michael peters samples of proof and GWC results LowRes


michael peters samples of proof and GWC results LowRes
GWC Residency “Statement” Addendum
Various Proofs & Samples Documenting the Documentary
NT—Experimental Earth Research Station Results
1. Six “poems” from CV
NT—Experimental Earth Research Station …….……. 2 – 10
2. The CV NT—Experimental Earth Research Station schematics (green journal version
& revised, annotated version) …………………………………………………. 11 – 12
3. Gas pamphlet scans & green journal page re: oil ideological grip (part of faux euphoric
umbilical critique) …………………………………………………………….. 13 – 14
4. Image of black velvet artwork instigating imagery of Hungarian embroidery linked to
poem of “Carbon-Based Embroidery” beginning on page 4 …………………………. 15
5. List of Sound Materials for Documentary Soundtrack of CV NT—Experimental Earth
Research Station ……………………………………………………………………... 16
6. Additional CV NT—Experimental Earth Research Station ephemera (list of images to
hammer out and a sketch of the periodic table for CV NT images …………………. 17
7. See also, video proof that the symbolic image of the cymbal can be played and the secrets
of the blade duplicator revealed. Note: The symbolic image of the stars engraved on the
dome of the cymbal as if the cymbal is a spiral-armed galaxy.
Two results from Part One of CV NT—Experimental Earth Research Station
“Skin Graft’d Honeymoon Anthems; or, Comet Goldfish Lullabies
(The Chanticleer Alarm Clock Sleep Button Feedback Loop)”
III, “ in the lairs”
In the jungle, the mighty jungle
Exxon sleeps tonight …
I do too
to feel good
with black-draped night drawn
but to step out of glowing hut thresholds
in blue-ray flat-screen insomnia
to make sure the door
is locked?
or do I sing it like this?
In the jungle, the mighty jungle
Exxon stalks the night …
the sun never sets on
Exxon = Hexxon
Citgo = Shitgo
BP = Big Polluters
BP = British Pollution
Sunoco is
& we are
in the company of false light
IV, “zeno market dream & the faux euphoric umbilical”
stove black ideological map
give the storm its proper name: Hurricane Exxon
Hurricane Shell, Hurricane Chevron—
the econ-colonialist morphology
looped in stealth inefficiency indices
can you see me now? can you hear me now?
Western teleology is a wailing wall
listen to the demonpsalmer
shriekers ring down the hierarchy
dripping down the trickle-down org chart
chin music, dow charged lunger
listen, just listen to the soft furnace drum
listen to your ideologues
& your cuddly conservatives
w/bells curving and on they on, whistling
the wall street jingle bell lander
spreading out so far and wider
black-stained commercial of green acre algae
O listen to the quaint British man say “petrel”
(as if gas doesn’t stink on your hands)
marcellus shale-sham, a cuyahoga river
in your kitchen faucet
drink shame, drink
inebriate the zeno market dream
& rest, stops, we now have GSTV—
Gas Station TV, giving us chevronic morons
something to do in the boredom of gripping the pump handle
watch, while their oil platforms burn
watch, while the ice cap melt tidal rise
“Want better fuel economy?” O, “Think clean.”
Feeling good is “Fueling Good.”
& you can
points for your grocery store now at the pump
on your plastic cards
& the biggest American flags
during the hyped-heights of Iraqi freedom Ops
were always found un-furl’d
at gas stations & car dealerships
zeno dream drunk on zero percent
the euphoric umbilical
it is not there
feel your abdomen, it is not
there, hush’d night darling, the TV off’d us both
how the light must have played on our faces
& there,
by the eyes of scissors
from the pencil holder
on the shelf
on the couch
on the dresser
this little cut would do the thing right
to get the umbilical back
to make night stand
Chanticleer, is that you?
Is this button umbilical?
I think I am is a veil & a wake
to be scene in what happens in veilings figured
by dim alsen’d street light &
illuminating alarm clock’d digits
illuminating thin meat of fingers
graspers from the intoxicated vine
only to find air and error
in reach in proxies
O reaching, reaching you
Is this umbilical
or is this
only the sleep button?
Four more results from Part Two of CV NT—Experimental Earth Research Station
“The Images: Hammer, Anvil, and the Algorithmic Tides”
C – EEaRS No. 6 “Carbon-Based Embroidery”
O C, your tapestry from an asteroid
& from the Greek “to write” the Earth's crust
“to write” “diamond”—in the sky and on earth makes the present, the fallen box
cutter distinguishee to make life forms unknown & graphite soft enough to make
marks form on paper.
O diamond high—trans parental terma for the historical app
made bodies from young Sun’s nebula orbiters that did not, would not, obey Sun
& did not accrete—but they did, at the same time, make unusual polymer
performance-enhanced needlework at temps on Earth to make basis of known life
far shorter for the naked-eye timekeepers in dark varied skies, and they never
grew any more than fourth most abundant by mass in the verse of oneness, & yet
the compositions vary widely with all allotropic formers.
Asteroid specters
are real, carbon-rich metallic stone & second most abundant by mass after O on
Earth—and in all the abundance, unique organic compounds gathered names
with diversity, for lore is embedded in limestone, dolomites, and carbon dioxide
so near to the Earth that it found its gestation options to open sources. & from all
the shatter’d remnants of planetesimals, periodic terrestrial life bloomed
aperiodically encoded
into the image of life
& the memory of a pillow, etched in Hungarian embroidery
on my grandmother’s couch, where we’d float
as kids, because our feet couldn’t touch the floor
from the black, plush velvet memory of time
vivid green magyar patterns of flora
wild, hairy-threaded
standing and quivering
erect—on green milky stalk stems
the elaborate tip-toe pillow, the mayan bundle of flames
fringed with braided gold tassels like hairs of the sun
upon the black-dark velvet
bearing the variant code-script description
of life
and to form life from life, the asteroid tapestry of elliptical orbits
( to the oort cloud and back ) must have bloomed
when it hit the earth
needlework exploding into the pattern
the pattern the pattern
in colorful red and orange flowers
with lava eyes and glow-vent petals
floating above the black velvet sea
asteroid impacter, the materials
look back—the Eurydice curse has been
to know now, with cognizance
from where it came from
to see the pattern of yet again?
lay yourself down in fields of red poppies
lay yourself down in fields of tulips
lay yourself down in fields of lilacs
lay yourself down in fields of blue poppies
lay yourself down in fields of peonies
lay yourself down in fields of crocuses
lay yourself down in fields of red poppies
lay yourself down in fields of red tulips
lay yourself down in fields of orange tulips
lay yourself down in fields of yellow tulips
lay yourself down in fields of white tulips
lay your head down in the black
vulva of night
my little dreamer,
in an atlas of incendiary burning stars
member yourself
night is awake
with you
is the past
to light the image of your runway
for you, are a waker—
which is not only what you were, but you where you are
. right now
N – EEaRS No. 7 “Homing Documentary Devices”
And then an argument is laid forth by The Assistant to The Aquarist:
Run 2, 3, or 4 tests, depending on the necessity of accuracy
1. Ph — below 8.4, between 6.5 and 8.4 (w/exceptions:
Lake Tanganyika, Two African Rift Lakes, & Thailand)
2. Ammonia — below .25 ppm
3. Nitrate — below .40 ppm (good in moderation)
4. Nitrite — below .50 ppm or lower
To think this is happening on earth scaled ratios of 1:1, on earth-time,
and not even just in freshwater lakes, but is what the ocean also does—
uh, naturally? Nous sommes tres bete—animal dumbed down genius
everything built into the so-called gift of old lang’s song, tongued?
Is this real?
I come
in the door landing
on earth-brown rug
in a forest of brown wooden
stilted like trunks
holding delicacies
TV trays
by a nature documentary’s
flickering across the sweet face of the back wall (you can see this yourself
if you ever walk at night on streets past houses where certain rooms will flicker
and explode in silent lights in the weld & solder of our blow-torch’d attentions)
and the empty’d glass plates that static crumbs dance in in the pummeling light
Attenborough’s omnipotent studio voice, suddenly falls
on hands & knees—his voice diminishing into space of his inhabitings
grasping the vicarious calls to our marvel (actually in the place)
whispering hoarse at the other side of the fake atemporal window
saying “come in
but you’ll only end up bumping your head on the flat screen
or palming it, O endangered specie (when there are so many of us)
proof your escape attempt, your re-entry, failed
& only visible
the next day,
given the right angle of dull-morning sun filter’d through
venetian blind gills
fortherewhere you’ll see finger & palm prints smeared across the silent
flat-black faux-infinite thing about as wide as 32 inches
the altar of some vicarious proof machine—
& where do you lie when you fall asleep exactly?
my love, my finger prints are there too, to incriminate me
guilty of love and forms that exemplify the nesters we are
Run “The Coming Homecoming Sequence,” again:
Is this real?
I come
in an in door,
after night solsticed
swooping casida, night journey
below the glittering Pangaea Map circa give-or-take the body of time
only a little below blueprintings of Saurischian & Ornithischian
to check out
the guppies
& zebra danios
zig zag ing in led light
in—le jardin de l'eau des usines en plastique
above pink & turquoise stones
the filter,
with the smell of dinner filling-in the dim-lit den of les animaux sauvage
O – EEaRS No. 8 “Sky Psalter, More Informal”
Stomatolited primitive algaeic, et cetera’d to possess the carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere, and all for lust of own sugar, taught themselves the art of breathing
through the secret veins of their stomata on the gentle underside of their leaves,
the waste laid giving berth to the thing that made the land-magic possible: O
Oxygen, youra flora put-backer filled to the lip’d dome of atmospherics. And O
so long was the sometime before that, when Po (land-god of darkness) and Ao
(god of light) had names for the sensual prayers of increase, swelling, thought,
remembrance, consciousness, and desire in the Polynesian tides; long before
Rongo became god of sounds; long before Tane, entered the form, formed the
earth-formed maiden of red sand with his wanton hands; sometime long before
Makemake had a name to usurp Tane’s, sometime before ka (sky) and julew
(earth) became the prefixer and the suffixer wedded in the name Kajulew and
Zipacna and Earthquake (the sons of Seven Macaw that made trouble for the
twins Hunuphu and Xblanque); sometime long before Inanna was given her
name, before leaning herself back against the apple tree of Uruk in the awe of her
own wondrous vulva spread wide into the pubic folds of earth and forest like
some primal ad for the first perfumed blossom trembled in the knowledge of light
and shade, when modesty was unknown and Sumer was wet with life; long long
after the earth and sky were separated and the name of “man”was fixed upon
being, sometime long long long before she planted the Huluppu tree in her holy
garden, settling with her sacred feet the vulvic earth about the swollen trunk,
before the air god Enil had a name so that Sumerians could tell the story of how
Earth got carried away by an air god—sometime long before any of this, in a
smithy of unknown origins before science could parse and touch the holy laws of
heaven and earth—
it happened. It made
on to the beachhead—
the ancestors of our
animated thing
oxygen, to breathe it, at the littoral edges
& so then the phase of it and O it began
to do
what you do
& as you do do it now
think back on on the blurred edge, coastlined
to shore where we learned to do it with air itself
think salt tear semen skin, blood-sea as trapped ocean
think on on now, where we learned to do the automatic thing
we do all the time & we sound—like?—the ocean?
why does oceanic wave sound function, sound us like breath?
Or, why do we sound so oceanic?
the sound of breathing emerged, aspiring tidal
flow vent’d—to fall back waves ebb’d to aspirate
gill’d adapter
where the very sound of water meeting land took place
exercise the physical déjà vu, turn the volume down to initiate
the oceanic breathing sequence: Breathe in deeply and lightly
through your nose, & then breathe out through your mouth, with
a faint s-ish sound, through your— teeth.
[ Repeat until the fade-in to the rising tidal breath is complete. ]
Littoral X – “Ferrini Foam and Wind Spray Sampler”
from “Da Songs” sung w/extended organ life
waves ov
r on
we r
n da milk y street s
n da tree s
n misty spidery vapa
n iowa sky
n my zleep
on da organ
wata enta
NT—Experimental Earth Research Station
First schematic attempt (green journal version)
NT—Experimental Earth Research Station
Revised and annotated schematic version
Gas-related notes from green journal re: oily ideological grip
(part of faux euphoric umbilical critique)
Gas pamphleteering scans re: oil’s ideological grip
(part of faux euphoric umbilical critique)
Sun’s black-velvet artwork
(prime instigating imagery of Hungarian embroidery linked to “Carbon-Based Embroidery”)
Bennettian P-Phonic Brea-Thing Cylinder 2000
(“mist horns” & breathing tubes in UA Humanities Stairwell)
Pre-recording of ocean waves on Tethys Shore-line
(from Laszlo’s alarm clock “Nature” settings)
Recording of am radio static
(Big Bang “having bin” leftover sound used elsewhere for Vaast Bin)
Recording of ascending and descending elevator
(From the Basement to the Third Floor & Back, UA Humanities Bldg)
Recording of ascending and descending stairs
(Stairwell of the UA Humanities Bldg)
Recordings of Lowrey Genie 44 Electronic Organ, Alsen St
Hair Dryer Insect Hum & Alsen Black Coffee Maker, Sand’s
Recording of fish tank, Laszlo’s Bedroom
Recording of rock polisher in Alsen St. basement, also Laszlo’s
10.) Recording of Al Margolis/If, Bwana’s “Organ of Life”
11.) Recording of wind (moaning & howling, the third floor)
12.) Recording of “Ferrini Foam & Wind Spray” (after Ferrini)
13.) Documentary sound-track sampling from “Planet Earth”
NT—Experimental Earth Research Station ephemera
List of potential images for first draft culled from black journal notebook
NT—Experimental Earth Research Station ephemera
Sketch of Periodic Table for layout of CV NT images via hammer and algorithmic tide
* Thank you Henry, the GWC, and the “in” that Kate Tarlow Morgan gave me for the
opportunity to conduct this residency, March 16 – 20, 2013.