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Sovereign risk: changing the rules 2 June 2009 Wendell Zerb [email protected] 1.604.643.7485 There many uncertainties associated with maintaining or advancing mineral projects, and the mining and mineral exploration industry is by its nature subject to numerous risks. This week we review some recent examples of sovereign risk associated with foreign companies working in Kazakhstan, Mongolia and Venezuela. Eric Zaunscherb [email protected] 1.604.699.0829 • Extract Resources Ltd. Hudson Resources Inc. La Mancha Resources Inc. Creston Moly Corp. Tenajon Resources Corp. Vantex Resources Ltd. Zazu Metals Corp. Nicholas Campbell [email protected] 1.604.643.7027 Adam Melnyk (Research Associate) [email protected] 1.604.643.1655 • Iris Varga (Research Assistant) [email protected] 1.604.643.7412 Figure 1: Gold price versus average value US$/oz in situ 120 750.0 50 700.0 40 650.0 30 Average Value US$/oz in situ 29-May-09 9-Apr-09 20-Feb-09 31-Dec-08 6-Nov-08 18-Sep-08 31-Jul-08 12-Jun-08 600.0 24-Apr-08 20 Gold Price C$:US$ 0.90 Ag:Au ratio 63:1 Source: Capital IQ, Thomson ONE, Canaccord Adams Canaccord Adams is the global capital markets group of Canaccord Capital Inc. (CCI : TSX|AIM) The recommendations and opinions expressed in this Investment Research accurately reflect the Investment Analyst’s personal, independent and objective views about any and all the Designated Investments and Relevant Issuers discussed herein. For important information, please see the Important Disclosures section in the appendix of this document or visit or visit Gold Price (US$) 800.0 60 6-Mar-08 27 28 29 31 33 34 36 850.0 70 17-Jan-08 Drill Bitz Gold In Situ Silver In Situ Uranium In Situ Research Universe Ink Spots Index 900.0 80 29-Nov-07 22 950.0 90 11-Oct-07 Molybdenum In Situ Update 1000.0 100 23-Aug-07 6 9 10 13 13 18 20 Current value: US$47.21/oz ↑ 110 2 3 5 Exploration Updates Extract Resources Ltd. Hudson Resources Inc. La Mancha Resources Inc. Creston Moly Corp. Tenajon Resources Corp. Vantex Resources Ltd. Zazu Metals Corp. 1050.0 5-Jul-07 Market and Commodities Snapshot Foreword Other News (EXT : ASX : A$5.50 | Not rated) (HUD: TSX-V : C$0.19 | Not rated) (LMA : TSX : C$1.00 | Not rated) (CMS : TSX-V : C$0.15 | Not rated) & (TJS : TSX-V : C$0.14 | Not rated) (VTX : TSX-V : C$0.07 | Not rated) (ZAZ : TSX : C$0.36 | Not rated) Molybdenum market update and moly in situ database quarterly update. Average Value US$/oz in situ In this issue: Exploration updates: Junior Mining Weekly | 2 2 June 2009 Figure 2: Junior market and commodities snapshot CA COPPER In Situ (cents Cdn/lb) CA NICKEL In Situ (cents Cdn/lb) CA ZINC In Situ (cents Cdn/lb) CA MOLY In Situ (cents Cdn/lb) Value 29 May 09 47.21 0.42 3.17 29 May 09 1.96 14.05 1.53 15.50 % Change YTD WoW 47.5% 6.2% 90.9% -4.5% 86.5% 9.7% YTD WoW 92.2% -10.1% 158.7% 9.4% 129.7% 0.7% 224.9% 51.1% TSX Venture Daily Volume for the week of 25-29 May 09 Date Monday 22-May-09 Tuesday 23-May-09 Wednesday 24-May-09 Thursday 25-May-09 Friday 26-May-09 Index S&P/TSX Venture Composite Index S&P/TSX Composite Index S&P/TSX Global Gold Index S&P/TSX Diversified Metals & Mining (SPDR) Streettracks Gold Trust IShares Comex Gold Trust AMEX Gold Bugs Value 29 May 09 1,124 10,370 341 562 96.20 96.28 386 % Change YTD 41.0% 15.4% 9.1% 133.7% 11.2% 11.1% 27.5% S&P/TSX Venture Composite Index Volume and Value Jan 07-28 May 09 75% 68% Acquisition offer by Geoinformatics (GXL-V). CA commodity price and currency forecasts Aluminum US$/lb Copper US$/lb Nickel US$/lb Zinc US$/lb Lead US$/lb Uranium US$/lb Molybdenum US$/lb Cobalt US$/lb Gold US$/oz Silver US$/oz Platinum US$/oz Palladium US$/oz C$/US$ A$/US$ US$/Euro 370 3,200 2,800 295 2,400 2,000 220 1,600 1,200 TS X V e n tu re V o l u m e (M ) %∆ 88% 893,369,377 178,673,875 145 800 400 70 Ja n - 0 7 Ja n - 0 7 F e b-07 M a r- 0 7 A p r- 0 7 M a y-07 Ju n - 0 7 Ju l- 0 7 A u g- 0 7 Se p-07 O c t- 0 7 O c t- 0 7 N o v- 0 7 D e c- 0 7 Ja n - 0 8 F e b-08 M a r- 0 8 A p r- 0 8 M a y-08 Ju n - 0 8 Ju l- 0 8 Ju l- 0 8 A u g- 0 8 Se p-08 O c t- 0 8 N o v- 0 8 D e c- 0 8 Ja n - 0 9 F e b-09 M a r- 0 9 A p r- 0 9 M a y-09 S&P/TSX Venture Composite Index Selected companies Price Highly active by % ∆ (May 25-29/09) Symbol 29 May 09 Great Western Minerals Group, Ltd. GWG $0.15 Application for new mining licence submitted, Steenkampskraal mine, South Africa. TNR Gold Corp. TNR $0.21 Acquired Mariana lithium-boron project, Argentina. Rimfire Minerals Corp. KAM $0.37 WoW 2.5% 3.8% 1.8% 4.0% 2.2% 2.3% 3.2% Volume 142,010,386 170,745,687 182,196,135 172,192,282 226,224,887 Total Average. Daily Volume S & P / TS X V e n tu re I n d e x In Situ EV/attrib. lb eq. or Mkt. cap/oz or lb eq. CA GOLD In Situ (US$/oz) CA SILVER In Situ (US$/oz) CA URANIUM In Situ (US$/lb) TSX-Venture Daily Trading Volume 2009E 0.63 1.60 4.76 0.58 0.54 46.4 11.2 14.8 975.00 13.50 1119.00 219 2010E 0.70 2.00 5.00 0.68 0.55 57.5 13.0 15.0 900.00 13.75 1200.00 250 2011E 0.75 2.50 5.50 0.85 0.55 65.0 15.0 15.0 800.00 14.00 1200.00 250 Long Term 0.85 1.75 7.00 0.75 0.50 70.00 12.50 12.50 750.00 14.00 1200.00 250.00 Value May 29/09 0.64 2.18 6.29 0.70 0.71 49.00 9.25 14.50 975.50 15.61 1193.00 236.25 0.82 0.69 1.34 0.84 0.75 1.35 0.89 0.80 1.35 0.90 0.80 1.30 0.92 0.80 1.42 WoW (week over week) The CA commodity price (base metals) and currency forecasts – updated values published April 6, 2009. In Situs: The basket of companies might vary quarterly. Silver In Situ first published on September 22/08. CA - Canaccord Adams. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Source: Thomson ONE, Bloomberg, TSX Venture Exchange, Canaccord Adams S&P/TSX Venture Index % Change YTD -5.9% 58.0% 19.6% 29.6% 54.3% -7.5% -25.3% -17.1% 13.3% 38.2% 27.7% 26.3% WoW 0.0% 4.3% 9.0% 2.9% 9.2% -3.9% 0.0% -3.3% 2.4% 6.2% 3.2% 1.1% 12.3% 14.7% 1.1% 3.4% 2.4% 1.3% Junior Mining Weekly | 3 2 June 2009 WHEN THE RULES OF THE GAME CHANGE Investors who play the mining industry’s game of risk and reward can be rewarded with spectacular returns. However, the risks inherent in this industry are high. This week, we highlight one risk specific to investment in mining stocks that investors were uncomfortably reminded of last week: sovereign risk. In areas with a high degree of political instability, sovereign risk is par for the course. We take this opportunity to remind investors that sometimes, just when the game appears to be won, the rules of play can be changed abruptly. Kazakhstan As investors of Uranium One (UUU : TSX : C$2.41 | UNDER REVIEW) are no doubt aware, sovereign risk in Kazakhstan flared up last week and the market was not impressed. Last week, reports surfaced that Kazakhstan’s National Security Committee (KNB) is investigating the circumstances surrounding the acquisition of a 30% stake in the Kyzylkum joint venture by Uranium One’s predecessor UrAsia Energy. Mukhtar Dzhakishev, head of Kazak state uranium company Kazatomprom, along with seven other Kazatomprom senior executives, was arrested on the grounds that he made illegal sales of the country’s uranium assets. The Kyzylkum JV, specifically mentioned in the report, is owned 30% by Uranium One, 30% by Kazatomprom and 40% by a Japanese consortium, and controls the Khorasan uranium mine, which is currently ramping up production. Uranium One acquired its interest in 2007 when it acquired UrAsia Energy, which had purchased the 30% stake from a group of private investors in 2005 for US$75 million. What is interesting in this case, and likely to be the focus of the investigation, is that, according to the KNB, these private investors appear to have acquired this 30% stake in Kyzylkum from Kazatomprom for just US$103,700. In Kazakhstan, Uranium One also owns, through the Betpak-Dala joint venture (70% Uranium One, 30% Kazatomprom), a controlling interest in the Akdala and South Inkai uranium mines. This joint venture, for which UrAsia paid US$350 million for its 70% stake, has not been specifically mentioned as being under investigation. Uranium One has noted that both of the above-mentioned transactions were originally approved by the Kazakh government. Cameco (CCO : TSX : C$30.02 | BUY) also has interests in Kazakhstan, through a 60% interest in the Inkai joint venture (40% Kazatomprom), which is expected to commence commercial production this year. The Inkai joint venture has not, at this time, been linked to any reports of investigations. Also active in Kazakhstan are France’s AREVA and several Japanese, Chinese and Russian firms. Industry estimates are that the former Soviet republic hosts up to 20% of global uranium resources and could become the world’s top producer this year. This controversy has the potential to dampen the ardour foreign investors have had for expanding Kazakhstani production, while also sending utilities scurrying away to seek diversification of supply. Mongolia On Monday last week, opposition Democratic Party candidate Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj won Mongolia’s national presidential election, defeating incumbent Nambariin Enkhbayar of the ruling Mongolian People’s Revolutionary Party (MPRP). The win by Elbegdorj could complicate policymaking on mining, given his anti-foreign mining track record and populist inclinations. Part of his election platform was a commitment to obtain a greater Junior Mining Weekly | 4 2 June 2009 share of Mongolia’s mineral wealth for individuals. Elbegdorj’s populist leanings could lead to a tougher stance in dealings with foreign investors in the mining sector. Most notably at risk is a draft investment agreement currently before parliament for Ivanhoe Mines’ (IVN : TSX : C$5.99 | Not rated) $3 billion Oyu Tolgoi project, a partnership between Ivanhoe and Rio Tinto (RTP : NYSE : US$176.70 | BUY). Rio Tinto currently owns a 10% stake in Ivanhoe and can go to a 42.2% equity interest via a series of financing arrangements contingent on Mongolian government approval of Oyu Tolgoi. Earlier this year, assurance was given to Ivanhoe that completion of an investment agreement for the development of Oyu Tolgoi was to be a priority for Mongolia’s parliament. Despite the election of the Democratic Party candidate as president, the MPRP still holds a majority in parliament via a controversial June 2008 parliamentary election, with 46 out of a total of 76 seats (the Democratic Party has 27 seats). Parliament can veto presidential initiatives with a two-thirds majority (51 votes out of 76). Other mining companies active in Mongolia include: Centerra Gold (CG : TSX : C$7.10 | BUY), Entrée Gold (ETG : TSX : C$1.29 | Not rated), East Asia Minerals Corp. (EAS : TSX-V : C$0.46 | Not rated), France’s AREVA, and BHP Billiton (BLT : LSE : £14.31 | HOLD). Venezuela Also last week, Venezuela denied extensions to two concessions controlled by Gold Reserve (GRZ : TSX : C$0.63 | Not rated) at its Brisas project, one of which is the Brisas alluvial gold concession, granted for a 20-year term in 1988, containing approximately 3% of the proven and probable gold reserves of the project. At this time it is unclear what the implications are for the Brisas hardrock concession, granted in 1998 for a 20-year term, which contains the bulk of Brisas’ gold and copper reserves and directly underlies the now terminated alluvial concession. The company believes the hardrock concession continues to be held in good standing. The other concession terminated, which contained no mineralization, was not owned by Gold Reserve, but was indirectly controlled by the company and was to be used for infrastructure purposes. Gold Reserve indicates that the Venezuelan Ministry of Mines recently requested all of the technical information related to the Brisas project, which the company has refused to transfer to the ministry. The Brisas project is located adjacent to Crystallex’s (KRY : TSX : C$0.28 | Not rated) Las Cristinas project. Crystallex has been unable to get the necessary permits from Hugo Chavez’s government to bring Las Cristinas into production. Also in Venezuela, Rusoro Mining (RML : TSX-V : C$0.47 | UNDER REVIEW) controls the Choco 10 and Increible 6 gold deposits. Rusoro recently failed in a controversial takeover bid for Gold Reserve. Based on comments by Chavez made earlier this year, it appears that Russian-controlled Rusoro is his partner of choice to develop Venezuela’s substantial gold reserves. Last week’s news comes on the heels of the Venezuelan government’s announcement earlier in May of its intention to seize the assets of 60 local and foreign oil-services companies. In 2007, Venezuela took over four heavy-crude joint ventures and increased royalties on oil. Junior Mining Weekly | 5 2 June 2009 Fraser Institute policy potential index Each year, the Fraser Institute conducts a survey of metal mining and exploration companies to assess how mineral endowments and public policy factors such as taxation and regulation affect exploration investment. The survey, most recently released in February 2009, includes 71 jurisdictions, from all continents except Antarctica. According to the Fraser Institute, “the policy potential index (PPI) serves as a report card to governments on how attractive their policies are from the point of view of an exploration manager.” We table the top 20 and bottom 20 countries on the basis of PPI ranking in Figure 3. Figure 3: 2008/2009 Fraser Institute Survey – PPI Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 … 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 Jurisdiction Quebec Wyoming Nevada Alberta Nfld. & Labrador New Brunswick Manitoba Chile Saskatchewan Ontario Utah Nova Scotia Sweden Finland Yukon South Australia Alaska Botswana Norway N. Territory (Aus) … Montana Russia California Mongolia Kazakhstan Argentina New Mexico Philippines Wisconsin Papua New Guinea Indonesia DRC (Congo) Kyrgyzstan Zimbabwe Bolivia India Honduras Guatemala Ecuador Venezuela Source: Fraser Institute Junior Mining Weekly | 6 2 June 2009 OTHER NEWS • Franco-Nevada Corp. (FNV : TSX : C$30.35 | Not rated) announced a C$322 million bought deal (C$370 million with over-allotment). The proceeds are likely to be used to acquire new royalty and/or gold streams, which could be a boon for junior mining companies with higher-quality assets that are looking for financing. It is also worthy of note that each unit of the financing included one-half of one warrant with an eight-year expiry date and a C$75 strike price. We have seen several juniors complete financings that included five year warrants. Now we are beginning to see some larger cap companies do the same to ensure the deal is successful. • Winnipeg – the Slurpee capital of the world. Slurpees are offered in many but not all the countries where our covered companies have operations. Canadians purchase an average of 30 million drinks per year. Despite its status as the coldest city in the world and with a population of just over 600,000, Winnipeg, Manitoba, was crowned Slurpee Capital of the World for the ninth time in a row in 2008. 7-Eleven stores across the province sell an average of 8,330 Slurpee drinks per month. The rest of Canada sells an average of 5,990, which makes Manitoba the world leader in Slurpee sales. Mining is the second-largest primary resource industry in Manitoba. In 2008, the combined value of mineral production for metals, industrial minerals and petroleum totalled $2.5 billion. The province’s eight operating mines employ about 5,200 workers directly with another 18,000 in spin-off jobs. Manitoba also ranks among the top 10 jurisdictions in the world in which to conduct mineral exploration, according to the Fraser Institute’s annual survey. Hence, if you are planning to visit any of the mining companies active in Manitoba, there should be a Slurpee close by for the upcoming hot sunny days! Junior Mining Weekly | 7 2 June 2009 EXPLORATION UPDATES EXTRACT RESOURCES LTD. (EXT : ASX : A$5.50 | NOT RATED) Figure 4: EXT : ASX Eric Zaunscherb 1.604.699.0829 Figure 5: EXT : ASX NA Shares O/S (M): Shares FD (M): Working Cap. (M): Market Cap. (M): Co. Website: 228.4 231.7 C$16.0 C$890.2 Source: Company reports, Source: INK Research Extract Resources is a Perth-based uranium exploration company primarily focused on advancing its wholly owned Husab uranium project in Namibia. In our site visit note on Extract published in the 4 March 2009 Junior Mining Weekly we commented that “board room shenanigans are detracting from what is truly a world class discovery.” This situation has become even more unseemly, as summarized below: • Figure 6 sketches out the ownership structure surrounding Extract. The Uramin management team that successfully identified, advanced and sold the Klein Trekkopje uranium deposit in Namibia to AREVA in June 2007 for almost US$19 per pound, moved on with the stub subsidiary, Niger Uranium (URU : LSE : £0.22 | Not rated). Niger Uranium has an important ownership position in Kalahari Minerals (KAH : LSE : £1.27 | Not rated). Kalahari has a 34% equity position in Extract alongside Rio Tinto (RIO : LSE : £28.00 | BUY) holding 16% and Polo Resources (PRL : LSE : £0.04 | Not rated) holding 9.9%. • The Extract board bun fight has now exploded with Polo Resources demanding that its Chairman, Stephen Dattels (ex of Uramin and Klein Trekkopje), have a seat on Extract’s board and Kalahari demanding that its Chairman, Mark Hohnen, replace Peter McIntyre as Chairman of Extract; Rio Tinto is also believed to be asking for a board seat. In our opinion Peter McIntyre has done a superb job managing the discovery and advancement of Extract’s extraordinary Rössing South discovery at Husab. He is being advised by Rothschild Australia Limited as to corporate strategy. In the interim, the indecorous board plays are distracting management, definitely starving the project of the resources needed to advance the project optimally and, consequently, harming the interests of minority shareholders. Any takeover should be executed via the market rather than at the board level, in our view. • Things on the operational level are progressing on a much more positive level. Last week Extract also announced that ongoing drilling continues to expand Rössing South zones 1 and 2. The Rössing South zone 1 resource will be updated within the next three months and the Rössing South zone 2 initial resource remains on track for August 2009. Wildcat drilling 2.4 kilometres south of zone 2 (Figure 7) has turned up uraniferous alaskite with assays pending. We agree with management’s assessment that Rössing South is part of one of the largest uranium mineral systems in the world. An analyst has visited the Husab property held by Extract Resources Ltd. Partial payment or reimbursement was received from the issuer for the related travel costs. Investment risks The commercialization risks associated with mineral exploration and development are high; thus investment in the shares of Extract Resources Ltd. is for risk accounts only Junior Mining Weekly | 8 2 June 2009 Figure 6: Extract Resources and surrounding ownership Rio Tinto (RIO-LN) NWT Uranium (NWT-V) 33.8% (2) Niger Uranium (URU-LN) 14.4% Former UraMin Management+ 14.1% Kalahari Minerals (KAH-LN) 16.3% Areva SA (1) 33.9% Extract Resources (EXT-T) 100% 9.6% 100% Husab Uranium Project Notes: Polo Resources (PRL-LN) UraMin Inc. 100% Klein Trekkopje Uranium Project 1. In August 2007, a subsidiary of AREVA, the senior French nuclear industry company, acquired UraMin in an all-cash transaction paying US$7.75 per share or US$2.2 billion. This equated to US$18.83/lb, assuming 118Mlb U3O8 at a 100ppm cut off grade. 2. In July 2007, Niger Uranium was created with uranium exploration properties in Niger contributed by UraMin and NWT Uranium. Members of the former management team of UraMin have considerable influence in the management of Niger Uranium. Source: Bloomberg, company news releases, Canaccord Adams Junior Mining Weekly | 9 2 June 2009 Figure 7: Rössing South drill hole locations with exploration highlights Source: Extract Resources Ltd. news release 28 May 2009 Junior Mining Weekly | 10 2 June 2009 HUDSON RESOURCES INC. (HUD : TSX-V : C$0.19 | NOT RATED) Figure 8: HUD : TSX-V Shares O/S (M): Shares FD (M): Working Cap. (M): Market Cap. (M): Co. Website: Eric Zaunscherb 1.604.699.0829 Figure 9: HUD : TSX-V 41.1 46.5 C$0.8 C$7.8 Source: Company reports, Past 12 months – purchased: Past 12 months – sold: $30,000 Nil Since Feb 3/09 – acquisitions or dispositions: Nil Source: INK Research Hudson Resources is focused on the exploration of diamond, uranium and rare earth element (REE) projects in Greenland. The company is guided by President and CEO, James Tuer, and VP Corporate Development, James Cambon, who was intimately involved with the Snap Lake diamond mine in the Northwest Territories, now developed and operated by De Beers Canada. Management was recently awarded the inaugural Prospector and Developer of the Year award by the Government of Greenland. Hudson has announced exploration plans for 2009 as follows: • The primary exploration focus for Hudson in 2009 is the wholly owned Sarfartoq carbonatite project in west-central Greenland. The property covers one of the largest carbonatite intrusive complexes globally, estimated at 13 by 8 kilometres. In 1986 the government generated an historical resource for one mineralized pod in the carbonatite of 100,000 tonnes grading 0.5% U3O8, 15% Nb2O5 and 0.5% REE (lanthanum-neodymium); tantalum mineralization is also present. The use of uranium is well-known, but it is little known that niobium (Nb) and tantalum (Ta) are used in specialty steels and that REE usage is dramatically increasing in high technology applications including hybrid automobiles. REE production is dominated by China, and end-users are scrambling to diversify supply. • Previous exploration and advanced (prefeasibility level) studies focused on niobium mineralization and did not follow up uranium and REE potential. In 2008 Hudson conducted a reconnaissance sampling program and outlined a number of priority targets for follow-up exploration, particularly with regard to REE. This summer’s program will generate specific drill targets for follow-up. The intriguing Sarfartoq project is well-situated with tidewater and a proposed hydroelectric plant within 20 kilometres. Access is by helicopter from a modern international airport with daily flights. • Hudson has been actively advancing the nearby 1,800 square kilometre Garnet Lake diamond project since 2003. Hudson’s Garnet Lake kimberlite dyke is similar in configuration to the dyke being mined by De Beers at Snap Lake. Approximately 500 tonnes of material were recovered from Garnet Lake in 2008 and processed through an on-site dense media separation plant. In 2009 Hudson will conduct reconnaissance seeking additional diamondiferous bodies and study the application of high-pressure grinding rolls to aid diamond recovery. An analyst has not visited the properties held by Hudson Resources Inc. Investment risks The commercialization risks associated with mineral exploration and development are high; thus investment in the shares of Hudson Resources Inc. is for risk accounts only. Junior Mining Weekly | 11 2 June 2009 LA MANCHA RESOURCES INC. (LMA : TSX : C$1.00 | NOT RATED) Figure 10: LMA : TSX Shares O/S (M): Shares FD (M): Working Cap. (M): Long-Term Debt (M): Market Cap. (M): Co. Website: Nicholas Campbell 1.604.643.7027 Figure 11: LMA : TSX 142.0 143.1 C$45.8 C$14.9 C$142.0 Source: Company reports, Past 12 months – purchased: Past 12 months – sold: $8,800 Nil Since Nov. 28/08 – acquisitions or dispositions: Nil Source: INK Research La Mancha Resources is a junior gold producer with interests in three operating gold mines: the Frog’s Leg mine (51%, Australia), the Ity mine (45.9%, Cote d’Ivoire) and the Hassaï mine (40%, Sudan). The company is under the stewardship of Michel Cuilhe, President, CEO and Chairman. Last week, La Mancha released a set of drill results testing a VMS target at its Hassai mine, in Sudan. • La Mancha was testing for mineralization beneath the current Hadal Awatib pits of the Hassaï mine. The best results include: 26 metres grading 1.2 g/t gold, 5.7% copper and 1.2% zinc (100 metres down the drill stem), 11 metres grading 19.2 g/t gold and 51.6 g/t sold (5 metres down the drill stem), 40 metres grading 0.70 g/t gold and 3.2% copper (10 metres down the drill stem), 11 metres grading 9.1 g/t gold and 99.3 g/t silver and 7 metres grading 21.5 g/t gold and 45.6 g/t silver. • The company has begun testing two of six VMS targets at Hassaï. In April 2009, the company released a conceptual potential resource (not NI 43-101 compliant) for the VMS targets at Hassai. The company believes that results to date are supportive of delineating a 60 million tonne resource grading 1.15-1.35 g/t gold, 0.90-1.3% copper, 3-5 g/t silver and 0.30-0.70% zinc. • The results last week suggest the presence of an enriched supergene zone at the top of the previously identified VMS lens under the Hadal Awatib pits, while confirming the presence of a feeder zone adjacent to the massive sulphide lens at depth. The company plants to complete an initial NI 43-101 compliant resource estimate for the zones, complete metallurgical testing and deliver a scoping study by the end of 2009. • In 2008, La Mancha recorded attributable gold production of 71,550 ounce of gold at an average cash cost of US$512 per ounce of gold produced. In Q1/09, the company’s attributable production was 18,515 ounces of gold at an average cash cost of US$451 per ounce. Q1 cash flow from operations was C$7.8 million. An analyst has not visited the properties held by La Mancha Resources. Investment risks The commercialization risks associated with mineral exploration and development are high; thus investment in the shares of La Mancha Resources is for risk accounts only Junior Mining Weekly | 12 2 June 2009 Figure 12: VMS deposits in the Arabo-nubian shield Source: La Mancha Resources Junior Mining Weekly | 13 2 June 2009 CRESTON MOLY CORP. (CMS : TSX-V : C$0.15 | NOT RATED) TENAJON RESOURCES CORP. (TJS : TSX-V : C$0.14 | NOT RATED) Figure 13: CMS : TSX-V Shares O/S (M): Shares FD (M): Working Cap. (M): Market Cap. (M): Co. Website: Source: Company reports, Wendell Zerb, P. Geol Adam Melnyk 1.604.643.7485 1.604.643.1655 Figure 14: TJS : TSX-V 121.8 171.0 C$(2.8) C$18.27 Shares O/S (M): Shares FD (M): Working Cap. (M): Market Cap. (M): Co. Website: 63.4 71.6 C$3.1 C$8.9 Source: INK Research Creston Moly is a Vancouver-based mineral exploration and development company, whose primary asset is the 100%owned Creston molybdenum project, located in Sonora State, Mexico, about 135 kilometres northeast of the city of Hermosillo. Creston is led by Colin Benner, Chairman and Jonathan George, President and CEO. Tenajon Resources is a Canadian mineral exploration company under the stewardship of Bruce McLeod, President and CEO. Tenajon is focused on advancing its Canadian molybdenum exploration projects: Ajax in BC and Moly Brook in Newfoundland. Last week, Creston and Tenajon announced a proposed business combination. Details are as follows: • Under the proposed transaction, Creston will acquire all of the issued and outstanding shares of Tenajon on the basis of 0.84 shares of Creston for each share of Tenajon. At the time of the announcement, this represented less than a 1% premium for TJS shareholders. Bruce McLeod will be President and CEO of the new company, to retain the Creston name, and Colin Benner will serve as Chairman. The transaction must be approved by not less than two-thirds of TJS shareholders. The combined company will have approximately 175 million shares outstanding. • A prefeasibility study for the Creston moly project (100% CMS), released in February 2008, detailed a 40,000 tpd operation producing an average of approximately 20 million lbs of Mo and 12 million lbs of Cu annually over an estimated 11-year mine life. The estimated after-tax NPV (8%) using US$15.00/lb Mo and US$1.75/lb Cu is US$306.0 million (owner mining) and the IRR is 20.2%. Total cash costs are estimated at US$7.57/lb MoEq and initial capital is estimated at US$576.2 million (owner mining). Proven and probable reserves are 146.7 million tonnes grading 0.077% Mo and 0.049% Cu. • At Ajax (100% TJS), located in northwestern BC, an updated NI 43-101 resource estimate released in May 2008 detailed an indicated resource of 69 million tonnes, grading 0.065% Mo (98.9 million pounds of Mo) and an inferred resource of 483.1 million tonnes at 0.061% Mo (649.8 million pounds Mo), using a 0.040% Mo cut-off. Project infrastructure is considered good, with both tidewater access and hydro electric power situated at Kitsault, 16 kilometres to the south. Initial metallurgical testing suggests moly recoveries of up to 86.5%. • The Moly Brook property (100% TJS) is located on the southern coast of Newfoundland, less than 4 kilometres from a deep-water, ice-free navigable fjord. Three-phase power is within 70 kilometres of the site. A 2009 NI 43-101 compliant resource estimate includes an indicated resource of 86.8 million tonnes grading 0.065% Mo (124.6 million pounds Mo) and an inferred resource of 31.2 million tonnes grading 0.056% Mo (38.6 million pounds Mo) at a 0.04% Mo cut-off. Junior Mining Weekly | 14 2 June 2009 An analyst has visited the properties held by Creston Moly Corp. Partial payment or reimbursement was received from the issuer for the related travel costs. An analyst has not visited the properties held by Tenajon Resources Corp. Investment risks The commercialization risks associated with mineral exploration and development are high; thus investment in the shares of Creston Moly Corp. and Tenajon Resources Corp. is for risk accounts only. Junior Mining Weekly | 15 2 June 2009 VANTEX RESOURCES LTD. (VTX : TSX-V : C$0.07 | NOT RATED) Figure 15: VTX : TSX-V Shares O/S (M): Shares FD (M): Working Cap. (M): Market Cap. (M): Co. Website: Wendell Zerb, P. Geol Adam Melnyk 1.604.643.7485 1.604.643.1655 Figure 16: VTX : TSX-V 79.2 98.5 C$0.5 C$5.5 Source: Company reports, Past 12 months – purchased: Past 12 months – sold: $105 $7,275 Since Dec. 11/08 – acquisitions or dispositions: Nil Source: INK Research Vantex is a Canadian mineral exploration company focused on gold exploration in western Quebec. Vantex is led by Guy Morissette, President. Vantex’s primary asset is its 90%-owned Galloway project, located 30 kilometres west of RouynNoranda, which the company acquired in March 2009. • Last week, Vantex released assay results from Galloway, which included 0.631 g/t Au over 254 metres, including 72.25 metres at 1.07 g/t Au in hole VHD09-13 and 0.571 g/t Au over 168 metres, including 1.154 g/t Au on 33.0 metres in hole VHD09-12, with both intercepts starting from surface. Diamond drilling is ongoing with one diamond drill rig in an attempt to confirm historical results at Galloway. Historical drilling on the property (1980s and 1990s) includes 395.8 metres grading 0.75 g/t Au, including 1.06 g/t Au over 137.8 metres. According to Vantex, historical work has traced mineralization over almost 1,200 metres laterally, and down to almost 1,000 metres vertically, over widths of up to 396 metres down hole. Assays from two more holes are outstanding, with results expected within two weeks. • Surface and channel sampling is planned over the northeastern extension of the Galloway-Pitchvein zone. Later in 2009, pending financing, a 20,000 metre drill program is planned. Vantex indicates that the zone is open both along strike and to depth. • Found within a syenite porphyry, the Galloway-Pitchvein showing is located along ENE striking faults originating from the Cadillac-Larder Lake deformation zone. Anomalous gold values are returned from lithologies such as acid and basic tuffs, feldspath porphyries, basic dykes and andesites. Pyrite, chalcopyrite and molybdenite mineralization is observed. An analyst has not visited the properties held by Vantex Resources Ltd. Investment risks The commercialization risks associated with mineral exploration and development are high; thus investment in the shares of Vantex Resources Ltd. is for risk accounts only. Junior Mining Weekly | 16 2 June 2009 Figure 17: Galloway project area Source: Vantex Resources, Canaccord Adams Junior Mining Weekly | 17 2 June 2009 ZAZU METALS CORP. (ZAZ : TSX : C$0.36 | NOT RATED) Figure 18: ZAZ : TSX Shares o/s (M): Shares fd (M): Cash (M): Market Cap. (M): Co. Website: Wendell Zerb, P. Geol Adam Melnyk 1.604.643.7485 1.604.643.1655 Figure 19: ZAZ : TSX 30.7 35.1 US$3.2 $11.1 Source: Company reports, Past 12 months – purchased: Past 12 months – sold: $212,334 Nil Since Mar. 31/09 – acquisitions or dispositions: Nil Source: INK Research Zazu Metals is a Canadian-based exploration company targeting strataform zinc-lead-silver mineralization in Alaska. Its principal project, the Lik deposit, is located about 22 kilometres northwest of Teck Cominco’s Red Dog mine. Red Dog is currently one of the lowest-cost and largest zinc producers in the world with 2008 production of about 528,400 tonnes of zinc-in-concentrate. • Last week, Zazu announced a new NI-43-101 mineral resource on the Lik North and South deposits in Alaska. Between the North and South deposits the total zinc resource (indicated and inferred) is in excess of 4.6 billion lbs plus over 1.5 billion pounds of lead and 41 million ounces of silver (Figure 22). The Lik deposit ranks as one of the largest primary zinc deposits in the world. The resource estimate was based on the results of 204 diamond drill holes, totalling 34,460 metres. Drilling is on 60 metre sections in the Lik South area, with holes mainly spaced at 30 metres along section lines. • The Lik deposit was originally discovered in 1977 with follow-up drilling on early geological and geochemical data. About 26,236 metres of drilling by various operators tested the deposit from 1977 to 1992. Mineralization occurs in two deposits (South and North). The South deposit is relatively shallow compared with the North deposit zone and is believed to be potentially amenable to open-pit extraction. Several historical (not NI 43-101 compliant) mineral resource estimations were completed, the most recent by Noranda in 1985 estimated the following: South: 10.85 million tonnes grading 10.51% Zn, 3.42% Pb; North: 4.73 million tonnes grading 10.59% Zn, 3.50% Pb, 53 g/t Ag. • The Lik deposit is a stratiform zinc-lead-silver deposit. According to company data, the immediate host rocks are carbonaceous and siliceous black shale, with subordinate black chert and fine-grained limestone. The company describes the Lik South deposit as being about 1,100 metres long and about 600 metres wide. It has been tested down dip to a depth of about 150-200 metres. The Lik North deposit is about 700 metres long and about 350 metres wide, and has been tested down dip to a depth of about 300 metres. Overall mineralization strikes broadly northerly and dips westerly at about 25º to 40º. • The company currently holds a 50% interest in the Lik property with the right to earn a further 30% (from Teck, the other 50% interest holder) by spending an additional US$40 million (inflation-adjusted) before 27 January 2018. The company has currently spent about US$11 million. Upon earning an 80% interest and completing a feasibility study, Teck will have a one time option (expenditure schedule) to maintain its 20% interest or it would revert to a 2% NSR. An analyst has not visited the properties held by Zazu Metals Corp. Investment risks The commercialization risks associated with mineral exploration and development are high, thus investment in the shares of Zazu Metals Corp. is for risk accounts only. Junior Mining Weekly | 18 2 June 2009 Figure 20: LIK property location Source: Zazu Metals Corp. Figure 21: Minerals resources for LIK South and North – historical Estimated by Year LIK South Deposit GCO 1984 Noranda 1985 Cut-off Grade Tonnes M Zn % Pb % Ag g/t Density T/m3 5% Pb+Zn 7% Pb+Zn 22.04 10.85 8.88 10.51 3.08 3.42 49 NA 3.21 3.77 LIK North Deposit Noranda 1985 7% Pb+Zn 4.73 10.51 3.5 53 3.21 Source: Zazu Metals Corp. Figure 22: Minerals resources for LIK South and North – as of May 2009 Indicated Resources Estimated by LIK South Deposit LIK North Deposit TOTAL Cut off %Pb+Zn 3% 5% 7% 7% 9% S5%N7% Source: Zazu Metals Corp. Short Tons M 21.13 20.66 18.89 20.66 Zn % 7.98 8.08 8.37 8.08 Pb % 2.58 2.62 2.75 2.62 Ag oz/s.t. 1.53 1.54 1.59 1.54 Inferred Resources Short Tons M 1.39 1.36 1.12 Zn % 6.73 6.80 7.18 Pb % 2.09 2.12 2.28 Ag oz/s.t. 1.02 1.02 1.06 5.71 5.25 7.07 9.65 9.96 9.10 3.25 3.36 3.03 1.48 1.53 1.39 Junior Mining Weekly | 19 2 June 2009 MOLYBDENUM MARKET UPDATE AND MOLY IN SITU DATABASE QUARTERLY UPDATE Molybdenum spot The molybdenum spot price sharply declined from over US$33.50/lb in early November 2008, reaching recent lows of US$8.55/lb in April 2009. Currently, the moly spot as of 14 May 2009 was US$9.25/lb. Moly is an essential secondary component of several steel applications that importantly has no realistic substitutes. There is some evidence that consumers have been destocking inventories of moly. The outlook for stainless and speciality steel demand remains in question, however with a rebound in demand and low moly stocks, moly prices could firm over the next 12 months. Comments from Molymet, Chile, president John Graell included views that western world moly consumption could decrease about 30% in 2009 and in China could decrease by 20%. Figure 23: Molybdenum spot price – 10 years (US$/lb) 40.00 35.00 Moly Spot US$/lb 30.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 Jan-98 May-98 Sep-98 Jan-99 May-99 Sep-99 Jan-00 May-00 Sep-00 Jan-01 May-01 Sep-01 Jan-02 May-02 Sep-02 Jan-03 May-03 Sep-03 Jan-04 May-04 Sep-04 Jan-05 May-05 Sep-05 Jan-06 May-06 Sep-06 Jan-07 May-07 Sep-07 Jan-08 May-08 Sep-08 Jan-09 May-09 0.00 Source: Bloomberg, Canaccord Adams Junior Mining Weekly | 20 2 June 2009 Figure 24: Moly spot (January 2008–present) 36 31 Moly Spot US$/lb 26 21 16 11 May-09 Mar-09 Jan-09 Nov-08 Sep-08 Jul-08 May-08 Mar-08 Jan-08 6 Source: Bloomberg, Canaccord Adams Canaccord Adams’ 2009 molybdenum price forecast is US$11.20/lb, down from US$12.00/lb. Our long-term forecast is unchanged at US$12.50/lb. Moly in situ database At present, our molybdenum database consists of a cross-section of 17 companies with exposure to the metal. Our goal is to track where the market is currently valuing in situ molybdenum resources. This database is not intended to be all-inclusive. We have included all categories of mineral resources made available by the respective companies. For Lions Gate Metals Inc. (formerly Fortress Base Metals Corp.) we have included assets with a historical resource estimation that is not NI 43-101 compliant. In our database, the average EV value is currently 15.50 Canadian cents per Mo equivalent pound. This is up considerably from our previous quarterly update, which was 4.07 Canadian cents per Mo equivalent pound. We have created a number of comparable tables and graphs to highlight the assets and how the market is valuing the companies based on a moly equivalent basis. For our calculations, we have used metal prices as follows: Mo US$12.50/lb, Cu US$1.75/lb, Zn US$0.75/lb, Pb US$0.50/lb, Au US$750/oz, Ag US$14.00 as per Canaccord Adams’ updated metals prices forecast from April 2009. Junior Mining Weekly | 21 2 June 2009 Database changes and news for current quarter: • No additions or deletions of companies were made since November 2008. For Quadra Mining (QUA : TSX) we have added three additional projects due to its acquisition of Centenario Copper Corp. • On 27 May 2009, Creston Moly Corp. (CMS : TSX-V) and Tenajon Resources Corp. (TJS : TSX-V) announced their business combination. Under the terms of the transaction, Creston will acquire all of the issued and outstanding shares of Tenajon on the basis of 0.84 shares of Creston for each share of Tenajon. 35 30 30 25 25 20 20 15 15 10 10 5 5 0 0 Mo Spot Price (US$/lb) 35 Jan 15/08* May 6/08* Aug 19/08* Sept 11/08 Sept 18/08 Sept 26/08 Oct 2/08 Oct 10/08 Oct 17/08 Oct 24/08 Oct 31/08 Nov 7/08 Nov 14/08 Nov 21/08 Nov 28/08 Dec 5/08 Dec 12/08 Jan 9/09 Jan 16/09 Jan 23/09 Feb 3/09 Feb 6/09 Feb 13/09 Feb 20/09 Feb 27/09 Mar 6/09 Mar 13/09 Mar 20/09 Mar 27/09 Apr 3/09 Apr 9/09 Apr 17/09 Apr 24/09 May 1/09 May 8/09 May 15/09 May 26/09 May 28/09 Moly In Situ Value (EV cents Cdn/Attrib. Mo Eq. lbs) Figure 25: Moly in situ value vs. moly spot (January 2008–28 May 2009) Moly In Situ (EV cents Cdn/Attrib Mo Eq lbs) Mo Spot Price (US$/lb) *Jan – Sept. 11/08 – quarterly data. Sept. 11/08 to present – weekly data Source: Bloomberg, Canaccord Adams Junior Mining Weekly | 22 2 June 2009 Figure 26: Mo database: enterprise value and related data Company Inca Pacific Resources Inc. Copper Fox Metals Inc. Tenajon Resources Corp. Mosquito Cons. Gold Virgin Metals Inc. Lions Gate Metals Inc. TTM Resources Inc. Nanika Resources Inc. Creston Moly Corp. Hi Ho Silver Resources Inc. Adanac Molybdenum Corp. Moly Mines Ltd. Taseko Mines Ltd. Quadra Mining Ltd. Roca Mines Inc. Avanti Mining Inc. Thompson Creek Metals Inc. Arithmetic Average Sym Exch IPR-V CUU-V TJS-V MSQ-V VGM-T LGM-V TTQ-V NKA-V CMS-V HHS-V AUA-T MOL-T TKO-T QUA-T ROK-V AVT-V TCM-T Price (C$) 28 May/08 $0.29 $0.06 $0.13 $0.50 $0.05 $0.78 $0.29 $0.05 $0.14 $0.05 $0.08 $0.36 $1.93 $7.74 $0.35 $0.15 $10.08 O/S Shares M 56.62 112.50 63.45 38.12 87.88 10.50 48.14 73.03 121.77 24.41 114.58 93.69 173.21 99.00 90.50 111.76 122.26 Mkt Cap. Basic C$M 16.4 6.8 8.2 19.1 4.4 8.2 14.0 3.7 17.0 1.2 9.2 33.7 334.3 766.3 31.7 16.8 1232.4 EV. C$M $1.7 $9.5 $5.2 $22.9 $4.6 $6.4 $12.3 $3.2 $18.2 $1.5 $39.7 $154.2 $367.1 $484.1 $30.8 $31.7 $1,086.0 $134.1 Attri Mo M lbs 240 460 841 2,579 404 63 522 105 295 26 460 1,071 153 831 119 40 1,114 548 Attri Mo eq M lbs 663 1,693 853 3,599 499 467 569 105 323 26 460 1,364 2,498 3,031 119 46 1,114 1,025 EV cents Cdn/ Attri Mo eq lbs 0.26 0.56 0.60 0.64 0.93 1.37 2.16 3.01 5.64 6.00 8.63 11.30 14.70 15.97 25.87 68.31 97.50 15.50 Avg. Mo eq Grade % 0.120% 0.069% 0.064% 0.062% 0.029% 0.090% 0.065% 0.063% 0.076% 0.057% 0.066% 0.059% 0.060% 0.071% 0.126% 0.081% 0.070% 0.072% Source: Canaccord Adams For the following two figures we have compiled a database relating attributable in situ molybdenum equivalent pounds based on all resource categories, to a company’s enterprise value (EV : market capitalization minus working capital plus long-term debt). We use EV versus market capitalization to better compare the value of the underlying assets. Figure 27 is sorted showing the companies with the highest EV in Canadian cents per attributable Mo equivalent pound to the right of the chart. In Figure 28, we have charted the total resource size versus the Mo equivalent grade of a company’s combined assets. Junior Mining Weekly | 23 2 June 2009 Figure 27: Total attributable Mo eq. lbs and EV cents Canadian/M lbs of attributable Mo eq. Total Attributable Mo and EV/Mil lbs of Attributable Mo 4,000 118.0 3,500 98.0 EV cents Cdn/Attrib. Mo eq. M lbs Attributable Mo (mil lbs) 3,000 78.0 2,500 58.0 2,000 1,500 38.0 1,000 18.0 500 -2.0 Attri Mo eq M lbs TCM-T AVT-V ROK-V QUA-T TKO-T MOL-T AUA-T HHS-V CMS-V NKA-V TTQ-V LGM-V VGM-T MSQ-V TJS-V CUU-V IPR-V 0 EV cents cdn/Attrib. Mo eq. Source: Canaccord Adams Figure 28: Total mineral resources (mil t) and mo eq. grade (%) Total Mineral Resources (Mil T) and Mo eq. Grade (%) 0.14% 0.120% 2,500 Source: Canaccord Adams Mo eq Grade % 0.090% 0.081% 0. 071% 0.070% 0.069% 0.066% 0.065% 0. 064% 0.063% 0.062% 0.060% 0.10% 0.06% 0.04% 0.02% Mo eq. Grade (%) ROK-V IPR-V AVT-V LGM-V Total Min Res (Mil T) CMS-V QUA-T TCM-T CUU-V AUA-T TTQ-V TJS-V NKA-V MSQ-V TKO-T MOL-T 0.00% HHS-V VGM-T 0 0.12% 0.08% 0. 029% 500 0. 057% 1,000 0.059% 1,500 0.076% Total Min. Res. MT 2,000 0. 126% 3,000 Junior Mining Weekly | 24 2 June 2009 DRILL BITZ Source: The Drill Bitz section is designed to provide the reader with a very quick overview of juniors that have announced drill programs in the past week. The intent of this data is to identify those juniors that may provide news in the near future and also to allow us to track turn-around time from the initiation of drilling to first results. The old adage that good news travels fast will be under the microscope. The layout of Drill Bitz will remain constant. We will provide a short one to two line description of the program planned as well as the company ticker, shares issued, market capitalization and the name and location of the project. Figure 29: Drill Bitz for 25 May 09–1 June 09 Co name Coro Mining Corp. Freeport McMoRan Expl.* Ticker COP FCX Exch. TSX NYSE Sh o/s M 79.5 411.7 Price $ 28 May/09 0.28 52.20 Mkt. Cap. $M 21.9 21,490.7 Gold-Ore Resources Ltd. GOZ TSX-V 82.3 0.61 50.2 Klondike Gold Corp. Sedex Mining Corp. KG SDN TSX-V TSX-V 166.2 105.7 0.04 0.03 6.6 3.2 Klondike Silver Corp. Kodiak Exploration Limited KS KXL TSX-V TSX-V 94.7 89.0 0.08 0.57 7.1 50.7 Peregrine Diamonds Ltd. PGD TSX 81.3 0.60 48.8 Western Lithium Canada Corp. WLC TSX-V 51.2 0.66 33.8 * Price & market cap. in US$ Source: Marketwire, Thomson ONE, Canaccord Adams Project Llancahue Cu-Mo-Ag Prospect/central Chile Ronnberget Au Property/Sweden Irishman Property/SW BC Silver Ridge, Nelson BC Hercules Project/BeardmoreGeraldton Au district, Western Ontario Chidliak Property/Baffin Island, Nunavut Kings Valley lithium Description Ongoing drilling. Completed to date seven holes in 1,300 metres. Initial diamond drilling commenced. Ongoing drilling. Follow-up drilling planned for later in the year as well. Commenced diamond drilling. Phase 1 of drilling planned 15,000 metres. Commenced 2009 diamond exploration program, inclusive of drilling. Total 2009 exploration program set at C$9.2M. 2009 drilling program: 30 holes; Junior Mining Weekly | 25 2 June 2009 GOLD IN SITU SPREADSHEET Figure 30: Canaccord Adams gold in situ valuation spreadsheet Company Alexis Minerals Corp American Bonanza Gold Corp Anatolia Minerals Dev Ltd Andean Resources Limited Andina Minerals Inc Atna Resources Ltd Axmin Inc Brett Resources Inc Canarc Resource Corp Canplats Resources Corp Comaplex Minerals Corp Cbr Gold Corporation Detour Gold Corp Etruscan Resources Inc Gabriel Resources Ltd Golden Queen Mng Gold Reserve Inc Grayd Resource Corporation Great Basin Gold Ltd Greystar Res Ltd Guyana Goldfields Inc Intl Tower Hill Mine Ltd Intrepid Mines Limited Keegan Resources Inc Kirkland Lake Gold Inc Klondex Mines Ltd Kimber Resources Inc Lake Shore Gold Corp Luna Gold Corp Metallic Ventures Gold Inc Nevsun Resources Ltd Novagold Res Osisko Mining Corporation Pacific Rim Mining Corp Premier Gold Mines Ltd Rainy River Resources Ltd Seabridge Gold Inc Tyhee Development Corp Us Gold Corp Vista Gold Corp Sym AMC BZA ANO AND ADM ATN AXM BBR CCM CPQ CMF CBG DGC EET GBU GQM GRZ GYD GBG GSL GUY ITH IAU KGN KGI KDX KBR LSG LGC MVG NSU NG OSK PMU PG RR SEA TDC UXG VGZ Exch TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX-V TSX TSX-V TSX-V TSX TSX-V TSX TSX-V TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX-V TSX TSX TSX TSX-V TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX-V TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX-V TSX TSX-V TSX TSX Sh o/s Price C$ Mkt. Cap Sum Oz Sum Oz Sum Oz Mkt Cap/oz Mkt Cap/oz EV/oz EV/oz M 5/29/09 $M Au /co (M) Ag /co (M) AuEq /co (M) AuEq C$ AuEq US$ AuEq C$ AuEq US$ 128.1 121.2 146.1 443.0 79.4 83.3 298.9 67.2 72.7 56.8 52.7 29.2 45.4 173.3 255.5 85.6 58.2 64.7 448.0 64.7 58.9 48.5 427.9 28.4 58.5 26.7 62.1 212.6 345.1 52.0 128.3 181.8 256.0 116.9 78.1 56.4 37.4 173.6 96.7 34.5 Arithmetic Average Weighted Average US$/C$ : 0.90 Au:Ag = 63:1 Source: Company reports, Capital IQ, Canaccord Adams 0.56 71.7 0.08 9.7 3.26 476.3 1.87 828.4 1.70 134.9 0.88 73.3 0.10 29.9 0.70 47.0 0.09 6.5 2.06 117.0 4.59 241.9 0.29 8.5 13.57 616.3 0.33 57.2 2.26 577.3 0.60 51.4 0.63 36.6 0.49 31.7 1.71 766.1 3.68 238.0 4.35 256.2 3.62 175.7 0.30 128.4 3.05 86.7 9.51 556.8 1.15 30.7 0.71 44.1 2.39 508.1 0.35 120.8 0.88 45.8 1.55 198.8 5.65 1027.1 7.11 1820.2 0.40 46.8 2.67 208.6 2.46 138.7 31.74 1187.1 0.14 24.3 2.43 234.9 2.75 94.8 0.60 1.20 6.03 2.29 9.90 1.71 3.73 5.30 1.27 4.03 2.85 1.01 15.43 3.60 13.80 2.68 14.13 1.72 15.27 15.07 5.45 7.17 2.23 3.14 3.16 1.05 1.22 2.20 1.31 5.62 1.30 27.24 10.44 1.55 0.64 4.03 61.44 2.12 3.21 16.51 0.14 0.00 16.20 23.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 68.34 0.00 3.69 0.00 0.00 59.38 48.88 0.00 30.70 9.17 81.35 0.00 0.34 82.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 54.11 0.00 0.00 17.14 37.11 105.46 0.00 11.40 0.00 7.93 0.00 0.00 11.82 0.00 0.60 1.20 6.29 2.67 9.90 1.71 3.73 5.30 1.27 5.11 2.85 1.07 15.43 3.60 14.74 3.45 14.13 2.21 15.42 16.36 5.45 7.18 3.54 3.14 3.16 1.05 2.08 2.20 1.31 5.89 1.89 28.91 10.44 1.73 0.64 4.15 61.44 2.12 3.40 16.51 119.82 8.10 75.73 310.80 13.63 42.86 8.02 8.88 5.17 22.88 84.87 7.93 39.93 15.90 39.16 14.88 2.59 14.37 49.69 14.55 47.00 24.47 36.22 27.60 176.15 29.38 21.22 230.83 91.95 7.77 105.26 35.52 174.33 27.01 327.86 33.38 19.32 11.48 69.12 5.74 94.23 6.37 59.55 244.41 10.71 33.71 6.31 6.98 4.07 18.00 66.74 6.23 31.40 12.50 30.80 11.70 2.04 11.30 39.08 11.44 36.96 19.24 28.48 21.70 138.53 23.10 16.68 181.53 72.31 6.11 82.78 27.94 137.09 21.24 257.83 26.25 15.19 9.03 54.35 4.52 112.73 2.19 66.69 304.37 11.70 38.27 7.00 7.68 5.08 21.99 78.42 6.26 38.05 31.05 38.66 14.05 3.85 11.97 34.54 11.71 43.45 22.55 26.01 26.12 168.58 29.45 19.07 180.86 73.52 4.62 101.08 38.12 133.71 24.82 307.04 27.77 18.85 10.04 66.85 6.10 88.65 1.72 52.45 239.35 9.20 30.10 5.50 6.04 3.99 17.29 61.67 4.92 29.92 24.42 30.40 11.05 3.03 9.41 27.16 9.21 34.17 17.73 20.45 20.54 132.57 23.16 15.00 142.23 57.82 3.63 79.49 29.98 105.15 19.52 241.46 21.84 14.83 7.90 52.57 4.80 60.03 38.72 47.21 30.45 54.37 35.02 42.76 27.54 Junior Mining Weekly | 26 2 June 2009 SILVER IN SITU CHART Figure 31: Canaccord Adams silver in situ valuation spreadsheet $0.90 $25 $0.80 $20 $0.70 London Silver Fix (US$/oz) Average In Situ EV US$/lb AgEq $0.60 $15 $0.50 $0.40 $10 $0.30 $0.20 $5 $0.10 EV (US$/oz) Source: Company reports, Capital IQ, Canaccord Adams Price (US$/oz) May/29/09 May/01/09 Apr/03/09 Mar/12/09 Mar/02/09 Feb/02/09 Jan/05/09 Dec/08/08 Nov/10/08 Oct/13/08 Sep/15/08 Aug/18/08 Jul/21/08 Jun/23/08 May/26/08 Apr/28/08 Mar/31/08 Mar/03/08 $0 Feb/04/08 Jan/07/08 $0.00 Junior Mining Weekly | 27 2 June 2009 SILVER IN SITU SPREADSHEET Figure 32: Canaccord Adams silver in situ valuation spreadsheet Company Alexco Aquiline Arian Bear Creek ECU Esperanza Kimber MAG Silver Minco Silver Oremex Orko Sabina Silvercrest Silvermex SNS Silver South American Trevali Zazu Ticker AXR : TSX AQI : TSX AGQ : AIM BCM : V ECU : TSX EPZ : V KBR : TSX MAG : TSX MSV : TSX ORM : V OK : V SBB : V SVL : V SMR : V SNS : V SAC : TSX TREV.F : OTCPK ZAZ : TSX Mean (C$) Mean (US$) Mean (Less outliers, C$) Mean (Less outliers, US$) Price (1) $2.25 $2.32 $0.04 $2.36 $0.80 $0.84 $0.73 $5.92 $1.89 $0.10 $0.85 $0.93 $0.63 $0.16 $0.14 $0.33 $0.97 $0.40 Shares (Basic) (M) 43.1 68.1 258.1 56.5 285.8 47.5 62.1 49.2 31.3 50.4 106.9 73.4 45.5 45.0 40.7 51.5 34.6 30.7 $CADUSD MC (2) (C$M) $96.9 $158.0 $9.0 $133.3 $228.6 $39.9 $45.3 $291.6 $59.1 $5.0 $90.9 $68.3 $28.7 $7.2 $5.5 $17.0 $33.6 $12.1 WC (3) (C$M) $12.4 -$0.7 $1.4 $9.8 -$9.2 $9.4 $4.4 $43.3 $2.0 $0.0 $1.7 $36.3 $3.6 $0.8 $4.7 $8.1 $1.6 $4.9 EV (4) (C$M) $84.5 $158.7 $7.7 $162.8 $249.4 $30.6 $40.9 $248.2 $57.1 $5.0 $89.1 $32.0 $28.0 $6.4 $0.8 $8.9 $31.9 $7.2 Project Location(s) Yukon Argentina Mexico Peru Mexico Peru, Mexico Mexico Mexico China Mexico Mexico Nunavut Mex., El Salvador Mexico Idaho Bolivia Peru Alaska Global Resource (5) (Moz) Ag Ag Eq (6) 18 31 762 1,004 43 189 482 867 152 281 8 77 54 130 83 123 141 173 49 51 135 147 265 665 62 107 27 33 10 10 322 363 8 39 33 240 $1.11 1. Priced in local currency. 2. Market Capitalization. 3. Working Capital. 4. Enterprise Value = MC + LT Debt - WC. 5. Global resource includes 43-101 compliant Measured, Indicated and Inferred resources. 6. Silver equivalent on a gross basis (no recovery factors) using current spot metal prices. 7. Implied resource is a conceptual resource indicated by the company’s EV at the mean peer EV/oz Ag Eq multiple. 8. The percentage difference between the implied resource and the global resource. Source: Company reports, Capital IQ, Canaccord Adams e Silver Purity (%) 57% 76% 23% 56% 54% 11% 41% 68% 82% 96% 92% 40% 58% 81% 100% 89% 20% 14% MC/oz Ag Ag Eq $5.52 $3.15 $0.21 $0.16 $0.21 $0.05 $0.28 $0.15 $1.51 $0.81 $4.77 $0.52 $0.84 $0.35 $3.50 $2.37 $0.42 $0.34 $0.10 $0.10 $0.67 $0.62 $0.26 $0.10 $0.47 $0.27 $0.27 $0.22 $0.54 $0.54 $0.05 $0.05 $4.32 $0.86 $0.36 $0.05 EV/oz Ag Ag Eq $4.81 $2.75 $0.21 $0.16 $0.18 $0.04 $0.34 $0.19 $1.65 $0.89 $3.65 $0.40 $0.76 $0.31 $2.98 $2.02 $0.40 $0.33 $0.10 $0.10 $0.66 $0.61 $0.12 $0.05 $0.45 $0.26 $0.24 $0.19 $0.07 $0.07 $0.03 $0.02 $4.11 $0.82 $0.22 $0.03 $1.35 $1.21 $1.17 $1.05 $1.17 $1.05 $1.01 $0.91 $0.59 $0.53 $0.47 $0.42 $0.51 $0.46 $0.40 $0.36 Implied AgEq (7) (Moz) 209 393 19 403 617 76 101 614 141 12 221 79 69 16 2 22 79 18 Mkt. ∆ (8) 581% -61% -90% -54% 120% -1% -22% 399% -18% -76% 50% -88% -35% -52% -82% -94% 102% -93% Source: Company reports, Capital IQ, Canaccord Adams MC/lb Spot May/22/09 Apr/09/09 Feb/27/09 Jan/15/09 Dec/04/08 Oct/23/08 Sep/11/08 Jul/31/08 Jun/19/08 May/08/08 Mar/27/08 Feb/14/08 Jan/03/08 Nov/22/07 Oct/11/07 Aug/30/07 Jul/19/07 Jun/07/07 Apr/26/07 Mar/15/07 Feb/01/07 Dec/21/06 Nov/09/06 Sep/28/06 Aug/17/06 Jul/06/06 Average In Situ Value US$/lb $18 $16 $14 $12 $110 $10 $8 $90 $6 $70 $4 $2 $50 $0 $30 Uranium Spot Price (UxC) Junior Mining Weekly | 28 2 June 2009 URANIUM IN SITU CHART Figure 33: Canaccord Adams uranium in situ chart $150 $130 Junior Mining Weekly | 29 2 June 2009 URANIUM IN SITU SPREADSHEET Figure 34: Canaccord Adams uranium in situ valuation spreadsheet Price Company Ticker (1) Azimut Exploration Inc. AZM : T-V $0.65 Bannerman Resources Ltd. BMN : ASX $1.20 Continental Precious Mineral CZQ : T $0.71 Crosshair Exploration & Mining CXX : T-V $0.26 Cue Resources Ltd. CUE : T-V $0.14 Deep Yellow Ltd. DYL : ASX $0.38 Energy Fuels Inc. EFR : T $0.41 Extract Resources Limited EXT : ASX $5.50 Forsys Metals Corp. FSY : T $5.54 Hathor Exploration Limited HAT : T-V $2.20 Khan Resources Inc. KRI : T $0.43 Laramide Resources Ltd. LAM : T $1.92 Mantra Resources Limited MRU : ASX $3.23 Mega Uranium Ltd. MGA : T $2.07 Pele Mountain Resources Inc. GEM : T-V $0.11 Pitchstone Exploration Ltd. PXP : T-V $0.35 Powertech Uranium Corp. PWE : T $0.56 Rockgate Capital Corp. RGT : T-V $0.50 Santoy Resources Ltd. SAN : T-V $0.12 Strateco Resources Inc. RSC : T $0.91 Strathmore Minerals Corp. STM : T-V $0.53 Terra Ventures Inc. TAS : T-V $0.46 Toro Energy Ltd. TOE : ASX $0.24 Tournigan Energy Ltd. TVC : T-V $0.45 Triex Minerals Corp. TXM : T-V $0.30 U3O8 Corp. UWE : T-V $0.61 UEX Corporation UEX : T $1.40 Uracan Resources Ltd. URC : T-V $0.24 Uranerz Energy Corporation URZ : T $1.60 Uranium Energy Corp. UEC : N $2.35 Uranium North Resources Corp. UNR : T-V $0.11 Uranium Power Corp. OPC : T-V $0.28 Uranium Resources URRE : Q $1.24 Ur-Energy Inc. URE : T $1.21 Western Prospector Group WNP : T-V $0.35 Mean (C$) Mean (US$) Mean (C$, less outliers) Mean (US$, less outliers) $CADUSD Shares WC (Basic) MC (2) (3) EV (4) (M) (C$M) (C$M) (C$M) 17.3 $10.6 $1.6 $10.3 157.0 $164.6 $4.5 $166.9 51.4 $35.0 $24.6 $10.3 112.2 $24.7 $4.2 $20.5 38.8 $5.4 -$1.7 $7.2 1,121.2 $372.3 $43.8 $328.5 52.8 $19.8 $8.0 $11.9 228.4 $1,097.8 $17.5 $1,080.4 78.9 $420.7 $34.5 $386.3 86.0 $184.8 $35.0 $149.8 54.0 $22.7 $20.8 $1.8 67.6 $131.0 $9.9 $121.2 85.1 $240.2 $21.0 $219.2 187.1 $340.5 $34.8 $305.7 91.2 $10.9 $3.3 $7.6 33.4 $13.0 $6.2 $6.9 55.4 $32.7 $2.3 $34.2 41.0 $20.9 $5.1 $15.8 245.2 $29.4 $5.2 $24.2 119.3 $110.9 $15.6 $95.3 72.5 $39.9 $7.4 $32.5 53.2 $23.9 $8.4 $15.5 555.8 $116.6 $10.4 $106.2 122.7 $49.7 $8.8 $40.9 20.0 $6.4 $7.9 -$1.5 23.1 $14.5 $11.2 $3.4 192.4 $269.4 $13.8 $255.6 91.3 $21.9 $5.3 $16.6 55.5 $88.7 $25.3 $63.4 46.4 $93.5 $8.9 $84.6 43.0 $5.6 $1.4 $4.2 98.2 $24.6 $9.1 $15.4 56.3 $72.6 $10.1 $63.1 93.9 $108.0 $58.0 $50.0 54.3 $19.0 $7.7 $11.3 Project Location(s) Quebec Namibia Sweden Wyoming, Labrador Paraguay Namibia Utah, Colorado, Queensland Namibia Namibia Saskatchewan Mongolia New Mexico, Queensland Tanzania Queensland, Western Australia Ontario Nunavut Colorado, South Dakota Mali Virginia Quebec New Mexico, South Dakota Saskatchewan, Quebec Western Australia Slovakia Nunavut Guyana Saskatchewan Quebec Wyoming Texas Nunavut Wyoming New Mexico, Texas Wyoming Mongolia $1.10 1. Priced in local currency 2. Market Capitalization 3. Working Capital 4. Enterprise Value = MC + LT Debt - WC 5. Global resource includes 43-101 compliant Measured, Indicated and Inferred resources 6. Implied resource is a conceptual resource indicated by the company’s EV at the mean peer EV/lb multiple 7. The percentage difference between the implied resource and the global resource Source: Capital IQ, company news releases, Canaccord Adams Global Resource (5) (Mlb) 0.0 101.3 442.8 13.5 9.5 38.8 11.4 133.4 81.7 0.0 32.1 57.9 35.9 26.1 42.5 4.1 17.3 23.4 23.9 16.8 47.9 0.0 23.9 32.6 4.1 7.2 32.0 40.7 10.5 8.3 0.0 7.8 99.8 24.9 20.1 MC/lb M+I $2.31 $6.09 $4.07 $0.65 $2.28 $3,541.39 $6.90 $0.71 $5.73 $43.10 $1.71 $20.36 $1.23 $29.74 $1.28 $11.64 $3.39 Global $1.63 $0.08 $1.83 $0.57 $9.60 $1.74 $8.23 $5.15 $0.71 $2.26 $6.69 $13.04 $0.26 $3.18 $1.89 $0.89 $1.23 $6.60 $0.83 $12.14 $17.07 $4.88 $1.53 $1.56 $2.03 $8.42 $0.54 $8.43 $11.28 $4.91 $1.06 $162.15 $147.41 $8.92 $8.11 $2.50 $9.15 EV/lb M+I Global $2.34 $1.80 $3.38 $0.86 $1.38 $3,485.00 $6.33 $0.06 $5.30 $38.69 $1.19 $15.38 $1.01 $25.55 $1.04 $10.60 $2.79 $1.65 $0.02 $1.52 $0.75 $8.47 $1.05 $8.10 $4.73 $0.06 $2.09 $6.11 $11.71 $0.18 $1.68 $1.97 $0.67 $1.01 $5.67 $0.68 $8.68 $15.45 $4.45 $1.26 -$0.38 $0.47 $7.99 $0.41 $6.03 $10.21 $3.15 $0.73 $4.34 $0.94 $2.27 $0.63 $1.98 $0.63 $2.01 $0.56 $3.68 $3.35 $3.49 $3.17 $158.22 $143.83 $7.33 $6.66 $3.02 $2.75 $2.84 $2.58 $0.58 $8.69 Implied (6) Market (Mlb) ∆ (7) 3.6 n/a 58.7 -42% 3.6 -99% 7.2 -46% 2.5 -74% 115.6 198% 4.2 -63% 380.2 185% 135.9 66% 52.7 n/a 0.6 -98% 42.6 -26% 77.1 115% 107.6 312% 2.7 -94% 2.4 -41% 12.0 -31% 5.6 -76% 8.5 -64% 33.5 100% 11.4 -76% 5.5 n/a 37.4 57% 14.4 -56% -0.5 -113% 1.2 -83% 90.0 181% 5.9 -86% 22.3 112% 29.8 259% 1.5 n/a 5.4 -30% 22.2 -78% 17.6 -29% 4.0 -80% Junior Mining Weekly | 30 2 June 2009 RESEARCH UNIVERSE WENDELL ZERB, ERIC ZAUNSCHERB AND NICHOLAS CAMPBELL Figure 35: Research universe 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Company Alamos Gold Inc. AXMIN Inc. B2Gold Corp. Bear Creek Mining Corp. Canplats Resources Corp. Chariot Resources Ltd. Colossus Minerals Inc. Copper Mountain Mining Corp. Corriente Resources Inc. Crosshair Explor. & Mining Corp. Cue Resources Ltd. Dynasty Metals & Mining Inc. Exeter Resource Corporation Forsys Metals Corp. Fronteer Development Group Inc. Gammon Gold Inc. GlobeStar Mining Corp. Harry Winston Diamond Corp. Hathor Exploration Ltd. International Tower Hill Mines Ltd. Keegan Resources Inc. Kimber Resources Inc. Lake Shore Gold Corp. MAG Silver Corporation Minefinders Corp. Ltd. Minera Andes Inc. Northern Dynasty Minerals Ltd. Orezone Gold Corporation Rainy River Resources Ltd. Red Back Mining Inc. Tournigan Energy Ltd. U3O8 Corp. Ur-Energy Inc. Symb Ex Analyst Rating AGI AXM BTO BCM CPQ CHD CSI CUM CTQ CXX CUE DMM XRC FSY FRG GAM GMI HW HAT ITH KGN KBR LSG MAG MFL MAI NDM ORG RR RBI TVC UWE URE T T T-V T-V T-V T T T T T T-V T T-V T T T T T T-V T-V T T T T T T T T T-V T T-V T T WZ NC WZ EZ NC WZ NC WZ WZ EZ EZ WZ WZ EZ WZ WZ WZ EZ EZ WZ NC WZ WZ EZ WZ WZ EZ NC WZ NC EZ EZ EZ HOLD HOLD SPECULATIVE BUY SPECULATIVE BUY SPECULATIVE BUY HOLD SPECULATIVE BUY HOLD SPECULATIVE BUY HOLD RESTRICTED SPECULATIVE BUY SPECULATIVE BUY SPECULATIVE BUY SPECULATIVE BUY SPECULATIVE BUY SPECULATIVE BUY UNDER REVIEW RESTRICTED SPECULATIVE BUY SPECULATIVE BUY HOLD SPECULATIVE BUY SPECULATIVE BUY SPECULATIVE BUY SPECULATIVE BUY SELL SPECULATIVE BUY SPECULATIVE BUY BUY SPECULATIVE BUY SPECULATIVE BUY SPECULATIVE BUY $ C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C P ($) $9.75 $0.10 $0.84 $2.40 $2.06 $0.23 $3.20 $0.60 $7.92 $0.26 $0.14 $4.43 $3.74 $5.54 $4.09 $8.92 $0.86 $7.21 $2.20 $3.62 $3.05 $0.71 $2.39 $6.21 $9.94 $0.87 $8.88 $0.58 $2.46 $10.45 $0.45 $0.61 $1.21 12-mo Target P ($) Rtn (%) $9.60 $0.25 $0.95 $2.50 $3.60 $0.35 $5.00 $0.75 $7.70 $0.20 R $7.30 $7.00 $6.25 $3.60 $9.60 $0.95 UR R $4.65 $5.00 $0.55 $2.55 $6.00 $11.10 $1.35 $7.00 $0.60 $3.25 $13.00 $0.80 $1.00 $1.50 (1.54%) 150.00% 13.10% 4.17% 74.76% 52.17% 56.25% 25.00% (2.78%) (23.08%) N/A 64.79% 87.17% 12.82% (11.98%) 7.62% 10.47% N/A N/a 28.45% 63.93% (22.54%) 6.69% (3.38%) 11.67% 55.17% (21.17%) 3.45% 32.11% 24.40% 77.78% 63.93% 23.97% 52-wk Sh. o/s Market Hi ($) Lo ($) M Cap ($M) FYE $10.25 $0.53 $0.89 $6.80 $5.25 $1.09 $4.00 $2.24 $8.29 $0.89 $0.60 $5.71 $4.65 $6.60 $5.68 $11.20 $1.83 $31.70 $4.40 $3.74 $3.93 $1.74 $2.49 $11.85 $12.15 $1.58 $9.85 $0.63 $4.75 $11.19 $0.96 $0.92 $2.42 $3.50 $0.03 $0.30 $0.57 $1.03 $0.06 $0.43 $0.31 $2.56 $0.09 $0.08 $1.05 $1.05 $2.00 $1.55 $2.68 $0.29 $2.19 $1.03 $1.07 $0.49 $0.53 $0.60 $3.52 $3.33 $0.32 $1.92 $0.26 $0.62 $3.28 $0.14 $0.17 $0.34 107.3 245.6 245.0 56.5 56.7 328.7 54.5 31.6 75.0 109.5 36.7 35.3 62.4 78.9 118.2 122.6 105.3 61.4 86.0 48.5 36.4 62.1 212.6 49.2 59.0 230.3 92.6 53.9 56.4 228.1 122.7 23.1 93.9 $1,046.2 $24.6 $205.8 $135.6 $116.8 $75.6 $174.4 $19.0 $594.0 $28.5 $5.0 $156.4 $233.4 $437.1 $483.4 $1,093.6 $90.6 $442.7 $189.2 $175.6 $111.0 $44.1 $508.1 $305.5 $586.5 $200.4 $822.3 $31.3 $138.7 $2,383.6 $55.2 $14.1 $113.6 31-Dec 31-Dec 31-Dec 31-Dec 31-Jul 30-Apr 31-Jul 31-Dec 31-Dec 30-Apr 30-Apr 31-Dec 31-Dec 31-Jan 31-Dec 31-Dec 31-Dec 31-Jan 31-Mar 31-May 31-Mar 30-Jan 31-Dec 31-Dec 31-Dec 31-Dec 31-Dec 31-Dec 30-Sep 31-Dec 31-Aug 31-Dec 31-Dec Prices as of 28 May 2009. UR – Under Review. WZ – Wendell Zerb; EZ – Eric Zaunscherb; NC – Nicholas Campbell. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Further information on the methodologies used to derive our target prices, and the risks that could impede achievement of these targets, is available upon request. Disclosure information for all Canaccord Adams research coverage can be found at Source: Canaccord Adams, Thomson ONE Junior Mining Weekly | 31 2 June 2009 INK SPOTS Source: Canaccord employs INK Research. This system reports, among other information, daily changes on insider trading. Security regulators require corporate insiders to report their trades within ten days of each transaction. We highlight recent changes below; noting the acquisition or disposition of a position. Our intention is not to evaluate or analyze any purchases or sales, but to note them for the interest of all investors. We include charts generated by INK Research that note purchase and disposition points relative to share price performance. Figure 36: Aurizon Mines Ltd. (ARZ : TSX) Past 12 months – purchased: Past 12 months – sold: $1,151,060 $2,525,043 Since May 20/09 - acquisitions: Since May 20/09 - dispositions: Price range: Since May 20/09 – exercise of options: 10,000 shares @ C$2.38 30,000 shares C$4.84-5.15 120,000 options Insider: Mrs. Marie Diane Francis – exercise of options: 100,000 options Source: INK Research Figure 37: Crosshair Exploration & Mining Corp. (CXX : TSX) Source: INK Research Past 12 months – purchased: Past 12 months – sold: $118,680 $147,633 Since May 21/09 - acquisitions: Since May 21/09 - dispositions: Nil 60,000 shares @C$0.29 Insider: Mr. Mark Morabito – dispositions: 60,000 shares Junior Mining Weekly | 32 2 June 2009 Figure 38: MAG Silver Corp. (MAG : TSX) Past 12 months – purchased: Past 12 months – sold: $222,618 $1,916,809 Since May 1/09 - acquisitions: Since May 1/09- dispositions: Price range: Nil 180,900 shares C$5.10-6.30 Insider: Mr. Peter Megaw – dispositions: 96,000 shares Past 12 months – purchased: Past 12 months – sold: $989,539 $828,180 Since May 20/09 - acquisitions: Since May 20/09 - dispositions: Price range: Nil 74,300 shares C$8.79-9.17 Insider: Mr. Russell Hallbauer – dispositions: 54,300 shares Past 12 months – purchased: Past 12 months – sold: $3,322,005 $7,737,972 Since May 12/09 - acquisitions: Price range: Since May 12/09 - dispositions: Price range: 41,800 C$6.25-6.45 341,800 shares C$9.90-11.01 Insider: Mr. Richard Clark – dispositions: Insider: Mr. Lawrence Jackson – dispositions: 220,000 shares 50,000 shares Source: INK Research Figure 39: Northern Dynasty Minerals Ltd. (NDM : TSX) Source: INK Research Figure 40: Red Back Mining Inc. (RBI : TSX) Source: INK Research Junior Mining Weekly | 33 2 June 2009 JUNIOR MINING WEEKLY INDEX PREVIOUS 12 MONTHS Figure 41: Junior Mining Weekly Index Company/Commodity Adriana Resources Inc. Alamos Gold Inc. Alexco Resource Corp. Alexco Resource Corp. Alexco Resource Corp. Alexco Resource Corp. Alexis Minerals Corp. Amarillo Gold Corp. Amera Resources Corp. American Bonanza Gold Corp. Anatolia Minerals Dev. Ltd. Anatolia Minerals Dev. Ltd. Andean Resources Ltd. Andina Minerals Inc. Anfield Ventures Inc. Aquiline Resources Inc. Aquiline Resources Inc. Aquiline Resources Inc. Arctic Star Diamond Corp. Atna Resources Ltd. ATW Gold Corp. AuEx Ventures, Inc. Augusta Resource Corp. Aurcana Corporation Avion Resources Corp. Avion Resources Corp. Avion Resources Corp. B2Gold Corp. B2Gold Corp. B2Gold Corp. B2Gold Corp. B2Gold Corp. Bannerman Resources Ltd. Bannerman Resources Ltd. Bannerman Resources Ltd. Banro Corporation Banro Corporation Banro Corporation Banro Corporation Bard Ventures Ltd. Bard Ventures Ltd. Bear Creek Mining Corp. Bitterroot Resources Inc. Blackstone Ventures Inc. Bravo Venture Group Inc. Brett Resources Inc. Brett Resources Inc. Brilliant Mining Corp. Brilliant Mining Corp. Brilliant Mining Corp. Caledonia Mining Corp. Canadian Gold Hunter Corp. Canadian Royalties Inc. Canadian Royalties Inc. Canplats Resources Corp. Canplats Resources Corp. Capella Resources Ltd. Capstone Mining Corp. Capstone Mining Corp. Capstone Mining Corp. Cardero Resource Corp. Carpathian Gold Inc. Carpathian Gold Inc. Carpathian Gold Inc. Castle Gold Corp. CGA Mining Ltd. Chesapeake Gold Corp. Claude Resources Inc. Cogitore Resources Inc. Colossus Minerals Inc. Colossus Minerals Inc. Colossus Minerals Inc. Colossus Minerals Inc. Colossus Minerals Inc. Colossus Minerals Inc. Colossus Minerals Inc. Columbia Goldfields Ltd. Sym ADI AGI AXR AXR AXR AXR AMC AGC AMS BZA ANO ANO AND ADM ANF AQI AQI AQI ADD ATN ATW XAU AZC AUN AVR AVR AVR BTO BTO BTO BTO BTO BAN BAN BAN BAA BAA BAA BAA CBS CBS BCM BTT BLV BVG BBR BBR BMC BMC BMC CAL CGH CZZ CZZ CPQ CPQ KPS CS CS CS CDU CPN CPN CPN CSG CGA CKG CRJ WOO CSI CSI CSI CSI CSI CSI CSI GOL Source: Canaccord Adams Ex TSX-V TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX-V TSX-V TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX-V TSX-V TSX TSX TSX TSX-V TSX TSX-V TSX TSX TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX TSX TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX TSX TSX-V TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX TSX TSX TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX-V TSX TSX-V TSX TSX-V TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX Date Aug/26/08 Sep/15/08 May/26/09 May/19/09 Apr/28/09 Sep/22/08 Oct/22/08 Jul/22/08 Jul/29/08 Mar/10/09 Jan/13/09 Nov/11/08 May/26/09 Nov/11/08 May/26/09 Apr/21/09 Oct/14/08 Aug/12/08 Jun/10/08 Apr/08/08 Jan/27/09 Jan/27/09 Jan/20/09 Aug/06/08 May/26/09 Apr/28/09 Mar/24/09 Jan/20/09 Oct/27/08 Sep/08/08 Aug/12/08 Jun/03/08 May/26/09 Nov/19/08 Sep/30/08 Mar/17/09 Dec/18/08 Nov/26/08 Sep/22/08 Jul/15/08 Jun/03/08 Nov/11/08 Jun/30/08 Jul/29/08 Oct/07/08 Oct/22/08 Jul/22/08 Mar/04/09 Dec/18/08 Oct/22/08 Apr/15/09 Apr/29/08 Oct/22/08 Oct/07/08 Nov/11/08 Apr/15/08 Apr/08/09 Feb/23/09 Sep/15/08 May/26/08 Oct/22/08 May/26/09 May/12/09 Apr/01/09 Apr/08/09 Nov/11/08 May/12/09 Apr/28/09 Dec/09/08 Dec/02/08 Nov/11/08 Oct/27/08 Oct/07/08 Aug/26/08 Jul/29/08 Jun/17/08 May/12/08 Company/Commodity Commander Resources Ltd. Commander Resources Ltd. Condor Resources Inc. Condor Resources Inc. Condor Resources Inc. Condor Resources Inc. Continental Minerals Corp. Copper In Situ Update Copper In Situ Update Copper In Situ Update Copper In Situ Update Copper In Situ Update Copper Mesa Mining Corp. Cornerstone Capital Res. Inc. Corriente Resources Inc. Creston Moly Corp. Cypress Development Corp. Detour Gold Corp. Diamondex Resources Ltd. Diamondex Resources Ltd. Diamonds North Res. Ltd. Diamonds North Res. Ltd. Diamonds North Res. Ltd. Donner Metals Ltd. Donner Metals Ltd. Dorato Resources Inc. Duran Ventures Inc. Endeavour Silver Corp. Endeavour Silver Corp. Endeavour Silver Corp. Endeavour Silver Corp. Energy Fuels Inc. Esperanza Silver Corporation Etruscan Resources Inc. Etruscan Resources Inc. Eurasian Minerals Inc. Evolving Gold Corp. Evolving Gold Corp. Exeter Resource Corp. Exeter Resource Corp. Exeter Resource Corp. Exeter Resource Corp. Exeter Resource Corp. Exeter Resource Corp. Exeter Resource Corp. Exeter Resource Corp. Exeter Resource Corp. Exeter Resource Corp. Exeter Resource Corp. Extract Resources Ltd. Extract Resources Ltd. Extract Resources Ltd. Extract Resources Ltd. Extract Resources Ltd. Extract Resources Ltd. Extract Resources Ltd. Fancamp Exploration Ltd. Farallon Resources Ltd. Farallon Resources Ltd. First Point Minerals Corp. First Uranium Corp. Fortress Minerals Corp. Fortuna Silver Mines Inc. Fronteer Dev. Group Inc. Fronteer Development Gp. Inc. Fronteer Development Gp. Inc. Full Metal Minerals Ltd. Gammon Gold Inc. Globestar Mining Corp. Gold In Situ Gold In-Situ Update Gold In Situ Update Gold In Situ Update Gold In Situ Update Gold Star Resources Corp. Golden Arrow Resources Corp. Golden Predator Mines Inc. Sym CMD CMD CN CN CN CN KMK Ex TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX CUX CPG CTQ CMS CYP DGC DSP DSP DDN DDN DDN DON DON DRI DRV EDR EDR EDR EDR EFR EPZ EET EET EMX EVG EVG XRC XRC XRC XRC XRC XRC XRC XRC XRC XRC XRC EXT EXT EXT EXT EXT EXT EXT FNC FAN FAN FPX FIU FST FVI FRG FRG FRG FMM GAM GMI TSX TSX-V TSX TSX-V TSX-V TSX TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX-V TSX TSX TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX-V TSX TSX TSX-V TSX TSX-V TSX-V TSX TSX TSX TSX-V TSX TSX GXX GRG GP TSX-V TSX-V TSX Date Dec/09/08 Jul/29/08 Feb/23/09 Dec/18/08 Aug/19/08 Jul/29/08 May/26/09 May/05/09 Jan/27/09 Oct/22/08 Jul/15/08 Apr/08/08 Sep/22/08 Dec/02/08 Nov/11/08 Nov/04/08 May/05/09 Nov/11/08 May/05/09 Jun/24/08 Mar/04/09 Dec/18/08 Jun/03/08 Jan/27/09 Jun/03/08 Feb/17/09 Dec/09/08 Sep/30/08 Aug/12/08 Jun/24/08 Jun/17/08 May/26/08 Oct/07/08 Sep/03/08 Jul/08/08 May/05/09 Apr/21/09 Sep/15/08 Apr/08/09 Apr/01/09 Mar/04/09 Feb/04/09 Jan/20/09 Dec/02/08 Oct/27/08 Aug/06/08 Jun/30/08 May/06/08 Apr/01/08 Mar/17/09 Mar/04/09 Feb/04/09 Dec/18/08 Nov/26/08 Nov/19/08 Oct/07/08 Sep/15/08 Apr/01/08 May/21/08 Nov/26/08 Sep/30/08 Dec/18/08 Mar/17/09 Oct/27/08 May/12/09 Mar/17/09 Aug/19/08 Mar/17/09 Jan/20/09 in all editions Mar/24/09 Oct/14/08 Aug/19/08 Apr/29/08 Jun/30/08 Dec/18/08 Aug/06/08 Company/Commodity Golden Share Mining Corp. Goldsource Mines Inc. Goldsource Mines Inc. Grayd Resource Corp. Grayd Resource Corp. Greystar Resources Ltd. Great Panther Res. Ltd. Greencastle Resources Ltd. Guyana Goldfields Inc. Guyana Goldfields Inc. Hathor Exploration Ltd. Hathor Exploration Ltd. Hathor Exploration Ltd. Hathor Exploration Ltd. Hathor Exploration Ltd. Hathor Exploration Ltd. Hathor Exploration Ltd. Hathor Exploration Ltd. Hathor Exploration Ltd. Hathor Exploration Ltd. Helio Resource Corp. Helio Resource Corp. Imperial Metals Corp. International Royalty Corp. International Royalty Corp. Intl. Tower Hill Mines Ltd. Intl. Tower Hill Mines Ltd. Intl. Tower Hill Mines Ltd. Intl. Tower Hill Mines Ltd. Intl. Tower Hill Mines Ltd. Intl. Tower Hill Mines Ltd. Intl. Tower Hill Mines Ltd. Intl. Tower Hill Mines Ltd. Keegan Resources Inc. Keegan Resources Inc. Keegan Resources Inc. Kimber Resources Corp. Kirkland Lake Gold Inc. Kirkland Lake Gold Inc. Kirkland Lake Gold Inc. Kivalliq Energy Corp. Kivalliq Energy Corp. Kivalliq Energy Corp. Kodiak Exploration Ltd. Lake Shore Gold Corp. Lake Shore Gold Corp. Laramide Resources Ltd. Laramide Resources Ltd. Lumina Copper Corp. Luna Gold Corp. Luna Gold Corp. Lydian International Limited MAG Silver Corp. MAG Silver Corp. MAG Silver Corp. MAG Silver Corp. Magma Metals Ltd. Magma Metals Ltd. Mantra Resources Limited Mantra Resources Limited Marathon PGM Corp. Mega Uranium Ltd. Mega Uranium Ltd. Merrex Gold Inc. Merrex Gold Inc. Merrex Gold Inc. Metalex Ventures Ltd. Minco Silver Corp. Minera Andes Inc. Minera Andes Inc. Molybdenum In Situ Update Molybdenum In Situ Update Nickel In Situ Update Nickel In Situ Update Noront Resources Ltd. North American Gem Inc. Northern Dynasty Minerals Ltd. Sym GSH GXS GXS GYD GYD GSL GPR VGN GUY GUY HAT HAT HAT HAT HAT HAT HAT HAT HAT HAT HRC HRC III IRC IRC ITH ITH ITH ITH ITH ITH ITH ITH KGN KGN KGN KBR KGI KGI KGI KIV KIV KIV KXL LSG LSG LAM LAM LCC LGC LGC LYD MAG MAG MAG MAG MMB MMB MRU MRU MAR MGA MGA MXI MXI MXI MTX MSV MAI MAI Ex TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX TSX TSX-V TSX TSX TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX TSX TSX TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX TSX TSX-V TSX TSX-V TSX-V TSX TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX ASX ASX ASX ASX TSX TSX TSX TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX TSX TSX NOT NAG NDM TSX-V TSX-V TSX Date Dec/02/08 Jun/30/08 May/06/08 Nov/11/08 Jul/08/08 Apr/01/09 Jun/17/08 Jun/30/08 Dec/18/08 Aug/19/08 Apr/15/09 Mar/10/09 Nov/11/08 Oct/27/08 Oct/07/08 Sep/30/08 Sep/03/08 Jul/29/08 Jul/15/08 May/26/08 May/26/09 Dec/18/08 Sep/30/08 May/12/09 Dec/18/08 Apr/21/09 Apr/08/09 Mar/10/09 Feb/04/09 Dec/18/08 Nov/04/08 Aug/12/08 Jul/08/08 Mar/10/09 Feb/23/09 Dec/18/08 Apr/15/08 May/05/09 Mar/24/09 Jan/27/09 Apr/15/08 Dec/18/08 Jul/15/08 Sep/03/08 Apr/08/09 Oct/28/08 Aug/19/08 Aug/06/08 Dec/18/08 Jan/20/09 Jun/24/08 Mar/24/09 Nov/11/08 Oct/27/08 Sep/22/08 Jun/24/08 May/19/09 Apr/28/09 May/19/09 Apr/15/09 Oct/14/08 Mar/04/09 Oct/28/08 Feb/17/09 Aug/26/08 Apr/01/08 Jun/10/08 May/06/08 Oct/27/08 Sep/15/08 Nov/19/08 Aug/19/08 Nov/26/08 Aug/26/08 Jul/08/08 Jun/30/08 Oct/27/08 Junior Mining Weekly | 34 2 June 2009 Figure 41: Junior Mining Weekly Index (cont’d) Company/Commodity Northern Freegold Res. Ltd. Northern Shield Res. NovaGold Resources Ltd. Orex Minerals Inc. Orezone Resources Inc. Orko Silver Corp. Orko Silver Corp. Orko Silver Corp. Orko Silver Corp. Oro Gold Resources Ltd. Oromin Explorations Ltd. Oromin Explorations Ltd. Pacific Rim Mining Corp. Panoro Minerals Ltd. PC Gold Inc. PC Gold Inc. Pele Mountain Resources Inc. Peregrine Diamonds Ltd. Peregrine Diamonds Ltd. Quest Uranium Corp. Rainy River Resources Ltd. Rainy River Resources Ltd. Remstar Resources Ltd. Rockwell Diamonds Inc. Rockwell Diamonds Inc. Romarco Minerals Inc. Romarco Minerals Inc. Rubicon Minerals Corp. Rubicon Minerals Corp. Rubicon Minerals Corp. Rubicon Minerals Corp. Rubicon Minerals Corp. Rye Patch Gold Corp. Salazar Resources Limited San Gold Corp. Sandstorm Resources Ltd. Saturn Minerals Inc. Seabridge Gold Inc. Serengeti Resources Inc. Serengeti Resources Inc. Sherwood Copper Corp. Shore Gold Inc. Shore Gold Inc. Silver In Situ Silver In Situ Silver Standard Resources Inc. Silverstone Resources Corp. Sinchao Metals Corp. Skyharbour Resources Ltd. Northern Freegold Res. Ltd. Northern Shield Res. NovaGold Resources Ltd. Orex Minerals Inc. Orezone Resources Inc. Orko Silver Corp. Orko Silver Corp. Orko Silver Corp. Orko Silver Corp. Oro Gold Resources Ltd. Oromin Explorations Ltd. Oromin Explorations Ltd. Pacific Rim Mining Corp. Panoro Minerals Ltd. PC Gold Inc. PC Gold Inc. Pele Mountain Resources Inc. Peregrine Diamonds Ltd. Peregrine Diamonds Ltd. Quest Uranium Corp. Rainy River Resources Ltd. Rainy River Resources Ltd. Remstar Resources Ltd. Rockwell Diamonds Inc. Rockwell Diamonds Inc. Romarco Minerals Inc. Romarco Minerals Inc. Sym NFR NRN NG REX OZN Ok Ok OK OK OGR OLE OLE PMU PML PKL PKL GEM PGD PGD QUC RR RR REM RDI RDI R R RMX RMX RMX RMX RMX RPM SRL SGR SSL SMI SEA SIR SIR SWC SGF SGF Ex TSX-V TSX-V TSX TSX-V TSX TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX TSX TSX TSX-V TSX TSX TSX-V TSX TSX TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX TSX TSX-V TSX-V TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX TSX SSO SST SMZ SYH NFR NRN NG REX OZN Ok Ok OK OK OGR OLE OLE PMU PML PKL PKL GEM PGD PGD QUC RR RR REM RDI RDI R R TSX TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX TSX-V TSX TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX TSX TSX TSX-V TSX TSX TSX-V TSX TSX TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX TSX TSX-V TSX-V Source: Canaccord Adams Date Jan/20/09 Jun/24/08 May/05/09 Apr/15/09 Nov/11/08 Apr/15/09 Apr/01/09 Feb/23/09 Jul/08/08 May/26/09 Apr/21/09 Jan/20/09 May/12/08 Aug/19/08 Feb/17/09 Nov/04/08 Jan/13/09 Dec/18/08 Sep/03/08 Sep/30/08 Oct/27/08 Sep/15/08 Jun/30/08 Oct/14/08 Sep/15/08 Feb/11/09 Feb/04/09 Dec/18/08 Sep/03/08 Jul/15/08 May/26/08 Apr/23/08 Dec/02/08 Apr/28/09 Feb/23/09 Mar/17/09 Jun/30/08 Dec/09/08 Dec/18/08 Apr/01/08 Sep/15/08 Jan/13/09 Oct/28/08 Mar/17&24/09 Oct/22/08 Dec/09/08 Oct/27/08 May/05/09 Mar/24/09 Jan/20/09 Jun/24/08 May/05/09 Apr/15/09 Nov/11/08 Apr/15/09 Apr/01/09 Feb/23/09 Jul/08/08 May/26/09 Apr/21/09 Jan/20/09 May/12/08 Aug/19/08 Feb/17/09 Nov/04/08 Jan/13/09 Dec/18/08 Sep/03/08 Sep/30/08 Oct/27/08 Sep/15/08 Jun/30/08 Oct/14/08 Sep/15/08 Feb/11/09 Feb/04/09 Company/Commodity Rubicon Minerals Corp. Rubicon Minerals Corp. Rubicon Minerals Corp. Rubicon Minerals Corp. Rubicon Minerals Corp. Rye Patch Gold Corp. Salazar Resources Limited San Gold Corp. Sandstorm Resources Ltd. Saturn Minerals Inc. Seabridge Gold Inc. Serengeti Resources Inc. Serengeti Resources Inc. Sherwood Copper Corp. Shore Gold Inc. Shore Gold Inc. Silver In Situ Silver In Situ Silver Standard Resources Inc. Silverstone Resources Corp. Sinchao Metals Corp. Skyharbour Resources Ltd. Skygold Ventures Ltd. Skygold Ventures Ltd. Stornoway Diamond Corp. Stornoway Diamond Corp. Stornoway Diamond Corp. Stornoway Diamond Corp. Stornoway Diamond Corp. Swift Resources Inc. Tenajon Resources Corp. Terrane Metals Corp. Thundermin Resources Inc. Tournigan Energy Ltd. Tournigan Energy Ltd. Tournigan Gold Corp. TTM Resources Inc. TTM Resources Inc. TTM Resources Inc. UEX Corp. UEX Corp. UEX Corp. UEX Corp. Underworld Resources Inc. Uracan Resources Ltd Uracan Resources Ltd Uracan Resources Ltd. Uracan Resources Ltd. Uracan Resources Ltd. Uranium Energy Corp. Uranium In Situ Uranium In Situ Update Uranium In Situ Update Uranium In Situ Update Uranium Participation Corp. Ur-Energy Inc. Ur-Energy Inc. Ur-Energy Inc. Ur-Energy Inc. Ventana Gold Corp. Ventana Gold Corp. Ventana Gold Corp. Virginia Mines Inc. VMS Ventures Inc. VMS Ventures Inc. VMS Ventures Inc. VMS Ventures Inc. West Timmins Mining Inc. West Timmins Mining Inc. West Timmins Mining Inc. Westar Resources Corp. WSR Gold Inc. Sym RMX RMX RMX RMX RMX RPM SRL SGR SSL SMI SEA SIR SIR SWC SGF SGF Ex TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX TSX SSO SST SMZ SYH SKV SKV SWY SWY SWY SWY SWY SWR TJS TRX THR TVC TVC TVC TTQ TTQ TTQ UEX UEX UEX UEX UW URC URC URC URC URC UEC TSX TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V AMEX U URE URE URE URE VEN VEN VEN VGQ VMS VMS VMS VMS WTM WTM WTM WER WSR TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX TSX TSX TSX-V TSX-V Date Dec/18/08 Sep/03/08 Jul/15/08 May/26/08 Apr/23/08 Dec/02/08 Apr/28/09 Feb/23/09 Mar/17/09 Jun/30/08 Dec/09/08 Dec/18/08 Apr/01/08 Sep/15/08 Jan/13/09 Oct/28/08 Mar/17&24/09 Oct/22/08 Dec/09/08 Oct/27/08 May/05/09 Mar/24/09 Mar/24/09 Apr/01/08 Apr/08/09 Apr/01/09 Nov/04/08 Oct/14/08 Sep/08/08 Jun/30/08 May/21/08 Sep/22/08 Dec/02/08 Nov/11/08 Sep/30/08 Apr/01/08 Sep/08/08 Jul/22/08 Jun/10/08 Apr/01/09 Mar/04/09 Jan/13/09 Oct/07/08 Dec/18/08 May/19/09 Mar/04/09 Dec/18/08 Dec/02/08 Jul/15/08 May/26/08 in all editions Feb/04/09 Nov/04/08 Aug/12/08 Apr/23/08 Nov/11/08 Oct/27/08 Sep/30/08 Sep/15/08 May/19/09 Apr/01/09 Mar/10/09 Apr/21/09 Nov/11/08 Oct/07/08 Sep/08/08 Apr/29/08 May/19/09 Apr/08/09 Dec/18/08 Jun/30/08 Jun/10/08 Company/Commodity Xemplar Energy Corp. Xemplar Energy Corp. Xemplar Energy Corp. Xemplar Energy Corp. Xemplar Energy Corp. Zazu Metals Corp. Zinc In Situ Update Zinc In Situ Update Zinc In Situ Update Zinc In Situ Update Sym XE XE XE XE XE ZAZ Ex TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX-V TSX Date Apr/08/09 Mar/10/09 Jan/13/09 Nov/19/08 Jun/30/08 Aug/26/08 May/12/09 Feb/11/09 Oct/28/08 Aug/06/08 Junior Mining Weekly | 35 2 June 2009 APPENDIX: IMPORTANT DISCLOSURES Each authoring analyst of Canaccord Adams whose name appears on the front page of this investment Analyst Certification: research hereby certifies that (i) the recommendations and opinions expressed in this investment research accurately reflect the authoring analyst’s personal, independent and objective views about any and all of the designated investments or relevant issuers discussed herein that are within such authoring analyst’s coverage universe and (ii) no part of the authoring analyst’s compensation was, is, or will be, directly or indirectly, related to the specific recommendations or views expressed by the authoring analyst in the investment research. 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