Collins Technology Park
Collins Technology Park
City of Richardson City Plan Commission Agenda Packet May 15, 2012 To advance to the background material for each item in the agenda, click on the item title in the agenda or click on Bookmarks in the tool bar on the left side of your screen. AGENDA CITY OF RICHARDSON – CITY PLAN COMMISSION MAY 15, 2012 7:00 P.M. CIVIC CENTER – COUNCIL CHAMBERS 411 W. ARAPAHO ROAD BRIEFING SESSION: 6:15 P.M. Prior to the regular business meeting, the City Plan Commission will meet with staff in the East Conference Room, located on the first floor, to receive a briefing on: A. Discussion of Regular Agenda items B. Staff Report on pending development, zoning permits, and planning matters MINUTES 1. Approval of minutes of the regular business meeting of May 1, 2012. CONSENT AGENDA All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Plan Commission and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless desired, in which case any item(s) may be removed from the Consent Agenda for separate consideration. 2. Site and Landscape Plan—Collins Technology Park (companion to Item 7): A request for approval of site and landscape plans for an 121,368 square foot data center on 7.17-acres located at 850 E. Collins Boulevard; on the south side of E. Collins Boulevard, west of International Parkway. Applicant: Josh Jezek. Staff: Israel Roberts. 3. Site and Landscape Plan—Collins Technology Park (companion to Item 7): A request for approval of site and landscape plans for a 48,425 square foot data center on 4.32-acres located at 904 Quality Way; on the south side of Quality Way, west of International Parkway. Applicant: Josh Jezek. Staff: Israel Roberts. 4. Final Plat and Common Area Landscape Plan—Savoy Trace Addition: A request for approval of a final plat for a 42-lot single-family subdivision with nine common area lots, located at the northwest corner of Lake Park Way and Jonsson Boulevard. Applicant: Eyal Avnon. Staff: Israel Roberts. 5. Revised Landscape Plan—Christian World Church: A request for approval of a revised landscape plan for a religious institution on 5.80-acres located at 891 Abrams Road; the southeast corner of Centennial Boulevard and Abrams Road. Applicant: Nathan Schneider. Staff: Susan Smith. VARIANCE 6. Variance 12-04 Villas of Buckingham: Consider and take necessary action on a request for approval of a variance from Article III, Section 21-47, Screening and Open Space, of Chapter 21 of the City of Richardson Code of Ordinances to allow a two-foot high wrought iron extension atop the perimeter six-foot high masonry screening wall. The property is located at the southwest corner of Centennial Boulevard and Whitehall Drive. Applicant: Mohamed Islam. Staff: Mohamed Bireima. Richardson City Plan Commission Agenda ds/endeavor/cpc/2012/CPC 2012-05-15 Agenda.doc Page 1 of 1 PUBLIC HEARING 7. Replat Collins Technology Park: Consider and take necessary action on a request for approval of a replat of Lot 10, and 4A, Block 1 located at the southwest corner E. Collins Boulevard and International Parkway. Applicant: Josh Jezek. Staff: Israel Roberts. ADJOURN The City Hall/Civic Center is wheelchair accessible. Any requests for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours ahead of the meeting. To make arrangements, call (972) 744-4000, or (TDD) 1-800-7352989. I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the bulletin board at City Hall on or before 5:30p.m., Friday, May 11, 2012. __________________________________ Kathy Welp, Executive Secretary Richardson City Plan Commission Agenda ds/endeavor/cpc/2012/CPC 2012-05-15 Agenda.doc Page 2 of 1 Development Status Report Development Status Report City of Richardson, Texas ٠ Development Services Department Updated: May 10, 2012 # Name/Location Project Information Status A request for a Special Permit for a self-service warehouse with modified development standards at 906 N. Bowser Road. The property is currently zoned I-FP(2) Industrial. Applicant: Kenneth R. Smith, representing Heath Asset Management, LP. Staff: Chris Shacklett. City Plan Commission May 1, 2012 A request by Darryl M. Burman, representing Group 1 Realty, Inc. and Commodore Partners LTD, for a Special Permit for a motor vehicle repair shop—major to be located at 1700 Gateway Boulevard which is to be used in conjunction with the existing Courtesy Nissan dealership located at 1777 N Central Expressway. The properties are currently zoned C-M Commercial. Staff: Chris Shacklett. City Plan Commission May 1, 2012 A request by Tyler Isbell, representing Hartman Richardson Heights Properties, LLC, for a change in zoning from C-M Commercial with special conditions to PD Planned Development to accommodate the construction of a movie theater on a property located at 100 S. Central Expressway. The property is currently zoned C-M Commercial. Staff: Chris Shacklett. City Plan Commission May 1, 2012 A request by Fahim U. Khan, representing DIBA Petroleum, Inc., for a Special Permit for a motor vehicle service station with modified development standards to be located at 1401 E. Belt Line Road (Northeast corner of Belt Line Road and Plano Road). The property is currently zoned LR-M(2) Local Retail. Staff: Chris Shacklett. City Plan Commission June 5, 2012 Consider and take necessary action on a request for approval of a variance from Article III, Section 21-47, Screening and Open Space, of Chapter 21 of the City of Richardson Code of Ordinances to allow a two-foot high wrought iron extension atop the perimeter six-foot high masonry screening wall. The property is located at the southwest corner of Centennial Boulevard and Whitehall Drive. Applicant: Mohamed Islam. Staff: Mohamed Bireima. City Plan Commission May 15, 2012 ZONING/SPECIAL PERMITS 1 2 3 4 ZF 11-24 Self-Storage Warehouse 906 N. Bowser Rd. ZF 12-05 Courtesy Nissan Motor Vehicle Repair Shop 1700 Gateway Blvd. ZF 12-06 Movie Theater 100 S. Central Expy. ZF 12-07 Texaco 1401 E. Belt Line Rd. Recommended Approval City Council June 11, 2012 Tentative Recommended Approval City Council June 11, 2012 Tentative Recommended Approval City Council May 14, 2012 Tentative VARIANCES 5 VAR 12-04 Villas of Buckingham SW of Centennial Blvd. & Whitehall Dr. X:\Publications and Forms\Development Status Report & Map\COR Development Status Report.docx Page 1 of 3 Development Status Report City of Richardson, Texas ٠ Development Services Department # Name/Location Project Information Status PLAT/CONCEPT/DEVELOPMENT PLAN APPROVALS 6 Collins Technology Park 850 E. Collins Blvd. & 904 Quality Way Site and Landscape Plan—Collins Technology Park 1: A request for approval of site and landscape plans for an 117,384 square foot data center on 7.17-acres located at 850 E. Collins Boulevard; on the south side of E. Collins Boulevard, west of International Parkway. Applicant: Josh Jezek. Staff: Israel Roberts. City Plan Commission May 15, 2012 Site and Landscape Plan—Collins Technology Park 2: A request for approval of site and landscape plans for a 48,425 square foot data center on 4.32-acres located at 904 Quality Way; on the south side of Quality Way, west of International Parkway. Applicant: Josh Jezek. Staff: Israel Roberts. Replat Collins Technology Park: Consider and take necessary action on a request for approval of a replat of Lot 10, and 4A. Applicant: Josh Jezek. Staff: Israel Roberts. 7 Savoy Trace NW of Lake Park Way & Jonsson Blvd. Final Plat and Common Area Landscape Plan—Savoy Trace Addition: A request for approval of a final plat for a 42-lot single-family subdivision with nine common area lots, located at the northwest corner of Lake Park Way and Jonsson Boulevard. Applicant: Eyal Avnon. Staff: City Plan Commission May 15, 2012 Revised Landscape Plan—Christian World Church: A request for approval of a revised landscape plan for a religious institution on 5.80acres located at 891 Abrams Road; the southeast corner of Centennial Boulevard and Abrams Road. Applicant: Nathan Schneider. Staff: Susan Smith. City Plan Commission May 15, 2012 Israel Roberts. 8 Christian World Church 891 Abrams Rd. X:\Publications and Forms\Development Status Report & Map\COR Development Status Report.docx Page 2 of 3 Development Status Report City of Richardson, Texas ٠ Development Services Department # Name/Location Project Information Status ViaWest Data Center 3000 Waterview Pkwy. Revised the site and landscape plans to reflect the installation of fuel tanks within a 10’ high masonry enclosure near the electrical equipment enclosure on the north side of the proposed building addition. 7 parking spaces have been eliminated to accommodate the proposed enclosure. 850 parking spaces are required; 904 spaces are being provided with these revisions. Staff April 23, 2012 Blue Cross Blue Shield 1001 E. Lookout Dr. Revised the site plan to reflect the installation of a concrete pad for a dumpster and a grease container, which will be screened by a proposed 8’ high masonry wall on the rear (north) side of the existing 15-story office building on the subject site. Staff May 3, 2012 Texas Instrument RFAB 300 W. Renner Rd. Revised the site and landscape plans to reflect the construction of a bulk chemical yard and a 523 sq. ft. control building on the east side of the building to facilitate the transfer of chemicals to the existing manufacturing facility. Staff May 3, 2012 ADMINISTRATIVE APPROVALS 9 10 11 X:\Publications and Forms\Development Status Report & Map\COR Development Status Report.docx Approved Approved Approved Page 3 of 3 Audelia College Park Whitehall Richland Park ten nia Murphy Hartford Brand North Star d or Ho lf Updated: May 10, 2012 9. ViaWest Data Center, 3000 Waterview Pkwy. Belt Line 10. Blue Cross Blue Shield, 1001 E. Lookout Dr. 11. Texas Instruments RFAB, 300 W. Renner Rd. Spring-Valley Jupiter Plano Grove e n vi l l Gr ee ms Greenfield Administrative Approval Buckingham l 1 0.5 0 1 Miles µ City of Richardson, Texas ay DALLAS Plat/Concept/Development Plan Development Status Map Yale Dorothy n ba rur Int e Glenville Bowser Lindale Ce n Buckingham Abr a 4 Frances Spring Valley 5 5. Villas of Buckingham, SW of Centennial Blvd. & Whitehall Dr. (VAR 12-04) 8. Christian World Church, 891 Abrams Rd. ss re an e rm Sh 8 Variance 7. Savoy Trace, NW of Lake Park Way & Jonsson Blvd. Apollo Apollo Polk 4. Texaco, 1401 E. Belt Line Rd. (ZF 12-07) 6. Collins Technology Park, 850 E. Collins Blvd. & 904 Quality Way Main xp en tra lE /C 5 1 w Floyd We at h ere US 7 Waterfall GARLAND Alma 6 Woodall TI Dublin d Waterview ry Cottonwood r be 3 Telecom 3. Movie Theater, 100 S. Central Expy. (ZF 12-06) Arapaho ew N Coit Shiloh 2. Motor Vehicle Repair Shop, 1700 Gateway Blvd. (ZF 12-05) 2 Richardson Custer West Shore Mimosa DALLAS North Spring Jupiter e ns Ow Owens id e La ke s 1. Self-Storage Warehouse, 906 N. Bowser Rd. (ZF 11-24) Northlake Spring Valley Zoning/Special Permit Collins Belt Line Coventry GARLAND al ip Melrose Dumont Wyndham reek Ro u th C Collins Cree k Prair ie University Galatyn Campbell ic un M Lookout ton 7 Jonsson ring Lake Park reek Lookout Research ld k Fall C rings ee Dallas County 10 Breckinridge rf i e Cr Collin County de r Sp n Lookout sa k me yo li Pa ek re C s Be c Renner Sharp Clea n Ca 9 Infocom Renner Point North Synergy Park Alma 11 C ar Frankford e Sum ew rvi e t Wa nsid Moroney Gr e e MURPHY PLANO President George Bush Turnpike Agenda Item 1 CITY OF RICHARDSON CITY PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES – MAY 1, 2012 The Richardson City Plan Commission met May 1, 2012, at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall in the Council Chambers, 411 W. Arapaho Road, Richardson, Texas. MEMBERS PRESENT: David Gantt, Chairman Bill Hammond, Vice Chair Gerald Bright, Commissioner Janet DePuy, Commissioner Marilyn Frederick, Commissioner Barry Hand, Commissioner Thomas Maxwell, Commissioner Eron Linn, Alternate MEMBERS ABSENT: Don Bouvier, Alternate CITY STAFF PRESENT: Michael Spicer, Director of Development Services Sam Chavez, Asst. Director of Dev. Svcs – Planning Chris Shacklett, Planner Kathy Welp, Executive Secretary BRIEFING SESSION Prior to the regular business meeting, the City Plan Commission met with staff to receive a briefing on agenda items and staff reports. No action was taken. MINUTES 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular business meeting of April 17, 2012. Motion: Vice Chair Hammond made a motion to approve the minutes as presented; second by Commissioner Bright. Motion passed 7-0. PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. Zoning File 11-24 Bowser Self-Service Warehouse: Consider and take necessary action on a request by Kenneth R. Smith, representing Heath Asset Management, LP, for approval of a Special Permit for a self-service warehouse with modified development standards. The 1.6acre site is currently zoned I-FP(2) Industrial and is located at the southeast corner of Bowser Road and Alpha Drive. Mr. Chavez reported that the application, which had been presented and continued on two previous occasions by the Commission, was a request for approval of a climate-controlled self-service warehouse with modified development standards within an existing 40,000 square foot office/warehouse building. He added that the reason for the continuations was to allow the applicant and the staff time to refine the proposed concept plan. Richardson City Plan Commission Minutes May 1, 2012 Mr. Chavez presented the applicant’s revised Zoning Site Plan (Exhibit E) indicating a two phase conversion of the 40,000 square foot existing building into a self-service warehouse. Phase I would convert the western 20,000 square feet of the building into storage units, with the eastern 20,000 square feet reserved for the existing tenant, Verizon. The Phase I conversion would include: A 500-square foot office store front with awnings at the northwest corner of the building 120 storage units 4% landscaping or 2,755 square feet (none previously existed) Re-established parkways along Alpha Drive (5-foot wide sidewalks and 4.5-foot wide landscape parkway) and Industrial Drive (5-foot wide sidewalks and 2-foot wide landscape parkway) with the landscaping accounting for approximately 1,496 square feet. 35 parking spaces provided, 33 spaces required (120 storage units + office and the Verizon facility) Two (2) modified driveways on Alpha Drive with modified spacing and throat depth by isolating the loading ramp and creating the driveways on either side. A dumpster enclosure centrally located on the north side of the facility and angled to 55 degrees (City maximum angle is 30 degrees) aligning the approach for a sanitation truck to conform with the City’s standards. Mr. Chavez pointed out that Phase II would be implemented when Verizon vacates the eastern half of the building and would include: 1,500 square feet of additional office space 105 additional storage units 4% additional landscaping or an additional 2,633 square feet 20 parking spaces provided, 12 spaces required (105 storage units + 1,500 sq. ft. office) Elimination of the eastern most driveway on Alpha Drive A modified driveway on Industrial Drive (conforming) In closing his presentation, Mr. Chavez stated that with the proposed changes the applicant had addressed the concerns that staff had with on-site maneuverability, and at build out the site would support a 2,000 square foot office space, 225 storage units, 5,388 square feet of landscaping or 8% of the site area, 28 parking spaces (20 required), and 1,649 square feet of parkway landscape area along Alpha and Industrial Drives. ds:CPC/2012/ 2012-05-01 Minutes.doc 2 Richardson City Plan Commission Minutes May 1, 2012 Chairman Gantt noted that at the last meeting it was mentioned there would be some type of steel fencing around the center ramp to prevent anyone from driving across the ramp, and the ramp on the western side of the building was to be filled in and paved over. Mr. Chavez replied that there would be bollards on both sides of the center ramp, and the ramp on the western side of the building would be filled in with concrete. Commissioner Maxwell asked if there was a possibility that Phase II might never take place since it was not activated by Verizon vacating the eastern portion of the building and noted that the applicant could lease the space to another tenant. Mr. Chavez replied that was correct. Vice Chair Hammond asked if the applicant’s preference to limit the amount of pervious surface directly adjacent to the building because of concern for foundation issues and underground utilities were the only two items to prevent them from putting landscaping up against the building. He also wanted to know about the entrance, egress and security for the building. Mr. Chavez replied that the two reasons stated were the only items preventing landscaping against the building, and the applicant would discuss the concerns about entrance, egress and security during the public hearing. Commissioner DePuy asked what the timeframe was between Phase I and II. Mr. Chavez replied there is an existing lease agreement with Verizon, but he was not sure of the length of the agreement. Commissioner Hand asked if there were any other possible dumpster locations that did not include backing the sanitation truck into the street. Mr. Chavez replied there was one other location that was reviewed, but it would not come into play until Phase II was in place. Also, because of the limited amount of space between the building and the property line it was difficult to locate a dumpster without it being in front of the building. With no further questions for staff, Chairman Gantt opened the public hearing. Mr. Ken Smith, 4925 Greenville Avenue, Dallas, Texas, thanked the staff for their assistance in making all the changes and said he was available for any questions. Chairman Gantt reminded the applicant about the questions regarding security and the timing of Phase I and II. Mr. Smith replied that the business would be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and outside of those hours the business would be secured by roll up doors covering the entrance. In ds:CPC/2012/ 2012-05-01 Minutes.doc 3 Richardson City Plan Commission Minutes May 1, 2012 addition, anyone accessing the business during the hours of operation will have to enter a key code to open the interior glass doors and there will be security cameras that are monitored 24 hours a day. Regarding the timing issue, Mr. Smith stated that it was his intent to start Phase I as soon as possible after approval from the City, but the start of Phase II would have to wait until the current lease with Verizon expires. Vice Chair Hammond asked if there would be tenant access outside the stated 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. business hours. Mr. Smith replied those were the most common hours for self-service warehouses and it was not his intention to have a 24 hour facility. There were no other comments in favor or opposed and Chairman Gantt closed the public hearing. Chairman Gantt and Commissioner DePuy stated the proposal was much improved over the original submittal and thanked the staff and the applicant for making the changes. Commissioner Bright asked if there was any way the driveway throat depth standards could be met on the property. Mr. Chavez replied they had tried multiple landscape and site variations and the current version was the only one that allowed the maximum amount of space and still allowed the site to function as intended. Commissioner Hand asked if the landscape buffer was removed would that increase the possibility that concerns over the driveway openings and dumpster location could be satisfied. Mr. Chavez stated the answer was no. Motion: Commissioner DePuy made a motion to approve Zoning File 11-24 as presented; second by Commissioner Frederick. Motion passed 6-1 with Commissioner Hand opposed. 3. Zoning File 12-05: Consider and take necessary action on a request by Darryl M. Burman, representing Group 1 Realty, Inc., for a Special Permit with special conditions for a motor vehicle repair shop-major to be located at 1700 Gateway Boulevard, which is to be used in conjunction with the existing Courtesy Nissan dealership located at 1777 N. Central Expressway. The property is currently zoned C-M Commercial. Mr. Shacklett reported that the request was for a Special Permit with special conditions for a repair shop associated with the Courtesy Nissan dealership on Central Expressway. He explained that a Special Permit was required because even though the City ordinance does ds:CPC/2012/ 2012-05-01 Minutes.doc 4 Richardson City Plan Commission Minutes May 1, 2012 allow a repair facility as part of a dealership by right in a C-M Commercial District, the proposed facility would be located on a separate lot. Mr. Shacklett noted that the proposed 25,000 square foot facility will include 21,000 square feet of area on the first floor with service bays, inspections areas and a car wash. The second floor will be a mezzanine style floor on the south end of the building for parts storage, and the third floor will be a rooftop parking deck. Mr. Shacklett reviewed some of the proposed changes to the site including the following: Building constructed of tilt wall panels inlaid with brick veneer. 20-foot landscape buffer along Gateway Boulevard including canopy and ornamental trees. Tubular steel fence with masonry columns around the site. Two 34-foot stair towers at either end of the building. 6-foot parapet to screen vehicles parked on the rooftop. In closing his presentation, Mr. Shacklett stated that no correspondence had been received and the permitted use could only be used in conjunction with the lot to the east. Commissioner Frederick asked if the rendering was attached to the ordinance, did it lock the applicant to the building color as well as the doors that would be used. Mr. Shacklett replied that the color rendering would not be part of the ordinance; only the black and white elevations. He added that the proposed color is listed on the elevations and the applicant would have to be in substantial conformance with the ordinance, but if they wanted to change anything they would have to come back before the Commission to amend the elevations. Commissioner Maxwell asked if the dealership no longer existed, could the facility act as a stand alone repair shop. Mr. Shacklett replied that because of the way the special conditions were written, that would not be possible. He added that in 2008 the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance was amended to require repair shops to acquire a Special Permit; however, new car dealerships were allowed by right, as part of their business, to have repair shop facilities on their site. Vice Chair Hammond asked if there were other designs proposed or considered regarding the façade, and wanted to know what the black openings were on the east side of the building. Mr. Shacklett replied the openings were windows along the east side of the building, and there had been discussions about the elevations, but the proposed elevation fit the applicant’s requirements for the building. He added that the building will have some articulation around ds:CPC/2012/ 2012-05-01 Minutes.doc 5 Richardson City Plan Commission Minutes May 1, 2012 the stair towers, and the tilt wall construction will be inlaid with three-quarter inch brick so it will appear to be a brick building instead of the typical tilt wall construction. Mr. Chavez stated that another feature that cannot be seen on the rendering are the different types of bonds in the construction including a running bond, a stack bond, and a roll lock, which will add character and texture to the building and be more decorative. Commissioner Hand asked if the property was being acquired based on the Commission’s approval of the request. Mr. Shacklett replied that Group 1 operates as Courtesy Nissan and owns the lot to the west along Gateway Boulevard; however, the lot to the east that fronts on Central Expressway is owned by another entity, but Courtesy Nissan will have the use of that property and no sale of the property is planned. With no further questions, Chairman Gantt opened the public hearing. Mr. Mark Whittaker, Dynamic Engineering, 1904 Main Street, Lake Como, New Jersey, representing Courtesy Nissan, stated that Group 1 Automotive, in addition to operating Courtesy Nissan, is one of the top three publicly held auto dealers in the country operating 125 dealerships in the United States. Mr. Whittaker noted that Group 1 Realty owns the property where the proposed repair shop would be located and made significant capital investments in the property and building including: Construction of the pre-cast panels with the brick veneer Addition of landscape buffer Maintaining the existing trees along Gateway Boulevard Adding tubular steel and masonry fence and additional landscaping Increasing the service capabilities by adding 18 service bays in the new building. Chairman Gantt asked how many service bays are currently operating in the existing facility. Mr. Whittaker replied there are 26 repair/service bays. Vice Chair Hammond stated that he liked some of the aspects of the design, but expressed concern that the rendering looked more like a jail than a building and wondered if it would fit into an area of office buildings. Mr. Whittaker replied that the architect was not able to make the meeting so he could not answer the architectural questions, but did mention that the point of the design was not to display the building, but to buffer it from the adjacent office buildings by keeping the existing 30-foot tall canopy trees and adding the fence, landscaping and berm. ds:CPC/2012/ 2012-05-01 Minutes.doc 6 Richardson City Plan Commission Minutes May 1, 2012 Commissioner Hand stated that he liked the stacking aspect of the design and having the ability to park vehicles on top of the building, but agreed with Mr. Hammond’s suggestion that the heavy, gray, institutional masonry look was not appealing. He expressed disappointment that the design did not replicate the metal panels and glass walls of the showroom building facing Central Expressway. Commissioner Maxwell stated that he agreed with Mr. Hand’s assessment and felt that by simply changing the color it would help blend the building into the surrounding area. Also, Mr. Maxwell strongly encouraged the applicant to go back and review the elevations and possibly introduce some of the materials used on the showroom, which, he felt, would greatly improve the look of the building. Commissioner DePuy stated that she disagreed and said she did not think building materials of steel and glass would blend in well with the adjacent office buildings and preferred more of a “brick look” on the building. She added that new and different materials are important, in the right setting, but the proposed facility would match the adjacent buildings better if a brick design was used. With no other comments in favor or opposition, Chairman Gantt closed the public hearing. Chairman Gantt said he was in agreement with Ms. DePuy and trusted the staff’s comments that the façade would be more like a brick building as opposed to the typical tilt wall construction. He added that the existing large trees, new landscaping, and new fence would screen the building along Gateway Boulevard. Commissioner Bright stated he was happy with the way the project was presented and thought the applicant had presented a design that emphasized increasing the landscaping and buffering instead of sprucing up the building. Commissioner Frederick commended the applicant on putting the clean looking façade facing Gateway Boulevard and the congestion of the parking and automotive movement towards the interior of the lot. Motion: Commissioner Bright made a motion to approve Item 3 as presented; second by Commissioner Hand. Motion passed 6-1 with Commissioner Maxwell opposed. 4. Zoning File 12-06: Consider and take necessary action on a request by Tyler Isbell, representing Hartman Richardson Heights Properties, LLC, for a change in zoning from C-M Commercial with special conditions to PD Planned Development to accommodate the construction of a movie theater on property located at 100 S. Central Expressway. The property is currently zoned C-M Commercial. ds:CPC/2012/ 2012-05-01 Minutes.doc 7 Richardson City Plan Commission Minutes May 1, 2012 Mr. Shacklett stated the request was to rezone the property to accommodate a movie theater, which under the current zoning is an allowable use; however, the PD request is to accommodate some additional development standards. He added that the proposed theater would be a movie grill type facility with a bar and seven movie screens with 744 seats. Mr. Shacklett noted that the applicant was requesting specific standards for the site that included the following: Allow 25-foot encroachment into the 60-foot required open area, which would keep the building within its existing location. Require a minimum 988 parking spaces (based on parking study) for the entire 16.85acre site, a 167 space deficit from what would normally be required by City parking standards. Proposed building height at tallest point of 47’6”, which exceeds the City’s building heights standards for one-story buildings and buildings within 150 feet of a residential district. (Majority of building will have a minimum roof height of 35 feet, but taller architectural elements will exceed that height and will be placed on the far side of the building away from residential areas.) Proposed pylon sign located along the east side of the property with visibility from Central Expressway. - Allow a 131-square foot digital display board on pylon sign with regulations governing the movement, flashing, animation, color change, etc. - Allow maximum of 296 square feet of signage area on pylon sign. - Allow pylon sign to exceed the 20-foot height regulation by being 50 feet in height. Allow maximum of 487 square feet of building signage; 451 square feet on east elevation and 36 square feet on north elevation. Proposing a combination of glass wall store front, tilt wall stone, stucco with 72% masonry (exceeds required 50% masonry). Commissioner DePuy asked where the pylon sign would be located and felt it might be blocked by the existing trees if it was along the eastern edge of the property. Mr. Shacklett replied there had not been a specific site designated, but it would probably be located adjacent to the former Palomina’s restaurant just off the southbound frontage road for Central Expressway. In addition, the request for the additional height of the sign took into consideration the trees along that edge of the property. Commissioner DePuy asked if lighting would be added to the rear of the business for security during the evening hours without affecting the adjacent homeowners. Mr. Shacklett replied that wallpaks and wall sconces pointed down towards the ground could be used to provide the 1-foot candle or less requirement at the property line so as not to affect the area homeowners. ds:CPC/2012/ 2012-05-01 Minutes.doc 8 Richardson City Plan Commission Minutes May 1, 2012 Commissioner Frederick asked if the applicant was planning any changes for the utility poles to the rear of the building. Mr. Shacklett replied that the applicant was planning to retrofit the building, but that could turn into a complete rebuild depending on the cost and how the utilities are regulated, which could affect what changes are made. Commissioner Maxwell asked if the change in zoning from C-M Commercial to PD imposed any additional submittals or requirements for the remainder of the site. He also wanted to know if the facility would have other events such as concerts or rent out for churches, and could it become something else if the applicant moved his business. Mr. Shacklett replied that the site would be a rezoned to a Planned Development District, but would be governed by the base regulations of C-M Commercial except as otherwise stated. Regarding other events, Mr. Shacklett said the primary use would be for showing movies, but as long as anyone was using the building for the purpose it was intended for there should be no problems. He added that if the applicant decided to move his business, another tenant could use the building for anything that was allowed in the base C-M Commercial regulations. Commissioner Linn expressed concern over the pylon sign and asked how difficult it would be to alter the sign if a redevelopment/enhancement study, similar to the standards set for West Spring Valley, were put in place. Mr. Shacklett replied that if the sign was approved by the Commission and City Council it would be allowed to remain; however, the conditions mentioned in the staff report limited the sign to be used only for a movie theater. Chairman Gantt asked who would have control over approving the location of the pylon sign on the property – the Commission, the City Council, or the Sign Control Board. Mr. Shacklett replied that as far as the location was concerned, there is a distance requirement on how close the sign can be to another property and how close it can be to another pylon sign. He added that the 60 feet mentioned in the conditions of the PD did not specifically say where the sign would be located, but the location would have to meet the regulations. Vice Chair Hammond asked if the sign would or would not go before the Sign Control Board and pointed out that the conditions in the PD regarding the sign were violations of the City’s Sign Ordinance. ds:CPC/2012/ 2012-05-01 Minutes.doc 9 Richardson City Plan Commission Minutes May 1, 2012 Mr. Shacklett replied that most signs do not go before the Sign Control Board, only those that do not meet the criteria. Regarding the conditions for the pylon sign, Mr. Shacklett stated that through the PD process the construction and design of the sign would be similar to the standards set in the West Spring Valley area. Chairman Gantt summarized that the five conditions listed in the staff report would be the only variances from the standards listed in Chapter 18 of the City of Richardson Code of Ordinances Sign Ordinance. Mr. Chavez added that the five conditions would become the design standards for the property. With no further questions for staff, Chairman Gantt opened the public hearing. Mr. Frank Bullock, SRS Real Estate, 8343 Douglas Avenue, Dallas, Texas, representing the owner, Hartman Real Estate Investment Trust, stated that his company was hired by the owner of the property to reposition the shopping center by bringing in new tenants. He added that they had spoken with many major retailers over the past year including Alamo Drafthouse, who, they felt would help revitalize the shopping center. Mr. Bill DeGaetano, Alamo Drafthouse Cinemas, 3913 Woodstock Drive, Colleyville, Texas, stated that Alamo was excited about the opportunity to come to Richardson and noted that this theater would be their first in the DFW Metroplex. Commissioner Hand asked if there were plans for valet parking for the theater because it was not mentioned in the parking analysis. Mr. DeGaetano stated that they typically did not do valet parking; however, if the center did get busy they would institute it because one of their main concerns is customer satisfaction. In addition, they like to see a one to three parking ratio and since their peak time is when many of the other local retailers would be closed, he felt the parking would be sufficient. Mr. DeGaetano also pointed out that since the business served dinner from their 3,000-square foot kitchen, they would not seat all seven theaters at once so they will not have 744 people in the facility at any one time. Commissioner Maxwell asked about the other types of events that would be held at the facility. Mr. DeGaetano replied that during the fall and the spring Alamo would have most of their special events, which are based around movies, and include audience sing-a-longs or ds:CPC/2012/ 2012-05-01 Minutes.doc 10 Richardson City Plan Commission Minutes May 1, 2012 specially theme dinners to go with a movie. He added that they will not have concerts or events that would disturb the other theaters or surrounding neighborhood. In addition, Mr. DeGaetano stated he would address the concerns regarding lighting at the rear of the facility, both for the safety for their employees and customers, as well as making sure the lighting does not disturb the adjacent neighborhood. Commissioner DePuy asked what the busiest times would be. Mr. DeGaetano replied that it would typically be Friday and Saturday nights from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Commissioner Hand asked if the applicant was tied to the design for the façade because most of the property in the area tended to be mid-century modern and he felt the applicant was missing out on a marketing opportunity to solidify their brand in the area. He added that the Commission may want to consider not including the elevation if the item was approved in case the tenant might want to improve on the design. Commissioner DePuy stated that she liked mid-century design, and was not a big fan of the façade presented, but cautioned the Commission that the elevation should stay true to the company’s branding. In addition, the remainder of the stores in the shopping center did not have mid-century facades. Mr. DeGaetano replied any modifications would depend on what changes were being requested. He added that they were a franchise and there were constraints from the corporate office, but their buildings were not a cookie-cutter design and they like to blend into the neighborhood, which is what prompted the proposed stone accents and building signage, but they also wanted to make it clear they were a movie theater. Commissioner Linn concurred with previous comments about the elevation and felt there was an opportunity to stand out, and asked about the length of the lease. Mr. DeGaetano replied they will have a 15-year lease with three 5-year renewals. Vice Chair Hammond asked if the theater would be used for business meetings, and he encouraged the applicant to have a design that will blend in and compliment the already existing architecture in the shopping center. Mr. DeGaetano replied that with so many corporate headquarters located in the City, they anticipated quite a few private corporate events and they would have a full time special events coordinator on staff. Commissioner Bright asked about the bar located in the front of the building and if it would operate only in conjunction with the movie theater. ds:CPC/2012/ 2012-05-01 Minutes.doc 11 Richardson City Plan Commission Minutes May 1, 2012 Mr. DeGaetano replied that the primary use of the bar was for customers before and after a movie, but customers did not have to attend a movie to come to the bar. Vice Chair Hammond stated that he was previously on the Sign Control Board and expressed concern over the proposed signage and felt it violated most of the ordinances in the City. He agreed there needed to be visibility, but he was going to be tough on what would be allowed. Mr. Bullock thanked the Commission for hearing the item and the City staff for all their work. Chairman Gantt announced he had five speaker cards for those wanting to speak in favor of the item; 19 cards from those in favor who did not want to speak; and two speaker cards in opposition. Mr. David Knepper, 101 Shadywood Lane, Richardson, Texas, stated the he was a little apprehensive about the pole sign, but was in favor of the item because he felt it would help an underperforming shopping center and could be a catalyst for other investments in the area. Mr. Andrew Laska, 502 Hyde Park, Richardson, Texas, President of Richardson Heights Neighborhood Association (RHNA), stated that the RHNA was in support of the item and believed it would be very important to all of the Heights neighborhoods and the shopping center. He presented copies of Facebook postings with one thread alone showing 27 postings in favor of the zoning request. Mr. Laska asked the Commission to seriously consider the adjacency of parking to the surrounding neighborhood noting that Devonshire Drive was open to the shopping center, but felt any potential problems were completely solvable. He asked the Commission to move forward and approve the request and suggested the RHNA could work together with the City and the applicant to address any problems. In closing his presentation, Mr. Laska stated he concurred with Mr. Hand’s comments regarding the façade, and noted that the sign request was not out of scale with the other large sign in the area that was formerly a clock. He added that given the gravity of the Alamo Drafthouse on revitalization in the area, he asked the Commission to approve the zoning request and note their concerns when passing the item on to the City Council for their review and possible approval. Ms. Christina Stock, 819 Sherwood Drive, Richardson, Texas, stated that she was very excited about the possibility of the Alamo Drafthouse coming to Richardson and felt it would bring a great deal of business to the City. Mr. Richard Dodson, 733 Nottingham, Richardson, Texas, commented that he had been saddened by the decline of the shopping center and felt Alamo Drafthouse would bring ds:CPC/2012/ 2012-05-01 Minutes.doc 12 Richardson City Plan Commission Minutes May 1, 2012 additional business to the area. He also asked the Commission to take into consideration the other signs in the area and felt the item should be approved and the details of the sign could be addressed at a later time. Mr. Kent Whitefield, 801 James Drive, Richardson, Texas, stated that he was in support of the item and felt that any issues with Devonshire Drive and/or the sign could be addressed later and urged the Commission to approve the item. Ms. Terri Duhon, 2202 Blackberry Drive, Richardson, Texas, said she was in support of the item, but had concerns about noise and traffic for the surrounding neighborhoods. Ms. Sandy Hanne, 637 W. Belt Line, Richardson, Texas, stated that she in favor of the item and asked the Commission to keep an open mind regarding the signage. Mr. Robin Roberts, 722 Dumont, Richardson, Texas, stated that he supported the request and thought it was a fantastic concept. In addition, he was hoping the façade on the theater would reflect more of the older architecture of the neighborhood. Ms. Angela Epley, 627 Scottsdale, Richardson, Texas, was in favor of the item and felt the theater would be similar in nature to the Angelika Theater. She asked the Commission to keep an open mind on the proposed signage. Chairman Gantt called for any comments in opposition. Ms. Beverly Whittington, 304. S. Lindale Lane, Richardson, Texas, stated that she had been a resident for 47 years and was opposed to the theater because of the close proximity to the neighborhood and felt there would be an increase in traffic, trash, noise and possibly an increase in crime because alcohol would be served. She added that three or four of her neighbors were also in opposition, but were unable to attend the meeting. Mr. Ramona Powers, 303 S. Lindale Lane, Richardson, stated that her home backed up to the shopping center and was concerned about safety in the area, trash, noise pollution, and glare from the proposed sign. Chairman Gantt asked if the applicant had any comments in reply to the statements made. Mr. DeGaetano replied that unaccompanied minors cannot get in to the theater without a parent and their clientele was typically young professionals. He added that all their beverages and food are served in real glasses and plates that cannot be removed from the theater. Mr. DeGaetano stated that he understood the concerns about noise pollution and felt that the employees would be the ones parking at the rear of theater and he would work with his staff to ensure the area is quiet. He added that in regard to the concerns about alcohol being ds:CPC/2012/ 2012-05-01 Minutes.doc 13 Richardson City Plan Commission Minutes May 1, 2012 served, the theater usually does a last call 45 minutes prior to a movie ending and they are adamant about making sure their customers do not over indulge. Mr. DeGaetano closed his comments stating that he had spent 18 months courting the Alamo Drafthouse company before obtaining his franchise and then another 12 months in training. He noted that the brand was of the highest quality and he hoped to bring it to Richardson very soon. Commissioner Linn stated that he did not think visibility of a sign would make or break the business because of their reputation noting the number of people in favor in attendance. Commissioner Frederick stated that the façade on the Winchester, Virginia, store seemed to be more in keeping with mid-century modern theme mentioned earlier. Commissioner Bright asked if any other Drafthouse locations backed up to residential areas and did they have problems with noise or complaints. Mr. DeGaetano replied their busiest location in Austin, Texas, backed up to a neighborhood and the only buffer was the fences of the homes. He added that since he had been with the company they have not had a problem with complaints. Vice Chair Hammond stated that he wanted to set the stage for his opinions and noted the signs standards in Richardson were much different than those in other cities. He added that any reader boards in the City had to be approved by the Sign Control Board and the Board had even turned down a request from the City itself for a reader board. Mr. Hammond asked if the applicant was willing to move ahead if the pylon sign, the digital reader, and the pylon sign height increase were removed from the application. Mr. DeGaetano replied that the proposed location for the move theater would be their first in a very competitive market and to take advantage of the 300,000 cars that pass by on Central Expressway they needed signage on the road. He added that speaking from his, his investors, and the corporate office point of view, the approval of the site could hinge on the signage. Mr. DeGaetano added that he was not opposed to moving the sign or making it smaller as long as it was visible from Central Expressway. Vice Chair Hammond asked if the applicant had spoken with the owner of the property about co-locating on the tall grandfathered sign already on the property and felt it was a great opportunity for Alamo Drafthouse to be the anchor tenant listed on the sign. Mr. DeGaetano replied that they had not discussed that possibility with the property owner. ds:CPC/2012/ 2012-05-01 Minutes.doc 14 Richardson City Plan Commission Minutes May 1, 2012 Mr. Bullock asked the Commission to remember that their goal was to lease the entire center and there was still a couple of large spaces to lease so they were saving the large pole sign for the future retailer because they would not have the cult following that Alamo Drafthouse has. With no further comments, Chairman Gantt closed the public hearing. Commissioner Hand asked staff if alcohol could be served at any of the current locations in the shopping center. He also wanted to know if the sign was on the frontage road would it reflect or cause glare to the homes on Lindale Lane. Mr. Shacklett replied that there are approved alcohol permits in the shopping center, and regarding the sign, he felt the sign was the appropriate size for the building and was located 700 feet from the homes. He added that the sign would be required to meet glare standards at the property line. Commissioner DePuy stated that she did not have a concern about the signs and noted that the theater location would be at the back of the shopping center and, with the trees along the frontage road, the theater would not be visible from Central Expressway. She added that she was excited about the revitalization of the shopping center and would not like to see anything happen to the proposal because of signage. Commissioner Hand stated that he thought this project could be the catalyst for the shopping center and something that had been needed for decades. In addition, knowing how the shopping center had struggled in the past, he felt it would be hard to limit them on the sign when the applicant needed to establish their brand in the area. Commissioner Maxwell stated that his only concerns were the elevation and the disturbance additional traffic might bring to the neighborhood. He asked if the back access along Devonshire could be closed off. Mr. Shacklett replied that there have been no discussions about closing that access and pointed out that there were a few homes that had rear entry garages off that alley. Commissioner Bright said he supported the item, but did have a concern about the residents backing up to the alley and a possible problem with parking along residential streets. Mr. Chavez stated that staff would like to have the opportunity to monitor the situation and the City was committed to having the site functioning properly. He added that within 300 feet of the front door of the theater there are approximately 320 parking spaces. Commissioner Bright asked if it would be possible to pass the item without limiting the applicant to the current elevations and suggested giving the applicant the freedom to come up with another design. ds:CPC/2012/ 2012-05-01 Minutes.doc 15 Richardson City Plan Commission Minutes May 1, 2012 Vice Chair Hammond stated that he wanted to make sure the record reflected that he was in favor of the application, but just wanted to caution the applicant that others had requested variances to the sign ordinance and only a very few of those requests had been granted. Commissioner Linn stated that he was in favor of the item and felt the Commission could still be responsible and have oversight while allowing the item to proceed without compromising long held standards for the sake of economic development. He suggested that the demographic being targeted by the applicant would get their information from alternative sources (i.e., Facebook,,, etc) as opposed to signage. Mr. Linn commended the 15-year commitment and asked if the Commission could move the item forward without the pylon sign changes because he did not support the sign changes. Chairman Gantt stated that he agreed with Mr. Bright and felt the theater needed a sign, but he also agreed with Mr. Linn that there are plenty of other ways to find out what movies were playing at what theater; however, it would not hurt to have a sign. He said he was in favor of moving it forward as presented and let the City Council decide if they want to enforce the sign ordinance. Chairman Gantt also noted that Exhibit C, the elevations, were listed as part of the ordinance and asked if it was possible to move the item forward while at the same time giving the applicant the flexibility to modify the elevations. Mr. Chavez replied that if the Commission chose to recommend approval, subject to the conditions found in the staff report, and included that the applicant would submit a site plan showing the location of the pylon sign in addition to new elevations, it would give them the flexibility to bring the final elevations back before the Commission at Site Plan approval. Regarding the proposed standards, Mr. Chavez stated that staff considered future proposed standards for digital signage and reviewed other municipality’s sign standards to address glare, brightness, distraction from road, and default features that cause the sign to go blank if there is a problem. Commissioner Maxwell asked if the Commission followed Mr. Chavez’ suggestion and the elevation was still not what the Commission wanted, what would be the options. He also wanted to know if the site plan and elevation meeting would be a public hearing. Mr. Chavez replied that the option could be rejected at a future meeting, but suggested the Commission give some direction to the applicant as to what they would like to see. Regarding a future hearing, Mr. Chavez pointed out that those items would be on the Consent Agenda and reminded the Commission the applicant would only be submitting the building elevations and a site plan showing the location of the pylon sign. ds:CPC/2012/ 2012-05-01 Minutes.doc 16 Richardson City Plan Commission Minutes May 1, 2012 Commissioner Bright asked if the proposed sign standards in the PD were forward thinking in the types of lighting being requested and if they could be something the existing sign ordinance did not address because the proposed standards were more modern. Mr. Chavez replied yes, the standards were such that the City may or may not adopt them in the future. Commissioner Hand asked if Exhibit B (site plan) and C (elevations) were removed from the zoning request did it jeopardize the approval process and/or progress. He also wanted to know if the actual location of the pylon sign was known and, if not, did that cause any concerns for the staff. Mr. Shacklett replied that if Exhibit C was removed it would slow down the progress if it had to come back for approval. He noted that the sign location would most likely be on the east side of the buildings along Central Expressway for visibility purposes. Mr. Chavez added that the sign would most likely not be along the parkway because of the lack of space, but would probably be along the Central Expressway side of the property and not in the actual parkway. He added that staff was not concerned about placement of the sign because the placement would have to conform to the provisions of the PD and with Chapter 18, the Sign Code. Mr. Chavez suggested the Commission could provide staff with the ability to administratively approve any buildings elevations as long as the Commission provides some type of guidelines similar to those listed in the West Spring Valley guidelines. Motion: Commissioner Hand made a motion to recommend approval Zoning File 12-06 with the exception that Exhibit C is removed from the submission; second by Vice Chair Hammond. Commissioner DePuy asked if any of the exhibits were removed would it cause a delay in the process. Mr. Chavez replied that it would allow the applicant to refine the product. Commissioner Hand asked if the applicant came back in two weeks with the same elevation and said that elevation was what they really want what would happen. Mr. Shacklett stated that once the Commission “recommends approval” the full package goes forward to the City Council and they have final approval authority as to agreeing with the Commission recommendation or not. ds:CPC/2012/ 2012-05-01 Minutes.doc 17 Richardson City Plan Commission Minutes May 1, 2012 Commissioner Maxwell asked if the motion could be amended to have the applicant come back with elevations for approval by the Commission. Mr. Shacklett replied that it would slow down the process as previously mentioned. Chairman Gantt stated that it was Mr. Hand’s intent when he made the motion to have the applicant return before the Commission with new elevations. Mr. Chavez stated that it would add additional time to their process. Commissioner Maxwell asked if there was any advantage or disadvantage to the applicant by proceeding with the process as proposed under the current motion, or continuing the item to the next Commission meeting. Mr. Chavez replied that a continuation would add an additional three to four weeks to the process as opposed to requiring that the applicant come back through the site plan process, which would add only two weeks. Commissioner Maxwell asked if there were any comments regarding the urgency of the process. Chairman Gantt stated that he did not perceive any, but suggested calling the applicant back to answer the question. Commissioner Hand stated that his intent was not to tell the applicant to do it again, but he was suggesting there was an opportunity to improve the design and cautioned the Commission about approving the request and locking in the current elevation when the applicant was open to making changes. Mr. Chavez replied that if even if the Commission recommended approval and removed Exhibit C (elevations), the whole packet would go forward to the City Council and it would be up to the Council to either accept the recommendation and approve the request as stated by the Commission, or they could approve it as is, or approve it with different elevation. Mr. DeGaetano stated that he was very open to changing the design of the elevations. Regarding the urgency of the request, Mr. DeGaetano explained that the request was very urgent because if another theater group came into the old theater on the south side of Spring Valley before Alamo announced their intentions, it would make it impossible for another theater to open within three miles of it and show ds:CPC/2012/ 2012-05-01 Minutes.doc 18 Richardson City Plan Commission Minutes May 1, 2012 first-run movies. In addition, the lease signed by Alamo contained contingencies that state if something of that nature would happen then the lease could be voided. Vice Chair Hammond asked for an option that would give flexibility to the motion to allow the applicant the time to address Exhibit C (elevations) and not have to come back before the Commission. Commissioner Linn asked when the item would be considered by City Council. Mr. Chavez replied the request was scheduled to be viewed by the Council on May 14, 2012. Commissioner Maxwell expressed concern and asked for clarification that if the elevations were attached to the request when it was forwarded to the City Council, and the Council accepted the Commission’s recommendation to strike Exhibit C, there was no other requirement for the applicant to present an elevation as the motion was currently worded. Mr. Chavez replied that the Commission was recommending that Exhibit C be struck from the request, but the same package the Commission viewed would be the exact same package presented to the Council with the Commission’s recommendation to remove Exhibit C. Also, the applicant would be required to submit a building elevation that would have to conform to the base zoning in the C-M Commercial District. Mr. Chavez stated that the motion could include language to removed Exhibit C and that final elevations be approved by City Council. Mr. DeGaetano stated and agreed that they would work to bring new elevations to the City Council in two weeks. Commissioner Hand amended his motion to include the verbiage suggested by Mr. Chavez and Mr. Hammond concurred. Motion passed 7-0. ds:CPC/2012/ 2012-05-01 Minutes.doc 19 Richardson City Plan Commission Minutes May 1, 2012 ADJOURN With no further business before the Commission, Chairman Gantt adjourned the regular business meeting at 10:19 p.m. _________________________________ David Gantt, Chairman City Plan Commission ds:CPC/2012/ 2012-05-01 Minutes.doc 20 Agenda Item 2 Collins Technology Park 850 E. Collins Boulevard (Companion to agenda items no. 7) Attachments: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Site plan staff report Locator Site Plan Landscape plan staff report Landscape plan CITY PLAN COMMISSION BACKGROUND INFORMATION May 15, 2012 Site Plan PROJECT SUMMARY Project: Collins Technology Park Location: 850 E. Collins Boulevard Request: The purpose of the site plan is to reflect the development of a 121,368 square foot data center with associated parking and an outdoor mechanical yard on the north side of the proposed development, which will be enclosed with a 17’ tall masonry screening wall. The site plan complies with all applicable City zoning and development regulations. CPC Action: Final decision BACKGROUND Zoning: I-FP(2) Industrial Fire Proof District Tract Size: 7.17-acres (312,646 square feet) Variances: In 2007, the City Council granted a variance for the Collins Technology Park to permit a reduced parking ratio of 1:3000 square feet (in lieu of 1:1000 square feet) for the datacenter portion of a development (VAR 07-09). Building Area/Use: 121,368 square feet/datacenter Office: 12,900 square feet Datacenter: 108,468 square feet Site Access: The site has direct access to Quality Way (private street). The mechanical yard has additional access to E. Collins Boulevard. Page 1 of 2 X:\Development (new)\Development Plan Files\Site Plan Files\Collins Blvd E\850 (DataCenter Park, Lot 10)\Minutes and Staff Reports\2012-05-15 CPC\SITE PLAN.doc Parking Summary: Parking Ratio Spaces Required Spaces Provided Required Wall/Screen: 1:300 – Office 1:3000 – Datacenter (VAR 07-09) 80 spaces 81 spaces The screening wall for the mechanical area will be 17’ tall and be constructed of pre-cast concrete panels finished to match the main building. Page 2 of 2 X:\Development (new)\Development Plan Files\Site Plan Files\Collins Blvd E\850 (DataCenter Park, Lot 10)\Minutes and Staff Reports\2012-05-15 CPC\SITE PLAN.doc E. COLLINS BLVD. DALLAS COUNTY MAPSCO 7-Y DALLAS FORT WORTH DATACENTER PARK - 850 E. COLLINS BLVD. QUALITY WAY HOUSTON SITE PLAN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DATACENTER PARK-850 E. COLLINS BLVD. LOT 10A, BLOCK 1 COLLINS TECHNOLOGY PARK SP.1 9 1/2"Ø 9 1/2" 5" TILT WALL SECTION FOR SERVICE YARD 42 1/2" 6"Ø C O N D U 27'-0" 25'-0" 3 IT 3/4 O " PE NI NG 5" BOLT CIRCLE DIA. 37 1/2" LIGHT CENTER HEIGHT 8"Ø PLAN ELEVATION 1 1/2" ANCHOR BOLT PROJECTION NOTE: INSTALLATION TO BE COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. DATACENTER PARK - 850 E. COLLINS BLVD. 4'-6" 2'-6" MIN. 1'-0" 2'-0" 3/4" 2'-0" NOTES: DALLAS FORT WORTH HOUSTON SITE PLAN DETAILS NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DATACENTER PARK-850 E. COLLINS BLVD. LOT 10A, BLOCK 1 COLLINS TECHNOLOGY PARK SP.2 CITY PLAN COMMISSION BACKGROUND INFORMATION May 15, 2012 Landscape Plan PROJECT SUMMARY Project: Collins Technology Park Location: 850 E. Collins Boulevard Request: The landscape plan reflects the development of a 121,368 square foot data center on a 7.17-acre tract of land. In accordance with City policies, the proposed landscape plan meets or exceeds City guidelines and policies regarding tree installation along street frontages, parking area screening, and minimum landscape area. CPC Action: Final decision BACKGROUND Landscape Area Summary: Area Required 10% of property (31,265 square feet) Area Provided Landscape Design: 26% of property (81,912 square feet) The proposed landscape plan reflects the development of a 121,368 square foot data center on the south side of E. Collins Boulevard, west of International Parkway. The landscape plan provides a variety of canopy and ornamental trees along E. Collins Boulevard with decorative grasses, berming, and screening shrubs that highlight the installation of a 10-foot wide hike and bike trail as identified on the Trail Master Plan. Tree removal: To accommodate the proposed data center, the plan reflects the removal of ten Crepe Myrtle trees and two Live Oak trees. All the Crepe Myrtles and one of the Live Oaks are being removed since they are located within the proposed building footprint. The remaining Live Oak is being removed to accommodate the required secondary point of emergency access though the mechanical yard at the Page 1 of 2 X:\Development (new)\Development Plan Files\Site Plan Files\Collins Blvd E\850 (DataCenter Park, Lot 10)\Minutes and Staff Reports\2012-05-15 CPC\Landscape Staff Report.doc northwest corner of the site. To mitigate the loss in existing trees, the plan provides two additional canopy trees and eleven additional ornamental trees along E. Collins Boulevard. Page 2 of 2 X:\Development (new)\Development Plan Files\Site Plan Files\Collins Blvd E\850 (DataCenter Park, Lot 10)\Minutes and Staff Reports\2012-05-15 CPC\Landscape Staff Report.doc TREE PRESERVATION NOTES VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE 1. EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN SHALL BE PROTECTED DURING CONSTRUCTION FROM TREE STRUCTURE DAMAGE AND COMPACTION OF SOIL UNDER AND AROUND DRIP LINE (CANOPY) OF TREE. 2. IF ANY ROOT STRUCTURE IS DAMAGED DURING ADJACENT EXCAVATION / CONSTRUCTION, NOTIFY OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE IMMEDIATELY. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT A LICENSED ARBORIST BE SECURED FOR THE TREATMENT OF ANY POSSIBLE TREE WOUNDS. 3. NO DISTURBANCE OF THE SOIL GREATER THAN 4" SHALL BE LOCATED CLOSER TO THE TREE TRUNK THAN 1/2 THE DISTANCE OF THE DRIP LINE TO THE TREE TRUNK. A MINIMUM OF 75% OF THE DRIP LINE AND ROOT ZONE SHALL BE PRESERVED AT NATURAL GRADE. 4. ANY FINE GRADING DONE WITHIN THE CRITICAL ROOT ZONES OF THE PROTECTED TREES MUST BE DONE WITH LIGHT MACHINERY SUCH AS A BOBCAT OR LIGHT TRACTOR. NO EARTH MOVING EQUIPMENT WITH TRACKS IS ALLOWED WITHIN THE CRITICAL ROOT ZONE OF THE TREES. 5. NO MATERIALS INTENDED FOR USE IN CONSTRUCTION OR WASTE MATERIALS ACCUMULATED DUE TO EXCAVATION OR DEMOLITION SHALL BE PLACED WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE DRIP LINE OF ANY TREE. 6. 7. NO EQUIPMENT MAY BE CLEANED OR TOXIC SOLUTIONS, OR OTHER LIQUID CHEMICALS, SHALL BE DEPOSITED WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE DRIP LINE OF A TREE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO: PAINT, OIL, SOLVENTS, ASPHALT, CONCRETE, MORTAR, PRIMERS, ETC. NO SIGNS, WIRES OR OTHER ATTACHMENTS, OTHER THAN THOSE OF A PROTECTIVE NATURE, SHALL BE ATTACHED TO ANY TREE. 8. NO VEHICULAR / CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT TRAFFIC OR PARKING IS ALLOWED WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE DRIP LINE OF TREES. 9. BORING OF UTILITIES MAY BE PERMITTED UNDER PROTECTED TREES IN CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES. THE MINIMUM LENGTH OF THE BORE SHALL BE THE WIDTH OF THE TREE'S CANOPY AND SHALL BE A MINIMUM DEPTH OF FORTY-EIGHT (48") INCHES. 10. IRRIGATION TRENCHING WHICH MUST BE DONE WITHIN THE CRITICAL ROOT ZONE OF A TREE SHALL BE DUG BY HAND AND ENTER THE AREA IN A RADIAL MANNER. 11. ALL TREES TO BE REMOVED FROM THE SITE SHALL BE FLAGGED BY THE CONTRACTOR WITH BRIGHT RED VINYL TAPE (3" WIDTH) WRAPPED AROUND THE MAIN TRUNK AT A HEIGHT OF FOUR (4') FEET ABOVE GRADE. FLAGGING SHALL BE APPROVED BY OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO ANY TREE REMOVAL. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE WITH 72 HOURS NOTICE TO SCHEDULE ON-SITE MEETING. DALLAS COUNTY MAPSCO 7-Y BUILDING/PARKING SUMMARY CURRENT ZONING SPECIAL CONDITIONS SETBACKS LOT AREA BUILDING USE BUILDING AREA I-FP(2) ORD. #10-A NONE 7.177 ACRES, 312,646 SF OFFICE & EQUIPMENT (DATACENTER) OFFICE = 12,900 SF DATACENTER= 108,468 SF TOTAL = 121,368 SF PARKING RATIO OFFICE = 1:300 =43 SP. REQ'D DATACENTER = 1:3000 = 37 SP. REQ'D (VAR 0709 - APPROVED JULY 9, 2007) REQUIRED PARKING PROVIDED PARKING LANDSCAPE % REQUIRED LANDSCAPE % PROVIDED IMPERVIOUS AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO BUILDING HEIGHT 80 SPACES 82 SPACES 10% (31,265 SF) 26% (81,912 SF) 230,734 SF 0.39:1 (0.75:1 MAX.) 1 STORY (25' HIGH) ENGINEER PACHECO KOCH CONSULTING ENGINEERS 8350 NORTH CENTRAL EXPRESSWAY, SUITE 1000 DALLAS, TEXAS 75206 PH: (972) 235-3031 FAX: (972) 235-9544 CONTACT: JOSH JEZEK, P.E. OWNER COLLINS TECHNOLOGY PARK PARTNERS, LLC 2323 BRYAN STREET, SUITE 2300 DALLAS, TEXAS 75201 PH: (214) 878-4787 CONTACT: BRYAN MARSH 12. ALL TREES TO REMAIN, AS NOTED ON DRAWINGS, SHALL HAVE PROTECTIVE FENCING LOCATED AT THE TREE'S DRIP LINE. THE PROTECTIVE FENCING MAY BE COMPRISED OF SNOW FENCING, ORANGE VINYL CONSTRUCTION FENCING, CHAIN LINK FENCE OR OTHER SIMILAR FENCING WITH A FOUR (4') FOOT APPROXIMATE HEIGHT. THE PROTECTIVE FENCING SHALL BE LOCATED AS INDICATED ON THE TREE PROTECTION DETAIL. ST AT EXISTING TREE TO REMAIN AS EXISTING TREE LEGEND ANN H RI G AU KO 13. WHEN A LOW HANGING LIMB IS BROKEN DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE IMMEDIATELY. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE SHALL THE CONTRACTOR PRUNE ANY PORTION OF THE DAMAGED TREE WITHOUT THE PRIOR APPROVAL BY THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. 2246 E OF TEX 5.7.12 X PRUNING AND TRIMMING NOTES 1. REFER TO PLAN FOR EXISTING TREE TO REMAIN SNOW FENCE, ORANGE VINYL CONSTRUCTION FENCE, OR CHAINLINK FENCE 4'-0" MIN. EXISTING GRADE TO REMAIN UNDISTURBED 3'-0" METAL T-POST AT EACH OF FOUR CORNERS CONTRACTOR SHALL PRUNE ALL EXISTING TREES ON-SITE USING THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES. 2. ALL TREES SHALL BE TRIMMED SO THAT NATURAL SHAPES OF THE PLANTS ARE RETAINED. 3. DO NOT 'TOP' OR 'HEAD' TREES. DO NOT 'BALL' OR 'SHEAR' TREES. 4. IF BALLING OR SHEARING OF TREES HAS OCCURRED IN THE PAST, DISCONTINUE THIS PRACTICE AND ALLOW PLANTS TO GROW INTO NATURAL SHAPE. 5. 6. REMOVE SUCKERS, DEAD, DYING, DISEASED, BROKEN AND / OR WEAK BRANCHES FROM ALL TREES ALONG THE MAIN TRUNK STRUCTURE AND WITHIN THE BRANCHING AREA. CONTRACTOR SHALL PRUNE EXISTING DECIDUOUS HARDWOOD BY REMOVING LOWER LIMBS TO RAISE THE CANOPY. THE BOTTOM OF THE CANOPY SHALL BE RAISED TO 12'-0" ABOVE GRADE FOR DECIDUOUS HARDWOOD TREES, WHEN POSSIBLE. THE INTEGRITY OF THE CANOPY AND STRUCTURE OF THE TREE SHALL BE MAINTAINED. DO NOT CUT OR PRUNE CENTRAL LEADERS. 7. CONTRACTOR SHALL THIN THE CANOPY BY ONE-FOURTH. PRUNE TREE TO EVENLY SPACE BRANCHES WITHIN THE CANOPY WHENEVER POSSIBLE. REMOVE THOSE LIMBS THAT CROSS OTHERS, DOUBLE LEADERS AND THOSE THAT EXCESSIVELY EXTEND BEYOND THE NATURAL CROWN OF THE TREE. 8. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE DEEP ROOT FEEDING AND INVIGORATION OF EXISTING TREES. THIS SHALL BE ORGANIC BASED NUTRIENTS BASED FOR ROOT GROWTH AND LEAF GROWTH STIMULATION. 9. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE REQUIRED TO CHIP ALL REMOVED BRANCHES, LEAFS, ETC. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 TREE PROTECTION FENCING TO REMAIN DURING CONSTRUCTION REFER TO 01/L1.01 TREE SURVEY FIELD DATA Dia. Species Status Reason for (inches) (common name) Removal 12 Live Oak To Remain 4 Crepe Myrtle To Be Removed In Building Pad 5 Crepe Myrtle To Be Removed In Building Pad 4 Crepe Myrtle To Be Removed In Building Pad 5 Crepe Myrtle To Be Removed In Building Pad 4 Crepe Myrtle To Be Removed In Building Pad 14 Live Oak To Remain 18 Live Oak To Remain 21 Live Oak To Remain 17 Live Oak To Remain 16 Live Oak To Remain 5 Crepe Myrtle To Be Removed In Building Pad 4 Crepe Myrtle To Be Removed In Building Pad 4 Crepe Myrtle To Be Removed In Building Pad 7 Crepe Myrtle To Be Removed In Building Pad 5 Crepe Myrtle To Be Removed In Building Pad 14 Live Oak To Be Removed In Building Pad 16 Live Oak To Remain 14 Live Oak To Remain 21 Live Oak To Remain 21 Live Oak To Be Removed In Fire Lane N 01 TREE PROTECTIVE FENCING 0 20 40 80 214.708.5274 www.bellef 2-12" & 6" 10" & 12" DALLAS FORT WORTH HOUSTON TREE PRESERVATION PLAN DATACENTER PARK 850 E. COLLINS BOULEVARD LOT 10A, BLOCK 1 8", 10" & 12" 8", 10" & 12" LIMITS OF DRIPLINE Total Caliper Inches on Site Total Caliper Inches Removed 823 Brookhurst Drive Dallas, Texas 75218 SCALE: 1" = 40'-0" Remarks 231 82 NTS KAH KAH 1"=40' L1.01 DATACENTER PARK - 850 E. COLLINS BOULEVARD EXISTING TREE TO BE REMOVED VICINITY MAP LANDSCAPE NOTES 16 DWM 4 PG 20 SG 12" CROWN 1 CM-T 3 WM 92 SG 12" CROWN 3 PG 18 SO 3 CM-T 56 DWM 5 VT 2 CM 16 NRS 16 NRS 4 WM 12" CROWN 1 CO 1 WM 1 CO 194 NRS LAWN SOLID SOD BERMUDAGRASS,TYP. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL FINE GRADE AREAS TO ACHIEVE FINAL CONTOURS AS INDICATED. LEAVE AREAS TO RECEIVE TOPSOIL 3" BELOW FINAL FINISHED GRADE IN PLANTING AREAS AND 1" BELOW FINAL FINISHED GRADE IN LAWN AREAS. 5. ALL PLANTING BEDS AND LAWN AREAS SHALL BE SEPARATED BY STEEL EDGING. NO STEEL EDGING SHALL BE INSTALLED ADJACENT TO BUILDINGS, WALKS, OR CURBS. CUT STEEL EDGING AT 45 DEGREE ANGLE WHERE IT INTERSECTS WALKS AND CURBS. 6. TOP OF MULCH SHALL BE 1/2" MINIMUM BELOW THE TOP OF WALKS AND CURBS. 7. ALL LAWN AREAS SHALL BE SOLID SOD BERMUDAGRASS, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON THE DRAWINGS. 8. ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH AN AUTOMATIC UNDERGROUND IRRIGATION SYSTEM WITH RAIN AND FREEZE SENSORS AND EVAPOTRANSPIRATION (ET) WEATHER-BASED CONTROLLERS AND SAID IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL BE DESIGNED BY A QUALIFIED PROFESSIONAL AND INSTALLED BY A LICENSED IRRIGATOR. 9. 1. THE OWNER, TENANT AND THEIR AGENT, IF ANY, SHALL BE JOINTLY AND SEVERALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF ALL LANDSCAPE. 2. ALL LANDSCAPE SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A NEAT AND ORDERLY MANNER AT ALL TIMES. THIS SHALL INCLUDE MOWING, EDGING, PRUNING, FERTILIZING, WATERING, WEEDING AND OTHER SUCH ACTIVITIES COMMON TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE. 1 CO 72 LOR 63 LOR 'COLORADO' RIVER ROCK 1"-3" DIA., 4" DEPTH, WITH WEED BARRIER FABRIC 1 CO 4 AB 1 CO 5' 'COLORADO' RIVER ROCK 1"-3" DIA., 4" DEPTH, WITH WEED BARRIER FABRIC 36 LM 85 WC 7 SO 37 AB 33 LM 3 WM 1 CO 15 AB 34 LM 5 CM 5' 16 AB 17 AB 30 LM 3 CM-T 15 AB 3 SO 33 LM 90 LIR 5' 2'-7" OVERHANG MULCH BED 5 LOR 1 CO 20 SC 1 CO 104 AB 5 VT 3. ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS SHALL BE KEPT FREE OF TRASH, LITTER, WEEDS AND OTHER SUCH MATERIAL OR PLANTS NOT PART OF THIS PLAN. 4. ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A HEALTHY AND GROWING CONDITION AS IS APPROPRIATE FOR THE SEASON OF THE YEAR. 5. ALL PLANT MATERIAL WHICH DIES SHALL BE REPLACED WITH PLANT MATERIAL OF EQUAL OR BETTER VALUE. 260 WC 54 SC 15 LOR 3' OVERHANG MULCH BED 4' 1 CO GENERAL LAWN NOTES 47 LM 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE OPERATIONS AND AVAILABILITY OF EXISTING TOPSOIL WITH ON-SITE CONSTRUCTION MANAGER. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL LEAVE LAWN AREAS 1" BELOW FINAL FINISHED GRADE PRIOR TO TOPSOIL INSTALLATION. 4 SO LANDSCAPE TABULATIONS 4. ALL LAWN AREAS SHALL BE FINE GRADED, IRRIGATION TRENCHES COMPLETELY SETTLED AND FINISH GRADE APPROVED BY THE OWNER'S CONSTRUCTION MANAGER OR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO LAWN INSTALLATION. 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ALL ROCKS 3/4" DIAMETER AND LARGER, DIRT CLODS, STICKS, CONCRETE SPOILS, ETC. PRIOR TO PLACING TOPSOIL AND LAWN INSTALLATION. 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN ALL LAWN AREAS UNTIL FINAL ACCEPTANCE. THIS SHALL INCLUDE, BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO: MOWING, WATERING, WEEDING, CULTIVATING, CLEANING AND REPLACING DEAD OR BARE AREAS TO KEEP PLANTS IN A VIGOROUS, HEALTHY CONDITION. THE CITY OF RICHARDSON, TEXAS SITE REQUIREMENTS: 10% of total site area shall be landscape. Total Site Area: 312,646 s.f. Required Provided 31,265 s.f. (10%) 81,912 s.f. landscape (26%) SYMBOL REMARKS PARKING AREA REQUIREMENTS: 20% of the required landscaping to be internal to the parking area. 30 gal. container grown, 3-5 trunk, no cross canes, 8' ht., 4' spread, matching Required 6,253 s.f. (20%) 10 3" cal. container grown, 15' ht., 5' spread, 5' branching ht., matching Shumard Red Oak 32 3" cal. container grown, 15' ht., 5' spread, 5' branching ht., matching Vitex agnus-castus Vitex 15 2" cal. container grown, 8' ht., 4' spread, 3 trunk min. Myrica cerifera Wax Myrtle 11 6' ht. container grown, tree form, 4' spread, 3' branching ht. BOTANICAL NAME TREES COMMON NAME QTY. CM-T Lagerstroemia indica 'Tuscarora' Crepe Myrtle 'Tuscarora' 17 CO Quercus muehlenbergii Chinkapin Oak SO Quercus shumardii VT WM SIZE SHRUBS/GROUNDCOVER AB DWM LIR LM LOR NRS PG SC SG WC Abelia grandiflora 'Edward Goucher' Myrica pusilla Liriope muscari 'Big Blue' Muhlenbergia lindheimeri Loropetalum chinensis 'Purple Pixie' Ilex spp. 'Nellie R. Stevens' Cortaderia selloana Salvia greggii 'Red' Euonymus fortunei 'Coloratus' Cynodon dactylon Dwarf Abelia 'Edward Goucher' Dwarf Wax Myrtle Liriope 'Big Blue' Lindheimer's Muhly Loropetalum 'Purple Pixie' Nellie R. Stevens Holly Pampas Grass Seasonal Color Salvia Greggii 'Red' Wintercreeper Common Bermudagrass 254 149 690 213 155 303 23 85 168 345 5 gal. 36" ht. 4" pots 5 gal. 5 gal. 7 gal. 15 gal. 4" pots 5 gal. 4" pots container full, 24" spread, 30" o.c. container full, 24" spread, 36" o.c. container full top of container, 12" o.c. container full, 36" o.c. container full, 20" spread, 24" o.c. container full to base, 36" ht., 36" o.c. container full, 36" spread, 8' o.c. container full, 12" o.c., selection by Owner container full, 20" spread 24" o.c. container (3) 12" runners min., 12" o.c. refer to notes NOTE: ALL TREES SHALL HAVE STRAIGHT TRUNKS AND BE MATCHING WITHIN VARIETIES. PLANT LIST IS AN AID TO BIDDERS ONLY. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL QUANTITIES ON PLAN. ALL HEIGHTS AND SPREADS ARE MINIMUMS. ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL MEET OR EXCEED REMARKS AS INDICATED. Provided 7,358 s.f. (23%) LANDSCAPE POLICY LANDSCAPE BUFFER: A 10' wide landscape buffer adjacent to all streets shall have one (1) canopy tree and one (1) ornamental tree per 50 l.f. EAST COLLINS BOULEVARD (800 l.f.) Recommended Provided 10' landscape buffer 10' landscape buffer (16) canopy trees (18) canopy trees (16) ornamental trees (27) ornamental trees QUALITY WAY (812 l.f.) Recommended 10' landscape buffer (16) canopy trees (16) ornamental trees Provided 10' landscape buffer (14) canopy trees (2) existing canopy trees (16) ornamental trees PARKING LOT SCREEN: Screening required for parking areas adjacent to the street Recommended 30" ht. opaque screen 7. BUILDING/PARKING SUMMARY CURRENT ZONING SPECIAL CONDITIONS SETBACKS LOT AREA BUILDING USE BUILDING AREA I-FP(2) ORD. #10-A NONE 7.177 ACRES, 312,646 SF OFFICE & EQUIPMENT (DATACENTER) OFFICE = 12,900 SF DATACENTER= 108,468 SF TOTAL = 121,368 SF PARKING RATIO OFFICE = 1:300 =43 SP. REQ'D DATACENTER = 1:3000 = 37 SP. REQ'D (VAR 0709 - APPROVED JULY 9, 2007) REQUIRED PARKING PROVIDED PARKING LANDSCAPE % REQUIRED LANDSCAPE % PROVIDED IMPERVIOUS AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO BUILDING HEIGHT 80 SPACES 82 SPACES 10% (31,265 SF) 26% (81,912 SF) 230,734 SF 0.39:1 (0.75:1 MAX.) 1 STORY (25' HIGH) ENGINEER PACHECO KOCH CONSULTING ENGINEERS 8350 NORTH CENTRAL EXPRESSWAY, SUITE 1000 DALLAS, TEXAS 75206 PH: (972) 235-3031 FAX: (972) 235-9544 CONTACT: JOSH JEZEK, P.E. OWNER COLLINS TECHNOLOGY PARK PARTNERS, LLC 2323 BRYAN STREET, SUITE 2300 DALLAS, TEXAS 75201 PH: (214) 878-4787 CONTACT: BRYAN MARSH 1. ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS SHALL BE IRRIGATED BY AN AUTOMATIC UNDERGROUND IRRIGATION SYSTEM EQUIPPED WITH AND OPERATING RAIN AND FREEZE SENSORS. 2. ALL BED AREAS SHALL BE SEPARATED FROM TURF AREAS BY STEEL EDGING. 3. THE PROPERTY OWNER MUST MAINTAIN ALL LANDSCAPING IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LANDSCAPE PLAN APPROVED BY THE CITY PLAN COMMISSION. 4. LANDSCAPE MATERIAL WITHIN DESIGNATED SITE VISIBILITY TRIANGLES AND PARKING ISLANDS MUST BE LESS THAN 24" IN HEIGHT FOR GROUNDCOVER AND SHRUBS AND LOWER TREE LIMBS MUST BE A MINIMUM OF 7' FROM THE ADJACENT GROUND. ST LAWN SOLID SOD BERMUDAGRASS,TYP. CONTRACTOR SHALL FINE GRADE AREAS TO ACHIEVE FINAL CONTOURS AS INDICATED ON CIVIL PLANS. ADJUST CONTOURS TO ACHIEVE POSITIVE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM BUILDINGS. PROVIDE UNIFORM ROUNDING AT TOP AND BOTTOM OF SLOPES AND OTHER BREAKS IN GRADE. CORRECT IRREGULARITIES AND AREAS WHERE WATER MAY STAND. DALLAS COUNTY MAPSCO 7-Y AT 0 20 2246 E OF TEX 5.7.12 823 Brookhurst Drive Dallas, Texas 75218 SCALE: 1" = 40'-0" N ANN H RI G AU 3. PLANT LIST CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE BID PROPOSAL LISTING UNIT PRICES FOR ALL MATERIAL PROVIDED. MAINTENANCE NOTES 1 CO 46 AB CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE A MINIMUM 2% SLOPE AWAY FROM ALL STRUCTURES. 10. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ALL REQUIRED LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION PERMITS. 3' OVERHANG MULCH BED EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN, TYP. 3. 49 NRS 5 VT 600 LIR CONTRACTOR SHALL LOCATE ALL EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF ANY CONFLICTS. CONTRACTOR SHALL EXERCISE CAUTION WHEN WORKING IN THE VICINITY OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. 10 PG 3 CM LAWN SOLID SOD BERMUDAGRASS,TYP. 28 NRS 39 DWM 2. 40 80 214.708.5274 www.bellef CONTRACTOR SHALL GUARANTEE ESTABLISHMENT OF ACCEPTABLE TURF AREA AND SHALL PROVIDE REPLACEMENT FROM LOCAL SUPPLY IF NECESSARY. SOLID SOD NOTES 1. PLANT SOD BY HAND TO COVER INDICATED AREAS COMPLETELY. ENSURE EDGES OF SOD ARE TOUCHING. TOP DRESS JOINTS BY HAND WITH TOPSOIL TO FILL VOIDS. 2. ROLL GRASS AREAS TO ACHIEVE A SMOOTH, EVEN SURFACE, FREE FROM UNNATURAL UNDULATIONS. 3. WATER SOD PROGRESSES. 4. IF INSTALLATION OCCURS BETWEEN SEPTEMBER 1 AND MARCH 1, OVER-SEED BERMUDAGRASS SOD WITH WINTER RYEGRASS, AT A RATE OF FOUR (4) POUNDS PER ONE THOUSAND (1000) SQUARE FEET. THOROUGHLY AS SOD DALLAS FORT WORTH HOUSTON LANDSCAPE PLAN DATACENTER PARK 850 E. COLLINS BOULEVARD LOT 10A, BLOCK 1 OPERATION Provided 30" ht. evergreen shrubs KAH KAH 1"=40' L2.01 DATACENTER PARK - 850 E. COLLINS BOULEVARD 23 SG 6 PG CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL EXISTING AND PROPOSED SITE ELEMENTS AND NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF ANY DISCREPANCIES. SURVEY DATA OF EXISTING CONDITIONS WAS SUPPLIED BY OTHERS. AS 24" BERM 33 SG 1. KO 38 DWM NOT TO SCALE Agenda Item 3 Collins Technology Park 904 Quality Way (Companion to agenda items no. 7) Attachments: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Site plan staff report Locator Site Plan Landscape plan staff report Landscape plan CITY PLAN COMMISSION BACKGROUND INFORMATION May 15, 2012 Site Plan PROJECT SUMMARY Project: Collins Technology Park Location: 904 Quality Way Request: The purpose of the site plan is to reflect the development of a 48,425 square foot data center with associated parking and an outdoor mechanical yard, which will be enclosed with a 21’ tall masonry screening wall. The site plan complies with all applicable City zoning and development regulations. CPC Action: Final decision BACKGROUND Zoning: I-FP(2) Industrial Fire Proof District Tract Size: 4.32-acres (188,955 square feet) Variances: In 2007, the City Council granted a variance for the Collins Technology Park to permit a reduced parking ratio of 1:3000 for the datacenter portion of a development (VAR 07-09). Building Area/Use: 48,425 square feet/datacenter Office: 6,000 square feet Datacenter: 42,425 square feet Site Access: The site has direct access to Quality Way (private street) and various internal access driveways. Page 1 of 2 X:\Development (new)\Development Plan Files\Site Plan Files\Quality Way - converted\904 (Data Center Park)\Minutes and Staff Reports\SITE PLAN.doc Parking Summary: Parking Ratio Spaces Required Spaces Provided Required Wall/Screen: 1:250 – Office 1:3000 – Datacenter (VAR 07-09) 38 spaces 54 spaces The screening wall for the mechanical area will be 21’ tall and be constructed of pre-cast concrete panels finished to match the main building. Page 2 of 2 X:\Development (new)\Development Plan Files\Site Plan Files\Quality Way - converted\904 (Data Center Park)\Minutes and Staff Reports\SITE PLAN.doc DALLAS COUNTY MAPSCO 7-Y DALLAS FORT WORTH DATACENTER PARK, 904 QUALITY WAY INTERNATIONAL PARKWAY QUALITY WAY HOUSTON SITE PLAN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DATACENTER PARK - 904 QUALITY WAY LOT 12, BLOCK 1 COLLINS TECHNOLOGY PARK SP.1 1 9 1/2" 5" 9 1/2"Ø 42 1/2" 6"Ø C O 27'-0" 25'-0" N D U 3 IT 3/4 O " PE NI NG 5" BOLT CIRCLE DIA. 37 1/2" LIGHT CENTER HEIGHT 8"Ø PLAN ELEVATION 1 1/2" ANCHOR BOLT PROJECTION NOTE: INSTALLATION TO BE COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. DATACENTER PARK, 904 QUALITY WAY 4'-6" 2'-6" MIN. 1'-0" 2'-0" 3/4" 2'-0" NOTES: DALLAS FORT WORTH HOUSTON SITE PLAN DETAILS NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DATACENTER PARK - 904 QUALITY WAY LOT 12, BLOCK 1 COLLINS TECHNOLOGY PARK SP.2 CITY PLAN COMMISSION BACKGROUND INFORMATION May 15, 2012 Landscape Plan PROJECT SUMMARY Project: Collins Technology Park Location: 904 Quality Way Request: The landscape plan reflects the development of a 48,425 square foot data center on a 4.32-acre tract of land. On the north side of the proposed data center, there is an area designed for “future building expansion.” The applicant is requesting that this area be void foundation plants, since it would be removed to accommodate the future building expansion. Except, for the above mentioned foundation plantings within the future expansion area, the proposed landscape plan, meets or exceeds City guidelines and policies regarding tree installation along street frontages, parking area screening, and minimum landscape area. CPC Action: Final decision BACKGROUND Landscape Area Summary: Area Required 7% of property (13,227 square feet) Area Provided Landscape Design: 30% of property (57,158 square feet) The proposed landscape plan reflects the development of a 48,425 square foot data center on the south side of Quality Way (private street), west of International Parkway. In addition to the five existing mature Like Oak trees, the plan reflects the installation of Shumard Red Oak and Chinkapin Oak trees supplemented with a variety of ornamental trees along the south side of Quality Way. Additional proposed landscape material include areas for seasonal color, Nellie R. Steven Holly and Dwarf Abelia Page 1 of 2 X:\Development (new)\Development Plan Files\Site Plan Files\Quality Way - converted\904 (Data Center Park)\Minutes and Staff Reports\Landscape Staff Report.doc for parking lot screening and foundation shrubs highlighted with Wintercreeper groundcover. Tree preservation: Five existing Live Oak trees located on the south side of Quality Way will be retained. Page 2 of 2 X:\Development (new)\Development Plan Files\Site Plan Files\Quality Way - converted\904 (Data Center Park)\Minutes and Staff Reports\Landscape Staff Report.doc VICINITY MAP LANDSCAPE NOTES 1 SO 3 VT 47 46 55 SC CROWN BED 12" 48 49 50 4' 55 NRS 4 NRS 90 WC 1 CM-T 10 LOR 25 LOR 7 AB LAWN SOLID SOD BERMUDAGRASS, TYP. 5' 'COLORADO' RIVER ROCK 1"-3" DIA., 4" DEPTH, WITH WEED BARRIER FABRIC 69 NRS 13 AB 30 LM EXISTING RIVER ROCK TO REMAIN, TYP. 5' 16 LM 'COLORADO' RIVER ROCK 1"-3" DIA., 4" DEPTH, WITH WEED BARRIER FABRIC 5' 17 LOR 3 CM-N 150 WC 50 WC 10 LOR 10 AB LIMIT OF LAWN CONTRACTOR SHALL FINE GRADE AREAS TO ACHIEVE FINAL CONTOURS AS INDICATED. LEAVE AREAS TO RECEIVE TOPSOIL 3" BELOW FINAL FINISHED GRADE IN PLANTING AREAS AND 1" BELOW FINAL FINISHED GRADE IN LAWN AREAS. 5. ALL PLANTING BEDS AND LAWN AREAS SHALL BE SEPARATED BY STEEL EDGING. NO STEEL EDGING SHALL BE INSTALLED ADJACENT TO BUILDINGS, WALKS, OR CURBS. CUT STEEL EDGING AT 45 DEGREE ANGLE WHERE IT INTERSECTS WALKS AND CURBS. 6. TOP OF MULCH SHALL BE 1/2" MINIMUM BELOW THE TOP OF WALKS AND CURBS. 7. ALL LAWN AREAS SHALL BE SOLID SOD BERMUDAGRASS, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON THE DRAWINGS. 8. ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH AN AUTOMATIC UNDERGROUND IRRIGATION SYSTEM WITH RAIN AND FREEZE SENSORS AND EVAPOTRANSPIRATION (ET) WEATHER-BASED CONTROLLERS AND SAID IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL BE DESIGNED BY A QUALIFIED PROFESSIONAL AND INSTALLED BY A LICENSED IRRIGATOR. 1 CO 2 CO 255 WC 145 WC 19 AB 1 CO 23 LM 410 WC 9. MAINTENANCE NOTES 95 WC 1. THE OWNER, TENANT AND THEIR AGENT, IF ANY, SHALL BE JOINTLY AND SEVERALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF ALL LANDSCAPE. 2. ALL LANDSCAPE SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A NEAT AND ORDERLY MANNER AT ALL TIMES. THIS SHALL INCLUDE MOWING, EDGING, PRUNING, FERTILIZING, WATERING, WEEDING AND OTHER SUCH ACTIVITIES COMMON TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE. 3. ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS SHALL BE KEPT FREE OF TRASH, LITTER, WEEDS AND OTHER SUCH MATERIAL OR PLANTS NOT PART OF THIS PLAN. 4. ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A HEALTHY AND GROWING CONDITION AS IS APPROPRIATE FOR THE SEASON OF THE YEAR. 5. ALL PLANT MATERIAL WHICH DIES SHALL BE REPLACED WITH PLANT MATERIAL OF EQUAL OR BETTER VALUE. 53 CITY OF RICHARDSON LANDSCAPE NOTES GENERAL LAWN NOTES 1. ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS SHALL BE IRRIGATED BY AN AUTOMATIC UNDERGROUND IRRIGATION SYSTEM EQUIPPED WITH AND OPERATING RAIN AND FREEZE SENSORS. 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE OPERATIONS AND AVAILABILITY OF EXISTING TOPSOIL WITH ON-SITE CONSTRUCTION MANAGER. 2. ALL BED AREAS SHALL BE SEPARATED FROM TURF AREAS BY STEEL EDGING. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL LEAVE LAWN AREAS 1" BELOW FINAL FINISHED GRADE PRIOR TO TOPSOIL INSTALLATION. 4. LANDSCAPE MATERIAL WITHIN DESIGNATED SITE VISIBILITY TRIANGLES AND PARKING ISLANDS MUST BE LESS THAN 24" IN HEIGHT FOR GROUNDCOVER AND SHRUBS AND LOWER TREE LIMBS MUST BE A MINIMUM OF 7' FROM THE ADJACENT GROUND. 3. BOTANICAL NAME TREES COMMON NAME CM-N Lagerstroemia indica 'Natchez' Crepe Myrtle 'Natchez' CM-T Lagerstroemia indica 'Tuscarora' CO QTY. SIZE REMARKS 3 30 gal. container grown, 5 trunk, no cross canes, 8' ht., 4' spread, matching Crepe Myrtle 'Tuscarora' 6 30 gal. container grown, 5 trunk, no cross canes, 8' ht., 4' spread, matching Quercus muehlenbergii Chinkapin Oak 4 3" cal. container grown, 12' ht., 5' spread, 5' branching ht., matching SO Quercus shumardii Shumard Red Oak 6 3" cal. container grown, 12' ht., 5' spread, 5' branching ht., matching VT Vitex agnus-castus Vitex 6 2" cal. container grown, 8' ht., 4' spread, 3 trunk min. Total Site Area: 188,955 s.f. Required Provided 13,227 s.f. (7%) 57,158 s.f. landscape (30%) PARKING AREA REQUIREMENTS: 20% of the required landscaping to be internal to the parking area. Required 2,645 s.f. (20%) SHRUBS/GROUNDCOVER Provided 3,908 s.f. s.f. (30%) ALL LAWN AREAS SHALL BE FINE GRADED, IRRIGATION TRENCHES COMPLETELY SETTLED AND FINISH GRADE APPROVED BY THE OWNER'S CONSTRUCTION MANAGER OR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO LAWN INSTALLATION. 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ALL ROCKS 3/4" DIAMETER AND LARGER, DIRT CLODS, STICKS, CONCRETE SPOILS, ETC. PRIOR TO PLACING TOPSOIL AND LAWN INSTALLATION. 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN ALL LAWN AREAS UNTIL FINAL ACCEPTANCE. THIS SHALL INCLUDE, BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO: MOWING, WATERING, WEEDING, CULTIVATING, CLEANING AND REPLACING DEAD OR BARE AREAS TO KEEP PLANTS IN A VIGOROUS, HEALTHY CONDITION. AB Abelia grandiflora 'Edward Goucher' Dwarf Abelia 'Edward Goucher' 105 5 gal. container full, 20" spread, 30" o.c. LM Muhlenbergia lindheimeri Lindheimer's Muhly 121 5 gal. container full, 36" o.c. LOR Loropetalum chinensis 'Purple Pixie' Loropetalum 'Purple Pixie' 194 5 gal. container full, 20" spread, 24" o.c. NRS Ilex spp. 'Nellie R. Stevens' Nellie R. Stevens Holly 128 7 gal. container full to base, 36" ht., 36" o.c. 80 4" pots container full, 12" o.c., selection by Owner QUALITY WAY (570 l.f.) Recommended 10' landscape buffer (11) canopy trees 1665 4" pots container (3) 12" runners min., 12" o.c. (11) ornamental trees refer to notes PARKING LOT SCREEN: Screening required for parking areas adjacent to the street Seasonal Color Euonymus fortunei 'Coloratus' Wintercreeper Cynodon dactylon Common Bermudagrass NOTE: ALL TREES SHALL HAVE STRAIGHT TRUNKS AND BE MATCHING WITHIN VARIETIES. PLANT LIST IS AN AID TO BIDDERS ONLY. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL QUANTITIES ON PLAN. ALL HEIGHTS AND SPREADS ARE MINIMUMS. ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL MEET OR EXCEED REMARKS AS INDICATED. LANDSCAPE POLICY LANDSCAPE BUFFER: A 10' wide landscape buffer adjacent to all streets shall have one (1) canopy tree and one (1) ornamental tree per 50 l.f. Recommended 30" ht. opaque screen Provided 10' landscape buffer (5) existing canopy trees (6) canopy trees (12) ornamental trees Provided 30" ht. evergreen shrubs 7. I-FP(2) ORD. #10-A NONE 4.338 ACRES, 188,955 SF OFFICE & EQUIPMENT (DATACENTER) OFFICE = 6,000 SF DATACENTER= 42,425 SF TOTAL = 48,425 SF PARKING RATIO OFFICE = 1:250 =24 SP. REQ'D REQUIRED PARKING PROVIDED PARKING LANDSCAPE % REQUIRED LANDSCAPE % PROVIDED IMPERVIOUS AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO BUILDING HEIGHT 38 SPACES 54 SPACES 7% (13,227 SF) 30% (57,158 SF) 131,797 SF 0.26:1 (0.75:1 MAX.) 1 STORY (28' HIGH) ENGINEER PACHECO KOCH CONSULTING ENGINEERS 8350 NORTH CENTRAL EXPRESSWAY, SUITE 1000 DALLAS, TEXAS 75206 PH: (972) 235-3031 FAX: (972) 235-9544 CONTACT: JOSH JEZEK, P.E. OWNER COLLINS TECHNOLOGY PARK PARTNERS, LLC 2323 BRYAN STREET, SUITE 2300 DALLAS, TEXAS 75201 PH: (214) 878-4787 CONTACT: BRYAN MARSH CONTRACTOR SHALL FINE GRADE AREAS TO ACHIEVE FINAL CONTOURS AS INDICATED ON CIVIL PLANS. ADJUST CONTOURS TO ACHIEVE POSITIVE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM BUILDINGS. PROVIDE UNIFORM ROUNDING AT TOP AND BOTTOM OF SLOPES AND OTHER BREAKS IN GRADE. CORRECT IRREGULARITIES AND AREAS WHERE WATER MAY STAND. 4. SITE REQUIREMENTS: 7% of total site area shall be landscape. BUILDING/PARKING SUMMARY CURRENT ZONING SPECIAL CONDITIONS SETBACKS LOT AREA BUILDING USE BUILDING AREA AT 0 20 2246 E OF TEX 5.7.12 823 Brookhurst Drive Dallas, Texas 75218 SCALE: 1" = 40'-0" N ANN H RI G AU THE PROPERTY OWNER MUST MAINTAIN ALL LANDSCAPING IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LANDSCAPE PLAN APPROVED BY THE CITY PLAN COMMISSION. DALLAS COUNTY MAPSCO 7-Y ST 3. LANDSCAPE TABULATIONS SYMBOL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE BID PROPOSAL LISTING UNIT PRICES FOR ALL MATERIAL PROVIDED. 10. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ALL REQUIRED LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION PERMITS. THE CITY OF RICHARDSON, TEXAS WC 4. 55 WC 3' OVERHANG MULCH BED 15 LM PLANT LIST SC CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE A MINIMUM 2% SLOPE AWAY FROM ALL STRUCTURES. LAWN SOLID SOD BERMUDAGRASS, TYP. 9 AB 52 120 LOR 5 CM-T 60 WC 4' 3. 210 WC 44 AB 'COLORADO' RIVER ROCK 1"-3" DIA., 4" DEPTH, WITH WEED BARRIER FABRIC 51 45 WC 20 WC 80 WC 37 LM EXISTING RIVER ROCK TO REMAIN, TYP. CONTRACTOR SHALL LOCATE ALL EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF ANY CONFLICTS. CONTRACTOR SHALL EXERCISE CAUTION WHEN WORKING IN THE VICINITY OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. 25 SC 3 AB 12 LOR LAWN SOLID SOD BERMUDAGRASS, TYP. 2. 43 40 80 214.708.5274 www.bellef CONTRACTOR SHALL GUARANTEE ESTABLISHMENT OF ACCEPTABLE TURF AREA AND SHALL PROVIDE REPLACEMENT FROM LOCAL SUPPLY IF NECESSARY. SOLID SOD NOTES 1. PLANT SOD BY HAND TO COVER INDICATED AREAS COMPLETELY. ENSURE EDGES OF SOD ARE TOUCHING. TOP DRESS JOINTS BY HAND WITH TOPSOIL TO FILL VOIDS. 2. ROLL GRASS AREAS TO ACHIEVE A SMOOTH, EVEN SURFACE, FREE FROM UNNATURAL UNDULATIONS. 3. WATER SOD PROGRESSES. 4. IF INSTALLATION OCCURS BETWEEN SEPTEMBER 1 AND MARCH 1, OVER-SEED BERMUDAGRASS SOD WITH WINTER RYEGRASS, AT A RATE OF FOUR (4) POUNDS PER ONE THOUSAND (1000) SQUARE FEET. THOROUGHLY AS SOD DALLAS FORT WORTH HOUSTON LANDSCAPE PLAN DATACENTER PARK 904 QUALITY WAY LOT 12, BLOCK 1 OPERATION KAH KAH 1"=40' L2.01 DATACENTER PARK - 904 QUALITY WAY EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN, TYP. 5 SO 42 41 CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL EXISTING AND PROPOSED SITE ELEMENTS AND NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF ANY DISCREPANCIES. SURVEY DATA OF EXISTING CONDITIONS WAS SUPPLIED BY OTHERS. AS 3 VT 40 1. KO 39 NOT TO SCALE TREE PRESERVATION NOTES 39 47 46 48 49 40 41 42 1. EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN SHALL BE PROTECTED DURING CONSTRUCTION FROM TREE STRUCTURE DAMAGE AND COMPACTION OF SOIL UNDER AND AROUND DRIP LINE (CANOPY) OF TREE. 2. IF ANY ROOT STRUCTURE IS DAMAGED DURING ADJACENT EXCAVATION / CONSTRUCTION, NOTIFY OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE IMMEDIATELY. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT A LICENSED ARBORIST BE SECURED FOR THE TREATMENT OF ANY POSSIBLE TREE WOUNDS. 3. NO DISTURBANCE OF THE SOIL GREATER THAN 4" SHALL BE LOCATED CLOSER TO THE TREE TRUNK THAN 1/2 THE DISTANCE OF THE DRIP LINE TO THE TREE TRUNK. A MINIMUM OF 75% OF THE DRIP LINE AND ROOT ZONE SHALL BE PRESERVED AT NATURAL GRADE. 4. ANY FINE GRADING DONE WITHIN THE CRITICAL ROOT ZONES OF THE PROTECTED TREES MUST BE DONE WITH LIGHT MACHINERY SUCH AS A BOBCAT OR LIGHT TRACTOR. NO EARTH MOVING EQUIPMENT WITH TRACKS IS ALLOWED WITHIN THE CRITICAL ROOT ZONE OF THE TREES. 5. NO MATERIALS INTENDED FOR USE IN CONSTRUCTION OR WASTE MATERIALS ACCUMULATED DUE TO EXCAVATION OR DEMOLITION SHALL BE PLACED WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE DRIP LINE OF ANY TREE. 43 50 TREE PROTECTION FENCING TO REMAIN DURING CONSTRUCTION, TYP.; REFER TO 01/L1.01 VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE 6. 7. DALLAS COUNTY MAPSCO 7-Y BUILDING/PARKING SUMMARY CURRENT ZONING SPECIAL CONDITIONS SETBACKS LOT AREA BUILDING USE BUILDING AREA NO EQUIPMENT MAY BE CLEANED OR TOXIC SOLUTIONS, OR OTHER LIQUID CHEMICALS, SHALL BE DEPOSITED WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE DRIP LINE OF A TREE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO: PAINT, OIL, SOLVENTS, ASPHALT, CONCRETE, MORTAR, PRIMERS, ETC. NO SIGNS, WIRES OR OTHER ATTACHMENTS, OTHER THAN THOSE OF A PROTECTIVE NATURE, SHALL BE ATTACHED TO ANY TREE. 8. NO VEHICULAR / CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT TRAFFIC OR PARKING IS ALLOWED WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE DRIP LINE OF TREES. 9. BORING OF UTILITIES MAY BE PERMITTED UNDER PROTECTED TREES IN CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES. THE MINIMUM LENGTH OF THE BORE SHALL BE THE WIDTH OF THE TREE'S CANOPY AND SHALL BE A MINIMUM DEPTH OF FORTY-EIGHT (48") INCHES. 52 11. ALL TREES TO BE REMOVED FROM THE SITE SHALL BE FLAGGED BY THE CONTRACTOR WITH BRIGHT RED VINYL TAPE (3" WIDTH) WRAPPED AROUND THE MAIN TRUNK AT A HEIGHT OF FOUR (4') FEET ABOVE GRADE. FLAGGING SHALL BE APPROVED BY OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO ANY TREE REMOVAL. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE WITH 72 HOURS NOTICE TO SCHEDULE ON-SITE MEETING. 53 4.338 ACRES, 188,955 SF OFFICE & EQUIPMENT (DATACENTER) OFFICE = 6,000 SF DATACENTER= 42,425 SF TOTAL = 48,425 SF PARKING RATIO OFFICE = 1:250 =24 SP. REQ'D REQUIRED PARKING PROVIDED PARKING LANDSCAPE % REQUIRED LANDSCAPE % PROVIDED IMPERVIOUS AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO BUILDING HEIGHT 38 SPACES 54 SPACES 7% (13,227 SF) 30% (57,158 SF) 131,797 SF 0.26:1 (0.75:1 MAX.) 1 STORY (28' HIGH) ENGINEER PACHECO KOCH CONSULTING ENGINEERS 8350 NORTH CENTRAL EXPRESSWAY, SUITE 1000 DALLAS, TEXAS 75206 PH: (972) 235-3031 FAX: (972) 235-9544 CONTACT: JOSH JEZEK, P.E. 10. IRRIGATION TRENCHING WHICH MUST BE DONE WITHIN THE CRITICAL ROOT ZONE OF A TREE SHALL BE DUG BY HAND AND ENTER THE AREA IN A RADIAL MANNER. 51 I-FP(2) ORD. #10-A NONE OWNER COLLINS TECHNOLOGY PARK PARTNERS, LLC 2323 BRYAN STREET, SUITE 2300 DALLAS, TEXAS 75201 PH: (214) 878-4787 CONTACT: BRYAN MARSH 12. ALL TREES TO REMAIN, AS NOTED ON DRAWINGS, SHALL HAVE PROTECTIVE FENCING LOCATED AT THE TREE'S DRIP LINE. THE PROTECTIVE FENCING MAY BE COMPRISED OF SNOW FENCING, ORANGE VINYL CONSTRUCTION FENCING, CHAIN LINK FENCE OR OTHER SIMILAR FENCING WITH A FOUR (4') FOOT APPROXIMATE HEIGHT. THE PROTECTIVE FENCING SHALL BE LOCATED AS INDICATED ON THE TREE PROTECTION DETAIL. 3. DO NOT 'TOP' OR 'HEAD' TREES. DO NOT 'BALL' OR 'SHEAR' TREES. 4. IF BALLING OR SHEARING OF TREES HAS OCCURRED IN THE PAST, DISCONTINUE THIS PRACTICE AND ALLOW PLANTS TO GROW INTO NATURAL SHAPE. 6. 4'-0" MIN. EXISTING GRADE TO REMAIN UNDISTURBED 3'-0" METAL T-POST AT EACH OF FOUR CORNERS 7. 01 NTS CONTRACTOR SHALL PRUNE EXISTING DECIDUOUS HARDWOOD BY REMOVING LOWER LIMBS TO RAISE THE CANOPY. THE BOTTOM OF THE CANOPY SHALL BE RAISED TO 12'-0" ABOVE GRADE FOR DECIDUOUS HARDWOOD TREES, WHEN POSSIBLE. THE INTEGRITY OF THE CANOPY AND STRUCTURE OF THE TREE SHALL BE MAINTAINED. DO NOT CUT OR PRUNE CENTRAL LEADERS. EXISTING TREE TO REMAIN CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE DEEP ROOT FEEDING AND INVIGORATION OF EXISTING TREES. THIS SHALL BE ORGANIC BASED NUTRIENTS BASED FOR ROOT GROWTH AND LEAF GROWTH STIMULATION. 9. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE REQUIRED TO CHIP ALL REMOVED BRANCHES, LEAFS, ETC. AS 2246 E OF TEX 5.7.12 EXISTING TREE TO BE REMOVED X TREE PROTECTION FENCING TO REMAIN DURING CONSTRUCTION REFER TO 01/L1.01 TREE SURVEY FIELD DATA Dia. Species Status (inches) (common name) 46 20 Live Oak To Remain 47 12 Live Oak To Remain 48 25 Live Oak To Remain 49 23 Live Oak To Remain 50 16 Live Oak To Remain Total Caliper Inches on Site Total Caliper Inches Removed No. 823 Brookhurst Drive Dallas, Texas 75218 SCALE: 1" = 40'-0" Remarks 14", 12" N 0 20 40 80 214.708.5274 www.bellef 18", 14" 16", 14" 12", 8" 96 0 CONTRACTOR SHALL THIN THE CANOPY BY ONE-FOURTH. PRUNE TREE TO EVENLY SPACE BRANCHES WITHIN THE CANOPY WHENEVER POSSIBLE. REMOVE THOSE LIMBS THAT CROSS OTHERS, DOUBLE LEADERS AND THOSE THAT EXCESSIVELY EXTEND BEYOND THE NATURAL CROWN OF THE TREE. 8. LIMITS OF DRIPLINE TREE PROTECTIVE FENCING REMOVE SUCKERS, DEAD, DYING, DISEASED, BROKEN AND / OR WEAK BRANCHES FROM ALL TREES ALONG THE MAIN TRUNK STRUCTURE AND WITHIN THE BRANCHING AREA. AT DALLAS FORT WORTH HOUSTON TREE PRESERVATION PLAN DATACENTER PARK 904 QUALITY WAY LOT 12, BLOCK 1 KAH KAH 1"=40' L1.01 DATACENTER PARK - 904 QUALITY WAY ALL TREES SHALL BE TRIMMED SO THAT NATURAL SHAPES OF THE PLANTS ARE RETAINED. REFER TO PLAN FOR EXISTING TREE TO REMAIN SNOW FENCE, ORANGE VINYL CONSTRUCTION FENCE, OR CHAINLINK FENCE CONTRACTOR SHALL PRUNE ALL EXISTING TREES ON-SITE USING THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES. 2. 5. ST 1. EXISTING TREE LEGEND ANN H RI G AU PRUNING AND TRIMMING NOTES KO 13. WHEN A LOW HANGING LIMB IS BROKEN DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE IMMEDIATELY. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE SHALL THE CONTRACTOR PRUNE ANY PORTION OF THE DAMAGED TREE WITHOUT THE PRIOR APPROVAL BY THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. Agenda Item 4 Savoy Trace Addition Attachments: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Final plat staff report Locator Final plat Common area landscape plan staff report Common Area landscape plan CITY PLAN COMMISSION BACKGROUND INFORMATION Mat 15, 2012 Final Plat PROJECT SUMMARY Subdivision: Savoy Trace Northwest corner of Jonsson Boulevard and Lake Park Way Staff Comments: The purpose of the final plat is to indicate the development of a 42 lot, single-family, detached, gated subdivision with private streets. The proposed plat reflects the development of 42 single-family lots and nine (9) common area lots. All common areas, including the private streets, will be owned and maintained by the Homeowners Association. The final plat is in conformance with the zoning regulations, subdivision ordinance, and Ordinance No. 3854 CPC Action: Final decision BACKGROUND Tract Size: 5.87-acres (255,564 square feet) Number of Lots: 42 Lots with nine (9) Common Area lots Zoning: (PD) Planned Development for the RP-1500-M Residential District with special conditions under Ordinance No. 3854. Right-of-way Dedication: Variable width right-of-way dedication along Lake Park Way located adjacent to Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8, Block A to permit a 7’ sidewalk and landscaping to be installed within the parkway. Easements/Setbacks: Existing to Remain Dedicated by this Plat 15’ TXU easement along the southern and western property lines. Easements: 27’ access and utility easement for all internal private streets. Page 1 of 2 X:\Development (new)\Development Plan Files\Subdivision Files\Savoy Trace\Final Plat\Minutes and Staff Reports\2012-05-15 CPC\FINAL PLAT.doc 3’ wall maintenance easement along the rear property line of all residential lots that back upon Lake Park Way and Jonsson Boulevard. 5’ Utility easement along all street frontages. A 10-foot storm water easement along the western property line. Variable width drainage easement (Common Area Lot 2X) to meet storm water quality requirements. Variable width site visibility easement (Common Area Lot 6X) to provide site lines for Lake Park Way. Various utility easements to accommodate drainage and utilities needed to serve the proposed development. Setbacks: Minimum front setback: 10’ for structure 10’ for porches 20’ for garages (garages must be recessed a minimum of 5’ behind front façade). Minimum side setback: Corner Lot: 10’ Internal: Determined by building plans. A minimum 10’ of separation between buildings must be maintained. Minimum rear setback: Abandoned by this Plat 5’ 60’ drainage easement that bisects the site. The easement will be replaced by an underground system leading to the storm water control lot (Common Area Lot 2X) at the southeast corner of the site. Page 2 of 2 CITY PLAN COMMISSION BACKGROUND INFORMATION May 15, 2012 Common Area Landscape Plan PROJECT SUMMARY Project: Savoy Trace Northwest corner of Jonsson Boulevard and Lake Park Way. Staff Comments: The proposed landscape plan reflects the development of a 42 lot single family gated subdivision with nine common areas. All perimeter subdivision walls and common areas are to be owned and maintained by the mandatory HOA. CPC Action: Final decision BACKGROUND Landscape Required: Adjacent to Lake Park Estates, Phase 1 Due to the existing perimeter brick and wrought iron fence of Lake Park Estates, Ordinance 3854 requires a landscape buffer on all private lots where adjacent to Lake Park Estates, planted with a single row of evergreen shrubs to act a as privacy screen for those specific lots. As shown, this buffer is planted with Nellie R. Steven Holly shrubs that will be maintained by the property owner (see attached). Maintenance responsibility of this required hedgerow is outlined in the HOA documents. The plan reflects a perimeter 6-foot tall masonry screening wall where single family lots back to Jonsson Boulevard or Lake Park Way. Adjacent to the detention area, a wrought iron fence with brick columns separates the public space from the gated neighborhood. Additional landscaping: At the main entrance into the site from Lake Park Way, a divided median is planted with Chinese Pistachio canopy trees and Crepe Myrtle ornaments trees highlighted with Burford Holly shrubs, Asian Jasmine and Liriope ground cover with areas designated for seasonal color. Page 1 of 2 X:\Development (new)\Development Plan Files\Subdivision Files\Savoy Trace\CA Landscape Plan\Minutes and Staff Reports\201205-15 CPC\LANDSCAPE PLAN.doc Brick pavers, installed at the main entrance and at the culde-sac terminus, enhance visual aesthetics of the private streets. Just north of the main entrance, a large common area that corresponds with the visibility requirements for the main entrance, is planted with variety of Oak trees. Since this area provides the necessary traffic visibility along Lake Park Way, lower tree limbs will need to be trimmed to a minimum of seven feet from the ground. At the southeast corner of the site, the 0.30-acre detention area features a five-foot walking trail with benches and trash receptacles and is planted with a variety of canopy trees, including Red Oak, Chinese Pistachio, and Bald Cypress trees. Exterior to the site, a seven foot sidewalk will be installed along both Lake Park Way and Jonsson Boulevard. The remainder of the parkway between the perimeter screening wall and the sidewalk will be planted with Abelia ground cover. Page 2 of 2 X:\Development (new)\Development Plan Files\Subdivision Files\Savoy Trace\CA Landscape Plan\Minutes and Staff Reports\201205-15 CPC\LANDSCAPE PLAN.doc Agenda Item 5 Christian World Church 891 Abrams Road Attachments: 1. 2. 3. 4. Revised Landscape Plan Staff Report Locator Revised Landscape Plan Examples of Sculptures CITY PLAN COMMISSION BACKGROUND INFORMATION May 15, 2012 Revised Landscape Plan PROJECT SUMMARY Project: Christian World Church 891 Abrams Road 0B Staff Comments: The purpose of the revised landscape plan is to reflect the location of a 33’-6” high sculpture at the northwest portion of the property; no other changes are being proposed. CPC Action: Final decision BACKGROUND Landscape Area Summary: Area Required 10% of property (25,262 square feet) Area Provided Landscape Design: 60% of property (151,365 square feet) A sculpture is considered an element of landscaping, and must be approved by the City Plan Commission if higher than 30 inches. The revised landscape plan reflects the location of a 33’-6” high steel sculpture that includes a 15’ wide globe and a 10’-8” wide cross in the northwest portion of the property. The remainder of the site complies with the landscape plan approved by the City Plan Commission September 7, 2010. Page 1 of 2 Ds:dev\dev plans\site\abrams\891\staff report\2012-05-15 – CPC\landscape plan staff report Sculptures have been approved for a number of properties, including: 1. DART Arapaho Transit and Light Rail Station Northeast corner of Arapaho Road and Greenville Avenue 2. China Town 400 N. Greenville Avenue 3. Ericsson (previously Nortel) 2015-2395 Lakeside Boulevard 4. First United Methodist Church 503 N. Central Expressway 5. General Packaging 200 E. Arapaho Road 6. Palisades Office Building 2425 N. Central Expressway 7. The Block 2000-2150 E. Arapaho Road 8. Breckinridge Montessori School 3900 Breckinridge Boulevard Tree Removal/Preservation: All existing trees on the property will be maintained. Page 2 of 2 Ds:dev\dev plans\site\abrams\891\staff report\2012-05-15 – CPC\landscape plan staff report Christian World Church 891 Abrams Road Updated By: blreimam. Update Date: June 7. 2010 File: DSIMappinglCPC Locatorl891 Abrams Rd.mxd 5646 M'L TON ST. SUITE 610 DALLAS, TX 75206 214.361.9901 10'-8~ @ 2012 NCA PARTNERS, INC. ALL RIGKTS RESERVED. THESE PLANS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF NCAPARTNERS,INC.ANDARE PROTECTED UNDER APPLICABLE CQPYRIGHT LAWS. PTD. STEEL CROSS PTD. STEEL GLOBE 15'-0" CONCRETE BASE ----~ 11\ DATE DESCRIPTION 05-07-12 o=, (0 PRELIMINARY THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE USED FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL. PERMIT, OR CONSTRUCTION. RELEASED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF NICHOLAS K. CADE, TBAE LICENSE 119301 3'-0" 01 ~,,~~SS/GLOBE SCULPTURE NCAJOB#: 11114 ELEVATION L2 EXISTING TREE INVENTORY EXISTING TREES KEY SPECIES ETl ET2 ET3 ET4 ET5 ET6 ET7 ET8 ET9 ET10 ET11 ET12 ET13 ET14 ET15 ET16 ET17 ET18 ET19 CALIPER LIVE OAK LIVE OAK LIVE OAK LIVE OAK LIVE OAK LIVE OAK LIVE OAK LIVE OAK LIVE OAK LIVE OAK RED OAK LIVE OAK LIVE OAK LIVE OAK LIVE OAK LIVE OAK LIVE OAK LIVE OAK LIVE OAK GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD 3 3 2 1 3 6 3 2 1 5 1 o TREES KEY SPECIES QTY. 9 1 1 1 2 3 1 5 8" " 5112" III 6 112" III 7 112" III 8112" III 9112" III 13 112" III 14 112" III 15 112" III 17 112" III 13" III 19" I2J 2"0 2112" I2J 2 314" III 3" III 3 114" I2J 3 112" I2J 16 112" I2J LANDSCAPE LEGEND NEW TREE INVENTORY T1 CALIPER QTY. 3" III LIVE OAK .. .. .. l~ ~ ~ ~; EXISTING YAUPON HOLLY BUSH DWARF L1GUSTRUM - 2 GAL. \( 14 .' -/'"~ , , :c."! EXISTING LIVE OAK - (SEE INVENTORy) ~ V'~J-./ SHRUBS KEY SPECIES S1 MIN. HGHTIWDTH DWARF LlGUSTRUM 10"/10" CONTAINER QTY. 2 GAL. II:II 99 ~ ASIAN JASMINE - 1 GAL. ~". ,+++,' -' , +,' , GROUND COVER KEY SPECIES GCl MIN. HGHTIWDTH ASIAN JASMINE 4"/12" CONTAINER ~ EXISTING RED OAK - (SEE INVENTORy) EXISTING YAUPON HOLLY QTY. 5646 MILTON ST. SUITE 610 • 1 GAL. DALLAS. TX 75206 Project Summary Legal Description: Address: Site Area: Landscape Area: Required: Provided: ' - - - - EXISTING LAWN r-:-'-'- I IL~~ING\I . VOLLEY BALL CI 2012 NCA PARTNERS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. THESE PLANS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF NCA PARTNERS, INC. AND ARE PROTECTED UNDER APR...ICABLE COPYRIGHT LAWS. 10% OF SITE AREA ( 25,262 s.f.) 60% OF SITE AREA (151,365 s.f.) Landscape Policies \'---ACUNIT BUCKINGHAM ESTATES, LOT 1A, BLOCK A 891 ABRAMS RD. 5.8 ACRES ( 252,616 S.F.) 1. . ~ L 214.361.9901 ALONG CENTENNIAL (264 L.F.) 5 CANOPY &5 ORNAMENTAL TREES SUGGESTED 5 CANOPY & 7 ORNAMENTAL TREES PROVIDED AC UNIT O'T.P·&L I- - - f l EASMENT (24,413 S.F.) EXISTING BUILDING STRUCTURE - (1) - LIVE OAK 1 RNISHED FlOOR - 1M'0' \ I EXISTING ------, UTILITIES DRIVEWAY ~f'1e:,::",;5/ I 1T ACUNIT STEEL EDGING (T1) - (8) - LIVE OAK § -- -- ~ 1----11 ~ i~~11 EXTENDED LANDSCAPE BERM 1 "" - - - l J )~~;;;"l ::,:I.. LANDSCAPE 9'111 lrr+-----f~~~------------S~E ~- I-IJ .J ------111 :;; EXISTING 30" RETAINING WALL EXISTING 1 ~ I --~II EXISTING LANDSCAPE "; ALONG ABRAMS RD, (646 L.F.) 13 CANOPY &13 ORNAMENTAL TREES SUGGESTED 13 CANOPY & 3 ORNAMENTAL TREES PROVIDED -----111 -------- 1-----11.1 /-- I 1 1- - 1 1 \;i~I~~IAN ___ Notes: 1, All landscaped areas must be irrigated by an automatic underground irrigation system equipped with rain and freeze sensors, 2, All bed areas must be separated from turf areas by steel edging, 3, The property owner must maintain all landscaping in accordance with the landscape plan approved by the City Plan Commission. 11\ 1 1- 1---" \ ---II 1--1 -) ' - - - - EXISTING ------., LAWN = 05°40'19' R =1242.62' T = 61.55' L =122.97' ASIAN '--IT'" _ (3) (T1) - (2) - LIVE OAK - LIVE OAK .\\\ \ \ \\\\ ' \ \ \ \\ \\ \ \'\ \\\\\ \' \\\\ ", \\\' \\\\\\\\\\\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\\ \ \ \\ \\ \\\\\\'\\ ,\\\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ , \ \ \, \ \ \ \ \ \\ ' \ \ j), 1 r-- I ,I EXISTING LANDSCAPE BERM ET S. 70°25'40' E., I EXISTING IRRIGATED PARKING ISLAND 1 NEW 33'-6' TALL CROSSIGLOBE SCULPTURE N. 89°51'22" E., ~''><T- EXISTING MONUMENT SIGN TO REMAIN ,( \ z :"i ~ c;: 1 " - ----j l 1----11 EXISTING IRRIGATED PARKING ISLAND \ \ \ \\\ """"" / / / / /' / / /1' I1 j' 11s~~±/0/f-I_If-I_If-!_!tl,--I--;!,--I--;!I-I--;1/-!_I-fI;L7 I_!f-I_II!,--I_!-j!,--I--;1f---;!1-1_1--;!~7T:l2 r 1/ 1// / --- --- IL ! I II!III!III!! I111 III I! 11 1 / / /I11;11,111/;111 . 1//,11 / 1 _ -) =-PABKlI!IGSGREEN NllI..INSTALLED DUE..ID CHANGE IN R.O.W. ALONG ABRAMS RD. N.2001S'1r E. 646.47' SITE LOCATION MAP -----i I 1T CLEAR AREA (SITE TRIANGLE) - ~~~B~LVD. (90' RIGHT-OF-WAY) PRELIMINARY THIS DOCUMENT SHAll NOT BE USED FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL, PERMIT, OR CONSTRUCTION. RELEASED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF NICHOLAS K. CADE, TBAE LICENSE #9001 CLEAR AREA (SITE TRIANGLE) ABRAMS ROAD DESCRIPTION I -CLEAR AREA (SITE TRIANGLE) DATE OS-07-12 I - -,--- - - -....,.;.. N. 89°57'35" E., 41.06' EXISTING 8' CHAIN LINK FENCE 1 N. 640 33'17" E., N. 89°57'35" E., 41.06' \ ri---Iol \\ \\ \ \ • ' - - - - EXISTING ------., LAWN NUMBER OF ORNAMENTAL TREES NOT INSTALLED DUE TO CHANGE IN R.o.w. ALONG ABRAMS RD. NCAJOB#: OWNER: CHRISTIAN WORLD CHURCH CONTACT: GEORGE HANCOCK 891 ABRAMS RD. RICHARDSON, TX 75229 PH: (214) 597-0555 \ 11114 LANDSCAPE PLAN L1 Agenda Item 6 VARIANCE 12-04 Attachments: 1. Staff Report 2. Applicant’s Statement 3. Locator 4. Variance Exhibits 5. Notice of Variance Request 6. Notification List 7. Notification Map 8. Excerpts from Ord. 3526 CITY PLAN COMMISSION BACKGROUND INFORMATION May 15, 2012 Variance 12-04 SUMMARY Owner: Villas of Buckingham Homeowner’s Association Applicant: Mohammed Islam, HOA President of Villas of Buckingham Project Name: Villas of Buckingham Location: The subdivision is generally located at the southwest corner of Centennial Boulevard and Whitehall Drive. Request: The applicant is requesting approval of a variance to Chapter 21, Subdivision and Development Code of the City of Richardson Code of Ordinances (Article III, Section 21-47(c), Screening and Open Space) to allow the installation of a two-foot high wrought iron extension to the top of the existing six-foot high masonry screening wall along Centennial Boulevard, Whitehall Drive, Buckingham Road and the west property line adjacent to the church. CPC Action: Recommendation to the City Council The City Plan Commission may recommend approval of the request as presented, recommend approval with conditions or recommend denial. City Council Meeting: June 11, 2012 (tentative) Notification: This request is not a public hearing and specific notification is not required by State law. As courtesy, adjacent property owners affected by the variance request received written notification. Correspondence: No written correspondence has been received to date. Page 1 of 3 X:\Development (new)\Variance and Deferral Requests\2012\VAR 12-04\Minutes & Staff Reports\2012-05-15 CPC\VAR 12-04 staff report.doc BACKGROUND INFORMATION Staff Background: Villas of Buckingham is an 82-lot single-family subdivision that was originally subdivided in 2005; 68 homes have already been built in the subdivision and 14 lots are vacant. The subdivision is currently surrounded by a six-foot masonry wall along Centennial Boulevard, Whitehall Drive, Buckingham Road and along a portion of the west property line adjacent to the church. The southwestern section of the subdivision is screened by an eight-foot high brick wall and a six-foot high wrought iron fence from the adjoining apartments complex. The homeowner’s association has expressed concerns to city staff about the height of the existing masonry wall along the adjacent streets. There have been several break-in incidents involving houses that are adjacent to the subject wall. After consultations with the City of Richardson Police Department, the subdivision has decided to raise the height of the subject wall by two feet (eight feet is the maximum height allowed by code). The applicant hired an independent structural engineer to assess the structural condition of the existing wall. The engineer concluded that the existing thin-type wall will not structurally support two additional feet of brick construction (refer to applicant’s statement). The applicant proposes to install a two-foot wrought iron extension to the top of the existing six-foot high masonry wall for an overall height of eight feet. VAR 12-04 Article III, Section 21-47(c) [Screening and Open Space]: The Subdivision and Development Code requires a minimum six-foot high masonry-screening wall or a living screen within a 20-foot landscape buffer where single-family lots back upon a dedicated street. The applicant’s request is to add a two-foot non-masonry extension to the top of the existing masonry wall abutting the adjacent streets and the church property on the west side of the subdivision (see wall details attached). A similar variance has recently been granted involving a non-residential use (Bank of America data center) abutting an apartment complex (VAR 11-05; approved by City Council on April 25, 2011). Page 2 of 3 X:\Development (new)\Variance and Deferral Requests\2012\VAR 12-04\Minutes & Staff Reports\2012-05-15 CPC\VAR 12-04 staff report.doc DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY Legal Name: Villas of Buckingham Addition Lots 1 thru 12, Block A; Lots 1, 2A, 4 thru 14, 15A &16A, Block B; Lots 1A thru 7A & 8 thru 15, Block C; Lots 1 thru 14, Block D; Lots 1 thru 14, Block E; Lots 1 thru 14, Block F; and Lots 1 thru 3, Block G Land Area: 17.34 acres Zoning: O/C Office/Commercial district under the Town of Buckingham Zoning Ordinance, with a special permit for single-family residential uses (Ord. #3526). Special Conditions: Ordinance # 3526 Existing Development: Adjacent Land Use, Zoning: North (across Centennial) East (across Whitehall) Refer to attached ordinance excerpt. 82 single-family residential lots, and 6 common area lots owned and maintained by the Homeowner’s Association. Existing single-family residences, zoned R-1100-M Single-family residential district. Retail Store(Walgreens), undeveloped tracts and Buckingham Park (City Park), zoned O/C Office/Commercial district. South (Across Buckingham Rd) Apartments, zoned LIM Industrial district. Southwest Apartments, zoned O/C Office/Commercial district. West Undeveloped tract, zoned O/C Office/Commercial district. Page 3 of 3 X:\Development (new)\Variance and Deferral Requests\2012\VAR 12-04\Minutes & Staff Reports\2012-05-15 CPC\VAR 12-04 staff report.doc April 10, 2012 City Planning Commission City of Richardson Subject: Villas of Buckingham Perimeter Screening Wall Extension Dear Sir/ Madam, Villas of Buckingham presently have a 6 ft perimeter masonry screen wall adjacent to Centennial Boulevard, Whitehall Drive, and Buckingham Road. Recently a few incidents happened, where burglars climbed the perimeter fence along the Centennial Blvd and broke into houses through the backdoors. These incidents had caused serious concerns among the residents. Richardson Police Department representatives visited the neighborhood a few times and have concluded that the wall height is too low and recommended to increase the height. Based on those recommendations we had several talks with the City Planning Department on the possibility of increasing the height of the wall. We were told that the maximum height allowed is 8 feet. We did seek independent professional advice on increasing the height of the wall with matching brick. Unfortunately, the structural engineer’s conclusion was that the present design can’t support additional two feet of brick wall and they recommended to install wrought iron fence on top of the brick wall. Attached is the drawing showing the combination of the brick wall and the wrought iron fence extension. I would appreciate if you approve the variance and help us to make the Villas of Buckingham safe and secure. Sincerely, Mohammed R Islam President, Villas of Buckingham HOA Notice of Variance Request City Plan Commission ▪ Richardson, Texas An application has been received by the City of Richardson for variances to Chapter 21, Subdivision and Development Ordinance. File No./Name: Property Owners: Applicant: Location: Request: VAR 12-04 Villas of Buckingham H.O.A. Mohammed R. Islam, Villas of Buckingham H.O.A President Southwest Corner of Centennial Boulevard and Whitehall Drive Request approval of a variance from the Subdivision and Development Code: 1. Article III, Section 21-47(c) [Screening and Open Space]: permission to allow a 2-foot high wrought iron extension atop the required 6-foot high masonry screening wall along the streets. The City Plan Commission will consider this request on: TUESDAY, MAY 15, 2012 7:00 p.m. City Council Chambers Richardson City Hall, 411 W. Arapaho Road Richardson, Texas As courtesy, adjacent property owners who may be affected by this request are receiving written notification of this meeting; as such ownership appears on the last approved city tax roll. PROCESS FOR PUBLIC INPUT: required by State law. This item is not a public hearing and specific notification is not While all interested persons are invited to attend the meeting, those wanting their views to be made a part of the public record, may send signed, written comments, referencing the file number above, prior to the date of the hearing to: Development Services Department, P.O. Box 830309, Richardson, TX 75083. The City Plan Commission may recommend approval of the request as presented, recommend approval with additional conditions or recommend denial. Final approval of this application requires action by the City Council. AGENDA: The City Plan Commission agenda for this meeting will be posted on the City of Richardson website the Saturday prior to the meeting. For a copy of the agenda, please go to: For additional information, please contact the Department of Development Services at 972-744-4240 and reference this variance number. Date Posted and Mailed: May 4, 2012 Development Services Department ▪ City of Richardson, Texas 411 W. Arapaho Road, Room 204, Richardson, Texas 75080 ▪ 972-744-4240 ▪ PAGE DIXIE C 430 SUMMIT DR RICHARDSON, TX 75081‐5118 GANNON JEFFREY 13111 MEANDERING WAY DALLAS, TX 75240‐5632 CAMP MARTIN L 426 SUMMIT DR RICHARDSON, TX 75081‐5118 GORHAM EDWARD 422 SUMMIT DR RICHARDSON, TX 75081‐5118 EKLOF ERIK A & WENDY L CHILDS 420 SUMMIT DR RICHARDSON, TX 75081‐5118 LEVERIDGE JACQUELINE H 416 SUMMIT DR RICHARDSON, TX 75081‐5118 ROBERSON KRISTI D 412 SUMMIT DR RICHARDSON, TX 75081‐5118 WILSON LAND & CATTLE CO C 1627 WESTLAKE DR AUSTIN, TX 78703 MMRJ INVESTMENT PARTNERS LT 4131 CENTURION WAY ADDISON, TX 75001‐4347 CHRISTIAN WORLD CHURCH 891 ABRAMS RD RICHARDSON, TX 75081‐5035 ARBORETUM APARTMENTS LLC 6485 CENTERVILLE BUSINESS PKY DAYTON, OH, 45459 TURNER RICHARD G 424 SUMMIT DR RICHARDSON, TX 75081‐5118 MIAN FAROOQ 418 SUMMIT DR RICHARDSON, TX 75081‐5118 ARSHAD MUHAMMAD & SAIMA 414 SUMMIT DR RICHARDSON, TX 75081‐5118 CAMDEN PROPERTY TRUST 3 GREENWAY PLZ STE 1300 HOUSTON, TX 77046‐0391 VAR 12‐04 Notification List ORDINANCE NO. 3526 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RICHARDSON, TEXAS, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF BUCKINGHAM, TEXAS, ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RICHARDSON BY ORDINANCE NO. 3064-A ON APRIL 8, 1996, TO AMEND THE SPECIAL CONDITIONS RELATIVE TO THE LOT COVERAGE FOR SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLINGS UNDER A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS, WITH SPECIAL CONDITIONS, ON A 17.3416 ACRES TRACT OF LAND LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF CENTENNIAL BOULEVARD AND WHITEHALL DRIVE IN THE CITY OF RICHARDSON AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A", ATTACHED HE~TO AND MADE A PART HEREOF; THE AREA BEING CURRENTLY ZONED OIC OFFICE COMMERCIAL UNDER THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF BUCKINGHAM WITH A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTV OF FINE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO-THOUSAND ($2,000.00) DOLLARS FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (ZONING FILE 0523). WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Richardson and the governing body of the City of Richardson, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas and the ordinances of the City of Richardson, have given requisite notice by publication and otherwise, and after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally and to all persons interested and situated in the affected area and in the vicinity thereof, the governing body, in the exercise of its legislative discretion, has concluded that the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Map should be amended; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RICHARDSON, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Buckingham, Texas, adopted by the City Council of the City of Richardson, Texas, by Ordinance 3064-A on April 8, 1996, be, and the same is hereby amended to amend the special conditions relative to lot coverage for single family dwellings, with special conditions, on a 17.3416 acres tract ofland located at the southwest comer of Centennial Boulevard and Whitehall Drive in the City of Richardson and being more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. The area is currently zoned O/C Office/Commercial under the Town of Buckingham Zoning Ordinance, with a specific use permit for single-family dwellings subject to special conditions. SECTION 2. That the specific use permit for single-family dwellings is granted subject to the following special conditions: Uses: All uses permitted in the City of Richardson's R-1500-M Residential Ordinance shall be allowed subject to the following provisions. 1. Development shall take place generally in accordance with the attached Concept Plan, marked Exhibit B attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. BUILDING REGULATIONS. 1. Minimum size: The minimum area of the main building shall be 2,000 square feet, exclusive of garages, breezeways, and servants' quarters. 2. Type of materials: All buildings shall be constructed in accordance with Article XXII-F Exterior Construction Standards of the City of Richardson Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. AREA REGULATIONS. 1. Front setback: There shall be a front setback having a minimum depth of 15 feet. In no instance, however, shall the minimum front setback for the first floor of that portion of a building where a garage door faces the street be less than 20 feet. For swing/side entry garages, a minimum driveway length of 20 feet shall be provided to the garage door opening. 2. Garage door orientation: A minimum of 50 percent of the garage doors shall be swing-entry (side facing) garage doors. 3. Side setback: There shall be a minimum 5 foot setback on each interior side lot line, except that on any side yard adjacent to a street, a side setback of at least ten feet shall be provided 4. Rear setback: There shall be a rear setback of not less than 15 feet. 5. Lot width: The minimum lot width at the front building line shall be 60 feet except that 50 feet shall be allowed for Lots 8 and 9 in Block A and Lots 7 and 8 in Block B and Lot 9 in Block C on the Concept Plan. 6. Lot Depth: The minimum lot depth shall be 100 feet except for Lots 1-5 in Block C, on the Concept Plan where the depths shall range from 75 feet to 94 feet. 7. Lot Coverage: A. The maximum lot coverage for single-story homes shall not exceed 45 percent of the lot area. B. The maximum lot coverage for two-story homes and all other structures shall not exceed 40 percent of the lot area. 8. Height regulations: Building height shall be in accordance with Article IV Section 3 of the Richardson Code of Ordinances. SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS: 1. Lots backing up to a street: Lots shall be allowed to back up to a street with a right-of-way width of less than 100 feet. No alley shall be required. The city standard masonry screening wall shall be required for all lots that back up to a street. 2. Screening: The city standard masonry screening wall shall be provided along the western property line (adjacent to the church property). 3. Sidewalk: A 4-foot curbside sidewalk that is designed to accommodate a curbside mailbox shall be constructed for each lot along the interior streets. The city standard 5-foot sidewalk shall be constructed along Centennial Boulevard, Whitehall Drive, and Buckingham Road. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: 1. Fences: In no instance shall a wood fence be allowed adjacent to or parallel to Centennial Boulevard, Whitehall Drive, or Buckingham Road. 2. Landscaping: A detailed landscape plan shall be provided for City Plan Commission approval at the time of plat approval. The landscaping within the Centennial Boulevard, Whitehall Drive and Buckingham Road right-of-way shall incorporate trees, shrubs and ground cover with an automated irrigation system. The quantity of trees to be installed shall be no less than one tree for every 35 linear feet of street frontage. Some of the required trees may be located on the private property side of the masonry screening wall. Landscaping located within the right-of-way shall be maintained by Homeowners Association. 3. Plant material: Plant materials and size requirements shall be generally based on the City of Richardson suggested plant material list, except that Photinia shrubs or Bradfrod Pear trees shall be prohibited. 4. Interior street trees: A minimum of one tree per lot shall be planted along streets interior to the subdivision. Type and size shall be determined based on the City of Richardson suggested plant list. 5. Detention pond design: At the time development plans are prepared, if the city determines that all or a portion of the detention ponds shown on the Concept Plan are not needed, a maximum of one additional lot may be added on the east side of the main entrance into the subdivision and the area to the west of the entrance will be incorporated into open space. 6. Abandonment of Willingham Boulevard: Prior to approval of a plat for the property, the northern 5 feet of Willingham shall have been abandoned and an adequate turn-around shall be provided to ensure adequate vehicle maneuverability prior to the abandonment of Willingham at the west end of the development. 7. Homeowner's Association: A mandatory Homeowners Association shall be established that shall be responsible for maintaining all common planting areas, detention ponds, entry features, perimeter landscaping, screening walls, fencing, planting and common area amenities in accordance with the City of Richardson Subdivision Regulations. SECTION 3. That the above described property shall be developed in substantial conformance with the above and foregoing special conditions and with the concept plan, marked as Exhibit "B", attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes, and used only in the manner and for the purposes provided for by the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Buckingham, Texas, as herein and heretofore amended. SECTION 4. That should any sentence, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this Ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this Ordinance as a whole, or any part or provision thereof other than the part so decided to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional, and shall not affect the validity of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as a whole. SECTION 5. That any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions or terms of this Ordinance shall be subject to the same penalty as provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Buckingham, as heretofore amended, and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine not to exceed the sum of Two Thousand ($2,000.00) Dollars for each offense; and each and every day such violation shall continue shall be deemed to constitute a separate offense. SECTION 6. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage and the publication of the caption, as the law and charter in such case provide. DULY PASSED by the City Council of the City of Richardson, Texas, on the 14th day of November ,2005. APPROVED: CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM: fI~~ tITY ATTORNEY (HLN/mewl02805179077) Agenda Item 7 Collins Technology Park Addition (Companion to agenda items no. 2 and 3) Attachments: 1. Replat staff report 2. Locator 3. Replat CITY PLAN COMMISSION BACKGROUND INFORMATION May 15, 2012 Public Hearing on a Replat PROJECT SUMMARY Subdivision: Lots 4B, 10A and 12, Block 1 of the Collins Technology Park Addition being a replat of Lots 4A and 10, Block 1 of the Collins Technology Park Addition. Location: 850 E. Collins Boulevard (Lot 10A) 904 Quality Way (Lot 12) 905 Security Row (Lot 4B) Southwest corner of E. Collins Boulevard and International Parkway. Request: This is a request for approval of a replat of Lots 4A and 10, Block 1 of the Collins Technology Park Addition to relocate the property line separating Lots 4A and 10 to accommodate the development of a new 121,368 square foot data center on proposed Lot 10A; and to create Lot 12, to allow for the remodel of the existing building and site into a 48,425 square foot data center. No improvements are requested for proposed Lot 4B with this replat. Revised site and landscape plans for Lot 4B will be approved administratively. The replat complies with City subdivision regulations. CPC Action: Final decision BACKGROUND Tract Size: 33.62-acres (1,44,824 square feet) Lot 4B: 22.12-acres (963,923 square feet) Lot 10A: 7.17-acres (312,646 square feet) Lot 12: 4.32-acres (188,255 square feet) Zoning: I-FP(2) Industrial Fire Proof District. Right-of-way Dedication: None. Page 1 of 2 X:\Development (new)\Development Plan Files\Subdivision Files\Collins Technology Park\Block 1\Lots 4B, 10A, and 12\Minutes and Staff Reports\REPLAT.doc Easements/Setbacks: Existing to Remain 40’ front yard setback along E. Collins Boulevard, International Parkway and Security Row. 24’ utility and access easement for private streets (Quality Way). Various utility, water and drainage easements to serve the existing building within the campus. Dedicated by this Plat 26.5’ pedestrian easement along E. Collins Boulevard to accommodate a meandering 10’ sidewalk. Various access and utility easements to serve the proposed development on the site. Abandoned by this Plat All fire lane easements. Two 15’ drainage easements on proposed Lot 10A. 15’ utility and pedestrian easement along E. Collins Boulevard. This easement is being replaced with the 26.5’ utility and pedestrian easement. Page 2 of 2