step-master lks-1
step-master lks-1
HM-13009-2 STEP-MASTER LKS-1 Text of learning how a stepping motor operates using this demonstration kit Basic WELCOME to the Stepping motor world! Thank you for purchasing an Oriental Motor demonstration product. Contents Introduction�������������������������������� 3 This demonstration kit is 1 Now, Let’s start! ��������������������������� ● developed for the beginners 1-1 Checking the product who want to study 1-2 Assemble the disk to the motor the stepping motor. 1-3 Features of the STEP-MASTER LKS-1 You can easily understand 1-4 Connection the basics of the stepping motor 2 Let’s drive the motor ������������������������� ● by using this demonstration kit. 2-1 Touch the disk (on the motor shaft) with your fingers when the motor is stopped. 2-2 Let’s write in your notes about your experience in your words. 2-3 Try to drive or excite the motor 3 What is a stepping motor ����������������������� ● 3-1 Construction of the stepping motor 3-2 Theory of driving 3-2-1 Let’s make a paper model 3-2-2 Let’s look at the motion of the motor with the paper model 4 6 8 3-3 Construction of the stepping motor 4 Instruments for driving the stepping motor ��������������� 11 ● 4-1 Circuit for driving the stepping motor 4-2 Let’s view the relationship between the movement of the motor and the electrical pulses. 4-3 Let’s draw the timing chart 5 Let’s create the excitation sequence for moving������������� 14 ● 5-1 Set into the controller the data of full-step sequence. 5-2 Let’s drive the motor touching the disk with your fingers. 6 Continuous drive ��������������������������� 16 ● 7 Positioning drive ��������������������������� 17 ● 8 Basic characteristics of the stepping motor��������������� 18 ● is a registered trademark or trademark of Oriental Motor Co.,Ltd., in Japan and other countries. Copyright Oriental Motor Co., Ltd. 2010 Unauthorized reproduction or copying of all or part of this Text is prohibited except to use for your own educational purpose. 2 8-1 Static characteristic 8-2 Dynamic characteristics 9 Let’s play roulette! �������������������������� 21 ● 10 Answers������������������������������� 22 ● 11 Specifications ���������������������������� 24 ● Introduction What is Stepping motor The stepping motor is an electromagnetic device that translates electrical pulses into a mechanical movement. The stepping motor rotates step by step according to the number of electrical pulses, as its name shows. Therefore, it is also known as “ Pulse motor”. You can easily understand by imagining the second hand of a clock. It is understood that the conventional motor rotates continuously, but the stepping motor has unique features in both rotation and stopping. The stepping motor holds its final position without any external control. No other motors have the characteristic to be able to hold the position accurately by itself. For example, a servomotor needs a rotary encoder and a driver to control positioning. It is called the “static performance characteristics” when the stepping motor is at standstill. On the other hand, the stepping motor is driven by controlling the frequency and the number of electrical pulses. To rotate continuously synchronizing the pulses is to move continuously synchronizing with two or more stepping motors. This characteristic of self synchronizing is impossible when other types of motors are used. When it is in motion the stepping motor performance is called “dynamic performance characteristics”. Many stepping motors are used in the fields of office automation machines, medical devices and machines, industrial equipment, etc. Thousands of applications can use the step motor’s unique performance characteristics. COLUMN What is a pulse? The word “Pulse” is used to describe an intermittent flow. The electric intermittent signals are called “pulses” and are derived from that meaning. Electric signals that change continuously to positive area and negative area are called “waves”. An example is a sine wave. Pulses Waves Before using this demonstration kit Please read the “Instruction manual” carefully before beginning the learning process. The product has been designed and manufactured for ease of learning. Do not use this demonstration kit for any other purpose. Use the product by persons who are 15 years old or older. Oriental Motor Co., Ltd. is not responsible for any damage caused through failure to observe this warning. Characteristics, specifications, and dimensions are subject to change without notice. CAUTION Do not touch any motor when it is energized in the field. It is very dangerous due to high power and high temperature. It may cause serious physical damage. This demonstration kit is the exception, because it is specially built and uses limited power. 3 1 Now, LET’S GET STARTED! 1-1 Checking the product Verify the list and the items, which are included in the kit. 1. Text (this book) 2. Instruction manual 3. Model paper pattern 4. Sticker for the disk 5. Stepping motor with mounting base (LKS-PTM01) 6. Disk 7. Controller (LKS-PTB1) 8. Four AA batteries 9. Battery holder 10. Screw driver (cross slot – Phillips type) 11. Text CD-ROM Gather the following items to assist in assembly. Tools required: ● Scotch tape, ● Scissors, ● Pushpin. 1-2 Assemble the disk to the motor 1. Install the disk to the motor shaft. 4 2. Turn the shaft until the surface of D-cut faces up. Insert the disk onto the shaft, keeping the screw head of the disk on top. Position the disk where the surface of the disk and the top of the shaft is flat. 3. Tighten the screw with a screw driver to push down onto the surface of the D-cut. 4. Keep the position, pushing the surface of D-cut tight. Otherwise the disk will fall off the shaft during rotation. 1-3 Features of the STEP-MASTER LKS-1 M ● 1 One board controller ● Easy to connect. L ● K ● ● Easy to operate ● Easy to see the motor in operation 2 Battery source Operate anywhere C ● I ● 3 Includes demo drive A ● Easy to see the motor operation without any manipulation J ● 4 Programmable excitation sequence Easy to set the excitation sequence 5 Speed adjust by potentiometer control B ● Easy to set the velocity 6 Includes basic drive mode commands ● Jog drive ● Continuous drive ● Return drive ● CW/CCW switch E ● A Indicator of number of STEPS ● B Switches for sequencing ● the DATA set C LEDs for monitoring the operation ● Green(PWR) = power, Red (A, B, A, B) = monitor of excitation, Yellow = TIM and BUSY signal D Rotary switch to change ● the drive MODE E Rotary switch to set the number of ● STEPS F ● G ● H ● F Potentiometer for setting ● SPEED G Switch for changing direction ● (CW/CCW) H Switch for STARTING or ● SETTING motion I Connector for attaching the ● MOTOR J Jack for connecting power ● supply (DC 6V) K● L● M Connectors for ● production (not for use in this kit) 1-4 Connection 1) Insert the connector of the motor into the connector ● I of the controller. Gently push the connector until you hear the sound “click” and confirm the connection by pulling lightly on the connector. D ● 2) Put the batteries into the holder making sure the plus and the minus terminals are correctly aligned. 5 2 Let’s drive the motor 2-1 Touch the disk (on the motor shaft) with your fingers when the motor is stopped. ● Experiment 1 J . ❶ Do not connect the plug to the jack ● ❷ Try to turn the disk with your fingers before connecting the batteries. ❸ Set the switches as showed left. J of the controller. ❹ Insert the plug from the battery holder to jack ● The LEDs turn on sequentially after connecting the battery. DATA● B :off STEP-No.● E :0 SPEED● F :CCW end MODE● D :0 CW/CCW● G :CW After the sequence ends, monitor the LEDs ● C turn on as follows. ●Green LED for Power, ●Red LEDs for phase A and B, ●Yellow LED for TIM signal. ❺ Try to turn the disk with your fingers. 2-2 Let’s write in your notes about your experience in your words In noting your experience, “why” you feel this way is very important. Your understanding of your experience will become clearer later when you have more answers. COLUMN 6 《Example of noting》 Essence of Mind Learning Process ❶ Why I felt the weak uneven torque when the stepping motor is not Generally, the human mind dislikes a lack of understanding when confronted by important questions. The mind will search the memory on both the conscious and sub-conscious levels. The action of writing down the questions makes one understand them more clearly. The mind will imprint these answers more deeply when exposed to these answers. This technique of deep learning is being used in the STEP MASTER. Please make a lot of “why” questions to reinforce this learning process. ❷ Why I felt the strong power and torque when the stepping motor is energized. energized. Don’t you feel the difference of the stepping motor torque clearly between not energized and energized. It is called “ exciting the motor” to create the magnetic flux by putting the current into the windings of the stepping motor. The power which keeps the rotor static position is called “ holding torque” when one excites one set of the windings of the stepping motor. C ● J ● B ● H E ● F ● D ● G● ● 2-3 Try to drive or excite the motor ● Experiment 2 Keep the plug connected to the jack ● J . Demo drive 1 D to position 1. (demo 1) ❶ Set the MODE ● H button. ❷ Push the START/SET ● The disk rotates as follows, CW 1/4 turn x 8 times - then CCW 2 turns. D ● H button, ❸ Whenever you push the START/SET ● the same motion is repeated. Demo drive 2 D dial to position 2. (demo 2) ❶ Set the MODE ● H button. ❷ Push the START/SET ● The disk rotates as follows, CW 10 steps - then CCW 10 steps. D ● Note: 10 steps times 1.8° per step yields a motor shaft rotation of 18°. COLUMN CW/CCW CW is clockwise and CCW is counter clockwise when seen from the motor’s shaft side. CW:Clockwise CCW:Counter Clockwise Pull out the plug from the jack ● J . Let’s start to study the basics of the stepping motor. Answer the questions on the way. 7 3 Basis of the stepping motor 3-1 Construction of the stepping motor Basically, a stepping motor consists of a rotor (consisting of steel laminations and a permanent magnet) and a stator (consisting of steel laminations and eight windings). The rotor rotates by the push and pull power of an electromagnet that is energized by placing current into the windings. There are 50 evenly spaced small teeth on the surface of rotor when seen in detail. And there are small teeth located on the inside of the stator as well. These teeth create high torque and accurate movement. Windings basically consist of two phases, A and B. Each phase is divided into A and A or B and B. Phase A (B) creates an opposite magnetic pole of phase A (B). There are two groups of A, A, B and B windings, a total of eight windings are in the stator. Figure-1 COLUMN Phase In the every day world the word “Phase” indicates a changing proportion such as the phases of the moon. In the electrical field, “Phase” represents a segment of the motor winding. It uses alternating current, which creates some time lag with respect to each other. For example, there is single phase 120 VAC power supply in any house. It is popular to use three phase 200 VAC or 400 VAC power supply in factories. The number of phases of the power supply for the motor is the same number as the number of groups of the motor windings. Single phase power supply Rotor ロータ Three phase power supply Voltage 電圧 + Windings 巻線 Slot スロット − Stator ステータ 180˚ 90˚ 0 360˚ 270˚ 時間 Time 120˚ Single Phase 単相 120˚ 2 phase Stepping Motor Phase A A A Phase B B Figure-2 Ball bearing ボールベアリング Rotor ロータcore 1 1 マグネット Magnet Rotor core ロータ 2 2 Windings 巻線 Shaft シャフト 5 phase Stepping Motor Phase A Phase D Phase E 8 phase EE相 phase AA 相 Phase B Phase C Stator ステータ B phase D相 D phase B相 B phase C相 C 3-2 Theory of driving 3-2-1 Let’s make a paper model 1) Cut out the rotor and the stator from the model paper pattern using scissors along the cut off line as shown in figures ⓐ and ⓑ. 2) Place scotch tape on to both the centers of the rotor and the stator for strengthening the paper. 3) Put the paper stator on a board or cardboard, which allows one to stick in a pushpin. Place the paper rotor on the paper stator putting the three points of the marked line together, and then stick in a pushpin at the center of the paper rotor. 3-2-2 Let’s look at the motion of the motor with the paper model 1) The teeth of phase A are magnetized when one energizes the phase A windings. Then the rotor rotates to a new position until the lines in the rotor and stator teeth align. QUESTION ● Question 1 When the B phase is energized after energizing the A phase, how many degrees does the rotor rotate in the paper model? Figure-3 Energization Facing ● Question 2 “long” “short” Which winding should be energized to rotate in the same direction at the same angle after energizing B phase? The length of alignment 2) Next, magnetize the teeth of phase B by energizing the phase B windings. Then the rotor rotates to the position where the rotor and stator teeth align. Figure-4 Facing Energization If you can not answer these questions, please find the answers on page 22. 9 3-3 Construction of the stepping motor ● Construction of rotor ● Path of magnetic flux flow The rotor consists of two parts, the iron cores with many small teeth and the permanent magnet, which is set between these iron cores. The permanent magnet is magnetized in the axial direction of the motor shaft. Both iron cores are fixed to the motor shaft, and shifted a half pitch (3.6 degrees) from each other. The magnetic flux flow is created from the winding currents using the following path. 1: one of the windings, 2: the air gap between stator and rotor, 3: one of the rotor cores, 4: permanent magnet, 5: another side of rotor core, 6: air gap between stator and rotor, 7: right-angled top end turn of original winding, 8: return path of stator core, 9: original winding The magnetic flux has passed through both the rotor and stator teeth and the three-dimensional return path creates a strong torque from the stepping motor. Figure-5 Rotor core 2 Rotor core 1 Number of tooth 50 Tooth pitch 7.2° Windings Rotor core 2 Figure-6 Rotor core 1 End Cap Ball Bearing End Cap Stator Neodymium magnet Shaft 10 Figure-6 shows the various parts of the hybrid type stepping motor. 4 Instruments to drive the stepping motor 4-1 Circuit for driving the stepping motor The stepping motor cannot run by itself continuously, unlike the AC motor and the DC motor. It needs electric circuits that consist of a pulse generator, a device that excites the stepping motor winding in the proper sequence, a power switch and a DC power supply. Power supply It needs two kinds of power supplies, one for the motor and the other for the control circuit. The power supply for the motor should have enough voltage and current to meet the motor specification. The power supply for the control circuit needs a regulated voltage type power supply for example 5 VDC. This kit uses a normal flashlight battery (size AA) both for the drive motor and for the control circuit for easy operation. Current switch circuit This part delivers the current to the proper winding in sequence which is controlled by the logic circuit. There are many systems, which can drive the motor. One is the constant voltage system. Another is the constant current system, and a third is the microstep system. This kit uses the constant voltage system for easy understanding. COLUMN Caution for handling the stepping motor The shaft material is stainless steel to eliminate any magnetic flux path of the neodymium magnet. Do not over tighten the screw of the disk because the stainless steel is a soft material compared to steel and it will dent the shaft. Do not disassemble the stepping motor. It is difficult to reassemble the motor, because of its tight tolerance dimensions and strong magnet flux. The strong magnetic field of the Neodymium rotor will cause serious damage to other items, for example a bankcard. Pulse Generator パルス発生部 Logic Circuit ロジック部 Pulse generator This part creates the pulse train. It should control the frequency and number of pulses. Current Switch Circuit Stepping Motor パワー部 ステッピングモーター Logic circuit This part creates a drive sequence signal from the input pulses that includes a speed command by varying the pulse generator frequency and position command by counting the number of pulses. 11 I ● C ● J ● H D ● G● ● 4-2 Let’s view the relationship between the movement of the motor and the electrical pulses. Please note your questions and thoughts in your own words as mentioned on page 6. ● Experiment 3 Do not connect the plug to the jack ● J . D to position 5. (jog) ❶ Set the MODE ● G to CW. ❷ Set the CW/CCW ● ❸ Confirm that the connector of the motor is in its proper place ● I . Connect the plug from the battery holder to the jack ● J on the controller. The monitor LEDs ● C will light sequentially in the predefined order. Then, the following LEDs will light. ●Green LED for power, ●Red LED for phase A, ●Yellow LED for TIM signal. You can recognize which windings are energized by seeing the LEDs light up on the monitor ● C. H button one time. ❹ Push the START/SET ● The disk rotates 1.8 degrees in a CW direction. Then turn on ●the red LED of phase B, and turn off the LED of phase A and TIM. H button repeatedly. The disk rotates 1.8 degrees ❺ Push the START/SET ● each time you push the START/SET ● H button, and ●the red LEDs for monitoring ● C the excitation are turned on in sequence. ●The yellow LED for TIM is turned on when the phase A is excited. QUESTION ● Question 3 How do you push the START/SET ● H button to rotate the disk just one full revolution in 10 seconds? Let’s try to do so using this kit. Push H button changing the time interval ❻ Next, push the START/SET ● from fast to slow. According to the speed of pushing the button ● H per time period, the disk rotates fast and slow. According to the number of times the button ● H is pushed, the disk rotates that multiple number of 1.8 degrees correctly. ● Experiment 4 G switch to CCW. ❶ Set the CW/CCW ● H button 50 times. ❷ Push the START/SET ● The disk rotates 90 degrees in a CCW direction. C the excitation are then turned on ●The red LEDs for monitoring ● in the reverse direction. times in 10 seconds 12 4-3 Let’s draw the timing chart The timing chart shows which winding and what timing sequence should be used to excite the different stepping motor windings. The Figure-7 shows the timing chart of CW direction of Experiment 3. Figure-7 Phase A Phase B QUESTION ● Question 4 Draw the timing chart in a CCW direction using a wave drive (one phase excitation for each move). It is the timing chart of Experiment 4 Phase A Phase B Phase A Phase B Phase A Phase B ● Question 5 How to draw a timing chart. Define “+” as a condition of exciting of the winding, and “0” as a condition of not exciting the winding. The horizontal axis represents time, every pulse input moves the plot from left to right. You can find which winding is excited by looking at the various C. ●LEDs on the monitor ● You should draw the line to the place “+” when the winding is excited and to the place “0” when the winding is not excited for each step input. Draw the timing chart in a CW direction of a full-step drive (two phase excitation for each move). Let’s confirm where the rotor stops in relation to the stator teeth by using the paper model. Phase A Phase B Phase A Phase B ● Question 6 Is it possible to move only 0.9 degrees? If it is possible, how do you excite the windings? Can you draw the timing chart of this movement? Phase A Phase B Phase A Phase B 13 5 Let’s create the excitation sequence for moving You can select any excitation sequence easily with this kit. 5-1 Set into the controller the data of full-step sequence. ● Experiment 5 COLUMN 1) Set the switches as follows. Method of excitation Connect the plug from the battery holder to the jack ● J . MODE ● D to position 8. (data input mode) CW/CCW ● G to CW. There are three sequences for 2) Let’s set the sequence data into the controller as follows. exciting the 2 phase stepping E dial to “0”. ❶ Set the STEP No.● motor. Wave drive (1 phase drive): ◀Then you can see the same number “0” at ● A the 7 segment LED. B to “A=on”, “B=on”, “A=off”, “B=0ff”. ❷ Set the DATA switches ● This method excites a single winding each time. The step angle movement is 1.8 degrees. It is not popular to use because of the low torque generated. on ◀ ◀ Full-step drive (2 phase drive): This method excites off two windings each time. H button. ❸ Push the START/SET ● The step angle movement is ◀If ●the red LEDs of A and B are turned on, and A and B turned off, the controller memorizes the data correctly. (The inputted data is set when the START/SET H button is pushed) ● Next, set the STEP No.● E dial to position “1” and set the DATA switches ● B to “A=off”,“B=on”, “A=on”, “B=off” and push the START/SET ● H button. Set the data like this from step number “0” to “7” according to the table below. The motor’s full excitation sequence is now input into the controller. 1.8 degrees. It is a popular method of driving the 2 phase stepping motor. Half-step drive (1-2 phase drive): This method excites one and two windings alternatively. The step angle movement is 0.9 degree. It drives the stepping motor STEP No. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 smoother than the full-step drive Phase A on off off on on off off on because of the smaller half step Phase B on on off off on on off off angle motion. Phase A off on on off off on on off Phase B off off on on off off on on 3) Let’s drive the motor after you complete the setting of the sequence data. D to position 5. (jog) ❶ Set the MODE ● H button. ❷ Push the START/SET ● The motor’s disk rotates and ●red LEDs of the excitation monitor ● C are turned on sequentially step-by-step by pushing the button ● H. The direction of disk rotation is changed by the CW/CCW ● G switch. 14 C ● A ● B ● J ● H D ● G● ● E ● 5-2 Let’s drive the motor touching the disk with your fingers. ● Experiment 6 Connect the plug to the Jack ● J . Demo drive 3 D to position 3. (demo 3) ❶ Set the MODE ● H button. ❷ Push the START/SET ● The disk rotates as follows. CW 1.5 rotations – stop for 1 second – CCW 2.5 rotations Demo drive 4 D to position 4. (demo 4) ❶ Set the MODE ● H button. ❷ Push the START/SET ● The disk rotates as follows. CW 1.5 rotations – stop for 1 second – CCW 2.5 rotations Probably you noted “why the smoothness is different between the demo drive 1 and 2 even if they move in the same way?” in your notebook. You felt that the demo drive 4 is smoother than the demo drive 3. The reason is the difference of step angle between half step and full step. The drive data is shown in the table on page 23 for your reference. QUESTION ● Question 7 Make the timing chart of the half step sequences. Then drive the motor by setting and then sending the half step data sequence to the controller. STEP No. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Phase A Phase B Phase A Phase B ● Question 8 Make the excitation sequence as follows without changing the CW/CCW ● G switch. Drive 7.2 degree in a CW direction and 7.2 degree in a CCW direction by 1.8 degrees when you push the START/SET ● H button each time. Then drive the motor by inputting the data to the controller and energizing the drive. STEP No. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Phase A Phase B Phase A You can understand that the stepping motor moves as a function of the excitation sequence. Actually, the microprocessor or logic circuits in the driver control the sequence, so we usually do not care about the sequence. Phase B It is easy for us to give only the pulse sequences to the driver. But your knowledge about the sequence helps you to apply stepping motors to wider fields. 15 6 Continuous drive Let’s drive continuously 1) Pull off the plug of the battery holder from the jack ● J on the controller. And insert the plug to jack ● J again after approximately five seconds. The data that you made a little while ago will be erased. Load the data, which the controller contains from the original operation. (This kind of operation is called “reset”) 2) Set the MODE ● D to position 6. (continuous) ● Experiment 7 Turn the SPEED potentiometer ● F in a CCW direction until it stops. Push the START/SET ● H button. The disk will start rotating. Push the START/SET ● H button again. The disk will stop moving. This mode 6 operates the motor in continuous drive from the first push to the second push of the START/SET ● H button. Try to drive the motor by changing the SPEED potentiometer ● F . You will find the motor can be driven at a lower speed, but cannot be driven at a higher speed. (The speed range of the controller is 20Hz to 1040Hz.) ● Experiment 8 Turn the SPEED potentiometer ● F in the CCW direction until it stops. Push the START/SET ● H button. Turn the SPEED potentiometer ● F in the CW direction slowly. Speed of the disk will increase slowly. Then the disk will stop moving with shaft vibration when reaching a certain speed. It is called “Lose steps condition”. The maximum speed where it still rotates smoothly is called “Maximum slewing pulse rate” ● Experiment 9 Next, turn the SPEED potentiometer ● F in the CCW direction very slowly. The disk will begin to rotate smoothly. You will feel a torque until the disk stops by touching the disk with your finger. Push the START/SET ● H button. The disk will stop. Push the START/SET ● H button again. The disk will again start rotating smoothly. The maximum speed at which the motor starts and stops immediately is called “Maximum starting pulse rate” Turn the SPEED potentiometer ● F in the CW direction very slightly until it loses steps. Push the START/SET ● H button. The disk will stop. Push the START/ SET ● H button again. The disk will not start to rotate smoothly. It will oscillate erratically. The speed setting needs to be reduced, the stepping motor started and the speed to be gradually increased to achieve this condition again. The area of speed range that can immediately start and stop a stepping motor is called the “Start-stop region”. The area of speed range that can rotate by increasing the motor speed from lower speeds is called the “Slew range”. The method of driving a motor with increasing and decreasing speeds is called the “ Slew up and down method”. 16 COLUMN Temperature of the stepping motor There is no torque developed when exciting the phase A and A together because both magnetic fluxes are opposed to each other, however there are still losses created by the current in the windings. This condition causes an abnormal temperature rise in the motor. It is same with the B and B phases. Do not set that sequence. It is not good for the motor’s safe operation. The motor heats up due to the copper winding and iron losses within the step motor. The allowable maximum temperature of the motor depends on the material used in the motor. The allowed maximum temperature of a normal stepping motor is 130°C (266°F). The differential between the temperature of inside the motor and outside housing is about 30°C (86° F). Therefore the allowed maximum temperature of the motor housing is 100°C (212°F). The motor is safe when the temperature is 100°C (212°F) or lower. However, it is a dangerous temperature for us. Please do not touch operating motors in the field. The motor in this kit is a special motor that weakens the power to achieve a safer lower temperature rise. The temperature rise of the motor of this kit is 15°C (59°F). It becomes 40°C (104°F) when using the room temperature 25°C (77°F). 7 Positioning drive J ● H F ● D ● G● ● Let’s try the positioning drive using return mode! The positioning or index drive commands the number of pulses to the driver. Unfortunately, this kit cannot drive the motor by setting the number of pulses, because the controller does not furnish the extra switches and displays to set the number of pulses. But, the controller manages the number of pulses in itself, so you can experience a positioning drive another way. 1) Pull off the plug from the jack ● D J and set the MODE ● to position 4. After 5 second, connect the plug to the jack ● J . (data reset) 2) Turn the SPEED potentiometer ● F in the CCW direction until it stops. ● Experiment 10 D to position 5. (jog mode) ❶ Set the MODE ● H button repeatedly and count ❷ Push the START/SET ● the number of pushes. You can push the button as you like, for example 50 times. The disk rotates following the number of pulses. D to position 7. (return mode) ❸ Set the MODE ● Push the START/SET ● H button. Then the disk returns to the initial position by rotating in the opposite direction. The drive speed of this action is set by the SPEED potentiometer ● F . The theory of this action is follows. The controller memorizes the number and direction when you manually push the button while driving the motor. When the mode is changed to position 7 (return mode), the controller commands the motor drive with the same number of pulses that is stored in the controller memory to rotate in the opposite direction. ● Experiment 11 D to position 6. (continuous mode) ❶ Set the MODE ● H button, then push the START/ ❷ Push the START/SET ● SET ● H button again whenever you like. The disk will start rotating and will stop. D to position 7. (return mode) ❸ Set the MODE ● Push the START/SET ● H button. The disk will rotate in the opposite direction and stop at the initial starting position. ● Experiment 12 Try a complex driving scheme using the CW/CCW ● G switch and the MODE ● D dial position 5 (jog mode) and position 6. (continuous mode) You can change the switch and the dial when the motor is at standstill. Drive the motor using these switches and dials freely. After that, set the MODE ● D to position 7 (return mode), and push the START/SET ● H button. The disk will rotate back to the initial position quickly. As you learned in ● Experiment 10, 11 and 12, the stepping motor can move correctly by counting pulses. The controller of this kit can memorize ±8388608 pulses. COLUMN The patterns of pulses for driving the stepping motor in specific motion profiles. ●Rectangular profile : The method of driving within the Start-stop region. An easy and simple way to create pulse patterns. ●Trapezoidal profile : The method to drive over a wide range of speeds including slew range.It is essential technology to effectively drive the stepping motor in many applications. Rectangular Profile Trapezoidal Profile Trapezoidal Profile Rectangular Profile Muximum Pulse Speed Acceleration Pulse Speed Starting Pulse Speed Pulse Number Time Time Pulses(image) Deceleration Pulse Number Pulses(image) 17 8 Basic characteristics of stepping motor The main two characteristics of the stepping motor Let’s study the two main characteristics of the stepping motor by making use of your experience up to now. If you want to know additional information, please visit our web site. COLUMN What is torque? 8-1 Static characteristic Torque vs. Position (θ-T) characteristics ● Experiment 13 Turn the disk with your fingers when the motor is at standstill while power on. You have already experienced this in experiment 1. The shaft disk returns to the initial position when moving within a ±particular angle by an external power such as your fingers. The disk does not return when moved beyond a ±particular angle. How many degrees is this particular angle? The Figure-8 shows the characteristic plot of torque vs. position. There is zero torque when the motor stops in its stable position with no external force. Increasing the distance from this initial stable position by external force, a restoring torque is also increasing up to 1.8 degrees. Then this restoring torque decreases towards 3.6 degrees. The torque is zero when the position reaches 3.6 degrees again. The torque increases in the opposite direction when the distance(s) is over 3.6 degrees. The profile of the torque vs. position plot is nearly a sinusoidal curve. So, the disk on the shaft can return to the initial position from the distance within ±1.8 degrees. Try to analyze why the disk behaves so using the model paper. トルク Torque Figure-8 Motors are used as power sources to move something instead of using human beings. The power to move an object in linear motion is called “Force”, and the power to rotate an object is called “Torque”. The unit of torque is Nm (Newton-meters) that means the force at the circumference of the radius of a one-meter circle. Question: Do you know which force is bigger when using the same motors of one Nm torque with two different size wheels on the ground? A:20cm outer diameter wheel B:60cm outer diameter wheel 18 TH Stable Equilibrium 安定点 Position -3.6 -1.8 Unstable Equilibrium 不安定点 Position 0 +1.8 +3.6 +5.4 +7.2 Angle 角度 -TH ●The position that the motor stopped with zero torque is called “ Stable equilibrium position”. ●The maximum torque when the disk (rotor) is at the 1.8 degrees position is called “Holding torque”. ●To move over 3.6 degrees creates an unstable force that leads to “ Losing steps”. ●The torque that occurs at a standstill condition without power is called “ Detent torque” or “ Residual torque”. The feeling of low uneven torque at experiment 1 is this torque. The value of this torque is around 5% of the holding torque. COLUMN How the “TIM” signal used. When we use a stepping motor, it needs to recognize the machine’s “home position” at first, because the stepping motor system is an incrementally controlled system. The methods to recognize the home position are as follows. 1) Use a limit switch in the machine. But a limit switch (mechanical or electrical) is not very accurate. 2) Use a photo switch to realize which stable equilibrium position the motor stops by installing a disk with a 7.2 degree wide slit on the motor shaft. But the photo switch is not more accurate than one step angle (1.8°). 3) Use the “TIM” signal from the driver logic. The “TIM” signal is out when the excitation sequence is step “0”. The width of TIM signal is 1.8 degrees in full-step sequence and 0.9 degrees in half-step sequence. We can attain the motor position within 1.8 degrees with the electrical and-logic settings of 1) and 2) and 3). Driver ドライバ Motor トセンサ モーター Photoフォ Sensor 駆動機構 Limit Switch リミットスイ ッチ TIM信号 TIM Signal Drive Mechanism 幅のばらつきは大きい The position varies widely Limitトスイ Switch リミッ ッチ Rotating 回転位置position Photo Sensor フォ トセンサ TIM Signal TIM信号 Width 7.2 degrees or less 幅7.2° 以下 幅1.8° Width 1.8 degrees このポイントで止めると When stopping at this 1.8°以下の精度で point, the home position 動作原点を決める ことができる can be set the accuracy 1.8 degrees or less. 19 8-2 Dynamic characteristics Speed vs. Torque (F-T) characteristics ● Experiment 14 D setting 6 (continuous Let’s drive the motor by MODE ● mode). Touch and brake the disk movement with your fingers until the disk is stopped. Does the torque vary depending on the speed when stopping the disk? The speed vs. torque characteristics of a stepping motor is a very simple vertical line. The speed of a stepping motor is not changed when changing the load because a stepping motor is a synchronous motor. It supports an increasing load until the motor pulls out of synchronous speed and drops to zero speed. The torque when the motor loses synchronism is called “ Pull out torque” at the indicated speed. We used to make the chart as stepping motor speed vs. torque that shows the near horizontal line that connects each pull out torque at various speeds. The shape of a stepping motor torque vs. speed or frequency plot is a family of vertical plots or lines that are traditionally shown by connecting the maximum pull out torque values in a descending horizontal line. All motor types except the stepping motor do follow a descending horizontal line as speed or frequency increases, for example a DC motor. The torque where speed is zero is called “Holding torque”. The speed where torque is zero is called “Maximum slewing pulse rate“. You should take the following into consideration when using a stepping motor. 1) Maximum start-stop pulse rate Stepping motors cannot start over a certain speed as you learned in experiment 9. The maximum start-stop speed when the load is zero is called “ Maximum starting pulse rate”. The maximum torque that can be developed when the motor starts at each speed is called the “Pull in torque”. You have to use a trapezoidal speed vs. time drive profile when using a stepping motor at high speed and high torque by starting at lower pull in torque ranges and gradually increasing the speed into the pull out torque range. 2) Resonance The motor drives smoothly over all ranges in this kit when the torque is set to lower values. But, if you want to achieve maximum output power for commercial products, there are some points that one cannot drive smoothly due to vibration problems. This phenomenon is called “Resonance”. You should avoid using that area of the torque vs. speed range. The solution is to use a mechanical damper or change the motor system from a 2 phase to a 5 phase stepping motor. Figure-9 Torque TH Family of Muximum Torque Muximum Slewing Pulse Rate Start-Stop Region Speed Muximum Start-Stop Pulse Rate 20 Damper 9 COLUMN How to use the “BUSY” signal. The stepping motor stops with over-shoot and under-shoot in the same way as any other types of motors. The time during the oscillation period is called the “Settling Time”. You should start the next motion after the oscillations have ceased. Some controllers have the “BUSY” signal that is output from start of the pulse to 0.1 second after the end of pulses. The “BUSY” signal means that the motor is still moving and not at zero speed. You can start the next action immediately after seeing the end of “BUSY” signal. Let’s play roulette! This kit include program for roulette. Let’s play with roulette at the end of this learning process. 1) Put the sticker of the roulette pattern on the rotating disk, and also put the triangle indication mark or another method to point at the number on the rotating disk. 2) Set the MODE ● D dial to position 9. Set the STEP No.● E dial to position 0. 3) Push the START/SET ● H button. The disk starts rotating. COLUMN Why the torque decreases when speed goes higher. The relation of torque and current is proportional. To drive the stepping motor, it is necessary to change the current to the windings sequentially. That means alternating current is input into the motor windings. You will understand how the value of current into the coil changes depending on the frequency. After some time, push the START/SET ● H button again. The disk will stop randomly. Therefore we cannot control the stopping position. Please create this motion profile application to play yourself. Congratulations! You have finished the STEP-MASTER LKS-1 successfully. You have learned the basic motion technology of the stepping motor using this kit. Next step, please locate and learn an application using commercial products. 21 10 Answers ● Question 1 ● Question 6 It rotates 1.8 degrees. Please think about the following when It is possible to excite 1 and 2 phase Let’s try to do this with the paper model. using the paper model. Which way creates alternately. When phase A is excited, the center teeth more torque, Wave Drive or Full-step Drive? Let’s make sure with the paper model. of phase A and one teeth of rotor face each The hint is in the facing line length of the other, the center teeth of phase B and one teeth of the rotor and the teeth of excited teeth of rotor is shifted by a quarter pitch phase. Also note that in a wave drive only of teeth. Next, excite phase B, the center 25% of the windings are energized , while teeth of phase B and one teeth of rotor 50% of the windings are energized in a 2 face each other after a short move. phase drive. The angle of this movement is a quarter pitch of rotor teeth. One pitch of rotor teeth ● Question 3 is 1/50 of one revolution. So, a quarter pitch Twenty times per one second. is 1/200 of one revolution. You should push the button 200 times in ● Question 7 That is 360/200 degrees, which equals 1.8 10 seconds because the motor rotates 1.8 Please compare the table and the timing degrees. Generally, the equation of step degrees per one pulse. It means 20 times chart of ● Question 6. angle of stepping motor is as follows. in one second. This is impossible for us. It You can easily establish the sequence data needs an electrical controller, for example, from timing chart immediately. θ=360/2nZ θ: step angle n:number of phase Z:number of rotor teeth computer, PLC, etc. ● Question 4 The area that is the exciting phase moves right down in the sequence chart when rotating in the CW direction. The case of CCW, the area of the exciting 1pitch 7.2° 1/4 pitch 1.8° phase moves right up. Let’s make sure with the paper model. Phase A ● Question 2 Put the current into the A phase winding. Phase B Phase A Phase B Let’s try to do this with the paper model you have seen from question 1. Putting ● Question 5 the current into A phase next to B phase Draw the sequence chart for a 2 phase causes the motor movement to CW by 1.8 excitation pattern. degrees. Let’s make sure with the paper model. Therefore, when driving in the CW direction, The position of the rotor stopping is in the we have to excite A-B-A-B one after another middle of phase A and phase B. sequentially. This way of exciting the motor windings Phase A is called a “Wave Drive” or “1-phase Phase B Drive”. But this sequence is inefficient. It is popular to drive the step motor by exciting two phases at once, it’s called “Full-step Drive” or “2-phase Drive”. 22 Phase B Phase A Phase B STEP No. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Phase A on off off off off off on on Phase B on on on off off off off off Phase A off off on on on off off off Phase B off off off off on on on off ● Question 8 There are two ways to drive the stepping motor by using the wave drive or full-step drive. Do you understand that the stepping motor can move continuously only by changing the sequence and not switching direction? Actually, the method is seldom used in today’s machines, but the knowledge helps you to expand applications. Wave drive too. By exciting B phase after exciting A phase the motor moves 1.8 degrees as Phase A Phase A Phase B STEP No. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Phase A on off off off on off off off Phase B off on off off off off off on Phase A off off on off off off on off Phase B off off off on off on off off Full-step drive STEP No. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Phase A on off off on on on off off Phase B on on off off on off off on Phase A off on on off off off on on Phase B off off on on off on on off 11 Specifications ● Specifications ● Dimensions Item Dimentions Specification Unit around 305×225×60 mm around 1 kg DC 6 V Mass Rated Voltage KIT Rated Input Current 0.5 A around 3 Hour Ambient Temperature 0 ~ 40(32 ~ 104) °C(°F) Number of Phases 2 Life of Battery Step Angle 1.8 Holding Torque MOTOR Rotor Inertia Temperature Rise CONTROLLER ● Motor degree 0.1 Nm 3.5×10 -6 kg・m2 around 15(59) °C(°F) Inertia of Disk 35×10 -6 kg・m2 Inner Voltage DC 4 〜 5 V Excitation Method ( Unit : mm ) 80 Unipoler Const. Voltage Pulse Speed 20 〜 1040 Number of RTN Pulses ±8388608 Hz 102 ● Function of the MODE switch Position Symbol Drive Mode 1 DEMO 1 Demo 1 2 DEMO 2 Demo 2 3 DEMO 3 Demo 3 4 DEMO 4 Demo 4 5 JOG Jog Drive 6 SCAN Continuous Drive 7 RTN Return Drive 8 DATA Input the Sequence Data 9 ROULETTE Roulette 0 DRIVER Driver 71 ● Controller DEMO No. Data of Drive 92 ● Data of the DEMO drive Method of Excitation DEMO 1 (CW 200Hz 50pulses, Stop 0.2seconds)×8, Stop 1second,CCW 300Hz 400pulses Full-step drive DEMO 2 CW 1Hz 10pulses,CCW 1Hz 10pulses Full-step drive DEMO 3 CW 100Hz 300pulses,Stop 1second, CCW 200Hz 500pulses Full-step drive DEMO 4 CW 200Hz 600pulses,Stop 1second, CCW 400Hz 1000pulses Half-step drive 120 31 23 ORIENTAL MOTOR U.S.A. CORP. http// Technical Support Tel (800)468-3982 E-mail [email protected] ORIENTAL MOTOR (EUROPA) GmbH http// Customer Center Tel 00800 22 55 66 22 E-mail [email protected] SINGAPORE ORIENTAL MOTOR PTE LTD http// Customer Support Centre Tel 1800-8420280 E-mail [email protected] July 2011 Printed in Japan Printed May in 2012 Japan