The Oliver Wolcott Library


The Oliver Wolcott Library
to the
Letter From the President & Director
Dear Friends,
At the Oliver Wolcott Library, we remain focused on
meeting your needs. We listen to you, our loyal
patrons, and we respond. Our team - the library staff,
our Board of Trustees, and the many volunteers - is
dedicated to providing exemplary library services that
are relevant and meet the needs of our patrons. This
commitment guides all of our decisions, and results in
your dollars being prudently spent so our library can
continue as a vital resource for our community.
We embrace new technologies but also treasure traditions. It is the best of both worlds. From the quiet
study area in our Emslie Room to the main library, your library is a place to gather, study, focus, or
quietly meditate. We’ve embraced e-books and e-audios for our patrons who desire them, and continue
to see usage and breadth of selections increase. At the same time, we treasure the printed word. 87,640
print books were borrowed last year, an increase of 5% from the prior year and 15% from three years
ago. Our total circulation of all materials totaled 145,155, an increase of 4% from the prior year and 19%
from three years ago.
Our programs for children, teens and adults are designed to enlighten, entertain and inform. Our
half-day science clubs for grade school children, monthly author talks, and many other programs again
experienced overflow crowds this year. Over the last three years, we’ve seen an increase of 53% in adult
program attendance and 82% for children’s program attendance.
As usage has surged, we’ve looked for creative ways to respond, such as the OWL Box, a vending
machine filled with books and DVDs, located inside the Bantam Market. It is a vibrant “branch” of the
library providing essential outreach to Bantam without adding the costs of a brick and mortar location.
We are the first library in Connecticut to provide this service. Book-a-Librarian is another innovative
service, used primarily by patrons over the age of 50 and one that facilitates technological literacy for all.
We are one of the few libraries in the country to offer this essential educational service. We provided 185
sessions this year, an increase of 19% from last year.
All of this would not be possible without you. Thank you for your support and for using your library.
We look forward to seeing you soon.
Matthew Karpas
President, Board of Trustees
Ann Marie White
Library Director
Board of Trustees
Matthew Karpas
Patrick Boland
John Boyd
Lynne Sherman
Alan Cohen
James Rindos
Margret Delves Broughton
Susan Spencer
L. Cleveland Fuessenich
Mary Ellen Spiegel
Kathryn Milano
James Stedronsky
Library Staff
Ann Marie White, MLS
Audra MacLaren
Adult Services Librarian
Lisa Shaia, MLS
Children’s Librarian
Heather Wilder
Technology Coordinator &
Development Assistant
Miriam Lee
Technical Services
Part-time Staff:
Cameron Bove
Library Assistant & Book Club Liaison
Tricia Messenger
Library Assistant & Publicity
Sarai Gutierrez
Library Assistant
Karen Pasternak
Library Assistant
Jesse Harmon
Jacqueline Zdanis
Library Assistant
Caroline King
Library Assistant & Art Liaison
Welcoming, Friendly Place That Enlightens, Entertains & Informs
2011 -12
last yr.
3 yrs.
Total Visits
Total Web Visits
Total Circulation
Print Book Circulation
Increase Increase
2010-11 last yr.
3 yrs.
Adult Attendance
Children’s Attendance
 Art Gallery and monthly openings
 Literary events and author readings
 Musical, theatrical and dance performances
 Lectures on history, culture and science
 Annual Festival of Trees
 Weekly storytimes
 After-school clubs
 Summer Reading Program
 Teen events
 Outreach programs
Innovative & Dynamic Risk-Takers
BOOK-A-LIBRARIAN: Book-a-Librarian facilitates
technological literacy by providing our community with
free, one-on-one instruction with our Adult Services
Librarian. This year, we provided 185 sessions, an
increase of 19% from last year and 32% from three
years ago.
THE OWL BOX: The OWL Box is a branch of the library
located inside the Bantam Market in Bantam. It is a
vending machine filled with books, DVDs and audio
books. Almost 3,000 items circulated from the OWL Box,
an increase of more than 225% from last year.
E-BOOKS & E-AUDIO: We provide both
e-books and e-audio downloads for Kindles,
Nooks, iPads, PCs and mobile apps. This
year 669 e-books, 773 e-audios, and 1,397
original e-podcasts were downloaded.
ORIGINAL PODCASTS: Our author events are preserved
for future enjoyment through our original podcast
recordings. Authors featured this year include Alexandra
Styron on Reading My Father, Yale Historian David Blight
on The Memory of the Civil War, Peter Tavino & Friends
performing It’s a Wonderful Life radio play, Michael Quadland
on Offspring, and many more.
Creatively Communicate & Attentively Listen
WOWBRARY: Wowbrary is a free weekly
e-mail service alerting subscribers to the latest
additions to our collection including a link to
read reviews and place holds on selected items.
WEBSITE: Register for programs, access My
Account, download e-books and our original
podcasts, get information about the library and
policies, reserve the meeting room, access
Consumer Reports online and other reference
sources from home, and much more!
BLOG: Our blog is an entertaining way to learn
about the collection with a story along the way.
Topics last year included: French cinema, sports
car racing, Downton Abbey, Eric Carle, Tom
Cruise, and more.
e-newsletter and our bi-monthly printed
newsletter keeps subscribers informed about
upcoming events, our recent blog posts, and
services available at the library.
community reading by providing book club
services to home-based groups and to our
library-sponsored groups. We’ll borrow multiple
copies of your selected titles, coordinate
circulation, and provide other assistance as
needed. This past year, we provided service to
more than a dozen book clubs each month.
Friends & Contributors
OWL Platinum Circle $10,000+
Dr. Benjamin Katzin
Seherr-Thoss Charitable Trust
OWL Diamond Circle $5,000+
Friendship Fund
George D. Malkemus III & Anthony D. Yurgaitis
OWL Gold Circle $2,500 ~ $4,999
Matthew Karpas & Emily Dalton
Jan & Bob Petricone
Alan & Lynne Sherman
OWL Silver Circle $1,000 ~ $2,499
Anne & Philip Bergan
Robert & Martha Bernstein
Tom & Michele Bouchard
Lynne T. Brickley
Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Davis
Elizabeth D. Dickey
Mitchell Fishman & Mary Ellen Spiegel
Deborah C. Foord
Daria L. Foster
Fuessenich Family Fund
Angeline Goreau & Stephen McGruder
Martha Green & Alan Cohen
Suzanne T. & Irving D. Karpas, Jr.
Thomas & Susan Kendall
Litchfield Education Foundation
Mae Casali Bonvicini Charitable Foundation
Kathryn Milano & Adam Inselbuch
Joseph Montebello & Ron Leal
John & Joanie Morosani
Deborah & Declan Murphy
Roderic M. Oneglia
Faye & Jim Preston
Philip G. Samponaro
Deborah & Selvyn Seidel
Dennis G. Sherva
Susan & Chip Spencer
Frank R. Vanoni, MD
Benefactor $500 ~ $999
Pat & Nancy Boland
John & Colette Boyd
Civic Family Services
Community Foundation of Northwest CT
CT Humanities Council
Lauren & Armand Della Monica
Anthea Disney & Peter Howe
Carole & Ray Gibney
Ardian Gill
Greater Litchfield Preservation Trust
Mark & Linda Greenberg
Drew M. Harlow
Paul & Suzan Jagger
Litchfield Lions Club
Michael Lougheed
Ann M. McKinney
Robert C. & Carol H. Miller Fund
Gregory & Catherine Oneglia
Susan & Tony Pasquariello
The following section lists donors who contributed to the annual fund, grants, sponsorships
and special projects. All contributions were received between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012.
Drs. Scott Rogge & Agnes Wilkie
Betsy & John Schmid
Audrey & Ben Solnit
Peter H. Tillou
Joan Tremp Waldo
James Stedronsky
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Sweetman
Linda Timman
Ann Marie & Harry White
Dave Wilson
Contributor $250 ~ $499
Supporter $100 ~ $249
John & Judy Acerbi
Michael & Nancy Ackerman
Margaret A. Barnes
Robert & Joyce Briggs
Michael & Dianne Cicchetti
William & Linda Conti
Ann Marie Crossman
Peter & June Dalton-Morris
Susan & Michael Eanes
Victoria Elliot & Marvin McMillen
Ferrucci Family
Eileen & Jack Field
Robert M. & Jeanne M. FitzGerald
Zay McColl Foster
John & Lynn Fulkerson
David Geiger & Carroll Murphy
Catherine Gilbert Murdock
Zeus Goldberg
Nancy D. Goldring
Norman & Trudie Hamilton
Jack & Doreen Hampton
Flo & Keith Hatcher
Richard & Anna Heys
Paul & Jane Hinkel
Lynn & Dallett Hoopes
David Horne & Ty Rugman
Mr. & Mrs. Elihu Inselbuch
Junior Women's Club of Litchfield Hills
Ed & Stacie Kavle
Karen & Bob Kenagy
Dottie Kern
Anne & Frank Kerrigon
John & JoAnna Koster
Daniel & Barbara Kraut
Lynn & John LaGattuta
Dennis & Jean Lawrence
Irma F. Lesser
Eileen & Peter Litwin
Marie McFadden
Jane S. McMahon
Jackie & Phil Miller
Robert & Elizabeth Ober
Francis J. & Louisa J. Oneglia Foundation, Inc.
Wendy & Fred Parkin
Susan White Pearsall
Kevin & Martha Phillips
Phyllis Posnick & Paul Cohen
Richard & Rosamond Quay
Dick & Lee Reese
James & Christine Rindos
Rosemary L. Ripley Family Foundation
Charlie & Molly Roraback
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Round
Terrence Ryan MD & Elizabeth Whalen MD
Marvin & Joyce S. Schwartz Fund
Gail & Allen Sperry
John H. Staub II
Susanne & Harry Ainsworth
Stephen & Joan Altschuler
Anonymous (2)
Bob & Muriel Arciero
Constance Aronson
Katherine A. Aziz
Lisa & Corky Bauer
Pamela Bellows
Charles & Helen Berger
Khurshed Bhumgara
Dean & Mary Ellen Birdsall
Cara & Ken Blazier
Dr. Matthew & Audrey Blondin
John & Anna Bobko
Egils & May Bogdanovics
Anne & John Booth
Fred & Sarah Bourne
June & Brian Boyd
Beth & Oren Boynton
Tim Breslin & Sue Clarkin
William J. Buckley, Jr.
Richard & Constance Budelis
Joseph & Mary Ellen Budny
Ronald C. Budny
Bill & Joan Burgess
Thomas & Marion Burke
Jim & Julie Casey
Dick & Jackie Caulfield
Stuart & Lynn Chapman
Jay & Jennifer Cherosnick
Jeannette & George Ching
Anthony N. Cicchetti
Emmy & William Coley
Susan & Tom Coolidge
Dr. & Mrs. Stanley Cortell
Judith G. Cramer
Kathleen & Jeff Crawford
Keith Cudworth & Jane Coughlin
Kenneth & Patricia Cupp
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Curtiss
William & Jeanne Danaher
Bill & Sandy Deacon
David & Ginger Dean
Nina & Joseph Devine
Margaret J. Dillon
Agatha M. Dobbins
Louis & Deborah Donne
Patricia Donovan
Sharon H. S. Doty
Angie & Ed Doyle
Bob & Rita-Clare Doyle
Edward & Debra Drapp
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Ducci
Charles & Kristine Dyson
Ellen & Bud Ebbs
William Ellis
John Endicott
Friends & Contributors
Supporter $100 ~ $249 - Con’t
Lida & Michael Exstein
Walter Fiederowicz
Ingely & Malcolm Forbes
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Francis
Susan & Shelly Frome
Suzi G. Funnell
Anthony & Joyce Galgano
Mitch & Kelly Garden
Bette & Jerry Geci
Hon & Mrs. Charles Gill
Helen Glenn & Jack Wolfteich
Lea G. Gordon
Paul Green & Anne Voglewede Green
Karen & Perley Grimes
Mrs. Tracy H. Griswold
Albert & Sally Harnicar
Margaret & Jim Hartshorn
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Hayward
Helen Heilshorn
Glenn & June Helterbran
Don & Ruth Henderson
Christopher & Kathy Hill
Gina Hind Hodgson
Doris M. Houk
Patricia O'Reilly & James Huffstetler, Jr.
Michael & Cindy Italiaander
Rocky & Susan Jordan
Joe & Terry Kaiser
Robert & Kathleen Kaminski
Ellen & Dwight Keeney
Charlotte H. Keller
Peggy Kelley
Chris & Caroline King
Sidney Koch & Sheila Nevins
Betsy Krebs & Sheldon Stein
Mig & Don Lake
Steven Landers & Constance Leisure
Thomasina & Steven Levy
Litchfield Hills Doll Club
Mary & Dick Loyer
Frank & Margherita Luzzi
Barbara MacDonald
Susan & Sky Magary
Michael & Janet Magnifico
Roger & Judy Mahieu
Julie Marenghi
Carolyn C. Martin
Burt & Laura Mashburn
Sandra & Bruce Mason
Diane & Rod McAlpin
Brian McCormick
Wendy & Frederick McGaffey
Ann & Terry McGurk
David & Eileen Mehr
Elizabeth & Kenneth Merz
Al Messer
Reto W. Morosani & Marana (Polly) Brooks
Darrin & Sandra Newbury
David & Irene Oneglia
Mrs. Gloria Oneglia
Ray & Ellen Oneglia
Charles & Jean Orr
Bruce & Carol Osterman
Doug & Denise Parker
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Patenge
Dirk & Marla Patterson
Leo & Jennifer Paul
Beverly P. Pearson
James Bush & Joel Peck
Lori Petricone
Stephen Petricone & Laura Cramer
Francis Pickert
Nancy & Sky Post
Joseph H. Privitera, MD
Denise & Gregory Raap
Grover & Ann Raap
Margaret D. Reventlow
Margaret P. Roraback
Dick & Marcia Rorick
Nancy Ross & David Henderson
John & Christina Rossi
Philip Roth
Gene & Barbara Saska
Boris & Susan Sawula
Marie & Joe Scirica
Tom & Helen Simko
Wendy Simoncelli
Nan & L. J. Skeie
David M. Skonieczny & Elizabeth Breakell
Peary & BK Stafford
Virginia & Downey Stancs
Dr. Jonathan Stern & Ms. Sandra Waugh
C.A. & Margaret M. Stover
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Street-Porter
Lance & Karen Stronk
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Sullivan
Laura Sweetman
Mary & Peter Tavino
David & June Thomas
Jeffrey & Melissa Thurston
Jack Torbert
J. Wyatt & Sandra C. Uhlein
Robert Vare & Maureen Pratt
Peter & Jill Vermilyea
Mrs. Shirley Vorisek
Louise R. Waters
Beverly & Mark Wawer
Arthur B. Webster
Harold & Doreen Wicks
Jim & Carol Williams
Jeannette B. Witherspoon
Mickey & Cathleen Wyse
James & Susan Youngling
Sustainer up to $99
Jim & Jerry Ackerman
Mrs. Robert Adams
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Amrich
Marylyn Anderson
Anonymous (6)
Oscar & Inga Auer
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Baker
Carolyn F. Baldwin
Hilary & Dutch Barhydt
Mary C. Bartnett
Phyllis & Henry Behar
Jeffrey & Christina Benson
Tina Bernacki
Lincoln & Joan Bertaccini
Renee Betar
Linda Bianowicz
Brandon John Blick
Julia W. C. Blick
Tim & Debra Brandt & Family
William & Esther Brennan
Dick & Patti Brennan
Debra & Britt Briatico
Edward & Eileen Burns
Scott & Denise Butwill
Debra & Michael Cahill
Charles Cajori & Barbara Grossman
Berclee Cameron
Jennifer & Joseph Campagna
Mitzi Cappello
Rachel Carley
Nancy & Dan Carlinsky
Peter & Susan Carpenter
Jan Casadei
Charles & Susan Cheney
Peter & Linda Chidsey
Diana Christopher
Mr. & Mrs. John Christopoulos
Elsa H. Clark
Christine Clarke
Emory Cleminshaw
Ernest & Dorothy Clock
Albert & Teresa Coffill
Dikka & Daniel Coleman
Harold L. Colvocoresses
Ed & Kathy Conroy
Madeline Cook
Marlene Cooney
Eileen E. Cooper
Mr. & Mrs. Fletcher E. Cooper
Jeannine & Clifford Cooper
Peter & Karleen Cordeau
Lee Cordon
Chris & Betty Cosgrove
Michael & Vivian Courtney
Ronnie Crook
Dino Dal Pozzol
Francis & Vickie Dauphinais
Linda & Jules Davis
Cheryl Della Pelle & Ed Donahue
Philip & Margret Delves Broughton
The Dematteis Family
Tom & Joan Dignacco
Jim & Loretta Dillman
Jack & Ann Dillon
Paul & Lea Dmytryck
Nancy & Paul Dooley
John & Janice D'Orio
Marie Druan
Geri & Frank Dunne
Paul & Cornelia Ellner
Matthew Evangelisti
Ed & Betsy Fabbri
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Fagan
Gail L. Fairclough
Margaret Federovitch
Julie Fedorovich
Stephanie Fenwick
Doyle Finan
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Gabriele
Diane Gillman
Wendy Gladstein & Harvey Rubin
Caroline & Max Godec
Jane & Gary Golding
Beth Gozdeck
C.R. & J.T. Grabowski
Carlos & Sarai Gutierrez
Sustainer up to $99 - Con’t
John & Tia Haberern
Stephen & Deborah Hanecak
Richard & Janet Healy
Audrey Heimler
Debbie Helck
William Hillis M.D.
Victor & Marcena Hladik
Eugene & Christine Horrigan
Johanna Hurkmans
Marilla H. Ives
Eleanor Jacobs
Deborah Jeanfavre
Gerard Johnson
Rev. Elizabeth Jones
Gib & Deanna Katten
Raymond & Loretta Kaufman
Daniel & Ellen Keefe
The Honorable Barbara Milano Keenan
Ron & Pam Kelly
Patricia Kennedy
Howard Kerpelman
Margaret Klein
Jim & Ellen Koser
Kristian & Mary Lou Kuegler
Wendy Kuhne
Steven & Suzanne Kukolla
Carol Gillett-Lamond
Elayne Landau
Laura Lasker
Irene & Farnham Lefferts
Rod & Joan Hull Longley
Ed & Kay MacLeod
Shari & Michael Mahan
Rich Malecki
Stephen & Maura Malo
John & Darcey Markelon
Mary Floyd Tallmadge Chapter, DAR
Kerwin K. Mayers
Frank & Sharon McClintock
Dr. & Mrs. Steven R. McCoy
Jamie & Matthew McDevitt
Tom & Sue McGowan
Janice Metro
Berta & Matthew Andrulis Mette
Alice Miller
Dr.'s Brian & Bola Mooney
Jane P. Moraghan
Frances V. Moulder
Louise H. Moynihan
Alice & James Murtaugh
Alex & Lynne Neave
Robert & Penny Noble
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Nurnberg
Morgan & Joan O'Brien
Edward M. O'Connell
Martha E. Olin
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald A. O'Reilly
Kelsey Kerr Pascoe
Irving & Lee Patterson
The Rev. Dr. & Mrs. William N. Penfield
Laurence & Jane Perlman
Maletta Pfeiffer
Betsy & Joel Pitter
Mary Ann Poinelli & Tom Hines
Susan V.W. Pollock
Leanne Pundt
Marina & Brock Putnam
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Query
Michael & Tina Reardon
George Reid
Peggy Richard
Doris E. Richard
Lynn M. Richardson
Dr. Karen Ritzenhoff
Patricia Ruenhorst
Diane Ryan
Sylvia Saarnijoki
Sabella Family
Gail & M.H. Sangree
Leo & Theresa Sass
William & Ellen Savoia
L. Jean Scanlon
Jenna Schildgen
Dolores E. Schmidt
Art & Eileen Schmidt
Hugh & Bronwyn Schoelzel
David & Barbara Schultz
William & Linda Shuhi
Jan Sibley
Herbert Siegel
Rhoda & Al Singer
Margaret D. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Smith
Phyllis Farrington Soliday
Nancy W. Southard
Spear Family
Vavra M. Sprankle
Eva Marie St. John
George J. Stepien
Edward C. Stone
Jill & Jim Strub
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Stupak
David & Mary Sweeney
Dr. & Mrs. K. Takahashi
Marjorie & Jack Taylor
Yaeko Sue Telman
John & Jodiann Tenney
David & Patricia Thomas
Mary T. Thompson
Deborah & Kurt Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick L. Tieman
Stephanie Tinfo
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew O. Tobin
Michael & Sondra Trusz
Rev. Robert F. Tucker
Anne S. Tyrrell
Irma Van Steenburgh
David & Renate Veeder
Sandra Vitiello
Lawrence Voight & Sandra Bertaccini
Karen & Norma Waldvogel
Marie H. Wallace
Lloyd & Doris Wellnitz
Gary & Deborah Wheeler
Michelle & James Whitford
Heather & Matthew Wilder
Donald Lafayette
Stephen M. Wilusz
Martha Winsor
Thomas & Elaine G. Witherspoon
Jimmy Wong
Anne & Boguslaw Wroblewski
Nancy F. Young
Shirley B. Zimmerman
Festival of Trees
Diamond Sponsors:
Festival Contributors & Participants:
Arethusa Farm, George D. Malkemus III & Anthony
D. Yurgaitis
Jennifer Abbott/Fitness Therapists
ABC Music School
Accents Accessories of Distinction
Accounting & More, LLC
After School Arts Program (ASAP)
Christina Morse Alexander
Todd & Ronni Anderson
Emily Andrulis
Anonymous (2)
Arbor Services of CT
Peter & Susan Aziz
Bantam Cinema
Bantam Country Liquors
Bantam Electric Co.
Bantam Market
Bantam Tileworks
Laurel Benge
Bennett Motor Werks
Anne & Philip Bergan
Berkshire Alarm
Berkshire PPM, Inc.
Tom & Lori Binstadt
Isabelle Binstadt
Charles & Barrie Birge
David & Cynthia Birkins
Diane S. Blick
Dr. Matthew & Audrey Blondin
Blue Sea Media Design
Boden Counseling
The Body Tree
Mallory Boender
Egils & May Bogdanovics
Natalie Bornell
Bosson Optical
Tom & Michele Bouchard
Cameron & Peter Bove
John & Colette Boyd
June & Brian Boyd
Bradley, Foster & Sargent, Inc.
Randi Brandt
Brandywine Senior Living
Robert & Joyce Briggs
Paul Brighton & Tim Forry
Byron & Rose Brooks
Jessica & Benjamin Buck
Joseph & Mary Ellen Budny
Ronald C. Budny
Budwitz & Meyerjack, P.C.
Bill & Joan Burgess
Patricia Burke & James Sowlakis
Shelby Butwell
Scott & Denise Butwill
Corrina Canty
Kaylee Cappello
Laura Cardello & Albert Macchioni
George & Dianne Carofino
Peter & Susan Carpenter
Joyce Carr
Casa Bacchus Wine Shop
Corinne Casali
James Casali
Dino & Corky Casali
Paul & Donatella Casali
Dyanne Castelli
Gold Sponsors:
Bantam Fuel
Bikers Edge
E.J. Murphy Realty, LLC
Fahey Associates, Realtors
Mitchell Fishman & Mary Ellen Spiegel
Matthew Karpas & Emily Dalton
Lawrence Jeffrey Estate Jewelers
Litchfield Bancorp
Joseph Montebello & Ron Leal
Deborah & Declan Murphy
O & G Industries, Inc.
Roderic M. Oneglia
Susan & Chip Spencer
Union Savings Bank
Silver Sponsors:
Robert & Martha Bernstein
Lauren & Armand Della Monica
Mark & Linda Greenberg
Jan & Bob Petricone
Drs. Scott Rogge & Agnes Wilkie
Betsy & John Schmid
Alan & Lynne Sherman
Temenos Advisory
Peter H. Tillou
Frank R. Vanoni, MD
Silent Auction Party Hosts:
Jaime Bachrach & Timothy Clew
Robert & Martha Bernstein
Cara & Ken Blazier
Pat & Nancy Boland
Stuart & Lynn Chapman
Anthea Disney & Peter Howe
Mitchell Fishman & Mary Ellen Spiegel
Frank Fontana & Andrew Becker
Nancy D. Goldring & Howard Kerpelman
Martha Green & Alan Cohen
Matthew Karpas & Emily Dalton
Steven Landers & Constance Leisure
Jackie & Phil Miller
Charles & Kathi Ramos
Drs. Scott Rogge & Agnes Wilkie
William & Ellen Savoia
Marc & Lois Shafir
Ratna & Vinayek Singh
Peter H. Tillou
Jessica & Jason Travelstead
David & Margot Wick
Festival Patron Level Attendees:
William J. Buckley, Jr.
Susan St. James Ebersol
Victoria Elliot & Marvin McMillen
John & Lynn Fulkerson
Michael & Cindy Italiaander
Dirk & Marla Patterson
Marvin & Joyce S. Schwartz
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Veerman
MarySue Cavanagh
Meredith Chamberlain
Alexandra Champalimaud
Chapman Lumber
Charlotte Hungerford Hospital
Charym Yoga & Fitness
Edward & Nancy Claire
Mary Claire
Rochelle Clementson
Terry Coates & Barbara Newcomb
Ross Coco
Elaine Coffin
Harold L. Colvocoresses
Connecticut Oncology & Hematology
Sue Cooke
Susan & Tom Coolidge
Jeannine & Clifford Cooper
Clifford A. Cooper, Architecture
Dr. & Mrs. Stanley Cortell
Wendy & Jonathan Costa
Coutant, Sederquist, Nebor & Clauss, Dentists
Cramer & Anderson
Robin Crampton
Frances Crane
Kathleen & Jeff Crawford
David Crook & Lauren Lipton
Mark Curley
Matthew Curran
Ellen Curry
da Capo Restaurant
Robert A. & Kim L. D'Andrea
Danielle D'Aversa
Karen Davis of Davis Raines Design
Sally & Gordon Dean
Mark DeCruccio
Philip & Margret Delves Broughton
Robert Deyber & The White Room
DiFranco's Restaurant
Don't Cry for Me, LLC
Scott & Nancy Doty
Sharon H. S. Doty
Sue Doyle
The Honorable Anne C. Dranginis
The Dutch Epicure Shop, LLC
Charles & Kristine Dyson
Eagle Electric Services, LLC.
Eastside Electric Inc.
Steve Eazarsky
Ellen & Bud Ebbs
Peter & Carol Ebersol
Sandra Bishop Ebner
Jeanne M Edson
Ella Crampton Knox of Ella's Limited
Robert & Carole Elms
John Endicott
Lida & Michael Exstein
F. North Clark Insurance Agency
Dr. William Fabbri, D.D.S.
Fabric Studio
John & Kate Fahey
Madeline Falk
Falls Village Inn
Abigail Fay
Elaine & Patrick Fay
Meredith Fay
Nicole Feliciano & David Nadel
Chuck Fernandez
Andeen & Kevin J. Fischer
Bailey Fischer
Kevin J. Fischer, LLC
Mackenzie Fischer
Robert & Sarah Fisher
Robert M. & Jeanne M. FitzGerald
FM 97.3 WZBG
Deborah C. Foord
The Forman School
Founders Insurance Group, Inc.
Four Seasons Washington D.C.
Fox Crossing
Frankie Winter Design
Susan & Shelly Frome
L. Cleveland Fuessenich
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Furniss, Jr.
Anne Gahl
Jay & Alicya Galpin
Jerry & Sara Gault
David Geiger & Carroll Murphy
Briana Genarelli
Jennifer & Tom Gianfagna
Carole & Ray Gibney
John & Carole Gilbert
Hon & Mrs. Charles Gill
Richard J. Glavin, M.D. & Norman Mellk
Angeline Goreau & Stephen McGruder
Amy & Frank Gorman
Philip Gorrivan Design
Grabowski Family
Karen & Perley Grimes
Ben & Deirdre Grosscup
Heather & John Grustas
Salie Guest
Sarai Gutierrez
Courtney Hagen
Philippa Haggar
Norman & Trudie Hamilton
Laurie Hammel & Bruce English
Jack & Doreen Hampton
Hannah's Bakery
Brian & Jessie Harlin
Brooke Harlow & Kevin Lynyak
Drew M. Harlow
Trevor Harlow
Elmo & Sloane Lynyak (Harlow)
Jesse & James Harmon
Robertson & Kyra Hartnett of twenty2
Margaret & Jim Hartshorn
Sharon & Visko Hatfield
Jonathan & Trisha Haulenbeek
Matt Hebiton
Heritage Landscaping
Heskett Saddleworks
Richard & Anna Heys
Hickory Stick Bookshop
Hidden Valley Bed & Breakfast
Christopher & Kathy Hill
Paul & Jane Hinkel
Hinkel Design Group
Jane B. Hinkel, Realtor
Hometown Pizza
John & Maria Honigmann
The Hookstadt Family
David Horne & Ty Rugman
Patricia O'Reilly & James Huffstetler, Jr.
Georgene Summers Hunter & Paul Hunter
Ashley Indrisek
Infinity Music Hall
Wendy Gladstein, In-House Marketing, LLC
J. Seitz & Co.
Jack Black LLC
Barbara Jacklin
Mr. William P. Jacobs
Wilma Joas
Todd Johnson & Michael LaHart
Alexander Kamins
Caleb Kamins
Patricia Karpas
Karpas Strategies, LLC
Gib & Deanna Katten
Fran & Michael Keilty
Mr. & Mrs. John Keilty
Karen & Bob Kenagy
Pamela Kennedy
Andrea & Bill Keogh
Mr. & Mrs. Euan King
Adam King
Chris & Caroline King
Kitchenworks & Gourmet Gifts
Margaret Klein
John & JoAnna Koster
Suki Kraut
Daniel & Barbara Kraut
Daniel & Susan Kraut
Joan & Frank Kuzmin
L. Horne Design
La Cupola
Lynn & John LaGattuta
Lakeville Interiors
Hallie Lambert
Gayle Larrabee
Laura Lasker
Catherine Lavoie, A.P.R.N.
Alex & Adam Lawlor
Miriam Lee
Patricia Lee
Thomas & Ruth Lentini
Kelly Lewis
C.J. Li
Oleg Lipovetsky
Litchfield Athletic Club
Litchfield Boys Varsity Basketball Team
coached by Jason Harlow
The Litchfield Candy Co.
Litchfield Country Club
Litchfield Hills Family Dental Practice
Litchfield Hills Food Systems
Litchfield Hills Kitchen & Bath
Litchfield Hills Massage
Litchfield Hills Nursery
Litchfield Hills Rowing Club
The Litchfield Historical Society
Litchfield Horticultural Center
Litchfield Lions Club
Litchfield Locker
Litchfield Montessori School
Litchfield Paint & Wallpaper, Inc.
Little Brick School
Charles E. Lockhart
M. Lahart & Co.
Consuelo & Walter Mack
Audra MacLaren
Mark & Fran Macomber
Susan & Sky Magary
Lisa Mahar, Kid-O
Eileen Manela
Ashley Marchand
Janet Marlow & Alan Brennan
Edward Martinez
Dr. Erin Maziarz
McCabe Family
Pamela McCann & James Nadler
Brian McCormick
Anne Marie & Tom McDermott
Susan McFeely
Christine & Stephen McGrath
Kelsey McGregor
Eibhlin McKenna
Laurel L. McKiernan
Ann M. McKinney
Jane S. McMahon
Hannah Meharg
Merritt Clarke's Store, Bantam
Elizabeth & Kenneth Merz
Tricia Messenger/Clay Dancer Pottery
Kathryn Milano & Adam Inselbuch
Mohawk Mountain
Dr.'s Brian & Bola Mooney
John & Joanie Morosani
Reto W. Morosani & Marana (Polly) Brooks
Virginia Mortara
Mother Goose Toys
Ellie Motta
Louise H. Moynihan
Ted & Lori Murphy
Marianne Murray
Kathy Murray
Nancy Neal
Janus Nelson
Jessica Newbury
John & Nancy Newton
NFL Properties
The Nutmeg Conservatory for the Arts
Robert & Elizabeth Ober
Morgan & Joan O'Brien
Oliphant Designs
David Oliver
Gregory & Catherine Oneglia
Oppenheimer & Co., Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald A. O'Reilly
Peter O'Reilly & Rebecca Hewitt
Louise Osborne
The Pantry
Wendy & Fred Parkin
Party Rentals
Kelsey Kerr Pascoe
Susan & Tony Pasquariello
Karen Pasternak
Leo & Jennifer Paul
Festival of Trees
Festival Contributors & Participants: - Con’t
Jessica Jane Perkel
Pet Acoustics
Lori Petricone
Stephen Petricone & Laura Cramer
Maletta Pfeiffer
Frank Pierzga
Patricia Pope
Privet House
Peg Ford Pudlinski
Lily Pujda
Barbara D. Putnam & Robert C. Berson
Michael Quadland
Quassy Amusement Park
Richard & Rosamond Quay
The Quiet Zone of Bantam
R. Derwin Clothiers
Hitchy Rahilly Interiors
Nancy Rath
Michael & Tina Reardon
James & Christine Rindos
Ripe Tomato
Nancy Rogers & Michael Delay
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew W. Roraback
Charlie & Molly Roraback
Roraback & Roraback
Rose Haven Rehab & Nursing
Rowe Funeral Home
Jeff & Sandra Russak
Guion, Stevens & Rybak, LLP
Alia Saidi
Philip G. Samponaro
Eric Sandrib
Meaghan Sandrib
James & Victoria Sansing
Paul Sapiro
Leo & Theresa Sass
Courtney Saulnier
Sabina Schlumberger
Art & Eileen Schmidt
Hugh Schoelzel
Nancy & Ed Schuler
Señor Panchos
Lisa & Don Shaia
Michael & Susan Shea
Stuart & Erina Sheinbrot
Dr. Steven Sideris D.D.S.
Tom & Helen Simko
G & J Sink
Nan & L. J. Skeie
Brian & Kristin Smith
C. Smyth Salon/Crisha Smyth
Phyllis Farrington Soliday
South Street Antiques
Spa at Litchfield Hills
Gail & Allen Sperry
John H. Staub II
James Stedronsky
Stedronsky & D'Andrea, LLC
Kristin Stewart
Still River Gardens, LLC
Rebecca Strom Therapeutic Massage
Holly Sullivan
Sunset Meadow Vineyards
Sunshine Car Repair
Julie Sutton, Farm Fresh Home
Laura Sweetman
Robin Mitchell Swenson & Peter
Nanny Swoyer
Mary & Peter Tavino
Earle & Holly Taylor
George & Ann Taylor
John & Jodiann Tenney
Tents Unlimited
Raquel Thomison
Jeffrey Tillou Antiques
Anita & Adrés Torizzo
Jonathan & Susan Torrant
William & Sharon Torrant
Torrington Dental Care
Torrington Savings Bank
True Value of Litchfield Just
Ask Rental
Rev. Robert F. Tucker
J. Wyatt & Sandra C. Uhlein
Maria Vanoni
Dr. & Mrs. Robert VanWyck
The Venetian Restaurant, Inc.
Village Restaurant
Village Wine Cellar
Vintage Twist Antiques
Anne & Michael Walsh
Warner Theater
Chelsea Warner
Washington Montessori School
Washington Sports
Liz Waterbury
Diane Waters
Joanne Waters
Webster Bank
Amie Weitzman Interior Design
West Street Grill
White Flower Farm
Ann Marie & Harry White
Heather & Matthew Wilder
Matson Financial Advisors - David T.
Michael Wilson
David & Anna Wilson
Lizzie Wilson
Thomas & Elaine G. Witherspoon
Roberta J. Witty
Wood's Pit BBQ & Mexican Café
Nathaniel & Sarah Worden
Sarah Worden Natural Design
Workshop, Inc.
Elizabeth & James Wu
Jana Wu
May Wuthrich
Jackie Zdanis
Zero Odor, LLC
Business Donors & Sponsorships
Bantam Fuel
Bikers Edge
Dunkin Donuts
E.J. Murphy Realty, LLC
Fahey Associates, Realtors
FM 97.3 WZBG
Four Seasons Washington D.C.
Lawrence Jeffrey Estate Jewelers
Litchfield Bancorp
O & G Industries, Inc.
Charlotte Hungerford Hospital
Connecticut Oncology & Hematology
Coutant, Sederquist, Nebor & Clauss, Dentists
The Dutch Epicure Shop, LLC
Dwan & Co., Inc.
Eagle Electric Services, LLC.
Eastside Electric Inc.
Kevin J. Fischer, LLC
The Forman School
Wendy Gladstein, In-House Marketing, LLC
Kilravock Tennis Club
Litchfield Hills Family Dental Practice
MoMA Nail Spa
Northern Lights Construction, LLC
Northwest Community Bank
Dr. Steven Sideris D.D.S.
True Value of Litchfield Just Ask Rental
Van Engelen, Inc.
Washington Montessori School
Wood's Pit BBQ & Mexican Café
Benefactor $500 ~ $999
Sustainer Up to $99
Bantam Market
Bradley, Foster & Sargent, Inc.
Cramer & Anderson
Dr. William Fabbri, D.D.S.
Oppenheimer & Co. Inc.
Rose Haven Rehab & Nursing
Stedronsky & D'Andrea, LLC
Temenos Advisory
Torrington Dental Care
ABC Music School
Accounting & More, LLC
Bantam Country Liquors
Bantam Electric Co.
Bennett Motor Werks
The Body Tree
Brandywine Senior Living
Charym Yoga & Fitness
Frances Clem Studios
F. North Clark Insurance Agency
Frank Fisher & Son
Daniel Gugnoni & Barbara Mojon Gugnoni,
Troy Brook Visions, Inc.
Hinkel Design Group
Jane B. Hinkel, Realtor
J. Seitz & Co.
Catherine Lavoie, A.P.R.N.
Litchfield Locker
Litchfield Paint & Wallpaper, Inc.
Little Brick School
M. Lahart & Co.
Eileen Manela
Dr. Erin Maziarz
The Overhead Door Co. of Torrington,
Michael Kearns
Peaches 'n Cream
The Quiet Zone of Bantam
Hitchy Rahilly Interiors
Roraback & Roraback
Guion, Stevens & Rybak, LLP
C. Smyth Salon/Crisha Smyth
Rebecca Strom Therapeutic Massage
Sunshine Car Repair
Jeffrey Tillou Antiques
Webster Bank
Wisdom House
Woodmaster Builders
OWL Platinum Circle $10,000+
Union Savings Bank
OWL Diamond Circle $5,000+
Arethusa Farm, George D. Malkemus III & Anthony
D. Yurgaitis
OWL Silver Circle $1,000 ~ $2,499
Contributor $250 ~ $499
After School Arts Program (ASAP)
Berkshire Alarm
Berkshire PPM, Inc.
Boden Counseling
Budwitz & Meyerjack, P.C.
Clifford A. Cooper, Architecture
Founders Insurance Group, Inc.
Salie Guest
Jack Black, LLC
Karpas Strategies, LLC
L. Horne Design
Lakeville Interiors
Litchfield Hills Food Systems
Litchfield Ford
Litchfield Horticultural Center
Litchfield Hills Kitchen & Bath
Merritt Clarke's Store, Bantam
Rowe Funeral Home
South Street Antiques
Still River Gardens, LLC
Torrington Savings Bank
Village Wine Cellar
Matson Financial Advisors - David T. Wilson
Zero Odor, LLC
Supporter $100 ~ $249
Jennifer Abbott/Fitness Therapists
Back to Earth
Blue Sea Media Design
Casa Bacchus Wine Shop
Matching Gifts
Exxon Mobil
Torrington Savings Bank
Adopt-a-Book & Honorariums
In honor of Janet & John Baker
In honor of Gerald A. O’Reilly
Jan & Bob Petricone
Patricia O’Reilly
In honor of Bob & Joyce Briggs
In honor of William & Ellen Savoia
Jan & Bob Petricone
Zeus Goldberg
In honor of Matthew Karpas
In honor of Anita Torizzo
Nancy Rogers & Michael Delay
Tony & Susan Pasquariello
In honor of Ken Merz
In honor of Frank Vanoni
Tony & Susan Pasquariello
Robert & Martha Bernstein
In honor of Milton Women’s Club
In honor of Marie Wallace
Irene Lefferts
Jan & Bob Petricone
In memory of Robert C. Adams
Gloria & Robert Baccei
Michele Better
Dick & Patti Brennan
Lisa Cardillo-Bauer & Family
Staff of Finance Department, City of Waterbury
Denise Colombie
Bernice Madeux
Phyllis & Bob Peters
In memory of Bud Ives
Christina Morse Alexander & Chris Korn
In memory of Irving D. Karpas
Jan & Bob Petricone
In memory of Jacquie Martin
Pasquariello Family
In memory of Maureen Beach
In memory of Helen McGowan
In memory of Harriet Boyd
In memory of Jan Ohms
Gerald J. Beach
Robert & Martha Bernstein
In memory of Sandra Buckland-Look
Cynthia & Richard Blazek
Christina Morse Alexander
Litchfield Garden Club
In memory of Irene Palozie
Claudia Fuessenich
In memory of Kip Crawford
In memory of Edward “Ned” Pearson
In memory of Ruth Dupont
In memory of Tish Samponaro
Doreen Tango Hampton
Ardian Gill
In memory of Bernie Fuessenich
Christina Morse Alexander & Chris Korn
Jan & Bob Petricone
In memory of Howard Goodkind
The League of Women Voters of Litchfield County
In memory of Chuck Horne
Margaret I. Ahlman
The League of Women Voters of Litchfield County
In memory of Mrs. Eileen Wilson
Jan & Bob Petricone
Ruth M. Coe
Financial Review
July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2012
Town of Litchfield
Contributions & Fundraising
Grants & Restricted Gifts
Salary, Benefits & Taxes
Books, Media & Periodicals
Technology & Programs
Maintenance & Capital
Utilities & Operating
Utilities &
Town of
& Capital
& Programs
Books, Media
& Periodicals
Financial information is subject to audit.
Grant funds are reported as expended in the year that they are received.
Continuous Improvement
STAFF EFFICIENCY: Last year, OWL was in the top 13% of all Connecticut libraries for staff efficiency. This year, we
are in the top 10% and 45% higher than the statewide average. This is based on circulation per full time employee.
ENERGY EFFICIENCY: In the last five years, we’ve reduced our electricity usage by 15% and our oil usage by 26%.
Oliver Wolcott Library
160 South Street Litchfield, CT 06759
(860) 567-8030
Our Core Values
 We creatively communicate and attentively listen to ensure that our services are known and relevant to the needs of the community.
 We are innovative, dynamic risk-takers who embrace new technologies and ideas.
 We select, initiate and promote materials, programs and services that enlighten, entertain, and inform.
 We are a welcoming, friendly place for all members of the community.
We continuously improve our efficiency and infrastructure by managing our funds and resources wisely and attracting public and private funding.

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