ANNUAL REPORT - Prospect District Cricket Club
ANNUAL REPORT - Prospect District Cricket Club
ANNUAL REPORT 3#*)3(,2%1.)2#.,2%,#.,/(2%,-4&%.',5 )6789:%;<=>?;<=@ !"##$%&$#'()%!*+(% ,!"#-.(%+"-/(#%0(1"--.)2 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. A N N U A L R E P O R T SEASON 2013/2014 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS PART ONE – OVERVIEW ____________________________________________________________ 6 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8 Officials, Vice Presidents, Life Members, Management Committee Coaches, Captains and Service Awards Annual Report – David Callan ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14 President’s Report – Andrew Ormandy Coaches Report – Christian Hanna Tributes to Graeme Farrell Distinguished Long Playing Membership Award ________________________________________________________________________________________ 17 PART TWO – SENIOR GRADES ________________________________________________________________________________ 21 Senior Trophy Winners _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 22 Features of the Season ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 23 Club Championship Points Table & Player Milestones A Grade Report – Sam Miller _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Premiership Table 24 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 25 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 26 Batting and Bowling Averages R. B. Pounsett Memorial Trophy __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 26 SACA Awards – Bradman Medal _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 27 Talbot Smith Trophy ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 27 C. W. Walker Trophy ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 27 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 27 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 28 Grade Team of the Year A Grade West End Cup ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 28 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 28 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 29 Batting and Bowling Averages Results of Matches Premiership Table Fred Godson Medal ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 29 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 29 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 30 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 30 A Grade West End Twenty/20 Cup Batting and Bowling Averages Premiership Table Results of Matches B Grade Report – Adam LeCornu _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 31 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 34 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 35 Batting and Bowling Averages Premiership Table 29 Keith Butler Medal _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 35 C Grade Report – Craig Phillis _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 36 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 37 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 38 Batting and Bowling Averages Premiership Table Syd Daly Memorial Medal ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ D Grade Report – Darryl Hogan _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 39 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 40 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 41 Batting and Bowling Averages Premiership Table 38 Wilson / McLeod Medal _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 41 P A G E 2 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS Women’s B Grade Report – Robyn LeCornu ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 42 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 42 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 44 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 44 Batting and Bowling Averages Premiership Table L Fullston Medal Under 17 BankSA Shield Report – Lachlan Blunden ____________________________________________________________________________________ 45 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 46 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 46 Batting and Bowling Averages Premiership Table PART THREE – JUNIOR GRADES Junior Committee Report – Matt Clark ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 50 Junior Club Championship Points Table _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 51 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 52 Junior Trophy Winners Features of the Season _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 53 Under 16 Red Report – Grant Lisk ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 55 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 56 Batting and Bowling Averages Premiership Table _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 57 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 58 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 59 Under 16 White Report – Darren Travis Batting and Bowling Averages Premiership Table 54 Under 14 Red Report – John Flanagan ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 60 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 61 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 61 Batting and Bowling Averages Premiership Table Under 14 White Report – Andrew Caldwell ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 62 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 63 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 64 Batting and Bowling Averages Premiership Table Ray Sutton Shield Report – Robert Perry _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 65 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 65 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 66 Batting and Bowling Averages Premiership Table Under 12 Statewide Cup Report – Manning McInerney ______________________________________________________________________________ 67 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 68 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 68 Batting and Bowling Averages Premiership Table Development Squad Report – Jeremy Appleton _______________________________________________________________________________________ 69 PART FOUR – FINANCE, AGM MINUTES, PLAYER ACHIEVEMENTS & SPONSORS Treasurer’s Report – Tom Chikuse _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Auditor’s Report – Hastings T Chikuse Committee Statement 75 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 76 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 76 Profit and Loss Statement __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 77 Balance Sheet _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 78 Statement of Changes in Equity ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 79 Cash Flow Statement __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 79 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 80 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 82 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 88 Minutes of the 86th Annual General Meeting Player Achievements Sponsors P A G E 3 PART ONE OVERVIEW PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. A N N U A L R E P O R T VICE PATRONS Mr G.J. Uzzell - Mr I.D. Walsh PRESIDENT Mr A. Ormandy IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Mr G. Hill D. Callan J. George M. Martin R. Chard A. Groves J. McMurtrie T. Porter B. Farquhar J. Hazeal H. Norman J. Zadow LIFE MEMBERS Mrs P.I. Stradling* Mrs V. Reidel Sir A Barker CMG* A. Ambler* M.F. Brown* N. Claxton* J. Ducker D. Gehres* G. Hill A. James* K. Lewis* M. McInnes OAM* L. Michael* B. Redpath AM* R. Sutton OAM* I.D. Walsh VICE PRESIDENTS P. Crossing M. Eaton P. Harrington T. Hastwell N. McPherson P. Milne R. Pulley G. Thomson L. Ault* D. Callan A. Cole* M. Eaton J. George R. Hodge* D. James* P. Lewis* D. McIntosh P. Milne D. Sobels L. Thompson* J. Webb R. Baker G. Clarke* H. Cotton* M. Ellicott L. Goodenough A. Hope T. James* T. Lewis* D.Marsh M. Mueller* I. Stradling* G. Uzzell S. Wellington* L. Zeugofsge* M. Faull A. Hope A. Ormandy Mrs S. Ellicott R. Blewett A. Claughton* R. Craig* D. Farrelly* G. Griffin* T. Horley* J. Kierse* T. Lowrey H. Matheson* N. Neil* D. Strudwick J. Vaughan B. Wickham* D. Blunden S. Clutterbuck* P. Crossing D. Freeman R. Hammond* S. Hynes T. Klose* H. Macfarlane* R. May R. Neville* G. Sutton* T. Wall* E. Wohling *Deceased MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN A. Ormandy CHAIRMAN MATCH COMMITTEE D. Blunden SECRETARY D. Callan CHAIRMAN JUNIOR COMMITTEE M. Clark PAST PLAYERS P. Milne ASST. SECRETARY T. Lowrey TREASURER T. Chikuse GROUNDS & FACILITIES A. Ormandy PLAYER’S REPRESENTATIVES L. Blunden / H. Byrnes Howe SPONSORSHIP D. Wilson VOLUNTEERS D. Callan COACHING APPOINTMENTS DIRECTOR OF COACHING C. Hanna BANK SA UNDER 17 L. Blunden / J. Milne P A G E 6 UNDER 16 COACH D. Travis ASSISTANT COACH A. Groves UNDER 14 COACH A. Caldwell PRACTICE COORDINATOR B. Collins RAY SUTTON SHIELD COACH R. Perry DIRECTOR OF JUNIOR CRICKET A. Baker DEVELOPMENT SQUAD UNDER 12 COACH J. Appleton PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. A N N U A L R E P O R T TEAM CAPTAINS A Grade Sam Miller B Grade Adam LeCornu C Grade CraigPhillis D Grade Darryl Hogan Women’s B Grade Robyn LeCornu Under 17 BankSA Shield Cameron Pritchard Under 16 Red Brodie Pearce Under 16 White Tom Auld Under 14 Red Cane Flanagan Under 14 White Zane Caldwell Ray Sutton Shield Kabir Luthra Under 12 Cup Shared Development Squad - MANAGERS Geoff Kent Parents Parents Parents Rob Pearce Barry Harvey Joe Bacic Praveen Jain Parents Parents Martin Faull SCORERS Tom Lowrey Geoff Holds Kieren Laverty DerekMilne Peter Clarkson Mick Ahern / Peter Milne Parents Parents Parents Parents Parents Parents Parents CLUB SOLICITOR M. Mitchell CLUB AUDITOR H. Chikuse CLUB CATERER - RETURNING OFFICER P. Milne SERVICE AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Mesdames: Alex Hart, Anika Fielke, Jackie Beale, Diana Blunden, Margaret Byrnes Wendy Milne, Deb Hart, Robyn LeCornu, Robyn Callan, Robyn Sleeman Messrs: Geoff Kent, John Kelly, Kieran Laverty, Bruce Phillis HARRY BYRNES HOWE RECEIVES HIS CHARLIE WALKER AWARD FROM REDBACKS COACH DARREN BERRY P A G E 7 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 ANNUAL REPORT David Callan I am delighted to report that Prospect District Cricket Club (PDCC) continued to meet all of its South Australian Cricket Association (SACA) requirements during season 2013-14 including the fielding of teams in all senior and junior men’s grades with the augmentation of a women‘s B Grade team. The Club achieved maximum SACA funding of $50,000 plus and additional once off facilities grant of $7,000 for upgrade of the practice wickets. The Club also achieved additional funding under the Active Clubs Program Grant and a Special Purpose Grant from the Office for Recreation & Sport totalling close to $8,000 that provisioned additional equipment especially for junior cricket. The extension of our partnering program with Romeo Foodland and J V Crash contributing $10,000 in funds and kind allowed the Club to continue to develop its quality junior and senior cricket programs. The relationship between SACA and the Grade Clubs was tested with the programming of a new Premier League that was intrusive on Grade scheduled matches and whilst most concerns have been investigated and identified, the findings of the SACA Grade Cricket Review handed down in late May 2014 will commence the strategic planning process for future of cricket in South Australia. SACA have established, now that they are no longer responsible for the administration of the now Adelaide Stadium, their major concerns will be cricket and membership. The Grade Clubs are anticipating a greater focus on grass roots cricket in the Grades as the focus leading to SACA’s high performance capabilities. Although there were incremental on field gains during the season and we must ensure that these gains are preserved and sustained for the coming season, our comparative on field performance did not achieve our goals. However, through robust and astute governance and management we remain financially and administratively secure to continue to improve our performance. The Management Committee continues to review the Club’s sustainability both financially and through succession planning to rejuvenate the Administration and on-field personnel of the Club. The Club is indebted to coPatrons Ian D’Arcy Walsh and Glen Uzzell for initiating and hosting a post season strategic planning meeting to commence the process of improving our on-field performance. PDCC conducted all business in a proper and professional manner during the reporting period retaining and augmenting key members of our Management Committee including the appointment of Andrew Baker to Committee and Matt Clark as our Junior Coordinator. Provision of District Cricket across all Grades and the continual work load to meet SACA’s requirements has put an increasing burden on the Club’s volunteers who continue to work tirelessly for the Club. The Management Committee will continue to work with our Members to encourage candidates with significant cricket knowledge and expertise to nominate for positions on the Committee or in supporting roles to improve our onfield performance The Executive continued dialogue with the City of Prospect, SACA and co-tenants for the Master Plan re-development of Prospect Oval that is planned to include a common user hospitality area, Boardroom, meeting rooms, internal viewing areas and balconies plus an indigenous cricket academy possibly supported by indoor nets. The vision is for a major re-development that brings SACA and PDCC closer together as partners in cricket development and Prospect Oval as the alternative venue to Adelaide Oval. Unfortunately with the re-development of Adelaide Oval SACA has shelved our application for funding for consideration in the future. The Club has reported a financial result where we maintained our equity levels whilst providing the best possible cricket experience for our players and supporters. The Club is indebted to Bar Manager Alex Hart, Mark Eaton and the group of volunteers that provide a constant source of revenue from the licensed club to support our on field activities. I also include special thanks to Wendy Milne for looking after the clothing stock, the kitchen staff and volunteers that provide catering for the Club. Volunteers are a vital component for the efficient running and administration of our Club for which the players, supporters and Management Committee extend our gratitude. The Past Players group has continued to support the Club and have introduced some new initiatives that help stimulate club support including sales of books and excess clothing stock, the Management Committee thank Peter Milne, Past Player Coordinator. The Club continues to be confronted with a series of challenges that the Committee, players, officials and supporters are committed to successfully resolving to ensure our club’s senior grades can once again enjoy prominent positions on the premiership table. A measure of any District Club’s success is the results of its senior teams. The Committee wishes to thank and acknowledge our Club Patrons, our loyal coterie of Vice Presidents, all of the Coaches, Managers, assistants and volunteers who are responsible for preparing and looking after our teams on match day. PDCC recognized the outstanding commitment of volunteers who through the generous donation their time ensures the wellbeing of PDCC. I wish to record my thanks and appreciation to the invaluable work of Tom Lowrey who is the Assistant Secretary, Club Historian, long serving A Grade scorer, who maintained the web site for most of the reporting period, produces the Annual Report, the end of season program for Presentation Night and the PDCC Newsletter. I also extend thanks to Tom Chikuse who is standing down as Treasurer for his precise, excellent reporting and to also thank him for providing a recommendation replacement. On behalf of all Members I wish to thank and endorse the diligent work of the Committee during the past season. P A G E 8 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 PRESIDENT’S REPORT Andrew Ormandy Season 2013-14 saw an overall improvement in our senior grades and so the coming season needs to continue this trend with participation in finals a goal that we as a Club must strive for. As mentioned in last year’s report cricket is a team game; however I would like to acknowledge two individual achievements that clearly demonstrate that there are no short cuts to success. On behalf of the Management Committee, players and supporters I would like to congratulate Harry Byrnes Howe on being awarded SACA’s Charlie Walker trophy for the best wicketkeeper in A Grade. This trophy has particular significance to our Club as Charlie Walker was a Prospect player and wicket keeper who played for Australia alongside a young Don Bradman. The hard work and dedication that Harry put in over the 2013-14 preseason has been rewarded with this honour and his leadership and example is one that others in the Club can look to for inspiration. Our Club champion David Kelly is a great example of perseverance and Club loyalty. David’s pathway to A Grade cricket has not been an overnight success. He has toiled away as a bowler through the junior ranks and then through the senior grades with the unselfish support of his family. For David to receive his First XI cap in the final game of the season and contribute to a great win over last season’s premiers with 4 wickets that included knocking over the wicket of a current Test player, was a fitting culmination of years of preparation. David you are what our Club is all about – putting your hand up and having a red hot crack regardless of which team you are selected in!. This season saw Christian Hanna accept the challenge of A Grade coach and it is quite evident that this appointment was the right decision at this time of our Club development. Christian has connected with the senior playing group and has been tireless in his efforts to position Prospect for future success. The Club is grateful for his honesty and desire to empower players to think more about the game and we look forward to further improvement in the season to come. Thanks to Andy Groves for his support of our senior coaches over the last three seasons. Andy has advised the Committee that he won’t be continuing in coming season and look forward to seeing him back at the Club where he is always welcome as a past player. Thanks to Sam, Adam, Duncan, Craig and Darryl for their leadership and ongoing development of our players. Club volunteers are essential to ensure that we continue to provide our junior and senior players with the offfield support and we are fortunate that have people willing to put their hand up to help. As part of our succession planning we need to get new ideas and energy and so I ask that those within the Club consider how they can contribute as members of the Management Committee and the Junior Committee. In particular I thank David Callan (Club Secretary) Don Blunden (Chairman of Match), Tom Lowrey (Assistant Secretary and A Grade Scorer), Geoff Kent (A Grade Team Manager), Peter Milne (Past Players), Matt Clark (Junior Co-ordinator), Andrew Baker (Director of Junior Cricket) for their contribution to our Club throughout the season. This season also saw the return of Women’s Cricket to PDCC. Thanks to Robyn LeCornu for her tireless efforts in putting a team together and we look forward to seeing our participation in women’s cricket grow to more than one team in the coming seasons. Congratulations to the Under 16 White team for making the finals in what was again another tough season for our Junior Pirates. To everyone involved in supporting our Junior Cricket program please accept the Club’s appreciation for the hours you have given selflessly to develop our young talent. To Matt Clark and the Junior Committee, in particular John Flanagan, for the initiative for finding funding for the Pirate shade canopies. Thank you for promoting our Junior Pirates as a well organised and supportive pathway to playing Grade cricket. At the time of writing this report I can advise that the proposed redevelopment of the Prospect Oval Precinct is still on the agenda with the detailed funding submission that was presented to SACA in August 2012 still under consideration. We continue to work with the City of Prospect and SACA to explore avenues for funding as part of our contribution to the project. Our thanks to the City of Prospect Mayor David O’Loughlin, CEO Mark Goldstone and NAFC CEO Greg Edwards and the NAFC for their continued support of our co-tenancy at Prospect Oval. While I have thanked some of the volunteers in our Club I would collectively like to express my personal thanks to the Management Committee for continuing to provide stable off-field governance. P A G E 9 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 PRESIDENT’S REPORT (Continued) Andrew Ormandy I indicated at the 2013 Annual General Meeting that it is my intention to stand down as President at the 2015 AGM after completing the current term. It is my belief that it is in our Club’s interests to reinvigorate our committees so that fresh eyes, ideas and energy can continue the course that has been charted. I take this opportunity 12 months out to call for those who wish to make a difference to ‘pad up’ and come on to the Management Committee as part of the succession plan. Yet again our bar contributes to the Club’s income and we are indebted to the hard work that Alex Hart does in ensuring there are always cold refreshments available for players, supporters and visitors when needed. Season 2013-14 saw JV Crash join Romeo’s Retail Group as major sponsors and also the Windmill Hotel came on board as a sponsor. I encourage all Club stakeholders wherever possible to support our sponsors to ensure that these partnerships are mutually beneficial. Thank you also to our other Club sponsors Australian Vinyl/Preview Plastics and Prospect DCC Past Players, Vice Presidents and Officials along with match award supporters. Thank you to our joint Patrons Glen Uzzell and D’Arcy Walsh who have been generous in their support at most matches through the season and for hosting a strategic planning session for Club representatives over a bite to eat. The Club is indebted to your ongoing involvement and pro-active interest in our future as a Grade Cricket power. Exciting times are ahead for Grade Cricket and the Clubs that grasp their opportunities will be well positioned to benefit in the long term. Let’s hope that SACA understand that success at State level starts with grass roots junior cricket development, improved grounds and facilities and structured investment in local talent. Let’s make season 2014-15 a successful one for our proud Club and may there be more stories like David Kelly’s that we can enjoy together. ROMEO’S FOODLAND - MAJOR SPONSOR 2013/14 P A G E 1 0 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 COACHES REPORT Christian Hanna Initially I want to outline what I think are the positives of the Club for season 2013/14: The Club is outstandingly run by Andrew Ormandy, Dave Callan and the rest of the Committee. Furthermore there is culture of service to the Club outside the Committee amongst the supporters and parents and within the playing stocks that suggest the Club will remain strong in this facet of the Club into the future. I would personally like to thank Don Blunden, Chairman of the Match Committee, who is the main conduit to the Committee for the coaches and players for his efforts this year. Whilst not part of the Committee, I would also like to thank Alex Hart for her valuable contribution behind the bar. In addition, I would like to recognise the efforts of Matthew Clark, Andrew Baker and the rest of the Junior Committee. I think the relationship between the juniors and seniors remains a vital one. I have appreciated the efforts of Matthew and Andrew to continue to develop senior players for the future as well as continuing to work at improving our transition processes for players moving between juniors and seniors. The players should not underestimate the work of the Committee behind the scenes and how it sets in motion the opportunity for them to play and enjoy the Club atmosphere to the extent that they do. Andrew Groves gave me very good support as Development Coach during the season. Andrew’s role was to continue to provide opportunities for developing players and he definitely did that by pushing youngsters into the C Grade, helping to attract young players such as Jayden Crees to the Club and by keeping everyone honest at the selection table. In addition, Grovesy has an excellent technical knowledge of the game which is a valuable resource for the Club. Grovesy has indicated that he will not be with the Club next season – I would like to wish him all the best for the future and given his employment at the Gillespie Centre he will still have a role to play in developing our players and I’m sure will still be around the Club. The scorers (Tom Lowrey, Geoff Holds, Kieran Laverty, Derek Milne) and managers (Geoff Kent, Kieran Laverty, Derek Milne) across the Grades again provided exceptional service to the players. I would personally like to thank Tom and Geoff Kent, who provided the A Grade valuable support and positivity mixed in with the occasional word of advice that was greatly appreciated by both me and the players. The four captains that we had at the Club this season in Sam Miller, Adam LeCornu, Craig Phillis (who took over from Duncan Djukanovic after Duncan started moving up the Grades) and Darryl Hogan provided excellent leadership and commitment to the Club. In particular, all four captains had to work with quite a few youngsters at different times and the fact that we were starting to get some performances from those guys towards the end of the season is a testament to their efforts. Importantly, I think we had a strong team spirit in all of the Grades – this can always improve, but if we stick together and keep fighting good things will happen. James Craig joined the Club this season as the fitness coach. Whilst Craigy’s main duties were undertaken through the pre-season and mainly with the A Grade squad he remained involved with the Club throughout the season and always provided exceptional leadership and demonstrated good values. His efforts to run the fitness programme with the A Grade squad in the preseason were outstanding. It would come as no surprise to Prospect people that James has been selected in the North Adelaide leadership group and I know that everyone involved with the cricket Club wish him well for the footy season. For the majority of the season we were lucky (or unlucky) to have Braden Collins injured and instead of staying away from the Club, as he could have easily have done, Braden took over the role of Practice Captain, a truly selfless act. Braden was outstanding in that role and helped Grovesy and I out immensely by running the nets as efficiently as he did. It was great to see Braden make it back on the park in the later stages of the season and we hope that he can bounce back next season and continue to improve from where he was a season ago. Prospect’s facilities are excellent. The centre wickets are good cricket wickets and the practice pitches provide ample opportunity for players to improve. The group of players that we have at the Club at the moment are all good, decent people. I don’t think this should be underestimated. In addition, I was really happy, for the most part, with the effort of the players at training and in matches, although there is still a long way to go on these fronts. On the playing side the A, B and D Grades all won more games than they did last season and as a Club we were able to score more Club Championship points than we have for a number of seasons. In particular, after Christmas all Grades had runs of wins, which hasn’t happened very much at Prospect in recent time and I’m hopeful it is a sign of improvement. P A G E 1 1 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 COACHES REPORT (Continued) Christian Hanna This season we started to see a few quality personal seasons from players through the Grades – Harry Byrnes Howe scored over 400 runs and took over 20 dismissals in the A Grade and deservedly won the Charlie Walker Trophy as the most outstanding wicket keeper in the A Grade as voted by the umpires; Ross Whiteley made over 350 runs in the A Grade (and made over 200 runs in the West End One Day Cup) and finished in the top 10 for the Bradman Medal; David Kelly took 34 wickets across the A, B and C Grade at an average of 12.26 to win the Club Champion award; Jake Milne took 26 wickets in the B Grade including a 6 wicket performance; Nick Lopez took 20 wickets in half a season in the A Grade, including back-to-back 5 wicket hauls; Craig Phillis scored over 300 runs in the C Grade and finished 4th in the C Grade medal; Liam Laverty took 24 wickets in the C Grade most of which were in the second half of the season; Wade Matthews made over 400 runs in the B, C, D and U/17s; and there were some great individual one-off performances including a hundred by Henry Wenk and a 6 wicket performance from Ryan Birse, both in the D Grade. As a Club we need to produce more of these performances across the Grades and what’s more we have to do it under pressure in big games consistently. Sam Miller represented the Redbacks in the Ryobi Cup, captained the Northern Mavericks in the Premier League and finished 3rd in the Premier League Medal, proving once again that he is a class player. Lachlan Blunden, Harry Byrnes Howe and Ross Whiteley also played for the Northern Mavericks. Having players exposed to that higher level of competition can only be a good thing for the Club. Izaac Boylan who made his two-day A Grade debut this year played in both the U/17 and U/19 State teams and is a player of the future for the Club. Cam Pritchard and Wade Matthews made the State Bank Shield U/17 team of the tournament. That is a long list of positives - good people, good foundations and improving performances. I’d like to think that some better times are not far away from the Club. But, we still face a lot of challenges … We still need to improve in all facets of the game. In particular, across the Grades our batting was still a long way short of where it needs to be. Apart from a couple of games in a row where the penny appeared to drop in the D Grade after Christmas, I would be able to count on one hand the number of times that any team in the Club was able to bat their overs in any match this season and that includes one-day matches. That is a really damning statistic for the Club and something that we need to address next season in a very strong fashion. As a result of our poor batting, the Club lost a lot more games outright through the Grades than it should be comfortable with and that is something that we need to improve next season. As players and teams we must be more competitive and not allow such capitulations to take place. Our fielding needs to improve. I was not privy to all of the fielding efforts through the Grades, but the A Grade fielding was disastrous before Christmas but improving somewhat after Christmas. Adam has indicated that the B Grade fielded well throughout the season, whilst Craig and Darryl have suggested that the C and D Grade require a lot of improvement. Our fielding at training was ok, but we need to set our standards a lot higher and need to do things with more intensity at training and then take that in to games. In particular, our slips catching needs dramatic improvement. Needless to say, fielding will be a major focus in the preseason and next season. On a really positive note, our wicket keepers set good standards – As noted earlier, Harry Byrnes Howe had a great season; Jacob Gracey took the most dismissals in the B Grade; Sam Naley took a lot of dismissals in the C and D Grade and Wade Matthews showed promise in the Ds and Cs in his first year of senior cricket. The keepers need to continue to help drive the intensity and standards of the teams both at training and during games. As a Club our bowling was reasonable through the Grades and remains our strength, however, there is still room for a lot of improvement. Furthermore, it is easy to say bowling is our strength when our other skills are letting us down – bowling can be a very different game when you are trying to bowl teams out when you have 250+ on the board compared to when you only have 150 on the board and have nothing to lose. In a technical sense, as a Club we still bowl too many short “nothing” balls that at best aren’t threatening and at worst are free hits for the opposition batters and that will be something that will need to be addressed next season. P A G E 1 2 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 COACHES REPORT (Continued) Christian Hanna In terms of our training effort, I think we took some good steps forward this season, but I think we have only scratched the surface. Pleasingly, leaders of the Club such as Sam Miller, Harry Byrnes Howe, Lachlan Blunden and Nick Lopez trained exceptionally well during the season (including the preseason) and we have upcoming players such as Robert Perry, David Perry and Jake Milne also putting in the effort that will improve themselves and the Club. If we can get a larger percentage of the playing group training like the guys mentioned above, then we will continue to improve. There is no doubt that season 2013/14 was been another tough season for the Club. What we can’t do is sit back and accept that we will not always remain confined to the lower reaches of the Grade cricket ladders, nor can we assume that we are going to keep improving as we have over the last few years. As a Club we need to go out and make it happen and I’m very confident and positive that there are enough good people mixed up with the Club that we can make it happen. Good people, good foundations and improving performances. Enjoy the offseason and see you all in 2014/15 DAVID KELLY CLUB CHAMPION 2013/14 WITH CLUB PATRON D’ARCY WALSH P A G E 1 3 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 TRIBUTE TO GRAEME FARRELL (1943 - 2013) Graeme Stanley Farrell - From the Book “Great Prospects” by Ray W. Sutton Left-handed opening batsman - Club Captain 1967-71, he amassed 3,902 runs, 29.56 average in the Prospect cause. Another product of the Club’s junior coaching schools, Graeme Farrell contributed much to the Club. A career, cut short by an Interstate business transfer, was studded with many sterling batting performances, including four centuries and 21 individual scores of over 50 runs. A more-than-useful fast medium occasional bowler and an above average close to the wicket fieldsman (68 career catches), made him a leader by example and one in the mould of the captains of old. Recognised by the State selectors, he returned 313 runs from 14 innings for an average of 22.35 runs (highest score 66). An all-round sportsman, he supplemented his cricket talents with many a fine game with the North Adelaide Football Club. Graeme played seven first class games for South Australia in 1966-67 as an opening batsman, and was a good enough player to pass 50 on three separate occasions with a highest first class score of 66. Graeme captained Prospect to the 1968/69 and 1969/70 Grade premierships, as well to a Gillette Cup One Day premiership in 1968/69, before relinquishing the captaincy to Bob Blewett part way through the 1970/71 season. In all, Graeme scored 4,693 runs for Prospect including figuring in a club record partnership for the 4th wicket with fellow interstate cricketer Bob Gilbourne. These two outstanding sportsmen put on a partnership of 307 runs against West Torrens in 1968-69. Football Career After growing up in Norwood, Graeme played with the North Adelaide Football Club junior grades. where he captained the junior colts (under 17) side, won the Tomkins Medal for the best and fairest for the senior colts (under 19) competition, won the NAFC best and fairest and numerous other junior awards as well as playing in a number of junior premierships and Grand Finals before earning senior selection, firstly in the second eighteens in 1962 and then in the league team in 1963. Such was Graeme’s form that he was selected in the losing 1963 Grand Final side as a half-back flanker. Graeme won the Most Promising Backman award in 1963 and the Best Backman award in 1965 as well as finishing 3rd in the League’s Best and Fairest the same year. He retired from football in 1967. Jeff Hammond’s Tribute Graeme Farrell along with John Ducker (as players), were the significant reason for Prospect DCC's massive success from the mid 1960's to early 1970's. They used to say that "most interstate Shield sides would struggle to beat Prospect's A Grade team". That team just didn't happen. Extremely focused people like GF and JD made it happen; and did it for the Club and not for themselves, or to fill any sort of social void. Farrelly, as I knew him, was as tough as nails, and as tough as they got in those days. His limited time at State cricket has a major memory of being hit all over his body, endlessly, in a game versus Victoria where he made 66 runs, but his gutsyness was overlooked for further selection. Farrelly and Reg Craig (Coach) , were a solid unit and together they moulded what was needed. Farrelly loved a beer and worked miracles at the bar especially on a Thursday night player’s tea. As a kid, (as I was at the time), he had a lot to do with my own development. He could make his point and do it in a way that, when you left his conversation, you knew what you had to do. EVERYONE loved Farrelly, he had no obvious enemies, but things went wrong for him some how...sadly. All those that played under him during the period of the "Prospect Invincible's", respected, admired and loved him as a friend and mentor. Farrelly, you could have done a lot more, you were loved by so many, had so much to offer, but it all didn't happen as it should have eh?, but there are a few of us that realise what you did for our Club and for us individually...RIP. Glen Uzzell’s Tribute Graeme Farrell was a talented sportsman who excelled at any sport he was involved in and he was very competitive. Graeme's involvement with the PDCC commenced in the late 1950s when he played in the SACA Under 17 Schoolboys Competition and in the 1958/59 season he captained the team to the premiership. Subsequently he was selected in the A Grade team at the tender age of 16. History shows that Graeme went on to be a successful A Grade cricketer and played in seven A Grade premiership teams including captaining two premiership sides himself. He also played State cricket, opening the batting with with Les Favell. Graeme P A G E 1 4 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 TRIBUTE TO GRAEME FARRELL (Continued) often gave the appearance of being cheeky and friendly to his opponents, but underneath the exterior was the fierce competitor who always gave one hundred percent to Prospect and with a great desire to win. When the team was in trouble you could count on Graeme to put his head down and fight to retain his wicket and to make runs. He was the other batting partner with Bob Gilbourne, who together made a record 307 run 4th wicket partnership in the 1968/69 winning Grand Final. Even at indoor carpet bowls, which we often played at the Club after the Player’s teas on a Thursday Night, he played to win. The competition between Graeme, Graham Clarke, Bob Blewett, Bob Gilbourne, Phil O'Meara, ''Nuts Hazeal et al, become legendary ..... well at least in our eyes! Graeme epitomised the great golden era of the PDCC by playing fairly but also by playing to win! Phil O’Mearas Tribute Graeme Farrell was the best captain I ever played under. If you ever wanted someone to stand up when the team was in trouble batting, it was Graeme. He was a great leader, fair but of strong character. One was certainly scared of him if one was mucking around; he would just look at you and you would fall into line. If not, he would give you one to the ribs after the match finished. He was the only guy who could control the likes of Bob Blewett and Bob Gilbourne - boy did they have some barnies! I had many a great time with Graeme but my favourite story happened one Saturday in October on Caulfield Cup day. We were playing East Torrens at Norwood Oval during the 1969/70 season. We were fielding and Graeme and Clacka Clarke had put a big amount of money on a horse called Big Philou to win the Cup. They had arranged for the drinks and a radio to be brought out at the time of the race, (around 2.30), so they all gathered around the radio. As the Caulfield Cup is run over a mile and a half, it became rather a long break. Big Philou ran second to a horse called Nausori, but the commentator had said there could be a protest, so the drinks break became longer and yes, it turned out that there was one. The umpires were getting a bit agitated because of the time it was taking for drinks, and in the meantime Clacka was doing up his shoelaces for the third time. Finally umpire Colin Egar had had enough, and ordered Clacka to bowl, asking the drinks waiter to get off the field. The ever smart Graeme had made arrangements with the drinks waiter to give him a wave from the stand if the protest of Big Philou against Nausori was upheld. As it turned out the protest took at least 30 minutes to resolve. The funny part of the story was that Graeme always fielded mid off to mid on, because he didn't like to chase too many balls. Well for the first time in history while Clacka was bowling at the Norwood Oval stand end, Graeme moved himself into slip so he could watch for a sign from the stands. I swear that if a catch went to him he would have dropped it. Well, half way through one of Clacka’s overs, Graeme saw the drinks waiter waving from the stand, so he stopped Clacka in his run, yelling that the protest was upheld and that Big Philou was the winner. The umpires were confused and Graeme immediately left the slips and fielded at mid off again. In fact I cannot ever remember Graeme fielding in slips again - what a character. I remember Clacka and Graeme had a great night that night. We will never see the likes of those two guys ever again. What a scallywag Graeme was, (Clacka wasn’t far behind), but Graeme was a great person to have known. I had a great respect for Graeme, as it was he who gave me the opportunity to wicket keep for the A Grade at Prospect. I will never forget that. Peter Crossing’s Tribute Farelli was a talented player (cricket to State level, football, indoor bowls etc) and a whole-hearted clubman. He was humble. He told me he was overwhelmed when the A Grade players stood in the centre of Prospect Oval at the beginning of the season, pondering who would replace John Ducker as captain. “What about you Farelli?” And so it came to be. He was an uncompromising competitor on the field but he always played fair and within the rules and spirit of the game. He was a premiership winning captain, and not just because he had good players. In his own way, he melded them into a team. He had the respect of all - and there were some hard task masters. He was self deprecating and had a great sense of humour. I did not know him very well when I left Prospect to play for Adelaide University at the start of my University days. When I returned to again play for Prospect, Farelli was one bloke, among others, who really accepted me and made me feel welcome. I had plenty of friends from pre University days but he had not really known me before this, and he went out of his way. It meant a lot to me. I know Ali Douglas feels the same. At times a loveable rogue, away from cricket he was his own worst enemy. No need for me to go there. P A G E 1 5 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. TRIBUTE TO GRAEME FARRELL (Continued) Bob Gilbourne’s Tribute I first met Graeme when we were approximately 10 years old. He was playing cricket and football for his Primary School (Nailsworth), and I was with Blair Athol. Our sporting lives ran parallel from then on. We both played in the SAPSA State Under 14 cricket team for two years and our football was shared with the Prospect Colts and we graduated to the NAFC Junior and Senior Colts. We both played league Football and State Cricket. We batted together on many occasions, but none better than the 307 4th wicket partnership in the 1968/69 Grand Final against West Torrens. Our friendship never diminished even after many years of not seeing him. I was close to him along with his friend Tony O’Shea over his last year, and it was sad to see him fade away. I called Graeme a good friend and a good friend for life. GRAEME FARRELL 1961/62 1964/65 1967/68 to 1970/71 1968/69 to 1970/71 Most Improved Club Player (Harold Macfarlane Memorial Trophy) Most Effective Player A Grade (RB Pounsett Memorial Trophy) Committee of Management A Grade Captain First Class Career – 1966/67 Batting Mch Inn NO 7 14 Bowling O. M. R. 1 3 Senior Career - 1957/58 to 1972/73 Inn NO HS Batting 196 9 137 Bowling O. M. R. 422.6 69 1,399 HS 66 W. - Agg 313 Avg. - Avg. 22.36 5W/I - 100 - Agg. 4,693 W. 78 Avg. 25.10 Avg 17.94 100 4 50 21 A Grade Career - 1957/58 to 1972/73 Batting Inn NO HS 141 9 137 Bowling O. M. R. 93.7 4 390 Agg. 3,902 W. 12 Avg. 29.56 Avg 32.50 100 4 5W/I - 50 Ct 19 68 Best Bowling 2/7 vs Glenelg Best Seasons (2) 618 runs at 44.14 517 runs at 39.76 1964/65 1965/66 Centuries 137 vs. 116 vs. 105 vs. 109 vs. 1964/65 1965/66 1967/68 1968/69 (4) Adelaide at Adelaide Oval Glenelg at Glenelg Oval Adelaide at Prospect Oval West Torrens at Adelaide Oval 100 Partnerships (7) First Wicket 147 Farrell G.S. (69), Horley J.R. (80) 106 Farrell G.S. (36), Horley J.R. (60) 104 Farrell G.S. (101), Jones K. (40) Second Wicket 156 Farrell G.S. (105), Jones K. (79) 107 Farrell G.S. (51), Strudwick D.C. (53) Fourth Wicket 307 Farrell G.S. (109), Gilbourne R.J. (226) 150 Farrell G.S. (90), Ducker J.R. (78) Premierships (7) 1962/63 1963/64 P A G E 1 6 1966/67 1968/69 50 3 Ct 4 vs. Woodville at Prospect Oval vs. Glenelg at Glenelg Oval vs. East Torrens at Prospect Oval 1962/63 1963/64 1966/67 vs. Adelaide at Prospect Oval vs. Glenelg at Prospect Oval 1967/68 1966/67 vs. West Torrens at Adelaide Oval vs. Port Adelaide at Alberton Oval 1968/69 1962/63 1969/70 1970/71 1968/69 Gillette Cup (All A Grade) PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 DISTINGUISHED LONG PLAYING MEMBERSHIP (12 Consecutive Seasons & 120 Matches Played) JARRED ANDREW ROSS 2002/03 to 2013/2014 Senior Career BATTING Mch 131 Inn 171 NO 12 HS 90 Agg 2471 Avg 15.54 100 - 50 5 Ct 49 BOWLING O 102.5 M 22 R 372 W 17 Avg 21.88 5W/I - Best Bowling 2/9 vs West Torrens Highest Score - 90 vs Northern Districts at Adelaide No.2 B Grade 2006/07 Fifties (10) 72 vs Kensington at Colonel Waite Oval 90 vs Northern Districts at Adelaide No.2 51 vs Tea Tree Gully at Prospect Oval 71 vs Northern Districts at Salisbury Oval 58 vs Northern Districts at Salisbury Oval C B B B B 2005/06 2006/07 2006/07 2007/08 2013/14 A Grade Career Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade BATTING Mch 51 Inn 65 NO 5 HS 46* Agg 594 Avg 9.90 100 - BOWLING O 32 M 9 R 99 W 3 Avg 33.00 5W/I - Best Bowling 2/9 vs West Torrens BATTING Mch 17 Inn 15 NO 1 HS 22 Agg 143 Avg 10.21 100 - BOWLING O 6 M - R 22 W 4 Avg 4.50 5W/I - Best Bowling 4/22 vs Glenelg (Including Hat Trick) Inn 9 NO 3 HS 18 Agg 71 Avg 11.83 100 - One Day Cricket Twenty/20 Cricket Mch BATTING 12 BOWLING 50 - 50 - 50 - Ct 14 Ct 4 Ct 1 No Bowling JARRED ROSS P A G E 1 7 P A G E 1 8 PART TWO SENIOR GRADES PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP POINTS TABLE A Grade B Grade C Grade D Grade Total Points 1 Tea Tree Gully 117.5 147.5 122.5 175.0 562.5 2 East Torrens 107.5 112.5 142.5 162.5 525.0 3 Kensington 127.5 145.0 97.5 117.5 487.5 4 Glenelg 92.5 97.5 137.5 152.5 480.0 5 Woodville 117.5 155.0 82.5 82.5 437.5 6 Adelaide University 97.5 52.5 162.5 97.5 410.0 7 Northern Districts 92.5 122.5 152.5 22.5 390.0 8 West Torrens 65.0 107.5 82.5 97.5 352.5 9 Sturt 112.5 67.5 77.5 67.5 325.0 10 Adelaide 70.0 52.5 82.5 105.0 310.0 11 Port Adelaide 117.5 77.5 37.5 52.5 285.0 12 Prospect 60.0 60.0 40.0 75.0 235.0 13 Southern District 97.5 37.5 22.5 22.5 180.0 PLAYER MILESTONES 2013/14 1000 RUNS IN A-GRADE Ross Whiteley Sam Miller Harry Byrnes Howe Nicholas Lopez Lachlan Blunden 50 WICKETS IN A-GRADE Sam Miller 100 WICKETS IN SENIOR CRICKET Duncan Djukanovic Liam Laverty 50 WICKETS IN SENIOR CRICKET Joel Horskins Jake Milne David Kelly 100 MATCHES PLAYED Jacob Gracey P A G E 2 1 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 SENIOR TROPHY WINNERS Batting Bowling Fielding Most Effective Player Harry Byrnes Howe Nick Lopez Joshua Boylan Nick Lopez B Grade Batting Bowling Fielding Matthew Hart Jake Milne Jacob Gracey 248 runs at 19.08 26 wkts at 20.31 Peter Crossing Glen Uzzell Mark Eaton C Grade Batting Bowling Fielding Craig Phillis Liam Laverty Harvey Brennan 343 runs at 25.00 24 wkts at 15.24 D’Arcy Walsh Peter Milne Graham Thompson D Grade Batting Bowling Fielding Henry Wenk Matthew Milne Sam Naley 235 runs at 21.36 14 wkts at 17.36 John Hazeal Alec Hope Jeff George Women’s B Grade Batting Bowling Fielding Nikki Mayger Cassie Clarkson Stephanie Fisher 133 runs at 22.17 9 wkts at 10.56 Maurie Martin Toby Porter Andrew Groves Under 17 Wade Matthews Cameron Pritchard Peter Ahern 171 runs at 57.00 9 wkts at 11.44 Brenton Faquhar Tom Hastwell David Callan A Grade Batting Bowling Fielding Donated by Martin Faull Joel Southam John McMurtrie RB Pounsett Memorial 438 runs at 27.38 20 wkts at 19.35 20 wkts & 170 runs West End Cup Player of the Series Ross Whiteley 219 runs at 109.50 & 4 wickets at 17.25 PDCC Twenty/20 Cup Player of the Series Lachlan Blunden 17 runs at 5.67 & 7 wickets at 9.57 PDCC Most Improved Player David Kelly Harold Macfarlane Memorial Encouragement Award Manning McInerney City of Prospect Council Most Attentive To Practice Robert Perry PDCC Most Outstanding Performance Ross Whiteley MJ McInnes O.A.M. Memorial 100* & 3/50 vs Port Adelaide at Port Adelaide Reserve Club Championship - Donated by PDCC 1st - David Kelly (835 Points) 2nd - Ross Whiteley (763) Women’s Club Championship (Robyn LeCornu Award) - Donated by PDCC 1st - Nikki Mayger (377 Points) 2nd - Melissa Gorroick (302) Batting Performance Player Ross Whiteley Ross Whiteley Henry Wenk Score 100* 112 104 Opponents Port Adelaide Port Adelaide Sturt 2 2 3rd - Dani Reid (228) Venue Port Adelaide Reserve Port Adelaide Reserve Unley Oval Bowling Performances – In memory of the late Bruce Wickham Player Figures Opponents Venue Nick Lopez 5/59 Kensington Parkinson Oval Nick Lopez 5/74 Northern Districts Prospect Oval P A G E 3rd - Sam Miller (753) Grade A Grade A Grade WEC D Grade Grade A Grade A Grade PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 SENIOR TROPHY WINNERS (Continued) Sam Miller David Kelly Jake Milne Jake Milne Duncan Djukanovic William Rollings Liam Laverty Ryan Birse 5/39 6/42 6/44 5/107 5/104 5/29 5/19 6/26 Adelaide Woodville University Kensington Port Adelaide Southern District University University Prospect Oval Woodville Oval University Oval Prospect Oval Prospect Oval Prospect Oval Broadview Oval Park 10 A Grade B Grade B Grade B Grade B Grade B Grade C Grade D Grade Other Performances Fielding Adam LeCornu (4 ct in an Inns) vs Adelaide at Prospect Oval B Grade Bowling Liam Laverty (Hat Trick) vs East Torrens at Windsor Gardens VC C Grade FEATURES OF SEASON 2013/2014 Over 200 Runs RA Whiteley HP Byrnes Howe W Matthews SP Miller CL Phillis JC Boylan M Hart H Wenk M McCleary DJ Gray EB Callan R Perry NF Lopez N Brice C Pritchard R Keerthiwardena LS Blunden MA Sandford R Premachandra 562 runs at 51.09 498 runs at 26.21 400 runs at 28.57 354 runs at 27.23 325 runs at 25.00 320 runs at 21.33 305 runs at 19.06 259 runs at 19.92 250 runs at 17.86 239 runs at 19.92 237 runs at 18.23 237 runs at 18.23 226 runs at 16.14 224 runs at 12.44 220 runs at 24.44 219 runs at 12.17 213 runs at 13.31 207 runs at 17.25 200 runs at 11.76 A, WEC A, WEC B, C, D, U/17 A, WEC C A, WEC, B A, B C, D A, WEC C, U/17 B, C B, C, D A, WEC, C B, C, D, U/17 B, C, U/17 A, WEC, B A, WEC D A, WEC, B Over 15 Wickets DJ Kelly JG Milne NF Lopez L Laverty RA Whiteley DJ Gray SP Miller CJ Marchesi M Milne BT Holdback 34 wickets at 12.26 26 wickets at 20.31 25 wickets at 19.80 24 wickets at 15.54 21 wickets at 20.19 19 wickets at 16.58 17 wickets at 18.12 17 wickets at 18.29 15 wickets at 16.67 15 wickets at 17.73 A, B, C B A, C, WEC C, D A, WEC B, C, U/17 A, WEC C, D C, D C, D All Round Performance RA Whiteley SP Miller NF Lopez DJ Gray HP Byrnes Howe 562 runs at 51.09 & 21 wkts at 20.19 354 runs at 27.23 & 17 wkts at 18.12 226 runs at 16.14 & 25 wkts at 19.80 239 runs at 19.92 & 19 wkts at 16.58 498 runs at 26.21 & 25 catches A, WEC A, WEC A, WEC, C B, C, U/17 A, WEC P A G E 2 3 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 A GRADE REPORT Sam Miller In the A Grade, we had a very disappointing year, but showed lots of improvement, knowing that there is still more improvement to be done. I really think we are on the up as a team. Good signs for the future with lots of young players starting to emerge, and wanting to get better; as a captain it a good feeling to have and augurs well for the coming season. Batting, we had a lot of ups and downs. I know we have an amazing batting line up with so much potential and the potential to put big scores (300+) on the board each game. Lachy Blunden (213 runs) and Harry Byrnes Howe (498 runs) showed great signs opening the batting, but need to turn their starts of 20’s & 30’s into 70+ 80+, even into big hundreds that they are both capable of doing. Josh Boylan (320) a young first year A Grade player, showed good signs too, and with a bit of consistency, will be a great player for the Club for a long time. Ross Whiteley once again showed why he is a first class player and is valuable to our team and Club, scoring 343 runs plus 17 wickets for the season, and not to forget the old/young Matt McCleary, chipping in with 250 runs in the middle order. A lot more consistency is needed from all players so we can move forward as a team to win more games. Bowling, was the best aspect of our game this year, with Nick Lopez playing a great role opening the bowling with the ability to bowl long consistent spells, even into the wind, claiming 27 wickets in all formats with a handy 232 runs to go with his Club bowling award with best figures of 5/59 & 5/74 against Kensington & Northern Districts respectively - and that was all up to Christmas, when Nick had to travel to the USA for work commitments. It was unfortunate for us, as he was a vital player in our team; hopefully we will have Nick for the full season coming. He will be well needed as a senior player in our team. We also added Jayden Crees to our bowling stocks; Jayden played an amazing role after Nick left, and to do that as a 19 year old I couldn’t have asked any more from him. His willingness to learn and get better for himself and the team was outstanding and he will also be a player to watch for a very long time for the Pirates. Also not to forget Dave (D.K) Kelly, another young player with a big future at the Club who only played a couple of A Grade games after working hard through the Grades. He also had a good finish to the season with an outstanding performance against East Torrens, who had former and current Australian players in their team, D.K finishing with figures of 4/32 off 7 overs with big wicket of Cranmer, Zampa and not to mention the biggest wicket in cricket, clean blowing Phil Hughes through the gate. Lachy Blunden doing what he does best with his very consistent off spin, tying batsmen down and creating pressure, but also picking up 20 wickets over all forms. Lachy also was picked for the Northern Mavericks in the new Premier League. Ruel Brathwaite, an overseas player, bowled very well for us with Joel Horskins playing a roll when needed. All in all a good year with the ball looking forward to more improvement for the coming season. The biggest thing we need to improve is our fielding; to be honest our fielding was not up to scratch for this level of cricket. We will need to do a lot of hard work on and off the field to get improvement, and if we put it all together we could really be a force in seasons to come. One mentionable on the fielding side of things, is a huge CONGRATULATIONS to Harry Byrnes Howe on winning the SACA Charlie Walker Wicket Keeping Trophy. Once again a big congrats Harry and well deserved for a great season behind the stumps - 27 catches and a stumping. There are good signs for the Club’s future with a lot of young players like Patty Meaney, Brett Siebert, Dave Kelly and Isaac Boylan being able to come into the A Grade team to play a role and gain valuable experience. This gives the Club great depth and a bright future. A big thank you to Christian for all he did as coach, his help on game day and with trainings; I look forward to working with you again next season. Thank you to Grovesy for all his help and input. Also to Geoff Kent, a big thank you for your classy cordial making skills, just might need to get you a scooter to get the drinks out a bit faster and on time. A massive thank you to Tom Lowrey who does an amazing job scoring and making my job so much easier with team sheets and also supplying us with amazing stats. I want to thank Don Blunden who does a lot for the Club and helps out in any and every way possible. I can’t thank you enough CHEERS DON! To all the parents, partners and families, I appreciate all your support, especially your help with afternoon tea’s. Looking forward to season 2014/15 - Go Pirates! P A G E 2 4 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 A-GRADE BATTING AVERAGES Player RA Whiteley SP Miller HP Byrnes Howe JC Boylan M Hart M McCleary NF Lopez RMR Brathwaite LS Blunden R Keerthiwardena W Rollings J Horskins JN Crees DP Djukanovic RP Fielke PJ Meaney DJ Kelly BM Siebert R Premachandra JA Ross I Boylan AD LeCornu M 9 11 12 10 2 9 7 4 11 6 3 12 8 1 4 5 3 5 5 4 1 1 Inns. 11 12 16 14 3 11 10 5 14 9 3 15 11 2 5 5 3 7 7 5 1 1 N.O. 2 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 - H.S. 100* 63 61 85* 40 71 65 38* 35 45* 18 20* 17* 5 22 8 4* 11 14 3* 0 0 Agg. 343 303 438 228 57 197 170 62 197 112 39 133 76 9 34 24 5 31 28 8 - Avge. 38.11 27.55 27.38 20.73 19.00 17.91 17.00 15.50 14.07 14.00 13.00 9.50 9.50 9.00 6.80 6.00 5.00 4.43 4.00 2.00 - 50 2 2 4 1 1 1 - 100 1 - Ct 3 6 24 3 4 2 1 4 1 5 1 1 2 2 1 1 - St - A-GRADE BOWLING AVERAGES Player DJ Kelly RMR Brathwaite SP Miller NF Lopez RA Whiteley J Horskins JN Crees LS Blunden R Premachandra RP Fielke PJ Meaney W Rollings DP Djukanovic M Hart I Boylan HP Byrnes Howe JA Ross M 3 4 11 7 9 12 8 11 5 4 5 3 1 2 1 12 4 Overs 23 71 148.1 112.2 107.3 42.1 84 158.5 25.1 25.5 14 19 9 7 3 1 1 Mdns 8 13 52 22 24 9 13 38 1 1 5 2 2 1 Runs 67 199 308 387 355 167 285 415 100 109 54 49 31 38 13 2 - Wkts 6 13 17 20 17 7 11 13 3 3 1 - Avge. 11.17 15.31 18.12 19.35 20.88 23.86 25.91 31.92 33.33 36.33 54.00 - 5w 1 2 - 10w - Best 4/32 4/53 5/39 5/59 3/21 3/11 3/30 4/47 2/17 3/30 1/54 0/12 0/31 0/38 0/13 0/2 0/0 P A G E 2 5 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 A-GRADE OR Win 1st OR Loss Matches 1st Inns Inns 1st Inns Played Win Win Loss CLUB 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 PREMIERSHIP Kensington 12 Woodville 12 Tea Tree Gully 12 Port Adelaide 12 Sturt 12 East Torrens 12 Adelaide University 12 Southern District 12 Northern Districts 12 Glenelg 12 Adelaide 12 West Torrens 12 Prospect 12 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 - 8 3 4 4 6 5 6 6 4 5 4 1 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1st Aband Inns or Loss Draw 3 5 4 4 3 4 3 4 6 4 6 9 5 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 - TABLE 2013/14 Total Points Runs For Wkts Lost 127.5 117.5 117.5 117.5 112.5 107.5 97.5 97.5 92.5 92.5 70.0 65.0 60.0 2297 3205 2860 2933 2703 2560 2424 2760 2543 2924 3086 3035 2672 93 110 99 125 94 121 134 129 111 115 143 139 153 Average Per Runs Wkt Against 24.70 29.14 28.89 23.46 28.76 21.16 18.09 21.40 22.91 25.43 21.58 21.83 17.46 2746 2880 2732 2791 2825 2376 2575 2817 2692 2910 3008 2973 2677 Wkts Lost Average Per Wkt 129 129 118 126 120 122 112 102 128 119 127 121 113 21.29 22.33 23.15 22.15 23.54 19.48 22.99 27.62 21.03 24.45 23.69 24.57 23.69 Final: Port Adelaide 8/170 defeated Tea Tree Gully 166 R.B.POUNSETT MEMORIAL TROPHY (MOST EFFECTIVE PLAYER IN A-GRADE) NF Lopez SP Miller RA Whiteley HP Byrnes Howe RMR Brathwaite LS Blunden Matches 7 11 9 12 4 11 Points 9.5 8 7.5 4 4 3 JN Crees M McCleary DJ Kelly J Horskins R Keerthiwardena M Hart JV CRASH - MAJOR SPONSOR 2013/14 P A G E 2 6 Matches 8 9 3 12 6 2 Points 3 2.5 2.5 2 1.5 1 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 SACA AWARDS BRADMAN J Brown MEDAL VOTING Kensington 24 Winner Prospect Voting RA Whiteley SP Miller NF Lopez RMR Brathwaite DJ Kelly JC Boylan HP Byrnes Howe M McCleary JN Crees _______________________________________________16 _______________________________________________13 ________________________________________________7 ________________________________________________7 ________________________________________________6 ________________________________________________2 ________________________________________________1 ________________________________________________1 ________________________________________________1 TALBOT A Bleakley FIELDING Woodville Prospect Voting JC Boylan M McCleary SP Miller RMR Brathwaite BM Siebert CW SMITH WALKER TROPHY xx 13 12 12 9 8 Winner J Horskins NF Lopez RA Whiteley PJ Meaney JN Crees MEMORIAL 7 6 4 4 4 WICKETKEEPING HP Byrnes Howe Prospect Prospect Voting HP Byrnes Howe _____________________________________________166 SACA GRADE CRICKET 166 TROPHY TEAM OF Kelvin Smith Brad Davis Alex Ross Tim Davey (Wkt) Brenton McDonald Stuart Claring-Bould West Torrens Sturt Kensington Tea Tree Gully Port Adelaide Sturt Coach of the Year Andrew Rumbelow (Kensington) Umpire of the Year Craig Thomas THE Winner YEAR Cullen Bailey Jake Lehmann Jake Brown (Capt) Trent Lawford Nick Benton Carl Tietjens 2013/14 Glenelg East Torrens Kensington Adelaide Port Adelaide Woodville P A G E 2 7 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. A-GRADE Player RA Whiteley SP Miller HP Byrnes Howe M McCleary NF Lopez LS Blunden JC Boylan R Keerthiwardena J Horskins I Boylan BM Siebert AD LeCornu PJ Meaney R Premachandra RP Fielke JA Ross M 3 2 3 3 3 2 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 3 2 1 WEST Inns. 3 2 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 - A-GRADE Player I Boylan RP Fielke RA Whiteley NF Lopez R Premachandra J Horskins LS Blunden PJ Meaney M 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 1 N.O. 1 3 1 - WEST Overs 11 18 14 21.3 20.1 20 20 4 A-GRADE ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 Mdns 1 2 2 3 5 - WEST END CUP H.S. 112 28 50 27 28 16 5 2 11* 3* - Agg. 219 51 60 53 45 16 5 2 13 3 - END CUP Runs 43 67 69 80 87 54 80 21 END CUP BATTING Avge. 109.50 25.50 20.00 17.67 15.00 8.00 5.00 2.00 - AVERAGES 50 1 - 100 1 1 - BOWLING Wkts 4 5 4 3 3 1 - Avge. 10.75 13.40 17.25 26.67 29.00 54.00 - AVERAGES 5w - RESULTS OF 10w - Round 1 - October 12th at Prospect Oval RA Whiteley 4/19 & 70*, M.McCleary 27, NF Lopez 2/25. Round 2 - November 10th at Bice Oval Prospect 140 (38.5) lost to Southern District 3/141 (34.4) HP Byrnes Howe 50, RA Whiteley 37, SP Miller 28, R.Premachandra 2/37. Round 3 - November 24th at Port Adelaide Reserve Prospect 8/235 (50) lost to Port Adelaide 7/238 (46.3) RA Whiteley 112, NF Lopez 28, SP Miller 23, RP Fielke 4/39, I Boylan 3/21. 2 8 Best 3/21 4/39 4/19 2/25 2/37 1/22 0/38 0/21 MATCHES Prospect 4/142 (42.3) defeated Adelaide 137 (47.3) P A G E Ct 1 2 1 3 3 1 1 1 - St - PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. A-GRADE Matches Played CLUB 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 WEST Kensington East Torrens Southern District Glenelg Woodville Tea Tree Gully Sturt Port Adelaide Prospect Adelaide Adelaide University West Torrens Northern Districts SACA U19 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 END CUP PREMIERSHIP 1st Inns Win 1st Inns Loss Aband or Draw Total Points Runs For Wkts Lost 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 1 - 45.0 45.0 37.5 30.0 30.0 30.0 22.5 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 - 554 577 532 614 583 541 592 681 517 523 532 427 526 518 12 15 16 11 26 27 28 22 22 26 29 28 30 28 TABLE Average Per Runs Wkt Against 46.17 38.47 33.25 55.82 22.42 20.04 21.14 30.95 23.50 20.12 18.34 15.25 17.53 18.50 2013/14 Wkts Taken Average Per Wkt 25 26 25 26 21 29 23 18 20 19 19 22 28 19 21.92 18.88 21.16 23.38 25.90 20.62 21.74 37.83 25.80 25.58 28.95 19.91 22.21 31.89 548 491 529 608 544 598 500 681 516 486 550 438 622 606 Final: Tea Tree Gully 229 defeated Kensington 146 FRED GODSON MEDAL T Andrews A-GRADE M 3 4 4 4 3 4 1 2 4 2 4 1 2 3 2 1 Inns. 3 3 3 4 2 3 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 A-GRADE Player LS Blunden R Keerthiwardena R Premachandra M Hart NF Lopez J Horskins M 4 3 4 2 2 4 A-GRADE Woodville Prospect Voting RA Whiteley NKF Lopez Player SP Miller RA Whiteley JC Boylan HP Byrnes Howe M McCleary LS Blunden BM Siebert NF Lopez R Premachandra RMR Brathwaite J Horskins I Boylan JN Crees R Keerthiwardena M Hart PJ Meaney – Overs 16 8 14 4 3.3 9.3 10 3 TWENTY/20 Mdns 1 - Runs 67 47 90 23 24 56 HP Byrnes Howe J Horskins BATTING Agg. 62 72 59 54 28 17 5 6 3 6 4 1 5 Avge. 31.00 24.00 19.67 18.00 14.00 5.67 5.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 Avge. 9.57 9.40 30.00 11.50 12.00 28.00 1 1 AVERAGES 50 - BOWLING Wkts 7 5 3 2 2 2 CUP Winner 2 2 TWENTY/20 H.S. 30 41 31 25* 28 14 5 6 3* 6 4 0 0 0 1* 5* END 16 M McCleary RP Fielke N.O. 1 1 1 1 1 WEST 100 - Ct 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 3 1 2 2 St 1 - AVERAGES 5w - 10w - Best 2/13 3/20 2/29 2/23 2/7 2/17 P A G E 2 9 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. A-GRADE Player I Boylan JN Crees RMR Brathwaite SP Miller TWENTY/20 M 1 2 2 3 Overs 2 3 6 7 A-GRADE ZONE ONE 1 2 3 4 5 6 CLUB 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Tea Tree Gully West Torrens Port Adelaide Sturt Adelaide SACA U19 Glenelg Southern District Mdns - TWENTY/20 Runs 19 28 37 52 Wkts 1 1 - AVERAGES (continued) Avge. 19.00 28.00 - 10w - 5w - Best 1/19 1/28 - PREMIERSHIP TABLES 2013/14 1st Inns Loss Aband or Draw Total Points Runs For Wkts Lost 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 - 45.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 15.0 398 541 520 547 351 456 20 29 19 29 28 32 Matches Played 1st Inns Win 1st Inns Loss Aband or Draw Total Points Runs For Wkts Lost 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 1 - 52.5 37.5 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 15.0 15.0 345 562 506 490 433 437 540 480 5 20 24 27 27 25 24 30 Northern Districts East Torrens Adelaide University Woodville Prospect Kensington ZONE TWO BOWLING 1st Inns Win Matches Played CLUB ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 Average Per Runs Wkt Against 19.90 18.66 27.37 18.86 12.54 14.25 391 424 540 485 454 519 Average Per Runs Wkt Against 69.00 28.10 21.08 18.15 16.04 17.48 22.50 16.00 488 364 489 436 462 549 508 497 Wkts Taken Average Per Wkt 34 28 25 22 28 20 11.50 15.14 21.60 22.05 16.21 25.95 Wkts Taken Average Per Wkt 28 19 30 22 26 16 20 21 17.43 19.16 16.30 19.82 17.77 34.31 25.40 23.67 Final: Tea Tree Gully 5/141 defeated Northern Districts 9/124 A-GRADE TWENTY/20 RESULTS OF MATCHES Round 1 - November 19th at Campbelltown Oval Prospect 80 (14.3) lost to East Torrens 9/122 (20) HP Byrnes Howe 25, JC Boylan 25, LS Blunden 2/14, J Horskins 2/17, R Keerthiwardena 2/27. Round 2 - December 3rd at Prospect Oval Prospect 1/55 (8) defeated Woodville 111 (20) D/L HP Byrnes Howe 25*, R Keerthiwardena 3/20, NF Lopez 2/7, M Hart 2/23, LS Blunden 2/25 Round 3 - January 21st at Parkinson Oval Prospect 7/136 (20) defeated Kensington 6/131 (20) RA Whiteley 41, JC Boylan 31, SP Miller 30, R Premachandra 2/29. Round 4 - January 28th at Prospect Oval Prospect 80 (17) lost to Northern Districts 3/83 (13.3) M McCleary 28, LS Blunden 2/13. P A G E 3 0 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 B GRADE REPORT Adam LeCornu The B Grade, in season 2013/14, faced a lot of challenges, and as results reflect, we finished low on the ladder in 10th position, and with still a lot of work to do in the lead up to next season if we want to improve and be more competitive as a whole. Whilst statistics showed slight improvement from seasons past, it’s again the batting aspects that are noticeably lacking stability, consistency and just some old fashioned fight. I don’t think the amount of heart and passion, that all players have demonstrated, can be questioned, however we seem to get ourselves in situations where we’re a long way behind the game and just never catch up, thus becoming overwhelmed and then often self destruct. This season saw us achieve four first innings wins, and four outright defeats unfortunately. One of our first innings wins was against the eventual ladder toppers Woodville. Realistically we shouldn’t have been in a situation to lose this game outright after leading them on the first innings but I believe the player’s mindsets were of relief to have won rather than digging in and playing out the game to its entirety. A lessonto be learned. Throughout the season the B Grade saw a total of 28 players participate in 12 games, whilst trying to blood some younger pirates in the team from time to time, and maintaining some of the more experienced players, in anticipation of good performances. We lost 3 really experienced and long serving players from the season prior to this in Rory Hawkins, Michael Harden and Christian Hanna and not just from the B Grade but the club as a whole. However maintaining Christian as the A Grade Club Coach in a non-playing capacity was an asset to not only the club, but for me as a mentor as he has such knowledge and understanding of the game. We also lost a key player to injury for a majority of the seasonBraden Collins, who hopefully will return fully fit for the commencement of next season, after returning for the last couple of games. In this, my first season as Captain, it was absoloutely a challenge to say the least, experiencing the highs and lows, the wins and sometimes embarrassing losses, but there’s always areas of positivity that can be found, of which there were numerous. As mentioned, the batting was somewhat of a disappointment across the entire season, with only one player, Matthew Hart accumulating more than 200 runs in the season. Harty’s tally of 248 runs at 19.08 ultimately won him the batting award, and at times displayed middle order batting at its best, by being sensible as to when to attack the bowling with some rather big hitting. With a bit of work Matt could become an integral part of any middle order, scoring crucial runs at important times of a game. Scoring two half centuries during the season with scores of 67 vs Woodville and 53 vs Southern Districts, which in the latter game helped us to a winning result. This goes with Harty’s 32 fours and 10 sixes at a strike rate nearing 75, he had admirable year with the bat and can hold his head high. As a whole, our batting lacked intensity and motivation. The run rate was never at a level where we would be in control of a game or ahead, but instead behind, as we were always losing wickets in clumps, and all of a sudden we would be in trouble going from 2/40 to 6/40 in the blink of an eye. It was unfortunate that we, as a team, couldn’t have had more match awareness, especially for batters in the top four needing to bat through. This is an area where the B Grade continually experienced difficulties during matches. As this wasn’t happening, it left a lot for the middle and lower batting order to manage, which ultimately resulted in quite low scores. Although the runs were hard to find this season, the likes of experienced players Jarred Ross and Rhett Fielke proved that having a plan in place and patience at the crease can result in positives, with both players scoring 50s against Northern Districts and Tea Tree Gully respectively. Thus proving that enacting a plan and willing to do the hard work, can lead to both individual results and team match progression. It would be remiss of me not to thank both Jarred and Rhett for their support and assistance in the B Grade this year; I especially thank Fielks for his knowledge and ideas from being our Club Captain in seasons past, with suggestions and pointing me in the right direction. It was also good to see that during different games a number of other players contributed at times or on more than one occasion. Patrick Meaney showed his ability with the bat, hitting scores of 32* vs Kensington, 40* vs West Torrens and 39 vs Adelaide, to go with his 9 wickets throughout the season at 22.11. This was a considerable all-round performance from an exciting player and we expect to see him mature and learn more about his own game in the future. Occasional good performances were also seen from Brett Siebert and Rajith Premachandra, both displaying the ability to hit the ball hard knowing their strengths and most likely scoring areas. Josh Boylan, only needed to play 2 games with the B Grade before being rewarded to play A grade, and ultimately for the rest of the season. He was P A G E 3 1 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 B GRADE REPORT(Continued) Adam LeCornu a new player to the club this year and displayed superb skills with his batting and fielding, certainly an admirable addition to any team. A new player to the senior ranks this year, who came up through the junior program was Nathan Brice. He is a young man who from the first moment he set foot in B Grade never looked out of place. His positivity and commitment and willingness to learn and develop his game were a credit to himself. He was happy to do anything asked of him, whether that meant batting anywhere from 3 to 8, he displayed skills against mature and experienced bowlers and seemed to handle them with ease. Given that it’s his first season of senior cricket, it’s exciting to think what sort of a player he may become with more experience at this level. With a highest score of 28 in the second innings vs West Torrens for the season it’s certainly a start and something to work on in the future. Our bowlers this season were rewarded with consistency and patience, and it was clearly this area of the game which helped us win or at least kept us in some of our matches. The bulk of the bowling was led by David Kelly and Jake Milne who bowled 112 and 189 overs respectively taking a combined total of 50 wickets for the season. Milney was certainly bowling out of his skin this year, and I asked a lot of him through out most matches, sometimes bowling with pain, but always wanting the ball in his hand. Jake played every B Grade game in season 2013/14, and was the only player to do this, and in doing so took out the Bowling Award with 26 wickets at an average of 20.31. Jake led our attack with superb bowling, with his consistency of line and length and areas where we thought would benefit our opportunity to take wickets or at least dry up the runs. Accumulating two 5 wicket hauls during the season, with figures of 5/107 vs Kensington and 6/44 vs Adelaide University, his persistence, hard work and determination paid off with these rewards. Further to display Milney’s patience, the fact that just over 30% of total overs he bowled during the year were maidens, again highlights how Jake went about his bowling. DK, as pre mentioned, had a fantastic season with the ball and although he found himself sometimes bowling uphill or into the wind, it still seemed to pay off for both himself and the team at times. David accumulated 24 wickets throughout the season at an average of 12.96, which was a fantastic achievement; such consistency and maturity was displayed throughout and ultimately resulted in making his A Grade debut this season. DK’s figures of 6/44 Vs Woodville helped us to first innings points in that game, and was his best bowling for the season. If David is harder on himself, and concentrates on certain areas of both strengths and weaknesses, he without a doubt has a career in his unique style of swing bowling. There were only two other bowlers who managed to get 5 wickets in an innings this season and that was Will Rollings, 5/29 vs Southern District who then played out the season in the A Grade and Duncan Djukanovic, 5/104 vs Port Adelaide, only playing 2 games in the B Grade after heading back to the C Grade as Captain. Duncan filled as B Grade captain for the first 2 games of the season however. Matthew Hart hit the season firing with the ball, taking 6 wickets in the first two games, but only finishing the season with 10. This was due to both promotion to the A Grade and injuries, however if fit, certainly could be at least a 20 wicket season coming up for him next year. Patrick Meaney offered supporting roles in most games, usually bowling first or second change and utilized his quick skidding deliveries to his favour, which resulted in 9 wickets for the season. Patrick also experienced A Grade duties on a number of occasions this year for the first time. For probably half of the season, we went into games without a spinner, which I found sometimes wasn’t an issue, or there were times when it would have been handy to have one just to change it up and get through some quick overs to catch the opposition off guard. When playing, Raj bowled ok at times; he would probably be the first to admit that he didn’t have a great season with his leggies; however it’s more likely that when his confidence is down it affects his performance. He certainly displays knowledge of where he wants his fields and how he wants to bowl, and with a wrong’un as good as I’ve seen, can definitely have the batsmen bamboozled. I’m sure Raj will bounce back at the beginning of next season and display his abilities to the utmost. Our wicketkeeper, Jacob Gracey, is someone who you would want to have in your team every game. He takes on this role with such ease and maturity, and seems to be just getting better and better each season. He not only wicketkeeps, but assists with the on field decisions, such as field placements, throwing ideas up, P A G E 3 2 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 B GRADE REPORT (Continued) Adam LeCornu and is a natural leader. Jacob received the fielding award this year for outstanding performances through out the season; an award that some say shouldn’t go to wicketkeepers but however I believe this was justified and fair. Jacob had 21 dismissals for the season (20 catches, 1 stumping) and came very close to having the most in the competition. I believe if he had played all games (he missed two), he might well have topped that area of the game. Well done to “Chad” on a brilliant season behind the stumps. Our fielding during the year was outstanding, I could not have been happier with how everyone put their bodies on the line, diving, and actually running after the ball. We hardly dropped a catch throughout this year, which as a captain is a relieving feeling, as they can be the difference between winning and losing. It’s something that we, as a team, tried to focus on and get right, and I believe we accomplished this goal. Players like Nathan Brice in his first season took 7 catches, and his young energy and enthusiasm in the field couldn’t be questioned, showing maturity beyond his years. Brett Siebert again, has such a wonderful pair of hands and the ability to read the play so well, whether it was at backward point or in the gully, which is where you would usually find him. Rajith was also an adequate addition in the field, with energy and understanding, and always looking at obtaining a run out, throwing at the stumps. Our voice and support towards the bowlers and team in general was outstanding, apart from the occasional periods later in the day where it would quiet down, above all, this area was greatly expressed by all. Cameron Pritchard, Wade Matthews, Will Daniel, Nathan Brice and Tom Simpson all made their B grade debuts this season, whilst new players to the club Rajeer Keerthiwardena, Joshua Boylan and Will Rollings also played their first B Grade games for the club. All in all, the season had its up and downs, but as always we look to the positives and look forward to next season, where hopefully we can enjoy further successes and move further up the ladder, ultimately finals are always whereyou would to be, but taking it one match at a time, and you just never know. A little bit of confidence and luck in our favour could realize these aspirations. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Geoff Holds on his continuing support of the Prospect Cricket Club in making himself available to be the B Grade scorer for the season, even with his son Adrian opting to not play cricket this year. It was a pleasure to have Geoff involved with the team as he also added ideas and opinions towards the team throughout the season. We look forward to maintaining his role next season. His support throughout the year was greatly appreciated as well as his kind words after the last game at Prospect, where he congratulated the boys on their attitudes and discipline under my captaincy, as he suggested we looked to be a tight knit group and the atmosphere was of such a positive vibe. Also thanks goes to all the mums and dads that willingly gave up their time to help with afternoon teas and preparation of drinks, without the support of these people we would find match days very difficult. It’s also a big thank you to the families and friends that came out to watch and support our matches throughout the season, which we always had such good numbers. It’s a good feeling knowing that you’ve got support from the sidelines and the teams’ willingness to show thanks in positive results, which we hope to have more success for them next year. My thanks also go to Christian for his support and thoughts throughout the year in trying to maintain a positive and winning culture, or at the very least a competitive B Grade team. Also to Grovesy with his ideas towards the team make up and putting plans into progress and trying to help players adapt and improve their games at trainings during the week. And finally thank you to Andrew Ormandy, Don Blunden and rest of the committee for putting their faith and support in me to take the role of B Grade Captain, it was an honour and a thoroughly enjoyable experience. It makes you realize that even though you’ve played cricket your whole life, there is still always something new to learn and discover about the game. I immensely look forward to next season, and proudly have my hand up to take on the captaincy for second season. Also thankyou to the players, for allowing me to be your captain and trying to guide the team in the right direction and looking to achieve a happy, positive winning environment. Bring on season 2014/2015. Go the Pirates. P A G E 3 3 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 B-GRADE Player JC Boylan PJ Meaney RP Fielke JA Ross RJ Collins M Hart R Premachandra EB Callan W Daniel BM Siebert R Perry D Perry N Brice R Keerthiwardena B Collins AD LeCornu W Rollings DP Djukanovic C Pritchard J Gracey M McInerney W Matthews JG Milne DJ Kelly C Cook DJ Gray T Simpson M 2 7 5 6 2 9 7 6 1 6 5 3 10 6 2 11 2 2 2 10 5 1 12 8 1 2 1 Inns. 3 8 7 9 2 13 10 8 1 10 7 4 14 9 3 18 3 3 3 15 8 1 16 12 1 4 1 N.O. 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 5 2 - B-GRADE Player M DJ Kelly 8 W Rollings 2 JA Ross 6 B Collins 2 W Daniel 1 JG Milne 12 M Hart 9 PJ Meaney 7 DP Djukanovic 2 J Horskins 1 R Premachandra 7 EB Callan 6 RP Fielke 5 RJ Collins 2 R Keerthiwardena 6 N Brice 10 P A G E 3 4 Overs 112.5 35.4 12.4 29 8 189 72 60.1 47.4 28 55.3 23.5 13 3 9 9 Mdns 24 9 2 7 51 12 13 10 7 10 3 1 1 1 BATTING H.S. 65 40* 52* 58 39 67 37 37 15 28 35 30 28 36 10* 26 13 19 19 23 17 4 17* 9 3 4 - Agg. 87 128 124 159 39 248 159 126 15 134 96 52 135 105 21 172 30 19 27 95 51 4 42 33 3 7 - AVERAGES Avge. 29.00 25.60 20.67 19.88 19.50 19.08 15.90 15.75 15.00 14.89 13.71 13.00 12.27 11.67 10.50 10.12 10.00 9.50 9.00 7.31 6.38 4.00 3.82 3.30 3.00 1.75 - 50 1 1 1 2 - 100 - BOWLING AVERAGES Runs 311 95 56 76 20 528 216 199 148 64 244 116 80 21 44 47 Avge. 12.96 13.57 14.00 19.00 20.00 20.31 21.60 22.11 29.60 32.00 34.86 38.67 80.00 - Wkts 24 7 4 4 1 26 10 9 5 2 7 3 1 - 5w 1 1 2 1 - 10w - Ct 1 5 4 1 2 1 1 7 2 6 3 19 3 1 3 1 - Best 6/42 5/29 2/12 2/37 1/20 6/44 3/37 3/38 5/104 2/64 3/20 2/23 1/20 0/21 0/44 0/10 St 1 - PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 B-GRADE CLUB 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 PREMIERSHIP OR Win 1st OR Loss Matches 1st Inns Inns 1st Inns Played Win Win Loss Woodville 12 Tea Tree Gully 12 Kensington 12 Northern Districts 12 East Torrens 12 West Torrens 12 Glenelg 12 Port Adelaide 12 Sturt 12 Prospect 12 Adelaide 12 Adelaide University 12 Southern District 12 2 2 1 1 1 1 - 8 6 8 6 7 5 6 3 4 3 3 3 2 1 3 2 3 4 4 3 7 7 5 8 8 9 1st Aband Inns or Loss Draw 1 1 1 1 4 - 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 TABLE 2013/14 Total Points Runs For Wkts Lost 155.0 147.5 145.0 122.5 112.5 107.5 97.5 77.5 67.5 60.0 52.5 52.5 37.5 2701 2740 3058 2347 2452 2338 2426 2440 2365 2321 2372 2227 2036 125 91 116 102 96 115 98 120 123 172 119 130 146 Average Per Runs Wkt Against 21.61 30.11 26.36 23.01 25.54 20.33 24.76 20.33 19.23 13.49 19.93 17.13 13.95 2420 2381 2337 2422 2360 2209 2747 2765 2333 2337 2502 2298 2712 Wkts Lost Average Per Wkt 152 124 132 136 141 107 121 129 92 103 106 112 98 15.92 19.20 17.70 17.81 16.74 20.64 22.70 21.43 25.36 22.69 23.60 20.52 27.67 Final: Kensington 3/263 defeated Northern Districts 86 B-GRADE T Clark KEITH Woodville Prospect Voting M Hart DJ Kelly JG Milne RP Fielke W Rollings PJ Meaney 9 7 7 6 6 4 BUTLER MEDAL 27 JA Ross J Horskins DP Djukanovic R Premachandra JC Boylan Winner 4 3 1 1 1 WINDMILL HOTEL - PLATINUM SPONSOR 2013/14 P A G E 3 5 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 C GRADE REPORT Craig Phillis A week out from another cricket season I was asked to be the C Grade captain. Firstly, I would like to thank our coach Christian Hanna and the Committee for this honour. I had intended to play in the D Grade and help Hoges, so maybe next season, who knows. The C Grade season had its ups and down times. The side was made up of 3 or 4 juniors, all batsmen and mainly all players were aged under 20 years of age, with the exception of two. As you could tell it was a development side that was to fast track senior cricketers. We had three wins for the season, the best of those was the win against Southern District, when we scored over 200 runs – rare time for our side. Wins against Kensington and West Torrens were also celebrated by the boys. Unfortunately we had some close losses. One was against Sturt, when we had them 9 wickets down with 5 runs to get, and another against East Torrens, when we needed 10 runs with 4 wickets in hand . A weakness I feel we had throughout the season, was our inability to bat anywhere near 80 overs, mostly we were bowled out within 50 overs. We struggled at times to bat in partnerships, losing wickets regularly. As a team we probably needed 2 more players with experience. The batting was led by myself but we had other contributions by Declan Gray and Ethan Callan, and the three juniors in Hutchinson, Luthra and Brennan, who all improved as the season went along. The bowling was led by Liam Laverty who performed different roles for the team. Throughout the season he showed great improvement and will be pushing for B Grade next season. Other standouts with the ball were Gray and Holback, and Kelly who only played one game in the C Grade. I would like to thank Kieran Laverty, Renaee and my dad for their help throughout another long season. Have a good winter and I will see you again later in the year. J.R.DUCKER 1951/52 to 1966/67 Charlie Walker Medallist 1962/63 Life Member 1968 3,648 runs at 28.95 171 catches & 29 stumpings P A G E 3 6 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 C-GRADE Player CL Phillis DJ Gray L Hutchinson EB Callan H Brennan L Laverty R Perry W Matthews CD Hanna D Perry SK Nagaraju SJ Naley C Pritchard P Jeyakkumar BT Holdback M McInerney K Luthra R Inderpreet H Wenk N Brice L Schubert NF Lopez HJ Sytnyk RJ Collins BR Francesca J Gracey DJ Kelly DP Djukanovic B Collins MM Abasi C Cook M Milne W Daniel T Simpson CK Newman CJ Marchesi M 12 7 8 5 9 11 4 5 2 7 3 5 2 5 6 4 6 4 2 3 1 1 1 5 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 Inns. 15 8 11 5 11 12 5 5 2 6 4 5 2 8 6 5 8 4 3 2 1 1 2 4 3 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 3 N.O. 2 1 4 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 C-GRADE Player M Milne DJ Kelly HJ Sytnyk EB Callan BR Francesca NF Lopez L Laverty CJ Marchesi W Daniel DJ Gray BT Holdback P Jeyakkumar MM Abasi M 1 1 1 5 2 1 11 2 2 7 6 5 2 Overs 9 22 5 5 17.4 5.4 135 28 25 59.5 79.2 8.2 33 Mdns 6 8 1 2 3 28 4 3 8 16 1 10 BATTING H.S. 69 64 37 46 25* 21 38 38 42 26 29 22 26 14 22 17 21 18 21* 20* 12 11 10 9* 5* 6 7 7 6 5* 5* 3 0 0 0 0* Agg. 325 125 124 111 108 101 90 89 79 65 51 51 37 37 35 35 33 26 24 21 12 11 11 11 11 8 7 7 6 5 5 5 - AVERAGES Avge. 25.00 15.63 11.27 22.20 10.80 12.63 18.00 22.25 79.00 10.83 12.75 10.20 18.50 5.29 11.67 7.00 4.71 6.50 12.00 21.00 12.00 11.00 5.50 3.67 5.50 4.00 7.00 7.00 6.00 2.50 - 50 2 1 - 100 - BOWLING AVERAGES Runs 7 39 11 11 39 28 373 78 98 233 205 19 66 Avge. 7.00 9.75 11.00 11.00 13.00 14.00 15.54 15.60 16.33 16.64 17.08 19.00 22.00 Wkts 1 4 1 1 3 2 24 5 6 14 12 1 3 5w 1 - 10w - Ct 7 4 4 1 2 1 7 2 10 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 St 3 - Best 1/7 4/39 1/11 1/1 2/14 2/28 5/19 2/16 4/58 4/45 3/37 1/7 3/45 P A G E 3 7 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. C-GRADE Player CL Phillis RJ Collins H Brennan DP Djukanovic R Inderpreet N Brice CD Hanna W Matthews CK Newman M 12 5 9 1 4 3 2 5 1 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 BOWLING Overs 73.1 54 24.4 9 46 2 6 0.3 3 Mdns 17 10 4 1 9 2 - C-GRADE Adelaide University 12 Northern Districts 12 East Torrens 12 Glenelg 12 Tea Tree Gully 12 Kensington 12 Adelaide 12 Woodville 12 West Torrens 12 Sturt 12 Prospect 12 Port Adelaide 12 Southern District 12 2 1 1 1 1 1 - 7 8 9 7 6 5 5 5 5 3 2 2 1 Runs 214 176 122 41 132 9 9 10 10 Wkts 8 5 3 1 3 - 1 1 1 1 2 1 1st Aband Inns or Loss Draw 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 5 5 7 8 7 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (continued) Avge. 26.75 35.20 40.67 41.00 44.00 - PREMIERSHIP OR Win 1st OR Loss Matches 1st Inns Inns 1st Inns Played Win Win Loss CLUB 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 AVERAGES TABLE 5w - 10w - Best 3/45 3/59 1/16 1/41 1/14 - 2013/14 Total Points Runs For Wkts Lost 162.5 152.5 142.5 137.5 122.5 97.5 82.5 82.5 82.5 77.5 40.0 37.5 22.5 2177 2225 2365 2211 2082 2233 2177 1965 1650 1888 1876 2001 1924 94 99 95 94 87 104 94 112 107 107 133 142 141 Average Per Runs Wkt Against 23.16 22.47 24.89 23.52 23.93 21.47 23.16 17.54 15.42 17.64 14.11 14.09 13.65 1799 2100 1960 2193 1985 2329 2217 1971 1812 2085 2184 2196 1943 Final: Glenelg 135 defeated East Torrens 126 C-GRADE K Giniotis M Primer SYD Northern Districts Tea Tree Gully Prospect Voting CL Phillis L Laverty DJ Gray EB Callan 15 12 9 7 DALY MEDAL 19 19 Joint winners DJ Kelly R Perry CD Hanna K Luthra PREVIEW PLASTICS - GOLD SPONSOR 2013/143 P A G E 3 8 4 4 2 1 Wkts Lost Average Per Wkt 122 122 108 129 115 118 110 101 105 99 106 84 90 14.75 17.21 18.15 17.00 17.26 19.74 20.15 19.51 17.26 21.06 20.60 26.14 21.59 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 D GRADE REPORT Darryl Hogan We started the season under new A Grade coach Christian Hanna and his deputy Andy Groves at the Gillespie Indoor Centre Sunday nights in July. The normal skills were on show and Christian stressed to the Captains that we all had to be more involved in coaching and training. There was a good blend of current and new players to the Club as we increased our training outdoors at Prospect. All the training in the world is no substitute for match day and the season opened for the D’s at Unley vs Sturt. Winning the toss and batting, we were 2/25 when I was caught behind for 16. This brought together two first gamers when Brendan Francesca joined Henry Wenk at the wicket. A fantastic partnership of 96 was broken when Francesca was dismissed for 35, Henry cashed in to be the last man out for 104 bringing up his maiden century in his first game for the Club allowing us to post 192. Mehdi Abassi in his first game for the Club was the star with the ball taking 4/34 and all nine bowlers used bowled well and in partnerships. Bigshow McCarron in his first game took 2/11 off nine and Francesca backed up his batting performance with 2/10 off five. So a first up win for the D’s was a positive start to the year which was short lived as Port Adelaide beat us convincingly at Broadview. Lack of runs and little penetration with the ball resulted in a first innings loss. Game 3 at St Clair against Woodville was close but no cigar for The Pirates, Peckers batting first made 181 and nine blokes had a bowl to spread the wickets around. With the bat most of us got a start but no-one really cashed in. Sandford 46 and Wade Mathews 39 should have got us there but 9/159 it was up to Wilton and Marchesi. A 74 minute partnership of 21 was Boys Own Annual stuff but with the score at 180 and needing 1 to tie and 2 to win, Nick just lifted the foot and was stumped. But as I said the batsman failed after getting some good starts. Round 4 against Kensington was a low as we lost outright due to our inability to bat. Wilton and Mat Milne both got 3/ but our second innings was a debacle so back to the drawing board ! A one dayer against The Jets got us a positive win with Harry Sytnyk taking 4/30 off 7 fast overs. He backed this up with 25 no and Sandford with 39no in a partnership of 77 which say us get the runs in 24 overs. So two wins and 3 loss’s after 5 games until round 6 at Prospect where the Xmas presents were for the Bays. Our bowling was lack lustre and they made 7/210 off their 50 and we could only reply 170 off 47 overs. Again starts from Kumer and Naley but no-one went on with it. First game after Xmas saw only Rob Perry with 51 offer any resistance to Tea Tree Gully but we lost the one dayer easily . The next two day game against Southerns at Broadview presented a great opportunity as we chased their 174. The key as we said all year was to bat our overs which we did, but at 7/126 Tom McCarron and Brendan Francesca grab the game by the scruff of the neck and added 48 to tie the score at 174 apiece. McCarron and Ryan Birse were like rabbits in the headlights when they scrambled thru for the winning run. So we buried some of the demons from the Woodville game and sung the Club song on the pitch. It would be remiss of me to not mention Will Van Dissels 4/33 off 12 and his solid 27 in 75 minutes. He is a likely player who we will see a lot more of. The 30 over game against West Torrens in extreme heat was only noted for Will Blunden’s first wicket for the Club with his mate Sam Naley taking the catch. After the bye we hosted Adelaide at Broadview where we learnt how to stay in the game and triumph. Winning the toss and batting we could only manage 118, again players getting starts but not going on with it. However our fielding and bowling was on song as we bowled them out for 90 and knocked them out of the top four. The old, all played well was around as 8 bowlers shared the wickets but we learnt how to hang tough that game. It helped us as we took on University at the best district ground the D grade will ever play at, Park 10, great wicket, sight screens, grandstand, doesen’t get any better than this ! Winning the toss and batting we etched out 179 off 79.4 overs, so two games in a row we batted the day. At 6/82 it wasn’t all beer and skittles tho’ but partnerships of 40, 34 and 23 saw us add 97 for the last three wickets. Tom McCarron was the standout with his first 50 for the Club ending the day with a swashbuckling 62 with shots to all parts of the ground. The next week belong to Ryan Birse who promised much in his first senior year, returning 6/26 off eleven very good overs. So a really good away win for us, with a guts and determination prevailing. Last game of the year against top side East Torrens saw us win the toss and field with eight as 3 boys struggled to get there on there on time for 11am start. Borrowing a sub fielder from the batting side we had them 3/8 and fair to say we were jumping out of our skin. The cavalry finally arrived to give us eleven and East Torrens batted 50 overs for 164 with Kumar and Francesca both getting 4/. All innings we need only 3.3 per over and despite several starts we were all out for 150 off 46.3 overs. So, the inability to turn starts into significant scores and bat our overs was our downfall but overall we did show some improvement during the season that we can take into next year. Congratulations to the trophy winners, Mat Milne winning his second bowling trophy in two years, Henry Wenk with the batting in his first season and Sam Naley for an outstanding year with the gloves, enabling him to win the fielding trophy. Special thanks to my scorer Derek Milne who did a sterling job and to the band of parents who pitched in at various times, Heather Sandford, Jim Wilton, Tim Andrew, James, Uma Kumer and anyone else who pitched in. So the message is there, we can do it but we need to be more consistent across all games and then our win ratio will increase to a level where we will be good enough to compete in finals and be successful! P A G E 3 9 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 D-GRADE Player R Perry HJ Sytnyk BT Holdback M Abbasi W Matthews H Wenk MA Sandford WA Van Dissel SJ Naley P Jeyakkumar T McCarron M Milne BR Francesca R Birse TR Andrew DK Hogan MM Abasi SK Nagaraju RB Louis WJ Blunden CJ Marchesi ME Andrew N Wilton N Brice Z McGahey L Schubert M 1 2 2 2 6 10 11 2 7 7 9 10 9 8 2 12 1 4 7 2 9 2 6 1 1 1 Inns. 1 2 2 2 7 12 15 2 9 9 11 10 11 7 3 13 1 6 6 2 9 1 6 1 1 1 N.O. 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 5 1 4 1 D-GRADE Player TR Andrew RB Louis ME Andrew W Matthews BR Francesca M Abbasi BT Holdback T McCarron CJ Marchesi M Milne HJ Sytnyk N Wilton MA Sandford R Birse P Jeyakkumar WJ Blunden MM Abasi WA Van Dissel N Brice Z McGahey L Schubert P A G E M 2 7 2 6 9 2 2 9 9 10 2 6 11 8 7 2 1 2 1 1 1 4 0 Overs 5 33 4 10 55.2 22 14 42 99 85.2 12.3 38 25.4 60 34 2 19 19 3 2 3 Mdns 6 1 11 6 1 7 31 26 1 8 8 13 6 5 3 1 - BATTING H.S. 51 25* 29* 54 39 104 46 27 30 41 62 25 35 6* 12* 19 8 28 11 9 7* 3 15 2 1 22* Agg. 51 38 36 56 136 235 207 33 117 103 126 99 115 19 19 118 8 43 37 10 23 3 17 2 1 22 AVERAGES Avge. 51.00 38.00 36.00 28.00 22.67 21.36 17.25 16.50 14.63 12.88 12.60 12.38 11.50 9.50 9.50 9.08 8.00 7.17 6.17 5.00 4.60 3.00 2.83 2.00 1.00 - 50 1 1 1 - 100 1 - BOWLING AVERAGES Runs 38 101 33 50 186 65 61 177 233 243 63 110 76 164 111 11 34 54 3 5 19 Avge. 38.00 33.67 33.00 25.00 23.25 21.67 20.33 19.67 19.42 17.36 15.75 15.71 12.67 12.62 12.33 11.00 8.50 7.71 - Wkts 1 3 1 2 8 3 3 9 12 14 4 7 6 13 9 1 4 7 - 5w 1 - 10w - Ct 1 1 8 4 2 11 6 2 2 3 4 6 2 3 1 1 - Best 1/31 2/8 1/33 1/13 4/24 2/28 3/42 3/44 3/11 3/24 4/30 3/15 2/6 6/26 4/27 1/11 4/34 4/33 0/3 0/5 0/15 St 1 - PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 D-GRADE CLUB 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 PREMIERSHIP OR Win 1st OR Loss Matches 1st Inns Inns 1st Inns Played Win Win Loss Adelaide University 12 Northern Districts 12 East Torrens 12 Glenelg 12 Tea Tree Gully 12 Kensington 12 Adelaide 12 Woodville 12 West Torrens 12 Sturt 12 Prospect 12 Port Adelaide 12 Southern District 12 2 1 1 1 1 1 - 7 8 9 7 6 5 5 5 5 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1st Aband Inns or Loss Draw 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 5 5 7 8 7 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 TABLE 2013/14 Total Points Runs For Wkts Lost 162.5 152.5 142.5 137.5 122.5 97.5 82.5 82.5 82.5 77.5 40.0 37.5 22.5 2177 2225 2365 2211 2082 2233 2177 1965 1650 1888 1876 2001 1924 94 99 95 94 87 104 94 112 107 107 133 142 141 Average Per Runs Wkt Against 23.16 22.47 24.89 23.52 23.93 21.47 23.16 17.54 15.42 17.64 14.11 14.09 13.65 1799 2100 1960 2193 1985 2329 2217 1971 1812 2085 2184 2196 1943 Wkts Lost Average Per Wkt 122 122 108 129 115 118 110 101 105 99 106 84 90 14.75 17.21 18.15 17.00 17.26 19.74 20.15 19.51 17.26 21.06 20.60 26.14 21.59 Final: Tea Tree Gully 3/235 defeated Glenelg 7/234 D-GRADE A Duffield Prospect Voting WA Van Dissel R Birse P Jeyakkumar HJ Sytnyk W Matthews WILSON/MCLEOD East Torrens 7 7 6 6 6 T McCarron H Wenk MA Sandford R Perry M Milne 30 6 6 5 4 4 MEDAL Winner CJ Marchesi BR Francesca M Abbasi BT Holdback 3 2 2 1 P A G E 4 1 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 WOMEN’S B GRADE REPORT Robin LeCornu Once more I was given the challenge to start a women's cricket team at Prospect. I looked around for players and as we were going to be in B Grade; this alone was a challenge in itself. I asked many people, not knowing if they could play cricket and if they even liked cricket. Not all women follow the sport so this was a big ask. My team eventually came together after a lot of asking around, and consisted of young and mature age females. I had hockey players, women who hadn’t played cricket for awhile or women who had never played. We only had a few training sessions before the start of the season, as time was short due to hockey and winter sports. The women's Nationals for hockey were being played at this time so a few of us were playing in that. The week before the first match I thought we had a team but four were unavailable. We were nearly defeated before we had started. First match of the season in the Twenty/20 Competition and my wicket keeper, a hockey goalie, had never played cricket before. She had a great game taking an excellent catch down the leg side. The team fielded and bowled well and played as a team, but the batting was not up to scratch, and we struggled because we were not fast scorers. After Christmas we played forty over cricket and this was a different game for the team. The second part of the season went off well and the team won enough matches to eventually make the finals. Prospect played Adelaide University and as they had been playing longer and were more experienced they had an easy win. The team just didn’t make enough runs batting second, but kept fighting to the end. Great thrill for the Prospect Pirate Women to even make the finals, especially in their first year. Well Done. Overall the team consisted of a group of dedicated people coming together to participate and to play. The team was a happy team, with great spirit and understanding. Women of all ages were in this team and were given an opportunity to enjoy the experience. It was about being themselves, not individuals and the atmosphere was unbelievable. It was an exciting year and the team is keen to continue next season. To all the team, I appreciate that whatever I asked of you, it was always done to the best of your ability. Melissa, Heather, Steph, Dani, Cassie, Shannon, Nikki, Alicia, Marie, Angela and to the other girls who filled in and to the supporters who supported us – thank you. Thanks so much for the respect, teamwork and the friendships that were made. It was a pleasure to coach and be a part of this team. It goes to show that if you set your mind to put a team together and to get them to believe in themselves, success will follow. A big thank you goes to my scorer Peter Clarkson, an essential part of the team and to Club Champion and winner of the Robyn LeCornu Trophy - Nikki Mayger. Thank you to Andrew Omandy, Tom Lowrey and Dave Callan for your support also. We had our end of year breakup with full quota at the Windmill Hotel; one of the Club’s sponsors – it was a great night. I hope season 2014/15 will be as enjoyable and successful as this year. WOMEN’S Player N Mayger S O'Connor A Nicholson C Clarkson MA Gorroick D Woods H Westwood R LeCornu D Reid S Fisher M Docking E Thompson AJ Fidock S Elmendorp R Bernaldo P A G E M 6 6 3 5 6 2 6 5 6 5 6 1 3 1 1 4 2 Inns. 6 6 3 5 5 2 6 4 5 3 6 1 2 1 1 B-GRADE N.O. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 H.S. 70 42 25* 41 18 14 23 14 21 3 1 0 0 5* 1* BATTING Agg. 133 106 28 66 41 14 40 19 31 3 4 - Avge. 22.17 17.67 14.00 13.20 10.25 7.00 6.67 6.33 6.20 1.50 0.80 - AVERAGES 50 1 - 100 - Ct 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 - St - PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 WOMEN’S Player R LeCornu C Clarkson MA Gorroick AJ Fidock D Woods N Mayger H Westwood M Docking E Thompson S O'Connor D Reid M 5 5 6 3 2 6 6 6 1 6 6 Overs 4 34 47 15 8 42.1 29 27 2 8 14 WOMEN’S Player S O'Connor M Docking R LeCornu MA Gorroick S Elmendorp D Reid N Mayger H Westwood AJ Fidock S Fisher M 5 4 6 6 6 6 5 6 3 6 Player AJ Fidock R LeCornu S Elmendorp N Mayger M Docking MA Gorroick H Westwood D Reid M 3 6 6 5 4 6 6 6 BOWLING AVERAGES Mdns 2 4 7 2 1 3 1 - Wkts 1 9 7 2 1 5 3 2 - 5w - Runs 6 95 138 48 25 143 106 104 8 33 65 B-GRADE Inns. 5 4 6 6 6 6 5 6 2 2 WOMEN’S B-GRADE N.O. 1 3 3 1 1 2 TWENTY/20 H.S. 48 8* 22* 15* 10 17 13 7 2* 1* B-GRADE Overs 5 7 6 17 7 18 20 18 WOMEN’S Prospect Voting N Mayger C Clarkson Agg. 101 16 40 36 34 32 24 15 2 1 Runs 23 34 37 84 22 73 91 100 B-GRADE Wkts 3 2 2 4 1 3 3 3 LYN Sturt 6 5 S O’Connor H Westwood 10w - BATTING Avge. 25.25 16.00 13.33 7.20 5.67 5.33 4.80 2.50 2.00 - TWENTY/20 Mdns 2 1 - K Heath Avge. 6.00 10.56 19.71 24.00 25.00 28.60 35.33 52.00 - 50 - AVERAGES 100 - Ct 1 1 1 BOWLING Avge. 7.67 17.00 18.50 21.00 22.00 24.33 30.33 33.33 5w - FULLSTON St - AVERAGES 10w - Best 2/9 1/9 2/8 2/11 1/10 1/10 1/5 2/12 MEDAL 16 4 3 Best 1/6 4/24 2/22 1/10 1/25 2/30 2/7 2/7 0/8 0/33 0/20 Winner A Nicholson 3 P A G E 4 3 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. WOMEN’S B-GRADE OR Win 1st OR Loss Matches 1st Inns Inns 1st Inns Played Win Win Loss CLUB 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 Adelaide University West Torrens Sturt Prospect Northern Bullets Kensington Gold Kensington Brown 7 6 7 7 7 7 7 - 5 3 4 2 2 2 - - PREMIERSHIP 1st Aband Inns or Loss Draw 1 1 2 3 3 3 5 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 TABLE Total Points Runs For Wkts Lost 100.82 88.01 83.39 58.45 57.78 56.92 25.47 812 641 629 565 618 492 407 42 25 52 42 37 42 31 2013/14 Average Per Runs Wkt Against 19.33 25.64 12.10 13.45 16.70 11.71 13.13 564 415 547 629 614 583 812 Wkts Lost Average Per Wkt 51 33 48 39 33 35 32 11.06 12.58 11.40 16.13 18.61 16.66 25.38 Final: West Torrens 5/106 defeated Adelaide University 8/105 WOMEN’S ZONE ONE Matches Played CLUB 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B-GRADE Adelaide University West Torrens Sturt Northern Bullets Kensington Brown Kensington Gold Prospect 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 20/20 PREMIERSHIP 1st Inns Win 1st Inns Loss Aband or Draw Total Points Runs For Wkts Lost 6 4 4 4 2 2 1 1 1 2 3 3 5 5 5 105.0 67.5 60.0 60.0 30.0 30.0 22.5 497 567 541 513 584 699 375 15 15 21 29 36 31 37 Average Per Runs Wkt Against 33.13 37.80 25.76 17.69 16.22 22.55 10.14 Final: West Torrens 2/107 defeated Adelaide University 5/106 D.C.STRUDWICK 1951/52 to 1969/70 Life Member 1971 5,812 runs at 20.06 168 catches & 26 stumpings P A G E 4 4 TABLE 435 406 491 592 596 772 484 2013/14 Wkts Taken Average Per Wkt 27 24 26 36 22 25 24 16.11 16.92 18.88 16.44 27.09 30.88 20.17 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 UNDER 17 BANKSA SHIELD REPORT Lachlan Blunden This 2014 Bank SA Shield team showed some positive signs after a slow start. Losing our first two games with some poor batting performances put us on the back foot and didn’t give us a realistic chance of making finals. First day we were bowled out for 91 chasing a very gettable 109 at Campbelltown and were then bowled out by Country Black for 86 chasing 161 on a good wicket at Prospect. The team showed some character with improved results led by older players Cameron Pritchard, Wade Matthews and Declan Gray who all scored important runs in the three remaining games. We ended the carnival with two wins and three losses with the two games cancelled due to heat. We beat Northern Districts defending 236 where Declan and Cameron put on 140 for the 1st wicket while Nathan Brice scored 37 at number 3. We also beat Glenelg in a reduced overs match defending 126 in what turned out to be the last day. In between these wins we lost to Kensington who chased down our competitive 203 with ten overs to spare. Wade Matthews top scored that day with a 74 ball 72 and backed up to keep wickets well on what was a hot day. Wade led the batting with 171 runs earning him a spot in the team of the carnival which also included Cameron who made 156 runs and was our leading wicket taker also with 9 wickets. Our team was very heavy on bowlers with wickets shared. Will Daniel bowled well at the top with some pace earning himself 5 wickets while Declan and Peter Ahern bowled well in the middle overs also picking up 5 wickets. A special mention has to go to Peter who bowled some very tight off spin, fielded well taking difficult catches and scored important runs in the lower middle order. Thanks to Cameron Pritchard who did a fantastic job as Captain, leading from the front and getting everyone involved in a team which had 11 bowlers. Also thanks to Jake Milne as co-coach, Mick Ahern and Peter Milne who helped score; parents who helped with other match day duties and to all who came out to support. PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB STATE PLAYERS SEASON 1949/50 Phil Bednall, Keith Lewis, Len Michael, Reg Craig, Tom Klose, Bruce Bowley P A G E 4 5 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 UNDER 17 BANKSA GRADE BATTING AVERAGES Player W Matthews C Pritchard DJ Gray N Brice P Ahern HJ Sytnyk H Brennan Z McGahey CK Newman PF Thomas W Daniel P Fahey A Baker M 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 4 Player C Pritchard DJ Gray P Ahern W Daniel N Brice HJ Sytnyk PF Thomas CK Newman H Brennan Z McGahey A Baker M 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 Inns. 5 4 4 5 3 5 4 3 3 1 3 1 2 N.O. 2 1 1 1 1 2 H.S. 72 56 84 37 29 16 14* 7 4* 8 4* 2 7* Agg. 171 156 114 66 37 32 22 10 9 8 5 2 8 Avge. 57.00 39.00 28.50 13.20 12.33 8.00 7.33 3.33 4.50 8.00 2.50 2.00 - 50 - 100 2 1 1 - Ct 3 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 St - UNDER 17 BANKSA GRADE BOWLING AVERAGES Overs 29.5 30 27 42.4 12 17 14 17 5.2 2 5 UNDER ZONE 1 CLUB 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Sturt Port Adelaide Tea Tree Gully Woodville Southern District Country Red West Torrens SAMCA ZONE 2 CLUB 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Country Black Kensington Glenelg East Torrens SACA U15 Prospect Adelaide Northern Districts 17 BANKSA 4 6 Runs 103 82 111 131 25 59 69 71 24 8 13 Wkts 9 5 5 5 4 4 2 2 1 - Avge. 11.44 16.40 22.20 26.20 6.25 14.75 34.50 35.50 24.00 - PREMIERSHIP 5w - 10w - TABLES Best 4/30 3/11 2/22 1/12 2/8 2/21 1/16 1/8 1/10 0/8 0/13 2013/14 Matches Played 1st Inns Win 1st Inns Loss Match Drawn Total Points Runs For Wkts Lost Avge Per Wkt Runs Against Wkts Lost Avge Per Wkt 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 - 67.5 60.0 52.5 52.5 22.5 15.0 15.0 15.0 880 681 654 634 540 782 743 608 39 33 27 46 39 47 49 45 22.56 20.64 24.22 13.78 13.85 16.64 15.16 13.51 776 635 473 716 631 739 800 752 48 45 35 44 36 34 42 41 16.17 14.11 13.51 16.27 17.53 21.74 19.05 18.34 Matches Played 1st Inns Win 1st Inns Loss Match Drawn Total Points Runs For Wkts Lost Avge Per Wkt Runs Against Wkts Lost Avge Per Wkt 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 3 3 3 2 - 1 2 2 2 3 5 5 - 75.0 60.0 45.0 45.0 45.0 30.0 - 780 871 818 507 860 742 716 648 30 43 36 44 48 35 47 47 26.00 20.26 22.72 11.52 17.92 21.20 15.23 13.79 636 836 718 459 876 725 899 793 45 44 44 41 46 44 42 24 14.13 19.00 16.32 11.20 19.04 16.48 21.40 33.04 Final: Country Black & Sturt joint winners P A G E Mdns 3 7 1 5 4 4 1 1 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB ROOTS NORTH ADELAIDE CRICKET CLUB MEMBERS 1909/10 PROSPECT CRICKET CLUB MEMBERS 1919/20 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB 1936/37 B PREMIERS P A G E 4 7 PART THREE JUNIOR GRADES PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 JUNIOR COMMITTEE REPORT Matt Clark With my first season over as Junior Coordinator I can finally take a breath and look back at the season that was. To say I was busy would be an understatement, with the help and support of the people around me, I survived ! This season saw the establishment of the position of Director of Junior Cricket and with Andrew Baker (AB) filling it. Separating the two positions and its roles gave the junior coaching structure an independent person who would have input into the training and selection of players, having AB alongside me with his experience and knowledge of District cricket helped me out greatly and together we created a clear plan. Did it all go to plan, no, can we improve, yes, but most importantly I think our greatest strength as a club is our willingness to accept that we do have room for improvement and that there is still work to be done to continue to improve which will eventuate into success. I would like to thank all the coaches for their support. Being a coach is not an easy gig and trying to get the right balance is hard work. It’s a position where not everyone walks away happy but their loyalty and dedication towards the lads cannot be questioned. Thank you to Christian Hanna for his help in making life easy when we needed the nets for extra sessions and being on hand to help with our trials. I would like to also thank those senior players who came out and assisted us but also the senior players who coached the junior sides this season. To those parents who assisted the coaches whether it be as a manager, scorer or just being there to help out when needed makes a coaches life so much easier, thank you. A big thank you to the teams who were rostered on to provide the meals at the after match presentations was invaluable and I am sure everyone at the club appreciated your efforts. To Andrew Ormandy and the Management committee, thank you for your support and advice throughout the season as they understand that the future of our club is our juniors and with their support we will continue to improve. Thank you to the junior committee for their efforts this season and in particular their advice and efforts organising events such as Saturday night’s presentation and registration night. I would also like to thank Trudy Lisk for sourcing and applying for various grants that are available through the local council, State and Federal Government. Through her work we were successful in winning grants through the Prospect City Council and SA Government. This money will go a long way towards helping the Club upgrade our facilities. Trials will commence around July which should see further improvements on the field next season. I look forward to everyone’s continued support next season. P A G E 5 0 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 JUNIOR CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP POINTS U/16 Red U/16 White U/14 Red U/14 White Total Points 1 Kensington 154.51 122.02 170.23 169.20 615.96 2 Northern Districts 169.48 155.46 120.33 150.58 595.85 3 West Torrens 140.88 172.63 185.09 95.47 594.07 4 Sturt 151.96 121.26 129.49 188.11 590.82 5 Tea Tree Gully 124.65 148.32 96.09 170.15 539.21 6 East Torrens 105.76 127.04 139.60 88.64 461.04 7 Prospect 103.87 177.69 56.33 115.93 453.82 8 Glenelg 105.21 106.36 118.86 72.02 402.45 9 Southern District 106.59 122.62 94.33 73.94 397.48 10 Adelaide 73.92 72.78 125.56 119.62 391.88 11 Woodville 101.40 60.44 67.70 53.03 282.57 12 Port Adelaide 42.60 17.56 40.88 37.84 138.88 JUNIOR COACHING STAFF P A G E 5 1 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 JUNIOR TROPHY WINNERS Statewide Under 12 Cup Player of the Carnival Tyler Grainger-Balding Ray Sutton Shield Batting Bowling Fielding Coach's Trophy Kabir Luthra Zane Caldwell Scott Madden Manush Patel 256 runs at 64.00 7 wkts at 8.00 Under 14 White Batting Bowling Fielding Coach's Trophy Jordan Schultz Jacob Aston Zane Caldwell Bailey Simpson 195 runs at 24.38 9 wkts at 24.22 Under 14 Red Batting Bowling Fielding Coach's Trophy Nicholas Bacic Sebastian Maslen Riley Henriks Callum George 199 runs at 24.88 14 wkts at 16.93 Under 16 White Batting Bowling Fielding Coach's Trophy Tyson Spencer Caleb Travis Brenton Harvey Chanchal Kharel 212 runs at 30.29 17 wkts at 6.24 Under 16 Red Batting Bowling Fielding Coach's Trophy Peter Ahern Carter Lisk Brodie Pearce Brodie Pearce 192 runs at 19.20 13 wkts at 18.31 Special Performances Ray Sutton Shield Under 16 White Under 16 White Under 14 Red Under 14 White Kabir Luthra 111* vs Port Adelaide at Prospect Oval Mitchell Kracman 5/13 vs Southern Districts at Cane Reserve Caleb Travis 6/25 vs Northern Districts at Paddocks No.2 Sebastian Maslen 5/31 vs Kensington at Marryatville High School Ben Hutchinson 6/17 vs Glenelg at Barton West Oval Don Blunden Spirit of Cricket Award Caleb Travis Junior Club Champion Peter Ahern Development Squad Nicholas Devlin Ryleigh Travis Tyler Grainger-Balding P A G E 5 2 Tom Palmer Kane Flanagan Lucas Wilksch Scott Madden Nicholas Egarr Viraj Varsani Zac Hazel Nick Mills Liam Toovey Alex Francis Thomas Kelly Lachlan Faull Tom Vaughan Cooper Mackenzie PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 FEATURES OF SEASON 2013/2014 Over 120 runs K Luthra T Spencer P Ahern JA Schultz J Birse N Bacic P Fahey W Matthews ZB Caldwell S Jain C Pritchard JM May R Henriks M Patel P Lowe LM Durdin 286 runs at 40.86 248 runs at 31.00 229 runs at 17.62 214 runs at 17.83 203 runs at 25.38 199 runs at 24.88 182 runs at 36.40 171 runs at 57.00 165 runs at 12.69 160 runs at 11.43 156 runs at 39.00 148 runs at 18.50 147 runs at 13.36 147 runs at 11.31 132 runs at 18.86 128 runs at 21.33 16R, RSS 16R, 16W U17, 16R 14W, RSS 16W 14R U17,16R U17 14W, RSS 14W, RSS U17 14R, 14W, RSS 14R 14R, RSS 14R, 14W 16W Over 10 wickets C Travis PF Thomas J Turner A Baker M Kracman W Kirby-Bastians ZB Caldwell S Maslen P Ahern C Lisk J Darley L Travis C Kharel S Jain J Aston 17 wkts at 6.24 17 wkts at 16.00 16 wkts at 15.69 16 wkts at 18.81 15 wkts at 8.67 15 wkts at 13.87 14 wkts at 14.50 14 wkts at 16.93 14 wkts at 21.14 13 wkts at 18.31 13 wkts at 24.00 12 wkts at 10.00 12 wkts at 13.00 11 wkts at 26.27 11 wkts at 26.45 U16W U17, U16R, U16W U14R, RSS U17, U16R, U16W U16W U16R, U16W U14W, RSS U14R U17, U16R U16R U14R, RSS U16R, U16W U16W U14W, RSS U14W, RSS Allround Cricket P Ahern ZB Caldwell S Jain 229 runs at 17.62 & 14 wkts at 21.14 165 runs at 12.69 &14 wkts at 14.50 160 runs at 11.43 & 11 wkts at 26.27 U17, U16R U14W, RSS U14W, RSS P A G E 5 3 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 UNDER 16 RED REPORT Grant Lisk Season 2013/2014 was a season full of mixed results. We had some very good wins and a couple of terrible losses. We were able to play some very good cricket against the average sides but not good enough to make an impact on the good sides. Coming up to the Christmas break we were 3 wins and 3 loses and in a good position to make an impact on the top four. Unfortunately, with a heat out and a wash out we were unable to take advantage and our season slipped away. With a great win against East Torrens in the last round, it showed the kind of cricket our boys can play when they put their minds to it. Due to school cricket, holidays and senior selection we had a total of 23 players play for the Reds this year, which almost amounts to our entire under 16’s squad. Season highlights would have to be the leadership of our captain Brodie Pearce. His attitude and application towards the team was excellent and his wicket keeping went to another level, especially when keeping to the spinners. Our Batting showed that the players need to learn patience and place a greater importance on their wicket. The return from injury of Patrick Fahey, showed how important he was to the side as he was the only player to make two half centuries (with an excellent 90 in the last game). Peter Ahern had a consistent year with bat and ball and continues to improve. Our Bowling was one of our greatest strengths this year. Apart from one game against Kensington, we were able to keep sides down to reasonable scores. Will Kirby-Bastian showed to be a fast bowler of the future and will only continue to improve. His last game battle with Carter Lisk to see who would win the bowling trophy was good to watch. Patrick Thomas, Dean Roocke, Peter Ahern, Jacob Banks will continue to improve and it shows that Prospect Cricket Club will have a good stock of fast and spin bowlers in the future. In conclusion, the Reds this year showed in parts that they can play some very good solid cricket and with a little more application, patience and discipline this group of cricketers can make an impact at senior level. Junior Club Champion 2013/14 Peter Ahern P A G E 5 4 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 UNDER 16 RED GRADE BATTING AVERAGES Player P Fahey T Spencer L Hutchinson P Ahern B Pearce PF Thomas E Palmer G Cleary R D'Cruz DD Roocke W Kirby-Bastians J Banks K Luthra J Clark CK Newman SJ Thomas C Lisk T Spanovskis L Travis H Brennan A Baker T Auld B Harvey M 5 3 2 9 8 4 2 2 5 8 8 6 4 8 2 5 8 4 4 2 5 1 1 Player CK Newman T Spencer G Cleary J Clark W Kirby-Bastians C Lisk L Travis E Palmer J Banks P Ahern PF Thomas DD Roocke B Pearce A Baker H Brennan P Fahey L Hutchinson M 2 3 2 8 8 8 4 2 6 9 4 8 8 5 2 5 2 Inns. 5 2 2 10 8 4 2 1 6 8 5 6 3 9 2 4 4 5 3 2 3 2 1 N.O. 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 H.S. 92 31* 38 43 33 26 12 14 35 22* 21* 21 29 31 8 9 11 15 9 5 7 2 19* Agg. 180 36 65 192 100 46 14 14 69 67 32 61 30 85 13 22 16 26 13 5 7 3 19 Avge. 45.00 36.00 32.50 19.20 16.67 15.33 14.00 14.00 13.80 13.40 10.67 10.17 10.00 9.44 6.50 5.50 5.33 5.20 4.33 2.50 2.33 1.50 - 50 2 - 100 - Ct 1 2 9 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 - St 2 - UNDER 16 RED GRADE BOWLING AVERAGES Overs 15 4 3 8 73 72 14 7.1 40 78.4 34 69 13 35.5 6 2 13 Mdns 4 13 9 2 1 7 17 7 17 5 7 1 Runs 31 11 12 48 198 238 37 20 101 185 103 205 23 149 26 5 28 Wkts 3 1 1 3 12 13 2 1 5 9 5 9 1 6 1 - Avge. 10.33 11.00 12.00 16.00 16.50 18.31 18.50 20.00 20.20 20.56 20.60 22.78 23.00 24.83 26.00 - 5w - 10w - Best 2/7 1/11 1/12 2/27 3/13 3/16 2/10 1/11 3/8 3/24 3/16 2/23 1/15 2/4 1/3 0/5 0/19 P A G E 5 5 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 UNDER 16 RED GRADE P R E M I E R S H I P OR Win 1st OR Loss Matches 1st Inns Inns 1st Inns Played Win Win Loss CLUB 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Northern Districts Kensington Sturt West Torrens Tea Tree Gully Southern District East Torrens Glenelg Prospect Woodville Adelaide Port Adelaide 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 1 - 8 7 7 6 5 4 4 4 4 2 2 - 1 1st Aband Inns or Loss Draw 1 2 2 3 4 5 5 5 5 6 7 8 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 TABLE Total Points Runs For Wkts Lost 169.48 154.51 151.96 140.88 124.65 106.59 105.76 105.21 103.87 101.40 73.92 42.60 1728 1771 1656 1647 1625 1439 1636 1361 1307 1580 1472 1100 67 59 83 83 69 85 83 58 83 99 87 101 Final: West Torrens 4/135 defeated Kensington 133. ROMEO’S - MAJOR SPONSOR 2013/14 P A G E 5 6 2013/14 Average Per Runs Wkt Against 25.79 30.02 19.95 19.84 23.55 16.93 19.71 23.47 15.75 15.96 16.92 10.89 1254 1504 1363 1332 1617 1714 1431 1439 1459 1598 1580 1875 Wkts Lost Average Per Wkt 86 84 77 81 92 86 72 64 79 78 64 83 14.58 17.90 17.70 16.44 17.58 19.93 19.88 22.48 18.47 20.49 24.69 22.59 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 UNDER 16 WHITE REPORT Darren Travis The Under 16 White team pretty much dominated the minor round matches and saw us on the top of the ladder at its conclusion. We won 6 matches including an outright and had 2 losses. We were defeated in the Semi Final and finished 3rd at the end of the season. Tom Auld was named captain and Brenton Harvey vice captain. Both lads showed great leadership for the group. Bowling was definitely our strength. There were many standout individual performances with the ball and it was a different bowler each week who was doing the damage. Caleb Travis took out the bowling trophy for the whites and finished 2nd in the Under 16 White grade competition with 17 wickets with a best bowling performance of 6/25 against the Jets. Mitchell Kracman finished 2nd for PDCC with 15 wickets with a best bowling of 5/13 and 3/30 in the same match. This set up the outright win against Southern District along with the assistance Adrian Baker 4/25 and Lachlan Travis 3/10 both finishing on 10 wickets for the season. Chanchal Kharel took 13 wickets with a best bowling of 3/13 with his legspin. Patrick Thomas also finished with 10 wickets with a best 4/13 and then went out and batted smashed a quick fire 30 that won us the game against Glenelg by 1 run. Our fielding was also outstanding. Brenton Harvey did a solid job all year behind the stumps and took out the fielding trophy. Tom Auld set attacking fields for our bowlers which was backed up in the field and paid off with some great catches in the slips and close to the wicket. Our batting was a very different result, which proved to cost us big time in the final. Our ability to bat long periods and build partnerships was a struggle and the batting aggregates prove this. Although in saying this there were some great knocks. Tyson Spencer made 90 against Woodville off 71 balls and it was a display of powerful hitting which included 6 sixes and 4 fours. He also hit 61 in the final against Tea Tree Gully which resulted in him finishing on 212 runs for the season overtaking opener Jack Birse 203 runs to take out the batting trophy. Other than this not one individuals aggregate reached 150 runs and this is an area for all players to improve on. There were some good innings, but we lacked consistency. We had the ability on paper to post big scores and if we placed more value on our wicket, it would have been achievable. I would like to congratulate the players on their efforts, discipline and the way they conducted themselves on and off the field. The respect shown to opposition, umpires and myself was of a high standard. To those players who transition from the Under 16 squad and into the seniors next season I wish you every success in your cricketing days. In closing, I wish to thank the following for their help and support given to the team and myself this season. Grant Lisk, Barry Harvey, Andrew Wenk, Martin Kracman, Andrew Baker, Andrew Groves, Christian Hanna, Matt Clark, The parents. JV CRASH – MAJOR SPONSOR 2013/14 P A G E 5 7 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 UNDER 16 WHITE GRADE BATTING AVERAGES Player T Spencer J Birse LM Durdin W Kirby-Bastians B Harvey PF Thomas J Clark C Travis T Spanovskis C Kharel SJ Thomas A Wenk E Palmer H Radloff L Travis T Auld M Kracman A Baker G Cleary B Harvey B Lennon M 6 8 8 1 8 6 1 9 5 9 4 9 4 2 6 8 6 5 2 1 1 Inns. 7 10 8 1 6 4 1 9 5 4 4 11 3 2 6 7 4 2 1 1 1 N.O. 2 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 H.S. 90 59* 44* 18 15 30* 15 32 31 9* 19* 25 15 8 24 23 17 8 5 19* 5* Agg. 212 203 128 18 49 47 15 114 58 23 33 108 30 10 45 58 22 12 5 19 5 Avge. 30.29 25.38 21.33 18.00 16.33 15.67 15.00 14.25 11.60 11.50 11.00 10.80 10.00 10.00 9.00 8.29 7.33 6.00 5.00 - 50 2 1 - 100 - Ct 4 3 4 11 3 6 3 1 3 1 2 5 3 - UNDER 16 WHITE GRADE BOWLING AVERAGES Player W Kirby-Bastians B Lennon C Travis J Birse G Cleary L Travis M Kracman PF Thomas C Kharel A Baker LM Durdin E Palmer T Spencer A Wenk H Radloff T Auld P A G E 5 8 M 1 1 9 8 2 6 6 6 9 5 8 4 6 9 2 8 Overs 11.4 9 39.1 18 18 50.2 61.5 56 53.5 55 11 22 11.2 31 2 8 Mdns 5 5 7 5 3 15 17 21 9 11 3 5 1 5 2 Runs 10 9 106 30 33 83 130 100 156 139 15 55 45 92 14 32 Wkts 3 2 17 4 4 10 15 10 12 10 1 3 1 2 - Avge. 3.33 4.50 6.24 7.50 8.25 8.30 8.67 10.00 13.00 13.90 15.00 18.33 45.00 46.00 - 5w 1 1 - 10w - Best 3/10 2/4 6/25 2/7 2/11 3/10 5/13 4/12 3/13 4/25 1/15 2/9 1/27 2/31 0/14 0/3 St 1 - PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 UNDER 16 WHITE GRADE P R E M I E R S H I P CLUB 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 OR Win 1st OR Loss Matches 1st Inns Inns 1st Inns Played Win Win Loss Prospect West Torrens Northern Districts Tea Tree Gully East Torrens Southern District Kensington Sturt Glenelg Adelaide Woodville Port Adelaide 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 1 1 1 - 6 6 7 5 5 4 5 5 4 2 1 - 1st Aband Inns or Loss Draw 1 2 - 2 1 2 3 4 3 4 4 5 7 6 9 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 TABLE Total Points Runs For Wkts Lost 177.69 172.63 155.46 148.32 127.04 122.62 122.02 121.26 106.36 72.78 60.44 17.56 1249 1503 1280 1115 1596 1134 1382 1209 1316 1081 723 76 68 72 80 62 76 71 90 75 74 83 93 9 2013/14 Average Per Runs Wkt Against 18.37 20.88 16.00 17.98 21.00 15.97 15.36 16.12 17.78 13.02 7.77 8.44 978 1005 1110 1183 1187 1099 1105 1195 1611 1474 1517 200 Wkts Lost Average Per Wkt 95 71 92 83 86 65 91 75 91 57 38 9 10.29 14.15 12.07 14.25 13.80 16.91 12.14 15.93 17.70 25.86 39.92 22.22 Final: Tea Tree Gully 8/76 defeated Northern Districts 69. R.J.GILBOURNE 1962/63 to 1975/74 3,828 runs at 33.00 H.S. 226 vs West Torrens P A G E 5 9 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 UNDER 14 RED REPORT John Flanagan Our season was disappointing in the end unfortunately, with only the one win. While we were competitive at different stages of matches, we couldn’t maintain the level of cricket to give ourselves the opportunity to achieve better results. It was in all areas that we underperformed; in the field, we didn’t take or chances; with the bat, we didn’t have enough batsmen that were willing to put their heads down and build an innings; and with the ball, we couldn’t maintain line and length long enough to force errors. We did have some highlights, with four players, Jasper Darley, Jett May, Manush Patel and Callum George all eligible to play U14’s again next season. They will be better for the opportunity and their challenge next season is to be the leaders of the team. Nic Bacic towards the end of the season in particular, showed the form that we knew he had and as a result took out the batting trophy. With more confidence in his own ability, Nic should continue on his good form next season. Seb Maslen took out the bowling trophy again this season and continued to be our front line bowler. Seb has the ability to be a very good bowler and just needs to stay focused and the rewards will come. There were others who had their moments, but on the whole we all underperformed really. Our best would have resulted in a far better win/loss ratio. The boys need to believe in themselves, train harder and take pride in the opportunity of representing Prospect District Cricket Club. If they do this I believe they all have the ability to be successful both individually and as a team. I have very much enjoyed my time coaching over the last two seasons, but believe the boys now need another voice to help get the most out of them. WINDMILL HOTEL - PLATINUM SPONSOR 2013/14 P A G E 6 0 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 UNDER 14 RED BATTING AVERAGES Player N Bacic J Turner P Silby J Darley R Henriks P Lowe JM May S Maslen W Proudman R D'Cruz C Flanagan C George AA Farzan M Patel H Tremellen M 9 8 8 9 9 4 5 9 9 4 7 9 8 9 1 Player J Turner R D'Cruz S Maslen J Darley JM May AA Farzan C George P Silby N Bacic H Tremellen R Henriks M Patel M 8 4 9 9 5 8 9 8 9 1 9 9 Inns. 11 6 6 9 11 4 5 5 11 4 8 9 8 10 1 N.O. 3 3 4 1 2 1 2 1 1 - H.S. 59 30* 11* 57* 39 32 34 18 45 14 25 33* 19 13 0 Agg. 199 70 29 111 147 43 52 30 103 35 57 52 48 52 0 Avge. 24.88 23.33 14.50 13.88 13.36 10.75 10.40 10.00 9.36 8.75 8.14 7.43 6.86 5.78 - 50 1 1 - 100 - Ct 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 3 1 7 2 2 5 - St - UNDER 14 RED BOWLING AVERAGES Overs 72 13 77.2 54 14 42 57 73 24.1 5 5 6 Mdns 15 2 13 6 6 2 6 1 1 - Runs 166 31 237 227 53 133 248 243 121 9 23 32 Wkts 11 2 14 9 2 5 6 5 2 - Avge. 15.09 15.50 16.93 25.22 26.50 26.60 41.33 48.60 60.50 - UNDER 14 RED GRADE P R E M I E R S H I P CLUB 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 OR Win 1st OR Loss Matches 1st Inns Inns 1st Inns Played Win Win Loss West Torrens Kensington East Torrens Sturt Adelaide Northern Districts Glenelg Tea Tree Gully Southern District Woodville Prospect Port Adelaide 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 - 9 8 6 5 5 5 5 3 3 2 1 - - 1st Aband Inns or Loss Draw 1 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 7 8 9 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 5w 1 - 10w - TABLE Total Points Runs For Wkts Lost 185.09 170.23 139.60 129.49 125.56 120.33 118.86 96.09 94.33 67.70 56.33 40.88 1909 1783 1760 999 1546 1533 1346 1339 1023 1130 1273 1108 68 79 74 74 83 62 70 80 84 83 90 88 Best 2/16 2/10 5/31 4/59 2/20 2/14 4/54 2/20 2/21 0/9 0/23 0/16 2013/14 Average Per Runs Wkt Against 28.07 22.57 23.78 13.50 18.63 24.73 19.23 16.74 12.18 13.61 14.14 12.59 928 1029 1301 1151 1421 1583 1352 1516 1538 1754 1570 1606 Wkts Lost Average Per Wkt 80 87 85 110 63 75 77 76 83 57 68 74 11.60 11.83 15.31 10.46 22.56 21.11 17.56 19.95 18.53 30.77 23.09 21.70 Final: West Torrens 5/153 defeated Kensington 9/151. P A G E 6 1 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 UNDER 14 WHITE REPORT Andrew Caldwell After a promising pre-season of trials, followed by several weeks of fitness work and skills sessions our new squad was assembled and all were from the club’s previous season’s Development squad, or new players from community clubs. Some had played games in the 14 Whites last season, with an additional 6 players from this year’s Development squad invited to train and be considered for selection. Zane Caldwell was selected as Captain with Samyak Jain vice-captain. The large squad was called upon in the first round, with several qualified 14’s players selected in higher grades, Tom Vaughan debuting with Zachary Hazel from the Development Squad. With the draw seeing our young team take on Sturt, Jordan Schultz started well with the bat, but the majority of our players struggled to score against this benchmark level of bowling, and while we fielded and bowled well, our total was not enough to defend against the undefeated minor premier and one of the eventual grand finalists. A win in round 2 against Port Adelaide with some good batting partnerships and a team effort in the field saw the wickets shared amongst most bowlers. Round three against Kensington, the eventual Premier, was a repeat of our batting in the first round, although Jett May scored runs for the second consecutive match with Jack Millar, Jain and Caldwell showing all round ability with wickets and runs, and while we held the strong Kensington batting line-up for 2 sessions, they eventually won by over 100 runs. A change in batting saw a solid 171 from 40 overs against Northern Districts in round 4, May, Jain and Caldwell again in the runs, and Development Squad players Lachlan Faull showing promise, with Scott Madden handy with bat and ball, but dropped catches saw this match slip from a winning position. Next round, with May promoted to Reds, a win against Glenelg was a season’s highlight, the middle order helping to post a reasonable score to defend, Patrick Lowe and Corey Sauerwald batting well, and all bowlers economical, with Ben Hutchinson taking an amazing 6/17, three bowled, two caught keeper and a caught and bowled, earning the SACA Powerade Player of the Round award. A loss the round before Xmas to Tea Tree Gully was comprehensive, with our ladder position showing 4 losses from 6 rounds, and those four opposing winning teams would make up the final four. A different approach to training in the New Year saw an increased emphasis on fielding, further allowing players to have longer batting, and the team played excellent cricket after the Xmas break, winning all of their matches, defeating Southern District, Woodville and East Torrens, and two games drawn without play. Schultz developed into a sound opening top/order batsman and won the team Batting award from Caldwell, the pair featuring in the season’s best third wicket partnership for the club in the last round, with Jain, Lowe and Hazel having some good innings, and Madden and Baker showing excellent potential. More players need to score 200 or more runs each for the season if the side is to competitively defend higher totals against the bench mark clubs. Our bowling and fielding improved throughout the season, with 5 bowlers tied on equal wickets at the start of the final round. Jacob Aston opened and with his two wickets in the first over won the bowling award from Jeremy Baker, who had bowled well after Xmas with a bag of four wickets against Southern, from Hutchinson, Jain (best 3/28) and Caldwell (best 4/13). Millar also worthy of mention, out with surgery from Xmas but bowled consistently well, as did Development Squad players Tyler Grainger Balding taking 2/9 on debut, and Ryleigh Travis taking a wicket on debut with his leg-spinners. The fielding award was won by Zane Caldwell, his ground fielding exceptional; from Bailey Simpson whose wicket keeping got better each week, with Aston, Schultz, Sauerwald and Jain all regularly demonstrating high standards. As coach my task was made easier and more enjoyable with wonderful support from parents in scoring and umpiring duties; my thanks to team manager Praveen Jain, Andrew Simpson, Chris Aston, Jeremy Schultz and all of the mums and dads who helped out throughout the season. Thanks also to our Junior Coordinator Matt Clark and Junior Director Andrew Baker, whose ongoing assistance and commitment were appreciated by all coaches, players and parents. In all, a season that showed the difference between the best clubs and those who don’t make the finals; for the Prospect Under 14’s Whites, a season where their ongoing hard work paid dividends, finishing one win from finals in sixth position with match day improvements, many personal best performances, and the bonding of a group into a team. With nearly all players available for selection in 14’s again next season, the squad will benefit from the experience and look forward to the 2014/15 summer. P A G E 6 2 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 UNDER 14 WHITE BATTING AVERAGES Player JM May P Lowe JA Schultz S Madden H Tremellen ZB Caldwell S Jain AA Farzan Z Hazel B Simpson B Hutchinson J Millar J Baker J Aston C Sauerwald L Faull TJ Vaughan M 4 4 8 5 6 8 9 1 6 9 8 5 9 9 8 4 2 Inns. 4 4 9 5 3 9 10 1 7 6 5 4 6 7 7 3 3 N.O. 2 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 1 - H.S. 41* 49* 73 27* 17* 57 45 12 41 17* 11* 32 39 20 29 10 14 Agg. 96 89 195 79 18 145 134 12 79 33 33 41 56 51 58 18 14 Avge. 48.00 29.67 24.38 19.75 18.00 16.11 14.89 12.00 11.29 11.00 11.00 10.25 9.33 8.50 8.29 6.00 4.67 50 1 1 - 100 - Ct 2 3 2 1 1 3 6 2 2 5 2 1 1 St - UNDER 14 WHITE BOWLING AVERAGES Player T Grainger-Balding P Lowe Z Hazel J Baker B Hutchinson J Millar R Travis ZB Caldwell J Aston S Jain S Madden JM May H Tremellen AA Farzan C Sauerwald JA Schultz L Hutchinson M 2 4 6 9 8 5 1 8 9 9 5 4 6 1 8 8 2 Overs 8 4 2 38 44 32 5 50.1 71 77 23.4 17 31 3 6 5 13 Mdns 3 1 8 4 7 1 10 11 5 5 2 5 1 Runs 9 5 8 116 128 104 20 147 218 234 73 58 119 8 17 27 28 Wkts 2 1 1 8 8 6 1 7 9 8 2 1 2 - Avge. 4.50 5.00 8.00 14.50 16.00 17.33 20.00 21.00 24.22 29.25 36.50 58.00 59.50 - 5w 1 - 10w - Best 2/9 1/5 1/2 4/23 6/17 2/24 1/20 4/13 3/33 3/28 1/4 1/7 1/28 0/8 0/5 0/3 0/19 PREVIEW PLASTICS - GOLD SPONSOR 2012/13 P A G E 6 3 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 UNDER 14 WHITE GRADE P R E M I E R S H I P OR Win 1st OR Loss Matches 1st Inns Inns 1st Inns Played Win Win Loss CLUB 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Sturt Tea Tree Gully Kensington Northern Districts Adelaide Prospect West Torrens East Torrens Southern District Glenelg Woodville Port Adelaide 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 - 9 8 8 7 5 5 3 3 2 2 1 - - 1st Aband Inns or Loss Draw 1 1 2 4 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 Total Points Runs For Wkts Lost 188.11 170.15 169.20 150.58 119.62 115.93 95.47 88.64 73.94 72.02 53.03 37.84 1951 1795 1700 1578 1662 1393 1617 1364 924 1422 943 984 67 47 71 61 72 79 64 79 74 69 93 80 Final: Kensington 6/141 defeated Sturt 118. R.K.BLEWETT 1965/66 to 1973/74 & 1986/87 Life Member 1989 3,298 runs at 25.57 121 catches P A G E 6 4 TABLE 2013/14 Average Per Runs Wkt Against 29.12 38.19 23.94 25.87 23.08 17.63 25.27 17.27 12.49 20.61 10.14 12.30 988 1204 1231 1427 1517 1376 1366 1737 1135 1584 2117 1651 Wkts Lost Average Per Wkt 93 86 86 74 65 60 59 75 61 64 68 65 10.62 14.00 14.31 19.28 23.34 22.93 23.15 23.16 18.61 24.75 31.13 25.40 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 RAY SUTTON SHIELD REPORT Robert Perry This season the Ray Sutton Shield team finished with one win and four losses from their five games, to finish fifth in their zone. The win-loss ratio doesn’t really do the team justice, as our best was definitely good enough, but our consistency let us down. Having said this, I am immensely proud of all the player’s efforts throughout the season and certainly believe they all have a bright future playing for Prospect. Congratulations to Kabir Luthra for averaging 64 over the five games, including a top score of 111 not out from 105 balls in Round 2 which resulted in him winning the batting trophy. Congratulations also go to Zane Caldwell who won the bowling award, taking 7 wickets in total including best figures of 3/17 and Scott Madden’s efforts in the field which ultimately won him the fielding award. However, all players contributed to the games they were involved in and all should be proud of their contribution to the team. I would like to thank some people for their assistance during the season. In no particular order, thanks to Andrew Caldwell who again helped with the coaching of the team and to all the parents who came out to support Prospect and helped with scoring. I would like to specially thank Kabir Luthra for leading the team as captain in every game with maturity and also all the players for their cooperation and commitment throughout the five game season; I am extremely proud to have coached such a great group of cricketers, and encourage them all to continue to play and develop. Finally, I’d like to wish everyone well over the winter, and look forward to seeing everyone back playing for Prospect next season. RAY SUTTON SHIELD BATTING AVERAGES Player K Luthra C George M Patel J Aston J Turner Z Hazel S Jain ZB Caldwell JA Schultz TJ Vaughan B Simpson P Silby J Darley S Madden M 5 4 4 5 4 3 5 5 5 4 5 4 4 4 Player ZB Caldwell M Patel J Turner S Jain J Darley K Luthra J Aston P Silby JA Schultz JM May S Madden C George M 5 4 4 5 4 5 5 4 5 4 4 4 Inns. 5 4 4 5 3 2 5 4 4 2 3 2 - N.O. 1 3 1 1 - H.S. 111* 26* 46 20* 15 11 13 9 10 5 7 1* - Agg. 256 29 95 59 29 13 26 20 19 9 11 1 - Avge. 64.00 29.00 23.75 14.75 9.67 6.50 5.20 5.00 4.75 4.50 3.67 1.00 - 50 1 - 100 1 - Ct 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 St - RAY SUTTON SHIELD BOWLING AVERAGES Overs 17 12 28 16 30 22 23 24 1 5 8 14 Mdns 2 3 6 3 3 5 4 - Runs 56 26 85 55 85 67 73 88 13 29 49 64 Wkts 7 3 5 3 4 3 2 2 - Avge. 8.00 8.67 17.00 18.33 21.25 22.33 36.50 44.00 - 5w - 10w - Best 3/17 3/12 4/32 1/3 3/22 1/13 1/9 1/22 0/13 0/14 0/11 0/3 P A G E 6 5 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. RAY SUTTON ZONE 1 CLUB 1 2 3 4 5 6 West Torrens Adelaide Woodville Glenelg Sturt Southern District ZONE 2 CLUB 1 2 3 4 5 6 Kensington East Torrens Tea Tree Gully Port Adelaide Prospect Northern Districts ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 SHIELD PREMIERSHIP Matches Played 1st Inns Win 1st Inns Loss Match Drawn Total Points Runs For 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 1 - 2 2 2 4 5 - 91.54 61.34 60.23 60.09 28.19 10.29 Matches Played 1st Inns Win 1st Inns Loss Match Drawn 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 3 3 2 1 1 1 2 3 4 4 1 1 - Runs Against Wkts Lost Avge Per Wkt 974 954 663 849 699 449 22 29 32 36 44 41 44.27 32.90 20.72 23.58 15.89 10.95 635 600 653 889 752 1059 34 34 43 33 31 29 18.68 17.65 15.19 26.94 24.26 36.52 Total Points Runs For Wkts Lost Avge Per Wkt Runs Against Wkts Lost Avge Per Wkt 86.23 67.86 58.57 43.08 28.63 27.05 1033 716 617 568 683 565 30 33 39 42 39 40 34.43 21.70 15.82 13.52 17.51 14.13 627 694 590 811 763 697 42 41 37 37 34 32 14.93 16.93 15.95 21.92 22.44 21.78 J.R.HAMMOND 1965/66 to 1974/75 1,517 runs at 23.70 222 wickets at 15.21 6 6 2013/14 Wkts Lost Final: West Torrens 4/157 defeated Kensington 7/156. P A G E TABLES Avge Per Wkt PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 BANK SA STATEWIDE UNDER 12 CARNIVAL Manning McInerney The Under 12 Statewide Cup squad had mixed results during the carnival in a very hot week in December, with all games being affected by the heat, being either reduced to Twenty/20 or cancelled. The team started with large wins over Port Adelaide and Northern Districts, then lost narrowly against Woodville, Country Black and West Torrens. The team tended to be 15-20 runs short in the games they lost, but when they won, they won by large margins. Every member of the squad contributed at important times in the carnival, with individuals showing excellent teamwork, application and skill. With just some of the great individual performances including: Scott Madden 51 Not Out vs. Northern Districts and 34 vs. West Torrens Nick Mills 3/17 vs. Country Black Lucas Wilksch 2/2 vs. Northern Districts and 2/11 vs. Woodville Tyler Grainger-Balding 30 vs. Port Adelaide and 28 vs. Country Black Coaching such an excellent group of young but mature cricketers was a privilege. Henry Wenk and I would like to congratulate the squad on their efforts and their approach to the game, we look forward to hopefully helping in their development next season. P.J. O/MEARA 1967/68 to 1971/72 Charlie Walker Medallist 1971/72 128 caught & 34 stumped P A G E 6 7 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 UNDER 12 STATEWIDE CUP BATTING AVERAGES Player S Madden T Grainger-Balding K Kelly TJ Vaughan Z Hazel C McKenzie L Wilksch N Devlin A Francis LG Toovey N Mills N Egarr M 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 Inns. 5 3 2 5 3 2 4 3 3 2 1 1 N.O. 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 H.S. 51* 30 25 20 25 9 19 14* 12 2* 2 1* Agg. 115 67 32 59 43 11 35 15 12 3 2 1 Avge. 57.50 33.50 16.00 14.75 14.33 11.00 8.75 7.50 4.00 3.00 2.00 - 50 1 - 100 - Ct 2 1 1 - St - UNDER 12 STATEWIDE CUP BOWLING AVERAGES Player C McKenzie L Wilksch LG Toovey N Mills K Flanagan A Francis TJ Vaughan T Grainger-Balding S Madden N Egarr Z Hazel V Varsani M 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 3 5 5 Overs 8 9 11 16 7 6 3 14 11 1 2 10 Mdns 3 3 1 2 1 4 1 - Runs 9 25 28 57 37 15 19 23 67 6 10 53 Wkts 2 4 3 5 3 1 1 1 1 - Avge. 4.50 6.25 9.33 11.40 12.33 15.00 19.00 23.00 67.00 - 5w - UNDER 12 STATEWIDE CUP P R E M I E R S H I P CLUB 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Country Red Kensington Sturt West Torrens Country Black Tea Tree Gully Glenelg Prospect Woodville Adelaide East Torrens Southern District Northern Districts Port Adelaide No Finals P A G E 6 8 Matches Played 1st Inns Win 1st Inns Loss Match Drawn Total Points Runs For 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 - 86.69 71.00 69.99 68.74 55.90 55.18 54.28 39.44 38.50 38.22 24.07 23.74 22.45 7.66 449 540 439 574 450 438 448 484 370 382 467 374 305 346 10w - TABLE Best 1/2 2/2 1/6 3/17 2/5 1/11 1/6 0/11 1/17 0/6 0/10 0/10 2013/14 Wkts Lost Avge Per Wkt Runs Against Wkts Lost Avge Per Wkt 19 30 23 12 26 24 13 27 24 36 29 25 35 28 23.63 18.00 19.09 47.83 17.31 18.25 34.46 17.93 15.42 10.61 16.10 14.96 8.71 12.36 280 397 346 462 452 477 337 381 439 411 496 501 481 606 36 28 28 15 32 29 24 23 24 22 22 25 22 21 7.78 14.18 12.36 30.80 14.13 16.45 14.04 16.57 18.29 18.68 22.55 20.04 21.86 28.86 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 DEVELOPMENT SQUAD REPORT Jeremy Appleton What a great pleasure it was to coach the development squad this year for the Prospect District Cricket Club. All the boys that participated in the program were a pleasure to coach and be affiliated with. The aim of the program was to introduce the squad into a new way of training. Taking them away from the, at times, aimless net sessions that have been associated with cricket clubs since Adam was a boy. The aim was to take them out of their comfort zone and challenge them to learn to play the game in different environments. We trained on the oval, had skill based sessions, played mini cricket games, point based net sessions, fielding only sessions and much more to keep the variety and enjoyment levels at a premium, whilst learning in a fun and advanced environment. Initially there was some push back from the players regarding the sessions and questions such as ‘Why aren’t we in the nets?”, “Can’t we just bat and bowl tonight?” became frequent. As time went by and the squad began to see the benefits of what we were trying to achieve, both through enjoyment and achievements, the questions soon became “Can we play that mini game this week?”, “What points system do we have tonight” and that was most pleasing as a coach. I will not mention names individually and I hope all the boys received some key benefits from the program. They all trained with enthusiasm and purpose, whilst showing great aptitude for development. Many thanks to Matt Clark, Andrew Baker and PDCC Committee for the opportunity; it was most enjoyable and great to impart a different way of learning on talented and enthusiastic players. B.C.ROBRAN 1968/69 to 1972/73 Talbot Smith Medallist 1970/71 1,482 runs at 25.12 P A G E 6 9 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 PLAYERS FROM OVERSEAS GARFIELD SOBERS 1961/62 Tests First Class Prospect Matches played 93 Matches played 383 Matches played 16 Runs scored 8,032 Runs scored 28,315 Runs scored 868 Average 57.78 Average 54.87 Average 41.33 Catches 109 Catches 407 Catches 21 Best Batting 365* Best Batting 365* Best Batting 175 Wickets taken 235 Wickets taken 1,043 Wickets taken 104 Average 34.03 Average 27.74 Average 13.55 Best Bowling 6/73 Best Bowling 9/49 Best Bowling 8/22 BARRY RICHARDS 1970/71 Tests First Class Prospect Matches played 4 Matches played 339 Matches played 9 Runs scored 508 Runs scored 28,358 Runs scored 558 Average 72.57 Average 54.75 Average 55.8 Catches 3 Catches 367 Catches 4 Best Batting 140 Best Batting 356 Best Batting 151* Wickets taken 1 Wickets taken 76 Wickets taken 5 Average 26.00 Average 37.48 Average 16.60 Best Bowling 1/12 Best Bowling 7/63 Best Bowling 3/6 P A G E 7 0 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 PLAYERS FROM OVERSEAS YOUNIS AHMED 1972/73 Tests First Class Prospect Matches played 4 Matches played 460 Matches played 11 Runs scored 177 Runs scored 26,073 Runs scored 320 Average 29.50 Average 40.48 Average 24.61 Catches - Catches 244 Catches 8 Best Batting 62 Best Batting 221* Best Batting 64 Wickets taken - Wickets taken 49 Wickets taken 3 Average - Average 42.87 Average 13.66 Best Bowling - Best Bowling 4/10 Best Bowling 1/18 GUS LOGIE 1993/94 Tests First Class Prospect Matches played 52 Matches played 157 Matches played 12 Runs scored 2,470 Runs scored 7,682 Runs scored 256 Average 35.79 Average 35.07 Average 19.69 Catches 57 Catches 106 + 1 Catches 7 Best Batting 130 Best Batting 171 Best Batting 71* Wickets taken - Wickets taken 3 Wickets taken 1 Average - Average 42.66 Average 33.00 Best Bowling - Best Bowling 1/2 Best Bowling 1/9 P A G E 7 1 PART FOUR FINANCE, AGM MINUTES, SPONSORS & PLAYER ACHIEVEMENTS P A G E 7 4 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 TREASURER’S REPORT Tom Chikuse During the 2013/2014 financial year, PDCC incurred a deficit of $4,258. Total cash at the end of the year amounted to $67,914. This year we saw an increase in income from subscriptions and SACA income plus a $4,081 grant from the Office of Recreation and Sport. We also had another steady year of sponsorship income. Special thanks go to the management committee for their efforts in attracting and maintaining sponsors. Major expenses for the period included Player Facilities, Curating and Oval Lease payments. The bar has continued to supplement club income and has produced a profit of $5,987 for the year. I would like to thank our bar manager and all those who volunteer their time to ensure the successful operation of the bar. The club has been able to service its debts and meet all of its financial obligations throughout the financial year. Treasurer _____________________________________________________________ TOM CHIKUSE Dated this 1st day of August 2014 P A G E 7 5 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 AUDITOR’S REPORT Hastings T Chikuse To the Members of the Prospect District Cricket Club Inc. I report that I have examined the books and accounts of the Prospect District Cricket Club Inc. for the year ended 30th, June 2014. In my opinion the attached balance sheet and financial statements reflect the state of the Club's finances as at that date. Due to the nature of the Club, it is not practicable for the Club to establish accounting control over all sources of income derived from fundraising activities prior to its receipt and banking. The nature of the Club's activities also results in some payments being made with limited supporting documentation. It is therefore not practicable for my examination to extend beyond the amounts of such income recorded in the accounting records and the expenditures recorded in the cash payments records ofthe Club. Hastings T Chikuse FCCA; M Sc Acc & Fin; B Com. 2nd August, 2014 COMMITTEE STATEMENT The Committee has determined that the association is not a reporting entity and that this special purpose In the opinion of the Committee of Management: a) the financial statements and notes give a true and fair view of the financial performance, financial position, changes in equity, cash flows and state of affairs of the Club for the year ended 30th June 2014; b) at the date of this statement, for the year ended, there are reasonable grounds to believe that the Club will be able to pay its debts as and when they become due and payable; c) meetings of the Committee of Management were held in accordance with the rules of the Club; d) the financial affairs of the Club have been managed in accordance with the rules of the Club; This statement is made in accordance with a resolution of the Committee of Management and is signed for and behalf of the Committee of Management by: President ________________________________________________________________________________________ ANDREW ORMANDY Secretary ________________________________________________________________________________________ DAVID CALLAN Dated this 2nd day of August 2014 P A G E 7 6 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 PROFIT AND LOSS STATEMENT For the year ended 30 June 2014 INCOME Subscriptions Other Membership Interest 2014 $ 2013 $ 26,441 23,900 10,988 8,396 1,750 2,650 Depreciation 3,788 3,198 EXPENDITURE Clothing 2014 $ 2013 $ 1,791 2,702 Honorariums 2,800 3,025 11,917 13,089 Utilities 4,890 4,634 Clothing sales 5,794 3,891 Postage 215 259 SACA Income 51,922 44,928 Player facilities 23,579 16,652 1,954 7,311 Curating 14,387 16,870 2,726 3,040 898 922 Sponsorship Fundraising In2Cricket/Kanga/Clinics 3,080 3,030 Cleaning Miscellaneous 6,806 7,780 Printing and Stationary TOTAL INCOME 111,455 109,280 Insurance 3,340 2,773 Oval leases 23,500 17,750 Coaching 13,100 16,273 Building Maintenance 3,574 4,237 Scorers fees 3,590 2,911 - 5,107 1,200 1,300 Fundraising Data entry scores Miscellaneous 9,123 6,834 TOTAL EXPENDITURE 121,700 114,181 Operational profit/loss -10,245 -4,901 Bar profit/loss 5,987 6,430 Total profit/loss -4,258 1,529 P A G E 7 7 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 BALANCE SHEET As at 30 June 2014 2014 2013 $ $ 1,159 750 40,821 51,361 Bar Account 1,922 2,723 Memorial Account 6,908 6,630 Current Account 17,105 17,744 Inventories 16,928 13,100 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 84,843 92,309 TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS 21,995 19,885 116,840 112,194 - 1,096 - 1,096 Members’ Funds 106,840 111,098 TOTAL MEMBERS’ FUNDS 106,840 111,098 CURRENT ASSETS Cash on hand Cash Management Account TOTAL ASSETS CURRENT LIABILITIES GST Liability TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES NET ASSETS P A G E 7 8 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY as at 30 June 2014 2014 2013 $ $ 111,098 109,569 -4,258 1,529 Retained earnings at end of period 106,840 111,098 TOTAL EQUITY 106,840 111,098 Retained earnings at start of period Profit/Loss CASH FLOW STATEMENT as at 30 June 2014 2014 2013 $ $ Receipts from members, trade and other debtors 129,311 129,567 Payments to suppliers 140,606 127,587 Net cash provided -11,295 1,980 Cash at the beginning of the year 79,209 77,229 Cash at the end of the year 67,914 79,209 P A G E 7 9 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING MINUTES MINUTES OF THE 85th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB HELD ON THURSDAY 13th SEPTEMBER 2013 AT THE CLUBROOMS Meeting commenced at 7.30 pm 1. Welcome The President issued a warm welcome to all those attending the Annual General Meeting. 2. Apologies I D Walsh, B Farquahar, R Roocke, J Hazeal, P Harrington, R Mitchell, D Marsh, P Semons, J Ormandy, E Callan, D Wilson. 3. Minutes of the previous AGM The minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting were tabled. It was moved that the minutes be accepted. 4. G Uzzell / j Ross CARRIED Business arising from Minutes T Lowrey sought information on the progress of the Master Plan for Prospect Oval precinct and the President reported that SACA was presented with the proposal but do not have the funds to progress the works. 5. Annual Reports 5.1 President's Report - Andrew Ormandy The Annual Report was distributed and the President spoke to the report making special the following: 5.2 Financial Report - Tom Chikuse (Treasurer) The Financial Report was tabled in the Annual Report and the Treasurer spoke to the financial position of the Club at the end of the 2012-13. It was moved that the Treasurer's Report be accepted. 5.3 T Lowrey / A Hope CARRIED Secretary's Report - David Callan The Secretary spoke to the tabled report contained in the Annual Report. 6. General Business 6.1 Election of office bearers Secretary D Callan (2 years) President A Ormandy (2 years) Committee D Blunden & N.Lopez (2 years) There being no other nominations all positions were elected unopposed. Patron - G Uzzell & I D Walsh were elected on acclamation Players Representatives - L Blunden & H Byrnes Howe Vice Presidents / Past Players - 20 members to date The Secretary will issue an invitation to the existing and past Vice President to nominate for season 2013-14. 6.2 Coaches and Captains 2013/14 Club Coach - C Hanna Assistant Coach - A Groves Director of Junior Cricket - A Baker Under 16 Coach - TBA Under 14 Coach - TBA Ray Sutton Coach - TBA A Grade Captain - S Miller B Grade Captain - LeCornu C Grade Captain - D Djukanovic D Grade Captain - D Hogan 6.3 Coaches address - C Hanna Thanked the Club and Committee for the honour and listed the following: • Training has commenced for 2 months working in tandem with A Groves • Focus on improvement and on-field success • Sam Ellicott junior initiative • Outlined recruitment plans • Addressed the need to improve on- field success P A G E 8 0 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. 7. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 Life Membership David M Callan was inducted into Life Membership by P Milne and President A Ormandy. P Milne commented on the following service of D Callan at PDCC: 1. Player with F Troop 2. Club Administrator – Secretary, Acting Treasurer, Committee, Manager David responded that it was a privilege and honour to be made a Life Member of PDCC and that he cherished the Life Membership Award. 8. Distinguished Long Playing Service Certificate Awarded to A LeCornu 9. Subscriptions season 2013-2014 The following subscriptions shall be payable: Seniors - $380 Intermediate - $300 Development Squad - $160 Junior U/16 - $250 Junior U/14 - $240 Women - $150 Past Player - $100 Non Playing Member - $30 All fees are inclusive of GST It was noted that reduced cost of subscriptions was in line with less payment for playing shirt. It was moved that the subscriptions for the 2013/14 season be as tabled and shown in the minutes. M Clark / D Blunden CARRIED 10. Any Other Business 1. Master Plan for the development of Broadview Oval included 7 stakeholder groups and the research was being conducted by 180 Design Group 2. Oval signage for major sponsors Romeo Group and J V Crash 3. Casual Club Pirate cap to be available 4. Bat stickers for major sponsors 5. Report sought SACA High Performance and the influence on Grade competition by Premier League 6. Report on success of junior presentation and trials 7. Successful application for the funding of 5 marquees for junior cricket $2,800 The Club President invited all attendees to the bar to celebrate the coming season. Meeting closed at 8.30 pm. Signed: --------------------------------------------------------- President: / / P A G E 8 1 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 PLAYER ACHIEVEMENTS The Allrounders – 1000 runs and 100 wickets / 100 dismissals CA Bonnett 1991 – 2005 2,464 runs at 19.25 147 wickets at 19.16 CJ Eckermann 1986 – 1995 1,165 runs at 19.10 200 wickets at 22.81 NF Lopez 2004 – 2014 1,368 runs at 13.03 125 wickets at 29.43 DL Sobels 1941 – 1966 2,548 runs at 16.13 185 wickets at 20.68 MA Carter 1992 – 2002 2,331 runs at 27.75 174 wickets at 22.51 JA George 1982 – 2009 5,256 runs at 24.79 394 wickets at 20.32 RG May 1962 – 1983 1,055 runs at 8.18 602 wickets at 16.38 JT Southam 1999 – 2006 1,007 runs at 15.73 164 wickets at 20.94 GJ Cass 1979 – 1993 2,132 runs at 16.80 135 wickets at 17.01 AJ Groves 1973 – 1993 3,310 runs at 16.80 149 wickets at 21.97 KE Nevill 1972 – 1986 2,364 runs at 18.33 469 wickets at 11.25 DC Strudwick 1951 – 1970 6,461 runs at 29.10 194 wickets (168 ct, 26 st) DA Clarke 1985 – 1995 1,343 runs at 19.19 272 wickets at 20.86 PJ Groves 1971 – 1987 1,254 runs at 16.50 111 wickets at 13.33 RM O’Shannassy 1963 – 1979 1,406 runs at 16.74 235 wickets at 16.96 CM Underwood 1993 – 2000 2,712 runs at 39.88 125 wickets at 16.76 GC Clarke 1954 – 1973 2,784 runs at 19.28 521 wickets at 14.69 JR Hammond 1965 – 1975 1,790 runs at 23.87 240 wickets at 15.08 CL Phillis 1986 – 2014 8,126 runs at 26.47 224 wickets (202 ct, 22 st) GJ Uzzell 1964 – 1994 3,160 runs at 13.28 604 wickets at 14.67 JD Downs 1980 – 1993 2,284 runs at 19.19 411 wickets at 15.23 DK Hogan 1978-1990 & 2005-2014 3,377 runs at 15.63 192 wkts (170 ct, 22 st) PJ Richardson 1989 – 2010 3,119 runs at 21.07 359 wickets (341 ct, 18 st) GB Wickham 1965 – 1984 2,762 runs at 17.48 303 wickets at 19.29 JR Ducker 1951 – 1967 3,648 runs at 28.95 200 wickets (171 ct, 29 st) AW Hope 1968 – 1994 1,963 runs at 14.12 316 wickets at 11.83 PM Schenscher 1981 – 1990 2,122 runs at 23.07 146 wickets at 33.92 D Wilson 1983-2009 2011 runs at 17.64 156 wickets (119 ct, 37 st) AM Eaton 1967 – 2008 9,705 runs at 30.42 100 wickets at 28.01 PA Hope 1987 – 2001 2,048 runs at 19.69 121 wickets at 21.50 SC Simmons 1957 – 1980 4,697 runs at 18.64 446 wickets at 13.39 AF Wood 1990 – 2001 2,085 runs at 20.24 164 wickets at 28.14 RP Fielke 2000 – 2014 1,834 runs at 15.28 241 wickets at 21.17 CW Hynes 1972 – 1985 3,205 runs at 22.41 169 wickets at 20.02 LA Smith 1928 – 1936 3,052 runs at 31.46 103 wickets at 30.48 AK Zesers 1988 – 1995 1,305 runs at 22.89 112 wickets at 22.83 NW Ford 1972 – 1985 3,047 runs at 18.81 175 wickets (155 ct, 20 st) JH Leske 1980 – 1998 1,842 runs at 17.71 432 wickets at 18.47 PJ Smith 1969 – 1992 3,912 runs at 22.61 119 wickets at 15.18 Note: CL Phillis has also taken 81 catches as a fieldsman. Total 283. P A G E 8 2 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 PLAYER ACHIEVEMENTS The Batsmen – 4000 runs AM Eaton PG Semmens CL Phillis DC Strudwick DL Marsh JM Vaughan SM Ellicott JR Horley RJ Gilbourne JA George RJ Craig PF Crossing SC Simmons GS Farrell DJ Blunden SL Ellicott NJ Mosey L Michael The Bowlers – 300 wickets 9,697 runs at 30.54 8,519 runs at 28.12 8,126 runs at 26.47 6,461 runs at 29.10 6,414 runs at 26.29 6,428 runs at 41.47 5,893 runs at 29.03 5,582 runs at 28.92 5,523 runs at 27.34 5,256 runs at 24.79 5,181 runs at 38.66 4,820 runs at 18.68 4,697 runs at 18.64 4,693 runs at 25.09 4,381 runs at 20.19 4,350 runs at 25.89 4,220 runs at 28.32 4,032 runs at 31.75 The Wicketkeepers – 200 dismissals PJ Richardson CR Baker CL Phillis* JR Ducker (359) (300) (224) (200) 341 251 202 171 caught caught caught caught & & & & 18 49 22 29 stumped stumped stumped stumped GJ Uzzell RG May JS Webb GC Clarke KE Nevill TC Watt SC Simmons RJ Hodge JH Leske MJ Harden JD Downs RJ Mitchell JA George J Chapman AW Hope PR Milne JSB Wickham GB Wickham 604 602 594 521 470 463 446 440 432 415 411 407 393 341 316 308 308 303 wkts wkts wkts wkts wkts wkts wkts wkts wkts wkts wkts wkts wkts wkts wkts wkts wkts wkts at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at 14.67 16.38 12.64 14.69 11.30 17.46 13.39 19.81 18.47 20.67 15.23 14.55 20.32 12.49 11.83 11.46 19.36 19.29 The Fielders – 100 catches AM Eaton 195 catches PG Semmens 122 catches RK Blewett 121 catches *Note: CL Phillis has also taken 81 field catches The Highest Partnerships Wkt 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th Score 208 216 264 307 175 213 133 147* 144 204* Batsmen NJ Mosey (108) PG Semmens (99) DV Kingsley (96) LA Smith (118) G Dewhirst (116*) K Morrison (129) RJ Gilbourne (226) GS Farrell (109) AM Eaton (123) SM Ellicott (52*) J Frick (157) SM Ellicott (77) NW Ford (103) DL Wildy (58) R Brittingham (160*) I Kneebone (71*) AD LeCornu (242) C Kemp (19*) L Goodenough (101*) A Bigg (100*) Opponents Glenelg Glenelg Tubemakers West Torrens Port Adelaide Salisbury West Torrens Payneham Port Adelaide Kensington Venue Glenelg Oval Glenelg Oval Cane Reserve Adelaide Oval Broadview Oval Paddocks No.1 Adelaide No.2 B.T.M. Oval Eric Sutton Oval BTM Oval Season___ 1994/1995 1933/1934 1986/1987 1968/1969 1991/1992 1991/1992 1979/1980 1967/1968 2002/2003 1956/1957 P A G E 8 3 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 PLAYER ACHIEVEMENTS The Bowlers FIVE WICKETS IN SIX BALLS J.D.Downs vs. Kensington at Prospect Oval 1980/1981 C Grade FOUR WICKETS IN FOUR BALLS R.J.Arnall vs. West Torrens at Thebarton Oval 1956/1957 A Grade J.D.Downs 1980/1981 C Grade FOUR WICKETS IN FIVE BALLS B.Gordon vs. Pooraka at Cane Reserve 1980/1981 G Gold Turf SENIOR HAT TRICK T.A.Carlton vs. Kensington at Kensington Oval 1930/1931 A Grade H.J.Cotton vs. Glenelg at Prospect Oval 1934/1935 B Grade M.C.Smith vs. Kensington at Prospect Oval 1936/1937 B Grade M.C.Smith vs. Junior Colts at Prospect Oval 1936/1937 B Grade R.J.Hodge vs. Adelaide at Prospect Oval 1944/1945 A Grade R.J.Hodge vs. Kensington at Prospect Oval 1944/1945 A Grade R.J.Arnall vs. University at Prospect Oval 1951/1952 A Grade T.C.Watt vs. Adelaide at Adelaide Oval 1955/1956 A Grade E.Turner vs. West Torrens at Glenunga Oval 1964/1965 C Grade T.J.Jenner vs. Kensington at Prospect Oval 1970/1971 A Grade Gillette Cup A.W.Hope vs. Glenelg at Broadview Oval 1976/1977 D Grade C.W.Hynes vs. Salisbury at Broadview Oval 1978/1979 D Grade S.Buckley vs. Glenelg at Camden Oval 1979/1980 C Grade B.Gordon vs. Pooraka at Cane Reserve 1980/1981 G Gold Turf G.J.Uzzell vs. Port Adelaide at I.C.I. Ground 1981/1982 C Grade G.Peckham vs. Sturt at Sturt C.A.E. Oval 1981/1982 D Grade (1st Inns) W.Neal vs. Sturt at Sturt C.A.E. Oval 1981/1982 D Grade (1st Inns) G.Wright Snr vs. Adelaide at Broadview Oval 1983/1984 C Grade P.Milne vs. Gepps Cross at Duncan Fraser Reserve 1983/1984 Turf (over 2 Innings) A.Willcox vs. Flinders White at Broadview Oval 1984/1985 D Grade C.M.Hill vs. Kensington at Adelaide No.2 1989/1990 B Grade J.A.George vs. Woodville at Prospect Oval 1995/1996 A Grade D.Bailey vs. Woodville at Broadview Oval 1995/1996 D Grade M.A.Carter vs. Southern Districts at Prospect Oval 2000/2001 A Grade P.J.Valentine vs. University at University Oval 2000/2001 B Grade J.T.Southam vs. East Torrens at Prospect Oval 2001/2002 A Grade D.E.Sedunary vs. Northern Districts at Park 25 No.1 2002/2003 B Grade M.J.Groves vs. Port Adelaide at Broadview Oval 2002/2003 C Grade T.J.Delvins vs. Tea Tree Gully at Bulkana Oval 2002/2003 C Grade J.A.Ross vs. Glenelg at Prospect Oval 2012/2013 A Grade WE Cup L.Laverty vs. East Torrens at Windsor Gdns VC 2013/2014 C Grade P A G E vs. Kensington at Prospect Oval 8 4 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 PLAYER ACHIEVEMENTS The Bowlers EIGHT WICKETS IN AN INNINGS 10/21 G.Clarke 10/21 K.Nevill 9/8 I.Kneebone 9/12 J.Leske 9/29 M.Garrety 9/36 R.Arnall 9/41 N.Jenkins 9/41 J.Zadow 8/7 K.Nevill 8/10 I.Kneebone 8/13 J.Elliott 8/15 N.Jenkins 8/15 J.Webb 8/18 N.Goudge 8/19 A.Hope 8/22 G.Sobers 8/22 P.Craig 8/22 D.Manning 8/23 R.Mitchell 8/24 G.Cosier 8/24 S.Carpenter 8/27 Q.Gower 8/28 R.Mitchell 8/30 S.Fromm 8/32 N.Fry 8/32 I.Kneebone 8/32 K.Nevill 8/33 C.Hynes 8/33 S.Fromm 8/34 R.May 8/35 D.Clarke 8/43 T.Hoffmann 8/44 G.Clarke 8/45 S.Oster 8/46 R.Hodge 8/48 D.Hissey 8/48 M.Harden 8/49 G.Wright Snr 8/49 K.Nevill 8/53 I.Kneebone 8/59 K.Nevill 8/67 R.Hodge 8/81 G.Oke 8/82 B.Wickham 8/87 R.Hodge 8/88 S.Carpenter 8/114 G.Uzzell vs Kensington at Parkinson Oval vs Port Adelaide at Graduates Oval vs Colonel Light Gdns at Mortlock Park vs Junior Colts at Prospect Oval vs Port Adelaide at Port Adelaide Reserve vs Senior Colts at Prospect Oval vs Adelaide at Broadview Oval vs Old Scotch at Montrose Oval vs West Torrens at Broadview Oval vs Fauldings at B.T.M. Oval vs University Black at Broadview Oval vs Woodville at Cane Reserve vs East Torrens at Broadview Oval vs Fauldings at B.T.M. Oval vs Glenelg at Broadview Oval vs Kensington at Prospect Oval vs Student Teachers at Prospect Oval vs Sturt at Unley High School vs East Torrens at Broadview Oval vs Woodville at Prospect Oval vs East Torrens at Prospect Oval vs University at University Oval vs East Torrens at Glenunga North vs Port Adelaide at Prospect Oval vs Port Adelaide at Alberton Oval vs Burnside at Cane Reserve vs Payneham at Cane Reserve vs Glenelg at Broadview Oval vs Northern Districts at Prospect Oval vs Salisbury at Broadview Oval vs Kensington at Parkinson Oval vs Flinders Blue at Broadview Oval vs Woodville at Woodville Oval vs P.H.O.S. at P.H.O.S. Oval vs University at Prospect Oval vs P.A.O.C. at Cane Reserve vs Tea Tree Gully at Pertaringa Oval vs West Torrens at University Oval vs Adelaide at Panther Park Oval vs Clarence Park at Cane Reserve vs Glenelg at Camden Oval vs Adelaide at Adelaide No.2 vs Adelaide at Prospect Oval vs West Torrens at Prospect Oval vs Adelaide at Prospect Oval vs Tea Tree Gully at Prospect Oval vs Sturt at Unley Oval 1970/71 1980/81 1963/64 1980/81 1997/98 1955/56 1976/77 1985/86 1980/81 1963/64 1972/73 1976/77 1979/80 1972/73 1976/77 1971/72 1977/78 1984/85 1989/90 1974/75 1985/86 1973/74 1975/76 2011/12 1946/47 1963/64 1973/74 1978/79 2010/11 1974/75 1987/88 1985/86 1969/70 1987/88 1947/48 1970/71 2000/01 1983/84 1984/85 1967/68 1973/74 1936/37 1953/54 1947/48 1946/47 1985/86 1965/66 A Grade D Grade A6 Turf B Grade B Grade A Grade C Grade D Turf D Grade A6 Turf C Grade D Grade C Grade A7 Turf D Grade A Grade B Grade A5 Turf E Grade A Grade B Grade B Grade D Grade B Grade A Grade A6 Turf A3 Turf D Grade B Grade D Grade A Grade D Grade A Grade A4 Turf A Grade A3 Turf A Grade C Grade D Grade A3 Turf C Grade A Grade A Grade B Grade A Grade B Grade B Grade Note: R.Hodge also had figures of 8/75 & 8/81 during the years 1940 to 1945 P A G E 8 5 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 PLAYER ACHIEVEMENTS The Batsmen HIGHEST SCORES MADE 242 A.LeCornu vs. Port Adelaideat Eric Sutton Reserve 2002/03 D 226 R.Gilbourne vs. West Torrens at Adelaide Oval 1968/69 A 214* L.Michael vs. East Torrens at Norwood Oval 1947/48 A 209* C.E.Pellew vs. Colts at Prospect Oval 1928/29 A 204* J.Vaughan vs. Port Adelaide at Port Adelaide Reserve 2001/02 A 200* L.Vincent vs. East Torrens at Prospect Oval 1996/97 B 188 R.Meyer vs. Sturt at Hindmarsh Oval 1935/36 B 186 C.Ferguson vs. East Torrens at Campbelltown Oval 2006/07 A 185* S.Williss vs. West Torrensat Adelaide No.2 1999/00 B 182 L.Smith vs. Adelaide at Prospect Oval 1932/33 A 180 B.Lahey vs. Glenelg at Glenunga South 1957/58 B 175 G.Sobers vs. West Torrens at Adelaide Oval 1963/64 A 172 M.Eaton vs. Adelaide at Prospect Oval 1983/84 A 170 G.Alexander vs. Port Adelaide at Broadview Oval 1967/68 B 169* P.Duffett vs. Southern Districts at Prospect Oval 2002/03 A 169 S.Williss vs. Southern Districts at Broadview Oval 1994/95 C 168* R.Craig vs. Woodville at Prospect Oval 1950/51 A 166 S.Walkley vs. University White at Broadview Oval 1987/88 C 166 J.Vaughan vs. University at Prospect Oval 2000/01 A 164 D.Marsh vs. West Torrens at Prospect Oval 1988/89 B 164 C.Phillis vs. East Torrens at Norwood High School 1994/95 C 164 J.Vaughan vs. West Torrens at Prospect Oval 2003/04 A 163* L.Michael vs. Woodville at Woodville Oval 1947/48 A 160* R.Brittingham vs. Payneham at B.T.M. Oval 1967/68 A3 159* E.Katsaros vs. Payneham at Cane Reserve 1982/83 F Turf 158 G.Blewett vs. East Torrens at Campbelltown Oval 1993/94 A 157* P.Semmens vs. Kensington at Park 25 No.2 1985/86 B 157 J.Frick vs. Salisbury at Paddocks No.1 1991/92 C 156 L.Smith vs. University at University Oval 1930/31 A 156 J.Horley vs. University at Prospect Oval 1954/55 A 153 D.Martindale vs. Woodville at Park 25 No.1 1985/86 B 152 A.Read vs. West Torrens at Park 25 No.3 1988/89 B 151* P.Smith vs. Port Adelaideat Prospect Oval 1969/70 B 151* B.Richards vs. Glenelg at Prospect Oval 1970/71 A 151 C.Ferguson vs. East Torrens at Campbelltown Oval 2002/03 A 150* A.Read vs. Salisbury at Salisbury Oval 1991/92 A 150 J.Holland s. Glenelg at Glenelg Oval 1951/52 C 150 D.Miller vs. Tea Tree Gully at Broadview Oval 1983/84 D P A G E 8 6 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 PLAYER ACHIEVEMENTS The Batsmen FIFTY RUNS IN EACH INNINGS OF A MATCH (76* & 66*) M.Mueller vs. Sturt at Unley Oval 1936/37 A (78* & 60*) R.Craig vs. Kensington at Kensington Oval 1938/39 A (54 & 58*) L.Michael vs. Adelaide at Prospect Oval 1946/47 A (64 & 81*) K.Gogler vs. West Torrens at Prospect Oval 1951/52 A (71 & 64*) P.Sobels vs. Sturt at Broadview Oval 1981/82 B (52 & 64) C.Phillis vs. Elizabeth at Argana Park 1994/95 C (59 & 69) G.Wright vs. Glenelg at Prospect Oval 1994/95 A (84 & 63) M.Hill vs. Adelaide at Glandore Oval 2002/03 A (52 & 55) A.LeCornu vs. Port Adelaide at Port Adelaide Reserve 2004/05 B (70* & 96) R.Taylor vs. Port Adelaide at Prospect Oval 2008/09 A (83 & 62*) H.Byrnes Howe vs. Southern Districts at Bice Oval 2011/12 A (59 & 53*) R.Whiteley vs. Kensington at Park 25 No.1 2012/13 A 114* & 5/27 S.Buckley vs. Flinders Uni. at Prospect Oval 1979/80 C 106 & 5/48 P.Groves vs. East Torrens at Norwood High 1985/86 D 110 & 6/92 S.Huxtable vs. Woodville at Prospect Oval 1993/94 B 149 & 5/38 C.Underwood vs. Salisbury at Broadview Oval 1996/97 C ALL ROUND PERFORMANCES 109* & 5/30 C.Taarnby vs. Port Adelaide at Broadview Oval 2000/01 C 126 & 5/30 vs. Adelaide at Prospect Oval 2012/13 A S.Miller CARRIED BAT THROUGH A COMPLETED INNINGS C.Walker vs. Adelaide at Prospect Oval 1935/36 A 103* / 201 42* / 88 T.Klose vs. Colts at Prospect Oval 1938/39 A 39* / 125 J.Nash vs. Adelaide at Cabra Oval 1981/82 D C.Dunbar vs. East Torrens at Broadview Oval 1992/93 D 105* / 161 19* / 32 C.Phillis vs. Woodville at Broadview Oval 1993/94 C 169* / 247 P.Duffett vs. Southern Districts at Prospect Oval 2002/03 A THREE CONSECUTIVE CENTURIES C.E.Pellew 101, 209*, 116* 1928/29 A R.Gunner 136, 112 (B), 143 (A) 1938/39 B, A J.Vaughan 126, 148, 119 2002/03 A FIVE CONSECUTIVE SCORES OF FIFTY OR MORE A.Barker 74, 133*, 147*, 55*, 62 1929/30 A J.Horley 80, 99, 117, 51, 60 1962/63 A J.Vaughan 54, 146, 53, 89*, 85 2003/04 A FOUR CONSECUTIVE SCORES OF FIFTY OR MORE H.Daw 101*, 98, 71, 111 1928/29 A D.Farrelly 61, 83, 50, 86* 1938/39 B A.Read 105, 94* (B), 90, 93 (A) 1990/92 B, A C.Underwood 59*, 69, 149, 108 1996/97 C S.M.Ellicott 52 (A), 57*, 77*, 72 2005/06 & 2008/09 A, B R.Whiteley 68, 59, 53*, 57 2012/13 A S.Miller 62, 65, 126, 88 2012/13 A P A G E 8 7 PROSPECT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 CLUB SPONSORS & MATCH SPONSORS 2013/14 MAJOR CLUB SPONSORS ROMEO’S FOODLAND GROUP 71-79 O’Connell Street, North Adelaide SA 5006 Phone: 08 8267 5055 JV CRASH REPAIRS 197 Cormack Road, Wingfield SA 5013 Phone: 08 8262 0537 2013/14 PLATINUM CLUB SPONSOR WINDMILL HOTEL 94 Main North Rd, Prospect SA 5082 Phone: 08 8344 1046 2013/14 GOLD CLUB SPONSOR PREVIEW PLASTICS MENUSTYLIST AUSTRALIAN VINYL Chris Taarnby 75 Manton Street, Hindmarsh SA 5007 Phone: 1300 799 209 2013/14 SILVER CLUB SPONSORS BACK IN MOTION 74 Prospect Rd, Prospect, SA 5082 Phone (08) 8269 3800 [email protected] NORTHSIDE BLUE LIGHT 2013/14 MATCH AWARD SPONSORS MCDONALDS – Collinswood FASTA PASTA – Sefton Park MUZZ BUZZ – Nailsworth HUNGRY JACKS – Nailsworth SUBWAY – Sefton Park CRICKET WAREHOUSE 2013/14 CLUB SUPPORTERS GRAHAM CLARKE SCHOLARSHIP PROSPECT PAST PLAYERS CLUB VICE PRESIDENTS IAN D’ARCY WALSH GLEN UZZELL P A G E 8 8