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Roiffieisen GALE R IA Zlborszky G6bor Megkompon6lt gesztusok Composed gestures 2012. november 5. - 2013. ionu6r 5. A koz6p keres6se Looking for the centre 2010, vegyes techniko 100 - x 160 m red technique cm Kinoi h6z 201 1, vegyes Chinese house iechniko mixed B0x60cm rechnique Kezd6d6 geometrio The beginning of geomeiry 2010, vegyes rcchniko 100 - x 160 mixed echnique cm Mivel o bonkok nemesf6mek od6sv5tel6vel is foglolkoznok, von volomi pik6ns obbon, ho egy bonk altol szponzor6h ki6llii6s k6pein is megielenik oz orony 6s oz ez0sl. Z6borszky G:bor k6peinek ez fiiliijn6 iegye - igy mogyor6zoior kell rol6lnunk orro, hogy mi6rr hosz- n6lid mo egy fest6 nogy nyomot6kkol e szinekel. Hiszen ozi gondolhoh6nk, e pomp6s csillog6s dio6 nopjoi Biz6nccol 6s o k6z6pkorrol tovoidntek. A modern tdblok6pfesi6szet nem uiclso sorbon oz orony oloppol szemben hot6rozto meg mog6t, omikor o regi, €ynemden 6s fens6gesen rogyog6 h6tt6r helyelt l6iokot 6s b€ls6 tereket kezdett megieleniteni, s o 6nyl6 cronyor - o borokkr6l kezdve - ktlvi csok o l6gt6l elv6loszl6 hohryid6kre, o r6m6ro engedie vkszot6mi. Historiz6l6 id6zeteh6l 6s n6h6ny kiv6relr6l elrekinrve eg6szen o szecesszi6ig nem jeled meg o festm6nyen oz orony. Klimi 6l,0 id6r6l id6re ftilt0nik oz orony o festm6nyeken; o becsi Belvedere ebben oz &ben ki6llitost is szenteh o 6m6nok. De mir keres Z6borszky k6pein? Bizonyolon nem o pomp6t, o f6nlz6st, o gozdogs6got. De nem is o szokrolit6st. o honszcendenci6r. Nem o hogyo- m6nl. Nem volomifoilo ornomentolizmust. Marilyn Monroe 16n S nem is o giccsel vol6 refleh6lt i6i6kot, ohog/on oz p6ld6ul ,Andy Worhol 1962-es Arony l6thon. Az onycg onyog-volto o l6nyeges sz6m6ro. Hiszen ki gondol - oki nem fesi6 - o szinek onyogi eredet6re, o k0litnbiiz6 fest6kfttldekre, 6sv6nyokro, n6v6nyekre. 6lloickro, s monops6g m6r ink6bb szinle kos onyogokro, omikor o szinekkel tol6lkozik? S ki nem gondol o Emekre oz orony 6s oz ezijst szin l6tt6n? Az orony felijlet vogy poco, oz ezilst csik mogo oz orony 6s mogo oz eziist. A vizu6lis hot6s mellett megielenik o k6tdimenzi6s festm6nyben is oz 6rz6ki topini6sos ho6s, o puhos6g, o form6lhotos6g, s o volomik6ppen ezekkel o min6s6gekkel is 6xzefugg6, oz onycgbol mog6b6l sug6rz6 l6ny. Szinb forditottjo ez oz orony olopnok. Az olop in volomi m6lyen fiildi - bld*zijrke, fald'borno, bld-fekete, omelynek hditer6b6l v6lik ki o nemes 6m. S ez csok l6trehoz egy metofizikus ellent6tet, omelyet nevezhetijnk o bld 6s - t6vol minden szokr6lis gondolottorsildsi6l - megis oz 69 ellenr6r6nek. Rodndi S6ndor The ocilvilles of bonks lnclude buylng ond se ing preclous melols, poinilngs ofon exhibllion sponsored by c bonk. which ends o cerioin piquoncy to lhe presence olgold ond stlver in the The use of these specio mero s ls o sirik ng feorure ol G6bor Zdborszky s picru€s ond co s for on exponolion os io why o pointer uses these coours so emphollco y lodoy. One might be inc ined to thtnk thot the g ory doys of rhis magnificeni usier hod possed wiih Byzonrium ond rhe Middle Ages. Conienrporory pone poinring defined tbef, omong orher fiings, by on opposllion lo ihe goden bockground coour. lt begon lo use londscopes ond inlerior spoces insteod of oldstye homogeneousy ond su[. llmey gleoming bockgrounds, ond, from ihe Boroque oge, god wos olowed lo reappeor in pointings only on ihe borderline tholseporotes the work from the externc I wor d, thot is, on the lrome. Excepl for h istoricising Slnce Kllmt, god is lhe function of o usions, gold wos hos oppeored in painungs from lime to time. The Belvedere in Vienno hed oi o bsen I fron po int ng unii lhe Secess on . exhibirton on ihis lherne lhis yeor. Bui whot gold n Z6borszky's pointings? lt ce oinly does noi represeni splendorr, uxur/ or weo ironscendence. lt does noi slond for lrodiiion, ond ll is nol on ornomeniollsi feoiure. Nor does it lh I does noi signit socro ity or poy refexively wilh kilsch, tn the monner of, soy, Andy Worhol's 1962 Gald Motilyn Manrae. Whot is lmpo.loni io Z6borszky ls ihe nolure of lhis moletio os o moteriol. Besides poinlers, who lhinks ol ihe moteriol orlgin of colours when encounleing cololrs? Who mokes rhe cxociolon wiih vorlols iypes of boe, minero s, plonts or onirno s or, in ou. days, syntheuc moieriols? Yei who does nolthlnk of rneto s when lhey see the coours o nd si ver lhe f. Besides ihe visua effeci, gold o god or siver? A goden surfoce or blotch or o siver streok nd si ver lend po inilrgs o sensuo , loclile ef{eci, softness a nd p asiicity. ln sorne s gold woy ihe ighl shining from ihe rnoieriol ilself is olso reloted to these quo lll es. Here we flnd o mosi he reverse of he golden bockg ror nd. nthiscose the bockground ls o deepy eorth y coour (eorth grey, eorth-brown or eorih blcckl ogoinst whtch the prectous mero sbnds our. Though ii is lor from being o socrol ossoclollon, o mebphysico conirosl, whlch we con co lhe controsi betuveen the Eorth ond he sky, is creoted 56ndor Rodn6il Miit6rgyfot6k: Pecsics M6rio Portr6fot6: Fronkl Aliono Za6orszky Gcbor 1950 ben Budopesen szilletetl / Eorn in Budopest, 1950 w.zoborszkysobor.com Tonulmdnyok 1974 1975 -1976 / Educotion Diplomo Mogyor K6pz6m0v6szeti F6iskolo fest6 szok6n / Degree in point ng from the HLrngorion Co lege ol Fine Aris Poszlgrodu6lis k6pz6s o grofikoi 6s mur6lis tonsz6ken Posr.grod!ore rro ning in the grophics ond muro deporrmenr / / Gronts, scholorships, owords 1977 -1980 Derkovits <tszritndii / Derlovih Schoorship 1982 A Vl. Norv6g Nemzetkijzi Grofikoi Bienn6l6n o zsiiri dii6t kopjo egy r6si lechniko oiszeril felhoszn6l6s66rt / 6rh Norwegion frernorlono Blenn ol oF Groph cs - recip ent ol ihe.luny s Speclo Aword for hls new woy ol uslng on old rechnlque 1993 Bonnbon dolgozik o v6ros 6szrdndiiosok6nr / Period spenr worklng n Bonn on o groni from rhe c i) 1995 Munk6csy-dij / Munktrcsy Mihd y Aword 1996 Mijnchen v6ros itsztitndiio / Gront oworded by the Ki6llitosok /Exhibitions 2006 1998 Ungorn Avontgord irn 20. Johrhundert, Linz / lJngorn Avonrgorde im 20 lohrhunderr IH!nsony Avonigo'de in rhe 2orh cenruryl, tinz F6v6rosi K6pt6r Kiscelli M0zeum, Templomt6r, esy6ni ki6llit6s / Soo exhibiiion in ihe "remp espoce of lhe Municipol Piciure Go ery Museum 2001 Zeitbriicke ld6hid, t)ngorische Kunst der 20. Diiok, iisztiindiiok ,1980 l98l XXXIX. Lo Biennole Arti Visive, Velence Blefno e Arl! Visive, Venlce Munk6ss6g / Grod6bon o 1982 1995 R6szt vesz umon 'Graphics fron a / "Grcfika fenlenezr6l" clpoilon ln ihe Metal P/oie" congress in Grodo, cimU kongresszuson Porr llo y t988 1989 1992 1999 200r A Kunstgewerbe Schule Bosel / o kyot6i Nemzetk6zi Popir Szimp6zi- Porriciporion in rhe lnlernoliono Poper -1995 / o budopesti IAP/\4A kongresszuson / Poriiclpoilon n ihe AP|,AA Conslrex n Budopest A Philodelphio Miiv6szeti Egyetem vend6ge / Visilinq orrisl olThe Univers l), of rhe Arls in Phiode phlo Huszondt 6ves munk6ss6g6t dsszefoglol6 k5ny' ielenik mes / Pub icotron oi o volume w rh co ecred R6szt vesz . 2OO2 2OO4 2006 2009 worls of 25 yeors 2007 A Sz6chenyi lrodolmi togic / 6s M6v6szeti Akod6mio Member ol the Sz6chenyr Acodemy of 201 | Elk6sziil o Budopesti Mdszoki F6iskol6n o '1vo/' tongere circulos neo{ cim! mUegyiittese / Cornpeuon ol the grolp ofwor[s l]ted ,No/r longerc crcDlas neai a1 rhe Technlco nnirure of Budopesr ln Kyoio Kiscel 6s oz Akodemie Groz vend6ge / Visitlng orrsr oi Kunslgewerbe Schu e Bosel ond Akodem e croz A Mogyor lporm0v6szeti F6iskolo odiunkruso Senlor ecturer ol the Hungorion College of Appled Lo s6 {6ziso oz "Elle,Ui<o" o Mogyor Nemzeti Gol6ri6bon / New SensibiiV exhrbir of series, w lh "Ecleclics" os lhe osl show, ot the Hungorion Nctono Golery 12. Biensle de PorG / l2rh Blennole de Poris Activities R6szt vesz 39rh 0i szenzibilit6s ki6llibssorozot, melynek utol SymposiLrrn Erdemes MUv6sz dii ,/ H'rngorion Ariisi of Exce ence / 2Ol2 / td6hid ZeiibrL;c(e, Ungorsche Kunsi des 20. .lohrhundens lTine Btidse, Hunsorion Arr o{ ihe 20rh Ceniuryl Retrospektiv ki6llft6s o Gy5riV6rosi Mdv6szeri Mtzeumbon / Rerrospecilve exhlbii on ot rhe Gy5r C V Museurn ol A'rs ,,Az akvarellfest' 6lno" dn6ll6 ki6llit6s o MUcsor nokbon / "rhe Worerco/our,si s Dreom" - so o exh bit on or Miicsornok {Kunstho el, Brdopest Alon oz Etn6n, i odgn Museum Possou / "Dreom on Eino". Muserm of Mode'n Art PossoLr Action Painting Today,Dengler und Dengler Golerie Schiine Konsle, Stutrgod / Actian Potnting Iodoy", Dens er und Deng er Go er e firr Schone Kijnsle, Sl!llgorl A nin6s6g oblokoi, P€:csi Gol6rio (m0v6szgener6ci6k o BTM f6v6rosi K6pi6r gyijiiem6ny6ben) / "fhe Windows o{ Auoli4,', P6cs Gclery {generot ions of orilsrs in the co eci on of ihe Budopet Hisiorlco Muselrm'5 Municipo P crLrre Go ery) 20 JoAre / Ungorn Reloded. Golerie Goudens Pedit, Lienz / '2A Jahre / Ungorn )ahivndett Relooded" t20 Years,/ Hunsoty Relaodedl. Za Goerie Goudens Pedl, Lenz Ei 6i \i,r 'aau Rqifleisen Gql6rio 105y' Budopest, Akod6mio u. 6. Nyitvo: mindennop 10-1 8 6r6ig Roiffeisen BANK
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