Brochure Hypho Laser - Mayumana Healthcare
Brochure Hypho Laser - Mayumana Healthcare
® HYPHO 35 WATT HOLMIUM LASER New generation desktop Holmium laser with Stone Dusting Mode WWW. HEALTHCARE.COM HYPHO® is the ideal laser for applications within urology and other medical fields (ENT, orthopedics, gastro enterology & general surgery). The laser has 35 Watt laser and works with several laserfiber brands. Lithotripsy - stones in all sizes, regardless their composition or location - all endoscopic methods - for the entire urinary tract and kidneys - Stone Dusting Modus! Bladderneck incisions Ablation, coagulation of condylomata Vaporisation of neoplasm and tumors Ureteral and Urethral strictures HIGH END HOLMIUM LASER PACKED IN A SMART BOX COMPACT HOLMIUM LASER, DESIGNED FOR YOU! ‘STONE DUSTING’ MODE 35 WATT, UP TO 30 HERTZ AND 4.5 JOULE! - Low sound -Compact and light - High peak power - Ethernet connection! - Green aiming beam - Blast shield protection -Integrated video&photo - Remote service status check - Hunderds of adjustable protocols - Advanced patient database -Wide range of accesories. - Remote software upload - Variable laserpulse lengths HOW DOES THE LASER WORK? 2.1 μm radiation of the HyPHo system is strongly absorbed by water and tissue. Minimal penetration, less than 0.5mm, ensures safe tissue ablation. The laser operates only in pulsed mode. When it operates with short pulse duration it is highly effective in the fragmentation of calculi and in the hard tissue ablation. When it operates in long pulse duration it is highly effective in cutting soft tissue providing excellent haemostasis and coagulation. Thanks to its high water absorption the application in a hydrous solution environment is intrinsecally safe. Four operative modes are available: Ablation, Coagulation, Stone fragmentation, Stone dusting. Several preset protocols are included in the software. THE SPECIFICATIONS Model Wavelengte Power Energy Pulse Repetition Rate Pulse duration Beam delivery Aiming Beam Mains Size Weight Stone fragmentation mode with shorter pulses provde excellent stone fragmentation especially for harder stones. Stone dusting mode with longer pulses ensures: - Minimized stone migration; - Smaller fragment production avoiding the need for basket extraction reducing the total time of the procedure; - Reduced laser fiber burn back 1936 HYPHO 2100nm 35 Watt 0,5 - 4,5 Joule From 3 tot 30 Hertz From 300 to 1500μs Wide range of Flexible Silica Front Optische Laser Fibers Green adjustable <4mW @ 532nm (class 3R) 110-230Vac, 50-60Hz 50 cm (W) x 54 cm (H) x 40 cm (D) 53 kg MAYUMANA UroSeal R2D2 Most of the flexible scope seals for instruments, available on the market have the risk to detach during adjustments. This causes flow leakage and frustration. For this reason we have asked one of our manufacturers to design a seal that accepts instruments up to 8 French, that does not need to be adjusted by twisting the valve with your hands, but works with a ‘press-click’ system. The instruments can still move inside the Seal without leaking irrigation. The Mayumana UroSeal works by pressing the valve, click it to close it. The Mayumana UroSeal if the best seal available on the market today and works perfect together with thin laser fibers and baskets. Product information: Product Description: Mayumana UroSeal Product Code: MYH-R2D2 Quantity: 10 units per box Disposable HEALTHCARE HOW CAN WE HELP YOU? HEALTHCARE International Distributor of Medical Devices Specialist in Stone Management and BPH procedures. Mayumana Healthcare B.V. Vennestraat 23 2161 LE Lisse T: + 31 252 235 800 F: + 31 252 221 262 E-mail: [email protected] PO: [email protected] www.facebook/mayumanahealthcare
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