All the inform ation you need to build your fantastic Billie Bones model


All the inform ation you need to build your fantastic Billie Bones model
yo l t h
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yo n e n f
Bi ur ed orm
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m e B ta bu tio
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Complete assembly guide for issues 1–34
how to assemble billie bones
Here you can see all the bones of your Billie Bones model. In anatomy, left and right are
the same as they are for you, so Billie’s left side is the same side as yours.
Billie’s organs
Your Billie model has all the key organs that your body has. You can build all of Billie’s
organs and then add them to Billie’s skeleton.
right hemisphere (right side) of the brain
cranium (skull)
left hemisphere (left side) of the brain
spinal column stem
mandible (lower jaw)
Intervertebral discs
top teeth
bottom teeth
upper veins
right scapula (shoulder blade)
right humerus (funny bone)
thoracic vertebrae (middle backbones)
upper arteries
cervical vertebrae (top backbones)
left clavicle (collarbone)
right clavicle (collarbone)
left scapular (shoulder blade)
right ulna and radius (forearm bones)
right pelvis
left lung
right lung
sternum (breastbone)
left humerus (funny bone)
right kidney
intervertebral discs
billie’s organs
billie’s bones
Billie’s bones
lumbar vertebrae (lower backbones)
intervertebral discs
lower veins
left kidney
lower arteries
left ulna and radius (forearm bones)
right hand
right femur (thigh bone)
right tibia and fibula
left side of pelvis
left hand
left femur (thigh bone)
Keep this guide with
your Billie Bones
model. Instructions
for assembling each
part are also at the
back of each issue.
Good luck!
left tibia and fibula
oesophagus and stomach
gall bladder
small intestine
right foot
left foot
colon (large intestine)
When you’re putting Billie together, you shouldn’t need to force any of his pieces
together too hard. If you’re finding it tricky, or don’t understand something, ask a grown
up for some help. If Billie’s bones break, sadly they won’t heal ...
Making Billie’s head
Building Billie’s spine
Take each tooth from its holder, and slot it into one of Billie’s tooth sockets. The teeth are
numbered from 1 to 16. Do them one at a time, so you don’t get confused about which tooth
goes where; the numbers show which order they go in. The set numbered from 1 to 16 with the
arrow pointing downwards go into the lower jaw, and the set numbered from 1 to 16 with the
arrow pointing upwards go into the skull.
These small plugs are used to join
the parts of Billie’s spine together.
Each one has a letter so you know
where it goes. Take each plug off
only when you need it, so you don’t
get confused about which one is
Once you’ve put in all Billie’s
teeth, you can attach the jaw
to the skull.
C Right pelvis locking plug
Push the bump on the lower
jaw, A, into the slot at the side
of the skull, B.
B Coccyx locking plug
Push the two
halves of Billie’s
brain together,
enclosing the
spinal column
stem in between
the right and left
side. Then hold the
brain together and put
it into the top of the skull.
A Neck vertebrae
locking plug
You can start with either side
– it’s easier to push in one
side at a time rather than try
to get both in together.
Push each eyeball in, making sure you slot
the stalk on the back into the hole at the back
of the socket. Each eye fits in either socket.
Put the top of the skull on. Before you
press the two parts together, check the six
connectors are lined up, so it fits securely.
how to build billie
how to build billie
How to build Billie
It’s a good idea to take off the lower jaw while
you attach the cervical vertebrae (neck) to the
skull. Find the ball at the top of the vertebrae
and hold it in one hand. Hold the pronged clip
in your other hand and fit the clip around it.
D Left pelvis locking plug
Billie’s spine supports his body
(just like your spine supports
your body) so make sure all the
pieces fit together securely.
Squeeze three of the five prongs gently into
the hole at the base of the skull. Then push
the two free prongs into place to fix Billie’s
cervical vertebrae securely. Now you can put
Billie’s lower jaw back on, as shown opposite.
The next vertebrae, Billie’s thoracic vertebrae,
need to be fixed to the back ribs. If you look
at the groove down the middle of the ribcage,
you will see a small hole. Slot the lower end
of the vertebrae strip into this hole and then
gently press the rest of the column into place.
You can check if you’ve slotted it into the right
place because each pair of ribs should match
up with a vertebra.
Now you can put the lumbar vertebrae and the
coccyx on to the lower end of Billie’s spinal
column. Gently push the two pieces together
until the spine is firmly
in one piece. Then
insert plug B to
lock the coccyx
in place.
Building Billie’s
The stomach and the large and small intestines fit
together with the help of a set of joining plugs. Each plug
has a letter so you know which organ it goes with. Take
each plug off only when you need it, so you don’t get
confused about which one is which.
A Left Lung
B Left Lung
Now you can attach the thoracic
vertebrae to the cervical vertebrae.
Insert the prongs at the top of the thoracic
vertebrae into the holes at the base of the
neck. Insert plug A to lock the spine together.
G Liver
C Left Lung
H Small intestine
D Large intestine
E Large intestine
I Small intestine
J Large intestine
K Large intestine
Four of Billie’s body parts come in two halves. They are the trachea, kidneys, heart and lungs.
Start by putting them together. You can join the two parts together by lining up the pegs on one
piece with the holes on the other piece and pressing them together.
Next you can put
the discs in between
each vertebra. Take just one
disc off the frame at a time, so you
know exactly where each one goes. They are different
sizes. The discs that slot between the lumbar vertebrae
are on the frame marked ‘L’ and are numbered 1 to 5. The
discs that slot between the thoracic vertebrae are on the
frame marked ‘T’ and are numbered 1 to 6, and 7 to 12.
The discs that slot between the cervical vertebrae are on
the frame marked ‘C’ and are numbered 1 to 5.
Start at the bottom with the lumbar discs, then
work your way up the spine to the thoracic
discs, and then finally the cervical discs.
Place the hole on each disc onto the peg on
each vertebra.
F Stomach and
how to build billie
how to build billie
Spine (continued)
In the case of the
left lung, there are
three pegs, A, B and
C, to line up before
you push the two parts
Building Billie’s
organs (continued)
Now you can put together the veins and
arteries. Start with the upper set (with a small
fork in them). Line up the pegs on the arteries
(blue) with the holes in the veins (red) and
press them together.
Fit the three pegs on the yellow
pancreas into the three holes in the
pink stomach and press the two
together so they fit together neatly.
You can do the
same with the lower
blood vessels (the
ones with a larger
fork in them).
how to build billie
how to build billie
Building Billie’s
organs (continued)
Slot the pegs on the green
gall bladder into the holes
on the brown liver, pushing
them in firmly.
Put together the upper blood
vessel set and the lower blood
vessel set. Then you can fit
the circulation system to the
trachea by pushing the pegs on
the veins and arteries into the
holes in the trachea.
The stomach and the large and small
intestines fit together with the help of joining
plugs D and E. Each plug has a letter so you
know which organ it goes with. Take a plug
off only when you need it, so you don’t get
confused about which one is which.
Put plugs D and E into the top two
holes in the brown large intestine.
Then push down the small intestine
onto the pegs so it fits neatly.
Assemble the organs
as soon as you can.
It will make building
the rest of Billie
Once the pegs are in place,
push together the small and
large intestine so they are
firmly fixed together.
Putting Billie’s
organs in place
To attach the veins, arteries and trachea
to Billie’s spinal column, insert the two
pegs on the trachea into the two holes in
the spinal column and ensure the slot
in the trachea fits on the peg sticking out
from the cervical vertebrae. Also make
sure that the peg in the coccyx slots into
the hole in the lower artery.
Fit the ends of the veins and
arteries, just below the trachea,
into the top holes of
the heart.
Push the red
spleen on to the
yellow peg on the
The kidneys sit near the
bottom of the ribcage. Line up
the three holes in each kidney
with the fork-shaped support
on the lower veins.
how to build billie
how to build billie
Putting Billie’s organs in place
Push plug G into
the hole in the
spine between the
the oesophagus and
the pancreas. Slot the
peg on the brown liver into
the hole at the bottom of the heart and
push the hole in the liver onto plug G.
Match up the holes in the
lungs with the lower end
of the trachea and press
them into place.
Insert one end of plug F into the
hole in the upper veins. Then
push the other end into the hole
in the spinal column, as shown.
Now Billie’s stomach and pancreas
can be put in place. Put peg A into
the hole in the spinal column just
below the end of the trachea.
Push the oesophagus down
onto peg F on the spine. Then
slot the pegs on the pancreas
into the matching holes in the
To make the ribcage, put the front ribs over the back ones
so the holes on the front set match the pegs on the back
set. Then gently push each rib together, one at a time.
Fit together one side
of the ribs completely
before you start the
other side: it’s much
easier that way.
Adding the rest of Billie’s organs
First turn the base upside down and
put one of the metal weights in each
of the five holes underneath.
Flip the base back the right way up, and
put the longer (40cm) metal pole into
the hole in the base. Slide the small
connecting sleeve over the upper end
of the metal pole and then slide the
shorter (30cm) pole into the top end of
the sleeve.
Put plug J into the lower left-hand hole in
the coccyx. Put plug K into the lower righthand hole. Put plug L into the free hole in the
stomach, above.
Make sure that the top pole is leaning
backwards a little: it needs to be for Billie to
stand up straight. Slip the black locking plate over
the top of the pole and slide it to just 3 cm from the
top. You need to push quite hard so it’s a good idea
to ask an adult to help you with this.
Put the peg on the yellow bladder into the
hole where the right and left hand sides
of the pelvis meet.
Billie’s pelvis
Find the hole under Billie’s
coccyx and and insert the
end of the metal pole to
mount your skeleton on the
stand. Now take the left half
of Billie’s pelvis and push
the end with two holes in
it into the matching slot in
the coccyx. Then insert the
left pelvis locking plug D
through the two holes. Fit
the right half of the pelvis in
the same way, using plug C.
Finally push the pegs into
the holes on the front ends
of the pelvis to join them
Now that Billie is on the stand, more of his
organs can go on. Fit plugs H and I into the
two upper holes in the coccyx. They should
fit in the grooves along the sides of the black
locking plate, stopping the skeleton from
turning on the stand.
how to build billie
how to build billie
Building Billie’s stand
Match up the free
ends of pIugs H
and I in the coccyx
with the two lower
holes in the beige
small intestine.
Match up the top
hole with plug L,
which is already
in the stomach.
Push the pieces
Slide the two lower
holes of the brown
large intestine onto
the ends of plugs J
and K (the plugs in
the coccyx).
Fitting Billie’s arms and legs
It’s best to put together all four
limbs separately, and then attach
them to Billie afterwards. Start with
the right arm.
Slot the five pegs on each shoulder blade into
the back of the ribs. Hold on to the skeleton
with your other hand while you press the
shoulder blade on.
how to build billie
how to build billie
Making Billie’s arms and legs
Link the bottom of the right humerus
(funny bone) to the top of the ulna
and radius (forearm) as shown.
Then clip the lower end of the
forearm on to the right hand. Press
the joints together. Make the left arm
in the same way.
Start with the right
leg. Push the joint
at the bottom of the
right femur (thigh
bone) into the clip of
the top of the tibia/
Fit the pivot at the top of the right humerus
into its hole in the right scapula.You have to
line up the arm so that the peg that sticks out
from the pivot fits into the slot in the scapula.
Put clips A and B
at the bottom of the
tibia/fibula into the
holes in the right
foot. Make sure they
click in properly.
Make Billie’s left leg
in the same way.
Collarbones and
shoulder blades
Put the square peg on the
right clavicle (collarbone) into
the corresponding hole in
the right scapular (shoulder
blade). Then do the same with
the left clavicle and scapular.
Finally, slot the pivots at the top of each
femur into the holes in each side of the
pelvis, turning the leg until the pegs and
slots line up.
You’ve done it!
You’ve built Billie.