2014 Annual Report - UTSA Neurosciences Institute
2014 Annual Report - UTSA Neurosciences Institute
ANNUAL REPORT Nº6 2014 UT SA Ne u r o s c i e nces Institute Annual Report UTSA Neuroscience 2014 DIRECTOR Charles J. Wilson PhD Ewing Halsell Chair of Biology Reports to George Perry PhD College of Science Campus Address BSB 1.03.14 [email protected] tel: 210.458.5658 fax: 210.458.7491 Research Website: http://marlin.life.utsa.edu Institute Website: http://neuroscience.utsa.edu Institute inception year: 2008 Current reporting period: Fiscal Data follows FY 2013 9.1.2013- 8.31.2014 Publications and other events cover 1.1.14-12.31.14 People Faculty Kudos The Director of the UTSA Neurosciences Institute is Charles Wilson, who is the Ewing Halsell Chair of Biology. Salma Quraishi serves daily operations as Associate Director, and Gregory Granados (Administrative Associate II) manages fiscal operations. Our 2014 Research Investigator roster was comprised of 22 faculty and 7 postdocs from 6 departments across 6 colleges. See Appendix for affiliations. Congratulations to Institute Investigator Nicole Wicha for being awarded tenure and promotion to the rank of Associate Professor this year. New Faculty Welcome (officially this time) to new Neurobiology faculty Matt Wanat, who arrived this past April. Matt’s lab is off to a solid start, complete with postdoc and masters student, he has already submitted his first NIH grant, and has a 2015 cover article in press (BOOM!). This year we welcome two new Research Professors to our group; Matt Higgs and Gerard Beaudoin. Matt joins the Wilson Lab from Bill Spain’s group at the University of Washington, and Gerard is a veteran of the Paladini lab, where he has been a postdoc for the past 3 years. PhD Prog ram News Congratulations to Doug Grow, for successfully defending his dissertation in 2014: Doug is the 58th PhD graduate of our PhD program. This year 3 PhD students advanced to candidacy: Emmanuel Michaelides, Jorge Gomez, and Clinton Taylor. Kudos to Soomin Song for winning the best Neuroscience Poster (and an Ipad mini!) at the COS Research Conference in September. Once again, the Institute would like to recognize and laud the students who have taken the initiative to submit federal grant proposals this year: Soomin Song, Alyssa Petko, Denard Simmons and Crystal Rock. This is an important step in preparation for your scientific careers. Welcome also to our new crop of first years, Juan Morales, Monique Villareal, Alyssa Petko, and Crystal Rock. THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT SAN ANTONIO NEUROSCIENCES INSTITUTE Congratulations also to the Dean of the College of Sciences, George Perry for being named to the Semmes Foundation Distinguished Chair in Neurobiology. Fiscal Snapshot This fiscal year Institute Investigators pulled a total of $1.67 million in award income in the form of new and continuing awards (see box, p 3). Institute labs posted $2.01 million in research expenditures for FY14. Our group members submitted 18 federal grant proposals in 2014, a number of which have earned excellent priority scores and are expected to be funded in 2015. To see how these numbers rack up with historical data, see the Appendix. Oversight Steering committee & Advisors Our Steering committee is comprised of Investigators who carry current federal funding that they chose to sponsor through the institute. Our current voting members are Gary Gaufo, Carlos Paladini, Fidel Santamaria, Kelly Suter,Todd Troyer, Matt Wanat, and Charles Wilson. New Investigators are added as their Notices of Awards come in and accounts are set up under our fiscal structure. We again thank our esteemed Advisors, Dan Johnston, James Roberts, and David Weiss for their continued availability and support of our research mission since 2008. Students and new faculty, get to know our Advisors and introduce yourself, if you haven’t already. ✧ Dan Johnston PhD, Professor & Director, Center for Learning & Memory, UT Austin. ✧ James Roberts PhD, Ruth C. & Andrew G. Cowles Professor of Life Sciences, Trinity University. ✧ David Weiss PhD, Professor & Director, Department of Physiology, UTHSCSA. http://neuroscience.utsa.edu ANNUAL REPORT Nº6 2014 Richard Palmiter Public Lecture Environment Neuroscience Symposium. The 2014 symposium on Neuron Regeneration was hosted by Annie Lin this year, who decide to revamp the usual format by expanding it to incorporate the Cell & Molecular Biology Program. She took the initiative of raising funds from corporate sponsors to double the usual panel of speakers and turn it into a 2-day symposium. The CMB program co-contributed support, making this the first joint research event between our two groups. The symposium was held on October 27 & 28, and featured 8 acclaimed researchers sharing their work on the factors that mediate cell fate and neurogenic capacity in the CNS. On the panel were: Bruce Appel (U of CO Denver), Phil Horner (U of WA Med Ctr), Jenny Hsieh (UT Southwestern), Tony Koleske (Yale), Arnold Kriegstein (UCSF),Vance Lemmon (U of Miami) and Bettina Winckler (U of VA). Speaking among them was the symposium’s host and organizer, Institute Investigator Annie Lin. The symposium was attended by over 80 researchers, fellows, and students from various departments at UTSA, UT Austin and the University of Houston. Public Outreach Lecture. Shortly after Annie Lin orchestrated the Institute’s bulked up 2014 symposium, she also organized our annual Distinguished Lecture for the Public by hosting HHMI Investigator and pioneer of transgenic mouse models, Richard Palmiter (U of WA School of Medicine). Dr. Palmiter’s talk, The Neural Circuits of Aversion: Learning to avoid bad situations, described how molecular genetic tools are being used to make precise and reliable functional maps of the neural circuits that guide high-level organismic behavior. The lecture was held in the UC Ballroom on November 10th, and was attended by 200 undergraduates, researchers and members of the public. Neurobiology Seminars. We value the Biology Department’s Neurobiology Seminar Series as perhaps the most vitally important regular component of our research environment. In order to lend our support and ease some of the financial burden on the department, the Institute annually supports 4-8 speaker travel and honoraria. In 2014 we supported 4 seminars, listed in the box, at right. Shared Instrumentation Cores. The Institute is building research capacity through support of two shared instrumentation facilities: the Optogenetics Core, and the 2Photon Microscopy Lab. Both are available for use by Neuroscience researchers at UTSA. The Optogenetics Core is open to Investigators requiring fabrication and/or live animal implantation of optrodes or chronic multi-channel electrodes for neuroscience research applications. It was established in 2010 via funding from the San Antonio Life Sciences Institute Neuroscience Infrastructure program. In September 2011 it was transferred to the Neurosciences Institute, where we extended its scope to support the development of in vivo optogenetic viral injections. The core is under the direction of Carlos Paladini. The 2-Photon Microscopy Lab is comprised of two multi-photon imaging systems fully equipped for in vitro electrophysiology and live tissue imaging. Initially erected by the NIH/NCRR RCMI grant, as of 2012 the core became fully supported and maintained by the Neurosciences Institute, and is under the direction of Fidel Santamaria. Friday Research Sessions. One of the flagship initiatives of the Neurosciences Institute has been our program of weekly research & mentorship meetings. They began as a program development exercise in 2005 to build the NINDS Specialized Neuroscience Research Program, and so became known as “SNRP Fridays.” Now they extend well beyond the scope of that program and support all level of trainees in their grant development, manuscript preparation, and as a forum for research and career development. THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT SAN ANTONIO NEUROSCIENCES INSTITUTE 2014 INSTITUTE SEMINARS Thomas Wichmann PhD Yerkes Researcher,Yerkes National Primate Research Center Emory University The thalamus in Parkinson’s Disease 01.31.13 Massimo Scanziani PhD Professor, Section of Neurobiology University of California San Diego Investigator, HHMI Cortical circuits of vision 3.20.14 John Huguenard PhD Professor of Neurology & Neurological Sciences Stanford School of Medicine Dissection and intervention of Thalamocortical microcircuits in epilepsy 10.30.14 James Booth PhD Department Chair, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders John T. Jones, Jr. Centennial Professorship in Communication University of Texas at Austin How does the brain learn to read 11.13.14 Distinguished Public Lecture 11.10.14 Annie Lin (right) with speaker Richard Palmiter following his talk. http://neuroscience.utsa.edu ANNUAL REPORT Nº6 Undergraduate Outreach & Recruitment. Many of you have been excellent ambassadors for the UTSA Neurobiology PhD program by attending meetings and actively meeting with students to talk about our program and your research. The Institute has sought to assist in undergraduate research literacy and recruitment by assisting in the development of an undergraduate Neuro Club, by building web resources with academic and research guidance, and by fielding meetings with interested students to help advise them more directly. The palpable increase in undergraduate interest in Neuroscience research has led us to secure some generous funding from the Mind Science Foundation to support a pair of summer undergraduate research interns for a 6-8 week full-time research experience. If you have any students whose career plans and interests make them candidates for a selective, authentic and rigorous summer of neuroscience research, contact us. Research Output From 9.1.2013-8.31.2014: ❖ 18 proposals were submitted to federal agencies; ❖ 14 awards (new and continuing) were administered by the Institute. ❖ $1,670,832 was the total dollar value of award income; ❖ $2,013,250 in research expenditures were made by Investigators on Institute sponsored grants *Data provided by UTSA VPR Research Impact Scholarly Output Institute faculty generated at least 55 publications in 2014 (see Investigators in Press). These include peer reviewed journal articles, invited reviews, and book chapters. On a slightly less scholarly note, the Institute generated 17 research themed podcasts as part of our Neuroscientists Talk Shop series. For the list of titles featuring guest speakers, see box, p7. The year ahead Up ahead in 2015 Alfonso Apicella is organizing our annual Symposium. He is assembling a panel to discuss how inhibition shapes information processing in cortical microcircuits, and has already secured Dan Feldman (UC Berkeley), Massimo Scanziani (HHMI/UCSD) and Lee Zhang (USC) for the panel. In November, Annie Lin will be hosting adult neurogenesis and plasticity pioneer Fred Gage (Salk Institute) for our Distinguished Public Lecture. Please help spread the word about both events, to your labs, colleagues and students, alike. 2014 2014 NIH AWARDS * NCE for 2014 R01NS072458 PI: Gaufo, GO Morphogen-dependent Regulation of Motor Neurogenesis along the A/P Axis R01DA030530 PI: Paladini, Carlos A The synaptic origin of reward prediction error signal in dopaminergic neurons (parent & supp) * R01HD045436 PI: Suter, Kelly J Control of GnRH Neurons by Excitatory Circuitry * R01HD060818 PI: Suter, Kelly J Pubertal Control of GnRH Neurons R00DA033386 PI: Wanat, Matthew J CRF and Stress Modulation of Phasic Dopamine Release and Behavior *R03HD060756 PI: Wicha, Nicole Y Brain Indices of Arithmetic Organization in Bilinguals * U54NS060658 PI: Wilson, Charles J Quantitative Neurobiology at the University of Texas San Antonio. Contains 6 components: Subproject PIs: Gaufo, Ko, Paladini & Witt; 2 subcontract institutions: Medical University of South Carolina & Geisinger Institute P50NS047085 Co-PI: Wilson, Charles J Rhythmicity and Synchrony in the Basal Ganglia R01NS072197 PI: Wilson, Charles J A Tonically Active Network in the Neostriatum 2014 NSF AWARDS EF 1137897 PI: Santamaria, Fidel Analyzing Neuronal Activity When Classical Reaction-Diffusion Breaks Down IOS 1208029 PI: Santamaria, Fidel US-German Collaboration:The effects of chloride dynamics in cerebellar computation dynamics in cerebellar computation IOS 1516648 PI: Santamaria, Fidel BRAIN Inititative Awardees Meeting in Bethesda DBI 1451032 Co-Is: Santamaria,Troyer,Wicha BRAIN EAGER: Analyzing and Modeling Power-Law Behaviors in Neuroscience * IOS 0951310 PI: Troyer, Todd Computational Investigation of vocal sequencing in songbird. Under other sponsorship: SYMPOSIUM 2014 DMR 0934218 Co-I: Santamaria, Fidel HRD 0932339 Co-I: Santamaria, Fidel Neuron Regeneration, 10.27 & 10.28 2014 Also new for 2015: From left: Bruce Appel (Colorado), Jenny Hsieh (UT Southwestern), Phil Horner (U of WA), Tony Koleske (Yale), Annie Lin, Arnold Kriegstein (UCSF), Vance Lemmon ((U Miami), and Bettina Winckler (U of Va). Mind Science Foundation Summer 2015 Undergraduate Research Support Award THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT SAN ANTONIO NEUROSCIENCES INSTITUTE http://neuroscience.utsa.edu ANNUAL REPORT Nº6 2014 Investigators in Press Publications1 1.01.2014 - 12.31.2014 1. Cordova A, Gabbard C. Do older adults perceive postural constraints for reach estimation? Exp Aging Res. 2014;40(5): 578-88. doi: 10.1080/0361073X.2014.956627. 2. Gonzalez J, Morales IS,Villarreal DM, Derrick BE. Lowfrequency stimulation induces long-term depression and slow onset long-term potentiation at perforant path-dentate gyrus synapses in vivo. J Neurophysiol. 2014 Mar;111(6): 1259-73. 3. Zakaria S, Mao Y, Kuta A, Ferreira de Sousa C, Gaufo GO, McNeill H, Hindges R, Guthrie S, Irvine KD, Francis-West PH. Regulation of neuronal migration by Dchs1-Fat4 planar cell polarity. Curr Biol. 2014 Jul 21;24(14):1620-7. 4. Liu H, Flores MA, Meng J, Zhang L, Zhao X, Rao MK, Chen Y, Huang Y. MeT-DB: a database of transcriptome methylation in mammalian cells. Nucleic Acids Res. 2014 Nov 6. pii: gku1024. 5. Flores M, Chen Y, Huang Y. TraceRNA: a web application for competing endogenous RNA exploration. Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2014 Aug;7(4):548-57. 6. Meng J, Lu Z, Liu H, Zhang L, Zhang S, Chen Y, Rao MK, Huang Y. A protocol for RNA methylation differential analysis with MeRIP-Seq data and exomePeak R/ Bioconductor package. Methods. 2014 Oct 1;69(3):274-81. 7. Meng J, Merino LM, Robbins K, Huang Y. Classification of imperfectly time-locked image RSVP events with EEG device. Neuroinformatics. 2014 Apr;12(2):261-75. 8. Z. Mao,V. Lawhern, L. M. Merino, K. Ball, L. Deng, B. J. Lance, K. Robbins, Y. Huang, Classification of non-time-locked rapid serial visual presentation events for brain-computer interaction using deep learning, in 2014 IEEE China Summit & International Conference on Signal and Information Processing (ChinaSIP), Xi'an, China, 2014, pp. 520-524. 9. Wang B, Jaffe DB, Brenner R. Current understanding of iberiotoxin-resistant BK channels in the nervous system. Front Physiol. 2014 Oct 9;5:382. Review. 10. Du X, Hao H, Gigout S, Huang D,Yang Y, Li L, Wang C, Sundt D, Jaffe DB, Zhang H, Gamper N. Control of somatic membrane potential in nociceptive neurons and its implications for peripheral nociceptive transmission. Pain. 2014. Nov;155(11):2306-22. 11. Gaval-Cruz M, Goertz RB, Puttick DJ, Bowles DE, Meyer RC, Hall RA, Ko D, Paladini CA, Weinshenker D. Chronic loss of noradrenergic tone produces beta-arrestin2mediated cocaine hypersensitivity and alters cellular D2 responses in the nucleus accumbens. Addict Biol. 2014 Aug 13. 12. Sandstrom RS, Foret MR, Grow DA, Haugen E, Rhodes CT, Cardona AE, Phelix CF, Wang Y, Berger MS, Lin CH. Epigenetic regulation by chromatin activation mark H3K4me3 in primate progenitor cells within adult neurogenic niche. Sci Rep. 2014 Jun 20;4:5371. 1 Citations 13. Foret MR, Sandstrom RS, Rhodes CT, Wang Y, Berger MS, Lin CH. Molecular targets of chromatin repressive mark H3K9me3 in primate progenitor cells within adult neurogenic niches. Front Genet. 2014 Jul 30;5:252. 14. Goertz RB, Wanat MJ, Gomez JA, Brown ZJ, Phillips PE, Paladini CA. Cocaine Increases Dopaminergic Neuron and Motor Activity via Midbrain Alpha Adrenergic Signaling. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2014 Nov 6. 15. Paladini CA, Roeper J. Generating bursts (and pauses) in the dopamine midbrain neurons. Neuroscience. 2014 Jul 27;282C:109-121. Review 16. Mohorovic L, Lavezzi AM, Stifter S, Perry G, Malatestinic D, Micovic V, Materljan E, Haller H, Petrovic O. Methemoglobinemia—a biomarker and a link to ferric iron accumulation in Alzheimer’s disease. Adv Biosci Biotechnol 5:12-18, 2014. 17. Fawver JN, Ghiwot Y, Koola C, Carrera W, Rodriguez-Rivera J, Hernandez C, Dineley KT, Kong Y, Li J, Jhamandas J, Perry G, Murray IV. Islet Amyloid Polypeptide (IAPP): A Second Amyloid in Alzheimer's Disease. Curr Alzheimer Res. 2014;11(10):928-40. PubMed PMID: 25387341. 18. Perry G. Looking at Alzheimer’s disease from a different angle. Future Neurol 9:19-22, 2014. 19. Bowen RL, Perry G, Xiong C, Smith MA, Atwood CS. A Clinical Study of Lupron Depot in the Treatment of Women with Alzheimer's Disease: Preservation of Cognitive Function in Patients Taking an Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitor and Treated with High Dose Lupron Over 48 Weeks. J Alzheimers Dis. 2014 Oct 13. 20. Xia J, Rocke DM, Perry G, Ray M. Differential network analyses of Alzheimer's disease identify early events in Alzheimer's disease pathology. Int J Alzheimers Dis. 2014;2014:721453. 21. Rodrigues R, Petersen RB, Perry G. Parallels between major depressive disorder and Alzheimer's disease: role of oxidative stress and genetic vulnerability. Cell Mol Neurobiol. 2014 Oct;34(7):925-49. 22. Brinkley WR, Perry G. Lester (Skip) Binder (1949-2013): in the beginning was tau. J Alzheimers Dis. 2014;40 Suppl 1:S5. 23. Bonda DJ, Wang X, Lee HG, Smith MA, Perry G, Zhu X. Neuronal failure in Alzheimer's disease: a view through the oxidative stress looking-glass. Neurosci Bull. 2014 Apr;30(2): 243-52. Review 24. Blair JA, Siedlak SL, Wolfram JA, Nunomura A, Castellani RJ, Ferreira ST, Klein WL, Wang Y, Casadesus G, Smith MA, Perry G, Zhu X, Lee HG. Accumulation of intraneuronal amyloid is common in normal brain. Curr Alzheimer Res. 2014 May;11(4):317-24. 25. Bonda DJ, Wang X, Lee H-G, Smith MA, Perry G, Zhu X. Neuronal failure in Alzheimer disease: a view through the oxidative stress looking-glass. Neurosci Bull 30:243-252, 2014. presented alphabetically by Institute Investigator. THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT SAN ANTONIO NEUROSCIENCES INSTITUTE http://neuroscience.utsa.edu ANNUAL REPORT Nº6 26. Perry EA, Castellani RJ, Perry G. An epidemiological approach to the study of Alzheimer’s disease. Int J Clin Thera Diagn 2:301, 2014. 27. Castellani RJ, Perry G. Pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease. In: Handbook of Neurotoxicity, Kostrzewa RM, Ed, Springer Science+Business Media, New York, New York, 2014, pp 2327-2337. 28. Rosen AC, Ashford JW, Perry G. Ethics review as a catalyst for progress. J Alzheimers Dis. 2014;40(2):233-5. 29. Perry G, Castellani R. Plaques and tangles: birthmarks of the aging soul. Preface. Biochem Pharmacol. 2014 Apr 15;88 (4):423-5. 30. Castellani RJ, Perry G. The complexities of the pathologypathogenesis relationship in Alzheimer disease. Biochem Pharmacol. 2014 Apr 15;88(4):671-6. 31. Johnston JM, Hu WT, Fardo DW, Greco SJ, Perry G, Montine TJ, Trojanowski JQ, Shaw LM, Ashford JW, Tezapsidis N; Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Low plasma leptin in cognitively impaired ADNI subjects: gender differences and diagnostic and therapeutic potential. Curr Alzheimer Res. 2014 Feb;11(2):165-74. 32. Wang X, Wang W, Li L, Perry G, Lee HG, Zhu X. Oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction in Alzheimer's disease. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2014 Aug;1842(8):1240-7. Review. 33. 19: Mondragon-Rodriguez S, Perry G, Luna-Munoz J, Acevedo-Aquino MC, Williams S. Phosphorylation of tau protein at sites Ser(396-404) is one of the earliest events in Alzheimer's disease and Down syndrome. Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol. 2014 Feb;40(2):121-35. 34. Bonda DJ, Stone JG, Torres SL, Siedlak SL, Perry G, Kryscio R, Jicha G, Casadesus G, Smith MA, Zhu X, Lee HG. Dysregulation of leptin signaling in Alzheimer disease: evidence for neuronal leptin resistance. J Neurochem. 2014 Jan;128(1):162-72. 35. Ballard KJ, Tourville JA, Robin DA. Behavioral, computational, and neuroimaging studies of acquired apraxia of speech. Front Hum Neurosci. 2014 Nov 3;8:892. 36. Korzyukov O, Tapaskar N, Pflieger ME, Behroozmand R, Lodhavia A, Patel S, Robin DA, Larson C. Event related potentials study of aberrations in voice control mechanisms in adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Clin Neurophysiol. 2014 Sep 28. pii: S1388-2457(14)00501-X. 37. Manes JL, Parkinson AL, Larson CR, Greenlee JD, Eickhoff SB, Corcos DM, Robin DA. Connectivity of the subthalamic nucleus and globus pallidus pars interna to regions within the speech network: a meta-analytic connectivity study. Hum Brain Mapp. 2014 Jul;35(7): 3499-516. 38. Patel S, Nishimura C, Lodhavia A, Korzyukov O, Parkinson A, Robin DA, Larson CR. Understanding the mechanisms underlying voluntary responses to pitch-shifted auditory feedback. J Acoust Soc Am. 2014 May;135(5):3036-44. 39. Flagmeier SG, Ray KL, Parkinson AL, Li K,Vargas R, Price LR, Laird AR, Larson CR, Robin DA. The neural changes in connectivity of the voice network during voice pitch perturbation. Brain Lang. 2014 May;132:7-13. 1 Citations 2014 40. Parkinson AL, Behroozmand R, Ibrahim N, Korzyukov O, Larson CR, Robin DA. Effective connectivity associated with auditory error detection in musicians with absolute pitch. Front Neurosci. 2014 Mar 5;8:46. 41. Behroozmand R, Ibrahim N, Korzyukov O, Robin DA, Larson CR. Left-hemisphere activation is associated with enhanced vocal pitch error detection in musicians with absolute pitch. Brain Cogn. 2014 Feb;84(1):97-108. 42. Tate DF,York GE, Reid MW, Cooper DB, Jones L, Robin DA, Kennedy JE, Lewis J. Preliminary findings of cortical thickness abnormalities in blast injured service members and their relationship to clinical findings. Brain Imaging Behav. 2014 Mar;8(1):102-9. 43. Salinas K, Kereselidze Z, DeLuna F, Peralta XG, Santamaria F. Transient extracellular application of gold nanostars increases hippocampal neuronal activity. J Nanobiotechnology. 2014 Aug 20;12(1):31. 44. Romero VH, Kereselidze Z, Egido W, Michaelides EA, Santamaria F, Peralta XG. Nanoparticle assisted photothermal deformation of individual neuronal organelles and cells. Biomed Opt Express. 2014 Oct 20;5(11):4002-12. 45. Teka W, Marinov TM, Santamaria F. Neuronal spike timing adaptation described with a fractional leaky integrate-andfire model. PLoS Comput Biol. 2014 Mar 27;10(3):e1003526. 46. Marinov TM, Santamaria F. Computational modeling of diffusion in the cerebellum. Prog Mol Biol Transl Sci. 2014;123:169-89. 47. Willuhn I, Tose A, Wanat MJ, Hart AS, Hollon NG, Phillips PE, Schwarting RK,W√∂hr M. Phasic dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens in response to pro-social 50 kHz ultrasonic vocalizations in rats. J Neurosci. 2014 Aug 6;34 (32):10616-23. 48. Martinez-Lincoln A, Cortinas C, Wicha NY. Arithmetic memory networks established in childhood are changed by experience in adulthood. Neurosci Lett. 2015 Jan 1;584:325-30. 49. Ng S, Wicha NY. Processing gap-filler dependencies in Chinese: What does it tell us about semantic processing? J Mem Lang. 2014 Jul 1;74:16-35. 50. Ng S, Gonzalez C, Wicha NY. The fox and the cabra: an ERP analysis of reading code switched nouns and verbs in bilingual short stories. Brain Res. 2014 Apr 4;1557:127-40. 51. Guajardo LF, Wicha NY. Morphosyntax can modulate the N400 component: event related potentials to gendermarked post-nominal adjectives. Neuroimage. 2014 May 1;91:262-72. 52. Wilson CJ. Oscillators and Oscillations in the Basal Ganglia. Neuroscientist. 2014 Dec 1. pii: 1073858414560826. Review 53. Beatty JA, Song SC, Wilson CJ. Cell-type Specific Resonances Shape the Responses of Striatal Neurons to Synaptic Input. J Neurophysiol. 2014 Nov 19:jn.00827.2014. 54. Wilson CJ. The sensory striatum. Neuron. 2014 Sep 3;83 (5):999-1001. 55. Wilson CJ, Barraza D, Troyer T, Farries MA. Predicting the responses of repetitively firing neurons to current noise. PLoS Comput Biol. 2014 May 8;10(5):e1003612. presented alphabetically by Institute Investigator. THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT SAN ANTONIO NEUROSCIENCES INSTITUTE http://neuroscience.utsa.edu ANNUAL REPORT Nº6: APPENDIX 2014 Institute Investigators & Affiliations Faculty College Submission/Award Data FY2010-14 Department Science Biology Alberto Cordova Education Health & Kinesiology Thomas Coyle COLFA Psychology Brian Derrick Science Biology Gary Gaufo Science Biology Yufei Huang Engineering Electrical & Computer David Jaffe Science Biology Daijin Ko Business Statistics Annie Lin Science Biology Deborah Mangold COLFA Psychology Carlos Paladini Science Biology George Perry Science Biology Robert Renthal Science Biology Kay Robbins Science Computer Science Donald A. Robin Honors Honors 4 Fidel Santamaria Science Biology David Senseman Science Biology 3 Kelly Suter Science Biology Todd Troyer Science Biology Matt Wanat Science Biology Nicole Wicha Science Biology Charles Wilson Science Biology Post-doc Fellows* Idaira Oliva Padron # of proposals Alfonso Apicella 20 15 19 16 17 10 15 11 18 17 17 14 9 5 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 # of Submitted and Awarded Grant Proposals 2010-14. Submissions (blue) have decreased as Awards (purple; new, continuing, revisions, supplements and extensions) have increased. New awards follow submissions by one fiscal cycle (Source,VPR). $ millions Fiscal Snapshot All Years 3.54 2.51 2 1 0 Lab Wanat 2.71 2.78 3.07 2.01 1.03 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Institute Expenditures since inception, in $millions. Dollar amounts indicate expenses from federal grant accounts (Source, UTSA VPR/Grants & Accounting). Gerard Beaudoin-Research Faculty Paladini Wilson 4 Matt Higgs -Research Faculty Wilson Songquing Lu Santamaria 3 Toma Marinov (now @ Engineering) Santamaria Wondimu Teka (now @ Purdue) Santamaria Shukhan Ng (now @ U of Illinois) Wicha *Postdocs who meet the qualifications to be Institute Investigators are listed. All members must have published a neuroscience research paper or abstract within the last 2 years. $ millions Ramana Dodla (now in Industry) 2.99 2 3.59 1 0 3.58 1.31 1.67 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Institute award income 2010-14, in $millions. Dollar amounts indicate total costs awarded to UTSA (Source,VPR). NEURO undergrads at Fiesta UTSA THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT SAN ANTONIO NEUROSCIENCES INSTITUTE http://neuroscience.utsa.edu ANNUAL REPORT Nº6: APPENDIX 2014 Workshops 2008-2013 (academic year) Distinguished Public Lectures 2008-2014 Year Year 2008 Title The R Statistical Language for Biologists Image Deconvolution and Analysis 2009 2010 Neurostatistics: Statistical Models for Counting Data & The Bootstrapping Method Analyzing Neurons in 4 Dimensions 2011 Neurostatistics: Statistics in Neuroscience & Data Mining Analyzing Cell Morphology & Movement Morphology & Movement in 3 Dimensions 2012 2009 2010 Nancy Wexler, PhD, Director, Hereditary Disease Foundation; Professor of Neurology & Neuropsychology, Columbia University Expansions on a Dream: From cause to cure of Huntington’s Disease. 11.11.09 Neurostatistics: Experimental Design & ANOVA for Biologists Data Mining in Three Dimensions An Introduction to Robust Statistics and R for Biologists Analyzing Cell Morphology & Movement Morphology & Movement in 3 Dimensions II Title Christof Koch PhD, Professor of Computation and Neural Systems, California Institute of Technology The Neurobiology of Consciousness: What do we know and how can we find out more? 05.05.09 Alice Wexler PhD, Research Scholar, UCLA 2010* Stigma, Secrecy & Medical History: What we can learn from Huntington’s Disease. 11.10.09 2011 Anne Young MD PhD, Julieanne Dorn Professor, Harvard Med Huntington’s Disease: From Gene to Therapy 03.24.11 2012 Erich Jarvis PhD, Associate Professor of Neurobiology, Duke University Medical Center, Investigator, HHMI Learned Birdsong & the Neurobiology of Human Language 04.24.12 2014 Richard Palmiter PhD, Professor of Biochemistry & Genomic Sciences, University of Washington School of Medicine, Investigator, HHMI The Neural Circuits of Aversion: Learning to avoid bad situations. 11.10.14 * Companion lecture, partnered by American Studies Program Symposia 2008-2014 Year Title 2009 Ion Channels & Firing Properties of Dopamine Neurons, panelists: Bruce Bean (Harvard); Jim Surmeier (Northwestern); John Williams (Oregon Health Sci U); Joachim Roeper (Goethe U, Frankfurt), Carlos Paladini (UTSA) 2010 Wiring the CNS from Brain to Spinal Cord, panelists: Pasko Rakic (Yale), Jeremy Dasen (NYU), Goichi Miyaki (NYU), Raj Awatramani (Northwestern), Gary Gaufo (UTSA) 2011 The Bilingual Brain, panelists: Judith Kroll (Penn State), Lee Osterhout (UW Seattle), Karen Emmorey (SD State), Nicole Wicha (UTSA) 2012 Neural Dynamics & Coding, panelists: Eugene Izhikevich (BrainCorp/Scholarpedia), Eric SheaBrown (UW Seattle), Adrienne Fairhall (UW Seattle), Uri Eden (Boston U), Todd Troyer (UTSA) 2013 Power Law Dynamics in the Brain, panelists: Larry Abbot (Columbia), John Beggs (U of Indiana) Dietmar Plenz (NIMH), Fidel Santamaria (UTSA) 2014 Neuron Regeneration, panelists: Bruce Appel (U of CO), Phil Horner (U of WA), Jenny Hsieh (UT Southwestern), Tony Koleske (Yale), Arnold Kriegstein (UCSF), Annie Lin (UTSA), Vance Lemmon (U of Miami), Bettina Winckler (U of VA) 2014 NTS PODCASTS #107 Power Law Dynamics Symposium #108 Arnold Kriegstein (UCSF) #109 Shaowen Bao (UC Berkeley) #110 Richard Zigmond (Case Western) #111 Nace Golding (UT Austin) #112 Paul Colombo (Tulane) #113 Patricio O’Donnell (Pfizer) #114 Massimo Scanziani (HHMI UCSD) #115 Todd Roberts (UT Southwestern) #116 Larry Zweifel (U of Washington) #117 Arturo Andrade (Lipscombe lab, Brown) #118 Sam Sober (Emory & Georgia Tech) #119 Michela Marinelli (UT Austin) #120 Michael Drew (UT Austin) #121 John Huguenard (Stanford) #122 Thomas Hnasko (UCSD) Pending for 2014: Seema Agarwal (UT Austin) Main Site: http://snrp.utsa.edu/Podcast/Podcast.html iTunes Preview: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/neuroscientists-talk-shop/id279181187 THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT SAN ANTONIO NEUROSCIENCES INSTITUTE http://neuroscience.utsa.edu
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2015 Annual Report - UTSA Neurosciences Institute
instrumentation facilities: the OptoExcitability Core, and the 2-Photon
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use by Neuroscience researchers at UTSA.
The Opto-Excitability core serves
UTSA Neurosciences Institute - The University of Texas at San Antonio
Reports to George Perry PhD
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