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® Ohio's Complimentary Guide to Specialty Shopping and Events - July/August 2011 Gifts • Antiques • Collectibles • Primitives • Quilting • Needlework Home & Garden Treasures • Special Attractions • Festivals Vol 20/No 4 The Ohio The Country Register Story Country Register Barb Moore, Editor & Publisher P. O. Box 37 - Cable, OH 43009 937-652-1157, Fax: 937-484-8963 Email : [email protected] http:/// Reproduction or use without permission of editorial or graphic content in any manner is prohibited. The paper is distributed free through its advertisers and selected tourist information centers, but subscriptions are offered at $18 per year (P&H), single copy $3. The Country Register began in Arizona in the fall of 1988 to provide effective and affordable advertising for shops, shows and other experiences enjoyed by a kindred of readership. Since then, the paper has spread to many other areas, all of which are listed below. Look for the paper in your travels. To receive a sample paper from another area, mail $3 in the USA or $4 in Canada to that area's editor. Advertising rates are available upon request. If there is not a paper in your state, and you are interested in publishing a paper, contact the editor of the Arizona paper at (602) 942-8950. The Country Register is available at the shops that advertise and often at other unique locations. We hope you enjoy this bi-monthly publication and let the advertisers know. USA Hello Everyone! Hope you’re having a great summer! We went to a retirement party the other evening - many of our friends were there with their families. So wonderful to see all of our kids grown up - and now we all enjoy talking about our grandchildren. We laughed at the way our get-togethers have changed over the years; we used to dance and party into the wee hours; now we sit around and talk and say goodnight way before midnight! We still have lots of fun though visiting with our friends who have become more like family over the years. Things are changed up a little in this issue - look for the Shows & Events section on page 30 and the Country Squares on page 23. As usual, we have tons of neat things for your enjoyment. Check out a recipe from Vickie at North Shore Primitives on page 32, basic instructions on doing a blanket stitch on page 14, and instructions for a really cute and easy cover for the small tissue package from Deb at Country Mercantile on page 25 (she gave me one of these cute little packages the last time I was in her shop and I liked it so much I asked for the instructions and permission to share them with our readers!) Our Secret Shopper visited Pioneer Loft in Millersburg and Chillicothe Craft Mall in Chillicothe for this issue (read her letter on page 18.) She always gives us a special insight on the shops she visits. A special thank you to all our contributors. Everyone is good to lend a hand in helping us put together a fun paper. If you have a recipe or story you’d like to share, we’d love to hear from you. Send us a note at the address or email shown above. Be sure to stop by your favorite shop and check out some new ones, and thank them for supporting The Country Register. We appreciate their support and have a lot of fun bringing their information to you. Have a wonderful summer! The Country Register In Your Mailbox? We Can Do That... SUBSCRIPTIONS The Country Register is distributed as a complimentary gift from its advertisers, and we encourage you to stop by your favorite shop every two months to pick up your new copy. However, for the convenience of those who may not be able to get to a shop, we do offer subscriptions for $18.00 per year (Continental U.S.) to cover the cost of postage and handling. Arizona: Barbara Floyd, P.O. Box 84345, Phoenix, AZ, 85071, 602-942-8950 Arkansas: Lenda Williams, P.O. Bo 32581, Oklahoma City, OK 73123, 405-470-2597 California & N. Nevada: Betty Fassett, 26941 Cabot Rd., Suite 132, Laguna Hills, CA, 92653, 800-349-1858 Colorado: Jan & John Keller, 16755 Oak Brush Loop, Peyton, CO, 80831, 719-749-9797 Connecticut: Michael Dempsey, 10213 Fanny Brown Road, Raleigh, NC 27603, 919-661-1760 Delaware: Merle and Gail Taylor, P.O. Box 594, New Market, MD, 21774, 888-616-8319 Florida: Dave & Amy Carter, P.O. Box 365, New Market, MD, 21774, 866-825-9217 Idaho (N): Lucinda Schuft, P. O. Box 688, Hot Springs, SD, 57747, 605-745-3227 Idaho (S) WA & E. OR: Barbara Floyd, P. O. Box 84345, Phoenix, AZ, 602-942-8950 Illinois: Lenda Williams, P.O. Bo 32581, Oklahoma City, OK 73123, 405-470-2597 Indiana: Gail & Merle Taylor, P.O. Box 594, New Market, MD, 21774, 888-616-8319 Iowa: Linda Glendy, P.O. Box 6, Tama, IA, 52339, 641-751-2619 Kansas: Cindy Baldwin, 988 9th Ave., McPherson, KS 67460, 866-966-9815 Kentucky: Christi Moore, P.O. Box 366, North Lewisburg, OH 43060, 937-747-2886 Maine: Kate Silva, 17 Hogan Road, Lewiston, ME, 04240, 207-784-7653 Maryland: Dave & Amy Carter, P.O. Box 365, New Market, MD, 21774, 866-825-9217 Massachusetts-RI: Michael Dempsey, 10213 Fanny Brown Road, Raleigh, NC 27603, 919-661-1760 Michigan: Bill and Marlene Howell, 3790 Manistee, Saginaw, MI, 48603-3143, 989-793-4211 Minnesota: Kim and Mickey Keller, 12835 Kiska St. NE, Blaine, MN, 55449, 763-754-1661 Missouri: Lenda Williams, P.O. Bo 32581, Oklahoma City, OK 73123, 405-470-2597 Montana: Lucinda Schuft, P. O. Box 688, Hot Springs, SD, 57747, 605-745-3227 Nebraska: Barbara Floyd, P. O. Box 84345, Phoenix, AZ 85071, 888-942-8950 Nevada (N): Betty Fassett, 26941 Cabot Rd., Suite 132, Laguna Hills, CA, 92653 Nevada (S): Glena Dunn, 4568 Carol Circle, Las Vegas, NV, 89120, 702-523-1803 New Hampshire: Kathleen Graham, 330 North Road, Deerfield, NH, 03037, 603-463-3703 New Jersey: Merle and Gail Taylor, P.O. Box 594, New Market, MD, 21774, 888-616-8319 New Mexico: Jan & John Keller, 16755 Oak Brush Loop, Peyton, CO, 80831, 719-749-9797 New York: Dave & Amy Carter, P.O. Box 365, New Market, MD, 21774, 866-825-9217 N. Carolina: Michael Dempsey, 10213 Fanny Brown Road, Raleigh, NC 27603, 919-661-1760 North Dakota: Lucinda Schuft, P. O. Box 688, Hot Springs, SD, 57747, 605-745-3227 Ohio: Barb Moore, P. O. Box 37, Cable, OH, 43009, 937-652-1157 Oklahoma: Lenda Williams, P.O. Bo 32581, Oklahoma City, OK 73123, 405-470-2597 Oregon: Barbara Floyd, P.O. Box 84345, Phoenix, AZ, 85071, 602-942-8950, 888-942-8950 Pennsylvania: Dave & Amy Carter, PO Box 365, New Market, MD, 21774, 866-825-9217 Rhode Island: Michael Dempsey, 10213 Fanny Brown Road, Raleigh, NC 27603, 919-661-1760 S. Carolina: Michael Dempsey, 10213 Fanny Brown Road, Raleigh, NC 27603, 919-661-1760 South Dakota: Lucinda Schuft, P. O. Box 688, Hot Springs, SD, 57747, 605-745-3227 Tennessee: Christi Moore, P.O. Box 366, North Lewisburg, OH 43060, 937-747-2886 Texas: Lenda Williams, P.O. Bo 32581, Oklahoma City, OK 73123, 405-470-2597 Utah: Daniel & Stacy Tueller, 153 S 2050 W, Provo UT 84601, 801-592-8498 Virginia: Dave & Amy Carter, P.O. Box 365, New Market, MD, 21774, 866-825-9217 Washington & E. OR & S. ID : Barbara Floyd, P. O. Box 84345, Phoenix, AZ, 602-942-8950 West Virginia: Dave & Amy Carter, PO Box 365, New Market, MD, 21774, 866-825-9217 Wisconsin: Scott & Jennifer Hughes, P. O. Box 276, Altoona, WI, 54720, 715-838-9426 Wyoming: Lucinda Schuft, P. O. Box 688, Hot Springs, SD, 57747, 605-745-3227 Canada Alberta: Celia Hayton, 4109 - 52 ST. Red, Deer AB T4N 2C1. 403-346-8799 British Columbia: Bryan Stonehill, Box 1338, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0, 1-800-784-6711 Manitoba & Saskatchewan: Scott & Marj Kearns, Box 850, Kipling, SK, S0G 2S0, 306-736-2441 Ontario: Marjorie Salavich, 5 Sandy Lane, Dryden, ON, P8N 3A6, 807-223-3004 Name: Address: Cou gis ntry ter Mail To: Phone: ( ) Begin With: Jan/Feb: ____ Mar/Apr: ____ May/Jun: ____ July/Aug: ____ Sept/Oct: ____ Nov/Dec: ____ The Ohio Country Register $18.00 Enclosed Advertisers: Sept/Oct Deadline is August 1 Don't Miss the Next Issue! P.O. Box 37, Cable, OH 43009 2 The Country Register, July/August 2011 - 2011 Shopping Guide Number listed after shop name indicates page number of shop ad Lighting Added Touch 12 Country Gatherings 15 Crafty Clutter 13 Homespun Treasures 15 Sara's Herbs & Everlastings 23 De Shia 6 Early American Home 7 The Saltbox 6 Rusty Star 25 Primitives/Folk Art Seasonal Decorating Columbus Marketplace 21 Country Treasures 21 Finders Keepers 22 Historic Downtown Powell 21 Old Crow 21 Gatherings 23 Homestead Collection 7 The Saltbox 6 Crafts, Antiques & Consignment 27 Lin's Stuff 27 North Shore Primitives 32 Special Attraction Historic Downtown Powell 21 Country Living Fair 30 Timber Tunes 21 Woolson Company 23 Cleveland Miniaturia Society 30 Country Primitives 13 Days Gone By 17 Mansfield Millennium Quilt Guild 30 Olivesburg General Store 14 Village Peddler Festival 30 Mid Summer Antiques Fest 10 Oak Ridge Festival 30, 32 Creative Connection Event 3 Barn 'n' Bunk Farm Market 24 QSC Expos 30, 29 Warren County Historical Society 28 Many Collectibles Finders Keepers 22 Woolson Company 23 Homestead Collection 7 Waynesville 28 On the Web Columbus Marketplace 21 Jillian's Country Home 23 BackDoor Primitives 23 Bernina Store & Sew Much More 19 Black Cat Primitives 30, 13 Country Craft Cupboard 15 Days Gone By 17 Piney Creek Primitives 19 Pioneer Loft 16 De Shia 6 Door Mouse 9 Oak Ridge Festival 30, 32 Something 2 Crow About 23 Neffs Country Loft 11 Barn 'n' Bunk Farm Market 24 Moondog Cottage 23 Warren County Historical Society 28 4 Candy, Gourmet Foods/Baked Goods Goodies Galore 20 Olivesburg General Store 14 Parsley Pot 14 Barn 'n' Bunk Farm Market 24 Fabric-Lace-Linens AnnaLouisa's NeedleArts, LLC 17 Bernina Store & Sew Much More 19 Country Fabrics 13 Quilting B's 19 Somewhere Sewing 16 Curiosity Shoppe 23 Heavenly Stitches 6 Quilt/Fabric Shop Name Bernina Store & Sew Much More Country Charm Fabric Shop Country Craft Cupboard Curiosity Shoppe Door Mouse 9 Page 19 14 15 23 Quilts-Quilting Supplies AnnaLouisa's NeedleArts, LLC 17 Country Charm Fabric Shop 14 Country Craft Cupboard 15 Country Fabrics 13 Just Quilt It Inc. 18 Quilting B's 19 Somewhere Sewing 16 Door Mouse 9 Heavenly Stitches 6 Neffs Country Loft 11 Rugs-Floor Cloths Added Touch 12 Pioneer Loft 16 A Country Peddler 24 Benner's Colonial Traditions 28 Uptown Antiques 20 BackDoor Primitives 23, 30, 13 Bridgewater Primitives 18 Country Gatherings 15 Days Gone By 17 Homespun Treasures 15 Jilly Junction 12 Keeping Room 13 Piney Creek Primitives 19 Shaker House Antiques 16 Village Peddler Festival 30 Applecreek Antiques 7 Country Cupboard-Ohio 8 Country Mercantile 8 Early American Home 7 Gatherings 23 Homestead Collection 7 Oak Ridge Festival 32, 30 Picket Fence 10 Primitive Crossroads 9 Robins Nest 11 A Country Peddler 24 Applecreek Antiques 7 Homespun Blessings & Country 26 North Shore Primitives 32 Peddlers Homestead 25 Rusty Star 25 Colonial Signature Antiques/A Robbin's Nest 20 Hampton Hill Mercantile 19 Early American Home 7 Old Glory Antiques 23 Benner's Colonial Traditions 28 Special Candle Lines Country Treasures 21 Goodies Galore 20 Crafty Clutter 13 Hampton Hill Mercantile 19 Jilly Junction 12 Primitives N Potpourri 23 Sara's Herbs & Everlastings 23 Applecreek Antiques 7 De Shia 6 Gatherings 23 Homestead Collection 7 Picket Fence 10 Something Special 9 The Saltbox 6 Robins Nest 11 A Country Peddler 24 Applecreek Antiques 7 Crafts, Antiques & Consignment 27 Heart of Country 26 Lin's Stuff 27 Old Mill Antiques 25 Olde Glory Antiques 28 The Country Register, July/August 2011 - 2011 Shopping Guide Number listed after shop name Home Décor indicates page number of shop ad Antique Mall w/Multiple Vendors Uptown Antiques 20 Hampton Hill Mercantile 19 Pine Cone Gift Shoppe 17 Shaker House Antiques 16 Old Glory Antiques 23 Crafts, Antiques & Consignment 27 Old Mill Antiques 25 Peddlers Homestead 25 Classes & Instruction Available AnnaLouisa's NeedleArts, LLC 17 Bernina Store & Sew Much More 19 Country Charm Fabric Shop 14 Country Fabrics 13 Door Mouse 9 Neffs Country Loft 11 Dining Historic Downtown Powell 21 De Shia 6 Old Glory Antiques 23 Granny's Country Cupboard 25 Waynesville 28 Antiques Finders Keepers 22 Goodies Galore 20 Historic Downtown Powell 21 Old Crow 21 Signature Antiques/A Robbin's Nest 20 Timber Tunes 21 Woolson Company 23 Bridgewater Primitives 18 Country Primitives 13 Days Gone By 17 Keeping Room 13 Pioneer Loft 16 Village Peddler Festival 30 Applecreek Antiques 7 Mid Summer Antiques Fest 10 Something Special-Street of 9 Applecreek Antiques 7 Moondog Cottage 23 Olde Glory Antiques 28 Warren County Historical Society 28 Waynesville Area Chamber of Commerce 8 Americana Country Crafts From the Heart 19 Olivesburg General Store 14 Primitive Crossroads Craft Barn 9 Lin's Stuff 27 Garden Accessories Uptown Antiques 20 Country Gatherings 15 Parsley Pot 14 Pine Cone Gift Shoppe 17 Sara's Herbs & Everlastings 23 Thyme For All Seasons 34 Lin's Stuff 27 Craft Mall w/Multiple Vendors Finders Keepers 22 Something Special 9 Southern Ohio Craft Mall 11 Homespun Blessings & Country 26 Country Jillian's Country Home 23 Country Crafts From the Heart Crafty Clutter 13 Great Lakes Lumber Co 23 Country Cupboard-Ohio 8 Neffs Country Loft 11 Wallpaper and More 11 Barn 'n' Bunk Farm Market 24 Granny's Country Cupboard 25 Heart of Country 26 Lin's Stuff 27 Peddlers Homestead 25 Rustiques 26 19 Jewelry Woolson Company 23 Thyme For All Seasons 34 Crafts, Antiques & Consignment 27 Moondog Cottage 23 Cross Stitch-Needlework-Supplies Country Charm Fabric Shop 14 Country Craft Cupboard 15 Just Quilt It Inc. 18 Somewhere Sewing 16 Curiosity Shoppe 23 Heavenly Stitches 6 Country Treasures 21 Historic Downtown Powell 21 Jillian's Country Home 23 Old Crow 21 Added Touch 12 Crafty Clutter 13 Homespun Treasures 15 Olivesburg General Store 14 Country Cupboard-Ohio 8 Gatherings 23 Something Special 9 Robins Nest 11 Southern Ohio Craft Mall 11 Wallpaper and More 11 Benner's Colonial Traditions 28 Granny's Country Cupboard 25 Heart of Country 26 Old Mill Antiques 25 Olde Glory Antiques 28 Peddlers Homestead 25 Rustiques 26 Rusty Star 25 Waynesville 28 Furniture Signature Antiques/A Robbin's Nest 20 Uptown Antiques 20 Added Touch 12 Black Cat Primitives 30, 13 Country Gatherings 15 Homespun Treasures 15 Keeping Room 13 Sara's Herbs & Everlastings 23 Early American Home 7 Southern Ohio Craft Mall 11 A Country Peddler 24 Benner's Colonial Traditions 28 Lin's Stuff 27 North Shore Primitives 32 Olde Glory Antiques 28 Rustiques 26 Hand Crafted Items Floral Arrangements-Silks Country Crafts From the Heart 19 Primitive Crossroads Craft Barn 9 Thyme For All Seasons 34 Robins Nest 11 Timber Tunes 21 Black Cat Primitives 13, 30 Jilly Junction 12 Keeping Room 13 Olivesburg General Store 14 Piney Creek Primitives 19 Primitives N Potpourri 23 Country Cupboard-Ohio 8 Country Mercantile 8 5 Northwest Ohio - Van Wert - St. Henry - Lima 11830 US Rt. 127 S. Van Wert, Ohio 45891 (419)238-2271 Hours: Tues-Thurs 10-5:30, Fri 10-5, Sat 10-3 Home Decor and Gifts for All Occasions “A Shop Like No Other” Lighted Branches ~ Candles (Crossroads, McCalls, Swan Creek, WoodWick, Yankee, many others) ~ Vera Bradley Melissa & Doug Toys ~ Prints ~ Quilts & Runners ~ Wreaths & Florals Valances ~ Braided Rugs ~ Jewelry ~ Candle Warmers Bauble Lulu and Lutini Beads & Bracelets Gourmet Dips, Soups & Beverages...and more!!! “The Gathering Room” Tearoom - Lunch - Fridays 11-2 Come for a wonderfully relaxing lunch - Bring your friends! “Like” us on sign up for weekly [email protected] Don’t miss out on the DeShia news!!! The Saltbox Home Furnishings Hardwood & Upholstered Furniture Tabletop Lighting Needful Things Seasonal Candles Treenware Tues-Wed 10-7 361 Northeastern Ave, Thurs-Fri 10-4 St. Henry, OH 45883 Sat 10-2 419-678-8686 Easy Chicken Dip ken breast meat ic 1 large can of ch eam cheese cr ed en 1 8 oz. soft ic salt e with 3 shakes of garl l. Chill and serv el w ts n ie ed gr in Combine us! crackers. Delicio e kie @ North Shor Recipe from Vic 32) (see ad on page Heavenly Stitches 2696 Greely Chapel Road, Lima, OH 45804 419-979-0218 Fine Yarns - Addi Needles - Patterns Quilting Fabrics - Books - Needles - Notions See us at the One Stop Shop Hop at Wright Patterson AFB, Dayton, Ohio July 8-9 Shop Hours: M,W, F 9-5 Tues-Thurs 9-6, Sat 8-1 *We’re Easy to find Exit #124 off I-75 website: - sign up for our newsletter on website! 6 The Country Register, July/August 2011 - Findlay - Arlington - Johnston Benchworks, Handcrafted Primitives Olde Century Colors, Period Stencils, Folk Art Candles, Hand Dyed Wool, Rug Punch Primitive Punch Needle & Cross Stitch Patterns J.L. Treharn Furniture, Redware Pottery Lt. Moses Willard Lighting 820 Broad Avenue, Findlay, Ohio (419) 425-0522 I-75 to 224 E. Turn Right on Broad Ave. Antiques ~ Primitive Wares Old Home Comforts & Needful Things including... Old Crow Scents Soy Melts, Swan Creek Candles and Goat’s Milk Lotions & Soaps Hours: Wed-Fri 10-6, Sat 10-3 Closed Sun-Tues 108 N. Main Street, Arlington, OH 45814 419-721-3970 7 - Pemberville - Gibsonville e d in th Locate owntown of D Heart berville Pem 208 E. Front Street, Pemberville, OH 43450 Hours: Tues, W e Thurs 1 d, 0-5, Fri 10-6 & Sat 10-4 419-287-7038 Country Primitive Decor Quilts Bake Potato Bags Casserole Carriers Handcrafted Wooden Toys Knitted Afghans Grocery Cart Covers Scented Candles Stained Glass Barn Decor Curly Willow Furniture & Wreaths Metal Art Decor Thyme Worn Furniture & Shelves Denim Woven Rugs Jewelry Hand-Paianted Signs Hand-Crafted Cards Scrubbys & Knitted Dish Cloths Handcrafted Designer Bags Year ‘Round Christmas Room! Celebrating Our 1st Anniversary - One Year and Growing! Check out our monthly drawing. We’re sure once you have visited our quaint shop you’ll become a regular customer!!! Follow us on FACEBOOK Pemberville Presents... July 7th & Aug 4th - Summer “Cruise In” - 50/50 Raffle~Entertainment~Food~Music~ Free Registration! July 7-9 - “Christmas in July” July 15-16 - Community Wide Garage Sale Days Aug 16-20 - Pemberville Free Fair “Magical Moments” What the Fourth of July Means To Me by James A. Nelson The Fourth of July has meant many different things to me over the past sixtyeight years. All my perceptions were of the utmost importance at that particular moment in time. To me, as a child growing up, the Fourth meant an all-important day off from chores, usually accompanied by a family outing, firecrackers, baked beans, bonfires and, of course, wieners and marshmallows on a stick. To me, as a draftee during a forgotten war (the Korean Conflict) the Fourth of July meant a time to serve my country. As my Dad used to say, "Your country, right or wrong, Jimmy." His logic was never questioned. Later, I would wonder why it was a forgotten war. I will never know the reasons and no one seems to care. A war was never declared nor an armistice signed. But the row upon row of white crosses bear mute testimony to its harsh reality. As a father, I continued to celebrate with my family this usually warm summer holiday with the age-old traditions of my childhood, the camp outs and everything that goes with these happy memorable times. The years have progressed and the celebrations have diminished. Like in The Winds of War, families have become more scattered due to the tugs of love and economic survival. Now, with each passing year, as I face my own mortality, the real meaning of the Fourth of July, Independence Day, seems stronger than ever. You have to view only the first fifteen minutes of Saving Private Ryan to realize the true meaning of the Fourth of July. In comparison, picture, if you can, George Washington with his ragtag army crossing the Delaware on December 26, 1776, during a bitter cold winter that tried men's souls. Yet these two very different armies had the same ideals, love of freedom, a burning patriotic spirit and the willingness to make unimaginable sacrifices. These same attributes symbolize all our great leaders and their armies, past and present. These are the things I will ponder on July 4th as I unfurl my flag with pride. I will thank those who went before and those yet to come, all those who paid the price for our freedom. Happy Fourth of July. Jim Nelson enjoyed a career at the Spokane Review and retired in Spokane. WA. His writings have been widely published in nationally known magazines, including five times in Chicken Soup of the Soul books. His book, The Way It Was and The Way It Is, can be found in the public libraries and school systems in Spokane. It is available for purchase through and contains 46 nostalgic short stories. Jim Nelson enjoys hearing from our readers and can be reached at 43 E. Weile, Apt. 214, Spokane, WA 99208. His email address is [email protected]. Jim has been writing for over 50 years. 8 The Country Register, July/August 2011 - Bloomville - Tiffin - Bettsville National Woman’s Conference THE CREATIVE CONNECTION, a national conference and market celebrating creative women and entrepreneurs, comes to St. Paul, Minnesota on September 15-17. Bringing together the creative process of handmade goods and food with the marketing savvy of business and social media, the second annual event will draw on the rich experience of over 100 industry experts, entrepreneurs, and authors. Hands-on workshops in cooking, knitting, sewing, jewelry making, crochet, creative writing, paper crafts, photography, food styling, book publishing, painting, baking, cheese making, canning, journaling, and more will be joined with social networking and business panels that focus on the practical details of setting up, running, and marketing a business and leveraging its impact through blogging and other social media. THE CREATIVE CONNECTION was launched in 2010. The event united and galvanized creative women and women entrepreneurs who are passionate about living a creative life. Now in its second year, the event has joined forces with BlogHer as its official media partner. BlogHer, the largest women's social media network, receives over 25 million unique views per month. “BlogHer recognizes the handmade community THE CREATIVE CONNECTION brings together. We are honored to have the largest women's social media community as our media partner,” says Jo Packham, creator of WHERE WOMEN CREATE and WHERE WOMEN COOK. Many sponsors have lent their expertise and support to the event, including presenting sponsor Sterling Publishing, one of the world's leading publishers of illustrated, nonfiction, fiction, and children's books. Other sponsors include VOGUEKnitting and MaryJanesFarm, both of whom have gathered top needle art and food instructors for THE CREATIVE CONNECTION's lineup of classes. Founding sponsor Stampington & Company has been a leading source of information and inspiration for arts and crafts lovers around the world. The magazines Where Women Cook and Where Women Create are founding sponsors of the event as well. Headlining the event's are two accomplished women: television personality, author and entrepreneur, Cristina Ferrare, and author and founder of the internationally-known design site, decor8, Holly Becker. These remarkable women will share their stories of turning their passions into successful media-driven businesses, and talk about their creative processes. Bestselling author of five books, Ferrare hosts a show for OWN, the Oprah Winfrey Network, called Cristina Ferrare's Big Bowl of Love. Through decor8, Becker delivers fresh design ideas meant to inspire the site's 45,000+ daily readers to live a more fulfilling, authentic, and creative life. Becker is also the author of Decorate: 1,000 Professional Ideas for Every Room in Your Home, and a weekly columnist for For further information, check Get updates on Twitter at or on Facebook at Primitive Crossroads Craft Barn 1201 New Washington Road, Bloomville 419-284-3106 We now carry Donna Sharp & Bella Taylor Purses and DaVinci Beads Jewelry Custom Made Curtains with choice of 200 Fabrics! Handmade Furniture & Shelves - Framed Prints Hand Painted Signs - Lighting - Soy Candles - Rag Rugs Braided Rugs - Rag Dolls - Berry Garlands Lap Quilts, Bedding & Crib Sets - Lamp Shades : Americana - Saltbox - Farm - Northwoods Curtains Three Bu il Hours Wooden Plates - Treenware full of dings 10-5 n c u rafts! S join us on facebook & check out our new Tueswebsite Something Special (A Street of Shoppes) 2800 S. ST. RT. 100, TIFFIN, OH (1/4 MILE N. OF US 224) 6 SHOPS IN ONE - FEATURING: 419 448-8560 Tues-Fri 10-5:30 Sat 10-4 BILLS - Neon Beer Signs & Neon Clocks HEAVENLY CREATIONS BY ANGIE - Blossom Bucket, Florals, Handcrafted Jewelry & LuLu Beads, Wind & Willow & Specialty Foods, Billy Jacob's Pictures, Lori Mitchell Collectibles MARGO'S MANIA - Home Decor, Custom Floral Work, In Home Decorating, Patio Pots & Habersham Candles MATERIAL THINGS - Honey & Me, Blossom Bucket, Baby Blankets & Christening Gowns, Robeez Shoes LILY PEPPER'S PRIMITIVES - Handmade Primitives, Altered Art, Licensed Crossroad Pictures by Sue Wickham DAWN'S DELIGHTS - Primitive and Victorian Anitques, Full Service Florist, Book your 2011 Wedding Flowers Now, Concrete Statuary, Country Furniture, Demdaco Willow Tree, Donna Sharp Purses, Cross Road & Woodwick Candles, Reed Diffusers, Room Sprays, Viva Beads, Lang Calendars, Pictures & New Items Arriving Daily FACE BOOK: [email protected] The Door Mouse A Country Quilt & Gift Shop Over 14,000 Bolts of Cotton Calico, Quilt Books, Patterns & Supplies Many Classes Available - Call for Info Christmas in July - July 14 thru 16 Souper Bowl Sale - July 28 thru 31 Hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs 10-5 • Wed 10-8 Fri & Sat 10-5 • Last Sun of Month 12-5 email: [email protected] web: 419-986-5667 5047 West S. R. 12 • P. O. Box 455 • Bettsville, Ohio 44815 The Door Mouse is Located Two Miles West of Bettsville 9 - Willard -Milan -Milan - Chillicothe - The Picket Fence 16 Sunday - July 10 - 8am to 4pm Park St. Willard, OH 44890 419-933-7600 Outdoor Show - Rain or Shine Carriage Rides Free Parking - Free Admission Visit Milan Historical Museum & Edison Birthplace For Information Call Pam Crosby @ 419-499-4001 Sponsored by the Milan Chamber of Commerce SUNDAY Great wreaths, arrangements, candles, pictures, lamps... we also have great folk art, painted furniture, curtains, rugs, shelves and everything to decorate your house. Come check out all our new finds! JULY 10 2 0 1 1 - 8 A M - 4 P M Open Wed-Fri 10-5, Sat 10-3 Chillicothe Craft Mall We offer unique crafts & gifts for every occasion! 674 N. High Street, Chillicothe, Ohio ~~~~~ 740-779-3434 • showcases over 70 crafts people • one-of-a-kind gifts • handcrafted items • now accepting new vendors Hours: Mon-Sat 9:30-6, Closed Sun Decorating with Pat “Take It Outside” by Pat Dempsey It is hard to believe that those summer months are upon us already and that it is time to Take It Outside!!! This is one of my favorite times of the year. We can move some of our activities to the outdoor areas of our home. I would love for you to think about the outdoors as an extension of your home. How can you create that special atmosphere in your backyard, on your deck or front porch? Something that screams your personality. First, let's think about some seating. This could be as simple as pulling out last year's lawn furniture. Maybe it doesn't quite look as good as you remembered it when you put it in the storage shed. That's ok, because we are going to change it a bit. We could start with some paint, if it is something that can be painted. But if not, let's add some colorful cushions to give it some pop. It looks better already, doesn't it? Find just the right spot for this furniture and now let's bring in a small table. Add a cute placemat to make it look like a doily and then let's find something that we can cut those beautiful flowers growing around the yard and make a vase out of it. In the summer a galvanized bucket looks great with flower blooms in it. A watering can or even something as simple as a Ball jar makes a great vase for those beautiful blooms. Things are beginning to look better already. What about some lighting. On those wonderful summer evenings it would be great to have the soft glow of candle light. Lanterns are great for this purpose. Find as many as you can that might be hanging around. Group them together on the deck or even hang them in a tree or from the ceiling of the front porch. Something that I have enjoyed doing for years is to use a very large glass jar - like one that pickles come in. Now I am talking large! I put some sand in the bottom of the jar and place a pillar candle down inside that is nestled in the sand. Tie a colorful ribbon around the mouth of jar and you have a wonderful lantern to add to your collection. Make a couple of these and place them on the steps leading up to your front door. What a welcoming light they will be as friends and neighbors come to visit. Now let's think about one more thing we can add to our outdoor room. Something for the wall. You might be thinking, but wait, what wall? Well, it could be the wall on your front porch, or deck, or maybe just the outside of your house near your grouping of chairs. What would be fun to hang on the wall here? Well, do you have an old shutter? You could paint it a fun color and hang it there. Maybe even think about what you could hang on the tree trunk, if you seating is further away from you home. Something else that is fun is an old gate or part of a fence. Put on your thinking cap and maybe even head for some yard sales or antique shops with your new “Outdoor Room” in mind. No telling what you might find there. If you are decorating your porch or deck, then you might also want to add a great outdoor rug to the scene you are creating. Have fun while decorating your outdoor space. You can use your imagination and since there are no rules for outdoor decorating, you can get a little crazy and enjoy. Hope this gives you some ideas and inspiration to “Take It Outside” this summer. Pat Dempsey, Sr. Executive Director, AtHome America®, Check out Pat online at “Shop the Attic section for some great summer deals” 10 The Country Register, July/August 2011 - Wheelersburg - Piketon - Belpre - Southeast Ohio Wallpaper and More 723 West Street • Piketon 740-289-1221 Stop in and check out our wide variety of: Wallpaper & Border Folk Art by David Primitive Country Items Barn Stars McCalls Candles Candleberry Candles Linens, Curtains & Valances Park Designs Americana Items Much More! Hours: Mon-Fri 10-5 Visit our website Sat 10-3, Sun - closed and Quilt Shop 2514 Washington Blvd, Belpre, OH 45714 Phone/Fax 740-423-1965 a Country Store and a Quilt Shop Browse and enjoy shopping in our unique country atmosphere where you will be inspired by our country accents & displays Rowe Pottery Certified Dealer Redware & Pottery Primitive Folk Art Custom Framing Moda Fabrics - over 2000 bolts Hinterberg Dealer Wools Classes Primitive Stitching Punch Needle Embroidery Cake, Candy, Craft & Scrapbooking Supplies Crafters Welcome - Booths Available Open 6 Days A Week Hours: Mon-Fri 10-6 Sat 10-5 web Southern Ohio Craft Mall e-mail: [email protected] Everything Country & Primitive!!! Handmade Furniture ~ Quilted Throws, and Handbags ~ Braided Rugs Custom Wreaths and Floral Arrangements by our own In-House Designer Candles by McCalls, Candlebury, Swan Creek, Crossroads and Others Dolls ~ Saltbox Houses ~ Barn Stars ~ Candle Warmers ~ Mini Lamps ~ Cards Treenware ~ Quilted Placemats and Runners ~ Signs ~ Pictures Plus Much Much Much More!!! Anniversary Sale Aug 1-5 Huge Tent Sale 50% OFF! Sat Aug 6, 10-5 Mon thru Fri 10-6 Sat 10-4, closed Sun Ohio River Road ~ 1499 SR 522 Wheelersburg, Ohio 45694 (740) 574-2218 Directions from 52 West: Take first Wheelersburg exit. Right off exit. One mile on right. Directions from 52 East: Take first Wheelersburg exit. Left off exit. Turn right at the light. One mile on the right. Mon-Fri 10am-6pm Sat 10am-3pm 11 Northeast Ohio - Mansfield Country Primitives & More 3629 Park Avenue West, Mansfield, Ohio 419-529-9266 3 miles West of the Richard Mall (SR 309) at the traffic light in the Village of Ontario Visit Our Country Primitive Store 13 Rooms Filled With... Many great candle lines including 1803, McCalls, Keeper of the Light, 1824, Crossroad & Woodwick Candles, Primitive stars, berries & berry garlands, lighted branches, country curtains & rugs, Olde Century Paint, country wallpaper borders & Giannios Chocolates. Our front room now FILLED with GREAT PURSES and JEWELRY! Lots of Bling! Build A Bracelet...knockoff of famous-maker designs for a fraction of the price! Open: at S Tues- 5pm m 10a Brightly colored ice cubes add a cool splash of color -- and taste -- to glasses of iced tea, lemonade or water. Drop combinations of fresh berries, mint leaves, and strips of citrus zest into empty ice cube trays. Add water to trays, and freeze. The Added Touch Decorative Gallery 3849 Park Ave West, Mansfield, OH 44903 419-747-3146 Shop Hours: Mon-Fri 10-5, Sat 10-3, Sun closed - Shiloh - Lukas - Lexington - Galion - Nova 3rd Annual In the Spirit of Friends Folk Art & Antique Show Show Sat, Sept 24, 2011 10am-4pm Malabar Farm, 4050 Bromfield Road, Lucas, Ohio in Main Barn, Outbuildings & Grounds Handmades-FolkArtRug Hooking-Prim Antiques Mercantile Gatherings Magazine will be @ the Show 419-347-3726 or 419-347-9558 for dealers list & other info ty Clutter f a r C Furniture Pictures Shades Lights Northwoods Nautical Chicken Cats Lots of Yummy Candles Clutter Makes A House a Home! 305 E. Main (Rt. 42/97) Lexington, Ohio 44904 (419) 884-1901 2 miles west of I-71 on Rt. 97 or 2 miles South of Mansfield on Rt. 42 Housewares - - - Gifts Hours: Mon,Tues, Wed, Fri 9-5, Sat 9-3,Thurs 9-7, Closed Sun New fabrics coming in daily! - Fall/Winter Flannels, Christmas and more! 0 9,00 than fabric e r o m ts of bol ring must b on p u o c 6142 Ganges 5 Pts. Rd, Shiloh, OH 44878 419-896-3785 JULY SAVINGS 20% OFF AUGUST SAVINGS $5 OFF Christmas in July your next $30 or more fabric purchase ring Valid July 1-31, 2011 Valid Aug 1-31, 2011 All Christmas fabric in Christmas fabric section It’s Worth the Drive! must b on coup Mon - Sat pm 10 am - 6 Contact us via the intern et a clutter4u@a t: Art in the Park The 38th Annual Art in the Park is set for Sunday, July 17, 2011. An estimated 15,000 people attend this one-day nationally recognized fine art show, which will be held 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., rain or shine. Admission and parking is free. The event is sponsored by the Medina County Art League (MCAL). Medina’s Public Square will house 130 juried artisans traveling from as far as New Mexico to exhibit their fine art. Mediums include painting, pottery, leather, jewelry, wood, photography, fiber, mixed media, metal and much more. Each year artists donate one piece of artwork for the scholarship raffle at 6 p.m. Raffle proceeds and additional contributions from MCAL are awarded as scholarships to Medina County high school graduates pursuing art in college. The Independent Order of Odd Fellows will sell refreshments and light fare on the bandstand, while the Noon Kiwanis and a kettle corn vendor provide additional food and snacks on Broadway Street. Visitors may also enjoy many restaurants and gift shops that surround the square. For more information visit Country Primitives 844 US Highway 224, Nova, Oh 44859 419-652-2494 or 419-651-5317 Shop Hours: Fri 12-5, Sat & Sun 12-4 Primitive Antiques, Smalls, Grungy Items & Antiques of All Kinds Fall Harvest of Antiques Show - Sept 10-11 at Country Primitives of Nova Vendors Wanted of all Antiques, $50 for 10x30 space (must have tent of 10x10 or larger) call & ask for Marie for more info. 13 - Ashland - Village Peddler Festival Celebrate fall in the country at the 30th annual Village Peddler Festival on Sept. 17 and 18, Saturday 10am-6pm and Sunday 10am to 5pm, at Lake Metroparks Farmpark in Kirtland, Ohio. Stroll the shaded paths and visit the shops of 150 artisans and craftsmen from PA, OH, NY, and WV selling a wide variety of fine arts and crafts. Enjoy shopping for American made items such as folk art, furniture, baskets, pottery, Americana, glass, clothing, jewelry, rugs, black bear art, wheat weavings, floral, fall and holiday accents, stone carvings, primitives, Shaker brooms, twig furniture, quilting, toys, Santas, and more! A silhouette artist will be cutting out memories both days. Bring the grandkids! The gourmet market will feature many new items including chef demonstrations, herbs (dried and fresh), plants, jams, dips, maple syrup, honey, nuts, fudge, kettle popcorn, apples, vegetables and more. Visit an old fashioned bakery for the best breads, cookies, pies, cupcakes and more. Enjoy delicious food cooking outside, creamed chicken over biscuits, wood fired pizza, barbeque, potatoes, ice cream, homemade pies, apple fritters, and more. Listen to the sounds of folk music from 2 groups - The Silver String Band and Forsythe Special and soloist and guitarist Bev Newbold. What an addition all these musicians make to the ambiance of this festival. Dine under the shade of big old trees while listening to their music. This will take you and your family back to a simpler time at this quaint outdoor American marketplace. Don't miss it. The festival is held at Lake Metroparks Farmpark on 8800 Euclid Chardon Rd., (Rt. 6) Kirtland, Ohio (Lake county) just east of Cleveland and north of Akron. It is easy to reach off I-90, exit 193, then south on Rt. 306, east on Rt. 6 one mile to the festival. This is a great event for the whole family to enjoy....a tradition. Call 800 366 3276 or go to for more information. All activities and access to the Farmpark are included in the admission to the festival. Sponsors are Ohio Magazine, Cleveland Magazine, the News Herald, The Lake County Women's Journals and Lake County Visitors Bureau. Holiday Jump-Start It's hot outside! What better time to check with your local fabric store, craft store or kitchen studio, and find a class you'd like to take? Preferably inside! Maybe you're a quilter, but you've always wanted to learn to knit. Perhaps you're a wonderful cook, but could use some tips to become a better baker. A stroll through your favorite craft store or craft fair can inspire lots of new ideas of things you'd like to try. If you start now, you may even be able to get a couple of items created in time for Christmas presents. What better inspiration to try something new than to have fun AND get your Christmas shopping and creating underway? Check with your favorite scrapbook store; they may even have classes to help you make your own Christmas cards. Get a jump on things while having fun at the same time! Susan Tipsord 2011 COUNTRY CHARM FABRICS Large selection of Homespuns, Quilting Fabrics, Notions, Repro. Prints, Stencils, Patterns, Quilting Classes, Plus Much More 37th Anniversary Sale - July 14-16 Big savings on select fabrics, books and patterns. Come join the fun and save! Pick up new brochure for the Ohio Amish Country Quilt Shop Hop - Nov 2-5, 2011 Check out our new web site, should be up & running, if not please stay tuned Hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri 10-5, Sat 10-4, Closed Sun & Wed 1422 Twp. Rd. 593, East of I-71 Ashland, Ohio 44805 419-281-2341 ORE T S ys am-8pm, a L 0 4 step into the past 8 A D 1 e E Rity sinc pen 7 pm, Sat -87pm N E mmun G o c e O 7am-8 un 9am Visit R Gserving th U S B S M-F OLIVE 4778 St. Rt. 545, Ashland, Ohio 44805 (419) 895-1038 nket S a l B o t w Ho Antiques Amish Crafts Americana Items Old Fashioned Ice Cream Counter Deli Sandwiches, Pizza & Hot Subs Candles, Melting Tarts Oil Lamps & Supplies Cookie Cutters Crocks titch needle t, bring nd h ig r o t t from lef in at B, a Working ic at A, go back g needle out br in as out of fa t C. Before pull f needle o t a in t o p u Pull nder come o thread u f stitches even. y r r a c ht o at C eep heig shown. K t but not tight. u threat ta Celebrating 36 Years! Stop By & See What's New... 697 Co. Rd. 1302 (1 mile off U.S. 42 N) East of Ashland, OH 419-281-7514 Watch for tourist activity signs Tues-Sat 9-5, Sun 12-5, Closed Mon 14 The Country Register, July/August 2011 - Berlin - Walnut Creek Country Craft Cupboard E. Main Street ,Berlin ,OH 330-893-3163 Christmas in July Sale! July 22-23 (9am-5pm) Bring in 2 non-perishable grocery items, get 25% OFF that day. Help us help others!! 100% woo l * fabrics homespuns * rug hooking Rubber Stamls scrapbooking * patterns wearables * folk art painting * counted cross stitch * punchneedle Visit our website for classes, sales & events! COUPON BLT Roll-Ups 4 oz. cream chee se, softened 1/4 cup mayon naise 8 slices bacon, cooked & crum bled 1/2 cup chopped tomatoes 2 8” flour tortil las 1/2 cup shredd ed lettuce Mix cream chee se, mayo, baco n and tomatoes medium bowl; in mix well. Spread onto tortillas; to with lettuce. Rol p l up tightly.Cut each into 1” slices. Chill un til served. 30% OFF one item (usual exceptions apply) One per customer per visit Expires 8-15-11 Country Gatherings ...of Walnut Creek Primitive Wares for Your Home Wrought Iron Fencing • Garden & Yard Accents Grapevine Trees & Wreaths Primitive Lighting • American Made Textiles Homespun Draperies & Curtains Dinnerware • Awesome Florals New things arriving daily! Cheer up your home with a touch of old and new. Treat yourself to a new purse or colorful necklace from our new jewelry corner. Lots to choose from! 3147 State Rt. 39 (east of Berlin), Walnut Creek, OH 44687 Mon-Sat 9-5:30 (330) 893-2134 • Look us up on Facebook! Country Goods & Early American Necessities for the American Country Home Colonial Lighting - Reproduction Furniture Johnston Benchworks - Family Heirloom Weavers Wonderful Handmades - So Much More! Hours: Mon-Thurs & Sat 9-6, Fri 9-7, Closed Sun 4755 SR 39, Berlin, Ohio 44610 330-893-1174 - Millersburg - Shaker House Antiques on the Square Where the Movers & Shakers Shop! Welcome to Amish Country in Historic Downtown Millersburg, Homes County, Ohio 60 E. Jackson Street, Millersburg OH 44654 330-674-0433 or 330-275-0421 (cell) [email protected] Tues-Sat 10 -6 Sun 11-4 Closed Mon Antiques in the Alley - Sat, Aug 6, 2011 Lots of Specials - Call for Info 2nd Shop Now Open at Historic Roscoe Village, Coshocton, OH, Medbery Marketplace Antiques~Furniture~Primitives~Millersburg Glass~Collectibles~One-of-a-kinds ns a e m r e !!! m n m u u s F p o Fl p i l F 11004 CR 320, Millersburg, OH 44654 330/674-1677 or 866/558-9739 Machine Service and Repairs on All Makes & Models 7000+ Bolts ~ Quality Quilting Fabrics Books ~ Patterns ~ Notions 20% OFF with Prices Everyday ting Fabric il u Q ty li a Qu d $ 7.77-8.5/y COUPON thru 8-31-11 Summer Hours: Wed-Thurs-Fri 10-5, Sat 10-3 16 The Country Register, July/August 2011 Authorized dealer - Louisville -Uniontown - Hanoverton - Days Gone By 13925 State Route 644, Hanoverton OH 44423 330-223-2430 Handmade Primitives & Antiques A Simple Country Gathering, Oct 1, 9am-3pm Primitive wares~antique & handmade~from our many vendors $3 admission For more info call 330-223-2430 or email [email protected] Reg Hours: Thurs 10-4, Friclosed&month Satof August 10-3 Steppin’ Out Quilt Tour Fourteen area quilt shop owners have come together to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Civil War during the third annual Steppin’ Out Quilt Tour. Quilting has experienced an incredible resurgence in recent years, and one popular quilting style features reproduction Civil War fabric and designs. A beautiful sampler quilt, as well as many additional projects in various quilting styles has been designed and created just for this special event. The Steppin’ Out Shop Hop will run from July 22 to July 30, 2011. At their first stop, participants will purchase a “passport” for $5 or donate a homemade pillowcase and receive a commemorative tote bag. They will visit all 14 participating shops, receiving stamps in their passport, collecting block patterns to make a quilt, and enjoying the various projects at each shop created especially for this event. Participants will have the chance to win gift baskets and prizes at each shop. Completed passports will be eligible for various grand prizes. Hours for the event are 10 AM-5 PM, Mondays through Saturdays during the event, though normal shop hours vary for each shop. Plan A Trip to Hudson Sampler AnnaLouisa's NeedleArts LLC 1408 North Chapel Street, Louisville, OH 44641 330-875-5300 A Unique Quilt Shop Great selection of Specialty Quilting Fabrics and Quilt Kits • Homespuns 100% Wool • Hand-Dyed Woolens • Kits • Yarns • Rug Hooking Supplies PunchNeedle • Books • Patterns • Many Classes Offered You will truly be inspired when you visit our New Wool Room and Civil War Rooms. Visit our website for more information and directions to our shop Hours: Tues & Thurs 10-8 Wed & Fri 10-6 Sat 10-4 the pine cone gift shoppe 11742 Cleveland Avenue NW, Uniontown, Ohio 44685 330-497-9840 - Store d e d n a p x E ly w Ne primitives! with morers in now! nda 2012 Lang Cale amille Beckman Lotions C Now carrying olls - All Seasons D Byers Choice sses - for July & la Hooked Rug C details Aug - call for y Sale welr Silve Rado Je Early American & Primitives 3rd Annual Ladies Night July 22 - 5-8 PM - RSVP by July 15 Participating shops include A Piece In Time in Akron, A Quilting Affair in Geneva, Angelic's...A Quilter's Haven in Canton, AnnaLouisa's NeedleArts in Louisville, Cottonpicker's Quilt Shop in Chardon, Mara’s Fabric & Gifts in Eastlake, Little Red Quilt House in Medina, Quilt Garden in North Canton, Quilter's Source in Parma, Shaker Tree in Garrettsville, Stitch, Piece 'n Purl in Cuyahoga Falls, The Craft Cupboard in Middlefield, The Polka Dot Pincushion in Richfield, and Tiny Stitches in Middlefield. Steppin’ Out Quilt Tour is a proud supporter of ConKerr Cancer, a charity which donates homemade pillowcases to pediatric oncology units to spread a smile to those in need. If participants wish to “purchase” their passport with a pillowcase donation, pillowcases should be made with 100% cotton fabric, washed and placed in a quart-size plastic zip bag prior to donation. Instructions for making the pillowcases can be found at each shop and online at In 2010, the Steppin’ Out Quilt Tour group of shops committed to a goal of donating 2,010 pillowcases to ConKerr Cancer. They surpassed that goal with an astounding 3,228 pillowcases made by generous quilting friends and customers! “ConKerr Cancer: A Case for Smiles” was started when Ryan Kerr was diagnosed with a rare form of bone cancer at the age of twelve. Despite his illness - and many, many trips to the hospital - Ryan lived a full life of school, sports and friends. To make his hospital room cheerier, his mom Cindy began making fun, whimsical pillowcases to brighten up his day and put a smile on his face. Ryan liked them so much that Cindy started making pillowcases for the other children in the Oncology Unit. In a short time, the pillowcase project grew in amazing ways and has provided more than 160,000 pillowcases to sick children. Thousands of volunteers from across North America as well as South Africa have helped in more than 100 chapters serving over 150 hospitals. For more information on ConKerr Cancer, please visit their web site For more information on the Steppin’ Out Quilt Tour, contact one of the participating shops. Featuring American Made Products 12 months same as cash! Regular store hours: Regular store hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 10-6, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 10-6, Thursday 10-7, Saturday 10-5 Thursday 10-7, Saturday 10-5 17 - Alliance - Warren Bridgewater Primitives 15255 Gaskill Drive, Alliance, Ohio 44601 330-823-4864 Hours: Mon-Fri 9-5, Sat 10-4, Sun Closed A gathering of early wares & smalls, aged handmades, lighting, homespun textiles, woodenware, candles & many primitive goods. Hours: Mon,Wed,Thurs, Fri 10-5 Tu 10-8, Sat 10-2 A Full Service Quilt Shop Fabrics, Notions, Books, Machine Quilting, Classes 171 Folsom Street NW, Warren, Ohio 44483 330-469-6956 From the Journal of the Country Register Secret Shopper! Hello Country Register Readers, I go to my old favorite shops and find new shops I read about in my Country Register. I really love these home owned shops that are so unique and always give me great new ideas for my country home and garden. The other day I was in Millersburg and stopped at the Pioneer Loft located right downtown. The building itself has such charm and character. Built over 100 years ago this shop has old wood floors with beautiful shop windows facing the main street. You feel as if you have stepped back in time. The old store was the perfect setting for what Denise and her husband have to offer. The front part of the shop is primitive and I had to walk around a few times just to take it all in. Denise has blended both large and small antiques with her husband's charming wooden pieces. They are painted small cupboards that hang on the wall or set on a table that he has made with an aged look. One of his bigger pieces was a wall hanging cupboard to hold your kitchenware along with your old rolling pin. It was a really nice primitive piece for kitchenware display. His wooden items are are small and charming and can easily be added anywhere to display for you small oddments. Denise has her sewing machine set up behind the counter and embroiders wonderful old looking linen towels. I really liked her original patterns and of course her star pattern was my favorite. ? The back part of the shop is light and airy with a nice selection of cottage decor items. Denise has a great eye and has displayed the cottage items in such a pleasing way that you can't resist her offerings. Lots of Depression glass and lovely linens are displayed throughout the back of her shop. Put Pioneer Loft on your list of shops to stop in this summer. A few weeks ago I ran down to Chillicothe of course with my Country Register at the ready just in case I had some extra time to explore the area. This area is full of Ohio history and the people there are happy to share their history with you. This was Ohio's first capital and the downtown area has a lot of historic charm and the surrounding area is filled with Indian lore and mounds. I had to go into the bank downtown because they have no drive-thru ATM and I got a great local history lesson from the bank teller when I told him I was from out of town. Just north of downtown I stopped at the Chillicothe Craft Mall. I was greeted so nicely when I came in the door and really enjoyed myself while I looked around the aisles of crafter booths and antique dealers. Kathy and her vendors have a great blend of both new and old items. I liked the selection of country furniture in the farmhouse style and my favorite was the barn siding outhouse that would be perfect in my garden to store my gardening tools in. There is a good selection of smaller country furniture pieces that would work beautifully in a country home. They have a good selection of shelves and pictures throughout the Mall. I really liked the large star quilt hangers and the snowmen painted on old windows. The blend of both old and new is just right. I felt so welcome there and will be back soon. Chillicothe is a very friendly town and would be a great local vacation stop for you and your family this summer. As always please remember our animal friends that are in need of new forever homes. One of our local pounds has a food bank to help people keep their pets in their homes in these economic times, but on Monday when I was there to get 2 dogs for our rescue group the cupboard was bare. So if you can, please consider a donation to help the animals either in your local rescue group or animal shelter. Thank you! Country Blessings, per p o h S t e r c e S 18 The Country Register, July/August 2011 - Steubenville - New Middletown - North Lima - Cortland - Boardman - Twinsburg - Two Floors of Country & Primitive Items Candles • Rag Rugs • Valances Pictures • Shelves • Signs • Antiques • And More! 10477 Main Street, Rt. 170, New Middletown *GPS Systems type in 10477 Youngstown Pittsburgh Rd for directions 330-542-9271 Summer Hours - July & August Open Thursday-Saturday 10-5 C untry Crafts from the Located in Ft. Steuben Mall, Steubenville, Ohio 740-264-2996 Berry Wreaths Garlands Florals Country Pictures Warm Glow Candles Tarts & Tart Burners Country Wall Borders Country Furniture & Shelves Country Lamps Decorative Flags Mailbox Wraps Americana Crafts Bears Barn Stars Americana Yard & Porch Crafts s for u Look ok! o b e c on Fa We now carry Bella Taylor Purses and our own Candle Company Candles! Open 7 days a week Mall Hours Quilting B’s A full service quilt shop and so much more! Jo Morton Fabric * thimbleberries kansas troubles * Wools * Homespuns flannels * kits & patterns! Habersham Wax Pottery * Jim Shore Sat, July 16th - 11 am-4 pm - Civil War Commemoration Abraham Lincoln, Mary Todd Lincoln, and Union Soldier Reinactors will be here to demonstrate and entertain you in uniform complete with muskets and cannons. Barbershop Quartet~Refreshments~Give-Aways for the Kids! (We are hoping to make this an Annual Event) Inside our shop we will debut our 2011 Fall and Christmas Fabrics and some Special Sales Stop in and enjoy the day with us! Stop in and see us! Something is always buzzing at Quilting B’s! Hours: Mon-Fri 10-5 & Sat 10-2 254 S. High Street, Cortland OH 44410 330-637-0002 [email protected] Party Ham & Chees e Sandwich 2 T. dried es minced on ions 1 T. D 1 T. poppy ijon se 2 dozen din eds 1/2 cup m mustard elted butte ner rolls r 1/2 # thin 1 ly sliced Sw /2 # sliced deli ham is s cheese Preheat ov en to 325°. In a together on small mixin ion, musta g bowl rd, poppy Leaving th seeds, and stir e dinner ro butter. lls intact, s so that you lice h the bottom ave one solid top and them open h b and cheese alf on a baking sheet; ottom. Place . Place the to p with ha to ham and c heese. Driz p part of the rolls on m zle the butt the evenly ove er r the rolls. Cover with mixture 20 minute s. fo individual Use a knife to separa il and bake for sandwiche te the rolls s. Serve im into mediately. Piney Creek Primitives Join us for our 3rd Annual gathering “A humble past” Aug 13th, 10-4. A small group of folks set up at Piney Creek to offer their best in antiques, primitive handmades & country smalls. Adm $2 600 E. Pine Lake Road, North Lima, OH 44452 330-549-0716 Shop Hours: Fri 10-5, Sat 10-3 visit our website: STORE & SO MUCH MORE • Largest thread selection in Northeast Ohio • Embroidery designs in most machine formats • Over 2000 bolts of fine quality quilting cottons • Cabinets by Regal, Roberts, Unique & Horn Order on line at Hours: Mon-Tues-Wed 10-6, Thurs 10-8, Fri 10-5, Sat 10-4, closed Sun 7081 West Blvd, Boardman, OH 44512 330-726-9396 8900 Darrow Road Hours: ur Mon, Wed, Thurs 10-6 Visit o tion (Rt 91 & 480) oca Twinsburg, Ohio 44087 Tues 10-8, Fri 10-5 2nd L Sat 10-4, Closed Sun 330-487-0460 19 Central Ohio - Marysville - Russells Point Thursday 11-7 Antiques•Primitives Shabby Chic & Much More! 1824 & Rose of Sharon Candles Room Sprays Primitive Battery Candles Stop in soon - always new arrivals! Now open ‘til 7PM on Thursdays! Goodies Galore 138 E. Fifth Street, Marysville, OH 43040 New Location in Antique Building 937-644-0251or 877-293-4810 Primitives & Antiques Yankee Candles • Scrapbooking & Cake Decorating Waggoner’s Chocolates • Goodies Galore Homemade Fudge Local Wines • Gift Baskets • OSU Hours: Mon-Fri 9-7, Sat 9-5, Sun 12-4 A Robbins Nest/Signature Antiques has now moved in its new location at 184 W. Main Street in Russells Point, Ohio. The new location, west of Rite Aid Pharmacy, just off US SR 33, is itself a fine antique of the historic Indian Lake area--the old Indian lake Community Center. Set between historic Sandy Beach Park and White Cottage, the building became a real community building, organized and chartered in 1936 as Indian Lake Community Club and Gathering Place. As antiques are the original “green” items, the new store location has a green attitude as well. Eric Grandi Construction is leading this “green attitude” by reusing This is the original ground much of the original early century materials breaking Oct,27 1932. used by previous proprietors to restore the building to its original historic layout and beauty. The building is being revitalized into an open 1400 square foot showroom with the original sixteen foot high tin ceiling exposed. The Community Center's basketball court that many Indian lake baby boomers played on has been reclaimed and restored. Due to the dedicated efforts of people with vision the building will once again become full of life and a focal point of the area. The shop's antiques and gifts have been so successful that they have added several lines of candles, wreaths, specialty soaps, lotions, as well as home and garden décor and gifts for all occasions. You will find everything from gallery quality artwork and fine antique furniture to garden décor and new gift items at this shop. Customers from Maryland, New York, and as far away as Europe have found their way to Indian Lake and Ohio travelers find it is a short day trip to visit the shop and lunch at the Lake's eateries. Store hours are Monday and Wednesday 2-6 PM; Thursday through Saturday 11AM-6PM; Sunday 12-5PM; closed on Tuesday. Call for an appointment at 937-842-2205 or email at [email protected]. 20 Two Great Shops in One Location Signature Antiques by Karen & Jud Fults Early Fine & Country Antiques 614-406-4146 A Robbins Nest Antiques & Gifts owner: Connie Cathcart 937-842-2205 check out our NEW LOCATION 184 W. Main (behind RiteAid Pharmacy) Russells Point, OH 43348 Hours: Mon & Wed 2-6, Thurs-Sat 11-6, Sun 12-5, Closed Tues The Country Register, July/August 2011 The Old Crow Store Hours: Wed-Fri 10-6, Sat 10-5 Visa, MC, Discover Gift Certificates Layaway on Large Purchases Life is Good at the Old Crow! Happy Summer! - Newark - Mt Vernon - Powell - Johnstown Be sure to tell shop owners that you saw their ad in the Country Register! columbus marketplace Sundays, 9am-5pm, rain or shine 125+ Vendors ~ In Historic Powell, Ohio ~ Free Admission & Parking! Antiques, Art, Crafts, Collectibles, Edibles, More! 614-396-3336 Timber Tunes GIFTS & ANTIQUES FOR HOME & GARDEN 9862 Johnstown-Utica Rd (Rt 62) Summer Hours: Johnstown, OH 43031 Sat 10-5, Sun 1-5 call 740-967-0421 Extended Hours 1/2 mile east of downtown Johnstown by Appt handcrafted furniture bowls cutting boards fairy houses folk-art musical figurines visit our rear courtyard 2011 Show Schedule Show Hours 9am-6pm concrete statuary at the the barn Mt. Vernon 740-397-0300 Tree Willow Great NEW Fresh summer Looks for Your Home! lots of new merchandise New items arriving daily! cards - clocks - quilts lamps - barn stars wrought iron - signs Webkinz - wallpaper border seasonal decor - calendars Billy Jacobs mailbox covers Willow tree angels McCalls Candles Warm Glow candles pictures - furniture berry garlands - rice lights linens - candle warmers jewelry - tinware - wreaths Primitive Glow lights 1450 N. 21st Street, Newark 740-366-2818 & see us on Facebook July 31 & Sept 11 855 Coshocton Ave July 24-26 August 19-23 Temporary Exhibitors August 20-22 September 18-20 October 16-18 Sample Sale November 4-7 888-332-8979 Billy Jacobs Store Hours: Mon-Fri 9:30-5:30, Sat 9:30-4 4000 sq ft of home decor and fun stuff! things that make your home smell good, look good & you feel good! Primitive Glow Candles Great for Mothers Day! We are next to Kroger's in a shopping plaza with plenty of FREE parking! Buses welcome ! - Heath - Heath Regular Hours: Mon-Sat 10am-8pm Sun noon-5pm Handcrafted Gifts, Antiques, Art, Home Decor and much more... WOW! THIS PLACE IS INCREDIBLE! 789 Hebron Road Major Cards Credit Accep ted Park Plaza Center check out our website Finders Keepers will sponsor Treasures Old and New Craft Show Saturday, Sept 17, 9am-5pm in the Finders Keepers Parking Lot If you are a vendor and would like information about leasing a booth for this event, please contact us at 740-522-3233. Area Map to Finders Keepers Heath, Ohio Over 200 Unique Shops Our customers and crafters find unique theme booths such as our... • Vintage & Retro Items • Antiques • Primitives • Furniture and Accents • Baskets & Linens • Barrington Bears • Boyds Bears • Jewelry • Willow Tree Angels • Windchimes • Bird Houses • Bath & Body Luxuries • Bridal Gifts • Candles • Ceramics • Cottage Collectibles • Country Crafts • Dolls - Ceramic & Primitive • Florals • Framed Prints • Geese Clothes • Gooseberry Patch Cookbooks • Greeting Cards • Longaberger Baskets • Park Imports Linens • Pottery & Ceramics • OSU Items • Wood Crafts • Seasonal and Nautical Items • Heritage Lace Tour Buses Welcome! 740-522-3233 or 800-843-9301 22 The Country Register, July/August 2011 Country Squares buy it sell it find it WHITE PINE BOARDS Curiosity Shoppe Wholesale Ohio based lumber distributor is currently stocking kiln dried White Pine Boards for the pine furniture and craft industry. For more information call 330-335-5550 Great Lakes Lumber Company PRIMITIVES –N- 1230 N 21stPOTPOURRI St, Newark, OH 160 W. Water Street Oak Harbor, OH 43449 419-898-1916 Kathy Newburn, Owner 3686 County Road 39 Bloomingdale, OH 43910 740-944-1039 A Full Line Needlework Shop Homemade Wood Crafts, Soy Candles, Pictures & More! Hours: Sat, Sun, Mon 10-5/D Thurs 12-7 or By appt. V/MC ted p Acce [email protected] Mon-Tues-Wed & Fri 9-5 Sat 9-2, Closed Thurs & Sun Old Glory Antiques Sara’s Herbs & Everlastings 1842 Hillandale Road NE New Philadelphia OH 44663 Crafts & Flowers Made in America Hand Made & Hand Painted one of kinds - Artist on Site Live Well Love Much Laugh Often Historic Flat Iron Bldg 9 Main Street Greenwich, OH 419-752-0405 Tues 1-5,Wed Thurs Fri 10-5, Sat 10-3 tell it Ohio’s Oldest Country Store Woolson Co. Since 1897 115 S. Main, Mount Vernon, OH 740-392-0936 BackDoor Primitives 330-364-3407 Fall Open House Aug 13 Antiques & Country Needs 11 W. Church Street Milan, OH 419-499-9030 Tues-Sat 10-5 This Could have been your ad for less than 60¢ a day! Wed 10-3, Thurs-Fri-Sat 10-5 Call 937-652-1157 Antiques, Prims & Dried Flowers for advertising information FOR SALE Very nice 6-yr old well-established CANDLE Shop Hours: MAKING/RETAIL SHOP/BUSINESS. Includes Friday: 12:30-5 For Vintage Decorating Hours: Tues-Fri 10-5, Sat 10-2 candle making equipment/supplies, full Saturday: 11-5 125 Rear W. Washington Street inventory and displays. Everyhting you need Or by appointment Ashland, OH Antiques & Primitives, Uniquely to get up and running. Don’t let this 419-651-0078 Planted Garden Containers, Hand opportunity pass you by. Priced to sell! mades, Wreaths, Purses & Jewelry Located in NW Ohio. Serious inquiries only. 22551 Walbridge Rd, Curtice,OH www.moondogcottage.blogspotcom 419-836-3110 or 419-304-7381 419-5 85-5270 after 6pm. Thyme For All Seasons Antiques & Country Accents Antiques ~ Collectibles Wool ~ Handmade Dolls Fiber art classes available/ artist on site Jillian’s Country Home For all your Country and Primitive Decor Needs 740-967-1418 or 740-403-0283 To Place an Ad in the Country Squares, give us a call at 937-652-1157 Southwest Ohio - Carlisle - West Milton - Trenton A Country Peddler country wares primitives candles furniture braided rugs needfuls 777 Central Avenue, Carlisle, OH 45005 937-743-PRIM Hours: Wed. 11-5, Thurs. 11-6, Fri. 11-5 and Sat. 11-4 Featuring Scentsible Scents Candles, Candleberry Candles, Warm Glow Candles and Heart Warming Cookie Melts and Soyffin Candles West Milton Visit the Specialty Shoppes of West Milton The Hen's Nest Country Flower Bin 344 N. Furlong Road, Laura, 937-947-1546 50 N. Miami Street, 937-698-6985 Come and enjoy our garden, sit awhile and New gatherings for inside and out now enjoy a cup of coffee or tea. Floral arriving! Country & primitive consignments arrangements, wreaths: dried and silk, accepted. Olde Century Paint, Pottery, candles, teas, coffees and candies. Scented Candles, Florals, Curtains, Framed Hours: Tues-Sat, 12-6 Prints, Furniture, Gourmet Coffees. Tues-Fri 10-5, Sat 10-4 Angel Heaven 11 N. Miami Street, 937-698-WING (9464) Angelic gifts & colle ctibles for all occasions. Webkinz, greeting cards, wall art, memorial and inspirational gifts for th e home. . Hours Mon 12-5, Tues-Sat 10-5 Congratulations! The winner of our book give-away from the May/June issue was Mary Alice Mullet from Gambier, Ohio. A copy of Making Life Rich Without Any Money is on the way to Mary Alice. Thanks to all who entered the contest. To order a copy of any of the books we review in The Country Register check unk Farm M n’ B ar ‘ n ke r t a B State Rt. 73, Wayne-Madison Rd in Trenton Visit Our 100 Year Old Barns! Main Barn w/three lofts - over 50 local crafters, florals, candles, framed prints, collectibles, furniture, fabric crafts, antiques. Jams, jellies, Amish baked goods. Frost a sheet cake with white icing. Use strawberries lined up in rows to make the stripes and blueberries as stars to make a flag cake for your 4th of July celebration! 24 2nd Barn - Ice Cream & Candy Shop, Deli - More gifts & crafts, Yankee Candles, candies, Amish meats & cheeses, Velvet Ice Cream. 1893 Barn - Weekly Sunday Brunch Buffets 10:30-3pm Private Parties & Receptions Upcoming Events at Barn ‘n’ Bunk: Aug 13 - 4x4’s For A Cause 513-988-9211 Open Daily April - December The Country Register, July/August 2011 - Wilmington - Lynchburg - Huber Heights ckage a P e u s mall Tis ver S a e k Ma Co t Pocket ce of small prin of Granny’s Country Cupboard 37 W. Main Street, Wilmington 937-655-9212 Country Decor & Gifts pie ides a 6”x9” n 1” on both s es d e e n l ss i h sid You’l ld & pre alf, press wit eam on o F . c i r h ”s fab in Sew 3/4 th. Fold 9” leng in the middle. right side out n g touchin rim ends. Tur sue package. T s i 6” side. t pocket size t cantile in er Mer and ins Country 8) @ b e D n pg From lle (ad o i v r e b Pem Willow Tree Angels - Studio Designs - Design Your Own Gift! Webkinz & Viva Beads - Gifts Handcrafted by Local Artisans Hours: Mon-Sat, Eden Pure Heaters - Primitive Furniture 10-5 Home Cooked Carry-Out Lunches, 11-2 (delivery available) Pies, Cakes, Cookies, Fudges, Homemade Apple Butters & Jellies Old Mill Antiques (30+ Dealers) and Home Again II * Candles & Accessories * Greeting Cards * Park DesignCurtains/Linens * Framed Pictures * Vine Trees * Jewelry * Olde Century Paints * Home Decor * Donna SharpHandbags Mon-Sat 10-5:30 Sunday Closed 316 E. Sugartree Street Wilmington, OH 45177 937-383-1899 TheRusty Star ...Primitives 1800 sq. ft. of affordable country/prim home decor & gifts and a gal that loves to decorate! Paint • Wall Decor • Candles • Country Prints Spring Florals & Garlands • Curtains • Rugs Lamps •Treenware • Purses • Quilted Items Handmade Wood Items & Hutches & More! A Great Place to Shop for the comforts of Your Home! Tues-Fri 11-5, Sat 11-4, Closed Sun & Mon China should be handled with caution to avoid chipping or scratching. Paper plates, or felt rounds are perfect for protecting your dishes. Alternate plates and inserts before storing your china. 240 N. Main Street, Lynchburg, OH 45142 937-364-9000 ThePeddlersHomestead Craft Mall Antiques Consignments 6123 Brandt Pike, Huber Heights, OH 45424 : Hours 1-6 at 1 Tues-S 937-233-1500 Major Credit Cards Accepted Gift Certificates & Layway Available [email protected] Dealers, Crafters & Consignors Welcome! Visit us on Facebook! Country Primitives Antiques Vintage Furniture Home Decor Grapevine Trees Woodcrafting Longaberger Handmade Cards Barn Stars Vera Bradley Jewelry Country Curtains & Valances Goose Clothing Pictures & Prints Pen & Ink Artwork Crafts Specialty Gifts Bella Taylor Wind Chimes Handbags Candles Tart Warmers Vinyl Clings Signs Americana Patriotic Southwest Wreaths Afghans Wallpaper Border Snow Sleds Old Clocks Crocks Milk Cans Shutters Mason Jars School Desks Old Rotary Phones Soda Crates Hard-to-Finds John Deere Coffee Mugs Unique Items RCA Victrola Single & Group Classes Much, Much More! 25 - Springfield Heart of Country Gift Shoppe and Teaberries, Our Country Tea Room 937-325-3030 1600 E. Leffel Lane in Springfield, Ohio Once an old schoolhouse, built in the 1800's, Heart of Country is one of the largest gift shoppes! For the finest selection of unique gifts, home decor and furniture stop in & stroll thru our beautifully decorated shoppe! NEW MERCHANDISE: Sierra’s Interchangeable Footwear, Wax Perfume Bowls & Candles, magnetic Necklaces, Beaded Bracelets * * * * * * * Candleberry Candles Yankee Candles Braided Rugs Boyds Bears Grapevine Trees Furniture Garden Flags * * * * * * * Heritage Lace Willow Tree Angels Country Curtains Battery Candles Mailbox Wraps Village Candles And Much More! Conveniently located 1 1/2 mile off I-70, exit 54. Go to the first intersection (Leffel Lane) turn right, go thru 4 traffic lights and we are on the left. CountryFR Register EE! HEART OF COUNTRY Mon-Sat 10-4:30 TEABERRIES Mon-Sat 11-3:00 Gorgeous Granny Day Sat, July 23 Come Celebrate With Us! TEABERRIES TEA ROOM Our Country Tea Room inside Heart of Country with five beautiful rooms in which you may dine. Offering delicious homemade soups, sandwiches, salads and DESSERTS! Also, call TEABERRIES to host your bridal & baby showers, birthday parties, business meetings and retirement parties! Rustiques 1475 Upper Valley Pike, Springfield, Ohio (inside Upper Valley Mall, next to JCPenny) 937-324-4474 Blonder Products • Naked Bee Products • Park Designs McCall's Candles & Tarts • Swan Creek Candles • Woodwick Candles Goosecreek Candles • Keepers of the Light • Scentsible Scents Quilts--Throws & Queen Size • Picture Frames Reproduction Furniture • Willow Tree • Large Line of Ohio State Legacy Paper Items • Garden Accessories • Garden Flags Wooden Plates & Wooden Bowls •Treenware Hours: 10-9 Mon-Sat, 12-6 Sun Homespun Blessings & Country Gifts 5776 Urbana Road (Old 68), Springfield, Ohio 937-629-0705 Upcoming special events! July 15-16 Anniversary Sale Aug 12-13 Summer Clearance Sale Check out our new website! • Primitives • Country • Olde Century Paints A Primitive Country Store • York Wall Borders with Gifts & Decor • Country Curtains • Rugs for Your • Primitive Pictures • Placemats • Linens • Quilts Country Home! • Maple City Pottery • Billy Jacobs Prints • Legacy Greeting Cards • Custom Cupboards & Shelves • Candles - Scentsible Scents, Candleberry, 1803, Goosecreek & Our Store Signature Candle Store Hours: • Grapevine Trees Mon-Fri • And Much More! Lenora Smedley, Owner 10am - 5:30pm, Sat 10am - 5pm 26 The Country Register, July/August 2011 - London - Washington Court House Mini-Makeover Time Looking to make a small, relatively painless makeover in your home? Look no further than your bathroom! Usually decorated upon moving into a home and then promptly forgotten, the bathroom is one of the easiest rooms in which to make subtle changes that can have a big impact on your home. Choose a new theme and pick out one new accessory to base your decorating upon. Perhaps you found a terrific vintage mirror at an antique store perfect! Maybe you'd like to go with a nautical theme how about using that neat oar your son made at camp as a wall hanging? There is no end to the possibilities for a small space like a bathroom. Once you have that one perfect accessory, choose a new wall color and paint if needed. You can stencil, use a pattern, or even use a textured paint. Add the perfect rug, some fresh new towels, a new candle or bowl of potpourri and you have your new space. You did it yourself, it didn't blow the budget, and it's all new to you. What more can you ask for?! Susan Tipsord 2011 Crafts, Antiques & Consignment Mall I-71 & State Route 38, London 740-426-6300 r the Look fo of! Red Ro Primitive Crafts, Shabby Chic, Glassware, Furniture Old & New, Antiques, Gifts, Jewelry “Something for Everyone” Mall Ho Tues-Sa urs t 10 Sun 12- -5 Closed 5 Mon Many NEW Made in America Crafts! Happy 4th of July! Lin’s Stuff 3291 Old Route 35 SE Washington Court House, OH 740-333-7001 A Country Primitive Store; a most unique shopping experience! Featuring handmade furniture & crafts designed and made on-site. 3000 Sq Ft Showroom plus Cabin Next Door and Outdoor Display Space! ale S r e m m Su f o d n E t! s u g u Super A of d n E g n Comi ils a t e d r o Call f Shop Hours Tues-Fri 10-5, Sat 10-4 27 - Waynesville - Lebanon - American Heritage Craftsman & Artisan Show And Sale The third annual American Heritage Craftsman & Artisan Show and Sale will take place July 23 and 24th at the Warren County History Center in Lebanon , Ohio . This is the first year the show will stand alone; it has been part of the fall Lebanon Antique Show for the past two years. Some of the finest traditional craftsman working in America today will be on hand to demonstrate their craft and sell their wares. Many of these artists are known nationwide for their art and a few are represented in major American museums. Crafts represented include reproduction furniture, pottery, quilts, wax portraits, folk art whimsy and period lighting. Hours are Saturday, July 23 from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm and Sunday, July 24, 11:00 am to 4:00 pm. Admission is $8.00 per person and all proceeds benefit the Warren County History Center and Glendower Historic Mansion . For more information visit or call 513932-1817. 28 Stop in for the 4th of July Specials! Antique Reproduction Furniture•Windsor Chairs•Home Accents for the Fine American Home 61 S. Main Street, Waynesville The Country Register, July/August 2011 Phone: 513-897-9000 - Cincinnati Change Your World Change Your Mind Anais Nin said “When I cannot bear outer pressures anymore, I begin to put order in my belongings. . . As if unable to organize and control my life, I seek to exert this on the world of objects.” Many of us have felt unable to control the world around us at one time or another. Nin had a point in that putting order in one's own world is one way to feel in control. When you feel like your surroundings are getting the best of you, try organizing a small corner of your world. This can be as simple as going through the magazines on the coffee table and recycling ones you have read. Perhaps clearing your counter top and putting out some fresh flowers are what you need. It doesn't have to be a complex undertaking; just taking control of a small space can change your outlook and perk up your day. Susan Tipsord 2011 2011 Show Schedule Show Hours 9am-6pm July 24-26 August 19-23 Temporary Exhibitors August 20-22 September 18-20, October 16-18 Sample Sale November 4-7 888-332-8979 Attention Show Organizers: For information about advertising your activity in this low-cost Shows & Events column of The Country Register--Call 937-652-1157 Black Cat Primitives 2811 East Smiley Rd, Shelby,OH 419-347-3726 Grungy Fall Items, Antiques, Primitives Visit our website Primitive Harvest Gathering Sept 17 9-5, Sept 18 12-5 Reg Shop hours: Wed-Sat 11-5 3rd Annual In the Spirit of Friends Folk Art & Antique Show Malabar Farm, 4050 Bromfield Road, Lucas, Ohio Sat, Sept 24, 2011, 10am-4pm 419-347-3726 or 419-347-9558 Mercantile Gatherings Magazine will be @ the Show Handmades-FolkArt-Rug Hooking-Prim Antiques in Main Barn, Outbuildings & Grounds for dealers list & other info Mansfield Millennium Quilt Guild 2011 Quilt Show - Colors of Nature or Adm $4 d ned goo an /c w $3 efit (to ben ) d banks area foo ! e m Welco Buses July 16-17, Sat: 9-6, Sun: 11-4 Richland County Fairgrounds (Fairhaven Hall) 750 N. Home Rd, Mansfield OH 44906 Merchants Mall Silent Auction Raffle Quilt Quilt Appraisals Lunch Available 2nd Time Around Shop For further information regarding the show contact Linda at 419-468-7811 Sat & Sun 10am-5pm 30th Annual Village Peddler Festival Sept 17-18, 2011 - Sat 10-6 & Sun 10-5 160 craftsmen,folk music, g ourmet market,wagon rides,delicious rides,delicious food,much food,much more! Lake Metroparks Farmpark • (Rt. 6) Kirtland,Ohio (1 mile east of Rt. 306) 800-366-3276 A quaint outdoor American marketplace h eld in a beautiful pastoral setting for th e whole family to enjoy. Cleveland Miniaturia Society’s 40th Show & Sale “Christmas Stories in Miniature” Sat, Oct 8, 2011 - 10am-4pm Main Ballroom of Don Umerley Civic Center 21016 Hilliard Blvd, Rocky River, Ohio Proceeds donated to Cleveland Foodbank info: [email protected] Lisa Hilliker has spent all her life in northern Vermont. Surrounded by natural beauty and abundant wildlife, it is not surprising that both have become sources of inspiration for her. "I love animals and nature. Old barns are so beautiful, I just had to use them to produce my artwork". Hilliker has been creating art since she was a small child. Early teachers included her artistic mother and grandmother, and an extraordinarily talented eighth grade teacher. From there she has learned from other artists and let her powers of observation guide her. "When it's time for something to be painted, it makes itself known. One just has to open to the vibes" she says. After Lisa selects the right piece of barn board for a project, she sands it and gives it a base coat of paint. She then paints, working primarily in acrylics, and finishes the piece with an antiquing process and final protective coat of varnish. Adults $5 Children $2 5 & under FREE Make & Take Projects ~ Club Displays 3 Raffles: “A Christmas Story” Dollhouse, A Tabletop Leg Lamp Christmas Tree, 10 Ralphie Figurines by Zader Studios Volunteering is a wonderful way to get out and be a part of your community while helping to fulfill a need. Perhaps you would like to volunteer, but aren't quite sure how to go about it. Start by searching out organizations that you support in other ways. Hospitals, park districts and schools are almost always in need of volunteers in a variety of positions. There are many national non-profits, such as the Red Cross or the March of Dimes, that rely heavily on volunteers and are always looking for good help. If you would like to volunteer your time and just aren't quite sure what is available in your area, you can also look at websites such as or These websites keep a database of volunteer opportunities that you can look at and make an inquiry if you are interested. The key to volunteering is finding a good match for your skills and personality. Give of yourself and much more will come back to you! Susan Tipsord 2011 2nd Fall Festival of the Arts Sat, Oct 15, 2011, 10-4 Lisa Hilliker To view Lisa's art prints, go to or call Penny Lane Publishing at 800-273-5263 for more information. Attica, Ohio phone: 419-426-0611 July 16 & 17 Lisa Hilliker Brookside West Park, Ashland, OH Free admission You’ll be surprised with what you find! & parking Everything handmade~quality art & craft items. 30 The Country Register, July/August 2011 OHIO The Heart of it All! The Country Register is available at our advertisers' businesses. The map dots represent the towns advertising. Remember to let the shops know you saw their ad in The Country Register! Send any comments and/or questions to: Barb Moore, Editor & Publisher PO Box 37• Cable, OH 43009 937-652-1157 e-mail [email protected] City/Page/Shop Map City/Page/Shop Map Northeast Central Columbus H-9 Heath K-8 Johnstown J-8 21 Columbus Marketplace 30 Country Living Fair 22 Finders Keepers 23 Jillian's Country Home 21 Timber Tunes A B C D E F G H I J K LM N O P Q R Alliance P-5 18 Bridgewater Primitives Ashland 23 30 14 14 14 K-5 BackDoor Primitives Fall Festival of the Arts Country Charm Fabric Shop Olivesburg General Store Parsley Pot Northwest Map I-4 Carlisle C-10 Bettsville H-4 Cincinnati B-12 Bloomville H-4 Huber Heights D-9 Curtice G-2 Lebanon D-11 Findlay F-4 London F-10 Lynchburg E-12 Middletown C-10 Springfield E-9 23 Gatherings 10 Mid Summer Antiques Fest Trenton C-11 23 Curiosity Shoppe Washington C. H. G-10 Waynesville D-10 West Milton C-9 Wilmington E-11 Attica 30, 32 Oak Ridge Festival 9 Door Mouse 9 Primitive Crossroads Berlin Mt. Vernon K-7 Bloomingdale Q-7 21 Country Treasures 23 Woolson Company Boardman R-4 Gibsonburg G-3 21 Old Crow Cleveland M-2 Greenwich J-4 Cortland R-3 Lima D-6 Newark K-8 Powell H-8 Russells Point E-7 21 Historic Downtown Powell 20 Signature Antiques/ A Robbins Nest 19 Quilting B's Galion 13 Keeping Room Geneva Kensington Minnesota 3 Creative Connection Event West Virginia 23 Primitive House Designs Southeast 30 Cleveland Miniaturia Society I-6 Q-1 30 Village Peddler Festival Out of State Belpre N-11 Chillicothe I-11 11 Neffs Country Loft 10 Chillicothe Craft Mall Piketon I-12 Wheelersburg I-14 11 Wallpaper and More 11 Robins Nest 11 Southern Ohio Craft Mall 34 Thyme For All Seasons 7 Early American Home 7 Homestead Collection 23 Primitives N Potpourri 19 Bernina Store & Sew Much 17 Days Gone By Louisville O-6 O-5 17 AnnaLouisa's NeedleArts, Mansfield 12 13 12 30 J-5 Added Touch Crafty Clutter Jilly Junction Mansfield Millennium Quilt Millersburg M-6 16 Pioneer Loft 16 Shaker House Antiques on 16 Somewhere Sewing New Middletown R-5 New Philadelphia O-6 North Lima R-5 Nova K-4 Shelby J-5 Shiloh J-5 19 Hampton Hill Mercantile 23 Sara's Herbs & Everlastings 19 Piney Creek Primitives 13 Country Primitives 13, 30 Black Cat Primitives 13 Country Fabrics Southwest Map C-9 F-5 7 Applecreek Antiques G-8 15 Country Craft Cupboard 15 Country Gatherings City/Page/Shop Arlington Arlington Marysville 20 Goodies Galore 20 Uptown Antiques M-6 City/Page/Shop 8 Country Cupboard-Ohio 23 Old Glory Antiques 6 Heavenly Stitches Milan J-3 Oak Harbor H-2 Pemberville G-3 St. Henry B-7 Tiffin H-4 8 Country Mercantile 6 The Saltbox 9 Something Special 23 Wax Shack Van Wert 6 De Shia Willard 10 Picket Fence B-5 J-4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 7 Applecreek Antiques 24 A Country Peddler 29, 30 QSC Expos 25 Peddlers Homestead 28 Warren County Historical 27 Crafts, Antiques & Cons. 25 Rusty Star 23 Moondog Cottage 26 Heart of Country 26 Homespun Blessings & 26 Rustiques 24 Barn 'n' Bunk Farm Market 27 Lin's Stuff 32 North Shore Primitives 28 Benner's Colonial Traditions 28 Olde Glory Antiques 28 Waynesville Area Chamber of 24 West Milton Shoppes 25 Granny's Country Cupboard 25 Old Mill Antiques Northeast (cont’d) Steubenville R-7 Uniontown O-5 Wadsworth M-4 Walnut Creek N-6 19 Country Crafts From the Heart 17 Pine Cone Gift Shoppe 23 Great Lakes Lumber Co. 15 Homespun Treasures Thanks for Reading The Ohio Country Register! NORTH SHORE PRIMITIVES 153 S. Hinde Street (behind Dairy Queen) Washington Court House, OH 43160 Phone: 740-335-6799 Primitives · Early Lighting Folk Art · Exclusive Handmades Antiques · Make-Do Chairs Candles · Linens Primitive Furniture · Upholstered Furniture Fall Open House August 5-6-7 Refreshments Served Open 7 Days A Week! Mon-Sat 11am-5pm, Sun 1-4pm email: [email protected]
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