RASPA Vol 2 n 1 Mars 2004 VF
RASPA Vol 2 n 1 Mars 2004 VF
Rev ue Africaine de Santé et de Productions Animales © 2013 E.I.S.M.V. de Dak ar • A rticle originAl In vitro capacitation of buck spermatozoa for in vitro embryo production J. KOUAMO1*, S.D. KHARCHE2, PUJA GOEL2, A.K. GOEL2 et S.K. JINDAL2 1 2 School of Veterinary Medicine and Sciences, The University of Ngaoundere, PO BOX: 454. Ngaoundere-CAMEROON. C.I.R.G., Makhdoom, PO Farah-281122, Mathura (UP) India. * Correspondance et tirés à part , e-mail : [email protected] Abstract: The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of different capacitation protocols of buck spermatozoa on developmental potency of goat embryos. A total of 437 COCs were collected by slicing from 112 ovaries. The COCs recovered were visually assessed and graded according to the cumulus cell investment and morphology of the ooplasm. COCs were matured in TCM-199 supplemented with estradiol 17-Beta (1μg/ml), BSA embryotested (3mg/mL), 10% fetal bovine serum, 20IU/mL PMSG at 38.5°C and 5% CO2 in an incubator under humidified air for 27h. Fresh semen samples were collected using the artificial vagina from a fertile pure bred adult Sirohi buck, diluted with 5 ml of TALP medium with 10 µg/ml heparin and 10% FBS, and kept for capacitation in a CO2 incubator at 38.5◦C in three different groups depending of capacitation time: (i) Group I: 20mn (n=109); (ii) Group II: 45mn (n=97); (iii) Group III: 1hr (n=153). Matured oocytes were processed for in vitro fertilization in mTALP and in vitro culture in CR2 medium in three groups separately. The maturation rate was 82.15%. The cleavage rates, morula and blastocyst stage in group 1; 2 and 3 were 4.59, 20.00, 20.00; 42.27, 17.07, 17.07 and 54.25, 21.68, 7.22%, respectively. The results indicated that there was a statistical difference regarding cleavage rate between the three groups. It is suggested that, capacitation of buck spermatozoa in 1 hour are suitable for in vitro embryo production. (RASPA, 11 (1) : 49-52). Keys – Words: Spermatozoa – Capacitation – Embryos – Goats. Résumé : Capacitation des spermatozoïdes caprins pour la production d’embryons in vitro L'objectif de cette étude était d'évaluer l'effet de différents protocoles de capacitation des spermatozoïdes sur le développement embryonnaire in vitro chez l’espèce caprine. Un total de 437 COCs (Cumulus Oophorus Complex) a été collecté par ‘slicing’ de 112 ovaires. Les COCs ont été évalués puis classés selon l'investissement de cellules du cumulus et la morphologie du cytoplasme. Ils ont été mis en maturation in vitro dans le TCM-199 complémenté avec l'œstradiol 17-Beta (1μg/ml), le BSA embryotested (3mg/ml), 10% de sérum fœtal bovin, 20IU/ml de PMSG à 38,5°C et 5% de CO2 dans un incubateur sous air humide pour 27h. Le sperme a été recueilli à l'aide du vagin artificiel chez un bouc entrainé et testé fertile de race pure Sirohi, puis dilué avec 5 ml de milieu TALP supplémenté de 10 µg/ml d'héparine et 10% de sérum fœtal bovin (FBS), puis conservé pour la capacitation dans un incubateur à CO2 à 38,5◦C en trois différents groupes en fonction du temps de capacitation: (i) Groupe I: 20mn (n=109); (ii) Groupe II: 45mn (n=97); (iii) Groupe III : 1hr (n=153). Les ovocytes matures et les spermatozoïdes capacités ont été fécondés in vitro dans le milieu mTALP et cultivés in vitro en milieu CR2 dans les trois groupes séparément. Le taux de maturation était 82,15%. Les taux de clivage, morula et blastocyste dans les groupes 1 ; 2 et 3 étaient de 4,59, 20,00, 20,00 ; 42,27, 17,07, 17,07 et 54,25, 21,68, 7,22%, respectivement. Les résultats ont montré que le taux de clivage entre les trois groupes était significativement différent. La capacitation des spermatozoïdes chez l’espèce caprine en 1 heure est la plus appropriée pour la production d'embryons in vitro. Mots-clés : Spermatozoïdes – Capacitation – Embryons – Caprins. Introduction In vitro embryo production in goat provides an alternate source of low cost embryos for transfer in breeding programs such as MOET. The first kid born after complete IVMFC was reported by Keskintepe et al. (1994) [20]. The various steps involved in IVMFC or IVP of goat oocytes are quite similar to those employed in the cattle or sheep, where IVP is an established procedure. Three main steps involve in IVP: maturation of the immature oocytes, fertilization of the matured metaphase II (MII) oocytes with in vitro capacitated fresh or frozen-thawed semen and culture of the putative embryos for up to 7-8 days until formation of blastocysts that can be transferred to recipients or cryopreserved for future use [5, 6, 11, 13, 25, 42]. The IVP techniques in goats have been detailed by different groups [1, 5, 10, 23, 30]. Following IVM, in vitro fertilization (IVF) is done with fresh [14, 40] or frozen-thawed [3, 35] buck semen. RASPA Vol.11 N01, 2013 Several types of IVF media are used which includes, defined medium [4, 46], TALP medium [28, 29] and synthetic oviductal fluid (SOF) medium [37, 39]. Some laboratories use heparin [33, 38], heparin and calcium ionophore [17], caffeine or PHE (penicillamine, hypotaurine and epinephrine) [15] in capacitation medium for better fertilization and cleavage. Most IVF studies use freshly ejaculated spermatozoa and a few IVF trials have been carried out with frozen-thawed spermatozoa. In vitro fertilization of the oocytes is usually carried out following 27h maturation in the IVM medium. Motile sperm are obtained by centrifugation of frozen-thawed semen in Percoll gradient (45%/90%) at 500 g for 10 min in room temperature. Percoll gradient separation of spermatozoa seems to be an effective means of yielding motile sperm from frozen-thawed semen [35]. Motile sperm are collected from the bottom of the 90% fraction 49 J. KOUAMO et al. and diluted to a concentration of 107 spermatozoa/ml in media. Some studies have shown that incubation of spermatozoa for a further 1h period in media supplemented with heat-inactivated estrus serum enhances the capacitation process of spermatozoa (sheep and goat : [5]; deer : [2, 7] ). Coppola et al. [8] routinely add heat – inactivated sheep serum (2%) to the IVF medium and incubate oocytes with motile spermatozoa for 17 hours resulting acceptable levels of blastocyst development while Freitas et al. [11] obtained motile spermatozoa by centrifugation of semen on a Percoll gradient (45%/90%) for 10 minutes at 900g. Viable spermatozoa are incubated for 30 minutes in medium supplemented with heatinactivated estrus goat serum for their capacitation. This phenomenon leads to "acrosome reaction" causing the release of proteolytic enzymes that may assist sperm penetration into the oocyte. Any agent that causes Ca++ entry into the sperm acrosome and an increase of pH within the sperm enables capacitation to be accomplished. The objective of the present experiment is to determine the optimal time for sperm capacitation and oocyte fertilization and to observe the effect on early embryo development of in vitro-matured goat oocytes. 4. In vItro fertIlIzatIon Materials and Method The overall average oocytes (A and B) recovered per ovary was All the chemicals and reagents used were from Sigma Chemical Company (St Louis, MO, USA) except where otherwise indicated. Pregnant Mare Serum Gonadotropin (PMSG) Folligon® was from Intervet, International B. V., Boxmeer-Holland. Fetal Bovine Serum (Cat N° A15-104) from PAA Laboratories GmbH, The Cell Culture Company (Austria) and microfilters of 0.22µm (Cat N° SLGV033RS) from MillexGV, Carrigtwohill, Co.Cork, Ireland. 1. HarveSted of oocyteS Goat ovaries (n=112) were collected from the Agra slaughterhouse just after the slaughter in 0.9% saline supplemented containing 100IU penicillin-G and 100µg streptomycin sulphate per ml at 30 to 35°C within 2-3h of slaughter to avoid any detrimental effect. Oocytes were harvested by slicing technique [44] and the oocyte collection medium consisted of Dulbecco’s phosphate-buffered saline (D-5773) with 3 mg/ml BSA. Recovered oocytes were grade as excellent (A), good (B), fair (C) and poor (D) quality depending upon the cumulus investment and cytoplasmic distribution under a stereo zoom microscope [21]. Only grades A and B oocytes (n=437) were selected for maturation in this study. After incubation, 100µl of the sperm pellet was diluted in 750µl FertTALP medium in each group. After 27h of culture, matured oocytes were separated from the cumulus cells by treating with 0.1% hyaluronidase enzyme. Drops containing the oocytes were inseminated with 25–50µl of the final diluted semen in each group so as to obtain a sperm concentration of 1×106 sperm/ml. The concentration of buck semen was calculated by haemocytometer. After in vitro insemination, the oocytes and sperm were co-incubated in each group separately for 18h at 38.5◦C in 5% CO2 incubator in humidified air. 5. In vItro culture After 18h, presumptive zygotes of third groups were washed in culture medium CR2 enriched with 10 % FBS to remove sperm cells adhered to zona pellucida and co-cultured at 38.50C in 5 % CO2 incubator in humidified air for 9 days. 6. StatIStIcal analySIS Cleavage rate between the different treatments groups were compared using the Chi-square test. The level of significance was recorded at the 5% level of confidence [36]. Results 1. HarveSted of oocyteS 3.90±0.57. 2. MaturatIon rate The morphological maturation rate based on cumulus cell expansion was 82.15%. 3. cleavage rate and eMBryo develoPMent Based on capacitation time, cleavage rates (P<0.05), morula (Picture 1) and blastocyst (Picture 2) production in group 1; 2 and 3 were 4.59, 20.00, 20.00; 42.27, 17.07, 17.07 and 54.25, 21.68, 7.22%, respectively (Table 1). 2. In vItro MaturatIon Selected Cumulus Oocyte Complexes (COCs) for in vitro maturation were washed 8-10 times in Oocyte Holding Medium (OHM) containing TCM-199 with Hepes modification and 3-4 times in maturation medium consisting of TCM-199 supplemented with estradiol 17-Beta (1μg/ml), BSA embryotested (3mg/mL), 10% fetal bovine serum, 20IU/mL PMSG [24]. Finally 10-15 COCs were transferred to a 100-µl drop of maturation media under mineral oil in a polystyrene culture dish (35mm x 10mm), previously incubated for 2h in a CO2 incubator. Oocytes were cultured for 27h at 38.5°C in 5% CO2 incubator in humidified air. 3. SeMen collectIon and SPerM In vItro caPacItatIon Fresh semen samples were collected using the artificial vagina from a fertile pure bred adult Sirohi buck. The first and second seminal ejaculates were examined for volume, colour, consistency and gross sperm and progressive motility. A sample of 100µl fresh semen was diluted with 5 ml of sperm-TALP medium with 10 µg/ml heparin and 10% FBS and washed by centrifugation at 1200×g for 5 min. The supernatant was discarded and the pellet was diluted with 5 ml of medium and kept for capacitation in a CO2 incubator at 38.5◦C in three different groups depending of capacitation time: (i) Group I: 20mn (n=109); (ii) Group II: 45mn (n=97); (iii) 1hr (n=153). 50 Picture 1 : Morula stage (x400) ©Justin Picture 2 : Blastocyst stage (x400) ©Justin Discussion The method of oocyte recovery could affect the efficiency of IVEP [18]. Different techniques of oocyte collection are employed in order to obtain maximum oocytes of culturable quality. Several authors founded that by slicing technique maximum number of oocytes could be obtained [27, 41, 43, 44]. The overall oocytes A and B obtained is lower than the latter; resultant debris interferes with the microscopic search and probably many harvested oocytes were lossed [41, 43]. RASPA Vol.11 N01, 2013 In v itro capacitation of buck spermatozoa for in v itro embry o production table 1: cleavage and embryo development according to different capacitation time. capacitation time total total oocyte cleaved culturable 2 cells 20mn 109 45mn 97 41(42,27%)b 5(12,19%) 8(19,51%) 8(19,51%) 6(14,63%) 7(17,07%) 7(17,07%) 1h 153 83(54,25%)c 4(4,81%) 25(30,12%) 25(30,12%) 5(6,02%) 18(21,68%) 6(7,22%) 5(4,59%)a 0(0,00%) Maturation of the oocytes is one of the pre requisites of successful IVF and for in vitro embryo production. The morphological features of oocytes are visually assessed during the selection of immature oocytes for in vitro maturation in mammals [18]. Maturation rate obtained was similar to those reported by others studies in goats. So, caprine culture media supplemented with gonadotropins and estradiol-17ß improved maturation rates significantly [15, 16, 20, 22, 28, 29, 34, 45]. Based on capacitation time, significantly (P<0.05) higher penetration and cleavage rate were obtained in 1h of capacitation as compared to 20 min and 45 min. This is in agreement with several authors [2, 5, 7]. Presently heparin is commonly used capacitating agent which is one of the glycosaminoglycan known to capacitate the bull spermatozoa in-vitro [26]. Sperm capacitation, fertilization, cleavage and embryo development rate can be improved by the addition of heparin in in-vitro fertilization media [9, 15, 19, 29, 31, 35, 38, 46]. Heparin apparently binds to sperm and plays a role in the sperm uptake of calcium [32]. Some authors incubated spermatozoa in different times for their capacitation [8, 11]. Further efforts have to be made to standardize the semen capacitating process to improve the quality and feasibility of invitro produced embryos. Conclusion Sperm capacitation is a prerequisite for fertilization, as the response to an oocyte signal can be initiated only in capacitated sperm. Therefore, there is further need to investigate different durations of capacitation as well as concentrations of capacitating agent for better in-vitro fertilization and embryo development. Acknowledgments First author wish to thank the Department of Science & Technology (DST) and Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), Government of India through the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI), for providing opportunity to conduct this research through the CV Raman International Fellowship programme for African Researchers in CIRG, Makhdoom, Farah, Mathura. Authors wish also to thank Director, Central Institute for Research on Goats, Makhdoom, Farah, Mathura, for providing necessary facilities and help. Bibliography 1 - BALDASSARRE H., WANG B., KAFIDI N., GAUTHIER M., NEVEU N. et al., 2003. 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