view details - Sanshin Engineering (HK) Limited
view details - Sanshin Engineering (HK) Limited
DIGITAL ECHO AV AMPLIFIER. DAX-1000(SElII OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS BMB _;,_ 0 '. .' , \ \ i L " BALANCE POWER ,...--FR ---, /D-~"'\ i' ; '..' 80 /0-"-\ i 7,5K FREQ. ; '.~' '1~ GAIN 0 0 0# b " KEY CONTROL -12 o DAXSERIES I BMB ~ EIGH:POWEB.:BMB XAllAOKE AV I\MPfll!lHR 1 MIC INPUT 0 2 Thank you for purchasing our product. In order to enable you to use the product correctly, please read the operating instructions carefully before using the product. .... - - - -- - TABLE OF CONTENTS - - - ---- -. - i ., , 13 3 Setup of motor volume output adjustment switch Basic operation Precautions for installation 4 Detailed operating method 15 Safety precautions 5 Operating method of remote controller Troubleshooting 16 Others 18 Specifications 19 Safety marks 2 Characteristics Name and functio 6 description on the front panel Name and functio description on the rear panel 8 Connection diagram .................... 11 of external equiprnents Precautions for connection II._-_ .. ~ 14 17 12 .. _----_ .. ----_ .... _---_ .. - - - - " - - - - - - " " - - - - - - - - - - - - - " .. 1 ------------~ SAFETY MARKS In order to enable the user to use the product correctly and conveniently and prevent any body injury and property loss in using, please read the following precautions carefully before using the product. The safety marks are defined as follows: Please read the following precautions carefully. WARNING It might cause serious body injury and even death accident if it's used in breach of the instructions. ATTENTION It might cause serious body injury or product damage if it's used in breach of the mark instructions. e The sign at the left means the content of the noxious and hazardous substance is lower than the limit of SJ/T 11363-2(j)06 IC~ " corrUga:~ed \C~ ~ I ~KING board BOX Clapboard I " PS ~~~~~~L C~ " HDPE I BAG FOR MACHINE I I L " C~ LDPE BAG FOR PARTS ' -T------' 2 1- ---------------+--1~ CHARACTERISTICS Major characteristics of this KARAOKE AV AMPLIFIER are as follows. Powerful Output Force of Amplifier The master amplifier comprising the big power transistors features excellent maximum output power and I.M.D to get ideal recovery effect and provide the perfect hearing effect. Application of STEREO ECHO The function of stereo echo makes the user feels he/she is at the site and the better accompaniment effect will be produced. Built-in Feedback Reducer The built-in feedback reducer could ettectively solve the problem of microphone howling in various environments and prevent howling. Perfect Built-in Protective Circuit When the overload current in the amplifier is too big or too hot and the unit of loudspeaker has short circuit, the built-in protective circuit shall be activated automatically to effectively protect the device and loudspeaker. Sound Quality Improvement Design In order to recover the sound source signal cerfectly, by improving the noise ratio of signal band to shorten the transfer distance of signal, decrease the intermodulation distortion of left/right track and reduce the interruption of signals as well as reduce the effect of power to the signal source to further improve the output sound quality. Convenient Volume Adjustment Function It could adjust the volume of microhpone independently and adjust the master volume and the tracks of loudspeaker respectively. Auto Input Sound Source Selection It could detect the external equipment automatically and select the sound source of input automatically. 3 PRECAUTIONS FOR INSTALLATION Do not install the product at the following places: - Bad ventilation or airtight environments Near the heating equipments or under the direct rays of the sun. Unstable fields Damp or dusty fields. Right installation The product will produce some heat in working, so it should be installed at the place where has good ventilation. Please keep the upper side of device 10cm or more away from the wall, and Scm or more for the two sides; 10cm or more for the rear side. IS-l0cm I U ~ ~~~~ij~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ij~~~~~~~~ ~~m ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~m~~~~II~uIIIIIW~~~III@III~~IWmlllll~IIII~III!~iWiiIWIIIW ~ ~~mlll~ulllllm~~~~II~ I1I1 ~11[i~ [IIWlllmu~lliIIW[I~ullll~~llllllullll~ I I ~ @ ® l~w,,~r n Before connecting Precautions When connecting, please pull off the power cable from the power socket and then reconnect, the names of terminals could be different with the device. At that moment, please refer to the instructions to connect correctly. It should use these loudspeakers that impedance is higher than 6 Q. If it's connected wrongly, it might damage the device and produce noise. After being installed, if the connection cable is mixed with other cables, or it's too close to other electric products, noise might be produced. The product has two power output ways including coupled power output and uncoupled power output; please select the right terminal in using. Output power of AC output terminal The output power of used audio equipment couldn't be exceed the maximum output power. The power output terminal (AC outlet) could be used for the connection of audio equipment only. Do not use together with other electronic products (such as electric heater and other electric products whose powers are over than the nominal power). 4 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Do use the rated AC power Do not let any external object or water get into the amplifier. = -The product should use 230V/50Hz power. 000 If the external object or water gets into the amplifier, it might cause fire, electric shock or other accidents. In that case. please turn off the power immediately and pull off the power plug and contact our service center as soon as possible. *fire If the voltage is over high, it might cause or electric shock and other accidents. __. _ . _ . _ - - --------_. Do not connect the AC power to the amplifier in the touowinscondltlons: Do not damage the power cable. -When connecting instruments to the amplifier. -When it's not used for a long time. -When cleaning the product or making maintenance. *It might cause fire, electric shock or other accidents. -Do not bend or pull the cable by force. -Do not place heavy object on the cable. -Do not change the cable by yourself. -Do not fix the cable by bolts. -Do not place the cable near the warming stove or air heater or other heating ecuiprnents. Do not dismantle or rebuild the housing by yourself. *If the cable is damaged, it might cause fire, electric shock or other accidents, please contact our agent or service center quickly. * It might cause fire, electric shock or other accidents. If it's needed to repair or check, please contact our agent or service center. If the device gives off strange smell, smoke or abnormal sound. Do not connect these equlprnents that use the bigger output power. ~.• I -. !' ~~ It might cause fire. electric shock or other accidents, at this moment, please turn off the power immediately and pull off the power plug, and contact our agent or service center * It might cause fire. electric shock or other accidents. quickly. 5 NAME AND FUNCTION DESCRIPTION ON FRONT PANEL CD D~ - @GM) ® - - - DIGITAL ECHO 4CH ~ IAMPLIFIEF MUSIC I lL ~I~ - r {[~} 0 , ,,~ \ = \ POWER l4~ , i 10 BALANCE BJ ~. ~ \ "'- l lG'~ \, ,I # 1 1 SP1·2 ~4 'I~ -10 +\! BASS -I' +'1 MID ..,~ Sl~~~O -:,,, TREBLE • ECHJl;OI _ \ 0"'.. REPT DELAY {,. BASS -I~ Mit VOL MID -1'0' -;;, TREBLE ... 1/A ~ 2/B \ ( r2 1 10~ '0 Mit TONE ..;~. 1'0 ~o i • ,,~ F= 0 1 0, 0 3 \ ® ® 6. FR gain adjustor Refer to page 15. It's used to adjust the accompanying audio device and DVD sound source signal. 7. Indicator 2. Remote sensor The LED indicator shall blink when adjusting the defaulted sound effect. It's used to receive the signal of remote controller. 8. Tone falling key 3. Input selection Press the key once to make tone ( D) falling one by one. The sequence of auto input mode is described as follows: KARAOKE - '\ MIC INPUT ECHO ",a_.. 3------J @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ 1. Music volume adjustor BGM - MICI~L ECHO VL DNTRD ~~I~~ ~lol@: ~I~ i~:~I@:~~ 0 I" 1'. ... -:i. 1'. ... 0" fo H ® --- KEY CONTROL GAIN MUSiCTONE -KEY ~ . Il 7.51< FREQ. BALANCE BGM - to• 40 4D r--f'R- ., , . ] \ ; ~ 'f)' -e ." -u "t1.- i -cI .- @ ~ ~ ~ :Hn rulllJ[ij]~iHJ III ~"= FU' ;T10N I , ~o - - - - - - ~I ~ \1 ®~®@ 9. Reset key DVD It first enable BGM mode when turn on rear function switch. KARAOKE or DVD mode is selected after multiple seconds if detects external input signal from real terminal. If main power switch is on when rear function switch is off. KARAOKE mode is selected automatically. When rising tone (#) or falling tone ( D), press the reset key to return to the defaulted tone. 10. Tone rising key Press the key once to make tone (#) rising one by one. 11. Reverberation adjustor It's used to adjust the volume of reverberation. It could the sound effect of reverberation. 4. Balance adjustor It's used to adjust the volume of left/right track. The volumes of left and right tracks are the same when the pin is at the middle position. 12. MIC master adjustor It's used to adjust the overall volume of microphone. 5. FR frequency adjustor (FREQJ It's same with the volume adjustment of FR GAIN. it's used in case that there is echo in using microphone.(Reter to page 15) 6 NAME AND FUNCTION DESCRIPTION ON FRONT PANEL 13. Balance adjustor of loudspeaker 21. Bass adjustor It's used to adjust the volume of front! rear loudspeaker. The volumes of front and rear loudspeakers are same when the pin is at the middle position. 14. BGM adjustor It's used to adjust the bass effects of microphones that are connected with the terminals. It could be adjusted in the range of -10-+10dB. 22. Mediant adjustor If tile external device or the accompanying audio device is used, and if there is blank part after the track is over, it could adjust the volume of background music. It's used to adjust the mediant effects of microphones that are connected with the terminals. It could be adjusted in the range of -10-+10dB. 15. Bass adjustor It's used to adjust the accompanying audio 23. Treble adjustor device and the bass volume in playing DVD. It's used to adjust the treble effects of It could be adjusted in the range of microphones that are connected with the -10-+10dS. terminals. It could be adjusted in the range of 16. Mediant adjustor -10-+10dB. It's used to adjust the accompanying audio device and the bass volume in playing DVD. 24. Microphone 1/A adjustor It's used to adjust the output volume of It could be adjusted in the range of front microphone 1 and the rear MIC A. -10-+10dS. 25. Microphone 2/B adjustor 17. Treble adjustor It's used to adjust the output volume of front microphone 2 and the rear MIC S. It's used to adjust the accompanying audio device and the treble volume in playing DVD. It could be adjusted in the range of -10-+10dB. In general conditions, it could adjust the bass, mediant and treble through the standard level (0). If it adjusts too much, it might damage the loudspeaker and produce echo. 26. Microphone 3 adjustor It'sused to adjust the output volume of front microphone 3. 27. Echo reverberation on/off switch It could set up the reverberation effect of microphone 3. After turning on the reverberation, it could add the reverberation effect in the sound effect of microphone: and when turning off the reverberation, it could output the microphone sound only and turn off all reverberation effects. 18. Echo reverberation selection switch It's used to select the monophony/stereo echo. When the user selects the mono phony, the reverberation effect shall be at the middle part of left and right loudspeakers. When the stereo is selected, the sound of microphone shall be spread on the left/right 28. 29. 30. Microphone input terminals track. The terminals connecting with microphones. 19. Echo reverberation repeat times adjustor 31. Power switch Press the power switch to turn on the power and further press to turn off the power. It's used to adjust the repeat times of reverberation effect. 20. Echo reverberation delay adjustor It's used to adjust the continuation of echo reverberation. 7 NAME AND FUNCTION DESCRIPTION ON THE REAR PANEL I ! I I I I KARAOKE 11 tWO .. I. .. OUT lILF!Ti~lJ;r~I:;'T'-"-~-'@@ -Jo-_ - - - - - @'I@ @ @@@ @@ @ l~= 7. Auto input selection on/off 1. Microphone A input terminal This switch automatically enables or disables! a function mode selected according to sound source signal detected from equipped exterrja instruments of rear panel, KARAOKE rnode is fixed automatically when function switch is oft The system selects a mode according to the i sequence of sound source signal from • equipped external instruments of rear panel. And switches a mode to 8GM if no signal. It's used to connect the terminal of microphone. It's mainly used in case that it's difficult to connect the front panel. 2. Microphone B input terminal It's used to connect the terminal of microphone. It's mainly used in case that it's difficult to connect the front panel. 8. External wired adjusting terminal If the device is installed at these places where the remote controller is not available; you can control and operate the device by connecting the external wired adjusting terminal with the IR input terminal. 3. Video input terminal It's used to connect the terminal of accompanying audio device or DVD video output device. 9. Output terminal of subwoofer 4. Video output terminal In order to enhance the effect of bass, you can connect a active subwoofer which has the extrav power amplifier or built-in amplifier via the output terminal. It's used to output the video of accompanying audio device or DVD to the terminal of display. 5. KARAOKE audio/video signal selection Select audio and video signal of KARAOKE player. Output terminal 6. DVD audio/video signal selection Select an audio and video signal of DVD. 8 Active sub woofer NAME AND FUNCTION DESCRIPTION ON THE REAR mNEL G)®@ I-I-I-j-I =,=-:~:.~- 0® ® 00 ----1 '·':~i~·i ® -- ~ ~ ~ ~LI D C ~~I} KARAOKE ~ VID£O OUT AlIIllO .,,0£0 OVO ~ AUDIO FU'CTIO, VIMO O~ ~ OFF EI7 _EI7 @ @ ....._ --------- ---~ AC SWI CtiED ~'1~ow >-:~ UNSWITCHEO MAX100W ._------------_/ nET/230V50Hz ~ ~ ~ '\: ::/ At 2JI1V-/5(lHz!IJ IN l lWil IN L ~~ l'I:'J IN L IN L DUT l ~ ILF+T~~~~TrT-- - @@ © t~ L6t~@® I @@ @@ @ 10 KARAOKE input level adjustor {a -- r~',-~ L ~~~~ 16. BGM mono/stereo select switch When the KARAOKE input signal level is too big or too small, it could adjust through KARAOKE input level adjustor. Select the BGM signal input mode between mono and stereo through the switch. 17. BGM input terminal 11. KARAOKE sensitivity switch Set the sensitivity at which KARAOKE audio input level is detected and switched automatically. It's used to connect the output terminal of BGM (back ground music) device. 18. Effector input terminal In order to enhance the music effect of accompanying audio device or DVD, it's used to connect the input terminal of sound effect adjustor. 12. KARAOKE input terminal It's used to connect the output terminal of accompanying audio device (KARAOKE device). 19. Effector ouout terminal In order to enhance the music effect of accompanying audio device or DVD, it's used to connect the input terminal of sound effect adjustor. 13. DVD input terminal It's used to connect the output terminal of DVD. 14. DVD input level adjustor 20. Pre-output terminal When the DVD input signal level is too big or too small, it could adjust through DVD input level adjustor. In order to enhance the output of loudspeaker, when using the external amplifier, it's to connect the pre-output terminal on the main device and input terminal of the external amplifier. 15. DVD sensitivity switch Set the sensitivity at which DVD audio input level is detected and switched automatically. 9 NAME AND FUNCTION DESCRIPTION ON THE REAR PANEL CD ® ® 00 ® 0® ® --==-t-- -j ~~I: l=-l;~j · .' ~U ---!.!£.I!- @ 0 ~ •.• i -----I-----~ ...... __ _~~_ ~_ -._-_ - .. .. ~--~-- _---_ . AC UTLET I 230V50Hz vIDeo IN KARAOKE DVD ." ~.~"." ,'" ~J~~ ,".,,~".ro VIDEO OUT EB FUNCTiON , § ..512~ ~ UNSWITCHED MAX1110W @ @ @ @@@ @@ @ @ -l @@ The max. rated power of the output terminal is 200W. Do not use the bigger rate devices. *Note: When it's needed to connect the external amplifier, please turn off the power and external amplltler first and confirm whether the volume adjustor is at the smallest status, and then connect. Too big output level might damage the product and the loudspeaker. 25. Grounding terminal It's used to connect the external device. The terminal is used to prevent the noise and electric shock when using the microphone. Do make grounding protection in using. If the place is wet or it's not good for grounding connection, it might cause fault, electric shock, fire or other accidents. 21. Loudspeaker terminal 2 It's used to connect the terminal of loudspeaker 2. Please refer to page 9 for the connection. 22. Loudspeaker terminal 1 It's used to connect the terminal of loudspeaker 1. Please refer to page 9 for the connection. When turn on/off the power, the power is always in output state. The max. rated power of the output terminal is 100W. Do not use the bigger rate devices. ~ ~_ FUSE25~'~ @ 23. Power output terminal (uncoupled switch) ~ ~ ':-~bll ••••• __ @@ _ _- -_ 26. Fuse Open the fuse cover, you will see the fuse. Please use the same specification product when replacing the 'fuse. 27. AC input The product uses 230V/50Hz AC voltage, please insert the power cable into the socket after connecting the terminal. * Precautions Please use the attached power cable when connecting. It might cause fire or damage if other kinds of cables are used. 24. Power output terminal (coupled switch) When turn on/off the power, the power shall be turned on/off. 10 CONNECTION DIAGRAM OF EXTERNAL DEVICE Monitor Monitor Wireless microphone \F- -----l! Monitor 1[-=-1 Ii / =__ II [:.:J 11111111 'I [-- _ .. _- ~--1····-~~l I i i I ~--:~---=- J I Its) I~~j I . !IIIIIIIIIOUlIIIIIJ 2 ~~1II11 Active sub woofer 0 111111111 I I Right Left 11111111 [t External sensor , T I Wireless microphone II LL._Jlo-, !"', I '- ..... At OUTLET /230V 50Hz MICIN VID OIM KA EX R SE~ OR D ~rtt ~ • A KE UTOSE CT OQ~-V1DE OUT. RAOK.E AU ~ ;/IOEfJ DVD l\JOlll ~ FUNCTION eu Q. ~ MI' S B WO FER ~ EfJ 9!@ ~ SWITCHED ~'l.lAIODW (I ~ ~ UH$WITCHED MAX1QOW ~ ~ At 230Vw/SllHz IQI FUSE25 , \ 1 d~ ; ~~_ Accompanvms audio device --------. - ~ 1\ " I L-.J I; ~ ,,--~===. I - '-- I~ -, Ul)\!& V 11 (QLI. ......... Power cable _-------- ...... Song accompanying audio device ~I----IL.~-----~~ -----------jl.. r jT6.3A Left B8M device Equalizer I Left 11 CONNECTION When connecting the loudspeaker cable When connecting the loudspeaker connector, please confirm the right polarities (+ and -) and the right track, do not connect reversely. Please pay attention to the connection of loudspeaker and avoid touching with other terminals or the rear panel. In addition, do connect the cable according to the correct polarities and avoid the touch of naked loudspeaker cables. \~-- __ --'~o:=~ lJjm'!'~ Right 1;f(O)~ LC~u SYSTEMS 1 Left About the impedance of loudspeaker If a loudspeaker that has lower impedance than the rated impedance (6-8 ohms), for example 4 ohms loudspeaker, is used for a long time, the built-in protective circuit may be activated automatically. After the protective circuit is activated, pull off the cable and keep a good ventilation to reduce the temperature and then reconnect the power. When connecting the signal cable When connecting the signal cable, after pulling off the power cable, please confirm the left track (L: white) and right track (R: red) and then connect them. The names of the terminals could be different with the device. Please read and refer to the operating instructions to ensure correct connection. If the signals of left track and right track are connected reversely, the stereo effect shall be reduced. 12 1 _ SETUP OF MOTOR VOLUME OUTPUT ADJUSTMENT The user may set up the max. output levels of the master volume of music and microphone, it may effectively protect the loudspeaker and the amplifying circuit. The method of setting up the max. output level is described as follows: 1. Remove the knob of the master volume of music and microphone. Precautions for removing the knob Because the knob and the LED is connected by the cable, so you should pull it out carefully. 2. Remove the bolts first and then fix them on the corresponding positions again. If the bolts are too tight, it might cause bad effect. Please keep the consistence height with the original position or confirm whether the knob is fixed firmly. 3. Please use the same specification bolts. Improper bolts might cause disconnection and it's easy to fall into the machine and which would damage the knob hole. 4. Adjust the knob clockwise to decrease the level. * Fixing position when leaving the factory 10 9 a 0 Screw (} 0 .z 1\°n BMB 0 2. 5~~ Ii 0 3 f Max. value of master volume Position of boll 10 POWER I BMB ~ 1. Press A part to open the door; and reverse operation to close the door. 2. The adjustors of microphone, music, reverberation effect BGM and loudspeaker are equipped at the inner side of door. 3. In order to facilitate to operate at the dark place, the light shall be turned on automatically when opening the door and turned off when closing the door. 4. After operating the adjustors inside the door, please close the door. * Note If too big force is made at B direction, it might damage the structure, do operate properry. 13 level 10 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 5 8 4 _.~-- 3 2 DOOR OPEN/CLOSS Volume 5 3 2 BASIC OPERATION About the protective circuit The product has built-in overload current protection and overheat protective device, which could effectively protect the loudspeaker in case of short circuit. After activating the protective circuit, the device shall automatically cut off the output of loudspeaker and the indictors of microphone and master volume shall blink at the same time. At that time, you must pull off the power plug and check the connection of loudspeaker plug and other plugs. If the device is too hot, improve the ventilation and do not connect the power plug until the temperature is decreased. 1. Press the power button 1on the panel and you will hear tile sound produced by the relay in 2-3 seconds. 2. Use the volume adjustor 2 to adjust tile volume. And use the timbre adjustor 3 to adjust the timbre. 3. Insert the microphone into the position 4. 4. Adjust adjustor 5 to the middle position. 5. Adjust the volume of microphone through the adjustor 6 and adjust the timbre of microphone through the adjustor 7. Input mode 6. Adjust the volume of 1/A, 2/B, 3 through the After the device is connected with the adjustor 5. external equloments. it shall automatically 7. Adjust the adjustor 8 to the middle position, display the input mode selecting interface. and adjust the reverberation time through. the There are three input terminals (KARAOKE, DELAY adjustor 9, and adjust the repeat time DVD and BGM), the defaulted mode is . through the REPT adjustor 10. KARAOKE. 8. Adjust the reverberation through the adjustor 8. Operating method of microphone 1. It's advised to keep the microphone 5-10cm away from your mouth. 2. If the microphone is too close to mouth or. hold the microphone head, it might produce noise or echo. 14 DETAILED OPERATING METHOD Operating method of key controller ~ KEY CONTROL -D --= # I] ~_~l~~~_~Q;J~~_~~I~ . D 'I I # ~OO GONTROL b 1. Press the key once to decrease the tone one level by level. It could adjust in the range of b 1- b 6, and b 6 is the smallest tone. 2. After the music is over, it shall return to the defaulted sound effect in 4 seconds. [Q}]-crn-[QID-[Q!J-~-[I§] q In rising/falling the tone, press reset key to return to the defaulted tone. # 1. Press the key once to increase the tone one level by level. It could adjust in tile range of # 1-#6, and #6 is the highest tone. 2. After the music is over, it shall return to the defaulted sound effect in 4 seconds. [IjJ-[Rj-~-[ll]-~-[H] ..It might cause fault or wrong operation if pressing down the two or more keys at the same time. Operating method of FR 1. Rotate the FR GAIN knob and adjust to "0". ~:J'~\ FR7(/!&D't\ '_.'+12, 'U"~ ';.' 80 7.5K FREQ. -12 GAIN 2. Adjust the volume and timbre of accompanying audio device. 3. Open the microphone, if there is echo after testing; adjust the knob of FR to 12 o'clock direction. 17i~/D'~"':\ \ "i \ Iii '80..7.5K ' FREQ. '. --~+12 -12 GAIN 4. Rotate leftward (80Hz) or rightward (7.5KHz) slowly till no echo is produced. ,--FR~ ((1) (r'~') .. ~./ 80 7.5K FREQ. -12 / +12 GAIN 5. After the echo is disappeared, 'fix the volume of FREQ., and then rotate the knob of FR GAIN leftward (0 direction) till no echo is produced any more. ,--FR----.::'\. (~.~~) (n.~). u 80' ·7.5K FREQ. u -Ii '+12 GAIN 15 OPERATION OF REMOTE CONTROLLER The attached remote controller is applicable for DAR series products. Operating range -==== ~,,~ ~lllItAlrt.ltllJCIlAr"'MI1.IJ1f. tJ'" :~~~~ {! 5MB _lPIUll.Y1ll l;;~ ICl1Q~aL 1""\'-'" . ,n,... " •I ~ amI I !IDiil!IDmWWt1JrrmtIfPi!'! {~~:)" \''''' .. ~-:/ '~R06\o'" l' ' ,'" 1 0 0 0 ,\ ,~,~ ~_ ....~:s .~,i" .......:.. ...... InCDIIl1lO~ _.._- ....__.__.- " I !"Own ~ .. - _.... ," IBNii!t I \ --. I "~I£ I I I I I I DAX ...... F 1I1t_l'II' <;> <;> <;> HlCMI'OWM_IItIt.AMJIUIA"~ "\ ~.L A ~<:::".Y' ____A ~ \ \ \ II~~\ I The available distance is 7 meters with the angle of +/-30 degrees. -F~~-7m Precautions BMB === • I • 9~ 0<::;:10 fDIO MlIhG we The effect is not good if the remote controller is under the strong sunshine. Please check whether there is any other object between the controller and the sensor. It might cause wrong operation if you press the functional keys of remote controller and device at the same time. Method of replacing the battery il~ ~I Precautions 1. If the remote controller is not so sensitive, please replace dry batteries with new ones. 2. If it's not used for a long time, please take out the dry batteries and keep them at the place out of reach of children. 3. Do not charge or heat the dry battery, it might cause fire, blast or other accidents. 16 TROUBLESHOOTING Please refer to the following steps if the product has any trouble. And if it's unable to be solved after checking, please contact our agent or service center. Troubles Causes Solutions The amplifier has no power The AC power cord is not connected to the amplifier. The fuse is fired. Connect the power cord to the amplifier. Replace the fuse. Has no sound The speaker cable is not connected to the loudspeaker. The volume level is too small. Reconnect the cable to the loudspeaker. Adjust the volume level. The volume is too small. The connection of microphone is not good. The connection with external equipment is not good. The external equipment has troubles. Adjust the volume. Check the connection of microphone. Check the connection port. couldn't hear the sound of music or microphone The background music The volume level of microphone is is normal but the sound too low. of microphone is too The master volume level of microphone is too low. small ....... _ - ....._ _.......... .__ ._......... ...._ ._-----_._._-_. __....._ .....1 -------- ...... No batteries or the battery electricity is not enough. The remote controller is not working Take away the objects between the controller and the sensor. The loudspeaker has short circuit. The relay is turned on/off frequently Adjust the volume level of microphone. Adjust the master volume level of microphone. - - - - - - _.. - _~-_ Check and confirm whether the external equipment is working normally. Replace it with the new batteries. Take away the objects between the controller and the sensor. Check a loudspeaker's connection. Check the unit of loudspeaker. The unit of loudspeaker is....._not good . _...._ -------- _--_....__._---_ --_._ ... __....... --_ The distance between the microphone Adjust the distance between the microphone and loudspeaker. and loudspeaker is too short. Rotate the loudspeaker towards The sound of loudspeaker is mixed The echo is too big outside. with the sound of microphone. Adjust the treble properly. The treble area is too high. _._......_.........._. __._....- _----_._---_......._.-._._..... ....._........ _......_--_ ...._._._._ __ ...-.__......_..._...- . _ - .-_ _ Adjust the volume of ECHO. No ECHO effect in case The master volume of ECHO is "0". of microphone output Adjust the master volume. ----_.. ~------_ _ _._-_ _-_ ------ _._.... ... .. .. .. __ ..... .__ .._._---_ .. .. ...... .._------_.- .. _.~-----_. .. "When product have some problem or broken, please don't repair in repairing store with liberty, should consult information from our after-sales center or our distributor. - Address, name and phone number - Product name, model and purchasing date -Faults (detailed description) - Expected treatment time 17 OTHERS Maintenance If the surface of product is dirty, please use the clean cloth to clean the surface, if it's too dirty, you should use the soft cloth and proper amount of detergent to clean as per the proportion of 1:4-1:5 (detergent and water) After cleaning with the wet cloth, please use the dry and clean cloth to wipe again. Do not use the volatile chemical agents such as benzene. The volatile chemical agents could damage the painting on the surface. Operating environment 1. Avoid to affect the rest of neighbors when using KARAOKE at home and note the time and place. 2. Prevent the sound affect others, it's advised to adopt the sound separation measures when using the product at home. 3. Turn down the volume at night and it's better if not using the product at night for small sound would also affect the rest of others. Property right The broadcast, sound source and CD are protected by the intellectual property right in accordance with the law of intellectual property protection. It's forbidden to use as commercial or transfer to others. Product materials The product is made from the nontoxic and hurtles materials in accordance with the relative safety rules and regulations. 18 SPECIFICATIONS Amplifier Accessories 160W x 4 / 8.Q Rated power Operating Instructions Remote Controller 1 Dry Battery 2 Power Cable 1 Input sensitivity/impedance 200mV / 22kQ 300mV / 22kQ KARAOKE DVD BGM , MIC , 1 300mV / 22kQ 17mV / 3.3kQ Output power MUSIC EFFECTOR OUT····· 190 mV / 1kQ SUB WOOFER (150Hz) 5.8V / 1kQ PRE -OUT 3.6V / 1kQ VIDEO OUT r-i -r-rr- r -, IIMII 1VP- p/75 Q Timbre adjustment of music BASS ± 1OdB(100Hz} MID ± 10dB(2KHz} TREBLE ± 1OdB(10KHz} E .Ii .. Timbre adjustment of microphone BASS ± 1OdB( 100Hz} MID ± 10dB(2KHz} TREBLE = = ± 1OdB( 10KHz} = = = = = = = 1 J = -r:=J Power supply Power supply Power Power output terminal .. 230VAC, 50Hz F"""""::.:::'"",.. 0 800W Coupled switch> 2 (Max. 200W) Uncoupled switch x 1 (Max. 100W) Dimensions (Wx H x D) 420 x 159 x 415 rnrn Weight 17.4Kg ~ I 1- BMB .. 666 e 8'~: - ~ "' 0 I I~_i u"" ...... .... -..-~A" __ (e~l (0, E E 0 <T> , I «;l ·cf «;l ~ '= 251mm 420mm ----'l£\!.!ill!L --i *The specifications shall be subject change without any further notice. 19 - E E <T> '" BMB BMB International Corp.