complete WUPJ 2015 URJ 2015 Biennial program


complete WUPJ 2015 URJ 2015 Biennial program
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World Union for Progressive Judaism
International Humanitarian
Award Gala Dinner
World Center Marriott, Orlando
Thursday, November 5, 2015
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Welcome! Bienvenida!
Добро пожаловат! Bienvenue!
Willkommen! Bruchim Haba'im
We are delighted to welcome you to the World Union for Progressive
Judaism’s International Humanitarian Award Gala Dinner.
We’re thrilled that you’re with us this evening to share in celebrating
world Jewry and the vibrancy and growth of more than 1,400 Progressive
Jewish communities in 50 countries across the globe.
On this festive occasion, we are especially pleased to honor Rabbi
Lennard R. Thal with this year’s WUPJ International Humanitarian
Award in recognition of his lifelong devotion to strengthening, enriching,
and promoting Progressive Jewish communities in Asia and Latin
America. Indeed, we owe Rabbi Thal a tremendous debt of gratitude
for his expertise and commitment to this sacred work, which has been
instrumental in building and sustaining congregations that serve as
holy kehillot and beacons of Reform Jewish life throughout the world.
Yasher koach, Rabbi Thal!
We are also elated to celebrate the installation of Rabbi Daniel H.
Freelander as the president of WUPJ. In the past four decades, Rabbi
Freelander has provided the URJ with creative vision and direction in
programs, worship, Biennials, and many other facets of Reform Judaism.
We are confident that Rabbi Freelander is exceedingly well positioned to
lead WUPJ and its network of congregations into an exciting new chapter.
With deep appreciation to Rabbi Freelander and Rabbi Thal for their
resolute devotion to the Reform movement and its congregations, we
wish them mazel tov on this gala evening. It is our fondest hope that as
they continue to lead and inspire us, so, too, will they and their loved
ones go and grow from strength to strength.
Lynn Magid Lazar
Tadd Schwab
Gala Co-Chair
Gala Co-Chair
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Lynn Magid Lazar and Tadd Schwab
Gala Co-Chairs
Dr. Linda R. Thal, Ariella Thal Simonds, Rabbi Joel Thal Simonds
Carole Sterling, Chair
World Union for Progressive Judaism
Rabbi Richard G. Hirsch, Honorary Life President
World Union for Progressive Judaism
Rabbi Lawrence A. Hoffman, Ph.D.,
The Barbara & Stephen Friedman Prof. of Liturgy, Worship &
Ritual, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, NY
Rabbi Daniel H. Freelander, President
World Union for Progressive Judaism
Rabbi Andrew Paley, Senior Rabbi
Cantor Don Alan Croll, Cantor Emeritus
Jacque Comroe, Co-Chair, Torah Gifting Committee
Temple Shalom, Dallas, Texas
Cantor David Bentley, Spiritual Leader
Sally Castle, Treasurer
Congregation Beth Or, Brisbane, Australia
Jocelyn Robuck, Executive Officer
Union for Progressive Judaism
Neshama Carlebach and Josh Nelson
Rabbi Eric H. Yoffie, President Emeritus
Union for Reform Judaism
Rabbi Lennard R. Thal, Senior Vice President Emeritus
Union for Reform Judaism
Lynn Magid Lazar and Tadd Schwab
Gala Co-Chairs
Rabbi Joel Oseran, Vice President, International Development
World Union for Progressive Judaism
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Scroll of Honor
As of October 27, 2015
We are deeply grateful to our generous donors who honor
$10,000 +
Nani and Austin Beutel
Betty and Arthur Roswell
Honey and Rudi Scheidt
$5,000 +
Janet Abrams and Steve Pruzan
Sigrid and Alan Belinkoff
Dora Lucia Brenner
Kati and Alex Dembitz
The Frishman-Freelander Family
Nancy and Dennis Gilbert
Marina and Raul Gottlieb
Susan and Martin Jannol
The Loeb Family Charitable Foundation
Daryl Messinger and Jim Heeger
Anne Molloy and Henry Posner III
Sandy and Tadd Schwab
Sharon Ser
Nancy and David Solomon
Carole and Jay Sterling
United Hebrew Congregation
(Singapore) Past and Current Members
The United Jewish Congregation of
Hong Kong (Clayton Carol, Daniel Kirwin,
Samantha and Jonathan Kriegel,
Robert Meyer, Sharon Ser)
Miriam and Itche Vasserman
$1,800 +
Jean and Jay Abarbanel
Ina and Steve Bauman
Stephen Breslauer
Gerry Daniel
Rabbi Joshua Davidson
Betty Golomb
Patti and Louis Grossman
Cherie and Fred Half
Amy and Robert M. Heller
Rabbi Deborah A. Hirsch
Rabbi Nancy Kasten and Rabbi David Stern
Herbert, Alec, Lucretia and Miryam Levy
Lynn Magid Lazar and Dale Lazar
Olga Markus and Rabbi Michael Farbman
Rabbi Amy and Gary Perlin
Rabbi Jonah Dov Pesner and The Religious
Action Center of Reform Judaism
Jane and Rabbi Bart Shallat
Judy and Gordon Smith
Donna Stein
Jerry Tanenbaum
Linda and Larry Vogel
Vicki Weber and David Behrman
Dolores Wilkenfeld
Jane and Rabbi David Wolfman
Women of Reform Judaism
Women of Reform Judaism Presidents
Rabbi Michael Zedek
$1,000 +
Richard Cameron
Central Synagogue, New York City
Linda and James Cherney
Joan and Ronald Cohen
Congregation Emanu-El of the City
of New York
Isabel P. Dunst
European Union for Progressive Judaism
Fadem Family Foundation
Linda and Earl Ferguson
Stephanie Garry and Art Tatge
Joan Garson and David Baskin
Kathy and Rabbi David Gelfand
Robyn and Jay Gellman
Ellie and Allan Goldman
Evelyn and Rabbi Roberto Graetz
Lindie and Kenneth Henderson
Lois Horn and H. Rudolf Ziedler
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Stephen Kollins
Connie Kreshtool
Linda Levenson
Regina and Rabbi Robert Levine
Mary and Harry Levy IV
Ina Rae Levy
Peachy Levy
Phyllis Savar Levy and Michael Levy
Diane Marcus
Rabbi Janet and Rabbi Sheldon Marder
Blair C. and Joe Marks
Lenore and Daniel Mass
Barbara and Philip Meltzer
Lisa Messinger and Rabbi Aaron Panken
Laura and Steve Olson
Penny and Claudio Pincus
Jo-Ann Nevas Price and Michael Price
Beverly and Les Rothschild
Susan and Charlie Rothschild
Margery and Jerome Somers
Jane Taves
Dorothy and G. Leonard Teitelbaum
Helene and Jeffrey Waranch
Linda and Richard Zoll
$360 +
Rabbi B. Elka Abrahamson and
Rabbi Misha E. Zinkow
Jane and Rabbi Richard Address
Ayelet Tours, Ltd.
Andrea and Philip Bliss OAM
Simcha and Rabbi Daniel Bridge
Maureen and Jim Busis
Community Synagogue of Rye
Rabbi Sue Levi Elwell and Nurit Levi Shein
Paddy and Barry Epstein
Vicki Reikes Fox and Rabbi Steven Fox
Lily and Alan Frishman
Rabbi Rayna Gevurtz and
Rabbi Gersh Zylberman
Gary Glick
Melanie and Rabbi Edwin Goldberg
Cathy Goodfriend and Paul Reichenbach
Rabbi Donald Goor and Cantor Evan Kent
Joyce and Warren Heilbronner
Jennifer and Todd Kaufman
Rabbi Susan Laemmle and John Antignas
Leonard Lawrence
Rabbi Paula Marcus
Rabbi Joel Oseran
Barbara Pollard and Mitchell Stein
Carolyn Polowy and Carl Silverman
Rabbi Deborah Prinz and Rabbi Mark Hurvitz
Barbara and Rabbi John Rosove
Nancy Sanders
Evely Laser Shlensky and Rabbi Ira Youdovin
Barbara Shuman
Rabbi Sharon Sobel
Weitz Tzedakah Fund
Linda and Jimmy Wimmer
Amy and Rabbi Eric Yoffie
Marcie and Howard Zelikow
We also gratefully acknowledge
contributions from:
Rabbi Nathan Alfred
Phyllis and Michael Bamberger
Natalie and Daniel Barkin
Nancy, Alan, Ashley and Jeremy Brenner
Bette Cotzin
Phyllis Dorey
Rabbi Karen Fox and Michael Rosen
Diana and Dan Goldman
Lori and Ken Goldman
Sharene Hambur
Jane Herman
Pam and Marc Intrater
Valerie Kaplan
Fran Krimston
Marlene Levenson
Marsha and Mark Novak
Lois Rubin
Julie Sandell and Jeremy Wolfe
Joann Shank
Temple Israel of New Rochelle
The URJ Implementation Task
Force on Communities
Ira Warshawsky
Deborah and Mark Weinstein
Betty and Bernard Werthan
Rabbi Amiel Wohl
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Our Honoree
This evening, the World Union for Progressive Judaism is thrilled to honor Rabbi
gratitude for his longtime, deep devotion to our mission and his special commitment to
building and sustaining Progressive congregations in Asia and Latin America.
In addition to his long and impressive list of accomplishments on behalf of the
institutions of North America’s Reform Movement, which span more than 40 years,
Rabbi Thal served for more than two decades as the visiting rabbi at the United
Hebrew Congregation of Singapore. Through his efforts there, as well as in Hong
Kong, Beijing, and Shanghai, he was instrumental in developing and supporting our
Asian congregations. He also played a key role in promoting the growth of Progressive
Judaism in Latin America, building and strengthening ties to congregations in
Argentina, Brazil, and Chile.
A true “rabbi’s rabbi,” Lenny brings many blessings to this work: vision, wise counsel,
creativity, straight talk, humor, menschleichkeit, a sense of purpose, boundless energy,
and deep Reform convictions.
He regularly offers friends and colleagues advice, camaraderie, and laughs, and in
that spirit, he graciously shares these five little known facts about himself:
1. Rabbi Thal, a genealogist, comes from a huge family (his mother had 50 first cousins).
Three of his most enduring memories came from visits to family graves in cemeteries in
Skapiskis, Lithuania, Moisesville, Argentina, and Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. However, there
is no truth to the rumor that Rabbi Thal has a cousin named Neander.
2. The U.S. Postal Service chose a dreydel from Lenny and Linda’s dreydel collection to
photograph for its Hanukkah commemorative stamp.
3. The Thals’ first family pet was a Hungarian Sheepdog named Yetzer (not Yetzer Ha-Ra
or Yetzer Ha-Tov --- the dog was just “all inclination”). Their second dog, Willie, was so
intellectually challenged that he flunked dog-training classes – twice. The Thals’
last dog, Cosmo, was a cross between a Golden Labrador and a Chinese Shar Pei;
Lenny loved that dog, noting that Cosmo proved that sometimes intermarriage could be
a good thing.
4. In all likelihood, Lenny is the first (and probably only) student night watchman of the
Princeton University chapel to become a rabbi….and then to deliver the memorial sermon
in that same building on the occasion of his class’s 50th reunion weekend in 2014.
5. In 1972, the year before he was ordained, Lenny and Linda were eager to spend the
summer in Israel; the only way they could manage the cost was to take and chaperone
four 17-18 year-olds for nine weeks. They rented a large, ugly apartment in Jerusalem
and were greeted by another HUC student living on the same landing and who was
convinced that Lenny was completely out of his mind to take on this responsibility. That
other student was Eric Yoffie.
Rabbi Thal and his wife, Dr. Linda Thal, have two married daughters and four grandchildren.
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Our President
It is with great joy and excitement that we celebrate Rabbi
Daniel H. Freelander as the new president of the World
Union for Progressive Judaism this evening. A lifelong
Reform Jew and product of the Movement, Rabbi Freelander
has held nearly every professional leadership role within the
Union for Reform Judaism, including NFTY director, URJ regional director, director of
programs, and URJ senior vice president. Over the course of 40 years, he was the
tremendously creative, visionary force behind countless URJ programs and initiatives.
A longtime supporter of the World Union and ARZA, Rabbi Freelander has led the effort
to build a Mechina residence in Jaffa under the auspices of the Israel Movement for
Progressive Judaism (IMPJ). He is a gifted musician, who has composed dozens of
popular Jewish melodies with Cantor Jeff Klepper, including the well-known “Shalom
Rav” and “Lo Alecha.” As WUPJ president, Rabbi Freelander will hear his compositions
in congregations from Sydney to Belarus and from Haifa to Guatemala City.
Generous, caring, and not to be out done by Rabbi Thal, Rabbi Freelander offers these
five little known facts about himself:
1. Early in his career, Danny interviewed for the regional director position in the Union’s
New Jersey-West Hudson Valley Council. At the time, the chair of the interview committee,
Len Teitelbaum, who now chairs the Reform Pension Board, confused Danny with the
bar mitzvah student sitting outside the interview room. Danny nonetheless got the job, a
position he held for 12 years.
2. Danny hails from Worcester, Massachusetts, second only to Cincinnati, Ohio, as a springboard for Reform Jewish leaders. Rabbi Alexander Schindler officiated at the wedding of
Danny’s parents, and his father followed Judith Yoffie – mother of Rabbi Eric Yoffie – as
president of Temple Emanuel. In 1967, Eric was Danny’s camp counselor at Eisner Camp
in Great Barrington, MA.
3. Music has always been integral to Danny’s life. A music major at Trinity College in
Hartford, CT, Danny has coordinated the North American Jewish Choral Festival for the
last 25 years.
4. His most auspicious musical undertaking, however, was in 1974, when he played the lead
role in “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown” in an effort to woo that “cute little red-haired
girl” to whom he has been married for 37 years.
5. Danny’s first job at the Union was as the Westchester Regional Youth Director. At the
time, the president of the WeFTY region was none other than the incoming chair of the
URJ Board, Daryl Messinger.
He is married to Rabbi Elyse Frishman, senior rabbi of Barnert Temple in New Jersey.
They are the parents of three millennials.
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Lynn Magid Lazar, Pittsburgh, PA
Tadd Schwab, Delray Beach, FL
Janet Abrams and Steve Pruzan, Seattle WA
Nani Beutel, Toronto, Canada
Dora Lucia Brenner, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Stephen Breslauer, Houston, TX
Kati and Alex Dembitz, Mies, Switzerland
Nancy and Dennis Gilbert, Scarsdale, NY
Betty Golomb, New York, NY
Marina and Raul Gottlieb,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Susan and Martin Jannol, Los Angeles, CA
Peachy Levy, Santa Monica, CA
Daryl Messinger and Jim Heeger,
Palo Alto, CA
Anne M. Molloy and Henry Posner III,
Pittsburgh, PA
Betty and Arthur Roswell, Bridgewater, NJ
Sharon Ser, Hong Kong
Carole and Jay Sterling, Toronto, Canada
Miriam and Itche Vasserman,
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Women of Reform Judaism
Rabbi B. Elka Abrahamson, Columbus, OH
Ina and Steve Bauman, Los Altos, CA
Austin Beutel, Toronto, Canada
Susan G. and Rabbi Richard A. Block,
Shaker Heights, OH
Georgianne and Rabbi William Cutter,
Los Angeles, CA
Rabbi Denise L. Eger, West Hollywood, CA
Rabbi David Ellenson, New York, NY
Rabbi Marla Feldman, New York, NY
Rabbi Steven Fox, New York, NY
Robert M. Heller, New York NY
Rabbi Richard G. Hirsch, Jerusalem, Israel
Rabbi Richard J. Jacobs, New York, NY
Rabbi Janet Marder, Palo Alto, CA
Blair C. Marks, Marietta, GA
Rabbi Michael Marmur, Jerusalem, Israel
Rabbi Joel Oseran, Jerusalem, Israel
Rabbi Aaron Panken, Mamaroneck, NY
Rabbi Uri Regev, Jerusalem, Israel
Stephen M. Sacks, Chevy Chase, MD
Jerry Tanenbaum, Hot Springs, AR
Al Vorspan, New York, NY
Peter J. Weidhorn, Tenafly, NJ
Dolores Wilkenfeld, Houston, TX
Rabbi David S. Wolfman, Lexington, MA
Rabbi Eric Yoffie, Westfield, NJ
Hope Chernak, New York, NY
Linda and James Cherney, Wheat Ridge, CO
Joan and Ronald Cohen, Rye, NY
Gerry Daniel, Sarasota, FL
Isabel P. Dunst, Chevy Chase, MD
European Union for Progressive Judaism
Stephanie Garry and Art Tatge, Stamford, CT
Joan Garson and David Baskin,
Toronto, Canada
Rabbi David Gelfand, New York, NY
Robyn and Jay Gellman, Coral Springs, FL
Rabbi Roberto Graetz, Lafayette, CA
Cherie and Fred Half, Palo Alto, CA
Lindie Henderson, Gold River, CA
Connie Kreshtool, Wilmington, DE
Michael H. Laufer, New York, NY
Ina Rae Levy, Sarasota, FL
Diane Marcus, San Mateo, CA
Rabbi Janet Marder, Palo Alto, CA
Blair and Joe Marks, Marietta, GA
Laura and Steve Olson, San Francisco, CA
Susan and Charlie Rothschild, Los Altos, CA
Judy and Gordon Smith, London, England
Jane Taves, Cross Plains, WI
Linda and Richard Zoll, Houston, TX
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Shirley and Al Vorspan
Joan and Peter Weidhorn
Anne and Irwin Zeplowitz
February 2002
Rabbi John L. Rosove
Evely Laser Shlensky
Betty and Arthur Roswell
Rabbi David Gelfand
Jerry Tanenbaum
Dr. Jane Evans
Rabbi Richard J. Jacobs
Rabbi David M. Posner
Women of Reform Judaism
Rabbi Jerome Davidson
Leah Rabin
Betty Golomb
Rabbi Jonathan Stein
Dr. Ronald Sobel
Senator Frank Lautenberg
Ambassador Maxwell Rabb
Rabbi Roberto Graetz
Joanne Harrington and Lorry Lokey
Sheila and Bill Lambert
Rabbi Peter J. Rubinstein
Rabbi Robert T. Gan
Middie and Richard Giesberg
September 2002
Rabbi Robert N. Levine
Prime Minister Ehud Barak
Richard J. Scheuer
Larry King
Dolores Wilkenfeld
John Slade
Donald Day
Rabbi Richard Hirsch
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A Whirlwind Tour of Our Progressive
Communities around the World
Join us for a trip around the world to catch a glimpse of some of the incredible
programs, initiatives, and activities happening in so many of our communities.
From Berlin and Dallas to Brisbane and Shanghai, from Belarus and Ukraine
to Lyon, Florence, and Rio de Janeiro, the World Union for Progressive Judaism
strengthens Jewish life and values by supporting and advancing a Progressive
approach to Jewish tradition.
…a million lost Jews
We’ll begin in the former Soviet Union, where estimates are that there may
be as many as a million “lost Jews” from Minsk to Siberia. Although their
grandparents were Jewish, these individuals have no connection to today’s
Jewish community. For the last 25 years, WUPJ has been fulfilling a moral
and historical imperative to bring as many as possible back into the fold.
One way we do this is by building and supporting indigenous leadership
through the Machon program. It invites the most promising young people to
engage in a three-year initiative that includes academic study, an internship
in Israel, and fieldwork throughout the FSU. Machon graduates – community
leaders and educators – are instrumental in engaging Jews and “lost Jews”
of all ages in Jewish life through education initiatives, summer camps, and
holiday and Shabbat celebrations, all of which emphasize the Movement’s
democratic, egalitarian values, and strong connections to Israel. Last summer, more than 850 children, teens and young adults participated in summer
camp in the FSU.
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…training Russian-speaking leadership and clergy
New this year, the Machon Rabbinic Leadership Institute will help fill the need for
additional Russian-speaking clergy. Based in Moscow, the Institute offers highly
qualified students an opportunity to earn a bachelor’s degree in Jewish studies from
Moscow’s State University. The most promising students will be invited to pursue
rabbinic ordination at Geiger Kolleg in Potsdam, Germany, provided they agree to
return to the region following ordination to impart Reform Jewish leadership,
knowledge, and values to the next generation. This essential work will likely involve
introducing many thousands of Jews to their Jewish heritage, history culture, and
religion. The first class of seven Machon Institute rabbinical students began their
studies this fall.
…rescued Torah scrolls and new
communities in Asia
Let’s move on to Asia, where a Torah scroll that had
been rescued from Berlin, Germany, in 1939 found a
new home at Kehilat Shanghai during this year’s High
Holidays. Donated by Associação Religiosa Israelita (ARI),
a large, flourishing Reform congregation in Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil that has more Torah scrolls than it
can use, the scroll – the congregation’s first – was transported to China by Jeanine Buzali, a member of Kehilat
Shanghai who traveled to Rio to get it. “We now have a
responsibility to have a continued presence here,” she said. “We need to always have a
community around this Torah to support it and make sure that it is used. I think we
can do it.” ARI’s gift honors Josef Aronsohn, a refugee from Germany who landed in
Shanghai in the 1940s before making his way to Rio, where he and others went on to
found the congregation and train many of its b’nai mitzvah students.
…learning and leading in Spanish and Portuguese
Traveling on to Latin America, where Progressive Judaism has grown significantly
over the past several decades and an array of diverse synagogues, schools, and
community services thrive. A translation into Portuguese of Rabbi Gunther Plaut’s
The Torah: A Modern Commentary is underway and earlier this year Rio Di Janeiro
was the site of the WUPJ Connections conference, which more than 600 people
attended. Even so, as in the FSU, the region lacks Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking
Reform rabbis. To remedy this shortage, initial
plans for a pre-rabbinic leadership Mechina
(preparatory) program in Sao Paolo and Buenos
Aires are in the works. Developed in partnership
with Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of
Religion, the Mechina program expects to launch
next year. Two years later, several home grown,
Latin Americans will enter rabbinic study programs
after which they will return to the region to serve
the growing communities in their native countries.
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…investing in our youth in the Progressive
communities of Europe
Our tour continues on to Europe. In France -- 6,800+ miles from
Buenos Aires – where our 13 Progressive congregations are growing
in number, despite tremendous concern about rising anti-Semitism
there and elsewhere in Western Europe. Leveraging decades of work
in Poland, Hungary, Argentina, and other countries where Jews
have been imperiled, we understand that the best indicator of young
people’s ability to build and sustain their own Jewish lives is a strong
Jewish identity. With that in mind, our WUPJ-funded Netzer summer
camps bring French students together from all parts of the country
to share stories and experiences with peers, offer opportunities for
Jewish study, including Hebrew, with rabbis and communal leaders,
and challenge students physically and intellectually, ensuring that
fun is an integral part of their summer. In addition to France, Spain
and Germany also are home to similar Netzer summer camps for
students in those countries. In 2016, we plan to double the number
of young people who attend a WUPJ-funded Netzer summer camp.
From France, it is just a short hop to Italy, where Progressive Jewish
communities in Milan, Rome and Florence all joyously celebrated
the High Holidays. In Florence’s Congregation Shir Chadash, a
12-year-old congregation that serves the city’s entire non-Orthodox
Jewish community, as well as tourists and students, the services
incorporated musical selections from Sephardi, Ashkenazi, and
Italian traditions to reflect the diversity within the congregation.
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…promoting democracy and pluralism in Israel
The last stop on our itinerary is Israel, the spiritual center of our people,
where more than 40 new and more established Progressive congregations
dot the Israeli landscape from Nahariya in the north to Kibbutz Lotan in the
southern desert, offering the country’s largely secular population a way to be
Jewish that complements and enriches their 21st century lives. Both Kehillat
Kodesh V'Hol in Holon and Kehillat Birkat Shalom on Kibbutz Gezer have
new facilities funded by WUPJ, which is committed to investing significant
resources into building and expanding Progressive congregations throughout
Israel. In addition to promoting synagogue life, the Israel Movement for
Progressive Judaism offers a wide range of communal and public programs
designed to bring Israelis closer to their Jewish heritage and culture and to
the values of pluralism, equality, and humanism.
As our tour draws to a close, we hope this snapshot of Progressive Jewish living,
learning, and celebrating in just a few of the 1,400 WUPJ-affiliated congregations
in over 50 countries has touched your heart and soul. Support us, then, by joining
the WUPJ family as we continue our efforts to:
• Build, strengthen, and connect WUPJ
• Ensure democracy and pluralism in Israel
• Advance social justice initiatives and
interfaith understanding
• Invest in our youth and young adults to
secure a vibrant Jewish future
• Encourage and develop Jewish lay and
professional leadership
How You Can Make a Difference in
Progressive Congregations around the World
• Encourage your community to partner with a congregation in the FSU
• Support the next Rabbi Lennard Thal, by underwriting travel costs for a
North American rabbi to lead High Holiday services in Asia.
• Tell us if you are planning to travel this year and we will connect you
with a Reform congregation in Latin America, Europe or the FSU. Attend
Shabbat services, or share a meal and learn how connected we really are.
• Provide scholarships that enable young people to build and strengthen
their Jewish identities by attending Jewish summer camp in Germany,
France, or the FSU
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Jerusalem (International Headquarters)
13 King David Street, Jerusalem, 94101
New York
633 Third Ave, New York, NY 10017
WUPJ Regions
Australia, Asia, and New Zealand
The Union for Progressive Judaism (UPJ)
Stephen Freeman, President
European Union for Progressive
Judaism (EUPJ)
Leslie Bergman, President
Miriam Kramer, Chairman
Former Soviet Union
Association of Progressive Jewish
Congregations in Russia, Belarus
and Ukraine
Masha Sheinin, Chair
Israel Movement for Progressive
Judaism (IMPJ)
Reuven Marko, Chairman
Central America and the Caribbean
Union of Jewish Congregations of Latin
America and the Caribbean (UJCL)
Phil Gelman, Chairman
North America
Union for Reform Judaism (URJ)
Stephen M. Sacks, Chairman
South Africa
South African Union for Progressive
Judaism (SAUPJ)
Alvin Kushner, Chairperson
Latin America
Unéão do Judaísmo Progressista na
América Latina (WUPJ-LA)
Raul Gottlieb, President
Miriam Vasserman, Vice President
World Union for Progressive Judaism Senior Staff
Rabbi Daniel H. Freelander, President
Shai Pinto, Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
Rabbi Joel Oseran, Vice President, International Development
Naomi Smook, Director of Advancement
Danny Jaffe, Chief Financial Officer
Rabbi Steve Burnstein, Director, Saltz Educational Center
Dr. Alex Kagan, Director, FSU Programs
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WUPJ Management Committee
Carole Sterling, Chair, Canada
Stephane Beder, Sr. Vice Chair, France
Charlie Rothschild, Secretary, US
David Robinson, Vice Chair Finance,
New Zealand
Phyllis Dorey, Vice Chair, Australia
Yaron Shavit, Vice Chair, Israel
Gordon Smith, Vice Chair, UK
Miriam Vasserman, Vice Chair, Brazil
WUPJ Executive Board
Nani Beutel, Canada
Dora Lucia Brenner, Brazil
James Cherney, United States
Paula Edelstein, Israel
Sonja Guentner, Germany
Sharene Hambur, Australia
Rabbi Jordan Helfman, Canada
Andrew Keene, United States
Miriam Kramer, United Kingdom
Alvin Kushner, South Africa
Lynn Magid Lazar, United States
Yair Lootsteen, Israel
Anne Molloy, United States
Rabbi Danny Rich, United Kingdom
Les Rothschild, Canada
Tadd Schwab, United States
Masha Sheinin, Russia
North American Advisory Board
James Cherney, Chair, Wheat Ridge, CO
Tom Abelson, Shaker Heights, OH
Mark Anshan, Toronto, Canada
Steve Bauman, Los Altos, CA
Austin Beutel, Toronto, Canada
Nani Beutel, Toronto, Canada
Stephen Breslauer, Houston, TX
Peter Buchsbaum, Stockton, NJ
Joan Cohen, Rye, NY
Ronald Cohen, Rye, NY
Miriam Daniel, Chevy Chase, MD
Gerry Daniel, Sarasota, FL
Isabel P. Dunst, Chevy Chase, MD
Rabbi Steven Fox, New York, NY
Stephanie Garry, Stamford, CT
Joan Garson, Toronto, Canada
Rabbi David Gelfand, New York, NY
Jay Gellman, Coral Springs, FL
Dennis Gilbert, Scarsdale, NY
Betty Golomb, New York, NY
Rabbi Paul Golomb, Poughkeepsie, NY
Andrew Goodman, Scarsdale, NY
Rabbi Danny Gottlieb, Pacifica, CA
Rabbi Roberto Graetz, Walnut Creek, CA
Cherie Half, Palo Alto, CA
Jim Heeger, Palo Alto, CA
Lindie Henderson, Gold River, CA
Bill Hess, New Orleans, LA
James Klau, Newport, RI
Sue Klau, Greensboro, NC
Connie Kreshtool, Wilmington, DE
Gus Kuhn, Nashville, TN
Michael Laufer, New York, NY
Marlene Levenson, San Mateo, CA
Linda Levenson, Saratoga, CA
Ina Rae Levy, Sarasota, FL
Phyllis Savar Levy, Voorhees, NJ
Rabbi Josh Lobel, Sugar Land, TX
Lynn Magid Lazar, Pittsburgh, PA
Diane Marcus, San Mateo, CA
Rabbi Janet Marder, Palo Alto, CA
Lenore Mass, Chicago, IL
Anne Molloy, Pittsburgh, PA
Laura Olson, San Francisco, CA
Steve Olson, San Francisco, CA
Jane Oppenheim, Scranton, PA
Arthur Roswell, Bridgewater, NJ
Betty Roswell, Bridgewater, NJ
Charlie Rothschild, Los Altos, CA
Rabbi Peter Rubinstein, New York, NY
Tadd Schwab, Delray Beach, FL
Rabbi Bart Shallat, Huntington, NY
Jane Shallat, Huntington, NY
Carl Silverman, Cockeysville, MD
Nancy Solomon, New York, NY
Carole Sterling, Toronto, Canada
Barbara Stern, South Salem, NY
Rabbi David Stern, Dallas, TX
Jerry Tanenbaum, Hot Springs, AR
Jane Taves, Cross Plains, WI
G. Leonard Teitelbaum, Holmdel, NJ
Larry Vogel, Oakton, VA
Helene Waranch, Baltimore, MD
Dolores Wilkenfeld, Houston, TX
Lois H. Zeidler, Southbury, CT
Linda Zoll, Houston, TX
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Mission Statement
The mission of the
World Union for
Progressive Judaism
is to strengthen
Jewish life and values
in Israel and Jewish
communities throughout
the world by supporting
and advancing a
Progressive approach
to Jewish tradition.
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1,800,000 people affiliated
with the World
Union’s constituent
movement globally
Over 5,000 Jewish,
Christian and Muslim
families receiving
pre-holiday food
assistance in Israel
1,400 Progressive,
Reform, Liberal and
congregations around
the world
70,000 people a year enjoy
quality educational and
cultural programs in our
Mercaz Shimshon/Beit Shmuel
center in Jerusalem
50,000 family members
reached through Progressive
Judaism’s pluralistic Jewish
Studies program in Israeli
public schools
1,000 youths participating
in weekly activities in
clubs across the former
Soviet Union
18,000 members of
Netzer Olami, the World
Union’s international
youth movement
50 countries with
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World Union for Progressive Judaism
633 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017