June Rally Newsletter


June Rally Newsletter
June Rally 2015
DC’s Report by Deb Raffle
Hello everyone,
Winter has really hit. Make sure all of you and your horses are snug and warm.
State competition on June Sat 20th (Flat) and Sun 21st (Games) at Bacchus Marsh!!
We have a games team and a team of 4 representing Gisborne PC at State level. It would be
fabulous if you could come along and support the teams on either days!
We wish them every success at the competition always remembering whilst it’s nice to get a
place the fun is in the participation.
3 of our riders attended Speed to Safety at Flemington on 16th May, Ella De Campo, Jess Winther
and Laura Dunshea. All said they had a fabulous morning and how good and what a privilege it
was to have the opportunity to ride at Flemington Racecourse. I’d like everyone to consider this
as part of their riding activities in the future. Riding to a particular time is a skill we don’t often get
to practice and it is essential for cross country competition.
I hope you all enjoy the rally this time with the older groups having the opportunity to ride side
saddle with Deb Raleigh. Unfortunately the very junior groups cannot participate in this activity as
Deb only has larger saddles.
James Lang has agreed to teach Show jumping. A huge thank you for teaching on HIS BIRTHDAY!!
We have a new dressage instructor today Nicole Downs who has kindly offered to teach us whilst
Megan is away and Mel Burns is back to give us her excellent cross country experience.
Our four ride and try riders are back with us again with an extra two in the Blue group. Welcome
again and hope you enjoy the day. The junior groups will be well looked after by our instructors
Maureen Hall, Sam Ferrari and Sam Adams.
Unfortunately I will not be at the June Rally and Katrina Lang McDougall will be acting DC on
the day. Some of the other committee members will also not be at the rally and they contribute
enormously to the running of the day. Please offer your help at the rally as often as you are able.
Please make sure you are available to set up and pack up and just a reminder to fill out your
volunteer hours for the work you do on the day. Remember its 20 volunteer hours per year.
Ride safely and I hope you will enjoy the variety of instruction and instructors you have this rally.
Cheers Deb
Assistant DC Comment by Katrina McDougall
I am excited to take on the assistant DC role which is designed to help Deb out and organise
the junior groups. I will be working with Deb throughout the year to ensure the program for
the juniors is tailored to their needs and that the kids can grow and develop. This rally we
are fortunate to have 3 instructors including Maureen, Sam Ferrari and Samantha Adams.
Maureen will be completing the D and E certificates for those who have been working on
them all year so please bring your books!! Sam F our esteemed games coach will be doing a
junior show jumping course on the sand arena. This is shared with dressage so please come
up along the grass from the gate to the area next to the trees. Samantha will do some fun
games. At the end of the day we will have a navigation course for those who last the day.
We welcome back the new members who came last rally and look forward to growing the
I want to thank Ellen, Allison and Mel who have taken on the Secretary, Membership Secretary
and Newsletter roles respectively. Please note the new emails which you can use to contact
each of us directly or come and say hello at the rally.
Ellen Fordham - Secretary and committee member - Ellen can help you with rules, ordering
books and badges from PCAV and any feedback you want to give the committee.
[email protected]
Allison Codling - Card Secretary and membership secretary - Allison completes your card
each month so you need to let her know if you have a new horse or ride 2 on a day. Allison
collects the ride and try forms, new and renewing member forms and can help you with any
membership paperwork. Felicity Morley will collect your money and give you a receipt for
[email protected]
Mel Hall - Communication coordinator and Newsletter editor - Send Mel anything you want to
put in the newsletter and all your results and photos for the website.
[email protected]
Speed to Safety at Flemington
Dates for your diary...
This Rally – Fees Due
To remain insured and ride at the July rally payment for all renewing members must be
received. The early bird membership fees for Junior Members is $345 and Associate Members
is $365. You must be paid by the 19th June to get this early bird rate and be renewed for the
July rally. Further details are available on the website with fees, forms and options for paying to
remain insured and eligible to compete. If you need the renewal email again please contact
the secretary on [email protected] or check the website.
Next Committee Meeting – Tuesday 26th May 7.30pm
The next committee meeting will be held on Tuesday 26th May at 7.30pm at a venue to be
confirmed. Sometimes the venue is changed to be at someone’s house so if you wish to
attend (all members are welcome) please check the venue via gisborneponyclub@gmail.
com .
GPC Showjumping Competition and Presidents Cup – Sunday 19th July 2015
The Gisborne Pony Club Showjumping Bonanza is organized and will be open for entries
soon. It includes a President’s Cup event which is part of a series of competitions in Central
Zone in which riders earn points towards the coveted Central Zone President’s cup for each
showjumping grade. There is something for all riders with open classes, a freshmans ring and
topsy ring for the very junior riders.
The June and July rallies will concentrate on Show Jumping to ensure everyone is graded
and understands the events being offered to ensure all riders who are able to show jump can
This event is also our major fund raiser for the year and all families are needed to help run the
day so ensure the date is in your diaries!!!
EOFY Dinner Friday 17th July 2014 from 6pm presentations 8pm
The end of financial year dinner and presentation evening will be held on Friday 17th July
This is the weekend of our showjumping competition and a chance for a social night without
The venue is the Telegraph Hotel Gisborne which will allow for dinner to be ordered from 6pm
onwards with presentations at 8pm.
As the new pony club financial year starts in July it is a chance to farewell any riders not rejoining and welcoming new riders, thank the outgoing executives and committee and present
badges and awards earned.
July Rally – Sunday 5th July
August Rally – Sunday 2nd August
left to right: Jasmine Hall, Audrey Mason, Camille Mason, Beth Codling, Issy Baglava, Ashleigh Hogan, Lachlan McDougall, Amelia McDougall, Mirri Lang
Lowden Shield
The Central Zone Gymkhana formerly known as the Lowden Family Shield is a gymkhana run
by Central Zone each year. It is only open to central zone clubs and riders compete for the
club shield which is awarded based on an aggregate points system for placing obtained
in a range of flat and games events. The riders compete in age groups throughout the day
in showing events including pc turnout, rider, led handler, pairs and teams of 3 and even
bareback rider for the stickable riders. Handy Mount is run for senior and junior riders which
includes an obstacle course judged on obedience and skill not time and is worth double
points. Games are run on a timed basis so every rider has a go at the games suited to their
age group and the fastest times at the end of the day place.
This year the gymkhana was held at Sunbury PC and we had a small but competitive team
attend with an unprecedented contingent of junior riders including 5 in the led ring! The
seniors ring was represented by Beth Coding and Ashleigh Hogan who looked stunning on
their steel greys and they fought over 1st and second all day (unfortunately in the same age
group!). Ashleigh won the turnout and rider, and Ashleigh won the bareback rider, they blitzed
the pairs and also had a go at the games with some placings. All the junior children did well
and looked beautiful in the turnout with Camille, Audrey, Issy and Jasmine coming 1st, 3rd,
4th and 6th respectively and Amelia got her favourite colour purple as runner up out of many
children in the led event!! What a coup!! Mirri came 5th in the 7 yo ring and Lachlan 4th in the
9yo ring. The juniors had a tough day all in the led ring together but continued to place with
ribbons in pairs, bareback and lots of games.
I think Gisborne had the biggest and smallest horses there on the day. Beth’s Elliot might have
been the biggest horse in the games ring but showed he can have a go as well as any pony
and Matilda showed that an 8.3h Shetland can be a really handy mount coming a close
second in the junior handy mount ring!!
The results are too many to mention them all but with so many points Gisborne achieved 4th
placing as a club!! We were only a few points off a pennant so it just shows you have to be
in it to win it and by having a go at everything the club can achieve great results. It will be
something to strive for next year with a few more riders in other age groups.
This year Gisborne will be awarding the Denheld trophy to the rider who achieved the most
points at the Lowden for the club. The Denheld trophy is an award created by the Denheld
family many years ago to recognise the rider who had a go at everything at the club
gymkhana. We didn’t have a break up or Gisborne gymkhana since last time it was awarded
so the Lowden points are to be used. This will be awarded to the winner and runner up at the
dinner in July along with the other yearly awards and certificates.
Come Along and Support Gisborne Pony Club at the State Games Day
State competition on June Sat 20th (Flat) and Sun 21st (Games) at Bacchus Marsh.
Good luck to all competing. GO GISBORNE!!!!
9.30am - 10.00am
10.00am 11.00am
11.00am 12.00pm
12.00pm– 1.00pm
Mel Burns
Show Jumping
James Lang
Sand arena 1
Mel Burns
Side Saddle
Deb Raleigh
Unlettered Grass Arena
Nicole Downs
Sand arena 2
Show Jumping
James Lang
Sand arena 1
1.00pm -2.00pm
2.00pm -3.00pm
Nicole Downs
Sand arena 2
Show Jumping
James Lang
Sand arena 1
Side Saddle
Deb Raleigh
Mel Burns
Unlettered Grass Arena
Side Saddle
Nicole Downs
Deb Raleigh
Sand arena 2
Unlettered Grass Arena
Side Saddle
Deb Raleigh
Unlettered Grass Arena
Nicole Downs
Sand arena 2
Show Jumping
James Lang
Sand arena 1
Mel Burns
9.30am - 10.00am
10.00am - 11.00am
11.00am - 12.00pm
Show Jumping Sam F
Sand 2
Parental Supervision required.
Walk up tree side of Sand 1 to get to arena.
D Cert Mounted Maureen
Round Yard
Bring D book and pen for signing
12.00pm– 1.00pm
1.00pm -2.00pm
2.00pm -3.00pm
Games Sam A
Lettered Arena
D Certificate
Finish sign off if required
Navigation Ride
Games Sam A
Lettered Grass Arena
Morning Tea at 10.45
Eat snack on way to next arena
Show Jumping Sam F
Sand 2
Parental Supervision required per child.
Walk up tree side of Sand 1 to get to arena.
E Certificate Maureen
Off lead testing
Round Yard
Bring E book and pen for signing
Flat Maureen
Round Yard
Morning Tea at 10.45
Eat snack on way to next arena
Games Sam A
Lettered Grass Arena
Show Jumping Sam F
Sand 2
Parental Supervision required per child.
Walk up tree side of Sand 1 to get to arena.
Navigation Ride course with Sam
Meet at club rooms. Parental supervision required per child.
Central Zone Horse Trials
Sunday the 31st May was the Central Zone
Horse Trials event at Oaklands Pony Club.
Central Zone has run this for the past 5 years
to provide another horse trials in the zone for
our riders, provide a qualifier for the interzone
and state horse trials and allow eventers to
represent their club and challenge for the
Inaugural club shield. Last year the Mathew
Slade memorial trophy was created to
remember Mathew who had a passion for
eventing and it is presented to the winner of
the highest grade on the day.
stop to finish the course in one piece and was
absolutely thrilled. Ebony on her seasoned
eventer Honey then showed the grade 5’s
how to do it with a beautiful clear round to
move up into 6th place!
Gisborne achieved 2 points towards the hotly
contested aggregate shield and it was a
proud day for Gisborne’s life members Sue
Hollins, Ann Bush and Leonie Lang who were
part of running the event for Central Zone to
see so many Gisborne riders enjoy the day.
Gisborne was represented by some
enthusiastic eventers and had the biggest
contingent entered this year since the
event started. It was great to see some
younger kids having a go, including Ella
De Campo and Ashleigh Hogan in grade
4 and Ebony Hangman, Taylah Davis and
Lachlan McDougall in grade 5. Unfortunately
Charlotte Davis had to scratch. This was a
“first event” for many concerned in different
ways. Ella had a very busy day taking not one
but TWO horses out for the day which she
discovered brings a whole new meaning to
“horse trials” having to juggle 6 components
in one day! She did very well with both horses
double clear in the jumping phases placing
6th on Bell and also 10th on Paris in Grade 4.
Ashleigh, Taylah, Ebony and Lachlan had a
great start to the day with great competitive
dressage scores and successfully made it
around the tight show jumping course. It
was a very challenging cross country course
having been updated especially for the
event and the first 4 jumps were very hard.
The rain and impeding cloud dropping fog
onto the course together with jump judges
holding umbrellas made it look like something
out of a BBC murder mystery so the ponies
were not impressed. Unfortunately Oscar and
Tye encountered the boogey man early on
the cross country which was disappointing
but for their first horse trials away from
their own grounds it was a terrific effort. It
was Lachlan’s first horse trials ever and he
determinedly pushed Vic on after his initial
Your Invited To...
Gisborne Pony Club
EOFY Dinner
Friday 17th July 2014
RSVP: Lisa Dunshea
Dinner from 6.00pm
Presentation 8.00pm
10th July 2015
(03) 54 28 3082 or
0409 325 199
Telegraph Hotel Gisborne
Central Zone of Pony Clubs
Reg. No: A0026915H
Eventing Clinic
Darren Green,
Justine Greer (Weds Only) & Catherine Davies
(Thurs Only)
Catherine is a keen instructor, being a Level 3 NCAS/EA Coach and
Coach Educator. She enjoys teaching horses and riders and seeing
them learn and improve.
Darren Green is a NCAS qualified instructor who has competed at 3*
Level eventing and is a very dedicated pony club advocate who loves
instructing children.
Justine is also an NCAS qualified instructor, an FEI Dressage Rider
and Trainer. She has coached at the CZ annual dressage clinic
in January for several years with outstanding results and is highly
regarded by her pupils
Cost: $100
Tullamarine Pony Club Grounds,
Greenvale Reserve, Section Road, Greenvale
Wednesday 8th July (1 Dressage and 1 XC)
Thursday 9th July (1 SJ and 1 XC)
(Format subject to change)
All grades and open riders welcome but extra consideration will be
given to Grade 3 & 4 riders who have entered for the Interzones
grade 3&4 HT in September. (All riders to complete Liability
Declaration Form – additional $10.00 insurance applies to those
without relevant cover)
Tullamarine PC will have a basic canteen for refreshments. BYO
Presidents Cup
Sunday 19th July 2015
I.R. Robertson Reserve,
340 Couangalt Rd,
Gisborne South
entries via eventsecretary.org.au
(closing date 12 July 2015)
Enq: Leonie Lang 0408 310 843 [email protected]
Please send any news/results/photos to Mel Hall ([email protected])
for inclusion in the monthly newsletter and updating the
Pony Club website.