ACTION REPORT - San Angelo Chamber of Commerce
ACTION REPORT - San Angelo Chamber of Commerce
ACTION REPORT Volume 37 SAN ANGELO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PHONE 325.655.4136 418 W. AVENUE B FAX 325.658.1110 SAN ANGELO, TEXAS 76903 E-MAIL [email protected] INTERNET : Number 4 April 2013 Annual Economic Development Awards Speaker: Lorie Vincent Executive Director, The High Ground of Texas J oin us at our March 9th luncheon as we recognize six local companies with our annual Economic Development Awards. These awards are presented each year to existing local companies who have experienced growth in number of employees, square footage or sales volume. Our keynote speaker during the luncheon will be Lorie Vincent . Lorie serves as the Executive Director of The High Ground of Texas. The High Ground is a regional coalition of 80+ communities and organizations involved in the marketing and economic development of the West Texas region. One of the largest regional economic development organizations in the US, The High Ground, organized since 1988, covers a 66-county area and will be celebrating its 25th anniversary in 2013. Lorie is also currently serving as the 2013 Chairman of the Texas Economic Development Council. She is also an active member of the West Texas A&M University Foundation Board. She is on the Executive Board of the Texas Panhandle Regional Development Corporation and is a former member of the Panhandle Workforce Development Board. She is a member of the International Economic Development Council and the Leadership Texas Class of ’97. Lorie has received national recognition for her leadership and economic development accomplishments. A very popular writer and speaker, her knowledge runs deep and her enthusiasm is contagious! Details Tuesday, April 9, 2013 The Venue 4611 S. Jackson 11:30 a.m. The April Luncheon is Sponsored by: Deadline to Register Friday, April 5, 2013 Cost $15 per person To Make Your Reservation Call the Chamber at 655-4136 (after hours ext. 235) or visit to register online A Look Inside... From the Chairman ............................................................... 2 New York City Trip ................................................................ 3 Members & Muffins New Member Reception ........................ 3 Business @ Happy Hour....................................................... 3 LSAAA Civic Leader of the Year Nominations ...................... 3 The High Ground of Texas .................................................... 4 New Chamber Members ....................................................... 4 CVB Update .......................................................................... 5 Board Member Perspective - Del Velasquez ........................ 6 SBDC Training ...................................................................... 6 Member Memo Board ........................................................... 6 West Texas Legislative Summit ........................................... 7 Chamber Calendar ............................................................... 7 Ribbon Cuttings.................................................................... 8 “Takin’ Care of Business” .............................................. Insert Business Barometer ...................................................... Insert Business Brown Bag ..................................................... Insert Goodfellow Appreciation Day ........................................ Insert West Texas Rehabilitation Center ................................. Insert Petticoats on the Prairie ................................................ Insert Campbell Construction .................................................. Insert Sonrisas Therapeutic Riding ......................................... Insert Young Professionals of San Angelo……………………...Insert Page 2 Action Report San Angelo Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Mark Thieman .......... Chairman of the Board Rick Mantooth ..................... Chairman-Elect Chuck Shore .................................. Treasurer Sam Allen ............ Immediate Past Chairman Edward Carrasco Jeff Deloach Binnie Dierschke Justin Jonas Carrie Maier Robert Ramirez Greg Simons Candice Brewer Blaine Smith Del Velasquez Jamie Akin Blake Burchard John Fuentes Debbie Mackey Brian Thomma Ex-Officio Directors Don Butts .................. San Angelo Industries Dr. Carol Ann Bonds. ....Superintendent SAISD Mike Brown .......... Tom Green County Judge LeAnne Byrd ........... Provost, Howard College Col. Mark Damiano.............. Goodfellow AFB 17th Training Wing Drew Darby .................. State Representative Dr. Brian May……..Angelo State University Mayor Alvin New………...City of San Angelo Del Velasquez .... Downtown San Angelo, Inc. Bernay Sheffield….San Angelo Restaurant Association Harry Thomas ................. Leadership Alumni Association Tim Vasquez…….....San Angelo Police Dept. Staff Phil Neighbors ............................... President Sandra Pomroy ...................... VP Operations Brigett Mikulik............... Events Coordinator Peggy Arnold…….Membership Coordinator Teri Turner……………………....Receptionist Kathy Keaton ............... Membership Director Beverly Hanks .........Financial Administrator John Dugan ..... VP Marketing & Recruitment Hope Barron ..........Economic Dev. Specialist Pamela Miller ................................... VP CVB Jenni Hutcheson ..... CVB Sales & Servicing Dir. Lucie Hofheins ..........Visitor Center Coordinator San Angelo Chamber of Commerce 418 W. Avenue B San Angelo, TX 76903 Phone: 325.655.4136 Fax: 325.658.1110 E-Mail: [email protected] Spring has sprung! Signs of economic growth are all around us. Sales tax posted its 30th monthly increase, and all reports from our largest annual event (Stock Show & Rodeo) were outstanding, including a record premium sale. The only fly in the ointment I am hearing is the lack of rain. Let’s continue praying for that all important moisture. Recapping March, I recall a heart-felt standing ovation for Base Commander Col. Mark Damiano at the monthly Chamber luncheon in the newly renovated Clarion Hotel. Our annual Goodfellow update contained a stelMark Thieman lar report of growth in buildings and the training of over Chairman of the Board 14,000 airmen, soldiers, sailors and marines, and your Chamber is highly active in working through the challenges that lie ahead through sequestration. Thanks to our sponsors Mitchell Automotive Group and Qualtrust Credit Union for enabling the event. Our March luncheon also included an encouraging recognition for the Chamber’s 2013 Order of Merit Award winner from Goodfellow AFB for outstanding community service, Army Sergeant 1st Class Robert L. Phillips, III who is currently deployed. Many members enjoyed our March Business @ Happy Hour at Beauregard Place. We also learned more about Leadership in Business at the Business Brown Bag lunch on March 19 facilitated by Terry Mobley. This monthly event is co-sponsored by ASU’s Small Business Development Center and the Business Factory. A lot of other activities moved forward in March. The formal opening of the Business Resource Center took place March 20; Immigration Reform was set as the theme of the West Texas Legislative Summit Aug. 7-8; work continued with the Cline Shale Consortium working to prepare the community for additional growth; another special meeting was hosted to address transportation for ASU students to and from campus; a meeting was set for April 9th to work on the Goodfellow Appreciation Day picnic scheduled May 18; the Chamber collaborated with the Standard-Times on transitioning its annual promotional magazine; the Economic Development department worked with many existing and prospective employers on facilitating job creation and retention; and the CVB continued its hosting and marketing efforts for tourism. Space doesn’t allow me to expand! Here are some opportunities for you in the coming weeks: Don’t miss our April 9 Economic Development Awards luncheon from 11:30 to 1 at The Venue. The featured speaker will be Lorie Vincent, Executive Director of The High Ground of Texas. Thanks to our sponsors AEP Texas and San Angelo Community Medical Center. Please call 655-4136 to make your $15 reservation, email [email protected], or register online at The April 23 Business @ Happy Hour will be hosted by Community Medical Center from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Excellent networking awaits, along with possibly $1,300 from the cash drawing! This is a FREE service to members. Don’t forget our Business Brown Bag Business Luncheon April 16 at the Visitor Center, co-hosted by the Business Factory and SBDC, focusing on improving legal hiring practices. There is no charge to attend this event, but please RSVP to 6554136 to reserve your space or order lunch. A new member orientation “Members and Muffins” is set for April 18th in the River View Room at 9:00 a.m. Action Report (PSPS 352-530) is published monthly by the San Angelo Chamber of Commerce, 418 W. Avenue B, 76903. Subscriptions are $20.00 per year. Second Class Postage paid at San Angelo, TX 76902. I appreciate your continued support, POSTMASTER send address changes to Action Report, 418 W. Avenue B, San Angelo, TX 76903. April 2013 April 2013 Page 3 Action Report Business @ Happy Hour Tuesday, April 23rd ▪ 5 to 6:30 p.m. Hosted by: San Angelo Community Medical Center 3501 Knickerbocker Road Jackpot Drawing: If no winner is drawn at March’s event, the Jackpot Drawing will be $1,300! If a winner is drawn in March, the jackpot will start over at $100. Remember, all Chamber members have been entered in the drawing for the cash prize, but you MUST be present to win! Leadership San Angelo Alumni Association Seeking Nominations At the Leadership San Angelo Alumni Association Annual Meeting on June 6th, the Association will name the “Bob Diebitsch Alumnus Civic Leader of the Year.” The organization is now accepting nominations for the award. The next Members & Muffins new member meet & greet will be held on Thursday, April 18th from 9 to 10 a.m. in the Visitor Center Riverview Room. If you have joined the Chamber since September of 2012, or are a longer-term member and would like an update on benefits, please join us. This is a great opportunity to network with fellow new members, so bring plenty of business cards or brochures for sharing. Additionally, the Chamber membership staff would like to meet you and learn more about you and your business so that we can give you quality referrals. For more information or to RSVP, please call Peggy at the Chamber at 655-4136. Eligibility: The recipient of this award must be a graduate of Leadership San Angelo, but is not necessarily a member of the Leadership San Angelo Alumni Association or LSAAA Board. An individual can be nominated by anyone in the community as well as LSA alumni members. The award recipient is selected by the LSAAA Board and recognized at the LSA Alumni Association’s Annual Meeting in June. The recipient is also recognized at a San Angelo Chamber of Commerce membership luncheon. The Alumni Board has set the date for the Annual LSAAA meeting/dinner and class graduation for Thursday, June 6th. Watch your newsletter and email for more information. Criteria: This LSA graduate embodies the Leadership San Angelo program’s goals and objectives. Through hard work, dedication and personal/professional acumen, this individual has developed into a strong leader for San Angelo. He/she has strong community knowledge and proven leadership skills. The recipient accepts leadership roles professionally and/or personally that are a benefit to San Angelo and its populace, dedicating time and effort to services or organizations through the community. Nominations may be made online at Page 4 April 2013 Action Report The High Ground of Texas This month’s membership luncheon speaker, Lorie Vincent, serves as the Executive Director of The High Ground of Texas. The Chamber’s Economic Development VP of Marketing & Recruitment, John Dugan, serves on the Board of Directors. The following is a brief summary of the organization’s purWhat High Ground of Texas pose: Does For The High Ground of Texas is a marketing coalition Economic Development made up of more than 75 members with economic development interests in the region. Developed in 1988, the High Ground represents cities, counties and organizations in the West Texas region. The ● Location & site information main purpose of the High Ground is to create jobs and increase the tax base of the region. ● Arrange site visits They continue to have a definite presence on the regional, state, and national levels with an emphasis on marketing the region to prospective new industry, networking, economic ● Tax structure and incentives development, education, and providing a common voice on issues that affect the region. The organization is membership-based and is supported by a 15-person board. ● Access to funding sources The board is made up of Foundation Members, Gold Members, COG representatives and 8 ● Trade Show participation at-large members from around the region. In addition, there are 6 active committees, and the administration of the program is handled by executive director Lorie Vincent. San An● Networking gelo participates as a Gold Member and John Dugan serves on the Board. Members of the High Ground are economic development corporations, cities, counties, chambers of commerce, and organizations who have a vested interest in the growth of the region. The High Ground is also supported by the regional councils of government for the West Texas area. Organizations include regional electric and telephone companies, electric and telephone cooperatives, and various industry associations. For more information on the High Ground of Texas, visit WELCOME TO OUR NEWEST CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBERS Campbell Construction CONSTRUCTION & REMODEL, COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL Brian Campbell 1303 W. Avenue M - 76901 (325) 998-3929 Concho Quarters VACATION RENTAL Frank Francis 305 W. Avenue A - 76903 (325) 949-0794 -GOLD MEMBERCory's Toys and Gifts Toys & Games Cory and Carrie Searcy 4124 Sherwood Way - 76901 (325) 450-4940 Dahlia Designs CLOTHING-RETAIL Dahlia Stewart 7 East Concho - 76903 (325) 374-3609 Ear Level Communications HEARING AIDS Kory Rogers 3560 Knickerbocker - 76904 (325) 227-4327 Bill Feist, REALTOR REAL ESTATE 1902 Country Club Estates Circle - 76904 (325) 450-8394 Golden Chick RESTAURANTS John Hagen 2602 Sherwood Way - 76901 (325) 677-7074 Got Safety? LLC SAFETY CONSULTANT Viviana Aranda P.O. Box 3800 - 76902 (325) 227-8835 Hargraves Tire & Auto TIRES AND AUTO CARE Gene Hargraves 1617 Pulliam - 76905 (325) 653-4251 Jubilee Fitness FITNESS CENTER Mary Gutierrez 3710 Little Barley Dr - 76904 (325) 227-3226 KORU Juice & Cafe NUTRITION CENTER Yolanda Rayos 1427 S. Irving - 76903 (214) 609-2293 Petticoats on the Prairie Cecilia Scott P.O. Box 843 Colorado City, TX 79512 (325) 242-1086 www.petticoatsontheprairie.blo -GOLD MEMBERRick Hanby - RE/MAX Advantage REAL ESTATE 2837 College Hills . - 76904 (325) 650-8036 Rough Country Accessories AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR AND CUSTOM UPGRADES Wes Russell 4202 Christoval Rd - 76904 (325) 365-5258 www.roughcountryaccessories. com We Smoke Buttz BBQ/CATERING David Reyes 113 E Concho Ave, Suite L 76903 (325) 656-3707 April 2013 Page 5 Action Report From the Convention & Visitors Bureau April 2013 Community Calendar 3, 10, 17, 24...................... Fort Concho Speaker Series 4 - 11.................................. Fort Concho Elementary Art – Kendall Gallery 4, 11, 18, 25...................... ASU Planetarium 4, 11, 18, 25............... ……Art Thursday at San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts 5& 6 .................................... ASU Softball 5-7, 12-14.......................... The Fantasticks – Angelo Civic Theatre 6, 7....................................... Just Between Friends Kid’s Gear Sale 6........................................... Dog Day at the Park – State Park 6........................................... 1st Saturday at the Chicken Farm Art Center 8-9....................................... ASU Baseball 10......................................... Day of the Woman - Laura Bush Institute 12 - 13................................ Concho Valley Bluegrass Festival 13 - 14................................ ASU Baseball 13......................................... Chalk Art Festival “Rock the Chalk” 13........................................ Run For Dreams 13......................................... Family Day at the Museum 16 & 19............................... ASU Softball 17......................................... The Cat in the Hat, Angelo Civic Theatre 18......................................... Downtown Art Walk 18 - 20................................. San Angelo Ceramic Symposium & Invitational Exhibition 19......................................... Passport to Greece 20......................................... ASU Softball 20.......................................... San Angelo Bass Buster Open Tournament 20.......................................... Shrimpfest – San Angelo Rotary Club 20......................................... Sunset Mall Motor Show 20......................................... Come Together - A Beatles Tribute, SA Symphony 24 - 26................................. Plein Air Painting 25.......................................... The Classics Never Go Out of Style, SA Literacy Council 27.......................................... Poker Run 28.......................................... 23rd Annual Healthy Families San Angelo For more information visit APRIL Conventions, Meetings, & Major Events Anticipated Out of Town Attendance Date Event 4/9-4/11 4/12-14 4/12-13 4/18-21 Bay Farm Tours Rotary International Concho Valley Bluegrass Festival Ceramics Competition 43 100 100 300 Page 6 April 2013 Action Report ER MB ME EMO D M AR BO The Small Business Development Center is located in the Business Resource Center at 69 N. Chadbourne. All classes will be held at this location unless otherwise specified. To register, call 942-2098 or email [email protected]. April 9: April 16: April 23: April 24: April 25: April 30: Starting Your Own Business: What You Need To Know 6-8:30 p.m. Business Brown Bag Noon (See Insert Flyer) Basics of Bookkeeping 6-8:30 p.m. $10 How to do Business with the Government: Policies, Procedures & Resources 9-11 a.m. $10 Business Plan I: Writing the Narrative 6-8:30 p.m. Social Media Marketing 101 6-8:30 p.m. $10 SWITCH ANGELO State University and Arcos Films invite you to a FREE screening of Switch, a new award-winning documentary that moves past the politics to deliver the straight answers on energy. Now playing at more than 300 universities, see the film that’s changing the global energy conversation. Tuesday, April 23rd 7 p.m. ASU Houston Harte Center, CJ Davidson Conference Ctr. Follow us on Facebook at San Angelo Chamber to see pictures from our latest events and to receive updates about your community and Chamber. Board Member Perspective Your Chamber is guided by 19 volunteers who make up the Board of Directors. Each month we feature a different board member perspective to better acquaint you with the men and women who serve in these leadership roles. Del Velasquez Upon retiring in January, 2007 and moving back home to San Angelo, it was not long before my cousin, John Fuentes (needs no introduction), encouraged me to apply for the position of Executive Director of Downtown San Angelo, Inc. In July of that year, I began working towards the preservation and revitalization of our central district. Our focus was to get businesses to move into our historic buildings and help create an environment that would draw consumers. I’m happy to report that we had success in establishing a few new businesses which have over the years started a trend that has created a busy and fun downtown. After 2 years at DSA, Inc., I decided to take a break and spent a year predominately volunteering with different organizations and causes that are dear to my heart – House of Faith Backyard Bible program and Mosaic’s Therapeutic Riding. In 2010, the opportunity to become the Marketing Director of the San Angelo Standard-Times came my way and I spent two and half years helping another Board Member and good friend, Jeff DeLoach. Today, I find myself back again as Executive Director of Downtown San Angelo, Inc. where we are faced with new challenges and opportunities of continuing with the development and revitalization of what I call the “heart of San Angelo.” After serving in various positions in the telecommunications industry (AT&T and Verizon) and having the opportunity to serve the 41st President of the United States George H.W. Bush and living in 7 major cities ( New York, NY; Washington, D.C.; Los Angeles, CA; Atlanta, GA; Dallas & Houston, Texas; and San Juan, Puerto Rico), I can tell you that I’m very, very happy to be home. April 2013 Action Report Page 7 Wednesday, April 3rd Thursday, April 11th Thursday, April 18th Leadership Alumni Board Mtg. @ Noon Leadership San Angelo Full Day Session. “Chamber of Commerce” Micro Business Reception @ 5:00 p.m.—River View Room Monday, April 15th Friday, April 19th Thursday, April 4th Board of Directors Meeting @ 8:00 a.m. Monday, April 8th Concho Cadre Meeting - Noon @ Golden Corral Tuesday, April 9th Young Professionals of San Angelo @ 4:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 16th Newsletter Deadline Call Peggy for advertising at 655-4136 Business Brown Bag - Noon @ River View Room Tuesday, April 23rd Wednesday April 17th Business @ Happy Hour @ 5:00 p.m. (See Page 3 for details) Membership Luncheon @ 11:30 a.m. (See Page 1 for details) Economic Development Council @ 3:00—BRC Tuesday, April 9th Thursday, April 18th Finance Committee @ 4:30 p.m. Members & Muffins @ 9:00 a.m.—River View Room New Member Reception CVB Board Meeting @ 3:30 p.m. Military Affairs Committee @ 4:00 Wednesday, April 10th Wednesday, April 24th Tuesday, April 30th NYC Trip Overview @ Noon—Visitor Center Do you see a Committee or event that interests you? Call 655-4136 today to see how you can become involved! A CTION R EPORT 418 West Avenue B San Angelo, TX 76903 418 W. A VENUE B S AN A NGELO , TX 76903 Ribbon cuttings Royal Estates Dahlia Designs 6101 Grand Court 7 East Concho 947-0043 374-3609 Interstate All Battery Center 2901 Sherwood Way, Suite 138 Concho’s Downtown Restaurant 942-6610 125 E. Concho 617-7858 Takin’ Care of Business! 2013 Chamber Chairman Mark Thieman selecued “Takin’ Care of Bvsiness” as uhe Chamber’s uheme for uhe comint year. This phrase communicates what the Chamber is all about - we work every day to take care of our local businesses, helping you grow and prosper. We hope you will participate in all your Chamber membership has to offer. Networking is one of the key benefits of your membership, and we hope you will use opportunities like these featured below to develop new business contacts and to stay informed about your organization and your community. Spring Is Here! It’s A Great Time To Get Involved! Matthew Russell, (center), Military Legislative Assistant to Congressman K. Michael Conaway in Washington, D.C., addressed Chamber leaders at an issues briefing during his February visit to San Angelo. March Luncheon Members enjoyed hearing Goodfellow Commander Col. Mark Damiano as he spoke at March’s luncheon. The Order of Merit was awarded to Army Sgt. 1st Class Robert Phillips, Army 344th Military Intelligence Battalion instructor. Sgt. Phillips is currently deployed so the award was accepted on his behalf by members of his battalion. Business Resource Center A ribbon cutting ceremony and reception were held March 20th for the grand opening of the Business Resource Center. Over for more activities and photos Leadership San Angelo The 30th anniversary class of Leadership San Angelo officially made it through the halfway point after March’s City/County Government session. The morning session with the City Council offered class participants an opportunity to hold a mock Council meeting and act as Council members. Business @ Happy Hour The February networking event was held at Concho Valley PAWS at Sunset Mall. Executive Director Jenie Wilson (left) welcomes Chamber Members, and Chairman of the Board Mark Thieman (right) displays the jackpot drawing check. The lucky Chamber member whose name was drawn was not present, so the jackpot will continue to grow until won. Chamber Bulk Mailing Service A benefit of membership is the ability for our members to utilize the Chamber’s Bulk Mail Pemit. During Spring Break, Chamber staff processed 8 separate mailings for member businesses. Membership Coordinator Peggy Arnold is primarily responsible for processing these mailings, and on this particular day, she recruited her granddaughter, Ivy Arnold, to help. Together they processed over 3,000 pieces of mail in one afternoon. Wondering what YOU can do to get involved? Call the Chamber at 655-4136, or visit our website at for upcoming opportunities. Sonrisas at the Fairgrounds May 11, 2013 Doors open 6:00 pm Wells Fargo Pavilion Live Polka Music Live & Silent Auctions & Door Prizes Art Jewelry Hunts of all kinds Catered by Kenny Blanek and more Cash Bar TICKETS $250 VIP TABLE Single Tickets $25 8 dinner & well drink tickets & 16 Door Prize tickets Available at Kenny Blanek’s in the Village FMI Call Sonrisas Office 325-949-4837 or [email protected] Sonrisas is a 501 (c) (3) Organization 30 years of service to challenged children in the Concho Valley through therapeutic horseback riding at no charge to our riders. Help Make Sonrisas Therapeutic Riding Continue To Be A Big Success… While Helping Put A Smile an a Childs Face! Yes, I would love to help Sonrisas continue its work by underwriting the 2013 fundraiser: Sonrisas at the Fair Grounds “Leaders” Underwriter: $5,000 2 Tables for 8 Guest each 4 Drink Tickets per Guest 40 Door Prize Tickets Company/Individual Name in Program Banner at Event & at Sonrisas Complex “Side Walkers” Underwriter: $2,500 2 Tables for 8 Guest each 3 Drink Tickets per Guest 30 Door Prize Tickets Company/Individual Name in Program “Walk On!” Underwriter: $1,000 1 Table for 8 Guest 2 Drink Tickets per Guest 20 Door Prize Tickets Company/Individual Name in Program “VIP” Table: $250 1 Table for 8 Guest & 1 Drink Ticket per Guest & 16 Door Prize Tickets Individual Tickets: $25 ____Number of individuals in party ____We will be unable to attend, but please accept our tax-deductible donation to Sonrisas Therapeutic Riding Donate to the Auctions! This event features a Live Auction and a Silent Auction that showcases the best from businesses and individuals across the Concho Valley. Items can be new, antique, or a service. Even if your business does not have a product or certificate for a service to donate, please consider purchasing an item to be donated by your company. To make a tax-deductible donation to the dinner & auction, call us at 949-4837 and we will be happy to pick up your item. We will also be having lots of Door Prizes to give away throughout the evening. If you wish to donate smaller items for door prizes, they will be most welcome. _____YES I will be donating an item to your auction and would like for it to be picked up. ______Yes I will be donating an item to your auction and will drop it off at the Sonrisas Facility Office. ______Yes I will be donating a Door Prize. Reply by Mail to Sonrisas Reply by Mail to Sonrisas P.O. Box 1093, San Angelo, Tx 76902 P.O. Box 1093, San Angelo, Tx 76902 San Angelo BUSINESS BAROMETER April 2013 A Gauge of San Angelo’s Economic Indicators Published by the San Angelo Chamber of Commerce [email protected] (325) 655-4136 Building Permits February 2013 Total Value 2012 Total Value 25 $4,892,611 15 $2,720,900 8 $300,436 14 $11,868,344 Other 581 $495,659 546 $3,109,955 Totals 614 $5,688,706 575 $17,699,199 1,249 $12,505,254 1,288 $27,361,912 New Single Family Residence New Commercial YTD Totals Sales and Use Tax Rebated January 2013 2012 $1,863,885.75 $1,622,028.96 14.91% Totals YTD (Nov-Jan) $6,156,291.49 $5,854,950.51 5.14% San Angelo Regional Airport – Mathis Field Labor Market Statistics January 2013 2012 Civilian Labor Force 46,583 45,635 Total Employment 44,035 42,935 Total Unemployment 2,548 2,700 Unemployment Rate 5.5% 5.9% February MLS Statistics – Single Family Residential February 2012 144 83 Dollar Volume $20,895,469 $11,402,885 Total Sold YTD 247 149 $35,742,382 $19,335,934 Dollar Volume YTD 2013 2012 Enplaned 4,172 4,025 Deplaned 3,675 3,708 Enplaned YTD 8,032 8,027 Deplaned YTD 7,535 7,859 Hotel/Motel Occupancy 2013 Total Sold % Change City of San Angelo February 2013 2012 Occupancy Rate 76.3% 71.6% Average Daily Room Rate $91.64 $80.16 Sources: City of San Angelo Permits & Inspections Department, State Comptroller of Public Accounts, San Angelo Regional Airport, Texas Workforce Commission, San Angelo Association of REALTORS, San Angelo Convention and Visitors Bureau ***We Need Your Help!*** with the... 8th Annual Goodfellow Appreciation Day Armed Forces Day - Saturday, May 18th • 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Goodfellow Recreation Camp at Lake Nasworthy Barbecue / Music / Family Fun This Armed Forces Day, the Military Affairs Committee of your Chamber of Commerce will host a Barbecue for all active-duty military personnel and their families. This day of food and fun is planned to show our appreciation to our military neighbors. We are seeking business partners to assist us financially. Please consider a sponsorship at one of the following levels: Chief Master Sergeant Captain $350 - $699 Major $700 - $999 Colonel $1,000 - $1,499 $100 - $349 Sponsors at this level will receive Sponsors at this level will receive Sponsors at this level will receive Sponsors at this level will receive Sponsor logo on event feature article in the Chamber Newsletter (dist. 1,600) Sponsor name prominent in all electronic communications to Chamber members in print size relative to size of sponsorship Sponsor name on sign at event in print size relative to size of sponsorship 2 tickets to event Sponsor logo on event feature article in the Chamber Newsletter (dist. 1,600) Sponsor name prominent in all electronic communications to Chamber members in print size relative to size of sponsorship Sponsor name on sign at event in print size relative to size of sponsorship Sponsor recognition/ logo on Chamber website 5 tickets to event Sponsor logo on event feature article in the Chamber Newsletter (dist. 1,600) Sponsor name prominent in all electronic communications to Chamber members in print size relative to size of sponsorship Sponsor name on sign at event in print size relative to size of sponsorship Sponsor recognition/ logo on Chamber website 10 tickets to event Sponsor logo on event feature article in the Chamber Newsletter (dist. 1,600) Sponsor name prominent in all electronic communications to Chamber members in print size relative to size of sponsorship Sponsor recognition/ logo on Chamber website Sponsor name on sign at event in print size relative to size of sponsorship 15 tickets to event General $1,500 and above Sponsors at this level will receive Sponsor logo on Event feature article in the Chamber Newsletter (dist. 1,600) Sponsor name prominent in all electronic communications to Chamber members in print size relative to size of sponsorship Sponsor recognition/ logo on Chamber website Sponsor banner prominently displayed at the event 20 tickets to event YES, I will sponsor the 8th annual Military Affairs Committee Goodfellow Appreciation Barbecue at the following level: Please specify amount: General _______ Colonel _______ Major_______ Captain______ Chief Master Sergeant _______ Business Name _____________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Name __________________________________________________ Phone # _____________________________ Address _______________________________________________________ Email _______________________________ _____ Bill My Chamber Account _____ Bill My Credit Card MC VISA AMEX DISC (circle one) _____ Check Attached Account # ____________________________ Exp. Date ________ Name on Card: ____________________________________________ Clip & Return to: San Angelo Chamber of Commerce, 418 W. Avenue B, 76903 - Or fax to: 325-658-1110 We will also need volunteers on the day of the event. If you would like to be a part of “The Team,” please specify how many will participate. Count on ____ people from our company to be part of “THE TEAM” on event day. Contact name: ________________________________ Phone Number: _________________ FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT BRIGETT AT THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, 655-4136 or BY EMAIL AT [email protected]. JOIN “Dedicated to the development and enrichment of the lives of young professionals in San Angelo.” San Angelo The YPSA holds a variety of events to meet the varying needs of young professionals in San Angelo. Events include monthly networking luncheons and social events to help you meet new people, volunteer opportunities to help improve the community, and many special events throughout the year. FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK TWITTER MEMBERSHIP DRIVE “ G E T T O K N O W T H E Y P S A” THURSDAY April 25, 2013 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 pm. @ Vino Dipinte 602 Orient St., San Angelo, TX 76903 Hors d’Oeuvres Provided YPSA EVENTS: SAVE DATE! THE Open and free for all current and prospective YPSA members! Meet the YPSA Board, officers, committee chairs, and current & prospective members. And, even sign up as a member at the event! Membership is only $25/YR and includes over 50 networking and professional development events per year and a portion of your membership fee goes towards the YPSA Scholarship Fund. Corporate memberships and sponsorship opportunities also available! MONTHLY NETWORKING LUNCHEONS MONTHLY Monthly membership luncheons are the best way to get involved in the YPSA. These Brown Bag style meetings focus on updating the membership on upcoming YPSA events, announcements, and open positions. We also talk about current local events and periodically will invite special guests for mentoring and networking. It is also an opportunity to network and share a little about your business. Bring your business cards! Network in a relaxed environment after hours with the young professionals of San Angelo. Snacks are provided. FIRST Thursday of each month @ Business Resource Center Join us April 4! HAPPY HOUR MIXERS THIRD Friday of each month Location Varies Join us April 19 @ Cork & Pig SPECIAL EVENTS • • • • 20 Under 40 Volunteer Opportunities Book Club & More! For more information on becoming a member please contact... Britni [email protected] or Mary [email protected] Scan this QR code to visit the YPSA Membership Drive webpage Yo u n g Professionals OF YPSA EVENTS FREE! San Angelo, TX Brown Bag LUNCH SERIES SE RIE S VIII: BE T T E R BUS IN E S S MA N AG E M E NT SAVE THE DATE! 2013 Business Brown Bags J A N UA RY 1 5 Busi nes s Re s o u rc e C e n t e r F EB RUA RY 1 9 B us i nes s Fi n a n c e Ti p s A P R IL 1 6 , 2 0 1 3 HIRING 101: AVOIDING LEGAL ISSUES TOPICS: Jon Mark Hogg transactions. SPEAKER EAT. LEARN. NETWORK. Don’t miss this FREE monthly noontime “bring your own brown bag” business focused speaker series. Box lunches are available upon request when registering. An ounce of prevention: How to safely use background checks, drug tests & social media in hiring. Jackson Walker L. L. P. Partner Insurance, Litigation, Labor and Employment Education B.A., Baylor University (TX) J.D., St. Mary’s University School of Law Court Admissions 1992, Texas United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit United States Supreme Court United States District Court for the Northern and Western Districts of Texas (Labor and Employment Law). Jon Mark Hogg defends companies and employers all over West Texas in a wide array of business- and employmentrelated litigation. Most notably, he has successfully defended national and international clients in multimillion-dollar commercial disputes in West Texas and handled the defense of a high-profile civil rights case which drew extensive national and international media coverage. MA RC H 1 9 Busi nes s Le a d e rs h i p APRIL 16 Hiring 101: Avoi di ng L ega l Is s u e s FMI: CALL TODAY TO REGISTER! Seating is limited! WHEN: APRIL 16, 2013 12:00 P.M. - 1 P.M. Doors Open 11:45 a.m. (THIRD TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH) Mr. Hogg advises and provides counsel on a wide variety of complicated workplace- and business-related matters and In addition, he represents local governments all across West and West Central Texas, defending civil rights cases and other governmentrelated litigation including defense of Open Meetings Act and Public Information cases, inverse condemnation and personal injury defense. Being located in the firm’s San Angelo office, Mr. Hogg maintains a large regional practice. He has represented clients all over West Central Texas, in the Trans-Pecos, the South Plains, and Texas Panhandle. Outside of San Angelo, he regularly represents clients in Court in Midland-Odessa, Pecos, Monahans, Sonora, Ozona, Fort Stockton, Marfa, Sanderson, Junction, Brady, Brownwood, Big Spring, Sweetwater, Abilene, Lubbock, Amarillo, and countless smaller communities in between. Mr. Hogg is a former San Angelo City Council member and also served as the Mayor Pro Tem and Interim Mayor of San Angelo in 2009-2010. WHERE: REGISTER: PLEASE CALL VISITOR CENTER RIVERVIEW ROOM 418 W. Avenue B. San Angelo, TX 76903 An optional box lunch is available for a nominal fee for those who request it when they register. (325) 655-4136 BUSINESS BROWN BAG LUNCH SERIES BROUGHT TO YOU BY ASU Small Business Development Center (ASU-SBDC) San Angelo Chamber of Commerce The Business Factory (part of the Concho Valley Center for Entrepreneurial Development)
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