Waterbury Farrel ICOP Press
Waterbury Farrel ICOP Press
WATERBURY FARREL ATTACKS COST FACTORS • LOWEST TOOLING COST. The machine itself is a universal die set. Tooling is confined to simple· punches, die inserts, stripper sleeves and shaping of transfer fingers. a complete system for automatic production of drawn metal parts • LESS DOWN TIME. Independent stations permit easy tooling- tool maintenance and changeover is a cinch. • LOWER MATERIAL COST. Scrap is automatically reduced through the elimination of carrier strips. Double and triple row blanking provide even more savings. • LOWER CAPITAL INVESTMENT. "Off-the-Shelf" and "On-the-Machine" accessories make each machine a complete production unit for finished parts. Many single operation machines are eliminated . • LOWER DIRECT LABOR COSTS. With electronic safety devices one man may operate as many as nine I.C.O .P. machines. • LOWER COST TOLERANCES. Tight tolerances become simpler and less costly with individual stations and the uncomplicated tooling requirement. • LOWER OPERATING COSTS. Positive Part Control automatically assures high operating efficiency. • VERSATILITY. Versatility is unsurpassed in these machines -they are equally adaptable to the economic needs of short run jobbing work or the high speed requirements of long production runs. PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH :-w. -+- - I r - - - I - EJECTOR I I I - 1 - - L -1 - I I - - - - - - - EJECTOR I I L __ J _ _ - - I I I IL __ .JI _ _ -tm This diagram shows that all parts are clear of the die, and still supported by their respective punches, at the time for transfer finger engagement. Dwell on the lift stroke automatically brings all plungers to this position at the same time. - - - - - - - - - _ This illustration shows what happens to the strip metal as it automatically proceeds from station to station during a typical application. Dependent upon .material and work to be done, production rotes for finished parts can be as high as 550 pcs. per minute 2 l.C.D.P. MAKES THE SYSTEM GD The heart of Waterbury Farrel's complete system for automatic production of drawn metal parts is a totally unique, yet extremely simple type of automatic, multiple station press. These machines feature I.C.O.P. (Individual Cam Operated Plungers). This means that each working station has its own set of cams which provide a motion to each station that is independent of every other station. Each of these independent stations function as an individual press. However, all of these operations are joined into one synchronized machine through an integrated transfer mechanism. This modular, or l.C.O.P. concept permits the ultimate in tooling simplicity, plus extreme latitude in machine capability. Furthermore, this machine motion automatically provides POSITIVE PART CONTROL (PC*) throughout the entire cycle-a prime requisite for any transfer operation. POSITIVE PART CONTROL through 1.C.O.P. was originated by Waterbury Farrel. l.C.O.P. HAS UNIQUE MOTION ... The motion of Waterbury Farrel l.C.O.P. Automatic Multiple Station Presses assures low tooling costs, great flexibility, high operating speeds and outstanding operating efficiency. To better understand this motion, refer to figures 1 and 2 during the following description of plunger action. All plungers are individually cam operated, each having its own down stroke cam and its own lifter cam. These cams are mounted alternately on the upper cam shaft. A cam roll follower is mounted at the top of each plunger. Shut height of the plunger is adjustable through a simple wedge mechanism located beneath the cam roll follower. The upward motion of the plunger is controlled by the lifter cam which operates against a horizontal lifter arm. Note that the lifter cam has two areas of lift with an intervening dwell. The lifter arms are adjustable in position on a lifter rod which is attached to the plunger by a yoke. When the horizontal lifter arm is adjusted away from the cam, contact with the cam will occur later in cam rotation providing a shorter first lift stroke. Longer first lift strokes are provided by setting the lifter arm closer to the cam. This first lift provides full extraction of the part from the die for any depth of engagement in the die between zero and maximum. The dwell area of the lift allows the punch to remain stationary while fully inserted in the part, and level with the top of the die. It is during this dwell on the upstroke that the transfer is brought into full engagement. After the transfer is firmly engaged, and only then, does the second lift occur. The part is restrained from moving upward with the punch by means of a stripper sleeve, and remains in the transfer fingers ready for movement to the next station. The parts are never out of full contact with the tooling, and firm transfer engagement is always assured. All parts are ready for transfer at exactly the same time. The built-in tool motion on the lift stroke permits fixed transfer timing. To hold the plungers in the correct positions at each end of the stroke, an adjustable friction, aided by air springs on the lifter rod, counterbalances the plunger mechanism to compensate for lifter arm offset. The I.C.O.P. upstroke dwell provides Positive Part Control. Positive Part Control is the most vital element in any kind of transfer equipment and was developed by Waterbury Farrel. Further, this vital motion is obtained with a general purpose set of ca.ms. Fig. 1. Cross sedion of single station Figure 2 is a diagram of typical plunger action throughout a full 360° of camshaft revolution. A full stroke for deepest draw, a shorter stroke for intermediate draw, and a stroke at the top of the die, are diagramed to illustrate the automatic timing that is built into the I.C.O.P. motion. You'll note that the shorter the stroke, the longer the dwell before the first lift stroke. This affords automatic timing of all plungers and assures that all are stationary and clear of the die in the pickup zone. Remember, punches remain fully inserted in the parts until transfer fingers are fully engaged. The lift stroke then resumes for the stripping of the part from the plunger. Fig . 2 Diagram of typical plunger action throughout 360° revolution ~ of camshaft. The dQtted line is a typical sine wove of crank action in other types of presses. Note the longer stroke required for crank action and the lock of a definite provision for transfer engagement 4 ... AND THE MOTION PROVIDES FDR SIMPLE, VERSATILE TOOLING Waterbury Farrel's I.C.O.P. Machines readily accept close tolerance work. The individual station adjustment, wide open design, and POSITIVE PART CONTROL provide for tooling setups that are simple, versatile, easy to change and maintain. Tooling is greatly simplified, consisting of simple punches, stripper sleeves, die inserts, knockout pins and tran$fer fingers. The repetitive and costly precision work required in progressive tools is eliminated. Intricate special operations are handled by standard integrated attachments as opposed to customi~ed, costly, "built-in" devices required in progressive tools. The investment and maintenance of complicated tool holders and die cushions are also eliminated. TOOLS FOR BLANKING STATION WHAT IS THE TOOLING? IT'S THIS SIMPLE ;:;uch parts as sere\\" chucks for the plungers, die holder fitted to the bed, blank transfer fingers, centering punches, and plit, pre haped knockout cams are furnished with the machine. • Die blocks are standard and furnished with the machine- you bore for your standardized die size and make a simple die insert. • Punches are solid, easy-to-make tools that mount in reusable screw chucks furnished in the machine. The motion eliminates the need for complicated, costly spring pins in punches. • Stripper bushings are a simple lathe job . • Transfer fingers come blank with the machine and are bored or shaped to fit the part. TOOLS FOR WORK STATIONS That's it-punches-dies-stripper sleeves and shaped transfer fingers. TOOLING INVESTMENT CAN BE AS LITTLE AS 1/ 5 THE COST OF A PROGRESSIVE DIE. Also, tooling tryout time and initial setup are greatly reduced. LOWER DOWNTIME i FULL CAMSHAFT The machine design eliminates time consuming alignment and complicated transfer timing. Parts are not ejected into the transfer fingers or stripped by the fingers, thus there is no maintenance caused by upward pressure on the fingers. Tooling is changed with far greater ease- and significantly quicker than in any transfer press. Setup for part changeover can be reduced to a procedural operation. REVOLUTION o• © lolooWoloWoloW...i.· fUll STIOICE ECONOMY @~~!+Moo INTUMfOIATf STIOKf ®................~~~....., STRO«:f TO TC>f Of- DIE \ \ ONlY \ \ \ \ \ LTRANSffl+ I ZONE ' ', OOWHSTIO«:f ZONE ',_ -+ ZOHf+r (f'AU tS POIMIO OI OlAWN) llfTOUT {P'UNCH AHO PAIT W'ltltMAW') DwtU AT TUNSRI ~Kur ZOHf ('1.IHCH ST ATIONAIY At TOP Of CM() STllH'fl ZONE (PAIT IS ltltmo 'IOM P'UNCH) _J -1 Positive part control is assured without the use of special tooling gimmicks such as spring pins. Also, the parts are drawn in the "bottom down" position. This permits adequate lubricant flow over the die radii which is necessary for long draws, or when working in difficult metals. For these reasons of economy-and because it is so easy-most customers prefer to make their own tools. However, Waterbury Farrel is well equipped to completely tool the machines to customer specifications-or to offer tooling suggestions. Inquiries should be accompanied by all available data pertinent to the job including samples, drawings showing tolerances, required production volume, etc. 5 THE PC SYSTEM - WE NEVER LET GD OF THE PART Depth of draw into the die on the down st roke determines length of the punch. The t ransfer mechanism, also cam driven, advances and return once for each work cycle. As it completes its return stroke, the pring loaded t ransfer fingers slip around and grip the work which waits at the top of the die. At t ransfer engagement all punches are stationary and fully in the work. As the punches withdraw, t ripper keep t he work in place betwee n tationary tran fer fingers. When all punches clear, the t ransfer advances the work to the next Small parts are drawn on Waterbury F arrel Independent Cam Op rated Plunger presses. Blanks up to 3 ~-in. diameter can be drawn to a maximum depth of 3Ys-in. E ach pre s station has its own individual set of lifter and plunger cams mounted on a common shaft. The plunger cam drives the plunger down by means of the roller follower. The lifter cam raise the plunger by acting on the lifter arm . Both cam foll owers are rigidly connected through the lifter rod. p troke motion is adj usted by moving the lifter arm up or dO\rn on the lifter rod. Ii\ BOTTOM lAJ OF STROKE <flUi.H~ ~ 1t"etwut. [IB FIRST LIFT ..,~ "~ IQ\ ~LIFT (rU UPSTROKE PAUSE FOR ~ L.l:U TRANSFER ENGAGEMENT OUT 7~ <°f~f!A~~' JwelU ~~ M~ :!J~ OR FULL FOLLOW CAMS LI FTER ARM !ADJUSTABLE ON LI FTER ROD! ROLL FOLLOWER Plun ger begins first lift to top o f die. .. DR AW PUNCH PAUSE - 5 - OUT I Clearance delays of stroke. .. "~:r.~:+_ RI PPER~--~KNOCK :I~ ·® first lift . Punch still at bottom 6 PAUSE w ~'~'i'.~, ~ w DIE LINE - Stil l ho ldin g wo rk . plun ger dwells at to p of di e to per mit tra nsfer pick -up . .. ~-"'- With transfer engaged, a ll punches withdraw from work. Stripper prevents work from following punc h. Delayed first lift permit s a ll pu nch e to re:1c h top o f di e at th e sa me tim e. a nd d we ll fo r tra nsfer e ngageme nt. -J6---J6-- station. The fingers hold the work until the punch carries it int o the die. Then the cycle repeat . The sequence dra\\·ing at left show how clearance between the lifter cam a nd lifter arm delays the withdrawal of the punch a nd its \\·ork from the die in t he lo\\·er, horter-draw sequence. By properly adjusting clearance all work reaches the die line simultaneously. In this manner the motion of each plunger i coordi nated to the t ran fe r po itively co ntrolling the part at all times regardless of the length of stroke. N ote in the sequence drawings that: l. Spacing between lifte r arm a nd roll follower is diffe rent ~ TOP OF lr STROKE <'/~ @DOWN at the two illustrated stations, but in each ca e remains constant during cycle. 2. Amount of cleara nce equals difference between maximum die penetration a nd required die penetration. 3. pstroke consists of t wo lifts separated by an important pa u e for transfer engagement . 4. D epth of draw into the die determines length of the punch. Standard ICOP presses have IO or 12 stations and can operate at up to 140 strokes per minute. With certain adaptations, described on pages 13 and 14, this rate can be doubled. BOTTOM [}{] OF STROKE S<UH.e. aJ. @i ~STROKE lT LIFTER R O D - - - - - - - . LIFT CAM----.,. PLUNGER CAM---+-M DWELL w • -®----Jb-Tra nsfe r advances work as plun ge rs dwell at top of st roke. Plunger cam drives punch down into work. I Work completed. PLUNGER------- 11 11 Friction device supports lifter rod and plunger I when not in contact DWELLwith ei ther cam. ~ ~ ·-@ ·- ---~----- TRANSFER SLIDE----~ Single ICOP station: top of stroke, transfer advancing work. 7 STANDARD FEATURES FEED The Roll Feed is located immediately back of the blanking plunger. It is intermittently driven by a gear driven crankplate. This drive allows easy feed adjustment for varyi ng blank sizes. When multiple rows of blanks are to be cut, the coil of metal is removed from the take-up reel in the back, transferred to the front, and run through again. To minimize material handling and downtime, a stagger feed system for multiple row blanking is available. STOCKFEED FINGER MOTION IOPTIONJ A 8top Finger motion provides an accurate method for blanking more than one row of blanks from a strip of metal. On successive passes the rnll is set to slightly overfeed. The finger device po itively engages the previous row of holes and registers the stock correctly over the blanking die. This allows for the most economical use of the strip metal. BLANK HOLDER A lever type Blank Holder, operated from a cam on the lower shaft, is mounted in front of the o. 2, or cupping die. This device exerts sufficient pressure on the blanks to provide accurate location, prevent wrinkling or puckering, and to insure a concentri c first cup. The blank holder pressure ii' easi ly adjusted from the front of the machine. 8 a complete system for automatic production of drawn metal parts TRANSFER The Transfer Slide is bolt connected to a cam driven member. This transfer cam is mounted on the gear driven side shaft. Because of the unique machine motion, transfer time is fixed and no adjustments are necessary. A series of pivoted transfer fingers are arranged in pairs for gripping the work. They are precisely spaced in the slide to correspond with the plungers at the stations whi ch follow the o. 1 or blanking station. The fingers are furnished blank for subsequent shaping on the ends to suit t he work . Gripping pressure for the transfer fingers is adjustable. KNOC KOUT The lower, or knockout shaft is driven from the side shaft by bevel gears. The knockout shaft drives the stock feed finger motion cam and the blank holder mechanism. It also drives a series of positive knockout cams, one for each station. There are no springs to fail on the knockouts. The knockou t cams are split for easy removal and adjustment. They operate the knockout pins which follow t he punch on the upstroke to assure positive ejection from the die. The knockout cams are preshaped and hardened. STRIPPERS All Waterbury Farrel l.C.O.P. Machines are equipped with fork-lever strippers for operating the stripper thimbles on the punches. These levers are mounted on a bar in back of the plungers and are used in combination with the stripper release. 9 a complete system for automatic production of drawn metal parts STRIPPER RELEASE A Stripper release is standard for all models. This device permits the stripper thimbles to move upward after the stripping is completed. This provides for additional work clearance as in the case of a conical or irregular flange. This release motion requires the use of fork-lever type strippers. SCRAP SHEAR The shear, operated by the blanking station lifter rod, is a blade type cutter which cuts scrap into short lengths to facilitate handling. Either carbide, or hardened tool steel blades are available. The shear is easily disengaged when it is desired to use a standard scrap winder. ELECTRONIC SAFETY DEVICE Labor and tooling costs are drastically minimized through the use of this automatic monitoring system. Efficient safe operation at very high speed is assured, as electronic probes constantly supervise the machine action at all stations. One man can confidently operate several machines at the same time. In the event that a part is improperly transferred between stations, this device will automatically energize the fast acting brake system which is standard on all machines. All machine action is stopped in a fraction of a second-much faster than any human reaction. The danger of damaged tooling is practically eliminated. 10 11 DFF-THE-SHELF" ACCESSORIES FDR ON THE MACHINE OPERATIONS ACCELERATOR PLUNGERS Punch accelerator plungers may be incorporated to increase the depth of drawn shells when working with light gauge drawing operations. In many cases, depth of draw may be increased approximately 45-50% over the standard machine capacity. These units are easily interchanged with standard plungers. BLANK AND CUPP l l\(G COMBINATION Slight machine modification permits combined blanking and cupping in the first station. Blank and cupping attachments are used to add an additional work station when needed. Machines equipped for blanking and cupping in the first station may be easily reconverted for conventional machine operation where blanking is performed in the first station and cupping in the second. Simple adjustments assure positive and uniform blank holding pressures. COMBINATION THREADING AND BEADING ATTACHMENTS Independent motor driven attachments are available for all sizes of Waterbury Farrel l.C.O.P. machines. A great variety of single and multiple beading and threading operations may be performed during the machine cycle in any work station. These attachments provide for higher speed operation and longer tool life through the use of extra long spindles and anti-friction bearings. 11 EVEN MORE SPEED WITH CPCS * Full follow cams Waterbury Farrel's I.C.O.P. Machines can provide very high production speed (up to 550 pieces per minute) through the use of "full-follow" cams, and/ or dual feed arrangements. FULL FOLLOW CAMS Duo/ feed-two feed rolls In many cases, where high speed, long run production is desired the use of "full-follow" caroming is extremely profitable. When using fu ll-follow cams, plunger roll followers and lifter arms are always in contact with the activating cams, and machine cycles are increased. Individual cams a re designed for each operation, including the appropriate dwells, and a re mounted on the upper camshaft. Standard machines may be easi ly changed for fullfollow operation, and vice versa. Si mply replace the standard universal cam shaft with the appropriate fullfollow camshaft. DUAL FEED Production may be doubled for many jobs which require limited operations (up to six stations). This is accomplished by feeding two rolls of strip into the machine (one at the first station and another at the sixth station) and , in essence, making two machines out of one. Another method of dual feed is to loop the stock from the first station over or under the machine and make a second blan k in the last station. Parts are then progressively drawn and transferred toward the center of the machine. T hi s method provides even more effective use of materi al as two blanks are taken from a single width of strip metal. Dual feed-loop over system 12 Machine is shown without guards/or illustration purposes. OSHA - A CONTINUOUS PROGRAM At WATERBURY FARREL we continuously strive to determine the most effective methods of insuring safety and at the same time, attempt to maintain the production efficiency of our line of presses. Research is concentrated in two general categories; protecting operator, maintenance, and plant personnel from physical injury; and the reduction of machine noise. With the guidance of OSHA, our refinements in guarding are aimed to eliminate pinch-points and dangerously exposed areas in the machine. We also utilize mechanical and electric safety devices in our machines in an effort to protect the machine operators. These include such devices as two-hand controls, solenoid air valves and double brake circuitry. Furthermore, interlocked safety doors and plexiglass shielding are utilized to give greater protection to the operator from flying objects while the machine is in operation. We approach noise reduction from several directions. First, a complete, "computer assist," investigation of cam and lever designs has helped to reduce noise within mechanical systems. Bull gears are treated and coated for sound reduction. Substantial progress has been realized through improvements of sound insulating properties of machine guarding. The most successful insulating application, so far, has been the effective use of a lead foam insulating material. This material is sandwiched between layers of vibration insulation polyurethane and is adhered to the inside surface of the guards- with ·satisfactory results. It should be noted that tooling is a large contributor of noise and since we do not have control over tooling once the machine leaves our premises, we are unable to assume noise reduction responsibility in this area. 13 SIZES AND CAPACITIES Waterbury Farrel l.C.O.P . Machines are built in four standard frame sizes, each with various numbers of plunger stations. The digits in the model number are for indentification purposes. For example, in Model #1012, the first two digits indicate a #10 size frame and the last two digits indicate a 12 plunger station machine. The capacities of these machines are determined by the diameter of the blank, stock thickness, and the stroke of the cam. The length of shell that can be drawn is calculated by subtracting W' from the stroke of the last cam and dividing the remainder by 2. Example #2012 machine. 672" -)i" + 2 = length of shell 3Ys" Capacities t hus determined are sometimes m odified by ot her considerations, such as t hickness and physical characteristics of the met al, t he sha pe of t he finished part, t olerances, etc. a complete system for automatic production of drawn metal parts MOTOR DRIVE All models are provided with variable speed drive as standard . An air clutch and brake provide a convenient jog action for ease of setup, and crisp starting and stopping action during runs . Variable speed drives are particularly desirable because they provide a slow speed for tooling and testing, as well as various operating speeds for different types of jobs. STANDARD CAM STROKES DIMENSIONS IN INCHES AND MILLIMETERS DIMENSIONS IN INCHES AND MILLIMETERS No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No.6 No. 7 No. 8 No. 9 No. 10 No. 11 Cam Cam Cam Cam Cam Cam Cam Cam Cam Cam Cam in. 1% PA 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% l3A 2% mm 35,3 44,4 44,4 60,3 60,3 60,3 60,3 60,3 60,3 60,3 60,3 1212 41A 12* in. 1~ 41A 41A 21A 41A 41A 41A 41A 41A 41A mm 41,3 57,1 63,5 63,5 63,5 63,5 . 63,5 63,5 63,5 63,5 63,5 1512 12 ~ in. 21A 41h 41h 41h 41h 41h 41h 31A 41h 41h 41h mm 57,1 82,5 114,3 114,3 114,3 114,3 114,3 114,3 114,3 114,3 114,3 2010 10 in. 23A 41h 5% 5% 61h 61h 61h 61h 61h 61h 2012 in. 2% 12* 41h 61h 61h 61h 61h 61h 5% 5% 61h 61h 2016 16 in. 2% 41h 5% 5% 61h 61h 61h 61h 61h 61h 61h mm 69,9 114,3 136,5 136,5 165,1 165,1 165,1 165,l 165,l 165,1 165,1 * One additional station can be provided which is driven by the plunger of the twelfth station. Size of Machine 1012 14 No. of Plungers 12* No. 12 Cam 2% 60,3 41A 63,5 41h 114,3 61h 61h 165,1 No. 13 Cam No. 14 Cam No. 15 Cam No. 16 Cam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 61h 165,1 61h 165,1 - 61h 165,1 - - 61h 165,1 INDIVIDUAL CAM OPERATED PLUNGER PRESS SPECIFICATIONS 12 15 1012 12 + 1** 3 tons 3 1212 12 + 1** 6 tons 5 1512 12 + 1** 8 tons 10 2010 10 9 tons 20 2012 12 + 1** 9 tons 20 2016 16 8 tons 20 inch mm 1.75 44.5 2.75 69.9 3.25 82.6 4.75 120.7 3.75 95.3 3.25 82.6 inch mm inch mm 1.12 28.5 1.50 38.1 1.062 27.0 1.44 36.5 2.25 57.1 2.00 50.80 1.69 42.8 3.125 79.4 2.62 66.6 2.50 63.5 4.00 101.6 3.125 79.4 2.00 50.8 3.75 95.3 3.125 79.4 1.69 42.8 3.125 79.4 3.125 79.4 60-120 2.50 63.5 3.25 82.6 50-100 2.875 73.0 4.50 114.3 Machine Model Number Number of Plunger Stations Rated capacity on any one station Motor Horsepower Max. Dia. of Blank Single Row Blanking Two Row Blanking with Stagger Feed: Using Second Station Idle Second Station Max. Depth of Drawn Shellt inch mm Pieces Per Minute Using Standard Camstt Tool Center Distance inch mm Shut Height inch mm Floor Space Width x Depth x Height 20· 10 Frame Size inch meters Ceil ing Height Necessary to Remove lifter Rods inch meters Approximate Net Weight pounds kilograms 45-90 3.38 85.9 5.63 143.0 35-70 5.00 127.0 6.00 152.4 35-70 4.00 101.6 6.00 152.4 35-70 3.38 85.9 6.00 152.4 92x54x85 100x54xl00 119x65x110 140x62x127 140x62x127 140x62x127 2.34xl.37x2.16 2.54x l.37x2.54 3.02x 1.65x2.79 3.56x 1.57x3.23 3.56x 1.57x3.23 3.56x 1. 75x3.23 97 154 113 131 154 154 2.46 2.87 3.91 3.91 3.91 3.33 30,000 7,600 11,500 18,200 30,500 31,000 3,420 5,175 8,190 13,500 13,725 13,950 * 20 frame-size machines are available with a slide driving the plungers for higher-tonnage, short-draw production. ** The cam-driven twelfth station plunger is attached to, and drives, the additional station plunger. t Maximum depth of drawn shell may be increased on application. tt Higher production ratesare realized on specific parts, particularly on machinesequipped with optional special cam packages, i.e. (short stroke, custom full follow and/ or dual feed configurations). Production rates are also dependent on material and type of work. Single- or double-row blanking may be employeddependent upon the application. Waterbury Farrel reserves the right to update machine specification's and physical characteristics at anytime without published notice. 15 Product lines of Waterbury Farrel the productivity company High Speed Hydraulic Presses High Speed Transfer Presses Rolling Mills and Automatic Gage Control Systems Cleveland Hobbing Machines Thompson Surface Grinders Jones & Lamson Numerical Control Lathes Jones & Lamson Precision Automatic Lathes Jones & Lamson Automatic Form Grinders Jones & Lamson Numerical Control Cylindrical Grinders Jones & Lamson Automatic Computerized Measuring Systems Jones & Lamson Optical Comparators MAIN PLANT Cheshire, Conn. Home Office: Waterbury Farrel Division of Textron Inc., West Johnson Ave., Cheshire, Connecticut 06410 DISTRICT OFFICES DETROIT WATERBURY FARREL 1035 Crooks Rd . Troy, Michigan 48084 Tel: (313) 435-4044 CHARLOTTE WATERBURY FARREL 501 Kings Mt. St. York, SC 29745 Tel : (803) 684-9936 HOUSTON WATERBURY FARREL 100 East T idwell Road Houston, TX 77022 Tel: (713) 691 -3800 CHESHIRE WATERBURY FARREL West Johnson Avenue Cheshire, Connecticut 06410 Tel : (203) 272-3271 Answering Service BOSTON (617) 862-7620 ROCHESTER (716) 546-4246 UTICA (315) 732-3012 LOS ANGELES WATERBURY FARREL 980 East Orangethorpe Avenue Anaheim, California 92801 Tel : (213) 865-0205 (714) 526-8301 CHICAGO WATERBURY FARREL 1101 West Thorndale Avenue Itasca, Illinois 60143 Tel: (312) 773-4545 Answering Service DAVENPORT (319) 324-2428 INDIANA (317) 773-5092 MADISON (414) 342-7514 MILWAUKEE (414) 342-7514 PHILADELPHIA WATERBURY FARREL 219 Rittenhouse Circle Bristol , PA 19007 Tel : (215) 781 -0430 WESTERN EUROPE JONES & LAMSON EUROPE J. Huysmanslaan 59 B-1660, Lot, Belgium Tel: 376-2090 Telex: 21798 WFEBEL B CLEVELAND WATERBURY FARREL 5811 Canal Road Cleveland, Ohio 44125 Tel : (216) 524-9610 Answering Service DAYTON (513) 433-9662 CINCINNATI (513) 433-9662 COLUMBUS (513) 433-9662 ERIE (41 2) 441-0555 PITTSBURGH (412) 441-0555 JONES & LAMSON EUROPE Div. of Textron Ltd. Robert Hawkins 301 Stoney Lane Yardley Birmingham B25 8YG ENGLAND AGENCIES IN MAJOR CITIES WORLDWIDE WATERBURY FARREL lj i £j i ~•]: 1 Waterbury Farrel Division of Textron Inc. Form No. C0-7701-R82 Printed in USA