Universidad Tecnológica de Querétaro
Universidad Tecnológica de Querétaro
Universidad Tecnológica de Querétaro Digitally signed by Universidad Tecnológica de Querétaro DN: CN = Universidad Tecnológica de Querétaro, C = MX, O = UTEQ Date: 2004.12.16 10:05:23 -06'00' UNIVERSIDAD TECNOLÓGICA DE QUERÉTARO Voluntad. Conocimiento. Servicio IMPLEMENTAR UN INDICADOR DIGITAL (LCD) A LA MÁQUINA ENVASADORA DE BOLIS JAM GELATINAS, BOLIS Y POLIETILENO Reporte de Estadía para obtener el Título de Técnico Superior Universitario en Electrónica y Automatización NOMBRE DEL ASESOR DE EMPRESA: CHRISTIAN BUENO SANTILLÁN NOMBRE DEL ASESOR DE LA ESCUELA: FABIO TOMÁS MORENO ORTIZ NOMBRE DEL ALUMNO: ISRAEL BARBOSA ORTIZ Santiago de Querétaro, Qro Agosto de 2004 OFICIO DE AUTORIZACION. 3 DEDICATORIAS Este trabajo no hubiera sido posible sin la colaboración de todas aquellas personas (familiares, amigos y profesores) que me apoyaron durante su realización, por lo que les estoy muy agradecido y les dedico afectuosamente este reporte. A quienes confiaron en mis estudios y me alentaron hasta lograr terminarlos. A mis papás y hermanos, por haberme dado la oportunidad de dar un paso más adelante en mis estudios. A mis tíos Roxana y Jesús, por darme el apoyo moral y económico necesario para poder terminar esta etapa de estudio en mi vida. A todos ellos muchas gracias. 4 ÍNDICE Pág. INTRODUCCIÓN------------------------------------------------------------------8 CAPÍTULO I.- ASPECTOS GENERALES DE LA EMPRESA-----------------------9 1.1 Antecedentes de la empresa-----------------------------------------------------------------10 1.2 Misión------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10 1.3 Visión------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 1.4 Política de calidad---------------------------------------------------------------------------11 1.5 Organización----------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 1.6 Campo de desarrollo nacional--------------------------------------------------------------13 1.7 Proceso general de producción-------------------------------------------------------------13 CAPÍTULO II.- EL PROYECTO------------------------------------------------------------15 2.1 Antecedentes-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------16 2.2 Definición del proyecto-----------------------------------------------------------------------16 2.3 Objetivo-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16 2.4 Alcance-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16 CAPÍTULO III.- PLAN DE TRABAJO----------------------------------------------------17 3.1 Separación de actividades-------------------------------------------------------------------18 3.2 Secuencia de actividades--------------------------------------------------------------------19 3.3 Asignación de tiempos-----------------------------------------------------------------------20 3.4 Gráfica de Gantt------------------------------------------------------------------------------21 CAPÍTULO IV.- MARCO TEÓRICO------------------------------------------------------23 4.1 ¿Qué es un microcontrolador?--------------------------------------------------------------24 4.1.1 Un poco de historia------------------------------------------------------------------------24 4.1.2 Diferencia entre microprocesador y microcontrolador--------------------------------25 5 Pág 4.1.3 Ventajas de un microcontrolador frente a un microprocesador-----------------------26 4.1.4 Los microcontroladores hoy en día-------------------------------------------------------27 4.1.5 Tipos de arquitecturas de un microcontrolador.----------------------------------------28 4.2 Pantalla de cristal líquido (LCD).-----------------------------------------------------------30 4.2.1 Los caracteres del LCD--------------------------------------------------------------------31 4.2.2 Principio de funcionamiento del LCD---------------------------------------------------32 4.2.3 Diversidad de módulos LCD--------------------------------------------------------------34 4.2.4 Tipos de memorias del LCD---------------------------------------------------------------34 4.2.5 Características principales-----------------------------------------------------------------36 4.2.6 Descripción de pines------------------------------------------------------------------------37 4.2.7 Tensiones máximas-------------------------------------------------------------------------38 4.2.8 Características eléctricas------------------------------------------------------------------38 4.3 Juegos de instrucciones-----------------------------------------------------------------------39 4.3.1 Comando de borrar display (LCD)-------------------------------------------------------39 4.3.2 Dirección de la memoria DD RAM------------------------------------------------------39 4.3.3 Comando de lectura BUSY FLAG-------------------------------------------------------40 4.3.4 Comando de escritura en la memoria CG O DD RAM--------------------------------40 4.3.5 Comando de lectura de la memoria CG O DD RAM---------------------------------41 4.4 Esquema del PIC16F84----------------------------------------------------------------------41 4.4.1 PIC16F84------------------------------------------------------------------------------------42 4.4.2 Características periféricas------------------------------------------------------------------42 4.4.3 Características especiales para el microcontrolador------------------------------------43 4.4.4 Tecnología CMOS--------------------------------------------------------------------------43 4.4.5 Descripción general-------------------------------------------------------------------------44 4.4.6 Descripción de pines------------------------------------------------------------------------45 4.4.7 Set de 35 instrucciones---------------------------------------------------------------------46 CAPÍTULO V.- DESARROLLO DEL PROYECTO-------------------------------------48 5.1 Antecedentes-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------49 6 Pág 5.2 Elaboración de una fuente de 5 V-----------------------------------------------------------49 5.2.1 Ensamble de componente en la tarjeta---------------------------------------------------50 5.3 Elaboración del circuito electrónico del microcontrolador (PIC16F84)---------------50 5.3.1 Ensamble de los componentes en la tarjeta----------------------------------------------51 5.4 Programa para el microcontrolador PIC16F84 -------------------------------------------52 5.5 Reductor de tensión---------------------------------------------------------------------------54 5.6 Ensamble de las tarjetas en la máquina envasadora de bolis----------------------------54 5.6.1 Cableado en la máquina envasadora de bolis-------------------------------------------55 CAPÍTULO VI.- EVALUACIÓN ECONÓMICA----------------------------------------56 6.1 Evaluación económica------------------------------------------------------------------------57 CAPÍTULO VII.- RESULTADOS OBTENIDOS-----------------------------------------59 7.1 Resultados cumplidos------------------------------------------------------------------------60 CONCLUSIONES-------------------------------------------------------------------------------61 Conclusión-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------62 BIBLIOGRAFÍA---------------------------------------------------------------------------------63 Bibliografía-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------64 ANEXOS-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------65 Programa del microcontrolador-------------------------------------------------------------------Diagrama eléctrico del sistema mínimo y PCB (microcontrolador)--------------------------Diagrama eléctrico y PCB de la fuente de 5 volts----------------------------------------------Hojas de datos del indicador digital (LCD)------------------------------------------------------Hojas de datos del microcontrolador--------------------------------------------------------------- 7 INTRODUCCIÓN El presente trabajo está dirigido a todas aquellas personas que estén interesadas sobre el conocimiento e interpretación de los aspectos más importantes referentes a los microcontroladores y el indicador digital (LCD). Para la elaboración de este trabajo se requirió de un trabajo de investigación, documentado en fuentes bibliográficas que recogen estudios especializados sobre microcontroladores e indicadores digitales (LCD). Para introducirse en el mundo de los microcontroladores es necesario partir de la definición de lo que son un microcontrolador y un indicador digital (LCD): Un microcontrolador es un dispositivo electrónico capaz de llevar a cabo procesos lógicos. Estos procesos o acciones son programados en lenguaje ensamblador por el usuario, y son introducidos al microcontrolador a través de un programador. Así como se abarcaran unas de sus principales características y tipos de arquitectura de un microcontrolador. El indicador digital también conocido como pantalla de cristal líquido o LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) es un dispositivo microcontrolador de visualización gráfico para la presentación de caracteres, símbolos o incluso dibujos (en algunos modelos), en este caso dispone de 2 filas de 16 caracteres cada una y cada carácter dispone de una matriz de 5x8 puntos. Este indicador digital (LCD) se aplicará en la máquina envasadora de bolis que está dentro de la empresa, la cual no tiene con que visualizar de una manera rápida en que modo de operación se encuentra (automático, doble efecto y semiautomático), por ello se elaboró este trabajo para permitirle al operador visualizar en que modo de operación se encuentra la máquina. 8 CAPÍTULO I ASPECTOS GENERALES DE LA EMPRESA 9 1.1 Antecedentes de la empresa JAM es una microempresa que se ubica en el Estado de Querétaro, en la calle Hidalgo #56, en la colonia San José de los Olvera del Municipio Corregidora. La historia de JAM comienza en 1986 por el señor Jaime Solís Gutiérrez, quien fue incorporado al negocio de bolis por un conocido. La empresa contaba solamente con 3 integrantes y con una máquina envasadora de bolis que era de pedales. En ese entonces diariamente preparaban 5 litros de cada sabor de bolis (piña, fresa, limón, uva y naranja). La primera venta grande que tuvo la empresa fue de 14 paquetes, y para dar a conocer su producto implementaron la venta personal que era tienda por tienda. Después se tomó la decisión de visitar también dulcerías, en las que se llegó a vender hasta 100 paquetes. Después de analizar la situación, se buscó la manera de vender directamente al consumidor final. Por tal motivo, empezaron a asistir a tianguis, y las ventas fueron satisfactorias. Esto fue lo que motivó aún más a que las ventas se realizaran en los tianguis. La segunda máquina que se creó para el llenado de los bolis era de 5 tubos, uno para cada sabor. Para tener un gasto menor en la compra de bolsas para la elaboración de los bolis, se produjo una máquina rudimentaria de fabricación de polietileno tubular, la cual producía 20 kgs, cada 16 horas. Actualmente la empresa cuenta con una máquina envasadora productora de bolis automática de 10 tubos. Un aspecto muy sobresaliente de esta microempresa es que el señor Jaime Solís está fabricando sus propias máquinas, lo cual hace posible que se estén vendiendo máquinas productoras de bolis automáticas o semiautomáticas en diversos lugares de la república, como Monterrey, Morelia y varios más. 1.2 Misión Ser una empresa productora de insumos de consumo final para los mercados alimenticios y consumidores con excelente calidad a un precio competitivo, todo esto a través de tecnología propia atendiendo las necesidades del mercado. 10 1.3 Visión Que la empresa JAM sea conocida en el ámbito nacional compitiendo con las mejores empresas en su género, innovando tecnología para un desarrollo constante y duradero. 1.4 Política de calidad Ofrecer un producto o servicio, cuidando los aspectos más importantes para que el cliente o consumidor quede satisfecho. 1.5 Organización En el siguiente organigrama se presenta la organización de los departamentos de la empresa JAM gelatinas, bolis y polietileno. GERENTE GENERAL CONTABILIDAD ADMINISTRACIÓN FINANZAS PRODUCCIÓN SISTEMAS MANTENIMIENTO COMPRAS VENTAS Figura 1.1. Organigrama de JAM. 11 Gerente general: Responsable de coordinar y llevar el buen funcionamiento de cada uno de los departamentos que constituyen a la empresa. Departamento de contabilidad: Encargado de tener en orden toda la contabilidad de la empresa, además de hacer las declaraciones fiscales correspondientes ante la Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público, así como verificar y controlar los ingresos y egresos de la empresa. Departamento de finanzas: Se verifica constantemente el capital con el que cuenta la empresa. Se hacen los presupuestos para los planes que desea llevar a cabo la empresa. Se determina el presupuesto para cada departamento. Departamento de sistemas: Se desarrollan todos los programas para analizar y facilitar las operaciones que realice cada departamento, tales como entradas y salidas de mercancías del almacén, facturación, nómina, corte de caja y control de ventas. Departamento de producción: La empresa produce 3 diferentes productos: Polietileno bolis y gelatinas, de estos dos últimos se producen 5 sabores diferentes. El departamento es responsable de tener la producción diaria, así como de verificar que el producto esté en buenas condiciones y de informar la falta de materia prima al departamento de compras. Departamento de mantenimiento: Es el encargado de mantener en buen estado y en condiciones constantes de trabajo las máquinas utilizadas en producción. Departamento Administrativo: Es responsable de administrar los recursos de la empresa y se encarga de los sueldos del personal. 12 Departamento de compras: Se encarga de abastecer a los demás departamentos de la empresa así como de evaluar a los proveedores que surten de materiales a cada departamento. Departamento de ventas: Es responsable de tener un control sobre las ventas de todas las áreas de producción. Cada mes entrega gráficas de las ventas de los bolis y gelatinas. 1.6 Campo de desarrollo nacional La empresa JAM ha tenido un importante desenvolvimiento comercial, principalmente en la capital del Estado de Querétaro, pero incluyendo también algunos de sus municipios como Cadereyta, San Juan y Tequisquiapan, y municipios cercanos de otros estados, tales como: San Miguel de Allende y Celaya. Su principal mercado de acción de los bolis y gelatinas está en los niños. Gracias a su desarrollo tecnológico interno, la empresa JAM cuenta con la posibilidad de abastecer la venta de polietileno tubular a otros estados, ya que en la mayoría de estos no se fabrica este tipo de polietileno tubular. 1.7 Proceso general de producción En la empresa JAM, se utiliza un sistema de producción continuo, a pesar de que se tienen altibajos en la venta de algunos productos en las temporadas de invierno o clima frío, lo único que se hace es disminuir la cantidad de determinados productos. Para dar un ejemplo más claro de los pasos a seguir en la producción se muestra el siguiente diagrama de bloques. 13 VERIFICACIÓN DE LA CALIDAD DE MATERIA PRIMA RECEPCIÓN DE MATERIA PRIMA ENVASADO DE LÍQUIDO EMPACADO DE BOLIS CLASIFICACIÓN DE BOLIS PREPARACIÓN DE LÍQUIDO DE BOLIS VERIFICACIÓN DE CALIDAD DE BOLIS ALMACENAMIENTO DE PRODUCTO TERMINADO Figura 1.2. Proceso general de producción. 14 CAPÍTULO II EL PROYECTO 15 2.1 Antecedentes La máquina envasadora de bolis actual no cuenta con un dispositivo que muestre los diferentes modos de manejo: automática, automático doble y semiautomática. Por este motivo se llegó a la conclusión de que es necesario implementar un indicador digital, para que el operador vea de manera inmediata en qué posición se encuentra la máquina. 2.2 Definición del proyecto Implementar un indicador (LCD) a la máquina envasadora de bolis. La función principal que tendrá este indicador es mostrar en una pantalla el modo de operación en la que se encuentra la máquina envasadora. 2.3 Objetivo Al implementar este indicador deberá a parecer el modo de operación en la que se encuentra la máquina ya sea automática, automático doble o semiautomática, para que el operador visualice en que modo se encuentra la máquina. 2.4 Alcance Al terminó de la estadía, al cliente se le entregará el indicador digital en funcionamiento, así como toda la documentación referente al indicador y los siguientes programas: el MPL y el programador para PICs, ya que el funcionamiento del indicador se basa en un microcontrolador. 1.- Que el proyecto se acabe en el tiempo esperado tanto teórico como físico. 2.- Entregar las tarjetas al asesor de empresa. 3.- Hacer las pruebas con el sistema mínimo. 4.- Dejar la información necesaria en la empresa para que si algún día quieren implementar el indicador digital en todas sus máquinas que elaboran, sea fácil hacerlo. 5.- El proyecto sea lo más económico para la empresa y que ésta quede satisfecha con el trabajo. 16 CAPÍTULO III PLAN DE TRABAJO 17 3.1 Separación de actividades a) Conocer bien el funcionamiento de la máquina a la cual se le implementará el indicador digital (LCD). b) Buscar información sobre el funcionamiento del indicador digital (LCD). c) Buscar información sobre todas las partes que componen la máquina envasadora de bolis. d) Utilizar el sistema mínimo ya elaborado en la escuela para hacer pruebas con el indicador digital (LCD), antes de realizar el proyecto final. e) Reducir las funciones y hacer el diagrama en OrCAD. f) Mandar a serigrafiar el diagrama del sistema mínimo. g) Hacer la lista del material que llevará el sistema mínimo. h) Hacer presupuesto del costo del material para comprarlo. i) Soldar el material que llevará el sistema mínimo. j) Hacer un reductor de tensión, comprar el material para armarlo y cotizar precios. k) Montar las tarjetas dentro del panel de control de la máquina envasadora de bolis. l) Soldar el material que lleva el reductor de tensión. m) Hacer el diagrama del reductor de tensión en OrCAD. n) Mandar a serigrafiar el diagrama del reductor de tensión. o) Cotizar precios de indicadores digitales (LCDs). p) Hacer el programa para el PIC que lleva el sistema mínimo para el control del LCD. q) Conseguir los programas de: Programador para PIC, MPLAB, OrCAD y Proyect. 18 3.2 Secuencia de actividades 1.- Conocer bien el funcionamiento de la máquina a la cual se le implementará el indicador digital (LCD). 2.- Conseguir los programas de: Programador para PIC, MPLAB, OrCAD y Proyect. 3.- Buscar información sobre el funcionamiento del indicador digital (LCD). 4.- Cotizar precios de indicadores digitales (LCDs). 5.- Buscar información sobre todas las partes que componen la máquina envasadora de bolis. 6.- Hacer el programa para el PIC que lleva el sistema mínimo para el control del LCD. 7.- Utilizar el sistema mínimo ya elaborado en la escuela para hacer pruebas con el indicador digital (LCD), antes de realizar el proyecto final. 8.- Reducir las funciones y hacer el diagrama en OrCAD. 9.- Mandar a serigrafiar el diagrama del sistema mínimo. 10.- Hacer la lista del material que llevará el sistema mínimo. 11.- Hacer presupuesto del costo del material para comprarlo. 12.- Soldar el material que llevará el sistema mínimo. 13.- Hacer un reductor de tensión, comprar el material para armarlo y cotizar precios. 14.- Hacer el diagrama del reductor de tensión en OrCAD. 15.- Mandar a serigrafiar el diagrama del reductor de tensión. 16.- Soldar el material que lleva el reductor de tensión. 17.- Montar las tarjetas dentro del panel de control de la máquina envasadora de bolis. 19 3.3 Asignación de tiempos Tiempo en días Ruta crítica Actividad Actividades Secuencia Estándar Óptimo Medio Pésimo 0 1,2 0 0 0 0 Empresa y proyecto. 1 4 9 10 8 12 Programas. 2 3 7 9 6 10 Información del LCD. 3 5 6 7 6 8 Costo del LCD. 4 5 6 5 7 Máquina. 5 6 17 20 15 22 Programa del PIC. Sistema mínimo. 6 7 7 8,10 5 6 6 7 5 6 7 8 Diseño de sistema. 8 6 7 6 8 Serigrafiar. 9 11 3 4 3 5 Material Sist. Mín. 10 9 1 1 1 1 Costo y comprar material. 11 12 7 9 6 10 Soldar material. 12 13 2 3 2 4 Diagrama de reductor. 13 14 4 5 4 6 Diseño de reductor. 14 15 3 4 3 5 Serigrafiar. 15 16 3 4 3 5 Soldar material. 16 17 2 3 2 4 Montar tarjetas. 17 5 6 5 7 Tabla 3.1 Asignación de tiempos. 20 3.4 Gráfica de Gantt. 21 22 CAPÍTULO IV MARCO TEÓRICO 23 4.1 Microcontrolador ¿Qué es un microcontrolador? Un microcontrolador es un dispositivo electrónico capaz de llevar a cabo procesos lógicos. Estos procesos o acciones son programados en lenguaje ensamblador por el usuario, y son introducidos al microcontrolador a través de un programador. 4.1.1 Un poco de historia Inicialmente cuando no existían los microprocesadores las personas se ingeniaban en diseñar sus circuitos electrónicos y los resultados estaban expresados en diseños que implicaban muchos componentes electrónicos y cálculos matemáticos. Un circuito lógico básico requería de muchos elementos electrónicos basados en transistores, resistencias, etc, lo cual desembocaba en circuitos con muchos ajustes y fallos; pero en el año 1971 apareció el primer microprocesador el cual originó un cambio decisivo en las técnicas de diseño de la mayoría de los equipos. Al principio se creía que el manejo de un microprocesador era para aquellas personas con un coeficiente intelectual muy alto; por el contrario, con la aparición de este circuito integrado todo sería mucho más fácil de entender y los diseños electrónicos serían mucho más pequeños y simplificados. Entre los microprocesadores más conocidos tenemos el popular Z-80 y el 8085. Los diseñadores de equipos electrónicos ahora tenían equipos que podían realizar mayor cantidad de tareas en menos tiempo y su tamaño se redujo considerablemente; sin embargo, después de cierto tiempo aparece una nueva tecnología llamada microcontrolador que simplifica aun más el diseño electrónico. 24 4.1.2 Diferencias entre microprocesador y microcontrolador Si tiene la oportunidad de realizar un diseño con un microprocesador podrá observar que dependiendo del circuito se requieren algunos circuitos integrados adicionales además del microprocesador, como por ejemplo: memorias RAM para almacenar los datos temporalmente y memorias ROM para almacenar el programa que se encarga del proceso del equipo, un circuito integrado para los puertos de entrada y salida y finalmente un decodificador de direcciones. Figura 4.1 Estructura de un sistema abierto basado en un microprocesador. La disponibilidad de los buses en el exterior permite que se configure a la medida de la aplicación. Un microcontrolador es un solo circuito integrado que contiene todos los elementos electrónicos que se utilizaban para hacer funcionar un sistema basado con un microprocesador; es decir contiene en un solo integrado la Unidad de Proceso, la memoria RAM, memoria ROM, puertos de entrada, salidas y otros periféricos, con la consiguiente reducción de espacio. El microcontrolador es en definitiva un circuito integrado que incluye todos los componentes de un computador. Debido a su reducido tamaño es posible montar el 25 controlador en el propio dispositivo al que gobierna. En este caso el controlador recibe el nombre de controlador empotrado. Figura 4.2 El microcontrolador es un sistema cerrado. Todas las partes del procesador están contenidas en su interior y sólo salen al exterior las líneas que gobiernan los periféricos. 4.1.3 Ventajas de un microcontrolador frente a un microprocesador Estas ventajas son reconocidas inmediatamente para aquellas personas que han trabajado con los microprocesadores y después pasaron a trabajar con los microcontroladores. Estas son las diferencias más importantes: Por ejemplo la configuración mínima básica de un microprocesador estaba constituida por un Micro de 40 Pines, Una memoria RAM de 28 Pines, una memoria ROM de 28 Pines y un decodificador de direcciones de 18 pines; pero un microcontrolador incluye todo estos elementos en un solo Circuito Integrado por lo que implica una gran ventaja en varios factores: En el circuito impreso por su amplia simplificación de circuitería, el costo para un sistema basado en microcontrolador es mucho menor y, lo mejor de todo, el tiempo de desarrollo de su proyecto electrónico se disminuye considerablemente. 26 4.1.4 Los microcontroladores hoy en día Los microcontroladores están conquistando el mundo. Están presentes en nuestro trabajo, en nuestra casa y en nuestra vida, en general. Se pueden encontrar controlando el funcionamiento de los ratones y teclados de los computadores, en los teléfonos, en los hornos de microondas y los televisores de nuestro hogar. Pero la invasión acaba de comenzar y el nacimiento del siglo XXI será testigo de la conquista masiva de estos diminutos computadores, que gobernarán la mayor parte de los aparatos que fabricará y usara el ser humano. Cada vez existen más productos que incorporan un microcontrolador con el fin de aumentar sustancialmente sus prestaciones, reducir su tamaño y costo, mejorar su fiabilidad y disminuir el consumo. Algunos fabricantes de microcontroladores superan el millón de unidades de un modelo determinado producidas en una semana. Este dato puede dar una idea de la masiva utilización de estos componentes. Los microcontroladores están siendo empleados en multitud de sistemas presentes en nuestra vida diaria, como pueden ser juguetes, horno de microondas, frigoríficos, televisores, computadoras, impresoras, módems, el sistema de arranque de nuestro coche, etc. Y otras aplicaciones con las que seguramente no estaremos tan familiarizados, como instrumentación electrónica, control de sistemas en una nave espacial, etc. Una aplicación típica podría emplear varios microcontroladores para controlar pequeñas partes del sistema. Estos pequeños controladores podrían comunicarse entre ellos y con un procesador central, probablemente más potente, para compartir la información y coordinar sus acciones, como de hecho ocurre ya habitualmente en cualquier PC. 27 4.1.5 Tipos de arquitecturas de microcontroladores - Arquitectura Von Neumann La arquitectura tradicional de computadoras y microprocesadores está basada en la arquitectura Von Neumann, en la cual la unidad central de proceso (CPU), está conectada a una memoria única donde se guardan las instrucciones del programa y los datos. El tamaño de la unidad de datos o instrucciones está fijado por el ancho del bus que comunica la memoria con la CPU. Así un microprocesador de 8 bits con un bus de 8 bits, tendrá que manejar datos e instrucciones de una o más unidades de 8 bits (bytes) de longitud. Si tiene que acceder a una instrucción o dato de más de un byte de longitud, tendrá que realizar más de un acceso a la memoria. Y el tener un único bus hace que el microprocesador sea más lento en su respuesta, ya que no puede buscar en memoria una nueva instrucción mientras no finalicen las transferencias de datos de la instrucción anterior. Resumiendo todo lo anterior, las principales limitaciones que nos encontramos con la arquitectura Von Neumann son: 1º. La limitación de la longitud de las instrucciones por el bus de datos, que hace que el microprocesador tenga que realizar varios accesos a memoria para buscar instrucciones complejas. 2º. La limitación de la velocidad de operación a causa del bus único para datos e instrucciones que no deja acceder simultáneamente a unos y otras, lo cual impide superponer ambos tiempos de acceso. 28 Figura 4.3 Arquitectura Von Neumann. La arquitectura Harvard tiene la unidad central de proceso (CPU) conectada a dos memorias (una con las instrucciones y otra con los datos) por medio de dos buses diferentes. Una de las memorias contiene solamente las instrucciones del programa (Memoria de Programa), y la otra sólo almacena datos (Memoria de Datos).Ambos buses son totalmente independientes y pueden ser de distintos anchos. Para un procesador de Set de Instrucciones Reducido, o RISC (Reduced Instrucción Set Computer), el set de instrucciones y el bus de memoria de programa pueden diseñarse de tal manera que todas las instrucciones tengan una sola posición de memoria de programa de longitud. Además, al ser los buses independientes, la CPU puede acceder a los datos para completar la ejecución de una instrucción, y al mismo tiempo leer la siguiente instrucción a ejecutar. Ventajas de esta arquitectura: 1º. El tamaño de las instrucciones no esta relacionado con el de los datos, y por lo tanto puede ser optimizado para que cualquier instrucción ocupe una sola posición de memoria de programa, logrando así mayor velocidad y menor longitud de programa. 2º. El tiempo de acceso a las instrucciones puede superponerse con el de los datos, logrando una mayor velocidad en cada operación. Una pequeña desventaja de los procesadores con arquitectura Harvard, es que deben poseer instrucciones especiales para acceder a tablas de valores constantes que pueda ser necesario incluir en los programas, ya que estas tablas se encontrarán físicamente en la memoria de programa (por ejemplo en la EPROM de un microprocesador). 29 Figura 4.4 Arquitectura Harvard. 4.2 Pantalla de cristal líquido (LCD) El indicador digital también conocido como pantalla de cristal líquido o LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) es un dispositivo microcontrolador de visualización gráfico para la presentación de caracteres, símbolos o incluso dibujos (en algunos modelos), en este caso dispone de 2 filas de 16 caracteres cada una y cada carácter dispone de una matriz de 5x8 puntos (pixels), aunque los hay de otro número de filas y caracteres. Este dispositivo esta gobernado internamente por un microcontrolador Hitachi 44780 y regula todos los parámetros de presentación. Este modelo es el más comúnmente usado y esta información se basará en el manejo de este u otro LCD compatible. Figura 4.5 Indicador digital. Para su funcionamiento el indicador digital (LCD), debe estar conectado a un circuito impreso en el que estén integrados los controladores del display y los pines para la conexión del display. Sobre el circuito impreso se encuentra el indicador digital (LCD), rodeado por una estructura metálica que lo protege. En este tipo de indicadores digitales 30 (LCD) se pueden visualizar 2 líneas de 16 caracteres cada una, es decir, 2x16=32 caracteres. 4.2.1 Los caracteres del LCD Dispone de una matriz de 5x8 puntos para representar cada carácter. En total se pueden representar 256 caracteres diferentes. 240 caracteres están grabados dentro del LCD y representan las letras mayúsculas, minúsculas, signos de puntuación, números, etc. Tiene 8 caracteres que pueden ser definidos por el usuario. En la siguiente tabla se muestran los caracteres más importantes que es capaz de representar la pantalla LCD. No están representados los caracteres correspondientes a los códigos desde el $80 hasta el $FF, que corresponden a símbolos extraños. Los códigos comprendidos entre el 0 y el 7 están reservados para que el usuario los defina. Código Carácter Código Carácter Código Carácter Código Carácter Código Carácter Código Carácter $20 $21 $22 $23 $24 $25 $26 $27 $28 $29 $2A $2B $2C $2D $2E $2F espacio ! “ # $ % & ‘ ) ( * + , . / $30 $31 $32 $33 $34 $35 $36 $37 $38 $39 $3A $3B $3C $3D $3E $3F 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? $40 $41 $42 $43 $44 $45 $46 $47 $48 $49 $4A $4B $4C $4D $4E $4F A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O $50 $51 $52 $53 $54 $55 $56 $57 $58 $59 $5A $5B $5C $5D $5E $5F P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ ] ^ - $60 $61 $62 $63 $64 $65 $66 $67 $68 $69 $6A $6B $6C $6D $6E $6F a b c d e f g h i J k l m n o $70 $71 $72 $73 $74 $75 $76 $77 $78 $79 $7A $7B $7C $7D $7E $7F p q r s t u v w x y z { } Tabla 4.1 Caracteres del LCD. 31 4.2.2 Principio de funcionamiento del indicador digital (LCD) Hemos visto que las moléculas de cristal líquido son intrínsecamente anisótropas aunque el desorden en equilibrio térmico da lugar a que un panel lleno de tales moléculas produzca un comportamiento isótropo. Si se aplica un campo eléctrico o, dependiendo del tipo de cristal líquido, si se aumenta la temperatura, las moléculas de cristal líquido se pueden orientar y dar lugar a un comportamiento birrefringente. Una de las aplicaciones de este comportamiento aparece en la formación de imágenes en pantallas de ordenadores, de las calculadoras o en relojes digitales. El principio de funcionamiento es sencillo, y se muestra en la figura 4.6. Las celdillas que forman los números están llenas de moléculas de cristal líquido y conectada a electrodos que permiten activar el campo en unas y no en otras. Las celdas activadas son las que se ven oscuras. De las figuras, se puede inducir que el resto de la radiación que no pasa por las celdas, está linealmente polarizada, dado que con un polarizador podemos llegar a extinguirla. Figura 4.6 Funcionamiento del LCD. En la figura 4.6 se observar que la luz despolarizada pasa a través del primer polarizador y queda polarizada verticalmente. Las celdas de cristal líquido actúan como láminas retardadoras con sus ejes a 450 y se calculan para que produzcan un desfase de p/2. Con ello la luz pasa a ser circularmente polarizada dextrógira. Esta luz se refleja en un espejo por lo que cambia a circular levógira. Pasa de nuevo por la lámina y se produce un nuevo retraso de p/2. En total experimenta un desfase de p. Por lo tanto el campo a girado 900 por lo que no pasa a través del polarizador y no habrá luz a la salida. Las 32 celdas no activadas son isótropas por lo que la luz que pasa por ellas sigue siendo lineal, se refleja manteniéndose lineal y emerge a través del polarizador. En la figura 4.7 se muestra en efecto del campo sobre un panel de moléculas de cristal líquido. Figura 4.7 Efecto de campo. Figura 4.8 Se muestra un panel con los diferentes componentes: polarizadores, cristal líquido y filtro de color para producir imágenes de color. Figura 4.8 Panel con los diferentes componentes. 33 4.2.3 Diversidad de módulos LCD Hay una gran variedad de versiones, clasificadas en dos grupos. En el primer grupo está referido a los módulos LCD de caracteres (solamente se podrá presentar caracteres y símbolos especiales en las líneas predefinidas en el módulo LCD) y el segundo se refiere a módulos matriciales ( se podrán presentar caracteres, símbolos especiales y gráficos). 4.2.4 Tipos de memorias del LCD (Display Data RAM) DD-RAM: Es la memoria encargada de almacenar los caracteres de la pantalla que se están visualizando en ese momento. El display tiene una capacidad de 2 líneas horizontales por 40 caracteres cada una, de los cuales sólo serán visibles 2 líneas de 16 caracteres cada una. La DD RAM tiene un tamaño de 2x40=90 bytes. Una vez conocida la disposición de almacenamiento del display, es fácil pensar en un display de 2 líneas de 40 caracteres sobre el que se desplaza una ventana de 2 líneas por 16 caracteres. Figura 4.9 DD RAM (Display Data RAM). El orden del cuadrante de los caracteres sería empezando de izquierda a derecha, de tal modo que el carácter 1 sería l primero de la izquierda y el 40 sería el de la derecha. Para localizar los caracteres se utilizan dos coordenadas (X, Y) siendo Y el valor vertical 34 entre 1 y 2 y X el valor horizontal (1-40) que indicará el carácter. En la figura anterior, vemos la frase “alumnos de telemática EPSA”, pero en el display sólo muestra “telemática EPSA” que corresponde a los 16 caracteres visibles. Para visualizar toda la información en el display, podremos tratar al recuadro de 2 líneas por 16 caracteres como si se tratara de una ventana móvil. Cuando se inicialice el LCD la pantalla tendría un aspecto como lo muestra la figura 4.10. Figura 4. 10 Ejemplo de DD RAM. CG- RAM: Contiene los caracteres que pueden ser definidos por el usuario. Está formada por 64 posiciones, con direcciones $00-$3F. Cada posición es de 5 bits. La memoria está dividida en 8 bloques que corresponden a los posibles caracteres creados por el usuario, que van del 0 al 7. $00 $07 $08 $0F $10 $17 $18 $1F Carácter 0 $20 $27 Carácter 1 $28 $2F Carácter 2 $30 $37 Carácter 3 $38 $3F 8 Carácter 4 Carácter 5 Carácter 6 Carácter 7 5 bits Tabla 4.2 Caracteres creados por el usuario. 35 4.2.5 Características principales Pantalla de caracteres ASCII, además de los caracteres Kanji y Griegos. Desplazamiento de los caracteres hacia la izquierda o la derecha. Proporciona la dirección de la posición absoluta o relativa del carácter. Memoria de 40 caracteres por línea de pantalla. Movimiento del cursor y cambio de su aspecto. Permite una conexión a un procesador usando un interfaz de 4 u 8 bits el usuario pueda programar 8 caracteres. Para comunicarse con la pantalla LCD podemos hacerlo por medio de sus patitas de entrada de dos maneras posibles, con bus de 4 bits o con bus de 8 bits, este último es el que se explicará. En la siguientes figuras veremos las dos maneras posibles de conexionar el LCD con un PIC16F84. Figura 4.6 Conexionado con bus de 4 bits. 36 Figura 4.7 Conexionado con bus de 8 bits. Como puede apreciarse el control de contraste se realiza al dividir la alimentación de 5V con una resistencia variable de 10K. Las líneas de datos son triestado, esto indica que cuando el LCD no está habilitado sus entradas y salidas pasan a alta impedancia. 4.2.6 Descripción de pines Los pines 1 y 2, son los utilizados para la alimentación del módulo LCD. El pin 3 se utiliza para ajustar el contraste de la pantalla LCD. Por medio de un potenciómetro se regula la intensidad de los caracteres, a mayor tensión mayor intensidad. El pin 4 se utiliza para indicar al bus de datos si la información que le llega es una instrucción o por lo contrario es un carácter. Si RS=0 indicara que en el bus de datos está una instrucción, y si RS=1, indicara que tiene un carácter alfanumérico. El pin 5 es el de escritura o lectura. Si RW=0 el módulo escribe en pantalla el dato que haya en el bus de datos, y si RW=1 leerá lo que hay en el bus de datos. El pin 6 es el indicado de hacer que el módulo LCD funcione, o por lo contrario no acepte órdenes de funcionamiento. Cuando E=0 no se podrá utilizar el display y cuando E=1 se podrán transferir datos y realizar las demás operaciones. 37 Pin # 1 2 3 Símbolo Vss Vdd Vo 4 RS 5 R/W 6 E 7-14 D0-D7 Descripción Tierra de alimentación GND Alimentación de +5V CC Contraste del cristal líquido. ( 0 a +5V ) Selección del registro de control/registro de datos: RS=0 Selección registro de control RS=1 Selección registro de datos Señal de lectura/escritura: R/W=0 Escritura (Write) R/W=1 Lentura (Read) Habilitación del módulo: E=0 Módulo desconectado E=1 Módulo conectado Bus de datos bidireccional. Tabla 4.3 Descripción de los pines del indicador digital (LCD). 4.2.7 Tensiones máximas Descripción Símbolo Mínima Máxima Unidad Alimentación VDD- VSS -0,3 +7 V Tensión LCD VLCD -0,3 +13 V Temperatura de operación TOP 0 +50 °C Intervalo de temperatura -20 +60 °C TST Tabla 4.4 Tensiones máximas del indicador digital (LCD). 4.2.8 Características eléctricas Descripción Símbolo Alimentación (lógica) VDD-VSS Alimentación (LCD) VLCD Entradas de alimentación VIH (VDD=5) Alta Baja VIL (VDD=5) Mínima Estándar Máxima Unidad 4,5 5 5,5 V - 4,7 - V -0,7 VDD - +0,3 VDD V -0,3 - 0,2 VDD Corriente (lógica) IDD (VDD-VSS=5) - 1,6 - mA Corriente (LCD) IEE - 0,44 - mA Tabla 4.5 Características eléctricas del indicador digital (LCD). 38 4.3 Juegos de instrucciones 4.3.1 Comando de borrar DISPLAY ( LCD ) Borra el módulo LCD y coloca el cursor en la primera posición ( dirección 0). Pone el bit I/D a 1 por defecto. RS R/W DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DB0 Los datos que se lean o escriban posteriormente, lo hacen desde esta memoria CG RAM. RS 0 R/W 0 DB7 0 DB6 1 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DB0 Dirección de la CG RAM Tiempo de ejecución: 40µS 4.3.2 Dirección de la memoria DD RAM Los caracteres o datos que se van visualizando, se van almacenando en una memoria llamada DD RAM para de aquí pasar a la pantalla. Mediante esta instrucción se establece la dirección de la memoria DD RAM a partir de la cual se irán almacenando los datos a visualizar. Ejecutando este comando, todos los datos que se escriban o lean posteriormente lo harán desde esta memoria DD RAM. Las direcciones de la 80h a la 8Fh corresponden con los 16 caracteres del primer renglón y de la C0h a la CFh con los 16 caracteres del segundo renglón, para este modelo de LCD. RS 0 R/W 0 DB7 1 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 Dirección de la DD RAM DB2 DB1 DB0 Tiempo de ejecución: 40µS 39 4.3.3 Comando de lectura BUSY FLAG Cuando el módulo LCD está ejecutando cualquiera de estas instrucciones, tarda un cierto tiempo de ejecución en el que no se debe mandar ninguna instrucción. Para ello dispone de un flag llamado BUSY (ocupado) que indica que se está ejecutando una instrucción previa. Esta instrucción de lectura informa del estado de dicho flag, además de proporcionar el valor del contador de direcciones de la CG RAM o de la DD RAM, según la última que se haya empleado. RS 0 R/W 1 DB7 BF DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DB0 Dirección de la CG RAM o DD RAM Tiempo de ejecución: 40µS 4.3.4 Comando de escritura en la memoria CG O DD RAM Mediante este comando se escribe en la memoria DD RAM los datos que se quieren presentar en pantalla, y que serán los diferentes códigos ASCII de los caracteres a visualizar. Igualmente se escribe en la memoria CG RAM los diferentes bytes que permiten confeccionar caracteres gráficos a gusto del usuario. El escribir en uno u otro tipo de memoria depende de si se ha empleado previamente la instrucción de direccionamiento DD RAM, o la de direccionamiento CG RAM. RS 1 R/W 0 DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 Código ASCII o byte del carácter gráfico DB1 DB0 Tiempo de ejecución: 40µS 40 4.3.5 Comando de lectura de la memoria CG O DD RAM Mediante este comando se lee de la memoria DD RAM los datos que haya almacenados y que serán los códigos ASCII de los caracteres almacenados. Igualmente se lee de la memoria CG RAM los diferentes bytes con los que se ha confeccionado un determinado carácter gráfico. El leer de uno u otro tipo de memoria depende de si se ha empleado previamente la instrucción de direccionamiento de la DD RAM, o la de direccionamiento CG RAM. RS 1 R/W 1 DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 Código ASCII o byte del carácter gráfico DB1 DB0 Tiempo de ejecución: 40µS 4.4 Esquema del PIC16F84 Figura 4.7 Descripción del PIC16F84. 41 4.4.1 Recursos fundamentales en el microcontrolador PIC16F84 Conjunto de únicamente 35 instrucciones. Todas las instrucciones se hacen en un ciclo ( 400 ns a 10 MHz ), excepto para el programa principal que son 2 ciclos. Funcionamiento máximo: DC – 10 Hz en entrada de reloj. DC – 400 ns en un ciclo de instrucción. Dispositivo Frecuencia Memoria Máx. Dato Flash CR = ROM RAM EEPROM PIC16F84 1k 68 64 10 MHz Instrucciones de 14 bits de longitud. Datos de 8 bits de longitud. Un registro de 15 funciones especiales para el Hardware. Modos de dirección directa, indirecta y relativa. 4 fuentes de interrupción: - Pin externo RB0/INT. - Desbordamiento del timer 0. - Cambio sobre la interrupción PROTB <7:4>. - Escritura de dato completo de la EEPROM. Una memoria EEPROM de 1,000,000 ciclos, escritura/borrado de datos. Retención de datos (EEPROM) > 40 años. 4.4.2 Características periféricas 13 pines I/O con dirección de control individual. Alta corriente Máximo 25 mA para sink. 42 Máximo 20 mA para la fuente. Timer 0: conteo de tiempo de 8 bits y 8 bits para programar el prescalador. 4.4.3 Características especiales para el microcontrolador Reset al encendido (POR). Tiempo de encendido (PWRT). Iniciar hacia el oscilador del timer (OST). Perro guardián (WDT) con su propio oscilador “on-chip” RC para rehabilitar esta operación. Código de protección. Modo SLEEP. 0pciones selectibles del oscilador. Programable vía serial en 2 pines (dispositivo de soporte ROM y datos programados en EEPROM). 4.4.4 Tecnología CMOS Baja-potencia, alta-velocidad, tecnología CMOS flash/EEPROM. Rangos de tensión de operación: - Comercial: 2 a 6 V. - Industrial: 2 a 6 V. Bajo consumo: - Típico < 2 mA a 5 V, 4 MHz. - Consumo típico de corriente < 1 uA a 2 V. - Típico 15 uA a 2 V, 32 kHz. 43 4.4.5 Descripción general El PIC16F84 pertenece a la familia PIC16CXX de bajo costo, alto desempeño, CMOS, completamente estático, es un microcontrolador de 8 bits. Todos los microcontroladores emplean un arquitectura avanzada RISC. Este dispositivo PIC16CXX tiene, fuentes de interrupción múltiples, tanto internas como externas; es una de sus características. La separación de la instrucción y el bus de datos de la arquitectura Harvard, deja una instrucción de 14 bits de longitud y un bus de datos de 8 bits. Los dos estados de instrucción paralela dejan que se ejecuten todas las instrucciones en un ciclo, excepto para las instrucciones bifurcas (que requieren de 2 ciclos). El microcontrolador PIC16F84 tiene un total de 35 instrucciones. Adicionalmente tiene un largo conjunto de registros usados para un muy alto desempeño. El típico microcontrolador PIC16F8X ejecuta un código de compresión a 2:1 y mejora la velocidad a 2:1 (10 MHz), sobre otro microcontrolador clásico de 8 bits. El PIC16F8X tiene hasta 68 bytes de RAM, 64 bytes de datos en la memoria EEPROM y 13 pines I/O. La familia PIC16CXX por características especiales reduce componentes externos, costos, el consumo de potencia, y rehabilita el sistema. Estas son las 4 opciones del oscilador: El oscilador RC suministra solución de bajo costo; el oscilador LP minimiza el consumo de potencia; el XT es un cristal estándar, y el HS es para cristales de alta velocidad. El modo sleep ofrece un bajo consumo de energía. 44 4.4.6 Descripción de pines Tipo de No. Tipo buffer de De pin I/O/P OSC1/CLKIN 16 I ST/CMOS (3) OSC2/CLKOUT 15 O - Descripción Nombre de pin MCRL 4 I/P ST RA0 RA1 RA2 RA3 RA4/TOCKI RB0/INT RB1 RB2 RB3 RB4 RB5 RB6 RB7 17 18 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O VSS 5 P TTL TTL TTL TTL ST TTL/ST (1) TTL TTL TTL TTL TTL TTL/ST (2) TTL/ST (2) - VDD 14 P - Entrada del oscilador de cristal y entrada de reloj de la fuente externa. Salida del oscilador.Conecta y desconecta el modo oscilador del cristal. En el modo RC, la salida OSC2 en el pin CLKOUT, que tiene una frecuencia de ¼ de OSC1 y denota las instrucciones del ciclo. Limpiar la entrada del programa y entrada de tensión. Este pin activa el dispositivo de reset. El puerto A es bidireccional. Puede ser seleccionado como entrada del reloj del timer 0. Salida abierta del tipo drain. El puerto B es bidireccional I/O. El puerto B puede ser programado en el software para trabajar como entradas. RB0/INT puede ser seleccionado como interrupción externa. Pin de interrupción o cambio. Pin de interrupción o cambio. Programado serial del reloj y datos. Alimentación de referencia lógica para los pines I/O (tierra). Alimentación positiva lógica para los pines I/O. Tabla 4.6 Descripción de los pines del microcontrolador PIC16F84. Nota I = Entrada; O = Salida; - = No usado; P = Alimentación; TTL = TTL entrada y ST = Entrada Schmitt Trigger. 1: Este buffer es una entrada de Schmitt Trigger cuando es configurada una interrupción externa. 2: Este buffer es una entrada de Schmitt Trigger cuando es usado el modo de progrmación serial. 3: Este buffer es una entrada de Schmitt Trigger cuando es configurado el modo oscilador RC y una entrada distinta a cmos. 45 4.4.7 Set de 35 instrucciones Las instrucciones tienen un tamaño de palabra de 14 bits, éstas se pueden clasificar en 5 grupos: 1.- Operaciones orientadas a manejar registros de tamaño byte Sintaxis ADD f, d AND f, d CLRF f CLRW COMF f, d DECF f, d INCF f, d IORWF f, d MOVF f, d MOVWF f, d NOP RLF f, d RRF f, d SUMWF f, d SWAPF f, d XOR f, d Descripción Sumar w con f AND w con f Borrar f Borrar w Complementar f Decrementar f Incrementar f Or entre w y f Mueve f a w Mueve w a f No operación Rota f a la izquierda Rota f a la derecha Resta w a f Intercambiar nibbles XOR de w Ciclos 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Señalizadores C, DC, Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z C C C, DC ,Z Z Tabla 4.7 Registros de tamaño byte. 2.- Operaciones orientadas a manejar bits. Sintaxis Descripción Ciclos Señalizadores BCF f, b Borra el bit “b” del 1 registro “f” BSF f, b Pon un “1” al bit “b” 1 del registro “f” Tabla 4.8 Operaciones orientadas a manejar bits. 46 3.- Operaciones que manejan valores inmediatos. Sintaxis ADDLW k ANDLW k IORLW k MOVLW k SUBLW k XORLW k Descripción Suma inmediatamente con w AND inmediatamente con w Or inmediatamente con w Mover w a un valor inmediato Restar w de un valor inmediato Or exclusiva de valor inmediato con w Ciclos 1 1 1 1 1 1 Señalizadores C, DC ,Z Z Z C, DC ,Z Z Tabla 4.9 Operaciones que manejan valores inmediatos. 4.- Operaciones especiales y de control de flujo del programa. Sintaxis CALL k CLRWDT k GOTO k RETFIE k RETLW k RETUR k SLEEP k Descripción Llamar a subrutina Borra o regresa al WDT Salto incondicional Retorno de interrupción con GIE=1 Retorno de etiqueta y carga w con k Retorno de subrutina Pasa al modo de reposo Ciclos 1ó2 1 2 2 2 2 1 Señalizadores - Tabla 4.10 Operaciones especiales. 5.- Operaciones de salto condicional. Sintaxis BTFSC f, d Descripción Checa el bit “b” del registro “f” y brinca si es 0 BTFSS f, d Checa el bit “b” del registro “f” y brinca se es 1 DECFSZ f, d Decrementa el registro f y brinca si es 0 INCFSZ f, d Incrementa el registro f y brinca si es 0 Ciclos Señalizadores 1ó2 1ó2 - 1ó2 - 1ó2 - Tabla 4.11 Operaciones de salto condicional. 47 CAPÍTULO V DESARROLLO DEL PROYECTO 48 5.1 Antecedentes El proyecto encomendado consistió en implementar un indicador digital (LCD) a una máquina envasadora de bolis. La principal función de este sería mostrar en la pantalla de cristal líquido el modo de operación en el que se encuentra la máquina, ya sea automático, semiautomático o automático doble. Para lo cual se necesitaba tener conocimiento acerca de microcontroladores, ya que por medio de este componente electrónico se hace funcionar el indicador digital, para que mostrara en su pantalla en qué modo de operación se encuentra la máquina envasadora de bolis. También se requirió de tener conocimientos acerca del software MPLAB para programar este tipo de microcontroladores, ya que es la manera por la cual se hará que funcione el microcontrolador y hacer que el indicador digital opere. Posteriormente se prosiguió a investigar los fundamentos de los componentes ya mencionados, desde cómo funcionan, cuáles son sus parámetros de trabajo y las aplicaciones que pueden desempeñar. A continuación se menciona cómo se implementó el indicador digital (LCD) a la máquina envasadora de bolis. Los componentes que se utilizarán en la máquina envasadora de bolis serán algunos de sus botones que mandarán el pulso al microcontrolador para mostrar en qué modo de operación se encuentra la máquina. 5.2 Elaboración de una fuente de 5 V Al principio se tenía en cuenta alimentar el sistema mínimo (circuito electrónico) del microcontrolador, con un circuito temporizador que está dentro de la máquina. Pero como el microcontrolador (PIC16F84) opera con una tensión de 5 V, no es alcanzada por el temporizador, ya que es de una tensión de 3 V. Por ello se llegó a la conclusión de realizar una fuente de 5 V fija. El primer paso fue realizar el diagrama eléctrico (figura 5.1), después se hizo una cotización de los componentes eléctricos que integran la fuente de 5 V, los cuales son: transformador 120 V a 6 V a ½ A, una clema, 49 resistencia de 470 ohms, un led, capacitor electrolítico 1000 uf a 25 V y 10 uf a 16 V, un LM7805, puente retificador UTL 2W04M y una tarjeta. Una vez comprado todo el material, se pasó el diagrama eléctrico al programa OrCAD. Se imprimió y se mandó a serigrafiar. La principal función de la fuente de 5 V es la de alimentar al sistema mínimo del microcontrolador (PIC16F84), ya que éste requiere de una tensión de 5 V para su funcionamiento. Figura 5.1 Diagrama eléctrico de la fuente de 5 V. 5.2.1 Ensamble de componentes en la tarjeta Para la construcción de la tarjeta, los componentes electrónico no llevan un determinado orden para su ensamble, pero se recomienda que se construya por módulos y que si en alguno se produce un falla sea fácil detectarla para solucionarla. 5.3 Elaboración del circuito electrónico del microcontrolador (PIC16F84) Se diseñó el diagrama eléctrico (figura 5.2) del microcontrolador (PIC16F84). Antes de llegar hacer el circuito electrónico impreso para el microcontrolador, primero se tuvo 50 que realizar un diagrama eléctrico con los componentes electrónicos que debe llevar el microcontrolador (PIC16F84) para su funcionamiento, los cuales son los siguientes: Un cristal XT 4 MHz, 2 capacitores de 22 pf, una resistencia de 10 kilo ohms, un botón pulsador (reset), una clema y una tira de pines. Ésta última se utilizó para tener comunicación con el indicador digital (LCD). Una vez diseñado el diagrama eléctrico, se pasó al programa OrCAD para darle una mejor presentación y cuando se terminó se imprimió. Después se mandó a serigrafiar. Figura 5.2 Diagrama eléctrico del PIC16F84. 5.3.1 Ensamble de los componentes en la tarjeta Para la construcción de la tarjeta, los componentes no llevan un determinado orden en su ensamblaje, pero si algún día se produce una falla se debe detectar para solucionarla. Todos los componentes son comerciales, el único que puede ocasionar problemas es el integrado PIC16F84, ya que se consigue por lo regular sobre pedido. 51 Se recomienda revisar más de dos veces los valores y configuración de todos los componentes, antes de instalarlos y soldarlos en la tarjeta. Para el circuito integrado conviene usar bases zócalo para evitar problemas o daños con lo caliente del cautín. La tarjeta tendrá dos puertos (A y B) que se ocuparán como entrada y salida: como entrada el puerto A y como salida el puerto B. En el puerto B se conectará el indicador digital (LCD). 5.4 Programa para el microcontrolador PIC16F84 El MPLAB es un software que junto con un emulador y un programador, forman un conjunto de herramientas de desarrollo muy completo para el trabajo o diseño con los microcontroladores (PIC). Además incorpora todas las utilidades necesarias para la realización de cualquier proyecto y, para los que no disponen de un emulador, el programa permite editar el archivo fuente en lenguaje ensamblador de nuestro proyecto, además de ensamblarlo y simularlo en pantalla, pudiendo ejecutarlo paso a paso y ver como evolucionarían de forma real sus registros internos. El programa en sí es una serie de comandos que se escriben en lenguaje ensamblador dentro del software MPLAB, compatibles con los comandos del microcontrolador (PIC16F84). Y estas instrucciones hacen varias condiciones para mostrar ciertas palabras en el indicador digital (LCD). Esto se debe a que cuando el microcontrolador despliega estas instrucciones, ya no lo hace en lenguaje ensamblador si no en leguaje máquina, el cual permite ver esas palabras en el LCD. El software para realizar el programa del microcontrolador es el MPLAB. Su principal función será grabar el programa dentro del microcontrolador, para que éste despliegue ciertas condiciones en el indicador digital (LCD) que son los modos de operación en que se encuentra la máquina. Para verificar que el programa era correcto, se realizaron unas pruebas con el PIC16F873A, programándolo y utilizando el sistema mínimo realizado en la escuela. Para simular los botones que mandan pulsos desde de la máquina envasadora, se utilizo un dip-switch; una vez terminada esta prueba, se fue a recoger la 52 tarjeta serigrafiada, para después empezar a realizar pruebas con el microcontrolador PIC16F84. Inicio Compara No No Si es con1 Si Hacer rutina con1 Llamar subrutina de tabla de datos Mostrar nombre Si es con2 Si no es con2 y con1 Si Hacer rutina con2 Llamar subrutina de tabla de datos Mostrar nombre Hacer Rutina con3 Llamar subrutina de tabla de datos Mostrar nombre Fin 5.1 Diagrama de flujo del programa. 53 5.4 Reductor de tensión La función del reductor de tensión es controlar la tensión de los botones de la máquina. Debido a que la tensión de la máquina envasadora de bolis era de 127 VAC, y el microcontrolador utilizado opera con una tensión de sólo 5V, se desarrollo un reductor de tensión, con la ayuda del asesor de la empresa. 1.- Se diseño el diagrama eléctrico, que contiene los siguientes componentes: un relevador 127 AC. 2.- Se realizarán algunas pruebas en proto board. 3.- Se diseñó en OrCAD. 4.- Se mandó a serigrafiar. Figura 5.3 Diagrama eléctrico del reductor de tensión. 5.6 Ensamble de las tarjetas en la máquina envasadora de bolis 1.- Por último se realizó el ensamble de la tarjetas dentro de la máquina envasadora de bolis. 2.- Antes del ensamblado se tuvo que realizar un orificio en el panel de control de la máquina para la colocación del indicador digital. 3.- Después se instalaron las tarjetas tanto del microcontrolador, como la del reductor de tensión y la de la fuente. 4.- Pero antes se colocaron éstas dentro de una caja de plástico, para una mejor protección dentro de la máquina. 5.- Y por último se realizó el cableado de las tarjetas, las cuales no tienen un orden para empezar hacerlo. 54 5.6.1 Cableado en la máquina envasadora de bolis La alimentación de corriente alterna se toma del circuito temporizador que esta dentro de la máquina envasadora de bolis. Figura 5.4 Diagrama de conexión del indicador digital (LCD) en la máquina envasadora de bolis. 55 CAPÍTULO VI EVALUACIÓN ECONÓMICA 56 6.1 Evaluación económica El costo del proyecto ya terminado no fue muy caro para la empresa, ya que muchos de los componentes que se incluyeron dentro de las tarjetas electrónicas utilizadas son comerciales. Para que se tenga una idea más clara sobre el monto del proyecto, se presenta a continuación la lista del material que se ocupó, así como el costo de cada componente. Lista de material para el sistema mínimo para el control del indicador digital (LCD). Material Costo LCD (TM162AAA). $135 PIC16F84. $67 Botón pulsador. $2 Resistencia 10 k. $.25 Cristal XT 4 MHz. $10 2 Capacitores 22 pf. $2 Tira de terminales sencilla. $1.50 Resistencia multivueltas (Trimpot) 10 k. $10 Clema. $2.50 Conectores 2x8 $10 Tarjeta $10 Tarjeta serigrafiada $30 TOTAL $280.25 Tabla 6.1 Costos del material para el sistema mínimo. 57 Lista de material para la fuente de 5 V. Material Costo Transformador 120/6V. $25.50 Clema. $2.50 Led. $1 LM7805. $3.50 Capacitor electrolítico 1000 uf a 25 V. $2.50 Capacitor electrolítico 10 uf a 16 V. $1 Puente rectificador UTL(2w04m). $3 Tarjeta. $10 Tarjeta serigrafiada. $30 TOTAL $79 Tabla 6.2 Lista de material para fuente de 5 volts. Lista de material para el reductor de tensión. Material Costo Relevador 127 AC $20 Tarjeta $10 Tarjeta serigrafiada $30 TOTAL $60 Tabla 6.3 Lista de material para el reductor de tensión. 58 CAPÍTULO VII RESULTADOS OBTENIDOS 59 7.2 Resultados cumplidos De los alcances enumerados en el capítulo dos, el primero no se llevó acabo al 100 %, ya que no se concluyó el proyecto en el tiempo previsto. Esto se debió a que la mayor parte de la estadía se ocupó en la realización de diversas actividades dentro de la empresa, que sólo permitieron alcanzar el 70% del objetivo. El segundo alcance, consistente en entregar las tarjetas al asesor de empresa, tampoco se logró, por no saber utilizar totalmente el programa OrCAD, el cual me habría permitido realizar los diagramas eléctricos y a su vez pasarlos a PCB para luego mandarlos a serigrafiar. El tercer alcance, hacer pruebas con el sistema mínimo, si se cumplió ya que se realizaron varias pruebas en proto board, como en el sistema mínimo realizado en la escuela. El cuarto alcance, también se cumplió, ya que se hizo lo posible por dejarle toda la información al cliente acerca del microcontrolador y el indicador digital, así como sus hojas de datos principales. El quinto alcance también se logró, obteniendo un proyecto muy económico. Por ello, se buscaron varios precios sobre los componentes que llevarían el sistema mínimo (microcontrolador), la fuente de 5 V y el reductor de tensión, para una reducción de costos para la empresa. 60 CONCLUSIONES 61 CONCLUSIÓN En el ámbito de la teoría, la realización de este proyecto me enseño que no es fácil, la programación de los microcontroladores si no se conoce el manejo del software MPLAB. Además el enfrentar esta dificultad me permitió descubrir y aprovechar la abundante información que existe sobre el tema, lo cual me permitió seguir adelante . Los microcontroladores son una herramienta que actualmente se está utilizando en la mayoría de las empresas. Mi experiencia directa con esta realidad dentro de la empresa en la que se realizó el presente trabajo, me hizo tomar conciencia de la necesidad de conocer directamente los avances tecnológicos y sus aplicaciones prácticas, en orden o poder completar la formación académica recibida en la escuela. 62 BIBLIOGRAFÍA 63 BIBLIOGRAFÍA http://usuarios.lycos.es/sfriswolker/pic/uno.htm (MICROTROLADOR). http://www.tianma.com/spec_sheets/TM162Aaa.PDF (LCD). http://www.ucm.es/info/opticaf/Lecciones_virtuales/polarizacion/medios_anisotropos/ap lica2cristal_9.htm (CRISTALES LÍQUIDOS). http://server-die.alc.upv.es/asignaturas/LSED/2002-03/Pantallas_LCD/LCD.pdf http://www.microchip.com/download/lit/pline/picmicro/families/16f8x/30430c.pdf (PIC16F84). 64 ANEXOS 65 Programa del microcontrolador ;Programa: Modos.asm ;Función: Utilización de rutinas para control de un LCD. ;Igualdades. list p=16f84 ;procesador PIC16f84 list c= 132 ;listado a 132 caracteres TIMER0 equ 01 ;registro del TIMER0 OPCION equ 0x1 ;registro de opciones pagina 1 PCL equ 0x2 ;registro PC PCLATH equ 0xa ;registro alto del PC STATUS equ 03 ;registro de estado RA equ 05 ;puerto A RB equ 06 ;puerto B PORTA equ 05 ;puerto A PORTB equ 06 ;puerto B TRISA equ 85h ;registro de programación del puerto A pagina 1 TRISB equ 86h ;registro de programación del puerto B pagina 1 INTCON equ 0xb ;registro de control de interrupciones DATO_A equ 0xc ;registro del dato A DATO_B equ 0xd ;registro del dato B RESUL equ 0xe ;registro de resultados TEMPO1 equ 0xf ;registro temporal 1 TEMPO2 equ 0x10 ;registro temporal 2 FOCET equ 0x11 ;variable de desplazamiento de mensajes RP0 equ 05h ;bit 5 registro STATUS DIGITO equ 1Fh ;cursor para leer la tabla de datos ;Vector de reset Org 00h Goto INICIO Org 05h ;dirección del vector de reset ;comienza el programa ;detrás del vector de interrupción Include”LCD.LIB” ; Programa: LCD.LIB ; Librería de funciones para controlar un display LCD 2x16. LCD_E BSF NOP BCF RETURN LCD_BUSY BSF BSF MOVLW RA,2 RA,2 RA,1 STATUS,5 0xFF ;activa señal E del módulo LCD ;espera 1us ;desactiva señal E del módulo LCD ;pone el LCD en modo de lectura ;selecciona el banco 1 66 MOVWF BCF BSF NOP L_BUSY BTFSC Goto BCF BSF CLRF BCF BCF RETURN LCD_REG BCF MOVWF CALL Goto LCD_DATOS BCF MOVWF CALL BSF Goto LCD_INI MOVLW CALL CALL MOVLW CALL CALL MOVLW CALL CALL RETURN LCD_PORT BSF CLRF MOVLW MOVWF BCF ; MOVLW b'00000000' ; MOVWF INTCON BCF BCF TRISB STATUS,5 RA,2 ;puerto B actúa de entrada ;selecciona el banco 0 ;activa el LCD (señal E) RB,7 L_BUSY RA,2 STATUS,5 TRISB STATUS,5 RA,1 ;checa el bit BUSY ;esta “1” ;desactiva el LCD (señal E) ;selecciona el banco 1 ;puerto B actúa como salida ;selecciona el banco 1 ;pone el LCD en modo de escritura RA,0 RB LCD_BUSY LCD_E RA,0 RB LCD_BUSY RA,0 LCD_E b'00111000' LCD_REG DELAY_5ms b'00111000' LCD_REG DELAY_5ms b'00111000' LCD_REG DELAY_5ms ;desactiva RS (modo instrucción) ;saca el código de instrucción ;espera a que se libere el LCD ;genera pulso en señal E ;desactiva RS (modo instrucción) ;valor ASCII a sacar por RB ;espera a que se libere el LCD ;activa RS (modo dato) ;genera pulso en señal E ; w=00111000 ;código de instrucción ;temporiza 5 ms ;w=00111000 ;código de instrucción ;temporiza 5 ms ;w=00111000 ;código de instrucción ;temporiza 5 ms STATUS,5 TRISB b'00011000' TRISA STATUS,5 ;selecciona el banco 1 de datos ;RB se programa como salida ;w=00011000, RA<4:3> como entradas ;RA <2:0> se programan como salidas ;selecciona el banco 0 de datos RA,0 RA,2 ;desactiva interrupciones ;desactiva RS del módulo LCD ;desactiva E del módulo LCD ;DELAY_5MS genera una temporización de 5MS necesario para la secuencia ;de inicio del LCD. DELAY_5ms MOVLW 0x1a 67 MOVWF DATO_B CLRF DATO_A DELAY_1 DECFSZ DATO_A,1 Goto DELAY_1 DECFSZ DATO_B,1 Goto DELAY_1 RETURN ;Inicio de programa principal en esta rutina se hace la comparación INICIO compara call btfsc goto call btfsc goto call goto goto inicia PORTA,3 con1 inicia PORTA,4 con2 inicia con3 compara con1 MOVF CALL IORLW BTFSC goto CALL INCF Goto DIGITO,w DATO_1 0 STATUS,2 ciclo LCD_DATOS DIGITO,f con1 btfss goto goto PORTA,3 compara ciclo MOVF CALL IORLW BTFSC goto CALL INCF Goto DIGITO,w DATO_2 0 STATUS,2 ciclo LCD_DATOS DIGITO,f con2 ;w=DIGITO ;escoge el caracter ;compara ;es el último ;si ;visualizar caracter ;incrementa número DIGITO ;vuelve a escribir ciclo con2 ;w=DIGITO ;escoge el caracter ;compara ;es el último ;si ;visualizar caracter ;incrementa número DIGITO ;vuelve a escribir 68 ciclo1 btfss goto goto PORTA,4 compara ciclo1 con3 MOVF CALL IORLW BTFSC goto CALL INCF Goto DIGITO,w DATO_3 0 STATUS,2 ciclo LCD_DATOS DIGITO,f con3 ;w=DIGITO ;escoge el caracter ;compara ;es el último ;si ;visualizar caracter ;incrementa número DIGITO ;vuelve a escribir ciclo2 btfsc goto btfsc goto goto PORTA,3 compara PORTA,4 compara ciclo2 ; declaración de subrutinas para elegir la tabla de datos inicia CLRF DIGITO ;pone a 0 la variable DIGiTO CALL LCD_PORT ;puertos en modo LCD BCF RA,0 ;desactiva RS del módulo LCD BCF RA,2 ;desactiva E del módulo LCD START CALL LCD_INI ;inicia LCD (CFG puertos) START_1 MOVLW b'0000000' ;borrar LCD CALL LCD_REG MOVLW b'00000110' ;w=00000110 CALL LCD_REG MOVLW b'00001100' ;w=00001100,LCD encendido y apagado CALL LCD_REG MOVLW 0x80 ;w=0x80, dirección caracter CALL LCD_REG RETURN ;Tabla de datos DATO_1 ADDWF PCL,1 RETLW 'A' RETLW 'U' RETLW 'T' 69 RETLW 'O' RETLW 'M' RETLW 'A' RETLW 'T' RETLW 'I' RETLW 'C' RETLW 'O' RETLW 0x00 DATO_2 ADDWF PCL,1 RETLW 'S' RETLW 'E' RETLW 'M' RETLW 'I' RETLW 'A' RETLW 'U' RETLW 'T' RETLW 'O' RETLW 'M' RETLW 'A' RETLW 'T' RETLW 'I' RETLW 'C' RETLW 'O' RETLW 0x00 DATO_3 ADDWF PCL,1 RETLW 'A' RETLW 'U' RETLW 'T' RETLW 'O' RETLW 'M' RETLW 'A' RETLW 'T' RETLW 'I' RETLW 'C' RETLW 'O' RETLW ' ' RETLW 'D' RETLW 'O' RETLW 'B' RETLW 'L' RETLW 'E' RETLW 0x00 end 70 ! 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L* *!! ,0#( *5 @!$#( @!$#( ,0 # ( PIC16F8X 8-Bit CMOS Flash/EEPROM Microcontrollers Devices Included in this Data Sheet: • • • • • Pin Diagram PIC16F83 PIC16CR83 PIC16F84 PIC16CR84 Extended voltage range devices available (PIC16LF8X, PIC16LCR8X) PDIP, SOIC • Only 35 single word instructions to learn • All instructions single cycle (400 ns @ 10 MHz) except for program branches which are two-cycle • Operating speed: DC - 10 MHz clock input DC - 400 ns instruction cycle •1 18 RA1 RA3 2 17 RA0 RA4/T0CKI 3 16 OSC1/CLKIN MCLR 4 15 OSC2/CLKOUT VSS 5 14 VDD RB0/INT 6 13 RB7 RB1 7 12 RB6 RB2 8 11 RB5 RB3 9 10 RB4 PIC16F8X PIC16CR8X High Performance RISC CPU Features: RA2 Memory Device Freq Max. Data Flash PIC16F83 512 words PIC16CR83 512 words PIC16F84 1 K-words PIC16CR84 1 K-words F = Flash; CR = ROM RAM EEPROM 36 36 68 68 64 64 64 64 Special Microcontroller Features: 10 MHz 10 MHz 10 MHz 10 MHz • • • • • • 14-bit wide instructions 8-bit wide data path 15 special function hardware registers Eight-level deep hardware stack Direct, indirect and relative addressing modes Four interrupt sources: - External RB0/INT pin - TMR0 timer overflow - PORTB<7:4> interrupt on change - Data EEPROM write complete • 1,000,000 data memory EEPROM ERASE/WRITE cycles • EEPROM Data Retention > 40 years Peripheral Features: • 13 I/O pins with individual direction control • High current sink/source for direct LED drive - 25 mA sink max. per pin - 20 mA source max. per pin • TMR0: 8-bit timer/counter with 8-bit programmable prescaler • • • • • • • • Power-on Reset (POR) Power-up Timer (PWRT) Oscillator Start-up Timer (OST) Watchdog Timer (WDT) with its own on-chip RC oscillator for reliable operation Code-protection Power saving SLEEP mode Selectable oscillator options Serial In-System Programming - via two pins (ROM devices support only Data EEPROM programming) CMOS Technology: • Low-power, high-speed CMOS Flash/EEPROM technology • Fully static design • Wide operating voltage range: - Commercial: 2.0V to 6.0V - Industrial: 2.0V to 6.0V • Low power consumption: - < 2 mA typical @ 5V, 4 MHz - 15 µA typical @ 2V, 32 kHz - < 1 µA typical standby current @ 2V 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30430B-page 1 This document was created with FrameMaker 4 0 4 PIC16F8X Table of Contents 1.0 General Description ............................................................................................................................................ 3 2.0 PIC16F8X Device Varieties ................................................................................................................................ 5 3.0 Architectural Overview........................................................................................................................................ 7 4.0 Memory Organization ....................................................................................................................................... 11 5.0 I/O Ports............................................................................................................................................................ 21 6.0 Timer0 Module and TMR0 Register.................................................................................................................. 27 7.0 Data EEPROM Memory.................................................................................................................................... 33 8.0 Special Features of the CPU ............................................................................................................................ 37 9.0 Instruction Set Summary ...................................................................................................................................55 10.0 Development Support ........................................................................................................................................67 11.0 Electrical Characteristics for PIC16F83 and PIC16F84.................................................................................... 71 12.0 DC & AC Characteristics Graphs/Tables for PIC16F83 and PIC16F84 ........................................................... 83 13.0 Electrical Characteristics for PIC16CR83 and PIC16CR84...............................................................................85 14.0 DC & AC Characteristics Graphs/Tables for PIC16CR83 and PIC16CR84 ......................................................97 15.0 Packaging Information .......................................................................................................................................99 Appendix A: Feature Improvements .........................................................................................................................103 Appendix B: Compatibility.........................................................................................................................................103 Appendix C: What’s New ..........................................................................................................................................104 Appendix D: What’s Changed...................................................................................................................................104 Appendix E: PIC16C84 to PIC16F83/CR83 and PIC16F84/CR84 Conversion Considerations...............................104 Appendix F: PIC16/17 Microcontrollers ....................................................................................................................105 Index............................................................................................................................................................................ 115 PIC16F8X Product Identification System ....................................................................................................................121 To Our Valued Customers We constantly strive to improve the quality of all our products and documentation. We have spent a great deal of time to ensure that these documents are correct. However, we realize that we may have missed a few things. If you find any information that is missing or appears in error, please use the reader response form in the back of this data sheet to inform us. We appreciate your assistance in making this a better document. DS30430B-page 2 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X 1.0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The PIC16F8X is a group in the PIC16CXX family of low-cost, high-performance, CMOS, fully-static, 8-bit microcontrollers. This group contains the following devices: • • • • PIC16F83 PIC16CR83 PIC16F84 PIC16CR84 All PIC16/17 microcontrollers employ an advanced RISC architecture. PIC16CXX devices have enhanced core features, eight-level deep stack, and multiple internal and external interrupt sources. The separate instruction and data buses of the Harvard architecture allow a 14-bit wide instruction word with a separate 8-bit wide data bus. The two stage instruction pipeline allows all instructions to execute in a single cycle, except for program branches (which require two cycles). A total of 35 instructions (reduced instruction set) are available. Additionally, a large register set is used to achieve a very high performance level. PIC16F8X microcontrollers typically achieve a 2:1 code compression and up to a 2:1 speed improvement (at 10 MHz) over other 8-bit microcontrollers in their class. The PIC16F8X has up to 68 bytes of RAM, 64 bytes of Data EEPROM memory, and 13 I/O pins. A timer/counter is also available. The PIC16CXX family has special features to reduce external components, thus reducing cost, enhancing system reliability and reducing power consumption. There are four oscillator options, of which the single pin RC oscillator provides a low-cost solution, the LP oscillator minimizes power consumption, XT is a standard crystal, and the HS is for High Speed crystals. The SLEEP (power-down) mode offers power saving. The user can wake the chip from sleep through several external and internal interrupts and resets. A highly reliable Watchdog Timer with its own on-chip RC oscillator provides protection against software lock-up. The devices with Flash program memory allow the same device package to be used for prototyping and production. In-circuit reprogrammability allows the code to be updated without the device being removed from the end application. This is useful in the development of many applications where the device may not be easily accessible, but the prototypes may require code updates. This is also useful for remote applications where the code may need to be updated (such as rate information). Table 1-1 lists the features of the PIC16F8X, and Appendix D: list the features of all of the Microchip microcontrollers. A simplified block diagram of the PIC16F8X is shown in Figure 3-1. The PIC16F8X fits perfectly in applications ranging from high speed automotive and appliance motor control to low-power remote sensors, electronic locks, security devices and smart cards. The Flash/EEPROM technology makes customization of application programs (transmitter codes, motor speeds, receiver frequencies, security codes, etc.) extremely fast and convenient. The small footprint packages make this microcontroller series perfect for all applications with space limitations. Low-cost, low-power, high performance, ease of use and I/O flexibility make the PIC16F8X very versatile even in areas where no microcontroller use has been considered before (e.g., timer functions, serial communication, capture and compare, PWM functions and co-processor applications). The serial in-system programming feature (via two pins) offers flexibility of customizing the product after complete assembly and testing. This feature can be used to serialize a product, store calibration data, or program the device with the current firmware before shipping. 1.1 Family and Upward Compatibility Those users familiar with the PIC16C5X family of microcontrollers will realize that this is an enhanced version of the PIC16C5X architecture. Please refer to Appendix A: for a detailed list of enhancements. Code written for PIC16C5X can be easily ported to the PIC16F8X (Appendix B:). 1.2 Development Support The PIC16CXX family is supported by a full-featured macro assembler, a software simulator, an in-circuit emulator, a low-cost development programmer and a full-featured programmer. A “C” compiler and fuzzy logic support tools are also available. 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30430B-page 3 This document was created with FrameMaker 4 0 4 PIC16F8X PIC16F8X FAMILY OF DEVICES Clock Memory ) Hz (M o of er m p O ra a M y or F Fl as h um xim em M O PR EE — M RO 36 ta t by e yt P q re M Da 64 Da ta (b M pt M m ru er t In 4 e rc o Ti TMR0 es s) e( l du er ) ts ( RO P EE ) es s) g ro n ue M 13 l Vo ( g an u So e ns cy Features em io at Pi n Peripherals ry I/O TABLE 1-1: Vo g lta s R ge a ck Pa PIC16C84 10 — 1K PIC16F84(1) 2.0-6.0 18-pin DIP, SOIC 10 1K — — 68 64 TMR0 4 13 2.0-6.0 18-pin DIP, SOIC PIC16CR84(1) 10 — — 1K 68 64 TMR0 4 13 2.0-6.0 18-pin DIP, SOIC PIC16F83(1) 10 512 — — 36 64 TMR0 4 13 2.0-6.0 18-pin DIP, SOIC PIC16CR83(1) 10 — — 512 36 64 TMR0 4 13 2.0-6.0 18-pin DIP, SOIC All PIC16/17 family devices have Power-on Reset, selectable Watchdog Timer, selectable code protect, and high I/O current capability. All PIC16C8X family devices use serial programming with clock pin RB6 and data pin RB7. Note 1: Please contact your local sales office for availability of these devices. DS30430B-page 4 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X 2.0 PIC16F8X DEVICE VARIETIES A variety of frequency ranges and packaging options are available. Depending on application and production requirements the proper device option can be selected using the information in this section. When placing orders, please use the “PIC16F8X Product Identification System” at the back of this data sheet to specify the correct part number. There are four device “types” as indicated in the device number. 1. 2. 3. 4. F, as in PIC16F84. These devices have Flash program memory and operate over the standard voltage range. LF, as in PIC16LF84. These devices have Flash program memory and operate over an extended voltage range. CR, as in PIC16CR83. These devices have ROM program memory and operate over the standard voltage range. LCR, as in PIC16LCR84. These devices have ROM program memory and operate over an extended voltage range. When discussing memory maps and other architectural features, the use of F and CR also implies the LF and LCR versions. 2.1 Electrically Erasable Devices These devices are offered in the lower cost plastic package, even though the device can be erased and reprogrammed. This allows the same device to be used for prototype development and pilot programs as well as production. A further advantage of the electrically erasable version is that they can be erased and reprogrammed in-circuit, or by device programmers, such as Microchip's PICSTART Plus or PRO MATE II programmers. 2.2 Quick-Turnaround-Production (QTP) Devices Microchip offers a QTP Programming Service for factory production orders. This service is made available for users who choose not to program a medium to high quantity of units and whose code patterns have stabilized. The devices have all Flash locations and configuration options already programmed by the factory. Certain code and prototype verification procedures do apply before production shipments are available. For information on submitting a QTP code, please contact your Microchip Regional Sales Office. 2.3 Serialized Quick-Turnaround-Production (SQTP SM ) Devices Microchip offers the unique programming service where a few user-defined locations in each device are programmed with different serial numbers. The serial numbers may be random, pseudo-random or sequential. Serial programming allows each device to have a unique number which can serve as an entry-code, password or ID number. For information on submitting a SQTP code, please contact your Microchip Regional Sales Office. 2.4 ROM Devices Some of Microchip’s devices have a corresponding device where the program memory is a ROM. These devices give a cost savings over Microchip’s traditional user programmed devices (EPROM, EEPROM). ROM devices (PIC16CR8X) do not allow serialization information in the program memory space. The user may program this information into the Data EEPROM. For information on submitting a ROM code, please contact your Microchip Regional Sales Office. 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30430B-page 5 This document was created with FrameMaker 4 0 4 PIC16F8X NOTES: DS30430B-page 6 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X 3.0 ARCHITECTURAL OVERVIEW The high performance of the PIC16CXX family can be attributed to a number of architectural features commonly found in RISC microprocessors. To begin with, the PIC16CXX uses a Harvard architecture. This architecture has the program and data accessed from separate memories. So the device has a program memory bus and a data memory bus. This improves bandwidth over traditional von Neumann architecture where program and data are fetched from the same memory (accesses over the same bus). Separating program and data memory further allows instructions to be sized differently than the 8-bit wide data word. PIC16CXX opcodes are 14-bits wide, enabling single word instructions. The full 14-bit wide program memory bus fetches a 14-bit instruction in a single cycle. A two-stage pipeline overlaps fetch and execution of instructions (Example 3-1). Consequently, all instructions execute in a single cycle (400 ns @ 10 MHz) except for program branches. The PIC16F83 and PIC16CR83 address 512 x 14 of program memory, and the PIC16F84 and PIC16CR84 address 1K x 14 program memory. All program memory is internal. PIC16CXX devices contain an 8-bit ALU and working register. The ALU is a general purpose arithmetic unit. It performs arithmetic and Boolean functions between data in the working register and any register file. The ALU is 8-bits wide and capable of addition, subtraction, shift and logical operations. Unless otherwise mentioned, arithmetic operations are two's complement in nature. In two-operand instructions, typically one operand is the working register (W register), and the other operand is a file register or an immediate constant. In single operand instructions, the operand is either the W register or a file register. The W register is an 8-bit working register used for ALU operations. It is not an addressable register. Depending on the instruction executed, the ALU may affect the values of the Carry (C), Digit Carry (DC), and Zero (Z) bits in the STATUS register. The C and DC bits operate as a borrow and digit borrow out bit, respectively, in subtraction. See the SUBLW and SUBWF instructions for examples. A simplified block diagram for the PIC16F8X is shown in Figure 3-1, its corresponding pin description is shown in Table 3-1. The PIC16CXX can directly or indirectly address its register files or data memory. All special function registers including the program counter are mapped in the data memory. An orthogonal (symmetrical) instruction set makes it possible to carry out any operation on any register using any addressing mode. This symmetrical nature and lack of ‘special optimal situations’ make programming with the PIC16CXX simple yet efficient. In addition, the learning curve is reduced significantly. 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30430B-page 7 This document was created with FrameMaker 4 0 4 PIC16F8X FIGURE 3-1: PIC16F8X BLOCK DIAGRAM 13 Flash/ROM Program Memory PIC16F83/CR83 512 x 14 PIC16F84/CR84 1K x 14 Data Bus 8 Program Counter 8 Level Stack (13-bit) Program Bus 14 EEPROM Data Memory RAM File Registers PIC16F83/R83/84 36 x 8 PIC16F84/CR84 68 x 8 7 EEDATA RAM Addr EEPROM Data Memory 64 x 8 EEADR Addr Mux Instruction reg 5 7 Direct Addr Indirect Addr TMR0 FSR reg RA4/T0CKI STATUS reg 8 MUX Power-up Timer Instruction Decode & Control Timing Generation Oscillator Start-up Timer I/O Ports ALU Power-on Reset Watchdog Timer RA3:RA0 W reg RB7:RB1 RB0/INT OSC2/CLKOUT OSC1/CLKIN DS30430B-page 8 MCLR VDD, VSS 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X TABLE 3-1: PIC16F8X PINOUT DESCRIPTION DIP No. SOIC No. I/O/P Type OSC1/CLKIN 16 16 I OSC2/CLKOUT 15 15 O — Oscillator crystal output. Connects to crystal or resonator in crystal oscillator mode. In RC mode, OSC2 pin outputs CLKOUT which has 1/4 the frequency of OSC1, and denotes the instruction cycle rate. MCLR 4 4 I/P ST Master clear (reset) input/programming voltage input. This pin is an active low reset to the device. RA0 17 17 I/O TTL RA1 18 18 I/O TTL RA2 1 1 I/O TTL RA3 2 2 I/O TTL RA4/T0CKI 3 3 I/O ST Pin Name Buffer Type Description ST/CMOS (3) Oscillator crystal input/external clock source input. PORTA is a bi-directional I/O port. Can also be selected to be the clock input to the TMR0 timer/counter. Output is open drain type. PORTB is a bi-directional I/O port. PORTB can be software programmed for internal weak pull-up on all inputs. RB0/INT 6 6 I/O TTL/ST (1) RB1 7 7 I/O TTL RB2 8 8 I/O TTL RB3 9 9 I/O TTL RB4 10 10 I/O TTL RB0/INT can also be selected as an external interrupt pin. Interrupt on change pin. RB5 11 11 I/O TTL RB6 12 12 I/O TTL/ST (2) Interrupt on change pin. RB7 13 13 I/O TTL/ST (2) VSS 5 5 P — Ground reference for logic and I/O pins. VDD 14 14 P — Positive supply for logic and I/O pins. Interrupt on change pin. Serial programming clock. Interrupt on change pin. Serial programming data. Legend: I= input O = output I/O = Input/Output P = power — = Not used TTL = TTL input ST = Schmitt Trigger input Note 1: This buffer is a Schmitt Trigger input when configured as the external interrupt. 2: This buffer is a Schmitt Trigger input when used in serial programming mode. 3: This buffer is a Schmitt Trigger input when configured in RC oscillator mode and a CMOS input otherwise. 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30430B-page 9 PIC16F8X Clocking Scheme/Instruction Cycle 3.1 3.2 The clock input (from OSC1) is internally divided by four to generate four non-overlapping quadrature clocks namely Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4. Internally, the program counter (PC) is incremented every Q1, the instruction is fetched from the program memory and latched into the instruction register in Q4. The instruction is decoded and executed during the following Q1 through Q4. The clocks and instruction execution flow is shown in Figure 3-2. Instruction Flow/Pipelining An “Instruction Cycle” consists of four Q cycles (Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4). The instruction fetch and execute are pipelined such that fetch takes one instruction cycle while decode and execute takes another instruction cycle. However, due to the pipelining, each instruction effectively executes in one cycle. If an instruction causes the program counter to change (e.g., GOTO) then two cycles are required to complete the instruction (Example 3-1). A fetch cycle begins with the Program Counter (PC) incrementing in Q1. In the execution cycle, the fetched instruction is latched into the “Instruction Register” in cycle Q1. This instruction is then decoded and executed during the Q2, Q3, and Q4 cycles. Data memory is read during Q2 (operand read) and written during Q4 (destination write). FIGURE 3-2: CLOCK/INSTRUCTION CYCLE Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 OSC1 Q1 Q2 Internal phase clock Q3 Q4 PC PC OSC2/CLKOUT (RC mode) EXAMPLE 3-1: Fetch INST (PC) Execute INST (PC-1) PC+2 Fetch INST (PC+1) Execute INST (PC) Fetch INST (PC+2) Execute INST (PC+1) INSTRUCTION PIPELINE FLOW 1. MOVLW 55h 2. MOVWF PORTB 3. CALL SUB_1 4. BSF PC+1 PORTA, BIT3 Fetch 1 Execute 1 Fetch 2 Execute 2 Fetch 3 Execute 3 Fetch 4 Flush Fetch SUB_1 Execute SUB_1 All instructions are single cycle, except for any program branches. These take two cycles since the fetch instruction is “flushed” from the pipeline while the new instruction is being fetched and then executed. DS30430B-page 10 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X MEMORY ORGANIZATION There are two memory blocks in the PIC16F8X. These are the program memory and the data memory. Each block has its own bus, so that access to each block can occur during the same oscillator cycle. The data memory can further be broken down into the general purpose RAM and the Special Function Registers (SFRs). The operation of the SFRs that control the “core” are described here. The SFRs used to control the peripheral modules are described in the section discussing each individual peripheral module. The data memory area also contains the data EEPROM memory. This memory is not directly mapped into the data memory, but is indirectly mapped. That is, an indirect address pointer specifies the address of the data EEPROM memory to read/write. The 64 bytes of data EEPROM memory have the address range 0h-3Fh. More details on the EEPROM memory can be found in Section 7.0. 4.1 FIGURE 4-1: PROGRAM MEMORY MAP AND STACK PIC16F83/CR83 PC<12:0> 13 CALL, RETURN RETFIE, RETLW Stack Level 1 • • • Stack Level 8 User Memory Space 4.0 Reset Vector 0000h Peripheral Interrupt Vector 0004h 1FFh Program Memory Organization The PIC16FXX has a 13-bit program counter capable of addressing an 8K x 14 program memory space. For the PIC16F83 and PIC16CR83, the first 512 x 14 (0000h-01FFh) are physically implemented (Figure 4-1). For the PIC16F84 and PIC16CR84, the first 1K x 14 (0000h-03FFh) are physically implemented (Figure 4-2). Accessing a location above the physically implemented address will cause a wraparound. For example, for the PIC16F84 locations 20h, 420h, 820h, C20h, 1020h, 1420h, 1820h, and 1C20h will be the same instruction. 1FFFh FIGURE 4-2: PROGRAM MEMORY MAP AND STACK PIC16F84/CR84 PC<12:0> 13 CALL, RETURN RETFIE, RETLW Stack Level 1 The reset vector is at 0000h and the interrupt vector is at 0004h. • • • Stack Level 8 0000h Peripheral Interrupt Vector 0004h User Memory Space Reset Vector 3FFh 1FFFh 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30430B-page 11 This document was created with FrameMaker 4 0 4 PIC16F8X 4.2 Data Memory Organization 4.2.1 GENERAL PURPOSE REGISTER FILE The data memory is partitioned into two areas. The first is the Special Function Registers (SFR) area, while the second is the General Purpose Registers (GPR) area. The SFRs control the operation of the device. All devices have some amount of General Purpose Register (GPR) area. Each GPR is 8 bits wide and is accessed either directly or indirectly through the FSR (Section 4.5). Portions of data memory are banked. This is for both the SFR area and the GPR area. The GPR area is banked to allow greater than 116 bytes of general purpose RAM. The banked areas of the SFR are for the registers that control the peripheral functions. Banking requires the use of control bits for bank selection. These control bits are located in the STATUS Register. Figure 4-3 and Figure 4-4 show the data memory map organization. The GPR addresses in bank 1 are mapped to addresses in bank 0. As an example, addressing location 0Ch or 08h will access the same GPR. Instructions MOVWF and MOVF can move values from the W register to any location in the register file (“F”), and vice-versa. The special function registers can be classified into two sets, core and peripheral. Those associated with the core functions are described in this section. Those related to the operation of the peripheral features are described in the section for that specific feature. The entire data memory can be accessed either directly using the absolute address of each register file or indirectly through the File Select Register (FSR) (Section 4.5). Indirect addressing uses the present value of the RP1:RP0 bits for access into the banked areas of data memory. 4.2.2 SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS The Special Function Registers (Figure 4-3, Figure 4-4 and Table 4-1) are used by the CPU and Peripheral functions to control the device operation. These registers are static RAM. Data memory is partitioned into two banks which contain the general purpose registers and the special function registers. Bank 0 is selected by clearing the RP0 bit (STATUS<5>). Setting the RP0 bit selects Bank 1. Each Bank extends up to 7Fh (128 bytes). The first twelve locations of each Bank are reserved for the Special Function Registers. The remainder are General Purpose Registers implemented as static RAM. DS30430B-page 12 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X FIGURE 4-3: REGISTER FILE MAP PIC16F83/CR83 File Address FIGURE 4-4: REGISTER FILE MAP PIC16F84/CR84 File Address File Address 80h 00h Indirect addr.(1) OPTION 81h 01h TMR0 OPTION 81h PCL 82h 02h PCL PCL 82h STATUS STATUS 83h 03h STATUS STATUS 83h FSR FSR 84h 04h FSR FSR 84h 05h PORTA TRISA 85h 05h PORTA TRISA 85h 06h PORTB TRISB 86h 06h PORTB TRISB 86h 87h 07h 08h EEDATA EECON1 88h 08h EEDATA EECON1 88h 09h EEADR EECON2(1) 89h 09h EEADR EECON2(1) 89h 0Ah PCLATH PCLATH 8Ah 0Ah PCLATH PCLATH 8Ah 0Bh INTCON INTCON 8Bh 0Bh INTCON INTCON 8Bh 8Ch 0Ch 00h Indirect addr.(1) 01h TMR0 02h PCL 03h 04h Indirect addr.(1) 07h 0Ch 36 General Purpose registers (SRAM) Mapped (accesses) in Bank 0 8Ch Mapped (accesses) in Bank 0 4Fh 50h 7Fh FFh Bank 0 Bank 1 Unimplemented data memory location; read as '0'. Note 1: Not a physical register. 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. 80h 87h 68 General Purpose registers (SRAM) AFh B0h 2Fh 30h File Address Indirect addr.(1) CFh D0h 7Fh FFh Bank 0 Bank 1 Unimplemented data memory location; read as '0'. Note 1: Not a physical register. DS30430B-page 13 PIC16F8X TABLE 4-1: Address REGISTER FILE SUMMARY Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Value on Power-on Reset Value on all other resets (Note3) Bank 0 00h INDF Uses contents of FSR to address data memory (not a physical register) ---- ---- ---- ---- 01h TMR0 8-bit real-time clock/counter xxxx xxxx uuuu uuuu 02h PCL Low order 8 bits of the Program Counter (PC) 0000 0000 0000 0000 (2) TO PD Z DC 03h STATUS 04h FSR 05h PORTA — — — RA4/T0CKI RA3 RA2 RA1 06h PORTB RB7 RB6 RB5 RB4 RB3 RB2 RB1 07h IRP RP1 RP0 C 0001 1xxx 000q quuu xxxx xxxx uuuu uuuu RA0 ---x xxxx ---u uuuu RB0/INT xxxx xxxx uuuu uuuu Unimplemented location, read as '0' ---- ---- ---- ---uuuu uuuu Indirect data memory address pointer 0 08h EEDATA EEPROM data register xxxx xxxx 09h EEADR EEPROM address register xxxx xxxx uuuu uuuu 0Ah PCLATH — — — ---0 0000 ---0 0000 0Bh INTCON GIE EEIE T0IE 0000 000u Write buffer for upper 5 bits of the PC (1) INTE RBIE T0IF INTF RBIF 0000 000x ---- ---- ---- ---- PS1 PS0 1111 1111 1111 1111 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 1xxx 000q quuu Bank 1 80h INDF 81h OPTION 82h PCL 83h STATUS (2) 84h FSR 85h TRISA 86h TRISB 87h Uses contents of FSR to address data memory (not a physical register) RBPU INTEDG T0CS T0SE PSA PS2 Low order 8 bits of Program Counter (PC) IRP RP1 RP0 TO PD Z DC C Indirect data memory address pointer 0 — — — PORTA data direction register xxxx xxxx uuuu uuuu ---1 1111 ---1 1111 PORTB data direction register 1111 1111 1111 1111 Unimplemented location, read as '0' ---- ---- ---- ---- ---0 x000 ---0 q000 88h EECON1 — — — 89h EECON2 0Ah PCLATH — — — 0Bh INTCON GIE EEIE T0IE EEIF WRERR WREN WR RD EEPROM control register 2 (not a physical register) Write buffer for upper 5 bits of the PC (1) INTE RBIE T0IF INTF RBIF ---- ---- ---- ---- ---0 0000 ---0 0000 0000 000x 0000 000u Legend: x = unknown, u = unchanged. - = unimplemented read as '0', q = value depends on condition. Note 1: The upper byte of the program counter is not directly accessible. PCLATH is a slave register for PC<12:8>. The contents of PCLATH can be transferred to the upper byte of the program counter, but the contents of PC<12:8> is never transferred to PCLATH. 2: The TO and PD status bits in the STATUS register are not affected by a MCLR reset. 3: Other (non power-up) resets include: external reset through MCLR and the Watchdog Timer Reset. DS30430B-page 14 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X STATUS REGISTER The STATUS register contains the arithmetic status of the ALU, the RESET status and the bank select bit for data memory. As with any register, the STATUS register can be the destination for any instruction. If the STATUS register is the destination for an instruction that affects the Z, DC or C bits, then the write to these three bits is disabled. These bits are set or cleared according to device logic. Furthermore, the TO and PD bits are not writable. Therefore, the result of an instruction with the STATUS register as destination may be different than intended. For example, CLRF STATUS will clear the upper-three bits and set the Z bit. This leaves the STATUS register as 000u u1uu (where u = unchanged). FIGURE 4-5: R/W-0 IRP Only the BCF, BSF, SWAPF and MOVWF instructions should be used to alter the STATUS register (Table 9-2) because these instructions do not affect any status bit. Note 1: The IRP and RP1 bits (STATUS<7:6>) are not used by the PIC16F8X and should be programmed as cleared. Use of these bits as general purpose R/W bits is NOT recommended, since this may affect upward compatibility with future products. Note 2: The C and DC bits operate as a borrow and digit borrow out bit, respectively, in subtraction. See the SUBLW and SUBWF instructions for examples. Note 3: When the STATUS register is the destination for an instruction that affects the Z, DC or C bits, then the write to these three bits is disabled. The specified bit(s) will be updated according to device logic STATUS REGISTER (ADDRESS 03h, 83h) R/W-0 RP1 R/W-0 RP0 R-1 TO R-1 PD R/W-x Z R/W-x DC bit7 bit 7: R/W-x C bit0 R = Readable bit W = Writable bit U = Unimplemented bit, read as ‘0’ - n = Value at POR reset IRP: Register Bank Select bit (used for indirect addressing) 0 = Bank 0, 1 (00h - FFh) 1 = Bank 2, 3 (100h - 1FFh) The IRP bit is not used by the PIC16F8X. IRP should be maintained clear. bit 6-5: RP1:RP0: Register Bank Select bits (used for direct addressing) 00 = Bank 0 (00h - 7Fh) 01 = Bank 1 (80h - FFh) 10 = Bank 2 (100h - 17Fh) 11 = Bank 3 (180h - 1FFh) Each bank is 128 bytes. Only bit RP0 is used by the PIC16F8X. RP1 should be maintained clear. bit 4: TO: Time-out bit 1 = After power-up, CLRWDT instruction, or SLEEP instruction 0 = A WDT time-out occurred bit 3: PD: Power-down bit 1 = After power-up or by the CLRWDT instruction 0 = By execution of the SLEEP instruction bit 2: Z: Zero bit 1 = The result of an arithmetic or logic operation is zero 0 = The result of an arithmetic or logic operation is not zero bit 1: DC: Digit carry/borrow bit (for ADDWF and ADDLW instructions) (For borrow the polarity is reversed) 1 = A carry-out from the 4th low order bit of the result occurred 0 = No carry-out from the 4th low order bit of the result bit 0: C: Carry/borrow bit (for ADDWF and ADDLW instructions) 1 = A carry-out from the most significant bit of the result occurred 0 = No carry-out from the most significant bit of the result occurred Note:For borrow the polarity is reversed. A subtraction is executed by adding the two’s complement of the second operand. For rotate (RRF, RLF) instructions, this bit is loaded with either the high or low order bit of the source register. 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30430B-page 15 PIC16F8X OPTION REGISTER Note: The OPTION register is a readable and writable register which contains various control bits to configure the TMR0/WDT prescaler, the external INT interrupt, TMR0, and the weak pull-ups on PORTB. FIGURE 4-6: R/W-1 RBPU bit7 When the prescaler is assigned to the WDT (PSA = '1'), TMR0 has a 1:1 prescaler assignment. OPTION REGISTER (ADDRESS 81h) R/W-1 INTEDG R/W-1 T0CS R/W-1 T0SE R/W-1 PSA R/W-1 PS2 R/W-1 PS1 R/W-1 PS0 bit0 bit 7: RBPU: PORTB Pull-up Enable bit 1 = PORTB pull-ups are disabled 0 = PORTB pull-ups are enabled (by individual port latch values) bit 6: INTEDG: Interrupt Edge Select bit 1 = Interrupt on rising edge of RB0/INT pin 0 = Interrupt on falling edge of RB0/INT pin bit 5: T0CS: TMR0 Clock Source Select bit 1 = Transition on RA4/T0CKI pin 0 = Internal instruction cycle clock (CLKOUT) bit 4: T0SE: TMR0 Source Edge Select bit 1 = Increment on high-to-low transition on RA4/T0CKI pin 0 = Increment on low-to-high transition on RA4/T0CKI pin bit 3: PSA: Prescaler Assignment bit 1 = Prescaler assigned to the WDT 0 = Prescaler assigned to TMR0 R = Readable bit W = Writable bit U = Unimplemented bit, read as ‘0’ - n = Value at POR reset bit 2-0: PS2:PS0: Prescaler Rate Select bits Bit Value 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 DS30430B-page 16 TMR0 Rate 1:2 1:4 1:8 1 : 16 1 : 32 1 : 64 1 : 128 1 : 256 WDT Rate 1:1 1:2 1:4 1:8 1 : 16 1 : 32 1 : 64 1 : 128 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X INTCON REGISTER Note: The INTCON register is a readable and writable register which contains the various enable bits for all interrupt sources. FIGURE 4-7: R/W-0 GIE bit7 bit 7: Interrupt flag bits get set when an interrupt condition occurs regardless of the state of its corresponding enable bit or the global enable bit, GIE (INTCON<7>). INTCON REGISTER (ADDRESS 0Bh, 8Bh) R/W-0 EEIE R/W-0 T0IE R/W-0 INTE R/W-0 RBIE R/W-0 T0IF R/W-0 INTF R/W-x RBIF bit0 R = Readable bit W = Writable bit U = Unimplemented bit, read as ‘0’ - n = Value at POR reset GIE: Global Interrupt Enable bit 1 = Enables all un-masked interrupts 0 = Disables all interrupts Note: For the operation of the interrupt structure, please refer to Section 8.5. bit 6: EEIE: EE Write Complete Interrupt Enable bit 1 = Enables the EE write complete interrupt 0 = Disables the EE write complete interrupt bit 5: T0IE: TMR0 Overflow Interrupt Enable bit 1 = Enables the TMR0 interrupt 0 = Disables the TMR0 interrupt bit 4: INTE: RB0/INT Interrupt Enable bit 1 = Enables the RB0/INT interrupt 0 = Disables the RB0/INT interrupt bit 3: RBIE: RB Port Change Interrupt Enable bit 1 = Enables the RB port change interrupt 0 = Disables the RB port change interrupt bit 2: T0IF: TMR0 overflow interrupt flag bit 1 = TMR0 has overflowed (must be cleared in software) 0 = TMR0 did not overflow bit 1: INTF: RB0/INT Interrupt Flag bit 1 = The RB0/INT interrupt occurred 0 = The RB0/INT interrupt did not occur bit 0: RBIF: RB Port Change Interrupt Flag bit 1 = When at least one of the RB7:RB4 pins changed state (must be cleared in software) 0 = None of the RB7:RB4 pins have changed state 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30430B-page 17 PIC16F8X 4.3 Program Counter: PCL and PCLATH The Program Counter (PC) is 13-bits wide. The low byte is the PCL register, which is a readable and writable register. The high byte of the PC (PC<12:8>) is not directly readable nor writable and comes from the PCLATH register. The PCLATH (PC latch high) register is a holding register for PC<12:8>. The contents of PCLATH are transferred to the upper byte of the program counter when the PC is loaded with a new value. This occurs during a CALL, GOTO or a write to PCL. The high bits of PC are loaded from PCLATH as shown in Figure 4-8. FIGURE 4-8: LOADING OF PC IN DIFFERENT SITUATIONS PCH PCL 12 8 7 0 INST with PCL as dest PC 8 PCLATH<4:0> 5 ALU result PCLATH PCH 12 11 10 4.4 8 7 PCLATH<4:3> 11 Opcode <10:0> COMPUTED GOTO A computed GOTO is accomplished by adding an offset to the program counter (ADDWF PCL). When doing a table read using a computed GOTO method, care should be exercised if the table location crosses a PCL memory boundary (each 256 word block). Refer to the application note “Implementing a Table Read” (AN556). Stack The entire 13-bit PC is “pushed” onto the stack when a CALL instruction is executed or an interrupt is acknowledged. The stack is “popped” in the event of a RETURN, RETLW or a RETFIE instruction execution. PCLATH is not affected by a push or a pop operation. 0 PCLATH The PIC16F8X ignores the PCLATH<4:3> bits, which are used for program memory pages 1, 2 and 3 (0800h - 1FFFh). The use of PCLATH<4:3> as general purpose R/W bits is not recommended since this may affect upward compatibility with future products. The PIC16FXX has an 8 deep x 13-bit wide hardware stack (Figure 4-1). The stack space is not part of either program or data space and the stack pointer is not readable or writable. GOTO, CALL 2 4.3.2 Note: Note: PCL PC 4.3.1 manipulation of the PCLATH<4:3> is not required for the return instructions (which “pops” the PC from the stack). There are no instruction mnemonics called push or pop. These are actions that occur from the execution of the CALL, RETURN, RETLW, and RETFIE instructions, or the vectoring to an interrupt address. The stack operates as a circular buffer. That is, after the stack has been pushed eight times, the ninth push overwrites the value that was stored from the first push. The tenth push overwrites the second push (and so on). If the stack is effectively popped nine times, the PC value is the same as the value from the first pop. Note: There are no status bits to indicate stack overflow or stack underflow conditions. PROGRAM MEMORY PAGING The PIC16F83 and PIC16CR83 have 512 words of program memory. The PIC16F84 and PIC16CR84 have 1K of program memory. The CALL and GOTO instructions have an 11-bit address range. This 11-bit address range allows a branch within a 2K program memory page size. For future PIC16F8X program memory expansion, there must be another two bits to specify the program memory page. These paging bits come from the PCLATH<4:3> bits (Figure 4-8). When doing a CALL or a GOTO instruction, the user must ensure that these page bits (PCLATH<4:3>) are programmed to the desired program memory page. If a CALL instruction (or interrupt) is executed, the entire 13-bit PC is “pushed” onto the stack (see next section). Therefore, DS30430B-page 18 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X 4.5 Indirect Addressing; INDF and FSR Registers EXAMPLE 4-2: The INDF register is not a physical register. Addressing INDF actually addresses the register whose address is contained in the FSR register (FSR is a pointer). This is indirect addressing. EXAMPLE 4-1: movlw movwf clrf incf btfss goto NEXT INDIRECT ADDRESSING • • • • Register file 05 contains the value 10h Register file 06 contains the value 0Ah Load the value 05 into the FSR register A read of the INDF register will return the value of 10h • Increment the value of the FSR register by one (FSR = 06) • A read of the INDR register now will return the value of 0Ah. HOW TO CLEAR RAM USING INDIRECT ADDRESSING 0x20 FSR INDF FSR FSR,4 NEXT ;initialize pointer ; to RAM ;clear INDF register ;inc pointer ;all done? ;NO, clear next CONTINUE : ;YES, continue An effective 9-bit address is obtained by concatenating the 8-bit FSR register and the IRP bit (STATUS<7>), as shown in Figure 4-9. However, IRP is not used in the PIC16F8X. Reading INDF itself indirectly (FSR = 0) will produce 00h. Writing to the INDF register indirectly results in a no-operation (although STATUS bits may be affected). A simple program to clear RAM locations 20h-2Fh using indirect addressing is shown in Example 4-2. FIGURE 4-9: DIRECT/INDIRECT ADDRESSING Indirect Addressing Direct Addressing RP1 RP0 bank select 6 from opcode 0 IRP location select 7 bank select 00 01 10 11 not used not used Bank 2 Bank 3 (FSR) 0 location select 00h 00h 0Bh 0Ch Data Memory (3) Addresses map back to Bank 0 2Fh (1) 30h (1) 4Fh (2) 50h (2) 7Fh 7Fh Bank 0 Bank 1 Note 1: PIC16F83 and PIC16CR83 devices. 2: PIC16F84 and PIC16CR84 devices 3: For memory map detail see Figure 4-1. 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30430B-page 19 PIC16F8X NOTES: DS30430B-page 20 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X 5.0 I/O PORTS EXAMPLE 5-1: The PIC16F8X has two ports, PORTA and PORTB. Some port pins are multiplexed with an alternate function for other features on the device. 5.1 PORTA and TRISA Registers PORTA is a 5-bit wide latch. RA4 is a Schmitt Trigger input and an open drain output. All other RA port pins have TTL input levels and full CMOS output drivers. All pins have data direction bits (TRIS registers) which can configure these pins as output or input. Setting a TRISA bit (=1) will make the corresponding PORTA pin an input, i.e., put the corresponding output driver in a hi-impedence mode. Clearing a TRISA bit (=0) will make the corresponding PORTA pin an output, i.e., put the contents of the output latch on the selected pin. Reading the PORTA register reads the status of the pins whereas writing to it will write to the port latch. All write operations are read-modify-write operations. So a write to a port implies that the port pins are first read, then this value is modified and written to the port data latch. The RA4 pin is multiplexed with the TMR0 clock input. FIGURE 5-1: Data bus WR Port INITIALIZING PORTA CLRF PORTA BSF MOVLW STATUS, RP0 0x0F MOVWF TRISA FIGURE 5-2: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Initialize PORTA by setting output data latches Select Bank 1 Value used to initialize data direction Set RA<3:0> as inputs RA4 as outputs TRISA<7:5> are always read as '0'. BLOCK DIAGRAM OF PIN RA4 Data bus WR PORT D Q CK Q N RA4 pin Data Latch VSS WR TRIS D Q CK Q Schmitt Trigger input buffer TRIS Latch BLOCK DIAGRAM OF PINS RA3:RA0 RD TRIS D Q Q VDD CK Q D EN EN P RD PORT Data Latch N D WR TRIS I/O pin Q VSS CK TMR0 clock input Note: I/O pin has protection diodes to VSS only. Q TRIS Latch TTL input buffer RD TRIS Q D EN RD PORT Note: I/O pins have protection diodes to VDD and VSS. 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30430B-page 21 This document was created with FrameMaker 4 0 4 PIC16F8X TABLE 5-1: PORTA FUNCTIONS Name Bit0 Buffer Type RA0 RA1 RA2 RA3 RA4/T0CKI bit0 bit1 bit2 bit3 bit4 TTL TTL TTL TTL ST Function Input/output Input/output Input/output Input/output Input/output or external clock input for TMR0. Output is open drain type. Legend: TTL = TTL input, ST = Schmitt Trigger input TABLE 5-2: Address Name 05h 85h SUMMARY OF REGISTERS ASSOCIATED WITH PORTA Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 PORTA — — — RA4/T0CKI RA3 RA2 TRISA — — — TRISA4 TRISA3 TRISA2 Bit 0 Value on Power-on Reset Value on all other resets RA1 RA0 ---x xxxx ---u uuuu TRISA1 TRISA0 ---1 1111 ---1 1111 Bit 1 Legend: x = unknown, u = unchanged, - = unimplemented read as '0'. Shaded cells are unimplemented, read as '0' DS30430B-page 22 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X PORTB and TRISB Registers 5.2 PORTB is an 8-bit wide bi-directional port. The corresponding data direction register is TRISB. A '1' on any bit in the TRISB register puts the corresponding output driver in a hi-impedance mode. A '0' on any bit in the TRISB register puts the contents of the output latch on the selected pin(s). Each of the PORTB pins have a weak internal pull-up. A single control bit can turn on all the pull-ups. This is done by clearing the RBPU (OPTION<7>) bit. The weak pull-up is automatically turned off when the port pin is configured as an output. The pull-ups are disabled on a Power-on Reset. Four of PORTB’s pins, RB7:RB4, have an interrupt on change feature. Only pins configured as inputs can cause this interrupt to occur (i.e., any RB7:RB4 pin configured as an output is excluded from the interrupt on change comparison). The pins value in input mode are compared with the old value latched on the last read of PORTB. The “mismatch” outputs of the pins are OR’ed together to generate the RB port change interrupt. FIGURE 5-3: BLOCK DIAGRAM OF PINS RB7:RB4 This interrupt can wake the device from SLEEP. The user, in the interrupt service routine, can clear the interrupt in the following manner: a) b) Read (or write) PORTB. This will end the mismatch condition. Clear flag bit RBIF. A mismatch condition will continue to set the RBIF bit. Reading PORTB will end the mismatch condition, and allow the RBIF bit to be cleared. This interrupt on mismatch feature, together with software configurable pull-ups on these four pins allow easy interface to a key pad and make it possible for wake-up on key-depression (see AN552 in the Embedded Control Handbook). Note 1: For a change on the I/O pin to be recognized, the pulse width must be at least TCY wide. The interrupt on change feature is recommended for wake-up on key depression operation and operations where PORTB is only used for the interrupt on change feature. Polling of PORTB is not recommended while using the interrupt on change feature. FIGURE 5-4: BLOCK DIAGRAM OF PINS RB3:RB0 VDD RBPU(1) VDD RBPU(1) Data bus weak P pull-up Data Latch D WR Port Q I/O pin(2) CK Data bus WR Port WR TRIS WR TRIS Q Data Latch D Q I/O pin(2) CK TRIS Latch D Q TRIS Latch D weak P pull-up TTL Input Buffer CK TTL Input Buffer CK RD TRIS Q Latch RD TRIS Q RD Port D RD Port D EN EN Set RBIF RB0/INT From other RB7:RB4 pins Q Schmitt Trigger Buffer D RD Port Note 1: TRISB = '1' enables weak pull-up (if RBPU = '0' in the OPTION register). EN 2: I/O pins have diode protection to VDD and VSS. RD Port Note 1: TRISB = '1' enables weak pull-up (if RBPU = '0' in the OPTION register). 2: I/O pins have diode protection to VDD and VSS. 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30430B-page 23 PIC16F8X EXAMPLE 5-2: INITIALIZING PORTB CLRF PORTB BSF MOVLW STATUS, RP0 0xCF MOVWF TRISB TABLE 5-3: Initialize PORTB by setting output data latches Select Bank 1 Value used to initialize data direction Set RB<3:0> as inputs RB<5:4> as outputs RB<7:6> as inputs PORTB FUNCTIONS Name RB0/INT ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Bit Buffer Type I/O Consistency Function (1) bit0 Input/output pin or external interrupt input. Internal software programmable weak pull-up. RB1 bit1 TTL Input/output pin. Internal software programmable weak pull-up. RB2 bit2 TTL Input/output pin. Internal software programmable weak pull-up. RB3 bit3 TTL Input/output pin. Internal software programmable weak pull-up. RB4 bit4 TTL Input/output pin (with interrupt on change). Internal software programmable weak pull-up. RB5 bit5 TTL Input/output pin (with interrupt on change). Internal software programmable weak pull-up. RB6 bit6 TTL/ST(2) Input/output pin (with interrupt on change). Internal software programmable weak pull-up. Serial programming clock. RB7 bit7 TTL/ST(2) Input/output pin (with interrupt on change). Internal software programmable weak pull-up. Serial programming data. Legend: TTL = TTL input, ST = Schmitt Trigger. Note 1: This buffer is a Schmitt Trigger input when configured as the external interrupt. 2: This buffer is a Schmitt Trigger input when used in serial programming mode. TABLE 5-4: Address Name TTL/ST SUMMARY OF REGISTERS ASSOCIATED WITH PORTB Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Value on Power-on Reset Value on all other resets uuuu uuuu 06h PORTB RB7 RB6 RB5 RB4 RB3 RB2 RB1 RB0/INT xxxx xxxx 86h TRISB TRISB7 TRISB6 TRISB5 TRISB4 TRISB3 TRISB2 TRISB1 TRISB0 1111 1111 1111 1111 81h OPTION RBPU INTEDG T0CS T0SE PSA PS2 PS1 PS0 1111 1111 1111 1111 Legend: x = unknown, u = unchanged. Shaded cells are not used by PORTB. DS30430B-page 24 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X 5.3 I/O Programming Considerations 5.3.2 5.3.1 BI-DIRECTIONAL I/O PORTS The actual write to an I/O port happens at the end of an instruction cycle, whereas for reading, the data must be valid at the beginning of the instruction cycle (Figure 5-5). Therefore, care must be exercised if a write followed by a read operation is carried out on the same I/O port. The sequence of instructions should be such that the pin voltage stabilizes (load dependent) before the next instruction which causes that file to be read into the CPU is executed. Otherwise, the previous state of that pin may be read into the CPU rather than the new state. When in doubt, it is better to separate these instructions with a NOP or another instruction not accessing this I/O port. Any instruction which writes, operates internally as a read followed by a write operation. The BCF and BSF instructions, for example, read the register into the CPU, execute the bit operation and write the result back to the register. Caution must be used when these instructions are applied to a port with both inputs and outputs defined. For example, a BSF operation on bit5 of PORTB will cause all eight bits of PORTB to be read into the CPU. Then the BSF operation takes place on bit5 and PORTB is written to the output latches. If another bit of PORTB is used as a bi-directional I/O pin (i.e., bit0) and it is defined as an input at this time, the input signal present on the pin itself would be read into the CPU and rewritten to the data latch of this particular pin, overwriting the previous content. As long as the pin stays in the input mode, no problem occurs. However, if bit0 is switched into output mode later on, the content of the data latch is unknown. Reading the port register, reads the values of the port pins. Writing to the port register writes the value to the port latch. When using read-modify-write instructions (i.e., BCF, BSF, etc.) on a port, the value of the port pins is read, the desired operation is done to this value, and this value is then written to the port latch. A pin actively outputting a Low or High should not be driven from external devices at the same time in order to change the level on this pin (“wired-or”, “wired-and”). The resulting high output current may damage the chip. FIGURE 5-5: SUCCESSIVE OPERATIONS ON I/O PORTS Example 5-3 shows the effect of two sequential read-modify-write instructions (e.g., BCF, BSF, etc.) on an I/O port. EXAMPLE 5-3: ;Initial PORT settings: PORTB<7:4> Inputs ; PORTB<3:0> Outputs ;PORTB<7:6> have external pull-ups and are ;not connected to other circuitry ; ; PORT latch PORT pins ; ---------- --------BCF PORTB, 7 ; 01pp ppp 11pp ppp BCF PORTB, 6 ; 10pp ppp 11pp ppp BSF STATUS, RP0 ; BCF TRISB, 7 ; 10pp ppp 11pp ppp BCF TRISB, 6 ; 10pp ppp 10pp ppp ; ;Note that the user may have expected the ;pin values to be 00pp ppp. The 2nd BCF ;caused RB7 to be latched as the pin value ;(high). SUCCESSIVE I/O OPERATION Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 PC Instruction fetched MOVWF PORTB write to PORTB PC + 1 PC + 2 PC + 3 NOP NOP MOVF PORTB,W Port pin sampled here MOVWF PORTB write to PORTB 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. This example shows as write to PORTB followed by a read from PORTB. Therefore, at higher clock frequencies, a write followed by a read may be problematic. MOVF PORTB,W NOP Note: Note that: data setup time = (0.25 TCY - TPD) where:TCY = instruction cycle TPD = propagation delay RB7:RB0 Instruction executed READ-MODIFY-WRITE INSTRUCTIONS ON AN I/O PORT NOP DS30430B-page 25 PIC16F8X NOTES: DS30430B-page 26 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X 6.0 TIMER0 MODULE AND TMR0 REGISTER edge select bit, T0SE (OPTION<4>). Clearing bit T0SE selects the rising edge. Restrictions on the external clock input are discussed in detail in Section 6.2. The Timer0 module timer/counter has the following features: • • • • • • The prescaler is shared between the Timer0 Module and the Watchdog Timer. The prescaler assignment is controlled, in software, by control bit PSA (OPTION<3>). Clearing bit PSA will assign the prescaler to the Timer0 Module. The prescaler is not readable or writable. When the prescaler (Section 6.3) is assigned to the Timer0 Module, the prescale value (1:2, 1:4, ..., 1:256) is software selectable. 8-bit timer/counter Readable and writable 8-bit software programmable prescaler Internal or external clock select Interrupt on overflow from FFh to 00h Edge select for external clock The TMR0 interrupt is generated when the TMR0 register overflows from FFh to 00h. This overflow sets the T0IF bit (INTCON<2>). The interrupt can be masked by clearing enable bit T0IE (INTCON<5>). The T0IF bit must be cleared in software by the Timer0 Module interrupt service routine before re-enabling this interrupt. The TMR0 interrupt (Figure 6-4) cannot wake the processor from SLEEP since the timer is shut off during SLEEP. Counter mode is selected by setting the T0CS bit (OPTION<5>). In this mode TMR0 will increment either on every rising or falling edge of pin RA4/T0CKI. The incrementing edge is determined by the T0 source FIGURE 6-1: TMR0 Interrupt 6.1 Timer mode is selected by clearing the T0CS bit (OPTION<5>). In timer mode, the Timer0 module (Figure 6-1) will increment every instruction cycle (without prescaler). If the TMR0 register is written, the increment is inhibited for the following two cycles (Figure 6-2 and Figure 6-3). The user can work around this by writing an adjusted value to the TMR0 register. TMR0 BLOCK DIAGRAM Data bus FOSC/4 0 PSout 1 Sync with Internal clocks 1 RA4/T0CKI pin Programmable Prescaler 8 0 TMR0 register PSout (2 cycle delay) T0SE 3 PS2, PS1, PS0 Set bit T0IF on Overflow PSA T0CS Note 1: Bits T0CS, T0SE, PS2, PS1, PS0 and PSA are located in the OPTION register. 2: The prescaler is shared with the Watchdog Timer (Figure 6-6) FIGURE 6-2: TMR0 TIMING: INTERNAL CLOCK/NO PRESCALER Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 PC-1 PC MOVWF TMR0 Instruction Fetch TMR0 PC T0 T0+1 Instruction Executed PC+1 PC+2 PC+3 MOVF TMR0,W MOVF TMR0,W MOVF TMR0,W T0+2 NT0 NT0 Write TMR0 executed Read TMR0 reads NT0 Read TMR0 reads NT0 PC+4 MOVF TMR0,W NT0 Read TMR0 reads NT0 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PC+5 PC+6 MOVF TMR0,W NT0+1 Read TMR0 reads NT0 + 1 NT0+2 T0 Read TMR0 reads NT0 + 2 DS30430B-page 27 This document was created with FrameMaker 4 0 4 PIC16F8X FIGURE 6-3: TMR0 TIMING: INTERNAL CLOCK/PRESCALE 1:2 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 PC-1 PC PC PC+1 MOVWF TMR0 Instruction Fetch PC+3 T0+1 T0 TMR0 PC+2 Instruction Execute PC+5 MOVF TMR0,W PC+6 MOVF TMR0,W NT0+1 NT0 Write TMR0 executed FIGURE 6-4: PC+4 MOVF TMR0,W MOVF TMR0,W MOVF TMR0,W Read TMR0 reads NT0 Read TMR0 reads NT0 Read TMR0 reads NT0 Read TMR0 reads NT0 Read TMR0 reads NT0 + 1 TMR0 INTERRUPT TIMING Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 OSC1 CLKOUT(3) TMR0 timer FEh T0IF bit 4 (INTCON<2>) 1 FFh 00h 01h 02h 1 GIE bit (INTCON<7>) Interrupt Latency(2) INSTRUCTION FLOW PC PC Instruction fetched Inst (PC) Instruction executed Inst (PC-1) PC +1 PC +1 Inst (PC+1) Inst (PC) Dummy cycle 0004h 0005h Inst (0004h) Inst (0005h) Dummy cycle Inst (0004h) Note 1: T0IF interrupt flag is sampled here (every Q1). 2: Interrupt latency = 3.25Tcy, where Tcy = instruction cycle time. 3: CLKOUT is available only in RC oscillator mode. 4: The timer clock (after the synchronizer circuit) which increments the timer from FFh to 00h immediately sets the T0IF bit. The TMR0 register will roll over 3 Tosc cycles later. DS30430B-page 28 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X 6.2 Using TMR0 with External Clock 6.2.2 TMR0 INCREMENT DELAY When an external clock input is used for TMR0, it must meet certain requirements. The external clock requirement is due to internal phase clock (TOSC) synchronization. Also, there is a delay in the actual incrementing of the TMR0 register after synchronization. Since the prescaler output is synchronized with the internal clocks, there is a small delay from the time the external clock edge occurs to the time the Timer0 Module is actually incremented. Figure 6-5 shows the delay from the external clock edge to the timer incrementing. 6.2.1 6.3 EXTERNAL CLOCK SYNCHRONIZATION Prescaler When no prescaler is used, the external clock input is the same as the prescaler output. The synchronization of pin RA4/T0CKI with the internal phase clocks is accomplished by sampling the prescaler output on the Q2 and Q4 cycles of the internal phase clocks (Figure 6-5). Therefore, it is necessary for T0CKI to be high for at least 2Tosc (plus a small RC delay) and low for at least 2Tosc (plus a small RC delay). Refer to the electrical specification of the desired device. An 8-bit counter is available as a prescaler for the Timer0 Module, or as a postscaler for the Watchdog Timer (Figure 6-6). For simplicity, this counter is being referred to as “prescaler” throughout this data sheet. Note that there is only one prescaler available which is mutually exclusive between the Timer0 Module and the Watchdog Timer. Thus, a prescaler assignment for the Timer0 Module means that there is no prescaler for the Watchdog Timer, and vice-versa. When a prescaler is used, the external clock input is divided by an asynchronous ripple counter type prescaler so that the prescaler output is symmetrical. For the external clock to meet the sampling requirement, the ripple counter must be taken into account. Therefore, it is necessary for T0CKI to have a period of at least 4Tosc (plus a small RC delay) divided by the prescaler value. The only requirement on T0CKI high and low time is that they do not violate the minimum pulse width requirement of 10 ns. Refer to parameters 40, 41 and 42 in the AC Electrical Specifications of the desired device. The PSA and PS2:PS0 bits (OPTION<3:0>) determine the prescaler assignment and prescale ratio. FIGURE 6-5: When assigned to the Timer0 Module, all instructions writing to the Timer0 Module (e.g., CLRF 1, MOVWF 1, BSF 1,x ....etc.) will clear the prescaler. When assigned to WDT, a CLRWDT instruction will clear the prescaler along with the Watchdog Timer. The prescaler is not readable or writable. TIMER0 TIMING WITH EXTERNAL CLOCK Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Ext. Clock Input or Prescaler Out (Note 2) (Note 3) Ext. Clock/Prescaler Output After Sampling Increment TMR0 (Q4) TMR0 T0 T0 + 1 T0 + 2 Note 1: Delay from clock input change to TMR0 increment is 3Tosc to 7Tosc. (Duration of Q = Tosc). Therefore, the error in measuring the interval between two edges on TMR0 input = ± 4Tosc max. 2: External clock if no prescaler selected, Prescaler output otherwise. 3: The arrows ↑ indicate where sampling occurs. A small clock pulse may be missed by sampling. 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30430B-page 29 PIC16F8X FIGURE 6-6: BLOCK DIAGRAM OF THE TMR0/WDT PRESCALER Data Bus CLKOUT (= Fosc/4) 0 RA4/T0CKI pin M U X 8 1 M U X 0 1 SYNC 2 Cycles TMR0 register T0SE T0CS 0 Watchdog Timer 1 M U X Set bit T0IF on overflow PSA 8-bit Prescaler 8 8 - to - 1MUX PS2:PS0 PSA WDT Enable bit 1 0 MUX PSA WDT time-out Note: T0CS, T0SE, PSA, PS2:PS0 are bits in the OPTION register. DS30430B-page 30 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X 6.3.1 SWITCHING PRESCALER ASSIGNMENT EXAMPLE 6-1: The prescaler assignment is fully under software control (i.e., it can be changed “on the fly” during program execution). Note: To avoid an unintended device RESET, the following instruction sequence (Example 6-1) must be executed when changing the prescaler assignment from Timer0 to the WDT. This sequence must be taken even if the WDT is disabled. To change prescaler from the WDT to the Timer0 module use the sequence shown in Example 6-2. TABLE 6-1: Address Name CHANGING PRESCALER (TIMER0→WDT) BCF CLRF STATUS, RP0 TMR0 BSF CLRWDT MOVLW MOVWF BCF STATUS, RP0 b'xxxx1xxx' OPTION STATUS, RP0 EXAMPLE 6-2: ;Bank 0 ;Clear TMR0 ; and Prescaler ;Bank 1 ;Clears WDT ;Select new ; prescale value ;Bank 0 CHANGING PRESCALER (WDT→TIMER0) CLRWDT BSF MOVLW STATUS, RP0 b'xxxx0xxx' MOVWF BCF OPTION STATUS, RP0 ;Clear WDT and ; prescaler ;Bank 1 ;Select TMR0, new ; prescale value ’ and clock source ; ;Bank 0 REGISTERS ASSOCIATED WITH TIMER0 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Value on all other resets 01h TMR0 xxxx xxxx uuuu uuuu 0Bh INTCON GIE EEIE T0IE INTE RBIE T0IF INTF RBIF 0000 000x 0000 0000 81h OPTION RBPU INTEDG T0CS T0SE PSA PS2 PS1 PS0 1111 1111 1111 1111 — — — TRISA0 ---1 1111 ---1 1111 85h TRISA Timer0 module’s register Value on Power-on Reset TRISA4 TRISA3 TRISA2 TRISA1 Legend: x = unknown, u = unchanged. - = unimplemented read as '0'. Shaded cells are not associated with Timer0. 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30430B-page 31 PIC16F8X NOTES: DS30430B-page 32 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X 7.0 DATA EEPROM MEMORY The EEPROM data memory is readable and writable during normal operation (full VDD range). This memory is not directly mapped in the register file space. Instead it is indirectly addressed through the Special Function Registers. There are four SFRs used to read and write this memory. These registers are: • • • • EECON1 EECON2 EEDATA EEADR EEDATA holds the 8-bit data for read/write, and EEADR holds the address of the EEPROM location being accessed. PIC16F8X devices have 64 bytes of data EEPROM with an address range from 0h to 3Fh. When the device is code protected, the CPU may continue to read and write the data EEPROM memory. The device programmer can no longer access this memory. 7.1 EEADR The EEADR register can address up to a maximum of 256 bytes of data EEPROM. Only the first 64 bytes of data EEPROM are implemented. The upper two bits are address decoded. This means that these two bits must always be '0' to ensure that the address is in the 64 byte memory space. The EEPROM data memory allows byte read and write. A byte write automatically erases the location and writes the new data (erase before write). The EEPROM data memory is rated for high erase/write cycles. The write time is controlled by an on-chip timer. The write-time will vary with voltage and temperature as well as from chip to chip. Please refer to AC specifications for exact limits. FIGURE 7-1: EECON1 REGISTER (ADDRESS 88h) U U U R/W-0 R/W-x R/W-0 R/S-0 R/S-x — — — EEIF WRERR WREN WR RD bit7 bit0 R W S U = Readable bit = Writable bit = Settable bit = Unimplemented bit, read as ‘0’ - n = Value at POR reset bit 7:5 Unimplemented: Read as '0' bit 4 EEIF: EEPROM Write Operation Interrupt Flag bit 1 = The write operation completed (must be cleared in software) 0 = The write operation is not complete or has not been started bit 3 WRERR: EEPROM Error Flag bit 1 = A write operation is prematurely terminated (any MCLR reset or any WDT reset during normal operation) 0 = The write operation completed bit 2 WREN: EEPROM Write Enable bit 1 = Allows write cycles 0 = Inhibits write to the data EEPROM bit 1 WR: Write Control bit 1 = initiates a write cycle. (The bit is cleared by hardware once write is complete. The WR bit can only be set (not cleared) in software. 0 = Write cycle to the data EEPROM is complete bit 0 RD: Read Control bit 1 = Initiates an EEPROM read (read takes one cycle. RD is cleared in hardware. The RD bit can only be set (not cleared) in software). 0 = Does not initiate an EEPROM read 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30430B-page 33 This document was created with FrameMaker 4 0 4 PIC16F8X EECON1 and EECON2 Registers EECON1 is the control register with five low order bits physically implemented. The upper-three bits are non-existent and read as '0's. Control bits RD and WR initiate read and write, respectively. These bits cannot be cleared, only set, in software. They are cleared in hardware at completion of the read or write operation. The inability to clear the WR bit in software prevents the accidental, premature termination of a write operation. The WREN bit, when set, will allow a write operation. On power-up, the WREN bit is clear. The WRERR bit is set when a write operation is interrupted by a MCLR reset or a WDT time-out reset during normal operation. In these situations, following reset, the user can check the WRERR bit and rewrite the location. The data and address will be unchanged in the EEDATA and EEADR registers. Interrupt flag bit EEIF is set when write is complete. It must be cleared in software. EECON2 is not a physical register. Reading EECON2 will read all '0's. The EECON2 register is used exclusively in the Data EEPROM write sequence. 7.3 Reading the EEPROM Data Memory To read a data memory location, the user must write the address to the EEADR register and then set control bit RD (EECON1<0>). The data is available, in the very next cycle, in the EEDATA register; therefore it can be read in the next instruction. EEDATA will hold this value until another read or until it is written to by the user (during a write operation). EXAMPLE 7-1: BCF MOVLW MOVWF BSF BSF BCF MOVF DATA EEPROM READ STATUS, RP0 CONFIG_ADDR EEADR STATUS, RP0 EECON1, RD STATUS, RP0 EEDATA, W DS30430B-page 34 ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Bank 0 7.4 Writing to the EEPROM Data Memory To write an EEPROM data location, the user must first write the address to the EEADR register and the data to the EEDATA register. Then the user must follow a specific sequence to initiate the write for each byte. EXAMPLE 7-2: Required Sequence 7.2 DATA EEPROM WRITE BSF BCF BSF MOVLW MOVWF MOVLW MOVWF BSF STATUS, RP0 INTCON, GIE EECON1, WREN 55h EECON2 AAh EECON2 EECON1,WR BSF INTCON, GIE ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Bank 1 Disable INTs. Enable Write Write 55h Write AAh Set WR bit begin write Enable INTs. The write will not initiate if the above sequence is not exactly followed (write 55h to EECON2, write AAh to EECON2, then set WR bit) for each byte. We strongly recommend that interrupts be disabled during this code segment. Additionally, the WREN bit in EECON1 must be set to enable write. This mechanism prevents accidental writes to data EEPROM due to errant (unexpected) code execution (i.e., lost programs). The user should keep the WREN bit clear at all times, except when updating EEPROM. The WREN bit is not cleared by hardware After a write sequence has been initiated, clearing the WREN bit will not affect this write cycle. The WR bit will be inhibited from being set unless the WREN bit is set. At the completion of the write cycle, the WR bit is cleared in hardware and the EE Write Complete Interrupt Flag bit (EEIF) is set. The user can either enable this interrupt or poll this bit. EEIF must be cleared by software. Address to read Bank 1 EE Read Bank 0 W = EEDATA 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X 7.5 Write Verify 7.6 Depending on the application, good programming practice may dictate that the value written to the Data EEPROM should be verified (Example 7-3) to the desired value to be written. This should be used in applications where an EEPROM bit will be stressed near the specification limit. The Total Endurance disk will help determine your comfort level. There are conditions when the device may not want to write to the data EEPROM memory. To protect against spurious EEPROM writes, various mechanisms have been built in. On power-up, WREN is cleared. Also, the Power-up Timer (72 ms duration) prevents EEPROM write. The write initiate sequence and the WREN bit together help prevent an accidental write during brown-out, power glitch, or software malfunction. Generally the EEPROM write failure will be a bit which was written as a '1', but reads back as a '0' (due to leakage off the bit). EXAMPLE 7-3: BCF : : MOVF BSF READ BSF 7.7 WRITE VERIFY STATUS, RP0 ; ; ; EEDATA, W ; STATUS, RP0 ; Protection Against Spurious Writes Data EEPROM Operation during Code Protect When the device is code protected, the CPU is able to read and write unscrambled data to the Data EEPROM. Bank 0 Any code can go here Must be in Bank 0 Bank 1 For ROM devices, there are two code protection bits (Section 8.1). One for the ROM program memory and one for the Data EEPROM memory. EECON1, RD ; YES, Read the ; value written STATUS, RP0 ; Bank 0 BCF ; ; Is the value written (in W reg) and ; read (in EEDATA) the same? ; SUBWF EEDATA, W ; BTFSS STATUS, Z ; Is difference 0? GOTO WRITE_ERR ; NO, Write error : ; YES, Good write : ; Continue program TABLE 7-1: Address REGISTERS/BITS ASSOCIATED WITH DATA EEPROM Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Value on Power-on Reset Value on all other resets uuuu uuuu 08h EEDATA EEPROM data register xxxx xxxx 09h EEADR EEPROM address register xxxx xxxx uuuu uuuu 88h EECON1 ---0 x000 ---0 q000 89h EECON2 ---- ---- ---- ---- — — — EEPROM control register 2 EEIF WRERR WREN WR RD Legend: x = unknown, u = unchanged, - = unimplemented read as '0', q = value depends upon condition. Shaded cells are not used by Data EEPROM. 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30430B-page 35 PIC16F8X NOTES: DS30430B-page 36 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X 8.0 SPECIAL FEATURES OF THE CPU What sets a microcontroller apart from other processors are special circuits to deal with the needs of real time applications. The PIC16F8X has a host of such features intended to maximize system reliability, minimize cost through elimination of external components, provide power saving operating modes and offer code protection. These features are: 8.1 Configuration Bits The configuration bits can be programmed (read as '0') or left unprogrammed (read as '1') to select various device configurations. These bits are mapped in program memory location 2007h. Address 2007h is beyond the user program memory space and it belongs to the special test/configuration memory space (2000h - 3FFFh). This space can only be accessed during programming. • OSC Selection • Reset - Power-on Reset (POR) - Power-up Timer (PWRT) - Oscillator Start-up Timer (OST) • Interrupts • Watchdog Timer (WDT) • SLEEP • Code protection • ID locations • In-circuit serial programming The PIC16F8X has a Watchdog Timer which can be shut off only through configuration bits. It runs off its own RC oscillator for added reliability. There are two timers that offer necessary delays on power-up. One is the Oscillator Start-up Timer (OST), intended to keep the chip in reset until the crystal oscillator is stable. The other is the Power-up Timer (PWRT), which provides a fixed delay of 72 ms (nominal) on power-up only. This design keeps the device in reset while the power supply stabilizes. With these two timers on-chip, most applications need no external reset circuitry. SLEEP mode offers a very low current power-down mode. The user can wake-up from SLEEP through external reset, Watchdog Timer time-out or through an interrupt. Several oscillator options are provided to allow the part to fit the application. The RC oscillator option saves system cost while the LP crystal option saves power. A set of configuration bits are used to select the various options. 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30430B-page 37 This document was created with FrameMaker 4 0 4 PIC16F8X FIGURE 8-1: R-u CP bit13 R-u CP CONFIGURATION WORD - PIC16CR83 AND PIC16CR84 R-u CP R-u CP R-u CP R-u CP R/P-u DP R-u CP R-u CP R-u CP R-u R-u R-u R-u PWRTE WDTE FOSC1 FOSC0 bit0 R = Readable bit P = Programmable bit - n = Value at POR reset u = unchanged bit 13:8 CP: Program Memory Code Protection bit 1 = Code protection off 0 = Program memory is code protected bit 7 DP: Data Memory Code Protection bit 1 = Code protection off 0 = Data memory is code protected bit 6:4 CP: Program Memory Code Protection bit 1 = Code protection off 0 = Program memory is code protected bit 3 PWRTE: Power-up Timer Enable bit 1 = Power-up timer is disabled 0 = Power-up timer is enabled bit 2 WDTE: Watchdog Timer Enable bit 1 = WDT enabled 0 = WDT disabled bit 1:0 FOSC1:FOSC0: Oscillator Selection bits 11 = RC oscillator 10 = HS oscillator 01 = XT oscillator 00 = LP oscillator FIGURE 8-2: CONFIGURATION WORD - PIC16F83 AND PIC16F84 R/P-u R/P-u R/P-u R/P-u R/P-u R/P-u R/P-u R/P-u R/P-u CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP bit13 R/P-u R/P-u R/P-u R/P-u R/P-u CP PWRTE WDTE FOSC1 FOSC0 bit0 R = Readable bit P = Programmable bit - n = Value at POR reset u = unchanged bit 13:4 CP: Code Protection bit 1 = Code protection off 0 = All memory is code protected bit 3 PWRTE: Power-up Timer Enable bit 1 = Power-up timer is disabled 0 = Power-up timer is enabled bit 2 WDTE: Watchdog Timer Enable bit 1 = WDT enabled 0 = WDT disabled bit 1:0 FOSC1:FOSC0: Oscillator Selection bits 11 = RC oscillator 10 = HS oscillator 01 = XT oscillator 00 = LP oscillator DS30430B-page 38 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X 8.2 Oscillator Configurations 8.2.1 OSCILLATOR TYPES TABLE 8-1: The PIC16F8X can be operated in four different oscillator modes. The user can program two configuration bits (FOSC1 and FOSC0) to select one of these four modes: • • • • LP XT HS RC Low Power Crystal Crystal/Resonator High Speed Crystal/Resonator Resistor/Capacitor Ranges Tested: Mode Freq XT 455 kHz 2.0 MHz 4.0 MHz 8.0 MHz 10.0 MHz HS Note : 8.2.2 CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR / CERAMIC RESONATORS In XT, LP or HS modes a crystal or ceramic resonator is connected to the OSC1/CLKIN and OSC2/CLKOUT pins to establish oscillation (Figure 8-3). FIGURE 8-3: CRYSTAL/CERAMIC RESONATOR OPERATION (HS, XT OR LP OSC CONFIGURATION) C1(1) OSC1 XTAL RF(3) OSC2 C2(1) Note1: 2: 3: To internal logic PIC16F83/CR83/F84/CR84 CAPACITOR SELECTION FOR CERAMIC RESONATORS OSC1/C1 OSC2/C2 47 - 100 pF 47 - 100 pF 15 - 33 pF 15 - 33 pF 15 - 33 pF 15 - 33 pF 15 - 33 pF 15 - 33 pF 15 - 33 pF 15 - 33 pF Recommended values of C1 and C2 are identical to the ranges tested table. Higher capacitance increases the stability of the oscillator but also increases the start-up time. These values are for design guidance only. Since each resonator has its own characteristics, the user should consult the resonator manufacturer for the appropriate values of external components. Resonators Tested: 455 kHz 2.0 MHz 4.0 MHz 8.0 MHz 10.0 MHz Panasonic EFO-A455K04B Murata Erie CSA2.00MG Murata Erie CSA4.00MG Murata Erie CSA8.00MT Murata Erie CSA10.00MTZ ± 0.3% ± 0.5% ± 0.5% ± 0.5% ± 0.5% None of the resonators had built-in capacitors. SLEEP RS(2) PIC16FXX See Table 8-1 for recommended values of C1 and C2. A series resistor (RS) may be required for AT strip cut crystals. RF varies with the crystal chosen. The PIC16F8X oscillator design requires the use of a parallel cut crystal. Use of a series cut crystal may give a frequency out of the crystal manufacturers specifications. When in XT, LP or HS modes, the device can have an external clock source to drive the OSC1/CLKIN pin (Figure 8-4). FIGURE 8-4: EXTERNAL CLOCK INPUT OPERATION (HS, XT OR LP OSC CONFIGURATION) OSC1 Clock from ext. system PIC16FXX Open OSC2 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30430B-page 39 PIC16F8X TABLE 8-2: PIC16F83/CR83/F84/CR84 CAPACITOR SELECTION FOR CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR Mode Freq OSC1/C1 OSC2/C2 LP 32 kHz 200 kHz 100 kHz 2 MHz 4 MHz 4 MHz 10 MHz 68 - 100 pF 15 - 33 pF 100 - 150 pF 15 - 33 pF 15 - 33 pF 15 - 33 pF 15 - 33 pF 68 - 100 pF 15 - 33 pF 100 - 150 pF 15 - 33 pF 15 - 33 pF 15 - 33 pF 15 - 33 pF XT HS Note : Higher capacitance increases the stability of oscillator but also increases the start-up time. These values are for design guidance only. Rs may be required in HS mode as well as XT mode to avoid overdriving crystals with low drive level specification. Since each crystal has its own characteristics, the user should consult the crystal manufacturer for appropriate values of external components. For VDD > 4.5V, C1 = C2 ≈ 30 pF is recommended. Crystals Tested: 32.768 kHz 100 kHz 200 kHz 1.0 MHz 2.0 MHz 4.0 MHz 10.0 MHz 8.2.3 Epson C-001R32.768K-A Epson C-2 100.00 KC-P STD XTL 200.000 KHz ECS ECS-10-13-2 ECS ECS-20-S-2 ECS ECS-40-S-4 ECS ECS-100-S-4 ± 20 PPM ± 20 PPM ± 20 PPM ± 50 PPM ± 50 PPM ± 50 PPM ± 50 PPM EXTERNAL CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR CIRCUIT Either a prepackaged oscillator can be used or a simple oscillator circuit with TTL gates can be built. Prepackaged oscillators provide a wide operating range and better stability. A well-designed crystal oscillator will provide good performance with TTL gates. Two types of crystal oscillator circuits are available; one with series resonance, and one with parallel resonance. FIGURE 8-5: EXTERNAL PARALLEL RESONANT CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR CIRCUIT +5V To Other Devices PIC16FXX 10k 74AS04 4.7k CLKIN 74AS04 10k XTAL 10k 20 pF 20 pF Figure 8-6 shows a series resonant oscillator circuit. This circuit is also designed to use the fundamental frequency of the crystal. The inverter performs a 180-degree phase shift. The 330 kΩ resistors provide the negative feedback to bias the inverters in their linear region. FIGURE 8-6: EXTERNAL SERIES RESONANT CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR CIRCUIT 330 kΩ 330 kΩ 74AS04 74AS04 To Other Devices PIC16FXX 74AS04 CLKIN 0.1 µF XTAL Figure 8-5 shows a parallel resonant oscillator circuit. The circuit is designed to use the fundamental frequency of the crystal. The 74AS04 inverter performs the 180-degree phase shift that a parallel oscillator requires. The 4.7 kΩ resistor provides negative feedback for stability. The 10 kΩ potentiometer biases the 74AS04 in the linear region. This could be used for external oscillator designs. DS30430B-page 40 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X 8.2.4 RC OSCILLATOR For timing insensitive applications the RC device option offers additional cost savings. The RC oscillator frequency is a function of the supply voltage, the resistor (Rext) values, capacitor (Cext) values, and the operating temperature. In addition to this, the oscillator frequency will vary from unit to unit due to normal process parameter variation. Furthermore, the difference in lead frame capacitance between package types also affects the oscillation frequency, especially for low Cext values. The user needs to take into account variation due to tolerance of the external R and C components. Figure 8-7 shows how an R/C combination is connected to the PIC16F8X. For Rext values below 2.2 kΩ, the oscillator operation may become unstable, or stop completely. For very high Rext values (e.g., 1 MΩ), the oscillator becomes sensitive to noise, humidity and leakage. Thus, we recommend keeping Rext between 5 kΩ and 100 kΩ. Although the oscillator will operate with no external capacitor (Cext = 0 pF), we recommend using values above 20 pF for noise and stability reasons. With little or no external capacitance, the oscillation frequency can vary dramatically due to changes in external capacitances, such as PCB trace capacitance or package lead frame capacitance. See the electrical specification section for variation of oscillator frequency due to VDD for given Rext/Cext values as well as frequency variation due to operating temperature. The oscillator frequency, divided by 4, is available on the OSC2/CLKOUT pin, and can be used for test purposes or to synchronize other logic (see Figure 3-2 for waveform). FIGURE 8-7: RC OSCILLATOR MODE VDD Rext Internal clock OSC1 Cext PIC16FXX VSS Fosc/4 Note: OSC2/CLKOUT When the device oscillator is in RC mode, do not drive the OSC1 pin with an external clock or you may damage the device. See the electrical specification section for RC frequency variation from part to part due to normal process variation. The variation is larger for larger R (since leakage current variation will affect RC frequency more for large R) and for smaller C (since variation of input capacitance has a greater affect on RC frequency). 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30430B-page 41 PIC16F8X 8.3 Reset The PIC16F8X differentiates between various kinds of reset: • • • • • Power-on Reset (POR) MCLR reset during normal operation MCLR reset during SLEEP WDT Reset (during normal operation) WDT Wake-up (during SLEEP) Figure 8-8 shows a simplified block diagram of the on-chip reset circuit. The MCLR reset path has a noise filter to ignore small pulses. The electrical specifications state the pulse width requirements for the MCLR pin. “reset state” on POR, MCLR or WDT reset during normal operation and on MCLR reset during SLEEP. They are not affected by a WDT reset during SLEEP, since this reset is viewed as the resumption of normal operation. Table 8-3 gives a description of reset conditions for the program counter (PC) and the STATUS register. Table 8-4 gives a full description of reset states for all registers. The TO and PD bits are set or cleared differently in different reset situations (Section 8.7). These bits are used in software to determine the nature of the reset. Some registers are not affected in any reset condition; their status is unknown on a POR reset and unchanged in any other reset. Most other registers are reset to a FIGURE 8-8: SIMPLIFIED BLOCK DIAGRAM OF ON-CHIP RESET CIRCUIT External Reset MCLR WDT Module SLEEP WDT Time_Out Reset VDD rise detect Power_on_Reset S 10-bit Ripple counter R VDD OST/PWRT OST Chip_Reset Q OSC1/ CLKIN PWRT On-chip RC OSC(1) 10-bit Ripple counter Enable PWRT Note 1: This is a separate oscillator from the RC oscillator of the CLKIN pin. DS30430B-page 42 See Table 8-5 Enable OST 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X TABLE 8-3: RESET CONDITION FOR PROGRAM COUNTER AND THE STATUS REGISTER Program Counter Condition Power-on Reset 000h STATUS Register 0001 1xxx MCLR Reset during normal operation 000h 000u uuuu MCLR Reset during SLEEP 000h 0001 0uuu WDT Reset (during normal operation) 000h 0000 1uuu WDT Wake-up PC + 1 Interrupt wake-up from SLEEP PC + 1 uuu0 0uuu (1) uuu1 0uuu Legend: u = unchanged, x = unknown. Note 1: When the wake-up is due to an interrupt and the GIE bit is set, the PC is loaded with the interrupt vector (0004h). TABLE 8-4: Register W RESET CONDITIONS FOR ALL REGISTERS Address Power-on Reset MCLR Reset during: – normal operation – SLEEP WDT Reset during normal operation Wake-up from SLEEP: – through interrupt – through WDT Time-out — xxxx xxxx uuuu uuuu uuuu uuuu INDF 00h ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- TMR0 01h xxxx xxxx uuuu uuuu uuuu uuuu PCL 02h 0000h 0000h STATUS 03h 0001 1xxx 000q quuu(3) uuuq quuu(3) FSR 04h xxxx xxxx uuuu uuuu uuuu uuuu PORTA 05h ---x xxxx ---u uuuu ---u uuuu PORTB 06h xxxx xxxx uuuu uuuu uuuu uuuu EEDATA 08h xxxx xxxx uuuu uuuu uuuu uuuu EEADR 09h xxxx xxxx uuuu uuuu uuuu uuuu PCLATH 0Ah ---0 0000 ---0 0000 ---u uuuu INTCON 0Bh 0000 000x 0000 000u uuuu uuuu(1) INDF 80h ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- PC + 1(2) OPTION 81h 1111 1111 1111 1111 uuuu uuuu PCL 82h 0000h 0000h PC + 1 STATUS 83h 0001 1xxx 000q quuu(3) uuuq quuu(3) FSR 84h xxxx xxxx uuuu uuuu uuuu uuuu TRISA 85h ---1 1111 ---1 1111 ---u uuuu TRISB 86h 1111 1111 1111 1111 uuuu uuuu EECON1 88h ---0 x000 ---0 q000 ---0 uuuu EECON2 89h ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- PCLATH 8Ah ---0 0000 ---0 0000 ---u uuuu INTCON 8Bh 0000 000x 0000 000u uuuu uuuu(1) Legend: u = unchanged, x = unknown, - = unimplemented bit read as '0', q = value depends on condition. Note 1: One or more bits in INTCON will be affected (to cause wake-up). 2: When the wake-up is due to an interrupt and the GIE bit is set, the PC is loaded with the interrupt vector (0004h). 3: Table 8-3 lists the reset value for each specific condition. 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30430B-page 43 PIC16F8X 8.4 Power-on Reset (POR) A Power-on Reset pulse is generated on-chip when VDD rise is detected (in the range of 1.2V - 1.7V). To take advantage of the POR, just tie the MCLR pin directly (or through a resistor) to VDD. This will eliminate external RC components usually needed to create Power-on Reset. A minimum rise time for VDD must be met for this to operate properly. See Electrical Specifications for details. When the device starts normal operation (exits the reset condition), device operating parameters (voltage, frequency, temperature, ...) must be meet to ensure operation. If these conditions are not met, the device must be held in reset until the operating conditions are met. For additional information, refer to Application Note AN607, "Power-up Trouble Shooting." The POR circuit does not produce an internal reset when VDD declines. 8.5 Power-up Timer (PWRT) The Power-up Timer (PWRT) provides a fixed 72 ms nominal time-out (TPWRT) from POR (Figure 8-10, Figure 8-11, Figure 8-12 and Figure 8-13). The Power-up Timer operates on an internal RC oscillator. The chip is kept in reset as long as the PWRT is active. The PWRT delay allows the VDD to rise to an acceptable level (Possible exception shown in Figure 8-13). FIGURE 8-9: EXTERNAL POWER-ON RESET CIRCUIT (FOR SLOW VDD POWER-UP) VDD VDD D R R1 MCLR C PIC16FXX Note 1: External Power-on Reset circuit is required only if VDD power-up rate is too slow. The diode D helps discharge the capacitor quickly when VDD powers down. 2: R < 40 kΩ is recommended to make sure that voltage drop across R does not exceed 0.2V (max leakage current spec on MCLR pin is 5 µA). A larger voltage drop will degrade VIH level on the MCLR pin. 3: R1 = 100Ω to 1 kΩ will limit any current flowing into MCLR from external capacitor C in the event of an MCLR pin breakdown due to ESD or EOS. A configuration bit, PWRTE, can enable/disable the PWRT. See either Figure 8-1 or Figure 8-2 for the operation of the PWRTE bit for a particular device. The power-up time delay TPWRT will vary from chip to chip due to VDD, temperature, and process variation. See DC parameters for details. 8.6 Oscillator Start-up Timer (OST) The Oscillator Start-up Timer (OST) provides a 1024 oscillator cycle delay (from OSC1 input) after the PWRT delay ends (Figure 8-10, Figure 8-11, Figure 8-12 and Figure 8-13). This ensures the crystal oscillator or resonator has started and stabilized. The OST time-out (TOST) is invoked only for XT, LP and HS modes and only on Power-on Reset or wake-up from SLEEP. When VDD rises very slowly, it is possible that the TPWRT time-out and TOST time-out will expire before VDD has reached its final value. In this case (Figure 8-13), an external power-on reset circuit may be necessary (Figure 8-9). DS30430B-page 44 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X FIGURE 8-10: TIME-OUT SEQUENCE ON POWER-UP (MCLR NOT TIED TO VDD): CASE 1 VDD MCLR INTERNAL POR TPWRT PWRT TIME-OUT TOST OST TIME-OUT INTERNAL RESET FIGURE 8-11: TIME-OUT SEQUENCE ON POWER-UP (MCLR NOT TIED TO VDD): CASE 2 VDD MCLR INTERNAL POR TPWRT PWRT TIME-OUT TOST OST TIME-OUT INTERNAL RESET 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30430B-page 45 PIC16F8X FIGURE 8-12: TIME-OUT SEQUENCE ON POWER-UP (MCLR TIED TO VDD): FAST VDD RISE TIME VDD MCLR INTERNAL POR TPWRT PWRT TIME-OUT TOST OST TIME-OUT INTERNAL RESET FIGURE 8-13: TIME-OUT SEQUENCE ON POWER-UP (MCLR TIED TO VDD): SLOW VDD RISE TIME V1 VDD MCLR INTERNAL POR TPWRT PWRT TIME-OUT TOST OST TIME-OUT INTERNAL RESET When VDD rises very slowly, it is possible that the TPWRT time-out and TOST time-out will expire before VDD has reached its final value. In this example, the chip will reset properly if, and only if, V1 ≥ VDD min. DS30430B-page 46 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X 8.7 Time-out Sequence and Power-down Status Bits (TO/PD) On power-up (Figure 8-10, Figure 8-11, Figure 8-12 and Figure 8-13) the time-out sequence is as follows: First PWRT time-out is invoked after a POR has expired. Then the OST is activated. The total time-out will vary based on oscillator configuration and PWRTE configuration bit status. For example, in RC mode with the PWRT disabled, there will be no time-out at all. TABLE 8-5: XT, HS, LP RC Power-up PWRT PWRT Enabled Disabled 72 ms + 1024TOSC 1024TOSC 72 ms — Wake-up from SLEEP PD 1 0 x 0 0 1 1 1 x 0 1 0 1 0 To reset a PIC16F8X device when a brown-out occurs, external brown-out protection circuits may be built, as shown in Figure 8-14 and Figure 8-15. VDD VDD 33k 10k — Table 8-6 shows the significance of the TO and PD bits. Table 8-3 lists the reset conditions for some special registers, while Table 8-4 lists the reset conditions for all the registers. TO A brown-out is a condition where device power (VDD) dips below its minimum value, but not to zero, and then recovers. The device should be reset in the event of a brown-out. 1024TOSC Since the time-outs occur from the POR reset pulse, if MCLR is kept low long enough, the time-outs will expire. Then bringing MCLR high, execution will begin immediately (Figure 8-10). This is useful for testing purposes or to synchronize more than one PIC16F8X device when operating in parallel. TABLE 8-6: Reset on Brown-Out FIGURE 8-14: BROWN-OUT PROTECTION CIRCUIT 1 TIME-OUT IN VARIOUS SITUATIONS Oscillator Configuration 8.8 STATUS BITS AND THEIR SIGNIFICANCE 40k FIGURE 8-15: BROWN-OUT PROTECTION CIRCUIT 2 VDD VDD R1 Q1 MCLR R2 40k PIC16F8X This brown-out circuit is less expensive, although less accurate. Transistor Q1 turns off when VDD is below a certain level such that: VDD • 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X This circuit will activate reset when VDD goes below (Vz + 0.7V) where Vz = Zener voltage. Condition Power-on Reset Illegal, TO is set on POR Illegal, PD is set on POR WDT Reset (during normal operation) WDT Wake-up MCLR Reset during normal operation MCLR Reset during SLEEP or interrupt wake-up from SLEEP MCLR R1 R1 + R2 = 0.7V DS30430B-page 47 PIC16F8X 8.9 Interrupts The PIC16F8X has 4 sources of interrupt: • • • • External interrupt RB0/INT pin TMR0 overflow interrupt PORTB change interrupts (pins RB7:RB4) Data EEPROM write complete interrupt The interrupt control register (INTCON) records individual interrupt requests in flag bits. It also contains the individual and global interrupt enable bits. The global interrupt enable bit, GIE (INTCON<7>) enables (if set) all un-masked interrupts or disables (if cleared) all interrupts. Individual interrupts can be disabled through their corresponding enable bits in INTCON register. Bit GIE is cleared on reset. The “return from interrupt” instruction, RETFIE, exits interrupt routine as well as sets the GIE bit, which re-enable interrupts. When an interrupt is responded to; the GIE bit is cleared to disable any further interrupt, the return address is pushed onto the stack and the PC is loaded with 0004h. For external interrupt events, such as the RB0/INT pin or PORTB change interrupt, the interrupt latency will be three to four instruction cycles. The exact latency depends when the interrupt event occurs (Figure 8-17). The latency is the same for both one and two cycle instructions. Once in the interrupt service routine the source(s) of the interrupt can be determined by polling the interrupt flag bits. The interrupt flag bit(s) must be cleared in software before re-enabling interrupts to avoid infinite interrupt requests. Note 1: Individual interrupt flag bits are set regardless of the status of their corresponding mask bit or the GIE bit. The RB0/INT pin interrupt, the RB port change interrupt and the TMR0 overflow interrupt flags are contained in the INTCON register. FIGURE 8-16: INTERRUPT LOGIC T0IF T0IE INTF INTE Wake-up (If in SLEEP mode) Interrupt to CPU RBIF RBIE EEIF EEIE GIE DS30430B-page 48 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X FIGURE 8-17: INT PIN INTERRUPT TIMING Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 OSC1 CLKOUT 3 4 INT pin 1 1 INTF flag (INTCON<1>) Interrupt Latency 2 5 GIE bit (INTCON<7>) INSTRUCTION FLOW PC PC Instruction fetched Inst (PC) Instruction executed Inst (PC-1) PC+1 Inst (PC+1) Inst (PC) 0004h PC+1 — Dummy Cycle 0005h Inst (0004h) Inst (0005h) Dummy Cycle Inst (0004h) Note 1: INTF flag is sampled here (every Q1). 2: Interrupt latency = 3-4Tcy where Tcy = instruction cycle time. Latency is the same whether Inst (PC) is a single cycle or a 2-cycle instruction. 3: CLKOUT is available only in RC oscillator mode. 4: For minimum width of INT pulse, refer to AC specs. 5: INTF is enabled to be set anytime during the Q4-Q1 cycles. 8.9.1 INT INTERRUPT External interrupt on RB0/INT pin is edge triggered: either rising if INTEDG bit (OPTION<6>) is set, or falling, if INTEDG bit is clear. When a valid edge appears on the RB0/INT pin, the INTF bit (INTCON<1>) is set. This interrupt can be disabled by clearing control bit INTE (INTCON<4>). Flag bit INTF must be cleared in software via the interrupt service routine before re-enabling this interrupt. The INT interrupt can wake the processor from SLEEP (Section 8.12) only if the INTE bit was set prior to going into SLEEP. The status of the GIE bit decides whether the processor branches to the interrupt vector following wake-up. 8.9.2 8.9.3 PORT RB INTERRUPT An input change on PORTB<7:4> sets flag bit RBIF (INTCON<0>). The interrupt can be enabled/disabled by setting/clearing enable bit RBIE (INTCON<3>) (Section 5.2). Note 1: For a change on the I/O pin to be recognized, the pulse width must be at least TCY wide. TMR0 INTERRUPT An overflow (FFh → 00h) in TMR0 will set flag bit T0IF (INTCON<2>). The interrupt can be enabled/disabled by setting/clearing enable bit T0IE (INTCON<5>) (Section 6.0). 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30430B-page 49 PIC16F8X 8.10 Context Saving During Interrupts During an interrupt, only the return PC value is saved on the stack. Typically, users wish to save key register values during an interrupt (e.g., W register and STATUS register). This is implemented in software. Example 8-1 stores and restores the STATUS and W register’s values. The User defined registers, W_TEMP and STATUS_TEMP are the temporary storage locations for the W and STATUS registers values. Example 8-1 does the following: a) b) c) d) e) Stores the W register. Stores the STATUS register in STATUS_TEMP. Executes the Interrupt Service Routine code. Restores the STATUS (and bank select bit) register. Restores the W register. EXAMPLE 8-1: PUSH ISR POP SAVING STATUS AND W REGISTERS IN RAM MOVWF SWAPF MOVWF : : : : SWAPF W_TEMP STATUS, W STATUS_TEMP MOVWF STATUS SWAPF SWAPF W_TEMP, F W_TEMP, W DS30430B-page 50 STATUS_TEMP, W ; ; ; : ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Copy W to TEMP register, Swap status to be saved into W Save status to STATUS_TEMP register Interrupt Service Routine should configure Bank as required Swap nibbles in STATUS_TEMP register and place result into W Move W into STATUS register (sets bank to original state) Swap nibbles in W_TEMP and place result in W_TEMP Swap nibbles in W_TEMP and place result into W 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X 8.11 Watchdog Timer (WDT) part (see DC specs). If longer time-out periods are desired, a prescaler with a division ratio of up to 1:128 can be assigned to the WDT under software control by writing to the OPTION register. Thus, time-out periods up to 2.3 seconds can be realized. The Watchdog Timer is a free running on-chip RC oscillator which does not require any external components. This RC oscillator is separate from the RC oscillator of the OSC1/CLKIN pin. That means that the WDT will run even if the clock on the OSC1/CLKIN and OSC2/CLKOUT pins of the device has been stopped, for example, by execution of a SLEEP instruction. During normal operation a WDT time-out generates a device RESET. If the device is in SLEEP mode, a WDT Wake-up causes the device to wake-up and continue with normal operation. The WDT can be permanently disabled by programming configuration bit WDTE as a '0' (Section 8.1). 8.11.1 The CLRWDT and SLEEP instructions clear the WDT and the postscaler (if assigned to the WDT) and prevent it from timing out and generating a device RESET condition. The TO bit in the STATUS register will be cleared upon a WDT time-out. 8.11.2 WDT PROGRAMMING CONSIDERATIONS It should also be taken into account that under worst case conditions (VDD = Min., Temperature = Max., max. WDT prescaler) it may take several seconds before a WDT time-out occurs. WDT PERIOD The WDT has a nominal time-out period of 18 ms, (with no prescaler). The time-out periods vary with temperature, VDD and process variations from part to FIGURE 8-18: WATCHDOG TIMER BLOCK DIAGRAM From TMR0 Clock Source (Figure 6-6) 0 WDT Timer • 1 M U X Postscaler 8 8 - to -1 MUX PS2:PS0 • To TMR0 (Figure 6-6) PSA WDT Enable Bit 1 0 MUX PSA WDT Time-out Note: PSA and PS2:PS0 are bits in the OPTION register. TABLE 8-7: SUMMARY OF REGISTERS ASSOCIATED WITH THE WATCHDOG TIMER Address Name 2007h Config. bits 81h OPTION Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Value on Power-on Reset (2) (2) (2) (2) PWRTE(1) WDTE FOSC1 FOSC0 (2) RBPU INTEDG T0CS T0SE PSA PS2 PS1 PS0 1111 1111 Value on all other resets 1111 1111 Legend: x = unknown. Shaded cells are not used by the WDT. Note 1: See Figure 8-1 and Figure 8-2 for operation of the PWRTE bit. 2: See Figure 8-1, Figure 8-2 and Section 8.13 for operation of the Code and Data protection bits. 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30430B-page 51 PIC16F8X 8.12 Power-down Mode (SLEEP) 8.12.2 A device may be powered down (SLEEP) and later powered up (Wake-up from SLEEP). 8.12.1 SLEEP The Power-down mode is entered by executing the SLEEP instruction. If enabled, the Watchdog Timer is cleared (but keeps running), the PD bit (STATUS<3>) is cleared, the TO bit (STATUS<4>) is set, and the oscillator driver is turned off. The I/O ports maintain the status they had before the SLEEP instruction was executed (driving high, low, or hi-impedance). For the lowest current consumption in SLEEP mode, place all I/O pins at either at VDD or VSS, with no external circuitry drawing current from the I/O pins, and disable external clocks. I/O pins that are hi-impedance inputs should be pulled high or low externally to avoid switching currents caused by floating inputs. The T0CKI input should also be at VDD or VSS. The contribution from on-chip pull-ups on PORTB should be considered. The MCLR pin must be at a logic high level (VIHMC). It should be noted that a RESET generated by a WDT time-out does not drive the MCLR pin low. WAKE-UP FROM SLEEP The device can wake-up from SLEEP through one of the following events: 1. 2. 3. External reset input on MCLR pin. WDT Wake-up (if WDT was enabled). Interrupt from RB0/INT pin, RB port change, or data EEPROM write complete. Peripherals cannot generate interrupts during SLEEP, since no on-chip Q clocks are present. The first event (MCLR reset) will cause a device reset. The two latter events are considered a continuation of program execution. The TO and PD bits can be used to determine the cause of a device reset. The PD bit, which is set on power-up, is cleared when SLEEP is invoked. The TO bit is cleared if a WDT time-out occurred (and caused wake-up). While the SLEEP instruction is being executed, the next instruction (PC + 1) is pre-fetched. For the device to wake-up through an interrupt event, the corresponding interrupt enable bit must be set (enabled). Wake-up occurs regardless of the state of the GIE bit. If the GIE bit is clear (disabled), the device continues execution at the instruction after the SLEEP instruction. If the GIE bit is set (enabled), the device executes the instruction after the SLEEP instruction and then branches to the interrupt address (0004h). In cases where the execution of the instruction following SLEEP is not desirable, the user should have a NOP after the SLEEP instruction. FIGURE 8-19: WAKE-UP FROM SLEEP THROUGH INTERRUPT Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 OSC1 TOST(2) CLKOUT(4) INT pin INTF flag (INTCON<1>) Interrupt Latency (Note 2) GIE bit (INTCON<7>) Processor in SLEEP INSTRUCTION FLOW PC Instruction fetched Instruction executed Note 1: 2: 3: 4: PC Inst(PC) = SLEEP Inst(PC - 1) PC+1 PC+2 PC+2 Inst(PC + 1) Inst(PC + 2) SLEEP Inst(PC + 1) PC + 2 Dummy cycle 0004h 0005h Inst(0004h) Inst(0005h) Dummy cycle Inst(0004h) XT, HS or LP oscillator mode assumed. TOST = 1024TOSC (drawing not to scale) This delay will not be there for RC osc mode. GIE = '1' assumed. In this case after wake- up, the processor jumps to the interrupt routine. If GIE = '0', execution will continue in-line. CLKOUT is not available in these osc modes, but shown here for timing reference. DS30430B-page 52 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X 8.12.3 WAKE-UP USING INTERRUPTS When global interrupts are disabled (GIE cleared) and any interrupt source has both its interrupt enable bit and interrupt flag bit set, one of the following will occur: • If the interrupt occurs before the execution of a SLEEP instruction, the SLEEP instruction will complete as a NOP. Therefore, the WDT and WDT postscaler will not be cleared, the TO bit will not be set and PD bits will not be cleared. • If the interrupt occurs during or after the execution of a SLEEP instruction, the device will immediately wake up from sleep. The SLEEP instruction will be completely executed before the wake-up. Therefore, the WDT and WDT postscaler will be cleared, the TO bit will be set and the PD bit will be cleared. Even if the flag bits were checked before executing a SLEEP instruction, it may be possible for flag bits to become set before the SLEEP instruction completes. To determine whether a SLEEP instruction executed, test the PD bit. If the PD bit is set, the SLEEP instruction was executed as a NOP. To ensure that the WDT is cleared, a CLRWDT instruction should be executed before a SLEEP instruction. 8.13 Program Verification/Code Protection If the code protection bit(s) have not been programmed, the on-chip program memory can be read out for verification purposes. Note: 8.14 Microchip does not recommend code protecting widowed devices. ID Locations Four memory locations (2000h - 2003h) are designated as ID locations to store checksum or other code identification numbers. These locations are not accessible during normal execution but are readable and writable only during program/verify. Only the 4 least significant bits of ID location are usable. For ROM devices, these values are submitted along with the ROM code. 8.15 In-Circuit Serial Programming PIC16F8X microcontrollers can be serially programmed while in the end application circuit. This is simply done with two lines for clock and data, and three other lines for power, ground, and the programming voltage. Customers can manufacture boards with unprogrammed devices, and then program the microcontroller just before shipping the product, allowing the most recent firmware or custom firmware to be programmed. The device is placed into a program/verify mode by holding the RB6 and RB7 pins low, while raising the MCLR pin from VIL to VIHH (see programming specification). RB6 becomes the programming clock and RB7 becomes the programming data. Both RB6 and RB7 are Schmitt Trigger inputs in this mode. After reset, to place the device into programming/verify mode, the program counter (PC) points to location 00h. A 6-bit command is then supplied to the device, 14-bits of program data is then supplied to or from the device, using load or read-type instructions. For complete details of serial programming, please refer to the PIC16CXX Programming Specifications (Literature #DS30189). FIGURE 8-20: TYPICAL IN-SYSTEM SERIAL PROGRAMMING CONNECTION External Connector Signals To Normal Connections PIC16FXX +5V VDD 0V VSS VPP MCLR/VPP CLK RB6 Data I/O RB7 VDD To Normal Connections For ROM devices, both the program memory and Data EEPROM memory may be read, but only the Data EEPROM memory may be programmed. 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30430B-page 53 PIC16F8X NOTES: DS30430B-page 54 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X 9.0 INSTRUCTION SET SUMMARY Each PIC16FXX instruction is a 14-bit word divided into an OPCODE which specifies the instruction type and one or more operands which further specify the operation of the instruction. The PIC16FXX instruction set summary in Table 9-2 lists byte-oriented, bit-oriented, and literal and control operations. Table 9-1 shows the opcode field descriptions. Byte-oriented instructions: 'f' represents a file register designator and 'd' represents a destination designator. The file register designator specifies which file register is to be used by the instruction. The destination designator specifies where the result of the operation is to be placed. If 'd' is 0, the result is placed in the W register. If 'd' is 1, the result is placed in the file register specified by the instruction. Bit-oriented instructions: 'b' represents a bit field designator which selects the number of the bit affected by the operation, while 'f' represents the address of the file in which the bit is located. Literal and control operations: 'k' represents an eight or eleven bit constant or literal value. TABLE 9-1: OPCODE FIELD DESCRIPTIONS Field Description f Register file address (0x00 to 0x7F) W Working register (accumulator) b Bit address within an 8-bit file register k Literal field, constant data or label x Don't care location (= 0 or 1) The assembler will generate code with x = 0. It is the recommended form of use for compatibility with all Microchip software tools. d Destination select; d = 0: store result in W, d = 1: store result in file register f. Default is d = 1 label Label name TOS Top of Stack PC Program Counter The instruction set is highly orthogonal and is grouped into three basic categories: • Byte-oriented • Bit-oriented • Literal and control All instructions are executed within a single instruction cycle, unless a conditional test is true or the program counter is changed as a result of the instruction. The execution takes two instruction cycles with the second cycle executed as a NOP. Each cycle consists of four oscillator periods. Thus, for an oscillator frequency of 4 MHz, the normal instruction execution time is 1 µs. The instruction execution time is 2 µs for program branches. Table 9-2 lists the instructions Microchip’s assembler (MPASM). Global Interrupt Enable bit WDT Watchdog Timer/Counter TO Time-out bit PD Power-down bit Note: To maintain upward compatibility with future PIC16FXX products, do not use the OPTION and TRIS instructions. All examples use the following format to represent a hexadecimal number: 0xhh where h signifies a hexadecimal digit. FIGURE 9-1: GENERAL FORMAT FOR INSTRUCTIONS Byte-oriented file register operations 13 8 7 6 OPCODE d f (FILE #) 0 d = 0 for destination W d = 1 for destination f f = 7-bit file register address Bit-oriented file register operations 13 10 9 7 6 OPCODE b (BIT #) f (FILE #) 0 b = 3-bit bit address f = 7-bit file register address Literal and control operations General 13 8 7 OPCODE dest Destination (Either the W register or the specified register file location) 0 k (literal) k = 8-bit immediate value [ ] Options ( ) Contents → Assigned to <> Register bit field OPCODE In the set of k = 11-bit immediate value ∈ by Figure 9-1 shows the three general formats of instructions. PCLATH Program Counter High Latch GIE recognized CALL and GOTO instructions only 13 11 10 0 k (literal) italics User defined term (font is courier) 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30430B-page 55 This document was created with FrameMaker 4 0 4 PIC16F8X TABLE 9-2: INSTRUCTION SET SUMMARY Mnemonic, Operands ADDWF ANDWF CLRF CLRW COMF DECF DECFSZ INCF INCFSZ IORWF MOVF MOVWF NOP RLF RRF SUBWF SWAPF XORWF Description Cycles 14-Bit Opcode MSb f, d f, d f f, d f, d f, d f, d f, d f, d f, d f f, d f, d f, d f, d f, d Add W and f AND W with f Clear f Clear W Complement f Decrement f Decrement f, Skip if 0 Increment f Increment f, Skip if 0 Inclusive OR W with f Move f Move W to f No Operation Rotate left f through carry Rotate right f through carry Subtract W from f Swap nibbles in f Exclusive OR W with f LSb Status Affected Notes 1 1 1 1 1 1 1(2) 1 1(2) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0111 0101 0001 0001 1001 0011 1011 1010 1111 0100 1000 0000 0000 1101 1100 0010 1110 0110 dfff dfff lfff 0000 dfff dfff dfff dfff dfff dfff dfff lfff 0xx0 dfff dfff dfff dfff dfff ffff ffff ffff 0011 ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff 0000 ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff C,DC,Z Z Z Z Z Z None Z None Z Z None None C C C,DC,Z None Z 1,2 1,2 2 1 1 1 (2) 1 (2) 01 01 01 01 00bb 01bb 10bb 11bb bfff bfff bfff bfff ffff ffff ffff ffff None None None None 1,2 1,2 3 3 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 11 11 10 00 10 11 11 00 11 00 00 11 11 111x 1001 0kkk 0000 1kkk 1000 00xx 0000 01xx 0000 0000 110x 1010 kkkk kkkk kkkk 0110 kkkk kkkk kkkk 0000 kkkk 0000 0110 kkkk kkkk kkkk kkkk kkkk 0100 kkkk kkkk kkkk 1001 kkkk 1000 0011 kkkk kkkk C,DC,Z Z 1,2 1,2 1,2,3 1,2 1,2,3 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 BIT-ORIENTED FILE REGISTER OPERATIONS BCF BSF BTFSC BTFSS f, b f, b f, b f, b Bit Clear f Bit Set f Bit Test f, Skip if Clear Bit Test f, Skip if Set LITERAL AND CONTROL OPERATIONS ADDLW ANDLW CALL CLRWDT GOTO IORLW MOVLW RETFIE RETLW RETURN SLEEP SUBLW XORLW k k k k k k k k k Add literal and W AND literal with W Call subroutine Clear Watchdog Timer Go to address Inclusive OR literal with W Move literal to W Return from interrupt Return with literal in W Return from subroutine Go into standby mode Subtract W from literal Exclusive OR literal with W TO,PD None Z None None None None TO,PD C,DC,Z Z Note 1: When an I/O register is modified as a function of itself (i.e., MOVF PORTB, 1), the value used will be that value present on the pins themselves. For example, if the data latch is '1' for a pin configured as input and is driven low by an external device, the data will be written back with a '0'. 2: If this instruction is executed on the TMR0 register (and, where applicable, d = 1), the prescaler will be cleared if assigned to the TMR0. 3: If Program Counter (PC) is modified or a conditional test is true, the instruction requires two cycles. The second cycle is executed as a NOP. DS30430B-page 56 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X 9.1 Instruction Descriptions ANDLW AND Literal with W Syntax: [ label ] ANDLW 0 ≤ k ≤ 255 Operands: 0 ≤ k ≤ 255 (W) + k → (W) Operation: (W) .AND. (k) → (W) C, DC, Z Status Affected: Z ADDLW Add Literal and W Syntax: [ label ] ADDLW Operands: Operation: Status Affected: Encoding: 11 k 111x kkkk kkkk Encoding: 11 Description: The contents of the W register are added to the eight bit literal 'k' and the result is placed back in the W register. Description: Words: 1 Words: 1 1 Cycles: 1 Cycles: Example ADDLW = = ADDWF Add W and f Syntax: [ label ] ADDWF Operands: ANDLW = 0xA3 After Instruction W 0x25 = 0x03 ANDWF AND W with f Syntax: [ label ] ANDWF 0 ≤ f ≤ 127 d ∈ [0,1] Operands: 0 ≤ f ≤ 127 d ∈ [0,1] Operation: (W) + (f) → (dest) Operation: (W) .AND. (f) → (dest) Status Affected: C, DC, Z Status Affected: Z Encoding: 00 kkkk 0x5F W 0x10 After Instruction W kkkk Before Instruction Before Instruction W 1001 The contents of W register is AND’ed with the eight bit literal 'k'. The result is placed back in the W register. Example 0x15 k f,d 0111 dfff ffff Encoding: 00 f,d 0101 dfff ffff Description: Add the contents of the W register to register 'f'. If 'd' is 0 the result is stored in the W register. If 'd' is 1 the result is stored back in register 'f'. Description: AND the W register with register 'f'. If 'd' is 0 the result is stored in the W register. If 'd' is 1 the result is stored back in register 'f'. Words: 1 Words: 1 Cycles: 1 Cycles: 1 Example ADDWF FSR, 0 Before Instruction W = FSR = 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. ANDWF FSR, 1 Before Instruction 0x17 0xC2 After Instruction W = FSR = Example W = FSR = 0x17 0xC2 After Instruction 0xD9 0xC2 W = FSR = 0x17 0x02 DS30430B-page 57 PIC16F8X BCF Bit Clear f BTFSC Bit Test f, Skip if Clear Syntax: [ label ] BCF Syntax: [ label ] BTFSC f,b Operands: 0 ≤ f ≤ 127 0≤b≤7 Operands: 0 ≤ f ≤ 127 0≤b≤7 Operation: 0 → (f<b>) Operation: skip if (f<b>) = 0 Status Affected: None Status Affected: None Encoding: 01 f,b 00bb bfff ffff Description: Bit 'b' in register 'f' is cleared. Words: 1 Cycles: 1 Example BCF Encoding: FLAG_REG = 0x47 bfff ffff Words: 1 Cycles: 1(2) Before Instruction FLAG_REG = 0xC7 10bb Description: FLAG_REG,7 After Instruction 01 If bit 'b' in register 'f' is 0 then the next instruction is skipped. If bit 'b' is 0 then the next instruction fetched during the current instruction execution is discarded, and a NOP is executed instead, making this a 2 cycle instruction. Example HERE FALSE TRUE BTFSC GOTO • • • FLAG,1 PROCESS_CODE Before Instruction PC = address HERE After Instruction if FLAG<1>=0, PC=address if FLAG<1>=1, PC=address BSF Bit Set f Syntax: [ label ] BSF Operands: 0 ≤ f ≤ 127 0≤b≤7 Operation: 1 → (f<b>) Status Affected: None Encoding: 01 01bb bfff Bit 'b' in register 'f' is set. Words: 1 Cycles: 1 BSF FALSE f,b Description: Example TRUE FLAG_REG, ffff 7 Before Instruction FLAG_REG= 0x0A After Instruction FLAG_REG= 0x8A DS30430B-page 58 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X BTFSS Bit Test f, skip if Set CLRF Clear f Syntax: [ label ] BTFSS f,b Syntax: [ label ] CLRF Operands: 0 ≤ f ≤ 127 0≤b<7 Operands: 0 ≤ f ≤ 127 Operation: 00h → (f) 1→Z Status Affected: Z Operation: skip if (f<b>) = 1 Status Affected: None Encoding: Description: 01 11bb bfff ffff If bit 'b' in register 'f' is 1 then the next instruction is skipped. If bit 'b' is 1, then the next instruction fetched during the current instruction execution, is discarded and a NOP is executed instead, making this a 2 cycle instruction. Words: 1 Cycles: 1(2) Example HERE FALSE TRUE Encoding: 00 f 0001 1fff ffff Description: The contents of register 'f' are cleared and the Z bit is set. Words: 1 Cycles: 1 Example CLRF FLAG_REG Before Instruction FLAG_REG BTFSC GOTO • • • = 0x5A = = 0x00 1 After Instruction FLAG,1 PROCESS_CODE FLAG_REG Z Before Instruction PC = address HERE After Instruction if FLAG<1>=0, PC=address if FLAG<1>=1, PC=address FALSE TRUE CALL Subroutine Call CLRW Clear W Register Syntax: [ label ] CALL k Syntax: [ label ] CLRW Operands: 0 ≤ k ≤ 2047 Operands: None Operation: (PC)+ 1→ TOS, k → (PC<10:0>), (PCLATH<4:3>) → (PC<12:11>) Operation: 00h → (W) 1→Z Status Affected: Z Status Affected: None Encoding: Encoding: Description: 10 kkkk kkkk Subroutine call. First, return address (PC+1) is pushed onto the stack. The eleven bit immediate address is loaded into PC bits <10:0>. The upper bits of the PC are loaded from PCLATH. CALL is a two cycle instruction. Words: 1 Cycles: 2 Example 0kkk Description: 00 0000 0011 W register is cleared. Zero bit (Z) is set. Words: 1 Cycles: 1 Example 0001 CLRW Before Instruction W HERE CALL THERE Before Instruction PC = = 0x5A After Instruction W Z = = 0x00 1 Address HERE After Instruction PC = TOS = 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. Address THERE Address HERE DS30430B-page 59 PIC16F8X CLRWDT Clear Watchdog Timer DECF Decrement f Syntax: [ label ] CLRWDT Syntax: [ label ] DECF f,d Operands: None Operands: Operation: 00h → WDT 0 → WDT prescaler, 1 → TO 1 → PD 0 ≤ f ≤ 127 d ∈ [0,1] Operation: (f) – 1 → (dest) Status Affected: Z Status Affected: Encoding: Description: Encoding: TO, PD 00 0000 0110 0100 The CLRWDT instruction resets the watchdog timer. It also resets the prescaler of the WDT. Status bits TO and PD are set. Words: 1 Cycles: 1 Example Description: 00 0011 dfff ffff Decrement register 'f'. If 'd' is 0 the result is stored in the W register. If 'd' is 1 the result is stored back in register 'f'. Words: 1 Cycles: 1 Example DECF CNT, 1 Before Instruction CLRWDT CNT Z Before Instruction WDT counter = COMF Complement f Syntax: [ label ] COMF Operands: 0x01 0 = = 0x00 1 After Instruction ? CNT Z After Instruction WDT counter = WDT prescale = TO = PD = = = 0x00 0 1 1 DECFSZ Decrement f, Skip if 0 Syntax: [ label ] DECFSZ f,d 0 ≤ f ≤ 127 d ∈ [0,1] Operands: 0 ≤ f ≤ 127 d ∈ [0,1] Operation: ( f ) → (dest) Operation: (f) – 1 → (dest); skip if result = 0 Status Affected: Z Status Affected: None Encoding: 00 1001 f,d dfff ffff Description: The contents of register 'f' are complemented. If 'd' is 0 the result is stored in W. If 'd' is 1 the result is stored back in register 'f'. Words: 1 Cycles: 1 Example COMF REG1,0 Before Instruction REG1 = 0x13 = = 0x13 0xEC After Instruction REG1 W Encoding: Description: 00 dfff ffff The contents of register 'f' are decremented. If 'd' is 0 the result is placed in the W register. If 'd' is 1 the result is placed back in register 'f'. If the result is 0, the next instruction, which is already fetched, is discarded. A NOP is executed instead making it a two cycle instruction. Words: 1 Cycles: 1(2) Example 1011 HERE DECFSZ GOTO CONTINUE • • • CNT, 1 LOOP Before Instruction PC = addressHERE After Instruction CNT if CNT PC if CNT PC DS30430B-page 60 = = = ≠ = CNT - 1 0, address CONTINUE 0, address HERE+1 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X GOTO Go to address INCFSZ Increment f, Skip if 0 Syntax: [ label ] Syntax: [ label ] Operands: 0 ≤ k ≤ 2047 Operands: Operation: k → (PC<10:0>) (PCLATH<4:3>) → (PC<12:11>) 0 ≤ f ≤ 127 d ∈ [0,1] Operation: (f) + 1 → (dest), skip if result = 0 None Status Affected: None Status Affected: Encoding: GOTO k 10 1kkk kkkk kkkk Description: GOTO is an unconditional branch. The eleven bit immediate value is loaded into PC bits <10:0>. The upper bits of PC are loaded from PCLATH<4:3>. GOTO is a two cycle instruction. Words: 1 Cycles: 2 Example GOTO THERE After Instruction PC = Address THERE Encoding: Description: 00 INCFSZ f,d 1111 dfff ffff The contents of register 'f' are incremented. If 'd' is 0 the result is placed in the W register. If 'd' is 1 the result is placed back in register 'f'. If the result is 0, the next instruction, which is already fetched, is discarded. A NOP is executed instead making it a two cycle instruction. Words: 1 Cycles: 1(2) Example HERE 1 INCFSZ CNT, GOTO CONTINUE • • • LOOP Before Instruction PC = addressHERE After Instruction CNT = if CNT = PC = if CNT≠ PC = CNT + 1 0, addressCONTINUE 0, addressHERE +1 INCF Increment f IORLW Inclusive OR Literal with W Syntax: [ label ] Syntax: [ label ] Operands: 0 ≤ f ≤ 127 d ∈ [0,1] Operands: 0 ≤ k ≤ 255 Operation: (f) + 1 → (dest) (W) .OR. (k) → (W) Operation: Status Affected: Z Status Affected: Z Encoding: Description: Encoding: 00 1010 dfff ffff The contents of register 'f' are incremented. If 'd' is 0 the result is placed in the W register. If 'd' is 1 the result is placed back in register 'f'. Words: 1 Cycles: 1 Example INCF f,d kkkk kkkk The contents of the W register are OR’ed to the eight bit literal 'k'. The result is placed in the W register. Words: 1 Cycles: 1 IORLW 0x35 Before Instruction CNT, 1 W Before Instruction CNT Z 1000 Description: Example INCF 11 IORLW k = 0x9A After Instruction = = 0xFF 0 = = 0x00 1 W = 0xBF After Instruction CNT Z 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30430B-page 61 PIC16F8X IORWF Inclusive OR W with f MOVF Move f Syntax: [ label ] Syntax: [ label ] Operands: 0 ≤ f ≤ 127 d ∈ [0,1] Operands: 0 ≤ f ≤ 127 d ∈ [0,1] Operation: (W) .OR. (f) → (W) Operation: (f) → (dest) Status Affected: Z Status Affected: Z Encoding: 00 IORWF f,d 0100 dfff ffff Description: Inclusive OR the W register to register 'f'. If 'd' is 0 the result is placed in the W register. If 'd' is 1 the result is placed back in register 'f'. Words: 1 Cycles: 1 Example IORWF RESULT, 0 Before Instruction RESULT = W = Encoding: Description: 00 1000 Words: 1 Cycles: 1 MOVF FSR, 0 W =value in FSR register RESULT = W = 0x13 0x93 MOVLW Move literal to W MOVWF Move W to f Syntax: [ label ] Syntax: [ label ] Operands: 0 ≤ k ≤ 255 Operands: 0 ≤ f ≤ 127 Operation: k → (W) Operation: (W) → (f) Status Affected: None Status Affected: None 11 MOVLW k 00XX kkkk kkkk Description: The eight bit literal 'k' is loaded into W register. The don’t cares will assemble as 0’s. Words: 1 Cycles: 1 Example Encoding: 0x5A = 0000 f 1fff ffff Move data from W register to register 'f'. Words: 1 Cycles: 1 MOVWF OPTION Before Instruction After Instruction W 00 MOVWF Description: Example MOVLW ffff After Instruction After Instruction Encoding: dfff The contents of register f is moved to destination d. If d = 0, destination is W register. If d = 1, the destination is file register f itself. d = 1 is useful to test a file register since status flag Z is affected. Example 0x13 0x91 MOVF f,d 0x5A OPTION = W = 0xFF 0x4F After Instruction OPTION = W = DS30430B-page 62 0x4F 0x4F 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X NOP No Operation RETFIE Return from Interrupt Syntax: [ label ] Syntax: [ label ] Operands: None Operands: None Operation: No operation Operation: Status Affected: None TOS → (PC), 1 → GIE Status Affected: None Encoding: 00 NOP 0000 0xx0 0000 RETFIE No operation. Encoding: Words: 1 Description: Cycles: 1 The Stack is popped and Top of Stack (TOS) is loaded into the PC. Interrupts are enabled by setting the Global Interrupt Enable bit. This is a two cycle instruction. Words: 1 Cycles: 2 Description: Example 00 NOP Example 0000 0000 1001 RETFIE After Interrupt PC = GIE = TOS 1 OPTION Load Option Register RETLW Return Literal to W Syntax: [ label ] Syntax: [ label ] Operands: None Operands: 0 ≤ k ≤ 255 Operation: (W) → OPTION Operation: k → (W), TOS → (PC) Status Affected: None OPTION Status Affected: None Encoding: 00 Description: Words: Cycles: 0000 0110 0010 The contents of the W register are loaded in the OPTION register. This instruction is supported for code compatibility with PIC16C5X products. Since OPTION is a readable/writable register, the user can directly address it. Description: 11 Words: 1 1 Cycles: 2 Example To maintain upward compatibility with future PIC16FXX products, do not use this instruction. 01xx kkkk kkkk The W register is loaded with the eight bit literal 'k'. The program counter is loaded from the top of the stack (the return address). This is a two cycle instruction. 1 Example Note: Encoding: RETLW k CALL TABLE ;W contains table ;offset value • ;W now has table value • • TABLE ADDWF PC ;W = offset RETLW k1 ;Begin table RETLW k2 ; • • • RETLW kn ;End of table Before Instruction W = 0x07 After Instruction W 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. = value of k7 DS30430B-page 63 PIC16F8X RETURN Return from Subroutine RRF Rotate Right f through Carry Syntax: [ label ] Syntax: [ label ] Operands: None Operands: Operation: TOS → (PC) 0 ≤ f ≤ 127 d ∈ [0,1] Status Affected: None Operation: See description below Status Affected: C Encoding: Description: 00 0000 0000 1000 Return from subroutine. The stack is popped and the Top of Stack (TOS) is loaded into the program counter. This is a two cycle instruction. Words: 1 Cycles: 2 Example RETURN Encoding: Description: RRF f,d 00 1100 C PC = TOS Words: 1 Cycles: 1 Example ffff The contents of register 'f' are rotated one bit to the right through the Carry Flag. If 'd' is 0 the result is placed in the W register. If 'd' is 1 the result is placed back in register 'f'. RETURN After Interrupt dfff Register f RRF REG1,0 Before Instruction REG1 C = = 1110 0110 0 = = = 1110 0110 0111 0011 1 After Instruction REG1 W C RLF Rotate Left f through Carry SLEEP Go into Standby Mode Syntax: [ label ] Syntax: [ label ] Operands: 0 ≤ f ≤ 127 d ∈ [0,1] Operands: None Operation: 00h → WDT, 0 → WDT prescaler 1 → TO, 0 → PD Status Affected: TO, PD RLF f,d Operation: See description below Status Affected: C Encoding: Description: 00 1101 ffff The contents of register 'f' are rotated one bit to the left through the Carry Flag. If 'd' is 0 the result is placed in the W register. If 'd' is 1 the result is stored back in register 'f'. C Words: 1 Cycles: 1 Example dfff Encoding: REG1,0 Before Instruction REG1 C = = 1110 0110 0 = = = 1110 0110 1100 1100 1 0000 0110 0011 Description: The power down status bit (PD) is cleared. Time-out status bit (TO) is set. Watchdog Timer and its prescaler are cleared. The processor is put into SLEEP mode with the oscillator stopped. Words: 1 Cycles: 1 Example: SLEEP Register f RLF 00 SLEEP After Instruction REG1 W C DS30430B-page 64 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X SUBLW Subtract W from Literal SUBWF Subtract W from f Syntax: [ label ] Syntax: [ label ] Operands: 0 ≤ k ≤ 255 Operands: Operation: k – (W) → (W) 0 ≤ f ≤ 127 d ∈ [0,1] Status Affected: C, DC, Z Operation: (f) – (W) → (dest) Status Affected: C, DC, Z Encoding: Description: SUBLW k 11 110x kkkk kkkk The W register is subtracted (2’s complement method) from the eight bit literal 'k'. The result is placed in the W register. Words: 1 Cycles: 1 Example 1: SUBLW 0x02 Before Instruction W C = 1 = ? Encoding: Example 2: 1 Cycles: 1 Example 1: SUBWF Example 3: REG1 = 3 W = 2 C = ? After Instruction = 2 = ? REG1 = 1 W = 2 C = 1; result is positive Example 2: = 3 = ? After Instruction After Instruction W C Before Instruction REG1 = 2 W = 2 C = ? Before Instruction W C REG1,1 Before Instruction = 1 = 1; result is positive = 0 = 1; result is zero ffff Words: After Instruction W C dfff Subtract (2’s complement methodize W register from register 'f'. If 'd' is 0 the result is stored in the W register. If 'd' is 1 the result is stored back in register 'f'. Before Instruction W C 0010 Description: After Instruction W C 00 SUBWF f,d REG1 = 0 W = 2 C = 1; result is zero = FF = 0; result is negative Example 3: Before Instruction REG1 = 1 W = 2 C = ? After Instruction REG1 = FF W = 2 C = 0; result is negative 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30430B-page 65 PIC16F8X SWAPF Swap f Syntax: [ label ] Operands: 0 ≤ f ≤ 127 d ∈ [0,1] Operation: (f<3:0>) → (dest<7:4>), (f<7:4>) → (dest<3:0>) Status Affected: 00 1 Cycles: 1 Example Syntax: [ label ] Operands: 0 ≤ k ≤ 255 Operation: (W) .XOR. k → (W) Status Affected: Z Description: 1110 dfff ffff The upper and lower nibbles of register 'f' are exchanged. If 'd' is 0 the result is placed in W register. If 'd' is 1 the result is placed in register 'f'. Words: Exclusive OR Literal with W Encoding: None Encoding: Description: SWAPF f,d XORLW XORLW k 11 1010 kkkk kkkk The contents of the W register are XOR’ed with the eight bit literal 'k'. The result is placed in the W register. Words: 1 Cycles: 1 Example: XORLW 0xAF Before Instruction W SWAP F REG, 0 0xB5 After Instruction Before Instruction REG1 = W = 0xA5 = = 0xA5 0x5A = 0x1A After Instruction REG1 W TRIS Load TRIS Register XORWF Exclusive OR W with f Syntax: [ label ] XORWF Operands: 0 ≤ f ≤ 127 d ∈ [0,1] Operation: (W) .XOR. (f) → (dest) Status Affected: Z Syntax: [ label ] TRIS Operands: 5≤f≤7 Operation: (W) → TRIS register (f) f Status Affected: None Encoding: 00 Description: 0000 0110 0fff The instruction is supported for code compatibility with the PIC16C5X products. Since TRIS registers are readable and writable, the user can directly address them. Words: 1 Cycles: 1 Example Note: To maintain upward compatibility with future PIC16FXX products, do not use this instruction. Encoding: Description: 00 0110 f,d dfff ffff Exclusive OR the contents of the W register with register 'f'. If 'd' is 0 the result is stored in the W register. If 'd' is 1 the result is stored back in register 'f'. Words: 1 Cycles: 1 Example XORWF REG 1 Before Instruction REG W = = 0xAF 0xB5 = = 0x1A 0xB5 After Instruction REG W DS30430B-page 66 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X 10.0 DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT 10.1 Development Tools The PIC16/17 microcontrollers are supported with a full range of hardware and software development tools: • PICMASTER/PICMASTER CE Real-Time In-Circuit Emulator • ICEPIC Low-Cost PIC16C5X and PIC16CXXX In-Circuit Emulator • PRO MATE II Universal Programmer • PICSTART Plus Entry-Level Prototype Programmer • PICDEM-1 Low-Cost Demonstration Board • PICDEM-2 Low-Cost Demonstration Board • PICDEM-3 Low-Cost Demonstration Board • MPASM Assembler • MPLAB-SIM Software Simulator • MPLAB-C (C Compiler) • Fuzzy logic development system (fuzzyTECH−MP) 10.2 PICMASTER: High Performance Universal In-Circuit Emulator with MPLAB IDE 10.3 ICEPIC: Low-cost PIC16CXXX InCircuit Emulator ICEPIC is a low-cost in-circuit emulator solution for the Microchip PIC16C5X and PIC16CXXX families of 8-bit OTP microcontrollers. ICEPIC is designed to operate on PC-compatible machines ranging from 286-AT through Pentium based machines under Windows 3.x environment. ICEPIC features real time, non-intrusive emulation. 10.4 PRO MATE II: Universal Programmer The PRO MATE II Universal Programmer is a full-featured programmer capable of operating in stand-alone mode as well as PC-hosted mode. The PRO MATE II has programmable VDD and VPP supplies which allows it to verify programmed memory at VDD min and VDD max for maximum reliability. It has an LCD display for displaying error messages, keys to enter commands and a modular detachable socket assembly to support various package types. In standalone mode the PRO MATE II can read, verify or program PIC16C5X, PIC16CXXX, PIC17CXX and PIC14000 devices. It can also set configuration and code-protect bits in this mode. The PICMASTER Universal In-Circuit Emulator is intended to provide the product development engineer with a complete microcontroller design tool set for all microcontrollers in the PIC12C5XX, PIC14000, PIC16C5X, PIC16CXXX and PIC17CXX families. PICMASTER is supplied with the MPLAB Integrated Development Environment (IDE), which allows editing, “make” and download, and source debugging from a single environment. 10.5 Interchangeable target probes allow the system to be easily reconfigured for emulation of different processors. The universal architecture of the PICMASTER allows expansion to support all new Microchip microcontrollers. PICSTART Plus supports all PIC12C5XX, PIC14000, PIC16C5X, PIC16CXXX and PIC17CXX devices with up to 40 pins. Larger pin count devices such as the PIC16C923 and PIC16C924 may be supported with an adapter socket. PICSTART Plus Entry Level Development System The PICSTART programmer is an easy-to-use, lowcost prototype programmer. It connects to the PC via one of the COM (RS-232) ports. MPLAB Integrated Development Environment software makes using the programmer simple and efficient. PICSTART Plus is not recommended for production programming. The PICMASTER Emulator System has been designed as a real-time emulation system with advanced features that are generally found on more expensive development tools. The PC compatible 386 (and higher) machine platform and Microsoft Windows 3.x environment were chosen to best make these features available to you, the end user. A CE compliant version of PICMASTER is available for European Union (EU) countries. 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30430B-page 67 This document was created with FrameMaker 4 0 4 PIC16F8X 10.6 PICDEM-1 Low-Cost PIC16/17 Demonstration Board The PICDEM-1 is a simple board which demonstrates the capabilities of several of Microchip’s microcontrollers. The microcontrollers supported are: PIC16C5X (PIC16C54 to PIC16C58A), PIC16C61, PIC16C62X, PIC16C71, PIC16C8X, PIC17C42, PIC17C43 and PIC17C44. All necessary hardware and software is included to run basic demo programs. The users can program the sample microcontrollers provided with the PICDEM-1 board, on a PRO MATE II or PICSTART-16B programmer, and easily test firmware. The user can also connect the PICDEM-1 board to the PICMASTER emulator and download the firmware to the emulator for testing. Additional prototype area is available for the user to build some additional hardware and connect it to the microcontroller socket(s). Some of the features include an RS-232 interface, a potentiometer for simulated analog input, push-button switches and eight LEDs connected to PORTB. 10.7 PICDEM-2 Low-Cost PIC16CXX Demonstration Board The PICDEM-2 is a simple demonstration board that supports the PIC16C62, PIC16C64, PIC16C65, PIC16C73 and PIC16C74 microcontrollers. All the necessary hardware and software is included to run the basic demonstration programs. The user can program the sample microcontrollers provided with the PICDEM-2 board, on a PRO MATE II programmer or PICSTART-16C, and easily test firmware. The PICMASTER emulator may also be used with the PICDEM-2 board to test firmware. Additional prototype area has been provided to the user for adding additional hardware and connecting it to the microcontroller socket(s). Some of the features include a RS-232 interface, push-button switches, a potentiometer for simulated analog input, a Serial EEPROM to demonstrate usage of the I2C bus and separate headers for connection to an LCD module and a keypad. 10.8 PICDEM-3 Low-Cost PIC16CXXX Demonstration Board The PICDEM-3 is a simple demonstration board that supports the PIC16C923 and PIC16C924 in the PLCC package. It will also support future 44-pin PLCC microcontrollers with a LCD Module. All the necessary hardware and software is included to run the basic demonstration programs. The user can program the sample microcontrollers provided with the PICDEM-3 board, on a PRO MATE II programmer or PICSTART Plus with an adapter socket, and easily test firmware. The PICMASTER emulator may also be used with the PICDEM-3 board to test firmware. Additional prototype area has been provided to the user for adding hardware and connecting it to the microcontroller socket(s). Some of the features DS30430B-page 68 include an RS-232 interface, push-button switches, a potentiometer for simulated analog input, a thermistor and separate headers for connection to an external LCD module and a keypad. Also provided on the PICDEM-3 board is an LCD panel, with 4 commons and 12 segments, that is capable of displaying time, temperature and day of the week. The PICDEM-3 provides an additional RS-232 interface and Windows 3.1 software for showing the demultiplexed LCD signals on a PC. A simple serial interface allows the user to construct a hardware demultiplexer for the LCD signals. PICDEM-3 will be available in the 3rd quarter of 1996. 10.9 MPLAB Integrated Development Environment Software The MPLAB IDE Software brings an ease of software development previously unseen in the 8-bit microcontroller market. MPLAB is a windows based application which contains: • A full featured editor • Three operating modes - editor - emulator - simulator • A project manager • Customizable tool bar and key mapping • A status bar with project information • Extensive on-line help MPLAB allows you to: • Edit your source files (either assembly or ‘C’) • One touch assemble (or compile) and download to PIC16/17 tools (automatically updates all project information) • Debug using: - source files - absolute listing file • Transfer data dynamically via DDE (soon to be replaced by OLE) • Run up to four emulators on the same PC The ability to use MPLAB with Microchip’s simulator allows a consistent platform and the ability to easily switch from the low cost simulator to the full featured emulator with minimal retraining due to development tools. 10.10 Assembler (MPASM) The MPASM Universal Macro Assembler is a PChosted symbolic assembler. It supports all microcontroller series including the PIC12C5XX, PIC14000, PIC16C5X, PIC16CXXX, and PIC17CXX families. MPASM offers full featured Macro capabilities, conditional assembly, and several source and listing formats. It generates various object code formats to support Microchip's development tools as well as third party programmers. 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X MPASM allow full symbolic debugging from the Microchip Universal Emulator System (PICMASTER). Both versions include Microchip’s fuzzyLAB demonstration board for hands-on experience with fuzzy logic systems implementation. MPASM has the following features to assist in developing software for specific use applications. 10.14 • Provides translation of Assembler source code to object code for all Microchip microcontrollers. • Macro assembly capability. • Produces all the files (Object, Listing, Symbol, and special) required for symbolic debug with Microchip’s emulator systems. • Supports Hex (default), Decimal and Octal source and listing formats. MPASM provides a rich directive language to support programming of the PIC16/17. Directives are helpful in making the development of your assemble source code shorter and more maintainable. 10.11 MPLAB-SIM fully supports symbolic debugging using MPLAB-C and MPASM. The Software Simulator offers the low cost flexibility to develop and debug code outside of the laboratory environment making it an excellent multi-project software development tool. C Compiler (MPLAB-C) The MPLAB-C Code Development System is a complete ‘C’ compiler and integrated development environment for Microchip’s PIC16/17 family of microcontrollers. The compiler provides powerful integration capabilities and ease of use not found with other compilers. For easier source level debugging, the compiler provides symbol information that is compatible with the MPLAB IDE memory display (PICMASTER emulator software versions 1.13 and later). 10.13 MP-DriveWay is an easy-to-use Windows-based Application Code Generator. With MP-DriveWay you can visually configure all the peripherals in a PIC16/17 device and, with a click of the mouse, generate all the initialization and many functional code modules in C language. The output is fully compatible with Microchip’s MPLAB-C C compiler. The code produced is highly modular and allows easy integration of your own code. MP-DriveWay is intelligent enough to maintain your code through subsequent code generation. 10.15 SEEVAL Evaluation and Programming System Software Simulator (MPLAB-SIM) The MPLAB-SIM Software Simulator allows code development in a PC host environment. It allows the user to simulate the PIC16/17 series microcontrollers on an instruction level. On any given instruction, the user may examine or modify any of the data areas or provide external stimulus to any of the pins. The input/ output radix can be set by the user and the execution can be performed in; single step, execute until break, or in a trace mode. 10.12 MP-DriveWay – Application Code Generator The SEEVAL SEEPROM Designer’s Kit supports all Microchip 2-wire and 3-wire Serial EEPROMs. The kit includes everything necessary to read, write, erase or program special features of any Microchip SEEPROM product including Smart Serials and secure serials. The Total Endurance Disk is included to aid in tradeoff analysis and reliability calculations. The total kit can significantly reduce time-to-market and result in an optimized system. 10.16 TrueGauge Intelligent Battery Management The TrueGauge development tool supports system development with the MTA11200B TrueGauge Intelligent Battery Management IC. System design verification can be accomplished before hardware prototypes are built. User interface is graphically-oriented and measured data can be saved in a file for exporting to Microsoft Excel. 10.17 KEELOQ Evaluation and Programming Tools KEELOQ evaluation and programming tools support Microchips HCS Secure Data Products. The HCS evaluation kit includes an LCD display to show changing codes, a decoder to decode transmissions, and a programming interface to program test transmitters. Fuzzy Logic Development System (fuzzyTECH-MP) fuzzyTECH-MP fuzzy logic development tool is available in two versions - a low cost introductory version, MP Explorer, for designers to gain a comprehensive working knowledge of fuzzy logic system design; and a full-featured version, fuzzyTECH-MP, edition for implementing more complex systems. 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30430B-page 69 DS30430B-page 70 SW006005 SW006005 SW006005 SW007002 SW007002 SW007002 SW007002 PIC16C61 PIC16C62, 62A, 64, 64A PIC16C620, 621, 622 SW006005 SW007002 SW007002 SW007002 SW007002 SW007002 SW007002 SW007002 SW007002 PIC16C71 PIC16C710, 711 PIC16C72 PIC16F83 PIC16C84 PIC16F84 PIC16C923, 924* SW006006 SW006006 SW006006 SW006006 SW006006 SW006006 SW006006 — SW006006 DV005001/ DV005002 DV005001/ DV005002 DV005001/ DV005002 DV005001/ DV005002 DV005001/ DV005002 DV005001/ DV005002 DV005001/ DV005002 — DV005001/ DV005002 DV005001/ DV005002 DV005001/ DV005002 DV005001/ DV005002 DV005001/ DV005002 DV005001/ DV005002 — — fuzzyTECH-MP Explorer/Edition Fuzzy Logic Dev. Tool — Product All 2 wire and 3 wire Serial EEPROM's MTA11200B HCS200, 300, 301 * SEEVAL Designers Kit DV243001 N/A N/A TRUEGAUGE Development Kit N/A DV114001 N/A PIC17C42, SW007002 SW006005 SW006006 42A, 43, 44 *Contact Microchip Technology for availability date **MPLAB Integrated Development Environment includes MPLAB-SIM Simulator and MPASM Assembler SW006005 SW006005 SW006005 SW006005 SW006005 SW006005 SW006005 SW006005 SW007002 PIC16C63, 65, 65A, 73, 73A, 74, 74A PIC16C642, 662* SW006006 SW006006 SW006006 — SW006006 — MP-DriveWay Applications Code Generator — N/A PG306001 Hopping Code Security Programmer Kit N/A N/A DM303001 Hopping Code Security Eval/Demo Kit N/A ****PRO MATE PICSTART Lite PICSTART Plus *** PICMASTER/ ICEPIC Low-Cost PICMASTER-CE Ultra Low-Cost Low-Cost II Universal In-Circuit In-Circuit Dev. Kit Universal Microchip Emulator Emulator Dev. Kit Programmer EM167015/ — DV007003 — DV003001 EM167101 EM147001/ — DV007003 — DV003001 EM147101 EM167015/ EM167201 DV007003 DV162003 DV003001 EM167101 EM167033/ —DV007003 — DV003001 EM167113 EM167021/ EM167205 DV007003 DV162003 DV003001 N/A EM167025/ EM167203 DV007003 DV162002 DV003001 EM167103 EM167023/ EM167202 DV007003 DV162003 DV003001 EM167109 EM167025/ EM167204 DV007003 DV162002 DV003001 EM167103 EM167035/ —DV007003 DV162002 DV003001 EM167105 EM167027/ EM167205 DV007003 DV162003 DV003001 EM167105 EM167027/ — DV007003 DV162003 DV003001 EM167105 EM167025/ — DV007003 DV162002 DV003001 EM167103 EM167029/ — DV007003 DV162003 DV003001 EM167107 EM167029/ EM167206 DV007003 DV162003 DV003001 EM167107 EM167029/ — DV007003 DV162003 DV003001 EM167107 EM167031/ — DV007003 — DV003001 EM167111 EM177007/ — DV007003 — DV003001 EM177107 ***All PICMASTER and PICMASTER-CE ordering part numbers above include PRO MATE II programmer ****PRO MATE socket modules are ordered separately. See development systems ordering guide for specific ordering part numbers TABLE 10-1: SW006005 SW006005 SW007002 PIC16C52, 54, 54A, 55, 56, 57, 58A PIC16C554, 556, 558 SW006005 SW006005 MPLAB C Compiler SW007002 ** MPLAB Integrated Development Environment SW007002 PIC14000 PIC12C508, 509 Product PIC16F8X DEVELOPMENT TOOLS FROM MICROCHIP 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X Applicable Devices F83 CR83 F84 CR84 11.0 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS FOR PIC16F83 AND PIC16F84 Absolute Maximum Ratings † Ambient temperature under bias.............................................................................................................-55°C to +125°C Storage temperature .............................................................................................................................. -65°C to +150°C Voltage on VDD with respect to VSS .......................................................................................................... -0.3 to +7.5V Voltage on MCLR with respect to VSS(2) ...................................................................................................... -0.3 to +14V Voltage on any pin with respect to VSS (except VDD and MCLR) ................................................... -0.6V to (VDD + 0.6V) Total power dissipation(1) .....................................................................................................................................800 mW Maximum current out of VSS pin ...........................................................................................................................150 mA Maximum current into VDD pin ..............................................................................................................................100 mA Input clamp current, IIK (VI < 0 or VI > VDD) .....................................................................................................................± 20 mA Output clamp current, IOK (VO < 0 or VO > VDD) .............................................................................................................± 20 mA Maximum output current sunk by any I/O pin..........................................................................................................25 mA Maximum output current sourced by any I/O pin ....................................................................................................20 mA Maximum current sunk by PORTA ..........................................................................................................................80 mA Maximum current sourced by PORTA.....................................................................................................................50 mA Maximum current sunk by PORTB........................................................................................................................150 mA Maximum current sourced by PORTB ..................................................................................................................100 mA Note 1: Power dissipation is calculated as follows: Pdis = VDD x {IDD - ∑ IOH} + ∑ {(VDD-VOH) x IOH} + ∑(VOl x IOL) Note 2: Voltage spikes below VSS at the MCLR pin, inducing currents greater than 80 mA, may cause latch-up. Thus, a series resistor of 50-100Ω should be used when applying a “low” level to the MCLR pin rather than pulling this pin directly to VSS. † NOTICE: Stresses above those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at those or any other conditions above those indicated in the operation listings of this specification is not implied. Exposure to maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30430B-page 71 This document was created with FrameMaker 4 0 4 PIC16F8X Applicable Devices F83 CR83 F84 CR84 TABLE 11-1: CROSS REFERENCE OF DEVICE SPECS FOR OSCILLATOR CONFIGURATIONS AND FREQUENCIES OF OPERATION (COMMERCIAL DEVICES) PIC16F84-04 PIC16F83-04 OSC RC XT HS LP PIC16F84-10 PIC16F83-10 VDD: IDD: IPD: Freq: VDD: IDD: IPD: Freq: VDD: IDD: IPD: Freq: VDD: IDD: IPD: Freq: VDD: IDD: IPD: Freq: VDD: IDD: IPD: Freq: 4.0V to 6.0V 4.5 mA max. at 5.5V 14 µA max. at 4V WDT dis 4.0 MHz max. 4.0V to 6.0V 4.5 mA max. at 5.5V 14 µA max. at 4V WDT dis 4.0 MHz max. 4.5V to 5.5V 4.5 mA typ. at 5.5V 1.0 µA typ. at 4.5V WDT dis 4.0 MHz max. 4.5V to 5.5V 1.8 mA typ. at 5.5V 1.0 µA typ. at 5.5V WDT dis 4..0 MHz max. 4.5V to 5.5V 1.8 mA typ. at 5.5V 1.0 µA typ. at 5.5V WDT dis 4.0 MHz max. 4.5V to 5.5V 10 mA max. at 5.5V typ. 1.0 µA typ. at 4.5V WDT dis 10 MHz max. VDD: IDD: IPD: Freq: 4.0V to 6.0V 35 µA typ. at 32 kHz, 3.0V Do not use in LP mode 0.6 µA typ. at 3.0V WDT dis 200 kHz max. PIC16LF84-04 PIC16LF83-04 VDD: IDD: IPD: Freq: VDD: IDD: IPD: Freq: 2.0V to 6.0V 4.5 mA max. at 5.5V 7.0 µA max. at 2V WDT dis 2.0 MHz max. 2.0V to 6.0V 4.5 mA max. at 5.5V 7.0 µA max. at 2V WDT dis 2.0 MHz max. Do not use in HS mode VDD: IDD: IPD: Freq: 2.0V to 6.0V 32 µA max. at 32 kHz, 3.0V 7 µA max. at 2.0V WDT dis 200 kHz max. The shaded sections indicate oscillator selections which are tested for functionality, but not for MIN/MAX specifications. It is recommended that the user select the device type that ensures the specifications required. DS30430B-page 72 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X Applicable Devices F83 CR83 F84 CR84 11.1 DC CHARACTERISTICS: DC Characteristics Power Supply Pins Parameter No. Sym Characteristic D001 D001A D002 VDD Supply Voltage VDR D003 VPOR D004 SVDD RAM Data Retention Voltage(1) VDD start voltage to ensure internal Power-on Reset signal VDD rise rate to ensure internal Power-on Reset signal Supply Current(2) IDD D010 D010A PIC16F84, PIC16F83 (Commercial, Industrial) Standard Operating Conditions (unless otherwise stated) Operating temperature 0°C ≤ TA ≤ +70°C (commercial) -40°C ≤ TA ≤ +85°C (industrial) Min Typ† Max Units Conditions 4.0 4.5 1.5 * — — 6.0 5.5 — — 0.05* — — — V V V XT, RC and LP osc configuration HS osc configuration Device in SLEEP mode VSS — V See section on Power-on Reset for details — — 1.8 7.3 4.5 10 V/ms See section on Power-on Reset for details mA mA RC and XT osc configuration(4) FOSC = 4.0 MHz, VDD = 5.5V FOSC = 4.0 MHz, VDD = 5.5V (During Flash programming) HS OSC CONFIGURATION (PIC16F84-10) FOSC = 10 MHz, VDD = 5.5V VDD = 4.0V, WDT enabled, industrial VDD = 4.0V, WDT disabled, commercial VDD = 4.0V, WDT disabled, industrial — D013 5 10 mA (3) — D020 IPD Power-down Current 7.0 28 µA — D021 1.0 14 µA — D021A 1.0 16 µA * These parameters are characterized but not tested. † Data in "Typ" column is at 5.0V, 25˚C unless otherwise stated. These parameters are for design guidance only and are not tested. Note 1: This is the limit to which VDD can be lowered in SLEEP mode without losing RAM data. 2: The supply current is mainly a function of the operating voltage and frequency. Other factors such as I/O pin loading and switching rate, oscillator type, internal code execution pattern, and temperature also have an impact on the current consumption. The test conditions for all IDD measurements in active operation mode are: OSC1=external square wave, from rail to rail; all I/O pins tristated, pulled to VDD, T0CKI = VDD, MCLR = VDD; WDT enabled/disabled as specified. 3: The power down current in SLEEP mode does not depend on the oscillator type. Power-down current is measured with the part in SLEEP mode, with all I/O pins in hi-impedance state and tied to VDD and VSS. 4: For RC osc configuration, current through Rext is not included. The current through the resistor can be estimated by the formula IR = VDD/2Rext (mA) with Rext in kOhm. 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30430B-page 73 PIC16F8X Applicable Devices F83 CR83 F84 CR84 11.2 DC CHARACTERISTICS: PIC16LF84, PIC16LF83 (Commercial, Industrial) DC Characteristics Power Supply Pins Parameter No. Sym Characteristic 2.0 1.5 * — — 6.0 — V V XT, RC, and LP osc configuration Device in SLEEP mode — VSS — V See section on Power-on Reset for details 0.05* — — D010 D010A — — 1 7.3 4 10 mA mA D014 — 15 32 µA D001 D002 VDD VDR D003 VPOR D004 SVDD IDD Supply Voltage RAM Data Retention Voltage(1) VDD start voltage to ensure internal Power-on Reset signal VDD rise rate to ensure internal Power-on Reset signal Supply Current(2) Standard Operating Conditions (unless otherwise stated) Operating temperature 0°C ≤ TA ≤ +70°C (commercial) -40°C ≤ TA ≤ +85°C (industrial) Min Typ† Max Units Conditions V/ms See section on Power-on Reset for details RC and XT osc configuration(4) FOSC = 2.0 MHz, VDD = 5.5V FOSC = 2.0 MHz, VDD = 5.5V (During Flash programming) LP osc configuration FOSC = 32 kHz, VDD = 2.0V, WDT disabled VDD = 2.0V, WDT enabled, industrial VDD = 2.0V, WDT disabled, commercial VDD = 2.0V, WDT disabled, industrial IPD D020 Power-down Current(3) — 3.0 16 µA D021 — 0.4 7.0 µA D021A — 0.4 9.0 µA * These parameters are characterized but not tested. † Data in "Typ" column is at 5.0V, 25°C unless otherwise stated. These parameters are for design guidance only and are not tested. Note 1: This is the limit to which VDD can be lowered in SLEEP mode without losing RAM data. 2: The supply current is mainly a function of the operating voltage and frequency. Other factors such as I/O pin loading and switching rate, oscillator type, internal code execution pattern, and temperature also have an impact on the current consumption. The test conditions for all IDD measurements in active operation mode are: OSC1=external square wave, from rail to rail; all I/O pins tristated, pulled to VDD, T0CKI = VDD, MCLR = VDD; WDT enabled/disabled as specified. 3: The power down current in SLEEP mode does not depend on the oscillator type. Power-down current is measured with the part in SLEEP mode, with all I/O pins in hi-impedance state and tied to VDD and VSS. 4: For RC osc configuration, current through Rext is not included. The current through the resistor can be estimated by the formula IR = VDD/2Rext (mA) with Rext in kOhm. DS30430B-page 74 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X Applicable Devices F83 CR83 F84 CR84 11.3 DC CHARACTERISTICS: PIC16F84, PIC16F83 (Commercial, Industrial) PIC16LF84, PIC16LF83 (Commercial, Industrial) Standard Operating Conditions (unless otherwise stated) Operating temperature 0°C ≤ TA ≤ +70°C (commercial) -40°C ≤ TA ≤ +85°C (industrial) Operating voltage VDD range as described in DC spec Section 11.1 and Section 11.2. DC Characteristics All Pins Except Power Supply Pins Parameter No. Sym VIL D030 D030A D031 D032 D033 D034 VIH D040 D040A D041 D042 D043 D050 VHYS D070 IPURB D060 IIL D061 D063 Characteristic Input Low Voltage I/O ports with TTL buffer with Schmitt Trigger buffer MCLR, RA4/T0CKI OSC1 (XT, HS and LP modes)(1) OSC1 (RC mode) Input High Voltage I/O ports with TTL buffer Min Typ† Max Units VSS VSS VSS Vss Vss Vss — — — — — — 0.8 0.16VDD 0.2VDD 0.2VDD 0.3VDD 0.1VDD V V V V V V 4.5 V ≤ VDD ≤ 5.5 V entire range(4) entire range VDD VDD VDD VDD V V 4.5 V ≤ VDD ≤ 5.5V entire range(4) entire range — — VDD V V 250* 400* — ±1 — — ±5 ±5 2.4 0.48VDD 0.45VDD 0.85 VDD with Schmitt Trigger buffer MCLR, RA4/T0CKI, OSC1 (RC mode) OSC1 (XT, HS and LP modes)(1) 0.7 VDD Hysteresis of TBD Schmitt Trigger inputs PORTB weak pull-up current 50* Input Leakage Current(2,3) — I/O ports MCLR, RA4/T0CKI OSC1 — — — — — — — — Conditions V µA VDD = 5.0V, VPIN = VSS µA Vss ≤ VPIN ≤ VDD, Pin at hi-impedance µA Vss ≤ VPIN ≤ VDD µA Vss ≤ VPIN ≤ VDD, XT, HS and LP osc configuration Output Low Voltage — — I/O ports 0.6 V IOL = 8.5 mA, VDD = 4.5V — — OSC2/CLKOUT 0.6 V IOL = 1.6 mA, VDD = 4.5V Output High Voltage — — D090 VOH I/O ports(3) VDD-0.7 V IOH = -3.0 mA, VDD = 4.5V — — D092 OSC2/CLKOUT VDD-0.7 V IOH = -1.3 mA, VDD = 4.5V * These parameters are characterized but not tested. † Data in “Typ” column is at 5.0V, 25°C unless otherwise stated. These parameters are for design guidance only and are not tested. Note 1: In RC oscillator configuration, the OSC1 pin is a Schmitt Trigger input. Do not drive the PIC16F8X with an external clock while the device is in RC mode, otherwise chip damage may result. 2: The leakage current on the MCLR pin is strongly dependent on the applied voltage level. The specified levels represent normal operating conditions. Higher leakage current may be measured at different input voltages. 3: Negative current is defined as coming out of the pin. 4: The user may use better of the two specs. D080 D083 VOL 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30430B-page 75 PIC16F8X Applicable Devices F83 CR83 F84 CR84 11.4 DC CHARACTERISTICS: PIC16F84, PIC16F83 (Commercial, Industrial) PIC16LF84, PIC16F83 (Commercial, Industrial) DC Characteristics All Pins Except Power Supply Pins Parameter No. Sym D100 COSC2 D101 CIO D120 D121 ED VDRW D122 TDEW D130 D131 EP VPR Characteristic Capacitive Loading Specs on Output Pins OSC2 pin All I/O pins and OSC2 (RC mode) Data EEPROM Memory Endurance VDD for read/write Erase/Write cycle time Program Flash Memory Endurance VDD for read Standard Operating Conditions (unless otherwise stated) Operating temperature 0°C ≤ TA ≤ +70°C (commercial) -40°C ≤ TA ≤ +85°C (industrial) Operating voltage VDD range as described in DC spec Section 11.1 and Section 11.2. Min Typ† Max Units Conditions — — 15 pF — — 50 pF 1M VMIN 10M — 6.0 — — 10 100 VMIN 1000 — — 6.0 — In XT, HS and LP modes when external clock is used to drive OSC1. E/W 25°C at 5V V VMIN = Minimum operating voltage ms E/W V VMIN = Minimum operating voltage — D132 VPEW VDD for erase/write 4.5 5.5 V — — D133 TPEW Erase/Write cycle time 10 ms † Data in “Typ” column is at 5.0V, 25°C unless otherwise stated. These parameters are for design guidance only and are not tested. DS30430B-page 76 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X Applicable Devices F83 CR83 F84 CR84 TABLE 11-2: TIMING PARAMETER SYMBOLOGY The timing parameter symbols have been created following one of the following formats: 1. TppS2ppS 2. TppS T F Frequency Lowercase symbols (pp) and their meanings: pp 2 to ck CLKOUT cy cycle time io I/O port inp INT pin mc MCLR Uppercase symbols and their meanings: S F Fall H High I Invalid (Hi-impedance) L Low T Time os,osc ost pwrt rbt t0 wdt OSC1 oscillator start-up timer power-up timer RBx pins T0CKI watchdog timer P R V Z Period Rise Valid High Impedance FIGURE 11-1: PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION All timings are measure between high and low measurement points as indicated in the figures below. 0.7 VDD XTAL 0.8 VDD RC (High) 0.9 VDD (High) 0.3 VDD XTAL 0.15 VDD RC (Low) OSC1 Measurement Points 0.1 VDD (Low) I/O Port Measurement Points FIGURE 11-2: LOAD CONDITIONS Load Condition 1 Load Condition 2 VDD/2 RL CL Pin CL Pin VSS VSS RL = 464Ω CL = 50 pF for all pins except OSC2. 15 pF for OSC2 output. 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30430B-page 77 PIC16F8X Applicable Devices F83 CR83 F84 CR84 11.5 Timing Diagrams and Specifications FIGURE 11-3: EXTERNAL CLOCK TIMING Q4 Q1 Q3 Q2 Q4 Q1 OSC1 1 3 3 4 4 2 CLKOUT TABLE 11-3: Parameter No. 1 EXTERNAL CLOCK TIMING REQUIREMENTS Sym Characteristic Min Typ† Max Units Conditions FOSC External CLKIN Frequency(1) DC DC DC DC — — — — 2 4 10 200 MHz MHz MHz kHz XT, RC osc XT, RC osc HS osc LP osc PIC16LF8X-04 PIC16F8X-04 PIC16F8X-10 PIC16LF8X-04 Oscillator Frequency(1) DC DC 0.1 0.1 1.0 DC — — — — — — 2 4 2 4 10 200 MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz kHz RC osc RC osc XT osc XT osc HS osc LP osc PIC16LF8X-04 PIC16F8X-04 PIC16LF8X-04 PIC16F8X-04 PIC16F8X-10 PIC16LF8X-04 External CLKIN Period(1) 500 250 100 5.0 — — — — — — — — ns ns ns µs XT, RC osc XT, RC osc HS osc LP osc PIC16LF8X-04 PIC16F8X-04 PIC16F8X-10 PIC16LF8X-04 Oscillator Period(1) 500 250 500 250 100 5.0 — — — — — — — — 10,000 10,000 1,000 — ns ns ns ns ns µs RC osc RC osc XT osc XT osc HS osc LP osc PIC16LF8X-04 PIC16F8X-04 PIC16LF8X-04 PIC16F8X-04 PIC16F8X-10 PIC16LF8X-04 0.4 60 * 50 * 2.0 * 35 * 25 * 50 * 15 * 4/Fosc — — — — — — — DC — — — — — — — µs ns ns µs ns ns ns ns XT osc XT osc LP osc HS osc XT osc LP osc HS osc PIC16LF8X-04 PIC16F8X-04 PIC16LF8X-04 PIC16F8X-10 PIC16F8X-04 PIC16LF8X-04 PIC16F8X-10 Tosc 2 3 TCY TosL, TosH Instruction Cycle Time(1) Clock in (OSC1) High or Low Time 4 TosR, TosF Clock in (OSC1) Rise or Fall Time * These parameters are characterized but no tested. † Data in "Typ" column is at 5.0V, 25°C unless otherwise stated. These parameters are for design guidance only and are not tested. Note 1: Instruction cycle period (TCY) equals four times the input oscillator time-base period. All specified values are based on characterization data for that particular oscillator type under standard operating conditions with the device executing code. Exceeding these specified limits may result in an unstable oscillator operation and/or higher than expected current consumption. All devices are tested to operate at "min." values with an external clock applied to the OSC1 pin. When an external clock input is used, the "Max." cycle time limit is "DC" (no clock) for all devices. DS30430B-page 78 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X Applicable Devices F83 CR83 F84 CR84 FIGURE 11-4: CLKOUT AND I/O TIMING Q1 Q4 Q2 Q3 OSC1 11 10 22 23 CLKOUT 13 19 14 12 18 16 I/O Pin (input) 15 17 I/O Pin (output) new value old value 20, 21 Note: All tests must be done with specified capacitive loads (Figure 11-2) 50 pF on I/O pins and CLKOUT. TABLE 11-4: Parameter No. 10 CLKOUT AND I/O TIMING REQUIREMENTS Sym Characteristic TosH2ckL OSC1↑ to CLKOUT↓ 10A 11 TosH2ckH OSC1↑ to CLKOUT↑ 11A 12 TckR CLKOUT rise time 12A 13 TckF CLKOUT fall time 13A Min Typ† Max Units Conditions PIC16F8X — 15 30 * ns Note 1 PIC16LF8X — 15 120 * ns Note 1 PIC16F8X — 15 30 * ns Note 1 PIC16LF8X — 15 120 * ns Note 1 PIC16F8X — 15 30 * ns Note 1 PIC16LF8X — 15 100 * ns Note 1 PIC16F8X — 15 30 * ns Note 1 PIC16LF8X — 15 100 * ns Note 1 14 TckL2ioV CLKOUT ↓ to Port out valid — — 0.5TCY +20 * ns Note 1 15 TioV2ckH Port in valid before PIC16F8X 0.30TCY + 30 * — — ns Note 1 CLKOUT ↑ PIC16LF8X 0.30TCY + 80 * — — ns Note 1 16 TckH2ioI Port in hold after CLKOUT ↑ 0* — — ns Note 1 17 TosH2ioV OSC1↑ (Q1 cycle) to PIC16F8X — — 125 * ns Port out valid PIC16LF8X — — 250 * ns 18 TosH2ioI OSC1↑ (Q2 cycle) to Port input invalid (I/O in hold time) TBD — — ns 19 TioV2osH Port input valid to OSC1↑ (I/O in setup time) TBD — — ns 20 TioR Port output rise time 20A 21 TioF Port output fall time 21A 22 Tinp 22A 23 23A Trbp PIC16F8X — 10 25 * ns PIC16LF8X — 10 60 * ns PIC16F8X — 10 25 * ns PIC16LF8X — 10 60 * ns INT pin high PIC16F8X 20 * — — ns or low time PIC16LF8X 55 * — — ns RB7:RB4 change INT PIC16F8X TOSC § — — ns high or low time PIC16LF8X TOSC § — — ns * These parameters are characterized but not tested. † Data in "Typ" column is at 5.0V, 25°C unless otherwise stated. These parameters are for design guidance only and are not tested. § By design Note 1: Measurements are taken in RC Mode where CLKOUT output is 4 x TOSC. 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30430B-page 79 PIC16F8X Applicable Devices F83 CR83 F84 CR84 FIGURE 11-5: RESET, WATCHDOG TIMER, OSCILLATOR START-UP TIMER AND POWER-UP TIMER TIMING VDD MCLR 30 Internal POR 33 PWRT Time-out 32 OSC Time-out Internal RESET Watchdog Timer RESET 31 34 34 I/O Pins TABLE 11-5: RESET, WATCHDOG TIMER, OSCILLATOR START-UP TIMER AND POWER-UP TIMER REQUIREMENTS Parameter No. Sym Characteristic 30 TmcL MCLR Pulse Width (low) 31 Twdt Watchdog Timer Time-out Period (No Prescaler) 32 Tost Oscillation Start-up Timer Period 33 Tpwrt 34 TIOZ * † Power-up Timer Period I/O Hi-impedance from MCLR Low or reset Min Typ† Max Units 1000 * — — ns 2.0V ≤ VDD ≤ 6.0V 7* 18 33 * ms VDD = 5.0V ms TOSC = OSC1 period VDD = 5.0V 1024TOSC 28 * 72 132 * ms — — 100 * ns Conditions These parameters are characterized but not tested. Data in "Typ" column is at 5V, 25°C unless otherwise stated. These parameters are for design guidance only and are not tested. DS30430B-page 80 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X Applicable Devices F83 CR83 F84 CR84 FIGURE 11-6: TIMER0 CLOCK TIMINGS RA4/T0CKI 40 41 42 TABLE 11-6: Parameter No. 40 TIMER0 CLOCK REQUIREMENTS Sym Characteristic Tt0H T0CKI High Pulse Width Min No Prescaler With Prescaler 41 Tt0L T0CKI Low Pulse Width No Prescaler With Prescaler 42 * † Tt0P T0CKI Period Typ† Max Units Conditions 0.5TCY + 20 * — — ns 50 * 30 * — — — — ns ns 0.5TCY + 20 * — — ns 50 * 20 * — — — — ns ns 2.0V ≤ VDD ≤ 3.0V 3.0V ≤ VDD ≤ 6.0V TCY + 40 * N — — ns N = prescale value (2, 4, ..., 256) 2.0V ≤ VDD ≤ 3.0V 3.0V ≤ VDD ≤ 6.0V These parameters are characterized but not tested. Data in "Typ" column is at 5.0V, 25°C unless otherwise stated. These parameters are for design guidance only and are not tested. 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30430B-page 81 PIC16F8X Applicable Devices F83 CR83 F84 CR84 NOTES: DS30430B-page 82 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X Applicable Devices F83 CR83 F84 CR84 12.0 DC & AC CHARACTERISTICS GRAPHS/TABLES FOR PIC16F83 AND PIC16F84 NOT AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME. 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30430B-page 83 This document was created with FrameMaker 4 0 4 PIC16F8X Applicable Devices F83 CR83 F84 CR84 NOTES: DS30430B-page 84 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X Applicable Devices F83 CR83 F84 CR84 13.0 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS FOR PIC16CR83 AND PIC16CR84 Absolute Maximum Ratings † Ambient temperature under bias.............................................................................................................-55°C to +125°C Storage temperature .............................................................................................................................. -65°C to +150°C Voltage on VDD with respect to VSS .......................................................................................................... -0.3 to +7.5V Voltage on MCLR with respect to VSS(2) ...................................................................................................... -0.3 to +14V Voltage on any pin with respect to VSS (except VDD and MCLR) ................................................... -0.6V to (VDD + 0.6V) Total power dissipation(1) .....................................................................................................................................800 mW Maximum current out of VSS pin ...........................................................................................................................150 mA Maximum current into VDD pin ..............................................................................................................................100 mA Input clamp current, IIK (VI < 0 or VI > VDD) .....................................................................................................................± 20 mA Output clamp current, IOK (VO < 0 or VO > VDD) .............................................................................................................± 20 mA Maximum output current sunk by any I/O pin..........................................................................................................25 mA Maximum output current sourced by any I/O pin ....................................................................................................20 mA Maximum current sunk by PORTA ..........................................................................................................................80 mA Maximum current sourced by PORTA.....................................................................................................................50 mA Maximum current sunk by PORTB........................................................................................................................150 mA Maximum current sourced by PORTB ..................................................................................................................100 mA Note 1: Power dissipation is calculated as follows: Pdis = VDD x {IDD - ∑ IOH} + ∑ {(VDD-VOH) x IOH} + ∑(VOl x IOL) Note 2: Voltage spikes below VSS at the MCLR pin, inducing currents greater than 80 mA, may cause latch-up. Thus, a series resistor of 50-100Ω should be used when applying a “low” level to the MCLR pin rather than pulling this pin directly to VSS. † NOTICE: Stresses above those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at those or any other conditions above those indicated in the operation listings of this specification is not implied. Exposure to maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30430B-page 85 This document was created with FrameMaker 4 0 4 PIC16F8X Applicable Devices F83 CR83 F84 CR84 TABLE 13-1: CROSS REFERENCE OF DEVICE SPECS FOR OSCILLATOR CONFIGURATIONS AND FREQUENCIES OF OPERATION (COMMERCIAL DEVICES) PIC16CR84-04 PIC16CR83-04 OSC RC XT HS LP PIC16CR84-10 PIC16CR83-10 VDD: IDD: IPD: Freq: VDD: IDD: IPD: Freq: VDD: IDD: IPD: Freq: VDD: IDD: IPD: Freq: VDD: IDD: IPD: Freq: VDD: IDD: IPD: Freq: 4.0V to 6.0V 4.5 mA max. at 5.5V 14 µA max. at 4V WDT dis 4.0 MHz max. 4.0V to 6.0V 4.5 mA max. at 5.5V 14 µA max. at 4V WDT dis 4.0 MHz max. 4.5V to 5.5V 4.5 mA typ. at 5.5V 1.0 µA typ. at 4.5V WDT dis 4.0 MHz max. 4.5V to 5.5V 1.8 mA typ. at 5.5V 1.0 µA typ. at 5.5V WDT dis 4..0 MHz max. 4.5V to 5.5V 1.8 mA typ. at 5.5V 1.0 µA typ. at 5.5V WDT dis 4.0 MHz max. 4.5V to 5.5V 10 mA max. at 5.5V typ. 1.0 µA typ. at 4.5V WDT dis 10 MHz max. VDD: IDD: IPD: Freq: 4.0V to 6.0V 35 µA typ. at 32 kHz, 3.0V Do not use in LP mode 0.6 µA typ. at 3.0V WDT dis 200 kHz max. PIC16LCR84-04 PIC16LCR83-04 VDD: IDD: IPD: Freq: VDD: IDD: IPD: Freq: 2.0V to 6.0V 4.5 mA max. at 5.5V 6.0 µA max. at 2V WDT dis 2.0 MHz max. 2.0V to 6.0V 4.5 mA max. at 5.5V 6.0 µA max. at 2V WDT dis 2.0 MHz max. Do not use in HS mode VDD: IDD: IPD: Freq: 2.0V to 6.0V 32 µA max. at 32 kHz, 3.0V 6.0 µA max. at 2V WDT dis 200 kHz max. The shaded sections indicate oscillator selections which are tested for functionality, but not for MIN/MAX specifications. It is recommended that the user select the device type that ensures the specifications required. DS30430B-page 86 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X Applicable Devices F83 CR83 F84 CR84 13.1 DC CHARACTERISTICS: DC Characteristics Power Supply Pins Parameter No. Sym Characteristic D001 D001A D002 VDD Supply Voltage VDR D003 VPOR D004 SVDD RAM Data Retention Voltage(1) VDD start voltage to ensure internal Poweron Reset signal VDD rise rate to ensure internal Power-on Reset signal Supply Current(2) IDD D010 D010A PIC16CR84, PIC16CR83 (Commercial, Industrial) Standard Operating Conditions (unless otherwise stated) Operating temperature 0°C ≤ TA ≤ +70°C (commercial) -40°C ≤ TA ≤ +85°C (industrial) Min Typ† Max Units Conditions 4.0 4.5 1.5 * — — 6.0 5.5 — — 0.05* — — — V V V XT, RC and LP osc configuration HS osc configuration Device in SLEEP mode VSS — V See section on Power-on Reset for details — — 1.8 7.3 4.5 10 V/ms See section on Power-on Reset for details mA mA RC and XT osc configuration(4) FOSC = 4.0 MHz, VDD = 5.5V FOSC = 4.0 MHz, VDD = 5.5V (During EEPROM programming) HS OSC CONFIGURATION (PIC16CR84-10) FOSC = 10 MHz, VDD = 5.5V VDD = 4.0V, WDT enabled, industrial VDD = 4.0V, WDT disabled, commercial VDD = 4.0V, WDT disabled, industrial — D013 5 10 mA (3) — D020 IPD Power-down Current 7.0 28 µA — D021 1.0 14 µA — D021A 1.0 16 µA * These parameters are characterized but not tested. † Data in "Typ" column is at 5.0V, 25˚C unless otherwise stated. These parameters are for design guidance only and are not tested. Note 1: This is the limit to which VDD can be lowered in SLEEP mode without losing RAM data. 2: The supply current is mainly a function of the operating voltage and frequency. Other factors such as I/O pin loading and switching rate, oscillator type, internal code execution pattern, and temperature also have an impact on the current consumption. The test conditions for all IDD measurements in active operation mode are: OSC1=external square wave, from rail to rail; all I/O pins tristated, pulled to VDD, T0CKI = VDD, MCLR = VDD; WDT enabled/disabled as specified. 3: The power down current in SLEEP mode does not depend on the oscillator type. Power-down current is measured with the part in SLEEP mode, with all I/O pins in hi-impedance state and tied to VDD and VSS. 4: For RC osc configuration, current through Rext is not included. The current through the resistor can be estimated by the formula IR = VDD/2Rext (mA) with Rext in kOhm. 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30430B-page 87 PIC16F8X Applicable Devices F83 CR83 F84 CR84 13.2 DC CHARACTERISTICS: PIC16LCR84, PIC16LCR83 (Commercial, Industrial) DC Characteristics Power Supply Pins Parameter No. Sym Characteristic 2.0 1.5 * — — 6.0 — V V XT, RC, and LP osc configuration Device in SLEEP mode — VSS — V See section on Power-on Reset for details 0.05* — — D010 D010A — — 1 7.3 4 10 mA mA D014 — 15 32 µA D001 D002 VDD VDR D003 VPOR D004 SVDD IDD Supply Voltage RAM Data Retention Voltage(1) VDD start voltage to ensure internal Poweron Reset signal VDD rise rate to ensure internal Power-on Reset signal Supply Current(2) Standard Operating Conditions (unless otherwise stated) Operating temperature 0°C ≤ TA ≤ +70°C (commercial) -40°C ≤ TA ≤ +85°C (industrial) Min Typ† Max Units Conditions V/ms See section on Power-on Reset for details RC and XT osc configuration(4) FOSC = 2.0 MHz, VDD = 5.5V FOSC = 2.0 MHz, VDD = 5.5V (During EEPROM programming) LP osc configuration FOSC = 32 kHz, VDD = 2.0V, WDT disabled VDD = 2.0V, WDT enabled, industrial VDD = 2.0V, WDT disabled, commercial VDD = 2.0V, WDT disabled, industrial IPD D020 Power-down Current(3) — 3.0 16 µA D021 — 0.4 5.0 µA D021A — 0.4 6.0 µA * These parameters are characterized but not tested. † Data in "Typ" column is at 5.0V, 25°C unless otherwise stated. These parameters are for design guidance only and are not tested. Note 1: This is the limit to which VDD can be lowered in SLEEP mode without losing RAM data. 2: The supply current is mainly a function of the operating voltage and frequency. Other factors such as I/O pin loading and switching rate, oscillator type, internal code execution pattern, and temperature also have an impact on the current consumption. The test conditions for all IDD measurements in active operation mode are: OSC1=external square wave, from rail to rail; all I/O pins tristated, pulled to VDD, T0CKI = VDD, MCLR = VDD; WDT enabled/disabled as specified. 3: The power down current in SLEEP mode does not depend on the oscillator type. Power-down current is measured with the part in SLEEP mode, with all I/O pins in hi-impedance state and tied to VDD and VSS. 4: For RC osc configuration, current through Rext is not included. The current through the resistor can be estimated by the formula IR = VDD/2Rext (mA) with Rext in kOhm. DS30430B-page 88 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X Applicable Devices F83 CR83 F84 CR84 13.3 DC CHARACTERISTICS: PIC16CR84A, PIC16CR83 (Commercial, Industrial) PIC16LCR84, PIC16LCR83 (Commercial, Industrial) Standard Operating Conditions (unless otherwise stated) Operating temperature 0°C ≤ TA ≤ +70°C (commercial) -40°C ≤ TA ≤ +85°C (industrial) Operating voltage VDD range as described in DC spec Section 13.1 and Section 13.2. DC Characteristics All Pins Except Power Supply Pins Parameter No. Sym VIL D030 D030A D031 D032 D033 D034 VIH D040 D040A D041 D042 Characteristic Input Low Voltage I/O ports with TTL buffer with Schmitt Trigger buffer MCLR, RA4/T0CKI OSC1 (XT, HS and LP modes)(1) OSC1 (RC mode) Input High Voltage I/O ports with TTL buffer Min Typ† Max Units VSS VSS VSS Vss Vss Vss — — — — — — 0.8 0.16VDD 0.2VDD 0.2VDD 0.3VDD 0.1VDD V V V V V V 4.5 V ≤ Vdd ≤ 5.5 V entire range(4) entire range VDD VDD VDD VDD V V 4.5 V ≤ VDD ≤ 5.5V entire range(4) entire range — — VDD V V 250* 400* 2.4 0.48VDD 0.45VDD 0.85 VDD — — — D043 D050 VHYS D070 IPURB with Schmitt Trigger buffer MCLR, RA4/T0CKI, OSC1 (RC mode) OSC1 (XT, HS and LP modes)(1) 0.7 VDD Hysteresis of TBD Schmitt Trigger inputs PORTB weak pull-up current 50* D060 IIL Input Leakage Current(2,3) I/O ports — — ±1 MCLR, RA4/T0CKI OSC1 — — — — ±5 ±5 D061 D063 — — — Conditions V µA VDD = 5.0V, VPIN = VSS µA Vss ≤ VPIN ≤ VDD, Pin at hi-impedance µA Vss ≤ VPIN ≤ VDD µA Vss ≤ VPIN ≤ VDD, XT, HS and LP osc configuration Output Low Voltage — — I/O ports 0.6 V IOL = 8.5 mA, VDD = 4.5V — — OSC2/CLKOUT 0.6 V IOL = 1.6 mA, VDD = 4.5V Output High Voltage — — D090 VOH I/O ports(3) VDD-0.7 V IOH = -3.0 mA, VDD = 4.5V — — D092 OSC2/CLKOUT VDD-0.7 V IOH = -1.3 mA, VDD = 4.5V * These parameters are characterized but not tested. † Data in “Typ” column is at 5.0V, 25°C unless otherwise stated. These parameters are for design guidance only and are not tested. Note 1: In RC oscillator configuration, the OSC1 pin is a Schmitt Trigger input. Do not drive the PIC16CR8X with an external clock while the device is in RC mode, otherwise chip damage may result. 2: The leakage current on the MCLR pin is strongly dependent on the applied voltage level. The specified levels represent normal operating conditions. Higher leakage current may be measured at different input voltages. 3: Negative current is defined as coming out of the pin. 4: The user may use better of the two specs. D080 D083 VOL 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30430B-page 89 PIC16F8X Applicable Devices F83 CR83 F84 CR84 13.4 DC CHARACTERISTICS: PIC16CR84A, PIC16CR83 (Commercial, Industrial) PIC16LCR84A, PIC16LCR83 (Commercial, Industrial) DC Characteristics All Pins Except Power Supply Pins Parameter No. Sym D100 COSC2 D101 CIO D120 D121 ED VDRW Characteristic Capacitive Loading Specs on Output Pins OSC2 pin All I/O pins and OSC2 (RC mode) Data EEPROM Memory Endurance VDD for read/write Standard Operating Conditions (unless otherwise stated) Operating temperature 0°C ≤ TA ≤ +70°C (commercial) -40°C ≤ TA ≤ +85°C (industrial) Operating voltage VDD range as described in DC spec Section 13.1 and Section 13.2. Min Typ† Max Units Conditions — — 15 pF — — 50 pF 1M VMIN 10M — In XT, HS and LP modes when external clock is used to drive OSC1. E/W 25°C at 5V V VMIN = Minimum operating voltage — — D122 TDEW Erase/Write cycle time 10 ms † Data in “Typ” column is at 5.0V, 25°C unless otherwise stated. These parameters are for design guidance only and are not tested. DS30430B-page 90 — 6.0 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X Applicable Devices F83 CR83 F84 CR84 TABLE 13-2: TIMING PARAMETER SYMBOLOGY The timing parameter symbols have been created following one of the following formats: 1. TppS2ppS 2. TppS T F Frequency Lowercase symbols (pp) and their meanings: pp 2 to ck CLKOUT cy cycle time io I/O port inp INT pin mc MCLR Uppercase symbols and their meanings: S F Fall H High I Invalid (Hi-impedance) L Low T Time os,osc ost pwrt rbt t0 wdt OSC1 oscillator start-up timer power-up timer RBx pins T0CKI watchdog timer P R V Z Period Rise Valid High Impedance FIGURE 13-1: PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION All timings are measure between high and low measurement points as indicated in the figures below. 0.7 VDD XTAL 0.8 VDD RC (High) 0.9 VDD (High) 0.3 VDD XTAL 0.15 VDD RC (Low) OSC1 Measurement Points 0.1 VDD (Low) I/O Port Measurement Points FIGURE 13-2: LOAD CONDITIONS Load Condition 1 Load Condition 2 VDD/2 RL CL Pin CL Pin VSS VSS RL = 464Ω CL = 50 pF for all pins except OSC2. 15 pF for OSC2 output. 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30430B-page 91 PIC16F8X Applicable Devices F83 CR83 F84 CR84 13.5 Timing Diagrams and Specifications FIGURE 13-3: EXTERNAL CLOCK TIMING Q4 Q1 Q3 Q2 Q4 Q1 OSC1 1 3 3 4 4 2 CLKOUT TABLE 13-3: Parameter No. 1 EXTERNAL CLOCK TIMING REQUIREMENTS Sym Characteristic Min Typ† Max Units Conditions FOSC External CLKIN Frequency(1) DC DC DC DC — — — — 2 4 10 200 MHz MHz MHz kHz XT, RC osc XT, RC osc HS osc LP osc PIC16LCR8X-04 PIC16CR8X-04 PIC16CR8X-10 PIC16LCR8X-04 Oscillator Frequency(1) DC DC 0.1 0.1 1.0 DC — — — — — — 2 4 2 4 10 200 MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz kHz RC osc RC osc XT osc XT osc HS osc LP osc PIC16LCR8X-04 PIC16CR8X-04 PIC16LCR8X-04 PIC16CR8X-04 PIC16CR8X-10 PIC16LCR8X-04 External CLKIN Period(1) 500 250 100 5.0 — — — — — — — — ns ns ns µs XT, RC osc XT, RC osc HS osc LP osc PIC16LCR8X-04 PIC16CR8X-04 PIC16CR8X-10 PIC16LCR8X-04 Oscillator Period(1) 500 250 500 250 100 5.0 — — — — — — — — 10,000 10,000 1,000 — ns ns ns ns ns µs RC osc RC osc XT osc XT osc HS osc LP osc PIC16LCR8X-04 PIC16CR8X-04 PIC16LCR8X-04 PIC16CR8X-04 PIC16CR8X-10 PIC16LCR8X-04 0.4 60 * 50 * 2.0 * 35 * 25 * 50 * 15 * 4/Fosc — — — — — — — DC — — — — — — — µs ns ns µs ns ns ns ns XT osc XT osc LP osc HS osc XT osc LP osc HS osc PIC16LCR8X-04 PIC16CR8X-04 PIC16LCR8X-04 PIC16CR8X-10 PIC16CR8X-04 PIC16LCR8X-04 PIC16CR8X-10 Tosc 2 3 TCY TosL, TosH Instruction Cycle Time(1) Clock in (OSC1) High or Low Time 4 TosR, TosF Clock in (OSC1) Rise or Fall Time * † These parameters are characterized but not tested. Data in "Typ" column is at 5.0V, 25°C unless otherwise stated. These parameters are for design guidance only and are not tested. Note 1: Instruction cycle period (TCY) equals four times the input oscillator time base period. All specified values are based on characterization data for that particular oscillator type under standard operating conditions with the device executing code. Exceeding these specified limits may result in an unstable oscillator operation and/or higher than expected current consumption. All devices are tested to operate at "min." values with an external clock applied to the OSC1 pin. When an external clock input is used, the "Max." cycle time limit is "DC" (no clock) for all devices. DS30430B-page 92 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X Applicable Devices F83 CR83 F84 CR84 FIGURE 13-4: CLKOUT AND I/O TIMING Q1 Q4 Q2 Q3 OSC1 11 10 22 23 CLKOUT 13 19 14 12 18 16 I/O Pin (input) 15 17 I/O Pin (output) new value old value 20, 21 Note: All tests must be done with specified capacitive loads (Figure 13-2) 50 pF on I/O pins and CLKOUT. TABLE 13-4: Parameter No. 10 CLKOUT AND I/O TIMING REQUIREMENTS Sym Characteristic TosH2ckL OSC1↑ to CLKOUT↓ 10A 11 TosH2ckH OSC1↑ to CLKOUT↑ 11A 12 TckR CLKOUT rise time 12A 13 TckF CLKOUT fall time 13A Min Typ† Max Units Conditions PIC16CR8X — 15 30 * ns Note 1 PIC16LCR8X — 15 120 * ns Note 1 PIC16CR8X — 15 30 * ns Note 1 PIC16LCR8X — 15 120 * ns Note 1 PIC16CR8X — 15 30 * ns Note 1 PIC16LCR8X — 15 100 * ns Note 1 PIC16CR8X — 15 30 * ns Note 1 PIC16LCR8X — 15 100 * ns Note 1 14 TckL2ioV CLKOUT ↓ to Port out valid — — 0.5TCY +20 * ns Note 1 15 TioV2ckH Port in valid before PIC16CR8X 0.30TCY + 30 * — — ns Note 1 CLKOUT ↑ PIC16LCR8X 0.30TCY + 80 * — — ns Note 1 16 TckH2ioI Port in hold after CLKOUT ↑ 0* — — ns Note 1 17 TosH2ioV OSC1↑ (Q1 cycle) to PIC16CR8X — — 125 * ns Port out valid PIC16LCR8X — — 250 * ns 18 TosH2ioI OSC1↑ (Q2 cycle) to Port input invalid (I/O in hold time) TBD — — ns 19 TioV2osH Port input valid to OSC1↑ (I/O in setup time) TBD — — ns 20 TioR Port output rise time 20A 21 TioF Port output fall time 21A 22 Tinp 22A 23 23A Trbp PIC16CR8X — 10 25 * ns PIC16LCR8X — 10 60 * ns PIC16CR8X — 10 25 * ns PIC16LCR8X — 10 60 * ns INT pin high PIC16CR8X 20 * — — ns or low time PIC16LCR8X 55 * — — ns RB7:RB4 change INT PIC16CR8X TOSC § — — ns high or low time PIC16LCR8X TOSC § — — ns * † These parameters are characterized but not tested. Data in "Typ" column is at 5.0V, 25°C unless otherwise stated. These parameters are for design guidance only and are not tested. § By design Note 1: Measurements are taken in RC Mode where CLKOUT output is 4 x TOSC. 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30430B-page 93 PIC16F8X Applicable Devices F83 CR83 F84 CR84 FIGURE 13-5: RESET, WATCHDOG TIMER, OSCILLATOR START-UP TIMER AND POWER-UP TIMER TIMING VDD MCLR 30 Internal POR 33 PWRT Time-out 32 OSC Time-out Internal RESET Watchdog Timer RESET 31 34 34 I/O Pins TABLE 13-5: RESET, WATCHDOG TIMER, OSCILLATOR START-UP TIMER AND POWER-UP TIMER REQUIREMENTS Parameter No. Sym Characteristic 30 TmcL MCLR Pulse Width (low) 31 Twdt Watchdog Timer Time-out Period (No Prescaler) 32 Tost Oscillation Start-up Timer Period 33 Tpwrt 34 TIOZ * † Power-up Timer Period I/O Hi-impedance from MCLR Low or reset Min Typ† Max Units 1000 * — — ns 2.0V ≤ VDD ≤ 6.0V 7* 18 33 * ms VDD = 5.0V ms TOSC = OSC1 period VDD = 5.0V 1024TOSC 28 * 72 132 * ms — — 100 * ns Conditions These parameters are characterized but not tested. Data in "Typ" column is at 5V, 25°C unless otherwise stated. These parameters are for design guidance only and are not tested. DS30430B-page 94 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X Applicable Devices F83 CR83 F84 CR84 FIGURE 13-6: TIMER0 CLOCK TIMINGS RA4/T0CKI 40 41 42 TABLE 13-6: Parameter No. 40 TIMER0 CLOCK REQUIREMENTS Sym Characteristic Tt0H T0CKI High Pulse Width Min No Prescaler With Prescaler 41 Tt0L T0CKI Low Pulse Width No Prescaler With Prescaler 42 * † Tt0P T0CKI Period Typ† Max Units Conditions 0.5TCY + 20 * — — ns 50 * 30 * — — — — ns ns 0.5TCY + 20 * — — ns 50 * 20 * — — — — ns ns 2.0V ≤ VDD ≤ 3.0V 3.0V ≤ VDD ≤ 6.0V TCY + 40 * N — — ns N = prescale value (2, 4, ..., 256) 2.0V ≤ VDD ≤ 3.0V 3.0V ≤ VDD ≤ 6.0V These parameters are characterized but not tested. Data in "Typ" column is at 5.0V, 25°C unless otherwise stated. These parameters are for design guidance only and are not tested. 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30430B-page 95 PIC16F8X Applicable Devices F83 CR83 F84 CR84 NOTES: DS30430B-page 96 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X 14.0 DC & AC CHARACTERISTICS GRAPHS/TABLES FOR PIC16CR83 AND PIC16CR84 NOT AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME. 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30430B-page 97 This document was created with FrameMaker 4 0 4 PIC16F8X Applicable Devices F83 CR83 F84 CR84 NOTES: DS30430B-page 98 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X 15.0 PACKAGING INFORMATION 15.1 Package Marking Information Example 18L PDIP MMMMMMMMMMMMXXX MMMMMMMMXXXXXXXX PIC16F84 10I/P 9305 CBA AABB CDE 18L SOIC Example MMMMMMMM XXXXXXXX AABB CDE PIC16LF84 04I/S0218 9310 CBA Legend: MM...M XX...X AA BB C Microchip part number information Customer specific information* Year code (last two digits of calendar year) Week code (week of January 1 is week ‘01’) Facility code of the plant at which wafer is manufactured C = Chandler, Arizona, U.S.A., S = Tempe, Arizona, U.S.A. D Mask revision number E Assembly code of the plant or country of origin in which part was assembled Note: In the event the full Microchip part number cannot be marked on one line, it will be carried over to the next line thus limiting the number of available characters for customer specific information. * Standard OTP marking consists of Microchip part number, year code, week code, facility code, mask rev#, and assembly code. For OTP marking beyond this, certain price adders apply. Please check with your Microchip Sales Office. For QTP devices, any special marking adders are included in QTP price. 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30430B-page 99 This document was created with FrameMaker 4 0 4 PIC16F8X 15.2 18-Lead Plastic Dual In-line (PDIP) - 300 mil N α C E1 E eA eB Pin No. 1 Indicator Area D S S1 Base Plane Seating Plane L B1 A1 A2 A e1 B D1 Package Group: Plastic Dual In-Line (PLA) Millimeters Symbol Min Max α 0° A A1 A2 B B1 C D D1 E E1 e1 eA eB L N S S1 – 0.381 3.048 0.355 1.524 0.203 22.479 20.320 7.620 6.096 2.489 7.620 7.874 3.048 18 0.889 0.127 DS30430B-page 100 Inches Notes Min Max 10° 0° 10° 4.064 – 3.810 0.559 1.524 0.381 23.495 20.320 8.255 7.112 2.591 7.620 9.906 3.556 18 – – – 0.015 0.120 0.014 0.060 0.008 0.885 0.800 0.300 0.240 0.098 0.300 0.310 0.120 18 0.035 0.005 0.160 – 0.150 0.022 0.060 0.015 0.925 0.800 0.325 0.280 0.102 0.300 0.390 0.140 18 – – Reference Typical Reference Typical Reference Notes Reference Typical Reference Typical Reference 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X 15.3 18-Lead Plastic Surface Mount (SOIC) - 300 mil e B h x 45° N Index Area E H α C Chamfer h x 45° L 1 2 3 D Seating Plane Base Plane CP A1 A Package Group: Plastic SOIC (SO) Millimeters Symbol Min Max Inches Notes Min Max α 0° 8° 0° 8° A A1 B C D E e H h L N CP 2.362 0.101 0.355 0.241 11.353 7.416 1.270 10.007 0.381 0.406 18 – 2.642 0.300 0.483 0.318 11.735 7.595 1.270 10.643 0.762 1.143 18 0.102 0.093 0.004 0.014 0.009 0.447 0.292 0.050 0.394 0.015 0.016 18 – 0.104 0.012 0.019 0.013 0.462 0.299 0.050 0.419 0.030 0.045 18 0.004 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. Reference Notes Reference DS30430B-page 101 PIC16F8X NOTES: DS30430B-page 102 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X APPENDIX A: FEATURE IMPROVEMENTS The following is the list of feature improvements over the PIC16C5X microcontroller family: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Instruction word length is increased to 14 bits. This allows larger page sizes both in program memory (2K now as opposed to 512 before) and the register file (128 bytes now versus 32 bytes before). A PC latch register (PCLATH) is added to handle program memory paging. PA2, PA1 and PA0 bits are removed from the status register and placed in the option register. Data memory paging is redefined slightly. The STATUS register is modified. Four new instructions have been added: RETURN, RETFIE, ADDLW, and SUBLW. Two instructions, TRIS and OPTION, are being phased out although they are kept for compatibility with PIC16C5X. OPTION and TRIS registers are made addressable. Interrupt capability is added. Interrupt vector is at 0004h. Stack size is increased to 8 deep. Reset vector is changed to 0000h. Reset of all registers is revisited. Five different reset (and wake-up) types are recognized. Registers are reset differently. Wake up from SLEEP through interrupt is added. Two separate timers, the Oscillator Start-up Timer (OST) and Power-up Timer (PWRT), are included for more reliable power-up. These timers are invoked selectively to avoid unnecessary delays on power-up and wake-up. PORTB has weak pull-ups and interrupt on change features. T0CKI pin is also a port pin (RA4/T0CKI). FSR is a full 8-bit register. "In system programming" is made possible. The user can program PIC16FXX devices using only five pins: VDD, VSS, VPP, RB6 (clock) and RB7 (data in/out). APPENDIX B: COMPATIBILITY To convert code written for PIC16C5X to PIC16F8X, the user should take the following steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Remove any program memory page select operations (PA2, PA1, PA0 bits) for CALL, GOTO. Revisit any computed jump operations (write to PC or add to PC, etc.) to make sure page bits are set properly under the new scheme. Eliminate any data memory page switching. Redefine data variables for reallocation. Verify all writes to STATUS, OPTION, and FSR registers since these have changed. Change reset vector to 0000h. 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30430B-page 103 This document was created with FrameMaker 4 0 4 PIC16F8X APPENDIX C: WHAT’S NEW Not applicable - new document. APPENDIX D: WHAT’S CHANGES Not applicable - new document. APPENDIX E: PIC16C84 TO PIC16F83/CR83 AND PIC16F84/CR84 CONVERSION CONSIDERATIONS This appendix discusses some of the issues that you may encounter as you convert your design from a PIC16C84 to a PIC16F83 or PIC16F84 device. These new devices are: • • • • PIC16F83 PIC16CR83 PIC16F84 PIC16CR84 Some of the issues that may be encountered are: 1. 2. 3. 4. DS30430B-page 104 The polarity of the PWRTE configuration bit has been reversed. Ensure that the programmer has this bit correctly set before programming. The PIC16F84 and PIC16CR84 have larger RAM sizes. Ensure that this does not cause an issue with your program. The MCLR pin now has an on-chip filter. The input signal on the MCLR pin will require a longer low pulse to generate an interrupt. Many electrical specifications have been improved. Compare the electrical specifications of the two devices to ensure that this will not cause a compatibility issue. 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC14000 20 o em y or (x ) r wo 2 /I I SP C ,U T) R SA Peripherals g in m am 4K 192 s te by TMR0 I2C/ ADTMR SMBus M 14 11 22 2.7-6.0 Internal Oscillator, Bandgap Reference, Temperature Sensor, Calibration Factors, Yes Low Voltage Detector, SLEEP, HIBERNATE, Comparators with Programmable References (2) ) r ts gr ol rte nels p ro V s e ( ) P m hi e v n s l a ( -c rc ia ue on ha )( e( ge y gr n u l r q r s n o C o u e e C o t( a S lO Pr D ) Fr R od or tS em pt ins na res A/ -res e M M ui u lP o um M g c i r r e O r u t a r h i e im ri R ta lta di at op ig te /O P m -C ax Se In Sl (h EP I Vo Da Ti Ad Fe M In y nc r pe fO n io at 14 Memory ) ds Pa a ck ge s 28-pin DIP, SOIC, SSOP (.300 mil) Features F.1 ) Hz (M Clock PIC16F8X APPENDIX F: PIC16/17 MICROCONTROLLERS PIC14000 Devices 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30430B-page 105 This document was created with FrameMaker 4 0 4 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 PIC16C54A PIC16CR54A PIC16C55 PIC16C56 PIC16C57 PIC16CR57B PIC16C58A PIC16CR58A im um qu — 2K — 2K 1K 512 — 512 RO en 2K — 2K — — — 512 — — — 73 73 72 72 25 24 25 25 25 25 RA D M M at a Fr e 512 yte s) em or TMR0 TMR0 TMR0 TMR0 TMR0 TMR0 TMR0 TMR0 TMR0 TMR0 ) 12 12 20 20 12 20 12 12 12 12 ns 2.5-6.25 2.0-6.25 2.5-6.25 2.5-6.25 2.5-6.25 2.5-6.25 2.0-6.25 2.0-6.25 2.5-6.25 2.5-6.25 e 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 ng M cy of O p er at ion P ( r M og Hz (x ram ) 12 M wo em rd or s) y OM EP R 384 y( b Ti m M er (s le od u Peripherals es s In ax 18-pin DIP, SOIC; 20-pin SSOP 18-pin DIP, SOIC; 20-pin SSOP 28-pin DIP, SOIC, SSOP 28-pin DIP, SOIC, SSOP 18-pin DIP, SOIC; 20-pin SSOP 28-pin DIP, SOIC, SSOP 18-pin DIP, SOIC; 20-pin SSOP 18-pin DIP, SOIC; 20-pin SSOP 18-pin DIP, SOIC; 20-pin SSOP 18-pin DIP, SOIC Features All PIC16/17 Family devices have Power-On Reset, selectable Watchdog Timer, selectable code protect and high I/O current capability. 4 20 PIC16C54 M PIC16C52 Pi I/O on cti Memory e ) Nu Ra ag Vo lt lts (V o m be r of str u P DS30430B-page 106 ag F.2 ac k Clock PIC16F8X PIC16C5X Family of Devices 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. 20 20 20 20 20 PIC16C556 PIC16C558 PIC16C620 PIC16C621 PIC16C622 2K 1K 512 2K 1K 512 128 80 80 128 80 80 TMR0 TMR0 TMR0 TMR0 TMR0 TMR0 H 2 2 2 — — — Yes Yes Yes — — — 3 4 4 4 3 3 13 13 13 13 13 13 2.5-6.0 2.5-6.0 2.5-6.0 2.5-6.0 2.5-6.0 2.5-6.0 Yes Yes Yes — — — 18-pin DIP, SOIC; 20-pin SSOP 18-pin DIP, SOIC; 20-pin SSOP 18-pin DIP, SOIC; 20-pin SSOP 18-pin DIP, SOIC; 20-pin SSOP 18-pin DIP, SOIC; 20-pin SSOP 18-pin DIP, SOIC; 20-pin SSOP et es R R es ut -o ag ge n k a c lt ow Pa Vo Br e g an ) ts ol (V Features All PIC16/17 Family devices have Power-on Reset, selectable Watchdog Timer, selectable code protect and high I/O current capability. All PIC16C6XXX Family devices use serial programming with clock pin RB6 and data pin RB7. 20 PIC16C554 (M Peripherals y or em s) M rd ge ra o lta pe am 4 w o r O V s) of og x1 e te y s Pr ( nc nc by s) ce ( e ( e y s) ur le er qu r ( f o r u e o o Fr Re od tS at em M M al ns ar up um M r n r O p r r Pi e im ta R m te te m a ax O i P o n n / I I I D T E M C n tio Memory F.3 z) Clock PIC16F8X PIC16CXXX Family of Devices DS30430B-page 107 DS30430B-page 108 20 20 20 20 20 PIC16CR63(1) PIC16C64 PIC16C64A(1) PIC16CR64(1) PIC16C65 Features — 4K 4K — 2K 2K — 4K — 2K 2K 4K — — 2K — — 4K — 2K — — 192 TMR0, TMR1, TMR2 192 TMR0, TMR1, TMR2 192 TMR0, TMR1, TMR2 128 TMR0, TMR1, TMR2 128 TMR0, TMR1, TMR2 128 TMR0, TMR1, TMR2 192 TMR0, TMR1, TMR2 192 TMR0, TMR1, TMR2 128 TMR0, TMR1, TMR2 128 TMR0, TMR1, TMR2 128 TMR0, TMR1, TMR2 H 2 SPI/I2C, Yes USART 11 11 11 2 SPI/I2C, Yes USART 2 SPI/I2C, Yes USART 8 8 8 10 10 7 7 7 Yes 1 SPI/I2C Yes Yes 1 SPI/I2C 1 SPI/I2C — — 2 SPI/I2C, USART 2 SPI/I2C, USART — — — 1 SPI/I2C 1 SPI/I2C 1 SPI/I2C 33 33 33 33 33 33 22 22 22 22 22 2.5-6.0 2.5-6.0 3.0-6.0 2.5-6.0 2.5-6.0 3.0-6.0 2.5-6.0 2.5-6.0 2.5-6.0 2.5-6.0 3.0-6.0 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 28-pin SDIP, SOIC, SSOP 40-pin DIP; 44-pin PLCC, MQFP 40-pin DIP; 44-pin PLCC, MQFP Yes 40-pin DIP; 44-pin PLCC, MQFP, TQFP Yes 40-pin DIP; 44-pin PLCC, MQFP, TQFP — Yes 40-pin DIP; 44-pin PLCC, MQFP, TQFP Yes 40-pin DIP; 44-pin PLCC, MQFP, TQFP — Yes 28-pin SDIP, SOIC Yes 28-pin SDIP, SOIC Yes 28-pin SDIP, SOIC, SSOP Yes 28-pin SDIP, SOIC, SSOP — All PIC16/17 family devices have Power-on Reset, selectable Watchdog Timer, selectable code protect, and high I/O current capability. All PIC16C6X family devices use serial programming with clock pin RB6 and data pin RB7. Note 1: Please contact your local sales office for availability of these devices. 20 20 PIC16C63 PIC16CR65(1) 20 PIC16CR62(1) 20 20 PIC16C62A(1) PIC16C65A(1) 20 PIC16C62 (M s) Peripherals y ( or le T) m ) g du e s o in i AR t M d a M r m S r o m e U m M p a w , ) a O ) 2C W gr 4 ts gr of ol /I /P t es ro (x1 ro I t r y e V P y s P r o P ) ( et e l nc S P (b (s pa rc ge e ue es y ria )( le u r m q v n s e R u o e o a la rt( So Fr R ut tS od /C es em lS ui pt ins e M M -o Po re e c M l um u l g n ag r u l r O r i t a a k e r P m a a w i M t i R p t l c r r C o m te ax Se Da In In Br Pa Ca EP RO Ti Pa Vo I/O M on Memory F.4 z) Clock PIC16F8X PIC16C6X Family of Devices 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. (M 14 rd wo Memory M e( ul od R SA T) Peripherals s) ls ne n ha Features 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. 1K 20 20 20 20 20 20 PIC16C72 PIC16C73 PIC16C73A(1) PIC16C74 PIC16C74A(1) — — — 8 8 192 TMR0, 2 SPI/I2C, Yes TMR1, TMR2 USART 192 TMR0, 2 SPI/I2C, Yes TMR1, TMR2 USART 5 5 5 4 4 4 — 192 TMR0, 2 SPI/I2C, TMR1, TMR2 USART — — — — 192 TMR0, 2 SPI/I2C, TMR1, TMR2 USART — — — — TMR0 TMR0 TMR0 128 TMR0, 1 SPI/I2C TMR1, TMR2 68 36 36 12 12 11 11 8 4 4 4 33 33 22 22 22 13 13 13 2.5-6.0 2.5-6.0 2.5-6.0 2.5-6.0 2.5-6.0 2.5-6.0 2.5-6.0 2.5-6.0 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 18-pin DIP, SOIC 28-pin SDIP, SOIC 40-pin DIP; 44-pin PLCC, MQFP Yes 40-pin DIP; 44-pin PLCC, MQFP, TQFP — Yes 28-pin SDIP, SOIC — Yes 28-pin SDIP, SOIC, SSOP Yes 18-pin DIP, SOIC; 20-pin SSOP — Yes 18-pin DIP, SOIC; 20-pin SSOP All PIC16/17 Family devices have Power-on Reset, selectable Watchdog Timer, selectable code protect and high I/O current capability. All PIC16C7X Family devices use serial programming with clock pin RB6 and data pin RB7. Note 1: Please contact your local sales office for availability of these devices. 4K 4K 4K 4K 2K 1K 20 PIC16C71 PIC16C711 512 20 PIC16C710 y or (x g in m U m , M 2C C ) a O ts W it) gr s) em of ol /P PI/I rt te -b ro y M V s e y o c 8 ( ) P r ( S P et l ce (b (s en am pa s) ( e ge er y es ur le ria t gr qu r v n r m o u ( e o e R o t a o la ve Pr Fr R od or tS s es ut tS /C em lS M e M ui on rup -o n re al P ag um le M i g c r O l n C r u k r a i i m P e R i c r ra ta lt pt D te ow m -C ax EP Pa Se In A/ Pa I/O Vo Da Ti M In Br Ca p a er n tio s) F.5 ) Hz Clock PIC16F8X PIC16C7X Family of Devices DS30430B-page 109 10 10 10 10 PIC16F84(1) PIC16CR84(1) PIC16F83(1) PIC16CR83(1) F — 512 — 1K — — — — — 1K — 1K — — 512 EE (M 36 36 68 68 Da 64 64 64 64 ta Da em 64 ta y or P ( er T TMR0 TMR0 TMR0 TMR0 o M 4 4 4 4 4 Peripherals ) ts ol (V Features 13 13 13 13 13 2.0-6.0 18-pin DIP, SOIC 2.0-6.0 18-pin DIP, SOIC 2.0-6.0 18-pin DIP, SOIC 2.0-6.0 18-pin DIP, SOIC 2.0-6.0 18-pin DIP, SOIC s ce ge ur o an S R es pt ins ge ag ru a k r P lt c te In Pa Vo I/O s) e( l du ) es t by Memory im TMR0 EE M RO s) e yt (b y or em M M am r og Pr 36 M RO M ra pe O O PR of n tio ) Hz All PIC16/17 family devices have Power-on Reset, selectable Watchdog Timer, selectable code protect, and high I/O current capability. All PIC16C8X family devices use serial programming with clock pin RB6 and data pin RB7. Note 1: Please contact your local sales office for availability of these devices. 10 PIC16C84 a M um xim cy n ue q re h DS30430B-page 110 as F.6 Fl Clock PIC16F8X PIC16C8X Family of Devices 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. y or em M M T) R SA ) (s le u od ls ne n ha Features 4K 8 PIC16C924 176 TMR0, 1 SPI/I2C TMR1, TMR2 176 TMR0, 1 SPI/I2C TMR1, TMR2 am — — 5 — 4 Com 32 Seg 4 Com 32 Seg ,U 9 8 25 25 27 27 3.0-6.0 3.0-6.0 Yes Yes — — 64-pin SDIP(1), TQFP, 68-pin PLCC, DIE 64-pin SDIP(1), TQFP, 68-pin PLCC, DIE All PIC16/17 Family devices have Power-on Reset, selectable Watchdog Timer, selectable code protect and high I/O current capability. All PIC16CXX Family devices use serial programming with clock pin RB6 and data pin RB7. 1: Please contact your local Microchip representative for availability of this package. 4K 8 PIC16C923 Note H (M Peripherals g in m m p M 2C C ) O ra gr ts t) W s) of ro ol bi og /P PI/I rt te r y P V s e y o c 8 t ( ) P r e ( n S s P l (b se rc pa s) ( ia ue e e( ge er y e u l r t q r v e n r m l o u ( e e R o a t a o u s ve Fr R Sl od or tS s ut tS ns /C od em ge e M ui on M -o el Pi n re al P up a um l M M i g c r l r n C t O r u k r i P e im c D ri ra ta R lta pt D te pu ow m -C ax Pa Se In A/ LC Pa I/O In Da Vo Ti EP M In Br Ca er i at on Memory F.7 z) Clock PIC16F8X PIC16C9XX Family Of Devices DS30430B-page 111 25 25 25 25 25 PIC17C42A PIC17CR42 PIC17C43 PIC17CR43 PIC17C44 im 8K — 4K — 2K u eq 4K — 2K — — RO EP O RO n 454 454 454 232 232 232 M of y en c M io at pe r Pr R y or em (M ) Hz og r am M Da AM Fr um 2K m em M ) ) TMR0,TMR1, 2 2 TMR2,TMR3 TMR0,TMR1, 2 2 TMR2,TMR3 TMR0,TMR1, 2 2 TMR2,TMR3 TMR0,TMR1, 2 2 TMR2,TMR3 TMR0,TMR1, 2 2 TMR2,TMR3 TMR0,TMR1, 2 2 TMR2,TMR3 ta ds (W or ( y or ) es by t er M Ti (s le od u er ia S Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes C a p P tur W e M s s Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes — Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ly 11 11 11 11 11 11 33 33 33 33 33 33 Vo es 2.5-6.0 2.5-6.0 2.5-6.0 2.5-6.0 2.5-6.0 4.5-5.5 58 58 58 58 58 55 Features ns ) U ax 40-pin DIP; 44-pin PLCC, TQFP, MQFP 40-pin DIP; 44-pin PLCC, TQFP, MQFP 40-pin DIP; 44-pin PLCC, TQFP, MQFP 40-pin DIP; 44-pin PLCC, TQFP, MQFP 40-pin DIP; 44-pin PLCC, TQFP, MQFP 40-pin DIP; 44-pin PLCC, MQFP All PIC16/17 Family devices have Power-on Reset, selectable Watchdog Timer, selectable code protect and high I/O current capability. 25 M PIC17C42 o rt( s lP T) M re s pt tip In al In )( r Ha ru te r ru te r SA R dw a pt So u Peripherals lta ge Ra N ts ol r ul er n xt E ng e (V um tr ns of I be rc ns Pi I/O io uc t P Memory es DS30430B-page 112 ag F.8 ac k Clock PIC16F8X PIC17CXX Family of Devices 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X PIN COMPATIBILITY Devices that have the same package type and VDD, VSS and MCLR pin locations are said to be pin compatible. This allows these different devices to operate in the same socket. Compatible devices may only requires minor software modification to allow proper operation in the application socket (ex., PIC16C56 and PIC16C61 devices). Not all devices in the same package size are pin compatible; for example, the PIC16C62 is compatible with the PIC16C63, but not the PIC16C55. Pin compatibility does not mean that the devices offer the same features. As an example, the PIC16C54 is pin compatible with the PIC16C71, but does not have an A/D converter, weak pull-ups on PORTB, or interrupts. TABLE F-1: PIN COMPATIBLE DEVICES Pin Compatible Devices Package PIC12C508, PIC12C509 8-pin PIC16C54, PIC16C54A, PIC16CR54A, PIC16C56, PIC16C58A, PIC16CR58A, PIC16C61, PIC16C554, PIC16C556, PIC16C558 PIC16C620, PIC16C621, PIC16C622, PIC16C710, PIC16C71, PIC16C711, PIC16F83, PIC16CR83, PIC16C84, PIC16F84A, PIC16CR84 18-pin 20-pin PIC16C55, PIC16C57, PIC16CR57B 28-pin PIC16C62, PIC16CR62, PIC16C62A, PIC16C63, PIC16C72, PIC16C73, PIC16C73A 28-pin PIC16C64, PIC16CR64, PIC16C64A, PIC16C65, PIC16C65A, PIC16C74, PIC16C74A 40-pin PIC17C42, PIC17CR42, PIC17C42A, PIC17C43, PIC17CR43, PIC17C44 40-pin PIC16C923, PIC16C924 64/68-pin 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30430B-page 113 PIC16F8X NOTES: DS30430B-page 114 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X INDEX Interrupts .............................................................. 37, 48 A L Absolute Maximum Ratings ..........................................71, 85 ALU .......................................................................................7 Architectural Overview ..........................................................7 Assembler ...........................................................................68 Loading of PC..................................................................... 18 B Block Diagram Interrupt Logic ............................................................. 48 On-Chip Reset Circuit ................................................. 42 RA3:RA0 and RA5 Port Pins ...................................... 21 RA4 Pin....................................................................... 21 RB7:RB4 Port Pins ..................................................... 23 TMR0/WDT Prescaler................................................. 30 Watchdog Timer.......................................................... 51 Brown-out Protection Circuit ...............................................47 C C Compiler (MP-C) .............................................................69 Carry .....................................................................................7 CLKIN ...................................................................................9 CLKOUT ...............................................................................9 Code Protection ............................................................37, 53 Compatibility, upward............................................................3 Computed GOTO................................................................18 Configuration Bits................................................................37 M MCLR ....................................................................... 9, 42, 43 Memory Organization Data Memory .............................................................. 12 Memory Organization ................................................. 11 Program Memory........................................................ 11 MPASM Assembler ...................................................... 67, 68 MP-C C Compiler ............................................................... 69 MPSIM Software Simulator .......................................... 67, 69 O OPTION.................................................................. 16, 43, 49 OSC Selection .................................................................... 37 OSC.................................................................................... 19 OSC.................................................................................... 29 Oscillator HS......................................................................... 39, 47 LP ......................................................................... 39, 47 Oscillator Configurations .................................................... 39 P Family of Devices PIC14000 .................................................................. 105 PIC16C5X ................................................................. 106 PIC16CXXX .............................................................. 107 PIC16C6X ................................................................. 108 PIC16C7X ................................................................. 109 PIC16C8X ............................................................. 3, 110 PIC16C9XX............................................................... 111 PIC17CXX................................................................. 112 FSR...............................................................................19, 43 Fuzzy Logic Dev. System (fuzzyTECH-MP) ...............67, 69 Paging, Program Memory................................................... 18 PCL............................................................................... 18, 43 PCLATH ....................................................................... 18, 43 PD........................................................................... 15, 42, 47 PICDEM-1 Low-Cost PIC16/17 Demo Board ............... 67, 68 PICDEM-2 Low-Cost PIC16CXX Demo Board............. 67, 68 PICDEM-3 Low-Cost PIC16C9XXX Demo Board .............. 68 PICMASTER RT In-Circuit Emulator................................ 67 PICSTART Low-Cost Development System .................... 67 Pin Compatible Devices ................................................... 113 Pinout Descriptions............................................................... 9 POR.................................................................................... 44 Oscillator Start-up Timer (OST)............................ 37, 44 Power-on Reset (POR)................................... 37, 43, 44 Power-up Timer (PWRT) ...................................... 37, 44 Time-out Sequence .................................................... 47 Time-out Sequence on Power-up............................... 45 TO................................................................... 15, 42, 47 Port RB Interrupt................................................................. 49 PORTA ..................................................................... 9, 21, 43 PORTB ..................................................................... 9, 23, 43 Power-down Mode (SLEEP)............................................... 52 Prescaler ............................................................................ 29 PRO MATE Universal Programmer.................................. 67 Product Identification System ........................................... 121 G R GIE......................................................................................48 RBIF bit......................................................................... 23, 49 RC Oscillator .......................................................... 39, 41, 47 Read-Modify-Write.............................................................. 25 Register File ....................................................................... 12 Reset ............................................................................ 37, 42 Reset on Brown-Out ........................................................... 47 D DC Characteristics ....................73, 74, 75, 76, 87, 88, 89, 90 Development Support .........................................................67 Development Tools .............................................................67 Digit Carry .............................................................................7 E Electrical Characteristics...............................................71, 85 External Power-on Reset Circuit ........................................44 F I I/O Ports..............................................................................21 I/O Programming Considerations........................................25 In-Circuit Serial Programming .......................................37, 53 INDF....................................................................................43 Instruction Set Summary.....................................................55 INT Interrupt........................................................................49 INTCON ............................................................17, 43, 48, 49 INTEDG ..............................................................................49 Interrupts Flag ............................................................................. 48 Interrupt on Change Feature....................................... 23 S Saving W Register and STATUS in RAM........................... 50 SLEEP .................................................................... 37, 42, 52 Software Simulator (MPSIM) .............................................. 69 Special Features of the CPU .............................................. 37 Special Function Registers................................................. 12 Stack................................................................................... 18 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30430B-page 115 This document was created with FrameMaker 4 0 4 PIC16F8X Overflows .................................................................... 18 Underflows .................................................................. 18 STATUS ....................................................................7, 15, 43 T Time-out ..............................................................................43 Timer0 Switching Prescaler Assignment................................. 31 T0IF............................................................................. 49 Timer0 Module ............................................................ 27 TMR0 Interrupt............................................................ 49 TMR0 with External Clock........................................... 29 Timing Diagrams Time-out Sequence..................................................... 45 Timing Diagrams and Specifications.............................78, 92 TRISA..................................................................................21 TRISB............................................................................23, 43 LIST OF EXAMPLES Example 3-1: Instruction Pipeline Flow .............................. 10 Example 4-1: Indirect Addressing ...................................... 19 Example 4-2: How to Clear RAM Using Indirect Addressing ................................................... 19 Example 5-1: Initializing PORTA ........................................ 21 Example 5-2: Initializing PORTB ........................................ 24 Example 5-3: Read-Modify-Write Instructions on an I/O Port............................................... 25 Example 6-1: Changing Prescaler (Timer0→WDT) ........... 31 Example 6-2: Changing Prescaler (WDT→Timer0) ........... 31 Example 7-1: Data EEPROM Read ................................... 34 Example 7-2: Data EEPROM Write ................................... 34 Example 7-3: Write Verify .................................................. 35 Example 8-1: Saving STATUS and W Registers in RAM ...................................................... 50 W LIST OF FIGURES W.........................................................................................43 Wake-up from SLEEP ...................................................43, 52 Watchdog Timer (WDT) ....................................37, 42, 43, 51 WDT ....................................................................................43 Period.......................................................................... 51 Programming Considerations ..................................... 51 Time-out...................................................................... 43 Figure 3-1: Figure 3-2: Figure 4-1: X XT..................................................................................39, 47 Z Zero bit ..................................................................................7 DS30430B-page 116 PIC16F8X Block Diagram .............................. 8 Clock/Instruction Cycle ................................ 10 Program Memory Map and Stack PIC16F83/CR83........................................... 11 Figure 4-2: Program Memory Map and Stack PIC16F84/CR84........................................... 11 Figure 4-3: Register File Map - PIC16F83/CR83 ........... 13 Figure 4-4: Register File Map - PIC16F84/CR84 ........... 13 Figure 4-5: STATUS Register (Address 03h, 83h) ......... 15 Figure 4-6: OPTION Register (Address 81h) ................. 16 Figure 4-7: INTCON Register (Address 0Bh, 8Bh) ........ 17 Figure 4-8: Loading of PC in Different Situations ........... 18 Figure 4-9: Direct/Indirect Addressing ............................ 19 Figure 5-1: Block Diagram of Pins RA3:RA0.................. 21 Figure 5-2: Block Diagram of Pin RA4 ........................... 21 Figure 5-3: Block Diagram of Pins RB7:RB4.................. 23 Figure 5-4: Block Diagram of Pins RB3:RB0.................. 23 Figure 5-5: Successive I/O Operation ............................ 25 Figure 6-1: TMR0 Block Diagram ................................... 27 Figure 6-2: TMR0 Timing: Internal Clock/ No Prescaler ................................................ 27 Figure 6-3: TMR0 Timing: Internal Clock/ Prescale 1:2 ................................................. 28 Figure 6-4: TMR0 Interrupt Timing ................................. 28 Figure 6-5: Timer0 Timing With External Clock.............. 29 Figure 6-6: Block Diagram of the TMR0/WDT Prescaler ...................................................... 30 Figure 7-1: EECON1 Register (Address 88h) ................ 33 Figure 8-1: Configuration Word - PIC16CR83 and PIC16CR84 ........................................... 38 Figure 8-2: Configuration Word - PIC16F83 and PIC16F84.............................................. 38 Figure 8-3: Crystal/Ceramic Resonator Operation (HS, XT or LP OSC Configuration) .............. 39 Figure 8-4: External Clock Input Operation (HS, XT or LP OSC Configuration) .............. 39 Figure 8-5: External Parallel Resonant Crystal Oscillator Circuit ........................................... 40 Figure 8-6: External Series Resonant Crystal Oscillator Circuit ........................................... 40 Figure 8-7: RC Oscillator Mode ...................................... 41 Figure 8-8: Simplified Block Diagram of On-Chip Reset Circuit .................................. 42 Figure 8-9: External Power-on Reset Circuit (For Slow VDD Power-up)............................. 44 Figure 8-10: Time-out Sequence on Power-up (MCLR not Tied to VDD): Case 1.................. 45 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X Figure 8-11: Time-out Sequence on Power-up (MCLR Not Tied To VDD): Case 2 ................ 45 Figure 8-12: Time-out Sequence on Power-up (MCLR Tied to VDD): Fast VDD Rise Time ..................................................... 46 Figure 8-13: Time-Out Sequence on Power-Up (MCLR Tied to VDD): Slow VDD Rise Time ..................................................... 46 Figure 8-14: Brown-out Protection Circuit 1...................... 47 Figure 8-15: Brown-out Protection Circuit 2...................... 47 Figure 8-16: Interrupt Logic .............................................. 48 Figure 8-17: INT Pin Interrupt Timing ............................... 49 Figure 8-18: Watchdog Timer Block Diagram................... 51 Figure 8-19: Wake-up From Sleep Through Interrupt ........................................................ 52 Figure 8-20: Typical In-system Serial Programming Connection ................................................... 53 Figure 9-1: General Format for Instructions.................... 55 Figure 11-1: Parameter Measurement Information........... 77 Figure 11-2: Load Conditions ........................................... 77 Figure 11-3: External Clock Timing .................................. 78 Figure 11-4: CLKOUT and I/O Timing .............................. 79 Figure 11-5: Reset, Watchdog Timer, Oscillator Start-up Timer and Power-up Timer Timing ................................ 80 Figure 11-6: Timer0 Clock Timings................................... 81 Figure 13-1: Parameter Measurement Information........... 91 Figure 13-2: Load Conditions ........................................... 91 Figure 13-3: External Clock Timing .................................. 92 Figure 13-4: CLKOUT and I/O Timing .............................. 93 Figure 13-5: Reset, Watchdog Timer, Oscillator Start-up Timer and Power-up Timer Timing ................................ 94 Figure 13-6: Timer0 Clock Timings................................... 95 Table 11-3: Table 11-4: Table 11-5: Table 11-6: Table 13-1: Table 13-2: Table 13-3: Table 13-4: Table 13-5: Table 13-6: External Clock Timing Requirements............78 CLKOUT and I/O Timing Requirements ...... 79 Reset, Watchdog Timer, Oscillator Start-up Timer and Power-up Timer Requirements ....................80 Timer0 Clock Requirements .........................81 Cross Reference of Device Specs for Oscillator Configurations and Frequencies of Operation (Commercial Devices)..............86 Timing Parameter Symbology.......................91 External Clock Timing Requirements............92 CLKOUT and I/O Timing Requirements .......93 Reset, Watchdog Timer, Oscillator Start-up Timer and Power-up Timer Requirements .....................94 Timer0 Clock Requirements .........................95 LIST OF TABLES Table 1-1: Table 3-1: Table 4-1: Table 5-1: Table 5-2: Table 5-3: Table 5-4: Table 6-1: Table 7-1: Table 8-1: Table 8-2: Table 8-3: Table 8-4: Table 8-5: Table 8-6: Table 8-7: Table 9-1: Table 9-2: Table 10-1: Table 11-1: Table 11-2: PIC16F8X Family of Devices ......................... 4 PIC16F8X Pinout Description......................... 9 Register File Summary................................. 14 PORTA Functions ........................................ 22 Summary of Registers Associated With PORTA................................................. 22 PORTB Functions ........................................ 24 Summary of Registers Associated With PORTB................................................. 24 Registers Associated with Timer0 ................ 31 Registers/Bits Associated with Data EEPROM ............................................ 35 PIC16F83/CR83/F84/CR84 Capacitor Selection for Ceramic Resonators................ 39 PIC16F83/CR83/F84/CR84 Capacitor Selection for Crystal Oscillator ..................... 40 Reset Condition for Program Counter and the STATUS Register............................ 43 Reset Conditions for All Registers................ 43 Time-out in Various Situations ..................... 47 STATUS bits and Their Significance ............ 47 Summary of Registers Associated With the Watchdog Timer............................. 51 OPCODE Field Descriptions ........................ 55 Instruction Set Summary .............................. 56 Development Tools from Microchip.............. 70 Cross Reference of Device Specs for Oscillator Configurations and Frequencies of Operation (Commercial Devices) ............ 72 Timing Parameter Symbology ...................... 77 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30430B-page 117 PIC16F8X NOTES: DS30430B-page 118 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X ON-LINE SUPPORT Microchip provides two methods of on-line support. These are the Microchip BBS and the Microchip World Wide Web (WWW) site. Use Microchip's Bulletin Board Service (BBS) to get current information and help about Microchip products. Microchip provides the BBS communication channel for you to use in extending your technical staff with microcontroller and memory experts. To provide you with the most responsive service possible, the Microchip systems team monitors the BBS, posts the latest component data and software tool updates, provides technical help and embedded systems insights, and discusses how Microchip products provide project solutions. The web site, like the BBS, is used by Microchip as a means to make files and information easily available to customers. To view the site, the user must have access to the Internet and a web browser, such as Netscape or Microsoft Explorer. Files are also available for FTP download from our FTP site. Connecting to the Microchip Internet Web Site The Microchip web site is available by using your favorite Internet browser to attach to: www.microchip.com The file transfer site is available by using an FTP service to connect to: ftp.mchip.com/biz/mchip The web site and file transfer site provide a variety of services. Users may download files for the latest Development Tools, Data Sheets, Application Notes, User's Guides, Articles and Sample Programs. A variety of Microchip specific business information is also available, including listings of Microchip sales offices, distributors and factory representatives. Other data available for consideration is: • Latest Microchip Press Releases • Technical Support Section with Frequently Asked Questions • Design Tips • Device Errata • Job Postings • Microchip Consultant Program Member Listing • Links to other useful web sites related to Microchip Products The procedure to connect will vary slightly from country to country. Please check with your local CompuServe agent for details if you have a problem. CompuServe service allow multiple users various baud rates depending on the local point of access. The following connect procedure applies in most locations. 1. Set your modem to 8-bit, No parity, and One stop (8N1). This is not the normal CompuServe setting which is 7E1. 2. Dial your local CompuServe access number. 3. Depress the <Enter> key and a garbage string will appear because CompuServe is expecting a 7E1 setting. 4. Type +, depress the <Enter> key and “Host Name:” will appear. 5. 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Systems Information and Upgrade Hot Line The Systems Information and Upgrade Line provides system users a listing of the latest versions of all of Microchip's development systems software products. Plus, this line provides information on how customers can receive any currently available upgrade kits.The Hot Line Numbers are: 1-800-755-2345 for U.S. and most of Canada, and 1-602-786-7302 for the rest of the world. 960513 Connecting to the Microchip BBS Connect worldwide to the Microchip BBS using either the Internet or the CompuServe communications network. Internet: You can telnet or ftp to the Microchip BBS at the address: mchipbbs.microchip.com CompuServe Communications Network: When using the BBS via the Compuserve Network, in most cases, a local call is your only expense. The Microchip BBS connection does not use CompuServe membership services, therefore you do not need CompuServe membership to join Microchip's BBS. There is no charge for connecting to the Microchip BBS. Trademarks: The Microchip name, logo, PIC, PICSTART, PICMASTER and PRO MATE are registered trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other countries. FlexROM, MPLAB and fuzzyLAB, are trademarks and SQTP is a service mark of Microchip in the U.S.A. fuzzyTECH is a registered trademark of Inform Software Corporation. IBM, IBM PC-AT are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corp. Pentium is a trademark of Intel Corporation. Windows is a trademark and MS-DOS, Microsoft Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. CompuServe is a registered trademark of CompuServe Incorporated. All other trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective companies. 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30430B-page 119 This document was created with FrameMaker 4 0 4 PIC16F8X READER RESPONSE It is our intention to provide you with the best documentation possible to ensure successful use of your Microchip product. If you wish to provide your comments on organization, clarity, subject matter, and ways in which our documentation can better serve you, please FAX your comments to the Technical Publications Manager at (602) 786-7578. Please list the following information, and use this outline to provide us with your comments about this Data Sheet. To: Technical Publications Manager RE: Reader Response Total Pages Sent From: Name Company Address City / State / ZIP / Country Telephone: (_______) _________ - _________ FAX: (______) _________ - _________ Application (optional): Would you like a reply? Device: PIC16F8X Y N Literature Number: DS30430B Questions: 1. What are the best features of this document? 2. How does this document meet your hardware and software development needs? 3. Do you find the organization of this data sheet easy to follow? If not, why? 4. What additions to the data sheet do you think would enhance the structure and subject? 5. What deletions from the data sheet could be made without affecting the overall usefulness? 6. Is there any incorrect or misleading information (what and where)? 7. How would you improve this document? 8. How would you improve our software, systems, and silicon products? DS30430B-page 120 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC16F8X PIC16F8X PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM To order or obtain information, e.g., on pricing or delivery, refer to the factory or the listed sales office. PART NO. Device X -XX Frequency Temperature Range Range /XX XXX Package Pattern Device PIC16F8X(2), PIC16F8XT(3) PIC16LF8X(2), PIC16LF8XT(3) PIC16CR8X(2), PIC16CR8XT(3) PIC16LCR8X(2), PIC16LCR8XT(3) Frequency Range 04 10 = 4 MHz = 10 MHz Temperature Range b(1) I = 0°C to = -40°C to Package P SO = PDIP = SOIC (Gull Wing, 300 mil body) Pattern 3-digit Pattern Code for QTP, ROM (blank otherwise) +70°C +85°C (Commercial) (Industrial) Examples: a) b) c) PIC16F84 -04/P 301 = Commercial temp., PDIP package, 4 MHz, normal VDD limits, QTP pattern #301. PIC16LF84 - 04I/SO = Industrial temp., SOIC package, 200 kHz, Extended VDD limits. PIC16CR84 - 10I/P = ROM program memory, Industrial temp., PDIP package, 10MHz, normal VDD limits. Note 1: b = blank 2: F = Standard VDD range LF = Extended VDD range CR = ROM Version, Standard VDD range LCR = ROM Version, Extended VDD range 3: T = in tape and reel - SOIC, SSOP packages only. Sales and Support Data Sheets Products supported by a preliminary Data Sheet may have an errata sheet describing minor operational differences and recommended workarounds. To determine if an errata sheet exists for a particular device, please contact one of the following: 1. Your local Microchip sales office (see last page) 2. The Microchip Corporate Literature Center U.S. FAX: (602) 786-7277 3. The Microchip’s Bulletin Board, via your local CompuServe number (CompuServe membership NOT required). Please specify which device, revision of silicon and Data Sheet (include Literature #) you are using. Development Tools For the latest version information and upgrade kits for Microchip Development Tools, please call 1-800-755-2345 or 1-602-786-7302. The latest version of Development Tools software can be downloaded from either our Bulletin Board or Worldwide Web Site. 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