ACC Women`s Golf Association News


ACC Women`s Golf Association News
Looking for Feedback
J. Taylor - Director of Membership
785.842.7767 | [email protected]
Hi Everybody! I hope you’re enjoying your summer and your time
at Alvamar. We have a ton coming up and hope you’re taking part.
Alvamar is proud of what we do but we are always looking to improve the experience that we offer. We are looking for your help in
this effort. Is there an event or activity that you would like to see at
Alvamar? Please let us know your thoughts and ideas and we will
considering bringing something new to the membership.
I have found that often members hesitate to provide any feedback at
all because they don’t want to be “that person.” I can tell you that in
this business all feedback is good feedback. How are we expected to
offer a quality experience without member feedback?
In the coming months, Alvamar will ask all members to complete a
survey using the ever-popular Please spend a
little time and help Alvamar be the best Place to Play in Kansas!
Monthly Trivia in
the AlvaBar
August 3rd | August 24th
Start time ~ 7:00pm
Come alone or bring a team but
don’t miss the fun in the AlvaBar!
Family Night at the Pool
Thursday, August 8th | 6pm - 8pm
Family | Fun | Games | Taco Bar
August Room Closings:
8/10 Saturday closed all day
8/16 Friday Dinner Closed
8/17 Saturday closed all day
8/22 Thursday Lunch
8/24 Saturday Closed all Day
8/31 Saturday Closed all day
Ladies’ Bridge
Friday, August 9th, 11:30am
Virginia Williams - 843-4065
Lu Vaccaro - 842-3866
Please make your reservations
by noon on Wednesday,
August 7th by contacting the
hostesses listed above.
Bounty Night Update:
Absent Winners:
Larry & Jaime Keating
Riley & Julia Scott
Harry & Cindy Herington
Sue & Al Hack
Current Bounty: $500.00
The Three Year Plan
Scott Willette - Executive Committee President
[email protected]
As you can see by looking around Alvamar, this year is shap- Board. This planning process started with the members’
ing up beautifully; lots of great improvements have been
course because we believe it to be the central showpiece of
made and more are in the works. In conjunction with the
the Alvamar properties. Facility improvements and service
Executive Board and the golf course superintendent, the golf recommendations will also be proposed as we move forward
committee is developing a three-year plan
with this process. We hope these short
to establish an overall golf course style and
and long range plans for the course,
“...lots of great improvements
motif on the members’ course. This plan
have been made and more are in facilities and services will support a harwill include both short-term maintenance
mony of vision and action that solidifies
the works.”
enhancements and longer term capital imthe justifiable pride that members,
provements. By having an agreed upon motif, all short term stockholders and owners have in Alvamar.
maintenance and longer term capital projects will fit together
to form a consistent “natural” design. Course signage, land- The golf committee will be presenting these plans via general
scaping, tree planting, trap upgrades, bridge design and cart meetings, posting and articles in the “Covey” during the
path changes will fit into a look and feel that accentuates nat- fourth quarter of this year. It’s our hope that further enural Alvamar beauty.
hancements by the membership will provide a beneficial and
constructive document from which an alignment of views on
This is the first in a series of plan suggestions which include a final plan can be presented to the Alvamar Inc. Board.
our course, the facilities and services—all with an eye to the
Growth and continuous improvement coupled with fiscal
future. These preliminary plans will be shared with the over- responsibility are the key components of any successful orall membership prior to being proposed to the Alvamar Inc. ganization. Our objective with these plans is to start the process of establishing a three-tier alignment of members,
stockholders and owners that will strengthen Alvamar
and make it The Place to Play!
Golf Committee Report
Chris Davis— Chair
[email protected]
By the time you read this article, we will have just finished out July. It was a great month of tournament play, along with all of
the other golfing events. A new men’s tournament course record of 65 from the tips was shot by Mr. Daniel Burger, a sophomore at Florida State, who was playing in the Monday qualifier. Way to go Mr. Burger!
August has three of the biggest events of the year, so be sure to sign up soon!
Alvamar Club Championship
August 3rd – 4th
Each year we challenge golf members of all skill levels to compete in the Club Championship. In this event you can expect to
play two 18-hole rounds with golfers of similar skill levels. Divisions may include, but are not limited to, Championship/
Open Division, Senior Division, Super Senior Division, and Ladies Division. The Overall Gentlemen’s Club Champion will be
the low scratch golfer participating in the Championship Flight, and the Overall Ladies’ Champion will be the low scratch
golfer in the Ladies Division. We also hand out prizes in each division to the top performers in both gross and net categories.
It’s friendly competition and it’s lots of FUN!
Women's Golf Association Championship
August 12th – 13th
This tournament will be played on Monday and Tuesday. The WGA Champion will be the WGA member who has the lowest
total gross score. The handicap champion will be the WGA member who has the lowest total net score. Both events will be
flighted. Flight first and second place finishers who are not champions will also receive prizes. Players must be members of
the Women's Golf Association to participate.
The Mel Anderson Men’s Member-Member
August 17th – 18th
The Mel Anderson Member-Member is a two-day, Saturday and Sunday, two-man team event. Estimated cost is $125 per
person, which includes five 9-hole matches, champions horserace, buffet lunch (both days), and prize money. On Saturday
you will enjoy three 9-hole matches. We will complete the event on Sunday with two morning 9-hole matches and a horserace
to begin after lunch. This is a great way to compete against your fellow members and also meet some golfers that you may not
have otherwise met. Please plan on participating in this great event!
Don’t be a wallflower; there’s no need to be shy—at Alvamar we are all family, and we’re happy to have the newcomers join
in. If you don’t have a team to play on, contact one of the golf professionals, and they will find you one.
Operations Report
Bryan Minnis—Director of Operations
785.842.7767 | [email protected]
One of the most frequent questions I field is, significant and instrumental in growing Al“how are things going?” I’m pleased to revamar into one of the premier properties in
port to all Alvamar members that things are all of the Midwest. I am personally very exgoing very well. New bunkers are appearing cited about the changes I will have the privimonthly, clubhouse renovalege to report over the second
tions are well under way,
half of our year, and I’m sure
membership is considerably
you will be pleased with the
up, and service enhancecommitment to growth and exments are taking shape. We
cellence that Alvamar’s leaderrealize that we don’t always
ship has in place. In the meanhit a home run or fire on all
time I encourage all members
cylinders, but I think it is
to participate in the many
“The Place to Play!”
fair to say that this year has
great events offered at the
shown that Alvamar has a bright future. I
club and to take advantage of the upgraded
think the most important thing I can say to
menu selections for lunch and dinner. The
all of you is “you ain’t seen nothin yet”. The Oldfather Lounge is a great place to take
ownership, management, and membership
someone to lunch for business or pleasure.
leadership of Alvamar has a clear and deThere is not a more magnificent atmosphere
fined direction for the future and the future
in all of Lawrence and each of us should take
is bright. The changes that will take place at great pride in sharing it with friends, family,
Alvamar over the next several years will be
and business partners.
Aquatic Center
August 8th
Family Night with
Taco Bar!
6 - 8pm
August 22nd
Mom’s Lunch at the
Alvamar Welcomes our New Members!
Welcome to the Alvamar Family | Enjoy Alvamar...
Dan & Heidi Simon
Jay Hwang
Pete & Leanne Laughlin
Dustin & Alex Chase
Jenny & Jason Hohman
David & Shirley Lamott
Mike Kelly
Patricia Hohman
David & Pamela Hill
Paul & Marcy Kolkman
Brett Conrad & Patricia McAlister
Kathleen Kinsler
Grayson & Kaylin Dillon
Jim & Becca Diederich
Caroline Sue Hein
Bruce & Mary Lopez
Tre Overstake
Skepnek Law Firm
Jeff Hill
Tracy & Scott Cowman
Michele & Jerry Hammann
Brenda & Gary Flanagan
Terry Finton
Lance & Heather Dirk
Tom & Sherri Ruddy
The Swimming Pool is set to
close following our Labor Day
celebration on Monday,
September 2nd. Keep an eye
on the Club for the many more
fun Family activities
throughout the year!
August Golf Instruction Specials · Paul Hooser · [email protected] · 842-1907
Ladies Night Out (golf edition)
Ladies, do you want to meet with other ladies and Paul Hooser for some fun and work on your golf game? Tuesday nights in
August at 6:00 let’s get together to polish your game some and socialize some. Each Tuesday the golf topic will change so that
we cover all the shots. Each week the fee would be $25. If you want to do all four weeks the cost goes down to $80. Any dinner
or fun after is on your own. August 6 – Putting, August 13 – Short Game, August 20 – Irons and Hybrids and August 27 Driving
and Fairway Metals.
High School Girls Mini-Camp
The season for girl’s high school golf is fast approaching. On August 3 rd from 5:00-7:00 there will be a mini-camp available to
help prepare the golfers for the season to come. The camp will review; putting, short game skills and the fundamentals of the
swing for iron play and driving. The cost per girl is $39.
Renewing your friendship with your Clubs
Have you developed a love/hate relationship with some of the clubs in your bag? Have you considered counseling? The Your
Clubs are your Friends series may be a great first step before your club is banished to the garage or closet. On Saturday afternoons in August at 3:00 we will cover a different part of the set each week to hopefully work out a loving situation for you and
your golf clubs. August 3 “Partnering with your Putter”, August 10 “Work with the Wedge”, August 17 “Iron Out the Irons and
Hybrids” and August 24 “Develop your Driving and the Fairways”. Make friends with your whole set, four weeks, for $80 or
come for counseling for one afternoon for $25.
Individual Special
Get a 45 minute single lesson for the price of a half hour. $35 for Juniors and $50 for Adults. Lessons purchased in August may
be used at a later date.
ACC Women’s Golf
Association News
Holly Richey
[email protected]
18-Hole Women
18-Hole Club and Handicap Championships
First Round
18-Hole Club and Handicap Championships
Second Round
Team OverKill
Toss Three
The Alvamar Country Club Women's Golf Association Club
and Handicap Championships will be held on Tuesday, August 6th and Wednesday, August 7th. We encourage all WGA
members to participate.
"Fairway to Heaven", the 2013 Quail Classic, is Tuesday, September 17th and Wednesday, September 18th. Please join the
Women's Golf Association for a rocking good 70s time. Entry
fee is $150/person until August 31st. After the 31st, the fee
9-Hole Women
Public Course
Even Holes
Best on Par 3s
will increase to $165/person. The fee includes golf for Tuesday and Wednesday, cocktail party after play on Tuesday, light
breakfast and lunch on Tuesday and Wednesday. Teams may
be comprised of one Alvamar CC member and three guests or
two Alvamar CC members and two guests. Registration forms
are available in the Ladies' Locker Room.
The WGA will have a new Board in 2014. Pat Paul, Rusty
Moore and June Adams form our Nominating Committee.
They will be happy to hear from you if you are would like to
serve on the new Board.
Getting ready for OKTOBERFEST
Lexie Grob—Social Committee Chair
[email protected]
WOW! It’s almost August! The Social Committee,
for our upcoming Oktoberfest, presents to you "The
Crumpletons!" If you have not seen this band you
have to come they play 60s, 70s, 80s and MORE...
We want you to kick back. We are going to
have great Beers, Wine, Music, Dancing and a wonderful fall menu. Mark your calendars for October
18th, Friday. You will not want to miss it!!!! Please
start making your Reservations at the office or the
sign up board in the Alvabar for this fun filled evening. There are always prizes and entertainment.
Come one, Come all. Invite your friends and invite
your family. See you soon and watch for advertising, October will be here soon. The Crumpletons
bring in a full house so mark it down.
When: Friday, October 18th
Cost : $30.00 ( applied to food minimum )
Half Way to the Green
Lawrence St. Patrick’s Day Parade
Charity Golf Tournament
Sunday September 29, 2013 ● 1:00PM Shotgun Start
Alvamar Country Club ● Lawrence, KS
The Lawrence St. Patrick’s Day parade Committee is a 501c3
non-profit organization. Over the past 26 years we have donated over $750,000 to local children’s charities. This year
we are extremely excited to announce the addition of our
first annual Half Way to the Green Golf Tournament. For
more information on sponsorship opportunities or player registration please email Scott Weatherwax at [email protected]
or call 785-423-2925. We look forward your support!
Dining & Event Service Director
Jen Nuessen—Director of Dining and Event Services
[email protected]
With the heat beating down, don’t forget stop by the Alvamar
pool for a quick dip and a refreshing frozen beverage. School is
just around the corner and your remaining pool days are limited.
Enjoy them while you can. Be sure to drop by the pool for Family Night on August 8th from 6pm to 8pm.
Beginning August 1st, for those of you who enjoy partaking of a
cigar during your golf round, the cigars will be available in the
pro shops. If there is a specific item you would like to see offered
please let your shop attendant know. We will do our best to accommodate your preferences.
I would love to see more members enjoying your Oldfather Fireside Lounge. Thursday and Friday evenings from 5pm to 7pm
we are starting a Tapas Happy Hour. Chef Matthew will be preparing a weekly tapas menu featuring some of his favorite hors
d'oeuvres. Alvamar is a great place to relax with a cocktail after a
long day at work. Come visit us for Happy Hour.
We are one month closer to our next big member blowout at Alvamar. Don’t forget to save the date for Oktoberfest on October
18th. Great food, cold beer, lives music, this is sure to be a party
you don’t want to miss.
I hope to see you soon!
Don’t miss our Baked Potato/Soup & Salad Bar
Tuesday - Friday · 11am - 2pm
Oldfather Lounge
$10.00 ~ includes your drink and taxes.
Chef ’s Corner
Chef Matthew - Executive Chef
[email protected]
With August here our Tomato crop will be kicking into full
gear so here is a great Watermelon and Tomato Salad for you.
2 Lbs. large diced seedless Watermelon, 2 large diced big
Heirloom Tomatoes , ¼ to ½ cup Balsamic Dressing,
1 Tbsp. chopped fresh Basil, 2 Garlic cloves sliced thin, Fresh
Mozzarella Cheese large diced, salt to taste.
Food & Beverage
Tuesday Nights @
 20th
 27th
Prime Rib Buffet
Home-style Buffet
LIVE Pasta Buffet
Birthday Buffet
Libby Brown
Age: 25
Hometown: Wichita, Kansas
Horoscope: Leo
Position: Cart Girl/Server
School Major: KU, Chinese
and Arabic and Minor: East Asian Languages
Hobbies outside of Alvamar: Traveling,
gardening, golf and woodwork
Favorite Food: "Pork Tacos on Thursday and
they are only $.99"
Favorite Memory of Alvamar: When her
window was broken and all the members in the
Alvabar helped pay for it.
Favorite Golfer: Tiger Woods
Lightly toss all ingredients with dressing, serve chilled! Enjoy
Until next month, Good cooking.
Please RSVP for our Club Wine Dinner on
September 14th as this fills up fast.
Call 785.842.0004
Favorite KU Athlete: "Sherron Collins because he was short like me!" Libby is also very
excited about Wiggins this year as well.
Tee to Green
Kent Morgison - Superintendent
[email protected] | 785.843.6303
CARTS ON PATH TODAY! To some golfers, this
can be the worst message that they receive as they arrive for
their round. It doesn’t matter where you play, at some point
in time, you will be restricted to cart paths after rain events,
irrigation mishaps, or in some cases fairway aeration. As a
superintendent, it is not a pleasurable message to deliver to
the golf shops, as we realize that it will cause consternation
amongst some and they will get inundated with questions of
why and when throughout the day. As you know, this rule is
put in place in order to avoid damage to fairways and roughs.
It just makes sense to limit damage to your course if at all possible.
But today, I would like to take a different approach
when explaining why CARTS ON PATH TODAY! does not
have to be the ruination of your day. If you look back at the
history, and some people still live by this today, carts are not
part of the game of golf. Have you ever heard the quip “Golf
is a good ride spoiled”? Of course not. However, I am a realist and know that between the busy lives we all lead, and with
technological advances, a ride in a cart can be enjoyable and at
times necessary in order to spin 18 as quickly as possible. So
carts are here to stay, but there is that pesky phrase that still
bothers some.
As most of you know, I am an avid golfer myself. It is
one of the reasons I am in this business at all. I try to take advantage of any chance I can to get out and play. I really enjoy
going to other facilities and seeing different maintenance techniques and ideas, and try to incorporate some into our plans. I
myself am a cart rider; I think I walked my last 18 holes in
1990. I know, that is sad, but probably true. So let me take you
down a couple of my golfing regrets. I have had the pleasure
of playing Prairie Dunes and Flint Hills National with friends.
I hope you get the chance, if you haven’t. Prairie Dunes has an
incredibly history that you sense as you enter the grounds.
And Flint Hills says beauty from the front gate. We took carts
on both courses, I didn’t play well, but was generally done in
less than 3 and ½ hours. In both instances, on the return trip
home, a feeling of dissatisfaction overcame me. Not because I
played poorly, my expectations were not great. Not because it
cost me a lot of money, as it was a free round. But as I thought
of the day, all I could think of was I didn’t get to enjoy the full
beauty of these two fabulous facilities. It is a continuous cycle
of floor it to your ball, jump out, a mini practice swing, whack
it, jump back in cart and zoom to your partners ball, he does
the same, etc. etc.. Before you know it, you are back in your
car, heading back to work or your family duties, and that is it.
Your golfing day is over. If that is what you want out of this
game, so be it. But I believe that most people play because it is
a game you can enjoy with friends and family, they love being
outside, it is a challenge, and most of all, they love it. So next
time you come to the course, and hear CARTS ON PATH TODAY!, tell yourself that it is a blessing, not a curse. Slow
down, maybe ditch the cart for 9, and enjoy your round, your
club, and natures beauty. You may be a little more tired than
normal, but trust me, you won’t regret it.
As always, if for some physical reason, you cannot
walk from the path, check to see if handicap flags are available. At times they are allowed as we are just trying to limit
traffic or damage for the day. And if they are not, all I can say
is I apologize and hope to see you back at the course soon.
On the Golf Side
Eric Magnuson - Director of Golf
[email protected] | 785-842-2929
Thank you Mother Nature for the great weather we are having. It has been wonderful for golf and enjoying Alvamar as a
whole. Many of you have been out playing and practicing,
some more than others, and have asked how can you improve
your scores. Besides countless hours on the range and short
game facility there are a couple of things that I suggest for
better success on the golf course. First would be to check if
your equipment fits you properly. From your Driver to your
Putter it is important that you have the correct length and flex
of shaft. One of our staff members would be glad to help you
in determining if your equipment is set up correctly. Second is
to forget about Par! Par is defined as the average score made
by a 0 handicap player. As we know each hole has its own
unique challenge for each player. By determining what would
be your average on a hole and striving to make that score can
make a big difference. Hole number 4 is a great example. It is
the 6th handicap hole for the men, and the 3rd for the ladies. By
playing for bogie you will make more pars and bogies and
reduce doubles and triples. Creating your own personal par
for the Member’s Course will give you a better understanding
of how to play each hole to your own strengths and give you
the proper benchmark to reach instead of old man par.
We hope you will sign up for the following events for the
Month of August:
 Club Championship – August 3rd and 4th
 ACCWGA Championship – August 6th and 7th
 The Mel Anderson (Men’s Member/Member)
August 17th and 18th
 Bonnie Henrickson – August 24th
(Will take up both courses)
What other people may find in poetry or art museums, I
find in the flight of a good drive. ~Arnold Palmer
Alvamar Phone Numbers:
Pro Shop - 842.2929
Dining Room - 842.0004
Business Office - 842.2764
AlvaBar - 856.0160
*RSVP for all events by calling 842.0004
Club Closed
Club Championship
Sunday Brunch
Ladies Hit &
Giggle, 5pm
Ladies Day
Prime Rib
Club Closed
BBB = Bob Billings Banquet Room
Sunday Brunch
Ladies Day
Burger Night
$.99 Beef Tacos
All Day
Men’s Night
Family Night at
the Pool &
Taco Bar
Burger Night
Buffet - $11.95
$.99 Beef Tacos
All Day
Men’s Night
Ladies Hit &
Giggle 5:30pm
Sunday Brunch
Club Closed
Live Pasta
Mel Anderson
Sunday Brunch
Minimum Due
Date P - Z
Ladies Day
Club Closed
Ladies Day
Birthday Buffet
Sr. - 11.75
Burger Night
Mom’s Day at
the Pool
Bounty Night
Club Championship
AlvaBar, 7pm
Ladies Bridge
BBB Closed
Bounty Night
Bounty Night
Mel Anderson
closed all day
Bounty Night
in the Oldfather
closed all day
Men’s Night
$.99 Beef Tacos
All Day
BBB Closed
Closed for lunch
$.99 Beef Tacos
All Day
Bounty Night
closed all day
Burger Night
Men’s Night
AlvaBar, 7pm
BBB Closed
Baked Potato | Soup | Salad
Every Tuesday - Friday ~ 11am - 2pm ~ Oldfather Lounge
$10.00 (includes your drink and taxes)