
When it comes to planning
the ideal African holiday –
immersing in the captivating
African wilderness, ancient
traditions and cultures and the
wonderful natural highlights from
mountains to beaches - no other
company can show you this
wonderful part of Africa quite like
Aim 4 Africa.
Aim 4 Africa’s founders are from
East Africa with a family history
of organising tailor made private
quality safaris, treks, adventure
and beach holidays spanning
nearly three decades.
With our strong links in Eastern
and Southern Africa, and
our expert knowledge of the
countries in which we operate,
Aim 4 Africa is perfectly placed
to take you and your family on
the most remarkable and the
most compellingly authentic
African holiday of your dreams.
We believe in tailoring holidays
to suit individual requirements
and interests. Our safaris show
you the ‘Real Africa’ - Our Home.
Your holiday with us will be as
unique as you are....
Visit our website www.
aim4africa.com or contact us
on 0114 255 2533 for more
information, holiday ideas and
suggestions based on our
expertise and local knowledge.
Our website also has information
and links to websites of a huge
range of safari lodges, tented
camps, city and beach hotels in
the countries that we operate.
We are always happy to
discuss specific requirements
and plan an itinerary to suit your
particular interests and budget.
Please telephone or email us
to start planning your African
Dream Holiday.
An African safari (‘safari’ is the Swahili term for journey)
is on most people’s list of holidays. Aim 4 Africa
organises holidays for first-timers to Africa as well
as safari connoisseurs.
To offer you the best possible experience Aim 4 Africa
believe in building in maximum flexibility into safari
programs along with our expert advice depending on
what you wish to do, where and when you want to visit
and your interests and budget.
We arrange holidays to suit YOU, not the other way
around. We believe in providing our clients with
different itinerary options based on their preference
and interests. And because our itineraries are tailor
made, you can be assured of having a holiday that
makes your dreams a reality.
A safari can be as long or as short as you wish, and
can be combined with some time on a beach, or with
a mountain trek or other adventure activities such as
gorilla or chimp tracking. Your holiday can either be
based in one country or in combination with other
countries. There are unlimited program options, and
we would be delighted to help you realise the holiday
of your dreams.
Aim 4 Africa has organised many different types of
holidays to suit people of all ages and interests.
We are experts in arranging:
• Weddings and Honeymoons
• Family Safari and Beach Holidays
• Adventure Holidays
On safari you can choose to stay in mobile camps (basic
or deluxe) in safari lodges and permanent tented camps
or even luxury treetops lodges! Similarly, at the beach
destinations accommodations range from small and
intimate beach hotels to the larger beach resorts offering
a variety of water based activities. There is a wide range
of accommodations ranging from basic to medium (3-4
star equivalent) to the very exclusive. The list can be
overwhelming for someone visiting Africa for the first
time. However, Aim 4 Africa is there to guide you and
help you make the right choice to suit your interests
and budget.
Our website has information on hundreds of different
lodges, hotels and camps in Eastern and Southern
Africa. If there are any accommodations that you would
particularly like to visit, let us know and we will gladly
include this in your itinerary.
• The Serengeti Migration
• Ngorongoro Crater
Big 5 Safari
• Tracking Gorillas –
Rwanda and Uganda
• Mafia Island Diving
• Climb Kilimanjaro
• Chimp Tracking –
Uganda and Tanzania
• Maasai Mara – Big Cat Diary
• Zanzibar – Snorkelling
• Treks with Maasai Warriors
S&P Everist, Melbourne, Australia
Thank you for planning and ensuring our four week trip to East
Africa was absolutely fantastic. The wildlife was spectacular
and certainly in abundance, and relaxing on the beach for a few
days at the end of our trip topped the holiday off nicely. We had
a very memorable time and it was a great way to celebrate a
couple of milestones. Thank you for putting it all together for us.
Tanzania is the largest of the countries in East Africa, three times the size of the United Kingdom and
with about two-thirds the UK population. A third of the country's area is devoted to the conservation
of nature, illustrating the importance Tanzania places on tourism and wildlife conservation. As well
as its incredibly diverse natural highlights, Tanzania has a rich cultural heritage spanning over 120
indigenous tribes. With such massive land areas to cover, Aim 4 Africa has divided the sections
covering Tanzania into five main areas: Northern, Southern, Western Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Zanzibar
and The Swahili Coast.
Northern Tanzania offers the most
popular wildlife circuit with the highest
concentration of wildlife on the continent.
The Ngorongoro Crater
One of the wonders of the natural world, the Ngorongoro
Crater is approximately 260 sq kms, a collapsed volcano
and home to the largest concentration of wildlife in
Africa. It is home to the ‘Big 5’ including the endangered
black rhinoceros. We can arrange walking safaris in the
Ngorongoro Highlands to smaller craters and volcanoes
including Olmoti and Empakaai Craters and Mt Lemagrut.
The ‘cradle of mankind’, Olduvai Gorge, is also in these
highlands, and can be visited enroute to the Serengeti.
The Arusha National Park
Lying between the peaks of Kilimanjaro and Mt Meru,
this is one of the most tranquil parks ideal for bird-
watchers and for a walking safari. It is also one of the
only parks offering canoeing safaris. Treks up Mount
Meru, Tanzania’s second highest mountain (4566m)
also start from here.
The Serengeti
At the heart of Africa, the endless plains of the worldfamous Serengeti covers an area the size of Northern
Ireland, entirely unfenced to allow free movement of
wildlife to surrounding parks and reserves. The Serengeti
ecosystem continues into Kenya’s Maasai Mara. It is
home to the famous ‘Big Cats’ and boasts the largest
migration of animals in the world! Over 2 million
wildebeest, zebra and gazelle make their way around the
ecosystem each year, covering an estimated 2400 kms!
Aim 4 Africa can help you plan your safari so that you get
to witness this truly unique spectacle whatever time of
year you wish to visit.
Tarangire National Park
One of our favourite parks with its large baobabs and
acacia trees, Tarangire is best visited in July-November.
Large herds of elephant, lion prides, leopard and herds of
wildebeest, zebra, gazelle and giraffe can be found here.
Outside the park boundaries it is possible to have night
game drives and guided bush walks.
Lakes Manyara, Eyasi & Natron
These alkaline lakes are part of the Great Rift Valley
and are home to millions of flamingo. Forest hikes and
cycling along the rift valley escarpment can be done
whilst at Manyara. Night game drives also take place
at Manyara. Trek the active volcano Oldonyo L’engai,
“Mountain of God”, whilst visiting Lake Natron, or track
wildlife and practice archery with the last of the huntergatherer Hadzabe bushmen when visiting Eyasi.
Follow the Migration
December-March: Ndutu/Southern Serengeti
April-June: Western Serengeti
July-August: Northern Serengeti
September-November: Maasai Mara (Kenya)
The Safari Circuit of Southern Tanzania
offers one the opportunity to explore pristine
areas of Tanzania, off the beaten track, away
from the crowds of tourists and sounds
of other safari vehicles. Here you will find
prolific wildlife almost unscathed by human
interaction, where the night sky dazzles with
millions of stars, and a part of the continent
untouched by time.
The Selous Game Reserve
Covering an area of approximately 50,000 sq kms,
the Selous is Africa’s single largest game reserve. The
reserve is almost four times larger than the Serengeti,
twice as large as South Africa’s Kruger National Park and
twice the size of Belgium. The Selous has the largest
elephant population in the whole of Africa (approx.
65,000) and 150,000 buffalo, huge numbers of lion and
over 350 species of birds. It is an important sanctuary for
more endangered wildlife such as the black rhinoceros,
wild dog, sable and roan antelope. In the Selous one can
view wildlife in open-sided safari vehicles as well enjoy
boating and walking safaris.
Mikumi National Park
Situated a mere three hours drive from Dar es Salaam,
Mikumi lies north of the Selous and is one of the most
accessible parks in Tanzania. The park is rich in wildlife
- buffalo, hippo, baboons, sable antelope, lions, wild
dogs, wildebeest, zebra, impala, giraffe, warthogs, and
elephants which can easily be viewed all the year round.
This combines well with a trip to Selous or beaches on
the mainland coast or Zanzibar.
Ruaha National Park
With its rugged landscape, no other park in Tanzania
epitomises "Wild Africa" quite so much as the Ruaha.
Vast and unspoilt, the Ruaha National park, an incredible
23,000 sq kms in area, is the largest National Park in
sub-Saharan Africa, substantially larger than Wales.
The park is perhaps the least well-known and yet
to connoisseurs it is without doubt one of the most
spectacular in Africa. Famous for its leopard, cheetah
and lion, the park with the Great Ruaha River, is also
home to hippo, crocodile, giraffe, zebra, kudu and the
endangered wild dog!
Saadani National Park
The only coastal national park in East Africa, Saadani
is the park where bush meets beach–the only park
that uniquely offers the choice of a driving safari, a
guided walk in the wild, a boat safari on the mangrovelined Wami River, as well as a beach holiday all in the
same area. This makes the park ideal for honeymooners
or those wanting a short holiday combining a safari in
the morning then relaxing on golden sandy beaches in
the afternoon!
Along the shores of Lake Tanganyika,
Western Tanzania is one of the most
unspoilt areas in East Africa. This region
sees few visitor numbers and remains
largely unspoilt. With the stunning Mahale
Mountains in the north, and its rugged
savannah at Katavi, this area is renowned
for fantastic sunsets over Lake Tanganyika
which makes it an essential stop for the
keen photographer. The habitat combines
rain forest, grasslands, alpine bamboo and
miombo woodland. The best time to visit is
between June and November.
Lake Victoria and Rubondo Island
Lake Victoria is Africa’s largest fresh-water lake and
one of the sources of the Great Nile. The 240 sq km
island, Rubondo Island, is a little retreat providing a
unforgettable experience for visitors, combining the
breathtaking natural beauty of a forest refuge with the
relaxing tranquillity of sandy lake-shore beaches.
Lake Tanganyika
This is the deepest lake in Africa, also fresh-water, and
lies on the border with Burundi and The DRC. One can
snorkel and kayak on the clear waters of this lake, known
for its cyclids, many of which are still being discovered.
The banks of the lake are home to rainforests inhabited
by birds and primates of different kinds including
habituated groups of chimpanzees!
Mahale National Park
This is absolutely the best place in the world come face
to face with wild chimpanzees. Mahale is home to nine
primate species, including about 1000 chimps, which
live in troupes of about 50. There are numerous species
of wildlife including the elusive leopard, buffalo, elephant,
forest antelopes, leopard, baboon, Colobus monkey and
a great variety of butterflies and birds. Mahale combines
very well with a safari to Katavi which can be taken over
7 nights.
Gombe National Park
Tanzania’s smallest national park made famous by Jane
Goodall’s account of chimpanzees in their natural habitat.
Gombe also has 8 other primate species, over 230
species of birds and other mammals.
Katavi National Park
Katavi is Tanzania’s third largest park and one of its most
unspoiled and isolated wildlife areas. Katavi has amongst
the largest buffalo herds in Tanzania and is noted for
great numbers of hippo, crocodile and the ‘Big Cats’.
The park is one of the few places where one may spot
roan and sable antelope and the endangered wild dog.
Over 400 species of birds have been identified in the
park especially around Lakes Katavi and Chada.
Kilimanjaro is the highest freestanding
mountain in the world, rising from the
northern part of Tanzania. The famous
dormant snow-capped peak of Kibo stands
at 5,895m (19,340 ft), the rugged peak of
extinct Mawenzi at 5,149m (16,892 ft)
and extinct Shira at 3,962m (13,000 ft).
The mountain is made up of 5 distinct eco-zones:
• Rainforest with mountain streams, wildlife and
rare plants
• Moorland with giant lobelia and giant groundsel
• Alpine desert with rare plant species
• Volcanic scree desert with shale beds
• The Glaciers at the summit
Private Treks
Our expeditions are private and tailored to suit couples
or small groups of families or friends. Our high success
rates up Kilimanjaro are testament to our belief in
offering a high standard service ensuring personal
attention from our guides and crew. Our clients proceed
at their own pace ensuring a safe, comfortable and
successful trek up Africa’s highest peak.
Group Treks
Although most of our treks are private expeditions,
we organise some group treks on set dates to enable
individuals to join others on a trek up Kilimanjaro.
Our website has updates on set group Kilimanjaro
treks through the year. Contact us for more details.
Kilimanjaro Routes
Kilimanjaro can be trekked at any time of the year by any
normally physically fit person, except during the rainy
season between April-May.
Why trek with Aim 4 Africa?
• Firsthand experience of the mountain
and surroundings
• Private, bespoke expeditions with full local
experienced mountain crew
• Flexible dates, proceed at your own pace
Our most popular routes up Kilimanjaro:
5 or 6 day via Marangu
6 or 7 day via Rongai
6 or 7 day via Machame
7 or 8 day via Shira/Lemosho/Londorossi
These routes do not require technical assistance or
expertise from our clients. Aim 4 Africa’s success rates
on these routes are 98% increasing to 99% with the
extra day to assist with acclimatisation. We believe
in offering personal service with our team of local,
professional guides and crew who have trekked up the
mountain in excess of 100 times! When you plan your
trek with Aim 4 Africa you are climbing with experts who
have climbed several routes. We will give you expert
advice and suggest the best route for you - whether this
is your first trek or if you are a seasoned mountaineer.
Detailed itineraries of each route, a route map and
trek checklist can be found in our separate Kilimanjaro
brochure or on our website.
Are YOU up for the Biggest Challenge on the Continent?
• High quality, safe, successful and
enjoyable experience
• Responsible tourism, ethical treks,
support local community
• The “in” people to trek with
There are other mountains in East Africa well worth
visiting in addition to Kilimanjaro. Mt Meru (4566m),
Oldo-inyo-L’engai (the active volcano “Mountain of
God”, 2889m) and Mt Kenya (5199m) are amongst
East Africa’s famous volcanoes that are a real treat
for trekkers. Contact us for more information.
For a Soul Rejuvenating and Exhilarating Experience,
let Aim 4 Africa take you on a trek to the Roof of Africa.
Our personal experience and vast local knowledge of
the mountain and surroundings makes us Kilimanjaro
experts. Please telephone or email us for advice and to
help you plan your trek.
With an overwhelmingly wide range of beach hotels
and resorts to choose from, Aim 4 Africa is always at
hand to help our clients plan their holiday and choice of
accommodations based on their interests, preferences
and budget.
Zanzibar (Unguja) Island
The name “Zanzibar” conjures images of sun, sea, sand,
romance and mystery. Miles upon miles of white sandy
beaches are interspersed with spice plantations and
forests with endemic species such as the endemic red
colobus monkey found in Jozani Forest. The numerous
little islets and sandbanks dotted around the main island
are delightful places to explore. The coral reefs teem
with colourful sea life making this the ideal place for an
underwater snorkelling or scuba diving safari.
Zanzibar is the perfect place to unwind and relax after a
safari or Kilimanjaro trek. It is also ideal as a stand-alone
destination as there is so much to do, see and explore
that one could never be bored in Zanzibar.
Aim 4 Africa organises family holidays as well as
weddings and honeymoons in Zanzibar. Weddings can be
arranged on private beaches, a traditional dhow or even
on a sandbank – one’s own private island for the day!
Zanzibar Stone Town
Zanzibar’s historic capital is aptly named for its eclectic
mix of stone and coral buildings influenced by Arabic,
Indian and Portuguese architecture, with its narrow,
winding lanes and colourful markets, bustling bazaars
and warm friendly people. Stone Town is a cultural
highlight and a half day tour highlights what makes
Zanzibar so different to other beach destinations. There
are many tours that allow one to enjoy the island’s natural
beauty and historic sites – sail in a traditional dhow, visit
Jozani Forest, explore sultan’s palace ruins, boat trips
to see dolphins and visits to smaller isles can also be
arranged from Stone Town and most beach hotels.
Pemba Island
North of Unguja, lies Zanzibar’s other island, the green
isle of Pemba, famous for its spice plantations and
coconut plantations but also for its unspoiled stretches
of white sandy beaches. The turquoise waters around
Pemba are amongst the best for scuba and deep sea
diving, with coral reefs teeming with colourful fish and
sea creatures of all kinds. Pemba is an ideal honeymoon
destination and the small number of beach hotels on the
island offer exceptional service.
The East Coast of Tanzania lining the Indian
Ocean has always been the mainstay of ageold Swahili Custom, predominantly Muslim
and with architecture and culture stemming
from ancient Arabic dominance. The Swahili
Coast is made up of numerous sleepy fishing
villages as well as bustling modern day
coastal resorts like Dar es Salaam.
The Swahili Coast offers the discerning
visitor lots to see and do - from large
coconut and mango orchards to fabulous
white sandy beaches, plus an eclectic mix
of history (including poignant reminders of
the infamous slave trade) and modern art,
culture, very friendly people, delicious fresh
cuisine, and ecological wonders.
Dar es Salaam and Bagamoyo
Dar es Salaam, translated as ‘Haven of Peace’ is one
of Tanzania’s major cities located on the shores of
the Indian Ocean. Dar is a city full of surprises, where
traditional African culture and colonial roots combine with
international taste and sophistication. Nestled between
coconut palms and acacia trees, the azure blue sea and
milk white sands draw everyone to the shores, especially
to see the breathtaking sunsets. The oldest town in
Tanzania, Bagamoyo's history has been influenced
by Arab and Indian traders, German colonialists and
Christian missionaries. Bagamoyo means 'lay down your
heart' – reminiscent of the town’s infamous historic slave
trade, but it also has pristine, white sandy beaches with
clear blue waters with swaying coconut palms.
Saadani National Park
Palm trees sway in a cooling oceanic breeze... White
sand and blue water sparkle alluringly beneath the
tropical sun... Traditional dhows sail slowly past,
propelled by billowing white sails, while Swahili fishermen
cast their nets below a brilliant red sunrise... Elephants
strolling by for a drink from a nearby waterhole... Saadani
is where bush meets beach - the perfect place which
combines safari and beach all in one location!
Pangani and Kilwa
Quintessentially Swahili towns, Pangani and Kilwa are
steeped in history and culture, remnants of colonial and
slave trade. However these little known areas are also
home to some of the most incredible beaches on the
mainland coast of Tanzania, a perfect escape from the
hustle and bustle of the modern world.
Mafia Island
This little island south of Zanzibar is an exquisite place to
spend days on the beach away from crowds. With miles
of wide sandy beaches lapped by blue-green tropical
waters, this is a great destination for honeymooners
and adventurers alike. Diving and big-game fishing
enthusiasts find the waters around Mafia mesmerising.
It is a perfect place to spend a few days after a safari to
the Selous, Ruaha or Northern Tanzania. There are only a
few beach hotels on the island however their standards
are very high. Snorkelling, dhow trips and visits to local
villages can be arranged.
Uganda shares the largest lake in Africa, Lake
Victoria, with Kenya and Tanzania, and one can
visit the source of the world’s longest river, the
legendary Nile. Uganda has large areas of unspoilt
wilderness with many species of mammals and
birds in their natural habitat. Uganda shares the
range of Virunga Volcanoes with Rwanda and the
Democratic Republic of Congo, home of the last of
the endangered mountain gorillas of which only
about 700 individuals are thought to be remaining.
Queen Elizabeth National Park
This park is an ornithological haven and one of the most
popular national parks in Uganda. Close to the Rwenzori
mountains, the park is famous for the legendary treeclimbing lions of Ishasha, and other unique mammalian
species include the elusive giant forest hog.
Bwindi and Mhaginga
These are the only places in East Africa where one can
track and observe the endangered mountain gorillas in
their natural habitat, made famous through the study by
Diane Fossey. Mgahinga shares the Virunga Volcanoes
with Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Lake Bunyoni
The deepest Crater Lake in Uganda, Lake Bunyonyi
means "place of little birds" and is an ornithological
haven. A beautiful place to spend before or after a gorilla
trek or safari, this lake has different types of antelope
including gazelle, impala and eland.
Murchison Falls
Uganda's largest protected area with large herds of
elephant, buffalo, lion, the endangered Rothschild's
giraffe and the rare Shoebill Stork. A boat cruise near
the falls is a memorable experience.
Kibale and Kyambura
A haven for those seeking a unique experience to track
and observe different species of primates including
troupes of habituated chimps (more than 500 chimps
make their home here) and over 335 species of birds.
Rwenzori Mountains
These ‘Mountains of the Moon’ stretch over 120 kms
along the western border. The highest peak, Margherita
Peak, at 5,109m (16,762 ft) is the third highest in Africa
after Mt Kilimanjaro and Mt Kenya.
Kenya is a prime safari destination and offers a wide range of active holidays – from trekking and
hot air ballooning in the lush plains of the Maasai Mara to horse and camel riding in Laikipia in the
semi-arid northern frontier district. With a diverse number of safari lodges and luxury tented camps
for visitors of all interests and ages, and a choice of high quality beach destinations to relax at after a
safari, Kenya offers the perfect getaway for families, retired couples, honeymooners or those who are
visiting Africa for the first time.
and elephant and the plains dotted with its resident lions,
giraffe and gazelles, zebra and wildebeest.
Maasai Mara
Part of the Greater Serengeti ecosystem, this park is
less than a tenth of the Serengeti, and is famous for the
wildebeest migration (September-November) and the “Big
Cat Diary”. There are plenty of exclusive tented camps to
choose from, hot air ballooning and fly-in safaris.
Lakes Nakuru and Naivasha
These Rift Valley lakes are where bird watchers can
happily observe flamingo and a host of other water birds.
White Rhino and other big mammals can also be found
at Lake Nakuru National Park.
The park is famous for its backdrop of the mighty Mount
Kilimanjaro. Although Kilimanjaro is in Tanzania, Amboseli
is one of the few areas where the iconic mountain can be
viewed in its full glory. Huge swamps teem with hippos
Samburu and Shaba
Kenya’s northern parks of “Born Free” fame, this is where
one can spot five rare and endemic species (Grevy's
zebra, reticulated giraffe, Somali blue ostrich, gerenuk
and Beisa Oryx) as well as large herds of elephant,
buffalo, lion, cheetah and leopard. Camel rides and visits
to Samburu villages can also be arranged.
The Aberdares
This is the park at the highest altitude in Africa
comprising a range of mountains in Central Kenya
with spectacular waterfalls and wildlife.
Mount Kenya
Africa’s second highest glacial peak has some fabulous
landscapes and ornithological haven. Aim 4 Africa can
arrange treks to Point Lenana at 4985m (16,355 ft).
The highest peaks, Batian (5,199m, 17,057 ft) and
Nelion (5,188m, 17,021 ft) require technical expertise.
This semi-arid plateau in central Kenya comprises vast
open ranches fed by the Ewaso Nyiro and Ewaso Narok
rivers and shadowed by snow-capped Mount Kenya.
This is home to ethnically diverse communities including
the Mukogodo Maasai and Samburu. Horseback and
Camel riding safaris suit the terrain.
Lewa and Ol Pejeta Conservancies
Wildlife variety at Lewa and Ol Pejeta include black and
white rhino and chimpanzee as well as lion, leopard,
cheetah, elephant, impala, buffalo, black and
white rhino. Activities include bush walking, lion tracking
and horse and camel riding. One can visit a pre-historic
archaeological site, a local school, water project or feed a
baby rhino - a great opportunity for a behind-the-scenes
look at conservancy operations.
This park is located in central Kenya and became world
famous as the place where Elsa the lioness and Pippa
the cheetah, were returned to the wild by George and Joy
Adamson, portrayed in the book and film ‘Born Free’.
Mombasa, Malindi and Watamu
These are popular mainland beach destinations off the
coast of Kenya with beautiful white sandy beaches, a
wide range of beach hotels and excursions to nearby
cultural and historical areas. The coast combines ideally
with a Kenyan Safari.
A historic island off the mainland coast, a port with
remnants of Arabic influence, Lamu is where time has
stood still – fishing villages, billowing dhows, narrow
winding streets and beautiful beaches not unlike
Zanzibar. This is the perfect place to get away and
unwind from modern day hustle and bustle.
Manda Bay
This picturesque is on the northern most
peninsula of Manda Island in the Lamu - Kiwayu
archipelago. Manda Bay has the finest sandy beaches
in Kenya and offers the perfect beach hideaway.
Small and exclusive, Manda Bay is totally private yet only
a 20-minute boat ride from the restaurants and ancient
culture of Lamu Town.
A trip to Kenya may be combined with holidays to
Tanzania, Uganda or Rwanda.
Known as “The Land of a Thousand Hills”,
Rwanda is the tiniest landlocked country in
East Africa sharing the Virunga Volcanoes with
Uganda and the DRC and with Tanzania to the east.
Although Rwanda is most famous for its mountain
gorillas, it is also renowned for its other primates
such as Angolan Colobus and golden monkeys,
a wide range of bird and mammal species.
Volcanoes National Park
This houses part of the Virunga range of volcanoes
shared with Uganda and the DRC. In the range, five
extinct volcanoes are located in Rwanda (the more
active ones are in Congo) with Mt Karisimbi the highest
volcano at 4507m. This park is home to five habituated
groups of the endangered mountain gorillas, and is the
place where Diane Fossey based her research on the
great apes. Aim 4 Africa organises treks to the gorillas
and golden monkeys.
Lakes Ruhondo and Burera
The twin fresh-water lakes of Burera and Ruhondo are
attractive places to visit before or after gorilla tracking in
Volcanoes National Park.
Nyungwe Forest National Park
This is the largest protected high-altitude rainforest
of East Africa and is one of Africa's most endemic
rich regions. The Nyungwe Forest holds the biggest
water reservoir for Rwanda. This is also home to over
eight of primates including chimpanzee, red tailed
monkey, olive baboon, l’hoest and the golden monkey.
The newly built forest canopy is one of several
walks through the park.
Lake Kivu
This is the largest lake in Rwanda, and at 1459m,
also the highest altitude lake in Africa. The picturesque
resort towns of Gisenyi and Kibuye are amongst the
most beautiful places to visit whilst in the country.
Akagera National Park
This park is located in the east of Rwanda along the
Akagera River at the border with Tanzania. Unlike the
mountainous regions of most of Rwanda, this area’s
savannah landscape of tangled acacia woodland
interspersed with swamps and open grassland with
hippo, crocodile and the most sought-after of African
birds: the bizarre shoebill stork.
Iby’Iwacu Cultural Village
Also known as the “ex-poachers village”, this is a
fabulous place to embrace Rwandan culture. Visit the
traditional healer and tin-smith, learn to grind sorghum,
practice archery, join in the drumming and visit the
replica King’s palace. This project greatly helps local
communities as it provides an alternative source of
income for reformed poachers.
A trip to Rwanda may be combined with holidays to
Tanzania, Uganda or Kenya.
• Victoria Falls
• Moremi and Chobe
• Okavango Delta
• Lake Malawi
• Skeleton Coast and Kaokoveld
• Vamizi Island
• South Luangwa National Park
• Etosha National Park
B. Renshaw and Family, Devon, UK
We have been asked lots of questions
about our holiday and what were the
highlights and downsides. Quite honestly
we have said that there were many
highlights but no downsides thanks
to the way that you had advised and
arranged everything for us. Best wishes
and thanks once again from us all.
Cape Maclear
Picturesque bay with beautiful beaches, a bustling
market and good opportunities for kayaking and
scuba diving.
South of Tanzania, east of Zambia and west
of Mozambique lies the landlocked country of
Malawi, whose dominating feature is Africa’s third
largest lake, which takes its name. Malawi, known
as the “warm heart of Africa” provides visitors
with lots to do – from walking and cycling to water
sports on the lake.
Lake Malawi
This is Malawi’s biggest attraction with beautiful sandy
beaches, clear blue waters and the perfect place to
unwind and relax. The main areas of the lake are the
northern lakeshore and the southern lakeshore. The
islands of Chizumulu and Likoma are both fairly low-key
places to unwind and take in the spare beauty of the
surroundings in Lake Malawi.
Nkhata Bay
About 50 km from Mzuzu lies Malawi's most scenic
lakeside town. It is difficult to imagine that this beautiful
town is not somewhere on the Indian Ocean: there are
beautiful stretches of white, sandy beaches lapped by the
gentle waves of Lake Malawi.
Liwonde National Park
This is Malawi’s best national park with beautiful
scenery and a wide range of wildlife. Lying south of
Lake Malawi, it includes the Shire River, home to
hundreds of hippos, crocodiles, elephants, several
antelope species and rhinos.
Nyika National Park
This park is famous for its wildflowers including
120 species of orchid, and attracts a wide array of
wildlife. Most common are the large roan antelope,
reedbuck, zebra, warthog, blue monkey and over
250 species of bird.
Mount Mulanje
Stunning scenery, easy access, clear paths and wellmaintained huts make Mount Mulanje a fine hiking and
trekking area. The mountain rises steeply and suddenly
from the undulating plains and tea estates to the
highlands. Mulanje's highest peak, Sapitwa, is just
over 3000m.
Thyolo Tea Estates
Tea has been grown near the slopes of Mount Mulanje
here since 1908. Aim 4 Africa can arrange a tour around
the estates giving visitors an appreciation of what goes
into producing our favourite brew!
Zambia is one of the growing African Safari
destinations in Southern Africa. There is superb
wildlife viewing in some of the finest national
parks in Africa. Blessed with 17 waterfalls
including the spectacular Victoria Falls which
it shares with its neighbour Zimbabwe,
Zambian holidays are filled with adventure
and scenic beauty.
South Luangwa National Park
This is one of the most famous national parks in
Zambia, covering 9050 sq km, and includes the
Luangwa River. Animal species include leopard, lion,
elephant, hippo, hyena, jackal, wild dog and over 200
endemic bird species.
Kafue National Park
Kafue is the oldest and largest in Zambia, and is
the second largest wildlife national park in the world
covering 22,440 sq km of land. Animal species in this
area include: lion, leopard, cheetah, roan and over 400
species of bird.
Victoria Falls
“Mosi-oa-Tunya” (the Mist that Thunders) is one of the
most famous attractions in Africa - the waterfalls is on
the Zambezi River bordering Zambia and Zimbabwe.
A day trip to the waterfalls via the city of Livingstone,
combines easily with safaris in Zambia and northern
Botswana. Adventure activities include bungee jumping
and sundowner cruises on the Zambezi.
Lower Zambezi National Park
Covering almost 5000 sq km and still rugged and wild,
wildlife viewing is terrific in this park because there is a
great chance that visitors can get really close to wildlife.
The Park has an enormous number of wildlife species
including lion, leopard, elephant, hippo, buffalo, kudu,
zebra, waterbuck.
Lake Kariba (or Kariba Dam)
One of the world’s largest man-made lakes and regarded
as an inland sea as it is so vast. At its widest point
measure 42 kms across - an engineering feat producing
hydroelectricity for both countries. Lake Kariba attracts
huge numbers of animals, including Nile crocodiles,
hippos and elephant.
Botswana is among the most famous safari
destinations in Southern Africa. A landlocked
country, about 70% is covered by the Kalahari
Desert. The country is home to the world's largest
inland delta - the Okavango Delta, with areas
of green plains and the salt pans. This varied
and diverse landscape is home to a wide range
of wildlife including a large population of the
endangered African Wild Dog. Botswana and
Namibia are also home to the remaining San or
Bushmen peoples of Africa whose lifestyles are
shaped by the harsh and sometimes unforgiving
surroundings, and who can be visited for lessons
on sustainable living.
Moremi Wildlife Reserve
A focal point for many Botswana safaris. Moremi covers
almost a third of the entire Okavango Delta – a diverse
habitat where desert meets water. The Moremi Game
Reserve is at its best during the dry season and safari
game viewing is at its peak from July to October. Mammals
are prolific, birdlife is abundant and varied. Wildlife found
here include elephant, buffalo, giraffe, antelope, lion,
leopard, cheetah, jackal, hyena and wild dog.
River Khwai
Situated in Northern Botswana, and surrounded by little
islands, this area has a wide variety of birds and animals
including large numbers of raptors.
Chobe National Park
The second largest national park in Botswana and
covers 10,566 sq kms, Chobe boasts one of the largest
populations of elephant in southern Africa, currently
around 120,000. Other wildlife found in large numbers
are buffalo, zebra, giraffe, impala and other mammals,
birds and reptile species.
The Okavango Delta
This is a large wetland surrounded by the Kalahari
Desert. The Okavango Delta has large numbers crocodile,
red lechwe, sitatunga, elephant, wild dogs and buffalo.
The water supports many kinds of fish and more
common mammals and bird life. Safaris by Mokoros
(dug-out canoes) are very popular (dug-out canoes)
allowing one to explore the delta from the water.
The Makgadikgadi Salt Pans
Regularly visited on Botswana Safaris, the Nxai Pan,
Ntwetwe Pan and Sowa Pan are three large salt pans
that make up the Makgadikgadi Pans - ancient salt lakes
and breeding ground for many wildlife species.
Savuti Game Reserve
Considered to be one of the best wildlife-viewing
areas in Botswana, Savuti is also known for its many
predators, including lion, spotted hyena, jackal and
bat eared foxes.
Angola. A large number of rivers including the Okavango
and Kwando, attract over 400 bird species, waterbuck,
zebra, hippo, buffalo and elephant.
An arid country of startling contrasts, Namibia
is home to two great deserts – the vast Namib
Desert and the Kalahari. However there is an
astonishingly vast number of wildlife and plant
species that can be found here. The country
is famed for its expansive rugged landscapes,
desert-adapted wildlife and ancient cultures.
This is situated within the world’s oldest desert – the
Namib Desert, part of the Namib Naukluft National Park
and famous for the most incredible and iconic rust-red
sand dunes (known as the “Sand Sea”) rising 300m
above the valley floor. There are desert-adapted wildlife
such as ostrich, springbok and gemsbok as well as
spotted hyena, bat eared fox and aardwolf to be found
here. Dawn balloon safaris are a great way to experience
the surreal sand dunes and desert.
This is a narrow strip of land in the northeast, a 400 km
long strategic corridor bordering Botswana, Zambia and
Skeleton Coast and Kaokoveld
The vast wilderness of the Skeleton Coast, where it
meets the icy waters of the Atlantic Ocean colliding
with the hot desert air of the Skeleton coast produces
its famous early morning mists. The rugged mountains
of semi-desert Damaraland and Kaokoland (collectively
known as Kaokoveld) are Namibia at its most remote.
Desert adapted elephant and black rhino seasonally
traverse the Aba-Huab riverbed in search of water and
vegetation. Thousands of seal colonies also congregate
at the Skeleton Coast. Visitors can also view Africa’s
largest collection of petroglyphs (prehistoric rock
engravings), as well as incredible 28,000 year-old
Bushmen rock art near Twyfelfontein and visit to the
“Petrified Forest”.
This is the most popular coastal resort in Namibia just
south of Damaraland with beautiful scenery and a wide
selection of accommodations.
Namibia’s capital city and gateway to the country is
situated in Central Namibia in a valley surrounded by the
Khomas Highlands, the Auas and Eros Mountains.
Etosha National Park
Located in north-central Namibia, this park is named for
the Etosha Pan (‘great white place’), one of the largest
salt pans, an ancient great lake. Deceptively arid, this is
Namibia’s premier wildlife destination attracting plains
game, lion, cheetah and the endangered black and white
rhino. After a good rainfall over a million flamingo can be
found in the salty waters.
Cultural highlights:
Visit the indigenous San, considered to be the oldest
culture in the world and admire ancient beautiful
San rock paintings. Also visit the Himba people in the
northwest Kaokoveld region – one of Africa’s most
remote and untouched wilderness areas.
Mozambique has the largest coastline in
Eastern Africa with 2500 km bordering the
Indian Ocean. Mainland Mozambique comprises
different wildlife areas and has amongst the
most beautiful beaches in the world including
idyllic islands set in clusters and stretching
across the Mozambican coastline in the Indian
Ocean – our favourites being the Quirimbas
and Bazaruto archipelagos.
Gorongosa National Park
The Gorongosa harbors several small herds of elephant,
an increasing lion population, rhinos, leopards, zebras,
kudus, cheetahs, warthogs and the rare roan and sample
antelope. But its real attraction are the over 500 different
bird species including some which only can be found in
the Gorongosa area.
Maromeru National Park
This park is an open grassland with many rivers
and streams – which is part of the Zambezi Delta.
It holds diverse array of wildlife including the African
elephant, Lichtenstein's hartebeest, sable antelope,
eland, Burchell's zebra, hippopotamus, waterbuck, and
reedbuck. Predators include lion, leopard, cheetah,
wild dog and spotted hyena.
Quirimbas – Vamizi Island
The Quirimbas archipelago is rated to be one of the
world’s top diving areas and comprises 32 coral islands
on Mozambique’s north coast. For people who want to
relax and enjoy the leisurely pace of island life, Vamizi
Island, in the Quirimbas Archipelago, is just the place.
Vamizi Island, with its abundant tropical vegetation,
samango monkeys playing in the trees and deserted
beaches is the place where one may come across tracks
left by green turtles.
The Bazaruto Archipelago
The Bazaruto Archipelago is a cluster of five islands
(in size order: Bazaruto, Benguerra, Magaruque, Santa
Carolina and Bangue), however only Bazaruto and
surrounding reefs are officially within a National Park.
Whales, dolphins and even the endangered dugong are
found here. These waters are home to over 80% of all
marine life in the Indian-Pacific Oceans.
Mainland Beaches
The Praia do Tofo is one of Mozambique's most
beautiful areas with an expansive and wonderful beach.
Visitors can enjoy the surf, mangroves and palm groves
all around the area! The trees are filled with parrots
and monkeys which provide some entertainment while
relaxing on the beach.
Praia de Xai Xai is located near the provincial capital of
Gaza, and is one of the single most beautiful beaches in
the world. Enjoy the great expanse of the cleanest golden
sands along these warm tropical waters.
Safari-Beach Combo or Exclusively Beach?
Aim 4 Africa can organise safari+beach combination
holidays, or simply a week or more of blissful relaxation
on the beautiful beaches of Mozambique to suit your
interests. We can also arrange multi-centred holidays in
combination with other East or Southern African countries.
Thank you for arranging our dream honeymoon our safari in the Selous was an incredible experience.
Zanzibar was the perfect complement to the safari.
Thank you so much for organising everything so well.
Mark and Kirsty, UK
We had an amazing trip in Tanzania. Thank you for such a
wonderful holiday, we could not have wished for a better
guide in Tanzania. Daniel was incredibly knowledgeable
and had the ability to spot wildlife from miles away.
We certainly would not hesitate to recommend you all.
Maureen and Michael, Louise and family, UK
We had the most AMAZING trip, almost every place we
stayed took our breath away. The highlights for me were
seeing 100 elephants in the river at Tarangire, having lions
roaring outside our tent and of course the gorillas. Our
guides were fantastic, so enthusiastic and knowledgeable.
Zanzibar was fabulous too, the Asali suite a perfect end to
our trip. Thank you so much for the trip of a lifetime we
have already recommended you to several people.
Thank you for a great holiday! With such meticulous
preparation, we had confidence that the whole trip
would run smoothly and it did! Climbing Kilimanjaro
was an experience of a lifetime. We must have had the
best team on the mountain constantly attentive to our
well-being. The safari was equally enjoyable and we had
a great guide Tesha who went out of his way to maximise
our time in the parks.
Lizzy and Trevor, UK
Tim and Cheryl B, UK
Thank you to all at Aim 4 Africa for your terrific skills in
putting together our recent holiday in Tanzania – from
reaching the roof of Africa, to the sheer vastness and
wonder of the Serengeti, to the laziness of Zanzibar. The
personal touch was in stark contrast to the "call centre"
approach of larger firms. I cannot recommend Aim 4
Africa or their highly enough. Outstanding!
Chris Edge and Family, UK
Aim 4 Africa’s wedding and honeymoon itineraries
are all tailor-made to ensure your specific
requirements and preferences are catered for.
Weddings can be organised on safari, on a private
beach, and even a sandbank – one’s own private
island for the day! Our extensive knowledge,
first-hand experience, and meticulous planning
and close attention to detail means we can make
most dreams come true!
Safari Weddings
There is nothing more unique or memorable than a
wedding in the heart of an African National Park against a beautiful backdrop of natural, untamed
wilderness, and with wildlife (at a safe distance) as
witnesses to your nuptials!
Aim 4 Africa can plan and arrange weddings on safari
in Tanzania (Serengeti, Selous, Ngorongoro, Lake
Manyara, Arusha), Kenya (Laikipia, Samburu, Maasai
Mara), Malawi and Zambia. Combine a safari wedding
with a honeymoon to wildlife areas you have always
dreamed about, or extend with a honeymoon in Zanzibar,
Mombasa or Mozambique.
For those who would like something different we can
even arrange Maasai-style weddings in a traditional
Maasai boma!
Weddings in Zanzibar
Aim 4 Africa has arranged different venues for
weddings in Zanzibar: weddings at beach resorts,
weddings on private beaches, weddings at historical
sultan’s palaces, weddings on board a traditional dhow
and even weddings on a private sandbank - your own
private island for the day! We are happy to chat with
you to plan the wedding that you have always dreamed
about, so call us now and we’ll be happy to discuss
different options with you.
Aim 4 Africa is one of the only companies whose
founders actually originate from East Africa – the
countries of Kenya and Tanzania are and will always
be home to us, and as such we know we are better
placed than most high street travel agents or other
online honeymoon specialists to organise such
special occasions as your Wedding or Honeymoon at
the Heart of Africa – the ideal place to begin your
married lives together.
We are certain that our knowledge and experience
and affiliation with East Africa will provide you with the
opportunity to create a wedding and honeymoon that will
exceed your expectations.
There are many countries where you can go on a safari
these days, and many beautiful well-publicised beaches
from the Caribbean to the Maldives. However none of
these countries are as unique as to be able to offer the
best of both and more....
Wedding Gift Registry
We offer wedding gift service with a difference –
family and friends can contribute towards your dream
honeymoon or purchase a special “gift experience”
such as a Sunset Dhow Cruise in Zanzibar, an elegant
romantic bush dinner in the Serengeti, or even a hot air
balloon ride in the Maasai Mara or the Serengeti! There
are many excursions to choose from, and it ensures
you have the honeymoon of your dreams – individually
unique and infinitely memorable! So, if you have
your share of linen, crockery and toasters, we would
recommend you take advantage of our Wedding Gift
Registry with a difference. The experience is priceless
and the memories (and photographs) of your honeymoon
will remain with you for many years to come!
Memorable Honeymoons and Anniversaries
For many people a safari is truly the holiday of a lifetime
– unlike short haul holidays in Europe, Africa offers
something special, a timeless, ageless, wide-ranging
special destination unlike none other in the world. Your
Wedding is the most important day in your lifetime.
A honeymoon is also the holiday of a lifetime – truly
unique and memorable. An anniversary is a second
honeymoon, a chance to enjoy some time together in
superb surroundings without the stress that normally
goes with planning a wedding. A Honeymoon or
Anniversary at the very Heart of Africa would therefore
be a truly memorable holiday!
Honeymoon Ideas
Aim 4 Africa can organise honeymoons to suit individual
requirements. Most of our honeymoon programs are
dual centred with safari and beach elements. However
we have had couples who prefer more adventure and
programs can include a trek up Kilimanjaro or a gorilla or
chimp trek. All our honeymoon programs are tailor
made to suit personal preferences and interests.
However our website has some sample programs to
inspire you or you can contact us for ideas.
Our Wedding in Zanzibar was Simply Perfect!
We adored the sandbank with the sea all around
us, the wonderful staff and your meticulous
planning. You made our dream come true,
Thank you so much!
Carla and Mark, UK
Thank you for arranging an incredible experience
for our honeymoon in Tanzania. The highlight
of our trip was definitely chimpanzee trekking in
Mahale. Greystoke Mahale Camp was a fabulous
place to stay with superb service and welcoming
staff. The flights over superb landscapes were a
truly memorable experience. Our Serengeti Safari
was also great and finishing off our honeymoon
at Fundu Lagoon in Pemba was definitely the
icing on the cake! We have enclosed a few
photographs. Thank you once again for making
our dream come true!
James and Phillipa, UK
Africa is no doubt the ultimate destination for a family
holiday. With all its natural beauty, pristine geographical
features, diverse landscapes, numerous wildlife,
adventure and opportunities to learn about different
cultures, there is no other destination that offers families
such a wide range of activities for all ages, and the
opportunity to bond as a family.
Aim 4 Africa has arranged numerous family holidays
throughout East Africa - from young families on safari
followed by a beach holiday, to families with teenagers
enjoying treks with Maasai Warriors, camping, cycling
or horseback safaris and snorkelling off Zanzibar. We’ve
had young adults who have opted to trek Kilimanjaro or
track chimps and gorillas with their families and three
generations of family going on safari together.
We know that privacy and flexibility are important factors
in most family holidays and our programs are thus
designed to meet your family's particular requirements.
Have a look through our brochure and website and
see if any of the destinations or activities particularly
appeals to your family. We will be happy to discuss any
particular requirement you may have, and to put together
a program that best suits your family.
You do not have to be confined to a vehicle when you are
on safari. Often, you get a much richer experience if you
are happy to explore areas on foot, by boat or cycling.
You may see things that you would normally miss if you
were in a vehicle.
Of course, certain areas can only be explored in a
4-wheel drive vehicle to cover the terrain, distance and
also to keep at a safe distance from wildlife. However,
there are opportunities that we can provide for you to
trek, cycle, go on a horseback or camel riding safari,
perhaps hot air ballooning or canoeing, so you get
different perspectives of the landscapes and wildlife
around you.
Some of the adventure activities we can arrange
for you are:
Cycling along the Great Rift Valley
Canoeing, mokoro and boating safaris
Walking safaris with the Maasai
Camel back and horse riding safaris in
Kenya and Tanzania
• Mountain trekking
• Hot air ballooning in Serengeti and Masai Mara
and so much more! Contact us for details.
There are a number of optional activities that may be
included to fit around your basic safari program. You
may wish to capture a little of the traditional African
cultures with a visit to a local village whilst you are in
Eastern or Southern Africa. These cultural tours benefit
our visitors and directly benefit the local communities
- we do not make any profit from these tours.
Your African holiday will certainly be enriched by
such cultural interactions.
Our clients have greatly enjoyed cultural
programs such as:
• Visits to Maasai villages in Northern Tanzania
and Kenya
• Learning Archery and Animal Tracking with the Hadzabe Bushmen at Lake Eyasi and the San Bushmen in Botswana
• Visits to Iby’iwacu village (ex-poachers village) in Rwanda for half a day of cultural highlights
• Marangu and Machame cultural tours
• Visits to the Himba and San Bushmen in Namibia
Contact us for details on incorporating cultural
programs into your safari itinerary.
Aim 4 Africa’s ethos is centred on responsible tourism.
Being Africans ourselves, we understand the impact
tourism can have on local communities and the natural
environment. Our aim is to ensure that our clients
get to experience the wonderful, warm and authentic
charm of Africa, our home, and to ensure that the
local communities in which we operate benefit from
tourism. Our mission is to make sure that the natural
heritage is preserved for many generations to come.
Africa is unique, Africa is special, we want you to
experience Africa and enjoy its diversity and splendour.
Our programs encourage visitors to interact with local
communities so that we can learn from each other.
Our clients often come back to say what an enriching
experience they have had simply because they have
got to see the “real Africa” and meet local people.
For a copy of our responsible travel policy, please visit
our website www.aim4africa.com.
Aim 4 Africa works with local villages, schools and
hospitals and many of our clients are happy to visit
these projects and support them. We support The Sasha
Foundation, which funds these local projects. If you’d like
to visit any of these projects then please let us know.
Tailor-made holidays especially
designed for you.
When you are ready to plan your African holiday, contact
us either by phone or email. We prefer to chat with you to
find out exactly what you are looking for in your holiday.
Aim 4 Africa will discuss a number of optional itineraries
based on your interests, when you want to travel, where
you want to travel and what you want to do. We will
provide you with as much information as to enable you to
make an informed choice of safari, accommodations, and
any excursions you wish to include, until you end up with
your ideal itinerary.
We work with you every step of the way and the
information and advice we will provide is based on our
personal experiences of living and working in Africa,
our homeland.
You will no doubt have lots of questions, so please
telephone or email us and we will be happy to help plan
the holiday of your dreams.
Tel: 0114 255 2533 / 0845 408 4541
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.aim4africa.com
Tel: 0114 255 2533 / 0845 408 4541
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.aim4africa.com
Photo Credits: Patrick Cutinha, Cyril Cutinha, Nancy Cutinha, Eric DeGreef, Roy Safaris Ltd, Sjani Muggenberg, Jane and Peter
Bartlett, Governors Camp, Lake Manze Camp, Hatari Lodge, Zamani Kempinski Hotel, Ocean Paradise Resort, Mbali Mbali Lodges
& Camps, Changuu Island Lodge, Manta Resort, Unguja Lodge, Delta Dunes, Jenman Safaris, Dana Allen PhotoSafari, Under One
Botswana Sky, Blue Bay Resort, Singita Grumeti, Vamizi Island
Content Copyright © Aim 4 Africa Ltd. • we love to design | www.sheffield-printing.com
Company Registration Number: 5126207 Registered Office: 21-23 Chelsea Road • Sheffield • S11 9BQ • South Yorkshire • UK