0 fspring - Enivation
0 fspring - Enivation
T H E 0 F A L P H A S P R I N G D E L T A 1 9 9 7 p I FROM THE DESK OF THE GRAND PRES I DENT The Power of Leadership Alpha Delta Pi is a way of life. Our commitment to value and ethics, high academic standard and social re ponsibility create an environment which encourages our members to work toward common goals, to a sume leader hip roles and to enjoy the benefits of lifetime involvement. - The Mi ion tatement of Alpha Delta Pi. There has been an intensive tudy of leader hip taking place o er the last couple of years at UCLA. Thi rudy focu e on the leader hip that emanate from an 'fJ,.,,..~..,.-~ --' individual a the "function of their commitment to making a dm renee for the b nefit of self and other ." In a recent publication of the Higher Education Re earch In titute thi definition of leadership from a ocial change framework is given: .. . "we regard a leader as o ne who i able to effect positive change for the betterment of other , the community, and ociety. All people in other word , are potential lead r . Moreover, the process of leadership cannot be de cribed imply in term of the behavior of an individual , rather, leadership involves collaborative relationship that lead to coil ctive action grounded in the hared values of people who work together to effect po itive chang ." That is Alpha Delta Pi ... and it i a way of life. Our Open Motto rates it clearly and simply . . . . "We live for each othe r." It's tared aga in in our Creed . .. "I believe that I mu t trive to become a well balanced person by following the dictate of the four point ymbolized by our diamond-shaped badge: first, strengthening my own character and per onality, second, watching my attitudes toward my fellow-beings, third, recognizing the value of high educational standards, and fourth, developing faith and loyalty. " Our hared value are stated there , as well as our commitment to others. The pictures on this cover and the women featured in thi i ue are living example of the Alpha Delta Pi leadership that is a way of life. They are making a difference on campu , in their community-locally and aero the world . Think back to a time a nd place when you were truly ucces ful, when you were involved, motivated and you accomplished a great goal. That inde cribable feeling i what the power of leadership feels like. By re-captu ring mentally that experience, we can learn how to upport and encourage one another in the development of our leadership potential so that truly, the sky is the limit for what we can accompli h. Sound like hard work? It is, but that's our heritage a Alpha Delta Pi' and , '·It i a way of life." It requires commitment from each and every member. .. "Commitrn nt is what tran forms a promise into rea lity. It i the word that speak boldly of your intention and th actio ns which spea k lo uder than word . It i making time when there i none--coming through time after time, yea r after yea r. Commitm nt i the tuff character i mad of the power to cha nge the face of thing . It is the daily triumph of integrity o er keptici m ." That i pha Delta Pi and R Member, Alpha Delta Pi i a way of life. " Lo all &d B th ran I Pr si I nt m~ T H E p 0 F A L P H A D E L T A .................................................................................................................. Volume91 Spring, 1997 Number3 EDITOR; Linda Welch Ablard FEATURE EDITOR: Ellen Long • AL MNAE EDITOR: Jennifer McGhee iler CHAPTER EDITOR: Susan Jervis Kennedy • ART DIRECTOR: Tom Ford Table Of Contents 4 'Cousin ' Fight Racism 6 Alpha Omicron Celebrates 75 Years 8 11 12 0 THE COVER Through "un elfi h service to mankind " si ters pro e that Alpha Delta Pi is "a way of life." 14 15 16 18 19 20 33 34 35 36 At Oklahoma State The Toughest ] ob They've Ever Loved Eta Kappa Welcomes New Ronald McDonald House ' A Way Of Life" Is 1997 Convention Theme Historical Items Wanted Lorie Brown Is New Executive Director Integrity Alumnae In Need Will Benefit From Generous Gift Career Change Brings Satisfaction On Campus Honored Collegians Honored Alumnae Remember... A Way of Life Gift Mart Tbe Adelphean ofAlpha Delta Pi is a quarterly educational journal of college life and alumnae achievement. It is the offi ial publication of Al pha Delta Pi sorority, olde t secret society of college women in the world, founded May 15, 1851 at Wesleya n Female College, Macon, Georgia , the world's first chartered college for women. Tbe Adelphean of Alpha Delta Pi, U P 005-460, is published quarterly by Alpha Delta Pi, 1386 Ponce de Leon Ave. NE, Atlanta , GA 30306. Second class postage is paid at Atlanta, GA, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER- Please send notice of undeliverable copies on Form 3579 to Alpha Delta Pi, 1386 Ponce de Leon Avenue NE, Atlanta, GA 30306. CHANGE OF ADORE and all item of a busine nature should be sent to Executive Office, 1386 Ponce de Leon Ave. NE, Atlanta, GA 30306. DEADLINES DATES: All material must be to the designated editor January 15 for the Summer issue, April 25 for the Fall i sue, July 1 for tl1e Alumnae issue (no chapter reports required), and October 15 for the Spring issue. Diane Birnie Bock f ounded Communi(Y Cousins to bring together families of different racial backg rounds. 'Cousins~ Combat Racism ia ne Birnie Bock was up in th e middl e of the n ight a lo t in Apri l, 1992 nurs ing he r baby. One nig ht he turned o n the tele ision and watched in ngele after the ho rro r rh rio ts that rocked Lo v reli ct in th e Rodn ey King bea ting tri a l. he was srru k, mor fo rcefull th an e e r, b the ab urdity o f racism. Diane , a n lpha Psi alumna fro m C, spe nt the ne ' l fe w mo nths "fo rmul atin g a n idea a nd d o ing a ll so rts o f things not no rma ll y fo und in th e jo b lesc riJ li o n o f a ho me make r," she sai I. The result is Community Co u in , an IR -recognized nonpro fit orga ni za tio n in the an Diego a rea that e nable individuals "to make a de nt in the kinds of raciall y-ba eel a sumprions that get our ociety into trouble. " The pre mi e is imple : Match up familie and/ or indi vidual of differe nt racial/ethnic backgro und , the n promote contact allowing the m to "genuinely get ro know each othe r, person to pe rson . As soon a you care abo ut a n individual human be ing, the w hole picture change ," Dia ne ay . The "cou ins" ha e individual contact with their matched famil y, a we ll a gro up acti vitie for all pa rti cipa nt . The gro up acri virie , which a re he ld bi-monthl y, incl ude annu al pumpkin-ca rving event pool pa rtie , beac h partie , ga me night a nd picnics . "We try to keep them simple , bur cl ver," Dia ne a iel . "We like activirie o peo ple don't feel awkward ju t tanding around. We hired a magicia n one and we've had live music to promote a relaxed atmo phere. " Individual co u ins arra nge the ir own o uting a nd exchange which mirror true "extended family" relation hip " invi ting one anoth er to birthday partie , ba ll ga mes o r pa ing along o utgrown ite ms such a ba by eq uipme nt, toy , and a thle tic equipme nt. The orga nization had it official kicko ff in 1995 with 39 familie . Today there are 14 familie . The o lde t cousin i 82 , the younge r i a ne wbo rn . The re are grandpare nt , co upl e , a nd ingles, with and without childre n living at home. The racially diverse participants are Ca uca ian , AfricanAmerican , Latino , Asian , and Middle Eastern . Diane recruited an impre ive boa rd of aclvi o r (with rac ially di ve r e backgro und ) incl uding a c hild psycho logist, social w o rk e r, e ntre preneur, a nd U .. Di tri er Judge . ··r got involved beca u e Mr . Bock came fo rward with a trui m that I do n't think has been acted o n be fo re ," said Judge apo leon ] one , a me mber of the boa rd and a forme r ju en ile court judge. "Kn owledge i the ay to dea l with ignora nce, and when peo ple get to know each othe r, it te nd to break clown the myth we have. " Th o rga niza tio n i ga ining lot o f media attentio n in alifornia, a nd ""a r cent! fea rur d in th national magazine , Woman · tl o rld. ·'An DPi i t r tha t l hadn 't hea rd fro m in yea rs nt m th ma gaz ine :md I didn 't v n know it '\\'a Diane said . Diane 's dream is th at the o rgani za tion will spread to other communiti e . "It occurs to me that somebody , some" ·here thought of Mea ls o n Wheels and now it's e erywhere. Th at's what I'm dreaming of for Comm uni ty Cousins. " nd , it looks like her dream is co min g tru e. Groups ·urrently are being formed in Dalla and in O li via, linnesota. "The group in O livi a i - being fo rm ed unci r the auspices of the Rota1y Club. I had an inqui1y fro m a man there who explained that tl1ey have a lot of ea·cma l farm workers who rea ll y don 't mix with the pre-dominant c candinavian ommunity," she sa id . ther inqui res have co m e from D en er, Los ngeles, and Fresno, Ca lifo rni a. It doesn't take a lot of money to get raned, but it docs take a strong ommjtment. Diane and her bushand , Larry, footed the bill to get th e o rga ni za tion staned . "I thi nk \ e spent about 4000 dle first year. We had brochure printed an I dlen mainly just had postage and telephone exp nse," he sa id . "W e didn 'r ha e to spend a great dea l on the events. " ine<: the organ ization has been uccess ful , they no\).' rec ive some un o li ited donation . "We 've had participants g ive from $10 to 500, but we don 't ask for H," sh sa id . Thi past fa ll Diane tarte I exploring orpora te spo nso rships an I has signed up two so far. !though Diane doesn't like to talk about it, and rea ll y d es n 't wa nt it publicized , he has won numerous awa rds for h r work . The City o f Escondido awa rd ed her th e '· Making The Drea m The Rea lity" awa rd on Martin Luther King Da y tl~ s year. She has been honored by Baha-I, an inter-do ®nati ona l o rgan ization , th at promotes racial harmony . Sh e won th e KGTV Chann el 10 Lea dership Award from the an Di ego stati on and wa ho no red by tl1e loca l ca ble com pany, just to name a few. Diane's daughter who she nursed when th e idea was born just turned 5 in Febru ary. And, yes, most of the g ue ts at Tasha 's party were "cousin ." Th e Most of the "cousin s" activities are casual, family-oriented events. Bocks o lder daughter, Quincy, is eight. The project has definitely be n a family undertaking . "My husband 's busin ess is to start up bio-tech companies, and even though this is no t a bu sines , a lo t of the sa me principl es app ly, and he has given me l o ts of good tips," Dian e sa id . "H e has been ve ry invo lved and very suppo rtive. And, the best thin g is that wh en he g ives m e advice that I don't follow and then a f w m o nths later wind up circling ar ound and foll ow ing his suggesti o n , he never, ever says 'I told you so' ," she sa id. EDITOR'S NOTE: If you are inte rested in getting more information, you may co ntact Diane at: Community Cous ins, 140 Encinitas Blvd. Suite 220, Encinitas, CA 92024. Phone: 6 19-944CUZZ(2899). Fax: 619-632-1128 Diane and her husband, Larry , have watched the organization grow to include about 150 families. 5 Alpha Omicron Celebrates 75 Years At Oklahoma State o re than 350 alumn ae and co ll egia ns ce leb rated Alpha Omicron ' 5th Anniversary at Oklahoma State during the weekend of September 20-22. T o com m em o rate th e anni ve rsa ry , Alph a Omicro n presented a granite bench to the uni ve r ity . Loca ted at Theta Pond , the bench fea tures soro rity sy mbo ls, as well as the ope n m o tto. During the dedication, Dr. Ro nald Bee r, vice presid nt of OS Student ervices, discussed the so ro rity ' list o f ·' firsts ," which in cluded Edith Ri cks Lindl ey, th e Alpha Omicron member w ho wa the first o man to rece ive a doctorate degree from Okl ahoma State ( th e n Oklahoma A & 1). a nni e Staff ti egler, a m ember of the nati o nal Co ll ege Panh ell ni c Relati o ns Committee and AO alumna dedicated th e b n ch . and Dr. Beer and G rand President Beth Gent1y ifannle cu t the ribb on. The anniversa ry luncheo n was held at the tu d ent U ni o n Ballroo m . Mistress o f Ce rem o ni es ~· as , hirle Welch H asting , a former chapter president and nati o nal officer. pec ial guests in clud ed 0 Pres id ent Emerirus Robe rt B. Kamm and Irs. I amm, former Dean of o m en Ze lma Patchin , G ree k Life Manager Marilon Morgan , Greek Life oo rdin ator Darin Behara , Co ll egiate Di tri er Direct r Francis P ulson H all and Mr . Manni . ifrs. Mannie deliv reel the ke note and pre ented a lifetime se rvice a ~ arc! to lara Lois Terpening Le ro ne who\ as initiated in 1930 and has se rved th ·soro rity in numero u s ~ ays. nniversa ry hair and Co lleg iate Prov ince Directo r Paula Kendrick recognized her co ll eg iate co-c hair m y Slusher, chapter advisors, chapter presi Ien ts, national offi- Alpha Omicron presented a granite bench to the university in honor of the 7~th Anniversary. From leji: Chapter Aduisor lv!ari~yn Benson King, Grand President Beth Gentry J'vfcuznle, 0 U Vice President of tudent eruices Dr. Ronald Beer and College Panhellenic Relations Committee Jlfember Connie ta.ff Stiea/er ce rs and man other I ader lumnae initiated during the '30s and '40s and the collegians pr vide! mu ical entertainment . R tra Mill r, nniversary Scholar hip hairman. ann unce I the establishment of the Alpha micron Foundatio nS holarship. i\lore than '> 000 ~·a~ raised for the fund in conjun ' ti n ~· ith the anni\'ersa ry . Linda \ ' cl h hlard, AdelpiJean E litl r, offe red brief remarks about the -.::;th , nniH'rS.If\ hist ory ~· hi -h she authored for the , ·asil n .m I G '\\'as presented to all attendees. Th e Di amo nd Circl e and 25 Y ear Memb r erem o ni es w ere co ndu cted by Irs. Mannie. Fo ll o w in g th e luncheo n , alumn ae co ndu ted th e Jew el Degree. , aturd ay evening m any alumn ae attend ed th e O SU football ga me. Deca d e parti es w ere held throug ho ut rh e w ee kend at th ho m es o f ari o u. alumn a and at .some local re. taurants. O n ' unci a , a Panh ell eni c rece pti o n and o pen ho u.se w a.s held at th e chapter ho use in ho no r o f j oining Alpha Omicron alumnae h irley Welch !-fast ings. left, and Pet uta Kendrick on the halcony qj'the Student Unio11 is Collegiate Oi trict Director Fran ces Poulson Hall, a t right. Mrs. Jlastings serued as lullcheo n mistress of ceremonies and Ms . Kendrick was Anniuerscti:J> General Cha irman . Mrs. Manni e. During the rece pti o n and at th e O pen House Brun ch held o n Sa turday morning. alumn ae and guests enj o yed see in g th e co mpos ites, sc rapbooks and displ ays o f memo rabilia. Alumnae from the '70s enjoy the lun cheon . 7 By ELLE LO G Features Editor Two Alpha Delta Pi 's, one from Ohio and one from Alabama, have found both friendship and a sense offulfillment serving in the Peace Corps on the South Pacific island of Fiji. wake ning every mo rning at 5:45 a. m. to th e o uncls of rooste rs and pots and pans from the house next door, Rachel Leo pold , Epsilon Ka ppaTroy State, i a long way from her clay as a college student tudying chemistry in Troy, Alabama. After she's awa ke, she faces the toughest part of her morning- a cold bower, w hich she fo llows with a simple brea kfast of bread and tea, washes her cloth es by hand o n a was hboa rd , a nd cooks he r lunch for the clay. Then she begins the fiveminute walk to her classroom in the outh Pacific island of Fiji , w here she teache English to Fijia n choolchilclren in Fo rm 3 and Form 5 (9th-11th grades). She hea rs ' il oce Raijieli' (goodbye Rachel) nearly 100 times during her brief wa lk as she pa ses each ne ighbor's hou e, a greeting she ha grown to love. ot far away on the i land in the weste rn-looking city o f Suva, Ke ndra he ny , Eta Epsilo n-Mia mi of Ohio, v orks fo r th e Peace Co1p a a 'Teacher Train r" through a government unit ca lled the Curri culum Develo pme nt nit , w hi ch i pa rt of th e Ministry of Edu cation. Her assignment is in a mu ch more urban area of the counny , but her challe nge as a Peace Corp voluntee r are as va ried as Rachel' experiences in the Fijian counnys icle. How did rwo recent coli ge gradu ates fin d themselve o n this remote o uth Pacific isla nd' Rachel sa id she 'd alway drea med of b ing in th e Peace o rps, but neve r kn w it would happe n. he u eel he r c h mistry majo r w he n she fir t g rad uated in 1993 a nd wo rk ed at e e ra! jobs in her fi lei but de idee! she needed a cha nge and a chance to do so me thing fo r othe r peo ple a nd a pplied fo r the Peace o rps. Ke ndra re lated th at the pr ess of b ,coming a Pe:.~ce o rps oluntee r in lucl s a mul- Rachel Leop old (left) and Kendra berry enjoy their time as Peace Corps volunteers in Fiji. tiple-page w rirte n applica tion and an o ral interview with a recruiter. "The recruite r look at your tale nt and skills uch as fo reign language and experience in different fields of work and then looks at a li t of requests from foreign countrie . For example, enega l might requ est hea lth volunteers w ith a background in the Fre nch la nguage . Then they try to match the a pplicant' q ualifica tion w ith the requests from the variou countrie . I was given a choice berween teaching primary school in frica or do ing teacher tra ining in the o uth Pacific. I requested the o uth Pacific, and fro m the re I was p laced in Fiji as a Teache r Traine r." The two Alpha Delta Pi 's me t during their p rede parture o rie ntatio n in a n Fra nci co, eli cove red they we re oro riry iste r , an d b ca m close frie nd and roommate during their o rie ntation and ub eq ue nt in-country training. Rachel' teaching expe rie nce in Fiji i far differe nt from that of a .. cla r o m , b ca use she doe n't have th lu x ur o f ma n ba ' i t o ls tlut m rica n teache r take fo r gra nt d. ·· F r x.unple," Rache l sa i I, "teaching with ut textb ks is .1 ' Onstant strain , an I the English o mpre he nsio n ]e,· ·I i-.. not v ' high, so it makes things difficult. 1 te.1ch in English (by ]a ,y) be -ause English is rhc l ffiL-1.11 b nguag . Tl mYe,·e r, 1 have sru Ients \Yh .u ' Hin- dustani-Fijian. Fijian, Chinese, European, and o thr. . om tudent are quite flu ent in English , but oth r. h a e onl y a ba ic knowledge of the language and that crea te q uite a problem. " fter cia e are o er, sh e u ually works in her "office," which is a closet in th front of the classroom , and th n eith er ride h r bik o r attends an ae robi - cia sat the loca l h o pita!. In h er spare time , Rachel work on I s o n plans, reads, cook s, gard ns, write letters to friends and fami ly in the . ·., and " hang out" with her island neighbo r . L arnin g th culture of the islands ha been o ne of the m ost hallenging a pect of Fijian life. " horts are not worn in Fiji e1y oft n despite the wa rm' ea th r," Rachel related. "When the Europ an mis ionari s first came h r , the people were to ld ro o er up , and now we ome in sho rts! I ~ ar lo n g sh o rts o nly w hen I exe rcise , and for all o th er aspe ts of th e ultur , I fol low the rul es, and it has m ade a big d ifferen ce . O n of the goals of the Pea rp is to bri ng o ur cu lture to th m to see and exp eri ence theirs ." no ther a p e t of the Fij ian ulture i th ir unday observati n of Sigatabre-day of taboo. " o w rk , no play , no riding bik s, on ly ch urch ," Ra h I said . "Many people go to church three times ea h unday, and church i q uite an experience! Th sermon is in Fijian as well as the songs, and the singing is all a cappe ll a and amazin g. If yo u are ever in Fiji , m ake sur you go to a church serv ic , " he advise . Kendra's Fijian experience is vastl y different from tl1 at of Rachel. "My placement is nothing like what I en Lion d a Peace Corp experi en ce ro be," Kendra sa id . "I ex p ected to be placed o ut in the bu h w ith no electricity r running water, and I was actua ll y lo king forward to ex p eri en cing this way of life w hi ch is so different from th e o ne I lea d in Kendra enjoys spending time with ch ildren from Tumauia Village in Fiji. the rates. I ended up with a site that is alm ost completely o pposite o f that po nrait I painted in my head , a I am li ving in Suva , the cap ital of Fiji and an incredibl y western-looking city of about 175,000 peopl e (a l o ut 1/ 5 o f Fiji 's p opul ati o n) w ith just ab o ut any " m odern convenience " th at yo u co uld want. Th ho use I live in is a government workers ho u e m ad e of cem ent bl ocks, and no t o nly h as runnin g water but if we fli ck an electri ca l swi tch, we ca n warm up the water in tl1e bathroom! " Th main project that Kendra is working o n as a Teacher Trainer is tl1e revisio n and rewriting of curriculum and textboo k s for elem entary m ath in g rad s 3-6, and he also has g ive n everal teacher in-service worksho ps o n methods o f teaching m ath at the prima1y leve l . In h er sp are tim e, h e h as Rachel enjoys a fi eld trip with some Fijian students. 9 be n taking Kath ak dance cl asses (a cl ass ica l Indian dance) . and thro ug h her invo lvement -;vith these cl asses , K endra has per fo rm d in two f undraise r ballets fo r th e Fiji Indian Cultural enter. Kendra and Rache l' o ffi cial "Close o f ervi c " d ate is D ecember 6, 199 , and neither i. quite ur what th ey'll do after their time in th e ·a uth Pacific is ca mpi te. \ hen h r island experi ence is o ver. Rac hel sa s he \Viii mi ss m an y things abo ut Fiji , including the nig ht k y and th e easy nature o f the native peo pl e. Lik wi se , K endra sa id th re i o mu c h ab o ut her exp eri ence th at will fo rever b e mbedded in her m em o ry . " [ think it i th e m all things he re th at I will miss th e m ost wh en I leave,'· K nclra aiel . ·Th !aught r of rh Fijian peopl e i th e mo t co ntagi o us I've hea rd , th eir in credibl e pati ence, One of Kendra duties i. to cond uct u·orksbop sfor prima1y scbool teacbe 1 ~'i in FUi. Racbel p oses ll'itb ber students in their Fijian classroom . th e friendl y • mil es o f peopl e o n th e ·treet , and their willingness to hare an ything they have." Rachel and K ndra w ould bo th enco urage o th er young peopl e to tak part in a Peace o rps e ·perience. "lf anyo ne as ked me wh eth er they sho uld jo in the P ace Corps, I w ould ay yes," Rachel aid . "lt ce rtainl y ha its tru ggles but it rea ll y teac hes yo u a lo t. If a perso n ca n handl e the d o wnside , th e ben efits are fa r beyond that, beca u e it's a chance to lea rn ano ther culture b y being a p art o f it. Beca u ·e you are aw ay from your ho m e and the o ne you love, you lea rn to rely on your elf fo r all your d ec i io n . Y o u I arn t be ind ependent. strong, and lea rn a lo t abo ut what happine mean to ourselves and th ose people o f another culture ... Kendra ag ree \Yith Rac hel th at there i a lot to be lea rned fro m a pos itio n in the Peace Corp , not onl y abo ut ano ther culture but abo ut your elf. '·Fo r me, the Peace o rps has bee n a time \vhen I have bee n abl e to better clefin my O\\'n ,·alues thro ugh living in a co untry with two culture having e. treme ly di ffe rent ,·alu es fro m ea h o the r and fro m m y o wn ( ·ulture). The Peace Corp has be n a time to learn and understand the e m ·o other cultures and g ro up o f peopl e as w ell a hare with them m y O\\'n CLilture and idea.. There i so much to be lea rned and so mu ch to be ·har d amo ng u all , and the Peace o rps is o ne way to d o that. " re yo u inrere ·reel in learning Edito r':-. Note: m o re abo ut K e ndra and Ra ·he!'. P ace o rps experi e nce:-. and hmY you ca n be ,1 Peace o rps \ 'o luntee r? Y o u can write to K endra , herry at b. Peace ' orps Fiji , P.O . l3o x 109·1. Su,·a. Fiji u ·o uth P.t c ific o r to ltt chel LeopDI I .tt Sa\ u St ·ond.1ry : c hool , P.O . Box - .~~ . S.l\' ll u. Fiji, South Pa ci fi c. Tsl.l;, :.n :.n 10 Enjoying tbe Grand Opening f estivities are Eta Kappa members and alumnae Fran Hill, in red, Ema line Rollins, second ji-om rigbt, and Barbara Larrabee, far rigbt. Eta Kappa Welcomes New RDnald McDonald House Since Alpha Delta Pi adopted the Ronald McDonald Houses as our ~--~- national philanthropy in 1979, sisters have raised millions of dollars and volunteered thousands of hours. 166th Ro nald McDo nald Ho use ' as opened in La ma Lin da, Ca lifo rni a , o n Se pte mbe r 11 , 1996 with th e he lp of Eta Ka ppa cha pte r at Ca lifo rni a State Uni versity, Sa n Bernardino. Loca ted just 15 m inutes fro m the ca mpu s , th e cha pte r had been anx io usly awa iting th e o pening fo r o e r a yea r. Me mbe rs he lped p repa re fo r th e o pe ning by mov ing furniture , insta lling lig ht bulbs, making bed a nd s tting up cha irs. Wh e n th e bi g day arrive d , they wo rke d at th e reg istra ti o n a nd gift tal les. O th e r me mbe rs co ndu cte d to urs o f th e new ho u e a nd se rved as th e clea n-up crew. Key no t spea ke r fo r the eve nt \vas Fred Hill , fo rme r Phil ad e lphi a Eag le, w ho a lo ng w ith hi s w ife Fran , was instrum e ntal in establis hing th e first Ro nald McDo na ld Ho use . Fran was initiated at the 1993 conve ntio n in Palm Desert. Eta Ka ppa 's co ntributi o n go we ll beyond th ir in volve ment w ith th e Grand Ope ning. They s po nso re d ma n y e ve nts to he lp ra ise mo ney fo r th e ho u se , including a ca mpu s-w id e sw in g-a-th a n wh ere th ey swung fo r 24 ho urs o n ca mpu s . Th ey vo luntee re d at th e "Mini G rand Prix " fundra ise r a nd parti cipate a nnu a ll y in th e Ro na ld McDo na ld Annual Re lay fo r Kids. Th ey also vo luntee r at th e house on a weekly basis. Th e cha pter was recogni zed fo r th e ir contri b utions of time and mo ney with a oystal award and a brass placard in the hall of the ho use w hi ch bea rs the ir name. Former Pbiladelpbia Eagle star Fred Hill sp oke during tbe dedication ceremony . ll Tucson, Arizona June 28-July 2, 1997 The Westin La Paloma, a world-class resort set in the lush high Sonoran Desert, will be setting for Alpha Delta Pi's 1997 Convention in Tucson. The resort features a Jack Nicklaus Signature 27-hole Golf Course which weaves its way around the entire resort and 12 tennis courts. The free-form swimming pool , lagoon, three whirlpool spas and a waterfall form the focal point of the La Paloma . The Convention program features a wide variety of programs and workshops designed to appeal to alumnae and collegians. Plan now to attend the entire convention or selected events. SCHEDULE Reception Receptions ·- tJ.cblY - June 29 delphean Processional Formal Opening Se sion Memorial Service Celebration of Success Luncheon Diamond 4-Point Awards Diamond Circle Alumnae Awards Business Meeting Meet the Candidates Foundation Dinner fijftft~ct Monday -June 30 Business Meeting Idea Exchange Free Time Alumnae Programming Aids/ Health General Session Black Diamond Dinner 25-Year Member Ceremony Initiation Tuesday - July 1 Business Meeting Idea Exchange Panhellenic Luncheon Philanthropy Session Jewel Degree Closing Banquet Wednesday - July 2 Depatt I am intere ted in attending the 1997 Alpha Delta Pi Grand Convention . Please send me: __ A complete Grand Convention Registration Packet. __ Information abo ut Arizona Tours __ Information about Part-Time Registration ame ----~~------~--~~----------~~------~--~--~------~- Addres Cfir t) (maiden) (street) (city) (last) (state/ province) (preferred first name) (zip/ postal) Chapter & Year of Initiation --------------------------------------------Return form by April 20 to: Alpha Delta Pi Executive Office, 1386 Ponce de Leon Ave NE, Atlanta, GA 30306 Or call: 404-378-3164 between 8:30a.m. and 4:30p.m. ET. Historical Items Wanted Alpha Delta Pi is preparing for a gala 150th Anniversary Celebration in 2001 . You can help/ Past Grand Council 1e mbe r (pho togra ph , po rtraits, corre po ncle nce , p r o nal ite m ) - o nve nti o n Prog ram_/Me mo rabilia ( fi ssing yea r include: 1915, 1919, 1921 , 1923, 1925 and 1965) -Earl y Badge o r Jewelry -Alpha De lta Pi Blaze r (c irca 1960) -Penny- -Day Ba nk fo r crippl ed childre n -Vo luntee r pinafo re (cir a 1960) -Alpha De lta Pi F B bo -Alpha D Ita Pi hri tma eals o r Ea te r ea l -Ho me Movie o r ideo o f Co nve ntio n - o py o f Wesleya n Film (1936) As th e o ldest sec re t society fo r wo me n in th e wo rld , Alph a De lta Pi will be the first to celebrate a 150th Annive r a ry. In pre pa ratio n fo r the exciting activities be ing pla nned for 2001, the hi to rica l eli plays in the Archive will be xpanded . If you have so ro rity me mo rabilia that you wo uld like to loa n or g ive to th e Archive , please compl e te th e fo rm o n this page a nd ma il a lo ng w ith the ite m(s) to th e Archives at Memo ria l Headqu arters . Or if you have qu esti o n abo ut po te ntial gifts, plea e write to Kare n Henzel, Archivist at th sa me address. Or pho ne he r at: 404-378-3165. Fo ll o wing is a list of specifi c ite ms needed: -Info rmati o n o n Fo un le rs, Ea rl y Me mbe rs, and -- - - ------------ -- - --- - --- -- -- - ------ - ---- - --- - ------------------ -- -- -- -- -- -- - ------Alpha Delta Pi Archival Loan Agreement I he re by loa n to Alpha De lta Pi Soro rity, fo r such cho la rl y, dis play a nd edu ca tio nal purpo e as the So ro rity shall determine the docume nts, artifacts, audio recording , pho tographs and/ o r o the r mate rial a nd the ir contents as listed be low o r shown o n attached li t o r photograph. I unde rsta nd that if I do no t reque t the re turn to me of any ite m by Dece mbe r 31, 2001, uch ite m w ill beco me the pe rma ne nt p ro pe rty o f Alpha De lta Pi So ro rity. I also unde rstand that Alpha De lta Pi o ro rity ha no liability o r re po n ibility concerning any such ite ms. Alpha Delta Pi Sorority re e rve the right, in it o le cliscr tio n, to eli play o r preserve all ite ms under this Agreement in an appro priate fashio n. Alpha De lta Pi orority w ill pay all normal costs o f shipping and handling such ite ms; extraordinary costs mu t be app roved in ad a nce by lpha Delta Pi Sorority. Descripti o n o f items: (or atta ch list o r photograph( ) _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Limitati o ns (if a ny): _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date o f loa n: _ _ __ _ _ _ _ . a me o f lende r: - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - hapte r (i f a pplicable):-- - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Address: _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Te l ph ne: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Re e ived b na me title Signarure o f le n ler lph a I) ·It a Pi Soro rit y, U8 Po nce k Leo n E, T ·! ·pho ne ( 'IO·d -.378-j 16') 14 tbnra, , 3030 Lorie Brown brings a background in education administration to her new p osition. Lorie Brown Is New Executive Director A. Brown , Beta igma-M rce r, assu med th e o f Executive Director o n o mb r 1. Prior to her appointm nt, Lo ri was Directo r and President o f Brown o ll eg in Atlanta. "H er xp ri e nce in ed uca ti o nal ad mini st rati o n o mbin d with her membership in Alpha Delta Pi , refl ect L ri e' stro ng ca pabilitie as an organ izational lea d er a w ell as o ne w ho is d pl y co nern d about th e philosophies and prin c ipl es of DPi ," sa id Grand President Beth Gen try Mannie. Lo ri e was . elected from among 0 ca ndid ates by a p e ial ea rc h co mmittee appointed by G rand un il. Crit ri a fo r the po itio n included management exp ri ence, bu sines ac um en , administrati ve and int rp er o nal ski ll s, and kn owl edge o f Alpha D elta Pi and/ o r the Greek system . ··r con. icier it a privil ege to serve o ur ist rh ood in thi ca pa c ity," Lo ri e said . "I am most excited about th e o pportunity to provide leaders hip and vision at Executi e Office with the g al of pos itively impacting the live o f women. " Lorie says she, "Anticipates ca ny ing fonvard our efforts to cost-e ffecti ve ly integ rate th e use o f the Int rn et and E-M ail fo r improved com muni ca tion, as well as to co ntinu e d eve lo pin g and equipping staff m mbers to reach their potenti al as indi vidu<lis and as a t am. " While a co li g ian at 1er er, Lo ri e served in va riou lea dership po iti o ns, including Ru h Chair. She al o r prese nted th e so ro rity in vari o us cam pu s and co mmunity- related eve nts. After her sop homore yea r, Lorie transferred to th e ni e rsity of Georg ia where she received a B .A . d g r e in journalism w ith a publi c relation s emph as is. At Georg ia, she repo rted fo r th e ca mpu s n wspaper, intern ed at a pub lic relation s firm , and was in vo lved with th e Big ister program in the Athens om munity. Lo ri e' intr du cti o n to Alpha D Ita Pi ca m e through h er o lder sister, Kathie , who wa initiated into Epsilon Pi chapter at Georgia o uthern . Lo ri e repl aced Charl otte Tay lo r who se rv ed as Executive Directo r fo r 10 yea rs, and recentl y reloca ted with h r family to her native Arkansas. 15 ·~ ~~ Jear of t~e ic~olar • Inte 1ty The National Panhellenic Conference has proclaimed 1997 as Year of the Scholar. This article was written by former NPC Chairman Beth Kersten Saul) Alpha Epsilon Phi) who serves as NPC Academic Excellence Chairman. The article is reprinted from the Columns of Alpha Epsilon Phi. hat comes to mind w he n yo u hea r th e wo rd "integrity"? Do you think of a person you knowor more ge nerall y the p rsonal qualities of characte r associated w ith a person of integrity? Warre n Be nnis, in his book On B ecoming A Lead er, cites "integrity" as o n of the most valued characteristics of a leader. Web"Integrity is part ster defines "integrity" as '·implya soundness of mo ral characof every decision you teingr that cannot be conupted ." Pro babl y, you've tho ught of make, every deed, all integ rity a yno nymo us with hone ty and sincerity, a nd these of your personal ma be hig hl y va lu ed q ua lities int ractions and an v hi ch yo u have fo un d in friend and iste rs. important part of Jnregrity i pa rt of v ry d cis i n o u ma ke, very deed , a ll your educational of yo ur p rso na l inte ra ti ns process. " a nd a n impo rta nt pa n o f o ur edu catio nal proce s. How hone t yo u are w ith yourself, your relationshi p , your budgeting, your commitments an d your co ur e wo rk all p rovide answers to the value you p ut o n integrity. Be hav ior as ociated with education and integrity fa ll into the pecific a rea of acade mic integrity. Beca use many college stude nt are unawa re of the i sues aro und acad e mic integ rity and the se rio u conseque nce of behavio r - that do not refl ect academi c int grity , this column will an mpt to timulate some tho ught-provoking indi idu al refl e tion a nd challenging cha pter eli cu ion . Acade mic integrity has become a very hot to pi in highe r edu ca ti o n toda a nd Gree k have n or fa red w II in recent re a r h o n acad mi inr grity . Do nald McCab a nd \1 illia m Bo r examined a n I compa r d th ·elf- r ported ch aring b ha,·io rs of fra te rnit a nd n n-fra t rnity m mbe r. a t 10 med ium t la rg tat un iv r ity ' , mpuses , ' r ss the c un tr '· Th y f un I that th r w as a s ig ni fi - lG cant increase in the number of w omen who admitted to cheating between 1963 (59%) and 1993 (70%) . They also found that "there is significa ntly more cheating amo ng those w ho belo ng to either a fraternity o r sorority than the re is amo ng no nmembers." (NASPA]ou rna !, p. 284, Sunm1er 1996) As a result of these findings, it is incumbe nt o n a ll Greek to increase . ... "h t ere 1s the ir kn owledge abo ut all aspects of academic significantly more integrity- w hat it i , w hy it is impo rtant to cheating among each student at an instithose who belong tutio n of highe r lea rning and w hat conseto either a fraternity qu e nces may follow acts o f aca de mic disor sorority than ho nesty. there is among non- It is critica l to rea li ze that aca de mic integrity members." is equ all y as impo rtant to the student as it is to th e institutio n , beca use your degree w ill be enhanced o r degraded relative to the repu ta ti o n of your university. And conversely, your edu ca tion is va lu able to you and your future o nly in so far as your actual lea rning has taken place. Furthermo re, your acade mic record, coupl ed w ith your practice of aca de mic integri ty , provides a fo und ati o n fo r the professional integrity you w ill practice thro ug hout your lifetime. Fo r a mo ment, think of the consequ ences to you and our society as inadequ ately trained (educa ted) individuals provide services to our populatio n. Wo uld you w ant yo ur so n o r daughter to be taught by o meone w ho does not kn ow the subject matte r? Wo uld you wa nt a phys ician w ho did not lea rn e nough anatomy to perfo rm surgery o n you? Or will you be able to keep that first job o ut of college o r excel at gradu ate studies with its academic rigors if you do not know the mate rial th at is expecte d fro m your coursework and docume nted on your tran cript? Academic disho nesty is usua lly associated with using 'external assistance" during an exam, illega lly obtained exams, taking an exam with you and later claiming that the teacher must have lost it, fabricatio n and falsificatio n of mate rials, plagiarism, ghost writing and double submission of papers. All of us probably kn ow of someo ne w ho has succumbed to the temptatio ns of these acts of aca de mi c dishonesty , and if that is so, w e mu st be ever so vigilant to be p att of the solution and pre- ventio n of these behavio rs. Here are some behavio rs that re fl ect academi c integrity (a nd your intelligence and talent!): 1. Prep are fo r yo ur classes, ass ig nme nts a nd exa ms in a timely manne r. 2. Seek out your professors at office hours if you have any qu esti o ns abo ut th e syllabus befo re deadlines set in the course expectatio ns. 3. Attend class regul arl y and parti cipate in class discussio ns. 4. Docume nt your sources , wheth er it's a direct qu o tati o n, e lectro nic so urce , o r a pa raphrase o f ideas in evety assignment. 5. Sit aw ay fro m anyone e l e with at least o ne empty desk urro unding you o n evety side d uring exa ms. 6. Write and submit your own work unless you are wo rking on a group project and collabo rati o n is autho rized by the professor. 7. Ge t w ritten instru cto r pe rmissio n well in advance from both professors if you plan to submit th e sa me original pa per fo r co urse credi t in two courses . 8. Keep all of yo ur no tes, outlines and ro ugh drafts- anything that wo uld prove that your paper is your o riginal wo rk- in case yo u are ever qu estio ned . 9. Be familiar with the ho nor code of your insti tutio n so that you are kno wl edgea ble abo ut the co nsequ e nces fo r acts of aca de mic disho nestyand talk about these with your sisters. 10. Know the professor's po li cy fo r make- up exams o r ass ignme nts befo re you need to make a requ est. Our fo und e rs displayed incre dible fo resight in des ignating o ur first column "faculty a pproval," thus providing a constant reminder about aca demic integrity to all me mbers of Alpha Epsilon Phi . How very re leva nt, s uccinct and time le thi ideal i today rega rding the exp ec. . . "think of the tati ons of AEPhi sisters in the university community. consequences to The University o f South e rn Ca lifo rnia is initiating an Integrity Cam- you and our society pa ign as o ne impo rtant e le me nt o f Building o n Excell e nce. Ma ny o f as inadequately the ideas in this a rticle have bee n trained (educated) ta ke n fro m the e mate ri a ls. I ho pe that afte r you read this colunm , you w ill refl ect o n a nd enh ance your individuals provide own jo urn ey of aca de mic and pe rservices to our sonal integrity! A Shakes pea re put it so wisepopulation. ' ly-"to thine own self- be true!" 17 Benefactor Deen Day Smith, right, and Foundation Vice President Mmyann Friend Gillespie visit about the Clasped Hands Fund grants. Alumnae In Need Will Benefit From Generous Gift The .first Clasped Hands Fund grants to alumnae will be made this year! een Day mith has made a generou g ift of 75,000 to the Alph a De lta Pi Foundation , Inc. for th e Clasped Ha nds Fund. Beca use of Dee n's genero ity, th e Tru tees will be ab le to a a rc! the first grants this year. "Th e Trustees a re deeply g rateful to Deen fo r e ntrusting the Foundation with this ignifi ca nt gift. We are committed to pas ing on he r ge nero ity to alumna e in need , beginning in 199 ," sa id Foundati o n Preside nt Jane Fiedler 1adio. Th e Clas pe d Han ds Fund will aid '·trul y needy a lumnae who find rh emselve in financial disrre s, e me rgency o r cri is thro ug h aging , med ica l or o th r seve re p e rsona l o r family problem ," exp la ine d Maryann Friend Gille pie , Foundation Vice Pre ide nt of Programs. " ncl , ~· e a re cl li g ht cl th at w ca n begin to awa rd the g ra nts ea rlie r th an expected becau of Dee n's most g n ro us 'Ontril utio n," 1Ia r a nn aiel . "De n has lo ng been a s uppo rte r of lpha Delta Pi , as ~ e ll as ma n o th e r co mmunit a nd ' ta tewid e activities a nd o rga ni za ti o ns. \. ar deep l g rat ·fu l of he r -o ntinu ~d sup port. " Th ' lasped Ha nds Emergency ssista nce o m- min e , under the upervi ion of the Vice Pre iclent of Programs, will review the application and e lect the recipients and the term of their award . Award can be a one-time grant or they can be made mo nthly for a period of one y ar. "Awarcl a re subjeer to renewal at the end of the yea r, but the applica nt would need to re-apply," Maryann ex plained. There i no deadline for app licatio n as they will be made o n an as-needed ba i . The numbe r of g rant made will depend o n the avai lab ility of funds. G rant do not need to be repaid; however, rec ipie nt mu t comply with the Foundation' reporting requirement . ·'The re pon to the fund ha. be n tremenclo u sine we annou nced it at the Palm Desert Conv ntion in 1993," Maryann aid. " It~ ill be a n o n-g ing fund , and a we receive more gift , we will be able to a ~ 'arc! mo r gra nt ." For mor information a n I o r app li ario n . r to make a donation, co ntact the lpha De lta Pi F unclarion Offi e. 13 6 Pon cl leon Ave rla nt:l, 30306. Phone : 0+3..., ' - 1 -t. ffi e h urs ar ' :30 a. m. ro -+ :30 p.m. ET. D nari ns t the F undation are rax- I du 'til le to the ext nr all \Yed by b\Y . IR Career Change Brings Satisfaction A lifestyle change resulted in a rewarding career change for this alumna . or many years, Mary M . Riche w a well-known a owner of a successful Public Relatio ns business in Des Moines. In 1988, she remarri ed after a 3year cou11 hip, and became stepmoth r to her husband 's two sons. "From the beginning, I have cherished my role a tepparent , and I k ept try ing to work sm arter and maner o I could have m o re time to b a good parent as well a re pon ibl e PR busine owner," said the Alpha Beta alumna fro m the niversity of I owa. "H owev r, many o f m y PR clients wanted my attention and creative energies. Rega rdl e of how many employee I hired to work with my PR lients, I was till working 12 hours a day, too m any day a week. I continued to do my volunteer community workwhich m ea nt I wa full y occupied all of the time and wi hing I had mo re personal time to enjoy my husband and step o ns. " lary bega n d eliberating a ca re r change in 1990 and con idered law o r soc ial work. he decided o n a Master of ocial W ork degree and em r d grad uate school in 1992. he completed her program at th e ni er ity of I owa in 1994 and immed iately joined a private practi ce. Mary's g radu ate work focu eel o n stepfa mili es and inf rtility. And , she now p eciali zes in th ose ar a in her practice. Stepfamilie will beco me th e majo rity form o f famili es by th e yea r 2000, accord ing to Mary. he works with famili s to ad dress is ue o f impo rtance to rema rri ed families , such as rule for two ho use ho ld s, loya lty bonds and battl es, rol e clarification , cooperati ve parenting, communi ca tio n t hniqu es, and creative approaches to traditi n and ritu als. "I beli eve we n eel n ew too ls to tackl e so me f the age-old hall enges that all families fa e as chil dren grow up, so this work with stepfamilies is particu larl y taxing but incredibly sa tisfying," she sa id. Mary also w o rks with individu al , couples, and families a they cope with infertility, and she l ad a therapy group for infertil e women twice a mo nth . "Many of m y fri ends, especially m ale business peer , were puzzl ed about why I wo uld want to liste n to p eopl e's probl em s all day-which is exactly what I d id as a PR coun elor," she sa id . "I consider the change in profess io n more o f a nat- ural prog re sia n for m e as a comm unica tion s expe rt. I co ntinue to u se m y co mmuni ca tion s ex perti se as a th erapist -com muni ca tin g at the mi cro le el in th erapy rather th an th e macro level of pub li relations, adverti sing and marketing. " T od ay, M ary works fu ll tim e with abo ut 30 weekly appo intments, but her appo intment are sc hedu led aro und her personal activiti es w hi ch accompli sh s her goa l of ba lanci ng her time b tween p rsonal and profe io nal sched ul es. M ar y also rem ain s in vo lved in co unt! ss co mmuni ty acti viti es . "I rea lly have nor slowed clown , but I ho nes tl y fee l m o re in co ntro l of how I spe nd my time. " Mmy Riebe lf!ft a successful public relations busi- ness to become a clinical social worker. 19 Epsilon Delta raises $600for the Ronald McDonald Houses with a teeter-totter-a-than at Western Kentucky. ; Q l11 l1 By SUSA JERVI KE JU'--0 EDY Chapter Editor I ND I V I D LAC l EV M T Upsilo n's Mikki Rogers was asked to parti cipate in Greeks Advocating the Mature Management o f Alcohol at Washington State University. Je nnife r Croy s its o n th e peer review boa rd , while Hea th e r a ughton w as e lected preside nt of Honors rude nt Advisory Committee and public relations/ communica tions chairma n fo r the Eco no mi cs Club . Hea th e r, along with Je nnife r Hanson a nd Je nnifer lartin were inducted into Golde n Key honor socie ty. Je nnife r al o is J Couga r Securi ty ergea nt. UClA's mascot thi yea r is Alpha Chi Je nny He rtz, wh o he lped Li-Pe i Hung and Adri a na Lo pez o rga ni ze th e sc hool' homecoming last fall as part of the ir job with the tude nr Alumni Associati o n. Jac kl yn Pa rke r is o n the pirit squ ad , a nd tacey Ro thma n is Ophe lia in th e a mpus produ ti o n o f Hamlet. a ra Ma rzull o , 1 ri , te n Mo nte t, Broo ke chultz a nd tep h imms w rked at Bruin ood last umme r, a nd Da ni ca Mel e llar is acting as ass istant n a pro fesso r's math resea rch pro ject. '\ ' allis Williamso n, Ka ppa, i a Samford Univer ity mbassa lo r, r prese nting th e chool at va ri o us event o rma Kay Howa rd and Taylor Ha nso n erve on the tu de nt se na te, a nd Abbey An de rso n, Lindsay nderson , Ke lly Childe r , Amy Dixo n, Da na King a nd Page ' tanley a re o n the school' da nce team. Tosca Mu k, a Be ta Kappa and film tude nt at th e University of British Columbia, wa as ked by th chool' fi lm departme nt to prod uce a nd direct he r ow n cree np lay. abine engmu elle r ap peared in the ope re tta Hansel and Cretl, Amanda R gimbald wa awa rded a pre tig io us comm e rce inte rn hi p , a nd Kri tin rnaso n a nd Tina e ne were accepted into the ve ry co mpe titi e fac ulty of e lu ari o n in ele me nta ry a nd eco nda ry c hool tu die , re pectively. Many Xi cha pte r me mber belo no to \'a riou ' cl ubs a nd ho no ra ries o n the Ohio University ampu . 1ic he lle La ke a nd J i a Brya nt a r active in the atio nal iation fo r En\'ironme ntal Prof io nal , whil lleen lea ry a nd Je nnife r a dos bel ng to Kappa Delta Pi duca ti o nal frate rnity. \\fe nd y F ste r is a me mt e r o f the Future Hea lth are d ministr:H rs Jut , ikk i Loeffe lma n a n l Ke ll y B:llinr j ine I th 20 Health Careers Club, and Rene Youno and Elizabeth Dissen are in the Public Rel~ions Student Society of Ame rica. Delta chapter members at the University of Texas are living up to the ir "Most Invo lved" award. This yea r's edito r o f the campu s yea rbook is Wendy We ndl and , joined by Ma ura Keese and Mandy Anderson as sectio n edito r . Missy Marks, Erica Hess and Melissa Fodo are on the Communication Co uncil and Laura Barrera a nd Juli e Daniels were a's ked to jo in Texas Spirits , a prestigio us women 's spirit group. Lo ri Booke r a nd ].R. Rui z joined Vicki Granberry o n the Texas Ange ls , a h ostess group for the football team. Merideth Lawrence, Arnie Johnson, Kimberly Langley and Shi loh Hendricks of Lambda hold offices o n the Student Alumnae Council executive board at Brenau University. Katie Griffen erves o n Pa nhe lle ni c and GA executive councils, Sarah Jacobs is president of the Fellows hip Association , and Lee Whitley is pres ide nt of the Edu ca ti o n Club . Also ho ldin g offi ces in the Edu catio n Clu b a re he ll ey and Alison Gary. Jennifer Lo thridge was na med senate treasurer. Members of Order of Omega at Northern Arizona University include Kristen Brad y, Amy Lo ftis a nd Heather Clow of Epsilo n Xi chapter. ] e n Boyle , Lee Ann Powe ll and Karen Turek a re invo lved in SADD , w hil e Cha lea Evan and Liz La ntz a re active in GAMMA (Gree ks Advocating Mature Ma nageme nt of Alco ho l). Alisa Lyons is a member of Gold en Key ho no r society, a nd arah Mathis belongs to th e Re publi ca n Clu b. ] e n Boyle p lays o n the unive rsity te nni team . The Legacy of Heroines scho la rship at Iowa State University was awa r led to Amy Beert of Pi chapter. Paula Thorn and Sonya Polking are o n the Greek Week Ce ntra l Committee. Miche lle Carber, Vicki Warholm and Kimberly Robinson contribute the ir crea tive tale nts to the Ame ri ca n Adve rtising Federation team , while ] e n Vogel, ] o di e Lah a mm e r, Rac he l Adams , Susan Schlichte and Cara Rie nert ho ld positions on VEISHEA ubcommittees ( EISHEA is the largest stude nt-run event in the country). Amy Kerr and Jill Olsen o f Alpha Iota chapter have bee n indu cted into th e Gold e n Key honor society at th e University of Pittsburgh. Jill also parti cipate d in th e Walt Disney Wo rld college progra m last summer, atte nding ma nagement seminars to lea rn what makes Disney ]en Boness, left, and Deilla Coberstein enj oy Alpha Theta 's bid day activity after rush at the University of Washington . work. Lea h Donne ll ey and Judy Knizek served as Rh o Chis during fall rush. Zeta Lambda Ma rgge Robinson is Texas A & M's Panh e ll e ni c pre ide nt and directo r o fT-Camp, a transfer stud ent program . Tara Schmidt wa s the Ga lveston Mardi Gras Qu een and inte rned w ith Mo bil Oil last summe r. Hea th e r Jo hnso n a nd Sallie Turne r w e re elected fres hman cl ass treasure r and histo rian , res pective ly. Tra cy Wright a nd Hea th er Scott inte rned in Lo ndo n with the Jo rdan Institute , Sara We ir studied in o rmandy, France, and Lara Trahan is th e chairman of Creative Leadership Development. Io ta was we ll represe nted during Florida State University ru sh last fa ll , with Kim Bigg ins, Suzanne Johnso n , Kirstin e lsen , Paige Pa rke r, An ge la Pe te rso n a nd Eli za be th Scott serving as Rho Chi s . Ka ra La nd was inducted into stud e nt se nate , while Golden Key ho nor society inducted Kim Pawling, Gina Sandy and Katie Scott. Ho mecoming committee cha irme n include Lo relei Lampe, banne r; Kirste n elsen, fl oat; Da rci Colb y, public re lati o ns; a nd Elizabeth Scott, overall Panh e ll e ni c ho mecoming chairman. Amy All en and Aines ley Ea rhardt are overall chairs for da nce maratho n. At Clemson, th e ho no r of Tige r Bro the rhood was award e d to Je n Melto n . Three new Zeta Nu initiates were chosen to be cheerleade rs, including Mary Anne Hurr, varsity, and Felicia Menyma n and Caci Riddle, junior varsity. Ke nd all Fant is a me mbe r of the stud e nt se nate , a nd Catherine Stipe , Ro byn Johnso n a nd Farrah Lea man se rve o n Fres hma n Council. Jodie Farthing, Ell e n Co rley and An e ll e 21 Zeta Lambdas from Texas A & M volunteer at the Temple Ronald McDonald House. Fmm left: Margge Robinson, Shelley Howell and Holly Hun nicutt. Blackmo n were inducted into Golde n Key. Interesting inte rnships and tudi e a broad are the no rm fo r Ze ta Upsil o n membe rs . Angela Dodso n compl e ted three mo nths o f study at Ge rtze n Uni ve rs ity in t. Pe te rsburg, Ru ssia . The Oakland University Ru ssia n majo r is curre ntl y inte rning with Chrysle r Co rporation 's offi ce o f gove rnme nt affa irs. De bby Szpakow ki ha begun co-op e mpl oyment w ith Gen e ral Moto rs, ue Za leski int rn ed w ith Polygra m Group Distributi o n , a nd ina Ca lvaruso inte rn ed w ith The Ha milto n Gro up 's project support team . Joa nn e ito compl eted a se meste r of study in Va le ncia, pain last fa ll . Alpha The ta me mbe r at th e University of Washington receivin g scho la rships includ e: Co ll ee n Good peed , To p 1% Und erg radu ate Academi c Me rit Awa rd ; a ra Fredri ck o n , Gwe n Elde r Me mo rial ursing Award ; and Kinclra Gibson and Tami Hjalseth received nume ro us aw a rd s fro m a rea hig h schools. Al yssa Boettche r is o n th e c hool's crew team , a nd Erin Dixo n is a Husky Ho t and past youth bas- Psi sisters from UC, Berkeley participate in a California shoreline clea n-up. Epsilon Pi welcomes Georg ia out bern ' new Creek Advisor witb a reception . From left: Hol~v heppard, Ch rissie Montgome1y, ew duisorja11e Campain and j ell 11 ifer}olles. ketball coach. Ca mille be was a yo uth diving coac h, while Eva Radke a nd Ma rissa Broggel backpacked thro ug h Euro pe Ia t summer. ociaThe ne w Ohio Junio r Quarte r Ho r e tio n pres ide nt a nd easte rn directo r i Ep ilo n Omicro n' Ti ffa ny We inga rtn e r. Mand y Wolf o ie rve a Ke ntu cky Inte rcollegiate Pre s ati o n eco nd vice pres ide nt a nd ocie ty fo r Co ll egiate ] o urn ali ts pre icle nt. ha ne B It is pres icl nt o f th e Ame rica n oc ie ty o f Inte rio r Desig ne r cha pte r at Murray State University, w hile J e nnife r La ngd o n a nd Je nn y Ric h y a re treasure r a nd se reta ry, re pecti ve ly, o f Lambda Alpha Ep ilo n. a ra Watkin e rve a vic pre ide nt of lpha La mbda Delta ho no ra1y. De lta Rh o membe rs a r invo lved in mo re th an 30 acti vitie o n the Gettysburg College ca mpus a nd in the communi ty. 1e linda Kinney a nd Janis Dra ke a re Pa nhe ll e ni c pre icl nt a nd ecre ta ry, res pectively- Melind a a lso wa a de lega te to the 1996 De mocratic atio nal Conventio n. uzy He nma n, Da na T mass i, Rache l cun a and Li bby Ma in a re Hall Gove rnme nt o ffi ce rs , whil e Chris Be ll it o n th e acl vi ing exec uti ve boa rd . Ka t Dy ne i the yearbook ' Gree k ed ito r, a nd J oa nn e ncl e rwoocl i vice preside nt o f the political cie nce ho no r ociety. Re presenting the University of Northern Iowa a nd Epsilo n Mu , Ke ll y He i lne r i a tu de nt Alumni Ambassado r as we ll a a me mbe r of Go lde n Key ho no r ociety w ith Ca a ndra Gartn e r. Mi c h li e Fogle wa e lecte d co- pre icle nt o f Mat ids, a nd Emil y T ho mp o n an d Eni d Gummow participate in th Leade r/ le nto r program. Christy ocle nik i a campus dining ce nte r tude nt upe rvi o r, 1i y Li ckti eg was initiate d into Phi p il o n O mi cro n , and Courtney Bagge be lo ng to Pi Eta igma hono r ocie ty. Li z ~ hite head i n the occe r tea m , and ] ana Gymer i o n the peech team . n o ut ta nclin o aca de mi c e me te r w a e njoyed by me mbe r of Eta lpha cha pte r at UNC-Wilmington. Making the clean ' li t we re: Anclr a Currin , Lisa Morris, Amy Bullo k, m y dcock, Kristy Fitzgerald, Kim Baclalucco Elizabeth Page, li he lle Coope r and To n a K l ey. shl e Edward and Mo nica Charlto n o f Zeta Xi a re ma nag ing e dito r a nd lite ra ry dito r, r s pective ly, o f th University of Virginia ea rbook. Ali o n '\ il o n is pre i I nt f th II ge f a rt and scie n s, Laure n d I ' t in is e ni o r re id nt advis r, a nd Erin ilb rt a nd Te nnill e uha rth a r res ide nt ass istants . K IIi Funka is a me mbe r f th a ti nal S ' it'ty f 22 Collegiate Scholars , Be th Freedman is head manager for th e Cava li e r football tea m a nd Debora Freitas i pre ident of La Sociedad Hispanica. Kristin Schelin is program directo r for medical ervices w ith Madi o n Ho use. At the University of North Alabama, Zeta Eta Andrea Childress is a member of the soccer team. Tiffany Carter is a n GA senato r, Panhe llenic trea urer and me mbe r of Gamma Be ta Phi ho no r society. Gretche n Leavelle, Michel Claire Botto ms and Christi Whie belong to Order of Omega , and Aimee Hollingswo rh is a me mber of Collegiate inger and chamber choir. Patricia Guitard is in the Pride of Dixie ma rching band, Samantha Larson is a A Lio nette , a nd Me lody McBride is o n the colo r guard. Two of five no min ee fo r the Rl1odes Scholarship at UNCChapel Hill a re Me re lith rmstrong and Amelia Bruce of Beta Up ilo n. Cla ire Maddox was induct d into Phi igma Pi ho no r fratern ity, and Jenn We lls received a business sc hool ac hi evement scho lar hip. Lu cie nne Papon is ca ptain of the women's va r ity crew tea m, Randall Hughes , Le Thrash a nd Bri ar Do nohue coach Rainbow soccer teams, and Lea nn Rothrock intern ed w ith th e Atla ntic Coa t Confe re nce. Je nny Bate is o n the Greek judicial boa rd and Hannah Bissette works wi th a child abuse preventio n gro up. Zeta Mu Beth Mauney was e lected preside nt of Junior Panhe ll e ni c at Appalachian State University, wh il e Mo ll y Baldwin is in volved pecia l Event o un cil and Ca therw ith APP ine Para serves a president. Ma 1y Lynn McCoy is active in th e Inte rn ati o na l In te ri o r Des ig n Association , and is a g ro up leader for Intervarsity Christian Fell owship . Alph a Eps il o ns o nce again d o min ate th e University of Nebraska-Lincoln Greek yea rbook staff. Dani Brov ne is advertising directo r, while Sara A wegan , Kri s Hudso n , Beth ie me ie r and Mi che ll e Young se rve as staff me mbe rs. Ali o n He itma n is treas ure r fo r the e rto ma Club , jo ined by gen e ra l membe rs Courtney Gobi , Angie Deck and Misty Banks. Zeta Tau me mbers elected to the Winthrop University Stude nt Alumni Council include Be th Harriso n, Amy Dixo n a nd Ashley Cortingin. Mandy Gwinn and Kelly Brown are school Beta Theta chapter at the University of Manitoba co-sponsor a benefit teeter-tottera-than with Delta Upsilon fratemity . Delta Omega from Northern Jllin.ois help celebmte the 1Oth birthday of the local Ronald McDonald House. Ambassa dors, Kristen Cowe n was appo inte d stude nt representative fo r th e Committee for Strategic Planning, and Katie Bya rs was appointeel to the tude nt Advisory Board fo r th e dea n of arts and sciences. Michelle Radcliffe and Amy Ke nt a re officer in the Phi Alpha Theta histo1y honor society, and Laura Butler was elected to a Kappa Delta Pi hono ra1y office. Ambe r Ellerbroek is a member o f Omicron Delta Kappa and student governme nt at Morningside College, w hil e Ellen Harabugh plays for the Symphonic Wind Ensemble and vo lunteers with Habitat for Humanity. Stacey Jacobs sits o n the stude nt senate, Ma ry Ke izer a nd Cind y Chi coine a re o ri e ntation leade rs, and Kim Clark and Steph Ha ak are active with Project HOPE. ikki Orosco is a reside nt a sistant a nd o ri e ntatio n assi tant, and Meredith Morga ns is an Hono rs me mbe r. Recent Gamma Ups ilo n initi ates into Ord e r of Omega at th e University of North Texas a re Sabrin a Strudw ick, Belinda Campbell a nd Julie And e rso n. Holly Sims, Jill Perry, Me lissa Vierling, Sabrin a Strudwi ck and Gwedo lyn Mad rid are me mbe rs o f the prestigio us Io rth Texas Forty. Christy Herman and She lly Buste r partic ipated in the Dallas AIDS Walk for Li fe last fa ll , and Julie Anderson was indu cted into the Kappa Delta Pi edu ca ti o n ho no r society. Heather Lyo ns of Beta igma serve d as the Mercer University homecoming chairpe rson , and Vickie Shaw wa s asked to se rve as resi- 23 0 Zeta Alpha 's Executive Board members from Cal State, Fullerton, enjoy the chapter retreat. "All American " was de nt directo r of the a ll-girls MEP dorm. Kri tie the theme for Alpha Go rdon and Lea nne We lls w e re Rho Chi , and Psi 's first ro·u.nd of Julia Hall , Lauri e Waldrep , Amy Krall , Whitney rush at USC. We lls and Sa ra h Silvio are o rie ntati o n ass istants. Mary Eli zabeth cott, who is a lso an orientation assistant, receive d a scho la rship in memo ry of Miche le Cartage na at Gree k convocatio n last yea r. At the University of Arkansas , Le ighAly on Fox o f Delta Delta was indu cted into the Golden Key natio nal ho no r society, Cardina l Key ho no r socie ty a nd Ga mma Be ta Phi honor frate rnity. Ambe r Me za w as c hosen to represent the chapter in the university's annual fres hman queen pagea nt. Whi le inte rning fo r th e Do le/ Ke mp ca mpa ig n last umme r, Be ta Phi Kati e Po tte r o f th e University of Maryland pa rti cipa te d in Ca lifo rni a 's a tio na l Re publica n Co nve ntio n. Je nnife r Boza comp le ted he r third summer as a n inte rn at th e Ame ri ca n Business A sociati o n/ Trad e s ocia ti o n , a nd wo rk a a p e rana l ass ista nt to the equ a l o ppo rtunity ma nage r o f th e disa ble d in the Pe ntago n's D pa rtme nt o f De fe n e . of Ke ll y Kle inhage n a nd Rac he l Hay Gamma Mu we re indu ted into the Psi hi psyc ho logy club at Southwest Missouri State University. inn Tho mpso n \V a na me d ree l c ho la r o f th Yea r, a ra h Pe ndill i a io linist fo r th sc hool s mpho ny , Ka r n E kstran I was ~ J ee red vi ·e pres ide nt o f th e ,' pa n- ish Club, and Laura nderson was nominated for ho mecoming queen. Ze ta Phi sw e pt the Ms. Greek pageant at Francis Marion University with hanno n Foxwo rth named 1i Greek 1996, and hitney Griffin and Julie Garrett a fir t and econd runne rs up , res pectively. Ellen Ard wa named Mi F 1 1996, Julie Gardner received the Joe tuke hi tory c ho larship , and Crystal Hill receiv d th e Clyde C. Ba rn e chola rship . As th e w inne r of the Fra nci Ma rio n scho la r awa rd , pril Roger i e ntitled to full tuitio n fo r fo ur yea r . De ni e Krista i vice pre ide nt of finance fo r Miami University's Panhe llenic, as we ll a an academic peer menro r. Other Eta Epsilons active on ca mpu includ Katie Brodhay, a membe r of the student affair council and enate ex-offi cio, Andrea Grune r, an ho no r me ntor and program board membe r, and Erin kCormick, a membe r o f the Go lde n K y natio nal ho no r ociety and involved in Ado pt-a- chao!. ha ne Drury i directo r of Me mbe r hip fo r Miami 100, while Jessica Bradley p nt last e meste r at the Miami Luxembo urg campu . At th University of South Carolina, Beta Epsilo ns Dani Teal and Lauren Boggi made the junior va rsity chee rleading qu ad and Ann Roge rs made the track a nd field team . Crista Ga ffeny wa a ppo inted tudent governme nt directo r of Greek Affairs, while ara Pe nda rvi erve a Panhelle nic vice pre ide nt in charge o f ru h. The chapter' three O micron De lta Ka ppa initiate include Mela nie McAlister, Libby Moorhead a nd Sara Pe ndarvis. Cri t Ga ffn ey, ha nnon McKe lvey, Lauren Gri w old, Do nyelle Burto n , Tiffa ny Knig ht and Ho pe West w ere inducted into Golden Key honor ociety. This yea r's Rh o Lambda Panh e lle ni c ho no rary initiate at Akron University include Dawn Boylan , Rh o nda Do ri o n , taci loa n , We ndy We bb and Kim Ho hman of Beta Tau . Miche ll e Be mill e r i a l o in Rho Lambda, a nd e rves w ith Je nnife r Tu cke r o n e ni o r cia boa rd , an o rga ni zatio n promo ting se nio r cia unity . Je nny Hale, J e nn y Tucke r a nd Mich lie mith w e re c ho n to be pee r con ulta nt , while Jamie Ande r o n , Jill ca lzo and Kim !so n ar ea rbook taffe r . le lanie illama n i che rl ading q uad ca pta in , Ma r i t ad i a n G e na t r, a nd 1a rga r t Lazze rini i, pre ' ide nt o f th Italia n Club. Fo r g ing ab ve a nd ' nd the all f duty. Eta Be ta K" r n h a r r 'a na m~d a r k Achiever, while Caren Fruth was named Greek Woman of the Year at Allegheny College. Three chapter members we re inducted into O rder of Omega, including Michele Krymski, Elise Radina and Megan Black. Gillian DeMo ulin is a membe r of Psi Chi, the psychology ho no r society, and Kerin Murtagh completed an intemship in a French art gallery overl ooking the Seine. Linda Sambrook and Tracy Stih are fo unding me mbers o f the new Omicro n Delta Kappa chapte r o n campu s, while Amy Grillo is Panhellenic assistant vice pre ident. Three Eta Etas sa t o n the South Dakota School of Mines & Technology homecoming court , including J oie Arche r, Jess ielson and Sara we nson . Broo k Burckhartzmeyer, Emily Errea, Li a Obe rl and er a nd Amy Volk we re as ke d to jo in Ta u Be ta Pi, the nati o na l e ngineering ho no rs society. Dawn Recke r is in her second year as a residential ass ista nt, jo ined by first year RAs Brooke Weaver and herri Zeller. Kristin Brook inte rned w ith Entergy, and Le ticia Pe naloza worked in Disney land 's Imagineering de partment th anks to a design contest she w o n last yea r. Gamma Kappa Chrissy Bailey' hard wo rk at West Virginia Wesleyan College paid off last fall whe n he was selected Greek Wo man o f the Mo nth . ara Wa lke r is o ne of th e to p 10 cross co untry runn e rs in the West Virg ini a Inte rcoll egia te Athl e ti c Co nfe re nce, w hile Megan Pucillo took first place at the Wesleya n Invitatio nal fo r th e fo re nsic tea m . Je nnife r Cole a nd Aubryn Falk e nj oy a 10-1 record o n th e wo me n 's tenni s team a nd Ju li Bowers wa e lected ec reta ry of th e stu de nt nurses gro up . Martha Elme r a nd Holl y Dicke l we re ho mecoming atte nd a nts fo r Vicki Smith , w ho wa ho mecoming qu een . Zeta Io ta chapter members involved in activi ties on the Georgia College & State Unive rsity campus are Le nnie Davis and Moll y Burgess , Music in Mo ti o n; Kellie Downi e and Kate Van Cantfot, Big Bro thers Big Sisters; Melissa Wo rley, Emily Ha ll, Kelly Brooks and Amy Burke, Spage; a nd Holly Hill , Anna hipes a nd Tiffa ny Fruit, Ca mpu Outreach. Mega n Bro wn is o n th e natio nal dea n 's list and a membe r of Ho no r ociety with Marci Dwoza n , Ashley Peevy and Courtney Coll ins. Laura Jack on is juni o r vice president of the Association of Nursing Stude nts, and Meche le Ro binson and Arni e Wallace perform on th e school's dance tea m. Sa rah Ca in o f Zeta Rh o helped fre hme n adju t to Vanderbilt University Ia t fall as a member of th e Vu ce pt executi ve boa rd. Amy Keappler, Carina Benavides, Stacey Mitchell and Shelly Cihak planned fall activities a members of the Ho mecoming/Accolade executive boa rd, and Ca rrie Cu ll en and Ruby Martin served o n the Society fo r Wo me n Engineers boa rd . Amy McClure is a member of the Ho no r Council, and Meg Cook is preside nt o f Pri o n Project, an o rga ni za tion providing se rvice to loca l priso n inmates. Kriste n Gottschalk is secre ta ry of Kappa Delta Epsilo n edu cation fraternity. The new yea rboo k edito r at Bishop's University is Eta Tau Ke llie Davenpo rt, whi le Devon Rogers was elected IFC president. Ke lly Lando n, Ruth Bartello and Me lanie Rypstra are peer helpers, Melina Gtiss is a statistics teaching ass istant, Ishu Krishn a is active w ith Fro ntie r College a nd Big Budd ies, a nd ] e n Gree n was elected Panhellenic president. ] en Heale took a semester off to wo rk fo r a professio nal children 's th ea tre company, Hea th er Coutts pe r- 25 An Eta Xi spirit activity includes games and a cookout at Presby terian College. Volun teering at Camp j ewell in Colebrook, CT, brought these sisters together. From left: Cara j ordan and Melissa Light, Eta Beta-Allegheny, and Anne Sherida n, X i-Ohio. formed in the drama departme nt' productio n of "A Christmas Ca ro l," and ] en Bo rre! g radu ated with a Purple Lerrer Award in French. Laura Mo we r o f Be ta Era is working to estab lish a n Inre rvarsiry Club a Chri ria n club fo r Gree ks , o n th e University of Michigan campu s . Ma ri a nn e And e rson and ha nno n Bo de are invo lve d with Ca mpu Cru ad , Emi ly ha p iro be lo ng to th e Art tud e nt' League a nd ] od y Meye r pa rti cipate in the Mi chigan In vestme nt Associati o n. All yso n Hube r writes fo r th e chool ne wspa pe r, a nd Al ana ] ardis is a membe r of the ca mpus stude nt acriviry and leade rship program. Epsil o n Pi Chrisry Clark had to auditio n three times be fo re she was chose n as a head a udie nce lea der fo r th e 1996 umm e r Olympic Games in Atlanta. The Georgia Southem University stude nt's job invo lved coo rdinating the TbeA ipba members of Delta chapter at tbe University of Texa enj oy a ca mpus atbletic event . move me nts o f ign he ld up by audie nce membe rs, a we ll as da nc ing during o pe ning and closing game ce remo nies. Fo r nine con ecurive se me te r Era 1u Katie Hacke l, w ho i a! o a me mb r of Beta Gamma igma busin s ho no r ociery, has been o n the CSU-Sacramento dea n's list. R nee La hu a i vice pre ide nr o f th e criminal justice ho no r society, Tra i Coug hlin i d o ing an inte rn hip a t Chi! I Pro tecti ve e rvice , a nd Dianne Britting is inte rning at a g ro up ho me fo r batte re d wo me n. icole G ra ha m tran fe rred to the cha pte r w ith a .0 g rade po int ave rage . o r o nl y i De lta u Emil y Ho lt treasurer o f tude nr gove rnme nt at Southeast Missouri State University, she wa no minated as a ca ndidate fo r Wo ma n of the Yea r in 1996 . Le ig h Barrlerr wa cha im1an of the homecoming teering committ e , and Jea nne Ba ll i a ca ndidate fo r Order of O mega ' Greek f the Mo nth . Erin Fozard was a ca nd ida te fo r Queen of the Beach . Sha nn o n Ho bb , G ina Bu te r, a nd ylssa France , w ho i a! o a Phi Delta Ka ppa initiate , are a ll me mb rs o f Golde n Key ho nor ociery at Kansas State University. Ka ra Pe de rso n wa e lected ro th e Huma n Eco logy o un cil with ha nno n Ho bbs a nd Ca rri Hage n , a nd Joa nna Ro th we ll belo ng to the jun io r ho no rary Chime , i a me mber of the tud nr body ca bine t, and e rves as Alpha Ga mma Ep il o n vice pre ide nr. Amber Wilso n was e lected a Agriculture Ambas ador. At th e University of Tennessee-Chattanooga , Be ta Be ta And rea A kao uy is a me mbe r o f th e Ame ri ca n ocie ry fo r Inte ri o r De ig n . IF C Pa nh e ll e nic Re prese nta ti ve J e nnife r Champi o n belo ng to the merica n Ma rke ting As ociatio n , a nd Ell n Covey is America n Adve rti ing Fede ratio n pre ide nr a nd G e l cti o ns co mmi io ne r. Linsay Cra ig it o n th e rud e nr Alumni Council , a ria Dilla rd is a mem ber o f the Coli giar Me rch a ndi ing A ocia ti o n , a nd Gina E a n belo ng to Phi Eta ig ma a nd lph a La mbd a Delta fr hma n Ga mma Jl1us ji-om outbwest Missouri enjoy a oisil to Alpba Omicrou CJI Okla hom a Sta te. ming urr a mma I t a ~ dfo rd a n I .shl y I Iissa Kirk~· d \Ye r 2() was elected junio r Panhe lle nic pre ident, Jennifer Trice is an a lte rn ate o n the cheerl ea din bo team , and Jennifer Trantham, Lora lee Davis and Krista Cardin are Gatorettes. Karen Hsu of Alpha Gamma chapte r at th e University of Missouri was named one of Glamour magazine 's Top 10 Co llege Wo me n. Christen Hanna recentl y orga nized and ran the chool's annual Coll ege Bowl, while Ka ite Thiel , president of the agriculture stude nt council, spent the e meste r studying in Costa Rica. Journalism sc hoo l stud ents Amy loa n and Ali Marz can be een week mo rning repo rting for Columbia's NBC affiliate station KOM . Beta Psi La ura ho up , a student at th e U niversity of Kentucky, was one of 16 ca ndi dates in the American Lung Association's 47th annual Christmas ea l Contest. Funds raised by the contest he lp provide programs and services such as th e Bette r Breath e r ' patient s upp o rt g roup, and g rant to support me dical ed ucation and lung disea e research . ewly e lected members of the Greek Jewish Council at the Univers ity of Arizona a re Sarah Pe rlm a n , Elyse Dobkin a nd ba ro n Wein e r. GAMMA (Greek Advocating the Mature Ma nageme nt of Alco hol) members include Ashley co rsatto , Merritt Ste mbl er, Je nny Mannin g , Tasha Kolokotrones and Desiree Le ife ld . Ca ra Bilinski , Re nee Marquez and Beth Dee me r ar new members of Phi Eta Sigma , while Li ana Prior and Elise Saadi belong to Golden Key ho no r society. Jamie Felix is the Accounting Club treasurer. Kristi Gill pie , Epsi lon P i, se rve o n th e Student Government Asso iati o n at Tennessee Technolog ical Universi ty . Merry Be ty Fros t wa the D Ita Gam m a An cho r pia h Qu een during a fundraiser he ld last fa ll. San Diego State's Greek Woman of the Year is Eta Sig ma I e ll y Ca rety, whi le Randi Babbit was nam d Most Outsta nding Pres ide nt of th e Yea r. Deanna hoop i president of Paradosis, a new o rga ni za ti o n promoting Greek unity and prid , and is a me mber of Rotaract with Coco Baker and Reem El-Farra. Sigal Petalon and Jessica Will iams served as Rho Chis during fa ll rush last year. Abbi Ba rham, a De lta Beta at Lamar Univers ity, was designated e rgeant-at<mns at th e Re publica n Sta te Convention in San Antonio. Crysta l Ray parti cipated in an unde rg raduate resea rch program at Okla hom a Unive rsity Health Scie nce Center, Jill Boll ich po rtrayed the ro l o f Madeline Monroe in th e Texas premiere of Tony 'n Tina's Wedding, a nd Tama ra Glace volunteered through Koality Kids and Mid-Jefferson Ho pita! to read books to eleme ntaty stude nts. Brandi Spoonemore was e lected treas urer o f the Professional Communication Association. Missy Wilson re presents Delta Theta chapte r as the Intersorority Council treasurer at Valdosta State Univers ity. Jessica Wood serves as SGA senator, while Allison Walsh was named to the homecoming court. Cheering the Blazers on are cheerleaders Kristine Faiia and Paige Po rter, and April Whitlock a nd Katherine Mathis, respective ly, serve as vice pres ide nt and secretaty/ treasurer of Sigma Alpha Chi hono r society. VS Blazer Girls include Ko urtney Finch, Amber Jo hnson , Maria Kennedy, Sha nn o n Morgan , Brooke Shelfer and Ho lly Woote n. Zeta Chi Hi llary White served as preside nt of 27 A sisterhood barbecue sta rts the year for Eta Epsilons of Miami Uniue1"Sity (OH). Zeta Phis gather fo r a mixer a t Francis Marion. Zeta Iotas gather for a sisterhood activity at Georgia College a·n d State Un iversity. Rh o La mbda, and AM . Mi ch e lle Ke ndall cro country team ca pta in , while To rri Roge r is pre icle nt of Diplo mat a nd Gree n Key, a well as vice preside nt o f FPRA a nd Omicro n D Ita Kappa. Kare n chmidt i the a rt a nd e nte rtainme nt edito r fo r the chool newspape r. Gamma u ] nny 0 tma nn intern cl last fall in the office of Mi o uri e nator Jo hn A hcroft. The William Jewell College e nio r me t ma ny fascinating key po litica l fi gure u ch a Bo b Dole , Jac k Ke mp , Ross Pe ro t, ewt Gingri ch, Trent Lott and Colin PowelL c "Miracle on 5th Street " was the name given to the .first dance ever on Bay lor's campus, ending a 150-year ban. From left: TCC KiTsten Mm-qu et, Zeta Chis Mandy William s, Christi Cox and Courtney Boyd, Bay lor President and Mrs. Robert Sloan, center. Co ll ege Re publicans a nd Do le/ Ke mp youth coordinato r fo r the tate o f Texas . Christi Cox was indu cted into the Baylor University chapte rs o f Gamma Be ta Phi a nd Go lde n Key hon o r socie ti es, a nd is a footba ll rec ruiting hostess along with Heath e r a ube r, Da na Cates , ]en We lls, and Hollis orto n. As th e Pa nhelleni c coordinator o f rush co unselors , Co urtney Boyd has increased me mbe rship by 50 pe rcent. Me mbe rs o f Gamma Sigma lph a ho nor society include Anne Chapma n, Chri ti Cox, taci 1itche ll and Lisa Wurtele. ikki 1usic is a me mber of the ati onal rudents Speech/ Language Hea ring Association at Eastern Kentucky University. Othe r Epsilo n Phi me mbe rs invo lved in ca mpu s activitie include Tracy Price, Preside ntial Co mmittee o f Allied Hea lth ; Ja ni ce Osbo rn e, ni versity Singe rs; Robyn Jo hnson , Stude nt ocial Wo rk As ociati on; and Moll y e uroth , stude nt enate and Panh ell ni c recording secretary. Mary Rose Da il y belo ngs to Lambda Sigma ho no r ociery, Bra ndy Be va ns plays o n the girls va rsity oftball tea m, a nd Tricia Black, Ja mie Sams, ma ncia Brock a nd Ma rcia Posey a re cheerleade rs. Head re icl nt assi rant and socce r tea m ca ptain li sa Anclre ichu k of Epsilo n Omega re prese nted Jacksonville University at a math emati cs co nfe re nce in \1 ashingto n, D .C. aleri e Ze e ns was ta pp cl into Rh o La mbda , Je nnife r rites L secre ta1y o f rh rucl nt Tur es so ' i~ni o n , a nd Suza nn Se ma nick is vic preside nt o f th ' fo ll m ing o rga ni za ti o ns: ml assa clo rs, PTE A C MPL I MENTS Psi chapte r at UC-Berkeley jo ined fo rces with th e ho re lin Clea n-up Project to h lp pre e rve the bea ut y of th e we t coa L Me mbe r he lped pick up nea rl y 20 to n o f tra h along Berke ley Ma rina beac h. Ma ny o f th e ir 150 ho urs o f community ervice are do nated to the Ro nald McDo nald Ho use, w he r membe r spend time with the childre n, and help the taff with cho res and pa perwo rk. The cha pte r a l o i spo n oring and o rgani zing a ra pe preventio n e minar fo r the Greek community, and at Halloween decorated their fro nt ya rd with goblin and good time for area children. Phi chapter at Hanover College was prai eel for its succes ful o rority da nce , th e Fire ma n' Ball , orga nized by memb r Mary msted. The school's administrati o n wa a mazed a t th chapte r's orga ni za tio na l kill , maturi ty and res pon ibiliry. Tau' third a nnu al ADPi Eightba ll pool to urnament attracted 62 participant and raised over 2000 fo r the Ro nald McDo nald Ho u e. The University of Kansas ch apte r ra nked in the to p fo ur in grade o n the hill , a nd fo r the eco nd yea r in a row took fi r t place in flag footbalL They e njoyed tea ming up with Ka ppa igma for their homecoming fl oat and held the ir annual alumnae picnic b fore the football ga me. Zeta chapt r i celebrating 90 yea r of lo airy a nd fri e ndship in pril , a nd will move into a new cha pte r room during the pring e rne, t r. The rai e el mo n fo r th Ron a ld IcDo nalcl Ho u e with the ir a nnu al go lf t urname nt , a nd lebrated the ho u 's l Oth birthday by assi ring in a ca rnival o mpl te \\'ith ga me , pri es and Ro na ld himself. Th ha pte r ha l rhe highest ave rag GP (3. -1 ) of a ny outhwest rn University organization. Epsilon Zeta celebrated its 30th annive rsary last yea~ during a Founders' Day celeb ratio n, welcommg charter membe rs (many till invo lved a advisors and ho u e co rpo ration board member ) and o th er a lumnae to ha re the fun . The chapter was al o joined by a lumnae for Southwes t Tex as State 's homecoming last Octobe r. The Danville Ro nald McDonald Ho use wa the recipi e nt o f mo ney ra ised during Gamma Omicron 's annu al "Hit-a-Pi with a Pi " e rvice project during Susque hanna Univers ity's homecoming. They also held a Halloween pa1ty with Theta Chi fo r area und e rpri vil eged children, and held T.I.P . . (To En ure Pa1ty afety) Team tra ining for th e e ntire chapter. Member continu e to erve th e commu nity by volunteering time to play game ith hom le childr n. While atte nding a retreat at Camp Koinonia, membe r o f Gamma Pi chapt r at Wagner College mad e picture frames fo r childr n sta ying at the Ro nald McDonald Hou e. Last se me te r a lso wa busy w ith ho urs pent cleaning the chapter's Ado pt-a-Highway, and planting fl o e r at th eir d ignated highway pot. Gold Chapter Excellence , the hi g hest Panhe lle ni c awa rd at Pe nn State wa a a rded to De lta Ka ppa chapter last fa ll. Memb rs joined fore with Lambda Chi Alph a to he lp o li cit ove r 10 000 for Kids with Cance r during th e school's a nnu a l dance marath o n. The ha pte r fini shed in th e top 10 in o e ra!! homecom ing comp titi o n with the ir partners Th ta Chi , and he ld a pre- ru h "g rab-a-da te " function at ittany Hot prings. a med th e "mo t spirited " during University of Wes t Florida homecoming fe tivitie Ia t fa ll , Ze ta Epsilon a lso won a n award fo r most crea ti ve pa rade float a nd ran a booth to ra ise money fo r th e Ro nald McDonald Hous . Membe rs he ld a pantry party with loca l lumnae to obtain needed ite ms a nd supplies for the Pensacola RMH. For th third co nsec uti ve e m ste r, Epsil o n Chi me mbe rs have been ra nk cl numb r o ne scho lastica ll y o ut of a ll Pa nhe lle ni c so ro riti es on th e Longwood Colle ge ca mpu s. To kick off Oktobe rfest weekend , me mbe rs participated in an Alzh e ime r's Walk, a nd ra ised mo ney for the Ron a ld 1cDo na lcl Ho use by e lling napp le and chips at a booth e t up amo ng the other activities. Over 600 was raised fo r the Rona ld MeDon- Delta Mus celebrate the end of rush at Sam Houston State. aiel Ho use du ri ng Epsilon Delta's annua l teete r- Delta Betas enjoy to tter philanthro py at Western Kentucky Uni- Bid Day at vers ity. The RMH a lso be ne fitted from the Lamar. chapte r's Mr. Hi ll toppe r pagea nt. 1any me mbers al o donated the ir time a nd e ffo rt to he lp w ith Bowl ing Green 's lOK run , a nd jo ine d forces with Lambda Chi Alpha to participate in ho m coming activities. Last September De lta Omega ass iste d th e Li ons Club a nd Kn ights of Columbu s with the ir ca nd y drives, a nd visited the Chicago Ro na ld McDona ld Ho use fo r a lOth birthda y c leb ratio n. The Northern Illinois University chapte r returned th e n xt mo nth as fashion show models to help ra ise mo ney fo r the ho use. Eta u membe rs do nated mu ch o f the ir time last semeste r to he lp th e Student Activ iti es Boa rd with a majo r concert/ comedia n produ ctio n o n th e St. Louis University campus. They sold their famo us gourme t ca ram e l app les at Fall Fest to raise mo ney for the Ro nald McDonald Ho use, and gave to urs of the Park Aven ue and West Pine Ho uses during the RMH Reg io nal Conference in October. Plunging rig ht into fa ll semester, Om icro n chapter won the Greek Week pool tournament and li p sync events. They he ld th ir annua l "Bagels in Bed" fu ndraiser to benefit the Ronald 29 Eta Omicrons celebrate sisterhood a t Westen'l Connecticut. Zeta Upsilons from Oakland Unive1·sity (MJ) voluntee1· a t the Ronald McDonald House fundraiser. McDo nald House, and have been paying regular vis its to the house, which is loca ted o n th e Duke University ca mpus. Extra pare nt's weekend activities this year included a brunch, !ide show, and gifts of t-shitts and soro iity cups. Ga mma Xi's 5-K run/ wa lk-a-tho n last yea r rai sed ove r 700 fo r th e Ro nald McDo na ld House . Out o f a gro wing co nce rn fo r the Is la Vista community, th e University of California-Santa Barbara cha pte r co ll ected ove r 15 po unds o f clo thing a nd 32 po unds o f food fo r underprivil eged families living the re. In add iti o n to p lac ing fi r t in Gree k ga mes last yea r with Pi Ka ppa Alpha and De lta Chi , Ze ta Th eta was recogni zed fo r th e ir parti cipatio n in the Ado pt-a-School program. Th e cha pter a lso was named first runne r-up fo r the se rvi ce awa rd a nd w as ho no re d to b nam e d "Most Pa nh e ll e ni c Cha pte r" o n the Illinois State University ca mpus. Me mbe r o f De lta Phi se rved hot lunches at a no n-pro fit so up kitc he n in Ka n a Cit . p laced third in th e a nnu a l blood drive at th e University of Missouri-Kansas City, a nd wo n 250 in a stude nt council-s po nsored ca mpus actiVIti s co mpe tit io n . GA a nd the sc hoo l's fa ulty and s ta ff na me d the cha pte r "Best oc ial ree k" o rg·miza tio n and mo t o utstanding tude nt o rga ni za tio n. Zeta Pi cha pte r is in o lvecl in many service pro ject within the a n Diego community. Eve ry w e k me mbe r vo luntee r fo r fo ur ho ur at a o up kitche n do wntow n, while " hoes That Fit ," gra ffiti clea n-up a nd a te le th o n be ne fitin g th e Ho me ta rt p rogra m were some o f the ir most uccessful pro ject . Fa mil y Wee ke nd included a n o ppo rtunity drawing that ra i, e el 1000 fo r th e Ro na ld Mc Do nald Ho u e. Th e University of San Diego cha pte r received the Dea n' Tro phy fo r the third yea r in a row. Be ta O mega 's a nnu a l kate-a-th o n ra is d nea rl y 6000 fo r the Ro na ld McDo na ld Ho u e . In additi o n , th e Auburn University c ha pte r collected ov r 5000 clea ning ite m fo r the RMH in Co lumb u , fo ll owed by the ir pa rti cipatio n in a clea n-up clay the re . Me mbe r a l o as i ted the RMH taff w ith the ir filin g a nd pa pe r work . They placed seco n I o ut o f 16 o ro riti e in grade a nd we re econcl in intramura l po rts . By e lling ba ll oon-g ra m o n the University of Central Florida ca mpu , Zeta O mega ea rned 300 fo r the Ro na ld McDo na ld Ho u e . Area pa re nts atte nd ing a "Po itive Pa re nting e min a r" we re tr atecl to c ha pte r me mbe r ' ba b ys itting ervice , w hil eve ra l pa rticipated in Goa l Tea m, a voluntee r program he lping to recruit footba ll playe rs . Pride set up , d ecorated a nd pre pa red d e se n fo r th e cha pte r' annu al alumnae pecial, II Pi's o G uy . Th e University of Montevallo's Zeta De lta cha pte r rai eel over 350 fo r the ca u e by panicipating in the Ju veniJe Diabete Walk. They a l o he lped rai e mo ney to ai I the blind , and pa rticipated in the city ' Trade Day p a rae! , pa rt of Mo nteva llo ' cente nnial yea r cele bratio n . De lta Chi cleve rl y in co rpo rated th e Ro na ld McDo na ld Ho u e into th e ir fa ll ru h pla n by ma king g ift bag to d e liver to the loca l h o u w ith th e a ide o f ru hees. University of Northern Colorado homeco ming fe ti viti s fo und the cha pte r b uilding a fl oa t with a local frat rnity. O th e r fa ll acti vitie include d fi !ding a tea m in the Panh ll e ni c foo tba ll ga mes. Zeta igm a s po nsore d a e lf-d efe n pr g ra m fo r th e College of Charleston fea turing guest ·pea k r fro m a mpu Publi a fe ry. the ha rl esto n po li e d e pa rtme nt , a nd Ja pan Ka rat . The · ha pte r's first mixer wa: :m e n le d b th s ·hoo l's pr s i le nt a n I his " ·ife. a n I me mbe r. parti ipat d in the 1 th a nnua l h st Walk to rai e mane) for the '\. o me n' uxiliary. Poinsettia were o ld during the ho liday to benefit the 1ationa l Kidn ey Fo undati o n in memo ry of 1a nc loore Thurmo nd , Beta Ep ilon . daughter o f enato r tra m Thurmo nd . Alpha Kappa ' newe t De lta me mber paired up with igma Alpha Ep il o n to take third place in the annu al lip yn c contest to ra ise money for AID Re po nse Kn oxville. Th e chapter p laced fir t overa ll in University of Tennessee-Knoxville intra mural , pa rti cipated in olunte er Cha ll e nge b y d o nating la ndcaping e1 ic s to the Ha le m Ce nter, and helped to ra i e money fo r t. Jude Hos pital. s the Panhell e nic gro up with the hi g hest GPA , Eta Ga mma at Austin Peay State ca ptured the Pre ide nt ' Cup at G reek Awa rd . They he lped ra i e 2000 fo r the Childre n's Miracl e etwork , a nd have bee n extre me ly involved with the Dream Facto ry , the ir loca l philanthropy. ctivitie incl ude DPi ight at Camp Ra inbo w , a ca mp fo r te rmin ally ill chil dren; the Toy Run , a toy collectio n dri ve; and a ph o ne-a-tha n to co ntact a ll past co un e lo rs and ca mpe r o f Camp Ra inbow fo r a reuni o n. Led b y winning artist a nd cha pter me mb r ndria Iewman . Eta Chi at Villanova University wo n th e drug a nd alcoho l poste r contest run by Pa nhe ll e ni c. In co njun cti o n w ith Ha lloween , th e cha pte r pa n o red its first big philanthro py, a lip ync contest, and a lso too k part in the annua l Frig ht Fe t. A majo rity o f the frate rnitie o n the Arizona State University ca mpu s pa rti c ipated in Ga mm a Rh o ' " hoot the Hoo p ,. bas ke tball tourn a me nt to ra i e mo ney f r th e Ro na ld McDo na ld Ho u e. Membe r trave led to Ca mp Frie ndl y Pine in th e mo unta ins fo r a fa ll retrea t, fo ll o we d by a po tlu ck dinne r w ith the Phoe nix Alumnae A ociati o n. pe nding a n afte rn oo n at the Festiva l in th e Park he lping childre n pa int, Be ta Io ta a! o o luntee red fo r se e ra ! d ays at a fundra i e r to be ne fit th e Kidn ey Fo und ati o n . Las t fa ll th e Queens College cha pte r in vited Ze ta Ga mm a fro m C-Cha rl o tte to jo in th e m fo r an a lumnae cookout. During ho mecoming fe tiviti e at the University of Tennessee-Martin, De lta ps il o n pa ired up with igm a Phi Ep il o n to ta ke fir t pl ace in both fl o at a nd s pirit competiti o n, a nd th ird place in the tug o f wa r. Ho mecoming was followed by a pare nts' brunch the next day. The cha pte r' Choose o r Lo e ra ll y, during w hi ch po litica l ca ndidate, we re in ired to de bate the ir platfo rm , made the A, sociated Pre, news. Eta Ka ppa jo in ed fo unde r Fred Hill a nd hi wife at the g ra nd o pe ning o f the new Ro nald lcDo nald Ho use in La ma Linda, Ca li fo rnia, a we ll as a G ra nd Pri x fund ra ise r late r th at mo nth . Th e California State University-San Bernardino chapte r rai e mo ney o n a continuing bas i fo r the RMH , most no tab ly w ith a n a nnu a l swing-a-th a n w hi ch Ia t yea r ra ised 1000. Th e hapte r has ma intai n cl a cumul ati ve GP w hi ch i the highest o n ca mpu , a we ll as th e all-wo men's average GPA. Alps Roa d Ele me nta ry has be nefitted fro m severa l Beta Tu serv ice p ro ject . !e mber he ld a ca r wash w ith Fi ji to raise mo ney fo r the chool, started a butterfl y ga rde n, he lped w ith fie ld cl ay events, and he ld nume ro us tar parti e fo r o utstanding tu lent . Th e University of Georgia cha pte r o rgani zed an Easter egg hun t at Roc ks prings Day Ca re , he ld a 5K ru n with Lambda Chi lpha to rai e mo ney fo r the Ro na ld McDo na ld Ho use, and he lped b uild a Hab itat fo r Hum a nity ho u e . Th y also m ade a le ntin e ' fo r t. Ma ry ' ursi ng Ho me , a nd he ld a ba throo m u p pl y dri ve for the the n home less shelte r. T ~ o Beta Alph a tea ms played in Mo nd ay Tight Footba ll competiti o n at Indiana University, w hil e th e cha pte r as a w ho le atte nd ed a "Fri e nd hip in th e age of ID " emin a r, d an eel in th e Mock Rock , a nd pa rti cipated in G ree k O lymp ics. Me mbe rs spa n o red a p izza p a rry at th e Ind iana po li s Ro na ld McDo na ld Ho use, helped build a ho use fo r Hab itat fo r Humanity, a nd vo luntee red at the Communi ty Kitche n. Alumnae jo ined membe rs afte r homeco ming fo r dinne r at the Footba ll Fro li c. Eta Xi's schoo l yea r ta rte cl off w ith a pirit 31 Zeta Rhos enjoy Bid Day at Vanderbilt. A imee Lashlee and Heather Davis enjoy Epsilon Omicron 's retreat from Murray State. activity o f football , fri bee, socce r and a cooko ut. They pa rti cipated in th e Presbyterian College Crop Walk to raise mo ney fo r the hungry, deco rated pum p kins w ith childre n fro m the Tho rnwe ll chool and Ho me fo r Childre n, a nd took first p lace in the Blue Sox skit fe riva l duri ng ho mecomin g weeke nd . Gamma Phi was named " orority of the Year" at East Tennessee State University fo r do nating th e most se rvice ho urs of any so rori ty. A perfect exa mple of that commitment i the chapte r's annu al rock-a-tho n, w hi ch last year ra ised nea rly 6000 fo r their phiJanthropies. Residents of the GreenviJie Ronald McDo nald Ho use were treated to Halloween cookie complime nts of Eta Phi chapter at Furman University. Membe rs also pa rticipated in Race fo r a Cure, held annually througho ut the U. . to ra i e mo ney to find a cure for b reast ca nce r, and work w ith underprivil eged chi ldre n in do wntow n Gree nville o n a weekl y basis. The chapter's intramural volleyball a nd fl ag football tea ms did extremely well d uring fa ll competitio n. In an effo n to reach as many wo men as pos ible rega rding the detecti o n , preve ntio n and trea tme nt o f breast ca ncer, Eta Lambda chapte r SJ o nsored a ca mpus-wide event to address the ubject. The cha pte r bega n o rga ni zing the proje t ha rtly afte r o ne me mb r was d iagno eel w ith breast ca ne r at the age of 22, and e nlisted the help of other Albright College o ro rities as co-spo nsors. The pre e ntatio n included demo nstratio ns, hand-outs, a nd spee hes fro m nurse , psychologists and o ung ca ncer survivor . A s iste rh ood re trea t, G ree k Ga mes a n I a e mi-forma l ma que rade ba ll \Ve re some f the many Ga mma Tau hig hlig hts at th University of Ve rmont las t fa ll . The cha pte r was jo ine d b y lph a Ga mm a Rho fo r the ir a nnu a l pumpkin ·a r ing, w ith a ll pumpkins d o n ~Hed to the Burling to n Ro na ld lc Do na ld Ho us . Eve r ' membe r ga e blood at the annua l blood dri e , while the chapte r ho u e receive d a to p-to-botto m clea ning during the fall "ho u e beautiful. " The 1996 University of Iowa ho meco ming cha mpi o ns we re lpha Be ta and the ir partner ig ma u , th a nk to a wo nde rful h a wing in every ca tegory. The ir d owntow n Io w a City window pa inting e ntry p laced eco nd , whi l the ir pe rfo rma nce in Iowa ho ur, a Greek pe p ra ll y a nd va ri ety how, too k fir t place. The cha pte r' annu al golf phila nthro py wa a huge succe s , w ith increa e el ca mpu , Gree k and communi ty pa rti cipati o n , rai ing mo re mo ney fo r the Iowa City Ro nald McDo nald Ho u e. Epsil o n u participated in Ashland University's first a nnu a l Ce le brate G ree k program w ith a o ng and d a nce ro utine de mo n trating how the orori ty has cha nged inc the 1960' . The cha pte r fie lded two tea m in RHA' Bana na p littin ' Day, w inning fir t place fo r best costume . They po nso red a ho meco ming fl oa t a nd ba nd w ith Phi Kappa P i, and helped w ith the All Gree k fl oa t " hich wo n eco nd p lace. The cha pte r po n o re d a ca r wa h to be ne fit the Ro nald McDo na ld Ho use, and he ld a powd e rpuff tackle foo tba ll ga me be twee n se niors and underclass me mbers. Beta Theta he ld a 2-hour lo ng reete r-totter-atho n w ith co-s po n o r Delta p il on ra ising 2000 fo r the ir re pective phila nthro pies, the Ro na ld McDo nald Ho use a nd Big Bro the rs of Ca nada. Jet po n As ociatio n MB presented the University of Manitoba chapter w ith a plaque for member ' volunteer work, as we ll a a donatio n to the teete r to tte r service project. De lta Mu i nor o nly th e la rge t o ro rity o n th e Sam Houston State University ca mpus, they have the hi g hest GP o n the hill. The chapte r ho ted a Pa rent' Day extravaga nza Ia t epte mbe r w ith food , o ng, a nd raffl es , w hile the ir '' Fre nch q ua re " and "Mardi Gra " theme d uring ru h were huge hit . Zeta Alpha' to p prio rity Ia t e mest r was p hila nthropy work , a nd Cal State-Fullerton ha taken notice. Ta mi Cowg r, herish Faw o n a nd Bra ndie Marvin w e re inte rview e d b th ca mpu newspaper during the cha pter' annua l 24 ho ur rock-a-tho n which this ea r earn d ove r 2000 fo r the Ro na ld leD na ld H us . Th ha pte r rece i e I trophi fo r r e k \'X ek comp titian ·hampio ns and ~ r ra isi ng the most mo ney fo r amp Ti ta n. They be am th fi rst soro rity ever to win -eel intramut Is, an I \Ycrc a b o w me ns' intramura l hampi ns. Honored Collegians . ters .I StS Yes, they 're hath sisters! Jenni Hertz, is the UCLA Bruin~- mascot while her Alpha Chi sister Jacklyn Parker i a member oj' the spirit squad. Jenny Ostman11, Gamma l l - lf/illicl!n.fewell, interns in the nations capital}or Jlfissouri SenatorJohn Asbcmji. A /lending the 'ACA Regional Panbellenic Conference in an Diego were l'ickie 'haw, Beta igmct-A-fercer, and Maggie Carnes, Eta 11 - I . Louis Creek Woman oj'tbe Yearat San Diego State Uniuersi~J' is Kei(J' Ann Car~Jl. Eta St/;;ma. 33 Beta Omegas Carrie K. Chaffin is president oj' the national accounting honorary, Beta Alpha P t; at Auburn University. TiJ]iny Lynne Thompson, IotaFlorida late represents the Ci(J1 of t. Petersburg as .. u ngoddess ·· after being selected during !be 5th A nnual Fe tiual a} States. Ann Foxworthy is the .first woman president in the 75 year histo1y of Allan Hancock College. Former £yecutive Director Cha rlotte Tay lor receives the Greek Alumni of the Year Award from Un iversity of Arkansas President B. Alan ugg. Charlotte's son, Renwick, helps her accept. Honored Alumnae A FOX\X10RTHY-Psi, UC , Berkeley, was o ne o f fiv e w o men community co ll ege leade rs ho no red by th e Ca lifo rni a Community College Board of Directo r as recipi ent of ··w o men o f the Year" awa rd s. She was chose n by tate se nato r Jack O 'Connell for th(' 18th enate District. Ann is th e first woman president in the 75 year history o f Allan H ancock College which is located in anta Maria, Ca lifo rnia. \ . ith a plan designed to better serve the stud ent and the community, she has introduced an instituti o nal pl anning proces and d e elo p ed institutional goa ls an l strategies; led a process of o rga ni zational restructuring; gained state funding for an educatio n enter; increased visibility o f the coll ege and expanded course offeri ngs; and intro duced a sma ll busin ss training program. Sh e s rves o n th e b oa rd s of th anta !Jaria all ey hamber of om merce, anta Maria luseum of n enLer , aile o mmunit H ospi tal , and nited W ay o f the Central Coast. nn i pre ident of th e 1 ati o nal Counci l of Instru ctio nal Administrators. CHARLOTTE . T YlOR-Delta Delta, Arkan a, , fo rmer Executive Director of lpha Delta Pi , "-':1 ho no red a the Out tanding Greek Alumni for 1996 at the ni vers iry of rkan as. • he received th award from univer iry pre ident, B. Alan ugg prior to a football game. Charl o tte i a member of the board of dir tors of the lplu o m ·enti n orrhw est heth er it ~· as ju st a few yea rs r many lecades ago, the day you jo ined Alpha D Ita Pi 's sisterh ood w a speci al. Rem ember ... ... yo ur ex citem ent wh en your bid day ca rd r ea d w elco m e to A lph a D elta Pil ... ho w uddenl y your chedule as pac k ed w ith new fri end s, stud y ho urs, soc ials, p o rts and trips to th e Ro nald M cD o nald Ho u e? ... your co ll ectio n o f lio ns and vio lets? ... th e songs, th e ca ndl lights and Di amond D ay ? ... your n rvo u ness and anticipatio n b fo re initi'tti o n? ... ho w you committed your loya lty to lph a Delta Pi fo re er? Rem mber Alpha Delta Pi . Fo r m any y ars nO\v, fee fro m alumn ae memb ers hav e accounted fo r o nl y two perce nL o f th o ro riry ' over all inco me. Co ll eg iate chapters proide th e res t, cove rin g th cost o f th eir o wn programs and tv ices as we ll as th ose fo r alumn ae. H ow ca n you ReMember? Add 10 to your alumnae ass ciati o n 's dues o r simpl y m ail in a chec k with th e fo rm o n thi s p age o r in clud e credit ca rd info rmatio n . Pl eas no te th at vo luntary dues paid to Alph a Delta Pi o ro ri ty fo r th e ReMember Ca mpaig n are not dedu ctibl e a charitabl e co ntributio ns fo r fed era l in co me tax purposes. Your d o nati o n will he lp ensu re th e co ntinued ucce s o f Alph a D elta Pi . Th e ReM embe r ca mpaig n g i e alumnae the opportunity to contribute to th e ove rall o perating budoet o Alpha Delta Pi ca n continue to o ffer all b ' member a w ea lth o f p rograms and se tv ices. Your donation will be used fo r * dev lopment o f new asso ciatio ns o r reorganization of existing o ne . • training fo r loca l and natio nal alumnae assoc iatio n o ffi ce rs. • mailings to alumnae . * publi ca tio n of the Adelpbean magazin e. * develo pment o f m ember educa tio n programs fo r alumn ae. ;-~------ ------- ------- ---------------------i I ld like to help ensure the \ YES! I wou 1 p· 1 f Al ha De ta 1. \ continued suc~ess o p \ I 1 \ \ My contributio n ts: \ \ \ \ \ 35 10 b ship 1 for each yea r o f mem er \ - other 1 - Check Enclosed \ - Credit Card (Circle) \ AZcount # : [I I I I MasterCard Visa I I I I \ I J \J \ \ \ \ : \ Expiration Date: [ I \1 1 Month Y ea r \ Date ____ \ \ i gnature_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \ I I \ lame \ I \ Address - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I\ \ City/ State/ Zip - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I\ I \ Countty I \ ------------------ Area Code/ Phone Number - - - - - - - - - - \ I \ I I \ Chapter \ I I I \ \ \ \ Return to: . A1 ha Delta Pi , ReMember Campatgn, p 1386 Ponce de Leon Ave. E, Atlanta , GA 30306. Thank you' ------- L------------------ I \ \ \ ------------J 1. GREAT T-SHffiTS!: Clockwise from top left: ADPi Alumna, 5-004, 19. "Aging Sorority Girl," 76-006, $15. Embroidered Alpha Delta Pi, 107-04, 18. International Flags , 123-01 , 20 . Baseball jersey, 109-02, 29. Yellow T w / Dot Letters, 109-04 , . 20. American Flag Tee, 109-1 , 24 . Georgia Peach, 76-009, 9. Nautical ADPi, 5-005 , 21. ADPi Facts , 6-008, 15 . 11 Tees short sleeved, 100% cotton. Ba eball jersey in M, L, or XL, all others L or XL only! 2. HATS OFF! Clockwise from lower left: Visor, 45-071, $4. Printed Cap, 0-033, 6. Embroidered ADPi DAD , 75-010, 14 . Embroidered fro nt a nd back: Violet, 51 -015, White . 51-01'-1, o r Navy/ Khaki , 51-016, 16 ea. Khaki w / Plaid Letters , 75-009, 13. 3. CAT'S MEOW: Limited Edition Cat's Meow Village collectible of AD Pi Memorial Headquarte r · Handcrafted, 8''x4", 135-01 , 20. 4. ADPI ESSENTIALS: Left Column: Pride Static Cling, 45-010, 1. Crest Decal, 0 -002. .50. Letters Decal, 08-001 , .50. Luggage Tag, 0-002, $2. Stickers , 08-003 , .50. Clear Acrylic Key Ring, 70-025 , 2. Lion Friendship Pin on ca rd , 10-001, 6.50. Blue Acrylic Key Ring, 0-022, $4.50 . Crested Quill Pen, 99-001, 20 . Toothbrush, 0-031 , 2. Brown Leather ID Key Ring. 1 9-01, 10. Blue Leather Zip Key Ring, 0-003. 14. Brown Leather, 1'-19-03 , or Navy Leather, 149-02 , Checkbook Cover, 1~ ea. Middle Column : ADPi License Plate, '-15-0 0, 2.50. Crested License Plate, _6-01'-1, 3.~0. Pi Pride License Frame, 70-009, 2.50. Pencil, 0-00 , . 0. Pen, 1 ,I - 6 70-027, $.60 . Alumna License Frame 70-048 $2.50. Alumna Static Cling, 70-020, $1. Metal License Frame, 05-029, $6.50. Crest Magnet, 70039, $2. Bottle Opener Key Ring, 70-021, $2.50. Bumper Stickers: Nautical, 70-038, Crested, 70040, or I Love ADPi: 70-010 , $1 ea. Ribbon (25 ft.) 05-010, 5. Right Column: Buttons: "Once An ADPi", 45-061, "Rush ADPi", 70-047, "I Love ADPi", 45-006, "Not Lion", 05-001 or BMW Style, 70-012, $1 ea. Black Ink Pad, 117-03, $2.50. Lion Paws Stamp, 117-02, $4 . Violet Border Stamp, 117-05, $6.50. Museum Violet Stamp, 117-06, $6. Violet Stamp, 117-01 , $4.50 . Green or Purple Marking Pen, 117-04, $1 ea. Purs e Mirror, 70011 , $1. Violet Bookmark, 74-001 , $2.50. Playing Cards 70-008, 6. 5. SPORTS GEAR: Traditional Baseball Jerseys in Grey, 24-035 or Natural, 24-036 with Navy Trim, $35 each. White Henley with scoop bottom is great over leggings, 24-037, $45. All in M,L, or XL. 7 .. ' -~ I ·,-. "" ,. 3 6. RINGS: L-R Top Row: Per manent Badge Ring, $235, Please call for d etails. Dee p Cut Letters Ring, 03-033, $146 . Enameled Crest Ring, 03-052 , $133. Dangle Ring, 03-037, $77. 2nd Row: President's Ring, 03-048, $169. Round Crest Ring, 03-056 $146. Cres ted Band Ring, 03-040, $119. 3rd Row: Wide Crested Band Ring, 03-041, $185 . Raised Letters Ring, 03-036, $160. Pin-On Badge Ring, $170. Please call for details. Please indicate ring size! Allow up to 6 weeks for ring delivery. 7. ADPi JEWELRY: 1st Column: Small Lavaliere, 03-020, $24. Large Lavaliere, 03-026, $32. Crest Pendant, 03-053, $44. Filligree Engraved Charm, 03-008£, $33. 25 Year Member Pin/Pendant, 03-045, $65. Mother's Pin w/Diamond (shown) 03-042, $60 . Plain, 03-043, $12 . Crested I } ,. 3 I -,. . • I ' ..~· / Keyring , 03-009, 20 . 2nd Column: Pi Pendant, 03-023 , 34. -o. Heart Lavaliere, 03-019 , 29. 50 Year Diamond Circle Pin/ Pendant, 03-044, 5. Badge Pendant, Please ca ll for deta ils. 03-057, 100. 3rd Column: Violet Charm 03-054, 52. Diamond Pi Pendants: Genuine Large, 03-024 , 775. Genuine Small, 03-025 , 475. CZ Large, 03005 , 195. CZ Small, 03-027 , 165 . Filligree Charm w / Crest, 03-008, 33. ADPi Drop Earrings , 03-055, 70. Crested Pin Box, 03-010, 25 . Pi Bracelets: lOK, 03-028, 126. Sterling (not shown), 03-006, 80 . Lavaliere Bracelet, 03-032 175. 8. REVERSffiLE SWEATSHIRT: ew reversible sweatshirt is like getting two hirt in one! Outside has old script and crest, in ide ha athletic look. A great value! Lor XL. 109-11 , 35. 9. CRYSTAL GIFfS: Beautiful cry tal, perfect for gifts or awards : Lion Candy Dish, 128-01 , 45. Keepsake Box et hed with our ere t, 0-023, 1- . Plate with Violets , 128-02 20. Bowl with Violets , 128-03, 20. Suncatcher/ Ornament in pired by our Badge, 0-03 , . 10. 10. NEW CRESTED THROW: Our ere t i woven into a beautifu l 100% cotton Throw. 48" 0". 1-1-01 , 49. 11. VIOLET THROW: uper- oft 1 oo·o ja quardwov n reversible throw with purple viol t and green leave. on a natural ba kgr un I. P rfe t f r a d no r lormroom. 9-001, '-19. 1 not shown : Viol t Rug, -9". ·48". - 0_, S- 4. 12. THE WRITE STUFF: Top Row, left to right: Gold Engraved Crested Notes , 50-003 , 20. Memo Cube, 70-017, 4.50. Marble-Edged Stationery, 63-005 , $7. Marbled Notepad, (not shown), 63-006, · 4.50. Alumna Notepad, 02-003, 1.50. Weekly Planner, 02-009, 2.75. Blue Lion Notepad, 02-001 , 1.50. Violet Notepad, 02-002 , 1.50. Mom Notepad, 02-004, 1. Dad Notepad, 02-005, 1. 2nd Row: Small Spiral, 63-008, $3.50 . Stickers (12/ pkg. ), 143-01, 1.50. Creed, 50-001, 2. Motto, 01-025, $1. Crest, 50-002 , 2. Legal Portfolio, 70-035, 14. Cut-Out Notepad, 32-003, 5. 3rd Row: Lion Card, 138-01 , 1.75. Violet Gift Card (10/ pkg.), 89-004, 1. Blue ADPi Gift Cards, (5/ pkg.), 136-03, 1.80. Gold Trim Violet Notes, 25-003, 4. 50. Gold Crested Placecards (2'5/ pkg.), 01-034, 4.75. Violet Linen Stationery, 4-006, 11 . Lion Shaped Pad, 139-01, $2 .50. Postcards (HQ or Garden ) 01-035 , .25. Napkins (12/ pkg.) ,136-05 , 2.50. Slimline Notepad, 02010 , 1.50. 4th Row: Address Book, 63-007, $9. White Flat Notes, 136-04, 4.50. Light Blue Flat Notes , 136-06, 4. 50 . Violet Notes , 74-007, 5. White Foldover Notes , 136-01, 4. Fun ADPi Foldover Notes , 143-02 , $7. Bowl of Violets Notes, 25-003, 4. 25. Blue Crested Notes, 50-004, 12. Blue Foldover Notes , 136-02, $4 . Post-Its , 16-003, 1.85. 13. ADPi BABY: Pink ADPi Legacy Romper, 107-01 , $12. White Sweatshirt Romper w/ embroidered lio n, 107-03, 12. Specify Ro mper size: 6 mo., 12 mo., o r 18 mo. Lion Hooded Towel Set, 49-001 , $18.50. "An ADPi Loves Me" Bib, 107-05, 12.50. "ADPi Legacy" Bib, 107-02, 11. Violet Wrist Rattle, 145-03 , 6. Violet Grip Rattle, 145-02, 8. Yellow/ Orange Lion, 145-01, $14. 1386 Ponce De Leon Avenue N.E. Atlanta, Georgia 30306 PLACE YOU ORDER NOW .. . CALL... 1-800-486-Mart QUANTITY ITEM# Monday-Friday 8:30A. M.- 4:30 P.M . DESC RIPTION SIZE PRICE TOTAL UPS SHlPPING ADDRESS: CHECK/MONEY ORDER (Enclosed w/order) CREDIT CARD (Please complete all i11jormatio11 below): VISA MASTER CARD ZIP CODE:. _ _ _ __ SIGNATURE DA YTLME PHONE: PHO E Su b Total GA Residents 5 % Sales Tax Gift Wrap 0. _ _ CREDIT CARD Postage & Handling UMBER I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II TOTAL EXPIRATION rn rn MO TH YEA R GIFTWRAP AVAILABLE. Add $3 per item. Specify items to be wrapped. Postage & Handling $0 -$50 add $4 $51 - $100 add 6 $101 - $150 add $8 $151- $200 add $10 $201 - $250 add $12 $25 1 & over add $14 Directory GRAND COUNCll. Office Grand President Grand Vice-President of Collegiate Chapter Performance Grand Vice-President of Collegiate Chapter Programs Grand Vice-President of Alumnae Grand Secretary Grand Treasurer NPC Delegate Office r Beth Gentry Mannie (Mrs. Henry) Address 1120 Flatt Circle, Cookeville, T Chris Stecher Dickey (Mrs. David) 2105 Briargate Lane, St. Loui , MO 63122 ally Beggs Thoma (Mrs. Ronald) Anne Veale Pogson (Mrs. Clyde H.) Pamela L. Zimmerman Pat j ohnson Evans (Mrs. Ed) Joni Knight Burke (Mrs. Wm. Kelly) 38501 224 Upland Rd., Decatur, GA 30030 7337 lnglecliff Dr., Dalla , TX 5230 2041 Lombardy Ave., ashville. TN 37215 626 Ogletree Rd. , Auburn , AL. 36830 550 Primro e Way, Louisville, KY 02o6 TRAVELING CHAPTER CONSULTANTS Address all mail to Executive Office Rebecca Duncan Maria Miller Amy Kirstin Hall Marci K. pall Stacy Marie Farmer jennife r L. mith EXECUTIVE OFFICE Office and Telephone hours: 8:30a.m. to 4:30 p.m. EST Monday through Friday; Phone (404)378-3164 Director, Executive Office Lorie Brown 1386 Ponce de Leon Ave., NE, Atlanta, GA 303o6 Alpha Delta Pi Foundation Lisa Owen ewham 1386 Ponce de Leon Ave., NE, Atlanta, GA 30306 Gift Man, Inc. Ellie Hill Klein 1386 Ponce de Leon Ave., NE, Atlanta, GA 303o6 1-800-486-MART (G ift Man Orders Only) ADELPHEAN STAFF Linda Welch Ablard (Mrs. Gary) Ellen Adair Long usan )eiVis Kennedy (Mrs. Gary) jennifer McGhee Siler (Mrs. Glenn) ADELPHEAN Editor Feature Editor Chapter ew Editor Alumnae News Editor 1386 Ponce de Leon Ave., NE, Atlanta, GA 30306 6909 Government Farm Rd., Knoxville, TN 37920 P.O. Box 861 , Gulf Breeze, FL 32562 11528 Gate Mill Drive, Knoxville, TN 37922 Please Check Your Label! Please check your address label, a nd if a ny info rma tio n is incorrect, please fill out the form below a nd mail to Executive Office, leaving the mailbox label intact. Ma il corrections to: ALPHA DELTA PI EXECUfiVE OFFICE, 1386 PONCE DE LEON AVE. NE, ATLANTA, GA 30306. I ITIATIO AME_______________________________________________________________________________ Last CHAPTER OF INITIATIO"--HUSBAND'S First Middle - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Y E A R OF INITIATION:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ AME._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Last First Middle -FOR COMPliTER CORRECTIO - Miss Ms. Mrs . First Title Middle/ Maiden Area Code Mailing Address tate City Foreign Country D I am willing t seiVe Alpha De lta Pi if the need arises. Last Te lephone umber Zip/ Mail Code ( +4)