effective negotiation in the agri food industry - Agri
effective negotiation in the agri food industry - Agri
EFFECTIVENEGOTIATION INTHE AGRI‐FOODINDUSTRY February 1 - 3, 2016 Elmhurst Inn, Ingersoll, Ontario A professional-level, interactive course to develop excellent negotiation and collaborative skills at all levels of the agriculture and food industry. All players welcome, from early inputs to retail sales Are you an innova ve and self‐mo vated entrepreneur? Do you have marke ng and nego a ng responsibili es on behalf of a producer group, marke ng board, or coopera ve? Are you involved in the purchase and/or sale of goods or inputs of agricultural products? Do you assist farm and food businesses and groups in the promo on and distribu on of product lines to new markets? DAY 1 2 case studies 1 exercise How do you avoid nego a on pi alls? What are your nego a on tendencies? What are the assump ons people make in nego a ons? Which style is be er, a compe ve or a coopera ve one? Who should make the first offer and how should it be made? “This was the most valuable course I took this year. The lessons learned will save me money and frustra on in day to day business dealings. Anyone running a business would benefit from this course.” BreƩ Schuyler, Schuyler Farms Limited. “Outstanding materials! My a en on was captured by the presenter the whole me. A great use of my me away from the business while focusing on learning and becoming more effec ve and successful. I feel that the skills learned can be easily tailored to anyone’s specific needs and challenges. I came away with the tools not only to nego ate differences but to exchange viewpoints and ideas; while building posi ve rela onships.” Rob deNijs, Bercab Farms Inc. “The stakes are higher than ever for young farmers; and the skills of nego a on and collabora on which have tradi onally been learned over a life me are needed now in the opera on of ever changing and more complex farming.” John Cowan, GM Hyland Seeds (re red), Past President – CSTA “Excellent training! Suppliers, producers, and processors alike need these kinds of skills in order to arrive at sustainable arrangements, profitable to all par es working together as partners. All levels of the supply chain could do be er by first understanding the reasons for each others requirements/posi ons.” Rob Anderson, Bonduelle Ontario & USA “The course is excellent. It is very challenging! I have found that I have actually been using the techniques taught in this course. Very applicable in my everyday life and work. I especially liked the interac ve nature of the course that kept me engaged.” Gerard Bergin, Sco abank DAY 2 1 lecture 2 case studies Video “Excellent Format. The course is to be highly recommended. Very prac cal for business applica on, in addi on to everyday life.” Paul Glenney, Ontario Farm Products MarkeƟng Commission What are the 7 Elements of Principled Nego a on? How to be crea ve to get be er results? How to prepare for a nego a on? How to problem solve to get good results and maintain rela onships? How to change the other person’s perspec ve on an issue? Ifyouhavequestions,orrequiremoreinformationaboutthecourse, pleasecallTonyHogervorstat519.670.0891or519.849.6573 Learn: How to close the deal How to get the best deal in a nego a on How to overcome obstacles in nego a on Take control of a nego a on How to nego ate with unreasonable people Decide when to make the first offer Know when to walk away Make your nego a ons more effec ve by figuring out what mo vates the other side and learning when to put an offer on the table. DAY 3 1 (or more) agricultural sector case study Video 3 exercises on dealing with difficult people How to deal with people who express strong emo ons? How to deal with difficult people? How to be more persuasive and s ll maintain rela onships? How to nego ate when trying to resolve a conflict? When to say yes and when to walk away? What makes conversa ons difficult? How to begin a challenging conversa on effec vely? Instructors Paul D. Godin, B.A. B.Sc. LL.B. C.Med. Director of U.S. Opera ons Paul D. Godin is a Toronto‐based mediator, S Feld Handy Group lawyer, nego ator, facilitator, banking ombudsman, and ADR systems designer at ADR CHAMBERS Inc. the S Feld Handy Group/ADR Chambers. He has lectured in Nego a on and Alterna ve Dispute Resolu on (ADR) at the Univ. of Toronto, Univ. of Oregon, and Univ. of Windsor Law Schools and teaches contrac ng principles to project and contract managers. Paul has designed and led courses on ADR, Nego a on, and System Design worldwide for the general public and organiza ons including Qantas, BDO, Sco abank, TD Bank, Hill & Knowlton, the Trade Union Congress of the Bahamas, Ma el, General Dynamics, INCO, YUM Brands, the judiciary of Trinidad and Tobago, Ontario Power Genera on, Alliance Atlan s, the Chartered Ins tute of Arbitrators, AECON, AECL, the UN, the Governments of Canada, Australia, Bermuda, Ethiopia, Trinidad & Tobago and others. Paul has acted in many complex media ons and nego a ons as li gator and mediator, appearing before the Ontario Courts, the Ontario Court of Appeal, and the Financial Services Commission of Ontario on ma ers of insurance coverage, commercial contracts, environmental issues, personal injury, professional liability, negligence, and accident benefits. Paul is a roster mediator with ADR Chambers, ADR Chambers UK, the Ontario Mandatory Media on Program–Toronto, the Ontario Energy Board, the Sport Dispute Resolu on Centre of Canada, D.I.A.N.D. (Aboriginal Issues), ICOM/WIPO, the Trinidad & Tobago Media on Board, Labrador Inuit Land Claims Agreement DR Board, and is designated as a Chartered Mediator by the ADR Ins tute of Canada. He has exper se in contract, labour rela ons and aboriginal issues. Hon. Lyle Vanclief P.C., P.AG(Dist.), FAIC, ICD.D The Hon. Lyle Vanclief was born and raised in Prince Edward County on the farm where he and his wife, Sharon, s ll live. A er gradua ng with a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture the University of Guelph, he returned to operate Willowlee Farms Limited, a very diversified livestock, fruit and vegetable, and grain and oilseeds farm. Lyle was elected as the Member of Parliament for the riding of Prince Edward‐ Has ngs in the federal elec ons of 1988, 1993, 1997 and 2000. While in that role he held many posts from Opposi on Cri c for Agriculture to Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Agriculture, Chairman of the House of Commons Standing Commi ee on Agriculture and Minister of Agriculture and Agri‐Food for Canada from June 1997 to December, 2003. This por olio included Agriculture Canada as well the Canadian Food Inspec on Agency, Farm Credit Canada, Canada Grain Commission, the Canadian Dairy Commission and the Na onal Farm Products Council. A er re ring from poli cs in 2004, he has been ac ve as a member of corporate boards and founda ons. Lyle was honoured to be made a Dis nguished Member of Ontario Ins tute of Agrologists and recognized with a Fellowship in the Agricultural Ins tute of Canada. Recently he was inducted into the Canadian Agricultural Hall of Fame. Registra on Form Method 1: Method 2: Method 3: O Mr. For addi onal informa on call Tony Hogervorst: 519.849.6573 or 519.670.0891 Online at www.effec ve‐agri‐food‐nego a on.eventbrite.ca By Email. Email registra on details or scanned form to [email protected] By mail. Mail completed form with cheque (payable to Westphalian Way) to: Westphalian Way, 7657 Egremont Road, Wa ord, ON N0M 2S0 O Ms. O Mrs. (Please print name as you wish it to appear on your Cer ficate) Organiza on: O Home Address: Title: O Work Phone: Province: Fax: Name to appear on your name tag: Dietary Restric ons: Please send cheque, payable to Westphalian Way, with completed form. To pay by Visa or MasterCard, please register online. Invoices will be issued upon request. Payment Op ons: Postal Code: Email Address: City: Workshop Tuition Early Bird Registration Fee: $3300 + HST = $3729.00 REGISTER BY OCTOBER 30, 2015 Regular Fee: $3500 + HST = $3955.00 REGISTER BY JANUARY 30, 2016 REGISTER EARLY! SPACE IS LIMITED Enquire about financial support for this course through your provincial GROWING FORWARD 2 Hours: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm each day. Food and Accommodation: Daily lunch and snacks included in the registration fee. Dinner on February 2nd is also included. Participants are responsible for their own accommodation. A block of rooms will be set aside at the Elmhurst Inn. Accommodations include a Complimentary buffet breakfast. To reserve, call (519) 485‐5321. Cancellation Fees: A refund, less $300.00, will be issued if written notification is received by January 15, 2016. Substitutions are permitted. In the event that the course is cancelled, fees will be fully refunded. “Worththepricetag!Forpeopleinapositiontopurchaseormarketforthemselvesorothers, trainingofthiscaliberhastremendouspotentialforpayback!”DaveEpp,LycolandFarms