Untitled - Universitas Pelita Harapan
Untitled - Universitas Pelita Harapan
ABSTRACT Vera Hartono (10120070011) THE IMPLEMENTATION OF TEACHER’S COPING SKILLS TO MANAGE CHRONIC MISBEHAVIORS: A CASE STUDY OF SECOND SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS AT SMA KRISTEN KETAPANG II ( xvi + 87 pages: 1 figure; 15 tables; 4 appendices) This thesis is the final result of the observations that were conducted six times in SMAK Ketapang II with the Science Class of the Second Senior High School Students during the English lesson. This thesis exposes three main things, as followed by the three research questions. The first research question is about the common misbehaviors that were done by the students in the classroom. The second question is about the chronic misbehaviors that were done by the student in the classroom. Finally, the last question is about the teacher’s coping skills in managing the common and chronic misbehaviors and whether the coping skills are effective or not. This researcher mainly used the qualitative research method. The instruments used in this research were the observations and interviews. The results of the study exposed six types of common misbehaviors. They are: chatting with peers, doing off-task behaviors, sleeping, cheating, not bringing books, and ‘doodling the desk and playing with the pen’. These six common misbehaviors were discussed in a particular order, from the most frequent to the least frequent one. For the chronic misbehaviors, there are six types of chronic misbehaviors. They are: chatting with peers, walking around the classroom, looking around (cannot sit still), sleeping, moving seats, and tapping on the desk. Next, the study exposes the teacher’s coping skills which are divided into verbal and nonverbal skills. The verbal skills consist of five interventions. They are: direct appeal, asking questions, questioning awareness of effect, order, and threat. The nonverbal skills consist of three interventions. They are: eye contact, proximity control, and planned ignoring. Finally, for the further studies, the researcher suggested that the next researchers should observe the students and the teachers in two subjects so that the next researcher can compare the misbehaviors and the coping skills in two different lessons because it will be more interesting. References: 23 (1967-2008) iv ABSTRAK Vera Hartono (10120070011) THE IMPLEMENTATION OF TEACHER’S COPING SKILLS TO MANAGE CHRONIC MISBEHAVIORS: A CASE STUDY OF SECOND SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS AT SMA KRISTEN KETAPANG II ( xvi + 87 halaman: 1 gambar; 15 tabel; 4 lampiran) Tesis ini adalah hasil akhir dari studi observasi yang telah diadakan di SMAK Ketapang II terhadap Siswa-siswi Kelas IPA SMA 2 pada pelajaran Bahasa Inggris selama enam kali. Tesis ini membahas tentang tiga hal utama, seperti yg tertera pada pertanyaan penelitian. Pertanyaan yang pertama tentang perilaku buruk umum yang dilakukan pleh siswa-siswi di kelas. Pertanyaan kedua tentang perilaku buruk kronis yang dilakukan oleh siswa tertentu di kelas. Akhirnya, pertanyaan terakhir tentang teknik-teknik yang digunakan guru dalam menangani perilaku buruk umum dan kronis, serta apakah teknik-teknik tersebut efektif atau tidak. Penelitian ini banyak menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif karena data huruf lebih banyak dibandingkan data angka. Akan tetapi, peneliti juga menggunakan sedikit desain penelitian kuantitatif untuk menghitung persentase kelakuan buruk, jumlah siswa-siswi yang berkelakuan buruk, dan durasi dari kelakuan buruk tersebut. Beberapa instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah obervasi dan wawancara. Hasil dari penelitian memaparkan adanya enam macam kelakuan buruk umum, yaitu: mengobrol dengan teman, melakukan off-task behaviors, tidur, menyontek, tidak membawa buku, dan mencoret-coret meja serta memainkan pulpen. Keenam perilaku buruk umum ini dibahas secara berurutan dari yang paling banyak terjadi sampai yang paling sedikit. Dalam perilaku buruk kronik, ada sebelas macam, yaitu: mengobrol dengan teman, berjalan-jalan di dalam kelas, menengok kanan kiri (tidak dapat duduk diam), tidur, pindah tempat duduk, memukul meja, menyela guru, melempar kertas pada teman, datang terlambat, mengganggu teman, dan memainkan meja. Berikutnya, penelitian ini memaparkan teknik-teknik yang digunakan oleh guru yang dibagi menjadi verbal dan nonverbal. Teknik verbal terdiri dari lima cara, yaitu: direct appeal, asking questions, questioning awareness of effect, order, dan threat. Teknik nonverbal terdiri dari tiga cara, yaitu: eye contact, proximity control, dan planned ignoring. Untuk penelitian selanjutnya, peneliti menyarankan untuk mengamati siswa-siswi dan guru-guru pada dua pelajaran sehingga peneliti selanjutnya dapat membandingkan kelakuan buruk dan teknik-teknik yang digunakan guru antara dua pelajaran tersebut karena hal itu akan lebih menarik. Referensi: 23 (1967-2008) v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS “Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not on your own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5) This thesis was written as a requirement to obtain the Bachelor’s degree in English language and literature at English Department, Universitas Pelita Harapan. First of all, I would like to thank Jesus Christ, my almighty God, for giving me abundant blessings, strength, patience, and knowledge in doing this research. Without Him, I would not be able to accomplish this thesis. I would like also to thank and convey my deepest appreciation the following people who have accompanied, guided, and supported me in accomplishing this thesis: 1. Dr. I Made Markus, S.Pd., B.A. and Agus Santoso, S.Pd., M.A.,Ed.D. as the supervisors for my thesis, for their great patience, guidance, knowledge, and support in helping and assisting me to accomplish this thesis. 2. Dr. Hananto, S.Pd., M.A, the Head of English Department and my academic counselor, for his wisdom, kindness, guidance, and support throughout my research and the researches of 2007 students. 3. All the lecturers and staff members at English Department of Universitas Pelita Harapan, for their help, assistance, and guidance throughout this thesis. vi 4. Ms. Naniek, the principal of Senior High School students at SMAK Ketapang II, for giving me a permission and a chance to observe in class XI IPA. 5. Ms. Asti, the English teacher of class XI IPA, for giving me a permission and a chance to observe during her lesson. I would like also thank her for her time, support, and information throughout this thesis. 6. Ms. Naomi, the counselor teacher of class XI IPA, for giving me valuable information and support in accomplishing this thesis. 7. Students of XI IPA at SMAK Ketapang II, as the research subjects and participants, for their cooperation and support throughout this thesis. 8. My beloved parents, Suhartono Suhardiman and Patricia Angkawidjaya, for their great support when I was down and their prayers day and night. Thank you very much for always there for me. This thesis is dedicated to them. 9. My brother, Dewanto Hartono, for his support and prayer throughout this thesis. 10. My boyfriend, Boby Ui, for his great support, prayer, and guidance throughout this thesis. 11. Ms. Iie Chandra, my private teacher and my beloved sister, for her wonderful support, prayer, and guidance. Thank you very much for always there for me and for always cheering me up. Can’t thank you enough. 12. My best friends in English Department, Silviana, Dora, and Novita, for their great support, prayers, and help. Thank you for the priceless vii friendship, support, for laughter, tears, and times we shared together. I will never forget those moments. 13. My friends, Michelle, Sarah, Eli, Renata, Regina, and Sony, for their support and help throughout this thesis. 14. My best friends in high school, Catherine, Ferin, Hanna, Christine, Irene, and Kathe, for their support and prayers. Thanks for being nice friends. Finally, the writer would like to express sincere apology for any offensive faults or incorrect analysis and information probably found in this thesis since the writer realizes that this thesis is still far from being perfect. The writer hopes this thesis will be useful for the readers. viii TITLE STATEMENT OF THESIS AUTHENTICITY .......................................................... i APPROVAL BY THESIS SUPERVISORS .............................................................. ii THESIS EXAMINATION COMMITTEE ............................................................... iii ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................iv ABSTRAK ................................................................................................................ v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ......................................................................................vi TABLE OF CONTENTS ..........................................................................................ix LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................xiv LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................... xv LIST OF APPENDICES ......................................................................................... xvi CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background of the Study .................................................. 1 1.2. Research Questions .......................................................... 2 1.3. Purpose of the Study ......................................................... 3 1.4. Significance of the Study .................................................. 3 1.5. Definitions of Terms ......................................................... 4 1.6. Overview of the Thesis ..................................................... 5 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2.1. Understanding Why Students Misbehave .......................... 6 2.1.1. Societal changes...................................................... 6 2.1.2. Failure to meet the children’s basic needs ............... 7 2.1.3. Students’ pursuit of social recognition and self esteem..................................................................... 8 ix 2.2. Types of Students’ Misbehaviors ...................................... 9 2.3. Teenagers’ Developments ............................................... 11 2.4. Managing Chronic Misbehavior Problems ...................... 12 2.4.1. Self-monitoring ..................................................... 12 2.4.2. Behavior contracting ............................................. 13 2.4.3. Anecdotal record keeping ...................................... 14 2.4.4. Seeking outside assistance .................................... 15 The role of counselor ................................ 15 The role of administrator .......................... 16 The role of school psychologist ................ 16 Working with parents ............................... 16 2.5. Managing Common Misbehavior Problems .................... 17 2.5.1. Nonverbal Skills ................................................... 17 Planned ignoring ...................................... 17 Signal interference .................................... 18 Proximity control...................................... 18 Touch control ........................................... 19 2.5.3. Verbal Skills ......................................................... 19 2.5.4. Logical Consequences........................................... 19 2.6. Theories of Classroom Management ............................... 20 2.7. Theoretical Framework ................................................... 21 CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY 3.1. Research Method ............................................................ 23 3.2. Research Subjects and Setting ........................................ 24 x 3.2.1. Research subjects .................................................. 24 3.2.2. Research setting .................................................... 24 3.3. Data Collection............................................................... 25 3.3.1. Observations ......................................................... 26 3.3.2. Interviews ............................................................. 26 3.4. Data Analysis ................................................................. 27 3.4.1. Observation .......................................................... 27 3.4.2. Interviews ............................................................. 27 3.5. Procedures ...................................................................... 28 CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS 4.1. Common Misbehaviors in the English Lessons ............... 29 4.1.1. Chatting with peers ............................................... 31 4.1.2. Doing off-task behaviors ....................................... 37 4.1.3. Sleeping ................................................................ 45 4.1.4. Cheating ............................................................... 49 4.1.5. Not bringing books ............................................... 50 4.1.6. Doodling the desk and playing with the pen .......... 53 4.2. Chronic Misbehaviors in the English Lessons ................. 55 4.2.1. Chatting with peers ............................................... 56 4.2.2. Walking around the classroom .............................. 59 4.2.3. Looking around (cannot sit still)............................ 61 4.2.4. Sleeping ................................................................ 64 4.2.5. Moving seats ......................................................... 66 4.2.6. Tapping on the desk .............................................. 69 xi 4.3. Teacher’s Coping Skills in Managing Common and Chronic Misbehaviors in the English Lessons and the Effectiveness .................................................................. 71 4.3.1. Planned ignoring ................................................... 71 4.3.2. Eye contact ........................................................... 72 4.3.3. Proximity control .................................................. 72 4.3.4. Calling on the students’ name ............................... 73 4.3.5. Direct appeal......................................................... 73 4.3.6. Asking questions ................................................... 74 4.3.7. Questioning awareness of effects .......................... 74 4.3.8. Giving an order ..................................................... 75 4.3.9. Giving a threat ...................................................... 75 4.4. Additional Coping Skills to Manage Chronic Misbehaviors .................................................................. 76 4.5. Calvin’s Personality........................................................ 77 4.6. Stages of Coping Skills ................................................... 77 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1. Conclusion ..................................................................... 80 5.2. Limitations of the study .................................................. 84 5.3. Recommendations .......................................................... 84 WORKS CITED ...................................................................................................... 86 APPENDICES APPENDIX A ......................................................................................................... 88 APPENDIX B ........................................................................................................ 107 xii APPENDIX C ........................................................................................................ 110 APPENDIX D ....................................................................................................... 112 xiii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1 The Diagram of Theoretical Framework ....................................................... 21 xiv LIST OF TABLES Table 4.1 Types of common misbehaviors and number of frequency in the English lesson during six observations ....................................................................................... 29 Table 4.2 The duration of chatting with peers in the English lesson during six observations (common) ................................................................................................. 32 Table 4.3 The duration of chatting with peers in the English lesson of eight minutes (common) ........................................................................................................ 33 Table 4.4 Types and duration of doing off-task behavior (common) .............................. 38 Table 4.5 Number of students and duration of sleeping (common) ................................ 46 Table 4.6 Number of students of cheating (common) .................................................... 50 Table 4.7 Number of students of not bringing books (common) .................................... 51 Table 4.8 Number of students and duration of doodling the desk and playing with the pen (common) ......................................................................................................... 53 Table 4.9 Types of chronic misbehaviors and number of frequency............................... 55 Table 4.10 Frequency and duration of chatting with peers (chronic) .............................. 57 Table 4.11 Frequency and duration of walking around the classroom (chronic) ............. 60 Table 4.12 Frequency and duration of looking around (chronic) .................................... 62 Table 4.13 Frequency and duration of sleeping (chronic) .............................................. 64 Table 4.14 Frequency and duration of moving seats (chronic) ....................................... 66 Table 4.15 Frequency of tapping on the desk (chronic) ................................................. 69 xv LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A The Chart of Students’ Common and Chronic Misbehaviors, Teacher’s Interventions, and Students’ Reactions .......................................................... 88 Appendix B The Result of Interview with the English Teacher ....................................107 Appendix C The Result of Interview with Calvin (the student who misbehaved chronically) ..................................................................................................................110 Appendix D The result of Interview with James (one of the 23 students who misbehaved commonly) ...............................................................................................112 xvi