CLIMATE ANNUAL 2015 CLIMATE ANNUAL 2015 TEMPERATURE ANNUAL MEAN AIR TEMPERATURES Annual mean air temperatures were mainly on or below their Long-Term Average (LTA). Annual mean air temperatures differences ranged from -0.6°C at Ballyhaise, Co Cavan with a mean temperature of 9.1°C, its lowest annual mean temperature in five years to 0.5°C at Waterford (Tycor), with a mean temperature of 11.0°C, the joint highest annual mean temperature of 2015. Countrywide annual mean air temperatures ranged from 8.5°C at Knock Airport (difference from LTA -0.1°C), its coolest year since 2010 to 11.0°C at already mentioned Waterford (Tycor) and at Sherkin Island, Co Cork (difference from LTA 0.1°C). and East to just above normal in the North and Southeast. February: Monthly mean air temperatures were all below their LTA with the largest differences reported in the southern half of the country. Deviations from monthly LTAs were over -1.5°C in the Southwest and nearest to normal in the North. March: Nearly all monthly mean temperatures were below their LTA with the largest differences from average of over 1.0°C, reported at isolated stations in the Southwest, Northwest and Midlands. Deviations ranged from nearly -1.5°C in the Northwest to just above LTA in the Southeast. MONTHLY OVERVIEW January: Monthly mean air temperatures were mainly on or below their LTA. Differences ranged from just over -1.0°C in the Midlands April: Monthly means were below average in mainly the northern half of the country. Differences from LTA ranged from -1.0°C in the Northwest to over 1.0°C at in the Southwest. ANNUAL MEAN AIR TEMPERATURE ANNUAL MEAN AIR TEMPERATURE (°C) DIFFERENCE FROM 1981-2010 AVERAGE (°C) CLIMATE ANNUAL 2015 May: Monthly mean air temperatures were on or below LTA everywhere, with deviations over -1.0°C from their LTA in the West and North. Deviations from LTA ranged from over -1.5°C in parts of the West and Northwest to on LTA mean temperatures in the Southeast. October: The majority of stations reported above LTA mean air temperatures with scattered isolated stations reporting below LTA values. Deviations from LTA ranged from over -0.5°C in the Northwest to nearly 1.0°C in parts of the Midlands, Northwest and South. June: Monthly mean air temperatures were nearly all below LTA with slightly above LTA values in isolated areas in the South, Southeast and East. Deviations below LTA were over 1.0°C in coastal counties in Western and Northern parts with the largest difference reported in the Northwest with nearly -1.5°C. The largest difference above LTA was reported in the Southeast with nearly 0.5°C. November: All stations reported above LTA mean air temperatures for November, with largest deviations from LTA in the southern half of the country. Deviations ranged from nearly 1.0°C in the North to nearly 3.0°C in the South. July: Monthly mean air temperatures were all below LTA with highest deviations from average in parts of the Northwest, West and Midlands. Differences from LTA were as much as -2°C in the Northwest. December: All stations reported above LTA mean air temperatures for December, with deviations from LTA over 3.0°C in parts of the East, Southeast and South. Differences from LTA ranged from over 1.0°C in Atlantic coastal areas to nearly as 3.5°C in the East. SEASONAL OVERVIEW August: Monthly mean air temperatures were all below LTA. The majority of stations reported deviations from LTA of over 1.0°C with the highest deviations recorded in parts of the Northwest, West and Southwest. Differences from LTA were over -1.5°C in the West. September: All monthly mean temperatures were below average with deviations from normal nearly -1.5°C in parts of the East and Midlands. Monthly mean temperatures were nearest to normal in the West and Southeast which were just below their September LTA. Winter: Nearly all mean temperatures were below their LTA for winter, with the exception of isolated stations in the West, Southwest and North. Differences from seasonal LTA ranged from over -1.0°C in the East to just below 0.5°C in the Northwest. Spring: Nearly all seasonal temperatures were below their LTA for spring, with the exception of some stations in the southern half of the country. Differences from spring LTAs ranged from over -1.0°C in the Northwest to just below to 0.5°C in the Southeast. CLIMATE ANNUAL 2015 Summer: All seasonal mean temperatures were below their seasonal LTA. Differences from seasonal LTA were largest in the West and northwest with over -1.5°C from average. Summer means were nearest to normal in parts of the Midlands and Southeast with differences from average just under -0.5°C. Autumn: A small minority of stations in the East, Midlands and Northwest reported below LTA mean temperatures for autumn with above LTA temperatures elsewhere. Seasonal mean temperature variations ranged from just under -0.5°C in the Northwest to 1.0°C in the South. HIGHEST MAXIMUM TEMPERATURES The majority of highest annual maxima were recorded between the June 30th and July 6th, with the highest temperature of the year of 26.1°C reported at Dublin (Glasnevin) on June 30th, its highest June maximum in 15 years. LOWEST MINIMUM TEMPERATURES Nearly all lowest annual minima were recorded on January 19th and between February 2nd and 5th with the years lowest temperature of -7.9°C recorded at Dublin Airport on February 3rd, its lowest for February since 1956. AIR FROST The number of days measuring air frost ranged from none at Roche’s Point, Co Cork to 51 days at Markree, Co Sligo. LOWEST GRASS MINIMUM AND GROUND FROST The year’s lowest grass minimum was -12.7°C at Thomastown (Mt Juliet), Co Kilkenny on January 19th. The number of days with ground frost ranged from 15 days at Sherkin Island, Co Cork to 151 days at Horseleap, Co Offaly. NOTES & DEFINITIONS A ‘day’ refers to the period from 0900 UTC on a particular day to 0900 UTC on the following day. Mean air temperature: mean air temperature over a period is taken as the mean of the daily maxima and daily minima (averaged separately over the period). Air Frost: Days with ‘air frost’ are a day where the minimum air temperature reported is less than 0.0°C. Ground Frost: Days with ‘ground frost’ are a day where the grass minimum temperature reported is less than 0.0°C. CLIMATE ANNUAL 2015 ANNUAL AIR TEMPERATURE VALUES ( FOR SELECTED STATIONS) STATION COUNTY CARLOW (OAK PARK) CARLOW BALLYHAISE CAVAN CAVAN (DRUMCONNICK) CAVAN CARRON CLARE SHANNON AIRPORT CLARE BALLINCURRIG (PEAFIELD) CORK CLOYNE (LISANLEY) CORK CORK AIRPORT CORK FERMOY (MOORE PARK) CORK SHERKIN ISLAND CORK BALLYSHANNON (CATHLEEN'S FALL) DONEGAL FINNER DONEGAL GLENTIES HATCHERY DONEGAL MALIN HEAD DONEGAL CASEMENT DUBLIN DUBLIN AIRPORT DUBLIN PHOENIX PARK DUBLIN ATHENRY GALWAY MAAM VALLEY GALWAY MACE HEAD GALWAY ARDFERT (LISCAHANE) KERRY VALENTIA OBSERVATORY KERRY SLIEVE BLOOM MTS (NEALSTOWN) LAOIS MOUNT RUSSELL LIMERICK SPRINGFIELD CASTKE LIMERICK ARDEE (BOHARNAMOE) LOUTH BELMULLET MAYO CLAREMORRIS MAYO DELPHI LODFE MAYO KNOCK AIRPORT MAYO NEWPORT MAYO STRAIDE MAYO DUNSANY MEATH CARRICKMACROSS (DUNOGE) MONAGHAN DERRYGREENAGH OFFALY EDENDERRY (BALLINLA) OFFALY FETHARD (PARSONSHILL) TIPPPERARY GURTEEN TIPPPERARY LITTLETON TIPPPERARY DUNGARVAN (CARRIGLEA) WATERFORD WATERFORD (TYCOR) WATERFORD MULLINGAR WESTMEATH CAHORE (KILMICHAEL HOUSE) WEXFORD JFK PARK WEXFORD JOHNSTOWN CASTLE WEXFORD ASHFORD (CRONYKEERY) WICKLOW GLENEALY (KILMACURRAGH PK) WICKLOW MEAN MAX (°C) MEAN MIN (°C) MEAN (°C) DIFF. FROM LTA (°C) HIGHEST MAXIMUM LOWEST MINIMUM (°C) (°C) 13.8 12.8 13.5 12.7 13.9 13.6 14.4 13.0 13.9 13.2 13.0 12.8 12.9 12.2 13.4 13.3 13.9 13.3 13.6 12.7 14.2 13.5 12.7 13.2 14.1 14.0 12.8 12.9 13.4 11.6 13.3 13.5 13.1 13.4 13.6 13.4 13.3 13.3 13.4 14.6 14.5 13.1 14.3 13.9 13.0 14.2 13.2 6.1 5.5 5.4 6.3 7.1 6.1 7.3 6.8 6.2 8.9 6.8 6.5 5.7 7.0 5.8 5.6 6.1 5.8 6.8 8.0 7.0 8.3 5.2 6.5 6.3 5.5 7.3 5.7 7.1 5.3 7.0 5.7 5.5 5.3 5.6 5.2 5.9 5.8 5.9 6.5 7.5 5.1 6.6 6.5 7.3 6.2 6.8 9.9 9.1 9.4 9.5 10.5 9.8 10.8 9.9 10.1 11.0 9.9 9.6 9.3 9.6 9.6 9.5 10.0 9.5 10.2 10.4 10.6 10.9 9.0 9.8 10.2 9.8 10.1 9.3 10.2 8.5 10.1 9.6 9.3 9.4 9.6 9.3 9.6 9.6 9.6 10.6 11.0 9.1 10.5 10.2 10.1 10.2 10.0 -0.3 -0.6 -0.1 0 -0.2 0.2 0 0 0.2 -0.1 0.2 -0.2 -0.1 -0.2 -0.2 -0.3 0.2 -0.5 0 -0.2 0.1 0 0 0.1 0.3 0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.3 -0.1 -0.3 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 0.3 -0.2 0.2 -0.2 0.2 0.1 0.5 -0.2 0 0.2 -0.2 0 0 24.0 24.0 25.5 20.6 22.9 22.5 23.7 21.5 22.0 18.6 24.0 23.9 23.4 24.7 25.4 24.7 25.6 22.8 20.7 20.9 22.5 20.5 22.8 21.6 22.9 25.7 22.8 22.1 21.6 21.3 22.0 22.0 24.4 25.0 24.9 23.6 23.9 23.1 23.1 23.1 23.4 23.2 24.0 24.0 22.1 23.6 22.8 -5.6 -5.2 -5.2 -1.9 -3.3 -3.7 -2.4 -2.5 -4.0 -0.2 -3.2 -3.4 -4.5 -1.0 -7.2 -7.9 -5.5 -5.4 -2.2 -0.9 -4.2 -2.2 -3.7 -3.8 -3.5 -6.0 -1.1 -3.5 -1.9 -2.3 -0.8 -5.0 -7.1 -5.8 -6.1 -4.6 -4.0 -6.4 -3.9 -3.5 -2.9 -5.8 -3.1 -3.0 -1.8 -4.9 -2.4 CLIMATE ANNUAL 2015 DAILY MEAN TEMPERATURES ABOVE AVERAGE DIFFERENCE FROM AVERAGE 1981-2010 (°C) BELOW AVERAGE l BELMULLET MALIN HEAD l DUBLIN AIRPORT MULLINGAR l l l SHANNON AIRPORT l CASEMENT AERODROME VALENTIA OBSERVATORY l l CORK AIRPORT CLIMATE ANNUAL 2015 MONTHLY MEAN TEMPERATURE (°C) JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER CLIMATE ANNUAL 2015 MONTHLY MEAN MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE (°C) JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER CLIMATE ANNUAL 2015 MONTHLY MEAN MINIMUM TEMPERATURE (°C) JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE AUGUST SEPTEMBER JULY OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER CLIMATE ANNUAL 2015 SEASONAL MEAN TEMPERATURE (°C) WINTER * SUMMER * WINTER REFERS TO DECEMBER 2014, JANUARY 2015 AND FEBRUARY 2015 SPRING AUTUMN CLIMATE ANNUAL 2015 SEASONAL MEAN TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCE FROM 1981-2010 AVERAGES (°C) WINTER * SUMMER * WINTER REFERS TO DECEMBER 2014, JANUARY 2015 AND FEBRUARY 2015 SPRING AUTUMN CLIMATE ANNUAL 2015 SOIL ANNUAL DAILY SOIL TEMPERATURES (°C) AT 30 cm AND SOIL MOISTURE DEFICITS (mm) CLIMATE ANNUAL 2015 RAINFALL ANNUAL RAINFALL MONTHLY OVERVIEW The majority of annual rainfall totals were above their Long-Term Average (LTA) with below LTA values reported at some stations mainly located in Cork, Kerry, Waterford, Wexford, Wicklow and Galway. Percentage of LTA values ranged from 79% at Inishbofin, Co Galway with 1,011.6 mm, its highest annual total in six years to 162% at Roscommon (Vocational School) with 1720.1 mm. The lowest annual rainfall total was at Dublin (Ringsend) with 707.0 mm (105% of LTA) with the year's highest annual rainfall in a low-lying area (region below 200 m) reported at Drummin (Tawnyard), Co Mayo with an annual total of 3,504.3 mm. The overall highest annual rainfall was at a gauge in the Cummeragh Mtns, Co Kerry with 4,127.5 mm (124% of its LTA), its highest annual rainfall on available record since 2002. January: Variable rainfall across the country. The majority of percentage of LTA values were above average, with below LTA values reported in parts of the South, Southeast, East and east Midlands. LTA values were above 150% in parts of the western half of the country. Percentage of LTA values ranged from around 40% at in the southeast Midlands to near 190% in the Northwest. February: Rainfall was mainly below average with exception of some areas in the North, West, Southwest and isolated areas in the Midlands. Some stations mainly in the East and Southeast had LTAs of below 50%. Percentage of LTA totals ranged from just over 20% in the Midlands to nearly 150% in the North. % ANNUAL RAINFALL (mm) ANNUAL PERCENTAGE OF 1981-2010 AVERAGE RAINFALL CLIMATE ANNUAL 2015 March: Percentage of LTA values were variable, with mainly below LTA values in parts of the Southwest, South, Southeast, East and Midlands. Percentage of LTA values were around half in parts of the East and Southeast. Percentage values ranged from just over 50% in the southeast Midlands to 168% in the west Midlands. April: Percentage of LTA rainfall values were mainly below average with above LTA rainfall totals mainly recorded in parts of the Northwest, Southwest and West. Some low monthly totals in places were attributed to a ‘dry spell’ between the 3rd and the 27th. Percentage of LTA values ranged from just over 10% in the Southeast to just under 140% in the Southwest. May: Percentage of LTA rainfall values were near or above average everywhere. Nearly a quarter of stations across the country had LTA values of double or more their normal. Precentage of LTA values ranged from just over 90% in the West to nearly 270% in the Midlands. June: The majority of stations reported below LTA rainfall with the exception of stations in parts the North, Northwest and West. A proportion of stations reported a ‘dry spell’ or ‘absolute drought’ of varying lengths between the 2nd and 26th, namely stations in the eastern half of the country and in the parts of the West and Southwest. Percentage of LTA values were in lowest in the East with just over 15% and highest in the Southwest with nearly 120%. July: The majority of stations reported above LTA rainfall with double or more the normal July rainfall at some stations in West, South, Southeast and East. Below LTA rainfall values were reported in isolated areas, mainly in the Midlands and Southwest. Percentage of LTA values ranged from just over 70% in the Midlands to 225% in the West. August: Rainfall totals were mainly above LTA with around a quarter of stations around the country reporting below LTA values. Percentage of LTA values ranged from 55% at stations located on the Islands in the West to just under 180% at inland western stations. September: Around three quarters of stations reported below LTA rainfall with the lowest values mainly in parts of the North, East and Midlands. Percentage of LTA totals were highest in the West, Southwest and South with near double the normal in these places. A few places in the East reported a ‘dry spell’ from Aug 26th to Sept 10th. Percentage of LTAs ranged from just 20% in the East to 200% in the South. October: All stations across the country reported below LTA rainfall for October. Isolated stations across the country reported a ‘dry spell’ of varying lengths between the 1st and 24th. Percentage of LTA values were lowest in the Southwest with 30% and highest in the East with just over 80%. November: Over three quarters of stations reported above LTA rainfall with below LTA values reported in parts of the East, Southeast and South. Percentage of LTA values in parts of North, Northwest, West, Midlands and Southwest were double. Percentage of LTA values ranged from just over 70% in the Southeast to just over 230% in the Southwest. CLIMATE ANNUAL 2015 December: Rainfall totals were all above their LTA. Nearly three-quarters of stations reported double or more of their normal December rainfall, with parts of South, Southwest and Midlands reporting over 350% of their LTAs. Percentage of LTA values ranged just over 110% in the North to just under 400% in the Midlands. SEASONAL OVERVIEW Winter: Percentage of LTA rainfall values for winter were variable. Percentage of seasonal LTA values ranged from just under 50% in the Southeast to just over 175% in the North. Spring: Over half of stations reported rainfall totals above LTA with below LTA rainfall in parts of southern half of the country. Percentage of spring LTAs ranged from over 60% in the East to 170% in the Northwest and North. Summer: Percentage of seasonal rainfall totals were variable. Percentage of summer LTAs ranged from just over 50% in western coastal areas to just under 150% in the west Midlands. RAIN DAYS, WET DAYS AND VERY WET DAYS The number of rain days ranged from 174 at Celbridge (Ardrass House), Co Kildare to 295 at Roundstone, Co Galway, its highest number of annual rain days on record since the station opened in 1986. The number of wet days ranged from 133 at Malahide Castle, Co Dublin to 268 at Mulrany (Doughbeg), Co Mayo. The number of very wet days were up to 119 days at both Maam Valley, Co Galway and at Glenealy (Kilmacurragh Park), Co Wicklow. NOTES & DEFINITIONS A ‘day’ refers to the period from 0900 UTC on a particular day to 0900 UTC on the following day. Rain day: Day reporting 0.2 mm or more rain. Wet day: Day reporting 1.0 mm or more rain. Very wet day: Day with 10.0 mm or more rain. Autumn: Percentage of seasonal rainfall totals were variable across the country. Percentage of autumn LTAs ranged from just over 50% in the East to 135% in the Southwest. Dry Spell: A period of 15 or more consecutive days to none of which is credited 1.0 mm or more of precipitation. GREATEST DAILY FALLS (GDF) Absolute Drought: A period of 15 or more consecutive days to none of which is credited 0.2 mm or more of precipitation. The most rainfall in 24-hours was reported at Keenagh Beg, Co Mayo on the December 4th with 160.8 mm, its highest daily rainfall on record since the station opened in 1944. Partial Drought: A period of at least 29 consecutive days where the mean daily rainfall does not exceed 0.2 mm. CLIMATE ANNUAL 2015 TABLE OF STATIONS REPORTING DRY SPELLS IN 2015 (ONLY STATIONS WITH FULL DAILY DATA USED) STATION CARLOW (OAK PARK) TULLOW (WATERWORKS) BELGOOLY KILWORTH (KILALLY) NEWMARKER BALLINATON SHERKIN ISLAND BALLYEDMONDUFF HSE DUBLIN (GLASNEVIN) DUBLIN (MERRION SQ) DUBLIN (RINGSEND) DUBLIN AIRPORT DUN LAOGHAIRE DUBLIN (PHOENIX PK) INISHERE PORTUMNA (OPW) ARDFERT (LISCAHANE) ARDFERT (BALLUMACQUIN) BAWNASKEHY (CASTLEISLAND) ATHY (CHANTERLANDS) ATHY (LEVITSTOWN) NAAS (CBS) NAAS (OBERSTOWN) COOLGREANY (CASTLEWARREN) DUNGARVAN (CASTLEFIELD) KILKENNY (LAVISTOWN HSE) KILKEENY (GREENSHILL) KILKEENY (GREENSHILL) PAULSTOWN (SHANKILL CASTLE) DURROW SLIEVE BLOOM MTNS (NEALSTOWN) CASTLEMAHON (WW) PATRICKSWELL (DOONEEN) SPRINGFIELD CASTLE SPRINGFIELD CASTLE OMEATH DUNMOE (GRAIGS LANE) DUNSANY DUNSHAUGHLIN (LAGORE) RATAOTH WARRENSTOWN CORBERTSTOWN DERRYGREENAGH EDENDERRY (BALLINLA) MEELICK (VICTORIA LOCK) BOYLE (MARIAN RD) KILSHEELAN NENAGH (CONNOLLY PK) WATERFORD (TYCOR) ATHLONE (OPW) DEVLIN CASTLE MULLINGAR BOOLAVOGUE (KNOCKAVOCCA) CAHORE (KILMICHAEL HSE) CLONROCHE (KNOXTOWN) DUNCANNON ENNISCORTHY (BROWNSWOOD) FOULKESMILL (LONGRAIGUE) GLYNN (BULGAN) GLYNN (BULGAN) GLYNN (BULGAN) JOHNSTOWN CASTLE MONAMOLIN OLD ROSS (DUNANORE) TAGHMON (KILGARVAN) ARLOW (BALLYRICHARD HSE) ASHFORD (GLANMORE GARDENS) ASHFORD (GLANMORE GARDENS) CARNEW (CRONYHORN) GLENEALY (KILMACURRAGH HSE) KILBRIDE (TOGHER) ROUNDWOOD (FILTER BEDS) ROUNDWOOD (FILTER BEDS) COUNTY CARLOW CORK CORK CORK CORK DUBLIN DUBLIN DUBLIN DUBLIN DUBLIN DUBLIN DUBLIN GALWAY GALWAY KERRY KERRY KERRY KILDARE KILDARE KILDARE KILDARE KILKENNY KILKENNY KILKENNY KILKENNY KILKENNY KILKENNY LAOIS LAOIS LIMERICK LIMERICK LIMERICK LIMERICK LOUTH MEATH MEATH MEATH MEATH MEATH OFFALY OFFALY OFFALY OFFALY ROSCOMMON TIPPERARY TIPPERARY WATERFORD WESTMEATH WESTMEATH WESTMEATH WEXFORD WEXFORD WEXFORD WEXFORD WEXFORD WEXFORD WEXFORD WEXFORD WEXFORD WEXFORD WEXFORD WEXFORD WEXFORD WICKLOW WICKLOW WICKLOW WICKLOW WICKLOW WICKLOW WICKLOW WICKLOW START DATE END DATE LENGTH 05-JUN-15 05-JUN-15 06-OCT-15 05-JUN-15 06-OCT-15 08-OCT-15 06-JUN-15 05-JUN-15 02-JUN-15 05-JUN-15 05-JUN-15 02-JUN-15 05-JUN-15 06-JUN-15 05-JUN-15 07-OCT-15 07-OCT-15 06-OCT-15 05-JUN-15 05-JUN-15 06-JUN-15 06-JUN-15 05-JUN-15 05-JUN-15 05-JUN-15 12-APR-15 05-JUN-15 05-JUN-15 05-JUN-15 07-JUN-15 06-OCT-15 05-JUN-15 06-JUN-15 06-OCT-15 07-JUN-15 05-JUN-15 05-JUN-15 05-JUN-15 05-JUN-15 05-JUN-15 06-JUN-15 07-JUN-15 05-JUN-15 06-JUN-15 07-JUN-15 06-JUN-15 06-JUN-15 27-AUG-15 07-JUN-15 22-SEP-15 07-JUN-15 05-JUN-15 06-JUN-15 05-JUN-15 12-JUN-15 12-JUN-15 12-JUN-15 25-JAN-15 03-APR-15 05-JUN-15 05-JUN-15 05-JUN-15 27-AUG-15 26-AUG-15 05-JUN-15 05-JUN-15 26-AUG-15 05-JUN-15 05-JUN-15 06-JUN-15 06-JUN-15 26-AUG-15 24-JUN-15 24-JUN-15 22-OCT-15 20-JUN-15 20-OCT-15 22-OCT-15 24-JUN-15 24-JUN-15 24-JUN-15 24-JUN-15 24-JUN-15 24-JUN-15 26-JUN-15 30-JUN-15 24-JUN-15 22-OCT-15 22-OCT-15 22-OCT-15 24-JUN-15 24-JUN-15 24-JUN-15 24-JUN-15 24-JUN-15 24-JUN-15 24-JUN-15 26-APR-15 24-JUN-15 24-JUN-15 24-JUN-15 24-JUN-15 22-OCT-15 20-JUN-15 20-JUN-15 22-OCT-15 24-JUN-15 24-JUN-15 19-JUN-15 19-JUN-15 19-JUN-15 19-JUN-15 24-JUN-15 24-JUN-15 24-JUN-15 24-JUN-15 24-JUN-15 20-JUN-15 24-JUN-15 10-SEP-15 23-JUN-15 19-OCT-15 24-JUN-15 26-JUN-15 26-JUN-15 24-JUN-15 26-JUN-15 26-JUN-15 26-JUN-15 11-FEB-15 23-APR-15 23-JUN-15 20-JUN-15 26-JUN-15 10-SEP-15 10-SEP-15 24-JUN-15 24-JUN-15 10-SEP-15 24-JUN-15 24-JUN-15 24-JUN-15 24-JUN-15 10-SEP-15 20 20 17 16 15 15 19 20 23 20 20 23 22 25 20 16 16 17 20 20 19 19 20 20 20 15 20 20 20 18 17 16 15 17 18 20 15 15 15 15 19 18 20 19 18 15 19 15 17 28 18 22 21 20 15 15 15 18 21 19 16 22 15 16 20 20 16 20 20 19 19 16 CLIMATE ANNUAL 2015 CUMULATIVE DAILY RAINFALL (mm) AND 31-DAY MOVING AVERAGE 1981-2010 (mm) CLIMATE ANNUAL 2015 MONTHLY RAINFALL TOTALS (mm) JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER CLIMATE ANNUAL 2015 SEASONAL PERCENTAGE OF 1981-2010 AVERAGE RAINFALL (%) WINTER % OF AVERAGE * SUMMER % OF AVERAGE * WINTER REFERS TO DECEMBER 2014, JANUARY 2015 AND FEBRUARY 2015 SPRING % OF AVERAGE AUTUMN % OF AVERAGE CLIMATE ANNUAL 2015 SEASONAL RAINFALL TOTALS (mm) WINTER * SUMMER * WINTER REFERS TO DECEMBER 2014, JANUARY 2015 AND FEBRUARY 2015 SPRING AUTUMN CLIMATE ANNUAL 2015 ANNUAL NUMBER OF RAIN DAYS, WET DAYS AND VERY WET DAYS (NUMBER OF DAYS) RAIN DAYS ≥ 0.2 mm WET DAYS ≥ 1.0 mm VERY WET DAYS ≥ 10.0 mm DIFFERENCE FROM LTA 1980-2010 FOR RAIN DAYS, WET DAYS AND VERY WET DAYS (NUMBER OF DAYS) DIFFERENCE FROM AVERAGE RAIN DAYS DIFFERENCE FROM AVERAGE ≥ 0.2 mm WET DAYS ≥ 1.0 mm DIFFERENCE FROM AVERAGE VERY WET DAYS ≥ 10.0 mm TABLE OF STATIONS REPORTING ‘ABSOULTE DROUGHT’ (TABLE ONLY INCLUDES STATIONS WITH FULL DAILY DATA) STATION ATHY (CHANTERLANDS) ROSCREA (NEWROAD) BOOLAVOGUE (KNOCKAVOCCA) BUNCLODY (CORRAGH) CAHORE (KILMICHAEL HSE) CAHORE (KILMICHAEL HSE) GOREY (GARDEN CITY) ARLOW (BALLYRICHARD HSE) ASHORD (CRONKERRY) ASHFORD (GLANMORE GARDENS) BALLYNAHINCH CARNEW (CRONYHORN) GLENEALY (KILMACURRAGH HSE) KILBRIDE (TOGHER) NEWTOWNMOUNTKENNEDY ROUNDWOOD (FILTER BEDS) COUNTY START DATE END DATE KILDARE 06-JUN-15 05-JUN-15 05-JUN-15 05-JUN-15 06-JUN-15 26-AUG-15 05-JUN-15 07-JUN-15 05-JUN-15 07-JUN-15 05-JUN-15 06-JUN-15 06-JUN-15 07-JUN-15 09-JUN-15 07-JUN-15 24-JUN-15 19-JUN-15 24-JUN-15 24-JUN-15 24-JUN-15 10-SEP-15 26-JUN-15 24-JUN-15 24-JUN-15 24-JUN-15 19-JUN-15 24-JUN-15 24-JUN-15 24-JUN-15 25-JUN-15 24-JUN-15 TIPPERARY WEXFORD WEXFORD WEXFORD WEXFORD WEXFORD WICKLOW WICKLOW WICKLOW WICKLOW WICKLOW WICKLOW WICKLOW WICKLOW WICKLOW LENGTH 19 15 20 20 19 16 22 18 20 18 15 19 19 18 17 18 CLIMATE ANNUAL 2015 ANNUAL RAINFALL VALUES COUNTY RAINFALL CARLOW (OAK PARK) CARLOW BALLYHAISE CAVAN 928.2 1258.1 1303.7 2026.2 1263.6 1447.4 1207.3 1218.9 1268.9 1546.1 1491.7 1482.0 836.8 878.1 853.3 1569.8 1273.3 1323.3 1729.0 846.0 793.7 1115.8 1303.5 1276.9 1248.6 1570.5 2175.8 1217.5 1515.4 1233.7 850.1 1092.8 1446.0 1848.5 2071.6 960.7 931.2 1056.8 1153.8 946.7 1334.9 1380.8 1545.0 979.6 1063.3 1354.0 1114.9 1201.0 1248.0 1063.4 1055.6 1617.9 STATION BELTURBET (NAUGHAN) CAVAN CARRON CLARE SHANNON AIRPORT CLARE CORK AIRPORT CORK FERMOY (MOORE PARK) CORK ROCHE'S POINT CORK SHERKIN ISLAND CORK BALLYSHANNON (CATHLEEN'S FALL) DONEGAL FINNER DONEGAL MALIN HEAD DONEGAL CASEMENT DUBLIN DUBLIN AIRPORT DUBLIN PHOENIX PARK DUBLIN ATHENRY GALWAY MACE HEAD GALWAY ARDFERT (LISCAHANE) KERRY VALENTIA OBSERVATORY KERRY ATHY (CHANTERLANDS) KILDARE CELBRIDGE (ARDRASS HOUSE) KILDARE COOLGREANY CASTLEWARREN KILKENNY MULLINAVAT (GLENDONNELL) KILKENNY CLONASLEE WW LAOIS SLIEVE BLOOM MTS (NEALSTOWN) LAOIS DRUMSHANBO LEITRIM LOUGH GLENCAR LEITRIM CASTLEMAHON WW LIMERICK MOUNT RUSSELL LIMERICK TERMONBARRY LONGFORD ARDEE (BOHARNAMOE) LOUTH DUNDALK (ANNASKEAGH WW) LOUTH BELMULLET MAYO KNOCK AIRPORT MAYO NEWPORT MAYO DUNSANY MEATH FAIRYHOUSE RACECOURSE MEATH CARRICKMACROSS (DUNOGE) MONAGHAN DERRYGREENAGH OFFALY ENDEDERRY (BALLINLA) OFFALY MOUNT DILLON ROSCOMMON ARDTARMON SLIGO MARKREE SLIGO FETHARD (PARSONSHILL) TIPPERARY GURTEEN TIPPERARY DUNGARVAN (CARRIGLEA) WATERFORD WATERFORD (TYCOR) WATERFORD MULLINGAR WESTMEATH JFK PARK WEXFORD JOHNSTOWN CASTLE WEXFORD ASHFORD (CRONYKEERY) WICKLOW GLENBRIDE LODGE WICKLOW (mm) % OF LTA 110 125 129 126 129 118 117 125 107 131 119 134 111 116 110 132 95 113 111 102 104 103 114 109 107 126 120 120 118 130 104 111 116 137 129 110 110 114 125 108 127 129 123 101 112 113 108 124 117 100 111 106 (FOR SELECTED STATIONS) GDF (mm) 29.8 33.5 42.0 61.7 24.7 61.4 47.6 36.5 43.3 44.1 53.6 66.0 30.8 30.8 29.8 34.5 58.3 51.3 39.6 24.6 27.5 37.4 53.2 36.3 29.5 50.9 50.6 29.1 38.7 40.6 33.2 41.9 36.8 60.1 77.3 27.1 27.1 52.4 35.0 31.6 33.2 39.6 48.8 31.8 23.0 58.2 40.9 36.4 57.0 34.6 45.6 69.5 RAIN DAYS 209 243 239 258 237 235 230 212 249 250 255 257 202 199 203 254 250 252 262 204 174 222 195 251 244 257 262 225 252 227 221 227 273 281 273 223 197 223 219 206 242 245 267 224 231 207 187 238 189 215 182 250 WET DAYS VERY WET DAYS 158 189 190 222 199 179 181 165 183 202 202 203 152 144 147 207 203 201 230 151 148 177 175 187 190 207 230 186 213 193 153 165 206 230 228 161 156 173 168 159 197 200 212 170 184 167 156 175 162 161 140 197 29 39 31 71 43 44 37 42 34 51 46 44 15 22 18 52 30 34 60 17 14 28 41 34 35 53 67 32 49 35 17 34 37 58 71 23 14 24 28 19 37 39 44 23 26 47 32 36 41 31 30 56 CLIMATE ANNUAL 2015 SUNSHINE ANNUAL SUNSHINE Annual sunshine hours were mainly above Long-Term Average (LTA) with below average annual sunshine reported in parts of the coastal Southwest, Northwest and West as well as in some inland western areas. Percentage of LTA values and sunshine hours ranged from 82% and 980.8 hours at Knock Airport, Co Mayo, its lowest annual sunshine since the station opened in 1997 to 112% and 1,573.9 hours at Dungarvan (Carriglea), Co. Waterford. MONTHLY OVERVIEW January: Sunshine totals were mainly above LTA with a few isolated areas in the Southwest and West reporting below average values. Percentage of LTA values ranged from just under 80% in the West to just over 150% in the East. TOTAL ANNUAL SUNSHINE HOURS (HRS) February: Sunshine totals were variable across the country with below average totals in the northern half of the country. Percentage of LTA values were from around 70% in the North to over 130% of LTA in the Southeast. March: Sunshine totals were all above LTA everywhere with percentage values just over 100% of LTA in the West. The month’s highest percentage of LTA was in the Southeast with just over 150%. April: All monthly totals were above LTA. Percentage of LTA values ranged from 110% to 160%. May: Sunshine totals were mainly below LTA. Percentage of LTA values were lowest in the West with just below 60% and highest in the Southeast with just over 100%. ANNUAL PERCENTAGE OF 1981-2010 AVERAGE SUNSHINE CLIMATE ANNUAL 2015 June: Sunshine totals were mainly above LTA with below LTA values reported in parts of the western half of the country. Percentage of LTA values ranged from just below 90% in the Southwest to over 120% in the East. July: Nearly all sunshine totals were on or below LTA for July. Percentage of LTA values ranged from just over 60% in the West to just over 100% in the Southwest. August: Percentage of LTA sunshine values were variable across the country. Percentage of LTAs ranged from over 60% in the West to 115% in the Southwest. September: Sunshine totals were near or above their LTA with exception of some places in the West, Northwest and East. Percentage values ranged from just under 80% to 120%. October: Percentage of LTA sunshine values were nearly all below normal. The lowest percentage of LTA value was under 80% the Southwest with the highest LTA value just under 120% in the Northwest. November: Percentage of Long-Term Average (LTA) sunshine values were all near or below their monthly values ranging from just under 60% in the Southeast to just under average in the Southwest. December: Percentage of LTA sunshine values were all below normal. The lowest percentage of LTA value was just over 5% in the South with up to over 90% reported in the East. SEASONAL OVERVIEW Winter: Percentage of sunshine LTA values were variable and ranged from just under 80% in the West to just below 150% in the Southeast. Spring: Sunshine totals were near or above their seasonal LTAs. Percentage of spring LTA sunshine values ranged from just under 100% in the West to just under 130% in the Southeast. Summer: Percentage of summer sunshine totals were variable ranging from 70% in the West to just under 110% in the Southeast. Autumn: Percentage of autumn sunshine totals were all below LTA. Percentage of seasonal LTA sunshine values ranged from just under 80% in the West to 95% in the Northwest. DULL DAYS The number of dull days ranged from 50 at Arklow (Ballyrichard Hse), Co Wicklow to 131 days at Cork Airport. HIGHEST DAILY SUNSHINE The year’s sunniest day was at Dublin Airport on June 10th with 15.7 hours, its highest annual daily sunshine since 2010. NOTES & DEFINITIONS A ‘day’ refers to the period from 0000 UTC to 2359 UTC. Dull day: Day reporting less than 0.5 hours of sunshine. CLIMATE ANNUAL 2015 MONTHLY SUNSHINE TOTALS (HOURS) JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER CLIMATE ANNUAL 2015 AVERAGE DAILY GLOBAL RADIATION (kWh/m2) JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER CLIMATE ANNUAL 2015 SEASONAL SUNSHINE HOURS WINTER * SUMMER * WINTER REFERS TO DECEMBER 2014, JANUARY 2015 AND FEBRUARY 2015 (HOURS) SPRING AUTUMN CLIMATE ANNUAL 2015 SEASONAL PERCENTAGE OF 1981-2010 AVERAGE SUNSHINE (%) WINTER * SUMMER * WINTER REFERS TO DECEMBER 2014, JANUARY 2015 AND FEBRUARY 2015 SPRING AUTUMN CLIMATE ANNUAL 2015 ANNUAL SUNSHINE VALUES (FOR SELECTED STATIONS) COUNTY NO. OF HOURS % OF LTA DULL DAYS ASHFORD (CRONYKERRY WICKLOW DUBLIN (GLASNEVIN) DUBLIN 99 104 ARKLOW (BALLYRICHARD HSE) WICKLOW SHANNON AIRPIRT CLARE 1475.4 1449.2 1576.0 1414.5 1547.5 1111.3 1573.9 1165.5 1246.9 1170.8 1437.0 1381.9 1424.6 980.8 1384.9 1279.1 79 111 50 104 89 115 130 79 103 77 99 99 131 91 103 113 STATION DUBLIN AIRPORT DUBLIN NEWPORT (FURNACE) MAYO DUNGARVAN (CARRIGLEA) WATERFORD BALLYSHANNON (CATHLEEN'S FALL) DONEGAL BELMULLET MAYO STRAIDE MAYO SHERKIN ISLAND CORK CASEMENT DUBLIN CORK AIRPORT CORK KNOCK AIRPORT MAYO BALLINCURRIG (PEAFIELD) CORK VALENTIA OBSERVATORY KERRY 109 107 98 111 98 0 95 94 101 100 82 95 0 HIGHEST DAILY SUNSHINE (HOURS) 14.4 13.9 15.1 15.4 15.7 12.3 14.7 15.5 14.0 14.7 14.5 15.7 14.8 13.1 13.8 15.4 DATE OF HIGHEST DAILY SUNSHINE 10 10 10 9 10 3 10 10 8 9 10 10 10 18 10 8 JUN JUN JUN JUN JUN JUN JUN JUN JUN JUN JUN JUN JUN APR JUN JUN WIND ANNUAL WIND Annual mean wind speeds ranged from 6.4 knots (11.8 km/h) at Fermoy (Moore Park), Co Cork to 15.9 knots (27 km/h) at Mace Head, Co. Galway, its highest since the station opened in 2008. From September 2015, the Met Office UK and Met Éireann introduced a pilot project providing names for wind storms. These were implemented from November 1st, with six named wind storms occurring by the end of the year. • Storm Abigail: Thursday November 12th. HIGHEST GUST AND 10-MINUTE MEAN The year’s highest 10-minute mean wind speed was 55 knots (102 km/h) reported at Sherkin Island, Co Cork on December 30th during Storm Frank. The year’s highest gust was 76 knots (141 km/h) at Mace Head, Co Galway on February 23rd. NOTES & DEFINITIONS A ‘day’ refers to the period from 0000 UTC to 0000 UTC. • Storm Barney: Tuesday November 17th. • Storm Clodagh: Sunday 29th November. • Storm Desmond: Friday 4th and Saturday 5th of December. • Storm Eva: Sunday 23rd December. • Storm Frank: Tuesday 29th and Wednesday 30th December. Gust: A short burst of high speed wind is a gust. Gale: A gale is a mean wind speed over a 10-minute period of 34 knots or more. CLIMATE ANNUAL 2015 ANNUAL WIND ( FOR SYNOPTIC STATIONS) MEAN WIND SPEED SPEED/DIR OF MAX.10-MIN MEAN DATE/TIME OF MAX.10-MIN SPEED/DIR OF MAX.GUST DATE/TIME OF MAX.GUST STATION COUNTY CARLOW (OAK PARK) CARLOW 8.2 45 240 17 NOV 68 230 17 BALLYHAISE CAVAN 6.8 27 220 15 JAN 48 240 27 230 9 MAR (KNOTS) (KNOTS/ °) MEAN (KNOTS/ °) NO. OF DAYS WITH GUSTS NO. OF DAYS WITH >33.5 GALES NOV 58 5 29 NOV 54 SHANNON AIRPORT CLARE 9.9 50 240 17 NOV 69 240 17 NOV 89 18 CORK AIRPORT CORK 10.3 39 200 30 DEC 57 200 14 JAN 90 5 FERMOY (MOORE PARK) CORK 6.4 31 260 17 NOV 56 250 17 NOV 37 ROCHE'S POINT CORK 12.9 52 200 30 DEC 66 200 30 DEC 120 46 SHERKIN ISLAND CORK 13.3 55 240 30 DEC 72 230 30 DEC 111 45 FINNER DONEGAL 11.4 43 230 15 JAN 69 230 15 JAN 120 34 43 330 29 JAN 52 220 15 JAN 70 220 15 JAN 162 75 52 350 20 NOV 41 250 23 FEB 59 200 14 JAN 97 25 41 260 30 MAR 59 250 30 MAR 41 240 17 NOV 59 270 29 NOV 41 230 30 DEC 42 250 1 JAN 58 250 1 FEB 93 17 42 270 17 NOV MALIN HEAD CASEMENT DUBLIN AIRPORT DONEGAL DUBLIN DUBLIN 15.4 10.4 11.4 MACE HEAD GALWAY 15.9 53 280 17 NOV 76 270 23 FEB 157 72 VALENTIA OBS KERRY 10.4 39 240 17 NOV 58 230 17 NOV 101 9 58 150 29 DEC 49 240 9 JAN 49 240 10 JAN 49 240 15 JAN 49 250 17 NOV 73 190 23 DEC 131 40 ATHENRY BELMULLET MAYO MAYO 7.8 13 32 270 17 NOV 50 200 9 DEC 50 180 23 DEC 63 CLAREMORRIS MAYO 8.6 37 270 23 FEB 60 260 23 FEB 75 1 KNOCK AIRPORT MAYO 9.9 42 300 23 FEB 60 270 28 JAN 98 10 NEWPORT MAYO 10.4 54 290 23 FEB 74 300 23 FEB 117 17 DUNSANY MEATH 8.5 34 250 29 NOV 53 240 30 DEC 51 1 MOUNT DILLON ROSCOMMON 7.4 35 280 23 FEB 51 290 23 FEB 47 1 GURTEEN TIPPERARY 8.8 40 230 17 NOV 58 240 17 NOV 63 1 MULLINGAR WESTMEATH 6.6 25 160 29 DEC 44 160 29 DEC 30 44 230 15 JAN 53 190 14 JAN 53 250 17 NOV JOHNSTOWN CASTLE WEXFORD 9.3 33 240 17 NOV 73 CLIMATE ANNUAL 2015 WIND MALIN HEAD ANNUAL WIND ROSES (KNOTS) BELMULLET KNOCK AIRPORT BALLYHAISE DUBLIN AIRPORT CLAREMORRIS MOUNTDILLION MULLINGAR CASEMENT MACE HEAD DUNSANY (GRANGE) SHANNON AIRPORT GURTEEN CARLOW (OAK PARK) VALENTIA CORK AIRPORT FERMOY (MOORE PARK) JOHNSTOWN CASTLE SHERKIN ISLAND ROCHE’S POINT wIND ROSE KEY CLIMATE ANNUAL 2015 Upper Atmosphere wind and temperature readings are made at Valentia Observatory twice daily by a radiosonde (a balloon with instruments attached). Shown below are annual average wind speeds and temperatures at defined pressure levels, 850, 700, 500 and 300 hPa, corresponding approximately to heights of 1.5, 3, 5 and 10 Km. VALENTIA UPPER AIR WIND SPEED & TEMPERATURE 300 hPa 500 hPa 700 hPa 850 hPa Issued by the Climatology and Observations Division of Met Éireann. This publication and all its contents are copyright of Met Éireann. Cover photo courtesy of Mr Kieran Cummins. This report is based on quality controlled data from over 600 climatological stations and replaces the provisional Annual Weather Summary. Long-Term Averages (LTAs) and “average” both reference the period 1981 to 2010, unless otherwise specified. For more information, telephone Met Éireann on 01-8064 200 or e-mail [email protected].
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