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GOLDEN WORDS Page 2 Editorial by Don This Place Is Starting To Get To Me I’ve had a few run-ins with the medical field in the last few years. To be honest, it sometimes feels like I can’t go more than a month without somebody wanting to take a look under the hood. ‘Under the hood’ is, as I’ve learned, a medical term for my freezing, naked back, partially hidden by a hospital gown that has been recently died-in. Things are going downhill, though. It seems like people are dropping faster than ever from the ranks of the healthy, and into the loving embrace of a rectal thermometer. On a related note, I just have a cold. Stay away from me, Doctor Horton. I haven’t had any medical training, beyond some recreational use of Editorial defibrillator paddles. I’m not a medical expert by any means, but I won’t let that hold me back. I have a theory why this is happening. I believe Queen’s sucks the life out of you. You don’t notice it at first, but this school drains you. You lose your health, energy, virginity, and spirit until there’s nothing le�. Six years in this place and you’ll be absorbed entirely by the school. You’ll become no more than a wall, a desk, the Rector—an insignificant, inanimate part of the machine. Can it be avoided? I think so, but only if you take action before it is too late. You need to limit your exposure. Quit your extra-curriculars. Stop going to class. Lock yourself in your room and stuff a towel under the door. Don’t even think about opening the window—it’s in the air. Tell your friends never to call you then kill them so they don’t. Then disconnect your phone just to be sure. It’s only four years. You can last four years, but only if you collect your diploma at a full sprint, and never look back. I t w i l l c o m e a t yo u slowly, though. Sneakily. Somewhere along the line, a fi�h year starts to sound like a good idea. That’s only the start of the brain damage. The next thing you know, you’re fi�y years-old, in the third year of your twentieth incomplete program, and insisting that your classmates call you “Mister Bishop” rather than “the sleeping old man who I thought was dead.” Can you imagine si�ing in a first-year lecture at the age of seventy? I think it would be a li�le like this: Professor: …which leads to a decrease in inflation Me: Hey Professor! I’ve watched you while you sleep at night. I can get to you. I can get to your poor ailing mother! Professor: That is highly inappropriate! Me: I don’t give a damn anymore. I’m too old! What are you going to do about it, William? Professor: (sighs) Nothing, dad. Actually, that doesn’t sound so bad. by Imran Thanksgiving at Gwen Stefani’s House Yo u k n o w h o w i t happens: you’re walking down the street, minding your own business, when someone pulls up to you in a limo and rolls down their window. “Hey. Hey, you, walking the lizard. What’s your name?” “Casey R. Gonzalez,” I s a y. I n e v e r g i v e strangers my real name. It’s common sense. “Are you Gwen Stefani?” “Yes. What are you doing for Thanksgiving?” “Oh, you know.” I pick up my lizard, Casey Q. Gonzalez, and stroke him thoughtfully. “I think I might cook this lizard in my oven. He’s ge�ing pre�y big.” “Okay. Well, if you want, you can come over to my house for dinner.” I mull it over. I suppose a free meal is a free meal, and we’ve all heard the rumors about how Gwen Stefani lives in a big zeppelin called the Gwendenburg that she anchors to the top of the Empire State Building when she visits New York. It might be a fun time. “Sure, I guess. Is it true that you live in a zeppelin?” “You shouldn’t believe everything you read. I’ll come get you at six o’clock. See you soon, Casey.” *** Gwen Stefani picks me up in a pink helicopter at six o’clock on the dot. “Duck under the rotors,” she says as I get in. “They’re coated with very sharp diamonds.” “Yeah,” I say, grinning. “No doubt.” Gwen Stefani stares at me. “No d–” “I got it, thanks.” We spend the rest of the four-hour trip in silence. *** It turns out that everybody who’s somebody has Thanksgiving dinner at Gwen Stefani’s house. I’m not usually one to namedrop, but you wouldn’t believe the people I met there: Gwen Stefani’s parents; Gwen Stefani’s grandparents; Gwen Stefani’s husband; Gwen Stefani’s aunt and uncle; Ludacris; even G we n S t e f a n i ’s J a c k Russell terrier. I mean, wow, Jack Russell! Si�ing at that dinner table was like flipping through a succulent gravy-soaked issue of Vanity Fair. And man, was I ever on fire: Gwen Stefani’s Dad: Casey, try these yams. They’re fantastic! Me: No doubt. (Laughter. Gwen Stefani glares at me.) *** Gwen Stefani’s Mom: Casey, you’re so charming. If Gwen wasn’t married, I’d force the two of you into a big old burlap sack and just sit back and wait for grandkids. Me: No doubt. (Laughter. Gwen Stefani glares at me.) *** Gwen Stefani’s Grandpa: Hey, Gwen, what’s the name of that thing? You know, that stupid thing. That stupid ska band you were in. Gwen Stefani (irately): Gee, Grandpa, I forget. I bet our guest knows. Me (mouth full of yams): Mm� mmmuh. (Laughter. Gwen Stefani gets up and leaves.) Gwen Stefani’s Grandpa (laughing): This guy! This guy kills me! *** As I was starting on my sixth slice of dessert pie, Gwen Stefani’s mom gazed up at me and said, “Oh, Casey, can we adopt you?” “No,” I said firmly. It was a flattering offer, b u t I ’m a l r e a d y a Clooney, a Knightley, an Ahmadinejad, and a Baltimore Oriole. I don’t need another family just yet. Maybe I’ll give the Stefanis a call when I need a new lung or something. Anyway, a�er dinner, we all took extra strength caffeine pills and stayed up for two or three days playing Scrabble Deluxe. Quadruple word score? Brother, the rich sure know how to live. Volume 41, Issue 6 Sola Veritas est qui Facit ut me in Merda Volume XLI Issue VI October 11th, 2006 Golden Words, Clark Hall Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, K7L 3N6 tel: 533-3051 fax: 533-6678 e-mail:[email protected] www.goldenwords.net Come be a part of Golden Words! If you can read this paragraph, you’re good enough for us. All party people are welcome, regardless of year, faculty, or discipline. You can join us for Press Nite(tm), which is held (almost) every Sunday during the Fall and Winter terms in the EngSoc Lounge (pretend you’re going to Clark Hall Pub, only hang a right.) We kick start the crazy antics at noon and keep on truckin’ until the paper is done (i.e. the wee hours of Monday morning). Feel free to join in any time and hit us up with some of that world-class humour of yours that we’ve been hearing so much about. And since you’re being such a good sport, we’ll keep your cage clean with freshly laid out newspaper, gently comb your fur from time to time, and give you all the food pellets and water you can eat! Those food pellets are pretty decent, so this is a mighty sweet deal. Alternatively, you can submit articles by e-mailing them to [email protected] any old time you like. Golden Words is published at least 24 times a year by the Queen’s Engineering Society Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada (9000 copies distributed free on campus) Proudly printed in Canada by 1000 Islands Publishers A Division of Osprey Media LP 79 King Street East Gananoque, ON K7G 1E8 Contents copyright © 2006 Golden Words The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the Queen’s Engineering Society nor of its members. Unless otherwise stated, all submitted material is the property of Golden Words and is reviewed by the editors in accordance with the 2005-2006 editorial policy, which is available on request. The editors reserve the right to make final editing decisions. Any complaints or issues regarding the content of this paper should be forwarded to the chair of the Golden Words Editorial Review Board. All issues will be dealt with within one week. If the complainant, the editors or the chair are not content with the proposed solution, a meeting of the Golden Words Editorial Review Board will be convened. Please contact Erin Collins at GWERBChair@goldenwords. net or (613) 533-3051 to lodge a complaint or comment. Golden Words is not intended for persons under the age of 18. Editors Don MacCannell 2:30PM - 4:30PM Tuesdays Imran Zaidi 2:30PM - 4:30PM Wednesdays Operations Manager Andrew Dickinson Office Hours by Appointment Alicia Storey Office Hours by Appointment Business Manager Editorial Staff Copy Editors Senior Layout Editor Layout Editor Layout Monkey Graphics Editor Staff Writers Senior Staff Writer Jessie Hale Carlie McCann Erin Marchak Dominic Dobrzensky Mark Condos Wyanne Tsang Brendan Hennessy Mike Lesiuk Erin Robinson A.J. Packman Production Staff Distribution Managers Special Events Cartoonists IT Manager Webmasters Business Team Contributing Writers Anthony Howell Ibrahim Zylstra Sarah Chan Kara Fowlie Jessica Jerez Tory Shoreman Andrea Gertsmann Evelien Heijselaar Alain Vandendorpe Harley Balabanian Curtis Stone Zayed Ahmad Peter Blouw Carey O’Connor Mark Condos Kiran Helferty Phrenz List Ravenous Libido, Butterfinger McFlurry, tart, Snaggle Deuce, Justice Pillow, Captain Funk, mustache peter, Caustic Muffin, Wrecktal Fury, Pink Samurai, cleobis, chicklette the cat, Wreckin’ Logic, Chocolate Pilaf, Frisbee Pilot, fridge on fire, Soul Brother #73, Flying Fox of the Yard, pulchra pax, Deipnosophist, SmootH, snowman, IvyClimber, Indian Soul, LiL’ Taphy, commLob, dingledodie, wiggles, Appetite for Destruction, Compton Kid, Gamebreaker, Milo Minderbinder, Fortuna Tudor, Woody*, sippy cup, pepperpot, Local Hero, freedom toast, Century Club, Arch the Angry Grapefruit, Glen Johnson, Faux Paws, Inconspicuous Elephant, Mr. Amazing, kashous klay, Banana Hammock Smoothee On the Cover I see dead painters. Staff News Masthead Wednesday at 5:30pm Golden Words – Proof of foul play since 1967. GOLDEN WORDS g n i n Two Jocks Take Up Garde Wordsday, October 11th, 2006 Jay: …and a watering can, and a thing of begonias… Brad: BEGONIAS! HELLS YEAH! (The two high five exuberantly. A nearby gardener faints.) Hector: I’m sorry, gentleman, but I must ask you again to please stop yelling; my clientele frighten easily. If you don’t mind me saying so, I’m a bit surprised that you two have decided to take up gardening. Jay: Well, you know how it is. Some of the receivers from Lynch High are entering the town’s gardening expo, and there’s no way we’re le�ing those bastards win! Right, Brad? Brad: FUCK NO! FUCK LYNCH HIGH! (Brad head bu�s some guy holding a bag of seed.) Jay: Plus, Coach says we have to take some time off a�er accidentally killing a guy at last week’s game. Brad: MAN-SLAUGHTER-MAN-SLAUGHTERMAN-SLAUGHTER! Hector: Well, best of luck with the trial and the begonias. That’ll be $45.86. Jay: Under $50? This gardening supply store is the fucking bomb! Gimme five, my man! (The two high five.) Hector: OUCH! I think you broke my wrist! Brad: Jay, you are fucking ON! *** (Jay and Brad huddle beside Jay’s mom’s garden.) Jay: All right: we’re going to dig a hole, put in the seeds, then cover the hole with dirt. Brad: Right. The old dig-n’-put-n’-cover. Got it. Jay: All right! Then let’s do some fucking gardening! Brad: FUCK YEAH! GARDENING! FUCK! (Brad slams on his helmet and tackles a tree.) *** (Jay gingerly pats the soil while Brad stands in the sun with the watering can.) Brad: I fucking hate gardening. I’m going home. *** Jay: So, Brad, you’ve been missing some pre�y great gardening these last few days. Brad: Fuck you, I hate gardening. Jay: No, no, it’s great! It’s a lot like football, really. You get to stand outside with special shoes and a cool hat, and you look at things for a few hours. It’s kind of weird, though, since there are no points. Brad: Then how do you know who wins? Jay: You just kinda guess. I think I won yesterday, because the seeds became seedlings, and mom took me out for McDonald’s. Page 3 Brad: McDONALDS? Fuck, I’m going to do me some fucking GARDENING! Here, take the wheel! (Brad takes off his seatbelt and jumps out of the car window.) Jay: Brad, I can’t drive! Does the right pedal turn right? (Jay crashes through a white picket fence into the ocean.) *** (Brad stands in the sun with the watering can. Jay approaches, soaking wet.) Jay: I fucking hate driving. Brad: Well, I fucking LOVE gardening! Did you see this seedling? It’s FUCKING GREAT! THE MIRACLE OF LIFE IS SO BEAUTIFUL! AUGH! (Brad falls to his knees and weeps.) *** The Mayor: …and the winners of the town’s gardening expo are… oh no, I don’t believe it… the winners are the receivers from Lynch High! Receiver #1: Ha-ha! We won, fellows! Receiver #2: Great! That’s just what I hoped would happen! Receiver #3: What a lucky day! Let’s celebrate with some soda, chums! The Mayor: Oh, if only some jocks from the town’s other high school had entered… The Mayor’s Assistant: What about Jay and Brad? They had some pre�y good begonias. The Mayor: Those begonias were shit. No one likes begonias. This is the worst town fair ever. (The Mayor rides the bumper cars alone.) Flying Fox of the Yard GOLDEN WORDS Page 4 Volume 41, Issue 6 Dr. Dolittle Has a Brain Tumor And It’s Making Him Go Crazy Census Taker: Hello. I’m here to count you. The President: I’ve heard a lot about you. Dr. Dolittle: Well, my goodness! A friendly pigeon! Dr. Doli�le: My, my! You’re quite a belligerent ostrich, aren’t you? Census Taker: N… no. The President: You’re goddamn right I am! *** Katie: This is a lovely restaurant. I’m having a wonderful time. Dr. Dolittle: Yes, me too. Tell me, Kangaroo – *** Sophie: Daddy, why did you buy me bird seed for Christmas? Katie: Uh, no. It’s Katie. Dr. Doli�le: It’s never enough for you, is it, my li�le friend? Go ahead! Sing Dr. Doli�le a song! Chirp chirp! Dr. Doli�le: Right. So, what else do you keep in that pouch of yours? Sophie (crying): I just want some real food. Katie: My purse? Um, well, my wallet, I guess. Some chapstick. You know. *** Dr. Doli�le: Is that healthy? You know, for the baby? Waitress: Care for some wine? Dr. Doli�le: Heavens, no! This talking kangaroo doesn’t drink! Katie: I… what? *** Mrs. Doli�le: Yes! YES! Dr. Doli�le: Oh dear God, I need to fix my life. Lord, I swear, this is the last time I fuck a dolphin. *** Detective: Sir, I’ve had some reports that you’re prescribing Kibbles ‘n Bits to your patients as a cure for diabetes. Is this true? Banana Hammock Smoothee Dr. Doli�le: Uh… ruff! Ruff! Detective: Holy shit, I can talk to dogs! *** Ray Charles: Oh no! I’m blind! How will I play piano now? Dr. Doli�le: Silly bat! Use your sonar! Ray Charles: Of course! Thank you, Dr. Doli�le! Thank you! Congressman Peters, D-NY: Yes! *** Professor Stillman: Dr. Doli�le, your powers of animal communication are simply astounding! Dr. Dolittle: Honey? Get the bug spray! *** Roseanne Barr: Let me out of here! You have no right to tie me up! A Bear: Yes, but doesn’t Kant say that beauty is not a property of an artwork or natural phenomenon, but instead a consciousness of the state of feeling the pleasure derived from having made a judgment of taste? Dr. Doli�le: Don’t worry, Willy! I’ll get you to the ocean! You’ll be free, Willy! Dr. Doli�le: Play dead. Play dead. Play dead. Play dead. Roseanne Barr: I don’t want to go to the ocean! I want ice cream! *** *** *** Congressman Peters, D-NY: I’m going to vote “neigh” on the highway appropriations bill. Dr. Doli�le: You want some more oats, pal of mine? Dr. Doli�le impales Morgan Freeman with a harpoon. Dr. Doli�le: I got one! Deipnosophist & Bu�erfinger McFlurry Wordsday, October 11th, 2006 GOLDEN WORDS Page 5 Popularity & You It always happens when you least expect it. You’ll be taking a shower, shaving your own business, when suddenly there’s a knock on the door. Quickly you run down the stairs, throw open the door, and yell, “Hey, it’s popularity!” And it is. Popularity and its pony carriage has come to whisk you off to the best party in town. “All right!” you’ll say, because when you’re popular, you don’t need clothes. You get to the party and everything seems to happen at once. A glass of Cristal materializes in your le� hand. The keys to a brand new Mercedes appear in your right. Grillz attach themselves firmly to your teeth. All eyes turn to you and you realize something very important: popularity isn’t something you can teach. In fact, it teaches you. It teaches you that popularity has some very hot friends. A big part of being popular is helping those less fortunate. Go ahead, tell your beauty-challenged friends that they look good in those god-awful leggings. Maybe, just maybe, it’ll give them the confidence they need to meet someone special, fall madly in love, se�le down, and have a kid. It’s an old tradition. Why do you think there are so many ugly people? of Kool-brand cigare�es to chase away the worries. Of course there’s more to popularity than looks. Ha ha, god, we never get tired of saying that. Seriously, my face is so symmetrical I only need half a mirror. Speaking of brands, knowing which ones are “good” is half the fun of being popular. There’s a legend that ordering the right drink while wearing the right shoes in the right species of fur coat bestows you with infinite popularity. Some say it comes at the cost of your immortal soul. Those people probably went to the homecoming dance with a cardboard cutout of Elvis Stojko. Popularity is good for more than making friends. It can also provide you with valuable life skills. When you get caught shopli�ing the latest trends, for example, just play the ol’ popularity card. Finally, remember that popularity is worth working for. Genghis Khan once took over a fi�h of the world just so people would know who he was. Alexander the Great threw keggers that spanned Mesopotamia. Cleopatra invited the entire Roman empire to her senior prom. Yes, they all died before age 30, but you know the old saying: live fast, die young, and leave an incredibly popular corpse. IvyClimber “Sorry,” the officer will say, “I didn’t know you were popular.” “That’s okay,” you’ll say. “I didn’t know tasers worked on us.” As a popular person, there’s nothing you hate more than competition. Why, you’d systematically revoke the living privileges of everyone more popular than you, given the right amount of determination and pesticide. But that’s really the cost of being popular: the constant, inescapable fear that someone is out to kill you. Thank god you’ve always got the refreshing menthol taste Elmo is extremely popular. You can learn a lot from Elmo. Howie Doesn’t Belong in PHIL 115 Professor Deakins: Read Kant. Howie (crying): Can’t read. Bu�erfinger McFlurry Page 6 GOLDEN WORDS Volume 41, Issue 6 Wordsday, October 11th, 2006 GOLDEN WORDS Page 7 GOLDEN WORDS Page 8 Volume 41, Issue 6 hiwhatsup: Portrait of a Deviant Last week, Florida Congressman Mark Foley resigned a�er it became public that he had sent sexually explicit e-mails and instant messages to teenaged Congressional pages. It is now clear that there were warning signs long before the allegations came to light. May 2005: MrsPaulson39> Here’s our first question, from Sarah P.: MrsPaulson39> And all the boys are in t-shirts and shorts. mfoley> hard mfoley> NICE MrsPaulson39> “Have you ever been inside the Oval Office?” MrsPaulson39> Are you happy now? Mrs. Paulson: Class, I’ve got a special treat for you today. We’ve arranged an online chat with our very own Congressman, Representative Mark Foley! mfoley> ya i guess Class: Wow! mfoley> 1st question: what are you all wearing??? Mrs. Paulson: I know, right?! I’ve hooked my laptop up to the overhead projector, and as soon as the Congressman is ready, I’ll start typing your questions. MrsPaulson39> Actually, the plan was to let the students ask the questions… mfoley> hold on mfoley> hold on mfoley> now its my turn right? mfoley> yup MrsPaulson39> Good. Now, the next question: mfoley> no mfoley> no its cool mfoley> i have to go now mfoley> i wont take long mfoley> to do government mfoley> hi whats up mfoley> im almost there anyway mfoley> bye kids MrsPaulson39> Hello, Congressman Foley! You are “on line” with 29 of your youngest constituents! We’re a sixth grade class at P.S. 133 in Sarasota! MrsPaulson39> Almost where? mfoley> send me pictures of you at the beach mfoley> come on plz just tell me GOD mfoley> if you have them mfoley> holy fuck MrsPaulson39> All right, Congressman. If you insist. mfoley> ill friend you on myspace *** MrsPaulson39> Yes, they’re all very excited to meet you, too! mfoley> oh my fuck mfoley> ya mfoley> i am so MrsPaulson39> It’s a pre�y warm spring day, so most of the girls are wearing tank tops and cropped pants. mfoley> fucking mfoley> who fucking cares MrsPaulson39> Well, I’m sorry we got cut short. Thanks for your time, Congressman Foley. mfoley> ya whatevs Bu�erfinger McFlurry � � ������� � � � ������ ��������� � AND SPEND IT HERE At belairdirect you get: • a 10%* savings for full-time students • a 5% discount when you purchase your policy at belairdirect.com • a 100% chance to reward yourself Get a quote at belairdirect.com/students �������������� © 2006 Belair Insurance Company Inc. All rights reserved. *Certain conditions, limitations and exclusions apply and may change without further notice. Not everyone will qualify for a phone or online quote. Insurance products may be underwritten by either Belair Insurance Company Inc. or The Nordic Insurance Company of Canada. belairdirect is a registered trademark of the Belair Insurance Company Inc. D101643_5598_4colx105L.indd 1 CLIENT : NO DOSSIER : FORMAT : BÉLAIR DIRECT 7265_39-5598 4 COL X 105 LI = 420 LA 9/18/06 4:36:58 PM NOIR D101643_5598_4colx105L PMS 186U JP ANNONCE_10” X 7.5” Montage à 100 % du format final InDesign CS1 CS2 Wordsday, October 11th, 2006 GOLDEN WORDS The Ballad Johnny grew up on a farm of Dr.Horse Dr. Horse sniffs Byron’s jacket, and follows him to room number 4. He rode a silver steed Nurse Wendigo: Very good, Dr. Horse! And though he lived idyllically Dr. Horse: (nips tentatively at Byron’s jacket) He o�en felt a need Byron: Hi, Dr. Horse, uh, you might recall I was here last week about painkillers for my broken jaw. I’m finding that… is he listening to me? To know and help his fellow man And so he told his mule Dr. Horse: (puts head inside Byron’s jacket) “I must go forth and heal the world Nurse Wendigo: He’s probably just checking your respiration. I’m going to med school.” And so for four years Johnny toiled Byron: Okay… uh, I’m finding that the dose I’m on isn’t enough. I… are you sure he’s listening to me? O’er diagram and text Dr. Horse: (bites Byron’s jacket) His thesis was on molluscum Byron: Ow! (It’s transmi�ed by sex.) Nurse Wendigo: Very good, your nervous system seems to be in order. But on the night that Johnny rode out For his convocation He crossed paths with an angry drunk There was an altercation. Johnny’s horse panicked and ran Away from the a�ack He struck out for the function Without Johnny on his back. Dr. Horse: (a�empts to open door with head) Percy: Oh God! Is he running away?! Is it that bad? Am I going to die? Nurse Wendigo: No, Mr. McNabb, Dr. Horse is just going to get some swabs so we can take some samples from your lesions. (opens door) There you go, Dr. Horse. Dr. Horse trots to the waiting room. But all of the diplomas Nurse Wendigo: That’s not where we keep the swabs, Dr. Horse. Were given out that night Dr. Horse: (stares at tree through window) Though Johnny lay dead in a ditch Nurse Wendigo: Hmm. A�er a prolonged fight. 37 minutes pass. “How can this be?” you may ask me Nurse Wendigo: Maybe he was running away. To answer I, perforce Percy: Oh Jesus! Oh, for Christ’s sake, why?! (runs screaming from the office) Must introduce you to A friend of mine: kind Dr. Horse. Nurse Wendigo: Percival McNabb? Dr. Horse will see you now. Percy: Hi, uh, you’re an expert on molluscum, right? Dr. Horse: (swishes tail) Percy: I, er, I think I might have it. Dr. Horse: (stares at poster of respiratory tract) Nurse Wendigo: Take off your clothes and show Dr. Horse your lesions. He does. Page 9 Nurse Wendigo: We’re going to have to burn these clothes. Dr. Horse: (eats Hello! magazine) Nurse Wendigo: No! Dr. Horse! No! That binding glue is toxic! Dr. Horse: (a�empts to eat carpet) Nurse Wendigo: Fine, you’re the expert. Byron Henley? Byron: (with difficulty—his jaw is wired shut) Mmmm? Nurse Wendigo: Dr. Horse will see you now. Dr. Horse, please come to room number 4. Dr. Horse: (pulls apple out of Byron’s jacket) Byron: Hey! Give that back! Dr. Horse: (eats apple) Nurse Wendigo: What is the meaning of this?! What is a man with a broken jaw doing with an apple? Byron: It’s for my daughter. I’m going to pick her up from school a�er this appointment. Nurse Wendigo: Oh, I’m sure! Who would procreate with you, you degenerate cripple? You should be ashamed of yourself, trying to scam poor Dr. Horse for painkillers to get a buzz! Dr. Horse: (spits) Nurse Wendigo: Yes, exactly, Dr. Horse! (spits at Byron’s feet) Byron: This is absurd! I’m out of here! If I never see you again, it’ll be too soon! Byron did see Dr. Horse again. Three days later, DEA agents arrested him and placed him before Dr. Horse in a police line-up. Unfortunately for him, Byron had an apple in his jacket again, and Dr. Horse gravitated toward him immediately. Byron is currently six months into a 20-year maximum security prison sentence for prescription drug fraud. For his efforts to combat prescription drug abuse, Dr. Horse was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Unfortunately for him, the toxic binding glue from the Hello! Magazine had been slowly crippling his respiratory system, and he collapsed at the award ceremony. Luckily, Surgeon General Dr. Pelican was on hand to resuscitate him. Soul Brother #73 Page 10 GOLDEN WORDS Volume 41, Issue 6 Letters to People I’ve Stalked s u o Fam by Deipnosophist e W. Bush, y o u , s i r. Dear Georg to stalk r s i t i r e neve onou ure, I’v S y at an h l . h e e r W u g s n e ut a chall Dear Mel Gibson, f you, b t o a t h e e v W a fe h t ? Wha thin 100 pened to you on, yes? been wi Whatever hap a connecti d re droom a sh e we’v your be t you become? u o k l a loo n that Leth focus o er you d you in v e v e o o t l n e I u h , o t n W s t y people re ju I mea , I wan e the I and IV we I I e w s t o u d b u , n I i I o w n y ur of o Weapo heir to gate. D t t r n ts. o o en f r m f nt them. disappoi waiting point be with , p a s e l i l d r ’ t I e n’ o h D ? t f your se yo u , M e l. ite Hou y tour o you, m I ’m w a t c h i n g r o f the Wh ng t scare g. Wa i t i me again. oes tha Watc h i n D diiee diieed . t diieed r a Yours,d t s home to John Doe t? n know e d si id you Mr. Pre d , u o y got of where I pictures u o e y v l a l h I your t te , enjoy , I c a n’ e o t N o n ? t a d th that, ate I know n a rel O d i . d m w e th ead” Ho say I “r ngland. E t s o u t j p ’s i tr let ? Well, you ask .” diediedie Yours,d the “papers Dear Nata John Doe lie Portm an, I’m tr y ing my o u t s id e best, but th your w in d o w Could are rath e b u s h e s you te er crow ll thes new bu ded. e othe sh? Za r s c to find h Braff cannot p leasure m a s m ells. I yself like simply this. Yours,die diedi John Do e nue, ble, ic Ave Dear Thim t l a B , ue lace. k Aven arles P r h o C Y . t w S Ne e, l Avenu Orienta . w o n r, re mine l foreve All these a ur hote o p l y e h n i t ’t hide ow c a n’ Yo u c a n A n d W h e e l b a r r . old man iedee YoursJo,dhiendDo you. Dear Jenn a Jameson , I have naked p ictures want th of you. em, cal If you l going pub 555-103 lic. 2, or th e y ’re Yours,died iedi John Doe Dear Kurt Vonnegut, I l o ve yo u r wo r k . T h a t ’s w hy I ’m o u tside yo u r b e d ro o m w i n d ow r i g h t n ow f i l m ing y o u . Yo u ’r e n o t d oing much thoug h . I think you’re asl eep. Oh, look, t h e re y o u g o ! Yo u j u s t r o l l e d o v e r. N o w you’re scratching your fac e. I t ’s a s l o w n i g h t for stalking, K urt. I w a s o u t s i d e To m C r u i s e ’s w i n d o w a fe w h o u r s a g o a n d h e w a s j u s t w a tc h ing old episodes of Stargate SG-1. K atie Holmes was sobb ing in a rocking c h a i r. I ’d s a y To m C r u i s e and I were equ ally turned on. Hugs and Kisses,diedied John Doe i Wordsday, October 11th, 2006 GOLDEN WORDS Page 11 SCI ’10 HIRING CANADIAN ENGINEERING STUDENT CONFERENCE! From January 2nd to 7th, 2006, the Canadian Federation of Engineering Students (CFES) will be running their 38th annual Congress meeting in Montreal and we want YOU to be a Queen’s delegate! The CFES is designed to enhance student life and facilitate the exchange of ideas/information between 45 undergraduate engineering schools across Canada. Congress, the flagship event of the Canadian Federation of Engineering Students, will bring together engineering student leaders from across Canada, as well as special guests from the US and Europe. Being a delegate means that Queen’s will send you on an all expenses paid trip to represent your school in Montreal. Interested? Feel free tocontact Charlie Sco�, the Director of External Communications, atexcom@engsoc. queensu.ca. We hope to hear from you! HIRING ENGINEERS OF ALL YEARS Are you bored of solving equations all day? Do you have extra creativity that’s not being put to use? The Engineering Society Marketing Office is hiring commi�ee members. Email [email protected] for more information and applications. Applications can also be picked up in the Engsoc Lounge. Applications due Friday, October 20 @ 5:30 in the Black Box in Clark. ENGINEERING CAREER WEEK Career Services will be hosting Engineering Career Week for the first time from October 16th to October 19th. Each day will consist of a series of workshops, panel discussions, and information sessions catered specifically to engineers and run by counsellors, returning QUIP interns, and industry representatives. Throughout the week, the workshops and panel discussions will have a different focus. This will be your opportunity to get advice on resume writing, interview skills, and job search preparation from representatives at companies including Schlumberger, Schell, Agrium, and the Engineering Career Week sponsor, Nortel. Space is limited for each event, so sign up now using the Career Services Navigator. For a complete schedule, you can visit http://careers.queensu.ca/calendars/ allcalendars.asp or http://engsoc. queensu.ca/society/commi�ees/irc. If you have any questions, please email ircommi�[email protected]. Hey First Years! Looking to get involved with EngSoc, chances to have fun with positions designed particularly for you? Queen’s Engineering Society has multiple commi�ees that will be hiring first years ONLY, so be sure to apply. Applications will be due Friday, October 20th in the black box or by email. For more information email fi[email protected] or check out engsoc.queensu.ca/firstyear/ getinvolved. Committees hiring include Fungineering, EngWeek, Buddy Program, Environmental Development Committee, Industrial Relations Commi�ee, Equality Issues Commi�ee and the Marketing Office. THE STEERING COMMITTEE Still want to get involved with the Tea Room this year? Have an interest in business, marketing and student services? The Engineering Society has organized a Services Steering Commi�ee to help review and advise the Tea Room in its first year of operations. This commi�ee still requires a chair and a scribe. These positions are available to members of any faculty and any year. Applications are due in the EngSoc black box, located in the Clark Hall Alumni Lounge by Wednesday October 25th at 5:30 pm. If you have any questions, please contact Dan Bodley through email at vpservices@engsoc. queensu.ca. GRAD SCHOOL FOR YOU?? Women in Science and Engineering are hosting a session that will answer all your burning questions about grad school: Are you looking at grad school but not sure about the application process? Are you not exactly sure what a grad student does during the day? Are you still trying to find out if grad school is for you? Get prof and student perspectives! Check it out Thursday October 12 @ 5:30 - 6:30, Dupuis 217. Dear Non-Existent Friends of Carlie McCann and Erin Marchak, I don’t blame you. - Mark “Friendless” Condos Hey Queen’s, Interested in writing a script for a short movie? Queen’s Amateur Moviemakers needs scripts now! Send them to quam. [email protected] before October 18th! Dear Hakim, Don’t do it! Your god will be angry! - Devin Dear Bryan Logan Bite me, Bryan Logan From Brendan (Enemy of Bryan Logan) Dear Thanksgiving, FUCK YOU! - Mark Dear American Thanksgiving, You’re next! - Mark Dear GW Readers, Consult page 13 for a Survival Guide to the Turkey Drop. It rocks. - Mark (again) A�n: The World. I judge you by your grammar. You all suck hairy monkey balls. Seriously, that’s gross. - Carlie Dear Shariputra, Form is not different from emptiness; emptiness is not different from form. That which is form is emptiness; that which is emptiness, form. Also, you owe me five bucks. All Encompassingly Yours, The Cosmos Dear World, Surprise! 332 Barrie StreetBehind Shoeless Joe’s Kingston, On K7L 3T1 613-546-6240 2809 Princess Street Kingston, On K7M 4X6 613-389-1249 Dear God, I’m really sorry about all that nasty stuff I said about you. Friends? - In loving fear, Friedrich Nietzsche Dear, Nietzsche NO DICE, YOU ATHEIST SWINE. I HOPE YOU ENJOY ETERNAL DAMNATION. - GOD Dear Diary, Kevin still doesn’t have a clue who I am. What do I need to do to show him that I love him from the bo�om of my heart? What do you mean you’re just an inanimate object and can’t respond to my queries? Fuck you, diary, you useless sack of shit; I’m going to start a blog! - Friedrich Nietzsche Dear Louis Riel, What made you go astray?! - Former Prime Minister John A. MacDonald’s Ghost Dear Dom, Your playlist has more estrogen than Chown. - Andrea and Erin Dear Future Mark Writing messages to your future self is pre�y useless. Do not make the same mistake again. -“Past” Mark - Kim Jong-Il Dear Andrew McWilliams, Sabrina Samis and Jared Scotchmer, Happy early birthday wishes to all of you! Have an awesome week! - Dominic Dear Kim Jong-Il Fuck off. You have no friends. -The UN Dear LGB, You guys rock, unlike Thanksgiving. - Mark Thanksgiving is a great time of year for friends, family and FOOD !!! We all like to hit at least a couple sets of turkey. But if you are ready to burn off the celebratory fat that isn’t fading quite as fast as Grandpa during a tryptophan induced couch coma then come to us. We don’t just sell supplements. We offer training and nutrition advice to help you achieve your weight loss goals. And with over 200 products to offer, we don’t try to sell you a miracle pill, we tailor your diet, training and supplementation arsenal to suit your specific needs. And with our already rock bottom prices and our 10% discount to students, we will leave plenty of change in your pockets to fill up the space where all that gravy used to be. Titan - the support you need to succeed. Dear Arts ‘11, Nice Crest. -Kisses, a loving upper-year P.S. Don’t touch your crest. I peed on it. � Top 10 RealTrax ring tunes TM Week of October 2 1. Bossy 2. Chain Hang Low (Kids) 3. I Know You See It (A Cappella) 4. Lips of an Angel 5. London Bridge (Chorus) 6. Money Maker (Pharrell Chorus) 7. Ring the Alarm 8. Say Goodbye 9. Sexy Back 10. Shoulder Lean (feat. T.I.) - Kelis (feat. Too Short) - Jibbs - Yung Joc - Hinder - Fergie - Ludacris (feat Pharrell) - Beyonce - Ashlee Simpson - Justin Timberlake - Young Dro Text "PLAY" to 4800 on your Rogers wireless phone to download your favourite ring tunes today. 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