782 1788 A 186 B 328 RR 1761 - 1762 LP LP 1788 1790 A 325 B 333 LP 1790 B 333 PP 1800 194 Garner, Richard Gardiner, Adam Garner, Thomas Gardiner, James Gardinhire, Jacob Gardner, Jacob Gardner, James 4 9 98 5 4 8 Garner, Thos Smith Gardner, John 345 Garner, Vincent LP 1788 A 326 RR RR 1753 1754 10 6 RR 1735 - 1736 Gardner, Parish Gardner, Thos Licking Run & Tinpot Gardner, Vincent Garner, Vinson 4 RR 1754 6 RR 1754 6 Garner, William overseer Garnett, Robert Gardnor, Thos Garland, Griffin Garrat, James LP 1790 B 333 Garland, Griffin Garratt, Jas LP 1788 B 328 Garner, Abraham Garratt, Robt RR 1767 A&B 6,- Garner, Bradley Garratt, Rt RR 1735 - 1736 4 Garner, Charles Garrett, Peter VP RR 1741 1751 - 1752 H,P 8 VP 1741 H RR 1751 - 1752 8 RR VP RR RR TP 1735 - 1736 1741 1751 - 1752 1754 1751 - 1755 4 H,P 8 6 43 RR LL RR 1738 - 1739 1746 1753 4 Wc 9 Garrett, Robert Garner, Cinc Garner, James Garrison, George Garner, Jno Orp Tinpot Garrison, J: Pierce of Wright Garrison, Moses Garner, John 11 Garrott, James Orp Garrott, Nimrod Garner, Parish Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Garrott, Robert 12/30/2012 Page 75 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source (land) Date(s) Source Info Source LP PP 1790 1800 B 333 194 RR 1761 - 1762 27 PP 1800 98 RR 1773 8 TL 1765 T10 PP 1782 E2 TL 1765 T4 RR RR RR 1753 1760 1761 - 1762 10 5 11 RR RR 1751 - 1752 1753 8 10 RR 1751 - 1752 8 LP 1788 B 328 TT 1724 8 TL 1765 P2 RR RR 1777 1779 14 195 LP 1776 D 177 Gibson, Johnathan Exrs TL LP 1765 1779 T2 B 180 Exrs PP 1800 98 Gibson, Jonas Gibson, Jos Gibs, [No First Name] Estate Gibson, Abraham Gaskins, Glasgow Gast, [ illegible] Gaston, Humphrey Gates, John LP 1795 D 340 TT 1724 10 RR 1738 - 1739 10 TL VP LL TL RR 1747 1761 1762 1765 1767 A&B RR RR 1773 1777 8 8 MR RR 1701 1723 14 5 RR VP RR RR 1738 - 1739 1741 1751 - 1752 1754 RR LP LP LP LP LP LP PP PP 1753 1786 1786 1787 1792 1796 1799 1800 1800 RR RR RR TP 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 1751 - 1755 8 10 6 45 RR 1738 - 1739 4 RR 1735 - 1736 4 RR 1738 - 1739 4 RR 1760 5 RR 1761 - 1762 11 MR 1701 14 LP LP PP 1795 1795 1800 A 337 A 337 194 8 B,L 5 R2,T9 6,5 Gibson, Abrm Gibson, Jacob Gibson, Jno Govt of Caroline Geogg, Jno Orphns Source Info Gibbons, John Garson, J Peirce Gaysbay , Richd. [Gatsbsy?] Genn, James Deced Deced Dd Gent, George Date(s) Gibson, John [?], George George, Benja George, Jesse George, Margerom George, Michl George, Nicholas George, Reuben George, Reubin LP 1776 D 178 LP 1798 345 Elk Run Gibson, Joseph F Gibson, Joshua 9 Gibson, Joshua Jonathon 9 Gibson, Samuell Gilbert, Joseph George, Ruben Gess, John VP 1741 Gess, Mathew TT 1724 Gess, Moses TT 1724 Gess, Wm TT 1724 9 PP 1800 194 [Sr] Jnr Gibbins, James Gibbons, James Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 4 H,P 8 6 12/30/2012 Page 76 10 A 188 B 188 B 190 B1 336 C 342 B 346 194 98 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Gilbert, Joseph R Junr LP 1799 C 347 LP 1795 A 338 TP 1751 - 1755 43 Glasscock, Gregory MR 1701 16 Glasscock, Jno LP LT PP PP PP LP 1778 1782 1782 1782 1783 1795 A 179 21 1T2 1T9 204 D 340 Gilbert, William H Date(s) Source Info VP TL 1741 1747 H,P 6 TL VP 1747 1761 2 B,L PP 1800 98 RR RR 1751 - 1752 1754 TL LP 1765 1788 R2,T9 B 328 PP 1800 194 RR 1738 - 1739 RR 1729 RR 1735 - 1736 4 RR RR RR 1753 1760 1761 - 1762 10 5 11 RR RR 1751 - 1752 1754 8 6 PP 1800 98 LP PP 1780 1800 B 184 194 LP 1788 A 325 PP 1800 194 TL 1765 R6 MR 1701 6 LP 1788 B 327 LP 1790 B 333 PP 1800 194 PP 1800 194 VP 1741 F LL 1762 5 Glascock, William Gilbreath, Wm Giles, John Gill, John 8 6 Glasscock, John Glasscock, Scarlett Gill, Richard Gleekes, William LP 1797 A 344 decd Gilliborn, Tho: 4 Gleekis, Wm MR 1701 10 Gillon, Wm 45 Gleeks, Wm PP 1782 H1 Gillson, Thomas Glenn, Robert Mr. MR 1701 17 LP 1790 B 333 VP 1741 F,P LP 1795 D 340 Glouviour, William PP 1800 98 Glover, Richard [his mark] LP 1780 B 183 PP 1800 194 Gillum, Thomas Gilmore, Owin Glenn, Robet Merchant Gilpin, Goye Ginkins, Elisha Gipson, William Girardin, Lewis H. Glover, William Gladden, John Glover, Zachariah VP 1741 C,F Gladdin, Wm Goad, Abraham VP 1741 C,F Glaney, Hugh Godard, John PP 1800 98 Glascock, J. Goddard, Ignatious TL 1765 T9 Glascock, James Goddard, Ignatius TL 1765 T4 Glascock, Jno Goddard, John RR VP 1735 - 1736 1741 4 H,P RR TL RR TL 1738 - 1739 1747 1753 1765 4 2 9 T9 Godfrey, Landsdale Glascock, John Godfrey, Wm Goff, William OBryan Glascock, Peter Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Goff, Wm Obryan 12/30/2012 Page 77 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source RR 1761 - 1762 4 Goslind, Lewis RR 1723 5 Gosling, Jno PP 1800 194 Gosling, Simon PP 1782 E1 Gosllind, Ezekiel LP 1788 D 330 Gossom, Jno PP 1800 194 Gost, William Obryan LP 1786 B 189 PP 1800 194 PP 1800 194 Goury, John MR 1701 9 Gowing, James LP 1788 A 326 Gowing, Jno LP 1788 B 327 Gowing, Wm VP 1741 C,F [?Gr] igg, John VP 1741 F Grace, Rhebe PP 1800 98 Grady, Edward PP 1800 200 Grady, Patrick PP 1800 200 PP 1800 194 LP LP 1797 1798 A 344 345 LP LP 1780 1795 B 184 D 339 LP 1799 B 346 LP 1785 B 188 Goin, Wm Goldrick, John Goldrig, John Goldsmith, John Goley, Joseph Goodman, John Goodwin, John Date(s) Source Info PP 1800 194 RR 1735 - 1736 VP 1741 B.F PP 1800 194 MR 1701 11 RR RR 1767 A&B 1773 6,5 8 RR RR 1777 1779 8 195 MR 1701 12 MR 1701 10 MR 1701 10 MR 1701 10 LP 1778 A 179 LP 1790 B 333 TT 1724 1 RR TT 1723 1724 5 3 RR 1760 2 LP 1786 B 189 LL RR 1762 1767 A&B 5 6,5 RR RR 1777 1779 8 195 RR 1773 8 RR RR RR 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 8 10 7 RR RR VP 1735 - 1736 1738 - 1739 1741 4 4 F,P 4 Gost, Wm Obryan Goodwin, Mary Gooss, Mathew Gordan, David Gordan, Jno Gordan, John Gordan, Thos Gorden, Alexander Gorden, Samuel Gorden, Wm. Gordin, Samuel Graham, [No first name] Mr. Graham, Catesby Gordon, Alex Gordon, John [his mark] Graham, Charles Graham, Chas Gordon, Samuel Goren, John Graham, Chs Gorman, James Graham, Duncan TT 1724 7 RR RR 1723 1738 - 1739 5 4 PP 1783 204 PP 1800 194 Goslin, John decd Graham, Edward Goslin, Robert Goslind, Charles Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Graham, Elijah 12/30/2012 Page 78 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source LP 1798 345 CC LP LT PP LP LP 1782 1782 1782 1792 1799 A 186 2 2T1 B1 336 B 346 CC TL RR PP LP LP LP LP PP PP 1765 1779 1783 1786 1787 1795 1796 1800 1800 R2,T1 195 204 B 189 B 191 D 340 C 342 194 98 LT LT 1782 1782 10 15 TL LP PP PP 1747 1779 1783 1800 1 B 180 204 98 LP 1798 345 PP 1800 194 VP RR RR RR LP 1741 1751 - 1752 1773 1779 1798 F,H 4,8 8 195 345 TL TL TL RR RR RR VP VP LL RR TL TL TL RR RR RR 1747 1747 1747 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 1761 1761 1762 1761 - 1762 1765 1765 1765 1767 A&B 1767 A&B 1773 1 1 9 7 10 6 B,P B,P 5 11 R1,T7 R4 T7 6,5 6,6 8 Graham, Geo Dor Graham, George Doctor Jun Jr. Graham, Joshua [his mark] Graham, Mary Capt. Capt Capt Graham, Reginald Graham, Regl Estate [decd?] Graham, Richard Graham, Jas Graham, Jean Mrs. gentm Graham, Jno Mercht [Broadrun] [Cedar Run] Clerk pateroler Broadrun (at Cedar Run) Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List RR RR LP RR RR LT LT PP PP PP 1777 1777 1779 1779 1779 1782 1782 1782 1782 1783 8 9 A 180 195 195 1 6 1B3 1B3 204 LP 1780 B 183 PP LP 1783 1790 204 B 333 LT LT LT 1782 1782 1782 15 2 6 LP LP RR 1778 1779 1779 A 179 A 179 195 LT 1782 2 TL LP LT PP LP LP 1765 1781 1782 1783 1789 1790 R2 A 185 24 204 B 332 B 333 TL LP LP LP LP LP PP LP LP LP LP LP LP 1765 1776 1776 1778 1779 1782 1782 1785 1786 1786 1787 1790 1790 T1 C 176 D 177 A 179 A 179 A 186 2T4 A 187 A 188 B 188 B 191 A 332 C 335 LP 1795 A 337 PP LP LP 1783 1788 1790 204 D 331 B 332 Graham, Richd Graham, John Senr (at Cedar Run) Mr. Source Info Graham, Rd Graham, Go Dor Dor [Doctor] Graham, James pateroler Date(s) Graham, Rob Graham, Robert Clerk PWC Court [PWC Clerk?] 12/30/2012 Page 79 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source [Clerk] Date(s) Source Info LP PP 1790 1800 B 335 194 LP LP PP PP PP PP PP LP 1780 1781 1782 1782 1782 1782 1782 1786 B 184 A 185 1B9 1T10 2T3 2T4 E9 A 188 Source Exrs (decd) Graham, Robt Date(s) Source Info RR PP 1761 - 1762 1800 11, 31 194 TP 1751 - 1755 43 LP 1799 RR RR 1760 1761 - 1762 LP 1799 C 348 PP LP PP 1783 1788 1800 204 A 325 194 LT PP 1782 1782 6 H1 VP 1741 H VP 1741 C TT 1724 10 TT 1724 10 PP 1800 194 PP LP LP LP 1783 1785 1788 1790 204 A 187 B 328 B 333 PP 1800 194 LP 1780 B 184 LP LP 1788 1790 A 324 B 333 PP 1800 194 RR RR LP PP LP 1760 1761 - 1762 1782 1783 1788 PP 1782 2T2 LP 1788 A 326 Grant, Morgan Clerk PWC Court Clerk PWC Court Cl PWC Cy Court C. P. Wm Coy Court Cl P. Wm Coy Court Grant, Posey D C 348 Grant, Thos 5 11 Grant, W Grant, William Graham, Thos not 21 PP 1782 1B3 LP LP LP 1785 1786 1786 B 187 A 188 B 188 PP LP PP 1783 1799 1800 204 B 346 98 Grantham, Jno Graves, Mathew Graham, Walter Grant, Wm Graham, William Grant, [No First Name] Widow Widow (from Allan McCrae) Grant, Ann RR RR RR RR 1753 1754 1773 1779 10 7 12 197 TT 1724 2 TT 1724 7 LP 1799 B 346 RR LL RR RR 1760 1762 1761 - 1762 1767 A&B 13 5 12 6,6 RR 1738 - 1739 1 RR RR RR 1773 1777 1779 RR VP RR RR 1738 - 1739 1741 1751 - 1752 1754 8 C 8 6 RR VP RR RR 1738 - 1739 1741 1753 1760 4,8 F 9 5 Grautmus, Jno 10 yrs Graves, William Gravett, Ellis Gray, Aaron Grant, George Grant, H Grant, James Loudoun Gray, Anthony C. Gray, Aron [his mark] Gray, Charles Grant, Jams Grant, Jas Gray, David 8 7,8 195 Gray, Francis Westmorland; of Taylor Grant, Jno Mr. Exrs Exrs Gray, Fras Grant, John Inspector Exrs Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 5 11 A 186 204 D 330 Gray, Garrat Jnr Gray, Geo 12/30/2012 Page 80 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source TP Date(s) Source Info 1751 - 1755 Source 43 Gray, George Date(s) Source Info LP 1795 A 338 RR VP LL RR RR RR RR RR PP LP 1760 1761 1762 1761 - 1762 1767 A&B 1773 1777 1779 1783 1790 5 C,P 5 11 6,5 8 9 195 204 B 333 LP LP 1782 1786 A 187 B 189 LT 1782 2 LP PP PP PP 1779 1783 1783 1800 A 179 204 204 194 LT LT PP 1782 1782 1782 18 1 2T4 RR 1723 5 TP 1751 - 1755 43 RR RR RR RR RR 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 1760 1761 - 1762 8 10 6 4,5 11 RR 1753 25 LP 1788 B 329 PP PP LP LP PP 1782 1783 1788 1790 1800 2T3 204 A 326 B 333 194 TP 1751 - 1755 43 TP TL LT PP 1751 - 1755 1765 1782 1782 43 R5 21 E9 Grayson, Spence LP 1786 B 188 LT 1782 6 PP 1800 194 LP 1788 A 325 PP 1800 98 LP 1797 A 344 PP LP LP PP PP 1783 1790 1799 1800 1800 204 B 333 C 347 194 98 LP 1788 A 325 PP 1800 98 LP LP 1787 1788 B 191 B 329 PP 1800 98 Gray, Go Gray, Hezekiah Gray, Isaac Gray, James Gray, Nath Grayson, Spencer Gray, Richard Grayson, Spr Revd Grayson, William Gray, Richd Estate Gray, Roberson Grayson, Wm Gray, Vincent Coll Coll ? Gray, William Green, [W]m Grayham, Duncan RR RR 1760 1761 - 1762 RR 1777 RR RR RR 1760 1761 - 1762 1777 5 11 12 1761 - 1762 6 1735 - 1736 1761 - 1762 8 31 1738 - 1739 1738 - 1739 1741 1751 - 1752 1760 4,6 6 F,H 7,8,19 5 Green, Abso 5 11 Green, Charles Grayham, Geo 8 orphs orphs orphs Orph Grayham, John Clk Clk Grayhame, [no first name] Mr. RR Grayson, B RR Colo RR Grayson, Benja Capt RR RR VP Colo RR & Co RR Grayson, Benjamin VP Grayson, Elizabeth Mrs. PP Grayson, Robert 1761 B,P 1800 194 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Green, Duff Green, Elija Green, Elijah Green, Elizabeth Green, Geo 12/30/2012 Page 81 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Green, George LP PP 1779 1783 B 180 204 Gregory, Elijah PP 1782 E3 Gregory, George PP 1800 98 Gregory, James PP PP 1782 1800 E7 98 Gregory, John 1701 1724 12 2 LP 1799 C 347 LP 1799 C 347 PP 1800 194 MR 1701 7 PP 1782 1T10 TT 1724 1 MR TT TT 1701 1724 1724 17 1 1 TT RR 1724 1751 - 1752 1 8 TT 1724 1 RR 1751 - 1752 8 TT 1724 1 TT TT 1724 1724 1 1 RR RR 1773 1779 8 195 RR 1777 8 TT 1724 9 RR 1753 2 LP 1785 B 188 &c RR 1761 - 1762 11,31 Colo Colo RR RR 1753 1754 9 6 PP 1783 204 RR 1754 7 TT 1724 9 LP 1780 B 183 Green, James Green, Jesse Green, Jessie Source Info MR TT Green, Go Jr. Date(s) Gregory, Rd PP 1783 204 Green, John Gregsby, Benja LP PP 1790 1800 B 333 194 VP 1741 C VP 1741 F PP PP 1782 1783 E3 204 Gregsby, John MR 1701 14 Gregsby, Richard PP 1800 98 Gregsby, Thomas RR 1761 - 1762 9 Gregsby, William RR RR 1723 1729 5 45 Btwn 10-16 Grenstead, James RR TT 1723 1724 5 2 Grenstead, Jas Junr TT 1724 2 Greston, John 1735 - 1736 1754 4 6 Grett Orphans RR RR Gregsby, Charles Green, Richd A Green, Richd C Btwn 10-16 Gregsby, James Green, Sarah Green, Starlitt Green, Thomas Greene, [no first name] Greenham, Jerenih Gregg, James Gregg, Jas Gregg, Jno Gregg, John Grey, Francis Hrs Orphans Hrs; of Butler Orphans Orphans Orph: Heirs RR VP RR RR RR LL RR RR TL TL RR LT 1738 - 1739 1741 1753 1760 1760 1762 1761 - 1762 1761 - 1762 1765 1765 1767 A&B 1782 4 F,H 9 5 5 5 11 11 R1,T7 T7 6,5 6 Greyson, Benja Greyson, Benjm Griffen, Henry Griffin, [No First Name] Colo; Lan Griffin, Abraham Griffin, Henry Gregg, Thomas Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 82 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source PP PP Date(s) Source Info 1782 1782 Source 1T1 1T3 Date(s) Source Info Grigsbey, Susanna RR 1761 - 1762 11 TL 1765 T10 TL 1765 T1 TP 1751 - 1755 45 MR RR RR PP 1701 1753 1754 1800 16 10 6 194 PP 1782 1B3 RR LP 1723 1779 5 B 181 TL RR RR RR PP 1765 1773 1777 1779 1800 R4 8 8 195 98 PP 1783 204 RR RR 1753 1773 10 8 RR RR RR LP RR 1754 1767 A&B 1777 1779 1779 PP 1782 1B3 TL 1765 R6 RR RR 1767 A&B 1777 5,5 8 RR 1773 8 TL 1765 R3 LP LP 1776 1779 D 177 B 181 TT 1724 9 TL 1747 1 Grigsbey, Susannah Griffin, John TL 1765 R6 Grigsbey, Wilkinson Griffin, Larry [?] Colo RR 1753 10 Grigsby, Benj Griffin, Leroy RR RR 1760 1761 - 1762 5 11 MR 1701 6 RR 1723 5 LP 1788 B 327 Grigsby, James Griffin, Lewis Griffin, Walter Griffin, William Grigsby, Jas Griffing, Walter Grigsby, John MR 1701 11 VP 1741 C,F RR RR RR 1773 1777 1779 8 8 195 PP 1800 194 (Junr.) Grigsby, Redmon PP 1800 194 Grigsby, Richard LP 1780 B 183 LL 1762 5 LL 1762 5 LL 1762 5 TL 1765 T10 Griffith, Chas Grigsby, Redman Grigg, John Hrs. Hrs. Hrs. Griggory, Elijah Griggory, Mary Grigory, Benjamin Grigsbay, Redmond Grigsby, Richd Grigsbay, Richard Grigsbay, Susannah Grigsbey , James Grigsby, Rodman Grigsbey, Enock TL 1747 Grigsby, Samuel 5 Grigsbey, Readmond TL 1747 RR 1767 A&B RR RR 1760 1761 - 1762 Grigsby, Susanna 5 Grigsbey, Redman 6,5 Grigsby, Susanna(h) Grigsbey, Redmond 5 11,27 Grigsby, Susannah Grigsbey, Richard RR RR 1760 1761 - 1762 5 11 RR RR 1761 - 1762 1761 - 1762 11 27 RR 1760 6 6,6 8 B 181 195 Grigsby, Wm Grigsbey, Sam Grimes , Cha 12 yrs Grimes, Charles Grigsbey, Saml 5 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 83 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source TL Date(s) Source Info 1765 Source R5 Grimes, Chas Date(s) Source Info LP 1788 B 328 PP 1782 H3 LP 1788 A 325 PP 1800 194 LP LP 1786 1799 B 189 C 348 LL 1762 5 LP 1788 A 326 VP 1761 B,P MR 1701 8 LP 1780 B 183 PP 1800 194 PP 1800 194 PP 1800 194 LP 1788 B 327 PP 1800 98 RR 1754 6 RR RR VP TL TL PP 1753 1758 1761 1765 1765 1783 10 1 L,P P3 P3,R7 204 RR RR VP PP PP 1735 - 1736 1738 - 1739 1741 1782 1782 TT 1724 7 RR 1751 - 1752 8 MR 1701 15 TL 1765 P1 Grinstead, L. RR RR LT 1777 1779 1782 9 195 15 Grinstead, Leonard Grinstead, William Grimes, Edward TT 1724 9 Grinsted, James Grimes, James VP PP 1761 1782 TT RR RR LT 1724 1751 - 1752 1754 1782 P 1T2 Grinsteed, James Grimes, Jno 10 yrs Honble; Decd 9 8 6 15 Grisby, James Grisby, Redman Grimes, John Hon; Decd RR RR RR RR RR RR 1753 1753 1754 1760 1777 1779 10 9 6 5 8 195 LT PP PP 1782 1782 1783 15 1B6 204 PP 1783 204 VP 1741 C,H RR 1738 - 1739 2 RR RR RR TL RR RR LP LP PP LP LP PP 1760 1761 - 1762 1761 - 1762 1765 1767 A&B 1779 1780 1782 1783 1786 1799 1800 5 11 27 T5 6,5 195 B 184 A 186 204 B 189 B 346 194 LT PP 1782 1782 Grome [?], William Groon, John [his mark] Groves, Elenor C. Neck Groves, George Grimes, Joshua Groves, Mary Groves, Samuel Grimes, William Groves, William Grimes, Wm Grubb, Richd Grinnor, Owen Grinstead, James of Bennet [2 entries] Junr Grubbs, Richard Junr Grubbs, Richd (levy free) Grubbs, Thomas 14 yrs old Grubs, Richard Grinstead, Jas 6 H3 Grinstead, John LP LT PP PP 1779 1782 1782 1783 Grubs, Thomas B 180 6 H2 204 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 4 4 H,P 1T6 1T6 Grubs, William Ovr. 12/30/2012 Page 84 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Grubs, Willm TT 1724 RR RR 1767 A&B 1773 8 Grymes, Charles Grymes, Jno Hon; Esq; Decd Hoble 6,6 8 Date(s) Source Info LP LP PP 1788 1790 1800 B 327 B 333 194 PP 1782 H5 LP 1780 B 183 LP PP 1788 1800 A 326 194 PP 1800 194 PP 1782 E8 PP 1800 98 RR LP LP RR RR 1773 1776 1776 1777 1779 8 C 177 D 177 8 195 LT 1782 10 RR 1754 7 LT 1782 2 TT 1724 8 LL TL TL 1762 1765 1765 5 R1,T8 T8 RR 1767 A&B TL LP LP PP 1765 1780 1782 1800 RR 1767 A&B 5,- TL 1765 T8 PP 1783 204 PP 1800 194 RR 1723 5 PP 1800 194 Guy, Sam Guy, Saml RR RR RR 1751 - 1752 1760 1773 8 5 8 LL RR RR 1762 1761 - 1762 1767 A&B 5 11 6,5 Guy, Walter LP 1780 B 183 VP 1741 C,F Guyn, Matthew (of colonel B) Gwatkin, James VP 1741 C MR RR 1701 1723 9 5 MR 1701 14 Guy, Samuel Grymes, John Guy, Wm Gue, Saml Guess, Elias Guess, John Guess, Jos Guess, William Gwatkin, Jas Guinette, James Gwatkines, Edwd LP 1790 B 333 Guionnah, James LP 1787 B 191 VP 1741 C,F Gwatkins, [GB Pruid] [Miss?] Gwatkins, Charles Gunnel, Henry Gunnel, Wm Gwatkins, Edward VP 1741 C,F TL 1765 R2,T2 LP 1786 B 189 Gunyon, John Gunyon, William Gwatkins, Edwd Gurin, Henry -,5 Gwatkins, James MR 1701 11 VP 1761 B,L PP LP LP 1783 1788 1790 204 B 327 B 333 Gwatkins, Jams LP 1780 B 183 Gwatkins, Margaret TL PP 1765 1782 T5 H5 Gwatkins, Prudence Guttray, Hugh Guy, Charles Gwatkins, John Guy, Chas Junr Guy, Chs Guy, John LP 1788 B 327 PP 1782 H5 Gwin, [No First Name] Majr Gwinett, Susanah Mrs. Guy, Moses Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List T8 B 183 A 186 194 12/30/2012 Page 85 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Gwinn, B LP 1795 D 340 Haisley [?], Clem LP 1786 B 189 Hale, Smith LP 1788 A 326 LT 1782 11 MR 1701 12 RR 1754 7 RR RR 1735 - 1736 1753 Hall, [No First Name] Wido Widow Widow Widow Widdow Widow Widw Hall, Edward 10 yrs RR 1758 2 RR 1751 - 1752 9 Gwinnett, James H[?]ton, Wm H[aine], Alexr Habeard, Wm Corpll Hackley, James Hackley, Jas 5 11 Hackley, Lott Hackly, James Gent Haddock, John [now] Mary 1723 1735 - 1736 1738 - 1739 2 5 7, 9 RR 1753 12 RR RR 1754 1758 8 2 Hall, Joseph RR 1751 - 1752 10 Hall, Wm TP 1751 - 1755 44 TP 1751 - 1755 44 TT TT 1724 1724 Haddox, Saml Hagan, Danl Jr 8 8 RR 1761 - 1762 8 14 6 28 TL RR RR RR 1747 1760 1773 1777 1 13 10 10 1797 A 344 RR RR RR RR RR RR RR 1735 - 1736 1738 - 1739 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 1760 1761 - 1762 TT TL TL 1724 1747 1765 10 8 R1,T8 PP 1782 H2 PP 1783 204 TT TT 1724 1724 10 10 RR TT 1723 1724 6 9 TT 1724 2 MR VP VP 1701 1741 1741 8 F,P F,P RR 1738 - 1739 4 RR 1735 - 1736 5 LT 1782 3 PP 1782 2T1 LP 1782 A 186 LP 1778 A 179 LP 1795 D 340 PP 1783 204 PP 1783 204 PP 1783 204 4 3,4 9 11 7 6 12 Hally, Wm. Haggard, William 1762 1761 - 1762 LP Hally, William 8 LL RR B 183 Halloy, Jas Hagard, Wm 1724 1780 Halley, Hy Hagard, Richd TT LP Halley, Henry Hagard, James 11 yrs old Haggard, Will 99 Hall, John Haddox, Jno 1724 1800 Hall, Jno Junr; 15 yrs TT PP Hall, Jane Haddock, Mary Junr Source Info Hall, Isaac Hackney, Wm RR RR RR Date(s) Hambl [?], Rhod Hambleton, Robt Haggard, Wm Hambrick, Benjamin Hambrick, Isaac Hailey, Rchd Hambrick, James TP 1751 - 1755 44 Haines, William Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 86 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Hambrick, Patrick PP 1783 204 PP 1783 204 TT 1724 8 LP LP 1780 1782 B 183 A 187 RR 1751 - 1752 10 RR 1751 - 1752 10 TL 1765 T7 LP 1785 A 187 TL 1765 R6 PP 1782 1B9 TP 1751 - 1755 Date(s) Source Info LP 1795 D 340 RR RR 1760 1761 - 1762 TL TL LP RR LP LP RR PP 1765 1765 1776 1777 1778 1779 1779 1783 P1 P1,R6 D 178 15 A 179 B 180 196 204 LT PP 1782 1782 21 1T6 VP 1741 F,P LP LP LP LP 1776 1776 1776 1795 A 102 B 176 B 176 D 340 LP LP 1795 1795 D 339 D 340 LP LP LP 1776 1776 1780 A 102 B 176 B 183 RR RR TL 1751 - 1752 1753 1765 10 12,25 P3 RR 1754 8 LP 1795 D 340 TL LP PP 1765 1779 1783 P1 B 181 204 LP LT PP LP 1778 1782 1782 1795 A 179 21 1T7 D 339 LP 1776 D 178 RR 1773 10 TL 1747 4 Hampton, [No first name] Hambrick, Scirs Hamersly, Fra 11 21 Hampton, Henry Hamill, Hugh Hamilton Gleeb, Hamilton Parish Gleeb, Hamilton, Hugh Hampton, Hy Hamilton, John Hampton, Jno Hamilton, Robert Hampton, John Hamilton, Robt Hamilton, Wm Hammand, [No First Name] Commodore LP Hammell, Hugh PP Hammell, John PP Hammell, William PP Hammet, John LP Hammet, William RR Hammett, John PP Hammill, Hugh PP Hammitt, Hugh LP Hammitt, John LT PP PP Hammond, John PP Hammond, Richard PP Hammrick, Robert RR Hamp[ton] [Gwin], John [Junr.?] LP Hampon, Bryon Junr 44 1777 178 1782 H6 1800 195 1800 195 Hampton, Jos Hampton, Joseph Hampton, Richard 1799 C 347 1753 12 1800 99 Hampton, Richd Hampton, Saml 1783 204 Hampton, William 1790 B 333 1782 1782 1783 16 1B5 204 1800 195 1800 195 Hamrich , Isaac 1753 12 Hamrick, [No first name] A 102 Hamrick, Benja 1776 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Hampton, Wm 12/30/2012 Page 87 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Hamrick, Benjamin LP 1776 D 177 Hamrick, Seiad [?] PP 1782 1T5 Hamrick, William RR RR RR RR 1767 A&B 1773 1777 1779 8,7 9 9 196 Hamricks, Patrick PP 1782 E4 Hancock, James TL RR RR RR LL TL RR LP RR 1747 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 1762 1765 1767 A&B 1779 1779 RR RR LT 1773 1777 1782 9 9 16 Hancock, Margarett Mrs. Hancock, Mungo TL LP PP 1765 1776 1800 P1,R6 D 178 99 Hancock, Mungo M P4,R7 Hancock, Scarlet Hamrick, Benjn Hamrick, Eliza ? Hamrick, James 4 10 12 8 6 R4 7,6 B 180 195 Hamrick, Pat H TL TL RR RR RR RR VP LL RR RR TL RR PP 1747 1747 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 1760 1761 1762 1761 - 1762 1761 - 1762 1765 1767 A&B 1782 4 4 10 12 8 6 B,P 6 13 27 R4 7,6 1B1 TL RR RR RR 1747 1751 - 1752 1760 1761 - 1762 4 10 6 13 Exrs Exrs decd Exrs Hrs Hrs Hancock, Thomas Hamrick, Patrick Junr Senr Junr 99 PP 1782 1T9 PP 1800 98 VP 1741 C RR RR 1760 1761 - 1762 7 13 RR RR 1760 1761 - 1762 7 13 RR RR TL 1723 1735 - 1736 1765 6 5 R3 VP LL RR RR 1761 1762 1761 - 1762 1767 A&B P 6 12 6,6 PP 1800 98 LP 1795 A 338 LP 1799 B 346 PP 1800 195 RR RR RR RR RR RR RR RR 1735 - 1736 1738 - 1739 1751 - 1752 1753 1753 1754 1760 1761 - 1762 PP 1800 RR 1761 - 1762 13 RR 1753 25 RR 1760 7 TT 1724 7 RR 1773 11 LP 1788 B 328 Hancock, Mungo M. Hamrick, Joseph 1741 1800 Hancock, John Hamrick, Jeremiah VP PP Hancock, Jno Hamrick, Jas 1765 Source Info Hancock, George Hamrick, Isaac TL Date(s) 4 4,9 9 11,25 25 7 6 12 195 Hancock, Will Hancock, William Hancock, Wm Hand, William 10 yrs old Handcock, Jno Hamrick, Robert Handerson, William Hamrick, Samuel Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 88 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Haney, [No First Name] Quarter Haney, Anthony Date(s) Source Info Source TL 1765 T6 Harden, Elizth LL 1746 KG Harden, George RR RR 1753 1754 12 8 RR RR 1760 1761 - 1762 6 13 Haney, Bridgar Source Info RR 1751 - 1752 9 RR 1760 6 TL LP 1747 1779 3 B 180 TL 1765 T5 RR 1751 - 1752 PP PP 1783 1800 204 195 LP 1788 D 330 VP 1761 B,P RR 1761 - 1762 12 RR RR 1753 1754 11 7 LP 1788 B 327 TT TT 1724 1724 9 9 VP RR RR TP RR 1741 1753 1754 1751 - 1755 1758 LP 1788 B 329 LP 1788 B 327 LP 1780 B 183 LP LP 1788 1799 B 327 C 347 LP 1788 D 330 LP LP 1790 1799 B 333 C 348 PP LP 1782 1788 H6 A 325 LP 1788 D 330 Harden, Martain Haney, Bridger Harden, Martin Haney, Briger Haney, Haney's Quarter Haney, Spencer Date(s) 9 Harden, William LL RR 1762 1761 - 1762 6 28 TL 1765 T6 Hardey, Jno Hardin, Charles RR RR RR LL RR TL RR 1753 1754 1760 1762 1761 - 1762 1765 1767 A&B 12 8 6 6 13 P1, -,7 Hardin, Eliz: Hardin, Elizabeth Fauquier Hardin, Fielding Haney, Wm LP 1776 B 176 Hardin, Henry Junr; 10 yrs Hardin, Martin Haney, Wm. LP 1776 A 102 LP 1776 D 177 PP PP 1782 1783 H3 204 LP PP PP LP 1779 1782 1783 1788 B 180 1T10 204 D 330 Hankins, Henry Hanks, Abram Hanks, Luke F 11 7 44 2 Hardin, Thos Hardin, William Hardin, Wm Hannah, Charles TL 1765 T6 Harding, Charles Hannet, Willm RR 1754 8 RR 1754 8 Harding, Cuthbert VP 1741 C Harding, Edward Hannick, Robt Hans, Edw Hanvey, John PP 1800 99 PP 1800 195 PP PP 1783 1800 204 195 Harding, Edwd Harden, Charles Harden, Edward Harding, Enoch Harding, Henry Harden, Elizabeth Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 89 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info RR VP 1729 1741 RR Source 45 H,P Harper, Joseph 1735 - 1736 5 Harper, Saml VP 1741 H Harper, Scarlet LP 1788 D 330 Harper, Thos LP LP 1782 1790 A 186 B 333 Harper, Wm LP 1788 D 330 Harrell, Michl. TT 1724 1 Harrill, Samuel TL TL 1765 1765 R2,T2 T2 Harris, [No First Name] Quarter Harris, Burr LT LP 1782 1790 7 B 334 VP 1741 C,F MR 1701 8 PP 1783 204 Harding, Mark Harding, Martin Harding, Thoms Harding, William Harding, Wm Hardman, Thomas Hardwick, James Hardy, John Date(s) Source Info TL LP 1765 1795 T9 D 340 LP 1795 D 340 PP 1782 2T3 LP LP 1786 1788 B 189 A 326 LP 1795 D 340 LP 1782 A 186 TL 1747 6 TL 1765 T6 VP PP 1741 1783 H,P 204 PP LP PP 1782 1788 1800 1T3 B 329 195 LP 1795 B 338 TL LP PP PP LP 1765 1779 1782 1783 1788 P2,R7 B 181 1T3 204 B 329 MR 1701 5 TL PP 1747 1783 7 204 LL LP 1746 1778 Wc A 179 TL 1765 T4 RR 1760 13 LP LP 1795 1799 D 339 C 347 LP 1795 A 337 LT 1782 7 Harris, John Harld, Wm undr 21 Harmon, Christopher Harper, Elizabeth Harris, Jona Harper, Elizth Harris, Obed LT PP 1782 1782 3 2T1 RR VP RR RR RR RR VP RR TL 1738 - 1739 1741 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 1760 1761 1761 - 1762 1765 PP 1783 204 Harrison, [Cut]hbirt PP 1782 2T1 MR 1701 10 Harrison, [No first name] Colo Harrison, A Jr Harper, George 4 P 9 10 7 6 B,P 12 R2,T1 Harris, Tho: Corpll Harris, Thomas Harris, William Heirs Harper, Isaac Harper, Isaac Harper, Jno Harper, John TL LP 1765 1776 T1 B 176 Harrison, A. LP 1776 A 102 Harrison, Ben VP 1741 C,H Harrison, Benjamin Jr. Harper, John Harper, John Withers Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 90 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info PP LP 1783 1790 204 B 334 Calvert RR 1760 6 Cal: RR 1761 - 1762 13 Capt RR TT RR RR RR RR VP RR RR RR RR RR RR VP LL RR TL TL RR RR RR RR RR RR SC LP LP LT PP PP LP 1723 1724 1735 - 1736 1735 - 1736 1738 - 1739 1738 - 1739 1741 1751 - 1752 1753 1753 1754 1754 1760 1761 1762 1761 - 1762 1765 1765 1767 A&B 1773 1777 1777 1779 1779 1779 1780 1782 1782 1782 1783 1790 6 10 5 5 3,5 5 C 9 11 12 7 8 6 B,P 6 12,27 R1,T8 T8 7,7 9 9 9 195 196 1 C 184 A 187 7 H1 204 B 333 RR 1751 - 1752 10 Source Harrison, Bivor Harrison, Cuthbert Capt Harrison, Burr Capt Capt Calvert Capt Calvert Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Jr Junr Col; decd Harrison, Burr Colvert Source Info Harrison, Cuth Harrison, Biver Capt Jr Jr Capt Date(s) RR LP LP 1761 - 1762 1786 1788 17 B 189 B 328 RR TL 1753 1765 12 T4 LL 1762 6 RR RR 1761 - 1762 1761 - 1762 13 27 TL 1765 T4 PP 1800 195 VP TL 1741 1765 F,H T8 LP 1799 B 346 LP PP 1788 1800 D 330 195 LP 1780 B 184 PP 1782 1B9 PP LP LP 1783 1786 1788 204 B 189 B 327 PP LP LP 1783 1785 1788 204 A 187 D 330 LP LP LP LP 1780 1780 1782 1791 A 182 C 184, 185 A 186 B 336 LP LP 1786 1786 A 188 B 189 PP 1800 195 LP 1786 B 189 LP PP LP PP 1782 1783 1790 1800 A 186 204 B 333 195 Harrison, Cuthbirt Capt Harrison, Cuthbt Harrison, Cuthburt Junr. Harrison, Elizabeth Q. Neck Harrison, Geo Harrison, Jam Harrison, James son of Parson Harrison Harrison, Jas Harrison, Jno Harrison, John Harrison, Joseph Harrison, M (insp at Dumfries) [signature] Sr Harrison, Charles Harrison, M. RR 1723 6 RR RR RR RR 1754 1760 1777 1779 8 6 9,10 195/6 RR RR RR LP 1751 - 1752 1767 A&B 1773 1779 10 7,6 9 B 181 Harrison, Cudbert Capt Capt Harrison, Mary Ann Mrs. Harrison, Mathew Jun Harrison, Matthew Jr. Harrison, Cudbt Capt Capt Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Senr 12/30/2012 Page 91 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Harrison, Mw Date(s) Source Info Harriss, Thos Chpwk Harrison, Nathanuell PP 1782 H5 MR 1701 9 Hart , Thom LT 1782 21 Hart, Edward LT PP PP PP 1782 1782 1783 1783 7 H4 204 204 Hart, John Harrison, Obed Harrison, Seth Mifs [Miss ??] Mrs. LP PP 1780 1782 B 184 2T3 Jun RR 1753 11 Mr. MR 1701 17 TL 1747 1 RR 1738 - 1739 5 RR RR TL LP PP PP 1760 1761 - 1762 1765 1779 1783 1800 6 12 R4 B 180 204 98 LT PP 1782 1782 RR LL RR LP LP 1753 1762 1767 A&B 1776 1797 RR 1753 RR VP TL TL RR RR RR RR RR RR RR LT 1735 - 1736 1741 1747 1747 1754 1760 1760 1761 - 1762 1761 - 1762 1761 - 1762 1767 A&B 1782 RR 1754 7 LP PP 1779 1800 B 181 98 BT 1737 B VP 1741 C TL 1765 R4 Hart, Leod & Thomas Hart, Leonard Harrison, Th Colo RR 1735 - 1736 5 Capt Jr TT TT 1724 1724 8 8 TT RR TL PP LP PP 1724 1753 1765 1783 1790 1800 4 11 P6 204 B 333 195 LP 1796 B 341 MR RR RR BT BT RR RR VP RR RR RR RR TL TL TL LP LP LP 1701 1723 1735 - 1736 1737 1737 1738 - 1739 1738 - 1739 1741 1751 - 1752 1754 1760 1761 - 1762 1765 1765 1765 1782 1791 1799 13 6 5 C C 5 5 F 9 7 6 12, 31 P6,R8 R8 T4 A 186 B 336 C 347 Harrison, Tho Harrison, Thomas Colo Jr Clk Harrison, Thomas sheriff Harrison, Thos Capt(Comp of Foote) Jr Coll Colo Jr Collo Colo Colo Colo Jr Jr Capt Hart, Leond 15 1B9 Hart, Thomas [Senr] Jur 12 6 -,6 D 177 A 344 Hart, Thomas & Leonard 11 Hart, Thos Jur Senr Senr Jur Senr Jur Ser Jur 5 H,P 1 1 8 6 6 12 12 13 -, 7 15 Hart, Thos & Leonard Hart, William Harrison, Wm undr 21 MR RR PP LP 1701 1723 1782 1787 10 6 1B9 B 191 Hart, Wm Hartley, John Harriss, Obed PP 1800 98 Hartt , Thomas Harriss, Sarah TL 1765 R5 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 92 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Harvey, Allen TP 1751 - 1755 44 Hayes, Susanna PP 1800 99 Hayley, Henry PP 1783 204 MR 1701 14 Harvey, Edward Harvy, Edward Junr Haskett, Francis Date(s) Source Info PP 1800 195 PP 1782 H5 MR MR 1701 1701 11 11 TL 1747 7 TL 1747 7 MR 1701 11 TL 1747 5 TL 1747 5 TL 1747 5 RR 1773 10 VP TL 1761 1765 B,P R6 RR RR 1773 1779 18 200 TL 1765 R5 VP TL 1761 1765 B,P R6 LP 1780 B 183 PP 1800 195 PP 1783 204 PP 1783 204 RR 1767 A&B 7,7 RR 1761 - 1762 27 LL 1762 RR 1761 - 1762 27 LL RR LP 1762 1761 - 1762 1780 6 27 B 183 LL 1762 Hayley, John Hassaker, Richart Hayley, Richard Capt MR 1701 15 Hatley, John Hayley, Wm TL 1765 R5 Hattersly, Saml Hayne, Bridgar LP 1795 D 339 Hawey, Edward Hayne, Maximillian PP 1783 204 Hawkins, Henry Hayne, Spencer LP PP PP 1779 1782 1783 B 181 E3 204 Haynie, B Hawkins, James Haynie, Bridgar TL TL 1765 1765 P1 P1,R7 LP 1797 A 344 RR 1723 6 Haynie, Maximilian LP 1780 B 184 Haynie, Spencer VP 1741 C,F LP PP 1797 1800 A 344 98 Hays, James T. VP 1741 C,H Hays, John VP 1741 F Haywarden, John RR 1723 6 Hazard, Wm RR 1729 45 Hazelrig, Richd LP 1782 A 186 Hazelrig, Thomas LP LP LP LP LP PP 1786 1787 1795 1795 1796 1800 B 189 B 191 A 337 B 338 C 342 195 Hazelrig, Wm LP 1795 C 339 Hawkins, Jno Hawley, [No First Name] Widdo Hawley, Absalam Haynie, Bridgen Hawley, Benj Hawley, Francis Hays, James Hawley, Henry Hawley, Jas Hawley, Willm Hawlin, Wm Hawly, James Hayes, James 6 Hazelrigg, James Hazelrigg, John Hayes, James Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 6 Hazelrigg, Richard Hayes, John 12/30/2012 Page 93 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info RR 1751 - 1752 RR Source 10 Hazlerig, William 1754 8 Hazlerig, Wm LL 1762 6 LL 1762 6 Hazelrigg, Richd deced Hazelrigg, Richerd deced Hazelrigg, William LP 1779 B 181 TL PP 1765 1782 R4 1B8 PP 1800 99 RR 1760 6 RR TL PP PP 1760 1765 1782 1783 6 R5 1B3 204 RR RR 1753 1760 11 6 RR 1760 6 RR PP PP 1760 1783 1800 6 204 99 1723 6 1747 1 Hazlerigg, James RR RR 1767 A&B 1779 7,6 195 RR RR 1773 1777 RR RR RR RR 1767 A&B 1773 1777 1779 7,6 9 9 195 Hazlerigg, Richard RR RR 1767 A&B 1773 7,6 9 Hazlerigg, William RR RR 1777 1779 9 195 RR RR RR RR 1767 A&B 1773 1777 1779 7,7 9 9 196 RR RR RR RR 1767 A&B 1773 1777 1779 8,7 9 9 196 Hazlerigg, John Hazlebrig, Jas 9 9 Hazlebrig, John deced Hazlerigg, Thos Heabeard, [No First Name] Widdo RR Head, James TL Head, Jno TP Head, Robt TP Head, William TL Heage, Rob Sarjant MR Healey, Richd RR Healy, Richard RR Hearndon, Wm PP Heart, Leonard RR RR RR Heart, Thomas LL Heart, Thos RR Jur RR Jur RR Jur RR Junr RR Hazlebrig, William Hazlerig, Charles LP 1779 B 181 Hazlerig, Gabriel LP Hazlerig, Graham not 21 Hazlerig, James Source Info Hazlerigg, Gabriel Hazlebrig, James Hazlebrig, Richard deced deced Hazlebrig, Richd deced deced Hazlebrig, Thos Date(s) 1788 B 326 PP 1782 1B8 RR TL 1761 - 1762 1765 13 R4 RR 1761 - 1762 13 LP 1779 RR 1761 - 1762 12 RR 1761 - 1762 13 RR 1761 - 1762 13 Hazlerig, John Hazlerig, Joshua B 181 Hazlerig, Richd Hazlerig, Thos Hazlerig, Will Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 94 1751 - 1755 44 1751 - 1755 44 1747 1 1701 13 1754 7 1753 11 1782 1T9 1773 1777 1779 9 9 195 1762 6 1767 A&B 1767 A&B 1773 1777 1779 7,7,9 9 196 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Heart, Thos & Leonard 1751 - 1752 9 PP PP 1782 1782 RR Hedgman, [No First Name] Major TP Hedgman, Nathaniel RR RR RR Hedgman, Peter VP Helm [?], Wm PP Helm, Griffin VP Helm, Leonard VP Helm, Lynah/Linaugh RR Helm, Lynaugh TL Capt RR Capt RR PP PP Helm, Lynough LP Helm, Margaret Mrs. TL Helm, William LP PP Helm, Wm LP Helmes, Leonard RR Helms, Leo'd BT Helms, Leond RR Helms, Linaugh RR Helms, Lynah TL Capt TL Helms, Lynaugh TL of Coppege RR LT Helms, Lynch Capt LL 1735 - 1736 5 1751 - 1755 44 1723 1751 - 1752 1753 6 10 12 Hebler, Jno Sr. TP 1751 - 1755 45 PP 1783 204 LP LP LP 1788 1795 1795 B 328 A 338 C 339 TT RR RR TL RR RR 1724 1735 - 1736 1760 1765 1773 1777 10 5 6 T6 9 5,9 RR VP LL RR TL RR LP RR PP LP LP LP LP PP 1738 - 1739 1761 1762 1761 - 1762 1765 1767 A&B 1778 1779 1782 1788 1788 1795 1799 1800 4 B,P 6 12 T6 6,6 A 178 195,196 H5 A 325 B 328 A 338 C 347 195 PP PP 1800 1800 RR TT RR RR VP RR RR RR TL LP RR PP LP PP 1723 1724 1735 - 1736 1738 - 1739 1741 1751 - 1752 1753 1760 1765 1778 1779 1783 1790 1800 RR 1754 Hedges, Grief Hedges, Jno Hedges, John Jnr Junr Senr. Hedges, John Constable Younger Hedges, Robert of John Jr. Senr 195 195 6 10 5 5 F,H 9 11 6 T6 A 179 195 204 B 333 195 Hedges, Robt 7 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List H6 H6 Hedgman [?], Petr Hedger, John 12 yrs of Robert Source Info Hedges, Rt RR 12 yrs Date(s) 12/30/2012 Page 95 1741 C,H 1782 E8 1761 B 1761 L 1767 A&B 7,7 1765 1777 1779 1782 1783 R1 10 196 E8 204 1778 A 178 1765 R1 1782 1800 A 186 99 1788 A 325 1735 - 1736 7 1737 C 1735 - 1736 5,7 1761 - 1762 14 1765 1765 T7 T7 1747 1773 1782 5 10 18 1762 6 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Helms, Lynough RR 1779 196 Hendly, John TL TL 1765 1765 T7 T7 Hendon, Jno Helms, Margiret Mrs. Helms, Thomas Date(s) Source Info PP 1782 E1 LP 1795 D 339 VP 1741 H,P TL VP 1747 1761 7 B,L RR 1758 1 PP 1782 1T9 PP 1800 195 TT 1724 5 TP 1751 - 1755 44 TP 1751 - 1755 43 RR RR RR 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 10 12 8 TT 1724 3 TT 1724 3 MR 1701 6 TT 1724 3 TL 1747 2 PP 1782 2T2 LP 1795 D 340 MR 1701 11 LP LP LP LP 1786 1786 1787 1790 A 188 B 188 B 191 B 333 RR 1758 2 PP 1800 99 PP 1800 99 PP 1800 98 Hendren, John Helms, Thos Dorrels Run De TL 1747 5 RR BT RR 1735 - 1736 1737 1751 - 1752 5 C 9 Henery, George TP 1751 - 1755 44 Henning, James VP 1741 H Henry / Henery, George BT 1737 C Henry, Aaron TL 1765 T3 Henry, Geo LP LP 1791 1792 B 336 B1 336 Henry, George PP LP LP LP LP LP 1782 1786 1796 1796 1799 1799 H6 A 188 C 342 C 342 B 346 B 346 PP PP 1783 1800 204 195 Henna, James Hembrick, Jno Hems, Edwd Hen, Norman Hencock, John Henderson, A Henderson, Alex Jr, Jr Henderson, Alexander Henson, Edward Henson, James btwn 10 & 16 Henson, Jos: Henson, Joseph 15 3 Henson, Richard Overseer Hensy, Wm Henderson, Alexr LT LT 1782 1782 Henderson, Ax LP 1787 B 190 Herbert, Will TL 1747 7 Hereford, Jams A 338 Hereford, William Henderson, James Henderson, John G. LP 1795 Henderson, Stan LP 1795 A 338 LP 1786 B 188 RR LP PP 1777 1779 1783 10 B 180 204 Henderson, W. Hering, George Henderson, William [Two entries] Herndon, Francis Herndon, Thomas Henderson, Wm RR RR LT 1773 1779 1782 10 196 18 Herndon, William Herndon, Wm Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 96 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source of N. Ware LP RR LT Date(s) Source Info 1779 1779 1782 Source B 182 196 21 Higginson, John TL 1765 R6 Higgs, Cal MR 1701 6 Higgs, Edward RR 1723 6 Higgs, George VP 1741 H Higgs, Jeremiah Herrin, Christo Herryford, John Heryford, Jas Heryford, Jno VP 1741 F Higgs, Noah LL 1762 6 Higgs, Permenius LP 1795 D 340 Higgs, Robt LP 1795 D 340 Higgs, Samuel Heughs, William Hewes, Abram Hewes, Aron RR 1723 6 Higgs, Thomas PP 1800 195 Highlander, George RR 1723 6 Highlander, Go RR 1761 - 1762 27 Highlander, Thomas Hews, William Hey, Jas VP 1741 F VP 1741 C RR 1723 6 TL 1765 R6 VP 1741 H LP 1788 A 324 LP 1788 A 324 PP 1783 204 PP 1800 195 PP 1800 195 TL 1747 7 LP 1790 B 333 PP 1783 204 TL 1765 R2,T1 PP 1782 H1 VP TL 1761 1765 B,L T5 PP 1800 195 TL TL PP 1765 1765 1782 R1,T7 T7 H2 LP 1788 A 325 PP 1782 H3 PP 1782 H3 PP 1783 204 RR RR 1760 1761 - 1762 LP 1799 B 346 PP 1800 195 LP 1780 B 184 PP 1783 205 Highwarden, Abram Hicke, Thos Highwarden, John Hickerson, John PP PP 1782 1783 H1 204 VP 1741 P Higs, James LT 1782 15 Higs, Jere: LP 1785 B 188 Higs, Sam TT 1724 10 Hilander, George RR RR 1760 1761 - 1762 7 14 Hill, Henry TL 1747 3 Hill, J A RR 1735 - 1736 5 Hill, James RR TT RR VP 1723 1724 1738 - 1739 1741 6 10 4 H Hill, John Hicks, Thos Hickson, Benjn Hickson, John Higerson, John Higgerson, John No Land Higgins, Alexander Source Info Higginton, Benjamin Herreford, Henry Hewitt, [No First Name] Widdo Hewitt, Rachel Mrs. Hews, Richd Date(s) Higgins, Rd Higgins, Richd Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 6 13 Hill, Jonathan 12/30/2012 Page 97 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Hill, Nicholas TP 1751 - 1755 LP 1788 45 Source Info RR RR 1758 1758 2 2 PP 1782 1B2 LP 1779 B 182 LP 1788 B 328 PP 1800 98 VP 1741 F,H PP 1800 99 TT 1724 7 PP 1783 205 LP 1788 D 330 MR 1701 8 Capt LP LT 1776 1782 D 177 7 Jr. LP 1782 A 186 RR 1753 25 RR 1754 8 RR RR 1753 1777 25 11,14 RR 1753 14 LP 1779 B 181 LP 1799 C 347 LP 1779 B 181 LP 1788 B 327 LP 1799 C 347 LP 1779 B 181 LP 1776 D 177 LP 1782 A 186 TP 1751 - 1755 Junr Hill, Rosey Date(s) Hixon, Ben B 328 Hill, Rosil[?] Hixson, Benjamine PP 1800 195 Hill, Thos Hixson, James Under 21 PP 1782 1T10 Hill, Walter Hixson, William [his mark] Hillburn, [No First Name] heirs Hinson, Charles LP 1780 B 184 Hoar, Elias RR 1723 11 Hoard, John RR 1723 6 Hinson, Wm RR 1735 - 1736 TL 1765 Hoare, [No First Name] Capt Hobby, John 5 Hitch , Thomas R3,T2 Hite, John Hobey, John LP 1788 A 326 Hitt [Hill?], William Hobson, Tho TL 1747 4 Hitt, Harmon Hodges, John RR 1758 2 Hitt, Henery RR 1758 2 Hodges, Robert RR RR RR 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 10 12 8 Hoe, Henson TP 1751 - 1755 43 Hoe, John RR RR 1751 - 1752 1754 10 7 RR RR 1753 1758 11 2 Hitt, Henry Hoe, Jno Hitt, Herman Capt Hitt, Jno Hoes, John Hitt, John Capt Hoff, Charles Hitt, Joseph Hoff, Daniel RR RR RR TP RR 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 1751 - 1755 1758 10 11 7 43 2 Hoff, James Hoff, John Hoff, Moore Hitt, Peter Junr Junr RR VP RR RR RR RR RR TP 1735 - 1736 1741 1751 - 1752 1753 1753 1754 1754 1751 - 1755 5 C,H 9 11 12 7 8 43 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Hoff, Peter Junr Hoff, Powell Hoff, William Hoffman, Phil 12/30/2012 Page 98 43 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Hogan, Elth LT 1782 21 Holcomb, John 1735 - 1736 1737 1751 - 1752 1754 1765 5 B 9 7 P1 Holcome, John Exrs Exrs Exrs RR BT RR RR TL Exrs Exrs RR RR 1760 1761 - 1762 6 12 Holdrelard [?], Henry Hogan, Jno LP 1786 A 188 PP 1782 1B9 PP 1783 205 TP 1751 - 1755 43 TP 1751 - 1755 44 TL 1747 8 TT 1724 4 LP 1779 B 182 LP 1799 C 348 PP 1800 195 LP 1790 B 334 LP 1788 B 328 LP 1780 B 184 LP 1790 B 333 PP 1782 H3 TL LP 1765 1780 T6 B 183 PP 1782 H3 PP 1782 H1 PP 1783 205 VP 1741 B RR 1773 9,10 PP 1783 205 RR RR RR 1751 - 1752 1754 1760 10 7 6 RR 1761 - 1762 12 VP RR RR 1741 1751 - 1752 1754 P 9 7 Holder, Jno Holebrook, Randal Hogan, John [?] RR 1753 11 Holeclaw, Jacob Hogan, Thomas RR LL RR TL 1753 1762 1761 - 1762 1765 12 6 27 P1 RR RR RR RR TL RR RR RR RR 1751 - 1752 1754 1760 1761 - 1762 1765 1767 A&B 1773 1777 1779 10 8 6 13 P1,R7 7,7 9 9 196 Holladay, James Hollady, James Hogan, Thos Hollaway [?], James 89 Land Tax Holley, Ralley Holley, Wm Holliday, James Holliday, Jno Hogan, Will VP RR 1741 1751 - 1752 F,H 10 RR 1751 - 1752 10 Holliday, John Hogan, Will and Daniel Holliday, Js Hogan, William Holliday, Mary RR PP 1753 1783 12 205 RR 1753 12 Holmes, Chas LP 1779 B 180 Holmes, Edmd RR 1754 8 Holmes, Edmund RR 1754 8 Holmes, Edward PP 1782 1T9 TT 1724 9 TT 1724 10 LP 1785 A 187 Hollowday, John Hogan, William [&] Daniel Hogan, Williams Hogan, Willm Hogan, Willm and Danl Hogan, Wm Hogin, William Holmes, Edwd Hogins, Jno 13 yrs old Holburn, Willm Source Info Holder, Davis Hogan, John of Barton Date(s) Holmes, James Holburne, Wm Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 99 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source RR RR RR RR 1760 1761 - 1762 1773 1777 6 12 9,18 9 RR 1735 - 1736 5 MR 1701 14 PP PP 1783 1783 205 205 RR RR RR RR RR RR RR 1754 1760 1760 1761 - 1762 1761 - 1762 1773 1777 7 6 7 12 14 9,18 9 TT 1724 8 Holtzclaw, Timy [?] RR 1753 11 Home, Emanuel TT RR 1724 1753 8 11 Homes, Thos Yer [Snr?] Homes, [?]th TT 1724 8 Date(s) Source Info Holtzclaw, Henry Holmes, Jno Holmes, Solomon TL RR RR RR RR 1765 1767 A&B 1773 1777 1779 R5 7,7 9 9 196 RR VP RR RR RR TP 1738 - 1739 1741 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 1751 - 1755 5 CH 9 11 7 43 VP RR RR 1741 1751 - 1752 1754 CH 9 7 RR RR 1738 - 1739 1753 5 11 LT 1782 16 MR 1701 8 PP 1782 H3 PP 1782 H3 VP 1741 H RR 1777 9,10 LL TL RR RR 1762 1765 1767 A&B 1779 6 T4 6,6 195 VP 1741 CH PP 1782 H3 VP LL TL TL RR RR RR LP 1741 1762 1765 1765 1767 A&B 1779 1779 1788 H 6 T7 T7 7,6 195 200 A 325 LL LP 1762 1776 6 D 178 Holtzclaw, Jacob Holmes, Thomas Jr. Holmes, Thos decd Heirs Hrs Holtzclaw, Jno Holtzclaw, John Holms, [?]und 11 yrs Holms, Edward Holms, James Holms, John Holms, Thomas Homes, Chas decd TT RR 1724 1753 8 11 Homes, Edmd LP 1788 A 324 Homes, Edmond TT 1724 8 RR 1753 21 RR 1753 26 Holms, Thos Holms, Xtopher Junr. Holsclan, [No first name] Holsclaw, Harman Homes, Edw Holsclaw, Henry LL 1762 RR RR 1735 - 1736 1753 5 11 RR 1735 - 1736 5 RR 1735 - 1736 5 Homes, Edwd Exempt by Cot. Homes, James 6 Holt, Nimrod Capt; decd Holtsclaw, Jacb Junr. Holtsclaw, Jno Holtzclaugh, Henry RR 1767 A&B Holtzclaw & Fishback, [No First Name] RR 1735 - 1736 RR 1738 - 1739 -,6 Homes, Thomas 4 4 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 100 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source LP Date(s) Source Info 1788 Source A 324 Homes, Thos Date(s) Source Info PP 1783 205 LL 1762 6 (Junr.) RR RR RR RR RR RR RR LT PP PP 1760 1761 - 1762 1761 - 1762 1767 A&B 1773 1777 1779 1782 1782 1800 7 13 28 8,7 9 9 196 16 1B5 99 Colo PP 1782 1B8 RR VP RR TL RR RR LP RR LP LP RR LP LT PP LP LP 1760 1761 1761 - 1762 1765 1767 A&B 1773 1776 1777 1778 1779 1779 1782 1782 1783 1788 1795 PP 1800 99 RR 1723 6 PP 1800 98 PP 1783 205 LP 1795 D 339 LT 1782 16 PP 1782 1B6 PP PP 1782 1782 1B8 1B9 PP 1800 98 Hooe, Howsen Jr. Sr Sr. Senr RR RR RR RR PP PP PP LP 1761 - 1762 1767 A&B 1779 1779 1782 1782 1782 1799 12 7,6 195 200 H3 H3 H3 C 347 LP 1788 A 325 TT 1724 8 Hooe, Howson Capt Cap Homes, William Homs, [unreadable] 14 yrs old Hooch, James Hooe, Jno LP 1776 D 177 Hooe, Bernard Hooe, John (Junr.) RR RR LP RR LP RR LT PP PP LP PP 1767 A&B 1773 1776 1777 1779 1779 1782 1782 1783 1798 1800 8,10,18 C 177 10 B 180 196/200 15 1B3 205 345 99 (Senr.) PP 1800 99 LP LP LP 1778 1790 1790 A 178 A 332 C 335 LP PP 1788 1800 B 326 99 Junr Hooe, Bernard Gentl Hooe, Bernd Jun 7 L,P 13,28 R4 7,6 9 C 176 9 A 178 B 180 195 A 186 24 205 D 330 D 339 Hooe, Mary Hooe, Dade Hooe, Rice Colo Hooe, Elias Hooe, Robert (H) LP 1788 B 328 Hooe, Hanson Hooe, Robert Howson LP LP 1779 1788 B 181 B 328 Hooe, Robt PP 1800 99 Hooe, Rt Howson LP 1782 A 186 Hooe, Rt Hows LP LP 1776 1792 D 177 B1 336 Hooe, Wm TL 1765 R5 Hoof, Daniel LT 1782 11 Hoof, David Hooe, Henry (Dade) Hooe, Henry D Hooe, Henry Dade not 21 Hooe, Houson Hooe, Howison Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 101 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source PP 1783 205 Hope, Hy PP 1782 1B4 Hope, William PP 1800 98 Hopkins, Mathew PP 1800 98 PP PP PP 1782 1783 1800 E4 205 98 not 21 PP 1782 1B4 Jr PP PP 1782 1782 1B3 1B4 PP PP 1783 1783 205 205 LP 1776 B 176 LP PP 1790 1800 B 333 195 Hoof, Jas Hoof, John Hoof, Jonathan Hoof, Moore Date(s) Source Info PP 1782 1T8 PP 1800 98 RR RR 1751 - 1752 1754 10 8 RR 1753 12 RR RR RR 1767 A&B 1773 1779 RR RR 1753 1754 RR RR 1738 - 1739 1751 - 1752 RR VP 1723 1741 RR 1735 - 1736 4 RR VP RR TP 1735 - 1736 1741 1751 - 1752 1751 - 1755 4 C,H 9 43 RR RR RR 1738 - 1739 1753 1754 4 10 7 RR 1723 6 LP 1779 B 182 TL LT PP LP PP 1765 1782 1783 1799 1800 P1,R7 21 205 B 346 99 PP 1782 1T3 LP 1788 A 325 LP LP PP 1779 1780 1783 B 182 B 183 205 PP 1782 1T6 Hopkins, Matthew Hopper, [No first name] Hoof, Mw (from Allan McCrae) Hopper, Blackgrave Hoof, Peter Hoofe, Peter 10,9 12 197 10 7 Hopper, Blackgrove Jr. Hookard, Thos 4 9 Hopper, Blag/ Blageave Hoomes, Elizabeth (land) 6 H,P Hopper, Blagrove Hoomes, James Hopper, Jno TL 1765 R1 PP 1800 195 PP 1800 195, 198 LP PP 1790 1800 B 333 195 RR VP RR 1723 1741 1751 - 1752 Hoomes, Sarah Ann Hoomes, Sibel Hoomes, Thomas son of Edwd Hopper, John Hooper, Thos Hopper, Thos Capt 6 H,P 10 heir Hopwood, Christofor Hooper, Wm Hopwood, Christopher TP 1751 - 1755 44 BT 1737 T LP 1795 D 340 RR RR 1777 1779 9 195 LP LP LT PP LP PP 1776 1779 1782 1783 1798 1800 D 178 B 182 21 205 345 99 Hoopers, T[hos] Hoopson, Wm Hopburn, Wm Hopwood, Christr Hopwood, Gaines Hope, Henry Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Hopwood, James Hopwood, Jas 12/30/2012 Page 102 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Hopwood, Moses LT PP 1782 1782 21 1T1 Source Info PP 1800 99 PP 1800 98 VP 1741 C,F RR RR RR RR 1751 - 1752 1754 1760 1761 - 1762 LP 1788 A 326 LT 1782 7 PP 1782 1B4 RR 1758 2 MR 1701 6 PP 1782 2B2 TP 1751 - 1755 TT 1724 8 LP 1799 C 347 PP 1800 195 LP LP LT PP 1778 1780 1782 1800 A 179 B 183 11 195 LP 1799 C 347 MR 1701 11 LT 1782 7 LT 1782 6 PP 1783 205 MR 1701 6 MR 1701 8 RR RR TP 1753 1754 1751 - 1755 Hoskinson, Josias Hopwood, Peter Hot, Nimrod LP 1776 D 177 Horde, Reubin PP 1800 195 RR 1723 6 TL 1765 T7 Hott, Nimrod Capt; Exrs Capt; deced Exrs Exrs Hough, Charles MR 1701 6 Hounds, Thos PP 1782 1B7 Howard, John LP 1797 A 344 Howard, Thomas BT 1737 C Howe, Wm VP RR 1761 1773 B,L 9 Howell, J Hore, Elias Horn, Hary Horn, Samll Hornbuckle, Geo: Horner, Gustavius B Hornsby, Leo/Leonard Hornsby, Leonard Horseman, Abra: 9 7 7 14 Howell, Jno MR 1701 6 Horton, Craven 44 Howell, William PP 1800 98 Horton, John Peyton Howeson, Alexander PP 1782 E6 Horton, John Peyton Howison, Alexander LP 1788 B 328 Horton, Mary Howison, Stephen PP 1782 H3 PP 1783 205 PP 1782 E5 Howison, Wm TL 1765 P5 Howle, Wm PP 1782 E8 Hownds, Elizth LP 1785 A 187 Howrds, Edms PP 1783 205 Howson, Stephen TT TL 1724 1765 3 R5 Hubard, John Horton, Reuben Horton, Rheuben Senr. Horton, Richard Horton, Sarah Horton, Snodin Horton, Snodle Horton, Snowdel Horton, Snowden Hubbard, Edward PP Horton, Williams (Estate) Hoskinson, Andrew Date(s) 1782 E7 Hubbard, Ephraim PP 1800 99 PP 1800 99 12 8 44 Hoskinson, Elisha Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 103 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source RR RR 1760 1761 - 1762 7 13 LP LP PP 1778 1780 1783 A 178 B 183 205 Hudson, Thos[?] PP 1782 2T3 Huffman, John PP 1800 194 Huffmon, John TL 1765 T4 Hufman, Jno Source Info RR 1760 6 RR 1761 - 1762 MR 1701 7 VP 1741 C RR 1753 12 PP 1800 195 RR 1751 - 1752 VP 1741 F,P VP 1741 F VP 1761 C PP 1782 1B2 RR 1735 - 1736 5 RR 1735 - 1736 5 RR 1735 - 1736 5 RR RR RR RR PP PP 1767 A&B 1773 1777 1779 1782 1782 LP 1780 B 183 Patrolr TL VP TL TL 1747 1761 1765 1765 5 P P2,R7 P2 Patroler TL 1765 P2 LP 1788 B 328 RR 1729 45 RR RR 1760 1761 - 1762 6 13 VP RR 1761 1761 - 1762 B,P 13 Hudnell, Thos Huber, George 12 Hues, Edwd Huber, Go Huber, Joseph Huckaboy, Tony Hudgman, Nata RR 1735 - 1736 5 Hugget, Chs RR RR 1723 1735 - 1736 6 5 Hughes, Edw Hudman, Jno 10 Hughes, Edward Hudnal, Jos Cedar Run Hudnal, Thos Date(s) RR RR Hudnall ([sic]), [No First Name] TP Hudnall, father [Joseph's father] RR [Joseph's father] RR [Joseph's father] RR Hudnall, Jno RR Revd RR Heirs RR Hudnall, John Heirs RR Hudnall, Joseph RR RR RR RR RR Hudnall, Thomas RR Fauquier RR Hudnall, Thos RR RR RR Hudnall, Will Northumberland RR RR RR Hudnall, William RR Fauquier RR 1735 - 1736 5 Hughes, Jas 1735 - 1736 undr 21 5 Hughes, Ra 1751 - 1755 44 Hughes, Richd 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 9 11 7 Hughes, Rob Hughes, Wm 1729 1735 - 1736 1754 45 5 8 1753 11 undr 21 Hughs, [?] 1738 - 1739 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 1758 4 9 11 7 2 1738 - 1739 1753 4 11 1751 - 1752 1754 1760 9 7 6 Hughs, Luke 9 7 12 Hughs, Robert 1751 - 1752 1754 1761 - 1762 7,6 9 9 195 1B2 1B2 Hughs, Edward Patroler Hughs, James Hughs, Richd Hughs, William 1738 - 1739 1753 4 11 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 104 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Junr Date(s) Source Info Source TL LP 1765 1780 R4 B 183 Hunter, Nathaniel C. MR 1701 14 Hunter, Nathl C PP 1800 99 Hunter, Nathn C. TT 1724 1 TP 1751 - 1755 Hulitt, Martin Hull, Jeremiah Hum, John Hume, Alex Source Info LP 1799 C 347 PP 1800 195 LP 1795 C 339 LP LP 1786 1795 B 189 A 337 TP 1751 - 1755 LP 1795 A 338 LP LP 1795 1795 A 337 C 339 LP 1798 345 LP LP 1786 1790 B 189 B 333 LP 1795 D 340 LP 1779 B 181 RR 1729 45 RR RR 1751 - 1752 1753 10 12 RR 1754 8 PP 1783 205 VP 1741 C,F PP 1800 98 LP 1795 D 340 PP 1800 98 PP 1800 98 LP 1788 B 329 LT 1782 15 PP 1783 205 RR 1779 196 RR 1777 10 Hunton, Jas 44 Hume, Alexander 43 Hunton, Robt LP 1786 B 189 Hume, Alexr Hunton, William LP PP LP 1779 1782 1788 B 181 1B6 B 327 Jr. Junr Hunton, Wm LP 1779 B 181 Hupber, George PP 1783 205 PP 1783 205 Hume, Hubart Hume, Hubbard Humes, Alexander Hurch, Cryges Humphrys, Walter Hurley, Cornelius TT 1724 7 Humson, Edwd Hurst, John TP 1751 - 1755 44 Humson, Wat Huse, Robert TP 1751 - 1755 44 RR 1753 25 Huse, Robt TT 1724 8 Huse, William MR 1701 9 Husk, John MR RR 1701 1751 - 1752 8 9 Hutcheson, Alexander Humstead, Edward Humstead, James Humston, Edw [signature] Humston, Edward Lieut Date(s) Hunisson, Tho: Hutcheson, Jese MR 1701 15 Hunt, Francis Hutcheson, John MR 1701 15 Hunt, Henry Hutcheson, Reuben PP 1800 195 Hunt, Walter Hutcheson, Wm MR 1701 8 Hunter, John Hutchinson, Ben: PP 1783 205 Hunter, Joseph Hutchinson, Benjamin MR 1701 14 Hunter, Nath Hutchinson, Benjn LP 1786 A 188 Hunter, Nath C LP 1787 Hutchinson, Robert Falkeier Hutchinson, Robrt B 191 Hunter, Nathaniel Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 105 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source RR 1779 196 Jackson, Fra / F PP 1782 1B9 Jackson, Francis LT 1782 15 PP 1782 1B5 LP 1790 B 333 RR PP 1777 1782 8 1B2 MR 1701 11 LP 1788 A 326 PP 1782 1B9 LP 1797 A 344 RR 1754 8 RR 1735 - 1736 5 LP 1788 Source Info VP 1741 RR RR RR RR VP LL RR TL TL TL RR RR LP RR LP LP LP LP RR PP LP PP 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 1760 1761 1762 1761 - 1762 1765 1765 1765 1767 A&B 1773 1776 1777 1778 1779 1779 1779 1779 1783 1799 1800 RR 1767 A&B 8,- Jr. PP 1782 E4 Est Jr Jr. LT PP PP 1782 1782 1782 11 E1 E1 Est LT 1782 7 LP 1779 B 181 PP 1782 E2 TT TL TL LP LP LP LT PP PP 1724 1747 1765 1776 1779 1782 1782 1782 1800 9 1 R4 D 177 B 181 A 186 22 E4 99 VP 1741 C,F LT 1782 11 Hutchinson, Robt Hutchinson, Rt Hutchinson, Sarah Hutchinson, William Hutchison, Benjn Junr Hutchison, Rich: Hutchisson, Wm Hutchnson, Robt Huton, Anthony Jr Younger Huttman, John Date(s) Hydnall, Jno Inglish, Robert A 325 F,H 11 13 9 7 B,L 7 14,28 R1,T8 T4 T8 -,7 10 D 177 10 A 178 B 180 B 180 B 180 196 205 C 347 99 Jackson, Frank Innis, Enoch RR 1735 - 1736 5 Jackson, Frans Iverson, Tho LP J____, John [page torn] J____, Saml. [page torn] Jackel, Wm 1795 D 339 Jackson, Fras RR 1779 196 RR 1779 196 RR 1760 10 Jackson, Fras [?] Jackson, George Jackman, Jno RR 1735 - 1736 5 Jackson, Go Jackman, Thomas RR RR RR RR RR 1735 - 1736 1738 - 1739 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 5 5 11 13 8 RR Jackson, [No First Name] Orps RR Jackson, [T]hos RR Jackson, Charles TL Jackson, Christopher TL 1751 - 1752 11 Capt Jackson, John Patroller Jackman, Thos 1723 7 1723 7 1765 T8 Jackson, Lovel 1765 Jackson, Sam (Land of Fras) R2,T9 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 106 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Jackson, Sam: MR PP 1701 1782 11 E1 LP LP LP 1779 1788 1799 B 181 D 330 C 347 RR LP LP 1723 1779 1779 6 B 180 B 181 RR RR VP RR TL LP LP PP PP PP 1735 - 1736 1738 - 1739 1741 1751 - 1752 1765 1776 1779 1783 1783 1800 5 5 H,P 11 R5 D 177 B 181 205 205 195 LP 1799 C 347 James, Edmond LP 1788 D 330 James, Esther 44 James, Geo 197 James, James Sr. Jr. LT 1782 7 PP 1782 H3 LT PP 1782 1782 7 H2 PP 1782 H1 PP 1783 205 PP PP 1783 1783 205 205 LP LP 1788 1795 B 329 A 338 RR 1761 - 1762 12 TP 1751 - 1755 44 RR 1738 - 1739 1 LP LP LP LP LP LP 1786 1787 1788 1792 1795 1796 VP RR RR TP 1741 1751 - 1752 1754 1751 - 1755 TT RR LP 1724 1753 1797 TP 1751 - 1755 44 TT RR RR RR RR 1724 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 1760 3 11 13 9 7 (?), James Jacobs, Francis LP 1788 B 328 TT PP 1724 1800 4 195 LP PP 1788 1800 B 328 195 LP 1795 D 339 PP 1800 195 PP 1800 195 TT 1724 8 James, Jos PP 1800 195 James, Joseph betw 10-16 PP 1800 195 PP LP 1783 1788 205 B 328 Jacobs, Jacob Jacobs, John B 189 B 191 D 330 B1 336 B 338 C 342 James, Jno Jacobs, Landon Jacobs, Margarett James, John betw 10-16 Jacobs, Mordecai Jacobs, Nat Jacobs, Richard Jacobs, Thomas Jacobs, William Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List A 102 B 176 C 347 Jamerson, David Jacob, Wm. 1800 1776 1776 1799 Jamerson, Benjamin Jacob, Moses PP LP LP LP Jameison, Wm Jacob, John 1751 - 1755 A3 336 195 Jameison, David Jackson, Wm TP 1794 1800 Jameison, Ben: Jackson, Samuel Jr. LP PP Jameison, Alr Jackson, Samll Orps Orps Source Info Jacobs, Wm Jackson, Saml Junr Date(s) Culpepper Culpepper 12/30/2012 Page 107 F,H 11 8 44 3 13 A 344 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source RR James, Levi Occoquan Mills James, Thomas Date(s) Source Info 1761 - 1762 Source 14 Date(s) Source Info LP 1788 B 327 RR 1723 6 VP 1741 C,F LP 1795 D 340 LP 1795 D 340 TL 1747 5 VP TL 1761 1765 C,P R4 VP 1741 H LP 1780 B 183 MR 1701 6 RR TL RR 1761 - 1762 1765 1767 A&B TT RR 1724 1758 3 2 1779 196 1781 A 185 Janeways, Margery PP 1800 195 Janney, Amos TT 1724 3 James, Thos Janny, Elisha MR RR 1701 1723 12 6 Janny, John MR 1701 13 Jarves, Richard LP 1788 D 330 Jarvis, Richard LP 1790 B 335 LP LP 1788 1799 A 324 C 346 RR RR RR LP LP 1773 1777 1779 1788 1799 10 6,10 196 A 324 C 346 Jaxson, John LP 1799 C 347 Jeams [James], Thomas LP 1799 C 346 LP LP 1799 1799 C 346 C 347 LP 1788 A 324 James, William Jameson, Alex Jameson, Alexander Jameson, Benj Jarvis, Richd Jameson, David of Anna Barbara Tidwell Senr Jarvis, Robert Jeamison, David Jameson, Enoch Jameson, James 28 T4 8,7 Jefferies, Moses Jameson, William Jun RR Jefferson, Thomas Gov of Virginia LP Jeffries ([sic]), [No First Name] TP Jeffries, Moses TL RR RR LT PP PP LP PP PP Jeffrys, Alexander TT Jeffrys, Moses TL Jenkins, Ezekl VP Jenkins, James VP Jenkins, Jno VP Jameson, Wm Jameson, Zely LP 1799 C 347 LP PP 1790 1800 B 334 195 RR VP LL RR LP PP 1760 1761 1762 1761 - 1762 1790 1800 7 L,P 7 14 B 334 195 PP 1800 195 PP 1800 195 LP 1788 B 327 LP 1788 B 328 Jamison, Benjamin Jamison, David Jr. Jamison, James Constable Jamison, William Jamson, David Jamson, James Jamson, John Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 108 1751 - 1755 44 1765 1773 1777 1782 1782 1783 1790 1800 1800 R1 10 10 11 H5 205 B 333 196 197 1724 2 1765 T7 1741 C,F 1741 C 1741 C,F Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Jenkins, John Exrs LP LP 1788 1790 B 328 B 334 Date(s) Source Info TL 1765 R6 LP 1799 C 347 PP 1800 196 PP 1800 196 PP 1800 196 LT PP LP 1782 1782 1790 7 H4 B 334 PP 1800 196 LP PP 1799 1800 C 347 196 PP LP 1783 1788 205 B 327 LP LT PP 1778 1782 1782 A 179 7 H3 PP 1800 196 PP PP 1783 1800 205 196 PP 1800 196 LP LP 1786 1788 B 189 B 328 TL 1747 6 RR RR RR RR RR 1760 1761 - 1762 1773 1777 1779 LP LP 1780 1788 B 184 A 326 PP 1800 99 PP 1782 E7 LP 1788 B 327 Jewell, Alen Jenkins, Thomas Jewell, Allin TT PP 1724 1783 3 205 Jewell, Annis VP 1741 C,F Jewell, Elizabeth TT 1724 9 Jewell, Ewell RR 1758 2 VP RR RR RR TP 1741 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 1751 - 1755 C,H 11 13 9 45 LL 1746 Wc VP 1761 L,P VP 1761 L,P RR RR 1751 - 1752 1754 Jenkins, Wm Jenkinson, Wm Jennings, Augusten Jennings, Augustine decd Jewell, Landford Jewell, Peter overseer Jewell, Presley Jennings, Danl Jennings, Edmond Jewell, Presly Jennings, John Jennings, Kelley Fauquier Jennings, Kelly 11 9 Jewell, Pressley Jewell, William VP RR RR RR 1741 1753 1760 1761 - 1762 F,H 13 7 14 Jinnings, Jesse [?], John Jennings, William MR 1701 14 PP 1800 99 Johnson , Charles VP 1741 F Johnson, [No first name] RR 1723 6 VP 1741 C PP 1783 205 PP 1782 1B8 LP 1795 D 339 Jennins, Joel Jent, George Jeoffreys, Jeoffrey Jr Jervice, Richd of Hamrick Jervis, Robert Johnson, Benj [his mark] Jervis, Robt Jett, Peter 2 6 10 10 196 Johnson, Charles Jett, Thomes Johnson, Chas PP 1783 205 Jett, Thos Johnson, Daniel PP 1782 E7 Jetts, William Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Johnson, Danl 12/30/2012 Page 109 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source LP 1795 D 339 Johnson, William LP PP 1780 1782 B 184 2T1 Johnston, Benjamin Johnson, David Date(s) Source Info MR 1701 16 LP 1790 B 334 TL PP 1765 1783 T4 205 PP 1783 205 PP PP 1783 1800 205 195 PP 1800 195 PP 1800 195 LP LP LP PP 1795 1796 1799 1800 A 337 C 342 C 347 196 LP PP 1788 1800 B 329 196 LP 1797 A 344 PP PP LP LP LP PP 1783 1783 1790 1795 1795 1800 205 205 B 334 B 338 C 339 195 PP LP 1782 1785 1B2 B 188 TP 1751 - 1755 44 RR RR 1753 1754 13 8 RR TP PP LP 1753 1751 - 1755 1783 1790 PP 1800 195 LP 1797 A 344 PP LP 1783 1790 205 B 334 Johnston, Charles Johnson, Ja: Sart MR 1701 5 LP LP 1780 1788 B 183, 184 B 327 Johnson, James Johnston, Daniel Johnston, David Johnson, Jas LT PP 1782 1782 3 2T1 RR RR 1738 - 1739 1751 - 1752 5 11 Johnston, Euphin PP 1800 99 Johnston, Francis RR VP RR RR RR 1735 - 1736 1741 1751 - 1752 1751 - 1752 1751 - 1752 5 C,H 11 11 4 RR RR RR RR RR PP PP LP 1738 - 1739 1753 1754 1760 1761 - 1762 1782 1782 1788 5 13 8 7 14 1T10 2T2 B 327 Johnston, Gideon TL LP 1765 1780 R5 B 182 Johnston, Jas TT 1724 2 Johnston, Jeff MR 1701 14 Johnston, Jeffrey Johnston, Eneas Johnson, Jeffrey Mrs. Johnson, Jeremiah Johnson, Jno Elk Run Pignut Johnston, George Johnson, John Elk Run Pignut Johnston, James Jr. Johnson, Joseph Johnson, Patrick Johnson, Phillip Johnson, R for Wheeler heirs Johnson, Richd RR of L. Cannon TT RR RR 1724 1760 1761 - 1762 LT PP PP 1782 1782 1800 16 1B6 99 Johnston, Mary ordinary license Johnston, Person W LP 1788 A 326 Johnston, Richard 1723 7 Johnston, John 3 7 14 Johnson, Rutt (Junr.) Johnson, Steven Johnson, Thos LP 1788 B 328 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 110 13 44 205 B 334 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Johnston, Rutt PP 1783 205 Jones, Henry TP 1751 - 1755 44 Jones, James PP 1800 TP Johnstone, [No First Name] Widow RR Widow RR Johnstone, George Capt RR Capt RR Johnstone, John RR RR TL Johnstone, Richd RR RR Jones, [Quin?]son TL Jones, Benj. TL LP Jones, Benjamin LP Jones, Bryan PP Jones, Charles PP Jones, Darnald PP Jones, Darnell PP Jones, David VP Jones, Edward LP LP LP Jones, Emanl RR RR Jones, Geo LT Senr PP Jones, George TL PP PP Jones, Ginnett 1751 - 1755 44 1753 1754 13 9 1753 1754 13 9 1753 1754 1765 13 9 T3 1753 1754 5 9 1747 3 1765 1782 P3 A 186 1790 B 334 1783 205 1800 195 Jones, Jono 99 Jones, Joseph 205 Jones, Loury C,F Jones, Peter A 325 D 330 B 334 Jones, Richard Johnston, Smith Johnston, Stephen 195 Johnston, Wm Date(s) Source Info PP 1800 195 TT 1724 7 TT LL TL LP LP PP LP 1724 1746 1765 1780 1782 1783 1788 3 KG R1,T8 B 183 A 186 205 B 327 LT PP PP LP 1782 1782 1782 1788 7 1B9 H3 D 330 VP RR RR RR 1741 1751 - 1752 1760 1773 RR RR RR RR PP LP LP PP 1753 1754 1758 1777 1782 1785 1788 1800 13 9 2 10 1T7 B 188 B 329 195 MR 1701 10 PP 1800 195 PP 1800 99 TL 1765 P1,R7 MR 1701 14 MR RR RR RR 1701 1735 - 1736 1751 - 1752 1753 15 5 11 13 RR RR 1738 - 1739 1754 5,7 8 RR 1751 - 1752 9 TP RR 1751 - 1755 1760 44 7 Jones, Jas 1800 1783 1741 1788 1788 1790 1723 1735 - 1736 unde age Jones, Jno of Carter's Estate Jones, John Jones, Robert Capt; deced 7 5 1782 1782 21 1T1 1765 1782 1783 T8 1T6 205 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Capt Capt; deced Jones, Robt Capt, Capt; deced Jones, Sam B,F 11 2 10 Jones, Saml 12/30/2012 Page 111 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info RR RR 1761 - 1762 1777 14 10 RR RR LL RR TL RR RR 1753 1754 1762 1761 - 1762 1765 1767 A&B 1773 13 9 7 28 T5 8,7 10 RR 1751 - 1752 11 RR 1767 A&B 8,7 RR 1753 13 Source LP 1788 A 325 TL 1765 R2,T1 LP 1788 B 327 TL PP 1765 1800 R6 196 RR RR RR PP PP 1753 1754 1760 1782 1783 13 9 7 2T1 205 LP 1788 A 326 VP TL 1741 1765 H T4 LP 1788 D 330 LP 1788 D 330 LP 1780 B 184 PP 1800 99 PP 1800 99 RR 1751 - 1752 11 LP 1782 A 186 LP 1788 D 330 MR 1701 14 MR 1701 14 MR 1701 11 Fauquier RR RR TP RR RR 1753 1754 1751 - 1755 1760 1761 - 1762 13 8 44 7 14 Junr TT 1724 7 TT 1724 7 RR 1723 4 Jordan, Baley Jordan, George Jordan, John Nothumd Nothumd Nothumd Jones, Solo Jones, Solo/Solomon Jordan, Joseph Jones, Soloman Jordan, Thos Jones, Solomon RR RR LL RR RR TL TL RR RR RR PP PP 1754 1760 1762 1761 - 1762 1761 - 1762 1765 1765 1773 1777 1779 1782 1783 9 7 7 14 28 P3 P3,R7 10 10 196 1T2 205 PP 1800 195 LP 1788 B 329 RR 1751 - 1752 TL RR RR TL LP LP PP LP 1747 1753 1760 1765 1778 1780 1783 1788 3 13 7 P3,R7 A 179 B 183 205 B 328 RR 1754 8 LT PP LP 1782 1782 1790 21 1T7 B 334 Jordan, William Jorden, John Jordon, Angl [his mark] Jordon, Anne Mrs. Jordon, Charles Jordon, Jno Jones, Thomas Jordon, John Jones, Thos Jones, Will Northumberland Jones, William N. Umberland Northumberland Jones, Willm N. Umberland Jones, Wm Source Info Jordan, Angel Jacobus Jones, Samuel of Ewell's Estate Date(s) Josell, Ewell 11 Josling, John Josling, William Joyner, Danll Judd, Isaac Judd, Micha Judd, Michael Jones, Zachariah Judd, Michal PP 1800 195 Jonson, Richard Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 112 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Judd, Willm TT 1724 7 LP 1795 D 340 RR 1760 7 June, Tho Dowel Keiff, Corna Neabsco Run Keiff, Cornelius Junkenson, George Junkerson, Geo Date(s) Source Info RR RR 1738 - 1739 1753 6 14 RR 1735 - 1736 6 RR 1754 9 RR LP 1777 1780 3,5,10 C 184 PP LP LP 1783 1785 1785 205 A 187 C 188 LT PP 1782 1782 22 1T10 VP RR RR RR RR LP 1741 1753 1754 1760 1761 - 1762 1795 RR RR RR 1777 1777 1777 TP 1751 - 1755 LP 1776 D 177 MR LP 1701 1788 8 B 328 RR 1760 13 LP 1776 A 102 LP 1776 B 176 MR 1701 16 TT 1724 4(5) LT PP 1782 1782 16 1B9 LP 1790 B 335 LP LP 1791 1792 A 335 A1 336 Keith, Alex Ded RR 1761 - 1762 14 Decd Junkison, George LL 1762 RR RR RR 1753 1754 1767 A&B TL 1747 6 MR 1701 14 Junkinson, Geo Deceasd Junson [?], William 7 Keith, Alexander 13 9 8,7 Keith, Alexr Juodkins, Charles Keith, James Justice, Henry TT 1724 TT RR RR 1724 1751 - 1752 1754 9 11 8 RR 1753 13 LP 1790 B 334 PP 1800 196 LP 1787 B 191 PP 1800 99 RR 1751 - 1752 11 Revd; deced Revd; deced Revd Deced 9 Justice, Jno 12 yrs Keith, Thos Justice, John Kahoon, George Kelley, John Kearns, Robert Keath, James Kelley, Joseph Kecher, Robert 1701 Kelley, Mordacai 9 Keeble, Rd PP 1782 Kelley, Mordecai 1T6 Keeife, [**] ns RR 1723 Kelley, Philip 7 Keen, James VP 1741 Kelly, Francis F,P Keen, John VP 1741 C,F MR RR 1701 1723 12 7 Kelly, Geo Keen, Mathew Kelly, George Kees, James LP 1799 C 347 LP 1799 C 347 Kelly, Jesse indentured mullatto ? Kelly, John Kees, Wm Keif, Cornelius Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 44 Kelley, James Kay, Jousha MR 11,13,15 17 3,5,7,8 Kelley, Hugh Kay, James Revd B,F 14 9 7 15 D 340 12/30/2012 Page 113 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info TL PP 1765 1782 R5 E4 RR 1777 11 LL RR RR TL RR RR RR 1762 1761 - 1762 1761 - 1762 1765 1767 A&B 1773 1779 Source Kencheloe, [No first name] Widow TL Kencheloe, C LP Kencheloe, Hector LP Kencheloe, Jesse LP Kencheloe, John LP Jr. LP Kencheloe, Neston LP Kencheloe, Wm LP Kendall, [No First Name] Widow RR Widow RR Kendall, Joseph LP Kener, Howson Capt RR Kenidy, James LP Kenner, Francis VP Kenner, Harrison Capt RR Kenner, Howsen Capt / Mr RR Kenner, Howson RR VP Capt RR Kenner, Richard RR RR RR Kent, [Saml?] RR Kent, Isaac MR RR VP Kent, John RR RR LT PP PP Kent, Mary RR RR Kelly, Jos Kelly, Joseph of Harrison 7 15 28 P4,R7 8,7 11 196 Kelly, Mathew TT 1724 8 Kelly, Samuel PP 1782 1B2 Kelly, Wilford RR 1723 7 TL 1765 P4,R5 TT 1724 8 TT 1724 4 RR 1735 - 1736 6 PP 1800 99 RR 1758 2 RR 1758 2 RR 1758 2 RR 1738 - 1739 6 RR LP 1751 - 1752 1797 11 A 344 RR RR 1735 - 1736 1738 - 1739 6 6 RR RR RR 1753 1754 1758 14 9 2 RR 1758 2 RR RR RR RR 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 1758 Kelly, William Kelly, Wm Boy Kemp, James Kemp, Jas Kempe, James Kemper, Harmon Kemper, Henery Kemper, Jacob Kemper, James Kemper, Jno Kemper, Jno & Charles Kemper, John Kemper, Mary Kemper, Peter 11 14 9 2 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 114 Date(s) Source Info 1747 5 1795 D 340 1795 D 340 1795 D 340 1795 1795 D 340 D 340 1795 D 340 1795 D 340 1751 - 1752 1753 11 14 1798 345 1758 2 1795 D 340 1761 B,L 1753 14 1751 - 1752 11 1738 - 1739 1741 1754 6 F,H 9 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 11 14 9 1723 7 1701 1723 1741 14 7 F,H 1777 1779 1782 1782 1783 11 196 17 1B9 205 1735 - 1736 1738 - 1739 6 6 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Kent, Sam: PP 1782 1B4/7 1701 1735 - 1736 1738 - 1739 7 6 6 Keys, John Orphs MR RR RR Senr MR 1701 7 Keys, Raw LP 1779 B 181 Keys, Robert LP 1788 B 328 PP 1783 205 LT 1782 14 RR RR 1751 - 1752 1754 11 9 Keys, Tho RR 1753 14 Keys, Thomas TL 1747 3 LL 1762 7 VP PP 1741 1783 P 205 Kent, Saml Date(s) Source Info LP LP 1788 1790 B 328 B 334 PP 1782 E6 LP PP 1788 1800 B 328 196 PP 1782 H3 RR RR PP 1773 1777 1783 11 11 205 RR PP 1779 1782 196 E6 PP 1782 H3 LP 1780 B 183 VP LP PP LP LP 1761 1780 1783 1788 1790 L,P B 183 205 B 328 B 334 PP PP LP LP LP LP LP PP 1783 1783 1785 1788 1788 1790 1790 1800 205 205 B 188 B 327 B 328 B 334 B 334 196 LP 1780 B 183 RR 1760 7 MR 1701 17 RR 1751 - 1752 11 LP 1779 B 181 LP 1790 B 334 LP LP 1787 1788 B 191 B 328 VP 1741 F Keys, Jas Orphs Kent, Samuel Kent, Thos Kent, William Keppell, Richard Keys, Robt Kernes [?], Patrick Kerns, Will Keys, Rt Kerns, William Junr Kesled [?], Robert Kew, Robert Jr. Key, James Keys, William Key, Robert VP TL RR Keyes, [no first name given] Capt. PP Keyes, George PP Keyes, James PP Keyes, Rawleigh PP Keyes, Thomas PP Keyes, Thos PP Jr. PP Keyes, William B.S. PP Keyes, Wm Snr PP PP ? PP Keys, Francis LP Keys, James 1761 1765 1767 A&B B,P R1,T7 8,7 1800 191 1800 196 1800 196 1800 196 1800 196 1782 1782 H4 H4 1800 Jr. Junr son of Thos Keys, Wm Kichen, Athony Kidwell, John Kief , Cornelius Killeys, Hugh M. Killpatrick, John 196 1782 1782 1782 H3 H6 H6 1788 A 326 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Kilpatrick, John Kimble, Jno Kinchellow, John 12/30/2012 Page 115 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source PP Date(s) Source Info 1800 Source 99 Kinchellow, William Date(s) Source Info RR 1760 7 RR RR 1760 1761 - 1762 7 15 RR 1735 - 1736 6 PP 1783 RR 1761 - 1762 LP 1788 B 328 PP 1783 205 LP 1795 D 340 PP 1800 196 PP 1800 196 PP 1800 196 LT 1782 11 TL RR RR LP LP 1765 1773 1779 1790 1798 R5 11 196 B 335 345 RR RR 1767 A&B 1777 8,7 11 PP 1800 196 PP 1800 196 PP 1782 1B3 TL LP LP PP PP PP 1765 1778 1779 1782 1783 1800 R5 A 178 B 182 1B3 205 99 RR LP RR PP LP LP 1777 1778 1779 1783 1788 1790 17 A 179 196 205 D 330 B 334 Kinchiloe, John PP 1800 99 Exrs Exrs RR 1753 14 Kinchinloe, Jno RR 1753 14 Kinchloe, Cornelius 1747 5 Kinchloe, Daniel 1747 5 Kinchloe, Jno 1761 B,P Kinchloe, John 1779 1782 B 182 1B9 Kinchloe, Rob Kinchelo, Daniel Kinchelo, John Kincheloe, [No First Name] Widow TL Kincheloe, Carnealious TL Kincheloe, Cornelious VP Kincheloe, Cornelius LP PP Kincheloe, Corns LT Kincheloe, Daniel TL VP LL TL RR Junr LP Kincheloe, Danl RR RR of Wickliffe RR RR Kincheloe, Emms RR Kincheloe, Jno VP Exrs RR Kincheloe, John RR Exrs RR RR LP RR LP LT Kincheloe, Thos LT Kincheloe, William LP Kincheloe, Wm LP LP Kinchelow, John LP Kinchilo, Danl 205 15 Kindle, Anthony 1782 16 Kindle, George 1747 1761 1762 1765 1777 1779 1754 1767 A&B 1773 1779 5 B,L 7 R6 10 B 181 King, Basil King, Ben (Loudn) King, Benjamin 9 8,7 11 196 King, Benjn 1761 - 1762 15 1741 1751 - 1752 C 11 King, Daniel King, Elias 1738 - 1739 1754 1777 1779 1779 1780 1782 6 9 10 B 180 196 B 183 16 1782 11 1797 A 344 1795 1799 D 340 C 347 1778 A 178 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List King, Geo King, George King, James 12/30/2012 Page 116 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source PP 1800 196 Kirkland, Snowden LT 1782 11 Kirkland, Wm LP LP 1776 1776 A 102 B 176 Kirkpatrick, J 1741 B,P VP 1741 F,P LP 1795 D 340 VP 1741 H PP 1782 1B7 LP 1788 A 325 LP 1779 B 180 RR 1761 - 1762 15 PP 1782 E6 PP 1783 205 MR Kneaton, [No First Name] Widdo RR Kneaton, Augt MR Knight, Epraim TT Knight, Isaac TT Knight, John LP LP Knight, Leonard TT Knight, Thomas MR Knight, Xtopher [Christopher] TT Knowles, Edwd MR Kohan, Michael PP Kolebrook, Randal TT Koon, John LP L [o] max, [No First Name] RR Lacefield, Chas. TL Lacey, John PP Ladd, Jno G 1701 17 1723 7 1701 12 1724 10 1724 10 1776 1776 A 102 B 176 1724 10 1701 8,15 1724 10 1701 7 1783 205 1724 4 1795 D 340 1723 7 1765 P4 1782 2T2 King, John Kirns, Wm King, Jos RR 1723 7 Kirton, Wm King, Laurence PP 1800 196 Kisson, William King, Mich LT 1782 11 Kitchen [?], George King, Mordaca LP 1788 A 325 Kitchen, Anthony King, Mordecai PP 1783 205 Kitchen, Geo: King, Oliver TT 1724 5 Kitchen, George MR VP 1701 1741 16 C,F LP 1788 A 326 LT 1782 11 LP 1779 B 181 Kitchen, Thomas King, Samel King, Saml King, Samll King, Samuel PP LP PP 1783 1788 1800 205 D 330 196 PP 1800 99 PP 1783 205 PP 1782 2T3 MR LP PP 1701 1795 1800 16 D 339 196 RR RR 1751 - 1752 1753 King, Stephen King, Timothy King, Timy King, William Kings, [No First Name] Heirs Heirs Kinington, Tho: MR Kinsey, Richard [see Renfrey] Kirk, William Source Info VP King, Jas King, Robert Trumpeter Date(s) LP 1701 1776 11 14 10 B 176 TT 1724 7 VP 1741 H,P Kirkland, Edwd Kirkland, Richd VP 1741 C,F,P Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 117 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source LP Date(s) Source Info 1797 Source A 344 Lafly, Morgan Date(s) Source Info LP 1795 A 337 LP 1795 A 337 LP LP PP 1796 1799 1800 C 342 C 347 196 LP 1795 D 339 TL 1765 R4 PP 1783 205 LP PP 1788 1800 D 330 100 LP LP LT PP PP LP LP LP PP 1778 1782 1782 1782 1783 1786 1787 1795 1800 A 179 A 186 3 2T1 205 B 189 B 191 A 337 196, 199 LP 1788 B 328 LP PP 1788 1800 D 330 100 LP 1790 B 334 PP 1800 100 LP 1788 A 326 LP 1779 B 181 PP 1783 205 PP 1800 99 LP 1788 D 331 LP 1788 B 329 PP 1782 E9 TL 1747 7 TP 1751 - 1755 Lane, Geo TL 1765 T3 Lain, John Lane, George Junr Senr LP LP 1790 1790 B 334 B 334 Junr TL TL 1765 1765 R1,T7 T7 Lake, Wm Lane, Joseph Lamb, John Lane, William Carr TT 1724 3 Lambert, Hugh Lanford, Francis RR 1738 - 1739 12 Lambert, John Langfitt, Francis LP 1790 B 334 PP LP 1783 1790 205 B 334 RR RR 1773 1779 11 197 RR 1767 A&B 9,8 RR 1777 11 RR RR 1738 - 1739 1751 - 1752 Lambert, Thomas Langfitt, John Lambert, William Lambert, Willm Lambert, Wm Lamburt, Hugh 6,12 12 Langfitt, Philip Lamkin, Chattwin Langfitt, Phillip LP 1779 B 182 PP LP 1783 1788 205 B 329 Lamkin, George Langford, John Lamkin, Go Langyher, Jacob Jr. PP PP 1782 1782 E3 E3 PP LP 1782 1788 E7 B 329 Lanham, John Lamkin, Peter Lanson, John Lampkin, George Lanum, Jacob LP 1788 A 326 Lampking, George Larkin, Thomas PP 1800 99 Landers, Wm LP Landrum [?], [No First Name] ? PP Landrum, Sarah PP Landsdown, John ordinary license PP Landsdown, Samuel PP Lane, Enoch Larrince, Richard 1788 B 329 Larry, John 1782 1B2 Lashbrooke, Jno 1782 1B2 Lashley, Daniel 1800 196 Lasley, Danl 1800 196 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 118 44 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Lasswell, Jacob Date(s) Source Info Lawrance, Edward VP 1741 C,F Lasswell, Jno RR 1753 14 LP 1798 345 VP RR RR 1741 1751 - 1752 1758 Lawrance, Wm VP 1741 F,P Lastbrook, Wm Lawrence, Edward RR 1753 25 TL 1765 R3,T3 LP 1788 A 326 PP 1782 H3 TL LT PP 1765 1782 1783 T3 7 205 LP 1782 A 186 RR 1751 - 1752 LP LP 1778 1788 A 179 A 325 PP 1800 100 PP 1800 100 RR 1735 - 1736 6 RR 1751 - 1752 12 RR RR 1738 - 1739 1761 - 1762 4 9 VP TP 1741 1751 - 1755 B,H 44 RR RR VP 1753 1754 1761 14 10 B,L RR 1754 9 LP 1790 B 335 (Loudn) LT 1782 11 Mrs. PP 1800 196 RR RR 1751 - 1752 1754 MR 1701 Latham, George Latham, Johnathan C,H 12,15 2 Lawrence, John PP Lawson & Co, [No First Name] TP Lawson, [First name not given] LP Lawson, Abrm of Stribling RR Lawson, Absm. RR Lawson, F. LP Lawson, J LP Lawson, James LP PP Lawson, Jno LP Lawson, Jno. LP Lawson, John LP PP Lawson, Robert SC LP LT PP LP Lawson, Robt LT PP Lawson, Tho LP Lawson, Thomas RR RR RR RR SC LP PP LP Lawson, Thos Latham, Jona Latham, Jonathan Latham, Snodle [?] Latheral, Catharine 12 Lathom, George Lathom, James Lathram, Robert Latimer, Jno Latimore, Jno Lattimore, [No first name] Lattimore, Jno Lattimore, John Laurance, Edwd Laurance, Elizabeth Laus, Wm Lavender, Ann Lavis, Surles 12 9 Lawn, Nicholas 8 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 119 1800 1751 - 1755 196 44 1786 A 188 1777 11 1779 197 1796 C 342 1795 C 339 1782 1783 A 186 205 1786 B 188 1782 A 186 1788 1800 D 330 196 1779 1782 1782 1783 1790 1 A 186 11 205 B 334 1782 1782 3 2T2 1792 B1 336 1767 A&B 1767 A&B 1777 1779 1779 1782 1783 1787 11,9,8 11,13 197 1 A 186 205 B 191 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Ditto for Occoquon for Neabsco Furnace (for himself) Date(s) Source Info RR LP LT PP PP PP LP 1773 1780 1782 1782 1782 1782 1786 11 C 184 11 2T3 2T3 2T4 A 188 LP PP LP 1782 1783 1788 A 186 205 B 327 RR 1779 197 LP 1787 B 190 VP 1741 C,H PP 1800 196 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1800 99 LP PP PP LP 1779 1782 1783 1798 B 181 1T1 205 345 VP TL 1761 1765 C,P P1,R7 Source Source Info Leachman, John RR RR RR RR 1753 1754 1760 1761 - 1762 14 10 8 15 VP TL RR RR LP RR LT PP 1761 1765 1773 1777 1779 1779 1782 1783 C,P R4 11,18 11 B 181 197; 200 16 205 RR TL LP PP 1753 1765 1779 1783 14 R4 B 180 205 VP RR RR RR RR LT PP 1741 1751 - 1752 1754 1760 1761 - 1762 1782 1782 PP 1800 99 PP 1800 99 RR 1767 A&B 9,- PP 1800 99 PP 1800 99 TL PP 1747 1800 3 99 LP 1780 B 183 RR 1767 A&B -,8 TL 1765 P1 LP 1779 B 181 RR 1723 7 TT 1724 10 Leachman, Leonard Lawson, William Lawson, Wm Date(s) Thos Lawzon, Jno Leachman, Thomas Lay, Abram Laytham, William Leach, Absolom Leachman, Thos Leach, Bartlet Leach, Bartlett Decd Decd Leachmon, Elizabeth Leach, James Pattroller H,P 12 9 8 15 16 1B1 Leachmon, John Leach, John Leachmon, Lenrd TL 1765 P2,R7 Leach, Thomas TL 1765 P2 TL TL LP LP 1765 1765 1779 1788 P2 P2,R7 B 181 B 327 PP 1800 100 Leachmon, Leonard (#1) (Senr.) Leachmon, Leonard (#2) (Junr.) Leachmon, Thomas Leach, William Jr Leach, William (H) Leadsom, Danl Leach, Wm Leahman, Leonard PP PP 1782 1782 1T5 1T5 LP PP Leachman, [No First Name] Orp[han]s RR Leachman, Jno RR TP 1778 1782 A 178 1B3 (levy free) Leachman , Leonard Leak, Vincent Leatch, Absolam Leatchman, Thos 1735 - 1736 6 1751 - 1752 1751 - 1755 12 44 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Orps Leatherland, James 10 yrs Leatherwood, John 12/30/2012 Page 120 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source LP Date(s) Source Info 1788 Source D 330 Leatherwood, William PP 1783 205 LP 1785 B 188 Leatherwood, Zachariah 1776 D 178 LP 1781 A 185 LP 1795 C 339 Col. LP 1781 A 185 Orps RR 1723 7 Capt Colo; Esqr Colo Esqr Colo Colo; Esqr Col Colo Colo Colo RR LL RR LL RR TL TL RR RR LP LP RR RR LP RR RR SC LP LT PP PP LP 1729 1746 1760 1762 1761 - 1762 1765 1765 1767 A&B 1773 1776 1776 1777 1777 1779 1779 1779 1779 1781 1782 1782 1783 1790 & cr RR 1773 12 &c &c RR RR 1777 1779 11 197 PP 1800 196 PP 1782 H1 PP 1800 99 LP LP PP PP LP 1776 1779 1782 1783 1791 D 178 B 181 E4 205 A 335 LP LP 1786 1790 A 188 B 334 Lee, H. PP LP 1783 1785 205 A 187 Lee, Hancock LP 1790 B 334 Lee, Henry PP 1782 H2 PP 1800 99 PP 1800 99 LP 1788 B 329 LP LP 1778 1788 A 179 B 328 LP PP 1790 1800 B 334 99 PP 1783 205 RR 1723 3 PP 1782 H1 PP 1800 100 PP 1800 100 Lee, Henry John 205 B 334 A 337 196 Lee, Henry John Lee, Hy Leatherwood, Zechriah Ledforme, Grinel Ledman, George Ledman, Samuel Ledman, Thos Ledsom, Daniel Esqr Colo Junr Ledsome, Daniel Ledsome, William Lee, [no first name] Colo Lee, Abram Source Info LP Lee, Francis Lightfoot Col Lee, Geo Leatherwood, Wm Date(s) Colo Junr Colo Colo Lee, Alexander Lee, Asal Lee, Charles PP LP LP PP 1783 1790 1795 1800 Lee, Hezekiah Lee, David PP PP LP LP PP 1782 1783 1788 1788 1800 1B4 205 A 324 B 329 99 TT 1724 7 LP LP 1779 1788 B 181 A 326 45 Wc 8 7 15 R2,T1 T1 9,8 11 C 177 D 177 11 12 B 181 196 197 1 A 185 3 2T4 205 B 334 Lee, John Lee, Lewis Lee, Denis Lee, Edward Lee, Ludwell Lee, Edwd Peter PP 1782 E3 Lee, Ewrd Lee, Matthew Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 121 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source PP Date(s) Source Info 1800 Source 99 Lee, Mattw Date(s) Source Info LP 1779 B 181 TL PP 1765 1782 P1 1T10 TL 1747 2 PP LP PP 1782 1798 1800 1T3 345 99 TL 1765 P2 TL PP 1765 1782 R7 1T3 PP 1800 99 PP PP 1782 1800 1T1 99 PP 1783 205 PP 1800 100 TL TL LP PP PP 1747 1765 1779 1783 1800 2 P2,R7 B 181 205 99 TP LP PP PP 1751 - 1755 1779 1782 1782 44 B 181 1T2 1T2 TL 1765 P2,R7 PP 1782 1B7 LT 1782 22 LT 1782 16 VP 1741 H TP 1751 - 1755 VP 1741 RR 1751 - 1752 PP 1783 Legg, Ambrose not 21 PP 1782 1B4 RR RR TL 1723 1735 - 1736 1765 PP 1800 100 PP 1782 E3 Legg, Fortunaters TL LP LT PP LP 1765 1779 1782 1783 1785 R5 B 180 18 205 C 188 Legg, Fortunatus Lee, Rich'd 7 6 R8 Legg, Devenport Legg, Elijah Lee, Robert Lee, Step Sr. Lee, Stephen Legg, George Legg, James Lee, Thomas Senr; LP PP 1790 1800 B 334 99 RR RR LL LP LP LP LP LP LP 1723 1729 1746 1790 1790 1791 1792 1797 1799 7 45 Wc A 332 C 335 B 336 B1 336 A 344 B 346 Legg, James Lee, Thos Col Hon; Esq Jr. Jr Jr. Jr. Jun Jun Legg, John Legg, Thomas Senr Junr Legg, Thos Lee, William PP 1800 99 Juner Jr. Senr Leech, Geo TP 1751 - 1755 44 TT 1724 9 Legg, William MR 1701 13 Legg, Wm LT PP 1782 1782 7 H2 Legge, Fosts Leechman, John 15 yrs Leetch, Robert Leewright, Jno Jr. Exempted by Court Leewright, John Junr Legge, Jas TL TL LT PP 1765 1765 1782 1782 R3,T2 T2 7 H1 LP 1790 B 334 Leland, Peter B 335 Lenton, Moses B 188 Leonard, Mathew Leheu, Peter Leith, Jno Leewright, Robert Leewrights, John Est LP 1790 Leftwich, Thos LP 1786 Legg, [No first name] Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 122 44 P 12 205 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Leonard, Matt LP 1780 B 183 PP 1800 99 Leonard, William Date(s) Source Info TL LP 1765 1779 R6 B 181 PP 1782 1T10 PP 1783 205 RR 1779 197 LT 1782 22 RR RR 1773 1777 12 12 MR 1701 16 LP 1779 B 180 MR 1701 17 LT 1782 22 TT 1724 2 TT 1724 5 MR 1701 9 LP PP 1782 1783 A 187 205 LP 1795 D 340 LP 1785 A 187 RR RR PP LP 1773 1777 1783 1790 12 12 205 B 334 RR 1779 197 Senr RR PP LP 1767 A&B 1783 1790 8,8 205 B 334 Jr. LP 1790 B 334 RR RR RR 1773 1777 1779 11 11 196 RR 1738 - 1739 1,6 Lewis, Zacha Capt Leright, John Lewis, Zachariah RR RR 1777 1779 14 197 Lewis, Zachary MR 1701 14 Lewis, Zachay TL 1747 1 Lewis, Zachy PP 1782 E6 RR 1723 7 Letherland, James Letherrum, Cornealian Lett, Jas Lewis, [M]ildred Lewwlling, Robert Lewis, C / Cinc [?]ley, Richard VP 1741 F,P Lewis, David Lilley, John MR 1701 16 Lewis, Jno Carone Coty RR RR RR RR 1751 - 1752 1754 1767 A&B 1773 4 10 9,8 11 RR RR RR RR RR RR PP 1723 1753 1760 1761 - 1762 1777 1779 1800 7 14 8 15 11 197 196 Lilly, [No first name] Capt. Limbrick, Vivion Limbrick, William Lewis, John Caroline County Carone Coty Caro Coty Lewis, John Carone Coty Lewis, Mary Limbrisk, Brinson Lindsay, William Lindsy, Geo W. Linger, William LL 1762 7 Linn, Michael PP 1800 100 TT 1724 4 RR 1760 8 Linn, Micl. RR 1761 - 1762 15 Linn, William Lewis, Montoon Lewis, Scarles Lewis, Searles Lewis, Stephen VP 1741 C,F RR 1753 14 Linn, Willilam PP 1800 99 Linn, Wm VP VP 1741 1741 C,H F,H VP 1761 B,P Lewis, Surles Lewis, Thomas Lewis, Thos Jr Lewis, William Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Linton, [No First Name] Widow 12/30/2012 Page 123 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Orphans Date(s) Source Info RR 1751 - 1752 8 RR LP 1751 - 1752 1788 12 B 329 RR RR RR VP LL LL RR TL TL TL RR RR RR RR RR LP RR RR LP LP PP PP LP LP LP LP LP LP PP 1738 - 1739 1753 1754 1761 1762 1762 1761 - 1762 1765 1765 1765 1767 A&B 1767 A&B 1773 1773 1777 1778 1779 1779 1780 1782 1782 1783 1786 1786 1786 1787 1790 1795 1800 6 14 10 B,P 7 7 15,28 R3,T10 T10 T8,R1 8,8 9,8 11 11 11 A 178 196 197 B 183 A 187 2T1 205 A 188 B 189 B 189 B 191 B 334 D 339 99 Source Linton, Jno Junr Linton, John Deced Deced; Heirs Orphans Decd [Moses land?] Deceased deced: Deced Junr Decd Linton, John & Burr Hrs Linton, Moses Ensg Inspector Inspector LP PP LP LP LP LP LP LP LP PP 1782 1783 1786 1787 1790 1796 1796 1797 1799 1800 A 186 205 B 189 B 191 B 334 A 340 C 342 B 344 B 346 196 LP LT PP LP 1780 1782 1782 1788 B 184 16 2T1 B 329 LP 1788 B 326 LP 1788 A 325 TT 1724 8 PP PP 1783 1800 205 196 LT PP 1782 1782 3 2T1 VP 1741 H,P MR 1701 15 LP 1788 A 325 LP 1796 C 342 RR RR 1723 1735 - 1736 LP 1788 B 329 LP 1795 D 339 RR RR 1729 1735 - 1736 TL 1747 7 TL 1765 T2 MR 1701 14 RR 1723 7 Lions, Andrew Lions, John Lions, Martin Lithgow, Alexander Lithgow, Alexr Litteral, Richard Littlejohn, Oliver Littrull, Edward Livingston, Robert G Lock, Wm 1760 8 Deced Deced MR RR RR VP RR RR RR RR 1701 1735 - 1736 1738 - 1739 1741 1753 1754 1760 1761 - 1762 13 6 6 F,H 14 10 8 15 Miss PP 1800 196 Long, Moses TL RR LP LP 1765 1767 A&B 1776 1779 P2,R7 9,8 D 177 B 180 Long, William 7 6 Logan, A Logan, Barney [his mark] Lomax, [No First Name] Col. Col.; Ex. Lombard, John Linton, Nancy Linton, William Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info Linton, Wm RR Ensg; Deced Date(s) 45 6 Longman, Thos 12/30/2012 Page 124 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Lord [?], Owen TL 1747 3 Lovelace, Samuel PP 1782 1B9 Loveless, John PP 1783 205 Loveless, Rhody PP 1782 1B9 Loveless, Samuel PP 1800 196, 200 Loveless, Young LP 1795 A 338 Lovelis, Prier LP 1797 A 344 Lovelis, Young LP LP 1782 1786 A 187 B 189 Low, James LP PP PP LP 1779 1782 1783 1788 B 180 1T9 205 B 326 Low, James Lord, Jas Lord, John Lord, Wm undr age Lorimer, James Junr Lorimer, Jas Love / Lane, Jno Love, August Love, Charles Junor Love, Chas of Carter's Estate Date(s) Source Info PP 1782 1T9 PP 1783 205 LP 1788 A 325 LP 1788 A 325 LP 1790 B 334 LP 1799 C 347 LP 1788 A 325 LP 1788 A 325 PP LP 1783 1788 205 B 328 LP 1790 B 334 PP 1783 205 VP 1741 B,F TT 1724 10 LP 1780 B 184 LP 1788 B 329 PP LP LP PP 1782 1788 1799 1800 2T1 D 330 C 347 196 LP 1799 C 347 TL 1765 T3 PP 1800 196 PP 1783 205 PP PP 1782 1782 1B1 1B1 PP 1800 100 MR 1701 17 PP 1800 99 VP 1741 C,F Low, John Low, William RR LP RR RR LT PP 1773 1776 1777 1779 1782 1782 12 D 177 12 197 22 1T4 Lowden, John Lowe, James Lowe, Jamie Love, John PP LP PP 1782 1797 1800 1T4 A 342 100 PP 1800 100 Lowe, John Snr. Love, Mary Lowmack, John Love, Phillip PP 1800 99 Lowrie, George Love, Sam LT PP 1782 1782 22 1T4 Loyd, John B 180, 181 Lucas, Anthony 1T9 205 A 344 345 Lucas, Anty Lucas, Henery Love, Saml LP 1779 Love, Samuel Jun Jun PP PP LP LP 1782 1783 1797 1798 (over[seer]) Lucas, Charles Love, Thomas LP PP 1779 1783 B 180 205 RR RR 1777 1779 12 197 Lucas, James Love, Thos Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Lucas, John 12/30/2012 Page 125 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Lucas, Phillip Date(s) Source Info Lutterell, John PP 1800 196 Lucas, Rebecca LP 1788 A 326 TP TP 1751 - 1755 1751 - 1755 PP 1783 205 PP 1783 205 TP 1751 - 1755 44 RR 1751 - 1752 12 RR 1767 A&B 9,- LP 1780 B 184 TL LP PP 1765 1790 1800 T9 B 334 196 LT 1782 7 TL TL RR RR LP LP LT PP LP 1765 1765 1773 1779 1780 1782 1782 1782 1786 R2,T9 T9 11 197 A 182 A 186 7 H4 B 189 LP 1795 D 340 RR 1723 7 TT 1724 8 PP 1782 2T1 TT 1724 3 LP 1788 A 326 LP 1788 A 324 PP 1782 1B3 PP 1782 E1 LP 1779 B 180 Lutterell, Rchd PP 1800 100 Lucas, Samuel Jr. Lucas, Thomas [signature] Luckett, Jno B. PP 1800 100 Lutterell, Robert MR 1701 17 Lutterell, Simon LP 1780 B 182 Lutterell, Wm PP 1782 H6 Lutteril, Richard LP 1785 B 188 Luttrell, Jams LP 1790 B 334 Luttrell, Rob LT PP 1782 1783 7 205 Luttrell, Robert PP 1800 196 RR RR RR RR 1767 A&B 1773 1777 1779 8,11 11 196 RR RR 1735 - 1736 1738 - 1739 TL 1765 R3,T10 MR 1701 16 TL 1747 5 Luckett, Jno Boon Luckett, John Luckett, John B Luckett, John B. Luckett, Martha Mrs. Luckett, Samuel 44 44 Luttrell, Robt Luttrell, Simon Ludwell, Philip Jnr Jnr 1 6 (insp at Quantico) Lumsden, John Lund, Thomas Cornitt Lundsen, John Lyles, Wm Lunford, Ja: Corpll Lunoex (?), Charles Lynah, Maurice MR 1701 5 Lynch, Patrick LP 1788 D 330 Lunsford, Elth Lyndsey, Wm LT 1782 7 Lunsford, Thos Lynes, Robert RR 1735 - 1736 6 Luther, Robert Lynn, Absolom R. LP 1788 A 325 Lutrell, Simon Lynn, Ezekiel RR 1777 11 Lutteral, Rd Lynn, Fieldds RR 1735 - 1736 6 not 21 Lutterall, Richard Lynn, Fras RR RR 1738 - 1739 1753 6 14 RR 1754 10 Lynn, John Lutterall, Richd Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 126 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source SC LT PP PP LP PP Date(s) Source Info 1779 1782 1782 1783 1799 1800 Source 1 16 1B3 205 C 347 196 Date(s) Source Info LP 1788 D 330 LP 1797 A 344 LP 1780 B 184 LP 1788 A 325 SC 1779 1 TL LP 1765 1786 R6 B 189 TL 1765 R1 LP LP PP 1788 1799 1800 B 329 C 347 196 PP 1782 H4 TL 1765 T2 LP 1776 B 176 LP 1782 A 186 MR 1701 6 MR 1701 7 LP 1776 A 102 TL 1747 9 LT LT LT PP 1782 1782 1782 1782 11 3 8 H6 RR 1761 - 1762 VP LL TL 1761 1762 1765 B,L 8 R1,T9 TL 1765 T9 LP LP 1785 1786 C 188 B 189 LP LP 1790 1790 A 332 C 335 Ma[?], John Maan, William [his mark] Mac, James Lynn, Joseph PP 1800 196 MacDaniel, William LT 1782 11 Macdonald, James TL LP PP 1765 1780 1800 R1,T8 B 183 196 Lynn, Mich Lynn, Michael Machen, Thomas Mack, Richard Lynn, Michel TL 1765 T8 PP 1783 205 PP 1800 193 Lynn, Moses Mackay, Wm Lynn, N. Mackdaniel, John Lynn, Nehemiah LP LP PP 1788 1799 1800 B 327 C 347 196 Mackentosh, Danniel Mackentree, John Lynn, William LL LP PP 1762 1799 1800 7 B 346 196 Mackfarley, Archebell MacKneston[?], Peter Lynn, Wm LT LT PP LP Lynton, [No First Name] Wido Lynton, John 1782 1782 1782 1788 11 7 H6 A 324 RR 1735 - 1736 6 RR 1723 7 RR 1723 7 PP 1783 205 Mackontosh, Danniel Maclen [Martin?], Sohly Macrae, [No first name] Estate Estate Estate Estate Macrae, A Lynton, Moses Lyon, Andrew 6,20 Macrae, Allan Lyon, Andrew (Junr.) (Senr.) PP PP 1800 1800 99 99 LT 1782 22 Macrae, Allen B 181 Macrae, Cha Lyon, Andw Lyons, Andrew LP 1779 Lyons, Andw PP 1782 1T4 MR 1701 7 Macrae, Jno M [?] gun, Peter M[?], Samuel Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 127 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source LP LP LP 1792 1795 1796 B1 336 A 338 C 342 Maddox, Thomas (M) LP 1785 A 187 Maddox, Thos PP PP 1782 1800 H6 197 TT 1724 7 TT 1724 7 LP 1776 D 178 VP RR RR 1741 1760 1761 - 1762 VP LP LP PP PP 1761 1779 1782 1782 1783 B,L B 180 A 186 E8 205 Maddux, Thomas TT 1724 10 Maffit, Gabriel TL 1765 R5 Maglaughin, James BT 1737 C Maiglegland, John RR 1773 13 Maise, Wm RR RR 1777 1779 13 198 Malahone, Rawley Macrae, Jno Macrae, John Macully, Benja Macully, Joseph Madden, Geo Madden, John F,H 8 16 Source Info VP LL 1761 1762 P 8 PP 1800 100 RR RR RR RR TL RR RR RR RR LT 1751 - 1752 1754 1760 1761 - 1762 1765 1767 A&B 1773 1777 1779 1782 13 11 8 16 T3 10,9 13 12 197 3 PP 1800 197 PP LP PP 1783 1788 1800 205 B 327 100 LP 1778 A 179 PP 1782 H5 RR 1751 - 1752 13 TT 1724 8 TL 1765 R6 PP 1782 2T3 PP 1782 H5 LP 1785 B 188 LP 1795 D 340 VP 1761 B,L TT 1724 10 LP 1788 A 325 LP 1776 D 178 TL 1747 2 LP 1795 A 337 LP 1795 B 338 Maddox, Walter Maddox, William Madden, Scarlett Madox, Go Maddin, John Maddin, Scarlett Maddins, John Maddison, Geo of Carter's Estate Maddison, George Date(s) Maddison, Go Malingly[?], John LT 1782 22 Maddison, Jno Mall, Wm RR 1754 10 Maddison, John Malour, Richard RR 1753 15 Maddison, Thos Malt, John LP 1788 A 325 Maddox, Henley Man, William PP 1800 100 Maddox, John Manden, Scarlet PP 1800 100 Maddox, Lawson Manewell, Francis PP 1800 100 Maddox, Mathew Manger, Peter F. TL 1765 T3 Maddox, Thomas Manger, Peter F RR 1753 16 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 128 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Mankin, John PP 1800 100 Marr, Ann LP 1782 A 186 [wid of Danl] Marr, Christopher LP LP 1778 1780 A 179 B 183 LP 1788 D 329 PP 1800 196 PP 1782 2T2 TL 1765 R4 PP 1800 197 Mankin, Mark Mankin, Mark M Date(s) Source Info TL 1765 T9 RR 1758 3 RR 1738 - 1739 6 RR RR VP RR RR TP 1735 - 1736 1738 - 1739 1741 1751 - 1752 1753 1751 - 1755 6 6 F 12 15 44 VP RR 1741 1754 H 10 RR 1735 - 1736 6 MR RR TP 1701 1735 - 1736 1751 - 1755 6 6 44 RR RR RR 1723 1729 1738 - 1739 8 45 6 PP 1800 100 LP 1795 A 337 LP 1795 D 340 TL 1765 R3 VP TL TL LP LP LT PP PP LP LP PP 1761 1765 1765 1778 1780 1782 1782 1783 1785 1788 1800 L,P R3,T3 T3 A 179 B 184 3 2T1 205 B 188 B 328 100 PP 1800 197 PP 1800 100 LP 1788 B 328 MR 1701 16 Marr, Daniel Mankins, Benjaman Mankins, Benjamin Mankris [?], Mark Marr, Danl Manley, Harrison Mann, Elizabeth Marr, Ephr. Mann, Ja: Marr, Jno MR 1701 12 PP 1800 197 LP 1795 D 340 TL PP 1765 1783 T8 205 TL TL PP 1765 1765 1783 R1,T8 R1,T8 205 TL 1765 T8 Marshall, George RR 1753 16 Marshall, Jacob RR 1753 16 RR 1753 15 LP 1786 B 189 LP 1788 B 329 LP 1787 B 191 TT 1724 1 Mann, Thomas Manslein, Walter Marr, John Manuel, Fortunatus Marshall, Benjamin Manuel, Francis Junr Marshall, Charles Marshall, Francis Manuel, John Manzey, Henry Manzey, John Manzey, Peter Marbury, Jo Marchant, William Marchant, Wm Mardeul, John Btwn 10-16 Margeraim, Henry (Junr.) Marshall, John PP 1782 1B9 Marshall, Louisa Margerim, Henry LT 1782 17 Marshall, Robt Margerum, Henry PP LP 1783 1788 205 A 326 Marshall, Thomas Quarter Master Markham, James Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 129 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Captn Captn; Dr. Marshall, Thos Mr. Marshell, Gerrard Date(s) Source Info Source MR TL RR 1701 1765 1773 17 R3 1,18,19 Martin, Nimrod RR 1779 200 Martin, Richd TL 1765 T10 Martin, Thomas TL 1765 T10 Martin, Thos TL 1765 T4 LP 1788 B 327 RR 1723 8 PP PP 1782 1783 1T1 205 VP 1761 B,L RR RR 1777 1779 17 200 RR 1773 17,18 MR RR RR RR LP 1701 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 1798 Marshell, Thomas Martain, John Martain, Wm Martin, [No First Name] Widdo Martin, Aaron Martin, Thos Bryan Esq Esq Martin, Thos Bry Esqr Martin, Andrew Martin, B [Thos Bryan Martin] Source Info PP 1783 205 LP PP 1798 1800 345 100 MR 1701 12 PP 1800 196 VP TL PP 1741 1765 1782 C T7 1T1 TL RR 1765 1767 A&B T7 15,14 RR RR 1760 1761 - 1762 13, 15 24, 32 LP LP PP LP PP 1780 1782 1783 1790 1800 B 183 A 186 205 B 334 196 PP LP 1782 1788 H2 B 327 RR 1738 - 1739 LP 1790 B 334 LT 1782 11 RR 1751 - 1752 13 RR TT BT RR LL 1723 1724 1737 1738 - 1739 1746 3 9 B 10 S TL TL 1765 1765 R1 T9 PP 1800 196 LL 1762 8 TT 1724 9 RR VP 1723 1741 8 H,P Martin, William Junr Martin, B. [Bryan] Esq Martin, Charles Corporall Date(s) Martin, Wm 16 13 15 10 345 Martins, [No First Name] Jr. Marvell, Aquilla Martin, Hen & Ma 10 Masely, Rt RR 1735 - 1736 7 Martin, Henry Masey, Jno TP 1751 - 1755 44 Martin, James TP LP PP 1751 - 1755 1779 1783 LT 1782 22 PP 1782 1T6 Mason, [No First Name] Colo Col; quarter Wido Mrs 44 B 180 205 Martin, Jas Martin, Jas Green Mason, Anne Martin, John MR VP PP 1701 1741 1800 6 C,F 196 RR RR RR RR 1738 - 1739 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 6,10 12 15 10 Mrs.; Estate Mason, Bailey Mason, Ben Loudoun Cty Mason, Col qtr Mason, French Martin, Joseph Martin, Matthew Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 130 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source VP 1761 B,P 13 yrs of age Masters, Gerrard MR 1701 7,9,10,12, 15, 16, 17 Mason, G [signature] Mason, Geo Date(s) Source Info TT 1724 7 TL 1765 R2,T1 TL 1747 4 PP 1783 205 LP 1776 D 177 MR TT 1701 1724 14 7 PP 1782 E6 PP 1782 E6 PP 1783 205 TL 1765 T7 LP 1776 D 178 MR 1701 12 MR 1701 7 RR 1723 8 TL 1747 5 LP 1799 C 347 TT 1724 4(5) RR LL RR RR RR 1760 1762 1761 - 1762 1773 1779 TT 1724 4(5) PP 1800 197 TL 1747 6 LL 1762 8 RR RR 1760 1761 - 1762 13 16 RR LL 1760 1762 13 8 Masters, Jared Ltt Cl Cur Colo; Heirs Decd Decd Dec'd Coll MR TT TT RR LL TL RR VP LL RR LT 1701 1724 1724 1735 - 1736 1746 1747 1760 1761 1762 1761 - 1762 1782 13 10 5,10 6 S 1 8 L,P 8 16 8 Masters, John Masters, Richd Masters, Thomas Mastin, Jere Mastin, Rd Mason, Geoe Colonel Mason, George signature RR MR TL TL 1723 1701 1747 1765 8 Mastin, Richard 15 1 R1,T9 Maston, Hary Mateson, Thas [Thos ?] Mason, Go Col LT 1782 Matheney, Wm 4 Mason, Issachar LP 1790 Matheney[?], Danll B 334 Mason, Issacher LP 1788 Matheny, Danl A 324 Mason, John MR 1701 9 LP 1790 B 334 Mathews , Robert overseer Mathews [?], William Mason, Mary Mason, Thomason LP 1780 B 183 PP 1800 194 TT TL 1724 1747 7 1 MR RR 1701 1723 17 8 MR RR 1701 1723 15,16 8 PP 1800 100 RR 1758 3 PP 1782 E1 LP 1788 B 329 Mathews, Benja btwn 10 & 16 Mathews, Griffin Mason, Thos. Mason, William Massey, Benja Mathews, James btwn 10 & 16 Mathews, John Massey, Dade Lieut: Mathews, Newman Massters, William Mathews, Newmon Mastan, Eavg Mathews, Norman Masten, Gerard Masten, John Mathews, Robert Masters, Garret Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 13 8 17,28 13 197 12/30/2012 Page 131 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source RR Date(s) Source Info 1761 - 1762 Source 28 Mathews, Robt Mathews, Saml btwn 10 & 16 Mathews, Thos Date(s) Source Info PP 1782 1B2 PP PP LP 1782 1783 1790 H6 205 B 334 TL RR RR RR RR LT PP PP PP PP 1765 1767 A&B 1773 1777 1779 1782 1782 1782 1783 1800 R6 9,9 12 12 197 16 1B7 1B7 205 100 TL RR RR LP 1765 1767 A&B 1777 1788 R5 -,9 12 B 328 RR RR 1773 1779 12 197 VP RR PP PP 1761 1777 1783 1800 B,P 12 205 100 RR RR PP PP 1773 1779 1782 1782 12 197 1B4/7 1B7 LP 1799 C 347 RR 1767 A&B LP 1780 B 184 PP LP LP 1783 1788 1790 205 A 326 B 334 TL 1765 R1,T8 PP 1782 E2 LP 1776 D 177 PP 1782 E2 Matthews, John RR 1761 - 1762 16 TT 1724 4(5) RR 1723 8,12 TT 1724 4(5) RR LL RR RR 1760 1762 1761 - 1762 1767 A&B LP 1779 B 181 LP PP LP 1779 1783 1795 B 181 205 D 339 PP 1782 2B2 PP 1782 1B1 LP 1779 B 180 PP 1782 1B1 TL 1765 R3 TL 1765 T8 LP 1776 D 177 LP 1779 B 180 Matthias, John R2,T9 B 181 Matthis, Griffin Matthews, Newman Mathews, Wiliam Mathews, William 13 8 16 9,8 free Mathis, Robert Mathis, William Matthews, Robert Matison, Wm Matthews, Robt Matson, James overseer Matthews, William Matson, James G. Matson, Jas Mattase, Thomas Matthews, Wm Mattenly, John Babtist Matterson, [No first name] Matterson, Benj Matterson, John TL LP 1765 1779 Mattingley, John [his mark] Mattingly, John Matterson, Thomas LP 1776 D 177 TL 1765 T9 LP 1778 A 179 Matterson, Thos Mattews, John 10,- Mattingly, John Baptist Matthew, Harrison PP 1782 2T4 Mattison, Ben: Matthews, Griffin VP RR RR LP 1761 1767 A&B 1777 1788 P -,10 12 A 325 Mattison, Benjn Mattison, Jenny Matthews, Jno Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Mattison, John 12/30/2012 Page 132 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source TL LP PP Date(s) Source Info 1747 1776 1782 Source 1 D 177 E2 Mayson, Martain Maze, Michael 1782 E2 PP 1782 1B7 PP 1782 H5 PP 1783 205 VP 1761 L Mattison, Wm LP 1788 A 326 LP 1790 B 334 PP PP 1782 1783 2T4 205 LP LT LP 1782 1782 1786 A 186 3 B 189 PP 1783 205 SC 1779 1 PP 1782 1T9 PP 1782 1B2 PP 1783 205 LP 1788 A 326 TL LP LP 1765 1785 1790 R4,T10 C 188 B 334 PP 1782 2T1 LP 1787 B 191 LP 1788 D 330 LP 1779 B 181 LT 1782 3 LP 1790 B 334 PP 1783 205 PP 1783 205 PP 1783 205 PP 1800 197 LP 1785 A 187 LP 1788 D 330 RR 1723 8 Maze, Michl Mattocks, Wm Mattox, George Mattox, Thomas Maze, William Mattox, William Mazey, John PP LP 1783 1790 205 B 334 Mc Cullough, Lewis PP 1782 E4 Mc glochin, John PP 1783 205 McAbee, Barnaba PP 1800 196, 200 McAboy, Murthy MR 1701 8 McAboy, Thomas TP 1751 - 1755 RR 1760 RR RR 1753 1761 - 1762 Mattox, Wm Maturson, William Mauger, Peter F. Mauhaun, Deny Mauizy, Henry 44 Maurice, Cha 8 McAboy, Thos 16 16 Mcalestor, Sus Maurice, Charles Maurice, Chas Mcantree, Alexr RR 1754 11 Mauye, Peter F. Mcantree, Jno H. B. LP 1796 C 342 Mauzey, Henry McAteo, Thos RR RR RR 1751 - 1752 1754 1758 13 11 3 Mcatte, Thomas McAttee, Thomas Mauzey, Jno RR 1754 11 McAvoy, Murty Mauzey, John RR 1723 3 McAvoy, Thomas Mauzey, Peter RR RR 1751 - 1752 1754 RR 1760 13 10 McBoy, Mystee 8 McBoy, Thomas Mauzy, Peter Maxfield, James PP 1800 197 Mccantree, Henry LL 1746 KG McCartey , Danl TT 1724 4 McCartey, Willm Maxwell, James May, John btwn 10 & 16 Source Info Maze, Jonathan Mattison, Thos PP Date(s) Capt Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 133 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source RR 1723 8 McCreery, Jno LL 1746 Ww McCreery, John VP 1741 C,F McCuing, Patrick TT 1724 4 McCuing[?], Patrick TT 1724 1 McCuing[?], Thomas PP 1783 205 McDaniel, Alexander LP 1798 345 McDaniel, Daniel TP 1751 - 1755 LP 1795 D 340 LP 1788 A 325 McCarty, Danl Capn McCarty, Dennis McCarty, Thomas btwn 10 & 16 McCarty, Willm McCauley, Angus McCl[?], James McClanahan, Thos 44 Reverd Reverd McClenahan, J. McColey, William Date(s) Source Info LP 1795 A 338 LP 1796 C 342 LP 1788 D 329 PP 1800 197 PP 1800 196 PP 1800 197 VP RR TL LP 1741 1751 - 1752 1765 1788 PP 1800 196 LP 1788 B 328 TT TT TL PP PP 1724 1724 1765 1783 1800 1 1 R2 205 197 PP LP PP PP 1783 1790 1800 1800 205 B 334 197 197 LP LT PP LP LP LP LP 1782 1782 1782 1785 1786 1786 1787 A 186 3 2T1 A 187 A 188 B 189 B 191 VP 1761 L VP 1761 B LP 1779 B 181 RR RR 1753 1760 15 8 RR 1754 10 RR 1738 - 1739 F,H 12 T1 B 328 McDaniel, David McConkey, Wm McDaniel, Jesse RR RR 1735 - 1736 1738 - 1739 6 6 TP 1751 - 1755 44 PP 1800 100 LP 1788 A 326 LP PP 1782 1783 A 186 205 TT 1724 10 PP 1783 205 PP 1782 H4 PP 1800 197 LP 1788 B 327 deced RR 1779 197 ? deced RR RR 1773 1777 12 12 Revd McCormack, Stephen McDaniel, John Btwen 10-16 MCcormic, Elizabeth McCormic, Francis McDaniel, William McCormick, Francis McCormick, Micha Est. McDaniel, Wm McCown, James McCoy, Danl McCoy, Elizabeth Mrs. McCoy, John McDermett, Francis McCrae, Allan McDermit, Francis McCrae, Allen McDermut, Francis Jr. McCrae, Ann Miss Miss Miss RR RR RR 1773 1777 1779 13 13 198 PP 1783 205 RR 1760 8 McDonald, Daniel King Geo Coty McDonald, Danl McCrae, Elizabeth McCray, Allen of Searson Francis Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List McDonald, Donald Revd 12/30/2012 Page 134 6 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source McDonald, Jas RR 1735 - 1736 7,8 McKensy, Alexr PP 1782 H5 McKenterse, John TL 1765 T10 McKenzie, Alex TP 1751 - 1755 44 McKenzie, Murdock LP 1779 B 181 McKillup, Hugh PP 1783 205 McLamore, Jno PP LP 1783 1790 205 B 334 McLaughlin, John McDonald, Jno McDonald, John McDonald, Wm McDurmut, Francis McEntre, John McEwen, Patrick McFeasant, Daniel Date(s) Source Info PP 1783 205 PP 1782 H1 TT 1724 10 LP 1795 D 340 PP 1783 205 PP 1782 1T5 TP 1751 - 1755 PP 1783 205 PP 1782 E2 LP 1788 A 325 LT 1782 11 VP 1741 H RR 1761 - 1762 16 RR 1761 - 1762 16 RR RR 1773 1779 18 200 RR RR PP 1773 1777 1782 12 12,16 H6 LP RR LP LP LP LP LP LP LP PP 1778 1779 1781 1782 1785 1786 1790 1791 1799 1800 A 178 197 B 185 A 186 A 187 B 189 A 332 B 336 B 346 197 LT PP 1782 1782 18 E9 RR RR 1751 - 1752 1779 TT 1724 44 McMahan, Roger TT 1724 5 McGill, David McMahon, Roger RR 1723 3 McGlaham / n, Jas McMankin, Mark VP 1741 H,P McGlolin, James McMilion, Jno TL TL 1747 1747 2 2 McMillen, Jno LP 1779 B 180 McMillen, John PP 1800 100 RR 1761 - 1762 McMillian, Cuthbert deced deced McMillian, Jno TL PP 1765 1782 R3,T3 E2 PP 1783 205 PP 1783 205 PP McGuire, [No First Name] Wido RR McIntire, Dan: PP McIntosh, Daniel TL LP PP Mcintosh, James LP McIntosh, William LP McIntree, John H[--]l PP McKelups, Hugh 1800 100 Senr Jur McGowen, James Mcgown, Henry McGray, Allan 16 McGregor, John McGreigory, Richard McMillian, John McGriegory [sic], John MCgriggor, John 1735 - 1736 6 1782 E5 1765 1778 1783 R2,T9 A 179 205 1788 B 328 1788 A 326 1782 1T3 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List ? PWC sheriff McMillian, Seth Mrs. Mrs. McMillion, Jno 13 198 McMillion, John 12/30/2012 Page 135 9 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Junr RR LL RR TL TL PP Date(s) Source Info 1753 1762 1761 - 1762 1765 1765 1783 Source 15 8 28 R3,T3 T3 205 Deced TL TL 1765 1765 R3,T3 T3 RR 1754 10 Mear, Johnathan 8 8 9,9 Mecan, Grace A 344 Meely, John A 344 Mekmahon, Roger 44 Meldrum, Michl C 347 Melon, Robert 197 Melton, John McMillon, John 1760 1760 1767 A&B 1797 McNutt, Thomas LP 1797 McOuten, Thos TP 1751 - 1755 McPerson, Isaac LP 1799 McPhearson, Isaac PP 1800 Mcpherson, Isaac LP LP 1795 1799 D 339 A 345 Melton, Rd LP 1788 B 328 Melton, Richard LL TL RR RR RR RR 1762 1765 1767 A&B 1773 1777 1779 8 R1,T9 9,9 12 12 197 Melton, Richd TL 1765 T9 TL 1765 T9 PP 1782 H3 LP 1786 B 189 LP 1778 A 178 LP LP PP LP LP 1780 1782 1783 1788 1790 B 184 A 186 205 B 328 B 334 McPherson, John McPherson, Mark McPherson, Marke McPherson, Nathl. McPherson, Sam McPherson, Saml McPherson, Samual LP 1795 D 340 VP 1741 C,H MR 1701 13 LP 1782 A 186 LP 1790 B 334 TP 1751 - 1755 PP 1800 100 RR 1723 8 PP 1783 205 RR 1735 - 1736 LP 1788 B 327 VP 1741 F LT PP 1782 1782 16 1B9 RR LL RR PP 1753 1762 1761 - 1762 1783 15 8 16 205 VP VP TL TL RR RR TL RR RR RR RR 1741 1741 1747 1747 1754 1760 1765 1767 A&B 1773 1777 1779 F,H H 1 7 10 8 R4 10,9 13 12 197 TL RR RR RR RR 1747 1753 1761 - 1762 1761 - 1762 1777 44 6 Melton, William McPherson, Samuel Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 10,9 Meeks, Issac McNish, David LP 1767 A&B Mead, Jno Meager, Richard drumor Mean, William RR RR RR RR McRea, Js M. McMillon, Jno Jur Source Info McRay, Allan McMillion, Seth Mrs. Mrs. Date(s) Decd Heirs 7 15 16 28 13 Melton, Willm 12/30/2012 Page 136 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Hrs Date(s) Source Info VP RR RR RR RR 1741 1754 1760 1767 A&B 1773 P 10 8 10,9 13 TL TL RR PP 1765 1765 1779 1782 R4 R4 197 E4 TP 1751 - 1755 44 RR RR 1729 1761 - 1762 45 15 Source Date(s) Source Info RR 1753 15 RR RR RR 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 13 15 10 RR RR TP 1751 - 1752 1754 1751 - 1755 13 10 44 RR RR RR 1753 1760 1761 - 1762 15 8 16 TT 1724 9 LP 1788 A 326 LP 1790 B 334 LP 1788 A 326 LP 1795 D 339 PP LP LP PP 1783 1790 1799 1800 205 B 334 C 347 197 LP LP PP 1788 1799 1800 D 330 C 347 197 LP LP LP PP 1790 1795 1799 1800 B 334 D 339 C 347 197 LT 1782 11 PP LP LP PP 1783 1788 1799 1800 205 D 330 C 347 196 PP 1800 197 LP 1795 D 339 LP LP PP 1788 1790 1800 D 330 B 334 197 Miller, Simon Miller, Will Melton, Wm Exrs Hrs Miller, William Mercer, Jno Mercer, John Miller, Wm Millian, Traverse Mercer, John/Jno VP 1741 F,H Millian, William Merchant, William LP PP 1795 1800 A 337 196 Million, Robert VP 1761 B,P Mills, Alex LP 1795 A 337 Mills, Alexander LP 1798 345 LP 1799 C 347 VP 1741 F,H RR 1751 - 1752 LP 1779 RR 1751 - 1752 LP 1788 A 326 Mills, Jno RR 1758 3 Mills, John PP 1783 205 RR 1751 - 1752 RR 1758 Metcalf, John Metcalfe, Charles Metcalfe, William Meters, John Mews, James Mills, George Mews, Will 13 Michel, Jno Mills, James B 181 Middison, Jno 12 Mifflin, Charles Milard, Wm Milburn, Joseph Milco, Jno 13 Miler, Simon Mills, Thomas 3 Miles, John RR 1753 Mills, Will 15 Miller, Jno RR RR TP 1751 - 1752 1754 1751 - 1755 Mills, William 13 10 44 Sener Junr Miller, John Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Mills, Wm 12/30/2012 Page 137 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source LP LP Date(s) Source Info 1776 1776 Source A 102 B 176 Date(s) Source Info Minton, Joseph RR 1738 - 1739 6 VP 1741 B LL 1746 S RR 1753 15 RR RR 1753 1754 15 10 LP 1780 B 183 PP LP LP 1783 1786 1788 205 B 189 B 327 PP LP PP 1782 1790 1800 H1 B 334 196 TL LP LP 1765 1795 1795 T10 A 337 B 338 PP 1800 100 LP 1786 B 189 PP PP 1782 1783 1T6 205 PP PP LP PP PP 1782 1783 1790 1800 1800 H4 205 B 334 197 197 TP LP LP 1751 - 1755 1780 1788 44 B 183 B 327 LL RR LP PP LP PP 1762 1761 - 1762 1779 1783 1788 1800 8 14 B 181 205 A 326 197 TP RR RR 1751 - 1755 1761 - 1762 1767 A&B 44 6 9,8 Mintor, Jos Millstead, John LP PP 1795 1800 D 340 100 PP 1800 100 LP PP 1790 1800 B 334 100 RR 1723 8 Mitchel, Ignatius Mitchell, Ignatious Mirces, Jno Gent Mirfitt , Gabriel now Decd Mirfitt, Henry Millstead, Noah Millstead, William Millykin, James Milnor, Wm Jr. LP 1795 D 340 LP 1779 B 182 TL 1765 P4 RR 1751 - 1752 13 LL LP PP 1762 1779 1800 RR 1751 - 1752 LP Milton, Elijah Milton, Moses Mitchell, Ignatius Milton, Richd Milton, William (Junr.) 8 B 181 100 Mitchell, James 13 Mitchell, James (L) 1786 B 189 Mitchell, Jno G PP 1783 205 Mitchell, John PP 1783 205 LT 1782 22 TL LP PP PP 1765 1779 1782 1800 R6 B 182 1T5 100 PP 1782 H5 VP RR RR 1741 1753 1754 P 15 10 RR 1751 - 1752 12 RR 1751 - 1752 12 RR 1738 - 1739 6 RR 1735 - 1736 7 Milton, Willm Milton, Wm Minetree, Jacob Minetree, Paul Miniked, Jacob Mitchell, Thomas Minitree, Jacob Junr. Senr. Mitchell, Thos Minitree, Paul Minter, Joseph Mitchell, William Mintoe, Jno Mintoe, Joseph Minton, John Mitchell, Wm Minton, Jos Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 138 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source RR RR RR PP 1773 1777 1779 1782 12 12 197 1B2 Montgomery, Fras LP 1795 D 340 Montgomery, William PP 1800 100 Montgomery, Wm LP 1779 B 181 PP 1783 205 Montier, [No First Name] Capt Montjoy, John Moon, John Mock, David Modecet , Charles Moderitt, Charles Modeset, Charles 1788 B 328 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1800 100 Source Info PP 1782 1B8 TL PP 1765 1800 P4,R7 197 PP 1800 100 PP 1782 1B8 RR 1738 - 1739 PP 1800 196 LP LP 1776 1776 A 102 B 176 PP 1783 205 SC 1779 1 LP 1780 B 183 RR LL 1760 1762 8 8 RR 1777 14 LP 1788 B 328 LP LP PP 1779 1780 1782 B 180 B 183 E4 TL PP 1765 1783 T4 205 PP 1800 100 TT 1724 9 RR TL RR RR 1761 - 1762 1765 1767 A&B 1773 TL 1765 T4 RR 1767 A&B 9,8 LP PP 1779 1783 Montgomery, John Mo[?], Geo B LP Date(s) Modesit, Chas 10 Moon, Joseph Modisett, Charles Mooney, James Moffet, Gabriel nonage TT 1724 9 Mooney, Jas Moffet, Henry TT 1724 9 Moore , William Mofitt, Henry TP 1751 - 1755 45 LP 1790 B 334 Moore, [no first name] VP 1761 C,L Moore, Danl PP 1783 205 Moore, Elijah LP 1779 B 180 PP 1782 1B8 LP PP 1799 1800 C 347 196 Moore, Job PP 1800 197 Moore, John PP 1783 205 Moore, William LL 1746 KG LP PP 1780 1782 B 183 H6 Moore, Wm LP 1788 A 326 Mooris, Hammon TL 1765 R6 More, Daniel LP LP LP 1786 1786 1787 A 188 B 188 B 191 Mollohen, Rauligh Moncure, John Monday, William Monday, Williams Monday, Wm Moore, Jesse Money, John Money, Thomas Mongra, William Monleith, Thos Monroe, Hugh Monroe, Wm Montgomerie, John Montgomerie, Thos Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 16,28 T4 9,8 12 B 181 205 More, Thos 12/30/2012 Page 139 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info TP 1751 - 1755 44 RR RR VP 1751 - 1752 1753 1761 13 16 B,L Source Date(s) Source Info Morgan, William More, William RR PP 1753 1800 16 100 RR 1754 11 RR 1758 3 RR 1758 3 RR 1758 3 TL 1747 5 TL 1747 7 VP 1741 P TT 1724 7 VP 1741 F LL TL TL RR LP LP 1762 1765 1765 1773 1776 1776 8 R2,T9 T9 12 A 102 B 176 LP 1779 B 180 LP 1795 D 339 LP 1795 A 338 RR 1729 46 VP RR TL 1741 1751 - 1752 1765 P 13 R4 RR RR 1777 1779 12 197 RR 1723 8 VP 1741 B RR RR RR 1753 1754 1760 16 11 8 RR 1761 - 1762 16 Morgan, Willm Morgan, Wm More, Willm RR 1754 11 Morhead, John Moredock, John LP PP 1782 1800 TP RR 1751 - 1755 1758 Jur A 187 100 Morhead, Jos Morehead, Chas Morison, John 44 3 Morison, Joseph Morehead, Jas TP 1751 - 1755 44 Morley, Thos Morehead, Jno RR VP RR 1735 - 1736 1741 1751 - 1752 7 C,P 12 RR RR RR RR 1738 - 1739 1753 1754 1758 6 15 10 3 LP 1797 A 344 VP 1741 H,P RR RR RR RR RR RR RR RR TP 1735 - 1736 1738 - 1739 1751 - 1752 1751 - 1752 1753 1753 1754 1754 1751 - 1755 6 6 12 12 15,25 15,25 10 10 45 RR 1735 - 1736 6 RR 1753 25 MR 1701 7 Morriss, Thos 1 Mors, Ebenezor Morse, Ebenezer Morne, Michael 15 yrs old Morris, Alex Morehead, John Morris, Hammond Morehead, Turner Morgan, Alex Morris, James Morgan, Charles Jur Jur Senr Jur Morris, Robert Morris, Robt Morris, Tho Morriss, Charles Morgan, Denn's Morriss, Hammond Morgan, James Morgan, Jas: Morgan, Nathaniel TT 1724 Morgan, Simon RR RR RR LP 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 1797 13 15 10 A 344 RR 1751 - 1752 13 Morse, Ebnezer Morgan, Will Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 140 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Morse, Edward RR RR RR 1751 - 1752 1753 1760 13 16 8 RR RR 1754 1761 - 1762 11 16 MR 1701 17 Morse, Edwd Morse, John Date(s) Source Info TL VP LL RR RR RR RR 1747 1761 1762 1761 - 1762 1767 A&B 1773 1779 2 B,P 8 16 -,8 13 197 RR 1777 13 TL 1765 R5 PP 1800 197 PP 1800 100 RR TL 1723 1747 8 3 RR VP 1735 - 1736 1741 6 H,P RR 1738 - 1739 6 LP PP 1779 1782 B 181 E2 TL LP RR LP LP RR LT PP PP PP 1765 1776 1777 1778 1779 1779 1782 1782 1783 1800 R6 D 177 12 A 179 B 181 197 18 E9 205 100 LP 1788 B 328 PP 1800 100 VP TL TL RR RR LP LP LP 1761 1765 1765 1767 A&B 1773 1776 1779 1788 LL 1762 Moss, Edwd Morse, Mathew Moss, James RR RR 1760 1761 - 1762 8 16 RR RR 1753 1754 15 10 Moss, Jonathan Morse, Matthew Moss, Kendal Morse, Silvester Moss, Mathew RR 1761 - 1762 28 RR 1761 - 1762 16 RR 1760 8 MR 1701 17 Morse, Sylvester Moss, Matt & for Glascock Morse, Sylvestor Morse, Thomas Moss, Matthew Mose, John Moss, Meredith MR 1701 8 RR 1751 - 1752 LP 1790 B 334 TL TL RR 1765 1765 1773 R3,T10 T10 13 TT 1724 8 PP 1783 205 LP LP RR RR LP 1776 1776 1777 1779 1782 A 102 B 176 13 197/8 A 186 RR 1779 197 TT 1724 9 RR RR RR RR 1767 A&B 1773 1777 1779 Mose, Mathew 12 Moss, Moses Mosely, Lucy Mosely, Robert Mosey, Michael Mosley, Robert Mosley, Robt Moss, Peter Moss, Pressley Moss, Silvester Moss [?], Silvester Junr. Moss, [mulitated] Moss, Ebenezer 10,9 13 12 197 Moss, Silvister Moss, Edward Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List C,P R6 T4 9,8 12 D 177 B 181 A 325 8 Moss, Sylvester 12/30/2012 Page 141 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source RR 1777 12 Mundy, Aaron LP LP PP 1776 1779 1782 D 177 B 181 E2 Mundy, John LP 1790 B 334 Moss, Triplett Date(s) Source Info PP 1800 100 LP PP 1788 1800 A 325 100 PP 1800 100 RR 1758 3 LP 1795 D 340 RR 1751 - 1752 PP 1783 205 LP 1782 A 186 PP 1783 205 LL 1746 KG PP 1783 205 MR 1701 16 VP 1741 H,P PP 1800 100 VP 1741 H,P PP 1800 196 LP LP 1776 1779 D 177 B 180 PP 1800 197 PP 1800 100 VP 1741 C,H LP 1788 B 329 PP PP LP 1782 1783 1787 E8 205 B 191 PP 1783 205 LP PP 1780 1782 B 183 H5 Mundy, William Moss, Uester Mosses, [No First Name] Mrs Motherwell, James Muney, Jeams [James] BT 1737 C Munn, Geo W. LP 1788 A 326 Munroe, Alexander Mottershad, Joan MR 1701 10 13 Munroe, Hugh Mount, Jasper PP 1800 100 Muray, John Mount, Thomas (Junr.) PP PP 1800 1800 100 100 Murdock, Godfrey PP 1800 100 Murdock, Jereh Mount, William Mountjoy, John RR 1723 8 Murdock, John MR 1701 12 Murphe, John MR 1701 12 Murphet, Henry RR 1767 A&B 10,- Murphey, Daniel 1T9 1T9 Murphey, Gabrl Mountjoye, Edwd Mountjoye, John Mousley, Robert Moxley, Alon Estate PP PP 1782 1782 Murphey, Hedgeman Moxley, Alvin Estate Moxley, Gilbert (A) LT PP 1782 1783 22 205 Murphey, Isaac PP 1800 100 [Two entries] Murphey, James VP 1741 C Moxley, Thos Murphey, Jesse Muffet, Henry RR 1751 - 1752 13 Murphey, John Muffit, Gabriel TL 1747 6 Murphey, Lewis Muffit, Gabrill TL 1747 6 Murphy, Isaac Muguier, Patrick TT 1724 10 TT 1724 9 TT 1724 2 Mullikin, James Murphy, James Mullin, James Murphy, Jas Mullugan, Michl LP 1798 345 LP 1788 B 328 Munday, William Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Murphy, John 12/30/2012 Page 142 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source LP Date(s) Source Info 1788 Source B 329 ? Murphy, Josia Date(s) Source Info PP 1800 200 LP LP LP LP LP LP LP LP LP PP PP 1785 1786 1786 1787 1788 1792 1795 1796 1799 1800 1800 A 187 A 188 B 188 B 190 D 330 B1 336 A 338 C 342 B 346 100 197 LP 1795 A 337 RR TL RR RR RR 1738 - 1739 1747 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 7 2 12 15 10 RR RR RR 1753 1760 1761 - 1762 16 8 16 RR 1754 11 MR 1701 11 VP 1741 C,F TL 1765 T1 VP 1741 C,H PP 1800 197 PP 1800 100 PP 1783 206 RR 1738 - 1739 LP 1797 A 344 PP 1783 206 LP 1782 A 186 TL 1747 7 TL 1765 T10 Muschett, James LP 1780 B 183 PP PP 1782 1783 2T3 205 PP 1783 205 TL 1765 T6 TT 1724 10 TT 1724 10 PP 1783 205 LP 1788 B 328 LP 1786 B 189 LP 1787 B 191 RR 1754 10 LP 1786 B 189 Murphy, Josiah Murphy, Lewis Murphy, Martain Murphy, Thomas Murphy, William Muschett, John M Murray, Elizabeth Muse, James Murray, Gust Murray, GW Murray, Jam Muse, William Murray, James Murray, Jas Muse, Willm Murray, John Esqr TL RR LP LP LP RR LP LT LT PP LP LP 1765 1777 1778 1779 1779 1779 1780 1782 1782 1782 1786 1787 T6 12 A 178 A 179 C 182 197/8 C 184 11 3 2T1 B 188 B 190 Musgroue, Jno Musgrove, Jno Myingshine, Fredk Nabus, Nathan Nailer, Elizabeth Nalley, Nathan (B) Murren, Geo Nally, William LP 1786 B 189 Murren, George Namles, John LP 1792 B1 336 Murren, Jas 7 [?]nan, Jno LP 1786 B 189 Murry, James now Decd Narvill, Acquilla VP RR RR 1741 1751 - 1752 1753 F 13 15 Nash, Travers Murry, John RR RR Muschett, [No first name given] Nasom [?], Benja 1767 A&B 1773 9,12 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Neabsco Furnace, 12/30/2012 Page 143 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Neabsico Furnace, TL 1765 R3 Nelson, Gend TL 1747 7 Nelson, Jno TL 1747 7 PP 1782 1B8 LP PP 1782 1783 A 186 206 Nelson, Phillip LP 1779 B 180 Nelson, Thomas RR 1738 - 1739 7 Nesbett, James RR 1751 - 1752 14 RR 1751 - 1752 14 RR 1751 - 1752 14 RR RR 1753 1754 16 11 RR 1754 11 Neal, Carnele Neal, Morris Neale, Rd Neale, Richd Neale, Roswell Neavil , George Neavil, Jno PP 1800 100 LT 1782 22 RR RR TP 1751 - 1752 1754 1751 - 1755 14 11 44 TT RR 1724 1753 8 16 PP 1800 100 PP 1783 206 LP LP 1779 1795 B 181 D 339 RR RR RR 1773 1777 1779 13 13 198 RR VP 1738 - 1739 1741 VP 1741 RR VP 1735 - 1736 1741 VP 1741 C,H LP 1788 B 328 LP 1779 B 180 LP 1788 B 329 LP 1780 B 183 PP 1783 206 PP 1782 1T8 LP LP 1778 1795 A 178 D 339 LP 1778 A 178 LP PP 1795 1800 D 339 100 PP 1782 E2 Nesbitt, James Neavil, Joseph Nevile, George 7 P Nevile, Jno Neavill, John H,P Neville, George RR 1753 16 RR RR 1753 1754 16,23 11 Neavill, Joseph 7 F Newell, Benj Neckens, Benjamin Newman, [?]iah PP 1783 206 Neel, Mathew Newman, [page torn] LP 1797 A 344 Neil, Benj Newman, A. TP 1751 - 1755 44 Neil, Jno Newman, Coleman TP 1751 - 1755 44 Neile, Rosewell Newman, Elizabeth RR 1723 8 Neitch, Richd Newman, Elth LP 1795 D 340 Nellson, Alexr Newman, George TT 1724 7 TT 1724 10 Newman, J [?] LL RR TP 1746 1753 1751 - 1755 N 25 44 Newman, James PP 1782 Jr Nellson, Henry Nelms, Saml Nelson, [No First Name] Genl Nelson, Elender Source Info Nelson, John Neale, Richard Neavill, George Capt, Decds Capt Neavill, Jno Date(s) Newman, Jno Posey 1T7 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 144 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Newman, Jno P 1741 C,F PP 1782 2T2 PP 1800 197 PP 1800 197 PP 1782 1B6 TP 1751 - 1755 TL 1765 RR RR RR 1754 1760 1761 - 1762 11 9 17 RR RR LL TL RR PP 1751 - 1752 1753 1762 1765 1767 A&B 1783 14 16 8 R3 10,9 206 Dr LT Nisbitt, [No first name] Jr.; Doctr RR [No Last Name], Benjamin LP [No Last Name], Charles TL [No Last Name], Edward the bricklayer TL [No Last Name], Geo LP LP [No Last Name], James the taylor TL [?] anderson LP [No Last Name], John [?]igg LP [?] nell LP [No Last Name], Richd Ink Blot on Record MR [No Last Name], Robert Last name illegible LP [No Last Name], Samuel MR LP [No Last Name], Scarlet LP [No Last Name], Simon 1782 1788 D 330 Nickens, Ben: TL 1765 R5 Nickins, Benjamin LP 1776 D 177 Nickins, Daniel LP 1795 D 339 Nieseah, Jno LP 1782 A 186 Nighton, Moses PP 1783 206 Nisbald, James PP 1800 100 Nisbet, James PP 1782 1T8 LP PP PP 1779 1783 1800 B 181 206 100 PP LP LP 1782 1788 1795 1B3 B 328 A 337 LP 1779 B 180 VP RR RR RR 1741 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 F,H 14 16 11 TP LP 1751 - 1755 1780 44 B 184 MR RR RR RR 1701 1723 1751 - 1752 1754 17 8 14 11 RR 1753 16 LP 1795 D 340 LL 1746 Wc RR RR 1723 1729 8 46 LP 1795 D 340 TL 1765 R6 Newman, John Posey Newman, Joseph Newman, Loftin Newman, Posey Newman, Richard Newman, Rt Newman, Thomas 44 T10 Nisbett, James Doctr Doctr Newman, Thos Newmen, John Posey Nisbett, Jas Newport, Peter Newton, Benj Newton, Benjamin Newton, Rickets Newton, Well Capn Source Info VP LP Newman, John [his mark] Newton, Benja Date(s) Newton, Willm Nichols, J. B. Nichols, Richard Nichols, Wm Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 145 1761 - 1762 4 28 1778 A 179 1765 T6 1765 R1,T9 1778 1785 A 179 A 187 1765 1780 R1,T9 B 184 1778 1780 A 179 B 183 1701 7 1776 D 177 1701 1785 7 A 187 1780 B 184 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info LP 1778 A 179 TL [No Last Name], Stan [page torn] LP [No Last Name], Surberland TL [No Last Name], Thos Last name illegible TL [No Last Name], Wharton LP [No Last Name], William Last name illegible LP LP LP Noble, Josephine TP Noble, Joshua TP Noble, Thomas PP Noell, Loftie LP Noland, James TL LP LP Noland, Nicholas RR VP Noland, Peirce MR Nolen, James PP Nolley, William LP Noriss, James PP Norman, [No First Name] Widdo RR Wido RR Widow RR Norman, Clement TP Norman, Edward LP Norman, Elizabeth PP Norman, Henry MR RR VP RR 1747 3 1776 B 176 1747 3 1765 T5 1782 A 186 1776 1778 1780 D 177 A 179 B 183 Source Date(s) Source Info RR RR TL 1753 1754 1765 16 11 R1,T9 PP LP 1783 1788 206 A 325 MR RR LP LT 1701 1735 - 1736 1782 1782 6 7 A 186 11 TL PP 1765 1783 T9 206 PP Normands, Willm orphs RR Normans, [No First Name] Wido BT Normond, Edward PP Norrell, Aquilla LP Norris, James btwn 10 & 16 TT VP Norris, Jas PP LP Norris, Wm PP Northcut, Jno VP Northcut, John TL Northcutt, Benjamin PP Northcutt, John VP TL Northcutt, Wm. TL Norton, Wm. TL Norvill, Aguila PP Notter, Benjamin PP Nowes [Norres?], James TL Nowland, [no first name] Widdo RR 1782 1B1 1723 8 1737 B 1800 197 1788 B 328 1724 1741 4(5) F,P 1782 1788 E4 B 329 1782 H3 1741 F,H 1747 1 1783 206 1761 1765 B,L T4 1765 T4 1765 T10 1782 2T2 1800 100 1747 4 1723 8 [No Last Name], Squibber Norman, Thomas Norman, Thos Norman, William 1751 - 1755 45 1751 - 1755 44 1800 197 1795 A 338 1747 1788 1790 8 B 329 B 334 1751 - 1752 1761 Norman, Wm 14 B,L 1701 7 1800 197 1780 B 183 1783 206 1723 1735 - 1736 1738 - 1739 8 7 7 1751 - 1755 44 1782 A 186 1800 197 1701 1723 1741 1751 - 1752 6 8 F,H 14 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 146 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Nowland, Phillip Source Info Oden, Jos RR 1723 8 O Connor, John TP 1751 - 1755 44 PP 1800 100 TT 1724 4 TT 1724 4 PP 1800 100 PP 1800 100 VP 1741 B,P TL 1747 4 LP 1778 A 179 LP 1788 B 327 LP 1788 B 329 TP 1751 - 1755 PP 1800 197 LP 1788 B 328 PP PP 1782 1783 E4 206 LP 1792 B1 336 LP LP LP LP 1786 1787 1795 1795 B 189 B 191 A 337 B 338 PP 1783 206 TL 1747 7 PP 1783 206 LP 1788 A 326 TT 1724 9 RR 1735 - 1736 7 RR 1723 8 TT 1724 9 Oden, Richard LP 1795 B 338 O'Conner, John LP 1795 A 338 RR 1723 4 Odoneal, John btwn 10 & 16 Odoneal, Timothy O'Daniel, Willm Oard, John Oens, Asal PP 1800 100 Oard, Peter Oens, John (Miller) LP LP 1788 1790 B 327 B 334 LP PP 1798 1800 345 100 Oldham, Jno Oard, Thomas Oldham, John [?] oley, James Oard, William PP 1800 100 Oliver, Andrew Obanion, Bryan RR 1735 - 1736 7 Oliver, David Obanion, Bryant RR RR 1753 1754 17 12 Oliver, Jno RR 1754 12 Oliver, John RR 1753 17 Oliver, Josihas Oliver, Peter Obanion, Jno Obanion, John Obanion, William RR 1753 17 RR 1754 12 RR 1751 - 1752 14 Obanion, Willm 44 Oliver, Thomas Obannen, Bryan Oliver, Thos Obannen, Jno RR 1751 - 1752 14 RR 1751 - 1752 14 RR 1758 3 Onden, Jessie PP 1783 206 LL TL RR RR RR RR 1762 1765 1767 A&B 1773 1777 1779 Oneal, Charles overseer Oneal, Daniel LT 1782 Obannen, Will Obannen, Wm Obrian, Daniel Occoquan Furnace, [see Forge Co.] Date(s) 9 R3,T10 10,10 13 13 198 Orden, William Orea, Danl 14 yrs old Orea, Danl and Jno Odem, [ ? ] 4 Orea, Danl and John Oden, Jesse PP 1782 2T3 Orea, John Oden, John LP 1795 11 yrs old D 339 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 147 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Orear, Ben Exrs TL 1765 T4 Orvine, Joshua PP 1782 H2 Osbery, George LP LP 1780 1788 B 183 A 325 Osborn, Richd Orear, Dan Orear, Daniel Orear, Enoch Date(s) Source Info RR 1754 11 LP 1776 D 177 MR 1701 9 VP 1741 C,F RR 1760 9 RR 1738 - 1739 7 RR 1735 - 1736 7 TL 1747 5 TL 1747 5 RR RR RR 1751 - 1752 1753 1761 - 1762 14 17 17 VP RR RR RR 1741 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 C,H 14 17 12 TL 1765 R6 LP 1795 D 340 VP RR RR RR 1741 1751 - 1752 1754 1761 - 1762 RR RR VP TL RR RR RR RR LP LP 1753 1760 1761 1765 1767 A&B 1773 1777 1779 1795 1796 VP 1761 B,P LP LP LP LP 1780 1782 1786 1786 B 184 A 186 A 188 B 189 Osborn, Thos LP LP LP PP 1788 1799 1799 1800 A 325 B 346 C 347 197 Exrs Osborne, Thomas Estate Osborne, Thos Capt Osburn, [No First Name] Quarter Osburn, [Unknown] Orear, Esther RR 1751 - 1752 14 RR 1751 - 1752 14 VP LL RR TL RR RR RR RR LT PP PP LP 1741 1762 1761 - 1762 1765 1767 A&B 1773 1777 1779 1782 1782 1783 1790 H,P 9 29 T4 10, 13 13 198 8 H2 206 B 334 Osburn, Thos B 183 Overall, Jno Orear, Jno Orear, John Exrs Exrs Exrs Otterback, Henry Otterburn, Peter Otway, Fletcher Orear, Saml LP 1780 Oreor, John RR RR 1760 1761 - 1762 PP 1782 Exrs Exrs Exrs 9 17 Organ, Sarah Overall, John 1T4 Exrs Exrs Organ, Soloman VP 1741 C,H LP 1788 B 327 LP LP LT 1776 1782 1782 D 177 A 186 11 PP 1800 100 RR RR 1753 1754 17 12 RR RR 1753 1754 17 12 H,P 14 11 17 [?]ornell, Richard Orr, John Orr, John (D) Orrear, Esther 17 9 C,P T4 10,10 13 13 198 A 337 C 342 Overall, Nathaniel heirs heirs Overall, Robert Orrear, John Orsbarn, Thos Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 148 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info LP LP 1787 1788 RR 1735 - 1736 7 LL 1762 9 RR 1723 8 PP 1800 197 Source B 191 B 329 Source Info PP 1800 101 Exrs Exrs RR RR RR 1723 1751 - 1752 1754 9 15 12 Exrs Exrs RR RR 1738 - 1739 1753 5,7 17 PP 1783 206 TP TL TL LP LT LT PP PP PP 1751 - 1755 1765 1765 1781 1782 1782 1782 1782 1782 44 P1 P1 A 185 22 22 1T3 1T4 1T4 RR RR 1723 1735 - 1736 9 7 LT 1782 12 PP 1800 197 LP 1799 B 346 RR 1761 - 1762 RR 1723 9 PP 1782 1T6 RR 1761 - 1762 LP 1776 D 177 LP 1780 B 184 PP 1783 206 LP LP 1786 1786 A 188 B 188 RR 1758 3 TT 1724 7 RR 1735 - 1736 7 Page, Jno Overhall, Jno Overhall, John Page, John Overhall, Willm Owden, Jesse Page, Man [sic] Owen, Jno Page, Mann VP 1741 B,P LP 1788 A 325 RR 1735 - 1736 7 RR TL TL 1738 - 1739 1747 1765 7 4 T4 TL PP 1765 1782 TP 1751 - 1755 44 TP TL 1751 - 1755 1765 44 P2,R5,R7 TP 1751 - 1755 44 TL RR RR 1747 1753 1754 3 17 12 PP 1782 1T6 LP 1788 B 326 Palmer, Raughly No land Parce, John LP 1782 A 186 Pard, Peter LP 1795 A 338 Paris, Daniel RR 1751 - 1752 14 Park, James RR RR 1723 1779 8 198 RR 1767 A&B -,10 Parker, [No first name] Doctr Parker, Ahce LP 1788 A 325 Parker, Fieldeg LP 1798 345 Parker, James Owens, Charles Qr; Esq Esqr Esqr. Jr.; Esqr. Esqr decd Deced Page, Margery Owens, Jno Owens, John Owens, Johnston P2 1T5 Owens, Joseph Page, Mary Mrs. (Gloster) Page, Thomas Owens, Joshua Page, Thomas T Owens, Minerva Pagett, Fras Loudoun County Paise, Thos Owens, Owen 22 Pall [Paul?], John Owens, Rawleigh Owens, Saml Owens, Samuel [?]ower, Andrew [his mark] Owin, Owin Owsley, Thos Ozear, John [Orear?] [page torn], William Date(s) [page torn], Wm 18 Page, Guyn Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 149 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Doctr RR 1753 7 Doctr Parker, Joseph [signature] Parker, Richd RR 1754 12 MR 1701 9 TT 1724 10 MR 1701 8 Source Parker, Jams Date(s) Source Info PP PP 1782 1783 1T6 206 TL LP PP PP 1747 1782 1782 1783 4 A 187 1T2 206 PP 1800 198 PP PP 1782 1783 H5 206 PP 1783 206 PP 1800 198 LP 1788 D 330 lp 1776 197 PP 1800 197 TL 1765 R1,T7 PP 1800 198 PP 1800 197 PP 1800 197 LP 1788 A 325 PP 1783 206 LP 1780 B 183 LP PP PP 1780 1782 1783 B 183 H4 206 LP PP 1790 1800 B 334 198 MR 1701 6 PP 1782 H4 PP 1783 206 PP 1782 H1 LP 1780 B 183 Paul, Hugh Parker, Stephen Paxton, Thomas Parkere, John Payne, Absolom TT 1724 10 BT 1737 C Payne, Anne PP 1782 H4 Payne, Barton RR 1735 - 1736 7 Payne, Benj TL 1765 T2 TT 1724 8 Payne, Benjamin free black Payne, Berry [Beny?] TL 1765 R2, R5, T2, T8 Payne, Daniel RR 1760 9 Payne, Eli LP LP LP PP 1788 1790 1795 1800 B 327 B 334 A 337 197 Payne, Elijah Parlows, Wm Parnell, John Parry, Hy heirs Parsons, Thos. Parsons, Willm Parsons, Wm Patmor, Raughley Patterson, John Payne, Elizabeth Patterson, Mary Payne, Evan PP 1782 H5 Patterson, Posey Payne, Ezeckiel PP 1800 197 Pattison, John Payne, Ezekiel TT 1724 3 Patton, James Payne, Henry LP LP 1795 1795 A 338 D 340 LP 1795 D 340 LP 1795 D 340 LP 1795 D 340 Patton, Rob Payne, Ignatius Patton, Thos Patton, Wm Payne, John Patty, Jon Payne, Marianne PP 1782 E1 Patty, Rawleigh Payne, Reuben PP 1782 E1 Paul, Daniel Payne, Rhuben TL TP VP TL 1747 1751 - 1755 1761 1765 7 44 B,P P1,R7 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Payne, Wm Payton, [ ? ] 12/30/2012 Page 150 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Payton, [No first name] Capt Payton, Charles Date(s) Source Info Source RR 1723 9 SC 1779 1 TT 1724 3;5;6 LP 1788 B 327 Peak, James LP 1780 C 184 Peak, Jesse RR RR 1751 - 1752 1777 RR TT 1723 1724 9 3 RR TT 1723 1724 9 3 MR 1701 12 PP 1782 E2 RR 1751 - 1752 15 RR 1761 - 1762 17 RR 1723 9 LP 1789 A 331 SC 1779 1 PP 1783 206 PP 1782 1B1 LP 1788 B 326 LP 1788 D 330 LP 1788 B 327 LT 1782 13 RR 1767 A&B Payton, Daniel Payton, Hauson Payton, Henry 15 9 Peak, Jno, Pignuts ridge Payton, John btwn 10 & 16 Payton, Phillip Payton, Timy RR RR 1735 - 1736 1751 - 1752 VP RR RR LP LP LP 1741 1753 1767 A&B 1776 1776 1778 P 17 -,10 A 102 B 176 A 179 RR 1767 A&B -,10 RR 1767 A&B -,10 LP 1799 C 347 VP 1741 F RR 1723 7,9,11 PP 1800 197 LL RR 1762 1767 A&B 9 11,- LL TL 1762 1765 RR 1767 A&B 11,- LL RR 1762 1767 A&B 9 11,- PP 1800 197 RR 1735 - 1736 7 MR 1701 9 VP TL 1761 1765 B,P R3,T10 7 15 9 T6 Peake, George Peak, Daniel Peake, Henry -,10 Peak, Danniel Peake, Hum[phre]y A 102 B 176 Peake, Humfre Peak, Francis Sarjant Peake, Humphrey Peak, George Peak, James Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List A 102 B 176 Peake, Frank Peacocke, Ben -10 1776 1776 Peake, Francis Peacock, Samuel 1767 A&B LP LP Peake, Daniel Peacock, John RR A 102 Peake, Ann Peacock, Jobe -,10 1776 Peake, [J] ohn Peacock, Benjn 1767 A&B LP Peake , Wm Peacock, Benjamin RR -,10 B 176 B 183, 184 206 B 334 C 347 Peak, Wm Payton, Willm 1776 1776 1767 A&B 1776 1780 1783 1790 1799 Peak, Willm Payton, Valn LP LP RR LP LP PP LP LP Peak, Lucy Payton, Vallentine Peachy, Ann nee: Ann Downman Peachy, Samuel Source Info Peak, John Payton, Tho: Hrs Date(s) 12/30/2012 Page 151 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Peake, Humphry Peake, Ignatious [his mark] Peake, Ignatious LT 1782 11 Pearson, Asa LP 1780 B 184 Pearson, Asey LP 1788 B 328 Pearson, John PP 1782 H3 Pearson, Northumberland VP LL RR LP RR LT LP PP 1761 1762 1767 A&B 1778 1779 1782 1788 1800 B,L 9 11,A 179 198 11 D 330 197 Pearson, Thos Peake, Igns Peake, James Date(s) Source Info RR 1767 A&B 10,- PP 1800 198 LP 1799 C 347 PP 1800 198 PP 1800 198 VP VP 1741 1741 F,H H PP LP PP PP 1783 1799 1800 1800 206 C 347 198 198 LT PP 1782 1782 8 H6 LP 1790 B 334 TL 1765 T4 LP 1798 345 LT 1782 12 LL 1762 9 RR 1760 12,13 RR 1773 13 RR RR 1777 1779 13 198 PP 1800 100 RR 1735 - 1736 7 MR 1701 8 VP 1741 F,P TT 1724 9 MR 1701 15 PP 1783 206 MR 1701 13 Pearson, William Junr. Pearson, Wm Peake, Jas RR RR PP 1773 1777 1782 14 13 H3 MR RR 1701 1773 9 14 Pearsons, William Peake, Jno Corrontt Peckett, Wm. Sanford Peers, [?] Peake, John Deced Deced VP RR VP LL RR RR RR RR 1741 1760 1761 1762 1761 - 1762 1767 A&B 1777 1779 H, 9 B,L 9 17 11,13 198 Peirce, Jacob Garrison Peirce, Jacob Gamone Peirce, Jacob Garroon Peirce, Jacob Garrun Peake, Lucy (Mosley) LL 1762 9 MR 1701 10 LL LP PP 1762 1788 1800 9 D 330 197 RR RR RR RR 1767 A&B 1773 1777 1779 Peirce, Jacob Garun Peake, Tho: Peirs, Nicholass Peake, William Pelcher, Steph Peleseere, Stephen Peake, Wm 11,14 13 198 Pemberton, Geo Pendergrass, James Pearce, Jacob G. PP 1783 206 LP 1779 B 181 Penison, Mathew Cornitt Perkins, John Pearce, Jacob Garrson Pearce, John TL 1765 Perkins, Matthew R4 Pearie, Jacob Gamoond Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Perkins, Thomas 12/30/2012 Page 152 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info MR 1701 13,14 MR RR 1701 1723 13 9 Source Perkins, Willm Date(s) Source Info PP PP 1782 1783 E3 206 PP 1800 101 PP 1783 206 PP 1800 101 PP PP 1800 1800 101 101 MR 1701 7 LP 1788 D 330 LT 1782 18 LP 1778 A 178 LP LP LP PP PP PP 1776 1778 1779 1782 1783 1800 D 177 A 178 B 180 E8 206 101 VP 1741 F LP 1792 B1 336 LP 1782 A 186 LP 1795 D 340 RR 1761 - 1762 LP LP LP PP PP 1776 1779 1782 1782 1783 D 177 B 180 A 186 1B8 206 TL RR RR RR LL RR TL RR RR LP 1747 1753 1754 1760 1762 1761 - 1762 1765 1767 A&B 1773 1776 4 17 12 9 9 17 R5 11,10 14 D 177 Petty, Pressley Perry, Thomas Petty, Rolley PP 1800 198 Person, John Edward Petty, Traverse LP 1788 A 325 Person, Simon Petty, William MR 1701 10 Person, Tho: (Junr.) MR 1701 10 Peyson, Tho: LP 1788 A 324 [?], Peyton LP LP 1788 1799 D 330 C 347 Peyton, RR RR RR 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 15 17 12 RR TP LP 1738 - 1739 1751 - 1755 1788 7 44 B 328 LP 1788 A 325 Peyton, Calvert RR 1735 - 1736 7 Peyton, Chandler LP 1788 D 331 Peyton, Cuth RR 1735 - 1736 7 Peyton, Francis PP PP 1783 1800 206 101 Peyton, H Person, Wm [?], Peter Coll; Est. Peyton, [ No first name ] Peter, James Peyton, Burr Peters, James Peters, James Peters, Jas Peters, John Petkin, Wm Petty, Dudley Petty, Dudly 16 Peyton, Harrison PP 1782 E3 TL 1765 R4 PP 1800 101 PP 1782 1B7 Petty, George Petty, James Petty, Jos Peyton, Henry Petty, Joseph Jr. TL TL PP PP LP 1747 1765 1783 1783 1788 2 R4 206 206 B 327 PP 1800 101 Capt Capt Colo Colo Petty, Mary Petty, Presly Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 153 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Colo [signature] Date(s) Source Info RR LP LP RR RR SC LP 1777 1778 1779 1779 1779 1779 1780 RR RR 1735 - 1736 1773 7 13 VP RR VP LL RR TL RR RR RR 1741 1760 1761 1762 1761 - 1762 1765 1767 A&B 1777 1779 H,P 9 C,P 9 17 R4 10,10 13 198 Source 13 A 179 B 180 198 198 1 C 184, 185 Hrs Hrs Peyton, Jno Date(s) Source Info RR RR RR LP LP LP LT 1754 1760 1761 - 1762 1776 1776 1779 1782 12 9 18 C 177 D 177 B 180 18 RR 1753 17 MR 1701 6 TP LP 1751 - 1755 1790 44 C 335 LP 1780 B 183 PP 1782 H4 PP 1800 197 TT 1724 4 LP PP 1788 1800 A 325 198 PP 1782 H1 LP 1795 D 339 PP 1782 E8 LP 1779 B 181 LP 1788 D 330 PP 1782 1B6 MR 1701 16 PP 1800 197 LP 1788 D 330 LP 1788 D 330 LP 1782 A 187 LP 1780 B 184 LP 1780 B 184 PP 1783 206 Peyton, Valintine Peyton, Vall Peyton, John Peyton, Yelverton Deputy Sheriff Phelbard, Wharton Philbert, Hornton Philbert, Whorton B. Philips, Joseph Peyton, John H. PP 1800 197 Philips, William Peyton, Margarett PP 1783 206 PP 1782 1B4 Phillips, Jas RR LL RR RR 1760 1762 1761 - 1762 1767 A&B 9 9 17 11,10 Phillips, John RR RR RR 1773 1777 1779 14 13 198 LP 1782 A 186 LP 1782 A 186 LT PP 1782 1782 18 1B8 Peyton, Margt Peyton, Robert orphan Phillips, Rd Phillips, Richard Peyton, Robt Phillips, Wm Phillis, Rebecca Barr. Peyton, Samual Phipps, Robert Peyton, Scott Phlarerty, John Peyton, Seth Mrs. Pickeral, Isaac Peyton, Thos LP LP 1786 1788 B 189 D 330 LP 1776 D 177 RR RR PP PP 1735 - 1736 1735 - 1736 1782 1782 Pickeral, Samuel Pickerall, Saml Peyton, Timothy Pickerel, [No first name] [his mark] Pickerel, Richd [his mark] Pickerell, Frederick Peyton, Val Capt Capt. 1 1,7 1B5 1B5 Peyton, Valentine Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Pickerell, Richard 12/30/2012 Page 154 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info PP 1783 206 PP 1782 2T2 PP 1783 206 Source Sr. Pickerell, Richd Pickerell, Samuel Date(s) Source Info PP LP PP 1783 1790 1800 206 B 334 197 LP 1788 B 328 MR 1701 11 LL 1746 KG,Ww TL 1765 R3 PP 1782 2T3 PP 1782 2T1 LL 1746 Wc RR 1754 12 TT 1724 7 LP LP 1787 1788 B 190 A 326 TT 1724 10 TL 1765 T7 TP 1751 - 1755 44 TP 1751 - 1755 44 RR 1723 RR TP 1753 1751 - 1755 LT PP PP LP LP PP 1782 1782 1783 1786 1786 1800 8 H4 206 A 188 B 189 197 LP 1788 A 325 LP 1795 D 340 LP 1788 A 326 MR 1701 11 Pilcher, Steven Pickerill, Fred Pimitt, Geo. PP 1782 2T2 Pickeroll, Rd Piper, John LT 1782 4 Pickett, Martin Pitcher, Richard LT 1782 4 Pickett, Rchd Plicher, Jas TP 1751 - 1755 44 Pickett, William Plicher, Stephen LP 1797 A 344 Pickrell, Hillory Plierh, Wm O PP 1800 197 Pickrell, Samuel Poak, Jno Senr LP PP 1790 1800 B 334 197 Pontine, Edward PP 1800 101 Pool, John TL 1765 T9 TL 1765 R2 Pickrill, John Pierce, Jacob Garrone Piere, Jacob Ganone Poore, Anderson Piereson, Richd Pope, Ben TT 1724 10 Pierpont, Larkin Pope, Danl TP 1751 - 1755 44 Piersy, H Pope, Edwd LP 1795 D 340 Pigg, Charles Pope, Humphry TL 1747 2 Pike, Jno 9 Pope, Hymphrey Heirs RR 1735 - 1736 7 Heirs RR 1738 - 1739 7 LP 1782 A 186 LP 1785 A 187 PP 1783 206 LP 1788 D 330 Pike, John Pope, John Pilcher, Edmond Pilcher, Edward Pilcher, James Pilcher, Mason Junr Porter, Abion Pilcher, Richd. TL 1765 Porter, James T2 Pilcher, Sarah PP 1783 Porter, John 206 Pilcher, Stephen [his mark] VP LP PP 1761 1780 1783 Porter, Martin L,P B 184 206 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 25 44 Porter, Tho 12/30/2012 Page 155 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info LP 1795 RR 1761 - 1762 RR 1760 9 PP 1800 101 PP 1782 E7 Source D 340 Porters, Thos Portors, Thos of Baush Jno Posey, Bain 18 Junr Posey, Ben: Date(s) Source Info RR LP RR LP LP RR SC 1773 1776 1777 1779 1779 1779 1779 13 D 178 13 B 181 B 181 198 1 RR 1754 12 RR LT LT PP PP PP 1760 1782 1782 1782 1782 1782 9 17 17 1B4 1B4 1B4 TP LP 1751 - 1755 1776 44 D 177 TL 1765 R2,T2 PP 1783 206 RR RR 1760 1761 - 1762 9 18 RR 1753 17 RR 1723 9 RR 1758 3 LP 1788 B 329 RR TP 1735 - 1736 1751 - 1755 7 44 TP 1751 - 1755 44 RR 1751 - 1752 15 RR 1767 A&B LP 1788 D 331 TL 1765 T2 RR RR 1753 1754 17 12 RR TP 1751 - 1752 1751 - 1755 15 44 Powell, Willm Posey, Benjamin Powell, Wm PP PP 1783 1800 206 101 LP 1788 B 329 LP 1776 D 178 PP 1800 197 PP 1800 101 PP 1783 206 LP 1779 B 181 TL 1747 7 RR 1754 12 Posey, Benjm Jr. Junr Jr Sr Powell, Wm Riggins Posey, Benjn Posey, Lane Posey, Zephaniah Power, Christopher Posey, Zepheniah Powers, Christian Potter [?], Zachariah Powman, John Potter [?], Zacheriah No land Powall, Jno Pownall, John Powel, Will LP 1795 Pratt, John D 340 Powell, Bailey PP Powell, Edward ordinary license Powell, Francis Occoquan Mills Powell, Leven PP 1800 1800 Preast, Thos 101 [?], Presly 197 PP 1800 RR 1761 - 1762 LP 1780 B 183 MR 1701 17 LP 1782 A 186 RR 1751 - 1752 15 TL RR VP LL RR TL RR 1747 1753 1761 1762 1761 - 1762 1765 1767 A&B 7 17 B,P 9 18 R4 10,10 Preston, Jno 197 31 Preston, Wm Powell, Nehemiah Pretchard, Christopher Powell, Richard Price, Jacob Garrond Powell, Solomon Powell, Will Sr Priest, John Powell, William Sr Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List -,10 Prichett, Benja Priest, Thomas Priest, Thos 12/30/2012 Page 156 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Prigmore, Benjamin ordinary license Prince, Hubbard Date(s) Source Info Source Source Info Purcell, Thos PP 1800 101 LP 1795 D 340 LP PP 1776 1800 D 177 197 TL 1765 R4 LP 1790 B 334 LP 1788 B 328 PP 1800 101 PP 1800 101 TT 1724 10 TT 1724 10 TT 1724 9 RR 1723 9 RR 1760 9 RR 1761 - 1762 18 RR 1754 12 RR 1735 - 1736 VP 1761 B,L PP LP LP PP 1783 1788 1790 1800 206 B 327 B 334 197 RR 1753 26 LP 1799 C 347 RR 1773 7 LP 1799 C 347 LP 1799 C347 LP 1799 C 347 LP 1788 B 328 LP 1788 B 328 Purcell, William PP 1800 101 LP 1788 B 327 Purcell, Wm RR RR RR 1753 1754 1760 17 12 9 Purcelly, John RR 1761 - 1762 18 Purcill, James TP 1751 - 1755 45 Purcill, John RR 1723 9 Purler, Jno Chapman MR 1701 15 Purler, Mary MR 1701 15 Purler, William RR RR 1735 - 1736 1738 - 1739 7 7 Purlow, Willm Prince, John Pritchard, Christopher Purcill, George Pritchard, Xtopher Pritchett, Jas Prockter, Geoe Procter, Geo Procter, William Proctor, Geo Purnal, Francis Prosser, Jno PP 1782 E6 Purnall, Francis Prosser, John PP LP PP 1783 1788 1800 206 A 326 101 Purnel, John Chapman Purnel, Wm Pummell, James PP 1783 206 7 Purnell, Francis Purcel , Geo LP 1779 B 181 Purnell, John Purcel, James LP 1779 B 181 LP 1779 B 181 RR 1735 - 1736 LP Purcel, John Purcel, Tobias 7 Purnell, John Chapman 1776 D 177 Purnell, William PP 1800 197 Purnile, [no name] LP 1782 A 186 Pursel, James LP LP LP 1776 1788 1795 D 178 B 327 D 340 Pursel, Thos TL LP 1747 1788 7 B 327 Pursell, John Purcell , John Purcell, Charles constable Purcell, George Date(s) Purcell, James Pursell, Charles Purcell, John Pursill, James Purcell, Thomas PP 1800 197 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 157 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Pursley, George Date(s) Source Info Ralls, Hebron PP 1783 206 PP 1782 E3 Ralls, Jessee PP 1782 E3 Ralls, Jno TL 1765 T3 TL 1765 R3,T3 Pursley, Go Pursley, John Quantico Furnace, Quantico Works/Furnace, LP PP 1788 1800 A 325 198 LP 1790 B 334 RR RR 1751 - 1752 1754 RR 1753 15,18 LP 1790 B 334 PP 1783 206 PP 1782 H2 LP 1790 B 334 VP 1741 F,P LP 1779 B 181 PP 1783 206 LP 1795 A 337 TP 1751 - 1755 LP 1795 D 340 RR 1753 18 PP 1782 H5 LT 1782 12 RR 1753 25 RR 1753 25 LT 1782 12 LP 1797 A 344 TL 1765 T10 TL VP LL RR TL TL RR 1747 1761 1762 1761 - 1762 1765 1765 1767 A&B 15 12 Ralls, John Stafford Quesenbury, Jas Ralls, Nalle LT PP 1782 1782 4 2T3 Ralls, Nathaniel LP 1782 A 187 Ralls, Natt TT 1724 7 Ralls, Thomas TT 1724 8 Ramey, Jacob RR 1779 198 Ramey, Sanford RR 1779 198 Ramey, Thomas LP 1797 A 344 Ramlin, Richd PP 1800 101 Ramsey, Absolom PP 1800 198 Ramsey, Ande LP 1776 D 178 Ran, Abraham LP PP 1779 1800 B 180 101 Randall, Jno Quesinbery, James Quidle, James Quin, Tho R [ ], David R [ ]h, John R[?], James Race, John Ragin, William Raimey, Wm Rainey, George Rainey, William 44 Randall, John PP 1800 198 Rainger, Nicholas Randall, Wharton PP 1800 198 Capt Rainger, Solomon Randall, William PP 1800 198 Rainie, Geo Randall, Wm LP LP LT 1776 1778 1782 D 178 A 179 19 Randell, John Randell, Thos Rainie, George LP 1788 B 328 Randolph, John Rainie, Go PP 1782 1B6 PP 1782 E1 PP 1782 E1 LP 1790 B 334 Rainy, Thos Rainy, Wm Ralls, Charles Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 158 7 C,P 10 17 R2,T2 T2 11,11 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source RR RR LP LP PP LP LP Date(s) Source Info 1773 1777 1779 1780 1783 1788 1790 Source 14 14 B 181 B 183 206 A 326 B 334 Ratcliff, Quinton LP 1797 A 344 LP 1790 B 334 Rattcliff, Zepheniah Raw, Abraham Randolph, Thompson TL LP LP LT PP 1765 1776 1779 1782 1800 T2 D 177 B 180 9 198 LP 1799 C 347 LP 1788 A 326 Rawlings, Margt B 180 A 186 206 A 325 B 334 Rawlings, William Randolph, William RR 1723 9 LL 1746 Wc RR 1758 4 RR 1758 4 TP 1751 - 1755 44 RR 1751 - 1752 16 RR 1751 - 1752 16 LP PP PP 1779 1782 1783 B 181 1B2 206 PP 1800 101 LP 1788 B 329 LP 1788 B 328 H3 LP 1799 C 347 LP 1799 C 347 PP 1800 101 PP 1783 206 RR TL 1754 1765 13 R5 RR 1751 - 1752 16 PP LP 1783 1790 206 B 334 PP 1782 2T2 TL 1765 T8 TL 1765 T8 PP 1782 1B7 RR RR 1760 1761 - 1762 RR 1779 198 LP 1795 D 340 LP 1788 D 330 LP 1788 D 330 LP 1788 A 325 PP 1782 H5 RR 1751 - 1752 15 PP 1800 198 PP 1783 206 PP 1783 206 LP 1788 B 329 Rawlins, John Rawls, John Rankins, James Rayney, George (of F. Stapleton) Raynolds, Jno 10 19 Read, Aaron Read, Richard Ransdell, Thos Read, Zachariha Ransdell, Wharton Reade, John Ransdell, Will Reading, Timothy Ransom, Ignatius Readon, William J. Reads, John Ransome, Ignatious Reads, William Ranson, John Reagan, John Ratcliff, James Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 1782 Rawlings, Wm Raney, George Capt Ransdall, Wharton Capt Ransdel, Wharton Capt Ransdel, William PP Rawlings, Margarett Randolph, Thos 206 198 Raw, Abram Randolph, Thomson 1783 1800 Ratliff, Quinton Randolph, Thomason PP PP Ratliff, Charles Ratliff, Shadrack 1779 1782 1783 1788 1790 Source Info Ratcliff, Zephania Randolph, Robt LP LP PP LP LP Date(s) Reagan, Mich 12/30/2012 Page 159 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source VP Date(s) Source Info 1741 Source H Reano, Lewis Date(s) Source Info TP 1751 - 1755 44 RR RR 1753 1758 25 4 PP 1800 198 TP 1751 - 1755 TL LP LP LP PP 1765 1776 1788 1788 1800 R3,R4,T2 D 177 A 325 B 329 101 RR RR 1753 1754 18 13 PP 1783 206 TL 1747 4 TP 1751 - 1755 PP PP 1782 1782 1B2 1B2 LP LP 1786 1787 B 189 B 191 LP 1790 B 334 RR 1753 18 TP 1751 - 1755 44 LP 1788 B 327 LP 1780 B 183 LP 1779 B 180 RR PP 1753 1800 18 101 RR 1754 13 LP 1788 B 326 RR RR RR TL 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 1765 16 18 13 P3,R5 Rector, John RR 1760 9 RR 1760 9 Rector, William LP 1795 D 339 Reddisly, Rob. LP 1795 D 339 Redman, John RR 1751 - 1752 PP 1783 206 PP 1783 206 PP 1783 206 RR RR 1767 A&B 1767 A&B 11,11,- Redmon, Thomas PP 1783 206 Reed, Jno PP 1783 206 Reed, Rt RR 1767 A&B 11,- (Overr) Reeder, Thomas PP 1783 206 LP 1779 B 181 Reeder, William RR 1767 A&B 10,9 Reeding, Timothy RR 1751 - 1752 16 Reeding, Wm RR 1761 - 1762 18 Reeds, John RR 1751 - 1752 15 Rees, John RR 1760 9 Reeve, Asa RR RR RR 1753 1754 1758 18 12 4 Reeve, Benjamin RR 1758 4 Reano, Thos Reardon, John Reardon, Mathew D Reave, Grace 15 Reavers, James Reaves, Asa 44 Redman, Richd Reaves, Benjamin Reaves, George Redmon, John Jr Senr Reaves, James Reaves, Jane Reaves, John Reaves, William Reaves, Wm Record, [No first name] Recte, Henry Recter, George Recter, Harmon Rector , George Rector, Harmon Rector, Henery 44 Reeve, Benjn Rector, Henry Reeve, Eli RR RR TP 1753 1754 1751 - 1755 18 13 44 RR RR RR 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 16 18 13 Reeve, George Rector, Jacob Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 160 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Senr RR LP Date(s) Source Info 1767 A&B 1776 Source -, 11 D 177 Capt 1753 18 RR RR 1751 - 1752 1754 15 13 RR RR RR TL TL TL 1753 1753 1760 1765 1765 1765 Source Info Reeves, Jno Reeve, Grace RR Date(s) Reeve, Jno of Carter's Estate Reeve, John 18,25 25 9 P1 R6 R6,R7 RR RR VP RR RR RR PP 1735 - 1736 1738 - 1739 1741 1773 1773 1779 1782 8 7 H,P 14 14 198 1B6 RR RR LT 1777 1779 1782 14 198 19 PP 1782 1T10 TP 1751 - 1755 TL 1747 3 VP 1741 F MR 1701 11 LP 1790 B 334 LP LP LP LP LP LP LP 1785 1786 1786 1792 1795 1796 1799 A 187 A 188 B 188 B1 336 A 337 C 342 B 346 LP 1788 A 325 LP LP LP 1776 1776 1790 A 102 B 176 B 334 VP 1741 P LP 1790 B 334 PP 1783 206 RR 1761 - 1762 19 RR 1760 10 RR RR 1760 1761 - 1762 10 19 RR 1760 13 Reeves, John Reeves, Jona Reeve, Jonathan Reeves, Reuben PP 1800 101 Reeve, Joshua 44 Reeves, Thomas LP 1788 A 325 Reeve, Moses Regan, Mich TL Reeve, Thomas patroler Reeve, Wm 1765 R6 Regnay, Henry TL 1765 R4 Reid, Elizabeth LP 1788 B 327 Reeves, Asa Reid, James LT PP 1782 1782 18 1B6 TP RR RR RR 1751 - 1755 1773 1773 1777 44 14 14 14 RR RR VP RR RR 1735 - 1736 1738 - 1739 1741 1777 1779 8 7 F,P 14 198 PP 1800 198 Reeves, Geo Senr Junr [2 entries] Senr Junr Reeves, George Senr junr. Reid, Joab Reid, John Reeves, Hezekiah Reid, Jos Reeves, Isaac Reid, Zechariah RR RR 1777 1779 14 198 LT LP LP LP 1782 1785 1786 1790 19 B 188 B 189 B 334 Reiley, Thomas Reeves, James Reive, Benj Reive, Benja Reive, Geo Reeves, Jane LT PP 1782 1782 22 1T10 LT 1782 12 of White Reive, George Reeves, Jas Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 161 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info RR 1761 - 1762 19 RR RR RR 1760 1761 - 1762 1761 - 1762 10, 13 18 19 TL 1765 T4 TL TL 1747 1765 6 T4 LP 1776 A 102 Source Senr Source Info Reno, David Reive, John Senr Date(s) Remy, Sanford Remy, Thomas TL RR PP LP LP PP 1765 1777 1782 1785 1788 1800 T7 14 E6 A 187 B 328 101 LT PP 1782 1782 8 H4 LP 1780 B 183 PP 1782 H2 LT 1782 8 LL TL TL RR RR RR PP 1762 1765 1765 1767 A&B 1773 1777 1782 LT PP 1782 1782 8 H2 LP 1795 A 338 TL LP 1765 1788 R2,T1 A 325 RR RR RR VP RR VP LL RR TL TL RR RR RR LP RR RR LP LT PP 1735 - 1736 1735 - 1736 1738 - 1739 1741 1751 - 1752 1761 1762 1761 - 1762 1765 1765 1767 A&B 1773 1773 1776 1777 1777 1778 1782 1782 Reno, Eli Renfrey, Richard Reno, Elij Renfry, Richard [see Kinsey] Rengoe, Henry Reno, Enoch LP 1776 B 176 Reno, Feli [ ? ] PP 1783 206 Rengoe, Peter Reno, Francis PP 1783 206 LP LP 1788 1788 A 324 B 327 RR RR 1760 1761 - 1762 LP 1788 RR 1761 - 1762 RR RR RR LP Renno, Enoch Patroler Renno, Francis of Tarply 10 19 Renno, George 10 T8 T8 11,14 14 H2 Reno, Fras A 325 Renno, John 19 Reno, Hanson 1753 1754 1760 1788 18 13 10 B 328 Reno, John RR 1753 18 RR Rennoe, [No first name given] Major PP Rennoe, Bailis PP Rennoe, Eli PP Junr. PP Rennoe, Enoch PP Rennoe, Francis PP Rennoe, George PP Reno , Francis VP TL 1754 12 1800 198 1800 198 Senr Junr 1800 1800 198 198 Jr. 1800 198 Renno, Lewis Jr. Jr. Jr. Reno, Lewis Renno, Thomas Jr. Sr. Senr Jr. Renno, Thos 1800 198 Jr. Senr 1800 198 Jr. 1761 1765 B,L R1 Est Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 162 8 8 7 H,P 15 B,L 10 19 R1,R8,T7 T7 11,14 14 D 177 14 14 A 179 12 H5 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source LP 1785 A 187 Jr. VP LL 1761 1762 B,L 10 VP RR RR TL RR RR RR 1741 1751 - 1752 1761 - 1762 1765 1767 A&B 1773 1779 H,P 16 18 T5 11,18 200 Renoe, Tho RR RR RR 1773 1777 1779 14,18 14 200 Rescey, Richd Reno, Thomas 1779 1783 1790 198 206 B 334 LP 1799 C 347 TT 1724 9 RR 1767 A&B TL 1765 T5 PP 1783 206 RR 1753 18 LL LL RR RR RR 1762 1762 1761 - 1762 1761 - 1762 1767 A&B 10 10 29 29 -,11 LL RR 1762 1767 A&B 10 -,11 TL 1747 5 TL TL TL 1747 1747 1747 1 1 7 RR 1754 12 TL 1747 4 TL 1747 1 TL 1747 8 TL 1747 7 RR 1751 - 1752 15 RR LL 1760 1762 9 10 RR RR TL TL RR RR RR 1754 1761 - 1762 1765 1765 1767 A&B 1773 1777 -,11 Renoe, Wm. Renoe, Zelia Reve, George Senr son of John Reno, Zely 1778 1779 RR PP LP Renoe, Thos Reno, Wm. LP LP Source Info Renoe, Maden Reno, Thos of Thos Date(s) A 179 B 181 younger Renoe, Bales LP 1799 C 347 LP 1788 A 324 PP 1783 206 Reves, Ben: PP LP LP LP 1783 1790 1799 1799 206 B 334 C 347 C 347 Reves, George Reve, John Renoe, Baylis Renoe, David Renoe, Eli Junr Senr Senr Reves, Grace Renoe, Enoch PP LP 1783 1799 206 C 346 Reves, Isaac TT 1724 9 Reves, John RR RR PP LP LP LP LP LP LP 1767 A&B 1779 1783 1788 1788 1788 1790 1790 1799 -,11 198 206 A 324 A 325 A 325 B 334 B 334 C 347 Reves, Rubin LP 1799 C 347 RR TT TT RR RR 1723 1724 1724 1767 A&B 1779 Renoe, Fra nonage Renoe, Francis Junr Junr Senr Reves, Thomas Rexecy, Richd Rexey, Richard Rexey, Richd Renoe, George Renoe, Lewis Junr. Capt 9 9 9 -,11 198 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Junr 12/30/2012 Page 163 12 18 T6 T6 11,11 14 14 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source RR Date(s) Source Info 1779 Source 198 Rice, Jos LP 1797 A 344 TL 1765 R3 TT 1724 9 Date(s) Source Info Orph: RR RR 1751 - 1752 1761 - 1762 15 18 Orps Orphs RR RR 1753 1760 18 9 Orphs RR 1754 12 PP 1800 101 LP 1797 A 344 LP 1797 A 344 LP 1797 A 344 PP 1783 206 PP 1782 H5 LP 1782 A 186 TL 1747 6 TL 1765 T2 LP 1788 D 330 LP 1779 B 181 LP 1788 B 329 LP 1795 D 339 PP 1800 101 PP 1800 101 PP 1800 101 PP 1800 198 RR LP RR LT PP 1777 1779 1779 1782 1782 14 B 182 198 18 1B4 PP 1782 1B4 LP 1788 A 325 LP PP 1779 1782 B 181 1B3 Ridley, William Rice, Thomas Rice, William Ridley, Willm Rice, Wm Ried, John LP 1788 B 329 Richards, John Rieves, Jesse PP 1800 198 Richards, Rchd Rieves, Jonathan TP 1751 - 1755 44 Richardson, William Rieves, Josua MR 1701 15 Richerson, Francis Rigbie, Alexander PP 1800 101 Richevy, Richard Rigby, Abr LP 1780 B 183 Richrey, Richd. Rigby, Alexander Senr LP 1782 A 186 Ricksey, Richd Riggins, Nathaniel VP 1741 C,H Riddell, John Righley, Thos TL 1765 R1,T7 Riddell, Ruth Riley, Jessy RR RR RR 1773 1777 1779 14 14 198 Rillings, John Riddick, Joel Rilly, [?] LP 1788 D 330 Riddle, Jos Rily, Brice LP 1795 D 340 Riddle, Richard Rily, John LP 1790 B 335 Riddle, Ruth Rily, John (son of Jonath) Rily, Jonathan RR 1767 A&B 11,11 Orphs Orphs RR RR 1738 - 1739 1751 - 1752 7 15 Ringlesby, Christopher Orphs RR 1735 - 1736 8 Ringo, Henry Orphs RR 1723 9 TP 1751 - 1755 44 RR 1754 13 RR RR LL RR 1753 1760 1762 1761 - 1762 18 10 10 19 Riddle, Will Riddle, Wm Riddles, Will Rider, Alex Ridley , Ruth Ringo, James Jos: not 21 Ringo, Joseph Ridley, Ruth Ringo, Peter Ridley, Will Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 164 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source LP Date(s) Source Info 1788 Source A 325 Ringo, Rd Date(s) Source Info TP 1751 - 1755 44 VP 1741 C,F VP 1741 C,F,P VP 1741 C,F BT VP 1737 1741 C F,H TT 1724 4 LP PP 1779 1783 B 181 206 LT 1782 19 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1783 206 LP 1779 B 180 LP Robinson, [No First Name] Colo Exor LL Robinson, David TP Robinson, Dickson PP Robinson, Fras PP Robinson, George LP LP PP Robinson, Jas VP VP Robinson, Jno VP TP TL Robinson, Lohn VP Robinson, Richard PP Robinson, Richd PP Robinson, Thos MR RR 1790 B 334 1746 KG Roberts, Jas not 21 PP 1782 1B3 Rising, John Roberts, Jno PP 1783 206 Rison, Lancelott Roberts, Richard PP 1800 198 Rison, Peter Roberts, Wm ferryman PP 1800 198 TL 1765 T3 Robertson, Alexander PP 1782 1T9 Robertson, Francis LT LT 1782 1782 12 12 VP PP LP 1761 1783 1790 L,P 206 B 335 Robertson, Geo: RR 1761 - 1762 29 Robertson, Nath LP 1788 B 329 Robertson, Richard LP LP PP 1776 1779 1783 D 177 B 180 206 PP 1782 E5 Rive, Thomas Rives, Wm Rixey, Rd Jr. Robertson, Fras Rixey, Richard Robertson, George Rixey, Richd Roach, Benjn Roach, James Roach, Jas Roach, Thos LP 1788 A 326 LP 1788 A 326 MR 1701 8 LP LT PP 1780 1782 1782 B 183 8 H1 PP 1800 101 LP 1797 A 344 PP PP 1783 1800 206 101 PP PP 1800 1800 101 101 VP 1741 C,P Roach, William Roades, Richard Roan, John Roberson, James Roberson, Nathanial Roberson, Nathaniel Roberson, William (Ocquan) Roberts , Jno Roberts, Edwd Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 165 1751 - 1755 44 1782 E7 1782 1B5 1779 1788 1800 B 180 A 325 101 1741 1741 C,F C,H 1741 1751 - 1755 1765 P 44 R6 1741 F 1783 206 1782 2T3 1701 1723 8 9 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source RR Date(s) Source Info 1735 - 1736 Source 8 Robinson, William Date(s) Source Info PP 1800 101 TT 1724 7 PP PP 1783 1800 206 101 PP 1782 1T4 LP 1795 D 340 PP 1783 206 LP LP 1776 1776 A 102 B 176 PP 1800 198 PP 1800 101 LP 1788 D 330 LP 1788 B 329 LP 1795 A 337 LP 1788 B 327 LP 1788 B 327 TL 1765 R2,T2 LT 1782 4 LP 1790 B 334 TL 1765 T2 LP LP 1776 1776 A 102 B 176 VP LP 1761 1780 B,L B 184 PP 1782 2T2 LP 1798 345 TL 1765 T9 TL 1765 R1,T9 LP LP 1795 1795 A 337 D 340 Rogers, Sofias LP 1798 345 Robinson, Wm Rogers, William Colo Colo RR RR 1723 1729 9 46 PP 1783 206 Robly, William Rogers, Wm Roby, Sarah Rogerson, Tho PP 1800 198 Roby, William Rokard, William PP 1800 198 Roby, Wm Roland, Gilbert Rockingbaugh, Jacob living at Major Rennoe's Rodden, John PP 1782 2T2 PP 1800 198 Roles, Thomas PP 1800 198 Rollins, John TL 1765 R3,T2 Rolls, [?] MR 1701 8 Rolls, Charles PP 1782 E4 Rolls, Honb MR 1701 6 Rolls, Jesse LP 1788 A 326 Rolls, Thos PP 1782 H2 Rookard , John TT 1724 8 PP 1782 H2 Rookard, [Francis] Mrs. Rookard, Francis PP 1783 206 Rookard, John RR 1751 - 1752 15 Rookard, Thos PP 1782 1T4 LP PP PP PP 1779 1782 1783 1800 B 181 1T4 206 101 Rodes, Henry John Rodes, James Sen. Rodman, Jno Rodman, Wm Roe, Benard Roe, Benjn Roe, Bunch Roe, Richd Rofe, James Roger, George Roger, Wm Rogers, Edward Rookard, William Rookard, Wm Rogers, Geo Rose, Daniel Fauquier Rogers, George Fauquier TP 1751 - 1755 44 Rose, Elis. VP RR RR RR RR 1741 1753 1758 1760 1761 - 1762 B.F 25 4 10 19 Rose, Elizabeth Mrs. Rose, Henry Rogers, Lewis Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 166 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Rose, Isaac TL TL 1765 1765 R2 T1 Date(s) Source Info TT 1724 10 TP 1751 - 1755 44 RR 1723 9 RR 1723 9 RR 1738 - 1739 8 RR 1735 - 1736 8 TL 1747 3 PP 1782 1B7 TL 1765 R5 LP 1780 B 183 MR 1701 12 RR RR 1723 1729 9 46 TL 1765 R1 MR 1701 8 PP PP 1782 1782 1T1 1T8 LP 1788 A 325 LP 1788 B 329 LP 1788 B 327 RR 1760 10 RR 1760 10 RR 1761 - 1762 19 RR 1761 - 1762 19 LP 1788 A 325 LP 1799 C 347 RR 1761 - 1762 LL TL 1762 1765 Rousseau, Wm Rose, James Rout, John LP LP LP PP 1779 1780 1798 1800 B 180 B 183 345 101 PP 1782 1B9 Rout, Wm TL LP LP PP PP 1765 1780 1782 1782 1783 T10 B 184 A 186 2T2 206 Row, Abraham Rout, Richd Rout, William Rose, Jas Rose, John Rowell, Wm Rowland, George Rose, William LP 1788 B 328 Rowles, Tho LP 1788 B 329 Rowley, John 101 Rowley, Richd Ross, Alex Ross, Alexander ordinary license Ross, Benjamin PP PP PP 1800 1783 1800 206 101 Rowlings, Wm Ross, H. LP 1796 C 342 Royalty, Hene LP PP PP LP 1779 1782 1783 1799 B 180 E8 206 C 347 Royston, John 1 7 R4 206 206 Rudman (?), Andrew Ross, John Rudeon, Wm Ross, William Jr. TL TL TL PP PP 1747 1747 1765 1783 1783 Rullen, James Rundall, John Ross, Wm Jr. Sr. Rundall, William LP PP PP LP 1779 1782 1782 1788 B 181 E3 E3 B 329 RR 1723 9 Rusel, Nathanial MR 1701 12 Rusell, Nathanel MR 1701 9 Rush, Ben LT PP 1782 1782 4 1B4 Rush, Benjamin Rundle, John Rundle, William Rosser, Richd Rosser, Shield Roueling, Peter Roundtree, Wm Rouse, William Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 167 3 10 R4 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info RR 1767 A&B TP 1751 - 1755 LP 1788 RR Source -,11 44 Russell, Willm A 325 Russell, Wm 1751 - 1752 15 Russill, James RR 1754 12 Rust, Jno RR 1723 9 RR 1735 - 1736 8 Russan, Will RR LP 1753 1788 18 A 325 Jur RR 1754 12 Capt. RR 1735 - 1736 LP 1788 RR RR 1751 - 1752 1754 RR 1758 4 RR RR 1753 1758 18 4 RR 1754 13 TL 1747 8 LP 1788 B 328 LP LP 1788 1790 A 326 B 334 LP 1790 B 335 TP LT 1751 - 1755 1782 44 12 RR 1735 - 1736 8 PP 1782 E7 LP 1780 B 184 TL 1765 R7 TL 1765 R2,T1 LP 1778 A 179 PP 1782 2T3 LP 1782 A 186 LP PP 1780 1783 B 182 206 VP TL 1741 1765 P R6 LP 1788 A 325 Russan, Willm Russel, [Jo?] hn Russel, [Margaret] Wido [of Nat] Russel, Jno 8 A 326 15 12 Rust, John Rust, William RR 1735 - 1736 LP 1799 RR 8 Russel, John C 347 Rust, Willm 1735 - 1736 8 Ruth, Benja RR 1738 - 1739 7 Ryan, Saml LP 1786 A 188 Rye, Samuel LP 1786 B 188 PP 1800 198 Russel, Nat.[haniel] Russell, [Margaret] Wido [of Nat] Russell, Chris Source Info Jun Rusk, Wm Russall, William Date(s) Russell, Chrisr Russell, Christopher Ryle, Thomas Russell, George Ryley, Thos TL TL 1765 1765 R2,T1 T1 PP 1782 E3 MR PP 1701 1783 6 206 S [?], Jacob RR RR RR 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 15 18 12 [his mark] Sage, Mason Esqr Sage, William TP 1751 - 1755 44 Salle, Jonathan RR RR RR 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 16 18 13 Sampson, R. PP 1800 101 Sampson, Richard [his mark] RR TP 1751 - 1752 1751 - 1755 15 44 RR RR 1738 - 1739 1753 8 18 Russell, Go Rymer, [No First Name] Wid'o Ryner, Jno Russell, John Russell, Martin heirs heirs Russell, Mitch. Russell, Nicholas Sampson, Rich Russell, Thomas Russell, Will Jur Sampson, Wm Russell, William Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Samuel, Thos 12/30/2012 Page 168 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Sanders, Britton Date(s) Source Info Sanford, John LP 1797 A 344 Sanders, Button TL 1765 T9 PP 1800 101 PP 1782 1B7 PP PP PP 1782 1783 1800 2T2 206 198 LP 1785 A 187 LP LP 1782 1786 A 186 B 189 RR 1723 7 LP 1799 C 347 PP 1782 2T2 RR RR RR PP LP PP 1753 1760 1761 - 1762 1782 1790 1800 PP 1800 199 PP PP 1783 1800 206 198 PP LP PP 1783 1790 1800 206 B 335 199 RR VP 1735 - 1736 1741 LP 1782 A 186 RR RR LT 1777 1779 1782 15 199 1 LP 1790 B 335 LP 1779 B 182 VP 1741 C,F Sanford, Thomas PP 1800 101 Sanders, James Jun LP 1797 RR RR 1751 - 1752 1754 LP LP PP LP PP 1780 1782 1783 1785 1800 B 184 A 186 206 B 188 101 LP 1797 A 344 Sanford, Wm (Comd Offr) Sanger, Stephen A 344 Sanders, Jno 17 14 Sanders, John Sangor, Stephen Sangor, Stephon Sanifords, Thos Sanders, Larkin Saunders, Heabard Sanders, Leonard PP 1800 101 Saunders, Jna Sanders, Lewis VP LP 1741 1797 C,F A 344 Saunders, John Sanders, Mathew Sanders, Matthew [his mark] Sanders, Robert [his mark] LP LP 1782 1785 A 186 B 188 LP PP 1780 1783 B 184 206 LP LP 1780 1785 B 184 B 188 LP 1797 A 344 LP LP 1780 1787 B 184 B 191 TL RR 1765 1767 A&B R2,T9 8,- Savage, Jno PP LP 1783 1788 206 A 325 Savage, John Saunders, Jordon Saunders, Robert Sanders, Thomas Jun Sanders, William [his mark] 19 10 20 2T3 B 334 199 Saunders, William Sandford, George Sandford, Thomas Sandford, Thos 8 H Savage, Wm PP 1782 1B8 Doctor Doctor Dor Savagedeed, William PP 1783 206 LT PP 1782 1782 19 1B7 Scales, Anthony PP 1782 1B7 Scandall, Thos TL 1747 3 Scandland, Ben Sandford, William Sandford, Wm Sandford, Wm Sanford, George Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 169 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info LT PP 1782 1782 18 E8 VP 1741 C PP 1783 206 LP 1782 A 186 TT 1724 3 VP 1741 F Source Scandling, Michl Scanland, Benjamin Scanland, Benjamine Revd Revd Revd Revd Revd Revd Estate TL RR RR RR LP RR PP 1765 1767 A&B 1773 1777 1778 1779 1783 Revd Revd LT LT PP PP 1782 1782 1782 1782 4 8 H6 H6 PP 1800 200 RR TT TL PP 1723 1724 1765 1783 10 4(5) R4,T3 206 PP 1800 198, 200 LP 1799 C 347 LP LP 1786 1788 B 189 D 330 LP LP 1786 1787 A 188 B 191 LL RR RR RR RR RR LP LP LP PP 1762 1767 A&B 1767 A&B 1777 1777 1779 1780 1788 1790 1800 RR 1773 15 TL PP LP LP LP 1765 1783 1786 1787 1796 R1,T7 206 B 189 B 191 C 342 PP PP LP 1782 1782 1795 2T1 2T3 A 338 Scanlon, Mich Revd Scott, A 1797 A 344 RR 1761 - 1762 LP 1795 A 337 Scott, John 20 Scott, Alex Scott, Alexander PP 1800 198 Scott, Alexandr Ye Revd Scott, Alexr RR 1723 10 Mr.; Quarter TT TT LP 1724 1724 1790 7 7 B 335 RR 1760 10 LP 1795 D 340 LP 1788 B 328 LP LP LP LP LP 1787 1795 1795 1796 1798 B 191 A 337 C 339 C 342 345 PP 1800 198 LP 1795 A 337 Scott, Robt TL 1765 T3 Merchant Scott, William Scott, Levi Scott, Levie Scott, Richard Scott, Alexs Revd Scott, Richd Scott, Chas R Scott, Robert Mint [minister?] Mercht Scott, D W Scott, David Wilson of Ewell of Ewell [his mark] Scott, George Scott, Gust Scott, Gustavis Scott, James Revd Revd Revd Revd Revd Revd Revd LL RR RR RR VP LL RR TL 1746 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 1761 1762 1761 - 1762 1765 T3 12,11 15 15 B 179 199 206 Scott, Jesse Scott, Alear Revd Source Info Scott, Jas Scanlen, Luke LP Date(s) S 17 20 14 L,P 10 30, 31 R3,T3 10 12,11 12,12 14 15 198/199 B 183 D 330 B 334 199 Scott, Wm (Dumfries) Scrogan, Walter Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 170 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source PP Date(s) Source Info 1783 Source 206 Scroggins, Walter Date(s) Source Info LP 1779 B 182 LP LT PP PP PP 1782 1782 1782 1782 1782 A 186 19 1B8 1B8 1T5 PP 1782 1B6 LP 1788 B 327 TL 1747 4 TL VP LL TL TL RR 1747 1761 1762 1765 1765 1767 A&B RR RR 1777 1779 RR RR 1751 - 1752 1754 16 13 RR RR RR RR 1753 1760 1761 - 1762 1761 - 1762 19 10 20 29 LP 1779 RR RR RR RR RR RR 1738 - 1739 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 1760 1761 - 1762 LP 1789 RR RR RR 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 VP 1741 F,H MR 1701 8 RR 1751 - 1752 Seale, John PP 1782 E8 TL 1747 2 TL 1747 3 VP 1741 C Scurry, Benja Scurry, Giddin Jr Scut, Wm Seale, Rd Seaburn, James Seale, Terrence RR 1754 14 Seaburn, Jmes Seale, Thomas RR Seal, Anthony Capt; Decd Capt Capt Capt Capt Seal, Antony 1753 20 Seale, William RR RR RR RR RR 1753 1754 1760 1761 - 1762 1767 A&B 19 13 10 20,29 12,11 RR 1751 - 1752 16 RR 1761 - 1762 21 RR 1760 RR 1761 - 1762 TL 1747 RR VP LL TL TL RR RR LP RR PP 1738 - 1739 1761 1762 1765 1765 1773 1777 1779 1779 1783 8 B,P 10 P2,R7 R4 15 14 B 181 198 206 RR 1735 - 1736 8 4 B,P 10 P1,R4 R6 12,12 Seale, Wm Seal, William Seal(s), William 15 199 Sears, Jno Seale, Antho Capt; of Powell Seale, Anthoney 11,10 29 Sears, John 4 Seale, Anthony Mr Capt Jr. Jr. of Powile Sears, Robert B 181 Searson, Francis Seale, Anto 8 16 19 13 10 20 Seaton, Augustine Seale, Antoney B 332 Seaton, James TL 1747 4 LT PP PP 1782 1782 1782 23 1T5 1T5 Seale, Anty Jr. 17 20 14 Sebastin, Benj Seale, Auth Sebastin, Stephen VP 1741 C Seale, Charles Seborn, Jmes TL 1747 4 Seale, Jarvis Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 17 Secey, [No First Name] 12/30/2012 Page 171 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Mr. RR Date(s) Source Info 1738 - 1739 Source 10 Seddon, Thos Source Info TL 1765 P1 TL Shackleford, James Ovr. TL Qr. TL Shadburn [?], [No First Name] Widow TL Shadburn, Amor PP Shadburn, Amos PP Shadburns, Wm BT VP Shadwell, John RR Sharp, Thos RR Sharpe, John MR Sharpless, Samuel PP Shaw, Banom LP Shaw, Banum TL Shaw, Charles LP Shaw, Gearves LP Shaw, Gervey PP Shaw, Jarvis LT LP Shaw, Jervis PP PP Shaw, John PP Shaw, Philip LP PP LP Shaw, Phillip PP PP Shaw, Thomas PP Shaw, William LP Sheele, John LT 1765 R7 1765 1765 P1 P1 1747 6 1782 1B9 1783 206 1737 1741 C H,P 1753 20 1723 10 1701 6 1800 199 1776 D 177 1765 R3,T2 1797 A 344 1788 B 326 1783 206 1782 1799 8 C 347 1782 1800 H4 199 1800 199 1776 1782 1788 D 177 E7 B 328 1783 1800 206 101 1800 101 1797 A 344 1782 19 Shackleford, Edward RR 1723 10 RR 1723 10 LP 1795 D 339 PP 1800 199 LP LP PP 1790 1795 1800 B 334 D 339 199 PP 1800 199 TL 1765 R8,T10 LP 1788 A 326 LP 1780 B 183 LP 1782 A 187 LP LP LP LP 1786 1786 1791 1796 A 188 B 188 B 336 C 342 LP LP LP LP LP LP LP LP 1778 1779 1780 1782 1787 1792 1795 1795 A 178 A 180 C 184, 185 A 186 B 191 B1 336 A 337 C 339 TP 1751 - 1755 44 TP 1751 - 1755 44 TL PP 1765 1783 T1 206 TL 1765 R5 Seldons, [unreadable] Selectman, Geo Selectman, George Selectman, Henry Selectman, Thomas Semple, John Sessel, William Sessell, James Session, Jno Sethgone, Alex Sethgone, Alexr [signature] Date(s) Settle, Henry Settle, Jos Settle, Strother Seurrey, Gideon Sewell, William MR 1701 15 RR 1723 10 LP 1792 B1 336 Sewell, Willm Sexsmith, Simon Shackelfords, James Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 172 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Sheild, Mary Date(s) Source Info Shoemake, John De La RR 1723 10 Shelton, George RR 1723 10 RR 1753 20 VP 1741 F,H VP 1741 C,F RR 1761 - 1762 20 RR 1751 - 1752 17 RR 1754 14 RR 1760 10 LP 1795 D 340 TT RR 1724 1753 9 20 RR 1754 14 RR TP 1751 - 1752 1751 - 1755 17 44 TT TT RR RR 1724 1724 1753 1754 9 9 20 14 LP PP 1799 1800 C 347 198 TT RR 1724 1738 - 1739 LP 1788 TP TL 1751 - 1755 1765 44 T4 RR 1751 - 1752 17 TL 1747 7 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1783 206 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1800 101 Shore, Thomas LP PP 1795 1800 D 340 199 Short, John PP 1800 199 Shortridge, Wm TT TT 1724 1724 10 10 Shottwell, John Shelton, James Shelton, Jno Qtr Quartr Shotwell, Jno Shelton, William PP 1800 199 Shotwell, John Shelton, Wm LP 1788 B 329 Shotwell, John Thos Shewmate, John RR 1758 4 Shreave, Ben Shiel, John LP 1788 B 328 Shumate, Daniel Shiller, William Senr 12 yrs RR 1760 10 LP 1776 D 178 Shumate, Danl TL 1765 P2 Shumate, Jno TL 1765 P2 MR 1701 10 Shilton, Wm Shinker, George Ship, John Shipllesh [?], Abram [?] Drumor Shirley, Archibald Shumate, John Junr PP 1783 206 TL PP LP 1765 1783 1788 P2 206 A 325 PP 1783 206 PP 1782 E6 Shumate, Thos TL TL 1765 1765 P3,R7 P3 Shumate, Wm PP 1782 E7 Shumate/Shewmate, Jno LP PP 1779 1783 B 181 206 Shurlee [?], Joseph [Ink blot on record Shurley, Argibill TP TL PP 1751 - 1755 1765 1782 Shirley, George Shumate, Joseph Shirley, James Shumate, Saml 14 yrs Shirley, Jas Shirley, John Jr. Shirley, Rd Shirley, Richard Shirley, Thos 44 P3 E6 9 1 D 331 Shurley, Elijah Shirley, William Shurley, Geo TL 1765 P2,R7 Shirte, John Shurley, George LT 1782 12 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 173 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Shurley, Jas Date(s) Source Info Simmons, Joseph PP 1782 1T9 PP 1782 1T4 Simmons, Mathew PP 1800 101 Simmons, Minney PP 1783 206 Simmons, Thos PP 1782 1T7 TL 1747 7 Shurley, Rd Shurley, Richard Shurley, William Shurley, Wm (levy free) Shurly, John 1724 1779 4(5) B 180 TT 1724 9 LP 1790 B 334 RR TT 1723 1724 10 9 LP 1780 B 183 LP PP 1795 1800 A 337 101 RR RR TL 1753 1754 1765 2 14 R5 PP 1783 206 PP 1800 199 LP 1785 A 187 TL 1765 R4,T10 MR 1701 6 PP 1800 199 MR 1701 12 RR 1767 A&B VP 1741 F,P VP 1741 F,P PP 1800 199 LP 1782 A 186 MR TL VP TL LP LT PP PP 1701 1747 1761 1765 1779 1782 1782 1783 14 1 B,L T4 B 181 12 E4 206 Simms, Ch Shute, Edward Simms, Enoch TT 1724 9 RR LP RR LP LP LT PP PP LP LP LP 1777 1778 1779 1780 1782 1782 1782 1783 1786 1786 1787 14 A 179 199 B 183 A 186 5 2T1 206 A 188 B 189 B 191 Simms, John Shute, John Simms, Joseph Simms, Pressley Simms, Richard Simon, John Sidebottom, John PP 1783 206 Simone, Geo: PP 1800 199 Simons, Barnett LP 1799 C 347 Simons, John Simple, John Sidebottom, Thomas Sidebottom, Thos Corpll Sidebottom, William LP LP PP LP LP PP 1779 1782 1783 1788 1790 1800 B 180 A 186 206 B 327 B 334 199 PP LP 1782 1799 H5 C 347 Simpson, Geo Simpson, George Simpson, Gilbert Silvy, Thomas PP 1800 101 PP 1782 1B7 TT 1724 4(5) VP 1741 C,P VP LP 1761 1776 B,P D 177 Simpson, John Junr Simens, Joseph Simmons, John Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12,12 Simpson, Baxter Sidebottom, Wm Simmons, Charles btwn 10 & 16 Simmons, Isaac TT LP Simpson, Moses 12/30/2012 Page 174 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info LP 1788 A 325 VP LP 1741 1795 F,P D 339 PP PP 1783 1800 206 198 LP 1788 B 328 LP 1795 D 340 RR 1723 10 VP PP 1741 1782 F E7 LP 1795 D 340 TT 1724 10 TT TT 1724 1724 4 4 MR 1701 6 MR TT 1701 1724 10 9 TT 1724 9 RR RR RR 1773 1777 1779 15 15 199 RR 1754 13 VP RR LP 1741 1753 1795 H 19 A 337 RR RR PP 1773 1779 1783 15 198 206 RR RR LT 1761 - 1762 1777 1782 20 14 19 RR RR RR 1753 1760 1761 - 1762 26 11 20 Source 1751 - 1752 1754 1773 17 14 15 RR RR 1753 1760 19 10 Decd RR Sinclairs, [No First Name] Extrs RR Executor RR Sinclare, Margaret RR Sinclear, Danl TL Sinclear, Weyman Ded:d RR Sincocks, John PP Sincocks, Pearson PP Sincocks, Thomas PP Sincox, Thomas PP Sincox, Thos TL Singleton, Robert RR RR Sinker, Wm LP Sinklair, Isaac LP Sinklair, Nathan LP Sinkler, Alexander TT Sinkler, Amos VP Sinkler, Jno btwn 10 & 16 TT VP RR Sinkler, John RR Sinkler, Margertd LL Sinkler, Robert TL Sinkler, Wamon TL Sinkler, Wamon [Waymon?] TL 1761 - 1762 20 1753 1754 19 13 Sinclair, Weyman Simpson, Robert Sinclair, Weymon Simpson, Robt Simpson, T Simpson, Thos Simpson, Wm Sims, Jesse Simson, Alexr Simson, John Simson, William / Wm Simson, Wm Junr Sinclair, Isaac of Wayman; deced Sinclair, Jno Sinclair, John Sinclair, Margaret Sinclair, Margt Sinclair, Robert Sinclair, Wayman Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info RR RR RR Simpson, Richd btwn 10 & 16 Simson, Samll Date(s) 12/30/2012 Page 175 1767 A&B 1765 1767 A&B 12,11 T3 12,12 1800 199 1800 198 1800 198 1783 206 1765 T10 1723 1729 10 46 1779 B 181 1798 345 1798 345 1724 3 1741 C,F 1724 1741 1751 - 1752 3 C 17 1758 4 1762 10 1747 6 1747 3 1747 3 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Sinkler, Waymon btwn 10 & 16 Date(s) Source Info Source Date(s) Source Info Skinner, Cornelious TT LL Sinklers, [No First Name] Exrs RR Sirle, Wm RR Sissel, James LP Sissell, James PP PP Sissell, Jno PP Sisson, William PP Skanes, John TT Skelton, George PP Sking, Lawrence LP Skinker, [No first name] Capt RR Skinker, George Quarter TL Skinker, Jas TP Skinker, John M. PP Skinker, Saml Majr RR Skinker, Samuel Capt RR Capt RR Majr RR Skinker, Will Jr. LP Skinker, William PP LP [Two entries] LP (Junr.) PP Skinker, Wm of Carter's Estate RR RR RR LT PP Skinker, Wm T LP Skinner, Benjamin PP 1724 1762 3 10 Skinner, Cornelis 1751 - 1752 17 Skinner, Cornelius 1773 15 Skinner, Corns 1788 A 326 1782 1783 H5 206 1782 H5 1800 198 1724 7 Skreins, [No first name] Orphs Orphans Skreins, William Orphs Skryne, [no first name] Orphs Skryne, William Orphs Slack, John 1800 198 Slade, Wm 1799 C 347 1738 - 1739 1765 PP 1800 101 LP 1788 A 325 PP 1783 206 LT 1782 23 RR RR 1753 1754 19 13 RR 1751 - 1752 16 RR 1735 - 1736 8 RR 1738 - 1739 8 LP 1788 A 325 TL LT PP 1765 1782 1782 R1 8 H5 TL 1765 T9 TT 1724 8 PP Smallwood, [No First Name] heirs RR Smallwood, Benjn LP Smith & Co., Geo LP Smith, [illegible] RR Smith, [No First Name] Mr./Quarter TL Smith, [William] RR Smith, Alex TP Smith, Alexa LP [2d entry] LP Smith, B RR Smith, Ben PP Smith, Benjamin PP Smith, Benjn LP 1800 199 1723 10 1787 B 190 1796 C 342 1729 46 1747 6 1753 19 1751 - 1755 44 6 Slader, William P2,R5,R7 Slaid, Willm 44 Sly, Thomas 13 yrs old 1751 - 1755 1782 1T1 1754 13 1735 - 1736 1751 - 1752 1753 8 16 19 1780 B 183 1783 1798 1798 1800 206 345 345 101 1773 1777 1779 1782 1782 15 15 199 23 1T6 1798 1800 345 101 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 176 1795 1795 D 340 D 340 1773 3 1782 E5 1783 206 1788 B 327 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Smith, Caleb Date(s) Source Info Smith, Jas TL TL RR RR RR 1747 1765 1773 1777 1779 4 P3,R7 15 15 199 of Caleb RR LT PP 1777 1782 1782 15 23 1T9 LP 1786 B 189 LP 1786 A 188 LP PP 1779 1782 B 180 1T9 PP 1783 206 RR TT RR RR 1723 1724 1751 - 1752 1773 10 2 16 15 MR TT TL RR RR RR RR LL RR RR TL TL RR RR PP PP PP LP LP PP 1701 1724 1747 1753 1753 1754 1760 1762 1761 - 1762 1761 - 1762 1765 1765 1767 A&B 1777 1782 1782 1783 1788 1788 1800 15 4(5) 1 19 19 13 10 10 20 29 R1,R5,T8 R5 12,11 14 1B9 H1 206 A 325 B 328 198 PP 1800 198 LT PP LP 1782 1783 1786 12 206 B 189 TP LP 1751 - 1755 1788 44 D 330 RR RR RR RR 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 1758 17 19 14 4 Smith, Jas D. Smith, Jas I. Smith, Catherin TT 1724 1 Smith, Jesse Smith, Charles LP LP 1776 1776 A 102 B 176 RR RR 1777 1779 15 199 Smith, Jessie Smith, Chas Smith, Jno Smith, D LP 1788 B 329 PP 1800 102 Smith, Ebenezer Hrs Smith, Edwd Smith, John TP 1751 - 1755 44 TL LP 1765 1799 T8 B 346 PP 1800 198, 200 RR RR RR RR 1753 1754 1760 1761 - 1762 LP 1782 A 186 LP 1780 B 183 LP 1779 B 180 RR 1735 - 1736 VP LP LP PP LP LP LP LP LP LP PP PP 1741 1776 1776 1783 1786 1787 1792 1795 1795 1799 1800 1800 F,P A 102 B 176 206 B 188 B 191 B1 336 A 337 D 340 B 346 198 199 LP 1786 B 189 trumpeter Smith, Geo Quantico Smith, George (Quanto Neck) Smith, Henry 20 14 11 20 (Quanto Neck) Smith, Ignatius Heirs heirs Smith, Igns Smith, Isaac Smith, Ja's 8 Smith, James C. Neck Spriggs ford Smith, John E. Smith, Johnston Capt Smith, Jos Smith, Joseph [Pignut] (pignut) Smith, James Davis Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 177 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source RR VP LL RR RR RR RR RR PP 1760 1761 1762 1761 - 1762 1767 A&B 1773 1777 1779 1783 13 B,L 10 21 12,11 15 14 198/9 206 PP 1782 1T9 PP 1783 206 LP 1795 C 339 Smith, Thos. TT 1724 2 Smith, W. LP 1780 C 184 Smith, Weeden TL 1747 6 Smith, Weedon LT 1782 8 Smith, Will LP LP 1778 1780 A 179 B 183 Smith, Will and Jno Date(s) Source Info RR RR RR LL PP LP 1753 1754 1758 1762 1783 1788 20 14 4 10 206 A 325 VP RR RR RR TL LP LP 1741 1751 - 1752 1760 1761 - 1762 1765 1776 1782 F,P 17 11 21 R5 B 176 A 186 LP 1776 A 102 LP 1795 A 337 TP 1751 - 1755 LP 1788 RR 1751 - 1752 16 RR 1751 - 1752 16 TT RR RR RR LP LP PP PP 1724 1738 - 1739 1760 1761 - 1762 1788 1799 1800 1800 4(5) 8 10 19 B 327 C 347 101 198, 200 RR 1753 19 PP 1800 198 RR RR 1723 1754 10 13 MR VP RR TP TL LP 1701 1741 1754 1751 - 1755 1765 1796 7 F,P 13 44 R6 C 342 TP 1751 - 1755 44 LP 1790 Smith, Thos Smith, Josiah T. Smith, Joziah Levy free Levy free Smith, M Smith, Mary Smith, Meriwether Smith, Mr. Smith, Nat Smith, Nathaniel Smith, Natt 44 A 325 Smith, William PP 1782 H3 RR PP LP 1723 1782 1788 10 1B2 B 327 MR 1701 14 MR 1701 6 Smith, William [Man] TT 1724 7 Smith, William of Dan MR 1701 6 Smith, Willm LT PP PP LP 1782 1782 1783 1790 23 1T9 206 B 335 MR 1701 15 TP 1751 - 1755 44 MR TT 1701 1724 14 10 Smith, Peter Smith, Ralph Smith, Richd Smith, Robert Smith, Robt Smith, Sarah Smith, Wm Smith, Simon (marsh) Smith, Stephen Smith, Tho Smith, Wm. Mont. Smither, Benjamin Smith, Thomas Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 178 B 334 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source PP 1800 198 Of Kings; Hrs Snipe, Robt TL LP PP 1765 1780 1783 P5 B 183 206 Snow, Mary LP 1785 B 188 Snow, Nicholas PP 1782 H3 PP 1782 H3 RR RR 1753 1761 - 1762 19 20 RR RR 1751 - 1752 1760 17 10 Smither, John Oversr Smithers, Benjamin Smithers, Jas Smithers, Jno Smithers, Thomas Source Info RR 1761 - 1762 21 PP 1782 1T5 PP PP 1782 1783 E4 206 RR RR RR RR 1738 - 1739 1753 1754 1760 8 19 13 10 RR 1751 - 1752 16 RR 1761 - 1762 20 TT 1724 8 1741 C,F 1701 7 1747 5 1783 206 1783 206 1782 1T8 1800 198 1800 198 1780 B 182 1800 198 1765 R5 1701 12 1783 1800 206 199 1724 5 1724 5 1800 101 1765 P4 1741 F Snow, Nichos Snow, Nichs Smithers, Thos Snow, Thomas Smithors, Thomas Snowden, John RR 1754 14 LP 1790 B 334 PP 1800 198, 200 LP 1795 A 338 LP 1788 B 329 PP PP 1783 1800 206 102 LP PP 1779 1782 B 180 E2 LP 1788 A 326 LP 1795 B 338 LP 1796 C 342 VP 1741 B,F PP PP 1782 1783 2T3 206 TL RR RR RR RR 1747 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 1760 6 11,17 14,19 14 11 TP 1751 - 1755 44 VP So [?] d, Hen Ink Blot on Record MR Sombody [sic], [No First Name] Mr. TL Sooter, William PP Sorrell, Reuben PP Sorrells, Rhueben PP Southard, John PP Southard, Laurence PP Southard, Lawrence [his mark] LP Southerland, John overseer PP Southerling, James TL Southward, Lawr MR Sowden, John PP PP Spaldin, Francis TT Spaldin, John TT Spark, James PP Sparks, Edward TL Sparks, Ferd VP Smithrick, John Smock, Esma Smook, [?] Smoot (?), Wm Smoot, Thomas Smoot, Thos Smoot, William Smork, Esme Smork, Esmi Sneed, Chas Snell, Leonard Snelling, Acquilla overseer Kings Hrs Kings Heirs Kings, Hrs Kings; hrs Snelling, Alex Date(s) Snellings, [no first name] Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 179 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Sparks, James Spiller, Warringrton Deceasd Spiller, Warrington heirs PP 1782 1T3 VP 1741 C PP PP PP 1782 1782 1783 1T3 1T6 206 VP 1761 L,P PP 1783 206 TL 1765 P4,R7 TP LT PP 1751 - 1755 1782 1782 LP 1782 A 186 PP 1800 101 LP 1788 B 326 PP 1800 102 RR 1753 12 RR RR 1723 1729 10 46 Spillman, Jacob 10 Spilman, Henry Spilman, Jacob Sparks, Jere Sparks, John heirs heirs heirs Sparks, Thomas Sparks, William Spiller, Will Senr, Decd Sparks, Willm Sparks, Wm 44 23 1T3 Decd Senr, Decd Decd Spiller, William Speak, Henry Speak, Lawson Senr, Decd Speake, George Decd Spence, Daniel Spence, Edward Majr; Culpeper Spence, Patrick 1723 Junr Spencer, Moses PP 1800 102 RR 1723 10 RR 1735 - 1736 RR 1777 15 RR 1761 - 1762 21 MR 1701 16 TT VP 1724 1741 8 P PP 1800 102 RR RR RR 1767 A&B 1773 1779 12,15 199 Spicer, Absolm Spillan, Wm 8 Spillar, Wadd heirs Spiller, [no first name] Spiller, George Corporall Spiller, John Source Info RR 1767 A&B -,12 TT RR RR RR RR LL RR 1724 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 1760 1762 1761 - 1762 8 16 19 13 10 10 20 MR RR BT VP RR RR TL RR 1701 1723 1737 1741 1751 - 1752 1761 - 1762 1765 1767 A&B 6 4 C H 16 20,29 T6 12,11 RR RR VP LL RR 1738 - 1739 1753 1761 1762 1761 - 1762 8 19 B,L 10 20 TT TT RR 1724 1724 1754 8 8 13 VP 1741 F TP 1751 - 1755 44 VP RR RR RR TP RR RR 1741 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 1751 - 1755 1760 1761 - 1762 H 16 19 13 44 11 21 RR RR 1760 1761 - 1762 11 20 PP 1800 101 TL PP 1765 1783 P2 206 PP 1800 101 LT 1782 19 Spiller, Willm Spencer, Francis RR Date(s) Spirson, James Spittle, Richard Spittle, Robert Spiller, Phillip Spittle, Robrt Spiller, Wadd Ded:d deced deced Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Spittle, Robt 12/30/2012 Page 180 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source PP 1782 1B1 LP LP 1785 1785 A 187 C 188 Starke, John PP 1782 H3 Staunton, William RR 1777 8,14 Staunton, Willm RR 1779 198 Steel, Cuth LT 1782 19 Steel, George LT 1782 12 Steel, John RR 1723 10 TP 1751 - 1755 44 VP 1741 TP 1751 - 1755 Source Info Starke, James Spraggs, William Sprags, Wm Sprig, Richard Sprig, Richd Sprigg, Edwd Spriggs, Edwd Spry, John heirs Date(s) Spurlock, Jno TT LP 1724 1788 7 A 325 LP 1790 B 334 RR 1753 19 RR 1754 14 LP 1779 B 181 TL 1765 P4 PP PP LP 1782 1783 1790 1B5 206 B 334 PP PP 1783 1800 206 199 TL 1765 P4,R7 TL 1765 P4 PP 1782 2T3 TL 1765 P3 LP 1776 D 177 VP 1741 C,F VP 1741 C,F LP PP 1782 1800 A 187 198 RR 1753 2 LP 1788 D 330 PP LP 1783 1788 206 B 328 PP 1783 206 LL 1746 S TT 1724 9 TL 1765 R1 VP 1761 L Steel, Jonathan Spurr, Jas C,F St. Clair, Jno Steele, George 44 St. Clair, Wyman Steele, Sam. TP 1751 - 1755 44 Stacum, Geo Stephens, Jos: LP 1795 D 340 Stafford, Tho Stephens, Joseph Corpl MR 1701 10,11 Stamps, Thomas Stephens, Ozia RR RR RR 1738 - 1739 1753 1758 8 19 4 Stephens, Richard Stamps, Thos Stephens, Robert RR RR TP 1751 - 1752 1754 1751 - 1755 16 13 44 Stephens, William TL 1747 6 Sterling, [No first name] TT 1724 4 Stern, Charles RR 1751 - 1752 17 Stevens, Joseph RR 1779 RR LL RR RR 1760 1762 1761 - 1762 1767 A&B Stanford, James Stanton, Lenn btwn 10 & 16 Stanton, Will Stapleton, F 198 Stapleton, Thomas Stevens, William 13 10 29 12,12 Steward, [No first name] the Revd Steward, Ja[mes] Stapleton, Thos RR RR RR 1761 - 1762 1773 1777 Steward, James 21 15 15 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Stewart, James 12/30/2012 Page 181 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Stewart, Jas 1751 - 1752 1788 17 B 327 TP 1751 - 1755 44 PP 1800 101 TL 1765 T2 TL 1765 R2,T2 PP 1800 198 1782 8 LP PP 1778 1783 A 179 206 VP LP LP LP PP 1761 1782 1788 1795 1800 E,P A 186 B 327 A 337 198 PP 1800 101 LP 1788 B 328 RR RR RR RR RR 1738 - 1739 1754 1761 - 1762 1773 1779 10 13 20, 31 15 199 VP TL RR RR RR LL TL RR RR 1741 1747 1751 - 1752 1753 1760 1762 1765 1767 A&B 1777 F,P 6 16 19 10 10 R4 12,11 15 LP 1790 B 334 PP 1782 H4 PP 1783 206 LP LP LT LP 1778 1780 1782 1788 A 178 B 183 8 B 327 RR 1751 - 1752 17 RR 1735 - 1736 8 RR TL RR RR RR VP 1738 - 1739 1747 1753 1753 1758 1761 8 3 19 25 4 L,P Stone, Josias Stewart, Revd Stewart, Wm Stone, Manoah Stiffle, Christopher Stone, Noa PP 1800 198 Stiffle, Frederick Stone, Saml PP 1800 198 PP 1800 198 PP 1800 198 PP 1800 199 LP 1788 A 326 LP 1790 B 334 PP 1800 198 LP 1780 B 183 TL 1765 T6 Stone, Shelly Stiffle, John Stiffle, William Stilyards, James Stone, Samuel Stisle, John Stissle, John Stonald, Richard Stone , Josiah TL 1747 3 Stone, Shilsby VP LP 1741 1788 H,P B 328 Stone, Spilby Stone, Benjamin Stone, Spilsby Stone, Francis RR 1738 - 1739 10 Junr Stone, George LP PP 1788 1800 B 328 101 Stone, Tho Stone, James LP 1788 B 328 Stone, Tho & Saml Stone, Jesse LP 1795 A 337 Stone, Thomas Stone, Jno RR TP 1729 1751 - 1755 46 44 RR 1723 10 PP 1782 H4 Overseer Stone, John of K.G.C. Stone, Joseph LT Stone, Josiah Stewart, John Junr Stone, [No First Name] Quarter Stone, Ben Source Info Stone, Josia [?] RR LP Stewart, Jno Revd; Mr Sthule, Ludwick Date(s) Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 182 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info LL TL LP 1762 1765 1790 RR VP TL RR RR RR RR TP RR RR RR RR RR RR LT PP LP 1735 - 1736 1741 1747 1751 - 1752 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 1751 - 1755 1760 1761 - 1762 1767 A&B 1773 1777 1779 1782 1782 1788 LP LP 1780 1782 B 184 A 186 TT TL TL 1724 1747 1747 3 3 3 TP 1751 - 1755 44 TL 1765 T6 RR 1754 14 PP 1800 199 PP 1783 206 PP 1782 1B3 LP 1779 B 182 PP 1800 101 LP 1788 D 330 Source 10 R4 B 334 RR Stribling, [No First Name] Widdo RR Stribling, Benj: Dd RR Stribling, Benja RR Stribling, Benjam: RR Stribling, Benjamin RR Stribling, Benjan Decd RR Stribling, Benjm RR Stribling, Benjn RR Stribling, Francis VP LL RR TL RR RR RR Stribling, Frans RR Stribling, Joseph RR Stribling, Robert TL Stribling, Talifaro RR Stribling, Thomas RR RR VP TL Stribling, Thos VP TL TL Decd RR Deced RR TL Stripling, Benjamin RR Stripling, Thos Capt RR Strother, James LP Strother, Mary PP Stone, Thos Jur Occoqn (levy free) [1782] 8 C,F,H,P 6 16 17 25 13 44 11 20,29 12,11 15 15 199 19 1B1 A 325 Stone, Valentine Stone, William Over[seer] Stone, Wm Stone's, [No first name] Quarter Store, Thoms Storke, John Stout, Benjamin Stout, Benjn Stout, Jonathan Stoutt, Benjamin Strell, Jonathan Stretton, Wm Corporall Stribbling, Thos Capt Striblin, Joell MR 1701 RR 1738 - 1739 MR 1701 15 8 17 Stribling , Thos Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 183 Date(s) 1735 - 1736 Source Info 8 1723 10 1761 - 1762 20 1723 10 1761 - 1762 20 1760 10 1760 10 1753 19 1754 14 1761 1762 1761 - 1762 1765 1767 A&B 1773 1777 C,P 10 19 R3 12,11 15 15 1779 199 1777 14 1747 5 1761 - 1762 23 1753 1754 1761 1765 19 13 B,L R5 1741 1747 1747 1760 1761 - 1762 1765 C,H 5 5,9 10 19 T10 1751 - 1752 17 1751 - 1752 16 1795 A 337 1783 206 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Strothers, [No First Name] Wido RR Exrs RR Strothers, Antony RR Strothers, Ben BT VP Strothers, William Cap RR Exrs RR Struttfield, Wm RR Stuart, [No first name given] ? PP Stuart, [No first name] Mr. Revd RR Revd; of Johnson RR Revd RR Stuart, Chas of J Stuart RR RR RR LT Stuart, J. RR Stuart, James RR RR TL Stuart, Jeams [James] RR Stuckey, Jas LP Studavet, John TL Sturdy, Robert TT Sturman, John VP Stut, Wm VP Suddarth, Henry TT Sudden, Thos VP Sueter, William VP Sulivan, John LP Sullivan, Abraham LP Sullivan, John Date(s) Source Info 1735 - 1736 1751 - 1752 Source 8 16 Date(s) Source Info PP 1800 198 TL 1765 P5 TT 1724 1 RR RR 1760 1761 - 1762 11 20 RR 1773 15 VP RR RR VP LL RR TL RR RR RR 1741 1753 1754 1761 1762 1761 - 1762 1765 1767 A&B 1777 1779 MR RR 1701 1723 5 10 MR TT 1701 1724 12 4 LP 1795 D 340 TL TL 1747 1765 7 P3 TP LP 1751 - 1755 1779 PP PP 1782 1783 H1 206 LP 1788 A 326 LT PP PP 1782 1782 1783 19 1B6 206 LP PP 1782 1782 A 187 H5 LP 1788 B 327 RR RR 1777 1779 9 199 Sullivan, Thomas Ovr Sullivant, Owen 1751 - 1752 16 Summer, John 1737 1741 C F,H Summers, Jno 1729 1738 - 1739 46 8 1723 10 1800 200 1754 1760 1761 - 1762 Summers, John 14 11 21 1773 1777 1779 1782 15 15 199 8 1773 15 1753 1754 1765 20 14 T9 1758 4 1780 B 183 1747 6 1724 3 1741 C,F Sumner, Jos Capt; Compa[ny] of foot Capt Sumner, Joseph C,H 5 14 B,L 10 29 R5 12,11 15 199 Sundash, Ben Suter, William Suter, Wm 44 B 181 Suthard, Lawrence Suthard, Lewis Suthard, Moses 1741 P 1724 3 1741 F,H 1761 B,P 1788 B 327 1795 B 338 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Suthard, Robt Sutherd, Laurence Sutherd, Moses Sutherlan, William 12/30/2012 Page 184 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info LP 1788 B 328 PP 1782 1B1 RR RR 1753 1754 20 14 PP 1800 101 Source Sutherland, John VP RR 1741 1761 - 1762 F,H 21 Estate PP PP 1783 1783 206 206 Jr. LT 1782 8 LP 1799 C 347 LP 1799 C 347 PP 1800 199 VP RR RR 1741 1751 - 1752 1751 - 1752 H,P 17 18 RR RR 1738 - 1739 1751 - 1752 8 17 VP LL RR LP LP LP PP 1761 1762 1761 - 1762 1790 1799 1799 1800 B,L 11 21,29 B 334 C 347 C 347 199 RR 1767 A&B 13,12 RR 1751 - 1752 TL TL RR RR RR LT LT PP PP 1765 1765 1773 1777 1779 1782 1782 1782 1782 R2,T9 T9 16 15 199 12 12 H1 H5 LP 1780 B 183 LP LP 1778 1785 A 179 B 188 RR 1754 14 TT 1724 9 Tacket, William Sutherlin, Cleton Tacket, Wm Sutherlin, James Tackett, Bales PP 1783 206 Suttfeild, John Tackett, Charles PP 1800 101 Suttle, Isacc Tackett, George RR 1753 26 Suttle, Jas Tackett, Jno PP 1782 2T1 RR 1753 26 TL 1765 R2 PP 1782 E5 PP 1800 101 PP 1782 E5 RR 1735 - 1736 RR 1723 10 LP 1788 A 325 TT 1724 2 LP 1795 D 340 PP 1782 1B6 VP 1741 H,P LP 1788 B 327 RR 1779 199 RR 1779 199 Suttle, Joseph Suttle, Str[u]ther Tackett, Lewis Suttle, Strother Tackett, William Suttle, William Suttle, Wm Sutton, Jno Junr; [2d entry] Jur 8 Sutton, John Tackett, William/Willm Swarts, James Tackett, Willm Sweeting, Edward 17 Tackett, Wm Swift, Jon Syars, Jno Syas, John Syms, Enoch T[h]ornton, Timothy Capt T[h]urman, Joseph Source Info Tacket, Lewis Sutherland, James T [ page torn], Foushee Colo [Tebbs?] T [ page torn], Frans [Tebbs?] T[h]ompson, Will Date(s) Jr. Jr. Tackitt, William Tackitt, Wm RR 1751 - 1752 18 RR 1751 - 1752 18 Tackquett, Lewis RR 1751 - 1752 18 Tacquet, Jno RR 1761 - 1762 21 Tacquet, Lewis 12 yrs Tacket, L. Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 185 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Junr; 15 yrs TT TT RR RR Date(s) Source Info 1724 1724 1735 - 1736 1760 Source 9 9 8 11 Date(s) Source Info Tarte, Alex LP 1790 B 334 LP 1788 B 329 VP 1741 B,F RR 1758 4 TL 1747 3 LT 1782 4 LT 1782 9 RR LT 1735 - 1736 1782 RR LP LP 1729 1781 1781 46 A 185 A 185 PP 1783 206 PP 1783 206 PP 1800 199 PP 1800 102 RR RR RR RR 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 1760 18 21 14 11 RR 1761 - 1762 21 RR 1735 - 1736 8 RR 1738 - 1739 8 PP 1800 102 LP 1788 D 330 VP 1741 H,P TT TL 1724 1765 3 P4,R7 LP 1795 D 340 TT LL 1724 1746 3 R Tarte, Alexander Tassey, Wm Tacquet, William RR 1760 11 Tayler, Benjamin Tacquett, Jno RR 1754 14 Tayler, William Tacquett, John 12 yrs RR 1753 21 Tayloe Esqr Estate, Tacquett, Lewis RR 1753 21 Tayloe, Tacquett, William RR 1753 21 RR 1754 14 BT 1737 C LP 1788 B 329 TL 1765 R3 RR RR 1777 1779 16 199 Est Tayloe, [No First Name] Colo Est Tayloe, John Colo Tacquett, Willm Tacquetts, Lewis Talbot, John Esq; deceased Tayloe, Richard Talford, Willm Taliafero, Walker 4,8 12 Tayloe, Sarah Taylor, Baily Talliaferous, James PP 1800 102 Taylor, Basil Tally, Jas TP 1751 - 1755 44 Taylor, Benjamin Tancel, William PP 1800 199 LP 1790 B 334 PP 1782 H2 Taylor, Benjn LP 1782 A 187 Taylor, Cha RR 1751 - 1752 18 Taylor, Charles RR 1753 21 Taylor, Francis RR 1754 15 Taylor, George PP 1782 H1 Taylor, Henry LP 1788 B 328 Taylor, James RR 1753 15 RR 1773 14 Tancell, William Tancell, Wm Tancil, William Tandy, Will Tandy, William Tandy, Willm Tanneison, David Jr. Tansill, James Tarplay, John Tarpley, [No first name] Taylor, Jessee Tarpley, John Taylor, Jno Capt Capt RR RR 1760 1761 - 1762 11 22 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Hon Hon 12/30/2012 Page 186 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Senr Date(s) Source Info RR 1773 16 VP 1741 F,P TT RR RR RR RR LT LP LP LP PP 1724 1767 A&B 1767 A&B 1777 1779 1782 1788 1788 1795 1800 PP PP 1800 1800 RR RR 1751 - 1752 1754 18 15 RR 1753 21 PP 1800 102 LP 1780 B 183 PP 1782 2T4 TL 1765 T10 LP 1780 B 183 PP 1783 206 PP 1800 199 LL RR PP LP 1762 1767 A&B 1783 1788 11 13,206 D 330 LP 1795 D 340 VP 1741 B,P RR 1735 - 1736 RR 1767 A&B -,12 RR 1767 A&B -,13 RR 1729 Source Westmoreland Taylor, Jno / John Taylor, John Senr Senr Senr (Lancastor) Tebbs, Danl Westmoreland 3 1,13,15 199 4 A 325 A 326 D 340 199 Majr 102 102 [signature] Taylor, Richard Jr. Gentl Taylor, Richd Taylor, Robert Taylor, Saml Jr. RR RR RR 1723 1754 1761 - 1762 11 14 21 RR 1754 15 RR 1753 6,21 RR VP RR RR TL TL LP LP LP LP LP LP LP LT LT PP PP PP PP 1754 1761 1761 - 1762 1761 - 1762 1765 1765 1778 1779 1779 1779 1780 1781 1782 1782 1782 1782 1782 1783 1783 RR 1760 11 TL 1765 T7 LP 1782 A 186 RR RR RR RR RR TL 1753 1754 1760 1761 - 1762 1761 - 1762 1765 21 15 11 22 22 R6 LT 1782 20 LP LT PP PP 1779 1782 1782 1783 B 181 20 1B4 206 PP 1782 1B4 4,15 B,L 22,29, 31, 32 2 R1 T7 A 178 A 179 B 181 C 182 C 184, 185 A 185 A 186 19 24 1B4 2T4 206 206 Tebbs, Geo Taylor, Vincent Tebbs, George Taylor, William Tebbs, James Deskim of Cocke of Deskins Taylow, George Teague, Wm Tebbs, Jas Tebb, Danl 8 Tebbs, Mary Mrs. Tebbs , William Tebbs, Daniel Tebbs, Moses 46 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 21 11 A 179 Tebbs, Fushee Taylor, Sarah Westmd 1753 1760 1778 Tebbs, Foushee Taylor, Nimrod Occoquan Tebbs , James RR RR LP Tebbs, Foushe Taylor, Lazarus Senr. Source Info Tebbs, Fouche Taylor, John (overseer) Taylor, Lazarous Date(s) 12/30/2012 Page 187 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Tebbs, Saml LP 1786 B 189 Tennell, Margaret LP 1785 B 188 Tennells, Margt RR 1761 - 1762 22 Tennil, Benja RR RR VP TL LP LP PP PP 1753 1760 1761 1765 1780 1781 1783 1800 21 11 B,L R1 C 184 A 185 206 102 Tennill, Francies Terrett, Wm Deury Tebbs, Samuel Tebbs, Will Capt Tebbs, William Capt Capt Tebbs, Willoughby 1754 1765 1765 15 T7 T7 LP LP LP PP 1782 1788 1799 1800 A 186 C 329 C 347 199 LP 1787 B 191 Source Info LP 1788 A 325 PP 1783 206 PP 1782 1B7 LP 1779 B 181 RR 1758 4 RR RR 1753 1754 21 15 PP 1800 102 PP 1782 2T1 VP 1741 H RR RR 1777 1779 16 199 RR 1777 10 MR LP 1701 1788 14 D 330 PP 1782 1B4 LP 1788 B 328 LT 1782 19 VP 1761 B,L LP 1788 A 326 LP 1788 A 326 LP 1788 B 326 PP 1800 102 PP 1800 102 LP 1779 B 181 RR 1767 A&B MR 1701 LL RR 1762 1761 - 1762 Tennill, Francis Tennill, George Tennnison, Wm Tebbs, Willm RR TL TL Date(s) Terrett, Wm Henry Capt; ND Capt Terril, Michael Tharp, John Tebbs, Willy Tharp, Mark Tebbs, Wm Capt. Capt. Capt RR LT LT LT PP LP LP LP LP LP LP LP 1761 - 1762 1782 1782 1782 1782 1786 1786 1788 1790 1795 1795 1796 6 18 20 4 2T2 A 188 B 189 D 330 A 332 A 337 B 338 C 342 Tharp, Thos Tharpe, Mark Thayer, George Thendal, Charles Thendall, John [?]theram, James Templeman, James Therman, Edmund LP 1788 A 325 Templeman, Wm Therman, Robert RR RR RR 1773 1777 1779 16 16 199 Thermon, Joseph Tencel, Wm Thermond, Joseph LP 1788 B 329 Tennell, Ben: LT PP 1782 1782 RR 1751 - 1752 Theson [?], Simon Sarjant Thirmond, Joseph 19 1B7 Tennell, Francis 18 Tennell, George Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 13,9 11 29 Thomas, [O]wen 12/30/2012 Page 188 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source RR Date(s) Source Info 1723 Source 11 Thomas, Ben Jr.; Undr 21 PP PP PP 1782 1782 1782 1B2 1B2 E1 PP 1782 2T3 LP 1798 345 LP 1788 A 325 PP 1800 199 RR 1761 - 1762 21 RR 1760 11 RR LL 1753 1762 21 11 RR 1754 14 VP 1741 C,H MR 1701 5 LP 1786 B 189 RR RR 1760 1761 - 1762 BT 1737 RR 1761 - 1762 RR 1767 A&B -,12 PP 1800 199 RR RR RR 1773 1777 1779 16 16 199 LP LT PP LP PP 1778 1782 1783 1799 1800 A 179 12 206 B 346 199 RR 1761 - 1762 22 RR TL RR RR LL PP 1738 - 1739 1747 1753 1760 1762 1800 8 4 21 11 11 199 Thompson, Jas Thompson, John LP 1788 A 325 Thompson, Mildred Thomas, Benja LP PP 1780 1782 B 183 1B2 Thompson, Thos LP 1788 B 328 Thompson, William Thomas, Benjaman Thomas, Benjamin PP 1783 RR 1735 - 1736 206 Thompson, Willm Thomas, Cath. 8 Thompson, Wm Thomas, David VP TL 1741 1765 C,H T4 Thomson, Ja: PP 1783 206 Thomson, Jno Thomson, William Sart Thomas, Eleanor LP 1780 B 183 LP 1786 B 189 PP LP 1783 1788 206 A 326 Thorm, Wm LP 1795 A 337 Estate Thormond, Joseph 11 21 Thomson, Wm Thomas, Gustavus Thomas, James Thomas, Jno LT 1782 19 Thorn, Augustine MR PP PP LP 1701 1782 1783 1788 8 1B2 206 B 327 Thorn, Jno PP 1800 199 PP 1782 1B3 PP 1783 206 VP LP PP Thompson, [No First Name] Heirs RR Heirs RR Heirs RR Heirs RR Thompson, Daniel 1741 1780 1782 C,F B 183 2T2 1767 A&B 1773 1777 1779 13,12 16 16 199 Thomas, John Thomas, Simon overseer Thomas, Spencer Source Info Thompson, Isaac Thomas, Benj Thomas, George [his mark] Thomas, Gustavas Date(s) Exsr C 29 Thorn, John Thomas, William Thomas, Wm Thorn, Will Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Thorn, William Thorn, Wm 12/30/2012 Page 189 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Exectr; deceasd VP RR RR RR RR Date(s) Source Info 1741 1754 1761 - 1762 1767 A&B 1773 Source H,P 15 22 13,12 6,16 decd Clk Thornberry, Henry Date(s) Source Info TL RR LP PP LP 1765 1767 A&B 1779 1783 1790 P4,R7 13,12 B 182 206 B 334 RR RR RR TP RR RR RR RR LT LT LT PP LP LP LP LP LP 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 1751 - 1755 1761 - 1762 1773 1777 1779 1782 1782 1782 1782 1788 1795 1795 1795 1796 18 21,25 14 45 21 16 16 199 20 23 8 1T9 B 328 A 338 B 338 C 339 C 342 LP 1788 A 325 RR 1729 46 LP PP PP 1779 1783 1800 B 180 206 102 LL RR 1762 1761 - 1762 5 14 RR 1738 - 1739 8 LP LP LP 1796 1797 1798 C 342 A 344 345 PP 1800 199 LT 1782 9 PP 1782 1B4 LP LT PP PP 1779 1782 1782 1783 B 182 23 1B4 206 PP 1782 E6 Thornton, Thos PP LP 1783 1788 206 A 325 LP 1795 A 337 TT 1724 9 LP 1797 A 344 LP 1797 A 344 PP 1800 102 BT 1737 C PP 1800 102 PP 1800 102 PP 1800 102 deced Thornbery, Francis Thorne, Willm deced decd deced Thornhill, Charles M Thornhill, Elijah Thornhill, William Revd Thorns, Wm Thornsberry, Henry Thornsberry, Thomas Thornton, William Thornsberry, William Thornton, [no first name] Dr RR Collo; Estate LL Thornton, Agatha TP Thornton, Antho RR Thornton, Charles TL LP Thornton, Chas RR RR Thornton, Eliz: RR Thornton, Elizabeth RR RR LL Thornton, Elizth RR RR Thornton, Francis MR Thornton, Thomas deced LL TL Thornton, Wm 1735 - 1736 1746 8 KG 1751 - 1755 45 1723 11 1765 1776 P4 D 177 1777 1779 1761 - 1762 Maj Thorp, Mark Threlkeld, Henry Threlkeld, William Thrift, Robert 16 199 22 Thrift, William 1753 1754 1762 21 15 11 Throlkeld, Jno Thurman, Bayse 1751 - 1752 1760 18 11 1701 17 1762 1765 11 P4 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List not 21 Thurman, John Thurman, Jos 12/30/2012 Page 190 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Thurman, Joseph Date(s) Source Info Tidwell, Anna Barbara TL RR RR RR RR TL RR RR RR 1747 1753 1754 1760 1761 - 1762 1765 1773 1777 1779 3 21 14 11 21 R4 16 15 199 RR 1773 10 LL 1746 Ww LP 1790 B 334 LP 1788 A 325 MR 1701 11 RR 1723 11 TT 1724 9 RR 1723 11 PP 1800 102 RR 1723 11 RR 1723 11 MR RR 1701 1723 15 11 PP 1800 102 TL 1765 T2 PP 1800 199 MR 1701 14 LP PP 1788 1800 B 328 199 PP 1800 102 PP 1800 102 PP 1800 102 PP Tompkins/Tomkins, William VP Tompson, Tho: MR Tompson, Will RR Toms, Gabriel LP Tomson, Jonah LP 1800 102 1761 B,L 1701 10 1751 - 1752 17 Tighas, Benj Tillett, George Tilliss, George Tillit, Gills: Tillitt, [Gi]les Thurman, Robert LP PP 1779 1783 B 181 206 Timmons, Saml B 181 Timmons, Thos 206 Timms, Joseph Wc Todd, [unreadable] Todd, John for Hillburn heirs Todd, Saml Corporal Thurman, Samuel LP 1779 Thurman, William PP 1783 Thurman, Wm Heirs LL 1746 Thurman, Wm. PP 1782 1T2 TL LL 1747 1762 2 11 TL 1747 2 Tole, John 11 16 16 Tolford, Willm. Tibbs, Daniel Westmoreland Tibbs, Danl Quarter Tibbs, Foushee of Miffitt Colo Colo Tibbs, Fushee LL RR RR RR 1762 1773 1777 1767 A&B Tolson, Fielding Tomlin, Hugh 13,- Tibbs, James TL LL RR RR 1747 1762 1767 A&B 1777 2 11 13,16 RR RR 1773 1779 16 199 TL LL TL RR 1747 1762 1765 1767 A&B 2 11 T7 -,13 TL 1747 2 RR RR RR 1773 1777 1779 16 16 199 RR 1761 - 1762 Tomlin, Richard Tommas, Anne Mrs. Tommas, Benjamin Tibbs, Jas Cocke Tommas, Gustavous Tibbs, William Tommas, John Tibbs, Willm Tibbs, Wm Tibs, James 21 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 191 1788 D 330 1795 D 340 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Tomson, William PP 1800 199 MR 1701 13 MR 1701 7 1738 - 1739 8 Tooker, Samll Drumor Torney [?], Wm Jr. Date(s) Source Info RR RR PP LP 1777 1779 1782 1786 15 199 H4 B 189 LT PP 1782 1782 8 H4 LP LP 1786 1795 B 189 C 339 LP 1795 A 337 LP 1790 B 334 LP PP 1795 1800 B 338 199 RR RR LL RR 1751 - 1752 1754 1762 1773 RR 1767 A&B 13,12 RR RR LP 1753 1761 - 1762 1788 21 22 D 331 PP 1782 H4 PP 1783 206 LP 1795 A 338 LP 1795 C 339 LP 1795 A 338 PP 1800 199 PP 1782 E7 PP 1782 E7 PP 1782 E2 PP 1783 206 PP 1783 206 RR 1751 - 1752 Triplett, Jas Towards, [No First Name] Orphs RR Towles, Mallery MR Tracy, Go PP Trammel, Garret VP Trammel, Wm VP Travers, Rawleigh RR Traves, William MR Travis, Giles Mr., Lieut MR MR Travis, John TT Travis, Row MR Travis, William TT Trenis, Peter LP Trenis, Peter Francis LP Tricky, Christopher PP Trinnis, P.F. LP Triples, William Exrs RR Triplet, Will Exrs RR Triplet, William TT Triplet, Willm TT Triplett, Fras VP Triplett, James VP LL RR TL RR RR 1701 16 1782 H2 Triplett, Nat Triplett, Nathaniel Triplett, Nathl 1741 C,F Triplett, Thomas 1741 C 1723 11 1701 8 1701 1701 11 12 1724 1 1701 12 1724 7 1790 B 334 1787 B 191 1800 102 1786 A 188 1760 11 1761 - 1762 22 1724 9 1724 9 1741 C,F 1761 1762 1761 - 1762 1765 1767 A&B 1773 Triplett, Will Exrs Exrs, orphan Triplett, William Triplett, Wm Exrs Triplett[?], Natt Tripplett, James Tristoe, John Tristoe, William Trone, Peter Troop, Thomas Occoquan Mills Trussell, Rhody Trussell, Thos Trussell, Wm Truswell, Rodolph B,L 11 22 T5 13,12 16 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 18 15 11 16 Truswell, Thomas Tubs, Daniel 18 Tubs, Jmes 12/30/2012 Page 192 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info RR 1751 - 1752 18 RR 1751 - 1752 18 RR 1758 RR Source Tubs, Will Tulas, Rodham 4 Turner, William 1751 - 1752 17 Turnill, Winfield RR 1723 11 Tuttle, James RR 1735 - 1736 VP RR RR 1741 1753 1754 TP 1751 - 1755 Tullis, Rhodam Tullis, Richd Tullos, Rd 8 Tullos, Rhodham C,H 21 14 Date(s) Source Info LP LP LP LP 1786 1787 1788 1790 B 189 B 190 A 326 B 334 LP 1788 A 325 LP 1788 A 326 TL PP PP 1765 1783 1800 T2 206 199 PP PP 1783 1800 206 199 TL 1765 R3 LL 1746 Wc RR RR RR RR 1735 - 1736 1738 - 1739 1751 - 1752 1753 8 8 17 21 RR 1754 14 VP LP PP 1761 1788 1800 B,P A 325 102 RR 1735 - 1736 RR LP PP LP LP LP PP 1723 1779 1783 1795 1797 1798 1800 11 B 181 206 D 339 A 344 345 102 PP PP 1782 1782 1T1 1T5 TL 1765 T5 LP 1797 A 344 LP PP 1798 1800 345 102 VP RR 1741 1777 F,H 15 Tuttle, John Tullus, Rhodham Tuttle, Thomas 44 Tully, James Tuyloe, Jno TP 1751 - 1755 44 RR 1738 - 1739 8 RR RR RR 1767 A&B 1773 1777 RR Hon Esq Twentyman, Edward Tully, Rodham Tunnell, Francis 13,16 16 Twentyman, Edwd 1729 46 Tyler, Benjamin PP 1800 199 LP 1788 D 330 Tyler, Cha RR 1735 - 1736 8 Tyler, Charles PP 1800 102 PP 1782 H4 VP 1741 C,F LP LP 1790 1795 B 334 D 339 Jun Jun Heirs RR RR RR 1753 1754 1758 21 15 4 Col VP RR TP 1741 1751 - 1752 1751 - 1755 LP PP 1780 1783 Turbervile, Geo Cap Turnbull, Henry Turner (?), Wm Turner, [No first name] Dr Turner, Francis Turner, Fras Turner, Harry Turner, John Tyler, Chas Turner, Thomas Tyler, Chs Younger Tyler, Geo G Turner, Thos C,F 18 45 Tyler, George Turner, Walker Tyler, Henry B 183 206 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 8 12/30/2012 Page 193 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source RR LT PP PP PP Date(s) Source Info 1779 1782 1782 1783 1800 Source 199 9 H5 206 199 Tylor, William B,L 11 11 8 R4 -,12 B 181 A 186 19 1B5 1T1 1T5 206 206 C 335 Underwood, Willm Senr Senr Senr Gent. Sr Sr. Sheriff VP LL LL RR TL RR LP LP LT PP PP PP PP PP LP 1761 1762 1762 1761 - 1762 1765 1767 A&B 1779 1782 1782 1782 1782 1782 1783 1783 1790 Source Info RR 1767 A&B -,12 RR 1751 - 1752 18 RR 1753 22 RR 1754 15 TL 1765 T4 PP 1800 199 TL 1765 T4 LP 1779 B 180 LP 1782 A 186 PP 1783 206 PP 1782 2T1 PP 1800 102 RR 1729 46 RR 1754 15 VP 1741 F,P RR 1723 11 RR RR 1723 1753 11 22 RR VP 1738 - 1739 1741 8 F,P RR 1751 - 1752 18 VP 1761 B,P RR 1779 199 RR 1773 16 RR 1767 A&B RR 1753 22 LL 1762 11 RR 1754 15 Underwood, Will Underwood, William Tyler, John Junr Junr Senr Junr Date(s) Uwans, Elias [Owens?] Vale, Levi Vanhook, Saml Vanlandham, Manly Brown Varen, Robert Vaughan, Robert Vaughan, Rt Tyler, Joseph Vaughn, Meredith LP LP PP PP 1776 1778 1782 1783 D 177 A 178 1B5 206 Veal, John PP 1800 102 Veale, Bond PP PP 1782 1782 1T1 1T5 Veale, John Westmd County Veale, Maurice PP 1783 206 Veal, Maurice Tyler, Margarett Exrs Tyler, Nat Tyler, Richard Tyler, William Exrs VP TL PP LP LP LP LP LP LP LP LP PP 1761 1765 1783 1785 1786 1787 1790 1795 1797 1798 1799 1800 B,P T10 206 A 187 B 189 B 191 B 334 A 337 A 344 345 B 346 102 Veale, Morris 46 8 1T5 Vicano, [No First Name] Orphs Vicars, John Exrs Veale, Morriss Veale, William Veale, Wm Vears, John Vecars, John Tyler, Wm Westmd RR RR PP 1729 1735 - 1736 1782 Tylor, Nathan LP 1779 Vicaus, [No First Name] Orphans B 181 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 194 13,13 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Viccars, [No First Name] Orphans Vickers, Elias Date(s) Source Info RR 1738 - 1739 RR 1723 Source 8 Date(s) Source Info PP PP 1800 1800 103 199 LL 1746 Wc RR 1751 - 1752 PP 1800 200 RR 1773 17 RR 1753 23 RR RR 1723 1751 - 1752 11 19 TT PP 1724 1800 TP 1751 - 1755 44 RR 1738 - 1739 9 RR 1761 - 1762 22 TP 1751 - 1755 44 PP 1783 RR 1751 - 1752 19 TP 1751 - 1755 44 LP LP 1788 1788 A 326 D 330 RR 1767 A&B 13,13 MR 1701 12 TL 1747 7 RR RR RR 1753 1754 1760 22 15 12 RR 1753 23 TP 1751 - 1755 44 RR RR RR 1767 A&B 1773 1777 Walker, James 11 Vickers, John Walker, Jmes Vicurs, [No First Name] Orphs Vilet, Edw RR RR 1777 1779 16 199 RR 1751 - 1752 VP 1741 C Walker, Taliafero of Chas Carter estate Walker, Thomas VP 1741 F Walker, Thos VP 1741 H PP 1800 102 Walker, William Btwn 10-16 MR 1701 14 Wall, Frances VP 1741 F MR 1701 6 Wallace, [No first name] Burrs Widow Wallace, Burr MR RR 1701 1723 12 12 19 Walker, John 18 Vyat, James Vylet, Edw Waddell, William Wadding, John Wade, Jos Wade, Wm Wadington, Francis 1 102 Wallace, Michael Dr. Wadkins, Edward Wallace, Nathan RR 1751 - 1752 19 Wafers, John 207 Wallence, Burrs PP 1782 E4 Orphs Wagener, Peter Waller, Edwd Majr Majr Majr Wagner, [No first name] Majr Wakes, John Oversr Walden, Elijah RR RR RR RR RR 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 1760 1761 - 1762 18 22 15 12 22 RR 1753 10 Waller, Wm TL 1765 P3 Walles [Walter ?], Thomas LT LP 1782 1790 5 B 335 Wallis, Burr LP 1776 A 102 LP 1779 B 180 Waller, John Waller, Philip Orphans Orphs Walden, James Walden, John Walls, Francis Walding, Henery MR 1701 14 LP 1776 B 176 TP 1751 - 1755 Walsh, [No First Name] Capt. Walter, Eliz Waldon, James Wale, Thos 45 14,14 17 17 Walker, George Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 195 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source RR Date(s) Source Info 1779 Source 200 Walter, John Date(s) Source Info TL 1765 T1 PP 1800 102 PP 1800 199 LP PP 1790 1800 B 334 199 PP 1800 102 PP 1800 199 PP 1800 200 PP 1800 199 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1800 199 LP 1795 A 338 LP 1779 B 180 RR RR 1777 1779 16 199 LT 1782 23 RR RR 1777 1779 16 199 PP 1783 207 PP 1800 199 LP 1787 B 191 VP 1741 C,F TL 1747 8 TL 1747 8 LP 1788 B 329 LP RR PP 1779 1779 1783 B 180 199 207 RR LT 1777 1782 16 23 Warder, Francis RR RR RR RR 1767 A&B 1773 1777 1779 14,13 17 17 200 PP 1800 200 LP 1795 B 338 Warder, James Warder, Jesse Walters, John Warder, Phillip Walters, Robert Warder, Walter Walts, Martin LP 1780 B 183 Warder, Walter Ward, David L LP 1799 B 346 Ware, Francis W. Ward, David L. LP PP 1790 1800 B 335 200 TL TL 1747 1747 2 2 Ware, James Ward, Dixey Junr Ware, John Ware, John C Ward, Elias TL VP LL TL RR RR RR RR 1747 1761 1762 1765 1767 A&B 1773 1777 1779 2 B,P 12 R5 14,13 17 16 200 PP 1782 1B1 LP 1795 A 338 Ware, Nicolas B 183 Ware, Robert R2,T1 Waring, Thomas R3,T2 14,13 200 Warner, Jno Ware, N[?] Ware, Nicholas Ware, Nichs Ware, Nickol Ward, Fras junr junr Ward, Wm Warden, Elijah LP 1780 Warden, Humphrey TL 1765 Warden, James TL RR RR 1765 1767 A&B 1779 Waro [Ware?], John Warden, Jas RR RR 1773 1777 LL RR 1762 1767 A&B RR RR RR RR 1761 - 1762 1773 1777 1779 Waro [Ware?], Willm 17 17 Warren, George Warden, Richard 12 14,13 Warren, Robert 12 17 17 200 Warren, Robt Warden, Richd Warden, Thomas Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Warren, Rt 12/30/2012 Page 196 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source PP 1782 1T9 Waters, Edward PP 1800 200 Waters, John TT 1724 3 PP 1800 102 PP 1800 102 Waters, Lance RR VP LL 1729 1741 1746 46 C,F Ww Waters, Mark RR 1723 12 LP 1788 D 331 RR LT PP PP LP LP LP LP PP 1723 1782 1782 1783 1790 1790 1798 1799 1800 2,12 17 1B1 207 A 332 C 335 345 B 346 103 MR RR VP 1701 1723 1741 16 12 C,F Warrill, Jesse Warrington, Margaret Warters, John Warters, William Washington, Aug Capn Exor Washington, Augustine Jur; 13 yrs Waters, Phileman Jur Waters, Philemon Senr Waters, Phillemon Senr Jur Waters, Phillrman Senr Waters, Philoman Jur Senr LP 1797 A 344 PP 1800 200 Waters, Philoman/Phil RR 1729 46 Waters, Thomas Washington, Lund Washington, Nat 10 yrs Washington, Robert (Pitt) PP 1800 102 Waters, Thos VP 1741 C,F Watkins, Chas LP LP 1798 1798 345 345 Watkins, Edw Washington, Thos undr 21 Washington, Washington I Water, Thomas [his mark] Waters, [No first name] ? 1724 7 RR LL RR TL LP 1760 1762 1761 - 1762 1765 1779 13 12 23 R2,T2 B 181 LP 1788 A 325 LP 1788 A 326 TT 1724 9 RR 1754 16 VP RR 1761 1761 - 1762 RR RR 1773 1777 16 16 LL 1762 12 RR RR 1753 1753 22 23 RR 1754 16 TT RR RR RR 1724 1751 - 1752 1751 - 1752 1760 VP 1741 B,P TT 1724 9 RR 1751 - 1752 PP 1782 RR 1761 - 1762 23 RR RR RR 1753 1760 1761 - 1762 23 12 29 VP TP TL LP 1741 1751 - 1755 1765 1779 F,H 44 P4 B 181 B,L 23 Waters, Phill Washington, Laurence [Two entries] Washington, Washington l. TT Waters, Philip Washington, John Mr. Source Info Waters, Phil Washington, B. Junr. Washington, Henry Date(s) 9 19 19 12,13 19 1T6 Watkins, Edward LP 1797 A 344 LP 1780 B 184 RR RR RR RR 1753 1760 1761 - 1762 1761 - 1762 Watkins, Henry 20 1 3 3 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Jr. 12/30/2012 Page 197 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Exemptd by ye Court Date(s) Source Info Source PP PP PP 1782 1782 1783 1B8 H4 207 PP PP 1782 1783 1T6 207 VP TL TL PP 1761 1765 1765 1783 B,P P4,R7 P4,R7 207 PP 1782 1T6 Wayman, Edward PP 1800 199 Wayne, [No first name] Jrn Weakley, Thos quarter quarter F,H MR RR TT 1701 1723 1724 12 7,12 2,4/5 TT TT 1724 1724 2 2 PP 1800 102 LP 1778 A 179 TT 1724 5 LP 1782 A 186 TP 1751 - 1755 45 RR 1754 16 LP LP LP PP 1788 1796 1799 1800 A 326 C 342 C 347 199 TP 1751 - 1755 44 RR 1754 15 RR VP RR RR RR 1738 - 1739 1741 1751 - 1752 1753 1758 9 F,H 19 22 4 MR 1701 5,7 TT 1724 4 TT 1724 4 LP 1798 345 PP 1800 200 PP LP LP LP 1783 1788 1799 1799 207 B 328 B 346 C 347 PP 1800 200 Waugh, Tyler Watrous, Robert Watson, Henry 1738 - 1739 1741 1741 Waugh, Taylor Watkins, Wm RR VP VP Waugh, Joseph Watkins, William Mr. Source Info Waugh, Jos Watkins, Mary Junr Date(s) 10 C,F Weakly, George Watson, James LP 1776 Exrs D 178 Weaver, George Watson, John PP PP 1800 1800 102 199 LP LP 1795 1797 D 340 A 344 Weaver, Peter Watson, Josiah Watson, Saml LP 1799 C 347 Weaver, Tillman MR 1701 12 Weaver, Tilman TT VP RR RR 1724 1741 1751 - 1752 1754 4 H,P 19 16 LL 1746 Ww TT 1724 5 Watt, Edwd Watts, Francis Webb, Ben: Watts, John Capn Ensign Webster, Charles Watts, Joseph Webster, Edward btwn 10 & 16 Webster, Henry Watts, Richard RR 1723 12 RR 1723 12 Watts, Thomas Webster, Hezekiah Waugh, Alexandr Corl MR 1701 13 Webster, James Waugh, David Waugh, John Junr / orphs orphs Junr / orphs RR TT 1723 1724 12 2 MR RR TT TT 1701 1723 1724 1724 12 12 2 2 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Webster, James Webster, James R 12/30/2012 Page 198 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info LP 1788 A 325 LP 1788 A 325 PP 1800 200 Source Source Info RR RR RR 1773 1777 1779 17 17 200 LP 1788 B 329 PP PP 1782 1800 1B1 102 TL TL 1765 1765 R2,T2 T2 TL RR 1765 1767 A&B VP LL 1761 1762 B,L 12 MR 1701 17 MR PP 1701 1800 15 102 LP 1788 B 327 MR 1701 9 RR 1738 - 1739 9 VP 1741 F,H RR 1723 12 PP 1800 200 LP 1782 A 187 Capt Junr, Ltt MR MR 1701 1701 9,10 9,10 Collector RR 1760 5,15 VP 1741 C,H RR 1753 23 VP RR 1741 1754 C,F 16 LP 1780 B 182 VP 1741 C,H Webster, William B Webster, William B. Date(s) Wells, George Webster, Wm B Wells, Joseph LP 1799 B 346 PP 1800 200 PP 1800 197, 200 LP 1790 B 334 PP 1800 102 LP 1788 B 327 LP 1799 B 346 Weeden, Augustine Wells, Molly Weeden, Sarah Weedon, John Wells, Saml Patroller Weeks, William T5 1,13 Wells, Samuel Weeks, Wm Weems, Mason L Wells, Samuell Weems, Wm Lock LT 1782 12 Wells, Thomas Corporal LP 1790 B 335 Wells, Thos RR 1758 4 Welsh, James LP 1788 A 325 Welsh, Thomas BT 1737 B Welsh, Thos PP 1800 200 West, Ann RR 1753 22 West, Conrod RR RR TP 1751 - 1752 1754 1751 - 1755 19 15 44 West, Henry LP 1790 B 334 LP 1788 B 327 Weimes, William L. Welch, [No first name] Welch, Daniel Welch, Jno Welch, Nancy C. Neck Welch, Thomas Heirs Welch, Thos Heirs Widdo West, Jno Wells, Carly Wells, Carter West, John Wells, Carthy West, Thos Junr LP 1778 A 178 Wells, Carty West, William VP LT PP 1761 1782 1782 RR VP LL RR RR 1760 1761 1762 1761 - 1762 1767 A&B L,P 9 H4 West, Willm Wells, Charles 12 B,L 12 23 14,14 Westall, Stn Whaley, James Whaley, Jas Wells, Chas Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 199 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source LT Date(s) Source Info 1782 Source 17 Whalley, William MR Wharton, [No First Name] Capt. TP Wharton, Randdall RR Wharton, Snowdel LP Wharton, Snowden LP Whealy [?], J [?] Senrs [?] TL Whealy [Whoaly?], William TL Wheatlee, George RR Wheatley, George RR Wheatly, George Exrs RR Wheeler, John RR TT Wheeler, Luke LP Wheeller, Drummond PP Whetley, Robert RR Whiledge, Thos RR Whilledge, Jno RR [Wittledge?] LL Whilledge, Thos RR Whilledge, William [Wittledge?] LL Whilledge, Willm RR Whissy, Jessee LP Whitcomb, Richard TT White, Elizth RR White, Jacob Boy TT TL White, James LP LP PP Date(s) Source Info PP 1800 102 LT PP 1782 1782 23 1T7 LP LP 1776 1776 A 102 B 176 LT 1782 12 PP 1783 207 TL 1765 T4 PP 1800 102 PP 1800 102 LP 1799 C 347 TT VP TL 1724 1761 1765 7 B,P R5 TT 1724 2 1724 2 1783 207 1782 H3 1701 7 1724 8 1783 1800 A 187 102 1782 23 1782 1783 1T8 207 1779 1782 1782 B 182 23 1T1 1800 102 1779 B 181 1798 345 White, Jas 1701 14 1751 - 1755 44 1753 7 1776 D 177 White, John White, Marianne White, Maryan 1780 B 183 White, Nathan 1747 9 White, Stephen 1747 9 White, Thomas 1751 - 1752 19 White, Thos 1738 - 1739 9 White, William 1753 22 1723 1724 12 3 Whitecotton, Husband 1799 A 345 Whitecotton, Mealy 1800 103 1751 - 1752 19 1723 12 1751 - 1752 1762 18 12 1751 - 1752 18 1762 12 1751 - 1752 18 1795 D 340 1724 4 1751 - 1752 TT Whitehead, [First name not recorded] PP Whitehead, Anty PP Whiteman, Johyn MR Whitesides, Wilm TT Whiting, Elizabeth Executrix LP PP Whiting, H. Est. LT Whiting, Henry Est PP PP Whiting, John LP Esqr. LT PP Whiting, Lewis (B) PP Whiting, M LP Whiting, Mathew LP Whiting, Matt 19 1724 1747 8 3 1779 1782 1783 B 182 A 187 207 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 200 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source LP Date(s) Source Info 1798 Source 345 Whiting, Matthew Date(s) Source Info RR 1754 15 VP RR RR TL 1741 1760 1761 - 1762 1765 H 12 22 T9 RR 1761 - 1762 22,29 RR RR VP PP 1753 1760 1761 1783 TT RR RR 1724 1754 1767 A&B RR VP TL TL RR RR RR LT LT PP 1738 - 1739 1741 1765 1765 1773 1777 1779 1782 1782 1782 TL 1747 3 MR TT 1701 1724 14 7 RR 1723 12 TT 1724 4 TT 1724 7 MR 1701 6 MR RR RR 1701 1723 1738 - 1739 LP PP PP PP 1779 1782 1783 1800 B 182 1T7 207 102 LP PP 1779 1782 B 182 1T5 Whitledge, Thos TL TL RR PP PP PP 1765 1765 1779 1782 1783 1800 P2 P2,R7 200 1T1 207 102 Whitledge, Will / Wm Whitledge, William Whiting, Peter Estate Whiting, Peter Beverly deceased Whiting, Reter Esqr. Whiting, Tho PP PP 1782 1783 1T3 207 LP 1783 A 187 LT 1782 23 LP 1795 D 339 LP 1798 345 PP 1782 1T8 TL TL 1765 1765 R1,T9 T9 RR RR RR RR 1754 1773 1777 1779 15 17 16 200 TT RR RR RR RR RR TL RR LP LT PP 1724 1738 - 1739 1753 1760 1761 - 1762 1761 - 1762 1765 1767 A&B 1778 1782 1783 Whitledge, Willm Whiting, Thomas Junr Whitledge, Jno Jr. 8 8 22 12 22 29 T9 14,13 A 179 9 207 Whitson, Joseph Whitson, Joshua Whitson, Richd Whitson, Samuel Whitson, Tho Whitson, William Whitledge, Rd PP 1782 H2 PP LP 1783 1788 207 A 325 TT TT 1724 1724 8 8 RR RR 1738 - 1739 1753 Whitledge, Robert 8 22 Wiatt, James Whitledge, Thoms Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 6 12 9 Wiatt, Conquest Whitledge, Tho Junr Whitledge, Thomas 8 H,P T4 T4 16 16 199 9 9 H1 Whitside, William Whitledge, John Deced 8 15 13,13 Whitledge, Wm Whiting, Ths Whitledge, Elizabeth Mrs. 22 12 P 207 12/30/2012 Page 201 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info PP PP 1783 1800 207 102 LT PP 1782 1782 23 1T5 LT 1782 21 LP PP 1779 1782 B 181 1T2 Source Source Info Wickliff, Isaac Wiatt, Jas Wiatt, Jno Capt. Date(s) Wiatt, John LT PP PP LP LP LP LP 1782 1782 1783 1785 1786 1787 1788 9 H1 207 B 187 A 188 B 191 B 329 PP 1800 199 LP 1795 D 340 LT PP 1782 1782 5 2T1 TT TL 1724 1765 T6 LP 1786 B 189 LP 1788 D 330 TL RR PP 1765 1767 A&B 1783 T6 14,14 207 RR RR RR TL 1753 1760 1761 - 1762 1765 RR TL PP LP 1754 1765 1782 1795 16 T10 H1 D 340 PP 1782 H1 RR RR RR 1773 1777 1779 16 16 200 RR RR RR 1773 1777 1779 17 17 200 RR 1773 17 LP 1786 B 189 PP 1782 1B2 Wickliff, Mary Mrs. Wiatt, William Wickliff, Moses PP PP 1783 1800 207 102 PP 1782 1T2 LT 1782 1 TL TL 1747 1747 3 3 Wickliff, Nat Wiatt, Wm Ed Wiatt, Wm Edwd Wickliff, Nath Wicklef, Robert Quarter Wickliff, Natha Wickleff, Elijah Wickliff, Nathal LL 1762 12 Wickleff, Elizabeth Wickliff, Nathaniel LL 1762 12 RR 1753 26 TL 1765 R3 LT PP PP 1782 1782 1783 17 1B2 207 RR VP LL RR 1760 1761 1762 1761 - 1762 12 B,L 12 23,29 Wickliff, Wm RR 1767 A&B 14,13 Wickliffe, Benjn TL RR 1765 1767 A&B T6 14,14 LT LP LP 1782 1786 1786 1 B 189 B 189 LP 1795 D 340 Wickleff, Robert Wicklife, Robert Wickliff, Robert Wickliff, Aaron 23 12 23 T10 Wickliff, Robt Wickliff, Benjamin Wickliff, Benjn Wickliff, Charles Wickliff, Chas Wickliffe, Chas Senr Wickliff, Elijah Wickliffe, Eliz Mrs. Wickliff, Eliz Wickliffe, Isaac Mrs. RR TL 1761 - 1762 1765 Mrs. RR 1767 A&B 23 T6 Wickliffe, Jno Jos 14,13 Wickliffe, Nath Wickliff, Elizabeth Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 202 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Wickliffe, Nathl Of Eliz Wickliffe Wickliffe, Robt Of Eliz Wickliffe Date(s) Source Info RR RR 1777 1779 16 200 RR 1773 17 Source Source Info LP PP 1779 1782 B 182 1T7 TP 1751 - 1755 PP 1800 200 RR 1779 200 RR 1761 - 1762 23 RR RR RR RR 1751 - 1752 1760 1773 1777 19 12 17 17 VP TL 1761 1765 B,L R2,T1 RR 1767 A&B 14,13 PP 1800 199 TL 1765 R7 LP 1788 A 325 TL 1765 T1 RR 1754 16 RR LL 1753 1762 23 12 PP 1782 1B8 LT 1782 5 LT PP LP 1782 1782 1788 13 1B8 B 326 LP 1788 A 325 RR RR RR 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 LP LP LP PP 1786 1787 1788 1800 Wilburn, Duke 44 Wiliams, Pressley RR RR RR 1773 1777 1779 17 16 200 Wilkenson, Benja Wilkerson, Benj Wickliffe, Wm. RR 1779 200 Wilkerson, Benja Wides, George PP 1782 1B4 BT 1737 C PP 1783 207 RR 1723 12 PP 1783 207 Wigenton, Jno Wiggenton, Benjamin Wilkerson, Benjamin Wiggenton, Henry Wiggenton, John Wilkerson, Benjn Wiggington, Benjamin Wilkerson, John PP 1800 102 Wiggington, Henry Wilkerson, Sarah PP 1800 102 Mrs. Wiggington, John Wilkey, Wm PP 1800 102 Wiggington, Peter Wilkinson, Benj PP 1800 102 Wiggington, Presley Wilkinson, Benja PP 1800 103 Wigginston, Jas Wilkinson, Benjamin LP 1795 A 338 LP PP 1779 1782 B 182 1B4 Wigginton, Benja Wilkinson, Elizrh Wigginton, Benjn Wilkinson, Elizth PP 1782 1B4 Wigginton, John Wilkinson, John TL TL 1747 1765 3 R5 RR 1723 12 Wilkley, James PP 1800 200 Willburn, Edward LP 1788 B 329 TT TT 1724 1724 7 7 TT 1724 7 TP 1751 - 1755 Wigginton, Wm Wiggonton, James Wigington, [?] Wigington, Henry 11 yrs Wigington, William 14 yrs Wiginton, Jno Date(s) 19 23 16 Willcocks, John 44 B 189 B 191 B 329 199 Willcox, John Wiginton, John Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 203 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info PP 1783 207 LP 1788 A 325 LP 1788 A 325 Orphs VP RR 1741 1751 - 1752 F 19 Orphs RR 1753 22 Source Capt., ordinary lic Williams, James Willia [page torn], Joseph William, Joseph William, Will William, William Date(s) Source Info PP 1800 200 VP PP LP LP PP PP 1741 1783 1788 1790 1800 1800 H 207 D 330 B 334 102 190, 199 PP 1782 2T2 LP 1799 C 347 MR LP LP LP LP LP LP LP LP LP LP LP LP PP PP 1701 1785 1786 1788 1788 1788 1790 1795 1795 1796 1799 1799 1799 1800 1800 13 B 188 B 189 B 327 B 329 D 331 B 334 A 338 B 338 C 342 B 346 C 347 C 348 200 200 PP 1800 199 RR VP VP RR RR RR RR RR 1738 - 1739 1741 1741 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 1760 1761 - 1762 9 C H,P 19 22 15 12 23 LP PP 1780 1800 B 183 199 PP 1782 1T4 PP LP PP 1783 1799 1800 207 C 347 200 LP 1788 B 328 PP 1782 H3 Williams, Jas William, Willm Orphs RR Williams, [No First Name] Widow RR Williams, Dellilah LP Williams, Edward RR VP LL RR TL RR LP LP Williams, Edwd RR RR Williams, Elijah PP Williams, Evan Colur Mart LP LP LP SC LP Colur Mart LP LT PP PP Williams, Francis PP Williams, Geo TP Williams, George TT Junr; 14 yrs TT LP LP LP LP LP PP Williams, Jesse 1754 15 Williams, John 1758 4 1795 B 338 1760 1761 1762 1761 - 1762 1765 1767 A&B 1776 1776 12 B,L 12 22,29 R1,T8 14,13 A 102 B 176 1773 1777 17 17 1800 200 1776 1778 1779 1779 1780 1782 1782 1782 1783 C 177 A 178 A 179 1 C 184 A 186 5 2T3 207 1783 207 1751 - 1755 1724 1724 1782 1787 1788 1788 1790 1800 Clerk of Court PWC brick layer Williams, John Currier Williams, Jonas Jr heirs heirs heirs Hrs Williams, Jonathan Williams, Jos 44 Williams, Joseph 9 9 A 186 B 190 B 327 B 328 B 334 199 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Williams, Lewis Williams, Mary Williams, Nath Pope 12/30/2012 Page 204 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info LP 1795 A 338 VP 1741 F,P PP 1800 199 Source Date(s) Source Info Willis, John Williams, Owen Majr Williams, Peter LT PP 1782 1782 17 1B7 PP 1782 E3 MR 1701 10 PP 1800 200 LP 1788 B 326 PP 1783 207 LP 1788 B 329 PP 1783 207 RR RR RR LP 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 1795 RR 1758 4 PP 1783 207 PP 1783 207 LP 1795 D 340 LP 1779 B 181 LP LP LP 1792 1795 1796 B1 336 A 338 C 342 LP PP 1779 1782 B 182 1B3 PP 1782 1B1 TL 1765 R6 PP 1782 1B5 TL 1747 8 LT 1782 12 TL TL LP 1747 1765 1789 8 R6 B 332 Willis, Martha Williams, Richd Willobe, Theofilus LP 1788 B 328 Williams, Robt Willott, Benniah MR 1701 10 Williams, Saml Wills, Joseph LP 1790 B 334 Williams, Samuel Wills, Thomas PP LP 1783 1788 207 D 330 PP LP LP 1783 1787 1790 207 B 191 B 334 RR 1761 - 1762 23 RR RR 1751 - 1752 1754 19 16 Willson, Jeams [James] RR 1760 12 Willson, Jeremiah RR 1753 23 Willson, Sarah LP 1795 D 340 Willson, Will PP LP LP 1783 1788 1790 207 D 330 B 334 Wilson, Archibald VP 1741 C,H RR LP PP 1738 - 1739 1776 1800 PP 1783 Willson, Alex Williams, Sarah Mrs Willson, Henry Willson, James Williams, Susana Williams, Susanah Williams, Susanna Williams, Susannah Williams, Tho Williams, Thomas 19 22 15 D 340 Wilson, Cumbd Williams, Walter Williams, William 9 A 102 102 Wilson, Henry Wilson, Hy Williams, William M. 207 Wilson, James Williams, Willliam LP 1776 B 176 Wilson, Jere: Williams, Wm RR VP LP 1723 1741 1788 Overr 11 C,F,P D 330 Wilson, Richard Wilson, Sarah Williams, Wm Myricks PP 1782 1B1 Wilson, William Willis, Francis PP 1783 207 LT 1782 20 Willis, Fras Capt Wilton, Francis Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 205 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Winder, Nathaniel Free Black Windser, Sampson Date(s) Source Info Source PP 1782 1T3 PP 1800 200 LP 1790 B 334 LP 1790 B 335 PP LP PP 1783 1788 1800 207 D 330 199 Withers, Wm LT 1782 12 Witledge, Tho LP 1795 A 337 Witledge, Thos TP 1751 - 1755 45 Wlech , James VP 1741 C [?], Wm VP 1741 C,F Wofe, J MR 1701 8 Wonton, Philip PP 1782 1T7 Wood , James PP 1783 207 Wood, Edwd TT 1724 4 Wood, Elijah RR 1738 - 1739 8 LP 1787 B 191 PP LP 1782 1786 2T2 B 189 Wood, Elisha TL 1747 1 Wood, Hezeka BT 1737 T Wood, Hezekiah VP 1761 B,L Wood, James LP 1795 D 340 Wood, John LP 1795 D 340 TT TT RR RR 1724 1724 1753 1754 4,(5) 4(5) 23,25 16 Source Info Withers, Thomas RR RR RR 1753 1754 1758 23 16 4 RR RR 1753 1758 23 4 RR RR 1751 - 1752 1754 19 16 MR 1701 11 MR 1701 13,14 VP 1741 P TL 1747 3 LP 1786 B 189 RR 1760 5 LP 1795 D 340 LP 1788 D 330 TT 1724 9 RR LP PP PP PP PP 1751 - 1752 1780 1782 1782 1783 1800 18 B 184 2T3 2T3 207 200 RR 1738 - 1739 8 PP 1782 2T1 LP 1780 B 184 PP 1800 200 RR VP RR RR LP 1723 1741 1753 1754 1788 12 H,P 23 16 D 330 PP 1782 E6 RR 1738 - 1739 Withers, William Windser, William Windsor, Sampson Withers, Willm Windsor, Wm Winn, Minor Corpll Winn, Wm Winsor, Thos Winsor, Wm Winsum, Richard Winton, [No First Name] Mrs. Winton, Matthew Date(s) Wintz, Richard 11 yrs Winwright, John Wirt, Concord Jr. Wirt, Conrad Wisdall, Richard Wisdells, Rich Wise, David Wise, Peter overseer Wisemiller, Jacob Withers, James Wood, Jos Withers, Jmes Wood, Joseph RR RR 1723 1751 - 1752 12 19 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 206 9 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source RR RR RR RR PP PP Date(s) Source Info 1753 1754 1760 1761 - 1762 1783 1800 Source 22 15 12 22 207 102 Woodward, Fanny Woodyard, Gerrard Mrs. 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 1758 19 23 16 4 RR 1753 23 TL 1747 4 PP 1800 199 LP PP 1788 1800 D 330 102 LP 1788 D 330 LT PP PP 1782 1782 1783 14 1B6 207 LP LP 1788 1788 B 327 D 330 LP LP 1788 1788 B 327 D 330 PP 1800 102 LP LP 1785 1785 A 187 C 188 PP 1800 200 LT 1782 14 PP PP LP PP 1782 1783 1788 1800 1B1 207 D 330 102 PP 1800 199 PP 1800 200 LP LP LP 1785 1785 1788 A 187 C 188 B 328 LP PP 1788 1800 D 330 102 MR 1701 9 VP 1741 C,F LP 1795 D 339 PP 1783 207 RR 1761 - 1762 Woodyard, Gerard Woodyard, Henry Wood, Nehemiah Wood, Thomas overseer Wood, Tobias Source Info Woodyard, David Wood, Joshua RR RR RR RR Date(s) Woodyard, James TT RR RR RR RR 1724 1753 1754 1760 1761 - 1762 7 23 16 12 23 RR 1751 - 1752 19 Woodyard, Jesse RR RR RR LP LP 1753 1753 1758 1788 1788 23 25 4 A 325 D 331 Woodyard, Jno RR 1754 16 Woodyard, Jarrard Woodyard, Jeremiah Wood, Toby Wood, William Woodyard, John Wood, Willm Woodyard, Newton Woodard, Henry PP Woodbridge, [No first name] Capn LL Woodbridge, Wm Capt RR RR Woodburn, Hezekiah LP Woodrow, Henry LP PP Woods, Nehemiah RR Woods, Thoms RR Woodson, James LP Woodson, Nelson TP Woodward, Amon PP 1782 1B9 Woodyard, Pressley 1746 R Woodyard, Richard 1723 1729 12 46 1790 B 334 1799 1800 Woodyard, William C 347 200 Worethinton, Joseph 1754 16 Wren, Thos 1751 - 1752 19 Wren, Wm D 331 Wrest, Henry 44 Wri, Richd [Richard Wright?] Wright, Francis 1788 1751 - 1755 1800 199 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 207 23 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Exrs Exrs Exrs heirs heirs Hrs Date(s) Source Info VP RR RR RR RR LL RR 1741 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 1760 1762 1761 - 1762 LP Source F,B 19 23 16 12 12 23 Stafford Wright, William 1799 B 346 Wright, Willm LT 1782 12 VP RR RR 1741 1751 - 1752 1754 RR LP LP LP LP PP 1753 1788 1788 1788 1799 1800 Source Info RR 1760 12 RR RR RR PP LP LP 1753 1753 1758 1783 1788 1790 23 23 4 207 A 325 B 334 RR TL 1754 1765 16 T4 RR LT 1754 1782 16 12 LT 1782 9 LP PP LP 1778 1783 1788 A 178 207 B 328 LP 1782 A 187 LP 1788 B 328 LP 1788 A 326 PP 1800 200 LP 1790 B 334 PP 1800 200 VP 1741 F VP TL 1741 1765 C P1 PP 1782 E3 RR 1761 - 1762 23 LT 1782 17 PP 1782 1B9 LP 1790 B 334 Heir TT RR RR 1724 1760 1779 8 13 200 Heir RR 1751 - 1752 (Saffd) Wright, James Wright, Jas Wright, Jno Date(s) Wright, Wm Capt Capt H,P 19 16 Saffd Wroe, Ben Wright, John Capt 23 A 325 B 327 D 330 C 347 200 Wroe, Benjamin Wroe, Benjamine Wroe, Richd Wright, Joseph RR VP RR RR RR TL PP LP LP 1738 - 1739 1741 1751 - 1752 1753 1754 1765 1783 1788 1790 9 F,H 19 22 15 T4 207 A 325 B 334 RR VP LL 1753 1761 1762 VP RR RR RR RR TL RR RR RR RR 1741 1751 - 1752 1754 1760 1761 - 1762 1765 1767 A&B 1773 1777 1779 F,B,H 19 16 12,13 29 T4 14,13 17 17 200 LP PP 1788 1800 B 329 102 RR 1751 - 1752 Wroe, William Wroe, Willliam Wrooe, Benjamin Wrye, Gustavous Wyat, Cinc Wright, Richard 23 B 12 Wyatt, James Wright, Richd free Wyatt, Wm Wynn, Saml Yatton, Chas Yelten, Chas Yound [Young ?], Robert Deced Young , John Wright, Samuel Wright, Will Young [?], Jno 19 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 208 20 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Name Index to Prince William County People in Colonial Records Name Name Source Date(s) Source Info Source Young, Bob LP 1782 A 186 RR 1723 12 LP 1795 D 340 TP 1751 - 1755 TL TL 1747 1747 2 2 LP LP PP 1780 1782 1783 B 183 A 186 207 TT TT TL 1724 1724 1765 10 7,10 T3 RR RR RR LL RR 1753 1754 1760 1762 1761 - 1762 VP 1741 C,H RR 1758 4 RR 1751 - 1752 20 RR RR RR RR RR 1751 - 1752 1754 1761 - 1762 1761 - 1762 1773 20 16 24 24 17 VP RR RR RR RR LL LL RR RR 1741 1753 1753 1754 1760 1762 1762 1767 A&B 1777 F,H 24 24 16 13 12 12 14,14 17 LP 1795 D 340 LT 1782 9 RR 1738 - 1739 Young, Bryan Heirs Hrs Young, Chas Date(s) Source Info RR RR LL RR 1753 1754 1762 1777 24 16 12 17 RR RR 1753 1754 24 16 RR RR RR RR RR LP 1751 - 1752 1760 1761 - 1762 1767 A&B 1773 1782 20 13 24 14,14 17 A 186 VP TL TL 1761 1765 1765 B,P P3 P3,R7 RR TP 1723 1751 - 1755 LP 1788 Young, Thoms Young, Christian 44 Young, Thos Young, Elizabeth Widow Hrs Hrs Heurs Hrs Young, Francis Young, William Young, Henry Young, Wm Young, James 24 16 13 12 24 12 44 Yowson, Steven B 327 Young, Jas Young, Jeams [James] Young, Jmes Young, Jno Constable Constable Deced Hrs Young, John Constable Heir Heir Deced Deced Heir Young, Rob Young, Rt. Young, Thomas 10 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 12/30/2012 Page 209 Note: Additional information enclosed in parenthesis (...) Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Prince William County Slave Index Slave Name Slave Owner A[--Ty] Hooe, Howson Aaron Alexander, Thornton Alexander, Wm (Colo) Anderson, Thos Botts, Francis Douglas, Cate (Mrs) Edrington, Jno Fitzhugh, Thos Peyton, Val (Capt) Roe, Richd Rose, Isaac Skinker, Wm Steel, John Wilton, Francis Ab Homes, Thos (Sr) Abby Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Abell Tackett, Wm Abra Wickliff, Nath Abram Alexander, Wm (Colo) Burris, Mary Green, Geo Hampton, Hy Hooe, Jno (Colo) Jackson, Sam: Jameison, David (Sr.) Jones, Solomon Love, Thos Macrae, John Scott, Jas (Revd) Seale, John Tebbs, Mary Whiting, Matthew Whiting, Matthew Wiatt, John Wilkinson, Elizrh Adam Alexander, Thornton Burwell, Mary Calvert, John Carter, Robt (Esqr) Cole, Jane Dodson, Enoch Fitzhugh, John Grubbs, Richd Hampton, Hy Hutchinson, Robt Jackson, Frans (Jr.) Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Slave Name Slave Owner Source Info Tackett, Wm (Jr.) Triplett, Jas Winton, [No First Name] (Mrs.) Africa Campbell, Isaac (Revd) Agga Bertiley & Fontaines, [No First Burwell, Mary Calvert, John Hooe, Jno (Colo) Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Agge Carter, Charles ((Coro); Esq) Aggy Bates, Wm Carter, Robt (Esqr) Page, Mann (Deced) Albany Hickerson, John Alce Armstead, John Carter, Landon (Jr.) Chancellor, Jno Dodson, Enoch Green, Geo Kincheloe, Cornelius Lee, Henry (Col) Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Page, Mann (Esqr) Rigby, Abr Roundtree, Wm Alex Brown, Jas Alice Attwell, Thos (Colo) Davis, Eleazer Fitzhugh, Thos Alisan Baylis, John (Col) Alse Hedges, John Aly Carter, Landon (Jr.) Amady Blackburn, Thos (Col) Amartal Carter, Landon (Jr.) Ambrose Armstead, John Carter, Landon (Jr.) Amey Brown, Robt Hampton, Hy Steel, John PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 E5 E6 H3 H1 E7 H3 E8 1B5 H2 T1 1T6 1B5 1T3 PP 1782 H3 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 H5 TL 1765 T6 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 E6 H5 E9 1T6 1B8 E1 H2 1T2 1T9 H6 H6 1B8 1B4 1T1 1T1 1T2 1B8 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 E5 1T8 E4 1B5 H3 1T4 E5 1T6 1T6 1B9 E4 1T7 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info PP 1782 H1 PP 1782 H4 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 P6 PP 1782 E7 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 H1 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 Page 1 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA 1T4 1T2 H5 1T4 E9 1B9 T1 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T3 H5 1B4 PP 1782 1T5 PP 1782 1B6 PP 1782 E3 PP 1782 E8 TL 1765 T2 PP 1782 H5 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 1B5 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 1T1 1T8 E4 1B8 1T7 Prince William County Slave Index Slave Name Slave Owner Amos Carter, Charles ((Coro); Esq) Carter, Charles ((Coro); Esq) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Davis, Hugh Ewell, Jas Foster, Margt Hooe, Howson Page, Mann (Deced) Amy Alexander, Wm (Colo) Armstead, John Attwell, Thos (Colo) Bird, Thos Brent, Susanna Brown, Go New Carter, Landon (Jr.) Dixon, John Douglas, Cate (Mrs) Gains, Wm Harrison, Burr Hearndon, Wm Hogan, Wm Hooe, Howson Lee, Step (Sr.) Luttrell, Simon Montgomery, Wm Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Tyler, Henry Watkins, Henry Andrew Burbwell, Robt (Esq.) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Quantico Furnace, Andrw Burwell, Mary Andw Brown, Robt Ann Alexander, Wm (Colo) Hooe, Howson Jameison, Ben: Newman, Thos Anna Armistead Jr., [No first name] Annabellow Stone's, [No first name] (Quarter) Anney Armstead, John Annis Brown, Alexr Anthony Carter, Charles ((Coro); Esq) Fitzhugh, John Page, Mann Slave Name Slave Owner Source Info TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 P6 P6 1T2 1B6 E5 1B1 1B5 1T4 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TT 1724 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 E6 1T4 1B6 1B4 8 1B1 1T2 1T6 E7 1B2 H1 1T9 1T9 1B5 E3 H4 1B8 1T7 H5 1B8 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1765 P3 P6 1T2 T3 Page, Mann Shelton, Jno (Qtr) Anty Alexander, Wm (Colo) Farrow, Wm Fitzhugh, Thos Harrison, Burr McMillian, Jno Peyton, Margt Skinker, Wm Whiting, Matthew Arch Byrn, Wm Davis, Wm Lee, Step (Sr.) Newman, Jno Posey Archy Carter, Landon (Jr.) Argy Carter, Robt (Esqr) Armstead Armstead, John Whiting, Peter Arod [?] Ewell, Jas Arrabella Blackburn, Thos (Col) Ayer Macrae, Allen B[--]y Willis, John (Majr) Bachus Bertiley & Fontaines, [No First Baker Redmon, Thomas Barb Moss, Moses Barbary Chancellor, Jno Barnaby Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Peyton, Seth Barr Carter, Robt (Esqr) Barrach Brent, Daniel Barratt Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Barshaba Hooe, Rt Hows Bartlett Hearndon, Wm Bartley Alexander, Thornton PP 1782 1T8 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 E6 1B5 H3 1B3 TL 1765 P3 TL 1765 T6 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T7 TL 1765 P6 PP 1782 E7 TL 1765 P1 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info TL 1765 P1 TT 1724 10 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 E6 H6 E8 H1 H6 1B4 1T6 1T1 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 H3 1B6 E3 E2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 E5 PP 1782 1B5 TL 1765 T9 PP 1782 1B7 PP 1782 1T1 TL 1747 4 PP 1782 E9 PP 1782 H5 TL 1765 P6 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 E6 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1B6 PP 1782 1T9 PP 1782 E5 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 2 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Prince William County Slave Index Slave Name Slave Owner Basos Mattenly, John Babtist Beck Attwell, Thos (Colo) Brown, Robt Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Robt (Esqr) Ellzey, Wm Fitzhugh, John Hammitt, John Hammitt, John Highwarden, John Highwarden, John Hooe, Jno (Colo) Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Page, Mann (Esqr) Sorrells, Rhueben Whiting, Matthew Wiatt, John Wickliff, Aaron Becky Page, Mann (Esqr) Bect Lee, Henry (Col) Beddiford Whitledge, Wm Belando Muse, James Belinda Ewell, Jesse Bellinda Quantico Furnace, Ben Alexander, [No First Name] (Capt) Alexander, Thornton Anderson, James Ash, George Baylis, John (Col) Baylis, Samuel Brett, John Brown, Jas Burwell, Mary Burwell, Mary Calvert, John Calvert, John Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Dalton, Rachael Davis, Isaac Dawkins, Thomas Edrington, Jno Feagan, Wm Fitzhugh, John Fitzhugh, John Fitzhugh, John Slave Name Slave Owner Source Info Fitzhugh, Thos (Qr) Graham, John (Senr) Green, Geo Green, Geo Grigsbey, Susannah Grinstead, Jas Hammitt, John Hedges, John Helm, Lynaugh Henderson, Wm Homes, [?]th Hooe, Bernard Hooe, Howson Hooe, Jno (Colo) Hooe, Rt Hows Horton, Mary Jameison, Wm Jarves, Richard Jones, Solomon Kencheloe, [No first name] King, Geo Landrum, Sarah Lee, Step (Sr.) Love, Sam Love, Sam McMillian, Seth (Mrs.) Newman, Jno Posey Patty, Jon Ralls, Natt Roe, Richd Ross, Wm (Sr.) Seale, Anthoney Seale, Anty Tharp, Mark Tyler, John (Sr) Bendar Elgin, Jas Bess Alexander, [No First Name] (Capt) Alexander, Thornton Berry, Edward Bland, William (Junior) Daulton, John Elzey, Lewis Farrow, Abra [Abraham] Feagin, Edward Fitzhugh, Thos (Qr) Gill, John Harrison, Cuthbert Harrison, Seth Holebrook, Randal Page, Mann Whiting, Matthew Whiting, Matthew Bess Fitzhugh, Thos TL 1765 T8 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1B6 1B8 P6 1T2 1B5 T2 E5 1B5 1B5 T7 H2 1B8 1T7 1T3 1T8 1T1 1T2 1B2 PP 1782 1T3 TL 1765 T1 TL 1765 T4 TL 1747 2 PP 1782 E5 TL 1765 T3 TL 1747 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 4 E5 E1 T1 T2 P1 1B7 1T5 1T8 1T8 T6 E4 1T2 1T2 H4 T5 P1 H3 E2 E5 E5 E7 Source Info TL 1765 TL 1747 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1747 PP 1782 TL 1747 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1747 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 E7 TL 1747 PP 1782 TL 1747 TL 1747 TL 1765 TT 1724 TT 1724 TT 1724 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 TT 1724 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 Page 3 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA 4 E5 2 3 T5 2 10 9 P5 1T2 T4 H4 4 P1 P2 1T1 PP 1782 E8 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 P5 1 E9 E9 T10 H3 1B5 T6 E8 E1 H3 1B3 1B5 1B8 1B6 H3 H1 5 1T2 5 1B3 1B2 E3 1T4 1T4 E9 E2 E1 H2 H2 E3 4 1T5 1B4 1T5 Prince William County Slave Index Slave Name Slave Owner Bess [sic] Alexander, [No First Name] (Capt) Bet Armstead, John Bracken, Mr Love, Sam Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Rose, Isaac Tibbs, William Beth Baylis, John (Col) Betsy Burwell, Mary Bett Alexander, Thornton Alexander, Wm (Colo) Anderson, James Armstead, John Armstead, John Bird, Thos Blackburn, Thos (Col) Farrow, Isaac Fitzhugh, John Fitzhugh, John (Qr) Hammitt, John Hedges, John Hedges, John Hooe, Bernard King, Geo Matson, Jas Moxley, Alon Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Peyton, Val (Capt) Pursley, Go Sandford, Wm Steel, John Wiatt, Conquest Wilkinson, Elizrh Wyatt, Wm Bettey Whiting, Matthew Betty Armistead Jr., [No first name] Armstead, John Attwell, Thos (Colo) Bracken, Mr Brent, Hugh (Mr.) Brent, Susanna Burbwell, Robt (Esq.) Burwell, Mary Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Creel, Geo Dalton, Rachael Douglas, Cate (Mrs) Slave Name Slave Owner Source Info Evan, Robt Griffin, Henry Martin, Thos Mason, William Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Newman, Elth Peyton, Margt Prosser, Jno Seale, Anty Tebbs, Foushee Whiting, Matthew Whiting, Peter Wiatt, Conquest Big Agga Carter, Giles Bill Harrison, Burr Harrison, Seth Love, Thos Moxley, Alon White, Jas Billa Harris, [No First Name] (Quarter) Billy Brown, Robt Burwell, Mary Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Elzey, Lewis Fitzhugh, Henry Harrison, Thomas Luttrell, Simon Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Peyton, Margt Sumner, Joseph Tayloe, John Waugh, Joseph Whiting, Matthew Whiting, Matthew Whiting, Peter Black Baylis, John (Col) Blacki Tom Blackburn, Thomas Boarswain Hooe, Bernard Boatswain Hawkins, James Whitledge, Rd Bob Alexander, Wm (Colo) Bertiley & Fontaines, [No First TL 1747 4 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1747 1T4 1T7 1T4 1T7 T1 2 TL 1765 T2 PP 1782 1T8 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 E5 E6 E1 1T4 1T4 1B4 1B5 H2 E7 P5 1B5 T6 H5 1B3 1B3 1B1 1T9 1T7 1T7 1B5 E3 1B7 1B5 1T7 1B8 E3 TL 1765 P2 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 TT 1724 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List P3 1T4 1B6 1T7 P5 8 P3 1T8 1T2 1T2 1T3 H4 E7 Source Info TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1765 TT 1724 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 H6 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 Page 4 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA H1 H4 1T9 1T9 1T7 TL 1765 T6 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TT 1724 TT 1724 TT 1724 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TT 1724 LP 1781 TT 1724 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1B8 1T8 P6 1T2 1T2 1T2 1T2 1T2 2 3 4 H4 1T7 1B4 4 A 2 1T1 1T1 1T3 TL 1765 T2 TL 1765 T6 PP 1782 1B3 TL 1765 P1 PP 1782 H2 PP 1782 E6 PP 1782 1T1 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 T10 1T3 T7 7 1T7 1T8 1B4 E6 1T5 T7 1T1 1T3 1T7 Prince William County Slave Index Slave Name Slave Owner Blackwell, David Botts, Francis Bracken, Mr Bridges, Benja Burwell, Nathl (Esqr) Carter, Joseph Champ, Majr Chancellor, Jno Davis, Wm Fitzhugh, John Fitzhugh, Thos Harrison, Cuthbert Harrison, Thomas Helm, Lynaugh Hencock, John Homes, [?]th Homes, Thos (Sr) Hooe, Jno (Colo) Hooe, Rt Hows McMillian, Jno Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Newman, Elth Nisbald, James Page, Mann Page, Mann (Deced) Pursley, Go Reno, Francis Scott, Jas (Revd) Skinker, Wm Stribling, Thos Tebbs, Willm Thornton, Thomas Thornton, Thos White, Jas Whiting, Matthew Whitledge, Elizabeth Whitledge, Rd Wiatt, John Booker Armistead, [No first name] (Mrs.) Armstead, John Bosen Farrow, Abra [Abraham] Boson Burbwell, Robt (Esq.) Boston Butler, Joseph Bowswon Whitledge, Elizabeth Boy James Cood, Wm Brazel Burbwell, Robt (Esq.) Brazil Burwell, Mary Slave Name Slave Owner Source Info PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1747 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1747 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 TT 1724 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1747 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T1 H1 1T7 9 1T5 T3 6 H5 1B6 E5 E8 T4 4 E8 T3 H3 H3 1B8 1B6 H6 1T7 1T7 1T8 T10 P1 1T4 E3 T8 H6 1T6 5 T7 P4 1T9 1T7 1T1 T9 H2 1T2 Brazilo Burwell, Nathl (Esqr) Breaches McMillion, Seth (Mrs.) Breech Armistead, [No first name] (Mrs.) Breecher McMillian, Seth (Mrs.) Breeches Burbwell, Robt (Esq.) Briddy Hooe, Howson Bridget Bertiley & Fontaines, [No First Jackson, Francis Brister Tebbs, Willm Bristol Lee, Step (Sr.) Stone's, [No first name] (Quarter) Bristor Champ, Majr Bristow Fitzhugh, John (Qr) Tibbs, William Bristow [Brister] Harrison, Thos (Capt) Britches Harrison, Tho (Capt) Bromy McMillion, Seth (Mrs.) Brutas Burbwell, Robt (Esq.) Buck Harrison, Cuthbert Bush Reno, Francis Butcher Foot, Rd (estate, decd) C-andice Landrum, Sarah Cadus Harrison, Tho (Capt) Caelia Kincheloe, Cornelius Lee, Step (Sr.) Caesar Alexander, Wm (Colo) Burwell, Mary Burwell, Nathl (Esqr) Davis, Simon Jackson, Fras (Jr) Kirton, Wm Landrum, Sarah Scandland, Ben TL 1765 P5 PP 1782 1T4 TT 1724 10 TL 1765 P3 PP 1782 H1 TL 1765 T9 PP 1782 1B6 TL 1765 P3 Source Info PP 1782 1T5 TL 1765 T3 TL 1765 P5 PP 1782 E9 TL 1765 P3 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1T1 TL 1765 T8 TL 1765 T7 PP 1782 E3 TL 1765 T6 TL 1747 6 TL 1765 P5 TL 1747 2 TL 1765 T4 TT 1724 8 TL 1765 T3 TL 1765 P3 TL 1765 T4 PP 1782 H2 PP 1782 E5 PP 1782 1B2 TT 1724 8 PP 1782 1B9 PP 1782 E3 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T8 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 5 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA E6 1T8 1T5 1B3 E1 1B7 1B2 E8 Prince William County Slave Index Slave Name Slave Owner Café Whiting, Peter Cage Wilton, Francis Cage [?] Kincheloe, Cornelius Cain Armistead Jr., [No first name] Armstead, John Calute [?] Wilkinson, Elizrh Cango Whiting, Matthew Capt Farrow, William Captain Burwell, Nathl (Esqr) Burwell, Nathl (Esqr) Carline White, Jas Caroline Lewis, Zacha (Capt) Whiting, Matthew Carroll Brown, Robt Cas[?] Seale, Anty Casar Blackburn, Thos (Col) Blackburn, Thos (Col) Burwell, Nathl (Esqr) Tyler, John (Sr) Wiatt, John Cash Bullett, Cuth Casiah Ewell, Jas Caspar [?] Muffit, Gabrill Casper Baylis, John (Col) Cassar Overall, John Catcher Stone's, [No first name] (Quarter) Cate Athie, Thos Bigbey, Ann Blackburn, Col Calvert, Geo Downton, Richard Faished, Mr. Green, Geo Hooe, Bernard Hooe, Howson Jackson, Sam: Slave Name Slave Owner Source Info Kencheloe, [No first name] Moss, Mathew Ross, Wm (Sr.) Skinker, Wm Whitside, William Cato Campbell, Isaac (Revd) Helms, Margiret Lee, Henry (Col) Shinker, George Skinker, Wm Catty Wilkinson, Benj Ceazar Stone's, [No first name] (Quarter) Ceazer Stone's, [No first name] (Quarter) Cela Matson, Jas Celia Baylis, John (Col) Foot, Rd (estate, decd) Cesar Chambers, Joseph Fenwick, William Pontine, Edward Scott, Alexr Ceser [?] Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Cezer Wilkinson, Benj Charity Brown, Alexr Delgarn, John Fitzhugh, Thos Harrison, Mw (Chpwk) Hooe, Jno (Colo) Love, Thos Travis, John Whiting, Matthew Wiatt, Jas Wiatt, John Charles Bird, Thos Cannon, John Douglas, Cate (Mrs) Haney, Haney's (Quarter) Lee, Step (Sr.) Lewis, Zacha (Capt) Sandford, Wm Stone's, [No first name] (Quarter) Tanneison, David (Jr.) Whiting, Matthew Whiting, Matthew Whiting, Matthew Whiting, Peter PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1B9 TL 1765 P3 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1B8 TL 1765 P2 TT 1724 10 PP 1782 1T5 PP 1782 1T5 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1T5 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1B5 1B5 1T5 1T5 1T2 TL 1765 T3 PP 1782 E5 TL 1747 6 TL 1765 T2 TL 1765 T4 TL 1765 T6 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1747 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1747 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 1T5 T9 7 T6 H2 6 E9 1B3 1B5 E1 Source Info TL 1747 TL 1747 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1747 5 3 E3 1T6 3 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 1T6 T7 T1 P2 1T6 TL 1765 T1 TL 1765 T6 TL 1765 T6 PP 1782 1B1 TL 1765 T2 PP 1782 E5 TT 1724 TT 1724 TT 1724 TT 1724 PP 1782 1T7 TL 1765 T1 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TT 1724 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T7 1B6 E8 H5 1B8 1T9 1 1T1 1T5 1T2 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 1B4 1B2 E7 T6 E3 1T1 1B7 T6 H1 1T1 P2 1T1 1T3 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 6 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA 2 7 7 7 Prince William County Slave Index Slave Name Slave Owner Wiatt, John Charlott Reeves, Jno Tyler, Joseph Charlotte Armstead, John Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Curtis, Christr Douglas, Cate (Mrs) Fitzhugh, Thos Helm, Lynaugh Hooe, Jno (Colo) King, Geo Lee, Step (Sr.) Moss, Moses Peyton, Margt Reno, David Scott, Jas (Revd) Chas Alexander, Wm (Colo) Athie, Thos Blackburn, Thos (Col) Burwell, Nathl (Esqr) Cole, Jane Farrow, John Fitzhugh, John Fitzhugh, Thos Harrison, Seth Helm, Lynaugh Hooe, Howson King, Geo Leach, Wm Matson, Jas Neale, Rd Page, Mann (Deced) Payton, Timy Pope, John Skinker, Wm Steel, John Tackett, Wm (Jr.) Wells, Carty Chatham Farrow, John Cheshire Frank, Jeffrey Chess Suthard, Moses Child Lewis, Zacha (Capt) Chris Hardwick, James Whiting, Matthew Chriss Carter, Landon (Jr.) Slave Name Slave Owner Source Info PP 1782 1T2 Christy Wiatt, Conquest Chs Alexander, Wm (Colo) Chancellor, Jno Farrow, Isaac Fitzhugh, Thos Hampton, Hy Prosser, Jno Tebbs, Mary Chub Harrison, Tho (Capt) Chunn Suttle, Strother Churs Foot, Rd (estate, decd) Cinthia Byrn, Jas Clara Edrington, Jno Frank, Jeffrey Hooe, Howson Payton, Timy Clare Melton, Wm Clarrisa Skinker, Wm Clary Alexander, Wm (Colo) Foster, Margt Clem Love, Charles Cloe Armstead, John Bird, Thos Brent, Hugh Davis, Wm Hooe, Howson Hughes, Wm Leach, Wm Lee, Lewis McMillian, Jno Mitchell, Wm Peyton, Val (Capt) Sorrells, Rhueben Cobbler Burwell, Nathl (Esqr) Cole Sumner, Joseph Comfort Douglas, Cate (Mrs) Con Calvert, John Congoa Whiting, Henry (Est) PP 1782 1B6 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T4 1T2 1T2 1T9 E7 E8 E8 1B8 1B3 E3 E9 1B4 E6 H6 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 E6 1T5 1B5 1T5 H3 E1 E5 E8 H4 E8 1B5 1B3 1T5 1B1 1B8 1T4 E2 H4 1T6 1B5 H1 H4 PP 1782 E1 PP 1782 1B3 PP 1782 1B6 PP 1782 1T1 TL 1765 T2 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1T2 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TT 1724 8 PP 1782 E5 PP 1782 E5 PP 1782 1B3 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 Page 7 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA H3 1B3 1B5 E2 PP 1782 E4 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 E6 PP 1782 1B1 PP 1782 1T9 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T4 1B4 E6 1B6 1B5 1B2 1T5 E4 H6 1B2 1B5 1T8 PP 1782 1T5 TT 1724 4 PP 1782 E7 PP 1782 E4 PP 1782 1T8 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 E6 H5 H2 E8 1T6 E6 1B4 Prince William County Slave Index Slave Name Slave Owner Cook Blackburn, Thos (Col) Stone's, [No first name] (Quarter) Cook, Old Stone's, [No first name] (Quarter) Cooper Helm, Lynaugh Corder Burwell, Nathl (Esqr) Cork Waugh, Joseph Cowes Carter, Landon (Jr.) Coxon Brown, Alexr Criss Carter, Charles ((Coro); Esq) Page, Mann (Esqr) Crok Attwell, Thos (Colo) Crosst Carter, Robt (Esqr) Cto Blackburn, Thos (Col) Cuckora Carter, Landon (Jr.) Cud Hammitt, John Cuffee Burbwell, Robt (Esq.) Sumner, Joseph Cuffy Fitzhugh, Henry Simson, John Cumbie Campbell, Isaac (Revd) Cupid Brent, Daniel Burwell, Nathl (Esqr) Willis, John (Majr) Cupit Stribling, Thos Cynion [?] Burwell, Mary Cyrus Burwell, Mary Damont Bird, Thos Dan Farrow, Isaac Harrison, Seth Dan: Harrison, Burr Daniel Armistead Jr., [No first name] Armstead, John Slave Name Slave Owner Source Info Brent, Hugh Burwell, Nathl (Esqr) Butler, Joseph Carter, Landon (Jr.) Dixon, John Evans, Thos Ewell, Jas Helm, Lynaugh Jackson, Sam: Kincheloe, Cornelius Lee, Henry (Col) Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Page, Mann (Esqr) Purcell, John Reeves, Jno Sandford, Thos Suttle, Strother Tebbs, Willm Thornton, Thos Whiting, Matthew Danl Brent, Daniel Calvert, John Hampton, Hy Pope, John Wilkinson, Elizrh Danl [Davd?] Washington, Henry Daphne Alexander, Thornton Alexander, Wm (Colo) Burwell, Mary Feagan, Frans (Sr) Fitzhugh, Thos Hooe, Jno (Colo) Hooe, Jno (Colo) Newman, Elth Payton, Timy Sandford, Wm Scott, Jas (Revd) White, Jas Darbay Wilkinson, Benj Darcus Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Darius Carter, Robt (Esqr) Matson, Jas Tyler, Joseph Darky Payton, Timy David Alexander, Thornton Alexander, Wm (Colo) Armistead Jr., [No first name] PP 1782 1B5 TL 1765 T6 TL 1765 T6 PP 1782 E8 PP 1782 1T5 TT 1724 2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T7 TL 1765 P6 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1B6 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1B5 TL 1765 P3 TT 1724 4 TT 1724 3 TT 1724 4 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 E6 PP 1782 1T5 PP 1782 1B7 TL 1747 5 PP 1782 1T8 PP 1782 1T8 PP 1782 1B4 PP 1782 H2 PP 1782 H4 PP 1782 H1 TL 1765 P3 PP 1782 1T4 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1747 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 E6 1T5 H1 1T2 1T6 1T1 E5 E8 E1 1B9 T1 1T7 1T7 1T3 7 1B6 1B8 E5 T7 1T9 1T1 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 E6 E4 1T6 H4 1B8 PP 1782 1B1 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 T1 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B1 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 E2 PP 1782 E5 PP 1782 E6 TL 1765 P3 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 8 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA E5 E6 1T8 1T6 E8 1B8 1B8 1T8 E2 1B7 H6 1T7 Prince William County Slave Index Slave Name Slave Owner Cleveland, Alexr Fitzhugh, John Fitzhugh, John Garratt, Rt Linton, John Roe, Richd Ware, James Whiting, Matthew Davy Gains, Wm Green, Sarah Horton, Snowden Jackson, John Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Peyton, Margt Scott, Jas (Revd) Delia Fitzhugh, John Delph Reno, Francis Shackelfords, James Delphia Douglas, Cate (Mrs) Fitzhugh, Thos Lee, Step (Sr.) Dennis Davis, Wm Peyton, Margt Watkins, Mary Dhigo Gill, John Di-ed [?] Foot, Rd (estate, decd) Diana Carter, Landon (Jr.) Wiatt, John Dick Alexander, Wm (Colo) Annes, Willm Attwell, Thos (Colo) Baylis, John (Col) Blackwell, David Brent, Hugh Burwell, Mary Butler, Lawrence Carter, Landon (Jr.) Creel, Geo Davis, Wm Dodson, Enoch Ewell, Jas Fernandon, Adam Fitzhugh, Thos Grigsbey, Readmond Grigsbey, Susannah Haney, Haney's (Quarter) Hogan, Wm Slave Name Slave Owner Source Info PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 1B7 E5 E5 H1 T10 H2 1T3 P2 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1B2 E3 E7 E4 1T7 1B4 H6 Jackson, Sam: Kencheloe, [No first name] Kitchen, Geo: Landrum, Sarah Lewis, Zacha (Capt) Lewis, Zacha (Capt) Love, Charles Love, Sam Macrae, Allen Madden, Scarlett Moss, Moses Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Powell, Wm (Jr) Rainy, Thos Reno, Francis Seale, Anthoney Smith, Mr. Tebbs, Foushee Tebbs, Willm Thornton, Thomas Ware, James Washington, Henry Whiting, Henry (Est) Whiting, Matthew Whiting, Matthew Wiatt, Conquest Wiatt, John Wicklef, Robert Wickliff, Aaron Wigginton, Benjn Wilkinson, Benj Dicky Macrae, John Dido Powell, Wm (Sr) Dinah Alexander, Wm (Colo) Armstead, John Bird, Thos Bird, William Brown, Jas Calvert, Geo Carter, Landon (Jr.) Fitzhugh, Thos Foster, Wm Green, Sarah Harrison, Seth Hooe, Howson Jewell, Ewell Landrum, Sarah Lee, Step (Sr.) Legg, Ambrose Lowrie, George Macrae, Allen PP 1782 E5 PP 1782 H2 TL 1765 P1 PP 1782 E7 PP 1782 E8 PP 1782 E3 PP 1782 1B6 PP 1782 1B4 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 E5 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1747 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List E6 T2 1B6 T2 1T1 E6 1T8 H1 P6 1T3 1B6 1T4 E5 1T9 E8 5 T10 T6 1T9 Source Info PP 1782 TL 1747 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1747 TL 1747 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1747 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 H6 PP 1782 1B4 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1747 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 9 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA E1 5 E6 1B2 1T1 1T1 1T9 1T4 T9 E8 E9 1T7 1T7 1T7 1B4 E1 H2 4 6 T7 T7 P4 1T3 1B1 1T8 P2 1T1 1T7 1T2 3 1B2 1B4 T1 E6 1T4 1B4 6 H2 T6 1T2 E8 1T1 E3 H4 1B5 H4 1B2 E3 1T1 T3 T9 Prince William County Slave Index Slave Name Slave Owner Macrae, John McGlolin, James (Senr) Milton, Moses Rexey, Richd Ross, Wm (Sr.) Suttle, Strother Thornton, Thomas Washington, Henry Whiting, Matthew Wiatt, Conquest Wiatt, John Wickliff, Eliz (Mrs.) Wickliff, Isaac Wilkinson, Elizrh Dinah [?] Alexander, [No First Name] (Capt) Dinah [an] Thornton, Thos Direnda Page, Mann Dirk Roe, Bunch Waugh, Joseph Doctor Helms, Thomas Dol Blackburn, Col Stone's, [No first name] (Quarter) Wilton, Francis Doll Botts, Francis Dixon, John Page, Mann Page, Mann (Deced) Dolly Carter, Landon (Jr.) Skinker, Wm Doly Drummond, Ben Drinder Page, Mann (Deced) Dublin Cannon, John Harrison, Thos (Capt) King, Geo Duke Calvert, Geo Seale, Anthoney Dundee Alexander, Thornton Ealie Page, Mann (Esqr) Eallie Page, Mann (Esqr) Easter Blackburn, Thos (Col) Slave Name Slave Owner Source Info PP 1782 TL 1747 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 H6 2 P4 T6 E3 E5 P4 1B1 1T1 1T7 1T2 T6 H1 1B8 Jackson, John Jones, Samuel Stone's, [No first name] (Quarter) Whiting, Matthew Whiting, Matthew Eastiny Ewells, Jessy Easton Harrison, Cuthbert Edmd Cullins, Sarah Edmund Gains, Wm Willis, John (Majr) Edward Hooe, Bernard Hooe, Howson Edwd Whiting, Peter Edy Buckner, Anty Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Egoe Carter, Landon (Jr.) Elick Armstead, John Elijah Armstead, John Bird, Thos Hampton, Hy Montgomery, Wm Eliza Brown, Wm Hooe, Jno (Colo) Else Wiatt, John Emanuel Alexander, Wm (Colo) Whiting, Matthew Whiting, Matthew Emmanuel Whiting, Matthew Enoch Barker, Joshua Russell, George Russell, Go Ephraim Carter, Landon (Jr.) Helm, Lynaugh Esop Fitzhugh, Jno Essex Fitzhugh, Thos Ester Alexander, Thornton Armstead, John TL 1747 4 PP 1782 1T9 TL 1765 P1 TT 1724 8 TT 1724 2 TL 1747 5 TL 1747 7 TL 1765 T6 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 H1 1T6 P1 1T4 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T6 TL 1765 T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1B2 TL 1765 T4 PP 1782 1B3 TL 1765 T6 TL 1747 4 PP 1782 E5 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1B5 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1765 T10 TL 1765 T4 PP 1782 1T9 PP 1782 1B2 PP 1782 1B7 PP 1782 1B3 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1T7 TL 1765 P6 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 Page 10 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA 1T4 1B4 1T6 1B8 PP 1782 1B7 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 E6 TL 1765 P2 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 H2 TL 1765 T1 PP 1782 E3 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 E8 TT 1724 7 PP 1782 E8 PP 1782 E5 PP 1782 1T4 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 E4 T5 T6 P2 1T1 Prince William County Slave Index Slave Name Slave Owner Davis, Hugh Evans, Thos Farrow, Wm Fitzhugh, John Harrison, Seth Macrae, John Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Orear, John Royston, John Seale, Anty Thornton, Thos Whiting, Peter Esther Bird, Thos Carter, Landon (Jr.) Dixon, John Hampton, Hy Matthews, Wm Whiting, Matthew Evan Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Eve Hooe, Bernard Jackson, Frans (Jr.) Landrum, Sarah Lee, Henry (Col) Ezekiel Peyton, Seth Factor Chambers, Joseph Fan Green, Geo Fann Page, Mann (Esqr) Fanny Bertiley & Fontaines, [No First Bertiley & Fontaines, [No First Bird, Thos Brown, Robt Burwell, Nathl (Esqr) Burwell, Nathl (Esqr) Campbell, Isaac (Revd) Carter, Charles ((Coro); Esq) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Davis, Simon Hampton, Hy Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Peyton, Val (Capt) Washington, Henry Whiting, Matthew Whiting, Matthew Wilkinson, Elizrh Fany Armstead, John Faring [?] Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Slave Name Slave Owner Source Info PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1B6 1T1 H6 E7 H4 H6 1T7 H2 1T1 1T5 1T9 1T3 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1B4 P6 1T6 1T6 1B7 1T1 Fe [?] Botts, Francis Fellowhic [?] Tibbs, Daniel Filles Champ, Majr Fillis Burwell, Mary Finah [?] Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Finn Brent, Hugh Flora Fitzhugh, John Frank, Jeffrey Kencheloe, [No first name] McMillian, Seth (Mrs.) Willis, John (Majr) Florah Helms, Thomas Floro Peyton, Henry Florow Davis, Isaac Flow Gwatkins, Edward Fontane Shackelfords, James Forister Sinkler, Alexander Fortune Calvert, John (Jr.) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Fran Feagan, Frans (Sr) Jeffrys, Moses Francis Brewer, Thos Carter, Charles ((Coro); Esq) Watkins, Wm Frank Alexander, Wm (Colo) Armstead, John Athie, Thos Attwell, Thos (Colo) Bertiley & Fontaines, [No First Brown, Go New Brown, Wm Burbwell, Robt (Esq.) Carter, Robt (Esqr) Copin, Wm Farrow, Isaac Farrow, John Farrow, William Florence, Go Foot, Rd (estate, decd) PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 1B3 E4 1B2 T1 PP 1782 1B8 TT 1724 2 PP 1782 E9 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T1 1T1 1B4 1B8 1T5 1T5 1T6 P6 1T2 1B3 1T6 1T7 1B5 1B1 P2 1T1 1B8 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T7 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info PP 1782 H1 TL 1747 2 TL 1747 6 PP 1782 1T8 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 E6 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1747 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1747 5 TL 1747 4 TL 1765 T5 TL 1765 T8 TL 1765 P1 TT 1724 3 PP 1782 E2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T6 TL 1765 T7 PP 1782 1B5 TL 1765 P6 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TT 1724 PP 1782 PP 1782 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 11 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA E5 1B3 5 E9 1B7 E6 1T4 1T5 1B6 1T1 1B1 1B7 P3 1B5 H3 H2 H1 10 1B7 E5 Prince William County Slave Index Slave Name Slave Owner Foster, James Green, Geo Hampton, Wm Haney, Haney's (Quarter) Hooe, Howson Johnson, Chas Lee, Henry (Col) Love, Sam Martin, Thos Melton, Rd Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Peyton, Margt Roe, Richd Smith, Peter Tackett, Wm (Jr.) Tebbs, Mary Tyler, Chs (Younger) Tyler, John (Sr) Whiting, Matthew Whiting, Matthew Wicklef, Robert Wickliff, Eliz (Mrs.) Frankey Lee, Henry (Col) Frann Attwell, Thos (Colo) Frederick McMillion, John Fredk Fitzhugh, John Matson, Jas McMillian, Jno Reno, Enoch Friday Hooe, Rt Hows Gabe Brown, Jas Gabl Moxley, Alon Gabriel Attwell, Thos (Colo) Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Wiatt, Conquest Gabrill Buchanan, John Garden Carter, Landon (Jr.) Garn Carter, Robt (Esqr) Gawen Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Gawing Carter, Landon (Jr.) Slave Name Slave Owner Source Info PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1747 TL 1765 1B1 E9 1T7 T6 1B5 E7 T1 1T4 1T1 1B9 1T7 1B4 H2 1B2 H1 1B4 T5 1T5 P2 1T1 3 T6 Ged [?] Wigginton, Benjn Gen [?] Montgomery, Wm Geo Brent, Daniel Seale, John Stone's, [No first name] (Quarter) Triplett, Jas Geo. McPherson, Marke Geo: Alexander, Thornton Carter, Landon (Jr.) Love, Sam Moss, Moses Page, Mann (Deced) Tackett, Wm Geoffrey Willis, John (Majr) George Armstead, John Berry, Edward Berry, Willm Blackburn, Thos (Col) Bland, Benjamin Brett, John Bridges, Benja Carter, Giles Carter, Landon (Jr.) Diskin, John Ellzey, Wm Ellzey, Wm Evan, Robt Evans, Thos Graham, John Graham, John (Senr) Gwatkins, Edward Hampton, Henry Harrison, Burr Hooe, Bernard Hooe, Jno (Colo) Lynn, Michel Mason, Col (qtr) Page, Mann Stewart, Revd Stone's, [No first name] (Quarter) Triplett, James White, Jas Whiting, Matthew Whiting, Matthew Gerard Whiting, Matthew Gerrard Hooe, Bernard Wickliff, Robt TL 1765 T1 PP 1782 1B6 TL 1765 T3 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 E5 1B1 H6 H2 PP 1782 1B6 PP 1782 1T5 PP 1782 1T9 PP 1782 1B6 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 TL 1747 5 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 TL 1765 P6 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info PP 1782 1B4 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1765 T9 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 Page 12 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA E5 1T2 1T4 E9 1T4 H5 PP 1782 1B7 PP 1782 TL 1747 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1747 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1747 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1747 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 TT 1724 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 1T4 2 T2 1B5 T9 1B7 9 H6 1T2 6 T2 T2 T10 1T1 T7 1 T8 P1 T8 1B3 1B8 T8 9 P1 T2 T6 T5 1T7 P2 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1B3 PP 1782 H1 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 E6 1B8 T6 H4 Prince William County Slave Index Slave Name Slave Owner Gibby Settle, Strother Gift Burwell, Mary Burwell, Mary Giles Elzey, Lewis Gains, Wm Macrae, John Glasgow Campbell, Isaac (Revd) Rigby, Abr Gloser Blackburn, Thos (Col) Gloster Brown, Alexr Fitzhugh, Thos Skinker, Wm Go Brown, Jas Homes, Thos (Sr) Luttrell, Simon Minitree, Jacob Pope, John Godfrey Armstead, John Goliah Burbwell, Robt (Esq.) Gowin Tennells, Margt Grace Bertiley & Fontaines, [No First Blackburn, Thos (Col) Burwell, Mary Calvert, John Dixon, John Edwards, Haden Farrow, Isaac Farrow, Isaac Glascock, John Harrison, Thos (Capt) Hearndon, Wm Kitchen, Geo: Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Settle, Strother Stone, Shilsby Stone's, [No first name] (Quarter) Suttle, Strother Travis, John Tyler, John (Sr) White, Jas Whiting, Matthew Whiting, Matthew Whiting, Matthew Whiting, Matthew Whiting, Peter Slave Name Slave Owner Source Info Wiatt, John Grace Jr. Wiatt, John Graid Steel, John Gray Foster, Isaac Great Joe Alexander, [No First Name] (Capt) Greenwich Whiting, Matthew Whiting, Matthew Whiting, Matthew Wiatt, John Grennwich Whiting, Matthew Groses Tennells, Margt Gryria Alexander, Wm (Colo) Guesser Horton, Snowden Guy Alexander, Thornton Alexander, Thornton Blackburn, Col Newman, Elth Had Minitree, Jacob Hagar Brown, Wm Ewell, Jas Harrison, Burr McMillian, Seth (Mrs.) Hager Bullett, Cuth Linton, John Tebbs, Foushee Hams Carr, Wm Hanah Glascock, Peter Hedges, John McMillian, Jno Haney Hedges, John Hanna Fitzhugh, Henry Fitzhugh, Jno Foley, John Hannah Anderson, James Armistead Jr., [No first name] Armstead, John Bertiley & Fontaines, [No First Bird, Thos TL 1765 T1 PP 1782 1T8 PP 1782 1T8 TT 1724 2 PP 1782 1B2 PP 1782 H6 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 H5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 E8 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T5 H3 H4 1T5 H4 PP 1782 1T4 TL 1765 P3 PP 1782 1B7 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1747 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 TT 1724 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 1T1 1B5 1T8 E4 1T6 T8 H2 H2 2 T4 1T9 E6 1T7 T1 H4 T6 E5 1 1T5 1T7 P2 P2 1T1 1T1 1T3 Source Info PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1T3 TL 1747 4 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1B7 PP 1782 E6 PP 1782 E7 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1747 PP 1782 Page 13 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA E5 E5 7 1T8 PP 1782 1T5 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1B7 E5 H1 E9 TL 1765 T3 TL 1765 T10 TL 1765 T7 TL 1765 T4 TL 1747 6 PP 1782 H5 PP 1782 H6 PP 1782 H5 TT 1724 3 TT 1724 7 TT 1724 4 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 1T1 P2 1T1 1T2 E1 P3 1T4 1T1 1B4 Prince William County Slave Index Slave Name Slave Owner Blackburn, Thos (Col) Bland, Sam Burbwell, Robt (Esq.) Burwell, Mary Butler, Joseph Carter, Charles ((Coro); Esq) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Curtis, Christr Davis, Wm Edrington, Jno Fitzhugh, Thos (Qr) Green, Geo Hammitt, John Hampton, Wm Harris, [No First Name] (Quarter) Harrison, Seth Harrison, Seth Helms, Margiret Hencock, John Hogan, Wm Hooe, Howson Hooe, Jno (Colo) Horton, Snowden Jackson, Sam: Jameison, David (Sr.) Keeble, Rd Keith, Alexr King, Geo Lamkin, Go Lee, Henry (Col) McMillion, John Montgomery, Wm Neale, Rd Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Payton, Timy Reno, Francis Roe, Richd Rose, Elis. Scroggins, Walter Suttle, Strother Thornton, Thomas Tibbs, William Tibbs, William Whiting, Matthew Whiting, Matthew Wicklef, Robert Wilkinson, Benj Willis, John (Majr) Hany Daulton, John Harriet Landrum, Sarah Harry Armstead, John Ashmore, Wm Slave Name Slave Owner Source Info PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1747 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1747 TL 1765 PP 1782 1B5 1B2 P3 1T8 H1 P6 1T2 1T9 1B6 H3 P5 E9 1B5 1T7 T6 H4 H4 T7 T3 1T9 1B5 1B8 E7 E1 H2 1T6 1T1 1B3 E3 T1 T3 1B8 1B8 1T7 1T7 E2 H2 H2 T9 E8 E5 P4 2 T7 1T1 1T1 3 T1 1B7 Athie, Tho Attwell, Thos (Colo) Berry, Edward Bird, Thos Blackerby, Joseph Brent, Daniel Brent, Hugh (Mr.) Brent, Susanna Brown, Jas Burwell, Nathl (Esqr) Byrn, Jas Campbell, Isaac (Revd) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Chambers, Joseph Champ, Majr Combs, Joseph Cullins, James Cullins, Jas Curtis, Christr Evans, Thos Fagan, Edward Fitzhugh, Henry Fitzhugh, Thos Folkners, [No first Name] (Mr.) Foot, Rd (estate, decd) Hampton, Hy Harrison, Burr Harrison, Mw (Chpwk) Harrison, Seth Harrison, Thomas Helms, Lynah Horton, Snowden Jeffries, Moses Jeffrys, Moses Kincheloe, Cornelius King, Geo Leach, Wm Lewis, Zacha (Capt) Love, Sam Lucas, Anty Macrae, Allen Macrae, John Minitree, Jacob Montgomery, Wm Muffit, Gabrill Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Page, Mann (Esqr) Peyton, Margt Peyton, Seth Roe, Richd Seale, Anty Shackelfords, James TL 1765 T5 PP 1782 1B2 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 H4 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1747 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1765 TT 1724 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TT 1724 TL 1747 TT 1724 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 TT 1724 PP 1782 TL 1747 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TT 1724 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1747 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 14 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA 1T5 1B6 2 1B4 P1 E6 P5 8 H2 1T5 1B3 1T6 1T2 1T2 2 6 7 P3 1T9 1T9 1T1 P1 3 E8 5 E5 1T6 T8 H5 H4 4 T7 E7 H5 T7 1B9 1B3 1T5 1T1 1T4 1B1 T9 H6 1T5 1B8 6 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T3 1B4 1B8 H2 1T5 P1 Prince William County Slave Index Slave Name Slave Owner Skinker, Wm Travis, John Triplett, Jas White, Jas Whiting, Matthew Whiting, Matthew Whitledge, Wm Wiatt, Conquest Wiatt, Jas Willis, John (Majr) Hary Whitledge, Wm Hemia [?] Love, Charles Henly Roger, Wm Henna Payton, Timy Henny Harrison, Seth Henry Brown, Go New Downman, Jabez Helm, Lynaugh Jones, Samuel Sandford, Wm Henson Hedges, John Heny Thurman, John Hepney Hooe, Bernard Herculas Burbwell, Robt (Esq.) Hercules Hedges, Rt Hester Attwell, Thos (Colo) FitzhughJr, John (Qr) Macrae, Allen Heugh Baylis, John (Col) Hillory Carter, Landon (Jr.) Hinson Moxley, Alon Hiny Holebrook, Randal Homer Armistead, [No first name] (Mrs.) Armstead, John Hooper Thomas, Ben Hough Scott, James (Revd) Slave Name Slave Owner Source Info PP 1782 TT 1724 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T6 1 H4 1T7 1T1 1T1 H1 1T7 1T5 1B7 Hugh Hooe, Rt Hows Humphrey Armstead, John Burwell, Mary Hyrom Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Irene Kincheloe, Cornelius Isaac Armstead, John Burwell, Mary Carter, Landon (Jr.) Curtis, Christr Hampton, Hy Hooe, Jno (Colo) Luckett, Jno Boon Page, Mann (Deced) Powell, Wm (Sr) Roe, Benjn Roe, Richd Rogers, Wm Willis, John (Majr) Isaph Pope, John Isbel Burwell, Mary Isbell Fitzhugh, John Jack Atwell, Thomas Baylis, John (Col) Bird, Thos Blackburn, Col Brett, John Brown, Wm Cannon, John Carter, Charles ((Coro); Esq) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Robt (Esqr) Carter, Robt (Esqr) Chambers, Joseph Curtis, Christr Dalton, Rachael Daulton, John Davis, Isaac Douglas, Cate (Mrs) Douglas, Cate (Mrs) Evans, Thos Ewell, Jas Fitzhugh, John Fitzhugh, Thos Fitzhugh, Thos Fitzhugh, Thos (Qr) Folkners, [No first Name] (Mr.) Foot, Richard (Jr.) TL 1765 T4 PP 1782 1T9 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 E2 PP 1782 H4 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 1B1 T3 E8 T5 1B7 PP 1782 H5 PP 1782 1B4 PP 1782 1B3 TL 1765 P3 PP 1782 H6 PP 1782 1B6 TL 1765 P5 TL 1765 T9 TL 1765 T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T9 TT 1724 4 TL 1765 P5 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1B2 TL 1765 T3 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info PP 1782 1B6 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T8 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1B9 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 H4 PP 1782 1T8 PP 1782 E5 TL 1747 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1747 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TT 1724 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1747 TL 1765 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 15 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA 1T4 1T8 1T2 1T9 1T6 1B8 H6 1T4 1B4 H2 H2 1T4 1B7 7 T2 1B4 7 1B7 1B7 1B2 P6 1T2 1B5 1B5 2 1T9 H4 T5 T5 E7 E7 1T1 E5 E7 E8 E8 P5 5 P5 Prince William County Slave Index Slave Name Slave Owner Foster, Margt Frank, Jeffrey Garratt, Rt Grant, George Green, Geo Griffin, Henry Hampton, Wm Hardwick, James Harrison, Burr Harrison, Tho (Capt) Harrison, Thomas (Jr) Hedges, John Hoare, [No First Name] (Capt) Holebrook, Randal Hooe, Bernard Hooe, Jno (Colo) Hopwood, Moses Horton, Snowden Jarves, Richard Jeffrys, Moses Jones, Solomon Jones, Solomon Lamkin, Go Love, Charles Love, Sam Martin, Thos Matthews, Wm Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Newman, Elth Newman, Thos Page, Mann (Deced) Page, Mann (Esqr) Peyton, Henry Purcell, John Rawlings, William Roe, Bunch Rose, Elis. Scott, Jas (Revd) Scott, John Settle, Strother Starke, James Steel, George Suttle, Strother Tebbs, Willm Tebbs, Willm Thorn, William Thornton, Thomas Tibbs, William Tyler, Chs (Younger) Warrington, Margaret Wells, Saml (Patroller) Whiting, Matthew Wiatt, John Wigginton, Benjn Jacken Blackburn, Thomas Slave Name Slave Owner Source Info PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TT 1724 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 TT 1724 TL 1765 PP 1782 TT 1724 TT 1724 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1747 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1747 TL 1747 TL 1765 TT 1724 TL 1765 PP 1782 TT 1724 TL 1765 TT 1724 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1747 TL 1765 TL 1747 TL 1765 TT 1724 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1B1 1B3 H1 7 E9 1T3 1T7 T2 T8 8 P6 H5 7 4 1B3 1B8 1T1 E7 5 T7 P3 1T2 E3 1T9 1T4 T7 1B7 1T7 1T8 1B3 1T4 1T3 4 7 T8 8 T9 H6 4(5) T1 7 P4 E5 T7 T7 4 P4 2 T5 3 T5 1T1 1T2 1B4 Jacky Sumner, Joseph Withers, James Jacob Ash, George Blackburn, Mary (Mrs.) Blackburn, Thomas Blackburn, Thos (Col) Buckner, Anty Burris, Mary Calvert, Jacob Calvert, Jacob Calvert, Sarah Carter, Landon (Jr.) Dixon, John Helms, Lynah Hencock, John Hooe, Jno (Colo) Jackson, Sam: Kencheloe, [No first name] Linton, John Love, Sam Page, Mann (Esqr) Page, Mann (Esqr) Smith, Peter Jadeh Anderson, Thos. James Armistead Jr., [No first name] Armistead, [No first name] (Mrs.) Attwell, Thos (Colo) Atwell, Thomas Bigbey, Ann Burwell, Mary Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Dixon, John Ewell, Jas Fitzhugh, Thos Foot, Rd (estate, decd) Gill, John Harrison, Thos (Capt) Helms, Lynah Helms, Lynah Hooe, Rt Hows Jackson, Frans (Jr.) Jeffrys, Moses Lee, Henry (Col) Lewis, Zacha (Capt) Moxley, Alon Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Newman, Thos TL 1765 T6 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info TT 1724 4 TT 1724 4(5) TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1747 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 T8 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 16 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA T1 T6 T6 1B5 1B8 H5 T1 T1 H4 1T2 1T6 T7 T3 1B8 E1 5 T10 1T4 1T3 1T3 1B2 P3 P5 1B6 T8 T9 1T8 1T2 1T2 1T2 1T6 E5 E8 E5 1T2 T4 T7 T7 1B6 E4 T7 T1 1T1 1T9 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 1B3 Prince William County Slave Index Slave Name Slave Owner Orear, John Page, Mann (Deced) Peyton, Margt Prosser, Jno Reno, Francis Rose, Jas Sandford, Thos Scandland, Ben Skinker, Wm Tebbs, Moses Thornton, Thos Tyler, John (Sr) Whiting, Peter Whitledge, Wm Wiatt, John Young, William Jane Alexander, Wm (Colo) Armistead Jr., [No first name] Attwell, Thos (Colo) Brent, Susanna Brewer, Thos Bridges, Benja Cannon, John Cannon, John Carter, Giles Carter, Landon (Jr.) Chancellor, Jno Cullins, Sarah Downton, Richard Fitzhugh, John (Qr) Gains, Wm Gill, John Grant, Wm Hammitt, John Hearndon, Wm Hedges, John Hooe, Howson Jackson, Fras (Jr) Leewright, John Minitree, Jacob Mitchell, Wm Newman, Thos Page, Mann Pursley, John Sumner, Joseph Tebbs, Mary Wells, Carty Wiatt, Jas Jane [Jone?] Glascock, John Janie Stone's, [No first name] (Quarter) Janney Armstead, John Slave Name Slave Owner Source Info PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 H2 1T4 1B4 E6 T8 1B9 1B8 E8 1T6 1B4 1T9 1T5 1T3 H1 1T2 P3 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 TT 1724 PP 1782 TL 1747 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 TT 1724 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 E6 P3 1B6 8 1B5 9 1B2 1B2 H6 1T2 H5 1T9 H2 P5 1B2 1T2 H1 1B5 1T9 H5 1B5 E1 H1 1T5 1B2 1B3 P1 E3 4 1B4 H4 1T5 Jany Curtis, Christr Jas Alexander, Wm (Colo) Armstead, John Armstead, John Armstead, John Armstead, John Bird, Tho Brett, John Burwell, Mary Cannon, John Carter, Robt (Esqr) Carter, Robt (Esqr) Dade, Townshend Dade, Townshend Dalton, Rachael Davis, Wm Farrow, Isaac Green, Sarah Hampton, Wm Helm, Lynaugh Helm, Lynaugh Jackson, Sam: Lamkin, Go Lee, Step (Sr.) Love, Thos Madden, Scarlett Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Newman, Elth Page, Mann (Esqr) Payton, Timy Reno, Francis Scott, Jas (Revd) Smith, Peter Tennells, Margt Wilton, Francis Wilton, Francis Jasper Bracken, Mr Whiting, Matthew Whiting, Matthew Whiting, Matthew Whiting, Matthew Jean Boggess, Thomas Calvert, Geo (Sr) Cooper, Henry Glascock, John Grigsbey, Susannah Hammitt, John Orear, John Peyton, Seth Wells, Molly TL 1747 2 TL 1765 T6 PP 1782 1T4 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info PP 1782 1T9 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 E6 1T4 1T4 1T4 1T4 1B4 1B7 1T8 1B2 1B5 1B5 H2 H2 H4 1B6 H2 E3 1T7 E8 E8 E1 E3 E3 1T9 E8 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T8 1T3 E2 H2 H6 1B2 1B7 1T3 1T3 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T7 1T1 P2 1T1 1T1 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1765 T9 T6 T5 T9 T10 1B5 T4 1B8 T2 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 17 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Prince William County Slave Index Slave Name Slave Owner Whitledge, Wm Williams, Mary Jeanny Page, Mann (Esqr) Jeffrey Farrow, Wm Jeffrie Thorn, William Jeffry Calvert, John Ewell, Jesse Horton, Snowden Jeffries, Moses Moss, Moses Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Scandland, Ben Sumner, Joseph Jem Ashmore, Wm Calvert, John (Jr.) Diskin, John Edrington, Jno McMillian, Jno Stone's, [No first name] (Quarter) Jemima King, Geo Jemy Brent, Susanna Jenne Burris, Mary Jenney Davis, Thomas Sinkler, Wamon Jennifer Campbell, Isaac (Revd) Jenny Anderson, James Armistead, [No first name] (Mrs.) Armstead, John Brady, Jos Burbwell, Robt (Esq.) Burwell, Mary Burwell, Mary Carter, Landon (Jr.) Courtney, John Fitzhugh, Thos Fitzhugh, Thos (Qr) Foot, Richard (Jr.) Foster, Jerema Graham, John Green, Go (Jr.) Harrison, Seth Hazlerig, Wm Helm, Lynaugh Hooe, Bernard Hooe, Jno (Colo) Slave Name Slave Owner Source Info TL 1765 T4 PP 1782 H3 Jameison, David (Sr.) Macrae, John Matthews, Newman Matthews, Wm McMillian, Jno McMillian, Jno Mosely, Robert Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Page, Mann (Deced) Reno, David Roundtree, Wm Scott, James (Revd) Scott, Jas (Revd) Seale, John Taylor, John Tennells, Margt Thornton, Thomas Washington, Henry Whiting, Matthew Whiting, Matthew Whiting, Matthew Whiting, Matthew Jeny Roe, Bunch Sumner, Joseph Warrington, Margaret Jerael Page, Mann (Esqr) Jeremiah Sandford, Thos Jerry Ewell, Jas Gains, Wm Harrison, Burr Hughs, Edward (Patrolr) Orear, John Smoot, Thos Willis, John (Majr) Jes Armstead, John Jess Anderson, James Campble, Geo: Carter, Giles Gains, Wm Garratt, Rt Gill, John Grinstead, Jas Leewright, John Moss, Moses Newman, Thos Wickliff, Wm PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 H6 TL 1747 4 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TT 1724 E4 E5 E7 H5 E9 1T7 E8 4 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1747 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 H4 E2 6 H3 H6 T6 PP 1782 1B3 TT 1724 8 PP 1782 H5 TL 1747 3 TL 1747 3 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TT 1724 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List E1 P5 1T4 E3 P3 1T8 1T8 1T2 3 E8 P5 P5 1T5 T7 E3 H4 1B8 E8 1B3 1B8 Source Info PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TT 1724 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TT 1724 8 TT 1724 4 TT 1724 3 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 Page 18 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA E5 1B2 H1 P2 H2 E2 1B7 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 H2 H6 1B7 1B7 H6 H6 T10 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T4 E6 1B4 T3 H6 1B8 3 1B7 P4 1B1 P2 P2 1T1 1T1 E1 1T3 H6 1B2 H1 1T2 H3 H1 E9 1B3 H1 Prince William County Slave Index Slave Name Slave Owner Jesse Bertiley & Fontaines, [No First Fitzhugh, John Foot, Rd (estate, decd) Jeffries, Moses Luckett, Jno Boon Macrae, John Wiatt, John Young, Elizabeth Jett Brewer, Thos Jim Harrison, Cuthbert Jimmy Burbwell, Robt (Esq.) Jin Baylis, John (Col) Jing Withers, James Jing [?] Feagan, Frans (Sr) Jno Brett, John Brett, John Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Patty, Jon Tyler, Joseph Willis, John (Majr) Jnothn Gill, John Jnw Steel, John Joan Carter, Robt (Esqr) Farrow, Wm Green, Geo Linton, John Willis, John (Majr) Joanna Ewell, Jas Job Moss, Moses Jody Love, Charles Joe Alexander, Thornton Alexander, Thornton Alexander, Thornton Anderson, James Anderson, James Blackburn, Thos (Col) Brent, Hugh Burwell, Mary Carter, Charles ((Coro); Esq) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Slave Name Slave Owner Source Info PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1747 Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Robt (Esqr) Champ, Majr Davis, Isaac Dixon, John Douglass, John Ewells, Jessy Fitzhugh, Thos Green, Geo Helms, Lynah Leewright, John Macrae, John Mason, Col (qtr) Osburn, [Unknown] Page, Mann (Deced) Peyton, Margt Powell, Wm (Jr) Prosser, Jno Thornton, Thos Triplett, Jas Whiting, Matthew Whiting, Matthew Joe [?] Hooe, Bernard Joey [?] Armstead, John Jofey Brown, Robt John Alexander, Thornton Bertiley & Fontaines, [No First Bertiley & Fontaines, [No First Bullett, Cuth Burwell, Mary Dixon, John Fowlke, Chandler Hearndon, Wm Helm, Lynaugh Hencock, John Love, Sam Madox, Go Montgomery, Wm Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Newman, Jno Posey Page, Mann (Esqr) Patty, Jon Payton, Timy Skinker, Wm Whiting, Matthew Whiting, Peter Wilton, Francis Wilton, Francis 1T1 E5 E5 H5 H6 H6 1T2 2 PP 1782 1B5 TL 1765 T4 TL 1765 P3 TL 1765 T2 TT 1724 4(5) PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1B7 1B7 1T7 1T7 E1 1B5 1B7 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 1B5 H6 E9 T10 1B7 PP 1782 E5 PP 1782 E9 PP 1782 1T9 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List E5 E5 E5 E1 E1 1B5 E6 1T8 P6 P6 Source Info PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1747 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TT 1724 TL 1747 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 1B3 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TT 1724 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 19 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA 1T2 1T2 1T2 1B5 6 T5 1T6 T7 T10 E8 E9 T7 H1 H6 9 5 1T4 1B4 1B4 E6 1T9 H4 P2 1T1 E5 1T1 1T1 T3 1T8 1T6 2 1T9 E8 T3 1T4 H5 1B8 1T7 1T7 E2 1T3 E1 E2 1T6 1T1 1T3 1T3 1T3 Prince William County Slave Index Slave Name Slave Owner Johnson King, Geo Jona Alexander, Wm (Colo) Pope, John Jonathan Brent, Daniel Jone Baylis, Samuel Brent, Hugh Ewell, Jas Glascock, Peter Hooe, Howson Lamkin, Peter Payton, Timy Reno, Francis Reno, Francis Scroggins, Walter Jonny Hammitt, John Hampton, Wm Love, Sam Jos Wilkinson, Benj Jos: Wilton, Francis Joseph Bridges, Ben Buckner, Anty Gains, Wm Morris, Hammond Whiting, Matthew Whiting, Peter Joshua Alexander, Wm (Colo) Fitzhugh, Thos Matson, Jas Josoe Rose, Jas Juba Blackburn, Thos (Col) Calvert, John Douglas, Cate (Mrs) Douglas, Cate (Mrs) Fitzhugh, Thos Skinker, Wm Jubo Douglass, James Juby Moore, Wm Juda Blackburn, Col Butler, Joseph Farguson, Isaac Leewright, John Slave Name Slave Owner Source Info Judah Hencock, John Whiting, Peter Judah, Old Scott, James (Revd) Judas Royston, John Jude Anderson, James Anderson, Thos Atwell, Thomas Barker, Joshua Brown, Jas Calvert, Sarah Dodson, Enoch Elliot, Reuben (Patroler) Evans, Thos Feagan, Frans (Sr) Fitzhugh, John Grimes, James Gwatkins, Edward Haney, Haney's (Quarter) Horton, Mary Madox, Go Newman, Jno Posey Page, Mann Page, Mann (Esqr) Seale, Anty Smoot, Thos Stone, Joseph Tebbs, Willm Whitledge, Elizabeth Jude [?] Diskin, John Judeth Stewart, Revd Judie Hooe, Rt Hows Judy Alexander, Wm (Colo) Blackburn, Thos (Col) Bridges, Ben Brown, Robt Brown, Wm Carter, Giles Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Robt (Esqr) Fitzhugh, Jno Fitzhugh, Thos Fitzhugh, Thos Harrison, Burr Harrison, Cuthbert Leach, Wm Macrae, Allen Montgomery, Wm PP 1782 1B3 PP 1782 E6 PP 1782 H4 PP 1782 E6 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1747 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 P1 E6 E5 6 1B5 E7 E2 H2 H2 E8 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T4 TL 1765 T1 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 1B7 1B8 1B2 T9 1T1 1T3 PP 1782 E6 PP 1782 E8 PP 1782 1B1 PP 1782 1B9 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1B5 E4 E7 E7 E8 1T6 TL 1765 T7 TL 1765 T4 TL 1747 PP 1782 TL 1747 PP 1782 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 7 H1 8 H1 Source Info TL 1765 T3 PP 1782 1T3 TL 1765 T3 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1747 6 TL 1765 T2 PP 1782 1B6 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TT 1724 PP 1782 PP 1782 TT 1724 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 20 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA E1 H3 T8 H2 H2 H4 1T4 P2 1T1 1T6 E7 1T2 T8 T6 H3 H5 E2 P1 1T3 1T5 E2 H4 T7 T9 E6 1B5 1B7 1B8 1B7 H6 1T2 1T2 1B5 7 E8 E8 10 T4 1T5 T9 1B8 Prince William County Slave Index Slave Name Slave Owner Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Newman, Elth Scott, Alexr Shelton, Jno (Qtr) Skinker, Wm Sorrells, Rhueben Waugh, John Whiting, Matthew Whiting, Matthew Whiting, Matthew Whitside, William Wigginton, Benjn Wilson, Henry Julia Stone's, [No first name] (Quarter) Julin King, Geo Juner Smith, Mr. Jung Alexander, Wm (Colo) Junior Attwell, Thos (Colo) Jupiter Burwell, Nathl (Esqr) Kate Boggess, Thomas Brent, Daniel Butler, Joseph Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Downman, Jabez Ellzey, Wm Fagan, Edward Farrow, Isaac Fenwick, William Foster, James Gallahue, John (Junr) Graham, John Green, Sarah Grigsbey, Susannah Hamersly, Fra Hedges, Robert Hedges, Robert Horton, Mary Jeffries, Moses Macrae, John Minitree, Jacob Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Nisbald, James Rawlings, William Reno, Francis Reno, Francis Rose, Jas Starke, James Slave Name Slave Owner Source Info PP 1782 PP 1782 TT 1724 TT 1724 PP 1782 PP 1782 TT 1724 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1747 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T7 1T8 7 10 1T6 1T8 2 P2 P2 1T1 3 1B4 1B3 Stone's, [No first name] (Quarter) Tebbs, Willm Triplet, Willm Tyler, Henry Wickliff, Robert Kate Grant, George Katy Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Kejah Neale, Rd Kelly Carter, Charles ((Coro); Esq) Kent Attwell, Thos (Colo) Kerekia Carter, Landon (Jr.) Kinty Whiting, Matthew Kit Burwell, Mary Kite Ash, Zach Kithehen Blackburn, Thos (Col) Kitt Burbwell, Robt (Esq.) Carter, Landon (Jr.) L-tt [?] Leewright, John La-- [?] Brent, Hugh Labr Tyler, John (Sr) Lambert Skinker, Wm Lancaster Steel, John Landy Hooe, Bernard Marshall, Jacob Leah Peyton, Seth Leash Harrison, Cuthbert Leestey Woodyard, Gerrard Legg Reno, Francis Leister Moore, Wm Lemon Burwell, Nathl (Esqr) Lender Burwell, Nathl (Esqr) TL 1765 T6 PP 1782 1B3 TL 1747 6 PP 1782 E6 PP 1782 1B6 PP 1782 1T5 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 TT 1724 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1765 TT 1724 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TT 1724 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List T9 E6 H1 P6 P6 1T2 T3 T2 P1 H2 7 1B1 T3 T7 E3 T10 8 T6 T6 H3 H5 H6 1T5 1T7 T10 T8 T8 H2 1B9 7 Source Info TL 1765 TL 1765 TT 1724 PP 1782 TL 1765 TT 1724 7 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1B8 TL 1765 P6 PP 1782 1B6 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1T8 TL 1765 T1 PP 1782 1B5 TL 1765 P3 TL 1765 P6 PP 1782 H1 PP 1782 E6 PP 1782 1T5 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B3 TL 1765 T3 PP 1782 1B8 TL 1765 T4 PP 1782 1B6 PP 1782 H2 TL 1765 T4 PP 1782 1T5 PP 1782 1T5 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 21 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA T6 T7 9 H5 T10 Prince William County Slave Index Slave Name Slave Owner Leonard Edwards, Haden Leroy Wiatt, John Let Brown, Wm Harrison, Burr Letice Hedges, John Lett Bennett, Wm Ewell, Jesse Fitzhugh, John Grimes, James Hammell, Hugh Hampton, Henry Haney, Haney's (Quarter) Madox, Go Page, Mann Powell, Wm (Jr) Rainy, Thos Whiting, Peter Lett Alexander, Wm (Colo) Letti Scott, Jas (Revd) Lettice Alexander, Thornton Cannon, John Florence, Joseph Hardwick, James Kirton, Wm Peyton, Margt Letty Carter, Landon (Jr.) Dixon, John Ewell, Jas Foster, Jerema Gallahue, Darbey Page, Mann (Esqr) Page, Mann (Esqr) Seale, Anthoney Seale, John Whiting, Matthew Lew Melton, Wm Lewes Armstead, John Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Lewis Bird, Thos Brown, Go New Burwell, Mary Garratt, Rt Hooe, Jno (Colo) Kincheloe, Cornelius Slave Name Slave Owner Source Info Macrae, John Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Newman, Elth Peyton, Margt Whiting, Matthew Lewsy Armstead, John Lewy Whiting, Peter Lias Armistead Jr., [No first name] Liddy Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Seale, Anty Lilly Bertiley & Fontaines, [No First Limbrick Cullins, James Linda Newman, Jno Posey Litteci Burbwell, Robt (Esq.) Little Agga Carter, Giles Little Frank Chancellor, Jno Little Jane Leewright, John Little Jenny Scott, James (Revd) Little Joe Alexander, [No First Name] (Capt) Little Will Jones, Solomon Jones, Solomon Liza Brown, Wm Lizza Hooe, Howson Patty, Jon Lizzy Gains, Wm London Bennett, Edward Champ, Majr Ferguson, John Wiatt, John Wickliff, Eliz (Mrs.) London/Landon Bullett, Cuth Lonon Hardwick, James Lorin [?] Brent, Hugh Lot Hampton, Hy TL 1765 T8 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1B7 PP 1782 H1 PP 1782 H5 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 T8 E5 E7 1T2 H6 P1 T6 H5 P1 1B4 E1 1T3 PP 1782 E6 PP 1782 H6 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 E5 1B2 1B7 T2 1B7 1B4 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1747 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T2 1T6 E5 1T5 T2 1T3 1T3 4 1B8 1T1 PP 1782 E4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 1B4 1B1 1T8 H1 1B8 1B9 Source Info PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T3 TL 1765 P3 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T5 PP 1782 1T1 TL 1765 P3 PP 1782 E2 TL 1765 P3 PP 1782 H6 PP 1782 H5 PP 1782 H1 TL 1765 T3 TL 1747 4 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1B7 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 E1 PP 1782 1B2 TL 1765 TL 1747 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 Page 22 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA T1 6 1B5 1T2 T6 TL 1765 T3 TL 1765 T2 PP 1782 E6 PP 1782 1T6 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 H6 1T7 1T8 1B4 1T1 Prince William County Slave Index Slave Name Slave Owner Hooe, Jno (Colo) Moxley, Alon Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Lott Blackwell, David Carter, Robt (Esqr) Douglas, Cate (Mrs) Smoot, Thos Wilton, Francis Loyd Rose, Jas Luce Bland, Thos Homes, [?]th Rose, Isaac Lucina Burwell, Mary Lucinda Macrae, John Lucy Alexander, Thornton Alexander, Wm (Colo) Armistead Jr., [No first name] Armistead, [No first name] (Mrs.) Armstead, John Armstead, John Blackburn, Thos (Col) Blackburn, Thos (Col) Blackburn, Thos (Col) Brent, Hugh Brown, Jas Buchanan, John Burbwell, Robt (Esq.) Burwell, Nathl (Esqr) Calvert, Geo (Sr) Carter, Robt (Esqr) Downton, Richard Farrow, John Fitzhugh, John Fitzhugh, Thos Foot, Rd (estate, decd) French, Wm (P. [patroller]) Gains, Wm Grant, Wm Harrison, Cuthbert Harrison, Seth Harrison, Seth Harrison, Thos (Capt) Hedges, Robert Helms, Lynah Hooe, Bernard Hooe, Howson Lamkin, Go Love, Sam Marshell, Thomas McMillian, Seth (Mrs.) Slave Name Slave Owner Source Info PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1T9 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Newman, Thos Patty, Jon Randolph, John Reeves, Jno Reno, David Reno, Thos Roe, Benjn Stone's, [No first name] (Quarter) Tebbs, Mary Thomas, Ben Tyler, Joseph Washington, Henry Whitledge, Wm Wiatt, Conquest Luke Harrison, Seth Luse Diskin, John Hearndon, Wm Kencheloe, [No first name] Smith, Mr. Lusey Petty, Joseph Luzas Carter, Landon (Jr.) Lyams Armstead, John Lyd Brown, Wm Lyda Burwell, Nathl (Esqr) Horton, Mary Lydda Athie, Thos Brent, Hugh Ewell, Jas Farrow, Wm Fitzhugh, Thos Lydia Carter, Landon (Jr.) Fitzhugh, Thos (Qr) Helms, Margiret Love, Sam Lydia Butler, Joseph Lymes [?] Armstead, John M[---?] Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) M[--]y Armstead, John Macaster Burwell, Mary Maimol [?] Blackwell, David 1T1 1B5 E7 E2 1T3 PP 1782 1B9 PP 1782 H5 PP 1782 H3 TL 1765 T1 PP 1782 1T8 PP 1782 H6 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1747 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List E5 E6 P3 P5 1T4 1T4 1B5 1B5 1B5 E6 1T5 5 P3 1T5 T6 1B5 H2 H1 E5 E8 E5 T5 1B2 H1 T4 H4 H4 T4 T6 T7 1B3 1B5 E3 1T4 T10 E9 Source Info PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 H4 TL 1747 PP 1782 TL 1747 TL 1747 Page 23 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA 6 1T9 5 6 TL 1747 2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1B7 PP 1782 1T5 PP 1782 H3 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T5 E6 E5 H6 E8 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 1T2 P5 T7 1T4 PP 1782 H1 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T8 PP 1782 1T1 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 1T7 1B3 E1 T2 1B6 E6 T5 H2 T6 1B4 1B2 1B5 1B1 T4 1T7 Prince William County Slave Index Slave Name Slave Owner Major Willis, John (Majr) Malinda Scott, Jas (Revd) Mall Chambers, Joseph Fowlke, Chandler Man Fowlke, Chandler Mannet [?] Hooe, Howson Manuel Armstead, John Carter, Landon (Jr.) Ewell, Jas Kincheloe, Cornelius Macrae, John Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Scott, Jas (Revd) Marais [?] Thornton, Thos Margaret Page, Mann Margret Carter, Charles ((Coro); Esq) Margt Page, Mann (Esqr) Suttle, Strother Maria Farrow, Wm Fitzhugh, John Mariah McMillian, Jno Marianne Macrae, John Marinda Graham, John Marlborough Shirley, Thos Marmeduke Moss, Mathew Martha Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Page, Mann Martilla Whitledge, Tho Mary Armstead, John Armstead, John Bertiley & Fontaines, [No First Burgess, Edwd Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Slave Name Slave Owner Source Info Carter, Robt (Esqr) Chancellor, Jno Dade, Townshend Davis, Simon Grant, George Green, Geo Harrison, Burr Helm, Lynaugh Hooe, Bernard Horton, Snowden Love, Sam Matthews, Newman Minitree, Jacob Moxley, Alon Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Petty, Jos Skinker, Wm Suttle, Strother Tyler, John (Sr) Whiting, Matthew Wiatt, Conquest Willis, John (Majr) Mason Alexander, Wm (Colo) Mathw Gains, Wm Matt Bracken, Mr Page, Mann Page, Mann (Deced) Maxrie Rookard, John Mehemi-lia Carter, Landon (Jr.) Men French, Jas Michael Brown, Alexr Whiting, Matthew Whiting, Matthew Whiting, Matthew Micharch Blackwell, David Mil Alexander, Thornton Mildred Alexander, Wm (Colo) Milinda Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Mill Brent, Hugh Farrow, Isaac Green, Geo PP 1782 1B7 PP 1782 H6 TT 1724 2 TT 1724 2 TT 1724 2 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T4 1T2 E5 1B9 H6 1T7 H6 PP 1782 1T9 TL 1765 P1 TL 1765 P6 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 E5 PP 1782 H6 PP 1782 E7 PP 1782 H6 PP 1782 H6 TL 1765 T7 PP 1782 E6 TL 1747 3 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 1T2 1T2 1T2 P1 TT 1724 8 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 1T4 1T4 1T1 1B3 P6 1T2 1T2 Source Info PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TT 1724 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 E6 PP 1782 1B2 PP 1782 1T7 TL 1765 P1 PP 1782 1T4 TL 1765 T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1B4 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 Page 24 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA 1T7 1T1 P2 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 E5 PP 1782 E6 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 E6 PP 1782 H2 PP 1782 E9 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 1B5 H5 H2 1B3 7 E9 H1 E8 1B3 E7 1T4 1B7 1T5 1T9 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 1B7 1T6 E5 1T5 1T1 1T7 1B7 Prince William County Slave Index Slave Name Slave Owner Hedges, John Melton, Wm Newman, Jno Posey Pursley, John Reno, David Mille Brent, Hugh (Mr.) Milly Armistead, [No first name] (Mrs.) Armstead, John Bertiley & Fontaines, [No First Brent, Hugh (Mr.) Brown, Robt Brown, Robt Carter, Giles Curtis, Christr Ewell, Jas Fitzhugh, John Fitzhugh, John Fitzhugh, John (Qr) Fitzhugh, John (Qr) Florence, Joseph Hampton, Hy Hampton, Wm Hooe, Bernard Hooe, Howson Hooe, Jno (Colo) Jameison, David (Sr.) Jeamison, David Lamkin, Go Matthews, Newman McKillup, Hugh McMillian, Jno Minitree, Jacob Moxley, Alon Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Newman, Elth Orear, John Page, Mann Powell, Wm (Jr) Scandland, Ben Scandland, Ben Scott, Jas (Revd) Sorrells, Rhueben Tebbs, Mary Tennells, Margt Tyler, John (Sr) Tyler, Joseph Ware, James Whiting, Matthew Whiting, Matthew Woodyard, Gerrard Milty [?] Carter, Landon (Jr.) Mima Alexander, Thornton Slave Name Slave Owner Source Info PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 H5 E4 E2 E3 E6 Armstead, John Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Robt (Esqr) Helm, Lynaugh Warren, Rt Mimy Armstead, John Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Jones, Solomon Skinker, Wm Mina Evans, Thos Mingo Blackburn, Thomas Burbwell, Robt (Esq.) Fitzhugh, John Hooe, Jno (Colo) Suttle, Strother Whiting, Matthew Minna Bird, Thos Minty Moxley, Alon Mlbrogt [?] Diskin, John Mock Garratt, Rt Moll Armistead, [No first name] (Mrs.) Armstead, John Ash, Zach Baylis, John (Col) Blackburn, Thos (Col) Blackburn, Thos (Col) Brown, Go New Burris, Mary Calvert, Geo (Sr) Calvert, Sarah Campbell, Isaac (Revd) Carter, Charles (Esq, Decd. Qr) Carter, Giles Carter, Robt (Esqr) Carter, Robt (Esqr) Collis, Thos Davis, Hugh Downman, Jabez Faished, Mr. Farrow, Isaac Feagan, Wm Frank, Jeffrey Graham, John Harrison, Cuthbert Harrison, Thos (Capt) Helm, Lynaugh Helms, Lynah TL 1765 P5 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 P5 1T4 1T1 P5 1B8 1B8 H6 1T9 E5 E7 E7 P5 P5 1B7 1T6 1T7 1B3 1B5 1B8 H2 T4 E3 1B7 1T5 H6 1T5 1T9 1T7 1T8 H2 P1 1B4 E8 E8 H6 1T8 1B4 1B7 1T5 1B5 1T3 1T1 1T1 1B6 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 E5 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T4 1T2 1B5 E8 1T9 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T4 1T2 1T2 1T2 1T6 PP 1782 1T1 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1B4 PP 1782 1T9 TL 1747 6 PP 1782 H1 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1747 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1765 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 25 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA T6 P3 E7 1B8 E5 1T1 P5 1T4 T1 T2 1B5 1B5 1B1 H5 T6 H4 1T6 P5 H6 1B5 1B5 1T8 1B6 T3 6 H2 E2 1B3 T7 T4 T4 E8 T7 Prince William County Slave Index Slave Name Slave Owner Horton, Mary Jackson, Francis Lee, Henry (Col) Mason, George Page, Mann Page, Mann Quantico Furnace, Reeves, Jno Roach, Jas Roe, Bunch Sandford, Wm Scott, James (Revd) Shelton, Jno (Qtr) Tharp, Mark Thomas, John Thorn, William Mollatto Tom Blackburn, Thomas Molley Burbwell, Robt (Esq.) Burbwell, Robt (Esq.) Burbwell, Robt (Esq.) Feagan, Frans (Sr) Molly Armstead, John Brent, Daniel Burwell, Mary Burwell, Mary Carter, Landon (Jr.) Fitzhugh, Thos Fitzhugh, Thos (Qr) Hampton, Wm Macrae, John Payton, Timy Pope, John Washington, Henry Monarchia Scroggins, Walter Monday Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Monsor Burwell, Mary Montgomery Baylis, John (Col) Moody Garratt, Rt Moreah Reeve, John Morear [?] Alexander, [No First Name] (Capt) Moses Alexander, Thornton Alexander, Wm (Colo) Blackburn, Thos (Col) Blackwell, David Carter, Robt (Esqr) Slave Name Slave Owner Source Info PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1747 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TT 1724 PP 1782 TL 1765 TT 1724 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1747 H3 T8 T1 1 P1 P1 T3 1B6 E5 8 1B7 T3 10 1B4 1B2 4 Chancellor, Jno Douglas, Cate (Mrs) Edrington, Jno Foot, Richard (Jr.) Green, Geo Helm, Lynaugh Hooe, Howson Hooe, Jno (Colo) Page, Mann Peyton, Seth Roe, Richd Steel, John Willis, John (Majr) Wilton, Francis Wyatt, Wm Mosses Hedges, John Mushett Hencock, John Mw Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) N-boer [?] Douglas, Cate (Mrs) Nace Gains, Wm Love, Charles Payton, Timy Nace [?] Brown, Robt Nailey Foot, Rd (estate, decd) Nan Athie, Thos Athie, Thos Atwell, Thomas Boggess, Thomas Burbwell, Robt (Esq.) Cole, Jane Douglass, John Fagan, Francis Feagan, Frans (Sr) Feagin, Edward Fitzhugh, Thos (Qr) Graham, John Harrison, Seth Homes, [?]th Homes, James Hooe, Jno (Colo) Jameison, Ben: Kincheloe, Cornelius King, Geo Luttrell, Simon Macrae, Allen McMillion, Seth (Mrs.) Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Quantico Furnace, TL 1765 T6 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 P3 P3 P3 1T6 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T4 E6 1T8 1T8 1T2 E8 P5 1T7 H6 E2 H4 1B1 PP 1782 E8 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T8 TL 1765 T2 PP 1782 H1 TL 1765 P1 TL 1747 4 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List E5 E6 1B5 1T1 1B5 Source Info PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 H5 TL 1765 T3 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 E7 PP 1782 1B2 PP 1782 1T9 PP 1782 E2 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 E5 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 TT 1724 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1765 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 26 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA H5 E7 H3 P5 E9 E8 1B5 1B8 P1 1B8 H2 1B5 1B7 1T3 E3 1T5 1T5 T8 T9 P3 H3 T7 P1 1T6 9 P5 T7 H4 H3 T7 1B8 H3 1B9 1B3 T9 T9 T3 1T7 T3 Prince William County Slave Index Slave Name Slave Owner Rainie, Go Roe, Benjn Scott, James (Revd) Skinker, Wm Skinker, Wm Stribling, Thos Tennells, Margt Tibbs, Daniel Tyler, Chs (Younger) Wells, Carty Wheeler, John Wiatt, Conquest Wicklef, Robert Wickliff, Eliz (Mrs.) Nanc Horton, Snowden Nance Alexander, Wm (Colo) Bates, Wm Harrison, Seth Nancy Alexander, Thornton Alexander, Thornton Armstead, John Armstead, John Campbell, Isaac (Revd) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Fitzhugh, John Hammitt, John Helm, Lynaugh Love, Sam Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Roe, Richd Skinker, Wm Smith, Peter Tyler, John (Sr) Whiting, Matthew Whiting, Peter Nanie Attwell, Thos (Colo) Nann Shinker, George Nanny Brown, Robt Carter, Charles ((Coro); Esq) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Douglas, Cate (Mrs) Hooe, Bernard Lee, Henry (Col) Whiting, Matthew Whiting, Matthew Whiting, Matthew Slave Name Slave Owner Source Info PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1747 PP 1782 TL 1747 TL 1765 PP 1782 TT 1724 PP 1782 TL 1747 TL 1765 1B6 H2 T3 1T6 1T6 5 1B7 2 T5 H4 3 1T7 3 T6 Nat Carter, Landon (Jr.) Dixon, John Orear, John Reno, Francis Natt Burwell, Mary Nealson Carr, Wm Ned Bird, Thos Blackburn, Col Burbwell, Robt (Esq.) Carter, Robt (Esqr) Champ, Majr Chancellor, Jno Chancellor, Jno Dalton, James Farrow, Isaac Farrow, Isaac Foot, Rd (estate, decd) Green, Geo Green, Sarah Harrison, Burr Harrison, Thomas Helm, Lynaugh Homes, Thos (Sr) Jeffries, Moses Keith, Alexr Love, Sam Mastin, Rd Mitchell, Wm Moss, Moses Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Page, Mann (Deced) Scott, Jas (Revd) Wiatt, John Wickliff, Isaac Nel Rose, Isaac Nell Armistead, [No first name] (Mrs.) Bertiley & Fontaines, [No First Blackburn, Thos (Col) Bland, Thos Burris, Mary Carr, Wm Feagan, Wm Foster, Margt Luttrell, Simon Page, Mann (Deced) Whitledge, Wm Wickliffe, Jno Jos Nelly Attwell, Thos (Colo) PP 1782 E7 PP 1782 E6 PP 1782 E7 PP 1782 H4 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 E5 E5 1T4 1T4 1T6 1T2 1T2 E7 1B5 E8 1T4 1T7 1T7 1T7 H2 1T6 1B2 1T5 1T1 1T3 PP 1782 1B6 TL 1765 P2 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 1B8 P6 P6 1T2 E7 1B3 T1 P2 P2 1T1 Source Info PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T8 TL 1765 T4 PP 1782 TL 1747 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1747 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 TT 1724 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 Page 27 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA 1B4 7 P3 1B5 6 H5 H5 H4 T7 H2 E5 E9 E3 T8 4 E8 H3 H5 1T1 1T4 E6 1B2 E9 1T7 1T7 1T4 H6 1T2 H1 TL 1765 T1 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 P5 1T1 1B5 H5 H5 T4 E2 1B1 H4 1T4 H1 1B2 PP 1782 1B6 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 1T2 1T6 H2 H2 Prince William County Slave Index Slave Name Slave Owner Bertiley & Fontaines, [No First Bertiley & Fontaines, [No First Brent, Daniel Burwell, Nathl (Esqr) Cleveland, Alexr Newman, Thos Whiting, Matthew Wiatt, John Nelson Carter, Landon (Jr.) Douglas, Cate (Mrs) Minitree, Jacob Tyler, John (Sr) Whiting, Peter Nero Jackson, Francis Kencheloe, [No first name] Newmae [?] Willis, John (Majr) Newman Alexander, Thornton Nick Brent, Susanna Nicoll Brett, John Nirow Floyd, Henry Obe Stone, William Old Bett Hedges, John Old Jem Scroggins, Walter Oliver Armistead, [No first name] (Mrs.) Armstead, John Brown, Alexr Edwards, Haden Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Orange Burwell, Nathl (Esqr) Osborn Washington, Henry Othello Brent, Daniel P [blot] Neal, Morris Page Armstead, John Reno, Francis Pallas Armistead Jr., [No first name] Wiatt, John Pallas + 2 childn Hooe, Jno (Colo) Slave Name Slave Owner Source Info PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T1 1T1 E6 1T5 1B7 1B3 1T1 1T2 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 P6 E7 1T5 1T5 1T3 Parmer Carter, Landon (Jr.) Parrott Bertiley & Fontaines, [No First Pashe Reno, Enoch Pate Shelton, Jno (Qtr) Patience Hooe, Howson Leach, Bartlett Peyton, Margt Willis, John (Majr) Patients [=Patience] Champ, Majr Patrick Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Patt Armstead, John Brett, John Carterr, Robt (Esqr) Evan, Robt Ewell, Jas Farrow, Isaac Harrison, Mw (Chpwk) Hooe, Howson Love, Sam Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Page, Mann Smith, Ben Tackett, Wm Tyler, John (Sr) Whiting, Peter Patty Carter, Charles ((Coro); Esq) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Whiting, Matthew Peg Armstead, John Armstead, John Blackburn, Col Brown, Wm Carter, Robt (Esqr) Chambers, Joseph Delgarn, John Elzey, Lewis Harrison, Seth Hooe, Rt Hows McFeasant, Daniel Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Page, Mann (Deced) Peyton, Burr Peyton, Seth TL 1765 T8 TL 1747 5 PP 1782 1B7 PP 1782 E5 TT 1724 8 PP 1782 1B7 TL 1765 T1 TL 1747 3 PP 1782 H5 PP 1782 E8 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 P5 1T4 1T7 T8 1T7 PP 1782 1T5 PP 1782 1B1 PP 1782 E6 TL 1747 7 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 H2 TL 1765 P3 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1B8 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 H2 TT 1724 10 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1747 6 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T4 1B7 1B5 T10 E5 H2 H5 1B5 1T4 1T7 P1 E5 H5 1T5 1T3 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 P6 P6 1T2 1T2 1T2 1T1 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1747 PP 1782 PP 1782 TT 1724 PP 1782 TT 1724 PP 1782 PP 1782 TT 1724 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T4 1T4 7 1B7 1B5 2 1B6 2 H4 1B6 5 1T7 1T4 E8 1B8 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 28 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA 1B5 1T1 1B4 1B7 Prince William County Slave Index Slave Name Slave Owner Roe, Benjn Smith, John Wickliff, Wm Pegg Alexander, [No First Name] (Capt) Brett, John Bryne, Lydia (Mrs.) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Cooke, Mr. Fitzhugh, Henry Hamersly, Fra Hardwick, James Harrison, Burr Harrison, Thomas (Jr) Hoare, [No First Name] (Capt) Hogan, Thomas Mason, William Redmon, Thomas Stewart, Revd Tackett, Wm Whiting, Matthew Whiting, Matthew Peggy Burwell, Mary Carter, Landon (Jr.) Farrow, Wm Love, Sam Whiting, Peter Peleg Purcell, John Pendar Harrison, Seth Pender Brown, Go New Penny Carter, Landon (Jr.) Person Carter, Landon (Jr.) Peter Anderson, James Blackburn, Thos (Col) Bland, Thos Burwell, Nathl (Esqr) Campbell, Isaac (Revd) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Champ, Majr Cullins, Sarah Ewell, Jesse Fagen, Francis Feagan, Frans (Sr) Fitzhugh, John Gregg, John Hedges, John Slave Name Slave Owner Source Info PP 1782 H2 PP 1782 H1 PP 1782 H1 TL 1747 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 TT 1724 TT 1724 TT 1724 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 TT 1724 TL 1765 TT 1724 TL 1747 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 4 1B7 T5 P6 1T2 7 3 8 T2 T8 P6 7 P1 7 4 T2 T9 P2 1T1 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T8 1T2 H6 1T4 1T3 Hencock, John Jackson, Go Jameison, David (Sr.) Kencheloe, [No first name] Leach, William Love, Charles Love, Sam McMillian, Jno Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Page, Mann Page, Mann (Esqr) Patty, Jon Peyton, Burr Peyton, Seth Powell, Wm (Sr) Rawlings, William Scott, James (Revd) Stone, Joseph Stone's, [No first name] (Quarter) Triplett, James Triplett, Jas Whiting, Matthew Whiting, Matthew Wiatt, John Wiatt, John Withers, James Peter [?] Blackburn, Col Blackburn, Col Phaecia Patty, Jon Phebe Carter, Landon (Jr.) Hearndon, Wm Peyton, Margt Stone, Joseph Phil Shelton, Jno (Qtr) Philander Brent, Daniel Philip Moxley, Alon Philis Ash, Zach Phill Alexander, Wm (Colo) Armistead, [No first name] (Mrs.) Armstead, John Armstead, John Blackburn, Col Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Dade, Townshend Ellzey, Wm Ewell, Jas Fitzhugh, Thos TL 1747 7 PP 1782 H4 PP 1782 1B1 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1747 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List E1 1B5 H5 1T5 1T6 1T2 1T2 1T2 6 1T9 E5 P1 1T6 E5 T7 H5 Source Info TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1747 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TT 1724 TL 1747 7 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 E1 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 Page 29 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA 1T2 1T9 1B4 H4 TT 1724 10 PP 1782 E6 PP 1782 1T9 TL 1765 T1 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1747 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 T3 E2 H2 5 P2 1T9 1T4 H6 1T7 P1 1T3 E1 E8 1B8 1B4 T8 T3 H4 T6 T5 H4 P2 1T1 1T2 1T2 4,(5) E6 P5 1T4 1T4 7 1T2 1T2 H2 T2 E5 E8 Prince William County Slave Index Slave Name Slave Owner Hooe, Bernard Matson, Jas Matthews, Wm Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Peyton, Margt Rainy, Thos Whiting, Matthew Whiting, Matthew Whiting, Matthew Whiting, Matthew Philles Dawkins, Widow Folkners, [No first Name] (Mr.) Folkners, [No first Name] (Mr.) Stone, William Phillip Love, Sam Phillis Atwell, Thomas Bland, Thos Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Robt (Esqr) Carter, Robt (Esqr) Davis, Hugh Fryar, John Harrison, Burr Hearndon, Wm Homes, [?]th Love, Sam Rose, Jas Skinker, Wm Stone, Shilsby Triplett, James Triplett, Jas Tyler, John (Sr) Whiting, Henry (Est) Whitledge, Elizabeth Whitledge, Rd Wigginton, Benjn Wilton, Francis Woodyard, Gerrard Phobe Hooe, Bernard Phoebe Frank, Jeffrey Pindar Brown, Jas Planter Burwell, Nathl (Esqr) Burwell, Nathl (Esqr) Pliss Carter, Landon (Jr.) Poll Dodson, Enoch Hooe, Rt Hows Newman, Jno Posey Slave Name Slave Owner Source Info PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1B3 1B1 1B7 1T7 1B4 E1 1T1 1T1 1T1 1T1 TL TL TL TL 4 5 5 3 1747 1747 1747 1747 Tackett, Wm Tackett, Wm Wickliff, Robt Polly Armstead, John Bullett, Cuth Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Pompey Bertiley & Fontaines, [No First Blackburn, Thos (Col) Burwell, Nathl (Esqr) Davis, Thomas Whiting, Peter Pompy Brent, Susanna Stone's, [No first name] (Quarter) Stone's, [No first name] (Quarter) Pope Page, Mann (Esqr) Presly Hughes, Wm Press [?] Blackburn, Col Price Blackburn, Thos (Col) Whiting, Peter Primes Armistead Jr., [No first name] Primus Green, Sarah Prince Brett, John Helm, Lynaugh Margeraim, Henry Smoot, Thos Washington, Henry Wickliff, Wm Princes Armstead, John Armstead, John Priss Page, Mann (Esqr) Tharp, Mark Priss [name smeared] Bird, Thos Prosper Rose, Elis. Prue Moss, Moses Quash Burbwell, Robt (Esq.) Quashaba Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) PP 1782 1T4 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 T8 H5 1T2 1B5 1B5 1B6 1B4 T8 1T9 H3 1T4 1B9 1T6 H4 T5 H4 1T5 1T8 T9 H2 1B4 1T3 1B6 PP 1782 1B3 PP 1782 1B3 PP 1782 H2 PP 1782 1T5 PP 1782 1T5 TL 1765 P6 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1B6 PP 1782 E2 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info TL 1765 T9 PP 1782 H5 PP 1782 H1 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T4 T3 1T7 1T7 1T7 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1747 PP 1782 1T1 1B5 1T5 3 1T3 TT 1724 8 TL 1765 T6 TL 1765 T6 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1B2 TL 1747 7 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1T3 TL 1765 P3 PP 1782 E3 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1B4 PP 1782 1B4 TL 1765 T9 PP 1782 E9 TL 1765 P3 PP 1782 1T7 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 30 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA 1B7 E8 1B9 E2 1B1 H1 Prince William County Slave Index Slave Name Slave Owner Quoniny [?] Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Qusiniary Harrison, Mw (Chpwk) Rachael Alexander, Wm (Colo) Anderson, James Armstead, John Bird, Thos Burwell, Mary Chancellor, Jno Fitzhugh, Thos Foot, Rd (estate, decd) Harrison, Burr Hooe, Howson Hooe, Rt Hows Jameison, Wm Love, Sam Love, Sam Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Page, Mann (Deced) Peyton, Margt Thomas, Ben Ware, James Whiting, Matthew Wiatt, John Rachaell Davis, Wm Rachel Harrison, Thos (Capt) Peyton, Henry Rachell Atwell, Thomas Rachil Burbwell, Robt (Esq.) Rachl Fitzhugh, Thos Hooe, Howson McMillian, Jno Rafe Armstead, John Armstead, John Armstead, John Carter, Landon (Jr.) Kirton, Wm Wiatt, John Ralph Ash, Zach Bertiley & Fontaines, [No First Carter, Landon (Jr.) Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Peyton, Margt Wiatt, John Ralph Jr. Wiatt, John Slave Name Slave Owner Source Info Randal Armstead, John Randall Wickliff, Isaac Randolph Thomas, Ben Willis, John (Majr) Rawley Carter, Landon (Jr.) Foot, Rd (estate, decd) Willis, John (Majr) Rd Keith, Alexr Reany Foster, Isaac Releigh Wiatt, Jas Rhody Botts, Francis Rhueben Alexander, Thornton Rich Burwell, Nathl (Esqr) Rick Carter, Robt (Esqr) Rob Carter, Robt (Esqr) Peyton, Val (Capt) Thornton, Thos Whiting, Matthew Roben Carter, Charles (Esq, Decd. Qr) Robert Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Robin Alexander, Thornton Armstead, John Carter, Charles ((Coro); Esq) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Davis, Wm Elzey, John Ewells, Jessy Gwatkins, Edward Hutchnson, Robt Robt Bland, Thos Brewer, Thos Jameison, David (Sr.) Landrum, Sarah Reno, Francis Roger Cave, William Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Scott, James (Revd) Wickliff, Wm PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 H5 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 E6 E1 1T4 1B4 1T8 H5 E8 E5 H1 1B5 1B6 H1 1T4 1T4 1T7 1T4 1B4 1B2 1T3 1T1 1T2 PP 1782 1B6 TL 1765 T4 TL 1747 4 TL 1765 T8 TL 1765 P3 PP 1782 E8 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 H6 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T4 1T4 1T4 1T2 1B7 1T2 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 T1 1T1 1T2 1T7 1B4 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 H1 PP 1782 1B2 PP 1782 1B7 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 E5 PP 1782 1B7 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1T5 PP 1782 H1 PP 1782 E5 PP 1782 1T5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 P5 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TT 1724 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 E5 1T4 P6 1T2 1B6 3 T10 T8 1B9 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 H5 1B5 H2 1B2 H2 TT 1724 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 5 1T7 T3 H1 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 31 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA 1B5 1B5 1T9 1T1 Prince William County Slave Index Slave Name Slave Owner Roges Blackburn, Thos (Col) Rosa Clonenger, Vallentine Hencock, John Rose Alexander, Thornton Armistead, [No first name] (Mrs.) Barker, Joshua Blackburn, Thos (Col) Brent, Hugh Brown, Wm Burwell, Mary Carter, Robt (Esqr) Champ, Majr Cullins, Sarah Davis, Simon Ewell, Jas Ewell, Jas Ewells, Jessy Foot, Rd (estate, decd) Gains, Wm Grinstead, Jas Harrison, Seth Hooe, Jno (Colo) Margeraim, Henry McPherson, Marke Seale, John Seale, John Young, William Ross Love, Thos McMillion, John Ruben Armstead, John Rubin Page, Mann (Esqr) Ruth Armistead, [No first name] (Mrs.) Armstead, John Harrison, Burr Lamkin, Go Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) S[?]loe Matthews, Wm Sa [? blot] ry Smith, Mr. Sabina Grinstead, Jas Sabrit Leewright, John Saifer Peyton, Val (Capt) Sall Alexander, Thornton Alexander, Wm (Colo) Slave Name Slave Owner Source Info Ashmore, Wm Attwell, Thos (Colo) Blackburn, Thos (Col) Brent, Daniel Burwell, Mary Campbell, Isaac (Revd) Carter, Robt (Esqr) Davis, Wm Edrington, Jno Fitzhugh, John Grigsbey, Susannah Hedges, John Hooe, Bernard Hooe, Howson Hooe, Rt Hows Page, Mann (Deced) Page, Mann (Esqr) Payton, Timy Peyton, Margt Peyton, Val (Capt) Powell, Wm (Jr) Roundtree, Wm Scott, Jas (Revd) Scroggins, Walter Tebbs, Foushee Thornton, Thos Tyler, Joseph Warren, Rt Willis, John (Majr) Sallah Leach, Wm Sally Bertiley & Fontaines, [No First Brown, Alexr Carter, Landon (Jr.) Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Washington, Henry Whiting, Matthew Wiatt, John Sam Armstead, John Armstead, John Armstead, John Armstead, John Ash, Zach Ashmore, Wm Bertiley & Fontaines, [No First Bigbey, Ann Blackburn, Col Bland, Thos Brown, Jas Burbwell, Robt (Esq.) Burris, Mary Burwell, Nathl (Esqr) Carter, Charles ((Coro); Esq) PP 1782 1B5 TL 1765 T10 TL 1765 T3 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1747 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 E5 P5 H2 1B5 E6 1B7 1T8 1B5 6 1T9 1B3 E5 E5 T10 E5 1B2 H3 H4 1B8 1B9 T9 1B8 1B8 P3 PP 1782 1T9 TL 1765 T3 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T3 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 P5 1T4 H1 E3 1T7 PP 1782 1B7 TL 1747 6 PP 1782 H3 PP 1782 H1 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 E5 PP 1782 E6 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T5 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T1 1T7 1T2 1T7 1T7 1B1 1T1 1T2 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1747 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 1T4 1T4 1T4 1T4 T1 H4 1T1 T9 7 H5 1T5 P3 H5 1T5 P6 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 32 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA H4 1B6 1B5 E6 1T8 1T6 1B5 1B6 H3 E7 T10 H5 1B3 1B5 1B6 1T4 1T3 E2 1B4 1B5 1B4 1B4 H6 E8 T7 1T9 1B5 1T9 1B7 Prince William County Slave Index Slave Name Slave Owner Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Robt (Esqr) Downton, Richard Evans, Thos Fitzhugh, Thos Foster, Joshua Foster, William (Senr) Hooe, Jno (Colo) Horton, Snowden Madox, Go Matthews, Newman Matthews, Wm McMillion, John Minitree, Jacob Neale, Rd Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Newman, Elth Patty, Jon Petty, Joseph Peyton, Seth Rexey, Richd Tebbs, Mary Tyler, John (Sr) White, Jas Whiting, Matthew Wilkinson, Benj Wilkinson, Elizrh Willis, John (Majr) Sam: Farrow, Wm Samas [?] Whiting, Peter Sambo Glascock, John Helms, Lynah Jones, Samuel Seale, John Stone, William Travis, John Sampson Armstead, John Carter, Robt (Esqr) Florence, Joseph Whiting, Peter Samson Peyton, Henry Triplet, Willm Samuel Whiting, Peter Sandy Hooe, Howson Sara Baylis, John (Col) Blackburn, Col Cooke, Mr. Slave Name Slave Owner Source Info PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1747 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1747 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T2 1B5 H2 1T1 E8 1T3 1 1B8 E7 H5 1B7 1B7 T3 1T5 1B8 1T7 1T7 1T8 E1 2 1B8 T6 1B4 1T5 1T7 1T1 T1 1B8 1B7 Fitzhugh, Jno Fowlke, Chandler Hamersly, Fra Hoare, [No First Name] (Capt) Travis, John Triplet, Willm Sarah Alexander, Thornton Alexander, Thornton Armstead, John Armstead, John Barker, Joshua Bennett, Wm Blackburn, Thomas Blackwell, David Brewer, Tomas Bridges, Benja Brown, Go New Brown, Wm Carter, Charles ((Coro); Esq) Carter, Charles ((Coro); Esq) Carter, Charles (Esq, Decd. Qr) Carter, Giles Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Champ, Majr Cullins, Sarah Diskin, John Dodson, Enoch Douglass, John Downman, Jabez Downton, Richard Edwards, Haden Fagan, Edward Farrow, Isaac Farrow, Isaac Feagan, Frans (Sr) Feagan, Wm Fitzhugh, John Fitzhugh, Thos Fitzhugh, Thos Fitzhugh, Thos (Qr) Florence, Joseph Gains, Wm Green, Geo Gwatkins, Edward Hammitt, John Hampton, Wm Harris, [No First Name] (Quarter) Harrison, Cuthbert Harrison, Seth Harrison, Thos (Capt) Helms, Lynah Helms, Thomas PP 1782 H6 PP 1782 1T3 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1747 TT 1724 T9 T7 T5 1B8 3 1 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T4 1B5 1B7 1T3 TL 1747 4 TT 1724 9 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1B5 TL 1765 T2 TL 1747 7 TT 1724 7 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info TT 1724 TT 1724 TT 1724 TT 1724 TT 1724 TT 1724 7 2 8 7 1 9 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1747 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1747 PP 1782 TL 1747 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1747 E5 E5 1T4 1T4 H2 T8 T6 1T1 T1 9 1B1 1B7 P6 P6 P5 H6 P6 1T2 1T2 1T2 6 1T9 6 1T4 T7 T3 H2 T8 P1 T7 H2 1T6 E2 E5 E8 E8 P5 1B7 1B2 E9 T8 1B5 1T7 T6 T4 H4 T4 T7 5 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 33 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Prince William County Slave Index Slave Name Slave Owner Hooe, Bernard Hooe, Howson Hooe, Jno (Colo) Horton, Mary Jackson, Sam: Kincheloe, Cornelius Linton, John Love, Sam Lucas, Anty Luckett, Jno Boon Luttrell, Simon Madden, Scarlett Madox, Go Martin, Thos McMillian, Jno McPherson, Marke Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Newman, Jno Posey Orear, John Page, Mann Page, Mann Page, Mann (Esqr) Page, Mann (Esqr) Peyton, Henry Peyton, Henry Reno, Lewis Scott, Jas (Revd) Skinker, Wm Stone's, [No first name] (Quarter) Tebbs, Willm Thornton, Thos Wiatt, John Wilkinson, Benj Wilkinson, Elizrh Sarar Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Sary Foot, Rd (estate, decd) Kencheloe, [No first name] Pope, John Saul Ewell, Jas Sawney Alexander, Wm (Colo) Harrison, Burr Whiting, Peter Scipio Brown, Jas Dalton, Rachael Seco [?] Blackburn, Col Selvester Bridges, Benja Sesor Blackburn, Col Slave Name Slave Owner Source Info PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1747 TL 1747 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 1B3 1B5 1B8 H3 E1 1B9 T10 1T4 1B1 H6 H4 E8 H5 T7 H6 T9 1T7 1T7 E2 H2 P1 P1 1T3 1T3 4 4 H5 H6 1T6 T6 T7 1T9 1T2 T1 1B8 Sesor [=Caesar] Champ, Majr Sey [?] Whiting, Matthew Seymour Alexander, Wm (Colo) Shadrick Cleveland, Alexr Fitzhugh, John Jackson, Sam: Kitchen, Geo: Macrae, John Sharper Blackburn, Thomas Burwell, Mary Downman, Jabez Harrison, Thos (Capt) Leewright, John Wells, Molly Shaw Harrison, Cuthbert Shrewsbury Lee, Lewis Sib Alexander, Wm (Colo) Peyton, Val (Capt) Reno, Francis Siba Patty, Jon Siby Carter, Landon (Jr.) Sicily Carter, Landon (Jr.) Siepes Davis, Thomas Sillazacn Tebbs, Willm Siller Burwell, Nathl (Esqr) Sillon Grimes, James Silo [?] Armstead, John Simon Armstead, John Burwell, Nathl (Esqr) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Farrow, Isaac Fitzhugh, Thos Leewright, John Leewright, John Page, Mann (Esqr) Patty, Jon Reno, Francis Scott, Jas (Revd) PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 E5 TL 1747 5 PP 1782 H4 PP 1782 E5 PP 1782 E6 PP 1782 H1 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 H2 PP 1782 H4 TL 1747 7 TL 1747 9 TL 1747 7 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info TL 1747 6 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 E6 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1B7 E5 E1 E6 H6 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 T6 1T8 T3 T4 T2 T2 TL 1765 T4 PP 1782 E4 PP 1782 E6 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 H2 PP 1782 E1 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 TL 1747 3 TL 1765 T7 PP 1782 1T5 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 34 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA 1T4 1T5 1T2 1T2 H2 E8 H1 H1 1T3 E1 H2 H6 Prince William County Slave Index Slave Name Slave Owner Whiting, Matthew Whiting, Matthew Whiting, Matthew Sinah Dodson, Enoch Griffin, Henry Helm, Lynaugh Patty, Jon Whiting, Peter Siser Ware, James Sly Redmon, Thomas Solomon Armistead Jr., [No first name] Bertiley & Fontaines, [No First Bridges, Benja Hazlerig, Wm Hooe, Jno (Colo) Leewright, John Macrae, Allen Sook Kincheloe, Cornelius Sorrow Burbwell, Robt (Esq.) Soshi Hooe, Howson Spencer Harrison, Seth Squier Smith, Mr. Stace Pursley, John Stacie Love, Sam Stafford Bird, Thos Steph Carter, Landon (Jr.) Stephen Hooe, Bernard Lamkin, Go Madox, Go Mason, Col (qtr) Stepney Macrae, John Steven Downton, Richard Strawbury Thornton, Thomas Su[ke?] Blackburn, Col Suck Blackburn, Thos (Col) Dade, Townshend Farrow, Wm Slave Name Slave Owner Source Info PP 1782 1T1 TL 1765 P2 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 Helm, Lynaugh Neale, Rd Page, Mann (Esqr) Scott, Jas (Revd) Washington, Henry Wilton, Francis Sucka Jones, Samuel Suckey Fitzhugh, John Sue Alexander, Wm (Colo) Calvert, Jacob Cullins, James Cullins, Sarah Dixon, John Dodson, Joshua Downman, Jabez Hedges, John Hedges, John Jackson, Sam: Jones, Solomon Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Page, Mann Page, Mann Page, Mann (Deced) Page, Mann (Deced) Reno, Francis Roe, Bunch Shackelfords, James Wells, Carty Whitledge, Wm Whitledge, Wm Whitside, William Suel Moxley, Alon Suke Armstead, John Armstead, John Burwell, Nathl (Esqr) Leewright, John Sukey Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Douglas, Cate (Mrs) Hooe, Bernard Moxley, Alon Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Peyton, Burr Peyton, Burr Suky Alexander, Wm (Colo) Macrae, John Susan Alexander, Thornton 1T4 1T3 E8 E1 1T3 PP 1782 1T3 TL 1747 4 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1747 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 P3 1T1 9 1B8 1B8 H1 T9 PP 1782 1B9 TL 1765 P3 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 H4 TL 1747 6 PP 1782 E3 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1B4 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TT 1724 1B3 E3 H5 9 PP 1782 H6 PP 1782 H2 TL 1765 P4 TL 1747 7 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 H2 PP 1782 H6 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 T5 PP 1782 E7 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TT 1724 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1747 Page 35 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA E6 T1 P3 1T9 1T6 P2 T3 T6 H5 E1 P3 1T7 P1 P1 1T4 1T4 H2 8 P1 H4 T4 H1 3 PP 1782 1T9 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T4 1T4 1T5 H1 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T2 1T2 1T2 E7 1B3 1T9 1T7 E8 E8 PP 1782 E6 PP 1782 H6 PP 1782 E5 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 E8 1B8 1T3 H6 1B1 1T3 Prince William County Slave Index Slave Name Slave Owner Anderson, John Baptis Attwell, Thos (Colo) Susana Harrison, Burr Susanna Foot, Rd (estate, decd) Susannah Ewells, Jessy Sya Hampton, Wm Sybill Seale, Rd Syd Farrow, Isaac Syl Burwell, Nathl (Esqr) Sylah Hampton, Wm Syle Alexander, Thornton Sylla Burgess, Edwd Carter, Landon (Jr.) Douglas, Cate (Mrs) Ewell, Jas Sylva Brett, John Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Robt (Esqr) Peyton, Seth Tyler, Joseph Sylvey Newman, Elth Syrus Burbwell, Robt (Esq.) Tab Carter, Giles Tabb Hedges, John Talbert Armstead, John Tansell Gill, John Taser Davis, Isaac Teach Hencock, John Ter-es[?] Dodson, Enoch Terry Harrison, Burr Tess Love, Sam Thaddeus Carter, Landon (Jr.) Slave Name Slave Owner Source Info TL 1765 T2 PP 1782 1B6 Thomas Helms, Margiret Page, Mann (Esqr) Thornton Page, Mann (Esqr) Pope, John Thos Farrow, Wm Tilorocs Downman, Jabez Titus Downman, Jabez Evans, Thos Fitzhugh, John Lee, Henry (Col) Sandford, Wm Scott, James (Revd) Tob Fitzhugh, John Toby Blackburn, Col Carter, Robt (Esqr) James, Thomas Page, Mann (Deced) Simson, John Stone's, [No first name] (Quarter) Waugh, Joseph Whiting, Matthew Willis, John (Majr) Tom Alexander, Thornton Armistead Jr., [No first name] Armstead, John Ash, George Bird, Thos Blackburn, Thos (Col) Blackwell, David Burbwell, Robt (Esq.) Burwell, Mary Calvert, Geo Calvert, Obia Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Landon (Jr.) Carter, Robt (Esqr) Chancellor, Jno Cullins, Sarah Douglas, Cate (Mrs) Evan, Robt Ewell, Jesse Faished, Mr. Farrow, Abra Farrow, Ann Feagan, Wm PP 1782 H1 PP 1782 E5 TL 1765 T10 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1B6 TL 1765 T7 PP 1782 1T5 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 E5 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1B3 1T2 E7 E5 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1B7 1T2 1B5 1B8 1B5 PP 1782 1T8 TL 1765 P3 PP 1782 H6 PP 1782 H5 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T2 TL 1765 T5 TL 1765 T3 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 H1 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T2 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info TL 1765 T7 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 H4 PP 1782 H6 TL 1765 T3 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 E7 TL 1747 PP 1782 TT 1724 PP 1782 TT 1724 TL 1765 TT 1724 TL 1765 PP 1782 7 1B5 3 1T4 4 T6 2 P2 1B7 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1747 TT 1724 TL 1765 PP 1782 E5 P3 1T4 T1 1B4 1B5 1T1 P3 1T8 T6 T7 P6 P6 1T2 1T2 1T2 1B5 H5 1T9 E7 T10 E5 6 10 T10 E2 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 36 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA T3 1T1 E7 T1 1B7 T3 Prince William County Slave Index Slave Name Slave Owner Feagin, Edward Ferguson, John Fitzhugh, John (Qr) Fitzhugh, Thos Fowlke, Chandler French, Wm (P. [patroller]) Hamersly, Fra Hammitt, John Hardwick, James Harris, [No First Name] (Quarter) Hazlerig, Wm Hearndon, Wm Helm, Lynaugh Hoare, [No First Name] (Capt) Hooe, Bernard Jameison, David (Sr.) Leach, Wm Luttrell, Simon McMillion, John Milton, Moses Mosely, Robert Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Newman, Thos Page, Mann Page, Mann (Deced) Page, Mann (Deced) Powell, Wm (Jr) Rexey, Richd Rodman, Jno Smith, Mr. Smith, Peter Stribling, Thos Tebbs, Foushee Tennells, Margt Thornton, Thomas Travis, John Washington, Henry Wheeler, John Wilkinson, Benj Winton, [No First Name] (Mrs.) Withers, James Tom Combs, Joseph Tom boy Tennells, Margt Tomboy Cooke, Mr. Ton Newman, Thos Toney Ewell, Jas Whiting, Matthew Wilton, Francis Toni Champ, Majr Slave Name Slave Owner Source Info TT 1724 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 TT 1724 TL 1765 TT 1724 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TT 1724 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1747 PP 1782 TL 1747 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 TT 1724 PP 1782 TT 1724 TL 1765 PP 1782 TT 1724 9 1B5 P5 E8 2 T5 8 1B5 T2 T6 1B8 1T9 E8 7 1B3 H2 1T5 T9 T3 P4 T10 1T7 1B3 P1 1T4 1T4 1B4 T6 E4 6 1B2 5 1B4 1B7 P4 1 1B1 3 T1 1T7 4(5) Tony Elzey, Lewis Hoare, [No First Name] (Capt) Scott, Alexr Seale, Anty Stewart, Revd Tyler, Henry Whiting, Matthew Whiting, Matthew Topson [?] Tibbs, James Tory Wicklef, Robert Tosy Carter, Landon (Jr.) Tot Hammitt, John Ursula Carter, Landon (Jr.) V[e]nus Hedges, Rt Vallett Reno, Francis Venus Lowrie, George Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Venus [?] Hooe, Howson Vilet Blackburn, Col Vincent Carter, Landon (Jr.) Violet Hughes, Wm Violett Martin, Thos Stone, Joseph Virgin Alexander, Thornton Fitzhugh, John Vitate Blackburn, Mary Rexey, Richd Warner Hamersly, Fra Warren Harrison, Seth Warwick King, Geo Watry Waugh, Joseph Watson Alexander, Thornton Webbo [?] Faished, Mr. TT 1724 7 PP 1782 1B7 TT 1724 7 PP 1782 1B3 PP 1782 E5 TL 1765 P2 PP 1782 1T3 TL 1747 6 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info TT 1724 TT 1724 TT 1724 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1747 2 TL 1747 3 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 H6 PP 1782 H2 TL 1765 T3 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1B5 TL 1747 7 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1B2 TL 1765 T7 PP 1782 H4 PP 1782 E5 PP 1782 E5 TL 1765 T6 TL 1765 T6 TT 1724 8 PP 1782 H4 PP 1782 1B3 TT 1724 2 PP 1782 E5 TL 1747 6 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 37 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA 2 7 7 1T5 T2 H5 1T1 1T1 Prince William County Slave Index Slave Name Slave Owner Whitehaven Purler, Mary Will Alexander, Wm (Colo) Armstead, John Athie, Thos Bertiley & Fontaines, [No First Bertiley & Fontaines, [No First Bird, Thos Blackburn, Mary Blackburn, Thos (Col) Brent, Hugh Brent, Hugh (Mr.) Brett, John Brown, Alexr Brown, Jas Carter, Charles (Esq, Decd. Qr) Carter, Robt (Esqr) Chancellor, Jno Cooke, Mr. Cooke, Mr. Douglas, Cate (Mrs) Ewell, Jas Ewell, Jas Ferguson, John Fitzhugh, John Fitzhugh, John Fitzhugh, John Fitzhugh, John Fitzhugh, Thos (Qr) Foley, James Fowlke, Chandler French, Jas Gwatkins, Edward Hampton, Henry Hedges, John Hedges, Robert Homes, [?]th Homes, James Hooe, Bernard Jackson, Frans (Jr.) Jones, Solomon Linton, John Madden, Scarlett Mason, George McMillian, Jno Melton, Wm Mitchell, Wm Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Osburn, [Unknown] Page, Mann (Deced) Powell, Wm (Sr) Randolph, John Sandford, Thos Smith, Peter Tebbs, Willm Slave Name Slave Owner Source Info Thornton, Thomas Tibbs, William Triplet, Willm Triplett, Jas Tyler, John (Sr) Whiting, Matthew Whitledge, Tho Wiatt, Conquest Wiatt, John Wickliff, Nath Wickliff, Nath Willis Skinker, Wm Washington, Henry Willoughby Carter, Landon (Jr.) Lewis, Zacha (Capt) Willouthby Reno, David Wills Harrison, Tho (Capt) Winey Floyd, Henry Winney Ash, George Calvert, Geo Landrum, Sarah Winny Anderson, Thos Armstead, John Armstead, John Ashmore, Wm Bates, Wm Baylis, John (Col) Blackburn, Thos (Col) Blackerby, Joseph Bland, Thos Carter, Giles Carter, Joseph Carter, Landon (Jr.) Chancellor, Jno Cleveland, Alexr Cullins, Sarah Dade, Townshend Davis, Wm Feagan, Wm Fernandon, Adam Fitzhugh, John Florence, Joseph Green, Geo Grubbs, Richd Harrison, Seth Hedges, John Hencock, John Hooe, Bernard Hooe, Jno (Colo) TT 1724 10 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TT 1724 TT 1724 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 TT 1724 PP 1782 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1747 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1747 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List E6 1T4 1T5 1T1 1T1 1B4 T6 1B5 E6 P5 1B7 1T7 1T5 P5 1B5 H5 7 7 E7 E5 E5 1B5 E5 E5 E5 E7 P5 T3 2 1B4 T8 P1 H5 T6 H3 T7 1B3 E4 1T2 T10 E8 1 H6 E4 1B2 1T7 5 1T4 1B4 T2 1B8 1B2 T7 Source Info TL 1765 TL 1747 TT 1724 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 TT 1724 PP 1782 PP 1782 TT 1724 TL 1765 Page 38 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA T6 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 1B1 TL 1765 P6 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 E6 TT 1724 8 TL 1765 T1 TL 1765 T1 TL 1765 T6 PP 1782 1B2 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 P4 2 9 H4 1T5 P2 8 1T7 1T2 H3 1T4 1T4 H4 E7 T2 1B5 P1 H5 H6 T3 1T2 H5 1B7 1T9 H2 1B6 E2 1T9 E5 1B7 E9 1T6 H4 H5 T3 1B3 1B8 Prince William County Slave Index Slave Name Slave Owner Lamkin, Go Linton, John Matthews, Wm Melton, Rd Moxley, Alon Murphy, Jas Payton, Timy Pope, John Prosser, Jno Rainy, Thos Rigby, Abr Tackett, Wm (Jr.) Thornton, Thos Tyler, John (Sr) Tyler, Joseph Willis, John (Majr) Winsor Wiatt, Jas Wm Baylis, John (Col) Dade, Townshend Rose, Jas Whiting, Peter Wilkinson, Elizrh Wilton, Francis Wonder Whiting, Matthew Worner Kincheloe, Cornelius Wreoham Love, Sam York Bird, Thos Ysex Cumberford, Edward Zach Burwell, Mary Haney, Haney's (Quarter) Zachariah Whiting, Matthew Zack Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Zedid Davis, Wm Zoe [?] Kincheloe, Cornelius Zur Tebbs, Willm [ ? Too light to read] Blackburn, Thos (Col) Blackburn, Thos (Col) [?]aid Thomas, Ben [?]rager King, Geo Slave Name Slave Owner Source Info PP 1782 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 E3 T10 1B7 1B9 1T9 H5 E2 H4 E6 E1 H5 H1 1T9 1T5 1B5 1B7 [Unknown] Hamrick, Seiad [?] Hamrick, Seiad [?] Hedges, Rt (Sr.) Matthews, Newman Matthews, Newman Minitree, Paul Pursley, John [heo] Carr, Wm [nch] Carr, Wm [none] Child Burwell, Nathl (Esqr) Gains, Wm Love, Sam Love, Sam nero Neal, Morris PP 1782 1T5 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 Source Info PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 TL 1765 T4 TL 1765 T4 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1B9 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1B4 TT 1724 10 PP 1782 1T8 TL 1765 T6 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1B6 PP 1782 1B9 TL 1765 T7 TT 1724 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B2 PP 1782 1B3 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 39 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA 1T5 1B2 1T4 1T4 TL 1747 7 T2 H2 1B9 1T3 1B8 1T3 PP 1782 1T1 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List 1T9 1T9 H6 1B7 1B7 H5 E3 Prince William County Slave Report (by Owner) Slave Owner Slave Name Alexander, Thornton Guy Joe Adam Newman Rose Ester Mima Nancy Sarah Sarah Mil Moses Joe Rhueben Aaron Guy John Ben David Dundee Watson Robin Tom Bartley Bett Bess Syle Sall Lettice Susan Daphne Nancy Lucy Virgin Geo: Joe Alexander, Wm (Colo) Dick Chas Emanuel Caesar Anty Abram Bob Aaron Chs Jona Seymour Frank Dinah Mason Amy Daphne Jung Ann Slave Owner Slave Name Source Info PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 E6 E6 E6 E6 E6 E6 E6 E6 E6 E6 E6 E6 E6 E6 E6 E6 E6 E6 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info Will PP 1782 Suky PP 1782 Sawney PP 1782 Nance PP 1782 Gryria PP 1782 Jane PP 1782 Phill PP 1782 Bett PP 1782 Moses PP 1782 Joshua PP 1782 Mildred PP 1782 Sue PP 1782 Sall PP 1782 David PP 1782 Sib PP 1782 Clary PP 1782 Judy PP 1782 Rachael PP 1782 Lucy PP 1782 Jas PP 1782 Lett PP 1782 Alexander, [No First Name] (Capt) Bess TL 1747 Bess [sic] TL 1747 Dinah [?] TL 1747 Great Joe TL 1747 Little Joe TL 1747 Morear [?] TL 1747 Pegg TL 1747 Ben TL 1747 Anderson, James Joe PP 1782 Jude PP 1782 Hannah PP 1782 Rachael PP 1782 Peter PP 1782 Jenny PP 1782 Jess PP 1782 Bett PP 1782 Joe PP 1782 Ben PP 1782 Anderson, John Baptis Susan TL 1765 Anderson, Thos Aaron PP 1782 Jude PP 1782 Winny PP 1782 Anderson, Thos. Jadeh TL 1765 Annes, Willm Dick TL 1765 Armistead Jr., [No first name] (Mrs.) Anna TL 1765 Betty TL 1765 Cain TL 1765 Daniel TL 1765 E6 E6 E6 E6 E6 E6 E6 E6 E6 E6 E6 E6 E6 E6 E6 E6 E6 E6 E6 E6 E6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 T2 H3 H3 H3 T8 T2 P3 P3 P3 P3 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 1 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Prince William County Slave Report (by Owner) Slave Owner Slave Name Slave Owner Slave Name Source Info David TL 1765 Hannah TL 1765 James TL 1765 Jane TL 1765 Lias TL 1765 Lucy TL 1765 Pallas TL 1765 Primes TL 1765 Solomon TL 1765 Tom TL 1765 Armistead, [No first name] (Mrs.) Booker TL 1765 Breech TL 1765 Homer TL 1765 James TL 1765 Jenny TL 1765 Lucy TL 1765 Milly TL 1765 Moll TL 1765 Nell TL 1765 Oliver TL 1765 Phill TL 1765 Rose TL 1765 Ruth TL 1765 Armstead, John Alce PP 1782 Ambrose PP 1782 Amy PP 1782 Anney PP 1782 Under 16 Armstead PP 1782 Under 16 Bet PP 1782 Bett PP 1782 Under 16 Bett PP 1782 Under 16 Betty PP 1782 Under 16 Booker PP 1782 Cain PP 1782 Charlotte PP 1782 Under 16 Cloe PP 1782 Under 16 Daniel PP 1782 Dinah PP 1782 Elick PP 1782 Under 16 Elijah PP 1782 Under 16 Ester PP 1782 Under 16 Fany PP 1782 Frank PP 1782 Under 16 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 George Godfrey Under 16 Hannah Harry Under 16 Homer Humphrey Isaac Under 16 Janney Under 16 Jas Jas Under 16 Jas Under 16 Jas Under 16 Jenny Jes Joey [?] Under 16 Lewes Lewsy Lucy Lucy Under 16 Lyams Lymes [?] Under 16 M[--]y Under 16 Manuel Under 16 Mary Under 16 Mary Under 16 Milly Mima Under 16 Mimy Under 16 Moll Molly Nancy Under 16 Nancy Under 16 Oliver Page Under 16 Patt Under 16 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 1T4 1T4 1T4 1T4 1T4 1T4 1T4 1T4 1T4 1T4 1T4 1T4 1T4 1T4 1T4 1T4 1T4 1T4 1T4 1T4 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T4 1T4 1T4 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 2 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Prince William County Slave Report (by Owner) Slave Owner Slave Name Peg Under 16 Peg Under 16 Phill Phill Under 16 Polly Under 16 Princes Princes Rachael Rafe Under 16 Rafe Rafe Randal Under 16 Robin Under 16 Ruben Under 16 Ruth Sam Under 16 Sam Under 16 Sam Under 16 Sam Under 16 Sampson Under 16 Sarah Under 16 Sarah Under 16 Silo [?] Under 16 Simon Under 16 Suke Under 16 Suke Under 16 Talbert Under 16 Tom Will Under 16 Winny Under 16 Winny Under 16 Slave Owner Slave Name Source Info PP 1782 1T4 Ash, George Ben TL 1765 Jacob TL 1765 Tom TL 1765 Winney TL 1765 Ash, Zach Moll TL 1765 Kite TL 1765 Philis TL 1765 Ralph TL 1765 Sam TL 1765 Ashmore, Wm Harry PP 1782 Jem PP 1782 Winny PP 1782 Sam PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Sall PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Athie, Tho Harry PP 1782 Under 16 Athie, Thos Cate PP 1782 Chas PP 1782 Under 16 Frank PP 1782 Under 16 Lydda PP 1782 Under 16 Nan PP 1782 Nan PP 1782 Under 16 Will PP 1782 Under 16 Attwell, Thos (Colo) Alice PP 1782 Amy PP 1782 Beck PP 1782 Betty PP 1782 Crok PP 1782 Dick PP 1782 Frank PP 1782 Frann PP 1782 Gabriel PP 1782 Harry PP 1782 Hester PP 1782 James PP 1782 Jane PP 1782 Junior PP 1782 Kent PP 1782 Nanie PP 1782 Nelly PP 1782 Sall PP 1782 Susan PP 1782 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T4 1T4 1T4 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 1T5 1T5 1T5 1T5 1T5 1T5 1T5 1T5 1B6 1B6 1B6 1B6 1B6 1B6 1B6 1B6 1B6 1B6 1B6 1B6 1B6 1B6 1B6 1B6 1B6 1B6 1B6 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 3 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Prince William County Slave Report (by Owner) Slave Owner Slave Name Slave Owner Slave Name Source Info Atwell, Thomas Jack TL 1747 James TL 1765 Jude TL 1765 Nan TL 1765 Phillis TL 1765 Rachell TL 1765 Barker, Joshua Sarah PP 1782 Rose PP 1782 Enoch PP 1782 Jude PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Bates, Wm Nance PP 1782 Aggy PP 1782 Winny PP 1782 Baylis, John (Col) Alisan TL 1765 Ben TL 1765 Beth TL 1765 Black TL 1765 Casper TL 1765 Celia TL 1765 Dick TL 1765 Heugh TL 1765 Jack TL 1765 Jin TL 1765 Moll TL 1765 Montgomery TL 1765 Sara TL 1765 Winny TL 1765 Wm TL 1765 Baylis, Samuel Ben TL 1765 Jone TL 1765 Bennett, Edward London TL 1765 Bennett, Wm Sarah TL 1765 Lett TL 1765 Berry, Edward Bess TL 1747 George TL 1747 Harry TL 1747 Berry, Willm George TL 1765 Bertiley & Fontaines, [No First Name] Agga PP 1782 Bachus PP 1782 Under 16 Bob PP 1782 Bridget PP 1782 Under 16 Fanny PP 1782 Fanny Under 16 Frank Grace Hannah Under 16 Jesse Under 16 John John Under 16 Lilly Under 16 Mary Under 16 Milly Under 16 Nell Under 16 Nelly Nelly Parrott Pompey Ralph Sally Sam Solomon Under 16 Will Will Under 16 Bigbey, Ann Cate James Sam Bird, Tho Jas Bird, Thos Amy Not Tithes Bett Not Tithes Charles Cloe Not Tithes Damont Dinah Elijah Not Tithes Esther Fanny Not Tithes Hannah Not Tithes Harry Jack 7 T8 T8 T8 T8 T8 H2 H2 H2 H2 E7 E7 E7 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 P1 P1 T1 T8 T8 2 2 2 T2 1T1 1T1 1T1 1T1 1T1 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T1 1T1 1T1 1T1 1T1 1T1 1T1 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 T9 T9 T9 PP 1782 1B4 PP 1782 1B4 PP 1782 1B4 PP 1782 1B4 PP 1782 1B4 PP 1782 1B4 PP 1782 1B4 PP 1782 1B4 PP 1782 1B4 PP 1782 1B4 PP 1782 1B4 PP 1782 1B4 PP 1782 1B4 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 4 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Prince William County Slave Report (by Owner) Slave Owner Slave Name Lewis Not Tithes Minna Not Tithes Ned Not Tithes Priss [name smeared] Rachael Not Tithes Stafford Tom Not Tithes Will York Bird, William Dinah Blackburn, Col Cate Dol Guy Jack Juda Ned Peg Peter [?] Phill Press [?] Sam Sara Seco [?] Sesor Su[ke?] Toby Vilet Peter [?] Blackburn, Mary Vitate Will Blackburn, Mary (Mrs.) Jacob Blackburn, Thomas Blacki Tom Jacken Jacob Mingo Mollatto Tom Sarah Sharper Blackburn, Thos (Col) [ ? Too light to read] Young [ ? Too light to read] Young Amady Young Arrabella Slave Owner Slave Name Source Info PP 1782 1B4 Bett Casar Casar Young Chas Cook Cto Easter George Young Gloser Young Grace Hannah Jacob Young Joe Young Juba Judy Kithehen Lucy Lucy Young Lucy Young Moll Moll Moses Young Nell Young Peter Young Pompey Price Young Roges Rose Sall Suck Young Tom Young Will Young Winny Young Blackerby, Joseph Harry Winny Blackwell, David Dick Micharch Maimol [?] Sarah PP 1782 1B4 PP 1782 1B4 PP 1782 1B4 PP 1782 1B4 PP 1782 1B4 PP 1782 1B4 PP 1782 1B4 PP 1782 1B4 TL 1747 6 TL 1747 7 TL 1747 7 TL 1747 7 TL 1747 7 TL 1747 7 TL 1747 7 TL 1747 7 TL 1747 7 TL 1747 7 TL 1747 7 TL 1747 7 TL 1747 7 TL 1747 7 TL 1747 7 TL 1747 7 TL 1747 7 TL 1747 7 PP 1782 1B5 TL 1765 TL 1765 T6 T6 TL 1765 T6 TL TL TL TL TL TL TL T6 T6 T6 T6 T6 T6 T6 1765 1765 1765 1765 1765 1765 1765 TT 1724 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1B5 1B5 1B5 1B5 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1B5 1B5 1B5 1B5 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1B5 1B5 1B5 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 TL 1765 TL 1765 P1 P1 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T1 1T1 1T1 1T1 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 5 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Prince William County Slave Report (by Owner) Slave Owner Slave Name Lott Under 16 Moses Under 16 Bob Under 16 Tom Under 16 Bland, Benjamin George Bland, Sam Hannah Bland, Thos Robt Phillis Winny Luce Sam Nell Peter Bland, William (Junior) Bess Boggess, Thomas Jean Kate Nan Botts, Francis Fe [?] Rhody Bob Doll Aaron Bracken, Mr Bet Under 16 Betty Under 16 Bob Under 16 Jasper Under 16 Matt Under 16 Brady, Jos Jenny Brent, Daniel Harry Geo Othello Danl Kate Sall Jonathan Nelly Barrach Molly Slave Owner Slave Name Source Info PP 1782 1T1 Cupid Philander Brent, Hugh Will Lorin [?] La-- [?] Mill Lucy Finn Daniel Dick Rose Lydda Cloe Joe Jone Brent, Hugh (Mr.) Betty Harry Mille Milly Will Brent, Susanna Amy Betty Harry Jane Jemy 12 yr old boy Nick Pompy Brett, John Ben Not Tithes George Not Tithes Jack Jas Jno Jno Nicoll Patt Not Tithes Pegg Prince Sylva Will Brewer, Thos Francis Jane Jett Not Tithes Robt Not Tithes PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 TL 1765 T9 PP 1782 1B2 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 TL 1747 3 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 T9 T9 T9 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 E3 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 E6 E6 E6 E6 E6 E6 E6 E6 E6 E6 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info PP 1782 PP 1782 E6 E6 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 E6 E6 E6 E6 E6 E6 E6 E6 E6 E6 E6 E6 E6 TL TL TL TL TL 1765 1765 1765 1765 1765 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 TT 1724 TT 1724 TT 1724 TT 1724 TT 1724 8 8 8 8 8 TT 1724 TT 1724 8 8 PP 1782 1B7 PP 1782 1B7 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1B7 1B7 1B7 1B7 1B7 1B7 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1B7 1B7 1B7 1B7 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 6 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Prince William County Slave Report (by Owner) Slave Owner Slave Name Brewer, Tomas Sarah Bridges, Ben Joseph Slave Owner Slave Name Source Info TL 1765 Brown, Robt Amey Not Tithes Andw Not Tithes Beck Billy Carroll Fanny Not Tithes Jofey Not Tithes Judy Not Tithes Milly Milly Not Tithes Nace [?] Not Tithes Nanny Brown, Wm Eliza Not Tithes Frank Not Tithes Hagar Not Tithes Jack Not Tithes Judy Let Not Tithes Liza Not Tithes Lyd Peg Not Tithes Rose Not Tithes Sarah Bryne, Lydia (Mrs.) Pegg Buchanan, John Lucy Buchanan, John Gabrill Buckner, Anty Edy not a tithe Jacob Joseph Bullett, Cuth Cash Hager John London/Landon T1 PP 1782 1B7 Judy PP 1782 Bridges, Benja Bob TL 1747 George TL 1747 Jane TL 1747 Sarah TL 1747 Selvester TL 1747 Solomon TL 1747 Brown, Alexr Annis PP 1782 Under 16 Charity PP 1782 Coxon PP 1782 Gloster PP 1782 Michael PP 1782 Under 16 Oliver PP 1782 Sally PP 1782 Under 16 Will PP 1782 Brown, Go New Amy PP 1782 Young Frank PP 1782 Henry PP 1782 Lewis PP 1782 Young Moll PP 1782 Young Pender PP 1782 Sarah PP 1782 Brown, Jas Alex PP 1782 Under 16 Ben PP 1782 Under 16 Gabe PP 1782 Go PP 1782 Lucy PP 1782 Sam PP 1782 Will PP 1782 Scipio PP 1782 Dinah PP 1782 Jude PP 1782 Pindar PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Harry PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) 1B7 9 9 9 9 9 9 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 1B1 1B1 1B1 1B1 1B1 1B1 1B1 1T5 1T5 1T5 1T5 1T5 1T5 1T5 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1B8 1B8 1B8 1B8 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B7 PP 1782 1B7 PP 1782 1B7 PP 1782 1B7 PP 1782 1B7 PP 1782 1B7 PP 1782 1B7 PP 1782 1B7 PP 1782 1B7 PP 1782 1B7 PP 1782 1B7 TL 1765 T5 TL 1747 5 TL 1747 5 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B8 TL TL TL TL 1765 1765 1765 1765 T3 T3 T3 T3 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 7 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Prince William County Slave Report (by Owner) Slave Owner Slave Name Slave Owner Slave Name Source Info Polly TL 1765 Burbwell, Robt (Esq.) Jenny TL 1765 Lucy TL 1765 Andrew TL 1765 Betty TL 1765 Boson TL 1765 Brazel TL 1765 Breeches TL 1765 Brutas TL 1765 Cuffee TL 1765 Frank TL 1765 Goliah TL 1765 Hannah TL 1765 Herculas TL 1765 Jimmy TL 1765 Kitt TL 1765 Litteci TL 1765 Mingo TL 1765 Molley TL 1765 Molley TL 1765 Molley TL 1765 Nan TL 1765 Ned TL 1765 Quash TL 1765 Rachil TL 1765 Sam TL 1765 Sorrow TL 1765 Syrus TL 1765 Tom TL 1765 Burgess, Edwd Sylla PP 1782 Mary PP 1782 Burris, Mary Moll PP 1782 Sam PP 1782 Jacob PP 1782 Nell PP 1782 Abram PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Jenne PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Burwell, Mary Adam PP 1782 Agga PP 1782 Ben PP 1782 Under 16 Ben PP 1782 Under 16 Betsy PP 1782 Under 16 Betty PP 1782 Under 16 Billy PP 1782 Under 16 Brazil PP 1782 T3 Caesar Cynion [?] Cyrus Under 16 Daphne Under 16 Dick Fillis Gift Gift Under 16 Grace Hannah Humphrey Isaac Isbel James Jas Under 16 Jenny Jenny Joe John Kit Under 16 Lewis Lucina Macaster Molly Molly Under 16 Monsor Under 16 Natt Under 16 Peggy Under 16 Rachael Rose Sall Sharper Tom Under 16 Zach Under 16 Andrw Burwell, Nathl (Esqr) [none] Child Under 16 Bob Brazilo Under 16 Caesar Under 16 Captain P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 1B3 1B3 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 1T8 1T8 1T8 1T8 1T8 1T8 1T8 Source Info PP 1782 1T8 PP 1782 1T8 PP 1782 1T8 PP 1782 1T8 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T8 1T8 1T8 1T8 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T8 1T8 1T8 1T8 1T8 1T8 1T8 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T8 1T8 1T8 1T8 1T8 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T8 1T8 1T8 1T8 1T8 PP 1782 1T8 PP 1782 1T8 PP 1782 1T8 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T8 1T8 1T8 1T8 1T8 PP 1782 1T8 PP 1782 1T8 PP 1782 1T5 PP 1782 1T5 PP 1782 1T5 PP 1782 1T5 PP 1782 1T5 1T8 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 8 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Prince William County Slave Report (by Owner) Slave Owner Slave Name Captain PP 1782 Under 16 Casar PP 1782 Chas PP 1782 Under 16 Cobbler PP 1782 Corder PP 1782 Under 16 Cupid PP 1782 Daniel PP 1782 Under 16 Fanny PP 1782 Fanny PP 1782 Under 16 Harry PP 1782 Under 16 Jupiter PP 1782 Lemon PP 1782 Lender PP 1782 Under 16 Lucy PP 1782 Lyda PP 1782 Nelly PP 1782 Under 16 Orange PP 1782 Under 16 Peter PP 1782 Under 16 Planter PP 1782 Planter PP 1782 Under 16 Pompey PP 1782 Rich PP 1782 Under 16 Sam PP 1782 Siller PP 1782 Under 16 Simon PP 1782 Suke PP 1782 Syl PP 1782 Butler, Joseph Boston PP 1782 Kate PP 1782 Juda PP 1782 Lydia PP 1782 Hannah PP 1782 Daniel PP 1782 Young Negro (not tithes) Butler, Lawrence Dick PP 1782 Byrn, Jas Cinthia Not Tithes Harry Slave Owner Slave Name Source Info 1T5 Byrn, Wm Arch Calvert, Geo Cate Dinah Duke Tom Winney Calvert, Geo (Sr) Jean Lucy Moll Calvert, Jacob Jacob Jacob Sue Calvert, John Ben Ben Danl Grace Con Agga Juba Adam Jeffry Calvert, John (Jr.) Fortune Jem Calvert, Obia Tom Calvert, Sarah Jacob Moll Jude Campbell, Isaac (Revd) Africa Cato Cumbie Fanny Glasgow Harry Jennifer Moll Nancy Peter Under 16 Sall Under 16 Campble, Geo: Jess Cannon, John Charles Not Tithes Dublin Jack 1T5 1T5 1T5 1T5 1T5 1T5 1T5 1T5 1T5 1T5 1T5 1T5 1T5 1T5 1T5 1T5 1T5 1T5 1T5 1T5 1T5 1T5 1T5 1T5 1T5 1T5 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 PP 1782 1B3 PP 1782 1B3 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info PP 1782 H3 TL TL TL TL TL 1765 1765 1765 1765 1765 T6 T6 T6 T6 T6 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 T6 T6 T6 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 T1 T1 T1 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 T6 E4 E4 E4 E4 E4 E4 E4 E4 PP 1782 PP 1782 E2 E2 TL 1765 T7 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 H4 H4 H4 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T6 1T6 1T6 1T6 1T6 1T6 1T6 1T6 1T6 1T6 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1B2 PP 1782 1B2 PP 1782 1B2 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 9 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Prince William County Slave Report (by Owner) Slave Owner Slave Name Slave Owner Slave Name Source Info Jane PP 1782 Jane PP 1782 [written over] Jas PP 1782 Not Tithes Lettice PP 1782 Carr, Wm [heo] TL 1765 [nch] TL 1765 Hams TL 1765 Nealson TL 1765 Nell TL 1765 Carter, Charles ((Coro); Esq) Agge TL 1765 Amos TL 1765 Amos TL 1765 Anthony TL 1765 Criss TL 1765 Fanny TL 1765 Francis TL 1765 Hannah TL 1765 Jack TL 1765 Joe TL 1765 Kelly TL 1765 Margret TL 1765 Nanny TL 1765 Patty TL 1765 Robin TL 1765 Sam TL 1765 Sarah TL 1765 Sarah TL 1765 Carter, Charles (Esq, Decd. Qr) Moll TL 1765 Will TL 1765 Roben TL 1765 Sarah TL 1765 Carter, Giles George PP 1782 Judy PP 1782 Tab PP 1782 Big Agga PP 1782 Jane PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Sarah PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) 1B2 1B2 Winny PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Little Agga PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Milly PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Jess PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Moll PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) H6 Carter, Joseph Bob Winny Carter, Landon (Jr.) Willoughby Pliss Andrew Barnaby Beck Billy Dick Egoe Esther Gawing Joe Kate Kate Kitt Mary Nanny Nelson Patty Pegg Sarah Tom Tom Abby Abby Alce Under 16 Aly Under 16 Amartal Under 16 Ambrose Under 16 Amos Under 16 Amy Under 16 Andrew Under 16 Archy Barnaby Beck Ben Under 16 Ben Under 16 Betty Under 16 Betty Under 16 Billy Billy 1B2 1B2 T4 T4 T4 T4 T4 P6 P6 P6 P6 P6 P6 P6 P6 P6 P6 P6 P6 P6 P6 P6 P6 P6 P6 P5 P5 P5 P5 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info TL 1765 TL 1765 T3 T3 TL 1765 P6 TL 1765 P6 TL 1765 P6 TL 1765 P6 TL 1765 P6 TL 1765 P6 TL 1765 P6 TL 1765 P6 TL 1765 P6 TL 1765 P6 TL 1765 P6 TL 1765 P6 TL 1765 P6 TL 1765 P6 TL 1765 P6 TL 1765 P6 TL 1765 P6 TL 1765 P6 TL 1765 P6 TL 1765 P6 TL 1765 P6 TL 1765 P6 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T2 1T2 1T2 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 10 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Prince William County Slave Report (by Owner) Slave Owner Slave Name Billy Under 16 Billy Under 16 Billy Under 16 Charlotte Under 16 Charlotte Under 16 Chriss Under 16 Cowes Cuckora Under 16 Daniel Under 16 Diana Under 16 Dinah Under 16 Dolly Under 16 Ephraim Under 16 Fanny Under 16 Fortune Garden Under 16 Gawen Gawen Under 16 Gawen Under 16 Geo: George Under 16 Hannah Under 16 Harry Harry Under 16 Hillory Isaac Under 16 Jack Under 16 Jacob Under 16 James James James Under 16 Jane Under 16 Slave Owner Slave Name Source Info PP 1782 1T2 Jenny Under 16 Joe Joe Joe Judy Judy Under 16 Kate Katy Under 16 Katy Under 16 Kerekia Under 16 Letty Under 16 Luzas Lydia Under 16 Manuel Martha Martha Martha Mary Mary Mehemi-lia Under 16 Milty [?] Under 16 Mima Under 16 Mimy Mimy Under 16 Molly Under 16 Nancy Under 16 Nancy Under 16 Nanny Nat Under 16 Parmer Patty Patty Patty Pegg Peggy Under 16 Penny Person Peter Under 16 Peter PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T2 1T2 1T2 1T2 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T2 1T2 1T2 1T2 1T2 1T2 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T2 1T2 1T2 1T2 1T2 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 11 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Prince William County Slave Report (by Owner) Slave Owner Slave Name Peter Phebe Under 16 Phill Phill Phillis Under 16 Rafe Ralph Under 16 Rawley Under 16 Robin Sally Sam Under 16 Sarah Under 16 Sarah Sarah Siby Sicily Simon Simon Steph Sukey Under 16 Sukey Under 16 Sukey Sylla Under 16 Sylva Under 16 Thaddeus Under 16 Tom Under 16 Tom Tom Tosy Under 16 Ursula Under 16 Vincent Under 16 Winny Under 16 Carter, Robt (Esqr) Adam Young Aggy Young Argy Barr Young Slave Owner Slave Name Source Info PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 Beck Crosst Young Darius Young Frank Young Garn Jack Young Jack Jas Young Jas Young Joan Young Joe Judy Lott Young Lucy Young Mary Mima Young Moll Moll Young Moses Ned Young Peg Phillis Phillis Young Rick Rob Rose Young Sall Young Sam Young Sampson Young Sylva Young Toby Young Tom Young Will PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T2 1T2 1T2 1T2 1T2 1T2 1T2 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 Source Info PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 12 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Prince William County Slave Report (by Owner) Slave Owner Slave Name Slave Owner Slave Name Source Info Carterr, Robt (Esqr) Patt PP 1782 Cave, William Roger TT 1724 Chambers, Joseph Cesar TT 1724 Factor TT 1724 Harry TT 1724 Jack TT 1724 Mall TT 1724 Peg TT 1724 Champ, Majr Bob TL 1747 Bristor TL 1747 Filles TL 1747 Harry TL 1747 Joe TL 1747 London TL 1747 Ned TL 1747 Patients [=Patience] TL 1747 Peter TL 1747 Rose TL 1747 Sarah TL 1747 Sesor [=Caesar] TL 1747 Toni TL 1747 Chancellor, Jno Will PP 1782 Tom PP 1782 Moses PP 1782 Ned PP 1782 Chs PP 1782 Little Frank PP 1782 Ned PP 1782 Winny PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Alce PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Mary PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Barbary PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Rachael PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Bob PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Jane PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Cleveland, Alexr David PP 1782 Not Tithes Nelly PP 1782 Shadrick PP 1782 Winny PP 1782 Not Tithes Clonenger, Vallentine Rosa Cole, Jane Nan Chas Adam Collis, Thos Moll & Nego child Combs, Joseph Harry Tom Cood, Wm Boy James Cooke, Mr. Pegg Sara Tomboy Will Will boy, 12 yrs old Cooper, Henry Jean Copin, Wm Frank Courtney, John Jenny Creel, Geo Dick Betty Cullins, James Harry Limbrick Sue Cullins, Jas Harry Cullins, Sarah Tom Sue Winny Sarah Peter Under 16 Edmd Under 16 Rose Under 16 Jane Under 16 Cumberford, Edward Ysex Curtis, Christr Hannah Jack Milly Harry 1B5 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 1B7 1B7 1B7 1B7 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info TL 1765 T10 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 H3 H3 H3 PP 1782 1T8 TT 1724 TT 1724 7 7 PP 1782 1B6 TT 1724 TT 1724 TT 1724 TT 1724 TT 1724 7 7 7 7 7 TL 1765 T5 PP 1782 H3 TT 1724 3 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1T3 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 P3 P3 P3 PP 1782 1T9 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T9 1T9 1T9 1T9 1T9 PP 1782 1T9 PP 1782 1T9 PP 1782 1T9 TT 1724 10 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T9 1T9 1T9 1T9 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 13 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Prince William County Slave Report (by Owner) Slave Owner Slave Name Slave Owner Slave Name Source Info Jany PP 1782 1T9 Under 16 Charlotte PP 1782 1T9 Under 16 Isaac PP 1782 1T9 Under 16 Dade, Townshend Wm PP 1782 H2 Phill PP 1782 H2 Jas PP 1782 H2 Winny PP 1782 H2 Suck PP 1782 H2 Jas PP 1782 H2 Young negro (not tithes) Mary PP 1782 H2 Young negro (not tithes) Dalton, James Ned Dalton, Rachael Jack Ben Jas Betty Scipio Daulton, John Bess Hany Jack Davis, Eleazer Alice Davis, Hugh Amos Ester Moll Phillis Davis, Isaac Ben Florow Jack Joe Taser Davis, Simon Caesar Not Tithes Fanny Not Tithes Mary Rose Not Tithes Davis, Thomas Jenney Pompey Siepes PP 1782 H4 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 T5 T5 T5 PP 1782 E3 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1B6 1B6 1B6 1B6 TL TL TL TL TL 1765 1765 1765 1765 1765 Davis, Wm Arch Bob Cloe Dennis Dick Hannah Jas Rachaell Robin Sall Winny Zedid Dawkins, Thomas Ben Dawkins, Widow Philles Delgarn, John Charity Peg Diskin, John George Jem Jude [?] Luse Mlbrogt [?] Sarah Dixon, John Amy Under 16 Daniel Doll Under 16 Esther Grace Jacob Under 16 James Under 16 Joe Under 16 John Letty Under 16 Nat Sue Under 16 Dodson, Enoch Adam Alce Under 16 Dick Under 16 Jude Poll Under 16 T5 T5 T5 T5 T5 PP 1782 1B3 PP 1782 1B3 PP 1782 1B3 PP 1782 1B3 TL 1747 TL 1747 TL 1747 3 3 3 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1B6 1B6 1B6 1B6 1B6 1B6 1B6 1B6 1B6 1B6 1B6 1B6 TL 1765 P1 TL 1747 4 PP 1782 1B6 PP 1782 1B6 TL TL TL TL TL TL 1747 1747 1747 1747 1747 1747 6 6 6 6 6 6 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 14 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Prince William County Slave Report (by Owner) Slave Owner Slave Name Slave Owner Slave Name Source Info Sarah PP 1782 1T4 Under 16 Sinah PP 1782 1T4 Under 16 Ter-es[?] PP 1782 1T4 Dodson, Joshua Sue TL 1765 P2 Douglas, Cate (Mrs) Moses PP 1782 E7 Will PP 1782 E7 Juba PP 1782 E7 Charles PP 1782 E7 Juba PP 1782 E7 Lott PP 1782 E7 Betty PP 1782 E7 Nanny PP 1782 E7 Tom PP 1782 E7 Amy PP 1782 E7 Sukey PP 1782 E7 Nelson PP 1782 E7 Delphia PP 1782 E7 Jack PP 1782 E7 Charlotte PP 1782 E7 N-boer [?] PP 1782 E7 Aaron PP 1782 E7 Comfort PP 1782 E7 Jack PP 1782 E7 Sylla PP 1782 E7 Douglass, James Jubo TL 1765 T7 Douglass, John Joe TL 1765 T7 Nan TL 1765 T7 Sarah TL 1765 T7 Downman, Jabez Henry TL 1765 T3 Kate TL 1765 T3 Moll TL 1765 T3 Sarah TL 1765 T3 Sharper TL 1765 T3 Sue TL 1765 T3 Tilorocs TL 1765 T3 Titus TL 1765 T3 Downton, Richard Sam PP 1782 H2 Sarah PP 1782 H2 Lucy PP 1782 H2 Cate PP 1782 H2 Young negro (not tithes) Jane PP 1782 H2 Young negro (not tithes) Steven PP 1782 H2 Young negro (not tithes) Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info Drummond, Ben Doly TL 1765 Edrington, Jno Moses PP 1782 Jem PP 1782 Ben PP 1782 Aaron PP 1782 Sall PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Hannah PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Clara PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Edwards, Haden Grace TL 1765 Leonard TL 1765 Oliver TL 1765 Sarah TL 1765 Elgin, Jas Bendar PP 1782 Elliot, Reuben (Patroler) Jude TL 1765 Ellzey, Wm Phill TL 1765 Beck TL 1765 George TL 1765 George TL 1765 Kate TL 1765 Elzey, John Robin TT 1724 Elzey, Lewis Tony TT 1724 Bess TT 1724 Billy TT 1724 Giles TT 1724 Peg TT 1724 Evan, Robt Betty TL 1765 George TL 1765 Patt TL 1765 Tom TL 1765 Evans, Thos Harry PP 1782 Ester PP 1782 Jack PP 1782 George PP 1782 Daniel PP 1782 Sam PP 1782 Mina PP 1782 Jude PP 1782 Titus PP 1782 Ewell, Jas Saul PP 1782 Dick PP 1782 Manuel PP 1782 James PP 1782 T4 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 T8 T8 T8 T8 E7 P2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 3 2 2 2 2 2 T10 T10 T10 T10 1T1 1T1 1T1 1T1 1T1 1T1 1T1 1T1 1T1 E5 E5 E5 E5 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 15 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Prince William County Slave Report (by Owner) Slave Owner Slave Name Toney Phill Arod [?] Will Jack Will Lydda Rose Rose Casiah Patt Joanna Hagar Milly Daniel Amos Jerry Letty Sylla Jone Ewell, Jesse Peter Tom Belinda Lett Jeffry Ewells, Jessy Eastiny Joe Robin Rose Susannah Fagan, Edward Harry Kate Sarah Fagan, Francis Nan Fagen, Francis Peter Faished, Mr. Cate Moll Tom Webbo [?] Farguson, Isaac Juda Farrow, Abra Tom Farrow, Abra [Abraham] Bess Bosen boy 10 & 16 Slave Owner Slave Name Source Info PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 TL TL TL TL TL 1765 1765 1765 1765 1765 T10 T10 T10 T10 T10 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 P1 P1 P1 TL 1765 P1 TL 1765 P1 TL TL TL TL 1747 1747 1747 1747 6 6 6 6 TL 1747 8 TT 1724 10 TT 1724 TT 1724 10 10 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info Farrow, Ann Tom TL 1765 T10 Farrow, Isaac Ned TL 1765 T7 Sarah TL 1765 T7 Syd TL 1765 T7 Ned PP 1782 H2 Chs PP 1782 H2 Jas PP 1782 H2 Sarah PP 1782 H2 Mill PP 1782 H2 Patt PP 1782 H2 Frank PP 1782 H2 Kate PP 1782 H2 Grace PP 1782 H2 Bett PP 1782 H2 Young negro (not tithes) Dan PP 1782 H2 Young negro (not tithes) Simon PP 1782 H2 Young negro (not tithes) Moll PP 1782 H2 Young negro (not tithes) Grace PP 1782 H2 Young negro (not tithes) Farrow, John Chas PP 1782 E1 Chatham PP 1782 E1 Lucy PP 1782 H1 Frank PP 1782 H1 Farrow, William Capt TT 1724 10 13 yrs old Frank TT 1724 10 Farrow, Wm Thos PP 1782 H6 Sam: PP 1782 H6 Lydda PP 1782 H6 Suck PP 1782 H6 Peggy PP 1782 H6 Young negro (not tithes) Maria PP 1782 H6 Young negro (not tithes) Anty PP 1782 H6 Young negro (not tithes) Ester PP 1782 H6 Young negro (not tithes) Joan PP 1782 H6 Young negro (not tithes) Jeffrey PP 1782 H6 Young negro (not tithes) Feagan, Frans (Sr) Daphne PP 1782 1T6 Under 16 Fran PP 1782 1T6 Under 16 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 16 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Prince William County Slave Report (by Owner) Slave Owner Slave Name Jing [?] Under 16 Jude Under 16 Molley Under 16 Nan Peter Sarah Under 16 Feagan, Wm Moll Nell Tom Sarah Winny Ben Feagin, Edward Bess Nan Tom Fenwick, William Cesar Kate Ferguson, John London Tom Will Fernandon, Adam Winny Dick Under 16 Fitzhugh, Henry Billy Cuffy Hanna Harry Pegg Fitzhugh, Jno Esop Hanna Judy Sara Fitzhugh, John David Peter Chas Ben Will Flora Delia Sarah Isbell Will Fredk Jesse Slave Owner Slave Name Source Info PP 1782 1T6 Winny David Beck Adam Shadrick Virgin Ben Will Bob Lucy Ben Titus Will Mingo Milly Milly Maria Bett Nancy Lett Ester Sall Jude Tob Anthony Jack Suckey Fitzhugh, John (Qr) Bristow Jane Bett Milly Milly Tom Fitzhugh, Thos Jack Juba Gloster Anty Jack Simon Sam Chs Phill Lydda Bess Sarah Jenny Rachael Molly Judy Delphia Judy Aaron Daphne Charity PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 TT 1724 TT 1724 TT 1724 9 9 9 TT 1724 TT 1724 7 7 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1T9 PP 1782 1T9 TT 1724 TT 1724 TT 1724 TT 1724 TT 1724 3 3 3 3 3 TT 1724 TT 1724 TT 1724 TT 1724 7 7 7 7 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E7 E7 E7 E7 E7 E7 E7 E7 E7 E7 E7 E7 E7 E7 E7 E7 E7 TL TL TL TL TL TL 1765 1765 1765 1765 1765 1765 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 E8 E8 E8 E8 E8 E8 E8 E8 E8 E8 E8 E8 E8 E8 E8 E8 E8 E8 E8 E8 E8 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 17 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Prince William County Slave Report (by Owner) Slave Owner Slave Name Slave Owner Slave Name Source Info Alice PP 1782 Essex PP 1782 Joe PP 1782 Lucy PP 1782 Joshua PP 1782 Tom PP 1782 Harry PP 1782 Dinah PP 1782 James PP 1782 Dick PP 1782 Chas PP 1782 Bob PP 1782 Charlotte PP 1782 Sarah PP 1782 Rachl PP 1782 Fitzhugh, Thos (Qr) Hannah TL 1765 Jack TL 1765 Jenny TL 1765 Lydia TL 1765 Molly TL 1765 Nan TL 1765 Sarah TL 1765 Will TL 1765 Ben TL 1765 Bess TL 1765 FitzhughJr, John (Qr) Hester TL 1765 Florence, Go Frank PP 1782 Florence, Joseph Lettice PP 1782 Milly PP 1782 Sampson PP 1782 Sarah PP 1782 Winny PP 1782 Floyd, Henry Nirow TL 1765 Winey TL 1765 Foley, James Will TL 1765 Foley, John Hanna TT 1724 btwn 10 & 16 Folkners, [No first Name] (Mr.) Harry TL 1747 Jack TL 1747 Philles TL 1747 Philles TL 1747 Foot, Rd (estate, decd) Ned PP 1782 Di-ed [?] PP 1782 Churs PP 1782 Butcher PP 1782 Rose PP 1782 Celia PP 1782 E8 E8 E8 E8 E8 E8 E8 E8 E8 E8 E8 E8 E8 E8 E8 Rachael Sary Susanna Jesse Harry Rawley Nailey James Lucy Frank Foot, Richard (Jr.) Jack Jenny Moses Foster, Isaac Reany Gray Foster, James Frank Kate Child Foster, Jerema Jenny Letty Under 16 Foster, Joshua Sam Foster, Margt Amos Clary Not Tithes Jack Not Tithes Nell Not Tithes Foster, William (Senr) Sam Foster, Wm Dinah Fowlke, Chandler John Mall Man Sara Tom Will Frank, Jeffrey Cheshire Not Tithes Clara Flora Not Tithes Jack Moll Phoebe Not Tithes P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 1B7 1B7 1B7 1B7 1B7 1B7 T1 T1 T3 4 5 5 5 5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 P5 P5 P5 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1B1 PP 1782 1B1 PP 1782 1T5 PP 1782 1T5 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1B1 PP 1782 1B1 PP 1782 1B1 PP 1782 1B1 TL 1747 1 PP 1782 1T1 TT 1724 TT 1724 TT 1724 TT 1724 TT 1724 TT 1724 2 2 2 2 2 2 PP 1782 1B3 PP 1782 1B3 PP 1782 1B3 PP 1782 1B3 PP 1782 1B3 PP 1782 1B3 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 18 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Prince William County Slave Report (by Owner) Slave Owner Slave Name French, Jas Men Will French, Wm (P. [patroller]) Lucy Tom Fryar, John Phillis Gains, Wm [none] Child Not Tithes Amy Not Tithes Davy Edmund Not Tithes Giles Not Tithes Jane Jerry Not Tithes Jess Not Tithes Joseph Slave Owner Slave Name Source Info Jane Do Under 16 Jess Jnothn Do Under 16 Tansell Glascock, John Grace Jane [Jone?] Jean Sambo Glascock, Peter Hanah Jone Graham, John George Jenny Kate Marinda Moll Nan Graham, John (Senr) Ben George Grant, George Jack Kate molatto Mary Grant, Wm Jane Lucy Green, Geo Frank Joe Winny Hannah Mill Sarah Jack Cate Alce Ned Ben Mary Abram Ben Fan Moses Joan Green, Go (Jr.) Jenny Green, Sarah Dinah Kate Jas PP 1782 1B4 PP 1782 1B4 TL 1765 TL 1765 T5 T5 PP 1782 1B4 PP 1782 1B2 PP 1782 1B2 PP 1782 1B2 PP 1782 1B2 PP 1782 1B2 PP 1782 1B2 PP 1782 1B2 PP 1782 1B2 PP 1782 1B2 Lizzy PP 1782 Not Tithes Lucy PP 1782 Not Tithes Mathw PP 1782 Not Tithes Nace PP 1782 Not Tithes Rose PP 1782 Sarah PP 1782 Gallahue, Darbey Letty TL 1765 Gallahue, John (Junr) Kate TL 1765 Garratt, Rt Moody PP 1782 Lewis PP 1782 David PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Jack PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Mock PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Jess PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Gill, John Bess PP 1782 Dhigo PP 1782 James PP 1782 Do Under 16 1B2 1B2 1B2 1B2 1B2 1B2 T2 T3 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 1T2 1T2 1T2 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 TL TL TL TL 1747 1747 1765 1765 2 2 T9 T9 TL 1747 TL 1747 6 6 TL TL TL TL TL TL 1765 1765 1765 1765 1765 1765 T7 T7 T7 T7 T7 T7 TL 1747 TL 1747 1 1 TT 1724 TT 1724 7 7 TT 1724 7 PP 1782 PP 1782 H1 H1 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 E9 E9 E9 E9 E9 E9 E9 E9 E9 E9 E9 E9 E9 E9 E9 E9 E9 PP 1782 E3 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 E3 E3 E3 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 19 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Prince William County Slave Report (by Owner) Slave Owner Slave Name Davy Ned Primus Gregg, John Peter Griffin, Henry Betty Under 16 Jack Under 16 Sinah Grigsbey, Readmond Dick Grigsbey, Susannah Ben Dick Jean Kate Sall Grimes, James Jude Under 16 Lett Under 16 Sillon Grinstead, Jas Sabina Ben Rose Jess Grubbs, Richd Adam Under 16 Winny Gwatkins, Edward Flow George Jude Robin Sarah Will Hamersly, Fra Kate Pegg Sara Tom 12 yrs old Warner Hammell, Hugh Lett Hammitt, John Beck Beck Ben Bett Cud Slave Owner Slave Name Source Info PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 E3 E3 E3 TL 1765 T7 Hannah Jane Jean Jonny Nancy Sarah Tom Tot Hampton, Henry George Lett Will Hampton, Hy Abram Adam Under 16 Amey Chs Danl Elijah Under 16 Esther Under 16 Fanny Under 16 Harry Isaac Under 16 Lot Milly Under 16 Hampton, Wm Frank Under 16 Hannah Under 16 Jack Under 16 Jas Jonny Milly Under 16 Molly Sarah Under 16 Sya Sylah Under 16 Hamrick, Seiad [?] [Unknown] 1 nego fellow [Unknown] 1 nego fellow undr 16 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1T3 TL 1747 TL TL TL TL TL 1765 1765 1765 1765 1765 5 T10 T10 T10 T10 T10 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 H3 H3 H3 H3 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 1T6 TL TL TL TL TL TL 1765 1765 1765 1765 1765 1765 T8 T8 T8 T8 T8 T8 TT 1724 TT 1724 TT 1724 TT 1724 8 8 8 8 TT 1724 8 PP 1782 H6 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1B5 1B5 1B5 1B5 1B5 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1B5 1B5 1B5 1B5 1B5 1B5 1B5 1B5 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 P1 P1 P1 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T6 1T6 1T6 1T6 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T9 PP 1782 1T9 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 20 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Prince William County Slave Report (by Owner) Slave Owner Slave Name Slave Owner Slave Name Source Info Haney, Haney's (Quarter) Charles TL 1765 Dick TL 1765 Frank TL 1765 Jude TL 1765 Lett TL 1765 Zach TL 1765 Hardwick, James Chris TL 1765 Jack TL 1765 Lettice TL 1765 Lonon TL 1765 Pegg TL 1765 Tom TL 1765 Harris, [No First Name] (Quarter) Billa TL 1765 Hannah TL 1765 Sarah TL 1765 Tom TL 1765 Harrison, Burr Judy TT 1724 George TL 1765 Harry TL 1765 Jack TL 1765 Ned TL 1765 Pegg TL 1765 Phillis TL 1765 Jerry PP 1782 Dan: PP 1782 Anty PP 1782 Mary PP 1782 Let PP 1782 Hagar PP 1782 Amy PP 1782 Ruth PP 1782 Sawney PP 1782 Young Negro (not tithes) Bill PP 1782 Young Negro (not tithes) Terry PP 1782 Young Negro (not tithes) Rachael PP 1782 Young Negro (not tithes) Susana PP 1782 Young Negro (not tithes) Harrison, Cuthbert Bess TL 1765 Bob TL 1765 Buck TL 1765 Easton TL 1765 Jim TL 1765 Judy TL 1765 Leash TL 1765 Lucy TL 1765 Moll TL 1765 Sarah TL 1765 T6 T6 T6 T6 T6 T6 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T6 T6 T6 T6 10 T8 T8 T8 T8 T8 T8 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 T4 T4 T4 T4 T4 T4 T4 T4 T4 T4 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info Shaw TL 1765 Harrison, Mw (Chpwk) Qusiniary PP 1782 Harry PP 1782 Patt PP 1782 Charity PP 1782 Harrison, Seth Dan PP 1782 Harry PP 1782 Ester PP 1782 Hannah PP 1782 Lucy PP 1782 Bess PP 1782 Jenny PP 1782 Nan PP 1782 Peg PP 1782 Winny PP 1782 Sarah PP 1782 Spencer PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Pendar PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Luke PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Bill PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Warren PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Chas PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Lucy PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) T4 Hannah PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Nance PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Dinah PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) H4 Rose PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Henny PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Harrison, Tho (Capt) Britches TT 1724 Cadus TT 1724 Chub TT 1724 Jack TT 1724 Boy Wills TT 1724 Harrison, Thomas Billy TT 1724 Bob TT 1724 btwn 10 & 16 Harry TT 1724 H4 H5 H5 H5 H5 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 8 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 21 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Prince William County Slave Report (by Owner) Slave Owner Slave Name Ned Harrison, Thomas (Jr) Pegg Jack Harrison, Thos (Capt) Bristow [Brister] Dublin Grace James Lucy Moll Rachel Sarah Sharper Hawkins, James Boatswain Hazlerig, Wm Jenny Solomon Not Tithes Tom Not Tithes Hearndon, Wm John Tom Jane Grace Phebe Luse Under 16 Amy Under 16 Phillis Under 16 Bartlett Undr 16 Slave Owner Slave Name Source Info TT 1724 4 TL 1765 TL 1765 P6 P6 TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL 1765 1765 1765 1765 1765 1765 1765 1765 1765 T4 T4 T4 T4 T4 T4 T4 T4 T4 TL 1765 P1 Jane PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Will PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Tabb PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Alse PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Mosses PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Hedges, Robert Kate TL 1765 Kate TL 1765 Lucy TL 1765 Will TL 1765 Hedges, Rt Hercules PP 1782 V[e]nus PP 1782 Hedges, Rt (Sr.) [Unknown] PP 1782 Young No [negro] Helm, Lynaugh Jas PP 1782 Jas PP 1782 Moses PP 1782 Chas PP 1782 Prince PP 1782 Daniel PP 1782 Ben PP 1782 Moll PP 1782 Mary PP 1782 Suck PP 1782 Nancy PP 1782 Under 16 Bob PP 1782 Henry PP 1782 Cooper PP 1782 Ned PP 1782 Ephraim PP 1782 John PP 1782 Tom PP 1782 Jenny PP 1782 Charlotte PP 1782 Mima PP 1782 Sinah PP 1782 Helms, Lynah Harry TL 1765 Jacob TL 1765 James TL 1765 James TL 1765 Joe TL 1765 Lucy TL 1765 Moll TL 1765 Sambo TL 1765 Sarah TL 1765 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T9 1T9 1T9 1T9 1T9 1T9 PP 1782 1T9 PP 1782 1T9 PP 1782 1T9 Hedges, John Ben TL 1765 Bett TL 1765 Sue TL 1765 Jack PP 1782 Peter PP 1782 Sue PP 1782 Letice PP 1782 Hanah PP 1782 Old Bett PP 1782 Bett PP 1782 Winny PP 1782 Haney PP 1782 Sall PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Henson PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Mill PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) T6 T6 T6 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 T6 T6 T6 T6 H6 H6 H6 E8 E8 E8 E8 E8 E8 E8 E8 E8 E8 E8 E8 E8 E8 E8 E8 E8 E8 E8 E8 E8 E8 T7 T7 T7 T7 T7 T7 T7 T7 T7 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 22 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Prince William County Slave Report (by Owner) Slave Owner Slave Name Slave Owner Slave Name Source Info Helms, Margiret Cato TL 1765 T7 Hannah TL 1765 T7 Lydia TL 1765 T7 Thomas TL 1765 T7 Helms, Thomas Doctor TL 1747 5 Florah TL 1747 5 Sarah TL 1747 5 Hencock, John Bob TL 1765 T3 Hannah TL 1765 T3 Jacob TL 1765 T3 John TL 1765 T3 Judah TL 1765 T3 Mushett TL 1765 T3 Peter TL 1765 T3 Rosa TL 1765 T3 Teach TL 1765 T3 Winny TL 1765 T3 Henderson, Wm Ben PP 1782 E1 Hickerson, John Albany PP 1782 H1 Highwarden, John Beck TL 1765 T7 Beck PP 1782 H2 Hoare, [No First Name] (Capt) Jack TT 1724 7 Pegg TT 1724 7 Sara TT 1724 7 Tom TT 1724 7 Tony TT 1724 7 Hogan, Thomas Pegg TL 1765 P1 Hogan, Wm Dick PP 1782 1T9 Unde 16 Hannah PP 1782 1T9 Unde 16 Amy PP 1782 1T9 Unde 16 Holebrook, Randal Bess TT 1724 4 Hiny TT 1724 4 Jack TT 1724 4 Homes, James Nan TL 1765 T7 Will TL 1765 T7 Homes, Thos (Sr) Go PP 1782 H3 Ned PP 1782 H3 Ab PP 1782 H3 Bob PP 1782 H3 Young negro (not tithes) Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info Homes, [?]th Will PP 1782 Phillis PP 1782 Ben PP 1782 Young Negro (not tithes) Bob PP 1782 Young Negro (not tithes) Nan PP 1782 Young Negro (not tithes) Luce PP 1782 Young Negro (not tithes) Hooe, Bernard Ben PP 1782 Servt to 31 Bett PP 1782 Young Boarswain PP 1782 Cate PP 1782 Edward PP 1782 Young Eve PP 1782 Young George PP 1782 Young Gerrard PP 1782 Young Hepney PP 1782 Young Jack PP 1782 Jenny PP 1782 Young Joe [?] PP 1782 Young Landy PP 1782 Lucy PP 1782 Mary PP 1782 Milly PP 1782 Young Nanny PP 1782 Young Phill PP 1782 Phobe PP 1782 Sall PP 1782 Young Sarah PP 1782 Stephen PP 1782 Young Sukey PP 1782 Tom PP 1782 Young Will PP 1782 Winny PP 1782 and 2 children H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 1B3 1B3 1B3 1B3 1B3 1B3 1B3 1B3 1B3 1B3 1B3 1B3 1B3 1B3 1B3 1B3 1B3 1B3 1B3 1B3 1B3 1B3 1B3 1B3 1B3 1B3 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 23 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Prince William County Slave Report (by Owner) Slave Owner Slave Name Hooe, Howson A[--Ty] Amos Not Tithes Amy Not Tithes Ann Not Tithes Ben Not Tithes Briddy Cate Chas Not Tithes Clara Not Tithes Cloe Not Tithes Dinah Edward Not Tithes Frank Not Tithes Hannah Jane Not Tithes Jone Lizza Not Tithes Lucy Not Tithes Mannet [?] Not Tithes Milly Moses Patience Not Tithes Patt Not Tithes Rachael Rachl Not Tithes Sall Sandy Not Tithes Sarah Not Tithes Soshi Not Tithes Venus [?] Hooe, Jno (Colo) Abram Agga Not Tithes Beck Not Tithes Slave Owner Slave Name Source Info Ben Bob Charity Not Tithes Charlotte Not Tithes Daphne Daphne Not Tithes Eliza Not Tithes George Hannah Isaac Not Tithes Jack Not Tithes Jacob Not Tithes Jenny Lewis Not Tithes Lot Milly Not Tithes Mingo Moses Nan Pallas + 2 childn Not Tithes Rose Not Tithes Sam Not Tithes Sarah Solomon Winny Hooe, Rt Hows Barshaba Not Tithes Ben Bob Friday Not Tithes Hugh James Judie Peg Poll Not Tithes Rachael Not Tithes Sall Not Tithes PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B8 Source Info PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1B8 1B8 1B8 1B8 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B6 PP 1782 1B6 PP 1782 1B6 PP 1782 1B6 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1B6 1B6 1B6 1B6 1B6 PP 1782 1B6 PP 1782 1B6 PP 1782 1B8 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 24 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Prince William County Slave Report (by Owner) Slave Owner Slave Name Slave Owner Slave Name Source Info Hopwood, Moses Jack PP 1782 Horton, Mary Lyda PP 1782 Kate PP 1782 Ben PP 1782 Jude PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Moll PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Sarah PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Horton, Snowden Sam PP 1782 Hannah PP 1782 Nanc PP 1782 Harry PP 1782 Davy PP 1782 Jack PP 1782 Guesser PP 1782 Jeffry PP 1782 Mary PP 1782 Hughes, Wm Cloe PP 1782 Presly PP 1782 Violet PP 1782 a Child Hughs, Edward (Patrolr) Jerry TL 1765 Hutchinson, Robt Adam PP 1782 20 yrs old Hutchnson, Robt Robin PP 1782 15 yrs old Jackson, Francis Bridget TL 1765 Moll TL 1765 Nero TL 1765 Jackson, Frans (Jr.) Will PP 1782 Eve PP 1782 James PP 1782 Adam PP 1782 Jackson, Fras (Jr) Caesar PP 1782 Jane PP 1782 Jackson, Go Peter PP 1782 Jackson, John Easter PP 1782 Davy PP 1782 Jackson, Sam: Abram PP 1782 Jacob PP 1782 Dick PP 1782 Source Info Sue PP 1782 Jas PP 1782 Sarah PP 1782 Hannah PP 1782 Cate PP 1782 Daniel PP 1782 Shadrick PP 1782 Jameison, Ben: Ann PP 1782 Nan PP 1782 Jameison, David (Sr.) Tom PP 1782 Abram PP 1782 Milly PP 1782 Hannah PP 1782 Robt PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Peter PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Jenny PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Jameison, Wm Rachael PP 1782 Ben PP 1782 James, Thomas Toby TT 1724 Jarves, Richard Ben TL 1747 Jack TL 1747 Jeamison, David Milly TL 1765 Jeffries, Moses Harry PP 1782 Jesse PP 1782 Ned PP 1782 Jeffry PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Kate PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Jeffrys, Moses Fran TL 1765 Harry TL 1765 Jack TL 1765 James TL 1765 Jewell, Ewell Dinah PP 1782 Johnson, Chas Frank PP 1782 Jones, Samuel Easter TL 1765 Henry TL 1765 Sambo TL 1765 Sucka TL 1765 1T1 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 E7 E7 E7 E7 E7 E7 E7 E7 E7 1B2 1B2 1B2 P2 1B9 1B9 T8 T8 T8 E4 E4 E4 E4 E1 E1 E2 E4 E4 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 H3 H3 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H1 H1 3 5 5 T4 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 T7 T7 T7 T7 H4 E7 T5 T5 T5 T5 E1 E1 E1 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 25 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Prince William County Slave Report (by Owner) Slave Owner Slave Name Slave Owner Slave Name Source Info Jones, Solomon Jack TL 1765 Sue TL 1765 Abram PP 1782 Ben PP 1782 Jack PP 1782 Little Will PP 1782 Little Will PP 1782 Mimy PP 1782 Will PP 1782 Keeble, Rd Hannah PP 1782 Keith, Alexr Rd PP 1782 Ned PP 1782 Hannah PP 1782 Kencheloe, [No first name] (Widow) Ben TL 1747 Cate TL 1747 Dick TL 1747 Flora TL 1747 Jacob TL 1747 Luse TL 1747 Nero TL 1747 Peter TL 1747 Sary TL 1747 Kincheloe, Cornelius Alce PP 1782 Caelia PP 1782 Cage [?] PP 1782 childn Daniel PP 1782 childn Harry PP 1782 Irene PP 1782 childn Lewis PP 1782 childn Manuel PP 1782 childn Nan PP 1782 Sarah PP 1782 childn Sook PP 1782 childn Worner PP 1782 Zoe [?] PP 1782 Child King, Geo [?]rager PP 1782 Not Tithes Ben PP 1782 Bett PP 1782 Charlotte PP 1782 Not Tithes Chas Not Tithes Dublin Not Tithes Hannah Not Tithes Harry Not Tithes Jemima Johnson Not Tithes Julin Nan Warwick Not Tithes Kirton, Wm Caesar Lettice Rafe Kitchen, Geo: Grace Dick Shadrick Lamkin, Go Ruth Jas Jack Stephen Milly Winny Hannah Lucy Lamkin, Peter Jone Landrum, Sarah Ben Not Tithes C-andice Not Tithes Caesar Not Tithes Dick Dinah Eve Not Tithes Harriet Not Tithes Robt Not Tithes Winney Not Tithes Leach, Bartlett Patience Under 16 P3 P3 1T2 1T2 1T2 1T2 1T2 1T2 1T2 1T6 1T1 1T1 1T1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1B9 1B9 1B9 1B9 1B9 1B9 1B9 1B9 1B9 1B9 1B9 1B9 1B9 1B3 1B3 1B3 1B3 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info PP 1782 1B3 PP 1782 1B3 PP 1782 1B3 PP 1782 1B3 PP 1782 1B3 PP 1782 1B3 PP 1782 1B3 PP 1782 1B3 PP 1782 1B3 PP 1782 1B7 PP 1782 1B7 PP 1782 1B7 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 E6 E6 E6 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 PP 1782 E7 PP 1782 1B2 PP 1782 1B2 PP 1782 1B2 PP 1782 1B2 PP 1782 1B2 PP 1782 1B2 PP 1782 1B2 PP 1782 1B2 PP 1782 1B2 PP 1782 1T1 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 26 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Prince William County Slave Report (by Owner) Slave Owner Slave Name Slave Owner Slave Name Source Info Leach, William Peter TL 1765 Leach, Wm Chas PP 1782 Under 16 Cloe PP 1782 Harry PP 1782 Judy PP 1782 Sallah PP 1782 Under 16 Tom PP 1782 Under 16 Lee, Henry (Col) Alce TL 1765 Bect TL 1765 Cato TL 1765 Daniel TL 1765 Eve TL 1765 Frank TL 1765 Frankey TL 1765 Hannah TL 1765 James TL 1765 Moll TL 1765 Nanny TL 1765 Titus TL 1765 Lee, Lewis Shrewsbury PP 1782 Cloe PP 1782 Lee, Step (Sr.) Jas PP 1782 Arch PP 1782 Charles PP 1782 Bristol PP 1782 Dinah PP 1782 Amy PP 1782 Charlotte PP 1782 Delphia PP 1782 Ben PP 1782 Caelia PP 1782 Leewright, John Sharper TL 1765 Solomon PP 1782 Juda PP 1782 Suke PP 1782 L-tt [?] PP 1782 Jane PP 1782 Joe PP 1782 Sabrit PP 1782 Simon PP 1782 Little Jane PP 1782 Young Negro (not tithes) Simon PP 1782 Young Negro (not tithes) Jess PP 1782 Young Negro (not tithes) Legg, Ambrose Dinah Under 16 Lewis, Zacha (Capt) Dick James Caroline Dick Under 16 Harry Willoughby Under 16 Charles Under 16 Child Under 16 Linton, John David Hager Jacob Joan Sarah Will Winny Love, Charles Clem Jody Hemia [?] Jack Peter Under 16 Dick Under 16 Nace Under 16 Love, Sam [none] Child Under 16 [none] Child Under 16 Ben Ben Under 16 Bet Dick Frank Geo: Harry Under 16 Jack Under 16 Jacob Under 16 John Under 16 P2 1T5 1T5 1T5 1T5 1T5 1T5 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 E4 E4 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 T2 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T1 1T1 1T1 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 TL TL TL TL TL TL TL 1765 1765 1765 1765 1765 1765 1765 T10 T10 T10 T10 T10 T10 T10 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T9 1T9 1T9 1T9 1T9 PP 1782 1T9 PP 1782 1T9 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T4 1T4 1T4 1T4 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 27 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Prince William County Slave Report (by Owner) Slave Owner Slave Name Slave Owner Slave Name Source Info Jonny PP 1782 Under 16 Lucy PP 1782 Under 16 Lydia PP 1782 Under 16 Mary PP 1782 Nancy PP 1782 Ned PP 1782 Under 16 Patt PP 1782 Under 16 Peggy PP 1782 Under 16 Peter PP 1782 Phillip PP 1782 Phillis PP 1782 Rachael PP 1782 Rachael PP 1782 Under 16 Sarah PP 1782 Under 16 Stacie PP 1782 Under 16 Tess PP 1782 Under 16 Wreoham PP 1782 Love, Thos Ross PP 1782 Charity PP 1782 Bill PP 1782 Jas PP 1782 Under 16 Abram PP 1782 Under 16 Lowrie, George Dinah TL 1765 Venus TL 1765 Lucas, Anty Harry PP 1782 Sarah PP 1782 Luckett, Jno Boon Isaac PP 1782 Jesse PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Sarah PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Luttrell, Simon Nan TL 1765 Tom TL 1765 Amy PP 1782 Go PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Billy PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) 1T4 Sarah PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Nell PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Lynn, Michel George TL 1765 Macrae, Allen Ayer TL 1765 Dick TL 1765 Dinah TL 1765 Harry TL 1765 Hester TL 1765 Judy TL 1765 Nan TL 1765 Solomon TL 1765 Macrae, John Manuel PP 1782 Ester PP 1782 Kate PP 1782 Suky PP 1782 Harry PP 1782 Shadrick PP 1782 Joe PP 1782 Lucinda PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Jenny PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Molly PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Jesse PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) 1T4 1T4 1T4 1T4 1T4 1T4 1T4 1T4 1T4 1T4 1T4 1T4 1T4 1T4 1T4 1T4 1T9 1T9 1T9 1T9 Dicky PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Abram PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Dinah PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Stepney PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Lewis PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Marianne PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Giles PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Madden, Scarlett Dick PP 1782 Will PP 1782 Jas PP 1782 Sarah PP 1782 Madox, Go Sam PP 1782 Jude PP 1782 Sarah PP 1782 Lett PP 1782 1T9 T3 T3 1B1 1B1 H6 H6 H6 T9 T9 H4 H4 H4 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info H4 H4 T8 T9 T9 T9 T9 T9 T9 T9 T9 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 E8 E8 E8 E8 H5 H5 H5 H5 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 28 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Prince William County Slave Report (by Owner) Slave Owner Slave Name John Stephen Margeraim, Henry Prince Rose Marshall, Jacob Landy Marshell, Thomas Lucy Martin, Thos Sarah Betty Jack Violett Frank Under 16 Mason, Col (qtr) George Molatto Joe Stephen Molatto Mason, George Moll Will Mason, William Betty Pegg Mastin, Rd Ned Matson, Jas Bett Cela Young Ns Chas Young Ns Darius Fredk Young Ns Joshua Phill Mattenly, John Babtist Basos Matthews, Newman [Unknown] [too light to read] [Unknown] [too light to read] Jenny Not Tithes Mary Not Tithes Milly Not Tithes Sam Not Tithes Slave Owner Slave Name Source Info PP 1782 PP 1782 H5 H5 Matthews, Wm Esther PP 1782 Jack PP 1782 Jenny PP 1782 Phill PP 1782 S[?]loe PP 1782 Sam PP 1782 Winny PP 1782 McFeasant, Daniel Peg TT 1724 McGlolin, James (Senr) Dinah TL 1747 McKillup, Hugh Milly PP 1782 McMillian, Jno Sarah PP 1782 Bob PP 1782 Fredk PP 1782 Peter PP 1782 Will PP 1782 Anty PP 1782 Milly PP 1782 Hanah PP 1782 Mariah PP 1782 Jenny PP 1782 Cloe PP 1782 Jenny PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Jem PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Rachl PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) McMillian, Seth (Mrs.) Breecher PP 1782 Hagar PP 1782 Flora PP 1782 Lucy PP 1782 Ben PP 1782 McMillion, John Frederick TL 1765 Hannah TL 1765 Ross TL 1765 Sam TL 1765 Tom TL 1765 McMillion, Seth (Mrs.) Breaches TL 1765 Bromy TL 1765 Nan TL 1765 McPherson, Marke Geo. TL 1765 Rose TL 1765 Sarah TL 1765 Melton, Rd Frank PP 1782 Winny PP 1782 PP 1782 1B9 PP 1782 1B9 TL 1765 T3 TL 1765 T10 TL 1765 T7 TL 1765 T7 TL 1765 T7 TL 1765 T7 PP 1782 1T1 TT 1724 9 TT 1724 TT 1724 9 9 TL 1747 TL 1747 1 1 TT 1724 TT 1724 7 7 PP 1782 E6 PP 1782 1B1 PP 1782 1B1 PP 1782 1B1 PP 1782 1B1 PP 1782 1B1 PP 1782 1B1 PP 1782 1B1 TL 1765 T8 PP 1782 1B7 PP 1782 1B7 PP 1782 1B7 PP 1782 1B7 PP 1782 1B7 PP 1782 1B7 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info 1B7 1B7 1B7 1B7 1B7 1B7 1B7 5 2 1T5 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 E9 E9 E9 E9 E9 T3 T3 T3 T3 T3 T3 T3 T3 T9 T9 T9 1B9 1B9 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 29 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Prince William County Slave Report (by Owner) Slave Owner Slave Name Melton, Wm Will Clare Lew Mill Milton, Moses Dinah Tom Minitree, Jacob Go Under 16 Had Under 16 Harry Under 16 Jane Kate Mary Milly Under 16 Nelson Under 16 Sam Under 16 Minitree, Paul [Unknown] 1negro Mitchell, Wm Cloe Not Tithes Jane Ned Will Not Tithes Montgomery, Wm Amy Elijah Not Tithes Gen [?] Hannah Harry Not Tithes John Not Tithes Judy Moore, Wm Juby Leister Morris, Hammond Joseph Mosely, Robert Jenny Tom Slave Owner Slave Name Source Info PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 E4 E4 E4 E4 TL 1765 TL 1765 P4 P4 Moss, Mathew Cate Marmeduke Moss, Moses Ned Jess Dick Under 16 Geo: Job Prue Jeffry Barb Charlotte Moxley, Alon Gabl Hinson Philip Sukey Bett Milly Bill Unde 16 Winny Unde 16 Minty Unde 16 Lot Unde 16 Suel Unde 16 Mary Unde 16 James Unde 16 Muffit, Gabrill Caspar [?] Harry Murphy, Jas Winny Muse, James Belando Neal, Morris P [blot] nero Neale, Rd Chas Hannah Kejah Not Tithes Sam Suck Not Tithes PP 1782 1T5 PP 1782 1T5 PP 1782 1T5 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T5 1T5 1T5 1T5 PP 1782 1T5 PP 1782 1T5 PP 1782 H5 PP 1782 1B2 PP 1782 1B2 PP 1782 1B2 PP 1782 1B2 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B8 TL 1765 TL 1765 T4 T4 TL 1765 T9 TL 1765 T10 TL 1765 T10 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info TL 1747 TL 1747 3 3 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 E9 E9 E9 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 E9 E9 E9 E9 E9 E9 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T9 1T9 1T9 1T9 1T9 1T9 1T9 PP 1782 1T9 PP 1782 1T9 PP 1782 1T9 PP 1782 1T9 PP 1782 1T9 PP 1782 1T9 TL 1747 TL 1747 6 6 PP 1782 H5 TL 1747 2 TL 1747 TL 1747 7 7 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B8 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 30 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Prince William County Slave Report (by Owner) Slave Owner Slave Name Slave Owner Slave Name Source Info Nelson, [No First Name] (Genl) Adam PP 1782 Agga PP 1782 Alce PP 1782 Alce PP 1782 Alce PP 1782 Under 16 Amy PP 1782 Under 16 Barratt PP 1782 Beck PP 1782 Bet PP 1782 Under 16 Bett PP 1782 Under 16 Bett PP 1782 Under 16 Betty PP 1782 Billy PP 1782 Under 16 Bob PP 1782 Bob PP 1782 Under 16 Ceser [?] PP 1782 Daniel PP 1782 Daniel PP 1782 Darcus PP 1782 Under 16 Davy PP 1782 Dick PP 1782 Dick PP 1782 Under 16 Dick PP 1782 Under 16 Edy PP 1782 Ester PP 1782 Under 16 Evan PP 1782 Fanny PP 1782 Under 16 Faring [?] PP 1782 Finah [?] PP 1782 Frank PP 1782 Gabriel PP 1782 Grace PP 1782 Under 16 Hannah PP 1782 Under 16 Hannah PP 1782 Harry PP 1782 Harry PP 1782 Harry PP 1782 Under 16 Harry PP 1782 Under 16 Hyrom PP 1782 Jack James Under 16 James Under 16 James Under 16 James Jas Under 16 Jas Jas Jeffry Jenny Under 16 Jenny Jenny Jenny Jenny Jno Jno Under 16 John Under 16 John Under 16 Judy Kate Lewes Under 16 Lewis Liddy Under 16 Lot Lucy Under 16 M[---?] Manuel Under 16 Mary Under 16 Mary Under 16 Mary Under 16 Mary Under 16 Milinda Under 16 Milly Monday Mw Under 16 Nan Under 16 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 Source Info PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 1T7 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 31 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Prince William County Slave Report (by Owner) Slave Owner Slave Name Nancy Under 16 Nancy Nancy Ned Ned Under 16 Oliver Patrick Under 16 Patt Under 16 Peg Peter Phill Polly Polly Under 16 Polly Under 16 Quashaba Quoniny [?] Rachael Under 16 Ralph Under 16 Robert Under 16 Roger Under 16 Ruth Under 16 Sally Under 16 Sally Under 16 Sam Sam Sarah Under 16 Sarah Sarar Sue Under 16 Sukey Tom Under 16 Venus Under 16 Will Zack Newman, Elth Betty Under 16 Bob Daphne Slave Owner Slave Name Source Info PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 Guy PP 1782 Jack PP 1782 Under 16 Jas PP 1782 Under 16 Judy PP 1782 Under 16 Lewis PP 1782 Under 16 Milly PP 1782 Under 16 Sam PP 1782 Under 16 Sylvey PP 1782 Newman, Jno Posey Ben PP 1782 Poll PP 1782 Jude PP 1782 Linda PP 1782 Arch PP 1782 Mill PP 1782 Sarah PP 1782 John PP 1782 Newman, Thos Ann PP 1782 Not Tithes Jack PP 1782 Not Tithes James PP 1782 Not Tithes Jane PP 1782 Jess PP 1782 Not Tithes Lucy PP 1782 Nelly PP 1782 Not Tithes Tom PP 1782 Not Tithes Ton PP 1782 Nisbald, James Bob TL 1765 Kate TL 1765 Orear, John Jean TL 1765 Ester PP 1782 James PP 1782 Milly PP 1782 Sarah PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Nat PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Jerry PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 Source Info 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T8 1T8 1T8 1T8 1T8 1T8 1T8 1T8 1T8 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 1B3 1B3 1B3 1B3 1B3 1B3 1B3 1B3 1B3 T10 T10 T4 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 PP 1782 1T8 PP 1782 1T8 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 32 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Prince William County Slave Report (by Owner) Slave Owner Slave Name Osburn, [Unknown] Joe Will Overall, John Cassar Page, Mann Anthony Anthony Bob George Jane Jude Moll Tom Bess Direnda Doll Lett Margaret Martha Matt Milly Moll Moses Patt Peter Sarah Sarah Sue Sue Page, Mann (Deced) Aggy deced Amos Under 16 Bob Chas Under 16 Doll Drinder Geo: Isaac Jack Under 16 James Under 16 Jenny Joe Under 16 Matt Ned Nell Peg Under 16 Rachael Slave Owner Slave Name Source Info TL 1747 TL 1747 5 5 TL 1765 T4 TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 1765 1765 1765 1765 1765 1765 1765 1765 1765 1765 1765 1765 1765 1765 1765 1765 1765 1765 1765 1765 1765 1765 1765 1765 Sall Under 16 Sue Sue Toby Tom Tom Under 16 Will Under 16 Page, Mann (Esqr) Jude Alce Beck Under 16 Becky Criss Under 16 Daniel Ealie Under 16 Eallie Under 16 Fann Under 16 Harry Under 16 Jack Under 16 Jacob Under 16 Jacob Under 16 Jas Jeanny Under 16 Jerael John Under 16 Letty Letty Under 16 Margt Pope Priss Rubin Sall Under 16 Simon Under 16 Suck Thomas Under 16 Thornton Peter Sarah PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T4 1T4 1T4 1T4 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T4 1T4 1T4 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T4 1T4 1T4 1T4 1T4 PP 1782 1T4 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T3 1T3 1T3 1T3 1T3 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1T3 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 33 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Prince William County Slave Report (by Owner) Slave Owner Slave Name Sarah Patty, Jon Peter Simon Jno Lucy John Sinah Siba Phaecia Sam Lizza Ben Payton, Timy Hannah Jas Darky Chas Molly Winny Jone Sall Henna Nace Daphne Clara John Petty, Jos Mary Petty, Joseph Lusey Sam Peyton, Burr Peg Sukey Sukey Peter Peyton, Henry Floro Jack Rachel Samson Sarah Sarah Peyton, Margt Anty Betty Not Tithes Billy Not Tithes Charlotte Not Tithes Davy Not Tithes Dennis Not Tithes Slave Owner Slave Name Source Info PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 Frank PP 1782 Harry PP 1782 Not Tithes James PP 1782 Not Tithes Joe PP 1782 Lettice PP 1782 Lewis PP 1782 Not Tithes Patience PP 1782 Phebe PP 1782 Not Tithes Phill PP 1782 Rachael PP 1782 Not Tithes Ralph PP 1782 Not Tithes Sall PP 1782 Not Tithes Peyton, Seth Peter PP 1782 Barnaby PP 1782 Ezekiel PP 1782 Not Tithes Harry PP 1782 Jean PP 1782 Not Tithes Leah PP 1782 Moses PP 1782 Peg PP 1782 Not Tithes Sam PP 1782 Sylva PP 1782 Peyton, Val (Capt) Aaron PP 1782 Not Tithes Bett PP 1782 Not Tithes Cloe PP 1782 Not Tithes Fanny PP 1782 Rob PP 1782 Saifer PP 1782 Sall PP 1782 Sib PP 1782 Pontine, Edward Cesar TT 1724 Pope, John Molly PP 1782 Winny PP 1782 Go PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Chas PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Isaph PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) PP 1782 1B7 TL 1747 TL 1747 2 2 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 E8 E8 E8 E8 TL TL TL TL TL TL 1747 1747 1747 1747 1747 1747 4 4 4 4 4 4 PP 1782 1B4 PP 1782 1B4 PP 1782 1B4 PP 1782 1B4 PP 1782 1B4 PP 1782 1B4 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info 1B4 1B4 1B4 1B4 1B4 1B4 1B4 1B4 1B4 1B4 1B4 1B4 1B8 1B8 1B8 1B8 1B8 1B8 1B8 1B8 1B8 1B8 1B5 1B5 1B5 1B5 1B5 1B5 1B5 1B5 7 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 34 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Prince William County Slave Report (by Owner) Slave Owner Slave Name Slave Owner Slave Name Source Info Sary PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Jona PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Danl PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Thornton PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Powell, Wm (Jr) Joe PP 1782 Not Tithes Lett PP 1782 Not Tithes Milly PP 1782 Sall PP 1782 Not Tithes Tom PP 1782 Dick PP 1782 Powell, Wm (Sr) Dido PP 1782 Isaac PP 1782 Peter PP 1782 Will PP 1782 Prosser, Jno Betty PP 1782 Chs PP 1782 Joe PP 1782 Winny PP 1782 James PP 1782 Purcell, John Daniel TL 1747 Jack TL 1747 Peleg TL 1747 Purler, Mary Whitehaven TT 1724 11 yrs old Pursley, Go Bob PP 1782 Bett PP 1782 Pursley, John Stace PP 1782 Jane PP 1782 Mill PP 1782 [Unknown] PP 1782 2 young n[egroes] Quantico Furnace, Andrew TL 1765 Bellinda TL 1765 Moll TL 1765 Nan TL 1765 Rainie, Go Nan PP 1782 Rainy, Thos Phill PP 1782 Winny PP 1782 Dick PP 1782 H4 Lett PP 1782 Ralls, Natt Ben PP 1782 Randolph, John Lucy TL 1765 Will TL 1765 Rawlings, William Jack TL 1765 Kate TL 1765 Peter TL 1765 Redmon, Thomas Baker TL 1747 Pegg TL 1747 Sly TL 1747 Reeve, John Moreah TL 1765 Reeves, Jno Charlott PP 1782 Not Tithes Daniel PP 1782 Not Tithes Lucy PP 1782 Not Tithes Moll PP 1782 Not Tithes Reno, David Jenny PP 1782 Lucy PP 1782 Willouthby PP 1782 Charlotte PP 1782 Mill PP 1782 Reno, Enoch Pashe PP 1782 Fredk PP 1782 Reno, Francis Bob TL 1765 James TL 1765 Kate TL 1765 Robt PP 1782 Jas PP 1782 Kate PP 1782 Jone PP 1782 Hannah PP 1782 Jone PP 1782 Dick PP 1782 Nat PP 1782 Sib PP 1782 Simon PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Legg PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Page PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Sue PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) H4 H4 H4 1B4 1B4 1B4 1B4 1B4 1B4 1B4 1B4 1B4 1B4 E6 E6 E6 E6 E6 7 7 7 10 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 T3 T3 T3 T3 1B6 E1 E1 E1 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info E1 H2 T2 T2 T8 T8 T8 4 4 4 P1 1B6 1B6 1B6 1B6 E6 E6 E6 E6 E6 H2 H2 T8 T8 T8 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 35 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Prince William County Slave Report (by Owner) Slave Owner Slave Name Slave Owner Slave Name Source Info Vallett PP 1782 H2 Young negro (not tithes) Bush PP 1782 H2 Young negro (not tithes) Delph PP 1782 H2 Young negro (not tithes) Reno, Lewis Sarah PP 1782 H5 Reno, Thos Lucy TL 1765 T5 Rexey, Richd Sam TL 1765 T6 Vitate TL 1765 T6 Dinah TL 1765 T6 Tom TL 1765 T6 Rigby, Abr Glasgow PP 1782 H5 Winny PP 1782 H5 Alce PP 1782 H5 Roach, Jas Moll PP 1782 E5 Rodman, Jno Tom PP 1782 E4 Roe, Benjn Peg PP 1782 H2 Nan PP 1782 H2 Isaac PP 1782 H2 Lucy PP 1782 H2 Young negro (not tithes) Roe, Bunch Dirk TT 1724 8 Jack TT 1724 8 Jeny TT 1724 8 Moll TT 1724 8 Sue TT 1724 8 Roe, Richd Harry PP 1782 H2 David PP 1782 H2 Frank PP 1782 H2 Isaac PP 1782 H2 Aaron PP 1782 H2 Young negro (not tithes) Ben PP 1782 H2 Young negro (not tithes) Hannah PP 1782 H2 Young negro (not tithes) Moses PP 1782 H2 Young negro (not tithes) Nancy PP 1782 H2 Young negro (not tithes) Roger, Wm Henly PP 1782 1T4 Rogers, Wm Isaac PP 1782 1T4 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Rookard, John Maxrie Rose, Elis. Hannah Jack Prosper Rose, Isaac Aaron Bet Luce Nel Rose, Jas James Josoe Infts Kate Infts Phillis Loyd Wm Ross, Wm (Sr.) Dinah Cate Ben Roundtree, Wm Alce Jenny Not Tithes Sall Not Tithes Royston, John Ester Judas Russell, George Enoch Russell, Go Enoch Sandford, Thos Daniel Not Tithes James Jeremiah Not Tithes Will Sandford, Wm Charles Not Tithes Daphne Not Tithes Henry Not Tithes Moll Not Tithes Titus Source Info TL 1765 T2 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 T9 T9 T9 TL TL TL TL T1 T1 T1 T1 1765 1765 1765 1765 PP 1782 1B9 PP 1782 1B9 PP 1782 1B9 PP 1782 1B9 PP 1782 1B9 PP 1782 1B9 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 E3 E3 E3 PP 1782 1B4 PP 1782 1B4 PP 1782 1B4 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 TL 1765 T1 PP 1782 E3 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B7 PP 1782 1B7 PP 1782 1B7 PP 1782 1B7 PP 1782 1B7 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 36 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Prince William County Slave Report (by Owner) Slave Owner Slave Name Slave Owner Slave Name Source Info Sandford, Wm Bett PP 1782 1B7 Scandland, Ben Caesar PP 1782 E8 Milly PP 1782 E8 James PP 1782 E8 Jeffry PP 1782 E8 Milly PP 1782 E8 Scott, Alexr Cesar TT 1724 7 Judy TT 1724 7 Tony TT 1724 7 Scott, James (Revd) Hough TL 1765 T3 Jenny TL 1765 T3 Little Jenny TL 1765 T3 Moll TL 1765 T3 Nan TL 1765 T3 Judah, Old TL 1765 T3 Peter TL 1765 T3 Roger TL 1765 T3 Titus TL 1765 T3 Scott, Jas (Revd) Jas PP 1782 H6 Davy PP 1782 H6 Abram PP 1782 H6 Jack PP 1782 H6 Ned PP 1782 H6 Daphne PP 1782 H6 Jenny PP 1782 H6 Suck PP 1782 H6 Sarah PP 1782 H6 Milly PP 1782 H6 Charlotte PP 1782 H6 Simon PP 1782 H6 Young negro (not tithes) Bob PP 1782 H6 Young negro (not tithes) Sall PP 1782 H6 Young negro (not tithes) Malinda PP 1782 H6 Young negro (not tithes) Manuel PP 1782 H6 Young negro (not tithes) Letti PP 1782 H6 Young negro (not tithes) Scott, John Jack TT 1724 4(5) Scroggins, Walter Old Jem PP 1782 E8 Sall PP 1782 E8 Jone PP 1782 E8 Monarchia PP 1782 E8 Hannah PP 1782 E8 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Seale, Anthoney Ben Dick Duke Letty Seale, Anty Ben Under 16 Betty Cas[?] Under 16 Ester Under 16 Harry Under 16 Jude Under 16 Liddy Tony Under 16 Seale, John Abram Geo Jenny Letty Rose Rose Not Tithes Sambo Seale, Rd Sybill Settle, Strother Gibby Grace Jack Shackelfords, James Delph Fontane Harry Sue Shelton, Jno (Qtr) Anthony Judy Moll Pate Phil 10 yrs old Shinker, George Cato Nann Shirley, Thos Marlborough Simson, John Cuffy Toby Source Info TL TL TL TL 1747 1747 1747 1747 4 4 4 4 PP 1782 1T5 PP 1782 1T5 PP 1782 1T5 PP 1782 1T5 PP 1782 1T5 PP 1782 1T5 PP 1782 1T5 PP 1782 1T5 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1B8 1B8 1B8 1B8 1B8 1B8 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B6 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 T1 T1 T1 TL TL TL TL 1765 1765 1765 1765 P1 P1 P1 P1 TT 1724 TT 1724 TT 1724 TT 1724 TT 1724 10 10 10 10 10 TL 1765 TL 1765 P2 P2 PP 1782 E6 TT 1724 TT 1724 4 4 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 37 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Prince William County Slave Report (by Owner) Slave Owner Slave Name Sinkler, Alexander Forister Sinkler, Wamon Jenney Skinker, Wm Aaron Under 16 Anty Bob Under 16 Cate Cato Under 16 Chas Clarrisa Under 16 Dolly Under 16 Gloster Under 16 Harry Under 16 James John Under 16 Juba Judy Lambert Mary Under 16 Mimy Under 16 Nan Nan Under 16 Nancy Phillis Sarah Under 16 Willis Under 16 Smith, Ben Patt Smith, John Peg Smith, Mr. Dick Juner Luse Sa [? blot] ry Squier Tom Smith, Peter Frank Not Tithes Slave Owner Slave Name Source Info TT 1724 3 TL 1747 3 Jacob PP 1782 Not Tithes Jas PP 1782 Not Tithes Nancy PP 1782 Tom PP 1782 Not Tithes Will PP 1782 Not Tithes Smoot, Thos Jerry PP 1782 Jude PP 1782 Prince PP 1782 Lott PP 1782 Sorrells, Rhueben Beck PP 1782 Under 16 Cloe PP 1782 Under 16 Judy PP 1782 Milly PP 1782 Under 16 Starke, James Jack TT 1724 Kate TT 1724 Steel, George Jack TL 1765 Steel, John Aaron PP 1782 Amey PP 1782 Bett PP 1782 Chas PP 1782 Graid PP 1782 Jnw PP 1782 Lancaster PP 1782 Moses PP 1782 Stewart, Revd George TL 1765 Judeth TL 1765 Pegg TL 1765 Tony TL 1765 Stone's, [No first name] (Quarter) Annabellow TL 1765 Bristol TL 1765 Catcher TL 1765 Ceazar TL 1765 Ceazer TL 1765 Charles TL 1765 Cook TL 1765 Dol TL 1765 Easter TL 1765 Geo TL 1765 George TL 1765 Grace TL 1765 Janie TL 1765 Jem TL 1765 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T6 1T6 1T6 1T6 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 1T6 PP 1782 E5 PP 1782 H1 TL TL TL TL TL TL 1747 1747 1747 1747 1747 1747 6 6 6 6 6 6 PP 1782 1B2 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info 1B2 1B2 1B2 1B2 1B2 E2 E2 E2 E2 1T8 1T8 1T8 1T8 7 7 P4 1B5 1B5 1B5 1B5 1B5 1B5 1B5 1B5 T2 T2 T2 T2 T6 T6 T6 T6 T6 T6 T6 T6 T6 T6 T6 T6 T6 T6 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 38 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Prince William County Slave Report (by Owner) Slave Owner Slave Name Slave Owner Slave Name Source Info Julia TL 1765 T6 Kate TL 1765 T6 Lucy TL 1765 T6 Cook, Old TL 1765 T6 Peter TL 1765 T6 Pompy TL 1765 T6 Pompy TL 1765 T6 Sarah TL 1765 T6 Toby TL 1765 T6 Stone, Joseph Phebe PP 1782 H4 Violett PP 1782 H4 Jude PP 1782 H4 Young negro (not tithes) Peter PP 1782 H4 Young negro (not tithes) Stone, Shilsby Phillis PP 1782 H4 Grace PP 1782 H4 Stone, William Obe TL 1747 3 Philles TL 1747 3 Sambo TL 1747 3 Stribling, Thos Bob TL 1747 5 Cupit TL 1747 5 Nan TL 1747 5 Tom TL 1747 5 Sumner, Joseph Billy TT 1724 4 Cole TT 1724 4 molatto Cuffee TT 1724 4 Jacky TT 1724 4 Jane TT 1724 4 Jeffry TT 1724 4 Jeny TT 1724 4 Suthard, Moses Chess PP 1782 1B6 Not Tithes Suttle, Strother Mingo PP 1782 E5 Chunn PP 1782 E5 Mary PP 1782 E5 Margt PP 1782 E5 Hannah PP 1782 E5 Grace PP 1782 E5 Jack PP 1782 E5 Dinah PP 1782 E5 Daniel PP 1782 E5 Tackett, Wm Pegg TL 1765 T9 Poll TL 1765 T9 Abell PP 1782 H5 Geo: PP 1782 H5 Poll PP 1782 H5 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info Patt PP 1782 Tackett, Wm (Jr.) Adam PP 1782 Chas PP 1782 Winny PP 1782 Frank PP 1782 Tanneison, David (Jr.) Charles PP 1782 Tayloe, John Billy LP 1781 alias Will; William; mulatto Taylor, John Jenny TT 1724 Tebbs, Foushee Dick TL 1765 Hager TL 1765 Sall TL 1765 Betty TL 1765 Tom PP 1782 Tebbs, Mary Abram PP 1782 Chs PP 1782 Not Tithes Frank PP 1782 Jane PP 1782 Not Tithes Lucy PP 1782 Milly PP 1782 Not Tithes Sam PP 1782 Tebbs, Moses James PP 1782 Tebbs, Willm Bob TL 1765 Brister TL 1765 Daniel TL 1765 Dick TL 1765 Jack TL 1765 Jack TL 1765 Jude TL 1765 Kate TL 1765 Sarah TL 1765 Sillazacn TL 1765 Will TL 1765 Zur TL 1765 Tennells, Margt Gowin PP 1782 Not Tithes Groses PP 1782 Not Tithes Jas PP 1782 Not Tithes Jenny PP 1782 Not Tithes Milly PP 1782 Not Tithes H5 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 A 3 T7 T7 T7 T7 1B4 1B4 1B4 1B4 1B4 1B4 1B4 1B4 1B4 T7 T7 T7 T7 T7 T7 T7 T7 T7 T7 T7 T7 1B7 1B7 1B7 1B7 1B7 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 39 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Prince William County Slave Report (by Owner) Slave Owner Slave Name Nan Tom Tom boy Tharp, Mark Ben Moll Priss Thomas, Ben [?]aid Hooper Not Tithes Lucy Not Tithes Rachael Randolph Thomas, John Moll Thorn, William Jack Jeffrie Moll Thornton, Thomas Bob Dick Dinah Hannah Jack Jenny Strawbury Tom Will Thornton, Thos Rob Winny Sall Dinah [an] old wench Joe Under 16 Marais [?] Under 16 Bob Under 16 Ester Under 16 Daniel Under 16 James Under 16 Sarah Under 16 Thurman, John Heny Slave Owner Slave Name Source Info PP 1782 1B7 PP 1782 1B7 PP 1782 1B7 Tibbs, Daniel Fellowhic [?] TL 1747 Nan TL 1747 Tibbs, James Topson [?] TL 1747 Tibbs, William Bet TL 1747 Bristow TL 1747 Hannah TL 1747 Jack TL 1747 Will TL 1747 Hannah TL 1765 Travis, John Charity TT 1724 Grace TT 1724 Harry TT 1724 Sambo TT 1724 Sara TT 1724 Tom TT 1724 Triplet, Willm Kate TT 1724 Samson TT 1724 Sara TT 1724 Will TT 1724 Triplett, James George TL 1765 Peter TL 1765 Phillis TL 1765 Triplett, Jas Peter PP 1782 Adam PP 1782 Will PP 1782 Phillis PP 1782 Geo PP 1782 Joe PP 1782 Harry PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Tyler, Chs (Younger) Nan TL 1765 Frank TL 1765 Jack TL 1765 Tyler, Henry Kate PP 1782 Amy PP 1782 Tony PP 1782 Tyler, John (Sr) Ben PP 1782 Casar PP 1782 Frank PP 1782 Grace PP 1782 Under 16 James PP 1782 Under 16 Labr PP 1782 Mary PP 1782 Under 16 PP 1782 1B4 PP 1782 1B4 PP 1782 1B4 PP 1782 1B2 PP 1782 1B2 PP 1782 1B2 PP 1782 1B2 PP 1782 1B2 PP 1782 1B2 TL 1747 TL 1747 TL 1747 TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL 4 4 4 1765 1765 1765 1765 1765 1765 1765 1765 1765 P4 P4 P4 P4 P4 P4 P4 P4 P4 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T9 1T9 1T9 1T9 PP 1782 1T9 PP 1782 1T9 PP 1782 1T9 PP 1782 1T9 PP 1782 1T9 PP 1782 1T9 PP 1782 1T9 PP 1782 1B4 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 T7 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 9 9 9 T5 T5 T5 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 T5 T5 T5 H5 H5 H5 1T5 1T5 1T5 1T5 1T5 1T5 1T5 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 40 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Prince William County Slave Report (by Owner) Slave Owner Slave Name Milly Under 16 Nancy Nelson Under 16 Patt Phillis Sam Will Under 16 Winny Under 16 Tyler, Joseph Charlott Not Tithes Darius Not Tithes Jno Not Tithes Lucy Milly Not Tithes Sall Not Tithes Sylva Not Tithes Winny Ware, James David Dick Milly Rachael Siser Warren, Rt Mima Under 16 Sall Under 16 Warrington, Margaret Jack Jeny Washington, Henry Danl [Davd?] Young Dick Dinah Fanny Jenny Lucy Young Molly Young Osborn Young Prince an infant Slave Owner Slave Name Source Info PP 1782 1T5 Sally PP 1782 Young Suck PP 1782 Tom PP 1782 Willis PP 1782 Young Watkins, Henry Amy PP 1782 no tithe Watkins, Mary Dennis PP 1782 Watkins, Wm Francis PP 1782 Waugh, John Judy TT 1724 Waugh, Joseph Billy TT 1724 Cork TT 1724 Dirk TT 1724 Toby TT 1724 Watry TT 1724 Wells, Carty Chas PP 1782 Jane PP 1782 Sue PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Nan PP 1782 Young negro (not tithes) Wells, Molly Jean TL 1765 Sharper TL 1765 Wells, Saml (Patroller) Jack TL 1765 Wheeler, John Nan TT 1724 Tom TT 1724 White, Jas Bill PP 1782 Under 16 Bob PP 1782 Under 16 Carline PP 1782 Under 16 Daphne PP 1782 George PP 1782 Under 16 Grace PP 1782 Under 16 Harry PP 1782 Sam PP 1782 Whiting, Henry (Est) Congoa PP 1782 a child Dick PP 1782 Phillis PP 1782 PP 1782 1T5 PP 1782 1T5 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T5 1T5 1T5 1T5 PP 1782 1T5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 1B5 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T3 1T3 1T3 1T3 1T3 PP 1782 1T9 PP 1782 1T9 TT 1724 TT 1724 3 3 PP 1782 1B1 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1B1 1B1 1B1 1B1 1B1 PP 1782 1B1 PP 1782 1B1 PP 1782 1B1 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info 1B1 1B1 1B1 1B1 1B8 1T6 1T6 2 2 2 2 2 2 H4 H4 H4 H4 T2 T2 T5 3 3 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T7 1T8 1T8 1T8 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 41 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Prince William County Slave Report (by Owner) Slave Owner Slave Name Whiting, Matthew Bess Bettey Cango Charles David Dick Easter Emanuel Fanny Frank George Grace Grace Greenwich Jasper Jenny Jenny Joe Judy Judy Michael Nanny Nanny Pegg Peter Simon Toby Toney Will Charles Simon Jasper Michael Phill Greenwich Abram Abram under 16 Anty Beck Bess Betty under 16 Billy under 16 Billy under 16 Bob Caroline under 16 Charity under 16 Charles Chris under 16 Slave Owner Slave Name Source Info TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 1T1 1T1 1T1 1T1 1T1 1T1 1T1 1T1 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T1 1T1 1T1 1T1 Daniel under 16 Dick Dinah Easter Emanuel Emmanuel under 16 Esther under 16 Fanny under 16 Frank George under 16 Gerard under 16 Grace Grace Greenwich Grennwich under 16 Hannah Hannah under 16 Harry Harry under 16 Jack Jasper Jasper under 16 Jenny Jenny under 16 Joe John under 16 Joseph under 16 Judy Kinty under 16 Letty Lewis under 16 Mary Michael Milly Milly Mingo Nancy under 16 Nanny Nelly under 16 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Source Info PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T1 1T1 1T1 1T1 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T1 1T1 1T1 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T1 1T1 1T1 1T1 1T1 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 42 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Prince William County Slave Report (by Owner) Slave Owner Slave Name Patty under 16 Pegg Peter Phill Phill under 16 Phill under 16 Rachael Rob under 16 Sally under 16 Sam under 16 Sey [?] under 16 Simon Tony Tony Wonder Zachariah under 16 Whiting, Peter Armstead Under 16 Betty Under 16 Billy Café Under 16 Charles Edwd Ester Grace Under 16 James John Joseph Judah Lett Under 16 Lewy Under 16 Nancy Under 16 Nelson Under 16 Patt Under 16 Peggy Pompey Under 16 Price Samas [?] Slave Owner Slave Name Source Info PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 Sampson Under 16 Samuel Sawney Under 16 Sinah Wm Under 16 Whitledge, Elizabeth Bob Bowswon Jude Phillis Whitledge, Rd Phillis Boatswain Bob Whitledge, Tho Martilla Will Whitledge, Wm Hary Beddiford Jean Lucy Sue Harry Nell Sue James Whitside, William Cate Judy Sue Wiatt, Conquest Bett Betty Under 16 Christy Under 16 Dick Under 16 Dinah Under 16 Gabriel Harry Lucy Under 16 Mary Under 16 Nan Will Under 16 1T1 1T1 1T1 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 1T1 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T1 1T1 1T1 1T1 1T1 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T3 1T3 1T3 1T3 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T3 1T3 1T3 1T3 1T3 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1T3 Source Info PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1T3 TL TL TL TL 1765 1765 1765 1765 T9 T9 T9 T9 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 H2 H2 H2 TT 1724 TT 1724 8 8 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 TL 1765 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 T4 T4 T4 T4 T4 H1 H1 H1 H1 TL 1747 TL 1747 TL 1747 3 3 3 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T7 PP 1782 1T3 PP 1782 1T3 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 43 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Prince William County Slave Report (by Owner) Slave Owner Slave Name Wiatt, Jas Charity Under 16 Harry Jane Releigh Under 16 Winsor Under 16 Wiatt, John Abram [Under 16] Beck [Under 16] Bob [Under 16] Casar Charity [Under 16] Charles [Under 16] Diana [Under 16] Dick [Under 16] Dinah Else Grace Grace Jr. Greenwich Jack James [Under 16] Jesse [Under 16] Leroy London Ned [Under 16] Nelly [Under 16] Pallas [Under 16] Peter Peter [Under 16] Rachael Rafe [Under 16] Ralph Ralph Jr. [Under 16] Sally Sarah [Under 16] Will Slave Owner Slave Name Source Info Wicklef, Robert Dick Frank Hannah Nan Tory Wickliff, Aaron Beck Dick Wickliff, Eliz (Mrs.) Dinah Frank London Nan Wickliff, Isaac Randall Dinah Ned Wickliff, Nath Will Abra Will Wickliff, Robert Kate Wickliff, Robt Gerrard Poll Wickliff, Wm Roger Peg Jess Prince Wickliffe, Jno Jos Nell Wigginton, Benjn Dick Ged [?] Not Tithes Jack Not Tithes Judy Phillis Not Tithes Wilkinson, Benj Catty Cezer Darbay Dick Hannah Jos Sam Sarah Tom PP 1782 1T5 PP 1782 1T5 PP 1782 1T5 PP 1782 1T5 PP 1782 1T5 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 1T2 1T2 1T2 1T2 1T2 1T2 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 PP 1782 1T2 Source Info TL TL TL TL TL 1747 1747 1747 1747 1747 3 3 3 3 3 PP 1782 1B2 PP 1782 1B2 TL TL TL TL 1765 1765 1765 1765 T6 T6 T6 T6 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 H1 H1 H1 TT 1724 TL 1765 TL 1765 T6 T6 TL 1765 T10 PP 1782 PP 1782 H1 H1 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 PP 1782 H1 H1 H1 H1 PP 1782 1B2 PP 1782 1B4 PP 1782 1B4 PP 1782 1B4 PP 1782 1B4 PP 1782 1B4 TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL 1765 1765 1765 1765 1765 1765 1765 1765 1765 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 PP 1782 1T2 Source Codes (See "Source Notes" for explanation of Codes BT = Brent Town Survey RR = Rent Rolls LL = Landholder List TL = Tithable List LP = Legislative Petitions TP = Taxpayer List MR = Colonial Muster Roll TT = Tobacco Tenders PP = Personal Property Tax VP = Voter Poll List Note: Additional information enclosed in brackets (...) 12/30/2012 Page 44 Index to People Records of PWC, Virginia Compiled by Greg Mason, RELIC Volunteer Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA Prince William County Slave Report (by Owner) Slave Owner Slave Name Wilkinson, Elizrh Abram Bett Not Tithes Calute [?] Not Tithes Danl Not Tithes Dinah Fanny Not Tithes Sam Sarah Not Tithes Wm Not Tithes Williams, Mary Jean Willis, John (Majr) B[--]y Not Tithes Cupid Edmund Not Tithes Flora Geoffrey Hannah Not Tithes Harry Not Tithes Isaac Not Tithes Jerry Jno Not Tithes Joan Major Not Tithes Mary Not Tithes Moses Not Tithes Newmae [?] Patience Randolph Not Tithes Rawley Sall Not Tithes Sam Toby Winny Not Tithes Slave Owner Slave Name Source Info Wilson, Henry Judy PP 1782 Wilton, Francis Aaron PP 1782 Cage PP 1782 Under 16 Dol PP 1782 Jas PP 1782 Jas PP 1782 John PP 1782 John PP 1782 Under 16 Jos: PP 1782 Lott PP 1782 Under 16 Moses PP 1782 Under 16 Phillis PP 1782 Under 16 Suck PP 1782 Toney PP 1782 Wm PP 1782 Winton, [No First Name] (Mrs.) Adam PP 1782 Under 16 Tom PP 1782 Under 16 Withers, James Peter TT 1724 Jacky TT 1724 Jing TT 1724 Tom TT 1724 Woodyard, Gerrard Leestey PP 1782 Not Tithes Milly PP 1782 Phillis PP 1782 Not Tithes Wyatt, Wm Moses PP 1782 Bett PP 1782 Young, Elizabeth Jesse TL 1747 Young, William James TL 1765 Rose TL 1765 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 1B8 PP 1782 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