Photogrammetry Reconstruction Systems Master Thesis
Photogrammetry Reconstruction Systems Master Thesis
UNIVERSITY OF ZIELONA GÓRA, POLAND Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Telecommunications MASTER THESIS PHOTOGRAMMETRIC RECONSTRUCTION SYSTEMS FOR PURPOSES OF VIRTUAL REALITY SYSTEMS MAREK KUPAJ Supervisor: Dr inŜ. Sławomir Nikiel Zielona Góra , June 2005 Abstract Keywords: photogrammetry, 3D reconstructions, image-based reconstruction, parallel reconstruction, lens distortion, radial distortion, perspective distortion, virtual reality, lowpolygon modelling, error analysis, Virtual reality environments rely on methods for viewing and processing three-dimensional graphics. Owing to required speed in a given environment the whole system must be efficient and its resources should be of compact size. Therefore, for 3D graphics, it means that low-count polygons models should be used. Low-polygon models consist of very small count of vertices and polygons (triangles – surface elements). It might be created in various applications, starting from very simple generators, ending up to a very complicated and complex systems. Unfortunately present systems don’t make low-polygon modelling easy. There are few applications (e.g. PhotoModeler) that support relatively fast methods to model reconstruction. But even these methods don’t offer full modelling possibilites. In this thesis, the author want to introduce an interesting approach to the geometry reconstruction problem. Through the use of photogrammetry, it is possible to make reconstruction easier, faster and more efficient. Photogrammetry describes various ways to object measurement by using of non-invasive methods. It supports procedures that are usefu for low-count polygon models. The thesis describes a few methods that make possible not only geometry reconstruction but also preparation data for reconstruction. With accuracy estimation, (described in thesis) user might calculate appropriate errors, that allows to enhance final precision of the reconstruction. Developed by the author, BluePrint Modeler application supports described methods, makes reconstruction process easy and efficient. The Application with practical samples is also described. i Contents List of Figures .......................................................................................... v List of Tables ......................................................................................... viii 1. Introduction ...................................................................................... 1 1.1. Master Thesis Definition .............................................................. 1 1.2. Thesis Outline ............................................................................ 1 1.3. Fundamentals ............................................................................. 3 1.3.1. 3D Model................................................................................. 3 1.3.2. 3D Scene................................................................................. 4 1.3.3. 3D Projection ........................................................................... 4 1.4. VR Languages as a way to describe the virtual reality ................... 5 1.4.1. Virtual Reality languages review ............................................... 5 1.4.2. Virtual Reality formats review ................................................... 6 1.5. Virtual Reality reconstruction systems .......................................... 7 1.6. Using photogrammetry in the reconstruction process .................... 7 1.7. Methods and techniques used in the reconstruction process .......... 9 1.7.1. Reconstruction from photographs ............................................. 9 1.7.2. Reconstruction from orthophotographs ..................................... 9 1.7.3. Reconstruction from blueprints ............................................... 10 1.7.4. Procedural and parametric modelling ...................................... 10 1.7.5. CSG modelling ....................................................................... 10 1.7.6. Manual entering 3D model data .............................................. 11 1.8. Restrictions for the modelling .................................................... 11 1.9. Targets and applications of the reconstruction system ................ 11 1.10. Requirements of the reconstruction systems ............................. 14 1.11. Review of existing applications for objects reconstruction .......... 15 2. Reconstruction process of 3D objects for the VR environment ............ 16 2.1. Selection of the object to reconstruct and the reconstruction aims arrangement ............................................................................ 16 2.2. Definition of object features and choice of methods for data acquisition ............................................................................... 17 2.3. Data acquisition – collecting detailed info about the chosen object ..................................................................... 18 2.3.1. Photogrammetric methods ..................................................... 18 2.3.2. Blueprints and orthogonal projections ..................................... 19 2.3.3. Manual measurement of the object details .............................. 19 2.4. Selection of the obtained data ................................................... 20 2.5. Processing of the selected informations...................................... 20 2.5.1. Removal of the spherical distortion from photographs .............. 21 Idea of the spherical distortion ............................................ 21 Spherical distortion model ................................................... 22 Correction and calibration of radial distortion ........................ 23 2.5.2. Summary .............................................................................. 25 2.5.3. Perspective correction for perspective photographs .................. 26 The need for perspective correction ..................................... 26 Perspective correction ......................................................... 27 ii 3. 4. 5. 6. Summary ............................................................................ 28 2.6. Object texture creation ............................................................. 29 2.7. Object modelling based on the processed informations ............... 29 2.7.1. Reconstruction from blueprints and orthophotographs ............. 30 Parallel (orthogonal) camera representation ......................... 31 Orthogonal camera calibration ............................................. 32 Determining geometry of the model ..................................... 36 2.7.2. Reconstruction from perspective photographs.......................... 40 Perspective camera representation ....................................... 41 Perspective camera calibration ............................................. 42 Determining geometry of the model ..................................... 42 2.8. Export of the model .................................................................. 43 BluePrint Modeler program as the sample reconstruction system ........ 44 3.1. History ..................................................................................... 44 3.2. Requirements ........................................................................... 44 3.3. System architecture .................................................................. 45 3.4. Interface and application features.............................................. 48 3.5. BluePrint Modeler applications ................................................... 62 3.6. Development and future directions ............................................ 63 Lens distortion correction – experiments and practical applications ..... 64 4.1. Experiments ............................................................................. 66 4.1.1. Tests of cameras ................................................................... 66 4.1.2. Full calibration profiles ........................................................... 68 4.1.3. Incomplete calibration profiles ................................................ 72 4.1.4. Comparison of selected cameras ............................................. 79 4.2. Calibration ................................................................................ 80 4.3. Correction ................................................................................ 81 Practical use of the BluePrint Modeler application .............................. 83 5.1. Lens distortion removal from perspective photographs ................ 83 5.2. Texture creation (extraction) ..................................................... 86 5.3. Blueprints calibration ................................................................ 89 5.3.1. Necessity for blueprints correction .......................................... 89 5.3.2. Correction of the blueprints .................................................... 91 5.3.3. Blueprints calibration .............................................................. 96 5.4. Orthophotographs .................................................................... 99 5.5. Modelling from parallel projections............................................101 5.6. Export model to other applications ............................................104 3D objects reconstruction examples.................................................105 6.1. First reconstruction example – Project „BDHPUMN”....................105 6.1.1. Guidelines and measurement.................................................106 6.1.2. Selection of taken materials and data processing ....................107 6.1.3. The second measurement .....................................................108 6.1.4. Orthophotograph creation .....................................................108 6.1.5. Calibration of the images .......................................................110 6.1.6. Main reconstruction of the object ...........................................111 6.1.7. Export to the other VR modelling environment........................113 6.1.8. Model statistics .....................................................................114 6.2. Second reconstruction example – Project „GDDKiA” ...................114 iii 6.2.1. Reconstruction of the object ..................................................115 6.2.2. Model statistics .....................................................................116 6.3. Summary ................................................................................116 7. Accuracy of the reconstruction process ............................................117 7.1. Acurracy for the perspective projection .....................................118 7.2. Acurracy for the parallel projection ...........................................120 7.3. Determining the interior camera parameters .............................122 7.3.1. Results of research ...............................................................124 7.3.2. Summary .............................................................................128 7.4. Sample height calculations .......................................................128 7.4.1. Height calculations for perspective projection .........................129 7.4.2. Height calculations for parallel projection ...............................131 7.5. Relationship between modelling errors and camera orientation for the parallel projection .........................................................132 7.6. Summary ................................................................................134 8. Conclusions, observations and future development ...........................135 8.1. Conclusions on the data collecting ............................................135 8.2. Conclusions on the data processing ..........................................137 8.2.1. Conclusion on lens distortion correction ..................................137 8.2.2. Conclusion on perspective correction......................................138 8.3. Conclusions on modelling process .............................................140 8.3.1. Conclusion on modelling from parallel projections ...................141 8.3.2. Conclusion on modelling from perspective projections .............141 8.4. Future developments ...............................................................142 9. Acknowledgements.........................................................................143 10. Literature .......................................................................................144 iv List of Figures Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure 1-1. 1-2. 2-1. 2-1. 2-2. 2-3. 2-4. 2-5. 2-6. 2-7. 3-1. 3-2. 3-3. 3-4. 3-5. 3-6. 3-7. 3-8. 4-1. 4-2. 4-3. 4-4. 4-5. 4-6. 3D model example .................................................................. 3 3D Projection example (perspective projection) ......................... 4 Various kind of the spherical distortions (positive/negative) ..... 21 Photograph with spherical distortion effect.............................. 21 Photograph after the lens distortion correction ........................ 24 Photographs before and after perspective correction ............... 26 Parallel projection with use of the vector camera model ........... 31 Orthogonal camera calibration................................................ 33 Determining the point nearest to the two lines in space ........... 37 Perspective projection with use of the vector camera model .... 41 The BluePrint Modeler architecture ......................................... 45 The BluePrint Modeler architecture (main classes) ................... 46 The Photogrammetric Module class hierarchy .......................... 47 The Model Editor in the BluePrint Modeler application .............. 48 The Photogrammetric Unit with the Photoflow architecture ...... 56 The Lens Distortion Correction Module.................................... 57 The Perspective Correction Module ......................................... 59 The Orthocamera Calibration Module ...................................... 61 Extracted texture loaded with radial distortion ......................... 64 Extracted texture with removed radial distortion...................... 64 Zoom of selected region from Figure 4-1. ............................... 65 Zoom of selected region from Figure 4-2. ............................... 65 Sample lens profile calibration graph ...................................... 67 Relationship between focal length and lens distortion level for Canon EOS 300D ............................................................. 68 4-8. Relationship between focal length and lens distortion level for Olympus C-765 UltraZoom ................................................ 70 4-9. Relationship between focal length and lens distortion level for Konica Minolta Dynax 7D .................................................. 71 4-10. Relationship between focal length and lens distortion level for Sony Cybershot DSC-P100 .............................................. 72 4-11. Relationship between focal length and lens distortion level for Nikon Coolpix 4600 ......................................................... 73 4-13. Relationship between focal length and lens distortion level for Kodak EasyShare CX7525................................................ 75 4-14. Relationship between focal length and lens distortion level for Kodak EasyShare Z700 ................................................... 76 4-15. Relationship between focal length and lens distortion level for Konica Minolta Dimage Z3 ............................................... 77 4-16. Relationship between focal length and lens distortion level for Canon PowerShot A510 .................................................. 78 4-17. Comparison of selected cameras (relationship between focal length and lens distortion level) ............................................ 79 v Figure 4-18. BPM: Lens Distortion Correction Module with active calibration tab ..................................................................... 80 Figure 4-19. BPM: Lens Distortion Correction Module with active correction tab ...................................................................... 81 Figure 5-1. Recognized calibration pattern ............................................... 84 Figure 5-2. First image corrected with usage of calibration pattern ............ 85 Figure 5-3. Finished lens distortion removal process for sample photographs ......................................................................... 85 Figure 5-4. Source photographs for texture creation example .................... 86 Figure 5-5. Flow diagram for texture creation example ............................. 86 Figure 5-6. Settings the refernce points for distorted photo in the first perspective correction module (reference points are indicated by the red circles) ................................................................. 87 Figure 5-7. Settings the reference points for corrected photo in the second perspective correction module (reference points are indicated by the read circles) ............................................................... 87 Figure 5-8. Perspective correction result for texture creation example........ 88 Figure 5-9. Visualisation of the model with textures extracted by the BluePrint Modeler application ................................................. 88 Figure 5-10. Reconstruction from non-corrected blueprints (only the blueprints calibration were done).......................................... 89 Figure 5-11. Reconstruction from corrected blueprints (the blueprints correction have been done before the right calibration) ......... 90 Figure 5-12. Photogrammetric data flow chart for the blueprints correction purpose ............................................................... 91 Figure 5-13. The sample blueprints before their correction. ....................... 91 Figure 5-14. Distorted image of the „left” blueprint (help points are marked with red color) ................................................... 92 Figure 5-15. Entering the help points in order to set the corrected main points (usage of the „Calculate” method) .............................. 93 Figure 5-16. Main points after their calculation with the described method . 94 Figure 5-17. Wrong set of the destination main points. ............................. 94 Figure 5-18. Aligned main points just before performing correction ........... 95 Figure 5-19. The blueprints from Fig. 5-13 after the perspective correction process ............................................................... 96 Figure 5-20. Photogrammetric flow chart for the calibration purposes ........ 96 Figure 5-21. Calibration of the left-oriented blueprint ................................ 97 Figure 5-22. The blueprints after the calibration process (view from the Model Editor) ...................................................................... 98 Figure 5-23. Photoflow diagram used in the orthophotograph creation process ............................................................................... 99 Figure 5-24. Corrected image - result of the orthophotograph creation process ..............................................................................100 Figure 5-25. First stage of point reconstruction (indicating point on the first plane) ...............................................................102 Figure 5-26. Second stage of point reconstruction (indicating point on the second plane) ..........................................................102 Figure 6-1. The BDHPUMN reduction model (scale 1:87)..........................105 vi Figure 6-2. The BDHPUMN measurement with the Olympus C-765 UltraZoom camera ...........................106 Figure 6-3. Object’s drafts with plotted dimensions and local axis .............106 Figure 6-4. Two extreme photographs for left projection ..........................108 Figure 6-5. Orthophotograph of the model’s front side .............................109 Figure 6-6. Stitch artefact of the result image .........................................109 Figure 6-7. The Photoflow diagram created for purposes of the calibration ..............................................110 Figure 6-8. Calibration reference points arrangement (left side) ...............111 Figure 6-9. Beginning of the BDHPUMN scale model reconstruction ..........112 Figure 6-10. The BDHPUMN’s modelling results .......................................113 Figure 6-11. Finished low-polygon train car scale model...........................113 Figure 6-12. The GDDKiA building in the Zielona Góra .............................114 Figure 6-13. Modelling the GDDKiA building from the parallel projections ..115 Figure 6-14. Finished outlook model of the GDDKiA building ....................115 Figure 7-1. Perspective projection...........................................................118 Figure 7-2. Parallel projection .................................................................120 Figure 7-3. Photographed calibration plane with marked measurement quantities ............................................................................122 Figure 7-4. Parallel reconstruction made with right angle .........................133 Figure 7-5. Parallel reconstruction made with sharp angle ........................133 Figure 8-1. Difference between proper and improper lighting (at left – photo with flash, at right – without flash but with additional lighting) ..................................................136 Figure 8-2. Texture created from one perspective photograph taken with sharp angle ..................................................................138 Figure 8-3. Texture created from two perspective photographs taken with sharp angles .................................................................138 Figure 8-4. Visible stitch of the result image ............................................139 vii List of Tables Table 1-1. Combination of the formats used to describe virtual reality scenes..................................................................................... 6 Table 1-2. Quality selection criteria in the reconstruction process for selected issues ................................................................. 13 Table 3-1. List of the main Model Editor functions .................................... 48 Table 3-2. Edition modes of the Model Editor ........................................... 54 Table 3-3. Edition modes of the Photogrammetric Unit ............................. 54 Table 3-4. Processing modules used in the Photogrammetric Unit ............. 55 Table 3-5. The most significant buttons in the Lens Distortion Correction Module .................................................................. 58 Table 3-6. The most significant buttons in the Perspective Correction Module .................................................................. 60 Table 3-7. The most significant buttons in the Orthocamera Calibration Module ................................................................. 61 Table 4-1. Index of tested cameras with division according to created profiles .................................................................. 67 Table 4-2. Specifications for Canon EOS 300D .......................................... 68 Table 4-3. Survey statistics of measuring lens distortion for Canon EOS 300D .............................................................. 68 Table 4-4. Specifications for Olympus C-2 Zoom ....................................... 69 Figure 4-7. Relationship between focal length and lens distortion level for Olympus C-2 Zoom ........................................................... 69 Table 4-5. Survey statistics of measuring lens distortion for Olympus C-2 Zoom ........................................................... 69 Table 4-6. Specifications for Olympus C-765 UltraZoom ............................ 70 Table 4-7. Survey statistics of measuring lens distortion for Olympus C-765 UltraZoom................................................. 70 Table 4-8. Specifications for Konica Minolta Dynax 7D .............................. 71 Table 4-9. Survey statistics of measuring lens distortion for Konica Minolta Dynax 7D ................................................... 71 Table 4-10. Specifications for Sony Cybershot DSC-P100 .......................... 72 Table 4-11. Survey statistics of measuring lens distortion for Sony Cybershot DSC-P100 ............................................... 72 Table 4-12. Specifications for Nikon Coolpix 4600 ..................................... 73 Table 4-13. Survey statistics of measuring lens distortion for Nikon Coolpix 4600 ......................................................... 73 Table 4-14. Specifications for Nikon Coolpix 5200 ..................................... 74 Figure 4-12. Relationship between focal length and lens distortion level for Nikon Coolpix 5200 ......................................................... 74 Table 4-15. Survey statistics of measuring lens distortion for Nikon Coolpix 5200 .................................................................................... 74 Table 4-16. Specifications for Kodak EasyShare CX7525 ............................ 75 Table 4-17. Survey statistics of measuring lens distortion for Kodak EasyShare CX7525 ................................................ 75 Table 4-18. Specifications for Kodak EasyShare Z700................................ 76 viii Table 4-19. Survey statistics of measuring lens distortion for Kodak EasyShare Z700 .................................................... 76 Table 4-20. Specifications for Konica Minolta Dimage Z3 ........................... 77 Table 4-21. Survey statistics of measuring lens distortion for Konica Minolta Dimage Z3................................................ 77 Table 4-22. Specifications for Canon PowerShot A510............................... 78 Table 4-23. Survey statistics of measuring lens distortion for Canon PowerShot A510 ................................................... 78 Table 7-1. Results of camera image plane dimensions measurement for Olympus C-2 Zoom camera without lens distortion correction ..124 Table 7-2. Results of camera image plane dimensions measurement for Olympus C-2 Zoom camera with lens distortion correction .......125 Table 7-3. Comparison between measurement with and without lens distortion correction for Olympus C-2 Zoom ............................125 Table 7-4. Results of camera image plane dimensions measurement for Olympus C-765 UltraZoom camera without lens distortion correction .............................................................................126 Table 7-5. Results of camera image plane dimensions measurement for Olympus C-765 UltraZoom camera with lens distortion correction ................................................127 Table 7-6. Comparison between measurement with and without lens distortion correction for Olympus C-765 UltraZoom .................127 Table 7-7. Sample height calculations for perspective projection ..............129 Table 7-8. Sample height calculations for parallel projection.....................131 ix 1. Introduction The Virtual Reality Systems, also called VR Systems (Virtual Reality) increasingly influences the field of multimedia. Of course, it is associated with progress, which has begun within the space of recent years. Rapid development of the Internet and associated techniques caused demand for methods that support sharing not only still images or movies, but also threedimensional objects. From 3D objects there is a little step to whole scenes and interactive environments that make possible interaction with the user (VE – Virtual Environment). Above mentioned interactions may only exist if the basic requirements are fullfilled. The most important of these is to show the virtual scene as fast as possible. Therefore, there was introduced a concept of real-time virtual reality system, where the main pressure is put on the system efficiency. Not forget about image quality aspects, compromise needed to be obtained. For fast displaying of the result image it is neccessary to work with objects (models) that consist of low-count of points used to create the object mesh. Creating this objects (so-called low-count polygon models) is domain of the applications for geometric reconstruction. The applications use specific procedures in order to reconstruct geometry and model texture. 1.1. Master Thesis Definition The thesis is brings to user efficient methods for reconstruction of threedimensional objects to be used in the virtual reality environments, with special pressure on real-time purposes. The BluePrint Modeler application that make reconstruction easier and possible, supports theoretical results presented in the dissertation. 1.2. Thesis Outline Structure of this dissertation is following: 1 First Chapter shows fundamentals of the Thesis. The Chapter describes issues concerning the object structure and the reconstruction process. It also describes practical applications of the reconstructed models in the various field. In the Second Chapter the author introduces in detail reconstruction process for the 3D objects. It begins from the data collecting, through their selection and right reconstruction (from selected data and materials) ends with export of the result model. Third Chapter is a presentation of the BluePrint Modeler, the application illustrating the dissertation. The application is used for the objects reconstruction showed in this work. The chapter describes features and interfaces of the program. In the Fourth Chapter the lens distortion correction problem is shown. Also the practical experiments are described (because it is important to skilfully remove existing distortions that are often observed in the photographs). Fifth Chapter will bring practical use of the BluePrint Modeler application for selected cases that illustrates the reconstruction process. Sixth Chapter describes sample reconstructions of the selected objects. As distinct from the previuos in this Chapter the whole process from introducing of the sample object through the data processing up to export the model and analyze its statistics, is described. Seventh Chapter describes accuracy of the whole reconstruction process, starting from determine accuracy of the parallel and perspective projection ending with a sample height calculations accuracy. The author’s conclusions are put in the Eighth Chapter. The whole reconstruction process was analyzed and conclusions and observations made during the experiments are presented. 2 1.3. Fundamentals 1.3.1. 3D Model Figure 1-1. 3D model example In the computer graphics, 3D model is an object, which consists of one or more elements. The model could be of the following type: scatter/wireframe (the model consist of points/lines built on the points), surface (the model consist of surfaces built on the points) volumetric (the model consist of cubic array of points), For the thesis and virtual reality applications, there might be used only scatter and surface models. Because the scatter models don’t ensure given realism, first and foremost focus was on the aspects concerning development of surface models. Each model consists of some surfaces, also known as polygons (set of triangles that create the surface of a given element). The polygon is a closed planar path based on three points (vertices) that create the edges of the polygon. The polygon could have assigned proper texture coordinates and material, that allows to right display of the texture of the object. 3 The object might have its own structure1 in order to describe its spatial properties. Thanks to that, the object might consists of the other objects (based on the vertices, edges and polygons). Hierarchical structure makes easier performing the skeletal animation2 as well as modelling process. 1.3.2. 3D Scene Set of objects (3D models) that create specific segment of the virtual reality is known to be a 3D Scene. The scene might be interactive, when particular objects have assigned methods and allows user to manipulate them and feedback with the user. In order to describe the scene with their objects, there is need for a special format or a language. 1.3.3. 3D Projection Figure 1-2. 3D Projection example (perspective projection) The position of a given object is described by the absolute coordinates, represented by the XYZ vector. Displaying the 3D point on the 2D plane is impossible without special transformation, so a three-dimensional point has to be mapped on the two-dimensional screen (image plane). This process produces the XY coordinates for each XYZ vector. Performing this transformation is called projection. Projection might be perspective or parallel (isometric, without a typical perspective distortion). 1 2 in the form of the tree structure (that is natural representation of the hierarchy) kind of the animation, where character consists of surface model and set of bones (skeletal system) that allows to freely manipulate of the particular parts of the given object 4 1.4. VR Languages as a way to describe the virtual reality When the model is choosen, it is neccessary to describe its properties in a formal way. Additionally, if the model will be used in the interactive presentation, it is required to reduce its size. Formalization and unification of the virtual reality describing methods ended in virtual reality languages. Most popular of these are VRML and X3D (as a VRML successor). 1.4.1. Virtual Reality languages review VRML (Virtual Reality Modelling Language) has been developed since 1994. One of its task was to minimize capacity of (3D) data sent by Internet. VRML is a result of the simplification of the Open Inventor language (known from the Silicon Graphics computers). It supports three types of commands (nodes) that allow to create three-dimensional objects, manipulate them (rotation, translation, scale...etc) and grouping them in the hierarchical structure. Aside from possibility to store the geometry and texturing data, it is possible to define the information about lighting, cameras, animations and interactions. Since VRML language has a text form, one can create simple scenes even with the notepad. Bigger and more complex objects are created with specific reconstruction systems that support VRML format. X3D (Extensible 3D) is a next generation of the open standard to describe VR scenes. It is an open language (currently being developed) with the following features: backward compatibility with VRML, browsers and other tools for visualization. Compatibility means that scenes created in VRML have to be properly processed by the software designed for the X3D, support for XML decoders, extended mechanisms that allow to introduce new properties, fast estimation of their usefullnes and right execution. 5 1.4.2. Virtual Reality formats review Apart from the universal languages for description of virtual reality, geometry and other model data might be written in the specific format (often binary). In principle, every application for 3D processing has its own format (3DStudio – ASC, 3DS and MAX formats, Cinema4D – C4D format...etc), which is used exclusively with the given system. There are also available some special conversion tools (converters) that allows to translate object data to other formats. It’s obvious that in a specific format might be written not only geometry and texturing data but also information about the animation and lights, cameras and other features. Below table lists selected formats used to describe VR scenes: Table 1-1. Combination of the formats used to describe virtual reality scenes Format 3DS Description Binary format; Supported by the most of the applications; It allows to store data about animation, lighting , cameras ...etc ASC Text format; Simplified description for save the geometry and texture coordinates; C4D Binary format; Supported by the Cinema4D, It allows to store data about animation, lighting , cameras ...etc MAX Binary format; Supported by the 3D Studio MAX, It allows to store data about animation, lighting , cameras ...etc LWO Binary format; Supported by the Lightwave, It allows to store data about animation, lighting , cameras ...etc VRML WRL Text or binary format (packed text). Supports scenes in VRML language X3D Text or binary format (packed text). Supports scenes in X3D language 6 1.5. Virtual Reality reconstruction systems Methods and procedures of data acquisition, feature extraction and object construction form a concept of the VR reconstruction systems. The procedures concern software realization, where the right interface allows user to easy and effectively pass the reconstruction process. The given reconstruction system can have a software form. But is also possible to use the hardware implementation. In the hardware realization, the system have specific kit of sensors which are used for the shape detection of the given object (e.g. with use of the laser beam). The typical result is a point cloud that create object geometry (unfortunately, this way creates a model which takes a huge space on the disk – several Gigabytes of data per model). In the software realization user inputs proper data to the computer (coordinates of the given points, photographs, geometry relationships). Next, the data is used in the specific process (reconstruction) to determine the wanted shape. The degree of automation process of the system depends on the given application. Advantages of the good reconstruction system include automation of some particular processes (e.g. concerning geometry reconstruction). This is possible when one uses right methods for reconstruction. For the purpose of this Thesis, selected photogrammetric techniques are described. 1.6. Using photogrammetry in the reconstruction process Photogrammetry is based on the measuring and interpreting objects from the photographs that can be taken on the ground or in the air (see [7],[8]). Photogrammetry consists of teledetection and photointerpretation, that employ many techniques used to collect the photos of the objects and information about them. 7 Because photographs introduce only projection of the given object, this means that during taking the photos some information about the object is lost (depth of the object). The object can’t be reconstructed from the one photograph (without other measurements), one has to acquire more information (and photos) of the object. To solve this problem one has to collect such quantity of the photographs, taken under the suitable conditions (the redundancy must occurs) which will permit to reconstruct the geometry. For the reconstruction purposes, the min. two photographs need to be taken, but it is really the minimum quantity - the better effect will be observed when one use more photographs than two3. Of course, the techniques of the taking photos is important: the photos can’t be blurred, they should have good exposure and be taken with the proper angles4. Even in the home conditions the proper photogrammetric survey is still possible. It is possible to get the good results, that make the photogrammetric methods available in the field of the reconstructions. Digital cameras used to measurements (in this cases the cameras is a casual cameras not specialistic devices) force some limits. For example – lens system is loaded with specific radial distortions, that causes, sometimes considerable, image distortion. This effect is possible to removal and in the Thesis some methods for its correction are described. The other thing is to combine with projection known from the photographs. The perspective, which causes depth effect (in the cameras where one-point perspective is used). This means that shape of the projected object is decreasing with increasing distance of the object from the camera. 3 It can be observed in the PhotoModeler application, when one try to reconstruct object from two and next from the four photos, 4 It is recommended to set the camera in the main directions (front, left, rear...etc – under the right angles) 8 Because the reconstruction methods that might work with perspective photographs are complex, the perspective photos can be converted to the orthophotographs (similar to the parallel projections5). Reconstruction from the orthophotos allows to get the reasonable results in a short time. 1.7. Methods and techniques used in the reconstruction process There following methods are used for object modelling: reconstruction from photographs, reconstruction from orthophotographs, reconstruction from blueprints, procedural and parametric modelling, CSG modelling, manual entering of the 3D model data, 1.7.1. Reconstruction from photographs When one has photographs of a given object (free-positioned photographs) he/she might extract geometry with a specific precision. In this case, it is required to mark the reference points on the photographs. With the right calibration procedures it is possible to obtain the geometry structure and position of the cameras during taking shots. Also, the textures might be extracted. 1.7.2. Reconstruction from orthophotographs The orthophoto is a special case of the parallel projection. Thanks to the parallel projection it is possible to easy get the geometry. Usually it is hard to directly get the orthophotos (because there were used casual camera not highly specialized measure device like a photogrammetric camera). Because of that, orthophotos have to be prepared from the normal perspective photographs. As a orthophoto it might been used also the telephoto images (they are almost parallel). 5 known as orthogonal projections 9 After the preparation of orthophotos, reconstruction of the object is possible. The user is required to indicate correspondent points on the orthophotos. Textures might be extracted, as well. 1.7.3. Reconstruction from blueprints Similarly to orthophotos, blueprints (architectural plans) are parallel projections. Thanks to that, the geometry extraction is simplified (comparing to perspective photographs) and similar to the reconstruction from orthophotos. Unfortunately the texture extraction is usually impossible (in fact the blueprints consist of edges and frames). 1.7.4. Procedural and parametric modelling The modelling methods allow to create the objects by use of proper mathematic formulas. Usually procedurally created objects are regular and it is possible to control their level of detail. Regularity of their structure facilitate texturing process. 1.7.5. CSG modelling CSG modelling is a way to create an object with use of the CSG methods (Constructive Solid Geometry). In short CSG consists of building solid objects from other solids by the use of the boolean operators. Boolean operators permit to make union, intersection and difference of the given solids. This allows to „carving” – in the solids one might cut out some shapes to get the wanted geometry. Texturing process is normally automated (mapping coordinates are generated automatically). This way is rather distant from the right reconstruction methods (but it might be used to assist in the main reconstruction process). 10 1.7.6. Manual entering 3D model data This method allows to create any objects by manual entering information about model geometry and texturing. In the case of geometry form of the data is a series of vertices described by the XYZ coordinates. For texturing their description relies on the UV coordinates (texture coordinates). 1.8. Restrictions for the modelling Every method of the reconstruction has its own limits. Additionally, modelling for the real-time purposes also has some specific limits. There are following things that have to be considered: size of the scene in memory, quality of textures, speed of projection (every frame) within the target environment. Since the virtual reality languages6 have been created also for the internet purposes, the low complexity of the models is strongly recommended. Needless to say, the right compromise have to be reached between image quality and low complexity. Since the more the object is complicated, the more memory has to be used for its storage. And the time to display given object is longer, either. It shouldn’t be treated as a disadvantage, it is recommended to treat every case individually, according to the assumed reconstruction target. 1.9. Targets and applications of the reconstruction system The main target of the every reconstruction is to recreate the geometric structure. It is often required to reconstruct as much detail as possible (very precise reconstruction). But for the real-time purposes it is common to extract only main framework of the object (outlook reconstruction). 6 such as: VRML1.0, VRML 2.0, X3D and others 11 For the sake of modelling, several types might be mentioned: outlook modelling, when the result is a model with lower-count of polygons, usually without texturing or with using low quality textures. The precision of performing model is not required, simplified modelling, the result of this process is an object with low or medium count of polygons. Texturing isn’t neccessary but the high quality of textures might be used. Model precision is important, precise modelling, where the result model has a big count of polygons, making precision is high, and textures are usual with a high quality. But complexity of the model disqualifies it for the real-time purposes. Features that should be taken during the realization of the reconstruction process: geometric complexity – the more polygons object has, the more it is complicated and realistic, but the more time is needed for its construction and displaying. Also memory demands increase, either, precise of the geometry extraction – most of the modelled objects are regular and have symmetric elements. In other words it is precise for the reconstruction of particular vertices of the model (significant attention – object might be precise reconstructed and doesn’t have to be more compound), displaying time – if the objects are going to be used in the interactive presentation, the matter fact is time of displaying (frame rate). Therefore the object would not be too complex, animation or interaction occurence – in that case ofr the geometry and texturing data is an information about the animation. For the animation the data has to describe motion of the object (translation, rotation and scaling). For interaction – the data should describe the actions which object might take. texture quality and texture mapping precision – depend on requirements the textures might be of low or of high quality. Precision of assigment of the mapping coordinates has to be considered, as well. 12 In the Table 1-2 there are collected various issues with particular criterias that concern the reconstruction purposes. The data is only overview of the given problems (because each reconstruction has to be treated apart). Table 1-2. Quality selection criteria in the reconstruction process for selected issues Geometry complexity (polygons count) Precision of geometry reconstruction Displaying time Animation Texture quality Simulations and visualizations: industrial processes, car accidents, medical simulations, medium high medium present medium Virtual presentations of the cities high medium medium n/a medium Planning and spatial economy low medium medium n/a low Photogrammetry and measuring high high long n/a high Modelling for movies high high long present high Modelling for game development low medium short present medium Architectural cataloguing high high long n/a high Reconstruction of the static scenes high high long n/a high Interaction systems and graphical 3D interfaces low medium short present low Preface objects modelling medium medium medium n/a low Interactive presentations medium medium short present medium Fields / Issues The green color marks issues concerning real-time For the rest of the issues it is hard to display their 3D graphics fast. 13 purposes. 1.10. Requirements of the reconstruction systems The reconstruction system used for purposes of virtual reality should fulfill following conditions7: flexibility – it means simplicity for introducing new elements to the system and modification of the existing ones (e.g. video drivers or plug-ins as DLL libraries), reliability – during the reconstruction process some errors might occur. The system should be stable and correctly respond to these situations and avoid data loss, efficiency – one should have possibility to create good qualitative model in a relatively short time (with a given precision...etc). In order to help user with this question, the system should support combination of the methods adapted to handle various kind of objects, that user wants to reconstruct. These methods should increase reconstruction speed, too, intuitivity and easiness of handling – first of all system should ensure easy ways to pass the reconstruction process, it should has intuitive icons and user-friendly interface. Also, short time to learn particular parts of the application is required. 7 concern especially software reconstructions systems 14 1.11. Review of existing applications for objects reconstruction Among existing applications for the reconstruction purposes one can find the following programs: 3D Studio MAX 7, © Autodesk (, price ~ 3.500$, AutoCad 2006, © Autodesk (, price ~ 3700$, Cinema4D, © Maxon (, price ~ 700 – 3000$, Maya, © Alias (, price ~ 2200 – 7200$ Lightwave, © NewTek (, price ~ 1700$, Photomodeler, © Eos Systems Inc. (, price ~ 900$, Worldcraft/Hammer (specially dedicated to the Half-Life game, but it is possible to make low polygon models), and developed by the author the BluePrint Modeler application. The Photomodeller has capability of making objects from the photographs (as a result objects are produced low-polygons models) as well as BluePrint Modeler, which support procedures specially dedicated to work with the low-polygon models (reconstruction, modelling and texturing). Reconstructions made with the applications written for modelling require usually long time to find out the program abilities (at first there are demands for help and tutorials before the actual reconstruction process starts). In that case, the author proposes to use tool kind of Photomodeller or BluePrint Modeler to reconstruction main shapes of the given object. Reconstructed shapes might be then exported to the virtual reality format and used in the presentation or game. It might be also edited with the specialized applications (Cinema4D, 3DStudio... etc) to increase its level of detail8. 8 But for the real-time purposes this stage is omitted, because increasing of the details level is strictly connected with growth of the object size on disk and slows display of the model 15 2. Reconstruction process of 3D objects for the VR environment The three-dimensional object reconstruction is a complex problem. While reconstruction of the simple objects (that consist of a few dozen of polygons) is realatively easy, reconstruction of the complex objects is far more complicated. That’s why proper methods for the data acquisition should be established first. 2.1. Selection of the object to reconstruct and the reconstruction aims arrangement In this stage the object selection is done. Target object might be full-scale object or reduction model. It might also exist only on the architectural plans (blueprints). At the same time user has to choose reconstruction aims. Additionally the following questions have to be considered: will the object be used as a background, will the object be used as a foreground (where observator’s attention will be focused first and foremost on the given model), will the model be used for measuring purposes, will the model be used for the animation, level of details of the model (which details have to be texture elements, and which have to be modelled), significance of the reconstruction precision, complexity of the model (estimated count of the polygons), Thanks to these questions, one might determine the modelling type (outlook, simplified or precise reconstructions). 16 2.2. Definition of object features and choice of methods for data acquisition The user has to prepare for the data acquisition. One has to carry out the right observations. This is done by examination of some features of a given object: symmetry / regularity, details, their count and exposure (in order to decide which details have to be treated as a part of the texture), possibility of the direct survey, After the observations, user has to choose right acquisition methods that will be used for data collection. One of the most significant methods are: photographs, photogrammetric methods – by taking perspective photographs of the given object. The photos might be free-positioned (taken with any angles) or oriented – e.g. perpendicular to the building facade. This method allows to collect materials that are used for geometry reconstruction as well as for texture extraction, architectural plans or orthogonal (parallel) projections of the object – availability of architectural plans (blueprints) allows for more precisely (than for photographs) reconstruction of the given object. Owing to lack of the texture on the blueprints, this way is mostly used to reconstruct only geometry. Of course if the full orthogonal projections9 or orthophotographs are available it is possible to extract both geometry and textures, measurement – manual survey for the object details. If the object exists physically it is a good idea to collect the total object dimensions, or at least dimensions of the given details. This make the reconstruction process easier, especially orientation of photos and estimation of the object scale. This method is used for small objects (e.g. reduction models) or details of the bigger objects (e.g. a window in the building), where the measurement is possible. When it is neccessary to measure the 9 orthogonal projection with texture (e.g. coloured blueprint), 17 distance details (especially inaccessible to survey) one have to use photogrammetric methods, described above. 2.3. Data acquisition – collecting detailed info about the chosen object When the proper methods are chosen, user can start the data acquisition process. 2.3.1. Photogrammetric methods Photogrammetric methods are part of the teledetection methods and are based on the data interpretation. The data is result of recording of the electromagnetic radiation reflected or emitted by the various objects. The result of this process is a photograph. Interpretation (so called photointerpretation) of the obtained image leads to extraction of particular details from the given photo. Of course, the way of the taking photographs is important. First of all, the photos have to fit each other by the common details (known also as control points). It follows that photos have to cover mutually with selected details which might be easy to measurement. Additionally, the photos have to be taken without using too sharp angles relatively to the selected datails. First and foremost, one should collect as much as possible information on the object. Undoubtedly, the equipment used to acquisition is not free from the disadvantages. Before the data collecting, one has to perform the calibration procedures. For digital cameras, the main problem is the lens distortion effect (also known as radial distortion) as on of the most onerous. Reduction of the above mentioned distortion leads to significant increase in precision of the reconstructed geometry and correct quality of the extracted textures. 18 2.3.2. Blueprints and orthogonal projections If the given object and its photos don’t exists, one may use the blueprints (of course if they are available). The blueprint is a parallel (orthogonal) projection and allows for the easiest reconstruction than in case of modelling from the perspective projection. Parallel projections might have got assigned texture, what facilitate subsequent texturing of the object. For correct reconstruction, number of planes has to be greater or equal than two (both planes have to be perpendicular). The best choice, is when plans depict each side of the object (front, rear, left, right, top and the bottom side). Additionally, the plans should be scaled for arrangements to each other (relative orientation). There is a possible situation, where one doesn’t have any blueprints but only orthophotos which have been transformed from the casual perspective photographs. Then the measurement of the selected details is necessary in order to scale the orthophotos. 2.3.3. Manual measurement of the object details In many cases, it is necessary to get the additional measures that describe a shape of the model. Unfortunately not always the details can been measured. For example - the measurement of the building. The orthophotos might been prepared from the perspective photos, but still it is necessary to get the proper dimensions. The dimensions of the building are too big for a direct survey, one has to use specialized geodesic devices (like the theodolites). But it’s still possible to measure the selected details like windows or doors. It follows that one has to find some reference points (that aren’t laying on one line in space), with coordinates that might been set or calculated. Additionally, the measures of the rest of the details can be taken in order to increase the redundancy. 19 2.4. Selection of the obtained data Selected data might take more memory space. Some of the information might be insufficient in order to use them in the reconstruction process (for example – blurred photos). That’s why the selection of the obtained data is needed. It is a good choice to create the documentation of the materials that describe the source. This means that one has to pay attention which material is related to given part of the geometry or texture. If the selection process is well organized, the reconstruction process will be considerably easier and the additional measurement won’t be necessary. The following things have to be considered: destination of the given source (photo, blueprint/plan, measured value), e.g. if source is to be used in the blueprints orientation, position of the object main axis (local reference system) – that determines how the sources are positioned relatively to chosen system, a way to extraction wanted data from the given source – an example: necessity of making orthophotographs in order to create the geometry (one might use photogrammetric method only for perspective photos), a way to process rest of the data. 2.5. Processing of the selected informations After the data selection, the proper materials should be prepared. It is connected with necessity of improvement of their interpretation. First of all, one has to process photographs and blueprints in order to use them in later reconstruction. If a photo has to be used as an orthophoto one has to perform the perspective correction. Additionally, for photos taken from cameras, the lens correction process must be executed. For the blueprints one should straighten plans that are parallel to each other (e.g. front with rear, left with right...etc). It is necessary, because blueprints are often taken with scanners and scanned image with blueprint is sometimes slightly rotated. 20 2.5.1. Removal of the spherical distortion from photographs Idea of the spherical distortion Every photograph made with digital or analog cameras isn’t free from distortions. Because of the various lens systems one might observe (on the result photograph) geometry distortion – the radial image distortion. This causes a excessive emphasize of central part of the image and its borders. Normally, this effect might be observed in cheap digital cameras and web cameras. In the specialized (photogrammetric) devices the distortion as a rule aren’t so ardous, so the rectification of them is not neccessary. The distortion might have a positive or a negative sign. Depending on the sign, the image might be like a pincushion or a barrel. Figure 2-1. Various kind of the spherical distortions (positive/negative) Figure 2-1. Photograph with spherical distortion effect 21 Spherical distortion model We can find several models for description of the geometrical distortion, that are used in distortion correction procedures In the research, the author suggests following equations (based partially on the equations from [5]): [ )⋅ [r ] ) ] x src = x dst − ( xdst − c x ) ⋅ r0 + r1 ⋅ (rd ⋅ d w ) 2 + r2 ⋅ (rd ⋅ d w ) 4 ( y src = y dst − y dst − c y 0 + r1 ⋅ (rd ⋅ d w ) 2 + r2 ⋅ (rd ⋅ d w rd = W H where: c x = + ∆x0 , c y = + ∆y 0 and 2 2 dw = (2.1) 4 (xdst − c x )2 + (y dst − c y )2 2000 W2 +H2 Symbols: x src , y src source image coordinates x dst , y dst destination image coordinates cx , c y transformation center rd radial distance (from the point to the transformation center) dw radial distance scaling factor r0 , r1 , r2 internal distortion correction coefficients k 0 , k1 , k 2 , ∆x0 , ∆y 0 W ×H external distortion correction coefficients ( ∆x 0 , ∆y 0 - transformation center translate) source/destination image size [width x height] Inverse transformation (mapping destination coordinates into the source coordinates) is important, because it allows to obtain image without artefacts (discontinuity of the processed image). These artefacts might be observed in the case of use the normal transformation (mapping source coordinates onto the destination coordinates). The coefficients used in the transformation ( r0 , r1 , r2 ) are very essential. Because range values of the coefficients aren’t normalized, the the author introduced their normalization – by using percentage coefficients ( k 0 , k1 , k 2 ∈ [−100 ÷ +100] ) that are transformed to the non-linear values. 22 The way to calculate percentage coefficients into their non-linear equivalents is following: r0 = k0 100 r1 = sgn( k1 ) ⋅ 10 −8+ r2 = sgn( k 2 ) ⋅ 10 The parameter k1 50 −14+ dw k2 50 , v > 0 ⇒ sgn(v) = +1 where sgn(v) = v < 0 ⇒ sgn(v) = −1 v = 0 ⇒ sgn(v) = 0 (2.2) used in the equation (2.1) makes coefficients independent on the image size. Thanks to that, it is possible to correct the image with any resolution when one has only coefficients obtained with one resolution. It is advantage to previous works where this problem was omitted. Correction and calibration of radial distortion When we have a given distortion model, it is neccessary to remember, that the most significant issue in the lens distortion correction process is to find proper coefficients. With these coefficients, one has to remove distortion. Because photos can be taken with any focal length (practically, the optical zoom option is avaiable in the most cameras) it is neccesary to find coefficients for every focal length. This process is called lens calibration and requires using of the appropriate calibration plane. The plane has to be photographed with various focal lengths, and next, the images have to be interpreted. Data obtained from the interpretation has to be optimized to find the correct coefficients. The plane recognition is automated and depend on the filtering of the image and searching for given points (regular grid). The author with Maciej Gaweł (student of University of Zielona Góra) proposed use of the genetic algorithm as a fast and efficient way to calibrate the lens distortion. Owing to automation of the recognition, as well as calibration process, the whole task is automated and doesn’t require any help from the user side. 23 When one has a given profile (obtained from the calibration process) it is impossible to do the right correction. The Algorithm, used by the author, use the EXIF format (photo description placed on the JPEG header) to recognize focal length and camera model. Connection of the EXIF data with the calculated coefficients is used later to automatic image correction (application recognizes camera model, focal length and uses proper coefficients). During the correction process the correction application automatically matches the best parameters profile. This means that whole process is totally easy, automated and what follows, effective. The bonus is a possibility to correct of the movie sequences, that is useful when one collect data for reconstruction from the medium quality web cameras. For the image one may use the following interpolation: nearest neighbour method. X,Y values are rounded, so only one pixel is used. This leads in many cases to not-smooth images. It is a fast method which doesn’t require much calculations, but quality of the visual results is poor, bilinear method. X,Y values are averaged from the window (2x2 pixels) of the neighbours of the given point. This produce more good quality image, but requires more calculations. Figure 2-2. Photograph after the lens distortion correction 24 2.5.2. Summary The described solution is not the only one – other ways to solve this problem might be found in following publications: [2], [5], [6] and [13]. Complex distortion correction tools are hard to available. In the most applications for correction, user has to do this process manually (comparing the equalized image). Application written by the author is based on the above-mentioned procedure. Thanks to that, increase of the efficiency of the calibration and correction process is obtained. Automation of the whole process makes this processing stage easy, so the solution might be used instead of the more complicated methods. 25 2.5.3. Perspective correction for perspective photographs The need for perspective correction Photographs taken for modelling purposes have usually one fundamental feature – perspective, that means the objects that appear farther from the objective are smaller, while objects lying closer are bigger. This effect is especially visible with use of small focal lengths (for telephoto lens with long focal length the result image is practically flat10). If one uses right modelling methods from the perspective photos the procedure is not very complicated. But even modelling from the perspective projections causes great difficulties and precision of that process is not always satisfactory. There are alternative ways to remove depth effect from the perspective photo – in order to create the orthophotohraph. The orthophoto might be used later in the reconstruction (with use of parallel projection – what simplifies the restitution process). Of course perspective correction is not limited to modeling goals but it is also useful in extraction textures from the photos. Figure 2-3. Photographs before and after perspective correction 10 the image seems devoid of the depth effect (perspective) 26 Perspective correction For the imposed projection (perspective) it is hard to measure some details, so it is neccessary to correct the photo. The concept of the correction is to use the proper transformation. This transformation convert source image into the destination image in order to remove the perspective for selected details. The following camera model was proposed [1]: XW a b YW = d e W g h c x f ⋅ y i 1 (2.3) where W = gx + hy + 1 . Transforming this equation on the fraction form (like in [11]) one has: ax + by + c gx + hy + 1 dx + ey + f Y= gx + hy + 1 X = (2.4) where X , Y coordinates are destination coordinates and x, y means source coordinates (the image with perspective). Further transformation will give: x1 0 M x1 0 y1 1 0 0 0 − X 1 x1 − Y1 x1 0 0 x1 y1 1 M M M M M y1 1 0 0 0 − X 4 x4 0 0 x1 y1 1 M − Y4 x 4 a b − X 1 y1 X 1 c − Y1 y1 Y1 d M ⋅ = M e − X 4 y4 X 4 f − Y4 y 4 Y4 g h (2.5) For above equation form – it is observed that it is neccessary to have 4 control (reference) points on the source and the destination images. 27 Above matrix form of the equation (2.3) allows simple calculation of the correction coefficients ( because the equation has the form: A ⋅ x = b ). If the matrix is treated as A ⋅ x = b it is possible to bring this to the normal form: A⋅ x = b ( AT A) ⋅ x = AT ⋅ b (2.6) x = ( AT A) −1 ⋅ ( AT b) Thanks to that, it is possible to calculate the coefficients fast and efficiently. One should remember about the transformation method (similarly to lens distortion) – it is neccessary to use the inverse transformation to avoid the image discontinuity. Inverse transformation in this case relies on assigning source image values to the X , Y coordinates, destination image values to the x, y coordinates and performing actual correction. One can apply of the above method for every destination coordinate. The transformation will find the correspondent coordinate on the source image. With right interpolation (filtering) it will give the satisfactory results. Summary All modern applications for raster graphic processing (like Adobe Photoshop, Corel PhotoPaint or GIMP) have proper perspective correction tool. Unfortunately these tools are not always useful due to their simplicity. The author implemented correction system that allows to perform the transformation on the few images simulataneusly with possibility to use alpha channel and manual entering of the reference points coordinates. Thanks to that creation of the orthophotographs is simple and efficient. 28 2.6. Object texture creation The objects used in the virtual reality environments should have texture in order to increase the scene realism. The texture creation when one uses only perspective photos is possible when the proper tools are available. In this case, the tool is defined by methods for perspective correction and image stitching/superimposing. In order to create texture, one should perform the lens correction of the photos. And next, the photos free from lens distortion should be exposed to the perspective correction (to determine the right transformation matrix and to do the proper correction). When one has only blueprint and information about the object texture the applications for graphic processing should be used (in process similar to painting). Of course it is possible to use specialized applications for texture generation (e.g. Corel Texture, Texture Creator...etc). 2.7. Object modelling based on the processed informations After the right input data processing, one might begin the proper geometric reconstruction process. A few methods might be used. The focus of this Thesis concerns two following methods: reconstruction from the parallel projections (e.g. blueprints and orthophotographs), reconstruction from the perspective photos. In both cases one has to deal with projection of every point of the object to the image plane. The important question is when there is only one projection (one photograph or a blueprint) it is impossible to reconstruct geometry without further data. The minimum of two projections is needed. In the case of orthogonal photos two reference (projected) points are enough – of course when above orthogonal photos 29 are relatively perpendicular. In the event of perspective photos the additional problems is calibration of the free-positioned cameras as well of the perspective effect. 2.7.1. Reconstruction from blueprints and orthophotographs In the case of modelling from parallel projections, like blueprints, it is necessary to solve following problems: orthogonal camera representation (projection method), orthogonal camera calibration relatively to created model (when one have blueprints and proper reference points, it is necessary to use way to calibrate the camera position relative to the model position), the way to determine particular model points. One of the most significant things is to take right camera model, since camera is a fundamental element of the further reconstruction process (e.g. the calibration method strictly depend on established camera model). In the present Thesis the author use the vector camera model, due to its simplicity and speed of basic operations. 30 Parallel (orthogonal) camera representation In the three-dimensional graphics it is neccessary to use a given projection type. The main target of the every projection is to transform global coordinates of the object to its screen coordinates, which allows to display of the object. One of the most useful, is a parallel projection that appears below: Figure 2-4. Parallel projection with use of the vector camera model The camera on the above image has a given orientation (defined by the vectors: R (X local axis), U (Y local axis) and D (Z local axis). Position of the camera is marked by the O( X O , YO , Z O ) vector. Size of the projection plane is defined by the S X and SY values. A specific point in the space P( X P , YP , Z P ) is projected in a parallel way to the projection plane (camera image plane) and refers as a p ( x p , y p ) point. 31 Vectors used in camera orientation ( R,U , D ) depend on a type of parallel projection. The vectors are normalized (unit vectors). As a frame of reference, the author established the right-hand Cartesian coordinate system. The vector camera model might be written as follows: ( ) M ⋅ P −O = p (2.7) Where M denote projection matrix; below equation might be written as: RX U X RY UY X P X O xp RZ ⋅ YP − YO = UZ yp Z Z P O (2.8) Obtained in this way, 2D coordinates are parallel projection of the 3D points on the given plane. Orthogonal camera calibration When one have above camera model he/she should consider a method to find the right camera position in order to make the reconstruction possible. In fact that camera orientation is known (it result from orientation of the blueprint or given parallel projection – the R,U , D vectors are known) the unknowns are: size of the camera image plane S X , SY and its position O( X O , YO , Z O ) . 32 To solve this problem the author proposes the following method: the model is translated relatively to the camera on specific distance. Having this distance and some control points the desired parameters can be calculated. Below image refers to that method: Figure 2-5. Orthogonal camera calibration The d1 ÷ d 3 means distances from the particular reference points P1 ÷ P3 to the camera image plane. Points p1 ÷ p3 are projection of the reference points to the camera plane. In order to perform the correct calibration one should avoid circumstances when the reference points Pi are laying on the common line (in space). To execute the calibration the 3 points are needed (with their coordinates on the camera plane). 33 Once camera (plane/blueprint) orientation vectors are obtained, one might calculate distances from the center of reference system to the particular points. One can use following relationship: d Pi = D X Pi. X + DY Pi.Y + DZ Pi.Z D X + DY + DZ 2 i =1..3 2 2 (2.9) And next the minimal distance from the distance set is determined: d MIN = min{d P1 , d P2 , d P3 ) (2.10) This distance is neccessary to calculate the distance of the points relative to the camera plane. = d Pi − ( d MIN − D ) di i =1 .. 3 (2.11) Because the every point Pi might be calculated with below relationship (which is taken from the Figure 2-5): Pi = O + 1 1 S X ⋅ p i. x ⋅ R + S Y ⋅ pi. y ⋅ U + d i ⋅ D 2 2 (2.12) After ordering the left and right side: O+ 1 1 S X ⋅ pi. x ⋅ R + S Y ⋅ pi. y ⋅ U = Pi − d i ⋅ D 2 2 (2.13) With of above vector quation: 1 1 S X ⋅ pi. x ⋅ R X + S Y ⋅ pi. y ⋅ U X = Pi. X − d i ⋅ D X 2 2 1 1 YO + S X ⋅ pi. x ⋅ RY + S Y ⋅ pi. y ⋅ U Y = Pi.Y − d i ⋅ DY 2 2 1 1 Z O + S X ⋅ pi. x ⋅ RZ + SY ⋅ pi. y ⋅ U Z = Pi.Z − d i ⋅ DZ 2 2 XO + (2.14) Equations (2.14) might be also written in the matrix form: 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 pi. x ⋅ R X 2 1 pi. x ⋅ RY 2 1 p i. x ⋅ R Z 2 1 X p i. y ⋅ U X O 2 P − di ⋅ DX Y O i. X 1 pi. y ⋅ U Y ⋅ Z O = Pi.Y − d i ⋅ DY 2 S X Pi.Z − d i ⋅ DZ 1 p i. y ⋅ U Z S Y 2 (2.15) From the above form follows that one has three equations and five unknowns. It means that if one wants to determine all of these unknowns, the minimum three control points have to be used. 34 The matrix for the above-mentioned set of the points is given: 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 p1. y ⋅ U X 2 1 p1. y ⋅ U Y 2 P1. X 1 P p1. y ⋅ U Z 1.Y 2 X P 1 p 2. y ⋅ U X O 1. Z 2 YO P2. X 1 p 2. y ⋅ U Y ⋅ Z O = P2.Y 2 S X P2.Z 1 p 2. y ⋅ U Z S P 2 Y 3. X 1 P3.Y p 3. y ⋅ U X 2 P 3.Z 1 p3. y ⋅ U Y 2 1 p3. y ⋅ U Z 2 1 p1. x ⋅ R X 2 1 p1. x ⋅ RY 2 1 p1. x ⋅ RZ 2 1 p 2. x ⋅ R X 2 1 p 2. x ⋅ RY 2 1 p 2. x ⋅ R Z 2 1 p 3. x ⋅ R X 2 1 p3. x ⋅ RY 2 1 p 3. x ⋅ R Z 2 − d1 ⋅ D X − d1 ⋅ DY − d1 ⋅ D Z − d 2 ⋅ DX − d 2 ⋅ DY − d 2 ⋅ DZ − d3 ⋅ DX − d 3 ⋅ DY − d 3 ⋅ DZ (2.16) While equation (2.16) is treated as A ⋅ x = b , it might been solved. In fact of occurrence of the more equations than unknowns, the equation might be solved, after the reduction to the normal form: (A T ) ( ⋅ A ⋅ x = AT ⋅ b ) (2.17) That is a system of equations in the normal form is following: ( x = AT ⋅ A ) ⋅ (A ⋅ b) −1 35 T (2.18) Determining geometry of the model Calculating of the individual points on the model is based on the idea of finding coordinates of intersection of two rays in the space. In order to do that, intersection is not always possible in the 3D space, the nearest point to the rays is demanded. The need for finding the properly algorithm to solve this problem is used in the purposes of the collision detection or for the object reconstruction issues (projection from the 2D space to 3D space). Below is a sample solution for this problem, that is proposed in [3] and gives good results. The concept of this solution relies on finding points lying on the both lines (the first straight is defined by A, B points and second straight is defined by the C, D points). These points have to be close to each other. By the calculating of the average of these points results in a position of the desired point. Of course, if the lines intersect in the one plane, a 2D line intersection algorithm might be used. But for the sake of use 3D space, other method should be used. Let wanted point, referred as G , be localized nearest to the both segments. If this point exists, it has it’s projections on the both lines (marked as E, F ). So that, finding of these points allows to find the wanted coordinate. When one has coordinates of the start and end of the rays, he/she might calculate directional vectors v AB and vCD . These vectors with scalars d AB and d CD are neccessary to estimate E and F positions. Scalars have values that range from 0 to 1. 36 If one has E, F points it is possible to determine G point from equation: G= E+F 2 (2.19) This point will be localized nearest to the both rays. This algorithm doesn’t respect a case, when two lines covers each other, and when the lines are parallel to each other (in this case the reconstruction is impossible). For the main cases this idea might be presented as following: Wanted Data Figure 2-6. Determining the point nearest to the two lines in space A( X , Y , Z ), B ( X , Y , Z ) First straight coordinates C ( X , Y , Z ), D ( X , Y , Z ) Second straight coordinates d AB , d CD E, F G Scalars for both straights Points referred as projection of the G point on the both straights Coordinates of the wanted point 37 First of all, it is neccessary to determine how to calculate given points: E = A + d AB ⋅ v AB F = C + d CD ⋅ vCD G= (2.20) E+F 2 and determine directional vectors: v AB vCD B X − AX = B − A = BY − AY BZ − AZ DX − C X = D − C = DY − CY DZ − C Z (2.21) As we can see, the solution is to calculate scalars d AB and d CD . The points E and F make segment that is the smallest distance between both lines, it ends in the following conclusion: E − F → min , and aim is: E − F = 0 A + d AB ⋅ v AB − C − d CD ⋅ vCD = 0 (2.22) By doing equation arrangement one has: d AB ⋅ v AB − d CD ⋅ vCD = C − A where: C − A = v AC C X − AX = CY − AY C Z − AZ (2.23) (2.24) By getting equation (2.24) to matrix form: v AB. X vCD. X v AC. X d AB ⋅ v AB.Y − d CD ⋅ vCD.Y = v AC .Y v AB.Z vCD.Z v AC.Z v AB. X v AB.Y v AB.Z − vCD. X v AC . X d AB − vCD.Y ⋅ = v AC.Y d − vCD.Z CD v AC.Z (2.25) (2.26) By the treating above mentioned equation as A ⋅ d = b , it is easy to solve it’s uknowns. 38 Because it is more equations than unknowns it is hard to solve this equation in the classical way. This problem can be easily solved by using normal forms where this equation is as follows: ( AT ⋅ A) ⋅ d = ( AT ) ⋅ b . Writing equation (2.26) in normal form is following: v AB. X − vCD. X − vCD. X d AB − vCD.Y ⋅ = d CD − vCD.Z v AC . X v AB.Z ⋅ v AC .Y − vCD.Z v AC .Z v AB. X v AB.Z ⋅ v AB.Y − vCD.Z v AB.Z v AB.Y − vCD.Y v = AB. X − vCD. X v AB.Y − vCD.Y (2.27) It can be possible to spot abilitiy to write equation (2.27) in the scalar form, because: v AB. X ⋅ v AB. X + v AB.Y ⋅ v AB.Y + v AB.Z ⋅ v AB.Z = v AB • v AB − v AB. X ⋅ vCD. X − v AB.Y ⋅ vCD.Y − v AB.Z ⋅ vCD.Z = −v AB • vCD (2.28) vCD. X ⋅ vCD. X + vCD.Y ⋅ vCD.Y + vCD.Z ⋅ vCD.Z = vCD • vCD So the term in the normal form might be written as: v AB • v AB − vCD • v AB − v AB • vCD d AB v AB • v AC ⋅ = vCD • vCD d CD − vCD • v AC (2.29) One can see, equation (2.29) might be as following: a11 a 21 a12 d AB b1 ⋅ = a 22 d CD b2 (2.30) After use of the Cramer’s equations there is a solution: d AB = d CD b1 ⋅ a 22 − b2 ⋅ a12 a11 ⋅ a 22 − a 21 ⋅ a12 b ⋅a −b ⋅a = 2 11 1 21 a11 ⋅ a 22 − a 21 ⋅ a12 39 (2.31) So that: ( )( ) ( )(v • v )− (− v )( W = v AB • v AB vCD • vCD − − v AB • vCD − v AB • vCD d AB = d CD = (v AB (− v • v AC CD CD CD CD • v AC − v AB • vCD W )( )( ) ) ( )( • v AC v AB • v AB − v AB • v AC − v AB • vCD W ) (2.29) ) After calculation of the distances d AB and d CD , the E , F , G points might be determined. This operation can be done on the equations (2.20): E = A + d AB ⋅ v AB F = C + d CD ⋅ vCD G= E+F 2 2.7.2. Reconstruction from perspective photographs In case of the geometry reconstruction from the perspective photographs the following questions should be answered: the method of representation of the perspective camera (projection method), the method for calibration cameras position relatively to the created model, the method for determine geometry of the given model, 40 Perspective camera representation A common method for projection of the three-dimensional graphics (used in interactive presentation and games...etc) is a perspective projection. Thanks to use of the projection centre F , which is simultaneously the camera position, it is possible to get the depth effect. That type of projection increases realism of the visualized scene. The vector camera model is considered in the Thesis. Figure 2-7. Perspective projection with use of the vector camera model Similarly to the parallel camera model, the vectors are used to determine camera orientation R,U , D and size of the image camera plane S X , SY . But on contrary orthogonal projection, the projection centre is moved at focal length f from the camera plane (for parallel projection, the distance between hipothetical projection centre and camera plane is infinity). Thanks to that, resulting image has depth effect. 41 Camera position is represented as F ( X F , YF , Z F ) while camera position has O( X O , YO , Z O ) vector. Projected point p ( x p , y p ) results from intersection camera plane with ray created by the point on the model P( X P , YP , Z P ) and the projection centre F . Perspective camera model can be described as following: ( )=x D ⋅(P − F ) U ⋅(P − F ) f⋅ =y D ⋅(P − F ) f⋅ R⋅ P− F p (2.30) p Implementing of the mentioned equation from the vector form results in: f⋅ R X ⋅ ( X P − X F ) + RY ⋅ (YP − YF ) + RZ ⋅ (Z P − Z F ) = xp D X ⋅ ( X P − X F ) + DY ⋅ (YP − YF ) + DZ ⋅ (Z P − Z F ) U ⋅ ( X P − X F ) + U Y ⋅ (YP − YF ) + U Z ⋅ (Z P − Z F ) f⋅ X = yp D X ⋅ ( X P − X F ) + DY ⋅ (YP − YF ) + DZ ⋅ (Z P − Z F ) (2.31) Obtained in this way, 2D coordinates are perspective projection of the 3D points on the given plane. Perspective camera calibration For the sake of complexity of calibration position and orientation of the perspective cameras that problem was only mentioned in this Thesis. More details about calibration method can be found in [7], [8] and [12]. Determining geometry of the model Determining points on the model for perspective projection is identical to the parallel projection. Istead of use the parallel rays, the perspective rays (the single ray is created by point on the model, reference point on the image plane and projection centre point) are used. 42 In the case of orientation of the free-positioned cameras, even at the small differences with orientation some errors may occur during determining point on the model (insufficient precision). In that case the method for cameras calibration described in [12] should be used. It allows to simultaneously orientate camera and determine geometry of the model. 2.8. Export of the model The finished model should be written in a specific format appropriate to a specific virtual reality environment. When further modelling is required, model should be exported to the format compatible with the modelling. As a universal format VRML 2.0 is recommended, with ability to fast present the model and simplicity of import (most applications for 3D processing and modelling supports VRML files). Chosen format makes available presentation of the properties of the model, which properties have been set during the reconstruction process (if the model has information about the animation, the format should allow to write this data). 43 3. BluePrint Modeler program as the sample reconstruction system In this Chapter author describes the BluePrint Modeler application – from its history and requirements throught the interface (GUI) to the practical applications of the program. Tutorials that are describing how to apply BluePrint Modeler to specific problems are described in the Chapter 5. 3.1. History BluePrint Modeler have been developed since september’2002. The main idea of the program is to fast create outline (wireframe) of the low-polygon model from the blueprints. First version of the application (written in Delphi) allowed only for simple creation of vertices, lines and polygons without any correction modules. Because of need for more specialized environment, author decided to convert application code into the C++ Builder. This was done in the beggining of 2003. Because the simple conversion from Delphi to C++ has insufficient (low flexibility of this system) author rewrote code from fundamentals (from the beginning of 2004) and the present, more flexible version, differs many modelling and correction operations. 3.2. Requirements The fundamental requirements of the BluePrint Modeler application are: installed OpenGL drivers (OpenGL 1.2), min. 32 MB Ram nad 10 MB on hard disk + enough space to store images and animations in workspace folder, screen resolution of 800x600 (however it is hard to work with that resolution), the 1024x768 or higher is recommended, depth of colors – recommended 32 bits, because of significant memory usage it is recommended not to use the other complex applications in meantime (because of low speed of the whole system and increasing memory demands), 44 3.3. System architecture The system is divided into sub-systems. Figure 3-1. The BluePrint Modeler architecture Main structure of the BluePrint Modeler application is depicted on Figure 3-1. The Model Editor controls main reconstruction process, while the Photogrammetric Unit The approach intuitive is used to simplify prepare the data for reconstruction. reconstruction process. The object-based structure allows for fast extending of application abilities. Main classes are shown in Figure 3-2. The system is object-oriented. 45 Figure 3-2. The BluePrint Modeler architecture (main classes) The main engine of the application consists of the function specific managers. The managers support clasess and methods necessary in reconstruction process. Beside of this, the application uses the DLL libraries for displaying the viewports and for support of the multi-language versions (currently being developed). One of the most significant managers is the Messages Manager. The application uses its own messages, hence there is a need for support methods to handle their managing. The Scene Manager, also very significant, consists of elements that hold the data and support methods for manipulation of geometry, materials and others (cameras,images..etc). The Input Manager provides I/O procedures supporting mouse and keyboard. The Output Manager supports procedures for data storage in application format and supports export model to the VRML language. The Viewport Manager is used to hold data about viewports and their layouts. The Script Manager is used to process scripts. 46 The PhotoModule (visible on Figure 3-2), is a part of the Photogrammetric Unit. Figure 3-3. The Photogrammetric Module class hierarchy The created PhotoFlow system (described in Section 3.4) allows for easy manipulation of the data for reconstruction. It consists of several classes (see Figure 3-3). The classes are based on the Base Module. Each class provides elements and methods for a given target: for the Lens Distortion Correction Module, the module class has the information about photos, their distortion and coefficients that are used for rectification process, for the Perspective Correction Module, there is information about perspective correction coefficients, distorted images and the result image, for the OrthoCamera Calibration Module there is info about reference points...etc, The author implemented original method for creating and manipulating objects (that are associated with particular classes) – what is essence of the PhotoFlow system (makes the preparation data process simple and efficient). 47 3.4. Interface and application features As was described, the main application is divided into the two modules: the Model Editor, that supports methods for creation and edition of the models, the Photogrammetric Unit, for preprocessing (e.g. correction) acquisted materials and for the camera calibration. Figure 3-4. The Model Editor in the BluePrint Modeler application The active tab of the Model Editor is shown on Figure 3-4. The Editor consists of following elements, grouped in the proper tabs (Table 3-2). Table 3-1. List of the main Model Editor functions Tab icon Function Description Vertices Support methods for edit vertices 1. Create vertex Allows to create vertex manually (by entering XYZ coordinates). Given vertex might be selected, frozen or/and hidden. 2. Modify selected vertices Allows to modify selected vertices by setting coordinates (with possibility to change only selected coordinates, e.g. X and Z). Modified vertices might be selected, frozen or/and hidden. 48 Tab icon Function Description 3. Select / find vertices 4. Get properties of selected vertices Enables to select vertices by name or select vertices by radius. Selection includes the option of finding selected, frozen or hidden vertices. Application supports four modes of selection: add to existing selection, create new selection, invert selection for current selected, unselect only current selected, Acquires properties of the selected vertices. 5. Create vertices on line Allows to create given amount of vertices on the segment (by input start of the segment and define end of the segment or segment vector). Created points might be connected with lines. The start and end points of the segment might be created or not (user may use existing points). 6. Duplicate selected vertices Allows to create copy/multiple copies of the selection by vector. Subsequent copies are translated by defined vector. User can define also copies count and creation flags. 7. Weld vertices Allows to weld the selected vertices into one vertex. Weld vertices might be choosen by radius or by labels (names). Position of the new created vertex might be averaged or its coordinates might be entered manually. 8. Create vertices by mirror Allows to duplicate selected vertices (and elements that use selected vertices, like lines or polygons) by mirror. This function also supports method for welding vertices after mirroring – e.g. welding vertices that are placed near the mirror plane with given tolerance). 9. Remove vertices It makes possible to remove selected vertices or remove all vertices. Lines Support methods for edit lines 1. Create line / lines Allows to create line that may consist of two, three or four vertices. Of course creation flag like select, frozen or hidden might be also set. 2. Modify selected lines It allows to modify selected lines state. 49 Tab icon Function Description 3. Select / find lines Allows to select lines by name, finding selected or/and frozen lines...etc. Four selection modes are supported. 4. Get properties of selected lines Acquires properties of selected lines. 5. Weld (insert) lines It allows to insert selected lines into the defined segment (function find and create projection of inserted line in main straight – it easy stucking segment together). 6. Remove lines It makes possible to remove selected lines or remove all lines. Polygons Support methods for edit polygons 1. Create polygon Allows to create polygon based on three or four vertices (triangle or quad) with given material and mapping coordinates. The creation state like selected, frozen and hidden may be also adjusted. 2. Modify selected polygons Allows to modify selected polygons (by current selection or by name selection). Method support flip normals option. Modify may concern only mapping coordinates. It is possible to create planar mapping for selected polygons. 3. Select / find polygons Similarly to select / find lines, this option enables to select polygons by name, finding selected or/and frozen lines...etc. Four selection modes are supported. 4. Get properties of selected polygons Acquires properties polygons. 5. Remove polygons Allows to remove selected polygons or remove all polygons. Objects of the selected Support methods for edit objects 1. Add Allows to insert child object (to object hierarchy) based on selected object. It provides dialog where one might set object state (visibility, freeze), object icon, bounding box, orientation and object center. One might also set object name and type identifier. 2. Remove Allows to remove current object. 50 Tab icon Function Description 3. Clear All Clear all objects. 4. Properties Allows to modify the object properties (that have been initially set during „Add” operation). 5. AutoReference It makes possible automatic duplication of the object with given type identifier. After click the all objects with given type identifier (identifier equal with selected object) are created as instance of the selected object (with respect for their orientation). This option is usefully with creation windows where one create only one window, set position of the rest and perform the „AutoReference” process. 6. Link to object Add (links) selected elements (vertices, lines, polygons) to current selected object. This option makes possible one from two linking types: link only selected elements, link all within selected vertices, (when the only vertices have to be selected, and the lines and polygons based on the vertices are automatically included), 7. Unlink All Removes all elements linked into the selected object. Cameras and Viewports Make possible to edit cameras and change viewport layouts 1. Add Allows to add create new camera. Camera might be: parallel, orthophotogrammetric (parallel with photo), perspective, photogrammetric (perspective with photo), User might adjust following things that consided new created camera: orientation by orientation names (front, rear, left...etc) or by adjusting the proper angles, position and target (XYZ), width and height of the image plane, name, visibility of camera’s cone, 2. Remove Allows to remove selected camera. 51 Tab icon Function Description 3. Clear All Allows to remove previously created cameras. Please note that standard cameras can’t be removed. 4. Properties It makes possible to edit camera parameters (options like with adding new camera). 5. Viewport layouts Allows to switch viewports between the following styles: layout Provides automation of some processes by script executing Scripts 1. Command line Some of operations (like vertex adding) might be executed by performing particular text commands. One might enter commands with a given syntax in order to perform the create/edit/remove operations. Images / Image Sequences / Movies 1. Add Images Supports methods for managing images, image sequences and movies Allows to add BMP/TGA/JPEG images into the application. 2. Add Movies Allows to add AVI movies into the application. Please note that AVI files must not be written in DIVX format (because of complex compression). 3. Add Sequence Allows to add sequence of BMP/TGA/JPEG images – in order to help with batch processing of these images. 4. Remove Allows to remove selected image/image sequence or movie. 5. Clear All Clears all images within Images/Movies list. 6. Properties It makes possible to adjust options like: image name, resolution of image texture (used in texture mapping), Of course one might view the image or a movie (frame by frame). 52 Tab icon Function Description Snappers Supports methods to managing snappers (edition helpers) 1. Add 2. Remove Allows to add snapper (attractor used to precise positioning of vertices). Every snapper has a given name and makes possible to attract in three axes (XYZ). The attracted axes might be freely adjusted. In case of choosing two axes (e.g. XY) the snapper is a point on plane (2D) . For three axes (XYZ) the snapper is a point in 3D space...etc. Of course one might ajust the attracting (snapping) tolerance. Allows to remove selected snapper. 3. Clear All Allows to remove all snappers. 4. Properties It makes possible parameters. to edit snapper Supports managing materials (for object texturing) Materials 1. Add 2. Remove Allows to add new material. For every material the following properties might been set: name, color, texture, transparency Allows to remove selected material. 3. Clear All Allows to remove all materials. 4. Properties It makes possible to edit selected material. Edit properties like for „Add” material option. 53 Besides of methods described in Table 3-1, the Model Editor have following edition modes (Table 3-2): Table 3-2. Edition modes of the Model Editor Mode icon Function 1. Camera translation mode Description Enables to move camera position (with simultaneous translating its target) in order to change the camera view. 2. Camera zooming mode Enables to change camera zoom by manipulating camera plane dimensions. 3. Camera rotation mode Enables to rotate given cameras (standard cameras won’t be rotated except isometric and perspective cams). 4. Camera FOV mode Enables to change FOV by adjusting focal of given perspective camera. 5. Object / elements selection mode It makes possible to select objects (class of the selected objects might be checked). 6. Object / elements translation mode It makes possible to translate (or select and translate) selected objects. 7. Elements creation mode It makes possible to enable creation mode in order to create vertices, lines or polygons. The Photogrammetric Unit similarly to the Model Editor, has the three main sections: viewports, icons/menu bar and toolbar tabs (at right). The following modes are available (Table 3-3): Table 3-3. Edition modes of the Photogrammetric Unit Mode icon Function 1. Camera translate mode Description Enables to move camera position in order to navigate within photoflow objects. 2. Camera zooming mode Enables to zoom camera in order to navigate within photoflow objects. 3. Photoflow edition mode When enabled it allows to edit photoflow elements: insert/remove/connect...etc 54 The Photoflow name is significant here, because it simply defines the main operations that could be done with the Photogrammetric Unit. Instead of casual image processing applications to perform specific corrections, the Photoflow system introduced by the author, allows to manage them. The system is based on the object approach to image processing. When the „Photoflow edition mode” is enabled the user might insert processing modules (by the drag-and-drop rule – simply drag module icon from icon bar to destination place on the photoflow view). The following modules are available (Table 3-4): Table 3-4. Processing modules used in the Photogrammetric Unit Mode icon Function 1. Image Input (Input Module) Description Makes possible to use earlier loaded images in processing modules. Provides single image data on output. 2. Image Output (Output Module) Allows to view the given image and its filename on disk within the workspace folder. Requires single image data on input. 3. Camera Output (Output Module) Allows to set given camera parameters. Require single camera data on input. Besides of this, one have to assign specific camera name (by doubleclicking). 4. Lens Distortion Correction Module Allows to perform lens correction operation. Lens correction might be done by use of proper profile base or by manually set the parameters. Requires one or more image data on input. Provides one or more image data on output. 5. Perspective Correction Module Allows to perform perspective correction transformation. Requires one or more image data (on input). Provides single output for image data. 6. Orthocamera Calibration Module Allows to perform calibration of the parallel camera (in order to make the blueprints calibration). Requires one or more image data on input. Provides one or more camera data on output. 55 The main thing for the modules processing is the following: every module ensures specific inputs and outputs in the given amount. For example, for perspective correction module for the image superimposing it can be only one output (for images). All modules can be linked by linking right connectors (inputs and outputs) of the mentioned modules. It’s possible to link connectors with the same group (it is impossible to connect image input to the camera output). Editon of the given module (an example – performing the perspective correction in the selected module) is made by double-click on the module object. When the given module is edited the specific tab is shown at the right toolbox. To return to the photoflow edition one have to click first icon on the left (photoflow symbol). Owing to ease processing and navigate, the images and cameras tabs were added (avoid to eventually switching between the Model Editor and the Photogrammetric Unit). The Photogrammetric Unit can bee seen in Figure 3-5. Figure 3-5. The Photogrammetric Unit with the Photoflow architecture 56 The Lens Distortion Correction Module (Figure 3-6) consist of following elements: „Calibration image” section, „Distorted image” section, „Corrected image” section, Supported methods allows for: processing automatic recognize single calibration pattern, processing automatic calibration of recognized pattern, manual adjusting corection coefficients, removing lens distortion with use of calibrated coefficients, removing lens distortion with use of external source with calibration profiles database (from file), Figure 3-6. The Lens Distortion Correction Module 57 Meaning of the most significant buttons is described in Table 3-5. Table 3-5. The most significant buttons in the Lens Distortion Correction Module Buttons Description Refreshes the image at the input (it is useful when image has been changed after loading). On this tab there are placed buttons to support pattern recognition. On this tab there are placed buttons to support pattern calibration. With use of this tab is possible to set visual parameters: „Show calibration grid” option is used to show recognized points, „Show distortion grid” option is used to show grid distorted by adjusted coefficients, Depends on selected tab: for „Pattern Recognition” this method clear all recognized points, for „Pattern Calibration” these methods set all coefficients to zeros, Performs automatic pattern recognition. When recognition went well the „Pattern Calibration” and „Calibration Grids” tabs are visible. Performs automatic pattern calibration. After the calibration application sets the coefficients in the „Pattern Calibration” tab. This buttons allows to clear / load database that will be used for perform automatic lens distortion correction. If one want to perform this type of correction, „Correction parameters” have to be set as „get from profiles database”. Perform the lens distortion correction. The current image is used when right option is checked („Enabled in the correction process” checkbox). It will be used the selected filtering / interpolation method. If the given option is checked, the application uses the profiles database to perform the correction process based on the EXIF data obtained from the distorted image. When input images are movies, the „Movie processing” checkbox has to be checked. Resolution of the output image has to be adjusted before correction starts. Enables to switch viewport layouts between given views. Avaiable layouts are single view, dual view and triple view. 58 The Perspective Correction Module (Figure 3-7) consists of following elements: „Distorted Image” section, „Corrected Image” section, Distorted/Corrected viewports with given layout, Supported methods allows to: make superimposition of the few images, work with the image transparency, the transformation reference points might be entered with a keyboard or set graphically (by the viewport), to simplicity the image stitching process the help points should be used. Source (distorted image view) help points are mapped by calculation inthe-fly into the destination help points (corrected image view). When one want to set destination help points (during the stitching) the right „Calculate” method might be used, manipulate coordinates by the introduce of coordinates clipboard – this solution save user’s time and facilitate copying coordinates from one tab to the another, Figure 3-7. The Perspective Correction Module 59 Meaning of the most significant buttons is described in Table 3-6. Table 3-6. The most significant buttons in the Perspective Correction Module Buttons Description Refreshes the image at the input (it is useful when image has been changed after loading). Makes possible to edit points that defines main transformation mapping regions. On the view main points are marked by blue/light blue points. Makes possible to edit points that helps with defining main transformation mapping regions. On the view help points are marked by the red/light red color. Makes possible to modify transparency options: transparency, alpha channel (only if input image has transparency data), alpha channel balance (as below), inverting alpha channel (checkbox), Sets the manually entered coordinates. Sets defaults to the given coordinates. Copies given coordinates into the special coordinates clipboard. Pastes coordinates from coordinates clipboard into given fields. Makes possible to calculate destination main points (in „Corrected Image” secton) based on the destination help points. Performs the perspective correction. The current image is used when right option is checked („Enabled in the correction process” checkbox). In the correction process given filtering/interpolation method will be used. When input images are movies, the „Movie processing” checkbox have to be chcecked. Resolution of the output image have to be adjusted before correction. Enables to switch viewport layouts between one view that represent distorted or corrected image as well as distorted and corrected image on the dual view. 60 The Orthocamera Calibration Module (Figure 3-8) consist of following elements: „Input image” section, „Results – Orthocamera parameters” section, Supported calibration method allows to perform fast and automatic orthocamera calibration based on the method described in the Chapter 2. After executed calibration, results are displayed in the „Results...” section and if given camera is linked into the module (on output) the camera will be adjusted by determined parameters. Meaning of the most significant buttons is described in Table 3-7. Table 3-7. The most significant buttons in the Orthocamera Calibration Module Buttons Description Refreshes the image at the input (it is useful when image has been changed after loading). Performs autocalibration of the parallel camera. Figure 3-8. The Orthocamera Calibration Module The sample use mentioned correction modules described in the Chapter 5. 61 3.5. BluePrint Modeler applications BluePrint Modeler application might be used for: modelling/texturing issues, like: to create and edit low-polygons model (especially), preliminary low-polygon model creating (for further modelling in the more advanced applications), model texturing, calibration purposes, to determine proper camera position, calibration might be manual or automatic (at present time automatic calibration is only available for the parallel camera), image processing purposes, especially for lens distortion removal and perspective correction issues. Especially these tools can be used in following situations: removing radial distortion from the images and movies, applying radial distortion (e.g. fish-eye distortion) to images and movies, texture manipulation, image superimposing (with use of transparency channel), image stitching (astronomy and photogrammetry purposes), processing of the multiple images (batch processing) or movies (a.e. flip image horizontally or change image resolution), applying right rotations and scalings of the given image, removing perspective effect in order to create orthophotographs, architectural cataloguing, object modeling for game-development purposes, object modelling for virtual presentations, fast modelling for situations outlook, 62 3.6. Development and future directions Because of continous development of the BluePrint Modeler, the following questions might be considered: perspective camera calibration, the plug’ins system (e.g. create plug-ins for save in various format and develop the SDK11 kit), new modelling functions12, multi-language version (present version is english), improve the texture mapping tool, create module that support graphic filtering (effects for image smoothing, sharpening, colouring...), simple image editor for plotting correction on the blueprints, support for animation modelling, 11 Software Development Kit – for support procedures for plug-in writing in programming languages 12 an example – creating points on arc (in the present version points might be created on segment but not based on circle or arc) 63 4. Lens distortion correction – experiments and practical applications As it was described in Chapter 2 (in Point 2.5.1) the radial distortion of the lens system make the output image a little bit deformed. For normal aims like photographing for documentation purposes this distortions might be omitted, but in the geometry and texture reconstruction even small distortions might introduce significant errors. Example of texture reconstruction is shown on the Figures 4-1 – 4-4. Figure 4-1. Extracted texture loaded with radial distortion Figure 4-2. Extracted texture with removed radial distortion As is visible above the images differs a little from each other. The difference is caused by distortion that deforms the image radially. 64 On the image at left is visible a selected region from the Figure 4-1. The blue edges are straight lines that allows to compare the deformation. As is visible the edge of the top window doesn’t cover the straight line. For the bottom window the edge is near to straight. It is connected with fact that upper part of the image lays near image borders (the farther from the image center the bigger distortion is observed). Figure 4-3. Zoom of selected region from Figure 4-1. On the image at right is visible a selected region from the Figure 4-2. Because the lens correction removal is performed the distortion isn’t visible in that degree as was shown on the Figure 4-3. In result, the edge of the top window covers the straight line. Also for the edge of the bottom window similarly fact is observed. Figure 4-4. Zoom of selected region from Figure 4-2. Please note that the Figure 4-1 is barrel-like that on Figure 4-2 might be observed a little bit of pincushion effect. It is connected with use the method with three parameters of distortion (that were introduced in the Chapter 2) – when distortion center is simultaneously an image center. Above were described influence of the spherical distortion on the texture extraction process. Also the geometry extraction (modelling and reconstruction) take advantages from the image interpretation. If the image is distorted the modelling errors may cause the model deformations. For this reason one has to know what cameras are good for the reconstruction 65 process and how to take the photos in order to decrease influence of the spherical distortion on the result images. 4.1. Experiments The followings facts are concerned: size of distortion (called further the initial error) for selected cameras, relationship between the initial error and the focal length (only when the profile covers the most of the focal range), visible effects of the correction of used profile (made by calibration methods). There have been examined several cameras, from typical compact devices to professional reflex cameras. Also the prices of the every cameras have been considered (for information purposes). The relationship between distortion and focal length are described on example of the Olympus C-765 UltraZoom camera profile. 4.1.1. Tests of cameras For research, 11 digital cameras have been examined to check their possibilities to use in the reconstruction process (for data acquisition). Every camera employed a calibration plane photographs with various focal lengths. To decrease the measurement errors, the photographs were taken using the tripod – in the most cases, there were taken a few photos for every focal length (that means there were series of photos per every focal length). Because the largest distortion is observed for small focal lengths, the research was focused on photographs taken with small focal length. The full calibration profiles have been done for selected cameras (that covers the whole focal length range). Values of initial error and final error (error after the calibration - when the distortion has been removed) was basis of the tests. For result processing, there were used application called BPM: External Lens Distortion Correction Module (written by the author for lens correction 66 and calibration purposes - with using the calibration algorithm written in cooperation with Maciej Gaweł). Tested cameras are shown on Table 4-1. Table 4-1. Index of tested cameras with division according to created profiles Complete profiles Incomplete profiles Canon Powershot A510 Sony Cybershot DSC-P100 Konica Minolta Dimage Z3 Kodak EasyShare CX7525 Kodak EasyShare Z700 Nikon Coolpix 4600 Nikon Coolpix 5200 (with cover the whole focal range) Canon EOS 300D Olympus C-2 Zoom Olympus C-765 UltraZoom Konica Minolta Dynax 7D (almost complete) For each measured camera the following graph was made: Olympus C-765 UltraZoom 3 Distortion Level 2,5 2 1,5 1 0,5 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 Focal length [mm] Figure 4-5. Sample lens profile calibration graph For each focal length there were taken a few photographs (for full profiles frequently 5 photos and for the rest profiles average 3 photos per single focal length). Due to that fact, the average and the standard deviation for every focal were determined. The graphs introduce average data (solid line) and the standard deviation (dotted line). Red coloured lines concern initial lens distortion (before calibration) and blue coloured lines means the final distortion (after calibration). The bold dotted line for every colour represent data aproximation by using of five-degree polynomial. Introduced focal length concerns 35mm equivalent of the focal length for the given camera model. 67 4.1.2. Full calibration profiles Canon EOS 300D with 18-55 USM lens Reflex Type ~3500 PLN Rough price Table 4-2. Specifications for Canon EOS 300D 6,3 Megapixel / CMOS 18,0 – 55,0 mm (3x optical zoom) 28,8 – 88,0 mm (35mm equivalent) n/a 3072 x 2048 Effective image resolution / sensor Focal range Digital zoom Max. resolution Canon EOS 300D 5 4,5 Distortion Level 4 3,5 3 2,5 2 1,5 1 0,5 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Focal length [mm] Figure 4-6. Relationship between focal length and lens distortion level for Canon EOS 300D Table 4-3. Survey statistics of measuring lens distortion for Canon EOS 300D Highest initial distortion level Lowest initial distortion level Max. std. deviation of initial distortion for single focal Highest final distortion level Lowest final distortion level Max. std. deviation of final distortion for single focal Image resolution Tested focals amount / count of taken photographs 68 4,456 at 28,8 mm 2,863 after calibration 1,276 at 88,0 mm 1,236 after calibration 0,265 2,863 at 28,8 mm 1,236 at 88,0 mm 0,156 1536 x 1024 15 / 51 Olympus C-2 Zoom Type Compact Rough price ~600 PLN Table 4-4. Specifications for Olympus C-2 Zoom 2,0 Megapixel / CCD 5,0 – 15,0 mm (3x optical zoom) 38,0 – 114,0 mm (35mm equivalent) 2,5x 1600 x 1200 Effective image resolution / sensor Focal range Digital zoom Max. resolution Olympus C-2 Zoom 4 3,5 Distortion Level 3 2,5 2 1,5 1 0,5 0 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Focal length [mm] Figure 4-7. Relationship between focal length and lens distortion level for Olympus C-2 Zoom Table 4-5. Survey statistics of measuring lens distortion for Olympus C-2 Zoom Highest initial distortion level Lowest initial distortion level Max. std. deviation of initial distortion for single focal Highest final distortion level Lowest final distortion level Max. std. deviation of final distortion for single focal Image resolution Tested focals amount / count of taken photographs 69 3,457 at 38,0 mm 1,038 after calibration 0,241 at 114,0 mm 0,224 after calibration 0,036 1,038 at 38,0 mm 0,224 at 114,0 mm 0,087 1600 x 1200 9 / 47 Olympus C-765 UltraZoom Type Rough price Compact ~1400 PLN Table 4-6. Specifications for Olympus C-765 UltraZoom 4,2 Megapixel / CCD 6,3 – 63,0 mm (10x optical zoom) 38,0 – 380,0 mm (35mm equivalent) 4x 2288 x 1712 (3200 x 2400 interpolated) Effective image resolution / sensor Focal range Digital zoom Max. resolution Olympus C-765 UltraZoom 3 Distortion Level 2,5 2 1,5 1 0,5 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 Focal length [mm] Figure 4-8. Relationship between focal length and lens distortion level for Olympus C-765 UltraZoom Table 4-7. Survey statistics of measuring lens distortion for Olympus C-765 UltraZoom Highest initial distortion level Lowest initial distortion level Max. std. deviation of initial distortion for single focal Highest final distortion level Lowest final distortion level Max. std. deviation of final distortion for single focal Image resolution Tested focals amount / count of taken photographs 70 2,733 at 38,0 mm 1,064 after calibration 0,231 at 380,0 mm 0,217 after calibration 0,048 1,064 at 38,0 mm 0,217 at 380,0 mm 0,059 1600 x 1200 48 / 279 Konica Minolta Dynax 7D with 17-35 mm lens Reflex Type ~6000 PLN Rough price Table 4-8. Specifications for Konica Minolta Dynax 7D 6,1 Megapixel / CCD 17,0 – 35,0 mm (2x optical zoom) 25,5 – 52,5 mm (35mm equivalent) n/a 3008 x 2000 Effective image resolution / sensor Focal range Digital zoom Max. resolution Konica Minolta Dynax 7D 3,5 Distortion Level 3 2,5 2 1,5 1 0,5 0 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Focal length [mm] Figure 4-9. Relationship between focal length and lens distortion level for Konica Minolta Dynax 7D Table 4-9. Survey statistics of measuring lens distortion for Konica Minolta Dynax 7D Highest initial distortion level Lowest initial distortion level Max. std. deviation of initial distortion for single focal Highest final distortion level Lowest final distortion level Max. std. deviation of final distortion for single focal Image resolution Tested focals amount / count of taken photographs 71 3,012 at 25,5 mm 0,509 after calibration 0,726 at 39,0 mm 0,550 after calibration 0,097 0,795 at 42,0 mm 0,361 at 30,0 mm 0,066 2256 x 1496 7 / 27 4.1.3. Incomplete calibration profiles Sony Cybershot DSC-P100 Compact Type ~1600 PLN Rough price Table 4-10. Specifications for Sony Cybershot DSC-P100 5,1 Megapixel / CCD 7,9 – 23,7 mm (3x optical zoom) 38,0 – 114,0 mm (35mm equivalent) 2x 2592 x 1944 Effective image resolution / sensor Focal range Digital zoom Max. resolution Sony Cybershot DSC-P100 3,5 Distortion Level 3 2,5 2 1,5 1 0,5 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Focal length [mm] Figure 4-10. Relationship between focal length and lens distortion level for Sony Cybershot DSC-P100 Table 4-11. Survey statistics of measuring lens distortion for Sony Cybershot DSC-P100 Highest initial distortion level Lowest initial distortion level Max. std. deviation of initial distortion for single focal Highest final distortion level Lowest final distortion level Max. std. deviation of final distortion for single focal Image resolution Tested focals amount / count of taken photographs 72 3,193 at 38,0 mm 1,731 after calibration 0,448 at 80,3 mm 0,401 after calibration 0,040 1,731 at 38,0 mm 0,401 at 80,3 mm 0,042 2048 x 1536 7 / 22 Nikon Coolpix 4600 Type Compact Rough price ~800 PLN Table 4-12. Specifications for Nikon Coolpix 4600 4,2 Megapixel / CCD 5,7 – 17,1 mm (3x optical zoom) 34,0 – 102,0 mm (35mm equivalent) 4x 2280 x 1716 Effective image resolution / sensor Focal range Digital zoom Max. resolution Nikon Coolpix 4600 4,5 4 Distortion Level 3,5 3 2,5 2 1,5 1 0,5 0 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Focal length [mm] Figure 4-11. Relationship between focal length and lens distortion level for Nikon Coolpix 4600 Table 4-13. Survey statistics of measuring lens distortion for Nikon Coolpix 4600 Highest initial distortion level Lowest initial distortion level Max. std. deviation of initial distortion for single focal Highest final distortion level Lowest final distortion level Max. std. deviation of final distortion for single focal Image resolution Tested focals amount / count of taken photographs 73 4,066 at 35,8 mm 0,821 after calibration 1,336 at 57,9 mm 0,567 after calibration 0,045 0,961 at 50,1 mm 0,567 at 57,9 mm 0,091 1600 x 1200 9 / 27 Nikon Coolpix 5200 Compact Type ~1200 PLN Rough price Table 4-14. Specifications for Nikon Coolpix 5200 5,1 Megapixel / CCD 7,8 – 23,4 mm (3x optical zoom) 38,0 – 114,0 mm (35mm equivalent) 4x 2592 x 1944 Effective image resolution / sensor Focal range Digital zoom Max. resolution Nikon Coolpix 5200 5 4,5 Distortion Level 4 3,5 3 2,5 2 1,5 1 0,5 0 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Focal length [mm] Figure 4-12. Relationship between focal length and lens distortion level for Nikon Coolpix 5200 Table 4-15. Survey statistics of measuring lens distortion for Nikon Coolpix 5200 Highest initial distortion level Lowest initial distortion level Max. std. deviation of initial distortion for single focal Highest final distortion level Lowest final distortion level Max. std. deviation of final distortion for single focal Image resolution Tested focals amount / count of taken photographs 74 4,404 at 38,0 mm 0,598 after calibration 0,814 at 72,6 mm 0,404 after calibration 0,026 1,030 at 41,4 mm 0,404 at 72,6 mm 0,066 1600 x 1200 5 / 21 Kodak EasyShare CX7525 Type Compact Rough price ~890 PLN Table 4-16. Specifications for Kodak EasyShare CX7525 5,0 Megapixel / CCD 5,6 – 16,8 mm (3x optical zoom) 34,0 – 102,0 mm (35mm equivalent) 5x 2560 x 1920 Effective image resolution / sensor Focal range Digital zoom Max. resolution Kodak EasyShare CX7525 5 4,5 Distortion Level 4 3,5 3 2,5 2 1,5 1 0,5 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Focal length [mm] Figure 4-13. Relationship between focal length and lens distortion level for Kodak EasyShare CX7525 Table 4-17. Survey statistics of measuring lens distortion for Kodak EasyShare CX7525 Highest initial distortion level Lowest initial distortion level Max. std. deviation of initial distortion for single focal Highest final distortion level Lowest final distortion level Max. std. deviation of final distortion for single focal Image resolution Tested focals amount / count of taken photographs 75 4,475 at 42,5 mm 3,980 after calibration 1,834 at 102,0 mm 1,813 after calibration 0,000 3,980 at 42,5 mm 1,813 at 102,0 mm 0,000 1600 x 1200 6/6 Kodak EasyShare Z700 Compact Type ~1200 PLN Rough price Table 4-18. Specifications for Kodak EasyShare Z700 4,0 Megapixel / CCD 6,0 – 30,0 mm (5x optical zoom) 35,0 – 175,0 mm (35mm equivalent) 3x 2408 x 1758 Effective image resolution / sensor Focal range Digital zoom Max. resolution Kodak EasyShare Z700 4 3,5 Distortion Level 3 2,5 2 1,5 1 0,5 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 Focal length [mm] Figure 4-14. Relationship between focal length and lens distortion level for Kodak EasyShare Z700 Table 4-19. Survey statistics of measuring lens distortion for Kodak EasyShare Z700 Highest initial distortion level Lowest initial distortion level Max. std. deviation of initial distortion for single focal Highest final distortion level Lowest final distortion level Max. std. deviation of final distortion for single focal Image resolution Tested focals amount / count of taken photographs 76 3,434 at 35,0 mm 1,017 after calibration 0,370 at 175,0 mm 0,341 after calibration 0,045 1,017 at 35,0 mm 0,276 at 42,0 mm 0,047 1656 x 1242 6 / 18 Konica Minolta Dimage Z3 Type Rough price Compact ~1600 PLN Table 4-20. Specifications for Konica Minolta Dimage Z3 4,2 Megapixel / CCD 5,8 – 69,9 mm (12x optical zoom) 35,0 – 420,0 mm (35mm equivalent) 4x 2272 x 1704 Effective image resolution / sensor Focal range Digital zoom Max. resolution Konica Minolta Dimage Z3 4 3,5 Distortion Level 3 2,5 2 1,5 1 0,5 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 Focal length [mm] Figure 4-15. Relationship between focal length and lens distortion level for Konica Minolta Dimage Z3 Table 4-21. Survey statistics of measuring lens distortion for Konica Minolta Dimage Z3 Highest initial distortion level Lowest initial distortion level Max. std. deviation of initial distortion for single focal Highest final distortion level Lowest final distortion level Max. std. deviation of final distortion for single focal Image resolution Tested focals amount / count of taken photographs 77 3,704 at 35,4 mm 0,578 after calibration 0,228 at 337,4 mm 0,228 after calibration 0,068 0,578 at 35,4 mm 0,202 at 63,6 mm 0,054 1600 x 1200 9 / 27 Canon PowerShot A510 Type Compact Rough price ~890 PLN Table 4-22. Specifications for Canon PowerShot A510 3,2 Megapixel / CCD 5,8 – 23,2 mm (4x optical zoom) 35,0 – 140,0 mm (35mm equivalent) 3,2x 2048 x 1536 Effective image resolution / sensor Focal range Digital zoom Max. resolution Canon Powershot A510 3,5 Distortion Level 3 2,5 2 1,5 1 0,5 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Focal length [mm] Figure 4-16. Relationship between focal length and lens distortion level for Canon PowerShot A510 Table 4-23. Survey statistics of measuring lens distortion for Canon PowerShot A510 Highest initial distortion level Lowest initial distortion level Max. std. deviation of initial distortion for single focal Highest final distortion level Lowest final distortion level Max. std. deviation of final distortion for single focal Image resolution Tested focals amount / count of taken photographs 78 3,079 at 35,0 mm 0,815 after calibration 0,734 at 96,6 mm 0,260 after calibration 0,045 1,068 at 47,1 mm 0,260 at 96,6 mm 0,050 2048 x 1536 6 / 19 4.1.4. Comparison of selected cameras The comparison were made for cameras mentioned in previous section (visible on Figure 4-17). Comparison respect also additional selected cameras. Canon EOS 300D initial distortion Canon EOS 300D final distortion Olympus C-2Z initial distortion Olympus C-2Z final distortion Olympus C-765UZ initial distortion Olympus C-765UZ final distortion Konica Minolta Dynax 7D initial distortion Konica Minolta Dynax 7D final distortion 5 4,5 Lens distortion level 4 3,5 3 2,5 2 1,5 1 0,5 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Focal length [mm] Figure 4-17. Comparison of selected cameras (relationship between focal length and lens distortion level) The comparison have been made for focal lengths ranging from 20mm to 120 mm. Like in the previous graphs, the focal values are 35mm equivalents. As it shown on Figure 4-17, usually final distortion (lens distortion after the calibration) is considerable less than initial distortion. Only for tested reflex cameras the initial distortion and final distortion covers each other (Konica Minolta Dynax 7D and Canon EOS 300D – the covering starts from some focal value). Note that in Dynax 7D the profile is incomplete. So, one might observe covering starts point but level 79 of covering is unknown. For the Canon EOS 300D level of covering is visible and shows that for bigger focal length removal of the lens distortion is not neccessary. The most significant fact concerns distortion for shortest focal length. When the shortest focal length is reached the highest distortion is observed. This is particularly visible for two selected reflex cameras which supports lenses with the shortest focals (17/18 mm – please note, that compact devices usually don’t support focal lengths as small as these). 4.2. Calibration The calibration process have been made with BPM: External Lens Distortion Correction Module. The calibration process, based on a genetic algorithm, determines necessary coefficients. Sample screen from the application is shown on Figure 4-18. Figure 4-18. BPM: Lens Distortion Correction Module with active calibration tab Every image was verified (the image quality has been determined) before right calibration process. The quality is based on the dimensions of the grid visible on the particular photograph. If the grid takes more space on the image, the quality is better (of course the calibration plane must not be cropped). Tested images had quality more than 65% (often oscillating on 95%). Calculation of three coefficients was implemented to be a calibration 80 profile (DX[0] and DY[0] are omitted in the calibration process – for testing only three coefficients, not five). The whole process is fully automatic and on the Athlon 1,6GHz processor with 512 MB Ram the calibration process of 5 images (with resolution 1600x1200) took approx. 37 seconds (~7.5”/image). Suppose common calibration might consist of 30 images (with 1 image/focal length) the calibration proces should take approx. 4 minutes. It is really fast, considering the fact that user might do the calibration on home conditions (without use of special research laboratory, with having only given camera and possible a tripod). 4.3. Correction When the profle is ready, the user can execute the correction process. In used application for this purpose serves the „Correction” tab (visible on Figure 4-19). Figure 4-19. BPM: Lens Distortion Correction Module with active correction tab All images that needs the calibration might be loaded into proper list. Use of option „(Correction parameters) takes automatically from the autocalibration profile file” allows to perform the correction avoiding adjustment of coefficients manually. 81 Profiles database made by the author during the tests might be also used to correction process totally automated. Tests shows that movies are processed as well as images. Because in the AVI files the focal informations aren’t stored, this information must be entered manually. The correction process of 7 images (with resolution 1600x1200) with the mentioned profile on the Athlon 1,6GHz processor with 512 MB Ram took approx. 27 seconds (~4”/image). Suppose that during collecting materials for a medium detailed object (like depicted on Figure 4-1) the amount of the images might be an example 100, the correction process should take approx. 7 minutes. Similarly the calibration process described in 4.2 is also a method for efficient correction of the obtained materials (without manually and mundane adjusting lens distortion parameters like in the rest of graphic processing applications). 82 5. Practical use of the BluePrint Modeler application This Chapter describes usage of the BluePrint Modeler in various situations that concern modelling process like: removal of radial distortion from taken photographs, texture extraction, blueprints calibration, orthophotographs creation, modelling from parallel projections, Common tool used within confines the application was Photogrammetric Unit. With its Photoflow System introduced by the author and described more in Chapter 3, it is possible to easy and efficient pass the given processes. 5.1. Lens distortion removal from perspective photographs When taking photographs, these are usual loaded with radial distortion. The BluePrint Modeler might be used to remove this undesirable effect. In this case, the Lens Distortion Correction Module should be used. With using of the Photoflow in the BluePrint Modeler there are created a given module arrangement, that consist of: two image inputs, including sample photographs taken with two Olympus cameras (models: C-2 and C-765), one Lens Distortion Correction Module, four ouputs, used for compare results. The photoflow is shown on Figure 5-1. First image was processed with use of the calibration plane. Second image was processed using automatic correction based on the lens profiles database, made by author earlier. 83 For the first image the following steps were performed: in the „Calibration image” section the image was loaded with the calibration pattern. Then, the pattern was recognized and whole recognition points was shown, with use of the „Pattern Calibration” tab and proper button (for performing automatic calibration) the calibration was made (Figure 5-1), Figure 5-1. Recognized calibration pattern the option (in „Corrected image” section) „Correction parameters” was set to „get from calibration section”, it was chosen to be bilinear filtering and the In correction this case, of calibrated the first earlier image coefficients was performed. (determined during autocalibration) was used to perform the correction. The result image is visible on Figure 5-2. Considering the second image have been performed following steps: the option (in „Corrected image” section) „Correction parameters” was set to „get from profiles database”. The proper database was loaded and the correction were performed. Correction was possible with use of EXIF 84 information placed in the distorted image (in the source JPG file). The application found right camera and used the associated profile. Back to Photoflow diagram, the situation after both corrections is on Fig. 5-3. Figure 5-2. First image corrected with usage of calibration pattern Figure 5-3. Finished lens distortion removal process for sample photographs 85 5.2. Texture creation (extraction) For texture creation purposes the Perspective Correction Module can be used that is a part of the Photogrammetric Unit. For example, one has the following photos (Fig. 5-4) that have to serve as a material for building textures. Figure 5-4. Source photographs for texture creation example With the data flow in the BluePrint Modeler there one can create appropriate module arrangement (Figure 5-5), that consists of: two image inputs, including above mentioned photographs (photographs have to be processed earlier for radial distortion removal), two perspective correction modules, four image outputs for view of the correction results, Figure 5-5. Flow diagram for texture creation example 86 Image inputs are marked by blue color, correction modules are marked with red color and the image outputs have a green color. After creation of the diagram the next step is to set correction parameters for both correction modules. For every module the reference points for the distortion photo need to be set (Figure 5-6). Figure 5-6. Settings the refernce points for distorted photo in the first perspective correction module (reference points are indicated by the red circles) Then, the reference points are set on the corrected photos (this was done by default, because the result has been a simple rectangular area – for this purposes the Reset button was used in the Main Points tab to corrected points). This is shown on Figure 5-7. Figure 5-7. Settings the reference points for corrected photo in the second perspective correction module (reference points are indicated by the read circles) 87 The next step is to obtain the filtering method (the bilinear filtering has been choosen for smooth result image). After that Corretion Execute button need to be clicked and computer generates transformed image like below (Figure 5-8): Figure 5-8. Perspective correction result for texture creation example Above shown texture is in resolution of 1024x512 (width and height of the texture commonly have to be of power of 2). Similarly the parameters for the second module need to be adjusted. Then obtained in this way textures can be used in the any environment for create the sample rendering of the object (see Figure 5-9). Above mentioned process of the texture extraction is usually less than 10 minutes. Figure 5-9. Visualisation of the model with textures extracted by the BluePrint Modeler application 88 5.3. Blueprints calibration Every modeling is a good source for the reconstruction. One of the type of such sources is the blueprints. Blueprints as a parallel projections require proper calibration in order to set orthogonal cameras (with blueprint as image plane) relatively to the given model. The calibration process was described in the Chapter two in Section 2.6.1. 5.3.1. Necessity for blueprints correction First of all, the blueprints must be in a digital form (a bitmap image). Often this process relies on scanning of the given blueprints. Naturally, by scanning the image with the blueprint might be rotated a bit. Because the methods described in 2.6.1 it is necessary to remove the above mentioned rotation before the calibration process. Necessity of doing such operations is visible below (Figure 5-10): Figure 5-10. Reconstruction from non-corrected blueprints (only the blueprints calibration were done) 89 On the Figure 5-10 two super-imposed screen from the BluePrint Modeler application are presented. Points on the first plane were marked by red color and points on the second plane are marked with green color. Two points are choosen with the equal height. The process of reconstruction is following: one indicates point on the first blueprint. Thanks to that, on the second blueprint the line is showed (that represents projection of the point from the first blueprint on the second blueprint). The best result is to obtain the lines that cover each other. Unfortunately this not always the case. As it is showed on the Figure 5-10 is observed some difference between above mentioned lines (projections). This is a result of non-corrected blueprints. Therefore the correction method should be used in order to get the result like Figure 5-11. Figure 5-11. Reconstruction from corrected blueprints (the blueprints correction have been done before the right calibration) As it is shown above, the lines are close to each other (please to take note that the image on the Fig. 5-11 is more zoomed than on the Fig. 5-10; and still the lines on the Fig. 5-11 are more close to each other than on the Fig. 5-10). 90 5.3.2. Correction of the blueprints When the blueprints are in the bitmap format, they should be corrected. With the BluePrint Modeler the correction might be done with the Perspective Correction Module (part of the Photogrammetric Unit). The main data flow is following (Figure 5-12): Figure 5-12. Photogrammetric data flow chart for the blueprints correction purpose Blueprints are introduced by image input modules (blue coloured). sample blueprints before correction (Figure 5-13) are printed below: Figure 5-13. The sample blueprints before their correction. 91 The Please note that in the projection of the right side of the building (Right) the blueprint is a little bit rotated. During the correction process the above rotation must be removed. For this purpose we use the Perspective Correction Module (four modules, red-coloured on the Figure 5-12). First of all, the mutually parallel planes have to be „synchronized”. It means that the blueprints have to be really parallel. Let’s analyze that for the left-right planes. It is done by correcting the first plane (left) in order to remove rotationl – for this purpose the first perspective correction module is used. And next, the result image (OutImg1 – corrected „left” blueprint ) is used with the „right” blueprint in another correction module. The OutImg2 allows user to properly position the reference points and simplify the correction process of the „right” blueprint. The correction process for the above-mentioned blueprint’s pair is following: On the „Distorted Image” section: With use of the help points („Help points” tab) user marks the reference points, that help with the correction process. In this case, a rectangular part of the elevation (of course acquired shape not always might appear like rectangle) is indicated. This is shown on Figure 5-14. Figure 5-14. Distorted image of the „left” blueprint (help points are marked with red color) 92 On the „Corrected Image” section: With use of the main points („Main points” tab) user marks the strictly rectangular shape where the early marked points (distorted) must be fitted. The main points are used temporary, because the right main points will be calculated from the destination help points. In the BluePrint Modeler the destination help points are only calculated when user want to set the destination main points. It relies upon the destination help points, the „Calculate” method should be used. With use of the coordinates clipboard the coordinates acquired by the translating main points should be copied and pasted to the calculate dialog („Help Points Entry”) in order to execute the „Calculate” method (Figure 5-15). Figure 5-15. Entering the help points in order to set the corrected main points (usage of the „Calculate” method) This idea is shown on the image above. The region is indicated by the blue lines (represents the main points). The destination help points are marked with the light red color. Please note that destination help points are based strictly on the main points region. It follows that one might manipulate main points in order to fit the destination help points into the wanted region. 93 That solution is possible but it is laborious and tedious. Instead of this the main points might be calculated instantly when one input the given destination help points. This is the essence of the „Calculate” method. For the examinated case the situation after the calculation of the main points is following (Figure 5-16): Figure 5-16. Main points after their calculation with the described method As shown above, the destination main points came out the destination image area. This means that the upper part of the corrected image will be cutted. It is acceptable if the blueprint is not cutted. If this situation occurs (Fig. 5-17), one has to calculate the main points once again (with other values of the destination help points). Figure 5-17. Wrong set of the destination main points. 94 When „left” blueprint is corrected the result („OutImg1.bmp”) is sent to input of another perspective correction module. The correction steps are following: first correction, in principle – it relies on copying pattern image („OutImg1.bmp”) in order to help user to set the reference points on the destination image. In this case user marks option „Enabled in the correction process” for the pattern image, leaves the reference points in the default position and performs the correction, second (right) correction, user set the source points (similarly like it has been written about „left” blueprint correction) and destination points (basing on the previously obtained pattern image). For the given example, the corrected view is following (Figure 5-18): Figure 5-18. Aligned main points just before performing correction One should remember that the result image (in this case „OutImg4.bmp”) of the above correction has identical orientation like pattern image. For above example, this means that the „right” blueprint has „left” orientation. The „right” blueprint must be mirrored in order to get the right orientated image. One might make this with most 95 graphic processing applications. Besides, it is good idea to convert bitmaps into the JPEG format (to limit storage requirements). After the correction process the blueprints appear like on Figure 5-19. Figure 5-19. The blueprints from Fig. 5-13 after the perspective correction process Please note that early rotation of the „right” blueprint is removed and the „right” and „rear” blueprint are flipped (horizontally mirrored). So obtained blueprints are ready to the next stage – the right calibration process. 5.3.3. Blueprints calibration With corrected blueprint user should create the following flow chart: Figure 5-20. Photogrammetric flow chart for the calibration purposes 96 The flow chart (visible on Fig. 5-20) consist of four input image modules, the calibration module and four output modules (with assigned cameras). The four cameras on the outputs must be created and assigned earlier. Every camera must be parallel („Orthophotogrammetric” option) and should have assigned reference image (e.g. for „left” camera the reference image is „Left_corrected” image). After the flow arrangements one should set the parameters within the calibration module. The process is following: the orientation of the camera and distance of the image plane relatively to the model have to be adjusted, the calibration points have to be arranged (reference points on the image) and their values must be set in proper controls, and then, the calibration might be fired by „Calibration execute” button. After the properly performed calibration the assigned cameras are used to set its parameters in order to future modelling. The screenshot from the module during the calibration for the „left” blueprint is following (Figure 5-21): Figure 5-21. Calibration of the left-oriented blueprint It is important to be precise when the points are arranged. The future modelling strictly depends on the precision of this stage. 97 After processing all of the blueprints, one might start the right modelling process. Arrangements of the blueprints for the given example is visible on the Figure 5-22. Figure 5-22. The blueprints after the calibration process (view from the Model Editor) 98 5.4. Orthophotographs Similarly to texture creation process, making orthophotographs also relies on usage of the perspective correction module. In the texture creation process the significant thing is to obtain only interested texture region without any background. Since the textures are casual in low resolution, the orthophotographs might be in high resolution with some background. A way to create simple orthophotographs from one image taken with Olympus C-765 UltraZoom camera is described below. At first the lens distortion has been removed from the photo. This is done with BPM: External Lens Distortion Correction Module (and took approx. 2 minutes). Then, the result photo is used with the Photoflow pipeline (Figure 5-23). Figure 5-23. Photoflow diagram used in the orthophotograph creation process 99 With a given pipeline, the parameters of the perspective correction module are set. At first the reference points on the distorted (input) image are positioned into the right place. With this process the „Help Points” from proper tab („Main Points” haven’t be positioned) is used. As a reference region, author chooses the windows, as very accessible objects that cover most of the image. Next, the reference points of the „Corrected” image are adjusted. At distorted image, the help points are used to determine source region, so on result image help points of the corrected image have to map equivalent destination region. Because of earlier mentioned fact that „Help Points” of the destination image couldn’t be changed directly, the „Calculate” method should be used instead. Use of this method was described in the Section 5.2.2. After use of the „Calculate” method, the correction of the main destination regions is performed. Next step is to chose proper interpolation method and perform the correction. Result of above described process is shown on the Figure 5-24. Figure 5-24. Corrected image - result of the orthophotograph creation process 100 5.5. Modelling from parallel projections In the point 5.2.1, there was described importance of proper correction of the blueprints. Knowledge of this fact makes right correction possible of what is useful during the modelling process. It was described in the Chapter 2 (point 2.6.1, especially point on model might be obtained, if at least 2 rays exists, they determine the given point (by ray intersection). The BluePrint Modeler application supports modelling with use of 2 rays. The rays should be perpendicular to each other and one has to remember that modelling with two parallel or covering rays is unacceptable (this is described in The blueprints used to modelling are displayed on the image plane of the given cameras. Modelling is possible both from blueprints cameras or normal cameras (front,left...etc). But for detailed modelling (when zoom of the blueprint’s part is needed) one should use the normal cameras with a given zoom. 101 For point reconstruction one has to choose „Vertices” tab and enable the „Creation” mode. Example for point reconstruction is shown on Figures 5-25 and 5-26. Figure 5-25. First stage of point reconstruction (indicating point on the first plane) Figure 5-26. Second stage of point reconstruction (indicating point on the second plane) 102 To create vertices the following procedures, described in the Chapter 3, which among other things allows to: manual enter and modify the vertices data, select various kind of vertices and get information about them, create array of points on the straight line, duplicate points (and objects consist of vertices like lines or polygons) and create their translated copies, weld several vertices into one (average) vertex, mirror vertices (and objects consist of vertices like lines or polygons) for create the mirror side of the given object, remove any vertices, By using „Lines” tab, one might create edges of the model. With use of the „Polygons” tab it is possible to cover the object with a given texture. In this case polygon creation relies on following procedures: choosing right material and eventually setting the mapping coordinates, indicating subsequent vertices that create given polygon (caution that every polygon might be created from three or four vertices – if the surface consist of more than four vertices, one must create polygons separately) – by using the left mouse button, finishing creating procedure by click the right mouse button. The polygons might be created not only by graphic acquiring but with manual entering the polygons data as well (this is done within „Create vertex” section in the „Vertices” tab). It is possible to create the 3D model with the above described methods. Ready to use object can be exported to the given format. 103 5.6. Export model to other applications Because the BluePrint Modeler in its present form supports only VRML 2.0 and its own format, one should save the reconstruction results into the BluePrint Modeler format, in order to make possible future corrections. Then the model should be exported to the VRML format, what would allow to view the finished model under the any virtual reality viewer or for further manipulation. 104 6. 3D objects reconstruction examples This Chapter contains sample reconstruction made with the BluePrint Modeler tool. For reconstruction purposes there reduction scale model and normal scale object are examined. 6.1. First reconstruction example – Project „BDHPUMN” As the target of the reconstruction the BDHPUMN train car is selected. The BDHPUMN car is a reduction model that is made with a given scale (H0 = 1:89). The car is shown on Figure 6-1. Figure 6-1. The BDHPUMN reduction model (scale 1:87) Beacuse the above reduction model is detailed enough, it can be smoothly used to reconstruct both geometry and texturing (acquiring texture of the real object is not necessary). The reconstruction target is to create a simplified model with simultaneous high precision of creating geometry. The created textures should be of good quality, but that fact isn’t crucial – the main aspect of the reconstruction is to create model which user recognizes as a train car. The model should belong to the low-polygon model’s group. 105 6.1.1. Guidelines and measurement As it visible on Figure 6-1, a uniform (so called blue-box, at this time pinkbox) background color is used in order to simplify texture creation process. The author decide to take photographs from all sides of the object – in order to create orthophotographs and simplify reconstruction process. The photographs are taken using Olympus C-765 UltraZoom and Olympus C2 Zoom cameras placed on a tripod (Figure 6-2). An additional light is used. Figure 6-2. The BDHPUMN measurement with the Olympus C-765 UltraZoom camera Usage of the tripod during the experiments makes simpler to take pictures, but of course the tripod isn’t a necessary device for the reconstruction, what will be shown with the next reconstruction. Most of the photographs of the object are taken in a „macro” mode – for that reason cameras are very close to the object and lens distortions are especially visible. The train car is measured manually with a scale and selected dimensions are measured. Also the local axis of the object is set (see in Figure 6-3). Figure 6-3. Object’s drafts with plotted dimensions and local axis 106 Beacause the object is symmetric in Z axis and almost symetric in X axis the following assumptions are set: it will be modelled only one fourth of the object (in quarters: -X,+Y,+Z), rest of the object will be generated by symmetry (mirror tool), especially for X axis, rest of the generated part will be additionally corrected (in order to avoid almost symmetry problem), only the train car body will be modelled in the BluePrint Modeler, the carriage will be simple flat surfaces with selected transparent images, the wheels will be modelled by the other tool (in the Cinema4D). 6.1.2. Selection of taken materials and data processing During the survey 9 photos by Olympus C-2 and 35 photos by C-765UZ camera are taken. Photos have present the model with all sides. From all photographs, the 24 photos are choosen for further processing. In the processing stage all selected photos are exposed to lens distortion correction removal process. Result files are saved in TGA format, against to source JPG format. As correction application, BPM: External Lens Distortion Correction Module is used. Earlier maked profiles have allowed to get undistorted images. But for the photos the following fact is observed; for all photos taken with „macro” option in C-765UZ camera the lens distortion was different (bigger) than for the same focal length without the „macro” option. It forces user to make profiles also for situations when one uses the „macro” option. For this case, additional profile is not created and the author manually set the focal length for these photographs (set to minimal focal length to get the maximum lens reduction effect). After this procedure, the result photographs get much better quality than at the beginning. After that, the orthophotograph and texture creation is performed. The author assume that, at the beginning the orthophotographs must be created, and textures should be made after the modelling. 107 Assume the one orthophotograph can be made with a single photo. Especially for photos taken with a close distance, the perspective distortion is too big, and the orthophotograph couldn’t be created with enough quality. So the additional survey is necessary in that case. 6.1.3. The second measurement The given measurement has to be performed. At this time, the photos don’t cover whole of the object but are focused on the specific parts (shown in Figure 6-4) – it is assumed that particular parts could be stitched into the result image in the processing stage. Figure 6-4. Two extreme photographs for left projection On the Figure 6-4 the two extreme photographs are shown. Please note the fact mentioned earlier, that with small focal lengths, beside of the radial distortion, the perspective effect deforms the greater part of the image. For that reason user should take as many photos as necessary to create undistorted image of the whole object (what is done this time). Thanks to the lens distortion removal process, the proper deformations are corrected and whole images are written in TGA format. 6.1.4. Orthophotograph creation With obtained corrected photograph, the orthophotograph (source for modelling) can be created. With use of the Photoflow system, the given perspective correction is made. For the left side of the BDHPUMN there are two source images that allow to create undistorted orthophotograph of the mentioned left side. Front side of the object is created by stiching free 108 „front” images together. During „stitching” process significant thing is to proper use the transparency (for that reason TGA file was used). The mentioned free images (with use of the external graphic processing application) are painted with proper transparency masks earlier – for every image there are painted rectangular selection, that include only center part of the image (30% of the image). Thanks to that the BluePrint Modeler (during the perspective correction process) has to put together that image parts that are painted with transparency masks. Result image is shown on Figure 6-5. Figure 6-5. Orthophotograph of the model’s front side It might be an interesting fact, why image does not save the original aspect of the object. It would appear that for the reconstruction purposes the source image must have proper dimensions (otherwise the reconstruction would be hard or impossible). But answer for that question is the calibration process, in which, the image dimensions are calculated automatically, so at this stage user doesn’t have to care about proper image scaling. It significantly helps with the reconstruction process. During the perspective correction process and creating orthophotograph, the stitch artefacts problem may appear (Figure 6-6). The artefact occurs from inaccuracy of the correction process (when reference points are not well positioned). For this case the perspective correction process needs to be repeated (after translation of the some points). Figure 6-6. Stitch artefact of the result image 109 Of course not of all stitches are removed – it results from difference in brightness for the stitched images. In that case author suggests to smooth stitched region, but it is possible to left the images with slight visible stitch artefacts. 6.1.5. Calibration of the images For the calibration purposes there were used the Photoflow is used with their proper calibration module. The right diagram is visible on the Figure 6-7 and reference points arrangement is shown on Figure 6-8. As is visible on Figure 6-7 the parallel cameras are connected (for automation of the adjusting calibration results). Figure 6-7. The Photoflow diagram created for purposes of the calibration 110 Figure 6-8. Calibration reference points arrangement (left side) Calibration (reference) points are selected because of their characteristics (accessibility). Thanks to measurement that have been made earlier, the reference points have proper values that are entered in correct edit boxes. 6.1.6. Main reconstruction of the object When both images are prepared, the modelling process can begin (Figure 6-9). At the beginning, there are reconstructed only main points of the object, i.e. points that outline the model. Because the model has to be low-polygon, the proper generalization is made. It should be mentioned that the vertices are created first and when the shape of the BDHPUMN train car appears of that points, there are connected by lines (edges). The author suggests avoiding of creation of polygons and lines at once. 111 Figure 6-9. Beginning of the BDHPUMN scale model reconstruction Just after the main vertices and lines creation, the polygons are created. For the proper sides there are used proper materials (e.g. for front side were used „front” material...etc). Next, the proper materials are adjusted with the polygon modification tool – the planar mapping are used in the mapping coordinates process. After creation of the quarter part of the model the mirror reflex in the YZ plane is performed. At the end of the model (on the left side) the vertices have to be translated about some value in the X axis. The proper correction is made and the half of the object is done. The other part is also created by mirror tool and model is finished (Figure 6-10). At this stage th object textures are created. Unfortunately during texture creation some erros with matching textures can occur in the created model. It follows that textures should be created simultaneously with the orthophotographs in order to avoid similar problems. In that way the textures are simply created from the orthophotographs (by cropping the part of the image that include only modelled object). The result image is shown on Figure 6-10. 112 Figure 6-10. The BDHPUMN’s modelling results 6.1.7. Export to the other VR modelling environment After finished reconstruction experiment, the whole model can be exported in the VRML 2.0 format to the Cinema4D application. Beacuse not all part of the object were reconstructed (e.g. wheels – the BluePrint Modeler doesn’t have procedures to reconstruct lathe objects yet), there had been decided that the rest of the model should be finished in the mentioned application. Finished model is shown on the Figure 6-11. Figure 6-11. Finished low-polygon train car scale model 113 6.1.8. Model statistics The finished model consist of the following elements (counted only parts modelled in the BluePrint Modeler application – that is only the body and carriages of the train car): 317 vertices, 522 polygons, 5 materials assigned and really used three (front, left and carriages), Total reconstruction time was about approx. 20 hours. In this time following things were made: object measuring (taking photographs..very little of the whole time), orthophotographs and texture creation (most of the time), two reconstructions (about 2-3 hours). First reconstruction were made from the first obtained materials (that turned out to be not very good to reconstruction, owing to the significant perspective effect) and results were bad, so the data acquisition process had to be repeated (see point 6.1.3). 6.2. Second reconstruction example – Project „GDDKiA” The earlier reconstructed model might been used in various virtual reality purposes, but reconstruction time was a little slow. Often the user needs to fast reconstruct the given object without a special care about their textures. It means that there only the main shape and texture of the object is wanted to be made in short time. For that reason the second project is performed. The a reconstructed building of the object is GDDKiA management seated in the Zielona Góra city (photograph on the Figure 6-12). Figure 6-12. The GDDKiA building in the Zielona Góra 114 6.2.1. Reconstruction of the object Against to the previous experiment (despite of the building’s symmetry) the mirror tool is not used. Sample screenshot from the application is shown below (Figure 6-13). Figure 6-13. Modelling the GDDKiA building from the parallel projections After wireframe modelling the model is covered with a surface (polygons). For the surface the proper texture mapping is assigned. The result model is shown on Figure 6-14. Figure 6-14. Finished outlook model of the GDDKiA building 115 6.2.2. Model statistics The finished model consist of the following elements: 28 vertices, 52 polygons, 4 materials assigned and really used three (front, rear and right), Total reconstruction time was about approx. 1 hour. In this time following things were made: texture creation (approx. 0,5 hr), main reconstruction (approx. 0,5 hr), As it visible above, the main assumptions have been satisfied. What’s more, the reconstruction process was really very fast, despite the low quality textures (low quality not in sense of resolution, rather colour-matching effect). The reconstructed geometry is a very low-polygon model, but it can be the advantage. Especially when particular virtual reality environement (where the model might been used) will have to work with many objects like this (e.g. presentation of virtual cities...etc). 6.3. Summary Introduced reconstruction shown the practical reconstruction process, which was described in Chapter 2. As it shown, this process mundane, but most of the elements are automated. It makes the reconstruction easier, and opens the reconstruction process for the users that don’t have not many experiences at this field. Used BluePrint Modeler application, that supports modelling and reconstruction methods, shows that reconstruction might be much easier than the same reconstruction made with only the programs like Cinema4D or 3D Studio MAX. Of course these applications might still be used in making details of the given object. To recap, the modelling made with the BluePrint Modeler shown efficiency of this solution. The full summary and conclusions of the reconstruction process are described in Chapter 8. 116 7. Accuracy of the reconstruction process Reconstruction process relies on the graphic analysis (so called fotointerpretation). Unfortunately not all images are ideal projections (perspective or parallel) and it will cause some errors. Although it is impossible to perform reconstruction with ideal precision, it is significant to know the errors scale and their influence on the reconstruction result. For this reason in this Chapter the acurracy during reconstruction both from perspective and parallel projections is described. Beacuse most of the described and used earlier methods are based on the manual image matching, not always the proper accuracy can be found. Owing to that fact, equations used in this Chapter will be used as estimation of the mentioned errors. 117 7.1. Acurracy for the perspective projection It’s common knowledge that in perspective projection, size of the projected object is proportional to the its distance from the lens. This situation is shown on Figure 7-1, and given relation is shown below (equation 7.1). Figure 7-1. Perspective projection h D = H f (7.1) Beacuse the photogrammetry methods are focused to measurement dimensions of the object rather than its distance from the lens, the equation (7.1) might be developed (with respect to height calculation) to the following expression: H= hPIX ⋅ SY ⋅ D f ⋅ SYPIX where: H D f SYPIX SY hPIX objects height [m] objects distance (from the lens) [m] focal length [m] height of the image [pixels] height of the camera plane [m] height of the object on the image [pixels] 118 (7.2) For estimate error accuracy of the relationship (7.2) it might be used the error theory. The following equation might be written: ∂H m H = ± ⋅ mhPIX ∂hPIX 2 ∂H ∂H ∂H + ⋅ m SY + ⋅ m D + ⋅mf ∂D ∂f ∂SY 2 2 2 (7.3) where: mH mD mf mean-square error of the object’s height [m] m SY mean-square error of the height of thecamera plane [m] mhPIX mean-square error of the object’s height on the image [pixels] mean-square error of the object’s distance [m] mean-square error of the focal distance [m] The mean-square error’s written above concerns quality of determining particular components. One might notice that in the equation (7.3) there is no mean-square error for the SYPIX . It results from lack of knowledge precision of image height. Besides that both SY and SYPIX components concern one quantity, so it’s enought to use only m SY component. The m D error might be easily determined (eventually one might even assumed some value during measurement), similar to mhPIX quantity (by measuring level of the image blur or other simple calculations when the particular points are obtained). Unfortunately the m f error might be obtained only from more complex and precise measurement so it’s better to assume that component value of ±1mm (common unit to focal distance measure). The SY and m SY quantities might be determined from other measurements. Finally, equation (7.3) after given calculations is following: 2 m h2PIX ⋅ D 2 ⋅ f 2 ⋅ SY 2 + m 2f ⋅ hPIX ⋅ D 2 ⋅ SY 2 + mH = ± 2 2 2 m SY ⋅ f 2 ⋅ D 2 ⋅ hPIX + m D2 ⋅ hPIX ⋅ SY 2 ⋅ f 2 f 4 ⋅ SYPIX 2 The sample height calculations are described in point 7.4. 119 (7.4) 7.2. Acurracy for the parallel projection In the parallel projections the objects aren’t distorted by perspective effect, so their scale is saved. Sample projection is shown on Figure 7-2. Corresponding equation (7.5) is written below the image. Figure 7-2. Parallel projection H =h (7.5) As it is clearly visible, height of the object is equal to its equivalent on the camera image plane. Therefore, error of the determine h quantity is equal to error of the real height of the object. Of course, user administers only the h expressed in pixels and SY expressed in pixel and meters values. The way to calculate right SY values is following: the given plane must be calibrated (e.g. with calibration method, described in the Chapter 2) - it give the SY values (in [m]) designed for parallel projection, having the given SY values, the height might be calculated as following: H =h= SY ⋅ hPIX SYPIX 120 (7.6) Accuracy for this solution is following (using error theory): ∂H m H = ± ⋅ mhPIX ∂ h PIX 2 ∂H + ⋅ m SY ∂SY 2 (7.7) Developing of above equation we have: mH = ± 2 2 mh2PIX ⋅ SY 2 + m SY ⋅ hPIX 2 SYPIX (7.8) Sample use of this equations was used in height calculations and described in point 7.4. 121 7.3. Determining the interior camera parameters For measurement were used following cameras: Olympus C-2 Zoom, Olympus C-765 UltraZoom. The survey method is following: the given calibration plane (used in the lens calibration process – visible on Figure 7-3) have to be photographed and its projection should cover most part of the image, during measurement the quantities D have to be measured (components: H , f , SYPIX , hPIX are determined from image, using both EXIF data and image dimensions), if the image with calibration plane is a little bit rotated, one must remove that rotation with using of graphic processing application (with simultaneous saving original dimensions of the picture), so prepared image are ready for hPIX components measuring. During survey the 6 photos have been taken with Olympus C-2Z and 9 photos with using of Olympus C-765UZ. The right distances were mesured by tape measure with precision of 0,01m. As the precision of the focal length were assumed value of 0,0005m (±0,5mm). The W (from Fig. 7-3) and H are in turn: W = 0,24m, H = 0,18m, measured on the plane with accuracy of ±1mm (0,001m). Figure 7-3. Photographed calibration plane with marked measurement quantities 122 Beacause of perspective projection (point 7.1) following expressions might been developed: h= H⋅f D and 2 h hPIX = SY SYPIX (7.9) what leads to the following expression: SY = 2 H ⋅ f ⋅ SYPIX D ⋅ hPIX (7.10) following by error the following equation might be created: ∂SY ∂SY =± ⋅ m H + ⋅mf ∂H ∂f 2 m SY 2 ∂SY + ⋅ hPIX ∂hPIX 2 ∂SY + ⋅ mD ∂D 2 (7.11) Performing necessary calculations, we have: SY m SY = ±2 2 PIX 2 2 m H2 ⋅ D 2 ⋅ f 2 ⋅ hPIX + m 2f ⋅ hPIX ⋅ D2 ⋅ H 2 + ⋅ 2 2 2 2 mh ⋅ f 2 ⋅ D 2 ⋅ H 2 + m D2 ⋅ hPIX ⋅H ⋅ f PIX 4 D 4 ⋅ hPIX (7.12) For more precise calculation one might perform a series of the measurements and calculate given value and their total mean-square error from the proper equations (7.13) and (7.14). The equations were developed with help of error theory. SY = SYn2 SY12 SY22 + +L+ mSY1 mSY2 m SYn 1 1 1 + +L m SY1 mSY2 m SYn M SY = ± 2 2 2 m SY + m SY + L + m SY 1 2 n Thanks to that the right SY n (7.13) (7.14) dimensions might be calculated with simultaneous error determining. Of course not only for vertical, but also for horizontal dimension this calculations might be performed. In the next point practical using of the above developed equations are described. 123 7.3.1. Results of research Research were executed for both axes X and Y. As a signs for X axis that correspond with signs for Y axis, there were introduced as following: SX , SX PIX instead of SY , SYPIX , m SX , M SX istead of m SY , M SY , W , wPIX instead of H , hPIX , The results were collected from Table 7-1 to Table 7-6. Table 7-1. Results of camera image plane dimensions measurement for Olympus C-2 Zoom camera without lens distortion correction Olympus C-2 Zoom without lens correction distortion Axis mD [m] mf [mm] mW [m] mwpix [pix] SXpix [pix] X ±0,01 ±0,5 ±0,001 ±2 1600 Plane 1 2 3 4 5 D [m] 0,38 0,34 0,35 0,36 0,33 f [mm] 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 W [m] 0,240 0,240 0,240 0,240 0,240 wpix [pix] 1157 1317 1262 1212 1359 SX [m] 0,00873 0,00870 0,00869 0,00868 0,00869 mSX [m] 0,00090 0,00091 0,00090 0,00090 0,00091 SX ± M SX = 0,00870 0,00101 Axis mD [m] mf [mm] mH [m] mhpix [pix] SYpix [pix] Y ±0,01 ±0,5 ±0,001 ±2 1200 Plane 1 2 3 4 5 D [m] 0,38 0,34 0,35 0,36 0,33 f [mm] 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 H [m] 0,180 0,180 0,180 0,180 0,180 124 hpix [pix] 875 998 956 917 1030 SY [m] 0,00650 0,00646 0,00645 0,00645 0,00645 mSY [m] 0,00067 0,00068 0,00067 0,00067 0,00068 SY ± M SY = 0,00646 0,00075 Table 7-2. Results of camera image plane dimensions measurement for Olympus C-2 Zoom camera with lens distortion correction Olympus C-2 Zoom with lens correction distortion Axis mD [m] mf [mm] mW [m] mwpix [pix] SXpix [pix] X ±0,01 ±0,5 ±0,001 ±2 1600 Plane 1 2 3 4 5 D [m] 0,38 0,34 0,35 0,36 0,33 f [mm] 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 W [m] 0,240 0,240 0,240 0,240 0,240 wpix [pix] 1135 1300 1241 1191 1341 SX [m] 0,00890 0,00882 0,00884 0,00883 0,00881 mSX [m] 0,00092 0,00092 0,00092 0,00092 0,00092 SX ± M SX = 0,00884 0,00103 Axis mD [m] mf [mm] mH [m] mhpix [pix] SYpix [pix] Y ±0,01 ±0,5 ±0,001 ±2 1200 Plane 1 2 3 4 5 D [m] 0,38 0,34 0,35 0,36 0,33 f [mm] 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 H [m] 0,180 0,180 0,180 0,180 0,180 hpix [pix] 851 975 932 894 1006 SY [m] 0,00668 0,00661 0,00662 0,00662 0,00661 mSY [m] 0,00069 0,00069 0,00069 0,00069 0,00069 SY ± M SY = 0,00663 0,00077 Table 7-3. Comparison between measurement with and without lens distortion correction for Olympus C-2 Zoom Without correction With correction Difference SX [m] 0,00870 0,00884 ±0,00014 125 SY [m] 0,00646 0,00663 ±0,00017 mSX [m] 0,00101 0,00103 ±0,00002 mSY [m] 0,00075 0,00077 ±0,00002 Table 7-4. Results of camera image plane dimensions measurement for Olympus C-765 UltraZoom camera without lens distortion correction Olympus C-765 UltraZoom without lens correction distortion Axis mD [m] mf [mm] mW [m] mwpix [pix] SXpix [pix] X ±0,01 ±0,5 ±0,001 ±2 2288 Plane 1 2 3 4 5 D [m] 0,37 0,34 0,34 0,33 0,33 f [mm] 6,3 6,3 6,3 6,3 6,3 W [m] 0,24 0,24 0,24 0,24 0,24 wpix [pix] 1785 1900 2003 2033 2080 SX [m] 0,01048 0,01056 0,01016 0,01031 0,01024 mSX [m] 0,00088 0,00089 0,00086 0,00088 0,00087 SX ± M SX = 0,01035 0,00098 Axis mD [m] mf [mm] mH [m] mhpix [pix] SYpix [pix] Y ±0,01 ±0,5 ±0,001 ±2 1712 Plane 1 2 3 4 5 D [m] 0,37 0,34 0,34 0,33 0,33 f [mm] 6,3 6,3 6,3 6,3 6,3 H [m] 0,18 0,18 0,18 0,18 0,18 126 hpix [pix] 1351 1439 1515 1541 1576 SY [m] 0,00777 0,00782 0,00754 0,00763 0,00758 mSY [m] 0,00065 0,00066 0,00064 0,00065 0,00065 SY ± M SY = 0,00767 0,00073 Table 7-5. Results of camera image plane dimensions measurement for Olympus C-765 UltraZoom camera with lens distortion correction Olympus C-765 UltraZoom with lens correction distortion Axis mD [m] mf [mm] mW [m] mwpix [pix] SXpix [pix] X ±0,01 ±0,5 ±0,001 ±2 2288 Plane 1 2 3 4 5 D [m] 0,37 0,34 0,34 0,33 0,33 f [mm] 6,3 6,3 6,3 6,3 6,3 W [m] 0,24 0,24 0,24 0,24 0,24 wpix [pix] 1765 1988 1882 2019 2068 SX [m] 0,01059 0,01024 0,01066 0,01038 0,01029 mSX [m] 0,00089 0,00087 0,00090 0,00088 0,00088 SX ± M SX = 0,01043 0,00099 Axis mD [m] mf [mm] mH [m] mhpix [pix] SYpix [pix] Y ±0,01 ±0,5 ±0,001 ±2 1712 Plane 1 2 3 4 5 D [m] 0,37 0,34 0,34 0,33 0,33 f [mm] 6,3 6,3 6,3 6,3 6,3 H [m] 0,18 0,18 0,18 0,18 0,18 hpix [pix] 1324 1491 1413 1516 1550 SY [m] 0,00793 0,00766 0,00796 0,00776 0,00771 mSY [m] 0,00067 0,00065 0,00067 0,00066 0,00066 SY ± M SY = 0,00780 0,00074 Table 7-6. Comparison between measurement with and without lens distortion correction for Olympus C-765 UltraZoom Without correction With correction Difference SX [m] 0,01035 0,01043 ±0,00008 127 SY [m] 0,00767 0,00780 ±0,00013 mSX [m] 0,00098 0,00099 ±0,00001 mSY [m] 0,00073 0,00074 ±0,00001 7.3.2. Summary As it was visible on the results, the influence of the radial distortion might affect the camera image plane dimensions even up to ±0,00008m (±0,08mm). Thanks to multiple measuring, the dimension values might be calculated with increased precision. Another observed fact the more greater the distance and focal length are, the total mean-square error is smaller. 7.4. Sample height calculations This point include results of the sample height calculation for both projections. For perspective projection there were examined influence of the radial distortion to measure. For parallel projection determine how the radial distortion affects the accuracy is harder, because it rely on earlier calibration plane process (that might been executed with various accuracy – beacuse of the characteristic affine transformation, its accuracy is hard to calculate – see [1]). For height calculations for parallel projection there are assumed some error values, proportional to the measured plane. 128 7.4.1. Height calculations for perspective projection The Table 7-7 introduces comparisons between height calculations with and without lens distortion correction. The mean-square error for distance is following: < 1,00m , m D = ± 0,01m, 1,00m ÷ 9,99 m , m D = ± 0,10m, > 10,00m , m D = ± 0,20m, Table 7-7. Sample height calculations for perspective projection mD [m] var. D [m] 0,25 0,25 0,25 0,25 0,25 0,25 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 2,00 2,00 2,00 2,00 2,00 2,00 3,00 3,00 3,00 3,00 3,00 3,00 4,00 4,00 4,00 4,00 4,00 4,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 mf [mm] ±0,0005 f [mm] 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 mhpix [pix] without lens dist. correction without lens dist. correction mD [m] ±2/1200 0,00646±0,00075 0,00663±0,00077 var. hPIX [pix] 100 300 500 700 900 1100 100 300 500 700 900 1100 100 300 500 700 900 1100 100 300 500 700 900 1100 100 300 500 700 900 1100 100 300 500 700 900 1100 100 300 500 700 SY±MSY [m] SY±MSY [m] H [m] 0,027 0,081 0,135 0,188 0,242 0,296 0,054 0,161 0,269 0,377 0,484 0,592 0,108 0,323 0,538 0,754 0,969 1,184 0,215 0,646 1,077 1,507 1,938 2,369 0,323 0,969 1,615 2,261 2,907 3,553 0,431 1,292 2,153 3,015 3,876 4,737 0,538 1,615 2,692 3,768 mH [m] mH/H 0,003 0,009 0,015 0,020 0,026 0,032 0,006 0,017 0,028 0,039 0,050 0,061 0,015 0,046 0,076 0,107 0,138 0,168 0,025 0,073 0,121 0,169 0,218 0,266 0,035 0,103 0,171 0,240 0,308 0,377 0,045 0,134 0,224 0,313 0,402 0,491 0,056 0,166 0,276 0,387 129 11,0% 10,9% 10,8% 10,8% 10,8% 10,8% 10,5% 10,3% 10,3% 10,3% 10,3% 10,3% 14,3% 14,2% 14,2% 14,2% 14,2% 14,2% 11,4% 11,3% 11,2% 11,2% 11,2% 11,2% 10,8% 10,6% 10,6% 10,6% 10,6% 10,6% 10,6% 10,4% 10,4% 10,4% 10,4% 10,4% 10,5% 10,3% 10,3% 10,3% H’ [m] 0,028 0,083 0,138 0,193 0,249 0,304 0,055 0,166 0,276 0,387 0,497 0,608 0,110 0,331 0,552 0,773 0,994 1,215 0,221 0,663 1,105 1,547 1,989 2,431 0,331 0,994 1,657 2,321 2,983 3,646 0,442 1,326 2,210 3,094 3,978 4,862 0,552 1,657 2,762 3,867 mH’ [m] 0,003 0,009 0,015 0,021 0,027 0,033 0,006 0,017 0,028 0,040 0,051 0,062 0,016 0,047 0,078 0,110 0,141 0,172 0,025 0,075 0,124 0,174 0,224 0,273 0,036 0,106 0,176 0,246 0,316 0,387 0,047 0,138 0,229 0,321 0,413 0,504 0,058 0,170 0,284 0,397 mH’/H’ |H-H’| 11,0% 10,9% 10,8% 10,8% 10,8% 10,8% 10,5% 10,3% 10,3% 10,3% 10,3% 10,3% 14,3% 14,2% 14,2% 14,2% 14,2% 14,2% 11,4% 11,3% 11,2% 11,2% 11,2% 11,2% 10,8% 10,6% 10,6% 10,6% 10,6% 10,6% 10,6% 10,4% 10,4% 10,4% 10,4% 10,4% 10,5% 10,3% 10,3% 10,3% 0,001 0,002 0,003 0,005 0,007 0,008 0,001 0,005 0,007 0,010 0,013 0,016 0,002 0,008 0,014 0,019 0,025 0,031 0,006 0,017 0,028 0,040 0,051 0,062 0,008 0,025 0,042 0,060 0,076 0,093 0,011 0,034 0,057 0,079 0,102 0,125 0,014 0,042 0,070 0,099 5,00 5,00 10,00 10,00 10,00 10,00 10,00 10,00 20,00 20,00 20,00 20,00 20,00 20,00 50,00 50,00 50,00 50,00 50,00 50,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 900 4,845 1100 5,922 100 1,077 300 3,230 500 5,383 700 7,537 900 9,690 1100 11,843 100 2,153 300 6,460 500 10,767 700 15,073 900 19,380 1100 23,687 100 5,383 300 16,150 500 26,917 700 37,683 900 48,450 1100 59,217 100 10,767 300 32,300 500 53,833 700 75,367 900 96,900 1100 118,433 0,497 0,608 0,113 0,332 0,553 0,774 0,995 1,216 0,222 0,655 1,090 1,526 1,961 2,397 0,553 1,631 2,714 3,798 4,883 5,967 1,105 3,259 5,425 7,592 9,759 11,927 10,3% 4,972 10,3% 6,077 10,5% 1,105 10,3% 3,315 10,3% 5,525 10,3% 7,735 10,3% 9,945 10,3% 12,155 10,3% 2,210 10,1% 6,630 10,1% 11,050 10,1% 15,470 10,1% 19,890 10,1% 24,310 10,3% 5,525 10,1% 16,575 10,1% 27,625 10,1% 38,675 10,1% 49,725 10,1% 60,775 10,3% 11,050 10,1% 33,150 10,1% 55,250 10,1% 77,350 10,1% 99,450 10,1% 121,550 0,510 0,624 0,116 0,341 0,568 0,794 1,021 1,248 0,228 0,672 1,119 1,566 2,013 2,460 0,568 1,674 2,785 3,898 5,011 6,124 1,134 3,345 5,568 7,792 10,016 12,241 10,3% 10,3% 10,5% 10,3% 10,3% 10,3% 10,3% 10,3% 10,3% 10,1% 10,1% 10,1% 10,1% 10,1% 10,3% 10,1% 10,1% 10,1% 10,1% 10,1% 10,3% 10,1% 10,1% 10,1% 10,1% 10,1% 0,127 0,155 0,028 0,085 0,142 0,198 0,255 0,312 0,057 0,170 0,283 0,397 0,510 0,623 0,142 0,425 0,708 0,992 1,275 1,558 0,283 0,850 1,417 1,983 2,550 3,117 From the above result one might see that at the difference are significant. For example, during measurement of the typical building, from distance of 20m (with smallest focal length) when image of the building have 900 pixels (on 1200 pixels of the image height), the difference between heights is c.a. 0,50m. This error cause huge errors during reconstruction, especially when using perspective reconstruction or creating textures from the distorted image. This calculations shows unquestionable, that lens distortion must have been used, in order to make the reconstruction possible (or make it more precise). 130 7.4.2. Height calculations for parallel projection Also for parallel projection the given calculation have been performed (see Table 7-8). The mean-square errors are as following: < 1,00m , m SY = ± 0,05m, 1,00m ÷ 9,99 m , m SY = ± 0,20m, > 10,00m mhPIX = ±2 / 1200 pix, , m SY = ± 0,50m, Table 7-8. Sample height calculations for parallel projection SY [m] 0,25 0,25 0,25 0,25 0,25 0,25 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 2,00 2,00 2,00 2,00 2,00 2,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 10,00 10,00 10,00 10,00 10,00 10,00 20,00 20,00 20,00 20,00 20,00 20,00 50,00 50,00 hPIX [pix] 100 300 500 700 900 1100 100 300 500 700 900 1100 100 300 500 700 900 1100 100 300 500 700 900 1100 100 300 500 700 900 1100 100 300 500 700 900 1100 100 300 500 700 900 1100 100 300 H [m] 0,021 0,062 0,104 0,146 0,188 0,229 0,042 0,125 0,208 0,292 0,375 0,458 0,083 0,250 0,417 0,583 0,750 0,917 0,167 0,500 0,833 1,167 1,500 1,833 0,417 1,250 2,083 2,917 3,750 4,583 0,833 2,500 4,167 5,833 7,500 9,167 1,667 5,000 8,333 11,667 15,000 18,333 4,167 12,500 131 mH [m] 0,004 0,013 0,021 0,029 0,038 0,046 0,004 0,013 0,021 0,029 0,038 0,046 0,017 0,050 0,083 0,117 0,150 0,183 0,017 0,050 0,083 0,117 0,150 0,183 0,019 0,051 0,084 0,117 0,150 0,184 0,024 0,053 0,085 0,118 0,151 0,184 0,037 0,060 0,090 0,121 0,154 0,186 0,085 0,097 mH/H 20,1% 20,0% 20,0% 20,0% 20,0% 20,0% 10,2% 10,0% 10,0% 10,0% 10,0% 10,0% 20,1% 20,0% 20,0% 20,0% 20,0% 20,0% 10,2% 10,0% 10,0% 10,0% 10,0% 10,0% 4,5% 4,1% 4,0% 4,0% 4,0% 4,0% 2,8% 2,1% 2,0% 2,0% 2,0% 2,0% 2,2% 1,2% 1,1% 1,0% 1,0% 1,0% 2,0% 0,8% 50,00 50,00 50,00 50,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 500 700 900 1100 100 300 500 700 900 1100 0,118 0,143 0,172 0,201 0,167 0,174 0,186 0,203 0,224 0,248 20,833 29,167 37,500 45,833 8,333 25,000 41,667 58,333 75,000 91,667 0,6% 0,5% 0,5% 0,4% 2,0% 0,7% 0,4% 0,3% 0,3% 0,3% 7.5. Relationship between modelling errors and camera orientation for the parallel projection For the parallel projection it was examined how the relative orientation of the parallel cameras affect on the modelling (reconstruction) errors. First and foremost thing that must exist in parallel reconstruction is the proper relative camera orientation. This orientation is represented by the angle that might be found on interesect of the lines, created by the directions of the given cameras. Mentioned angle fits in a given range, α ∈ (0 o ÷ 180 o ) . The recommend angle value is 90 o (what is used commonly in architectural reconstruction, e.g. from the blueprints). Because 3D-point reconstruction is based on the making intersection from (at least) two cameras with using of the graphical methods (user point particular points on the camera image plane), the reconstruction accuracy depend strictly from the point indicating precision. The result point might be found within characteristic error area. Owing to errors usually occurs with the Gauss’ distribution, error area have a radial shape that it is similar to ellipse. For show how the error area change depending on the relative orientation angle the following pictures have been made (by using dedicated application that simulate sample reconstruction) – see Figures 7-4 and 7-5. Both examples are depicted on 2D to clearly present the idea of relationship between modelling errors 2D Space does not obscure this idea. 132 and camera orientation. Figure 7-4. Parallel reconstruction made with right angle For the situation found on Figure 7-4, there are two visible parallel projection planes with shown possible target lines. Intersection of the given target lines create given points, that are couloured adequately to probability of given intersection (the more the error is the probability is smaller). Assumed border value (marked with red color) indicate area with the most probability of future intersection. Next, the Figure 7-5 show reconstruction with sharp angle (45°). Figure 7-5. Parallel reconstruction made with sharp angle Compare of both pictures shows that the more the sharp angle is, the more of the possible points might be created (error ellipse is much bigger for sharp angles than for right angles). 133 7.6. Summary Equations presented in this Chapter for mean-error’s determining were successfully checked in the sample calculations. The influence of the radial distortion was especially visibled here, so it is another thing to use radial distortion correction in the data processing. The procedure for determining the real camera sensor dimensions was used with success. Tests shown that radial distortion has a substantial influence on the dimensions results. However the dimensions of the sensor might be determined with good precision (± 0,7 ÷ 1,0 mm), especially if one makes a few measurements of the given value. The tests showed that for perspective projections, error of height determining ( m H ) linear depends on the distance to given object ( D ). If the object is farther from the lens the error is bigger. The very important thing is a significant influence of the radial distortion on the result image. The influence is too big, so the proper correction methods must be used. The significant question about relative orientation of the parallel cameras and its relationship between obtained reconstruction error were practically examined during given tests. Tests showed that the more the relative orientation angle is different from the right angle, the more the reconstruction error are bigger. The best solution is to reconstruct from right angles. Of course the same holds not only to fit to parallel reconstruction but also for perspective restitution. Especially when taking photos, one has to remember about principle, according to it, photos should be taken at right angles to each other. Of course, for taking photograph, it is impossible to get straight right angle during measurement (photographing) but the angle should vary about right angle value (90°). 134 8. Conclusions, observations and future development Reconstruction is a complex process that have to be made with proper precision in order to make a good quality model (for given purposes). The conclusions that result from the author observations are described. Conclusions (and observations) are divided into the points that can respond to the given reconstruction stages. First and the most significant aspect is that the most reconstruction methods rely on the graphical interpretation of obtained data (fotointerpretation), so the accurracy of the result model depends first of all on the precision of getting data from the source images. 8.1. Conclusions on the data collecting For using particular photographs to reconstruction purposes (e.g. orthophotograph creation from perspective photos), the photographs can’t be taken under too sharp angles. Source for that principle are described in Chapter 7 in Section 7.5. Since the digital cameras is used to acquire photographs, the proper devices should be used. It is known that digital cameras ensure better quality of images (better precision) than in case of using internet cameras (that are loaded with significant radial distortion). It is recommended to use the highest resolution, but it always depends on a given circumstances (when camera have small memory card the amount of the high resolution images are smaller – it cause to frequent transfer the images into the computer during the photographing – what is tiresome). One should ensure good lighting of the photographed objects. Especially when the object is small (like scale trains or other reduction models) – sometimes the reduction models are weakly lighted and one use flash as additional lighting source. This often cause that center of the result image is more brighten that rest of the image. Sometimes the significant reflex from the object during flashing occurs – especially when photographing object under the right angle. It is happen because these surfaces have turned their 135 normal vectors into the observer direction. Because flash is commonly placed a little above the lens, so most of the light is reflected straight into the lens – what cause overexpose of the part of the image. In case of small object it is recommended to use additional, properly sited lighting diffused sources. Comparison between correct and incorrect lighting is shown on Figure 8-1. Figure 8-1. Difference between proper and improper lighting (at left – photo with flash, at right – without flash but with additional lighting) Even when the phototexture have poor quality (if source photos were taken by poor lighting or photos are improper lighted owing to used flash) still it is possible to create better texture – an example in the graphic application like Adobe Photohop or Corel PhotoPaint given textures might be corrected or created from scratch. 136 8.2. Conclusions on the data processing Before the data is used in the modelling process, it has to pass the preparation process. Frequently, the images have to be free from radial distortion and parallel projections have to be properly calibrated (in order to use them in modelling process). If the photographs are taken with small focal length (when the radial distortion is biggest), then one has to take notice that earlier calibration should be made especially carefully. Similarly, during orthophotographs or blueprints corection and calibration (where the graphical fitting methods are used), that process should be made with a special notice. Any imperfection of fitting will appear during modelling process that force user to repeat the processing or acquiring data process. 8.2.1. Conclusion on lens distortion correction The lens distortion correction, described by the author was successfully used in the present Thesis. It should be mentioned that the solution works well on the three coefficients, with more (five) coefficients the results aren’t so good (two coefficients are improperly recognized), and this element is still in development phase. Correction with three coefficients is enough in the most cases, the main notice should be only focused on the lens calibration process. Thanks to the lens distortion correction we can use cheap cameras in the reconstruction process. Naturally optics and active matrices in more expensive cameras serve well, but cheap devices along with correction offer similar performance. 137 8.2.2. Conclusion on perspective correction When taking photos under angles different from the right angle, especially for creating textures, the perspective distortion should be removed the perspective distortion. This process, described in the previous Chapters isn’t so hard. But the significant thing is the angle under the photo was taken. When this angle is too sharp, part of the texture that has to be extracted, is smaller. After the perspective correction process produces image with proper size, but part of the image will be blurred. This is shown on the Figure 8-2. As can be see, the left part of the image is blurred too much. Figure 8-2. Texture created from one perspective photograph taken with sharp angle Figure 8-3. Texture created from two perspective photographs taken with sharp angles To avoid this situations one has to take two photos with two sides of the object’s facade. And next this photos have to be superimposed in order to create good quality texture. Of course one should consider some methods to fit colours on the both images (to make the seamless texture). 138 The important thing are stitches of the result image. Brightness of the every image are not always equal together. If the images are even slightly different to each other (in sense of brightness) the result (super-imposed) image might be equipped with artefacts, shown on Figure 8-4. Figure 8-4. Visible stitch of the result image Other reason of stitch visible is the poorly made perspective correction process. In the most cases it is possible to get proper fit the images in order to avoid the stitches. For stitches that occurs from the brightness differences, the following solutions are possible: ensure better lighting during taking photographs, manual smooth (and averaging) the stitched region, use proper application in order to get the proper colors and brightness balance, 139 8.3. Conclusions on modelling process In the modelling, the main question is the good source for modelling. The blueprints, orthphotographs...etc can be that source, that have to be positioned in a given way. Precise positioning (calibrating) is significant, what is shown by sample reconstructions (from Chapter 6), because using graphical method in the calibration process (e.g. determining reference points on the images). Question described in Chapter 7 question, how of the modelling errors influence on reconstruction process says great about force of that influence. Thanks to that one has to consider following things: the way of taking photos (orientation angles), resolution and object coverage on the photograph, calibration of the used camera, accuracy of the whole construction process, If the processing is made with enough precision, the modelling proces will be not too hard, and it will ensure assumed precision of the geometry reconstruction. Other important issue is the proper method of creating curved shapes, like arcs, circles...etc. Beacause low-polygon model is based on the points and polygons, in this connection also the given arcs have to be built on the particular points. The points count (points which create given curved shape) depends on the size of the given detail – user has to consider how many this points must be. If chosen generalization is too big, texturing could be harder (some pixels that must be mapped into the model will be copied into the background). There must be enough number of border points to clearly define relevant texture map. In case of inappropriate texture mapping further position adjustments or other shape of texture image will be necessary. Another significant question is to consider about creating only texures instead of the orthophotographs. It could save the user time during texture matching to the modelled object. 140 8.3.1. Conclusion on modelling from parallel projections Described algorithm that makes possible finding the point nearest two segments in the space (based on the [3]) is effective and for reconstruction (modelling) is enough. Please note that before each point reconstruction from the segments, it should be tested that segments aren’t parallel each other or don’t cover themselves. The equation solving might be expose to optimalization – against Cramer’s expression, Gauss’ elimination might be used. 8.3.2. Conclusion on modelling from perspective projections Although the perspective reconstruction methods aren’t directly described in this Thesis, the estimate of the sample perspective modelling was described in Chapter 7. Of course the estimation methods concern only simple height calculations when most quantities are available, but included radial distortion on this process shows how the results may differ. Conclusion leads to recommendation, according to that, the camera must be calibrated in a careful way. The lens correction and estimation of the real size of the camera’s projection plane must be done. After that, one might determine accuracy of the given project, and use suitable methods to acquire the data. Main gometry reconstruction and perspective camera calibration process is described in detail in the [12]. 141 8.4. Future developments Because geometry reconstruction is a very wide subject, where many methods might be used to reach the assumed destination, the author decided to study the following things: further test of the lens distortion correction – to search the better methods for lens distortion calibration (with more parameters that might beter approximate given distortion model), further tests that concern parallel modeling, perspective camera calibration methods, further tests about stitching photographs (into the textures/orthophotographs) – methods for artefacts removal, lightning adjusting...etc, developing of the BluePrint Modeler application, 142 9. Acknowledgements I want to thank my Supervisor, Dr inŜ. Sławomir Nikiel for aid and help with research concerning Thesis and related topics (e.g. for help with my first published article – see [11] ). As we can see, 3-years’ cooperation gave a very interesting results within the confines of photogrammetry and geometry reconstruction processes. Thanks to the hints of the Dr inŜ. Sławomir Nikiel, the BluePrint Modeler is the application not only for making simple reconstructions, but, first of all, for architectural modelling. I want to thank my Menthor, for ecouraging me to work on the amazing field of the three-dimensional graphics. The very thanks are necessary to Maciek Gaweł, with his help we successfully created the lens distortion calibration method. Thanks to that creation of the lens distortion profile of the any camera is fastest and simpler than in the time when I start to study about it. Also his hints was very helpful during research and work. Also, the author want to thank employees of the FotoJoker store: Mr. Adrian Kawalec and Mr. Grzegorz Pasiński, that make available to test of the most digital cameras (lens distortion correction – see Chapter 4). Also their help during data acquiring for lens calibration was very helpful. Besides this, I want to thank: General Directorate of National Roads and Motorways (GDDKiA) for permission to taking photographs of their building. 143 10. Literature [1] Criminisi A., Reid I., Zisserman A., "A Plane Measuring Device", Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, UK [2] Cucchiara R., Grana C., Prati A., Vezzani R., „A Hough Transform-based method for Radial Lens Distortion Correction”, 12th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP'03) , September 17 - 19, 2003, Mantova, Italy [3] DeLoura M., "Game Programming Gems 2", CHARLES RIVER MEDIA INC. 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