Practical Information - Station Thermale d`Avène
Practical Information - Station Thermale d`Avène
Practical Information A Make an appointment with one of the doctors in the Hydrotherapy Center for your arrival medical consultation and prescription of your treatment course Please contact Avene center to obtain updated list of doctors by phone at +33 (0)4 67 23 41 87 or Website - Provide medical information to the doctor before arrival - Contact your local Social Health insurance for reimbursement possiblities 2 Book your accommodation The hotel and residential complex is here to accommodate you on-site. Phone number: +33 (0)4 67 23 44 45 E-mail: [email protected] Other accommodations can be offered by the Avène Tourism Office Phone number: +33 (0)4 67 23 43 38 or Website On the Website, “Book my cure”, by post or by phone: +33 (0)4 67 23 41 87 You will receive confirmation of your booking. 4 Organize your transport to Avène Shuttle bus, Taxi, Car rental, please contact Avene center for more information Phone number +33 (0)4 67 23 41 87 or Website More detailled information or assistance by contacting Avène Center team. AVENE CENTER 34260 Avène-les-Bains – France Phone: +33 (0)4 67 23 41 87 Fax: +33 (0)4 67 23 44 71 Created by SYMBIOSE - D. Cabrol - J. David – All Rights Reserved 3 Confirm your treatment registration Certified in dermatology POST-CANCER HYDROTHERAPY TREATMENT GUIDE A Hydrotherapy Center with a rich history It all began around the age of enlightenment, in about a century which enlightened the world by means of its ideals as summarised by Condorcet: Reason, Humanity, Tolerance, etc. and which is still the motto of the Avène Hydrotherapy Center today. In 1736, the Marquis of Rocozels had a horse with a skin condition which was persistent and unpleasant. He followed his instinct which told him to drink water from the nearby spring every day and to bathe his entire body in it. A few days later, the news of his complete cure qualified as the “miracle of Avène water” spread throughout the region. The doctors of Montpellier and Paris, alerted, sent their first patients. They were not novices; the Faculty of Medicine of Montpellier had been founded in 1220, which makes it the oldest faculty of medicine in existence in the world… All of them confirmed the efficacy of Avène Thermal Water and recommended its use to the point such that in 1874, the National Academy of Medicine declared it a “Source of Public Interest”. In 1975, Pierre Fabre, a tireless pharmacist and innovator was fascinated by this “sleeping beauty”. He decided to begin in-depth scientific studies in order to evaluate the potential properties and to understand its mode of action. Because even though the center is forgotten, its thermal spring water has not lost any of its qualities. The many studies that have been conducted and the benefits observed by patients who have gone for hydrotherapy treatment at Avène Center provide a resounding confirmation. Avène Thermal Spring water is indeed a source of soothing water, the preferred spring for sensitive, damaged and fragile skin. The Center, moreover, is the first Hydrotherapy Center specialised in dermatology to receive the certification “HACCP Aquacert Thermalism” (in 2010 and renewed in 2013). The approach undertaken by the Avène Hydrotherapy Center to improve the quality of care, to ensure health safety and to provide satisfaction to their patients is therefore rewarded. First hydrotherapy center in 2015 to receive a distinction and recommendation by AFPRAL (French Association for the Prevention of Allergies, member of the European Foundation of Allergy). [Declared of public utility by the government (illegible)] POST-CANCER HYDROTHERAPY TREATMENT GUIDE 3 A beautifully preserved environment Founded before the 12th century, the village of Avène is nestled in the Orb valley, in the Haut-Languedoc Regional Nature Park. Covered by woods and forests, this large park, 26,000 hectares, is carefully protected in an ideal setting for rest and relaxation. Its spectacular geographic location, the beautiful countryside, the lush vegetation, gorgeous sunshine and the proximity of the Mediterranean all help make it a rare and precious paradise. The area is dotted with tiny old villages, full of historic charm and cultural heritage. In these beautiful surroundings, we find the impluvium, the huge receptacle into which rainwater has flown for centuries, trickling down to eventually become our water source. This impluvium is the beginning of the Avène Spring Water’s underground journey. It is thought to take over 50 years to reach the source and to acquire all of its qualities and unique composition. WHAT HAS LONG BEEN KNOWN… Avène Thermal Spring Water has a unique mineral content which is constant and qualitatively balanced. • • • • • A low mineral content: dry residue 266 mg/litre. Calcium bicarbonate and magnesium profile. Calcium/magnesium ratio equal to 2. Rich is silicates and trace elements. A neutral pH: 7.5. A Rare Spring Water with a dual signature… This specific mineral composition is an important factor for the properties of Avène Thermal Spring Water. …AND THAT RECENT DISCOVERIES HAVE TAUGHT US. Our researchers in corporation with the Oceanographic Observatory of Banyuls-sur-Mer have demonstrated the existence of other active substances in the Thermal Spring Water which result from an original microflora called the “aqua. dolomiae” and comprise the biological signature of Avène Thermal Spring Water. jdv_25_s1_oc.qxp 12/15/2010 11:32 AM Page 1 JEADV oo fs Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology Volume 25 Supplement 1 February 2011 Pr Evidence-based Efficacy of Avène Thermal Spring Water FORM ATION EN DERM 2009 Impact Factor: CUS GIE EADV 2.787 47 3603 EUROPEAN ACADEMY OF DERMATOLOGY AND VENEREOLOGY ( ISSN 0926-9959/1468-3083 (Online) N° 44 AT O que tte histori Vigne Mise au point es de Histoir PIE 3 EN DIRECT DE LA RECHERCHE 11 us fait iez-vo ts, qu’aur patien Club Derma DERMO CUS CUS AT O P I E N DIRECT DE LA STATION 39 900 Triglycérides Acides gras estérifiés 41 Acides gras libres Cholestérol 43 800 700 *** 300 200 *** Trixéra+ Marie Ange Martincic, ACTIVITE BASALE 0 Concurrent L L’enfant et la cure thermale en dermatologie Trixéra+ Trix Concurrent Co o L 600 500 400 100 Vitamine C E 37 e tologi en Derma Témoin DERMO 27 web z-vous Rende AT O P I E 17 ? iques graph lités biblio Actua che recher e de la ale d’Avèn En direct n therm Statio de la En direct Directrice des Thermes d’Avène acides cides gras as eestérifiés stérifiés *** p<0,001 Fig. 2. Autoradiographie des plaques de chromatographie. Fig. 4. Quantification des acides gras estérifiés. Résultats L’application du baume Trixéra+ Sélectiose® sur épiderme reconstruit a stimulé la néosynthèse par les kératinocytes des différents lipides et précurseurs de lipides étudiés. Cet effet était supérieur à celui observé avec le témoin positif et le produit concurrent (Fig. 2). La quantification de la S O N I T I E D Lab ora t oire mat s Der E S A L D I C M É olog ique E R R P I E ne s Avè E néosynthèse B R lipidique a permis de démontrer que F A cette stimulation était significativement supérieure à l’activité basale observée sur les épidermes non-traités (Fig. 3). La synthèse des acides gras estérifiés a été augmentée de manière particulièrement importante par une application préalable de Trixéra+ Sélectiose® (Fig. 4). Pour toutes les espèces lipidiques étudiés, Trixéra+ Sélectiose® s’est montré supérieur au concurrent (Fig. 3 et 4). 250 *** Trixéra+ Trix Concurrent Co o L 200 ** 150 * **** *** ACTIVITE BASALE 100 50 0 sphingo sphingo-myéline o my myéline phospholipides phospholip holip pides choleestérol cholestérol esté acides grass libres * p<0,05, ** p<0,01, *** p<0,001 Fig. 3. Quantification des différents lipides et des acides gras libres. 38 Cette étude a permis de démontrer clairement l’efficacité de Trixéra+ Sélectiose® dans le renforcement et le maintien de la barrière lipidique cutanée. Il a été montré que Trixéra+ Sélectiose® a un effet stimulateur sur la néosynthèse lipidique qui est d’autant plus concluant qu’il comprend la synthèse des précurseurs lipidiques, des métabolites intermédiaires et des constituants du ciment lipidique tel que le cholestérol. Cette action globale de Trixéra+ Sélectiose® sur le métabolisme lipidique des kératinocytes permet d’améliorer la cohésion et la résistance de la couche cornée ce qui souligne l’intérêt de l’utilisation de Trixéra+ Sélectiose® sur des peau atopiques. DERMO CUS N° 44 - 2012 - ATOPIE (1) Mavon A, Duplan H. Symposium Avène, JDP, Paris, 2007. (2) Mavon A, Ceruti I, Castex-Rizzi N, Charveron M. Bioavailability and pharmacological effect of a new pentyl-rhamnoside on the inflamed skin. Poster SID 2008. (3) Uchida Y, Behne M, Quiec D, Elias PM, Holleran WM. Vitamin C stimulates sphingolipid production and markers of barrier formation in submerged human keratinocyte cultures. J Invest Dermatol. 2001;117(5):1307-13. L a saison 2011 vient de se terminer, c’est donc un bon moment pour faire le point. Au total près de 2 600 curistes sont venus à la Station pour bénéficier de nos soins avec une forte proportion d’enfants : plus de 30% des curistes que nous recevons ont moins de 15 ans. L’importance du nombre d’enfants atopiques traités à la Station thermale est liée sans conteste à la prévalence croissante de cette affection. Et dans ce contexte, la notoriété de la Station thermale d’Avène fait le reste. Car aujourd’hui on sait comment et on sait pourquoi la cure thermale à la Station est tellement bénéfique... En outre, et cette tendance se confirme, nous accueillons de plus en plus de très petits enfants. C’est d’ailleurs pourquoi nous nous sommes équipés pour accueillir sans aucune difficulté des curistes de ... 3 mois ! le médecin traitant de l’enfant et à adresser à la Caisse d’Assurance Maladie. - Les frais d’hébergement de l’enfant et des adultes qui l’accompagnent ne sont pas pris en charge ou très partiellement sous certaines conditions de ressources. - L’accompagnement de l’enfant est requis aussi bien dans les soins jusqu’à l’âge de 12 ans - que tout au long du séjour de 3 semaines. L’an passé, comme les années précédentes, nous avons pu constater à quel point la présence active des parents (ou des grands-parents) ajoutait un vrai «plus» à la cure thermale des petits... En famille, les petites appréhensions du début sont vite effacées et les bons résultats de la cure font l’objet d’un bonheur immédiatement partagé ! Petit guide pour jeune curiste... Les soins des tous-petits Une question nous est souvent posée : «comment, en pratique, préparer le séjour de mon enfant ?». Les procédures, avouons-le, sont très simplifiées. - La durée du séjour est de 3 semaines consécutives et les soins sont administrés tous les jours: du lundi au samedi. - Les frais de cure et les honoraires médicaux sont remboursés respectivement sur les bases de 65 et 70%. - La prise en charge administrative s’engage à partir d’un simple questionnaire à remplir avec Le nombre de soins quotidiens est toujours adapté à l’âge de l’enfant. Le nourrisson jusqu’à 18 mois bénéficie de 2 bains simples par jour, parfois complétés d’applications de compresses imprégnées d’Eau thermale d’Avène. Au delà de 18 mois, le programme de soins thermaux est plus diversifié. Les bains, choisis pour leur rôle émollient, sont agrémentés de bulles d’air ou d’hydromassages, et suivis de douches en fines pulvérisations générales ou locales. Lors de séquelles de brûlures ou d’eczéma DERMO N° 44 - 2012 - ATOPIE Ph. : J. David ANS DE % synthèse lipidique DE 10 % synthèse lipidique ATOLO O DERM PLUS 39 The total sum of this knowledge explains the soothing and antiirritant properties of Avène Thermal Spring Water. They have been reported in several international scientific publications. POST-CANCER HYDROTHERAPY TREATMENT GUIDE 5 Effective but demanding treatments Today the diagnosis of cancer is synonymous with increasingly effective treatments (traditional surgery, radiological surgery, endoscopic surgery, radiotherapy, conventional chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, etc.). In addition to the surgery itself, or even breast reconstruction which can leave unsightly or painful scars, cancer treatments often leave their “mark”. Three types of treatment can be differentiated: These effective treatments enable increasingly long remissions under good conditions, but they also generate side effects, in particular, involving the skin, hair and nails. M RADIOTHERAPY Better understanding and controlling these side effects is essential to diminish their impact and to be able to continue to take advantage of the full efficacy of cancer treatments with upmost serenity. M TRADITIONAL CHEMOTHERAPIES You will no longer feel the same and you will experience the need to reconcile your body image and yourself. M NEW TARGETED THERAPIES Even when focused on the tumour, it can damage the skin. Radiation due to powerful x-rays can cause radio-dermatitis (skin burns) that are bothersome even though they are little intense and do not last. Designed to inhibit the growth of tumour cells, they can also produce their effects on other cells, such as cells of the skin and hair, etc. So many bothersome side effects, but always temporary. In order to produce an effect on all of the cells globally as traditional chemotherapies do, targeted therapies specifically target a problem or a discomfort presenting a precise anomaly and specific to the disease which affects it. Even targeted therapies can cause side effects. POST-CANCER HYDROTHERAPY TREATMENT GUIDE 7 Benefits of avène hydrotherapy aftercancer treatment confirmed “What is happiness? Come here and this is will be the first impression that one has…” Evelyne, patient at Avène Everything here is designed to erase and to cushion trying times which follow surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Thermal spring water hydrotherapy is carefully planned so that your treatment is perfectly appropriate for your own case. Thermal water baths, hydro-massage showers, filiform showers and sprays, emollient cream wraps or soothing compresses with Avène Thermal Spring Water enable your skin to regain its comfort and feeling of well-being. Oral mucus membrane conditions receive specific care with Avène Thermal Spring Water. So many privileged moments which enable Avène Thermal Spring Water to gently circulate its soothing anti-irritant and softening properties. Always on a “custom-made” basis and depending on your concerns or your plans, you will also have many workshops available for you: A workshop on how to apply make-up, to teach the techniques of applying make-up to hide scars, but also to regain a luminous colour, beautiful eyebrows and a “revitalised” face. - Dermo-cosmetic advice, knowing the proper ways for appropriate skin care to help it regain its suppleness and comfort. - Appropriate exercises under the supervision of a physiotherapist to re-invigorate one’s body and improve mobility of the arms. - Areas to meet people, moderated by a clinical psychologist, this is a place where people meet, listen and where each one can freely express, share his/her own experience. - Dietary advice, by a pharmacist with a degree in medical dietetics, in order to help you follow an appropriate diet after treatment. A significant improvement in beneficial effects on the skin thanks to hydrotherapy. A clinical study conducted at the Center demonstrates the significant benefit of Avène thermal water therapy (patients who used thermal spring water therapy versus those who did not). This study made it possible to demonstrate a significant improvement in Quality of Life, but also in the principal signs of skin discomfort such as dry skin, itching and indurated skin. In addition in improvement in skin quality, an improvement in residual oedema is also observed and a significant impact on bodily image. Dry skin Pruritus Skin induration -10 -30 -50 -70 Spring Water Patients (35) Non-Spring Water Patients (33) -90 NCI CTCAE specific scale (Criteria evolution) • A randomised controlled trial involving 6 hospital centres at the Avène Hydrotherapy Center on 68 female patients in complete remission. • Inclusion 1 to 5 weeks after treatment of breast cancer by Surgery/Chemotherapy/ Radiotherapy or by Chemotherapy/Surgery/ Radio-therapy “At Avène, there is a certain fragrance of humanity. We all have our own body envelope and Avène offers us a human envelope. We wish to thank all of these persons with smiling faces, and who provide soothing types of care.” Sophie, a patient at Avène Hydrotherapy Center POST-CANCER HYDROTHERAPY TREATMENT GUIDE 9 At the margin of the treatment: Discovering, Learning, Enjoying oneself While following a hydrotherapy treatment is engaging, it nevertheless allows you a certain amount of free time. And it would be a shame to go to Avène Center and be limited to the village, as charming as it may be. Because in fact it is full of precious charm, that of a bygone era. It exudes calm, soothing, like the Spring, its neighbour. But the soothing effect thus adds to the pleasure of discovery. Between two massages or two baths, everything is designed to entertain you, to delight you, to fascinate you and to help you to relax. Choose your favourite pass time. You can improve your backhand or your forehand stroke, the tennis court is within reach of your tennis racket. Your new friends invite you to join them and to play? The bowling alley and the mini-golf are within walking distance in the park. “It’s more fun to compete”… If you want to walk, all alone, as a couple or in a group ? Over 300 km of well indicated random trails await you. The best guides will be there for you…what scenery you will see! And why not try your hand at trout fishing, this old dream that wells up in you…The clear water of the Orb River is at your feet and we have fishing rods for you! Golfer? In Lamalou, take advantage of a 9 hole golf course which is there for you with a true spectacle of greenery. Climber? You can attack the Mount Espinouse and the Escandorgue, whose name so well illustrates the south. And if you are surprised by a small gastronomical curiosity, think of the Roquefort caves, which no longer need any explanation and the wines of the nearby Hérault region. If you have a passion for exploring historical treasures, you can visit the Abbey of Sylvanès or the Cathar castles. Moving vestiges of the past, concentrated between Carcassone, Perpignan and Narbonne… Finally, if you want to admire a pure masterpiece of modern civil engineering, then cross the Millau road bridge. As everyone who visits it says, the spectacular view will take your breath away. 11 POST-CANCER HYDROTHERAPY TREATMENT GUIDE