pdf/HM Issue 24 - Hospitality Maldives


pdf/HM Issue 24 - Hospitality Maldives
I m p r e s s u m
Published by
Beyond Hospitality Pvt. Ltd.
H. Always Happy House, L2
Asrafee Magu
20034 Male’
Republic of Maldives
Managing Editor
David Kotthoff
[email protected]
Design & Layout
Hawwa Sithna
[email protected]
Novelty Printers & Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
Angsana Velavaru
Bert Van Walbeek
Chris Longstreet
Dan Kutis
Hassan Haneez
Hassan Marine Engineering Service
Hilton Maldives
Jorely Mathew
Kelley Robertson
Mandarin Oriental
Neil Salerno
Osvaldo Torres Cruz
Rick Johnson
Shangri-La Hotels & Resorts
Sheraton Maldives Full Moon Resort & Spa
The National Learning Institute
W Retreat & Spa Maldives
Dear friends & colleagues,
Welcome to the 24th edition of Hospitality Maldives.
editor’s note
Hassan Hisham
[email protected]
With the International Monetary Fund finally having acknowledged that we are indeed
facing the first worldwide recession in almost 20 years (according to IMF definition, the
last took place in 1991), the Maldivian tourism industry certainly is feeling the economic
downturn too at the moment. And if that wasn’t enough, the world now seems to be in
swine flu fever, with the international news channels dedicating most of their airtime to
covering this ‘new’ crisis these days.
Yes, the economic situation around the globe doesn’t look too rosy right now, but hey,
what’s new? Let’s face it, there’ll always be some sort of crisis or catastrophe going
on somewhere in the world and most of them do have a direct impact on our jobs and
personal life, even if sometimes we barely notice it. Surely the next few months will be
tough for everyone involved in the tourism industry here as arrival forecasts predict lower
than usual figures, however, I for my part don’t believe that panic measures are the right
answer. After all, looking at the statistics of the first quarter of this year, arrival figures into
Maldives are only down by about 10%, which compared to Seychelles, Singapore or Fiji for
example is still very reasonable. History will repeat itself and Maldives, much more than
many other destinations, has shown that it always bounces back strongly from whatever
Angsana Velavaru, located in the pristine South
Nilandhe Atoll, is set to unveil new standards
in resort living. In July 2009, it will launch
the first standalone collection of water villas
in the Maldives that is not on an island. This
exclusive cluster of 34 InOcean Villas, together
with a dedicated Italian restaurant and bar, is
located one kilometre away from the island of
Velavaru. Read more on page 56...
Photograph (c) Angsana Hotels and Resorts
No parts of this magazine or its content
(photographs, articles or parts thereof,
design, layout) may be reproduced without
the consent of the respective owner. Beyond
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cannot be held responsible for the misuse
of the information and intellectual property
provided in this magazine. Opinions expressed
in this magazine are those of the writers and
not necessarily endorsed by the publisher.
happens in the world, be that a war, bird flu, SARS, the tsunami or something else.
That said, let’s seize these times of comparatively low business and turn them into
something positive. In my last note I mentioned that crisis situations are not the right
time to restructure or conduct strategic planning activities unless absolutely necessary,
but when was the last time you spent some quality time on reviewing your business
procedures, brainstormed with your staff for new revenue generation opportunities,
conducted in-house training sessions or team-building activities? These and many more
are effective initiatives which will not only help you be more competitive once the economy
picks up again, they also won’t burn a hole into your bank account.
Yours in hospitality,
David Kotthoff
Last words 68
Every Hospitality Executive Is The Author Of His Own Health 66
Proper Chemical Storage 64
Why Learning How You Learn Is Important 60
Who Built Your Career? 54
Tough Times Call For Tough Leadership 52
The R Word 44
Anatomy Of An Internet Savvy Hotel Manager 38
32 Do You Hate Preparing For Interviews?
30 Customized Service: Key Strategy in Guest Service
26 General Managers Don’t Call Back
20 How A Players meet Customer Expectations
16 Just How Important Are First Impressions?
08 Dealing With Distractions
06 Total recovery = Customer Delight
03 Editor’s Note
Total Recovery = Customer
Douglas, an elected delegate at the
Democratic National Convention in the
United States, dropped his Handspring Visor
personal digital assistant (PDA) onto the
stone floor of his downtown hotel lobby.
The outer case of the PDA was chipped in one
corner, but the software and the system still
worked. He called Handspring to purchase a
replacement cover.
‘Nothing doing,’ Handspring customer service
replied. They insisted that he needed a
completely new Visor.
‘No way!’, Douglas retorted. ‘Why should I
buy a new Visor, costing hundreds of dollars,
just to replace a plastic part worth a dollar or
two at most?’
‘Oh no,’ the representative assured him.
‘The new Visor won’t cost you a penny. Your
current Visor is still under warranty.’
The representative promised to ship a brand
new Visor to him immediately, and then
explained that Douglas could ship the old unit
back in the very same box. She apologized
that the deadline had passed for next day
delivery, so the new PDA would arrive in two
days instead.
Two days later, as promised, a small package
arrived for Douglas at the hotel. Inside was a
brand new Visor – with complete instructions
on how to transfer data from the old Visor
into the new one, as well as a pre-addressed
courier delivery slip.
All Douglas had to do was transfer his data,
put the old Visor with the chipped cover into
the box, apply the pre-printed label and
then call the toll-free number to arrange an
immediate courier pick-up.
Douglas is clear and expressive about his
feelings: ‘This was truly delightful service.
I define delightful as something completely
beyond the expected, something that brings
joy to the customer. And I certainly received
it in this case. I give a big hand of applause
to Handspring!’
Key Learning Point
When things go wrong, you have a precious
opportunity to completely `Wow!’ your
customer. Do everything you can to solve
the problem in a fast, generous and very
convenient manner.
Handspring understands the value of a truly
delighted customer. Do you?
Action Steps
What is a truly delighted customer worth to
your business in repeat sales, active referrals
and positive word-of-mouth? Do your
policies reflect this understanding? Do you
actively make the investment required? Does
everyone in your company agree?
Ron Kaufman is an internationally acclaimed innovator and motivator for partnerships and quality service. He is the author of the “Best of Active Learning!”
newsletter (free at www.ronkaufman.com) and the new book “UP Your Service! Strategies and Action Steps to Delight Your Customers NOW!”
Dealing With Distractions
Distractions are sometimes positive. A break away from
work can clear your mind, give you the opportunity to
refresh yourself, and increase your energy level. However,
it is important to remember that you have a responsibility to
yourself and your business to limit these distractions.
In today’s business world it is not uncommon
for many sales people to work from a home
office. At first this may seem like a great
opportunity, however, it does create some
unique challenges. One of the biggest
obstacles is the number of distractions that
can take us away from our work and prevent
us from achieving our objectives.
When you work from a home office it is easy
to get distracted from work, especially if it
is work that you do not particularly enjoy
like prospecting or cold calling. Watering
the plants, running errands or even doing
laundry can be a welcome change from the
daily drudgery of selling. And, if you have
young children, the number of distractions
increases dramatically.
I, too, work from a home office and have
had to deal with this challenge. Here are
a few ideas that can help manage these
distractions and improve your productivity. Create an office. When I first began working
from home almost a decade ago, I used to
work at my dining room table. Unfortunately,
this put me in the middle of our household
action. My wife would turn on the television
and I would be instantly distracted from my
work. In other cases, she would talk to me
or ask me a question simply because I was
in the same room. As a result, it was often
difficult to focus on my work. Now I have an
office and do the majority of my work there.
If you don’t have space to create an office,
find somewhere in your house that has the
least amount of traffic and opportunities for
Set specific “business” hours. This is
particularly important if you have young
children. It can be very difficult for
children to understand that they can’t
disturb us while we’re working. If you
have an office, close your door and
place a do not disturb sign on it. This is
particularly important if you are making
client calls because it prevents family
members from inadvertently barging in
on you during a critical call.
Use a “to do” list—everyday. Having
a list of what you need to accomplish
each day can help keep you focused;
otherwise, it becomes too easy to do
other things around the house. If you
know that you need to accomplish a
certain number of tasks by the end of
the day, it can prevent you from getting
distracted during the day. One of the
challenges with this is that household
duties or running errands are more
enjoyable compared to work we have
to complete. However, I have frequently
found that once I get involved in my
task, the desire to do something else
Set deadlines for the projects you’re
working on. Although I don’t have
anyone holding me accountable to these
deadlines, it find that this approach can
help keep me on track. You can also
share these deadlines with other people
to help keep yourself focused especially
if this type of accountability works for
Give your permission to relax from timeto-time. It’s okay to allow yourself to get
distracted once in a while. As long it’s
not a regular occurrence, you don’t have
to worry too much about it. However,
if your relaxation time overtakes your
work time, then you need to reconsider
your priorities.
When you work
from a home office
it is easy to get
distracted from
work, especially
if it is work that
you do not
particularly enjoy
like prospecting or
cold calling.
hours per week. When I evaluated my
results at the end of the year I realized I
couldn’t afford to maintain this mentality.
So I started working more. And, I got
better results. I eventually learned that
the more effort I put into my work, the
better results I achieved in terms of the
revenue and income I generated. This
made it easier to avoid the distractions
and focus more on my work.
Share your goals and objections with
a group of advisors. This type of
accountability works well for many
people because they know they will
have to report their progress on specific
Lastly, you can try an approach I
learned from Brian Tracy many years.
When you find yourself procrastinating
on a particular task or project, repeat
the following three words to yourself
over and over. “Do it now.” This can be
a great way to prevent yourself from
getting distracted by other things you
would prefer to do.
Recognize that the results you achieve
are a direct result of the effort you put
into your work. When I first started my
private practice, it was easy to put aside
work and do chores or run errands. In
my first year, I treated work like a parttime job, clocking an average of 20-25
Distractions are sometimes positive. A break
away from work can clear your mind, give
you the opportunity to refresh yourself,
and increase your energy level. However, it
is important to remember that you have a
responsibility to yourself and your business
to limit these distractions.
Kelley Robertson works with specialty retailers to help them capture more from each sale. He is the author of two books including the best-seller, Stop, Ask &
Listen—Proven Sales Techniques to Turn Browsers into Buyers. Receive a FREE copy of 100 Ways to Increase Your Sales by subscribing to his free newsletter
available at http://www.RobertsonTrainingGroup.com.
Mandarin Oriental Announces
An Exclusive Hideaway Resort
In The Maldives
Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group today
announced that it has signed a management
agreement for an exclusive luxury resort
currently under development on a pristine,
private island in The Maldives. This
exceptional retreat is scheduled to open in
the next 12 months.
Mandarin Oriental, Maldives is located 185
kilometres north of the capital city Male, a
journey of 45 minutes by seaplane. The
luxurious hideaway is being developed on
its own exclusive island, Maavelavaru in the
Noonu Atoll, encircled by five kilometres of
uninterrupted white sand beaches and the
turquoise blue lagoons and colourful reefs
for which the region is renowned.
Offering the ultimate luxury of space and
privacy, the resort comprises 114 spacious,
stand-alone villas, including 20 water villas
and four Presidential villas, ranging in size
from 300 to 1,750 square metres. Each
secluded villa is surrounded by generous
landscaping, providing total privacy, while
opening onto a private pool and the lush
vegetation of a serene garden with sweeping
ocean vistas. All are designed with exquisite
and pampering interiors, with indoor and
outdoor bathing options, using a combination
of Maldivian architecture and internationallysourced materials. The largest of the villas
have private spa facilities, and the water
villas extend over a lively coral reef affording
stunning sunrise and sunset views. Mandarin
Oriental’s seamless technology and superior
entertainment systems, for which the Group
is renowned, are employed throughout.
Alfresco and underwater dining with an
eclectic selection of local and international
cuisines will be available at seven restaurants
and bars, including an all day poolside café
and bar, a beachfront signature restaurant,
an alfresco Maldivian grill, a comfortable
lounge and a dramatic underwater wine
cellar with private dining room. An authentic
Lebanese restaurant and bar, as well as a
Japanese restaurant will be built over the
ocean. Meeting facilities include a spacious
multi purpose function room, a business
centre and a well-stocked library.
The Spa at Mandarin Oriental, Maldives will
be a destination in itself, focusing on the
well-being of its guests by offering total
rejuvenation and relaxation in a serene,
meditative setting. A spacious spa which
is situated within 13,000 sq metres of
tropical gardens, will feature 14 expansive
treatment villas and six treatment suites,
situated around a lavish outdoor Jacuzzi.
Each villa consists of four separate pavilions
dedicated to Mandarin Oriental’s welcome
rituals, signature treatments, water and
heat therapies and relaxation areas, allowing
guests to be guided through an intimate and
personalised spa journey.
There are endless leisure pursuits for those
who tire of the transparent waters and
remote beauty of the island, including a fully
equipped fitness centre, a badminton court,
tennis courts, squash courts, a soccer field
and a beautifully appointed outdoor lap pool.
In addition, there is a comprehensive water
sports centre with a full service diving school,
catering for guests who wish to explore the
abundant coral reefs that fringe the island.
For added peace of mind, the resort also has
a fully equipped decompression chamber and
emergency medical clinic available on site.
The project is being developed by Athama
Investments Pvt. Ltd., a private Maldivian
company with extensive and intimate
knowledge of the destination.
“Mandarin Oriental, Maldives will be a
unique and extraordinarily private hideaway
retreat that offers our guests tranquillity and
seclusion in a stunning, natural setting. We
look forward to bringing Mandarin Oriental’s
renowned levels of service to this important
leisure destination,” said Edouard Ettedgui,
Group Chief Executive of Mandarin Oriental
Hotel Group.
“We are delighted to be working with Mandarin
Oriental on creating the most exclusive resort
in The Maldives,” said Ibrahim Abdul Latheef,
Managing Director of Athama Investments
Pvt. Ltd. “On opening, this luxurious retreat
will embody Mandarin Oriental’s legendary
service philosophy and the unique sense of
place inherent to all its hotels,” he added.
About The Maldives
The Republic of Maldives consists of 1,190
idyllic islands spread over 26 naturally formed
atolls, each surrounded by a lagoon in the
Indian Ocean. The sheer natural beauty
of The Maldives combined with the warm,
tropical climate attracts international leisure
guests from around the world, who come to
relax and enjoy the variety of water sports,
sea life and unspoilt beaches. A number of
international airlines operate regular flights
to the capital Male, from where Mandarin
Oriental guests will be escorted to the resort’s
exclusive lounge at the seaplane terminal for
a stunning 45 minute flight to Maavelavaru
About Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group
Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group is the awardwinning owner and operator of some of
the world’s most prestigious hotels, resorts
and residences. Mandarin Oriental now
operates, or has under development, 40
hotels representing over 10,000 rooms in
24 countries, with 15 hotels in Asia, 15 in
The Americas and 10 in Europe and North
Africa. In addition, the Group operates, or
has under development, 13 Residences at
Mandarin Oriental, connected to the Group’s
Q&A with Hussain Shahid, Assistant Director of
Human Resources at Shangri-La’s Villingili Resort
and Spa
Shangri-La’s Villingili Resort and Spa has
recently appointed Hussain Shahid as
Assistant Director of Human Resources.
Native from Maldives, Shahid has spent the
last two years in Oman before returning to
his home country. After 3 months in his new
position, Shahid gives us his impression on his
new challenging yet exciting appointment.
1. How does it feel to be back in
There is no better feeling than to be back
home! I am really happy to be close to my
family members again and so they are. It is
also great to meet with my friends again as if
I never had left home!
2. How has your experience in Oman
widened your perspective and how has
it prepared you for your role at ShangriLa’s Villingili Resort and Spa?
I had the privilege of being an expatriate
and meeting many people from all over the
world from Middle East to South Africa and
from Russia to Papua New Guinea, not to
forget the many countries of Asia! Managing
people with such a variety of cultures and
skills has opened my mind, and helped me
to be more patient and adaptable. I have
also lived the opening of a resort, with its
many challenges and opportunities! This preopening experience will definitely assist me
in my new role here at Shangri-La’s Villingili
Resort and Spa, Maldives.
3. How have you settled in you new
position at Shangri-La’s Villingili Resort
and Spa?
From the welcome at the airport to my new
found home, from the resort orientation to
the office work, I have been very impressed
with Shangri-La hospitality! There is so much
about Shangri-La that I was touched with
from the very beginning including the beauty
of the resort, the importance given to the
culture and the staff focus. I am surrounded
by so many hospitality enthusiasts and people
with passion. This will be a success story for
many years to come and I am confident that
Shangri-La’s Villingili Resort and Spa will be
4. What do you focus on in human
resources at the moment?
The focus in Human Resources at the moment
is recruitment and training. We have recently
carried out several “walk-in interview days”
in both Malé and Addu Atoll to search for
potential local candidates. On another hand,
36 local students are currently participating
in the second Hospitality Course that began
in January this year and will be completed
in April 2009. For our 185 staff already on
board, we are focusing a lot on operational
and culture trainings including corporate
Shangri-La culture training, trainer skills,
Food hygiene and system trainings.
5. What are your career goals for the
years to come?
Caring about people and developing them is
my goal. As a human resources professional I
would be continuing to work either directly or
indirectly in the hospitality industry.
6. On a more personal note, what do you
enjoy doing during your spare time?
Music makes me happy and drawing fills my
time. I miss my drumming days when I used
to play 3 to 4 times a week in a resort late
in the afternoon and return to Male the next
morning. I still enjoy catching up with my
music friends and ‘jam’ once in a while! Art
has been the hidden talent that I received
from my family background of artists. I like
to surprise my friends from work at times
by gifting them a portrait on their special
PRESS CONTACT: Leslie Garcia, Communications Manager, Shangri-La’s Villingili Resort and Spa, Maldives, Tel: (960) 689 7888, Fax: (960) 689 7999
E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.shangri-la.com
F A M I LY &
USD 220
USD 211
USD 199
Tel: 333 55 44
Just How Important Are
First Impressions?
Stung by the response to the three automotive
CEOs flying in and out of Washington in their
private jets, the CEOs are making different
plans for their visit back to Washington this
All three CEOs are driving to Washington in
fuel-efficient hybrid cars. All have announced
plans to sell their corporate aircraft. And
Ford and GM plan to pay their CEO $1 per
year if their companies take any government
What do you make of this? What’s your
reaction? Is your reaction different to what it
may have been if these cost-saving decisions
were made before the first visit by private
As Andrew O’Keeffe, a noted expert in human
instincts suggests, “Given human instincts,
the answer to the last question will almost
universally be a definite ‘yes’”.
As O’Keeffe explained, “One of our instincts
called ‘first impressions to classify’ is at
work here. Humans make quick judgments
from first impressions and use these quick
judgments to classify experiences. Once
people have classified their opinion, it’s hard
to shift that opinion. We judge subsequent
events by how we have already classified the
O’Keeffe continued “Given that people have
already judged the CEOs as ‘wasteful’ or
‘greedy’, people’s interpretation of this latest
news will be negative or cynical - ‘I’ll bet they
still get their bonuses’, ‘poor things will be
down to their last billion’, or at best neutral ‘it’s the least they could do’”.
If the CEOs had driven to Washington in the
first place (or flew by commercial flight) and
taken a serious pay cut, people would more
likely judge them positively as that would be
the first impression.
Further, because they need to overcome the
negative first impression, the automotive
companies need to do more now compared
to what they needed to have done at the
O’Keeffe’s take on this is that “The CEOs
were left in a no-win situation. They had
to reduce their largesse, but will never get
the traction they want from doing so. For
example, it’s hard to recover once people
hear and ‘classify’ what Ford’s CEO said at
the recent Congress Committee hearing.
Asked whether he would consider cutting
his current compensation package of around
$22 million, he answered, ‘I think I’m okay
where I am.’”
As O’Keeffe suggests, “The benefit of
understanding instincts is that we know what
will work and what won’t, and we can then
make intelligent leadership choices.”
Unfortunately, it seems as if these CEOs are
not aware of the human phenomena of “first
impressions to classify”.
Compare these actions with those of the CEO
of Japan Air Lines, Haruka Nishimatsu (whom
I wrote about recently in “20 is the magic
number”). Nishimatsu receives an annual
salary of $90,000.
Yes, that’s right, not $9 million, not even
$900,000, but $90,000. And there are no
bonuses or share options attached. In fact
Nishimatsu gets paid less than his pilots. JAL
is one of the world’s top 10 airlines.
What’s more, he doesn’t receive any executive
perks. In fact, he lines up in the staff canteen
with his fellow workers for lunch each day
and even catches a bus to work!
Nishimatsu clearly understands the “first
impressions to classify” principle. JAL was
going through some very tough times in
2007 when Nishimatsu was appointed CEO.
Jobs were cut. People were asked to take
early retirement. As he commented “The
employees who took early retirement are the
same age as me. I thought I should share
the pain with them. So I changed my salary.”
Now that’s really “walking the talk”.
Before they
stepped into their
private jets to fly
to Washington
and beg for billions
from the public
purse, perhaps
the CEOs of Ford,
GM and Chrysler
should have
realised that first
impressions matter
What’s the message here for CEOs, and in
fact all managers?
People do base judgements on their instincts.
These instincts can be understood. The key
for managers in stressful times such as these,
is to ask oneself “What’s causing people the
most pain at the moment?” Or, “What are
people most worried about?”
Being clear on these concerns, one can then
pre-judge how key decisions will be seen by
asking “What will be the likely response? How
will others see this?” But most importantly,
“If someone else did this, what would my gut
reaction be?”
Bob Selden is the author of the newly published “What To Do When You Become The Boss” – a self help book for new managers. He is currently researching
topics for his new book on teams. Please email your suggestions for inclusion to Bob via http://www.whenyoubecometheboss.com
How ‘A’ Players Meet Customer
It’s not enough to achieve some or even
most of your customers’ expectations-your
objective is to meet them all. Yet, this can
be quite a challenge during peak times when
the counter is backed up, the phone keeps
ringing and you are short personnel in willcall. Defining an ‘A’ player is not difficult, if
we focus on meeting customer expectations
and striving for service excellence. These
objectives require specific skill sets.
Remember, one of the key factors of
success is building relationship equity. Good
relationships set the stage for the development
of ‘A’ player habits. Anything that could harm
the relationship, misrepresent a product or
aggressively push items a customer doesn’t
want might damage the relationship and
ultimately lose the customer.
It’s much easier to help a customer buy
something than it is to sell him something. I
can almost read your thoughts, ‘What exactly
does that mean?’ Well, it means helping a
customer buy is all about helping him figure
out what he really needs and what will give
him the best value. You gain his trust by
offering him choices and letting him decide.
Of course, you can make recommendations.
In fact, determining his or her needs,
problems and issues is part of the big picture
service formula and becoming a total solution
provider. That is what being an ‘A’ Player is all
by offering additional products
complement or enhance an order.
Service excellence is a top priority.
Knows the top 20 customers
Willingly pitches in to help other
personnel maintain overall service
Takes calculated risk in the interest
of relationship equity. Isn’t afraid to
think outside the box when servicing
customers (e.g.-buying product from
the competition).
Maintains a very low error rate.
Proactively seeks sales growth and
margin improvements through new
customer development and penetration,
increasing existing customer share of
The ‘A’ Player Profile
The customer always comes first in his
or her mind.
He or she understands and can explain
the difference between price and cost.
He or she understands value propositions
and can sell based on value overcoming
price objections.
Listens carefully and asks questions to
really understand customer needs.
Confidently embraces suggestive selling
How the ‘A’ Player Focuses on Service
Actual Tips from ‘A’ Player Customer
Service People
asking for the impossible whenever I walk
The actual tasks performed by customer
service personnel vary widely from one
company to the next. Job responsibilities
depend upon industry experience, product
knowledge and company size. The smaller
the firm, the greater the tendency for
customer service personnel to ‘wear
numerous hats.’ The larger the company,
the greater the potential for specialization
where counter sales handle customer walkin traffic and follow-up with others handling
inbound calls, purchasing, mailings, quotes
or providing technical support, for example.
No matter the level of specialization or
lack of it, every inbound call and customer
contact is an opportunity to enhance your
sales relationship and prove you deserve a
customer’s business.
#1: Pay Attention to the Relationship
Don’t underestimate the power of your tone
of voice or facial expression. Like it or not,
we judge others and customers judge us this
way. Do you sound harried, bored, bothered
or too busy to care? Or does your voice,
your face and your body language project an
attitude that encourages customers to build
a relationship with you?
The problem with customers is: they’re just
like us! They like dealing with people who
are pleasant and smiling. Customer service
personnel who appear to enjoy their jobs
and who make customers want to deal with
them achieve greater success. The perfectly
processed and delivered order experience
can be marred by a less than enthusiastic
attitude. Even though customer service
personnel handle many calls and walk-ins
each day, every contact should demonstrate
an energetic and positive ‘can do’ attitude.
Personnel attitudes can be discerned from
customer remarks. For example, one
customer says, “They do a good job handling
orders, but they make me feel like I’ve just
interrupted something important or that I’m
#2: Quality Products and Quality
Service Begin with Quality Thinking
Service excellence is built around a series
of ‘moments of truth’ that your customers
experience during their interaction with you.
Every person in the organization, even those
you may not think of as customer service
personnel, has the ability to make a positive
impact on service excellence. From the way
the telephone is answered, use of voice mail,
error-free orders, accurate billings, realistic
promises made and kept, to the integrity
of the information you provide?these are all
moments of truth affecting service excellence.
You, however, are on the front line and the
first level of ‘offense.’ You are the customer’s
primary contact, and customers expect you
to help them do business with your company
and make it a pleasant experience. They also
want you to solve problems and coordinate
with other people and departments.
the fact they recognize you and remember
your name and make you feel important,
or you consider them to be professionals
who know their business, understand your
needs and take care of them. There’s no
secret to what keeps customers coming
back for more, thereby contributing to the
growth and profitability of your company. If
you don’t provide service excellence, if you
don’t build relationship equity, if you really
don’t sincerely care about your customers’
needs, rest assured someone else will. In
essence, Not caring means you will lose that
#4: Do It Right the First Time
“What’s the reason for the price
difference between this order and my
last one?”
“Who should I talk with about a billing
“How should I handle this return?”
“Do you have a catalog you can mail
“Can you send me a sample of that?”
“Can I get freight paid on that order?”
These are all questions you’re expected to
answer. Quality thinking means focusing on
the customer’s needs and making sure those
needs are met.
#3: Take Care of Your Customers and
They Will Take Care of You
You’ve probably heard of the KISS principle:
keep it simple stupid. As funny as it may
sound, it’s really just good business practice.
When customers find it easy to do business
with you, they keep coming back for more
because people do business with people they
like. Consider why you select the suppliers
with whom you do business. Why do you go
to one bank versus another? Why do you
have your car serviced by one dealer versus
another who may be closer to you? Why do
you prefer a certain restaurant? Why do you
select a particular dentist or doctor or favorite
retailer? Chances are your selection criteria
parallel that of your customers. You probably
like the people or know you can depend on
their thorough service. Or, perhaps you enjoy
What’s the cost of an order entry error? What
does it cost the company for a return goods
authorization because the customer got the
wrong product? What does an order pricing
error cost? What is the real opportunity
cost of a lost customer due to poor quality
or lack of service excellence? Each time an
order is handled more than once, handling
costs increase through what is called costredundancy, i.e., doing the same task
over again. Mistakes mean corrections are
necessary, work is duplicated, a credit may
need to be issued, another delivery must be
made, the wrong product must be returned,
and the customer is generally annoyed if not
angry. Errors can lead to the ultimate loss for
a company: a lost customer.
Remember this guiding principle: It’s not a
travesty to lose an order. But, it’s never OK to
lose a customer.
The real loss to the company is not just the
value of the order in question. It’s the lifelong value the customer represents to the
company, presuming repeat business with
the customer is maintained. Oftentimes,
situations or errors that cause accounts to
become inactive go unnoticed for some time
by the company. No one realizes the customer
is unhappy. In fact, sometimes no one notices
that the customer is gone and no one works
to get the customer back. As a matter of fact,
most unhappy customers don’t complain,
with only about five percent of dissatisfied
customers actually aggressively voicing
their dissatisfaction with the company. The
majority of the customers may identify the
problem, but say nothing about their total
dissatisfaction with the company. Eventually,
this frustration builds to the point that the
customer just goes elsewhere. Not only do
they leave, but on average, the dissatisfied
customer will tell up to 20 others about his or
her negative experiences with your company.
Don’t fail to recognize that negative word-ofmouth is more influential than advertising.
#5: Always Give Customers More
Than They Expect to Get (The “WOW”
How do you define your competitive
advantage? What is it? What’s the
difference between your company and your
competition? ‘A’ Player customer service
personnel can answer that question distinctly
without a second thought. However, many
counter personnel reply: “We’re about the
same. We all have about the same products.
Sometimes we have something in stock
that the competition doesn’t, so that’s one
Your primary competitive advantage lies in the
hands of your customer service employees.
You must recognize that and be proactive
in leveraging it. If what you are selling is
really good but your employees don’t focus
on service excellence eventually you will lose
because the competition that recognizes the
role the employees play in customer loyalty
and retention will take your business.
Nowadays, customer service personnel
must be problem solvers able to generate
solutions for customers in their time of
need. Therefore, they must possess a great
deal of knowledge about your customers’
business. They must actually define what
those needs are because the customer may
not know, nor take the time to explain if they
do know. Customers expect you to have the
knowledge and intelligence to comprehend
and analyze their problems and provide
solutions. Customers will listen and buy from
the customer service people that understand
their “pain” and take it away.’
Rick Johnson, expert speaker, wholesale distribution’s ‘Leadership Strategist’, founder of CEO Strategist, LLC a firm that helps clients create and maintain competitive advantage. Need a speaker for your next event, E-mail [email protected]. Don’t forget to check out the Lead Wolf Series that can help you put
more profit into your business.
General Managers
don’t call back !
Evil Erik is furious, and nearly “ killed “ his
secretary, for letting guests know how to
reach him and to promise them that he
will call back .“ Don’t you understand how
important I am and how valuable my time is?
“ and “ Make sure you keep the lines open
for the Owners “ are his major arguments,
combined with some unprintable expressions
of discontent.
In Erik’s opinion, and in many of his peer’s
views too, phone calls are always a nuisance
and getting thorough to him is not only made
difficult, but nearly impossible.
Operator 2:
So, dear E-Hotelier reader what was the last
time that you checked how easy, or how
difficult, it is to get through to you, if at all !
Calling Evil Erik in his hotel lately resulted in
the following tragedy :
Operator 1:
Operator 1:
Good morning, is this
the Happy Go Lucky
Can I speak with
Mr. Erik
“Fuer Elise”, electronic version
85 seconds later
Operator 2:
Yes !!!
Good morning is this
the Happy Go Lucky
Justaomen .....
in background panic “
Call for GM..... “
“The sting”, electronic version
45 seconds later
Operator 3:
Operator 3:
Operator 3:
Can I please speak to
Mr. Erik?
John Rich
R from Rome
Ah,you call from Rome?
Mr. John
Operator 3:
Operator 3:
Operator 3:
Operator 3:
Operator 3:
Operator 3:
Operator 3:
Operator 3:
Operator 3:
J, O, H, N
J from Jakarta, O from
Ahhh, Mister Jones
Yes, that’s great.
The Winning Edge
T from Tokyo, H from
Ah, you call Tokyo
No, from Bangkok
Can I please speak
to Mr. Erik?
What is the purpose
of your call?
I would like to talk to
him about a complaint
Heeee? Justaomen
“The yellow rose of Texas”, electronic
30 seconds later
Operator 3:
Hold the line, let me
check if he is in!
Thank you !
“ The yellow rose “, second part
15 seconds later
I connect you
“ The yellow rose “, first part again
23 seconds later
Office Mr. Krike,
can I help you?
Good morning ,
can I speak to Mr. Erik?
This is not office
Mr. Erik ,this is office
Mr. Kirke !!!!!
Yes I hear, can I please
speak with Mr. Erik?
John Rich
R from Rome, ...
Ah,you call from Rome?
Mr. John
J, O, H , N
J from Jakarta, O from
Ahhh, Mister Jones
Yes, that’s great
The Winning Edge
T from Tokyo
Ah, you call from Tokyo
No, from The Winning
Can I please speak to
Mr. Erik?
What is the purpose of
your call?
(I would like to talk to Mr. Erik!)
He is not in ......
(What time does he come back? He is out
of country!)
I don’t know if he is in the office...
(Oh, he just stepped out .....)
Is it regard with advertisement!
(No, about complaint! Oh, you must send
He has a small meeting with his PR
Manager..(Lucky him ! No this is Happy Go
Lucky Hotel)
He is out for lunch
(at 4 PM? He always come back late from
Are you a personal friend ?
(No, I am guest ! He no have guests today)
Our Duty Manager is handling that ....
(No, don’t... Too late , already connected)
He has no time, he has many visitors
from overseas! (Another VP trying to be
He is on the phone with his wife !
(Yes, of course , another “ who-gets-thecar” battle?)
Secretary 1:
I would like to talk to
him about my
Heeeee ? Justamomen
“ We are the future” electronic version
15 seconds later
He says you must call
back later, he no have
time now!
No, thank you , I’ll start
using another hotel
Now, who is complaining about time wasted
in meetings?
Did you know that daily, in any medium sized
organization, around 1,000 times, 3 minutes
are squandered on listening to electronics
versions of The Sting, Fuer Elise and other
songs, that’s :
3,000 minutes, or 50 hours, or 5-10 hours
working days.
Did you know
that daily, in any
medium sized
around 1,000
times, 3 minutes
are squandered
on listening
to electronics
versions of The
Sting, Fuer Elise
and other songs,
that’s 3,000
minutes, or 50
hours, or 5-10
hours working
That is of course if you don’t have, like Evil
Erik, operators and secretaries to defend
you against annoying callers that spoil your
otherwise tranquil and serene day!
But in that case, why care anyhow about
listening to the customers, after all you are (
still) the ever so important General Manager
Sorry for having dared to call you, Evil Erik
Time measurements in the office will show
you that you too, spend at least 120 minutes
per day on “ around “ your phone, about the
same time as the average daily “ waste “
during your meetings, on the internet or in
traffic jams.
Bert “Bow-Thai” van Walbeek has been an Hotelier for 45 years and Marketer of Tourism for 35 years, a Motivator for 20 years, a Master of Disaster for 15 and a
Lecturer for 15 years. He can be reached at [email protected]
Customized Services:
Key Strategy in Guest Service
Service has to be adapted to each individual guest. This is a major
factor to be considered when creating new services, ensuring that
they offer an acceptable range of adaptability.
It is often heard that one of the best ways for
a hotel to be successful and stand out in the
increasingly competitive hospitality industry
is to offer customized services.
The question is how to approach customers
and learn what they want and how they want
The answer is: by customizing services.
Some hotel chains have understood the
significance of getting to know the preferences
and needs of their guests. However, by failing
to determine which data should be collected
and the way in which this should be done,
they have come to the conclusion that the
concept is wrong or that it cannot be applied
to the industry.
Customized services have been instrumental
in attracting guests and establishing a longterm relationship with them, for they have
a positive effect on the guests’ level of
satisfaction and on the degree of comfort
experienced during their stay.
When a guest lacks something, this is
translated into a need that must be met
through a specific service. In turn, the guest
has certain requirements as to the manner in
which such service should be provided.
Customized service demands more time and
dedication, as well as permanent contact with
the guests, so as to be able to get to know
their requirements and their expectations
regarding the services offered. The persons
in charge of offering customized service must
have at their disposal all the theoretical and
practical tools needed for such purpose.
Let’s analyze some of the characteristics of
customized service:
Customized service is based on both adapting
the qualities and properties of a service to a
specific guest and determining the guests’
expectations regarding the way in which
such service should be provided.
Close contact with the guest: It is
necessary to have as much information
on the guest as possible before,
during, and even after the guest’s
stay; therefore, the person in charge of
delivering customized service must be
allowed the time and resources needed
to such end.
Postcards and Posters
Flexibility: Guests’ needs often generate the creation of a
new service or the introduction of changes that had not
been contemplated; therefore, they may modify existing
regulations and policies. The secret lies in flexibility:
looking for ways to satisfy the guests’ needs without
significantly affecting the business.
Creativity: A key element of customized service is offering
something that no one has offered before, or doing it in
a different way. This requires ongoing market research
on international business trends as well as the analysis of
the guests’ opinion on the services offered and of guest’s
Adaptability: Service has to be adapted to each individual
guest. This is a major factor to be considered when
creating new services, ensuring that they offer an
acceptable range of adaptability.
Customized services offer the following advantages, among
The description of the primary and secondary qualities of
service for each guest.
The determination of the level or degree of service quality
for each guest.
Service homogenization
Knowledge of the guests’ needs, so that they can be
Increased knowledge of the guest
Positive effect on guest retention rates and brand loyalty.
Variety of over 60 postcards and 15 posters
Books, Magnets, Calendar and Map
Map folded
Map Poster
Hotel Islands
marked in red
Osvaldo Torres, Hotel Butler, [email protected]
TEL: 331 77 00 · FAX: 331 28 06 · E-mail: [email protected]
Do You Hate Preparing for
These Surefire Preparation Tips Will Help You
Win The Top Candidate
Thorough interview preparation is one of the
most important aspects of successful hiring.
Even busy managers can increase their
company’s recruiting power and differentiate
themselves by diligently following a
preparation checklist.
Preparing the Candidate
The pre-interview stage should be a multistep process. I prefer to hold two phone
conversations with each candidate before we
meet in person.
During the first call, my objective is to provide
information and build rapport. I introduce
myself, describe my position and role with the
Hamister team, and establish the purpose of
my call. I also give a brief overview of The
Hamister Group, Inc., its business sectors,
and history. While discussing the position in
question, I gauge the candidate’s interest and
advise her to have a look at our website.
The second call is my opportunity to ask a
few preliminary questions and gain a general
impression of the candidate. Did he look
over the website? What did she like about
our team? Can he discuss any of our articles
with me? What did she think of our company
values? Before proceeding to the next step,
I need to see evidence of research and a
connection with our culture.
Preparing Myself
By the time I set up an in-person interview,
the candidate and I have already set the
foundation for a warm conversation. I know
that he understands the basics of the position
and we have both considered whether The
Hamister Group is a good fit for him.
Whenever appropriate, I email our application
and additional background documents before
the interview. I hate arriving at an interview
and being asked to sit down and fill out forms
for 30 minutes before the actual meeting.
It’s a real energy drain. If you don’t want to
make candidates feel like they’re waiting for
a medical appointment, it’s best to send the
paperwork ahead of time. And, if they don’t
arrive with the documents already completed,
you get a few more clues about their level of
Candidates who have invested time in
the interview process deserve an equal
effort from the hiring company. While most
managers take just a few minutes to look
over a candidate’s resume before the initial
interview, I perform serious due diligence.
A good hiring manager can put the resume
aside and discuss the candidate’s background
from memory. Just as an interviewee does
not make a good impression when she brings
notes to the interview, hiring managers can
weaken their position by consulting resumes
It is also important to research the companies
at which the candidate has worked previously.
Instead of asking, “what are these companies
and what do they do?” (which does not make
me look like the smartest guy in the world),
I show a solid understanding of the person’s
background. This creates a strong, unique
Show Time
In addition to intellectual readiness,
interviewers must also pay attention to some
physical details. First, the obvious: tell your
receptionist to hold your calls and turn the
flipping cell phone OFF. And the email, and
the blackberry, and the pager, and any other
technological wonder that can interrupt the
interview and distract you from the most
important person in the world: the candidate.
Yes, during an interview, the person in front
of you must be the center of your universe
(and hopefully my wife won’t read this).
You need to show candidates their significance
in every way possible, including your attire.
Wear your Sunday best, no matter what you
usually wear in the workplace, and even if
it’s 110 degrees outside. Men, please: ties
and jackets. Ladies, please: blazers. If you
normally wear a branded shirt, change for the
interview. You don’t make a good impression
when the candidate is dressed better than
you are.
Be punctual. An interview that is scheduled
for 11AM must begin at 11AM. If a candidate
arrived 20 minutes late for an interview, you
would probably cross him off your list. If you
make candidates wait in the lobby for 20
minutes, they may be doing the same thing
to you. Plan your schedule to accommodate
unexpected events and be on time for every
And finally, breathe, smile, count to ten, and
focus. It’s show time.
Dan Kutis is the Corporate Recruiter of The Hamister Group, Inc., a hotel and health care management company based in Williamsville, NY. Feedback can be sent
to him at [email protected] . For more information on The Hamister Group, Inc., see www.hamistergroup.com
Grilled Grouper With Herb Risotto, Spaghetti
Vegetables, Tomato Compote.
Hassan Haneez
Executive Sous Chef
Banyan Tree Royale Hayat
For the fish:
Salt pepper
Olive oil
For tomato compote:
For spaghetti vegetables:
Bell pepper red
Bell pepper green
Bell pepper yellow
pepper to
For garnish:
Deep fried basil leave
Spring onion or chive
For risotto:
Chicken stock
Fresh cream
Freshly grated
Parmesan cheese
Fresh parsley (chopped)
Fresh chive (chopped)
Fresh basil (chopped)
Risotto rice
Olive oil
Salt and freshly ground black
White onion
Thai red chili
Cinnamon stick
Star anise
White vinegar
Season the fish with the lime juice and
salt. Crush all the peppercorns and rub
over the Grouper. Grill until cooked medium
risotto Heat oil in a saucepan over medium heat. Cook onion and garlic for 3
minutes, until softened. Stir in rice and
cook 1 minute. Add broth little by little
and cook, stirring, at gentle simmer. Add
cream & herbs during last 3 minutes of
cooking. The process should take 15 to
20 minutes. Remove pan from heat and
stir in butter cheese, salt and pepper.
Julienne cut all the vegetables and sauté with crushed garlic in olive oil
Cut the tomatoes in half; mince the onions and small chilies. Then sauté the
onions, tomatoes and chili. Add the
dry ingredients including the sugar and
continue to cook for 1 hour on medium
heat. Add some of the vinegar to taste,
add enough to balance the flavor, you
may not need the whole bottle. Continue to cook for at least 1 hour more
or until a proper and consistent flavor
is reached. Let the sauce cool completely before packing and storing in
the cooler.
Shangri-La’s Villingili Resort And Spa, Maldives
Signs Agreement With Hithadoo Regional
Shangri-La’s Villingili Resort and Spa,
Maldives, signed an agreement with the
Hithadoo Regional Hospital on 9 April 2009
allowing all of the resort’s employees to
access local medical treatment at the resort’s
“The well-being of our staff is a top priority
here at Shangri-La’s Villingili Resort and Spa,
Maldives and I am delighted that, thanks to
this agreement, medical assistance will be
easily accessible to all employees,” said Mr.
The agreement signing ceremony was
held at the office of the Hithadoo Regional
Hospital (HRH) in Hithadoo, Addu Atoll, and
attended by Mr. Fathuhulla Naseem, director
of HRH, and Mr. Jens Moesker, general
manager of Shangri-La’s Villingili Resort and
Spa, Maldives. The agreement permits all
of the resort’s employees to seek, within the
guidelines defined by the resort’s policy, both
in-patient and outpatient medical services at
HRH and Feydhoo Clinic without having to
provide any advance payment.
Shangri-La’s Villingili Resort and Spa,
Maldives will be the first luxury resort in
the southern Maldives, on Addu Atoll. The
resort will feature 142 villas with views of the
ocean or the island’s natural lush vegetation.
The Maldives’ second international airport,
Gan International Airport, is an eightminute boat ride away from the resort and
Malé International Airport is 70 minutes by
domestic flights operating around the clock.
The agreement with HRH is part of the
resort’s commitment to provide a healthy
work environment to its employees.
deluxe properties featuring extensive luxury
facilities and services. Shangri-La hotels
are located in Australia, mainland China,
Fiji, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan,
Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Sultanate of
Oman, Taiwan, Thailand and the United Arab
Emirates. The group has over 40 projects
under development in Austria, Canada,
mainland China, France, India, Macau,
Maldives, Philippines, Qatar, Seychelles,
Thailand, United Kingdom, United Arab
Emirates and the United States. For more
information or reservations, please contact a
travel professional or access the website at
Hong Kong-based Shangri-La Hotels and
Resorts currently owns and/or manages 62
hotels under the Shangri-La and Traders
brands with a rooms inventory of over
28,000. Shangri La hotels are five-star
PRESS CONTACT: Leslie Garcia, Communications Manager, Shangri-La’s Villingili Resort and Spa, Maldives, Tel: (960) 689 7888, Fax: (960) 689 7999
E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.shangri-la.com. For digitised pictures of the group’s hotels, please go to
Anatomy of
an Internet-Savvy
Hotel Manager
In these uncertain times,
the Internet can produce a
large portion of a hotel’s
overall business. Become
Internet-savvy, it could
become the difference
between success and
It’s 1:20 am and the hotel manager is
reviewing last month’s profit & loss statement,
room revenue is below planned budget and
expenses were higher than ideal. That’s not
great news, but the really bad news is that
forecasted revenue looks weak for the next
several months. Something has to be done
quickly. This scenario is not uncommon, the
challenge is to drive more business and/or
cut expenses but deep cuts in expenses will
usually begin to negatively impact service
levels. This could easily start the dreaded
downward spiral, poor service levels would
lead to less business, which would lead to
further cuts and on and on. After months and
months of boom business, gas prices and the
economic downturn are beginning to catchup to the hotel industry.
The conundrum is that the hotel industry has
always been reactive, rather than current, to
the economy, often enjoying good business
levels for months after a downturn begins and
suffering that downturn for months after the
economy recovers. Smart hoteliers know that
last month’s revenue is more likely the result
of what marketing was done, or not done,
several months ago, positive changes made
today can take months to show substantial
Many years ago, when I was a sales pup, this
scenario was more depressing than it is today.
We simply had no sales or marketing vehicle
which could or would produce quick results.
Most hoteliers have never been advocates
of advertising, few hotels have the money
with which to advertise on a scale which
would be beneficial. Advertising programs
are expensive and provide no benchmarks
or promises for producing results and could
take months to show those results.
The answer is to have a strong Internet
marketing program. But, before you flinch,
it doesn’t have to cost a fortune and the
payback is relatively quick. The fact is that
many hotels are paying far too much for web
site design and allocate too little or nothing
for generic search and sales promotion. The
savvy hotel manager understands that an
attractive site isn’t necessarily a productive
site and any site needs to be promoted to
be successful.
The most unique and wonderful element of
Internet marketing is that results are almost
totally measurable, something we could never
achieve with media advertising. Sometimes,
even a small change or addition can make a
huge improvement in reservation production.
The ability to quickly measure the impact of
that change is priceless.
The true function of any kind of promotion
is to produce incremental business. The
Internet savvy manager isn’t satisfied with
simply knowing how many people sees
his/her ad (web site), it’s the number of
reservation conversions that count, that’s
measurable too.
Using the Internet during Difficult
It may be painful, for some owners and
managers, to actually pay a commission to
help fill vacant rooms, but this is makes far
more sense than reducing rates on all your
rooms, which never works. Most, if not all,
business derived from online agencies would
not have been booked directly with the
hotel. Stop thinking of third-party sites as
competition and start recognizing them as an
additional sales source.
Social Media Dilemma
Faced with these challenges, the Internet
savvy manager turns to the Internet. Due
to the sheer nature of the Internet and the
ways, in which people use it, the Net has the
ability to produce quick and lasting results.
The Internet-savvy manager knows that a
properly designed web site is the foundation
of any successful online sales effort. The big
question is ‘what is a properly designed web
site?’ There are those who believe that all one
needs is a web site which demonstrates hotel
facilities, amenities, and services, with plenty
of photos. The fact is that this information
alone does nothing to help make your site
searchable. Before you commit to paying for
a new site, make certain that the company
knows why and how people select hotels on
the Internet and what sales elements are
The Internet savvy hotel manager knows that
the best place to start is to have someone
analyze and evaluate the ‘workings’ of your
hotel’s web site. This makes sense even if
you have already decided to have a new site
developed, this analysis will act as a guide
or blueprint to avoid mistakes on the new
site with the how’s and why’s to incorporate
certain necessary elements.
Third-Party Travel Aggregators
The Internet savvy hotel manager also knows
that Third-Party sites still play a huge role on
the Net. Hotel franchise sites have improved
greatly and some are finally participating in
pay-per-click advertising and generic search
protocol, but third-party sites still hold the
advantage with the unique ability to sell total
travel, air, hotel, and car rental.
Our industry is still struggling to find ways to
utilize the sales potential of social media. The
one area of social media which is currently
viable for hoteliers is travel oriented social
media such as TripAdvisor. This area of social
media has become a valuable collaborator
with the hotel industry.
Travelers search the Internet for activities
and places to visit, D/F marketing can help
them to also find your hotel.
The Bottom-Line
The Internet savvy hotel manager recognizes
that, properly used, the Internet can provide
valuable market exposure and incremental
business for his/her hotel. In these uncertain
times, the Internet can produce a large
portion of a hotel’s overall business. Become
Internet-savvy, it could become the difference
between success and mediocrity.
One of the results of the popularity of
Internet and electronic sales has been to
create a void in the personalization of travel.
When it was necessary to call to make a hotel
reservation, travelers had an opportunity to
ask questions and ‘feel good’ about their
reservation choice. TripAdvisor provides the
valuable service of allowing travelers to read
comments from satisfied travelers to validate
their reservation choice.
Hoteliers should closely monitor travel social
media sites like TripAdvisor. Good, even bad,
comments from your guests will provide you
with valuable information to improve your
product and services. Comments from former
guests can also provide hoteliers with insight
into new marketing opportunities to build
Destination-Focused Marketing
The Internet savvy hotel manager understands
that the selection of a hotel almost always
comes after the decision to travel to a specific
area. Knowing this, a savvy hotel manager
decides to provide the ‘reasons’ to travel to
where the hotel is located. This can be done
in the form of destination-focused marketing
and the listing of activities and attraction on
the hotel’s site.
Neil Salerno, CHME, CHA, Hotel Marketing Coach, www.hotelmarketingcoach.com, [email protected]
Hospitality Bites
Desert Palm celebrated its culinary
excellence with two prestigious award
wins and one ‘Highly Commended’
accolade at the fifth annual Time Out
Dubai Restaurant Awards 2009. Rare
won ‘Best Steakhouse Restaurant’ and also
came ‘Highly Commended’ in the ‘Best New
Restaurant’ category, while Epicure was
named ‘Best International Restaurant’.
Mr. Shiyam – Concierge of HIH receiving appreciation
letter from Mr. Utkarsh Faujdar – General Manager
of Hulhule Island Hotel and Mr. Ali Shakir – Human
Resources Manager
Ahmed Shiyam of Hulhule Island Hotel
selected to attend exchange program
in Japan Mr. Ahmed Shiyam, Concierge
of Hulhule Island Hotel, Maldives has been
selected to attend to the program “Japan –
East Asia Network of Exchange for Students
and Youths training for University Students
Studying Japanese” for the period February
25, 2009 to March 25, 2009 from the Japan
Foundation Japanese – Language Institute,
Kansi, Japan. This is due to Mr. Ahmed’s
interest and initiative on learning Japanese
language by attending language school at
Male’. Mr. Ahmed became one of the three
participants from Male’ selected for this
Mr. Ahmed Shiyam joined Hulhule Island
Hotel on May 5, 2002 as Laundry attendant
and due to Mr. Ahmed’s communication skills,
performance and hard work the Management
had promoted him as a Concierge in Front
Office Department.
Mr. Ahmed has been receiving praises from
the hotel guests regularly for his exceptional
services. Mr. Ahmed also attended the
Outward Bound Training - Team Development
Program held at Bangalore, India in 2007. Mr.
Ahmed was awarded Employee of the Year
2005, Employee of the month during 2005
and awarded perfect attendance certificates
in past years.
“We are indeed proud to have such stars like
Mr. Ahmed and as a part of our team that
works as a cohesive unit and we certainly
look forward to Mr. Ahmed’s continued
contribution” said Mr. Utkarsh Faujdar –
General Manager of HIH
Per AQUUM is delighted to announce
the appointment of Noel Cameron to
the position of general manager of
Huvafen Fushi, one of the Maldives’ leading
resorts. Noel joins Huvafen Fushi from the
world-renowned Singita Grumeti Reserve
in Tanzania, where he held the position of
senior general manager.
Kiwi Collection proudly announces the
addition of Jean-Jacques Gauer and Bill
Heinecke to their prestigious advisory
board. The strength and authority of this
expert panel continues to elevate Kiwi
Collection as the ultimate luxury hotel forum
for the discerning traveler.
Amanresorts has announced the
opening of the Aman New Delhi, a
luxurious city resort within reach of Delhi’s
bustling center and just minutes away from
numerous iconic sites such as Humayun’s
Tomb, Purana Qila and India Gate. Designed
by Australian architect Kerry Hill, Aman New
Delhi houses 31 rooms and 36 one-, two- and
three-bedroom suites, located in the main
nine-story building or in an elegant five-story
structure overlooking a manicured courtyard
and hotel pool.
The Conrad Maldives Rangali Island
has been voted the overall winner in
the renowned German Spa Magazine,
‘SENSES’ annual wellness awards. The
SENSES Wellness awards have been running
for 11 years and are co-ordinated by the
SENSES editorial staff together with a select
panel of experts. Competing against over 350
hotels and resorts, the lush twin-island resort
was chosen the ‘Overall Winner’ for 2009.
Capella Singapore, an ultra-luxury
hotel on Sentosa Island welcomed its
first guests today. The opening ceremony
was graced by Singapore’s Professor S.
Jayakumar, Deputy Prime Minister and
Coordinating Minister for National Security.
Professor Jayakumar was hosted by Mr Horst
Schulze, Chairman and CEO of West Paces
Hotel Group (parent company of Capella
Hotels and Resorts), Mr Kwee Liong Tek,
Chairman of Pontiac Land Pte Ltd and Mr
Michael Luible, General Manager of Capella
Singapore. Michael Luible, General Manager,
Capella Singapore, commented “As the first
Capella in Asia, it is our intention to set a new
standard of personalised service. Our guests
are invited to determine the experiences
they desire, and we will do everything to
facilitate it. Our personal assistants, a Capella
hallmark, are well equipped to facilitate
every need - from planning a culinary tour of
Singapore specialties, to booking a corporate
meeting, to arranging a romantic dinner,
children’s birthday party, deep sea fishing
or even a private jet.” The hotel has opened
with two high-profile events in its first days.
Iconic luxury brand Rolls-Royce Motor Cars is
previewing its new 200EX model, while Gucci
will be showcasing their spring/summer 2009
collection with a fashion show lounge event
in the ballroom.
The opening of One&Only Cape Town
on 3 April 2009 will mark the beginning
of a new synergy between art and
hospitality in South Africa. Drawing
on his own passion for collecting art, Sol
Kerzner, world renowned interior designer
Adam D. Tihany, Liza Essers of the Goodman
Gallery and leading South African art
historian Michael Stevenson, commissioned
several prominent South African artists to
create works for the resort and personally
sought out thought-provoking pieces to
form a unique environment of creativity and
individuality. By tapping into the country’s
cultural landscape, spaces within One&Only
Cape Town will be given over to eye-catching
installations and cutting-edge canvasses,
while the mezzanine level of the resort will
launch a new branch of the contemporary art
gallery, Goodman Gallery.
Hilton Hotels is expanding its hotel
network in Asia despite the downturn.
It plans to double its presence in the region
over the next three years. Despite the tough
economic climate, Hilton said it is planning
for the longterm and sees India and China
as markets with high growth potential. With
53 hotels under its brand in Asia, the hotel
operator is hoping to double its properties by
2012. So it is targeting to open 58 new hotels
in China and India. Source: China Economic
The Kuoni Group’s net profit increased
by 12.1% year-on-year to a record
152.1m Swiss francs (£93.1m) in 2008.
Turnover rose 3.3% to CHF4.86bn (£2.97bn),
including 4.4% organic growth and 5.9%
from the seven acquisitions made during
the year. Unfavourable currency movements
eroded a ‘substantial’ 7% of turnover. Costs
were cut by 3.9% to CHF3.8bn (£2.33bn),
resulting in gross profit of CHF1.06bn, 1.4%
ahead of 2007. However, gross profit margin
slipped to 21.8% from 22.2%. Earnings
before interest and taxes (EBIT) improved
by 8.6% to CHF151.5m. The EBIT results
included CHF5m in costs related to the
group’s ongoing restructuring process and
CHF9.5m of depreciation no longer required
following the sale of Edelweiss Air’s aircraft
to SWISS. Cash flow from operating activities
amounted to CHF108.7m in 2008, down
from CHF256.9m in 2007, primarily due
to a reduction in advance payments from
customers as a result of ‘more hesitant’
booking behaviour. The group’s UK division
saw turnover decline by 14.2% to CHF661m
(£404.6m), while EBIT dropped to CHF31.5m
(£19.3m) from CHF43.9m in 2007. Kuoni said
the division had been hit by the weakening
of sterling, which fell 17% versus the Swiss
franc, and the continuing economic crisis.
Source: e-tid.com
Courtesy of ehotelier.com
Mr. Gerd Steeb, President of Centara
Hotels & Resorts recently announced
the appointment of Mr. Grant Jefferies
as General Manager of Centara Grand
Island Resort & Spa Maldives. Grant’s
career in hospitality began at the tender age
of 6 by cleaning glasses at his parent’s hotel
in Southeast Queensland, Australia. From
humble beginnings, Grant began a journey
of traveling and working in hotels and resorts
around the world. Grant has over 20 years
of experience in the hospitality industry
working in Australia, New Zealand, New York,
UK, Singapore, Maldives and multiple world
cruises on the Queen Elizabeth 2 (QE2). Such
an expansive career has enabled Grant to
develop an ability to view issues from many
perspectives whilst remaining focused on the
fundamentals of good management. With a
penchant for pre-openings, Grant will embark
on another journey in opening the Centara
Grand Island Resort & Spa Maldives.
Hilton Colombo’s Executive Chef Rohan
Fernandopulle was recently named
“Chef of the Year” at the prestigious
2nd Travel & Tourism Awards 2008.
Organized by the Ministry of Tourism and the
Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority,
the Travel and Tourism Awards recognize
excellence among industry stakeholders in
Sri Lanka, which further aids to encourage
their contribution to the sustainable
development of the tourism industry. Chef
Rohan said: “It is a great honor to win this
award, especially when I am recognized by
the industry in my homeland. Going forward,
I hope to delight guests with more unique
culinary experiences, such as the revamped
lunch concept at Hilton Colombo’s Spoons
Restaurant and a new menu at the popular
Sunday Brunch.” One of Chef Rohan’s strong
specialties is his ability to inject local flavors
into international preferences, providing
guests with the opportunity to taste first class
gourmet fused with the authentic flavors of
homegrown ingredients.
Luxury boutique hotel operator, Alila
Hotels and Resorts, is set to expand its
footprint in Asia with six new properties
slated to open this year, which will include
the launch of three Alila Villas properties,
the new generation of resorts that deliver
ultra luxury in design, space and bespoke
hospitality combined with innovative lifestyle
concepts. “These upcoming properties
represent a significant milestone in the growth
of Alila in both established and emerging
destinations across the region,” says Frederic
Flageat-Simon, Managing Director and Chief
Operating Officer of Alila Hotels and Resort.
Source: btbtravel.com
Asia Luxury Travel Market (ALTM), the
region’s leading showcase for the luxury
travel industry, returns to the Shanghai
Exhibition Centre from 15-18 June with
a strong turnout of both returning and
new exhibitors. “ALTM is pleased to see
continued support and commitment from
leaders in the global luxury travel industry.
This year we are also proud to welcome a
host of new exhibitors from around the world
and spanning the industry”, said Christina
Wood, Exhibition Director.
A team of three UK environmental
experts will make a return visit to the
Conrad Maldives Rangali Island between
12 April and 12 June to continue their
groundbreaking ‘Maldives Whale Shark
Research Programme’. The Not for Profit
organisation has established new whale
shark protection guidelines in the country,
with the Maldivian Government providing
directions on establishing community and
tourism industry guidelines to protect the
vulnerable species. During the team’s visit,
Conrad Maldives Rangali Island will once
again provide sponsorship and equipment
including a research vessel, dive kit, food,
fuel, maintenance and accommodation to
support the team’s efforts as part of their
ongoing commitment to protect the fragile
paradise setting of the resort.
The ‘R’
Change is
imperative in a
‘Tough Profit’
market. Most
will thrive on
the concept
of change,
responsibility and
In order to survive or even thrive facing
today’s economic conditions, which may
even see gas prices hit five dollars a gallon,
it will require sticking to the basic principles
of running a well managed business. Some
economists say we are definitely in a recession
even though the actual numbers don’t really
validate their opinion. The question is.... Does
it really matter? Personally, I believe what
really matters is what is actually happening
in the market place. We are going through
a mortgage crisis meltdown in the housing
industry, gas prices are going out of sight and
that fact alone is impacting the cost of nearly
everything we purchase in this country from
our vacations plans to the food we eat.
Facing Reality
Let’s face it. During the past five years prior
to flirting with the ‘R’ word --- Recession, it
wasn’t extremely difficult to make a profit.
The market forces have been very kind to
the majority of us through 2005, 2006 and
2007. However, 2008 is a brand new year and
the wave we have all been riding has shrunk
in size at varying levels in our industry. The
success we have enjoyed in the past will not
be as easy to accomplish in 2008 & 2009. In
fact, we may have to adjust our expectations
as the rising energy costs will have an impact
on every aspect of business in general. Past
successes may have camouflaged internal
problems and annoyances that could become
a crisis in 2008 and 2009 under different
To not just survive in 2008 and 2009 but
to maintain acceptable levels of growth
and profitability is a goal that I am sure is
shared by virtually 100 % of the individuals
and companies that read this article. So,
Guard your customer service initiatives with a passion. This is the absolute
last place that you can afford to lose focus. If customer service starts to
slip..... Customers will soon follow and that could lead to a death spiral.
let’s review some principles that can help us
maintain our focus, uncover some of those
sins that may have become covered by
profitability and create the kind of success
that you can be proud of:
1. Go back to basics in managing your
2. Understand your role in the market place
3. Develop or refine your strategic plan
4. Continue to develop and train employees
(Don’t scrimp here)
5. Upgrade your sales force and all support
6. Don’t let up on your drive to provide world
class customer service
7. Insist upon sales territory plans that target
accounts based on potential for growth
8. Create change based on changes in your
markets and your industry
Strategic Planning
If you don’t have a strategic plan, make it
a priority to create one in 2008. It is money
well spent. If you do have one, go through
an extensive review of all the initiatives. Do
they still make sense? Has anything changed
that will make a significant difference on
your focus. Do you need to change your ‘End
Game’ or Vision for the Future?
Maintain World Class Customer Service
Employee Development is Essential to
Don’t cut training and development dollars.
Continue to focus on people development.
This will maintain employee respect, trust
and will create a culture that will maximize
employee efforts and willingness to do
whatever it takes to create success.
Upgrade - Upgrade
Basic Best Practices
Take the time to review best practices as
they apply to your business. Look at your
processes, your procedures and your policies.
Do they reflect good management principles
or do they become a little spongy due to past
What is Your Role?
Has your role changed in the market
place? Are your business segments still the
best match for your core competencies?
What has changed and more importantly,
what changes do you need to initiate?
Do an internal SWOT analysis (Strengths,
Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats)
with your management team and initiate a
brainstorming or scenario planning session
to reflect upon your changing role in 2008
and beyond.
eternal success that doesn’t require a 100%
effort. It can lead to a comfort zone that is
not healthy for long term success. Make sure
your sales force practices a sales effectiveness
discipline that requires documented action
planning for specific targeted accounts that
support individual territory plans. Of course,
these plans must be in alignment with
strategic initiatives as well.
While employee development is critical to
success, so is making sure that you have
the right employees performing the right
functions. The opposite of the ‘Easy Profit’
market forces that cover-up employee
incompetence is the ‘Tough Profit’ market
that will highlight employee incompetence.
Economic conditions like those we face
today eliminate places for under performing
employees to hide. Don’t let too much
compassion for long tenure employees cloud
your judgment. Make sure expectations are
clear, employees are trained and have the
proper resources. However, if they can not
perform you must act swiftly.
Guard your customer service initiatives with
a passion. This is the absolute last place that
you can afford to lose focus. If customer
service starts to slip..... Customers will soon
follow and that could lead to a death spiral.
Create Change
Creating, instigating and managing change
takes passion and courage. It’s not for the
weak of heart. It is not for those who embrace
simple traditional expectations. Effective
leaders reach beyond these expectations.
They become agents of change. Change is
imperative in a ‘Tough Profit’ market. Most
companies will thrive on the concept of
change, achievement, responsibility and
accountability. Make it part of your culture
in 2008 and you will not only be a survivor
but you will perform in the upper quartile of
your industry.
Sales Effectiveness
It’s really fun being a sales person in an ‘Easy
Profit’ market. It is not difficult to do well and
sometimes we can be lulled into a sense of
Rick Johnson, expert speaker, wholesale distribution’s ‘Leadership Strategist’, founder of CEO Strategist, LLC a firm that helps clients create and maintain competitive advantage. Need a speaker for your next event, E-mail [email protected]. Don’t forget to check out the Lead Wolf Series that can help you put
more profit into your business.
Do You Have
The Diesel Advantage?
Mercury Commercial Boats are designed by
world renowned Mercury Marine according
to strict CE standards and are being built
in Vietnam using the latest boat building
techniques. These vessels have been
specifically designed for commercial usage
in the passenger transportation and tourism
In the case of the Maldivian tourism industry,
high speed passenger transportation and
tourism industry vessels have remained petrol
powered due to speed and manoeuvrability
requirements that traditionally could not be
met by inboard diesel powered vessels.
Yet, petrol propulsion has remained highly
fuel consuming in an industry where cost
efficiency in transportation is crucial as the
Maldivian tourism industry relies heavily
on sea transportation and water based
recreational activities. The lack of alternative
options that could potentially compete with
petrol propulsion has meant that the industry
is almost fully dependent on petrol power for
high speed transportation and recreational
Now however, with the introduction of
Mercury Commercial Boats to the Maldives,
the Maldivian tourism industry finally
has a viable alternative, providing the
superior manoeuvrability and performance
generally associated with outboard engines,
with outstanding fuel efficiency, range
and durability. These vessels have been
specifically designed to be powered by the
Cummins Mercruiser Diesel Commercial
Stern-drive propulsion package.
Cummins Mercruiser Diesel is a joint venture
between two legendary names in marine
propulsion, Cummins Inc and Mercury
Marine, which brings together a combination
of world-class research and engineering
expertise, an exceptional range of products
and unparalleled expertise in the industry.
This means that Mercury Commercial Boats
couple the fuel efficiency and sturdiness of
Cummins Marine Diesel Engines with the high
performance and manoeuvrability of Mercury
stern-drives, giving you the best advantages
of both inboard and outboard propulsion.
undisputed world leader in the production of
commercial stern-drives, with the legendary
reliability of Cummins diesel engines leads to
maximum performance and torque through
commercially rated stern-drives while
requiring minimum engine horsepower to
attain these standards.
The wide range of Mercury Commercial Boats
ensures that there is a vessel for almost every
commercial tourism industry requirement.
From the Baracuda Parasail boat and the
Bluefin Dive Boat that are ideal for watersports and diving excursions at a commercial
level, to the Victory, which can transport forty
passengers in full-cabin, individually seated
comfort at a breathtaking top speed of forty
Now that the Maldivian Government has
pledged to cut import duty completely for
diesel fuel imported into the Maldives, the
price of diesel fuel will decrease significantly
in the local market, meaning that high-speed
diesel vessels will enjoy an even stronger
cost advantage over common petrol powered
Mercury Commercial Boats have a fuel
efficiency of over fifty percent when compared
with outboard motor powered vessels of the
same size and performance ratings. Combined
with the decrease in price of diesel, the fuel
efficiency that Mercury Commercial Boats
offer will amount to significant cost savings
for tourism establishments while ensuring
that quality, safety and the comfort of your
valued clientele are not compromised.
HMES, the authorised sales and service
dealer for Mercury Commercial Boats and
Cummins Mercruiser Diesel in the Maldives,
has over a decade of experience in the
marine engineering industry with two active
Service Centres in the heart of Male’ and
mechanics who work daily in the field of
speedboat propulsion troubleshooting and
maintenance. Our mechanics have been
trained to troubleshoot and repair the CMD
Commercial Stern-drive propulsion package
and the equipment installed on the Mercury
Commercial boats when the first vessels were
introduced to the Maldives in 2008.
Furthermore, the HMES marine equipment
shop maintains stock of all parts required for
the maintenance of the Mercury Commercial
Boat models currently running in the Maldives.
When a new model is introduced to the
market, HMES ensures that sufficient stock of
parts for that particular model is maintained
for the requirements of any particular client
at all times. Therefore, operators of Mercury
Commercial Boats are assured that they have
a reliable local partner who specialises in this
industry and will ensure that the vessels are
always in operating condition with the HMES
team always standing by to assist when
Each one of the Mercury Commercial Boat
models comes with a one-year warranty for
all manufacturing defects which will be upheld
in the Maldives by HMES in cooperation with
Mercury Marine Singapore so that you can
be assured there is a world-class guarantee
backing up your vessel.
High-speed diesel marine transportation is
now here in the Maldives...do you have the
diesel advantage?
Hassan Marine Engineering Service [HMES] ,11 Fareedhee Magu, Male’, Rep. of Maldives, Tel: (960) 331 2733 Fax: (960) 331 2133 Email: [email protected]
Lights Out! Sheraton Maldives Full Moon
Resort & Spa And W Retreat & Spa Maldives Celebrates Earth Hour
Starwood Hotels & Resorts Around the Globe Observe
Environmental Awareness Event
Sheraton Maldives Full Moon Resort & Spa
and W Retreat & Spa - Maldives participated
in Earth Hour, a global environmental
awareness event organized by the World
Wildlife Fund (WWF), on March 28, 2009,
together sent a powerful global message
about environmental awareness and caring
for the planet. Sheraton Maldives Full Moon
Resort & Spa and W Retreat & Spa - Maldives
observed Earth Hour by turning off its lights
and taking other energy-saving measures
for one full hour further underscoring
Starwood Hotels & Resorts’ commitment to
environmental sustainability.
Earth Hour is drawing strong support from
Starwood hotels around the globe.
“We are very proud to participate in this
global initiative. Sheraton Maldives Full
Moon Resort & Spa invites our guests to get
together as a community and participate in
this special occasion. By participating in this
momentous event while enjoying a once in
a lifetime holiday, our guests will definitely
find their stay with us a spectacular & unique
experience.” said Justin Malcolm, Hotel
Manager, Sheraton Maldives Full Moon Resort
& Spa.
“Everyone must do their part in order to
tackle climate change. We at the W Retreat
& Spa-Maldives feel very fortunate to live
in such an unspoiled paradise that we
have measures in place to help create a
sustainable environment. Our participation
in Earth Hour is a small, but significant,
highlight of our commitment and also gives
our guests a chance to do their part, even
while on holiday.” said Coetzer Deysel, Resort
Manager for W Retreat & Spa-Maldives.
Sheraton Maldives Full Moon Resort & Spa
and W Retreat & Spa - Maldives took several
measures such as turning off non-essential
power for both resort and associate areas,
including lighting, air-conditioning, laundry,
computers and music for one hour.
Sheraton Maldives Full Moon Resort & Spa
has created an evening under the stars
for the guests in Atoll Grill restaurant and
Anchorage Bar. Atoll Grill was set up with
candles, fire pits and torches for the Earth
Hour themed dinner and served a special
designed buffet menu with green cocktails.
Anchorage Bar was highlighted by oil burners
for guests to spend a nice evening out. Full
Moon Restaurant, Baan Thai, Sand Coast
Café, Drifters bar and fine dining restaurant
Casa Luna were closed on the evening of 28
Starwood made history in 2006 when it
launched Element Hotels, Starwood’s green
trailblazer and the first major hotel brand
to mandate that all U.S. properties pursue
the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED
Across its entire portfolio,
Starwood is rolling out initiatives that aim
to conserve energy and water, reduce waste
and enhance indoor environmental quality
for Starwood guests and associates alike.
About Earth Hour
Earth Hour began as an awareness effort in
Sydney, Australia in 2007 when more than
two million homes, businesses, and the city’s
largest landmarks shut off their lights for
one hour, resulting in a significant energy
reduction across the city. Quickly evolving
into a global phenomenon, Earth Hour drew
an estimated 50 million people in 35 countries
and 370 cities in 2008, and this year one
billion homes, businesses and countries are
expected to take part. For more information
and video on the genesis of Earth Hour visit
About Starwood
Worldwide, Inc.
March 2009. Guests were informed about the
resort’s observation of Earth Hour and were
encouraged to participate in this momentous
occasion through in-room messages.
Sheraton Maldives Full Moon Resort & Spa
has saved approximately 50% of energy
consumption compared to same time other
was paired with equally planet-friendly
cocktails including organic wine and hand
pressed cocktails. In FIRE restaurant, they
extended their jungle-meets-beach BBQ
concept and presented international cooking
stations amongst a bonfire and tiki torches
while local musicians filled the air with their
acoustic tunes.
W Maldives closed KITCHEN restaurant for the
evening, but offered eco-friendly alternatives
for their guests.
In FISH, the island’s
signature seafood restaurant – the guests
dined on a 5-course set menu including king
fish tataki, scallop carpaccio and barramundi
all prepared with minimal power. This menu
hotels around the world are coordinating
supplementary awareness events such as
walk-a-thons in their local communities,
public candlelight unplugged concerts and
receptions for guests featuring signature
green cocktails.
Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide,
Inc. is one of the leading hotel and leisure
companies in the world with more than 940
properties in approximately 97 countries
and 145,000 employees at its owned and
managed properties. Starwood Hotels
is a fully integrated owner, operator and
franchisor of hotels, resorts and residences
with the following internationally renowned
brands: St. Regis®, The Luxury Collection®,
W®, Westin®, Le Méridien®, Sheraton®,
Four Points® by Sheraton, and the
recently launched AloftSM, and Element
SM. Starwood Hotels also owns Starwood
Vacation Ownership, Inc., one of the
premier developers and operators of high
quality vacation interval ownership resorts.
For more information, please visit www.
Media Contact:
Cyrus Im, Marketing & Communication Manager, Sheraton Maldives Full Moon Resort & Spa, Phone: +960 664 2010,
Email: [email protected], www.sheraton.com/maldivesfullmoon
Rosemarie Domdom, Director of Marketing, W RETREAT & SPA - MALDIVES, Telephone: + 960 666 2208,
Email: [email protected], www.whotels.com/maldives
Tough Times Call For Tough
They can reduce operational costs and defer
capital expenditure. That’s the approach
adopted by mining giant, Rio Tinto, which
is cutting operating costs by $2.5 billion
per year and more than halving its capital
expenditure to $4 billion.
They can review operating procedures, tighten
controls and upwardly delegate decisionmaking approvals so that expenditure is
tightly controlled.
They can narrow the business scope or
reduce prices on products and services in the
hope that people will buy more.
approaches we see being taken. Rather
a style of leadership that is inclusive and
cooperative, but still tough might be the way
to go.
In this month’s Harvard Business Review,
Tamara J. Erickson argues that leaders need
to take a quite different approach.
Or they can cut staff numbers, something
that companies such as Sony are beginning
to do as it announced plans to cut 8,000
jobs and shut one in 10 of its electronics
manufacturing sites.
Looking at these leadership strategies, it is
striking that they are all-top down decisions.
There seems to be a thinking among business
leaders that leadership is best displayed by
taking the approach of “call the shots”, “carry
the ball”, “Make decisions!”.
So do these type of strategies work?
Well, the stock markets seem to think so,
particularly in the short term. It’s quite
noticeable that shares in companies that take
these measures invariably rise. For example,
Rio Tinto share’s rose 10 per cent when its
new measures were announced.
But what happens in the long term?
Price Water house Coopers reported that
following the 2002 downturn, nearly 60 per
cent of global CFOs conceded that the costs
they were then currently cutting, would
creep back into the business within two to
three years.
Ask great questions - “Challenge the
organisation to respond (to the current
situation) by setting intriguing and
complex goals. Articulate a compelling
mission that will get people to rally”
Build trust across the organisation “Don’t cut out meetings, or intensify
investments in learning. Increase your
firm’s collaborative capacity by building
relationships and encouraging the
exchange of knowledge”
Challenge the status quo - “Ensure
that your team is regularly exposed to
diverse points of view and experiences”
How might such leadership strategies work
in practice?
The simple answer is to ask the people. What
might happen for instance, if the company
leadership said “We need to reduce costs by
20 per cent - what are your suggestions for
doing that?”
They just might find that employees come
up with some stunning suggestions. Suppose
that staff said “We can reduce costs 20 per
cent by taking a reduction in pay - working
four days a week instead of five”.
Unbelievable, you might say? Well, employees
and management at Corus, the huge UK
steel maker (owned by Tata of India) have
suggested a 15 per cent cut in pay as a sop
against job losses.
Now, take Sony’s 8,000 electronics job
cuts - the equivalent of five per cent of its
workforce. How much more would they save
if the 160,000 employees decided to take a
10 per cent, 15 per cent or 20 per cent pay
And think of the 8,000 jobs this would save.
Would staff be motivated to suggest such
initiatives? Well, in today’s uncertain times,
which would you prefer, a cut in pay or
a loss of job? Today, job security is a key
The question is, are leaders tough enough to
take the risk to involve their people?
What do business leaders do when
confronted by a downturn? Now, just
as in previous recessions, their responses
tend to fall into four main areas.
And that’s just the cost creep. What happens
when the economy starts moving again - are
these organisations flexible enough to rehire,
re-train and re-develop lost markets?
What’s needed in times like this are not the
sort of short-term, top-down balance sheet
Bob Selden is the author of the newly published “What To Do When You Become The Boss” – a self help book for new managers. He is currently researching
topics for his new book on teams. Please email your suggestions for inclusion to Bob via http://www.whenyoubecometheboss.com
Who Built Your
Jobs are the
building blocks
whereby a career
is the finished
structure with
which you
refurbish and
redecorate your
dreams. A career
entails everything
you learn and
grow with during
your lifetime.
Jobs are the building blocks whereby a
career is the finished structure with which
you refurbish and redecorate your dreams. A
career entails everything you learn and grow
with during your lifetime.Take a moment and
look back at your career. Who was in charge
of the journey? I have had this discussion
with many of my friends, colleagues and
some hospitality industry leaders on several
occasions. The responses were interesting
and attributed to different reasons.
Personal / Public Relations: PR and
networking are good and associations of
convenience can do wonders! A senior
hospitality professional once confessed to me,
“You may be a superstar, but what you need
to know is how to press the right button at
the right time,” this was his secret quick-win
formula and it did work in his advantage.
God Father/Mother: My professor at
the university, a walking encyclopedia
and management expert in organizational
behavior, during his informal sessions of
sharing his personal views remarked how
management is so different from B-school
modules or scholarly books. He gave
examples of individuals who built careers
only because they were close to the power
centers or channels of power. He also warned
about the ill effects of being to close for
The Human Resource Director of a reputed
International Hotels Chain once said ”Why
I could not manage a transfer from the
Maldives for several years was just because I
did not have a “god father” in my company”
(this gentleman of course moved out of the
company for greener pastures). He also
recollects the creative designations he had to
carve out to accommodate certain individual’s
personal interests and adjustments in the
manning guide.
Personal Interest: One of my batch mates
shared his personal experience: His manager
spotted his latent talents in nanoseconds
over a meeting to ensure an auto eject for
himself to a higher branch by promoting
the homebred resource to replace him. This
manager’s promotion and transfer abroad
was also based on a successful replacement.
My friend honestly remarked that his Manager
had always been ungrateful of his works,
but my friend is happy about the sudden
paradigm shift for mutual benefit.
A Learning Director for a reputed organization
confessed to me that he was forced to start
a special program for developing supervisors
by his boss. Implementing a supervisory
program was part of his goals for that year
and achievement of that target was the
single motive for this program, which was
short sighted and not with a clearly defined
When a disappointed hospitality professional
admits that he was helpless when glaring
gross racial discrimination was spotted
when promotions were considered by senior
management, yet another individual mocks
about the lost opportunities being a man!
Coincidence: A sweet accident turned a tea
estate manager into a General Manager of a
five star hotel. However, he proved himself
to be effective without any professional
qualification in hoteliering, though the only
connection was that he had few opportunities
to visit five star hotels previously.
A senior executive of a leading international
hotel says, “I had great plans on paper. I had
three bosses in two years and unfortunately,
I am in the cross roads having listened to
the endless promises that were made. My
present boss is in no mood for any promises
for unappealing reasons.”
Mentors: They could be bosses, parents,
teachers, friends and all well wishers who
could influence or inspire you to take the
right decision and/or coach for better
performance. “I am always thankful to my
earlier Executive Chef Mr …( lets call him X)
who identified the talent in me. He was very
strict and gave me all encouragement and
has a big role in what I am today”, says a
successful Sous Chef.
Vacancy: A housekeeper at a reputed resort
got promoted simply because his boss left,
which paved an auto jump for him though
not through succession planning. He did
not have a career/professional development
plan and yet he secured it because he was
simply seen aspiring for it. Moreover, it was
in the interest of others to showcase it as
professional growth, cut recruitment cost and
lowers the turnover ratio. Isn’t it amazing
how a quick fix career could be made with
just gut feeling?
The self factor: Many employees are not
in control of their careers. The powerful
“self factor” is often forgotten since it may
not reward instant successes compared to
other modes. Many employees get frustrated
when they are put down by the boss or their
colleagues. Most people experience rejection
at work when their ideas are not being heard
or simply being ignored, when they do not
get a raise or promotion, are not a part of
the ‘in’ crowd in the office or don’t get the job
that they applied for in the first place.All this
can take its toll on them emotionally.
How To Manage Negative Influences
The above mentioned rejections and lost
opportunities should be taken as a point of
reflection. Yes, it is more than normal to
feel low or terrible, but you should not let
that affect you for a longer period, perhaps
not beyond the end of the day. Most often
employees do not hunt for an explanation
and calmly ask the potential employers or
management the reason for their decision
that did not go in the individual’s favor. Most
often, this decision has no correlation with
the individual’s ability, but rather with the
company’s limitations. And if the reason is
individual related, this should be the pivotal
point for self awareness and change.
In today’s scenario, the credit crunch, reduced
tourist inflow leading to lower occupancy
percentages and lost revenue in all quarters
may force downsizing, freeze promotions
and delay recruitments for certain positions
to balance the bottom line. This may cap the
aspirations of employees and may spark job
changes seeking better career.
”There are many occasions where the
applicants are overconfident, at times
not convinced within themselves with a
rationale for their career ambitions. There
are individuals who don’t know their own
value and it is in our interest to get a better
deal for our clients, of course also due to our
professional interest involved,” says a well
known hospitality recruiter.
Essentials to Career Planning
Soul searching to reconcile with that big
Honest assessment of one’s knowledge,
skills and attitudes.
Identify the career anchor. At times,
it may be half way through the
professional life!
Right Investment: time and effort more
than money.
Follow through with right decisions at
the right time.
Jorely Mathew, BHM, CHE is the Training Manager at Soneva Gili by Six Senses, Republic of Maldives.
Realize that a job is just one facet of
your life.
Accept rejections gracefully. (You
are above the last cocktail party you
attended and the number of digits in
your salary slip)
Consider that your talents may not be
suitable for that higher position.
Accept your limitations and challenge
those who try to limit you by
demonstrating positive results.
First look forward to a change in you;
as only you have the power to truly
influence yourself and stop feeling like
a victim.
Negative emotions may pile up from
over expectations and miscalculated self
assessments. Employees demand promotions
with the sole criteria of seniority at work
place. Most of them do not keep the learner
in them alive. It is a faculty that needs to
be kept well-fed with challenges like any
other, thereby growing professionally to build
careers. Often hoteliers compromise and
take short promoting from within in order
to retain an employee, although this bears
potential hazards in sustaining the standards
and morale of other employees. Naturally
there are undue influences and biased
decisions at any workplaces that are quite
universal and there is no unique formula to
overcome these, however, what one can do
is to take more control of one’s own growth,
even though this may not offer immediate
achievements. Don’t wait for accidents or
god fathers to emerge. If you don’t have
someone to market you at workplace, don’t
cultivate a lazy mindset; be a silent steamer
but get rid of the old contrary beliefs and
unpleasant emotional memories through
perseverance and self discovery.
Success is about careful planning to reach
your goals, even if it takes a change of job or
occupation. It is not what others say or think
about you that count, it is your belief and
perseverance with the focused determination
that matter. This is indeed the secret formula,
but only for those who dare to dream and size
up opportunities and pursue them sticking to
the plan when they have the passion and
commitment towards the long-term goal.
Who stole the cake, baker and the bakery?
A seasoned hotel professional said, “My
General Manager made a professional
development plan for the senior team
members at the year end so that he had
some data on record to justify his full score
in the balanced score card for the PDPs and
succession planning initiatives he had driven
year round!”
Angsana Velavaru Innovates With
Inocean Villas In The Maldives
Angsana Velavaru, located in the pristine
South Nilandhe Atoll, is set to unveil new
standards in resort living. In July 2009, it
will launch the first standalone collection of
water villas in the Maldives that is not on an
further relaxation, indulge in some pampering
Asian-inspired massages deftly delivered by
the resort’s skilled Angsana Spa therapists.
In the evening, wine and dine under the
stars or indulge in hearty Maldivian curries as
the sun dips into the horizon.
This exclusive cluster of 34 InOcean Villas,
together with a dedicated Italian restaurant
and bar, is located one kilometre away from
the island of Velavaru. A first in the Maldives,
the “floating resort” is perched in the middle
of the Indian Ocean, creating a unique
castaway experience where guests never
need to venture far from their retreat to
enjoy the Maldives. Introductory rates start
from USD 750++ per night per villa, inclusive
of daily breakfast for two.
Modern amenities to complement this resort
chic lifestyle include a flat screen TV, stereo
system with iPod docking station, a full-sized
bath tub, and wireless Internet connection.
Considerate touches include two sets of
snorkelling gear placed in the villa for marine
exploration whenever desired, as guests are
mere steps from the clear lagoon waters and
its colourful inhabitants.
Arrive in Style
Angsana Velavaru is accessible via either
a scenic 40-minute seaplane journey or a
leisurely eight-hour cruise onboard a Turkish
Gulet originating at Malé island. Upon
disembarking, a quick speedboat ride will
bring guests to the dedicated jetty serving
the InOcean Villas, where they will be warmly
welcomed by the resort hosts. Meanwhile,
colourful reef fish dart underneath the
boardwalk connecting the jetty and reception
area to the InOcean Villas.
A Series of Pleasurable Discoveries
Ranging in size from 175 square metres to
290 square metres, each of the spacious 20
InOcean Villas, 11 Premier InOcean Villas and
three Sanctuary InOcean Villas offers guests
an intimate oasis for blissful enjoyment and
unparalleled solitude.
Upon entry, guests will be greeted by a
panoramic view of the Indian Ocean through
the sliding glass doors along the living,
sleeping and bath areas. Reminiscent of stylish
city lofts and accented with contemporary
coral designs, each two-storey villa comes
with a spacious outdoor deck, an infinity pool
of at least 21 square metres, and a hammock
suspended over water. The Premier InOcean
Villas and two-bedroom Sanctuary InOcean
Villas also feature an extended deck into
the ocean, complete with a cosy pavilion for
leisure lounging or yoga practice.
On the upper deck, guests can bask in the
warm sunshine on the sun beds or take shelter
and read a book in a plush sofa lounger. For
Guests who wish to take meals outside of the
villa may walk over to Azzurro, the gourmet
Italian restaurant and bar located towards
one end of the InOcean Villa cluster. Aside
from delectable Italian classics, Azzurro will
offer an extensive international wine selection
showcased in floor-to-ceiling wine racks.
A Unique Two-In-One Proposition
Guests staying at the InOcean Villas also
enjoy complete access to the facilities and
services available at Velavaru island where
there are 79 beachfront villas. Whenever
desired, guests have the option to retreat to
the discreet privacy of the InOcean Villas or
enjoy the convenience of full resort services
and amenities at the main resort.
About Angsana Velavaru
Known also as ‘Turtle Island’ in the local
Dhivehi language, Angsana Velavaru is feted
for its turquoise lagoon and spacious pool
villas, being one of the few resorts in the
secluded southern reaches of the Maldives.
The resort is a scenic 40-minute seaplane
journey from Malé island, and provides
guests with a back-to-nature experience
complemented with a wide range of activities
for friends, loved ones and the whole family.
Angsana Hotels and Resorts
Angsana is a hotel brand that caters to the
modern traveller seeking style and authenticity.
Comprising contemporary and chic retreats.,
Angsana properties are designed to create
and deliver vibrant enlivening experiences
for guests at work and at play. Each Angsana
hotel, resort, spa and retail gallery exudes
the spirit and conscience of its environment,
while offering a strong sense of individuality
infused with our Asian heritage. Facilities
and services at all Angsana properties are
focused on enabling guests to draw the most
of every moment.
Managed by the Banyan Tree Group, Angsana
Hotels and Resorts operates over 10 resorts
and hotels, over 40 spas, and in excess of 40
retail galleries.
At Angsana Velavaru, the facilities and
services on the island include:
Eclectic dining options at Funa and
Kaani restaurants, and exotic cocktails
at Kuredhi Bar
Chef’s culinary classes
Angsana Spa treatments in an outdoor
spa pavilion or air-conditioned treatment
Kids’ Club – open from 10am to 8pm
A dedicated Marine Lab which organises
hands-on eco activities like coral
planting, reef cleaning, and marine
biology class
Water sports like diving, guided
snorkeling safari, wakeboarding
A selection of local crafts and spa
amenities at Angsana Gallery
For reservations and enquiries, please contact
Angsana Velavaru at +960 676 0028 or email
[email protected]. Onestop reservations at the best rates can be
made online at angsana.com.
For further information please contact: Ms Tracy Lui, Manager, Regional PR – Southeast Asia, T +65 6849 5876, [email protected]
Why Learning How You
Learn is Important
How do you learn? What impact does how
you learn affect your performance on the
job? How does your learning style affect how
you approach learning?
Over the past several years, I have required
students in an introductory hospitality
management course to take an assessment
to determine their learning preferences.
I did this so I could analyze the classroom
environment and therefore determine the
best way to lead the class. Without providing
the numerical raw data, it was clear that the
preference of most students entering the
hospitality management program were visual
and kinesthetic learners – that is, they learned
best by seeing and doing. Every person was
different. Every person was unique.
What are learning styles and why are
they important?
People Learn Through Seeing – Visual
Learning styles are different ways people
learn. Learning styles classify ways people
learn and how they approach and process
information. Marcia Conner, learning expert
and author of Learn More Now, states, “You
learn and process information in your own
special way, though we all share some learning
patterns, preferences, and approaches.”
Visual learners think in pictures and learn
best from visual displays including diagrams,
charts, illustrations, overheads, Powerpoint
presentations, videos, flipcharts, and handouts. During a lecture or classroom discussion,
visual learners often prefer to take detailed
notes to absorb the information.
What types of learning styles are
Many studies and assessments have been
conducted on how people learn. However, in
its simplest form, people learn in one of the
following ways:
Marcia Conner describes visual learners as
people who “prefer seeing what they are
learning. Pictures and images help them
understand ideas and information better than
explanations. A drawing may help more than
a discussion about the same. When someone
explains something to a visual learner, he
or she may create a mental picture of what
the person talking describes. If you are
a visual learner, you may find it helpful to
see the person speaking. You may watch a
speaker talk, as well as listen to what he or
she says.
People Learn Through Hearing And
Listening – Auditory Learners
They learn best through verbal lectures,
discussions, talking things through and
listening to what others have to say. Auditory
learners interpret the underlying meanings
of speech through listening to tone of voice,
pitch, speed and other nuances. Written
information may have little meaning until
it is heard. These learners often benefit
from reading text aloud and using a tape
Marcia Conner characterizes these learners
falling into two categories. Auditory learners
prefer spoken messages. The less understood
auditory learners need to hear their own
voice to process the information. The more
prevalent type, ‘Listeners,’ most likely
did well in school. Out of school too, they
remember things said to them and make the
information their own. They may even carry
on mental dialogues and determine how to
continue by thinking back on the words of
others. Conversely, those who need to ‘talk
it out’ often find themselves talking to those
around them. In a class setting when the
instructor is not asking questions, auditoryverbal processors (talkers) tend to mutter
comments to themselves. They are not trying
to be disruptive and may not even realize
they need to talk. Some researchers go so
far as to call these learners ‘Interactives.’
People Learn Through Doing – Tactile/
Kinesthetic Learners
Tactile/kinesthetic persons learn best through
a hands-on approach, actively exploring the
physical world around them. They may find
it hard to sit still for long periods and may
become distracted by their need for activity
and exploration.
Marcia Conner describes tactile and
kinesthetic learners different, but very
similar. “Kinesthetic learners want to sense
the position and movement of what they are
working on. Tactile learners want to touch.
‘Enough talking and looking,’ they may say.
‘Let’s work with this stuff. Let’s get our hands
dirty already.’
Even if kinesthetic or tactile learners don’t
get much from the discussion or the written
materials, they may catch up and exceed the
lesson plan by working through scenarios and
labs. Often, they don’t thrive in traditional
schools because most classrooms don’t offer
enough opportunity to move or touch. Most
assessments group kinesthetic and tactile
styles together, though they mean different
things. Their similarity is that both types
perceive information through nerve ends in
the skin, as well as organs through muscles,
tendons, and joints.
(There are many other classifications of
learning styles. Refer to the notes at the
end of the article to discover other resources
which outline these subjects.)
Why is understanding learning styles
important? How will it help me?
“Learning style assessments,” states Marcia
Conner, “provide you an opportunity to
learn how you are likely to respond under
different circumstances and how to approach
information in a way that best addresses
your own particular needs. Knowing your
own style can also help you realize that other
people may approach the same situation in a
way that’s different from your own.”
professionals the opportunity to seek out
educational experiences that maximize time
and effort. Going to a lecture might not
be appropriate to learn how to use a new
computer system. In this case a workshop
might be more appropriate. When looking
for professional development opportunities,
matching a program or learning experience
with the learning preference or style will
maximize time and effort and provides
assurance that learning will occur.
Knowing the learning
preferences of an
employee may help
you determine whether
an employee should
watch a video, read a
manual, or be trained
by another individual
From a training perspective, understanding
the learning styles of your employees will
have a positive impact on your training.
Knowing the learning preferences of an
employee may help you determine whether
an employee should watch a video, read a
manual, or be trained by another individual.
How do I discover my learning style and
the learning styles of my employees?
Here is a list of learning style assessments
that can be taken free on-line:
Index of Learning Styles Questionnaire (ILS)
The VARK Questionnaire
“What’s Your Learning Style” by Marcia
h t t p : / / a g e l e s s l e a r n e r. c o m / a s s e s s /
LdPride.Net Learning Style Assessment
Consider having your employees take one of
these assessments. Learning how you learn
and how your employees learn will allow you
to use this information to make your training
more effective. Match your learning style to
the programs you participate in and maximize
the effectiveness of your learning.
Chris Longstreet is President & CEO of the Society for Hospitality Management. He also serves as a visiting instructor for the Hospitality & Tourism Management
Program at Grand Valley State University. For more information, visit the SHM website at www.hospitalitysociety.org or
contact Chris at [email protected].
Hilton To Expand Offerings In The Maldives
The Hilton Maldives / Iru Fushi Resort & Spa Is Set To Entice
The Yachting Community, Nature Lovers, Spa Seekers And
Hilton Hotels Corporation has announced
that its subsidiary has entered into an
agreement with Sun Travels and Tours Pvt.
Ltd, to manage the Hilton Maldives/Iru Fushi
Resort & Spa. A conversion hotel project,
the property currently known as the Irufushi
Beach & Spa Resort is scheduled to open as a
Hilton Worldwide Resort in July 2009.
Martin Rinck, President Hilton Hotels
Corporation – Asia Pacific, commented, “The
beauty of the Maldives, its pristine white
beaches, turquoise waters and fascinating
underwater world continues to entice
yachting and diving enthusiasts, spa seekers
and honeymooners looking for an island
hideaway. This is one of the most exotic and
idyllic island destinations in the world, and
we are delighted to add the Hilton flag to the
Conrad brand already present”.
Comprising 220 villas, the Hilton Maldives/
Iru Fushi Resort & Spa will sprawl over 52
acres of powdery white sands and abundant
tropical vegetation on Medhafushi which is
nestled within the unspoilt Noonu Atoll.
Traditional Maldivian architecture and
materials are used to dramatic effect to
create luxurious villas for discerning travelers.
The resort will offer a range of room options,
from beach villas that open onto private
shores and are surrounded by rich tropical
foliage, to over-water villas with private
whirlpools and sundecks from which guests
can take in uninterrupted views across the
Indian Ocean.
Four unique restaurants will enable guests
to embark on an epicurean journey during
their stay. From an alfresco restaurant with
live stations and grills serving freshly caught
seafood to a fine dining restaurant blending
local and international flavours. A selection of
distinctive bars and an over water wine cellar
will allow guests to unwind with beverages
and watch the famous Maldivian sunsets.
A stunning spa sanctuary with 21 private spa
pavilions will be complemented by a fitness
centre, swimming pool, tennis courts and a
range of water sport activities, while book
lovers can curl up at the resort library and
Internet cafe.
Famed for its beautiful and rare underwater
reefs, warm water temperatures and high
visibility, the Maldives enjoys a reputation
as one of the best diving destinations in the
About Hilton Hotels Corporation
Hilton Hotels Corporation is the leading global
hospitality company, with more than 3,200
hotels and 545,000 rooms in 77 countries,
with more than 135,000 team members
worldwide. The company owns, manages or
franchises some of the best known and highly
regarded hotel brands including Hilton ,
Conrad Hotels & Resorts, Doubletree®,
Embassy Suites Hotels®, Hampton Inn®,
Hampton Inn & Suites®, Hilton Garden
Inn®, Hilton Grand Vacations™, Homewood
Suites by Hilton®, Home2 Suites by Hilton™,
the Waldorf AstoriaTM, Waldorf Astoria
Collection™ and Denizen™ Hotels.
The Hilton Family of Hotels adheres to
founder Conrad Hilton’s philosophy that,
“It has been, and continues to be, our
responsibility to fill the earth with the light
and warmth of hospitality.” The company put
a name to its unique brand of service that
has made it the best known and most highly
regarded hotel company: be hospitable .
The philosophy is shared by all brands in the
Hilton Family of Hotels, and is the inspiration
for its overarching message of kindness and
generosity. For more information about the
company, please visit www.hiltonfamily.com.
About Sun Travels and Tours Pvt. Ltd.
world. The Hilton Maldives will have a diving
centre on property to enable guests to learn
to scuba dive with qualified trainers as well
as enable dive enthusiasts to make the most
of their experience of the house reef and
crystal clear waters of Noonu Atoll. Over 30
dive sites are available to explore within an
hour from the island, all with an abundance
of marine life and a rich variety of colourful
“We’re thrilled to welcome the Hilton
Maldives/Iru Fushi Resort & Spa to our
portfolio,” said Jeff Diskin, senior vice
president - Brand Management, Hilton Hotels
& Resorts. “This beautiful location, coupled
with our unique brand of Hilton hospitality is
sure to make this hotel a favorite among the
world’s travellers.”
Located approximately 60 kilometres north of
Malé International Airport, the resort is easily
accessed by a 45-minute seaplane flight. The
management contract will further enhance
Hilton Hotels’ presence in the Maldivian
archipelago, where the company will have
several of its Hilton Family of Hotels Brands.
The Hilton Maldives will build on the success
of the Conrad Maldives Rangali Island which
opened in 1997 (originally as a Hilton hotel
before being rebranded to the Conrad in
2007). The Doubletree by Hilton Malé is also
scheduled to open in the Republic’s capital,
Malé, in 2011.
Sun Hotels & Resorts Pvt. Ltd. has a portfolio
of products including the highly successful
Sun Travels & Tours, one of the most
established and respected tour operators in
the Maldives; and the Sun International Diving
School, which was created for providing safe,
professional, and exiting diving in one of the
most sought after diving destinations in the
The company currently owns and operates
over 500 beds in the Maldives and enjoys
strong ties with the resort owners and tour
operators worldwide. In addition to the
Irufushi Beach and Spa Resort in Noonu Atoll,
its collection of exclusive resorts include Vilu
Reef Beach & Spa Resort in South Nilandhe
Atoll; Olhuveli Beach & Spa Resort in South
Male Atoll; and The Beach House, a luxury
resort in Manafaru. The company also owns
a luxury cruiser Sunset Queen.
Press Contacts: Faith Thoms, Communications Director – Asia Pacific Tel: +65 6833 9762 ; Email: [email protected]
in food prep areas. Chemicals should not be
stored above food, equipment, or utensils,
unless they are used specifically to clean and
sanitize warewashing areas.
To ensure the proper use of cleaning
and sanitizing chemicals, review the
manufacturer’s directions for use on the
labeling, as well as the accompanying
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS). Labels
and MSDSs will include handling practices
and any personal protective equipment for
foodservice employees to follow and use.
Manufacturers of chemicals for foodservice
use are required to send MSDS information
with their products in order to help promote
chemical safety in the workplace.
Chemical Storage
In restaurants, a clean and sanitary
environment is imperative. Clearly, cleaning
and sanitizing solutions play an important role
in the success of any foodservice operation.
But, when cleaning and sanitizing products
are stored or used improperly, the results can
be dangerous or even devastating. Damage
to equipment, workplace injuries, foodborne
illness and accidental poisoning can all
result from improper storage and handling
of cleaning and sanitizing chemicals. And
the incident of improper use and storage is
probably larger than you think. The U.S. Food
and Drug Administration recently reported
the out of compliance rate at more than 30
percent of quick-service restaurants and at
almost 40 percent of full service restaurants.
How can foodservice operators help protect
their business and their employees from this
risk? As a first line of defense, operators
should choose only chemicals that are
This article reprinted with permission by Daydots 2009
approved for their establishments. Chemical
sanitizers and other chemical antimicrobials
that are applied to food-contact surfaces,
such as fruit and vegetable washes and
drying agents, also must meet requirements
for use in foodservice restaurant. Operators
must then ensure that the chemicals are
being stored and used properly throughout
their facilities.
Cleaning and sanitizing chemicals should
be stored in their original containers with
a legible manufacturer’s label. Working
containers used for storing cleaning and
sanitizing chemicals should be clearly marked
and individually identified with the name of
the chemical or product, the manufacturer’s
name and address, and the potential hazards
of the chemical. Chemicals should also be
stored away from food and food prep areas so
they cannot contaminate food or equipment
The manufacturer labels and MSDSs are
the best sources of information for specific
storage and use requirements of individual
cleaners and sanitizers. When disposing of
chemicals, foodservice employees should
again follow the instructions on the label, as
well as any local regulations that apply.
Containers that were previously used to store
cleaning and sanitation chemicals should
never be used to store, transport or dispense
Proper storage and use of cleaning and
sanitizing chemicals will go a long way in
helping to prevent chemical emergencies.
If a chemical emergency does occur in
your foodservice establishment, review the
product label and MSDS to find the proper
steps to take. All foodservice operations
should also have an easily accessible firstaid kit that is clearly marked and stored in
a container and location that prevents the
contamination of food.
A clean environment is critical to the ongoing
success of any foodservice operation.
Choosing approved cleaning and sanitizing
chemicals for foodservice use and training
foodservice employees on the proper
storage, handling and emergency procedures
for approved chemicals will help ensure the
safety of your guests, your employees and
your reputation.
Every Hospitality Executive Is
The Author Of His
Own Health !
Evil Erik had a stroke, then recovered more
or less and is now looking for a new job, so
managers around the world, think twice
responsibilities towards you, and that
employees also have responsibilities towards
Mark Twain once said “ the only way to keep
your health is to eat what you don’t want to
eat, drink what you don’t want to drink and
do what you’d rather not“
Health and safety at work is everyone’s
responsibility. It is important that everybody
has a general understanding of health and
safety for the industry in which they will be
undertaking their work experience or work
Evil Erik spend his health gaining wealth and
ended up borrowing money to regain health,
since he didn’t have the wealth himself.
What only a few leaders in our industry realize,
is that we have to improve the knowledge
and understanding of occupational health
and safety issues related to our industry. It
should be the responsibility of the employers
to educate their employees, junior and
senior, about the challenges in working in the
hospitality industry.
All of them should know about :
emergency evacuation procedures
hazard identification
drugs and alcohol
manual handling
slips and falls
machinery and equipment
noise and light pollution
hazardous substances
heat stress
handling of wounds
But when was the last time you had a training
session about occupational safety and health
hazards and laws or were provided with some
practical solutions to common health and
safety problems in the Hospitality Industry ?
Eric’s job and those of all his associates,
whether full-time, part-time, casual or an
apprenticeship, can be an exciting and
demanding experience as new responsibilities
and expectations are placed on them in an
exiting working environment.
While they are at a workplace the employer
is responsible for ensuring the workplace is
safe, including:
providing safe work areas, machinery
and equipment;
providing information, instruction,
training and supervision
providing personal protective
The employer must ensure that your health
or safety is not harmed in any way and the
employee must take responsibility for looking
after their own health and safety, and make
sure not to put others at risk.
But that means also staying away from
drugs and alcohol, both so easy available in
our international orientated workplaces and
many executives being too busy to take care
of their health, becoming like a mechanic too
busy to take care of his tools.
What Evil Erik doesn’t realize is that health is
not simply the absence of sickness and that
to preserve health is a moral duty, for health
is the basis of all virtues. He can, and is, no
longer useful since he is not well !
The bottom line of this article is that health is
not a condition of matter, but of mind ! That
is of course if you live, like Evil Erik, without
realizing that health of mind is of far more
consequence to success in the workplace
than the health of the body, although both
should deserve much more attention then
either of them receive.
Soccer players are hired, providing their
physical tests are positive, shouldn’t
Hospitality Managers being tested too, before
they are employed !
Good health and good sense are two of life’s
greatest blessings, so next time you hire a
Senior Executive, don’t only look at the CV,
but also at the greatest possession of all :
Health !
Evil Erik, sorry for having dared to mention
that the health of hospitality employees is
really the foundation upon which happiness
of our customers depends.
So Erik, “ be well “ as Dr. Cocteau in the
Demolition Man says, unfortunately I can’t
put in writing John Spartan’s answer, but is
starts with “ be f..... “
the only way to keep your health is to
eat what you don’t want to eat, drink
what you don’t want to drink and do
what you’d rather not
Employers will provide employees with
valuable opportunities to gain experience
in the workplace, but it is important
to understand that employers have
Bert “Bow-Thai” van Walbeek has been an Hotelier for 40 years and Marketer of Tourism for 30 years, a Motivator for 20 years and a lecturer for 15 years.
In 1993 he became the Founder and still is Managing Director of The Winning Edge, (www.twe-winningedge.com) a boutique consulting company, offering
marketing audit, sales and service training and consultancy services mainly to the Hospitality & Tourism industries. He is also lecturing the “next generation” at
Universities in Asia and Europe and speaks on leadership, crisis management and marketing subjects during industrial and academic conferences.The company is
presently handling projects in China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Taiwan, Vietnam and Thailand.
He can be reached at [email protected]
“Every issue of Hospitality Maldives has helped me develop my career in one way or the
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Mohamed Arshad, Guest Relations Supervisor, Irufushi Beach & Spa Resort
“Honestly the best and most practical mag in the industry.”
Kenn G Munyeki, Resident Manager, Irufushi Beach & Spa Resort
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“David, great magazine! I read it this morning and was impressed with the amount and
quality of the information. Nicely done!”
Kelley Robertson, President, Robertson Training Group (USA)