Annual Report - Lancaster County Conservancy
Annual Report - Lancaster County Conservancy
FRONT COVER 2014 a nnua l rep ort 2 h the lancaster county conservancy cover photo: steinman run 3 h the lancaster county conservancy mission Because clean air, fresh water, and wild places are vital to every generation let ter from the ce o/co o Dear Members and Friends of the Lancaster County Conservancy, Thank you for your support, dedication, and investment in our mission. A year’s worth of accomplishments, collaborations, and growth is available in our annual report. We are indeed fortunate to be associated with a talented and passionate donor base, Board of Directors, staff, and growing volunteer support. This past year offered its share of challenges while at the same time provided many opportunities. At this time last year, we set into motion our Strategic Plan with goals driving us to Protect, Sustain, Engage, and Advocate. Our mission directs us: Because clean air, fresh water, and wild places are vital to every generation. This strategic plan became our roadmap for our yearly work plans, quarterly assessments, and daily progress. Through closer analysis you will discern our focus: The here and now, as well as our future legacy, and conservation efforts tied directly to our youth. Conservation is the choice to Protect special places for present and future generations. It is our choice to safeguard water, care for wildlife, and preserve forests and natural land mike burcin while maintaining the natural beauty of Lancaster County. Those who conserve their land create a profound legacy. Whether forests, meadows, or mountains, they offer a gift that will resonate through time. We continue to work with PPL to further the Susquehanna Riverlands acquisitions and land transfer. We have made a concerted effort to expand our volunteer base which has brought 175 individuals ready to steward our 5,000 acres. In a time of environmental and economic challenges, the need to Engage our community, providers, funders, and likeminded people is never more important than it is today. Take a quick glance at what’s been happening: continues 2014 annual report h Presentations: 25…Community organizations, clubs, businesses, public and private schools. Workshops: 4…Volunteer Land Stewards, public and private schools and instructors. Field Trips: 12…Lancaster City and Penn Manor School District, Headstart, Arbor Place, Crispus Attucks, Chestnut Hill Daycare, Millersville University. Consulting: Millersville University, local scout troops, FERC and pipeline related, home owners and developers– storm water native plant related. Testifying: Environmental Impact—Pipeline, Local and State funders. Higher Education Partnerships: Millersville University, Franklin & Marshall College, and Thaddeus Stevens College. Community Partnerships: Alcoa, Armstrong World Industries, PaDCNR, DEP, Donegal Trout Unlimited, Hershey Company, Lancaster County Community Foundation, Lancaster County Parks, Lancaster City storm water initiatives, Lancaster Recreation Commission, North Museum, Pennsylvania Master Naturalist, Stroud Water Research Center, Wolf Museum, and local scout troops. headstart children gathering fall leaves Use of our website and social media: We averaged 3,000 hits per month on our website, 6 newspaper articles, and 1 Learning Matters (WGAL) television story. It is becoming clear that the Lancaster County Conservancy is a major player in our community. We strive to provide direct programming and contact while motivating and empowering others to do the same. Community organizations, agencies, continues 5 6 h the lancaster county conservancy looking for fish! public and private schools, colleges and universities, environmental education providers, elected officials, corporate and business leaders, and scouts, have been and will continue to be partners and collaborators. During this past year the need to Advocate on behalf of protected natural places became a major focus, consuming time and attention on a daily basis. We quickly learned of our community’s capacity to make their voices heard while protecting natural places in Lancaster County. We collaborated with a varied population base while providing direction in dealing with pipeline companies, FERC, elected officials, and our community at large. We forged relationships and partnerships which will continue to benefit our organization and community. Our capacity to Sustain the Lancaster County Conservancy broadens through an ever-expanding dedicated donor base, business and corporate partners, and volunteers. We continue to seek funding to secure natural land while realizing our conservation mission. The Susquehanna Riverlands Education and Research Center at Climbers Run Nature Preserve has become a source of attention, community excitement, and income. If we want future generations to carry on the work of conservation, then we must pay attention to what is happening with our youth. To make conservation efforts endure, we must emotionally connect children to nature. Children need nature and nature needs children. Thank you, Mike Burcin CEO/COO, Director of Education trout run 7 h the lancaster county conservancy 2014 HIG HLI GH TS 9 h the lancaster county conservancy l and prote c t ion letter from the executive director PPL PHASE 2B Shenks Ferry Wildflower Preserve and Otter Creek O n April 30, 2014, the Conservancy acquired 195 acres of land, forming part of the Shenks Ferry Wildflower Preserve in Conestoga Township, Lancaster County and the Otter Creek Nature Preserve in Lower Chanceford and Chanceford Townships in York County, from PPL. F unding was provided by The Conservation Fund and PaDCNR. The purchase price of $951,426 was donated by PPL to the Ralph H. Goodno Endowment Fund for stewardship, enhancement, and protection of the Susquehanna Riverlands. Contributions made by PPL to this restricted fund now total $5,219,472. otter creek T he Otter Creek lands are adjacent to lands owned by PaDCNR which include the Urey Overlook, and the forested buffer and upland forests adjacent to Otter Creek. T he Shenks Ferry Wildflower Preserve is a nationally known native wildflower preserve visited by thousands of people, and the subject of much academic research. l a n d prote c t ion 10 h the lancaster county conservancy letter from the executive director As a direct result of the generous support of our donors we were able to preserve additional lands and protect our preserves this year. The Rock Springs gas and water lines and the Atlantic Sunrise gas pipeline. 2014 brought the unexpected challenges associated with 3 pipeline projects proposed to impact our preserves and other forested lands. The Rock Springs Project included an initial proposal for crossing an old growth section of our Fishing Creek Preserve with a gas line and a proposal for a water line impacting our Rock Springs Preserve. The Atlantic Sunrise Project was initially proposed to bisect our Tucquan Glen Preserve and the newly acquired Shenks Ferry Wildflower Preserve and later proposed to impact Steinman Run. We worked with staff, volunteers, state and national government, citizens, local government, non-profits, national agencies and organizations, and the pipeline companies to develop alternative approaches. This work resulted in the current plans for these pipelines which now avoid our preserves and reduce the permanent impact on our scarce forests which play such an important role in providing clean air and water to Lancastrians. 11 h the lancaster county conservancy lock 12 shenks ferry The Conservancy helped preserve Shenks Ferry, Tucquan Glen and Rock Springs Preserves from unexpected challenges from proposed pipelines. 12 h the lancaster county conservancy wrightsville bridge market house in columbia susquehanna riverlands kayakers 13 h the lancaster county conservancy l and prote c t ion 2014 annual report h Conservation Landscape The Conservancy serves as the external lead to the PaDCNR Susquehanna Riverlands Conservation Landscape work. This work includes land protection; marketing and tourism development; cultural resources identification, research, and protection; trail development and management; outreach and public events; and running a minigrant program to support these efforts. Funding is provided by a grant from PaDCNR, the Ralph H. Goodno Endowment Fund, donors like you, and other foundations and funders. We work closely with PaDCNR, the National Park Service, Lancaster and York Counties, Susquehanna Gateway Heritage Area, business leaders, hiking and other organizations, local government leaders, the Indian Steps Museum, York Farm and Natural Lands Trust, and others who work and play within the Susquehanna Riverlands. These efforts protect our water resources and the Chesapeake Bay, our air quality, habitat and habitat corridors, and cultural resources, and provide for enhanced recreation, heritage tourism and economic growth within the region and the river towns. 13 s te wa rd s hip 14 h the lancaster county conservancy Ongoing Investment in Volunteer Education and Outreach Volunteer Land Steward Workshop: D elivered a successful 2nd year Volunteer Land Steward Workshop providing education topics such as tree identification, invasive species identification and management M ore than 50 volunteers to date signed up with our Volunteer Land Steward Program O ngoing training increased volunteers’ understanding of the natural world and active stewardship management of preserves O ver 100 volunteers stepped forward to help with general stewardship, mailings and more to support LCC’s mission scout project - texter mountain pond at climbers run nature preserve s te wa rd s hip 15 h the lancaster county conservancy Stewardship Activities that Give Back to Nature While Providing Public Benefit Rain Gardens & Restoration: I mplemented rain garden projects at Climbers Run and Welsh Mountain Nature Preserves and in Lancaster City I mplemented additional stormwater initiatives including dry creeks, rain barrels, riparian buffers, and meadows on preserves and through joint partner projects P rojects demonstrate tangible ways the public can safeguard local water resources and protect the Chesapeake Bay while creating valuable wildlife habitat 2014 annual report h New Parking Areas, Trails & Kiosks: C oordinated the new Welsh Mountain parking lot project working with East Earl Township and the Welsh Mountain Committee S couts and the Stewardship Crew installed two kiosks on the Steinman Run and Fishing Creek Preserves Added 2.5 miles of trails for public use on the Turkey Hill Trail from the Enola Grade access to the Safe Harbor Preserve parking area S tewardship Crew constructed 1.5 miles of new trail at the Welsh Mountain Preserve P rojects offer greater public access to beautiful natural areas for scenic and recreational use 15 s te ward s hip 16 h the lancaster county conservancy Ongoing Stewardship Activities Engage All Ages Conservation Easements O rganized and coordinated 15+ stewardship Monitored LCC’s 67 conservation easements in activities throughout the year on various preserves E vents were organized with the scouts, and both the Great PA Cleanup and the Day of Caring gave the community an opportunity to clean-up trash, remove invasive species, plant native trees, and to help with trail maintenance We appreciate the work and support of LCC’s dedicated volunteers. They continue to be a tremendous resource for the Conservancy 11 townships Provided information to landowners on topics including wildlife habitat programs, riparian buffer maintenance, and forest management planning to protect conservation values of our easements Our ongoing easement monitoring program builds positive relationships with landowners to help protect over 900 acres of private and public natural lands held in conservation easements winter sky over steinman ridge 17 h the lancaster county conservancy u r ba n g re ening Through generous support from donors like you, the Urban Greening program continues to expand our efforts around education about stormwater throughout Lancaster County. Residential Green Infrastructure: Our Urban Greening program leveraged several partnerships in 2014 to expand our ability to show local residents how the use of simple techniques such as rain barrels, rain gardens, and infiltration trenches can be used to capture and retain water flow from homes. With good planning these approaches can be affordably implemented in a way that helps municipalities achieve their stormwater goals while beautifying properties. wolf museum – newly planted rain garden holding water from adjacent building during first significant rainfall The Lancaster County Conservancy worked with the Wolf Museum (City of Lancaster, 423 W Chestnut Street) to create a public demonstration green infrastructure project in their native plant garden capturing over 40,000 gallons per year off an adjacent property. This demonstration site has hosted multiple tours and events reaching over 300 people in the first nine months after completion. 2014 annual report h Key accomplishments Supported the implementation of the City of Lancaster Green Infrastructure plan and Save It campaign with City focused programs that reach property owners; with a strategic focus on residential property owners, churches, and schools during 2014 we worked directly with an average of 50 people per month while reaching over 600 local residents per month via the web portal and social media. Expanded outreach from the City of Lancaster to include municipalities along the Conestoga, Little Conestoga and Susquehanna Rivers. Assisted in outreach to municipal officials and the implementation of residential green infrastructure projects in Lancaster Township, Manor Township, Columbia Borough, and Marietta Borough in Lancaster County and Wrightsville Borough and Hellam Township in York County. wolf museum - rain garden at the peak of growing season 19 e du cat ion letter from the executive director Our focus remains Connect people with nature…create extended and personal and extended experiences in nature…support the advancement of an environmental ethic in Lancaster County. In 2014 we expanded our ability to provide direct environmental education programming while motivating and enabling others to do the same. Master Naturalist Certification– Our second class of trainees, 18 students, will provide over 500 hours of community service in Lancaster County in 2015 and over 2,000 hours over the next 3 years. Collaboration for this program included Millersville University, Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster County Parks, the Lancaster Herpetological Society, and Pennsylvania Master Naturalist. Focus areas include youth education, protection and enhancement of our natural areas, especially forest, stream, and riparian buffer health, and urban projects that benefit the public. dr. john wallace & mu students conduct field study at climbers run 2013 annual report h Upstream/Downstream – Two middle schools, Wheatland and Marticville, were provided the opportunity to learn and experience Lancaster County impacts on our local, state, and Chesapeake Bay watershed. Fifty students and five instructors took part in pre-teaching units, pre and post assessments, field trips and hands on activities in Lancaster City, Climbers Run Nature Preserve, and Arthur Sherwood State Park in Annapolis, Maryland. Field Trips and Field Experiences Students of all ages were provided the opportunity to experience LCC preserves and programming. Four year old children from Lancaster Headstart…Fourth graders from James Buchanan Elementary…Elementary and middle school age children from Arbor Place, Crispus Attucks, Chestnut Hill Daycare, and Lancaster Rec…Middle School students from Wheatland and Marticville…High school students from Penn Manor…College students and instructors from Millersville University and Franklin and Marshall College. upstream/downstream: wheatland middle school field experience children from crispus attucks enjoy stream study 21 22 h the lancaster county conservancy e du cat ion Climbers Run Nature Preserve BioBlitz College, high school and elementary students, instructors, toddlers, parents, scientists, citizen scientists, volunteers, local organizations, and community members joined together to tally over 460 species of birds, fishes, fungi, herbs, invertebrates, mammals, and plants. Collaborators included Millersville University, LCC Staff, members and volunteers, and Pennsylvania Master Naturalist trainees. Participants were provided a rich learning experience and opportunities to learn about, connect, and enjoy nature. kids and mentors experience the bioblitz This activity allowed us to launch the Susquehanna Riverlands Education and Research Center. This is just the beginning of our ability to serve all of Lancaster County. wheatland middle school students canoeing to gather data l et ter from curt i s the mil ler, t re a su rer letter from executive director With continued community support, the Conservancy added significantly to the total acreage within our preserve system in 2014. This increase in protected acres ensures that current and future generations can experience nature close to home. The Conservancy also maintained critical program funding which resulted in a balanced operating budget. We made significant improvements at Climbers Run and Welsh Mountain Nature Preserves during the year as well. In the city, our urban greening program continued strong collaborative green infrastructure projects. We present this summary information to help our supporters understand our organizational activity. I am pleased to report that the Conservancy acquired 195 more acres of land during 2014, continuing to make formative outdoor opportunities a reality. These acquisitions were made possible with funding from PA Department of Conservation & Natural Resources, PPL, and The Conservation Fund. We continue the stewardship of all 5,278 acres in our system as well. the next generation loves getting out of doors During 2014, the Conservancy made major facility improvements at Climbers Run, allowing us to unlock its potential for environmental education. Our supporters embraced the excitement about Climbers Run with focused support that allowed us to make $172,000 in improvements there. Our Harvest Moon donors also gave an incredible $44,625 for summer day camps for kids. In addition, “I value the Conservancy’s preserves as places where my children can experience nature.” 2014 annual report h volunteers donated countless hours of time at Climbers. Many more plans are underway and plenty of opportunities remain to make a difference with this exciting project. With the continued help of our donors and community partners, we made strong progress to improve access to the Welsh Mountain Nature Preserve during 2014. The parking lot was completed and can accommodate visitors in cars as well as school buses. Handicapped users have special spaces, and we completed the mapping of a special handicapped accessible trail. Ongoing trail system upgrades protect users and sensitive natural features. A financial highlight of 2014 was that our contributors helped us exceed our operations goal, resulting in a modest operating surplus. We are tremendously grateful for this fundamental support of Conservancy activities that allows us to continue carrying out our mission: Because clean air, fresh water, and wild places are vital to every generation. I owe my love of nature partially to the fact that I could experience and explore nature out my back door as a child growing up in Lancaster County. Over time, it has certainly become harder to find wild places with public access in Lancaster County. Now, as the father of young children, I value the Conservancy’s preserves as places where my children can experience nature. I’m certain my children are not alone in needing places to develop a love of nature. The Conservancy owes our stability and growth to our supporters. We thank them for their investment in land conservation and in our community. We are excited about the future of the Conservancy and pledge to continue to use our resources wisely and effectively. squirrel corn, a native wildflower 25 201 4 F I NA N C I A LS letter from the executive director ( p re -au d it ) 4% SPECIAL EVENTS $85,053 4% URBAN GREENING 2% $98,181 OTHER INCOME SPECIAL EVENTS $33,400 5% $42,867 2% EDUCATION $119,460 5% DEVELOPMENT 13% $109,479 RELEASED FROM RESTRICTION 43% REVENUE $302,796 LAND PROTECTION GRANTS $978,186 22% OPERATIONAL GRANTS 9% GENERAL OPERATIONS EXPENDITURES $197,770 24% STEWARDSHIP $493,945 16% $522,315 51% LAND PROTECTION DONOR CONTRIBUTIONS 2014 UNRESTRICTED REVENUE $2,258,038 $355,191 2014 EXPENDITURES $2,211,616 $1,131,011 15% 21% RG GOODNO RIVERLANDS FUND 75% REAL ESTATE $5,365,107 $27,409,752 TEMPORARY RESTRICTED FUNDS $7,731,747 5% PP&L RECEIVABLES 78% UNRESTRICTED NET ASSETS $28,288,726 $1,762,074 2% 0.5% CASH $707,956 ASSETS 2% VANGUARD STEWARDSHIP FUND $620,874 LIABILITIES & CAPITAL DEFERRED INCOME $146,643 0.5% OTHER LIABILITIES $156,770 1% OTHER ASSETS $458,123 2014 ASSETS $36,323,886 2014 LIABILITIES & CAPITAL $36,323,886 201 4 F I NA N C I A LS ( p re -au d it ) 2% 6 YEAR ASSET GROWTH 11% 7% 3% 39% 2009 $20,864,061 2010 $29,053,233 2011 $31,194,682 2012 $32,028,023 2013 $35,502,975 2014 $36,323,886 201 4 d onor s We sincerely thank our community of generous supporters for all they do to further the Conservancy’s work of protecting and stewarding our natural lands, greening our cities, and sharing nature with children. $50,000 - $499,999 PA Department of Conservation & Natural Resources PPL Contribution to the RH Goodno Riverlands Fund Thomas A. and Georgina T. Russo Family Foundation $25,000 - $49,999 Caernarvon Township City of Lancaster $10,000 - $24,999 Mr. Andrew Hooker Appel Chesapeake Bay Commission East Earl Township Mr. and Mrs. William K. Ebel, Jr. Mr. J. Michael Flanagan Mr. and Mrs. James Flanagan Mr. and Mrs. William R. Gamber II Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Gardner, Jr. Hershey Company Keith Campbell Foundation Lancaster County Community Foundation M. Brooke Minnich and Peter Parsil Mr. and Mrs. Eric A. Nordstrom Steinman Foundation Mr. Daniel S. Sweigart $5,000 - $9,999 Armstrong Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William H. Calder, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Castagna Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy H. Chase County of Lancaster Mrs. Arthur B. Dodge, Jr. Sarah Young Fisher The Estate of Charles and Millicent Holzinger Lancaster County Solid Waste Management Authority Mr. Herbert S. Long Julianne McNamara and Bess Mann Mrs. Saranna B. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Petersen Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Sandt Mr. and Mrs. F. Barry Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Stockwell Turkey Hill Dairy, Inc. Willis and Elsie Shenk Foundation $2,500 - $4,999 Alcoa, Inc. Barshinger Family Foundation Benecon Mrs. Joseph H. Bumsted Ms. Andrea Campbell In Memory of A. E. Keener Full Circle Recycling, Inc Mr. and Mrs. Kent Habecker Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Hall Dr. and Mrs. Henry W. Huffnagle Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Kaiser Mr. B. Duane Lease Mr. Guy L. Martin Mr. Richard A. Minnich Pennsylvania Power & Light Ms. Diane Rahardja Rettew Associates, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Rice Sara Lamichane Family Dentistry Mr. Larry Schultz Dr. and Mrs. Gary W. Seldomridge Ms. Lucille G. Steele Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Walmer Mr. and Mrs. Isaac H. Weaver Douglas Weidman and Linda Lestz Mr. and Mrs. E. Philip Wenger $1,000 - $2,499 Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Abel Mr. and Mrs. Eric N. Athey Jim and Joy Bounds Ms. Beth Y. Bowers Anne L. and Robert K. Bowman Foundation Dr. and Mrs. John H. Bowman Mr. Joseph T. Breneman II Mr. and Mrs. James E. Brown Dr. and Mrs. Paul E. Brubaker Mr. and Mrs. Michael Burcin Dr. Brenda and Mr. Joseph DeLuca Dr. and Mrs. David R. Dobbins Dobson Foundation Mr. and Mrs. G. Yale Eastman Mr. and Mrs. James D. Eby 2014 annual report h Sarah and Dudley Feltham Fulton Bank Mr. and Mrs. John W. Garrett Dr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Good Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Grimm Patricia Haverstick and Kreg Weaver Highmark Construction, LLC Mrs. Caroline Nunan Hill Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Kahler KPMG Mr. and Mrs. George H. Kratzert Mr. Tyler A. Kreider Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lutz Murray Securus Lee Nettke-Martin and Barry Martin Paul Risk Associates, Inc. Mr. W. Edward Pederson Ellen and Carl Pike R. S. Reidenbaugh Corporation Mrs. D. Eugene Rannels RLPS Architects Mr. and Mrs. Donald K. Roseman, Jr. Ms. Eudora K. Roseman Tracy Salinger-Long and Fred Long Angela and Todd Sargent Mr. Robert A. Siever Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Simmons Mr. and Mrs. Ted F. Simpson Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott Smith Suk Shuglie Gallery Susquehanna Bank Mr. and Mrs. Clark Tomlinson Mr. and Mrs. Max B. Tribble Unique Limousine, Inc. Stefanie B. Valar and Edward A. Hauck Mrs. Sarah N. Vanderslice Dr. and Mrs. John E. Warnock Mrs. Frank H. Wint Ms. Dorothy G. Witmer Wolf Museum $500 - $999 Mr. and Mrs. William W. Adams Atomic Design Dr. and Mrs. Larien G. Bieber Jill and Jim Brewster Mrs. Linda Newman Brown, ASID Mrs. Margot L. Brubaker Mary S. Burton and Laurent N. Horne Cargill Cocoa & Chocolate Clair Global Mr. and Mrs. Forrest F. Collier III Conestoga Oral Surgery, Ltd. Mr. Thomas Hills Cook Jim and Dawn Cox Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Cross Danville German Society Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas Dunlevy Erb Brothers Landscaping, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn W. Forman Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Fulmer Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Gabriel Ganse Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jack S. Gerhart Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G. Gibbs Mr. and Mrs. John M. Hallgren The High Companies Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Houghton Illinois Tool Works Foundation j. a. Sharp Custom Jeweler Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Jackson Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Justice Mr. and Mrs. Timothy L. Kauffman Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Krasne Manish and Sara Lamichane Lancaster County Bird Club Lancaster General Health Lancaster Road Runners Club Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Lardner Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Legenstein Mr. and Mrs. Richard Levengood Mr. and Mrs. S. Todd Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Limpert Mr. and Mrs. Garry L. Longenecker Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Mann Mr. and Mrs. Loren L. Martin Mrs. Edith May Mr. and Mrs. John McGrann Mr. and Mrs. Gary Melchionni Mr. and Mrs. Curtis L. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mueller Ms. Pamela Martin Nelson Ms. Mary Lee Nissley Octoraro Native Plant Nursery, Inc. One2One Computer Services, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Pangburn Ms. Nancy E. Parker 31 Mr. Scott P. Pellman Penn Dutch Sportsmans Club Penn Stone Pennsylvania Master Naturalist Mr. Paul Petersen Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pomanti Mr. and Mrs. John F. Pyfer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Rankin Reinsel Kuntz Lesher Ms. Ruthann L. Richards Mr. Russel R. Rife Schroeder Gardens Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Shriver Mrs. John R. Shuman Mr. and Mrs. David R. Singer Danene Sorace and Christian Recknagel Special Occasions & Queen Street Linens Mr. and Mrs. John E. Stefan Charles and Ruth Stewart Ms. Louise Nunan Taylor Tomlinson-Bomberger Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Van Gorden Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Walker, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George S. Weaver III Wenger’s Feed Mill, Inc. Emily and Brian West Wohlsen Construction Company Mrs. Marcie Woodson Mr. and Mrs. Willis L. Zimmerman 32 h the lancaster county conservancy $250 - $499 A. E. Young & Associates Dr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Andersen Dr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Anderson Dr. Robert Andriulli Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Arbogast Arthur Murray Dance Studio Dr. and Mrs. Salvatore Astarita Ms. Norma B. Aston Ms. Mary Ellen Bachman Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Beachler Mr. Eric Berman Dr. and Mrs. Philip J. Billoni Nancy Blechschmidt and Joe Seventko Terry and Susan Blue Dr. Jean Boal and Dr. Cynthia Davis Brain, Orthopedic, Spine Specialists Brent Miller Jewelers Mr. and Mrs. Victor J. Brutout Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Bucher Mr. Jay C. Buckwalter Mr. and Mrs. James W. Bunting Ms. Kathleen L. Butz Mr. and Mrs. Sean Cavanaugh Ms. Betsy Ann Chivinski Clark Associates Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. W. Douglas Darmstaetter Mr. and Mrs. Doug Degler Ronald Detwiler and Jan Chapman Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Devenney Dr. Susan DiBartolomeis Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Dillon Donegal Mutual Ins. Company EarthShare Ms. Polly Eshelman Mr. Douglas S. Estep Ms. Kimberly A. Estock Mrs. Glenn P. Farrell Ira and Mary Ferris Mr. and Mrs. W. Bradley Forrey Ms. Mary Gattis-Schell General Sutter Inn & Bull’s Head Pub Mr. and Mrs. Jay Richard George Mr. and Mrs. Chris Ginder Go Native Tree Farms Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Gonick Mr. and Mrs. Galen E. Graham Mr. Robert F. Groff, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar L. Grove Joni and Fred Hauck Christina Hausner and Mike Zuber Hazlett, Burt & Watson, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Heller Ms. Carol S. Herr Mr. and Mrs. John S. Hershey Mr. Robert Hershey Mr. and Mrs. Bruce G. Holran Huber Nurseries Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell S. Huber Ms. Diane Hurst I. K. Stoltzfus Service Corp. It’s Modern Art Mr. and Mrs. M. William A. Jones K & W Tire Co., Inc. Keller Auctioneers Mr. and Mrs. John W. Kerlish Mr. Ryan A. Keys Keystone Nitewear Co., Inc. Dr. Mary E. Kirk Mr. and Mrs. William W. Kopetz Mr. and Mrs. J. Elvin Kraybill Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Krissinger Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Laughlin Ms. Jean Lengacher Mr. and Mrs. Charles Q. Livingston Darryl and Sally Lownsbery Mr. Richard J. Lundgren Laura Mark-Finberg and Barry Finberg Mr. and Mrs. Douglas B. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Martin Ms. Janeen L. Maxwell Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. McKinne Mrs. Robert C. Meredith Dr. and Mrs. Leonard E. Mortenson Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Moseman Mr. and Mrs. David L. Myer Mr. and Mrs. Travis Neely Mr. and Mrs. Wes Neumann Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Nolt Mr. and Mrs. Donovan S. Oberholtzer Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Otto Mr. and Mrs. Avi Patel Sally Patterson and Michael Beaudet Ms. Lydia Pease Mr. and Mrs. Timothy W. Peters Dr. and Mrs. Paul C. Petersen Dr. Alan S. Peterson Pfizer Matching Gifts Program Dr. Elizabeth Phillips-Hershey Mr. and Mrs. Allen B. Quigg Mr. Shawn Ramer Mr. and Mrs. George W. Rettew, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Reynolds Rhoads Energy Corporation Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan L. Richardson Ms. Karen Roberts Ms. Carol H. Sandt Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Schroeder, Jr. Ms. Karen Shaffer Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Shaida Robert Shenk and Nancy G. Shenk Shirk’s Bike Shop Richard Shoemaker and Kerry Zeiders Christa Shoreman and Susan Paul Mr. and Mrs. Roger Slusher III Scott A. Smith and Beverly A. Achey Mr. and Mrs. James R. Snavely Drs. Guy Steucek and Helen Dunlap Mr. Freiman Stoltzfus Sturla for Representative Mrs. William H. Sweger Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Szarko TAIT Towers Tellus 360 Mrs. Carrie A. Temple Ms. Gretchen J. Thomas Truist Two Dudes Painting Company 2014 annual report h Village Green, Energy Retrofit Specialist Ms. Deb Watson Mr. Jim Weber Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Weibel Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Weidler Ms. Kim Wells Dr. and Mrs. Melvyn G. Wenger Bill and Phyllis Whitesell Woodstream Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Patrick H. Zaepfel Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Zemsky $100 - $249 Mrs. Eleanor K. Achtermann Advanced Cooling Technologies Dr. and Mrs. Allen H. Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey K. Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Allen Allstate Giving Campaign Jim and Lee Amigh Andrews Bridge Foxhounds, Inc. Anonymous Ms. Amy Antonucci Mr. and Mrs. James W. Appel Ms. Marlene S. Arnold Mr. Michael Ashner Dr. Susan J. Atkins Ms. Carol J. Auster B. R. Kreider & Son, Inc. Mr. Leo Balzereit Mr. and Mrs. Glenn S. Banner Mr. William C. Bard Mr. and Mrs. R. Eugene Bare Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Bassett Bath Fitter Mr. Aaron F. Bawell Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Becker Mr. Frank P. Behlau Ms. J. Marlene Beiler Mrs. Susan E. Berntheizel Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Bielawa Ms. Shirley A. Bielmyer Mr. and Mrs. William R. A. Boben III Dr. and Mrs. William R. Boben, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. Bobetsky Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Bolinger Ms. Judith A. Bollinger Mrs. Jeannette Bomberger Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bonekemper Ms. Mary Louise Boomsma Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Booth Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Brant Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Breneisen Mr. James Brener Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Bresler Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bressi Ms. Ellen L. Brinton Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brubaker Mr. and Mrs. C. Alan Bruns Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Bruns Mr. and Mrs. Brett W. Buckwalter Ms. Brenda Buffington Ms. Sarah C. Bullock Ms. Leslie J. Burlingame Ms. Laurie Bushnell Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Calhoun Central Penn Beachcombers Central SEC American Society Landscape Architects Certified Carpet Cherry Hill Orchards, Inc. Church of the Apostles Mr. and Mrs. Murl E. Clark Ann and Ernest Coleman Mr. Robert E. Coley Ms. Carolyn Cook Mr. and Mrs. George T. Cook Mr. Michael Cory Mr. Peter Costanzo Annalisa Crannell and Neil Gussman Mr. Nathan Cross Ms. Majorie K. Crystle David Miller & Associates, Inc. Cathy and Larry David Ms. Christiane David Mr. and Mrs. James W. Davis Kayla Deats and David Lyon Mr. Joseph R. Deerin Mr. and Mrs. William F. Delong, III Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Dieterle, Jr. Mr. Matthew Dilley Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Dina, Jr. Ms. Elizabeth Dixon Clifford and Daleela Dodge Mr. Michael A. Domin Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Robert Donecker Michael and June Draude Theodore and Patrice Draude Eastern Virginia Medical School Dr. and Mrs. Michael P. Eckhart Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Ehrhart Elizabeth Farms Elstonville Sportsmen’s Association Mr. Stephen Engle Mr. and Mrs. John R. Ericson Mrs. Rosalind D. Ernest Dr. John D. Eshleman Mr. and Mrs. Warren Evans Ever Green Tree & Lawn Care, Inc. Mr. David Ferruzza Mr. and Mrs. Dan Fetterman Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Fichtner Peter and Griffin Fields Filling’s Mens’ and Ladies’ Shops Mr. Kenneth W. Fillo Amy and David Finnegan Dr. and Mrs. T. Raymond Foley Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Forney Mr. Donald E. Fraelich The Framery Mr. Donald D. Franks Mr. and Mrs. John R. Freas Mr. and Mrs. Mike Freitag Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. French Mr. and Mrs. John Friant 33 34 h the lancaster county conservancy Mr. and Mrs. Scott Frick Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Frush Mr. Jeffrey D. Gantz Ms. Rebecca Gardner Dr. and Mrs. John Garofola Lisa Garrett and Adam Doughty Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gaynor Mr. Evan Gentry Phil and Mary Ann Gerber Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gerhardt Mrs. Paul Gerhart Robert Gethner and Marjorie Bardeen Laurie and Robert Gettis Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Gibson Ms. Sarah Gingrich Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Glass Mr. and Mrs. Walter I. Glassmoyer III William Gleason and Sandy Gardosik Mr. Robert Gochnauer Dr. and Mrs. James Goddard, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ely Gonick Mrs. Kay L. Gontner Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Goodhart, III Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Gordon Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Gottlieb Hon. and Mrs. J. Richard Gray Green Light Plants, LLC Greiner Industries, Inc. Mr. James G. Greiner Mr. Keith J. Greiner Mr. Jeffrey S. Groff The Groffs, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Gross Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Grzasko Mr. Ed Guion Mr. and Mrs. Franklin C. Haas Mr. and Mrs. Craig E. Haberle Mrs. John G. Haberle James Hagelgans and Gale Zorian Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Hall Thomas, Peggy and Trevor Hall Ms. Susan L. Halls Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Halsey Janet Hartle and David Wiegand Mr. and Mrs. Perry Hazeltine Mr. and Mrs. David E. Hazlebeck Ms. Diane Heberlein Ms. Bettina A. Heffner Dr. and Mrs. Paul G. Heimer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Hennessy Bruce and Susan Hepburn Here to Timbuktu Heritage Hotel & Loxley’s Restaurant Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Herr Mr. Henry E. Herr Dr. and Mrs. Paul W. Herr Steven M. and Peggy S. Herr Mr. and Mrs. Melvin H. Hess Hibshman’s Auto Service, Inc. Ms. Mary A. High Mr. Jay Marlin Hillard Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hinnenkamp Hodson’s Lawn Care Service Paul and Caroline Hoffer Ms. Diana S. Holbrook Ms. Cynthia B. Hollinger Mr. Thomas R. Hoober Mr. John Hook Mr. Randall L. Hoover Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Horan Mr. and Mrs. David Hougendobler Rodney and Mary Lou Houser Kipling Hull and Patricia Artz Mrs. Doris Hummel Mr. James and Dr. Alace Humphreville Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Hurst Iron Hill Brewery & Restaurant Mrs. John A. Jarvis Nancy Jeffries and Miles Stein Ms. Margaret K. Jenne Mrs. Jacquelyn M. Johns Mr. and Mrs. David W. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Jones, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley W. Jones Robert Kandratavich and Esther Goropoulos Mr. and Mrs. James J. Karl Mr. and Mrs. H. Dale Kaufman Kearney A. Snyder Funeral Home Mr. and Mrs. Eric Kennel Mr. and Mrs. Anthony F. Kern Dr. and Mrs. Roger G. Kimber Dr. W. Fred Kinsey and Carol Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kladky Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Knapp Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Koch Dr. and Mrs. Randy L. Kochel Mr. William E. Krantz Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Kraybill Mr. Kirby A. Kreider Dr. and Mrs. Keith R. Kuhlengel Dr. Lucy G. Lacy Rocky and Dolly Lalvani Lancaster Country Club Lancaster Host Resort & Conference Center Lancaster Pediatric Dental Assoc PC Barbara and Dale Landis Ms. Claire Landis Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Landis Mr. and Mrs. Jesse A. Landis Mr. and Mrs. J. Gary Langmuir Larry C. Dombach, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence H. Lee Mr. Jeffrey N. LeFevre Mr. Kevin Lehman Dr. Patricia A. Levin Enza and David Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Lindsey Mrs. Lois C. Linfield Mr. Theodor Liss Ms. Amy Lloyd Ms. Elizabeth H. Logan Mr. Daniel M. Long Mr. and Mrs. Ned Longenecker Thomas and Dianne Loper Dr. and Mrs. David M. Loss 35 h the lancaster county conservancy 36 h the lancaster county conservancy Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lowing LPL Financial Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Lyons Ma(i)son Dr. and Mrs. Edward D. Maley Manheim Sportsmen’s Association Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Manser Ms. Laura Marquez Martin Meylin Middle School Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Martin Dr. James S. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Nik L. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Johnsen Martin Mr. and Mrs. George Martynick Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Mattson Ms. Stacey Mazzacco Mr. Stephan M. McCann Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McCormick Mr. Steve McCracken Ms. Stacy McEligot Ms. Leanne McFalls Mrs. Mildred H. McQueen Dr. and Mrs. Clark McSparren, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Barry R. Meckley Debra Meckley and Michael Eshleman Melaleuca Mr. Lee Melchionni Mr. Scott Mellis and Dr. Melanie Kogan Ms. Emily E. Mesner Ms. Barbara D. Michael Mr. and Mrs. Harry Middleton Mr. and Mrs. Ryan M. Middleton Mr. and Mrs. Michael Miklos Dr. and Mrs. John W. Miller, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Miller Dr. and Mrs. Steven L. Milliken Milton Grove Sportsmen’s Club Dale and Maxine Montgomery Ms. Ann A. Moore Mrs. Lia P. Mort Ms. Margaret S. Moss Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Moyer, Jr. Hon. and Mrs. Paul A. Mueller, Jr. Ms. Muriel Mummau Ms. Margaret J. Neff Neffsville Veterinary Clinic Steven and Jonel Ness Dr. Elizabeth A. Newell Mrs. Edward Niemann, Jr. Ms. Mary N. Nolt Mr. Kermit M. Norris Ms. Anne E. Norton Dr. and Mrs. Russel J. Nyland Dr. and Mrs. Thomas M. O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Matthew S. Olcott Mr. and Mrs. Don Orgis Mr. John B. Osborne Overlook Golf Course PA Association of Conservation Districts ParenteBeard LLC Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Peppler Mr. and Mrs. Douglas S. Pfautz Mr. William T. Pfautz, Jr. Philadelphia Phillies Mr. and Mrs. Scott Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd C. Pickell Mrs. Pauline M. Pittenger Mr. and Mrs. Vernon E. Pittman, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Pogue Mr. and Mrs. Robert Posey Ms. Kathleen P. Potier Mr. and Mrs. Dietrich B. Presting Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan L. Price Mr. and Mrs. Larry A. Pulkrabek Mr. and Mrs. John S. Quinn Radel & Stauffer Giftwares Mr. Jeremy Raff Dr. Linda K. Rambler Mrs. Betty Randolph Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Rannels Stan Rapp and Elizabeth Benion Mark Rast and Cynthia Kilbourn Mr. and Mrs. Cory Rathman Drs. Willis Ratzlaff and Genevieve Tvrdik Ms. Nell Reece Mr. and Mrs. William M. Regitz Ms. Nancy J. Reider RGS Associates Mr. Donald Rhodewalt Mr. Daryl W. Rice Dr. and Mrs. Irwin Richman Dr. Paul H. Ripple Mr. Charles Rohrer Drs. F. Michael and Catherine Rommel Dr. and Mrs. H. David Rosenfeld Ms. Amanda Rosh David Ross and Anita Bower Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Rothacker, Jr. Mrs. Isabelle A. Rudisill Dr. and Mrs. Dean C. Rust Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Ryder Mr. Mark Sandblade Dr. John C. Sapper Mr. and Mrs. Clair H. Sauder Ms. Jane W. Schaufert Ms. Suzi Jones Schaum Michael Jennings and Susann Schetter Mr. and Mrs. Hans R. Scholl Mr. Frederick Schroeder Mr. and Mrs. Richard Seavey Mr. Douglas D. Seitz Mike and Stella Sexton Mr. and Mrs. Glenn W. Shaffer Mr. Stephen G. Shank Bill and Eileen Shaughnessy Mr. Ron Sheehan Ms. Wendy Sheeler Kurt and Dot Shellenberger Mr. Kyle Shenk Ms. Rebecca Shepherd Ms. Isabel Sherdon Richard Shoup and Chris Longenecker 2014 annual report h Dr. and Mrs. Leigh S. Shuman Dr. and Mrs. Paul R. Sieber Sierra Club - Lancaster Group Sight & Sound Theatres Mr. and Mrs. Todd D. Sikora Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow H. Sites Skelly & Loy, Inc. H. Brisbane Skiles II and Janet Kirchner Ms. Donna Ward Smith Mrs. Kathleen L. Smith Kevin Smith and Judith Mattscheck Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Smith Ms. Arlene Snyder Mr. Chad Snyder Ms. Angela Spickler Michelle Spitko and Richard Lind Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stahl Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stamm Mr. and Mrs. Harwin L. Stauffer Ms. Maria Stefano Miss Beverly R. Steinman Steven Steinsnyder and Lisa Spuhlet Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Sterback Mr. and Mrs. James A. Still, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Stockard Mr. Martin Stolpe Dr. Darcie Stolz-Tolan and Mr. Bruce Tolan Strasburg Railroad Mr. John M. Sullivan Ms. Kelly L. Sumpter Superior Walls of America Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. Sutter Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Sweeney, Jr. Ms. Sheryl Ann Symonds Ms. Gladys V. Taylor TE Connectivity Ms. Betsy Berkley Teschner Mrs. Anne T. Thayer Mr. John M. Thomas Ms. Sheila R. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Jerrold P. Thompson T.J. and Warren Titcomb TMB Mr. and Mrs. Jack G. Todd Town & Country Garden Club Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Trapuzzano Mr. and Mrs. Ric Tribble Mr. and Mrs. Robert Troxell Mr. Scott C. Tucker Mr. Kenneth A. Twiford Utility Keystone Trailer Sales, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Gary P. Van Dyke Vanguard Group Foundation Emily and Glenn Vasey Mr. and Mrs. Dave Vassilaros Mr. and Mrs. Boyer L. Veitch Mr. and Mrs. John R. Waggoner Mr. Jeffrey J. Wagner Mr. David Walker Ms. Lynette E. Waller Mrs. Joanne H. Walmer Mr. and Mrs. John C. Waltman Mr. and Mrs. Ronald B. Walton Patty and Kevin Ward Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Wasong Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Weaver Weber Surveyors, Inc. Kathy W. and Robert C. Wee Ms. Sandy Wege Mr. Charles H. Weigley Mr. Robert B. Weinstock-Collins Ms. Carol Welsh Ms. Amy J. Wenger Karen Wenger and Greg Hoover Ms. Sandra K. Wenger Mr. and Mrs. Clifford J. Wengert Mr. Brett West Dale Whitebloom and Anita Darpino Dr. David E. Wiley Mr. Larry G. Williamson Willow Valley Communities Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wilson Jan A. and Patricia P. Witmer Mr. and Mrs. J. Clair Witwer Mr. and Mrs. John P. Wolf, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. John M. Wolgemuth, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Wood, Jr. Tim and Robin Woolford Dr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Yocum Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Yost Joel and Kristin Young Robert B. and Joyce H. Young Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Zeamer Mr. and Mrs. David A. Zegers Mr. and Mrs. James R. Zink Mr. and Mrs. John Mark Zook Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Zorach Up to $99 A D Specialists, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Nicolas R. Accomando Mr. and Mrs. Russell H. Adsitt, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Ahlfeld Mr. Gerard J. Albert Bryan Albright and Jamie Weit Mr. Steven D. Alderfer Mrs. William E. Alexander Ms. Lisa E. Allison Ms. Kathryn Alston John and Julie Ambler Mr. and Mrs. G. David Ament American Power & Gas Ms. Katrina Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Todd W. Andrews Ms. Jane K. Appleyard Mr. Frank Arcoleo Mr. Brett Armour Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Armstrong Ms. Melissa Arra Art & Glassworks Dr. and Mrs. Louis L. Athey Mr. and Mrs. Matthew T. Aukamp 37 38 h the lancaster county conservancy Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Aurand Ms. Elaine Austin Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Bachman Backyard Birding Company Ms. Wendy Baker Davis Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Balestier Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Balmer Barley Snyder Ms. Brenda Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Barron Mr. Randall A. Bauman Mr. and Mrs. Anthony E. Beale Mr. Kenneth P. Beard Beartown Sportsmen’s Association Mr. and Mrs. Grant Beauchamp Robin and Jeff Beazley Betty and Tom Beck Mr. Donald G. Becker Gene and Nancy Becker Ms. Anna K. Bell Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Belser Mr. and Mrs. Guy E. Benner Mrs. Elizabeth D. Benton Ms. Marilyn Berger Mr. Arthur R. Berkowitz Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Berlin Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Betty Ms. Claire M. Bevers Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Bewley Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Bibleheimer Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Biel Mr. Carl Biers Mrs. Pauline Bingeman Mr. and Mrs. John D. Bingham Ms. Susan W. Bishop Mr. and Mrs. Jere Bitzer Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Black, Jr. Ms. Mary Blakely Mr. and Mrs. Dennis C. Blevins Mr. Bruce H. Blom Mr. Royden G. Blom Ms. Angeliki Bobotas Mr. and Mrs. James L. Boettger Ms. Nancy A. Bohn Kathy and Rob Bomberger Mr. Jasen Book Ms. Anita C. Bowers Mr. LeRoy L. Boyer Mrs. Virginia K. Brady Ms. Joanna Brelvi Mr. Richard F. Brenner Brickerville House Family Restaurant Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Briner Ms. Tracy Broderick Mr. and Mrs. Christopher N. Brooks Ms. Lynn Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Brose Curtis and Lois Brown Dr. H. Zane Brown Mrs. Mary Jo Brown Mr. Michael Brown Ms. Terry M. Brown Mr. David Brubaker Ms. Lydia Brubaker Ms. Marie Brubaker Mrs. C. Ann Brugger Mr. and Mrs. Barry L. Bryson Mr. and Mrs. J. Glen Buckwalter Mrs. Sara T. Buckwalter Mr. Donald L. Burkholder Mr. and Mrs. Gary J. Burkholder Joseph Bushey and Casey McGovern Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Buzard Cafe Press, Inc. Mr. Steve Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. Scott Campagna Ms. Laurie Campbell Mr. Bruce E. Canfield Ms. Maryanne Cantwell Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Caputo Mr. Steve Carlson Lisa Carnes and Dennis Reid Ronald and Marlene C. Carpenter Dr. and Mrs. Laurence E. Carroll Richard and Amy Carroll Ms. Virginia E. Carroll Dr. Maria G. Cattell Mr. and Mrs. William B. Catton Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Caulfeild-James Mrs. Mary B. Choplosky Mr. and Mrs. Mike Chuhran Mrs. George Clair Michael Clapper and Amelia Rauser Mrs. Brooke Clayton Dennis and Fern Clemmer Mr. Matthew Cleveland Ms. Susan B. Clough Mr. Roger Cohen Ms. Melissa Coleman Mr. Paul Comstock Mr. Michael E. Conlin Dr. and Mrs. P. Noel Connaughton Kary Connolly The Conservation Fund - Pennsylvania Mr. and Mrs. Peter Coste Ms. Jeanne Couchman Rosemary Coverly and L. Kent Strickler Kenneth and Janet Craley Ms. Joyce Crider Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Crnkovich Ms. Diana Crumay Mr. and Mrs. Raymond D’Agostino, Jr. Thomas Daniels and Amy Moreno Ms. Tracy Daniels Ms. Judith Davis Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Davis Mr. Warren L. Deamer, Jr. Mrs. Carol A. Deardorff Mr. and Mrs. Kurt M. DeGoede Ms. Lindsey Deininger Ms. Betsy Delisle Mr. Richard S. Dellinger Ms. Sylvia H. DeLozier Drs. Andy and Carol deWet Mr. and Mrs. Jose Diaz Ms. Pat Ditzler Mr. and Mrs. H. William Donecker Mr. and Mrs. James E. Doyle 2014 annual report h Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Drenner Ms. Denise Driscoll-Ryan Ms. Faith C. Drummond Mr. Zak Druzba Marcy Dubroff and Steven Ulrich Mrs. Millie Dunlap Rev.. Faith D’Urbano Dutch Apple Dinner Theatre Ms. Susan W. Dyson Mr. Brian Earley Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Eggleston Elegantly Haunted Mr. Morgan Elmore Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Engle Mr. Charles A. Erisman, Jr. Ms. Rebecca D. Ernest Mr. and Mrs. John A. Ernst William Erwin and Ann Pautler Mr. John Esbenshade III Ms. Linda L. Esbenshade Mr. and Mrs. Christopher S. Esh Dr. and Mrs. S. Kendrick Eshleman, III Ms. Janice Estabrook Mr. Deone Evans Ms. Lucy Eyster Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Eyster Ms. Dorothy S. Ezard Mr. John S. Falconer Mr. and Mrs. C. Richard Farmer Ms. Nancy Fellenbaum Mr. Mitchell Fenimore and Dr. Pia Fenimore Ms. Sandra Fichthorn Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Fischer III Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Fish Mr. and Mrs. Martin G. Flegal Ms. Sally Fleming Mr. Craig W. Flinchbaugh Ms. Martha W. Forwood Sam and Thomas Frantz Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Frazee Dr. Matthew D. Freedman Ms. Betty Jean Frey Todd Friesen and Dennette Alwine Mr. and Mrs. Eugene E. Fritz Ms. Patricia S. Fry Mr. and Mrs. John F. Fulton Mr. and Mrs. Rufus A. Fulton, Jr. Gales Designs Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Gallagher Mr. Lamonte L. Garber Ms. Carmen M. Garcia-Hommel Robert Garner and Kathy Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Garner Ms. Dolores E. Garrett Ms. Margaret Gassert Mr. and Mrs. Steven G. Gaul Mr. and Mrs. Adam K. Gehr Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Gehr Mr. Jacques H. Geisenberger, Jr. Ms. Valerie J. George Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Gerhard Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Gerhart Ms. Jenny Germann Mrs. Monica R. Getz Jack and Ginny Gibble Mr. Robert M. Gilbert Mr. Pierre Giroud Ms. Catherine C. Glass Mr. and Mrs. Dean M. Glick Ms. Marva Godin Ms. Kelly N. Gohn Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Goldstrom Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gomez Leon and Elaine Good Mr. Robert B. Good, Jr. Mrs. Philip Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Damian B. Gorman Ms. Patricia J. Grabowski Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Gresh Lisa and Steve Griffiths Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Groff Mr. Gerald G. Groff Mr. Hershey Groff, Jr. Mr. Keith B. Groff Mr. and Mrs. Marlin G. Groff Mr. Thomas E. Groff Mrs. Jean B. Gromoll Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Grubb Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Grumbine Dr. and Mrs. Paul M. Gschwend, III Mr. John Guetter Mr. Jeffrey Guindon Mr. and Mrs. Alfred B. Guion Mr. William A. Gulvin Ms. Janine Haar Mr. and Mrs. George D. Haas Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Habalar, Jr. Mr. Richard L. Hackman Mr. Harry H. Haddon Ms. Mary E. Haddon Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hall Ms. Norma Halstead Hammel Associates Architects LLC Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Hammond Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Hamp Mr. James Hamrick Ms. Karen Hancock Ms. Anita J. Hanna Anne Harman-Menke and Mark Harman Dave and Kim Harnish Mr. and Mrs. David M. Harnish Mr. and Mrs. Philip Harnish Mr. Dennis Harnly Mr. Wayne E. Harnly Ms. Barbara Hartley Mrs. Dorothea C. Hartman Mrs. Dorothy H. Hartman Ms. Jennifer Hassel Maher and Andrea Hattar Mr. and Mrs. Scott H. Haverstick Ms. Carol Hawk Mr. and Mrs. Alan P. Hawkins Mrs. Marjorie G. Hazeltine Ms. Jenny Heberlein Mr. and Mrs. David R. Heffner Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan D. Heinly 39 40 h the lancaster county conservancy Ms. Carol Heintzelman F. Philip and Mary Beth Hellberg Mr. Kevin Heller Mr. Jeffrey D. Hellman Mr. David Hendel Mary and Ed Hendrick Mr. Gregory C. Henkel Mr. and Mrs. Gregory T. Henning Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Herceg Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Herman Mr. and Mrs. John P. Herr Mr. and Mrs. John C. Herr, Jr. Ms. Julie Herr Mrs. Susan D. Herr Mr. and Mrs. Wayne S. Herr Ms. Frances Herzog Ms. Eileen Hess Ms. Gale Hess Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Hess Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kenneth Hess Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Hess Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Hickey Mr. and Mrs. John M. Higgs Mr. Gavin High Highland Presbyterian Church Ms. Marita Hines Mr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Hirte Historic Society of Salisbury Twp Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hoff, Jr. Mr. William N. Hoffman Dr. and Mrs. John D. Hoh Mr. Terry R. Hollinger Dr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Homan Mrs. Dorinda H. Hook Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hornberger Ms. Gladys V. Horst Mr. Joseph Hostler Hotplates USA Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Houck The Late Doris L. Hough Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Howard Mr. Dennis Lee Howe Mr. and Mrs. James C. Huber Mr. and Mrs. John Humer HungerNThirst Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Hunsberger Mr. Robert Hunsicker Richard and Bert Hurst Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hurst Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Huss, Jr. Ms. Phyllis Hutcheon Mr. Clayton Hutchins Mr. and Mrs. Steven Hynicka Mr. and Mrs. Bruce H. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jackson Ms. Paula E. Jackson Mr. Staci Jasin Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Jeff Martin and Kirsten Johnsen Johnson & Johnson Companies Ms. Jacqueline L. Jones Dean and Elizabeth Jurgen Ms. Kimberly S. Kann Mr. and Mrs. Ray S. Kann Mr. and Mrs. John R. Karr Ms. Elizabeth E. Katz Mr. and Mrs. Michael Katzenmoyer Ms. Pamela Kautz Lawrence Keating and Janet Masland Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Keegan Ms. Brenda E. Keener Ms. Frances L. Keller Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Kellner Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Kempf Mr. Roger Kemrer Mrs. Rose Kendig Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kenepp Mr. Jayne Thomas Kennel Ms. Lois C. Kennel Stephen and Veronica Kepchar Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kerchner Greta and Matt Kernicky Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Kieffer Ms. Roberta Kieffer Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Kinch Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Kinder Mr. Timothy E. King, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jerold King-Grosh Mr. Stephen A. Kirsch Patricia A. and Peter E. Kleine Mr. and Mrs. Larimer J. Knepper Mr. Frederic J. Knerr Dr. Andrew W. Koch Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Koch Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Kochel Ms. Adreanna Konsur Julie and Don Korenkiewicz Carol and Barry Kornhauser Mr. and Mrs. Leonard P. Korzon Ms. Kat Kotula Mr. and Mrs. David A. Kovack Mark and Mary Kover Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Kowalski Mark and Jessica Kozlowski H. H. and Fay Kramer Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Kramer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dean F. Kreamer Mr. and Mrs. Ove Krebs Mr. and Mrs. Earl H. Kreider Karen and Steve Kreiser Mr. Brian Kresge Mr. Mark Krug Mr. and Mrs. Walter Krug Mr. and Mrs. Glenn E. Kulp Mr. James Kulp Mr. David H. Kuntz Mr. and Mrs. Jason P. Kuntz Mrs. Edith H. Kurtz Ms. Susan Kurtz Mr. Douglas W. Kutz Mrs. Dirk Kuyk Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Ladlow Mr. and Mrs. John D. Lahr Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Lambert Lancaster Salvage Company Lancaster Science Factory Landis Communities Landis Valley Museum 41 h the lancaster county conservancy susquehanna river islands in autumn 42 h the lancaster county conservancy Emily K. Landis and Beatrice K. Landis Mrs. Mary V. Lapp Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Larkins Laserdome Janet and Robert Lathrop Mrs. and the Late Mr. Vincent J. Lattanzio Mr. and Mrs. David W. Laubach Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Laughman Mr. Rip Lawhead Mr. and Mrs. Byron H. Lawrence Pamela Lazos and Daniel Eberly Dr. and Mrs. Ivan B. Leaman Mr. Sanford Leaman Ms. Darlene J. Lehman Mr. Milton P. Lehman Mr. Randall H. Leisure Lemon Street Market Mr. and Mrs. James R. Leonard, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Leonard Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence S. Lerner Ms. Christina Leslie Mr. Nelson Levengood Mr. and Mrs. Stewart C. Lewis Lititz Veterinary Clinic Sue Loewenstein and Ernst Harting Ms. Lynn Long Dr. and Mrs. Ross E. Long, Jr. Ms. Jane M. Longwell Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Louie Mr. and Mrs. James M. Love Ms. Ilse M. Ludewig Lynda Lueck-Stoner and Roger Stoner Ms. Rosemarie Luettgens Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Lupold Mr. and Mrs. Anthony M. Luta Mr. RobRoy MacGregor Mr. Jim Mack Ms. Shirley A. Madison Mr. and Mrs. John R. Makara Mr. and Mrs. George A. Male Mandros Imported Foods Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Mann Ms. Michelle Marmo Mr. and Mrs. F. David Marschka Mr. William A. Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Aldus D. Martin Mr. Bruce R. Martin Mr. David B. Martin Ms. Diana Martin Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon N. Martin Martin’s Truck Service Mr. John E. Mast Mr. James J. Masters Mr. and Mrs. Keith R. Maurice Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Maust Mr. and Mrs. George D. May Ellen and Howard McCabe Ms. Rebecca McCabe Dr. William D. McCann Ms. Joyce H. McClintock Mrs. Carla F. McCord Mr. John J. McDermott Mr. Jonathan McDowell Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. McGee Ms. Kristen McGinnis Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. McGrann Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. McKinne Mrs. James M. McMorris Lt. James B. McMullin Ms. Yvonne W. McMurtrie Anne Meachem and Stephen Boucher Samuel Mecum and Debra Frantz Mr. and Mrs. L. Guy Mehl Ms. Bonnie Mentzer Ms. Lorna L. Mentzer Ms. Julia B. Merrill Mr. and Mrs. Rod Messick Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Metzger Mrs. Charlene M. Metzler Mr. James L. Metzler Mr. Daniel C. Michael Miesse Candies Corporation Ms. Lindsey Miles Mr. Devon Miller Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Miller Ms. Holly Miller Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Philip Miller Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Miller Susan F. and Jerry L. Miller Mrs. Judith A. Millhouse Mr. Kevin Milligan Ms. Nancy R. Mills-McGowan Ms. R. Susan Minnich Mitchell Family Trust Ms. Elizabeth Modern Mr. and Mrs. Sean Mollohan Ms. Anne M. Montgomery Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Montgomery Ms. Linda Morris Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Morris Ms. Beth L. Morrison Mr. and Mrs. Steve Mowrer Ms. Karin Muller Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Musser Mr. Jeffrey L. Musser Ms. M. Virginia Musser Ms. Heidi Nafis Deb and Carmen Napolitan National Watch & Clock Museum Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Neiss Ms. Joyce A. Nettke Laura Newcomer and Matt Thomas Mr. Guy Newhouse Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Newswanger Jeffrey and Ellyn Nolt Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Nolt, Sr. Ms. Rhoda E. Nolt Mr. and Mrs. Samuel K. Nolt Mr. and Mrs. Gregory E. Nordhoff North Museum Mr. George Novak Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Nunn Kristin and Tracy Oberholtzer Mr. Robert Olcott Mr. James Orgass Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ottenheimer Mr. and Mrs. David K. Otthofer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Overly Mr. Samuel N. Paone Ms. Michelle Paquin 2014 annual report h Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Parks, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Rowan C. Pearce Mrs. H. Diane Penchansky Ms. Rebecca G. Pennell Ms. Patricia Perkins Mrs. Sally E. Perry Heather and Robert Petrasek Ms. Danielle Pfautz Phillips Office Products Mr. Larry Phillips Anita Pilkerton-Plum and Hylon Plumb Miss Jane Pittman Plum Salon and Spa Dr. and Mrs. I. Stanley Porter Jennie Porter and Gary Rosecrans Ms. Jane Powell Mr. Walter S. Poyck Ms. Sarah Preston Prince Street Cafe Progressive Property Management Pure Energy Coach Ms. Elizabeth Pyle Mr. and Mrs. N. Scott Qualls Rainbow Dinner Theatre Ms. Anna M. Rakoczy Ralph’s Gourmet Take Away Market Mr. William H. Ranck Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ray Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Redcay Ms. Anita Reed Patricia Reed and Ernest Nute Mr. Keith Reese Ms. Nanci K. Reese Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Reno Mr. Brian E. Resh Col. and Mrs. George A. Resh Mr. and Mrs. John E. Ressel Ms. Carol Retallack Mr. and Mrs. Austin J. Rich Mr. and Mrs. Brent L. Richmond Mr. John Riegel Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Rinder Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Robic Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Roda Ms. Roseanne M. Rogers Bonita and Frank Rohrer Mr. and Mrs. James T. Roland Mr. and Mrs. Alberto Ros Mr. and Mrs. John M. Roscoe Dr. and Mrs. Dale J. Rosenberg George and Harriett Rosenstein Ms. Linda Mylin Ross Mr. L. Douglas Rossi Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B. Rote Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Rowand Mr. and Mrs. Jay G. Royer Mrs. Henry B. Rudisill Mr. and Mrs. Wilson J. Rugh Ms. Deborah L. Runkle Mrs. Martha Sangree Ms. Karen Sattler Mr. and Mrs. Art Saunders Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Saunders Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Scharnberger Ms. Jamie Beth Schindler Ms. Alicia Schlemm Ms. Nancy L. Schlemm Mrs. Helen E. Schmertz Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Schmude Mr. and Mrs. Merle T. Schnee Matthew Schousen and Missy Gehler Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Schram Dr. Thomas J. Schreder Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Schreiber Dr. and Mrs. John W. Schreiber Mr. Jay N. Schroeder III Mr. Robert L. Schroeder Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Schucker Joe and Barbara Schulter Ms. Mary Beth Schultz Mr. and Mrs. John A. Schwartz, Jr. Eric and Carie Scott Security Life Insurance Company Ms. Sue Ellen Seevers Mr. Robert R. Seidel Shady Maple Banquet & Conference Mrs. Shirley A. Shaheen Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Shane Ms. Marian L. Shatto Ms. Jeanne Shaub Erich and Pam Shellenberger Ms. Jennifer A. Shenk Mr. and Mrs. Terrance A. Shepps Mr. and Mrs. Douglas D. Shiffler Peter and Sandy Shirk The Estate of Romaine S. Shirk Ms. Susan G. Shirk Mr. and Mrs. Bruce G. Shoemaker Mr. Joshua R. Shortuse Ms. Phoebe H. Showers Dr. and Mrs. Carl N. Shull Mr. and Mrs. H. Dennis Shumaker Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Siefken David and Brenda Sieglitz Mr. John Siegrist Silver, Wood & Ivory Mr. and Mrs. Bryan J. Simmons Mr. and Mrs. Michael Simpson Dr. and Mrs. Timothy Snipe Ms. Frances Skolnick Mrs. Sarah H. Slaymaker William and Joyce Smedley Mary and Gary Smigel Ms. Barbara J. Smith Ms. Elspeth G. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Smith Mr. and Mrs. James H. Smith Mr. and Mrs. R. Stanley Smith Thomas Smithgall and Barbra Bray Smithgall Smith’s Hotel Mr. John E. Smucker II Mr. and Mrs. Vernon D. Snow Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Snyder Mr. and Mrs. David W. Solon Mr. W. John Soost Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Spotts Jeffrey Spowart and Elizabeth Lauther Ms. Lori Stahl Mr. Steven R. Stambaugh Ms. Kimberly Stangl Mr. John R. Stauffer 43 44 h the lancaster county conservancy Mr. Philip J. Stauffer Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stauffer Mr. Wesley N. Stauffer Mr. and Mrs. David L. Steele Mr. John N. Stehman Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Steinbacher Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Stender Ms. Joyce Stephens Elizabeth and Brian Sterner Ms. Judith W. Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Stevens Ms. Lisa Stillwell Mr. and Mrs. Spencer S. Stober David Stoltzfus and Darice High Mr. and Mrs. Samuel F. Stoltzfus Ms. Sherri S. Stoltzfus Mr. and Mrs. John K. Stoner Mrs. Phyllis Stoner Mr. and Mrs. Mark K. Strassle Ms. Helen Strathmeyer Ms. Barbara J. Strock Ms. Sabrina Strong Ms. Carla L. Stull Ms. June A. Stum Sturgis Pretzel Bakery Ms. Janet Sudor Mr. Michael Swanson Mr. W. David Sykes Mr. and Mrs. Gregory E. Szczyrbak Mr. and Mrs. Nick C. Taylor Ms. Heather Tennies Mr. and Mrs. Junior K. Thiry Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Thomas Kristen Thomas and David Francis Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Thome Dr. and Mrs. Roger K. Thompson Thorn Hill Vineyards Tiger’s Eye Ms. Kathryn Tokarz Mr. and Mrs. Brian R. Tolbert Mr. and Mrs. Jon E. Tribble Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Truskett Mr. and Mrs. Ray M. Uhlig Mr. and Mrs. Willem Van Huystee Ms. Sandra VanDusen Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Vassil Ms. Dorothy Vertti Mr. and Mrs. Louis M. Waleff Dennis and Joy Walker Mr. and Mrs. William W. Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. James M. Walters Ms. Ruth Warburton Mr. Barry L. Warner Ms. Helen M. Warnke Mr. and Mrs. Charles Waterfield Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Watt Mr. and Mrs. John C. Wealand Mr. Christopher Weaver Mr. Dave Weaver Mr. Douglas Weaver Mr. Kevin E. Weaver Ms. Nancy J. Weaver Ms. Mary Theresa Webb Dr. and Mrs. Robert D. Webber Mr. Donald M. Weber Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Weidel, Jr. Mr. John Weigel Mr. and Mrs. Kerry L. Weinhold Kevin Weir and Brenda Ronco Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Weir William and Christie Weismantel Mr. and Mrs. James A. Wellendorf Mr. William Welliver Wendy Jo’s Homemade Ms. Jane I. Wenger Mrs. Henry N. Wenger Ms. Miriam Wert Mr. and Mrs. Soren P. West Ms. Catherine Wetzler Ms. Charlotte Whiting Mr. and Mrs. Allen W. Whittemore Ms. Sally B. Wiker Wilbur Chocolate Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Wilcox Mr. Richard B. Wilcox Mr. Gerald Williams Leonard and Mary Cae Williams Ann and Ted Wilson Sally Wilson and Thomas Shreffler Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Winger Ms. Rebecca Wise Ms. Mandi Wissler Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Witman Mr. Steven G. Witmer Ms. Melissa Witt Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wohlbier Ms. Katherine B. Wohlsen Wolf Sanctuary of PA Paula and Ray Wolf Brenda and Jonathan Wolfe Mr. and Mrs. Henry K. Wolfe Ms. Susan Wood The Woodard Family Ms. Diane K. Wright Ms. Tiffany Wright Mr. Robert R. Wyble Mr. Andrew Yeager Ms. Sandra Yeager Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Yentsch Ms. Sylvia Yoder Yoder’s Country Market Mark Yoh and Brenda Hutchins-Yoh Mr. John D. Young Mr. and Mrs. Todd D. Young Mr. and Mrs. Glenn R. Zartman Ms. Roberta M. Zettlemoyer Ms. Gay Zimmerman Mr. and Mrs. Glenn H. Zimmerman Mr. K. Todd Zimmerman and Laura Hatton Mrs. Marilyn E. Zook 2014 annual report h Gifts of Land & Conservation Easements Pennsylvania Power & Light Gifts of Service & Special Support A. E. Young & Associates Dr. Robert Andriulli Anonymous Mr. Andrew Hooker Appel Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Arbogast Art & Glassworks Arthur Murray Dance Studio Atomic Design Backyard Birding Company Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Beachler Mr. Eric Berman Brent Miller Jewelers Jill and Jim Brewster Brickerville House Family Restaurant Mrs. Linda Newman Brown, ASID Mr. and Mrs. Michael Burcin Ms. Andrea Campbell Clair Global Ms. Diana Crumay Ms. Christiane David Mr. Douglas A. Desmond Dr. and Mrs. David R. Dobbins Mr. Michael A. Domin Dutch Apple Dinner Theatre Mr. and Mrs. William K. Ebel, Jr. Elegantly Haunted Elizabeth Farms Erickson Birdhouses Expressions Limousine Filling’s Mens’ and Ladies’ Shops The Framery Mr. and Mrs. Mike Freitag Full Circle Recycling Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Fulmer Gales Designs Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gaynor General Sutter Inn & Bull’s Head Pub Mr. Pierre Giroud Go Native Tree Farms Mr. Robert Gochnauer Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Gonick Hon. and Mrs. J. Richard Gray Mr. Ed Guion Diane Heberlein Here to Timbuktu Heritage Hotel & Loxley’s Restaurant Ms. Carol S. Herr Mr. Robert Hershey Highmark Construction, LLC Hotplates USA Huber Nurseries Dr. and Mrs. Henry W. Huffnagle HungerNThirst Ms. Diane Hurst j. a. Sharp Custom Jeweler Mr. and Mrs. Timothy L. Kauffman Keller Auctioneers Lancaster Country Club Lancaster Host Resort & Conference Center Lancaster Science Factory Landis Valley Museum Laserdome Mr. Kevin Lehman Lemon Street Market Darryl and Sally Lownsbery Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lutz Ma(i)son Mr. Jim Mack Mandros Imported Foods Laura Mark-Finberg and Barry Finberg Martin Meylin Middle School Mr. and Mrs. Douglas B. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Martin Mr. and Mrs. John McGrann Mr. and Mrs. Gary Melchionni Mr. Dean Melchionni Mr. Lee Melchionni Miesse Candies Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Curtis L. Miller Mr. Richard A. Minnich Mr. and Mrs. David L. Myer National Watch & Clock Museum Natural Light Films Neffsville Veterinary Clinic Mr. and Mrs. Eric A. Nordstrom North Museum Mr. and Mrs. Don Orgis Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Otto Overlook Golf Course Pennsylvania Bluebird Society Pennsylvania School of Culinary Arts Philadelphia Phillies Dr. Elizabeth Phillips-Hershey Ellen and Carl Pike Plum Salon and Spa Prince Street Cafe Radel & Stauffer Giftwares Rainbow Dinner Theatre Ralph’s Gourmet Take Away Market Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Rankin Ms. Eudora K. Roseman Dr. and Mrs. Dean C. Rust Angela and Todd Sargent Shady Maple Banquet & Conference Mr. Ron Sheehan Robert Shenk and Nancy G. Shenk The Estate of Romaine S. Shirk Shirk’s Bike Shop Theresa and the Late John R. Shuman Sight & Sound Theatres Silver, Wood & Ivory Mr. and Mrs. Michael Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Ted F. Simpson Smith’s Hotel Special Occasions & Queen Street Linens Ms. Lori Stahl Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Stockwell Mr. Martin Stolpe Mr. Freiman Stoltzfus 45 46 h the lancaster county conservancy Strasburg Railroad Sturgis Pretzel Bakery Suk Shuglie Gallery Susquehanna Bank TAIT Towers Thorn Hill Vineyards Tiger’s Eye Mr. and Mrs. Max B. Tribble Two Dudes Painting Company Unique Limousine, Inc. Stefanie B. Valar and Edward A. Hauck Dr. and Mrs. John E. Warnock Ms. Deb Watson Mr. Brett West Wilbur Chocolate Wolf Sanctuary of PA Woodstream Corporation Special Event Sponsors Benecon Conestoga Oral Surgery Fulton Bank KPMG Kuntz Lesher Capital, LLC Lancaster County Solid Waste Management Authority One2One, Inc. Paul Risk Associates, Inc. Penn Stone Rettew RLPS Architects Sara Lamichane, DMD, Family Dentistry Schroeder Gardens Tomlinson Bomberger Wenger Feeds Wohlsen Construction Life Members Mr. Andrew Hooker Appel Mrs. Virginia K. Brady Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brubaker Mrs. Barbara Dunlap Mr. and Mrs. John M. Gibson Ms. F. June Graf Mrs. Benjamin B. Groff Mr. John Henry Groff Mrs. Sally R. Hoover Dr. and Mrs. Henry W. Huffnagle Richard and Bert Hurst Carolyn C. Kent and John R. Hale Mr. Douglas D. Kitch Mrs. Christian Kunzler, Jr. Mr. Frederick A. Kyper Lancaster County Bird Club Lancaster History M. Brooke Minnich and Peter Parsil Mr. Richard A. Minnich Mr. Michael P. Mohler Valerie Moul and Steve Shoffstall Mount Airy Lumber Company Mrs. Joan H. Pollock Pennsylvania Power & Light Mr. and Mrs. John F. Pyfer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Willard D. Railing Mrs. Cathleen R. Rannels Mrs. D. Eugene Rannels Mrs. Donald E. Rannels Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Rannels Dr. Paul H. Ripple Mr. John S. Rohrer Safe Harbor Water Power Corp. Ms. Mary G. Schantz Mr. Larry Schultz Seth Family Mrs. Lois E. Landis Shenk Mr. H. Benjamin Snavely Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Steudler, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Barry D. Stoner Dr. Thomas J. Stuart Mr. Tom Swift Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Symonds, Jr. Turkey Hill Dairy, Inc. Douglas Weidman and Linda Lestz Mr. Richard Welkowitz Mrs. Frank H. Wint Mrs. Charles R. Winter The Tucquan Society Planned Giving Anonymous Andrew Hooker Appel William B. Arnold (Lucy H. and Julia P. Arnold Fund) Eric and Laura Athey William C. Bard P. Edmund Bechtold Anne L. and Robert K. Bowman Elwood M. Brubaker Rebecca* and Joseph Bumsted* Leslie J. Burlingame Blanche W. de Perrot James F. and Laura B. Doering G. Yale and Jane N. Eastman William E. Evans Dr. Paul W. Eyler James Earl Farster William R. Gamber II and Kitt Gamber Ford M. Gochenaur^ Ralph H. and Judith Goodno Thomas and Pamela Hall Rodney W. Harnish^ Violet F. Helenthal Robert Hershey Charles and Millicent Holzinger^ Dr. and Mrs. Henry W. Huffnagle 2014 annual report h B. Duane Lease Dennis C. Lueck M. Brooke Minnich* and Peter Parsil* Richard A. Minnich Robert K. Mowrer Pamela Martin Nelson J. Carl Nolt Dr. Elizabeth Phillips-Hershey Ellen and Carl Pike Dr. Paul H.* and Caroline*Ripple Margaret Sampson* John P. and Ruth R. Sawyer John R. and Theresa W. Shuman Helen L. Unger Sarah N. Vanderslice* Patricia A. Walls Deborah L. Witmer Donald B. Witmer, Jr. Mrs. Marcie Woodson* *Founding Members Deceased Members 47 48 h the lancaster county conservancy Board and Staff BOARD OF DIRECTORS STAFF Richard A. Minnich, Chair Carol Simpson, Vice Chair Andrea Campbell, Chair Urban Greening William K. Ebel Jr., Chair Stewardship Elizabeth H. Phillips-Hershey, Ph.D., Chair Education Eric A. Nordstrom, Chair Land Protection Angela M. Sargent, Chair Development Curtis L. Miller, CPA, Treasurer Richard M. Rankin, Secretary Jill D. Brewster, CPA David R. Dobbins, Ph.D. Henry W. Huffnagle, M.D. Timothy R. Martin John McGrann Carl Pike, Ph.D. Patricia T. Stockwell Max B. Tribble Stefanie B. Valar Mike Burcin, CEO/COO & Director of Education Jerry Fulmer, Finance Administrator/Consultant Kathie Shirk Gonick, Director of Land Protection & In-House Counsel Fritz Schroeder, Director of Urban Greening Theresa Shuman, Director of Development Thomas Stahl, Director of Stewardship Nancy Beachler, Administrative Assistant Lydia Martin, Education Specialist & Land Steward Betty Moyer, Office Administrator 49 h the lancaster county conservancy welsh mountain nature preserve P.O. Box 716, Lancaster, PA 17608-0716 Phone 717-392-7891 Fax: 717-392-8220 [email protected]