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View The Springfield Advance-Press E
Springfield Advance-Press
Section 2
16 Pages
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
The Christmas Story
And she brought forth her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling clothes
and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.
And there were in the same country shepherds biding in the field,
keeping watch over their flock by night.
And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them;
and they were sore afraid.
And the angel said unto them, Fear not; for, behold, I bring
you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
For unto you is born this day in the city of David
a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
And this shall be a sign unto you;
Ye shall find the babe wrapped in
swaddling clothes,
lying in a manger.
And suddenly there was
with the angel a multitude
of the heavenly host
praising God, and saying,
Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace, goodwill
toward men.
And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them
into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, let us now go
even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which has come to
pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us. And they came
with haste and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in
a manger. And when they had seen it, they made known abroad
the saying which was told them concerning this child. And all
that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by
the shepherds. But Mary kept all these things and pondered
them in her heart.
And the shepherds returned glorifying and praising God for
all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto
—Luke 2:7-20
from the
December 12 and 13, 2014
Photos by
Springfield Advance-Press
Editor Doris Weber
Page 2 Section 2
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Springfield Advance-Press
Wonder and faith of children expressed in Christmas greetings
Away in a manger . . .
St. Raphael Little Panthers — front, from left: Brett Jensen, Bryson Vogel, Molly Jacobs
and Isabella Groebner. Back Teacher Karen Reindl, Chloe Hillesheim, Amelia Kieper,
Delayna Johnson and Bently Wendt.
Children in Karen Reindl’s Little Panthers Preschool at St. Raphael School, drew pictures
of Biblical characters and animals in a manger scene setting.
Students are Brett Jensen, son of Jim and Stephanie Jensen; Molly Jacobs, daughter of Dana
and Shawna Jacobs; Isabella Groebner, daughter of Nick and Sarah Groebner; Amelia Kieper,
daughter of Korey and Raquel Kieper; Delayna Johnson, daughter of Dana and Tammy
Johnson; Bentley Wendt, son of Mckenzie Jensen and Josh Wendt; Chloe Hillesheim, daughter of Matthew and Christina Hillesheim; and Bryson Vogel, son of Nick and Kelsey Vogel.
Kids tell what they would bring to Mary, Joseph and the Baby Jesus
Children in Tanya Hovland’s kindergarten readiness class at St. Raphael School were asked to respond to the question: If Mary, Joseph and Baby
Jesus were staying in our stable, what would you
bring them to eat? Their responses as follows:
Kallen Riederer, I would
bring Mary and Joseph a
hamburger and pasketti. I
would give Jesus a cake for
his birthday that looks like a
Christmas tree!
Zander Knutson: Mary and
Joseph would eat fries and
dinosaur shapes chicken
nuggets. I think they can eat
corndogs too with ketchup.
If they get thirsty I would
give them some white milk
and for Baby Jesus milk in
a bottle. I think Jesus could
eat Chow Mein too because
Muriel gives it to all the kids
at daycare.
Conner Schmitt: I would
bring them hotdogs with
mustard and ketchup for
sure. Some bread would be
good but no fruits or vegetables. The dessert they would
like is chocolate ice cream.
Baby Jesus would eat baby
food, probably bechtabols.
Amelia Davis: I would give
Mary and Joseph some macaroni and cheese with milk
and juice and water. I think
Joseph would like watermelon, and for Baby Jesus a
small baby bottle.
Matthew Hillesheim: Baby
Jesus would eat blueberry ice
cream and Mary and Joseph
would eat monster cookies. I
would bring them pizza with
pepperoni, and milk and water and juice to drink.
Christina Reindl, I would
give them food to eat like
spaghetti and spaghetti sauce.
They should have milk to
drink and I think Baby Jesus
would eat hamburgers, and
drink juice because my little
brother Andrew likes juice!
Kolton Vogel: I would bring
some meat for them, like
Metworst. It’s not actually
deer meat, but Ely says it is. I
would also bring some corn,
maybe some hotdogs and
one more thing . . . elephant
meat. Also, a great big grape
juice! That’s good juice and
it’s healfy juice! I can also
bring some chocolate milk
and this is gong to be the last
thing . . . white milk.
Ayla Rothmeier: I would
bring them milk, watermelon, ice cream and macaroni
and cheese.
Grace Jacobs, Definitely
baby food for Baby Jesus
and then “mom and dad”
food for the other two. Like
mom and dads like meat,
but kids don’t. Some fruit to
eat is good and some orange
juice to drink. That would be
Jaylin Brown: I would bring
them chocolate milk, oranges
and clementimes and a bottle
for Jesus. I would bring my
toy bottles too because I
don’t use them anymore. He
St. Raphael Kindergarten Readiness — front, from left: Amelia Davis, Kolton Vogel,
Kallen Riederer, Conner Schmitt and Ayla Rothmeier. Middle row: Grace Jacobs and
Jaylin Brown. Back: Teacher Tanya Hovland, Zander Knutson, Matthew Hillesheim
and Christina Reindl.
Our hearts are filled with gratitude as we wish you
and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
We value your patronage and look forward
to the opportunity to serve you again, soon.
With best wishes
for a merry
and bright
holiday season
— from all of us
Wanda State Bank staff — front, from left: Cathy Altermatt, Mary Sue Fischer,
Diane Guetter, Kelly Altermatt, Judy Lipetzky, Janelle Frank and Lori Eis.
Back: Jeremy Waknitz, Tim VanDerWal, Dan Weber, Steve Dingels,
Ted Palmer and Ken Hagert.
Wanda, Minnesota – Member FDIC
Springfield Advance-Press
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Section 2 Page 3
All I want for Christmas is . . . .
Nothing brings the spirit of Christmas closer than
the wonder and faith of a child. The Springfield
Advance-Press is pleased to present in this newspaper writings by children of local schools. Children’s
essays in this newspaper are a Christmas tradition.
We thank all the children for helping make this
Christmas greeting issue very special, and we thank
their teachers and school administrators for allowing them class time to write their delightful stories.
More than 250 children are pictured smiling at you
from the pages of this newspaper. You’re bound
to smile, and laugh aloud at times, too, as you read
their lovable essays. The interviews with children
in kindergarten classes taught by Julie Hoek and
Brianna Jensen at Springfield Public School were
conducted by Advance-Press Editor Doris Weber.
The children were asked what gifts they are hoping
that Santa will bring to them this Christmas. Their
responses are recorded with their pictures.
Tyson Horkey, son of Matt
and Amanda Horkey, is hoping Santa will bring him a
“toy remote train and cars for
the train — about 40 of them.
He’d also like “a truck to
haul pigs,” and explained,
“I go with my dad in a real
Braydon Trapp, son of Dustin
and Tiffany Trapp, is hoping
Santa will bring “A remote
control boat, and a sleeping
Hazel Dauer, daughter of
Nick and Crystal Dauer, has
on her Christmas wish list
a Barbie doll, and “Some
clothes for my doll and for
me, too.”
Sophie Mude, daughter of
Matt and Jenny Mude, has
on her Christmas wish list
“Lip gloss, high heels —
blue, a sleeping bag and lady
bug earrings.”
Aaron Campbell, son of Jose
Dominguez and Marsha
Campbell, wants Santa to
bring him a “motorcycle this
high (he gestures to show
the height), and a truck (that
same height) and a work
backpack.” He also wants
Santa to bring “a snowsuit
for my baby brother.”
Parker Kuehn, son of Jeff and
Courtney Kuehn, is asking
Santa for “A Ninja Box — a
blue Ninga, a white Ninga, a
green Ninja and a red Ninga;
and Star Wars Legos.
Hilario Cruz Jr., son of Hilario
and Stacy Cruz, says, “I want
a car this big — a blue one,
remote control.”
Aubri De Hoyos, daughter
of Manuel De Hoyos and
Yvette Sandoval, would like
Santa to bring to her, “A big
Teddy bear, necklaces, lipstick, earrings, and slippers.”
Braxton Brown, son of
Jeremy Brown and Amber
Meidl, is hoping Santa will
bring him Star Wars Legos.
“I like to build Legos. I
have some Legos but not
Star Wars,” he said.
Alexis Walter, daughter of
Dean and Robyn Walter, is
hoping Santa will bring “A
car I can ride in, and a ball.”
Nicholas Groebner, son of
Adam and Sarah Groebner,
would like Santa to bring “A
snowmobile — a real one.
And a helmet so I don’t fall
off and hit my head.”
Jalyn Louwagie, daughter of Rick and Kimberly
Louwagie, has on her
Christmas wish list “A whole
set of Frozen dolls. There are
a lot of them.” She thought a
bit and then asked for “A big
puppy — a real one.” Then
she thought for another moment, and said, “Tell him to
give me a stuffed one.”
Izzy Gartner, daughter of
Chris and Amanda Gartner,
hopes she’ll find an Elsa doll
and an Elsa play castle under
her Christmas tree. “I would
like a computer that I can
play games,” she added.
Aiden Moriarity, son of
Patrick and Jill Moriarty, is
eagerly looking forward to
Christmas, holiday vacation.
“I like to go ice fishing with
my Dad and Grandpa,” he
said. He didn’t ask for gifts.
“I got those on my other list
at home,” he explained.
Caden Walter, grandson
of Maxine Walter, is hoping Santa will bring Ninja
Turtles, Star Wars Legos,
and a remote control truck.
May your holidays be filled with the love of
family and friends, the peace of cherished
memories and the joy of new beginnings.
Thank you for your business and the
confidence you place in us.
Merry Christmas from your friends at F&M!
Front Row from Left: Shelly Anderson, Kathy Hillesheim,
Sheila Larson, Renee Pidde, Julie Smith
2nd Row: Christa Schilling, Rosie Potter, Cindy Hillesheim,
Alycen Stewig, Amy Baier, Judi Weber, Laurie Gewerth
Julie McCone, daughter of
Charlie and Heidi McCone,
is hoping Santa will bring “A
Barbie doll, and Legos that
goes with Barbie.”
Nathan Groebner, son of
Adam and Sarah Groebner,
wants Santa to bring “A train
set that goes with remote
Tommy Leopold, son of
Lonnie Leopold and Tina
Parsons, said: “ just want a
Turtle video. Those Ninja
Turtle guys. The Ningo is
a good guy,” he explained.
“There are different, bad ones
in the video game, and you
fight ‘em.”
3rd Row: Clayton Beyer, Dick Eilders, Mike Pieschel,
Paul Pieschel, Daniel Olson, Tucker Loomis
Springfield (507) 723-4800 | Morgan (507) 249-3166
Page 4 Section 2
Wednesday, December 24, 2014 Springfield Advance-Press
Dear Santa: ‘Please give me money so I can buy stuff’
Jackson Flor, son of Daniel
and Maria Flor, has on his
Christmas gift wish “Money,
so I can buy stuff, an Xbox
game, and maybe a globe,
and some books.”
Xavier Manderfeld, son of
Nick and Eloisa Manderfeld,
wants Santa to bring a
Zoomer Dino. “When you
put your hands over it, it
moves,” he explained. “You
touch his tail and he growls.”
Preston Anderson, son of
Nick and Brenda Anderson,
says he wants “20 million little tractors and five big tractors so I can play with them,
a pair of boots (and, I want
my boots to be blue), and a
big book.
Ayvah Wendt, daughter of
McKenzie Jensen and Joshua
Wendt, is hoping she’ll find
under her Christmas tree an
“Elsa dress, Elsa shoes, Elsa
crown, and a Barbie box to
put in her clothes and high
heels, and a new Elsa Barbie.
That’s it!”
Reagan Moody, daughter of
James and Tanya Moody, is
hoping Santa will bring a
dollhouse and a doll. She
thought a moment, and said,
“Santa can bring whatever
else he wants.”
Gavin Ludewig, son of Nick
and Lindsy Ludewig, wants
Santa to bring an iPod, a train
set, a plane set, a tractor set, a
new toothbrush and, maybe,
some new socks.
Eli Heglund, son of Cliff and
Sarah Heglund, wants Santa
to bring “Ninja Turtles, tractors and a toy vacuum cleaner.”
Ian Nelson, son of David
hopes Santa will bring him
Skylanders toys.
Colten Sell, son of Josh and
Shandel Sell, wants Santa
to bring “An orange bike.
I have a bike, but it got too
Brielle Brown, daughter of
T.J. and Mandy Brown, is
hoping that Santa will bring
“A princess book. I saw one
at the book fair. And some
Christopher Boss, son of
Michael and Ashley Boss,
wants Santa to bring “a
rocket ship, Matchbox
truck, Monster truck, and
Hot Wheels set.”
Bronwyn Sorenson, daughter of Cory and Alyssa
Sorenson, has on her
Christmas wish list a doll
with stroller, and a Barbie
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Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
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Angelina Hoover, daughter
of Catherine Burden and
Morris Hoover, wants Santa
to bring “Elsa dress, an Elsa
doll, and little people.”
Logan Christle, son of Ed
Christle and Brandee Sehr,
hopes Santa will bring
“Spiderman, a game — I
need a Sonic game — and
Ashlynn Dirks, daughter of
Heidi Wolters, wants Santa to
bring “A play kitchen.”
Oscar Scheitel, son of Brody
and Megan Scheitel, hopes
Santa will bring “A unicycle,
a helmet, and a robot.”
Season’s Greetings
May you enjoy the blessing of
the season with the ones you love,
and may the New Year bring you
much happiness and success .
We really appreciate your visits
and look forward to
serving you again
Bev & Mark Clennon, Megan Quesenberry,
Al Clennon, and Kelly Pierson
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As you follow the Road
to where your heart is
this holiday season
we extend our sincere thanks
to friends and neighbors
for your patronage this year
and wish you and yours
a very Merry Christmas and
a Happy New Year.
M.R. Paving & Excavating, Inc.
Thank you to our customers in
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Karla Havemeier, CPA, Jack Havemeier,
Jessica Pettersen, Jessi Jackson (Winthrop),
Crystal Domeier, Brett Messner, CPA, Darla Meyer, EA.
Springfield Advance-Press
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Section 2 Page 5
Kids tell what gifts
they would take to
Baby Jesus
Children in Beth Steffl’s kindergarten class at St.
Raphael School were asked to respond to the question: If you could visit Baby Jesus in the stable at
Bethlehem, what gift would you give to him? They
responded to their teacher who wrote their responses as follows:
St. Raphael First- and Second-Grades — front, from left: first-graders Brecken Heiling, Alllyson Streich, Kaylee
Hillesheim, Regan Beadell and Paytin Johnson. Back: second-graders Triston Groebner, Brayden Sturm, Timothy
Reindl, Lucas Milbrath, Aubrey Vogel, Russell Beers and Julissa Vasquez. Teacher Allison Nachreiner is at back:
Joel Vasquez Jr., son of
Joel and Maria Vasquez: “I
would bring him an umbrella
so he wouldn’t get wet and
Erik Davis, son of Nathan
and Beth Davis: “A blanket with a picture of cookie
crumbs on it, and money and
that’s it.”
If I could be a character at the Nativity....
Children in first- and second-grades at St.
Raphael Catholic School, in classes taught by
Allison Nachreiner, were asked to respond to the
question: If you could be a character in the nativity
scene, who or what would you be and why?
I would choose to be
one of the wisemen. Then
I would be able to see baby
Jesus and give him gold. I
would like to be a wisemen
because I could ride on a
camel. I could live in a huge
house. I would know a lot of
stuff about the star. I would
like to be a wisemen and see
Mary and Joseph.
Russell Beers (2)
Zoie Riederer, son of Keith
and Jill Riederer: “A baby
monster truck that he can
drive in.”
Leo Hovland, son of Chad
and Tanya Hovland: “I would
give him money — $10.”
I would choose to be a
horse. Horses can run really fast. I would not be loud
when I would run at night so
I wouldn’t wake baby Jesus.
I would snuggle with Jesus
in the stable so he would stay
warm. I would help take
care of him because he is the
best in the world.
Braden Sturm (2)
I would choose to be one
of the wisemen. I would give
baby Jesus gold. I would
give Him gold because He
deserves it. Then He would
be able to grow up and buy
Himself food to eat.
I would choose to be
Mary. I like Mary because
she would wear a blue dress
a lot. She is also the mother
of Jesus and I love him.
Regan Beadell (1)
I would be Mary. She has
a baby named Jesus. I like
Mary and Jesus a lot. Mary
was very nice to Jesus. She
took care of Jesus. She also
wore a blue dress and that is
my favorite color.
Aubrey Vogel (2)
I would choose to be a
sheep. I would keep baby
Jesus warm and safe. I would
also keep the other animals
and people in the stable
warm and safe. I would get
to meet Mary and Joseph. I
would also get to see the star.
I would choose to be a
wisemen because I want to
give Jesus gold, frankincense, andmyrrh. I would
love to hae been in the stable
when Jesus was born so I
could say; “Our new King is
born!” I love Jesus because
he will take all of us to heaven someday so we can be
with our family and friends
Lucas Milbrath (2)
I would choose to be baby
Jesus because He was a very
important and precious baby.
I would be just like Him when
he grew up and go to villages
and give people money and
I would die on the cross so
other people could live just
like He did. He is he best gift
God gave us.
Triston Groebner (2)
I would choose to be baby
Jesus because He is important and special to me. He
is my Savior. He is my God
and He is my leader. He is
the light for the world. I love
Timothy Reindl (2)
I would choose to be a
horse. I would gallop with
other horses to the stable.
Then my horse family and
I would help keep Mary,
Joseph, and baby Jesus warm
and safe in the stable. I would
love baby Jesus very much.
Kaylee Hillesheim (1)
I would choose to be a
horse. I would be a horse
because I love horses. I also
would help take care of baby
Jesus and be his friend.
Allyson Streich (1)
Julissa Vasquez (2)
Brecken Heiling (1)
I would choose to be baby
Jesus because He is good to
everyone and I like that. He
is the King, the Bible even
says so.
Paytin Johnson (1)
Ely Streich, son of Daniel
and Jackie Streich: “A baby
Kayla and Jason Lang: “a
Addison Lang, daughter of
Warmest wishes
for a
Merry Christmas
and a
Happy New Year
Wishing you a
Merry Christmas and a Happy
New Year!
Thank you for your patronage
Flo’s House of Beauty
Springfield ~ 723-8874
Springfield Signs
Dave and Lori Milbrath: “A
Otobot that talks.”
We wish you and
your family a safe,
happy, and
peaceful holiday
for letting us keep
your vehicles
running smoothly.
Merry Christmas
Happy New Year
Ed’s Repair
10 E. Central ~ Springfield
Olivia Milbrath, daughter of
Wishing You A String Of
Glad Tidings This Holiday Season
Page 6 Section 2
Wednesday, December 24, 2014 Springfield Advance-Press
Santa would like cookies and milk because he’s hungry!
Everybody talks about what they want Santa
to bring them for Christmas and many make lists
of gifts they want Santa to deliver. Children in
Whitney Sperry’s first-grade class at Springfield
Public School were asked to consider what Santa
might have on his gift list. Their responses are as
follows with spelling and grammar as written:
Santa would like children
to be good because it’s just
nice. He would like milk and
cookies because he might
be hungry. He would like
a new soft blanket to keep
him warm. Santa would like
a new book to keep track of
who is naughty or nice.
— Brooklyn Petersen
Santa would like cookies
and milk because he’s hungry. He wants a new elf because he’s watching people.
He wants a new machine for
new toys. Santa would like
a new list because he needs
to write whose naughty and
nice. He wants a heated
sleigh because it makes him
warm. Santa needs a new fast
reindeer because his other
reindeer are slow.
Santa would like heated
seat because it is cold outside. Santa would like milk
to drink with the cookies
because he’s thirsty and
hungry. He would like new
— Alicia Cruz
Santa would like reindeer
because his reindeer are lost.
Santa would like heated
seats because they will keep
him warm!
— Cambria Kastner
Santa would like milk and
cookies because he likes
cookies. He wants everyone
on the good list because they
will all get presents.
—Damian Campbell
Santa would like new
friends because he would
like a new family because
he just has his wife. Santa
wants a dog because he never had one for Christmas.
Santa would like cookies
and milk because he eats
them every Christmas night.
A family because he only
has Mrs. Clause. He also
might want a new sleigh because his old one might be
Whitney Sperry’s First-Grade at Springfield Public School — front, from left: Autumn Prater, Reina Zamaniego,
Tyler Schwarzrock, Chloe Krueger, Carson Arnsdorf and Isaac Fredin-Jensen. Second row: Alicia Cruz, Julian
Larson, Damian Campbell, Bryan Buerkle, Brooklyn Petersen, Brayden Wendt, Alyssa Shaw and Cambria Kastner.
Back: Ms. Sperry.
Santa would like cookies because he’s hungry. He
wants a new reindeer because his reindeer are getting
Santa would like a sleigh
because his old one might
have broke. He would want
reigns because his old one
might be cut.
Santa would like some
milk if he runs out of liquid.
Santa would like a new sled
just in case his old sleigh
breaks down.
—Bryan Buerkle
—Alyssa Shaw
— Reina Zamaniego
Santa would like cookies
and milk because he always
gets hungry every Christmas
night. Santa wants awesome
new machine because his elf
are getting sick. He doesn’t
have much friends.
—Chloe Krueger
Santa would like cookies
and milk because he doesn’t
have any food. Santa needs
an elf because he only has
old ones and needs more
young ones. Santa would
need one more reigndeer because his sleigh needs one
— Carson Arnsdorf more.
Santa would like cookies
and milk because he might
be hungry. Santa wants a
machine, his old machine
is broken. A new machine
will help him make presents
faster. A heated seat because
it might be cold out.
—Brayden Wendt
—Julian Larson
—Isaac Jensen
Santa would like a new
sled with a slide because he
doesn’t have enough help.
— Autumn Prater
—Tyler Schwarzrock
What does Santa have on his Christmas list this year?
First-graders at Springfield Public School, in
classes taught by Andrea Erickson and Brandon
Wilhelmi, have been reading Christmas stories and
thinking about their Christmas wish list these days.
They were asked to consider what Santa might
have on his gift list and to write their responses for
this special edition of the newspaper. Their stories
are as follows with spelling and grammar as writSanta might want a new
snow globe for Christmas.
It would be a magic globe
to see who is being naughty
or nice. Then he will know
who to bring presents to. He
would also like a Christmas
tree to decorate his house
and a new baby reindeer!
—Paige Schwarzrock
More reindeer might by on
Santa’s Christmas list. His
old ones might run out of
energy. More elves would be
good too because there are
a lot of kids in the world to
make toys for. The last thing
Santa wants is a bigger engine for his sleigh so it will
go faster. —Dominick Rients
Santa would like a new
sleigh because it is broken.
Santa needs a new suit because his is old.
—Emerson Johnson
I think Santa wants cookies and milk for Christmas.
We could leave them on the
counter for him on Christmas
Eve. Then he will have a
snack when he is out delivering presents.
—Dylan Simonson
I think Santa wants happy kids this Christmas. He
wants lots of kids to be on his
nice list. Then he could deliver presents to all of them
on Christmas Eve.
Santa wants a new sleigh
this Christmas. His sleigh
is old. A new sleigh would
have a bigger engine so it
would go a lot faster. A new
sleigh would be bigger. He
could fit more presents in it.
—Tayte Zihlke
Santa probably wants
money for Christmas. He
could use it to buy presents
for all the kids. I hope he
buys me a clock for my bedroom. We are learning to tell
time at school.
—Mykala Vanderwerf
I think Santa would like
some cookies for Christmas.
He always likes cookies and
milk on Christmas Eve. He
would also like some free
time with his elves, so they
could have fun together.
—Jaden Hornick
Santa might want a new
jacket for Christmas. His old
one might be dirty or ripped.
He would like a new workshop too so he can make
more toys for all the kids.
—Will Schmidt
I think Santa has a new
sleigh on his Christmas
list. It would be all the colors of the rainbow. A new
Christmas tree would be on
his list too — a shiny silver
—Teagan Steffl
Andrea Erickson’s First-Grade at Springfield Public School — front, from left: Paige Schwarzrock, Juliana
Lechuga, Noah Mueller, Tayte Zihlke, Kadyn Anderson, Justin Sanders and Talia Schueler. Back: Mrs. Erickson,
Kya Paur, Adiel Trevino, Jaden Hornick, Emerson Johnson, Dylan Simonson, Mykala Vanderwerf, Katie Thram and
Teagan Steffl. Class members Danielle Honeman, Dominick Reints and Will Schmidt were absent with the photo
was taken.
I think Santa wants money
for Christmas, so he can buy
toys for all the kids. He wants
tools so he can fix toys that
are broken. He could fix his
sleigh too. —Katie Thram
Santa wants more elves for
Christmas so they can make
more toys. He wants more
reindeer to help the sleigh
full of toys to fly. He wants
lots of toys to give to all the
—Adiel Trevino
I think Santa would like
a new sleigh. His sleigh is
getting old. He has had it for
many years. He might like a
new I-pad so he can check
on the kids if they are being
—Kadyn Anderson
Santa has a computer on
his list. He needs to update
the toys for the boys and
girls. Santa wants to make
sure all the boys and girls
have a Merry Christmas.
Santa might like an I pad
because he could see everybody. Santa could use a new
suit as he is putting weight.
He eats too many cookies.
Santa wants a new hat for
Christmas. It would keep
his head warm on Christmas
Eve. He wants a new coat
and gloves too.
—Kya Paur
I think Santa would like
some more elves so he can
get all the work done way
before Christmas. Then they
would have time to snowmobile and watch Rudolph on
—Talia Scheier TV.
— Justin Sanders
—Noah Mueller
It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas!
— Juliana Lechuga
Wishing you the quiet beauty of a peaceful holiday season and a happy new year!
Merry Christmas
Here’s hoping your holiday
is filled to the rafters
With peace and joy
and the sound of laughter
And when the trimmings
all come down,
May good fortune hang around!
Salonek Concrete and Construction
723-4218 (office) 723-4314 (plant)
Springfield Advance-Press
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Section 2 Page 7
Santa would like more elves so he could make more inventions!
First-graders at Springfield Public School, in classes taught
by Brandon Wilhelmi and Andrea Erickson, are thinking
about their Christmas wish lists these days. They were asked
to consider what Santa has on his wish list and to write their
thoughts for this special Christmas edition of the newspaper.
Their essays are as follows with spelling and grammar as
Santa will want a new
reindeer because he will
fly higher. Santa will want
red pant to paint his sleigh.
Santa will want a new dog to
play with.
—Taya Beyer
Santa really wants a new
sleigh because the old landing gear is broke. Santa
might want a toy machine
because his old one is broken.
—Dane Fast
Santa will ask for some
cookies. He might want a
new toy machine to make
toys faster. —Abby Groebner
Santa might want some
new helpers, it could be me!
Santa might want some more
elves because the old ones
are tired.
—Levi Hamlin
Santa might whant a new
helper. It could be me! I
will do what he needs me to
do to get the toys made.
—Hannah Hunter
Santa might want a new
present machine.
might want coffee because
the water is too cold. He
might want five more elves
because they would write
notes for the kids.
—Grady Korkemeier
Santa will ask for cookies. I think Santa would like
a new sled, one that goes
—Taylor Roiger
Santa would ask for a new
sleigh because his old one
is broken. He would like
some cookies for his trip. He
would also like more elves
so he could make more inventions.
—Kandon Lund
Santa will ask for a watch
so he knows what time it is.
Santa will ask for a new baby
jaguar toy because he likes
them. Santa will ask for a
sled because the old sled was
—Emily Matter
Santa will ask for a new
sled with sparkles because
his sled is dirty. He wants
a new elf because he might
want an elf for a computer
because his elf ran away.
—Kali Nachreiner
Santa might want to eat
lots and lots of food because
it might have lots of sugar.
He might want a ds because
he might want to play it on
his sleigh.
—Shawn Olson
Santa will ask for a new
sleigh because his old one’s
broken. He might also ask
for a new reindeer because
his reindeers are sick.
—Lily Pingeon
Santa will ask for some
cookies. He will ask the kids
to be good. He wants warm
mittens. —Sophia Siekmann
Brandon Wilhelmi’s First-Grade at Springfield Public School — front, from left: Carter Zamaniego, Hannah
Hunter and Abby Groebner. Second row: Emily Matter, Taylor Roiger, Nick Wester, Dane Fast and Kandon Lund.
Back: Shawn Olson, Jean Rahn, Grady Korkemeier, Levi Hamlin, Taya Beyer, Lily Pingeon and Mr. Wilhelmi.
Class members Sophia Siekmann and Kali Nachreiner were absent when the photo was taken.
Santa will ask for a toy giraffe because the old one’s
broke. Santa will ask for a
new elf because the old ones
were rusty. Santa will want a
new doll to play with.
—Jean Rahn
I think Santa wants elves.
I think Santa wants more
reindeer. I think Santa wants
a new helper. I think Santa
wants a new sleigh because
his old one is rusty.
Santa might want a new
toy machine to make toys
faster and a new sleigh to get
the toys in the bag faster.
— Carter Alex Zamaniego
—Nick Wester
Going to grandparents’ house, opening presents are traditions kids like best
Children in third- and fourth-grades at St.
Raphael Catholic School, in classes taught by Teri
Lang, were asked to write essays about their favorite family Christmas traditions. Their essays are as
follows with spelling and grammar as written:
Christmas tradition is going
to both of my grandparent’s
houses. I get to see all of my
cousins from far away. I love
to go to my grandparent’s
houses because I don’t get
to see my cousins that much
and I miss them! I go to one
of my grandparent’s houses
on Christmas Eve, and the
other grandparent’s house on
Christmas Day. My family
and I are going to Sartell this
year for Christmas. Nobody
told us we were going to
Sartell, but I was happy! I
will still get to see all of my
cousins. I will be happy!
Brooklyn Sturm (3)
My favorite Christmas
tradition is when I open my
Christmas presents with
all family. At Christmas, I
open presents at my house
and at both grandparents’
houses. At Grandma Linda’s,
we watch basketball and at
Grandma Nancy’s, I bring
my mini basketball hoop and
play in the basement. We
go to Grandma Linda’s on
Christmas Eve, and Grandma
Day. On Christmas Eve,
we open presents as a family at my house. My favorite
Christmas gift was a Xbox
Noah Vogel (3)
My favorite family tradition is going to my Grandma
and Grandpa’s house. There
we have lunch, supper, and
snacks. I always see my cousins and the rest of my family
too. I only go to two of my
grandma’s for Christmas. I
get to open presents and have
fun with my family. I see all
my cousins from near and
far. I always play the Wii and
play cards. Rachel Beadell (3)
My favorite Christmas
tradition is when my family
goes to my Grandpa’s house
and we go to church on
Christmas Eve. When church
is over, we go back to his
house and eat turkey. When
we go to my Grandma’s
house on Christmas day, we
have ham and open presents.
Our family opens presents at
my house on Christmas Day.
Noah Riederer (3)
My favorite family tradition is when my family goes
to church on Christmas Eve,
then we go home to eat.
We drink kids wine and the
adults drink real wine, then
we have dessert and open
presents. We go from youngest to oldest for opening
presents, then we watch TV.
This is my favorite tradition
because we do it every year.
Kaden Rosenstengel (3)
God gave His
greatest gift to us
on that first
Christmas Day
and may the
wonder of it
always guide &
light your way...
Merry Christmas
& Happy New Year
Rogotzke Appliance Repair
Springfield 723-5746
Bob & Sharon Rogotzke
St. Raphael Third- and Fourth-Grades — seated, from left: third-graders Mitchell Streich, Rachel Beadell, Noah
Riederer, Kaden Rosenstengel, Noah Vogel, Brooklyn Sturm and Kenzie Rosenstengel. Back: Teacher Teri Lang,
Ashtin Johnson and Chase Groebner.
Christmas is going to my
Grandma Sharon’s house.
First we eat, then we open
presents. The youngest kid
goes first. After this we go to
my Grandma Rosenstengel’s
house. We eat first there, and
then we open presents as
well. Kenzie Rosenstengel (3)
Christmas tradition is opening presents with my family.
We go around in a circle and
each person gets a turn. We
go to Grandma Krueger’s
on Christmas Day and open
presents with them.
Mitchell Streich (3)
Sending you greetings
for a wonderful
holiday season!
Thank you for your
support throughout
the year!
Christmas tradition is when
my family and I go to the
living room to open presents. We play lots of games.
We eat lots of candy canes
and Christmas cookies. My
brother and I go sledding
down a big hill. After all of
this we eat dumplings for
Christmas tradition is going to my Grandma’s house
because we get to eat, open
gifts and dance to music. We
get to spend time together
and celebrate with each other. Lastly, Santa comes and
gives us a present.
Ashtin Johnson (4)
Chase Groebner (4)
Ryan Tree and Aerial Service, Inc.
Greg Ryan — Springfield
507-723-5932 or 507-276-1168
May God’s glorious light guide you into
a New Year filled with beautiful
dreams and exciting possibilities
Merry Christmas
Happy Holidays . . .
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30 W. Central - Springfield - 507-723-7330
Page 8 Section 2
Wednesday, December 24, 2014 Springfield Advance-Press
Last year I was great — well, good — except for the time . . . .
Second-graders at Springfield Public School, in
classes taught by Darcy Hoyt, Bobbie Maurer and
Jena Telecky, were given the choice of responding to the question: Why doesn’t Santa bring you
everything you asked for? ~ or, to write a creative
story. Their responses, and their stories are as follows with the grammar and spelling as written:
I was a good boy last year
except for the time I ate a
cookie. I wasn’t supposed to
eat one, but Kya did it too.
Well I was a good boy except
when I fell on my dog. I hit
my sister because she made
me mad. So I guess that’s
why Santa didn’t bring me
everything I wanted.
by Dominik Paur
I was very good this year,
but there were a few things
I did not do. I did not do the
dishes because there was too
many of them. I was watching t.v. I did not get in trouble because mom forgot. I
will be good the rest of the
by Braiden Davis
Last year I was great —
well, good. But once I didn’t
clean my room. But my
brothers didn’t either. There
was a time when I hit my
brother but he woke me up.
Then I didn’t listen to my
mom and I didn’t turn off
my tablet when I was supposed to. But I blame it on
my brothers because they
didn’t either. So that’s why
I might not get every thing
that I want this year.
by Andrew Longsdorf
I was very good this year,
but I threw a ball at my sister’s hose. I got in trouble
really bad and I said I was
sorry. I put my knees at the
wall. I was very good the rest
of the time. I picked up trash
for my dad, and I helped
clean the stove.
by Gianluka Fernandez
I was so good last year.
But there were a few things
that might make Santa not
bring me everything on my
list. I did not do my chores
because I was watching,
Ridiculousness. I also fight
about video games with my
sister. We can only have
one player. Me and my mom
fight about bed time. My bed
time is 8:00 and it was 9:01,
so I had to go to bed.
by Gavin Vanderwerf
I was good this year. Oh
wait. Maybe there were a
few times I wasn’t perfect.
I picked on my sisters a lot.
I did not do the dishes when
I was supposed to. Oh, then
maybe I did do the dishes,
but when I did the dishes I
broke two of them. Crash!
And that’s why Santa might
not bring everything on my
by Tiahna DeHoyos
Trouble at
the North Pole
Kids’ creative stories
tell how they solved
Today it was Christmas
Eve in the North Pole. The
elves were done with the
toys now. Santa was ready to
go. He took off. He looked
away. Then he looked back
and crashed into a tree. His
sled was broken. He saw a
kid with a sled. His name
was Matt. Santa asked if he
could have the sled. “I will
put my magic on the sled so
I can fit all the presents on
it,” Santa said. Then Santa
hitched all the reindeer up
on the sled. He delivered the
presents on time.
by Matthew Groebner
One cold night Santa was
getting ready to give toys
to boys and girls. The elves
were getting the reindeer
ready. Soon they were flying. It was so cold the reindeer froze. Santa did not
know what to do. Santa tried
to call for help, but there was
no signal. “I am never going
to get the toys to the boys
and girls in time. What have
I done?” Santa said. “If I
don’t get the toys to the boys
and girls they will be mad
at me,” Santa thought. But,
then Santa remembered he
had some gingerbread cookies in his sled. Oh yeah! The
reindeer like gingerbread
cookies. When he gave the
reindeer the gingerbread
cookies they were so happy
that they started to fly again.
Santa delivered the toys to
the boys and girls and they
were so happy!
by Jasmine Peterson – Novotny
Je Body Shop
There’s no better time
than Christmas
to tell you just how much
your business means to us
throughout the whole year.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
to friends old and new!
Hwy 14, Springfield ~ 723-5201
Jeff & Stacey Weisensel
Darcy Hoyt’s Second-Grade at Springfield Public School — front, from left: Gianluka Fernandez, Rylee
Nelsen, Braiden Davis, Jasmine Peterson-Novotny, Dominic Paur, Jackson Hillesheim and Andrew Longsdorf.
Back: Mrs. Hoyt, Connor Jandura, Gavin Vanderwerf, Marissa Pabst, Kelsey Jensen, Anden Steffl, Parker Gluth,
Matthew Groebner and Student teacher Jarred Beduze. Class member Tiahna DeHoyos was absent when the
photo was taken.
One cold wintery night
at the North Pole Santa was
ready to go. The children
didn’t get their presents on
time because there was a
snow storm. Santa used his
magic to clear the way so he
could deliver the presents.
He waved his hands and the
snow storm stopped. When
Santa got back to the North
Pole there was snow in his
shoes because of the snow
by Rylee Nelsen
It was almost Christmas
and Santa was really busy at
the North Pole. The work was
halfway done. The reindeer
were ready. The elves were
busy making toys. Finally
the work was done. Santa
took off with his sleigh. But
it was too dark to see so
Santa used his magic dust to
make light. Now he could
see and find all the children’s
houses and all the children
got their presents. So Santa
went back and everyone had
a merry merry Christmas.
Santa was so tired after the
hard work, but he was proud.
The next morning everyone
got what they wanted and the
world was happy.
by Connor Jandura
It was the night before
Christmas at the North Pole.
All the elves were making
toys, but there was a problem.
They did not make enough
toys for the kids. Christmas
would be late. Santa used
his magic and made a million toys. Christmas was fun
at the North Pole. Then the
next morning when all the
kids were up they couldn’t
believe their eyes. They
wanted Christmas again.
All the kids were opening
their toys. They were happy.
by Marissa Pabst
One night Santa was flying
his sleigh and the reindeer
got tired. They flew down,
landed and fell asleep and
Santa did not notice. When
he looked straight he crashed
his sleigh into the gravel
road. Santa tried to wake the
reindeer. He tried and tired
until he put an alarm by their
ears and they woke up. Santa
saved Christmas!
by Parker Gluth
It was December at the
North Pole. The elves were
making toys. In 3 days it
would be Christmas. Every
thing was going fine until
Santa got sick! He tried to
get better but he couldn’t. A
girl named Isabel found out
Santa was sick. The news
made a prediction that Santa
would miss Christmas. It
was Christmas Eve and Santa
was still sick. And so Isabel
had to help him. Her mowas
a doctor so Isabel asked for a
bottle of Tylenol. Isabel and
her mom went to the North
Pole. They found Santa and
gave him the Tylenol. He
got better right away! So he
could go around the world
with toys. But it was toolate!
The sun was rising! So they
used two sleds in case one
broke. One had Isabel and
her mom. The other had
Santa driving. It was the best
Christmas ever. The end.
by Kelsey Jensen
One night at the North Pole
Santa, his reindeer and elves
got the flu. Mrs. Claus made
chicken soup and hot apple
cider for them to eat and
drink. They took a nap and
woke up feeling much better.
Santa and his elves went into
the workshop and saw both
the sled and toymaker broken. Santa used his hammer
and nails to fix the sled. The
elves read a manual to learn
how to fix the toy maker. It
worked! The elves packed
the sled. Santa hooked up the
reindeer. Away they flew into
the night. The end
We would like to thank everyone for their
support in 2014 and look forward to seeing
you in the new year!
Merry Christmas and
a Happy and Healthy New Year!!
— Rachelle and Desiree
Massage Therapy
12 E. Central St. - Springfield
We Wish You
A Merry Christmas
& A Happy New Year!
Thank you for your loyal support.
Judy’s Hair Fashions
Judy Maurer
201 W Sanborn St., Springfield
Whether traveling near or far,
By train, plane, ship, bus or car,
We wish you safe travel throughout the new year,
And send you lots of good holiday cheer!
by Anden Steffl
One Christmas I wanted a
Minnie dirt bike. Santa forgot my dirt bike at the North
Pole and had to go back and
get it. All the kids woke up
and found no presents under
the Christmas tree. Because
Santa was getting my dirt
bike at the North Pole.
by Jackson Hillesheim
Ste r l i n g Trave l
3 East Central St., Springfield
507-723-6233 or 800-356-6233
E-mail: [email protected]
Thank you for including us in your travel plans.
T’was a
Chiropractic Christmas
T’was the day before Christmas, but there was no cheer. No jingle bells jingled. No sound of reindeer.
The word had gone out that Santa was sick. There’d be no friendly visit from jolly St. Nick.
The people were sad: no gaiety sounded. For Christmas had come, but Santa was grounded. He drove
down the road and what should he see? But a sign for a doctor who was a D.C.
No Santa was not one to like a new tactic. But all else failed, so he’d try Chiropractic. In a very short
time, to judge by the clock, he was in the adjustment room, talking to Doc.
“It must be the hurry, the tension and all. I simply can’t seem to get on the ball. Life used to be easy,
just toys, guns and whistles. Now I have to dodge smog, spaceships and missles.”
Wishing you
a beautiful
holiday season
with all the trimmings.
“And, doc, take a look at the size of this pack! Have you any idea what it does to my back?” Poor Santa
was miserable, just barely able, with help from his Doc, to get on the table.
The doctor was gentle without fuss or tussle. He examined the vertebrae and relaxed every muscle. He
spotted the trouble, and then, with a click, started aligning the ailing St. Nick.
As Santa felt aches and pains slipping away, in no time at all he began to feel gay. The air was a tingle
with new fallen snow. And healthy Kris Kringle was rarin’ to go.
Furniture & Floorcovering
Tom, Linda, Mike, Julie, Jeff & Jenny Hayden and Bob, and Randy Sturm
As he went out the door, he threw them a kiss. Why it had been centuries since he felt good as this!
Then once more he shouldered the bag full of toys. His heart over flowing
with true Christmas joys.
Have a Happy & HEALTHY Holiday!
Dr. Theresa Beckman, D.C.
Springfield Advance-Press
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Section 2 Page 9
Page 10
Section 2
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Springfield Advance-Press
Dear Santa: ‘I have been very, very good this year!’
School, in classes taught
by Jena Telecky, Bobbie
Maurer and Darcy Hoyt,
were given the choice of
responding to the question: Why doesn’t Santa
bring you everything
you asked for? ~ or, to
write a creative story.
Their responses, and
their stories are as follows with the grammar
and spelling as written:
I was very good this year.
There were just a couple of
times I wasn’t perfect. Once
I hit my little sister and she
told on me and I got into big
trouble. Of course I had to
go to my room. It gets pretty
boring in my room. Once
I didn’t pick up my room
when company was coming over. and my room was
a terrible mess. I didn’t do
my homework when my
mom told me to. I played on
the xbox when I wasn’t supposed to play on it. Once I
got mad at my mom and she
sent me to my room. That’s
why I might not get every
thing for Christmas.
—Diederick Sorenson
I was very, very good this
year. Then I was bad. I got
in a fite with my friend. I was
doing my homework and my
favorite show came on. So I
went to sit and I forgot to do
my home work. I wanted to
go with Nick and Jack but I
couldn’t because I was talking back to my mom. So
I had to go to school. And
that’s why I might not get all
of the gifts on my list.
—James Filzen
I was very good this year.
But I did a couple of things
wrong. My Mom told me
to clean my room but I just
made it messier. So my Mom
sent me up to my room and
told me I couldn’t come
down until my room was
I was at recess and I threw
a snowball at the ground and
it hit someone. He threw a
snowball back and the teacher sent him and me to sit on
the bench for about ten minutes. I said I wouldn’t do it
again. That’s why I might not
get everything I want.
—Jacob Meidl
So I might not get everything I asked Santa for. I was
very good this year. There
were just a few times I was
naughty. —Brock Fromm
Santa and the lights
One day on Christmas Eve,
Santa was going to sing and
the lights went out. “Eeek!”
went all the elves. The dogs
were scared too. All the elves
ran outside. But Santa had an
idea. He went to the Crystal
Cave. Santa asked, “Can I
borrow some of your gems?”
Yes! Santa got the gems and
called his elves. When they
went inside the lights were
back on again. Everyone
said, “Hooray!” Santa saved
the day. Santafelt proud of
himself. The machines were
working, too! Then it was
by Lizzie Boss
Jena Telecky’s Second-Grade at Springfield Public School — front, from left: Leanna Cruz, Delilah Honeman,
Elizabeth Boss, Kade Nachreiner, Talan Hall, Diederick Sorenson, Abbey Rasset, Jacob Schwartz and Avery
It was two days before
Wenisch. Back: Student teacher Janelle Radue, James Filzen, Jacob Meidl, Skyla Dauer, Cody Bast, Brock
Christmas. The reindeer
Fromm, Blaise Louwagie and Ms. Telecky.
Once upon a time, it was Rudolph was up. Whoosh!
On a Christmas Eve night
I’ve been very, very good North Pole Problem
Christmas Day. I was at home And then he lost his magic
last year but there are a
At the North Pole on Santa was looking at his
and I heard a noise. It was re- and he was losing control
couple naughty things I’ve Christmas Eve there was a
done. I threw paper towels big problem. When my fam- of his elves ran to him and ally loud. It was time to go of himself! Bam! Twist!!
at school with Gaven and ily took a trip to the North said, THE REINDEER ARE to Grandma and Grandpa’s. Santa
we got sent to the office. I Pole I went in the work- GONE!!! Santa looked out- It took a long time, but I got around. He saw Rudolph
fight with my brother when I shop where the elves work. side. Santa could not be- there. I ran right in. After a lying in the snow and ran
want my tractor in a spot and I saw the elves not working lieve his eyes. He thought while, I heard this sound over. “What’s happening?”
he won’t let me put it there. fast! Santa went to check that he would not be able to again. I asked my Grandpa “When Rudolph took a flight
I sometimes take away my on the reindeer and he saw give the presents out. So he and Grandma if they knew he lost his magic and fell to
toys from my little sister. I that Prancer was sick! Then sneaked into town and asked what it was. I got home and the ground and twisted his
sometimes hit my little sis- Santa saw us and asked, a boy named Joseph who is got some supplies. I was go- ankle,” said Cupid. How are
ter when she really bugs me! “Can you guys help me?” very good at making stuff. ing to see what it was. I saw we going to fix this? Get the
So maybe Santa won’t bring Yes we can! So Santa said, Joseph made a machine that some things. It was a cave. x-ray!! The ambulance came
me every thing I want for “Great!” Then Santa had an could fly. Then the kids and There was a helicopter. I rushing down the hill. I got
Santa hoped in it. Up and went inside and I used it. the x-ray, Santa! The x-ray
—Talan Hall idea. “Can your very tall dog
Then I kept going and found showed Rudolph scraped
pull the sleigh?” “Sure!” we away they all shouted. They
it. It was an elf He was sick. his bone. He can’t fly for
said. “Good!” said Santa.
Santa said that all elves are two
days. NO!! He
shoutI was good all year long. But what about the elves?
Well maybe not. My sister They’re not going fast ed, “There are all my rein- sick. They made the toys. has to! We can’t fly without
ripped my paper. I was so enough. “Yeah,” said Santa. deer!” Suddenly the flying He told me if elves are sick, him!! Why can’t he? He has
mad at her that I hit her. It “That’s a problem. Can you machine fell to the ground. they will be sick the rest of to rest. I guess we can get our
was a really important paper! guys help, please! Yes! So BOOM! Then they hitched their lives. I have to go get backup reindeer. Time to go
I did not do my homework. Santa chained our dog to the up the reindeer and piled into magic soup. It will work, I inside. Rudolph! Come here!
But my show Jessie was sleigh. We started to help the the sleigh and flew off. After hope! Then, even though it We have to fly without you.
on! and it got even worse! I elves. Then the elves started delivering all the presents, took a long time, I got there. I What?? Time to go! Santa
“GO,” Santa
peeked at my presents before to go fast and we want fast. everyone was tired. That called, “Santa, are you almost got ready.
Christmas. The next day all It’s a miracle! The next day night when Santa got home done?” Santa said, “I’m not yelled! Whoosh, the reindeer
done!” I grabbed the magic were off! Ho, ho, ho! Merry
I got was a lot of socks and was Christmas! We made it he fell asleep right away.
soup and went back. “Here Christmas! They delivered
stuff that I did not want. And on time! The presents are deSanta,” I said. All of the gifts to every state. It’s alI took M&Ms out of the caf- livered! by Delilah Honeman
Once upon a time there elves had some soup, and it
most morning! Hurry! Oh
eteria. So that’s why I may
was a problem at the North worked! We all filled Santa’s
no! We’re in a blizzard! Turn
not get all my presents this Christmas Troubyl
Pole. The lights went out.
left! No, right! Oh it was a lot
—Leanna Cruz
It was the day before Santa’s elves worked and gift bag and I went home.
of snow in a little time. Finall
Christmas and I was a robot worked. Then the electricity
y we are home. They went in
at the North Pole. The elves guy came but he couldn’t fix
the house. Who wants hot
Trouble at
were screaming. “What is it. The toy man came but he
cocoa? Me! Every reinthe
couldn’t seem to fix it either.
the North Pole
deer came rushing into the
is sick! He has the flu. Then Then super hero Abbey came
Kids’ creative stories tell
kitchen. Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry
we went to my lab to make to save the day by fixing the
how they solved
a potion. It took an hour. lights.
by Abigail Rasset
by Kade Nachreiner
I gave the potion to Santa
and it made him sicker. We
On Christmas Eve the went back to my lab and
toy making machines broke made another potion. It was
down. The elves thought and Christmas Eve. The potion
thought. Of course! They was done! I gave it to Santa
thought so much the elves and he got better. He got on
needed a break. So the elves his sleigh and delivered the
went outside. The elves toys times and Christmas
found the problem. I ran out was saved.
of gas. Santa decided to fix
by Blaise Louwagie
it himself. But mmmmm ....
he took it apart and put it together wrong. Santa looked
Two days before Christmas
at the clock. It was midnight! when the elves were workThe elves came in. Santa you ing, the toy machine blew
made it worse! So the elves up because there were some
fixed it and Santa delivered loose screws. Santa screamed
by Avery Wenisch his head off. Santa was rethe toys.
To our customers, neighbors and friends
ally worried so he packed a
we’d like to extend our Best Wishes for a Happy Holiday Season
bag with cookies, a fishing
pole a saw and bait to go ice
and our thanks for your continued patronage
fishing for an hour. When
he got back from ice fishing
Santa laid down in bed. But
there was one elf that was
brave enough to fix the toy
machine. The elf climbed
in the machine. The elf got a
screwdriver that was bigger
than he was! He screwed the
screw as tight as he could.
Then he woke Santa and told
hi the wonderful news. So
the elf got to ride with Santa
in his sleigh.
To all our wonderful
Customers Friends,
Have a Beautiful Christmas
& Happy New Year
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by Kody Bast
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Springfield Advance-Press
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Section 2 Page 11
‘I peeked into my Christmas presents and saw what they were’
Second-graders at Springfield Public School, in
classes taught by Bobbie Maurer, Darcy Hoyt and
Jena Telecky, were given the choice of responding
to the question: Why doesn’t Santa bring you everything you asked for? ~ or, to write a creative
story based on trouble at the North Pole. Their responses, and their stories are as follows with the
grammar and spelling as written:
I was vey good last year.
But once I didn’t clean my
room because I was playing my wii. I didn’t do my
chores because I was watching tv. I didn’t help clean the
house because I was watching the Grinch. So maybe I
won’t get everything I asked
for from Santa this year.
Nickolas Rogotzke
I was a very good boy
last year but I did just a few
things wrong. Like the time
I played with my brother’s
Lego seen when He told me
I couldn’t. I snuck some
cookies when mom and
dad weren’t looking, and I
ate them. But my dad got
a peek and I said they’re so
good. And I peeked into my
Christmas presents and saw
what they were. And then
we opened them I acted like
I didn’t see them. So, maybe I won’t get everything
I asked for from Santa this
Grant Kuehn
I was very good but I did
a few things wrong this year.
My mom told me to clean my
room but I didn’t clean my
room because I was playing
on my tablet. My mom told
me to put my clothes away,
but I watched TV instead.
Me mom told me to let out
Skittles, my dog, but I didn’t
because I was making a fort.
So Santa might not bring everything on my Christmas
list this year. Addison Michel
I was a very good boy last
year, but a little naughty. I
ate a piece of my gingerbread
house when Mom told me
not to. But I was hungrey!
I rode my bike in the snow
even though Mom told me
not to. I wanted to have fun!
I kicked my sister with my
roller blades. But she’s mean
to me! So maybe I won’t get
all the presents I want from
Trey Dolezal
I was really good last year.
There was just a little stuff I
did that wasn’t good. I took
my brother’s ipod. I wanted
to play on it! Also I broke
my brother’s Lego tower.
But he wouldn’t teach me
how to make a Lego tower.
I popped my brother’s football because he wouldn’t
play with me. So that’s why I
might not get all the presents
I asked for from Santa.
Lucas Hensch
I was very, very, very good
this year. Well, there might
have been a few things that I
did wrong. My mom told me
if I wake up early I should
not eat anything but I snuck
a chocolate bar. I was very
hungrey! I was upstairs with
my baby sister. My mom told
me not to fight with her, but
I did. She kept turning my
tv off. I was in my brother’s
bedroom. We were fighting.
My mom told me to go in
my bedroom but I stayed in
my brother’s bedroom. We
were just playing a game. So
that is why I might not get
everything I asked for this
Jillian Mays
Trouble at
the North Pole
Kids’ creative stories tell
how they solved problems
One Christmas Eve all was
fine until Santa got sick with
the flu! How was he going
to deliver the toys? Then
Santa told the elves he was
sorry but there would be no
Christmas. No Christmas!
the elves thought. They had
to break up the reindeer.
Each elf rode with a bag of
toys. They split up. Happy
went north and Dasher went
south and Charley went west
and Tom went east. When all
of the elves got back from
delivering the toys, they saw
Santa and Mrs. Claus eating
soup. He was better! Santa
gave the elves a big award.
Then they had a big celebration!
by Abby Jensen
We’re revving up to say
Happy Holidays and thanks
to all our customers
Bobbie Maurer’s Second-Grade at Springfield Public School — front, from left: Jaden Walter, Emmie McCone,
Abby Jensen and Trey Dolezal. Second row: Keagan Streich, Addy Michel, Logan Thom, Jackson Ludewig and
Jillian Mays. Back: Lucas Hensch, Emma Hauger, Logan Moldan, Grant Kuehn, Noah Neperman, Nicholas
Rogotzke and Mrs. Maurer. Class member Samantha Walter was absent when the photo was taken.
Christmas at the North Pole.
The reindeer could not fly
because they were sick with
a fever. Santa could not deliver toys! Mrs. Claus made
soup for the reindeer to make
them better. The reindeer
love carrot soup! The doctor
gave them medicine to get
better. The reindeer got better and saved Christmas!
by Logan Thom
At the North Pole on
Christmas Eve in the morning the elves were putting
the toys into Santa’s sleigh.
When all the toys were in
the sleigh I quickly got in
the sleigh. Then when it got
dark the reindeer started running in zig zag, then they
took off. It took awhile to get
to the first house. Santa was
quick. It took him thirty-five
seconds to get the toys in the
house and back to the sleigh!
Then the reindeer started
running in a zig zag again.
Then we landed on the roof.
He grabbed every toy except
one. Then Santa went inside
the house and put them under
the Christmas tree. He got in
the sleigh. The reindeer ran
in the zig zag formation.
They got to the third house.
Then the fourth house. Then
all the houses. It took awhile
to get half way to the North
Pole then I discovered there
was one present left. I told
Santa that in the corner of
the sleigh there was one
more present for Tommy.
So he turned the reindeer
around. It took a long time to
get back to Tommy’s house.
Santa took the last toy inside
the house and put it under
the Christmas tree. Then we
went back to the North Pole.
Santa and I went straight to
bed because it was such a
busy night.
I live at the North Pole
and one thing you know is
that I’m a mouse. I like to
bite and to chew holes in the
wall and make a lot of noise
at night. On Christmas Santa
caught me in a live trap.
Santa told me to shape up.
If you’re a good mouse I’ll
give you cheese.
O shaped up because what
Santa said was right. So I
did not bite anyone or chew
holes in the walls or make
noise at night. And I got lots
of cheesy treats. I help Santa
at the North Pole. I carry
things that are not too heavy,
not too light, just my size.
And I cut ribbons with my
sharp teeth. The elves hold
a present up and I tie it on
the bottom. And I check out
the inside workings of the
X-Boxes. I am very helpful
in Santa’s workshop.
by Sami Walter
At the North Pole the
elves were getting ready
for Christmas Eve. All of
a sudden the conveyor belt
stopped. The conveyor belt
was taking the toys to get
wrapped. A toy had jammed
the conveyor belt. The elves
“What’s the matter?” asked Santa. “A toy
fell off and the conveyor belt
stopped,” said the elves. “It
is Christmas Eve. We have
to get the toys,” said Santa.
“I will send the smallest elf
to get it.” The smallest elf
got on the conveyer belt. He
went inside. “I m almost
there,” he shouted. “I have
it!” “ Yay!” cried the elves.
All the gifts and Santa was
ready to go.
by Jackson Ludewig
I am a mouse. My name is
spike. It was Christmas and
it was all going good until
Santa’s elves all got frost
bite. Once I heard the news
I went to pack cheese and
clothes. I took the bus to the
North Pole. When I got there
I ran into the workshop. I
saw all the elves in the hospital next door. I went to
the cupboard. I grabbed the
can of unfrostbite gel. It was
empty! I went to the store
and got the gel. I got the
gel back just in time. I gave
it to all the elves. They were
behind in their work so I
rushed to the paint brushes.
I grabbed the paint and gave
it to the elves. They painted
and painted. Santa got the
toys all packed in the bag.
I hopped in the sleigh with
Santa. He got the reindeer
flying. We went to Australia,
Mexico and Canada. Finally
we got the last present
down the chimmney. It
was 5 o’clock. Santa and I
got back to the North Pole.
Everyone cheered! When I
got home I had a cup of cocoa. Mmmm, it was good! I
saved Christmas!
by Noah Neperman
One Christmas night the
reindeer were sick and sleeping. “If the reindeer are sick
and sleeping there will be
no Christmas,” said Santa.
Then he came up with an
idea. He went to the kitchen
and told Mrs. Claus to make
hot chocolate and cookies.
He gave the reindeer the hot
chocolate and cookies. Then
they got better. Then Santa
hitched them to the sleigh
and delivered presents to all
the kids.
Jaden Walter
At the North Pole the
elves were working on the
toys because tomorrow was
Christmas Eve. So they had
to be ready! Then Mrs.
Claus came running out.
Santa Claus is sick! He has
the chicken pox. How is he
going to deliver toys to the
boys and girls? “Maybe
this year we will not have
Christmas,” said Mrs. Claus.
“Maybe you can deliver toys,
Mrs. Claus,” said the elves.
“Maybe I can but I have to
ask Santa. I’ll be right back,”
said Mrs. Claus. Santa said,
yes! Christmas will go on!
Mrs. Claus had to look at
Santa’s maps first. Then she
bundled up in Santa’s suit.
“You elves get the toys loaded,” she said. “Are you ready
to deliver toys to the boys
and girls?”
And Mrs. Claus and the
reindeer flew all night long
and delivered toys to the girls
and boys, and Santa Claus
was happy, too, because the
elves and Mrs. Claus got all
the toys delivered to the boys
by Emma Hauger
and girls.
One Christmas Eve I was
at the North Pole. Everybody
was running around. I think
they were worried about
something and I was going
to find out. I was looking
and looking. Finally, I found
what the matter was. The
present wrapping machine
was broken. So I was going
to fix it. I had to find every
little piece. Then I put them
back together. But one piece
was missing so I had to look
and look. Finally I found the
missing piece. So I had to
take it all a part. Before 9:30
I had fixed the wrapper. All
the presents got wrapped just
in time. They were put in the
sleigh and delivered to the
good boys and girls.
by Emmaline McCone
by Keagan Streich
Stella’s Body Shop
It was Christmas Eve.
Santa was sick. “Oh, no,!
said Buddy, the head elf.
“Will I have to deliver the
presents?” he asked. “You
will! And another elf is coming with you,” said Santa.
Let’s get ready to deliver the
toys. Let’s go get the sack!
They got the reindeer and
they flew away. They delivered toys to 10,000,00 houses in one night.
by Logan Moldan
Steve Forster - Hwy. 14 W., Springfield
All Signs Point to a Great Season!
Merry Christmas
May the Blessings of Christmas be with you today and always.
Bill, Randy, Michael and employees.
Springfield ~ 723-6513
Halter Trucking
North, south, east or west...
We’re sending you our very best
With thanks for your friendship and lots of cheer
We hope to see you all again next year.
1989 2014
Investment Centers of America, Inc. (ICA), member FINRA, SIPC, and a Registered Investment Advisor is not affiliated with Farmers & Merchants State Bank, Wanda
State Bank, Extended Ag Insurance Services or Prairie Plans. Securities, advisory services and insurance products offered through ICA and affiliated insurance
agencies are *not insured by the FDIC or any other Federal Government Agency *not a deposit or other obligation of, or guaranteed by any bank or their
affiliates *subject to risks including the possible loss of principal amount invested. ICA does not provide accounting, payroll, tax or legal advice or services.
Page 12 Section 2
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Springfield Advance-Press
‘Once upon a time . . . Santa was called to S.W.A.T Security?
Kids’ creative stories
tell ‘Why didn’t Santa bring
me everything I asked for?’
Third-graders at Springfield Public School, in
classes taught by Shane Neperman and Jennifer
Altermatt, were asked to write essays following
the story line: “Why doesn’t Santa bring you everything you asked for?” Their stories are fictional
(with, perhaps, a few facts), and are as follows with
the grammar and spelling as written:
It all happened in Santa’s
work shop in Apriel 22, 2014
when he ate to many cookies
while the elve were making
toys. One of his elve said
you are not going to fit down
the fireplace but then he saw
the good list and kids named
Shylie Moen, and Kyliey
Hauschild were on the good
list. But he did not get no
toys because he did not fit
down the fire place. At the
9th home he did not feel right
so he could not give Shylie
or Kyliey eney presents because he lost them.
by Shylie Morgen Moen
Once on Christmas night in
Santa’s air strip he got called
out by the S.W.A.T. security. When he was 25 or 29
he worked for the S.W.A.T.
team. Usually he only got
called out when he could fit
in his S.W.A.T. gear in the
summer. But it’s Christmas
so he kinda pigged out so
kids would recognize him.
The S.W.A.T. said it’s more
important than Christmas.
He went to the C.I.A. building where they keep the
S.W.A.T. truck and he tried
to get his gear on. He ripped
his gear in half because he
was too fat! It turned out
there was no S.W.A.T. mission. They just figured out
it was a prank call. By then
it was 2 in the morning and
Santa said “It’s too late to go
to all the states.” His watch
was off time so he spent the
rest of the night illegally
street racing!!!
by Danny Rogotzke
Some reasons Santa didn’t
bring me any toys could be
that Santa got ran over by
a reindear. Then the fire in
the chimney was still on, so
Santa’s bottom caught on
fire. Next, Santa’s sleigh ran
into a tree.
by Colin Hansen
Once upon a time, the
elves made Santa a new
sleigh with mega rocket
boosters. Now Santa could
deliver presents 10 times
faster than normal. But they
forgot the main engine. On
Christmas Eve they could
not find the right engine on
such short notice.
by Jex Richert
It was Christmas Eve.
Santa was getting the reindeer ready. After Santa was
done getting the reindeer
ready, they took off. But
when he got to the fifth house
he got stuck in the chimney.
Mrs. Claus and some elves
came to get him out. They
tried to pull him out. They
finally got him out. Santa
never made it to my house
because he ran out of magic
by Megan Wersal
I was the day before
Christmas. Santa got a weird
list. It was from an alien
plane. On the list was a flower called a rose. So Santa
had to go to space. He got
stranded in deep space.
And that’s why Santa
didn’t get me everything I
by Jack Sheitel
Once upon a time Santa
was getting ready for
Christmas and was kicked
by the reindeer at the North
Pole. Then he went to the
sled and it was broke. There
was more bad news. The
elves were sick, so Santa
had to wrap all the presents. While he was busy
with wrapping, two elves
got better. Then he was able
to save Christmas for everyone. I did not feed my
cat, Diamond. I felt mad and
thought he was being unfair!
Shane Neperman’s Third-Grade at Springfield Public School — front, from left: Colin Hansen, Savana Jandura,
Danny Rogotzke, Brayden Anderson, Kiera Lafferty and Easton Jensen. Back: Megan Wersal, Tucker Calverley,
Jalivia Richert, Keith Parris, Shylie Moen, Jex Richert, Kyler Zihlke and Mr. Neperman. Class members Jack
Once upon a time a few
years back one Christmas —
I forgot to tell you who I am.
I am the narrator. I tell stories
about Christmas. There was
a big problem. Santa’s cousin, the Easter Bunny, stole
Santa’s red suit so he could
not go out at Christmas.
Santa said, “Ho, ho, ho! Oh
no! How am I supposed to
go to kid’s houses? I can not
go to kid’s houses in my under wear. Maybe I will go tell
Mrs. Claus about this problem.” So that’s what Santa
did. He told Mrs. Claus but
Mrs. Claus did not want to
hear it. Mrs. Claus said,” If
you really want that suit you
should’ve taken care of it
more nicely.”
That is why Santa did not
give kids Christmas presents
by Kiera Lafferty
this year.
Once upon a time, Santa
got close to his sleigh. Then
the sleigh blew up. Then he
couldn’t fly with his reindeer.
It was Christmas Eve. Santa
was going on a test drive but
first he checked the engine
and it was good. Then he
flew his sleigh. It was good.
When he let the reindeer free,
he heard a boom!
Once upon a time, Santa
ate too many cookies. Then
Santa couldn’t go down the
chimney because he was
too fat. The reason why was
because Mrs. Claus was trying to make cookie recipes.
Also, the fire was so hot that
he could burn the presents.
Now he won’t bring me everything I asked for.
by Keith Parris
by Kyliey Hauschild
The reason Santa didn’t
It was Christmas eve at the
North Pole. Santa was getting the reindeer ready to deliver presents. Then Prancer
ate too many carrots. Then
when Santa let him out of his
stall he flew away. Finally
Santa had only eight reindeer. That’s why I didn’t get
everything I asked for.
Once upon a time Santa
was getting presents. When
he walked in to his shop the
presents were gone. He was
thinking. He went to the reindeer and found all the presents. He loaded the presents
in his sleigh. When he went
to get the list Mr. Neperman
was on the naughty list so he
didn’t get any presents. Mr.
Wilhelmi did get an I phone
six because he was nice!
by Kyler Zihlke
by Tucker Calverley
The reason Santa didn’t
bring me any presents is
because he got stuck. Then
people got no presents.
There could be a lot of
reasons Santa didn’t bring
me what I wanted. He could
have ate too many cookies. The reindeer could have
been sick. The barn could
have been bombed. He could
have not done his chores. But
maybe it’s because my teacher is a Packers fan. I am just
guessing why Santa didn’t
bring me what I asked for.
by Easton Jensen
We wish you a blessed holiday season.
We are grateful for the patronage and support
of our customers throughout the year.
Baier Construction, Inc.
Randy and Amy Baier
Springfield — 723-8045
right, and all you
r Ch
sy b
Ma y
by Jalivia Richert
O, Come Let Us Adore Him,
O, Come Let Us Adore Him,
O, Come Let Us Adore Him, Christ the Lord.
by Brayden Anderson
by Savana Jandura
bring me everything I asked
for is that the elves were
naughty. They did not make
any toys because they wanted more days of vacation.
Then the elves said they get a
whole year of vacation. Santa
said no but the elves did not
listen. The children had to go
a whole year with out presents.
Thanks for your patronage. We look forward to
being of service to you in the coming year.
Chuck’s Repair
Chuck Baumann
We wish you a “sparkling”
holiday season!
Thank you for your patronage
throughout the year.
J & L Car Wash and Laundromat
Jerry and LaVonne Hauth
Kim Shoen,
Michelle Berberich,
Kaye Richert.
Bill Roiger,
Roger Prechel,
Ramsey Beyer
Springfield • (507) 723-4800
Morgan • (507) 249-3166
Springfield 507-723-4840 Morgan 507-249-3102
Member FDIC
Springfield Advance-Press
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Section 2 Page 13
Why didn’t Santa bring me everything I asked for ?
Third-graders at Springfield Public School, in
classes taught by Jennifer Altermatt and Shane
Neperman, were asked to write essays following
the story line: “Why doesn’t Santa bring you everything you asked for?” Their stories are fictional
(with, perhaps, a few facts), and are as follows with
the grammar and spelling as written:
It was Christmas Eve and
Santa was on the roof and
there was a mean dog outside of the house. Santa went
in the house and the reindeer
flew away. Santa went up the
chimney and could not find
them. So he climbed down
and called his elves. But they
did not know what to do.
Santa walked around to think
what to do. Then he thought
he could walk into the house.
So he walked into one house
and woke up the kids. The
kids said, “It is really Santa,”
and captured him.
By Belle Watje
It was Cristmas Eve. It
was a foggy night and Santa
was flying through the air.
Rudolph the red nose reindeer and every other reindeer was flying too. Out of
no where a duck flies into
Rudolph’s leg and, snap, it
broke. Then the sleigh fell
right on the skis. The sleigh
was ok but Rudolph wasn’t.
Then seconds after a robber
came and took all the presents except five. Rudolph
recovered and Santa gave all
the rest of the presents to me.
I wanted ten but he gave me
five. The end!
by Easton Johnson
Santa didn’t bring me everything I asked for becaues
on a Christmas Eve morning
Mrs. Claues told Santa to get
ready to deliver presents. He
went out to the barn to feed
the reindeer. Santa was testing the sleigh and a terrible
thing happened — it brook!
Ho ho! Santa told the elves
to fix the sled or there will be
no Christmas. All the elves
started to work. They could
not get all of the stuff to work
on the sled and later the sled
brook. Santa announced that
there will be no Christmas
this year. That is why I didn’t
get all the presents this year.
It all started back in
January. Santa was watching the elves. All of a sudden
one of he elves got the flu.
So Santa didn’t have enough
elves to make the toys. Then
Santa was going to take the
sleigh for a spin. Rudulph
and Comet got their antlers
stuck together. Then Santa’s
sleigh wouldn’t work. Santa
was yelling at the elves to
fix his sleigh. Santa said,
“If my sleigh isn’t fixed by
tomorrow you are all fired.”
The elves were like, “Oooh
no, we’ll try our best.” Then
Santa said, “It better be. I
mean it. If it isn’t done by tomorrow you’re all fired.”
“It’s December 25th are
you all ready?” Santa asked.
Then he hooked up the reindeer. Santa said “Ya.” They
then take off. That is why he
was late and he didn’t bring
me every thing I asked for
by Gabe Weber
When I was supposed to be
doing piano I was watching
TV. I didn’t get along with
my sister. I was not getting
along with my brother. We
were fighting and screaming until midnight. My sister
and I went to the Christmas
tree. We started to open the
presents. We wanted to know
what we got. This is why I
didn’t get presents.
by Erika Wells
One Christmas the elves
got ready to pack up the
presents. The presents got
lost because the wind blew
hard. Finally, the elves found
the presents. Santa got ready
to leave at 1:00 a.m. I didn’t
get any presents because
he stopped at 8:00 a.m. and
didn’t have time to deliver to
my house. by Carter Danielson
by Sam Rummel
Jennifer Altermatt’s Third-Grade at Springfield Public School — front, from left: Rylan Bisel, Gabby Anderson
and Jaelyn Batzlaff. Second row: Ericka Wells, Carter Danielson, Belle Watje, Ella Geis and Kody Bahr. Back:
Mrs. Altermatt, Easton Johnson, Mogen Winkelmann, Sam Rummel, Jace Rosenau, Ellie Tonn and Gabe Weber.
Class members Jakob Nachreiner and Layla Zihlke were absent when the photo was taken.
On Christmas Eve Santa
was getting ready to deliver
presents but he didn’t feel
good. “I think I ate too many
cookies that Mrs. Claus
made,” he said. He didn’t
know if he should go deliver
presents or not. He asked
the elves what they thought.
None of he elves knew if he
should go or not. So he want
to ask Mrs. Claus. She said
he shouldn’t go. But Santa
really wanted to deliver presents. Santa ended up staying at the North Pole. In the
morning all the kids were
surprised that Santa didn’t
come. Later Santa started
feeling a lot better so he
went to deliver presents. It
was kind of weird that Santa
delivered presents in the
morning. All the kids heard
a noise like ho, ho, ho, Merry
Christmas! And all the kids
had the best Christmas ever.
by Ella Geis
from the minute they begin,
until the holidays are done,
we wish a very
Merry Christmas
& Happy New Year
to each and everyone.
One Christmas Eve Santa
was getting ready to set out
to give everybody gifts. But
when he checked to see if
the elves were ready with the
gifts he saw they were fighting about who would get the
best toy award. “Calm down
everybody,” Santa said. The
elves stopped. “What’s going on? We want that award,”
said the elves. “There’s no
award this year,” chuckled Santa. Santa walked
away with the toys. When
he checked on the reindeer
and his sleigh he saw that
his sleigh was new. “Let’s
go,” said Santa. He started
the engine. “Lift off!” They
were flying higher and higher until he hit a patrol jet and
fell to the ground. Before
he hit the ground he blew up
from all the cookies he ate.
by Jakob Nachreiner
Santa didn’t bring me everything I asked for because
then I would be spoiled. If
Santa brought me everything
I asked for I’d be swimming
in plane tickets and dogs. I
think another reason Santa
didn’t bring me everything I
asked for is because I didn’t
behave perfectly. I perturbed
my sister day and night. To
annoy my sister fully I made
up a song. It goes like this.
“I’m an armedillo,” over and
over. Those are the reasons
Santa didn’t bring me everything I asked for.
by Ellie Tonn
Jenny Solmonson 104 N. Marshall Ave., Springfield
Best wishes for the holidays and for health and happiness
throughout the coming year.
It was December 23 and
the elves were working
hard. At 2 a.m. the Elves ate
cookies. The next day one
of the Elves got sick. The
sickness spread and all the
Elves got sick. There are
no more Elves to make the
toys. There are 100,000 toys
to make. Who would make
them? Time is running out!
Santa could make them but
he didn’t know how.
It was Christmas Eve
night. All the elves got better but there are still 100,000
toys to make. They never
made it in time. That’s why
Santa didn’t bring me everything I asked for.
by Mogen Winkelmann
The reason Santa didn’t
bring me all of the stuff I
wanted for Christmas is because I don’t feed my dog.
So my Mom had to do it. I
also don’t get along with my
sister. Another reason Santa
didn’t give me all my stuff
I wanted for Christmas is
because he got stuck in the
chimney. He at too many
cookies and got fat and
couldn’t fit in the chimney.
by Layla Zihlke
It was Christmas Eve and
Santa was not feeling well.
He was coming to my house
but he threw up and had to
go back to the North Pole He
was not feeling well because
he ate too many cookies. I
was sad because I didn’t get
what I asked for.
I was in bed and heard
a noise downstairs. I went
down to see what it was. I
thought for a minute. I remembered it was Christmas
Eve! I knew it was Santa! So
I went to the kitchen to see if
the cookies were gone. Then
I peeked under the Christmas
tree and no presents were
there. I think Santa crashed
with no Rudolph in front because the rope broke.
by Jaelyn Batzlaff
Once upon a time Santa
and his reindeer were flying. They went down to a
house and that house got all
the toys. Everybody else was
mad so they went to the mall
and yelled at Santa. He quit
right then and there. That is
why I did not get everything
I ask for. So it was a sad
Christmas for me.
by Kody Bahr
Once upon a time Santa
was traped in a Blizzerd. The
reindeer couldn’t see anything. Santa tried to use his
magic but it didn’t work so
he tried again and he made
it out of the blizard. He was
happy but then the presents
fell out of the sleigh and he
had to go back to the North
Pole. I was mad because I
didn’t get what I wanted.
Jace Rosenau
by Rylan Bisel
It was Christmas Eve and
Santa and his elves were
packing the presents onto
the sleigh. When they were
done the elves went back to
their little tiny village. Santa
yanked the string attached
to the reindeers harness.
They flew up into the sky.
Everything was perfect till
Santa’s sleigh started beeping. Santa wondered what
was going on. Suddenly the
sleigh dropped to the ground
with a thump. Santa looked
under his sleigh. The engine
was broken. Santa wondered
what he would do. He tried
everything he could but
nothing worked. He was in
the middle of nowhere. Santa
started to worry about the
children waking up and seeing nothing under the tree
except for
needles that
have fallen. Santa was a little
happy because at least he had
cookies to eat. That’s why
Santa didn’t bring me everything I asked for.
by Gabrielle Anderson
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.
Thank you for your trust in us.
On your travels day to day
thank you for visiting us along the way.
18 S. Marshall, Springfield
507-723-4313; 888-484-4814
M-F 9-6; SAT. 9-4
1 - 2 P.M. Daily
Hwy 14 ~ Springfield 723-5721
Page 14 Section 2
Wednesday, December 24, 2014 Springfield Advance-Press
Robert Fink’s Fourth-Grade at Springfield Public School — front, from left: Emma Pingeon, Astrid Ramirez, Jaeli Richert, Courtlyn Runck, Wyatt Schmidt, Fara Weber,
Madison Welch, Dillon Wollin and Isaiah Zamaniego. Back: Chase Bisel, Mr. Fink, Shane Burden, William Corbett, Madyson Digmann, Daniel Groebner, Joseph Jensen,
Alexander Johnson, Sarah Kottke, Dalton Langseth and Paraprofessional Pat Dauer.
‘Christmas means fun when all your family gathers around’
Christmas traditions are important. Traditions
help us bond and reconnect with loved ones,
friends, and neighbors. Traditions help us make
memories and we hold those memories dear to
our hearts. Students in fourth-grade at Springfield
Public School, in classes taught by Bob Fink and
Jill Moriarty, were asked to write essays about
‘What Christmas Means to me.” Their responses
are as follows with grammar and spelling as written:
What Christmas means
to me is spending time with
family, like my cousons,
aunts, uncles and grandmas,
and grandpas. On Christmas
day open our presents then
the next day we go to my
grandmas house and open
presents. Then the next day
we go to my other grandmas
house and open more presents and play outside and eat
delicious food and cookies.
Then all the kids go outside
and have snowball fights and
make snowmen and go sledding. Then when we all have
to go in we have hot chocolate. Then my family goes
back home.
—Courtlyn Runck
Christmas reminds me of
all the presents and the tree.
I like my Grandmas tic-tack
jokes. Ha Ha! I also think of
Santa. My favorite FOOD!!
And then we gather around
and exchange gifts. Thats
fun but then the adults get
to play cards and us kids
play Go-Fish. Well every-
one except me. I play with
legos. P.S. Santas Watching!
Merry Christmas!!
—Dillon Wollin
What Christmas means to
me is opening presents and
seeing my whole family. I
love having snowball fights
with my cousins. I also love
seeing all the lights in town
along with seeing trees because they are so beautiful
and so goodly degrated. I
love grandma’s food it tastes
so good. I love my families
decorations on the tree and
the house. Marry Christmas.
—Wyatt Schmidt
What Christmas means to
me is going sleding with my
brother. Having hot chocolate. Going to my Grandmas
house. Haveing fun with my
family. Opening presents
and building a snowman.
—Joseph Jensen
Wishing you every happiness
this holiday season.
We truly value your business
and look forward to your
continued support.
What Christmas means to
me is spending time with my
family. I love going sledding,
having snowball fights, going Grandmas, and spreading
—Sarah Kottke
What Christmas means
to me is spending time with
my family. And wen we gat
what we want for Christmas
and if we got it we get a trophy.
—William Corbett
What Christmas means to
me is spending my Christmas
with my family and opening
gifts on Christmas. My family and I always put up the
Christmas tree and we always put up Christmas lights
on our house. I love when
my whole family and I watch
movies with eachother. My
mom and sister and I all love
baking cookies with eachother. My family and I all go
down to my Grandma and
Grandpa’s house and celebrate Christmas. My sister
and I love going sleding together. My dad and my sister
and I always make a snowman ever year! When it’s
Christmas Eve I go to church
and sing for everybody!
—Madyson Digmann
Christmas is special to
me for many reasons. I
love to make holiday treats.
Another thing I like to do
during Christmas is to drive
around and look at all the
Christmas lights. I also love
listening to Christmas music
and decorating the tree. But
most of all, I like spending
time with my family and
friends for the holidays!!!
Merry Christmas!
What Christmas means
to me is spending time with
my family. We always have
good food. Sometimes I
build snowman with my sister. My brother and sister
come home. On Christmas
Eve I sing in choir at church.
I wake up in the morning
and open presents. In the
after noon I go to my dads
and open presents. Merry
—Emma Pingeon
What Christmas means to
me is spending time with my
family. Opening presents
with my family. Puting up
the tree and the decorations.
Driving around with my family and looking at lights. We
love to drink Hot Chocolate.
To have snowball fights with
friends and family. Going to
home town Christmas. We
go to my grandmas house
and geting fat on food.
Merry Christmas everyone!
What Christmas means to
me is getting an giving gifts,
spending time with my family, playing games, building
snow forts, having snowball
fights, setting up the tree,
eating food, and listening to
Christmas carols. I also like
Christmas because it brings
people together.
—Shane Burden
What Christmas means
to me is going u p to my
grandmas house and eating
food and later we would go
down in the basement and
we would open presents
and then me and my brother
would go and play with our
new presents and then we
would go and talk a little bit
and then we would go home.
—Chase Bisel
—Madison Welch
Christmas is special to me
because I get to spend time
with my family and friends.
I love my mom’s Christmas
cookies and building snowmen with my brothers and
sister. I like having snow
fights. Then we go to sleep
and in the morning we open
Thank you for your
continued friendship
and support. It’s been
a pleasure serving you
this past year. We look
forward to assisting you
in the coming year.
—Daniel Groebner
to have a wonderful Holiday Season!
Merry Christmas &
Happy New Year
May your Christmas holiday
Be filled with glad tidings every day.
And when the holiday is through,
May our best wishes remain with you!
Springfield | Lamberton
—Astrid Ramirez
—Dalton Langseth
Interior Accents
What Christmas means
to me is spending time with
my family. Giving gifts to
your friends. Just having a
fun time. It’s not about receiving. It’s about celeabreting Jesus. So that’s what
Christmas means to me.
What Christmas means to
me is about spending time
with my family and opening gifts. We always have
a family dinner. We usually
put up Christmas lights but
we are not doing it this year.
Every year we have a lot of
fun putting up Christmas
trees and we all have one in
our room. At night we go to
church to sing. The night
before Christmas we make
delicious cookies. When we
are done opening presents
we like to watch the movie
—Jaeli Richert
When I think of Christmas
I think of eating food by the
Christmas tree, opening
present and eating the best
food ever. My favorite foods
at Christmas is meat balls,
mashed potatoes and carrots
with swets and playing with
new toys.
Dr. Adam Beers, Dr. Stephen Danielson,
Megan, Sommer, Jess, Kelly, Randee, Marti, Nancy, Julie, Sue & Laura
—Isaiah Zamaniego
—Fara Weber
Mike & Carol
Carol Jacoby
What I enjoy about
Christmas is opening presents and spending time together after Christmas. My
family and I go to Mexico.
Springfield Co-op Creamery
Sleepy Eye Division
Steve, Kevin, Ed, Peggy and Jaime
Steve, Gerald, Lonnie, Rich, Paul, Brian, and Josh
Steve Helget, Manager
507-723-5560 ~ Springfield
507-794-3831 ~ Sleepy Eye
Springfield Advance-Press
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Section 2 Page 15
‘Christmas is like a gift wrapped greatly’
Decorating the Christmas tree, baking cookies, giving and receiving presents, family gatherings and special times during the holidays become
traditions. Christmas traditions are important.
Traditions help us bond and reconnect with loved
ones, friends, and neighbors. Traditions help us
make memories and we hold those memories dear
to our hearts.
Students in fourth-grade at Springfield Public
School, in classes taught by Jill Moriarty and Bob
Fink, were asked to write essays about ‘What
Christmas Means to me.” Their responses are as
follows with grammar and spelling as written:
To me Christmas is joy,
getting gifts and giving
gifts to people that deserve
it. Christmas to me is not
about getting gifts it’s about
having fun with your family
and relatives but I still like
the presents and that is what
Christmas means to me.
—Ariel Sayavong
Christmas is fun and
happy to me because I get
presents. Christmas is a
bit boring because we sing
Jingle Bells but I love the
song Rudolph the RedNosed Reindeer. I love doing battles. And it’s a time
to spend time with relatives,
I personally would rather unwrap presents with P.J.’s that
going to hunt for them. Also,
I love Christmas!
—AJ Martinez
Christmas means to me
when Jesus was born and to
have lots of love and to get
lots of presents and decorate the Christmas tree and
have hot apple cider. The
night before Christmas I go
to church and hold candles
and pray to god and sing
Christmas songs. The next
morning we wake up and
there are lots of presents under the tree and then we go
to my grandmas house to celebrate Christmas.
—Kaleb Wenisch
What Christmas means
to me is spending time with
my family. We all gather,
play games, and come talk
and just know we’re lucky to
have such a wonderful family to have on such an important holiday. Christmas is a
great holiday to spend time
with your family. I would
never choose anything else
but to spend time with my
caring and loving family I
have. Family is to important to choose over. I always
enjoy Christmas. —Jordyn
Christmas is a time to
share love and joy. It’s a
time to spend with your family. It’s not all about presents. It’s about love, spreading joy, giving other people
presents and donating to
charity. Even a pair of shoes
would make a kid smile.
Spread the joy all around
you. Make people happy!
Not just yourself! But to everyone! That’s what I think
Christmas is about! Believe
and never stop!
—Erica Jennings
What Christmas means to
me is getting cool presents
and being with family that
I don’t see often. I like to
have good foods. My family knows what to get me and
are surprised of what they
get. Christmas helps get our
family together.
—Nic Mays
What Christmas means
to me is presents and when
everyone gathers around
the Christmas tree and open
presents. So that is what
Christmas means to me.
—Ryan Hinrichs
Christmas is a time for
sharing and joy. Christmas
to me is not a time for presents and toys! It’s a time
for spending with your
family, but I’m not saying presents aren’t important on Christmas morning.
Spending time with all your
relitives is something to cherish. That is what Christmas
is to me.
—Brenna Pabst
Christmas is like a gift
wrapped greatly!
Christmas is about spending
time with relatives but don’t
forget about the hot cocoa!
Ha, Ha! Well now lets get
back to it, giving and getting
is fun too! So ho, ho, ho and
Merry Christmas to all!
—Kierin Lafferty
Christmas is a warm fire
and some hot chocolate and
presents and spending time
with my family and relatives.
That is what Christmas
means to me.
—Damian Honeman
To me Christmas means
joy, getting together with my
family, fun, school break,
giving and getting. Every
year my whole family picks
who we have to get presents
for. We also pick who has
to make an ornament for the
person we pick. That’s what
Christmas means to me.
Jill Moriarty’s Fourth-Grade at Springfield Public School — front, from left: Madison Wester, Annie Holles, Erica
Jennings and Damian Honeman. Second row: Nic Mays, Kaleb Wenisch, Ariel Sayavong, Theodore Anderson
and A.J. Martinez. Third row: Lexie Groebner, Ethan Louwagie, KayLynn Sanderville, Zach Vogel and Ryan
Hinrichs. Back: Carter Asmus, MaCoy Krick, Kierin Lafferty, Brenna Pabst, Jordyn Menage and Mrs. Moriarity.
To me, Christmas means
to get presents and to give
joy to all the kids. Christmas
is not all about presents.
It’s about hanging out with
your family. That’s what
Christmas means to me.
To me, Christmas is a time
to give. It is also a time to
come and honor Jesus. Not
that presents aren’t important. It’s just that I think
Christmas is a lot more about
giving than getting.
What Christmas means
to me is that it’s nice to sit
down with your family and
talk to them. It’s nice to see
my family before they leave.
Also because it’s an important part of life. Most people
think it’s about getting the
gifts. It’s hard not to see your
family as much as you want.
It’s a time to thank Jesus. It’s
nice to think how Jesus felt,
because it’s Jesus’s birthday.
Also you want to sit down
and pray with your family.
What Christmas means to
me is my family getting together and opening presents
while my little brother is
running around with his new
toys and a cookie in his hand.
I also like seeing the gifts
that other people get too.
—Theodore Anderson
—KayLynn Sanderville
I love Christmas because
I get to spend time with my
family and of course my new
cool toys and playing with
my cousins. Going outside
and begging to open one,
only one, of my gifts but my
mom says no every time!
—Zach Vogel
—Annie Holles
—Lexie Groebner
What I do in Christmas is
I get to eat ham, cookies, and
dressing. Then we put the
Christmas tree up. When we
wake up in the morning we
open our presents and then
we pray to God.
—MaCoy Krick
Christmas is a time to
get together and spend time
with family. Christmas also
means joy. —Carter Asmus
—Ethan Louwagie
He Is Born!
May your heart be lifted
in praise this Christmas
for the wonderful gift
of Jesus and the joy He
brings to our lives.
We extend our sincere
appreciation to all who
helped in any way and
contributed to the
Springfield Nativity
Have a wonderful Christmas
and a Blessed New Year
S. A. N. T. A. S. A. N. T. A. S. A. N. T. A.
Springfield Area Nativity Theatre Association
The Spirit is Building!
Wishing you and your family an old-fashioned Christmas
filled with lots of friends, festivity and fun.
Your friendship has made doing business fun for us
and for your support we are deeply grateful.
From All Of Us To All Of You
Mason Amundson
Shawn Anderson
Francis Bernardy
Peter Bernardy
Matthew Dellwo
Matthew Hardin
Dan Hillesheim
Lynn Hillesheim
Scott Hillesheim
Tim Hillesheim
Thomas Kissner
Jonathan Krinke
Monica Luckhardt
Lindsey Lund
Jeffery McMath
Jennie Morash
Jared Nelson
Christopher Rothmeier
Mike Rothmeier
Dillon Thooft
Richard Tietz
Brian Treml
Mitchell Treml
Sadie Vogel
Springfield – 507-723-2230
Morgan – 800-249-1021
Comfrey – 877-877-2026
Redwood Falls – 866-644-5767
“Your lumber yard that is here to stay!”
Page 16 Section 2
Wednesday, December 24, 2014 Springfield Advance-Press
Lorna Thorston — some people call her the Cookie Lady and
others call her the Cookie Angel.
That’s because Mrs. Thorston
bakes cookies — lots of cookies
— and distributes them freely.
“They just disappear,” Lorna
said during a recent interview.
“When someone comes by, I give
them a bag of cookies, wish them
God’s blessings, and they go on
their merry way.”
It’s a sweet thing to do, and
it keeps her active and engaged
in her community. At age 96,
Lorna is grateful for good health,
family and friends. “I am glad I
can get up every morning, walk
the halls, take out the garbage,
and make my own breakfast,”
she said. After breakfast, Lorna
listens to devotions on Radio
Station KJLY. “That takes care
of my planned day,” said Lorna,
who lives independently in an
apartment at Downtown Estates
on O’Connell Avenue.
Then, quite often, she bakes
sugar cookies. Her favorite recipe makes a large batch of 13 dozen cookies, and takes her about
four and a half hours. “I don’t
bake cookies every day,” she
commented. But, surely a couple
times a week.
Occasionally, she’ll make raisin oatmeal cookies.
Lorna used to take cookies
when she visited residents at
St. John Lutheran Home. That
ceased about two years ago, when
she sold her car. “I determined
that I was no longer a responsible
driver,” she said, but admitted that
she does miss the independence
associated with having a car.
Lorna moved from the family
farm in Sundown Township to an
apartment in town in April 2013.
The farm housewife and mother
of four — two sons, Clair and
Gene, who live in Springfield,
and daughters, Marlene Meyers,
who lives in New Richland,
and Jackie Falter, who lives in
Syracuse, N.Y., she always did
lots of baking for her family.
Baking cookies and giving
them to others gives her enjoyment. “Everybody likes cookies,”
Lorna said. “Some will stop every
day and get some cookies. Some
come twice a week.
“Winter perks their appetite,”
she noted.
Lorna Thorston
Lorna Thorston’s
Sugar Cookies
1 lb. butter, or (½ butter
and ½ margarine)
3 c. sugar
3 eggs
1 c. sour cream
½ tsp. salt
1 tsp. soda
1 tsp. vanilla
7 c flour
Beat butter and gradually add sugar, then eggs, sour cream, salt, soda
and vanilla. Mix in the flour. (I use mixer to blend ingredients and some of
the flour, and then finish stirring by hand.) Refrigerate dough at least
four hours. Roll out on a floured cloth. Bake about 14-15 minutes.
To our patients, associates and friends go our best wishes
for a happy and healthy holiday season,
trimmed with the blessings of peace, love and joy.
We value your trust in us,
and are proud to serve you all year long.
Family Medicine Providers
Kristina Carlson, NP
Dr. Kelsey Nylander
Ashley Schmitt, NP
Dr. Jennifer White
Emergency Providers
Dr. Jan Adams
Angela Bentley, NP
Dr. Ruth Bolton
Kevin Galopin, PA
Tim Krueger, NP
Janice Shelton, PA
Scott Thoreson
Jenny Kettner
Kim Gluth
Dawn Buddensiek
Medical Director
Dr. Jennifer Langbehn
Clinic Nursing
Emily Anderson
Teresa Hensch
Becky Hillesheim
Rhonda Ludewig
Sandy Lund
Sheila Nachreiner
Sara Rogotzke
Pat Simonson
Jennifer Taylor
Susan West
Darlene Fretham
Linda Carruthers
Environmental Services
Charlene Bedner
Catherine Berberich
Janet Groff
Deb Miesen
Mary Simonson
Mary Veenstra
Hospital Nursing
Kim Anderson
Louise Beranek
Emily Braun
MarKay Christensen
Danita Evans
Amanda Goblish
Amanda Groebner
Cassandra Halter
Rose Haseleu
Amanda Jacobsen
Maggie Jensen
Stephanie Jensen
Courtney Kuehn
Kris Lorenzen
Megan Larsen
Heidi McCone
Lois Meine
Kristin Moody
Lisa Nickel
Barbara Rogotzke
Stacia Rosenau
Becky Veenstra
Carli Waznik
Sue Wells
Angie Wilkinson
Lindsey Zandonadi
Joni Deibele
Dirk Nibbe
Jim Rogotzke
Greg Smith
Health Information
Denise Koziol
Julie Ries
Jamie Wenisch
Infection Prevention
Diane Hauth
IT Services
Kurt Soderholm
Anna Deacy
Kim Fox
Sarah Heglund
Jake Heil
Megan Hirsch
Jessica Nachreiner
Grant Goeman
Nicole Gransee
Michelle Green
Kay Krueger
Heather Liesenfeld
Rhonda Mickelson
Chastity Schultz
Beth Schaffran
Kathy Tessmer
Melanie Vogel
Pastoral Care
Chaplain Lyla Klee
Pastor David Fretham
Patient Access
Jan Benedict
Jenni Runck
Pam Schafer
Jill Weisensel
Kristina Dittrich
Christina Jensen
Physical Medicine
Ariel Brandl
Darcie Rinne
Cliff Heglund
Edie Leasman
Shayna Miller
Melissa Wegscheid
Anne Wenisch
Courtney Nelson
Denise Reiner
Social Services
Lori Sodeman
Supply Chain Mgmt.
Pauline Roberts
Maria Flor
Community Board
Keith Olson
Sharon Pieschel
Becky Tonn
Phil Weller
Quality Committee
Dotty de Lambert
Sharon Pieschel
Paula Roiger
Becky Tonn
Foundation Board
Jennifer Asmus
Susan Imker
Jeff Kuehn
Lee Mammen
Paul Pieschel
Rosanne Plotz
Kim Shoen
Charles Tews
Phil Weller
James Asmus
Elva Asmus
Carol Carlson
Stephanie Jensen
Monte Krueger
Carlotta Lindeman
Ben Luense
VerJean Luense
Jan Meine
Mike Reiner
Russ Rogotzke
Ron Sturm