On Demand Automation
On Demand Automation
Impostrip On Demand Automation Fully automated, stand-alone imposition solution for digital printing and W2P integration Ideal for streaming production on continuous-feed or cut-sheet digital presses. Designed with productivity in mind, Impostrip OnDemand Automation optimizes every aspect of your prepress imposition workflow with tools that are easy-to-use yet extremely versatile. In a few mouse clicks you can set-up a link to your MIS, your Photo Authoring system or your home grown Web ordering system. Perfect for very short turn-around delivery on marketing campaigns, transactional and short-run of books. Its extensive options for web imposition allow drawing the most of high-speed ink jet presses with optimization schemes and inserting all marks needed for in-line finishing. Its unique Dynamic hot folders allow the same folder to impose jobs of varying lengths, page sizes and formats, thus simplifying your set-up. Impostrip OnDemand Automation can group multiple books on a sheet, cards, books and much more, thus cutting costs and increasing profitability. Its unique Dynamic TemplatesTM allows the same template to impose multiple jobs of varying lenghts, page sizes and formats. It imposes several file types such as JPGs, PDFs, Optimized PDFs, PDF-VT, TIFFs, and Postsript files. You can work from predefined imposition templates or design your own using Origami, Ultimate’s virtual paper folding tool. Custom marks can also be added to pages and sheets. Impostrip OnDemand Automation provides the professional features you need and it also has support for standard bindery types: saddlestitch, perfect bound, repeating booklets, punched for wire-O or spiral bound documents, right-side and calendar binding. Specialized binding and logic is also included: Web sectionning, ribbon stacking and more. In addition, Impostrip OnDemand Automation offers a complete barcode module for job tracking, to ensure quality control, to automate finishing and to streamline orders at shipping. It offers an Optimized PDF feature designed to accelarate printing of VDP and personalization projects. Dynamic Barcodes Are used for job integrity, job tracking, automating finishing, sequencial numbering and more. Ask us for a demo today! www.imposition.com AutoFlow AutoFlow sheet optimization gangs different jobs of different sizes and different quantities in the same print run, allowing to print more jobs, faster. It is a flexible tool delivering predictable results, automatically. Marks preferences are saved once, and used many. Using Marks Profile, users save time. Banner Sheets are ideal for batching jobs and stacking orders. These are placed automatically by Impostrip. Easy XML allows users to streamline their web to print production for maximum results. Adobe PDF Library allows users to impose with full autonomy as the PDF Library is built into the software. Benefits • Provides full flexibility supporting automated and manual imposition workflows. • Increases the quality of each print making your printer or press more profitable. • Gives automatic control over all aspects of page positioning. • Avoids mistakes trough Origami virtual folding feature eliminating waste or re-runs. • Makes short run jobs more profitable through advanced hot-folder automation and workflow integration. • Gets you up and running quickly with predefined templates and bundled tutorial. • Sheet optimization by grouping more than orders orders on a sheet with AutoFlow. Key Features • Available for Windows ®. • Supports all bindery requirements. • Supports latest digital presses. • Provides on-the-fly collating marks placement. • Accepts as input: PS, JPG, PDF Optimized PDF, PDF-VT, EPS and TIFF. • Can output: PS and PDF, Optimized PDF, PDF-VT • Exclusive automated Best-Fit workflow. • Origami virtual paper folding for template making. • Dynamic TemplatesTM provide flexibility for multiple jobs sizes in same hot folder. • Unlimited output size • PDF optimization module for VDP personalization •Barcode for tracking, quality control and finishing. Formats incl. Code 39, i2of5, 128 and Datamatrix (2D). • XML job ticket to connect and automate web2print. • Enfocus Switch Configurator System Requirements Windows minimum requirements: Intel Pentium G, 2Gb RAM, 250Gb HD, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2003 Windows recommended requirements: Intel Core i7, 8Gb RAM, 1Tb 7,200rpm+ HD, Windows 7 Ultimate, Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 To learn more about Ultimate products and how it may be integrated into your workflow, contact [email protected] or visit www.imposition.com ©2013 Ultimate Technographics Inc. +514-938-9050
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• Input: PS, JPG, PDF Optimized PDF, PDF-VT,
• Output: PS and PDF, Optimized PDF, PDF-VT
• Exclusive automated Best-Fit workflow.
• Origami virtual paper folding for template making.
Impostrip Brochure
to better serve the digital photo print market, eliminating waste and increasing productivity,
automation and flexibility.