Out With the Old …In With the NEW


Out With the Old …In With the NEW
Out With the Old
…In With the NEW
Sue Woodard
President & CEO
Vantage Production
• Bullet point 1
• Bullet point 2
• Bullet point 3
Old ways of thinking and doing business
New ways of thinking and doing business
Top 10…
Old Thinking
What Today’s Pro Knows
“My clients ALWAYS think of using me for
their real estate and lending needs. After
doing such a great job for them, I’m sure
I’d always come to mind.”
Today’s pro knows…
it takes concerted and consistent effort
for me and my brand to be remembered
and referred
Did you see this logo?
• Bullet point 1
• Bullet point 2
• Bullet point 3
• Bullet point 1
• Bullet point 2
• Bullet point 3
Brand Awareness = Consistency
Today’s pro knows…
to win new business, it takes
consistency for me and my brand
to stay remembered and referred.
“Getting my name out there
once in awhile is enough…
I don’t want to drive people crazy.”
Today’s pro knows…
to win new business, prospects, past clients
and referral partners need to hear our
message repeated. Over and over.
• “Just a small-town girl…
______ __ __ _______ ______...”
• “Give me a break, give me a break, break
me off a piece of that ____ ____ ____.”
• “If not for the courage of the fearless
____ _______ _____ ___ _____!”
J. Lee, HEC School of Mgmt Paris and D. Briley, Hong Kong University
Today’s pro knows…
to win new business, prospects,
clients and referral partners need
to hear our message repeated.
“I hand out my business card and
do some post cards – not sure I
need to mix it up past that…”
Today’s pro knows…
to win new business, I must mix up
my marketing delivery channels if I
want to capture the homebuyer of
today… and tomorrow
Variety… Spice of life
 Multi-channel marketing
multiplies success rates…and
you cast a wider net
 Mix of channels…but always
consistency in brand message
and tone
 Key in attracting the
Eloqua, Convio Research Study
Today’s pro knows…
to win new business, I must mix up
my marketing delivery channels if I
want to capture the homebuyer of
today…and tomorrow.
“Video marketing is for those
young kids…right?
Today’s pro knows…
video is THE marketing channel of
today…and tomorrow
Online is now ALL about video
Web Video Marketing Council
1.8M words
100M people
90% decisions
403% increase
One Minute!
Biggest Mistake?
Not Doing It.
Takes a lot of work
Not sure what to say
“I look funny on video!”
Today’s pro knows…
video is THE marketing channel of
today…and tomorrow
“You can’t make any
REAL money or win new business
with social media.”
“Social media is like teen sex. Everyone
wants to do it. No one actually knows
exactly how.”
- Avinash Kaushik
“You can’t make any
REAL money or win business
with social media.”
Today’s MLO knows…
you sure can… but you have to
stop trying to rationalize it in
traditional ways
THE ___?
The ROI of social media is that
your business
will still exist in
5 years.
• Describe your dream house
• What’s your favorite room in your house… and
• You win the lottery… what household chore
would you definitely NEVER do again?
• Best home project you’ve done recently… and
send pics!
Today’s pro knows the real deal:
the smartest “marketing” isn’t
about selling at all.
What it IS about…
Today’s pro knows…
social media works and will win
you new business… it’s about
connection, content, conversation
“Writing for newsletters, websites,
social media and marketing pieces
is easy. Anyone can do it.”
Today’s pro knows…
Good writing that engages
new business is a skill – and
even more so, a talent
Professional vs. Amateur
 Company A - "Our Mortgage Lenders drive for
extraordinary customer delight and win-win
synergistic partnership solutions."
• Company B - "When you work with us we want
you to be happy. If you are not, here are three
ways you can let us know about it..."
Plain talk, human connection
Write like you talk
Write in concretes…not abstracts
Call to action…opening for
conversation – not a sales pitch
Today’s pro knows…
Good writing that drives new business is a
skill – and even more accurately, a talent.
Take a good hard look at your content.
A great partner can provide all the content
you need – don’t be afraid to invest.
“I don’t need to get crazy with all
this slick marketing stuff…me and
my word doc flyers have always
been good enough.”
Today’s pro knows…
to win new business, I need
visually great looking marketing
…which can be created easily
with smart tools.
From what you
can see –
this digital
looks pretty
good, agreed?
It was created by my teenage
daughter Emily…
…at our kitchen table…
… in about three minutes.
Harry Styles, MLO?
Remember the
Reptilian Brain
• Visuals work…they’ve been around
longer than words
• People look for recognizable
patterns like faces
• Visuals drive emotion…and
emotions are tied to memory
Today’s pro knows…
To win new business, I need great
looking marketing, and great
marketing can be created with a
great partner and great tools.
“Face to face only.
That’s all that matters.”
Today’s pro knows…
The new location, location,
location means WHEREVER my
customer is at…and on
whatever device they are using.
Being there is how I win.
• Mobile is the highest
media channel consumed
– more than TELEVISION
• 50% expect their mobile
internet access to increase
in next six months
Male, 25-44, Smartphone user
Advertising Research Foundation Study
“I sleep with my mobile on the
pillow next to me”
Mobile now outranks TV!
Consumer Experience
Smart Phone
Today’s pro knows…
The new location, location,
location means WHEREVER my
customer is at…and I will win
by being wherever they are!
“I’ve been around long enough that I’m
an expert… and my prospects, clients
and referral partners all know it.”
Today’s pro knows…
You may indeed be an expert – but being an
expert is a journey, not a destination.
And so is winning new business by retaining
that position in the minds of others.
Albert Einstein, 1932
“There is not the slightest indication that nuclear energy will ever
be obtainable.”
Ken Olson, president of Digital Equipment ,1977
“There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home.”
Business Week, 1968
“With over 50 foreign cars already on sale here, the Japanese auto
industry isn't likely to carve out a big slice of the US market.”
Thomas J. Watson, Chairman of IBM, 1943
“I think there's a world market for about five computers.”
Irving Fisher, Professor of Economics, Yale, 1929
“Stocks have reached a permanently high plateau.”
habit…not a goal
Housing News
Business Strategies
Personal Growth
Market & Rate Info
Events…books…blogs…Elliot and Rob
At your fingertips
All the day’s pertinent news & info
Advice, guidance, insight
Ongoing updates through day
Search out other MLO success secrets for you
Provide proven scripts for important sales calls
Seek out insights from national insiders
Pass on relevant, timely social media bites
Stand by to help further…
Today’s pro knows…
I must stay up to speed – daily. I must
develop great learning habits so I get the
important briefings I need and the best
practices I want.
And make me look like a rock star.
“I can leave here today – not do
anything different – and I bet I’ll
have different results.
Today’s pro knows…
I won’t just set “goals” but I will institute
some new habits. Immediately. And
review them regularly with someone else.